#have I been spelling genesis wrong.
crowsyart · 2 years
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Haven’t nailed down which I’m sticking with yet but here’s our beloved class rep
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
A spell goes terribly wrong and Sephiroth is reverted to a toddler. What goes down and how do AGZC react? (Thank you for all your headcannons btw, they are wonderful!! ♥)
Accidental Toddler Sephiroth Acquisition
• Zack heads over to the materia room on the 49th floor to drop off some naturally formed materia he had found on a mission he just got back from. He sits around waiting for one of the scientists to assist him.
• He spots a basket of bright green materia orbs, mindlessly picks one up and starts playing with it. Then he's informed by one of the techs that the scientist responsible will only be in the office tomorrow. Zack forgets the materia isn't his and pocket it as he thanks the tech and leaves.
• Zack heads over to Sephiroth's office because he's bored and wants to see his buddy. He opens Sephiroth's office door. He is greeted by Sephiroth. Uh oh the materia is burning in his pocket. UH OH IT'S BURNING IN HIS POCKET.
• He takes the materia out and panic-drops it on the ground. He watches Sephiroth stand up and walk over to the materia to see if he can deescalate the situation.
• The materia explodes.
• And suddenly he's standing before three-year-old Sephiroth who looks very scared and confused.
• Cloud comes to Sephiroth's office after Zack had called him freaking out. Zack called Cloud first because Cloud is notoriously level-headed and won't yell at Zack for his mistake.
Zack: Thank god you're here! I don't know—
Zack: .......
*The yelling upsets Sephiroth, who buries his head in his hands and starts crying*
Cloud: Oh no! I didn't mean to scare you. Come here—*Cloud picks him up, immediately Sephiroth buries his head in Cloud's neck as he consoles him by bouncing him up and down*
Cloud: Wow so he really reverted back into a toddler.
Zack: Yup! And the worst part is *Zack picks up the broken materia* I have NO idea how to fix this!
*Sephiroth stops crying and gazes up curiously at Cloud's hair*
Cloud: Why don't you go back to the materia room and get help?
*Sephiroth reaches up and touches Cloud's hair*
Zack: Are you kidding me? I'd be in so much trouble! The best thing to to right now is find Genesis and Angeal. Genesis will know how to turn him back and Angeal will know how to care for him in the meanwhile.
Cloud: That sounds like a good idea. Are you up for it, Sephiroth?
Sephiroth: A chocobo!
Cloud: .........
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• Zack and Cloud run into the elevator en route to Angeal's apartment (where hopefully Genesis will also be). Unfortunately they run into Director Lazard.
Lazard: .......
Zack (to Cloud): Maybe if we don't mention the child he won't ask about the child.
Lazard: I'm inquiring about the child.
Cloud: There's a perfectly good explanation for this. Right, Zack?
*Zack wraps an arm around Cloud's back*
Zack: We got married and this is our child.
Cloud: WHAT?
Lazard: Why does the child look like Sephiroth?
Cloud: There's a perfectly good explanation for that. Right, Zack?
Zack: Sephiroth was our sperm donor.
• Zack, Cloud and Sephiroth stand there awkwardly as Lazard retrieves a small pill bottle from his breast pocket and downs it with a liquor flask.
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*Zack and Cloud bang on Angeal's door until it opens and Genesis greets them*
Genesis: How wonderful. You have a child!
Zack: We can explain—
Genesis: There's no need. I already know what this is.
Cloud: You do?
Genesis: Of course. You two had been in love all along, and then you went ahead, tied the knot, and thought it was a brilliant idea to ask Sephiroth to spare his sperm to create a child that looks exactly like him.
Cloud: Am I the only reasonable person around here??
Genesis: Either that or Zack accidentally turned Sephiroth into a toddler by misuse of materia.
Zack: Yes.
Genesis: Oh sweet goddess we're all going to be arrested.
• After explaining the whole thing thoroughly to Genesis and Angeal—who spends a good 10 minutes after yelling at him (while Genesis pulls Sephiroth's hair into a french braid), they inspect the broken materia.
• According to Genesis the spell can't be permanent, which means they should wait out Sephiroth's transformation until further notice.
*Cloud turns to Zack*
Cloud: You know what this means, right?
Zack: Yeah, it means we gotta take care of Sephiroth and make sure Hojo doesn't find out about his transformation.
Cloud: No, you asshole, it means that we just became parents and you never even asked me out for a date, much less put a ring on my finger.
Genesis, with Miniroth in his lap, who's playing with his earring: Now hang on, Angeal and I are older, and he's to stay in Angeal's apartment while he waits out the spell. This clearly means that Angeal and I are his parents.
Angeal: You don't even like children!
Genesis: How wrong you are. I rather enjoy the presence of certain—ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow take him take him TAKE HIM.
*Sephiroth is pulling on Genesis' earring*
*Zack grabs Sephiroth back*
Zack: How dare you?? Me and Cloud are his parents! You and Angeal can be his uncles.
Cloud: If anything Angeal is the mom friend, so he can be the mother.
Angeal: Don't be ridiculous.
*Sephiroth perks up at the mention of mother and looks at Angeal*
Sephiroth: Mama?
*Angeal breaks down crying, takes Sephiroth and runs off*
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• They're all giving Miniroth a bath. Sephiroth initially protests, but Angeal's soothing voice and gentle demeanor quickly put him at ease. Zack and Genesis are using plastic cups as a makeshift boats, and battling each other's ships with overexaggerated noises to make Sephiroth laugh.
• Cloud distracts Sephiroth by blowing bath bubbles and popping them. This makes Sephiroth giggle uncontrollably and attempt to make bubbles too.
• This results in Sephiroth splashing water at all of them and making a mess. No one can be mad because he looks so happy, and it's doubtful he was ever allowed to merge bath time and playtime in the labs under Hojo's "care"
• Then they feed him, another joint-effort as everyone thinks they know what's good for Sephiroth. Genesis cuts up Banora White apples into small, manageable pieces. He erupts in praises and cheer when Sephiroth manages to eat half the apple.
• Zack feeds him chips, but is a bad influence, and teaches Miniroth to blow the chip bag up and pop it. This of course results in chips flying everywhere and now Zack is stuck with a broom, cleaning it all up.
• Cloud offers him some milk (fun silly-straw included). Sephiroth accidentally knocks the cup over and spills it all over the table. He starts crying and apologizing, expecting them to scold him for the mistake.
• They absolutely don't do that. Angeal picks him up and console him while Zack and Cloud wipe up the mess. Sephiroth tearfully explains in his broken toddler speech that Professor Hojo always gets very mad and punishes him when he makes a mistake.
They have to physically hold Genesis down because he's all but ready to go down to the labs and kill Hojo, which is tempting, yes, but it would alert R&D of Sephiroth's transformation.
• They move on to playtime next in hopes it'll tire Sephiroth out enough to be put down for a nap. Imagine they're shock once they realize little Sephiroth doesn't have a lot of experience when it comes to playing with toys.
• He doesn't know what to do with the lego pieces Zack provided him with (which is good, in Angeal's opinion, because a three-year-old could definitely choke on them)
• Genesis coaxes Sephiroth into playing with a toy sword. It both amuses and pains him to realize how comfortable toddler Sephiroth feels with a weapon, as he's now play fighting with him and Cloud.
• Angeal finds a coloring book and crayons. He finds it very unnatural how Sephiroth tries his best to color inside the lines and doesn't make any mistakes. He chalks it up as another product of Hojo's ruthless "parenting" and encourages Sephiroth to scribble.
• Sephiroth learns that he loves to scribble.
• Sephiroth now wants to scribble everything in sight.
• Sephiroth spots Genesis' copy of Loveless.
• Genesis will have an unpleasant surprise later.
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• They finally put Sephiroth down for bed. Zack had ran all the way back to his place in search of every stuffed animal he could find—which just so happened to be 4 stuffed chocobos.
*Sephiroth looks at the stuffed chocobo*
*Sephiroth looks at Cloud*
*Sephiroth looks at the stuffed chocobo*
*Sephiroth looks at Cloud*
Cloud: AlriGHT I GET IT.
• Sephiroth falls asleep in Angeal's bed under a heap of blankets as Genesis reads him a bedtime story. As everyone else files out of the room, Zack decides to stay back and watch over him in case he wakes up.
• Everyone's perspective shifts after this incident.
Genesis: He had always nursed an unspoken envy for Sephiroth, but it wasn't until he saw a child denied their innocence and so not used to being carefree, all in the relentless pursuit of an untouchable hero status, that he truly understood the depth of Sephiroth's troubled childhood. Genesis vows to both show more understanding and affection towards his best friend, and maim Hojo.
Angeal: Seeing Sephiroth's vulnerability as a child tugs at Angeal's heartstrings, not because he's clearly traumatized, but because he can identify traces of child Sephiroth in adult Sephiroth, remnants of a childhood he never had. He sees this realization as an opportunity to make up for lost time and provide the love and support Sephiroth never received when he was a toddler.
Zack & Cloud: They had long idolized Sephiroth as a hero, but now, having gained a deeper understanding into the struggles he endured to become that hero, they develop a newfound respect and empathy for him.
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*Lazard corners Zack and Cloud on the SOLDIER floor*
Lazard: I finally understand what happened. That child wasn't yours, it was Sephiroth who turned into a toddler after you undoubtedly cast a spell on him.
Zack: Argh! You got us. But you're wrong about one thing, though.
Lazard: What?
Cloud: The child, was in fact, ours. But we officially handed custody over to Angeal and Genesis this morning.
*Just then Angeal and Genesis walk by. Angeal is carrying fully grown and back to normal Sephiroth in his arms, while Genesis trails behind them, feeding Sephiroth apple sauce*
Sephiroth: For the last time, there's no need for this. While I understand that you needed to care for my toddler form to ensure my safety, I'm fully capable of taking care of myself now.
Genesis: Here comes the airplane! Say 'ah'
Sephiroth: Ahhh
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esamastation · 11 months
Part forty-one of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty
"... So there's Natural Materia that grows and evolves and eventually spawns an offspring of exactly identical Materia that can then make the exact same journey - and then there's Artificial Materia that… doesn't?"
"You're really asking the wrong person - Genesis is the expert," Angeal sighs, rubbing at his forehead. "But yeah, that's basically it? Artificial Materia can still level up a bit, but it doesn't evolve or make a copy of itself."
Sephiroth nods, fascinated. "So Natural Materia basically does mitosis?"
"I… don't know what that is?" Angeal says, sounding lost.
They're walking through the forest, in between random encounters - following a wide old footpath towards the charcoal burner's house. The path has the signs of wheeled traffic where the dirt has really been compacted, but it was a while ago, and grasses have started taking real estate on the path. Still, it makes for easier walking than the wild, untamed forest.
"It's when something - a cell - splits into two identical copies," Sephiroth explains.
"Ah, then no, that's not exactly it - the offspring Materia is unleveled and undeveloped. It has to be matured anew," Angeal clarifies.
"Still. Eventually the offspring Materia becomes identical to the parent. It's asexual reproduction, at least," Sephiroth muses, fascinated by how organic it all sounds. Like Materia is actually a breed of organism doing what all living things do - eat and reproduce. And artificial versions are basically infertile! "I bet Artificial Materia still needs to be somehow seeded by the natural sort."
Angeal shrugs, helpless. "You'd really have better luck asking Genesis. Maybe you should send him a message, asking about it."
"Maybe I will," Sephiroth says, determined, and then looks up. "Heads up - bugs."
One random encounter later, they're back to walking.
"You know, you could actually just try using your Materia," Angeal comments. "Might give you some insight on how it works. Or do you not remember how?"
Sephiroth waves a hand. "You just push energy through the thing, it's not that hard."
"Then why not do it?"
Because MP is Qi, kinda, and using Materia basically burns it away. Or, well, transforms it. Part of it goes into the Materia being used, aiding its maturation, and the rest of it is transformed into whatever spell the Materia is for. It's very easy to use and very powerful and incredibly energy inefficient. And since Sephiroth still isn't sure whether he wants to take in ambient energy in the way of the locals, he isn't sure his MP actually replenishes? And sure, he could take an Ether, a potion that replenishes MP - but that's basically like drinking raw Qi, and the very idea is a bit alarming.
There's just a scary level of energy transference going on in this place, and his core is unstable enough!
Also Sephiroth would rather figure out how to consume the Materia itself, like you'd consume spirit stones - except he really doesn't need any extra Qi at this point.
"Maybe later," Sephiroth says and looks ahead for a distraction. "Oh, hey, is that the house?"
Angeal gives him a look, amused, but lets it go and looks ahead too.
The charcoal burner's house is built near to the side of a mountain wall, with three enormous charcoal kilns half carved into the stone of the mountain. The house is more of a homestead, with a large area cleared and fenced, with the house itself in the middle, a couple of storage huts, a stall, and a big shelter for wood.
It's a bit rundown, though. One of the storage houses has its rooftop caved in, and there's long grass growing everywhere. The charcoal kilns look not just cold, but like something had been nesting in one of them.
"That's strange," Angeal murmurs warily, looking around. "It… doesn't look like anyone's been living here for a good long while."
"Hmm," Sephiroth hums, crouching down to examine a footprint in the dirt. It's fresh. "Someone has been here very recently, though." Someone in modern footwear - with treaded soles. Not that he knows what kind of footwear the people of Wutai favour, but, still…
Angeal looks at the footprint and hums. "Be on your guard. There's something weird going on in here."
Cautious, they examine the place and find no signs of any monster attacks. What they do find is more footprints, all by the same set of shoes, going strong in the place and by all appearances checking out the buildings.
"Looking for something, maybe?" Angeal murmurs as they consider the footprints.
"Hmm. I don't see any signs of monsters," Sephiroth comments. "Didn't the mission files say the place was already attacked? Maybe we're in the wrong place."
While Angeal checks their mission files and coordinates to confirm they're actually in the right house, Sephiroth tries to figure out why it was abandoned in the first place. It wasn't sudden, that he can tell - whoever lived here had the time to pack up. Everything that's left was put away very neatly, too.
"Well, this is the right place," Angeal says, following him inside. "Either they got the coordinates wrong - or the intelligence."
"I guess it could be a trap," Sephiroth muses, poking around the charcoal burner's old office in search of any paperwork. "If this is really where an informant once lived, maybe that informant turned into a double agent and set a trap."
"You really think so?" Angeal asks, sounding more interested than alarmed.
"Not really," Sephiroth shrugs and picks up a crumpled piece of paper, someone's attempt at a letter that had gotten ruined by an ink smear. Gently he spreads it out on the office table to read. "Or else it's a terrible trap…"
The letter is addressed to someone's uncle, informing them of the charcoal burner's good fortune. Apparently their family had been invited by the emperor to live and work in the capital. Lucky guy.
"Maybe we should prepare for an ambush, just in case," Angeal comments thoughtfully, adjusting his gloves. "What do you think?"
"I think they would've revealed themselves already, if it was the case," Sephiroth says. "And this is a terrible place for an ambush anyway. It's far too open."
"Well, good thing it's not an ambush!" a voice calls from the outside before Angeal can answer.
"... Sounds like something an ambusher would say," Angeal mutters, clearly recognizing the voice, and Sephiroth chuckles.
Reno waits for them outside, lazily scratching at a bug bite on his arm. "Congratulations, you have been summarily recruited for a secret Turk mission," he says and motions around them. "Your station."
"Turk mission?" Angeal repeats. "It was you who sent out that mission file?"
"Yep," Reno agrees, shrugging unrepentantly.
Sephiroth watches him warily. He'd not interacted with Reno or Rude much, Angeal had kinda covered for him there. He'd not entirely sure why the Turks followed them to Wutai. Maybe this is it.
Maybe this is as far as he gets, before having to commit, one way or the other.
Sephiroth braces himself. "What's the mission?"
Reno grins and points a finger at him. "Your mission, starting right now, is to stay here," he says, "And get your shit together."
Man I've missed ff7 world so much. The whole magic system from Lifestream to Materia to summoning world ending Meteors from the sky is just 😗👌
I'm playing og ff7 while writing and none of the sequelsprequelsremakes come even close to comparing with how delicious Materia in the original game is.
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kyokikia · 9 months
Im curious, do people even write for uta? Do people like uta at all?? If you cant tell, she's my favorite female character! I dont see anyone talking about her 😭😭
i might write for her if someone requests it (when requests are back open) but she might be the only one piece female i would ever write for so, sorry for that
Has anyone else on here watched film red? I wanna talk about it with someone because its one of my favorite movies, currently listening to new genesis as i speak (ado's singing was HEAVENLY in the movie)
Ado's singing is so heavenly, and she honestly captured the supposed greatness of uta's voice PERFECTLY. I watched the movie in sub so i couldnt hear amalee dubbing uts, but honestly, i listened to amalee's covers of the songs, and i think the dub watchers were robbed from hearing amalee's covers. She covered all the songs PERFECTLY! She did the spell part of tot musica perfectly aswell and i adore Amalee's and Ado's works so much!
I think she's a little crazy but i love her a lot, what she did in the movie is honestly justifiable. I love her design so much, i wanna cosplay her but i got my bills to pay 😭 i'll do it once i get extra money tho, anyway, i feel so bad for her because for years she thought that shanks had abandoned her but turns out she was manipulated into singing tot musica by the people of Elegia 😭 i feel so bad knowing on how much she probably blamed herself for what happened but it wasnt her fault at all
Shanks is so selfless i swear, the way he just chose to take the blame instead so uta wouldn't blame herself and so she could make other people happy with her voice aswell 😭♥️
Watching uta descend into madness, as her mental health and physical state reach its absolute lowest was so heartbreaking (but the movie was so cool to watch!)
As you probably know, the wakeshrooms cause the person who eats them to stay awake until they die, and makes them more aggravated and brings out their negative emotions more, so i can see why she became more deranged as the movie went on. i feel so bad for her she deserves better 😭 i see why she was driven into madness after meeting shanks after all those years
Being kept on that island for so many years mustve been so depressing, so she was in a bad mental state most of her life. Kept alone, isolated with the entire world other than Gordon, not knowing anything going on in the world is so sad
I can see why she hates pirates so much, seeing as she cares so much about her fans (that she would trap them in the sing sing world just so they wouldnt have to deal with pirates anymore and for a 'new era' which she had good intentions with, but honestly it wasnt that great of an idea) she had the idea that all pirates were bad, and seeing all her fans sending her video mail about it probably amplified her hatred.
I took notice on how by the time uta had to sing tot musica, she was in her absolute worst mental and physical state, some of the words were linked together some words were messed up, i think ado captured on how much of a terrible state uta was in by the time she was forced to sing the song perfectly, i adore ado's singing in film red so much
I might've misunderstood uta honestly, i might've done her wrong in this post, i also realize this entire post is a rant but oh well i honestly just wanted to talk about her, anyone wanna tell me their thoughts on film red?
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altocat · 9 months
Sephiroth, 8, 27, 42, 47
8. Unpopular opinion about them
You've probably guessed this already, but Sane Sephiroth is way more interesting to me than Default Insane Sephiroth. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE him being a conniving, smirking, violent asshole as much as the next person. He's an excellent villain. But I always think a character's downfall is more engaging because there's an actual arc there. The way Seph is now is fixed, perpetually stuck in the same mindset with the same malice. Sane Seph feels a bit more nuanced and complex to me. There's more to unpack.
27. Their guilty pleasure
When he isn't starving himself during one of his anxiety spells, Sephiroth likes snacking. Particularly when it's with Zack. Zack has influenced him into trying all manner of colorful/downright disgusting concoctions. And while most of them are hit or miss, to Sephiroth's sense of taste, he finds the experience fun and intriguing. And also because it would piss Hojo off.
42. 3 comfort items
Masamune. He runs his hands against it during stressful situations, drawing strength from it. It feels like an extension of himself and he sometimes does anthropomorphize it in his head. It feels like the only true companion that has never left him.
Old soldier dogtags he carries around in his pocket. Angeal and Genesis have pressed him on the names of the mysterious soldiers, but Sephiroth will never tell them. He only ever shakes his head, somewhere between regret and nostalgia, turning away.
His Mother's photograph, while he still had it. He keeps it in his breast pocket close to his heart and touches it whenever he's feeling some form of anxiety, longing, or generally strong emotion.
47. Their dream job
Sephiroth has wanted to go into the Shinra Space Division for as long as he can remember. As a teenager, he would request and collect the special propaganda pieces published, his entire room stuffed with various articles and magazines on the large collection of newly manufactured rockets at Shinra's disposal. He would have loved to have made a name for himself there, exploring the unknown and touching the very stars that taunt him every night in the evening sky. Alas, there was never a choice. Had Sephiroth been around, he would have been heartbroken to learn what had happened with the Shinra No. 26 rocket's failed launch.
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sorry-moots · 10 months
Inversion of Genesis But I Changed It
this is the last handful of crumbs but i can go back to the bakery and get more characters featured: scaramouche, dottore cws: none wc: 1,621
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Chapter Five
Despite your bleary eyes, you recognized the stableboy by his usual greeting of “Morning, Ms. [Y/n]”. You’re about to respond when you feel a pressure build up and–
A violent achoo! escapes you, leaving your nose stinging and your glove moist. Quickly, you wipe your nose with a handkerchief and rush to exchange pleasantries with the stablehand.
“Good morning, Pierre!” you say thickly as you quell the urge to sneeze again. “Today’s weather feels a little harsher than usual, doesn’t it?”
“Uhh…” He hesitates as he observes your sickly form. “I think it’d be best if you went home, miss.”
You shake your head as you shake Pierre’s usual tip out of your purse. “No, no. I’m perfectly fine, it’s just a runny nose.”
Pierre looks at the coins skeptically, before pocketing the change. “Whatever you say, miss.” He grabs Apollo’s reins, but not without wiping his hand on his shirt.
Curiously, the chill doesn’t leave you when you enter the building. Your teeth even begin to chatter the farther you walk, to your astonishment. Would it kill Lord Pantalone to invest in a better heating system… 
You nearly miss the greeting sent your way as you grumble about the frigid air. “Morning, [Y/n]! I feel a lot better today,” said one of the guards posted outside of the office. You recall that he had been sick for a few days.
“Really, Lev? I’m glad you’re feeling better,” you answer, as you wait for them to unlock the office doors. “You do look a lot better!”
“Thanks, [Y/n]! You don’t look so good yourself, though, is everything alright?”
“You obviously got her sick, pea brain,” his fellow guardsman cut in.
You rush to reassure them. “I’m fine, I’m just a little under the weather. I’ve had way worse.”
The two guards share a look, but they let you through anyway. They knew it wouldn’t be wise to keep you from your work.
Tempting though it may be, there is no way you could afford to loaf around or take a day off. Lord Scaramouche frowns greatly upon slacking and you wouldn’t dream of inconveniencing him– even if you knew you could get away with it. Which you can.
When the harbinger enters the office at exactly 9 o’ clock, his face twists with revulsion. “What’s wrong with your face?” he asks. “It’s leaking from every orifice.”
You’re a little embarrassed, but your cheeks don’t burn like they normally would. Or maybe they were already warm. “I might have a cold.”
Scaramouche eyes you up and down, unconvinced. He pinches the bridge of his nose as he so often does and says, “Grab your things. We’re leaving.”
“Okay,” you agree. You didn’t have the energy or brain power to argue with him. When the two of you leave, the guards ask what’s going on and so the harbinger addresses them directly.
“[Y/n] is sick so we're leaving the office. Don’t talk to her, she’ll get a sore throat.”
“Aww, I’m really sorry I got you sick, [Y/n]! Hope you feel better soon.”
You try to reassure him again that you’re alright. “Don't worry about it, Lev, it's not–” Unfortunately, you’re interrupted by your own coughing spell.
Scaramouche’s perpetual scowl only deepens. “You'll lose your voice at this rate,” he snaps. Then, to your surprise, he murmurs, “…Are you sure he got you sick?”
Vaguely astonished, you clear your throat to respond. “He's the only sick person I’ve come in contact with recently, so it was almost certainly him.”
“I see.” The harbinger falls silent with a weird aura about him. By the time you put a name to it, the two of you have reached the palace entrance. He seems almost… murderous.
With the negative energy that’s oozing off of the harbinger, you decide keeping quiet is the best course of action. You were certain he wouldn’t approve of you talking either way, considering your state. Whereas silence with your superior is usually amiable, today it is just as uncomfortable and frigid as the Snezhnayan wind.
So caught up are you in this miasma of emotion, that you miss him flagging down a driver. He surprises you once more by taking your hand and helping you into the carriage that he’d summoned. After a quick word with the driver, he follows suit and sits next to you in the small coach.
Only after you’re both settled in and the carriage is moving, does it finally occur to you to ask a question of some importance.
“My lord? Where are we going?”
“My estate.”
His home looks small on the outside but since the space is optimized and he's a minimalist, it feels bigger than it is, if a bit empty. With the exception of a large oil portrait of his likeness, his walls are decorated with a variety of weapons. If you had to hazard a guess, they aren't for show.
“Yvette!” he calls into the house, his voice echoing in the sparsely furnished halls. A moment later, a maid appears. Her hair is bright fiery red and her eyes are a piercing ice blue.
“Ready the study, Yvette,” Scaramouche commands. “My assistant and I will be working here today.”
She nods and disappears just as wordlessly as she arrived.
You follow him to a room with a kettle suspended above a sunken hearth. as he moves to grab the kettle, you start, “sir allow m–”
His lip curls in distaste as he looks back at you. “Allow you to what? Contaminate the tea with your sick people germs?”
As uncomfortable as you are at the thought of your superior waiting on you, hand and foot, you watch as he prepares the tea. He fills the little container from a wooden pail that was hidden in the pantry. Once he sets the kettle back on its hook, he ignites the wood beneath it with a small spark of electricity. He then sits and you take the seat kitty-corner to his, waiting for the water to boil.
You’ve all but finished your cup by the time Yvette returns. Scaramouche asks if the study is ready; she nods.
Yvette leads the two of you into the study and the Harbinger tells her to shut the door when she leaves. As the redhead makes her way out, you utter a quick thank you.
To your surprise, Yvette doesn’t acknowledge you. She doesn’t give any indicator that she heard you, not even a break in stride.
The door clicks and you listen to the clack of her heels fade away before you turn to your employer. “Lord Scaramouche, did I do something to offend your maid?”
He’s already absorbed in the paperwork he brought with him. “Did you do something to offend… What? No, she’s mute.”
Your mouth forms a small ‘o’. That makes way more sense. “Then… if she can’t talk, how does she communicate with you?”
“She doesn't need to speak to follow orders. My previous maids would always try to talk their way out of different tasks. I don't have that problem with Yvette.
“Don’t look at me like that”, he admonishes. You close your mouth, only then realizing your jaw dropped. “I have learned some sign language for when she needs my instructions repeated or explained.”
“Well, what if you can’t see her?”
He sighs, rolling his eyes. “We have patterned knocks for when I’m behind closed doors. Quit talking and get to work.”
The two of you are seated at your desks, signing documents and drafting proposals, when Scaramouche decides to break the silence.
“I’m surprised you haven’t asked me about the mission I just returned from,” he muses.
You’re hesitant; he usually tells you not to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong. Could this be a trick?
“I was under the impression that the details were strictly confidential, sir,” you reply smoothly, the textbook answer flowing seamlessly out of your mouth. “Is there something I should know?”
The smug smile he levels at you reassures you that he has no ulterior motives, except to brag. You decide to indulge him. He recounts the details of the war between the Shogunate and the Watatsumi Army. He used his influence to convince the Shogun, through the Kanjou Commission, to implement the Vision Hunt Decree. He leveraged the threat of defeat to convince the rebels to use the Fatui's life-stealing delusions. Finally, he tells you how, amidst the chaos he created, he managed to procure the electro gnosis.
“The traveler you mentioned… Do you think she might try to interfere with future plans?”
“Oh, absolutely,” he replies with a smirk. “It won’t make a difference, however. Now that I have the gnosis, I’ll be much more powerful.
“With the gnosis, I can even ascend to godhood.”
Before you can respond, there’s a sharp rap on the door. Two short knocks in quick succession, followed by two regular knocks.
You turn to look at Scaramouche from your desk. His eyes narrow. “Which one are you?” A chill runs up your spine as you hear the reply.
“An older copy if it matters.” You can hear the grin in his voice. It’s Dottore. 
You force yourself to turn and face him and see that he’s holding up a letter. “I’ve brought the details for your next assignment,” he says. The sinister smile that you already suspected he was wearing widened with his next words.
“I’m looking forward to… collaborating with you,” he says, eyeing your sickly, cozied-up form.
His departure brings little comfort; you feel slimy and gross after the encounter.
“My lord, I have some… concerns about this.”
“Don’t worry, we won’t be on the same boat as him.”
“Thank the Tsaritsa.”
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dbstaches · 8 months
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KNOCKING BACK A WEE DRAMA (OR TWO) DAVID BALL: treading softly Pic by Joe Shutter
Record Mirror magazine, 23 July 1983, Simon Tebbutt — full article text bellow
If you thought David Ball, the normally quieter side of the Soft Cell, had been so silent lately he must be off digging the potatoes in his allotment — forget it.
While Cell mate Marc Almond has been busy handling his Mambas over the past months, young Dave has been beavering away on the soundtrack for a play and a film and putting the finishing touches to his soon to be released solo LP.
“This year I've spent most of my time in the studio,” he says. “I've got a lot better at building up sounds and arranging.”
The play, Tennessee Williams' ‘Suddenly Last Summer’, a steamy tale of heat-oppressed passion set in New Orleans and now running at the New End Theatre in Hampstead, came about by chance.
“I was sitting in a hotel bar and started chatting to this bloke who turned out to be an actor,” says Dave. “I said if he could think of anything that would be good to put music to but keep as a play, not a musical, then I'd be interested.
“He phoned me up about two months later and said he wanted to do ‘Suddenly Last Summer’. Tennessee Williams is perfect, he's just so dramatic.”
The music, like the play, which Dave has financed himself, is heavily atmospheric and doom laden. And it has opened doors for the musician in the wonderful world of movie soundtracks.
“I'm doing a German film called ‘Decoder’ — it stars the real Christiane F and William Burroughs makes a cameo appearance. I really like the idea of the music emphasising and sometimes overstating what is going on in the action.”
All these themes have come together in Dave's solo work, provisionally titled ‘In Strict Tempo’.
“That's because of a track on the album called Strict Tempo,” he explains. “It started off as a military rhythm and then I got David Claridge to do a voice-over talking about his club Skin II. So you've got the military side of it, the discipline, and the rubber.
“I've got Psychic TV's Genesis P. Orridge singing on a couple of tracks, one of which, ‘The Troubled Sleeper’ or ‘Sincerity’, will be a single.
“The whole album is about musical cliches all put together in the wrong order. Like taking a country and western guitar solo and putting in the middle of a funk track. But it all works. If it didn't work, I wouldn't use it.”
But don't worry, gentle reader, this flurry of individual activity doesn't spell the end for Soft Cell.
“For me doing this solo stuff has been a break,” says Dave. “Marc and I play each other what we've done all the time. We're working on ideas that we'd only dabbled in with Soft Cell. Everything is more powerful. And now we're collecting bits for a new Soft Cell album at the end of the summer.”
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galaxysodapopdraws · 10 months
So here’s something I don’t normally do, write fanfiction! If y’all do enjoy it and want to read more from me I might make some more later.
I wrote this currently (aka 1 am) because I had the idea for a while and just said screw it I’ll write it instead of drawing it while I’m working on other things. So if punctuation or spelling is wrong I’m too tired to rewrite them right now.
This story stars a young Eggman (Julian) and Chuck making their breakthrough on the Robotizer! But Chuck seems to be uneasy about something going on with Julian.
Now without further ado~
Sonic Genesis: The Beginning of the End
It is a cool autumn night, fog covers a small town just outside a grand city settling on the coastline. Bells ring out, letting the sleeping citizens know that it is now midnight. A light teal-blue hedgehog is at his desk scribbling away at blueprints and other documents. He rubs his temple, annoyed by the loud clangs of the bells giving him a headache. He knows he should be asleep by now, but he is so close to finishing his projects and rather not lose his motivation. He goes back to his papers and refocuses on the numbers and ideas in his head.
The hedgehog shouts as he slams his pencil down onto the crowded desk. His phone finally broke his concentration and makes his anger rise. He snaps out of his frustration when a loud thump came from the next room over.
His little sister, Aleena screamed, ready to bust down the wall to stop him. Chuck mumbles under his breath as he goes to check his phone. To his surprise and delight, it is his good friend Julian!
“Julian! Is that you? It’s been forever since we’ve talked! You need to warn me next time you disappear like that.”
“Chuck, I need you at the laboratory as soon as possible. It is important and you cannot tell anyone where you are going.”
Chuck paused for a moment, Julian has been gone for almost four months. Why on Mobius would he contact him now, especially at this time of night?
“Is everything okay? Why do you need me over there?” Chuck asked worryingly.
“It’s about the Robotizer, I’ve made a breakthrough! I just need you to come over and help me work on it while I rest. My eyes are stinging like hell right now.”
Before Chuck could ask if he needed medical aid, Julian had already hung up the phone. Chuck stood there for a moment in silence, his mind racing. They have been working on the Robotizer for almost five years now, has he finally done it? Has Julian successfully managed to get it working? While these thoughts were buzzing around in his mind, Chuck was scrambling around grabbing papers and tools as fast as he could. He burst through into the garage and hopped onto his motorcycle, driving into the darkness.
When Chuck arrived at Julian’s personal laboratory, he could immediately tell something was wrong. The foliage around the building were over grown, the windows were covered in what seems to be tarp from the inside. Julian has been known to go for long periods of time working and creating inventions, but never to the point of neglecting himself and things around him. Chuck tried opening the front door to learn that Julian had changed the lock. Suddenly, a chain crashed down onto the concrete driveway inches away from Chuck causing him to fall over.
“Chuck, this is our secret. Climb up before anyone sees you”
whispered Julian, coming from the second floor. Before ascending the chain Chuck paused for a moment. Something didn’t feel right at all, what would be waiting for him up above? Is Julian in a right state of mind from being isolated for a while? Chuck shook his head, trying to calm his nerves. He’s known Julian for almost ten years now, and if Julian isn’t in a good position, he needs to be there for his friend. Chuck put the file of paperwork between his teeth and began to climb the chain. Reaching the window, Chuck could see that even the rooms inside the building were being neglected. Papers and trash thrown about, equations and notes scribbled all over the chalk board, only a few small lights were illuminating the room. In the dim glow of the lights, Chuck could make out the silhouette of Julian.
“Julian….what happened here? Are you alright?”
Chuck gently spoke as the struggled to climb through the window. Julian stood up and walked over to the hedgehog gripping at the windowsill and picked him up as if he was lighter than air. He set him down and crouched to get to eye level with Chuck. The first thing Chuck noticed was the hair on Julian’s head was carelessly shaved off, with a few bloody stitches replacing what was there before. Julian looked like he hadn’t seen the sun in forever, his eyes were covered by a small pair of dark goggles that seemed to be warning Chuck not to do anything stupid.
“We did it, we finally did it.”
Julian sighed. He stood up and walked slowly to his work table as if he were in a daze.
“Listen, it’s wonderful that you got the Robotizer working, but we need to get you to the hospital. The scars on your head aren’t looking to good and-“
Chuck was interrupted by Julian’s joyful yet menacing laugh. He turned back towards Chuck, a tooth baring grin stretched across his face.
“Chuck, we are doctors, I’m positive I know what I’m doing when it comes to stitches and such.”
“But we’re not those kind of doctors! How’d you get them anyways? What happened here?”
Julian reached behind him and picked up a small device off from the table. The Beta Robotizer, a small machine that can turn any flesh and blood into metal and data. It is small enough to fit your hand or even a small creature such as a mouse. Julian beckoned Chuck to come closer as he once again crouched to make sure he speaks to him face to face. Cautiously, Chuck walked over to Julian and pulled up a stool, waiting for Julian to explain himself.
“I apologize for not contacting you for so long. I just didn’t want to risk anyone else figuring out what we’re doing. But I believe I made enough security measures for us to finally get back to work.”
“I see…. Now about the stitches.”
“Ah yes, don’t worry about them. While testing the Robotizer I fell and busted my head open on the counter. But it was worth it in the long run, the Robotizer is a success and we need to begin working on a bigger one.”
Chuck smiled softly, knowing that his friend seemed to be okay. Exhausted and a bit delirious, but okay. However, a question came across Chuck’s mind that filled him with dread. As much as he knew he’d probably hate the answer, he just had to ask:
“Julian, you said you were testing the Robotizer, and even said it worked. But…. But what did you test it on exactly?”
Julian’s grin began to creep up on his face again, softly chuckling to himself as the reached up towards the back of his head to unclip the goggles that were covering his eyes. Chuck jumped back and fell off the stool in pure fear and shock after as Julian’s chuckle turned into a hardy laugh.
“YOUR EYES?!? ARE YOU INSANE?! This is a prototype! If something went wrong you could’ve went blind or worse!” Chuck yelled in frustration.
Julian’s eyes, now just black cameras with red lenses replacing his pupils and sclera followed Chuck’s movements, creating a whirring sound at every gaze. Bright red nerves had appeared around the sockets, as well as bruising that was slowly swelling and leaking a strange oil-like liquid.
“My vision has never been more clear, I haven’t even been using much light because I can now clearly see in the dark! They save me time and energy when working. Chuck, imagine what we could do with this, if we built a bigger one to fully robotize someone, we can change the world as we know it!”
Julian stood up and began to shuffle through the papers Chuck had brought. Chuck just sat in silence, not knowing what to say about the matter. He was very happy that their project had worked, but seeing Julian’s eyes and how they function, it filled him with a sense of unease.
“I’m glad that you were still working on the project while I was gone. All this new info and changes can help us a lot in the process.” Julian said as he put them back into the file.
He turned to Chuck and noticed that he looked like he was looking unwell, almost as if he was going to be sick. Julian sighed and placed a hand on Chuck’s head, petting him while making sure not to prick his fingers on his quills.
“Look, when we finally complete the main Robotizer, we will look back knowing that it was worth it. Tell you what, instead of working on it like I asked you tonight, go ahead and go home to rest. Come back this weekend and we can get started.”
Chuck glanced up at him, Julian was giving him a gentle smile, but his metal eyes glared back with no emotion or concern.
“Yeah…. It’s late anyways and I have work tomorrow.”
Chuck says as he begins reach for his papers, only to be interrupted by Julian slamming his hand on the files.
“Don’t worry about all that stuff right now.” Julian said guiding Chuck to the window.
“Right now you need to rest and get your mind at ease so we can get back to work. You have a good night, I’ll call you later tomorrow to check on you.”
Chuck lowered himself gently to the ground, barely breaking the silence of the woods around him. He sat there for a moment, wondering why Julian would do such a thing to himself. And why a bigger Robotizer? The plan was to make small ones to help in medical procedures. There was no real need to rush things right now. Chuck sighed, hopefully this will pass over him and it will all be worth it in the end. As he hoped on to his motorcycle and drove down the path, he peered over his shoulder towards the window in the laboratory. Where he could see the red eyes of his friend shining through the glass.
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nostalgicamerica · 2 years
"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions."
This quote uttered by Reagan is curious so I had to look up when it was first said by him. I agree with the concept of this quote and have always lived by this credo. The current attitude toward the January 6 riots that went on at the Capitol and his divisiveness in the Country is something we haven't ever experienced before. Trump Republicans want to sweep all of this aside and move on. I don't agree with that. Online chatter is fueling a lot of these dangerous people to come out in full force in a violent wave. The people involved in the Capitol riots that day are getting their day in Court and will be held accountable for their actions. While I think that the Former President did incite the insurrection, he never told them to break into the Capitol and bludgeon Police officers. The people that did that should be held accountable for those actions. Lady Justice is a patient entity.
Reagan made this statement twelve years before he became president, at a Republican platform meeting in 1968.  He said it in response to the urban rioting that was taking place in the aftermath of the Martin Luther King assassination.  He was arguing that the people who were breaking the law were responsible for their actions.  He was right.  He was also arguing that he and all of his like-minded conservatives had absolutely no responsibility for the societal conditions that existed at the time.  He was wrong.
In the book of Genesis, the Fall of Man is attributed to their consumption of a fruit (traditionally an apple) from the Tree of Knowledge.  The effects were immediate and tragic and eventually led to the murder of their second-born son, Abel, by their first-born son, Cain.
When Cain was questioned about his brother’s whereabouts, he asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”  It is interesting that conservatives, many of whom consider their conservatism a moral byproduct of their faith, cling to a quote that seems to be answering that question with a firm no.
Well spoken, although I respectfully disagree with a point or two.
I don't consider my conservatism as an offshoot of my faith.
While my political beliefs have shifted from time to time (I was a flaming liberal in my college days), my religious beliefs have never changed to any great degree. The two are not at all intertwined.
In my case, politics is based in the pragmatic and emotionless belief that the central government should be run as spelled out in the Constitution. I'm a 10th Amendment deconstructionist which basically means the federal government has a few enumerated powers and all other issues should be left to the states. Period.
We have it all backwards.
My faith, on the other hand, does tell me I am my brother's keeper. I have an obligation to help my fellow travelers if I am able, to love my neighbor as myself, and be a good steward of this earth.
As to the 'January 6' debacle, I have a completely different take. I do not believe Trump incited anything. It is my considered belief that a largely innocuous incursion by unarmed grandmothers, and a few barking moonbats (who were invited into the Capital Building by security guards, by the way) has been hyped as the greatest threat faced by the republic by the media, democrats, and establishment republicans.
Please! These are the same folks, who, only months before were calling violent, destructive riots in major cities across the country 'peaceful protests' and urging people to join in the burning.
In my view January 6 was nothing more than a useful and expedient political tool to 'get' Trump. Boy howdy, knocking over a few stanchions and sitting in the Speaker's chair sure did threaten the underpinnings of our way of life. I have to say I was curled up in a fetal position in one of my closets, quivering in fear, until at least January 9th.
Of course, I could be wrong...
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writers4all · 1 year
Hey, so I saw your post about chatgpt and I was wondering, Can someone who has an expressive language delay and receptive language delay use chatgpt to help. I have those two language impairments plus autism (the kind of autism that gives me aphantasia and makes me struggle with writing) so is it okay that I am using chatgpt to help me write? I use it in a guide kind of way where I send in my writing then ask it to refine it and tell me what I did wrong. I also ask it things like 'how do I fix my imagination when I have none' and "how do I write dialoge/pacing/show and tell" is that fine? I would ask an actual human but the questions I have are so weird that they always get sick of me and they judge and condescend me so I prefer an ai like chatgpt who really helps. I write myself for the most part and chat gpt has helped me improve but I still lack so much clarity in my writing and so I struggle. Also I can't read other things sometimes so I have to send in that to help it explain it to me cuz its just really hard for my brain to understand.
Please help, I don't want to do the wrong thing but if my brain can't understand some writing then I kinda have to use a tool to help... Also audio books didn't help
Hello, anon!
That's an excellent question! I genuinely see nothing wrong with people using it due to impairments, disabilities, disorders, and whatnot. Let's take Stephen Hawking for example. He basically used an AI in order to speak. And let's not forget that the GPS is basically an AI that gives us map locations and the best routes to get from Point A to Point B. We also have voice-to-text as well and various programs that allow us to speak words into our documents and turn it into works of art.
Something else I recommend is going to your local bookstore or thrift shop to see if there are any textbooks or writing guides on how to improve your own writing. In fact, I plan on making posts in the future talking about various textbooks and writing guides that I own along with going into detail about my thoughts and opinions on them. They're rather neat. Now if, for whatever given reason, you're not able to afford said books I would just write down the Book Title + Author and then go to Library Genesis's website to see if you can download it for free.
AIs are great in practice and to genuinely help people. Heck, I don't even mind people using it to get some ideas for their fanfics or to have it give randomized prompts. It's just that I'm not too keen on the whole "I want ChatGPT to write out a 50,000 word fanfic or story for me so I can upload it, publish it, and claim it as my own originality." fiasco. Stating that you had an AI write the whole thing is one thing. But if you used the AI to help you get into the right direction because you genuinely need help? That's okay! There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, I promise. Why? Because we all need help. Not only that but socializing is hard.
I also want to say that I'm genuinely sorry that people find your questions annoying. As someone who struggles with properly wording and phrasing thing properly, myself, I feel your pain. One of the reasons for this is because vocabulary and definitions have never been my strong suit — it's always been spelling, ironically enough. I always feel like I'm going to confuse and/or annoy people with my questions because I'm a genuinely curious person who loves learning new things but am unable to properly phrase anything. So I can 100% sympathize and empathize with you on that!
There's also nothing wrong with audio books not helping. It's not for everyone. Some people do better reading in silence. Some people do better reading aloud. Some people do better reading with music. I'm sure you get the point by now. And the same is equally true for white noise and ASMRs. I often think people forget that it's never a "One Size Fits All" kind of scenario. The same can be said about clothes, medicine, makeup, programs, video games, languages and the whole nine yards. We're not made out of clay and made to be exactly the same. We're all uniquely different. Besides ... it's like one of my best friends says, "I don't want to be normal. Normal is a cycle on the washing machine."
With that being said, I definitely recommend you doing whatever helps you and makes you most comfortable. I can guarantee that there's no judgement coming from my end and the most I would ask is "Why?" Simple as that.
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almaqead · 20 days
"The Collect." From Surah 20. "Taha, the Char."
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The world is reacting to another school shooting as if the last one wasn't sufficient for it to make a realization. There have been eight since school started this year. Our problems stem from the fact the government that is supposed to protect us and promote the general welfare is failing willfuflly and at times is the primary source of threat. So we are in an abusive relationship we cannot separate from only hope to live through.
This is the essence of the conflict between Moses, Aaron and the Pharaoh. Except Taha means everyone, from the bottom rung of society all the way up gets protection from corruption:
"The noun, adverb and preposition תחת (tahat) occurs about 500 times in the Old Testament. It primarily means "beneath" or "under". It occurs in expressions such as "under the sun" or "under one's feet" or "under the authority of" but note that our word isn't necessarily negative as it may indicate a firm support (of everlasting arms, Deuteronomy 33:27). Our word may indicate an equal exchange (an eye "for" an eye; Exodus 21:24), a successional exchange (to rule "instead of" or "after" one's father; 1 Kings 11:43) or a substitutory exchange (a ram instead of Isaac; Genesis 22:13).
Its derivatives are:
The adjective תחתון (tahton), meaning lower or lowest (Joshua 16:3, Isaiah 22:9, Ezekiel 40:18).
The adjective and substantive תחתי (tahti) or תחתית (tahtit), meaning low, below or lowest (Genesis 6:16, Job 41:16, Isaiah 44:23). Note that this word is spelled the same as the construct of the primary noun: 'instead of' or 'to the lower end of'."
Except in spite of overwhelming evidence, the White House has still decided to gamble with putting us all back into the everlasting arms of evil, an evil it has had four years to properly dispose of.
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Donald Trump knew about and planned the massacre on October 7, 2023, and now the world will never be the same again. What can the world do when those charged with a duty to protect, to serve, to care will not do it?
About this the Surah says:
20: 77-82:
"And We surely inspired Moses, ˹saying,˺ “Leave with My servants ˹at night˺ and strike a dry passage for them across the sea. Have no fear of being overtaken, nor be concerned ˹of drowning˺.”
Then Pharaoh pursued them with his soldiers—but how overwhelming were the waters that submerged them!
And ˹so˺ Pharaoh led his people astray, and did not guide ˹them rightly˺.
O Children of Israel! We saved you from your enemy, and made an appointment with you1 on the right side of Mount Ṭûr, and sent down to you manna and quails,2
˹saying,˺ “Eat from the good things We have provided for you, but do not transgress in them, or My wrath will befall you. And whoever My wrath befalls is certainly doomed.
But I am truly Most Forgiving to whoever repents, believes, and does good, then persists on ˹true˺ guidance.”
Muhammad said the forces of a Pharaoh cannot be allowed to pursue those who revere a God of freedom. It is they who must undergo a great flood instead of the righteous. Joe Biden has to put Donald Trump on trial for what he has done, and he must do it today, this very hour. I have said it. The world is too unsettled for a Pharaoh and a weak law enforcement approach to continue to allow the sword of death to dangle over us: When will the next school shooting happen or when will Donald Trump and his sons rape another child and then extort the parents? When will the Republicans decide to betray one of our allies again and leave them fro dead? These are questions we cannot answer but must at least wonder about, and why are right and wrong so hard to figure out on this world?
"Indeed, Allah never wrongs ˹anyone˺—even by an atom’s weight.1 And if it is a good deed, He will multiply it many times over and will give a great reward out of His grace."-4:40.
The Quran says whoever believes in the truth and persists must not experience wrath. We have to collect on this promise. Joe Biden cannot leave the White House while the earth is submerged. If he does, he must be arrested. The world must fight with him and make him do his job, if he will not do it, then he has to suffer the consequences.
"As for the sky, He raised it ˹high˺, and set the balance ˹of justice˺- 55:7.
We have rules and laws and standards for the conduct of our governors, Taha is the greatest, it suggests the lowest are to receieve the greatest consideration. This is not how life on earth is being waged and little is being done to change it. There is great potential energy in suffering, if it is directed as God taught the Israelites in Egypt, in a Tur as the Surah says, "in a line, in a column."
The US Government owes a long line of persons an explanation and a reward, a future without a despot presiding over it. It is time it was made to recognize this. As for the other filth in Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Africa, anywhere that uses lies to inflict the people, we must resort to the Sharia, a commitment all Muslims make to follow the Way to the Oasis, to the Water of Freedom, to the truth- a requirement for the fulfillment of Taha:
"Then We put you, [O Muhammad], on an ordained way concerning the matter [of religion]; so follow it and do not follow the inclinations of those who do not know."- 45:18
Sharia, Moses, and Taha go together- the explain the extension of the Water Cycle we discussed in Maryam- they are represent ways men educate, insulate and protect each other from drowning in the very thing that gives us life: civilization itself. Just look at all the death, disease, detritus and rubble we are leaving behind. We will harvest nothing from the land we have burnt, boiled, baked, or flooded.
Observe now the contrast to this, suggested within the etymology of the word Moses which is used above:
"Verb נשא (nasa') describes an upward motion, generally of something that is being pulled up and out so as to remove it. This verb occurs very often and can usually be translated with (1) to lift or lift up, (2) to bear or carry, and (3) to take or take away. An identical verb (or rather the same one used in a specialized way) means to loan on interest.
The practice of loaning on interest causes the principal sum to slowly but surely evaporate and was prohibited under Mosaic law. A third identical verb (or again the same one) means to deceive or beguile.
Verb משה (masha) means to draw or draw out, and appears to specifically describe a drawing out of waters: to extract from water."
God said "do not be concerned." But who among us right now is not concerned?
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
I hope nobody has asked the boys yet! But, who among you is the best at flirting? 👀
[Sephiroth, Zack, Genesis and Angeal are sitting at the café in the Skyview hall. Zack's looking through his asks for the vlog and lights up]
Zack: Oh! Someone's asking which one of us is the best at flirting. Well there's an obvious answer to that question!
[Genesis puts down his coffee and rolls his eyes]
Genesis: Clearly it's me you speak of.
[Angeal and Sephiroth both pull a face and exchange looks]
Angeal: Why would it be you? You're single.
Genesis: By choice, my dear.
Sephiroth: Zack is in a relationship with Aerith. He's the obvious choice.
[Genesis smugly sips his coffee]
Genesis: Wooing one girl does not a womanizer make.
Angeal: Pray tell what does.
Genesis: Oh, Angeal. You're sweet, but I doubt you could woo a woman on your own.
Angeal: Are you seriously challenging me?
[Zack's eyes go wide and his legs start bouncing. He sits up straight, looking like the lightbulb over his head lit up]
Zack: I have an idea!
Sephiroth: Why do I hear boss music?
Zack: You see the barista at the counter? Why don't you two take turns trying to get her number?
[Genesis stands up immediately, puts his coffee down, stretches, then winks at his friends]
Genesis: Watch and learn, friends.
[They watch him make his way over the the counter. Genesis starts making small talk with the barista, but it doesn't go well. Soon Genesis walks back, looking sorely dejected]
Sephiroth: I've learned absolutely nothing.
[Zack and Angeal are laughing at him as he collapses onto the table, covering his head with his arms]
Genesis: No one speak to me.
[Angeal stands up looking nervous]
Angeal: Alright I guess it's my turn.
[He's nearly shivering in fear as he stalks up to the barista. They too make small talk before she looks apologetic and shakes her head. Angeal comes back looking red in the face from embarrassment]
Zack: Huh!? Neither of you could get her number!?
Angeal: Unfortunately she wasn't interested. By the way, Sephiroth, she said your order's ready.
[Sephiroth gets up to go fetch his drink]
Genesis: Maybe she isn't attracted to men.
Angeal: Maybe she isn't attracted to anyone.
Zack: Or maybe you guys aren't hot shit like you think.
[Sephiroth comes back. He's so confused it's practically written across his face. He sits down with his coffee cup in hand]
Angeal: What's wrong?
Sephiroth: The barista spelled my name wrong on the cup.
Zack: So?
[Sephiroth turns the cup around. Sure enough, there's her phone number and an additional 'call me :) <3' written where Sephiroth's name would've been]
Genesis: SON OF A–
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the-hem · 1 year
"The Unworthy Servants." From Luke 17:7-10.
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From looking after the field and the sheep, we come to a point of delegation that must happen in all Christian journeys. Jesus after all, is dead, wonder how that happened, leaving behind His Spirit and a meager attempt at universal understanding called Pentecost, AKA "the Fifty Gates", the development of "a universal spiritual language."
We saw how well that worked. So, we are still brides waiting for a Groom and since we didn't understand before, we must come now to understand and finish what was left undone: A world that follows the Instructions in the Torah, abandons classwars, violence, corruption, waste, and has a darn good time doing it. This according to Jesus means whores galore! For everyone!
But first, the servants:
7 “Suppose one of you has a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Will he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, ‘Come along now and sit down to eat’?
 8 Won’t he rather say, ‘Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink’? 
9 Will he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? 
10 So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’”
We know what servants and sheep are, they are aspects of the mind and soul that explain how the Holy Ghost can be involved in the evolution of a naturally devolved species called mankind.
Like agriculture which is unnatural, religion is an artificial way the species becomes upright, walks, talks, learns, builds, and culturates. All of this began because of the Holy Spirit.
What about plowing? In order to understand Judaism and human spiritual agriculture, we must look at a text four ways: liturally, figuratively, pratically and esoterically.
Most of us know how to get plowed well enough, its when one prepares the soil for the seeds of kindness and then upon Baptism agrees never to betray the Grace of God in contact with the rest of the world again. So what is it esoterically?
When one plows, the plowshare cuts into the hard soil, loosening it, making it fertile ground in which to plant. Any other action which accomplishes this is included in the melachah of choresh.
There is no minimum amount of soil required, since one can plant a seed even in a small area of earth that has been properly conditioned.1 There is also no specific method in which the melachah "to become the brother of the king" must be done. Even scraping the ground with one’s shoe or a heavy chair—if it loosens the earth—is considered choresh.
So the duty of the servant who is obviously not the master but is almost as wise, is to follow the course of the Melachim, to become just like Him while not presuming to overtake Him, a thing that is not even possible.
The Gematria for verse 8 contains the best forward direction for this, 8738, chazgah, "behold the whole body, behold everyone."
Original Word: חָזָה Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: chazah Phonetic Spelling: (khaw-zaw') Definition: see, behold
The root גוה (gwh) isn't used as a verb in the Bible so we don't know what it means. But its emphasis lies on corporeity, whether individual or collective:
The masculine noun גו (gaw), meaning back (the body part - Isaiah 38:17, Proverbs 10:13).
The masculine noun גו (gew), meaning midst (Job 30:5). This word appears to be an Aramaism.
The feminine noun גוה (gewa), also meaning back (Job 20:25 only).
The feminine noun גויה (gewiya), denoting the whole body, whether alive (human: Genesis 47:18; angelic Ezekiel 1:11) or dead (human: 1 Samuel 31:10; lion: Judges 14:8).
Unworthy servants are 147389, yad-za-gat, "hands indignant towards the wine" plow the soil for the wrong reasons. They are idolators who want to be worshipped by other men, and the world has no place for such as these.
All faith regresses to the Mean, the Grace of God distilled into an elixir in the Cup. To want it first, for oneself alone is blasphemy. Such is the Kabbalah of the Unworthy Servant.
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gingermcl · 2 years
The word Canon with one n means "a rule or law," from Old English canon "rule, law, or decree of the Church," from Latin canon "Church law, a rule or doctrine enacted by ecclesiastical authority, measuring line, rule," from Greek kanon "any straight rod or bar; rule; standard of excellence," perhaps from Greek kanna meaning reedqqqq meant reed
Canon with two n’s means "artillery piece, mounted gun for throwing projectiles by force of gunpowder," from Italian cannone "large tube, barrel," augmentative of Latin canna "reed, tube"
These words are possibly from the same root and orally are the exact same spell.
When laws or canons of a land aren’t followed the cannons may come out and a war arises. I looked up this word because I was thinking Why is the Bible sometimes referred to as the Biblical canon? Canons are weapons. The use of the word Canon in refer to the Bible makes me think the word of God or the message of Christ is being Weaponized. Which is exactly what I think happened. Religion is designed to Put a can on our spiritual evolution and stagnate soul growth. The message of Christ is ancient knowledge that mankind once knew before our devolution. Before our genetics were tampered with kind of how man shrunk in size and life span in genesis.
I don’t think it’s any coincidence that the Bible is referred to as the biblical canon for I do feel the message of the divine has been completely inverted, mistranslated, so much so you almost have to look to the voice was in to know right from wrong versus a book.
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wearepaladin · 2 years
Why rage against the Supreme Court for taking down what never should have been law in the first place? Need I remind you there is literally 0 valid arguments for abortion weather in the Bible, which you claim to follow (I 100% don't believe you are in fact a Christian), nor in any of the founding documents of America (Constitution. Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights)
Oh, and failure to respond to this, I will assume your admitting you know you're wrong and are just too afraid to engage in discourse.
Unlike you I've actually read all those documents and the holy text, so "whether" (correct usage and spelling, pay attention) I have to deign to justify myself to an ignorant lout like yourself is entirely under my purview. But since you're not very well read, and I am certain consideration of these documents beyond a surface reading threatens your idea of a Christian pedigree, I will inform you that "abortion" though of course not called such because that is a relatively modern term for a practice that is older than the first written line of Genesis. In that very next book of Exodus, a fetus damaged whether deliberately or by accident only merits financial compensation.
But if that is a little too much, Remember that Christ didn't advocate for the protection of the unborn, but the for women who would bear them and the children who live, not the unborn. All of whom will suffer unnecessarily because of this ruling.
Because don't delude yourself: abortion is a practice that will continue in every state in America. But now it will be done unsafely, and people will be injured, imprisoned, and even die as a result. A law was put in place because this very same issue played out already and we know the consequences.
Bait me again at your leisure, but please do me a favor and read a bit first. It'll be less embarrassing for you.
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corvusalbus93 · 2 years
I know we’re all sad right now that Darksiders 4 wasn’t announced yet again. Here; have some Strife content, taking place a few years after Genesis.
The wind was howling, not yet a blizzard, but biting cold and violent nonetheless. It found its way into the winding corridors of a small demon fortress, slowly freezing everything inside. Not surprising, considering that the entrance gate was wide open. The two heavy gate wings were swaying back in forth, creaking mournfully in the storm, the massive hinges all but torn out of the walls.
No one tried to close them or stood guard, nothing stirred expected for tattered banners.
Well, perhaps that wasn’t entirely true.
A demon rushed through the many hallways, lighting his way with a conjured ball of fire, orbiting him like a small moon. The lanky magus was clutching a large book, pressing it against his chest, claws digging into its leather cover. He was constantly looking around, searching the shadows for any movement. He knew his pursuer was close.
Oh, he never should have taken something for his late master’s vault. What a fool he’d been. But with Mammon and so many followers dead it had been so easy, so tempting. So many treasures unguarded, there for the taking. He should have left them all to Samael.
He almost stumbled over something, but caught himself just in time. The magus looked back and saw one of his guards on the ground, dead, already covered by a thin layer of frost. There was a large hole in his chest, big as a fist.
It wasn’t the first corpse he’d passed; the hallways were full of them. Likely there was no one left alive in the entire fortress. His only hope was getting into the storm, perhaps it could shield him, hide him from his assailant?
The magus fled down a flight of stairs, into the main entry hall, where he was greeted by more than a dozen half-frozen bodies. A single glance told him that the gates had been opened with great force from the outside; the spell on them hadn’t been nearly enough to reinforce the thick metal.
Suddenly, a shot rang through the hall, loud as a thunderclap and the demon screamed, feeling a bullet cut through his legs. The pain of shattered bones and rented flesh overwhelmed his other senses, though he was not surprised to find himself on the cold ground once his vision returned.
No, not like this.
His legs rendered useless, his powers still depleted, the sorcerer crawled towards the open portals, dragging his bleeding body across the cold stone. Panic was spurring him on, a desperate hope of just making it. Suddenly he felt a boot on his back and he stopped, frozen with fear. There was no escape.
The demon hissed when his assailant kicked him unto his back, likely breaking a few ribs in the process. He looked up and met a pair of amber eyes, burning in the semi darkness, the face otherwise hidden behind a light grey mask.
He’d seen him before; one of the Horsemen, who had killed his former master. If only he hadn’t taken that accursed book.
But perhaps there was a way out of this yet.
Now desperate, the magus reached out for the tome on the ground beside him and held it up like a shield. Maybe the Rider would spare him if he handed it over.
“Horseman! Mercy!” He cried, arms shaking.
“Good choice.”
The last thing the magus heard was another loud bang.
Strife kicked the large tome out of the dead demon’s loose grip, the cover now sprinkled with blood. The book had been Mammon’s once, but the demon had been slain years ago. Strife had dealt the finishing blow himself. He hadn’t been too surprised to learn that his surviving servants had snatched their share of the treasure before Samael had come to take the largest cut out of all.
For a moment the Horseman looked at the book, wondering what forbidden knowledge or spells it contained. It was probably quite valuable and dangerous in the wrong hands. Arguably in hell there were only wrong hands. Well, he had a job to do and just the bullet to do it.
Another shot echoed through the now empty fortress.
At first there was only a smoking hole, but then the round did its work. It burst into flames. The force of the sudden eruption opened the book to his feet, the burning pages fluttering, as if they were trying to escape the inferno. Strife watched them dance in the fire, the symbols covering the parchment flickering in ever shifting colours, before turning to cinder.
Whatever magic was bound to these pages, it didn’t protect them as they were eaten away one by one. It took some time, but eventually all that remained were ash and the brittle cover. The flames died, with only embers holding out in the cold wind a few moments longer.
Strife brought his boot down hard, scattering the remains and the storm took them with it. This had been the last one on his list. Good riddance.
This was meant to be the opening of Darksiders Pariahs, chapter 4, but since basically no one read the story, I’ve just been writing bits here and there.
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