#he deserves the world just sayin
nuclearnerves · 4 months
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that one post thats like "tumblr name a woman challege (impossible)"
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gerudospiriit · 4 months
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[Dumb take of the day: Nabooru should have gotten the Triforce of Courage when the damn thing broke because it takes a lot more courage to stand up to the ruler of your people and commit treason against both him (who is also just very powerful in general and she knows it) and the people you love because it's the right thing to do than it does to blindly do what you're told and accept a destiny you don't understand from a tree meant to protect you and a total stranger. :3]
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Hello~ I really appreciate your writing of x-mens and honestly think you're doing great job! Can I request Remy, Logan and Kurt (or just Remy and Kurt if three is too much ^^) with an s/o who often depreciates themself, maybe on some joking way at first but there's a feeling of something more behind this all (like they're not joking, they really believe in it but try to hide this behind the smiles and laughs)? I'm sorry if this idea is hard to understand, if it is, I'll try to write IT more clearly ^^" Take care of yourself and everything nice to you!
Here are some headcanons for how Remy (Gambit), Logan (Wolverine), and Kurt (Nightcrawler) might react to an S/O who often depreciates themselves:
Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Remy is incredibly perceptive, often catching onto your self-deprecating humor even before you realize it. He can sense the underlying sadness in your words, even when you're trying to laugh it off.
He'll immediately counter your jokes with his own brand of smooth, playful charm. "Chère, if you could see what I see when I look at you, you’d be smilin’ from ear to ear."
When it becomes clear that these jokes aren’t just jokes, Remy will take a more serious approach. He’ll sit you down, look you in the eyes, and tell you exactly how much you mean to him and how incredible you truly are. "I know what it’s like to feel like you don’t deserve the good things, but you gotta know you do. And I ain’t just sayin’ that."
Remy will go out of his way to show you how much he values you. Whether it’s surprising you with your favorite things or taking you on spontaneous adventures, he’s always finding ways to make you feel special.
He’s patient with you, never pushing too hard but always being there when you need reassurance. Remy understands that confidence takes time to build, and he’s more than willing to help you see your worth.
Logan (Wolverine)
Logan’s protective instincts kick in the moment he hears you making those self-deprecating remarks. He doesn’t like hearing you talk down about yourself, especially knowing the harsh world he’s seen.
He’s not one to sugarcoat things, so he’ll be upfront with you. "Darlin’, cut that crap. You’re worth more than you give yourself credit for, and anyone who says otherwise can answer to me."
Despite his gruff exterior, Logan has a soft spot for you. He’ll pull you close and remind you, in his own way, how much you mean to him. "I’ve seen a lot in my time, but someone like you? You’re one of a kind."
Logan might not be the best with words, but he’s always there for you. Whether it’s sitting quietly with you, holding you when you’re feeling low, or just being present, he makes sure you know he’s got your back.
Logan knows that building self-worth is a slow process, and he’s committed to being by your side through it all. He’ll celebrate your small victories and be there to pick you up when you stumble, always encouraging you to see yourself the way he sees you.
Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
Kurt is incredibly kind and understanding, always the first to pick up on your self-deprecating jokes. His sensitive nature allows him to see through the humor to the pain underneath.
Kurt is quick to gently counter your remarks with positive affirmations. "Liebchen, you are more wonderful than you give yourself credit for. Please, don’t doubt that."
He’ll offer you spiritual and emotional comfort, reminding you of the inherent value every person has. "God doesn’t make mistakes, and you, mein Schatz, are a beautiful creation."
Kurt expresses his love through acts of service, always looking for ways to make your life easier and to show you how much you’re appreciated. Whether it’s making your favorite meal or surprising you with small gestures of love, he’s always finding ways to lift you up.
When the time is right, Kurt will gently bring up your self-deprecating comments in a more serious conversation. He’ll listen to your feelings and offer his perspective, always with love and without judgment. "You are so much more than you think you are. Please, let me help you see that."
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
Letting Someone Go - Part 1
Benny Cross X Reader A/n: saw Bikeriders yesterday, needless to say I have a new Austin Butler character to obsess over <3 no better soundtrack to Benny Cross breakin' hearts than Zach Bryan. *the poem in this is lyrics from his song 'Letting Someone Go' Word Count: 2253 Warnings: cursing, alcohol use, Benny breaking hearts, angst, unhappy ending
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What you had done to deserve Benny was beyond you. After all, you’d always tried to be a good person. Tried to do the right thing, to treat other people well. So who had you wronged so mightily as to deserve the torture that was Benny Cross?
“Hey. Hey! I’m talkin’ here!”
Sheila snapped at you, wrenching you out of your own miserable head. You dragged your gaze off of Benny, playing pool in the corner, and back to your friend. 
“Sorry, Sheils,” you mumbled. She rolled her eyes at you as you took a deep gulp from your Budweiser. 
“You’re still draggin’ ass about that man, aren’t ya?” She nodded unabashedly towards Benny, raising an eyebrow at you in question. You wanted to sink into the dirty floorboards beneath you, just get swept away in the sewer pipes or water table or whatever the fuck was below this personal hell you’d found yourself in. 
You shrugged, gulping down more beer in the hopes that it might dull the ache in your chest. 
“He ain’t worth it, hunnie.” 
You fixed Sheila with a hard stare. She shook off your glare, lighting her cigarette and blowing a plume of smoke up into the rafters. 
“I’m just sayin’, there’s plenty of guys ‘round here for you to shack up with. Benny’s just a loose cannon is all, who cares if he’s off ya.” 
You drank until your beer was empty. Your head was beginning to swim, but unfortunately the booze wasn’t touching the sadness that had sent you to the bottle in the first place. You stood up from your chair, pushing back from the table with a loud and clumsy clatter. No one really noticed over the thumping bass of the jukebox or the din of the crowd. You walked over to the bar, trading in your two empty bottles for two fresh ones. Zipco eyed you curiously from his usual seat at the back corner of the bar, but you refused to acknowledge him. Last thing you needed was another friend trying to cajole you out of your heartbreak. 
By the time you came back to Sheila, Wahoo and Corky had plunked down on either side of her. Probably trying to get her into bed, you thought darkly. And they’d likely succeed, based on how she was batting her eyes up at them. Usually, you welcomed the company of the Vandals, but tonight you found you could hardly stand them. Not necessarily that you wanted to be alone, just left alone. Sitting by yourself and knocking back an obscene amount of beer as you stared daggers into the back of Benny’s head was all you were really game for tonight. 
Rather than join the others, you swerved and walked towards the back of the bar, past where Johnny was sitting with Brucie, Gail, and Cal. The light was broken back here, and the shadows suited your dark mood quite nicely. You settled into a chair, tucking your legs up underneath you as you cracked open one of the new bottles and gulped down another greedy mouthful. Finally by yourself for the moment, you let your mind run wild over the last few weeks.
Where had it gone wrong? What did she have that you didn’t? And why the hell did you care so much, while Benny clearly cared so little? 
After all, it’s not like you and Benny were anything. You’d been sleeping together for a couple months, sure; but that was just the lifestyle. You’d been raised up on the back of your daddy’s bike. He was a founding member of the Red Devils of Hamilton, Ontario; so that made you practically royalty in the MC world. You knew what it was to be a Vandal before they’d even existed as an idea in Johnny Davis’ head. Hell, you practically taught Johnny everything you knew about how to run a successful club. 
That was probably why Benny hurt so damn much, you realized. You’d never admit it out loud, but this whole thing was ass backwards. You were the one that was supposed to run around and break the biker boys’ hearts. You were the one that wasn’t supposed to get attached, the one who would cut bait and run at the first sign of feelings. You were definitely not the kind of girl who’d get hung up on some loser just because he rode a nice chopper. 
But instead, Benny Cross had gone and played you at your own game. When you’d come back to Chicago to check on Johnny Davis’ pet project, you hadn’t planned to stay more than a few days, maybe a week. You had your sights set on California, on a small rancher high up in the mountains outside Crescent City. 
But then you’d met Benny. Benny with those piercing blue eyes, that gentle pillow talky voice, and the most gorgeous set of lips you’d ever kissed. He’d had you panting after him like a puppy dog within three days. A few days had turned into a few weeks, which had stretched into a few months. Now, you were still here, looking to spend your second Christmas in the cold. And unlike the last one, this Christmas would be a lonely one.
You’d been tangled up in Benny for the better part of a year now. He still drove you just as wild as that first time you’d seen him. Even from this far away, you could hardly stand to look at him without squirming. 
The first eight or nine months had been good. Maybe not great, but damn good. You’d wanted it to be fucking terrific, Lord knows you wanted that more than anything. But something in Benny just wouldn’t thaw for you. He was exactly the type of man that every other hard biker tried to be. He didn’t care about much, except his club. Didn’t show feelings for the simple fact that he didn’t have many, at least not the deep kind that you were desperate for. He was a detached, unbothered person. At first, you’d mistaken that for easy-going. It certainly made getting to know him nice and easy. But after nine or ten months, the edges of your relationship had started to turn brittle. While you were lying awake at night, daydreaming about getting a house together and getting married and maybe a baby or two, Benny was out doing the same old shit. Drinking, fighting. Generally avoiding anything that required commitment or persistence. Just livin’ life in the breeze.
But things had really taken a turn when she showed up. You could remember the night so clearly. It had been late fall, maybe two months ago. She’d come in looking like a misfit, all prim and proper in her white jeans and pink sweater, with her hair done up like Jackie Kennedy and her perfect eyeliner. Way too shiny and sweet for this kind of crowd. The guys had, predictably, gobbled her up with their eyes. No one more so than Benny.
The moment was seared in your memory: she was looking at the door, Benny was looking at her, and you were looking at Benny. Next thing you knew, Benny was gone, racing after her into the November air. You’d watched from the foggy window as she’d climbed on the back of his bike and they’d rode off down the street, all the while the club was cheering like it was fucking homecoming or something. Never mind that you were literally gutted, your heart trampled and lying like a used up bag on the floor of the bar. 
Benny had come back the next night, all hang-dog and apologies. All “I’m sorry baby, that was wrong” and “I dunno what came over me” and “I promise, it was nothing”. Both of you knew those were all lies, but only one of you really wanted to believe them. You were clinging on tight to the fading dream that was Benjamin Cross, meanwhile he was racing headfirst into the future that was Kathy Bauer. 
She kept coming around after that. That’s how you really knew that you were going to lose him. If that pretty little minx had kept her distance, then maybe Benny would have really been able to close that door. But she couldn’t. And, as much as you hated her for it, you couldn’t blame her. She wasn’t blind. She saw the same things in Benny that you did, you could tell just from looking at her expression when he was around. She had stars in her eyes, same as you. 
At first, Benny had put on a pretty good show of sticking by you. Even though the two of you weren’t officially anything, there was a code in the club. Fellas stuck by their gals, and vice versa. And, just by virtue of how long you and Benny had been, well, how long you’d been you and Benny, you were owed some measure of loyalty. 
But after a week or two, Benny was straying. Kathy would come into the bar and Benny would get this tiny smile. He’d find excuses to sit near her. Then it turned into talking to her. Then it turned into talking with her alone. 
Then he’d finally said the words you’d been dreading. 
“Baby, we gotta talk.”
No no no no no, you were screaming inside as you calmly sat down at the kitchen table of the small apartment you'd set yourself up in. Your hands were shaking, so you’d played with the nearest coffee mug until you’d chipped your nails. 
“Listen, darlin’, I… well, I’m not too good at this sorta thing.”
One tear had slipped out. You’d practically smacked yourself in a hurry to get rid of it. You couldn’t stand how upset he had you. 
“Just say it, Benny.”
Benny had tried to grab your hands from across the table - for what purpose, you couldn’t imagine. But you’d pulled away from him, your eyes burning. 
“I didn’t… I wasn’t trying to find someone else, baby. I swear. I just… it just… happened.”
Too many tears to wipe away now. You were squeezing the coffee mug so tightly in your palms that it was a wonder it didn’t shatter.
“It’s Kathy, isn’t it?”
Benny hadn’t said anything, just nodded. 
“And you’re moving in with her, aren’t ya?” 
To add insult to injury, before Benny even had the guts to properly break things off with you, he’d adopted a bad habit of sleeping on the back of his bike in front of her house. At least, that was what Cal told you. After you’d practically threatened to cut his throat with your blade. Not that you were much of a threat, but Cal had a soft spot for you and you knew it. You weren’t afraid to press on the soft spots when needed. 
Another single nod from Benny. You couldn’t tell if he was looking at you or not.
“So… you’re done with me then, yea? Is that what you’re saying?”
Another. Fucking. Nod.
And so, that was the end of it. A fitting ending, all things considered. Benny, quiet as the grave, just nodding away the entire future you’d dreamt up for yourself at his side. 
Unable to figure out what to say or how to feel, you just shrugged and let the tears slip off your jaw and plunk down onto the plastic checkerboard tablecloth. 
“Aight then, Benny, you best get your stuff and get out, then.”
You wished you’d have added some harsher words at the end, leave a little sting on him, but you didn’t trust your voice not to crack. So it had been your turn to stay quiet while Benny packed up his things - a shockingly small amount, you realized, as it took him less than three minutes to shove them all into a pillowcase. 
The final dagger had been when he’d hesitated at the door, looking back over his shoulder at you. You were exactly where he’d left you: sitting at the kitchen table, crying, that coffee mug turning over and over in your shaking palms. He’d turned back and walked over to lay a soft, sweet kiss on your forehead. The most affection that man had ever shown you had been in the goodbye that he’d made you say for him. It was an irony that you didn’t think you’d ever get over. 
As you sat in that dark, lightless corner of the bar, watching Benny shoot pool with Big Jack and Cockroach, Kathy leaning against a high-top table a few feet away and beaming at him, you thought about some ridiculous poem you’d heard once. If someone had put a pistol to your head, you wouldn’t have been able to tell them where you heard it or who wrote it or even what the rest of the poem was about. Just one line came floating back to you out of the back of your mind:
One thing I’ve come to know, nothing kills you slower than letting someone go.
**Read part 2 here! **Let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters!
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satoruhour · 1 year
hello :) may i ask a husband nanami headcanons? your so talented!
a/n: ty anon !!! i hope u like this :3
warnings: (in second half of post) pregnancy kink? breeding / creampie kink ofc, consensual somnophilia, praise, pet names
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i. sfw headcanons
nanami is so sweet when he first proposes to you! ofc you have sex on the daily or weekly but when he’s reading his speech to you when he’s kneeling down it’s so sweet that you cry
and this dude wonders why you’re tearing up when his words literally mirror a poet’s LMFAO
nanami proposes at a quiet place only the two of you frequent, to avoid unwanted attention like crowds (he’s just thinking about gojo and how annoying he would be)
but also because he just wants it to be as special as he can make it out to be
honestly, if the whole kuantan thing works out he would love to propose there while the waves and horizon set the scene naturally. like he already knew he wanted to retire from being a jujutsu sorcerer here but he just melts when you’re here too. everything wrapped up in one, and the tear-filled “yes!!!” makes him jump and warms his heart
has a dinner laid out for you and everything and if the beach is deserted he wouldn’t mind having u right there LOL hes quiet but freaky just sayin’ !!!
when you walk down the aisle he cries. really
and is now obsessed with how he can call you ”his wife” as opposed to “his girl” 
okay but now on to the domesticity. the dynamics are almost the same: he isn’t against you heading out to earn your own money, and he’s more than happy to be a stay-at-home husband if you want him to, but seeing you in your cute apron has him already thinking of family and how you would bounce the baby on your arm as you prepare dinner
nanami is more doting when he’s your husband, not that he wasn’t before, but he thinks it’s the old age when he sees your leg cramp and he massages it or when you squint at your book so he turns up your lamp to a higher setting
also likes to flaunt off his wedding ring, albeit with flushed cheeks. he does it when he drinks tea, sliding gojo his paper work, polishing his weapon and it’s silent, laidback bragging and only gets annoyed when gojo asks about it
if anyone else does it he’s happy to talk about you lol
is a lot more slack when it comes to his salary and treating you to things, saying things like “oh, it’s okay, my pretty wife deserves this”
nanami does his part of the housework now that you’re permanently living together and pulls his weight — buying cleaning supplies, folding the laundry, buying food for the dog
he doesn’t care much about gender roles and is willing to show you that a good husband shouldn’t just be a milestone to complete and then immediately refuses to participate in household work
deadbeat husbands = boooooo
for now you’re still busy as jujutsu sorcerers, but after a year or two of being married he’s trying to convince you to take less missions, partially because he’s afraid of curses taking advantage of your relationship (not that they didnt before, but now they have a leverage against you) and marriage to hold either of you hostage
but the main reason for the persuasion is because he wanted a kid. and you step back in shock because nanami kento? wanting a kid? it seemed so out of character for him but considering how much he liked to come in you… was already pretty telling
like he loved the dog but also wanted like. biological kids. it was wild, he knows, even when you tell gojo (he’s still a little mad that you did, but it was an accident), even the six-eyes user was pretty surprised.
when the kid comes he’s just. crying again. he really loves you so much, and the fact that you carried a baby for nine months and was in pain for 12 hours and then pushed a whole ass baby out ur vagina? goddamn
you two name her nanami kumiko and he holds her like she’s the only one in the world (besides you), cooing gently as how the baby seem to snuggle into his warmth
he gives her a danish name too: ida, but he’s not sure if he should include it in the birth certificate, so he didn’t
he is very protective of his girl, especially how you techniques seemed to be passed down and how the jujutsu society might be seeking out your offspring in kuantan, but he makes sure no one comes close to the two of you, even asking gojo reluctantly to monitor any news of the higher-ups looking to ruin her childhood
nanami really thinks it’s age now, because he find it so hard to say no to your baby girl whenever she asks for something — whether non-verbal or verbal
is a calm dad, usually burping the baby after you feed her, changing her diapers, etc., even suggesting bonding by holding her close with skin-to-skin contact and you're surprised he even knows about that
you give in when you see that he does it anyway, rocking the baby softly on the balcony with his top off, already knowing she’s going to be a daddy’s girl when she grows up
spoils his daughter but still disciplines her when it’s necessary, but he reverts to gentle parenting when he needs to. learns how to tie hair because of her, teaches her about manners and consent and tells her he has no problem if she decides to punch a guy one day. she’s just confused lol, why would i need to do that, dad?
bless him, she got your kind disposition, but yeah he emphasises that she should stand up for herself if needed
during pregnancy, he’s also making sure you never lift a finger, running across the house to complete errands, going out to buy your cravings and regulating your diet. it’s pretty cute but nanami is sometimes really strict about what you eat because he doesn’t want your health to decline lol
“just one cup of coffee… please?”
nanami only grunts in disapproval, hoping a peck to your forehead can wake you up, ”no.”
okay but that’s a lot, i have a lot of Thoughts
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ii. nsfw headcanons
building on that hc earlier abt going from calling you ”his girl” to ”his wife”, he uses it so much in the bedroom you’d think it was a fetish
and you kinda understand it, there’s the jump of your heart when he introduces you as “his wife” compared to a mere girlfriend
honest to god, coming home that day and seeing you cook wasn’t the first time he’s thought of having a kid. it’s happened many times before, seeing you interact with the first-years, guiding a first-grader home after a mission
and sure he’s done it before, but you’re always on the pill and he has really really thought of getting a vasectomy, but then he thinks of how cute you’d look with a round belly, carrying his baby and that glow that he knows he’s the reason for
so the day he proposes to you, he fucks you like an animal, cumming deep in you with choked groans and fills you up.
wedding night? same thing
but what really got him going was after he told you about wanting a kid, and you begging with those eyes of yours is what drove that string to snap. “i w-want you— shit— to fuck a baby into me, kento!” 
wheew and he goes insane. nanami loves it when you beg for his cum, legs locked around his body to get him to do it. you’re relentless too, spreading your folds for him as his cum seeps out slowly and soon he’s fucking his cum deep into you again, filling you up two, three, four times
and he doesn’t exactly care if that time doesn’t work because now he knows you aren’t taking contraception so he just does it regularly for good measure.
you aren’t complaining because you’ve never seen nanami so feral when he’s pushing his cum deep into you, whether it’s with his cock or with his fingers. that period before your pregnancy was so fulfilling that you wouldn’t mind pushing out another baby for your husband, if it meant getting railed by a man on a mission to make you a mommy
by god he fucks you on every surface of the house
when you’re pregnant too, you can’t help but get wet bc of your hormones and sometimes comes home from work, tired and needing some relief
he finds relief between your legs when you’re sleeping, talking about how nice it was to get used while sleeping, but you didn’t expect nanami to utilise it while you’re pregnant. you wince and groan as you sit up, but you need to see your husband lapping at your cunt immediately, moaning into your core like a starved man
but ofc nanami is a lot gentler when you’re pregnant. he offers to do the work, thrusts gentler and less impactful, but he still feels so good
a few years after marriage, sex is still an ongoing thing, but it’s converted more into love-making and lazy intercourse because you weren’t exactly young. sure you both would go crazy a few times a week but it was difficult with a maturing kid in the room next to yours.
you both would also take the time to discover other kinks!!! always busy, it was a difficult thing to do, but in between taking care of kumiko and handling lighter missions, you’d find new ways to continue keeping your love and sex life exciting
nanami liked going slow with you too though whispering into your ears endless praises of how you were doing do well, settling into missionary so he could see how his thrusts still had the same effect it did on you years ago
“doing so well, sweetheart. that’s it… my pretty wife’s such a good girl f’r me.” 
nanami wasn’t against a second child, but sometimes he sees how much you go through in labour and in pregnancy that he becomes lightheaded with what could happen to you, especially with the unexpected illnesses that come with pregnancies. he told himself he would only grant you another if you ask for it
but then one day when kumiko prances up to you in the midst of her math homework, asking when she would get a little sibling and youre taken aback while nanami just chokes on his tea
yeah, sure, you taught her sex education way before her peers and how babies are made but you didn’t expect to actually ask the two of you straight up about having a sister or brother
that night, you mulled over the decision, and nanami mumbles into your neck from the back, ”don’t worry about kumiko, baby. she’ll probably forget it sooner or later.”
“but what if i want to give her one though?” you mumble, your smaller hand guiding his lower and lower…
“do you want to?” nanami only can suck in a breath when he feels your throbbing cunt, your nimble fingers showing his how you liked your clit to be rubbed. even if he knows you inside out he still lets you do it, “i do… do you, kento?”
his first name is whispered, breaking the tension and nanami has to hold himself back from handling you too roughly, loving the way you grin languidly.
oh, here comes round 2!
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omg headcanons are so fun lol i never wrote 1k words so fast since they’re informal and chill
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moxfirefly · 9 months
Bayverse Donnie with F!Reader (she/her)
"You think I like being like this? Every time someone fucking touches you I want to rip their hands off!"
"I...I don't want to stop. Please don't ask me to stop."
Happy holidays 💙❤️💜🧡
Oh boy yes!!! This is a great one! Let’s get it, goes without sayin’.
Rated Explicit
He hated what his overworked brain could cook up some nights, the tension that settled in his muscles whenever that nagging little monster in his head told that ‘he didn’t deserve this’.
Because Donnie’s always been a little too in tune with what he is, what he looks like.
Compared to you? You who somehow found your way in under the safety fence around his heart. You who somehow wanted to be with him and settle.
It was settling, he knew that sooner rather than later you’d wake up from your fugue state and realize this isn’t a life worth living for with him. What could he provide? Not all the typical things a partner should, he couldn’t walk out and take somewhere, he couldn’t meet your friends, he can’t marry you…
He hates how everyone gets to touch you out in the open, out in your normal life away from the violence and the secrecy.
Donnie swallows a lump in his throat when he sees Casey pull you into a hug, the free affection he could supply not just down here but up above in your real world with your real life. It’s not even about Vern and how he grabs your hand after a high five and laughs. He hates to admit that he’s thought about every other set of normal hands that have touched you throughout your day, every perfect palm that could connect perfectly with yours, each of their five fingers running a path across your body.
God, he hates how much you’ve been touched by perfectly normal beings.
There’s that little monster again inside of him, calling him a freak, a monster, you’re ruining her life, Donnie, what makes you think she’s going to stay? Why would she want your imperfect, disgusting—
“Hey? Are you alright?” You ask him, arms draped around his neck from the back of the couch, a set of beautiful arms he’d want to be his noose any day.
“Y-yeah, just a little tired.” Lie, he was gonna stay up until the migraine took over or the exhausting did him in first.
“Then let’s sneak are way back to your room and lie down.” You kissed his cheek, nudging him by the shell to get up. Everyone was still mingling about so it was easy to slip away.
He entered his room that he shared many nights with you, it was hard to fathom it was only his now. Every little corner held something of yours and on nights you couldn’t stay over he found comfort in your lingering scent.
“You aren’t alright are you?” He caught your voice muffled from the shirt you were taking off, showing off skin he could pick out from a hundred yards away. How acquainted he was with each blemish, freckle, scar…
“Is there anything from your ex boyfriend that you preferred? …liked I mean, or that he has that I don’t?” This is a Pandora’s box and from the way your eyebrows shoot up he knows it’s a bad idea but Christ he’s floundering.
“Absolutely nothing, why are you bringing him up?” You tossed your shirt aside, kicking off your shoes next and progressively becoming more aware that Donnie was holding back a giant wave of something not good right now.
“I’m just trying to make sense of something… I know why you both broke up but you were with him, there was an appeal at some point.” He wants to look away, drop the conversation but his hands feel tense and his skin itchy.
“There was an appeal before I found out who the real him was, appeal went away pretty fast if you ask me, baby why are you—“
“What’s the appeal here?” He motioned to himself, to his form, his face, his everything. “Because I can’t see it for myself, I don’t know why you’re here…with me.” His voice felt lumpy, crackling like a detuned radio.
You stood stock still, shocked at his words.
“What’s bringing this on? I haven’t spoken to that asshole in years, Don. What appeal? He has none, I’m with you.” You took a step, he took one backwards.
“You’re going to want things I cannot give you even if I would sell my soul for them. I—I can’t give you kids, or a normal home, or marriage, for fuck sake look at me, where does this make sense??” He sat down aggressively on the bed, he needed to concentrate on something else than your worried face. With shakey hands he began to untie his boots.
He saw your feet first, through the thin film of tears, god he didn’t want to cry now.
Gently you took his glasses off and set them on the night table.
“What’s going on? Tell me the truth, why are you acting like this? Why are you bringing my ex up all of a sudden to fight—” The deep concern, the frown lines on your forehead, he had you so damn worried.
“You think I like being like this? Every time someone fucking touches you I want to rip their hands off!” He didn’t mean to blow up but this hand bubbles, seeped over the mug and now there was no stopping it.
“I’m never going to understand why you would rather waste your life away with a monst—“ he felt your hands shoot up and cover his mouth.
“You are not a monster, Donatello, and if you ever use that stupid word to describe yourself ever again, I’m throwing a wrench at your head.” You let your hand slip away, instead you cupped his face. “I’m with you because I love you, you were my friend first and now you’re the most important thing in my life, and none of this is going to stop my feelings.” You rubbed your thumbs affectionately around his cheeks. Donnie’s gaze fell, eyes still red from holding back tears. He pressed his face against your sternum, and once you felt those large armed enclose around you, you hugged him tight.
“I—I’m sorry, I—fuck,” He sighed against your skin, finding comfort in your flesh as he often did.
“It alright, just please don’t ever question how I feel, okay?” You kissed the top of his head, letting yourself be pushed closer to him, he needed this, needed the physical reassurance. “I love you, Donnie, I love you so much.” You carresed him, cheek against the top of his head. Donnie’s hands found the back pockets of your jeans, hooked his fingers in and began to shove them down.
He needed more, he needed you and you knew it.
“I…I don’t want to stop. Please don’t ask me to stop.” He kissed each words onto your stomach, bit the periods onto your flesh and he dragged your underwear down as well. Effortlessly he picked you up and placed you on the bed with another feverish kiss that sent your head spinning. He bit more of those pleads onto your neck, grinding himself between your legs with intent of having your scent on his clothes forever.
It was messy, desperate and filled with longing. You somehow pushed down his pants with the heels of your feet and told him, gently and with need that you wanted him inside of you.
And he could never say no to you, he could never deny you a single thing.
So when he slipped in to the heat that he belonged to, to the woman that could drive him to burn the world at a moments time, he could feel a little less self hatred.
Your moan, long and aching, always a task to adjust to his size but never an unwelcome burn, blessed his ears. He needed this, he needed you inking those words and sounds with each thrust.
Donnie watched transfixed, enamored with your flushed skin and hooded eyes. Watched as your hands reached for him when he sat back on his knees. He hooked an arm beneath you and held you against him as he thrusted upwards with every intent of fucking these awful thoughts out.
“Fucking—Love you,” Donnie’s lips pressed against your own, the intimacy of spilling his love against your own lips too much for him. You moaned against his mouth, moving in tune with him to chase the high. ‘I love you’ you mouthed as you felt your voice be replaced with another lustful moan. Donnie half smiled, drunk off of your scent and deep into how perfect you felt wrapped around his cock. He held you like that, arms secure around you as he fucked the first load into you just as you came with a tightening and broken wail.
When you felt your back against the blankets and felt him continue to thrust, pushing past the oversensitivity, you knew he needed more.
He needed so much more.
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Blood Ties Chapter 26
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Mainly just pregnancy stuff
A/N: I hope I pulled this off while keeping our archer in character. Be gentle.
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gif by @daryl-dixon-daydreams
You knew it was bothering him, it was evident in the way he moved. The jerking slices of the knife as he made bolts while he sat cross legged on the old railing across from you. You were perched on the porch swing—he had all but jumped up and down on it to make sure it would hold you safely—just watching him, guilt flaring to singe the inside of your chest. He wanted to go on the run, get the things that you and the baby needed, but you were scared. Hershel had said the baby could come any day. It was at your insistence that Daryl wasn’t going. You didn’t have to try hard, mind you. He was worried about leaving you as well.
Still, it wasn’t sitting right with him for the others to be risking their necks for his baby.
“Maybe you should go.” You finally said, picking at your thumbnail. You saw his movements come to an abrupt halt before continuing.
“Nah. Ya need me here.” He sniffed, starting up on another piece of wood. He had legitimate bolts with his crossbow, so you could only assume he was just trying to keep his hands busy. He was so undeniably torn and it was showing.
“I think you should. You know what I need. You’ve read the books. Maggie will be there to help with the medical side of things, the list Hershel made.” You sat up straighter, attempting to massage the little foot away from your ribs. Of course, Daryl noticed.
“S’wrong?” He was climbing off the rail and made it over to you in one long stride, giving you a once over before he sat down. He didn’t ask before taking over for you, lightly rubbing over the little form of toes with the smallest, gentlest of smiles. You’d almost consent to constant discomfort if it meant you’d see more of that expression.
“Thumper has a personal vendetta against my ribcage.” Your head found your partner’s shoulder, watching that same laser focus that had moments ago been on the wood he was carving now honed in on you. For a moment, you were just a couple expecting a baby. For a moment, the world hadn’t ended. For a moment, you had managed to find perfect. “I love you.”
Daryl’s hand froze but for a mere heartbeat before his fingertips continued chasing little toes as if he were playing a game with the baby, when in reality he was simply trying to divert the tiny digits away from your ribs. “So ya keep sayin’.”
“So you keep saying. Is that all you’re ever gonna say?” You weren’t angry, not even frustrated. There was merely a soft curiosity that sat in the back of your mind; along with the little voice that assured you Daryl was yours and you were his, even if he could never say the words.
“Dunno.” It always unsettled you when he spoke so quietly, small and fragile as if he feared his words would end in some sort of pain. God, you wanted to bury his father in a gopher hole, maybe even his mother and brother. It was normal for a person to be unsure of feelings, to question and explore before accepting what they were, good or bad. Daryl didn’t have that capability. He questioned. He explored. And then he feared, good or bad. He didn’t think he deserved good and he was so attuned with bad that it’s what came naturally in his own reactions. Perhaps he thought you were trying to fix him, when that couldn’t be further from the truth. You didn’t see anything broken. You saw someone who had never been shown what love was supposed to feel like. He wasn’t broken, he just needed to learn, and Daryl was good at learning. 
Still you persevered, your fingers finding their way into his hair, delicately tracing the scar from Andrea’s bullet. “Do you love me, Daryl?” Maybe narrowing it down to a simple yes or no would make it easier for him. Maybe you were pushing him. You would need time if the answer was no but you would be okay. He cared enough to be with you, to raise Thumper as a family. In the end, that was all you needed.
But then his hand stilled on the center of your swollen belly and he lifted his head to seek out your gaze. Even with all the emotion stirring in those stormy pools of blue, you could easily see the fear, but there was something else. You continued to run your fingers through his hair, the color darkening somewhat as it grew. Even with that comforting gesture, you held his gaze, heard his breath stutter, watched his lips move so, so nimbly without a sound. His free hand came up to brush back your own hair, tenderly tucking it behind your ear. As he leaned toward you, the corners of your mouth lifted into a welcoming smile.
“Y/N, I—”
“We’re heading out!” Glenn called from the doorway before stepping onto the porch. Daryl pulled away fast, his hands on his knees, eyes downcast. 
You were going to absolutely torture Glenn before you murdered him.
“You sure you don’t wanna go, Daryl?” Rick had joined Glenn and was checking his weapons before he finally looked up.
Daryl, though, only had eyes for you; his bowed head angled to see you, questioning. 
You sighed with a smile, giving him a nudge with your elbow. “Go. Try to find those bra pad things. Cloths suck and they hurt my nipples.” There was no deeper shade of red that could color his skin. You laughed, loud and true. “Go. We’ll be fine.” Licking his lips nervously, Daryl nodded and left the swing.
T-Dog held out the archer’s bag and crossbow. “Thought you might change your mind. Went ahead and grabbed these.” He only received a nod. 
The group began to descend the steps, but Daryl paused at the end, looking back to you. He closed the distance in seconds, a finger hooking under your chin to lift your face higher, even though you were already looking at him. “Be back ‘fore dark. Promise.”
That earned him one of your sweetest smiles. “We’ll be waiting.” You patted your belly. The rough hand at your chin, moved to your jaw, his thumb stroking the apple of your cheek. “I love you, Daryl. Be safe.” He hesitated, long enough for something to stir in your chest. Hope? Excitement? Then he merely nodded and was gone.
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You and Lori were given the least strenuous tasks. She was not far behind you. A few weeks, her belly almost as prominent as your own. Luckily, you found it helped for folding clothing before stuffing them in the correct bag. Your bare feet were propped up in a chair across from you, your ankles swollen, squeezed by the socks that you had to wear to keep them warm. Your body just ached all over. Thumper Dixon was playing field hockey with your internal organs and the nausea you had definitely not missed was threatening to make a comeback. You just felt awful.
“The last month is the worst.” Lori commented while packing away some of Carl’s clothing. “And it’ll take a while after the baby comes to feel human again.”
“Growing a human fucking sucks.” You groused, one of Daryl’s few shirts lying spread over your torso. “And goddamnit, I have to pee. I always have to pee.”
“Means you’re hydrated at least. Silver linings.” Lori tittered. If anyone had been watching the two of you battling to your feet, it would have been worthy of more than a few chuckles.
“Thanks for going with me. Daryl would have a kitten if I went alone.” When you straightened, there was an immediate feeling of change in your body that had you looking to Lori, eyes wide. “Holy shit, I can breathe but I feel like I’m gonna piss my pants and my hips hurt.”
She smiled and placed her hands over her own round bump. “The baby dropped. You're carrying differently now. I wish we had a mirror.” 
“Carrying differently? What do you—oh.” You immediately noticed when you began to massage the taut skin that the swell sat lower. You suddenly couldn’t remember a word the old man had said. Were you about to go into labor? How would Daryl know? You couldn’t do it without him.
“Easy, Y/N.” At some point, the other woman had crossed the small space and put her hands on your shoulders, your stomachs brushing against one another. “It just means the baby’s getting ready. Though, I think after this run, Daryl should probably consider staying behind on any others.” You nodded, trying to get your breathing under control. In through the nose, out through the mouth. “Let’s go take care of business and then let Hershel do his daily thing, okay?”
You nodded again, a jerky motion while you trembled. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.” You followed behind her, trying to keep your mind on the fact that if you didn’t empty your bladder within the next couple of minutes, you would still be incredibly anxious but you would be so with wet pants. “Maybe the little gremlin can’t reach my ribs now.”
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You felt like crap. All day, you felt heavy and sluggish, swollen and nauseous. By late afternoon, you just couldn’t stand it anymore. 
“Carol.” You spoke her name quietly, leaning onto the dusty countertop to pillow your head on your folded arms. You saw the concern on her face when she turned from canned foods with which she was planning small meals. You couldn’t even wave away her worry. “Do you need my help right now? I think I’d really like to lie down.” 
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” She came to place a hand on your back, rubbing softly. It only succeeded in making your yearn for Daryl to be there, easing your fears in his own Daryl way. He would probably already have an aneurysm when someone told him that you’d done work, light as it was. And then you needed to tell him that the baby had indeed dropped. God, even if you didn’t tell him, he’d notice with that keen eye of his. Your stomach had shifted, still round but lower. There was so much pressure on your pelvis that you thought the bones might separate at any moment. Lori had promised that what you were feeling was normal, that it was simply new and you would take a day or two to adjust unless the baby decided to make its debut before you could.
“I just don’t feel well.” You stood straighter, nodding that she could remove her hand and you were fine. “I’d rather have Daryl come back to me feeling like shit and resting than to me feeling like shit and trying to help get things done.”
“I can’t argue with that.” She laughed. 
Carol was about the only other person in the group that Daryl dropped any of his walls around. With Rick, it was all business. There was respect there, but not yet friendship. You could see it though, the subtle changes in your hunter. He was getting comfortable around these people. It was a snail’s pace but if they were anything like you hoped they were, he would be granted their patience. God knew, he had earned it. 
“Come on.” Carol urged. “Let’s get you settled.” 
With each step, you whined, feeling less and less like the woman you had been only months before, like she had been left behind somewhere, starved or trampled by a herd. “I hate this. Is it wrong to hate this?” You grimaced at Carol who only chuckled breathily, her hand resting on your cheek.
“It’s not wrong. This is a lot. Our bodies do a lot.” A couple of soft pats and then she bent down to straighten the bedroll and arrange the blankets. 
You were watching, actually finding yourself excited to be off your feet and deciding that a nap wouldn’t be so horrible when there was a strange feeling low in your belly. It started as a gradual tightening but soon turned into an unyielding cramp, your stomach hard beneath your hands as you grabbed for your sweater. You gasped Carol’s name, could hear her clearly calling for Hershel but you couldn’t seem to respond, swallowed up by every fear that had been looming like a dark shadow for the past few weeks. The pain wasn’t even horrible, not like you had imagined at all. But it was terrifying. The only thing you could think of to do was hold the area that housed your little Thumper and whimper out Daryl’s name.
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A bed had been cleared, dusted, and made for you in the downstairs room. As you laid there, resting, and stared at the half empty cup of water on the bedside table, you overheard Beth and Carl animatedly re-telling how two walkers had shuffled by the driveway gate. The children had hid and remained quiet, reporting that no others were seen once those two had moved on. You weren’t naive enough to hope that it didn’t mean more were coming. The group would need to pack up and head out likely within the next day or so. 
“Braxton Hicks.” Hershel had stated matter-of-factly. He had expressed that he was actually surprised you hadn’t experienced them before then, added that maybe you had but they were so mild that you just didn’t notice. You had two more instances over the course of three hours but nothing since then, though your body seemed to be in a constant state of dread, waiting for another to happen; for it to be more than what Hershel had said. You were waiting for something to be wrong.
Beyond the dusty, tattered green curtains, you could see the light fading. Daryl would be back soon. Would he blame you for bringing this on by doing a little work? Would he be angry? He’d be beside himself with worry, that much was a given. Hershel had said you could do small chores, that it was good for you to be moving, but what if Daryl didn’t see it that way? The morning had started so perfectly. The conversation had been left unfinished but it didn’t seem to have been heading anywhere bleak. 
“Ugh.” You didn’t know what was more exhausting, your body or your brain. Each time you closed your eyes, your mind ran rampant with each and every wildly negative scenario it could possibly conjure. You groaned and rolled to your other side despite the effort and apprehensiveness of even moving. Letting your eyes close yet again, you fought against the intrusive thoughts, forcing images of what Thumper might look like instead. A little girl with Daryl’s eyes and your smile. A little boy with unruly light hair like Daryl’s had been, a constant scowl. You laughed softly, wetly, shedding a few tears around your smile. No matter the sex of the baby, you hoped for Daryl’s eyes. They were the one thing to always gave him away, no matter what expression he wore. With a baby that couldn’t communicate needs and wants, you would at least have that in your corner.
At some point, you must have dozed off, opening your eyes to the sound of the old truck Daryl was driving. Looking to the window, you could see the faint light of dusk giving way to the moon. He’d kept his promise, albeit barely. You didn’t care as long as he was back. Shifting and struggling, you finally made it upright just as you heard Glenn’s all too cheerful voice, though you couldn’t make out the words. Rick’s few words trailed right after. Then there was Daryl. He spoke but then there was nothing more than hushed tones. Hershel offering the day's events, most likely. A thud was followed by echoing stomps of boots pounding against the hardwood floors.
“Where is she?” Daryl roared, closer to the door.
“She’s fine, son. She’s resting. This is normal. It just caused a bit of a fright. She just—”
“Where. Is. She?!”
The old man must have nodded or pointed because the next thing you knew, the door was swinging open with Daryl’s silhouette backdropped by the soft candlelight in the other room. His shoulders were heaving in what sounded so close to sobs that you squinted your eyes for a chance to catch his expression before he moved, startling you with how quickly he had one knee on the bed and was leaning in to check you over himself. He was filthy, mostly dirt and grime, but spots of walker blood and a cut across his cheek that was no longer bleeding. 
“What happened?” You asked, reaching for his face but letting your hand hover in fear of hurting him.
“Don’t matter. Ya alright? Baby okay?” He was breathless, either from his haste to get to you or maybe just with worry. He was touching you without hesitance, his hands in a mad rush to feel your face, neck, your belly. You watched his eyes go wide and knew exactly what it meant. “Why’s it look diff’rent?” 
“Thumper dropped.” His eyes were dancing back and forth as he flipped through his mental catalog of reading material and Hershel’s words. Relief was evident in his posture when he recalled what he had been searching for, but he was still tense.
“Hershel said ya was crampin’. The fake shit. Does it hurt now?” You shook your head and watched him finally sink onto his hip beside you, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Shouldn’a gone. Ya didn’t need to be alone through that.” 
“Hey.” You leaned as far as you could, to guide his hand away with one hand while the other used his chin to turn his face toward you. “I wasn’t alone and we’re okay. It’s just my body getting ready.” Daryl’s head tilted, his expression displaying his gratitude for your attempts at consolation but also heavy laden with guilt for leaving you there. “Daryl, you had to go.”
“Didn’t hafta do nothin’. Could’a stayed right here where ya need me to be.” 
He hadn’t asked what you had been doing. Maybe it wasn’t that important to him after all. He seemed to be more concerned with what happened and how you currently felt than anything. You truly needed to start trusting him as you wanted so badly for him to trust you. Your palm left his face and wrapped around the back of his neck, not needing much pressure to pull him to you for your lips to press against his. It was gentle and chaste, his hand leaving your belly to cup your jaw.
“We’re okay and you’re here now.” You soothed, kissing the corner of his mouth. “Just—no more runs until Thumper’s here, okay?”
“No more runs.” He agreed, his eyes closed, forehead against yours. “Ain’t leavin’ ya again.” His hand lowered back to your belly, rubbing back and forth. It was always the most tender thing you’d ever seen from him. You didn’t think him the type but he actually seemed to be calmed by the action. “D’ya need anythin’?”
“Just you.” You let him help you lie back, but he didn’t follow. 
“Need to clean up. I’ll be quick.” He made to stand up but you grabbed his forearm and pulled yourself up again, not stopping once you got there. He gave in to your incessant tugging and wrapped his arms around you. “You’re gonna need to change too now.” You sniffled, trying hard not to cry, but you were just so overwhelmed with relief that he was back in one piece, that nothing bad had truly happened, that he was going to stay. “Don’t cry, woman. M’here.”
“I know. I’m just—I’m happy. I have you and Thumper. And—I don’t deserve you, Daryl Dixon.”
Daryl scoffed, rubbing his cheek against the crown of your head. “Ya deserve way better than me, Sunshine.” He took a deep breath that actually shifted you against his chest and then he was tightening his embrace. “But I love ya. An’ m’here unless ya tell me to get lost.” He pulled away before you could say anything, heading quickly for the door with one last look before he walked out. You were stunned frozen, silent. 
He said it.
He said it and you could feel that he meant it. His actions had always conveyed it, but hearing it from his mouth was everything. 
Thumper rolled and kicked before going still, reacting to all the emotions you were feeding to them through your bond. When you laid down again, it wasn’t hard to fall asleep. No wicked images formed behind your eyes. Just those words replaying in your head, a baby’s tiny hand gripping a large finger. A child’s giggle. And then his voice again.
Your eyes didn’t want to obey when you bid them to open, the mattress dipping beside you, the sheets moving. A warm arm pulled you against an even warmer body, enveloping you in a veil of safety.
Everything would be okay.
Because you loved Daryl.
And Daryl loved you.
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venuslcver · 5 months
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pairing: boyfriend!pope x carefreekook!reader
synopsis: your boyfriend, pope, and you had been together for a while when he changes his mind about not going to college.
tw: fluff, implied sex, profanity (no use of y/n)
any type of interaction including likes, comments, and reblogs is appreciated! but ultimately not necessary. let me know if im missing any warnings!
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“ok, baby! which one should i wear? this one or thissss one?” you questioned pope, holding two of your swimsuits in a display manner. one was a lilac-colored string bikini, the other being a cheeky, polka-dot one-piece.
you could never make a final decision for the life of you, only leaving it up to pope for his opinion. though, pope had known you long enough to know, whichever item you tend to show last was the option you had in mind. hell — most of the time you don’t even know that you prefer one option more than the others.
you wanted to wear the left one, pope concluded. no matter if it was clothing, makeup, nail color, or decor-related. not actually having input into the choices, he usually would just coax the answer out of you. it made it easier on him, besides he didn't give a fuck what you wore, because well... he would still find you beautiful dressed as the grinch. which you did a couple halloweens previously.
“uh… i don’t know — which one is more comfortable?” he asked, putting you on the spot, hoping to get an honest answer out of you.
clicking your tongue to the roof of your mouth in deep thought — lifting each and inspecting it. trying to remember if it was uncomfortable or not the last time you wore it.
“well i… mean. huh. why is this so hard?” you said truly debating both options. making your final answer, “i would probably go with the right one being more comfortable”
“probably… and i’m just sayin’ this as a thought…maybe it’s hard because you have too many swimsuits”
letting out an obnoxiously high-pitched scoff, you halted your attention from the bathing suit debacle to pope, who was leisurely laid back on your rope hammock swing that you had in your room. you never took kindly to anyone, including pope, criticizing your inability to get rid of things, especially your bathing suits.
“firstly, i don’t have too many swimsuits, and one could never have too many of them. secondly, even if i did — how could that possibly affect my ability to pick a swimsuit?”
awkwardly looking at you, pope reluctantly replied, “you can’t keep up with all of them, making you not even remember the last time you wore them… and the last time you chose the right one, you were complain’n the entire time”
ignoring his truthful statement altogether, you thought for a moment. he was right. the previous time, you ended up bitch’n the whole time about having to hold the straps of the one piece to avoid flashing innocent bystanders on the beach. which was the worst, considering the excitement that you experienced when in the water. flailing around without a care in the world.
a light switched when you came to this realization, noticing that you were rather harsh with your poor boyfriend, who did not deserve that in the slightest.
“oh my god! you are right!”, you said squealing, right into hugging pope’s sitting body.
taking his face into your hands, before hugging him again, “i’m so sorry baby! you know i didn’t mean that, right?”
staying firm in the hug, while he pulled himself out of the hammock, “yeah, yeah i know you didn’t mean it.”, pope said brushing your rudeness off. you and him rarely argued, and if you did, you were talking within the next half hour, easily.
looking up at him with doe eyes, and an innocent cast appearing on your profile. an all-knowing look that pope was very familiar with. one of the ways that pope and you were able to get over any kind of tiff was by admitting to being wrong and taking the proper steps to apologize.
for example, this one time pope got all panicked at the future and started freaking the fuck out. which led him to harboring that he was in the wrong and mishandled the situation at hand. before slipping his hand into you. well... two fingers but either way! pope was giving in that way, regularly lending a helping hand to you when in need. it wasn't an obligation as much as a want. you and pope were alike in that way. always willing to put others first.
"c-can i make it up to you?"
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sooner than later making it to the intended place of hanging out, the local beach on the outer banks. looking into the surrounding area in your eyesight, the beach was practically empty. a lot of spring-breakers had vacated the week before. having access to almost a completely bare beach.
you helped pope set up on the beach, before laying horizontally on his vertically propped-up body.
pressing a kiss on the crown of your head, that was in his lap. when he did the leaning down motion, you pushed the pineapple in your hand, to his lips. silently urging him to take a bite. to which he did.
immediately snickering when it ran down his face, halting laughter when it dripped onto yours. lucky that the acidic fruit juices didn't collect in your eyes. either way, pope was quick to wipe it off your face.
oftentimes, pope and you were silent when hanging out. you wouldn't per say it was a con, because it was due to being around each other every second, when not at work. though, when pope's dad, heyward, was short-staffed, you would offer a lending hand. taking a couple shifts, with pope. even, visiting each other at work.
along with packing an array of fruits to snack on, you also brought a weed. one of the conversations you had meant to bring up was the future.
pope was wicked smart, at least, school-wise. his choice of friends was questionable. and as much as you love your shared friends— they tend to be dumbasses. pulling pope down to their level. to which, a couple foul decisions led pope to not attend college— as he previously intended.
one late night, he admitted that he felt like "all the work he put in was sliding down the drain". which riddled you with resentment towards your friends. not that you cared what pope did. only that he was happy— which he wasn't at all for a passing time.
"pope? can i ask you something?"
"yeah— what's up?"
"d-do you have any idea what you want?"
"what i want?", pope asked, not understanding the question at hand.
"want for the future?"
looking at you bewildered, pope had no idea where the loaded question came from.
"uh — besides being with you, i have no clue.", a tinge of sadness rolled off his tongue.
grinning at his, rather, romantic proclamation, "o-ok, well, um i was expecting a little bit more of an answer, b-but that works for me"
"i-i'm worried... like really worried", he admitted.
coming off your high, out of your own fantasy land— that was induced by his heartfelt statement, "why?!"
still supporting his weight with one arm, he took the other and rubbed his face, "why shouldn't i be? i-i mean i was going to go to college, b-but now I'm just working at my dad's restaurant"
pope tended to self-destruct when his fears kicked in, sending him into overdrive. sitting up, looking at him directly in the face, "h-hey don't say that! one, you know that your dad would not keep you unless you were working your ass off! you're like the smartest person i know, out of anyone in outer banks, or hell, anywhere! a-and we'll figure it out."
set on helping understand that he and you would be good, you pulled a small baggie out of your beach bag, "ok?"
"now, let's get high. and forget about everything, ever."
although he wasn't completely sure, he knew that you would stay by him, meaning he would be completely fine. if the world ended that day, he wouldn't have cared as long as he had you. well, and he would prefer if he had the other pogues and his parents.
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kinq-sleazee · 1 year
I had a thought out request then work got busy and now all I remember is mean over protective step brother, or best friend if you don’t like pseudocest, Bakugou scaring off all your dates without you knowing and telling you how you deserve better and he would never
hello @mhathotfic my love , sorry i’m responding so late— but i’m here now with smut !
MDNI | TW! College AU, Stepcest, Degradation
Your relationship with Bakugo has always been a odd. From the day your mom moved in with his dad, he’d developed a sick little obsession with you.
Nothing got past him. He swatted away any and all suitors—with you none the wiser.
Date after date would be canceled. Messages changing from blue to green. Guys actively avoiding you on campus and you had no idea why.
It would always lead you back to his dorm room. Straddling his lap and crying on his shoulder while he rubbed your back and cursed those “extras who could never be good enough for you”.
And your suki is so sweet to you. Saying that you’re so special to him and he doesn’t understand how those idiots could treat you so bad. Claiming that anyone would be lucky to have you and whispering that sometimes he wishes that you weren’t his sister so that he could have you for himself.
And he words it like a joke, in case you get spooked, but he’s dead serious. Staring you right in the eye as you chew on your lip while playing with the strands at the nape of his neck.
You’re a little shocked but you get it. It makes sense, y’know ? Who could love you better than the boy that’s protected and cared for you since middle school? The man that makes you feel like the only girl in the world.
He blinks twice when he hears you little voice say, “m’not really your sister”. Lips curling over his teeth in a wicked sneer.
“Hah?” He raises a brow, hands slowly falling to rest at your waist. “What’s that ? You’re not my imouto? My sweet girl ?”
Bakugo rolls his hips experimentally, pleased with the exasperation huff you give at the brief contact.
“m’just sayin’, we’re not really brother and sister” you whine, face heating at the implication of your words.
Were you really suggesting this ? Are you so desperate that you’d stoop so low ?
Bakugo feigned a gasp. A pout formed on his lips that juxtaposed the glimmering lust in his eyes.
“So after all we’ve been through…”, he began, hands traveling under your skirt to rest on your bare thighs. “After all we’ve been through. I’m not really your brother because you really want some dick ?”
The vulgarity startled you. You tried to deny but it fell on deaf ears as his fingers ventured closer to your moist heat.
“Are you really getting wet on my lap ?” His face is stern but there’s amusement in his tone. Your ears burn at the accusation, which you vehemently deny. This time your denial is met with a mean pinch to your plush thigh. “Now you’re lying to me ? What’s got into you What happened to my good girl ?”
A broken whimper leaves you. You’ve never felt this desperate for anything. You want to be a good girl but you just want him so bad.
“ I am your good girl, suki. I promise”.
“Tch” Bakugo shakes his head, admiring the way your lip trembles when he pinches you harder. “You’re not a good girl” he coos, moving closer to kiss the tear sliding down your cheek. “You’re a whore, imouto. A desperate slut for nii-chan’s cock”.
Your panties are pulled to the side and a single digit swipes through the mess of slick arousal. Bakugo whistles lowly, dragging your sticky wetness to press at your clit.
“Is this what you wanted, baby” He pouts up at you, mimicking your expression. You nod, nails digging into the skin of his broad shoulders.
“More, suki” you whine, grinding against the pad of his thumb. “wan’ sum more please”.
He shushes you and presses a soft kiss to your lips. Then another. And another until his tongue is pushing through the seam of your lips in time with his finger diving knuckle deep into your cunt. He grunts at your tightness, but continues kissing you while working you open.
The flat of his tongue collects the sweat beading on your neck, just as a second finger enters you. He curls them upwards, rubbing against your velveteen walls.
“Taking my fingers real good, baby. So proud of you right now” he whispers in your ear before nibbling on the lobe. You gush around him, pussy spasming from the ruined quality of his voice as he praises you. The fact that he looks absolutely wrecked, and you haven’t even touched him properly sends you hurtling towards your orgasm. A few more pumps and you’re met with the most euphoric orgasm you’ve ever experienced.
He works you through it. Pumping into you slowly as your body vibrates around him and your breathing settles. He pulls out and taps his fingers on your lips, humming when you drunkenly take them in your mouth.
He keeps you like this for a moment. Just rubbing against your tongue until saliva pools in your mouth and spills from the side.
Bakugo knows that you’re getting working up again by the cute little scrunch of your brow and the way you drag your cunt over his thigh. So desperate to get fucked. His dick feels unbreakable.
With his free hand he pulls out his cock and lowers your head to drool on it. You’re pushed off his lap and placed between his legs. Mean cock bobbing in your face.
“If you want nii-chan to fuck you , then you have to get on your knees and beg”.
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moremaybank · 1 year
NASTY — k.m
pairing klaus mikaelson x gf!reader
summary you and klaus finally take the next step in your relationship (based on the song "nasty" by ariana grande)
warnings 18+, unprotected sex, oral sex (f. receiving), choking, hair-pulling, creampie, let me know if i missed any :)
author's note pls don't roast how corny the summary is, i didn't know what else to put 😭 i'm really proud of this one so likes/reblogs are much appreciated ♡
klaus masterlist ;; softcoremaybank's nav
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You got me all up in my feels, in all kind of ways
I be tryna wait, but, lately, i just wanna keep it real (real)
No more playin’ safe, let’s take it all the way
I’m just sayin’
After spending months secretly pining for each other, you and Klaus knew your chemistry was real. More real than anything you’d ever felt. It was a once-in-a-lifetime connection that neither of you could walk away from — not that you wanted to.
That being said, when the two of you finally decided to take things to take things to the next level, you agreed to move slowly. You wanted to build up to that first shared moment of passion organically. You wanted it to be special and worth the wait. The first physical expression of your love for each other deserved to be given the utmost respect, and held to the highest of standards.
But then, tonight, Klaus had gone the whole nine yards with your date, and looked drop-dead gorgeous while doing so. He said all the right things, did all the right things, and showed you how truly well he knew you. You felt loved and cherished, special beyond compare. Klaus always treated you as if you were a rare and precious gem (he’d also argue that you actually were one), and tonight was no different. 
Now on a walk around the city, taking in the city's bright lights and bustling nightlife hand in hand, Klaus looked over at you. “So, on a scale from one to ten, how’d I do tonight?”
With a knowing smile on your face, your eyes met his. “I think you did all right.”
“Oh, come on, love. We both know I did far better than just all right.”
“You just want to hear me say that you were perfect,” you replied, narrowing your eyes at him. 
Klaus’s steps slowed and came to a stop, yours along with his. “Maybe I do,” he breathed, now holding both of your hands in his. You grinned, inching closer to his face. You gave him a soft kiss, long enough to answer his question from earlier but short enough for him to chase your lips when you pulled away. 
“You were perfect. You are perfect. I’m so in love with you, Klaus.”
Klaus’s face lit up at your words, and a shade of crimson dusted onto his cheeks as he smiled widely. His dimple was on full display and he looked like a kid in a candy store. “i love you too,” he spoke, his hand finding your cheek and guiding your lips to his. He met you with a slow and steady kiss, his touch instantly spreading a warmth deep into your bones. 
As he pulled away, the sounds of the world around you silenced. Your eyes were stuck on each other, shy smiles plastered onto your mouths. 
“Klaus,” you murmured, so present in the moment that you were encouraged to take a risk. 
“Take me home. Make love to me.”
I just wanna make time for ya (yeah)
Swear it’s just right for ya
Like this pussy designed for ya (yeah)
Ten outta five on ya
Know I would sign on the line for ya (yeah)
Bet I look nice on ya (yeah)
Open my mind for ya (yeah)
When the two of you had reach Klaus’s bedroom in the compound, he takes his time with you. He unzips your dress, his calloused fingers brushing against your skin as he does so. He lets your dress fall to the floor before hooking one of his fingers under your bra strap. He tugs it down your shoulder, letting his lips leave wet kisses behind. His hands trace over your curves, down to your hips and over the expanse of your stomach. When his fingers tease the hem of your panties, you shiver, feeling your slick coat the inside of the silken fabric.
“You’re so beautiful, love. Turn around. Let me get a proper look at you,” Klaus rasps. He helps you turn to face him, and his eyes trail over your partially naked form. His teeth sink into his bottom lip as he reaches behind your back and unclasps your bra. It falls away, leaving your bare breasts in plain sight. “So bloody perfect,” he speaks, cupping both of your breasts in his hands. His thumbs swipe over your nipples, and they perk up at his touch. 
“Klaus, please. I need you,” you beg, urging him to get things moving.
“Let me take my time with you, love. I want to make you scream my name as many times as I can.” 
Klaus leads you backwards, watching you lay down on the bed. He quickly discards his shirt before climbing onto the bed and towering over you. His breath fans over your clothed core when he spreads your legs and levels his face with it. He can see your arousal soaking the lace that barely covers you. His tongue darts out, licking a stripe up your lace-clad pussy and teasing you through the thin fabric. Your hips slightly grind against the tip of his tongue, yearning for more pressure. He lets his teeth graze over your clit, and you let out a quiet gasp, one so hypnotizing that Klaus wonders what you'll sound like when you fall apart under his touch.
Next, he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties and tugs them down your legs agonizingly slowly. He cast them over his shoulder before returning to your dripping core. He laps at your entrance once, letting your taste coat his tongue. He seems pleased when he lets out a satisfied groan. “Christ, you’re so sweet, love. I could bury my tongue inside you and stay there forever.” His lips leave wet kisses up your folds until he reaches your clit. He flicks it with his tongue and smirks instantly at the small mewl that leaves your lips. Dying to hear more, his lips circle your clit while he teases it with his tongue. He licks and flicks and sucks your bundle of nerves with precision, already pushing you closer and closer to your impending high. 
“Klaus, yes. Right there,” you whine, arching your back and grinding your hips against his face when he grunts around you. It sends a jolt of vibrations through your body, and you revel in the fact that you and Klaus can now have each other in the way you’ve been longing for all this time. 
Interrupting your thoughts, you feel Klaus’s finger probe your seeping entrance, and he looks up at you as he draws his mouth away from your core. He fucks you with his thick digit, being sure to curl it inside of you with each thrust. “Close already, love?” 
You nod furiously, “So close. Don’t stop, please.”
“That’s it, my love. Beg me to make you cum,” he rasps, bringing his lips back to your clit. He sucks it into his mouth, pulling on it with his pressure. His tongue swirls and strokes against your sensitive bud in a savorous manner, and if that wasn’t enough, he slips another finger into you. Klaus smirks against you when he hears your gasp. 
“Klaus. Oh, shit, please. I’m so close,” you whine. Your hand threads through his curls, tugging on them as you writhe around on the now dishevelled sheets. “Yes, yes. Oh my god, yes.”
You feel the coil in your belly snap, immediately falling over the edge at Klaus’s mercy. Your cum coats his plump lips, and when he licks you up, his face glistens with your release. You tug on him, signalling that you want him closer. He leans in and grants you a deep kiss. You taste yourself on his lips, and it makes you weak in the knees. 
“You taste good,” Klaus says.
“Oh, yeah? What do I taste like?” You question.
Don’t wanna wait on it
Tonight, I wanna get nasty (yeah, yeah)
What you waitin’ for? (What you waitin’ for?)
What you waitin’ for?
Don’t wanna wait on it
Tonight, I wanna get nasty (yeah, yeah)
What you waitin’ for? (What you waitin’ for?)
What you waitin’ for?
Don’t wanna wait on it
Tonight, I wanna get nasty (nasty)
Tonight, I wanna get nasty (nasty)
“Klaus, please,” you say, urging him to get things moving. “You don’t have to be so gentle. You don’t have to take your time.”
Klaus’s brow arches, “Is that so?”
“I don’t want you to hold back. I can take it. Just— I need you inside of me.”  
Klaus doesn’t need to be told twice. He strips his pants and briefs off, quickly casting them aside and climbing onto the bed to join you. With his body between your legs, his hand slithers its way up your thigh, purposely ghosting over your cunt and continuing its path up your stomach, then the valley between your breasts, before finally coming to a stop when his fingers curl around your neck. He gives it a squeeze, the lust completely blowing out his baby blue irises and letting the darkness take over. “You want it rough?” He asks, pushing your head further into the pillow. “Have it your way, love.”
Klaus’s free hand takes the opportunity to bend your right leg, pressing down forcefully on the back of your thigh and exposing your pussy to him. He spits down onto your cunt, and his hand leaves your neck to slide his cock through your folds and lube it up. Then, without warning, his thick length slams into your cunt as his hand grips your throat again. He buries himself to the hilt immediately, and you let out a loud gasp at how full you felt within a single second. He drags his cock out slowly before rutting himself into you harshly again, eliciting a cry from your lips. 
“So bloody tight,” he grits through his teeth as he starts to snap his hips against yours. The feeling of your sopping wet walls gripping him like a vice pushes Klaus to lose his control little by little with each thrust. He had always thought you intoxicating, but at this moment, finally being inside you and getting to learn your body as well as he knows your mind drives him up the wall. Something that adds to that fact is that he now has a whole other way to show you convey how much passion he feels for you.
“Oh, Klaus. Shit, you’re so big,” you moan, gasping for air as his cock fills you up to the brim. It rams into you so deep that you swear you already see stars. There isn’t a single square inch of your walls that goes untouched by him, and you wish you could keep him right where he is forever. Stuffing you full and taking up all of your senses. 
You’re already beginning to feel the coil in your belly forming as Klaus fucks you, your walls clutching his cock and squeezing him as if it’s milking him for all he’s worth.
“Baby, I-I’m close,” you stutter his hips rock mercilessly into yours. 
“Not yet. You don’t cum until I say so. All of it belongs to me,” he grunts, pulling out of you and flipping you onto your stomach. His calloused palm presses down on your spine, arching your back as far as possible before slamming himself inside you again. Klaus’s hands find your hips and tug you backward to meet his thrusts so forcefully that they elicit weak and whiny strings of profanities and moans from your lips each time. 
“Oh my— Fuck,” you cry, burying your face into the pillow and biting the thick material. 
Klaus’s hand threads through your hair, pulling your head up and out from the pillow, while the other one lands a harsh smack against your ass. “Do not hide from me. I want you screaming.”
Your cunt clamps down on his cock again, threatening to prevent his escape, but this time, Klaus is willing to let you bask in the glow of your high. 
“Go ahead, sweetheart. Soak me. Show me what a good girl you are, how pathetic you are for my cock,” he speaks. He starts to fuck into you harder and deeper still, his cock rubbing against your sweet spot and sending tingles throughout your body. Your skin is buzzing and is covered with a dewy sheen as you finally fall over the edge with a loud cry. 
promise i’ma give it to you like you never had it
i do it so good, it’s gon’ be hard to break the habit
you’re like a whole constellation (yeah)
swimming like you on vacation (yeah)
promise i’m still gonna love you when you wake up in the a.m.
You’ve barely started to come down when Klaus’s hand wraps your hair around his hand, giving him the leverage to pull your back up against his front. That same hand snakes around your throat to hold you in place when he speaks. 
“You didn’t think I was finished, did you?” He asks, mock-filled concern evident in his voice. His other arm wraps around your waist, holds you tightly, and he gives you a sharp thrust. He smirks when he hears you gasp and fucks up into you once more. “We won’t be done until the morning, darling. And even then, I’m not sure I’ll be able to let go of you.”
Your hands brace themselves on top of his, your nails digging into his skin when Klaus starts to move faster. Each bounce against his cock causes your ass to clap against his front, and your skin is already so raw from his previous actions that the contact adds some pain to your profuse pleasure. 
The squelches from your past releases fill your ears and spur you on as you think about how Klaus already had you at his mercy twice without taking anything for himself. He's prioritizing you and taking pride in making his girl feel good. 
“K-Klaus,” you mewl, feeling your legs tremble when the hand around your waist moves to your clit and begins to toy with it. “Oh my god.”
Klaus’s mouth nears your ear again, flicking your earlobe with his tongue before taking it between his teeth. “God, I love how you sound when my cock is inside you. How deep am I, sweetheart?”
“S-so, so deep,” you speak, the struggle evident in your tone. 
Klaus slaps your clit rather harshly and speeds up his thrusts, causing a shriek to leave your lips. “No stuttering, love. Let’s try that again. How deep am I?”
You inhale shakily as you try your best to collect your bearings. “So deep."
“Yeah? Are you going to cum for me again? Let me see how gorgeous you look up close?”
“Yes. Yes,” you whine, feeling the tide approaching you. It crashes over you even stronger than the last one, the overstimulation doing wonders when it comes to leaving you breathless. You feel him everywhere like he’s taken over all your senses, and it's as if he’s the only one that exists in your world. 
And he is.
boy, you know the vibes, i don’t waste no time
take what’s on your mind, make it real life
get all the homies to bounce
switch from the bed to the couch
and get to know what i’m feelin’ inside
so much conversation, words so sweet
been so well-behaved, but, boy, i’m weak
yeah, my body’s gotta say something to you
that’s one way to tell i speak the truth
You sag against Klaus’s front as you try to regain the remnants of your sanity from your last orgasm. “Klaus,” you breathe, your hand curling behind you and caressing the back of his neck. “Come here.”
“Still inside you, love,” he speaks. 
“I know, but I wanna make you cum. Sit over there, lean against the headboard.”
Klaus obliges, granting you a saccharine kiss on the cheek before slowly pulling out of you. He takes a seat, resting his back against the headboard of his bed. His cock is still standing tall and proud, not having allowed himself to release just yet. You crawl toward him, your legs still shaky as you do so, and straddle his lap. Your hand circles his cock, stroking him gently and watching him let out a satisfied breath. You guide it toward your entrance, probing the tip before sinking onto him. 
“Your tightness should be a sin, sweetheart,” he rasps.
You give him a wink, your hands smoothing up his arms and resting firmly on his shoulders. You begin to roll your hips, the angle instantly allowing his cock to stroke against your g-spot. You first take things nice and slow, allowing yourself to control each of Klaus’s reactions. His gasps, low and raspy groans, the way he screws his eyes shut as he tries to keep his composure when his teeth sink into his plump bottom lip. He was beautiful, so achingly stunning that it twisted you up inside in the best way possible.
Because he was yours.
You decide to change your position slightly, lifting onto your feet and gaining the leverage to start bouncing on his cock. Klaus’s hands find your waist as you fuck him, and he tugs you closer so he can bring one of your nipples into his mouth. His teeth scrape over it, and you arch your back in response, yearning for more.
“Stuff me with your cum, Klaus. I won’t waste a single drop. Want it all,” you moan, goading him on. You know your words have the desired effect when he twitches inside of you. “Please.”
One of your hands drops from his shoulder and runs up his chest, resting around his throat as you hold his gaze on yours. The other reaches behind you and starts to massage his balls as you bounce on him harder. “Look at me, baby. Wanna watch you fall apart, see how sexy you look when you fill me up.”
Klaus’s breath hitches, and you can see him slowly letting go of his restraint until he finally snaps. He groans deeply, followed by a few curse words as his seed releases into you. You continue your movements while you let him ride out his high, cradling his face in your hands and peppering kisses all over his face. 
When Klaus comes down, he’s quick to give you a smug grin, and you immediately know he’s up to something.
“That smirk of yours should be illegal,” you smile, shaking your head at him. “Do I even want to know what’s going on in that forever-scheming mind of yours?”
His hand cups your cheek, his rough thumb stroking your smooth skin as he looks at you like you hung the stars. “I’m just so lucky you’re mine.”
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updated klaus tag list (join here!): @oncasette @moon-in-nostalgia @hopesdadswife @klaustopia @maybankslover @her-violent-delights @bmo-bri @milly-louise @aliyahsomerhalder @twelfthmortalofcrimsonpalace @adoreyouusugar @klausluvr
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melon-fodder · 2 days
Love You to Death • T. Hiragi
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Warnings: angst, crying, insecurities, light sexual content
Word Count: 1k
Note: a @pixelcafe-network challenge! I was given the song Love You to Death by Type O Negative and did not think I’d make it in time, but then I decided harness my bad brain day into something creative. Some of the lines are taken by/based off of the lyrics. Dividers by @/adornedwithlight.
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You struggle with it. Often. Wondering if you’re good enough for him—knowing you’re not.
He’s so strong, so honorable, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders while caring for you. You’re just another stressor, just another stomach ache.
Usually you can keep your doubts to yourself, work through them and rationalize. If Hiragi didn’t want to be with you, he wouldn’t be, right?
But there are some days when he can just tell. It’s the set of your jaw, the sag of your shoulders, the way you take things the wrong way and then punish yourself for it.
You don’t deserve him, and he deserves so much more than you.
That’s what you believe, anyway.
Hiragi on the other hand…
“Stop being so fucking mean to yourself,” he tells you, begs you. “Hate when you get like this. What can I do?”
“It isn’t about what you can do, Toma. It’s about what I can or can’t or should do. It’s—” you hiccup, frantically wiping at falling tears. You hate crying because of shit like this. You’re already such a burden, and now it feels like you’re manipulating him. “It’s all the ways I should be better for you.”
“You’re perfect for me,” he insists, taking hold of your wrists to pry your hands from your eyes. “Look at me.”
You don’t, not until he gently takes hold of your chin. “Baby… if I wasn’t happy, I’d talk to you about it. I promise.”
All you can do is try and fail to swallow the lump in your throat.
“Wish you’d do the same. Just talk to me.”
“I am happy with you. You make me happy. And you—you do so fucking much for me. I’m just s-so scared that one day you’re gonna—gonna realize that you’re tired of putting up with my bullshit.”
Your voice is all over the place, wet and warbling, squeaky then silent. You can’t control it, can’t control anything about yourself, it seems.
“I’m not putting up with anything,” Hiragi tries, “I’m not makin’ any sacrifices.”
“I don’t believe you,” you respond quietly. It’s not angry, nor is it argumentative. It’s a statement of fact because— “I don’t understand how you could, like, not get frustrated with me.”
Hiragi chuckles, the hand on your chin has moved to the back of your head to lightly scratch your scalp.
“Oh, I get frustrated with you, make no fuckin’ mistake. Just not for what you think.”
You stay silent, just stare at his handsome face, enjoying the weight of his hand in your hair.
“It’s not your little piles or your forgetfulness or your inability to be on fuckin’ time to anything,” he lists, and you clench your teeth to fight back more tears. “I don’t care about those things. Not anymore, anyway. It’s when you let shit fester and start spiraling and you don’t talk to me.”
You rest your head in his hand and shut your eyes, not surprised when you feel him wipe away the droplets streaming down your cheeks.
“Can’t help it,” your murmur. “Chronic overthinker.”
“Yeah, I’m well aware,” he says, and when you crack your eyes open again you see him smirking.
Fingers dig into your scalp with a little more force, scratching and making you hum in contentment. When he speaks again, his voice is laced with something a little more serious, a little more desperate: “How ‘bout you let me turn that brain off for a bit. Let me prove I mean what I’m sayin’.”
It’s hard to stay sad when he’s looking at you like that, brown eyes darkening a shade, sharp teeth nibbling on his lower lip.
“What’d you have in mind?”
Hiragi doesn’t answer, just pulls your face to his for a deep kiss. He licks the salt off your lips while wiping your puffy, tear-stained face with his thumbs then carefully pushes against you so that you lay back on the bed you’ve spent the last hour crying in.
“I love you so much,” you feel more than hear, the shape of the words molding to your mouth, wrapping around your heart and squeezing.
A knee between yours, he lightly presses it to your core, letting out a quiet groan when you grind down on it.
“Just tell me what you want, baby,” he breathes, kisses down your neck, tongue tracing the curve of it before he stops to suck a bruise onto your heated skin. “Your wish is my law.”
“I want…” you pause for a shaky inhale then guide his face back up to yours. “I just want you to love me. Forever. I don’t wanna lose you.”
Hiragi’s face softens. He sighs thoughtfully, blinks at you slowly before lowering himself to kiss you with a tenderness that makes you want to cry all over again.
“I do. And you won’t. There’s not a bone in my body that wants to leave you.”
His last kiss lands on your forehead, and then you’re both gazing at one another in a way that would make your friends dry heave.
“Close your eyes now, princess,” he says, voice low and full of desire, “m’gonna love you to death.”
You don’t fight him, don’t try to argue that you’re the one who should be begging him, serving him. No, you let him descend on you, let him do whatever he pleases because he makes you feel so good.
His tongue spells out sweetly sinful words on your most sensitive flesh, his fingers insistent and appreciative as they curl into spaces you only bear to him. He moves slowly and deeply, pouring himself into you in more ways than one—adoration and fondness and promises spilling inside of you in warm, blissful release.
As promised, Hiragi manages to turn your brain off, that network of unfathomable connections rendered absolutely useless as he destroys every doubt and self-loathing habit by way of mind-numbing, toe curling orgasms. You suppose there’s a reason the French refer to them as little deaths.
“Good enough for you?” he asks teasingly when you’re both breathless and dazed. His lips are pretty and kiss-swollen, a slick mess dripping between the two of you.
“Too good,” you reply, a lopsided smile spreading across your face. “Too good to me.”
Hiragi raises an eyebrow. “But not too good for you, right?”
“Right,” you nod. “Just perfect for me.”
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raya-hunter01 · 10 months
Will You Be My Lady? Pt. 2
One Shot! Finale
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Candice)
Roman x Black Female OC!
Jimmy x Trin
Rating: 18+
Warning: oral, fluff,Sex
Summary: Candice suffers from a painful past with the Tribal Chief Roman reigns. In the aftermath, Main Event Jey Uso is begging for a chance to show her all love and affection. Will Candice go back to her ex or will she allow Jey to show her love?
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She’s mine
The loving atmosphere in the club had me on edge and watching Candice singing her heart to of all people my cousin had me pissed off.
“Joe, I’m ready to go,” Sasha said as I groaned watching Jey walk backstage.
“Go, pay the bill, I gotta use the bathroom,” I said giving her my credit card. Getting up I followed the path Jey had gone but discreetly.
I slowly pulled the curtain back and felt my blood boil as I watched him and Candice.
“I can’t believe this shit,” I muttered totally caught off guard with the scene in front of me.
“You know I get what you sayin’ and all, it’s just gon’ be hard not to kiss you when I want to,” Jey said as Candice laughed against him.  She blushed, she used to be this way with me, and now she’s lovin’ up on my fucking cousin.
“Who said you couldn’t?” she said pulling away from him as Jey moaned at her words.  I’ll fuckin’ kill him…..
What the fuck is happening, I mean I know I fucked up, but we always found a way to work shit out.
“So, what you sayin’ beautiful?” Jey asked, leaning her up against the wall towering over her. I saw Candice looking at Jey like she was ready to fuck him right there as she pulled him closer standing on her tiptoes.
I held my breath waiting to hear her response.
“It means It depends on your answer to my question. Can I love you in slow motion Joshua?” she whispered against his lips as Jey took her in a passionate kiss.
I couldn’t take it anymore just as I was about to interrupt the love fest I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.
“Joe what are you doing?” Trin asked as I turned towards her having seen enough.
“Uh, nothing Sasha and I are about to head back to the room. I thought this was the bathroom but I was wrong,” I said trying to keep my face unbothered as she moved me to the side and peaked behind the curtain seeing Candice and Jey still in their own world kissing.
“Joe, let her be, she deserves to be happy. You’re with Sasha and god knows who else, why can’t she have someone,” Trin whispered as I growled….
“Not with him, Trin!” I hissed as she jumped slightly at the harsh tone of my voice. “Not with my fuckin’ cousin, I can’t let that shit slide,” I said angry more at myself than Jey if I was really honest with myself.
“Joe, she has a right to move on with her life. It’s been a year,” Trin said as I turned and began walking away from her. “She’s mine and I ain’t gon’ stand for the disrespect,” I said trying to get away as fast as I could from her nosey ass following me.
“Joe!…. Don’t do anything crazy!” Trin shouted as I waved her off storming past Jimmy completely ignoring him.
“Who the fuck, does he think he is?” I muttered seeing Sasha by the door. “Hey, what’s wrong baby,” she said trying to touch my arm as I snatched it away.
“Not now, let me take you back to the room. I ain’t in the mood tonight alright.” I said walking past her and putting on my coat.
“Well, what crawled up your ass,” she said as I turned giving her a murderous glare. “Look, you can either get in the car or you can stay here and find your own way back,” I said as she rolled her eyes.
“I know that girl Tiffany that you cheated on Candice with does everything you ask because she’s desperate, but I ain’t the one, Joe. She said as I sneered at her invading her space.
“Fine, stay yo’ ass here, and don’t call me again,” I hissed walking away from her.
“You gon' end up alone Joe because this Tribal Chief shit has gone to your head and has brought out the worst in you. What happened to you?!” She screamed as I continued walking away, ignoring her.
I didn’t need any damn lip from her, I’ll call Tiffany and get her ass back in rotation after I get Candice back where she belongs.
Trin’s POV
“Where the hell big Uce come from?” Jimmy said as I sat down beside him. “He was spying on Candice and Jey. Jurdy, he just saw them kissing,” I said totally worried now.
“Ah shit, well that ain’t good, warn Candice. I’ll try to get Uce alone,” Jimmy whispered as he pointed at Candice and Jey who were on their way back to the table.
“Hey bestie,” Candice said sitting beside me as Jey kissed her cheek. “I’ll get you a ginger ale,” he said as Jimmy looked at me. “Uh, I’ll go wit you Uce,” Jimmy said following Jey.
“What’s wrong with you? Candice said looking at me as I sighed. “Girl, Joe knows about you and Jey,” I blurted out all at once as she looked and shook her head. “Trin, I ain’t worried about Joe and what he knows. I’m with Jey and there’s nothing he can do about it,” Candice said as I hoped she was right and Joe would cool off and let her be.
Jimmy’s POV
What you gon do Uce i asked as Jey rolled his eyes at me.
"Well I’m glad he saw us, he shouldn’t have been nosey. I ain't hiding how I feel about Candice anymore," I said not caring that he knew.
I wasn’t going to hide Candice, she deserved the world and I was going to give it to her. "I want ya’ll both happy Uce. Just be careful, Jimmy said as we waited on the drinks.
"I'm always careful twin, I got this I," reassured him. Nothing Joe had going on was gonna spoil my night. I had my girl, my career, man everything was perfect right now and I was gon' enjoy it no matter who had a problem with it.
Hilton Hotel
 Atlanta, Ga
Joe’s POV
“Hey, um I was wondering if you could help me?” I asked the desk clerk who seemed to be a fan as to how she was smiling all dreamy at me. Yes, this will be a piece of cake.
 “Sure how may I help you? she asked as I smiled at her turning on the charm. “Yes, I’m in room 541 and I somehow deactivated my key. I’ve been trying to call my wife to let me in but she seems to have fallen asleep” I said as she began typing.
“The room is in my wife’s name it’s Candice Jones,” I said giving her my ID. After a few minutes, my attempt at getting a key to her room was a bust.
 “Well unfortunately there Is nothing I can do for you Mr. Anoa’i. Especially since I see you also have a room in your name on the seventh floor. Also, your name isn’t listed as a guest in room 541 either,” the clerk said as I tried to remain friendly.
“Oh, yea my wife and I always book an extra room, almost like a decoy for fans sometimes. It’s hard for us to have privacy sometimes,” I said rolling the lie off my tongue hoping she would buy it.
“I’m so sorry you guys have to do that. It’s really sad but in order for me to give you a key to that room I would need your wife to come down and give permission for you to get a key. We also can do a wellness check with security if you would like,” she said as I frowned. No, I want the fucking key.
“Uh, that’s ok I’ll keep calling her. I’m sure she will open the door soon,” I said stalking towards the elevator. Damn it! I needed to see Candice, she can’t do this to me…Not with him…No.
Hilton Hotel
Jey’s room
Candice’s POV
“Shit, let me open the door baby.” Jey moaned as I kissed and nibbled on my neck. “You been teasing me all night lookin’ sexy as fuck with all this red outfit on. I can’t control myself,” I groaned, gently biting his neck before swirling my tongue over the sensitive area as he growled.
“Fuck, well who am I to stop you? Damn, that feels so good, lose control baby,” he panted as I smirked against his throat.
“Mmm, you betta hurry up cause anybody walking by bout to see to me on my knees swallowing all dis' dick,” I moaned unsnapping his pants and sticking my hand inside caressing his dick.
 “Fuck, you wildn’, I love dat' shit,” Jey groaned as he finally got the door opened, ushering me inside.
“I want to taste you,” I whispered against his mouth taking him in a short deep kiss as Jey moaned, cradling my head as we explored each other’s mouths only pulling apart to catch our breaths.
“Are you sure? I know you wanted to wait, baby,” he said searching my eyes for apprehension as I smiled at him. “Take off your shirt,” I whispered pushing his pants and underwear down as he made quick work of his shirt throwing it across the room.
I felt my breath catch in my throat as I saw him in all his glory.  Growling Jey grasping my throat, attacking my mouth with his as I whimpered against him with need.
I wanted him so bad this whole waiting thing may have to wait. I needed him, especially with how put it down tonight earlier in that dressing room. I’ve been horny as fuck ever since.
I untied my wrap dress, pushing it off my shoulders, standing before him clad in my lacy bra and underwear set. Slowly I took them off giving Jey a show as he pulled me close to his chest.
His hands caressed my body as he looked at me with want and need.  “You so fuckin’ sexy, he moaned as I kissed him, caressing my tongue against his slowly as he growled with urgency as our tongues danced together as I pulled him closer.
“Shiiiit! I promised I wouldn’t rush you baby, but you makin’ it real fuckin’ hard Candice,” Jey panted as I smirked against his lips. Slowly pushing him against the wall, as I then kneeled before him.
“Mmhm, I see… It’s real hard Jey, I said seductively biting my lip as Jey looked at me in anticipation licking his lips.
Jey’s POV
“Shit, what you gon’ do about it, baby?” I moaned as she looked up at me innocently. Fuck that’s the most sexist shit I have ever seen.
“I’m gon’ give you what you been dreamin’ bout baby,” she moaned teasingly taking me in her mouth, gently grazing her teeth down my dick.
“Fuck, make my dreams come true and stop playin’ wit it. Suck dat' dick shit," I groaned as she took all my dick into her mouth slightly gagging. I then felt her throat relax around my dick.
“Ah fuck, you swallowed it all didn’t you baby,” hissed in shock looking down at her. “Mmhum,” she moaned as my hands went to the back of her head, her mouth vibrating on my dick making my whole body shiver as she worked me over. Damn, she knew what to do wit that sexy ass mouth.
“Got damn, that mouth, Ma,” I panted as her eyes meet mine as she continued to take me deeper and deeper.
“Yessss! Take it all in yo’ mouth baby fuck!,” I praised as she seemed to be on a mission now, sucking my dick greedily bobbing her head faster as I tried to not lose control and yank her ass up off the floor and fuck her against this wall.
 I could only see the top of her head as she was indeed giving me the best head I ever had steadily bobbing as I gasped trying to last as long as possible, but fuck her mouth felt so good.
“Look at me baby, I need to see you,” I gasped as she looked up at me. I almost came on the spot as her seductive bed eyes held me captive as she continued to please me.
I growled in gratitude seeing her this way, that slight arch in her back, her ample ass lookin’ like it was made perfectly for my hands.
Damn, dreams do come true if you wait patiently.
Candice’s POV
I have never wanted a man more than I wanted Jey right now. His eyes and moans tellin' the story of how good I’m making him feel. I can tell he was close.
I wanted him to know that I give as good as I get. He belongs to me now.
“I’m close, wait baby a second,” he moaned as ignored his pleas and began sucking him faster. “Damn, you tryin’ to make me cum ain't you? Shit, make me cum then, you can get all dis' nut baby, I faintly heard him whisper encouraging me as I continued to give him what I knew he needed.
Jey’s POV
“Here it come Candice,” I rasp cummin’ hard in her mouth, groaning as her mouth continued to milk me dry as I rubbed and caressed her back. “Fuck, I needed that," I moaned in satisfaction trying to catch my breath as my body relaxed.
“Are you ok baby?” Candice asked looking at me with a sly smirk, slowly standing up, swirling her tongue around her lips.  Groaning I closed my eyes. “I’m good…Yo', ass is deadly though,” I sighed as she laughed.
 “What are you talkin’ about, I just wanted to taste you and by the way you tasted yummy,” she purred innocently giving me a chaste kiss on the lips as I growled. “You playin’ a dangerous game,” I whispered deepening our kiss.
 “Mmm, I like playin’ dangerous when it’s with you,” she whispered as I smirked against her lips scooping her up and carrying her to bed. Yea, I could definitely get used to this.
Candice’s POV
I wanted him so bad but I said I wanted to wait but what was I waiting for exactly, we’ve known each other for years.
If it ended tomorrow, I would have no regrets and that was the honest truth. I felt safe with him and I knew he would protect me with everything within him and I really wanted him in this moment.
“Hey, where did you go beautiful?” Jey asked caressing my face as I blushed. “Just thinking is all,” I said looking at him smiling
"Aye, we ain’t gotta do nothin’ you don’t want to," he said reassuring me as I took his hand and placed it between my thighs as he groaned caressing my wet center.
"Does this feel like I'm not ready for you?" I moaned as he licked his lips, moaning at the words and the feel of my wet warmth soaking his hand.
“Damn you soakin' wet Candice, shit! Did I make you this wet baby?" Jey groaned in satisfaction never stopping his movements, rubbing my clit torturously slow.
 “Mmm, yes, you do this to me, It’s like I’m on fire,” I moaned not caring if it made me seem weak as we shared a breathless kiss as he overpowered all my senses. 
“Look at me Candice,” he commanded as I fought to open my eyes, the pleasure was too great and became more intense as our eyes met.
“I’m..I'm offering you me Candice, and you know what that is. I ain’t no Tribal chief, I’m just a man that loves you. A man who will spend forever showin’ you how special you are if you let me," he whispered as our foreheads touched.
I couldn't help but moan at his words and his skillful hands that were taking me to even newer heights of pleasure with each passing second.
I whimpered as he began thrusting one, then two fingers inside me as his thumb expertly circled my clit sending powerful tingles down my spine "Jey! Mmm, Oh my god!" I gasped as he silenced me with a kiss as I melted into him.
"Tell me what you want Candice?" Jey groaned as my heart leaped into my throat. Just say it Candice and take a chance.  
“What do you want baby?" Jey asked speeding up his movements as I pulled him closer.
"I want you," I whimpered against his lips as he closed his eyes groaning in satisfaction.
"I want everything that comes with it..... I want it all Josh," I moaned as I exploded in his arms.
"Baby, it’s right here, it’s always been Candice…All you gotta do is take it, baby," he whispered taking me in a passionate kiss, climbing between my legs as my orgasm continued to wash over me.
Jey’s POV
"I want you to make me yours," Candice moaned as I groaned, wrapping her legs around my waist. "Fuck, I’ve dreamed about this," I panted slowly entering her as we both gasped in shock and pleasure at the intense feeling of becoming one.
I stilled inside her as her tightness overwhelmed me as Candice grabbed my chain pulling me to her, claiming my lips in another kiss as I slowly began moving inside her.
"Fuck, you were made for me," I praised taking my time thrusting slow and steady inside her as I felt her tighten around my dick as Candice purred, her head thrown back in pleasure as I made her mine.
"Jey! Please, I need it she begged," as I growled taking her harder as she whimpered my name over and over.  "Who’s pussy is this Candice?" I moaned unwrapping her legs from around me, opening them wide as I went deeper inside her.
"Josh! Oh!  Baby! You know,"” Candice whined as I went even deeper. "Tell me, Candice," I demanded as she writhed in need below me.
"Yours! It’s yours Josh!" she screamed as I took us both over the edge. "Fuck yea it’s mine, and don't you forget dat' shit either," I groaned as she showered my dick with her essence.
"I love you so much," she moaned as I felt my heart swell, she loved me back.  
"I love you too baby," I whispered kissing her gently. All my waiting hadn’t been in vain. That alone made my dick hard as a rock again as I began thrusting inside her again as she gasped in surprise.
"Are you serious? Already?" She moaned against my mouth as I smirked. "Oh, Yea… you got me addicted to you Candice," I moaned as she clawed at my back.
I could faintly hear someone knocking on the wall. I guess we were too loud, but I’m sorry they are in for a long night just like Candice is.
Next door
Joe's Room
Joe’s POV
I guess I’ll try to talk to Candice later, that shit at the front desk was a bust. How could I get through to her and make her leave Jey.  
My thoughts were interrupted as I heard knocking on the wall and a woman moaning in pleasure.
Are you serious right now, I’m trying to damn sleep. I hit the wall giving my own message back to shut the fuck up but the headboard hitting against the wall didn't stop, hell it started banging harder on the wall.
"Damn, least somebody gettin' dick down good, I guess," I muttered as I heard the woman’s moan again....
"Wait…I know it isn’t," I muttered as I got out of bed and placed my ear to the wall waiting to hear the voice again.
I knew that moan anywhere…."Candice," I muttered as I could hear her clear as day.
"Jey! Oh, fuck you so deep!” Candice screamed as I jumped back from the wall in horror. "Yea, I'ma go deeper up in this pussy, fuck! Jey moaned.
"You got to fuckin' kidding me!" I hissed, putting my shirt, sweats, and shoes back on. I grabbed my keys, and phone before storming out of the room.
I couldn't stay there knowing what was goin' on next door to me.
I can't believe she let him have her....She was really having sex with Jey. The elevator ride to the next floor was torturously slow but I knew I needed a distraction to block out what I had just heard and Sasha definitely would do for now.
"Sasha open the door!" I shouted banging on her door. "Come on open up, I need some relief," I muttered to myself as she groggily opened the door.
"What do you want Joe?" she asked wiping the sleep from her eyes. "I want you," I said grabbing her in a rough kiss, leading her back into her room slamming the door behind me.
Jey’s Room
Candice’s POV
“Yeaa, bend dat ass over and lock them legs behind mine,” Jey ordered as he continued to fuck me with long, hard deep thrusts as I angled my body on the bed arching my back.
 “Oh! Yes, you deep in it! Oh my god!” I moaned as I heard Jey chuckle but quickly gasped as my pussy painful tightened around his dick. “Got damn, ma,” he panted keeping up his thrusts. 
“Yea, this pussy feels good don’t it," I taunted as Jey growled. "Shit yea, it do," he moaned. “Then don’t play wit it Jey, fuck me! We can go slow later, I promise,” I groaned throwing my ass back on his dick as he growled smacking me hard on the ass as I whimpered feeling the constant tingles exploding all over my body.
"I been waiting on you for years girl, I’ma enjoy this. Dat ass looks so fuckin good bouncin’ on my dick. You like how I’m dickin’ you down don’t you baby,” he moaned as I gasped trying to find the words.
 “Yes! I love it!” I exclaimed, with no shame. Shit, my man knew how to use his magic stick and that monster was all I imagined it to be and then some.
“Uh-huh, I can tell baby…You backed up that shit you was talkin’ out in the hall,” he groans. “You swallowed this dick and now you takin’ it all like the good girl you are.” he praised, grunting as we chased our next orgasm together.
“I’m your good girl, only your good girl,” I panted as I felt him slowing down as he growled. "Yea, you my good girl and only mine," his deep sexy voice confessed as I clawed at the sheets. What was he doing to me?
Jey’s POV
“Yea, dats it right there,” I groaned gripping Candice’s hip, pulling almost all the way out before snapping my hips hard bringing her down even harder on my dick. “Jey! Fuck!” she screamed. “Uh huh feels good don’t it baby?” I moaned watching my dick disappear inside her pussy as it pulsated around me.
“Yes, Jey, shit you..I…I,” she screamed grabbing the headboard for leverage as she continued to throw that beautiful ass back on my dick unable to finish her sentence.
“I know it, baby, I'ma take care of you, I promise,” I groaned feeling myself not very far behind her. “Jey….Jey… Oh, baby… Jey,” she moaned almost chanting, clawing at the headboard as my resolve snapped and I began taking her fast and deep again.
Candice’s POV
Oh, my God, my legs are jelly and he feels so good. I was so close when suddenly I found myself on my back with Jey towering over me.
 “I need something from you,” he moaned entering me again as I gasped wrapping my thighs around him, pulling his closer.
“What baby?" I asked gasping as he gently kissed me, "Tell me your mine," he I commanded as I smiled against his lips.
"I’m yours," I moaned as I felt myself about to come undone in his arms again. "I’m yours too shit, promise you never leavin' me,” he groaned as he continued to stake his claim.
"I won’t, I promise,” I moaned as our eyes never left each other. Everything seemed to become more intense by the second as I met his thrusts with anticipation
“Oh my god!” I gasped as he swallowed my screams with his mouth as I came hard.
“Good girl, you did so good baby, Jey praised me as bit my lip in anticipation of his release and still feeling euphoric from my own.
“Are you gonna cum for me?”  I gasped as I felt him getting harder by the second as he took me with wild abandon.
“Hell yea, I’m bout to give it all to you,” Jey moaned as I licked my lips “Mmm, I want you to cum in my mouth this time baby,” I begged as Jey growled at my words, biting his lip. “You do baby?” he gasped in shock as I nodded.
“I want every last drop,” I panted as he, quickly pulled out, leaning over, shoving his pulsating dick in my welcoming mouth.
“Ah fuck!" He shouted cummin’ hard as I moaned at the feel of his warm essence coating my mouth. Sweat fell from his brow as he tried to catch his breath. As his body relaxed, he pulled out of my mouth. “Ooouu shit, That was hot as fuck he praise as I smiled tiredly at him.
"Come on and let daddy see did you get it all baby," he whispered as I opened my mouth, releasing my tongue so he could see his essence on it.
As he watched me closely with hunger in his eyes, I closed my mouth and swallowed it as he grabbed my throat taking me in a possessive kiss.
“You gon’ end up barefoot and pregnant, you keep doin’ that shit, he growled against my lips as I laughed shaking my head at his words because knowing him it was true.
"Any regrets?" I asked as he pulled me close. "Hell nawl girl, you stuck wit my ass now," he said as I smiled at him. "You stuck with me too," I whispered settling into his arms as we finally found rest.
Candice’s POV
“Thank you so much so helping us out tonight with the photoshoots. This damn flu is getting everybody. But if I could I had one more favor to ask you,” Paul said releasing me from his embrace. 
“You know you good boss, and that I don’t mind helping. Jey was already scheduled for the show, so I was going to be here anyway,” I said as he smiled at me.
 “Yea, I heard about the new development, and good for ya’ll.  You both deserve some happiness,” he said as I blushed.
“So uh, what else did you need me to do?” I asked trying to change the subject.
“Oh! yeah, could you sing the National Anthem tonight? Samantha is sick so Braxton is going to announce for us tonight, but he sings like a dying cat,” he said as I laughed.
“Sure, no problem, I would love to,” I said as he sighed in relief.
“Thank you so much, now I gotta make sure these cameras are ready to go for the show,” he said looking at his paper quickly before rushing off, waving at Jey who was walking up.
“Hey, you! What they got you doin’ tonight?” I asked as Jey frowned. I’ma open the show and introduce Cody. Joe gon’ come out talking about why are we on his show, and exchange a few words, he said as I could see the internal battle he was having.
“Are you ok with that baby? I asked as he sighed, taking me in his arms. “I’m ok baby, and I don’t want you to worry yo' pretty lil head bout me. Joe and I both know how to keep business and personal separate,” Jey said gently caressing my chin.
"I sure hope so," I said as he gave me a chaste kiss on the forehead as I relaxed in his arms. Hopefully, Joe could remain professional, and the program would go smoothly. 
Jey’s POV
Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for our National anthem Byron Saxton said as the house lights shined brightly on Candice as she began to sing.  
Standing there in Gorilla I couldn’t help but beam wit pride watching her in her element. My baby was truly talented, and the crowd was eating it up.
“She got them in the palm of her hand. I always knew she belonged on somebody’s stage; I’ve always told her that,” Joe said walking up to me to get a better view of the TV. “Yea, she really does, I’m proud of her,” I said not looking away from the TV.
 I don’t know the real reason for this small talk all of a sudden but I just hope he keeps this shit professional out there.
“Well let’s go tear it down out there lil Jey,” Joe said as I watched Candice wave to the crowd before she left the ring to go stand beside Saxton.
 Turning to look at Joe I scoffed at his attempt to get me off my game. “A’ight big Uce, I’m down, but if you go out there wit that lil Jey shit we gon’ have a problem,” said as he smiled at me.
“Well, why is that? You call yourself standin’ up to me now? Oh, i get it Candice got you feeling yourself, huh," he asked smirking at me.
 “Nah, Uce, I just ain’t the same scared lil Jey from when we was kids, and if you go out here throwing shots. I’ma get you…You feel me, I don't give a damn if this is a live show. I will rock yo’ shit, you understand,” I said watching the smile drop from Joe’s face.  
"Yea, I got you, Candice is off limits because this is about business," Joe said as I gave him a leary stare before walking away to go further to the curtain to get ready for my entrance.
I didn’t trust his ass as far as I could throw him. "Go kill it Uce, and keep your head in the game," Cody said as I dapped him up. "Thanks, see you out there, Uce," I said smiling as I heard the crowd as Saxton began to introduce me.
Candice’s POV
"Main Event Jey Usooo! Byron screamed as Jey’s music dropped and the crowd went nuts. Damn, there he goes I couldn’t help but feel a tingle down my spine watching my boyfriend. His ass knows what he be doin’ the guys are hyped and the girl’s panties are wet as fuck.
“Damn baby I see you," I muttered watching him bounce his body in excitement coming down the aisle. This was my first time watching his entrance live with the crowd and it was something to behold.
The crowd sang and bounced their arms in the air along with him. I was so proud of him; he really had made it. He came over to the ropes as Saxton gave him the extra microphone.
 I smiled at him as he winked at me before returning to the center of the ring. Damn it now I’m blushing. Get it together girl.
I hope the camera didn’t pick that up. That’s all we need is a post from fans asking who was Jey Uso winking at.
Before he could even start talking and introduce Cody, Joe’s music interrupted him. “What the hell? He was supposed to wait until Jey was about to introduce Cody and not run his ass out her before Jey could even speak,” I whispered to Braxton having a bad feeling as he shrugged his shoulders.
“Maybe they changed it," Saxton said as I turned to look at Jey. He was not amused as Joe made his way to the ring flexing with the title around his waist.
He spotted me as he climbed in the ring and ever so slyly, he licked his lips and smirked at me as Jey’s head snapped in my direction angry as I shook my head at Joe’s antics.
I looked at Jey and gave him a nod, encouraging him to keep his cool. He sighed, turning back to face Joe running his fingers over his face.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a tense scene as this is the first time since Jey Uso quit smackdown that he has seen his cousin Roman reigns I heard Cole say.
“You can go behind me through the crowd and go to the back without anyone seeing you if you want,” Saxton whispered as I nodded but couldn’t move from the spot, I was stuck in.
Joe’s POV
“Lil Jey, what you doin’ on my show?” I asked knowing I was getting under Jey’s skin as I saw his jaw twitch. “I mean you quit! Cody got you signed to Raw. So why are you at my show lil Jey? I asked smugly.
 “Aye, I got a tag match tonight with Cody, I ain’t sweatin’ you Uce and It ain’t gon’ be too many more lil Jey’s a’ight,” Jey said rocking back in forth trying to control his temper.
“You always wanted to be me. When we were kids, I beat your ass in everything. Even now you still want to be me don’t you lil Jey? I asked as Jey frowned.
“Man, ain’t nobody tryin’ to be you Uce, I’m my own man,” Jey said frustrated as I laughed.
 “Nah, even to this day you always wondered if you measure up to the Tribal Chief.  You just seem drawn to things that you can’t have..That I won’t let you have,” I gloated laughing caressing my title as I saw the realization wash over Jey’s face.
He knew I was talking about Candice and I wanted him to know.
“Aye! What did I tell you?  Watch yo’ mouth before we have a problem," Jey said angrily pointing at me as I laughed.
 “Maybe I want a problem lil Jey, because it seems you just like takin’ things of mine that don’t belong to you. My precious, beautiful luscious things,” I said gently bouncing my title up and down on my waist my eyes slowly traveled to Candice.
Her eyes pleaded with me to stop as I could tell she was uncomfortable, but all things were fair in love and war.
Jey’s POV
This motherfucka lookin’ at Candice trying to be slick wit his lil words. If hints about her one more time, damn this show and staying in character, I’ma fuck him up. She’s mine now, not his.
Dropping my microphone low so nobody could hear, I leaned over and put my hand behind Joe’s neck, as he wore a frown almost outdone I lowered my microphone.
“I ain’t doin’ this bullshit wit you out here, But I promise you If you say her name out here in front of all these people, I’ma get you Uce..You gon’ have to see me,” I said deathly calm as Joe’s face contorted in anger mouthin’ words I couldn’t understand but I didn’t care.
“Now get back on script so I can go my way and you go yours, wit yo’ miserable ass,” I said wanting to finish the segment and leave.  
Candice’s POV
I can only imagine what Jey said to Joe as things were getting more tense by the second.
“You think you a big man, huh, Lil Jey? You can’t compare to me…This is all mine cause I’m the champ, I run this show! Joe exclaimed in the microphone gesturing to the arena.
This is my camera!” he yelled talking into the camera. Thank God they seem to be back on track with their segment. This had truly been a trainwreck thanks to Joe who was now at the commentator’s table.
“I own these commentators that talk about me and nobody else!” Joe yelled pointing at Cole and Wade before he slowly began walking toward Saxton and I.
“Aye, watch it,” Jey said seeing Joe coming towards us.
“I even own the ring announcer! I’m trying to get you to understand Jey everything belongs to me, and you can’t have it!” he said in his commanding deep voice almost making me jump.
I saw Jey getting out of the ring, heading towards us as I froze.
Joe now stood in front of me almost as if he was contemplating what to say as he bit his lip looking me over. Joe wouldn’t put me out here like that in front of all these people.
He knows how private I am about my personal life. He isn’t going to do this to me, he just wants to rile up Jey.
 “Candice…… Aulelei, how bout you tell lil Jey how I own every inch of you,” Joe bragged smirking at me as I slapped him before I could stop myself.
“You son of a bitch, I can’t believe you did this!” I shouted as Jey grabbed Joe’s arm, turning him around, punching him in the face.
Joe almost collided with me from the force of Jey’s punch. Thank god Saxton was fast-moving and moved me out of the way.
 “I told yo’ ass not to say her name!” I could hear Jey yell as they traded blows. “Somebody stop them!” I yelled as Paul Heyman came over to me offering a comforting arm. “Let’em fight it out sweetheart it was bound to happen,” he said as I groaned in frustration.
I didn’t want Jey to get in trouble because of me.  As they brawled back and forth backstage officials ran from the back.
The crowd was eating it up thinking it was part of the show.  “Let’s get you outta here, ok,” Heyman said gently guiding me behind Saxton as we made our way through the crowd to the backstage area.
Jey’s POV
“Jey, that’s enough!” an official yelled as I threw Joe onto the announcer’s table and pounced, punching him over and over as I felt someone lift me off of him.
“Aye, let me go!" I yelled as Joe charged towards me as we fell threw the ringside guardrail trading blows. "I’ll kill you!” Joe roared. “We need more help!” another official yelled as I felt like an untamed animal trying to tear apart my cousin.
You gon’ learn today, stop fuckin’ wit people.
Joe’s POV
“This shit ain’t over!" I yelled as Jey, and I were trying to tear each other apart.
“You damn right it ain’t cause every time you disrespect Candice, I’ma beat yo’ ass again!” Jey yelled as he got the last lick, kicking me in the face as security lifted us both up off the floor separating us.  
Jey held his hands up in surrender as security grabbed his arms leading him backstage. “Damn, his lil ass can hit hard,” I muttered regaining my bearing and grabbing my title as the crowd booed me.
“Shut up!” I hissed heading to the back wiping the blood from my mouth as several officials walked back with me.  
Candice’s POV
The backstage area was even more chaotic as a group security and officials were leading Jey backstage.
“What the fuck ya’ll all on me for! He been askin’ for this ass whoopin’!" Jey shouted pulling away from security.
“Calm down Jey, this ain’t helping, go check on Candice” Heyman said which seemed to snap Jey outta his rage as he came towards me. "I’m so sorry baby," he whispered taking me into his arms as I felt relieved he was ok.
“I’ll beat yo ass Jey that was so unprofessional! Joe yelled coming into Gorilla as I rolled my eyes at him trying to pass the blame like he didn’t do shit.
 “Unprofessional, are you serious? They shoulda’ let Jey whoop your ass some more because you deserve it with that shit you just pulled!” I hissed mad as hell as Paul stood up from the monitors and I could tell he wasn’t happy either.  
“Joe, in my office Now!” Paul shouted as Jey grabbed my hand as we stood side by side waiting to hear what our boss was going to say next.
“Candice I’m really sorry about all this, Jey take her back to her office, I'll handle this,” He said as Jey nodded before leading me away from the chaos.
Joe’s POV
“What the fuck do you need to talk to me about?" I asked shaking my mouth, tryin' to loosen up my jaw as I could feel Paul’s anger spilling off of him in droves.
“I need to see if I’m going to have you as world champion on this show, or if I’m going to vacate your title for that shit you just pulled out there with Candice and Jey,” he said his voice booming angrily throughout the small space.
“I’m sorry boss, I don’t know what came over me,” I said trying to smooth things over as he looked at me not buying what I was selling.
“No your not, my show is in the shitter tonight because of your selfishness. Candice feels violated, Jey’s pissed off , and I don’t blame him quite frankly.
“It wasn’t my intention boss, I just got carried away,” I said honestly wiping the last bit of blood from my mouth.
I knew I was going to have a black eye in the morning with how It was hurting but my pride was hurting worse.  
 “Because of the shit you pulled Cole is out there having to explain to the audience and the people at home how that wasn’t a part of the show and to respect everyone’s privacy at this time even though you brought them into ya’ll business Paul hissed.
Your right, that’s not how we handle business,” I said as he interrupted me.
“You jeopardized this show and put Candice in a situation she didn’t ask for. You damn right that ain’t how we handle business or what we stand for, so for the moment you’re suspended. Now get outta my building,” Paul growled walking off as I sighed looking around at the crowd that had formed looking at me in shock.
Damn, what is wrong with me...
Jey’s POV
“I’m ok Candice,” I said trying to reassure her as she looked me over. “I don’t want you to have to go through this type of shit because of me Jey, “she said trying to keep her tears at bay.
"Aye, don’t cry baby, I’m good, and it’s not because of you. This all on Joe,” I said taking her in my arms as she held on to me tight.
“This should have never happened,” she whispered as I comforted her.
I knew in my heart this blow-up was bound to happen wit Joe and in a way, I’m kinda glad it did.
Tonight, he found out I ain’t no punk and I fight for what’s mine. I don’t think he will be a problem anymore.
“I’ma talk to bossman right quick, then come back and watch you do your thing ok?” I said making her smile as I kissed her gently.
" I’ll be here waiting," she whispered letting me go as I opened the door, I came face to face with Joe.
“What you doin' here? What, you wanna go again?” I asked as Joe shook his head. "Nah, I come in peace," he said, sighing I allowed him inside, as I went to stand beside Candice.
“I just wanted to apologize to you both and tell you I’ve been suspended. I thought you should hear it from me,” he said as I looked at him really not knowing how to feel.
The silence became defining as I tried to find the right words to say
. “Joe, maybe the time off can help you clear your mind, and get stuff straight. All this stuff you’ve been doing isn’t you, and you better than this,” Candice said holding my hand as Joe glanced down at our intertwined hands and sighed.
“You really love her don’t you Jey?” He asked as I looked at Candice, then back at him.
“I always loved her, you know that Uce,” I said honestly as rubbed his hand over his face. He was fighting an internal battle I couldn’t help him with.
He had to let her go, she wasn't his anymore.
 “Are you in love with Jey, Candice?” Joe asked as I felt her grip tighten on my hand. “Yes, I am in love with Jey,” she answered without hesitation her eyes firmly on me as I kissed her hand.
“Well, I guess that’s it, huh," Joe said as Candice looked at him in confusion.
"Uh, Jey, take care of her, she's very special. And if you don’t,” Joe started as I interrupted him, “I’ll be expectin’ you Big Uce,” I said as he nodded and left without another word.
“Did he just do what I think he did?" I asked Candice as she seemed to not be believing what had just happened either.
“I guess only time will tell,” she whispered as Finn Balor walked in.
“Candice are you ready for me? he asked with a smile as she waved him further into the room.
“Yes, I’m ready, if you can stand over there we can get started,” she said giving my hand a final squeeze before going to pick up her camera.
 “Alright Finn let’s work,” she said laughing as he flashed her a goofy grin and began posing. I loved watching her work, but my mind was still on Joe…
I mean was it over and done like that or did he have something else up his sleeve?
I guess Candice is right only time will tell. But for now, I had my lady and that was all that mattered.
Taglist: @reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder
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velvet-paradox · 1 year
Fandom: Call of Duty Pairing: Keegan P. Russ x Female reader Length: Medium Summary: You like your man a little mean and he obliges. Warnings: NSFW 18 + ONLY, reader discretion advised, established relationship, name calling (dumb, dummy, toy, slut), strong language, porn with very little plot, a lot of brain rot going on here friends, light slapping (but not painful), oral (f receiving), unprotected p in v, creampie, dirty talking, detailed smut. P.S. I may or may not have a lovi obsession just sayin'. OK BYE Tagging: @synnersaint
She likes it when he's mean.
When he comes home hot and still full of spit and vinegar. Says it turns her on to get a little kaleidoscope glimpse in to what his enemies get the full taste of. Of course he's never truly mean to her, how could he? He loves his little dummy back home. With her glittering eyes and open arms, waiting patiently for him mission after mission. Her hugs are the best. Welcoming him home, where he belongs, even if he does reek of gun residue, sweat and gore.
Blood doesn't bother her, whether it be her own or Keegan's, she's not shy with the sticky stuff. She's cleaned his wounds with bare hands and when she's finished she's got more dirt and grime under her nails then he did. She's even stitched his forehead once or twice, much to his disapproval even though when he chances a look in the mirror, he can barely see the scars.
She's good.
Too good.
Too good for him, she doesn't deserve the junk and turmoil he brings to her doorstep. Wounds that won't heal, scars that won't fade. But he tries. He tries to be a good man when he's not running point, when he's not given instructions to just barrel through and get the job at hand, done. Keegan wants to be a good man; good enough to deserve you.
He looks at your photo when he's alone in his tent, on the road, in the helo. When the world is just too fucking loud, he's careful to take it out of his front left breast pocket (safe keeping of course), looking at your beautiful handwriting first.
He'll smile at it, beneath his ghost balaclava or bare and streaked when he's all alone, before he'll turn it over. Still after these tedious months, he gets that tingle in the pit of his stomach, the ends of his toes, the balls of his feet, the seam where God himself split his sac.
You don't have to be naked to look this fucking good. In fact, you're fully clothed, only your soft hands are available, giving two peace signs on the back of his motorcycle. Two of his most precious guilty pleasures.
"Come on, come on." Your whine cuts through the forgotten music in the background, the faint smell of a homecooked meal wafts up the stairs and renders the man completely useless.
Keegan is transfixed at the leash in his hand, the black leather is soft and worn in his palm, the chain clinks quietly when he moves his wrist and finally looks down. Stunned once more by your beauty. On your knees in a lacy one piece, slinky at best, leaving just a hint of peek-a-boo skin through the fine material. The leash is of course attached to the collar around your neck, next thing he sees is your wiggling, hips swaying as if you had a tail, sticking out your tongue in a lewd and obscene manner.
"You said we were gonna' play," you pouted as Keegan smiled down at your desperation. Distance did make the heart grow fonder and stitched your desires back together. "Don't you wanna' play with me?"
"Of course I do baby," Keegan pet your pretty face, humming when you nuzzled against his palm. "I'm just trying to figure out which hole I'd rather stretch out tonight."
The gasp and look in your eyes hit him straight in the groin, knowing damn he'd never sunk into that tight ring of muscle as of yet. You'd need preparation, time and training of course and more than just spit as lube.
Keegan shuffled and wound the chain around his thick fist, drawing you up on your knees. "You wanna' play? Let's play."
Your noises are music to his ears, long forgotten are the spraying bullets and shouts of commands, what's left, the only sounds that matter are of desire. Not too long ago were you taunting him from over your shoulder. He forced you to stand, about face, hands on the wall as he kicked your legs open. Biting his tongue at the way you arched your back and made your ass jiggle, pushing back against him as he tried to remain as still as possible. Which wasn't easy.
You never took it easy it on Keegan, he was a man of war. As much as you'd tease him, make that pretty noise when you wanted something badly enough to vocalize it, he'd lose his composure. Keeping the balaclava on just a little longer until he couldn't take it anymore.
He tossed you to the bed after that stunt, crawling over you, the clips of his fresh gear snagging on the lace as he covered your mouth with one hand, pinned your hip down with the other and stared into your fluttering eyes.
"You sound so good baby, so damn needy for me. You can hardly stand it, huh? Look at you, already moaning like a slut for me, just for me right? No one else."
You shook your head frantically, mumbling behind his palm until he lifted it away from your lips. "What's that, pet?"
"No one. No one else, I promise. Just you," you licked his hand sensually, keeping your eyes on his face as you laid back down. "I only want you to slut me out."
Keegan chuckled lowly with a nod of approval, pinching your side. "Good girl. Now just keep letting me know how good you feel, yeah? 'm gonna' keep going until you're shaking, making a fucking mess, is that understood?"
Your enthusiastic face made him hard.
Keegan ripped off his mask and got down on his knees, dipping the bed with his weight. He delighted in your squeals and giggles, fitting your legs over his shoulders, licking his lips when he realized the only the thing separating his mouth from your pussy was a pair of flat snap buttons.
Now listen, Keegan is no slouch when it comes to eating pussy. He knows what he's doing. If there were a (pun intended) eating contest, there would be a trophy case decorated with a few honorable medals as well.
The first time he tasted you, you almost broken his nose, bucking up hard into his face. You apologized repeatedly but Keegan just laughed it off, saying that would be the best excuse for his twice broken nose already. He licked his name against your clit. Letter by letter, shapes and swirls as he claimed your cunt.
K was a pointed tongue slashed against the hooded nub, the first E was gentle and flat tongued, the other E was followed by a slow and deliberate suck, G was a sloppy swirl and A and N were hummed to a tune of his own making.
Your hands moving to brush back his hair felt so damn good on his scalp, panting and wiggling for him. It had been two weeks too long. "Please baby that's it, that's it." Your voice was already fucked.
"I know you fucking love it," Keegan grunted against your sex, taking a moment to grace your slick folds with the bridge of his nose, chuckling lowly when you keened. "You just fucking love it when I devour you whole, don't you? Yes you do, tastes so fucking good."
When Keegan got lost in the sauce there was no telling just what he'd say, what string of commands or obscenities he'd loop together in some sensual tapestry that left you breathless.
"Yeah? I taste good?"
Keegan lifted his head, remnants of black grease paint over his pretty eyes looked up at you from between your legs, making them tremble in his grip. "You taste divine, princess."
With that, Keegan brought you to the edge, licking and sucking, toying with your cunt when he tagged in his fingers to join in the fun, those thick fingers breached your hole and stretched you out over and over until you begged. Sobbed for him to let you cum, that you couldn't hold it back any longer and oh how did Keegan love it when you begged!
"Come on sweetie, you can do better than that. Turns me on when you do it…. so fucking beg."
He licked your arousal from his fingers, making an absolute show of it too. "Good job, baby. You did such a good job for me." Keegan groaned as you panted to catch your breath, laid out and limber. He could throw you over his shoulders if he wanted, flip you over with ease, your limp body just going through the motions. Keegan could (and has) had you in every position possible and some that required a bit of technical work, a little fine tuning, angling his hips just so, holding your neck or lacing your fingers together.
Keegan is a man of many talents, in and out of the bedroom as he shifts and takes off his belt-- one handed. Your glassy eyes shine in the dim light from the room, predatory as you drink him in while he undresses.
Your hands are on his waist, burning hot before gives a gentle pat to the outside of your thigh, rolling you over on to your stomach. Sometimes he can't help himself and he gets this primal surge deep in his groin to obliterate you, break you, fuck you raw and stupid until you're a sloppy little mess of limbs and cum.
The smacks to your ass are deliberate and you raise up only to be pushed back down, Keegan grunted at you to keep still, to spread your legs, keep that one bent, just like that.
Keegan edges himself, rock hard in his hand as you dips just the crown of it around the base you, still wet. That bit of pre-cum on the tip is enough to wiggle between your cheeks with ease.
You shudder when he does that thing you like.
His spit slips between you, another glob of it makes it a sound leaving his mouth and hitting his shaft.
"Jesus Keegan, fuck me already. I need it."
"Oh I've got just what you need you dumb little pet," he grabs the leash, tugging on the chain as you pull on the sheets. "Whose my dumb little girl, huh? Is it you, baby? Are you my dummy girl?"
"Fuck. Yes."
Keegan yanks on it, jerking your head back. "Say it. I wanna' hear you say it."
Fuck; he's throbbing.
"I'm your dumb little girl. Just so fucking-- God that feels so good... I'm so dumb, so dumb for your cock, baby. Please."
"Good job." Keegan cooed and then thrusted in deep. "Let's slut you out then, yeah?"
God you're pretty. Clawing at the sheets as he fucks you through another orgasm. The clanking, your moans and body bending, arching into his touch like a needy cat. Pet me pet me pet me.
"Baby please," you paw at him, sentences die on your tongue, failing to make it out of the column of your throat. "I'm gonna' cum again." Now on your back with your knees pretty much to your chest, rocking on his cock with his momentum, the leash pulled skin tight.
"Awww of course you are. I can feel you squeezing me, my dumb little girl is getting her pretty little hole fucked out. You're so fucking hot," Keegan moaned out, he dragged a hand down his face, salt and sweat, paint staining his hands before he smeared it over your chest. He's marked you in a number of ways but to see you marked like this, with his mystery always got him going.
"Just like that-- ha!" you drawled, an almost pained 'oh my God' seeped into the air behind clenched teeth. Keegan mimicked you instantly, keeping his hand pressed between your tits. "I'm gonna' cum again, don't stop!"
Keegan's chuckle held desire and humor, fitting one of your legs over his shoulder, smearing his face against your calf. He was tempted to take a bite, too. Those intrusive thoughts always got the better of him.
"You think I could ever stop fucking this pussy, huh? Fuck yeah, squeeze around me again baby. You're such a good girl for me," Keegan was rewarded by his own praise when you leaned up to watch him split you open, spit on your pussy and fuck you harder.
What can I say? The man has stamina.
"Oh my God! Keep going keep going, fuck."
Your legs started to shake the minute Keegan's thumb met your swollen bundle of nerves, throbbing around his cock, crying out for more more more, that you couldn't take it. You came with a whine, sobbing with your release that flooded around the base of his cock. Keegan growled and gave it, chomping down the sensitive meat of your leg.
"Good job, baby. You look so fucking cute when you cum, when you're all brain dead," Keegan hissed through his teeth and pinned you down, heavy hands on your knees as he spread you open. "Open up for me, let me finish inside you. Gonna' fuckin' fill you up, two weeks is bullshit. Stay awake baby," he gently slapped your face in quick succession, jerking your chin to make you look at him and only him. "Don't get all dizzy on me now dummy, you've got some more dick to take."
She's really going to get it now...
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eyesxxyou · 11 months
hey!! i just realized i messaged you in the wrong way lol!!
but it would be so cute if you did hobie brown x plus size!f reader. reader struggling with body issues and hobie just being the best boyfriend and just comforts reader by giving them many kisses and cuddles!! and uhh it can go the other way direction lol
*ೃ˚ :💿 hobie x plus size!reader
❝ warnings ❞ self deprecating talk, self-image issues, Hobie being a loving boyfriend
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You never understood why Hobie chose you of all people. He was tall, lean, skinny, and undeniably handsome. He had a smirk that could make panties drop, his mannerisms attracted everyone, make them feel as though he's known them for years. Being seen by Hobie meant feeling like the most special person in the world and if he passed you over, there must be something wrong with you because he could see something great about anyone.
But why did he choose you? When he could have his choice of anyone in the world, he chose the biggest person in the room, with your rolls, your pudge, your excess flesh that made stretch marks appear in your skin. The wrong angle could show off your double chin. You felt like a pig in a pearl necklace every time you got ready in the morning. There was nothing attractive about you in your eyes.
But Hobie was always there in the morning with an arm wrapped around your large frame and his body pressed to yours like it wasn't disgusting. He grabbed at your flesh when kissing you and pulled you closer like you weren't twice his size and weight. He wanted you on top of him all the time despite all your protests.
"Come sit on ma lap, luv." Hobie slapped his thigh before opening his arms to accept you. You'd think after all this time, you'd stop worrying about crushing him, but when you weighed as much as you do compared to him, it was always a worry to you.
You shook your head, brushing it off with a smile even though all you wanted to do was to fall into his lap and cuddle with him. You even shuffle away from him on the couch. "I'm okay, Hobes."
Hobie grabs you anyway, dragging you onto his lap with a grunt that makes your heart squeeze. He adjusts himself to better hold you, arms wrapped around you and squeeze you tight to keep you on top of him so you don't run away. He placed his head on your chest and sighed with something of peace.
But you can't help but to think you're crushing him, that the sigh was more of one of strain. You lips purse and your bottom lip trembles, before you know it, you're crying and you don't even really know why.
Hobie doesn't notice until he hears you sniffle from above and looks up to see tears streaking your round cheeks. He reachs up with one of his large hands and begins to wipe you tears. "Lovie, wha's wrong?"
"This, Hobie!" You motion to the two of you, "this is what's wrong! You're obviously struggling to hold me and I can't for the life of me understand why you keep putting up with this!" You let out something of a choked sob. "Why do you want me? I'm a pig." You muttered, sniffling some more while Hobie caresses your cheeks with his hands and wipes your tears with his thumbs.
He pulls you in close and peppers kisses to your wet face, still wiping tears as they fall. "Aww, dove," he cooed softly. "Ya no' a pig, you gotta stop puttin' yaself down like tha'. 'N so wha' if I struggle t' hold'ja sometimes? I wan'cha 'cause you deserve love too. I wan'cha cuz I think you're beautiful. I wan'cha cuz every inch of ya is just more of ya to love on. Stop sayin' stuff like tha'. It gets ya nowhere but upset and frustrated. Now…lemme hold ya, dove." He pulls you in more and places a kiss on your full lips.
"So you don't think I'm ugly?" You asked between sniffles and you laid your head on his shoulder and looked up at him.
Hobie chuckled softly, still kissing your cheeks. "No, lovie, I think you're beautiful 'n if I have to start tellin' ya every second of the day, I will. Nothing could make me stop lovin' ya. If ya lost weight, gained weight, stayed jus' the same. You're so so gorgeous, my love." His lips were so tender against your cheeks.
You closed your eyes and felt his love.
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louellaby · 11 months
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May contain bad grammar, limited vocabulary, and OOC characters. Please mind that English is not my first language, and it takes a lot of courage for me to post due to my anxiety and paranoia.
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taglist: @books-and-catears @owl778 @yourlocalgrass @kaiserkisser @hhurric4ne @amberheavendremurr
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「 A Surprise Waiting To Happen 」
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"Are you sure about this, MC?"
"Yes... Yes, I am. I want to leave the Devildom... but... if I— if I ever want to come back, am I allowed to?"
"Of course! You're always welcome in the Devildom. This is your home, too, after all."
"Thank you... This is goodbye then...?"
"Yes... Goodbye, our dear MC."
"WHAT?! Whaddya mean MC's gone?! How could they just leave the Devildom without sayin' a word to us?!"
"Calm down, Mammon."
"How can ya say that, Lucifer?! How are ya not affected by this!?"
"Of course I am, but shouting, panicking and running around the room won't bring MC back, now would it?"
Mammon clicked his tongue in annoyance, stopping his frenzied marching and going back to sit down on his seat next to his older brother.
The whole group was gathered in the student council room, having a meeting arranged by Diavolo himself. The prince told everyone about MC's decision and wanted to discuss their current and future position in the Devildom.
"Of course they're keeping their titles! We're bringing them back here and making sure they stay forever!"
Everyone seemed to be in agreement, except for one human who looked extremely bothered by everyone's suggestion. Deciding to speak up after a bit of a hesitation, Soley raised her hand in protest. This caught everyone's attention immediately.
"Yes, Soley?" Diavolo wondered.
"Are you all sure this is what MC wants?" Everyone looked at each other, listening to what she had to say. "What if they don't want to come back? What if they wanted to leave this place because they weren't happy here anymore? Wouldn't it be selfish of us to bring them back to the place that makes them sad?"
Luke's sniffles could be heard no matter how hard he tried to keep them in. As he held onto Simeon's cape, steadying his breathing, he eyed Soley. He managed to speak up clearly despite his body's reaction to the upsetting news. "But.. this is MC's home, too... The Devildom isn't all that great without MC here..."
His guardian raised his hand and placed it on the boy's head, softly patting his hair. Once he, too, looked at Soley, he saw the fuming expression hiding behind her sad one that was directed at the little angel. He thought that maybe he was just imagining it. But if he wasn't, then he would have more problems with her than he already had.
"Oh, Luke, we can't force MC to stay somewhere they want to get away from," the human responded, hugging her arms and hanging her head. "I want MC to be here with us, too... They were my first friend here, and they made me feel like I was safe... but their happiness goes above everything else, right? MC deserves all the happiness in all three worlds."
The whole room fell silent as each and every single one of them looked to the floor, refusing to meet anyone's eyes. Except for one person.
Soley subtlety let her eyes dance from figure to figure, studying the expressions on their faces. An ocean of envy was bubbling up within her chest as she watched the boys all look sullen just because of the situation they brought upon themselves. She herself also looked down a minute later, but not because she was sad. Not at all. In fact, she was smiling. The thought of MC out of her way was bringing her joy, and she could barely contain her excitement. But because she was with the group, she knew she had to keep her act together.
Soley was in her room back at the House of Lamentation. The meeting had already ended, and they were all sent home. Soley watched as the brothers returned to their own rooms without saying a single word to one another.
As she lay in bed, she remembered something she witnessed at the ball. That night, she exited the castle for some fresh air. She was getting fed up with the brothers' attention and excessive clinginess that she had had enough and slipped away for a while when she was sure MC wasn't anywhere near them. But the moment she reached the far end of the castle's garden, she saw something that infuriated her more.
There was MC on a picnic blanket, next to the beautiful lake, holding Cassiel's hand, and a happy smile on their face. She wanted to stomp her way towards the two, but if she did, then her act would fall apart. She restrained herself from going near the two of them and eavesdropping on their conversation. Instead, she went back to the castle and planned to confront MC to see what they had to say.
'I can't believe they lied to me. I never would've thought they were capable of doing so. ...Maybe they were lying about not knowing where Solomon was before, too.'
'But it's not like I can ask them about it now since...'
The thought returned to her mind. MC was finally gone. And that brought a huge grin back to her face.
'Who knew those boys were so easy to catch? I barely had to do anything, and they already took my bait. Foolish demons.'
'Now all I have to do is make sure the thirteen of them forget who MC even is.'
Many months passed, and Soley was living well in the Devildom. After MC had left, she had to work hard to keep the bright spotlight on her. Especially since the group from Purgatory Hall still hasn't accepted her no matter how much she tried to spend time with them.
One evening, as she just got home by herself, she stomped her way through the halls of the mansion in search of the seven brothers.
'How dare they not wait for me at RAD and escort me home?! Those little—'
The young lady thought and thought until she stopped in her tracks the moment she heard whispering voices coming from the dining room. She wanted to burst through the closed doors until she heard them mention her name.
She overheard what they were talking about.
'They're planning a surprise party for me?! Those demons?! How wonderful! ...How... wonderful...'
Soley quietly leaves the scene, head filled with thoughts she never expected would come, but there they were.
'Right... My birthday is coming up soon... I should be happy that I'm finally securing a place here in the Devildom even just for a little while until I get back home, but... I just wish that— that he would be there to celebrate with me...'
'Maybe if I ask Lord Diavolo to bring him here, maybe they would do it? After all, it would be for my birthday, so they should do as I ask, right? But the brothers are planning a surprise party, so it's not like I can be straightforward and ask them to invite him too....'
'Well, I'll just have another party when I get back home. He'll definitely come to attend then. For now, it's time to celebrate.'
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nutluvs · 7 months
Chubby s/o and Charles is EATING ME ALIVE.
i cannot hold back any longer sorry arthur fans ur gonna have to wait for late nights and little talks. i need this too tw for some body image issues + insecurity, mentions of micah being a stupid bully. but charles fixes everything 🤍
you're perfect - charles smith x chubby fem!reader - fluff 🪻
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gazing in the mirror, your eyes drifted over yourself and you frowned deeply, feeling your eyes swim with tears. "goddamn it.." you huff out, feeling over your love handles and then your belly, tracing your stretch marks. you murmur, "maybe micah is right, all i am is a useless pig." you and charles had decided to get out of the camp for a day or two, as things had started to drift into shit after hosea's death. you figured it was best for you both to get into a better headspace, but.. you had struggled with that due to lingering negative thoughts. the heavy knock at the door had you knowing quickly that it was charles, "princess, are you okay? you've been in there for about an hour." he spoke gently, a little, gentle thud on the door indicating he leaned his head against it. you quickly began to adjust your clothing, shifting your skirts and tucking your blouse back in. "i'm okay!" you called out a lie, your voice breaking a little bit, which made his eyebrows knit together. "are you sure? you seem... upset? your voice just cracked." "oh, charles.. i hate how you can just know." you mumbled, giving up on trying to fix yourself and slumping down against the wall beside the mirror. "you can come in." your permission had him opening the door immediately. once he saw how you sat beside the mirror, he sighed and with heavy steps made an approach. he sat down in front of you, his eyes soft as they quickly shifted to meet your teary ones. "look at me," charles reached over and cradled your face in his big hands, "why do you think you're ugly?" he asks, tone holding demand, although none of the scary sort. all he wanted was to know. "micah keeps sayin' so, callin' me a pig and that all i do is sit 'round doin' nothin'." a sniffle cuts your sentence off, as you raise a quivering hand to wipe away your tears, "and i'm startin' to believe him." you admitted, leaning into his touch as his thumbs grazed over your tear-stained, rosy cheeks. "sweetheart—how can you believe anything that idiot spews? he's like a fountain of lies." he hums gently, bringing you close to touch his forehead to yours. you locked gazes, and you felt a little more secure already. he was your safe person. you were always free to run to him and leap into his arms, you knew, he would drop anything for you to make you feel better. the pause between the two of you felt like it continued infinitely, but you knew he was only collecting his words. eventually, he did speak, and they were reassuring words, "all he is.. is vindictive, and a liar. you aren't ugly, you aren't a pig, you aren't useless. you're so, so beautiful—it kills me to see you breaking yourself down by agreeing with micah, to see you hating your gorgeous body because of something stupid he said." "you do so much for everyone in this gang, and you mean it with a genuine heart. there's really not one person that dislikes you, maybe aside from micah... but he only dislikes you because you're the better person. he could only dream of being as good as you." charles went on, his expression promising as he spoke, but you couldn't help but
ask, "y'mean it?" his eyebrows knitted together, and you thought he was upset before watching as he grinned while pressing a light kiss to your jaw, "do i sound like i'm joking?" he hummed, and you began to giggle. "i'm not joking, i'm being as serious as anyone can be. you deserve the world, princess. you're so beautiful. you're perfect." you blushed when he said such things, even a little more when he put his strong arms around your waist and pulled you into a tight hug, the warmth radiating from his stiff body as you sat on his lap. "i love you," charles mumbled as he buried his face into the crook of your neck, "and i mean it. you know that, and you should always know that. don't doubt yourself." he said against your skin. "i'll try not to," you stated, and when he looked at you expectantly, you sighed with a wide smile, "..promise." you leaned into him again, feeling his hands drift up your sides and onto your shoulder blades, tracing little patterns over your clothed back. "thank you for promising. i feel good, knowing you're going to start feeling better about yourself," charles raised his head, and touched the tip of his nose to yours. you could see the contentment in both his eyes and his smile. "your happiness is all that matters to me. i like seeing that pretty smile of yours."
“oh, quiet, you.”
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I'M SO SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT, I'M SO TIRED. i've had this in my drafts too long (like idk 2 days) and i thought i should finish it. so i did. sorry if it's choppy, i might?? rewrite it??? but i'm for sure that i'll make more charles x chubby reader when i have more motivation though :) thanks for reading! 🪻
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