#harry and bunnie au
askkassandragf-v-2 · 1 month
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In this alternate universe, after the episode of "the double" Madam Penny tells Jessica to go clean the magic room after Harry and Bunnie made a few messes in there, while she was cleaning up the stuff, something unexpected happened to her, and that someone drag her inside a whole new bizarre world.
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wrongplacerighttime · 4 months
little bunny masterlist
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agent!harry x agent!fmc
this is a 5 part series…contains mature and explicit content. please only read what you’re comfortable with. ♡
*indicates smut
little bunny (part one)*
grace and harry go undercover in a sex club. tensions come to light and harry just can’t take it anymore.
only you (part two)*
harry gets jealous and grace swears she’ll never speak to him again.
yes, sir (part three)*
grace and harry are working a late night. harry follows her into the supply closet and things get interesting. grace has to confront feelings she doesn’t want to have.
halley’s comet (part four)*
grace stays behind on a case and she meets someone new. harry gets jealous, he calls her to apologize and she confesses something in a hazy state of mind. thinking she ruined everything, she hangs up and leaves him confused.
bitter winds* (part five)
grace just wants to forget about her feelings, but harry doesn’t. then she disappears.
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There’s something different about Potter.
Draco heard the other boy had spent the summer before seventh year at some sort of student duelling program in Russia. Maybe he was hit with a lingering giddiness spell. Or he hit his head and is even more of an idiot than before.
Stupid Potter, with his stupid smiles.
The other boy is often writing letters or in the owlery, and the amount of owlpost he receives is far greater than in previous years. Weasley and Granger keep giving him looks when he gets a letter or a package, too. Maybe Potter made a new friend and the golden trio’s about to fall apart.
(Draco keeps his fingers crossed for that option.)
The first morning that’s chilly enough to necessitate a muffler, it all becomes clear. 
Draco spots Potter, Granger, and the Weasel in the courtyard during a free period. “Oi, Potter – what’s with the scarf? Gryffindor doesn’t want you any more?”
Instead of the expected red and gold, the muffler wrapped around Potter’s stupid head is navy with black trim.
Weasley, predictably, turns a startling shade of red; Potter and Granger roll their eyes at him.
“Wow, Malfoy, top-notch insult. Slytherin’s best never ceases to impress,” Potter deadpans.
“That’s one way to say you know nothing about the colours of other magical schools,” Granger snipes. “How expectedly Anglocentric of you.”
“Harry’s boyfriend is–”
What. “Boyfriend?”
“Ron…” Potter sighs, and oh, he is blushing.
Draco sneers. “Oh, a boyfriend at Koldovstoretz, eh? I’ve heard that one before.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Weasley growls.
“How pathetic, making up a fake boyfriend.”
“Why would I make up a boyfriend?” Potter says incredulously. “I don’t care whether other people know about Vee or not.”
“Just ignore him, boys,” Granger says, and the three do just that, to Draco’s indignation.
Pshah, like anyone would be interested in dating Potter.
…And what kind of a name is ‘Vee,’ anyway?
But, as becomes obvious in early November, someone actually is interested in dating Potter. Or the scruffy git is so desperate to prove his boyfriend is real that he has someone pretend to send him a Howler love letter. Either way, it’s downright embarrassing to hear across the Great Hall - almost enough to put him off his breakfast.
Potter opens the red parchment cautiously, but relaxes as soon as he hears the voice it contains.
“Hello, darling,” the Howler says in a smooth, cultured voice, with the barest hint of an accent. Draco swears it sounds a little familiar. “I wanted to wish you good luck for your first quidditch game of the season. I know you’ll do phenomenally. One day, I’ll be in the stands, but for now know I am there in spirit, zolotse.”
Several other students swoon and start tittering to each other over the romantic cheesy message. Really, how sweet crass to send that schlock as a Howler, forcing everyone to hear it.
Stupid Potter and his stupid Russian boyfriend.
He was planning to cheer for Ravenclaw in today’s match anyway, but now he really hopes they crush Potter and his merry band of Gryffindorks.
(They do not. Draco is irritated for the rest of the weekend.)
The Hogwarts Express is nearly empty of students excited to be home for Yule, and Draco is doing a final check of the carriages when he sees it. He rushes outside to make sure it wasn’t an illusion some brat placed on the window, but no. That’s Tom Riddle, five-time IMC schools' duelling champion and Koldovstoretz’s wunderkind. And he’s embracing Potter.
Draco must make some sound, because Potter is suddenly facing him with his wand out.
“Malfoy, what the hell?”
“That’s– You–” he gapes. “Tom Riddle is your boyfriend?? He’s not Russian at all!”
“Who is this?” Riddle says, frowning at Draco, before turning the frown on Potter. “You haven’t told your friends we’re dating?”
Potter wrinkles his nose. “That’s not my friend, that’s Draco Malfoy.”
Understanding dawns in Riddle’s eyes and the frown dissipates.
Doubly rude.
“And everyone knows we’re dating. You sent a Howler to me at breakfast - the whole school heard it." Riddle looks so damn smug about that. "And people keep telling me to stop talking about it because of how ‘disgustingly soppy I am over you’ – their words.”
Riddle gives him a warm look. “Zaichik…”
“Your boyfriend’s name is ‘Vee!’” Draco insists. “How would anyone know that meant Tom freaking Riddle??”
“Because that’s what I call him? That’s what he likes to be called?” Potter says slowly, staring at Draco like he's grown an extra head. “I wasn’t aware all of Hogwarts needed to know his full name.”
He throws his arms up. “Unbelievable. How do you function on a day-to-day basis,” he mutters as he walks over to his mother, whose presence helps settle his vexed nerves. 
His only consolation is that he won’t have to see or hear about Potter for the next few weeks.
The first morning back from winter holidays, Potter receives another Howler. 
“Good morning, solnyshko. I’ve just gotten back to St. Petersburg and thought I’d drop you a line to wish you a good start to the term. I’m already counting the days until I see you again. 
“Yours, Tom Marvolo Riddle.”
“What?” someone squawks. 
Several different voices shout, “Tom Riddle?!” 
The sound of Potter’s embarrassed groan carries over the din. “Vee…”
Draco sits back and enjoys the chaos. At least one of those two love-struck idiots understands how these things work.
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slitheriyn · 2 months
Bunny Harry brings flowers to Severus
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he munched on a few dandelions before deciding to give one to sev too (for eating)
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decanthrope · 4 months
I present an AU
In a world where there is no Boy Who Lived, Harry goes into property development and eventually finds his way into home renovations and flipping. He doesn’t tend to go for your ordinary fixer uppers but instead cursed houses. Because they’ve got charm (okay, maybe it extends a little more than just a charm). Because, to be unflinchingly honest, normal houses are boring.
So Harry likes the houses that have dark pasts, that other renovators and real estate agents have trouble getting off the market. He likes them even when they call him crazy and laugh that he’ll never be able to resell.
I love the idea of Harry buying this fancy estate, maybe something like Grimmauld Place, but it hates him and flights back every time he tries to do any kind of work on it.
I’m talking cupboards refusing go open when he tries to replace hinges only to smack open just as he’s about to give up and giving him a bloody nose. The door refusing to cooperate when he arrives every day, not unlocking and not opening when he finally brute forces the lock open.
I love the idea of him threatening the house, arguing, bargaining, bribing, and begging in turns while neighbours and passers by (muggle and wizard alike) goggle at him and thinking he’s insane. I love the idea od Harry having to smile, make awkward small talk and try to make people believe he’s normal despite months of this behaviour.
I love the idea of Draco, maybe a neighbour, maybe working nearby, watching all of this and slowly (and reluctantly) starting to have feelings about someone who’s absolutely insane. (And maybe sitting on his feelings because he knows Harry’s time is limited, and when he’s done working on the house, he’ll move on to the next one and leave Draco behind, and all he’ll have is memories that might actually be a weird fever dream.)
I love the idea (so much) of the house doing its damnedest to sabotage every effort Harry makes to flirt with Draco and trying so hard to play it off as being “sooo normal, it’s fine, we get along great! Honestly, it’s just being playful we have a great relationship. I love when the house keeps almost dismembering me! What? No, the fact that I nearly had 17 meltdowns when I did the double glazing and am now scared to go near windows probably for the rest of my life isn’t a trauma response!”
I especially love the idea of, despite Draco’s issues, them getting together like a 90s romance flick:
When the project is in its final stages of wrapping up and Harry has (despite the odds and the house’s best efforts to thwart him) fixed it up, Draco—stressed and emotionally overwhelmed by the thought of never seeing Harry again and missing out on the chance of happiness—runs after him and makes his great big confession. And then Harry goes, “not saying no, but, uh, I’m going to be around for the next six weeks at least to do staging and see if we can’t break some of the curses that would probably have any new owners dead in the first couple days. I was planning on asking you out before I left. Christ, Malfoy, I just closed on a property down the road, I’m not moving to a remote tropical island.”
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ninahartist · 1 year
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🎨: South Park x Harry Potter AU!
Kenny,Kyle and Stan are from Gryffindor and Marjo is from Hufflepuff. These are just my Hcs haha.
I’ve been watching Harry Potter for the first time and I’m lovin it so much!
----> If you like my art consider following me! @ninahartist 💙
----> Comments and sharing are always welcome 💙
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groriatrevi10xx · 22 days
...The Mirror World...
-Rosario Cruz-
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G: Kassa asked me what Rosa would be like in the World of Harry & Bunnie, also in the Au of these.../Kassa me preguntó cómo sería Rosa en el Mundo de Harry & Bunnie, también en el Au de estos...
And here is the answer, the one with purple hair... You can say that she is the reflection of Rosa, who escaped from a mirror... Exactly a bad double inspired by an episode of this show.../Y aquí está la respuesta, la del cabello morado... Se puede decir que es el reflejo de Rosa, quien escapó de un espejo... Exactamente una doble mala inspirada en un episodio de este programa...
{M: I hope you like it Kassa, I spent a lot of time thinking about what {Rosa} would be like in this show... I spent a lot of time repeating the videos you sent me to see if it gave me an idea, thanks also for the information you sent me about the Au... It helped me a lot.../Espero que te guste Kassa, estuve mucho tiempo pensando en cómo sería {Rosa} en este show... Estuve mucho tiempo repitiendo los videos que me enviaste a ver si me daba una idea, gracias también por la información que me enviaste sobre el Au.. Me ayudó mucho...
Before I leave, in this universe Rosa... Her name is Rosario.../Antes de irme, en este universo Rosa... Su nombre es Rosario...
Exactly the name that is above with the last name.../Exactamente el nombre que está arriba con el apellido...}
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diamondmeadow · 7 months
I’ve got the best idea for a holiday wolfstar fic in my head. It’s been there for over a month and I’m slowly working on my playlist for it too. I’ve got all these scenes in my head and lines I want to use and then I sit down behind my computer and it’s like I have never written a single word in my life. I mean I’m incredibly rusty but in the past 6 months I’ve written at least 150k words while roleplaying so why on earth is this so different.
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kind-hufflepuff · 8 months
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ac3-silvers · 7 months
Oh my god I have fallen into a new tunnel for the warren of plot bunnies and found another hoard…
I started reading Scum Villian recently and am addicted. It’s frankly the best shit I have ever read outside of fanfics.
So obviously, my brain provided more bunnies and I am now writing a crossover for it and have a couple more ideas lingering in the back of my head trying to manifest as a full on rabbit in the warren.
The one in the works is a Harry Potter crossover but not the “standard” one, and is MoShang bc those guys are somehow my favorite ship despite the main one being just as fun.
Help. Me.
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askkassandragf-v-2 · 15 days
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Well, I decided to draw Jessica and other characters for my The mirror world AU (and yes, I decided to add a TF2 character in it cuz why not. xDD) in the Harry and Bunnie art style, not the best but here they are! Both regular and bizarre versions. :'))
Rosario belongs to @groriatrevi10xx
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wrongplacerighttime · 5 months
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agent!harry x agent!fmc
part one here ᵕ̈ // little bunny masterlist
the one where grace and harry don’t want to admit their feelings, then another undercover opportunity comes up, this time at a swinger party. harry gets jealous, grace hates him and swears she’ll never speak to him again (but does she really?) // little bunny part 2
ITS FINALLY DONE!!!!!! Im sorry it’s SO LATE ksckskckskc you can be mad it’s okay i understand im terrible.
wc: 6.1k
tw: mentions murder, swinger party (not harry and grace), jealous!harry, angsty vibes, unprotected sex, little bit of fluff at the end
Only You
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“No! Absolutely not!” Grace snapped at Harry, stomping her foot like a Kindergartener who didn’t get their way. Harry grins at her display of frustration while crossing his arms over his chest, the sleeves around his biceps tightening. She doesn’t ever want to go undercover again, not after the last time. “You could ask literally anybody else.” She gestured out of the conference room window to their coworkers Gina and Kelly standing around the desk of a police officer, one whose name Grace didn’t remember. They’re discussing details of the most recent case before they go out to the latest crime scene.
“Yeah…but they don’t always fit the profile.” Harry argued back, then his smile grew. “You, however…you always fit the profile, bunny.”
She straightens, her mouth opening to speak before she quickly snaps it closed when she can’t gather her thoughts fast enough to answer. A heat swirls below her belt, one that she can’t blame on the Dallas climate. The weather was brutal, and to top it off, the air conditioning in the station was out. Stand up fans and box fans littered around the station only blew hot air around, not giving them any reprieve. She feels a bead of sweat trickle down her temple, her eyes trail over Harry, flicking to the three buttons of his shirt that were undone and showing just enough of his chest and the light sheen of sweat. She licks her bottom lip before pulling it between her teeth, her mind wandering. He looks like sex, standing there with his hands on his hips and his gun holstered on his belt. She imagines herself striding the short distance over to him and crashing her lips to his before dipping her head down and trailing her tongue over—
“Besides, I was just asking in case we did need to go undercover again, would you?” His voice pulls her from her daydream. She blinks the imagery from her mind, forcing herself back into the mindset she needs for this case.
“No. Final answer. Ask someone else.” She turns on her heel, walking out of the room before she can’t satiate the heat pooling between her thighs.
“Way to be a team player!” He yells from the doorway, causing heads to turn her direction. She doesn’t turn around, instead flipping her middle finger up towards him as she creates more distance between them. She rounds the corner, eyes falling to the floor as she makes her way to the breakroom. She grabs a water from the fridge, leaning against the counter before downing half of it. She breathes a heavy sigh, making a mental note to tell Aaron that she needed some time off after this case.
Grace and Harry haven’t been together since the case in Seattle. The martini’s she had that night forced her into a brief lapse of judgment, as gin usually did. Her clouded mind made her desire for a man who didn’t want her grow into something unfathomable. That night, after they left the room, Jesse made his move on Grace like they expected he would. His partner, the woman whose name they later found out was Margot, had cornered Harry when Grace went to retrieve her coat. Once Harry was distracted, Jesse followed Grace out the door and down the sidewalk, what he didn’t expect was Aaron to be following him as well. She knew Aaron wouldn’t let Jesse get too far, but she was still scared when he grabbed her from behind and dragged her into a dark alley. He put a knife to her throat and whispered in her ear about how she was a disgrace, pathetic and powerless for cheating on her fictional husband. She almost grabbed her gun from her coat pocket, but she wasn’t expecting Harry to be the one pulling her away, holding her to his chest as Aaron grabbed Jesse and put him in cuffs. And even though Grace wanted to be the one to do it, she found in that moment, that she didn’t care. She was just glad they got there before he slit her throat.
She shakes the traumatic memory from her mind, pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes. Maybe it was just the heat, or maybe it was the fact that this case was almost too similar. Except now their new suspect was targeting young married couples. They don’t have much to go on yet, but they knew they needed to act quickly. Grace turns information over in her head, thinking, trying her hardest to come up with some idea. The first couple found was assumed to be a murder-suicide, until the next couple showed up a week later with the same exact MO. They know he forced them to have sex before he kills them, but he makes them wear a condom. To them, it makes no sense. The couples are married, and why would he make them wear a condom if he was just going to kill them? He’s in control of the entire situation, making them comfortable before shooting them at point-blank range after the husband “finishes”.
She combs through the information over and over, forcing her mind to find any new angle that she can come up with but she fails. She rubs her sweaty palms over her jeans and walks back towards the main area of the station. Gathered around a whiteboard, Harry and Aaron are discussing possible motives with a few officers. Harry mentions their last case, the sex club and asks them if there's anything like that around this area. An idea sparks in Grace’s mind, and she makes her way to them.
“What if it’s a swinger community?” She blurts out and they turn to look at her, Harry raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing we have suggests that.” Harry mutters and her nostrils flare, because of course he would be arguing with her. That’s what he does best.
“Nothing suggests another sex club either, jackass.” She snaps at him, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. “How would he get them to even agree to go anywhere with him unless they were already open to the idea of having a third?” Harry’s eyes travel down to the V in her shirt, giving him a view of her chest that’s speckled red from heat before he rakes them over the curve of her hips. His eyes flick back to her face studying the baby hairs stuck to her temple with sweat while she talks. His jaw ticks once and he turns back to the whiteboard.
“I don’t think it’s a stretch to assume that, Styles.” Aaron interjects, and Harry rolls his eyes, capping the marker he was holding and walking away. When no one shares his theories, he gets angry because he can’t piggyback onto them for defense. “I’m going to call Agent Morgan and Agent Jones, tell them to find out whatever they can about the swinger community in this area.” Grace nods, walking towards the door in hopes she can find any reprieve from the stuffy heat inside the station. Once outside, she leans against the building, running a hand over her forehead damp with sweat and swears under her breath. She could already tell it was going to be a long week.
By Wednesday, they were fed up. With the case, with the heat, and with each other. It was the hottest day of the week by far. They were shedding any layers they could while still maintaining modesty, but thankfully, the officers were understanding when they walked in to see the women in tanktops and the men with their buttons undone down their chests. They had it worse, and Grace felt sorry for them, always having to have a full uniform and heavy gear strapped to their belts. Grace flicks her gaze up from a file she was reading as Lieutenant Nathan Davis strides through the door of their conference room carrying a file. He smiles at her and she mirrors it back to him, everyone noticing that he’s taken a quick liking to her. Something she’s never been good at identifying.
“Hey, I think I have something here.” He says, laying the file of the most recent murder on the table before pulling over the one from the first. “Both husbands, they’re what one could consider “alphamales”. They go to the gym and work out relentlessly, they have high-power careers. People who knew them said they had kind of overbearing personalities.” He points out highlighted areas and Grace nods. Harry narrows his eyes.
“But they have no specific traits that make them similar. The women however…” He trails off, turning to look at the board with their pictures pinned up, and it was uncanny, the similarities between the two women. Once they noticed, an uneasy ambience settled over the room.
After a few hours, most of the team had checked out and gone to the hotel. The lieutenant was still in the conference room, sat next to Grace and attempting to make small talk while they worked. Harry’s eyes narrowed as he worked on the geographical profile, facing away from them as to not give away his expression.
“So, how's life in D.C? Is it as busy as everyone says it is?” Nathan asks her and she nods, eyebrows pulling together before she relaxes the muscle.
“It’s always busy. But it’s not so bad. I like it there, lots of history in that city. I’m into that sort of thing.” She answers as she highlights part of the coroner's report.
“I’ve been thinking about making a trip there. Maybe when I do we could get together.” He suggests and she grins.
“Oh for sure! I could show you the best museums.” She says, and looks back down at the report in front of her, not picking up on his flirting. Harry rolls his eyes, turning around to grab another push pin. He peeks up from his lashes, catching the way Nathan keeps flicking his eyes down to Graces lips, and the way he scoots his chair closer to her but she scoots away and creates a distance between them. He almost laughs, but covers it up with a cough causing the both of them to glance in his direction. He didn’t look up at them, instead turning to the board and putting the red pin in its rightful place, hiding his smirk from them.
Grace and Harry stayed at the station until the night dissipated into morning, the orange sun rising in the sky as the rest of their team made their way into the conference room. They relayed information, dismissing themselves to the hotel to get a few hours of sleep. Grace tried all night to have conversations with Harry but received one word responses or a cold shoulder in general and she was at her wits end by the time they were walking down the block towards the hotel.
They walked in silence, and Grace felt like she was running to keep up with Harry’s long strides, and it wouldn’t take an expert to see that he was tense. His expression was hardened and his fists were shoved deep into his pockets, eyes never straying from the path ahead of them. She swallows, opening her mouth to speak and before she can even get a word out he interrupts her.
“Don’t.” He warned, and her mouth snapped shut, looking down at the ground with a sigh.
“Noted.” she muttered under her breath, acknowledging he wasn’t in the mood to speak to her. She doesn’t know if he’s upset at her or frustrated with the case, but she decides on the latter because she can’t think of any reason why he would be angry at her.
They go their separate ways once they reach their floor, Harry going straight and Grace turning right off the elevator. She fumbles with the keycard, pushing the door open as soon as the light turns green and locking it behind her. She trudges to the bathroom, peeling off her clothes and taking the coldest shower she can stand, washing the sticky feeling sweat had left behind on her skin. Refreshed, she dresses into a more comfortable outfit and slips on a pair of shoes, deciding she was going to walk down the hallway and see if Harry wanted to get something to eat before they inevitably passed out from exhaustion.
She knocks once, and the door swings open. He’s standing there, towel wrapped around his hips with water dripping off the ends of his hair. He huffs, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest, the muscles in his arms popping at the position. She swallows the nervous lump in her throat as he stares at her, his gaze making her almost uncomfortable.
“I-I just wanted to check on you. It just seems like something is bothering you and I just wanted to see if—”
“See if what? If you could fix it?” He interrupts her, and she shakes her head in shock at his tone. “What if you’re what's bothering me? Then what, Grace?” He tilts his head, studying her, and it's almost condescending, the way he’s speaking to her.
“Whatever I did, I’m sorry, I don’t—”
“You think just because we fucked one time I’m going to be nice to you?” He stares at her with a hardened expression and she’s confused. She doesn’t understand the change in his mood, and he’s never spoken to her this way before. He stands there, looking down at her fiddling with her fingers and he almost caves. Almost. He needs to push her away, he doesn’t want her to get comfortable with him. The only way to do that is if he’s callous towards her so she’ll run away from him, then he’ll have his sanity back. Because the truth is terrifying to him, and since the moment he crashed his lips to hers in that club, the only thing he can think about is the way she tasted. They way she squeezed around his cock just right. The way she whimpered into his mouth when he thumbed over her clit. He’s craving her. But, he can’t face the feelings he has for her. He doesn’t want to admit that he was jealous watching Nathan flirt with her at the station…and Grace couldn’t tell he was wearing the mask that he’s become so comfortable behind.
“I just wanted to see if you were okay…and if you wanted to get breakfast since we were at the station all night…” Her voice trails off and she feels small under his patronizing stare, her eyes flicking down to her feet and the floor.
“You should go ask Lieutenant Nathan if he wants to get breakfast with you. The man already has a hard on for you and if you ask him he’ll probably cum in his pants.” He sneers and she snaps her head back up to him, he’s leaning against the doorframe, and she doesn’t know where this is even coming from.
“That’s what this is about?” She becomes defensive now, and she scoffs. “Are you jealous?” She laughs, a laugh laced with sarcasm and he grips his bicep, the muscle dimpling under his skin at the force. “That’s rich coming from you Harry, really. Just because a man is being nice doesn’t mean he’s flirting. And you have no right to be jealous even if he was.” Her breath is heavy with rage in her lungs, and his eyes flare with something she can’t quite pinpoint. She feels her cheeks redden from the anger taking over her conscience.
“You know, I don’t want to tiptoe around your feelings, Grace.” His voice is low, and her hands ball in fists at her sides. “You’re just…pathetic and helpless…like a little bunny.” The words come out before he can stop them, the same words Jesse used against her in that dark alley less than three weeks ago, and she visibly flinches, the fire in her eyes dying out. His flare for a moment longer before it dissipates and the reality of what he actually said hits him. His expression softens, and he reaches for her. She steps back, moving away from him like his touch would burn her. Her gaze hardens again, the heat behind her cheeks simmers.
“Fuck you, Harry.” The words fall from her lips, burning like venom and she storms away from him. Her steps come faster, and then she’s sprinting down the hall far, far away from him. No amount of distance feels like enough. The combination of tears falling down her cheeks and the wind from running cools her burning skin. Rounding the corner, she fumbles with her keycard as she reaches the door, her vision blurring making it hard to see the slot, but once she jams it in she throws the door open and shuts it behind her, leaning against it and sliding to the floor. She sobs, thinking of any reason why his words would affect her like this. He’s always been an asshole, always saying things to get under her skin…but none of them have ever hurt in this way.
Behind his door, Harry is pacing, running his hands through his hair and tugging at the root. He didn’t mean to let his anger take over, speaking for him in a moment like that. It was a terrible form of self-sabotage, the way he always let his emotions get the best of him. He wanted to go to her, apologize (something he never did), but he had a feeling he just fucked up any chance he had with her.
Grace had moved to the bed at some point, hugging her knees to her chest before she drifted into sleep. In her dreams, all she saw was the anger behind Jesse’s eyes when he grabbed her, her eyes close as Jesse gets close to her face, his words spitting from behind his lips, and when she opens them, it’s not Jesse holding her against the wall. It’s Harry.
She jolts awake, sitting up in the bed, pressing her fingers into her eyes to force the image of him away. She checks the time on her phone, jumping from the bed and throwing on an outfit that better suits her line of work. She straps her holster on her belt, walking out the door. She makes her way down the street to the station, going inside to find her team gathered in the conference room, minus Harry. She sighs with relief and finds a chair, joining in with conversation as Aaron informs them about new information pertaining to their case.
“We have found out that this man has to be married, there’s no way for him to get into the swinger parties without a partner. We don’t suspect the wife has anything to do with his crimes, or if she even knows he’s committing them.” Aaron pulls a chair out, sliding into it and his eyes move to movement coming through the doorway. Out her peripheral, Grace see’s Harry pull up a chair to the table.
“We want you to go undercover again, Grace.” He clears his throat once, and her eyes meet his. “You’re his type…as uncanny as that sounds.” Just like last time.
“Yeah, sure. Whatever.” she mutters, picking at her fingernails. Her mind wanders away from the conversation. Her teeth sunk into the skin of her lip, the metallic taste of her own blood meeting her tongue. She tried to stay out of her own mind, but it was hard when the only thing she thought about was if she would be in danger again. She feels Harry’s voice fading in through her thoughts as she forces her attention back to the conversation.
“...and I don’t think it’s a good idea for me and Grace to go undercover together again.” His eyes flick over to her momentarily before he looks back at Aaron.
“Well, I guess it could be—”
“I could do it.” A voice behind them speaks and they all turn to see Lieutenant Nathan standing in the doorway, holding a folder in his hands. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just overheard the conversation. I’m willing to go in there, with Grace.” He looks at Harry once before going back to Aaron, then to Grace. “I’d just need a little bit of a rundown on what to do.” He says to her and she nods.
“Yeah. Yeah, of course.” She agreed. “I can give you the basics.” Her voice is low and he nods at her, and she stands, following him out the door.
Harry watches her go.
She’s nervous, she can’t deny it. Nathan holds her hand in his, fingers laced together as they stand in front of the mahogany door. He rings the doorbell, reminding himself of the backstory they decided on and straightens his posture. Grace fiddles with the earpiece tucked behind her hair, feeling like something is sticking out of place and poking her. She tries to ignore the feeling as she looks up at Nathan, waiting. The door opens and the hostess of the party smiles, making room for them to walk through the door. She introduces herself as Diana, and informs them of the rules for the night. She knows who they are and why they’re here, Aaron giving her a rundown when he called her into the station. She was sworn to secrecy, and more than willing to let them into her house to catch the man who was killing people she had considered friends.
She knew that Aaron and the rest of the team were set up down the road, sitting and waiting in their SUVs for the signal once the suspect was in their car with them and driving down the road to their secondary location. She felt a little bit of comfort knowing that they would arrest him before he even got the chance to hurt them, but she was still terrified after her situation with Jesse and she didn’t want to risk being put into another situation like that.
She felt Nathan's hand squeeze hers, silently reassuring her that he was here and he wouldn’t let anything happen to her…a stark contrast to the touch she received from Harry when they were in their similar situation. She was just thankful that she didn’t have to walk into this party wearing almost nothing. Her eyes flitted over the room of people, looking for anyone who fit their profile. He would be a little jittery, but nothing that would be noticeable to any unassuming person. He’s going to be someone people trust, someone who could easily lure them away. A familiar face in the crowd for the unsuspecting party goers.
Nathan rests his hand on the small of her back, pulling her to his side to show affection like a typical married couple would. He bends over, kissing her temple once and her cheeks heat from the gesture.
“You look really nice, by the way. I didn’t get to say that before we came in here.” He whispers in her ear and she looks up at him, giving him a small smile. She glances around the room once more, trying to put a face to their profile. She breathes in once, seeing a man chatting up a couple before his eyes glance around until they meet hers. A man with short, dark hair. About 5’7” in height. He takes a seat beside them on the couch, introducing himself as Steven Durst. He’s married to a woman named Billie, who’s also around the house somewhere he states. He doesn’t elaborate on much, only telling them he’s the manager of a hedge fund that deals with something outside of Grace’s realm of knowledge. She clocks his mannerisms, noticing the way his leg bounces up and down, and the way he chews on his lip. She notices his attention on her for the entirety of the conversation he’s having with Nathan.
She excuses herself to the bathroom, walking down the hall and slipping behind the safety of the door, locking it behind her.
“Aaron, I think we have our guy. Steven Durst.” She speaks quietly to him and her voice comes through the walkie he has in the cupholder between him and Harry. He relays the message to the police department, and they have a file on this guy in a matter of seconds. He looks over to Harry in the passenger seat, tense and looking out the window into the distance. His brows are furrowed together but he doesn’t say anything to him.
All Harry has heard for the past thirty minutes is Nathan complimenting and flirting with Grace and it’s making him resentful of a man he doesn’t even know. He’s staring at nothing, thinking about how he should be the one in there with her, he shouldn’t have backed down from the job when he was asked.
His thoughts race but he’s pulled from them when he hears the click of the gear shift as Aaron puts the car in drive. They follow the car that Grace is in with their suspect, and he swears he’ll kill this one if he even thinks of touching her. They drive for what feels like forever, keeping their distance a few cars back as they hear Steven Durst through the earpiece saying sinful things, things Harry could never think of and implicating himself. He feels his anger bubbling in his chest at the thought of this disgusting person saying these vile things to Grace. His Grace.
Whatever happens next is a blur to him. They pull into the parking spot beside Nathan’s car and Harry pulls Steven from the back seat before Steven can even get his gun from his waistband. He pulls it out for him, chucking it into the grass and putting the man in handcuffs. He pushes him over to Aaron, who takes hold of the chain between the locks and walks him to a police car. Grace walks away, going to the other car and not the one Harry came in and jumping in the backseat without so much as a glance in his direction. He drops his hands to his sides, defeated before getting back into the passenger seat and sitting in silence as they make their way back to their hotel.
Grace is brushing her teeth when she hears a loud banging on her door, and whoever it is sounds impatient as they persistently bang their fist against the metal. She looks at herself once in the mirror before going to look through the peephole. Standing on her tiptoes, she sees Harry standing there, unable to read his expression because his head is tilted towards the floor as he waits for her to open the door. She sighs heavily, debating on whether or not she should open it…but then he bangs his fist again and she’s had it.
“What the fuck do you want?” She sneers as she opens it and he doesn’t acknowledge her, just storms his way into her room right past her. She lets go of the door, allowing it to close as she follows him deeper into the room. She sees him standing with his back towards her. “Hello? You can’t just barge in here like—”
“You’re a real piece of work, Grace.” He laughs, but it's not one of humor. He turns to face her, and his pupils are blown. She knows that look. It’s the same look he gave her in that private room of the club. The one she saw when he was driving his cock into her deeper than anyone else has ever reached. And even though she’s still angry, she can’t help the heat that swirls in her chest and travels straight to her thighs.
“What now, Harry? Please enlighten me.” Her sarcasm has him shaking his head, running his tongue over his bottom row of teeth before he answers.
“Think I liked listening to that fucker flirt with you all night? Trying to win you over with a cheesiness that would make any sane person cringe.” He states and she narrows her eyes at him.
“Aaron asked you if you would—”
“No. You were pissed at me, and that would’ve given us away too quickly.” He interrupts and she rolls her eyes.
“Okay, then you have no reason to be mad when you declined the offer.” She crosses her arms, and his eyes trail over her body. Her shirt that was oversized and dropped just down to her thighs, thighs he wanted wrapped around his waist more than anything else. “For the record, I’m still pissed. Now leave.” She points to the door and he smirks.
“Do you really want me to though?” He slowly closes the distance between them, and she retreats away until her back meets the wall. He cages her head between his arms, head dipping to her line of vision. His lips are so close that she could pucker and they would touch. She keeps them in a thin line, not wanting to give away her guise. He nudges her nose with his. “He’s not me.”
“Maybe that’s what I like about him.” Her words come out breathless, her voice betraying her. Her lips brush his as she speaks and he hums.
“Y’know…ever since Seattle, can’t stop thinking of the little noises you make, the way you squeeze around me when you cum. The feeling of your fingers twisting in my hair…You ruined me for anyone else, bunny.” He mutters and she whimpers, her eyes fluttering closed. He pulls away. “But, call Nathan. Tell him to come fuck you.” He drops his arms, moving towards the door but she grabs his bicep before he can get too far.
“No. Want you.” She assures him and he surges forward, lips crashing into hers as he captures her face in his hands. And it’s blissful, the way his tongue dances with hers. She whimpers again into his mouth as he fists the hair at the nape of her neck. He trails his hands down her body, tapping her hips once and she jumps, he catches her on the back of her thighs as she wraps her legs around his waist. He carries to the bed, the kiss never faltering. She wraps her arms around the back of his neck as he lays her down. He pulls away momentarily as he pushes her shirt up, exposing her body to him and he lets out a groan, his head dropping to her chest as he pulls the shirt over her head. He wants nothing more than to taste her and have her squirming and shaking just from his tongue lapping at her. She watches him admiring her body, knowing he’s just taking her time to make her beg, make her needy like he wanted her to be the first time.
The heat between her thighs grows and he drops to his knees at the edge of the bed, hooking his arms under her thighs and pulling her to the edge of the bed. He drags his lips lightly up the skin of her inner thighs before his hot breath blows over her clit and makes her buck her hips upwards towards him. She whines and he backs away, creating distance.
“Let me take my time, Grace.” His voice is sweet and honeyed, making her breath catch in her throat. She almost argues, but before she can get a word out his tongue drags through her folds and flicks her clit and she lets out a moan so loud her neighbors would think she’s watching porn. He hums with satisfaction as his mouth closes around her and the vibrations send waves of pleasure straight down her spine.
“Taste so sweet, bunny. Never gonna be able to give you up.” He mutters against her and her hands find his hair, grabbing and fisting as she pulls his head back to her. He licks and sucks at her clit, eating her like a man starved and his name falls from her lips between moans over and over, bringing her closer to release. She glances down as his eyes come up to look at her. He smirks and lets his eyes flutter closed, getting lost in her and she doesn’t think she can hold on any longer.
“H-harry. Gonna cum.” She breathes out and her chest heaves as her breaths become labored.
“I know, sweet girl. Let go for me.” His encouraging words mixed with him pushing two fingers into her is all it takes. He pumps his fingers, hooking and curling finding just the right spot, and she tumbles over the ledge, crying his name over and over as he works her through it. He comes back up to her, kissing her and tasting herself on his tongue is the most erotic she’s ever felt.
“Please.” She begs against his lips and he doesn’t waste any time pulling his heavy cock out of his pants and stripping his shirt off his torso. Her nails rake down his chest and he pumps once with his hand before lining up with her entrance, dragging the head of his cock through her arousal. He pushes in slowly, dropping his head to her shoulder as he groans. He stills once he’s fully inside her, allowing her to adjust to him. She grips onto his biceps as he pulls out to the tip and slowly goes back in. He moans against her skin, sinking his teeth into her shoulder and her eyes flutter closed, feeling every ridge and every vein. He brings his forehead to meet hers, lips enveloping hers as he pushes in and pulls out, and she knows he's holding back.
“More. Please.” She whines against his mouth and he fulfills her request, picking up his pace as he sits up, pulling her legs over his shoulders and somehow he hits deeper than he already has. She cries out again, bringing her hand to her mouth to stifle her moans of pleasure. He grabs her wrist, pulling her hand away and shakes his head.
“No. Wanna hear those pretty noises, bunny.” His voice is low and breathy, hips smacking against hers and her eyes flutter closed. He doesn’t relent, keeping his pace and trailing his thumb over her open lips before pressing it against her tongue. She wraps her lips around it, pulling it further into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it. He groans, the image of her on her knees and taking him down her throat on his mind.
“Nobody but me, Grace. Nobody can fuck you like I do.” He says between gritted teeth and she looks up at him with round eyes, his thumb pulling her jaw open and she whines. “You’re mine.” She nods.
“Yours. Only yours.” She says between breaths. His movements begin to falter at her willingness to comply with his words.
“Fuck.” he curses under his breath, letting her legs fall from his shoulder and bending over her as he drives into her. She clenches around him, willing him to come inside her again, craving the feeling it left her with. “Such a good girl.” He mutters against the valley between her breasts. His tongue darts out, licking a stripe up to her neck and pulling her skin between his teeth. His hand comes between their bodies and he presses his thumb against her already sensitive bud. Her hips buck against his hand, and he rubs small circles with light pressure.
“One more, bunny. Need you to give me one more. Know you can.” His movements grow sloppy and her eyes squeeze shut and pleasure sends her brain into a frenzy. The coil snaps and she’s a mess of whining and moaning his name over and over. He follows her as she squeezes around him, his cock twitching as he releases and he holds himself up on wobbly arms.
They lay there for a few minutes, catching their breath and he strokes his thumb over her temple and pushes her hair away from her face. She smiles at him, dazed from the high she’s still coming down from. Their hearts pound in synchrony behind their ribs and he pulls out of her, leaving her feeling empty.
He rolls onto his back beside her, pulling her to his side and holding her for a moment, something he didn’t get to do after the first time, and it was something he thought about every day since then, wanting to shower her with affection afterwards. He nudges her forehead with his nose and he brings his lips to plant a light kiss on the bridge of her nose.
“Only you, Grace.” He says and she smiles. “Only you.”
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Harry & Bunnie but in Hello killer (1/2)
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slitheriyn · 2 months
Bunny Harry screams loud whenever someone tries to annoy him.
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lesson learned
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whumpitlikeyoumeanit · 8 months
Harry Potter AU where Lucius actually was under the imperius and he has to deal with that trauma of barely remembering a huge chunk of his life and the suspicion of the entire public.
He's not smooth or sly... he's scared and twitchy and Draco gets bullied and Narcissa was imprisoned/abused during the 1st war and they're all falling apart.
Funnest fact:
If Lucius was under the Imperius for the duration of the first war, that means he lost everything from ages roughly ~18 to ~27.
(I was going to say "even if that waited until Voldemort was really gaining momentum, let's call it ~21 to ~27", but actually, it would make sense to get him sooner -- having the Malfoy scion as a recruitment agent would be very effective among a Certain Sort. So yeah, Imperius him as he leaves school and have him recruit from high society and do some politicking.)
He wouldn't remember getting married. He'd basically wake up and find that he apparently married his girlfriend (or, were they even together before? potential drama there, too), and, at best, she has 10 years of memories that, to him, happened to a total stranger. At worst, now she's grown to hate him over the last ten years for things he doesn't remember doing. But of course, they're good high society, so there's no possibility of airing dirty laundry and separating, so they're stuck together.
He wouldn't remember Draco being born. He'd wake up and discover he has a year old kid he has no connection to... and is probably a constant reminder of all that missing time, all that he must have done.
This is not a happy family. This is three broken people rattling around an empty mansion avoiding each other.
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sylviawitch · 7 months
HP Plot Bunny
AU Where Sirius Black really was the Potters’ Secret Keeper and when he and Peter Pettigrew met, Sirius threw a curse which killed the Muggles, but Peter transformed, so the curse only caught his finger before he became a rat.
The thing is, the curse catching him affected his animagus transformation and he can’t transform back, which is why he spends all those years as a rat in a wiazarsing family. At first he tries to get them to realise he’s not really a rat, but after a while, he almost forgets himself, until Sirius breaks out of Azkaban…
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