#he asks why her hair is shorter and she says she just felt like a new look
mixelation · 1 year
One thing that really gets my goat about how Sakura is written is that she does occasionally start to do something, but the narrative shuts her down. Like this:
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Sakura goes to leap into the arena to see Lee after his fight with Gaara. Kakashi shuts her down. Contrast this to the panels that immediately follow this one:
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Naruto does the exact same thing and no one bats an eye!
It’s not that I think characters shouldn’t be stopped from doing what they want— it’s just that when it’s a consistent pattern it makes reading about the character really frustrating. When Haku traps Sasuke in his mirror prison thing, Sakura hurls a kunai to help… and Kakashi tells her to guard Tazuna. She does this obediently for the rest of the fight, INCLUDING when she literally thinks Sasuke is dead (Tazuna has to offer to go to Sasuke with her to get her to move). Sakura’s willingness to do this is actually an interesting character trait, but because it’s couched in this weird lack of agency, it makes her seem complacent and cowardly, especially when the take away of a lot of fights seems to be “try no matter what.”
Here’s another example: in the first part of the chunin exam, they’re all told they can pick to answer a final question and risk being banned from promotion, OR they can back out now and take the exam again later. If Sakura were alone, she’d take the question because she’s confident in her abilities.
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However, she starts to raise her hand to back out because she wants to protect Naruto.
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She backs off when Naruto gives a speech about never giving up, even though her making them all back out is arguably the more mature choice (why would you drag a teammate along on a mission you know they’ll fail?). She also tries to pull them out of the prelim tournament because Sasuke needs urgent medical attention, and he shuts her down AGAIN. Like, looking at this with the wisdom of an adult, Sakura was definitely in the right there.
To be clear, I don’t mind Sakura being a cautious killjoy to Naruto’s “Believe it!” Shonen protag energy. It’s just that whenever she tries to exercise that caution, it gets shut down and that makes it seem like a negative trait to have. (Also: contrast this to Shikamaru being REWARDED for exercising caution and knowing when to back out). I’m not even arguing that the scenes I cited need to be changed, because they do character work for Naruto and Sasuke. I’m just saying that Sakura could have gotten a few more scenes where her choices were plot relevant, and she’d be a more fleshed out character.
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samsno1 · 9 months
One Hell Of An Agent
Sam Winchester x F!Reader
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Summary: After weird deaths start happening and your friend becomes a victim of it, two men appear at your door for questioning and your day turns into the weirdest you've ever lived.
Warnings: SMUT, size kink (if you squint), oral (f. recieving), big d sam (obviously), dean gets forgotten lmao, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys), piv, tit sucking, sam is a sweetheart, pet names (doll, baby, beautiful), a bit of body insecurity but, as i said, sam is a gentleman, reader is shorter and overall smaller then sam, use of y/n, NOT PROOF READ, english isn't my first language (if i forgot anything TELL ME)
Read it on AO3
WC: 6.1k
You can learn how to change the "Y/N" for your actual name here
enjoy your meal babies, mwah mwah
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It was supposed to be just another day where you went to work to get pennies in exchange for spending close to 12 hours in front of a computer screen, get back home to drink until you decided you should take a shower and sleep. Then repeat.
You, standing in your living room with a circle of kitchen salt around you and two men who were supposedly FBI agents holding shotguns and the ghost of an old woman trying to kill you, wasn't in your plans.
They both had arrived at your house in suits earlier that day, knocking on your door. You groaned and got up from the couch, leaving your beer bottle settled on the coffee table. Once you opened the door you widened your eyes at the two men standing there.
The taller one greeted himself first. He had a – almost – shoulder length brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. To say you were shocked at how handsome he looked was an understatement. The shorter one had deep green eyes and short hair, he was pretty too but his partner…
“Hello, I'm Agent Page, this is my partner, Agent Plant” He said, showing you his badge and nodding to Plant, him copying what his partner did.
You furrowed your eyebrows, recognizing the names from the Led Zeppelin band.
“Plant and Page as in…the Led Zeppelin guys?” You questioned and they shared a look. The shorter one stepped foward, giving you a once over, clearly checking you out.
“Just a coincidence Ma'am” He said, smiling at you and you nodded, still a bit skeptical.
You opened the door wider for them both to get in.
“Come in, please. Have a seat” You said, gesturing to the couch and they sat besides each other. Page eyed the beer at the coffee table in front of him and you cringed.
“Sorry, I wasn't expecting the FBI at my door” You chuckled lightly and took the beer bottle to the kitchen in the other room. When you came back, both their eyes were on you and you felt a bit intimidated.
“Well…why are the feds at my house…?” You asked, sitting at the armchair and resting your hands on your lap, fidgeting nervously with your fingers.
Page put his elbows on his knees, his fingers crossing in front of him as he leaned forward to talk closer to you. You took notice of his big frame wondering how someone could be so…wide?
“Y/N” You filled in the gap.
“Miss Y/N” He said, licking his lower lip with his tongue “We are here to ask about the recent murders around”
“Oh” You said. You knew well about one of the victims, a friend of yours. It had been a little over 2 weeks since her death but you always went with the mantra to keep going no matter what. At the memory of her you felt your throat restrict and you blinked back tears.
Page seemed to notice and put a gentle hand on your knee to comfort you. When you looked up he was smiling slightly and you calmed down.
“We know Beth was your friend and we are sorry for your loss” He said, squeezing your knee “But we'd like to ask you some questions, if you don't mind”
You nodded and looked between the both of them, taking a deep breath.
“Yeah…yeah of course” You said and he nodded, pulling his hand away from you, the warmth still lingering where he had placed it.
“Did you notice any weird behaviors before your friend passed? Like she was distant, cold…?” Plant asked and you made a face trying to remember anything. You recorded a night you two went out
“Five days or so before she died…” You started, turning your head down to stare at your fingers over your lap. “We went to a bar near my house and she kept glancing behind her, nervous, on edge, as if something would jump her at any moment. When I asked her what was wrong she looked at me, terrified, grabbed her things and bolted”
You sighed thinking you should've went with her now that she was gone.
“I tried calling, texting. Nothing. For those five days I didn't hear anything from her then…they called me announcing that she was gone” You started tearing up again and closed your eyes to hold them back.
“She didn't have anyone else, y'know, I should've been there for her, I–” You choked on an inevitable sob and covered your face with your hands. Then you felt the taller man's hand on your knee again, his thumb stroking your leg.
“We are truly sorry, it wasn't your fault” He said, a voice so comforting and calm you felt it in your heart.
You took your hands away from your face and sniffed, letting out a slight chuckle. You felt a bit embarrassed to be crying in front of them both.
“I'm sorry” You said and brushed your hair back with your hand “I think this was it. She was always a very quiet girl but sweet, caring, I couldn't think of anyone that would do this to her”
The men nodded and looked at each other, a silent conversation you weren't a part of. You looked down to see Page's hand still on your knee and you smiled to yourself. What a nice fed.
"Thanks for the information Ma'am" Page said. When they looked back at you, he patted your knee lightly and got up with his partner. You stood up as well to accompany them to the door, them both behind you.
You opened the door and looked at them both going out, your gaze lingering longer on the taller one, looking him up and down.
They turned to you with a tiny card in his hand and gave it to you, your finger brushing against his.
“If you remember anything, give us a call. Thank you for your time” He smiled warmly along with the green eyed Agent.
“Will do, thank you so much” You said, smiling back seeing them walk away to the Impala parked in front of your house.
You kept your gaze locked until they drove away, snapping you out of your daze getting back in your house and locked the door, smiling like an idiot at the image of the handsome guy you just met.
Inside the Impala, Dean kept glancing towards Sam, who had his face buried into the newpaper about the couple murders happening.
“Dude” Dean finally said, a grin on his face. Sam looked up at him and made a questioning face at his side profile.
“What?” He asked
Dean laughed lightly and looked at his brother.
“She was eating you with her eyes” Dean said and at that Sam's full attention was on him, lowering the paper with a confused face.
“Who? Y/N?” He asked and Dean nodded. Sam sighed and rolled his eyes at his brother. “Dean, c'mon” He said.
“I'm serious, the look she gave you when we left, staring you up and down like a feast” Dean laughed mischievously, looking for a couple seconds at Sam's shocked expression. “She's pretty, y'know, if you don't want it, I'll have it”
“Shut up Dean” He said but he couldn't help thinking about your looks towards him and the impulse he felt to comfort you with a hand on your leg when he realized you were upset.
Dean laughed and shook his head at the stubbornness of his brother, driving back to the cheap motel they were staying at.
Your day went by as usual, some couple more beers here, a whiskey there, some movie you had on the TV.
You ended up falling asleep on the couch for a couple hours until about 2AM when you heard a loud thud in your house and your entire body entered fight or flight mode.
You got up and kept your ears trained for any more sounds until you heard your stove, the gas being poured out in your house and the color drained from your face. What the hell?
You went into the kitchen and for sure the smell of the gas hit hard on your nose and you gagged.
Suddenly the door to the kitchen closed behind you and you jumped in shock. Your heart started ringing in your ears and your hands were trembling.
“Hello?! Is anybody there?!” You asked, your voice shaking as you went to the door. Locked. You started to panic, were you crazy? Was this a dream?
There was a noise behind you and you turned, seeing the knife cabinet open and you glued yourself to the door, trying to get the lock open when a kitchen knife started to float up and towards you.
You screamed and banged at the door.
“Help! Someone, please!” You screamed and the knife was plunged in the door, close to your head and your body fell back in the ground, tears rolling down your cheeks when everything stopped.
You slowly got up and tried to open the door. Success. You scrambled out of your kitchen and unlocked the front door, sprinting out of your house terrified.
You remembered the card the Agent gave you. You didn't know if it was okay to call him this late but you just almost died. You thought he could make an exception.
With trembling fingers, you dialed the number on your phone, putting it to your ear. Please pick up, please pick up.
“Hello? Agent Page speaking, who is this?” He said with a gruff voice, he was definitely sleeping and you felt a bit bad for waking him up.
“Agent?” You practically whispered, your voice shaky with fear.
“Y/N?” He recognized your voice and made a confused face, sitting up on the bed. “What's wrong?”
“I– I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have called I–” You spoke fast, nervous. He took notice of that “Something happened” You said simply.
“We are on our way” He said and slipped on his shoes, already on outside clothes. He nudged Dean to wake him up. “Hang in there”
“Okay” You said in a whisper as he turned the call off, biting your thumbnail in order to stay calm in the circumstances.
Dean woke up to see Sam getting his bag ready in a frenze, a worried look in his younger brother's face.
“Y/N called, something happened, she seemed stressed, let's go” He said, throwing Dean his bag, the oldest groaning as he grabbed the keys for the Impala.
As they drove there, Sam couldn't help but get even more stressed the long it took for them to arrive. He wondered if you were okay, if you had gotten hurt, or worse. When they arrived, you were sitting on your porch, legs tucked close to your body as you shivered.
When you heard the noise of the car you got up. The two came out and you were a bit weirded out to see them in normal clothes but relieved nonetheless.
When they got closer you breathed out in relief, the taller of the two coming closer then Plant, grabbing your shoulders and eyeing you up and down, looking for any visible damage.
“Are you hurt? What happened?” He asked and you shook your head at the first question.
“I don't know…If I explain it I'll sound crazy” You said
“Oh, sweetheart, believe me, we know crazy” The green eyed Agent said and you looked at him, the nickname foreign but you brushed it off.
“I was sleeping in my couch when I woke up with a loud bang” You began. “I got up to see that my stove started leaking gas and…when I wnt to the kitchen, the door…It shut behind me, locked” You said, shakily and Page brushed his hand on your shoulder, the same way he had done to your knee earlier “I couldn't get out and a knife started to fucking float, it charged at me, caught the door and then it all just…stopped”
“I was able to leave my house and…call you” She said and looked into his eyes, the comforting gaze seeping into her. “I'm sorry, I know it's late”
“Don't bother, it's fine. Let's try and see how we can help you, okay?” He said
You looked at him, puzzled, tilting your head at him
“You believe me?” You asked and he let out an aired laugh in amusement.
“What if I tell you we aren't truly FBI agents” He said.
“Oh” You widened your eyes and looked between the both of them, shameful smiles on their faces. “Right”
“Get in, we will explain everything we can to you” He said and you nodded getting inside your house.
After a couple minutes you learned that they were actually brothers, the tall one was named Sam and the shorter was Dean. They told you all about what they did, the family business, how real the supernatural was and tried to explain that you experienced something ghost-like.
You were absolutely dumbfounded as they said all that. It was hard to believe that, how is all of it real if you hadn't seen anything your whole life similar to what they explained to you? Just now?
“Okay so…you both are like…the Ghostbusters?” But hotter. You noted, mentally.
“Basically, yeah” Dean said.
You sat there with your hands over your face. You didn't know if you wanted to laugh or cry at the situation.
The brothers walked around with the so called EMFs, machines you learned could sense the presence of ghosts.
You couldn't help but glance at Sam. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, his hair falling around his face and from time to time he bit his lower lip.
You were entranced at how annoyingly handsome he was until loud beeping from Dean's EMF startled you.
Sam whooped his head towards him and they shared silent looks. Sam turned to his bag and got a shotgun out and you widened your eyes at him. He took notice of that.
“They are loaded with rock salt, don't worry” He said and you made a confused face. He smiled at you and your heart skipped a beat. “Let's say…ghosts don't like salt. Salt and iron are their weaknesses” He said and you hummed in acknowledgement getting up and going to your fireplace to get an iron rod.
Sam stared at you as you walked back to him and you shrugged.
“It's iron, you said it could keep them at bay” You said and he nodded.
A loud noise startled all of you, in the kitchen, where Dean was the closest to and he cooked his gun, Sam doing the same and protecting you with his body.
“Stay behind me” He murmured to you and you nodded, iron rod in your hand prepared for any attack.
“Come on you son of a bitch!” Dean said and, as if on cue, the ghost of an old lady appeared in your kitchen and you gasped, recognizing her immediately.
“Mrs. Greene?” You whispered and apparently she heard you because in a moment she was there and in the other she was behind you.
“Y/N, watch out!” Sam yelled in front of you and you turned around, swinging your weapon and making her vanish for a couple of moments.
You were breathing heavily, your ears ringing until Sam snapped you out of your daze, turning you around by grabbing at your arm.
“Are you okay?” He asked, concern laced in his voice as he gave you a once over.
“Yeah, I think” You replied and Dean appeared as quick as possible making a circle of salt around you and Sam stepped out of it, letting your arm go.
“You need to stay there, she can't get you because of the salt” Dean said.
“You know her?” Sam asked and you looked at him, nodding.
“She was Beth's mother. Died in a car accident that…my father caused. Me and Beth bonded through their deaths but I guess her mom didn't really approve of that” You said, smiling sadly to yourself.
“Where is she buried?” Dean questioned.
“The cemetery near the only church in town. About 5 miles from here” You replied and Dean gave Sam a quick nod as he got his bag and gave his brother extra ammunition.
“I'll go do the dirty job, you, protect her, make sure that bitch doesn't kill her” Dean said as he went out the door, shutting it behind him.
You sat on the ground, in the middle of the salt circle, mindlessly playing with the iron rod in your hand. Sam looked down at you. You looked more than upset, understandably.
“Everything is going to be okay” He reassured you and you looked at him with a gentle smile. Until you weren't smiling anymore and instead was looking behind him.
“Sam, behind you!” You said, getting up again and he turned shooting the ghost and she reappeared behind you, outside of the circle.
You turned around, shaking and lifting your weapon at her. She looked down at the salt circle and the creepiest smile you've ever seen opens up in her face, sending shivers down your spine.
Suddenly the windows broke open and a strong gust of wind came in with full force. You covered your head to protect it from the glass until you looked down and the salt circle was broken around you.
Your heart dropped as she started approaching you and Sam shot her again from behind you.
To your dismay, she was behind him again, and before you could warn him about her she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and threw him against a wall.
“Sam!” You screamed and she turned to you again, slowly walking towards your frame and you backed away, the iron rod propped in front of you protectively.
She knocked the rod out of your hand and you looked desperately at it on the ground.
Your back pressed against the wall and you closed your eyes, preparing for your death when she started screaming and you opened your eyes.
She was quite literally burning right in front of you, with her hands reaching for your throat until she was just gone, no burn marks on your ground, weirdly, and her desperation echoed through the house.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, your heart beating in your ears. You heard a groan and remembered Sam was basically knocked out on the other side of the room.
You rushed to him and kneeled down besides him with a hand on his cheek and the other in one of his knee.
“Sam, are you okay?” You asked as he slowly opened his eyes. When he seemed to retrieve consciousness again he breathed in deeply and scrambled to get up but you held him down by putting a hand on his chest.
“Hey, hey, it's okay, she's…gone, I guess” You said and he focused his eyes on yours when you smiled. You felt your face heat up at the look he was giving you until Dean barged in through the front door, whistling at the mess.
He looked towards both of you on the ground and made a face, holding back a smirk.
“Burned her up…Am I interrupting something?” Dean asked playfully and you felt a tad of embarrassment, helping Sam get up with a grunt.
They started to gather their stuff and you wondered how the hell you were going to clean up your whole house. Glass and salt everywhere, a hole on the wall where Sam was thrown at.
When they were all done you got each a beer. They tried to deny it but you insisted, claiming it was a thank you treat for saving your life.
You finished all your drinks, throwing the bottles away and you walked them to the door, the Impala parked in front of your house. They got out and stood outside as you smiled at them.
“Thank you, again, really, you both saved my life” You said.
“It's nothing, really, we do this everyday” Dean said with a dismissive wave. “I'm going to load the car” Dean said, giving Sam a pat on the back and a look you didn't understand but apparently Sam did, since he gave a deep breath and a practically death glare at his brother, his chest going up and down.
“So…” He started, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.
“So?” You nudged, smiling up at him and biting your lower lip. His eyes stared at your mouth and you felt small under his gaze.
“You were amazing back there, you know?” He said, crossing his arms in front of him and smiling. “You knew what to do, few people can do what you did”
He complimented and you looked down, smiling like an idiot. He’s so sweet.
“Oh I just…went by logic I guess, nothing much. You said iron and I reached for iron” You said, fidgeting with your fingers as you looked up again.
“Yeah…” He said, looking from your eyes to your mouth and back up again. You decided to be a bit brave and got into your tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek, holding on his shoulder for support.
When you pulled back he didn't pull away and one of his hands cupped your cheek, looking between your eyes when he leaned into you, his lips against yours in a light kiss.
You responded almost immediately, your hand going to the back of his neck to deepen the kiss and he placed his hands on your waist. You reluctantly pulled away with a hum, dazed by the kiss with your eyes still closed.
When you opened them his eyes were on your face and you felt warm again. He pulled you back in your house and you giggled in surprise when he closed the door, his hand still holding you.
“What about your brother?” You said as he turned his attention back to you, a smirk on his face when he squeezed your waist. He leaned in closer and you held your breath.
“He can wait” He whispered against your lips before kissing you again, this time more intensely then before and you hummed, burying your hand on his hair while the other stroked his chest.
You started taking his jacket off when you stopped and pulled away.
“Is this okay? I mean I'm totally fin–” He cut you off with another mind blowing kiss and you gasped.
He shrugged off his jacket, dropping it to the ground and clasping your face in both his hands.
“Does this answer your question?” He smiled teasingly and you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down to kiss his lips again and his hands grabbed your hips in response.
He brushed his tongue against your lower lip and you opened your mouth to let him explore it, moaning lowly against his mouth.
He lowered his hands to the back of your thighs, not breaking the kiss, and lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and you yelped in his mouth.
You noted he was big, you just didn't know he was this strong, lifting you in his arms as if you weighed nothing.
He walked to the kitchen and placed you on the counter, his hands going under your shirt and experimenting with his touches on your bare skin.
You whimpered, shivers running through your whole body as his big hands roamed through your burning skin.
You pulled away, your forehead touching his, a whispered “Fuck” coming out of your lips. Your hands went to the hem of your shirt and slowly pulled it over your head, leaving your torso bare besides your bra.
Sam drank you in, his adam apple bobbing when he swallowed and you felt embarrassed under his strong gaze, your hands slowly coming to wrap themselves around your stomach.
He held your wrists gently, pulling them away from you and his hands went up and down your arms.
“Don't hide from me, you're beautiful” He whispered and started to leave kisses down your neck, nibbling and biting where he noticed you liked the best with the noises leaving your mouth.
Your hand wrapped in his hair to pull him back to your lips, his kisses addicting like a drug.
He pulled away again to pull his shirt over his head, revealing his defined torso and your jaw physically dropped at the sight. He had some scars, some pale, old, others a pink tone, more recent but it just made him look even better, showing how much he had lived through. He chuckled at your reaction and settled his hands on your hips again, gently squeezing.
“See something you like?” He teased and you closed your mouth, your hands reaching slowly to touch his bare chest. He gasped at your feather-like touch on his tanned skin and you looked at him again, his eyes dark with desire.
“You're…stunning, like– I knew you were…muscular…from the get go but you're…” You trailed off and he chuckled, a bit embarrassed and leaned down to crash his lips against yours again.
His hands went to your back and unclasped your bra, helping you take it off and toss it on the ground along with the rest of your clothes.
His hands came to the front and grabbed at both your breasts, squeezing them and making you moan into his mouth. His fingers teased at your hardened nipples and you arched into his touch.
His mouth started trailing down towards your neck, your collarbone, until he got to the valley of your breasts and looked up at you. Your mouth was open, eyes hazed and deep breaths were making your chest go up and down. What a sight.
He closed his mouth into one of your nipples and you whined, the warmth of his tongue circling around it making you grasp at his locks with a certain strength that made him groan around your skin. His fingers teased the other breast until he switched sides, feasting on your breasts.
“Sam…” You gasped his name and he hummed in acknowledgement of your plea, pulling away from your breast with a smile. “Please”
He gave your lips a peck and went down your body again, leaving open mouthed kisses down your stomach until he got to the waistband of your jeans and looked at you again, asking for permission and you nodded at him.
His fingers popped open the button of your pants and opened the zipper. You lifted your hips to help him pull the clothing off and he dragged it down your legs slowly, drinking you in.
You felt a shiver run down your spine at his hungry gaze on your frame when his eyes noticed your soaked underwear.
He discarded your pants and ran his hands up your legs, his look never leaving your covered pussy. His hands stopped at your thighs as squeezed the flesh and you closed your legs instinctively.
He looked up at you and pried your legs open with his hands.
“What did I say about hiding from me?” He said, his tone deep and dominant making you swallow a whine as you spread your legs wider and he settled between them with a smirk.
He kissed your covered sex and you let out a low moan, his mouth traveled to your inner thighs, biting and kissing at the flesh, driving you insane.
“Please…” You begged, grabbing at his hair and he hummed.
“So desperate” He said against your skin, grasping your panties and pulling them down. You gasped at the cold air hitting your dripping core and he groaned at the sight.
He cupped your whole cunt with his hand, making your hips buck up into his touch and a low moan left your throat.
“Beautiful” He whispered and gave your thigh one last kiss. “Tell me if it's too much, okay?” He said and your heart melted.
“Okay” You breathed out and he smiled up at you. He took his hand away and you almost frowned when his lips wrapped around your clit and you moaned, bucking your hips against his mouth.
He smirked against you and put one hand over your hips to hold you still as he did wonders against your cunt. His tongue eating you out as if you were his last meal, ripping loud moans from your throat.
“Oh, fuck” You moaned, pulling at his hair “Sam– God” He hummed and groaned against your pussy sending jolts of pleasure through you.
He teased your hole with his finger, slowly entering you and stretching you out, hooking up and rubbing right at that spot and you moaned loudly.
“Jesus, fuck, right there– Shit” A string of curses left your mouth and he grinned proudly, adding another finger to your torture, making you cry out, his name slipping out of your lips.
You felt the knot inside of you tighten, your pussy clenching around his fingers and Sam knew you were about to cum.
“Cum for me, doll” He said and quickened his movements against you and your moans got louder.
“Fuck!” You groaned loudly as you finally came against his lips, your orgasm hitting you like a truck, your eyes closing in bliss, your fingers tightening in Sam's hair.
He helped you ride your orgams until the stimulation got almost painful and you started to try and close your legs.
“T'much, Sam–” You moaned and he pulled away, your juices shining against his face as he got up from his knees and grasped your waist tightly, smashing his lips against you, the foreign taste of yourself lingering on his tongue as he attacked your mouth.
“Taste as sweet as you look” He praises and you smirked.
You glance down at his still covered legs and crotch, the tent in his pants looked almost painful and you bit your lip. He noticed that and took you in his arms again, wrapping your legs around his hips, making your sensitive core grind against his jeans and you whined.
“As much as I'd like to bend you over that table and fuck you senseless” He said, getting closer to your ear and whispering: “I want to fuck you on a bed to see your cockdrunk face when I make you cum”
You shivered, not expecting these words coming out of his mouth and you attacked his neck with kisses and bites.
“My bedroom is down the hall, on the right” You mumbled against his skin, breathless, and he carried you to the room, his hands squeezing and digging in your ass as you continued marking his skin.
He gently placed you on the bed, kissing your lips hungrily and you led one of your hands down to his crotch, palming him through his jeans and he pulled away from your lips to groan, his forehead against yours.
“Fuck me, Sam” You breathed out and he kissed you one last time before standing up and unbuckling his belt and opening his zipper, dropping his pants to the ground and taking off his shoes.
You were staring, eating him with your eyes as he took off his boxers teasingly slow, stepping out of them and looking at your face for a reaction.
Your mouth watered and your pussy clenched around nothing. He was big. You expected him to be large, he was tall after all but you still were very shocked and wondered if you'd be able to take it all.
Sam seemed to notice your worries and grasped your chin to give your lips a comforting kiss. He wasn't cocky but he was aware of his size and knew it could be intimidating.
“We'll go slow, baby, if you want to stop, just say” He assured you and you felt all fuzzy and warm on the inside. It was hard to find men that actually cared and it seemed like you hit the jackpot with Sam. You nodded and he crawled over you, smashing your lips against his again.
He rubbed his cock up and down a couple times and lined it up with your entrance making you whine in anticipation. He slowly pushed into you and you pulled away to let your mouth hang open in a soundless moan.
Sam made sure to distract you from the pain, rubbing your thighs up and down and kissing your neck and collarbones. It took everything inside him to not pound into you. You tightened around him deliciously and he pressed his forehead against your shoulder.
“You feel so fucking good Y/N, God” He whisper-moaned against your ear and you hummed, your nails digging into his shoulders, definetly leaving marks to remind him for a couple days of this encounter.
“I feel so full, it feels so good” You moaned breathy as he was almost all the way inside you, his kisses soothing your hot skin, his fingernails marking your hips as he held back to let you adjust to his size once he was all the way inside.
You felt him in your throat and it took you a couple of moments to let the pain turn into pleasure and Sam was willing to wait as long as you needed.
When you finally stopped feeling the pain of the stretch you wiggled your hips against his cock and grabbed his cheek to give him a messy kiss.
“You can move, please” You said and he pulled back and forth, both of you moaning at the feeling, his dick hitting deeper than you thought was possible.
“Y/N” Sam moans against your shoulder, his strokes inside you making his whole body tremble with the tightness. His hand roams down your body until it reaches your lower stomach. He presses his hand down against your skin and you moan loudly. He grins, his breathing heavy as his hair makes a curtain around his face.
“Oh– fucking God!” You practically scream, your eyes rolling back as your nails scratch at his shoulder. He felt impossibly deeper and he quickened his thrusts, your whole body going limp and your mouth letting out incoherent babbles and moans of his name.
He was panting as he held himself up in his elbows to look at your fucked out face, kissing your cheeks and your lower lip.
“You look so pretty like this” He said against your skin as he kept his thrusts steady and deep. "I told you I wanted to look at your pretty face...when you came undone under me."
You felt your skin tingle, your body trembling and that familiar feeling on the pit of your stomach like a fire lighting up.
"The looks you were giving me..." He groaned against your skin, his hips sttutering as his orgasm came closer "I wanted to make those beautiful eyes roll back the moment I saw you" He admitted, giving your neck a harsh bite, definetly leaving a mark.
“Sam!” You moaned out, your hand tangling itself into his hair. “I'm cumming” You warned and he quickened his pace and your head shot back, exposing your throat to him.
“Cum for me beautiful” He said, leaving a hickey just below your jaw.
You unraveled below him with a loud moan of his name, your heels digging into his ass. A few more thrusts and Sam pulled out, stroking his cock one, two, three times until he came over your stomach, groaning and panting your name.
You looked at his face, sweat sticking some hairs on his face, his eyes closed, mouth agape and his hair a mess thanks to your hands.
You smiled in a daze and traced your fingers over his face and he opened his eyes, catching you already looking back at him. He leaned down and kissed you passionately for a couple seconds until he pulled away and stood up to go to your bathroom.
He came back with a wet towel to clean you up, gentle in your sensitive sex then he left the towel on the bathroom sink and layed down on the bed beside you again, pulling you into his chest and kissing the crown of your head.
You hummed as he wrapped his arms around you, massaging your sore muscles.
“That was…” You said, not finishing. No words were able to describe what you felt.
“Yeah, it was” He confirmed, smiling.
You snuggled into his chest, your hand tracing mindless patterns against his skin. Then you started to chuckle and he looked down at you.
“What?” He said with a hint of a laugh behind his tone.
“Your brother must be pissed” You said between laughs and he started to laugh too, feeling his chest vibrating against your cheek as his hand stroked your upper arm.
“I don't care, this, you, was worth it” He said and you looked up at him with a shy smile, not knowing what else to say.
After a while of silence between the two of you you started to think a bit.
“You're leaving town soon, right?” You asked and he hummed an affirmation. You hid your frown from him. “You're welcome back anytime, you know that, right?"
You said but didn't look at his face when you felt him looking down at you and he squeezed your arm as if to say I know.
You started to fall asleep against his steady breathing, your eyes heavy.
As you were almost sleeping you felt him leave a kiss on your forehead.
“I will” He whispered and you smiled to yourself, letting yourself fall asleep in his embrace.
A/N: Notes and reblogs encourage me to keep writing. Feedback makes those writings better. Thank you for reading. Xoxo
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Thinking about Baby daddy!Miguel O’Hara who had the largest smirk on his face when he watched your new boy toy and you leave the pool party, already knowing the awkward tension between you both will only escalate once you're both alone.
Baby daddy!Miguel who purposely goes out of his way to start dropping you a bagel and coffee at your place of work when it’s your weeks with gabi, saying it was on the way to work and how he remembered how you once made an offhand comment about how you never have time for breakfast before dropping off your daughter at school or at summer soccer camp before going to work.
Baby daddy!Miguel started to call you your nickname he had given you during college. First time dropping it casually during a swap, trying to garner your reaction, which was nothing more than a small laugh and a curious head tilt.
Baby daddy!Miguel who (after a few beers with Peter) finally realizes why he’s been oddly territorial over you as of recently. Before a new guy entered the picture, it was as if you two never stopped being together, sure there weren’t any kissing or hand holding, but when it was just you three, it felt like being a part of the family you were a part of pre-splitting up. You and Miguel weren’t like his parents, there was no toxicity or bad blood between you both, just two people who grew apart.
And now, he was drunk, crying on Peter’s shoulder while his friend rubbed his back to soothe him, coming to the realization that he’ll always love you. Because you’ve never given him a reason not to.
Baby daddy!Miguel who is now on your doorstep after dropping your daughter off at soccer camp. A bouquet of flowers hiding behind his back, wearing a white button up, with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of black slacks and dress shoes. Taking a shaky breath before knocking, feeling dejau hit him, catching himself in the same position 12 years ago when he first came to your dorm to ask you out.
Baby daddy!Miguel whose whole world came crashing down when the same guy from the carne asada opened the door instead of you, shirtless. With messy hair and sweatpants that we’re hanging low enough for Miguel to realize what had just transpired in your place moments ago.
Baby daddy!Miguel, whose heart shattered when you reintroduced him as your boyfriend.
Shaky hands, a thin layer of sweat, dry mouth, if Miguel didn’t know better, he would have thought he was sick. His left hand held the boutique behind him while the other fidgeted with the small excess flap of his belt, only to place the hand in his pocket when he heard the sound of muffled steps approaching the door. Clearing his throat as the door let out a faint click sound before opening.
Miguel had to drip hard on the thorny stems so he didn’t drop them out of shock. He tried his best to keep a calm expression on his face. But it seems his poker face wasn’t good enough, because the smirk your boy toy had on his face as he leaned against the door said it all. Despite being shorter than Miguel, he was acting as if he was on top of the world. Miguel blinked out of his trance when he heard your voice say a faint “who is it?” from the next room before you appeared next to him. If the sight of the man next to you wasn’t enough for Miguel, yours certainly sent him on a downwards spiral.
You were in shorts and his shirt.
“Oh Miguel! Hey, you remember Henry, my boyfriend.”
“Yeah.” He mumbled with a head nod, to which Henry returned as he crossed his arms.
“Um-sorry, Gabriella said she forgot her good pair of soccer shoes.” Miguel managed to say after clearing his throat, not wanting to make a fool of himself anymore then he probably already had.
To be fair, she did forget them.
Part 3<
Part 5<
Not proofread.
Word count: 600
Taglist: @ginnysculture @mishaglass @wusyanamee @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @bunnibitez @miguelzslvtz @migueloharastruelove @dahehow @sinners-98-world @othersideoftheparadise @toyfortoji @yeshajane @yvesbi @strawberryjuice9 @hanjisgf @deljojeisbackagain @safixiovi @emmalandry @maxinemus3 @lauraolar14 @aaaaslaaaan
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dear-tortured-adam · 2 months
❝ 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐩-𝐢𝐬𝐡 ❞ Ver 3
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question : "Does this get tiring...?" AKA nondateables seeing their beloved sheep... as a human!
part.s : demon brothers | triworlds | nondateables
pairing.s : Thirteen x MC, Mephistopheles x MC, Raphael x MC [all separately] + a suprise guest
note.s : That took longer than I expected. Seriously, this week felt like such a rollercoaster ride that I didn't think I'd be able to finish this in time— but here we are!!
Fair warning that I have no notes on Raphael whatsoever. I am purely basing these off of interactions that I recall at the top of my head; consider this as another practice round :"DD
Anyhow, hope you enjoy the conclusion to this trilogy! ^^
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The sheep's curse returns.
It's been so long, why MUST it happen NOW!? After your family getaway to the human world, no less. Back to square one: memory loss and stubby legs. Everyone came to your aid, albeit more protective than before due to circumstances. New people? New People! You have bonded with them after a while, and while most weren't too overjoyed, you'd say it was an enjoyable-
Oh my for goodness' sake-
The all too familiar poof arises again. But, was it just you or did it hurt than the last- ahh.. You placed your palm to your forehead. Hurts. It fucking hurts. With one eye open, you try and ask for help to maybe Lucifer or- Oh right, they're also in this room.
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THIRTEEN ; "Awww!!"
Thirteen is very supportive.
Hm? She stans you all the way, one of your biggest fans! This privilege will surely seal the deal!
Another fangirl added to your roster. You have piqued her interest at the sight of your adorably special soul but-
Girly runs up to you and pulls you in a tight embrace.
Thirteen is absolutely GUSHING over how you look. That hair? adorbs! Any tattoos? Cuties!! More, more, more!!
What's got our reaper even more excited was your soul! Well, so the curse also managed to hide your soul- not literally though it slightly hindered its view.
The first instance she went to check on your soul, Thirteen noticed the white glowing light emitting like dispersed shockwaves; urging to be released to its full glory.
And to FINALLY inspect it with no obstacles? She was beyond thrilled.
Although, she does feel kind of bummed out about it, to be honest.
Thirteen had spent eons crafting and perfecting specialized traps and pranks for the little sheep. Seriously, do you have ANY idea how long it takes to get the measurements right?
Hmph! now she has nothing to use them for!!
It didn't matter how frickin' shorter you are than all of them, you still aren't plushie sheep size!
Hmm.. maybe she should instead use this as an opportunity to conduct larger-scale traps... though that wouldn't just be suited for you.
Hey hey human, get ready! Once she gets you, she's got you.
MEPHISTOPHELES ; "So THIS is the human?"
Pft- the nobleman scoffs.
He has seen far greater escapades than the sight beholding his very eyes at the moment.
It's really no outstanding feat.
As much as he wishes to brush this aside as yet another antic done by the human, you know that he will never escape it.
You know he will be thinking plentiful of it — though not in any particular light [yet]
You see, this transformation will become the next talk of the school for weeks. By cursed virtue, it felt mandatory to handle this topic and present its own article.
Unfortunately for Mephistopheles, it meant all who are part of the Newspaper Club would constantly observe; asking you questions to publish this latest issue.
Why must he care? Sure publication is necessary for the RAD archives yet he didn't have to think about you.
He shouldn't have to think about you.
Yet there he sat, scribbling through the papers on his desk to get your physical description as accurate as possible. A good headline may do? "The Tiny Lamb Turns Human!" — no. That's not read-worthy enough.
The last time he was ever like this was describing Lord Diavolo's newest outfit during one of the many balls he'd host back in the day. That article reached headlines as people exchange opinions on this "newest fashion trend".
Did he really pay this much attention to your appearance? You? An otherwise useless mound of flesh that's got everyone's attention?
"What did Diavolo see in you?" — whatever it may be, it made sense.
It should make sense. He trusts Diavolo's word for it, and he quotes: "the prettiest human to ever grace this land."
RAPHAEL ; "..."
...? Huh.
Raphael was very curious. It dates back to the first time he encountered you.
Frankly, at the time he had to look down to the ground as he didn't know humans could be so. . .
But now that the curse had once again faded away [perhaps], he tries to understand what all the others were fussing on about you.
His eyes peer over your form, taking in each and every detail. He has a sharp eye, though once you take a glance at him, you feel as if he's trying to memorize your form.
Don't get too appalled, he does not have a disappointed look on his face.
As much as he's observing, Raphael won't comment on anything. Positive, Negative, none at all — he just stood there quietly. He lets other people do the talking for him.
That doesn't mean he won't give a comment or two asking if you're alright... Well, your face was indeed contorted in horror for a few seconds before you felt the traumatic headache building up once more.
He never understood how people's eyes seem drawn toward your direction. He thought that it almost looked like their eyes were permanently glued onto you.
Well at first he assumed that it's with how cute you were. Luke and Simeon constantly talk about it over at Purgatory Hall, paired with Solomon gushing about his "adorable apprentice" like an overproud mentor.
Now? Raphael sees himself fallen victim.
Ah. You got him.
Hm? Oh! A message from heaven?
MICHAEL ; "Surprise Surprise.."
Such an adorable little sheep. . .
You didn't know—no one did—but Michael had been observing everything up from the top of the Celestial Realm.
He wouldn't say he was curious, but more or less intrigued by the idea of what you looked like. All he received was a glimpse of one of the many chaotic instances that you got yourself into.
Oh my, it was a delight.
A small chuckle escaped Michael's lips. With a snap of the finger, the cloud within the orb dissipates, gone from within the crystal dome.
If you ever meet in the far distant future, Michael has exactly one question prepared for you.
Human, what have you done to them?
A/N: and that's a wrap! Now the Michael thingy was just a bit of a silly idea and to be clear I have not yet played Lessons 40+ of NB so I have no idea what goes there- so that last part is purely for the feels ;v; There won't be a part 4 or further continuation for "Feeling Sheep-ish", so what comes after is now up to the reader's interpretation. Would also like to add that my schedule will be taking a toll for the next few months, so there will be an update in the rules. And this will be the last you will see of this formatting because I'm updating this blog's theme- but hey, now it's series exclusive! How about it? That's all and stay safe whenever and wherever you are ! !
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divider/s by @/cafekitsune | artwork by NTT Solmare
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bones4thecats · 6 months
Hello, I don't know if you've watched Winx Club, but I would like to make a request for Leona, Jamil, Malleus, and Sebek with a reader who is a fairy (the transformation you think is best) if you haven't watched it, I would like to request these characters with a reader who is a fairy similar to Tinker Bell, but she can change her size, so she has her fairy form and a normal size
Having An S/O Twisted From Tinkerbell
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Leona Kingscholar, Jamil Viper, Malleus Draconia, and Sebek Zigvolt Name: Having An S/O Twisted From Tinkerbell Requester: @marinahavik
A/N: I haven’t seen Winx Club, so I’ll go with the second option on this request. So it’s the reader being mainly themed after the actual original book-style Tinkerbell. By the way, these are fairly shorter than my other pieces.. just saying!
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🦁 Leona was very caught off when he felt a small patter on his chest when he awoke the morning after your visit, he normally felt you shifting to get up before you smacked his chest
🦁 Opening his eyes and looking up at you, he saw that you had shrunk down to the size of those fairies in the garden
" Woah there, what in the name of hell happened to you? " " *Jingling Sounds* "
🦁 He understood that fairies were fairly powerful beings, but this was something he hadn't seen
🦁 While sure you could say that transforming was something he should be used to, since he came from a land surrounded by beastman who loved becoming their beast-forms to relax or travel
🦁 But, seeing someone just shrink without becoming an animal was fairly new...
🦁 Though, he had to admit, it was something he found to be quite enjoyable. He could literally pick you up and put you in his pocket now
" Well, I guess I can officially call you short without you getting mad now, right? " *Raising their middle finger* " Love ya' too, short-stuff. "
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🐍 Rarely did Jamil ever get time off from his seemingly never-ending job of caring for Kalim, but whenever he did, he would try resting with you beside him
🐍 With your large wings, you would leave them to rest on top of your resting lover as he allowed you to play with his hair, experimenting on styles
🐍 But, when he felt that you had stopped touching him with the feeling of a massage, he cracked a tired eye open
🐍 Looking around from his position, Jamil sat up and felt a small tug on his hood, and when he pulled his up and saw a tiny you fall down and make a jingling sound, he chuckled
" I knew you fairies had cool abilities, but this is actually kind funny and cute instead of scary. "
🐍 You furrowed your eyebrows his frustration and embarrassment as your boyfriend began to pat your head
🐍 Folding your wings over your flushed face, Jamil fully laughed at you before asking you to transform back and mess with his hair even more
🐍 Oh, how can you say no to someone you hold so dearly?
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🐉 You and Malleus have known one another since your childhoods, since you were the child of a high-ranking fae in society
🐉 So, as you grew, your magical abilities had advanced alongside one another's. That meaning whenever you transformed smaller, Malleus was just smile and carry you around
🐉 This time, you had been running away from a beastman, whom you angered by throwing a piece of machinery at their head
🐉 For what reason? Not sure, you just heard a malicious sounding voice say your lover's name and threw the nearest item
" My dearest? Are you alright? Why are you- " " Where is that little wretch? They threw a piece of metal at my skull! "
🐉 Looking up as you fluttered behind his horns and held on for dear life in your small and more fairy-like form, Malleus slightly glared at the leopard and bear
" I recommend you apologize for such an unworthy compliment. " " Excuse- me... "
🐉 Cocking an eyebrow as the duo apologized and ran off in fear, you sighed with a very low jingle
🐉 Malleus chuckled and held you in his hand as you rubbed your neck nervously awaiting his dozens of questions about why you threw something at someone's head
🐉 Oh, how entertaining could you get?
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⚡ Sebek and you have always had a complicated bond, from you meeting him by shrinking and hiding inside his bag of training equipment when you were younger being the main cause of that
⚡ But, when you began to visit and watch him train with your god-father, Lilia Vanrouge, you and him bonded more as the years passed
⚡ You two had even began to court one another when you both began to attend Night Raven College that year
" My, my, Sebek, where is my little god-child? I am in need of their small-size for assistance. " " I apologize, Lilia, but I have not seen them anywhere. "
⚡ Cue you flying into the room with Floyd on your tail holding a fly-swatter and laughing as you shrunk and flew underneath your boyfriend's hat
⚡ Lilia and Sebek starred at the merman as he groaned and whined as his twin, Jade, and their childhood friend, Azul, dragged him back to Mostro Lounge after apologizing for his actions
⚡ Sebek then lifted his hat and allowed you to fly down and enlargen back to your normal form
" What in the name of Twisted Wonderland did you do, Y/N?! " " I accidentally shrunk in fear when I heard the cackle of that eel and then he started chasing me with a swatter, claiming I was a fly. Can you believe that?! A fly! " " Well- you are small like one... " " I will knee you in the balls, Sebek. "
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lxkeee · 8 months
pairing: lucifer x fallen angel! fem! reader
fandom: hazbin hotel
genre: fluff
warnings: no warnings yet.
notes: very feral for this man and this is multishot fic and would be writing a smut for this. Reader is close to his age (probably a hundred years younger but meh)
additional notes: just because there are moments where Lucifer seems to be flustered or like mesmerized by the reader, it doesn't mean he already has a crush. It just means that he's been alone for so long that anyone who's gorgeous would make him get flustered cuz it's been awhile since he socialized with others lmfao. I am planning to make their relationship slowly bloom cuz why not?
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“The name's Lucifer Morningstar, welcome to hell.” the light blond haired man said with slight smile and [y/n] can feel her jaw dropped. This is the first fallen angel? The king of hell? Very pale skin, short stature, pink cheeks, attractive. [Y/n] believes that the stories from ancient heavenly scrolls didn't do him any justice.
Lucifer just gave her a small toothy grin as he watched the awe look on her face as he leans his body against the door frame, crossing his arms as he looked at her. “You're Lucifer...?” she asked softly, looking at him with slight doubt and he nodded, “Indeed I am darling.” he replied with a grin, almost a smirk.
“You're much shorter than I thought you would be.” [y/n] says looking at him and Lucifer felt like an arrow was shot into his heart, if she stood next to him it would be guaranteed that she'll be looking down on him literally, “Though, I do believe that the heavenly scrolls did not do you any justice. You are prettier than how the scrolls describe you to be.” she says with a grin, crossing her arms on her chest as Lucifer just looked at her, blinking slowly as the red of his cheeks darkened slightly.
I swear to me, why is she so bold? He asked himself mentally.
He cleared his throat before eventually looking back at her, “Are you normally this bold to strangers?” he asked with a deadpan and [y/n] snorted a little, “Usually, I'm more.” she replied and Lucifer had to take a deep breather as he mumbled “Jesus...” underneath his breath making the woman chuckle.
[y/n] haven't paid him any mind, chuckling slightly to see the ruler of hell to be easily flustered. “I assumed you healed me? How long was I out?” she asked him, deciding to stop teasing the poor man. Lucifer managed to calm himself down, adjusting the collar to his suit, “Yes, you have crashed into my front yard but don't mind about it. You've been in a coma for almost... Three weeks.” he replied before eventually walking towards her and sat on the bed. His expression softened as his hand grazed over her shoulder blades, “They really cut off your wings...” he muttered softly and she just sighed, “Indeed they did.”
Deciding not to make her uncomfortable, he removed his hand from her shoulders, “If you don't mind me asking, what happened?” he asked and she gently lied down on to the bed, avoiding his gaze.
“Heaven was suffocating. Too many rules and I began to question them.” she replied softly and Lucifer just nodded in understanding, “I would probably have been bearable if I was allowed to punch Adam occasionally but nope.” she jokes slightly, making the light blond haired fallen angel chuckle, “Indeed.” he says softly making the woman giggle. Lucifer then gave her a raised eyebrow, “I think now's the time I catch the name of the person I took care of for almost three weeks. Hmm?” he asked with a slight hum. [Y/n] smiled before returning back to her sitting position, extending her hand for a handshake, “My name is [Y/n] [l/n], it is a pleasure to meet you.” she says and Lucifer smiled and held her hand and gave her knuckle a chaste kiss, “The pleasure is all mine.”
[y/n] just chuckles as he lets go of her hand, “As expected, you really are charming.” she says making Lucifer laugh slightly, “Thank you, now.” he says before clapping his hands together, “Since you are new here, I assume that you don't have anywhere to stay. How about you work for me? You are a fallen angel so I know you are powerful. So what do you say?” he asked, extending his hand with a slight smirk. [Y/n] looked at his hand with a raised eyebrow and with a small teasing smile.
“A deal with the devil...? What's the catch?” she asked, crossing her arms making Lucifer chuckle, “This isn't the usual deal where you sell your soul to me, that kind of deal requires a contract with your signature of consent. This is just a normal deal for you to work and be my assistant while getting a place to stay in return.” he explained, despite the smirk on his face, [y/n] cannot sense deception from the man. She sighs before eventually shaking his hand.
“You got yourself a deal, Lucifer.” she says making the king of hell smirk, “You won't regret it.”
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end notes: and I worked like a doggg day and night 😭
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stevebabey · 2 years
no one asked but this is the post that inspired this! thank u immensely for the luv <3 number 1 comment was wondering what steve’s bids were & from his pov, so without further ado...enjoy — part one here!
Begrudgingly, Eddie has to admit that Robin might be right.
It’s impossible not to be looking for the bids since he brought them up to her. Even though Eddie was fully expecting to tell Robin to suck it, maybe even wager what little money he had against this working out, Eddie can’t help but watch for them in every interaction. And fuck, she’s right.
They’re little, but they’re there.
The first one Eddie would’ve missed if he wasn’t looking for it. Actually, that’s a lie; Eddie does miss it, until Robin points it out, the nosy bitch. It’s minuscule and honestly, it just seems like Steve asking his opinion — which friends do all the time! It’s why Eddie brushes right over it.
“Okay, be honest,“ Steve had said, walking and talking as he entered the living room where Robin and Eddie were sprawled across the couches. They were both waiting on him, the three of them set on heading out to the drive-in to catch a film.
Eddie can’t fathom why Steve felt the need to change his outfit for it, but when he returns, he gets it. It’s not quite the usual polo Eddie had grown to like on Steve, this one hanging a little looser, the colour a bit darker than Steve’s usual choice, the sleeves a little shorter — almost midway to a muscle tee.
Steve’s fingers fiddle with the distressed collar of the shirt, smoothing invisible wrinkles and fussing over nothing. He swishes back his floppy hair with a flick of his head. “It’s a new shirt, I know it’s a little different - but what do we think?”
He says we but he’s looking at Eddie.
Eddie, who has taken to trying to reel in his gawp because what the fuck Steve? It’s like he’s well aware of what drives Eddie insane and has specifically leaned into it. Some evil goblin in Eddie’s brain whispers think how good he’d look in your shirt and he squashes it, giving a visible twitch to shut down that train of thought.
From the other couch, Robin clears her throat loudly and smiles sweetly at her best friend. “It looks great, Steve.”
It’s sincere and Steve’s mouth tugs up, nearly a smile but his gaze fast-tracks back to Eddie. Eddie nods in agreement, a bit sluggish from his distracting thoughts and god dammit, the extra exposed skin of Steve’s arms are so not helping. “Yeah, looks... looks good, man.”
Steve smiles, lips pressed together but his shoulders curl in just a bit, deflating just a tad. From where Steve can’t see her, Robin waves her hands wildly and catches Eddie’s attention. He watches as she gestures wildly and it takes a moment to realise what’s she mouthing — ‘A bid! That’s a bid, you idiot!’
Oh fuck, Eddie thinks. Cos it totally was; the question, the focus on Eddie. He doesn’t even think about the logistics of it, of the fact Robin was right, just jumps right into picking up the bid.
“You trying a new style?” Eddie asks and then thanks whatever god invented the whole fake-it-to-you-make-it schtick because he’s feeling so far from casual or confident. “Going metal on me, big boy?”
Eddie just manages to catch the grin that breaks across Steve’s face as he turns away, giving a scoff — it comes out too soft though, giving away his complete lack of annoyance. He pulls that usual Steve Harrington pose, hands sliding onto his hips, and screws his face into some melted smiley-grimace. “Shut up, Munson.”
Eddie grins and goads on the blush that’s beginning on Steve’s neck, a glorious tinged pink colour. “If this shirt is any indication, you’d pull it off just fine.”
Eddie watches the blush climb higher as Steve ignores the comment, his smile still giving him away. He grabs his coat and pats down his jeans — ridiculous tight acid wash jeans that Eddie hates he’s somehow become attracted to — ensuring he has his keys and wallet. Once assured, he looks up at his two friends again, brows raised, and says, “Ready to rock and roll?”
That comment alone has Eddie seriously reconsidering his type in men.
There’s only a brief moment to talk about it when Eddie and Robin cajole Steve into going and getting them both popcorn to get a moment alone. Steve had scoffed, face twitching in the way it did whenever he tried to hold back a bitchy comment, but he still stomped off in the direction of the snack stand.
The moment he’s out of earshot, both voices explode in the back of Eddie’s van.
“What did I say—”
“Jesus H Christ, you were right—”
“Literally how many times do I have—”
“Oh my god, you were right—”
“ —before you realise I’m always—”
“Robin.” He cuts her off, hands landing on her shoulders. Robin eyes them warily, lips still parted from how her rant had been cut off. “Robin, I’m gonna kill you.”
“What?” Robin’s nose scrunches up. “What the hell are you—”
“Oh Christ, I can’t believe- how long have you noticed those bids?” Eddie’s aware he sounds a bit estranged, eyes probably wide and it doesn’t help when he softly shakes Robin back and forth. She lets herself be shaken, hair flying back in forth. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me! You are such a bad gay friend!”
Robin smacks his hands off her shoulders with a frown, her freckly face perturbed at Eddie’s outburst. “Dude, it’s not my fault! May I remind you that until very very recently you were seeing someone else? What difference would it have made?”
Eddie waves his hand, disregarding the point with a shake of his head. His unkempt curls cover his face and Eddie sweeps them back in one motion, “What difference would it have made? Oh my, Jesus—“
Whatever long-winded sentence Eddie was about to spit out is lost by the sound of Steve’s approaching footsteps, effectively shutting both of them up.
Eddie flings himself to the other side of the van, putting an unusual amount of distance between Robin and him like they were being caught doing something they shouldn’t.
Robin frowns at him and gestures wildly with her hands in a way that means what the fuck man? Eddie gestures back, though he’s not entirely sure what his fast hand motions are supposed to mean when Steve rounds the door.
He’s got two buckets of popcorn tucked under each arm and Eddie quickly crosses his arms, tucking his hands into his armpits like his stupid hand motions will somehow give him away. 
Steve looks up, stopping just a way from the edge of the van, and looks at the pair of them. His eyes track from Robin still sitting on one of the old cushions and looking two seconds from burying her face in her hands, across to Eddie. He huffs a laugh and kneels on the edge of the van.
“I know he’s gross Robin,” He begins, tone light, as he holds out one of the buckets for Robin to take. “But c’mon, is the distance really necessary?”
Robin snickers as Eddie makes an appalled noise, both of which make Steve smirk. He holds out the other for Eddie to take and Eddie snatches it, glaring at him over the buttery rim for his comment. Then takes a handful and shovels it in because he can’t think of a witty comment to retaliate. Steve crawls into the van and plops himself between them with a content sigh.
“See? Gross.” He teases, shoving his hand into Eddie’s popcorn bucket to grab a handful. Eddie scowls and chews a little faster when the flavour on his tongue seems to register in his brain.
His eyes stare at the popcorn bucket as he chews, then swallows — up the front of the van, the radio that’s tuned into the correct frequency begins playing the opening credits song as the screen changes. Silence sweeps across the drive-in but despite the sudden hush, Eddie has no qualms about breaking it.
“Sweet n’ salty flavour?” He asks Steve, only half attempting a whisper. Robin shushes him instantly, her focus already on the movie that’s beginning. Steve smiles, looking a bit sheepish beneath the glow of the drive-in screen, but he nods.
“I know you like it.” He whispers with a small shrug of his shoulders. Like it wasn’t a big deal. Fuck, Eddie thinks again and hastily feeds himself another handful of popcorn before he says anything majorly stupid in response to that, like: Oh, amazing- have you noticed the big fat crush I have on you as well?
He doesn’t even need to look at Robin to know she’s smiling, smug as ever.
Steve, God bless his oblivious little heart, doesn’t even realise he’s doing it.
Steve likes Eddie. Eddie is— god, Eddie is different but he’s good.
He’s this strange amalgamation of traits that Steve can’t comprehend how they fit together in one body or how Eddie manages to pull it all off completely charmingly.
He’s loud, he says rude things, he’s fucking dorky, and far too sweet on the kids — he likes to tease Steve, and yet somehow, when Eddie calls him ‘pretty boy’, Steve knows he’s not actually making fun of him.
Steve likes Eddie, likes his boyishly endearing charm, likes his touchiness towards Steve that no other boy his age is like, likes his messy curls and his ‘holier than thou’ attitude about metal music even though Steve doesn’t get it, like at all. And fuck, Steve really wants Eddie to like him.
It reminds him faintly of when he first started working alongside Robin at Scoops. That thought tickles in the back of his mind, something along the lines of how he had wanted Robin to like him for other reasons, but he doesn’t delve into it.
To Steve, it’s simple: he just wants Eddie to like him.
After the night at the drive-in, between Eddie acting strangely skittish and Robin giving more amused snorts than usual, Steve knows something is up.
He knows they must have discussed something when they sent him on popcorn duty, the bastards. He tries his best to not feel left out; god knows Robin and he have more than a dozen secrets they’ve sworn not to tell anyone but each other.
Besides, Steve trusts Robin to come and tell him if he really needs to know, even if it does worry him a bit. He bites down his anxious thoughts, even trying for a moment to see if there’s a pattern he’s been missing.
That train of thought gets derailed when Steve recalls instead Eddie’s delightful reaction to his new shirt — that Steve definitely hadn’t bought for that specific reason.
Even though Robin had given him that look when he’d first shown it to her — her bright eyes had narrowed, her smile turning a little more coy, and Steve had felt his ears get a little hotter. She hadn’t said anything though, just suggested that he should wear it tomorrow night when they were going out with Eddie.
God, he was glad she suggested it.
Rewinding over Eddie’s parted lips, the way his brown eyes had drank in the details as they trailed up his body and lingered on his arms— Steve had the sudden thought to flex the muscle, just to elicit some reaction, but it had gone out the window at Eddie’s original dismal reaction.
‘Yeah, looks... looks good, man’. Said all aloof, like he hadn’t really thought it. It was like bursting a balloon hidden behind Steve’s ribs, one he wasn’t even aware was there until it was deflating pathetically, making his shoulders sag.
Then— ‘You trying a new style? Going metal on me, big boy?’ And dammit, it’s like Eddie had clocked exactly what calling him ‘big boy’ had done the first time in the Winnebago.
Eddie had then grinned, done another once over of the new shirt, even as Steve pretended to search for his keys and wallet while saying something snarky to try to cover up the heat crawling up his neck. Yet, Steve found himself smiling too because, fuck yes, Eddie liked it too.
But, apparently, whatever Eddie and Robin had discussed wasn’t considered important enough because Robin never brought it up.
The thought and worry about it melt away in Steve’s mind until the memory of that night is about Eddie’s compliment, about his cat-like grin over the popcorn bucket, and how he had leaned over to whisper every bad joke into Steve’s ear all through the movie.
Some of them had been down-right filthy jokes which Eddie only seemed to enjoy more when Steve screwed his face up and nudged Eddie in the ribs, yet unable to hide his smile.
After the third vulgar joke and subsequent nudge, Steve had chided ‘dude’ with a poorly hidden grin. Eddie, smile all cheeky, had nudged him back with a ‘dude’ of his own.
Which, of course, ensued a nudge competition til Robin had given a shush that librarians all over the world would be jealous of. But Steve didn’t even care because he and Eddie were arm to arm, pressed close together and Eddie…didn’t move. Stayed close, like he wanted the closeness the same way Steve did.
Steve only remembers the strange drive-in moment when Robin brings it up finally, on one interesting Saturday night.
It’s not the usual routine; it’s not very often that the whole group gets together to share drinks and get rowdy.
But it was for Robin’s birthday and she’d been persuasive enough to get even the introverts, like Jonathan, to come along. Though, she was aware he’d probably spend the night on a pool lounger, stoned to high heaven. Whatever floats your boat, she’d said, happy for the company in any form.
There’s enough of them there that it almost resembles some sort of party— and makes Steve try not to think about the last small party he threw here. He can tell Nancy notices it too, eyeing the pool a bit too long in a way he’s very familiar with, then taking a swig of beer.
So, Steve heckles them inside — doing a fantastic mothering impression as he waves the group indoors with a promise of pizza, and that has both Jonathan and Argyle perking up and beginning a fast discussion on the best pizza toppings.
Eddie makes a fuss, because of course he does, and moans terribly when Steve tries to roll him off the pool lounger he’s on. He’s had a bit of a joint and some beer, and Steve’s learned that he gets adorably stubborn after some substances.
“Stevie, this is mean,” he had pouted, gripping the edges of the lounger and staring up at Steve with those big brown eyes. “You telling me I did all that bonding with you for nothing? Can’t even lounge by the pool! I’ve got a couch at homeeeee.”
Steve had sent him an amused look of disbelief, hands on his hips after his first round of flicks against Eddie’s arm were apparently fruitless to get him to move. “Really? Didn’t peg you for a gold-digger, Eds.”
Eddie had snorted at that, one hand coming to slap over his mouth. Steve couldn’t quite hear what he had said but the words pegging and anytime slipped through and Steve thinks he could get the gist of that.
“Oh for Christ’s sake,” Steve muttered, feeling the tips of his ears turn warm. He didn’t know how Eddie could be such a menace— or why he enjoyed it so much when he was. Steve waved a hand in the direction of the doors, ignoring Eddie’s delighted snickering. “If you go inside now, you can be on music, alright?”
And that had finally got them all indoors, Eddie whooping and skedaddling through the doors in an instant, with a call of ‘no take backsies!’ echoing behind him.
Inside was much cozier, the whole group a little more connected when squished up on the couches together. Eddie had taken Steve’s word and was jamming a cassette into one of the speakers when Steve made it back inside after scouting around the pool for leftover cans and butts to throw out.
He’s just been thinking about what playful jab he could make at Eddie’s music, like Eddie always did to him when Robin hollered at him from the kitchen.
“Steve!” She’d yelled excitedly and he come to find her quick, brows raised as he entered the kitchen. She was grinning, already a bit jumpy as she got when she had a bit of liquor — but apparently not enough because when Steve saw what she’d called him in for, she’d announced, “Tequila shots!”
Which lead to now. A hazy combination of beer, tequila, and a bit of weed, and Steve is feeling good. Robin had managed to hijack the music not too long ago, with a hiccup of ‘it’s my birthday’ that had Eddie surrendering with a pout.
She’d since put on a bit of everything: some Blondie for Nance, Talking Heads for Jonathan, and some Bowie, just so she and Steve could dance along to ‘Magic Dance’ and she could do all the silly little goblin voices that made them both cackle.
Steve realised at some point that Robin was playing their mixtape, the one she’d made for driving in the morning, and nearly tripped stumbling over to her in his excitement. He grabbed her shoulders, not too hard, and squeezed.
“Is it- is this our mixtape?” Steve asked, words slurring only a bit. Robin gleamed, hair bouncing with her excited nod.
“Yes!” She was already dancing, even though the tape was between songs — because she knew what song was coming. “It’s Springsteen time, Steve!”
Right as the drums to Born to Run filtered out the speaker.
And oh, Steve loves Robin so much. He loves having a best friend that knows his favourite song and gets jittery and excited because she knows it’s about to play— that she put it on this mix for him.
“You’re my best friend!” Steve says, the words bursting out like he can’t control them. He doesn’t even feel embarrassed, just happy, just drunk, and overwhelming happy to be able to have this.
And even though Robin knows this, she still beams, feet dancing along and just begins to sing along with the song, “In the days, we sweat it out on the streets of a runaway American dream…”
It’s a brazen drunken performance from the both of them. Steve’s chest is heaving after just one chorus that he’s pretty sure he put his whole soul into and he’s so fucking happy —and it feels like pure instinct to seek out Eddie, his eyes scouring the room for him.
Eddie’s leaned up against the wall, hiding his smile behind a can and Steve doesn’t think twice about it— doesn’t think about why he’s so drawn to Eddie, why he wants to include him in this happiness — just extends his hand out and grins.
Eddie sees the bid coming this time.
Part Three.
yes i saw all ur lovely tags and MAYBE cried about it. but thats none of ur business.
@orangeandthefairroadkill @swimmingbirdrunningrock @sadcanadianwinter @phantypurple @omg-elledubs-things @henderdads @farfaras @mixsethaddams @prismandblue @kerlypride @bushbees @legitcookie @temporalcoffin @callmesirkay @beautifully-useless @millyditty @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @ninjapirateunicorns @darkwitchoferie @vi-the-best-you-can @psychosnowfox @desert-fern @scarletzgo @cr0w-culture @softpink-candlelight @livingforfictionalcharacters @makewavesandwar @kozuuji @rhapsodyinalto @eddiethesexy @cassaloopa @lightwoodbanethings @qu33rcommunist @moonlitkilljoy @starkdusk @theysherobinbuckley @sanguineterrain @loganwright @sillysparrow @hotcocoaharrington @eddie-munson-is-my-wife @she-is-tim @steddiehearts @sideblogofthcentury @sidebarre @corrodedcoughin @stevieclaus
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sinsirellaxx · 7 months
How could he not(t)?
Theodore Nott x Reader
Summary: Innocent reader is in love with Theodore and Theodore thinks about taking advantage of her. No smut – sorry if y'all expected some. 👀
How could he not take advantage of her? With the way she smiled, the way her cheeks flushed whenever he spared her a glance or even walked past her. The way she eagerly reached for her notes, almost dropping them in her haste, whenever he asked for them – which he frequently did.
The way he felt her eyes burn into him in class, desperately waiting for him to notice her, while twirling locks of her hair in her fingers. Only for her big innocent eyes to light up with a pretty blush spreading across her cheeks.
How could he not take advantage of her, if she so desperately wanted – needed his attention, always waiting with an eager smile for when they finally crossed paths.
“You know – I heard that Y/N is still a virgin.” Mattheo smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at Theodore. Theo just scoffed, lighting a cigarette before taking a drag not at all interested in what Mattheo has to say.
“Come one … I know she isn’t exactly your type – but she’s like obsessed with you.”
It was true, you weren’t his type; you were too sweet – too pure for him. The way you adored him felt borderline suffocating and he couldn’t help but be annoyed at the way you followed him like a lost puppy, thinking that he wouldn’t notice.
Breathing out, the tall Italian stared at his friend, as he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
“I bet she’d willingly fall right into your bed if you tried a teeny tiny bit.”, the other boy cackled at the thought.
“Don’t wanna.” Nott shrugged his shoulders as he took another drag, staring into the distance as he leaned against the wall.
“Why not? She’s sweet … might be fun to break her in.”
Theodore shook his head, a mixture of annoyance and disdain evident on his face. "I said I don't want to, Mattheo. What don’t you get?"
Mattheo raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by Theodore's response. "Seriously, Theo? You're passing up a chance like this? She practically worships the ground you walk on."
"Exactly," Theodore replied, his voice tinged with bitterness. "I don't want someone who worships me like some kind of deity. It’s lowkey creepy, dude – and she seems kind of boring.”  
Mattheo chuckled, shaking his head. "You're one strange dude, Theo. Most guys would kill for the kind of attention Y/N gives you."
"Maybe I'm not most guys," Theodore retorted, stubbing out his cigarette against the brick wall. "Besides, I have no interest in taking advantage of her just because she's infatuated with me. That's not the kind of person I want to be – I have my standards."
Mattheo shrugged, conceding defeat in the argument. "Suit yourself, man. But mark my words, someone else will swoop in eventually and that someone might just be me." Mattheo winked as pushed himself off the wall.
Theodore didn't respond, his thoughts drifting to Y/N and the way she looked at him with such earnestness.
With a heavy sigh, Theodore pushed himself off the wall as well and started walking away, following Mattheo as they both walked back to their dorm.
Theodore's mind buzzed with anticipation as he made his way to the Slytherin common room later that evening. The dimly lit room was alive with the sound of music and chatter, the air thick with the scent of alcohol and excitement. His eyes scanned the crowd as he finished his second drink of the day until they landed on her – Y/N, with her eyes already trained on him, batting her long lashes as their eyes connected.
Theodore had to admit she looked her hair styled perfectly and her outfit accentuating every curve. Her dress was shorter than anything he had ever worn before – it was rather risqué and not like her at all.
Instead of annoyance, Theodore felt a rush of desire course through him as she smiled softly at him before turning around laugh and chat with her friends, not sparing him another glance.
Unusual. Very unusual.
Mattheo sidled up next to him, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. "Well, well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence. I must say, Nott, she cleans up quite nicely, doesn't she? Look at those hips! Can’t take your eyes off her, huh?"
Theodore's gaze remained fixed on Y/N, his mind racing with possibilities. He could feel his resolve waning with each passing second, the urge to actually listen to Mattheo for once growing stronger.
Placing a firm hand on his shoulders, Mattheo spoke with a wide smirk on his lips, “I think I’m gonna go talk to her –“
Without a word, Theodore made his way over to her, ignoring his friend’s words with a charming smile on his lips.
Y/N’s friends noticed him first, as he walked up to the group of girls, motioning for said girl to turn around. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked up into his eyes, standing closer to him than she ever has before.
"Y/N, fancy seeing you here. You look good tonight."
A blush crept onto her cheeks at his words and close proximity. "Oh, uh, thank you, Theodore.”
Theodore could see the hint of nervousness in her eyes, and it only fueled his desire further – shy as always. He leaned in closer, his voice low and seductive. "Care to dance?"
Y/N hesitated for a moment, clearly taken aback by his forwardness. But then, with a shy smile and a pretty blush, she nodded, allowing him to lead her to the dance floor.
Theodore’s hands boldly flew up to hold onto the girl’s waist, pulling her closer to him as they swayed to the music. Y/N’s blush darkened at the way their bodies touched, her beautiful eyes looking into his shyly from underneath her full lashes.
Theodore couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph wash over him, as his eyes raked over her curves – his eyes narrowing as he watched the way she pressed her chest, which was almost spilling out of her tight velvet tube dress, against his. His eyes lingered on the smooth skin before they wandered to her smooth neck, swallowing harshly as his throat suddenly went dry. His hands slowly moved down to her plush hips, gripping hard as he pulled her closer – his fingers slowly inching towards here round bottom.
Tilting his head back slightly his hot gaze was met with big innocent eyes watching him lovingly.
How could he not take advantage of her? With the way she batted her lashes at him. The way she was eagerly pressing her body against his, her glossy lips slightly parted as his fingers squeezed her plump bottom, her eyes fluttering in anticipation.
She was eagerly waiting for Theodore to make the first move, to show her he wanted her just like she wanted him.
And he would show her. The whole night. Until he disappeared in the morning, leaving her to wake up alone in his bed with his smell lingering on the once clean sheets.
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number1jeonginstan · 7 months
You said you wanted thoughts sooo here we go
okay so imagine, reader is dating seungmin and in bed theyre always talking about how they need someone else to fully fulfill their desires, to be utterly used. One day in the dorms seungmin and reader are going AT IT when they think no one is home but jeongin is in the next room. in their neediness they forgot to fully close the door and jeongin can hear everything and he can hear the way you beg seungmin for someone else and hes responding like
"Bet you wish little jeonginnie was here to help you dont ya? want his cock so bad but here you are cumming on mine"
and jeongin's brain just... stops
anyway yeah thats a thought that you can expand on if you like :)
also could I be moose anon? if you dont have one already
Omfg, I love this so much what the fuck... (And ofc 🫎, I love getting new anons <3)
Just imagine:
Jeongin came home from the gym, his body still a bit sweaty. He was about to walk into Seungmin's room, asking if he wanted anything to eat because he was about to order himself dinner, only to hear you moaning.
"Please Minnie, I need more, please" you whined as he was fucking you from behind. Your voice was slightly muffled since your face was pressed into the pillows at the head of the bed.
"Fucking slut" he groaned, his pace not faltering "You need another cock in you? One's not enough?" he screamed, slapping your ass.
"No, need more, please I need him" you whimpered.
Jeongin knew he should have walked away, he shouldn't be peeping from the crack in the door, but he couldn't help it. You looked so fucking good as drool was pressed against your face.
"Yeah, you need Jeongin to fuck you too? Is that why you always ask him for help to carry things? Want to see him toss you around next"
"Yes!" you moaned as Seungmin hit that deep spot inside of your cunt.
Jeongin said "fuck all" to every ounce of common sense in his body and barged into Seungmin's room, taking off his shirt before you or Minnie could register what was going on.
"I guess all your wishes are coming true" Seungmin whispered into your ear, causing you to look at him with a confused look splayed on your face, only to see Jeongin next to him, pulling down his shorts and boxers, his leaking cock hitting his stomach.
He was huge, a bit shorter than Min, but a hell of a lot thicker. Your eyes bulged out at the sight of it, causing him to chuckle.
"Thanks for stretching her out hyung, now let me show her what a real cock feels like." He groaned, slamming the entirety of his cock inside of you before you could even say anything.
"Look at her being a cock drunk whore" Seungmin tsks as Jeongin trusted harshly inside of you, his cock making you see stars.
"Fuck, she's so tight even though you just fucked her. This is such a good pussy, can't believe you were hiding it from me" Jeongin groaned, slapping his hips against your ass harder.
You couldn't even reply, too immersed in the feeling of Jeongin hitting all the spots inside of you that drove you wild.
"Too much" you whined as he brought his hand down to your clit.
"You are going to take it baby" Jeongin replied, not faltering his pace "My fucked out baby just said that Minnie's cock isn't enough and is now complaining that my big fat cock inside of you is too much. Guess you don't deserve to cum"
"No please, I'm so sorry Innie, feels so good, please let me cum" you whined, thrusting back into him to try and get any sort of friction.
"Ask your sir" he chuckled, grabbing your hair so your face was looking directly at Seungmin, your eyes meeting his.
"Please sir, may I cum, please need to cum" you whined, waiting for Seungmin's response.
What felt like an eternity was only a few seconds for Minnie to nod his head yes, allowing you to cum around Jeongin's cock.
"Fuck!" he groaned, feeling himself get closer.
Right before he could cum, he pulled his cock out of you, cumming all over your back, causing both you and Minnie to moan audibly.
"We should leave the door open more" Seungmin giggled, kissing your lips before Jeongin picked you up, taking you to your shared bathroom.
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sidekick-hero · 22 days
First Love, Second Chance
(steddie | teen | tags: exes to lovers, canon divergence (Eddie lives), future fic (set 2001) | Part 2)
Next part to this one.
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Eddie was standing near the entrance, a little uncertain, like he was looking for someone. His hair was a bit shorter than Steve remembered, but the wild curls still framed his face in that familiar way. He was dressed up, too — not a suit or anything, but in a crisp black button-down that looked like he’d borrowed it from someone with more of a taste for formal wear. Eddie’s fingers twitched at his sides, the way they always did when he was nervous, and he looked around the room with those same dark, intense eyes that Steve had memorized years ago.
Steve’s breath caught in his throat. No way. No way, no way, no way. This had to be some kind of joke. A cruel twist of fate. Robin had sworn up and down she hadn’t meddled beyond signing him up, but this felt like exactly the kind of thing she’d do to yank him out of his shell.
Eddie hadn’t spotted him yet, and Steve had a second — just a second — to decide if he was going to slip out the back door and pretend this never happened. But he didn’t move. Couldn’t move. His feet felt glued to the floor, and his heart was doing that weird fluttering thing it hadn’t done in years.
Eddie’s gaze finally swept the room and landed on him. For a moment, it was like nothing had changed — like all the years and all the hurt had vanished, leaving just them, two boys in a small town with big dreams and bigger fears. Eddie blinked, then a slow, cautious smile spread across his face, the kind that used to mean he was up to something.
Steve felt the air shift, his chest tightening. “Holy shit,” he muttered under his breath. He wasn’t ready for this. But maybe he was. Maybe this was why he’d come — some part of him still hoping for a miracle, still holding on to something he couldn’t quite let go of.
Eddie walked over, and Steve stood up without thinking, his legs moving before his brain could catch up. Eddie stopped in front of him, close enough that Steve could see the tiny silver hoop in his ear, the one he'd always worn after they'd let him out of the hospital in '86, when he'd had his ear pierced as a way to get his body back, as Eddie had said. All the scars that littered his body hadn't been his choice, but this little hoop had been. Eddie looked at Steve with a mixture of surprise and something else - something that looked an awful lot like hope.
“Steve Harrington,” he said, his voice a little rougher than Steve remembered, but still the same. “Is this… Are you my blind date?”
Steve swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. “Looks like it,” he managed to say, his voice steadier than he felt.
Eddie laughed, a low, nervous chuckle that tightened something deep in Steve’s chest. “Well, this is… unexpected,” Eddie said, his voice trailing off before he added, “I didn’t know you were… I mean, I didn’t think I’d see you here.”
Steve shrugged, aiming for casual but feeling closer to panic. “Yeah, I didn’t think I’d see you either,” he admitted. “But… here we are.”
Eddie’s smile softened, and for a moment, they stood there, two people with too much history and too many things unsaid. “Yeah,” Eddie finally said, “here we are.”
Just like that, the room seemed to shrink, the noise and strangers fading away, leaving only the two of them. That was, until a voice cut through their little bubble.
“Sir, can I ask your name so I can find your table for you?”
Steve blinked, startled. Joanne had slipped up beside them, unnoticed, while they were lost in each other’s presence.
“Sure thing, sweetheart,” Eddie replied, flashing that familiar, disarming grin he always used when he was trying to charm someone. “Eddie Munson.”
Joanne gave him the same appraising look she had given Steve earlier and then beamed back at him. But as if suddenly remembering her actual purpose, she glanced down at her clipboard, her manicured finger scanning for Eddie’s name.
Steve’s heart pounded as he watched her. He wasn’t sure what he hoped for more: that she’d announce Eddie was, in fact, his date, because it would mean that on paper, at least, they still fit together perfectly. Or that she’d say Eddie was here for someone else, because maybe that would prove what he’d been telling himself all this time — that they were never right for each other, that they’d only been a disaster waiting to happen. Yet, the thought of watching Eddie charm someone else tonight, someone new, made his stomach twist into knots.
He held his breath, waiting for Joanne to decide the fate of whatever this moment was supposed to be.
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Part 3
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arisewanekosuki · 4 months
TLH -Extra-: A Little Maid!
Today you and Aether decided to take a small break and just rest in Teapot. After breakfast, Keaya invited you to play TCG but... To make it more interesting the loser will have to do something for the winner. You didn't mind that, confident that you would win, you agreed. But it didn't go as planned, Kaeya had a new deck with new cards you didn't have. To your disappointment you lost quickly. -"So... what do you want me to do?" you asked. Kaeya smirked.  -"Give me a moment." He got up from the table and went to another room. After a while he brought...a maid outfit.  -"...A-are you serious?" you asked, already embarrassed. The blue haired male shrugged. -"Why not? It will be fun! If you win next time you can dress me however you want~" he said with a smile.  You took the maid outfit and went towards another room to change. -"Ah, I forgot about one thing... you have to wear it for one day and call everyone here 'Master'~"
In the kitchen Thoma and Mika were cleaning the dishes after breakfast, normally Noelle would be here to help them but today she promised to help some citizens of her city in the morning. You wanted to take some drink, but after entering and seeing only both of them cleaning all plates you decided to help. -"Tho-...Ahem... Master Thoma, Master Mika. Please let me help you." The boys turned around and almost both of them let go of plates they were holding. -"(Y-Y/n)? Wha...why are you wearing...this?" Mika asked, blush covering his cheeks. You sighed. -"I lost in TCG and the loser had to do something for the winner so... yeah." You felt your face getting warmer. -”I hope it’s not Master Ayato’s idea…” Thoma said, wondering if the head of Kamisato really ‘forced’ you into this maid outfit. -”No, it was Kaeya.” you sighed. “Next time I’ll make him wear something funny…” you grumped, crossing your arms. “So… may I help you both?” -”Ah it’s okay! We are almost finished!” Mika said, turning away from you. His heart beating faster just by looking at your adorable self. Thoma smiled but if you pay more attention you could see small blush on his cheeks too. -”Like Mika said, there’s not too much left so we’ll finish soon!” -”Oh okay…” after taking the drink with you, you left the kitchen. … Both boys sighed. They didn’t expect to see you like this and even more to call them ‘Master’. “This is not good for my heart…” Both of them thought.
 You came back to the room where you played TCG with Kaeya but to your surprise he is not there anymore. -”Hm? Where did he go?” you mumbled to yourself, looking around the room. You heard the door opening behind you, when you turned around you saw Cyno and Kaveh. Both guys stopped in their tracks looking at you, Kaveh looking more surprised than Cyno. -”A..Um… Good Morning Master Cyno and Master Kaveh!” You awkwardly smiled at them. -”What! No, wait! Why are you-!? Did someone force you to be a maid?!” Kaveh was first to respond. -”I lost a game in TCG and the loser had to do something for the winner.” you scratched your head. -”Don’t tell me…are you someone’s maid now?!” Kaveh said, worried that you have to listen to someone’s orders.You hummed. -”Not really? I was told to just wear it for one day and call everyone in the house ‘Master’. But ah I wish the skirt would be a bit longer…” The skirt wasn’t too short, but if you remember correctly it is a bit shorter than the maids’ ones in Dawn Winery. Cyno didn’t say anything, too deep in his own thoughts. -”I look weird in it right?” you asked, scratching your cheek. -”Of course not!” both of the boys said in unison. Kaveh coughed into his fist. -”Ahem… I think you look…good in it.” he said, looking somewhere else, with blush on his cheeks. -”I won’t lie, this outfit looks like it was MAID for you.” -”… “ After a moment of silence you snorted. -”Oh Master Cyno…” you said with a small smile on your face. For Cyno it was a win for today. “Did you guys see Ka…. Master Kaeya?” -”That guy with patch on eye? After breakfast I didn’t see him.” -”Me neither. Do you need something from him?” Cyno asked. -”Well he was playing TCG with me so I thought we’ll play some more rounds…” -”If you want you can join us!” Kaveh said with excitement! And you end up playing some rounds against Cyno and Kaveh. You won all the matches against a blonde haired guy who seemed to be distracted by something. While the white haired one was serious like always and yet you did win some rounds against him.
The day was passing slowly. Knowing that there are some people training behind the house you decided to bring them something to drink. While approaching the training ground, one Fatui Harbinger noticed your presence. -”Oh? Didn’t expect you to wear something like this just to bring us drinks.” He smirked, already coming closer to you. -”Well Master Ajax-” He snorted. -”O-oi! D-don’t laugh! I lost the game and I have to wear it till the end of the day!” -”Hmm? Is that so? Whose idea was this?” -”Master Kaeya…” -“I have to remember to thank him for this… maybe I’ll bring him Fire-Water as a present…” -”Okay okay! Take the drink! I need to give it to other-” -”Hey (Y/n)... how much?” You looked confused at him. -” How much what?” -”How much mora do you want to become my personal maid?~” he smiled innocently. -”AJAX!” and the guy started to laugh at your reaction. After being teased talking with Childe, you gave drinks to other people who were training, both some guys and girls told you that you look cute in maid outfit and thanked you for drinks. What you didn’t notice is that the guys couldn’t concentrate on training after seeing you like this.
Not everyone joined today's dinner, many being busy with their everyday life. Maybe it was good for you. At least not everyone had to see you like this. When it comes to boys, some enjoyed seeing you walk in maid outfit and call them ‘Master’ and you end up being teased by them, some weren’t happy that others can see you like this and some… missed the chance to see you like this, much to their disappointment when they found out about it later.
When the moon appeared in the sky, you came back to your room. -“Finally I can take this off…” but before you could do that you heard a knock on your door. “Come in!” The door opened revealing Diluc. “Oh hello Di… Master Diluc do you need anything?” The red haired guy looked at you a bit taken aback, then he sighed and rubbed temples. -“I was hoping it was just a joke but it seems they were serious… I heard that Kaeya borrowed one maid outfit from Dawn Winery, I was wondering what he is up to but… I didn’t expect that…” -“Oh! Don’t worry, I'll wash it and give it back tomorrow!” -“It’s alright. I hope he didn’t force you to wear this.” -“No, no! I lost the game of TCG and the loser had to do something for the winner. Kaeya is not that type to force friends into something they don’t want to, so please don’t be angry at him.” Diluc only sighed again. -“Alright, but I still need to talk to him.” -“Ah Aether now took him for a talk.” -“Then I’ll join them. Goodnight, sleep well.” -“Goodnight!” and with that the Master of Dawn Winery left your room, you finally took off the maid outfit and wore pajamas. “Poor Kaeya… I hope they won’t talk his ear off for too long…” .
---- Thank you for reading till the end! And sorry for mistakes! This one is shorter, tbh I was hoping I would finish it for Maid's Day but oh well....
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melobin · 5 months
behind the screen 𐙚 sungchan smau #30
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✧ camgirl reader x roommate sungchan
✧ synopsis. in which sungchan discovers his favorite camgirl also happens to be his roommate
✧ wc. 2412
✧ warnings. half written, half smau, minor angst.
behind the screen masterlist
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it took everything in you to not complain to wonbin about bringing someone else with him, you weren’t entirely sure if you could deal with the countless old, snobby, rich couples you’d be greeted by at the party let alone being stuck with one of wonbin’s friends all night. you let it go though, not wanting to cause anymore stress for yourself during the night.
you sighed as you opened the door to wonbin’s car, sliding into the passenger seat before looking at him, smiling weakly at the boy beside you.
“you changed your hair again?” you admired the shorter hair he adorned “what? like a month of blonde hair? are you trying to damage it?”
“ha ha” he pulled off of the curb before settling with a steady pace, his tone was gentle as he spoke to you “do you wanna talk about it?” you laughed slightly, keeping your eyes on the road in front of you.
“there's nothing to talk about” wonbin sighed.
“my friend is meeting us there, we won’t get chance to talk about anything when we meet up with him” it was your turn to sigh, you leaned your head against the door window before speaking.
“we’re not together, i shouldn’t be upset but i just can’t believe he lied to me” wonbin hummed at your words, encouraging you to continue “and the worst part about it is that he lied to me about seeing somi like, he can do what he wants he doesn’t have to tell me but there’s something so fucking off about him lying to me about working late and then going out with her”
“you’re hurt”
“i don’t care” wonbin laughed to himself, you looked over at him with slight glare in your eyes “is this funny to you?”
“you said you don’t care but you just ranted about being upset at it, it’s okay to admit it hurt you. he lied to you and went out with his ex who hates you y/n, he acted like a prick” you sighed and looked down, fingers playing with one another as you listened to wonbin.
“did chaewon say anything to you about it?” your voice was quiet as you asked your question.
“just that she wasn’t sure if it was him at first until he got out of the car to open the door for her, she said they both seemed a little dressed up too” you felt sick as he spoke, only humming in response to his words.
as wonbin pulled into the car park of the venue, you found yourself not wanting to go in and see people. once he cut the engine of the car off he undone his seat belt so he could look at you. “i know it doesn’t seem like it, but i’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for this. sungchan wouldn’t go out of his way to lie to you and hurt you, he’s never done it before so why would he do it now?” you shrugged and sank back into the seat of his car.
“change of heart maybe?”
“i doubt that, he’s obsessed with you” you looked at him before shifting your eyes over to the door of the venue, a boy with soft brown hair stood outside of it looking seemingly lost.
“is that your friend?” wonbin nodded “he looks lost”
“he’s never been here before”
“you made him travel alone?”
“he just moved here, he needs to learn the city himself” you shook your head and laughed, following wonbin as he got out of his car and walked over to his friend.
“taro!” there was a smile on wonbin’s face as he greeted his friend with a hug, his friend reciprocated his actions before turning to you.
“i’m guessing this is y/n?”
“this is shotaro, he moved down here not long ago from japan”
“it’s nice to meet you” you stuck your hand out and shotaro took it in his, something about his smile warmed your heart.
“shall we?” wonbin nodded to the door and shotaro walked toward it, before you could follow him wonbin nudged your with his elbow “cute right?” he spoke quietly, giggling as you looked at him. you shook your head and laughed “don’t worry, he’s al yours if you want him” was his final words to you before he jogged ahead of you, catching up to his friend and swinging his arm over his shoulder as they walked into the building with you trailing behind.
“i feel underdressed” you looked around at the people surrounding you, the middle aged women filled with heavy botox and adorned in black and red cocktail dresses. by the way they were fluttering their eyes at each other, you were almost beginning to thing this event was planned for another reason.
“i feel like i’m interrupting a swingers party” you giggled as you heard wonbin talked, shotaro’s laugh echoing a little throughout out the room as wonbin took the words out of your mouth.
“oh my god no wonder they planned it in a hotel” you giggled again as shotaro added on, you enjoyed watching the dynamic between the two boys.
“i’m pretty sure some of the women are given wonbin the eyes”
“hey at least there’s a young couple over there, we aren’t surrounded by old, horny wrinkly people” you and wonbin turned your head to where shotaro was, you felt your heart drop instantly as you locked eyes with somi, only feeling worse when your eyes trailed to the man standing beside her. sungchan. “you know them don’t you, i shouldn’t have said anything i’m sorry” you shook your head and looked at shotaro, giving him a small smile.
“don’t be, it’s nothing serious” the two boys went to speak at the same time but you stopped them, hooking your arms through both of them and pointing them in the direction of the bar “want a drink? it’s on me”.
on the other side of the room, painfully unaware of your presence, sungchan stood behind somi she spoke to her father. he struggled to focus on what the man was saying, his mind distracted. he thought about you, he felt guilty for lying to you about what he was doing but he had convinced himself it was for the greater good, all sungchan wanted to do was protect you from getting hurt but he feared what he was doing would end up hurting you more in the long run. the only thing that broke his thoughts was the feeling of somi’s elbow digging into his side as her father spoke to him.
“it’s great to see you back around sungchan, it’s been so long” sungchan nodded and smiled at him, holding his hands behind his back.
“i’ve been busy with work sir, me and my partner have been assisting your son in his new line of work. he’s doing very well, he’ll be a great trainer in no time”
“there’s no need to be so formal son” sungchan nodded again and laughed awkwardly, feeling relief as he turned back to somi “wonbin should be around here somewhere, go and give him some company, he’ll need saving from some of the women here”
“yes father” somi bowed her head gently as her father walked away “he’s by the bar i saw him walk in” she commented, sungchan missed the slight amused tone in her voice as he looked back toward the bar.
sungchan was sure everyone around him could hear his heart drop to the floor as he looked at wonbin, his eyes instantly shifting to you standing next to him. he wasn’t sure what got to him more, seeing you there or seeing the unknown man that was stood beside you, laughing at something you had said.
“oh would you look at that, guess i was right about her jumping between men”
“you don’t know anything” somi laughed at sungchan’s defensive tone, finding his annoyance amusing.
“she’s doing it right in front of your eyes sungchan, you told her you were busy so she found someone else to spend the night with like i told you she would”
“you need to stop” she shrugged and looked away, laughing to herself before hooking her arm through his.
“daddy told me to go and talk to wonbin so let’s go” the last thing sungchan wanted was to end up near you, especially with somi there.
there was panic in the air as wonbin whispered to you that they were walking towards where you were, you had no time to escape the moment so you stood there, face blank as they stood in front of you. from the slight glance you gave to him, you could tell sungchan felt uncomfortable but you gave it no mind, not wanting to dwell on any emotion the boy may be feeling.
“y/n, fancy seeing you here, i didn’t know wonbin was bringing a guest”
“you knew i was allowed to, why wouldn’t i?” there was a slight attitude in wonbin’s voice, it almost made you laugh “i brought two guests actually” he nodded towards shotaro “shotaro, he’s an old friend, shotaro this is somi my bosses daughter and” both of the boys eyes shifted toward sungchan whilst you stood there awkwardly, looking down at your fingers “this is sungchan” shotaro stuck his hand out to greet the taller boy, for a moment sungchan debated on ignoring his greeting but he felt too bad. his hand joined with shotaro’s before pulling back immediately. you knew shotaro could sense the awkwardness in the air as he cleared his throat, deciding to try and break the ice.
“having a good night?” he look at the people standing around him but barely got a reply, somi chimed in to say she was having a lovely time before shotaro spoke again “good good, i’ve just been keeping y/n company while wonbin gets catcalled by middle aged women” sungchan’s heart hurt as he heard you laugh for the first time that night, you finally lifted your head to look at the boy who was speaking. he was sure he saw a subtle dampness in your eyes and that only made him feel worse, he wanted to come clean about everything here and now but he was second guessing himself. he didn’t want somi to tell everyone what you’ve been doing but he also began to slightly question if she was right about what she said, if there were men waiting for you to click your fingers so they could run to you. he quickly rid the thought out of his mind, not ever wanting to think you were someone who would use people for their own needs before dropping them for someone else. even if you were like that, he was sure you’d never do it to him.
“shall we get a drink, sungie?” shinchan shivered as somi spoke to him, he was quick to shake his head and take his arm away from hers.
“i’m gonna go to the bathroom” sungchan left before she could say anything. he was thankful that the bathrooms were single rooms instead of stalls, the moment he was in there he was pulling out his phone and pulling up your contact info, wanting nothing more than to settle the sore heart he knew you had right now.
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sungchan was stressed as he waited for you to knock on the door, the few minutes that he waited for you felt like the longest moments of his life. panic ran through him once you did knock on the door, it took him a few seconds to compose himself before he turned the handle, shooting you a weak smile as you slowly entered the bathroom, letting the door close behind you.
“you wanted to see me?” your voice was a gentle as ever to sungchan’s ears, despite the severity of the current situation, you still calmed him. he was in a daze as he looked at you, unable to find the right words to say “sungchan?”
“right sorry” you nodded, rocking back and forth on your tiptoes as you waited for him to talk. yet still, he looked at you with nothing to say.
“look if you have nothing to say i should get back to wonbin before he starts wondering where i am”
“wait” you looked at him “please”
“sungchan can you tell me what’s going on please” he sighed
“i cant” you titled your head to the side, narrowing your eyes as you looked at him again.
“why would you bring me here just to tell me you can’t tell me what’s going on” he went to speak but you interrupted him, he was quick to seal his lips and let you speak “i would have been bothered with you going out with her but it wouldn’t feel half as shitty as it does knowing you lied to me to do so” he could hear the tone of hurt that laced your voice, he knew he had made the wrong decision.
“i never meant to hurt you, i promise there’s a good reason for this”
“then what is it?”
“i can’t tell you” you laughed, crossing your arms across your chest. he looked desperate and if you weren’t in this situation with him then perhaps you would have pitied him.
“you’re joking right?”
“i’m sorry” he placed his hands on the edge of the counter that was in the room, briefly making eye contact with himself in the mirror before sighing “she said somethings and then we saw you with that guy wonbin brought and she was trying to get into my head about you just using me because you were bored and then i just panicked”
“you really think i’d do that?” sungchan turned to you, the hurt in your voice told him he had fucked up. you spoke quietly, the noise from the other room was louder than you were.
“no no no i promise i’d never think that of you” he tried to hold your hand but you stepped back, sighing.
“i should go”
you watched him for a moment, feeling your eyes dampen before turning away and placing your hand on the door handle, before you turned it sungchan spoke one last time.
“you look beautiful by the way” you closed your eyes and gulped before turning the handle and leaving the bathroom, leaving sungchan in the there alone.
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itsonlybaby · 5 months
𐙚ᣟ݂﹒𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - 𝐛. 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞﹒
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playlist !
Bellamy Blake - Shallow Valley
꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ ⸝⸝ In a world where Clarke made it to the ring when the second praimfaya hit; you thought you were the last person on Earth, until the group came back down, landing in Shallow Valley. ﹒   ⊹  ⤷ cw: smut, porn with some plot, nsfw
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When the second praimfaya hit I was in Shallow Valley, it wasn't the missiles that killed them, it was the radiation. The valley seemed to be the only survivable land after that, everything else being buried in layers of sand and debris.
I spent the first year clearing the rubble from atop the bunker with a rover that I found buried in the sand, I had given up when I couldn't open the hatch. I tried everything. Banging, rope, prying, but nothing. I could only assume they were dead and ran out of food, or clean water.
I spent the next 5 years alone, with my own thoughts, speaking to the fish in the water. I hadn't known about the spaceship or the ring, so I was terrified when I saw a small ship landing.
I heard the ground rumble below me, shaking the table I was sitting at. I quickly jumped and hid in the bushes as I watched the ship land.
My heart was pounding- I was sure they could hear it from inside the ship.
After a while, the ship door opened, and out came seven people. I watched as they explored my village, talking about what must've happened.
"We need to get to the bunker," A tall, blacked haired boy with freckles spoke, his voice was powerful.
"They will be there tomorrow Bellamy, we should rest now," A blonde girl stood close next to him. So his name was Bellamy.
"I agree with Clarke, not like they have anywhere to go," A short-haired guy said standing next to a shorter lady with the markings of a nomad.
"I for one wanna eat real food, no offense Monty." A girl with a ponytail chirped up, walking with a limp toward the small lake, "Might be some fish left!"
The short-haired guy followed her, and so did the nomad. Leaving only Bellamy, Clarke, and three others.
I had debated coming out of the bush, telling them that the hatch wasn't able to open, that we were the last living people, but I just couldn't. I was scared.
It was beginning to get dark so they began lighting the fire when a guy with dark hair noticed something.
"Six years and the ashes are still perfectly fine...?" He muttered, drawing the attention of Clarke.
"Monty, what's wrong?" She asked, coming to stare down at the fire as well.
"The ashes..." He repeated, "We're not alone." Monty said louder, loud enough for everyone else to hear as they began looking around.
"I'll go get the others!" A dirt blonde girl spoke up, already running towards the small lake.
It wasn't long before the girl came back with the others, they quickly got to work doing a thorough search of the village houses.
What if they had found me? Tortured me? I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Bellamy shout.
"Search the woods!"
I knew I had to run to the rover, but where would I go? There was no more survivable land and provisions weren't stocked in the car to survive a year.
Before I could even make a run for it I felt someone grab me from behind.
"Already done." I heard her say, her voice was deep.
She dragged me to the middle of the village where everyone gathered around, watching as I scrambled to my feet, my eyes wide with fear; like a deer in headlights.
"Why were you hiding?" Bellamy spoke up while crossing his arms, studying me intently. "What's your name?"
Looking between each of them I realized this was the first time in 6 years I was face to face with another human being and not a fish.
"Y/n..." I managed to get out.
"Great, she can barely speak." The boy with blue eyes said.
"Shut up Murphy," Clarke looked towards him then back to me with a sincere face, "We aren't here to hurt you, we thought everyone was in the bunker."
The bunker.
"They're dead," I muttered, my voice full of fear that was slowly fading.
Bellamy suddenly grabbed my shoulders, causing the others to try and pry him off.
"What do you mean?" He asked, his voice growing louder, "How do you know?"
My eyes started to water at his tone and the tight grip he had on my shoulders.
"The hatch, it wouldn't open, I'm sorry."
"No, no, we go now, Murphy and Emori stay here," Bellamy said, letting go of me and walking towards the rover, the rest of them following suit. Murphy only scoffed and rolled his eyes
"You won't make it!" I shout, causing them to face me. "The sandstorms, they get bad at night, the rover won't make it."
"That's a risk worth taking," He said, only to be stopped by Clarke.
"Bellamy, if what she's saying is right, we need to wait till tomorrow."
Bellamy looked to the sky and sighed walking towards me again.
"How do you know they're dead?" He asked, he didn't grab me or yell at me this time, though I understood why he was upset, it was the rest of the human race after all.
"The hatch needs to be open from the other side," Monty spoke up, looking in my direction, "Did you try banging on the door?"
I scoffed in reply, "I spent a year banging on it, every day I drove from this valley to Polis." It was my turn to cross my arms, "And before you ask, I tried prying it open."
"If only we could melt it open," Raven said, she meant it as a joke but it made me remember a certain memory.
"The flowers..." I spoke softly.
"Flowers?" Monty asked.
"When crushed and mixed with the berries it becomes almost like acid," I explained with a smile.
"Why didn't you try that before coming to the conclusion they were dead?" Murphy asked, he seemed to be the mean one of the group.
"The air wouldn't have been breathable anyway," Clarke defended me, "Let's get some rest then save our friends."
Everyone had agreed and went into pairs for the houses, Bellamy pairing himself up with me since he didn't trust me yet.
I guided him to my house, it was small with only a dinner table and a bedroom, which only had one bed.
"Can you turn around while I change?" I asked him.
After a few seconds of him debating he nodded and turned towards the wall.
It didn't take me long to change into my small nightgown, it was black with white lace lining the top and bottom.
"You can turn around now," I said, preoccupied looking in the mirror and taking down my hair.
When he turned around he was shocked at the length of it. I could see him staring in the mirror, and a sly smirk crawled onto my face as I turned around to face him, a blush formed on his face.
It was only now I got to really examine him, his face was clean, and his eyes were a deep shade of brown, making the freckles on his face show more along with his sharp jawline. The curls atop his head were messy, he was fairly attractive. Despite the jacket he had on you could tell his muscles were defined.
Clearing his throat he shrugged off his jacket, revealing his toned arms that I couldn't help but stare at.
I crawled under the fur blanket, making enough room for him.
"I'll sleep on the floor," He spoke, grabbing a pillow from the bed.
He didn't reply.
"It's only weird if you make it weird, it'll be cold down there." I wasn't sure why I wanted him next to me, why I cared for a guy I met 3 hours ago.
He thought about it before nodding and climbing under the blanket as well.
The bed was just big enough for both of us to fit, our arms touching as a result.
"I can't sleep on my back," I murmured, the sudden wave of awkwardness washing over us both.
"You can turn over." He said, still facing the ceiling. When he said this he expected me to turn over to face him, so when I turned my back to him and he felt my ass on his hand he was surprised.
Bellamy moved his hand quickly out of respect.
I heard his breath hitch, and with a smile I moved my ass closer, now rubbing against his hip.
"This won't end the way you want it to." He breathed out.
My heart was beating fast, I could feel myself getting wet by the second at the thought of him touching me.
Bellamy soon turned facing me. My ass pressed up against his bulge as his hand slid under my body, pulling me closer to him.
My breath became erratic when I heard him unzip his pants, the feeling of his dick on my thigh made me shiver.
"You really want this, princess?" He asked, beginning to line my neck with kisses and hickeys.
He lifted my leg slightly and lined his cock up to my entrance, parting my lips with his tip. I let out soft quiet moans at the feeling.
Bellamy thrusted up into me, and the room became full of breathy moans as he went deeper into me. His grunts only turned me on more as they were right in my ear, his breath making the side of my cheeks feel even more hot.
The feeling was painful while I adjusted to his size, grabbing onto the arm below me for support; surely leaving scratches.
"So good for me," He whispered into my ear.
I started grinding myself on his cock, needing more and more, Bellamy had stopped all movements and just let me fuck myself for him. The hand above me roamed my body, leaving his touch everywhere. I grabbed a hold of his hand and guided it to where I needed him the most.
Bellamy got the memo and started rubbing my clit while I fucked myself on his dick, the newfound pleasure was addicting.
He struggled to hold himself back and started thrusting into me once more, going much faster than I could.
"Fuck, Bellamy." I moaned out, arching my back into him, "Please, don't stop,"
"Don't plan on it, princes," His fingers began working faster around my clit, the feeling was overwhelming as my climax reached closer and closer.
"Cum, princess, it's okay," He whispered, kissing my ear and neck.
I had tried to hold off but couldn't, the familiar feeling washed over me as I came onto his dick with a loud moan, I could've sworn id seen stars while he was pounding into me.
His fingers never stopped as he fucked me through my climax, the feeling soon becoming over-stimulating. I grabbed onto his hand and tried to move it but he wouldn't.
"Too much, Bellamy," I whined, the feeling of his cock hitting my sweet spot every time and his fingers circling my sensitive clit was enough to make me cum a second time. This made Bellamy smile, knowing he could make me feel so good.
His climax was creeping over him as well, my two orgasms pushing him closer and closer to the edge with every clench of my pussy.
The breathing in my ear became erratic and grew louder, his hands quickly moving to my hips to fuck me even deeper and hold me still.
After a few more inconsistent thrusts he swiftly pulled out and finished all over my lower thigh with a loud groan, shallow breaths following after.
My pussy had been left feeling empty, already missing the way he filled me so well.
Once we had caught our breaths and processed the situation Bellamy took off his shirt and cleaned my thigh.
"I'll get a new one," He spoke softly after throwing it to the floor.
I only hummed in response, curling up against his now bare chest, exhaustion rapidly catching up with me.
Bellamy smiled at the sight of me cuddling him, he hugged me close and traced shapes into my shoulder with his finger while whispering sweet nothings into my ear while I slowly drifted off to sleep.
I didn't know what this meant for us, but I knew whatever happened, I'd be fine with him by my side.
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divinesolas · 2 years
The Fifth Storm
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Summary: When a man is asked to choose a bride many would expect him to just choose the prettiest and move on but when Aemond Targaryen is asked to choose one of the Baratheon girls as his bride does something unexpected but it leaves you wanting more. 
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, loss of virginity, fingering, masturbation, finger sucking, p in v, implied shorter reader though it is never stated. insecure!reader, Baratheon!reader but appearance or age is never stated (implied to be around the same age as aemond) ooc Baratheon's and probably aemond, obsessive Aemond? it's a lot of build up, may put eyes for Aemond instead of eye please ignore it, not proofread
word count: 5.4k
The man dressed in all black stares blankly at the five of you, seemingly unimpressed. Your father stands next to him giving you all pointed looks while the prince isn't looking. ‘Aemond ‘one eye’ Targaryen is a man to be feared’ he said ‘if his face is so horrible do not look at him directly and do not embarrass me.’ You were dreading meeting the one eyed prince after your fathers warning words but once he stood in front of you, you could not see what he was talking about.
When you heard the rumor of targaryen beauty you couldn't believe it as you had never seen once but the man in front of you proved you wrong. He looked exactly as a prince should, Tall. he is tall, very tall and he has such a strong jawline you felt as though if you ran your thumb along it your finger shall start to bleed. Unlike the rest of him his lips look soft ‘I wonder what they would- You shouldn't think like that.’ You remind yourself. His hair is long and beautiful, you wonder if before he goes to bed he lets it flow and when he wakes up its spread all over his pillow, you bet he looks like an angel. ‘It is a sight I'd like to see’ you think. 
‘He will not pick me’ you remember. Ignoring the pit forming in your stomach, You stood up straight and tall ‘Floris is the obvious choice, she is much prettier than i am much prettier than all of us.’ Floris stood to your left, her hair perfectly done as it always looked and her dress fitting nicely as it always did. As you think this his eye turns towards Floris and remains there for a little longer than you believe necessary, ‘See he definitely will pick her any second now he shall open his mouth and say he’ll have her.’  
However when he opens his mouth you are dumbfounded by the words that follow. “I’d like to give each of them a kiss.” Your father looks at him dumbfounded, “I’m sorry, my prince?” “A kiss, I'd like to give each of them a prince and then I shall choose my bride.” Maris scoffs and father shoots her a glare so she keeps her mouth shut. ‘A kiss?’ you were confused, why did he want to give you all a kiss. If your father wants to ask more questions he doesnt as he keeps his mouth shut as he gives him permission. Was he like his brother and the rumors you had heard that he would use women for his own selfish pleasure? Did he just want his turn at all of you before he was forced to pick just one? 
Dread filled your stomach as Aemond stepped towards Cassandra who was eager to please. She wanted to be royalty, the queen specifically but being a princess would have to suffice. The two kiss, you can tell cassandra is trying her best but by the stiffness aemond is showing and the face he makes once they pull away he's not impressed. You look away as the dread continues to pool in your stomach, he moves down the line maris seemed reluctant and their kiss was brief, ellyn shares a quick one with him as well and soon enough it was your turn. He is standing in front of you and you two lock eyes, you swear he had a different expression while he looks at you than he had for your other sisters.
He was so painfully handsome you almost want to look away but you do not as he leans closer to you. You close your eyes and suddenly his lips are on yours, the world fades away around you as he brings a hand to your cheek you gasp and his tongue pokes at your mouth before he pulls away. Suddenly you are reminded of where you are and your face heats and you look down not noticing Cassandra's glare and maris’s light laughter. You do however notice that floris’s lips barely touch his before he stands back and once again he is standing in front of you, “i shall take her as my wife.”
The hall is happily filled with cheer, laughter and food as your father boasts about the union between house targaryen and house baratheon yet all you can do is sit in shock. “I'm so happy for your sister, you shall be a princess.” Cassandra speaks through her grinding teeth, glaring at you. You can barely hear her, not when all you can do is stare at the prince and your father across the room as they are talking with some of the other lords. “You shouldn't grind your teeth dear sister, they'll be grinded down to the gums by the wedding.” maris says with a laugh making floris and ellyn laugh as well. You feel a hand placed on your shoulder and you jump in your seat, “Calm down dear sister.” you turn your head to Floris who gives you a kind smile next to you.
“I thought he was going to choose you.” you tell her honestly. “I thought he was going to as well,” she begins to play with the food on her plate as she continues “though i am not envious of your position, i know he shall treat you well he is a prince.” you sigh. “I don't know Floris.” Before you can continue you notice out of the corner of your eye the one eyed prince staring at you.
His presence is overwhelming even if you are even on the other side of the room, he is the only man you can look at barely noticing anybody else. All you can think about is how handsome he is, your eyes drift down to the cup he’s holding and the long fingers wrapped around it. You know a little about the deed from the books you've managed to hide from your father and the rants from one of the girls you were friends with from a minor house who recently married a higher lord.
‘They do not care about you during the deed.’ She had said. ‘All you have to do is lay there, they stick is in and you take it until they are done and leave to go find so common whore to fuck.’ However something else she had said caught your attention, ‘You might as well take matters into your own hands and pleasure yourself instead since men are too incompetent to.’ During her long rants she had described how, you never had the guts to do it yourself but all you can think about is how much you would rather have his long fingers inside of you instead of trying your own. 
Lost in your thoughts you do not notice as the prince in question makes his way over to the five of you and gives our other sisters quick nods of acknowledgement before turning his head to you, “My lady.” Your face heats and you breathlessly let out a quick “My prince.” he tilts his head at you with a curious look and a quick smirk rises to his face before he falls back into his neutral expression. “Would you mind if I joined you?” You could not even look at him embarrassed by your own thoughts as you nod and he takes a seat closest to you. 
The room suddenly feels hot, very hot and you can feel the already damp spot that was growing in your underwear to feel much wetter. ‘I need to leave.’ Your sisters engage in conversation with him, mainly cassandra clearing still trying to win him over but his attention seems fixated on you. His fingers tap the table as he gives short and quick answers to them, all you can do is stare at them as they move. What you do not notice is this does not go unnoticed. Your skin burns with need, the dress you wear rubbing away your nipples and the pool between your legs only getting worse the only thing you want to do is grab his hand and place it where you want him to rub you until you burst-
“Are you alright sister?” you turn to see your sisters stare at you strangely, “you look unwell.” floris looks the most concerned, placing a hand on your shoulder. You can't answer her, lost for words you nod your head and open your mouth to try and give her a meek response before you feel a warm hand place itself onto your upper back. “Are you sure you're alright, my lady?” you miss the slight teasing in his voice and whip your head towards him, “Is something bothering you?” Being this close to him is an issue. Your senses are overwhelmed by him, his smell, his look, the feeling of his warm hands, his seemingly genuine concern, ‘I want to taste him as well.’ 
His handsome face is the only thing in your mind, “I'm just thinking about how handsome you are, my prince.” He is taken aback as though that is the last thing he thought you would say. Your sisters next to you laugh as Cassandra grumbles under her breath “suck up” Humiliated you look down and stand up, “I am feeling rather unwell i should head to bed.” without even giving a proper goodbye other than the bowing of your head you leave and relieve yourself before you explode. 
You rush into your room greeted by your usual handmaiden who seems shocked to see you so early. “I’d like to take a bath, colder than usual please.” she tilts her head at you, confused but runs the bath anyways and goes to undress you as she always does but you send her away telling her you’d like to be alone for the rest of the night, if she wants to ask more she doesnt as she bows her head to leave telling you she’ll make sure to send the other maidens as well. 
Your dress is annoying to take off but you couldn't bear the embarrassment you would have to face if she noticed you were absolutely soaked in your underwear. Finally you are completely undressed and slip into the bath, the colder water shocks you but you can only hope it can help reduce your sinful thoughts.
The bath does not help. If anything the bath makes it worse, barely unable to sit in there for five minutes as your mind was flooded with images of Aemond, him in the bath with you nude, touching you wherever he wished and you touching him as well. You stand up and feeling worse than you did before and move to dry yourself, ‘I should just relieve myself’ the voice in the back of your head thinks ‘no it is wrong i shouldn't’ ‘what's so wrong with pleasuring yourself you remember what she said they cannot pleasure you why not just do it yourself?’ The sinful voice is sounding more and more convincing by the second. 
What's the harm in doing it right? It's just you alone in this room and you cannot even think about going to sleep for the night in your state so you lay on your bed and stare up at the ceiling, you hands unconscious moving to massage your sore breasts were they always this sore you hadn't noticed and at this point you didn't care. Your heart is pounding to the point you can barely hear anything else as you move your hand down and begin to toy with yourself
He was captivated by you the moment he saw you, barely being able to lift your head as he stood next to your father as he sung his daughters praises, ‘oh cassandra is the oldest she's the most prepared for you, maris is the smartest, ellyn is the most obedient and floris is the prettiest.’ he notices Borros says nothing about you, the most captivating one of them all. He does not question this, if Borros does not see the gem standing right in front of him, polished and shining ready for the taking he shall take her for himself. Aemond wants you, he wants to take you even though he has not even been introduced to you. There's just something about you that's so captivating, he must have you. 
The perfect idea comes to him, he can give each of them a kiss. It's the perfect excuse, he acts as though he wishes to pick the best kisser before he glosses over the other girls and gets to the real prize, you and he knows Lord Borros cannot say no. He eyes floris for a little longer; he is annoyed yet does not show it. She is the only girl after you, dreading the fact he’ll even have to look at her after getting to kiss you. 
Though he wishes he could go and grab you and whisk you away now he knows It's too soon for anything crazy, he has only just finished listening to Borros drone on and on about a dowry and wedding ceremonies praises of his daughters and how happy he was to be joining houses once more. Only now he is standing in front of you. He needs an excuse to be near you, to touch you in some way. Aemond is right of course, lord Borros does not tell him no and allows it. 
As he walks towards Cassandra who he can tell he is all too eager he wants to look annoyed but he reminds himself that he can’t make his actions too obvious if he is too obvious Borros may step and he can not ruin his chance at getting to taste you. As his lips touch the other girls lips his eye remains on your form, you are looking at your feet and playing with your fingers, ‘she’s perfect.’
Now he stands before you now, he tries not to let the eagerness show on his face as he finally locks eyes with you. You have this gleam of something in your eye he cannot recognize before he leans in and locks lips with you. Your lips are soft, he wishes he could say they are softer than the others but he does not remember the others not when you taste so sweet. Before he can stop himself his hand cups your cheek and he feels you gasp, ‘she's so perfect’ he can help but smile as his tongue almost touches yours before he is reminded of what he's doing and he pulls back. With swollen slips and a shocked expression you look up at this he resists the urge to reach and shove your lips back against him and take you for all to see.
He forces himself to move on as he watches you snap out of your daze and look down, he smiles not caring about anybody else right now, you are the only person in his mind. He glances as the last girl not even remembering what her name was and ghosts his lips over hers, it would be wrong for a common girl to spoil the gift an angel has placed upon his lips. He steps back in front of you, “I shall take her as my wife.” It was already decided from the moment he glanced at you but now he can finally announce it. A sense of possession flows through him as he utters the words my wife while staring at you. 
He watches as your eyes widen and despite his shock Lord Boros exclaims how happy he is and how they shall throw a feast. He wants to hear you call him your husband, he wants to hear you call his name, he wants to hear what noises you make while he takes you like no other man has, he wants to ruin other men for you so you shall never think of another man other than him. He wonders if he was your first kiss, he hopes he was your first kiss so he can be the first and last man to touch your soft lips. He doesn't even acknowledge the other girls anymore, why would he when you are standing in front of him. 
The feast is boring, he hates that he is forced to conversate with these minor lords who simply wish to boast about themselves when instead he could be sitting next to you, surrounded by your scent, talking with you, watching you avert your eyes as you struggle to answer him why must he bore himself when he could be having fun with you. 
He glances over at you for what must be the thousandth time that night, glances at you talking with your sister, picking at your food waiting for you to look at him and notices that finally your eyes are on him as well. He notes that your eyes are not on his face but on his hands he smirks and taps his fingers once on the cup of wine he's holding and he watches as your eyes widen slightly and your look turns bashful before you look down once more. 
He doesnt think he can wait until the wedding to have you, what is the point of waiting anyway he’ll be the one marrying you, claiming you, anyways not any of these other common lords who also like taking glances at the girls. Never his girl though it's always one of the other Baratheon girls. He’s thankful, no one else should be eyeing what's his and if no one else can appreciate the angel that has fallen from the sky to grace them with her presence then he alone shall bask in her warmth. 
Done with the conversation he bids and quick goodbye to the lords before moving towards you, he quickly acknowledges the other girls before his attention falls and stays on you, “my lady.” It's hard to say when all he wants to call you is his wife, but he must have patience he cannot act irrationally with so many others around. You greet him back “my prince” my. mine. He loves it. It sounds like music to his ears, He wants to hear it again and again but more than anything he wants to hear you say his name. He notices your breathlessness and smirks. He bets you are soaked at this point waiting and wanting only him to touch you and he will but not yet. 
He joins you and quickly notes that you cannot even look at him, he loves it, he loves that you want him just like he wants you. He’ll have to do something about that. For now your sisters engage with him instead, he barely takes note of them not while you are sitting so close to him, you seem to be lost in thought and you unconsciously rub your thighs together. He needs you and he needs you now. He notices your nipples poking through your dress and Aemond likes his lips feeling the urge to wrap his lips around them as he shoves himself into you.
Floris takes note of your odd behavior and confronts you on it, you freeze as she places a hand on your shoulder and looks you in the eyes and asks you if you're alright. ‘No she isn't alright but it's okay i'll take care of her and make her all better.’ He places a hand on your back as he fakes concern, he loves how shocked you are as you look at him. “Is something bothering you?” He knows what's bothering you but he wants to ask anyway, he wants to know what pathetic excuse you’ll give him, he wants to see you squirm and shake to avoid eye contact as you answer, he wants you. 
“I'm just thinking about how handsome you are, my prince.” Your answer shocks him, he is barely able to recover as you move to leave after your answer. The prince's notes that you whimper slightly as you move to stand up and his eye remains on your retreating form and the wet spot he notices forming on the back of your dress. He smirks. Aemond leaves the celebration shortly after you left, what's the point in staying when the only good thing there has left. And he knows exactly where he's going to go but now he just needs to find where your room is.
He runs into a maiden in the hallway who is clearly scared of him and uses this to his advantage he asks where your room is, the maiden seems hesitant but he states he simply wishes to return something you left behind at the dining hall. The maiden states that if Aemond just gave her the item she can return it to you as are in the bath, there is no way Aemond is going to miss the opportunity to see you now. After a bit more of hesitation and coercing she tells him where you room is clearly afraid of what he will do and he moves past her and walks towards where you are, eager to see whatever state you are in.
When he gets closer he is more than shocked to hear your beautiful moans. You must be a siren for how you are luring him in with your beautiful voice. At first he is angry, what if you are in there with another man. He would kill him, for touching and taking what was rightfully his. His homicide thoughts cease to exist as he hears you moan a name, his name. 
He is all you can think about, his hands, imagining his hands are yours as they rub and move inside you. Something you're sure of is that It's not as good as he would feel but it will have to be done, knowing that he’ll probably be just like any other man and use you for his own pleasure but you can't be bothered to care right now as all you can think of is him. His name falls easily off your lips, as if you've said it a million times before, you want it to be him, you want him so bad, the minimal words he’s said to you ring around your head, the feeling of his hand on your back, your cheek, the kiss you shared, his tongue, you wish he had gone further with you. You're so captivated by him all you wish to do is see him, touch him, you want everything.
“How amusing.” you freeze. Maybe you were imagining things, you wanted to hear him so bad his voice is simply just playing in your head. “Did I tell you to stop?” you rush to sit up and pull your blanket over you. The sight of him sitting on a chair that was clearly moved so it could have a better view of you, legs spread and a noticeable bulge in his pants is heavenly. “My prince!” you are out of breath as if you just ran around the castle a hundred times, you can barely believe that he was actually in your room. 
He clicks his tongue clearly upset you were now fully covered by the mock frown on his face. You however cannot tell the frown is mocking, you are humiliated, getting upset at yourself for ruining the one good thing you got. He probably wants to break the betrothal, once he’s done berating you now he’ll rush down to your father and tell him he changed his mind on which one he wants, you're sure he doesn't want you now that he’s seen you act like this.
He tilts his head as your eye’s fill up with tears and you look at him, he didn't think you could get any more beautiful than before but now with your bare shoulders showing and your tears running down your face he thinks you've never looked better. “Please dont break off the betrothal!” he looks confused, “I promise this is the first time i've ever done something like this, no one has ever touched me before i don't know what happened to me, i-” you freeze as he gets up and moves towards you, now sitting on the bed in front of you he wipes the tears from your face. 
He closes his eye and presses his forehead against yours, “Now why would I ever do that?” It is now your turn to be confused, in your shock you unknowingly drop your arms leaving your full chest exposed he pulls back and his eye looks down at your chest. There's a dark look in his eye you can’t recognize and you quickly remove your hands from the blanket to cover yourself. He’s faster than you, catching your hands and bringing them to his mouth, he places each of them one by one in his mouth and sucks them clean, removing any of your own trances off of them and into his mouth. 
You're in disbelief, as he closes his eyes and hums in content. “You taste just like how I imagined.” You can barely believe what you're hearing as he moves his hand to cup your face like he did just hours ago. “Why did you think I was going to end the betrothal?” it's a question you weren't expecting certainly not right now, he keeps his eye locked on you almost demanding that he know. “Um, not many good things happen to me, i'm the forgotten one, the fifth storm yet i'm not the youngest. I'm not the prettiest i'm not the smartest i'm not the most obedient im just..” you trail off unable to look at him due to your shame. 
He doesn't like that answer, he lets out an aggressive hum and pushes you back softly so you are laying on the bed he throws the blanket off the bed so you are completely exposed. Before you can even blink he is on top of you, trapping you between his arms. His face comes closer to yours before he speaks, you can feel his breath on your face as all you can do is stare. “These people are worthless,” he says, “they are nothing compared to you. They all pale in comparison. You are the only one i could look at even while your father was singing your sisters praises you were the only one i could think about. I asked to kiss you all so I could kiss you, not any of them. You are the only one I want, you are the one I'm throbbing for, I'm aching for.”
You feel like you can barely breath and the tears well up in your eyes once again, nobody has ever spoken so kindly about you before. He wipes them from your eyes as you speak, “do you really mean it?” He grins, “I’m more than eager to show you how much I mean it.” one of his hands trails down to your breasts and his thumb lightly rubs at your nipple, “if you'll let me that is.” “We shouldn't, we aren't even married.” “Yet. but we will be, what is the point of denying the inevitable and it would pain me to leave you when i know you ache for me in the same way i ache for you.” His thumb has picked up speed, your toes curl. 
“Okay.” it's quiet but it's all he needs to shove his lips against yours and place both of his hands on your breasts. You gasp just as you did earlier and he doesn't waste the opportunity this time to shoving his tongue into your mouth. He trails his lips down your jaw and to your neck where he stays and sucks some bruises while one of his hands travels further down. 
One finger running along your slit is all it takes for you to jump at the sensation, he chuckles as he takes two fingers to rub at your clit. Gripping the bed sheets hard, you acknowledge to yourself the fact that you were right when he slips a finger inside of you that his hands definitely feel better than yours. His hands are coarse obviously from his years of training along with the new added length it's a whole new sensation. You feel the pit beginning to build up in your stomach and your moans getting, “My prince!” “Say my name,” he growls.
“Aemond” its breathless and sounds so much better coming from your lips than he expected, “Again” “Aemond” “Again” “Aemond!” it only gets better the more you say it, he’s addicted. The last time is a shout, he can tell you're close so he pulls away. You whimper and ask him why he stops. He chuckles again and cups your face, “The first time you cum will be on my cock.”
He’s gotten off the bed to undress and despite your nerves for what's about to occur you can help but admire him. “You're very handsome.” the words fall easily from your lips like they did earlier except this time you’re staring at his bare back and bottom as he’s removing his clothes. He turns around and smiles at you once more, “you say that as you stare at my backside, so you think its my bottom that's handsome huh.” he's teasing you as he climbs back on top of you and stares at you. “You know what I mean.” his grin grows, “and you are the most beautiful women i've ever seen.” you look down at his dick in wonder and back up at him and his smiling face, “will it fit?” “I'll make it fit, don't worry princess.”
He's kissing you once more as he readjusts the two of you so he could enter you and you stiffen so he stops, “are you okay?” he asks against your lips pulling back slightly, “yes, just a little nervous.” “we don't have to-” “i want to.” you stop him before he even begins. “I want you my prince.” The look in his eye darkens once more as his tip pokes at your entrance, “and i want you, Issa ābrazȳrys.
He pushes in and it hurts, you hiss and groan as his lips are next to your ear whispering apologies and giving you kisses. Once he is fully in despite the fact all he wants to do is slam into you and claim you he knows he can't so he’s patient, he knows it’ll be worth it. Once you give him the okay he begins to move, you feel so much better than he had imagined. 
All the women you have talked to have never said it felt this good. You close your eyes. You've never experienced anything like this and Aemond is the only thing on your mind. While you chant his name the words he is saying to you as he thrusts into you are unfamiliar, Issa ābrazȳrys (My wife), ñuhon (mine), Issa dōna (sweet girl). You want to ask but you can't right now not when the only word you can remember is his name  
You tighten around him as the pit builds in your stomach, “are you close?” you moan as you nod, unable to form any words. “Hold it, my wife.” you don't believe it to be possible, “i want to cum, my husband.” you whimper. This causes him to freeze.
He watches as you whimper beneath him, begging him to move, “what did you just say?” you open your eyes going to apologize for your words but the look on his face stops you. “Aemond.” “No. What did you say?” you look away he grabs your jaw and brings your face to face him, “please. What did you say?” he begs, he wants to hear you say it, call him yours. “My husband.” He growls, you cup his face, “my husband, my prince, my Aemond, please make me cum.” “Hen rhinka issa ābrazȳrys (of course my wife)” He begins to thrust aggressively into you much more aggressively. He moves his hand to play with your clit, “cum.” he demands. And you do, the only thing you can say is his name over and over and over as you reach your peak. He quickly follows after with your name on his tongue. 
The only thing the two of you can do is sit and stare at one another, he combs his hand through your hair and you smile. “Ñuhon (mine).” “Are you going to tell me what any of it means?” he smirks, “you’ll learn one day, Issa ābrazȳrys (My wife).”
a/n: based on some random tik tok comment i saw also this is my first smut so i hope you enjoy (im ace so if this is inaccurate i apologize)
Tags: @anditsmywholeheart @bellameshipper
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rhaenerystargaryen · 2 months
Asking for a friend... 🤭 but what about a Daemon x reader after he returns back from his victory at the stepstones and the first thing he does is seek out his love from childhood, even before he got married of to Rhea. Just a thought... 👀
one true love
pairing: daemon targaryen x fem!reader
synopsis: but now here you stand, eyeing the man who once had your heart.
warnings: none
wc: 0.7k
daemon targaryen. it had been a long time since you'd heard that name. ever since viserys had ascended the throne and daemon became more of an "importance" to the crown, the time you shared had grown sparse and as the years passed, ultimately turned into nothing. the last you'd heard of daemon was that he'd made his way to the stepstones in order to help lord corlys velayron take control of the islands from the three daughters.
you'd built a life for yourself alongside the royals in hopes that being closer to them would grant you some kind of advantage, and so it did. being the daughter to a lord already had its perks but now that you had the platonic love of the future heir to the throne, rhaenyra, you were bound to receive only the greatest of the great. you heard how others called you a snake, weening your way into royal life when you certainly were no royal let alone targaryen.
as people entered the throne room you looked around. rhaenrya had taken her respective place and left you with your father, on the sidelines. suddenly, the doors burst open and came the man you hadn't seen in nearly three years. daemon targaryen. his hair was, shorter but what had you honed in on was the crown placed upon his head. as he threw the sword of the crab king down near his brother's feet you heard him say, "add it to the chair." oh how his sultry voice set flames coursing through your heart.
it didn't take you long to whisk through the crowd once everyone had separated.
"y/n!" rhaenyra shouted your name, beckoning you to join her.
she stood near her uncle and you felt your heart skip a beat.
"you remember daemon, right?" she asked as you reached them.
"y/n..." daemon's voice forced you to snap your head from her to him.
"yes, i do. it's been a while, my prince," you curtsied.
daemon laughed. had you just embarrassed yourself in front of him already?
"no need for formalities y/n. after all, i could argue that you've become quite the highborn lady while i've been away," he teased.
rhaenyra looked between the both of you, smirking.
"it seems as if you two have a lot of catching up to do," and before you could interject, she patted your arm and excused herself.
"my niece informs me you have not found a suitor yet. is that true y/n?"
"excuse me?"
"when i left, i hoped that you would," he looked around, shifting towards you.
"but daemon, why?" your head tilting to look up at him.
"you're a very beautiful woman but like my brother says, i bring chaos to everything i touch," his head sunk.
you stood, waiting to see where he would go.
"i thought that if maybe i left to the stepstones, that would detach me from you. but i was wrong."
"i can not deny my feelings for you y/n," he placed his hands on your cheeks.
"daemon we are in public! must we talk about this here?" blushing a crimson red, you looked around.
"y/n, if i can not profess my undying love to you here then what purpose does it serve doing it in private? where no one would see us and recognize the passion," he brought you closer, "we share for each other," his voice was low.
you felt conflicted.
"you are not some commoner, y/n. you are a highborn lady with class and grace. my brother would not mind me being married to you and neither would your father reject the idea of me proposing a marriage between the two of us."
"but, rhaenyra...it would crush the poor girl's heart daemon," you spoke with urgency. almost as if you were trying to push him away.
"rhaenyra is to married to ser laenor. do you really think my brother would allow me to marry her, my own niece, knowing how i am. she is a child. you are a grown woman," he looked around.
"just know that whatever it comes to y/n, i love you. always have, always will."
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rapz-rites · 1 year
Damian Wayne x Reader
You and your soulmate can feel each other's heartbeat 
A/N: for @thesuperiorrobin btw I started writing this super late at night so it might not be the best but I hope you all like this
Word Count: 1.1k+
Warning(s): Barely proofread, loophole cursewords
You jolted up from your sleep. 4 times a week, 3 if you’re lucky. Like clockwork. Your soulmate's heart beats so fast, so hard, it wakes you up. You would think he was having a heart attack. 
You don’t know what your soulmate does that gets his heart beating so fast in the middle of the night. You found this whole heartbeat soulmate thing so stupid. Of all the things you and your soulmate had to share, a heartbeat, seriously?
On everyone’s 10th birthday, they start “sharing” their soulmate's heartbeat. It's not really sharing though, so you didn't understand why they explained it that way. Probably to romanticize it. 
You couldn’t go back to sleep until about 4am. But that didn’t matter because your alarm went off 2 hours later. You hated your life. Not only did you get no sleep because of your stupid soulmate but you had to get ready for school, a school filled with pompous a-holes. Luckily it was your last year and you only had a few more months left until you graduated.
You walk into class late, everyone looking up at you. Luckily for you, your teacher is nice enough to let it slide. 
“Hey” you said to the boy you usually sat by. His name was Damian, Damian Wayne. Yup. As in Billionaire “playboy” Bruce Wayne.
“What now L/N?” He asked. He looked up at you with an annoyed expression. Damn. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. 
“Do you think you could help me with number 5?” You looked at him with pleading eyes. “Pretty please.”
“Sure.” And he did. You didn’t really need help, you just wanted to bother and talk to Damian. 
The two of you were close acquaintances but not friends. He was you favorite pompous rich a-hole and you were one the most tolerable people at GA to Damian
After this class you were done. You were transferring books to and from your backpack when your best friend, Lienne, pulled up next to you. 
“What are you doing after school? Do you want to have a sleep-” If you didn’t stop her now it would turn into an investigation.
“I’m working at the clinic after school, but I can come over after and we can have a sleepover all you want,” you smiled at her.
“Ok. See you after work. Oh, and bring those chips I like please,” she says walking away. You chuckled at her.
You worked at a pet shop clinic. You loved it. You weren’t a people person, you were a pet person. I loved cats, dogs, and hamsters. Any domestic house pet you could get your hands on, you loved it. They were so much easier to deal with than people. 
You were peacefully playing with a hamster while it was quiet in the store. Suddenly 2 men rush in. You put the hamster back in its cage and turned to the 2 men. They both looked like they were freaking out.
“We need your help! Like it's an emergency,” the tall one said. He had jet black hair and a white streak at the front. Then the second one spoke up.
“It’s our brother's cat,” the other one said. He was shorter, maybe 5’10/11. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. He handed you an adorable little tuxedo cat. You couldn’t help but awe at it.
“Sure, what happened? Our vet is currently busy, but I can check him out and get him to see him as soon as possible.” you walked them into an exam room in the clinic. As you were assessing the cat, your boss walked in. 
“What's going on here?” He asked. You explained what happened and gave your assessment of the cat to your boss. He complimented you on your good work and took over. You were happy until you felt a strain on your heart. Something was wrong with your soulmate. It felt like he was having a panic attack or something. You went to the front of the store to sit down. You were trying to steady your heartbeat to cancel his out. But of course as you sat down, someone walked in. It was none other than Damian Wayne.
“Where’s Alfred? Where’s my cat?” he asked. You walked up to him to get his attention. You were holding onto his arm while he was looking around frantically.
“Your cat? Is he a tuxedo cat?” He immediately looked down at you. “You’ve seen Alfred? Where is he?”
“Your brothers brought him in,” you explained to him calmly. You were already trying to calm your soulmate’s heartbeat and now you have to calm a frantic billionaire son. He was spouting nonsense you didnt want to listen to while you ushered him to a chair.
“Listen Wayne,” you said, shutting him up. “Your brothers brought him in. I assessed him and the vet is now with him. He's going to be fine”
You could tell your words helped, but he was still anxious. It was kinda cute that he cared this much for a cat. One time you saw him roll his eyes at a school assembly about suicide. But he was still breathing heavily. At this point your heartbeat was calm but you could still feel your soulmate’s fast heart.
You took Damian’s hand and put it over your heart, and you did the same to him. That's when you felt it. People who already met their soulmates said once you know it's this indescribable, thrilling feeling. They were right. It was like time stopped and nothing else mattered. Your hearts synced and that's all you both felt. You both stared into each other’s eyes. You opened your mouth to speak but was interrupted. 
“Are we interrupting something?” The tall brother asked. You quickly moved back from Damian, putting your hands at your side.
You both spoke in unison. You looked at him, but he was glaring at his brothers.
“So what did Dr. Goldwin say?” you asked, smiling before it got awkward.
“OMG OMG OMG!” Lienne squealed, jumping around her room. “YOUR SOULMATE IS DAMIAN WAYNE.”
You weren’t surprised at her reaction when you told her. She always had a knack for the dramatics. As she was jumping around, spouting how beautiful your wedding was going to be, you got a text from your “future husband”.
Damian ☹️: Hello Y/N
                    Let’s go out on a date Saturday
                    Send me your address and I'll pick you up at 2pm
Y/N : I’d love to go out with you 😉
You’ll tell Lienne once she calms down. She's going to freak.
So… what do you think???
I’m working on request so plz don’t think I forgot abt those.
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