#he cronch
tones3d · 1 year
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lucky-komainu · 1 year
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Been sick as a dog. 
Been watching Bee & Puppycat. 
 So have a puppy... dog. 
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Peter One and Peter Three hear Peter Two snap-crackle-popping in the other room and assume he’s using one of his clicky stim toys but he’s actually just testing the hypermobility of his weird spider joints
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ask-churro-cookie · 4 months
"This is weird... Wait we need to quickly shut off the vents! The gas is spreading through them-"
*A strange purple gas exits the nearby vents making turner falls backward turning back into a rabbid just as Sydney reaches them and calls for a retreat which they all run into a vent*
A incredibly indestructible material covered it. Keeping the gas out
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susivoi · 15 days
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Tumblr screwed up when I tried to post this and deleted all my text so instead of a Bee Movie Reference you get me complaining about Tumblr
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sisaloofafump · 11 months
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Clark. CLARK. This is not how you’re supposed to win a boxing match.
(Full ridiculous scene below)
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From Superman #168 (April 1964). He’s hanging out in 1906 and working at a San Francisco Daily Planet office but his editor (Luthor in disguise!!) keeps sending him on weird scoops like sparring against the current heavyweight champion.
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dizzybevvie · 5 months
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Kh1 riku i miss u
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alchemisticramblings · 2 months
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chess tips from your local five hundred year old man
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an-albino-pinetree · 6 months
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@hootbon I saw your Freakshow au and loved the character designs so much
I just knew I had to try my hand at drawing your clown boy, so I hope that was okay -v-
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pumpkster · 1 year
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nickelodeon itself told me to draw this
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bettelion · 4 months
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gazspookiebear · 3 months
Ghost hcs mostly him having autism
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Has compression socks and gloves bc they help keep him regulated, but he HATES tight clothing anywhere else. He strictly wears loose and baggy clothing, like oversized hoodies
Hates flavored water unless it's tea. Green tea? Sure. Any kind of sparkling water? Nuh uh
Likes mud and rain puddles. Don't ask me why
Can't stand the smell of coffee in the morning, it overwhelms him. He can and will leave the room if someone just made coffee
Doesn't like hugs, or really just being touched in general. (Mostly due to trauma, but the autism isn't helping either)
That being said, when he does get hugged, he prefers it to be firm. Heavy knuckles running up and down his back is the quickest way to make him melt in your arms. Soap is the only one allowed to do this, but Price and Gaz will very occasionally be offered one of those awkward one-armed half hugs if they need one.
He masks most of the time (literally and figuratively) so it's not very obvious that he's autistic from first glance. If he's comfortable with the people around him, or if he's alone, he might stim
He does jazz hands as a stim, and can occasionally be found tiptoe walking
He also knocks his knuckles together and rasps them on desks. He likes the noise.
He prefers rough or smooth textures over soft/fluffy ones. Denim, mesh, leather, linen, and polyester are the only fabric types he'll be comfortable in.
He keeps his hair buzzed, not just because he's in the military, but because he pulls on it and ends up tearing it out of his head when he gets sensory overload from it touching his face (me too bro, me too)
He listens to metal songs on max volume when he's sensory seeking (you can hear that shit through his headphones)
He doesn't like having things in his ears, so he prefers headphones over earbuds. He won't complain if he has to use earbuds though.
Surprisingly enough, he can't stand weighted blankets. Unless that weighted blanket is Soap 😏
He gets aggressive when he's excited, so he'll often go to the gym to blow off some steam. Rookies see him going to town on a punching bag and assume he's pissed, but really he just doesn't know how else to express his feelings.
He hyperfixated on komodo dragons for a while (he now has several random facts in his arsenal)
His special interest is weapons. Any kind, he just thinks they're interesting. Especially crossbows. (He knows just about every weapon under the sun, ask him literally anything)
He steals Soap's phone to play neko atsume (he has become emotionally attached to the cats, but you didn't hear me say that)
He prefers to sleep with blankets under him instead of on top because it makes his skin crawl if they're not the right texture.
He's always cold but radiates heat like a motherfucker, definitely has an electric blanket at his place
He has a favorite pen that he carries everywhere, refuses to use anything else.
He eats the most random food combinations. Tomatoes with sour cream? Delicious. Avocados with cream cheese? Absolutely divine. A normal fucking sandwich? Hell no.
He struggles with hygiene but hates feeling dirty. He'll often force himself to shower even when he knows it'll drain his energy.
He has to buy a specific type of eyeblack because of the texture. He doesn't like any kind that feels too greasy. Not that it'll stop him from wearing it if that's all that's available, but he won't be happy about it.
He used to bite his hands as a kid. Hard. He has a few small scars because of it
He enjoys heavy bass. He likes low rumbling/knocking noises. He may or may not be considering buying a bass drum...
Alternates between sleeping in a hammock and a bed at his place
Loves chairs that spin, though you'd never catch him spinning 😔
Everything he says sounds sarcastic, even when he's being genuine. This has caused many people to get annoyed with him.
He tends to grind his teeth, so he chews on tree bark to keep his mouth busy
He used to climb trees as a kid because he liked the way the wind felt from up high in the leaves
He isn't a fan of the way paper feels. That being said, He loves old books. He spends most of his downtime at the library since it's quiet and peaceful, plus it gives him a way to get out of the house and busy himself.
He still wears a mask off duty for many reasons. For starters, he's never been the best at facial reactions. He thinks it's easier to just hide it altogether than to try and contort his face into the "appropriate" reaction. Secondly, he has stims and occasional tics where his mouth moves, and he doesn't want people to stare. (Snapping his mouth like a shark... so real to me) Also, he just thinks it should be common practice. He's never understood why people don't cover their mouth and nose, or at the very least cover it when they cough/sneeze.
He will actually fan the air in front of him if someone he doesn't like just walked by. He doesn't want to breathe "their air". (Graves was very confused as to why Ghost kept waving the air every time he walked by)
He wears sunglasses in public, regardless of whether or not it's sunny out. He just doesn't want to have to make eye contact with people if he doesn't have to. He can make eye contact, but he much prefers not to.
He punches his legs or the walls when overstimulated.
He has dromophobia (fear of crossing streets) and tends to speedwalk across roads
Has the biggest vocabulary known to man because he used to read dictionaries as a kid. (He can and will abuse this power when someone is annoying him)
Prefers non-fiction. That's it.
He cleans doorknobs daily. He specifically keeps a pack of wipes with him to clean doorknobs- who the fuck knows when they were cleaned last. He can't stand the idea of touching something that dozens, if not hundreds of people (who may or may not have washed their hands) have touched prior.
His favorite color is orange. He always avoids touching anything orange because he's worried he'll ruin it somehow.
He washes his hands before and after everything he does (when he can)
He has a crowbar. He keeps it beside his bed, and he's very fond of it.
He can stay completely still for concerningly long amounts of time. Useful for missions, unnerving the rest of the time. Can and will be seen in the corner of a room staring at people.
@waiting-so-long I'm so glad someone wanted to hear my nonsense lmao
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ganonposting · 2 months
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POV a cute gerudo offers you a durian
(redraw of that one hulk taco meme [Image ID: A two panel comic, with a top and bottom. The top panel has a confused young Ganon with long hair in a half ponytail wearing a cloak and voe armor, holding a durian andstanding tall over a tiny Link, who is attempting to sit up from a wooden bench and is surprised at his approach. Link is wearing protective leather armor over his tunic and large boots, and appears to be an older version, with grass and pebbles at their feet. The bottom panel shows a framed close-up of young Ganon attempting a friendly yet awkward tusked smile, with further detail on his cloak, pauldrons, armor, jewelry and collar necklace, as well as his circlet crown. His eyes are winged with eyeliner, his eyebrows bushy, his hair long and sleek with flyaways, as Ganon offers the durian to Link from his giant hand, a pinky politely extended}
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silverview · 2 months
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zealfruity · 2 months
cody please
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Codyyyyy. Cody, where are you?
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My boyfriend despises millennial internet slang (eg. pupper, chonky, heckin', etc.), so I'm waging a psyop campaign against him to incorporate those terms into his speech, turning him into that which he hates most. So far I have gotten him to start referring to pepsi as bepis (and Dr. Pepper as Dr. Bepis). The end goal is to make him say "doggo" without a hint of irony.
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