#happy new years :3
xxlady-lunaxx · 6 months
Beauty and the Beast | {ObaMitsu}
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Theme: Angsty fluff
i love the song Tale as Old as TIme tbh (i can't see shit rn nd i messed up writing 'tbh' like 15 times... /srs)
Obanai sat with his head buried in his hands, his bandages no where to be seen.
Fuck. He'd been careless. And stupid. 
He hadn't slept in several days then he'd gone off one a mission and let the stupid demon cut off his bandages the same day he'd forgotten to bring extra. And he didn't have anywhere to go given that his crow had gotten hurt at one point—not the curtesy of the demon, luckily—so he didn't have any missions and the closest place here was a small shelter that looked like it would fall in at any moment.
Nevertheless, he'd stayed there, desperately needing some sleep. And now he was feeling useless and horrible because if anyone were to come here before his crow came back, they'd see his face.
Horrid. He couldn't imagine what would play out if that were to happen. 
And so he sat there, Kaburamaru sliding across the floor in search for a place that might appear warmer and never finding any.
But then there was a knock at the door and, upon noting it wasn't a demon—and mostly from instinct—he said, "Hm?"
"Uhm... Oh! Iguro-San, you're here? I'm glad... Can I come in?" Mitsuri's voice slipped past the thin barrier the cabin created. 
It was windy and cold outside of this place as well, though it didn't do much but somewhat helped block the wind. And Obanai hated the thought of Mitsuri to be cold, especially when he noted that there was a shiver in her voice as she spoke. 
He lifted his sleeve, letting his haori cover his face, then he opened the door, letting the Hashira in.
"Iguro-San! Hi! I heard you didn't have your crow or anything and so I came here." Mitsuri offered him a sweet smile and he nearly melted right then and there. "Do you not have any bandages?" she asked then, noting how he was covering his face.
He shook his head. "No," he said, his voice muffled by his sleeve. "I... forgot to bring any and the ones I usually wear got, uhm, torn." He sounded so stupid right now.
"Awh... Well! Good news is I got some," Mitsuri said, smiling brightly. "Want me to help you put them on?" she asked.
Obanai hesitated. He would love to have her put them on if it weren't for the fact that he looked like a demon, himself, without the bandages. 
"It's alright if you don't," Mitsuri said, probably noting his hesitation.
But he took it as that she'd misinterpreted it as unwanting her there and he scrambled for a response. "You... can help! Just, uhm, I'll... turn this way and then you don't have to look at my face," he said, saying more than he'd meant to in his nervousness.
"Hm? But your face is pretty," she said, quite cheerfully. Then flushed. 
Obanai's cheeks were a deep shade of pink as he shook his head, flustered. "No, uhm... I'm not pretty," he mumbled. Then, deciding that sounded ungrateful for her compliment, "but thank you. You're the... pretty one, Kanroji," he added quietly. 
The two Hashira sat there for a long moment, their faces brushed with pink in their embarrassment. 
"Iguro-San, I have complete faith that you're beautiful. Nothing could ruin that!" Mitsuri said after another minute of silence.
"No... You simply say that because you're far too kind, Kanroji. My... appearance is nothing of the sort that could be complimented at all. From my eyes to... the reason I wear the bandages. None of it is 'beautiful,'" Obanai concluded, his sleeve slipping over his eyes as well. Fuck, he was going to cry. 
"No!" Mitsuri said, her voice defiant and almost... sad. "No, you're not anything but beautiful, Iguro-San!! I love your eyes—the different colors are so pretty and I love how they almost seem to glow when you're happy. Your hair is very pretty too! I love the darkness of the color and how soft and soothing it looks. And I'm sure whatever you have under your bandages is quite so beautiful because you have not a flaw in you," she said, her arms crossed as she stared at him as if waiting for him to defy her.
And then, perhaps from exhaustion or perhaps he was tired of hiding it, Obanai's arm fell to his lap, his face completely exposed. He averted his eyes, staring at the ground instead. He wish Kaburamaru was with him, to tell him what to do, but the snake had slipped out to give the two privacy a couple minutes ago and now he was alone. 
Mitsuri gasped, seeing the deep mark the scar had left on him, the only physical sign that he'd been through anything in the past. "Oh, Iguro-San..." she murmured, moving forwards and reaching out. She hesitated, then, unsure if she should, and her arm fell to her side. 
"You see?" Obanai whispered. "I'm ugly. I'm not beautiful. I could never be. You are a beauty, Kanroji. Something I could never be. I'm... sorry. For not meeting your expectations. Or not pleasing your eyes."
A silence drew the room to one without movement for a long while and Obanai figured that Mitsuri might've left right now somehow if no one was saying anything.
But then two hands were placed on his cheeks to lift his gaze up and his eyes widened.
"K...Kanroji?" he said uncertainly.
Mitsuri's face had contorted to a somewhat mad one, though she looked quite adorable with this expression and none the angry bear. Her eyes met Obanai's and she said, slowly at first as if trying to make a child understand, "You're every bit the worth the world. You're every positive comment and compliment and you're beautiful, Iguro-San. I don't want to hear you say otherwise. Every part of you will have it's own story, whether it's good or bad but regardless you're still the amazing, cool, and pretty Iguro-San I've ever known, understood? You musn't say otherwise, you musn't think otherwise because it is not true! So do not, under any circumstances, say you're ugly again. Because you're not!! I swear on my life, you're one of the most beautiful people I've met." And then she let go of his face with one hand, tracing the scar, his nose, his cheeks with her finger, the action so gentle and loving Obanai nearly collapsed upon her. 
"I..." he started, but a finger was place to his lips to sience him.
"Will you promise me to not say bad stuff about yourself anymore?" Mitsuri asked sternly.
Obanai's eyes fluttered and he nodded slowly. He would do it for her. 
"Good," she said, releasing his face. "I'm... sorry for going so close to you."
"No... No, it's alright," Obanai said. Then, figuring she'd already seen the worst of him and still somehow hadn't run away screaming, said, "Kanroji, may I... confess something?"
"Anything," Mitsuri said, smiling gently at him. "Whatever you want, Iguro-San!"
"I... Uhm... I've liked you for a while... I was afraid to say anything or mention it because of my scar. My... family did horrible things in the past and, in short, I tried escaping and got them all killed—knowing that they might be killed. Yes, I was young, but it's still no excuse. I didn't want to tell you this because... well, who was I fit to date such a pretty girl? If you ever accepted, anyways. I was equally fearing that you would be disgusted by my scar, but you haven't been yet—or at least you aren't making it obvious. And because of that, I... wanted to tell you this," he said, his eyes catching everything but her. 
She went silent for a moment before she said, "Oh, Iguro-San, oh, I do love you much so!!" She nearabout burst into tears and clung onto him. "Of course I want to date you!!"
Still with shock, Obanai nearly forgot to say anything. "R...Really?" 
"Yes! Yes, I'm so happy right now," Mitsuri cried out. 
He patted her head, unsure what to do. She sat up suddenly and Obanai realized just how close they actually were.
"Iguro-San! Can... I kiss you?" she asked nervously.
Kiss him. She wanted to kiss him? "...Yes, yes you don't have to ask," Obanai said, slipping his hand under her chin.
Their eyes fluttered closed and Mitsuri pressed her lips against his tenderly, gently.
Kaburamaru slipped back inside right at that moment, taking one look at the two before going back out.
They pulled apart, breathless from the experience. 
"Are we dating now?"
Obanai paused. "Do you want us to be?" he asked.
She laughed. "Of course! I want to be with you always, Iguro-San. Through life and death!!"
He smiled back. "Then yes."
{Word count: 1473}
Mitsuri realizing she never gave him the bandages later
happy new yearsss :3 i wrote this in like 40 mins in my bed when i'm not allowed online muahahaha >:D (i snuck my laptop upstairs Xd)
Idk where this random burst of motivation came from but hopefully it stays bc i keep starting my requests and not finishing them :'>
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oniyunsouffle · 1 year
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draxum doodles featuring the old person phone squint
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ahsokaisawesome · 6 months
Happy birthday to MEEEEEEE
I’m 25 now, fucking insane honestly
I don’t feel really any different, but I have some love in my heart and I think that’s enough.
I’ll be trying to pose more since I’ve been so bad at it for so long, I wanna post art that makes me happy regardless of fandom activity. MY BLOG BABBYYY
Anyway I hope you guys know how loved you all are, and I love you so much too!! Here’s to a 2024!
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panthermouthh · 6 months
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“Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust?”
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sharktober day 31
spooky shark!!
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lilybug-02 · 2 months
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Eimmet High...temmiE high. OMG!
Part 28 || First || Previous || Next...
--Full Series--
Next update may take...much longer! I have finals and an internship and not to mention I have to draw- A LOT :')
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nataliescatorccio · 6 months
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Happy New Year!
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the-phantom-peach · 6 months
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✨Happy New Year 🐉✨
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Hey hey hey may 31th anon! How's 2024 going? ☆ヾ(*´▽`)ノ This year I have for you a leaked Sherlock season 5 image. Thinking of you!! And everyone!!
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mulderscully · 6 months
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The world didn't end.
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obsob · 6 months
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once more around the sun!! :3
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tiny-stale-cupcake · 6 months
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thoselittleboats · 5 months
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BG3 text - Raphael (7/?)
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ghostorbz · 6 months
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rawr x3 and stuff happy 2014 or something
+ original quality
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AUGZHAHXH I'm probably gonna make one of those uh art progress thingies I keep seeing they look fun :3
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lemoneto · 5 months
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thing i drew for new year!! wiwis <3
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