#haunts Britain
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Elliott O'Donnell - Haunted Britain - Consul - 1963
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isogenderskitty · 3 months
i love the strange liminal space that’s sometimes the USA and sometimes the UK that the very potter trilogy takes place in it’s very funny to me
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thetrueparanormal · 20 days
A new haunted location article is out now! The Albert Hall 😄
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verflares · 2 months
i Wish i had some degree of sewing/plushmaking powers because honestly that might be the only thing between me and diying my own light dragon plushie. if i can be so real
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oldtvandcomics · 1 month
I'm honestly not quite sure how to feel about the new Doctor Who season.
It is waaaay too high budget. The stories are just as weird and unhinged as ever. It feels like it has something to say. The marketing is trying to sell it as this new era. It really is not. It feels like there was a major break somewhere. The exact same people are working on it as they did over a decade ago. It feels like they have something to say. The Doctor is Black now and the show is more outspoken queer / queer friendly. It feels like Chibnall's era had more people of color in it. It is using the same stupid tired tropes as it has for almost twenty years now. I just want to go back to exploring alien planets that all look like the British countryside. The Doctor keeps reminding us of how incredibly special he is even among Time Lords and Ruby is A Mystery To Solve. On one hand it has an outspoken pro-adoption and chosen family message, on the other Ruby's birth mother is going to be Important™. I just want them to have fun adventures in a quarry.
And none of this matters, because you could find this kind of joy and whimsy only in Doctor Who and Legends of Tomorrow, and Legends got cancelled for being too queer.
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 11 months
and by explain i don’t mean do like a phd dissertation. just a simple outline of what they are, what they do etc. also feel free to specify stuff like level of education or specific country in the tags if you’re comfortable doing so 👍
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fromoutoftheshadows · 7 months
Tԋҽ Aɳƈιҽɳƚ Rαɱʂ Iɳɳ
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The Ancient Ram Inn is an 800 year old former Inn. Sitting in in Wotton, it claims to be England's most haunted building. The Deeds to The Ram Inn, are mostly in Norman French and are held at Gloucester. They read, The Ancient Ram Inn dates to Time Immemorial, so it could be much older than 800 years.
The Ancient Ram Inn was home to John Humphries and a Guest House, which evolved into a Paranormal Location because it has a life of its own. Tourist Attraction now primarily operating a Paranormal Event Location.  Over the years it has played host to armies, monks, lords, ladies and highwaymen. And if many of the recent guests who've stayed there, and written messages in the visitor book, are to be believed… many of them haven't left!
The ancient inn is mentioned in the Domesday Book and is said to be built on an old pagan burial site.
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The Bishop's Room is apparently the most haunted place in the building. John Humphries himself won't spend a night in there, and always knocks before entering. The inn is a magnet for ghost hunters, so much so that it is rented out to visiting groups of paranormal investigators.
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Caroline Humphries current owner daughter of John Humphries .Credit: ITV News.
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n7punk · 2 years
TW : Britain - When I was reading your new fic I couldn't help but think about the new english prime minister and that theory that she's a sub - Did that contribute at all to this fic? Great fic btw, your work as always is amazing
i started writing the fic again a bit before i found out about that (heres my opinion: it is like 20x more obvious looking than some of, if not most of, the Actual Day Collars i researched, so... either she's Extremely clueless or its totally a collar) but that did pop into my head a few times while i was writing. i would say it was actively unhelpful tho because picturing liz truss's face while writing anything emotional, or worse, smutty... yeah it Doesn't Help
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primsycoldbottles · 2 years
no bigger curse than forgetting a book title and author and only being able to remember vague plot points
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ancestorsalive · 11 days
The tiny village terrorised by an ancient legend - BBC REEL
For generations, people around Britain have passed down stories of mythical black dogs that haunt their communities. Steeped in history, religion and superstition – sightings of the dog can be a sign that something dangerous is going to happen. In our modern lives where truth and fiction can blend all too easily, do these black dog legends show us how our ancestors dealt with troubled times? 
- Video by Howard Timberlake
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eileennatural · 1 month
here's my review of the uk: nobody here ever talks about the fact that former prime minister david cameron fucked that dead pig. sure it was back in his oxford days but the news only broke in 2015. black mirror made an episode about it. and nobody ever talks about it. i think about it every day but nobody wants to talk about it
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thetrueparanormal · 3 months
If you missed it, here is a snippet of my Levens Hall article which you can read the entirety of on thetrueparanormal.blogspot.com 😄
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 2 months
okay curse of the zounds + singles is my fav album but as much as i love Zounds, The Selecter are by far my favorite band, its just because i mostly listened to them through greatest hits and two tone compilation cds i never got attached to a spesific album like with other artists who i listened to mainly via albums. that being said Human Algebra is a 10/10 album and i have major respect for Pauline and Gaps for still touring and releasing great albums and evolving their music even. oh dear god. over 40 years after their peak of popularity.
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call-me-schmidt · 8 months
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orangesideirrational · 10 months
I will not be repeating myself
If you want your tea to be sweeter, add honey/ sugar
If you want it to be more mild/ cooler add milk
If you want it to be stronger let it steep for longer
If you want it to be bitter, take the teabag out and squeeze it into the drink. (This goes the other way too, do not do this if you do not want a more bitter cup of tea.)
If you do not want half-dissolved sugar at the bottom of your cup/ mug, add the sugar and teabag in, then add the water straight after boiling. This will dissolve the sugar before you drink.
And for gods sake, use a kettle.
Electric? Sure!
Stove-top? Alright!
Just please. For the love of all that is holy. Do not try to 'boil' your water in the fucking microwave.
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