#he also proved to everyone else around him that he was changing and bettering himself as a person
doortotomorrow · 5 months
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memori in every episode » perverse instantiation part two
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strangersteddierthings · 11 months
Good People
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Final Part
Wayne knows eavesdropping isn't the done thing. He's definitely old enough to know better, and he wasn't going to. He had a plan. He was going to walk directly into the living room, so they'd know he was awake, and after he'd fixed his cup of coffee, he'd plopped into his perfectly worn in recliner and subtly glare at the Harrington boy until he squirmed.
Mostly because it amused Wayne, but also just a little sliver of it was because he wanted the Harrington boy to know Wayne didn't think he was good enough for his boy. But only a little! Lord knows that Wayne couldn't do anything to make Eddie change his mind about Steve Harrington, short of Harrington proving Wayne right. Which he doesn't actually want because he doesn't want Eddie hurt.
He's just... He expects it to happen. That's what boys like Harrington do to boys like Eddie. He's seen it enough times to know that this song and dance leave no room for improvisation. Boys like Harrington play around, get their kicks with the devotion Eddie shows them, and then when they've had their fill, they leave.
Boys like Harrington will never be good enough for Eddie, but they always leave with Eddie feeling like he's not enough. Wayne hates it.
Anyway, his plan wasn't to eavesdrop. It's just that Harrington said his name and Wayne found himself standing still instead of continuing.
"Why doesn't Wayne like me?" Harrington asks.
"This again?" Eddie says dismissively, which has Wayne agreeing. His opinion shouldn't have bearing on their friendship.
A deep sigh from Harrington before, "I just. It's- he means so much to you. And, like, I- nevermind. It's stupid. I'm stupid."
"Hey," Eddie sounds a type of serious that Wayne rarely hears from him, "you're not stupid. And you gotta quit fucking saying that. You say it enough and you'll start to believe it and it's not true."
"Hard to quit feeling stupid when people dismiss my concerns like they are stupid," Harrington snaps back, bitchy as can be. The tone makes Wayne bristle on behalf of Eddie. His boy doesn't reply immediately, though. Doesn't bite back like Wayne's used to hearing. Huh. Maybe he's growing up, just a little.
"You're right, Steve," Eddie says when he finally speaks. "That was dismissive. I'm sorry. Explain it to me. Why does it matter to you whether Wayne likes you or not?"
"Well, because he's your family."
"Yeah," Eddie agrees, "he is. But that doesn't explain why it matters. I don't care if your parents like me or not."
"That's different!"
"How?" Eddie asks, soft but firm.
"Because their opinion doesn't matter. It's not- It's irrelevant. What they think."
"That makes no sense. Wayne's opinion matters because he's my family, but your parents' opinion doesn't even though they're your family?"
"But why?" Eddie presses.
"Because they're bad people!" Steve bursts, not quite shouting but close. "Because when bad people don't think highly of you, it's not a fault in you. Their disproval is, like, a compliment. They don't like you because you're too different from them. And that's great! You shouldn't want their approval. It's different, because your uncle is a good person. And when a good person doesn't like you, it is your fault. It's something- it's..." Harrington loses steam here, voice dropping low and defeated, "there's something wrong with me. Something in me that- that he just knows. Senses about me or whatever. Something wrong or rotten or-"
"Steve! That's bullshit. Sure, Wayne's been standoffish, but he'll come around. You're not wrong, or rotten, or whatever else you think you are."
"How do you know that? I was an asshole most of life and what if that's just the real me? What if that's who I'll always be deep down. 'Cause I'm trying so damn hard, man. I'm giving it my all trying to be a better person and it's not enough! Everyone still talks about who I was in high school and even you-" Harrington snaps his mouth closed so hard that Wayne hears the clack of his teeth from his position in the hallway. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- I'm sorry."
"Steve. This is about more than just my uncle's opinion of you, isn't it?"
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."
"I want you, too. I want to know if I've ever done anything to make you feel like you aren't enough."
Wayne really shouldn't be listening. He should back down the hall and into his room. Give them time to talk.
"No, Eddie, you don't make me feel like- that's not what I meant. I just. I'm...."
"Hey, Stevie, you can tell me."
"I'm just so afraid that... That one day everyone will wake up and realize what Wayne already knows. That I'm not good enough for them. For you."
Oh. Wayne really shouldn't be listening.
"I'll admit that Wayne's opinion is important to me, for a lot of things. But not about you. What I feel about you, how I feel about you, isn't dictated by Wayne."
"Sure. I mean, I know that, like, logically or whatever. But it's. I can't convince my brain that you won't just. Hate me one day. And I- fuck, Eddie, I'm already halfway in love with you and-"
"You're in love with me?" Eddie interrupts, sounding awed, starstruck, and Wayne cannot be listening anymore. He backs down the hall silently and back into his room.
Steve Harrington seems to think that he's a good person, but he's not feeling like a good person at the moment.
He's got some thinking to do.
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gomu-fer · 3 months
You must live
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What if Luffy and reader got out of Marineford with Ace?
Ace x reader
2.1k words, gn reader, SFW fluffy at the end
Depictions of war and injuries, happy ending!!! Idc idc, the most plot accurate thing I’ve ever written I guess if you haven’t catched up to marineford then don’t read, or do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I ain’t the boss of ya’
It had creeped up on you like a nightmare from which you cannot wake up, your heart thrumming in your chest as you repeat to yourself that nothing’s real, that it’ll past— But it doesn’t
You still remember how you got here, the fear after seeing Ace stomping out the deck just about to jump to his striker as he argued with your dad because you knew there was not stopping him, yet you plead
“Don’t do it” now you stood between his sizzling anger and the edge of the ship, arms immediately grabbing his as a cry for help
“I have to do this, you know I do… I can’t let that bastard step on my dad’s name” as you looked right into his gaze you could just feel there was something else, something he was trying to prove not to your dad, not to the crew or you but to himself— Like he had to be of use to deserve his place
“Then I’m going with you” never in your life you had spoken with such conviction; you run to the side of the deck to gather a backpack and quickly tossing some food that was left laying around before everyone had stopped to convince your stubborn lover and failed miserably
“NO!” in all your time with Ace you had never heard him raise his voice at you, but you gave it no mind, quickly scrabbling anything useful for the journey at your arms reach
“Yes” everyone stood frozen knowing better than to speak up, you and Ace were so painfully similar, stubbornness one of the qualities on that list
“I have to do this myself, I want you here where you’re safe” he tried to quickly reach for the backpack now all full and packed but to not avail since you were quicker to toss it on your shoulders and walked straight to his striker
“I can handle myself just fine. I am going because I want to, I am making that decision,”- the silence that followed your statement was seasoned with desperation from the man that was onto your toes -“If you think I’m letting you go by yourself you’re out of your mind Portgas”
His last name leaving your lips had him groaning, a warning to not question you since you had in fact already made your mind and there was not changing it— so stubborn
So you followed him, through the hot desserts of Alabasta, dangerous Marine base’s and infested seas; you would’ve followed him to the end of the world
Maybe that’s were you find yourself now— the love of your life chained about to be executed like his death had something to proof; his blood not one he choose but now being punished for it, the world had failed him even before he was born and it pains you that you didn’t know, that he didn’t tell you about all the self doubt, insecurities and regrets that blinded him, a lot of things now making sense as you recall some of his behavior even before you began to build your relationship— his search for a life worth living that now you and him wonder if he’ll ever get to taste. But you don’t hold it against him, how could you?
By your side stands his brother, a pirate you had met in your lovers journey that had doomed yourselves, a bright and brave pirate that now gives his life away for his big brother, even if there’s no more he can give he does. And you? The pain that aches your heart also aches your bones, one more hit and you’ll probably be gone but you don’t care, as Ace’s voice rattles trough the dead and screams of pain it gives you all the energy and all the will to continue
“Why is it now that my brother, my dad, the love of my life and my crew fight for me, is that I find myself wanting to live?”
His words are drowned by his tears and your own but you feel them to the core, clenching your fists as you make your way through the war unfolding. Marines, pirates and family all fight for the future, you? You just want Ace to live, then you’ll give yourself the luxury of thinking about the future— A future where he is in
You scream his name at the top of your lungs making his head jolt up looking for you from high above, even though a battle cry, your voice soothes him but it also terrifies him. He fears for your life, and if you may want to keep him in it now that you know his biggest secret— what do you think of him now?
His fears quickly fade as you scream once more
He doesn’t deserve you- he thinks. You had stood by him through thick and thin. even now you could turn away from this war and start anew, yet you fight for him, body scarred, bullets and punches flying above your head but your eyes look for his, your voice chooses to call for his name and reassure him even amongst the chaos— He feels your love as it expands through his tired form, combusting
Luffy glances back at you, the widest smile you’ve ever seen painted on his features, he calls your name while one of his hands holds your shoulder in a tight grip as if trying to keep you on the here and now “We are getting Ace out of here I promise”
That is the last thing you hear before everything becomes a blur, but you hold the promise close because you know it was made with a honest and pure heart. The Marines desperate to win the war and execute your lover pounce over you like a wild animal thirsty for what they call justice, but this is just a masacre. You hold onto the idea that this may pass too, like everything does
Somehow you pull trough, how? You still can’t comprehend, probably out of your resilience alone. Helping Luffy up to uncuff Ace’s restraints knowing he’s the only one capable enough to set him free, and he lives up to his name shocking everyone as both brothers decent making the war hold its breath.
That’s when Ace finally can really see you, your face clear and your presence heavy in his heart— it’s like the first time he ever saw you, love is the only thing stirring around his stomach even in the middle of his own demise as you stand in front of him, there’s nothing more he wants than to kiss you senseless right now, cry as you hold him tight grateful you’re here
But this is not over
It might never be
Your feet move at the speed of light, Ace’s hand wrapped around yours in the tightest grip as if grounding him, while also keeping you safe and sound. You must’ve been thrilled, the love of your life free and by your side now, yet, this cruel world seemed to just hate him- forever cursed by the blood running through his veins
It dawns on you very quickly how getting out of this hell wouldn’t be easy, that you will have to leave people behind just to be free, and it pains you both to have to turn your backs on your captain, your dad. You see the distress trough Ace’s face as he escapes, his heart thrumming louder and louder but apparently not loud enough as he catches the voice of Akainu- one of the Marines admiral’s calling his dad weak, even as he dies for you all
He stops, so do you and as you turn to look for his gaze you catch that same glint that was the reason of this nightmare. Ace was angry, it bubbles on his being like it has done so many times before and you know there’s not changing the course of this— you feel hopeless
You stand terrified in the presence of the admiral, a ruthless man that kills in the name of justice but he’s no different to even the most evil criminals he has wiped from the seas. You are not a believer in any means, but you find yourself prying to anyone above that you’re not next on his list
Ace bites back, Akainu lures him as he continues to spit venom on the ones he loves, the symbol tattooed on Ace’s back nothing but reminding you of how far he can go- and he will now
Because he would never turn his back on the people he loves
It all happened so fast yet so slow; your lover hits the ground, red crimson puddle staining the hard floor as you panic. You turn to all directions as if looking for an answer, a miracle that would get you out of here alive
Then you see it, bright and burning at the heat of the sun— Akainu’s punch flies as it tries to burn Luffy like icarus.
The rubber boy that had flew too close to the sun trying to protect the person he loves most
And of course Ace is rushing to protect him
It’s selfish really, the way you’re only thinking about how to get yourself out of this. You want to run away from the war harmless, untouched; alongside the ones you love standing by your side with a future to think about the next morning. It fuels you; all the grief, pain and anger rises and you don’t know how or why— maybe it was the entity up above that heard your desperate pleas and pulled on the strings of destiny
But… You punch Ace
You punch him harder than you have ever punched before, launching both of your hurt bodies to the other side of the battlefield. Akainu’s fist wavers, enough to miss his actual target, his little brother who holds Ace’s life between his fingertips while it sets alight once again
Everything stills, even as you hit the floor hard, you must’ve passed out after all this torturous time fighting, but you hold onto the little sanity and energy you can
Ace is looking at you incredulous— a million emotions tug at him as he looks back between you and his brother. Is he relieved? Angry? Scared?. For a moment his strong morals crumble as his gaze meets yours; you’re tired, so so tired yet hopeful as you plead for him to change his ways eve if it is for just this once, because you’re a selfish bastard
You can’t really make up what he’s saying to you now, you don’t really care as you use all in you to muster
“You must live Ace”
Your body shuts down, limp crashing on Ace’s naked top half as he holds you desperately, both of you may still lay on the battlefield but you feel safe because you know he’ll listen to you— you know he’ll live
And he would never let you down
It’s cold, you can make out a continuous beep that follows the rhythm of your slow heartbeat. You try to adjust the uncomfortable position in which you lay on your back, but your body doesn’t respond not even your eyelids as you beg them to show you where you are— Were you dead? Safe? At the bottom of the sea?
Air slowly enters your lungs, allowing your tired body to settle, you open your eyes a little hesitant now, a gray metal ceiling greets you
Another breath gives you the courage to move, you don’t recognize any of the coroners that your eyes land on, the bed creeks making the cowboy hat by your bed that was still in the corner of your eye jolt up
There they were, those eyes you adored more than anything… and that you thought you’ll never see again. They are different now, puddled with grief yet softer
It was reliving how after your ears had ringed for so long, to listen to your name spoken so softly, so lovingly
“You’re here” Ace can’t even bring himself to touch you, afraid you may shatter and there was just so much he wanted to say, to do, yet he only thanks you
He sobs now, allowing his walls to fall right at your feet because who else could’ve done it if not you
Your scarred hands cup his freckled face tenderly “Ace… you lived”
What a silly thing to say, of course he lived
Why wouldn’t he live?
I just finished Marineford and omg I just had this looping in my mind, Ace is my favorite character I see a lot of myself in him. This was written in 3 sittings so I may consider writing a corrected/longer version of it if people are interested because I am a huge nerd and love writing takes on arcs and stuff. Anyway Portgas D Ace you would always be famous
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mailka · 3 months
The thing about Aemond this season is that the show can't make me care about him or his motivation. And it's not because I think the ideas the show presents are bad it's because the execution of these ideas is atrocious.
Why does the show (and the fandom) need to coddle Aemond? His actions caused the death of two of his nephews (directly or indirectly)*, he committed kinslaying which is one of the worst crimes you can ever commit in Westeros, which fucked TG cause much more than the execution of a dozen nobodies ever could and it made any sort of peace talks impossible.
But the show refuses to hold him accountable. The only one that voices their displeasure is Alicent and even that happens in passing. Otto gives that stupid speech about how Aegon is the one that fucked up but outright tells Aemond "I understand", Aegon (or Helaena) is not allowed to snap at Aemond about B&C (instead the brothel scene presents it as "Aegon bad, poor Aemond uwu") and we hear no-one beside TB care about Lucerys murder.
And instead we have Aemond presented as that "poor little meow meow" and will have him commit fratricide because Aegon bad. Why? Why not have Aemond, who is established in s1 to believe himself to be better than his brother (or anyone else for that matter), to struggle with the idea that he fucked up and fucked up bad? Why not have him to go out of his way to blame everyone around him and try to justify his actions (like Daemon)? Why not have him have a fallout with Aegon because of B&C? Why not have his actions be the reason why so many houses (in the Reach in particular) side with Rhaenyra or remain neutral? Why not have Otto blame him for why Aegon's support (which Otto spent 20 years on gathering) is diminishing?
IMO, his Rooks Rest action should be about him trying to prove himself to still be better than his brother and when Aegon shows up that makes Aemond angry and make stupid decisions like use dragonfire on both Meleys and Sunfyre, not because he deliberately wants to kill his brother but because he doesn't care if Aegon is hurt or not because it was supposed to be about him and him only.
And then they go back to KL and it's not a victory like he wanted it to be but also yet another fuck up, because TG now has only one useful dragon and Aegon is almost dead and the succession and stability are messed up and people are talking about him being kinslayer and even kingslayer and that makes him spiral even more.
But we don't have that, he has like 6 minutes of screentime that are spent in the brothel and minimum amount of time is spent on establishing his relationship with his family. And I honestly don't care about his struggles. Maybe the second part of the season makes me change my stance but so far he's pretty disappointing.
*yes, B&C is the fault of Daemon/Mysarya and B&C themselves but Aemond basically gave him carte blanche.
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countessklair · 1 year
you know what, no, i'm not done talking about this. jamie isn't 'dealing with the fact hes not number one anymore/hes not the star'. he literally already dealt with that in SEASON TWO!!!! sure he was still his arrogant prick self but it was in a fun, teasing way meant to make the team and the audience laugh, that was the whole point of The Signal, so Jamie would know he could turn up being a prick!! because he already KNEW he wasn't the star on the team, Roy's whole problem with Jamie when he became a coach was that JAMIE WAS TOO MUCH OF A TEAM PLAYER.
i swear i'm so sick of seeing people act like jamie is just throwing a fit over nothing, he's not worried from a selfish concern (although he has every right to be pissed about Zava stealing his goal, i saw someone else say that Roy would have headbutted the FUCK out of someone for that and they're right and they should say it), but the point is that jamie's biggest concern is that the team, HIS team, the goofy touchy feely himbo team that's anti-toxic masculinity THAT TEAM is regressing. they're not listening to Ted or Beard or Roy, they're just getting on the field and giving Zava the ball and that's not what team sports are about. especially not with a self-centered borderline narcissist like Zava.
also jamie's looking at this from the other side now. he used to be a bully/asshole star player. he was sent back to man city, did some soul searching and growing as a person and as a player and PROVED himself to have changed for the better. he didn't just apologize and go back to acting like a dick, no, he woke up and realized it wasn't ok for him to act like that. so now he's fucking BAFFLED why it's ok for Zava to act like this. Zava isn't an aggressive bully the way Jamie was, but Zava's tell is in his body language. he shakes off Dani and the teams congratulations, stepping infront of and above all of the rest of the team to take all of the crowds cheering for himself and to block the view of the team, he steps in front of ted to block the teams view of their fucking coach, because to Zava, *he* is the only thing that matters. to zava, he is nothing short of the sun and/or god, and jamie is the only one wearing sunglasses and not being blinded by it, and is the only one looking around like 'wtf why is everyone drinking this dickheads kool-aid please get a grip'
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solurae · 11 months
four eyes (more to love underneath the frames) — PT.1
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HELLO!!! okok the prologue received some good reception so i will!!! be continuing the series :3c THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE NICE COMMENTS AND REBLOGS AND OHHHH MY GOD THE MOTHER OF NERD!MIGUEL @nymphomatique REBLOGGED MY PROLOGUE (i could die happy) ty for the food and the inspiration to start this series!!!
i’m still the process of setting up my tumblr because my ass made this my secondary blog (but idek if that changes anything… i don’t think) OH AND YES THERE IS NOW A TAG FOR THE SERIES! ALSO PLSPLSPLS DON’T BE AFRAID TO SEND THROUGH ASKS FOR DRABBLES OR REQUESTS OR ANYTHING REALLY!!! i’m more than happy to feed us both hehe
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“sorry students, the projector is currently out of order so i’d like for all of you to just go through the powerpoint on your own. feel free to come up and ask questions.” the professor sighs as he closes his laptop and settles down onto his desk, the chatter of other students and laptop keyboards create the perfect white noise for your 8AM lecture.
you weren’t really that keen on studying this period anyway so you’ll just get it done later but god he looked so much better up close. why did miguel have to be so fucking dorky and hot and cool all at fucking once? it bothered you that miguel has never spoken to you. ever. but with that in mind, no one would ever think of the effect this nerd had on you, not even the nerd himself.
“oi mate, mandem depending on you to pass this class.” you shake your head after you’re slightly shoved to the side of your desk by none other than your best friend bad influence. hobie, hobie, hobie… you groan as you look his way, legs propped up on the desk as if he’s completely unaware that he’s in an lecture hall. next to him is peter, trying to shove hobie’s legs off the table for fear of accidentally hitting miguel who was seated right infront of you.
peter and hobie were the angel and devil on your shoulder that manifested into your closest friends. it was so hard to make friends (partially because you weren’t interested in anyone aside from miguel) and that everyone in your class were already in tight knit friend groups, and it was clear they all wanted to keep it that way with the silent treatment and one-sided conversations. but that didn’t matter. what did matter was that neither of them were taking this class seriously.
hobie - for god knows what reason - just took the class for fun. well, hobie took it out of spite. he said and you quote, “it is my take on deconstructing the stereotypes and preconceptions of particular social groups alongside us punks that dictate that we lack the desire and strive for academic feats”. and you know what? for someone who likes to laze around and count the panels of wood used on the ceiling for half the lecture, his high grades put his narrow-minded folks to shame. oh and peter? although he couldn’t afford to skip his classes, he did anyway. mary jane, MJ - the mother to his children, as he calls her - is in the humanities elective they both share. and peter might as well skip that class instead of looking at MJ as if she invented humanities. you don’t know how watching you and hobie bicker was a better investment of peter’s time but no one was complaining. someone had to remind the both of you of operation miguel mutation, or in other words, get his gaze out of his books and onto your face.
“so much for wanting to prove the world wrong when you’re relying on someone else to do it for you”, you scoffed at hobie, pretending to brush dust off your shoulders. he chuckled, “i just wanted to know how it feels to be those good for nothing, narcissistic capitalists, is all”. you shoved him so hard it rattled your seats and you didn’t even realise you accidentally kicked miguel’s seat until his cold hard gaze towards you even made hobie look like an art piece in the middle of rendering.
“can i help you?”, fuuuuuuck off. he sounds so fucking hot. insanely hot.
his large pitch black frames could never obstruct how chiseled miguel was, he had angular features such as his nose, his jawline and even his cupid’s bow. but these features were softened with warm red eyes and wisps of his hair coming down to frame his forehead. o’hara’s face overall was slightly scrunched, his hand gripped onto the fold away desk while he faced you, his casual attire in sweats could barely hide his build. his mouth was slightly open, the very tip of his fangs making themselves known. he was definitely a specimen, a gorgeous specimen for lack of better word. you didn’t even realise you were staring at miguel until he raised his eyebrow and glanced over at hobie, then over to peter who was just happily content watching your unplanned, unconventional first meeting.
“oh. um, no?”, you were still confused why miguel (the man you’ve been trying to get the attention of ever since the first inkling of a feeling), suddenly turned around and spoke to you—
“excuse me, may i ask that you don’t disrupt your peers during class? i’m watching you too, brown.” if your teacher scolding you like a wack ass boy in year 9 wasn’t enough to make you embarrassed, your quick descent into realising that you quite literally pushed yourself - pushed miguel, rather - to make the first move. in the worst fucking way possible. you ducked your head a bit in an attempt to avoid the gazes of your classmates only to find your shoe jammed between the gap next to miguel’s seat, missing his elbow by a mere few centimetres.
you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
so much for devising a plan to properly introduce yourself by actually trying in class by answering the lecturers questions, to the point miguel can’t help but wonder that there is in fact competition. aware of his competitive nature, miguel would try to get ahead of you or widen that gap but then realise he was all wrong from the moment you’d tap his shoulder for a question you pretend to not understand, to look as if you’re struggling so much miguel can ignore his own studies for a little while to help you. men are stupid after all. miguel doesn’t apply here but being an outcast adjacent of the entire university has its benefits, in a way where it benefits your elaborate plan from stroking miguel’s ego by helping you, to ever so slightly become more and more interested in you. once you slowly ease into getting out of pretending to be an academic victim and miguel finds the joy in being academically challenged by the one girl who braved the odds and approach the mysterious mutant, he’d ask to you to meet at the cafeteria or the library. it didn’t matter. you would then, finally then, be in miguel’s line of sight.
“if this is your way of trying to get into my pants, i’m not interested.”
papers were stuffed into bags and the squeaking of chairs reverberated the lecture theatre. people were making their way to their next class while peter, hobie and yourself shared looks of disbelief, disgust, along with hobie’s infamous expression that scream the words i fucking told you so.
what the fuck? what the actual fuck was that?
o’hara didn’t miss a beat and swivelled around to start packing his belongings, completely unaware of how his response alone completely changed and destroyed all prior preconceptions about this man - or boy as you would now call him - turns out being smart never stopped anyone from being dickhead.
you felt like you just failed a quiz you didn’t know that was happening, despite being prepared to ace it.
it wasn’t like you to fail, however. especially not to him.
[ 🩷 — TAGS! @angelicful @lilipads @zaunsin @m4dyy @okkotszn @rhythmloid @cosmicbarstardust @thespaceinbetweennothing @cu1tvenus @huniedeux @oharasfilipinawife @ilovemuppets @loonalockley ] feel free to comment if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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piracytheorist · 20 days
Twilight Eyes Project: "Operation Strix" (part 1)
On our first glimpse of the spy protagonist's real face, we're directly treated with neutral Twilight eyes.
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Typical day at work. Nothing too challenging for Westalis' best spy.
We continue with Twilight eyes on,
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Until we're treated to our first glimpse of emotion: an angry explosion of frustration.
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Still, eyes are narrowed, focused.
And then! Sad eyes as Twilight's superior reminds him that he will earn no medals and no recognition for his hard work.
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In the anime there's even added animation to his look, as they narrow at first, then widen back just a bit when the superior's message switches to the reminder that thanks to his job, everyone else gets to leave peacefully.
This following progression from one look to the other is very telling.
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As Twilight checks around the apartment for listening devices, and ensures he has a safe escape route, he has Twilight eyes. We can't see them in the manga, but it's easy to assume that's what he looks like in this moment.
And then, immediate switch to Loid eyes. Pleasant, willing, just your average psychiatrist with his average family moving into a new apartment. Nothing suspicious here!
This change is also interesting in the anime, as we hear for the first time the switch in his voice. Takuya Eguchi, his voice actor, uses a lower register and a "sharper" voice for Twilight's voice, but switches to a higher register and softer tone for Loid. This moment presents the difference spectacularly.
A change in presentation: investigative eyes in the manga, plain Twilight eyes in the anime.
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A closer look on a character's eyes signifies a closer look into their thoughts. In the manga, Twilight thinks for a moment about how he apparently hates kids, and so we get a closer look. In the anime, the "I hate kids" line is omitted, and since he's only thinking about the progress of his new mission, we get a full-face shot.
Twilight eyes while he says he wants to adopt the child in front of him.
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It will take him a while before he can master his "happy dad" face.
After Anya practically forces him to take her out with her, he thinks about how spies need to be inconspicuous, and we get investigative eyes.
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Then, another difference of the opposite direction.
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Full-face shot in the manga, focus on eyes in the anime. Since in the anime we expect some movement in the eyes during his small torrent of thoughts, a close-up works better as we get to focus on the way his eyes move; narrowing, closing, then opening again in concentration.
Then, Twilight eyes as he starts having doubts about how helpful Anya could be in the mission...
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Then the anime proves it's worth its salt by showing his face when he tries to appease Anya with peanuts. And lo and behold, Loid eyes.
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Typical Twilight eyes as he reads through the child-rearing books...
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And then, a case of sad eyes?
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I think the speech bubble with the ellipsis says it all. After reading about how to help a child for their "future", he reminds himself there won't be any "future" between him and Anya. He resorts to calling it a "waste of time" in the manga, but the context around the scene shows it's not investigating. All previous cases of "investigative eyes" had a form of inner monologue going on. The focus here happens in silence.
Verdict: sad eyes indeed.
(continued on part 2)
(anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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finniestoncrane · 7 months
Practice Makes Perfect
KTJL!Boomer, word count: 1.1k hng losing my little mind over the idea of digger practicing sucking himself off (because what else is there to do in prison?) 💙 also I fucked up the banner let me live sorryyyy request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: mentions of porn, masturbation, i made him disgusting because it's what i want ok tell me he wouldn't aim his load AND ALSO he's a fuckin goober like hc-ing it now digger talks to his penis, cum play, swallowing, self-fellating aheem heem and maybe if everyone is good and anyone wants it, we get a part 2 where he achieves his goal
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George rolled over in his metal frame bed, thin mattress offering no support as he lay on his back. It was dark, around 3am he figured, and despite how hard he was trying he knew there was no way he was going to get back to sleep.
"Well, might as well indulge."
His voice sounded strange as it bounced off the walls of his cell, but there was a comfort in it, in the lack of response, in the emptiness. Being locked up was boring, it could be dull, isolating, and it drove him insane sometimes. But, if nothing else, it meant he had plenty of time alone to do one of the simple pleasures he enjoyed.
Reaching under the bed, at the side closest to the wall, he retrieved his stash of contraband. Everyone knew he had it, everyone knew it was better if he did. He could be, as he so politely put it, "a right miserable cunt" if he didn't have his release regularly. With his fingers clinging to the slightly crinkled pages, he teased the magazine up above the mattress and pulled it over to his chest, where he bagan to flick through the slightly stained pages.
With a bored sigh, he pushed down the band of his orange prison issue pants and began lazily stroking his cock, letting it go from soft to semi-erect in his hand. A shower, not necessarily a grower, but there was plenty of him to get a grip on either way. The featherlight touch he gave to the tip when his strokes reached his head made him shiver, a crooked, self-satisfied grin spreading over his face, pushing into his lightly freckled cheeks.
Skimming through the pages clumsily with one hand, he tried to find one he wanted to settle on. They all felt used though, old news, the same bodies he'd been jerking off to for months now. He needed some new material, something different, something a little bit exciting just to change things up.
Not that he had any difficulty in getting to where he needed to go regardless. Within minutes his fist was pumping along his length faster, gripping the shaft tighter than was comfortable, releasing the tension when it felt too much to give himself that feeling of respite that made his chest feel lighter.
Predictably, he could feel himself reaching the climax of his practiced labours pretty quickly, and with a lopsided smile he held his cock up straight. Each stroke was slow and the grip was strong now, easing up the shaft as though he were squeezing his release out.
"C'mon... c'mon... ah, fuck, c'mon!"
This was now the somewhere close to the tenth time he'd been aiming for the ceiling, hoping his load was explosive enough to reach it. It felt like a challenge now, something he couldn't not try. It did, however, lead to a lot of mess. Not necessarily much clean up, but definitely a lot of mess.
Looking down at his bare chest, George swiped at the droplets and strands of cum that decorated his torso. Not quite to the ceiling, but he was sure some of it had landed on his face, close to his lips. A quick investigation with his tongue proved him correct, as he tasted the sickly, salted flavour on his tongue.
"It's not even that bad."
He reached down, swiping up some of the splatter on his finger. He held it in the air, tapping his thumb to it and watching the viscous, white substance spread between them. Then he shrugged, popping it into his mouth. As if he were some kind of deranged sommelier, he shifted it from cheek to cheek, letting it rest on his tongue before he swallowed.
"Yeah! Not bad at all. Gotta start advertising that, just in case it helps convince anyone to give the little fella a suck."
Then it hit him. He couldn't believe he had forgotten about the last project he had been working on. He'd gotten distracted by the repetitive strain injury he'd given himself in his ribs, but that pain had subsided, which meant he could continue.
"Aw yeah! I was gonna suck it!"
George excitedly sat up in the bed, legs crossed, cock still semi-erect. He wondered if that was better or worse, and settled on it being the perfect state. Not too stiff, bit of stretch to it. Focusing on the tip of his cock, he took in a few deep breaths, soothing, focusing. Then he sat up completely straight, letting his spine elongate before he bent it quickly into an almost perfect arch.
And he was still a bit away from his goal.
He pushed his neck out, groaning with the strain, his tongue sticking out over his lips as far as he could get it.
"Just... a little... closer..."
The past injury, the one he thought had healed, began to twinge again. His entire side felt solid, like the tendons connecting the muscles might snap at any second. But he was determined.
"Come on you little cunt..."
One final urge, and a blatant disregard for his physical wellbeing, was all it took, as the tip of his tongue ran along the head of his cock. It was the briefest of connections, only managing to taste the slightest amount of salt from the his slit. But it was something.
"Holy shit!"
His body almost sprang back into a natural position as he let himself relax, a reward for his efforts and his success.
"Ah, Digger! You dirty fuckin' bogan! Well done, mate!"
He was close to patting himself on the back, but he realised the stretch might inadvertently cause further strain, and now that he was back on track with his self-satisfactory plans he didn't want to cause any further interruptions. Just a few more months of this and he'd maybe be able to get the tip in his mouth. For the first time, he was glad he had a long sentence ahead of him.
Smiling down at his own cock, ever pleased with the work they put in together as partners, he spoke out loud.
"There'll be some disappointed Sheila's when they find out I don't need them anymore. Disappointed fellas too, I reckon."
He nodded wistfully, well aware in the back of his mind that there weren't too many offers to begin with, but a little delusion never hurt anyone.
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karvviie · 10 days
omg tell us more about your grif+locus thoughts
OKAY PREPARE YOURSELF. i wrote this all down and did not expect it to be so long. so other than it being a fun yapper/listener dynamic, i think that them being friends could actually be very good for each other.
tldr: Grif and Locus have great potential to have a close friendship that is beneficial to both of their senses of self-worth. They have seen each other at their worst/most vulnerable, and despite this, they show kindness and compassion towards one another. As a result, this can allow them to be emotionally open when communicating, thus forming a healthy friendship that proves to them that they are worthy of being treated with care and forgiveness.
my full explanation under the cut:
sorry guys i really could have worded all this better but i can’t be fucked rn and i wrote it stream of consciousness style. i am too tired to go back and proofread it.
btw i am also ignoring the fact that season 15 was retconned.
ok so. It has been established that grif has low self-esteem. he considers himself as the “hateglue,” and feels extremely guilty for quitting the team. he probably has some attachment issues and problems with feeling unwanted and not being worthy of being cared for (implied by o’malley about his family life)
and locus. he’s got so many problems. mentally and just in general. everyone knew him as the absolute worst version of himself and now he’s trying to seek redemption and atone for all the horrible things he’s done. but locus is doing this all by himself, he has no allies or anyone left that he can call a friend. He probably hasn’t had a healthy relationship with anybody in a long time.
IN COMES GRIF! grif interacts with locus when he’s at a very low point. he has no inhibitions, nothing to repress his thoughts and emotions in the presence of another person. he very quickly accepts locus’s change of heart and opens up to him. They do not insult each other or have any ulterior motives. which is already a big change of pace.
Grif initially knew locus as a horrible person, and experienced first hand his many crimes. despite this, he shows enthusiasm and support when told that locus wants to redeem himself.
Locus, on the other hand, despite how inexperienced he is in making friends and being kind and caring, shows compassion and concern towards grif, listening to his inane rambling and accomodating to his needs (allowing grif to bring his volleyballs on the ship).
Grif is exactly what Locus needs in a companion at this point in time, someone who is honest with him, doesn’t have any ulterior motives and accepts his past mistakes while also encouraging him to be a better person.
Locus has found a real friend, after years of an extremely toxic partnership. grif is somebody that he can also demonstrate care and compassion towards, further aiding him in his journey to being redeemed.
In addition, Grif finally has someone that he can be completely honest around. Someone who has accepted him at his lowest and validated his needs, regardless of how absurd they were.
to sort of quote my recent post, locus is showing grif that he is worth the mess. he is not a burden, he is not there just for people to hate. he is just as worthy as anyone else of care and compassion, even at his lowest.
On the other hand, grif is also showing locus that he is worthy of forgiveness, and that there is someone who is able to look past his wrongdoings and treat him as someone to be trusted and appreciated, no matter how unforgivable locus thinks himself to be.
their first interaction being the way that it was really makes their dynamic work, because they begin their partnership without anything to hide from each other. this opens up so many avenues for them to continue having a very emotionally open and honest friendship, since grif has already shown his vulnerable side to locus, and grif already knows how locus used to be and trusts him despite of it.
now i want to compare grif and simmons to grif and locus.
grif and simmons have a long history together. they are attached at the hip and have watched each other grow as people over the years. they know each other better than anyone else.
HOWEVER, they are both very emotionally repressed people. they avoid showing emotional vulnerability, and struggle to even admit that they enjoy each other’s company.
While it is obvious that they are much closer than grif and locus, they are held back by their inability to be vulnerable and deeply communicate their feelings to each other.
grif and locus don’t have this barrier, as a result of the circumstances of how they met. unlike grif’s relationship with simmons, they don’t have a whole history together of being emotionally repressed that determines how they’re used to interacting with one another.
I really think that grif and locus are the exact type of person that the other needed at the time that they meet. They could be each other’s confidant, the one person that they can trust to be fully accepting, in which they don’t need to feel unashamed about being vulnerable around.
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months
Running home to her
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Life can be difficult when everything around one self is changing, and sometimes it hard to see what will be coming up next. Life can be even more difficult when it easy to see, others around you are not the supportive as ones wants as the ones who are supportive of them are away.
Jake " lo'ak are you even listening to what I'm saying"
lo'ak " yes sir I'm"
Jake " why can't you do anything right way I'm always hearing from everyone else, all the trouble you have gotten into and along with dragging your siblings as well"
lo'ak " dad they started it I did nothing wrong"
Jake " I don't care you got into the fight with those other boys aonung, being one of them during this gather has brought shame to the family and clan"
lo'ak " ......"
neytiri " lo'ak answer your father when he speaking to you"
lo'ak " yes neytiri"
Jake " she is your mother you will address her as mother or ma'am"
lo'ak " y/n is my mama as well"
Jake " neytiri a far better mother then y/n now I can see why you behave, like this she is to blame for your behavior and actions she always enables you"
lo'ak " no she doesn't sir she listen to me and understands me"
neytiri " you two have never brought pride and joy to our family, always shame and disappointment why can't you be like your brother or sisters"
lo'ak " because I'm my own person ma'am and I will keep being myself"
Jake " you will go apologize to those boys and your brother tomorrow after morning meal, and then you will apologize to their parents as well then the clan for your foolish behavior and then you will have chores to do ... to make up for your mistake once again'
lo'ak " the only one I will say sorry to this neteyam those boys were speaking poorly about mama"
Jake " well whatever they said they might not be wrong"
lo'ak " sir she is your and mother mate"
neytiri " that not important right now"
lo'ak " fine if I don't apologize what will happen"
Jake ' you will leave this house and stay elsewhere"
lo'ak " so we finally came to this situation sir"
Jake ' yes and you will not be staying with your grandmother or uncle tsutey as well he mad at you as well, you will leave the home and stay elsewhere until you act mature"
lo'ak " okay sir"
Jake " you can stay in the huts outside of the clan because right now, we don't need anymore trouble"
lo'ak " do my siblings and everyone else know about this"
Jake " we will tell them later they will understand so make your decisions, we will leave you here to think as we need to check up on your siblings and there other ... dont disappointment even more then you have already done"
neytiri " think about this wisely lo'ak for everyone sake" neytiri and Jake soon left, lo'ak made up his idea he soon ran to his room and packed up the belonging he will needed. He was leaving he was going to do everyone and favor and leave, he was going to join you and the other at the second base.
lo'ak " I should go say goodbye to everyone and tell them I will call later" lo'ak was heading those the healing hut to speak with everyone.
tonowari " Jake sully what will you do with the son of yours"
ronal " he has hurt our son and other boys as well, and he keeps on breaking the rules of the clan and questions us as well"
Jake " we have spoken with lo'ak and gave him a scolding, he will make a apology to your boy and the others along with everyone else he will also be punished as well"
neytiri " we are sorry about his behavior"
ronal " it seems like your other child are not demon blooded like him, the clan has faith in your other kids not in the boy ... I and tonowari wish for you as well to make sure lo'ak doesn't drag our daughter down his wicked path"
ronal " we seen the way he looks at her and we don't wish for that for our daughter until the boy prove himself as navi and no demon"
Jake " we will deal with that we have noticed as well and will make sure no more trouble comes to your family"
Jake " sometime I wonder if he even my son or even if he should be a sully after all" lo'ak had a looked of heartbreak on him, he decisions was finally made he was now. It seems like saying goodbye will be bad he just need to go.
lo'ak " hey boy we will be leaving for some time I think it for the best, don't worry we will not be going that far just far enough away from here" lo'ak soon tied his bag onto his ikran saddle and soon got onto the saddle, he soon took off into the sky he was running home to you. It didn't need to be the forest he just wanted to be with you right now.
Hours later
lo'ak " well made it here by morning that a good thing"
???? " lo'ak"
lo'ak " hey mama" you looked at your son happy to see him, as you soon rushed to him and hugged him.
y/n " what are you doing here are your siblings with you ... my boy what the matter"
lo'ak " I just wanted to see you mama I just need you right now, and place to call home" you could tell by the tone of his voice it was bad situation, you soon walked into the base with him. Where lo'ak had see old faces he knew so well and new faces as well.
y/n " here some breakfast you need to eat something"
lo'ak " thanks mama'
spider ' hey bro I didn't know you will be coming here"
lo'ak " hey spider"
spider ' hey is everyone else here as well my dad too this is cool ... bro is everything okay"
norm " hey kid why don't we leave your aunt and cousin to speak with each other, it seems important"
spider " oh yes sorry"
lo'ak " it okay I will tell you all later" spider had nodded his head while norm and him walked away, leaving the mother and son to talk.
y/n " so tell me everything if you wish you have my full attention"
after telling the story
max " hey y/n Jake on the line and he seems very worried about ... oh lo'ak you are here"
lo'ak " uncle max"
max " Jake is calling about lo'ak saying he missing but he is here I will, tell Jake about this...."
y/n " no I will speak with that stupid jarhead and foolish man as well" you had gotten up from your seat it was easy to tell you are mad, as lo'ak and max followed after you.
norm " hey Jake y/n is finally here" once your enter the room everyone saw you, and they all could tell Jake is a dead man walking.
Jake " y/n there you are lo'ak had gone missing something had come up yesterday, and we noticed she was not at home or with mo'at we can't find him"
y/n " oh I know because he is here Jake staying behind me with spider"
Jake " he is lo'ak are you okay"
lo'ak " I'm fine sir I kept true to what your had order me to do"
Jake " I will come get you and we can speak about this with your mama, and mother then you can come home with us ..."
y/n " no Jake he is staying here with me he can come see his siblings and new friends, but he staying here with me he no longer staying with you and neytiri"
Jake " y/n listen ...."
y/n " no you will listen here I'm done with you and everyone in that clan, and it seems like other clan treating my son like his unwanted and a demon it makes me sick and he is staying with me for now and maybe forever until he make his own home"
neytiri " y/n please we can...."
y/n " there is nothing you both can do to make me change my mind the kids can come here and stay for the nights, you all can come and seek help or to discuss anything but I will not have you taking my son away anymore .... he staying with me here on this base and outside as well'
Jake " he is my son'
y/n " don't from the recording lo'ak had shared with me earlier"
Jake " y/n I ...."
y/n " I will be civil for our children sake as I still and will always love them, the are the greatest things that came from my relationship with your and neytiri"
neytiri " y/n"
norm " we will have to end this call soon as seeing there has been enough damage done, by other parties on the line and for the well-being for the boys as well"
Jake " we will call later to speak with y/n and lo'ak" the call soon ended and everyone looked around the room.
lo'ak " mama you are not to blame for what has happened"
y/n " I do feel like I should be blamed I had fallen in love, with them and like a fool I thought they will love me as well'
norm " you are not a fool y/n maybe this time apart will be good for you and lo'ak'
lo'ak " I'm allowed to stay"
max " yes you are young man your mom has a space her for her, human body/avatar as well enough room for you and your siblings"
lo'ak " thank you I wish I could speak with my siblings I feel bad for leaving"
norm ' we can call them later on so you and spider can speak with them"
lo'ak " thank you"
y/n " come on I will show you where I''m staying" lo'ak had nodded his head as spider had tagged along as well, you and spider had even lo'ak a tour around the inside of the base and outside as well. Showing home the place had can call home when he was here with you.
later that night
lo'ak " hey neteyam is calling"
spider ' sweet let speak with him" the boys had answer the call in hopes to speak with the three other sully kids.
neteyam " hey baby bro and spider"
lo'ak " hey'
spider ' hey"
kiri " lo'ak we were so worried when we learned you were gone"
lo'ak " I 'm sorry for leaving I just need to go"
tuk " will you be gone forever and forget us"
lo'ak " I will never forget you and mama is here as well'
y/n " hello my loves'
kids " mama"
y/n " your brother and spider are safe here with me, and you all can come see us and spend night here"
tuk " I will love that mama I miss you"
y/n " I miss you to baby girl but we can see each other again"
kiri " what about mom and dad will they come"
y/n " yes to talk but not to stay at the moment"
kiri " okay mama I will definitely come stay with you and everyone else"
y/n " good"
neteyam " lo'ak I'm sorry for not standing up for you last night"
lo'ak " you don't have to apologize neteyam this might be good, for everyone in the end"
neteyam " well no matter where you, spider, and mama are we will always be family along with everyone else" the boys had nodded their heads and smiled. The kids had talked a bit more until the call ended later on the mother and son had a meal together.
lo'ak " mama are you sure everything okay"
y/n " yes my love I'm just thinking about everything that has happened lately, but I'm so happy you are here my love"
lo'ak " thank you mama and thank you for letting me run to you"
y/n " you can always come to me when you need help my son, I'm your mother and this is our home" lo'ak had nodded his head as he ate his dinner, him and spider stayed up a bit longer talking until they had went to bed. Lo'ak knew he could feel safe and love here now he was, going to fright more for himself and the ones he loves. He had learned well from his you his mom, who will do anything for him and the others she loves.
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mrhaitch · 3 months
hi mr. haitch!
i was wondering if you could do a character analysis on suguru geto? i have a hard time understanding how his ideology changed, specifically when he takes it to the extreme and wants to eliminate ALL non-sorcerers. i’d also like to hear your thoughts on the dynamic between gojo and geto… their conflicts and how they drifted apart but never permanently resented the other. lastly, if possible, could you touch on how loneliness affected the two and if it had any impact in their actions, both after riko’s death and after their argument when they split paths
thank you so much,
a curious anon
My knowledge of the series is pretty limited so I can only answer with what I've seen and understood, but Geto and Gojo can be looked at as two different reactions to the same trauma: one blames himself and the other blames everyone else.
That's the core to the changes both of them underwent after Riko's death. Gojo was recognised and elevated as the strongest from birth - the linchpin that holds his society together. Despite the swagger and the ego, beneath is a powerful loneliness and detachment. He has been reduced to a function, with no choice other than to fulfill it, and there's a lot of resentment towards Jujutsu society as a result - they took his childhood, his humanity. His whole identity is based on being the strongest, and yet when he found something he wanted to protect - he failed. Since Riko's death we see evidence of constant effort to master his abilities, to better fulfill his role but at the cost of sinking deeper into the expectations of others. Even so, Gojo comes away with a greater appreciation for the vulnerable, especially children.
Geto, however, did not suffer the same societal pressure - everything about him, his place in the story, is a result of choice and agency. He wants to be a sorcerer, wants to get stronger to protect the weak, he wants to work with Gojo to better the world. When we first meet him, he views his abilities as a means to realise his desires, his ambitions, and - fundamentally - his values.
Riko's death, and everything that followed, robbed him of that ability to choose. Her death meant nothing, a new vessel was found, the world didn't end, everyone moved on. Gojo internalised his feelings of failure and forged on - seemingly unmoved. Geto threw everything he had at saving and avenging her and it changed nothing.
I'll pause here and say that I think Geto and Gojo saw different things in Riko: Gojo saw someone weaker than himself forced into fulfilling a role, Geto saw someone exemplary and unique murdered by the powerless. Perhaps (and remember I'm not an expert here) she came to stand for all of Jujutsu society in his mind - someone with an inherent greatness or importance sacrificed for the sake of people who lack the strength to protect themselves. She was the ultimate realisation of his early beliefs (the strong serving the weak) and it proved to be horrible, far removed from what he envisaged.
But let's focus on their reactions: Gojo went further into himself, into his role, aspiring to realise his full strength to protect others. Geto stopped growing - became bitter, twisted, blaming everyone but himself. He thinks himself a liberator, but in truth he is motivated by an endless appetite for revenge - to take his pain and inflict it on everyone else. It's a response common among men who struggle to regulate and manage their anger and personal set-backs, looking to displace their own negative emotions and push them onto someone else: believing it'll lessen their own pain.
All of this is just supposition, though. Fundamentally Geto is a violent racist, with a fascistic worldview built around strength as some kind of valorous ideal - gleefully inflicting pain and suffering on others. We can empathise with his journey, but we don't have to forgive his actions.
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Hello hello! Anon here. First of all, congratulations on getting accepted for your courses! Don't worry about trying to balance work and the blog, we will always be here waiting for you. Second of all, your whole Yutu AU has been really fascinating to look through. (Though that may be because of my bias toward Fire Emblem Awakening, as it was what got me into the series) Sorry for the incoming wall of text, but it's been giving me THOUGHTS.
So imagine this: whoever Yutu's dad is (I'll pick Azul for this example because I headcannon his English voice somewhere between Matt Mercer's Chrom and Olivert from The Legend of Heroes games) finds out who Yutu really is. You remember that cutscene after Chapter 13 in Awakening, with the Lucina reveal and Chrom has this: "You deserved better than a sword and a world full of troubles. I'm sorry."? Imagine Yutu hearing something like that: the acknowledgement of everything he's gone through, the pain of knowing his dad couldn't do anything and can't do anything more than offer words, and the reality that it might now be really possible to change the future? I imagine Azul breaking down after hearing all that because the last thing he wants to do is hurt Yuu or his son after everything he's been through. Oh goodness, the two of them both need hugs.
Second: did Crowley tip off the Magic Marshalls (because I think he would) and force Yuu to take the blame for his negligence (because he absolutely would)? Now imagine Yutu finding this out and telling his dad. Now his dad knows Crowley is a cheapskate who fobs his work onto everyone else without a second thought. And now he's responsible for having Yuu taken away and starting all this? Knowing the boys and how far they would go for Yuu I'd imagine they don't take that well. In other words, to slightly alter a quote from Regina in Once Upon A Time: "I guess killing a crow suddenly made the top of my to-do list."
Sorry for the wall of text but that's been rattling around in my head for a few days (so make of it all what you will). Hope you're doing well and looking forward to what's next!
-The anon who loves Riddle & Azul
AHHHHH (i feel like I always take forever to answer your asks I am sosososososososososo sorry, this one just drove me crazy in a good good way)
Listen fire emblem awakening was my entire personality for like all of middle school.  The only thing i wanted to talk about was chrobin.  I celebrated Morgan and Lucina's birthdays by drawing them. I think I still have a Cherche x Libra fan art thing I drew on some sheet of paper somewhere in my things because I was SO MAD that no one shipped them and I couldn't find fan art of them anywhere and I just oooooooooooh.  THE WAY CHROM GETS A NEW CRIT LINE ABOUT HOW ANYTHING CAN CHANGE AFTER THE REVEAL???? BECAUSE OF HOW DETERMINED HE IS TO KEEP THAT PROMISE AND GIVE LUCINA A BETTER WORLD???? i just cant be normal about them i am so sorry.  R+A annon I love you, I love you so much for this you made my entire month and possibly my year.  Awakening is also what got me into the series and made me so many friends I just love her so much.  She's an icon and I hope she gets remastered with Sumia either deleted or with a fucking personality.
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I should probably sit down and actually write a timeline for myself of events, but since I am free to lean in to the fire emblem pacing, I want to say that monsters from Yutu's timeline start showing up (similar to how the Risen do in Awakening) in the past and stirring up trouble, which leads to an event where Yutu panics and forgets himself in his desperation to protect his dad.  The main way the future kids always proved themselves was by showing their mother's wedding ring, but Yutu doesn't have that so really it's just up to his dad to see someone who looks like him and Yuu blended together, supposedly from Yuu's world using magic and above all else crying out and driving up his own blot levels to protect him calling him dad. For Azul! Yutu it's especially painful, he feels like he already knows what his dad is going to say. That he's disappointed in him. That he has no idea how they could possibly be related. That he hopes in this future he turns out to be different. But that's not what happens.
Before Azul overblotted he was quiet. There's a similar quiet over him now, a similar look of tense surprise, but Yutu- no- his child doesn't know that. His child is looking at him in fear, in worry for his reaction or his safety he doesn't know but he knows the way those tears start to form. Azul knows the quiver of the lip and the shriek, of all the things he could have passed on to such a treasure.
"You deserved better from me." Because it's true. He might think of himself as a work in progress but he still thinks he has quality; he would have done research, read every book he could get his hands on, taken classes, anything he would need to do to be a good father, a worthy partner. Anything. "You deserved to have the world within your grasp, not whatever shadow of a future and a father I left you with. I am so sorry." He does not expect Yutu to grab him and hold him like he's still somehow worthy of his love, but Azul can't fight the urge to grab back, to stroke his son's hair and let the tears fall on his suit without any care at all. I'm here. It's ok, daddy's here, daddy's got you, he won't let anything happen to you.
As for your second question, I did not really write Crowley like that no. It was more like he was the first person mysteriously arrested after the Magical Marshall's decided to finally do their job. I was writing it like they wanted to ship Yuu away to cover up for their own incompetence in preventing seven overblots instead of properly investigating what might have caused that. He's not completely innocent though, so yes. The boys do not take it well at all. And please do not apologize for sending in your thoughts, I am so so slow but I love hearing from you.
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skrunksthatwunk · 7 months
every time i remember hiei and yusuke's little ritual of sparring whenever they see each other for the first time in a while (usually as they're about to face a big threat) and how hiei just wordlessly attacks him and yusuke takes it with good humor (for the most part) i lose my fucking mind and i need someone else to understand so so bad
hiei opening with unexplained violence, acting like the murderous demon everyone takes him to be, and yusuke seeing through it as just how hiei is, and meeting him where he is in this non-malicious but combative intricate ritual bs. they met through violence and communicate through it but it's out of an admiration for skill, for what can't be said with words, for their reliance on each other as equals, as teammates. they share a past of ostracization, resentment, and a desire to burn the world down for its treatment of them the others don't. hiei feels seen in and understood by yusuke. i don't think it needs to be said that hiei doesn't have many people he considers equals, or peers, or teammates. and yusuke was the first to trust him. to see him as more than a monster. to have blind, unearned faith that he could do good, and that he could be better. yusuke changed him. his trust and friendship changed him. and so for that ritual to rely on that trust—the thought that hiei wouldn't actually turn on him, wasn't trying to betray him or hurt him or get his revenge like he used to claim—makes those scenes so poignant (read: makes me want to howl into the night air). it's about the dance. it's about what they know they have in common beneath the posturing and machismo, the ways they are alike deep, deep down, and the way they both know that and never speak of it.
i also think it's because hiei's afraid of losing him. it's especially obvious in chapter black, but even in DT he's got to make sure yusuke—a dumbass who only got his powers recently—is up to scratch. no matter how he feels about humanity, he doesn't particularly want to see yusuke lose everything he loves either. but mostly he couldn't stand to watch yusuke fall. and because he knows yusuke's in over his head, he's testing whether he has to distance himself and prepare for yusuke to abandon him (via death) like everyone else. he doesn't do this with kuwabara because (at least in the DT's case) he'd been training him. he knows, for the most part, what kuwabara can do. (he also doesn't have that same closeness, both because kuwabara doesn't trust him and, perhaps, because he's doing the distance thing pre-emptively bc he thinks he's weak, unlike yusuke). and he doesn't do this with kurama because he believes wholeheartedly in his skill, centuries of experience, and demonhood. humans are fragile, and hiei needs to reassure himself that yusuke isn't.
hiei claims he wants revenge and postures like a rival, but he never goes all out and he never tries this seriously. he fools around with yusuke because if yusuke lost and hiei proved his superiority, hiei would have to leave him behind. and as much as he wants to prove his strength, as hungry as he is for validation (centering fighting prowess because violent is all he's ever been allowed to be), he can't stand the thought of that. he feels that he is yusuke's equal and peer (and friend), whether they're equally strong or not, but because a part of him still thinks fighting's all that matters (and because he wants to protect him and thus himself), hiei must make himself believe that yusuke is as strong as him. so he checks in on him for reassurance via sparring, but never actually tries to hurt him. in conclusion, i am so normal
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murmishhy · 2 months
When you first meet Gortash, he proposes a partnership, whether you're Tav or Durge. This, to me, suggests manipulation. Even the Emperor claims Gortash genuinely means what he says, but I believe Gortash rolls so high for deception that our player's perception can't see through his charade, even if it's successful. Gortash probably believes that once you deal with the brain, he can take the stones for himself, push you away, or use your tadpole against you.
Whether you are Durge or Tav, Gortash knows that while the Astral Prism exists, he cannot touch or influence you. So, why lie to you? He wants to dominate the brain. You are a better partner than Orin, you already proved yourself with killing Ketheric. If you're Durge, he knows what other things you are capable of already. But once the brain is under control, you will have no reason to keep the prism. Trusting him and starting a partnership dooms both Tav and Durge. Although we enjoy the interpretation suggests that Gortash truly loves and cares about Durge, the truth is, he remains a tyrant. He may like you, but he has no love in his heart for anyone. You were useful, so he used you, as you used him. When you were gone, he simply moved on to the next partner. He didn't mourned you. He didn't look for you. Sure, he prefers your methods to Orin's, but he didn't necessarily need you at that point. For any romantic implication, I think even when he says he wants to be partners, he mostly wants you as a symbol, not a lover. To him, you are a prestigious prize: the child of the Murder Lord kneeling before him and his god. He flaunts you as his greatest achievement.
If you manage to dominate the brain before Gortash dies, he will likely seize all the power, leaving you as his pet or having you killed later. If you're Durge, he might keep you around for social events, showcasing you as his partner or consort or his guard dog who helped defeat Ketheric's army. However, you would lose all autonomy over your body and mind. After all, you are not the same Bhaalspawn, you are not his equal anymore, so you don't deserve a place on the throne. Also, as Durge having plans to betray him in the end, I see no reason why Gortash wouldn't have the same. He is a tyrant. Tyrants don't share their power. He never plans to share his kingdom with you. Even if you were not lobotomized by Orin, he would still betray you when you lowered your guard anyway. That's who he is, a liar tyrant.
As Tav, Gortash would probably kill you as you celebrate your victory with your friends. A partnership with Gortash can only work if you are the same Bhaalspawn who helped initiate his plot. If you are not the bloodthirsty killer who admires him enough to let him live until you kill everyone else, then you can't live up to his dreams. You can't be his partner. And still even if you didn't lose your memories, he would still betray you. Or if you managed to succeed the plan with Gortash, as being the wicked creature that you are, maybe you would kill him in the heat of the moment. There is no happy ending for Durgetash, or Tavtash. Everyone is an obstacle to Gortash's pursuit of power. If he didn't die, the game would have likely ended with you playing right into the Chosen's hand despite your efforts and have a Failed Ending, where everyone is kneeling before Bane and Gortash while you're either dead, or by his side, on your knees, just like everyone else.
I love Gortash, but I think for the story, he had to die... It still doesn't change the fact that I will always love Durgetash, I'll always convince myself that they loved each other and defied their beliefs for one other... But whether they loved each other or just used each other, their partnership was doomed to fail from the beginning anyways.
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Yandere Aemond with a shy reader
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Him in the modern world:
He would want you to feel safe and protected at all times. That means taking a more active role in the relationship and showing you that you don't have to face the world alone. He would be fiercely protective of you, and try to make you feel as comfortable and safe as possible. However, it's important to remember that shy people also need their own space and time alone, so it's important not to take things too far and he'll give you breathing room when needed.
In modern times, as a yandere with a shy person, he would look for opportunities to spend time with you and get to know you better. He would try to be supportive and understanding of your feelings, and make you feel comfortable around him. He could be protective of you, but also give you space when you need it. With patience and understanding, he could win over the most shy and elusive person. You could connect through shared interests and he could go out to show you just how special you are to him.
He would still try to remain patient and understanding with you. While technology and culture might have changed, his personality and the way he shows love remain the same. He would still be protective and possessive but he would adapt to the modern landscape. He would be willing to use text and social media to maintain contact and keep track of you. He would also use social media creatively to get you to notice him. He would go to great lengths to make sure you know how much he loves and cares about you in whatever modern way possible.
He would still be the one to take the initiative in the relationship. He would make the first move and try to be the first to reach out and initiate conversations. He would show his passion and love for you through his words and actions. He would want to provide you with the comfort and security you need and make you feel like the most important person in the world.
Even in a modern setting, he would still be very jealous. If you were spending time with others or giving attention to someone else, he would not be able to stand it. He would want to know everything that you are doing and who you are spending time with. He would become possessive and try to control where you go, who you talk to, and what you do. If you made it clear that you did not want to be in the relationship any longer, he would fight for it and try to make things right.
He is fiercely protective and obsessive of you, willing to do anything in order to win and hold onto your love. He will go to great lengths to ensure that you remain his, and he is possessive, controlling, and clingy. He can be jealous, manipulative, and aggressive in order to keep you for himself, and he may not be rational or able to think clearly.
He is often unpredictable and obsessive, able to be both extremely affectionate and violent. He may not have any boundaries when it comes to you, and he may not respect your own boundaries either. He might take drastic measures or even go to the extreme in order to prove his dedication and devotion. He might even be willing to resort to violence in order to punish those who stand in his way of being with you.
He is also likely to stalk, threaten and even harm anyone who he perceives as a threat to you and your relationship. And he may not be willing to allow you to have any sort of independence or interests outside of himself regardless of which era you both are in. He may become obsessive, delusional, and overly attached to you, making your relationship unhealthy and even dangerous for everyone involved.
He may be prone to fits of rage when his affection or love is denied and may act out violently. He may resort to stalking and/or kidnapping you in order to keep you close and safe. Furthermore, he may also have a tendency to display obsessive, possessive, and controlling behavior, as well as emotional instability.
If he was suddenly placed in the modern world, he would have to adapt quickly to technological advancements and societal changes. He would need to learn how to use a smartphone and other devices and get to know the world around him. It would be a lot to take in, but he would do his best to adjust and adapt. If he were able to take you his modern partner with him back to the past, you would have to adjust to living a completely different type of life. It could be an adventure for both of you.
You in the olden times:
If you came to the old age where he is at, you would also find it challenging to adjust. You would have to learn about a world with no cell phones, no social media, and a lack of modern technology. You would have to learn to communicate with others face to face and understand a very different set of cultural norms and customs. It would not be easy on you; you would find yourself out of place and out of your comfort zone.
You would find yourself in a very different world. He would try to make it as comfortable and familiar for you as he could, but he knows it would be a shock to your system. You might be afraid or confused at first, but he would do his best to protect you and care for you. You both would learn together how things work in this new world for you and together you could make your lives as happy as possible.
He may have violent or obsessive thoughts and behaviors towards you and anyone who threatens to take you away. He can become possessive, controlling, and manipulative to the point where he may want to isolate you, stalk you and control your life. He may have a deep fear of abandonment and can act out in extreme ways in order to keep you to himself. His feelings can be overwhelming and all-consuming, and he may not be able to think or act rationally. He may use manipulation, threats, guilt-tripping, and emotional abuse to maintain control over the object of his affections.
He may stalk you and attempt to isolate you from others, all while showering you with attention and love. He might go to extreme measures to ensure that your love and attention stays focused on him and only him, often to the detriment of your happiness and well-being. He will also obsess over you to the point of addiction and obsession, often resulting in an unhealthy level of possessiveness.
If you were also shy, it would make it even more difficult for you to adjust. You would find it hard to communicate and make new friends in a strange world and would need time to feel comfortable with yourself and the situations you find yourself in. He feels it would be even more important to give you space, to let you make decisions on your own unless it's about being away from him, and to give you time to process things without rushing you.
As the protective yandere that he is, he would make sure to be there for you. He would make sure to be patient and understanding. He would be the one to make the first moves and take charge and would make it known how much he cares about you and wants to take care of you. He would strive to provide you with comfort and safety. He would want to make this strange world feel like home to you and would offer his support and protection at every turn.
If people were rude or mean to you, he would be quick to defend you. You would be in a strange and unfamiliar land, and you would need him by your side to guide and protect you. He would put himself in between you and any rude or mean people, and if need be, he would use force to ensure that no harm came to you. Your safety and security would be his top priority.
His family would be surprised by his choice of partner. They would likely be surprised to find him with someone from a different social class or culture. They would also be surprised to find him with someone who is so shy. It would take them some time to accept you and to come to terms with your relationship. In time, however, he is sure that they would come to respect you and would welcome you into the family.
He would certainly want to learn from you about the modern day. Your knowledge of the modern world and its ways could be very valuable to him. He would be interested to learn about your perspective on relationships, communication, and how you view the world. He would also want to know about modern technologies, how you function, and what people do with you. It would be a fascinating world to explore.
If you asked to leave, he would be reluctant to allow you to go. He would want you to stay and be by his side, even if it meant going against your wishes. He would do his best to convince you to stay and show you how much you are loved and appreciated. If you were to truly have your heart set on leaving, though, he would eventually have to let you go. He would tell you that he loves you and that you can always come back to him if you want to.
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chalkrevelations · 2 months
Oh. My god.
So, last night, I reblogged a gifset of that conversation Pete has with Pol when they’re on stakeout, tailing Vegas, sitting around in the car, and Pete wants to know who Pol thinks would do a better job – Vegas’s bodyguard or Pete? And I added this bit of commentary:
My theory on the closest thing Pete has to a sexual fantasy at this point in the narrative and his life: Pete saves Vegas's life in some kind of shootout or assassination attempt that no one else could have protected Vegas from, thereby earning headpats from Thee Vegas Theerapanyakul, who Everyone Knows is a completely detached sociopath who usually has no more use for his bodyguards than as human bulletproof vests (which is somehow different from the main family for no reason I can discern but apparently exists?). Only now, Pete has proven himself and is both Noticed By and Special To this violent, emotionally inaccessible man (who, as an added bonus, is in a position of power over him). I mean, for whatever variables of "special" Pete can even conceptualize at this point, anyway. And I wonder how many times he's imagined this. It's Pete's very own mafia-filtered version of the Bad Boy fantasy in which you're the only one he cares about - you're the only one who can have that effect on him - and that makes you the Most Special-est Girl. C'mon, who's the most inaccessible Bad Boy in Pete's sphere? Certainly not Kinn, who'll just up and tell Pete that he trusts him the Very Most - even more than Pete's best friend! who Kinn is fucking! - the hot minute that Kinn's coercing Pete into doing something he really, really doesn't want to do. And you know Pete's daydream version of what makes him the Most Special-est Girl involves killing someone the best and quickest and most efficiently - because if he wins in the ring a fight, then the most emotionally inaccessible, violent man he knows (who, as an added bonus, is in a position of power over him) will love him, right? Not to mention, a guy with that many gun posters doesn't get stuck on Tankhun-babysitting detail and not have fantasies about proving his worth via violence. Listen, he just spends an awful lot of time standing around in Vegas's right-hand man spot like he's trying on the position during Ep 7, is all I'm sayin'.
… in which the vague allusions to Pete’s Daddy Issues were absolutely intentional. And I’ve also commented before about Pete finding another home with an angry man at the safehouse. And yet it wasn’t until yesterday’s post rolled up on my own dashboard and I saw it again today that the Brick Of Revelation hit me in the head and I thought about this through the framework of - my god! Pete and Vegas really do play out the very scenario that Pete warns Vegas about when you’re seeking the approval of your father abuser!
In the safehouse, Pete wins. He achieves his fantasy. He pulls the thorn out of the lion’s paw, and he gets the notice and special regard of Vegas Theerapanyakul, and he gets his world rocked on top of that, and then … then it turns out nothing changes. Vegas – the guy who expected that Pete winning in the ring would mean that his father would stop beating him, the guy who continues to seek his own abusive father’s approval, who keeps trying to win against Kinn, in the hope that Kun will stop treating him as a disposable whipping boy – Vegas goes right back to physically and emotionally abusing Pete. On top of that, the fantasy doesn’t play out in reality; Vegas literally tells Pete that he’s nothing special. (I mean, lies, of course, but the fact is that Vegas says it right to his face.)
I just. This is another one of those instances where I walked up to this revelation and even walked all the way around it, poking at it, but I just never looked at it straight on until this moment - the way Pete’s experience in the safehouse so closely mirrors his experience with his father. We watch Vegas continue to recreate the cycle of abuse, and we're like, "oh, dude, you need to make some better decisions," but we've also just spent 2.5 eps watching Pete, dispenser of this very wisdom, fall back into the same patterns he warns Vegas about. Because breaking that cycle and changing your behavior and your expectations is hard. Even when your head knows better. The things this show says about generational trauma and intimate violence and patriarchal control, I just ... god. Just, don't mind me, I have to go claw at some drywall for a while.
Also, it makes me wonder if Pete did kill his father. Because if he ran from home the same way he ran from the safehouse, if we’re supposed to look at this echo forward into the present of what happened in the past, then are we supposed to think that maybe there was a similar confrontation in the past, in which Pete struck out before he extricated himself from the trap he was in and ran?
Vegas is a lot younger and more resilient (and used to being knocked around) than Pete’s dad probably was, at that point.
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