#having a very good day today so far. unsure why.
tempe-brennans · 1 year
sometimes u just tell ur ocd to shut up and it does
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rimunagenius · 5 months
Off Day
ʚ pairing: Kate Martin x Roommate!reader
ʚ word count: 2.6k words
ʚ warnings: RPF!! angst, creepy!stalker-ish!classmate, harassment, some fluff at the end
ʚ ri speaks: okay so i literally just dropped part one and the masterlist and right after i literally wrote this part! i literally pulled this series out of my ass last night…pardon my french. so i finished the masterlist and first part last night and so far, the feedback im getting is really good so…yay!☺️ anyways, this part is a little dark? but trustttt it will be resolved soon.
Part 2
| Series Masterlist |
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You desperately wanted to crawl back into bed, get back under the cool covers, and just lie there until the world ended. Or until Kate got home. Either way, you wanted to be anywhere but class.
Something about today was so off. You woke up and did your routine like any normal day. Kate left earlier than you but came back right before you left. You left her breakfast or lunch, whatever she decided to classify it as on the counter, and said you'd see her later at practice. That was 3 hours ago.
But today you had an exam in your anatomy class. This class was easy but you just did not want to be there because of Nick. Ever since a couple of days ago when you told Kate what went down between him and Gabbie, he's been relentless in getting the details of "your and Kate's relationship." You didn't want to tell him it wasn't Kate because you'd rather have to pretend to date her than anyone in California. Especially the girls you knew.
Something about Nick was off so you weren't going to pick a random girl in your following on Instagram. Knowing him, he'd probably stalk the poor woman. You just wanted to skip this class altogether. You hoped this line in the coffee shop on campus would move faster to possibly find a seat where other people could fill in around you before he could.
"Hey!" You turned your head, pulled one airpod out of your ear, and smiled at the brunette next to you. Her name was Juliana and you had class with her in like ten minutes.
"Oh, my god, hi!" You put the AirPod back in its case, abandoning the tranquility for the rest of whatever conversation was going to ensue.
"Not to be nosy or get in your business, and I really don't want to make you uncomfortable, but that guy over there keeps staring at you." She pointed her finger, subtly, in the direction behind her. You got to be fucken kidding…Nick. "He's been saying things to people in anatomy, saying you guys are talking, and how he doesn't like how you're too close to Kate. Or something like that, it's all unclear. But I found it weird and thought you should know." Her face looked genuinely concerned. Her eyes went soft as she looked at your expression change from friendly to somewhat terrified.
"Oh, my god. Thanks for telling me. I don't even know him. He's asked me out a couple of times but I rejected him. Who is he telling? Do a lot of people know?" You asked her. Your hands started to get clammy, as you started to move to the pick-up counter, your name being called; your drink ready.
"I honestly have no idea, but if anyone asks just tell them you're in a relationship." Juliana suggested, unsure of how to handle the whole situation.
"Yeah, I thought he'd leave me alone when my friend Gabbie had said I was seeing someone already. He automatically assumed it was my best friend Kate." You really thought this was behind you. This was probably the bad feeling you've been feeling all day.
"Oh, so you're not dating Kate?" Juliana asked, her face lightening up.
"No, but she said she was okay with going along with it to keep him away from me. Why? You like her?" You had no idea she swung that way. She usually talked about boy drama whenever you guys did group work in your class.
"Uh, no. But if she decides to start seeing someone and needs to drop the whole "fake girlfriend" thing, you can definitely ask me. I'm happy to help." She smiled warmly at you. You were very grateful for her willingness to help.
"Oh, okay. Thank you so much!" Her friend then called her over, and you both said goodbye. You had already made it to your class. Juliana keeping you company the whole way. You walked in and took a seat, pulling out your phone. You figured you could text Kate and let her know that if Juliana was willing to help, you'd relieve her of her duties. You also wanted to catch her up on what the hell went down in the coffee shop.
"you will not believe what just happened..."
almost instantly, her response bubble popped up.
"omg, what?"
"a friend in my anatomy class came up to me in better buzz and told me some guy was staring at me"
"what guy? are you okay?"
"and the guy was Nick!"
"apparently he's telling people me and him are talking but doesn't like how me and you are so close"
"wtf. are you serious?"
"did you tell her that me and u were together?"
"ab that...she said she would be down to be my "girlfriend" if I needed it. so I was thinking I would just tell ppl that me n her are together, so that way you're not dragged into this mess lol"
"okay for sure."
"I gtg. I'll see you later at practice!"
"alright, see you later. love you!"
" 'bear <3 loved "alright, see you later. love you!" "
Usually, she said it back. You, Kate, and all the girls got in the habit of saying 'love you' to one another because it was true. You all loved each other so dearly. None of you had shame in how you felt about one another and how close you held each other to your hearts. But you just decided to brush it off, she was probably just super busy. 
You honestly had no idea why your mind told you to read into everything she's been saying and texting you, lately. I was seriously getting unhealthy with how much you worried about what she thought about you. You were lost in thought before someone took a seat next to you. Assuming it was Juliana because she was just outside with her friends, you turned to tell her that if she was down to be your "girlfriend." You were pretty startled to see it wasn't her but Nick instead. 
"So, how have you been?" He asked. Something about him seemingly so off. You didn't like the feeling you got around him at all. You noticed his gaze following you out of the shop with Juliana ten minutes ago. You looked around the room, the spots in the class filling up quickly. You saw Juliana walk in, but before you could get her attention, Nick moved into your line of sight and prevented anyone from coming between you two. 
"Uh, good?" You looked down at your phone trying to find anything to keep you looking as uninterested as possible. 
"That's it? Nothing else to say to me?" He seemed to be growing more irritable with the short responses. 
"I don't know what you want me to say, I didn't want to talk to you anyway." You looked at him, wishing he'd go away. You didn't want to say it out loud and catch the attention of everyone around you. 
"Oh, now that's not nice. That's no way to talk to your boyfriend." He said, a weird smile encroaching on his lips. You did not like this at all. You were genuinely starting to get scared. You pulled up Juliana's number, thankful you asked for it last week so you could send her the notes she missed. 
"911. he's starting to really freak me out." 
You sent the message and immediately Nick asked who you had been texting. "Can you please, for the love of god, leave me alone? I'm seeing someone." The smirk on his face dropped, a cold stare being directed right at you. 
"No, you're not. You're seeing me." 
"No, she's not you creep. She's my girlfriend." Juliana then sat on the opposite side of you, staring Nick down. Nick's face flushed, his eyes looking at a few people who had turned around to see what was going on. She placed a hand on your leg.
It wasn't long after your exam and when the class was dismissed that Nick approached you again. He tried to talk to you, you just want to get straight to the Carver stadium. No students that weren't on the team or staff weren't allowed in. You just needed to get there as quickly as possible. 
"Hey! Stop ignoring me." Nick semi-shouted at you. You had put both airpods in, trying to tune him out. It wasn't until he tried to grab your arm and pull you back from walking away from him that you turned around ready to blow up before your saving grace came up to both of you. 
"Hey, man! Watch the fuck out. I don't know who you think you are but you are not gonna put your hands on my friend like that. Not like that, not now, and not ever." Hannah, with the hand she had placed on his arm to throw it off you, pushed him back a little before putting her arm around your shoulder and walking away from him. "That was fucking weird. You know that guy?" She looked back to see if he was still there, and indeed he was. Watching you both walk in the direction towards the arena. 
"No, actually. He's a fucking creep who asked me out a couple of times and took it horribly. He's been harassing me for a little. He was staring at me while I was getting coffee before my class like two hours ago." You said, calming down significantly since Hannah showed up. But your stomach was still uneasy and you really did not want to go to that class tomorrow or ever until he was gone and far away from Iowa City. 
"Yeah, don't walk around campus alone anymore. I'll come to find you after every—what class is this?" 
"Okay, after every one of your anatomy classes, I'll come to find you and we can go to practice together. Do you have friends that know what classes you have and can walk you?" Now that you think about it, Juliana was in a lot of your classes. She wanted to do nursing so most classes you had in the week, were with her. 
"Yeah, funny story. The girl that's pretending to be my girlfriend to keep that guy away, which he obviously doesn't give a damn about, is in a lot of my classes. And it works out because the ones she's not in, Kate takes me because they're on her way." You smiled at the tall girl, grateful. 
"Okay, good. I don't want you getting stalked and possibly worse because of that guy. You should report him before it gets too bad." Hannah suggested, and rightfully so. 
"Yeah, I will. Thanks again, Hannah."
The girls' practice was going well. Until it wasn't. 
"Hey, you got a minute?" You were organizing gauze and wraps in the med bag behind the bench before you looked up and saw Kate holding her nose. 
"Yes, of course, Kate. Another one?" You looked at the girl as she walked around the bench and you handed her a towel. She broke her nose every year, you and Caitlin swore on it. You grabbed some gauze squares and put them in each nostril, to absorb as much blood as possible before you completely ruined the towel. 
"Don't tilt your head back. It could cause clots." You knew she already knew that with how prone Kate was to bloody noses. But it never hurts to refresh her mind, as it is instinct to stop the bleeding. 
"Yeah, thanks." You and Kate stood there while the bleeding stopped. "Alright, I think I'm good." She said a small smile on her face. You saw some blood on her shirt, grabbing the small bottle of peroxide in the bag, and a small gauze pad, you tried to soak as much of it out so it was easier for her when she did laundry. Suddenly your phone started buzzing. A new notification every second. 
"Jeez, who is blowing up your phone?" Kate asked, as she looked at your screen lighting up and watching the notifications pop up one by one.
"I don't know. Can you check?" You asked as you tried to get the last spot of blood off her clothes. 
"It's Instagram. Someone named Nick? Is it that same Nick guy Hannah said harassed the fuck out of you today?" She set your phone down. Your stomach immediately churning. You were honestly getting the creeps. 
"Oh my god. She told you?" You asked as you looked into Kate's eyes. Both of yours mirroring each other. The same worried look. 
"Yeah, and I'm glad she did. You need to say something. Or I can if you're not comfortable." Kate suggested. Now six more new notifications popped up, all from Nick. "I'll block him for you." She said, picking up your phone but stopping to look at you. Her eyes silently asking if that was okay with you.
"Yeah, please." You sighed as you threw the gauze squares away, putting the peroxide back before watching Kate block Nick. On your main and spam account. You have no idea how he found you; your name isn’t in the usernames. You really should go private and change your message settings. "Alright lemme check your nose though, to make sure it's not broken." There was absolutely no need to do this. You knew it was probably just a simple elbow or ball to the face. You both would've known if it was broken. 
"Alright." She sat on the bench, signature manspread. Good lord. You stood between her legs, putting pressure on different parts of her nose, checking for any indication of pain. It was a little tender but that was obvious, and so was you making an excuse to keep Kate a little longer. I mean, could she blame you? You haven't seen her much in the last couple of days. Late practices you missed for studying for your exam, her leaving earlier than you and by the time you get home she's either asleep or visiting her nephew. You missed your best friend.
You could see her looking at you as you checked. Your eyes meet once or twice, small giggles escaping your lips every time. Her eyes dropping to your lips occasionally, watching your tongue poke out a little as you focused on the task at hand. That made her giggle too. "Okay, bear. You're good." You kissed the top of her head and patted her shoulder before she stood up and ran back to the court. 
"If I roll my ankle, do I get a cute nickname and a kiss too?" Caitlin shouted as she pretended to throw herself on the ground. You laughed at her antics loudly before nodding your head and yelling yes. You laughed harder as she pretended to limp towards you. 
"Yeah, I'm gonna need like ten kisses to make this unbearable pain go away."  She fakes winced as she took a seat in the spot Kate was previously in, resting her "injured" foot on the chairs next to her. 
"Oh for sure, Cait." You laughed.
Suddenly, Sydney, Kylie, Jada, and Gabbie, hobbled over pretending to be injured to get their kisses too. "You need one too, Coach Bluder?" You shouted after you made your way through half the lineup. You made the assistant coaches laugh, including Coach herself. The practice was better after that, but you just couldn't shake the events from today off. 
Maybe another movie night with Kate would fix this. A lot of ice cream must be eaten tonight. Just one night, peaceful, and Nick free.
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directdogman · 19 days
Hi, I hope you're having a decent day! I'm sorry if this is an invasive set of questions - feel free not to answer - but do you still actively like DSaF as your own creation, or is it more of a "it was fun while it lasted but i outgrew it and it's for the best to leave it behind" kind of project? Do you ever regret making the games? If you knew they would get so popular, is there anything you would have changed about them? Is there anywhere I could read more of your writing.
It fluctuates a bit. These last couple of years, I've really just been sorta nostalgic for it. I've seen a lot of people discuss those games being a source of comfort during bad times in their lives, people talking about how much the characters mean to them and it's hard not to smile when you see that.
It's a funny thing for close friends of yours to see people WITH fanmade DSaF merch out in the wild, or to watch a random youtube video and being hit with a DSaF reference outta nowhere. It happens from time to time, even today. On a few occasions, I've even had a person reference my work to me in real life and not realize who they were talking to, believe it or not. It's really fun to play dumb and get someone to explain your work to you like you don't know what it is.
I certainly didn't think any of that would happen when I first made the series, or even during development. I think the normal assumption would be to look at DSaF as it exists now and assume its release was a peak for it, but believe it or not, the official discord only had 30 people in it shortly before 3 dropped! The archive listing of the series (reposted to a single page after the series ended) is now sitting at over 1.1 MILLION downloads.
People kinda assume the true heyday of something is when it's new, when it's fresh and novel. For instance, some people look back at when FNaF itself was new and see that time as its peak because it had a lot of internet cultural relevance as big new indie thing on the block. But, raw numbers don't lie. The series has been continually growing since its conception and that growth has similarly bled over to its fan projects. This explains why DSaF, despite not having a new series release in almost 6 years, seems to be inexplicably growing.
Just recently, I saw someone post footage of a scene from DSaF 2 on Twitter, which got over 16k likes. People praised its writing and largely celebrated the scene. The ironic thing about that particular scene is that I remembered being unsure if it was good or not, so I showed it off in one of the FNaF community hubs. The response was broadly lukewarm to negative. Now, it's held up as one of the best scenes in those games. That's kind of the point I'm trying to make, my thoughts on the series have certainly changed with everyone's else with years of hindsight.
Heh. I'm not sure if I've talked about this in a long time, but y'know, the very first scene I implemented in-game was actually the very first Phone Guy scene in DSaF 1, more or less exactly how it appears in-game today. This was before I'd even written the bulk of the game. I was pretty unfamiliar with visual novels as a whole, pretty unsure if something like this would be palatable to a fandom that was really just used to sit 'n' survive stuff that were far more gameplay than text. I mean, there wasn't any FNaF fangames really LIKE DSaF before that point. Closest was FNaFb, a jokey turn based RPG made in the same engine.
The engine I made the game in is also not exactly fit for VNs out of the box either, and I wasn't 100% sure the idea would actually work. But, the very first time I added the image of the prize corner, Phone Guy, the audio of that iconic cheesy stock track and booted up a test screen, I had a little moment where I said "Oh. I think I'm onto something interesting here." I kinda remembering instantly realizing in that single moment how much potential the idea had. Over 8 years later, I still remember that moment like it was yesterday.
I think lately, that's the sort of stuff I think of when I see people coming to me and asking about the series. Yes, it's really rough around the edges, yes, there's jokes that've aged poorly. But, it is a source of comfort for people and entertains tens of thousands of people each month. And that's gotta count for something, right?
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snzhrchy · 2 years
Oh my god, I thought about this at school, okok so can I request a fanfic about Ajax having a crush on the reader (She/her if u can!) and his little snakes constantly trying to be affectionate with her and sneaking outside his little hat to try and touch you???? Thank you!
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ajax petropolus x fem!reader
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synopsis; Gorgons are usually told to keep their distance from the rest of the outcasts but Ajax and his snakes are a little too fond of you. notes; THIS WAS SOO FUN TO WRITE AND THE CONCEPT WAS CUTE TOO OMG taglist; lmk if u wanna be on it !!
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The first time you encountered Ajax's snakes acting oddly around you was when the both of you were studying for your upcoming exam. When this happened, neither of you were aware of each other's feelings towards one another and didn't think too much of it:
Usually, Nevermore's library is rather quiet with no signs of life but not today. Today, the library had been filled with dozens of students trying to cram the entire biology syllabus in less than an hour.
Exam season was upon the students of Nevermore and they were all rest-less, including you and Ajax.
You both were near the end of the library, sitting across from one another as you both were helping each other revise for your upcoming exam. Yet, none of you could get anything done since there were far too many distractions for the both of you.
'Right so, what are the adaptations of a Dionaea muscipula plant?' you asked Ajax looking up from your deck of flashcards that were strewn all over your textbook.
Ajax remained quiet as he tried to think of his answer to your question while you began to scan your textbook again, re-reading all the material in it.
After a while, you turned to Ajax, again, wanting to ask him the question again but were immediately stopped by Ajax, who cursed and shouted: 'Y/N, close your eyes!'
You quickly shut your eyes tight and for good measure, covered them both with your hands. You really didn't want to turn into stone merely hours before your final exam.
Once the gorgon informed you that it was safe to open to your eyes, you slowly obliged. You saw that he looked rather embarrassed as he had his face covered with both of his hands. 'Sorry. I'm really sorry about that, I don't know what's happening to my snakes right now. Usually, they behave quite well,' he apologised.
You shook your head and reassured him that it wasn't his fault that his snakes attempted to stone you. You didn't think too much of this interaction but little did you know that the reason for this was due to the gorgon's major crush on you.
The second time Ajax's snakes attempted to touch you was during Outreach Day at Uriah's Heep. You both had gotten that shop for volunteering and you were very glad to have been there with a friend:
Outreach Day was probably one of your least favourite days of the school year. Yes, you were going out to Jericho and finally having a change of scenery but the entire concept of volunteering was tedious to you — why were you working at a place when you weren't going to be paid?
However, it wasn't all doom and gloom since your best friend Ajax was volunteering there too!
Most of your time spent at that creepy shack involved you both just quizzically staring at the rows of shelves that were filled with the ( nicely dressed ) roadkill or with cleaning out all the dusty old shelves.
Every now and then, you both would crack jokes but would get immediately shushed by the only clerk present in the store.
While you cleaned out a shelf that was right at the back of the store, you were interrupted Ajax standing a little too close to you as he watched you clean out the shelf.
‘Want some help here? I’m done with my side so—‘ Ajax stopped talking when he noticed that a few of snakes were roaming near your small figure.
All your movements stopped when you felt the weird feeling of scales on your head and neck. Your breath hitched. You were unsure of how to proceed; any wrong movement and you’d be a stone.
‘Ajax?’ You called out. 'Yeah? Sorry, give me a minute...' he said as he began to shove the snakes back into his beanie.
The rest of your day spent with him involved you countlessly reassuring him that the snakes were no big deal while he apologised to you endlessly.
Ajax was terrified of the idea of his snakes ever turning you to stone.
The third ( and last ) time his snakes escaped his beanie to affectionately touch you was during the Rave'N - it was a night you both won't ever forget:
The Rave'N was a rather lively and remarkable evening. It started out rather wonderful as well.
Ajax had come to pick you up at your dorm at around 7. He was already dressed in a white suit - he even had a beanie to match. You'd be lying if you said he didn't look attractive.
The entirety of your evening was spent with the both of you dancing to all the songs, drinking and eating.
As it started to near midnight, the songs started to get slower - perfect for ballroom dancing.
Even though your legs were sore and you felt like you could hardly stand but when Ajax asked you to dance with him one last time, how could you say no?
You both spent the last hours of the night in each other's arms. The entire world around you both was a blur and the only thing you could focus on was Ajax's arms around your body.
When the night ended and everyone was leaving; there were barely any people present except for a few other students and you both.
Ajax and you sat at one of the round tables, doing absolutely nothing - just sitting with one another, enjoying each other's company. It was a comfortable silence, to say the least.
The raspy yet comforting voice of Ajax calling out your name, snapped you out of your thoughts as you turned all your attention to him. You hummed in response, urging him to speak - you were too tired to say a single word.
'I...' he began, 'I had a great time here, with you.' You smiled upon hearing his words, 'me too.'
You both sat in silence again until Ajax began another conversation: 'hey, listen... I don't know how to properly say this but...' he trailed off, it was as if he was trying to form the right words in his mind. 'I really like you - I like you a lot, in fact,' he bluntly said.
Your eyes widened in shock; you couldn't believe your ears - your best friend and crush, Ajax had confessed to you. It was too surreal.
You were unaware of how to properly tell him that you harbored feelings for him as well. So, on impulse, you crashed your lips onto his.
Ajax was taken a back by your action but he kissed you back nonetheless. He'd been wanting to do that for so long.
His hands cupped one of your cheeks while the other travelled down to your waist whereas both of your arms were wrapped around his neck.
Unfortunately, you both pulled apart once Ajax realised that his snakes had escaped, again. He frantically apologised to you on behalf of his snakes while you chuckled.
Atleast now the snakes would attempt to escape a little less.
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souryoong · 2 years
good for you | myg (18+)
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Pairing: boyfriend!yoongi x f!reader
Genre: smut!! (18+ readers only pls), established relationship
Word Count: 2,278
Summary: you've been teasing your boyfriend over text while he's been away in paris for business, and he comes home early to teach you a lesson.
Warnings: mentions of sexting, cunnilingus, fingering, making out, clitoral stimulation, tongue kissing, praise kink, edging, reader gets teary, orgasm denial, hitting it from the back, creampie (god I still hate that word!!). also showering together is henced because after all, they are a couple.
Authors Note: hi guys!!! welcome to my own version of march madness (some watch basketball, I write smut. jk I do like basketball too.) I said it before, but just in case you didn't hear, I am celebrating yoongi's bday as well as my own this month by posting my favorite pisces 2 (or 3? its the aries in me to be a menace) times this month. enjoy the smut and happy birthday to my twin flame, yoongi!!
Yoongi’s patience with you seemed to always be never ending. Nothing that you did ever seemed to cross the line, and when it did, you knew.
Well, today was one of those days.
Yoongi had been in Paris for work for a few days, and with the time difference, you got bored at night and stayed up late, sending him pictures and videos of yourself. They started off with sending him cute outfits that you bought, and then lingerie. However, he stopped responding when you sent him a video of yourself in the bathtub, making you wonder if you might have taken things a little too far. You didn’t want to interrupt him if he was dealing with important business.
Feeling kind of panicky and unsure what Yoongi was thinking, you eventually went to bed, hoping he would somehow not see it, or completely forget about it.
In the morning, you woke up to a text from Yoongi.
Yoongi: You like teasing me like that don’t you, distracting me from work?
You knew he wasn’t actually mad, he probably did enjoy what you were sending him, but maybe it was a bad time.
You thought for a second, and sent a quick text back to him.
You: Just thinking about you, baby.
Hoping that smoothed things over, you went on with your day. Since the time difference, you weren’t expecting to hear from Yoongi until later on in the night.
Later on, when you were winding down for the night, changing into your pajamas, your boss at work called a zoom meeting, discussing some business endeavors.
Since you were very much not modest — your pajamas were a pair of underwear and a big t shirt, your camera was turned off so no one could see you.
The meeting felt like it was going on for forever, you had one of your AirPods in even though sometimes you felt like you probably weren’t even paying attention. The good thing was is that you probably didn’t have to talk.
You pulled your knees in towards your chest in your chair at your desk, taking a drink from your glass that was next to your computer mouse. Suddenly, you heard a knock, but brushed it off as one of your coworkers making noise. You didn’t look away from your computer screen.
A few seconds later, there was another knock that was slightly louder than before; making you realize it was in the room and not coming from the computer. You looked around the room and was almost in disbelief when you saw Yoongi leaning against the doorway, one of his hands in his pocket of his tan colored suit.
“Yoongi?” You questioned him quickly. “I thought you wouldn’t be home until tomorrow.”
Yoongi stepped towards you. “My manager told me there was an earlier flight, so I left right after my event; hence why I’m so dressed up.”
“Yeah, you look so sexy.” You complimented him as he walked behind you. “What made you decide to leave early?”
That was a stupid question.
“Oh did someone suddenly forget what she did to me?” Yoongi’s large hands were on your shoulders.
You were silent, looking at your computer.
“Hey sweetheart. That was a question.” Yoongi leaned down, his low voice in your ear.
“I forgot about it.” You responded, reaching to rest one of your hands onto his.
“I’m not mad. You can send me whatever you want; you know that.” Yoongi brushed a piece of hair away from his face. “But to send me a video of you in the bathtub, while I’m sitting at a meeting? I had to cover my lap like I’m a goddamn teenager.”
You smirked to yourself at his reaction, not realizing he wasn’t done talking.
“Now I’m in the mood to edge you until you cry. Make you learn your lesson.”
You bit down on your bottom lip. Fuck. You knew Yoongi meant it when he said things like that.
“Yoongi, I —" You started to speak, but you were cut off.
“Hey, looks like someone has a meeting to listen to, right?” You wondered how long he was standing there earlier as he planted a few kisses along your neck, making you close your eyes. He was for sure pushing your buttons as you hummed in response.
“How was Paris?” You tried to distract your mind, at this point you weren’t even paying attention to your meeting.
“It was nice. I think you’d like it. Next time you should go with me.” One of his hands was now on your inner thigh, and you knew for sure that you were probably soaking your panties.
“I think —“ Your words were cut off when Yoongi’s fingers brushed against your clothed clit, making you swallow hard.
He moved one of your legs to rest on top of the desk, giving himself full view of your panties that were in fact soaked.
“Already worked up for me?” It was a stupid question to ask; you always were.
“Yoongi.” You spoke, a neediness in your voice.
He moved your chair back, somewhat startling you. Then he was hovering over you; his face close to yours. He gave you a quick kiss, making your heart flutter.
He slipped his fingers underneath the waistband of your panties. “Lift your hips.” Yoongi suddenly spoke, and you did.
Yoongi pulled down your panties, swearing to himself when he saw how wet you were. Stuffing them in his suit pocket, he turned your chair and got on his knees in front of you.
“Fuck.” Yoongi muttered to himself, putting his hands on your thighs. You felt like you were holding your breath. Trying to focus on your computer screen, but also trying to brace yourself for Yoongi’s tongue or fingers.
Yoongi barely touched your clit with his thumb; making you jump. He pressed harder, moving in slow circles.
You let out a sigh, practically feeling your arousal dripping out of you at this point. Yoongi paused for a second, pulling your hips towards himself so that you were sort of laying back in your chair; and more comfortable. Just as you looked away from Yoongi, you felt him push his middle and ring finger inside of you, pressing against your front wall hard.
You cried out his name, leaning your head back.
“You’re so fucking wet.” Yoongi grunted. “Fuck.” He was right, you could hear the squelching noises from his fingers going in and out of you.
Yoongi didn’t say anything before leaning down and sucking your clit into his mouth; forming a rhythm with the way his fingers were moving in and out of you.
Your body shuddered when his fingers brushed against your sweet spot; and you knew you weren’t going to last long if he kept going like this.
One of your hands was in his long, dark hair; trying to hold him there. You could feel yourself getting close, hanging on the edge of your orgasm.
Until suddenly, Yoongi stopped.
“Yoongi!” You were so frustrated, panting. “What the fuck?”
“Baby.” Yoongi spoke lowly, kissing your inner thigh. “Did I say that you could cum?”
“No.” You sighed, looking towards your computer screen.
“Be good for me.” Yoongi glanced up at you, giving you a look that gave you chills and reminded you that you were practically naked in your home office, while he was still fully clothed.
He suddenly stood up in front of you, removing his tan suit jacket; and then throwing it off to the floor. Yoongi leaned in close, grabbing your jaw and giving you a deep kiss; making you taste your own arousal.
“Can you do that for me?” His voice was barely above a whisper.
“Yes.” You answered, even though it didn’t sound very promising. “But Yoongi, I think I might have to talk in this.”
“Then you can talk.” Yoongi pressed three of his fingers against your clit, then in a half of a second they were inside of you again.
Yoongi was going way harder than before; fucking you with his fingers. He stood up, trying to get better leverage. You felt his fingers bump your sweet spot, making you grab onto him; practically begging him not to stop.
“Yoongi, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” Your voice was a whine as your walls were clenching his fingers.
On the brink of your second orgasm, you could hear the squelching noise coming from between your legs; realizing that you were probably gushing at this point.
“Yoongi.” You whined, pulling him in for a kiss.
You felt his fingers leave you again, making you let out a sob of a moan against his mouth. At this point you wanted to cry. You wished that your stupid meeting was over and Yoongi was pounding you into your mattress.
“Yoongi, I don’t know if I can take it anymore.” Your voice was shaky as you exhaled.
“I think you can handle more.” Yoongi answered you. He was right, you always liked to push yourself until you found your limit.
You let out a whine when you felt his fingers teasing your entrance again. “Yoongi, please.”
In what seemed like perfect timing; you heard everyone in your meeting saying their goodbyes and wrapping up.
“Alright have a good night everyone, see you Monday morning.”
You watched Yoongi in front of you undoing his belt, and throw it onto the floor with a thud. You quickly unmuted yourself in the meeting to say good bye, then left.
You took out the one AirPod you had in your right ear just in time for Yoongi to grab your chin with one of his hands, kissing you with such a force you thought he’d bruise you.
You grabbed onto his wrist when he simultaneously slipped his tongue into your mouth as his fingers started rubbing your now over sensitive clit.
Yoongi let out a moan into your mouth, making your core clench around nothing.
You broke away from the kiss, his face was still close to yours. Practically aching for him, you whined. “Yoongi, please.”
Swiping his tongue over his bottom lip, Yoongi stood back up, and began unbuttoning his shirt. “Go to the couch. With your back towards me.”
As Yoongi’s shirt was discarded onto the floor, you got up out of your chair; your legs feeling like they didn’t belong to yourself at first. The couch was only a few steps away from your chair at your desk.
You put your knees onto the seat of the couch, then leaned your upper body onto the back rest. Never thinking you’d be having sex in your office; you were glad that this couch was surprisingly roomy.
Hearing movement and fabric rustling, you could only assume that Yoongi’s pants were now off. He moved his hand along the small of your back, pushing your t shirt up to expose more of your body to him.
“Fuck.” Yoongi swore as you arched your back, getting ready for him. “Look at you.”
You let out a moan when you felt his cock head against your entrance, and you moved, trying to fuck yourself onto him.
Yoongi grabbed a hold of your hips, keeping you still he pushed himself inside of you; bottoming out in one thrust.
“Fuck!” You let out a moan, your mouth falling open.
Yoongi sucked in a harsh breath. “God, you feel so fucking good.”
You put your knees further apart on the couch in attempts to feel him a little deeper.
“Yoongi, fuck.” You slightly turned, grabbing onto his wrist as he held onto you. “Don’t stop.”
You felt him nudge your g-spot, making your walls abruptly clench around him. You could tell that your orgasm was somewhat close.
Suddenly Yoongi pulled you up so your back was against his chest; the new angle making you feel him so deep it was like he was in your stomach.
Your eyes were watering as you still clutch onto him. “Fuck, Yoongi I’m so close.” Leaning back into him, he planted a few kisses along your shoulder and neck.
Yoongi reached between hour legs with one hand and started to rub your clit, and your legs started to shake underneath you.
Your eyes were getting teary as Yoongi’s pace never faltered. “Yoongi, please.” Your voice was a whine. “Let me cum.”
“Yeah, you wanna cum?” Yoongi’s voice was breathy against your neck.
“Please.” You leaned into him, one of your hands making its way to his dark hair as you craned your neck to kiss him. “Tell me I’m a good girl.”
Yoongi grunted, starting to fuck into you so hard that you fell forwards back onto the couch. “My good girl.” It was almost as if he was enunciating the words with his thrusts.
“Oh god.” The words left your mouth like a sob as your orgasm crashed into you; this time Yoongi doing nothing to stop it. Your body nearly trembling as Yoongi continued fucking into you. “Fuck.”
“Shit.” Yoongi swore under his breath, his hips stuttering before releasing himself inside of you.
“Yoongi.” You whined at the feeling before it was apparent it was running down your inner thigh. You laughed slightly. “My couch.”
“What?” He was panting, then laughed with you. “Sorry, baby.”
You turned to face him. “God, what time is it? I’m exhausted.”
“You’re telling me. I’m jetlagged as fuck right now.”
You looked up at him, both of you were sweaty, fucked out, and exhausted.
“I’m happy you’re home.”
Yoongi smiled at you, pulling you up off of the couch. “Me too, now let’s take a shower and go the fuck to bed.”
Tags: @dearlyjoonie @thepurpleghost @che-er-ful @thoughtfullysassysublime @yoongiscta @polyparkj
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sopebubbles · 1 year
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Master List
Synopsis: in a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Chapter summary: hobi and tae take you on a shopping trip, many long awaited events follow
Warnings: insecurities, trying on clothes, mentions of death
WC: ~5k
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Your t-shirt grated against your skin as you got dressed for the day. Just like being around saps and their sour scents, you had gotten used to the roughness of cheap cotton against your sensitive skin. You rarely thought about it anymore except on rare occasions when your senses were heightened or you felt overwhelmed. But Hobi had stocked your bathroom with all the best hygiene products an omega could buy, and after two full weeks of living there and properly nourishing your body inside and out, it was like you could feel every fiber of the fabrics you came into contact with. 
Last night you had been so bothered by the shirt you normally slept in that you shucked it off in frustration, only to find how delicious the soft blanket Yoongi had gifted you on your first night felt across the expanse of your body. It was hard enough to get out of bed because of it, but putting on your regular scratchy clothes seemed like a punishment. You didn't have to work today, maybe you could just strip down and get back in the nest. With a sigh, you accepted the discomfort. Hobi was already downstairs and you wanted to join him more than you wanted to be comfy.
After thudding down the stairs, you realized Hoseok wasn't the only one in the kitchen. You forgot that since you had a day off due to a boring national holiday, so did Jin and Namjoon. Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook were all still at work, but Tae and Hobi were seated at the kitchen table with the two large alphas. 
"Good morning, sleepy head," Taehyung smiled. He found some kind of satisfaction in being awake before you for once.
You grumbled something unintelligible as you looked at the men in the room you wanted to enter. You were suddenly very annoyed about the bank holiday that had ruined your morning plans with Hoseok. Why did you sleep so long? 
"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the nest," the omega teased over the rim of his coffee mug. 
You looked at him for a moment, feeling unsure of yourself and what to do in their presence. It was incredibly rare in the weeks you'd been officially living with them that you were around either one of them without Yoongi or Jimin there. Spending time around Tae had gotten comfortable quickly after you saw how close he was with Jimin. And if you weren't with Jimin and Tae, it was Hobi and Tae. You'd realized after only a few days that he was harmless, more a puppy than an alpha, sweet and playful, loving attention, but also disinterested and unobtrusive. When he was around, he was funny, welcoming and gentle. But seeing the four of them sitting together felt like walking in on a pack meal. You were an outsider. Your feet wanted to carry you back up the stairs.
Should've just stayed in the nest.
"Do you want me to make you something to eat?" Hobi asked, eyes carefully taking in your frozen form.
"No, that's okay," you said very softly.
"You know you should eat something, pup," he pushed and watched you begin to fidget in a way he now recognized as anxiety in you. 
"Yeah, but I'll get it." You walked carefully, stepping as close to the counter and as far from the alphas as you could to get inside the kitchen.
Jin and Namjoon hadn't done anything in particular to threaten or intimidate you, and you knew nothing of the conversation that Yoongi had with them on the day you joined his pack, but they hadn't begun to look any less deadly in your eyes. Although Yoongi didn't talk about it, you could sense the tension that lingered between him and the alphas, and so you stayed wary and did your best to stay out of their way, and whenever possible, out of their line of sight. 
Now you skirted around them to get to the refrigerator, but honestly you were feeling too nervous about it to eat. You stared into the fridge, zoning out until Hoseok called you back to the moment. 
"Is something wrong, pup?" He asked, frowning when he saw the way you jumped when you heard his voice.
You closed the refrigerator without taking anything out and scratched your arm under your shirt as you moved to a farther corner of the kitchen. "I'm fine. Just a little…uncomfortable."
Hobi looked around at the three alphas sitting with him before he stood up and put his body between them and you, subtly so they didn't know what he was doing, but you had an idea. He turned to you with soft, slightly apologetic eyes. "Don't worry, pup. Yoongi will be home in a few hours. Until then I'll make sure nothing–"
"Oh, no," you interrupted. "It's not…well yeah it is, but…it's just that my damn shirt is so irritating. All of my shirts are. It's like I can feel every fiber rub against every cell of my skin. It's so– ugh!"
Hobi's entire face shifted to one of delight. "Finally!"
You gave him a puzzled look as you scratched under your collar. "What?"
"I've been waiting to be able to take you on a shopping trip! All your clothes are much too rough for you. It's time for an upgrade!"
"Oh. No, you don't have to do that!" 
Hobi clicked his tongue at you. "Don't you listen? I want to."
"I'm in!" Tae agreed, getting up from the table.
"As if you have a choice. You're driving," Hobi replied. 
"Of course. You need my car, and my credit card," Tae grinned playfully. 
Your stomach turned. "Oh no. Don't do that. I have money. I've been saving up." You had been saving up to get a place to live, and now that you'd solved that problem, you had a bit of cash. Not much, but enough to buy a few new things. 
"Nonsense. Neither of you are paying," Hoseok told you. 
"What do you mean?"
The omega rolled his eyes. "We will swing by and get your alpha's card so he can pay."
You picked at your fingernails. "No, we can't. He's busy and I can–"
"Hobi's right," Jin said suddenly, standing to put a hand on Hobi's shoulder. "Yoongi would want to pay and," he turned his eyes on Taehyung, "I can only imagine what he would want to do to you if he found out you tried to provide clothes for his omega."
Taehyung ducked his head as if he could imagine Yoongi giving him a smack. "Okay, we'll stop by and see Yoongi."
"Mm, but what if he's busy. Won't he be mad? I don't want to bother him." 
Hobi shook his head at you and grabbed your hand to stop you from picking at your nails. "He could never be bothered to see you, let alone mad. You really have no idea how you have him wrapped around your finger. Come on. Let's go. No time to waste," he said, already pulling you toward the door while Taehyung fetched his keys. "We'll be back in a few hours," he told Jin as you put on your shoes. 
"Have fun," the man grinned as he watched the two of you leave, enjoying the light in Hoseok's eyes as he took you out to play. 
"I guess I'll text him to let him know we're coming," you said as you got into the back seat. 
"No! It will be more fun if it's a surprise!" Hobi insisted. 
"But I'm supposed to let him know when I go out."
Hobi sighed. "Gosh, you are such a goody two shoes sometimes. It will be fine. You're with us." 
It was a slow day for Yoongi. The morning had been quiet. They hadn't been called out in hours, and although it was nice not having to deal with any emergencies, it was the worst kind of boredom. Yoongi had just been playing games on his phone. He wanted to text you and see what you were up to, but he didn't know what to say and he didn't want to annoy you. But he felt restless. So he was thrilled when he saw the minivan pull up to the ambulance station. When he saw you hop down from the backseat, his heart skipped a beat. 
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"What brings you here?" He wondered, coming out to meet you as the three of you approached the open bay door.
"We're on a mission," Hoseok informed him. "Pup needs some new clothes." You blushed. 
"Oh, that sounds good. Anything special?" Yoongi smiled. He secretly loved it when you got shy. 
"Wouldn't you like to know. Just hand over your credit card," Hobi grinned. 
You whined. "You don't need to do that. I have money," you insisted. 
Yoongi smirked as he pulled his wallet from his back pocket and plucked a silver card from inside. "You don't need to spend your money on this. I've got it." He held the card out to Hobi without taking his eyes off you, and the omega put it directly in his own wallet. 
"Told you, pup."
"Yoongi," you began another whine. 
He stepped forward to cut you off. "Who?" He asked with mischievous eyes and a deep but quiet growl. 
"Alpha," you breathed and looked at the concrete. "You really don't–"
Your words ceased when his fingertips met your cheek. He pushed the hair behind your ear, his warm fingers reaching around the shell of it and back under your jaw to lift your chin. He looked into your eyes while he spoke in his soft deep voice, sending a shiver down your spine. "I want to. It's my duty and my honor to provide for you. You're my omega, aren't you?" 
You nodded. "Yes, alpha."
"Good, princess. I want you to get anything and everything you want. Don't worry about a thing. Just get what feels good and show me later, alright?"
His fingertips still held your jaw lightly, but you nodded again. "Okay."
Before he let you go, he pressed his lips to yours in a kiss that managed to be both passionate and chaste. He's kissed you many times since the first time, but never any further than this. He often gave you soft kisses on your forehead or cheeks, sometimes a quick peck on the lips. Usually these kisses were reserved for when he had to say goodbye. He longed for more, but he was happy with what he had. More would follow, he was sure, and he was afraid if he was too impatient about it that meant he didn't feel secure that you wanted to stay, so he held himself back and tried to have faith. But he didn't know if he would last much longer. He felt that maybe you were ready for more too. A time would come very soon when he'd push that boundary again.
He pulled away and basked in leaving you breathless. "Have fun," he commanded before letting you stumble back toward the van, a stupid grin plastered across his face. 
The pit returned to your stomach when Taehyung pulled to a stop in front of a fancy looking boutique. You never would've even looked in the window of a place like this while passing by. The thought of the price tags had a whine building in your throat.
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"Relax, pup," Hoseok soothed, looking back at you. "It's not as fancy as it seems, I promise. But they cater to omegas. Everything they sell is designed for comfort. This should solve your problems."
"Fine," you groaned. 
"Oh, one more thing," Taehyung said as you finally unbuckled your seatbelt. "When we're in there people will probably assume I'm your alpha. Just let them. It will keep you safe."
You started to protest. Only Yoongi had the right to call himself your alpha. But you could also see the wisdom of his advice. And no one needed to know anyway. If their wrong assumptions could make you safer, then so be it. You nodded and climbed out of the van. 
When you walked inside Tae held the door open as Hobi went in before you, and then he followed behind. 
"Good morning. Welcome to Euphoria," a woman behind the cash register greeted as she came out to meet you. "Is there anything I can help you with today?"
Tae stepped closer behind you, feeling an instinctive need to cover you. He might call it stranger danger. Normally he felt it when he encountered alphas, but occasionally with larger betas, like Jungkook, only he met Jungkook before he developed a real fear of strangers. But most of all he felt it with saps. This woman was none of the above. She was just an ordinary, non-threatening omega. But then, this time he wasn't feeling anxious for himself, only for you. How strange.
There hadn't been any reason until now for him to be out in public with you, but he wasn't expecting to feel this protective. You weren't even his omega, as had been made so abundantly clear this morning. But you were so in need of his protection, and you were practically a part of his pack, no matter what anyone said. From Taehyung's point of view it was only a matter of time. If the others got to feel half of what he felt right now—the way he needed to be there for you in the least threatening of places—then the only thing standing between you and the seven of them was, well you.
Hoseok, as usual, took the lead, stepping closer to the store clerk, which noticeably did not set off alarm bells in Tea's. "My girl here needs some new clothes. I'm thinking some comfortable pajamas and some things she can wear under her clothes for work. Just some basics."
The woman peered around Hobi to get a better look at you and Tae had the urge to pull you back by your shirt to stand behind him. "You're a petite little thing, aren't you?" She said with her professional smile. 
You stepped back into Taehyung and let your hair fall in your face, and his heart began to race. Were you actually seeking shelter from him? Or did you just stumble into him because you were shy? He didn't have time to think it through before he put a steadying hand on your shoulder. But when he did, you didn't pull away or act surprised.
"That's okay, sweetheart. I think we have some things in our juniors section that will fit you."
Taehyung chuckled and you looked up at him with huge eyes and dark cheeks. "It's cute. Everyone thinks it's cute that you're so small," he said to placate you.
"I'm not cute," you grumbled as you followed Hoseok, who followed the woman down the wide aisle that led to the back of the store. "I'm a grown woman."
"Sure, if you don't get too hung up on the grown part," he teased.
"You're a gigantic freak, but you don't see me making fun of you for it," you fired back.
"I'm not making fun! And I'm not gigantic. I'm not Namjoon. I'm perfectly normal sized for an alpha." He straightened his back, not afraid of appearing a few inches larger and looming over you.
"Thank god," you said under your breath.
"You know he's harmless, right?" Tae asked softly. "As harmless as me."
"None of you are harmless," you muttered, but Tae heard and only smiled. 
"We'll just look around for a bit," Hoseok told the store clerk. 
"Sure. Let me know if you need any help," she said and walked briskly away.
Looking around at the many racks of clothes, you started to feel a little bewildered. You hadn't been in a store like this since you were a kid, when your mom would take you on a one yearly trip to the nearest city to buy clothes before school would start and only if you hadn't outgrown the ones she'd bought the year before. Since then, it had been strictly second hand stores for you, and you wore black as much as possible because it wouldn't look as dirty as lighter clothes.
"What are you thinking?" Hobi asked as he watched you take in the selection without seeing anything at all. 
"I don't know where to start," you admitted.
He hummed. "They do have a good selection. You can take a minute to just look around. What's your style? Maybe I can help."
You sighed. "I don't really have a style."
"Well, if you did, what would it be?"
You continued to look overwhelmed, unable to answer even that seemingly simple question. 
"Listen, Y/N," Hobi drew your attention to him with a soft hand on your shoulder. "Whatever you wore before to express yourself, to hide yourself, to try to be whoever you were trying to be…that's in your past life. This is your new life. You should just feel like yourself in your clothes."
You pursed your lips. What he said made sense, but it didn't change the fact that you didn't know who you were supposed to be in this new life. What did you feel like? And how did that translate into clothes?
Finally, Hoseok had an idea. "Let's do this. You can go try on some pajamas, and Taehyung and I will pick out some things for you to try to help you get some direction. Sound good?"
You nodded your head, grateful for the instruction. 
Hopefully he isn't getting tired of helping us.
You picked out a couple of cute and exquisitely soft pjs and took them to the fitting room. The first one was so instantly soothing to you skin you didn't want to take it off. By the time you'd tried on the second one Hobi was knocking on the door. You opened it partially to look at him.
"These are just some basics, some undershirts and stuff so you can pick what fabrics and colors you like," he told you ask he pushed a stack of folded shirts into your arms. "Those are cute by the way. Lets get them," he decided after getting a look at the blue silk shorts and tank top set you were wearing. "Try those on. We'll be back."
Hobi had set Taehyung on a mission to find different styles and colors so that you could narrow down what you did and didn't like, and Tae had taken on the assignment with enthusiasm. Inasmuch as fashion was just another form of art, Taehyung was going to making you a piece of art and use the whole color pallette to do it. He and Hobi filled their arms with shirts, skirts, jeans, t-shirts, sweaters and more in every color of the rainbow before they came back to knock on your door.
"I really love this fab–" your jaw dropped when you opened the door to see both men with their arms full. "Am i going to try on the whole store?"
"Don't be silly. Once we get an idea of what style works for you then we can move on to picking out colors."
"Let me in. I'll organize these really quick," Tae said, pushing into the small dressing room with you. You pressed yourself against the wall, eyes going wide.
"Taehyung, you're overstepping and scaring the pup," Hobi said calmly. 
Tae froze and looked down at you sheepishly. "S-sorry. I wasn't thinking. I'll just–" he forced the hangers on the closest hooks and stepped outside of the cubicle.
From beyond the door he began instructing you which items went together as you tried on each ensemble, coming out to model each time for them. Many of them were too flashy or too formal or too revealing for your taste—although taehyung managed to convince about a couple of crop tops when Hobi agreed they didn't show too much of your stomach. You ended up with several pairs of what looked like jeans but weren't as scratchy as the denim you were used to, a couple of soft cashmere sweaters and the tops.
"What kind of weird fantasies were you playing at, Tae?" Hobi asked while you changed into your own clothes. 
"Shut up. I wasn't." The alpha crossed his arms and pouted.
"You used to have a thing for goth girls, didnt you, tae tae?" He teased.
"Maybe. That's not weird. You're the one who said to try different styles."
"So you went with schoolgirl?"
"Don't talk to me."
"And that red dress really didn't suit her figure."
"Well, Hobi, I don't know as much about her figure as you do," Tae countered.
"No, you don't," Hobi smirked, because he enjoyed having something over the rest of them.
"You guys know I can hear you, right?"
Taehyung sulked. "You know who she looked like though?"
Hoseok rolled his eyes because yes, he noticed your style was similar to the casual style that Yoongi enjoyed. Not the sweats and lounge wear that the others tend to favor, but comfortable denims and sweaters. It had concerned him at first, thinking that maybe you were trying to blend with your alpha, but he could see you truly felt more comfortable and happy that way. 
You finished changing and left the cubicle with the clothes you had liked best. It felt heavy in your arms beyond the weight of the fabric. Hoseok could read your thoughts on your pouted lips without you saying a word.
"Where's the green dress?"
You shrugged. "I don't need it."
"You don't have any dresses and you might want it when Yoongi takes you on another date," he told you.
"Really, Hobi, this is already too much. The dress is too nice."
He stepped forward and took the clothes from your arms, pushing them into Taehyung's hands before he cupped your cheek. 
"It's not too much, pup. You barely have enough clothes to get you through the week and none of them fit you properly. These things aren't luxuries, Y/N. You need them, and that makes it his duty to provide. Do you understand?"
You closed your eyes. "No."
"Then remember that Yoongi told you it was his pleasure to buy it for you. He wouldn't like you feeling guilty or not buying something that looked so lovely on you." You hated that he could always pull that card with you, knowing you wouldn't want to disappoint your alpha. You sighed as Hoseok walked around you into the stall you just left to fetch the silky green dress that had his and Tae's jaws on the floor. Then he walked out with Taehyung leaving you to trail behind. 
"You probably need some new underwear, too," Hoseok said as he passed the section. 
"Absolutely not!" You protested loudly and then dropped your voice into a whisper. "I'm not letting Yoongi buy me lingerie."
Hoseok rolled his eyes. "It's not lingerie. It's just panties." 
"Whatever! No!" You hissed and walked past him. "Let's just go."
When your back was to him, Hobi quickly grabbed several pairs of silky, lacey briefs and hid them under the dress in his hands as he followed you to the register.
"Don't sulk," Taehyung chided as he stood close to you, a few feet from the register while Hoseok paid. You didn't want to see the total. "I promise you, Yoongi is probably smiling like an idiot right now, happy beyond reason."
"What makes you think that?" You mumbled. 
"Because I would be. Any good alpha would be happy knowing they could give you something you needed. And you do need them, if for no other reason than to feel comfortable. And for Yoongi, with you, I know it means even more."
You looked at him sidelong. "That's silly."
He shrugged. "Maybe so, but that's alphas."
"All set," Hobi smiled with a large store bag on each hand.
You hadn't realized how long your little shopping trip had taken, but it was after noon by the time you got back to the pack's house, and that meant Yoongi was home. Your heart couldn't decide whether to skip at the excitement of seeing him or to race with the worry that he would be more upset about your extravagance than his other pack realized. You weren't as in tune with Jungkook's schedule, but when you saw his cruiser parked in front of the house, that made you happy, too.
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The cheerfulness of Hobi and Tae clashed immediately with the dark cloud that hung in the living room where the rest of the alphas sat with Jungkook. Yoongi had already showered, looking serious with his dark, wet hair brushed back from his face. 
"What's happened?" The elder omega asked as he set the bags of clothes aside and entered the living room. "Jin?"
"It's okay, baby," Jin assured him before Hobi's mind could start to wander. "Jungkook just brought us some…" he choked on the word bad, "news."
"What is it?" You asked. 
Yoongi met your eyes and held out a hand to you. "Y/N, come here."
You didn't hesitate to go to him and he pulled you between his legs to sit on his knee. His hand felt warm where it cupped your hip, his fingers pressing into you in a gesture that was oddly soothing. Then he looked at Jungkook.
The beta took a deep breath and looked at his fingertips where they met before he looked up at you. "We got news this morning that your alpha–" A low growl emanated from Yoongi's chest. "That Sebastian was determined to be in a vegetative state from which there was practically no possibility that he would ever wake. In accordance with his wishes, his wife terminated life support this morning."
You heard Hoseok's gasp, but your breathing stopped altogether. You stood up, but Yoongi's hand was reluctant to let you go. Still, you stepped away from the safety of his presence and walked a few places toward the staircase. Although you had wanted—prayed—for years that you'd never see him again, you never thought it would be your actions that would make that happen. And now that it's true and he can never see you or touch you again it doesn't do anything to diminish your fear.
Got what he deserved. And so will you. 
"Did I…does that…did I kill him?" You asked after an agonizing minute of silence for the others.
Yoongi was on his feet already, hands outstretched to comfort you, following your movements as you paced. "Sweetheart, no."
"Are you here to arrest me?" You asked, looking to Jungkook.
Jungkook stood as he shook his head. "No, Y/N. Nothing is happening right now, legally speaking. It's up to the DA, and to his wife, as to what  happens next. Right now we just have to wait and see. But speaking for myself, not as a cop, you didn't kill him, Y/N. You didn't do anything wrong," he tried his best to assure you.
But it didn't do any good. You were already beginning to hyperventilate. When your knees gave way, Yoongi was there to catch you. He swept you up in his arms and held you close, whispering soothing words in your ear, but they didn't stop you from sobbing into his neck.
"Yoongi, I think you should take her up to her nest," Hoseok said quietly. 
He didn't wait a second before he whisked you up the stairs and down the hall to your room. He set you down in the center of your nest that you had made the night before, lingering just outside the perimeter, desperate to follow you in. But he wouldn't without permission. He couldn't. 
You stared up at his with large watery eyes, looking utterly lost. He brushed back the hairs sticking to your damp cheeks. 
"What do you want me to do, princess?"
You swallowed back the saliva gathered in your throat and sobbed. "I want you to hold me," you cried. "But you can't because I'm bad. And they're going to want me gone."
Yoongi shook his head. "No one is taking you anywhere without me, princess. If you want me to hold you…"
"You still want me?"
"More than ever," he breathed. 
"Then will you come in my nest, alpha?"
He was beside you before you finished your question. He laid you down so that your face was in his chest, his arms and legs wrapped protectively around you like a shield.
"No getting rid of me now," he smiled into your hair as your sobs lessened and you nuzzled into him. Your tears were still flowing, but they weren't violent things anymore. 
"Even if I'm a murderer?" You wondered so quietly he couldn't have had you if he wasn't right there, his breathe got against your forehead. 
"Not even if you were a serial axe murderer," he grinned. You chuckled wetly in spite of yourself. "But you aren't a murder, Y/N. You didn't do anything wrong that night. You have to know that. This is just…karma." He ran his fingers through your hair, pleased when you relaxed against him. 
"What if I wanted him dead?" 
"Then I'd guess you'd be on a long list of people. He was a dirtbag. I've wanted him dead since the moment I learned of his existence. Does that make me a murderer?"
"No. You saved him."
Yoongi nodded. "Yeah, but if I had known who he was, I don't know what I would have done. As soon as I found out who he was, I wished I had a time machine, so I could go back and let him bleed out on the street. But then I realized how stupid that was. If I had a time machine then I would go back to before he hurt you and save you instead."
"It's a good thing you didn't let him die. Then you'd be the one in trouble," you frowned. 
Yoongi tucked your head under his chin. "You're not in trouble. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. You're mine to protect now. Do you believe I can do that?"
You nodded, dragging your nose against his sternum. "Good. Then just close your eyes and rest a bit. Everything is going to be okay."
"You're not going to throw me out, right?"
He held you tighter, almost crushing you. "Never. You don't have to be good here, Y/N. You just have to be here."
His scent thickened around you, soothing your nerves, and you closed your eyes as the last of the tension left your body and you soon fell asleep.
The pack kept quiet while you slept, a silent offering of peace. But none of them left. None of these alphas would step one foot outside of the house of a distressed omega, even if you weren't technically theirs. Hoseok washed your new clothes and put them away, careful not to wake you or Yoongi, who had fallen asleep tangled around you. 
When Jimin came home and heard the news, he went straight to your bedroom and climbed in on the other side of you. Yoongi looked at him in horror.
"Relax. She let me cuddle with her for a while a couple nights ago," Jimin told him. "I didn't say anything because I didn't want to make you jealous."
But Yoongi wasn't jealous. He was glad, both that you'd gotten that close with Jimin and that he could be here for you now. "Good," Yoongi whispered as Jimin settled along your back and looked into his worried eyes like a mirror.
"Everything is gonna be okay," Jimin whispered back. "Right?"
Yoongi nodded. "We'll get her through it. Whatever happens." He pressed a soft kiss to your hairline and closed his eyes again. 
When you woke up a little while later you were laying half on Jimin's chest, his gentle lavender filled your nose. You moaned softly, wondering where Yoongi went. He didn't let you wonder long. You heard his phone lock before he rolled over and you felt his nose at the back of your neck.
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"Hey sleepy head," he murmured.
"Mmmm," you mumbled against Jimin's chest. "Sorry."
"Don't be," he said as he stroked down your side. "How do you feel?"
"I feel weird. And hot," you groaned, assuming it was because of your packmates laying with you.
"I know. You're a furnace," Jimin mumbled.
"It's me?"
Yoongi hummed in agreement and sniffed your neck. "You're in pre-heat."
Your body went stiff and you squeezed your eyes closed with a groan. 
A/n: aaaahh sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger! We will get into mc's heat next time and it will be...something! Please let me know your thoughts about this chapter and whats to come! I really love hearing from all of you!
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Panera's Box
Summary: Melissa goes through man after man, while you watch. Finally, you shoot your shot, and it open's a whole Pandora's Box (or Panera's box... according to her).
WC: ~2.65k
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Since working at Abbott Elementary, you’ve had one of the biggest crushes on that ridiculously tough, yet somehow still warm and loving, second grade teacher that works across the hall from you.
By some grace of God, she’s seemed to take a liking to you too. You’ve found yourself to be a part of the Abbott crew and being invited out for various events or happy hours. You quite like it, spending time with all of them, but it’s also made the feelings that you have for Melissa Schemmenti only that much more intense. And that was before you started going over to her house for dinner every Wednesday.
You don’t say anything though. She still intimidates you to a certain degree, and she’s constantly in some sort of relationship or situationship. So your feelings for the spicy Italian teacher remain unknown to everyone in the school, and you fully intend on keeping it that way.
“Any plans tonight?” you ask her as you’re sitting together at lunch one day.
She shrugs. “I’m supposed to go out with Rob tonight, but I don’t know if I’m feeling it.”
“That’s nice,” you say quietly. “Why aren’t you feeling it though?”
Melissa sighs. “He always wants to go out and do something… sometimes after a day like today, all I want to do is curl up on the couch with a good book while my music plays and my candles burn.”
You chuckle softly. “That sounds like what I’ll be doing tonight.”
“No after school plans for you?” she asks. You shake your head. “When was the last time you were on a date?”
“Too long ago.”
“When was your last date?” the second grade teacher asks again.
You hum as if you’re thinking, but you know exactly when your last date was. It was two weeks into working at Abbott, and while the woman was very sweet, you had not gone out on a second date with her because Melissa Schemmenti was on your mind the whole time. “It’s been a while. Maybe two weeks into starting work here?”
“Girl, that was over two years ago. Maybe we should get you onto the dating sites… anyone would be lucky to get to go out with you.”
There is was… anyone would be lucky to get to go out with you- but you were never on her radar.
“I’m going to politely decline the idea of me being on dating sites,” you wave a hand in dismissal. You don’t want to meet anyone new. You know exactly who you want, and she’s so close, yet so far. You’ve held off dating since starting to work at Abbott and finding yourself catching feelings for the woman next to you, and you really can’t see yourself going out with anybody else until you either get the girl or you get over your silly schoolgirl crush. 
“Oh, c’mon,” she presses on. “I think it would be fun to see you out on dates.”
“Like you, I would much rather to prefer to curl up on the couch with a good book under a mountain of blankets after a day at work,” you roll your eyes. “I’ll find the right person who is content to do that with me when the right time comes.”
Melissa blinks a few times… that’s what she wants too. But, you’re- you’re a woman, and she hasn’t been with a woman since her college days. She doesn’t want to open herself up to that again if she can help it.
The bell rings, indicating that lunch is over, and you stand with a sigh. “Have a nice rest of your day, Melissa.”
“Thanks, hun,” the redhead replies. She can’t help but notice that your tone is a bit more somber after that conversation, and she makes up her mind that she won’t push you into dating again. Maybe she overstepped a boundary that she wasn’t aware was there. 
That night, the redheaded woman does end up going out with Rob, although she’s unsure why it just doesn’t feel right. She feels like she should maybe just be curled up on her couch, a book in one hand and a glass of wine in the other, and under a few blankets… and preferably with you.
She ends the night with a short goodbye and an apology that she just doesn’t see that it’s going to go anywhere. She ends up texting you once her date is over and she’s changed into her lounge wear.
Hey. You up for coming over? I got blankets, books, and wine.
When you see the notification, you squint your eyes. I thought you were going out with Rob tonight.
I did… and then I ended it.
I’ll be over in ten. You sigh as you pull on your shoes. You were really comfortable in your recliner with your favorite novel, but if Melissa had just ended it with Rob, you are going to be there for her.
When you pull up to her townhouse, she opens the door with a smile. You can’t help but notice how beautiful she looks sans makeup and hair pulled up into a messy ponytail.
“You look awful happy for a woman who just ended a relationship,” you quip as you make your way into her place.
“Wasn’t a relationship,” the redhead retorts right back. “But I was thinking about what you were saying earlier… I should be doing what I want with someone I care about, and what I want to do is curl up and read a good book with you.”
That makes you pause. Nevertheless, you sit down on the couch next to her and pull your book from your bag. She makes her way into the kitchen and returns a few seconds later with a bottle of wine and an extra glass.
“You good with a red blend?” Melissa asks you. You just nod as you open your book. You fully intend on just sitting here and enjoying your book with a friend until she decides that she wants to talk about her split- if she truly hadn’t wanted to talk about it, you wouldn’t be here right now.
The redhead sits down next to you, close enough that your arms are brushing together, and she sips her wine. You do everything you can in order to focus on your book, but it isn’t really working. Not when Melissa’s chin rests on your shoulder as she reads your book over your shoulder.
“I thought when you invited me over, you would be reading your own book,” you chuckle softly.
She shrugs. “I like your book more.”
You roll your eyes playfully, but you move the book so that she can see it a bit better. Her body doesn’t move from next to you. In fact, she only gets closer and an arm is slung around your waist.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
The redhead shrugs her shoulders again, and she rests her head on your shoulder. It’s a few more minutes of reading together before you start to get in your head.
It’s been five minutes since you turned the page, and Melissa looks at you curiously. She’s read the page three times, so she knows that you should’ve been able to read it too. Your eyes are a bit glazed over and unfocused as you stay in your head, mind swirling with why she was doing this.
“Hun,” the redheaded woman jostles you slightly. You don’t react. “Y/N.”
You jolt out of your trance. “Huh?”
“We’ve been on this page for five minutes,” she notes quietly. “What’s going on through that pretty head of yours?”
“What are you doing?” you finally ask after about thirty seconds of silence.
“Reading with you?” the redhead furrows a brow. “I thought that was obvious though.”
“No,” you close your book. “Why am I here? Why aren’t you out with Rob?”
“I told you that,” she sighs. “I didn’t want to go out with him anymore. I’m not sure I want to go out with any man anymore. They just don’t provide the warmth I need right now.”
You take a deep breath and look her in the eye before you shoot your shot. “Then go out with me.”
Melissa sits up straight as her eyes widen just slightly, and her jaw drops. “What?”
“Go out with me then,” you say again. “You’re always talking about how you want someone who isn’t always looking for fancy places and things to do- that you sometimes just want someone to sit with and read a book. That you want someone who will go out and just do trivia with a glass of wine- someone that you’re comfortable with. I’m that person for you.”
“Y/N,” she sighs. “I haven’t been with a woman since college.”
“And?” you ask her. “Why should that matter? I flirt with you, you flirt with me, I’m sitting in your house doing exactly what you want to do with a partner anyway!”
“I-” the redhead looks down at her hands. “Listen, Y/N: I can’t deny that I am attracted to you, and I have been, but-”
“There shouldn’t be a but,” you state. “I like you, you just admitted that you like me.”
“But,” she continues. “I haven’t been out with a woman since I was in college… I don’t know if I want to open that Panera’s box.”
“Pandora’s box,” you roll your eyes. 
She huffs. “You know what I mean.”
“I really don’t,” you sigh. “I don’t understand why you won’t just give this a chance. You’re constantly talking about wanting love and finding that person who gets you- who else gets you better than I do? I know that you do a little happy dance when something’s gone your way. I know that you have to have at least two cups of coffee before you even get to school, but if you have more than two more at school before lunch you’re a jittery mess. I know that you take your coffee with two creams and a teaspoon of sugar. I know that your bark is way bigger than your bite,  and even then I know that you would kill for any of us at Abbott despite saying that the only person you would kill for is Barb. We’ve had countless dinners together and shared so many bottles of wine that I lost count because you don’t want to go out and would rather stay in. I’m willing to give you everything, but if you’re going to be foolish enough to deny it just because you don’t want to open a ‘Panera’s box’, then fine.” You grab your bag and start to stand.
“Y/N,” Melissa grabs your wrist gently. “I-”
“It’s fine,” you rip yourself away from her and head for the door. “Just let me go while I still have some of my dignity left.”
The redhead stands and rushes for the door, blocking you from leaving. “Just listen.”
You cross your arms over your chest, a hip popped out just slightly as you stare her down. “What? Didn’t you do enough?”
“Y/N,” the woman says quietly, unsurely. “Listen… I do like you, I really like you. And I want to throw caution to the wind and say yes, that we should try us. But you have to understand my hesitation. I’m a none-your-business year old woman who has already had a failed marriage, and the last relationship I was in ended in a publicly humiliating divorce. I don’t… I don’t have a great track record with relationships, and I wouldn’t want to ruin that with you. And then there’s the fact that we’re coworkers- if we were to try it and it wouldn’t work, we would still have to work together. And I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t be able to do that. And then… I wasn’t kidding when I said I haven’t been with a woman since college- I don’t even know if I have what it takes anymore to be what you need. I- I know I act like I have it all together and I know exactly what I want and know how to get it, but that just isn’t true- because I want you, but I’m terrified. I don’t know if I can even open up this panera’s box at my age, and yet I want to try. I want to try for you.”
You just sigh and look away. “You don’t have to say all of this to make me feel better about the rejection.”
“I’m not,” she tells you as she takes your hand in hers. “I want this, but I am beyond scared that I’m going to mess this up… that I’ve been out of the game for too long, and I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You already did,” you mutter. “You’ve been toying with my emotions since I started working at Abbott.”
“And I didn’t mean to,” she tells you genuinely. “I thought it was all innocent, until it wasn’t and I caught feelings.”
You just shake your head as you roll your eyes. 
“But I’m here now,” she says softly. “And I- I’m willing to open that Panera’s box for you- one date to show me that this is worth it.”
“You don’t have to do that,” you say softly as you reach for the doorknob.
She takes your hand back in hers. “I don’t have to. But I want to.” And then her lips are pressed against yours.
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson
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simplymarr · 6 months
Chapter one.
summary: vincent renzi x fem!reader.
A young law student is navigating her last year in university, where she meets a misteryous french professor that is going to help her getting her thesis done. A strong chemistry and a love for books and hard work it's what gets them to work so well with each other. But how much are they going to resist when temptation arrives?
warnings: age gap (legal ofc) he's 43 and she's 26. Other that that, none (yet).
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London. 8 am and a room full of people on a rainy day. Cold fingers on the desk, waiting for something to happen.
I looked over and the clock was still; maybe it was broken or maybe the time was way too slow in the morning. Even for me.
Today it was the last-first day i was going to have on that university. Five long years studying law, yet it felt like i was still a stranger in that big, cold classroom.
I was, finally, going to get my thesis done. No more wasting time, no more fear. I had to be strong.
How difficult could it be?
The world with its unique, hidden irony seemed to have answered my question when, all of a sudden, he walked through that old, wooden door.
Mature, maybe in his early forties. Tall but not too much; quite skinny. Long neck and serious countenance. Silver hair, some strands fell on his forehead as he walked across the room until he reached his desk. His polished clothes didn't look wet even though it was raining, and even for me to be so far away from him i could, somehow, sense that he smelled like cigarrettes and old fashioned, classic cologne.
Professor Vincent Renzi was his name.
He came from France. He said that he had recently won a case in the city, and that a colleague of his needed him to replace him for a few months at the university. A two-hour weekly class and, most importantly,
he was in charge of correcting some of the theses.
I hesitated the rest of the class, unsure of what was going to happen. Would he be easy on me? or would he be an idiot? After all, all male professors in law school seemed to treat women like they were not smart enough to be there. Or worse, like they fucked their way to the top.
Suddenly my feet stepped on earth again when i felt a deep voice making, in a strong french accent, a question that no one dared to answer.
"So, has anyone already started working on their thesis?"
Then, for inertia or maybe an obscure, unconscious desire to be seen by his blue eyes i raised my hand.
He smiled at me; perhaps relieved that he hadn't been ignored. Little wrinkles formed on each side of his mouth as he spoke:
"Great, at least someone is doing their job. Now, enlighten me, please".
I tried to leave as soon as the class ended.
Maybe it was the shame, the blushed cheeks as i explained to him the central themes of the thesis. For the first time, i felt like my tongue wasn't mine as the words kept coming out of my mouth, but i felt grateful for that.
However, due to how far away i was from the exit, i was the last one to leave. I slid between each seat until i reached the door where, luckily for me, he was standing, waiting.
"That was good. Very good actually". He said as he reached out for a pack of cigarettes between his pockets.
I stuttered.
"Well, thank you. There's still some issues i need to fix, you know. References and stuff". I tried, without luck, to sound as calm as possible.
"That's why im here". He said, staid but in a soft tone.
As he left the building and got into his car, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear and lighting a cigarette, i couldn't help but wonder
what the hell was i getting into.
next chapter soon
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skullvgirl · 4 months
language barriers | barou
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incl. a very confused barou shouei ᡣ𐭩
warnings. fem reader, fluff, suggestive dialogue, established relationship, ooc
an's. bold letter is your native language & japaneese
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10:32 AM
"shouei" you called. your boyfriend came almost immediately, although he wasn't far.
"we should try this" you handed him your phone, letting the video of a couple speaking in their native languages as a challenge play.
he raised an eyebrow and gave you back your phone.
"why would we wanna do that, i don't speak (native language) and you don't speak japaneese"
"uhh, tuh-eyeah—that's the point silly, come on we should do it, it'll only be for today and tomorrow!"
barou thought too himself for a moment,
"and we can see who can go the longest without cracking, i call dibs on going first!"
and then eventually.
"sure why not"
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11:36 AM
"shouei, give me the remote", you asked politely, motioning for him to give you the object.
your boyfriend stared curiously at you for a moment before you asked again, only this time in a more demanding tone.
"the remote shouei, right next to you" you started pointing at the black box, smiling because of how innocent he looked at the moment.
a look of revelation crossed his face before finally, "this?" he asked unsure of himself, but he was picking up the right thing.
"yes," you nodded your head, "bring it here please", you held your hand out and waited for barou to cross the room.
"sit down" you said, patting the open space next to you and he did so immediately, staring directly into your eyes as a way to show he understood you.
aw, he's so cute like this...maybe ill tease him a bit
"good boy" you purred, linking arms with him on the couch, occasionally glancing over at him and commenting on the movie playing. he nodded his head like he understood you but you were sure he didn't.
"shouei" he turned his head, he understood that.
" am i saying right now?" he began to nod his head again but quickly stopped as the grin on your face grew.
he bit his lip instead , his eyebrows knitting together to form a concentrated look on his face. "uhm...i don't...i"
you giggled at his reluctantly to say the word. "what you don't know? come on tell me love, what aren't you getting hm?"
barou blushed at your words, he didn't know much of ( native language ) but he did know one thing : pet names, and this one was the easiest to remember.
love? he thought. is she saying she loves me?
wow, this was more frustrating that he thought, he regrets not putting any of his own conditions on the game beforehand.
well its no use now might as well give it a go...
"i love you too, yn...?" you burst out laughing and his face began to turn red. you began speaking again but it was reduced to gibberish and nonsense because of how little ( native language ) he knew.
gosh, i really gotta learn some ( native language ) one day...this is killing me
"shouei you're so sweet you know that? the best boyfriend in the world in my opinion"
the confused look on barou's face persisted and he couldn't even read your body language properly because of one: how much you were giggling and two: you were staring directly into his eyes, not to mention a third thing, three : ( although he doesn't like admitting it ) you made him quite nervous sometimes. right now was definitely one of those times.
his heart picked up speed.
"fuck, i can't, i give up, talk to me baby whatter you saying?"
he broke, holding your hands in his, lookimg just as deeply into your eyes as you were his. you touched foreheads.
"oh i don't know, what am i saying shou? something good i hope" you grinned cheeckily.
his face was troubled, but only for a moment. he had an idea.
"fine, you're being that way?" and before you could say any more you were suddenly seeing the couch cushions with your hands held securely behind your back.
"guess im gonna have to force it out of you", barou began lifting your shirt, twirling his fingers featherlight on your skin.
fuck, you didn't know any japanese, what was be saying. "wait wait wait, okay im sorry you win"
"nahh...i dont think so...what goes around comes back around sweetheart, sorry"
fuck, you really didn't know japanese !
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an's. this isnt sexual btw, yn got tickled to death.
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roonyxx · 3 months
Healing Love: Part 3
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Summary: You have a normal life as a nurse, and you are content with it. But then a storm called Dean Winchester rolls into it and you get swept away by his charms. But secrets linger and threaten to drown you both.
Pairing: Dean x Witch!nurse!reader
Word count: 2935
Chapter warnings: angst, wounds and medical stuff (i am no professional and have no idea what the real treatments are), smut, fluff.
support me :)
Healing Love Masterlist
My Masterlist
Deviders made by @firefly-graphics, give her some love!
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“On three,” you say as you swing his arm over your shoulders, “one, two, three.” You tug him to a sitting position on the edge of the bed.
You tried your best to not hurt him while tugging him up but he hisses anyway.
“Sorry Dean.” You say.
It’s been a week since his accident and you have visited the bunker every day since. He needed a lot of assistance. He can walk but not far and not without support.
Sam has been helping him go to the toilets, he can manage all that himself, which is a good start.
But he still needs to shower. You have been cleaning his wound every day when necessary.
He hasn’t wanted to shower yet… you offered him plenty of times but he always refused, now it’s getting to the point where he has no choice.
“You have to shower today, Dean.” You tell him as you sit next to him on the edge of the bed.
He sighs and wraps an arm around your waist.
“I know.” He says.
You and him have become closer in the last week. You did a lot of calm kissing that more often than not almost evolved to more, but with Dean being in so much pain it is impossible to do more.
You can sense he is sexually frustrated. He certainly is not alone….
Seeing his body every day, touching his freckled skin every day… It’s hard.
But you don’t want to hurt him, so you keep it to calm kissing.
For now.
You know you should keep your distances because he’s a hunter and you’re a witch, but he’s just so irresistible. He’s so kind and charming and perfect and handsome…
“I can’t even stand for five minutes, how will it even work.” He sigh.
You can hear and see he is feeling a little defeated today, which is normal. Dean is a very independent guy who in his everyday life barely asks for help. For him to have to ask for everything, not able to stand up on his own his hard on him.
You can see his struggle. It’s not uncommon in people healing from big injuries like his.
“I already put a chair inside the shower, you can sit and I’ll help you wash.” You tell him softly, your hand stroking his thigh in a comforting manner.
“You will help me wash? I think you just wanna see me naked.” He grins at you.
You chuckle at his flirt, “You’re right, I do wanna see you naked.” You wiggle your eyebrows back at him. “Unless you’re more comfortable with Sam helping you out?”
You do not want him to be uncomfortable, so you give him the option to choose.
“No, no. I don’t want Sam to see me like that.” He says quickly. “And you’re the professional anyways.”
“Okay, yes, true. I wash people all day at work. I really don’t mind.” You smile at him.
“You also wash guys? Like… your age? Handsome guys?” He asks in a somewhat unsure voice.
“I mean, I don’t really take into account if they’re handsome or not, but I’m sure I have washed handsome men before. Why?”
“No, no reason.” He shrugs and you see it in the glint of his eyes.
Is he… jealous?
It makes you smile.
“Are you jealous, Dean?”
“What! No, no I’m not.” He says it with a grunt, making it very unbelievable.
“Oh my god, you totally are jealous!” You say with a big smile.
The smile soon fades when you see him looking at his hands in his lap.
“Dean…” you cup his cheek and wait for his eyes to meet yours, “The only man I want to undress is you. The others is because it is my job.”
His eyes flick over your face, settling on your lips. You smile and lean in to kiss him.
His hand comes up to cup your face while kissing you deeper, moaning into your mouth, his other hand grabs your thigh and squeezes it firmly.
Your eyes roll back in your head at his firm grip, your legs spread almost on instinct.
You feel him smile against your lips as his hand moves higher to rest at the apex of your thigh.
You are so happy you put on leggings this morning, the thin fabric allowing you to feel his hand cupping your core. You groan loudly and roll your hips in his hand.
“D-Dean.” You moan against his lips.
His fingers press harder into you, his kiss turning sloppy.
“You drive me crazy, Y/n.” He groans against your lips while rubbing your core through your pants.
Your panties and pants are growing slick with arousal from his touch, it urges you on to roll harder against his hand.
“Y-yes Dean o-oh my god-“ You throw your head back as he finds your clit through the thin layers of fabric, his fingers pressing into that tight bundle of nerves, making you gasp loudly.
“Yes sweetheart just like that-“ His sentence ends on a sharp hiss and it is like a bucket of ice poured over your head.
You look at him and sees he tried to turn more towards you and it probably tugged on his wound. His hand is holding his tummy firmly.
You curse yourself for getting lost in lust and gently take his hand away to check his injury. There are red spots on the bandage, you start to take it off and see the damage.
“Shit… you ripped a few stitches.” You sigh, this is why only calm kissing is allowed.
You grab everything you need and sit on your knees on the floor between his legs, threading your needle.
“It will take just a second.” You look up at him.
His eyes are nearly black with lust, his pupils blown wide. The very obvious bulge in his sweats is also very noticeable and it makes you clench your thighs.
You were so close to coming….
“Sorry.” He mutters, a blush creeping over his face, clearly he feels embarrassed that he’s hard for you.
“Don’t worry about it.” You say and start restitching. A soft smile on your face, you already know a way to help him out with his frustrations.
You finish your stitching, his cock no longer hard because he flinched every time the needle pierced his skin.
“Let’s get you in the shower, okay?” You come next to him and put his arm over your shoulders.
“Yes.” He answers and with another short countdown you two stand up.
You support most of his weight as you walk to the bathroom, when entering the chair is where you left it in the shower. As carefully as you can you lower him in the chair.
“There, all comfy?” You ask.
He nods.
You smile at him and come closer.
“I want you naked, Dean.” You smile even wider.
“This wasn’t how I imaged to be naked with you.” He mutters.
He’s feeling embarrassed.
But you have a solution for that.
“Maybe not but still,” you grab the edge of your shirt and take it off over your head, leaving your black lacy bra on, for now. “we can have fun.” You smile.
You think his eyes might fall out of his head with how wide they are.
“Y-you, why are you undressing? Not that I am complaining.”  A little of that cocky grin is coming back on his face.
“Because I don’t want my clothes to get wet, and well, I could use a shower too.” You dip your thumbs into your waistband and shimmy your leggings down your legs, throwing the item behind you.
“Oh-oh wow.” He breathes as he takes in your matching black lace panties, his eyes are roaming over every inch and the bulge in his pants is slowly growing again.
It makes you clench your thighs.
“Can I undress you now?” You ask, coming to stand between his legs.
He nods and you tug off his shirt. You saw his torso many times these last days but every inch of skin revealed to you is exciting.
You bend down, making sure your boobs are at eye level as you grab his waist band, you lean in and kiss his neck.
“Lift your hips for me, Dean.” You whisper against his skin.
He does as you say and you take off his underwear and pants, a slight slap filling the shower when his cock springs free and hits his tummy.
You toss his pants away and look at all of him, all his naked glory.
Fuck… his cock is so hard, and red and leaking precum. His hand moves to grab himself by the base and squeezes, making another drop of precum roll down his tip.
You nearly whimper at the sight.
You stand between his legs, turning around so your back is towards him. Taking the edge of your panties you bend down and take them off, giving Dean a full view of your glistening, soaked pussy.
You’re rewarded with a deep groan behind you and a muttered 'fuck'.
You turn back to face him and take off your bra, slinging it away.
He licks his lips as he takes all of you in.
You lean over him, effectively putting your boobs in his face as you turn on the shower, immediate hot water cascading down over you two.
His lips attack your nipples, kissing and sucking on them. A moan falling from your lips.
His hands wrap around your thighs, grabbing them eagerly.
You grab his soaps and take a little step back, his lips try to chase your boobies but you push him back by the shoulder.
His chest is heaving with every breath, taking the soap in your hands you start to lather them up and begin washing his skin.
You’re thorough in what you do, his neck, his broad shoulders, his pecks, back and sides, then very carefully around his wound and checking that the water resistant bandage is still intact.
Then you wash his feet, his calves, his thighs.
His balls. Looking up through your wet lashes you watch his face as you firmly massage his balls.
“Y-Y/n.” he whimpers, his legs spreading wider.
You sit down on your knees between his spread legs and grab the base of his cock. Looking in his eyes you bend and lick the tip of his cock, your tongue dipping in that oh so sensitive slit.
“Fff-fuck.” He groans and his hands tighten on the arm rests of the chair.
You smile wickledly and lick up under his shaft, from base to tip to then take as much as you can of him in your mouth.
His tip brushes the back of your throat and you gag around him, making him moan harder. The part of him that doesn’t fit in your mouth you grab in your hand.
Your other hand still firmly massaging his balls. You start sucking him deeply, bobbing your head up and down.
“F-fuck Y/n yes, yes yes yes, j-just like that.” He pants, one of his hands slips in your hair and fists it tightly.
You moan loudly around him.
“I-Im gonna come.” He says and tries to tug you off of him. But you want his cum in your mouth, you need it to be inside, to swallow it.
“Y/n o-oh” he moans when he sees you want it, “fuck i- I’m-“
His balls tighten in yourhand and his cock starts to twitch in your mouth as he comes hard, his cum hitting the back of your throat and making you cough. You make sure to swallow it all down, your tongue rubbing the under side of his cock in your mouth to prolong his orgasm as much as possible.
“Y/N FUCK GRAH!” he screams loudly while filling you, his hand fisting your hair so hard it makes your eyes water.
You let go of his balls and push slightly on his thigh, the need for oxygen becoming urgent.
He lets your hair go and you sit up, taking in a big breath, coughing on the few drops of cum still coating your throat.
You take his half limp cock and lick him completely clean, then wash him gently with some soap.
“Y-you’re- you’re so fucking good.” He pants.
You smile and pass your soapy hands over his sensitive tip, enjoying the whimper you drag from him.
You stand up between his legs and begin washing yourself.
Dean is content watching you spread the foam all over your body, his hand coming up to rub at spots you clearly didn’t forget, but you let him.
Then you grab his shampoo and start massaging the soap into his scalp, his eyes fluttering with the sensation.
“Fuck this is so good.” He groan.
You’re so focused on washing his soft hair that you jump when you feel his fingers brushing your slick folds.
“Can I touch you?” he asks, while looking into your eyes with so much want you don’t have it in you to deny him.
“Yes Dean, but be careful, okay?”
He nods and his eyes dart down to look at your pussy, wet and swollen with desire for him.
You keep washing his hair, even when his deft fingers find your clit and start expertly rubbing it in tight circles.
“Y-yes.” You moan.
He turns his hand palm up and enters his middle and ring finger deep inside you. Your legs start trembling at how well his fingers fill you.
He crooks them so they rub perfectly against that sweet spot deep inside you while simultaneously rubbing his palm against your clit.
“F-fuck Dean- y-yes, don’t stop.” You moan and fist his hair, keeping his head away from you because you can sense he wants to kiss your body but that’s a movement that is no longer calm.
“You’re so fucking soaked for me sweetheart. Listen.” He starts to roughly vibrate his hand, filling the shower with the sound of your soaked pussy.
You moan loudly and clench his fingers so hard inside you that he mutters a curse. Your thighs start trembling, the days of edging on finally coming to their conclusion.
“Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean DEAN.” You chant on repeat as you near that edge, following his rhythm and focusing on his finger you feel yourself comping apart at the edges.
“DEAN YES!” You scream as you fall apart around his fingers, your legs tremble violently, and your thighs clench his hand in place as you come so hard around him.
You use the back of the chair as a support to lean on, you’re panting so hard and lean down to kiss him sloppily.
“O-oh my god, Dean…” You say as you unclench his hand and let it go from the prison of your thighs.
He smiles proudly and looks in your eyes.
“You’re so beautiful when you come.” He says and kisses you again.
You moan in his mouth but turns to a loud gasp as the water of the shower suddenly turns cold. You hurry to turn it off.
“Fuck.” You laugh, now definitely cooled down. Luckily Dean is laughing too, and no ripped stitches this time.
“Let’s get dry and warmed up.” You smile and help Dean get back into his room where you both cuddle in his bed and eventually fall asleep.
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You get awoken by your ringtone going of in the middle of the night. Quinn jumps up and off your bed as he too got roughly awoken by it.
“Shit” you grunt and pick up, “yeah?”
“Y/n? You need to come, it’s Dean, he-he’s not waking up, there’s a lot of blood please- I-“ a sob breaks Sam’s sentence and you’re already flying to grab your keys of your car.
“Keep pressure, I’m coming.”
You stay on the phone with Sam in the car and ask him the routine questions, trying to be calm yourself, it doesn’t look good for Dean…
You reach the bunker and run inside straight to his room.
Looking inside freezes you.
There is too much blood, he's so pale…
“Move!” you scream and push Sam, not ignoring the strong call of your magic you throw the gates inside you open and let it fill your veins.
You hear Sam gasp as your entire body lights up golden and your hair starts floating around you.
It takes all your focus to redirect the mass of magic towards Dean, it feels like guiding an ocean where to go.
But you manage and with all your strength you pour the magic inside Dean. Your arms start to tremble from the strain, but you need to keep going because- because-
His heart is not beating…
You push more magic into him, sweat dripping down your face and your feet leave the ground as you start floating.
All the blood that soaked into his mattress is retracting back into his body, it is like someone pushed the reverse button and all the damage to his body is reversing.
His blood returns to his veins, his cells regenerate themselves, his organs begin working again, his body temperature rises.
And his heart starts beating again.
Dean sits up with a big, sharp inhale and looks at you.
You turn to see his open eyes, his face back with color.
And you see his face filled with shock as he takes you in, glowing and floating next to his bed.
You shut the gates deep inside you shut and cut off the magic, the light inside you shuts of like a lamp and you drop to your knees, completely exhausted.
“Dean!” Sam runs to his brother and hugs him so tight, his shoulders shaking with held back sobs.
But Dean’s eyes don’t leave yours. He’s staring at you in shock and something else…
“What are you.”
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Forever Tags 2024: @jay-and-dean @flamencodiva @snowlovespie @awkward-and-indecisive @hobby27 @kazsrm67 @foxyjwls007
Dean tags 2024: @akshi8278 @pink-sparkly-witch @verytoadpapersoul @eevvvaa @muhahaha303 @alwaystiredandconfused @deansimpalababy @globetrotter28 @aylacavebear
Healing Love tags: @deans-spinster-witch @kr804573 @suckitands33 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @brightlilith @snowayumi @ailalovegood
send me an ask if you want to be on any of my tag lists! (or if you want to be removed)
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littledollll · 9 months
Wishful thinking
Lucifer Morningstar x reader
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A/n: this started as a smut and then I realized I kinda didn’t wanna write that. So have some light angst?
This is the last all written fic I have so y’all might have to wait extra long for the next one😭 I hope you enjoy tho!
Warnings: not much, a little angst, nudity (barely).
As one of the many servants of Lucifer Morningstar, you have many jobs. They vary from day to day, unless of course Lucifer were to hand pick you for certain works. Which is precisely what started to happen.
You’d have to be stupid not to notice that Lucifer had chosen to have you around them at any and all times. Taking away the petty jobs another simple maid could handle and taking you as their personal assistant with any and all needs.
Lucifer was not a difficult person to work for, surprisingly enough. They were charming and cunning. Everything you did was somehow amusing to them, because you suppose that in their eyes you’re just an assistant, a little maid. There was a condescending air about them. But not because they think they are superior, simply because they are. And naturally that power radiates from their being.
“I have a request for you, my dear.” At your quick nod in confirmation and willingness, Lucifer continued. “I’m feeling particularly tense tonight, and was hoping you’d be willing to accompany me for the night.”
When Lucifer’s request reached your mind, your thought response was to be overly formal. You had a choice, yes. But this was for your lord, your master. It was rare to reject a request from them. You agreed, not out of duty, maybe out of curiosity. You didn’t quite understand what was so intimate about it that they specifically needed you for it.
Without even needing to voice it, Lucifer answered your question. “I will admit something, a little more vulnerable perhaps. But I’ve been itching for a bit of company. I think you’re well suited to provide just that.” Not a moment of a pause before, “And you’re a pretty little thing. I do enjoy having something nice to look at.”
There was really no arguing with that logic. It did feel flattering that Lucifer found you to be pretty.. you can’t deny the slight fluttering in your stomach at the thought of that. It felt like quite the compliment. “So would you indulge me this once, stay after your duties?”
You nodded at their words when you noticed you had been far too lost in your own thoughts, making Lucifer give you an amused smile. “I will do my absolute best, my lord.”
“…I wouldn’t mind it if you just called me Lucifer, for today.” Their voice was so soft. But not in the familiar way. Lucifer was almost always soft spoken after all. But there was something tender about their voice.
“Alright then.. Lucifer.” It felt odd in every way possible. But the smile that grazed their lips at it almost made it worth it. Surely you were damn good at your job if you managed to crack a genuine smile out of them. “What would you like us to do, then?”
There’s about a million things that come to mind when at the thought of keeping them company, so what did Lucifer mean by it? What did they want from you?
They looked at you, seeming unsure aswell. For the first time ever, you saw the lord of hell shrug their shoulders. Which doesn’t seem like a big deal but is such an oddly laid back, casual action from them, it made you hide a giggle with a smile, and Lucifer chuckled in response.
“Why are you the amused one now? I’m not sure I enjoy being on the receiving end of such a look.” “Ah, I think it’s good you learn how it feels then. Because, in case you were unaware that’s practically how you look at everyone. So very condescending.”
Lucifer looked as if they were analyzing for a second, making them look horribly serious compared to before and you were afraid you crossed a line. That is, until they spoke again. “Is that so? I suppose it’s part of my nature.”
“You did it again!” “You didn’t answer my question.” Oh, right. “It’s nothing- It just feels a little odd to see you being so casual..? I guess that’s the word for it.” Your words came out a bit mumbled as you moved around the room and actually did your job. They specified that it was after you completed your work, after all. So no slacking would be welcome.
“Is it jarring? To actually see me as just another person and not your lord, for once?” The genuine curiosity of their question caught your attention.
“I wouldn’t say I separate you as my lord and you as a being. But there’s something more laid back about you when you’re not actively trying to be the lord of hell… it feels like there’s a difference between Lucifer and the lord Morningstar.”
They merely hummed at your words. Keeping quiet for a moment. You felt theirs eyes on your every step but thought nothing of it.
“I feel as if there’s a difference too. You dropping the titles and professionalism makes you more… care free, maybe?” It made sense. You didn’t feel like you or your work were being reviewed, even if you were watched. “Maybe.”
As you walked towards them, Lucifer immediately stood. And the more personal part of your routine began. Lucifer would be stripped of their clothes with the utmost care as you assisted them with their wings, it was always the most complicated part.
Their signature and stunning red silk robe hung from the door of their luxurious bathroom. As you walked past it, Lucifer got into the already prepared and perfect bath.
They knew it was your job, but something about how you perfected every little detail for them made them think maybe you put in the extra effort for them.. on a more intimate level. But that was wishful thinking. And the lord of hell doesn’t have time for wishes.
The bath was sacred. A ritual of peace for them alone. So you shut the doors as you made your way out and finished the preparations throughout the rest of the bedroom.
The sheets were changed every night right before they slept, ensuring they’d be warm and fresh. Nothing but perfection for them. The pillows were fluffed, and everything was tidied into place and reviewed only by you. Lucifer trusted no other to do this.
You knew everything. You knew their room like you would your childhood home, their skin like the back of your hand, their habits and likes as if they were your own. Maybe that’s where their appreciation for you began. And then turned into something more. Something almost human. Was it weird to say they desired you? Not in the way they have desired any other. Not in any of the many sinful ways they can envision and you’d expect.
They desired a domestic life, with someone who knew them as well as you. Someone who tried as hard as you. Some who cared as much as you. You. Their darkest secrets include you at every corner. Not in this foolish servant and master relationship. Not as a superior and worker. But as equals. They wished for a life where they could offer you everything you do them and more.
But again, that’s just wishful thinking, and the devil doesn’t have time for wishes.
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viperrot · 1 year
⇁don't worry about it! | leon kennedy
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resident evil 4 remake leon s. kennedy x fem!reader domestic fluff
leon's going to have to meet your parents someday. he notices how scared you are of the idea, and he wants you to feel good about it.
content contains: fluff/comfort, domestic life (leon is just a normal cop!), mild anxiety, leon being a cutie patootie :,], terms of endearment (bug, honey), implied toxic relationship w/parents, no use of y/n
1,100 words
song rec: "pleasantries (with your lover)" by mustard service
a very self-indulgent fic today! i was at work thinking about how silly it would be for leon to try and impress my very picky, very nosy, and very unimpressed asian mother. please enjoy!
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There's an empty feeling in your stomach as you mindlessly pick at the skin around your nails, your eyes focusing on the lettering of a random newspaper sitting on the kitchen counter as you wait for your coffee to finish brewing.
You had gotten a text message from your mom this morning, angrily asking about your boyfriend of a few months and why she hasn't heard about him until now. You heart drummed against your chest so hard that you could hear it in your ears as you think of ways to respond to her.
"Hey, bug?" a groggy, deep voice mumbles behind you, snapping you out of your thoughts. You turn around to see Leon in all his sleepy glory, his Nirvana t-shirt loosely bunched around his hand as he scratches his belly. "I think your water's boilin'," he chuckles lowly, nodding his head towards the kettle. Your jaw hangs slightly, words unable to form.
Shakily, you turn off the kettle and fix up a cup of coffee for your blonde love and yourself.
"G-good morning, Lee," you stammer out, trying to shake your thoughts away. Leon gives you a little hum as he wraps his arms around you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder as you pour the coffee into your matching wiener-dog mugs.
"G'morning, bug..." The man yawns, his breath tickling your ear. You giggle lightly at his sleepy state, finding it cute that he's barely awake.
"Cream and a spoon of sugar, I assume?" You guess Leon's coffee for today. Often times, he switches between black and cream coffee. Something about never planning that far ahead, you recall. The officer grunts into the crook of your neck, shaking his head as a no. Your click your tongue, mildly upset that you guessed incorrectly. You feel him smile against your neck, as if he was taunting you. You push him away from you using your bum, smiling coyly as he looks at you with a kiddy pout.
"Am I not allowed hug my girlfriend all of the sudden?" Leon cocks an eyebrow up. You notice how messy his hair is as you lift yourself up to sit on the kitchen counter.
"Nope, not at all," you jest, a smiling tugging at your lips. The cop rolls his ocean eyes, scoffing softly at you.
"It's unlawful to deny a cop like this, y'know," Leon plays. It was your turn to roll your eyes, feigning annoyance at the joke he uses almost every time you don't give him affection when he wants it.
"And it's unlawful to manipulate your girlfriend into giving you kisses!" You cross your arms beneath your chest. Leon laughs, coming closer to your spot atop the granite counter. His calloused hands rest at the side of your thighs, squeezing softly at the plush flesh.
"You seem off, hon," he whispers, looking up at you with nothing but admiration. "What's on your mind?" he questions softly. Your bratty act falters, a slight frown pulling on your lips as you remember the text from your mother.
"Nothing, it's just..." You trail off, your hand reaching up to thread through Leon's blonde tresses. "My mom found out about you," you sigh. You see his eyes widen a bit at the mentioning of your parental figure, unsure of how to react.
You understood that Leon was orphaned as a young boy, and he never had a day of comfort from his parents when they were still alive. To an extent, he probably knew about how difficult it is to deal with frightening mothers, but probably not in this context. You cringe at the idea of having Leon try to butter up your mother to get on her good side...
"And that's bad because...?" Your lover's lips pucker slightly with confusion, his face reminiscent of a smolder as his brow quirks up a bit. You squeeze his face between your palms, his cheeks smooshing at the pressure.
"She'll eat us alive if you don't impress her," you say in a jokingly-serious tone, eyes boring into Leon's soul. For a second, he falters, seeming a bit scared at the notion, but it quickly fades away.
"I fink yer ofereactin', bufg," the officer says with his squished face, and you smile at his sweet and silly response.
"I wish I was, Lee," you chuckled humorlessly. His hands tugs yours away from his cheeks.
"I mean it, bug," he says sternly, his brows knitting together. "I'm sure your mom is just a little hurt that you hid me from her for so long," Leon says, and you agree with him a bit, but you knew deep down that your reasoning was relatively valid. If you told her about Leon the day you started dating, she'd hound you about how he needs to be this, this, and that before you even know if you want this relationship to be serious. Of course, you know now that you want to spend the rest of your life with Leon (and you hope he feels the same), but it was better safe than sorry. With a mother like yours, it's hard to trust her with the details of your life when all she wants to do is berate you for your decisions.
"I guess, but it's so hard to talk to her sometimes..." You look down at your lap shamefully. You hear Leon huff, and he brings your face up with his thumb and index finger.
"Look at me," he grunts, his blue eyes looking at you with a comforting gentleness. "If there's one thing I know about family, it's that you gotta just talk to em, hon. Give her a chance," Leon suggests, and you look into his eyes with a timid look.
"But what if she doesn't like you, Leon? Then what?" You frown. He laughs at this.
"She won't, I promise you, bug," Leon assures you, his hand moving to caress your cheek. "I make good money as an officer, and I take damn good care of her daughter--she'll love me," he murmurs confidently, scooting closer to press a kiss against the corner of your lightly-chapped lips.
"You're unbelievable, Lee," you puff out, pulling him in by the collar of his shirt to kiss him square on the lips. Leon smiles into the affection, his hands resting on your waist.
"You love me," he whispers, proud of himself for making you smile despite the ache in your stomach.
The coffee was left to get cold, and the text remained unanswered for a few hours while you and Leon cuddled on the couch.
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i love him, your honour. also if there are any typos that's too bad i am so eepy >:p
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beautifulblooms · 1 year
Newt Scamander Headcanons (meeting him and falling in love, Male!Hogwarts! student edition)
So I finally had an idea and time to write, here's some headcanons I managed to scrounge together before the lack of motivation steals my ideas. This is a masc-aligned reader but no specific pronouns are used, I hope you all enjoy this!
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine-aligned, and male readers!
God, he’s adorable
Legit the sweetest person ever
And he absolutely loves you
He is quite utterly smitten with you
(For the sake of plot-) 
He met you at Hogwarts and has damn near been hooked since day one
During the sorting ceremony, hearing his name you couldn’t help but giggle
I mean, Newt is not exactly a common name, nor is the last name Scamander
But it was a rather respected name at Hogwarts given his older brother’s record as a prefect
For the entirety of your first year, you two were in every class together
Not just potions or beasts together
Potions, beasts, defense against the dark arts, flying, magic history, herbology, charms, astronomy, and even transfiguration together
He would always pay the most attention in beasts and defense against the dark arts
While you could only pay attention to him
He always got so excited during beasts when the professor would pull out a new creature for everyone to meet and learn to take care of
And he was very good with them that the professor often gave extra points to Hufflepuff because they liked Newt so much
You were okay with beasts, nowhere as good as Newt but good enough for straight A’s in the class
Growing up together it was almost inevitable that you two fell for one another
Spending every class together in your first year, then more time outside of classes the next several
As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t get the courage to ask you out
Any time he’d try he’d just get too nervous and start glancing at his feet and the walls before brushing it off
You of course were not going to give up on getting this man
Any time you had the opportunity, you’d flirt with him
It was always adorable how red his cheeks and ears would go when he’d realize what you were saying
Sometime in your 6th year there, you managed to get him to walk with you to the lake
Precisely one of the old Willows near it
“Newt, are you alright? You look a bit red in the face”
“Oh, um, yes I’m fine, just a bit cold out today, and I forgot my scarf in the dormitory”
“Here, have mine, you clearly need it more than I do” 
He didn’t even get a chance to protest before you wrapped it around his neck and made sure it was snug
“There we go, nice and warm”
He ducked his head into the scarf to “hide” his blush, although he did a poor job of it
“Thanks…why did you ask me to join you at the lake, it’s far too cold to go swimming”
Standing beside the tree you took a deep breath
“Well, I…I wanted to ask you something Newt”
He nodded his head and hummed in acknowledgment
“We’ve known each other since our first year, and you’ve always been a wonderful friend to me, but, I have realized that I like you more than just a friend… and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to be my boyfriend..”
He stood there wide-eyed and shocked, he never expected you to reciprocate his feelings, let alone confess first
However, his reaction made you start to think he didn’t like you back and you immediately began to back-peddle the conversation
“Well of course you don’t have to say yes and if you’re uncomfortable knowing that and being friends with a queer like me you can leave and never look back, only makes sen-”
He cut you off before you could continue rambling by pulling your face to his and kissing you
Now it was your turn to be shocked
Unsure of what to do, New pulled back and started to pull away from you, worried he went too far
Only to get pulled back in seconds when you processed what was going on, kissing him back and much better this time
From that day forward, you two somehow became even more inseparable
I’m sure Theseus was tired of hearing about how much Newt loved you and missed you by the end of the summer between your 6th and 7th year
Good thing that he didn’t have to go back and deal with it all in person
Some of those Hufflepuff students have seen much more than they bargained for
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spamsmcgee · 1 year
The Crow
Once again, I am using a fictional Chicago Grand Prix street race. Vegas GP doesn’t exist.
There’s a superstition among AlphaTauri fans that involves a correlation between how often Yuki’s girlfriend is seen, and how well race day goes.
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formulawhat Salem’s appeared twice in the paddock this weekend. It’s gonna be a good one.
yooooma Our very own cryptid
kikiyeah counting her appearances like Yuki’s weekends depend on it.
formulawhat He’s gotten points every time we’ve seen her twice.
kikiyeah Start luring her out with cheese or something every weekend to make sure Yuki has a good race
spooks.mcgoo That’s insulting. I hear she prefers little cut fruits.
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yukitsunoda0511 starting P16, Ready Chicago!
spooks.mcgoo Blocked
formulawhat The most loving death glare I’ve ever seen
yeeheehee She’s like when you see a cat about to knock a glass off of the counter and tell it to stop.
eeehhhh She doesn’t even look happy with him
yeeheehee You’d be surprised
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spooks.mcgoo good luck sweetheart
yukitsunoda0511 I don’t need it today 😏😏
spooks.mcgoo I am the luck. 🫡
zhouguanyu24 Can you come to our garages next week?
formulawhat Fr. man needs all the help he can get
Yeeheehoo Ferrari needs you next
Salem watches from the garages. Everyone rushes around her in the race start, before settling down for a moment to watch as Yuki climbs the grid from his p16 starting position. With Liam close on his tail the two seem almost unstoppable.
Or as unstoppable as an AlphaTauri team can be.
Like a pair of tractors they mow into the midfield and up into the top ten.
Radios from both drivers play in the set of headphones Salem has on her head. At 27 laps, yet to pit, Liam is the first to experience problems. He started with softs, while Yuki is on mediums. Salem never got what the strategy was initially, but she can only hope it was a good one.
“Box box, Liam, box for mediums.”
At only tenth place, wether or not Liam would recover was a toss up. But they have 45 laps left and the car has performed well so far in the weekend. Yuki is left to push harder into the top ten, creating a buffer so that as he pits he can quickly recover.
“Time to see if Salem’s good omens can cover me too,” Liam’s tone is unsure. A nervous laugh covered the anticipation for a potentially botched pitstop.
He’s in and on his way in record time. Mechanics rejoice, celebrating what is possible the smoothest pit stop of the season.
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alphataurif1 double points in Chicago. Looks like liamlawson30 is finding his own stride flawlessly.
spooks.mcgoo 🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛
formulawhat Get this woman some fruit alphataurif1
alphataurif1 formulawhat She already has plenty
formulawhat I am so fully intimidated by Salem.
Yeeheehee Imagine in nine-ish months we get a baby Tsunoda
spooks.mcgoo we will not be speaking this into existence.
Yeeheehee You right. That’s after a podium.
Salem makes herself busy. She left the paddock as soon as the race was over, planning some sort of homemade dinner. Her whole drive back to her hotel room was spent debating between picking up a pizza and putting together some pasta.
Her choice would be the Chicago style pizza. However, Yuki has been really into Italian lately.
However, there’s also a pizza place down the block from the hotel that’s known for their Chicago style pizza.
Salem sets the pizza box on the little hotel desk to the side of the bed. Yuki has already texted her a couple times, letting her know when he was done, asking why she left already, and letting her know that he’s on his way over.
She sits, cross legged, on the foot of the bed scrolling through Netflix as Yuki makes it back to the room and onto the bed beside her. Her attention doesn’t move from the tv.
“I got us pizza.”
Yuki takes her hand in his, pressing a kiss to her wrist, then her shoulder. “Not hungry,” he whispers in her ear.
If anything racing usually builds a ridiculous appetite. Even more than Yuki has. Salem doesn’t say anything. Nothing that her accusatory stare can’t say. His brown eyes are innocent. Kind of blank. But innocent.
“Not feeling pizza?”
“It looks great.”
He’s pulled her into his lap, his head on her shoulder and arms wrapped tight around her waist.
“You already ate,” Yuki avoids eye contact. Like a puppy that knows he’s done something wrong.
“Yeah,” he says, “Redbull had a lot of extra food.”
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spooks.mcgoo that’s my guy
formulawhat Petition for a baby Tsunoda
spooks.mcgoo I will find you
formulawhat You said you wanted a baby Yuki. I’m just manifesting
Liked by yukitsunoda0511
spooks.mcgoo Manifesting my foot in your back
lilymhe Name her after me
spooks.mcgoo Blocked. The whole of yous
kikiyeah it should’ve been me
yonerd Get this woman some Fruits
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How about Medusa and Gorgon with love prompt 36? Medusa and Gorgon deserve more love.
I agree upon that, Medusa and Gorgon best snek's!
Fair warning, things got a tad steamier that my usual style for Gorgon, nothing too NSFW but there are... implications.
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You hated it when Medusa talked bad about herself.
Especially when she was having a good day.
Very few things made you more angry than seeing such a wonderful, beautiful, and brilliant woman talk down to herself.
And for some reason, today was when you finally had enough of it.
And so, without thinking about how she could easily splat you against the wall with a flick of her wrist, you grabbed her by the chin.
And then you kissed her.
Full on the lips, no holds barred.
You wanted her to know just how she made you feel, and just what you thought about her always talking bad about herself.
And Medusa loved it, she was enraptured as you kissed her, it was something she had wondered if you would do, and she could confidently say that the real thing was far better than her dreams.
Though she was still surprised, after all, who would want someone as big as-
“That’s enough of that, I already know what you're thinking right now, and if you really want an answer, I do, I’m someone who wants you just as you, no one else. Medusa, I am so in love with you, and I can’t stand when you talk down to yourself.”
It took a moment for Medusa to register those words and their meanings.
You… loved her? Why?
“It’s because you are perfect, you’re smart, cool, sassy, and funny you’re also hopeless and a giant nerd and really, really, not used to talking to regular people, and I love you, I love all of you.”
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The monster of the shapeless isles had no idea what mania over took you to make you worship her like a Goddess.
You offered her the first pick of every meal, the first warm bath with water you drew for the express purpose of bathing her, The finest clothing you could give her, the most wonderful and strange devices from this modern world.
And books, as many books as she could read and more.
Did you not know the value these things had?
And why did you waste them on her?
She would demand an explanation from you, and she expected only the truth, lest Gorgon decided to unleash the burning pain of the emotions throbbing in her chest upon you.
And so, that night, she “Asked” you what all of these gifts and tributes were for.
Also, by asked I mean she forced you up against the wall and looked you in the eyes as she demanded.
“Human! Why do you worship a monster like me as a Goddess? Answer me now before I rend you limb from limb!”
During the time it took you to formulate an answer Gorgon reveled in the emotions that shot across your face, emotions that she decided were hers the moment she saw them.
“T-to begin with it was because you needed to pass as a regular person but after that…” you trailed off, a pretty red on your face.
“Well? I haven’t got all night human, and the more you test my patience the more I feel like I will exact the repayment for your tribute upon you by force.” Gorgon threatened you without thought, not entirely sure what she meant by “repayment” though more than a few rather raunchy ideas were floating through her head.
“I-it was because I got a crush on you! T-t-then it became… more than… a… harmless… little… crush… I fell so in love with you it hurt to be away from you, even knowing you would never reciprocate!” you answered to Gorgon honestly in fear for your own life, but quite unsure if this was any better.
Still, at least you would die with a clear conscience.
You dared to look up at Gorgon who looked… confused?
The two of you stood like that for a moment, then it all began to go down hill, or uphill depending upon your perspective.
Gorgon raised her hand to your face, slowly, torturously slow.
“Oh human, you really, really, shouldn’t have said that~!” Gorgon whispered darkly into your ear, her hair serving as a curtain to sever the world around the two of you.
You swallowed deeply, so this was it, dying at the hands of such a beautiful woman, there were worse ways to go.
“Because now… you. Are. allllllllll. Mine~ My wonderful love. First things first though. It’s time for you to receive your repayment for your tribute, I do hope your body can keep up." The beautiful monster continued to whisper as her other hand drug itself up your leg, up your stomach, up your chest and up your throat before resting on the opposite side of where her other hand sat.
You got the feeling you would wake up very, very tired tomorrow.
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yurislotusgarden · 11 months
sigma and ranpo w 19? congrats on 100 followers btw !! :D
ʚїɞ Separately! Sigma, Ranpo Edogawa x Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ The event
ʚїɞ word count: 754 (Sigma - 429, Ranpo - 325)
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None! Just pure fluff, pet names are used, reader’s gender is not specified in any way
ʚїɞ Thank you anon <3
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It’s a calming feeling for him. Sigma can't help but love the feeling and take in the feeling of your arms around his waist and your head on his back or the back of his neck.
And you know it. That's the reason behind your actions at the moment.
You could tell he was stressed. There has been problem after problem, paperwork after paperwork, and all the new guests that Sigma insists he has to remember stuff about like he does with the other customers.
You decided to help using small gestures. A cup of freshly brewed tea, baking his favorite cookies, some coffee midday, telling him it’s time to sleep, sometimes even dragging him out of the office once the hour gets too late and he thinks he should still stay.
Affection always worked well against the man, you are well aware of that fact, so you decided to use that against him to your advantage.
Sigma was sitting at his desk, the setting sun behind him gave him a serene orange light. You thought it fit him when you saw him in that scene.
You entered his office with the plate in your hands, the door making barely any kind of noise to indicate your arrival, but the bi-colored-haired man, like always, noticed you with no problem.
“Hi, [Name]. What brings you here?”
The smile that appeared upon noticing you, brought a smile to your face. You placed the plate on the edge of the desk.
“Nothing much, cotton. Just wanted to bring you some food.”
“Thank you, Angel”
The slight blush from saying the petname was visible on his cheeks. You love the fact that he still blushes, even if not much, simply because of a petname.
You walked behind him, and he was sure that you were going to look out the window like you tend to do, but he instead felt arms wrap around his waist. He had to get up from his chair as you -now realizing on purpose- left the plate too far to reach if he was to be sitting down.
As much as he wanted to tell you to let go, as he has work to do, he couldn’t. The feeling of the arms around his waist and the head against his back was, unfortunately for him, relaxing, causing him to lean back slightly, his shoulders letting loose.
A moment of silence passed.
“Please, don’t say even a word.”
He doesn’t need to hear that you were right when saying he’s really stressed. He knows you were.
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“Pretty please! With a cherry on top, sugar! With a cherry on top!”
“No is a no, Ranpo.”
“But why?”
“It’s the middle of the night!”
A sigh could be heard throughout the room, a tired one. Ranpo came back much later than usual, Fukuzawa wanted him for something, resulting in him coming back when you were already ready for bed, and to have your very much-deserved sleep.
To your tired self demise (courtesy of your mission that day), Ranpo decided it would be an amazing idea, to literally latch himself onto your back (you’re unsure of how you are capable of carrying him in your current state), before proceeding to keep asking to go to his favorite bakery for the next 10 minutes. The problem? It’s literally 1 in the morning, and said bakery was long closed. Even worse, it’s Sunday, therefore it’s gonna be closed today as well.
You spoke up after a minute of silence.
“Alright, how about this-” you could feel the manchild moving his head at you speaking up “-you will let me sleep.” a huff could be heard behind you. “And I will bake your favorite twice this week in exchange.” it was a good deal. You could say so upon feeling the weight being mostly gone from your back. Ranpo let his legs fall back down, standing behind you, his arms didn’t change much in terms of place, your waist.
A chin was placed on your right shoulder.
The cheeky grin could be damn heard, you sighed.
“Yes, I promise.”
You indeed ended up baking his favorite twice, one of the 2 times already in that day’s evening.
You knew he knew that this is how it’s gonna end up. You didn’t mind much tho. For sure not when the feeling of his arms around your waist while baking and slapping his hands away from the not yet ready food was a nice feeling.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated &lt;3
Do not copy or translate my works on/to any site
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