#he BETTER come home on the 100th pull
blanketorghost · 8 months
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Can somebody PLEASE explain to me why I got 4 different SSRs on Azul's anniversary banner and NONE OF THEM ARE AZUL?????
I fr do not want y'all leave me ALONE!!
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daistea · 4 months
I love ur mithrun stuff sm can I request him and his s/o celebrating their 100th anniversary 😭 (for some reason I really like that scenario with long living/immortal characters)
gn reader
words: 1,296
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876,581 hours, 16 minutes, 48 seconds. More or less.
“You don’t have to do the math,” Mithrun spoke into your hair. His voice wasn’t soft, it was rarely soft, but it was quiet enough to only reach your ears. His arms snaked around your waist and his fingers tangled together in front of you. Without a second thought of what others might think, you rested your hands on top of his.
You didn’t have to do the math, he was right. But you’d heard that number somewhere. Something about 100 years averaging around 800,000 plus hours. That was a lot of hours. A lot of minutes. So many seconds, countless.
And Mithrun had decided to spend them all with you. As comfortable as you were with each other, that fact still made your heart pleasantly clench.
“I know,” you murmured. He only pressed his nose deeper into your hair, acknowledging your response.
Nearby, your friends and family were getting loud. Their voices carried through the building and mingled with the crowd. Fleki was trying to convince Pattadol to smoke something with her. Pattadol was lecturing Fleki in return. New friends that you’d met through the years laughed and chatted, but you and Mithrun stayed in your corner. Odd, because it was your party.
“Let’s go,” he said under his breath. His arms tightened around you.
You couldn’t help but make a face, “We’ve only been here fifteen minutes. It’s our party, we can’t just leave.”
You felt Mithrun’s chest rise and fall against your back as he sighed. “I told Pattadol we didn’t want this. It’s really not our usual way of celebrating.”
True enough. Your anniversaries were usually laid-back affairs, but Pattadol’s excuse for throwing a party was that this year was specific. It was special. One hundred.
Mithrun rested his chin on your shoulder. You didn’t need to look at him to know what face he was making. Your husband wasn’t one for parties, and you both had attempted to plead your cases against the celebration. Yet, one hundred years of marriage proved that Pattadol was right. It was special.
But nearby, Otta was shamelessly flirting with a half-foot girl she’d brought as her plus one. Lycion and Fleki were telling bad jokes and laughing too loud. Cithis had made a tall-man get on his hands and knees and be her footstool. Pattadol was on the brink of a panic attack as she tried to contain the crowd and throw the perfect occasion.
“You’re right,” you said, “let’s get out of here.”
Mithrun dipped his head toward your neck and pressed his lips against your skin. Your breath caught in your throat and, without another thought, you tilted your head to give him better access. He always liked it when you offered yourself, bared it all to him like land for claiming.
“Get a room!” Flamela yelled from where she sat at a nearby table. (Why had she been invited anyway?)
“If you insist,” Mithrun responded loud enough for her to hear. His tone wasn’t particularly excited, but his lips betrayed him. He pressed his mouth to your neck one last time, a final act of defiance against Flamela’s disgust.
“Come on,” you huffed as you pulled yourself from his grip. His brow furrowed ever so slightly at the new distance between your bodies, but you remedied his displeasure by taking his hand and leading him toward the exit. A quick glance at Pattadol confirmed that she was far too busy trying to wrench whatever Fleki was smoking out of her hands to notice.
Sweet escape. The moment you and your husband stepped outside, the cool night air of Melini greeted you. Mithrun exhaled and closed his good eye as if reveling in the sudden quiet.
“Our spot?” You asked.
He nodded.
A hundred years of marriage meant many things. It meant comfort, a home in each other, a connection that couldn’t be severed. It also meant that you and Mithrun often nearly read each other’s minds. He noted the looks on your face and knew precisely what they meant. Words sometimes failed but actions succeeded.
With no further discussion upon the matter, you and Mithrun walked hand in hand to your spot.
It was a grassy hill that overlooked Melini, and it was a bit of a hike. Both of you were still relatively young for elves, but over time you’d noticed a lack of willingness in your knees and back. Trudging up the hill had become more of a pain, but the view and privacy was worth it.
As you started, Mithrun turned himself to face you. He wrapped an arm around your waist— two thoughts entered your mind: he was either going to kiss you, or teleport you.
The rush of magic in your veins told you that it was the latter. The experience of being teleported had gotten more bearable through the years, only lasting half a second and not giving you nausea anymore, but the principle of the matter remained.
Yet, the view of Melini distracted you. The prickle of magic dissipated, and Mithrun kept his arm around your waist. His other hand brushed through your hair, tucking the strands behind your ear. You scanned the growing blanket of the city beneath you. Melini was all golden lamp light and old fashioned architecture. Every time you saw it from that angle, you couldn’t help but think of your short-lived friends who’d created your home.
“Usually I would snap at you for doing that,” you began to say, but the moment you looked at Mithrun, you found his gaze already glued to you. He didn’t care about the Melini landscape. How could he look at anything but you?
“You would,” he agreed, “but you’re not.”
Your heart skipped. “I’m in a good mood.”
“Why is that?” Mithrun’s long, cold fingers gently pulled out of your hair and found their home on your jawline, tracing lines across your skin, to your chin, down the delicate bones of your neck. He looked at you with calm appreciation, like a jeweler would admire and inspect a diamond. He drank in the sight of your face as if he wouldn’t see it again.
Those subtle, lingering gazes always made your heart flip. Somehow, you’d gotten through a hundred years of them without going into cardiac arrest.
“I don’t know,” you answered lightly, “I guess I just like you.”
“I would hope so.”
“Do you like me?”
“I married you, didn’t I?” His lips flickered up into a barely-there smile. “Do you recall when we first got married, and you kept asking me ‘are you sure you love me?’ as if I hadn’t just made the decision to exponentially improve my life.”
You recalled. Half of the time, you were only joking, because Mithrun made it clear, often, that he’d never been more sure about anything.
“I’ve improved your life, huh?” You asked, “Like a nice kitchen utensil or a good broom?”
Mithrun lifted your chin, “Not just a good broom. The best broom known to man.”
“Despite your words, you still manage to charm me. I wonder why that is.”
His fingers were still under your chin, but he began to lean in. You met him halfway, and your lips pressed together. You and Mithrun had rough kisses, with tongue and teeth and grit. You had soft kisses. Lazy kisses. Casual kisses.
This particular kiss felt like it held more, like Mithrun was trying to tell you something. It was heavy with unspoken emotion. His other hand left your waist and went to your cheek, and he held your face, cradling you, as if you were the most important person in the world.
And to Mithrun, that was exactly who you were.
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wosoamazing · 4 months
You're Not Okay
Part 7 - Fire on Fire Seires
A/N: Sorry this update took so long to get out. I have just been super busy. Warnings: Suicide, Vomiting
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“Are you okay?” Leah asked as you found yourselves next to each other in the locker room. “Yeah I’m fine why?” “Because…” she trailed off. “I knew it was coming, honestly I knew they didn’t like me, I let it get to me and I shouldn’t have, but I promise I’m fine.” “No you look sick, do you feel okay?” “Yes, as I said I’m fine,” that was a lie, you definitely didn’t feel fine, your head ached slightly, your throat was slightly sore and your whole body felt tired, probably due to the fact you hadn’t slept the past two nights, but you weren’t going to tell her. You walked away from her and sat down in your locker so you could tie your boots.
Somehow Leah and you were the last ones left in the locker room and before you made it through the door, she grabbed your hand. “Go away Leah, I told you I’m fine,” you half shouted at her, now glaring at her as you faced her. “But you’re not, you’re not okay. I don’t know how they treated you at your last club, but here we care about your feelings and your health, I care, I care that you’re okay, and you clearly aren’t,” Her words threatened to make you break down right there and then but you didn't, turning to your only other emotion you could currently be in, anger. “Just leave me the fuck alone Leah, I told you I’m fine,” you reiterated for about the 100th time before turning away.
You were a mess during the first half of training, your passes were sloppy, you were giving the ball away constantly and you were considerably slower than usual. You knew training wasn’t the best idea but you didn’t want to be left alone at home, in your own thoughts, especially today, so you came anyway, however Leah pulled you aside “Are you okay? I think you should go home” she asked yet again whilst she stared deep into your eyes.
“As i’ve already told you I’m fine,” you replied, “Y/N, I don’t think you are, and I agree I think you should go home, we will see you tomorrow, understood,” Jonas said as he took a step closer to you and Leah, giving you a stern look.
“Understood,” you mumbled before turning to glare at Leah as you walked away.
“Y/N, it’s just me,” Leah announced as she walked through your door, only to find you still in your training kit curled up on your couch crying. She quickly dropped everything she had and moved to sit with you on the couch, picking you up and placing you in her lap. After some time of you crying in her lap and her just holding you, your breath started to even out as you began to fall asleep.
“You feel a little warm,” she told you as she wiped away the remainder of your tears, you tiredly bobbed your head, before looking up at her slightly “my head hurts a bit, and I feel kind of sick,” you admitted, to which she nodded before she moved out from underneath you, walking towards the kitchen.
“Take these,” she said as she returned to your side and handed you some panadol and water, you did as she said and she handed you a bottle of Powerade and instructed you to drink some of it before she let you go to sleep.
You woke up with your head in Leah’s lap, feeling slightly better from getting some sleep, you slowly turned over so you could look up at her, as her caring blue eyes looked down at you with concern you were flooded with a wave of emotion.
“I’m sorry I didn’t spend your night with you, celebrating like we planned. I just-” tears started to fall from your eyes again and you let out a shaky breath before rolling over and burying your face in her stomach. “I’m sorry, I’m a crap friend,” you mumbled into her stomach.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologise, and you most definitely aren’t a crap friend,” she reassured you as she rubbed her hand up and down your back as you started to sob again.
“Baby, you know it’s okay to not be okay, you don’t have to be strong, for anyone, it’s okay to say you’re not okay and ask for help. It’s not a sign of weakness,” she said as she placed her hands under your arms and pulled you up, moving you so that you were sat in her lap once again. You just pushed your face into the crook of her neck as you continued to cry.
“C-can I tell y-you?” you asked her through sobs, a little while later.
“Yes, absolutely and I will listen but please don’t feel like you have to tell me, it’s up to you,” she told you as her hand continued to rub your back.
“No. I want to,” you told her and she nodded her head, “but can you not say anything until i’m finished,” you sat up in her lap, leaning against her arms slightly which were still wrapped around your back, you looked at her with big eyes and if Leah was honest she could’ve melted there and then, she nodded and so you took a deep breath before you started. You told her about your parents, from the very start, and spoke about the edits and what happened that night, and she didn’t talk just like you asked.
“Um, and,” you started the next park, as you began to get choked up again, and Leah pulled you forward, back into her and you collapsed into her embrace, “fi-five years ago today, I-I, I well, um, I walked into my best friend’s apartment after not seeing her for ages and she was dead, she had killed herself, and I hadn’t realised how bad she was in her head and I couldn’t help blame myself and my parents tried to convince me that that’s what happens when you disappoint your parents, that the guilt sinks in and you kill yourself, they tried to guilt trip me into stopping football. But she had left me a letter and it was directions to a box, a box of letters. She had been planning for ages. I felt so bad I never noticed. I was meant to be her best friend and I failed her. She had written a letter for every big moment in my life, I haven’t been able to bring myself to open the ones for Arsenal yet, I’m too scared, I don’t want to disappoint her. I choose Arsenal over City for her, and I just want to make her proud. I haven’t slept more than like 2 hours each night the past two nights because everytime I close my eyes I see her, on the floor in a pool of her own blood, I-I, uh, I just, it’s unfair that I get to be happy and she is dead, that I was so wrapped up in my own life I didn’t realise she wanted to kill herself. I thought at one stage it would be fair if I killed myself too, but my problems weren’t as big as hers, I have never looked at my problems in the same way I used to. If my parents did what they did two days ago before her death I would’ve thought it was the end of the world but it isn't. I still have other family that loves me very much. She didn’t. Her whole family disowned her for being gay, and I used to complain about my life to her, and I just-” “shh, it’s okay, I know you’ve told me not to speak but I’m worried you’re going to make yourself more sick than you already are. Just take some deep breaths, I’m here, I-” Leah seemed to stop herself saying something, “I’m here for you and I won't go anywhere. I understand it must be hard and I will be here for you, if you ever want to talk more.”
“I have an idea,” Leah spoke up after a while, you lifted your head slightly resting your chin on her sternum and looking up at her, “what if you made a post, about your parents, saying something about what happened and about your aunts, only if your comfortable,” you nodded and moved to get your phone before sitting next to her. After a long discussion you settled on a photo of your aunts from the world cup, with the caption.
I would just like to inform my fans that the two people who are my parental figures and who have supported me everyday, in all my ambitions are these two wonderful women. Moster and Tante I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for me over the years, from taking me in to supporting my dreams and helping me achieve my dreams. I respectfully ask that everyone who has already posted how ‘supportive’ and ‘cute’ my parents are to take all pictures and images down and for noone to post again, as that is far from the truth, my parents were not there to support me that match but rather tell me that they were cutting me off and they would never consider me part of their family again, because of my choice in career.
“I’m going to post it,” you said and Leah nodded, you squeezed her hand tighter as you hit post. Once it was uploaded you felt a wave of relief rush over you before a wave of nausea, you bolted to the toilet and emptied your stomach as soon as you were in front of it, Leah was close behind you and tied back your hair before rubbing your back and whispering comforting words to you.
“I’m sorry,” you said as you finished and collapsed back into Leah, she reached up and grabbed some toilet paper to wipe your face before she closed the lid and lent forward to flush the toilet.
“Don’t apologise for being sick, never apologise for being sick, it's not your fault. Do you think it was the emotions or because you’re feeling sick?”
“Maybe a mix of both,” you sighed in defeat.
“That’s okay. It's okay, how about you go to your bed and maybe get changed into something more comfy and I’ll come join you in a sec, I’ll just go grab somethings,” you nodded at her before she helped you stand up.
When Leah came back into your room you had managed to change into something more comfortable and you were lying down on top of the covers. Leah slipped onto the bed next to you, she was sitting up leaning against the headboard with her legs stretched out infront of her, you shuffled into her so that your head rested on her hip and your front was pressed into her legs, she placed a hand under you head and around your back moving it ever so slightly to comfort you. You fell asleep quickly, feeling safe next to her.
The doorbell woke you up and Leah looked down at you questioningly, watching as the wheels in your brain turned, looking out your window to see it was now dark out..
“Shit, I was meant to have dinner with Beth,” you sighed out as you went to sit up.
“No, you’re definitely in no position to do that, stay here and I’ll go talk to her,” she started to walk to the bedroom door, “and don’t worry I will apologise.”
“She said she hopes you feel better soon, and if you’re feeling up to it in the next few days we think we might organise a day out with the team, so you will see her then, and she said there is no need to apologise.” Leah said as she came back in, you nodded before rolling over and tears started to fall from your eyes, you felt so bad for interrupting everyone and ruining plans and hijacking Leah’s night. She said nothing but instead slipped into the bed next to you and pulled you into her, wrapping her arms around you as you cried.
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joeyalohadream · 1 month
Little angsty, pining!Gale fic
Sat down to right something and wrote this instead. I don't usually write anything that's not at least somewhat fluffy, but it's the mood I'm in lately, I guess. LOL. Sorry, I'll be out of my funk soon, hopefully!
Takes place in England, vague-timeline, but before Regensberg.
AO3 Link
“I was so busy this afternoon, I didn’t even have time to eat a thing. This wine will go straight to my head.”
Her voice is musical, her laugh bubbles after it in a charming cadence. John’s eyes crinkle at the corners and the skin of his face stretches with the force of the smile he directs at the woman nestled under his arm in the booth. 
Gale had started his night nestled under that same arm, in that same booth. 
John laughs with her, a quiet, fond chuckle, and tells her that food is an important thing to make time for. He pinches her chin between two fingers and makes her head move to where he wants it to go, whispers something in her ear that makes her cheeks flame and then he turns away to laugh at something Curt says. Gale’s palms are sweating.
Two days ago, after interrogation, John had watched him, concern heavy in his blue eyes, as Gale had pushed the food around his plate. He’d kicked him under the table and nodded at the untouched food in front of him when he’d drawn Gale’s gaze and then he’d lectured him on taking better care of himself on the walk back to barracks. He’d also given him a chocolate bar that he’d pretended to pull from behind Gale’s ear. And smiled at him with fondness in his eyes as Gale savored the entire thing, refusing even a bite for himself.
It made Gale feel important in a way not much else did, having John’s focus, his care. It made him feel too much and crave more. It was dangerous. 
John hadn’t gone out that night. He’d stayed in with Gale when he’d said he needed a quiet evening and they’d played gin rummy and talked about everything except for the war. His attention hadn’t drifted from Gale once until they’d finally called it a night and gone to bed.
Gale had laid awake wondering if he would star in John’s dreams and then fallen asleep feeling foolish. 
Now, Gale watches this beautiful woman watch John and he recognizes the look in her eyes. She wants his attention back on her, doesn't want to share it with the other airmen. He wishes he couldn’t relate. 
“You know, I have a friend, still sippin’ her drink with the girls, waiting for a handsome pilot of her own.” She says the words too loud, but her goal is achieved as John’s head turns to follow the sound of her voice and just like that, she has John’s attention while Gale has everyone else’s. 
She eyes Gale with a smile, red lipstick making her teeth look bright white. Gale wants to tell her that John isn’t hers. That last week it was a different woman sitting in her place and tomorrow it will probably be another. He keeps his face impassive.
He tries not to squirm even as he chooses to stay silent instead of outright balking at the idea of entertaining a woman all night. The pretending is harder to stomach than solitude. The toothpick in his mouth needs to be replaced. It’s too saturated and frayed from the extent he’s been worrying at it. 
As always, John comes to his rescue. 
“Buck here has a beautiful girl back home.”
He doesn’t. 
“He won’t so much as dance with anyone that's not her.”
He says it like he always does, like he finds it endearing. Gale hates the way he wishes his voice held some kind of bitter emotion. But as always, it is just warm affection in his tone when Gale is the subject that colors his words. It had started making Gale’s chest flutter somewhere around the time of their first promotion.
And he’d desired that tone and the man it belonged too long before they were assigned to the 100th. Ignoring it hadn’t worked, so accepting it and letting it consume a part of him that would never be shared became the solution. 
It's why he broke it off with Marge before shipping out, though he didn’t tell John that. Didn’t tell anyone that. She still writes to him, still wants to be his friend, and it’s easy for the men to draw the conclusion that he is loyal to a sweetheart back home. 
The woman under John’s arm rolls her eyes and then forgets about Gale immediately. 
She’s laughing at all of his jokes. 
Even when John pulls out his best material, Gale makes sure to give him nothing more than a smile. He’s been unable to help himself and has allowed soft huffs of quiet laughter on occasions that are becoming less rare. But Gale has never given him a full bellied laugh. 
Maybe he should have. He knows it’s a goal of John’s, to make Gale smile, to make him laugh. 
She’s touching his chest, the side of neck. 
Gale allows himself to be touched by John. Not at first. Physical contact hadn’t been a part of his life in a positive way before he met John. It took a lot to get to the point where his best friend’s method of expressing friendship didn’t make him want to recoil, didn’t make him flinch. It took a lot, but it didn’t take a long time. By the third week in flight school, he was craving the soft touches and starting to hate himself a little for it. 
He hardly ever initiates the contact himself. He’ll give John’s shoulder a squeeze. Let his hand linger in his grasp for too long when they greet each other. 
Maybe things would be different if he let himself touch with the freedom in which John did. But affection was something he soaked up like a sponge when it was from John and wilted at when it was from others. And it was something he’d never learned how to give or take. Thinks maybe John could teach him but he knows he’ll never ask him to. 
But things wouldn’t be different. 
Because he watches John’s hand trail from her shoulder, down her back and to her hip, fingertips grazing the soft curve of her body on its way down. He watches John smile into her hair and whisper something into her ear again that makes her cheeks flush to match her lipstick and then nuzzle behind her ear. He looks away as John’s fingers trail the hem of her skirt. 
And he imagines doing that to Marge or the girl across the room and all it does is turn his stomach. 
So, nothing would be different if he were able to touch freely or laugh loudly. He’s different and John’s not, so he’ll settle it all back down in his chest and try to think about all of it less. 
But he doesn’t have to torture himself by watching where this night will lead his best friend, so he slides out of the booth and heads to the bar to pay. 
“What’s got you so glum, Buck?” Everett Blakely’s effusively kind voice sounds off as Gale pockets his change and he gives the other man a raised eyebrow. 
“Pretty sure this is just what my face looks like, Everett.” 
“Nah, sometimes you smirk a bit.” Everett grins at him. “Besides, it’s all in the eyes, and you’ve got sad eyes tonight, Major.”
“Think we’re all entitled to bad nights once in a while, given the circumstances.” Gale plucks a fresh toothpick from his pocket to replace the one he’d ruined, catches John leading the woman onto the dancefloor and can’t help but follow his movements with his eyes. 
He wishes he was normal enough that the lives of the twenty men they’d lost two days ago was what was twisting his insides. Instead, it’s watching his best friend do a perfectly normal thing - flirt and twirl a girl around. Both realities of his reasons for hurting live heavy in his chest, like they’re located in different chambers, blessing him with the opportunity to feel different types of agony instead of just your average layer of pain.  
“Gonna head out,” he says, nodding at Blakely, who lifts his glass in response. 
John is in rare form this evening, giving up on dancing quickly and already guiding the girl towards the back door without a glance in Gale’s direction. 
Because he’s normal. And normal men don’t think about their best friends when there’s a pretty girl hanging on their arm. 
Bucky probably expects Gale to be waiting for him when he’s finished. Waiting to walk back together at the end of the night. 
Or maybe he’s not thinking anything at all about Gale. 
He’s the first one back. He’s always the first one back. 
The shower room is vacant, and he takes his time, but he’s still alone when he makes his way back into the barracks. He’s still alone when he changes into his sleep clothes and lays in his cot. 
And he is still alone an hour later when sleep refuses to sink her claws into him and drag him to some kind of relief. 
Men slowly stumble in, and Gale closes his eyes, giving the illusion of slumber. He listens to the nightly routines of the men around him as they prepare for sleep, actions audibly clumsier than most nights in their inebriated states. 
But drunken movements disturbing a quiet room are something Gale’s been hearing since he was a boy, so he finds them familiar and ignores the way they make his stomach tighten unpleasantly in anticipation. 
More time paces, everyone settled into bed and Gale still can’t sleep.
Shuffling footsteps, intentionally quiet in their movements are the only thing that alerts him to John’s return. His cot is within arm’s reach of Gale’s own, but he’d thought it would remain empty tonight. The feeling of satisfaction that bubbles up in him is ugly and bitter, but he lets it boil under his skin as John returns to his side in the end. 
Heavy, scratchy wool glides up the length of his torso until it rests under his chin. Strong hands tuck it under his shoulder blades and his hips. He tries to keep his breathing deep, feigning the same familiar pattern of sleep he listens to from John’s bunk each night to lull himself to sleep. A moment later, calloused fingers brush the product-less bangs off his forehead and run through the length of his hair. 
The tender gesture almost forces his eyes open. That aching, craving hunger for more of what John will give him is a living thing in his chest. Those fingers ghost over his hair one more time and Gale uses every bit of strength in himself not to push up into the touch, not to whine when it’s gone.
He hears John let out a sigh that sounds mournful and he doesn’t understand what any of it means. 
As John moves, most likely to turn away, Gale can smell her perfume. 
If he opened his eyes he’d probably see her lipstick stained on his mouth, his neck. Knows with a gut-wrenching certainty that it’s probably stained in more intimate places, and he wishes John wasn’t too drunk to go take a shower. 
Wishes it wouldn’t linger on him. Wishes it wasn’t on him at all. Doesn’t want to see the red of her lips on John’s when the new day dawns. 
Imagines if it had been him under John’s arm leaving the pub, there wouldn’t even be a visible trace of him in the aftermath. 
He’d be forgettable, inconsequential. Easy to forget. Easy to regret. 
He keeps his eyes closed and wishes John hadn’t come back at all. Is so glad that he did. 
A softly whispered “goodnight, Buck.” is breathed into the stale air of the barracks, and Gale lays awake for a long time after John’s breathing evens out into sleep, wishing he could join him in more ways than one.
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milaisreading · 1 year
It's our girlfriend
Bachira Meguru x Reader/ Bllk 11 x Reader
Warnings ⚠️: So I saw a lot of people requesting for Bachira stories, so this is what I came up with😭 hope u all like it. Reader uses she/her. Requests are open.
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Bachira sighed for like the 100th time today. It has been months since he entered Blue Lock and talked to the outside world, he misses his mom, his home and his girlfriend, (Y/n). He just wanted to get out and kiss her again and again, but that was impossible right now, his only hope was the match they are going to have against the U-20 team. If they win, Ego might do him a favor and let Bachira invite (Y/n) for an hour or two. Chigiri, Kunigami and Isagi raised their eyebrows in concern at their friend and Chigiri spoke up.
"Are you alright, Bachira?"
"Yeah, you have been in a worse mood the past two days, than that one time Isagi didn't pass to you." Kunigami chimed in as Bachira groaned again and looked up at the trio.
"I miss (Y/n)." He stated simply as his lower lip wobbled a little, indicating that he was about to cry.
"Who is (Y/n)? Your sister?" Isagi asked, now even more confused.
"No, (Y/n) is my girlfriend."
"Oh." The trio said and continued their previous activity...for about 30 seconds until Kunigami spat out his drink and looked at Bachira in disbelief.
"You have a girlfriend?!" The orange-haired boy yelled as Isagi and Chigiri finally realized what Bachira said. The room fell silent as the players looked at their table.
"Who has a girlfriend?" Otoya spoke up as the trio pointed at Bachira, who blinked in confusion at Kunigami.
"Yeah, I do Kunigami. Why do you act like it's a weird thing?"
"Bachira has a girlfriend?!" Hiori was the 2nd one to ask as Yukimiya pinched himself, making sure this was real and not some dream.
"Why are you all acting like that's a weird thing?" Bachira asked his teammates, offended by their reactions.
"No way you of all people are getting bitches!" Karasu yelled as Kurona hit him over the head. While he himself couldn't believe it, he knew better than to say anything out loud. There was a sudden silence and Chigiri, who was sitting next to Bachira, gulped in fear as the boy grinned and held his knife tightly. A shadow fell over Bachira's face, causing Isagi to flinch a little.
"You shut the hell up! You disrespectful piece of dog shit, want me to shove this knife up your ass?! Who are you to call (Y/n) anything close to a bitch?!" Reo and Niko's eyes widened in fear as Bachira got held back by Kunigami while Isagi and Chigiri tried to calm him down.
"Calm down, Karasu didn't mean it! You know he never thinks before speaking!" Chigiri said as Isagi finally pulled the knife out of his hand.
"Yeah, Karasu is stupid!" Hiori added in.
"Since when am I stupid?!" Karasu yelled in annoyance, earning an eye roll from Rin.
"When was your birthday again?" Nagi asked as he looked up from his food. Bachira was taking a few deep breath as Kunigami and Chigiri sat him down while Isagi took away all the knives and forks away.
"Bachira...we really do not mean to insult you, but you don't seem like the guy who would date." Reo said, picking his words carefully to not start another issue. Nagi nodded his head and was about to speak too, but Baro covered up his mouth, sending him a warning glare along with Reo.
"Yeah, you seem...more like a ride or die for football." Niko spoke up next and the room visibly relaxed a little as Bachira nodded his head in realization.
"Oh... I guess I do come off like that at times." Bachira commented as Kunigami and Chigiri let him go.
"Is (Y/n) real or another monster of yours?" Aryu's next question came as Bachira went dead silent. Gagamaru, panicking covered Aryu's mouth and apologized in his name.
'I am not dying today!' The goalkeeper thought, but subconsciously he and the rest of the team thought over what Aryu said. Could... could this (Y/n) be just an imagination? It is Bachira after all. The rest watched the said boy talk with Isagi, explaining how wonderful, kind and beautiful (Y/n) is and how he can't wait to see her soon.
"She also plays football! She is the captain of the girl's team in my school!" Bachira added, perking the attention of the rest.
"Really?" Otoya questioned.
"Aha! She is so talented! I couldn't believe she would pick me to be her boyfriend."
'Yeah... (Y/n) isn't real.' The team thought.
"There he is! Meguru is over there!" His mom exclaimed as she pointed at the boy while he was greeting the U-20 team along with the others in the Blue Lock 11 team. (Y/n) smiled proudly at the gold-eyed boy, wearing his team's uniform with his name on the back was something (Y/n) dreamed of for years, ever since he told her about his dreams.
"He looks so adorable in his uniform, Mrs. Bachira! And the uniform looks so good on him!" (Y/n) blushed as she took out her phone, hoping she will get a good picture of him. Besides that, she liked filming or taking pictures of her boyfriend, so that they can discuss his moves and where to improve. It was always exhilarating for her to watch him, and the said could be said about him when it came to (Y/n).
'Meguru... you came so far... show them what you are made of.'
And as the match went on (Y/n) felt all the emotions wash over her body, happiness, panic, anger, relief and a lot more she couldn't name. At the end, both her and Bachira's mom cried in relief after the final goal delivered, cementing Blue Lock 11's victory over Japan's U-20 team. They were informed that they could visit the team in the dining hall occupied by them. Bachira's mom decided to stay behind and talk with Isagi's parents and she wanted to give the two some time for themselves. She was aware that (Y/n) missed Meguru and knowing her son, he did the same.
"That was such a cool score, Isagi! You show off!" Otoya chuckled as Chigiri ruffled the boy's hair. Bachira said a few quick remarks from time to time hoping he will soon get to see (Y/n). I mean... Ego did say they are free after they ate their celebratory lunch.
'Come on... I want to see (Y/n)... she probably looks as beautiful as on the day I left... all smiles and giggles, ahh~ that laughter could cure any illness.' Bachira sighed dreamily, wondering how she felt about his victory, well he wouldn't have to wonder for too long.
"MEGURU!!" The room fell silent as the boy grinned and jumped out of his seat, running towards the door. Opening the door, the gold-eyed boy was greeted by a tight hug, coming from none other than the girl he was dying to meet. The team, dumbfounded and shocked, watched as the boy got hugged by a unknown and pretty girl.
"Who is that?" Reo wondered.
"(Y/n)! I was just about to look for you!" The boys' eyes widened at that statement.
'(Y/n) is real?!'
"Meguru! You were amazing! I was in awe the whole time while watching you!" Bachira felt his heart speed up, the same giddy feeling he felt on the day he confessed came back. His (Y/n), his cute, adorable, beautiful and smart girlfriend was complimenting HIS skills. Bachira felt elated, this was better than the actual win of the match. As he looked more at the girl, the more his face turned red... (Y/n) was so beautiful. The most beautiful girl on Earth, and he is ready to fight anyone about this.
"Ha? Oh yeah, what?" Bachira shook his head, looking at the pouting girl.
"I was just explaining to you how to work on your feint technique... were you listening?"
"Sorry... I kinda got lost in your eyes." Bachira admitted, not really seeing the point in lying. He squealed a little on the inside when he saw (Y/n) blush and get shy from his statement.
"A-ah... is that so..." She said back, trying to make a proper sentence as Bachira smiled in endearment at her, but  his smile soon dropped as he felt something was off. Turning around, he noticed that not one, not two but all the players were looking at them in curiosity. Isagi and Chigiri looked at each other and got up, causing Bachira to stiffen a little and glare at them.
'Go away!' The look screamed but the two paid him no mind, more curious about the girl than they were afraid of Bachira.
"So you are the famous (Y/n), Bachira told us a lot about you."Chigiri commented as the girl looked up at them, at first her eyes held confusion and then she slowly realized who they were.
"Ah! You two are Chigiri Hyoma and Isagi Yoichi!" The two stopped for a moment, feeling heat crawl on the lir faces. The way she looked and said their names was just... just! In a blink of an eye, Bachira watched as the two boys now stood in front of (Y/n), and he was ready to yell at them to back off.
'You got to be kidding me?!' He thought in disbelief.
"You heard of us before?!" Chigiri asked in excitement as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"Yeah! You are pretty popular among my teammates, they talk about how fast of a runner you are. I never believed it to be honest, but you did prove me wrong today, Chigiri-san. Those sprints and passes were amazing!" The redhead blushed more at the compliment.
'A cute girl said I am amazing!'
"Did you hear of me too?" Isagi shyly wondered and (Y/n) squealed internally at his cuteness.
"Yeah! I heard a little bit of you from my teammates. That analyzing today was so great, I could only watch in awe as you delivered the final goal! How did you figure out the right angle?" Now it was Isagi's turn to blush and he spoke up, ignoring the glares he was getting from Chigiri and Bachira.
"Ah~ just instincts I guess. I heard from Bachira you play football at school too." Isagi spoke up as Chigiri chimed in.
"What position do you play?"
"Center forward."
Bachira groaned to himself as he watched her talk with the two. Usually any boyfriend would be elated that his girlfriend gets along with his friends...but this was horrible! The two were looking at his (Y/n) like she was a single girl and they wanted to ask her out.
"Bachira..." The boy turned around, his annoyed glare turned into a panicked look when he saw the rest of the team looked at (Y/n) with interest.
"Do you want to introduce us?"
"Yeah, don't keep us in the dark about the cutie!" And with that, Bachira was ready to kick Kurona and Otoya's
To Bachira's utter horror, (Y/n) fit very well with the team. She was able to strike up a conversation with Karasu and Otoya easily. Bachira had to keep a close eye on the two. He thought they might have a fleeting interest in her, but his hopes were destroyed when he saw the look in their eyes after (Y/n) gave them out a few compliments. Bachira was a little bit more relaxed after she shifted her attention to Reo and Nagi.
"She is so cute... too bad Bachira is her boyfriend." He heard Karasu comment.
"Who cares? Just be a homewrecker." Otoya added.
'We will have 2 members less by the end of the day.' Bachira thought, clenching his fists.
'Nooo! Not them too!' Bachira wanted to cry as he saw Reo's interest grow in real time. The billionaire heir talked about some random trip he did to a country and (Y/n) would nod along from time to time, but would start giving him tips about football by the first opportunity.
'Why can't (Y/n) be materialistic?! Reo would have moved on by now!' Bachira cried on the inside as her and Reo talked, it was obvious the boy took every word she said seriously. Now Nagi... Nagi was a whole new worry he had. The albino never cared about anyone or anything if it didn't benefit him. But now... now he was all ears, phone tucked in his pocket and listening to (Y/n), even adding in a word or two from time to time.
'I hate my life.' Bachira thought as Chigiri and Isagi kept saying how perfect (Y/n) was for him. Though he could hear the jealousy their voices, so he didn't believe they had his best interests in mind.
Aryu had made a few grave mistakes as he met (Y/n). The first one was looking at her (to Bachira at least), the 2nd one was mentioning how glamorous she looked and the third one was touching her hair, in order to give her some tips for haircare. Bachira immediately jumped up and slapped his hand away, glaring daggers at the tall boy. Aryu glared at Bachira, but soon it turned into a smirk as (Y/n) scolded him into apologizing.
Next up to fall victim to (Y/n) were Yukimiya and Baro, both boys were different but still fell for the same girl. Yukimiya loved that she was detailed and he loved talking to her about the different attacks he could perform. Baro would butt in as well from time to time, already calling (Y/n) his queen after she was whisked away by Hiori, Kurona, Niko and Gagamaru.
"Your queen? She is my girlfriend!" Bachira argued as Baro rolled his eyes.
"For now."
"Yeah Bachira! Standards change." The boy glared at Chigiri.
"For all you know, she might fall for one of us." Aryu added in and Bachira swore he was ready to play without teammates.
Hiori, Gagamaru, Kurona and Niko were probably the most respectful of the bunch to talk to (Y/n). They would exchange some football tips and funny moments they had on the field. The conversations were relatively uneventful, in Bachira's eyes at least. His alarm bells did start ringing as the four boys blushed and looked at (Y/n) in wonder.
By now, Bachira was sweating and ready to rip his hair out. Of all people who decided to approach (Y/n), it had to be Itoshi Rin, the captain of the team and the no1 ranked player at Blue Lock. He walked up to (Y/n) and introduced himself like usually, but was surprised that (Y/n) knew about him prior to Blue Lock.
"Ah~ I know and heard of a lot of center forward players. I like analyzing your techniques and incorporating them into mine." (Y/n) admitted in embarrassment as Rin nodded his head. That alone started a whole conversation between the two, it was so weird to see Rin relaxed and open to talk.
"Hey... Bachira?"
"What is it, Yukimiya?" Bachira grumbled as he tore his eyes away from the duo.
"When you and (Y/n) eventually break up, can you give me a call. I am sure (Y/n) will need a shoulder to cry on." Bachira gaped like a fish at the boy as anger started bubbling up inside of him.
"We are not breaking up. (Y/n) and I are happy-"
"For now!" Reo butted in.
"Yeah, be a brother and tell us once you break up." Nagi added in as the rest joined. Using this distraction, Rin and Isagi pulled (Y/n) out of the room in order to have practice with her.
A few weeks went by since that encounter, and Bachira was losing his mind. Every other hour one of his teammates would ask about (Y/n). What she was doing, what she liked, disliked and a ton of other things. During that time, the only thing that kept him sane was the thought how HE was the only one who got to spend a lot of time with (Y/n) and how she was HIS girlfriend. But today... today was just another day of him admitting defeat.
"You are our manager now?!" Bachira yelled as he was greeted by (Y/n) on the field. Thankfully it was just the two of them for now, so he had some time alone with the girl.
"Yeah! It was really sudden when I got the call from Teieri-san! I am so excited for the job! I will get to spend time with you and help you and your friends out!" (Y/n) cheered as Bachira blushed at her excitement. Seeing her happy made him always blush. Just as he was about to speak up again, Karasu and Rin interrupted him.
"You will be with us from now on?!"
"Really?!" The two asked in excitement as (Y/n) greeted them.
"Yeah! As of today I am the new manager." The girl explained as the two nodded their heads while the rest joined them. Bachira watched as his girlfriend got whisked away again and introduced herself to Kunigami.
'I hate my team...'
"Ahhh~" Bachira turned to look at Otoya, dreading to hear what he had to say.
"Isn't our girlfriend beautiful~"
"She really is~"
"Mhm~" Bachira grew unnerved at Otoya, Reo and Nagi's comments and turned to glare at them.
"She is my girlfriend. MINE!"Bachira's words fell onto deaf ears as the trio kept on talking about (Y/n) and what they like about her.
"Are we talking about our girlfriend?" Chigiri asked as he joined in.
"Yeah!" They nodded their heads as Bachira looked at Chigiri in disbelief.
'I knew this would happen and I still let it happen! Nobody can resist her cuteness.' Bachira thought in misery as the four spoke.
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starsfic · 7 months
Stupid Ex
Summary: An ex of Qi Xiaotian tries to claim his and Red's new baby is his. The flaming calf. The flaming calf that looks just like Red.
“Look at her…”
“She’s so little!” Long Xiaojiao cooed, snapping a picture with visible tears beading up in her eyes. Pigsy and Tang were close to bursting into tears as well, either gripping each other or the frame of the bed that their son lay in. Qi Xiaotian smiled happily, even with exhaustion glazing over his eyes.
Their smiles and tears surrounded the little bundle Xiaotian held. A small scarlet calf slept in the soft gold blanket, nestled safe and close to the baba she had just come out of screaming barely an hour ago. According to the nurses and the doctor, she was very healthy and very adorable, both of which Xiaotian agreed with. Even better, she had inherited Red’s features, including the bull true form. (Hey, sue him, he was still adjusting to his monkey form.)
“Where’s Red?” Xiaojiao asked, breaking him out of his admiration. “I thought he would be here, all over you two.”
Xiaotian felt a snicker come out at the mention of his spouse. “He burst into happy tears when he saw her,” he said. Red had barely been able to hold his daughter, sobbing threats at the Buddha for making something so defenseless so small. “I honestly thought he would pass out with how hard he was crying, so I sent him to get some air and let his parents know Huiying’s here.”
The doors slammed open.
“Oh, speak of-” Xiaotian felt the words die down when he saw the look on his spouse’s face. Sun Wukong and Red’s parents trailed behind, exchanging concerned looks, and Xiaotian could see why.
Red looked pissed. The quiet kind, the kind that couldn’t even light his hair. The set to his jaw and the cold fire in his eyes relaxed, just a little, when they met eyes. So Xiaotian was pretty sure he wasn’t pissed at him.
“Oh, look at her!” Sun Wukong was there, forcing Xiaotian to look away from Red. “Mind if I hold her, kid?”
“Sure!” Xiaotian passed Huiying over. His daughter made a little noise, but settled in the king’s arms easily. “Be careful around Red, we don’t him to pass out from all the tears.”
“Nah, DBK’s the guy you wanna be concerned around,” Wukong chuckled, flashing a grin at his former sworn brother. “Right, bud?”
DBK snorted about how he was a mighty demon king, he didn’t cry over a baby, only for him to see Huiying and have tears bead up. The scene of his father-in-law, the mighty Demon Bull King, crying over his daughter should’ve delighted Xiaotian. It did, but Red’s anger burned at the back of his mind. A warm hand wrapped around his, and he looked away from Iron Fan cooing over Huiying’s little hooves up at Red.
His spouse met his eyes.
“I’ll tell you later,” he said, too quietly for anyone else to hear them. “Once we’re home.”
Red didn’t explain when they got home. At least, not immediately.
Three days passed. To be fair, they were an extremely busy three days, with adjusting to having the actual baby home, greeting guests, and planning Huiying’s 100th day celebration. His family were all great help, but it was still an adjustment. Xiaotian had nearly put Red’s weird expression out of his mind until the fourth afternoon, when he was feeding Huiying. His spouse settled across from him.
“Hey, what’s for lunch?” Xiaotian asked, coming to a pause when he looked up. Red had that same cold fury in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“So, I must ask…do you know of a man named Chen Zixin?”
Xiaotian blinked at the random question. “Zixin? The name sounds familiar, yeah, but…” Something tugged at his mind at it. The name sounded familiar, and Xiaotian’s gut twisted unpleasantly. “I think he’s an ex of mine?”
Red nodded. “I figured.” He took in a deep breath. “Now, I need to let you know, I am not accusing you of doing anything. I am not upset at you.”
Something cold shot down his spine. “What…what happened?”
Red pulled out his phone. “He called me while I was trying to call my parents. He texted me when he couldn’t get in touch with me. I did block his number, but I saved the texts in case.” Xiaotian exchanged Huiying, still contently sucking on her bottle, for Red’s phone. He had already pulled up the screenshots.
Unknown Number: Hey, you're Red, right? Married to Qi Xiaotian?
Me: Do you care to explain why you are trying to communicate with me? I am very busy today.
Unknown Number: Okay, easy, dude. My name is Chen Zixin and I'm an ex of Xiaotian's.
Me: I do not see the point.
Unknown Number: I hate to drop this on you, but Xiaotian and I got back into contact nearly a year ago. I swear, I didn't know he was with someone. But I need to tell you that there's a good chance that his baby's mine.
The moment he read the last line, his stomach dropped.
"Red, I swear, I didn't-"
Warm lips pressed against his forehead. "I know you didn't." Red glanced down at his phone and barely managed a chuckle. "He's so stupid. I asked him what his proof was. Go to my files, I labeled the proof as Idiot."
Xiaotian did, barely resisting a snicker at the file name. What popped up were the screenshots that Red had shown him and more screenshots. He felt a brow raise as he looked the other screenshots over. It looked like a few weeks' worth of talking between Zixin and "him." It was all steamy sex talk, including nudes. At the first one, conveniently cut off under his face, Xiaotian felt himself pause, connecting the dots.
"He doesn't know you changed your number, for one thing," Red chuckled, sounding a bit happier. His tone turned sweet and adoring as he looked down at Huiying. "And he doesn't know Baba got top surgery before we were blessed with you, yes, he doesn't know..."
Xiaotian chuckled. "Plus, I am not that skinny." He paused as a thought occurred to him. "Hey, should we tell whoever's picture this is that he's using their picture?"
Red chuckled a little bit harder, sitting down next to him. "No need. I reverse-Googled it. It's an art model picture, and it’s literally the first image that pops up when you Google “art model”." 
"Oh, great!" Well, that left one other thing. "What should we do about Zixin, though?" The fact that an ex he barely remembered had popped out of the woodwork to try and claim paternity of his daughter was... worrying. “Did you tell him off or something?”
"Don't worry." Red grinned like a cat who had gotten the cream. "I told him that he was an idiot, and since our wonderful daughter has not inherited your lovely features-"
"Stop it."
"That he was an idiot, that his accusation alone showed that he had no knowledge of who you were as a person, and I pray that he never passed down his genes if he ever actually had a child."
"...Wow." Scam callers alone never bothered them again once Red got on the phone, so Xiaotian's concern was washed away by a wave of relief. "So, since that's dealt with, what's for lunch?"
"I have that handled."
The next week or two were quiet. Qi Xiaotian assumed that Zixin had gotten the hint and had decided to leave his weird quest to claim Huiying as his child behind. Good for him. Xiaotian was more focused on his family.
Like today!
Pigsy had finally gotten the money and permission to extend the noodle shop. It was now bigger and better but still affordable and delicious. People were gathered around, watching as Pigsy pulled out big scissors. Xiaotian, Tang, and Xiaojiao stood on the side, with Tang beaming and Xiaojiao snapping a hundred photos. Xiaotian felt his chest squeeze tight with pride as Pigsy cut the red ribbon.
Or maybe that was Huiying, rubbing her cheek against his chest from where she was nestled in her sling.
It was probably both.
Yeah, it was both.
As people trickled in, Tang calling dibs on getting the first bowl, Xiaotian found himself next to his Dadsy, hugging him tight. "Oh, I am so proud of you!"
Pigsy patted his back. "Couldn't have done it without you, kid," he said into his shoulder. "You've been a massive help with everything."
"I don't feel like I was," Xiaotian grumbled as he pulled away. "I barely got in a week of helping the construction." The moment Pigsy learned he was expecting, Xiaotian was banned from helping. All he could do from there was help Pigsy make sure that everything legal was squared away, do some marketing on social media, and taste-test Pigsy’s new dishes.
Pigsy sighed, reaching up and patting his head. "You were there for me, son. That's more help than I'll ever need. Plus," His tone turned even more adoring as he reached out, stroking Huiying's little cheek. She made a little noise at the affectionate gesture, and Xiaotian felt his heart melt. "I wanted things to be ready so my granddaughter has something to be proud of!"
Xiaotian chuckled at Huiying's little snort. "Oh, yeah. I can't wait for her to be old enough to help out-"
"Oh great." The peace couldn't last this long, could it? Red wasn't even here yet to provide commentary. Xiaotian sighed and turned to the twin demons, striking a pose. Was it just him, or did they look pissed? "What do you two want?"
"We finally have a way to defeat you!" Yin bellowed. "Although I expected better of you!"
"Yeah!" Jin said, and yeah, that was a glare. "Who knew the Monkie Kid was a filthy cheater?"
Wait, what. "I'm not a cheater."
"That's not what this fine gent says!" They moved, revealing a guy. "Remember him?"
Xiaotian squinted. The guy looked familiar, he guessed? He looked like a hundred other guys he saw on the street. "Not really?" Yin, Jin, and the guy all blinked. He glanced at Pigsy, who was also squinting. "Pigsy, do you know him?"
"Oh, come on, enough of this bullshit!" The guy yelled. "You know me! I'm the father-" Wait. Waaaait. “I can’t believe you’re still lying!”
"You're Zixin?"
The guy paused, blinking. Yin and Jin looked a little nervous, jumping when there was a yell of "YES!" The guy moved forward, but one of the twins grabbed his arm. "And I know that baby's mine, you can't deny it."
"My dude," Xiaotian felt a snicker rise up. "My dude, I barely remember you. Why would I fuck some guy I barely remembered?"
"I don't know! You're probably lying." The guy gestured to Yin and Jin. "But these fine blokes are gonna help me take back my baby!"
The demon twins blinked before exchanging looks.
"Oh, yeah."
Xiaotian blinked, and then, instead of standing on the sidewalk, he stood on a stage. Several people, including Pigsy, Tang, and Xiaojiao, sat in the stands. A big, flashing sign lit up, spelling out WHO'S THE BABY DADDY in neon.
Xiaotian sighed, glancing over at his family. Pigsy had pulled out his phone while Xiaojiao was snickering and recording. Tang just looked amused. Good. He wanted to save this. Maybe he could get some videos from the cameras perched everywhere?
"So!" Yin and Jin appeared, both dressed in suits and ignoring Zixin throwing up in the background. "We have a contested custody battle here!"
"This fine gentleman claims that the Monkie Kid's baby is his!"
"And the Monkie Kid's husband..."
"Isn't here," Xiaotian said before the spotlight could move. "And, I would like to make a point before you three humiliate each other even further." Yin and Jin blinked again. Xiaotian didn’t wait for the response. “My baby,” he said. "You mean this baby?"
Xiaotian couldn't help the smirk that rose up when he revealed Huiying's little face, and Yin and Jin's faces dropped. "This baby," he repeated, holding her up for the cameras to see. Several coos and gasps of adoration filled the stadium- before Huiying sneezed. As people screamed in shock at the flames, Xiaotian stared down Yin, Jin, and Zixin. "This baby," he said. "You're claiming that this baby isn't Red Son's?"
Red snorted, looming over them. All three of them jolted, meaning none of them had seen Red stalk through the audience and now loom, Xiaotian's inner sex kitten purring at the beast.
That was his husband.
That was the only possible father of this and any future children.
"Heyyy Red Son!"
"Look, we just wanted to make sure-"
Yeah, definitely the only father.
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findmeintheferns · 1 year
your bestfriend’s roommate
(part one)
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𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: you’ve had the same plug for years, but he wasn’t replying & you were desperate. your bestfriend had been wanting you to switch to her roommate for ages so fuck it. problem is though, you weren’t expecting her to be this attractive…
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: a lil bit of smut, drug use (weed), slowish burn, kinda boring sorry lol writers block
𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽: 2.2 k
𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: dealer ellie williams (TLOU) x reader (y/n)
You stare down at your phone for the 100th time only to once again get met with a blank screen. It had been 5 whole hours yet still nothing. You tried not to let it bother you but at this point you were well and truly feeling impatient. You groan, flipping the phone over so you can no longer fixate on it.
Dina notices your frustration, “I’ve told you so many times that my friend is a way better plug, she replies almost instantly. Plus, she’s in my dorm, you can visit me & stock up at the same time.”
You’ve heard this spiel before, but you weren’t sold on it. You liked having a dealer that was strictly business, you’ve never been one to want to stay and chat, you just want to get your weed so you can go home & get high as soon as possible. Plus, you’ve had the same dealer for over 2 years now, going to someone else would be like a betrayal.
You go to reply but Dina beats you to it,
“Yeah, yeah I know. You guys have an unbreakable bond or whatever.”
You give her a small smile, “I mean hey if he doesn’t reply in the next hour, I might get desperate. I told Alex we could smoke & get ice-cream tonight.”
Dina lets out a snort, “Oof yeah, you’ll definitely be needing the weed if you’re spending the night hanging out with him.”
You roll your eyes, not wanting to reply to her snarky comment. You had nearly been dating for nearly a year, but she still hated him. She never really liked him in the first place, she says ‘his vibe is off’, whatever that means. After a little incident with his best friend Mia however, her dislike turned to hatred. Nothing bad even happened, you overreacted. They hung out, you weren’t aware, and you walked in on them hugging. You got upset at first yeah, but he reassured you that it meant nothing, that she was having a bad day and it was just a simple hug. You believe him, so that’s that.
Dina grabs your phone from off the table, distracting you from your thoughts.
“Just let me put her number in your contacts in case okay? Her name’s Ellie.”
“Fineeeee. I need to go anyway. If I don’t study for this exam I’m screwed, I slept through like half of the lectures.” You sigh, stressed about all the content you have to somehow remember over the span of a few days.
Dina pulls you into a hug, “You’re terrible. Good luck with that, I love you dumbass.”
You pull away and laugh at your brutally honest friend as she begins to walk away, “Yeah, yeah, I love you too I guess.”
You grab your bag, placing a tip under your now empty coffee cup before leaving the little café.
You stare at the clock, it’s an hour before you’re meant to meet Alex and your dealer still hasn’t replied.
“Ughhhhhhh. Whatever. Fine. Fuck it.” you murmur, pulling out your phone.
You really didn’t feel like texting a new dealer, you’re pretty introverted already and it seemed like a lot of effort. But what were you supposed to do.
You unlock your phone and open contacts, Ellie’s profile popping up straight away. You send a short text, introducing yourself as Dina’s friend and asking if she had anything to sell tonight, you weren’t in a place to be picky.
To your surprise it was only 5 minutes before you received a reply. Her response was short too;
ellie: yeah, i’ve got a bunch. do you want to come here & pick up? that way you can decide what you want
y/n: oh okay, sure. what time?
ellie: now?
y/n: okay. see u in 5.
ellie: you know where to find me
You did appreciate that she didn’t drag out the conversation, but you were still nervous about meeting someone new. Dina’s dorm room is only a short walk from yours which you couldn’t lie, was pretty convenient if Ellie did become your new dealer. Once you arrive at the door you stop for a moment and take a deep breath in, hoping the conversation would be as short as it always was with your normal dealer. If only Dina was here to make things less awkward, but she had volleyball on tonight.
You knock and the door opens instantly. Suddenly your whole body completely stiffens as your eyes meet the girl opening the door. You know you should be speaking right now, but you’re weren’t mentally prepared for this. She looked absolutely nothing like you had imagined. You don’t know why but you kinda assumed she’d be on the gross & dodgy side. She was in fact the complete opposite. She was wearing baggy grey sweatpants and a tank top that hugged her body. Her short brown hair was half tied up in a little knot, her fringe falling over her face. She must of been getting ready for bed. You really wish Dina had gone into more detail when describing her, you weren’t prepared for her to be this…well, attractive, for lack of better words.
“Y/n? You here to pick up yeah?” Ellie’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Hey, yeah, sorry. Yes I am” you quickly respond, kinda embarrassed about the pause.
“All good, come in and I’ll get you what you need. Sorry about the mess.”
You walk inside the dorm, you had been in there before obviously, but not while Ellie was there. You never even really payed attention to her side of the room yet now you can’t take your eyes off it.
“So, what are you after? I’ll see if I have some.” Ellie asks
“Honestly I don’t mind. Whatever’s your favourite at the moment”
You don’t want to drag this out, you need to head to Alex’s soon and you already feel awkward from the previous interaction.
“Hmmm. Probably blue dream then, it’s mostly Sativa. Really helps with relaxing.”
You shrug “I trust you.”
She puts your weed into a small ziplock baggie and you pay. You quickly try and say goodbye as you walk towards the door but she stops you
“Yeah you’re gonna have to stay at least for a little longer.”
Confused, you stare at her blankly, “Umm, why?”
She returns your glare, “Have you never picked up before or something?”
This kinda offends you and you don’t really know why.
“Yes I have. For your information my dealer just isn’t responding tonight. This is a one off.”
Ellie scoffs, “Huh, lemme guess. Derek is your dealer?”
This takes you back for a moment,
“Yeah… how do you know that?”
She laughs, relaxing her stance and moving to lean back onto her bed.
“Makes sense why you don’t know pick up etiquette. You need to stay here for a little so it doesn’t look sus. Otherwise cops will catch on, just like with your friend Derek. He was lazy and now he’s screwed. You definitely won’t be hearing from him for a while.”
Great. Well that makes sense why he wasn’t responding. You sigh and flop down onto Dina’s bed, staring up at the roof. You really don’t feel like staying here for any longer.
“Aww, am I that terrible to hang out with?”
You roll your head to stare at her, but she’s already looking at you. You wonder what she’s thinking.
“It’s not that” You lie, because it kinda is. “I’m just meant to be meeting up with Alex right now”
She laughs to herself again, “Oh that’s right, Alex, your boyfriend.”
“What’s funny about that? How do you even know that?” you retort, pissed off at this point.
“No, no, nothing. Dina told me is all.” She smiles
You sit up, ready to leave, “Right, well, I need to go. Thanks for the weed.”
You move towards the door but once again Ellie stops you before you can open it.
“Hey, I’m sorry” She says softly “I didn’t meant to upset you, stay a little longer and have a joint.”
The way she’s looking at you makes your stomach churn, but not in a bad way. There’s something so endearing about her, even when she’s pissing you off.
“I really should go, I’ll be late” You respond, trying to not be tempted by the offer.
“It’s on me, just because I annoyed you” she smirks.
You know you should decline, but it’s a lot harder than it would seem.
“Fine. One joint”
So, you didn’t just have one joint, you both shared quite a few. You weren’t sure if it was just the weed that made being around Ellie more manageable, but you were actually having fun. You unintentionally lost track of time, talking about anything and everything. Ellie told you all about her Astronomy major and her favourite astronaut, Sally Ride. You told her about how much you hated math and your inability to focus during lectures. You had moved closer together so that you were both laying down, squished on the same bed staring at the roof. Ellie turned her head to face yours,
“You look pretty stoned” she whispered, a big grin on her face.
She was so close to you it made you nervous, but also kinda excited. She looked incredibly attractive, you kept trying to deny it, but you couldn’t help it. The way she held herself, the way she spoke, her looks, all of it was pulling you in even though you knew it shouldn’t.
You giggled, wanting to reply with a snarky comment but being too high to think of one. You went to take the joint from her, but got distracted by the tattoo on her arm. It was pretty big, it was some sort of moth and a fern. You followed it down until it ended, stopping at her hand. You intertwined your fingers with hers, lifting it up so you could get a better look.
“What?” she laughed, confused as to what you were trying to do.
You didn’t think, you just spoke, “You have really attractive hands Ellie”
For a moment she looked taken back by your comment, but she was too high too overthink it. She moved so that her body was on top of yours, your hands still connected. You felt yourself getting wet, too horny to think about the consequences of what was happening right now. She grinded her thigh into your pussy causing your eyes to roll back as you let out a soft moan. She leaned down and pushed your hair behind your ear.
“Oh yeah?” she whispered, replying to your previous statement “You should see what they can d-“
Ellie was cut off by the sound of ringing. Fuck. You jerk up, grabbing your phone. Surely enough, it was Alex calling. What had you done.
“Fuck, fuck-fuck-fuck” you mumble under your breath, picking up the phone call.
Alex: “Y/n? You okay?”
Y/n: “Alex I’m so sorry I was studying and I must have fallen asleep.”
Alex: “Ah, no weed then?”
Y/n: “No weed, I’m sorry. Rain check?”
Alex: “All good, love you.”
Y/n: “Love you.”
You felt incredibly guilty, probably the most guilty you’ve ever felt in your life. How could you lose track of time like that? How could you act on impulse like that?
Ellie broke you out of your train of thought “Shit. I don’t even know how that happened. Y/n? Are you okay? Fuck I’m sorry.”
You knew you had to leave before you made an even more regrettable decision. Quickly grabbing your stuff you began to walk to the door,
“All good. I need to go. Thanks, erm, for the weed”
Ellie tries to say something else but it’s too late, you are out of the dorm in no time, almost sprinting back to your room.
That night you got barely any sleep, mad at yourself for taking things so far. You knew it was wrong, so why did you feel yourself wanting more.
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luvyeni · 2 years
Can you please write something for Haechan? Idk if you've seen it (you probably have?) but during the candy dance practice renjun does that cute floor dance and his back hurts? so he turns over and Haechan runs over to him like "are you okay?" and grabs his butt???
I can't stop thinking about it! Please do write something along those lines if you can!! 😩
Also here's the link in case you're wondering.
timestamp: around 05:47
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pairings: idol!haechan x reader
Wc. 345
warnings: nothing crazy, haechan touches your butt
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haechan being haechan after coming home after practice
"Honey, I'm home!" You smiled at your crazy boyfriends announcement.
"hey babe." You were in the kitchen, cooking dinner for the two of you. "I'm just cooking some dinner, is pasta okay?"
He nodded pulling you into a hug. "Anything you make is great love, it will be delicious regardless." He gave you small peck on the lips.
"How was prac-" Before you could even finish your sentence, you felt your boyfriend feeling up on your bum.
"Uh... excuse me?" You laughed, you were used to him doing weird shit, but it still never failed to surprised you.
"What?" He feigned innocence. "What's wrong?"
"Why is your hand currently on my ass?"
"What?! I can't touch my girlfriends beautiful ass anymore, is that such a problem?"
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriends dramatics. "I mean i've never stopped you before, but why are you doing this so unprovoked?" you chuckled, pushing his hair out his face.
"Because during practice renjun was practicing his dance, and he hurt his bum." You genuinely didn't know where he was going with this.
"So me, being the good friend that I am, rubbed it to make him feel better." You stared blankly at him.
"You rubbed another guys ass?"
"Babeee~ that's not the point, the point is they told me that I have a girlfriend and instead of rubbing his ass, i should just rub yours, so that's exactly i did." He smiled so cutely, even though he just said the dumbest shit ever.
You smiled at your boyfriend, kissing his cheek sweetly. "You and those boys need to find things to do in between practice time, instead of having conversations like this." You laughed, planting a big kiss on his cheek.
"I don't know, the boys might be on to something, your butt feels nice." He gave it another squeeze. "I'm gonna kill those guys." You rolled your eyes for like the 100th time.
"Haechan my sweet, sexy, lovable boyfriend." He smiled at the nickname. "Yes my love?"
"Please take your hands off my ass, thank you."
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urfavlarry · 4 months
You’re so annoying!
Barron x reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of sm0king/ciggar3ttes, fights, blood, bruises
A/N: Barron doesn’t bully Logan in this AU, he’s just someone most kids at school fear and don’t mess with him because of his short temper :3
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🚬 ɞ˚‧。⋆
You’ve been working at the local gas station for a few months now, teens coming in and out of the store since the store had the most cheap snacks and drinks, and of course gas, which attracted the adults. A frequent visitor was a boy named Barron. He was a year to older then you, but you knew him since he played on the schools baseball team and was known to be a pretty short tempered guy. He got into fights often, most kids being scared of him so nobody really messed with him. One incident made the adults fear him as well, you seeing it with your own eyes. You were just working after school like usual, putting the money someone payed with in the cash register when Barron came in. You couldn’t help but stare every time. Most people would think you’re crazy for liking the most feared boy in school, but he was just so perfect! Well, not that perfect. He usualy came to the gas station and kept annoying you with stupid pranks, sometimes even stealing some cash from the register which you had to put back from your own allowance. You couldn’t stand those pranks, but you believe he was nice if you got to know him a bit more. Anyways back to the story! He came in with his friends, getting the usual, cigarettes and some energy drinks when some man in his late 40s came in. He looked pretty annoyed, something seemingly bothering him. Barron payed for the stuff, sending you a quick wink and left, well at least wanted to.
The man crashed into him making him spill his drink and his cigarettes getting wet, making them literally useless. You knew shit was about to go down so you eyed his friends and motioned them to stop the fight, which they weren’t quick enough to do. They managed to get him off but the man didn’t leave without a bleeding nose and a black eye. Everyone in that store spread the word so from then on, when someone saw him entering the shop they kept their distance or waited until he left.
A few months later, which was now, you were waiting for Barron to show up. He usually came her on the weekend and sometimes on Fridays and Wednesdays around 3-4pm. Today he came with only 2 friends, which was unusual since he mostly came with a big group of friends. You didn’t really care that much tho, continuing your job and told the weird 12 year olds to leave for the 100th time this week after trying to buy alcohol and cigarettes. You sighed, just wishing for your shift to be over when you hear snickering. You see two of Barrons friends in the snack isle, but Barron was no where to be seen. You suddenly get grabbed by the waist, making you jump and squeak, since your sides were quite ticklish. You heard laughter in your ear, getting pulled into someone’s chest, that someone being Barron. “Your reactions get better and better every time doll~.” He says and walks in front of the cash register, putting the usual energy drink on the counter. You huff, rolling your eyes and scan it. “1.32$” You say, trying to keep the conversation as short as possible. He pretend to get the money from his pocket and then smirks. “Aww, must have forgotten my money. Mind if I may in another way?” He asks and yous shrug. “Whatever, just leave.. You’re so fucking annoying.” He slips a note down on the counter and grabs the drink, sending you an air kiss. “See you soon, angel.” He walks out with his friends, disappearing into the distance. You put the note in your pocket and continue working.
Finally after a few more hours you finish your shift, switching places with another girl a few years older then you. You finally open the note after changing from your work clothes. You walk home, opening the note along the way. It wasn’t anything really romantic, but it was sweet.
“ Date, tommorow 5pm at the lake ? Bring your cute smile with you <3 “
Yes. No.
“What a cheesy asshole.” You think to yourself, smiling at the note. You circle the yes after finally getting home, doing homework and get ready for bed.
After waking up and getting ready for school, you take the bus and slip the note into Barrons locker. You walk to your first class which was math, how boring. After school you went home, noticing Barron smiling at you when you walked down the hall, which you did back. Maybe he wouldn’t be so bad after all. You got ready for the date, changing into [clothes of your choice] and walk down the hall and put on your shoes. You grab your keys and phone, some money and walk to the lake. You had to take the bus which would take 10 minutes and walk another 15 minutes to the lake from there. When you finally get there you notice your a few minutes late and see a very dissapointed looking Barron. You walk behind him, sneaking up on him and cover his eyes, making him jump. “Guess who~” You tease and he chuckles, grabbing your arms and spins you around. “I thought you ditched me for a sec.” He says and grabs your hand, interwining your fingers. You slowly walk towards the lake, walking along it to a picnic table. It had flowers on it, along with a gift. You smile st the gesture, watching how he carefully takes the two things in hand and slowly aproaches you.
“Y/N L/N. I’ve admired you for some time now, I know I haven’t been the best at showing it and i’m not great with words either so i’ll try to keep this ‘speech’ as short as possible. I love you, like a lot. I can’t describe how hard i’ve fallen for you and I finally wanted to have you be mine. Not as an object, something I can throw away, but as a person that I can love with my whole heart. Yeah okay that was cheesy sorry I tried.” He rambles, handing you the things which you gladly accept, embracing him in a embrace. “I love you too.. maybe you aren’t so annoying after all.”
。 ⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚⋆⋆ 。
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╰┈➤ ⋆。‧˚ʚ 🚬 ɞ˚‧。⋆
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lllivia · 6 months
"I kinda knew you had a thing for me"
Shauna Shipman x f!reader
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summary: Shauna comforts you after you and your boyfriend break up
Warnings: not proofread, slowburn, prb cringy and cliche
"Shauna!" you call as you knock on her front door for what feels like the 100th time.
"Shauna are you home?"
Sighing you stand up on the tip of your toes to look through the window of her door and into the hallway for any sign of her, nothing.
With your red, puffy eyes you scan around for just one more second before giving up and sitting down on the stairs in front of your best friend's house, feeling too sad and exhausted to go home.
"Y/n?? What are you doing here? You said you were going to Tom's house today"
Shauna asks as she jogs up towards her yard, still clad in her well known yellowjackets uniform with a worried frown on her face as she sees you sitting with your knees drawn up towards your chest and the hood of your jacket pulled up over your hair.
"He broke up with me" was the quiet response she got in a low and broken voice as you look up from your lap. "I went over to his house earlier this morning and the only thing he said was that he didn't see our relationship going on any further and that he has found a girl that makes him happier than I ever have" you continue and sniffle as you try to hold in the inevitable crocodile tears.
"Oh sweetie" Shauna said and pulls you up, embracing you tightly into her arms and gently leading your head into the crook of her neck as you cry.
Despite just coming back from soccer practice she still managed to smell like her signature vanilla perfume comforted you.
"I don't know what I'm going to do, we've been together since 8th grade and I've practically surrounded all my life around him ever since then!" You squeeze her tightly and sob, finally letting all your emotions out after holding them in check since you left his house.
Shauna rubs your back and lets you cry into her shoulder for a couple of minutes before softly speaking up and turning your head to meet her eyes by taking a hold of your tearsoaked chin. "Y/n, baby?... How about we go to the diner down by the old bowling alley and get something to eat, maybe it'll make you feel better with some food in your system"
"Mm yeah.. yeah that sounds good" you sigh and step back, wiping your eyes on the sleeve of your jacket and directing a wavering smile up at Shauna.
"Let me just quickly take a shower and get changed first"
You sit in silence the first half hour, slowly eating your food as you listen to the 80s music silently jamming in the background.
You're not even completely sure why you're feeling this way, you and Chris had been fading away from each other for months now, and you knew that it was only a matter of time until you finally broke up your stereotypical high school relationship.
Other than that you were also starting to feel like the romantic emotions you had for him hadn't even been sincere for a while, the only thing keeping you from leaving was the emptyness you would be left with after so many years with a boyfriend.
"...are you feeling any better yet y/n?" Shauna speaks up after a while, breaking the tense silence as she notices how your gaze had drifted off into space.
"Hm? Oh yeah, thanks Shauny, I really needed this" you say, smiling up at your friend and blushing slightly in embarrassment as you get back from your thoughts.
She nods pitifully. "Of course sweetie, I know how hard this must have been for you" She says and reaches over the table for your hand, running her thumb over the softness of your flesh. Her own thoughts running wild as she thinks of all the times she secretly wrote in her journal about how she wished for this to happen.
Your smile widens. "I'm really happy to have you in my life Shauna, you're the best friend anyone could ever wish for"
"Of course y/n, yk I would do anything for you, anything" She says still smiling sweetly as she tightens her grip on your hand almost possessively, not noticing herself do so.
All you can do at the gesture is look away, slightly flustered as you try to think nothing of it.. You didn't want to admit it, even to yourself, but the last couple of months while your feelings were fading for Tom, they were embarrassingly growing for Shauna, everything she does - every lingering touch she leaves on your arm or when you catch her staring in your direction before she turns away, saying you had something on your face, they all make you feel all tingly and warm inside, you knew that you'd somehow managed to obtain a crush on her, but that didn't mean she had to know, you weren't even sure she liked girls, and if she did then the first person she would go for was probably her teammate Jackie.
"Fuuck, you know exactly how to get me in a better mood Shauny, I love this place above anything else!" you say, mouth still full of the sweet buttery dough and eyes filled with laughter at something Shauna just said.
You'd already been at the diner for a little over an hour now and your plates were starting to empty.
"Of course" She giggles, she'd quickly turned your mood from a 0 to a 100 real quick.
"Wanna get out of here? I'll pay the bill for us m'lady" she says and jokingly winks before almost knocking over her water glass. "Oh shit!"
You only start to laugh again, the thoughts of your now ex dissipating into thin air.
"Ok, follow me home?" You ask after your breath slowly returns to your lungs. "Yeah, sure" Shauna smiles back before paying the bill and grabbing her jacket as you head outside.
"So, you think you'll be okay? He meant a lot to you, didn't he" She says from her spot on the sidewalk beside you, her fingers anxiously playing in the pockets of her flannel as she tries to sound like she wasn't slightly bitter about your relationship.
You guys had always been super close, having been friends since the first day of elementary school, but one thing you never really spoke about was relationships, it had become a sort of unspoken rule that you guys had after Shauna once got unreasonably angry when you tried to tell her about the first time you made out with Tom.
"I'll be fine.. I think I'm mostly just kind of surprised, I always thought I would be the one to break up with him" you joke awkwardly and glance down at your shoes.
"And I think this was actually a good thing in the long run, we both had very different views on everything and I think I deserve to be with someone who loves me for who I actually am and not who I'm pretending to be."
Shauna quickly glances over at you, her mouth opening slightly to say something before she closes it again, deciding against whatever it was.
As the minutes go by in what feels like mere seconds, you eventually reach your house.
"Thanks again Shauny, you really helped me take my mind off of things" you say.
"I wouldn't have done anything less" she responds, her eyes flickering down onto the lower part of your face and she seems to hesitate for what she wants to say next. "I.. I want to tell you something" she finally continues after a painful couple of moments.
"Are you feeling alright Shauna-" You start to say, a crease forming between your eyebrows as you notice her shuffling around.
"I like you"
She tucks a strand of dark hair behind her ear nervously. "I'm sorry that I'm suddenly saying this now but I really like you, like as more than a friend" she rambles "I've liked you for so long now, and I just can't go around pretending like I don't anymore. I know this is selfish of me to admit on the same day you got broken up with and I'm sure this is really confusing but I just had to tell you how I feel before some other stupid guy decides to see what I see in you and swoop you of your feet before I even get a chance to say something" She finishes slightly out of breath and considers running for it when you don't immediately respond.
"I like you too"
She looks up to meet your eyes once more, not believing what she just heard had come out of your mouth.
"What? But-"
This time it was your turn to interrupt her as you grin up at her. "Just kiss me"
Giggling you start leaning towards her, poking her arm when she just continues to stand still, seemingly shell shocked.
Her attention immediately gets drawn back to you before she pulls you towards her, arms quickly wrapping themselves around your waist as she not so carefully slams her lips onto yours, making you both stumble slightly. Her lips slightly chapped against yours as her teeth catch onto your lower lip.
You continue kissing outside your front door until you have to pull away for air feeling starstruck and dizzy.
"Well.. I kinda knew you had a thing for me" Shauna says, her arms still wrapped tightly around you as she smirks in a cocky manner, seemingly forgetting that she was about to start sobbing on your doorstep just a couple of minutes ago.
"Shut up dumbass"
a/n: please tell me if there's anything I can improve with my writing as I haven't written anything in a year.
This was all written at 1 in the morning so if anything is kinda confusing it's probably bcs I'm about to fall asleep 😭
Also if you liked this feel free to send requests, I really don't know what to write about 😍🙏
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lewisvinga · 2 years
my big baby | lucas paquetá x fem! reader
requested; yes!
request; Like anything at all for paqueta
summary; it seems like your boyfriend flips a switch whenever he gets sick
masterlist !
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Lucas often took pride in being the protective one in your relationship. He took pride in being the ‘man’ of it. Always opening doors for you, always protecting you and caring for you. He always claimed that he was a ‘big strong man’.
Until he comes down with a cold.
You came home from having breakfast with your mother. Lucas was still sleeping when you left so you had no idea he was sick. You came back and spot him sitting on the couch in the living room while staring at the TV. A box of tissues was in his hands and a pile of tissues was right next to him.
“Babe? Are you alright?” You call out to him, walking over to take a closer look. His hair was messy and he looked tired.
He sniffs but keeps his eyes on the TV. “You left me.”
You let out a chuckle at his tone, he sounded to dramatic and like a child. You gently press your palm against his forehead, frowning at feeling how warm he felt. “Have you been this sick all morning?”
“You left me here to die alone from this horrible sickness!” Lucas sniffs again whole pouting. You couldn’t help but give his cheek a light squeeze. He was being dramatic and you knew that, but he just becomes and acts so helpless while sick.
“I’ll make you some soup, how does that sound?”
“That-that sounds nice.” He mumbles, still being dramatically upset.
You quickly made a chicken noodle soup, making sure to add extra veggies and chicken to make sure your boyfriend gets all of his needed nutrients. You set a bowl of the soup on a tray alongside a cup of tea, a bottle of water, and some medicine. “My love, here.” You quietly say to him, holding up the tray of food.
“Meu amor, I am so weak right now that I don’t think I can hold the spoon up.” Lucas lets out a whine followed by a pout in response. You try to contain a smile by his reaction. You knew he was fully capable of being able to hold the spoon but you also knew how your boyfriend secretly loves being babied.
“Of course, meu bebê.” You tease him as you sit down next to him. His favorite movie played on the TV as you fed him spoonfuls of the soup. “It’s hot, be careful.” You gently blow on the warm soup before leading it to his mouth.
“Give me the tea too?” Lucas asks you once he finishes the soup, giving you a soft yet tired smile.
“Anything for you, my big baby.”
“I’m not a baby!”
You quickly shush him as you spoon fed him the tea. Lucas furrowed up his eyebrows and squints his eyes at you, but still drinks the tea. “I’m not a baby, meu amor.” He tries to protest again.
You set down the cup of tea on the coffee table in front of you. You look at him, “Yes you are. And it’s okay, you’re my baby.”
His facial expression softened for a split second. But then he lets out a huff, “Am not! You know what. Whatever! You left me here to die!”
“See! You’re such a baby!”
“Whatever, give me a kiss.” He reaches over to grab you but you quickly scoot away from him. He looks at you confused and tries to get near you but you kept moving away, “Meu amor!”
You quickly shake your head in reply, “No, You’re gonna get me sick!”
Lucas gives you what seemed to be his 100th pout of the day and you knew it wouldn’t be his last. He knew you were weak for his pouts so he often used it to his advantage. “Please! It will cure me. Especially after you left me here alone all morning and fending for myself while being on my death bed!”
“Then you’ll have to take care of me when I’m sick.”
“And I’ll just kiss you more and I won’t leave you here alone!”
You playfully roll your eyes and scoot closer to Lucas. He pulls you onto his lap and gives you a soft kiss. He then kisses your cheek, then your forehead, then your lips once again.
“Wow, I’m magically better now.” Lucas whispers, a smile creeping up on his lips.
“You baby. I hope you know I won’t be easy when I get sick.”
Next week, you found yourself with the same cold Lucas had a few days before. Let’s just say you acted even more like a baby than he did, just to get back at him a bit.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 11 months
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Fandom: 911 Lone Star Summary: When Carlos receives a late night call from one of his sisters who is worried about the health of his nephew, T.K. doesn't hesitate to jump in and show the entire family why he's worthy of Carlos' love. Thanks to @carlos-tk, @thisbuildinghasfeelings, @whatsintheboxmh, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @strandnreyes, @carlos-in-glasses, and @bonheur-cafe for the WIP Wednesday tags. I hope you will accept this instead, belated as it is! A/N: This is my 100th fic on AO3!! 🍾🍾🍾 (Not my 100th fic ever, many of them never made the transfer from ff.net, but still!) I've been sitting on this one for a while and seeing T.K. shine feels like it's worthy of being #100. Also Adriana and Francesca weren't supposed to be in this one, but they literally barged through those hospital doors and there was nothing I could do to stop them. I couldn't love them more!
Read on AO3
“Sooo…never again, right?” Carlos asks.
“Oh my god never again,” T.K. agrees fervently. “Why were the plates so weird? Some of them weren’t even plates at all. And the food was…bad.”
“So bad,” Carlos says. “Tiny and bad.”
“Three hours. We were there three hours,” T.K. says in disbelief as he slows down at a stoplight. “Why did we have to wait like thirty minutes between courses?”
“The menu said it was to give us time to renew our digestive energies and be more present in the dining experience,” Carlos says.
“I didn’t know my digestive energies needed to be renewed.”
“Me neither.”
It had taken them months to get a reservation at the trendiest new restaurant in town and they’d both been excited for the occasion. The menu promised a foodie paradise with unique dishes, creative presentation, and an emphasis on sustainability. They’d gotten dressed up and ready for a fun date night out only to be disappointed the moment they’d walked in the door. 
The place had been crowded, they were practically elbow to elbow with the tables next to them. Carlos had learned the intimate details of one couple’s fertility issues and another couple’s trouble with their neighbors.
Then the food had started coming and been a complete disaster. Carlos considered himself something of a foodie, and T.K.’s New Yorker palate had sampled a number of cuisines over the years, but this had been the worst food Carlos had ever eaten. He hadn’t been able to identify a single item on any of his plates and his tongue longed for something with even a hint of flavor. The plate that held a single, lukewarm radish had nearly been his undoing.
Overall it had been three hours of bland food, awkward company, and not at all what either of them had imagined.
“I’m starving. Can we please pick up something on the way home?” T.K. asks, his stomach letting out a gurgle as if to affirm his statement.
“God yes. I think Chu’s is still open, right?” 
Carlos pulls out his phone, but it lights up with a call before he can check to see Chu’s hours. “Why’s my sister calling?”
T.K. glances over at him. “Which one?”
“Lucía,” Carlos says. It’s not typical of his sister to call at this hour out of the blue and he feels his internal warning bells activate as he picks up the call. “Luci? Que pasó?”
“Hey Carlos,” she says, sounding tired and stressed. “Sorry for calling, I know it’s late.”
“It’s okay,” he says. “We’re just on our way home from dinner. What’s going on?”
“I don’t—I’m probably overreacting,” she says. “It’s just that Justin is out of town for work and I’m—“
Now he’s really worried. “Lucí, it’s okay. Tell me what’s going on.”
“Sebastian woke up sick a couple days. I didn’t think it was a big deal, both boys are sick all the time from daycare and school, but he wasn’t any better today, so I took him to the doctor. They said he’s fine, likely just a virus or something, but…his fever won’t break and he keeps saying his belly hurts.” 
Carlos can hear the deep seated worry in his sister’s voice and it rocks him to his core. His sister is an amazing mom, fearless and sure. To hear her so uncertain is throwing him off.
“I didn’t know if maybe T.K. could just give me some advice or something?” she says, ending it like a question.
He looks over at his fiancé. “What’s going on?” T.K. asks,.
“Sebastian’s sick,” Carlos says. “Do you mind?”
“No, no, put her on speaker,” T.K. says immediately, turning his eyes back to the road as the light changes.“Hey Lucía,” he says loudly so she can hear him.
“Hey T.K.,” she says. “I’m so sorry, I know people probably ask you for medical help all the time.”
“It’s not a problem. Tell me what’s going on,” T.K. says.
“He won’t eat, he’s barely drinking. His fever had been holding steady at around a hundred, but it just spiked up to one oh two. I’ve given him medicine, done cold washcloths, I don’t know what else to try.”
“And the doctor said what exactly?”
“That it’s probably a stomach virus,” Lucía says.
T.K. mulls that over for a minute. “Aren’t we like fifteen minutes from their place?” he asks Carlos.
Carlos nods. 
“Okay, Lucía we’re going to swing by, all right?” T.K. says, flipping his blinker on to get them turned around back the way they’d just come.
“Oh, no, you don’t have to do that—“
“We’re coming Luci,” Carlos says. “We’ll be there soon.”
“Okay, thank you,” she says, relief flooding her voice and loosening the knot of fear in Carlos’ chest.
He hangs up and looks at T.K. “It’s probably just a stomach bug.”
“Probably,” T.K. agrees. “But if it makes her feel better to have someone give her advice it’s worth going over.”
Carlos’ heart goes soft at those words. He’d never imagined he’d be with someone like T.K. Someone so kind and good, someone who would drive to his sister’s house at nine o’clock at night just to assuage her fears. It’s beyond his wildest dreams.
They pull into the driveway of the ranch style home about ten minutes later, T.K.’s ambulance driving having shaved a few minutes off their time and a few years off of Carlos’ life. At least they’re not driving the Camaro tonight so Carlos didn’t have to fear for the safety of his baby as they sped through yellow lights and weaved in and out of traffic.
Lucía opens the door before they even knock and the relief Carlos felt a few minutes ago evaporates at the sight of her worried face. She was holding back on the phone; in person she looks even more terrified and exhausted than she sounded. “Hey guys,” she says. “I’m so sorry to drag you all the way over here.”
“Stop apologizing,” Carlos admonishes her immediately as they step inside. “That’s what family is for.”
Sebastian lays on the couch in the living, looking younger and tinier than his six years, his face pale and drawn. There’s an episode of Paw Patrol playing on the television mounted above the fireplace and he has a blanket pulled all the way up to his chin. Carlos can see Fuzzy, his comfort bear, peeking out over the top. 
“Hey buddy,” he says, crouching down and giving his nephew a smile. “Tummy bothering you?”
Sebastian nods but doesn’t say anything, another sign that something is wrong. Usually he’s a chatterbox, happy to talk about school or his friends or soccer. Carlos smiles wider, despite the worry swirling in his gut, trying for calm and reassuring uncle. “Do you remember my boyfriend T.K.? From the party at Abuela and Abuelo’s house?” Carlos asks and Sebastian’s eyes move over his shoulder to where T.K. is standing behind him. He gets another nod.
“He’s going to take a look at you, okay?” Carlos says, standing up and moving back to where Lucía is anxiously hovering behind the couch so that T.K. has space to work.
“Hey Sebastian,” T.K. says as he takes Carlos’ spot. “You know I’m a paramedic, right?”
“Yeah,” Sebastian says, his voice small.
“Do you know what a paramedic does?”
“Help people feel better?”
T.K. smiles and nods. “That’s right. So let’s see if I can help you feel better, sound good?”
“Awesome. Okay, I’m going to pull down the blanket and take a look. You tell me if anything hurts, all right?”
He gently pulls down the blanket and places his fingers on Sebastian’s wrist, looking at his watch while he does it. He pulls out a stethoscope he had in the car and listens to the little boy’s lungs, then takes his temperature with the thermometer Lucía has on the coffee table. He narrates quietly the entire time, letting Sebastian know what he’s doing as he does it.
“Okay, let’s see that belly,” he finally says with a smile.
He pulls up the top of Sebastian’s Power Rangers pajamas, talking to him softly while his hands palpate his abdomen. “You like Power Rangers huh? Which one is your favorite?”
“Red,” Sebastian says immediately. “He’s the head guy.”
“He is,” T.K. says. “I always liked the Green one though.”
Sebastian winces and makes a noise that breaks Carlos’ heart in half. T.K.’s hands immediately immediately stop. “Sorry buddy,” he says. “That hurt?”
Sebastian nods and T.K. gently puts his pajama shirt back into place. “I’m going to go talk to your mom and tío. You stay right here and make sure this couch doesn’t go anywhere, okay?”
He gets to his feet and nods toward the hallway where Carlos and Lucía follow him out of Sebastian’s earshot. “His pulse is a little fast and there is some tenderness in his abdomen,” T.K. says quietly. “That coupled with the fever and the lethargy is definitely concerning.”
Lucía puts her hand on Carlos’ arm and he covers it with his own in an attempt at reassurance. “So what should I do? Wait until the morning and see how he is? Give him more meds?” she asks.
“Considering his symptoms, I would recommend you take him to the ER,” T.K. says gently.
She blows out a breath as Carlos’ stomach drops. “Okay,” she says. “Okay um, okay. I’ll just wake up Nicholas and…”
“No, no, no,” Carlos says quickly. “No I’ll call Mom and ask her to come be with Nicky. I’ll stay until she gets here.”
“And I’ll go with you to the ER,” T.K. offers. “I can walk you through all the paperwork, field questions from the doctors, whatever you need.”
“Seriously?” Lucía looks teary eyed. “You’ll come?”
“Of course,” T.K. says. “Why don’t you go grab whatever might help keep him calm while we’re there? iPad or a book maybe. It could be a long wait.”
“Okay, right. Yes. Give me like five minutes and I’ll be ready,” she says, rushing off to go gather supplies.
“What are you thinking?” Carlos asks immediately.
T.K. has his neutral paramedic face on, but Carlos has learned to read between the lines. “I’m thinking it could be a number of things,” T.K. says. “Just a stomach bug maybe, but even if it is I think he’s dehydrated. And given his symptoms and the decline, I’m also worried about an impacted or perfed bowel or maybe even appendicitis.”
“How worried?” 
T.K. blows out a breath. “Worried enough that I wouldn’t wait until the morning to try and get him some treatment.”
His words unlock a whole new level of fear that Carlos has never experienced before, and it takes a lot for him to stay calm as he calls his mom and explains the situation. Lucía returns with a tote bag full of supplies and T.K. scoops up Sebastian, carrying him out to the car with Lucía on his heels. 
“Mom says she’ll be here in fifteen minutes. I’ll be right behind you,” Carlos promises as T.K. sets Sebastian gently in the backseat, pillowing his head on Lucía’s lap.
“Can you call Justin?” Lucía asks, looking like she’s barely holding it together. “He knows Sebby’s sick but I want him to know we’re heading to the ER.”
“Yes,” Carlos says. “I’ll call him as soon as I’m back inside.”
“Hey,” T.K. catches his eye as he climbs into the driver’s seat. “I’ve got them, okay?”
“I know you do,” Carlos says and then the door is shut and they’re gone, leaving him standing in the driveway, his heart in his stomach.
He trudges back into the house and sinks onto the couch, eyes glued to Nicholas’ sleeping form on the baby monitor. He’s not a parent, so why does this feel so awful?
It takes him a minute to emotionally prepare for this phone call and he has to take a deep breath before tapping Justin’s name on his screen. 
It rings and rings and then sends him to voicemail, so he tries again. And again. The third time, Justin finally picks up.
“Dude, if this is a butt dial I’m going to kill you,” his brother-in-law says groggily.
Carlos forgot that it’s nearly midnight on the east coast right now. “Justin,” he says, trying to keep his voice steady.
“What’s wrong? Are Lucía and the boys okay?” Justin immediately sounds more awake now that he’s heard Carlos’ voice.
“Everyone’s safe,” Carlos tells him quickly. “I’m at your place with Nicholas because Sebastian’s feeling worse. She and T.K. are on the way to the ER with him.”
There’s a pause, Carlos can practically feel Justin’s panic through the phone. “Okay, um, okay,” he finally says. “Shit, I’m in Atlanta. There won’t be any flights for hours…”
“My mom’s on her way here to stay with Nicholas,” Carlos says. “I’ll head to the hospital and keep you updated, okay?”
“Yeah, okay, um, thanks Carlos,” Justin says, sounding a little hoarse. “Please um, please tell them I love them, okay? And that I’ll be on the first flight out I can get.”
“I will.”
He hangs up just as the front door opens and his mom comes in. “Carlitos,” she says softly and he immediately gets up to hug her. “How is Sebby?”
He shakes his head. “I’m not sure. They probably just got to the ER, it could be hours before we know anything.”
“And Lucía?”
“She’s worried,” he says. 
“As are we all,” she says, empathy all over her face. “T.K. went with her?”
“Yeah, he said he’d help with things there.”
She smiles softly and touches his face. “You picked a good one mijo. Not every man would drop everything to help his boyfriend’s family.”
There’s a lump in Carlos throat and he struggles to speak past it. “I know.”
“You should get going.”
“Okay. Nicholas is asleep in his crib. I called Justin, he’s working on getting a flight back.”
She nods. “Keep me posted.”
“I will.”
The drive to the hospital is so lonely and silent that it makes each minute feel even longer beneath the glow of the streetlights. How on earth did he go from having dinner with his boyfriend to taking his nephew to the ER? It’s ridiculous. They should be home right now, cuddling on the couch or the bed, watching some stupid show that neither of them really cares about because what they’re actually interested in is making out with each other.
Instead he’s about to spend hours in a hard plastic chair praying that a six year old he loves dearly is going to be all right.
He’s so anxious to get there that he doesn’t realize until he’s through the doors that he has no idea where he’s going. Or even if they’re gong to let him stay. Surely they’re not going to let three adults hang out in the ER in the middle of the night when one would suffice. 
He forgot he has T.K. Strand in his corner.
“How can I help you?” the nurse asks when he steps up to the counter.
“I’m here for my nephew? Sebastian Bryant? He came in with my sister,” Carlos says, feeling awkward.
“Oh you’re Carlos,” she says immediately. “T.K.’s boyfriend.”
“I—yeah,” Carlos says, surprised by her familiarity.
“I’m Stella. It’s so nice to finally meet you, although I wish it wasn’t because your nephew’s in here. T.K. talks about you all the time.”
“He does?”
“Oh my god, try getting him to stop. Carlos this, my boyfriend that, and now I see why. You two are gorgeous together,” she says, flashing him a smile. “Here come with me. I’ll take you to them. Darlene? Can you cover the desk?”
Stella takes him down a hall, past the general area of the ER to a more closed off section. It’s not a room, but it’s quieter here, and Carlos can hear T.K.’s voice even before Stella pulls back the curtain to reveal him.
“Found someone who belongs to you,” Stella says.
T.K.’s eyes find him, soft and relieved. “Hey, I was just about to text you an update. Thanks so much Stella.”
“No problem. I’m going to check and see where we’re at with the tests and then I’ll be back.”
“How’s it going?” Carlos asks quietly.
Sebastian is asleep in the bed, an IV in his arm and Fuzzy tucked in beside him. Lucía is sitting in a chair next to him, his little fingers curled around hers.
“They’re going to take him for a CT as soon as one opens up,” she says quietly. “He was crying when we got here, but they gave him some pain medication and he fell asleep like ten minutes ago.”
“Good,” Carlos says in relief. It feels so much better to know that there are people actively working to help Sebastian. “Nicholas is with Mom, he was still asleep when I left. And Justin’s getting on the first flight he can in the morning.”
Lucía’s face crumples and she immediately puts her hands over her mouth to stifle a sob. T.K. looks at Carlos. “I’m going to go grab us some coffee,” he says, slipping discreetly out of the room.
Carlos squats down by his sister’s chair and puts a hand on her knee. She immediately covers it with her own and squeezes. “I’m sorry,” she says. “He just—he’s so little. He was so scared when we got here, it’s so bright and they put in the IV and he cried and I just, I need Justin to be here, because I am not strong enough for this.”
“He’s coming,” Carlos says. “He’s coming as fast as he can. And until he does I’m here, all right? I’m here with you and Mom is with Nicholas. Sebastian is going to be fine. He’s scared, but you’re taking such great care of him. You are an amazing mom. You’re doing everything right.”
She nods a couple times, clearly trying to internalize his words before taking a deep breath and wiping her eyes. “You know um, T.K. is pretty amazing too,” she tells him, wiping at her eyes. “I thought we’d be here for hours before we got answers, but he called ahead in the car and that nurse, Stella, was waiting for us. As soon as we were in the door they were drawing blood and starting tests. It’s like they rolled out the red carpet.” She nods toward the doorway. “Not everyone would do that kind of thing for someone they barely know.”
“That’s T.K.,” Carlos says, warmth blooming through his chest at her words. “He’s…incredible.”
“You know, I already liked him a lot, but now…” She quirks a smile. “You’d better hold onto him.”
Carlos nods, heart fluttering away in his chest. “That’s the plan.”
T.K. comes back with coffee right about the same time someone shows up to take Sebastian for his CT scan. He’s unhappy to be woken up, but mollified when Carlos promises to take him for ice cream once a week for the next month. 
The nurse is incredible, telling Sebastian he’s going to go on a ride in a spaceship, although that does nothing to help Carlos’ heart when they start the sedation and he watches Sebastian’s eyelids flutter shut, his body going limp in a weirdly unnatural way. He’s gone for over an hour, all of them sipping tepid hospital coffee in a desperate attempt not to fall asleep as the clock ticks later and later. 
When the orderly returns with him he’s completely zonked out and Carlos hopes he’ll stay that way. It’s not long after that an ER doctor shows up and informs them that the CT scan is indicating appendicitis, despite Sebastian’s slightly atypical presentation of symptoms. Lucía takes the news better than Carlos thought she might, she’s clearly relieved to have an answer and a defined course of action, even if it does mean a surgery they’re told is being scheduled for the early hours of the morning. Someone will be by soon to get them admitted and transferred to a room for the night.
“You guys should go home” she says. “You’ve done more than enough, really. He’s just going to sleep until it’s time for surgery and they’re not going to let you come into the room with us anyway.”
“Don’t worry about them kicking us out,” T.K. says immediately. “If you want us to stay that won’t be a problem.”
She smiles at him. “You’ve done more than enough tonight. I’ll be fine. I promise. Go home and get some sleep.”
Carlos is reluctant to leave her, but she’s right. There’s no point in staying when it’s so late and nothing is going to happen until morning anyway. The moment of crisis is past and now there’s nothing to do but wait.
“I’ll come back in the morning for his surgery,” Carlos says.
“You don’t have to—“ She must catch the look of determination in his eyes because she cuts herself off and nods. “Okay. Thank you.”
He stands and she meets him with a brief hug before she turns to T.K. “I really can’t thank you enough. I don’t think I would have made it tonight without you T.K.,” she says.
“Yes you would have,” he says graciously. “But I’m glad I could help. If anything changes in the night you have my number, don’t be afraid to call.”
“I will.” 
Carlos can’t help but notice that T.K. gets a slightly longer hug than he did and the warm feeling in his chest only intensifies. He reaches for T.K.’s hand as they head out into the hall and T.K. gives him a tired smile in return. “Oh, hang on one second,” he says as they pass the nurses station, letting go of Carlos’ hand. “I’ll be right back.”
He jogs over and flashes that winning smile again at the nurse who’s there, not Stella this time, and chats with her for a minute before returning to Carlos’ side. “What was that about?” Carlos asks, interlacing their fingers together again.
“I just wanted to make sure they put Sebastian in a private room,” T.K. says. “They have the space, Natalie says it won’t be a problem.”
“Natalie huh?” Carlos says as they exit the automatic doors and head for the darkened parking structure. “She also falls victim to your beautiful eyes and charming smile?”
“Victim?” T.K. scoffs. “No one is a victim. I have paid for these hospital perks with dozens of coffees and donuts and muffins and even the occasional Target run. This is just good natured southern kindness being returned.”
Carlos laughs out loud. “Right. Not a single bit of it has to do with your innate charm and that smile that brings people to their knees and makes them feel like they’re only person you’ve ever cared about.”
“I mean, it had to start somewhere,” T.K. says, flashing him that exact smile. “But we’ve come a long way since then.”
“Well thank you,” Carlos says, meaning it from the bottom of his heart. “I honestly I don’t how to say thank you enough. My family is…they’re so important to me and I…”
“Hey.” T.K. tugs him to a stop and meets his gaze under the half light of the parking garage. “They’re important to me too.”
The drive home is blessedly short and they fall into bed exhausted at around midnight only to wake up again at five to head back over to the hospital. Carlos tells T.K. he doesn’t have to come, but the look he gets shuts him up immediately. T.K. is clearly invested. 
They stop for coffee on the way, real, decent coffee, and some bagels, plus a cake pop for Sebastian after surgery. 
He gets a text update as they’re pulling up to the hospital again; Justin is on a flight and should get there by the time the surgery is over. It’s a relief to know his sister will have her support to lean on again in the near future. 
Once they arrive Carlos sits back and watches in wonder as T.K. works his magic. Someone shows up to give Sebastian not one, not two, but three different stuffed toys along with a coloring pack and some Hot Wheels cars. T.K. sits down on his bed and explains the whole surgery in terms a six year old an understand, and when the time comes, Sebastian is whisked off without a single tear.
He’s seen T.K. at work before, but this is an entirely different level of incredible. He knows almost every nurse, every doctor, every orderly that they see, and if he doesn’t, by the time they leave he’s made them feel like an old friend. People can’t seem to do enough for him. 
Justin gets there about twenty minutes after the surgery starts, exhausted and haggard looking, his collared shirt buttoned the wrong way and his hair looking like he didn’t even comb it. T.K. somehow procures fresh, non-cafeteria coffee for him, whispering something about the doctor’s lounge, as well as a banana and a granola bar. 
Everything goes exactly as expected and soon enough the doctor is back to let them know that Sebastian was a champ during surgery and they expect a quick recovery. Lucía and Justin head back to wait with him until the sedation wears off, while Carlos and T.K. continue hanging out in the waiting room until Sebastian can have more visitors.
When Carlos hears a loud commotion behind him, he knows without even looking that reinforcements have arrived. Adriana and Francesca have shown up with more balloons than a circus, a gigantic stuffed bear, and several bags of god only knows what else. “Oh my god, Cesca don’t let them float away,” Adriana is saying as they try and get through the automatic doors that keep closing before all the balloons can make it through.
“I’m not!” Francesca snaps back. “It’s the stupid doors! You could like try to help!”
“With what hands?” Adriana cries, her arms full of stuffed bear.
“Ah, perfect,” Carlos says weakly, looking at T.K. who is already smiling at his sister and cousin’s antics.
“Carlos! Get over here!” Francesca barks and he stands with a sigh, going to help her get in the doorway. 
“Hello, good morning, how are you guys doing?” Carlos prompts as he grabs the brightly colored strings and yanks them inside, the balloons bopping along behind and nearly smacking an elderly woman in the face.
“I mean you’re both awake and have coffee, so I assume you’re fine,” she tells him as she plonks into a seat across from T.K.
“Yeah, geez, way to make our nephew’s surgery about you,” Adriana says with a roll of her eyes. 
Carlos doesn’t bother to remind her that technically Sebastian is a cousin to her, not a nephew; labels other than “familia” ceased to have any meaning to them long ago. “So what’s the deal? Is he okay?” Francesca asks.
“The surgery went well,” T.K. says. “Sebastian’s appendix didn’t rupture, so the chances of infection are low. He should be able to head home in a day or so.”
“Phew. Poor little dude. This sucks,” Francesca says.
“But he’s okay,” Adriana says. “That’s what’s important. Everyone is okay. And all his friends are going to be very jealous when he gets back to school.”
She opens one of the bags and pulls out a tray of something that immediately fills the air with the scent of tomatoes and cheese. “Why do you have tamales?” Carlos asks. “It’s ten am.”
“Because Mom told us to go by the house and bring them over,” Francesca says. “She doesn’t, and I quote, ‘want anyone eating that hospital garbage, it will rot their stomachs.’”
“Sounds like your mom,” T.K. says with a cheeky smile as he reaches for one of the tamales. 
“We also have…taquitos, mac and cheese for Sebastian, and…arroz con pollo,” Francesca says, checking the other bags. 
“Your mom just had this all on hand?” T.K. asks, his mouth full.
“Tía Andrea always has everything on hand,” Adriana says.
Despite his initial scoffing, by the time Justin comes back an hour later to tell them Sebastian is up for visitors, Carlos has eaten three tamales, half a dozen taquitos, and a plateful of arroz con pollo. Apparently hospitals make him hungry. They’ve also fed four nurses and an orderly that T.K. knows, and they haven’t even put a dent in what’s there. 
Justin looks a little less of a mess now, he’s clearly spent some time in front of a mirror and his shirt is buttoned the right way now. He’s smiling in spite of the tiredness in his eyes, which widen in delight at the sight of the food. “Oh thank god for Andrea,” he says, immediately reaching for a taquito. 
“Hey, how do you know it wasn’t us?” Adriana asks, clearly offended.
Justin fixes her with a look and she shrugs. “I mean, yeah it was Tía Andrea, but we’re the ones that brought it over here,” she says.
“Thank you for your service,” Justin says around a mouthful.
“How’s Sebastian?” Francesca asks.
“Better than Lucía or me,” he says. “He says it barely hurts and he’s very excited to have a cool scar.” He looks at T.K. “Apparently you’ve really made this hospital experience feel like a vacation T.K.”
“I’m just glad he’s doing all right,” T.K. says. 
“Can we see him?” Carlos asks. 
“Yeah,” Justin says. “Lucí sent me to get you all.”
“Well then let’s get this party moved!” Francesca says, closing up the tupperware with incredible speed built from years of cleaning up house parties and hiding the evidence before their parents got home.
They make quite a parade marching through the pediatric wing of the hospital with balloons and bears and food galore. But then, the Reyes clan usually does. They’re not exactly known for being a calm and quiet bunch.
Sebastian is sitting up in bed eating a popsicle, looking like the happiest human alive even with an IV in his arm and stitches in his side. “Sebby!” Francesca says happily. “You’re looking good there buddy!”
“You brought me balloons?” he asks as Lucía quickly rescues his popsicle, which is in danger of falling to the floor.
“We brought you balloons and a bear and macaroni and cheese from Abuela,” Adriana tells him.
“Can I have mac and cheese right now?” he asks Lucía.
“Let’s maybe wait until after the doctor comes by again,” she says.
“But then I can have it? And the ice cream Tío Carlos promised me?”
It gets a chuckle from everyone in the room. 
The women start to fuss, setting up the balloons and bear in the best possible place, but Carlos’ eyes are on T.K. who is not-so-subtly checking out all the monitors and lines, ensuring that things are exactly as they should be. God, he loves this man. He loves him more than he thought he could ever love a human being.
“Well this looks like a party!” A man whose name tag identifies him as Dr. Nguyen, comes into the room, iPad in hand. Carlos assumes this must be the surgeon. “Sebastian who are all these fine people who came to visit you?”
“This is my Tía Cesca and my Tía Adriana. They brought me balloons,” Sebastian says, pointing to them in turn. 
“Well that’s very nice.”
“And that’s my Tío Carlos,” Sebastian says.
“Oh, is this the Tío you were telling me about? The one who’s a paramedic and helped you feel better?”
“No, my Tío Carlos is just a police officer,” Sebastian says. “My Tío T.K. is the one who’s a paramedic.” He turns his head to look at where T.K. is standing next to his IV pole. “Paramedics help people feel better. Right Tío?”
T.K. freezes for a second, his eyes locking with Carlos’. “Um, yeah,” he says finally. “Yes, that’s right. Paramedics help people. And then doctors help them even more.”
“Yeah, Dr. Nguyen took my appendix out,” Sebastian says. He looks the doctor square in the face. “My mom says you have to tell me if I can have mac and cheese or not.”
Dr. Nguyen laughs. “I can do that. Let’s give you a little check up and see.”
“We’ll give you some privacy,” Francesca says, which is hilarious given that she hasn’t let anyone have a single minute of privacy since the day she was born.
They step out into the hall, Adriana and Francesca immediately abandoning T.K. and Carlos to go look for hot doctors. Carlos runs a hand through his curls and looks at where his boyfriend is leaning up against the wall. “Well I guess we know who his new favorite tío is,” he says.
T.K. looks up, uncharacteristically nervous. “I’m sure he didn’t mean it like that. You’re not just a police officer.”
Carlos chuckles. “Oh I’m sure he meant it exactly like that. Tío Carlos is just a tío who wrestles and gives him ice cream. Tío T.K. saves lives. You made an impression.”
T.K. blushes. “I’m glad I could help.” His gaze softens. “I can’t believe he called me tío.”
And despite the fact that no one in the family has ever referred to T.K. that way before, Carlos isn’t surprised in the least. “Is that okay?” he asks.
“Yeah,” T.K. says quickly. “Yeah I—as long as you and your family are okay with it. I don’t…I wouldn’t want him to be confused.”
“He’s not confused.” Carlos’ words are soft and he reaches down, intertwining their fingers. “I don’t think anybody is confused anymore about why you’re so important to me.”
T.K. meets his gaze and Carlos feels like he can see all the way into the vulnerability at the core of this man who came here so broken and lost, and is just starting to figure out how vital he is to everyone around him. Carlos leans in and their lips meet, soft and sweet. It’s not enough to really say thank you, he’s not sure he can ever truly find a way, but in this moment he knows he’ll try. Everyday for the rest of his life if he needs to.
The door to Sebastian’s room opens and Carlos reluctantly pulls back, keeping their hands firmly clasped even when T.K. starts to pull away a little. “Bad news,” Lucía says. “Mac and cheese is off the table until tomorrow. T.K., he would like to know if you have any connections that can get him jello instead. But only the red kind. Not the green.”
“Absolutely,” T.K. says, already pulling out his phone to send a text. “Red jello coming right up.”
Carlos shakes his head and smiles as they reenter the room, Sebastian’s face lighting up when he sees T.K. again. Carlos has always thought T.K. seemed like magic. And now everyone else can see it too.
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eomayas · 1 year
soft side • bbh [req]
req: okay so for baekhyun just like a cute husband!fluff, if you’re comfortable writing mafia au, you could make baekhyun like a mafia, but he gets super soft when he’s with oc
pairing: mafia!baekhyun x wife!reader
genre: fluff!
synopsis: baekhyun had a soft spot reserved for the reader.
warnings: sweet and soft baekhyun
you visit baekhyun a few times a week at his office. it’s never for anything special, but just because you want to see him. sometimes, you bring him food or a dessert you’ve made, but mostly you show up to see him.
today, you’re showing up to show him the nails he generously paid for, and to just check on him. he’s been stressed lately, coming home frustrated most days that when you hear the tires screech in the driveway you can already tell what mood he’s going to be in. you made him promise early in your relationship to leave his mob dealings where he found them, and to never bring them home to you. he’s kept his promise since then, dropping whatever frustrations he’s dealt with at work, at the door when he sees you perched on the couch waiting for him.
you hop out of your car and walk the short distance to the building he does his dealings in. from the outside, it looks like a plain office building, and on the ground floor there’s nothing eye catching except the door man, who isn’t really a doorman, and a simple end table by the elevators that has a new set of flowers on the table each week.
“hi, jongdae,” you say as you enter the building, pushing your sunglasses into your hair. he gives you a close lipped smile and tells you that you can find baekhyun in his office, where he is ninety percent of the time.
you press the elevator button and the doors slide open. stepping in, you press the ‘6’ button, the highest floor in the building and baekhyuns office.
you step out and hear him before you see him. “when i said everything goes through me, i meant everything!” it’s slightly muffled, but loud enough. it’s only you in the hallway, minus another man who appears to be watching the elevator, but really isn’t. “hi, minseok,” you say, giving him a small wave.
“hi, mrs. byun. he’s in there with somebody, if you want to wait,” he offers, but you never wait. you’re notorious for interrupting meetings, on purpose and accident.
you pass by minseok and make your way down the hall where baekhyuns voice gets louder and more audible. you frown at his words and tone, but push the door open anyway, his voice cutting out immediately. “hi, baby,” you say, not sparing a glance at the other guy. baekhyun visibly relaxes; his shoulders roll backwards and his chest goes flat, and his fists uncurl. the scowl on his face relaxes into a small smile, reserved for you and you only.
“you’re dismissed,” baekhyun barks, his eyes boring holes into the man across from him while his hands reach for you. the other guy quickly leaves, shutting the door behind him and letting you have baekhyun to yourself. “hi, pretty girl.” baekhyun says, pulling you into him and kissing you deeply.
you smile against him at the pet name and pull away, putting a hand on his cheek. “how are you?” you ask, and he pulls you down onto his lap, your legs dangling over the side.
baekhyun puts one arm around your waist while his other hand holds onto your exposed thighs. “i’m better now. let me see your nails,” he says, and you put a manicured hand in front of his face. he smiles and holds your hand, looking at every design on every nail. “they’re nice.” he compliments and you thank him.
“she did them a little too long, but i didn’t feel like arguing,” you say, admiring them for the 100th time since you got up from the chair. you look back down at baekhyun and find that he’s already looking at you, his eyes soft and his smile warm. “what?”
“i’m just… i just love you, that’s all,” he says, kissing underneath your jaw. you nuzzle closer to him and smile. nobody would ever believe baekhyun had a soft side like this, given his stern and hard exterior. he has walls built up that only you’ve managed to break down and expose the true him.
he has such a dangerous line of work, but he only has one weakness: you.
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icyhottodo · 1 year
... you're sick | reo mikage
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genre: comfort, fluff, a bit of angst ig? | paring: reo x gn reader
summary: reo finds out that you're sick. 
warnings: reader is sick, reader faints once, reader tries to avoid reo but it doesn't work, a bit of unsanitary stuff lol
wc: 1.1k
nini’s notes: i know koreans celebrate anniversaries by 100 days, but im not sure about japanese. this was extremely self-indulgent bc im sick rn ( ;´ - `;) also, im sorry if this was bad, i’ll proofread it when i get better. ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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allergy season. you hate it. waking up in the middle of the night feeling like you couldn’t breathe and sneezing constantly. instantly, you knew that you were going to become sick in the upcoming days. after you blew your nose into a napkin that you took, you sighed, remembering the date you and reo had planned weeks before this. along with that, you two were in a fairly new relationship, so this was your first time being sick, worried how reo would react to this.
how are you going to tell reo about this? a headache started to form quickly. slowly, but surely, you grabbed your phone to text reo that you sadly wouldn’t be able to meet up with him tomorrow.
(y/n): reo, smth came up
(y/n): i can't go on that date tmr 
(y/n): sorry reo
sniffling because of your nose, you put the phone back on the bedside table. ignoring the persistent buzzing on your phone and the headache pounding even more, trying to force yourself to sleep. you felt bad for suddenly canceling the date with reo, the date planned was supposed to be cute. you two were supposed to be going to an amusement park for your 100th-day anniversary, and reo told you there would be surprises later on that day.
a few minutes later, after being unable to sleep, you could hear keys jingling along with some ruffling of plastic bags outside your door. thinking that the noise was your neighbor trying to open their home, you didn't pay any mind to it until you heard your door unlock. but you were so drowsy and dizzy that you weren’t able to do anything or even process it. you start to pull yourself up from your bed to see who it is.
"love?" was that reo’s voice? the voice, whom you thought was reo, sounded so distant, and with the white noise in your ear, you couldn’t tell it was your boyfriend. with each step you take, you become more lightheaded. the white noise was getting louder and louder. until you blacked out.
you could hear reo’s muffled, yet still panicked voice saying something along the lines of the nickname reo has given you until he said your actual full name. as he dropped some plastic bags onto the floor, shaking you, and calling your name continuously.
when you come to, you feel the comfort of your bed. you were sluggishly turning your head to the side, and you saw your purple-headed boyfriend running his hand through your scalp. next to him were the plastic bags you noticed before you blacked out. you wondered what they could be.
"love!" reo exclaimed, causing you to turn your eyes back to the man you love dearly. you can hear the relief in his tone. "you could've told me that you were feeling sick. you were burning up when i reached for you!"
"sorry reo. i didn’t want to get you sick. plus, i don’t want you to go out of your way to take care of me." you felt guilty; if reo stays here to take care of you, he might gain from your illness. and you wouldn't want reo to be in pain like you were feeling at the moment.
"well, i’m not going anywhere. i would be a bad boyfriend if i let you suffer alone." reo winked at you as he got under the covers with you. you rolled your eyes at reo’s flirtatious action. "plus, you would take care of me when i got sick, right?"
"of course, reo." you wrap your arms around your boyfriend, who feels extremely cold to you. your boyfriend’s presence makes you sleepier and sleepier until dreamland reaches you. reo’s hand is still running smoothly through your scalp.
you would wake up because of reo’s movements a few hours later. he was trying to get out of bed. your hold on reo becomes slightly tighter. "mm, i don't want to let you go, reo."
"love. last night, i got you your favorite soup because i thought you were sad about something. until you fainted. you need to eat something. let me warm it up, then i’ll be right back." he said grabbing the plastic bag you were wondering about a bit ago.
you would let him go after a few more persuasions, and he would return a few minutes later with a steaming hot bowl of your favorite soup, placing it on the bedside table. reo sits down and puts the bowl on his lap before grabbing a spoonful of the soup and placing his hand under the spoon so the liquid wouldn't drop onto the bed. "says aaa."
"you don't need to feed me, reo." you giggle, from your boyfriend. nonetheless, opening your mouth for reo to spoon-feed you, knowing that reo would deny any other way for you to eat.
after an endless amount of being fed the soup, there was finally nothing left. you felt full, but your stomach felt warm from the warm soup. he also gave you some medicine after setting the now-empty bowl away. (he ordered it while you were asleep, knowing that you wouldn't let him get out of bed.)
"thank you, reo, for taking care of me," you mumble sleepily once again, leaning onto reo’s chest like a cat. being sick makes you sleepy, reo noted.
"of course, my love. anything for you," he said lovingly, before falling asleep with you on his body. it was uncomfortable for him to be sleeping while sitting up, but he didn’t want to move you. like if you were a pet that fell asleep on him.
the next day, you woke up feeling a lot better than the day before, but still feeling a bit stuffy. but not pass-out worthy.
‘achoo.’ you heard reo sneeze from where he was sleeping.
"reo…  you're sick."
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starrywooyo · 1 year
treasure: one
synopsis: when y/n gets whooshed into an alternate universe, an adventure: one with pirates and monsters and much, much more
pairing: ot8! pirate ateez x fem! reader
genre: pirate au!!
!!warnings(per chapter)!! - descriptions of death, blood, wounds, abuse and assault [bellow cut!]
notes: I got this idea from a couple of my favourite movies: pirates of the Caribbean and the chronicles of Narnia
word count: 3.4k
main masterlist
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That is the way you'd describe the day you're having. 
stuck in the old ‘ancient’ mansion of a house in the countryside that your grandparents own. and the worst of all: no internet. How are you gonna listen to your favourite music group and keep up with them? plus you've got your transfer student opportunity coming up
what are you supposed to do for the entirety of the time you're staying with them whilst your parents are away on their ‘business trip’ again. it's always no sooner that they are back, that they leave again.
Now don't get it wrong. you love your grandparents but it would be much better if your parents left you back at home where you have your friends and internet actual Wi-Fi so you can do things. but no. you're stuck here with your younger and older siblings.
So here you are sitting in the library reading some random book you picked, sprawled along the couch with your older brother sitting at the opposite side of the room at a table trying to read but being pestered by your younger brother and sisters. 
‘The ship swayed side to side, waves splashing over the deck.
bodies littered the deck from the opposing crew.
blood everywhere.
the injured pirate captain stands. blood oozing from his wounds,
he picks up his sword and then…’
you're pulled from your book with your younger brother's whines and you sigh again watching the argument.
“Come on James, play with us. we're bored by ourselves..” your younger brother pushed for what seemed to be the 100th time.
James sighed 
“Please Callum go bother Y/n or someone else... I'm trying to study,” James explained.
And so with that your siblings turned to you with hopeful eyes, just before you could say anything your Grandma popped her head in the door.
“oh come on now dears, you both have been in here all day nearly, would it hurt to spend some time with each other? tell you what. why don't you all play a game hmm? Maybe outside like tag or ball if not that then this is a very big house with lots of places to hide” she looks at each of you with her hinting.
“you know your parents used to love playing hide and seek here, Y/n. James, you did too so why don't you play with your siblings  and give them the fun of exploring the house too?” your grandma said.
you look at your siblings and James pipes up.
“I'll join only if Y/n does”
you sighed bookmarking your book, you stand keeping it with you. 
James nods “okay then, you all can hide and I will count” 
wandering the halls, the voice of James counting to 100 gets more distant. you walk by old paintings and other weird artefacts your grandparents keep.
you come to a stop at a random door, quite far from James and hopefully your younger siblings. opening the door you find most of the furniture still covered with dust sheets, you figure this room was long forgotten due to the old paint cans still laying around. oh well. at least you've got some quiet to read your book for a while.
peeling back the sheet on the lounge couch you brush off any dust that could be there and make yourself comfortable and reopen your book getting lost in the pages..
you don't know how long you've been in this room but you find yourself still to be hidden or either forgot about. closing your book you finally decide to take a look around the room.
It's a huge, spacious room with all its furniture covered. the walls a simple cream colour and wooden floorboards with a large bay and stained glass window and a writing desk placed where the light shines. all in all not much to the room. it was probably going to be a private study for someone..
What catches your interest though is the large painting on the wall, it's a beautiful painting of the ocean, a ship adorning the waves on the canvas. you find yourself drawn to the painting. 
it almost looks as though the waves are actually moving, but that would be crazy.... right? 
water suddenly starts pouring out from the painting.
you laugh. you're most definitely seeing things. this isn't real. it wasn't till the water level started rising you began to panic. you yank the door handle to open the door. it stays shut. since when was the door locked!!? 
the water now just below your chest: the window! The Height of the room was only the second floor. You could jump from this height, no problem! the window doesn't open.
the room seemingly seems to get smaller, is that ship getting closer in the painting? 
The water level still rising, you take a deep breath as the water covers you.
the wooden furniture starts to float around you. 
you begin to swim up to get the last bit of air before it disappears. this was it. you were going to drown.
reaching the surface. you find the blue sky above your head and you in the ocean.
you quickly swim to the writing table to hold onto to keep you afloat. The water is freezing.
looking around you see the large ship coming your way.
“Man overboard!” and someone jumps in the water and swims towards you.
you get dropped onto the deck, the water dripping from you. 
you're surrounded by a group of men. 
“Now, now. what do we have 'er” a man walked through the group. a large hat on his head.
ah. pirates.
He puts his sword under your chin and lifts your head. and hums 
“a woman? now what shall we do with you eh..” he says. 
 a crew member pipes up.
“Captain, all do respect but we can't 'ave a woman onboard the ship. it's dangerous and a bad omen too might i add” he says.
Bad omen? who does this ass think he is.
the captain nods his head.
“hmm you're right. We are headed to land. suppose we could sell 'er and get some shillings for her. throw er in the brig” the captain says with a smirk on his face.
a song of ‘aye aye's’ follow and you are grabbed by 2 muscular men and dragged down the steps of the ship.
you struggle and yell your demands to be let go, which go unheard, as you're thrown into the wet damp cell under the ship. It stinks. the leaked water sloshes as the ship moves on the water, slowly you feel yourself become seasick. you clearly don't have sea legs yet.
the ship coming to a rough stop jolts you awake, the cell door flung open. you're grabbed up to your feet by the captain and your hands are tied.
“Sorry 'bout this missy. you'll forgive me right?” he smirks showing his disgusting teeth.
you're then dragged off the deck, to the dock and dragged through whatever place you're in now.
you tug on your restraints but to no avail and get yanked back.
you're then pulled into some shop by the captain and he talks to the man at the desk.
“Ahhh how can I help ya captain, here to buy?” the man with glasses asks
the captain laughs
“no, not this time, i'm actually here to sell” he gestures to you “her”
the man leans over the desk to get a better look at you.
“ooh she's a beauty she is. sell for a fine price she will captain. But what's with her clothes eyy?” the glasses man asked. 
the captain scans over you. 
“d'know found her like that in the water, must've been shipwrecked or sumthin” he said
The glasses man nods his head.
“very well captain. sale is in 2 days if yer staying, she'll definitely sell, then you'll get yer money don't worry.”
the captain nods back, handing over the rope to the men standing at the door and you get pulled into a different room.
the rope on your wrist gets untied, maybe you could escape you thought. but that idea was soon out the moment a gun got pressed to you and told if you ran you'd get shot.
one of the men shove a small pile of clothes in your hand. 
“go behind there. get dressed. no funny business”
and so, not wanting to lose your life you do as told.
standing behind the sheet you strip yourself of your ‘modern’ clothes, putting on the ripped, tattered skirt you were given and white shirt tucked in. you exit from behind the sheet and then dragged into another room. one full of other women. some sleeping, some awake and others crying and scared. you're forced to sit down and chains are put around your ankles and your wrists and the men then leave the room.
you look around the room scanning the other woman: some are older than you, some far far younger. and you look over the woman you see that some are bruised and marked up with hickeys and all sorts. 
your eyes open and you sit up. a sharp pain shoots through your neck and back. as it would be sleeping on a hard floor for a few days.
The glasses man walks through the door and starts picking women at random, some screaming shouts of disagreement and the others complying willingly.
he stops in front of you. “her too” and yet again you're getting dragged out of the room. you're then sat in a chair and a woman comes and puts some make-up on your face and does your hair. The finishing touch was the corset that was put on your waist and tightened up so much. but now you see why they did it. your chest was pushed together and appeared to be much bigger than it was.. clearly to get attention of woman hungry men.
the chains were placed back on your feet and hands. and you were put to follow the other woman outside to the square in the middle of the town. already a crowd of men standing waiting to see whom or what they can buy. 
you're forced onto your knees and one by one the man goes down the line and starts to show off and sell the others. and then it was you.
you were dragged to the front and put to your knees again.
“Now, now. isn't this one a beauty?” the man asked the crowd and cheers of agreement erupted.
you zone out as the man starts listing ‘features’ about you trying to entice the buy.
this was it. I'm actually going to get sold off as a slave you thought. you zoned back in to what was happening.
“now d'we have any takers? she'll make a lovely slave and play thing if you'd like” the man asked finally going to sell you off. 
“we'll take her for 10,000 pieces of gold!” someone in the crowd yells out
the man smirks 'sold'  and with that you're dragged away. 
...  [ ??? pov ]
Here we are again on this forsaken horrible island, walking through these empty streets.
there's a crowd just at the square from what i can see..
so i dragged my crewmate along with me to see what all the commotion was about. peeking through the taller men we can see it's a sale, not just any sale. they're selling people. I expected nothing less from this place.
as we watch them go through more and more woman and people...
“now d'we have any takers? she'll make a lovely slave and play thing if you'd like” the salesman asked. That's when I snapped.
my hand shoots in the air “we'll take her for 10,000 pieces of gold!” Then the sales man shouted: sold!.
my hand is then snatched from the air and I'm dragged a bit away.
“Are you crazy? 10,000 gold. Captain’s really gonna kill you this time” 
“well i'd like to see him try either way-” I'm cut off by the man bringing the girl over to us.
“Here you are, gentleman. one slave” my jaw clenches as he says that ‘slave’ I hate that word. “and the gold?” he asks on top of that.
“You'll get your gold, we have to take her to our captain first” I tell him.
the man looks between the two of us “no, no, no. You must think I'm stupid. gold first then the girl is yours.” 
my crewmate then laughs and takes his turn to speak. 
“don't you know who our captain is?” he laughs and he points to our ship's flag. the man's eyes light up in fear and he starts to shake a bit.
“a-ah ah, y'know what. you can give us the gold l-later. tell yer captain there's no r-rush” and the man shoves the girl and proceeds to hurry away.
the girl stumbles from the push and I catch her in my arms. She's quick to try and get away though. She shoves me away and tries to run. only to stumble over the chains still around her ankles.
“Wow, hey hey hey. it's okay we're not gonna hurt you” i tell her. I take my jacket off and wrap it around her shoulders to cover her from the peeping eyes of the men walking by due to her skimpy clothing the slave house has put her in.
“you're okay. you'll be safe with us. don't worry” I try to reassure her again.
My crewmate tugs at my shirt. “hey we need to get her back to the ship now. get those chains off and I need to treat those wounds” he points to them.
my attention was brought back to her. and i start to notice the bruises on her legs and ankles and the numerous cuts that litter her body as well as the blood that's now dripping from her knees from the fall. I wince. I kneel down at her level and she still tries to get away.
“hey, you're gonna need to come with us okay? we need to get you back to our ship and treat your wounds. Would it be okay for me to carry you?” I asked her.
she seems to go into deep thought and then seems to clutch my jacket around her slightly and nods her head. and so I scoop her up into my arms and then begin to walk back to the ship. as I walk the chains around her legs clink together.
it's quiet, so i decide to ask her name.
“I'm Wooyoung by the way. and my crewmate here is San. he's our medic so he'll treat your wounds once we get to the ship. Can I know your name?” I smile at her. The smile slightly falls as she stays quiet. and so the walk continues for a while.
“Y/n..” a quiet voice whispers. I hum in confusion wondering if she even spoke at all.
“my name.. its Y/n..” she says.
y/n.. what a pretty name
...  [ y/n pov ]
Once the man called out sold, I'm grabbed to my feet and pulled towards two men. one tall man with broad shoulders and black hair, the other more slim and smaller too with blonde hair. both wearing similar clothes and hats adorning their heads.
ah more pirates. great...
they both seemed to be deep in conversation before noticing us. the man yanks me closer causing more pain to my bare feet as they scuff the hard stony ground. I can't help the fear that shoots through me at that moment.
What do these men want with me? What will happen to me? Will I ever get home at this rate?   
“Here you are, gentleman. one slave” the man gestures to me. you feel small under the two men's gaze. you see the blonde man's jaw visibly clench. making him appear slightly scary. 
“and the gold?” he adds, holding out his hand to receive his gold?  
“You'll get your gold, we have to take her to our captain first” the blonde man says.
the salesman chuckles and pulls me closer to him “no, no, no. You must think I'm stupid. gold first then the girl is yours.”
the black haired man laughs
“don't you know who our captain is?” he points to a ship's flag in the distance. the salesman's eyes light up in fear and he starts to tremble a bit.
“a-ah ah, y'know what. you can give us the gold l-later. tell yer captain there's no r-rush” the man said and shoves me away as he himself runs away. I fall into the arms of the blonde guy and he wraps his arms around me.
is their captain really that scary for people to run away I really don't wanna meet this guy
and so I push the blonde's arms away and attempt to run, forgetting my chains around my ankles soon falling to the hard ground as my legs get caught up in the chains. I hiss as the ground rips the skin from my knees. Still on my knees I begin to feel small again under the gazes of the men passing by looking at me. I'm practically wearing next to nothing. 
“Wow, hey hey hey. it's okay we're not gonna hurt you” the blonde man says as he takes his jacket off and slightly bends as he drapes it over my shoulders. 
“you're okay. you'll be safe with us. don't worry” the blonde says again.
will I though..?
I stayed quiet and noticed the black haired man tugging at the blondes shirt sleeve.
“Hey, we need to get her back to the ship now. get those chains off and I need to treat those wounds” he tells him and points to me and at the wounds on my body. 
the blonde man looks back at me and scans me, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he lets out a wince. he then kneels to my level
“hey, you're gonna need to come with us okay? we need to get you back to our ship and treat your wounds. would it be okay for me to carry you?” he asked me.
Will it really be safe to go with these men?
Can I trust them?
they don't really seem bad in my opinion compared to the pirates and men I've already encountered...
only time will tell and besides its more so the captain i'm afraid to meet from the salesman reaction.
What will this guy be like? 
it would still be better than here i hope. I found myself clutching his jacket slightly tighter. He did put it around me to cover me.. so I nod at the blonde.
He then scoops me up in his arms and holds me close as my own arms go around his neck. and The two men start to walk in what I assume is the direction to said ship.
it's too quiet 
All I can hear is the stones crunching under the pairs feet and the blondes breathing. until the blonde pipes up.
“I'm Wooyoung by the way. and my crewmate here is San. he's our medic so he'll treat your wounds once we get to the ship. can i know your name?” he asked and gives you a smile that slightly falters as I stay quiet.
you slightly glance at the black haired man 
hmm San..? San a medic I didn't think he'd be a doctor.. he looks so scary.
i then look to the blonde man
woo...young? wooyoung hmm nice...
As the walk continues you find your tense body slightly relaxed in Wooyoung's hold. his scent calming you.
“y/n…” I quietly let out.
he looks down at me and hums slightly confused
“my name... its y/n…” I say again but a tad bit louder.
he smiles again and nods his head a bit 
The walk shortly comes to an end not long after.
“well 'ere we are” he says and a grand ship comes into view. It's a dark wooden boat and upon the main mast in the wind a black flag with the words "ateez" in white lettering. 
from here it looks like a beautiful ship, well kept. not much damage from what you'd expect on a pirates ship.
and written on the backside of the stern of the ship
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a/n: so!! i hope you all like the start of this little series i'll be doing, feel free to reblog and or just leave your thoughts! till next chapter, byeee!!
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Photo Shoot Faux Pas
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Summary: Andy’s reaction to a risque anniversary gift gets you more than you bargained for. Prequel to The Lonely Hearts Club mini-series. Check out The Lonely Hearts Club: Part One!
Warnings: Smut, Jealous/Possessive Andy, Confident Reader, Insecure Reader, Daddy Kink, Pussy Slapping, Oral (fem receiving), Vibrator Use (mentioned), Gags (mentioned), Sex Tape (mentioned), Boudoir Photography, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Prompt courtesy of my dear friend, @writer84. I might write a follow-up drabble as well. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated, so please let me know what you think. This is part of my ongoing Growing Pains Series. Semi-proofread but not beta’d. All mistakes are my own. Thanks for reading!
There are three things everyone should know about Andrew Barber. One, that the man loves you to distraction. Two, that he believes in spoiling you whenever possible. And three, that he has a possessive streak that runs a mile wide.
You’d recently come to learn the last part the hard way, and you didn’t plan on forgetting that lesson any time soon.
One week ago…
You’re on your way home from work when your phone rings. Seeing that it’s Andy, you quickly hit accept before returning your attention to the road.
“Hey, baby girl.” His deep voice rumbles over the speakers. “How are you?”
“I’m good, Andy Bear. Just headed back to my place.”
“Oh, what a coincidence. Me too.”
Huh? You weren’t supposed to be getting together until tomorrow. 
“Um…why?” You were still a good twenty minutes away from your apartment. And you’d accidentally left a very important item sitting out in the open on your kitchen table.
One that your boyfriend wasn’t meant to see. At least not yet. 
“Since when is it a crime to visit my lady? Plus, I left a couple work docs behind when I was there the other day.” 
Oh shit. You knew exactly where they were too. Sitting on the freaking kitchen table right next to his anniversary gift.
“But I…I’m not home yet.”
“Pretty sure I’m capable of letting myself in, Y/N. In fact, I just pulled up.”
Oh, fuck me sideways.
“How about you take a walk around the block or something until I get there? Maybe stretch those legs. Or, you could go check out that new shop, Little Mahatma, over on 100th and Dennison. You know, the one with all those really nifty knick-knacks?”
Your ramblings are met with silence as you pull off the freeway.   
“Or, just wait outside for me and we’ll go together. It’s a nice day, so –”
“Or, I could go inside and wait for you there like a normal person. Unless...there’s some reason you don’t want me in your apartment?” He asks, sounding mildly confused. 
“No, not all! I just…can’t wait to see your handsome face.”
“Uh huh.” He grunts, sounding suspicious. “See you soon, baby.” 
“Yeah. See you soon.” The call ends, leaving you alone with your thoughts. “Well, fuck!” You thump your fist on your steering wheel. “There goes that surprise.” 
This weekend, the two of you were planning to celebrate a pretty major milestone. Namely, your six month anniversary. And as such, you’d splurged on a very special gift. Something you would have never even considered in previous relationships.
But what you had with Andy was different. It was…solid. You felt like you could trust your boyfriend with every part of you. So what better gift to give the man who had everything, including your heart, than a leather-bound photo album?
But you weren’t just talking about any old album. Oh no. This one was filled with intimate photos of you taken by a professional as part of a recent boudoir shoot, which was something you’d never done before. It had pushed you way out of your comfort zone, but for your Andy Bear, you were willing to try just about anything.
Plus, posing for those photos, while slightly uncomfortable at first, had made you feel sexy.
You just prayed that he liked them. 
Of course he would. You were about to gift him with his own personal porn. If awards for being “The Best Girlfriend Ever” existed you’d be a shoe-in.
After what feels like forever, you finally pull up in front of your apartment. Parking in your designated spot, you get out of the car and make your way to the front of your building. Your heartbeat thunders in your ears as you anxiously dash up the stairs.
You were sure Andy had to have seen the pictures by now. And part of you hated the fact that you’d missed his initial reaction. Oh well. It couldn’t be helped. 
Opening the door, you quickly toe off your nude pumps before going off in search of your boyfriend. You find him just where you'd thought he'd be, sitting on the edge of a kitchen chair with the album in his lap. And then you notice that his tie is undone and his hair is all mussed. Strange. He doesn’t acknowledge your arrival, instead he just sits there staring into the distance.
“Hey, baby.” You whisper, confused by the tenseness in his big shoulders.
“What the hell is this?” Andy finally asks, his tone gruff. You watch as his long fingers trace over the words you’d had etched on the cover.
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“Umm…” Your teeth go to worry your bottom lip as the scowl gracing his features only serves to deepen. 
“When did you take these?” He growls, his jaw ticking as he holds up a random page featuring two different photos. The first is of you posing in a skimpy scrap of sheer lingerie with your areolas proudly on display, while the second has you wearing a pair of thigh-high socks and no panties.  
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“Uh, well…” Ah, shit. This was so not the reaction you’d been hoping for.
“And better yet, who the fuck did you take them for?” Your man slowly rises from the chair before taking one step towards you, followed by another. And then another. Until he’s standing directly in front of you, all deliciously dark six-feet of him. 
“I asked you a fucking question, Y/N. And I’m going to need an answer. Now.”
“They - they’re for you.” You rasp, your throat suddenly dry. “It was supposed to be a surprise for our anniversary.”
“For our anniversary…right.” Andy scoffs, scraping one large hand over his tawny beard. “And I suppose you captured these yourself?” He crosses his arms over his broad chest.
“No.” You can practically feel your cheeks burning. “I, uh, had them taken at a studio run by Ricardo Ventura. The whole thing was part of a professional boudoir shoot and –” Your boyfriend’s right eye twitches at the mention of the photographer’s name.
“So you let another man see you like this?!” He erupts, waving the book in your face. “You seriously let some fucking creep take photos of you parading around in next to nothing? I mean, I can see your goddamned nipples!”
“Hey! I wore clothes.” Which was true. Kind of. “And they’re all tastefully done.”
Andy flips to another page that showcases an impressive look at your ass rocking a g-string, along with another of you thrusting your lace-covered chest invitingly at the camera.
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“That little scrap of fabric doesn't fucking count, Y/N!" He rakes a hand through his hair. "I mean, what the hell were you thinking?”
That’s it. I’ve had enough.
“Damn it, Andrew! I thought they’d be a nice surprise.” You snatch the album from his hands. “Each and every photo in this thing was taken with you in mind. That’s what this is, you oaf! This is me giving you a tiny, private piece of myself in a way that I’ve never ever done with any other man.”
Your boyfriend continues to glare at you, that tick in his jaw becoming even more pronounced with each passing second. 
“I put a lot of thought and effort into this whole project, you ass. So, if you don’t appreciate them then I suppose I’ll just have to go give them to someone who does.” The words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them. Big mistake.
Oops. Had you really just offered to give away your nearly-nude photos?  
You watch nervously as his blue eyes darken with a mix of anger and arousal. And then he’s in your space, using his big body to crowd your own as he slowly backs you into the wall, effectively caging you in. 
“You wanna try that again?” Andy snarls, his tone dripping with menace. “Because I know, I know, that you did not just offer to give away what’s mine.”   
“But you don’t even like the photos!” You snap, trying to keep the hurt from creeping into your tone.
“I never said that, baby girl.”
“Yes, you did!” Exasperated, your hands fist themselves in your hair, tugging at your curls.
“No, I did not.” He fires back. “Those words never came out of my mouth. I love you. Which means, by default, that I love everything you give me.” 
“Oh, bullshit.”
He keeps going as if didn’t hear you. “But what I don’t love is the idea of some skeezy-ass fucker walking around with a camera snapping naughty pics of my woman. In fact, I really fucking hate it.”  
His big hand goes to lightly grip your chin.
"This gorgeous little body belongs to me, baby. I'm the only man allowed to see what lies beneath these clothes. The only man who gets to love you, touch you, tease you --"
"But -"
"No buts. The idea behind this gift was sweet, but I'm afraid all it's done is piss me off. In case you haven't noticed, Y/N, I'm a bit of a possessive bastard. Especially when it comes to you."
"Andy, I -" You can feel the tears threatening to fall.
"You, sweetheart, are my everything. Do you understand me?"
Unsure of what else to say, all you can do is nod your head "yes" before one brawny arm wraps itself around your waist to haul you flush against his big body.
"I love you, Y/N. More than you know. And now you're gonna be a good girl and let me show you just how much.” A shiver courses through you as he trails one nimble finger down the sensitive column of your throat. He grips the collar of your white shirt, threatening to rip it.
“Please don’t.” You whimper softly. “I just bought this blouse.”
“Fine.” Andy takes a step back from you in what you can only assume is a brief act of reprieve. “Tell you what. I’ll give you ten seconds to make it to the bedroom and get naked.”
“But that’s not enough time!” You protest, even as you start undoing your buttons.
“Not my problem, sweetness.” He shrugs. “If you want your clothes to stay in one piece, you’ll make it work. Ten.” You let out a small shriek as your boyfriend begins counting down before spinning on your heel and darting out of the kitchen. “Nine.” He keeps going. “Eight. Eh, fuck it.”
Sporting a feral grin, Andy takes off after you, your trail of discarded clothing acting as a carnal beacon.
“Time’s up, baby girl.” He purrs, as he leans against the doorframe to watch you fumble with the clasp of your blush-colored bra. “Oops. Looks like you’re still wearing too many clothes. Guess, I’ll just have to help you out.” 
You protectively cross your arms over your chest.
"That's so not necessary -- eep!"
He’s on you then, faster than you can blink. In a flash your bra is torn from your body. It lands in a delicate heap on the floor next to your panties, leaving you naked and vulnerable to your man's primal gaze.
Looking every inch the predator, Andy circles your nude form, almost as if he's trying to commit your curves to memory.
"I still can't believe you let another man see what's mine, sweet girl. Makes my blood boil just thinking about it." His knuckles caress their way down your spine. "I refuse to share you with anyone. I'm just not built that way."
"Andy, I swear Ricardo was a perfect gentleman the entire shoot." His hand wanders its way from the base of your spine to your abdomen. It lingers there for a moment, lightly stroking over your heated skin.
"Hush." He purrs, leaning in to whisper hot, open-mouthed kisses along your neck. "I'm a man, baby. I know how we think. And even more importantly, I know what we want. What we look for." He possessively cups your cunt, groaning as your sticky honey coats his palm.
"Ahh..." You moan, your head falling back to rest against his shoulder.
"He wanted you, baby. I know you don't believe this, but you turn heads everywhere you go."
"You - you're being ridiculous." You whine, rising on your tiptoes when his fingers begin playfully massaging your clit.
"You may not notice it, but I do. And since I can't be with you all the time, I'm really gonna to need you to start remembering who you fucking belong to." His skilled fingers find a steady rhythm, making you arch into his touch.
"I didn't forget, honey. I'd never forget, I swear. All those photos were for you and - oooh!" Andy pinches your swollen nub before delivering a rough slap to your little pussy. "Ungh, yes! Right there, Andy. Don't stop!
Another slap.
"Quiet. It's too late now. Take your punishment like the good girl I know you can be and all will be forgiven." He delivers one more blow. "Understand?"
"Good. Now, climb up on the bed for me." Wanting to please him, you scramble to do as he asks.
"Lay back for me...there we go. Now spread your legs. Daddy wants to get a nice, long look at his sweet pussy."
Blushing, you dutifully part your thighs and expose your drenched core.
"Mm, would you look at that? All that cream just for me..." Smiling, he fishes his phone out of his pocket and snaps a photo. "I think we need to capture this moment, don't you?"
"What?" You breathe as your thighs quiver.
"Oh, nothing. It's just that now that I know how much you love the camera, I figure it's time for you to make your on-screen debut." You watch as your Big Man hits record before lowering himself to his knees in front of you. "Say hi."
"No!" You turn away in an attempt to hide your face from the camera.
"Aww." He pouts, flipping the screen and poking out his bottom lip. "Looks like my baby girl is suddenly feeling shy. Guess, we'll have to try something a little different."
Andy winks into the camera before briefly standing up to hand it over to you.
"Daddy's gonna be nice and let you hold this while he eats you. You're gonna need to give me at least three good orgasms before you're allowed to hae my cock." He presses a tender kiss to your vulnerable mound.
"Y-yes, sir." You cry as he settles himself between your splayed thighs once again. Your shaking hands struggle to hold on to the phone.
"And be sure to hold the camera steady. Don't want you to miss a moment of me enjoying the fuck out of this tasty pussy." He reaches over to your nightstand and pulls out his favorite vibrator.
Yes, his favorite vibrator.
He smiles as he turns it on, his intoxicating blue eyes glazed over with pure lust.
"On second thought, I wanna use this too. So how about we up it to four and then call it even, yeah?" Locking his thickly muscled arms around your thighs, he roughly hauls you to the edge of the bed.
Preparing you for his dining pleasure.
"A meal fit for a king." He murmurs as he nuzzles his bearded face against your dripping folds. You cry out as his wicked tongue swirls over your clit, eagerly lapping up your sweet and salty juices.
Fuck, you were in for a long night.
"And don't worry about making too much noise, baby girl. If the neighbors come knockin' Daddy will make sure to gag you."
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