#have faith in me
amalthea-felsblood · 7 months
❥ Companion ❥
This is my very first GMV I've ever done. I made this last year or so and have been too nervous to share it, but what's the point of making something if you don't share it right? So with that, please enjoy! and I hope to make more in the future!
I'm trying to take moments like these and turn them into memories.
Song ◦Dancing In The Dying Light by Amarante
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gennyanydots · 2 years
Have Faith in Me
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Past Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x f!feader
Current Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x f!reader
This is part three of a three part story
Part 1 Part 2
Jake stares at the woman who just walked through the doors at the Hard Deck. She looks so familiar. He knows her from somewhere. He can’t figure out where though.
He watches as she sits down at the bar and Penny greets her. No recognition on Penny’s face that she knows the woman so that rules out Jake meeting her today at Top Gun.
Maybe from one of his duty stations? It’s possible but she doesn’t exactly look like someone who would be in the Navy.
This is going to bother him all night if he doesn’t figure it out soon.
His buddy, Coyote, had told him to meet him at the Hard Deck after their first day of training at Top Gun.
Jake was casually shooting darts by himself as he waits for Coyote to get there. It distracted him enough to not blatantly stare at the woman anymore but still left him able to rack his brain over why she looked so familiar.
He couldn’t get too good of a look at the woman’s face as she was looking down at her phone so often. Where the hell does he know he from? It’s bothering him so much to not know. This isn’t like him.
Coyote came in not too long after the woman and joined Jake at the dart board with a beer.
They chatted about their day but Jake was still distracted.
The woman finally looks up from her phone and meets Jake’s eyes when he looked over again and he instantly made the connection. He hadn’t thought about her in so long. What is she doing here?
Jake leans over to Coyote, “My high school girlfriend is here. I’ll bet one of my buddies mentioned me coming to Top Gun and she came all the way out here to get me back. She was obsessed with me. It was honestly the worst.”
“Which one?” Coyote asks looking around the bar trying to figure out who Jake might have dated.
Jake points and Coyote nods seeing her.
“You sure she’s here for you? Wouldn’t she have come over here excited if she was waiting for you?” Coyote asks.
Jake shrugs, “Maybe she’s trying to play it cool.”
Coyote rolls his eyes, “I’m not sure about that.”
Jake chuckles and hands Coyote the darts from his hands, “I’ll save her the trouble and head over there to let her down easy.”
“Hangman I don’t think you should do that.”
Jake waves him off, “It’s fine. Don’t worry. I’ll be nice.”
Coyote shakes his head as he watches Jake walk away. There’s no way this can go well.
You smile and thank the woman who had just set the Sprite you ordered in front of you. She smiles warmly back and tells you to let her know if you need anything else then walks away to help someone else.
You take a sip then look down at your phone. Bradley had told you six right? You were almost positive that’s what he said but it doesn’t hurt to check.
Yep. 6. Where the heck is he? You want to hear all about his first day. You look up and notice a man looking at you and immediately look back at your phone.
You hate being stared at. Maybe looking away immediately will help deter any sort of interaction. Fingers crossed.
You take a sip of your drink and glance towards the door. C’mon Bradley. Hurry up.
“Fancy seein’ you here…” you hear from beside you and you cringe. Clearly your plan didn’t work. He still invited himself over. Why do men think that you meeting their eyes is an invitation to come talk to you? You didn’t mean to do it. All you did was look up.
You look up to see the same man from before and frown, “Can I help you with something or….”
He chuckles as he shakes his head, “How’d you find me?”
You furrow your brow as you set your phone in your lap. Find him? Why would you need to find him. “What are you talking about? I don��t know who you are.
“Yes you do. Just haven’t seen each other in a long time. The last I saw you I was leaving your house after you broke up with me,” the man says and you immediately realize who this man is. Your only ex. Jake. Ugh. Gross. You don’t want to deal with him. You never wanted to see him again. It’s why you don’t go home often. Not that Texas is home anymore anyway.
“Hello Jake,” you say with a sigh and he grins. He would be amused by this. Why do bad things happen to good people? Now your whole night is ruined.
“So how’d you find me? I know you were obsessed with me in high school but I thought you’d have gotten over that by now,” he says with a chuckle. Obsessed with him in high school? You dated. It’s not like you followed him everywhere or didn’t let him do whatever he wanted. Clearly.
You shake your head, “Oh umm no. I’m not here for you.”
“She’s here for me, Bagman,” a voice says from behind you and you smile. Finally. Took his sweet time.
Jake raises his eyebrow and looks at Bradley, “Names Hangman. And why the hell would she be here for you, Chicken?”
Bradley comes to stand next to you and wraps an arm around you then leans down to kiss the top of your head before he turns back to Jake, “Chicken? Cute. And it’d be weird if Mrs. Bradshaw was here for you.”
Jake scoffs, “Mrs. Bradshaw? You downgraded, baby. That’s tough. How’s it feel to be compared to me constantly? I was her’s first.”
Bradley laughs, “And yet she broke up with you because you were trash. That’s rough, man. I’d say sorry for your loss but I’m not. I got the best thing that ever happened to me because you fucked up.”
Jake scowls, “You still got my sloppy seconds.”
You shake your head, “You and I never did anything, Jake. Must have been thinking about the entire cheerleading squad.”
“You were just a prude stuck up bitch. I was so glad when you broke up with me,” Jake spats.
As soon as he finishes you hear a bell and turn towards the sound seeing the bartender from before ringing it. She walks over to the three of you and points to Jake and then to a wooden sign that says,
“Disrespect a lady,
the navy, or put your
cell phone on my bar
you buy a round.”
Jake groans and shakes his head as people start to cheer, “A round for everyone? There’s no way.”
“Can’t do it?” The woman asks.
Jake shakes his head and she rings the bell again. The bar, minus a few people including you and Bradley, start to chant, “Overboard! Overboard!”
Two men in Navy uniforms come over to Jake and the bartender waved at Jake as he’s escorted outside.
The bartender then winks at you and goes back to serving other patrons.
You smile and look up at Bradley, “You didn’t even have to beat him up.”
Bradley leans down and kisses you, “Didn’t get to beat him up YET. He says anything like that about my wife again and I’m beating the shit out of him. Immediately.”
“I know. So protective,” you wrap your arms around him and pull him as close as you can.
“Always, baby,” Bradley says with a smile.
You had really hoped that Bradley wouldn’t have to follow through with his promise but you had a feeling Jake wouldn’t let up, especially since they were in a competition for first place.
Bradley has always been able to let things roll off his back.
Comments about his flying? Whatever. No big deal.
Remarks about his clothing choices? Hawaiian shirts are classics.
His mustache? He feels bad that you can’t grow something as fantastic as he can.
His piano skills? You’re welcome to show how much better you are.
How he’s an orphan? Clearly he has the potential to be Batman and you don’t.
His wife, however, is a line that will not be crossed.
You are a perfect angel. The love of his life. His favorite person on the planet. Beautiful beyond comparison.
Back when you were just dating a frat bro grabbed your ass at a party and Bradley damn near broke his hand on the guy’s jaw. Worth it.
A man once catcalled you in public once. Just once. Bradley scared him so badly he peed his pants. A grown adult man. He’s still pretty proud of that one.
Bradley does not mess around when it comes to you. You are the most precious thing in the world to him. He would happily burn the world down for you if he needed to.
He was ready for anything Jake tried. Already called up his old best friend, Russ, and warned him they may have to hide a dead body. Russ was practically giddy at the chance for Bradley to finally protect your honor from your terrible ex, something Russ has wanted to do for years but knew that job belonged to Bradley now.
Jake had messed with your head in the worst way. It took Bradley a long time to show to you exactly how you deserved to be treated and then proved that he could be the one to treat you that way. He still views it as an honor to have done it. His mother had taught him exactly how to treat a girl, basing it mostly off exactly how his father treated her, and he never forgot any of it. Always opened the door for you, including car doors. Brought home surprises for you at least once a month if not every week. He treated you exactly how you should be treated, as a queen, because that’s what you are to him. Did anything and everything that he could for you. He couldn’t even fathom anything different. It will forever break his heart that you weren’t treated how you should have been by Jake. What an asshat.
Bradley doesn’t get it. If Jake didn’t like you then why stay with you? Just to use you? Just to be an asshole? Why? Who does that shit? You’d eventually told Bradley exactly what Jake had done during your relationship after you had started dating Bradley. It took everything in him to not drive the Bronco to Annapolis and beat the shit out of Jake. He hadn’t even known the guy’s last name but it didn’t matter. He would have found the asshole.
You made Bradley promise he wouldn’t start anything with Jake. You didn’t want Bradley to get in trouble or something over an asshole and Bradley reluctantly agreed. He’d be good. Only because you asked. However, the second Jake does anything it’s over.
This is not to say Bradley didn’t antagonize Jake at least a little bit. Shoulder checking him every once in a while when he was passing by. Continuing to call him Bagman. Nothing too major.
They were neck and neck the entire time during Top Gun. It was such a close competition but in the end Jake ended up winning the trophy. Bradley was disappointed but he was a gracious loser.
Jake boasted all about once he was given his award. That night at the Hard Deck he was making all sorts of comments about everyone. Nobody was safe, including Bradley.
“Ya know Rooster, you seem to keep coming in second to me. How does that feel?” Jake asked him as he sauntered up to Bradley and his friends.
Bradley ignored Jake.
“What? Cat got your tongue? Or are you thinking hard about your life choices? Getting stuck with my boring ex. I give you props. I couldn’t stick it out any longer with her. I’m glad she broke up with me. Saved me the hassle,” Jake said while smirking.
Bradley clenched and unclenched his hands. He won’t give in. He knows better.
At the end of the night when Bradley was leaving, he waved goodbye to Penny and stepped out into the warm California air and groaned when he noticed Hangman was still there as well.
“Heading home to your wife, Rooster?” Jake asked, his arm around some girl he picked up in the bar.
“Happily,” Bradley said as he started towards his vehicle.
“Ya know she never put out for me. I always wondered about that. The quiet ones are sometimes closet freaks. Always wondered if that’s how she ended up,” Jake said with a chuckle.
Bradley took a deep breath and turned back towards Jake, “You can keep on wondering but I don’t know why you would. You said it yourself you didn’t want her. She found someone better. Someone who treated her how she deserved to be treated. And now she’s never going to be lonely a day in her life. Unlike you. Pathetic. Leaving your wingman open. Leaving your team behind. How long until everyone in the Navy knows exactly how you are? Plus just one night stand after one night stand? Never knowing that the person you’re spending time with actually loves you and wants to be with you for who you are. Not just the pretty face. Not sure how anyone would love you. Not when you treat people like you do. You’ll just stay sad and alone. I feel bad for you. I really do.”
Jake looked like he’d been punched and Bradley didn’t even lay a finger on him. You were going to be so proud of him.
“Have a good night, Bagman,” Bradley said and then got in the car and left, headed back towards his wife whom he knew loved him unconditionally and gave him someone to come home to. And for that he would be forever grateful.
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missxcaitlyn · 1 year
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pop-punk-jaskier · 1 year
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A Day To Remember // Have Faith In Me
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
I swear to you, I have like 5 nearly finished wips
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disneydude94 · 2 years
Upcoming Chapters
What up, y'all! It's been a while since I have last posted here. I've been a very busy person while I'm helping my family to get my house clean for Thanksgiving or go to work to earn my savings.
Just to let you know that I may or may not been doing any fanfic writing or drawing my fanart because it can be stressful for the holidays, but that doesn't mean that I'm stressed out. Just have faith with me.
It takes time for me to finished up 16 more chapters to go for Calamity War before Christmas. I'll give you an update when I'm ready. See ya real soon!
@ilovetvtoons @kevintoons915 @crazycartoonnerd123 @multifandoms13 @bolt-neo @dodelidoo @1cartooncoven @marcanne-lover @marcywaybright @diamond28869
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inkskinned · 4 months
please i love you i'm begging you bring back suspension of disbelief bring back trusting the audience like. i cannot handle any more dialogue that sounds like a legal document. "hello, i am here to talk to you about the incident from a few minutes ago, because i feel you might be unwell, and i am invested in your personal wellbeing." "thank you, i am unwell because the incident was hurtful to me due to my childhood, which was bad." I CANT!!!!
do you know how many people are mad that authors use "growled" as a word for "said"? it's just poetics! they do not literally mean "growled," it's just a common replacement for "said with force but in a low tone." it's normal! do you hear me!! help me i love you please let me out of here!!!
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sadboimusic69 · 2 months
Have Faith In Me - A Day To Remember
Song 94
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secondbeatsongs · 2 years
for anyone too young to know this: watching The Truman Show is a vastly different experience now, compared to how it was before youtube and social media influencers became normal
before it was like, "what a horrifying thing to do to a human being! to take away their autonomy and privacy, all for the sake of profits! to create fake scenarios for them to react to, just to retain viewership! to ruin their happiness just so some corporate entity could harvest money from their very humanity! how could anyone do something so evil?"
and now it's like, "ah, yeah. this is still deeply fucked up, but it's pretty much what every influencer has been doing to their kids for a decade now. probably bad that we've normalized this experience"
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hubbyalh · 8 months
I know enough survival skills to keep us alive until we get to a hospital. If you freak out past a point, though, then I will. I connect through the soul. No one can handle that much energy. You have to have faith in me.
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earthangel15 · 1 year
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Because who doesn't love a good before and after
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tubesock86 · 2 months
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the scoobies (plus faith and spike)
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This Saturday was quite eventful. I got a new sketch book and some pens. :]
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thief-of-eggs · 10 months
writing a fic in a completely different fandom than you usually do, and then still catching some of your regular likers in the kudos section is so wild to me
like- wait you also like this random obscure fandom?? we are so similar?? our tastes are superior??
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