#he almost always gave us gifts on valentines day
yardsards · 4 months
local man forced to think about their father: one dead, countless injured.
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Danny didn't know what to do with all these flowers. Sure, Amity had done a 180 after they stopped listening to his parents (its just a shame what had happened to them) and they now loved thier guardian and savior.
Which brought him back to the flowers. It was the day after Valentines and he had gotten gifts from what felt like everyone in the city (except Vlad who was in ghost jail via the Observants) leading him to having a massive pile of flowers, stuffed animals and candy to figure out what to do with.
Obviously most of the stuffing were going to be decorating his lair in the GZ but the flowers would rot eventually and he didn't even own a single vase anyway. He was not going to mention the chocolate.
Then Tucker gave him an idea. He can just give them away to other heros.
Cackling he set about plans to ambush the batfam who he had met once or twice when he was exploring through dimensions (and promptly chased out of the city)
He started with Red Robin the smartest and arguably the cutest of the brood. He had picked a good time too because birdy looked five steps away from falling asleep on the rooftop while running, so when Danny through a bouquet or roses at him the soft petals clocked him right in the face.
The look he gave was one of pure confusion as he stared at the plants. Then, all too soon it clicked and the vigilantes face turned a lovely shade of red as he looked around for whoever tossed them. Luckily Danny stayed off the visible spectrum that night.
The next victim was Spoiler who he clocked in the back of the head while she was distracted by talking to a civilian. The yelp she made was glorious and almost made Danny cackle and give away his position.
Red Hood Danny had to be the hardest one. Sneaking up on him was almost impossible. He could sense RH like he could a ghost but something was definitely off. He wondered if Hood could sense him too. Is that how he always seemed to know he was around. It didn't matter in the end because Danny had a lot of free time without the ghost attacks and a near endless supply of ammo. Still. Danny was getting irritated and just decided to chuck flowers at the guy until he landed a hit. He didn't know why hood was freaking out so much over flowers or why he was shooting at the flowers or even what "Pit" he was screaming about but the moment he got a hit in Danny decided to bounce.
Robin was funny. He threw a bouquet and the little bird caught it like a sword before inspecting it with a raised eyebrow.
Orphan was nice. She caught her bouquet gracefully in her arms almost as if she was expecting it and held it to her chest before looking right at him and waving.
While he was invisible.
He bolted.
Occasionally he liked to interfere with the bats rogue battles by throwing a single rose into the frey, startling the baddie of the hour and giving the bat or bats time to collect themselves. Yeah thats right. He Tuxedo Mask'd them. Something that infuriated some of the bats and got other giggling.
He at least knew better not to do this to Poison Ivy. For her he portaled in something special. The look on her face when one of those battery powered toddler jeeps came racing down the street with a full rose bush in a glass bubble and into the fight was something he'd cherish forever. Especially when she realized she couldn't control the thing thanks to the glass.
This leads to the last bird.
Nightwing was probably one of the best victims hes had. He took it like a champ and even played along, giving a little speech about being honored to receive such a gift, prompting Danny to throw individual flowers at the heros feet. Nightwing continued talking and Phantom kept giving him flowers, distracted by what the hero was saying and slowly drifting closer until-
The kick to the side of the head didn't really hurt, when you get used to being thrown through buildings not much could really hurt you anymore but it was enough to stun him and force him to drop his invisibility. Another kick and a few shocks from a pair of acrizma sticks for struggling and he was on his belly at Nightwings feet. He felt something fasten around his wrist and his core felt restricted but he didn't transform back into Fenton.
Crap. Power dampening cuffs.
He was so screwed.
Danny was later upset to discover there was a whole other bat he didn't know about or even get to target once due to him being on the daylight shift.
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huramuna · 5 months
lay all your love on me - oneshot.
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modern aemond x wife reader 18+ minors DNI, you will be smited.
an early valentine's day piece.
word count: 2.2k
i don't do taglists any more unfortunately -- @huramuna-fics -- follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings!
content: smut with little plot (specifics under the cut), bdsm themes, allusions to infertility, established relationship, no use of y/n, no description of reader, aftercare
lay all your love on me - ABBA • gimmie! gimmie! gimmie! (a man after midnight) - ABBA
warnings: bondage, edging, ruined orgasms, orgasm control, deepthroating, face fucking, ball-gagged, p in v, creampie, breeding kink, bdsm dynamics, dom/sub, brat taming, use of sex toys, knifeplay
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You shouldn’t have listened to Aegon’s advice. Aegon, the brainless older idiot brother of your husband, gave you advice to spice up your marriage and hopefully, to conceive a baby– as he apparently had a few children running around, and this somehow made him an expert.
And you took it. 
It started off innocently; more dirty-talk, heavier touches, bites that left small marks of ownership for both of you to admire. It began to move onto silken sashes loosely holding your wrists together, fingers gagging your mouth. 
Then, it shifted with the creation of your safeword. 
“Pomelo,” you said, a tad more confidently than you should’ve. 
“Pomelo? That’s what you’re choosing as a safe word?” Aemond chuckled, perking his brow. 
“Yep, so you won’t forget.”
The bindings became tighter then afterwards, but not uncomfortable, of course. Aemond was a gentle husband in most facets, and this extended to his bondage of you. He would have you reassure him that they weren’t too constricting, weren’t chafing and were comfortably snug.
 Once his work was done and you soothed his worry, it was like a switch flipped in his head. Gone was your gentle husband of two years, and out came something primal and feral. It's always been there, right under the surface— broiling and writhing to come free, his blood set aflame. 
You realize now what amazing control your husband has— over himself, over his environment and most importantly; over you. 
That is how you ended up in your current situation— a cocktail of taking Aegon’s advice and stoking the flame of Aemond’s inner depravities. Your current situation being tied to a chair in red, silken sashes, adorned like a present ready to be opened, legs spread slightly, arms tied back. A matching ball gag muffled your gentle whines as a red bullet vibrator was carefully nestled in your folds. 
This was your Valentine’s Day gift to Aemond; allowing him to tie you up and edge you for as long as he wished, watching you almost fall apart each time— before he snatched away your release. He even tied a lovely little bow across your breasts; a treat for him for later. 
Saliva dribbled down your chin as you watched him; he was still dressed from work that day, business casual with black slacks and a white button up, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, hair pinned in a neat bun at the nape of his neck. He had his phone in his hand, changing the frequency of the vibrations on the bullet expertly placed just grazing your clit, teasing you and circling you. You looked a mess already, drooling and whining against the gag, toes curling at every minute sensation— while Aemond looked groomed and tailored to perfection, just watching. Cheeky bastard. 
Your eyes roved his form as he pulled up a chair, finally, across from you. You swore you could see the distinct bulge of arousal tightening around his pelvic region, but he turned around before you could confirm it. Asshole. You wouldn’t be surprised, with the insane amount of control that he had over himself, if he was willing away a boner, just to tease you. 
While he was turned away, you rubbed your thighs together, eager to ease some of the ache you felt from being denied. 
“You know you aren’t supposed to do that,” he chastised, somehow knowing you were getting up to no good with his back turned. “You’re being bad, love.” 
You responded with a few indignant grumbles, more saliva slipping from your lips and sliding down your chest. 
“Back talking?” Aemond mused, finally turning around, chair in hand. He turned it so he was sitting with his chest against the back of it, arms propped on the wood as he held his phone in an almost lazy manner. “That won’t do. You know I hate when you’re bratty.” he hummed, adjusting the speed once more on his phone. His voice said one thing, but his eyes said another. He loved when you were bratty— it gave him a chance to tame you. 
This exchange had been going on for thirty minutes already and you felt tears in your eyes at your ruined orgasms. You were screaming silent pleas to him from a look alone, your lashes damp with welling tears. 
“Does my wife want to come? I thought you had more stamina,” Aemond tutted, his voice perfectly trained to feign disappointment.
 You wilted under his faux admonishments, shaking back and forth against the bindings, chasing the high that would never come. The legs of the chair squeaked slightly as you moved it. 
“Don’t,” Aemond said firmly, turning off the vibrations completely and putting his phone aside. His voice took a darker note now, not like the playful scolding before. “You’ll hurt yourself,” he got up, hand stilling the chair. “Do you want me to touch you?” 
Your chest heaved as you nodded profusely. Yesyesyes, pleaseplease! Your skin crawled delightfully as he reached between your legs and slowly, deliberately slowly, pulled the bullet from your folds. It was soaked and slick. He reached up then and untied the gag, as well, rasping a finger over your poor swollen lips. 
“My poor baby,” he cooed, before pulling back. He began to undo his belt and your mouth filled with saliva instantly— that had to be some sort of pavlovian response, how pathetic— your eyes were trained on his hands as they flexed, discarding his belt and shirt, then his pants without much ceremony. Your eyes hadn’t deceived you earlier, he was rock hard, to a point it almost looked painful. “You’ll get yours soon, I promise.” he said, running his palm down his length as he positioned himself— one leg up on the chair you were on, one hand behind your head. ‘Open’, he mouthed. 
Your swollen lips opened as he guided his cock into your mouth. The salty, musky taste and smell of him, so familiar and comforting that it caused your eyes to flutter, enveloped your senses. He slid his length across your tongue until he nestled nicely in, drawing you in at the hilt. Your nose brushed his mound of neatly groomed short and curlies. He was all consuming, so in control— all you could do was look up at him. 
“You don’t need to do the work, baby,” he murmured. “Just sit there and look pretty.” his now free hand caressed your face, thumb drawing circles over your cheek as he began to move. It was slow at first, to help you get used to it— you were very used to letting him fuck your face, but it was always nice to start slow. You felt his cock slide in and out, against your tongue, prodding at your throat. 
Usually, he would put music on, or have the T.V on as background noise— but that wasn’t the case tonight. It was silent, save for the sound of the rocking chair, his soft pants of pleasure, and the downright vulgar noise of you taking him in your throat. It was straight up pornographic and you hoped that soundproofing the room had actually worked. 
His fingers curled in your hair. “So… good for me,” he praised, voice tenuous as he edged himself now, wanting to make it last. “So good, letting your husband fuck your throat.” he clenched slightly, stopping his movements and clasping two fingers at the base of his cock— a close call, apparently. Times like these were where you could see the edges of Aemond’s control frayed, like threads of an old sweater. It delighted you greatly, and you wanted to see him let go completely and lose it. You hoped tonight would be that night.
You caught your breath as he showered you with compliments, wiping away your tears. “Such a good wife, my sweet girl,” Aemond said, absconding from you temporarily to fiddle with something in his discarded trousers. “Gonna open my present now, yeah?” he returned, clicking a small switchblade open— one he kept in his pocket for miscellaneous purposes. The two of you have indulged in knife play before, and it’s something that particularly excites him.
 The flat of the blade pressed to your skin, the cool sheen of it making your skin prickle. He dragged it up carefully, the edge away from your flesh until it met the sashes at your breasts. Aemond sliced through them like butter, followed by the ones on your arms and legs, effectively freeing you. You gave a gentle sigh of appreciation and approval— as he always required before the final act, just to make sure you were alright. 
Once receiving it, he swept you up from the chair, picking you up with ease. He wasted no time pressing his mouth to yours, tasting himself on your tongue. Your brain felt full of fuzz and bees, still numbed by how badly you wanted to come. Your clit was practically throbbing, warmth spreading through your core as he took you to the bed— not the bed you slept in, but one you both had bought especially for the play room. He laid you down so gently that you almost forgot where you were— until you looked in his eyes and saw the eclipsed pupil, his usually calm blue eyes (one less blue than the other from his childhood injury) was totally engulfed by blackness. He reminded you of a shark, besotted to the primal urges of their nature when they smelled blood. 
His cock sunk into you without any resistance, like slipping on a lubricated glove. The fit was still snug, but eased some of the ache you felt. 
“Aemond…” you sighed softly, body relaxing as he rested inside of you. It felt like laying in bed after a long day, your bones softening. “Need you to fuck me, husband,” you continued. “Please.” you added after, remembering your manners. 
He just stayed there, still, staring at you. He didn’t move.
No response.
“If I am not blissfully fucked out in about five minutes, I’m going to bite you.”
Your whining was cut off as he set an unrelenting pace, right off the bat, hammering into you with reckless abandon, bullying your sweet spot like it owed him something. But he, in fact, owed you something. You reached behind and pulled his hair out of the bun, letting it fall between you like a curtain of snow. His blown out pupils, his hair a mess, his movements were erratic– he was losing control. 
His hand supplanted into the soft of your hip, clenching onto it for dear life as he drilled into you. You pinched his free wrist as a reminder– to which he dutifully remembered, his digits falling to the apex of your thighs and rasping over your clit in rhythmic ministrations. Your legs locked around him in an instant, pulling him in impossibly closer as you continued to beg, you were so close, so close–
“P-please– can I?” you asked through broken whimpers.
He couldn’t even respond through his exertions, evidently chasing his own high– he gave a growl in response, nodding. You didn’t just tip over the edge, you were fucking pushed, as your pleasure came to an all consuming, mind numbing climax. Your neurons fired off on all cylinders, electrifying through your body and coming to a conclusion: Holy fuck. You felt wetness squidge between your legs as you soaked Aemond, in turn, gripping him like a vice. 
The mask of power he had been wearing slipped and fell off completely, as he scooped you up from the bed (without slipping out even once) and gripped you by the ass, pistoning up into you with feverish, animalistic panting. His fingers left red indents on your soft bottom, his teeth sinking into your shoulder, a dragon tasting his meal. His knees almost buckled as he came, a long grunt indicating it– as well as the coupled feeling of him emptying his balls inside of you. He gripped the wooden bedpost, angling you in one arm as he caught his own breath. 
His hair was plaited to his forehead as the sheen of perspiration glazed his skin, all the strength had been sucked out of him temporarily, exiting through his cock and into you, apparently. Yet, even still, he placed you back on the bed, bottom towards the headboard. He propped up a pillow under you and angled your legs upward. You were still thoroughly fucked out, so you let him handle you like a ragdoll, you bones jelly. It was your routine to do this specifically– as you’d been trying for a baby for the past year or so. 
Aemond returned (when had he left?) with a bottle of water. “Drink, love,” he murmured softly, his disposition back to that of the gentle husband. “Here,” he fluffed another pillow, this time putting it under your head. “You alright?” he asked, uncapping the bottle of water and bringing it to your mouth. 
“Mhmm,” you hummed back, sipping the water. “Food?” you asked simply, a goofy grin coming to your face.
“Of course, of course– whatever you want.”
“Consider it done.”
When you inevitably tested positive for pregnancy about two months later, you chalked it up to your Valentine’s Day surprise that did the job– Aemond agreed. Aegon was disgusted, but also took credit for the dubbed ‘miracle baby’. 
Aemond wacked him over the head each time he said it, to which Aegon would run away and shout. “I got your wife pregnant, I got your wife pregnant!”
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saltofmercury · 1 year
"Pillow Talk"
Pairing: König x f!reader
A/N: Had to get this out of my drafts
Summary: You and König stay up talking about your lives.
warnings: talks about kids, fluff, bullying, etc.
"Pillow Talk"
It had been 3 hours since you both had gone to bed.
Three hours since you both kissed goodnight, turned away from one another, but somewhere along the line nonstop talking, giggles, and random stories were given to one another.
Both you and König were facing each other in bed, legs wrapped on top of one another, while he had an arm under you and you had your arm on top of him.
“That was why my dad never got us pet fish.” You said. 
It had started with König asking you a simple question, his back turned to you, and then you asking him a question. Both of you now faced each other and had begun telling stories of your childhood, stories of when you were an adolescent, work stories, almost anything you guys could think of. Snowballed the stories off of one another.
You could see small glimpses of him from the moonlight outside, feel his calm breathing, his chest when he snorted, laughing at something you said.
“What about you?” You ask quietly.
“Did you have any pets when you were younger?”
Silence and a small inhale—
“I did have a fish once,” he exhaled, “Forgot to feed him one day and my dad told me I would never be responsible.” He started laughing.
You loved hearing him laugh. It was boyish, carefree, and loud. It was a little sprinkle to your night. The way he would inhale and laugh, rub his eyes or chest, like he thoroughly enjoyed the feeling that bubbled from his stomach.
“Isn’t that humorous? Responsibility based on a fish.” He was rubbing his face now.
You laughed, followed by a question, “How old were you?”
“I was about 8 or 9 years old, it was around the time I had my first crush.”
You adjusted yourself closer to him. “A crush?!” You squealed.
“Yes, at school. Primary crush.” He said nonchalantly.
“Well tell me about your crush.” 
He adjusted himself again in bed and had positioned his other arm on your thigh rubbing up and down.
“Well…” he began, “It was just a first crush, if I was timid now, I was fearful back then.”
You nodded and hummed a little for him to continue.
“I remember that day, I forgot to feed the fish because it was Valentine’s Day, and we had small gifts to give each other.. I was terrified to give anyone anything.”
“Why were you scared?”
“I don’t think I ever told you, but my classmates were very mean to me.”
You tried to picture him as a small child. His blonde/auburn hair falling to his eyebrows, his big blue eyes, he was probably tall and had chubby cheeks. Who could ever be mean to him?
“Why were they mean to you?”
He exhaled and then continued, “I guess I was too tall, I spoke too softly, cried too much in Kindergarten and that never left me.”
You had started to rub his ears now, your hand falling to his collar.
“Kids are so mean sometimes, they used to bully me for turning red whenever I got an answer wrong.”
“You still blush to this day.” He answered with a hint of smile 
“Some things just don’t go away,” you responded softly, “Some things you just learn to carry with you and eventually it goes away.”
He was quiet for a minute, then continued,
“Some things, but I try to remember they were just kids.”
You looked up at him. You can feel his gaze on you. 
You respond gently, “Have you not forgiven those kids?”
He shifts himself, he now knows the spotlight is on him.
“Shatz,” he begins. “Of course I have, they were kids they had no idea.”
He inhales again, “I’m kind of happy it happened to me, it gave me a boost to then join the military and try to face this anxiety.”
You smiled. Of course only he would say something like that. When he gets injured out on the field he always says “it's a good thing it happened to him and not one of his smaller teammates.” König was selfless that way. He could take any pain, any taunt, any malicious threat towards him as long as his company present didn’t.
“How many kids do you want?” You stopped yourself. If the Earth could open up and swallow you whole, it would feel better than what came out of your mouth.
“Kids?” he says it like it’s a question he hadn’t thought about.
“I’m sorry.” you say, “It’s the word vomit again.”
He laughs again. “Such weird phrases you come up with.”
He clears his throat again. “I think I would want 4. They could come in pairs and protect one another.”
Twins? You have to think about it. Pairs. You know he had an older sibling and he was the youngest. Maybe he had wished for two younger siblings to protect. 
“Whatever you want honestly.” He’s running his hands through your hair now, slowly inching his hands down your neck, swiping his thumb across your collarbone.
You melt. There goes König and his selflessness again. He tells you what he wants but puts your needs first.
You laugh again, “When it gets to that part we’ll make that decision together.”
Sleep crawls back in your eyelids, you can feel yourself tuning out, but you want one more story.
“Tell me about them. The kids.”
You slowly drift off as König tells you about them.
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vendetta-ari · 3 months
Your fav anon is backkkkk! Hey Love! May I request a Vox (and you can include Lucifer too) x Artist (f!) reader headcannons? As I’ve said before, take your time! ♡ ♡
anyways, here Luci + Vox x artist reader
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~ Lucifer and you always create and paint things together, he loves your creativity and he adores your art
~ You and Luci exchange ducks on special days, like valentine's day,  Christmas, and birthdays.
~ You always exchange art tips with each other,  bother being artists and your own unique ways.
~ Many times you have painted Lucifer's ducks for him when he's feeling down.
~ You two took a picture on your anniversary and you printed it out and painted it, he hangs it up on his wall and he always says its “The best thing I've ever, ever owned my dear!” he always gets all cheery and smiles when he sees it
~ You paint lucifers nails for him, last time you made a lil duck design on them
~ People can always tell when you two have been hanging out because the two of you are all giggly and smiling covered in paint
~ You painted a mural in his room, an apple using both his and your favorite colors
~ you give all your art pieces to Luci, you tried to sell one of them and the poor guy almost cried
~ he's basically drowning in your paintings and all your artwork, he doesn't mind at all though. although he is running out of space…
~ whatever he'll just expand his room to fit more of your work.
~ you have forced Lucifer to let you do makeup on him, he wasn't too happy but you laughed your ass off at his annoyance and makeup covered face
~ He cant stay mad at you for too long though, when your mad at luci you'll grab one of his ducks and paint them a different color completely and rub paint off some off his other ducks
~ when you finally calm down you repaint all for them with him though, as an apology. 
~ the two of you often take walks through the rings of hell for inspiration 
~ surprisingly, the screams of everyone being tortured is great to get those creative juices flowing
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☆ Now let's be for real here guys, Vox can't draw for shit, so him being with an artist reader is kinda cute and unique and funny
☆ But you on the other hand, “your art is beautiful! n’ it should be hung up in a museum or something like that doll, I seriously dunno how you do it”
☆ During certain shows where they need sets, props, or anything related to that, you'll be the one painting them being the first to volunteer  you totally didn't draw a dick kn one of the sets and embarrass him on live television pft- noo psh- hah why would you ever do such a thing? it must've been val!
☆ You couldn't keep your laughter when Vox drew that picture of Alastor when be was throwing his hissy fit on live television 
☆ you redraw a picture of Alastor for Vox to tear up crumble and kick around as a stress reliever 
☆ Vox realized that you drew a picture of Alastor, didn't matter what it was for you still drew him, just then he got angry again and demanded that you draw a picture of him
☆ just one more thing to stroke his ego I suppose 
☆ You and velvette are besties, she often steals you away from Vox so you two can draw up outfits
☆ and he totally doesn't ever never get mad at her because of that
☆ You often draw in a red and blue journal Vox gave you as a gift once, it was in a whim but you still love it dearly 
☆ you draw pictures of him and you together with little hearts around them, but vox doesn't need to know that
☆ but one time he did look through your journal, out of curiosity. trying to hide the blush that spread across his face, he grabbed a pen and wrote little messages on a few of your doodles "Didn't know she was that obsessed with me" he mumbled under his breath while flipping through the pages
☆ “We're gonna recreate this photo tomorrow,  meet me at my office in 4:00 dollface” -Vox
☆ when you noticed the note you almost lost your mind fangirling over this TV man
☆So you did as you were told and met him at his office, getting there a little bit early
☆ And just like that he picked you up and carried you bridal style to his chair, kissing you softly all over, with you giggling and blushing, creating your drawing perfectly.
-xoxo, Ari
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zombyjuice · 4 months
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in which it’s almost valentines and all wonbin can think about is the girl on his bus rides home.
wonbin x fem!reader
cussing, awkward, kinda bad ngl, reader is poc ermmm enjoy :3
“I’m lonely, I need a man before Valentine or I’ll go fucking insane” you speak coming up behind your friend Luna who practically jumped out of her seat phone flying in the air “Goodness! Someone needs to go put a bell on you” you look down at her with a menacing stare getting out of your 🕴️pose and going to the other side to grab your chair, stepping over her phone.
“I feel like you’ve already gone insane,” she picks up her phone thanking God it’s not broken “Cute hair by the way” she points out your now dark brown hair up put in a ponytail and a white headband with a fluffy blue star clip attached to it, you smile softly touching your hair “hopefully that cute boy on the bus thinks the same, he’s always staring at me I think he wants at me” you let out a giggle and jump up and down on your chair “oh my GOSH he’s so fine how~”
“shut up I’m sure he’s going to like it your pretty and look straight out of one of those old quirky Japanese fashion magazines, also you don’t have the worst personality” she states finishing her coffee “Oh? whatever fuck you let’s go” you kick her under the table and watch her face curl up in pain laughing out loud.
You guys shuffle out of the cafe with grumpy faces seeing all Valentine’s decorations and giddy men and women with gifts for the significant others, “disgusting” you sneer “Be happy” you glare at her “Shut the fuck up and be mad with me fuck valentines!” you slightly shout her eyes darting around not understanding how you have no shame(in Korea), you were a strange complex person but she loved you for it, deciding to ignore the glares.
Not even on the bus yet eyes immediately start darting trying to find the boy excited dressed just for him even though in the back of your mind you knew you were never going to go up to him ever, especially remembering your first interaction.
To make a long story short he was at the bus station at 1 am doing God knows what (waiting for the bus) and since there was barely anyone there you and Luna thought it was the best time to do a silly little TikTok you sprouting with energy cause Luna just gave you tons of it.
The song was slowed down so there you were dancing your heart out (slowly) to Ma Boy by sistar19 to get the perfect video and everything would’ve been fine if you didn’t heard the stifled laugh that the boy was holding.
Your face contoured with fear and Luna's deadpan while tapping your shoulder to run. And ever since then you’d see the boy every day, which would be concerning any other man but this was a breathtaking man who looked at you like he wanted to go down on you any moment.
Luna says it’s not that bad because the video ended up being great the sped up video making people laugh and you guys got viral the next day but you think that was hands down the most embarrassing moment of your life.
“I think you guys would look good together” your friend states while you guys eagerly waiting for the bus “What do you mean? How?!” you get giddy slapping her arm “idk it give cute black cat bf and weird orange cat gf” “okay can you hop off always trying to insult me” “that’s what I do best” “oh you're a fucker” “ow! Stop pinching me gay fuck” “You’re g-”
“the doors open” a quiet voice that belonged to no other than your future(not really) pretty black cat boyfriend >:3
you both barely look back and beeline into the bus.
“haha,” you awkwardly laugh a little too late at the boy who looked at you a little silly, both of your eyebrows raised strangely at each other “Oh my gosh” Luna muttered.
You turned around all of a sudden you would like to leave right about now.
The bus ride was quite awkward you and your friend standing and chatting sometimes losing yourselves in the convos and laughing a bit too loud immediately going to check if he looked at you a certain way.
You guys shared cute glances here and there you could feel the way he looked at your outfit or the way he scanned your side profile also not failing to catch the soft grin plastered on his face.
When the time came around for you to get off your bus stop you frowned, yeah you guys never talked before and you weren’t planning on it, but his presence was enough you could gladly sit awkwardly next to him as he looked at you with those cute boba eyes, gladly giving him the same look back.
You gave him one last look and a soft tight lip smile before walking away with your friend off the bus, but what you didn’t catch was that he followed you guys off.
“excuse me- excuse me”
You guys turn stiff and you snap back to see him slightly smile and wave “Can I um speak to you, please, not to be weird or anything”
You look at Luna with a smile a little too bright and she nods smiling back and glaring at Wonbin before walking off.
you look back at the boy's direction and you walk up to meet each other properly…
“You changed your hair,” he states blankly your eyes go a bit wide, and chuckle a bit “Yeah I was tired of the blonde, but I’m nervous this might be too plain though it does look a lot better I might add some color or maybe like a couple of blo- sorry I blabbering” he giggles a little too hard eyes turning into crescents and cheeks burning red “sorry that was a weird statement, not your fault, haha but um I’m Wonbin…” he scammed your features and your reactions finding them all so cute how expressive and real you are it’s like he could see you take note of his name in your head.
“Wonbin.. pretty I like it! I’m y/n” his face burned more and he couldn’t help but let out a nervously high giggle “Also pretty I think you're pretty too and I wanted to introduce myself properly and take you on a date or two before you know, Valentine's” gulp.
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quoththemaiden · 3 months
The final chapter of @mrghostrat's Big Name Feelings Good Omens AU is dropping tomorrow, so obviously there was no way I could resist writing another fanscene. (Previous scene 1, 2, 3) Inspired by the sheer domesticity of chapters 15 and 16, enjoy this end-of-series scene.
Crowley's key fumbled against the lock — still Aziraphale's lock, technically, but very firmly Crowley's key. "Dinner was good, though?"
Aziraphale rolled his eyes a little at how much more attention his face was getting than the keyhole. Sherlock Holmes might have blamed the wine they shared at dinner for the scratches around the lock, but Aziraphale knew better. "It was delicious, of course. You should know; you were there."
"Nnyeah, well, it's your opinion I care about." As if that weren't obvious from Crowley having gotten them a table at one of the city's best restaurants on Valentine's Day and insisting on not even letting him see the bill.
As if Aziraphale was ever any good at hiding his appreciation of good food.
"Quite sure," Aziraphale replied with a gentle touch on Crowley's arm that swiftly turned into snagging the key from him to open the door himself. Crowley let out a huffy laugh as he followed him inside. "Tea?"
"Sure, if that goes with whatever we're doing next." Crowley had been trying to wheedle Aziraphale's planned gift out of him for the past two weeks, and Aziraphale had remained utterly firm in not sharing it with him. Crowley insisted that whatever Aziraphale planned would be alright with him so there was no reason for Aziraphale to be shy about it, and Aziraphale had said "I know, dearest," and somehow that's as far as Crowley's attempts at learning Aziraphale's plans ever got.
Aziraphale fussed around with the tea and put on some music — old-fashioned stuff on actual CDs, the sap — and Crowley was left to lean against the doorjamb watching him and coming to terms with being so terribly, completely besotted that their evening plans could be "absolutely nothing" and Crowley wouldn't love it a single speck less. Aziraphale had said that he'd always thought of Valentine's Day as just another day, and that he'd certainly never considered that he might be able to celebrate it publicly, so Crowley was already delighted at having coaxed him out to dinner. Crowley found himself very suddenly aware that if Aziraphale's supposed plans amounted to nothing at all, he honestly wouldn't mind. His fifteen-year-old self would eat him alive if he knew, and Crowley felt warm inside to know that that was his younger self's loss.
Crowley blinked out of his reverie in time to help Aziraphale carry the teacups into the living room, and was almost surprised when Aziraphale brought a bag in with him as he followed. "Whazzat?"
"Painting supplies, dear." Aziraphale set the bag down on the coffee table.
Another point in favor of another evening spent doing nothing unusual. Crowley relaxed back into the couch, wondering if his melting heart could leave stains on the fabric. "What're you gonna paint?"
"You!" Par for the course again, then. Aziraphale gave a happy wriggle. "I hope you aren't ticklish!"
Wait, what?
"Uh?" Crowley picked up one of the paints Aziraphale was setting out and found that the label said, quite clearly, "body safe." "Angel?"
Aziraphale looked at him with a smile that said he was still 100% confident in his plan despite Crowley's confusion. "I thought it might be a nice reminder of the con. Getting an airbrush and making stencils didn't seem sensible, really, but I know how to use a brush well enough."
Crowley let out a breathy laugh. "'Well enough' 's an understatement. Geez, now MY gift feels—"
"—completely, perfectly tailored to me," Aziraphale cut in. "I would have been actually cross if you'd insisted on getting me another sword." Crowley laughed again, and it warmed Aziraphale's heart that he'd seemed to do nothing but laugh all night. Aziraphale patted Crowley's hand before picking up his tea, taking an appreciative sip and willing it to calm the excited fluttering in his chest. "What do you think? Another serpent on your cheek? I was thinking a tree would look rather lovely spread across your spine and shoulder blades..."
Crowley shivered a little at that, easily able to picture Aziraphale straddling his hips as he lay on the bed, Aziraphale's left palm spread flat on his back to keep himself steady with the rise and falls of Crowley's breath, his paintbrush tenderly tracing a line along his spine...
"Snake first," he agreed quickly. "And then..." He looked down on Aziraphale's arms and swallowed. "Think you could paint on your own arm? I could help hold things steady for you."
"Oh," Aziraphale breathed, and Crowley's heart clenched in the best of ways. He had no idea how Aziraphale always managed to say that like he was falling in love all over again, time and time again, but he did.
No, that wasn't quite right. Crowley probably did know. He suspected it came from the same place as the way he'd looked at Aziraphale as he helped him out of the car today. Aziraphale had taken his arm without hesitation and looked up at him with a warmer smile than any mortal had ever earned, and Crowley had been certain he was wearing his own heart on his sleeve, his vest, and every other garment he owned.
He adored him, and somehow, ineffably, it was the smallest moments that made it stand out the most.
"...right," Aziraphale managed to say around the happy tightness in his throat. "Some art for the both of us, then."
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angstywaifu · 4 months
Surprise - Liam Mairi x Reader
Prompt - It’s your first Valentine’s Day with Liam, and you’re pulling out all the stops to make it perfect for him…complete with a special surprise
Enjoy the last of my Valentines Day prompts! Thank you to all who sent these in, I had a lot of fun making them!
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Since the night of threshing, Liam and I had been in this weird limbo. We had taken our friendship a step further that night. And neither of us regretted it. It was amazing. And it happened again frequently. But neither of us dared to label it any more than just a casual thing. Because that’s all it was. But recently it had felt like the dynamic had changed. Whenever Liam touched me, his hand would linger longer than normal. Anytime there was a free seat next to me, he would be the one to fill it. If it was taken? Then he asked whoever was there to move over. The one that had peaked my interest the most was when I had gotten injured during a challenge. Which wasn’t unusual for me to walk out with some sort of injury. In the next class Liam and the other guy were absent. I later learned Liam had started a fight with them after challenges. Yes my injuries were worse than normal. But still healable. That night I had left him to be on his own. Mainly cause I hadn’t seen him either. Almost as if he had been avoiding me. The next day it had all gone back to normal.
But the shift in dynamic had made me…. Hopeful. I couldn’t deny I wanted more. I’d always had a slight crush on Liam. After the rebellion, we had been sent off to different families, but luckily we were sent to ones close by and frequently did events together. As the only rebellion child at my family I was very much on my own. So Liam became my light in my darkest time. My knight in shinning armour so to speak. Which was very fitting with his tan skin, and soft blonde hair. And those eyes. Eyes I could get lost in and had quite a few times. Valentine’s Day was fast approaching, and surprisingly it seemed to be a big thing here in the quadrant. I guess you have to make the most of the little things around here. And that’s what I had planned to do. Even if I was scared shitless.
”Stop freaking out. It will be fine.” Rhiannon reassured me with a nod from Violet who were both sitting on the floor of my room helping me.
I had decided to leave Liam a bunch of surprise gifts throughout the day. Each with a letter. The last one leading to a surprise I had planned and would reveal it was me all day. Though I was sure he would figure it out pretty quickly. He was very smart. Rhiannon, Violet and even Ridoc and Sawyer had agreed to help me with my plan. They were going to be my couriers so to speak. Each of them giving Liam one of the gifts I had worked on over the last few weeks. The last of which I was working on now. I had managed to convince some of the black smiths to give me some materials to work with, and with the help of my dragon, I had melted it down and made a matching charm for Liam and I to wear on a leather bracelet I had also made. I wanted everything I gave Liam to be hand made. He was always making people things with his wooden carvings. Not long after threshing he had given me one of my own dragon. I kept in on my bedside table. He often teased me about it if we ever came to my room.
“I can’t help it.” I say with a sigh as I struggle to get the charm on one of the bracelets. “What if I do all this for nothing.”
Rhiannon gives me a very unimpressed look. “Girl, it won’t be. Trust me.” She holds her hand out to me. “Now give me that before you throw it out the window.”
I hand her the bracelet and she attaches it almost immediately. The cuff I had made for Liam was far easier to attach than the bracelet I had decided on for myself.
”How about we go over the plan again?” Violet suggests as she notices me start to fidget and pick at a fingernail.
Rhiannon nods in agreement. “So Violet is giving him the first present correct?”
I nod. “Yes, the candle I made.”
Violet holds up the neatly wrapped package I had given her just before.
”And at lunch time, I will give him the new wood working set you’ve gotten him.” Rhiannon adds. “Leaving Ridoc and Sawyer to cause chaos and essentially drag him to the tower where you will be waiting.”
”Yes, and I will have the bracelets and be quietly shitting myself that he might reject me.”
Rhiannon and Violet both look at me with very unimpressed looks.
”He is not going to reject you.” Rhiannon scolds me. She’s been doing that a lot the last few days.
”Rhi is right, he won’t. It will all go to plan.” She reassures me.
The girls bid me goodnight and good luck for tomorrow. Luckily no classes are on, so I will be doing my best to be around as little as possible. Hopefully Liam doesn’t try to come looking for me. But Violet assures me she will find a way to keep him busy. Which I’m sure involves the likes of Xaden. That man would do anything for her.
The next day I hide in my room. I need to make sure Liam is gone before I leave. I can’t risk him seeing me. I hear feet stop outside my door and I freeze. It was him, there was no denying that. I vaguely hear Violet call out to him. My heart is pounding too loudly in my ears for me to hear anything they say as I stand there frozen to the ground. A few minutes pass and I watch the shadows outside my door walk away. I let out the breath I had been holding for god knows how long. I open the door slowly and peek out, just in time to catch Violet following Xaden and Liam around the corner. As if she knows I’m there she looks back at me and smiles. Liam was taken care of for the day. I grab my pack with the stuff I had packed last night and made my way to the tower I had planned to use. In the many times I had gone there to escape the quadrant for a few moments, I had never seen anyone there. And today was no exception. Honestly I don’t think anyone had really been up here in years till I found it. It had a beautiful view of the valley and mountains that surrounded the college. Especially in the afternoon as the sun was setting. Which was when I planned for Ridoc and Sawyer to lead Liam up here.
Just as I’ve finished setting up the blanket, some small mage lights strung on some string and some food I had gotten from the kitchens I hear the faint sounds of commotion down below. Ridoc and Sawyer were right on time. I hear foot steps walking up to where I am. I quickly rush over and sit on the ledge of the tower, trying to act as if I’ve been patiently been waiting and my heart isn’t trying to escape my chest. The foot steps stop behind me.
I turn around to see Liam standing there, his chest rising and falling as if he’s been running. I was going to have to ask Ridoc and Sawyer what the hell they had done to get him over here. He looks confused at first as he takes in the blanket and pillows, and everything I had set up.
”All the things today, that was all you?” He asks as he walks over to where I am sat.
I nod. “Yeah it was all me. Though I will say I have no idea or had any say in how Ridoc and Sawyer got you here.”
He laughs. “Lets just say they went to a lot of effort to get me here.” He rests his hands on my legs as he stands right in front of me. “Guess I should say thank you for everything you’ve done today.”
“Don’t say thank you just yet.” I tell him.
He tilts his head to the side with a confused look as I reach into the pocket of my jacket and pull out the small bag I had put the leather cuff I had made him. I hold it out to him and he slowly takes it from me. His eyes go wide as he reaches in and pulls out the black leather cuff I had made, a small metal charm in the shape of the protection rune his mum had made us. As he looks back up at me I swear I see tears in his blue eyes. He moves so fast I barely have time to react as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me off the ledge and into a kiss. We had kissed before but not like this. This was different.
We’re a tangle of limbs as I wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers locking in his blonde hair. His arms around my waist. He quickly manoeuvres us so his back is against the pillar and I am leaning up against him between his legs. He breaks away from the kiss, one of his hands reaching up to cup my cheek. A goofy smile on his face that I can’t help but mimic.
”Thank you. You have no idea how much that gift means to me. What you’ve done all day. I had a feeling it was you. That candle instantly reminded me of the orchard back home. I just knew it was you.” He says to me quietly. “And now I can do what I’ve been wanting to do all day. Hell what I’ve been wanting to do for weeks. What I went to do first thing today.”
“And what’s that?” I ask nervously.
”Will you be my girlfriend?”
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hotchfiles · 4 months
prompt 8 of valentine's day with derek morgan x femreader
let's celebrate valentine's with the criminal minds squad! 8. "I like when you're being so soft."
derek wasn't the classic romantic.
he was a flirt, he had his way with words and his charming smile wasn't bad to look at either. he made you feel desired and protected. got you always feeling like putty in his hands, but he wasn't romantic per se.
it was a consequence only, really, he had been a private closed off guy for so long, going from short term relationship to one night stands and back to another short term relationship... opening up, letting someone in, being vulnerable... those didn't come easy for him. romance was something for the carefree it seemed.
so for valentine's day you expected the usual of a flirt, the flowers, the wine, the declarations, the kisses. you were actually surprised when you got nothing from him at work, if not a bit disappointed. red roses was an obvious choice, it was an easy way to please a woman. you knew he knew that, which meant to you that he purposefully didn't send you anything.
you were ready to send him a text when you got home, the smell of lavender waving through you making you stop, "baby? you in here?" no reply, but you could hear him humming to himself so you didn't have to panic it was some sort of murderer in your home.
slowly, you walked towards where he was, taking note of the candles in strategic spots to bring in the lavender smell you felt, the lights were dimmed making your house feel much more cozier than usual, and the sight of your boyfriend preparing tea by the kitchen wearing only sweatpants added even more to that comfort. you couldn't help but hug him from behind, resting your head on his deliciously muscular back as you did so.
"¿que pasa, papi?" you ask affectionately, your words muffled by your the fact you're squishing your cheek against him. derek chuckles under your touch, turning his head to you, his gorgeous smile as bright as ever as he answers.
"for our first valentine's day i'm giving you the gift of my full undivided attention, baby girl." you snort not only at his cockiness, but because he always gave you his undivided attention when it was the two of you, only thing that ever got in the way was work. "i know you've been exhausted so we're having a nice night in. calming candles, tea, those frizzly annoying bath bombs you like..."
he turns around to face you as he cites what he prepped for the holiday, hand on your chin to give you a kiss that made you hum, almost purring if only for a second. "i like when you're being all soft like this, sexy pants."
"got us some massage oils for later too, save some of those pretty little noises for then."
his voice is full of innuendo and if you hadn't forgotten already how upset you were about the lack of flowers, the ones carefully placed in your bed definitely did the job.
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it-happened-one-fic · 4 months
Overindulgence - Baizhu
Author Notes: Happy (belated) Valentine's Day Genshin fandom! I debated about whether or not to write a Valentine's fic or not before finally breaking down and deciding to do so. I actually had a fair bit of fun writing this one. As per usual, reader is gender neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender Neutral reader/ Fluff/ implied romance/ sfw
Word Count: 1121
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“What are those?” Even though I wasn’t facing him as I sat down the plate of chocolates I knew exactly what expression on Baizhu’s face. I'd easily known him long enough to know that and clearly picture it solely based on the tone he used.
It was the one that was usually reserved for particularly disobedient or poorly behaved patients. The frustrating ones who wouldn’t do as instructed and would automatically complain when the didn’t recover immediately despite not having done as they were told.
I was proved correct as I turned to look at the doctor with a smile that was perfectly at odds with his frown. But I was wholly unperturbed by the frown on his face as I gestured to the little chocolates on the plate, “Dark chocolate. I helped Qiqi make them.” 
I paused, tilting my head and letting my amusement creep into my voice as I finished, knowing my next words would seal the deal, “She wanted us to have them.”
I watched as Baizhu pursed his lips, unable to turn down the little girl’s gift despite his general distaste for candies.
He’d dealt too often with patients suffering from a stomachache or some other sweets-related ailment to be fond of such foods.
“Where did she get the idea of making chocolates,” His tone sounded weary, but I knew it had more to do with the situation than actual fatigue as I sat down next the table that now held the candies.
“Yaoyao was talking to her about the ways that Valentine’s day was celebrated. I think she decided she wanted to make something after their conversation but then didn’t really know what to do with all of it so she gave some of them to us. She’s giving the others to Yaoyao,” I explained calmly, wondering how long it would take for him to give in and just accept the chocolates.
After all, I wasn’t going to be the only one pushing him about this.
“Surely just one wouldn't hurt?” Changsheng’s tone was almost judgemental as she looked at the doctor and I didn’t even bother to hide my smile as he shot her a look. It wasn’t common for Baizhu to get annoyed with his serpent friend, but it seldom failed to be amusing when it did happen since it was almost always over something like this.
“Did you know that dark chocolate is a very good source of antioxidants?” Baizhu looked my way as soon as I spoke, a smile slipping onto his face at my words. But they were true, and he knew it.
“Yes, but if over-indulged in they can lead to a myriad of health issues,” His eyebrows lifted and crossed his slender arms as he responded. Automatically picking up on my change of tactics and not falling for it.
I nodded agreeably though, humming slightly as I picked up a candy and looked at it carefully. After just a bit of practice Qiqi had picked up on how to shape and powder the candies quickly. And though she wouldn’t remember doing so later, I really did feel like she’d enjoyed herself in her own quiet way, and I knew Yaoyao would be ecstatic to receive such a gift.
And even if he wasn’t admitting it, Baizhu was too. It was just that he tried very hard to follow the same diet he prescribed to so many of his patients.
“So can overdoing medicine and other foods.” I glanced over, meeting Baizhu’s stare before I held the little candy out to him with a smile, “Balance is important for health and life in general. I know you know that, Baizhu.”
I tilted my head as he sighed, seemingly accepting his defeat even as I continued, “One or two pieces aren’t going to hurt you.”
He was smiling at me in an almost rueful manner as he plucked the chocolate from my fingers, surrendering easily just like I’d known he would when I first came into the room. Baizhu could certainly be stubborn about matters pertaining to health, but he was also pretty bad to indulge both me and Qiqi and could be quite reasonable.
He smiled down at the chocolate, chuckling slightly and shaking his head, “I suppose you're right.” He popped the candy into his mouth, humming to himself and nodding as he quickly finished and looked my way, with a proud smile, “She did a good job.”
I felt my smile widen before I nodded, agreeing with him, “She picked up on how to make it very quickly, and I think she enjoyed herself too.”
I watched as his gaze softened and he nodded, smiling more to himself than anyone else now, “Good.”
Changsheng watched him before letting out a sigh and shaking her head before looking my way, “You know, the balance of things goes two ways.”
Both of us now looked at the snake whose eyes stayed on me as she continued, “Too little of something can be detrimental to one’s health too.”
I nodded slowly, agreeing with her, but wondering where she was going with this even as I popped a candy of my own into my mouth. We’d already been victorious in getting Baizhu to accept his chocolate.
“I guess you're like that for Baizhu. If you’re away too long then he becomes useless.” Changsheng’s nonchalant words had me sputtering as I barely managed to swallow the chocolate without choking.
I looked over, wide-eyed, at Baizhu who looked just as startled as I was, if a little mortified while Changsheng continued to gaze at me with a now smug expression.
“We don’t actually know if it goes the other way yet. It seems like it's impossible for him to overindulge in your presence, though he does get distracted some-”
“That’s QUITE enough Changsheng!” Baizhu interrupted hurriedly, causing the snake to look his way in an almost indignant manner. She didn’t get to snap back, though, since he continued in a scolding tone even though he himself was most definitely flustered, “You’re going to make them uncomfortable.”
Chengsheng let out an unimpressed hiss, sliding down from his shoulders and to the ground before making for the door. Only pausing to look back at us over her shoulder, “Suit yourself. But you’ll have to talk about it sooner or later, otherwise we’ll have to start conducting studies to see if there is such a thing as too much of Y/n for you.”
She slid out the door before he could say anything back while I sat, dumbfounded in the chair.
Silence fell heavy between us until Baizhu at last recovered, letting out an awkward cough and gesturing to the side with an uncharacteristically inelegant smile, “Tea?”
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italianlobster · 4 months
Hello, I Love You
Matías x Reader x Enzo Vogrincic
Summary: Matías plans to confess to you on Valentines Day.
Reader is gender neutral.
Matías' POV:
It is Valentines Day tomorrow and I'm preparing to confess to Y/N. My best friend. I have bought a pink teddy bear along with a rose I have planted myself. A few minutes have passed of me just wondering if I should do this but I decided to take the risk, and I have now finished wrapping the teddy bear and rose into a gift bag. I can't wait to see the look on Y/N's face when I confess to them. I have had a crush on them for a long time. Ever since I laid my eyes on theirs, I just knew right then and there, that I loved them. I continued loving them silently until today, where I finally have the courage to confess to them. Tomorrow, me, Y/N, and the cast of LSDLN have made plans to dine at a restaurant near a beach. I'm going to bring Y/N to the beach after dining at the restaurant and confess to them right there. I hope everything goes well.
The Next Day:
I woke up extra early today to recite my confession to them. I jumped out of bed and went in front of the bathroom mirror. Here I go..
Y/N, there's something I've been longing to say to you.. I love you. Ever since I first laid eyes on you a year ago, I knew that I loved you. I knew that this wasn't a feeling that's going to go away easily. I've always thought you were so beautiful, from your eyes to your skin. Could we be more than friends?
It took me more than a few times to read my confession throughly. I was excited but at the same time nervous. Today, I'm going to look the best I've ever looked. Heart earrings, a red suit with my hair slicked back. I did my morning routine and headed out the door.
Time Skip
Hours have passed, me, Y/N, and the cast of LSDLN were almost done with our dinner. I could barely eat as I was too nervous. I just sat there, biting my fingernails and picking at the skin there. Y/N had left. I didn't know where they went.
"Where's Y/N?" I said. I was worried they might have left. "Oh, they're outside. They went to walk around the beach, I think." Agustín responded. He gave me a wink and said, "are you finally going to confess to them?" I was embarrassed. "Y-yeah.." I looked away from him. "Well, you better hurry up or they're going to leave!" Agustín said. He wasted no time, and grabbed my wrist and ran outside with me. He was so fast I could barely keep up. Once we were in front of the door, he opened it, pushed me outside and slammed the door shut with a grin on his face. I grew nervous.
I walked for a few mintues. It was a little dark outside and then there they were, admiring the waves of the ocean with their bright white dress/suit, which made them stand out from how dark it was. You could see them from far away. Before I could shout out their name, they noticed me and turned to me. "Hey Matías!" They said with sparkling eyes. I didn't say hi back. I just walked up to them slowly. I was hiding my gift for them behind my back. Suddenly, drops of rain fell from the sky.
"Y/N.." I stuttered. My face grew red and my heart was beating out of my chest. "Yes?" They said. The way they looked at me with their beautiful eyes stopped me dead in my tracks. It felt like time has froze. "Y/N.. there's something I've been longing to say.." I said. I looked into their eyes. I handed them my gift but they just looked at me with a shocked expression on their face and refused to take it. I thought that there was something wrong so I didn't bother to continue my confession and spoke up. "Hm? What's wrong?" I said, still handing out the gift and my voice showing concern. My voice also showed glee. It was fake glee. I wanted them to be comfortable to tell me what was wrong. There was more rain but it wasn't enough to make us completely wet.
"Y/N!" A male voice from behind me shouted. I looked back and it was Enzo. Of course.. I grew suspicious and my heart dropped. I stopped handing out the gift. He walked past me like I wasn't even there and stopped in front of Y/N. "I've been looking all over for you!" He said, showing concern just like me. "Well, you found me!" Y/N responded. They both giggled. It seemed like they forgotten I was there until Enzo then looked at me. "Oh hey Matías, what are you doing?" He asked. He was just as suspicious as me. Before I could speak up, Y/N said, "Matías was just going to say something to me. Would you give us some privacy, Enzo?" They walked Enzo further away from me. I noticed that their hand was on his back as they both walked. My heart felt like it was bleeding. Y/N returned.
"Umm.. what were you going to say, Matías?" They said. Their smile disappeared. "Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry." I said. I tried my best to fake a smile. "..You and Enzo are?" I looked into their eyes. "We're together." They said, still with a concerned look. "Oh, uh, when?" My voice began to break. "About a week ago." They responded. They didn't look at me. I was too late. My heart is broken. I didn't respond for what felt like years. I faked yet another smile. "Congrats! I'm so proud of you!" I shouted, giving them a pat on the back. "I hope you'll be happy." My voice broke again. I turned around for a few seconds to wipe away my tears and fix my face.
It started to rain hard. Enzo ran to Y/N with an umbrella, and they both huddled underneath it. I had no umbrella, and my clothes got wet. "Well, I'm going to leave now." I said, giving the couple a goodbye. I turned around and began to run away while letting out all my feelings. Tears are running down my cheeks and my clothes getting wet as well as my hair too. I used my gift on my head to try to cover me from the rain. "Come with us!" Y/N shouted. The rain was pouring loudly. I could barely hear them, and I didn't respond to them. I lost focus and fell down onto the puddle beneath me. My clothes got dirty and so did the gift for them. Y/N ran to me, but I signaled them with my hand to stop. They stopped there in the rain. I got up and limped all the way back inside the restaurant. I never once looked back. As I limped, I got stares and glares from everyone inside the restaurant. I felt like a fool. Agustin, as well as the rest of the LSDLN cast, stared at me with shocked faces. Agustín was about to run after me when Fran stopped him by grabbing his arm. "Give him some space." Fran said. "He'll come to us when he's ready." Fran added on. The both of them shook their heads no as they were in disbelief on what had happened.
I burst into the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me. Luckily, there was nobody inside. My back slid down the wall as I broke down into tears. My hands covering my face. I was cold and wet. My clothes ruined as well as the gift I made for Y/N. I looked into the gift bag and held the rose in my hand. My face was as red as the rose. I wanted to crush the rose in my hands, but at the same time, I wanted to keep it either for memory or just in case. "Why me?" I whimpered. My bottom lip trembling. All this time I was dreaming that I'd be with someone like Y/N, but I never dreamed that I'd lose someone like them.
I was wearing red on the outside but I was feeling blue in the inside.
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Fungi and Fae
NB Fae x AFAB Reader
AN: I wrote this last year while I was in the mood for fall. I'm a bit late for Valentine's but here's some fluff (and smut later in part two)!
Word count: 1.6k
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊Part Two (to be updated)𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
"You are looking devilishly beautiful today, m'eudail." 
"I appreciate it." You mutter, eyes scanning your surroundings for brown caps or yellow growths. After years of gathering, you have grown quite adept at it. 
“Won’t you spare me even one glance?”
The autumnal rain serves as a wonderful humectant for mushrooms- they come bursting forth from the ground and wood in vivid browns, yellows and striking black, well, the edible ones at least. A few of the local birds migrate for the season, leaving the woods serenely quiet. In their place, papery field maple seeds dance through the air like a set of wings carrying invisible bodies. Shades of red and orange permeate the woods, and even though you have looked out at the sea of colour countless times, the intensity of their hue and atmosphere always takes your breath away at the beginning of the season. It is your favourite time of the year, and it would always be much more enjoyable if it weren’t for your buzzing companion.
“I attended the most wonderful ball the other day, yet it was sorely lacking in good company. Would that you were there-”
“Your kind would have made me dance to death. Literally.” You quip, hiking your skirt up and stepping over a dead log. Conversation, if you could even call the slinging of words between the two of you, comes as naturally as breathing to you in the presence of Aetyn. Your grandmother had warned you about their kind since you were but a babe, cautioning you against their trickery. You were glad that she had trained you on how to handle them as it came into good use whenever you came out to forage.
Never accept gifts. Don’t stare at them for extended periods of time. If you encounter one, be gracious but maintain a boundary. You leave offerings of cream and pasties out for them, and wear a bell in the ribbon tying your hair.
After years of being around Aetyn, however, you have come to doubt the veracity of several claims. In the beginning they had attempted to ensnare you in all sorts of ways, fairy rings, gifts in the form of decadent chocolates and precious gems, wordplay. It all flowed over you like water. You presume that they gave up after the first two autumns.
Early on, you had accidentally gazed at them. It was hard not to- they have fine features so different from those of humans. It was as if fae were sculpted from marble, perfect and polished. Their smooth skin, hooked and noble nose as well as their androgynous beauty caught your gaze like a fish to bait. Nothing happened to you though, they just stared at you quizzically and asked if they had something on their face. Nonetheless, you still remain slightly guarded around Aetyn.
“Aetyn, would you ever consider chasing after a more naive, vulnerable maiden?” He’s quiet for a few seconds. You can almost hear the little cogs turning in his head.
“...but they don’t have your sharp tongue, or your bewitching-”
With a gasp, you clamber over to a massive queen bolete, brushing leaves and dirt from its cap before plucking it, its stem breaking from the earth with a satisfying crunch. You place it into your basket among a handful of porcinis, morels and chanterelles. Before you can stand and continue, you notice Aetyn laying belly-down on the grass with their head in their hands, long pink hair ostentatiously trailing down their shoulder.
“You have a look in your eyes when you find a good one. You smile so wide-” they have a sparkle in their eyes, you think you see their legs kicking in the air
“You’re so pretty.”
For some reason, the compliment feels oddly genuine, different from the other pet names that he piles onto you. Sensing the heat rising up your neck you look away, fussing with the mushrooms in your basket and wandering off to the clearing ahead. You’ve gotten used to Aetyn’s careless flirtation- they had used it as a tactic to trick you so you never take it to heart. Something about the look in their eyes strikes a chord within you this time, though. A jumble of strange, foreign emotions stir in your chest, so preoccupied are you with your thoughts that you make a near fatal mistake.
“Be careful!” 
Suddenly, an arm wraps around your midriff and tugs you backward. You’re leaned forward, torso tipped precariously over a circle of mushrooms. Gingerly, Aetyn gathers you into their arms, pulling you upright and a few steps away from the fairy ring.
“It wouldn’t do for you to fall into the snare of another fae now would it?” In the circle of their embrace, you are acutely aware of their body against yours even through your shirt and your coat. Your eyes are drawn to their lashes- pink just like their hair, so fair that you had never noticed just how long they were, fanning across their rosy cheeks. Aetyn’s gaze trails down the features of your face and lands on your mouth, hands sliding down your shoulders to your wrists. The feeling of his skin on yours is surprisingly humanlike, soft and comforting, but what ever made you think it would be otherwise? The urge to say something…or to do something-
A light ring and plink snaps you out of your reverie. Tearing your eyes away from them, you twist around to see your ribbon and bell on the ground. Aetyn steps away from you, the usual ease and gracefulness gone from their lithe body. They bend over, picking the delicate ribbon up. Your fringe has come loose, the two neat braids threaded to the back of your head by your grandmother undone.
“May I?” Aetyn pushes back the hair that obscures your vision. You nod, taking a seat on a cushion of brown leaves.
Their fingers carting through your hair are tender, deft as they expertly do up the braids and secure them once more. It feels…good. The warmth of their fingers, which you have watched pointing and gesturing many a time, seeps into your scalp. For once, the two of you are silent and you realise that you are wholly unaccustomed to the quiet whenever Aetyn is around. You’ve just grown used to their chatter like the tweeting of a little bird hovering over your shoulder. 
“It is done.” 
You are unable to see it, so you run a hand over the back of your head and feel the braids just as they were when you left home. They really are surprisingly good at it. Your tongue slips loose, from the intimacy in that moment or the fluttering in your chest, you do not know.
“Thank y-” You slap a hand over your mouth, unable to stop the panic from bubbling and frothing over. You look at Aetyn warily but regret it in the exact same moment, because you can see your distrust reflected in their eyes. The wide grin plastered onto their face falls and they look away from you. Whatever little shreds of trust that they’d hoped to have built up with you had blown away in the wind, they must think. 
It’s the first time that you’ve seen them look hurt and the sight claws at your heart. A few moments of unbearable quiet pass before you dust off your skirt and pick up your basket.
“I-I think that’s all I need for today.”
As the both of you walk through the lush woods, your mind is racing. With just one move, you’ve upended any semblance of kinship you shared with Aetyn. What were you going to do? Do you even want to do anything about it?
Just as you near the bend leading to your home, you come to the panicked conclusion that it would be awful to end the day this way. Aetyn has had every opportunity to capture you with trickery today, yet spurned it each time. Considering the seasons of your…relationship, you feel like you have shunned them. Summoning courage, you take a deep breath before spinning around so abruptly that Aetyn jumps.
“Today…was nice.” you bumble, acutely aware of how awkwardly your mouth forms the syllables. Your free hand twists the fabric of your shirt hopelessly.
“It was nothing. I am honoured to have your company.” They respond politely with a smile, eyes downcast. Your mouth opens and closes like a fish for a few seconds before
“Th…Th-thank you!” As soon as the two words leave your mouth, you squeeze your eyes shut.
This is it. I’m sorry for being such a foolish girl, grandmama.
What feels like an eternity passes and yet, you haven’t somehow been turned into a beetle, or been bound to servitude to a diabolical fae for the rest of your meagre mortal life, or anything really. It was quite anticlimactic. 
Instead, you feel a rush of warmth in the air and the bristle of tree branches bustling against their neighbours and the sweet call of a bird somewhere. And you hear laughter- Aetyn’s laughter, bright and rich which makes your chest brim with weight and ache. 
Your eyes still closed, a hand tugs gently against the nape of your neck and a pair of feather-soft lips plant a kiss on your brow.
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” He cradles your face in his hands. You feel compelled to lean into them but you remain rooted in place.
“Thank you.”
You place your basket on the kitchen counter, moving to don your apron and get started on dinner when your grandmother shambles into the room with her cane in hand.
“That’s a pretty flower in your hair,” she squints through the glasses perched on her nose, “wherever did you find it at this time of year?”
A hand flies to the back of your head, fingers tangling with little stems and soft, small flowers tucked into your braids. Your heart beats like the wings of a hummingbird.
“Oh my.”
Your grandmother peers at you with mirth.
“You have the look of someone in love, dear.”
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"Forever Valentine" ~ E. Munson
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Summary: When you aren't feeling yourself one Valentine's Day, Eddie is determined to make you feel better and let you know that you are his forever valentine.
Pairing: Mechanic!Husband!Eddie Munson x Wife!Reader (no pronouns used but Reader is called Wife)
Word Count: 938
Content Warning: Reader is lowkey depressed, mentions of food, sorta implied smut but not really?
Genre: Hurt/Comfort and some Fluff
Based On the Request: "I've been feeling quite sad and not like my usual self. Do you think you can make a comfort/fluff of reader feeling similarly and Eddie helping with cuddles and snacks and whatever else you think of?" (requested by @rupsmorge)
Originally Written: 02/14/2023
Beta Read By: @dungeons-are-too-cold
honeysuckleharringtons masterlist can be found here!
honeysuckleharringtons ask box can be found here!
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It was four p.m. on Valentine's Day, and to say that thus far it had been underwhelming… Well, that was a major understatement.
It hadn't been all bad. Eddie had woken you up at the crack of dawn with a kiss on the forehead, whispering promises of a surprise when he got home from work that afternoon. When you'd finally forced yourself out of bed at around noon, you walked into the kitchen to see he'd left you a bouquet of red roses and a note that read,
"I'm not good with words, but to be fair, I don't know if there are words to tell you how happy I am to be your forever valentine. Happy first married Valentine's Day, my love." - Ed ♡
And sure, those things made you happy. You yourself couldn't believe that it was the first Valentine's Day you were spending as a married couple. But no matter how many chocolate hearts you ate or bottles of champagne you popped, it couldn't change the fact that you'd been in a horrible funk lately and had no clue how to fix it.
So, instead of asking for help, you did what any normal human being would in this situation—turned on cheesy Hallmark movies, wrapped the teddy bear that Eddie had given you last year in your arms, and ate strawberry ice cream straight out of the container.
You hadn't even realized that you were on your third rom-com of the day until Eddie crept into the house, left a ghost of a kiss on your ear, and commented, "Is this really what you do when I'm at the shop?"
You gave him a sideways smile, putting on your best show of happiness for him. Valentine's Day was one of his favorite holidays, because there was no way you could fight him on spoiling you for the day.
"Not always," you answered, "only on special occasions."
"Speaking of special occasions," he said, leaning down for a kiss on the lips, "happy Valentine's Day."
As he pulled away, he held out his hands, revealing the handiwork of what he'd been doing during the overtime he'd been working the past week.
He held out a metal rose, with "Eddie + YN" engraved in one of the petals. Sure, it wasn't the most practical of gifts, but to you, it meant the whole world. Eddie using his talents to make meaningful trinkets just for you? Swoon.
Tears poured down your cheeks as you took the hunk of metal from his hands, holding the material close to your chest. "Thank you, Ed," you managed to say through sobs, your chest heavy with some odd mixture of love and guilt.
Eddie almost immediately picked up that those weren't tears of happiness, prompting him to pull you into his embrace. His curls fanned out around you as he held your head against his chest, leaving soft kisses on the top of your head.
"What's wrong?" he asked, rubbing small circles on your back.
"Nothing," you lied, attempting to slow the flow of your tears. "Just super happy that you made this for me."
He let out a deep sigh, holding you close as he led the two of you down to the couch. Pulling you into his lap, he turned you to face him and pushed your now wet hair away from your cheeks. "I can't fix the problem if I don't know what it is," he told you. "Please, tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing's wrong," you insisted. "These are happy tears."
"If I said or did something-" he started to say, but you stopped that thought before he could even finish thinking it.
You placed a loving hand on his cheek, your thumb gliding softly against the stubble growing there. "You could never do anything to upset me. Well, except for when you leave your grease rags lying around."
He chuckled before leaving a long, soft peck on your forehead. "I love you. So much. Please come to me if you ever need me. There's a reason I asked to be your husband."
You melted into his embrace, tossing your legs over his and wrapping your arms around his neck. "I just…" you started, pausing to consider your words, "I've just been in a small funk lately."
"Whatcha mean?" Eddie asked in a whisper, placing his large palm in the center of your back.
"I've just been really sad. And tired. And I just feel off. I don't even remember how it feels to be my normal self," you explained. "I didn't say anything because I knew you were busy with work."
"Hey, hey, hey," he stopped you, his hand moving from your back to your hair, his fingers softly tugging at the ends, "never hesitate to tell me things just because of work. Work can wait. The second you slid this ring on my finger and I said, 'I do,' you became my top priority."
The two of you stayed like that for a while, enjoying the comfort of one another's embrace. He held you tight against his chest, whispering quiet "I love you's" against the shell of your ear, and trailing kisses along your neck.
"I love you too," you answered eventually, giving him an actual smile this time.
"Since it's Valentine's Day," he said as a smirk appeared on his perfectly plump lips, "can I show you just how much I love you, my beautiful, *kiss* amazing, *kiss* wonderful wife?"
You giggled, a smile sitting on your lips as they landed on his for a passionate, slow, strawberry-flavored kiss. "I *kiss* would love *kiss* nothing more."
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Aaahh, happy belated Valentine's Day, lovers!! I tried so hard to have this up on Valentine's Day but alas, good things take time and I had to wait. But, I hope it was well worth it because I absolutely love how this turned out!
Thank you so much to @rupsmorge for this lovely request!! May everyone's sweetheart Eddie make you feel better and give you a lil comfort 🫶🏻💗🫂
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-> Taglist: @dungeons-are-too-cold @ducky-died-inside @awkotaco24 @princesseddie @aftermidnightwriting @manuosorioh @hereiamhereigo @esoltis280
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hoodharlow · 4 months
Scaring the Hoes
AN: fic idea and title inspired by THEE @earthtoharlow 🤭🤭🤭 also sorry for posting this fic a week after v-day lop
Requested? No
Warnings: mentions of virginity, a brief argument of you squint, and smut
Word Count: 2.6k words
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Tonight was finally the night Mariana was having sex with Jack. Was Valentine's Day a corny date to have sex with someone for the first time? A bit. But they’ve been dating for a few months now and things have been getting serious. They met back in October when Jack was at the Louisville vs Notre Dame game. She sat in his section because she was cheering on her younger brother who played for Notre Dame. Unlike her brother, she went to the University of Louisville, as she's from there. She was still attending school because she was working on her PhD in sociology focusing her research in food deserts and environmental racism. 
Jack and Mariana talked for weeks until Jack worked up the courage to ask her out. Because of their busy schedules, they really didn't have the time to go out, much less have sex, so they agreed to take it slow. What Mariana did not expect was that they were taking things slow. They had their occasional heated makeout sessions, but those quickly fizzled out, ending with Jack suggesting he drive back home (at twenty-five she still abided her parents strict curfew) or pulling out a puzzle. In the almost four months they've been together they've finished about eighteen 1000 piece puzzles. Jack’s place now has a designated wall with all of the puzzles they've done glued together with Mod Podge and framed. As much as she found it endearing that he put up the puzzles on the wall, Mariana wished he pinned her on the wall and fucked her senseless. A girl had needs that her glow in the dark dildo couldn't fulfill. 
She looked at herself in the mirror inspecting how her lingerie looked and making sure her dress wasn't see through. She got a red set with the works. She wore a white knit dress from Khaite that Jack gifted her from when he was in London. When she found out the price, Mariana tried to return it to him, but he wouldn't budge. He was always spoiling her which was something she wasn't used to from her past partners. It was nice that he never made her feel bad about money or implied she was with him for who he was. If she needed something he gave it for her with no strings attached. 
Like when the semester began in January, her fellowship money hadn't come in yet and she needed to pay her tuition. She would've asked her parents but they were strapped for cash because they had remodeled their flower shop. So she went to Jack. She rambled off explaining to him about her fellowship, but he cut her off and just wrote her a check. When she was reimbursed and went to pay him back, he didn't want the money back. They went back and forth on Venmo for a week seeding each other the money that Venmo stepped in and froze their accounts for a bit.
Jack's car pulled up to her parents’ driveway. Mariana cursed and quickly finished getting ready. She pulled on her black calf-length boots and grabbed her backpack and overnight bag. Her parents were out of town so tonight Mariana didn't have any curfews to worry about. Plus Jack lived closer to campus and she had a ten am lecture. 
The doorbell rang and Mariana ran downstairs, nearly missing the last step. Unfazed she opened the door to Jack. He looked handsome as ever in an all Givenchy ensemble. 
“Hey, beautiful.” He greeted her, wrapping his arms around her. 
“Hi,” she smiled. 
Mariana stood on her tippy toes and kissed him. Jack pulled her closer to him and gripped her hips tightly. He moaned in her mouth as she slowly moved her hips against his. But then Jack pulled away. 
“We should get going.” He cleared his throat. “Our reservation is in half an hour.”
Disappointed, Mariana nodded. “Let's get going then.” 
It was going to be a long night and not in the way she hoped.  
The date itself was amazing. Jack booked them a private room at the restaurant. While it was upscale with menu names Mariana couldn't pronounce and with prices higher than her textbooks, their food was delicious and in normal-sized portions. They spent most of their time talking about Jack's work trips to New York and Las Vegas. Mariana enjoyed hearing him talk about his work. Jack spoke so humble and appreciative. It was one of the first things she noticed about him. 
When they first met at the football game, Jack struck up a conversation with her dad and spent a good quarter of the game talking. When her dad told him that her family owned the flower shop, Jack mentioned how his parents also owned a business. He didn't talk about his parents’ shop in an arrogant way, implying that his family's business was better or anything. He was genuinely interested in what her dad had to say. Days after the game he made a huge order.
Jack opened the car door for her when they got back to his place. Lulu, Jack's dog, pawed at the garage door when she heard them arrive. She jumped in Mariana's arms and snuggled on her. 
“I'm gonna take her out in the yard so you can settle upstairs then we can finish the puzzle.” Jack said, grabbing the poop bag key chain in the wooden bowl he put his keys in.  
“The puzzle…” Mariana trailed off. 
“Yeah, we have a few sections left. We can finish it by tonight.” He said enthusiastically.
Mariana smiled toothless and went upstairs to his room. She'd been in it a few times whenever he hosted get togethers. She usually went upstairs to work and grade work from the classes she was TA’ing but she never spent the night. He had all the basics in his room: a bed frame, a drawer-chest, a night stand on each side, and a walk-in closet. The bathroom on the other hand was glorious. It was like it was off pinterest when she searched up a bathroom from an island resort, or an architecture digest spread. It was teal with gold accents and dark brown furniture that balances out the colors. 
She laid on her stomach like a starfish and closed her eyes. Jack’s bed was unbelievably comfortable. She reached over for one of the large pillows that matched the comforter and hugged it tightly, taking in Jack’s scent. What she wasn’t trying to think about was her face smushed in the pillow while he fucked her senseless. 
“Hey, I thought you fell asleep or something.” Jack said, entering the bedroom. 
“No, I'm still settling in.” 
He nodded as he unbuttoned his shirt. He shedded it off and grabbed a hanger from the walk-in closet, staying in the tank top he wore under. He went inside and changed out of his trousers into some black sweatpants. He also traded his dress shoes for some slides. Jack was about to walk out but she stopped him. 
“Can you help me with my boots?” Mariana asked him, stretching out her leg. 
“Of course.” He nodded. 
He set his phone next to her and knelt down. Mariana hiked up the skirt of her dress and opened her legs a bit more, in hopes that he got a peek of her red panties. From the looks of it he seemed indifferent. Jack pulled them off and neatly set them beside the night stand.
“Thank you.” She said softly. 
She stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around him. Jack hesitantly hugged her back. Mariana claimed his lips and kissed him. One thing led to another and they were in bed with Mariana straddling Jack. She reached for one of his hands and placed it on her breasts. 
Jack kept it there for three seconds then brought it down to waist. It was taking everything in him not to ravish her. He was trying his best not to make her feel like she needed to do all this for him to stick around. He was willing to wait until she was ready. 
“The puzzle.” Jack mumbled against her lips.
He gently pushed off him and sat up.
“Right,” she nodded, “I'll be down in a bit.” 
“Aight, I'll get snacks and drinks ready then.” He smiled. 
Jack bent down and picked up his phone that fell during their heated makeout session. Without a second thought he went downstairs. Lulu was sleeping soundly in her crate. He oulled down the covers around her crate so light from the living room wouldn't bother her. 
He made his way over to behind the couch. He pulled out his dick and fixed it so that it wouldn't be distracting him while they built the rest of the puzzle. He didn't know how much longer he could depend on his left hand. But for Mariana he was going to, no matter how much it pained his dick. After that he went to the kitchen to grab some snacks and apple juice for Mariana. He was carefully placing the completed sections on the table when Mariana entered the living room with her things. 
“Why did you bring down your things?” He asked her, confused.
“Honestly, I don't see the point of me up  the night if you're not going to be spending it with me.” Mariana said, scrolling through Uber to get a ride. 
“If I didn’t want to spend time with you, I wouldn’t have invited you over to be with you.” Jack snapped.
“We don't do anything but puzzles!” She explained, frustratedly. “In the last four months all we've done are puzzles. We've done so many that you have a wall covered in them. If you wanted someone to do puzzles with you could've just said that and not led me on.” 
“What the hell are you on? I've never led you on. I wanted to pursue a relationship with you and that's what I assumed you wanted too.” Jack frowned.  
“Then why haven't we had sex!? Every time I want to initiate it, you make up some excuse or make us do something to keep us from having sex. Not to sound make it seem like I have sex all the time but–”
“Wait, you're not a virgin?” He cut her off. 
“No? What made you think that?” Mariana asked him. 
“When you said you wanted to take things slow, I assumed you meant sex.” He explained. 
“No,” she shook her head, trying not to laugh. “I meant we should become ‘official’ slow. You were busy with your tour and I didn't want you to feel pressured to put a title on us when we've been hanging out for a few weeks. Though never did that mean we shouldn't be having sex.” 
Jack chuckled, “man, I feel like a dumbass. I'm sorry.” 
“It's okay.” 
“Does this mean I can do this?” he asked, pulling her to him and squeezing her ass. 
“It means you can do anything you want with me.” She smirked before kissing him.
Jack picked her up by the back of her thighs and carried her to his bedroom. Once inside he pressed her against the door with his hips and helped her out of her dress, revealing the lingerie. He slowly dragged his eyes down her body, taking in her lingerie. It was a matching lace set from fleur du mal. The bra held her breasts perfectly, slightly revealing her nipples. Hugging her waist was a matching garter belt light pink bows at the ends. Lastly, was the thong. It matched her bra and garter belt, but in the back it had a small cut out in the shape of a heart. 
“You're really trying to kill me aren't you?” he smirked. 
“No, I'm trying to get you inside me.” Mariana smirked back. 
Jack ran his thumb over the cup of her bra, making her shudder in anticipation. “This looks pretty on you. You know where else it would look good?” 
“No.” she shook her head. 
“On the ground with your thong.” he said, nipping at the swells of her breasts. 
“Your clothes would look good there too.” she panted. 
“Yeah, let's see.” 
Jack set her down and took a step back so they could remove their clothes. Once she took off her undergarments, Mariana climbed in bed and waited for Jack, who was struggling with his socks and pajamas. He tripped over them but joined her in bed. There they resumed their makeout session. 
Jack didn't waste any second and touched Mariana all over, from tugging at her nipples to gripping her thigh as she slipped in between his legs. He felt her get more and more aroused on his thigh as she rubbed herself on him. He slid down one of his hands and rubbed her clit. 
“I'm on birth control and when we started talking I got tested.” She whimpered, reaching down for his length. 
She spit on her hand and slowly stroked him.
“I got tested too.” He groaned, pressing his forehead against hers. 
Jack gently laid her on the bed and pushed her legs to her chest. Instinctively, Mariana held the back of her knees. She let out an oof when Jack lifted her hips and slipped a small pillow. He hovered over her and kissed her. 
“Ready?” He asked her softly.
“Yes,” she said in a breathy voice.
“Fair warning, I don't think I'm gonna last.” He teased. 
“Don't care, I just wanna feel you in me.” Mariana giggled nervously. 
Jack knelt in front of her and rubbed his length over her entrance. Once his dick was lathered in Mariana's arousal, Jack took his length and slowly slid in her. She moaned out and dug her nails into her thighs. Jack gripped where her thigh met her hips and kept thrusting into her at a slow pace. 
“I'm so sorry for misinterpreting that we take this slow.” he groaned. 
Mariana arched her back and pressed her head against the pillow in response. 
He wrapped one of her legs around him, bringing them closer as he took her. Since he was still kneeling, he reached forward and used one of Mariana's shoulders to anchor himself as he sped up.
Her breath hitched at how good it felt. Jack must have noticed, and continued thrusting in that spot. The familiar feeling came over her once more. Mariana was about to come, and Jack knew it. His thrusts got more precise, hitting where she needed him.
“Come on, Mariana, let go for me.” He encouraged her. 
That pushed her over the edge, and she repeated Jack’s name over and over until her high faded. Jack continued thrusting in and out of her. His thrusts grew sloppy. After a few minutes passed, he stilled his movements quietly moaning out her name as he came inside her. He pulled the pillow from under her and rolled on his back. 
Once their orgasms subsided, Mariana rolled on her side and cuddled against Jack, asking, “Was this better than finishing that puzzle?”
“A hundred times better.” He chuckled. 
“Good because you were scaring the hoes, aka me, away.” she said. 
“I was not.” Jack scoffed. 
“I would literally touch your hand and you would recoil like a thirteen year old who discovered boobs existed.” she argued playfully. 
“That was because I was being a gentleman,” he said proudly.
“Nothing that you did to me in the last twenty was gentlemanly.” Mariana smirked.
“You weren't complaining.” 
“True,” she admitted. 
“In fact I can show you other non-gentlemanly things you might enjoy.” Jack grinned. 
“Yeah?” She asked.
He pulled her on top of him and nodded, “Yeah, I have about four months worth of things.”
Inspired by this ask lol
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 months
The moonlight
Garfield Logan x Male Reader
Request: Garfield Logan x male magical reader basically Wanda, reader spoiling Gar cause let’s be honest he deserves it
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You have been dating Garfield for almost a year now. You and Garfield have strong feelings for each other and are always affectionate to each other.
Right now, you are training and you are using your magic, to hit the dummies. Garfield walks in with snacks and he is smiling at you.
“I come in peace” Garfield smiled.
“Hey babe” You smiled.
He gave you a peck on the lips.
“How was the training?” Garfield asked.
“Good. My magic is getting stronger and I learned new spells” You said.
“That’s good. I was thinking we would do something together” Garfield said.
“Sure, we can do something,” You said.
You used your magic to clean yourself and change your clothes.
“So handsome” Garfield smiled.
“So are you, babe” you smiled.
You and Garfield go to the mall together. He is holding your hands then you and him go inside a store. You grabbed a few things and he tries on a leather jacket you helped him pick out new shorts and shirts. You paid for everything and he isn't used to it, someone spending a lot of money on him.
“You really didn't have to buy everything,” Garfield said.
“I know but I wanted to,” You said.
He kissed you on the lips. Then you and Garfield go to another store and he helped you decide what to buy.
Much later, you and Garfield went to a see movie. He put his arm around you and you lay your head on his chest. Then you feed him popcorn and he can't stop smiling at you.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
It's valentines Day… you surprised him with gifts and chocolates. He wrapped his arms around you and you start to kiss him. You and Garfield can't stop smiling at each other, then you touch his hair. He has on the leather jacket that you bought for him at the mall.
“Thanks for the gifts. I always used to hate Valentine's Day then you came along” Garfield said.
He feeds you chocolate. He takes out the plush bears from the bag and the card then gave it to you. It's two bears with one heart and a cute Valentine's Day card.
“For my handsome and smart boyfriend,” Garfield said.
“Here are your gifts,” You said.
He starts to open his gifts and he likes them. Then he put his hands on your face and he starts to kiss you.
“Do you remember how we met?” Garfield asked.
“I do remember. You faked being rich to impress me then you saved me from Bane” You said.
“I’m glad I did that. I wouldn't have changed anything, because I'm happy that you gave me a second chance to show you the real me” Garfield smiled.
You feed him a piece of chocolate and he likes it.
“I got one more gift for you,” You said.
“What is it?” Garfield asked.
You take out a promise ring and put it on his finger.
“It's a promise ring and an engagement ring. A promise never to leave your side and whenever you need me I will be there” You said.
He leans in and kissed you on the lips.
“No matter what happens, I will never leave your side Y/n. I care about you a lot and I don't want to lose you” Garfield smiled.
Later, you and Garfield cuddle in bed to watch a movie together, and you are the bid spoon. He puts his hand on top of your hand.
You used your magic to take Garfield to take him to Australia. You and Garfield got tired of the cold, then you surprised him with a trip.
“I always wanted to go to Australia and pet koalas!” Garfield smiled.
“Wow, you seem really excited about it. Let's go to the beach first then we go pet koalas?” You said.
“Sounds like a good plan, babe,” Garfield said.
You and Garfield are staying at a hotel and then started to get ready. At the beach, Garfield is smiling because you stop touching his chest
“Babe, I got enough sunscreen,” Garfield said.
“Just making sure,” You said.
He did put sunscreen on your chest. You are having fun with Garfield at the beach and he is making you laugh.
Much later… you and Garfield went to see Koloas and pet them. You did take a few pictures with him holding koalas. Garfield can't stop smiling then he turned into a koala then he got on your arm and you took a picture of him.
“Cute” You smiled.
Later he transforms back into himself. Then you and Garfield went to get something to eat.
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A sweetly perverse Valentine's Day
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I saw how you came into my home, how the golden sun shone on you from outside. The short dark dress, the red velvet on you so beautiful, so incredibly beautiful. Your eyes in which I lost myself when you looked at me, be it with joy when we saw each other, when you wanted to show me something.
When you look down on me when you ride me, your hands leave warm and gentle stripes on my chest. Sweet and painful when you throw your head back in pleasure moaning my name for every fucking inhabitant of this complex.
As your thighs tense and relax your scratches drive me to move my hips to thrust my cock deeper into you and give you everything you want. ,,Marcus" you said when you greeted me and you would moan that name.
I knew how you sounded, I knew everything about you down to the smallest detail of the pleasure I had given you. With my cock inside you in one way and another, my hands running over your divine body that robbed me of my mind at night, you cuddled up to me in my dreams.
I wake up with the stain and the bulge in my underwear and can't help but close my eyes and touch you and moan your name into the night. Would you be ashamed if you knew what I wanted to do to you? My lips that kissed you now as well as at night but instead of your cheek it was all on you.
Your breasts, the sensitive nipples that always made you shudder when I licked, sucked and pinched them. My hand pushed you back onto the soft mattress, ,,Not yet darling...let me spoil you" I had whispered seductively in your ear. You came closer and I smelled the sweet perfume. Strawberries.
You tasted just as sweet, a hint of bitter, and yet it was the best thing when I licked my way between your lips, embracing your soft skin and nestling my cheek against it. Feeling and moaning as you used your hands with a certain beloved strength to press me against your center.
My nose grazed your nerve point with every other move I made. I ate you like it was the last time forever while you used me. ,,I am all yours" I told you in bed and here when I asked you to the table. You had that anticipation in your eyes when I ran something new for us together.
No matter if blindfold, cockring, vibrator, dildo, hand and ankle cuffs everything simply everything I had run for us. But when I turned around and picked up the bowl, the individual drops of water ran over my fingers through the washed fruit in the small bowl that was overflowing with it.
I saw exactly how you looked at my hands, knew you had seen it countless times, had seen my cum in the shower, not yet completely blurred by the water, and yet you had never said anything.
Almost as if you wanted me to get caught one day. ,,Only the best for Valentine's Day," I said with a wink and saw the pink on your cheeks as you reached for the strawberry. The "glaze" almost shimmered in the sun.
Which you had already tasted hundreds of times. I saw your lips that tasted of strawberry, of sweetness and love that had closed around my cock, your pretty eyes full of tears when you looked at me, I had just used you for a moment knowing you wanted it.
I had praised you, ,,So good for me" hundreds if not thousands of times. Just like now when I took myself a fruit with the glaze and saw you chewing and swallowing the fruit with the glaze.
,,Marcus... this gift I think I want some more of the strawberries and that delicious glaze," she murmured to him as her fingers began to play with a strand of his hair and she saw his grin as he licked the glaze from his fingers and gave her hand a kiss.
,,Then let me make this wonderful day even better for you and spoil you, my love," he replied, kissing his way along her hand as they both slowly rose from the bowl and headed towards the bedroom.
After all, it was Valentine's Day and the strawberries weren't the only sweet thing they both wanted.
@icarus-star , @angelsanarchy , @certifiedsimper , @dreamingofleon , @roryculkinsgf , @wildathevrt , @madamemaximoff06 , @romanroyapologist
Me too dear anon and happy valentine's day ;)
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