#hawkeye is a rude
kimodraw · 1 year
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yet ANOTHER op dump ive been drawing them so much to keep away from the horrors (waiting for an answer abt a dream internship)
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
Mihawk and the Red Haired Pirates
-Look I don't know what to tell you, Mihawk's epithet is literally Hawkeyes meaning he is world-renowned for his eyesight meaning that he'd probably make a good sharpshooter. And maybe Yasopp decides to test this theory with a little friendly competition. And after giving Mihawk a quick intro into how guns work, maybe Yasopp had to pull out every trick there is in the book to narrowly avoid losing to said Hawkeyes, who as it turns out is indeed very good at hitting targets and who had literally just learned how to cock a gun not even 30 minutes ago. But who's to say what actually happened, the day of November 25th at 2:35pm? Certainly not Yasopp, the record clearly shows he is undefeated.
-Once a year Ben and Mihawk go on a little trip just the two of them. They act like it's just so they can shit-talk Shanks but actually, they just go fishing somewhere in the middle of the ocean and drink horribly overpriced and fancy alcohol. Look Benn loves his crew, and would die for them but also if he doesn't get at least a week to himself once every year he'd kill them all himself. He deserves nice things and a little peace and fucking quiet and not being constantly inundated with the whims of a man child and Mihawk's the closest he's ever gonna get to a friend with taste, and he travels alone with a bunch of fancy wine. Sue the man. Mihawk who would rather nap is fine to let someone else sail his overgrown raft against the annoyingly ever-changing grandline for a week or two.
-Wouldn't it be cute if Mihawk learned a lot of his fancier cooking techniques from Roux? Like he knew how to cook to survive but watching Roux is how he learned to like properly dice vegetables and that eating fish prepared the same way three times a day is not infact a life he would like to lead. This was of course less cute to Lucky Roux who in the beginning had no clue what was happening and only felt the weight of Mihawk's otherworldly stare on the back of his neck as he handled knives. (he defiantly for at least a little bit, thought Mihawk had a knife fetish. which, he's not entirely wrong)
-To Building Snake (who I just learned is the RHP's navigator) Mihawk might as well be a modern-day miracle. In his eyes, Mihawk's sailing is proof that god exists, because only divine intervention can explain how this man ever gets anywhere never mind on time or early even. Building Snake is pretty sure he owns neither a map nor a log pose and he has never actually seen the sails of Mihawk's pretend ship unfurled or in use. Actually, he has never seen Mihawk do anything but sit menacingly on the throne in the middle of the boat, which why? If you think about it for even a second longer that 2 minutes how Mihawk "sails" anywhere breaks every law of physics and somehow even the concept of geography. Building Snake would like to dissect him and study him under a microscope but knows the boss would disapprove.
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remyfire · 8 months
Today's brainrot is BJ and Hawkeye hearing Charles be a prick to Margaret and silently initiating a challenge to see how many times they can make her laugh in the span of three minutes
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captainmartin20 · 6 months
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caitlin updated her ig bio.
‘Iowa Women’s Basketball Alum’
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lotusxpop · 8 months
Love fics where Clint meets Matt while he is daredevil and Clint uses signs or just sign language to communicate but daredevil (in his pov) is so rude and ableist bc he ignores him so Clint thinks it's because daredevil doesn't like that he is deaf when in reality Matt is just under the mask panicking bc hawkeye isn't speaking, he can hear vague movements of hands but he doesn't know why
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pfhwrittes · 7 months
i've just deleted my first anonymous "part 3??" message (probably referring to there's magic in this misery) and i've gotta say, i thought we'd moved on from doing that.
firstly, writing takes as long as it takes. be cool, don't send me those kinds of messages. it demoralises the fuck out of me. conversely, you might just find that if you're nicer to me it will inspire me to pick up a project i'd put on the backburner.
secondly, anon is turned on for my askbox as a privilege, not a right. don't make me turn off my askbox because you can't be polite. there are some very nice anons that i've enjoyed replying to and i want you to be part of that! don't spoil it for other people.
and finally, we've done this already with other writers in the fandom and they've expressed how disappointed and demoralised they get! i genuinely want to write stuff and share it with you all! just be patient please.
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muirneach · 8 months
mash is so fun when you dont have tumblr users breathing down your neck talking about fuck all
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thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #39: UPSET!
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December, 1988
Swordsman’s Corpse: “So, Avengers, you thought you’d buried me for good, but you were wrong -- DEAD WRONG!”
Damn but if this isn’t the type of cover I love. A superhero team reacting to something and with dialogue right on the cover.
This is also the end of Englehart’s run. Or half of this is the end of Englehart’s run. I’ll get into it.
Lets last time so we can dig in.
Last time on West Coast Avengers: Well, directly last time Wonder Man just sat remembering stuff we’ve never seen before for the entire issue.
But in a broader sense.
Mockingbird hiding some cowboy manslaughter blew up in her face when the ghost of the cowboy revealed it to her husband/boss Hawkeye. Irreconcilable differences ensued and Mockingbird quit and took half the team with her. Scarlet Witch, Vision, and Mantis cycled in so the West Coast Avengers wouldn’t just be two sad dudes. Also, Mantis is here now. She has amnesia and wants the Avengers to help her find the son she may or may not have. Its pretty potent amnesia.
But in a narrower sense, last time, after Wonder Man remembered some new stuff for a while, the Quinjet started crashing.
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As the Quinjet tumbles, rattling the Avengers around like peas in a tin there’s one of those action scenes I can’t help but love. Where each member of the team does their own thing in a situation.
Here, Mantis just has the reflexes to grab onto the seat belt that she should have had buckled. Scarlet Witch can use her hex to float in place long enough for Wonder Man to grab her using his belt jets. And Vision just intangibles enough to float but not so much he falls out of the Quinjet.
Good job everyone.
So what caused this aviation near-disaster?
Hawkeye was calling in a Savage Land report to the East Coast Avengers team (but who though?) and they said they’d already heard about it from Mockingbird.
And hearing Mockingbird’s (code)name was enough for this pre-divorcee to almost crash a jet into the ocean.
Hawkeye, I don’t think you’re okay.
I would also like to know who you spoke with since the East Coast Avengers disbanded thanks to Thor. Mostly Nebula and Dr Druid but some Thor.
There was an ad hoc team for the purposes of Evolutionary War and that’s going to get super funny in a second.
Wonder Man correctly guesses that Mockingbird somehow got involved in the Savage Land business and Hawkeye gets into a funk about it.
Vision asks whether the West Coast Avengers will work with the East Coast Avengers and Hawkeye goes “I’d rather not!”
His thought is that if Mockingbird’s group is already helping, the West Coast Avengers can get on with helping Mantis.
was because Hawkeye felt it would be too awkward if his soon-to-be-ex-wife was there.
Fucking amazing.
Remember how a big deal was made out of the Avengers being so hard up for people responding to the super special emergency beacon that Yellowjacket II was a good option to bring along?
Turns out that the West Coast Avengers got the same alert and Hawkeye just ignored it.
The world was almost turned into furries because Hawkeye can’t be an adult.
Regarding helping Mantis, Scarlet Witch chimes in to say that if they’re doing that, they really need to stop in Paterson, New Jersey. They’ve been having Ma Williams watch the twins and one of them really should relieve her.
Scarlet Witch: “We don’t mean to slight your problem, Mantis!”
Mantis: “Of course not, Wanda! This one became the Celestial Madonna to have a child, though she doesn’t know now if she did or not! Naturally, you must see to yours!”
“As a potential mother, I understand your mother concerns. I potentially have a child!”
Cool contribution, Mantis.
Anyway. New Jersey!
Vision tells Ma Williams that they’re relocating to Los Angeles to join the Avengers and of course taking the kids. But Ma Williams is welcome to move with them.
Ma Williams: “I’m a little old to join the Avengers, Wanda -- and a little old to tear up my roots here! No, I’ll watch you on TV -- but don’t forget to call!”
Cool old lady.
Wanda takes the time to announce out loud to the audience and to Ma Williams, that she and Vizh aren’t going to sell their house in Leonia since they like it too much. But they will rent it out while they’re in LA.
Hawkeye gets so bummed out at seeing a family scene that he sighs and goes outside for some air.
Refusing to read the room, Mantis follows him and tells him that they can be miserable together.
Although she also insists that her misery is worse because she has no idea what she’s lost. Could be one-hundred children wondering where their mom is! So clearly she has it worse than Hawkeye who knows exactly what he lost out on by being too stubborn for couples counseling.
Thanks, Mantis.
The team jets out in the Quinjet but Wanda stays in New Jersey, probably to arrange the move.
And apparently she told Ma Williams all the hot goss because the old lady asks wasn’t that the Mantis homewrecker lady?
Which Wanda confirms but she’s not worried that Vision is going off with Mantis (and also Hawkeye and Wonder Man) because she trusts their marriage is solid.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, Newark Airport, Tigra complains. Because the East Coast Avengers didn’t let them land at Hydrobase.
Considering the East Coast Avengers don’t exist right now...
Who do you guys keep talking to??
Giant-Man Bill Foster asks whether they should have helped fight against the High Evolutionary and Mockingbird says she doesn’t want to deal with Hawkeye if he showed up so she made the executive decision to skip the event.
Oh my god.
Both Hawkeye’s team and Mockingbird’s team decided helping stop the Gene Bomb was someone else’s problem and just went on with their day.
Giant-Man Bill Foster is still giant so Tigra asks... why? Bill explains the thing with the cancer. And being giant isn’t supposed to cure the cancer that should have already been cured. But all this extra mass from the mass dimension will replace his damaged tissue or something if he stays big long enough. Or something.
Look, they wanted the “stuck big” status quo for a size-changing character. That’s all.
Bill Foster Giant-Man takes off, going to find Hank Pym and help him cure his giant-brained wife. Aw, what a good friend.
Meanwhile, Moon Knight sounds racist by saying Giant-Man is not their kind. But what he means is that this is the murder is good group and Bill is too idealistic.
And they’ll need to be ruthless to stop Phantom Rider! Who is still totally haunting her and oh hey speak of the devil.
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Seriously. Was he just hanging around invisibly waiting for someone to mention him so he could pop out and go boo?
This is a stupid way to spend an afterlife.
Tigra didn’t know about Mockingbird being haunted by Phantom Rider. She’s just confused by this new detail. I love her surprised kitty face.
She asks why Phantom Rider helped in Budapest if he’s a revenge-fueled dick but Phantom Rider said that was helping himself.
Phantom Rider: “I only pretended to help you, TIgra -- in order to destroy Barbara’s marriage!”
And then he shoots Tigra a whole bunch with ghost bullets.
What a dick.
The bullets don’t injure her. Because they’re ghostly. But she’s stunned.
Although, it’s unclear whether that’s an inherent property of them or whether getting shot a whole bunch will just throw you off your game.
Moon Knight tries to get Phantom Rider but the ghost punches him in the face and then has his horse kick him.
What a dick.
But getting clobbered knocks Moon Knight the fuck out and Khonshu pops out to play.
Which is actually good. Khonshu possessing Moon Knight can’t do a lot against a ghost. But freed of his meat puppet, he’s a lot more mighty.
Phantom Rider even recognizes it, fleeing when this new factor joins the battlefield. But he muses to himself that he wasn’t prepared for Khonshu this time but he’ll definitely be ready other times!
Unable to see Khonshu, Mockingbird comments that Phantom Rider sure fucked off a lot sooner than she expected.
Moon Knight wakes up and announces he knows how to solve Mockingbird’s Phantom Rider problem.
Over in Connecticut, the West Coast Avengers search the home of Mrs. Mandy Celestine trying to find clues about Mantis’s lost memories.
Mantis woke up in this house and Mandy Celestine is the kind of name Mantis, Celestial Madonna, might come up with if she had absolutely no imagination at all.
Which, I guess she doesn’t.
Someone knocks on the door so Mantis turns her green skin to be human Vietnamese/German skin tone instead to answer.
Yeah, she can do that. She just wants to be green. Are you going to tell her she can’t be green?
Anyway, it’s just the mailman needing her to sign for a package. And him recognizing her as Mrs. Celestine confirms she’s been living a life here.
So, that’s useful.
But Hawkeye is tired of this location and proposes they go and visit
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The Vietnamese temple of the Priests of Pama.
Remember Mantis’ wacky backstory?
She was taken as a child and raised by the Priests of Pama (who were secretly Kree pacifists who were friends with tree people), trained in martial arts and MIND POWERS, mindwiped on her 18th birthday and given false memories of growing up as an orphan, before dumping her in a city where she eventually became a sex worker? This last part was essential because it meant she stayed humble unlike Moondragon. Or something. Anyway, she met Swordsman and swooned over the broken man, helped him clean himself up and join the Avengers, and then started trying to hit on Vision instead because he was emotionally unavailable.
Yadda yadda, Avengers stuff, Kang tries to figure out if Mantis, Scarlet Witch, or AGATHA HARKNESS is the Celestial Madonna by kidnapping them all and trying to decide which one he should date. Avengers stuff, Avengers stuff, Swordsman dies, Mantis learns she’s the Celestial Madonna, Immortus shows up to dump a whole bunch of exposition, Mantis marries a tree possessing her dead boyfriend in a double marriage with Vision and Scarlet Witch, then Mantis and Tree Boyfriend blast off into space.
God, Mantis’ life is weird.
So, remember how I said this is half of the end of Englehart’s run? Or I guess more specifically that half of this issue is the end of Englehart’s run?
Englehart himself has complained that half of this issue was re-written by editorial against his wishes. He has also complained that he was fired from West Coast Avengers supposedly for deadline issues but that also Marvel wouldn’t send him the pages he needed to work.
So I don’t even know if the back half of this book was even in Englehart’s script.
At least according to Englehart, Tom DeFalco had it out for him. And would do stuff like withhold the letters column.
Given that he also cites the missing text bubbles for Mantis in the previous annual, I dunno, he may be onto something.
That said.
If half of the book was rewritten, I’m guess that Marvel Unlimited pg 13 is where it starts. Because it has that hallmark of retcons.
The walls of text.
The West Coast Avengers and Mantis find where Swordsman was buried and have to clear the area since its overgrown. Hawkeye cracks a joke about the Priests of Pama not being much for lawn maintenance, perhaps forgetting the big plot point that they all died.
Wonder Man gets a bee in his bonnet about the specific way that the tree marriage and tree honeymoon played out, claiming that despite what everyone saw that day, it made a lot more sense that Swordsman’s body was just left to rot on Earth instead of being turned to energy.
And this is important because, somehow, Wonder Man has cracked this whole case wide open.
But first,
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A corpse, of course.
I guess the body was left to rot. And not turned into pure thought or energy or whatever.
I hate it when Wonder Man is right about things.
Cotati Swordsman is here to Explain It All.
By stabbing Mantis.
She doesn’t much like that so she dodges out of the way and now there’s a fight. A fight that the West Coast Avengers jump into to protect their good friend Mantis.
Cotati Swordsman is one dude against a team and has a gimmicked up sword so he’s in full on stomp mode. Its like conservation of ninjas.
He shoots nerve gas out of the sword at Mantis that works on skin contact so she can’t just hold her breath. He hits Wonder Man with a force blast to mess up his ionic body. And when Vision blocks the disintegrator beam with a SOLAR BEAM, Cotati Swordsman just hits Vision with another force blast. Good enough for Wonder Man, etc.
Hawkeye is able to fight him for a bit due to his familiarity with the guy but the same is true reversed. Swordsman easily cuts a bunch of arrows out of the air.
Vision pops out of the grave intangible-style to grab Cotati Swordsman’s ankles so Wonder Man can try to disarm him.
But remember the conservation of ninja? Swordsman is able to bat Wonder Man out of the air with his sword - just the sword, not any of its built-in powers - and smack him into Vision.
Both fall against the Swordsman’s grave so Wonder Man can have a moment where he rehashes his fear of death.
Well, I guess fears don’t just go away.
Mantis recovers from the nerve gas and side kicks Cotati Swordsman.
Mantis: “You have something this one wants, Prime One -- desist in this pointless scuffle and deliver!”
I mean, she has a point. I looked ahead and there’s no reason he couldn’t just explain what he’s going to explain without all of this fight scene.
What he does do is promise what she wants is in the temple and baits her into following.
Then he traps her and throws his sword into her gut.
Oh no!
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Good thing she has an extra guy!
So apparently the real Mantis has been buried alive in a grave this whole time.
Half of this book being an uncredited rewrite, I’m pretty sure this is a retcon.
Mantis going around in a plant simulacrum is from Englehart. In his Silver Surfer book, that’s how she was hanging around in space. Formed a body out of alien plants to go on space adventures.
But when she blew up and ‘died’ in the fight against the Elders, she woke up in her Connecticut home with AMNESIA. The implication is that the body in Connecticut was her real body because why wouldn’t it be? Why make this convoluted?
Well, we’re making it convoluted.
Also, Mantis is not green anymore. She could turn herself not green. But since this is her original body, I guess she’s just not green.
Except later, when she helps form the Guardians of the Galaxy. Where she’ll be green again.
Since Mantis has her memories back, she Explains It All.
After the tree wedding, Mantis and Prime Cotati ditched their bodies and flew off into space to fuck a Celestial Messiah into being.
Mantis: “Love, after all, is for souls, not bodies.”
Well, you clearly don’t know how fucking works. Because that’s very much for the bodies.
While Mantis and Prime Cotati are off in space fucking with their souls, the Priest of Pama bury the abandoned bodies.
The Priests of Pama were definitely dead by this point but we’re in uncredited rewrite territory. The goal is to wrap this up and fire Englehart.
After getting soul pregnant, Mantis returned to Earth to make herself a plant body because her special hybrid baby is part tree so needs a tree womb.
Then the rest of what’s happened since the tree wedding happens.
Mantis gives birth to Sequoia, her future dirtbag son. She raises him in a Connecticut suburb so her former superhero life doesn’t disturb the air of tranquility she’s going for.
When Sequoia is old enough, the Cotati come and take him off Mantis’ hands to teach him his tree heritage.
Left with nothing to do, Mantis decided to go exploring space. We know this part. She made a plant body to hang out with Silver Surfer. Died in one of his adventures and woke up in her original plant body in Earth with AMNESIA.
The Cotati Swordsman explains that he was pretty sure that killing her near her meat body would jog her memory and force her spirit back into her original body.
Cotati Swordsman: “I am glad I surmised correctly.”
Hell of a thing to gamble on, asshole.  
Then he tells Mantis to go live her best life. Because she’s done Celestial Madonna-ing. She made the Important Baby she needed to make. She took care of that pesky baby stage of things. Now she’s not needed anymore. “The child no longer needs a mother.”
And Prime Cotati wearing Swordsman is basically telling her to fuck off, she doesn’t get anything to do with her kid anymore.
Mantis tries to object or ask follow-up questions but Cotati Swordsman just moves on to talking to Hawkeye.
He bequeaths Swordsman’s sword to Hawkeye and then immediately crumbles to corpse dust and plant matter.
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Hawkeye is clearly a bit perplexed by the ending of this Mantis quest but, well, it did end. Amnesia cured. He implicitly invites her to keep hanging out with the West coast Avengers.
But she needs time to process all this biz so she stays in Vietnam to meditate on a grave.
I have no doubt that if Englehart had remained as writer, Mantis would have stayed on the team. It also seems likely that if he remained as writer, the Mantis quest would not have been wrapped up this quickly. Not a single subplot in this book has wrapped up quickly.
What’s there to say here?
The rewritten part of this issue was meant to get Mantis out of the book as soon as possible because nobody likes her but Englehart and he has a habit of putting her in one of his books if he can get away with it and even if he can’t.
I like Mantis.
Mostly, that’s from her later Guardians stuff. But even in her time with the Avengers, even despite the stupid love triangle and the Celestial Madonna stuff, I liked her there too. And I liked when she got silly plant powers in Silver Surfer from fucking a tree man. And I like the tree wedding, as a joke. As a silly thing to tell people about that happened in comics.
There’s a lot of problems with the character and with Englehart’s writing for her. But I still like her.
So it is a shame that she’s in West Coast Avengers for, like, two issues.
And. Eesh. This isn’t a great wrap-up for her. Her amnesia is solved but mostly its nothing that hadn’t already been covered in her Silver Surfer appearances.
There’s a lot of problems with Englehart’s West Coast Avengers run so I’m not necessarily sad to see him go. He’s had 30ish some issues, some clunker stories, and it really is time for something new. But he’s being followed up by John “I’m going to mess up Vision” Byrne. And I don’t like that either.
So at the end of Englehart’s run, wherever it fell in this specific issue, it feels like out of the frying pan and into the fire. Because I’m gonna get Byrned. That’s the joke.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because I’m not a tree puppeting around a corpse of a supervillain turned superhero. And I think that gives me a lot of credibility. Like, reblog, and comment if you please. I’m lonely down here in the italics.
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Kate Bishop, holding Roy's face in her hands: perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world. too pure
Oliver Queen: you know he's been to rehab like three times, right?
Kate: did I ASK for the opinion of the ugliest person in the room? Gonna kick your a--
Oliver: I wish you would!!! I WISH YOU WOULD!!!!!
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🔥unpopular charles opinion
The thing is, it’s not an opinion, really. The question isn’t meant to be a complaint or a rebuttal or anything. I just genuinely don’t get it! The question goes something like this.
So Charles/Klinger seems to be the one actively disliked ship in the fandom, discounting the h*nn*hawk vs p*erc*ntyre gang war and that one rabidly anti-hawnk person (lol). Most nobody has any love for the ship, because it’s stupid and OOC, of course, but mostly because it’s egregiously obviously racist and gross, which is the critique that seems most common, and to be of most importance to people.
And to be clear, for the purposes of this post I am wholly agreeing with all that! It’s distasteful and immoral and people who are into it are insane, including me. I’m not arguing against this line of thinking, I just wanted to look at its inner logic. Because when I first heard people saying this, I thought, “Yeah, makes sense, Charles is truthfully a terrible person with abhorrent opinions. Nobody watching this already unfortunately bigotry-riddled show is obligated to try and look past that! It is Always valid to hate Charles’ guts.”
But it turns out most of the fandom (I assume it must be most, given how shockingly few people here have blocked me) actually don’t hate Charles, in general. It’s the specific ship, not the character, that’s distasteful. (Not to say any Charles ship is anything resembling popular, but like with most ships, that’s just a result of the general population’s Hawkeye BJ Laser Focus Gaze. I’ve never seen anybody actively dislike these ships when they’re brought up.) And the more I think about it, the more I wonder why, because well. to put it bluntly. It’s not like someone stops being racist when they’re not actively interacting with a nonwhite person.
You know what I mean? I feel like Charles’ bigotry would be a turn off for all of our generally morally sound protagonists, not just one who happens to be personally affected by it. But it only becomes an issue when it involves Klinger. I’ve heard people say that any Charles/Klinger ship fic would obviously have to go out of its way to address Charles’ racism, but I’ve read a few Charles/Hawkeye and Charles/Donna (and Charles / other strange and varied choices too, because of course I have) fics–really, REALLY good fics, that captured the characters very nicely and are very beautifully written–and I’ve yet to find one that discusses The Bigotry In The Room with any degree of seriousness.
(Pssst this is everyone’s chance to absolutely dunk on me by sending me fics that do this if there actually are a bunch and I’ve just never read them because I would in fact LOVE to read some fics with that topic regardless of ship!)
And to be clear, that’s fine with me! I truly do not care. When I read Charles running away to Maine or romancing Ms. Parker and I don’t see his love interests stop to ask “Hey, um, so any updates on the fact that you and your whole family are eugenicists?”, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, because I just assume that Charles has already gone through the cult deprogramming step of his character development at some point prior to this, and either the love interest in question has already confirmed this off-page, or they are making the same assumption I am. After all, at least in Hawkeye’s case, the mere act of admitting romantic interest in a Democrat from the back of beyond would necessarily imply a shift in values, right?
(Admittedly, for all we canonically know Donna could be a fashy scumlord herself, so this reasoning doesn’t wholly apply there, but it obviously does to her fanon background/personality.) (Which is adorable, by the way. Everyone go check out the collective oeuvre of AO3 user onekisstotakewithme.)
So that’s all cool! It’s just that the same thing applies for me when it comes to Charles/Klinger. If anything, it applies even more, because you can have a fic where Charles’ whole family attend his and Donna’s 2nd wedding (Everyone go check out the collective oeuvre of AO3 user onekisstotakewithme!!!) but if Charles gets with Maxwell in any capacity, his father is at the very LEAST never going to speak to him again, ever. And personally I think that is SO fun and sexy, because Charles’ father is a white supremacist and I want him to die painfully forever and ever amen. <3
I got sidetracked a few times here and I just realized I never actually asked the question, which is, TL;DR: If it’s immoral–or at least gross and nonsensical–to ship Charles/Klinger, because Charles is bigoted, shouldn’t the same also apply to shipping Charles with many other characters too, given that they should logically also have a problem with his bigotry?
For what it’s worth, I have a bit of a theory about the answer to this, all to do with the incompetent way Charles’ bigotry (and other characters’ reactions to it) are portrayed in canon and the deeper Doylist factors that I think forced the showrunners into writing it like that, but I wanted to stay strictly on the topic of fandom attitudes for now, because it may be niche and silly, but I find it interesting. And I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts on it!
#Did this sound rude? Was I totally incoherent? Is everyone mad at me now? All these questions & more swirling around in my brain right now#It seems like such an obvious thing I feel stupid even bringing it up because there must just be some huge thing I'm missing#but I can't figure out what it is!#There was so much more I wanted to bring up here as I said but I had to Stop haha#like sometime I also want to do a post on how most people seem to envision Charles fitting back into his family and his old life very well#and I always picture the exact opposite! Not just from a ''what I would want to have happen'' POV but also just#what I think would complete his arc in a satisfying way and build on the things that happened to him in canon#not saying he's gong to go home and become a commie immediately (ah! if only!) and I think he WOULD try DESPERATELY#to have everything be exactly the same. but I just don't think it would work!#like Margaret and unlike BJ or Hawkeye his pre-war life was not built on healthy sustainable or even ethical foundations#and that life is going to collapse in on him!#but ghdsjkgdsj STOP I will make a separate post later. enough controversy for today I'm sleepy#(but I also do SOOO want to make a post examining the insane inconsistencies in how the protags treat Charles and his bigotry cause it's#SIMPLY RIDIC#)#Hawkeye when he wants to have a little bonding moment with Charles:#I can excuse racism but I draw the line at failing to flirt with a 6'4'' millionaire. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!#and the thing is Maxwell also does this. but of course THAT isn't ok. wheezing.#Charles: god I fucking HATE [checks the list of protected minorities to find an ethnic group that's not on there] uhhh MEDITERRANEANS#Max who is used to long odds and is already mentally rehearsing his teary ''But officer! My husband was in that house!'' speech:#haha yeah ok Major. I think we are soulmates btw :)#THIS POST IS A DISASTER. APOLOGIES TO EVERYONE AND HAVE A NICE DAY.#Charles Emerson Winchester III#MASH#Starky loves answering questions#marley-manson#CHARMAX#Starky's Original Posts
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readingwriter92 · 2 years
Why did nobody tell me that 1x17 of mash was gunna actually hitttttt I thought I had a bit longer until it got darker
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artemismoorea03 · 1 year
DPxDC or Marvel: What Do You Mean 'You Didn't Know'?!
Poindexter's introduction episode gave us a horrifying and frankly underused plot device with a single quote. "You have all our powers on the human plain."
The argument could be that he meant the "basic ghost powers" but what if he didn't? What if he truly meant all of their powers.
Danny was under the impression that Sidney had meant "basic ghost powers", but when he had over twenty powers under his belt and more forming each day he started to wonder if maybe Poindexter had meant more than that.
But for now he didn't tell anybody. After all he was already considered 'overpowered' by the Team given the fact that he wasn't even 18 yet. He was powerful and it was clear that some members of the team feared and didn't understand that power. Be it because they didn't believe in Ghosts, didn't understand what a 'Halfa' was or were just generally freaked out by a child having powers that made immune to most their attacks.
His powers scared them and more than once he had heard the comment; "We're lucky he's on our side." and; "We made the right choice recruiting him so we could keep an eye on him."
Sure, he hadn't told them about his super hearing either but still - rude. Other members of the team had super hearing why assume that Danny didn't?
It isn't until one of these new powers develop in the middle of an important battle. Which wouldn't have been a problem if the new power wasn't some kind of EMP attack that wiped out all of their coms and plunged everything into complete darkness. People had gotten hurt - minor injuries but still.
"Why didn't you tell us about that power?" Superman/Captain America pressed as Phantom sank down in his seat uncomfortable under the gaze of every member of the team.
"Because I didn't know I had that power."
"What do you mean you didn't know?" Asked Flash/Hawkeye. "Seems like a pretty big thing not to know about."
"I didn't know because my powers are still developing." Phantom mumbled, "I get a new power every couple of months or so, it just happens sometimes. It's normal."
"It's not." Multiple members of the team said and Phantom shrunk down more.
"It is for me... I didn't know or I would have warned you guys..."
"Do we at least have a timeline for how long these powers are going to keep 'developing'?" Wonder Woman/Black Widow asked.
Phantom shook his head. "No. Dying and being brought back half-way doesn't exactly come with a manual. But, if it makes you guys feel better I'll probably have control of that EMP power by the end of the week. At least before the next power forms."
Oddly enough that sentence did not in fact make anybody feel better.
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alexa-fika · 7 months
Hello! I am the anon who requested the winged!child! Dracule reader, I got so giddy when I saw your reply. And yes the red haired is fine.
Seriously your work is awesome ♡♡
Lost Birds ( Red Haired Pirates x gn!child!Dracule!Reader)
A/N: Guys Finally! After watching the screen for hours it finally hit me and I think I COOKED, also thank you anon l, you’re gonna make me blush. -Yall I fell asleep while writing that this was meant to be posted yesterday 💀
Dividers by @saradika
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Yassop sat at the crow’s nest, watching over the ship as usual and looking for any danger to the Red Force; his attention diverted to bustle below him, his crew involved in their usual antics despite the dangers awaiting them upon their arrival.
He glanced at his Captain talking to his first mate; when he first announced they were to head to Marineford, he was surprised, but he never hesitated; he knew what was at stake, how much lives could be lost if this was left alone
His thoughts were quickly interrupted as a sound came from above him; his head shooting up, he promptly took out his weapon and aimed it at an approaching figure, alerting the crew below him
His eyes narrowed as a sound started being heard the closer the figure got
“What is it, Yassop?” Beckman questions from the deck
Yassop stayed silent with his weapons still drawn, his eyes carefully analysing the figure in approaching them,
“We have company,” Yassop finally responded in a calm voice.
“There!” He said shooting towards the figure
“Ah!” Dokucha exclaims quickly, diving down to avoid the shot
“Hey! Mister, that’s rude!” they exclaim, landing on the deck of the ship only to shriek at the sound of a gun being cocked right behind them
Behind them stood Benn Beckman, pointing his weapon at them the rest of the officers not far behind
“Who are you?” He inquired, the usual cigarette resting on his lips, his eyebrows raising as Dokucha turned around, his weapon lowering slightly
“You’re just a kid���wait, you’re…”
“Dokucha?” Asks Shanks, walking closer to the small child kneeling down next to them
“Uncle Shanks? Uncle Shanks!” They laugh, throwing themselves at the man
Shanks laughed, wrapping his arms around the child, who was visibly smaller than him
"It's been a while since I've seen you" he smiled, brushing their hair
“You know them, Cap?” Question Yassop climbing down from his previous spot
“Did you drink too much yassop, or did you forget their face?” Pipes Beckman
Yassop Glances at the kid for a few seconds, taking notice of the wings, quickly realizing that not only were those the source of the noise that had alerted him before but that they were too familiar to him
He turns his head around in a flash as recognition washes in his features
“This is Hawkeyes kid?!”
“Papa?” The kid questions happily hearing their father's nickname
Beckmann sighs at this
“What are you doing here?”
“Umm, Papa went somewhere, and I wanted to fly for a bit; I flew too far and got lost.”
Shanks snickers at their words, standing up and ruffling their hair
“I think your father is heading to the same place we are headed, so you are in luck.”
“You’ll take me to Papa Uncle Shanks?”
“I’ll take you to him, but be warned,” he says to the child, smiling,” It’ll probably be a bit chaotic when we get there.”
“Okay!” they exclaim, their eyes glancing at the man behind him
“Hey! You were the one shooting me!” they accused, flying towards the sniper
Yasopp laughs, watching the child make a dash at them
“I wasn’t aiming at you, it was a warning shot,” the man replies nervously
“I ‘m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
“Don’t be hard on the poor man, Dokucha; you did take all of us off guard,” laughed Shanks
“Just don’t fly too far from our ship,” he says, still ruffling their hair
“I don’t want you getting lost again.”
“Okayyy, Uncle Shanks,”
“Is this really Hawkeye’s kid?” Mutters Hongo, looking at the child
“Im Papa’s kid!” The child cheers
Hongo smiles a bit, shaking his head at the sight
“I like your wings,” he tells the child
“Thank you!” They said, spinning around and flapping their wings
“How do you sleep without smacking your wings everywhere?”
Hongo asks with an amused smile
They gasp offended
“I know how to use them! Let me smack you with them!” They said, shooting toward the doctor
“Still as lively as ever,” Shanks laughs, taking hold of them
“Let me at them, Uncle Shanks!”
“No need for that; Hongo’s one of us,” Shanks responds, putting the child down
“Hongo is our doctor, after all.”
They pout at him
Beckmann raises an eyebrow at the child
“Do you wanna cause a fight, little one?”
“They were insulting my flying!”
Beckmann sighs in amusement at the child
“He was just asking you about your wings.”
He smiles and ruffles the kid's hair,
“Just don’t smack the doctor.”
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Okay I admit that ending could use some work but.. yeah thats it it needs more work 😂
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remyfire · 5 months
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Good for her.
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nanimonasho · 2 months
Hi and hello!
I adore your art style, it’s so distinct and well done. A true pleasure to scroll through!
Would it be terribly rude of me if I asked for you to draw some Hawkeye and Mulcahy pieces together? I love their dynamic and think your style will really flatter that.
Thank you for the work you do!!
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I didn't realize there were comments in my inbox, and I’ve kept you waiting for a really long time. I'm so sorry!! I wonder if you who asked the question are still looking at my posts...
I really should turn on Tumblr notifications right away!
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short-honey-badger · 9 months
Peppermint Tea 7
First things first. A THOUSAND APOLOGIES for being so late with getting this next part out. Holidays are definitely a struggle, and my will to write kinda abandoned me like a dad going out to get milk. Anyway! I hope you all enjoy this next part!
Warnings! Kissing some drinking and nipple play. It's still pretty tame. Vomit too! Reader gets sick
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Dracule licks his lips, wanting to surge forward to devour you. He wants you, every drop that you would gladly give him. However, the warlord isn't ignorant and knows that if he were to dive in and open up to you about everything he wants, you would never allow him back on your island. So, he clears his throat and takes a step back once he stands from his kneel, “I think that's enough for now,” Mihawk rumbles and turns to go take the wine glasses back to the kitchen.
You surprise yourself by snapping your hand out and wrapping it around his wrist. You tug gently, face on fire as you give him a shy smile, “I would like another glass, please,” you whisper and look up at Hawkeye through your lashes. You like the way the wine has made you feel. Shoulders slumped and head feeking a little airy. You wanted to know how else it would make you feel.
Mihawk watches you, golden eyes tracing a scorching path from where you hold on to his wrist all the way to your face. A smirk tilts his lips and Dracule lets out a put upon sigh, “I suppose one more wouldn't hurt, Darling,” he murmurs and twists his wrist so that he can catch your hand in his and dip to press his lips to your knuckles.
You shiver at the press of those sinful lips against your skin. You aren't ignorant, not entirely, at least. Your books have prepared you for what goes in between a man and a woman, but to experience it? Just the thought of thinking about Dracule in that way has your face exploding in a blush.
Mihawk ticks a brow up at your reddening face, “Something wrong, dear?” He murmurs, tone a touch concerned when he watches you suck your bottom lip between your teeth and chew nervously. He hums and takes your face in his warm hands, and despite your current embarrassment, you still find yourself sagging in his hold.
“I'm fine. You're just… really pretty,” you find yourself admitting, and Dracule cortles at your innocent admission. You want to duck away from his laughter, but the pirate steps close enough to gently pressing his lips to your brow.
“I am glad you think so, sweet thing,” Mihawk rumbles, and you can hear the muted delight in his tone, “Though your beauty far outweighs my own. Despite your snowy devil fruit, you shine brighter than the Sun.”
Butterflies break out in your stomach, and your hands find his wrists and tighten around them. You have no idea what to say to his kind, flowery words, but Dracule doesn't seem to mind. He presses one last kiss to your brow and then recedes, taking the wine glasses to the kitchen to refill them.
Mihawk takes a moment once he is away from you. His hands grip the counter, and he breathes deeply through his nose. Dracule doesn't understand the sway you have him under. His heart thuds at even the smallest hint of affection, hands sweating like some preteen who haven't even kissed a girl yet.
“Fool,” Dracule hisses under his breath. There was no need to be overthinking his feelings for his dear one. She was his, and that was that.
That settled, Mihawk filled the glasses and loped back to the living room. A smile flits across his lips when he sees that you've stood from your seat and have taken his hat from where he'd placed it on the mantle of the fireplace. He can't help the huff of amusement that leaves him when you carefully place the massive hat in your head and examine yourself in the small mirror off to the side in your cluttered living room.
“You know, Pirate Captains consider it rude and unwise for another to wear their hat,” Dracule comments casually And smirks at the way you jump in shock, flurries scattering about in a puff as you swipe his hat down from its perch.
“Sorry!” You squeak and shuffle back to the fireplace to hook his hat back on the mantle.
“Don't apologize, Dear One,” Mihawk dismisses and walks over to hand you the glass of red. You examine it with a critical eye and then take a careful sip, smiling when you find that it tastes even better than before.
“Why is it rude?” You ask and settle back on your couch, pulling your legs up and under you. You are glad that Mihawk isn't upset at your curiosity.
“For some, their hat is their staple, their symbol of who they are. I've had mine for well over two decades now, and it would be like losing a part of myself if something were to happen to it,” Dracule hums and fingers the cross necklace that hangs around his necklace, “Just like my ship and my sword.”
You find yourself nodding along, fascinated by this way of life you know little about. The only pirates you've ever had the misfortune of meeting have been little more than barbarians.
As the night goes on, one glass turns into three more. Dracule had sat beside you on the couch, and as the bottle emptied, you had grown bolder. Scooting close to your friend and cuddling into his chest. Mihawk tightens the arm he has wrapped around you, and you happily allow him to move you so that you sit in his lap, legs on either side of his own. Dracule collects the empty glasses with one hand and sets them on a side table for later. Your head lolls to the side, vision shimmy and head stuffed with clouds. You are well and truly drunk, but you feel good, and you know that Dracule can make you feel even better.
You rise, and Mihawk is subjugated to the most lust filled look he's seen so far, and it makes him shift under you, hands moving to settle on your hips to keep you steady Your hands curl in the ruffle of his shirt, and you gasp when Dracule drags you close by the hips, blushing when you realize that Mihawk can definitely feel how hot you are between your legs.
You aren't sure who started kissing who first. All you know is that you adore the feeling of Dracule's tongue in your mouth. Mihawk explores in an unhurried manner, taking his time to catalog the meek whines and breathy whimpers you let out when he does something you like. His tongue curls around your own, and he gently sucks your slick muscle into his mouth. It's slick and wet and exactly what you want. You whine into the kiss, and Dracule takes pity on you, moving his hands up and under your shirt to rest his burning palms against your freezing skin.
The temperature chance has you breaking the kiss to hiss at the unexpected touch. Mihawk slides his hands up your sides, leaving a fiery trail that leaves you shaking in his hold. Everything feels tingly, like when you step into the ocean and feel the calm waves sap your strength. You drop your head to rest on his shoulder, but Mihawk gently pushes you back, and you are suddenly caught in his demanding gaze.
“Put your arms above your head, dear,” Mihawk orders, and you raise your arms up without a thought. He hooks your shirt and lifts it up and over your head, and then toss it to the floor. He sucks in a sharp breath when your breasts are exposed to him, and he makes a mental note that you did not wear any kind of chest wrap under your clothes.
Reverently, Dracule cups one of your glorious mounds, thumbs swiping over a peaked nipple and sighing in rapture when you moan for him. He does it again, playing with your tits to his enjoyment until you are a squirming mess in his lap.
“Dracule,” you whine, and glance down at him, eyes half lidded and full of heat. You don't know what you're asking for, only knowing that the man below you can provide it.
With a growl, Mihawk tips the two of you, shifting so that you land on your back and end up staring up at him. The warlord dips down, lips latching around a hard nipple and swirling his tongue around the bud. You curse, back bowing off the couch, but Mihawk holds you down, hand coming up to tweak and roll the only nub. Pleasure zings through you, body heating up as Mihawk laves your chest with attention. He leaves your nipple long enough to gently bite the soft skin of your breast, teeth digging in just enough to leave an imprint.
Your hands dig into his dark hair, pulling him down and closer to your heated body. Your hips jump on their own violation, and Dracule groans when you accidentally rut against his growing erection. He doesn't stop, wanting to every breathy moan you make for him.
Everything is perfect until it suddenly isn't. The multiple glasses of wine and your overheating body have made a bad combination. You grimace when you feel your stomach twist, eyes opening a crack, and the flickering light of the fire just makes the feeling worse.
“Mi-Mihawk,” you stutter out, and Dracule's sharp ears easily pick up on the panic in your voice. He raises up, and then he scrambles to stand when he notices the vaguely green tint you have going on. The warlord slides his arms under your body, lifting you bridal style as he speed walks to the bathroom. He gets you there just in time, knees hitting the ground and wine coming up to splash into the toilet.
You're crying by the time it's all over, fat tears rolling down your face, and you know you look pitiful. Mihawk strokes his thumbs across your cheeks, cleaning your face of any more tears, “I'm sorry,” you say, and wince at the roughness of your voice.
Dracule huffs at you and gently clears your hair away from your face, “No harm, Dear One. Let's just keep your wine intake to just one glass for now. How about that?”
You nod easily and sniff, wiping your face as your lips pull into a pout. You feel horrible, physically, and for ruining the mood from earlier. Mihawk opens his arms, and you gladly fall into him, shoving your face in the crook of his neck as he holds you. You silently promise yourself to never drink so much again.
Mihawk sighs to himself as he adjusts the precious bundle of blankets in his arms. You had fallen asleep within seconds of him holding you, leaving Dracule to once again pick you up and tuck you into bed. Hank gives him a big puppy smile when he enters your bedroom, and Dracule makes sure to pat his head a couple of times after tucking you in. He leans in and presses a kiss to your brow before leaving the room. Looks like it would be the couch again tonight.
@writingmysanity @foggyturtleknightangel @kenkenmaaa @browneyedhufflepuff @goth-mami-writer @djbumblebee
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