#he can be the kiddo too sometimes but if any of his kids have anything going on mike is there
artsygirl0315 · 1 day
I saw a post of the sibling check of sector PHP , so ( if you have some info TwT ) I just want to know more about the siblings 👀 /nf
(It's been a while since I've been reminded of them and even then, I still don't have proper info about them but I do have a few ideas!)
Del Ray Brothers
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-Ezekiel is Tyler's older brother, A star pupil and is great in academics. But despite such an excellent endeavor isn't all that he seems, He's a real troublemaker too!
-He's not completely trouble though, It's more so that he likes to tease and be laid back often despite his presentation at school. He's a real big brother type to his friends and his family.
-Gregory, Tyler's little brother, is quite the cheerful kiddo! We can compare his demeanor to Evan's.
-Unlike his older brother, He's more of a follower than a leader but he's really good at being innovative and has a knack for tinkering and creating anything that comes to his mind!
Montgomery Sibling
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-Vivien is a real sweetheart, The one you can open up to and the type of kid who loves to take care of others!
-They're modest and overall kind to others, A great nurse in the field ever since their big brother started in inventing and he get injuries often.
-They look up to their big brother, both figuratively and literally. They even get shoulder rides from him when he gets home from the treehouse he shares with his friends. Which Vivien often looks forward to!
Martinez Siblings
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-Jamie is Evan's shy little brother. He's often very timid and reserved whenever he's in a new crowd of people he doesn't know, any large group really gets him antsy.
-If one can manage to get him out of his shell, He'll start showing his kind and motivating nature.
-He's really good at stealth! Mostly because he gets so quiet, it's hard to track him at times!
-Evan's older sister, Maya, isn't home a lot because she already moved out to start her days in med school!
-She lives in a more suburban town with her girlfriend but that doesn't mean she doesn't call and check up on her little brothers!
Mitski Brother
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-Malakai, Phoebe's little brother, is quite the fighter. All he talked about is how much he wanted to be like his big sister when he grows up to be much stronger!
-He's rugged and has a lot of spunk in him but he means well, He's really helpful when he isn't filling his rough personality.
-The best at combat, Sometimes he and his sister start little fights to teach each other to be strong!
Burnham Sister..
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-The little girl never made it past 5 years old, She had long passed alongside her mother in a car accident.
-Mella doesn't talk about her much because she already moved on a long time ago but even til now, she misses her little sister.
-From what we know, Eleanor loved her big sister, truly. She looked up to her and made a promise to be just as kind and caring as she was.
-Eleanor was a more bubbly and lively child, A spark contrast to her older sister's calm and cool nature.
-She was closest with Jamie when she was still around, They were besties.
-She loved pink, specifically baby pink. She had a doll handed down to her once by Mella, it was a cute little bunny.
-Eleanor would've loved to join the KND when she got older but sadly, that dream never came so her older sister lived out her dreams and wishes for her.
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monkee-mobile · 1 year
Sometimes you’re just a single mama of three.
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The three in question?
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peaxhxhair · 3 months
Raising Kids with them - Overwatch Heroes
Featuring: Cassidy, Mercy, Moira, Roadhog, Junker Queen Warnings: Moira. A/n: this isn't exactly the official setting for each character - but this is fanfiction so we're gonna ignore it lol Navigation Overwatch - MASTERLIST Consider becoming a member! <3
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Odessa Stone (Junker Queen)
She wouldn't be into having kids at first - thinking that something so small would make her weak.
It does - but she refuses to admit it.
You both decided adoption was probably the best option - adopting a sweet baby girl.
I think Dez would be all about teaching her kids to fight.
Even before they've learnt to walk.
"C'mon kiddo! I was fighting at your age!"
Sometimes you would find her playing with your baby - making it look as if they were both boxing.
It was quite a funny sight.
You'll come home from work and find them watching wrestling or something.
Probably swears around your kid.
Your babies first word is probably 'cunt' or 'fuck'
You're usually the one to take your daughter to school, but on the off chance Dez does - the rest of the parents are scared of her.
The kids adore her though.
She'll struggle doing stuff like diaper changes at first - as anyone would
As your daughter gets older - she grows into a mini version of Dez.
She wont call her 'mom' - instead calling her something silly like 'cunt' or 'fuckwit'
Dez gets a real kick out of it - and does the same.
Dez would be a little disappointed if your kid didn't want to fight, though she'd still be supportive - even if she didn't really understand.
Cries on your daughters wedding day - but tries to hide it.
"I'm not crying cunt, you're crying"
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Mako Rutledge (Roadhog)
I think Mako would be really good with kids-
Big brooding dad & cute tiny daughter combo type vibe
Maybe she's really talkative, and he just listens.
He'd let her put clips in his hair and paint his nails.
It's giving Gru when his girls are doing ballet.
He's always the one to hold the kids when needed - since he barely has any issue.
His hands are just so big.
Even if you had like - 4 kids he would have no trouble carrying them all.
You were grateful that you could have some time alone sometimes, as Mako is a very competent father.
'crane's hand back while driving when kid opens snack' dad
Your kid might pretend to wear his shoes - and they can barely even stand properly in them, let alone walk.
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Moira O'Deorain 
Does not want kids.
Only agreed because you would make a face at her whenever you saw a baby.
test-tube baby fr
Literally will not go to another doctor about her kids health.
Does she know anything about kids? No.
Does she think she knows more than the QUALIFIED children's doctors? Absolutely she does.
MIGHT agree to taking your kid to see Angela - if you're not too keen on her doing science on your kid.
HATES being called mom.
She's fine with your kid just calling her by her name.
This was weird on the first day of school - most parents thinking your kids other parent wasn't in the picture.
She was fine with that idea - meaning that you 'left' your old partner for her. Narcissist.
Your babies first word was definitely her name.
but in the cute baby way.
When your kid gets a little older, maybe they'll ask about Moira's arm.
"This is what happens when you smoke"
Your kid will never even THINK about smoking ever again.
It isn't until they're 30 that they realise that wasn't true.
Prefers to keep her kids away from science - as much as it was important to her.
She'll barely talk to you about it either - which may be hard if you're also a part of Talon.
Having to bring your kids to work with you is definitely SOMETHING.
You'd prefer for them to be with you rather than with Moira, though.
Your kids are NOSY, so you have to bend the truth a little bit.
Just to make sure they don't view their mom as the ruthless geneticist that she ACTUALLY is.
"Why is miss Amelie blue?"
"She didn't eat her vegetables"
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Angela Ziegler (Mercy)
BIG on consistent check-ups.
Sometimes she'll do them herself, but she prefers the professionals.
She doesn't specialise in child care, but she does make sure that your child is going to the best doctor in the field.
Definitely enjoys shopping for baby clothes.
Works with baby on lap - letting the little guy play with her fingers.
Aeroplane noises while getting the baby to eat.
does NOT let the kid eat candy until they're like 10.
This was hard for you - because it meant you couldn't have candy in the house.
Secret stash of sweets hidden somewhere in your car.
One in Overwatch HQ too.
ALWAYS prepared.
Baby needs a snack? She's got cut up grapes in her bag.
Always has wipes and diapers.
"Hey babe? Where's their bottle?" She's already retrieved it from the drying rack.
Tiny first-aid kid in her bag at ALL times.
If your kid wants their ears pierced at Claire's. ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Angela is panicked at any idea of infections - especially when it comes to your kid.
Your kiddo is made to wear clip on earrings until they qualify to be pierced by a professional.
Will always make sure places are baby safe before you take your kid there.
She's calm 90% of the time - she just cares about general safety and health.
Matching onesies with your kid.
Chilli and Bingo core :)
Angela would LOVE doing Halloween costumes for your kiddo.
They're always so CUTE.
If she has the time, she'll put together matching family ones.
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Cole Cassidy
Baby carrier dad.
Like he'll just carry your baby everywhere.
Gets upset when he has to put the little guy down.
"We're just fine over here. No need to pull us apart"
Your child definitely prefers him to you - which you're fine with.
It's just so cute seeing them play together.
I'd say he's a girl dad - the type to teach her how to shoot, or play football with.
9 times out of ten, he'll fall asleep while reading her a bedtime story, so he always just ends up sleeping in your daughters bed with her.
The two of them cuddled up on the tiny mattress - he's holding your little girl so protectively.
The moms at the nursery you take your daughter to all think Cole is hot.
Too right.
They just need to learn to keep their hands to themselves.
Your kid is very protective of him - and your relationship.
If you're married, she'll be like;
"Daddy, show her your wedding ring!! Isn't it nice?"
It makes Cole chuckle every time.
Cole didn't even need to shut the women down - your kid was doing all the work for him.
Definitely the dad that all of your kids friends like
"Your dad is so cool!"
He's always invited to their little tea parties and stuff.
Yes, he will put on the crown and princess dress.
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night-raven-tattler · 9 months
Say hi to daddy!
Summary: How would these characters behave as fathers? What does their ideal family look like?
Characters: Savanaclaw dorm (Leona, Jack, Ruggie)
Other parts of the series: Heartslabyul, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignyhide, Diasomnia, Royal Sword Academy
Warnings: none
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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The chances of Leona agreeing to having kids is very low: he has a lot of baggage and personal beliefs that would make him not be fully on board
Plus, why would he need another screeching box when Cheka is already around?
But then a bit later in life... something happens and suddenly he has a child in his and his partner's care
Because why would anything ever go the way he wants?
Yet, he grows attached, with the help of his partner
He's the only one who can put the kiddo to sleep, and the only one whose hair the kiddo likes to play with
While his lazy predisposition doesn't allow Leona to go too much out his way for the kid, he's far from an absent father
He is not only present but trying his best to be an example
Because, even if the child ends up seeing him as a bad example, he will be satisfied with the lessons he managed to teach
He loves roughhousing with the kid or challenging their young mind
And when he's too overwhelmed, Cousin Cheka is available for babysitting duty
For Leona, fatherhood becomes a time of finally healing inner wounds while becoming more understanding without being dejected: it's the time when he finally finds an inner balance and find some peace
...he still won't ask Falena for fatherly advice though
Leona is, for sure, a girl dad; he also will pump the brakes at 1 child, 2 children would probably open old wounds he's not quite ready to deal with
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Jack is, undeniably, a family man whose life goals follow a pretty traditional route: get married, have children, grow old and see his family thrive
His classmates sometimes teased him lightly about it, but they all were happy for him when they saw Jack's content smile at his wedding and later at the apparition of his first child
From the very beginning, Jack is a good husband and a doting father, and he loves spending one on one time with his kids the most
Jack loves having his little ones join him in his training regimens, even if all they do is watch and ask questions
That's what they do usually anyway, the kiddos have been waddling towards their dad since they were in diapers
Dominant beastmen traits or not, he still expects them to do their best physically, and he's the dad to sign up every kid for a sport
Not that he wouldn't be understanding if any of his kids happened to take a less physically challenging path in life: he'd be just as supportive, but he'd also reflect on his actions and ask his partner if they think he's done something wrong
Parenthood is a chance for Jack to learn how to be more of a team player, not only as part of a parental unit, but also as a dad who needs to meet his kids in the middle and understand that the "pack leader" can still be wrong if he doesn't listen to his pack
Jack would enjoy 3-4 kids, he loves the idea of a big family, and he'd totally be a boy dad
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Ruggie never really thought about having kids, his main focus has always been financial stability and reducing that food anxiety
But it's very likely Ruggie would end up with an unplanned kid
He wasn't completely on board with the idea of parenthood... until his little one looked into his eyes and smiled
Did Ruggie accidentally pass down his pickpocketing skills to this kid? Because they just stole his heart
But that doesn't mean he really has a good grip on what parenting really means; yes, Ruggie is dependable and responsible, but he also is an orphan who has always fought against a lot of prejudice
So he often relies on his grandma for advice, she's the closes thing he has to a parent
He's the dad that really pushes his kid to learn as many things as they can, anything that can become a life skill will eventually come in handy
He helps his kid build up their independence, while they help him become more open and honest
Ruggie is very open with his child about his upbringing from the moment he feels like they are ready to hear it, and he makes them understand that his position in the Sunset Savannah is nowhere near the top as a hyena beastman
But he promises them that they are not any less worth being someone deserving of living comfortably just because of some societal garbage
Ruggie doesn't really have a gender preference, but would prefer 1 child, so the financial burden wouldn't be too heavy
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moonsaver · 7 months
hihi!! could I req some platonic aventurine hcs with a teen!reader?
Fun !
He's, in possibly no better words, your ride or die best friend.
I can just imagine him coming to pick you up wherever you live with a Regina George attitude like, "get in loser we're going shopping" (affectionate)
He's very fond of you! Loves having just a buddy around, even tries teaching you some card and coin tricks, giggles sneakily with you in huge casinos as he places bets and shamelessly shows you how he's cheating and turning the game to his favor. He's not sure whether or not he wants you to help him cheat, though. That could spell trouble for you..
Such a Annoying Big Brother vibe, but he's so annoyingly affectionate too. Even platonically, he's literally all over you. Sometimes to embarass you, he acts like some kind of a mother hen, or says embarassing things out loud like "mom said get back before 8 PM for bedtime!" In front of all your friends.
As I said, Aventurine is annoying, even while platonically affectionate. If you're shorter than him, he uses you as an elbow rest, and smugly smiles at you. If you're taller than him, tells you that you're growing too fast and need to slow down, and that you can't have any more milk. Constantly ruffles your hair for fun, pinches your cheeks like an asian aunt, kisses your forehead sloppily and enjoys the cringe on your face when you wipe your forehead.
As I mentioned, he's an absolute asian aunt to you. Makes you sit down and feeds you too much, tells you "kids like you need a balanced diet", obviously quoting someone, as he shoves another platter of whatever he thought was healthy towards you. If you ever find him at a bar, he's the one scolding you as if he wasn't making bets on his life in there. If he can't leave, makes you sit near him and tells the bartender you can't have anything alcoholic, and maybe you should have a glass of milk like all the other kiddos drink. The bartender gives you soda and Aventurine probably drinks half of it anyway.
If anyone's picking on you.. it's alright! Just fun and games, this is how things work in friendships. He'll scare them enough to keep them silent, though! Probably looms around you threateningly with hired bodyguards just to scare them into silence. If you get physically bullied, he's not having it at all. When he finds out,his smug smile drops for a moment, and returns again, but you can tell something's off. He suggests paying back tenfold. Whatever happens next? They had it coming, he tells you.
Loves shopping with you. Purposefully picks out ugly clothing and tells you "you'd look GREAT in this!" And snickers. You have to pick out something equally ugly and take pictures. Half of your shopping is general clothing and the other half are just horrendous clothing you both decided to buy as momentos. Sometimes, when both of you have sleepovers, you put on a diy fashion show and act like divas in these ugly clothes, dying laughing from just how clashing and horrid it looks.
Gets matching sunglasses with you! Maybe he'll customize the shade to match your complexion, but it's definitely matching with his.
Worried that people might come after you. Deep down he's afraid of losing you. After some time you become like family to him. He doesn't have a lot to his name, and could afford to lose everything. But now that you're there, he worries about it. Sometimes, overthinking leads to other worries that you might leave him, cut him off, or not find him "fun" anymore. But all that ends up being pushed to the back of his mind, and he smiles again at you, deciding it's not the time to worry about something like that.
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fangirlingpuggle · 14 days
I had an idea for an AU of your "the twins are bill and Fords kids AU"
So bill finds out about the kids before they hatch(?) a bit of time before it happens in your AU Bill basically kind of just remembers "oh shit I did that with Ford I should see if it actually worked"
and then he hatches(?) them and takes them and at first because it's a ✨manipulation opportunity✨ but then oh no at least some parental instinct has emerged as he takes care of them because they're his and they're wonderful
And as they grow they develop personalities and Mabel oh how she reminds Bill so much of himself the little creature of chaos she is
And Dipper reminds him of Ford (and himself too) with that insatiable hunger for knowledge to see the secrets the universe has to offer
(And when Mabel starts becoming a bit boy crazy Bill just tells her that when she's a bit older he'll let her start her own cult)
And instead of creating things with glitter Mable creates things with the stardust her dad stole from the sky when she wanted to bedazzle her scrapbook (and also glitter because it is an item that breeds chaos and that is something Bill approves of)
And Dipper has a journal that never runs out of pages where he writes down the secrets and stories of the universe (both freely given and stolen by Bill)
And they are Bills children because how could they not be they are so fundamentally weird these nigh impossible creations that were made in a drunken haze a combination of magic and science that somehow breaks the laws of both
And Bill dreams of how when the time finally comes he shall finally bring Weirdmageddon
and he'll give them like a 10th of the planet where they can do whatever they want (because he may be a parent but he still likes to party and also doesn't want his kids to accidentally eat some hard drugs so it's basically a dedicated area for the kids where he doesn't have to worry about them too much because sometimes you just need a little you time okay!!!)
And getting back on track with the original plan surely when Ford meets the kids surely he'll at least love them as much as Bill and they can finally play one big happy Family ruling the world together
[In the meantime Ford had no idea any of this was happening didn't even know he had kids so imagine his surprise on Weirdmageddon
(Should Ford even trust these children they are Bills kids not to mention the fact that he's the one who raised them
a part of Ford wants to protect these kids another part of him thinks that Bills spawn shouldn't be trusted shouldn't exist)]
Anyway do you like my idea do you have anything you'd like to add (please say you like it 🥺🥺🥺)
(I just thought this would be a fun AU for your AU I got a bit inspired do you like it? you better like it because you have infected my brain with your ideas it's time I returned a favor with mine)
Bill being so ready to use these kids as pawns and then he sees them and his heart instantly melts and 'I have only had these 2 for a moment and if anything happens to them I will burn the worlds down to the ground'
Him telling Mabel she can start her own cult is hilarious!
Dipper being like him fascinated by things out of his reach like the stars were for Bill and Bill encouraging him and making sure he can get all knowledge he wants.
Them breaking both magic and science is just perfection.
Bill giving hids a part of the world to have fun and sew their own chaos so he can have some me time, 'Ok kiddos go and do some destruction Dad is going to hang out with some friends and make a throne of human suffering ok'
OHH Ford's reaction to them is brilliant him being torn between wanting to protect his kids, but also these kids are Bill's and like him and raised by him. Probably twisted and manipulated by him and what if these kids are a trick a trap just a manipulation... he'd be in full paranoia mode.
This is so awesome!
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
Absolutely adore seeing all the bits of writing on the bots reactions to the kiddos 🤣 Fr makes my day, just scrolling though feed and BOom your writing! So I randomly thought of the kids doing barbecues or picnics and sharing all their grubby food like Oo try this and maybe not as it’s spicy. What I mean is I’m sure the bots wouldn’t understand how human food can have so many flavours.
Glad to brighten someone's day! I am honestly startled by how enthusiastic people are about TFP bots reacting to things. I haven't gotten this many notes in like, three months. Its crazy.
Anyway, lets roll with this.
Cybertronians do have a degree of flavoring involved in their fuel. However due to the nature of energon, there is only so much flavoring that can be added before it loses its nutritional value, turns into high grade, or explodes in some fantastic display. Not to mention their ability to taste is severely limited, partially due to the simple fact that their sensory systems are more focused on external stimuli or processor function. In fact, most Cybertronians can hardly taste, if they have an intake at all. It simply isn't part of their biology. They have no need for it. Of course some get modifications in order to have a wider range of taste, and some are forged with heightened senses, but as a general rule most do not have the ability to note much.
At most they can read sweetness, bitterness, and anything that is metallic in nature. But spiciness, savory flavors, and most of the finer flavors humans experience are simply out of their range. Fueling can be enjoyable, but for most of their kind, it is merely a way to keep on going. But humanity? They eat for FUN, and that is odder than the team expected it to be.
Watching the children swap food around for the sake of flavor is... strange to the team. Seeing Miko give up what they can tell is vegetation that is highly nutritious to humans for a bag of chips soaked in all sorts of chemicals left most of them in a state of confusion. Jack offered up a sandwich, the arguably healthier dish, for a handful of gummies. Rafael passed over some sort of meat in exchange for Miko's rice. The exchange of nutrition was not orderly or equal in any way or form. Then sometimes the children would just eat each other's food without regard for the nutritional value.
The team couldn't understand it. Sure Cybertronians would trade fuel at times, but rarely was nutrition a concern. Humans swapping fuel left and right was just a tad strange. Not incomprehensible, but strange nonetheless.
Smokescreen has tried to eat human good once just to see if he could taste it. He could not taste much at all and ended up purging for the next day due to the food not going well in his tanks. Bulkhead also made an attempt once when Miko offered him food. He was stuck with cheeto dust in the grooves of his jaw for almost a week before he gave in and went to the washracks to handle it. Wheeljack made direct optic contact with Ultra Magnus and purposefully ate an apple that was offered to him, just to watch the commander squirm of course. He had to purge it all up an hour later, but watching the reactions of those around him made it worth it.
Ultra Magnus was tricked into eating human food when it was put into his energon once (by a certain wrecker). Magnus tried to hold it together, but ultimately he too ended up needing to purge. Ratchet has given the "do not eat organic fuel" speech far too many times to be happy about it.
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trickphotography2 · 9 months
Santa's North Island Delivery Service
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Stuck at work, Bradley is missing his daughter's first Christmas Eve. But when the squadron decides to turn the hanger into Santa's Workshop, the pilot is able to sneak away to spend a little time with his girls. (Inspired by a true story; Rooster x Reader Christmas fluff)
Word count: 2.4K
Ao3 | Masterlist
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw was officially having the worst Christmas Eve. Not only was he stuck at work doing absolutely nothing, he was missing his daughter’s first Christmas Eve. 
With his boots kicked onto his desk, he leaned back in his chair and scrolled through the photos you’d sent him throughout the night. At eight months old, Bennett was too young to really know what was going on, but it didn’t make it suck any less. He wanted to see her lying under the tree, colored lights reflecting in her eyes. (He’d already set that picture as his home screen.)
“Hey, Lieutenant?” A knock on his door drew his attention, and he looked up to see Petty Officer Second Class Wagner, one of the head mechanics, standing there. 
“Yeah?” Rooster said, sitting up. Even though he outranked the enlisted man, Wagner was one of the most respected non-commissioned officers in the squadron. To cheer up the men stuck working the night shift, he’d organized a movie night after doing a Christmas movie bracket throughout the week - National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation had barely edged out Die Hard. 
“You got anything at home that needs to be assembled before going under the tree?” 
“Any gifts for the kiddo that need to be put together? We’re getting a list of stops together for the trucks.” Rooster gave him a confused look, which made the man chuckle. “We’re bored, so we figured we’d set up some presents for everyone’s kids in the hangar. The first group of guys are heading out now to get stuff, and then we’ll swap.”
“Oh, uh… yeah, I think there’s a couple things. Let me check with my girlfriend.” With a nod, Wagner left, leaving Rooster to stare at his phone. After a moment, he called you.
“Hey, babe,” you said, answering on the third ring. He could hear babbling in the background.
“Hey. Have you started getting things together to go under the tree?”
“Not yet. We’re just finishing up bath time, and then we’re gonna get cookies out for Santa and go to bed, aren’t we, Benny girl?” 
“Any chance you can hold off for about an hour?” Bradley asked, unable to keep from smiling at the sound of his daughter giggling. 
“Are you getting off work early?” It was hard to miss the sound of hope and excitement in your voice, and he hated to dash it.
“No, but I’m gonna run home and pick up some stuff.” You hummed.
“Okay. I’ll try and keep her up. I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Alright, love you.”
“Love you too.” Hanging up the call, Bradley dropped his head and tapped the phone against his forehead. It was only your second Christmas together and the first as parents, and he was already missing things. You’d assured him it was okay and that you understood that his job sometimes meant spending time apart, but he hated it. 
“You’re a mean one, Benny Grinch,” you sang, gently bouncing your daughter as she howled. Letting your head fall back, you blew out a long breath. The crying fit couldn’t last forever. 
Though overly tired, she was fighting against going to sleep. It was a nightly battle, but one that Bradley usually helped to fight. You’d learned early on that he had what you lovingly called the Sleeper Hold - the minute Benny was tucked into her father’s arms, her eyes would start to close. Shifting her onto your shoulder, you glanced at your watch and sighed. As much as you wanted to wait to finish the bedtime routine until Bradley got home, it was getting late. “Alright, sweetie,” you cooed, grabbing your water bottle and retreating to the nursery. “Let’s get settled in.”
With the white noise machine and night light on, you settled into the rocking chair and lifted your shirt. Benny rooted for a moment before latching onto your nipple, making you inhale sharply at the pinch. Digging your toes into the carpet, you gently rocked back and forth, holding your daughter’s gaze as she ate. “Merry Christmas, Bennett,” you whispered, stroking her cheek. Her eyes fluttered closed as she grunted. You closed your eyes, comforted by the warm weight of your daughter in your arms and the tugging at your breast.
“Hey.” The soft, raspy voice roused you from the trance you’d fallen into, and you lifted your head to see Bradley standing in the doorway.
“Hey,” you replied sleepily. His long legs ate up the space between you until he was beside you, leaning down to press his lips to your forehead. The familiar scratch of his mustache had your eyes fluttering closed again. 
“She done?” Bradley asked, a large hand coming down to cup your daughter’s head. 
“Should be soon.” At his touch, Benny startled from her doze, suckling hard and squirming. 
“You need anything?” 
“The sleeper hold in a minute to finish her off.” In the dim lighting, you saw Bradley grin before he leaned down again to brush his lips against yours. 
“I can do that.” As if on cue, Bennett released your breast, her breath a soft pant against your tender skin. Without a word, Bradley took her and settled her on his shoulder, patting her back. “Hey, Benny, were you good for mommy tonight?” He paced the nursery as you reached for one of the breast pads and cleaned up. When a loud burp sounded, you heard him chuckle. “That’s my girl.” 
You took a moment to appreciate the sight before you - your boyfriend in his tight khaki uniform cooing to your daughter as she rubbed her face into his shoulder to fight sleep. “How long do you have before you have to head back?”
“I’ve got about thirty minutes,” Bradley replied, turning on his heel to face you while pacing the room. “Benny girl, the sooner you go to sleep, the sooner Santa comes.”
“I’m not sure she’s old enough for that bribery to work yet.” His grin blinded as he kissed the back of her head, lightly bouncing her. 
“Gonna be fun when she is. We’ll track him with NORAD and everything.” Shaking your head, you stood and kissed both of their cheeks.
“You get her down, and I’ll start pulling out the gifts.”
“Put aside anything that needs to be put together or wrapped, and I’ll take it to the hanger. Apparently, that’s what we’re gonna do for the rest of the shift.” With a mocking salute, you left the nursery to the sound of him humming a lullaby. 
Ten minutes later, Bradley crept out of the nursery with the baby monitor in hand and joined you in grabbing the presents stashed around the house. The Daggers had dropped off their gifts throughout the week, and your family had mailed theirs. The craftsman that you’d helped Bradley purchase when he moved to North Island didn’t have the best hiding spots - it wasn’t exactly something he needed when you’d been his real estate agent - but with Benny so little, it was a problem for the future. “I think we may have overdone it,” you sighed, setting an unwrapped toy on the couch. The floor by the tree was already covered with wrapped presents.
“Nope, just enough,” Bradley chuckled, opening his arms. With a scoff, you stepped into his embrace, smiling as he swayed you. A dark spot decorated his shoulder, and you gently wiped away your daughter’s drool. “Gotta spoil my girls.”
“I really hope you kept to our budget for each other.” When he stayed silent, you pulled away and cocked an eyebrow. “Bradley Bradshaw, you stayed within the budget, right?” 
“I stayed within our Christmas budget,” he answered, his hands gliding down your back to cup your ass as his mustache tickled your throat. “Love you, baby.” 
“I love you too. Now, help me get all of this stuff under the tree. Did you want to do her stocking?” 
There was a whoop, and Bradley turned to see three guys crouched on the hanger floor cheering as they played with a racetrack. Another corner had been designated as the bike assembly space, an array of tools spread on the ground. One of the card tables had been dragged out from the break room, and it was covered with popcorn and an assortment of cookies. 
Unsure of where to go, Bradley walked towards a few other officers standing in the corner. “Hey, Rooster,” Captain “Taco” Bell said as he neared. “We were just talking about ordering pizza for everyone. Would you throw in?” 
“Yeah. Does anyone know if there’s a system here, or does it just go wherever?” 
“Wagner’s in charge,” Payback shrugged, nodding towards the NCO helping assemble a kitchen playset. “You got stuff for Benny?” 
“Just a few things. Brought some of the smaller stuff to wrap, too.” The two men quickly went to the Bronco to unload the gifts. Setting them in a pile with a couple of rolls of wrapping paper, they quickly assembled the play sets. A few other guys drifted by, helping to slot the plastic pieces together or offering to help wrap. Boxes piled up on one end of the hanger, and a sign-up sheet for folks who had larger gifts at the house that needed to be assembled was passed around. It looked like at least six families were getting swingsets or trampolines. Bradley idly wondered about setting up a swing in the backyard in the summer. In the meantime, he assembled the small slide that would be perfect for the living room.
The pizza arrived around 10:00PM, and there was a quick break. As they sat around the hangar, the Santa letter exchange happened. Wagner supplied blank papers with a printed Christmas border, and the parents swapped letters for others to write the replies. “This saved my ass one year,” Wagner shared. “My middle daughter was starting to question Santa, and boom - different handwriting. Got her for at least another year.” 
Around midnight, the squadron split into three sections - one to stay back and clean up the hanger, and two to deliver gifts and set up the presents. Bradley packed up his gifts and put them into the back of the Bronco. He was joined by three guys to set up a trampoline. Aided by headlamps, they were able to get it done in about an hour with only a few pinched fingers in the process, which was worth it to test it out. 
A trampoline was added to the Christmas list when Benny was a bit older. 
After touching base with Wagner, they headed to the second house to set up another trampoline before returning to the hangar. The third team left to assemble a swingset while they settled in to watch Die Hard for their last two hours on shift. 
Tucked away in his office, Bradley set about wrapping his last present. 
“Benny girl, look here!” you cooed, trying to get your daughter to look as you snapped pictures. Sitting in her father’s lap, she slapped the present in front of her and shrieked. Bradley laughed, quickly shifting his hold to wipe the drool from his wrist onto his sweatpants before retrieving his cup of coffee. Even with just two hours of sleep, he wasn’t willing to push back Christmas morning. After taking a sip, he set the mug down and took Benny’s hand, sliding it under the paper seam. Her hand flew up, ripping the paper.
“Good girl!” he chuckled, helping her tear the rest away to reveal stacking cups. It took about an hour to get through the presents, trading off the baby to get pictures. 
A small stack of presents surrounded you as Bradley opened his new electric razor. “Thanks, baby,” he said, crawling across the living room floor to kiss you. With one hand on Benny’s stomach to keep her upright in your lap, you cupped his cheek and ran your thumb along his scars.
“You’re welcome, babe. Merry Christmas.” 
“Merry Christmas.” Pushing onto his feet, he quickly shoved the wrapping paper into the trash bag and ran a hand through his hair. “That looks like almost everything.”
“Unless Santa left something somewhere in the back of a closet, it looks like we got it all.” 
“Hang on,” Bradley said, reaching around the back of the tree and retrieving a small box. “Looks like we missed one.” Holding it up, he glanced at the gift tag. “To Mommy, from Bennett.” 
“What?” Grinning, he sat down across from you and offered you the box, holding out his arms for the baby. A quick glance confirmed it was Bradley’s handwriting on the tag. “What’d you get me, Benny?” you asked, smiling as your daughter laughed when her father tickled her. Lifting it to your ear, you shook it gently and heard it rattle. Tearing away the paper, you laughed at the kid’s jewelry box. The ballerina twirled when you opened it to reveal a bunch of plastic necklaces, rings, and bracelets. “Oooh, fancy! I know what I’m wearing today,” you laughed, quickly putting on a pair of clip-on earrings and a necklace. 
“There’s a note,” Bradley said, leaning down to press his lips to Benny’s head. He looked a bit nervous.
And there was. Buried under the plastic was a folded-up piece of paper. Your mouth fell open when you read it.
I couldn’t get you jewelry this year, but Daddy could.
With wide eyes, you looked up to see Bradley grinning at you. “Open the drawer.” 
Slowly, you pulled the handle to reveal a diamond ring. “Bradley?”
“Will you marry me?” 
Later, when Bennett was asleep and the baby monitor was tossed onto the couch, Bradley watched the Christmas tree lights dance across your face as he took you apart slowly, savoring your taste. The ring sparkled on your finger when you pressed a hand to your mouth to muffle your moans as you shook apart under him, thighs bracketing his ears. 
Kissing his way up your body, Bradley paused to suck on a tender nipple, groaning when your nails raked his scalp. The tree shook when he continued his ascent, knocking the lower branches as he tried to reach your lips. “Fuck.” 
Laughing, you lifted your head to meet his gaze and wiped your thumb along his mustache, feeling your arousal coating the coarse hair. “Merry Christmas, Daddy.”
“Merry Christmas, Mama. Now get out from under the tree so I can unwrap my present in bed and fuck you properly.” 
Author's Note: This was inspired by my dad and his squadron when we were stationed in Japan. He had to work overnight Christmas Eve and they ended up making a run to everyone's house on base to pick up gifts that needed to be set up. I definitely believed in Santa for another year when I didn't recognize the handwriting on the letter the Christmas morning.
The jewelry box and note are also pulled from real life. Dad went remote for a year (he was over in Korea and we were stateside) to ensure that we got orders to Florida, and came back just in time for Christmas. My sisters and I got mom the fake jewelry (we were all in high school/college) while Dad got Mom a new necklace.
Thank you for reading my (late) self-indulgent Christmas fic! I hope you enjoyed it, and my first foray into writing Rooster. And a major thank you to @mamachasesmayhem for encouraging me to write this, even if she's just dipping her toes into Bradley and would have preferred it to be Jake 😂
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ronearoundblindly · 14 days
Forgive me if I sent this ask before... I don't remember if I did 😅 but if not just know that I thought about sending it in since you started this series 🙈
For who would:
If you just hand them your baby niece or nephew or a baby you're watching for a friend (just any baby lol) who would hand it right back to you, silently hold it with a sheer look of panic till you come back and take it or be a natural and not give it back to you at all?
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I love this bit of fluff and silliness for a Sunday; excellent question!
James Mace
He asks a lot of questions about what needs done or should be done. Is it changing time? How much head support should he provide? Is this a DND (do not disturb, D&D is for his own kiddos) baby ready for a nap? Is this play time? Should he be engaging the baby or keeping up conversation with the group?
Now, as to whether or not having the baby in his arms gives him any ideas: not any more than he's already had. You two have plans, you've talked about this and are on the same page, so his interactions right then have to do with that baby at that moment. He doesn't necessarily have stronger feelings when handling other people's children.
Curtis Everett
Curtis does not trust himself around babies especially. He goes extremely stiff and extremely quiet. He stares intensely. He will not do anything unless you tell him to do something with the baby. Even then he is not truly comfortable.
Babies bring up a lot of memories and emotions for him, and theoretically he knows he isn't in the same place/headspace as when he was younger, he knows babies aren't in as much danger as the old days, but he still gets so overwhelmed by it.
Yes, Curtis is even like this with his own children. He counts the days until his child is old enough to not be considered a 'baby' anymore. In fact, Curtis enjoys the memory of their infancy, pictures and videos, etc, more than he can enjoy being with them as infants.
Jimmy Dobyne
Honestly, a total natural. Small towns and rural areas mean closer-knit families, neighbors, and friends. They all help each other out. A bunch of kids shuffle around to spend afternoons here or Saturdays there. Babies get passed around to let parents get errands done or go on dates. It's not a big deal; it's just a way of life.
At this point, Jimmy has cleaned up after and fed a dozen different species of 'babies.' He's fine with it. He doesn't play much though, not with babies. Jimmy prefers when they're old enough to run around for catch or sports, etc. That's more his wheelhouse.
Johnny Storm
Fucking terrified to handle babies but LOVES entertaining them. Will do absolutely anything to make that baby laugh. To a fault sometimes because Johnny will get so animated he knocks shit over in the house or wherever you two are.
You give him credit for trying though.
Jake Jensen
Sits that baby up on his lap and continues to watch whatever screen he's focused on.
Jake isn't necessarily bad with babies, but he prefers to continue to enjoy the more adult entertainment/interactions around him. Like Jimmy, he will be more than hands-on excited once that baby can be active with their own interests (sports or otherwise) because he will participate and support 100%. Babies are just a bit too floppy and unreadable for him.
Lloyd Hansen
Thrilled to let those tiny baby fingers try to hold the grip of his switchblade. Adores how fucking angry the parents (or you) get when he plays with knives around them or has them play with the knives. Lloyd secretly finds baby facial reactions to be the funniest things on the planet--but, no, he doesn't actually like babies.
Ari Levinson
Ari is a playful papa through and through. Has more than once strapped that carrier to his chest and wondered around with someone's kiddo for whole parties. Endlessly entertained and entertaining when it comes to babies.
However, Ari really, really doesn't like when babies get grabby and pull at his hair. That shit hurts, and he hates it. Also he's oddly squeamish about spit-up and/or vomit. Technically, he is not a fan of diaper duty, like very, very, very not a fan.
Ransom Drysdale
The absolute fuck are you handing him a baby for??? Bitch, are you insane?! Be real. Seriously. Just don't.
There isn't even much improvement in this behavior when it's Ran's own child. Not a fan of the 'baby' stage, this one.
Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Lumping these two together because they do exactly the same things. Steve and Bucky physically treat female and male babies differently; they are sweet and cooing with girls, and then they talk about or mimic sports things with boys. They don't mean to be presumptive in this behavior, just do it be default.
Neither is afraid to roll their sleeves up and help with feeding or changing. They'll give equal attention to the baby and the group around you. They will both happily sit/stand/walk around with a napping baby in their arms--although they aren't thrilled to be unable to help with other stuff while they have no available hands.
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Who Would...? Asks List; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555
@yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses
@brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn @late-to-the-party-81
@bigtreefest @mistressmkay @astheskycries 
@rogersbarber @blogbog710
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(For comic inspired AU... I think I'll call it "Mysterious dreams". Also... I'll be separating it in parts, okay? Just so it doesn't... get too long)
(And sorry first post is that long-. This was needed to set this all)
Part 1. The beginning.
For everyone around him, Adam never stood out. He was a normal guy, really. He worked as a lawyer (surprisingly enjoying his work), played in band with some people, he knew since high school, sometimes got out to some extreme activities on his free time, went to local garden to help out during warmer time. He was more of a loner, not many real friends, but it was okay.
He always seemed just another face in the crowd. But it was all he wanted to be really.
Nearing 30, he had everything he wished to have in his life. He had standard routine, but he never complained. If anything... it gave him feeling of control of his life. And it was enough for him.
This evening was just like any other. Adam was at his home, sitting with some documents for upcoming case at work, while his favorite show was playing on background. Rounding up at 11 PM, the man was already in bed, ready for good night's rest like always...But little did he know this day was going to change his life forever...
Deep into the night, Adam started to hear a weird music play in his room... it almost sounded like... a lullaby?
Kids' music? In my room? He thought to himself, slowly opening his eyes to see... he wasn't in his room anymore.
Adam : What..?
Now, it was a room with many beds. Walls were colored in pastel yellow, while floor had colorful puzzle patterns. On one of the walls, he could see a big blue circle with two white birds with long rainbow tails. The wording over it said "Songbirds daycare".
Was it the name of where he was? But... why was he at a DAYCARE of all places? He wasn't a child for instance! It didn't make any sense!
Adam : The hell..?
Then he noticed something. He put his hand on his mouth for a second, before slowly moving it away from it.
Adam : The hell is with my voice..?!
It was now higher... too high for his normal voice. It sounded like... a toddler's voice... at oldest. He looked down in fear on his hands. Also too small for normal. Too soft and pudgy than what they normally were.
Adam got out of bed, he was sitting in, before looking around. Across the room, he saw a mirror, before running to it to inspect himself...
But there wasn't him that was looking at him in reflection... but rather... a little toddler boy, if he was to guess, he'd give that boy 2 and half years of age. 3 at oldest. And yet... he recognized his own yellow, nearly golden eyes and brown hair. And yet, he now was a small child, wearing simple black shirt and white shorts.
Adam : ...the fuck is happening..?
? : Ah, there you are!
Adam gasped slightly, before turning around to see... a man. A normal man, but... compared to himself, he was a giant. Nothing, other than his height, was abnormal about him, but Adam took a notice of his shirt. Same image of birds and "Songbirds daycare" sign. Was it the place's work uniform? Was this man one of workers?
Daycare worker (Oliver) : Oh, what we have here? Did you wake up from your nap, Adam?
Now that was getting freaky... how did he know his name!?
Adam : Um... I...
The man just chuckled, kneeling down to pick up the (physically) small boy, much to Adam's surprise.
Adam : Hey! What are you doing?! Put me down!
Oliver : Oops, somebody woke up grumpy, isn't he? Ah, don't worry, kiddo, let's just get your spare outfit and you can go back to play! How does it sound?
Adam : What?! NO! Let me go! The fuck is going on in here?! Why am I so small?! Who are you?! How are yo-?!
But while Adam was having his panic attack, Oliver had time to get a bottle and place it in his mouth. And, what seemed to be instinct, Adam started to suck on the bottle and drinking the liquid inside of it.
Oliver : There we go... you were also hungry, aren't you? Yep, that's right... don't worry, little man, there's nothing some warm milk won't fix...
Adam, thinks : The hell is wrong with me?! Why can't I stop?! Well... it's not half bad, I guess..? But still... Why is he... talking to me like this? He sure can hear me... does... he not understand me..?
This all was weird...
(And he doesn't. None of adults within dreams can)
((Oh so this is Adams dream? Is he waking up in a dream in another life as a toddler and when he wakes up for real he's back to normal? That's so cool!!))
Oliver removed the bottle when Adam drained it, he moved him to his shoulder and gently rubbed and patted his back until Adam gave a small burp.
Oliver: There we go! All fed and ready to play. All your little friends are awake and ready to play with you again.
Adam: What friends?
Oliver took Adam out of the nap room and placed him in a playing area. There were at least 10-15 other toddlers around the same age Adam was being portrayed as right now.
Adam: What fresh Hell is this?
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rebouks · 2 months
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Hmmmmmmm where to even start, I love these past few scenes with the og Finch fam cos I think it does a really good job of encapsulating their family dynamics..
We already know that Oscar's pissed off with Noah for what he said but I don't think we can really blame him for thinking Oscar might just be like meh if something happened to Sid. It's no secret they don't have the best relationship-.. not to say they don't love each other cos they do, a LOT, but I think you can love and admire someone and still find it really hard to get along or be around them for too long.
I think what's REALLY interesting here though, is how Oscar's always felt second best to Noah (aka Golden Boy) but in reality, it's actually been Noah in the backseat all along.
I rewatched Breaking Bad recently and there's a scene where Jesse says something to his brother about him being the favourite cos he's well behaved and does well in school and wins trophies etc etc. but his brother's just like ?? are you kidding? you're all they talk about! It made me think about Oscar/Noah and how similar it is with them.
Almost since the moment he arrived, everything was always about Oscar. He's the one they worried and argued over, the one who took up more of their time and attention, the one who needed them the most, yet it still wasn't enough.
Sid's always been brash and a tough love type of person and in terms of the type of mother she was/is, probably not what Oscar needed. I don't think it's either of their faults, or that either particularly did anything wrong, it's just the way they are. Alton's always been inert too, which doesn't help. He's rubbish in an emergency, never makes any decisions until it's too late, never steps in when he should-.. and on the rare occasion he does, he'll probably go about it in the wrong way. Noah's the placatory one on the side-lines, trying to pick everything up once it's fallen apart; except he's clumsy with it and he's not very good at reading the room or putting himself in other people's shoes so his "help" often feels insincere and judgemental and that doesn't help either.
Sure, Noah's closer to his parents and spends WAY more time with them, he's barely ever fallen out with them and he's never felt neglected by them/resented Oscar or anything but I still think he's undeniably aware that he's not the favourite Oscar claims he is. He was just easy in comparison. I think Oscar's somewhat aware of it though, he briefly mentions it in this scene, saying; "They didn’t prefer you. You just weren’t a little cunt like me." Although.. he kinda overlooks this fact most of the time, probably because of his bitterness toward feeling like a misfit in his own family and general penchant for ruminating on the past.
Sid/Alton were just never equipped to deal with a kid like Oscar. He needed patience, empathy, trust and guidance but he didn't get any of that-.. like they gave up on him before he even knew what that meant. As guilty as it makes him feel, he'd be relieved if Sidney wasn't around cos he'd have no one to prove anything to anymore-.. like how Wyatt felt free when his father died!! A strong comparison maybe but the same undercurrent of never feeling worthy is there, y'know? Even if the relationship is much, much different.
It's a shame really, but no matter how much Oscar grows as a person, his family still kinda see him the same way that they used to; the unstable and impulsive one. It's like they're blind to all the nuances of his personality and sometimes I just wanna shake em like ahhhhhsdkjskdjk.. Oscar could do 9 good things and 1 bad and you can guaranteeee they'd focus on the bad :/ (side note: this is probably the main reason Robin is sorta like eh toward them all as well - more so than the other kiddos - cos he can sense all this and it pisses him off almost as much as it does me fkjfjk)
I don't know, this family is SO interesting to me.. like I don't think any of them are wrong for how they are or how they act with one another but they're so inherently mismatched that they just don't work. They've never been much of a functional family unit if you include Oscar, however cute they can be sometimes, and they probably never will be. That's just the way it is...
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cyanbugremix · 2 months
Sick Vampire - Stories of the Shaw Pack
Characters: Darlin'(Tank)/Sam, Vincent, Marie
CW: None; Fluff
Written August 2023
Summary: Sam gets sick and Darlin' is there to take care of him.
Can be found ✨here on Ao3✨, written by moi (cyan_bug37 on Ao3)
Sam rarely got sick. Honestly it was a surprise that vampires could even get sick at all. Yet here he was, his head muddy and heavy, his nose making it hard to breathe, and standing up made him dizzy. One of his occasional coughs would ring out in the silent home. He had felt this way for awhile, but he honestly couldn’t remember what day it was.
“Google doesn’t say anything about vampires getting sick,” Darlin’ walked in with a warmed up mug. “Maybe we should call Vincent?”
Sam leaned forehead into his hands, his head too heavy to keep looking up. Darlin’s warm hands settled onto the nape of his neck, and stroked all the way down to his shoulders. Darlin’ was starting to get worried, as this was the third day Sam didn’t seem to be getting any better. They couldn’t tell if he had a fever, his temperature was not accurately reading on the thermometer, and honestly, Darlin’ couldn’t tell if his temperature actually changed.
“Sure,” Sam slurred, the effort of talking felt too difficult to do.
Darlin’ grabbed his hands and carefully placed the mug in them. His hands were shaking. Luckily they had put a straw in there, seeing as lifting the mug was a great effort. Sam took a sip of the drink and closed his eyes.
“I’m gonna be back in a second,” Darlin’ kissed his temple. “Just keep drinking the tea.”
Darlin’ slowly got up and grabbed their phone from the kitchen. Clicking on Vincent’s contact they held the phone up to their ear.
“Hi, Vincent. This is Tank. Uh, Sam is sick. He’s not doing too hot, and I– I don’t know what to do? I figured I would call you before I tried calling a healer in my pack. Do vampires get sick?”
“Woah. Okay. How sick is he?”
Darlin’ bit their lip before responding, “He’s gotten worse from the first day. He can barely stand up without possibly fainting. And he seems to have a headache and he keeps talking to a minimum. He doesn’t seem very hungry either, I mean, vampires don’t eat much in general, but his appetite is unusual.”
“How long has he been like this?”
“Three days,” Darlin’ replied.
“I remember William saying that vampires can get sick sometimes if they drink bad blood–”
“He could be poisoned?!” Darlin’ panicked.
“Nononono. Not– no. It’s more like picking up a bug from school when you were a kid. Bad blood is a terrible term for this– He’ll be fine. Considering that I haven’t ever seen Sam sick before, this could be his first time exposed to the bug. I got sick like that once. You just have to wait it out.”
Darlin’ exhaled.
“I would suggest the usual when someone is sick, to just let them rest. I’d also call your healer if you want to double check. Make sure he gets something to drink from in a few days, if he’s still sick.”
“I’ll text you if William suggests anything else. Don’t worry. He’ll be fine,” Vincent replied.
“I appreciate it, Vincent,” Darlin’ said.
“No problem! I hope he feels better soon!” Vincent said his farewell.
Darlin’ decided to call Marie next. Even though they didn’t know if Marie knew how to cure vampires, it still wouldn’t hurt. “Hi, Marie,” Darlin’ said as soon as they heard the phone pick up.
“Hi kiddo, what’s wrong?”
“Sam is sick,” Darlin began, and then proceeded to list off his symptoms that they told Vincent. “Do you know anything to help him feel better?”
“It's quite interesting that a vampire can get sick. I can’t say that I know anything about it though. I never really dealt with vampires much. I could come over today and see if I can do anything about it,” Marie suggested.
“That would be good. Thank you,” Darlin’ agreed.
“Sounds good. I’ll come by this afternoon.”
With that, the calls were done, and Darlin’ took a deep breath.
Then Sam called their name. Darlin’ quickly walked back into the living room. Sam had sat the mug down on the coffee table and was resting on his hand.
“Hey, how are you feeling,” Darlin’ brushed the hair out of his face. They sat down next to him, still with a hand on his forehead.
“Stop. . checkin’. . . for a fev’r, Darlin’,” Sam said, leaning down to place his head on his mate’s shoulder.
“I don’t think you can tell me what to do. You’re the sick one, who can barely even sit up,” Darlin’ retorted. Sam grumbled but stayed flopped over onto his mate.
“M’head hurts,” Sam then said.
“I know, baby,” Darlin’ stroked his hair. “I know.”
Sam harshly inhaled. “M’sorry.”
Darlin’ frowned, “For what?”
“Bein’ sick. I’m supposed to be takin’ care of you.”
Darlin’ couldn’t help but smile. “You’re my mate. I take care of you when you need it. Just like you take care of me, whether I’m upset, or sick, or bleeding out, or even all at once. I'd do the same for you, because I love you.”
They wrapped their arms around Sam, gently rubbing circles on his back. They stayed like that, while Sam heavily breathed and sniffed a couple times. He mumbled a thank you at some point.
“I called Marie,” Darlin’ quietly said. “She’s gonna come over and check you out this afternoon.”
Sam tapped his fingers twice on Darlin’. Ok.
“You should sleep,” Darlin’ added. They patted his back and he moved to lay back down. Except he dragged Darlin’ down onto him as well. “Sam. You have to let me go.”
“No. . . lay with me,” Sam peeked an eye open. Darlin’ looked into his red eyes and noted the dark circles under them.
“Ok.” They laid their head back down and lifted their legs up to lay between Sam’s. “This alright?”
Sam hummed, “Yes.”
Really they should be working on lunch, or dinner. They didn’t really like cooking, but they knew that home made foods were good for fighting colds, and it also gave them incentive to eat, which pleased Sam. Yet they also hadn’t slept with him in awhile, preferring to take naps in the nearby arm chair and then getting up again to make sure he was okay before worrying about taking care of him again. It was nice to finally be in his arms.
"Y'take such good care of me," Sam mumbled. His grip barely tightened around Darlin'.
Between Sam’s sighs and breathing— no matter how harsh they sounded— and the lack of sleep they accumulated, Darlin’ closed their eyes, sleep eventually taking over them as they comfortably laid in their lover’s arms.
As always, I have no ownership or rights to these characters, stories, or franchises. I write this to appreciate the content Redacted ASMR/audio makes. Anything I write is not official in their stories, other than using moments from the original story line. I make no profit from this.
Please don't steal.
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eustasskidagenda · 1 year
I'm bored and my head is full of One Piece stuff. So I decided to join the old N$FW alphabet trend, with my beloved, Eustass Kid. English is not my first language, so sorry for the mistakes.
WC : 3869
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A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
If you’re just a one night stand, Kid’s aftercare is nonexistent. He will just tell if your session was nice or shitty (with his usual brutal honesty, so sorry not sorry if it hurts your feelings), he’ll maybe make a comment about how good your ass was and then, he’ll bark you to leave his room, or if he’s at your place, he’ll leave without any more word. Do not expect any form of kindness from him, this man is rough by nature after all.
However, if you too are engaged into a relationship, he’ll need some time to cool and calm down, so don’t talk to him or try to cuddle with him during this time, it’ll only annoys him. After that, he’ll get up and bring you a glass of water and something to clean you up. He knows he’s rough during sex and wants to make sure you’re doing okay, so feel free to ask him anything else. Once you’re comfortable and all your needs are fulfilled, he’ll lay next to you and give you his honest opinion regarding your session. He’ll let you rest your head on his chest, while he runs his fingers through your hair. Kid is not good with pillow talk (and with any talk in general), I think he’s more the type of guy to quickly fall asleep (and snore loudly). If you’re in a talkative mood, he’ll try to keep his eyes open but end up falling asleep quickly anyway. 
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)  
On himself, bro is a fan of his own dick, I think everyone in the fandom agree with this fact. He knows it huge and he’s proud of it. I mean, he makes women cum all around it or gag on, of course he’s proud. Actually, you know how to boost his ego? When he undresses in front of you for the first time, ask him if his cock will fit into you with a worried face. He will be so fucking proud.
Another objective fact, this man is a fan of his torso. I mean, the shirts he’s wearing are useless as fuck, bro just wants to flex with his muscles. 
With his partner, Kid is in love with their ass. The whole Eustass Kid agenda agrees with this headcanon. He wants to see your booty all the time : spank it,  grab it, makes it jiggle, even bites on those juicy cheeks. Damn, his hand(s) is/are always glued to your glute. 
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)  
Well, regarding his cum itself, it’s on the thicker side and there’s quite a lot of it. Definitely not really tasty, but overall, it’s not the worst taste. 
Kid loves to see his partner covered in his cum, its fuel his ego immensely. His favorite spot are your ass, your stomach and your face. If he cum during a blowjob, he asks you to pull your tongue out and will cum on It before making sure you swallow every drop. 
With a one night stand, Kid will NEVER cum inside. He’s already a Kid lol, having another one kiddo is not in his plans. Actually, if you ask him to cum inside, he’ll get mad at you and starts to think you want to have a child with him, so the mood is totally ruined.
If you’re his lover, he’ll maybe cum inside you, depending to your menstruation cycle. He just loves seeing his seed slowly flowing out of your pussy and stuffed his fingers to put every drop right back inside of you. 
D:Dirty Secret
Well it’s not a dirty secret but considering how cocky and arrogant he always acts, it is for him. The fact is, sometime, Kid likes when you take all the initiatives and do all the work. Yeah, I know, at the first look it doesn’t match his energy, but sometimes, Kid can get pretty tired, especially since he lost his arm. He rarely use his metal arm in bed because he’s afraid of hurting you. And doing everything with one arm can be exhausting from time to time. So please, offer him some relieve, be a good girl and ride him. 
Plus, of course, Kid loves anal sex. Fucking, fingering or licking that ass is a major turn on for him. Maybe some people find anal sex dirty, but not him. He LOVES how naughty it is, how tight an asshole is and how flustered his partner is when he spreads their ass cheek to lick their hole. 
And, since Kid is a punk, you CAN’T convince me this man have a single heterosexual bone in his body. Kid is not straight, I can smell it. I think he’s bisexual.So he often has fantasies regarding a threesome with a man. If you’re a one night stand, he doesn’t mind sharing because he just doesn’t care about you. If you’re his lover, he’ll maybe try if you insist on a lot, but will fix a lot of rules, like the other man can’t kiss you or put their dick inside your pussy. Your pussy is his and only his.
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Considering how much Kid cares about his reputation, he knows what he’s into doing in bed. Sure, during his first times, it was a bit messy, but he’s a fast learner and good at following his instincts.
He also has no shame to ask you to touch yourself, so he knows what you like and how to make you cum as many times at possible. 
Overall, Kid doesn’t have a lot of experience, I mean, he didn’t fuck with hundred of guys/women. But he’s not a virgin. He’s just really focused on his goal of becoming the PK and one night stand only happens from time to time. Considering how asocial he’s, I think he needs to feel a kind of connexion to have sex with someone, even if it’s just for one night. 
F: Favorite Position
Literally, any variation of doggy style. Kid is an ass man, so he wants and needs to see the ass he’s fucking. Plus, he’s a rough guy, with wild instincts and seeing someone all helpless, on all four awake his carnal desires.
The more helpless you are in front of him, the more he’s turned on. He likes to see your pussy and asshole clenching desperately, waiting to be filled. While he thrusts into you, he just loves seeing your ass giggled and leave some hand prints when he spank you. If he can tie your wrists or pull on your hair, then, it’s even better. Seeing you, your chest against the mattress and your ass up in the sky is his favorite view. Plus, he can see his cock thrusting inside of you, coat of your juice. What a delight. 
With his lover, he also likes matting press. Just because you always cry out, complaining about how big he’s and how deep he’s fucking you in this position. He’ll never stop looking at you and your flustered expression. 
As I said in the dirty secret, Kid also likes to leave all the work for you sometime. In this case, he’ll go with reverse cowgirl. He can see your ass, hold your hips with one hand, or just lay back and watch you bounce up and down desperately on his cock. Seeing his dick buried deep inside of you will make him growl of satisfaction. 
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)  
Not goofy at all. Sex isn’t supposed to be funny for Kid. I think he can laugh, like while he’s teasing you, he’ll make fun of you, like "look at you, crying for my cock, you’re such a crybaby" but that’s all. Never, lord, never, you’ll hear Kid joking during sex.
If someone laughs at him during sex, then, he’s pissed off. With a night one stand, the mood is just ruined and he’ll leave. With his lover, he’ll get mad too, and also kinda hurt in his pride. He wants to make you feel good and cum at least once, so if you laugh at him, he'll think he’s not doing a good work. It will take a lot of time to reassure him after laughing at him.
H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Lol, I don’t think someone will live after asking him such a question.
But the carpet matches the drapes. 
Honestly, I don’t see Kid as a very hairy guy. 
And it’s maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think Kid takes care of himself. I mean, his manicure and make-up are always nailed. So when it’s starting to be hairy down there, he’ll trim it and cursed during the whole process, but that’s just Kid, always cursing. 
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
With a one night stand ? Zero intimacy. Just rough sex and two people trying to reach ecstasy. 
With his lover, Kid is still not a romantic. For him, sex is not a way to express his love, it’s just a way to make the both of you feels good. He doesn’t understand the making love, lovey lovey dovey, crappy stuff. Having sex with his s/o means something to him, but the romantic side of it just fly over his head. 
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)  
Considering his huge sex drive, Kid masturbate a lot. 
If you’re around and in the mood, then, he’d rather fuck with you than jack off. But if you’re not there, or not willing to have sex, he’ll just use his hand.
Everytime he sneaks around alone, you can be sure he’s jacking off and his crew already walk in while he was giving himself a little self-care time. 
K: Kinks (One or more of their kinks)
Humiliation/Praises : Calling his partner a whore, a slut and feeling them tightening around his cock. He likes to see how flustered he can makes you with his words. But if you’re not into degrading stuff, he doesn’t mind using praises, like "look at you, taking all of my cock so well,  that’s my girl", "that’s it, just take it all", "you feel so good around my cock" , "your pussy tighten around my cock, it won’t let me go, you like my dick that much?", "be a good girl and stay still" Etc
And he expects you to praise him as well. Tell him how good he’s fucking you, how good his cock feels inside you. And call him Captain in bed and you will have a lot of orgasms. He’ll make sure of it.
Anal sex : As I said in his dirty secret, Kid likes how tight anal sex feels. It always makes you flustered and he needs a s/o willingly to do anal sex from time to time. 
Pain : Well, Kid likes rough sex, everyone will agree with this fact. He likes to slap your cheeks, your ass, biting your neck, choking you lightly, pulling your hair. And he also loves when you scratch his back, pull on his hair and even bite him. It will make his cock throbbing inside you. 
Public sex : Kid likes to fuck you in a public place, the risk of being caught is a turn on for him. It’s just so naughty and sexy in his mind. But let’s be honest, if someone caught the two of you fucking, he wouldn’t give two flying fucks and just continues to thrust inside you. Feeling you tightening your walls around his cock because of the embarrassment will even make him growl and pound harder.  
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
As long as he can fuck you, the place doesn’t matter. Most of the time, he’ll fuck you in the bedroom or in his workshop, with you bending over his desk. 
He also likes fucking you on the deck, it matches his public sex kink. He’ll bend you over the railing, so hey, it’s quite romantic, to watch the sunset and the ocean while he’s plowing into you like the wild animal he’s.
But let’s be honest, Kid will fuck you anywhere, anytime. This boy isn’t picky. As long as you give him your consent, the place doesn’t matter. 
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The rush of adrenaline after a hard battle. He’s just so horny after a fight 
Whenever he needs to release some anger or frustration 
If you tease him, especially around of people
If he watches you fight. It’s hot, to watch his lover fighting and it always makes blood rush down to his cock. 
If you wear his red coat. It flustered him, but also makes him horny. Same if you’re wearing one of his shirts. 
If you want to have the ride of your night, just wait for him in the bedroom, wearing nothing but one of his shirts wide open on your bare chest. Or wait, naked, with his coat on your shoulders. Damn, it will drive him crazy.
Seeing his lipsticks smeared on your face or neck. 
N: No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything involving piss or shit. 
Sharing is caring, but if he ever accept to have a threesome, the guy will never have the right to fuck you. Your pussy belongs to him, and only him.
Being tied up. Kid hates feeling inferior or weak. If you’re his lover, he’ll only accept to be tied with something in metal, so he can take it off whenever he wants and take back the lead. 
Anything involving waters. He feels weak in it, even in the shower. He needs to feel powerful. 
Pegging is not a total no, but it will only happen with his lover and when the relationship is stable and long enough. He knows where his G point is, and please, he’s a punk, he LOVES non-conformism. But being vulnerable, laying on his back with his legs spreads or on all fours, his muscular ass up, chest against the mattress while you’re pegging him ? He really needs to trust his partner, because he’s afraid to ruin his reputation. Probably a bit overwhelmed and embarrassed at the end of the experience, but it was good. Please, reassure him than having that kind of experience has nothing to do with virility and that he’s still the dangerous and well-known Eustass Captain Kid. 
Roleplay : it’s so ridiculous and humiliating for him, he can’t. 
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)  
A receiver, not a giver. Watching someone kneeling before him, sucking his cock, even gagging on it, damn, it’s just feel so good.
He bucks his hips, fucking your mouth. If you drool all over his cock, it’s even better. 
If you can deep throating him, it will make him cum really fast. His cock is big, not everyone is able to take his full length and girth. Just imagine this man losing his mind, cursing and throwing his head back while you deep throat him.
He, unfortunately, doesn’t go down on you often. But have you seen how this guy likes to show his tongue and lick his lips ? He knows how to use it, I can smell it. If you’re a one night stand, you’ll have to ask for having you pussy ate. 
If you’re in a relationship, especially if it’s the first time you two are fucking together, he’ll go down on you, lick your pussy and drink your juice, making sure you’re wet and ready for him. Go ahead, grab his head, pull on his hair, he likes it. Considering how stubborn he’s, he will keep going and only stop after you cum at least once against his lips. 
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Fast and rough. This man is a beast. 
He always needs to release some anger or stress, so he’s always rough while fucking you. Even more with a one night stand. 
He doesn’t want to hurt you, still. But his pace will never be gentle and sensual. But he’ll adapt to whatever you’re able to take it. 
He likes hearing skin slapping against skin, sounds of your wet pussy, leaving bites on your body. For him, sex is messy and rough. 
I can only see two ways to force Kid to have slow sex : 
If you’re a virgin and a one night stand : he’s pissed off. He wants to have fun, not to be anyone first time and all the craps it involves. So just take your clothes and get out of here. Yeah, he’s mean.
However, if you two are in a relationship, he doesn’t want to hurt you and knows his pace is not adapted for a virgin. He will do his best to take you slowly, in missionary, holding back himself. He wants to make you feel good and as you continue to fuck together, progressively, your sessions will be more and more rough and messy. His strokes would be really long and deep, hitting all the right spots. Imagine him, with his jaw clenched, sweats dripping from his forehead, growling huskily, the muscles of his arms all tensed as he’s trying his best to not slam roughly inside your tight pussy. Damn. 
If you challenge him, like, betting he’s not able to fuck you slowly, this man will have the slowest pace ever, just to prove you’re wrong. At the end, he won the game and you’ll be frustrated by how slow and torturing his thrusts are. 
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)  
He likes quickie, but not that much. Let’s be honest, if you ask him a quickie, the answer will always be yes. 
But he prefers proper sex, because he’s always 100% implicating in what he’s doing, so he wants to fuck your properly. 
During quickie, Kid will bend you over something or carry you against a wall, skip any foreplay and just slams himself into you, his lips against yours to muffle your screams. 
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Kid likes to experiment, but only with his lover. With a one night stand, he wants to be in control and proves how good he’s. If you ask him to do something he has never done, then, he’s not willingly trying.
If you’re in a relationship, he can try some stuff and fantasies, but don’t you dare laugh at him if he’s not doing great the first times you two tries something new. It will really hurt is pride, he gets pissed off and less inclined to try new stuff.
Concerning the risk of being caught, well, Kid doesn’t give two flying fuck. 
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
His stamina is perfect, he can last for a while. Good luck. 
Even with his rough pace, he can last easily 20 minutes of intense pounding. 
You’ll be tired before him. He’s quite observant with you and will notice when you really can’t take much more. 
His sessions are intense and you always end up breathing harshly and sweating, with your legs shaking. 
Kid knows how to hold back, but you can make him cum quickly with anal sex or deep-throating. 
T: Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He hates toys. Are you saying he’s doing the job so poorly, you need a toy to cum ? Okay, he’s pissed off. 
If you want to have a toy during your solo masturbation session, then, feel free, he will gladly create any toy you want with his DF. But when you two are fucking, no toy. 
It hurts his pride.
The poor baby has a lot of pride.
Maybe he can have some fantasies, like a handmade vibrator. He’ll ask you to keep it inside you during the day and from time to time, he’ll use his DF and watch you trying to keep a cold face in front of others while the toy tease your G point. 
U: Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He likes to tease you, especially with dirty talk. Just because it always makes you tighten around his cock. 
He will also tease you a bit during foreplay. He loves when you beg for his cock.
But due to his lack of patience, Kid is not the kind of guy to tease during hours. 
In public, if he can’t fuck you, he gets frustrated and tease you as a way to release some frustration.
If you want to tease him, feel free, but he’ll show you absolutely no mercy later, pounding into you like a fucking beast and growling about how naughty you were earlier. And if you try to squirm, he’ll hold your hips and growls to stay still. You earned this, so shut up and take it. (But of course he’s not a total dick, if you need him to slow down or even stop, he’ll listen.) 
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
This man can’t do anything in silence. Of course he’s loud.
He grunts a lot, talk dirty, spank your ass, all of the time. 
He doesn’t scream. Just grunt and curse a lot. Just imagine him, with his low, husky voice, grunting close to your ear. 
He likes to hear you scream or moan for him. So please, do it. The louder, the better. 
Tell him how good he's fucking you, how huge his cock is stretching your walls and Kid will be more than happy. He's a simple man, overall.
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
After sex, if you’re in a relationship, he falls asleep really fast… and even if he’ll never admit it, he likes to be the little spoon. Just hold him firmly and tenderly from behind and let him be the little spoon, please. 
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)  
Pale dick, pink sensitive head. A few veins along the shaft, but not that much.
Kid is a big and large guy, and considering how bold and cocky he acts, his cock is long and thick af, he needs the right back-up lol. He knows he’s big and he’s hella proud of his own cock.
Length around 17/20cm (7/8 inch). And the girth is scary. Good luck if it’s your first time. 
A shower, not a grower. 
His balls are proportioned to his cock size and heavy.
When he takes off his pants down for the first time in front of you, he’ll probably grins while watching your scared or excited face. 
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
High. Really high.
Kid is kinda always angry at something and he needs to release his frustration with sex. 
He can fuck you multiple times in the same day and still be ready for more. And his refractory period is really short, too. So good luck.
In a relationship, Kid needs someone with a huge sex drive too.
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Will snore 5 minutes after collapsing on top of you. 
After fucking you like a beast, he feels relaxed, his anger is gone (at least for now), same for his stress or frustration, so he’s sleepy. He’ll just clean himself quickly, or not, and fall asleep.
He doesn’t like pillow talk, but if you’re in a relationship, he’ll try to make an effort. 
If it’s a one night stand and not at home, he’ll leave and fall asleep once he’s back to his ship. 
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howlsofbloodhounds · 4 months
Thinking about the fact that Delta!Sans canonically is a plural character cuz he absorbed the Bravery soul and now they share a body and can canonically have soul-to-soul conversations and time kinda freezes for them when they do.
Thinking about how Ultratale!Chara is referred to as Omega and Delta is Delta and thinking about the kiddo tryna call themself Alpha cuz they’re “cool and manly and tough.” But somehow Delta manages to convince the kid to settle on being nicknamed Beta instead, symbolism of being a second-in-command and all that.
Thinking about Delta wandering by stores and getting distracted because the kid spotted some cool boxing gloves or action figures in the glass windows and then Delta shows up late to his meetings with Epic and Color, carrying bags of toys, because the kid started crying when Delta tried to leave without buying them anything.
Or whenever the Epic Sanses hang out, Delta always makes sure to order something sweet for the kid to enjoy because listening to “grown up talk” is boring and not fun and if he doesn’t Delta will be dealing with a headache all evening.
Thinking about Delta trying to keep the kid away from the worse of the fighting and all the worse things that the Multiverse has to offer, because the kid dreams about their death at Asgore’s hands and what it felt like being held in a container for centuries almost every night. But the kid always insists that they’re brave and tough and strong and they can handle everything.
Delta taking every opportunity he safely can to allow the kiddo to be a kid again. Decorating their shared room in their apartment in the Omega Timeline, making a spot in the corner designated for Beta. He sets time aside to allow them to partake in activities of their choosing, such as puzzles, strategy games, and competitive games.
Thinking about Color and Delta hanging up all of Beta’s drawings on their fridge like proud parents, and Color sometimes just sitting and listening to Beta yap to all the other six souls absorbed inside Color because, unlike Beta, they aren’t exactly their own full people anymore but it makes the kid feel less alone.
Letting the kid explore the surface and play in the sun whenever possible, as they spent who knows how many years trapped Underground in a jar. Maybe Delta even gets glimpses of Beta’s memories whenever they dream, the loneliness and claustrophobia of being trapped in a jar. The fear of being hunted down by monsters throughout the Underground and having to face down someone as intimidating as Asgore, the pain and fear of death, experienced through the eyes of a child. A very brave and strong child, but a child nonetheless.
Maybe Beta clung to the few embers of warmth they had when they were living under Toriel’s care, and Delta/Sans gets to see his friend in a new light, but also he gets to make true on his promise by at least keeping an eye on and taking care of Beta when he couldn’t for Frisk.
I think Delta possibly considers what happened to his Frisk a very deep and personal failure, made worse by the Toriel that Beta remembers—because Delta gets to see how much Toriel loved each and every fallen child and he can imagine the grief she felt when they all left and died. I’d like to think that AUs of Asgore, heights, spears, being alone, and enclosed spaces are all fears for Beta, so Delta always tries to reassure them even though they attempt to be brave every time.
So basically both of them are struggling with PTSD, and also Beta with the fact that they’re now in a body that isn’t their own after however many years of not having a body. And also the fact that any friends or family they might’ve had when they were alive are likely dead now, so I’d imagine that Delta would try to search down and visit any graves of Beta’s family whenever visiting Ultratale or any of its variants.
Beta proposes making graves for the residents of the Underground too, probably in the Omega Timeline. And given that Delta is friends with Epic who is friends with Cross who shares a soul with XChara, I can already imagine the trouble that XChara and Beta would get into.
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puzzled-pegasus · 5 months
On the ADHD demigods' stim habits (headcanon list)
He talks and mutters to himself a lot and he also paces around his cabin
Restless Leg(TM)
He used to chew on things a lot but adults told him that he was Not Allowed to bite pencils or shirt sleeves or paper or anything so his outlet is mostly snacks, chewy candy is the best for this
Someone get him a seashell chewy necklace please
Oh you know what they should have stim toys at the CHB gift shop for all the ADHD kiddos
He also probably cracks his knuckles and joints a lot
He hums when there's a song stuck in his head and it's really annoying but he can't really stop it cause he doesn't notice until someone gets mad at him and then hes like ??
Annabeth tends to chew up her pencils a lot
She also compulsively daydreams and builds designs of buildings in her head and reviews lists of stuff she wants to remember
She finds herself doing random math while she's supposed to be paying attention. Like if someone is telling her something and her brain drifts off more often than not she's looking at something around and being like "let me just calculate how many bricks are probably in that stack over there" or "hmm i wonder how many gallons of water are in the canoe lake"
She also gets distracted if there's any other social interactions of people around her and she just people watches and makes inferences about what people are feeling and whats going on in their lives
Also she chews her hair and sometimes puts little braids in it
She picks at her skin too a lot and sometimes pulls out strands of hair
Piper flaps her hands a lot especially when she's excited
She flips and braids her hair too
If she has feathers on her she will sometimes take it out if she's bored and either preen it with her fingers or use it to tickle someone to annoy them
She sings a lot but mostly to herself and sometimes she can be heard humming or softly singing without noticing
If she has any kind of paper available, like notebook paper or napkins or maybe candy or gum wrappers, sometimes she'll make little origami things
She also picks at her nails quite a bit
Leo has the most stims that he's unable to mask, as we know already.
He taps on surfaces and messes with his clothing a lot
He also whistles sometimes which can get annoying to people around him so he tries not to do that but if he's alone or really concentrating on something he will
He will also play with pretty much anything he finds on the ground like paper clips and those office clamp things and he'll take apart mechanical pencils and pens and put them back together and if he finds a tack or a safety pin or something there's a 90 percent chance he'll stab it through the skin of his finger(s)
If he's outside he'll pick up leaves and flowers and shred them or pick up sticks and break them
He was also probably one of those kids who would put glue on his hands so he could peel it off
i wasnt sure if Jason had ADHD but I looked it up and it said he did so oh well lol
Hes like. Freakily good at masking stims and it kinda creeps everyone out especially the CHB demigods
BUT he still has them
He have the restless leg
He also does like random stretching sometimes
When he's standing in one place for a while he kinda stands on one leg or bounces his heels
Sometimes he'll pick up objects from the ground or something and play with it like Leo does, especially if he's outside and there's like rocks or something
He does a similar thing to Annabeth too but instead of math he'll try to identify any animal noises or animals he sees like birds in the sky or like if he hears a dog bark he'll try to figure out what kind of dog
Hazel's stims are the least obvious but they are definitely there.
If she has a view of outside she will gaze out of the window or look around her and figure out how many types of trees or whatever that she can see
She will also mess with the seams or edges of her clothing
If she has paper around she'll draw horses or other animals or sometimes people or she'll practice her cursive letters and make them fancy
She picks at her skin and her hair as well
Frank does not have ADHD. He sits there quietly and everyone thinks hes weird. Sometimes he gets wiggly if he's nervous but otherwise nah
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translatemunson · 4 months
these days I'm restless, work days are endless • ttfd
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chapter three of the tortured firefighters department
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
cw: fem!reader, afab!reader, no descriptions of reader, banter (because i love it), reader is a math and science nerd, chris and eddie are here, mentions of food, hints of mental issues, proofread by my bye-lingual ass (let me know if i forgot anything)
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LA was less of a stranger now. Who knew going to that dinner at Maddie’s would slowly bring you closer to the 118 family.
Late night texts with Maddie to make her company while Chimney worked and Jee was nowhere close to sleep were standard. Night shifts were smooth as butter if compared to day shifts in any state, you found out. LA of course had more hits and runs, overdose emergencies, abuse situations, but you could type their info while waiting for your personal laptop to run the latest dynamical system you were analyzing. 
And now your agenda also included occasional brownie deliveries to the 118 and leftover food pickup you were sure Bobby wasn’t cooking as an accident; a few talks with Athena, Bobby’s wife, about how they could improve response time inside the LAPD with a small system you developed for your old local police; helping Chris over Facetime with his math homework — because Eddie called you one day looking like he just had the worst day of his life, but he couldn’t just understand the process to the results of a simple equation.
It was nice to finally have a life besides PhD and work routine. But that would always be brought up or come in handy for helping.
That’s how you ended up at Eddie’s place on a saturday morning. When he texted you that Chris needed extra help with a math syllabus — that could bring him some extra points that semester —, you jumped on your car and said would gladly help.
“How is it going, kiddo?” Eddie entered the dining room and checked Chris' progress.
“She’s really a genius!”
“And you are the most dedicated student I had.” And you weren’t saying that just to make him feel special. Chris was one of those kids that really put in the effort and dedication to understand things — when they wanted to, of course —, it wasn’t his fault the math problems were too complex for his age. Maybe you could talk to Eddie about it, so he could let the teachers know that maybe taking it easy with the kids was a good idea. They didn’t need to also be traumatized by mathematics. “C’mon, you’re crushing those equations, Chris!”
“Do you need a refill?” Eddie pointed to your empty lemonade cup.
“Yes, please.”
“Can you help me with science?” Chris asked, now that he was almost done with his math exercises.
“Not my forte, but I’ll try.”
In another universe, you would’ve stopped your studies once you had the basic requirements for being a teacher — maybe middle or secondary school. You’d always loved classrooms, and it was the safest option if your Masters ended up on a dead end. You were glad to be where you were, but your mind sometimes wondered the ‘what if’s of being a school teacher.
Chris brought his science homework, luckily just some questions about animals that, because of all of your free hours in museums and science classes you took for extra credits during college, were easy to deal with. Once you talked about seeing the dinosaur bones in real life, he was mesmerized, avoiding blinking at all costs just so he couldn’t miss a single detail.
“Dad! She saw the dinosaur!” He almost screamed when you pulled out your phone to show him some pictures.
The doorbell hung as soon as Eddie entered the dining room. “Be right back, buddy! Don’t give him any more ideas, Brains!”
“Won’t promise anything.” I took you one heartbeat to cover your mouth and whisper, “I will check if there is any dinosaur in town and take you there for a visit. What do you think?”
“That’s awesome,” he whispered back.
“But for now this is a secret, ok?”
“Ok. Pinky swear?”
“Of course, kiddo.” 
Chris got up to pick his books about dinosaurs. Your mind started to list all the museums in LA and how many of them had really good replicas of them — or the real ones, if possible. Maybe you could get the tickets for Chris and Eddie and tag along as their tour guide. Or maybe you could check with Eddie if he needed a babysitter someday in the following weeks, so you could help and also fulfill your promise at the same time.
“Buck!” Chris screamed.
You turned around just in time to see Buck taking him off the floor with a bear type huge and messing with his hair. “My guy! What are you up to today?”
“I’m studying dinosaurs.” He showed the books in his hands.
“On a Saturday morning? Where’s the fun? How about video games?”
“Are you done with your science homework?” Eddie asked, closing the door.
“Yes! Brains helped me!”
As your nickname has been brought up to the conversation, Buck finally noticed you. You heard Maddie saying, countless times, that Buck had a soft spot for kids. But had a huge spot for Chris, with all his heart. After the tsunami — you’ve only heard about it, still not in California to experience the disaster first hand —, their bond only grew even stronger.
“Oh did she?” He smirked.
“Yes. She even promised me she will take me to see the dinosaurs.”
“Chris! I thought you would honor our pinky swear!” you shouted playfully.
“Ouch! Someone call 9-1-1, I’ve been betrayed.” Buck faked having a knife to his chest, and pulling it out.
You pretended to have your earpiece on and changed your voice until it sounded like you were in your job, saying “Sir, calling 9-1-1 without being in real danger is considered a felony, and the authorities will investigate you. Hope you look good in orange pajamas.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and Chris laughed. Buck was definitely not impressed, and he took Chris with him to play some video games. You busied yourself with organizing Chris’ books over the table and checking his equations one last time. You took your lemonade glass to the kitchen, intending to wash it before going home for some deep cleaning.
“Just leave it there, I’ll take care of it,” Eddie entered the room and opened the cookie jar. “Are you serious about taking him to the museum?”
“I was gonna talk to you about it later. Maybe? Only if you’re ok with it, of course. I can take him on my day off, get him some pancakes from my favorite restaurant, bring him back by the end of the day, safe and sound. Or you could tag along, I can pretend I’m a VIP tour guide, I might be able to pull some strings at the Caltech museum, they don’t have real dinosaurs, but their exhibition on life on Earth is really good. It’s not much, but they have a few things about dinosaurs.”
“Does next Saturday work for you? I might need to take an extra 12-hour shift.”
“Sure! The Natural History Museum will do the job just fine. I’ll pick him up and don’t worry, we can stay at mine until your shift ends. Anything works for me, really.”
“Great.” He noticed how you held your bag and checked the door from time to time. “In a hurry?”
“I think my job here is done,” you pointed to the two kids playing and screaming over some stupid video game. 
Lately, you’ve been avoiding Buck like the plague. He was just so annoying towards you every time you met and it was getting on your nerves. Your small encounters when you were at the firestation to drop off some baked goods, or when you went to visit Maddie and he was just leaving the place, were messing with your thoughts. 
It was easier to give him the cold shoulder and keep your distance than sitting in a quiet room with your mixed feelings about the younger Buckley.
“Thank you again, Brains.”
“No worries, happy I could help.”
“You sure I can’t convince you to stay a little more and grab some lunch with us?”
“I really don’t wanna disturb the vibes, you know.”
“You know you are practically family, right? Catching lunch with us on slow days, having some beers, teaching math to the kids.”
“Yeah, but I just… Maybe another time, ok? I promise.”
“You have to stop acting like you’re always on the run, Brains. Someday you’re gonna run out of breath.”
“I appreciate the advice, Eddie. Text you soon?”
“He’s gonna freak out when I tell him about your plans.”
You left the house unnoticed. Before hopping on your car and driving to your favorite grocery store, you checked your messages, hoping to clear your agenda for next saturday — pretty sure you had a night shift on friday, but with enough caffeine, you could pull an all-nighter. Not ideal, but it was your plan B.
“Hey! Brains!”
“Tired of getting your ass kicked by a younger boy?” You were still too busy with your phone to raise your eyes to Buck.
“Why are you almost running to get out of here? Schedule’s too packed?”
“None of your business.” You opened the door of your car and threw your bag inside.
“Oh so you are still mad at me for eating the cupcakes!” Oh yeah, the cupcake incident. That was one of the reasons why you weren’t staying more than one minute alone with Evan Buckley.
“What did you expect me to do? I bought them for me and Maddie, and you thought it was ok to eat them all. Alone!” You faced him, your chin up high. “You have no fucking clue how long I waited in line before the store opened that day, I had a really messed up shift and I needed those!”
“I told you I’d get more cupcakes!”
“No! I wanted my favorites! Your sister wanted those specific ones, she kept mentioning them for days! And you ruined it!” You held the door open, hoping you could leave the place quickly.
“I’ve told you I’m sorry, ok? What else do you want me to do, hm?”
“How about getting out of my hair? Leave me alone, Buckley. I mean it. I was starting to grow fond of the 118, but you are making it impossible to enjoy some time with any of them!”
“I was there first!” Buck was much stronger than you, and he successfully closed the door. He wanted another fight.
“Great. Text me your schedule so I can avoid being in the same room with you.” You tried to push his arm out of the door.
“Now you’re just being dramatic! C’mon, Brains, it was just some stupid cupcakes, I got Maddie some of her favorite cake after you stormed out of the apartment. I texted you I was sorry a dozen times.”
“Maybe you should start asking before eating something that isn’t yours.”
“I don’t know what happened to you lately, but it’s unbelievable you’re holding the grudge for so long. Brains, really, I’m sorry I ruined your plans with my sister. Can we act as adults now?”
“Who are you to tell me ‘Let’s be adults’ now? You ruined the only free time I had with Maddie that week. And you know what? I had a shitty shift with some really bad calls that day, but, unlike you, I don’t go on messing with things that don’t belong to me.”
Your real name slipped from his lips and you knew it was time to leave. You took the chance to open the door and throw yourself into the seat.
“I’m tired, Evan. I really am. Give me some space, I’m still recovering from that shift. You could’ve bought us all the cupcakes in the world that day, and I’d still be mad at you.” You started the car. “I need to go home.”
“I’m gonna find out why you’re still mad at me after one million sorry’s!”
“I wouldn’t waste any more breath. But you know what, good luck.”
As much as you hated it, Eddie was right. You were running away. And you just didn’t want to admit who was from.
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author's note: and she’s back for chapter three!!!! you all were a little shy on chapter 2, but ok, i’ll forgive you. there is a small blurb coming up this weekend, so stay tuned. also, you can request blurbs from the tortured firefighters department or just talk about it via my asks!!! also i’m almost done with 9-1-1 lone star and i may or may not be working on a crossover in the near future hihihi kay love you see y’all next week byeeeeeee (actually this sunday ok byeeeee)
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