#have some extras from my Disneyland trip
queen-of-deans-booty · 4 months
Right After All: Part Six
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.8k
Warnings: slow burn angst, fluff
Summary: A hunt brings you, Clarissa, and the brothers to Disneyland where a spirit is haunting the It's A Small World ride. Next your own bed, Disneyland is your favorite place to go to. You're going to make the best of it even if you can't enjoy it int he way you truly want to.
Right After All Masterlist
Square Filled: road trip (2021) for @spnfluffbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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The computer screen is making your head hurt and your eyes burn but you continue with your job. You’re in charge of putting the correct medication for all your patients into the computer so that the doctor knows what to prescribe them. It’s like second nature to you so you’re not really looking at the computer when you type. You’re looking at the paperwork.
“What?” you gasp and look at your friend.
“Are you sure that’s right?”
You look at the screen and see that you put down 100 mg for a narcotic when you should have put 10 mg. You gasp and delete the entry before putting the right one in.
“I’m done. I can’t do this anymore.”
“What’s going on with you?”
“I almost kissed the guy I’m into on my birthday.”
“Ooh, spill the tea,” she grins and wheels over to you.
“There is no tea. I didn’t kiss him even though I wanted to.”
“You should just go for it.”
“Katie, he’s with someone. I’m not a homewrecker.” You haven’t told her Dean is your twin’s boyfriend. She’d freak knowing you’re pining after someone you can’t have. You could never do that to Clarissa even though it’s killing you. “I need something sweet to eat. Do you want anything?”
“Nah, I have my snack here.”
“Be right back.”
You leave the nurse’s station and get on the elevator to ride it down to the first floor where the cafeteria is. You get two snacks because you’re feeling extra stressed about this whole Dean thing. You step back onto the elevator, press the fifth-floor button, and wait for the doors to close. Someone’s hand shoves its way into the elevator to prevent it from closing, and you look up to see Dean step in.
“Hey,” you say. “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you.”
The doors close, leaving you two alone in close proximity. You try to keep your distance but the elevator isn’t that big.
“Are you hurt? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he chuckles. He likes how you worry about him. “Sam and I are going on a hunt.”
“Clarissa already agreed to come with us.”
“I beg your pardon? We’re talking about the same woman who asked you to carry her up a hill because she didn't want to get her shoes dirty? That Clarissa?”
“Yeah,” he smiles.
“I don’t believe you. Where’s the hunt?”
Disneyland is one of your favorite places on Earth no matter how old you get. That place is filled with magic, pixie dust, and wonder. You don’t get to go often because it’s so expensive but when you do, it’s amazing.
“Shut up!” you gasp happily. “No way!”
“Yes, way.”
“Are you asking me to go with you guys?”
“Clarissa told me your love for that place, and I figured you need a break from this place. We have a lot of cushion money from the Men of Letters, so I thought you’d like to spend a bit of it.”
“Yes!” You jump into Dean’s arms and hug him tightly. All stress relating to him isn’t there anymore because you’re so focused on this news. “This is amazing! I love that place.”
“I know,” he smiles.
You pull your head away to look at him, only now realizing how close you two are. You barely look at his lips before putting some distance between you two.
You clear your throat. “When do we leave?”
“Okay, cool.”
Tomorrow couldn’t have come soon enough. You could barely sleep. Sam and Dean picked you and Clarissa up from your place first thing in the morning. Clarissa isn’t too fond of theme parks but she will never turn down a vacation.
“So, what is this hunt about? It’s not every day you get to go somewhere nice,” you say once you’re on the road.
“There are reports from the public that there are haunted dolls in It’s A Small World. People are going in alive and coming out dead.”
“If I have to bet all my money, it would be that ride that would be haunted,” you scoff.
“Of course, Disney isn’t saying anything about it since they want to keep the magic for the kids,” Dean rolls his eyes, “but we’re friends with one of the park managers. He called us in.”
“I’ve always hated that ride,” you mumble.
The drive is uneventful but as soon as you get there, you check into one of Disney’s hotels. It’s going to be a lot easier to get shit done if you’re living in the park. Sam and Dean got a room that’s conjoined with yours and Clarissa’s.
As you’re unpacking, you hear someone knock on Dean’s door. It’s the park manager. The door between the rooms are open so you can hear everything.
“Thank God, you’ve arrived. We’ve had two more deaths since the one I told you about. We’ve shut down the ride. Everyone thinks it’s for maintenance but the victim’s families are starting rumors.”
“Don’t worry. Your ride will be ghost-free by tomorrow morning.”
“You don’t mind if we bring in our weapons, right?” Sam asks.
“No, just make it discreet. I don’t need the other managers or guests to see two big men with guns walking around.”
“Sure. Thank you.”
“I have to get going but I’ll have someone waiting there to let you two in.”
Sam and Dean have everything they need to get this ghost while you secretly pack the gun that Dean gifted you in your jeans behind you. Everyone you pass by gives you weird looks since they are two big men carrying two thick duffel bags, but you make the most of the situation.
Dean looks over at you to see you looking at the rides in wonder. You really do love this place. Clarissa is on the phone talking to one of her friends; something about how her boyfriend took her to Disneyland. There are so many rides you want to go on in such little time. Splash Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Indiana Jones ride, Pirates of the Caribbean ride, and even Space Mountain. So many good rides that are begging for you to ride them.
Clarissa hates going on rides because she claims it’ll ruin her makeup, hair, and clothes. Plus, she’d rather just shop. Not you. You love the adrenaline pumping through your veins and adventure.
“Hey,” Dean stops right before getting to the ride, “why don’t you and Clarissa go on some rides or something while we take care of this?”
You’re not gonna lie. Your heart sunk a bit at this.
“Like she’s going on rides.”
“She’s right. I don’t do rides,” Clarissa says.
“I wanted to see if I could hunt with you?” Dean’s eyebrows shoot up in question. “I’ve been practicing my shooting skills. I have a gun with iron bullets in it. I even have silver ones in my pocket.”
“Sounds like she wants to hunt,” Sam chuckles.
“I don’t mind either, but--”
“Great!” You turn to Clarissa. “Why don’t you go to the front of the park and go shopping, okay? Get whatever you want.”
“I did see some cute clothes I wanted.”
“We’ll come find you in an hour or so.”
“Okay,” she shrugs and walks off.
“There’s no way I’m missing out on something like this,” you say to Dean.
“Alright, let’s see what you’ve got.”
One of the park managers in charge of the section where It’s A Small World is located. He knows exactly what to do since he witnessed people dying at the hands of ghosts. He’s also seen Sam and Dean in action with the manager who met the brothers in their hotel room.
This ride is creepy enough with people in it and music going. With nothing but silence to envelope you, it’s straight out of a horror movie. Even if some of the dolls weren't possessed, you can feel their eyes on you. You take out your gun and Dean smiles when he sees it.
“That’s the one I got you.”
“Yeah, it is,” you smile.
Sam takes out his EMF reader and follows the mystical energy to the fourth room. That has the dolls from Brazil, Mexico, and Antarctica. The two things that can be heard are the beeping of Sam’s EMF reader and the slight sloshing of the water.
“I am never going on this ride ever again,” you mutter.
You pass by a group of dolls that seem to be following you with their eyes. You see something move from the corner of your eye, and you turn just in time to see a knife being hurdled at your head. You scream and jump out of the way, ending up in Dean’s arms.
A spirit smokes out from one of the dolls and immediately charges at you. Dean isn’t quick enough to grab his gun and attack but you are. You shoot the spirit twice with your iron bullets which causes it to mist away.
“Nice job,” Dean smiles.
“Thanks,” you pant. “Why the hell is this ghost here? It has to be attached to something.”
You go split up from the brothers to inspect some dolls on the other end of the room to see if maybe they have something that a ghost might be attached to. Something white is poking out from one of the dolls’ clothes. You pull back the cloth to see a human bone sticking out from the shirt.
“Guys? I think I found what the ghost is attached to. I got a human bone here, at least I think it is.” You grab all the bones you can find and bring them over to Dean who also has bones in his hands. “What the hell is going on?”
“Someone really wants a spirit to haunt this ride. These weren't put here accidentally.”
“Is that all of them?” Sam asks.
“From what I can tell.”
“Okay, let’s burn them.”
You put the bones in a spot that’s safe to burn them in. As Sam is pouring a very small amount of kerosene on it, the temperature in the room becomes close to freezing. The chill running down your spine isn’t from the cold.
You turn around just in time to see the same ghost flying toward you at a high rate of speed. He throws you into the shallow water and keeps his hands on you with the intent of drowning you. You’re lucky you didn't hit your head on the tracks but your back did.
“Burn the bones!” Dean orders his younger brother.
Dean doesn’t want to use his gun for fear he might hit you so he takes out the small iron knife he got from the Bunker. You fight for your life against the spirit, spilling water everywhere. Dean swipes his knife at the spirit causing him to mist away. Without the force holding you down, you shoot out of the water with a loud gasp.
“Shit, are you okay?” Dean asks as he helps you out of the water.
“Yeah.” You look behind Dean to see the spirit back with an angrier face. “Behind you!”
The spirit takes two steps toward you before going up in flames. Your back is sore from where you hit it on the tracks but you’ll live. As far as you’re concerned, there is only one ghost haunting this ride. With it now gone for good, you can rest easy no one else will die on this ride. The manager headed down right away as soon as he heard the job was complete.
“I can’t thank you guys enough.”
He had brought a towel once he heard from Dean what happened, and you pull it tighter around your body. You’re dripping wet but the light breeze and hot sun will dry you up in no time.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m glad no one else was killed.”
“Here, take these.” The manager hands over physical lightning passes that will get you to the front of the line of any ride you want. “I’ll also throw in a free night tonight at the hotel. Stay as long as you like.”
“What are you gonna do about the bones we found? Someone had to have put them there,” you ask.
“I will look into this matter internally. I don’t want to bore you with the details, but if I have any questions, I’ll be sure to give you guys a call.”
You three part ways with the manager, and Dean turns to you now that he has time to look you over.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah. I might have a bruise on my back from where I hit the tracks, but I’ll live.”
“So, what did you think for your first hunt?”
“When can we do that again?” you grin.
“Come on, we should find Clarissa. I dread seeing how much she spent.”
“She probably bought the whole store,” you joke.
Clarissa walks out of the Disney jewelry store when she spots you and the brothers. She has three bags in her hand not including the one she got from the jewelry store.
“Whoa, what happened to you?” she asks when she sees how drenched you are.
“Ghost happened. Tried to drown me. Fun times.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you nod. “Dean saved my life. Well, Sam, too. He’s the one who burned the bones.”
Clarissa slinks up to Dean’s side with a smile on her face. Your smile drops an inch as you step away from the couple.
“My strong man.”
“So, what are we going to do now?”
“Whatever we want. We got a free day and night here.”
“Yeah, I’d rather shop.”
“I’ve already gotten my fill of rides,” Sam says.
“Well, I wanna go on some rides. Dean, will you go with me?”
“Hell yeah. Come on.”
Dean takes your hand and drags you away from the group. You barely have enough time to toss Sam your towel before you’re too far from them. They follow behind you loosely while they wait for you and Dean to be done, but that’s gonna take all night if you’re honest.
The more rides you two go on, the more relaxed you get. Dean can see pure happiness on your face and he doesn’t want that ever going away. Dean got you Maleficent ears that you adore and you got to eat some delicious food. Toward the end of the night, Sam and Clarissa are begging to go back to the hotel, but there is one thing you have to go on before you do.
“One more ride. I promise this is the last one.”
“Fine,” Sam sighs.
You drag them all the way to the California Adventure Park where the Pixar Pal-A-Round Ferris Wheel is. This is one of your favorite rides on this side of the park next to the Incredicoaster. There are two kinds of carts on the Ferris Wheel. Ones that are stationary like normal ones and ones that slide on a track whenever they move. Sam and Clarissa like being stationary and enjoying the peaceful ride whereas you and Dean like the other ones.
The ride starts and you look at Dean who is watching the ground get farther from the cart. When your cart gets to a certain height, you slide down the track at a fast rate of speed. When it reaches the end of the track, your cart swings wildly back and forth.
You squeal and slide closer to Dean as if he could protect you if the cart were to snap off the track. You’re practically in his lap and he holds you by your hips so you don’t go anywhere. You can’t keep doing this. You’re falling more in love with him anytime you two have a precious moment. Your emotions aren’t to be toyed with and you hate that you can’t do anything about it.
He leans in only slightly before the Ferris Wheel moves and the cart is sliding again, forcing you two apart.
After the ride, Sam and Clarissa drag both you and Dean back to the hotel to finally get some sleep. You can go on more rides tomorrow. Now that you have some time to think about your situation with Dean, the feelings are finally catching up to you. Clarissa walks out of the bathroom with a silk hairband in her hair to keep it from being frizzy when she shivers.
The balcony door is open and you’re outside just staring at the crowd of people making their way out of the park. She walks closer to the door and hears you sniffling. You’re crying.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?”
“I love him, Clarissa,” you sniffle and barely look at her from over your shoulder. “It’s clear that you don’t but if you do and if you care about him in the way I do, please treat him better. It hurts so much to see such an amazing man go through what you’re putting him through.”
Clarissa doesn’t have any words for you. Whatever she says won’t bring you any comfort so she turns and heads back into the room, leaving you there to cry alone.
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The Heathers + Veronica go on a Road Trip
Gee don't you just love when you write out a whole long ass post only for your computer to freeze and you lose all of your writing
So this will probably be worse than my original draft, but either way this is still going to be the longest thing I've ever posted to this site
But anyway, y'all really seemed to like the Comic Con one I wrote which why, that was one of the least inspired and generic ones that I did and I had no real ideas for the actual Comic Con part, but what I did have ideas for was the trip part, so I decided to expand upon it with this
Veronica, Duke and Mac are all stressed tf out
It's not that they don't love their jobs, they do, but it gets monotonous after a while
After a while of her gfs coming home downtrodden and low-energy, Chandler starts to notice
She realizes that she needs to do something about it, and eventually settles on organizing a get-away for the four of them
They talk it over and try to decide where they would want to go
They immediately rule out any high-paced vacations, like Disney World, as well as anything that would take them out of the country, as it would be too much work to get all of their passports in order and all of that
Eventually Mac brings up that her Dad has a beach house in California that they could ask to use for a week
They agree that it sounds like a good, relaxing time, and they start making preparations
The first thing they need to get settled is their pets
It starts off easy enough, Veronica's parents are more than happy to take JFK for the week
After a little bit of discussion, Martha, Betty and JD agree to take in Munchkin the Rabbit and Cornelius the Snake
Neither Martha nor Betty were too happy about the snake, but JD thinks they're neat and says that he'll keep it in his room so they don't have to be near it
The problem comes with Heather the cat
Heather is a very needy, loud, and aggressive cat, just like the person she's named after, and neither Veronica's parents nor her friends are willing to deal with it
JD especially did not want Heather in his home, the last time they had to take care of the cat she tried to eat his hamster, Slushie
So, they are forced to find a 'pet hotel' where they can drop her off
The hotel is none too happy to deal with this cat who will most definitely cause issues, so Chandler has to slide them some extra cash to get them to cooperate
After they get that settled, they start looking into flights
However, once they mention planes, Chandler goes oh hell no and adamantly refused to fly
The others try and fail to convince her to change her mind, but it is futile and an impasse is reached
Eventually Mac suggests that they drive, which none of the others are too keen on, but she adds that they could make a road trip out of it and visit different places
This grabs their attention, and they start figuring out all the different kinds of places they would want to go on their way
Veronica suggests different historical monuments like Mt. Rushmore
Mac would like to see some national parks and just be out in nature, seeing all the different kinds of wildlife
Plus after going to Disney World she really really wants to go to Disneyland, even if they only go for a day
Duke wants to see some weird roadside attractions
She saw a youtube video once about some of them and she wants to go see them in person, she just thinks they are just hilarious
Chandler doesn't really care what they do as long as her gfs are happy, she knows she is being an inconvenience with not wanting to fly, but she was terrified when they flew to Disney World and she just can't go through that again
They leave it to Veronica to plan a route, and here's what she came up with
From Sherwood they'll drive to St. Louis, visit the Gateway Arch, spend the night, then drive to
Kansas to see Wheat Jesus, before going to Nebraska and seeing the 15 ft. fork and pasta and Lighthouse in the Middle of the US, before spending the night in Omaha
From there, they'll drive to Carhenge, before heading to Mt. Rushmore and visit it and the surrounding area and stay the night
They'll then drive to the Wall Drug Store Inc., before they'll go to Yellowstone and camp there, before seeing the Car with 2 Front Ends
From there they'll drive down to the Grand Canyon and spend the night in the hotel (Chandler refused to sleep in the Desert)
'What if theres rattlesnakes? or Scorpions? or Coyotes?'
'I'll just become friends with them'
'Mac, honey, I love you, but I don't think scorpions are capable of the concept of friendship'
'You just haven't tried hard enough'
From there they'll go to the Hoover Dam, before getting to California and heading to San Diego Zoo, where they will spend the day
They'll drive overnight to Disneyland, where they will spend the day
After they'll head to the Redwood Forest National Park, before going to San Fransisco to go over the Golden Gate Bridge and visiting Alcatraz
After all of that they will finally get to the Beach House, where they decided to spend an additional week due to how long it would take to get there
(This path might be nonsensical, but its not meant to be sensical, this is a Tumblr post, not an actual trip)
With the plans changing drastically, they had to change their preparations
Veronica's parents and friends were more than ok with watching their pets for longer
JD was especially happy to hang out with Cornelius more, like he said he just thinks snakes are cool
But the pet hotel was really upset they had to watch Heather for longer
They almost canceled the reservation, but Chandler used her Heather TM powers and told the receptionist that they were going to keep the reservation and if Heather was injured, died, went missing, or anything preventable happened, she would make it her personal mission to make sure their business closed and that every single employee involved would never work at any business better than McDonalds for the rest of their sad, miserable lives
With the business thoroughly terrified, the reservation was secure
Next came the matter of work
Chandler was obviously a housewife, and so she didn't have to get off, she just asked Martha, Betty and JD to come clean, get the mail and most importantly maintain the lawn, and of course she would compensate them for their time
Veronica was self-employed, so she also didn't need to talk to her boss
'Ms. Sawyer please, I really need this break, I've been working so hard'
'No way Veronica, you are just so amazing and great, we cannot afford to lose you for a whole month'
'But I really need to go, who will make sure my gfs don't do something stupid'
'Veronica why are you talking to yourself'
Mac worked for her Dad, so she just had to ask him, which of course he agreed to
The problem came with Duke's job
Duke worked for a legal clinic that works to get abused children away from abusive households, and she was damn good at it
That was the main issue, she was just too valuable to be gone for a whole month
She begged and pleaded but they refused to give her the time off
After talking it over with her gfs, she decided to go with the tried and true Heather way and made a threat
She realized that if she was too valuable to let go on vacation, she was also too valuable to let quit, so she told her bosses that she would do whatever work she could while on the trip, but she was going on the trip, or she would quit
Thankfully for her they decided to give her the time off, but they would be sending her the paperwork while they covered her clients
That posed a problem, because they were planning on taking Duke's Jeep, and she refuses to let anyone else drive
But she also realizes that she can't drive, enjoy the trip, do her work and rest, so she had to cut one of them out
She goes 'I don't need sleep imma bad bitch' and decides to just work while the rest sleep
Upon telling her gfs this they gave her a look and told her that under no circumstances would she be allowed to forgo sleep for work and that if she tried, they would tie her to the bed
Duke said 'That's kinky' and Chandler gave her a bap on the head
**Line Break**
After much arguing she acquiesced and agreed that she would only drive for half of it and would do the work while the others drove
With all the bs settled, they moved on to preperation
They needed to get a few things, so they headed to Target
Chandler fucking loves Target, she is such a basic white bitch
They head into the store, grabbing a cart, and before anyone can say anything Mac grabs Duke and puts her in the kiddie seat
Duke starts screaming to let her out while Veronica dies laughing
After she calms down she runs to the Pokemon card section and comes back 5 minutes later with 5 different boxes and a handful of tins and blister packs
'You have a problem Veronica'
'Shut up Heather I don't have a problem you have a problem'
'We all have many problems, but yours is a whole addiction'
While her other gfs argue, Mac runs to the squishmallow section and grabs some before running back and putting them in the cart
Veronica starts arguing how Mac and her squishmallows aren't an addiction but her pokemon cards are, and Duke chimes in that she wants out of the cart
While they argue Chandler decides to just grab another cart and leave her immature girlfriends to be childish
She heads for the medical section, grabbing first aid kits, band aids, every single kind of general cream, pill or medicine that she could conceive of needing
She then heads for the camping section, getting a tent, sleeping bags, flashlights, rope, a knife, emergency flares, compasses, a dozen different other survival gadgets and about 20 cans of bug spray
It's around this time her gfs meet up with her and upon seeing all of the crap, they try to convince her that it's not needed
However, Chandler is a worrier and argues that its just in case
She does agree to put some of the bug spray back
They then head to get snacks
They get;
Chandler - Sun Chips (The Green ones), Nature Valley Bars (Also the Green Ones), Smartfood Popcorn, Red Vines, Strawberry Pop Tarts and who can forget Corn Nuts
After they finished at Target Chandler made them drive to Costco to get a industrial size box of Corn Nuts
Duke - Fruit Gushers, Barbecue Lays, Synder's Mini Pretzels, Nutter Butters, White Chocolate Kit-Kats, Fudge Stripes, Cosmic Brownies
Mac - Goldfish (The Rainbow Ones), Regular Lays, Golden Oreos, Trail Mix, Honey Buns, Cookies & Cream Pocky, Peanut M&Ms
Veronica - Salt and Vinegar Lays, Sour Patch Kids, Airheads X-treme, Sour Cream & Onion Pringles, Hot Cheetos, Scooby-Doo Gummies
She'll only eat the Scooby-Doo ones, one time they were out so Chandler had to get some other ones and Veronica refused to even touch them
She also just likes the weirdest food, it scares her gfs sometimes, like who actually likes Salt and Vinegar Chips
Once they're done with snacks they finish up by heading to the Swimming Aisle, Mac's Dad's house also has a pool
They decide to all get those obnoxiously large pool floats
Chandler gets one of those that have a cover on the top, Duke gets the Alligator, Mac googled and found a Lapras one online so she ordered it and Veronica gets the tank one that shoots water
Upon seeing that Duke reaches to the largest water gun she can from where she is still stuck in the cart, which causes Mac to also grab one
Chandler thinks its super childish but also, rather reluctantly, grabs one as well
They spend a few more days packing enough clothes for a month long vacation (They had a long talk with Chandler that they wouldn't be able to bring enough clothes to wear something different each day and when they were done she looked like she was having a Vietnam flashback)
Veronica finalizes their route while Chandler books all of the hotels they would need and gets their Disneyland tickets
** Line Break**
Finally, at long last, the day of the trip arrived
For once Veronica didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to make her gfs drinks, they could barely sleep with how excited they were
And of course this is where they run into their first problem
They bought too much crap, so much that even Duke's jeep can't hold it all, so obviously they're gonna have to leave some stuff behind
First to go is the Industrial Sized Box of Corn Nuts
'Like seriously Heather you cannot possibly eat all of those Corn Nuts over the course of the trip'
'Watch me bitch'
They try to take the emergency stuff but Chandler puts her foot down, saying they're going to be driving through the wilderness, going to national parks, and staying at the beach house which is in a remote area, if they get stuck or something happens they probably won't have service to call for help
No one is willing to budge on anything else, so eventually they decide to just put some stuff in the backseat and whoever is there is just gonna have to deal with it
They leave and start heading to St. Louis
Duke drives, Chandler is riding shotgun, Veronica and Mac are in the back
After about an hour the novelty wears off, Chandler is being her usual backseat driver self, Mac is trying and failing to fall asleep and is getting agitated that Duke is driving so bumpy, and Veronica is playing Pokemon Violet on her Switch and getting her ass kicked by Iono over and over again so she's getting agitated
This makes Duke more and more angry until eventually she pulls into the parking lot of a Best Buy, storms into the store, and comes back with 4 pairs of noise-canceling headphones
She gives one to each of her gfs and tells them that they're gonna put these on and shut up before she turns around and that she is not dealing with this for the entire trip
That shuts them right up
No one talks until they stop at a McDonalds right outside St. Louis to get lunch, but even then their conversations are straightforward and short
They arrive at their hotel, put their stuff down (They had each packed a quick overnight bag with the things they would need like toothbrushes, change of clothes, meds, stuff like that), and Duke decides to apologize for how she acted earlier
Her gfs accepted her apology and admitted that they could have been more considerate of her
They came to the agreement that Chandler would keep her opinions about Duke's driving to herself, Mac and Veronica wouldn't outwardly express their frustration with things, and Duke would do the same with her frustrations about them
With that potentially trip-ending fight avoided, they head to the Gateway Arch
Chandler is bored bc ewwww learning and absolutely refuses to go up the elevator to the top, despite the pleading of her gfs
They go up and have a good time, looking over the city and into the Mississipi River below, while Chandler waits impatiently for them to get down so they can go to the hotel and relax
Eventually they come down and they head back, getting to bed early so they can leave early
Then they start heading to Kansas and Wheat Jesus
Chandler takes this part, Duke sits in the back with Veronica, Mac riding in the front
Nothing happens bc they're going through Kansas, the only thing there is a bunch of corn and weird ass religious signs
'Oh look guys this sign says we're going to hell for being gay'
'We know Heather, this is the 5th sign in the past half hour that's said that'
'Hell is gonna be fuckin lit, a bunch of lesbians with whips and chains and shit, its like a BDSM party that never ends'
'Shut up Veronica'
They eventually make a game out of it, which ever one of them can find the weirdest sign before they reach the hotel gets to be the one who can shower first
After sitting in the Jeep for hours upon end, they are kinda sweaty and are ready to shower, so it becomes a competition
Even Duke, who has her headphones in and is relentlessly typing away at her laptop, takes a break and participates
Obviously Chandler's ego will not let her lose, so she looks and looks until she sees one that says "You can't hold hands with God if you're 'mass debating'" (I'm not gonna use the actual word, but you get the idea of what it said)
They then reach Wheat Jesus, which is a billboard with a picture of Jesus in a field of wheat
Duke just thinks that its so stupid, even compared to the homophobic ones that they've passed
They take a quick picture and head back on the road
They head to Nebraska, which is more of the same
They eventually reach the Fork, which is another ridiculous thing that Duke finds stupidly funny
She manages to climb to the top while her gfs yell at her to get down, but she's able to get a good pic of her before a cop comes over and yells at them
After that they head to the lighthouse
Why is there a lighthouse in the middle of the Great Plains? Nobody knows
Chandler initially refuses to climb it bc 'it was so high up' but eventually she overcomes her fear
They get to the top, and are excited to see the view
They see grass, corn, wheat, and more weird ass billboards
They take a pic and agree that the Midwest fucking sucks
They head into Omaha, check into their hotel, and Chandler bolts to the shower, not forgetting that she won their little game earlier
They sleep and the next day they start towards South Dakota
Duke takes the wheel again, with Veronica finally getting to sit in the front
They head to Carhenge, which is just Stonehenge made out of cars
This time her gfs keep an eye on the gremlin so she won't climb things again
Chandler found all of these things kinda boring, but Duke is having fun exploring the attractions and buying a souvenir from each of them
Mac was also taking pictures of everything they've done, which she says she needs to make a scrapbook when they get back
Once they're done they start heading to Mt. Rushmore
Everyone is starting to get pretty bored
They've been driving for like 3 days now and they're running out of things to keep themselves entertained
And with boredom, there comes agitation, and they all too well remember what happened a few days ago when they all got pissed at each other
To lighten the mood they try to think of something fun they can do together
Duke suggests a movie but none of them can agree on which one, which only makes them angrier, same thing when she suggests putting on some music
Eventually Veronica googles 'things to do when you're bored' and comes across Prank Calls
They think its kinda childish but who are they kidding they aren't very mature people
After a bit of discussion they decide to call JD with the story being that Chandler is upset with her gfs and wants to elope with him
They know that he would never in a million years do that so that's why they agreed
They can barely contain their giggling while Chandler calls him
'Oh JD its horrible, my gfs are such immature children, I need a real man'
'And look at you, such a strong man, I know you would treat me right'
'Heather are you drunk'
'Why don't we just run away, you and me, we'll move to Montana or some shit and have a big beautiful family'
' I would rather stick my dick into a slushie, impregnate it, and raise our hybrid slush-human children before I would ever consider having a family with you'
The rest can't handle it anymore and start bursting out laughing
JD realizes that this was a prank call and threatens to keep Cornelius forever
Duke shouts noooooooo and he hangs up
That keeps their spirits up until they reach Mt. Rushmore
**Line Break**
Once they get to Mt. Rushmore they check in to their room before heading to the monument itself
There's plenty to do, but first they all go to the mountain, take a few pictures, and just look at it
Before doing anything else they head to the gift shop where they pick up a few various things like magnets, a postcard, a bobblehead set for Veronica (She just thinks its funny) before Mac lays eyes on it
It's a 4 pack with a wig of each of the presidents along with a hat for Lincoln and glasses and a mustache for Roosevelt
She shows her gfs and says they have to get this and take a picture with them wearing these
For once Chandler doesn't have a stick in her ass and agrees to do it, but only if she gets to be Washington
Veronica is Lincoln bc she's the tallest
Mac is Roosevelt bc she loves animals and that leaves Duke as Jefferson, which she isn't thrilled about, saying that he sucks
She eventually sucks it up and puts on the wig
They stand in front of the mountain and get someone to take a picture of the 4 of them, standing in front of the corresponding president
Mac is really really excited about that picture, she says it's gonna look amazing in the scrapbook
They bring the wigs back to the room before heading to the Museum
Its actually a fairly interesting museum, going over the history of the architect, why the four presidents that were chosen were chosen, and even a bit about the Native American tribes that lived there
They take a Presidential Trail Loop, which isn't very long but gives them a good view of everything
Mac even gets some pictures of the wildlife which she is overjoyed about
As it gets dark they walk the The Avenue of Flags which Veronica is freaking out over
She's also a history buff so this whole experience has been just so fascinating for her
She is really into vexillology and loves identifying all the different flags and even discovering some she's never seen before
Finally, they go around the time of year they do the Evening Lighting Ceremony, where they light up the faces of the Presidents after watching a short film about the men whose faces were immortalized in stone on this mountain
Eventually they call it a night and head to the room
When they wake up and head out Veronica is actually kinda sad to leave
She is the one driving with Mac in the front and the other two in the back
But she quickly cheers up when they reach the Wall Drug Store Inc.
Its basically a Midwest Buccees
They have plenty of picture opportunities, including with a fake Mt. Rushmore that Mac puts right next to the big one in the scrapbook, and a Jurassic Park rip-off with a T-Rex Chasing them
They do a bit of shopping, Chandler even finding some boots that are up to her impossibly high standards for clothes
Then they go to the restaurant
They have Buffalo Burgers there
Both Chandler and Mac refuse to try, but Duke and Veronica say why the hell not and order them
They actually end up liking it a lot, its kinda earthy but also sweet, which is not what they were expecting from meat
They get some homemade donuts too, which are also amazing
From there they head to Yellowstone, where instead of spending the night in a hotel, they planned on camping
Before they got there, they stopped at a Walmart (there was no nearby Target, much to Chandler's horror) to get some hotdogs and buns to cook that night
Camping required moving everything out of the back to get to the tent, medical supplies, emergency supplies, and sleeping bags, moving it all back in, and bringing all of that with them to the designated camping spot
By the time they finish all of that they are sweaty and exhausted, expect for Mac who kept in good physical shape even after graduating and finishing cheerleading
They quickly get to work setting up the tent, only to realize that none of them know how to do this
They have the instructions, but something gets lost between Duke reading it out and the other 3 following what she's saying
It takes a good 2 hours before they have a tent that doesn't fall down after 5 seconds
Once they finally get that done with, they try to start a fire
Keyword Try
They try using the fire starter that Chandler bought, it doesn't work, they try using glass to redirect sunlight, doesn't work, they even try rubbing sticks together
They are all getting super frustrated and worse, they're starving
Duke gets the idea to do all three things at once to try and start the fire
Chandler says that that's stupid, if one didn't work why would all at the same time work
But while she's yapping Mac grabs the sticks and Veronica grabs the glass
Somehow it actually works and they manage to start a fire and Chandler is just done with everything and decides to go sit in the tent and cool off
Eventually she goes out to cook the hot dogs and despite the fact she's cooking them in the middle of the woods they actually turn out decent
Once they've eaten they decide to walk around and see the nature
Yellowstone is beautiful, they just walk around, not saying a word, enjoying the serenity of nature
Mac takes the occasional picture of waterfalls or the hot springs, but besides that the only sound heard is the crunch of leaves or rocks beneath their feet
Eventually they reach the hot springs
Duke leans over to feel the heat better
And she almost falls in
She is only saved at the last second by Mac grabbing her
After that they decide to go back to camp
On the way Mac keeps a look out for wildlife
She sees buffalo, coyotes, deer, mountain goats and even a marmot
It takes all of Mac's willpower not to run up and start hugging the marmot, she can't help it they're just big fat prairie dogs
When they get back to camp they see a bear foraging around in their food
Chandler screams at the sight of it which causes the bear to notice them and start growling and swiping its claws towards them
Everyone is freaking out, they're trying to figure out how to get to their bags bc maybe they could use the bug spray to spray in its eyes until it runs away or maybe use the flare or knife
Everyone is freaking out, expect for Mac
She walks straight up to the bear, slaps it, and says 'GO AWAY' in the loudest voice she can manage
The bear just looks ashamed and slowly trods away
Her gfs are just stunned and don't say a word
They get set up for the night, getting their sleeping bags out and getting marshmallows to make smores
As they are eating they start to notice something
There are a lot of bugs
Thankfully this is something they are actually prepared for as Chandler goes into the tent and hands each of her gfs a can of bug spray
Once they spray a bit and the bugs either leave or die it's actually kinda nice
As they are eating their smores Duke suggests they tell scary stories
She says that she'll start
The story she tells is so dark and gruesome that by the time she's finished both Chandler and Veronica are shaking and Mac is hugging Chandler tight and on the verge of tears
She pretty much killed the mood with that so they put out the fire and went to bed
When they get up in the morning none of them have gotten more than a hour's sleep each
They are all exhausted and their backs hurt and want nothing more than to sleep in a real bed
But they know they have to keep moving on if they wanna stay on schedule
They quickly pack up and head out of Yellowstone
Duke drives with Veronica in the front and Chandler and Mac in the back
**Line Break**
Chandler tells Veronica that if she ever suggests going camping again she will leave her stranded in the woods
Then Veronica says that if she ever suggests it to put her in a mental institution
They eventually reach the Car with Two Front Ends
Its another silly roadside attraction which is exactly like it sounds, a car with two front ends
They take some pictures before heading back to start the drive to the Grand Canyon
They are all exhausted, they've got no real sleep and have only eaten fast food
So they decide to alter their plans a little, instead of doing the Grand Canyon today they'll relax in the room before doing it tomorrow
To do this they would have to skip the Hoover Dam, which no one is sad about but Duke
'Heather why do you even want to go there, its just a dam?'
'I know why she wants to go'
'Shut up Veronica'
'She wants to make dam jokes'
'.... Like from the Percy Jackson books?'
'I should've expected that'
They get to the resort at the Canyon and rush to take a shower and relax
Of course Chandler being the princess she is insists on going first
She takes so long that the other three get fed up, go in the shower and drag her out, before deciding to just say screw it and take one together so they don't have to wait any longer
When they get out they decide to just all get in bed and cuddle while watching TV
Before that they also decide to turn the AC down to the lowest setting it can go
They pass out pretty much immediately
When they get up they quickly load their things back into the car before heading to the Canyon itself
They visit the Visitor's Center, where they watch some introductory videos and look around the exhibits
They then go to the gift shop and pick up some souvenirs
Duke spots some cowboy hats and gets an idea
She runs up behind each of her gfs and places a hat in their color on each of their heads
Chandler thinks its stupid (big surprise there) but the others like it so they get the hats
She's thankful for the hats when they start going down the trail, because the sun is blazing down on them and it is really fucking hot
They're taking a trail down to the bottom where they are gonna go whitewater rafting in the Colorado River
The entire way down Chandler is petrified that she's gonna fall or they're gonna run into a rattlesnake or something
She's so happy when they reach the bottom that she could cry
After a quick tutorial the four of them get into their raft
You would think after years of being friends, then gfs, and being a part of a clique they would be able to work together on this simple task
You would be wrong
Chandler and Mac are sitting in the front and Duke and Veronica in the back
Chandler is barking orders to everyone while Duke is telling her that she's doing it wrong and so they all start yelling at each other
The instructor is paddling over to them trying to tell them what to do but none of them can hear her over their own shouting
Eventually their raft hits a rock and it flips over
Thankfully they are all strong swimmers and so are able to get to the shore quickly and without being injured
The water was actually pretty cold so none of them were too upset
They eventually made the way back up, stopping at several spots to get different views of everything
They then get back in the car, cranking up the AC before heading to San Diego
Mac drives here, Chandler in the front and the other two in the back
They're getting closer and closer to their destination, and with that they're getting more antsy
Even with the frequent stops they've been driving for days and they just want to be there already
Veronica spent like 2 hours trying to convince Chandler to try playing Pokemon with her and Mac, but she refuses bc she has a stick in her ass and hates fun
At least that's what Veronica claims is the problem
She tries appealing to her ego, saying that the whole point of the game is about becoming better than everyone else, but to no avail
The drive to San Diego feels like an eternity, but once they see the Pacific on the horizon they realize that it was all worth it
They reach the hotel and sleep, before waking up and heading to the zoo
Mac is like a very excited child, she's running around the place and just beaming
They paid for a VIP tour, so they had a personal guide taking them around the zoo
They even got to go up close and personal with some of the animals
They let them feed the giraffes, elephants, monkeys, capybaras, penguins and so much more
Most of the animals were really chill and even let Mac hug them, which just made her so happy
When the tour was over Mac said that they were coming back one day and doing this again and was crying happy tears
They stop at the gift shop and of course she picks up a bunch of plushes
They have no room in the Jeep but that hasn't stopped them from buying stuff before
From here they head to Disneyland
They stay at the Disneyland Hotel, which is so fucking cool
It's a hotel that has a bunch of Disney history, so they spend some time looking around that the exhibits
They even have this giant wall full of old Disney merch, which they take a minute to look around and find all of the cool stuff
They then head to Downtown Disney to do some shopping
They buy some of the usual stuff, pins, plushies, a few shirts and various knick knacks
Duke buys a few more lightsabers, justifying it by saying they were on sale
They have to pull Veronica out of the Lego store before she buys the UCS Millenium Falcon
They get to bed early, because in the morning they have to deal with Drill Srgt. McNamara
She wakes up before them and yells at them to hurry hurry hurry
She does not stop they are all ready and the second they are she grabs their hands and drags them to the park enterance
They have to get done with both Disneyland and California Adventure, and if they are gonna do everything they have to hurry
Since they are staying on-property, they are able to get in 30 min early, and Mac drags them to Tommorowland and is able to get everything done there
Everything goes fine until the Nemo Submarine ride, its dark and cramped and Chandler is not a fan of it
She screams like a little bitch whenever the angler fish jumpscares them
By the time the park opens fully they are in line for the Matterhorn
The Matterhorn is one of the most bumpy rides, and by the time they get off their backs are killing them
People start flooding in to the park and wait times are going up, so Mac drags them from one part of the part to another, doing whatever has the shortest line
They go from Small World to Smuggler's Run to Jungle Cruise to Rodger Rabbit to Haunted Mansion, you get the idea
By the time they stop for lunch everyone is exhausted, except for Mac, who seems annoyed they had to stop
They've gotten about 3/4ths of the park done, and they still have California Adventure to do
They try asking Mac is they can slow down but she just laughs and says that if they slow down they won't get everything done
Veronica tries telling her that they could always come back, its not like they couldn't afford it or that their work wouldn't let them but she doesn't wanna hear it
However she does agree that she'll take the next leg of driving so they can rest while they head to Redwood National Park
That sounds like a fair compromise to them so they keep heading out
They quickly wrap up Disneyland and head to California Adventure
There less rides there, so they can afford to go a little bit slower
** Line Break **
On the Little Mermaid Dark Ride, they had to cram themselves into a single clam which was super uncomfortable but it was worth it when they got to the 'Kiss the Girl' scene and they all kissed each other
They head to the Spider-man ride, which requires the rider to shoot webs by making the Spider-man web shooter gesture and moving it back and forth
Their hands were cramping so badly when they got off
Duke won and was gloating which obviously pissed off Chandler, which causes her to drag her to the Toy Story ride to get revenge
Chandler does end up winning that round, so she declares that they are even
Eventually they finish all the rides and decide to get dinner
They go to Flo's Cafe in Cars Land, where they see the best menu item ever
Its the Ka-Cheeseburger, like Lightning McQueen's catchphrase Ka-Chow
They all think that it is just the funniest thing ever, so they all get one, plus a Piston Cup cup
Once they finish their dinner (it was just alright) they head back to Disneyland to watch Fantasmic! and finish up shopping
They head to bed, pack up, and head on the road
Mac drives while the others sleep, exhausted by the previous day's events
She wakes them up once they reach the forest
The main reason they came was because they filmed Endor there in Return of the Jedi, so after walking around the trail for a few hours, admiring the giant trees, they find the exact spot they filmed some scenes in the movie and take pictures, using the lightsabers that Duke bought at Disneyland as props
After they finish up (and of course grabbing some souvenirs) they head back towards San Fransisco
They drive over the Golden Gate Bridge, which isn't anything special besides the fact that it is the Golden Gate Bridge
Compared to everything else they've seen and done over the trip a random Bridge is probably the least interesting
They then do the final thing of the road trip, which is going tour Alcatraz
They get on the ferry and start the tour
Its actually pretty interesting, even Chandler finds it entertaining
After the tour is over they have a little while to look around on their own
They go to some of the cells and start taking pictures
They pass by a random cell and Duke decides to play a prank
She nudges Chandler and says that she saw something weird in that cell over there
Chandler goes to take a look and Duke closes the door behind her
Upon realizing that she was trapped she starts screaming at Duke to let her out while Duke just laughs her ass off
'You've been a bad bad girl Heather, and now its time for your punishment'
'Only if you say the magic wordddd'
'Noooo, you know what it is'
'I'm not saying that'
'Say it or you're staying in there'
'....Duke is the most goregous, most sexy, smartest, prettiest Heather there is'
'and she is much better than me at Toy Story Mania'
After that incident they take the ferry back and start the final leg to the journey, to the beach house
They actually have to circle back towards Los Angeles as the beach house is farther south, but eventually they arrive at the house
Its rather isolated, the nearest house is a few miles away
It's on the seafront, with a spacious beach area in the front of it
It's a two-story modern-styled house, complete with a pool, game room, and movie room with a 98in TV
They quickly unloaded everything, before driving out to Target to grab food to make for the next two weeks, before
Their first day at the house they spend in bed
The past week of constant travel and doing things has exhausted them beyond belief, more than they ever thought possible
Chandler doesn't even feel like cooking, they just DoorDash Chinese food
Once they've rested and can feel their feet again, they start doing things
Their days go generally like this;
They sleep in until around 9ish
While her gfs shower, Veronica makes their coffee/tea, and after they are done Veronica takes her shower
They put on their bikinis and head down to the beach
Chandler generally doesn't go in the water, she spends most of her time catching up on some reading and sunbathing
Duke and Veronica picked up some Boogie Boards when they went to Target, and take some time trying to surf
Trying is the key word there, they aren't very good at it, but they have fun with it
Mac alternates between swimming and building sand castles
She spent a lot of the ride watching Youtube videos on people building them, and she was inspired
She also collects sea shells to put in her scrapbook
Around lunch time they'll go back inside while Chandler cooks
She's been trying some new recipes and while they aren't all hitters, she's having fun trying new things out
After that they'll take a nap before doing something in the afternoon
Sometimes they'll take a dip in the pool, which has a slide
Duke will wait at the top of the slide until someone on the float passes by, and then she'll quickly slide down and land on top of them
Other times they'll get out the water guns and start shooting each other
If they don't go to the pool they might head to the game room
They have a bunch of board games
They play some Trivial Pursuit, which Veronica wins handily, or Monopoly, which they end up having to abandon because Chandler and Duke are getting competitive again
They also have some video games
As soon as she sees Mario Party Veronica grabs it and hides it somewhere upstairs
They are not having a repeat of the Mario Party Incident
They play Jackbox Party, which causes Duke to laugh so hard that her sides start to cramp
If not games, then they go to the movie room and watch some movies
Mac's dad has both a large collection of DVDs and a bunch of streaming services, so they have essentially unlimited options
There's a pull-out couch that they use to lay down on, and they cuddle while watching things
At night they'll get some wine and go sit on the beach, just watching the sunset and enjoying each other's company , before calling it a night
They stay this way for two weeks, just relaxing without a care in the world, until the day comes that they need to pack up and go
It takes forever to get everything to fit, bc they bought just so much crap
They manage to get it all to fit, but whoever is in the backseat is gonna need to sit on someone else's lap
Its illegal but who cares
As they're finishing up Mac says that she's gonna go take a quick walk on the beach
She comes back 5 min later upset, saying that she dropped one of her earrings
Her gfs rush to come help her
Mac suggests that they dig through the sand to try and find it
While they are digging Duke finds something
Its not Mac's earring, its a small chest
Confused, she opens it, only to see 4 smaller boxes, one red, one yellow, one green and one blue
The three of them look at Mac, who is struggling not to smile, as she hands Chandler the red box, Veronica the blue box, and Duke the green box, before grabbing the yellow box herself
She tells them about how her life has been changed because of them, and how its improved in every conceivable way
She further says that without them, she doesn't know where or even who she would be, and that she wouldn't want to be anyone else than who she is right now, and that she has them to thank for it
She then says that she cannot see a life without them, and that she doesn't even want to imagine it and thats why she wants to make it permanent
** Line Break**
After she says this she gets down on her knee and tells them to open their boxes, revealing a ring in each one
Each ring is ornate, containing Heather flowers and roses with a diamond at the center, obviously in each of their respective colors
She then asks the question;
"Will you marry me?"
They're all crying, and they all pull each other into a group hug before saying that they will
So they leave the beach house, a ring on each of their fingers
They get home, and Mac gets started on the scrapbook of their trip
She works day and night in-between work and spending time with her fiancees
Eventually she gets to the last page, with a picture of the four of them on the beach, and another picture of their rings
She writes the word 'girlfriends' next to it, before grabbing a red sharpie, x-ing it out, and writing another word before circling it in green
The word is Wives
The final word count of this is somewhere around 25k words, so jesus christ I wrote a lot
If you read all of this you are awesome and I hope you enjoyed this
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moncey-imagines · 1 year
Disneyland Trip Headcanons | Sans x GN!Reader
no warnings here hehe, this is part two of this fic.
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* Really? I mean, yeah! Of course papyrus can come!
* Ah- Were you standing there the whole time?
* Why?
* i told him to.
* But why?
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After Papyrus’ excited and frantic observations and questions the whole trip there, you were excited to have your skeleton boyfriend and his brother experience the park.
* Sleeping Beauty castle?
* Um…no, that would be dangerous to guests I think…
* bummer.
* what was that, bro? sorry, i took a quick nap.
The questions from Papyrus, as silly some of them could be, really tested your knowledge in a really fun way.
* That’s the Hatbox Ghost, he’s just standing there but there is a theory and a book supporting evidence that says that he’s scaring you out the window, where you fall to your death in the graveyard, and that’s why all the ghosts after are dancing and celebrating.
* Well, it’s nothing personal against specific guests, he just kind of…wants another ghost in the house, I guess?
* this is probably a personal attack against my bro. we gotta destroy him.
* Papyrus is right, we could even be arrested…
* shame. guys already dead, and we would get arrested for killin’ him again? Society.
* Society…
Despite his questions being fun, Papyrus easily wore you out. Thankfully, he, somehow, had a very weak bladder, leaving you and Sans alone waiting for him often. It was a nice change of pace, even for just a moment.
* Here’s our snacks…
* what’d ya get?
* Well, I got beignets and mint juleps, enough for all three of us.
* mmm, those smell good…
* They’re the same things Tiana made in the beginning of Princess and the Frog! Due to both the beignets and the proximity to Critter Country, they turned this place into Tiana’s restaurant from the movie.
* oh, yeah. the one at the end that looked like a big boat, right?
* Yeah…have you been watching Disney movies?
* yeah, paps really wanted to marathon them. I also watched a few extra just to keep up with your facts.
* Aw…Sans, that’s so sweet…
* it’s no skin off my nose.
* Hehehe…bonehead…
During particularly long lines, Sans chose to ride your back. He’s not very heavy at all, really just the weight of clothes and bones, so he wasn’t much of a hassle to hold.
* It’s okay, Papyrus, he’s really light…and it’s nice to be so close to him…
* romantic, huh? consider me a certified heart throb then.
* Already considered. You make my knees weak…
* you send shivers up my spine.
* You rush my blood to my cheeks…
After a while, you heard Papyrus crying, muttering about how beautiful your love was. You also realized he was handed a lollipop by some random kid and had begun eating it.
* Papyrus, where did you get that?
* Huh?
* That…child?
* aw, i wanted to eat those later.
* It’s okay, I have more.
* where?
* Secret…
* secret…
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* i think he’s passed out. Shame he didn’t get to see the fireworks.
* It’s okay, we’ll come back sometime.
* today was really nice.
* It was…
* oh, here, i bought this for you.
* Wow…is this…
* yeah, you said it was your favorite ride…i saw the plush and thought you should add it to your collection.
* When..?
* when we were walking, i saw it…i snuck away at some point to shortcut over and get it for you.
* Aw…thank you, Sans…I love you so much…
* i love you too.
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zeldahime · 8 days
i just spent a wall of text explaining the reason you're expected to show up "late" to parties. it's on my profile if you want the full thing in detail.
tl;dr a party isn't a scheduled event, and people are getting tripped up by the assumption that it is one. a party is more like a short temporary festival/amusement park. it opens at a certain time, but there's no social expectation that one shows up at that time and stays there until it closes. all evening, people will be dipping in, partying until they've gotten their fill, and leaving whenever they want.
the whole "give the hosts and anyone who helped them an hour or so to enjoy the fruits of their labor" thing is an extra piece of social etiquette, but with the lack of expectation to show up at opening you can see that it doesn't actually conflict with any other rules of etiquette, like some hypothetical "being on time."
Firstly thank you so much this is helpful and you're super nice for sending this
It still doesn't make sense to me. To further the analogy, I expect that if Disneyland has posted that their park opens at 10AM then if I show up at 10AM Disneyland is open, you know? If Disneyland said the park opens at 8AM and then got mad when you showed up at 8AM I'd be distressed and confused. So why is the host giving the wrong time? If they don't want anyone there at 5 then why aren't they saying 5:30? What are they even doing if they've put together a party and there aren't any guests to talk to yet, eating hors d'oerves and playing Candy Crush?
It also doesn't make any sense to me because in my experience parties are dinner with extra steps or a networking event that has alcohol, not anything remotely like festival, but I think that part is possibly just because there are several different kinds of events that are all called parties? I assume from your answer that the parties you're talking about are more like the parties one sees in movies.
Wait, reading your post: six to eight hours???????? Peaks at MIDNIGHT? WHAT. I have never in my life been at a party that lasted eight hours that wasn't a middle school sleepover.
The parties I'm thinking of are like: an hour of small talk, an hour or two hours of eating dinner, and then playing video games (if it's friends) or further small talk (if it's work). If it ran until 10 the host would be chasing us out with a broom. If I didn't show up until 7 that would be just as horrifically rude as, if not ruder than, showing up at 4! Dinner would be halfway over! I was thinking of the convention that it's polite to be fifteen minutes late, not "the party doesn't even start until multiple hours after the posted time."
This is, 100%, a "there are multiple kinds of events called parties" situation. I didn't know parties like that were real outside of, like, college fraternity houses.
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hello again
what would you say about doing a fluffy blurb with Daniel about exploring a new city together for the first time🤨🤨
your wish, is my command 😙🫡
exploring japan with daniel would go like:
you spent the better part of the last few weeks trying to learn enough japanese for you and daniel to survive your one week stint in the foreign country.
daniel on the other hand, the man didn't even pack until the night before.
well neither did you, but still you were a different level of prepared than daniel. that was the point.
but anyways, you stayed in a hotel in tokyo, a short subway ride from shibuya and all the other fun touristy sites that daniel insisted you visit.
disneyland: - how could you not go to disney? you'd been to their other three locations (california, florida, and paris), why not go to a fourth? - you both went on every ride you didn't recognize and bought so much food. - you even bought you and daniel matching disney ears. - and yes, you both stayed until the park closed.
sensoji temple: - the second stop. though super touristy, you both immediately fell in love with the multitude of cherry blossoms on the temple grounds. - daniel snagged a couple overpriced souvenirs, and even let the locals convince you to wash your hands at a fountain. it's good luck, they said. - "well, i'm gonna need all the luck i can get. c'mon babe" were daniel's famous last words before forcing you to rinse your hands in the frigid water.
tsukiji fish market: - daniel joseph ricciardo is the only man to convince you that the biggest fish market in the world is a must see tourist attraction. and you love the man so damn much OF COURSE you endured an hour of walking past different vendors and the smell of fresh and very raw sea animals. - the trip was well worth it, because then you both sat at a restaurant on the property and enjoyed some of the best sushi you had ever tasted. - "you enjoyed that, huh love?" "yeah yeah yeah, now lets go before the smell really gets to me."
shibuya: - what would be a vacation without taking a trip to the shopping center of tokyo? - daniel (bless his heart), followed you to all of seven stores you stepped into and carried six out of ten shopping bags you had acquired. he didn't understand why you shopped so much, even asking "where is this all gonna go? you only have two luggages." - which then encouraged you to buy an extra luggage. - it was bustling with people (as always) and by the end of your time there, your feet ached and daniel carried you on his back all the way to the subway, luggage filled with your new belongings in tow.
tokyo tower: - the last night of your trip, you gave into daniel's pleading and agreed to go to the tower. - you were so exhausted from the jam packed week, you wanted to skip out on the last thing on the itinerary. - but daniel's pout is enough to pull you out of bed and get ready to go. he's wearing a fun printed button up and black jeans, and you decide to go with a simple satin dress and sneakers. - you slept for most of the ride there, only waking when you were five minutes from the tower. - you weren't the biggest fan of heights, but you had to admit, the view was stunning. you even indulged daniel's request going the next floor up, enjoying the view from the highest point in the structure. - too enamored by the view (and taking photos for your own jpg account) you don't notice drop down to one knee, opened velvet box in his hand as he waits for you to turn around. - you only turn when you hear him clear his throat. you nearly drop your phone at the sight. your throat tightens, and tears begin to well up in his and your eyes. - "i love you more than words could ever say. all i know is that i want the white picket fence and the big backyard for kids. i want the mom car and the dogs. god i want you with it all. i want you until we're old and gray, until i'm pushing you in a wheelchair and you're complaining that i'm going too damn slow. i want you beyond that, into the next life and the ones after that. will you marry me?" - you fall to your knees, arms wrapped around him as you blubber out a "yes. god, yes!" - and so daniel slips the pretty diamond on your left ring finger. and there you were, on top of the world as the future mrs. ricciardo.
i went a little overboard but oh my god how could i NOT???
d's 2k celly
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wenellyb · 1 year
I am not really tripping off the Anthony Mackie video. He was not rude like others are trying to paint him. My issue lies with the double standards. If their fave white actor did the same thing then you would not hear a peep out of anyone. Mackie is a private person but i do think his PR needs to talk to him on how to handle these kind of situations especially since his movie comes out next year. More and ppl and going to want their pic taken with him.
Hi Anon!! Agreed! They would have praised him for "setting healthy boundaries". At first, when I saw the tweets I thought he was being extra rude or something. But he said no in a respectful way and tone and the video isn't too long but from what I understood the grandma asked several times, she kept insisting.
That being said, I'm really not a fan of actors refusing to take pictures with kids. I get that it can create a group effect as you mentionned but kids consume media in a different way and relate to celebrities more than adults do (at lease most adults lol) but you never know how this kid saw it. Maybe he didn't care or maybe he thought his favorite superhero didn't want to take a picture with him. There are dedicated spaces and events for fan interactions bit it's not like everyone can effort to go to Disneyland/World to meet the Avengers or to attend fan conventions.
Adults are able to understand stuff and move on, especially when it involves celebrities but this could create a bad memory for that kid and seeing the Captain America movies could be bottersweet from now on (this is my speculation, maybe the kid didn't even care at all).
I agree 100% with everything you wrote, I just wanted to add some thoughts and also the part about having a strategy with his PR team.
I think that it's not easy for people to figure out what to do because some celebrities don't mind taking pictures with fans, some even like it, and some don't like it, and you can't actually know until you asked them.
I saw some people on Twitter say that she should have know better because it's a known fact that Anthony doesn't like taking pictures with people, but to people who don't use twitter, it isn't a known fact. I would even say that for Twitter users who don't follow Marvel stuff, it isn't a known fact. How are they supposed to know?
I think the the important thing is to accept if the celebrity says no, respect that and move on. Don't tell them they're rude bc you don't know what it's like being asked to take a picture every day. And don't take a video of them saying no to post it without their consent😭 What for???
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alexin-wonderlust · 6 months
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Day 1 - Japan Blog - 7 February 2024
Day One: Adelaide to Tokyo Virgin Airlines via Melbourne and Cairns
Let's begin our departure to Japan. My sixth time visiting Nippon, and this time I hope to see and experience new things I havent been able to before.
My previous trips have been more to the cities to shop and to Disneyland but as I become more infatuated with this country, I am drawn to more meaningful experiences. It used to be about the video games, the collectables, the cute accessories and conveniences I couldnt get at home -- but now I am intrigued with the history, culture and nature of Japan. Hopefully I can manage to do everything I want to do and all the things, I wasnt expecting. (Because, theyre always the best!)
Leaving our house at 4am this morning was always a challenge; especially when I finished packing at 2am. So, we jumped in the uber which was driven by a super eccentric female driver who made me want to drop everying and start uber driving -- how is this even a thing I would want to do? She was so funny and chirpy and smart. It made the ride memorable and we made it to the airport with the rest of our holiday to look forward to.
Second up, checking in at Virgin Airlines in Adelaide Airport was also a huge highlight. The person helped us with our check in -- not that we needed it, but she upgraded our domestic flights to extra legroom which made my travel partner very happy.
I'm travelling with my partner of 4 years; Ben. He is 6"3 and loves an extra legroom seat! You'll probably learn a lot about him through my posts. He likes good food and music!
Well, after discovering that our VA fare is NOT a full service fare (I am NOT happy about this, shook, stricken, SLANDER!) as I would NEVER... but apparently; flying trans-tasman with VA doesn't mean you get a meal or a blanket or a pillow or a nice piece of metal. We are on a Boeing 737-800 Max for 9 hours with NO SNACKS. I think, because I booked this hastily, on their website (opposed to through a GDS with the option to see ancillaries) without the complete details -- I assumed it was a short haul international flight, and compared it with Qantas' service. I was wrong. The inflight entertainment is BYO device (which I didnt...) and the 737800 isnt fitted with Wifi onboard so I couldnt even download anything to watch. Their WiFi was working, so you could use their Free Entertainment, however I found it lagged and I couldn't even watch it through the buffering. So I just stuck to my knitting -- without music though because my Spotify decided I didnt need my downloaded music either.
It was a very long and semi-uncomfortable flight.
After the gruelling hours of trying to sleep, trying to finish my knitting and also doing some work... we landed in Haneda! HOORAY! Now time to do customs, and head to our hotel. Almost there.
For those playing at home; here is a quick breakdown of how to enter Japan.
-Grab an entry card and declaration card from your air host/ess. They will provide the physical card for you to fill in to give when you go through customs.
-Alternatively; visit Japanweb.gov.jp (I dont have a photo of it, because you cant use cameras in customs, and I used the physical card option -- I love filling out these things!!) and you can do it all online and scan your QR at the gate.
The entry card tells the Japanese Government what your intentions on visiting Japan. IE: Tourism, visiting a relative, Business, etc -- and how long you intend to stay, where you're going to be staying -- all that jazz.
The declarations card is about what you are BRINGING in to JAPAN. So please dont bring things like fruit, meat, dangerous goods, illegal substances (this can be some medications like Codeine and Pseudoephedrine so please check with your doctor -- and get a note if you take medication regularly that might not be "legal" in Japan). If you dont bring any of this with you; you dont need to declare anything and you can walk straight through once you've shown your passport.
-Line up and have your passport at the ready. Keep your entry cards with your passport.
-They will scan your finger prints and take your photo first. (We had to do this twice...)
-Line up again to go through the gates.
-This is where they will stamp your passport and grant your access.
Once youve gone through this part; you're almost there!!
-Pick up your bags.
-Find the carosel with the flight you just arrived on. (IE: VA77 is on carosel 6) Your bags will come out here.
-Collect your bags and take them to the gates on the other side.
-Show your passport and declaration card and you *should* be good to enter.
Here we go! We are in JAPAN -- the first port of call is to get our mascot for the trip. This is something Ive done since my 2018 trip and it's fun and cute and it makes me happy to share my experience through a silly icon's eyes. Walk towards the "Keihan" Train Line which will get you to Tokyo. This is a trainline that goes direct from Haneda airport to Tokyo and connects to any of the main train networks in Tokyo. It really doesn't matter what neighbourhood you are staying in; 90% of the time this will be the train you need to get you to where you want to go. On the LEFT there is a 7/11 (get money from the ATM in the left corner, and then grab some snacks and a drink so you've got some coins..) because on the RIGHT there are a bunch of Gacha Machines where I like to find my mascot.
This time; NOTHING. No lil dudes. So, we will keep looking. 
Take the Escalators down to the train platform and board the train to TOKYO/SHINAGAWA and you're on your way.
Back to my blog; Ben and I had our heart set on this ramen place we found by accident last time we were in Akihabara. We call it "Midnight Ramen" because he wanted ramen at midnight and it came through with the GOODS... alas. We dropped our bags at our hotel in Shinagawa and did a quick change into something warm. (It was 36degrees when we left Adelaide and now we are facing 2degrees and SNOW!) Slammed on a beanie and caught the Yamanote to Akiba; to find that our ramen place was closed for renovations. The SADDEST TIME! Akiba isn't known for its ramen so we had to find something else... how devastating.
We found a Hakata style ramen place. It was a 6/10. It got a point for being open. Also, it was okay. The Nori (seaweed) had cute printed sayings on it which I thought was cute (gross, but cute). Then I found out that another branch of the other ramen place was open in Shinagawa, only a 6 minute walk from our hotel. Let's pretend like that didnt happen.
After we ate, we became acquainted with our new local Kombini (7/11, convenience store) attached to our hotel, and purchased some necessities.
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themcuhasruinedme · 2 years
Who Said Disneyland Is Only For Kids?
[Summary]: You surprise Bucky with tickets to spend a weekend at your favorite theme park and make his first visit to Disneyland a very special one.
[Paring]: Bucky x reader
[Word Count]: 2,022
Tagging: @dividedwecantfall​ @jayankles​​ @avengerofyourheart​​ @metalarmproblems​ @imagine-assembling-the-avengers​ @that-sokovian-bastard​ @hellomissmabel​ @abovethesmokestacks​ @beccaanne814​ @hymnofthevalkyrie​ @buckys-shield​ @callamint​ @redgillan​ @iwillbeinmynest​ @aubzylynn​ @sgtbxckybxrnes​ @avengersnthings​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @honey-bee-holly​
A/N: I’M BAAACCCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! And I couldn’t be more happy to be back with some extra fluffiness. This came to me when I was listening to a video of the music you hear while walking through the Disneyland main entry before you head into the park. Enjoy some really sweet and pure fluff :)
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You always enjoyed going to Disneyland. All of your fondest memories of your childhood were made there. Your family wasn't super rich but would scrape up enough money to allow for a trip once or twice a year and you were always excited when you got to go.
But as you got older, it seemed like it was harder to make Disneyland trips happen. Your mom had passed away and your dad didn't seem to care about going there ever again. You had thought about going by yourself because you had read about people taking solo trips to Disney and thought it would be cool to do that on your own, even though it would feel weird since it was always a family thing. That was until you met a certain someone.
You met Bucky through a mutual friend and the two of you were instantly smitten. It didn't take long before the two of you started going out on dates which turned in to dating quickly after.
The one day while you were listening to your Disney playlist while doing some house work as you usually did, Bucky stopped by and quietly opened the door when he heard you singing, belting out all the words to "It's A Small World (After All)" and then "Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life For Me)".
"What are those songs from?" he asked as you were about to start singing "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah".
You turned around and received a kiss on the lips. Pulling away, you looked at him wide-eyed. "You've never heard "It's A Small World" before?"
He shook his head. "No, but I like it. It's quite catchy," he said with a smile.
"It's from the ride at Disneyland," you explained as you stopped your music. "It's one of my favorite rides too. Been quite some time since I've been to Disneyland."
"Never been to Disneyland. What's it like?"
You smiled and brought him over to sit down on the couch. "Only the greatest place ever!" You then pulled up some videos of the attractions and music on YouTube and let him watch and listen. While he was watching a video, you went and dug out the photo album of all the pictures you had taken from your Disney trips.
"See?" you said as you flipped through it, letting Bucky admire every picture. "We always used to go and had the best time. You get to see some of your favorite characters and get autographs and pictures with them, while making wonderful memories of a wonderful vacation."
Bucky smiled at you. "This place sounds amazing. We should go together sometime." And as soon as those words escaped his lips, you already had a plan in your head to make it happen.
After several months of making sure you had the funds to make a Disneyland trip happen, you finally had the tickets, the hotel and weekend booked. Now the next thing was surprising Bucky .
The morning before the trip, you made him Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes, which he thought were just the cutest. You made sure to play Disney music all day and have the two of you watch your favorite Disney movie together before going to bed. He was little curious as to why so much Disney stuff was going on that day but never asked because he knew that Disney was something that put you in a happy place.
Come morning, you couldn't help but have a huge smile on your face the whole time before telling him. Again you made him Mickey shaped pancakes, put Disney music on and this time he needed to ask.
"I'm sorry sweetie, but I gotta ask. Why so much Disney stuff these last two days?"
You sat next to him and hummed. "Oh, just thought I'd prepare you for something special."
He gave you a look like he was thinking hard about what that meant. Then the realization hit him.
"Are we...?" he started to ask.
You nodded your head with a smile. "Yes, we are."
"We're going to Disneyland?!"
You nodded again and hugged him. "Yes! And we're leaving today! We're gonna be leaving in a little bit, so you better hurry up and pack."
Bucky hugged you tightly and gave you a kiss. "This is awesome!" he yelled then practically inhaled his pancakes and went to go pack. "Honey, how long are we staying?" he said from the room.
You came in to start packing as well. "Just the weekend, so we'll be in the park today and tomorrow."
As soon as you both had everything packed and a snack bag put together, Bucky loaded everything in the car and after making sure the house was locked up the two of you hit the road.
You put on your Disney playlist so that you guys could have some good music for the trip. You were surprised that Bucky knew some of the songs and sang along as loud as he could, which when both of you sang loud made both of you start cracking up laughing. It was certainly starting out to be a trip to remember.
A few hours later, you arrived at the hotel and after getting settled in to the room, you changed in to one of the many Disney shirts you packed, put on your Mickey Ears that were based off The Little Mermaid and grabbed your lanyard that had some pins on it that you were going to be trading in the park.
Bucky couldn't help but look out the window and stare at the park, since your hotel was right across the street from it. It was almost like looking at a kid seeing Christmas lights for the first time.
"Alright, are you ready to make some magical memories?" you asked him.
He turned around and looked at you with a big smile. "Sure am! Let's go!" he said and grabbed your hand to head out the door.
You didn't think that an adult could be this excited about visiting Disneyland for the first time but you were totally wrong. Whoever said Disneyland was only for kids was completely wrong because seeing Bucky's eyes light up as you walked in to "The Happiest Place On Earth" was living proof.
"What should we do first?" he asked. "Seeing as how I would have no clue where to start and I'm with a Disney expert after all."
You laughed and said, "Well, I wouldn't call myself an expert but I do know the first thing we should is get you an autograph book."
You took his hand and wandered in to the shop called Emporium on Main Street. There you bought Bucky a pen and autograph book, along with a few pins you knew you had to add to your collection.
"Pin collecting and trading is something people do in the park," you explained to him. "I've been doing it for some time and have a nice collection of them. I'll show you it when we get back to the room. But now that we got this out of the way, our next thing to do is get a cute picture of us in front of the Castle."
The two of you walked down Main Street, saw one of the cast members standing there by the Castle and asked if they could get a picture of the two of you. The cast member certainly had no problem doing it, as that's what they were there for. You also took a couple pictures of the Castle as well and a small video of you and Bucky walking through it, going in to Fantasyland.
Bucky looked around in amazement. “This is better than I expected.”
“I thought you’d say that,” you told him as you took his hand and led him towards the Dumbo ride. “Let’s ride Dumbo and go from there. I usually just wing it and do whatever.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Bucky said and gave you a smile.
After riding Dumbo, the two of you walked though the rest of Fantasyland, riding It’s A Small World, The Mad Tea Party (or “Those out of control cups” as Bucky would call them), Alice In Wonderland, Peter Pan’s Flight, the Matterhorn Bobsleds and the King Arthur Carousel. Bucky also managed to snag a few autographs from Alice, The Mad Hatter, Ariel and Princess Aurora.
The next area was Adventureland and riding the Indiana Jones Adventure and going to watch the Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room show, which Bucky was fascinated by the animatronic birds. Riding Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and the Mark Twain Riverboats was next going over in to Frontierland.
After that it was going through New Orleans Square and riding Pirates of the Caribbean and The Haunted Mansion then having his very first churro. You both then made your way in to Critter Country and rode The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, getting autographs from Pooh Bear, Rabbit and Tigger then getting soaked on Splash Mountain.
“Why don’t we go back to the hotel and change in to something dry?” he asked. “Plus, I’m starting to get a bit hungry. Those two churros were good but I knew they weren't gonna hold me for long.”
“Good idea, honey. We can come back and I’ll take you o one of my favorite places to eat.”
Getting back to the hotel, you both changed in to some dry clothes and headed back to the park while Bucky then got to see Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Goofy and Donald Duck on Main Street. You headed in to Tomorrowland and over to a place called Pizza Planet. “They have the best pizza and pasta here. Trust me, it’ll keep you full,” you told him as you got in line to get the food.
After eating and doing a bit of people watching to let the food settle in your stomach, you rode on Autopia, Space Mountain (which Bucky just loved), Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters and the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage.
As the day was winding down and turning in to nighttime, it was time to find a good spot for the firework show on Main Street. As you stood in the spot you found and waited, Bucky slipped in to a couple of the shops on Main Street as well, buying himself a Disneyland shirt and a couple of pins to start his own pin collection after seeing you having fun getting to trade your pins with the cast members.
The fireworks show was amazing, to say the least. Bucky thought it was the perfect way to end his first day at Disneyland. Before you went back to your hotel, you and Bucky stopped over at the World of Disney store in the Downtown Disney District. 
“Holy smokes, this place is huge!” Bucky said.
“Yeah. In my opinion, it’s actually better than the Emporium shop on Main.”
You and Bucky had found some more pins, you got a really awesome Haunted Mansion tank top, Bucky got some Mickey Ears that were based off the Dumbo ride and each of you got a stuffed animal; you getting Stitch and Bucky getting Tigger. 
”What? I like Tigger! He’s awesome and has become my favorite character,” he told you in retaliation of the little smirk you had on your face.
As the two of you left the store, Bucky saw one more thing he had to get before the night was over; a Mickey Mouse shaped balloon. After tying it to his wrist so he wouldn't lose it, he took out his Dumbo Mickey Ears and Tigger stuffed animal. “Now I’m ready to go back to the hotel,” he said with a smile.
You couldn't help but laugh at the sight before you. “Not until I get a picture of this!” And after snapping a few pics of this child looking grown up before you, you also put back on your Haunted Mansion Mickey Ears, took out your Stitch stuffed animal and walked hand in hand with Bucky back to the hotel.
You knew tomorrow was gonna be another great day to make more memories.
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mzannthropy · 1 year
Gods know I don't want to talk about that show anymore, I'm tired of being tired of it, and others have already said the same. But I'll say it anyway, just for the sake of getting it off my chest. Yes, they should have shown us more of Billy and Camila's life post-band. Sigh... here we go again.
Either there should have been more kids (like, you know, they had in the book, which this is supposed to be an adaptation of, and like, you know, they discussed and agreed upon just an episode ago (and trust, me coming from me, arguing in favour of a couple having kids means A LOT)) or Camila should have had success with her photography, with Billy supporting her.
Like, okay, if for whatever reason the children couldn't be the twin girls, maybe a younger brother for Julia? What I liked about the book most was the different paths the female characters chose for themselves: Camila being a wife and mother, Karen going for the single and childfree life and Daisy adopting. You think I care about some stupid random line from a song? No, it's the characters, the female characters that matter most to me.
Or we could have had Camila's career as a photographer. As the wife of Billy Dunne, she's able to make connections as a celebrity photographer, but feels unfulfilled, so she switches to her maiden name and starts doing landscapes instead. One anniversary, Billy takes her to some place where she's always wanted to visit, like idk, Mauritius... or Madagascar and she takes beautiful shots and releases a photobook. Camila being a photographer was one of the best changes from the book (together with Simone's story and Teddy living longer).
And it would have been so simple to do! No more than a couple of lines of dialogue. Even if they went for the more kids option. Julia's sibling(s) didn't have to participate in the documentary. Just mention that they're studying or working some place else. No extras needed. It's not that hard. But, of course, that would require the writers not to be obsessed with their pet ship and/or with pandering to the shippers of said pet ship.
It's The Other Ship that has crumbs. Not Camila and Billy. They didn't appear in episode 7. Daisy was away in Greece. There could have been many, many sweet moments. In fact there WERE many sweet moments. Disneyland, a trip to the beach. They just didn't show it. Because Sam and Camila were so powerful together that if they did show it, their precious fanfic project would have made no sense.
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seyoonlgc · 1 year
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"Hello hello, it's your Seyoonie and I am having the time of my life!" He gave the camera a big over the head heart and grinned. "I am happy to see you, let's spend some time together and chat about the cruise so far."
Let's see, where should he even start?
"Oh, I got this Winnie the Pooh headband from Shanghai Disneyland. If you know me, then you know I like bears." His grandmother had them stitched onto a lot of his clothing items ever since childhood, both because he liked it and to distinguish his stuff from his brothers'. Now he was an adult and occasionally felt embarrassed by the fact she still did that, but it came from a place of love and he couldn't really say no, right?
"I still can't believe we just got to go to Disneyland. When they first told me about this cruise, I was shocked because isn't this like, a free trip? Sure, there are workshops, but a lot of these don't even feel like work because they are so amusing. For example, we had a voice acting one that I would definitely like to do more of because it was so much fun." The food's also been really good so far. Seyoon spent a large portion of his days just thinking about what they would be having next. "I've been playing laser tag to exercise. For extra fun, I came up with this whole background story." That was solely for his own entertainment and nobody else's. In fact, he might have weirded out a few fellow trainees when he zoomed past them yelling you aliens will never catch me alive!
"So everybody on my team were humans, okay, and we were like, the final survivors on earth. The other team were the aliens invading us and this is our last stand type of thing." Seyoon called himself Captain Abie and was dramatically sliding down from ledges on his back, shooting backwards while shouting random things in English about freedom. That was actually rather American of him, even though he was born on the other side of the border.
"I am actually really good at laser tag, and since I run so fast people have trouble getting me. However..." And this was truly tragic. "My gun had some sort of issue near the end and didn't work. I was like oh nooo, wait a second, let me figure out what's going on first! But the other person didn't wait at all! He started chasing after me and shooting at me even though I was like STOOOOOOP-" To be fair the other trainee could have 100% not heard him since it was loud in there. "Guess I shouldn't have expected honor from the aliens," Seyoon sighed mournfully. "You would have listened to me, I am sure. You wouldn't be able to shoot me after I said please, right?" He scooted closer to the camera, placed his hands on either sides of his cheeks and gave them a squish, trying to summon his imploring look.
"I really liked the jpop class too." Moving onto another topic. "Even though I don't speak Japanese, I listened to a lot of songs growing up. Music is something you don't need to understand in order to enjoy, I think. It was also just nice spending time with the other trainees." What else, what else. "Oh, I learned the importance of bringing sea sick medicine! I don't have the problem but I brought some for my brother, and ended up giving some to the other trainees too. I am sure the staff has lots, but it's nice to be prepared." He was a little proud of himself for thinking ahead.
"Tomorrow we are going to the Tree Grove and I am really looking forward to it. Guess I should rest early. Let's talk again soon!"
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ireceived-p8250000 · 3 months
October 27 - November 2, 2013
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This week is my week and Regine's too. We have a Halloween party on October 29th, hosted by my Aikido friends, Jonas and Christy, which conveniently falls on my birthday. However, I have a flight the following day.
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It's a long weekend, and I booked a trip to Hong Kong with Roxanne because I promised her. I told Mansoor it would just be the two of us.
I'm quite excited about that.
Roxanne and I are sharing luggage. I know she can be annoying, but I plan to top her attitude by being a bigger brat since I'm older. Also, I am her aunt, and I’m paying. So, I let her plan. I think my whole savings will go, but I will receive my salary early.
Mansoor gifted me a travel picture book from Lonely Planet, and I loved it.
October 29, 2013 - Tuesday
I went to the Halloween party in my lace dress, bringing Mansoor along. There was alcohol, but we didn’t drink much. Mansoor wore a suit.
October 30, 2013 - Wednesday
“Hoy, happy birthday!” Jonas and Christy shouted as they sang me a happy birthday. I was flattered. I love my birthday—it's Halloween!
At 3 AM, we were ready to bounce. In the corner, my boyfriend and I were kissing. No tongues yet, just slow and sweet kisses.
I was hammered when I got home and didn’t attend school. Roxanne’s semestral break had started, so we prepared for our trip. My parents were going home to Isabela again, so nobody was in the house.
We started with the bus, both of us nursing headaches.
By 8 PM, we reached the airport.
I received messages from Mansoor that the girls had gifts for me, but he had to tell them I was on vacation.
At midnight, our flight took off to Hong Kong.
I checked my bank account after transferring from PayPal to BPI and it amounted to P50,000.00 This is a big money in this economy. Considering that the expenses incurred was from P20-30K. It's already big.
October 31, 2013 - Thursday
We arrived in Hong Kong and found our hostel, where we had to pay extra. It was fine because I needed to sleep anyway.
After catching up on sleep, Roxanne and I set out to explore the city. We wandered through the bustling streets, marveling at the vibrant atmosphere and neon lights. The energy of Hong Kong was infectious.
We visited Victoria Peak, taking the tram up to enjoy the stunning panoramic view of the city. The skyline was breathtaking, and we took plenty of photos to capture the moment.
In the evening, we explored the Temple Street Night Market, where we shopped for souvenirs and tried some local street food. The market was alive with activity, and we immersed ourselves in the experience.
November 1, 2013 - Friday
We spent the day at Hong Kong Disneyland. The childlike excitement in Roxanne's eyes was contagious. We enjoyed the rides, watched the parades, and met our favorite Disney characters. It was a day filled with joy and laughter, and we both felt like kids again.
The fireworks display at the end of the day was magical, lighting up the sky in a dazzling array of colors. We were exhausted but incredibly happy as we left the park.
November 2, 2013 - Saturday
On our last day, we visited the Tian Tan Buddha on Lantau Island. The serenity of the place was a nice contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city. We climbed the steps to the Buddha and took in the peaceful surroundings.
Afterward, we explored Ngong Ping Village and had a delicious vegetarian meal at the monastery.
In the evening, we returned to the city for some last-minute shopping in Mong Kok. We made sure to buy gifts for our family and friends, and a few treats for ourselves too.
As our trip came to an end, we headed back to the airport, feeling content and a bit sad to leave. The trip had been everything we hoped for and more.
We boarded our flight back home, exhausted but with hearts full of wonderful memories.
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kaileerachele · 9 months
Cruising on a budget!
I can’t believe I haven’t blogged about cruising yet! If you want to travel on a budget, you definitely need to know about cruising. I can’t say I’m a cruising expert, however, I’ve been on three and I have another planned for November of this year. I have also only cruised on Carnival Cruise Line. Carnival has the best prices I’ve been able to find. Ok so let’s get to it… why go on a cruise?
It can be extremely inexpensive! Like under $300 per person for a 3 or 4 day cruise!! Your food, hotel, and transportation are all included. Most of the time, you would spend more just on hotels for the number of nights you decide to cruise. I really like Carnival because you can book through their website up to two years in advance and set-up a payment plan. If you like to have a travel budget, this makes things so simple!
As a mom, cruises are the absolute best. Guess who doesn’t have to cook, clean, plan activities, find restaurants, and book multiple hotels for about a week? Me!!! I took my two girls on a cruise for their Christmas present a few years ago with my mom and we had a blast. They loved the unlimited pizza, soft serve ice cream, and snacks. They also loved swimming, mini golf, the activities for kids (at no extra charge), meeting friends, and seeing new parts of the world. It was also fun to get dressed up fancy for dinner. I have actually been really impressed with the food on the cruises I’ve been on!
You get to easily see parts of the world that would be much more expensive to fly to and pay for lodging, food, etc. We have been on the four day Catalina Island and Ensenada cruise and it was great! Our next cruise is going to be a 7 day to Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta, and Mazatlan. We have never been to those parts of Mexico and it a fraction of the cost to cruise there. My favorite excursions are the city tour activities, which tend to be the most inexpensive. I am also wanting to go on an Alaskan cruise. We live in the Pacific Northwest and can drive to the Seattle port. For the Long Beach port we have usually flown to and I have found flights for less than $200 a person to LAX.
Here are some other tips and tricks:
Plan a cruise in February, April, September, or November. The prices are much less!
If you tend to get motion sickness, bring anti-drowsy motion sickness medication with you.
If you are leaving from Long Beach, you might as well add a day or two at Disneyland, since it is very close to Anaheim! (See my Disney blog posts for tips!).
Cruises are great for large group trips, a ladies getaway, or couples trips. Everyone can book their own rooms, there is plenty to do, you can hang out together as much as little as you would like, and everyone has their own space!
I do recommend getting the travel protection so you will be refunded if your plans change.
I also suggest pre-paying for tips.
The drink packages are usually more expensive than the actual cruise and you would need to drink more than 9 beverages a day to make it worth it. That’s not worth it to me. There is also a soda package that is pretty reasonable if you are a soda person. They allow you to bring one 12 pack of soda per person and a bottle of wine though if you want to save $$
Once you know the ship you will be on, find a Facebook page about cruising on that ship to get tips and tricks from those who have already been on the ship. I have learned all sorts of great things on these!
You can prepay for Carnival gift cards on the website that you can use for anything on the ship that is extra. This way, you have already budgeted for anything extra and you don’t have a bill to pay at the end of the vacation.
There is a military discount and if you become a member of the loyalty program (it is free) you can get more perks the more cruises you go on.
I have seen that if you gamble in the casino on the ship that you will be sent amazing deals for cruises later, but I have not tried this. On the Facebook pages I have followed I have seen people get offers for pretty much free cruises-you just pay for taxes and port expenses. Again, I’m not sure how this works or if it is effective.
Go cruising and have a wonderful, relaxing vacation!
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iiirenxcc · 1 year
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“Why did you leave Scentsy?!?”
“I can’t believe you are getting rid of your buddy collection!!”
“Is everything okay?”
A lot of people are shocked that I’m leaving and not looking back with Scentsy especially being with them for 7 years. I had a good run with Scentsy and did a lot with the company in those 7 years, a trip to Disneyland, the friends and memories I made along the way, scentsy was was a big part of me and my old life. God had other plans for me.
Not knowing exactly what those plans are I just knew I had to let everything go of my old life, the move was a big part of it, I have a job where I work from home and wanted to make some extra spending money on the side, I wasn’t doing that with scentsy in fact I was my biggest customer that’s right me! I was unhappy, and just didnt feel right with scentsy.
So I prayed asking God what I should do? And a few days later I received my answer that this wasn’t for me anymore. It was for the old me and not the new me, and I have to let go of everything that was a big part of the old me. The buddies that I collected and has possession over were the first things that needed to go, and let me tell you it was absolutely difficult to let them go.
I didn’t want to, and I even thought about putting them away to where I couldn’t see them just to keep them, but knew that I couldn’t move forward if I parted ways. Once I took the first box of buddies to be shipped o felt really good, like a big heavy weight was lifted off my heart. As the collection downsized and I started getting rid of all my other scentsy products and threw a bunch of the others away. And my job cut back on my hours to where I’m not bringing in as much as I was.
Wyatt started putting in extra hours at work just to make ends meet due to my job and it’s cut back and not being a part of scentsy anymore. I was trying not to worry or stress about my situation for I know God has me and as long as I trust him I know I will be okay.
I was scrolling through Instagram and a random person I never met was talking about how her life changed because of the life changing products she’s been using and how she was able to contribute to her family’s income. I felt like it was my sign from the Holy Spirit to have me look into it. And when the mini trial arrived in the mail Wyatt and I were hooked on the products, I did a ton of research and knew this was better than anything I’ve done before and this is why
No cold messaging I am so tired of that! From selling insurance and calling people and using social media to sell insurance policies ugh I’m so over it!
Weekly pay!!
$800 in the first 14 days
No fees, no tricks,
Don’t have to force auto ships and if you decide you want to auto ship there’s no cancellation fees
FREE monthly products which means free products for you in giveaways!!
FREE monthly product
And a luxury auto bonus.
It sounds too good to be true but it’s sooo amazing and legit! I am beyond excited to see what all Le-Vel has in store. I am blessed and grateful for the opportunities that come my way.
Want to be apart of the #1 health and wellness movement? It’s 100% absolutely FREE!!
I’m just a message away 💌 to learn more
&& if you are ready to take full advantage of this opportunity
Click the link 👇🏼👇🏼
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nataliesnews · 2 years
Dubai 6.3.2023
I have not yet come right from the trip. There is so much I have to catch up on, translations and all the demonstrations which are going on. My South African friends and family, how can you say....ek kan nie my draai kry nie. I feel like a dog running after its tail. So that is also why this letter is so disjointed. I have all these deep thoughts after the trip about what people enjoy, how the rich live and I am so good at finding the words to show how intellectual I am!!!
First of all let me make it clear I am not  sorry I went even though there were things that I found disappointing in the trip which were a bit too laid back for me. It was good to get out of Israel, to be with people and to see something which was so different. It was good to have two friends with me, Shosh from Haifa and Pnina who is from Jerusalem. When I find it I will send you a picture of the three of us with our sticks. Shosh only needed one for one day and luckily I had taken an extra along. Avishai said  that when he saw me with my two he was worried but after the first hour he saw it would be fine and the group never had to wait for me.  I am not good alone in a group.Though I am thinking again of going to Egypt. By the way, in this letter if you read it there is mainly a repetition of what I wrote on Whatsapp which is how I made notes. Now I am trying to get my mind around the whole trip. What I enjoyed were the people from all over the world and the dresses and costumes. Very different from the tourists here. Colourful. We also noticed traditional Moslem couples even when the woman was wearing a hijab but the couple walked hand in hand. By the way when we got off the plane at the passport I saw this lane.
  Maybe I have to get used to the fact that I am now going on trips with people who want an easier time. The group was very pleasant and Rivka, who had put it all together, was lovely and her nephew, Avishai, who was the guide, also a very nice fellow. I was however surprised that, though he has been there several times, he had no answers for two of the questions which interested me. The people you meet with are mainly tourists such as we were or foreign workers from all over the world. There was no problem with English. But what interested me was how the latter  are treated and where they live. Not in all those amazing buildings we saw , that is for sure. And I was also interested as in the hotel where we were were groups of soldiers from all over the world. So as I understood that the local population is the most wealthy one can imagine, I wanted to know about the army and, as there is  no conscription, were there volunteers from amongst the elite. In both cases he did not know although he was most diligent coming back to me with facts which he had gathered.  But I would think that as a guide all these aspects should interest him. Especially in such an unreal world. Evidently the army is composed of all the emirates..... I think. But one of my friends back here said that in many groups people are more interested in what they can see  than in everyday issues. One  hears almost no Arabic. I am sure there must be locals but if so they are well hidden. Malls all over the show....and for the most part so uninteresting to me. The only thing I really wanted were all sorts of small souvenirs to bring back to the workers here at Nofim. I did find some great saffron biscuits for Irit and Yaakov and there Avishai saved me as he said ...never agree to the price at once...and got me two boxes for the price of one. And a book for my great greats in the Museum of the Future..An emotional Menagerie from A-Z for children which is very funny even though it is for later years. But other than that, unless you like shopping, it's not for me. The print here is very small but I hope you can read it. How to describe it....a plastic world, a giant Disneyland, 1984, unreal....as Rivka put it.....nothing to get excited about....no waterfalls and even the desert is just dunes and not very impressive ones with none of the wonderful canyons and mountains of Sinai. I felt as if I were in a movie of beautiful people of the future. And again I say I am glad I went and experienced it. From what my friend, Anita, told me, I think that  many career people are  brought there by being offered a wonderful life and many of them stay on. So I guess I am missing something. Everyone was so friendly and helpful....unlike Israel where you can walk alone on a path and say good morning and the person will look at you as if you committed a crime. It was a pleasure. I was very impressed in the toilets that everywhere there was an attendant who when she saw me would call me and take me to the handicapped toilet which is kept locked. And as soon as you exit, they are cleaning. Of course, plenty of workers. The entire place, even where there are many people, is so clean. Of course, the Dubaits....is that what one would call them  can afford the labour. I found myself more and more wondering about how such rich people live. There are enormously rich people in Israel too but somehow there it seems to be much more tangible .....and again I have no real information to go on...but maybe because of these enormously high buildings ....I feel as if they must be completely divorced from the ordinary people. I was talking about it to Rivka. When you are so rich, what excites you? A new yacht, a diamond bracelet......and if you had only grown up in such an environment and you should lose your money, will you have the guts  to start again. There were enormously long lines everywhere. When we went to Burj Khalifa, the world"s tallest building, there were long lines and at one place there was a sign to say that there would be a wait of 45 minutes....and there was to the minute. Looking back on the day I thought to myself was it really worth it to stand so high and look down on buildings which on the ground looked as if they were reaching to the sky. And again I say that I was glad for the experience of this weird place.There was a skywalk there and I was reminded of the Grand Canyon where you could see people were terrified of walking on it. I personally did not try as I was scared I would get busy but you could see people holding someone's hand as they got onto it. Here again I could not help comparing it to the Grand Canyon which was amazing when you looked down on all the canyons, etc. below. By the way, we did not get to the top which is residential. I can only imagine what the flats there...if one dares to use such a common word for such prestigious homes...must look like. I cannot resist one political picture which I found so funny. " My mother always say I am a terrorist"   (We the demonstrators are constantly being called terrorists and traitors by Netanyahu and his friends.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Bad Romance Continues: A Collection of One Shots, Drabbles and Mini Series
Bad Romance the series is marked as complete, but the one shots and miniseries seem to be never ending. So I thought they needed their own master list. New chapters will be placed in order they occurred in the timeline, not order they were written.
To read the original series click here: Bad Romance
For all my other stuff click here: Main Master List
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Before the events of Bad Romance:
Beginnings: A Max and Riley story. Beginning of the social season with a flashback to the night they met. Takes place before the events in Bad Romance. Features Liam. 🍋🍋🍋
First Impressions, Max: This is Max's POV from the same night Riley remembers in Beginnings, the night they met. Six months prior to the events of Bad Romance, in New York. 🍋🍋🍋
Concurrent with the events of Bad Romance:
Siobhan: Riley seduces the palace kitchen supervisor and uses her against Liam. Takes place at some point prior to chapter 6, "Busted".🍋🍋🍋
Solace: A Liam and Max story. Their first sexual encounter with each other without Riley present. Concurrent with Chapter 26, "An Audacious Proposal". 🍋🍋🍋
The King's Punishment: A Three Shot. Completely gratuitous sex to be honest, but there is an emotional pay off at the end. Takes place before Chapter 29, Valtoria. 🍋🍋🍋
After the end of Bad Romance:
Birthday Spanking: Riley delivers a little something extra for Max's birthday. 🍋🍋🍋
United Front: What happens when an old flame shows up claiming Drake is the father of her child? A Drabble Me This Story.
Coming to Terms: Liam and Drake work together to get Bradshaw to open the palace doors.
Progress: Takes place just after Ellie's birth.
Max's Room: Written for Maxwell Beaumont Appreciation Week 2023. Riley helps Max clean out his junk room at Ramsford.
Homerun: Roughly nine months after the events in Progress. Ellie would be around eleven months old. 🍋🍋🍋
Thro(n)es of Passion: The follow up to Homerun. Takes place later that night when Liam, Max, and Drake comply with Riley's request for a foursome. 🍋🍋🍋
Thro(n)es of Passion Part 2: Riley's request is granted.
Dreams: Riley makes one of Max's dreams come true.
Unlikely Alliances Part 1: Three years after the end of Bad Romance. Ellie is two and still an only child. Liam's indiscretions come to light in a contrived way. Who is out to sabotage the king? 🍋🍋🍋
Unlikely Alliances Part 2 (Closure): Drake travels to New York to uncover the saboteur.
Interview: Madeleine tries to prep Riley and Liam for an interview with the press. They keep getting side tracked.
Run Away: Riley is having a hell of a week. Rashad wants her to take a break and run away with him.
San Antonio: A Drake and Riley story. Precise placement in the timeline is ambiguous. I don't even know. 🍋🍋🍋
Disney Adventure: A six chapter miniseries. The gang gets stuck in LA and decided to take an ill advised trip to Disneyland. Nine years after the end of Bad Romance. Ellie is 8, Xander 5, Jax 2 and Riley is pregnant with Jace.
Wild Ride: Disney Adventure follow-up, so technically is before the events of Bad Romance, but I felt it belonged here since Disney Adventure spawned it. Here is the beginning of Leo's weekend with Riley. 🍋🍋🍋
Drake's Amazon Cart: A hopefully funny little drabble about what's in Drake Walker's amazon cart. Placement in timeline is ambiguous but Jax is at least old enough to fish.
Drake's Perfect Day: This takes place immediately after Drake's Amazon Cart, grounding them both in the timeline when Jace is nine months old. Just days or weeks before the beginning of Bad Parenting.
Dads on the Edge: Riley is down with the flu and the guys have to step up and wrangle the kids without her at a very public event. This was written for @txemrn Father's Day fic idea 2022. Ellie is 12, Xander 9, Jax 6, Jace 4 and Charlotte 2. Leo's son Hudson is 16.
Whose Your Daddy: The answer to Charlottes paternity. Takes places within a few months of Dad's on the Edge.
Thankful: The first Thanksgiving after the paternity test.
Blocked: A woman Drake met in a bar decides to message him.
Group Chat: Max sends a picture into the wrong chat.
Spider Drake: Riley and Max are scared of a spider.
Size Doesn't Matter: A Max and Drake story.
The Stabbing: Don't mess with Riley.
Baseball pants: A companion piece to Homerun. Lots of men in baseball pants. You're welcome.
Thanksgiving Ask: What the BR gang is thankful for.
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tsunonotarou · 3 years
— going to the amusement park with them
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notes: This was actually a request before I changed my theme! I deleted all requests before that but this was such a cute idea I had to write it :,) Leona and Malleus weren’t requested but I added them in anyway
: The request was actually about going to Disneyland, but I made it amusement park because I didn’t know how to write their reactions if they saw their similarities with the Disney villains 😀
: gender-neutral reader
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Been there with Cheka once. Hated it.
Was reluctant at first, but after seeing your excitement and persistent he couldn’t reject his herbivore now, could he?
And yes, you guessed it. He wants extra cuddles after your little trip to the park.
Doesn’t really do much there, he honestly just lets you drag him around the area and goes on with whatever you want to do. He only likes seeing your excited, adorable face. Maybe he liked the way you tug at his clothes and held his hand, too.
The only thing he asks to go is the haunted house. Why? Of course it’s because of the adrenaline he’d feel! Not because he wants you to cling onto him, call out for him, hide behind him like a trembling bunny or something.
He’s a little shit so you’ll be holding onto the food/drinks and have you feed him as you two stroll around. You wanted them, didn’t you? He already paid so you’re gonna hold them.
…Probably laughs while you two are on rollercoasters because of your ugly screaming.
Would not react the cliché scenes of winning you plushies or something like that, but rile him up and say it’s because he couldn’t score and you’ll get yourself dozens of plushies home that day.
In the end he’s just doing this to make you happy, seeing you smile so bright make him feel things.
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Oh, he’s all in for amusement parks! Just imagine all the wonderful and cute pictures he could take!
Yes yes, sorry. He’s going there for you, not for pictures :p
Phone’s out all the time, snapping pictures here and there. But if you whine and tell him to focus and enjoy the day with you he’ll gladly put the phone away. Will still sneak some when you’re not looking.
The one who stops you from eating whatever you ordered to take pictures.
Wears matching headbands together and y’all are rocking in them.
Honestly such a cute couple???
“I’m tired~” would whine and then drape himself over you and I think that’s real fucking cute tbh
Does not want to go on rollercoasters or any extreme rides, will decline and take a few steps back. Cay-kun will cheer you up and give you emotional support from right here!!
Caught your expression and screaming in 4K
Will win you small matching keychains so that you two could hang them on your phones hehehe
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You’re just hoping your date won’t get cut short by Vil’s fans asking for signatures and pictures 😬
It’s obviously nice to see him interact with fans since you know how important and memorable this encountering is for them but sometimes you just want to have Vil all to yourself yk?? And it was hard to squeeze this date into his tight schedule.
So Vil, being the considerate boyfriend he is, would politely decline the fans’ request of taking pictures. He assures you that it’s fine, people who truly admire and respect him would understand.
Also one who won’t go on extreme rides. Not because he’s freaked out or anything, just that it’ll ruin his hair and basically everything he’s put effort into his appearance. Also doesn’t understand why people would like such rides.
Grimaces whenever y’all walk past extreme rides and hears the screams. Hurts his ears.
Would call his potato childish if asked to wear matching headbands, but complies in the end anyway because it’s for his potato.
He’ll be,,,constantly judging.
But just for today he’ll let it slide, okay? You look happy stuffing your face and he finds it cute
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He’s ON BOARD the moment you bring this up. Heard of amusement parks before but never had the chance to go to one since he doesn’t have anyone accompany him (it wouldn’t be enjoyable going with Lilia, Sebek and Silver considering they’ll probably just follow around like bodyguards) and he reckons that amusement parks isn’t somewhere to go to alone.
He doesn’t look particularly excited when he agrees to go, just a simple nod and smile but he’s actually really looking forward to the date!!
He’s looking forward to all your dates together but this one, this one’s extra special me thinks.
All the lights and colorful boards are a new sight for him, considering the Valley of Thorns isn’t the most bright places, so it’s a new, interesting feeling for him.
Might need to adjust his eyes to such bright colors.
Is fascinated by all the stuff it’s so cute, honestly. Would probably ask you about how they’re constructed, considering there are no magic involved.
Would gladly agree to go on any rides you want to! The sparkle in your eyes made him do it.
If you guys are going on extreme rides, this boy would be wide-eyed at the sudden drop of the rollercoaster and the strong wind that comes with it, but he’ll get used to it fairly quickly and just, sits there 🧍‍♂️
Would hold you cause you seem so scared and is screaming your lungs out but the safety belts and over-the-shoulder restraints are too tight so he couldn’t move.
Would definitely hold you after if you needed one.
Asks to go to the ferris wheel before you could. He’s heard about all the romantic aspects humans seem to have made about it so he’s eager to try it out, with you.
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