#harper hush
greenwitching · 5 months
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she's here and she's perfect
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disastermages · 8 months
what if y'all sent me some prompts to work on 👀
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mydearestdarlingdead · 2 months
"I'm going to go out fighting. Like Owen. Like Tosh."
You don't understand, I feel physically ill.
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booasaur · 1 year
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Gotham Knights - 1x07
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electricaquarius · 5 months
GeRolan, this time a modern Japanese AU. Rolan is a stressed out salaryman working for an asshole boss, Geraldus works at a maid cafe, low-stakes hijinks and emotional moments ensue. No nsfw here, just soft pining vibes. Mirrored on AO3!
Rolan shifted in his seat, his arm dead from having it across his face to block out the light. Last night was the most recent in a chain of overnight manga cafe visits, after-work drinks having dragged on into the early hours meaning that even if the trains were still running he'd barely have time to go home and prepare for the next early start. He stretched and rose from his seat, bumping his leg on the table in front of him. The pod would have been comfortable enough for its intended use, relaxing while browsing the web or reading manga, but as an impromptu bedroom it was sorely lacking. He swilled out his mouth with the bottle of water on the desk and checked his watch. He'd have time to grab a fresh shirt and change before work, but that was about it. There was no time to wallow in how truly terrible he felt, eyes feeling like they'd been pushed into the back of his skull, he needed to get going. Gathering up his belongings, he mused on whether he'd be seeing Geraldus tonight. It was an odd feeling, really. They were from different worlds but geographically so close. If Rolan wasn't such a messy drunk to begin with they may never have met. But there they were, sitting in a 7-11 sharing a weak coffee, Geraldus still wearing his work uniform. He listened patiently while Rolan poured his heart out, never complaining once, even though working in a maid cafe had to be worse than being subject to even the most scathing workplace review. Lorroakan may have been many things, but he wasn't a pervert at the very least. 
Wiping the thought away, Rolan counted the change in his hand before exiting the booth. Enough to buy that spare shirt he needed. Snaking his way through the labyrinthine train station, he arrived just as it pulled into the stop. He wondered if that was going to be his only piece of good luck today as he boarded, packed in next to the other commuters on all sides. Summertime meant there was slightly more room as no one was wearing a thick coat but it also meant that the sweat crawled down his neck in a way that made him shiver. Still, only a few stops away… His phone vibrating snapped him out of his daydream and he pulled it out to see an email from Geraldus:
‘Good morning~☆ The succulents are doing well, I hope you're remembering to stay hydrated!’
He'd included a photo of him posing next to his prized miniature garden, sunlight glinting off of his hazel eyes in a way that made Rolan's heart soar. He'd thought of him constantly, of course, but the thought that Geraldus was doing the same made him positively giddy. Still, he was at a loss for words. He couldn't respond with a picture right now and wouldn't have a chance to do it once he was at the office either… instead, he simply typed out a text response:
‘Thanks, I have some water with me for the commute. Will I see you tonight?’
The cursor flickered in place for a moment while he read and reread the message. They'd seen each other every night this week so far, would it be presumptive to ask? Surely he must be getting tired of him by now. Sighing, Rolan erased the text and put his phone back in his pocket. It was his stop now anyway.
Having survived until lunch time, Rolan hurried out of the office to get something to eat. His phone, left on his desk, lit up with another message:
‘Did you want to get some food after work tonight? I can take off a little early so both of us should get home before midnight lol - G’
By the time Rolan was back he just had time to eat while looking through the latest set of calculations Lorroakan had him ‘double checking’ for no apparent reason. Complete busywork, but he supposed that's what happens when the son of the boss replaces him once he retires. If he were only incompetent, that would be manageable. It was the compulsive need to feel above everyone around him that made Lorroakan truly unbearable. It wasn't something he nor any of his coworkers could change though. The only option was to keep your head down and try to avoid his ire, which Rolan was unfortunately very bad at. The fact that he was a head taller than Lorroakan even without the horns probably didn't help, but it ran deeper than that. Still, ruminating on such matters wouldn't help anything and only distracted him from the task at hand. Taking a deep breath, Rolan picked up his pen and began to scan through the figures once more.
Rolan glanced at the clock. Well past 9pm, and Lorroakan was just now saying his goodbyes. He was starving, thirsty, stiff… Just like how he'd started the day, come to think of it. Rolling his shoulders, he finally picked up his phone to check through it before he left to go home, when a cold shiver ran through him. Geraldus. He'd meant to at least respond to his morning message but in the chaos he'd ignored him entirely. His heart turned leaden as he imagined him worriedly checking his phone, waiting for a response. And yet, he still didn't have the slightest idea what to say. He simply stared at the ‘sent: 8 hours ago’ timestamp and felt paralyzed to respond. Picking up his jacket, he exited the office and began to walk, hoping that would unfreeze his hands. Head down, he finally found his voice once more. ‘I'm so sorry, I meant to respond much earlier. I want to see you tonight. Usual place?’. Tucking away his phone once more he headed to their usual restaurant, going as fast as he possibly could without breaking into a full sprint.
Geraldus sighed, resting his head in one hand as he added another sugar to his coffee. He fidgeted with the spoon, watching the door to the restaurant as people occasionally passed through. It was a little more crowded than when he usually visited at 2am and beyond, but people didn't pay him any mind as they walked by. 10 more minutes. 10 more minutes, and then he'd go home. He was sure Rolan had his reasons, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't hurt. When his phone buzzed he felt a slight pulse of anticipation and snatched it up immediately. Reading the message from Rolan he felt a certain measure of relief but was still unsure. He responded briefly. 
‘I understand if you're busy, I know your boss works you far too hard. I'll be heading home soon anyway. Another time, maybe?’
Not two minutes after he'd sent that message the door to the restaurant slammed open, and there he was. Dripping wet from the rain, breathing heavily, he stood in the doorway. But he was here, and that was what mattered. A concerned hostess bustled over to him, trying delicately but assertively to ascertain whether he was going to be trouble. Rolan explained himself through deep gulps of air, gesturing to Geraldus. After a moment the hostess nodded and led him over to their usual booth.
Sliding in opposite him, words of apology began tumbling out of Rolan's mouth too quickly to properly understand them. Geraldus caught ‘worked late’, ‘Lorroakan’, ‘no time to check’, ‘so sorry’, but it was all a jumble. Reaching forward, he placed a hand on top of his and smiled. ‘It's alright. Really, I knew you'd have a reason. You look soaked through, would you like a coffee?’ He pushed his untouched cup towards him. ‘You’re here, and that's what matters now.’
‘Why would you think that?’ Geraldus raised an eyebrow, passing him a menu. ‘I'd quite like to meet you like this as many evenings as we can. I at least want to make sure you're eating proper meals.’ He blushed slightly but held eye contact. Quite frankly, he'd hidden behind his shyness for long enough. It was time to be honest with how he felt.
Taking a final deep breath before he calmed down, Rolan took the cup from him appreciatively. ‘I just, I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. Not intentionally, anyway. I, um… I wanted to ask if we'd be meeting tonight when you texted me this morning, but I didn't want to seem too pushy.’
‘That's a relief.’ He laughed, idly flicking through the menu pages. He knew what they'd be getting, the same thing they always got. ‘I feel the same. I… enjoy our time together. Stolen though it may be.’ Rolan leaned over to ping the bell, calling over their server. 
After that, there were drinks, gyoza, a shared pizza, more drinks, parfaits… the night flew by. Before they knew it, it was the early hours and the staff were giving them looks. They exited together, as gracefully as they could, and made their way to the station. They walked hand in hand to Rolan's platform, Geraldus ready to depart when the tiefling squeezed his hand hard. ‘Wait.’ He slurred slightly, golden eyes wide and vulnerable. ‘I, I don't want you to leave. I want to make up for making you wait for me. Come home with me?’ Geraldus paused, unsure. ‘We don't have to, um, *do* anything, but we could cuddle..?’
Geraldus laughed, squeezing his hand back. ‘Alright. I'll come with you.’ He smiled shyly. Taking out his phone he sent a quick safety text to his boss. 
‘Heading home with the guy I told you about. No judgment, alright? I'll be in for my afternoon shift tomorrow.’
The train ride home was uneventful, thankfully. A couple of sleeping salarymen and some young women heading home after a night out, but no one paid them any mind. Rolan's apartment was a short walk from the station and the night was clear and warm, meaning they could take their time getting home. 
Arriving at the apartment building, Rolan fumbled with his keys before opening the door and heading inside. He slipped off his shoes and his jacket and motioned for Geraldus to enter. ‘Make yourself comfortable. It's not much, but it's home.’ He mumbled, suddenly feeling a little self conscious. His furniture was simple, almost spartan, and while it didn't bother him usually it seemed inadequate now. His lack of house plants specifically seemed shameful in this light. 
Geraldus flicked the light on in the living room and spun around, taking in his surroundings. If he didn't know it before then it was clear now that Rolan didn't spend an awful lot of time at home. It wasn't messy or dirty, but any hint of personality was missing. It was no wonder he wanted some company with surroundings like this, really. 
When Geraldus turned back to Rolan he saw him almost wilting in the doorway. He crossed over and took his hand, fixing him with a sympathetic smile. ‘I think you need to go to bed. Come on, I'll help.’ Rolan nodded mutely, leading the way to his bedroom. The bed took up the majority of it, a double bed pressed against one wall. 
Rolan sat on the bed, a large yawn escaping his lips. ‘I'm, um, gonna get undressed now…’ He mumbled, starting to take off his suit pants. ‘You don't have to, if you're uncomfortable, but you can too if you want.’
Geraldus sat on the bed next to him and placed a kiss on his forehead. ‘I promise I'll tell you if there's something I don't want to do. Now, come on, I think it's bedtime for both of us.’ He chuckled, shrugging off his sweatshirt and getting under the covers. Rolan could still feel the warmth of his lips on his forehead and paused for a moment enjoying the sensation. 
Once undressed, Rolan slipped into bed next to Geraldus and lay on his side, looking at him. ‘Thank you, for staying with me.’ He whispered, wrapping his arms around him. He buried his head in his neck and breathed in the scent of his skin, immediately feeling a million miles away from anything that troubled him. Geraldus reached down and petted his hair gently, making soft shushing noises. It wasn't long at all before Rolan was dead asleep against him. He was far more vulnerable than he'd ever let on, Geraldus was beginning to realize. Not that it mattered now, Geraldus was here to look after him.
The sun was shining through the blinds when Rolan awoke, having slept like the dead from the moment he hit the mattress. He rolled over and found a glass of water on his nightstand, which he nearly knocked over. He took two large sips then lay back down, head pounding. He could take an educated guess that he'd been drinking last night, but not much else. Had he been with Geraldus? He remembered needing to apologize and groaned softly, hoping in vain that whatever it was could be resolved quickly. 
He jumped a little as the door to his bedroom opened, and there he was. Hair tied back neatly, wearing his apron, Geraldus appeared with a breakfast tray for him. Rolan's heart soared, feeling so deliriously happy that he couldn't control what he said next. ‘I love you.’ He croaked out through a dry throat, then clapped a hand over his mouth. The dam truly broke at that moment, tears streaming out of his eyes as he began to sob.
Geraldus, with no time to process what had happened, put the breakfast tray to one side and sat on the bed. He wrapped his arms around the weeping Rolan and rubbed his back, trying to calm him down. Rolan sniffled, pressing his face against his shoulder and blubbering out snatches of sentences. ‘You're here… you stayed the night… you made me eggs… not how I wanted this to go… I'm a mess…’ He sniffled and pulled back once he'd gathered himself. ‘I… I'm sorry. You shouldn't be spending your morning off looking after me, and now I've ruined it.’ He shook his head and wiped away a tear. ‘I wanted to do this properly. I should be able to treat you better than this.’
Geraldus squeezed him tightly and pulled back. ���Rolan. First of all, I want to say I like you, very very much. And I had a wonderful time with you last night. Please, don't be upset.’ He held his gaze with those deep hazel eyes of his and Rolan began to calm down. ‘Now, please, eat.’ He brought the tray in front of him, adorned with an omelet and a glass of orange juice. 
Rolan tried not to concentrate on how sweet the gesture was before he started crying again but instead began to eat. There was a small heart drawn in ketchup on the plate, no doubt a skill honed from his time at the maid cafe. ‘Thank you.’ he said emphatically, patting the bed next to him. ‘Next time, I promise I'll say it right.’
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hoppinkiss · 6 months
wanting to indulge in the "be spoiled rotten by a rich prettyboy" fantasy vs the guilt of being told you're expensive as a child
ANYWAY when I can convince myself to imagine it it's sooo fun to think about what kinds of gifts lu.cifer would get for me or what he would buy impulsively for himself Because of me. outings he'd take me on. following me around in the store trying to see what im smiling at so he can quickly swipe it into the cart
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sinnamonscouture · 2 years
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Alexa Hush Covers Harper’s bazaar Serbia
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sunsetkerr · 7 months
KISS & TELL | s.kerr
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summary: the girls find out exactly who gave you that ring [789 words]
pairing: matildas!reader x sam kerr
notes: the long-awaited second part to 'hush hush'! this was the most voted wip to work on, next piece will be too far gone which was the second most popular xx happy valentines week loves!
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IT WENT ON FOR about a week.
Your teammates pestered you all throughout camp about who gave you your engagement ring, and most importantly, how you kept it a secret for so long.
You gave them bits and pieces. Oh, we've been together for a few years now, but we've just kept it private..... She's super busy lots of the time, really hectic work schedule...... We played soccer together growing up.... You just didn't relay that you still play together. That your fiancee actually captains you.
Sam was enjoying every moment of it. She loved the secrecy, she adored watching her teammates pull their hair out over it. Chids had a whole shared notes app dedicated to adding information about your dubbed, 'mystery woman'. Sam revelled in her new title.
She was feeling extra cheeky, there was no denying that. Sam was at her peak watching everyone scramble around, listening as you slipped out little pieces of information of your relationship together.
Did you feel guilty that you hadn't told your team? Sure. But you and Sam never really felt the need to. They're your family, you love them with your whole heart- but this was one thing you and Sam just wanted for yourselves.
"Well I want to help plan your hens night," Alanna shrugged. The topic of your secret engagement had come up again after dinner one night.
"No because I'm not going unless you tell us!" Macca argued from her spot on the beanbag, Harper on her lap. You laughed, crossing your arms and putting your feet up on the couch.
"We can do without the numbers, Mac" You waved her off.
"Hey Y/N?" Ellie walked into the lounge area looking for you. "Can I grab my pre-wrap from you tonight please? I wanna start packing for Queensland,"
"Always punctual as usual" Mini chirped from her place on the couch, your feet resting in her lap.
"Shut up" Ellie quipped.
You chuckled, "Yeah, let me go grab it". You headed off towards your room and managed to pinch Sam's ass on your way past her, distracting her from the in-depth conversation she was having with Steph.
You chuckled as she tried her best to ignore you, but you knew she could never. Once you got into your room, it was only a matter of seconds before Sam followed you in. She crept up behind you and snaked her arms around your waist, tickling you as she squeezed you tight.
"You're cheeky, hey" She laughed, kissing your cheek as you giggled and tried to push your way out of her grasp. She moved her way down to your neck and you tried your best not to squirm in pleasure, knowing that at any second anyone could come-
"Aunny Sammy and Y/N are kissing!"
Your heart dropped and you pulled apart from Sam. You both turned around to see Harper standing in the doorway, pointing at you and Sam who she had just caught in the act.
"Mummy!" She ran off, yelling down the hallway.
"Harps, Harper! No!" You called after her, running down the hallway. She was surprisingly fast for a near-three year old. By the time you managed to find her she was already halfway through relaying to your team what she had seen.
"They kiss! Sam and Y/N kiss like Mum and Mummy!" She smiled looking back over to you. Sam had now come up behind you, a guilty look on her face, your lipgloss smeared on her lips.
"Skip.." Mary spoke up, slowly looking from you to Sam. "Is that true? Did you kiss Y/N?" She asked a shocked look on her face. The rest of your team looked at you both in silence.
Sam begrudenly crossed her arms over her chest and nodded her head shyly, a smile breaking out on her lips. "She just got engaged, Sam.. Not cool" Mary shook her head.
"Oh my god," Alanna erupted.
"Are you serious Maz?"
"Jesus fucking Christ" Mackenzie put her head in her hands with a sigh.
"What?" Mary held up her hands, looking from everyone back to you both. Sam chuckled and stepped forwards, holding up your hand that dawned your shiny new engagement ring.
You saw the cogs turn in her head before they finally clicked. "Oh my god!" She screamed, rushing over to congratulate you both. The girls all followed suit, shouting at you both for keeping it a secret from them all for so long.
"I can't believe you!" Alanna hugged you from behind, her arms around your neck.
"I don't kiss and tell, Kennedy!" You smiled as you watched Sam explain to your team how she proposed. You were so happy to finally have your team in on your secret. It just made it all that much sweeter.
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a1307s · 10 months
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So Pretty
(Wally West Smut)
[Art is not mine. Credit to unknown]
Requested by: dogma0325
Y/N - Your Name
N/N - Nick Name
Word Count: 3110
Warning and/or Pre-notes:
Pervert/Slight Assault
Name Calling: Desperate, Bitch, Bimbo, Slut, Good Girl
Face Slapping
Rough Domination/Submission
Hair Pulling
"Mmhmm," I hum around my wine glass, keeping my eyes locked on the man in front of me. He's older - probably old enough to be Oliver's father - but he's one of the 'power houses' Ollie wants to partner with to further Queen Industries.
The grandpa continues on about the new what-cha-ma-call-it as his hand slides onto my knee. It might be anti-feminist of me to flirt and "show off" my body to gain partnerships but it's so much easier than pretending to care about what he's talking about. "I think Mr. Queen would be interested in it, don't you Miss Harper?" He asks, inching his hand further up the split of my dress.
"I think Ollie would be very interested. Would you like me to call him over?" I ask, sending not so secretive bedroom eyes over his way.
It doesn't take a genius to notice the way the man squirms in his seat before deciding standing would be an easier way to hide his arousal. "No, no, no. I shall walk you back over to Mr. Queen. What kind of man would I be having you beckon him over?" He asks, gently picking up my hand and kissing my knuckles.
Shivers run through me, followed by a wave of nauseousness. I quickly shove the feelings down and replace them with a smile. "How sweet," I offer up, trying to loosen my jaw, "Queen Industrials definitely could use more honorable men like you".
This brings a smile to the creeps face which is quickly hidden away with more kisses laid up my hand and across my wrist. When my nervous can't take anymore I stand up and turn to head toward the group of people surrounding Oliver. Creepy McCreep follows, placing a hand on my back that quickly descends down to grab a hand full of my ass as we walk across the ballroom.
"Y/N!" Wally - one of my older brother's friends - chirps out as we near the group. His eyes are a dark green - partly cause of the booze in his system and partly not. "I've been meaning to sneak over and say hi," He continues, making swift moves to place himself between McCreep and me.
Wally's arm wraps around my waist as he leans over to kiss my cheek. As he's pulling away, he stops for a beat to whisper in my ear, "Pretty pathetic of you to open your legs for a man like that".
My eyes glance over at Roy to see if he noticed but he - and Oliver - are too occupied with McCreep to notice Wally's words.
The speedster's arm stays on my waist, his finger tips digging into my hip as his mouth stays put by my ear. "I know I've been preoccupied with the whole hero gig but I didn't think you'd go pimping yourself out. Are you that desperate?"
"I'm not desperate," I bite back, keeping my voice low as well. For the past couple months Wally and me have been.... Friends with benefits, which has really gone to his head, especially in the bedroom.
"Seems like you are," Wally murmurs, softly sliding his fingertips just far enough under my dress to dig them into my inner thigh. "I thought we had an understanding N/N. I thought I made it clear that you - that your body, belongs to me".
"And I thought I made it clear that I'm not your girlfriend, Wally," I shoot back, still keeping my tone hushed.
"Get your ass upstairs. Now," Wally growls in my ear before letting go of me and standing up straight again.
"And if I don't?" I breathe out, tilting my head back to look up at Wally.
He tilts his head back down, his lips making butterfly touches to my ear as he talks. "If you don't, I'll bend you over the bar and let big brother dearest and Mr. Perv watch as I bruise you inside and out,".
I'm left to register Wally's words as he slips out from the group of high class Starr City citizens and walks out of the ballroom.
"Where's Wally going?" Roy asks, shimming into his friend's previous spot.
"Uh... Dick called?" I push out, making it more of a question than a statement. "I don't know, I couldn't really hear him,".
Roy thinks it over for a moment before shrugging it off and turning back towards the conversation. "Roy?" I ask, getting a hum as an answer. "I think I'm going to head to bed for the night".
"Okay, goodnight Y/N," Roy says back, giving me a side hug before I walk out of the group as well, quick to follow Wally's previous exit route.
My heart rate picks up as I climb up the stairs, heading towards my room where a very upset Wally awaits me. I slowly walk down the hallway, my heels echoing along the narrow space.
"Wally?" I call softly, pushing my bedroom door open before walking in. My nightstand light is on, eliminating Wally and making his red hair stand out against the green fabrics of the room. The air is thick with all of the speedster's emotions: Jealousy, anger, and arousal.
"Come here," Wally demands, his voice low, almost a growl as the words come out.
"No," I whisper, pushing my back to the door, causing it to latch close. Wally snaps up to his feet and takes quick paces toward me.
Before I can think, his body is pressed against mine, trapping me against the door. His hand is rough and heavy against my throat as he forces my head back to look at him. Wally's eyes are dark, almost black instead of his normal green color.
"I've had enough of you today. You've been prancing around pretty much naked making blow job eyes at every rich man that walks in. Do you know what that makes you look like? It makes you look like a desperate little bitch. Are you a desperate bitch? Are you Y/N?" Wally continually repeats the last two sentences, getting more and more in my face each time. As he repeats himself, he tightens his grasp on my neck so I can't answer him back.
"Aww, is the poor baby Harper struggling to answer me? Maybe if you weren't blowing every one of daddy's partners your throat would work, hmm?" Wally taunts, using his free hand to hoist up the skirt of my dress. His fingertips ghost over my clothed pussy before settling on the waist band of my panties.
Tears start to prickle my eyes as I gasp for air. My hands wrap around Wally's wrist, digging my nails into his arm to try and get him to loosen his grip. "P... ple... please?" I manage to get out between gasps.
Wally's eyes are hard, filled to the brim with jealousy as he looks at me. "Fine," He mumbles, releasing me. From the lack of oxygen, my balance is off when he lets go, causing me to fall to my knees at his feet. "Good, that's where spoiled bimbos like you belong," Wally adds, leaning down to grab my face with one of his hands.
My breath is heavy and tears continue to trickle down, rolling over his fingers as he squishes my cheeks. "You look so pretty," Wally says gently, his eyes softening just for a moment. "But that isn't an excuse for you to act like a free use slut at the gala." The words come out sharp, adding to the pool that's been forming between my thighs since I entered the room. "Is that what you want? To be treated like a free use slut? To be used where ever and whenever men want? Without you getting a say?"
"No," I whimper, grabbing at Wally's dress shirt. The material feels smooth and warm under my finger tips. "I don't want other men to use me. I only want you to use me," The words come out in a rush, sounding more like pleas than an answer.
This seems to satisfy Wally, getting me a rewarding soft kiss to my lips. "Don't worry N/N, I'll use you. By the time I'm done with you the only thing that'll be left in this empty little head of yours will be my name," He says, softly shaking my head through the last half of his sentence.
Wally releases my face, leaving me a mess on the floor as he walks back over to my bed. He plants himself on the edge of it, eyes locked on me as I stay kneeled on the floor, unable to stop tears from falling. "Come on baby, I haven't even been that mean to you," Wally says, patting his thigh to beckon me forward, adding a soft smile to his face to encourage me to obey.
I listen, crawling across the room to kneel between his legs. "You are so pretty baby," He says again, wrapping his fingers around my neck and leaning down to lick the tears off my cheeks. "So, so pretty,".
Soon the licks turn to soft kisses that end in a gentle kiss to my lips. When he parts from me, he continues littering butterfly kisses across my cheeks. His fingers are light this time, not the tight, oxygen stopping hold from before. "It makes me so sad when I have to correct your bad behavior,".
"It doesn't seem like it," I whisper out, closing my eyes to soak in the gentleness I'm receiving from the speedster.
In a split second the soft kisses are replaced by a slap across my face. My cheek stings as tears start to prickle at my eyes again. "You just can't stop while you're ahead can you?" Wally asks, forcibly turning my head so I'm looking at him again. "What am I gonna do with you little Harper?" He asks, rubbing his thumb across my cheek, causing the stinging to continue.
"Is it really that hard for you to keep your legs closed? Is it so hard for you to be grateful that I'm willing to correct your behaviors? Maybe I'm wasting my time," Wally mumbles the last part, letting go of my face and standing up.
"Please stay," I whine, wrapping my fingers around Wally's belt. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I continue, burying my head in Wally's stomach.
"You're sorry for what?" He asks, fisting my hair in his hand to tilt my head back.
Wally looking down on me makes more shock waves ripple through me. I rub my thighs together, wiggling my fingers closer to the latch of his belt. "I'm sorry... for... for acting... desperate. I'm sorry for acting... like... like a spoiled bimbo," my voice weavers and my hands shake as I undo his belt.
In approval, Wally loosens his grasp on my hair but doesn't completely let go. His eyes stay locked on mine as I undo his pants and slowly pull his penis out of his boxers. I rest my hands on his thighs before leaning down, my hair pulling as I wrap my mouth around Wally's tip. I bob my head a couple times but can't get further down because of the grasp he still holds on my hair. "Nope," Wally says, using my hair to yank me back from his erection.
"No?" I whine, snaking my hands from his legs towards his cock.
"No," He repeats, using my hair to pull me to my feet before I can touch him again. He takes a second to admire me. My head pulled back by my hair, my legs shaking and covered in my own juices. "Strip," Wally says, letting go of my hair and sitting back down on the edge of my bed.
I obey, kicking off my heels before slowly peeling my dress off of myself. His eyes pierce into me, watching me shimmy out of my panties and unclasping my bra. I stand there, waiting for Wally's next command as his eyes rake over my body. "Can you please take your shirt off?" I whine, taking a cautious stop forward and sliding my hands under his suit jacket.
Wally fulfills my request, shrugging off his jacket before unbuttoning and sliding out of his dress shirt. "Thank you," I say, resting my hands on his shoulders.
He ignores me, grabbing my thighs and spreading my legs apart. "You really are a desperate little thing, aren't you?" He asks, bending his head down to lick the mess off my thighs.
"For you, yes" I breathe out, tangling my fingers in his hair. His tongue feels teasing, running over my thighs and getting close but not close enough to my pussy. "Please?" I beg as my legs continue to shake.
"Why should I?" Wally asks, removing his head from my thighs, replacing it with ghostly finger tips just barely grazing my folds. "You don't deserve it".
I don't answer him, and instead whine and tug on the ends of his hair. Wally planting a kiss on my stomach before pulling me on his lap. His dick is hard and warm pressed up against my thigh, causing me to be even needier. His eyes are softer now, some of the green coming back to them. "You are a needy little thing. Are you needy baby?" Wally asks before sinking his teeth into my shoulder.
His teeth hurt as he bites down, pulling out whines and mews from me. "Please?" I ask, tugging at his pants.
"Please what?" He asks, running his tongue over the bite mark, causing extra stinging sensations.
"Please fuck me. Please fuck my pussy. Please?" I beg, dragging out the last word.
"If it's your pussy, you can fuck it," Wally tells me, moving his hips so the head of his penis is pressed against my clit. He slowly moves his hips, giving me the minimum friction possible.
     I cling to his shoulders, digging my nails into his skin and burying my head in his neck. "It's your pussy, Wally. Please just touch me. Please?"
     A gentle hum comes from Wally, followed by his hand back in my hair and new vibrations being sent from his dick to my clit. "Are you sure it's mine? Seems like you were prancing it around and offering it up to everyone a little while ago".
     "It's... it's yours," I wheeze out, slightly dragging my nails down his shoulder from the new added friction.
     Wally doesn't reply. Instead he teases me by constantly changing the pace of the vibrations between my legs. His eyes stay lock on me, constantly raking across my body. My head pulled by back him, strands of loss hair clinging to the forming sweat on me. My arms wrapped around his shoulders with my fingernails constantly moving across his back and leaving my own marks on him. My legs trembling as juices spill out and coat my thighs along with Wally's pants.
     The tightness in my groin is seconds away from snapping when Wally stops and lets go of me. I whine at the sudden loss of my orgasm and tight my grip, causing myself to get closed to him. The head of his penis pokes teasingly at the rim of my opening.
     Wally's hand meets my bare waist before his lips met my collar bone. He sucks on it, sure to leave a bruise to form. "Are you going to be good? Are you going to behave and spread yourself out for me?"
     "Yes," I answer back, trying to scoot forward but unable to from the strong hold on my waist. "Please?" I whimper, sliding my hands from Wally's back to gentle tug on the ends of his hair.
Wally lifts me up as he stands. He's gentle when he lays me in the bed. When my back makes contact with my sheets, I let my legs fall open and put myself on display. A pleased hum comes from my partner as he drops his remaining clothes.
"So pretty," Wally purrs as he climbs between my legs. His hands are soft and slow as he rubs my inner thighs, kisses chasing after his finger tips. Wally weavers for a second at the end of my thighs before placing a teasing kiss to my clit. The kisses trail up my stomach towards my chest as he realigns himself with my hole. As the kisses climb up my chest towards my neck, Wally painfully slowly inches himself in me.
I whimper, wrapping my arms around his back again. "Wally," I whine, trying to push him further in me.
"Be patient," He whispers against my skin as his hands secure themselves to my hips. His pace stays slow as he continues littering kisses over my body.
"You're being so good for me," Wally says, starting to pick up his pace. My nails dig into his shoulder blades again as I slide my legs around his torso. His hands slide down to my thighs to hold me in place. "Whose pussy is this?" Wally asks, locking his eyes with me as he pounds into me.
I whine, sliding my hands to the nape of his neck and grasp the whiskers of hair that are laid there. "You", I peep out, squeezing my legs around him.
"Yes I am," He replies cockily with a big grin on his face. "Only I can make you feel this needy,". One of Wally's hands slides down from my thigh to start rubbing circles on my nerve bud. "Is my pussy going to cum for me? Is it? I bet it is with how desperate you've been," He taunts, his circles getting faster and his thrusts getting sloppy.
I opened my mouth to answer but the only thing that comes out is a moan. The knot in my stomach continues to tighten from Wally's actions. "Wally," I moan as the knot starts to unravel.
     "Good girl," He groans, "Just a couple more and then you can rest". His hands are heavy against me and my hips ache from the pace but I keep my whines of pain to myself.
As Wally said, it only takes a few more thrust before he comes undone. “Pull out,” I whine, trying to push him off of me.
“If I did I wouldn’t be able to mark you as mine.”
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jessiexcorner · 5 months
Heartbreak Highs (pt. 4)
Description: Amerie, Harper, and (Y/n). The three were the best of friends until the incest map. A heartbreak high x reader. 
Part 1:
Heartbreak Highs
Part 2:
Heartbreak highs pt. 2
Part 3:
Heartbreak Highs. (pt. 3)
It had only taken Amerie a few minutes to come up after Harper and (Y/n). (Y/n) watched as she hurried along to leave, inside she was sort of glad about it, that was until she saw Darren and Quinni leave with her hand in hand. Jealously rose inside her like a tidal wave. What was that? Her friends asked her to come then barely spend time with her and leave with Amerie! 
"You alright?" Harper asked her friend who seemed to be glaring in Amerie's direction.
"You seem distracted. You okay?"
"Oh, yeah.. just tired."  
"We can go home if you want?"
"No, you should party--"
"Im fine really! go, go dance."  "You sure?"
"...Okay maybe i do want to leave but i still want you to enjoy yourself." (Y/n) confesses softly. Harper smiles, holding hands with the girl. 
"That's fine, i'll be okay, really, you can go home." 
"You sure?" 
"Yeah. i have my phone and your necklace remember?"  Harper pulls out the emergency pendant that, once clicked sends a message of the wearer's location and a distress signal.
"Okay, if you're sure?" (Y/n) says shuffling about not ready to let go of the blonde girl.  
"Yes, go on, go" Harper waves the girl off.
"Okay, call me if you need a ride, and if you go somewhere, or if youre lonely!" (Y/n) rambles on as Harper pushes her along to the exit.
"I'll be fine babes! go," 
"Okay, see you later?" Harper nods and lets the girl go. 
The morning after entering school (Y/n) again tries to reconnect with her friends. Spotting them in a corner and walking up to them with a smile only to pause when the scene infront of her plays out. Darren and Quinni smile arms openly calling over someone, Amerie. "Hey! Over here! Amerie, this way! It's our new bestie." "Morning."  "Hello!" Quinni links her arm around the brown girl and walks with her to class.  If that wasn't enough to make (Y/n)'s blood boil she didnt know what was. She takes a breath and heads towards Harper to talk with. Spotting the girl standing next to a boy she walks closer only to pause, was that Dusty? She links arms with the blonde girl startling her a bit. 
"Hope i'm not interrupting?" 
"Not at all," Harper links her arm with (Y/n)'s as they walk away. 
"So, whats that about?"
(Y/n)'s eyes narrow in suspicion looking back she sees dusty gazing longlingy at Harper, and back at the girl next to her. "..Oh my-- Did you two-" (Y/n) gasps. 
"Hush." Harper says with a cheekiy smile. 
"No way!"
"Hush, it was just a hookup, nothing serious."
"...okay... did you have fun?" (Y/n) asks awkwardly, not sure what to ask in the conversation. 
"...um, sure."
"okie. That's good." 
The next time (Y/n) interacts with her friends again is in the SLTs class. They talk with her as if nothing is new or changed so she can't react much. She doesn't confront them about the Amerie thing, or the ditching her at the party thing. Instead the friends catch up for the little time they can until Amerie comes back taking her place. The second time she sees them is during P.E. when she finds out that Quinni likes Sasha and watches her ask the hispanic girl out, from across the field. She sighs feeling left out.
In the changing rooms she spots Harper changing, the girl's back facing her and slumps her head against her shoulder whining, making the blond laugh. 
"Whats up?" (Y/n) sighs in response, before looking over Harper's bruise. 
"..I'll tell you at home, you still using the ointment I gave you?" (Y/n) light grazes the wound with her finger making Harper ticklish. 
"Yes, and it doesn't hurt as much anymore."
"Good." The (h/c) haired girl lets go, letting her change. 
Amerie walks up the court dodging the field of sweaty teens to the one white boy who could solve her problem. "Spider, please sell me a slap band." "What? No. You cooked? No way." The boy refuses not even glancing at her.  "Dusty said I could come." "Why do you think he put me in charge of tickets? Huh? Keep tossers like you out."  "Twenty bucks, right? I can transfer it to you right now." "No, it's, uh... It's gone up to eighty now." "Come on, I'm asking you nicely. Please..." "Ninety. Be 100 in a minute." "Listen, you mayonnaise fuck. What is your problem with me?" Spider pauses before thinking of his answer.  "You're the reason we're in SLTs."  "Well, SLTs is cancelled. Okay, so..." Amiere announces causing the other students to murmur. 
"You really want to come?" "Yes, please." "Hundred bucks, then." Spider grins tossing the basketball in the hoop. Amerie rolls her eyes about to walk away when someone walking towards her catches her eye. (Y/n) walks past the brown skinned girl straight to Spider. 
"Hey. Still got those ticket things?" She asks him. The boy raises a brow. 
"What you plan on coming fish?" He teases. 
"Actually yeah." (Y/n) says bluntly, pulling out two twenty dollar bills. "Got two?" Spider pauses looking between the girl and the money, he might have reconsidered had he not caught the glimpse of anger and annoyance on Amerie's face making him grin.
"Actually just for your first time, i'll give you a discount, twenty for both." 
"What?!" Amerie reacts frustated. 
"Fine by me." (Y/n) shrugs handing him one of the twenties instead. 
"Pleasure doing business, i'll bring your bracelets to you." He smiles taking the money as the girl walks away. 
"How is that fair?!" Amerie whines, walking off, only to receive a bracelet from Malakai. 
(Y/n) was starting to regret coming to this party the minute Amerie jumped over a wall and fell into the pool, as Malakai laughed with the girl, She couldnt help but feel that twinge of jealously once more. Its not like Malakai and her even talked more than one or two times, but he sort of maybe flirted with her...kind of? She shakes her head. its not like she can blame him, or anyone else for this. She was never the best at flirting or showing someone her feelings romantically.
"You okay?" Harper's voice breaks her train of thought. 
"Yeah why?" 
"..didn't you like the new gu--" 
She mostly stuck with Harper throughout the party that is when she saw Quinni upset and running around, quickly informing Harper, she runs after the sparkle covered girl. She watches as Quinni breaks down in the bathroom, Amerie trying to take a step closer only to be stopped by Darren who tells her to leave nicely. The three friends once more reunited calm Quinni down, and relax with her. (Y/n) sitting on the side of the tub reading a book online on her phone, and Darren relaxing with an eye mask. 
"Okay, I think I'm good to go now." Quinni announces softly.  "Stunning." Darren says taking off their eye mask. 
(Y/n) gives her friends a soft smile as they walk back down to the party.  "Where is Amerie?" As much as (Y/n) wanted to say 'who cares?' she bit her tongue holding back. Quinni spots Sasha and chats with her after assuring her friends. 
Sorry for the sloppy chapter guys, my laptop broke and i lost my writing.
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greenwitching · 2 years
love how no one is bringing up the fact that katya's upbringing in the convent has exactly everything to do with her denying her feelings for sophie while also explaining why she would betray goncharov in the first place
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disastermages · 2 days
I have this issue every now and again as someone on the a/ro/a/ce spectrum but I'm really struggling with writing smut right now just because I feel so disconnected from it
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pinasscoladaa · 7 months
I’m sick today 😭 so can u please do a Matildas x reader sick fic
Poorly Girl - Matildas x reader & Katrina Gorry x Reader
Going into training was something you usually loved to do, especially at national camp, it was something that brought joy to your day. not today though, you had woken up feeling like you had swallowed a million tiny shards of glass and the dull ache that rattled through your head was far from pleasant. So as you walked through the corridor and into the camps breakfast hall, your usually happy demeanour and radiant smile was now replaced with an uncomfortable frown, squinting your eyes to try and ease your headache, quickly realising it wasn’t going to work when you were greeted to the loud chatter coming from the room of aussies.
Avoiding social interaction was extremely unusual for you, especially with the tillies, you normally opting to be one of the loudest out of the group of girls, always making some sort of joke. So when you trudged over to the breakfast buffet and grabbed a few pieces of toast before sitting yourself at the back of the room on what seemed to be the only empty table, the girls quickly realised something was wrong.
You stared at the pieces of toast for a few seconds before pushing the plate away, a wave of nausea flooding over you with the thought of eating, Instead opting to just putting your head on the table and closing your eyes to avoid the bright Australian sun.
Your peace was interrupted with an extremely loud “Oi Oi” being shouted down your ear, quickly identifying the person as kyra as she sat next to you along with a few other people to which you assumed was charli, caitlin alanna and mackenzie, you made a pathetic attempt to lift your head and give a not very convincing smile to group of girls.
All of them circling round, loudly interrogating as to why you weren’t being social or as ‘obnoxiously loud as normal’ as alanna has stated jokingly. You looked around the room hoping to catch the eye of mini to hopefully swoop in and rescue you, your best friend always being there when your friends were being too much, frown only deepening when you couldn’t see her anywhere. Luckily for you though claire and emily had spotted you and saw your dilema, both of them also sharing a look at how poorly you so obviously were.
“thats enough girls, shes clearly not well” Claire stated, distracting the girls while emily gently grabbed your arm to help you up out of your chair, “come on, lets get you back to your room, no training for you today” mumbling a small ok as she silently led you back to your room, tucking you back into bed and darkening the room before leaving, you quickly falling asleep at the sudden silence and darkness.
Around an hour later you woke to the sound of your door opening, knowing instantly who it was as there was only one person who had a key to your room.
“its only me” Katrina stated in a hushed voice as she walked in placing a bag on the desk before emptying its contents to get what she had brought out for you. It was obvious to alot of the girls that you and mini had feelings for eachother, neither if you having the courage to tell eachother though, instead the pair of you remained best friends who where very much inlove with eachother.
“i brought you some medicine and some snacks darling.. oh and obviously the best company ever” she smiled, putting the tablets on the bedside cabinet next to you.
“oh really.. i don’t see harper?” you croaked out with a tired smirk on your face. Katrina let out an offended gasp as she climbed into the bed with you, making you let out a small giggle, your actions making here smile brightly, only your previous laugh was quickly interrupted by a harsh coughing fit. Your throat felt 10x worse now so swallowing the tablets that mini had brought felt like hell.
“c’mere poorly girl” Katrina cooed, pulling you into her embrace , your head now resting on her chest as her arms wrapped tightly around you, one of her hands coming up to brush your hair away from your fever struck face.
The comfort of minis hold had you ready to fall back to a deep sleep within seconds, eyes closing and a satisfied smile on your face, murming out a “thank you mins” before dozing off.
Mini looked down at you, admiring your sleeping state, but also in awe of how somebody so ill could still look so incredibly beautiful before kissing your forehead gently and letting herself sink into her own tiredness, knowing harper was safe and having a sleepover with charli and kyra, and her girl best friend was safe in her arms.
(obsessed with the tillies & mini atm so i loved writing this)
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yeeterthek33per · 8 months
Surprise (Katrina Gorry x Reader)
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A/n Jeez sorry guys, welcome back to me ay? Anyways, here's the first of many requests, I'm getting back into it, I swear.
Warnings/summary: Fluff. Harper Gorry. Itty Bitty Bit suggestive at the end.
You swear, your arms feel like they might pop any second.
It would make sense if you were doing a workout, but it turns out dragging around a 15kg toddler all day is basically the same thing.
With your wife Katrina running around to do assigned media duties before the game tomorrow, you'd been left in charge of little Harper before her family came to get her for the night so you both could get an adequate amount of sleep for once.
There's a little squeal as you swing the small blonde girl up into onto your hip when she tries to make a break for the open doorway that leads onto the pavement outside.
"Mama noooo!"
"Mama yes! No running off like that baby. We stay together while we go out. You know that."
The small pout from her lips reminds you very much of her other mother as you tickle her slightly to elicit a small giggle.
"We goin to get ice cweem?"
You chuckle softly, running your fingers through her blonde locks.
"Yeah, we're getting some ice cream after we have a little walk alright?"
"Chacha coming?"
"Yes Hun, Chacha’s comin', we just gotta wait for her to come down so we can go."
Harper seemingly accepts that, leaning back fully into your hold to sit and play with the small silver necklace you have on, with your wife's and Harper's initials as the pendants.
It takes a very long five minutes as Charlie finally gets off the elevator ready to go, the little blonde in your arms getting much more fidgety as you stand and wait.
"Took you long enough, come on!"
She rolls her eyes before turning to the tiny girl you're holding and snatches her up to ride on her shoulders, your biceps screaming in relief finally.
Any other day of the week, you'd be used to it but after the intense gym session the day before, you weren't sure your arms wouldn't have fallen off by the end of today without your younger compatriot to take the younger version of herself off your hands.
The groan of relief you let out as she does so, has her laughing.
"Stop complaining, she's your kid, you should be used to this by now."
"Hush you, gym sessions and wandering toddlers don't mix, now let's go before we run out of time."
"Why are we out here again? It's supposed to be rest day today."
The bright, sunny warmth of the day is nothing compared to the day previous, leaving you feeling a little relieved at not having to deal with 27 odd degree temperatures and an impatient two-year-old.
"We're out here because I need one more thing for tomorrow and I just needed someone to give me an excuse to leave the hotel.
"Why do you need my help? You've known Mini longer. You're literally married to her."
"I know but it's our first game together as a married couple and I want it to be super special for her."
"Alright alright, so what are we picking out again?"
"It's a surprise for the game. I asked the uniformers if I could tweak my jersey a little."
"Okay? What does that have to do with- wait..."
She pauses a little, her hand coming up and making the stop motion.
"You're changing it to Gorry?"
Her eyes water a little as a massive grin stretches across your face with a chuckle and you nod.
Charlie bounces a little in excitement, the squeal she lets out startling the child on her shoulders.
"Is this an official name change?"
You hum in the affirmative, steadying the blonde as she bounces into you, careful not to let Harper fall from her perch.
"It's been a thought for a long while, we talked about it, but we never confirmed whether or not I'd change my name. She definitely wants to keep Gorry, though."
"So why are we going shopping then?"
"Because I'm going out to pick up a preorder I made a couple weeks ago, it was supposed to be a wedding gift when we got married here but they couldn’t get it finished in time so I settled for the specialised necklaces and just made these the World Cup gift instead."
"So, what's the preorder then?"
"You'll see. Wait here"
You playfully wink and duck into the jewellery store to your left, right as she asks the question.
Returning just a few minutes later, bag in hand.
"Alright, let's go."
Charlie looks at you expectantly.
"You're not gonna show me?"
"Later. Harps, what do you say sweety, ice cream time?"
The toddler jumps up and down in her spot upon the older girl’s shoulders.
"Yes pleeeeease!"
Humming in contentment, you drag her down the street to a cold rock ice creamery, much to the protest of the twenty-two-year-old.
A loud grumble from the blonde laid across your bed makes you glance up from your spot at the desk with a chuckle.
"At least one little peak, come on Y/n/n. Pleeeeease? You dragged me all the way out to go get it. It's the least you could do."
You'd swear she was in fact Harper's older sister with the way she was giving you the puppy dog eyes.
"You can't wait for tomorrow to see it? Like everyone else?"
She deadpans and perches herself onto the desk next to where you're signing out papers to send off to the registry that you got married under.
'Alright alright alright. Pass me the bag. I need to hide the box anyways."
There's a small smile as you open up the ring box again, and it reminds you heavily of the ring box Katrina had so smoothly removed from her satchel at the beach the day you'd gotten engaged.
The mid thickness silver band shines under the small white desk lamp, the curved engravings on the underside of it glimmering as you carefully hand it to the blonde who's expression melts at the sight of it.
The little inscription of "our kind of love is the best kind. - (Y)G" and the little football symbol on the bottom matches perfectly with the style of writing.
"It matches our wedding rings. I'll give it to her to her tomorrow after the game."
"She's gonna love it. I love it. God, can you get me one?"
Rolling your eyes at her, you chuckle softly as she slips the ring back into the box and you tuck it away into safe corner of the room until it's needed.
"I'll be sure to let Lachlan know."
She smiles softly at the mention of her boyfriend before a small inquizzacal look appears on her face.
"So, how's this gonna pan out without her noticing again?"
Stepping down and off the bus, there's a nervousness in the air, not like the usual national games hold. You'd been to major tournaments before, hell you were in France for the 2019 world cup but there's nothing like the feeling you get now.
Walking into a home stadium, in your home uniform at a home world cup, and awaiting you is the eighty thousand strong crowd, the hopefully perfect condition pitch and your bouncing blonde toddler with her grandmother in the stands.
It's a feeling out of this world.
And it gets better knowing what's waiting for Katrina as well.
Not just a chance at redemption from the last World Cup.
Not just her sweet little harper, cheering and yelling for her mommy and her teammates the moment they step onto the pitch.
A hand on your shoulder jolts you a little, you'd paused in front of your cubby after hearing the ever so faint cheers of the crowd above the entrance to the player area.
"You alright?"
Your wife’s comforting hand gently squeezes your arm as you nod, giving her a reassuring smile.
“Feelin’ great, baby.”
Resting your hand on hers, you caress it with your thumb softly before gently nudging her back to her own cubby to get ready for pitch inspection.
Subtly making eye contact with the trainer across the room, you give him a nod as he slips away to grab the jersey, he’d made ready in time for the game.
Slipping on your training jersey, you duck out onto the pitch before warmups are due to start.
You end up making it quicker than usual in order to slip out to meet the trainer to grab your actual jersey which you leave in your cubby away from sight.
Waving to the already numerous fans in the stadium, you make your rounds of the pitch to get a proper feel of it, and when Sam spots herself on the big screen managing to sneak a selfie, you and your teammates are left chuckling.
Warmups go smoothly, and the atmosphere and tremendous crowd are both buzzing with enormous amounts of energy.
Breathing in the cool night air, your shots feel a little shaky in the leadup, but they quickly relax as you settle in amongst the encouragement and atsmosphere of your teammates.
Despite the devastation at finding out Sam won’t be playing for at least three games, the determination sets in hard and the moment you are all called back to the changerooms, a hardness sets about you and everything in your head calms in the moment, ready to get out there and play like it’s any other game, trying to ignore the already enormous amount of pressure on your shoulders.
Tony gives a quick speech before sending you all off to line up ready for the walkout.
The team are still in their training jackets when you walk out and it’s only when you slip off yours, and place it over the shoulders of the mascot in front of you after the national anthems, that she finally notices.
You’re number 24 while Katrina is number 19 so she isn’t directly next to you to see it, however a close up of your back on the big screen catches her attention when she realises it isn’t her number attached to the last name and she leans forward to catch your eye as you all move to huddle.
Winking at her, you smile and move stand next to her, arm slipping around her shoulders as Sam and Tony do the final send off.
The double take of a few of your teammates makes you laugh, and you press a kiss to your wife’s cheek with a small ‘Surprise.’ Spoken in her ear.
She grabs your face before you can go anywhere.
“Not so fast you.”
There’s a small hum of appreciation when she presses her lips to yours in a brief kiss and her eyes water a little up at you.
“I love you so much, Mrs L/n.”
“It’s Gorry now, baby.”
Her smile widens and right as you go to kiss her once more, a slap to the back startles you.
It’s a grinning Sam who urges you over to the rest of your waiting team who’ve been watching you both with amusement visibly plastered on all of their faces.
"Let’s do this, pretty girl."
With that, you feel more than ready to start this thing.
The first thing you feel the moment you're off the bus is Katrina's hand dragging you back inside the hotel and up the stairs, far too impatient to wait for the elevator to come down.
The moment you're both up the six flights of stairs, despite the immense exhaustion you're both exhibiting after the battle against Ireland, there's a giddiness in both of your steps and she quickly drags you into your room with the swipe of your keycard.
The soft giggle that leaves your lips the moment you're pressed back against the door makes her grin and her hands slipping under the hem of your hoodie leave shivers behind as you think back to the look she'd given you from the left of you across the locker room.
Full of love and adoration and a little hint of desire as they move to the name across your back.
Mouthing those three words you know sends warmth to her chest every time she hears them, she mouths them back with a small grin.
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gribbo · 7 months
In the hands of another minstrel, it would make a triumphant theme: Thorm trounced, his captives freed, his curse lifted from the land. Let another minstrel write it. The one who struggled up from the bowels of Moonrise Tower would rather find an unobtrusive corner in which to curl up and die.
"Somebody knocks you on the head every tenday," grumbles Barcus, as though it's a character flaw. His hand on the minstrel's jaw is rough and cool. "Follow my finger."
He seems to be holding up two. Peculiar. The minstrel does his best to watch them instead of falling over. "Did you see the"—he wobbles, peering over Barcus's shoulder—"aasimar?"
The Nightsong, tracking bits of Thorm across the hall, wings to Isobel in a blaze of moonfire. Barcus fails to notice. "You're more addled than I thought."
The minstrel could kiss him. If either of them deserved that.
He reports to the High Harper, who stops him midway and orders him to bed. Where bed has gone eludes him; Vally, he thinks, had shouldered his bedroll. Karlach, his pack. He looks for them in the hushed bustle of the hall: teary farewells here, his niece Nimble frowning at him there, the dead laid out yonder for the living to grieve. Harpers weeping for their fallen softly, businesslike. Victims of the cult, too, lying far from their families and friends—and Alfira where he expects her to be, hunched alone with her lute, feeling out the first fumbling chords of a threnody for them all.
It all makes sense, all of a sudden. He still has his gittern. When he drops onto the bench beside her, her hands stumble on the strings.
“Let’s sing for our supper, then,” he rasps without preamble, tuning up.
Alfira stares at him—huge, stunned eyes in a hollow face. “Really?”
Magga cammara, the minstrel thinks, she’s gotten thin. She’s not even famous yet.
“Go on,” he says gruffly. He fiddles for a moment in A minor before settling on something suitable. “I’ll back you.”
A slow, weary smile staggers across Alfira’s face.
It’s a grueling task, to sing in tribute for so many, for so long. Few would ask it of a singer so untried. But when Alfira’s voice lifts in lamentation like a rusty bell’s chime, heads turn; when he joins her in the second verse, the stentorian echo of her high mourner’s cry, the hush that follows is a grim gratification. They play long after their voices fail. He’s nodding over the gittern, his fingers plodding across the strings, when a warm, heavy hand envelops his shoulder. “Silk?”
“Karlach.” His voice scrapes like an old hinge. He blinks up at her, wondering why she’s so blurry. “There you are.”
“Here I am, sangster.” She turns from him, speaking gently to someone else. “Get some rest, Fira, hey?”
Whoever’s leaning on him rises with a willing mumble, leaving him cold. There’s a head on his knee, he realizes; he gives Mirkon’s curls a drowsy pat, then nudges him awake. Someone lifts the boy and carries him away. Around the hall, the torches burn like drowning stars.
Karlach’s hand keeps him steady. “Can you walk?”
He wobbles up. To his consternation, the hall tilts. Around him, the torchlights stretch and spin—
“Whoops,” Karlach says—and whisks him off his feet, bearing him who-knows-where. Hellion. He should object, probably. Keep his eyes open, certainly. Beneath his head, the machinery in her chest—that horrid death-clock, ticking—rattles a radiator-cough.
She smiles grimly at it. “Will you play one of those for me?”
A funeral dirge. His own tired heart beats off-tempo. “Oh, Karlach.”
“It was beautiful,” she says in her plain, awful way. “Will you?”
He’d sooner cut off his hands. Milil, he thinks, help me play happier music for these people. That triumphant theme. It’s in me, somewhere.
A voice speaks up somewhere past his eyelids. “Is he all right?”
“Asleep.” An infernal yawn. “Hells. I’m beat, too.”
Not quite asleep, he thinks. There’s a space between sleep and wakefulness, now, where the Prism-bearers’ minds mingle and meet. Gale’s drifting off thinking about a real bed, with sheets and blankets and such, so all of them are thinking about real beds. Them, the minstrel thinks muzzily, who are we, who are us.
Karlach’s thoughts, blunt and amused, brush his. You sound like that brain-thing.
Shadowheart, ever the eavesdropper, dips in. Are we going to keep it?
That headcheese? asks Vally.
Whatever will it eat, thinks Wyll, in our company?
Tsk’va. Lae’zel pretends to miss his joke. The creature is an abomination.
So are we, darling.
We! cries the intellect-devourer, somewhere else. It’s skittering after a rat, its simple joy rippling through their minds in alien hues. Whee!
Not a theme, the minstrel thinks, absently. Not a theme. He blinks up at Karlach with some effort. “Odd little medley, ours.”
Karlach blinks back at him.
Then she grins, brushfire-bright. “Catchy."
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simpingforheros · 9 days
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Fluff - 💗
Hurt/Comfort - ❤️‍🩹
Angst - 💀
Spicy but Not Smut- 🥵
Smut - 🔥
Dark - ⛓️
Disclaimer: While I do my best to label any and all trigger warnings in my posts, I would like ask that yall take a good look at any warnings before you read anything online. Minors DNI as I intend for all my stories, whether NSFW and Dark or Fluffy and SFW, to be for an 18+ audience. While I do my part as the writer to accurately give trigger warnings and label my content appropriately, please be conscious of the triggers and take care of yourselves.
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Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Bring Me To Life (Arkham Knight! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) 💀❤️‍🩹⛓️ (One Shot, either a future series or rewritten someday)
Corruptions (Arkham Knighy! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) 💗❤️‍🩹🔥⛓️ (part two to Bring me to Life)
Jason Todd Headcanons 1 💗🔥⛓️
Jason's Girl ?? (Jason Todd x Female! Reader) 🔥💗
Gifted with Love (Jason Todd x Female! Reader)🥵💗
You Belong to Me (Hush! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) (Coming soon)
Safe (Gotham Knights! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) ❤️‍🩹💀
Barbara Gordon
Clark Kent
Conner Kent
Diana Prince
Cole Cash
Oliver Queen
Dinah Lance/Queen
Roy Harper
Lay All Your Love On Me (Roy Harper x Single Mom! Female! Reader) 💗🥵 ((coming soon))
Barry Allen
Wally West
Martian Manhunter
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Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff
Sam Wilson
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Yelena Belova
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Wade Wilson
Eddie Brock
Logan Howlett
Miguel O’Hara
Sunny X Miggy Series (Grumpy! Miguel O’Hara X Sunshine! Reader) 💗❤️‍🩹 (Retired series from old account)
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Moonlight Lies ( Bi-Han X Female! Reader) 💀🔥 ((coming soon))
Noob Saibot
Hanzo Hasashi (not the child)
Kuai Liang
Tomas Vrbada
Clearing the Smoke (Tomas ‘Smoke’ Vrbada X Female! Reader) 💗🔥❤️‍🩹💀 ((coming soon))
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Takeda Takahashi
Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Shang Tsung
Li Mei
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