#hc: the clergy
missygoesmeow · 1 year
paintless cardinal:
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paintless papa:
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thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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dewsgremlin · 1 month
The siblings of sin avoid the ghouls as much as possible.
The clergy doesn't like it when the ghouls attack humans, but it does happen from time to time. (And to be honest - nobody cares if a sister of sin is missing...)
That's why it's common for the siblings to always have a spray bottle of holy water with them. As hellish creatures, the ghouls do not like anything blessed. The holy water burns on their skin like hell.
To keep Dewdrop or Swiss at a distance, the siblings of sin sometimes have to spray an entire bottle empty. Aether, Cumulus or Mountain keep their distance on their own, but they are so polite that the siblings don't see them as a threat anyway.
Rain is normally not a threat but he is really, REALLY curious about human things and and therefore sometimes tries to get a little closer. If he gets a little too close, the siblings scare him away with clapping or loud noises.
This only works badly if Dewdrop is nearby and hears his beloved water ghoul being scared away by the noise. Then the siblings of sin definitely need more than one bottle of holy water to save themselves...
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wildflowercryptid · 10 months
potentially batshit headcanon, but i think it'd be funny if these two were related somehow.
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#i'm inclined to say they're cousins but it'd also be interesting if they were siblings ngl#gustafa hasn't really brought up his own upbringing so far in my playthrough so i'm running hogwild w/ his backstory#i hc that gustafa's parents were classical musicians and pretty strict (very much the types to force what they think is best on their kids)#he felt like the environment was too stifling not only for his music but also his spirit so he left home as soon as he could#he's still proud about his family's history as musicians but definitely doesn't want to raise his kids like his parents raised him#so that's why he's pretty laid back when it comes to raising bea and encourages whatever she loves doing no matter what#wait now that i think about it carter organizes the music festival in mineral town doesn't he?#shit i'm connecting the dots#carter would probably be older than gustafa so i guess he left home as soon as possible too#he just went the route of joining the clergy to get out of town rather than becoming a hippie like gus#imagine going to the next town over to check out their music festival only to be reunited w/ your estranged older bro >>>#you haven't spoken to in like 10+ years#i feel like they'd be okay terms tho they'd definitely bond over how shitty their parents were#okay i'm having fun w/ this headcanon i'm gonna keep it i think#story of seasons#bokujou monogatari#a wonderful life#friends of mineral town#sos awl#sos fomt#sos gustafa#gustafa (awl)#sos carter#carter (fomt)#hc : (sos) awl / fomt#mj.txt
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kissmyspaceace · 2 years
Papa's New Assistant (Papa Emeritus II)
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Pairing: Papa Emeritus II/Reader Warnings/contents: NSFW, rough absolute hump-machine Secondo Word count: 5.149 BASED ON THIS ASK
AO3 link ________________________________________
“Sister (Y/N). Thank you for coming on such short notice.”
You closed the office door behind you, before bowing down respectfully. “You wanted to speak to me, Sister Imperator?”
“Yes, yes”, Sister Imperator confirmed, “Indeed. As you may know, the position of Papa Emeritus II’s personal assistant is still unoccupied. The position is not exactly the most sought after, I’m afraid.”
You nodded thoughtfully. “I have heard about that, yes.”
Her lips formed a straight line, as she gave a single nod. “Exactly. Now, I have called you here because you are an exceptionally diligent Sister within the ministry. Eager to learn, willing to help fellow siblings of sin in need. Even if a day should get longer than usual, your positive attitude never falters. The others should take you for an example, really. But- I haven’t called you here solely to sing your praise, no.”
You waited patiently for her to continue.
She cleared her throat, and spoke further. “I’ve been wanting to assign the position of Papa’s personal clergy assistant to you, Sister.”
You raised your brows. “To me?”
“Indeed. I think you would be a good pick for this task.”
“I feel honoured, Sister Imperator, really. But I’m not sure whether I will be able to serve the position well-”, you spoke softly, uttering your concern. Sister Imperator cut you off.
“I am sure you will grow with your responsibilities, Sister (Y/N). I would ask you to at least give this new position a chance. You are desperately needed.”
Thinking for a second, you furrowed your brows. Resistance was pretty much futile, that much you knew. And apart from that- how bad could it be to just give it a try? You smiled softly, bowing down slightly once more. “I will give it my best.” Sister Imperator declared her approval by clapping her hands together gleefully. “Delightful! I knew I could count on you, dear.”
You’d been briefed about your daily tasks and duties by Sister Imperator, and she had given you a few books and documents that might come in handy for you. Your daily schedule would look quite different from your previous one. Not that you’d mind, of course. Maybe this would be a bit of fresh air in your life. Turning another corner in the hall, you finally arrived at Papa Emeritus II’ study. Straightening your gown and habit, you took a deep breath and gently knocked on the door. “Come in!”
The voice was muffled by the thick wooden door, but it was no less strong and determining. Here we go, you thought and carefully opened the large door.
Entering his study, you presented yourself with a polite expression and a respectful bow. “Good morning, Papa. Sister Imperator has assigned me the position of your clergy assistant.”
As you looked back up from your bow, you could see him sit at his desk, mismatched irises piercing through you. His expression was as grim as always. Many siblings of sin had been sent running by these eyes, but not you. You merely reciprocated the eye contact with a gentle gaze.
Papa Emeritus II rose from his seat, and walked towards you. He stopped several feet in front of you, eyeing you up critically. “What is your name?”, he asked.
“I am Sister (Y/N), Papa”, you responded.
“(Y/N)...”, he repeated with a low voice, barely more than a rumble. “Very well.”
Without any further words, he turned on his heel and lifted his hand with a flick of his wrist, motioning you to follow. He led you to the neighboring room, to a shelf full of documents. "You are familiar with Latin, yes? These documents have been rediscovered fairly recently, but they're all over the place. Sort them."
You nodded. "Would you like me to sort them by subject, age or alphabetical order?"
Papa looked at you, expression unchanging. He seemed to think. "I think it would be best to combine these three options as well as possible."
"Yes, Papa. I will get to work right away."
You rolled up your sleeves and started sorting the scattered piles of documents. You started by sorting them by subject, first roughly - then reading into them a little bit, adjusting the order. Secondly, you sorted the individual piles by alphabet. Luckily, their age was for the most part about the same. Making sure to touch the old parchment with the greatest care and caution, you neatly stacked them next to each other. It must have taken you a good while, but finally you were finished. You put small post-it notes on the piles, displaying their subject and went back to the other room, to inform Papa.
Announcing your return with a small knock on the door frame, you stood and waited for his attention patiently. He took a few seconds to finish whatever he had just started, until letting his gaze travel to you. "Yes? Do you need help?"
"I have finished my task. I would merely ask you to perhaps have a look at it, and to let me know whether I have done it correctly", you responded.
He raised one eyebrow, but raised from his desk to follow you to the shelf nonetheless. His eyes scanned the piles, and he flipped through the documents. You were amazed by his quick reading. Latin truly must have been his speciality.
At last, he let go of the papers and gave a single, approving nod. "I have nothing to correct here. Good work."
You bowed your head respectfully. "How can I be of further service?"
The remaining tasks he gave you were no issue for you either, you followed his instructions diligently and the rest of the day went by smoothly. He sent you off in the evening and you spent the rest of your evening relaxing in your room.
This is how it pretty much went for the days and weeks to come. You could see why your fellow siblings of sin were hesitant to work with Papa Secondo, he wasn’t the most… approachable member of the clergy. But you didn’t mind. He was very determining and stern in his tone, but he gave clear instructions. And if you got something wrong, he corrected you with patience. His criticism was always constructive, even on days where his mood wasn’t the best, which you appreciated.
It was another regular day in his study, when you assisted him in translating and organizing Latin scriptures for the black mass. Every now and then he grumbled, shifting through the papers, taking notes. Meanwhile, you were silently working on a document about the deeper meaning and interpretation of the seven sins. The hours went by and afternoon turned into evening, while evening turned into late evening, making the workday much longer than usual. 
"Sister (Y/N)", Papa's voice suddenly broke the silence, "Could you have a look at this paragraph?"
You hurried over to his side and looked at the text he was pointing at. "Yes?"
"I feel like it should be translated as 'good come to those who relish in the sins known to us by heart', but it does not sound right to me. What is it that feels off?" He massaged his temple with two fingers as the corners of his mouth twitched downwards.
Looking at the words carefully, you brought your fingers up to your chin, pondering over the translation. "I see what you mean. Maybe we can translate it a little more freely? I've been taught that sometimes, it's the better alternative for the sake of aesthetics."
Papa nodded slowly. "Go on."
"Perhaps, 'good come to those who relish in the  sins we all know by heart'? It could work well, considering that it's spoken to the members of the sermon", you implied, leaning over the document a bit more to get a better look at the remaining text passages. Your shoulder gently brushed against his as you leaned over the desk. “Oh, pardon”, you smiled at him apologetically, but continued to look at the documents. From the corner of your eye, you felt like you saw him tense up, his eyes staring at the papers in front of him. You paid it no further mind, and focused on the translations.
The remainder of the work day was fairly short lived. You could tell that Papa had lost his focus, and probably developed a nasty headache. But you did not stop your work until he told you to. “Sister, leave it be for tonight. It’s been a long day, and I will need you back here tomorrow. Preferably not absolutely sleep-deprived”, he groaned, massaging his eyelids.
Bowing your head respectfully, you obliged. “Of course, Papa. Good night, rest well.”
With that you left his study, and went for your quarters.
Papa Emeritus II sat in his office chair, trying to regain his focus. It was a hopeless case, and he knew that. He kept wondering about the actual cause of his distraction, but in the end he just assumed that it was because of the long day. He sighed, and leaned back, closing his eyes for a short moment. His mind went back to the moment when you had stood directly next to him, and accidentally touched him when you leaned over the documents on his desk. There had been something about that moment. He was pretty sure that the two of you had never had any physical contact before that, so maybe it has just been unexpected. Papa shrugged it off as a side effect of his stress, and finally got up to return to his quarters as well.
That night, however, he had a dream. He dreamed that you were in his study, just like every day. But this time, your hands were all over him, as you stood behind him sitting in his office chair and gently massaged his shoulders. He could hear your sweet, gentle voice, but it sounded distant. As your hands traveled down his chest and he could feel your hot breath on his ear, it felt as if he was on fire. Before anything more was revealed to him, he woke up. That dream left him with nothing but confusion and lust. Maybe he had been too preoccupied with work recently. Maybe he should call one of the sisters to his room, for relief? But no, the thought did not please him. He decided to ignore it, and fell back asleep.
The next day, you made your way back to Papa Secondo’s study. You felt a little more tired than usual, admittedly. While you had managed to get enough sleep, your body still reminded you that working for this long was not appreciated much. 
With a gentle knock, you let yourself back into his office.
"Good morning, Papa. I hope you slept well", you chirped, giving him a warm smile.
"Good morning, dear Sister. I slept fairly well, apart from a strange dream. Thank you", he replied.
"Oh, I hope it was not a nightmare of some sorts?"
He went quiet for a few seconds. "No, I wouldn’t exactly call it that. It was not a bad dream."
"Then I'm glad", you replied, gathering up the papers for today.
Papa nodded thoughtfully. "Let us get back to work, Sister. There is still a lot to do."
The days went on, and with united forces you managed to tame the chaos of translation just in time for the black mass by the end of the week. After that, the days weren’t quite as long.  But you felt like the air had changed around you, around the study. Sometimes you felt Papa Secondo's eyes pierce through you as you were focused on your work, but when you looked over to him, he was always focused on his work. You didn't mind him looking at you, of course. Only the eeriness of the way he did it made shivers run down your spine. You just hoped that you hadn’t unintentionally drawn his rage upon you, even though you wouldn’t even know what you possibly could have done.
Every now and then, there would still be long workdays. On these days, at some point, he'd always send you off to your room, remaining in his study alone for a little while longer. You paid it no mind, thinking he'd just want some alone time outside of his rooms.
But, oh, he had much different thoughts cursing through his mind. Ever since he has had that wicked dream, he'd ever so often find himself enraptured by your mere presence. As soon as his focus got lost in the late nights, it wandered to you and only you. Images flashed in his mind, where he'd see himself taking you, discovering every inch of your body, having you whimper and moan beneath him. It's not like it was only because of that dream, though. He hadn’t expected anything much when you had first stepped into his office many many weeks ago, assuming that you'd most likely either not live up to his expectations, or quit relatively soon. He was willing to accept that a sister could only do so much, knowing very well that his work could be a little much for a simple member of the clergy. But you on the other hand were different. Eager to learn, calm and quiet but unafraid, focused and diligent. Always stepping into his study with a smile, never letting his grim expression irritate you. Your knowledge in Latin came in handy, and it was more than the average sibling of sin had. He figured that this was most likely the reason Sister Imperator had chosen you for him. 
Papa Emeritus II had started wanting you for more than just his daily work, though. And day after day he’d tell himself that next time, he’d have you. The moment you'd leave his office, he'd be frustrated with himself, that yet again he hadn’t managed to get closer to you. What was it that was stopping him? Was it the fear of rejection? He couldn’t tell. He'd never had this issue with any of the sisters. He was used to just taking what he wanted, but with you it was different. 
In the mornings he’d wait impatiently until you entered his study, your ‘good morning’ sounding like music to his ears. And he loved how your scent would fill the room bit by bit, if you moved a lot and talked a lot it would grow even stronger. He enjoyed your overall presence, and your polite distance only made him crave you more.
You on the other hand were oblivious to Papa Secondo's internal struggles. His face did not give away much and you didn’t dare to assume or interpret anything weird into his behaviour. You'd heard about him, sure. That he'd had many, many sisters and even more women outside of the ministry. That he'd treat himself to maybe two or three sisters at once sometimes, and he'd take them like another would go about eating their dinner. He treated lust and desire as a very casual thing, and at the same time relished in it. You had heard that it had led him to… lose focus for a period of time.
But the Papa Secondo you had gotten to know as of recently seemed so different. He was working hard and the sermons he led were outstanding, inspiring one to ponder about some things a little more deeply. Every now and then he would keep eye contact with you for a nearly painful amount of time during a sermon. You tried to keep your composure but it still made you feel a little strange.
He was a man you certainly looked up to in a few ways, but mostly for his amount of knowledge and his occasional wisdom. You had learned a lot in the time you'd worked with him so far, which you appreciated immensely. Furthermore, his aura was rather interesting than appalling to you. You felt that there was something about him to figure out, like a man full of secrets. You'd simply brush off comments from the siblings with a laugh, never minding their inability to understand how you could work with him.
One day, however, everything changed.
It was another one of those long days. Latin scriptures waiting to be sorted and translated had piled up on Papa Secondo's desk, and you spent the majority of the day working through them. By evening, the piles were organized and clean, like perfect little bundles of smooth parchment. The translations had gone relatively smooth. Turns out, the two of you made a good team when it came to working on translations of the old scripts. Nonetheless, it had been a lot, and a glance at the clock told you that it was already way past your usual working hours. Papa Secondo leaned back in his chair with a rumbly sigh of relief. “Finally. I think that would be it for now.”
“Yes, thank goodness. I believe staying focused wouldn’t have worked out for much longer. There’s only so much a human brain can take, after all”, you replied with a small chuckle.
He nodded and hummed in agreement, while his eyes followed you as you tidied up some last few things, getting ready to take your leave. After a bit of cleaning and stacking books back into the shelf, you stood in front of his desk and respectfully bowed your head to bid him goodnight. As you looked back up at him, however, he was staring. He was staring intensively. It felt like his eyes were piercing through you, nailing you to the ground you stood on. His gaze seemed cold and unforgiving, and the movement of his jaw suggested that he was grinding his teeth.
“Papa, please pardon me for asking, but… is everything alright? Did I do anything to anger you?”, you asked hesitantly.
He kept glaring for a moment, until he lowered his gaze a bit, and exhaled loudly through his nose. “You did not anger me, sister. Never have. But I’m afraid that… not everything is alright”, he grumbled, as he rose from his seat. “What is it, Papa? If I can be of any aid, please do tell me.” You grew worried.
With slow, heavy steps he walked around the desk, to face you directly. His grim expression never changing, his gaze barely softening.
“It’s you, sister”, he said in a low rumble.
“Me?”, you asked in shock, your heart skipping a beat, “I’m sorry for upsetting you- what can I do? Where did I make mistakes?”
Papa Emeritus II shook his head slowly. “As I said, no mistakes have been made. It’s not about what you do, it’s about who you are, what you are. And I am growing tired of letting this distract me any further. I refuse to let it feed my frustration and tension.” He stepped even closer now, never breaking eye contact. “I don’t understand”, you mumbled, starting to feel a little intimidated.
“Enough of the empty words now. Let me show you what has been on my mind, sister”, Papa Secondo growled. 
Before you even knew what was going on, he grabbed you and pulled to flush against his chest with a rough, quick move, simultaneously knocking the air out of your lungs as your chest collided with his. He held you close with one hand on your back, applying just enough pressure to tell you that resistance would be futile. His other hand reached up to the back of your head, entangling in your hair and tugging your head back, making you whimper a little. Any further noises of yours were quieted as he slammed his lips onto yours without a warning. The kiss was hungry, needy and felt almost primal in nature. You were too stunned to even react. He pulled away for a brief moment, looking for any sign of disgust, rejection or disapproval on your face - but all he found was utter confusion, and a blushing mess. He leaned down to your ear, and whispered: “If you do not consent, sister, please let me know. I would hate to push you into something you don't actually want…"
It took you a few seconds to finally get a hold of yourself. "I- I don't know what to say. I didn't know- I mean, I never thought you'd feel this way about me", you admitted, stammering a bit.
He smiled a little. You couldn’t recall ever having seen him smile, even if it was just a little bit. He took a strand of your hair and twirled it between his index finger and his thumb. "I didn't exactly plan or calculate my attraction towards you in any way, and yet… here we are", he tilted his head a little, and stared deeply into your eyes, "So, what do you say?"
His mismatched irises pinned you down. You felt like you were close to melting into a puddle on the floor. You'd never considered this a possibility, but in that moment, every fiber of your being screamed "yes".
"I think… I feel similar, Papa", you said, with your voice barely being more than a whisper. Your cheeks were burning up and your heart was threatening to burst out of your chest at any moment.
The pleased shimmer in his eyes was like a spark igniting a flame, and the deep growl he produced was surely enough to make a sister lose her footing.
He trapped you in another heated kiss, holding you so close that you feared you might get crushed against him. But truth be told, you didn’t mind one bit. You gently placed your hands on his chest and let yourself get lost in the moment. His hand was still tangled in your hair and his grip tightened. He brushed his tongue against your lips, initiating a deeper kiss, which you happily went along with.
Papa spun the two of you around, backing you up against the edge of his desk. Sliding one hand to the back of your thigh, he lifted you up to sit on the tabletop. As your hand reached behind you looking for stability, you came in contact with all the piles of sorted papers, making you flinch away.
Papa Secondo broke the kiss, looking at the occupied tabletop with a grunt. He reached behind you and swiped the papers off the furniture with one swift move of his arm, sending them flying across the room. He pushed you back a bit, spreading your legs so he could settle between them, pinning you against the wooden surface.
His mouth wandered to your neck, where he started kissing and biting on your skin, earning small moans and whimpers from you. His left hand groped your breast through your clothing, while his right hand was stroking up and down your thigh. He seemed desperate to touch you anywhere, everywhere he could reach. As he moved even closer to you, you could feel evidence of his desire pushing against the fabric of your underwear, subsequently rubbing against your most sensitive spot. Your tunic was already pushed up, pooling around your hips, exposing your thigh-high stockings and your garters. Papa's eyes wandered down, catching a glimpse of them. He seemed to be fond of your choice in undergarments, since he uttered something between a satisfied hum and a feral growl.
"I'm really sorry, sister", he panted, "I cannot wait any longer." Fumbling with his robe and then his zipper, he freed himself, and pushed your panties aside. He rubbed his tip up and down your folds, making you moan softly.
"So ready for me already, Sister. Delightful."
You put a hand over your face, slightly embarrassed at his remark. At this point, you must have been red as a tomato. A dissatisfied grunt escaped his throat. 
"Do not hide from me. I can see you. I can feel your excitement", he hissed. With one swift, merciless thrust he pushed into you. You screamed at the feeling of being stretched this suddenly, your thighs shaking uncontrollably as your body tried to adjust to his size in the short given time.
Papa Secondo didn’t move for a good moment, relishing in the sight of you struggling to take him. The fire in his eyes grew bolder, and his pupils dilated. The only sounds filling the room at this moment were his heavy breathing and your tiny whimpers.
His hands went to support your shaking legs, guiding them to wrap around his hips. "Relax, sister. You're doing well", he hummed, sliding his gloved hand underneath your tunic to gently stroke up and down your sides. "I've been patient with you, but I refuse to restrain myself any further. I hope you're ready."
His voice was deep and menacing, just like his gaze upon you. He pulled out almost entirely, only to thrust back into you with full force. You yelped, whether it was out of pleasure or pain, you didn’t know. It felt like both. He started off slow, but soon picked up a merciless pace, and you grabbed the edge of the table in an effort to counter his movements. The heavy furniture creaked under every thrust and you prayed that it would withstand Secondo's blind sexual rage. He could not keep his hands at the same spot for too long, longing to touch you everywhere he could. His eyes spoke for him, and they clearly showed that his hunger was not being stilled, in fact, it was only growing.
He grabbed a fistful of your tunic and tugged it upwards. "Off with it", he growled. You lifted your arms and flinched as he tore it off over your head in one swift, rough movement. Tossing it aside with a snarl, he let his gaze wander over the newly exposed skin. Your bra was still blocking his eyes from devouring you fully, and while you were partially grateful for that, you knew it wouldn’t last long. Grabbing you by the side of your neck, he pulled you up towards him, capturing you in another heated kiss. His other hand wand wandered up your back and undid the clasp of your bra. Cool air hit your chest as he tore it off your body and tossed it aside to join your tunic on the floor, making you gasp. He used the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth, capturing yours in another uncoordinated dance. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moaning into the kiss, as his thrusts changed pace again. He pulled out slowly, and thrusted back in with a harsh snap of his hips.
Papa Secondo growled, breaking the kiss. "Wonderful, Sister (Y/N). Marvelous. But I want more. I need more", he groaned into your ear. His voice sounded close to feral at this point, sending shivers down your spine and making you clench around him. Lifting you up by your bottom, he swiftly carried you across the room, pinning you against one of the book shelves. The wooden planks pushed into the skin of your back, as he continued his rough thrusting. His face paint was a little smudged in some places, and he breathed heavily. The determined look in his eyes told you he was far from done, however. His mouth latched onto the flesh between your neck and shoulder, and you yelped as he bit down, sucking on the skin, eager to leave his mark. You feared that you'd end up breaking if he continued like this, but at the same time, the balanced mix between pain and pleasure drove you insane. His thrusts became faster and harder after a while and his eyes grew cloudy with lust. His thumb traveled between you and started rubbing your clit in skilfull circles, well calculated. He knew exactly what he was doing and it had you approach your release at a rapid speed. You looked at him with pleading eyes and he gave a single nod. "Come undone, Sister. You may."
Digging your nails into his shoulders, you let your orgasm rush through you. It had you scream out, and Papa bit down on your neck again, grunting as he felt you clench around him. He picked up speed even more, mindlessly ramming into you. The bookshelf was shaking and creaking with every thrust, a few books tumbling down around you. His grip on your body tightened and you were sure his fingers would leave marks on your thighs and your behind, just like the ones he'd left on your neck already. You moaned and mewled, desperately holding onto him as he quickly approached his own peak. And soon, he did - with two deep, powerful thrusts, bottoming out, growling and moaning, producing a guttural sound you'd never heard before. You could feel him throb inside you as he filled you, a seemingly never-ending spill of his seed flooding your walls. After a long moment, he ended his peak with a few slow, shaky thrusts, and finally stilled. He rested his forehead on your collarbone, breathing heavily. Silence followed as both of you tried to catch your breaths.
"Was that alright, Papa?", you asked in a breathy voice, cracking a small smile.
He answered with a long, deep hum. Then, he carried you over to an armchair and sat down, leaving you to sit on his lap. He was spent, but satisfied, and let his gaze wander over your body lazily. You'd been stripped of everything but your panties, stockings and garterbelt. His gloved hands tenderly stroked your thighs, as well as up and down your sides. You sighed contentedly. 
Papa Secondo pulled you closer, so you were resting against his chest and wrapped his arms around you.
"Sister (Y/N), can I ask you something?", he asked in a raspy voice.
"Yes, of course."
"Do tell me… have I been too rough with you?"
You were surprised, to say the least. There was a genuine tone of concern in his voice.
"Well, truth be told, Papa… you were not exactly gentle with me", you admitted, laughing shyly. You felt his body stiffen against you. "But… that does not mean I didn’t like it." 
He let out a deep chuckle. "If I weren’t as spent as I am, I would take you again right here, sister", he growled into your ear, sending another deep red blush to your cheeks.
"If you allow, Papa, I wouldn’t mind doing that again sometime."
"Good", he hummed, "Because I'm not done with you yet."
You chuckled bashfully, and let your gaze wander across the room.
“Ah, Papa- there might be something we should attend to. Again”, you said.
“All those papers we sorted today.”
His gaze followed yours, stopping at floor level next to his desk. “Satanas, I’ll be damned.”
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slverblood · 1 month
I think what makes the most sense is if Aylin has extremely short hair for a long time post-canon, almost shaved if not shaved at times, and then eventually grows it out again. Short hair is just easier to manage when she's already struggling and overwhelmed and adjusting to life after a century of torment. She's also trying to reclaim some power over the trauma of it being cut against her will by essentially revisiting what happened except now she's in control, she's holding the shears. As well as ensuring no one can ever take her hair from her again. She's cutting it off and burning it; there's nothing for them to take. It's an imperfect way of coping, but honestly show me a perfect one.
It's a long time — I'm talking years — before she decides to grow it out again. It's part of an attempt to move beyond what's been done to her, to rediscover how she wants to look not how she thinks it's safe to look. It's another way of reclaiming autonomy and power over herself, wearing her crown of hair in spite of those who would take it from her. It's also done in memory of the people, especially the women, she loved in her past. Erlona, the Four Moons, the priestesses in the temple — hair care was a shared ritual. Even Meadowlin brushed and braided her hair. She struggles a lot with physical touch after being freed, and she's hard on herself about that; she used to be so free with it. She used to fear nothing. But, it starts with trusting Isobel to help with her hair and slowly grows to trusting other people. She has a community again; she has family and friends again; she can trust and be safe and be loved.
Maybe there will be periods where she cuts it again and grows it out and shaves half and styles it a different way and dyes it. Ultimately, it's not about the hair. It's not about beauty or even femininity. It's about what the hair means to her. Having control over her own body and how she presents it. Having a connection to the community, to the people, that were her home. Carrying those rituals of intimacy forward into new relationships, feeling safe and loved again.
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ghcstcd · 2 years
I want to hear people's Omega headcanons, be them standalone, with Terzo, or any other character in the Ghost-universe.
I'll go first: big void boy is essentially a big cat. If he's comfortable enough, he will flop all his weight onto someone and purr like an truck engine.
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abasketofnothing · 2 years
To motivated myself to get my work done I’ve been periodically looking at an incomplete drawing of omega 
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xruiiii-blog · 4 months
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Papa Terzo with lil Ifrit & Zephyr 🖤
Here comes the blabbing…My friend and I had this hc about era3. Terzo became too powerful and the clergy started to feel threatened by him so they basically set him up and took everything away from him, including his ghouls. It was a hard time for Terzo. The clergy soon assigned new ghouls to the band. Terzo himself feels like an emo teenager tbh💀 like he needs to be taken care of instead of him taking care of others lol but he’s really trying…it’s like you suddenly put a emo kid on a babysitting job…I was looking at some lives during that era with the new ghouls and their energy is just unmatched. Especially Ifrit, I would like to think that he’s trying to cheer and hype everyone up but that level of hype scared Terzo lmao. When Zephyr joined him they bring the whole stage down! The Weasley twins of ghost…
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writingjourney · 5 months
don't ask me about secondo ever or you will hear me rambling out a whole character analysis for two hours because I am DEDICATED to this man, he is my wife.
EDIT – Okay you did it.
Some SFW Secondo HCs:
had to deal with the highest expectations out of the brothers, being older than Terzo and a lot younger than Primo it was clear that his Papacy would be of importance and Nihil expected him to excel while not necessarily providing the necessary guidance (especially when Terzo turned out to be more rebellious in nature)
being Nihil’s “favorite” did not come with all the benefits one might suspect, no more attention, no more love or care, only more work and pressure within the clergy
outside of the family many people never realised how he suffered from this neglect and exploitation and therefore do not perceive his trauma as that, often mistake his character for being cold/aloof when really he is just masking extremely hard and trying to appear unaffected and professional
while he was prepared for his future role, he quickly realised that his needs weren’t of importance, only his work and his rise within the clergy and so he learned that it is better not to ask and appear weak (so they don’t consider him unfitting)
while Primo did the best he could to replace their absent father, the clergy’s demands on the future Papa never allowed him to be quite the father figure that he wished he could be for his younger brothers – Secondo had to learn fast how to take care of himself and how to protect his younger brother from the clergy’s influences
despite detesting the clergy’s inner mechanisms, Secondo is a man of duty and has accepted that he was put on this path in Lucifer’s name
just before and after becoming Papa he quickly learned that bringing in own ideas just leads to dismissal and that being Papa made him a vessel for the ideals of the clergy which he grew to detest (“I’m a marionette”), also quickly learned that it is wiser not to rebel against them
this made him worried for Terzo who already had a lot of plans for his own Papacy that weren’t in line with the clergy’s agenda
through it all he found a lot of solace in his faith, is the most spiritual out of all the Papas with a special fondness for the modern symbolism of Baphomet that represents balance and wholeness (“And he's as macho as he is connected to the softer, more feminine part of himself” X), something that means a lot to him who is caught in a lot of turbulent emotions, this spirituality and also his high level of literacy is pretty evident in his music
therefore: best spiritual guide/advisor out of all the Papas, knows the right quotes and the right words to provide comfort and reassurance to bring you back on your path, way more empathetic than people give him credit for based on his cool demeanour, even though he is someone who quietly reassures you and uses a more reason based approach
because of all of this he has grown to be a very measured man who will always weigh reason and emotions against each other, rarely will you see him lose his temper on the outside, being in control of his emotions is important to him because that way he can have a sense of power he lacked when he was younger (also means he cannot let loose and relax easily, this man is TENSE and his shoulders hate him for it)
if someone wrongs him that person will get the cold shoulder and honestly, being the object of his scorn is worse, disappointing him is worse than his anger and he never forgets anything, this man has a whole drawer of receipts
doesn’t hate anyone as much as himself, the top spot is however taken by his neglectful, uncaring father who never knew how to act like a parent
if he does lose his temper it will usually not be on behalf of himself but someone else he truly cares about (his brothers, his lover, his protégés etc) and even so his anger is not the loud, yelling or violent kind but the kind that sends chills down your spine (his looks alone can kill and he finds the perfect sharp words to hurt you)
soft-spoken (not quite as much as Primo though), very calculated and minimalist in what he shows on the outside but his words usually hit where and how they’re supposed to (just listen to his voice on Infest and some of his speeches on stage, it’s quiet and haunting)
very much a quality over quantity sort of person – good food, good drinks, nice clothes he can wear for a long time, simple luxuries that go a long way and add to his comfort
big earth sign energy when it comes to his habits, works hard, has high expectations, good with money, particular about how he does things but generous with those he loves
good luck trying to get this man to open to up to you, he will not overshare and you have to pry every bit of more intimate personal information out of him, especially about his childhood
however, he is a very willing and patient teacher if you want to learn about his special interests or happen to sit in one of his classes, especially if you show potential and interest
self-sabotages a lot, especially when it comes to romantic relationships, for flings he avoids anything too intimate which extends to his preferred sex positions as well as kissing, when he notices he could really like someone he will find reasons why it doesn’t work (commitment issues), scared to be hurt and also scared to inflict pain and false hopes on someone else
when he does fall for someone and overcomes his fears he is the most loyal and supportive partner, you will be surprised by how loving and gentle he is with you, by how romantic he is (not in the cheesy way but in that soft, caring way who wants to love forever), pays close attention to your needs and preferences and never forgets anything
love languages: shows love with acts of service, gift giving and also quality time, likes to receive physical touch (loves to cuddle but is hesitant to initiate, would never admit how much he loves kisses to his face and hand holding but you can tell after some time), quality time and words of affirmation (so many times until he finally believes them)
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cumulo-ghoulll · 1 month
Ghoul Pack HCs
For a period of time in the late summer, all ghouls and ghoulettes are locked out of all the buildings on the grounds and are forced into the elemental habitat. This is hunting season. It affects every ghoul, making them almost feral, revert back to walking on all fours, and extremely dangerous to anyone who is not another ghoul. On one occasion, Secondo was attacked after refusing to let his ghouls out. He wasn't severely injured but he now has a large scar on his left bicep where he'd been clawed. Copia is more than happy to let them out and usually sends them out a day early after feeding them well in case they don't make any catches.
Dew is usually the first to Turn. He is extremely territorial and one of the only ghouls who do not hunt in a group. He seems to be a bit of a scavenger, getting into fights with the others if they haven't left any food for him. He's often seen circling the doors of the ministry, trying to lure someone out. Apparently, he forgets the lectures given to the siblings and Papas, reminding them not to go outside. Even though he shouldn't, Copia feels a bit bad for his futile efforts and sometimes throws a raw chicken or two out a window for Dew to take.
Rain usually takes himself off to the pond at least a week before Turning to move his koi carp to a tank inside. After Turning, he hunts both on land and in water. His serrated teeth make it extremely easy for him to catch and keep hold of any prey, especially fish. If he eats everything he can in his pond, he usually goes and hunts with Mountain or Swiss. Rain's the least aggressive of all the ghouls and ghoulettes, preferring only small or medium sized prey and avoiding any form of conflict. On one occasion, a Sibling had gone outside to send over some paperwork to a different building, Rain had gotten a bit too close for the siblings liking and was scared off by a few loud claps and shouts.
Mountain is one of the most aggressive ghouls during hunting season. He attacks almost anything that moves. Although his antlers seem to suggest he'd be a herbivore and a lot more docile, Mountain often hunts quite large prey. Elk or moose are released prior to Mountain being sent out. By the end of the season, almost all of them are eaten. He prefers to hunt with a few others, especially Rain and Swiss. Mountain is the one the clergy is told to keep an eye out for as he is extremely hard to scare off if he gets too close. He rarely comes out of the woods however, so it's very rare for him to attack anyone away from the woods' border. Mountain also requires a lot of care at the end of the season as his morals while Turned contradicts his usual morals. Any carcasses have to be disposed of, any surviving elk or moose are released into a different woodland, and Rain uses his elemental powers to naturally wash away any blood.
Swiss hunts with anyone who'll have him. Unlike the rest of the pack, Swiss is extremely good at mimicking different animal calls which makes him extremely useful in pack hunts. Roll calls are made twice daily back in the ministry as Swiss occasionally imitates human screams, hoping to lure people out. He's also an excellent climber and enjoys hunting birds in particular. He's been seen play fighting Dew when they get near each other and Copia always takes the opportunity to take pictures of them.
Aether and Phantom are some of the hardest ghouls to keep out as well as being the most dangerous. Quint ghouls hunt in the shadows so are extremely hard to spot. During hunting season, all the lights are kept on inside the buildings and candles are handed out to anyone who needs them. Quint ghouls are also the hardest to protect yourself from as they literally drain and devour the soul out of their victims. They also work very closely with the ghoulettes. The Quints feed on anything living so don't require any support like Mountain or Dew. Phantom finds it hard to kill anything and Aether has to often convince him to drain a spider. Phantom is almost always starving at the end of the season as he eats very little during it. Copia makes sure there's food waiting for him in his room when he returns.
The ghoulettes are just about as hard to protect yourself from as quints. They suffocate their prey almost immediately. However, it could be argued that they have the most humane way of killing their prey. There's never been any ghoulette attacks though so people tend not to be as cautious of them. They prefer small animals like hares and rabbits but will also help catch prey on pack hunts. The ghoulettes hunt together anyway and rarely hunt alone. They also work with quints a lot as they both hunt in similar ways.
The hunting season lasts around two weeks but the pack makes their way back inside in their own time. It takes a lot of them a little while to go back to walking upright and talking. They're also given an extra week off all work (which annoys Aether as he tries to convince everyone he's fine to go back to work the day after). The pack usually just relaxes in the den and have very long naps.
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gravehags · 9 months
something so precious
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!Reader (Curator!Reader)
Rating: Teen
Tags: reader being sad and lonely, comfort from darling Copia, terzo being a scheming little matchmaker, mention of RATS OHWHOOOOAHHHH
Words: 1,461
Summary: When Terzo asks you to eat dinner with the rest of the abbey, how bad can it get?
a/n: I hc Copia as being an extremely lonely person, particularly when he's a Cardinal, so naturally he would be the best person to receive comfort from when you're feeling isolated and alone.
divider by @gothdaddyissues!
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“Terzo?” you ask, leaning back in your squeaky leather chair. “Why do none of the siblings speak to me?”
Papa Emeritus III, currently sitting on your desk twirling a pen between his fingers as he hides from whatever duties Imperator has requested of him on this day, stops his movement and looks at you askance.
“Well obviously, bella,” he starts in that smooth voice you’ve come to recognize as the signature tune he uses when he wants to convince someone of something, usually involving accompanying him to bed, “it is your immense beauty. Your stunning intellect. Your–”
You lean forward in your chair abruptly with a tired expression on your face.
“Cut the bullshit, please,” you say, snatching the pen out of his grasp, “I’ve been here almost a month and not a single person other than you, the other papas, Cardinal Copia, and Sister Imperator has approached me. Are my vibes that bad? Is it because I’m not a member of the church?”
“Eh…” he begins hesitantly, “the best guess I have is because you’re basically upper clergy, dolcezza. Most siblings don’t casually associate with anyone higher in rank unless it’s for…” his painted lips quirk into a lascivious grin, “...other reasons.”
You frown. “Upper clergy? How exactly am I upper clergy? I’m literally just an employee?”
“Well,” he says, hopping off the edge of your desk and slipping into the chair opposite you, “a cardinal once held the position you do. Performed the same duties you are performing. Therefore in a way, your status is equal to that of a cardinal. Capisci?”
“Oh,” you say, somewhat deflated. Terzo immediately picks up on your tone and hops out of his seat to stand by your side and take your hands.
“Come to the dining hall tonight, eh? I know you’re content to eat alone in your rooms but it will be good for you, I promise.”
You’ve been avoiding the dining hall like the plague since you got here, preferring to eat your sad bowls of cereal on your couch every night. Maybe it would do you good to have an actual square meal. You nod at him and he beams, squeezing your hands.
“Bene! I’m sure you will find your place at the abbey soon, mia ragazza.”
He pats a gloved hand on your cheek and bounds out of your office to go cause mischief elsewhere. You sigh deeply and prop your elbows on your desk.
“It will be fine,” you murmur to yourself before turning back to the work you had abandoned when Terzo came in, “you will be fine.”
This, you decided, was the worst fucking idea.
When you first walked into the vast dining hall you were taken aback by its beauty. Paneled walls lined the room and a dramatic arched wooden ceiling soared above you. After you finished gazing at your surroundings, you were hit with the fact that half the room was staring at you.
Oh fuck, you think, skittering over to the food line in an effort to blend in better. You gratefully take your bowl of hearty vegetable stew and sizeable hunk of crusty bread and turn around to face the room. Siblings eye you, whispering amongst themselves and suddenly you’re struck with the worst pit of anxiety in your stomach. The room is filled with a number of tables in varying sizes and as you scan the room, your heart sinks when you realize there are no empty tables. Shuffling with your food into the center of the room you’re about to panic and give up entirely when you turn to a four-person table in a corner with one occupant.
Cardinal Copia.
He’s hunched over his bowl, delicately spooning stew into his mouth when he spots you hustling towards him. Dropping his spoon, his mismatched eyes go wide as you approach the table, jaw falling open slightly.
“Can I, um,” you begin in a hushed voice, “can I sit with you?”
A beat passes and you’re starting to wonder if he heard you when he rockets out of his seat, straightening his black cassock. Before you can say anything he’s drawing a chair out for you, gesturing for you to sit.
“Please, signorina!” he says in a hushed, almost reverent tone as you take a seat. “Your company is eh, most welcome.” Copia returns to his own seat and gives you a nervous little smile that makes you smile in return. Graciously, he upturns your glass and fills it with water from the carafe sitting next to him on the table.
“Thank you,” you say, mirroring his hushed tone. “Thank you so much. This place…this place is like high school all over again,” you say in a rush as you finally spoon some much needed quality food into your mouth.
“Is it?” he asks, “I ah…wouldn’t know.”
You cock your head and your brows draw together.
“How so?” you say, leaning forward to take another spoonful of the delicious stew.
“I completed all my schooling within the church,” he says, pushing a carrot around his bowl.
“Oh! Were you raised in the church then?” you ask, truly intrigued.
“Sì…in Roma. I’ve been groomed for this position,” he sighs heavily, “my whole life.”
You had no idea the depth and breadth of the church’s reach throughout the world. Truly it both baffled and fascinated you. Not knowing quite what to say to his revelation, you both continue eating in silence.
“How are you…how are you liking it here?” he asks with a hint of concern.
“It’s beautiful. I can’t imagine a prettier place to live and work.”
“That’s not what I meant, signorina.” His eyes, particularly the white one that almost glows, burn into yours.
“I…” your voice chokes up a little so you clear your throat, “I don’t have a lot of people to talk to. No one will speak to me, you know? I left all my friends behind and I’m so isolated now and–” you cut yourself off, feeling the tears welling in your eyes. He looks startled by your confession, and reaches a gloved hand across the table to take yours. When he looks at you with more softness than you have seen from anyone in a very long time, you let out an embarrassing sob.
“I know,” he whispers, thumb stroking your knuckles. “Believe me, signorina. I know.”
You wipe your tears with the cloth napkin at the table almost viciously, feeling humiliated that you’ve let Copia of all people see you like this. You hold him in such high esteem and you cringe at what he must think of you now.
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out, removing your hand from his. “I…Christ this is so mortifying.”
“Not mortifying at all, signorina. I asked you a question and you answered with your heart. I…want to be someone you come to when you are feeling like this, sì?”
You nod, smiling at him gratefully as you watch him pick up his hunk of bread. He’s so…so wonderful and empathetic and charming and lovely and…and he’s currently picking apart his bread into tiny chunks and placing them within his napkin.
“Um,” you begin inelegantly, unsure of how to proceed, “what are you doing?”
“Hmm?” he looks up at you and his cheeks redden when he realizes you’ve been watching him. “Oh I…eh…”
You nod conspiratorially. “Midnight snack, huh?”
His painted lips twist into a smile and he chuckles, causing you to smile again.
“Not for me…for my bambini.”
“Peculiar babies who eat table scraps, no?”
“Eh…they’re…they’re rats.”
He’s positively glowing with embarrassment but your smile gets even wider.
“Oh!” you cry, clapping your hands together, “tell me about them! Can I meet them?”
He swallows several times before cracking a nervous half-smile.
“Sì, of course! They are such sweet little things…”
He’s got such a fond look in his eye, but you’re not sure if it’s regarding his rats or you. The thought makes you flush and look down at your lap.
“I’m glad Terzo told me to come to dinner tonight,” Copia says in a small voice, smiling at you. Your eyes widen at the revelation but you say nothing, simply mirroring his grin.
“He’s Papa for a reason,” you state simply. “Are you done eating? I’m dying to hear more about these babies of yours.”
Hours later, the two of you are the last people to leave the dining hall after being ushered out by irritated siblings. When you part, it’s with the promise that you will one day soon visit Copia’s rodent children. You bid your soft goodbye, hand lingering on his bicep when you thank him for his time and you begin the walk to your quarters.
Maybe the abbey isn’t so bad after all.
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dewsgremlin · 2 months
Yeah, one shots about the ghouls! 🎉
You can also send me suggestions here, but please keep in mind, I'm a professional procrastinator.
First one shot is about Rainy, who wants to celebrate his ✨birthday✨
One day, I'll find out how to link stories and profiles on a more elegant way.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 4 months
I was reading some of the older hcs, in one of them you said that kits can be summoned by inexperienced summonner. What if someone decided they are above the rules and tried to summon a ghoul only to fuck up and snatched a small kit, and while the clergy deals with the person the kit was passed to one of the ghouls mates and they get attracted really fast. How would they react when their mate just shows up with a child? Like 'Oh yeah, this is mine now'.
This is so cute, I hope you don’t mind ghoul reader! :)
Ghoul Mate Reader
GN Reader
Era V Ghouls
The Ghouls Mate Adopts a Displaced Kit
For a quick recap, ghoul summoning HAS to be done by an experienced and supervised sibling of sin. Many botched summoning are done by new siblings who have no clearance to carry one out. Botched summonings can result in injured ghouls, stolen kits, or even pulling beings that are not ghouls into the clergy…
Aether: The guitarist ghoul was ready to keep the kit immediately when you told him what happened. His only hesitation is that you both could be in big trouble if you didn’t report it. The ministry is very strict on tracking these types of summons. But you were happy to know that Aether was already attached and wanted to keep the little one sooooo badly. Aether just wants to do it the RIGHT way. It’s how you ended up in Papa’s office, with your mate kindly explaining why you had to keep the kit. You and the kit were already attached at the hip, and so was he! Papa was VERY happy for you both and for the baby. “Well, uh, it solves where we must place the little one, yes? Uh… congratulations?”
Phantom: It takes an hour of convincing Phantom that you are completely serious about adopting this random kit. When you first got him and told your mate you wanted to keep the little ghoul he thought you were trying to prank him. Phantom literally thought you had borrowed a kit to try to get one over on him! But when he realizes this ISN’T relation for the prank he pulled on you last week, he’s very quiet. He stays quiet for a very long time and you get nervous this might be the end of your relationship… but he surprises you. “So, what do we name him?” He’s completely unsure of what to do, but he wants to make this work! Phantom insists this is awesome, because he can raise your kit to be a guitarist like him!
Cirrus: You were very nervous about bringing home your new kit. Cirrus hates when you both make big decisions without consulting the other. She was very curious when you brought home a tiny kit, asking why you were baby sitting. You carefully started to explain that the little ghoul was accidentally summoned. But before you could finish it Cirrus came over to take the baby. She immediately clutched the kit protectively, and you remembered the same had happened to her when Air adopted her… “We will protect her with our lives.” She declares before nuzzling into the little ghoul.
Cumulus: Your mate was so supportive when you brought home the kit. She was very confused at first, mind you, until you explained what happened. Cumulus quietly listened as she held the baby ghoul and eventually started rocking the kit to sleep. “Well… he already likes us. We can’t just give him back!” Cumulus’ main concern is that eventually she does have to work and tour. So you both have a big discussion of how your home situation will be when you are left with your kit by yourself. But if you are happy with the arrangement, so is she!
Mountain: To your surprise, Monty barely asked any questions. He just readily accepted that you made the executive decision to adopt. You personally know it’s from his home tribe, where spur of the moment adoptions happened. The drummer is more interested in picking out a name, figuring out the kit’s element, and getting the nest ready for the baby. Mountain already starts gathering spare curtains to make a kit sling for you both to carry her around. You barely have time to blink before your kit is slung against his chest comfortably and he’s out the door to go get supplies!
Swiss: Your kit? You mean OUR KIT!! Swiss loves kits so much, so when you brought one home randomly he had assumed you were baby sitting. The guitarist had the baby in his arms so fast to play and the small ghoul clung to him immediately. He was so wrapped up in playing he nearly didn’t hear that no, you weren’t babysitting! It took you a moment to get his attention and explain… you sorta… kinda just took this one after a botched summoning? Swiss stared at you for a long time before becoming emotional. “You mean… you adopted a family for us?” He’s SO excited and hugs you both. You know he wanted a family after the band but are just excited he’s excited for one a little early!
Rain: At first you thought you had made a mistake when Rain seemed a little sour at first. He had made a face when you told him what happened . But you quickly came to find that he just hates when humans do these vile things. Rain scooped the kit up with your permission and looked at you. “Do you really want to do this? I need to know we are both committed before I get too attached.” Neither of you had discussed starting a family before this. It was time for you two to talk about it and be 100% sure you both were ready for the responsibility. But when you saw the kit fall asleep on Rain, you knew it was meant to be.
Sunshine: They didn’t really know you could just… do that? I mean sure, in Hell you can adopt any kit you find abandoned. But wouldn’t the humans get suspicious if they saw you both with a baby out of no where? Sunshine doesn’t think about it too hard once the baby is in their arms. they’ll explain to Papa and Sister eventually! Sunshine is admittedly a little scared to raise the kit in the human realm. They are still super new to human culture and is scared of raising a kit outside of Hell. But they trust you since you were summoned for way longer! Sunshine wants to introduce the kit to the band as soon as possible!
Aurora: She takes to the kit almost as fast as you did! You both realize later that your kit has quintessence as their element. No wonder! You three bonded so strongly it would be impossible to separate your new family. Aurora is not shy to immediately go to Papa and have a long list of supplies and accommodations you will all need. Papa is bewildered but can’t find it in him to say no to the confident ghoulette and her demands. All you originally wanted was just for your mate to be ok with adopting. But you won’t say no to all of the perks! It’s how she got you both a bigger living quarters, kit supplies, and even new furniture! The only thing you two end up bickering about is names. So far you might compromise on an Opera inspired name.
Sodo/Ember: He’s mad at first. No. NO NO NO NO NO! You can’t just come home with a FAILED SUMMON KIT! You both can get in serious trouble and- one angry look from you kept your fire ghoul from arguing more. But he INSISTS this is YOUR issue, not his! …. Until he realizes the baby is a fire kit… and also really cute… and awww, look at how the kit likes you already. Fine. Sodo eventually relents when it’s his turn to hold the kit and the small ghoul falls asleep in his arms. When you try to take the kit back he pulls away protectively. Eventually you hear a “Fuck you, babe, if you think I’m changing diapers!!”
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thepurpleclownz · 2 months
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I have this HC that all of the Papas and members of the clergy have a pacific animal that they are related too (Copia - Rats, Terzo - Crow, Secondo - Hornet, Primo - Goat, Sister Imperator - Snake)
Every time I see this image I always think back to Sister Imperator replacing/killing off Terzo without fail.
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kissmyspaceace · 2 years
hi, i was anon who sent the assistant hc’s for the papas and AKDHSKSHSSKH yes yes yes, to all of it. i would read the hell out of a fic based on that prompt for copia 🫡
Ajskqjsjskbsjqkvjd helloooooo thank you for the great hc prompt! I enjoyed writing those way too much
I'm currently working on the Secondo one because the hc just wouldn’t leave my head (ugh). But I'll add Copia to the list!! 🖤✨️ also I can tag you when I post it
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ghcstcd · 2 years
I think, in resurrection au, Swiss would totally mess with Terzo.
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