#he didnt save me exactly but he sure as hell helped me save myself
thewalkingdeadband · 2 years
Review for "Family", twd season 11 ep 23, spoilers ahead:
Sooo many things to unpack... Ok, here we go:
Judith intro and in the rest of the episode:
First off all, the music used in this intro is the same as the one used for Rick's last episode when he blew up the bridge ... okay what a way to start 😭
talk abt Lori, unusual, nice. Then about Rick, Michonne, Carl. Nice again. As i said in previous reviews, this screams end of series, but its logical, i guess. Oh, and she probably doesnt know Rick isnt her biological father, i mean he didnt tell her when he was here cauz she was too young and im pretty sure Michonne never said it either ? Correct me if im wrong. Saying this cause some people seemed to think she would mention Shane.
Im also still not convinced Rick isnt the father by the way, the only thing we know is that Rick IS convinced he's not her father, but that could be his insecurities showing up, i mean if i recall well he could totally be, since he had sex with Lori very quickly after reuniting with her, so i dont know, maybe im bad at maths and maybe i missed an interview from someone saying this is canon and true (Kirkman? Anyone?), but i always believed that it was just Rick's belief but not a proof
And that doesnt matter anyway cause he's her father. She said "maybe im a grimes after all" and yes you are baby girl.
She's giving the hat to R.J, and later when Carol says "you and Carl are alike", she answers "he died saving people" and Carol goes "yes he did". These two events foreshadows the end of the episode, where she saves Maggie and gets shot. Also, what a moving call back, Judith saving Maggie who helped Lori giving birth to her.
Ok, before continuing, let me say this: she is NOT dying. She is going to reunite with Rick and Michonne. How, where, in what spin off/show/whatever, we dont know. But it IS happening. I have ZERO doubts. Same for R.J. Now, maybe then Rick dies within 15 mns of said reunion, you never know with TWD, or maybe then she dies (doubt so) but they ARE seing each other again.
Comic ending Spoilers:
Im pretty convinced, now that she gives the hat to Herschel, despite the fact that she was narrating here, that they re going to follow - in a way - the comics and have R.J be the one narrating everything after some time jump, to his children or something like that. Could be wrong.
Back to the show: When Daryl carried her to the clinic helped by Carol and everyone, of fucking course it made me think of the scene of Carl losing his eyes and getting carried by Rick with Michonne and everyone's help to Denise ❤❤💔💔
Then Judith said "daddy", and while some think she was talking to Daryl since she was dizzy and losing conscience (Daryl who did call her and R.J his kids a few episodes earlier...), to me it was obvious she was seeing/hallucinating/thinking abt Rick at this moment. Im not saying Andy is going to appear next week as an hallucination, but it was of course done on purpose. What purpose, we'll see...
But hey, Diane is aliiiive! Where the hell has she been all those episodes? Where the hell is Virgil??
Maggie/Negan: They are setting up the spin off with these lines: "together you and i we get this done" "not a we"...
Negan/Zeke nice talk with Maggie listening hidden is also a way to humanise him in Maggie's eyes in order to tease the spin off. Im not saying they re going to become besties, but they have to tease this so...
Ezekiel: "and yet i smile". His speech was amazing and a also nice call back for exactly why Rick spared Negan: dying would have been too easy. Rick probably didnt expect Negan to do any good though, but to just rot in his cell (the one built by Morgan by the way, just saying😎) but its happening now. So... "everything gets a return", you know (yes, Morgan again).
Back in 8.16 i was not ok with Rick sparing Negan, then in 9A i was kind on team Rick because well we knew he was leaving, we feared he would die, i could not bring myself to stay mad at him, i just wanted Daryl and him to get along again, i was moved by Carol trying to be supportive of both... anyway, digression.
Im still not at ease with the way Negan's been acting until very recently, but since Annie, since the few last episodes, he's definitely earning his redemption.
Bad ass Eugene taking down soldiers, is that his first real human kill by the way? And nice reunion with Max
Mercer a hero taking so many risks and his men too
Yumiko and Magna mini reunion, ok
Carol praising Judith, as in "we could all use her will to think abt the future and not just the present" made me think abt a certain doom: "new mexico still out here" "we got things to do first" AND IT HURTS
I loove that Judith and Carol had these moments since i hated to see that they hadnt seen each other at all for years at the start of 9b. I also loved the unit Carol, Daryl and her formed in this episode. And her mentioning she wishes she had more time with Carl, with all of them. Reminding me of when she said "im starting to forget their voices" to Michonne refering to Carl /Rick in 9b 💔. If u think abt it, she's also one of the oldest characters in the show u know.
Daryl saying "once this is over i'll tell u abt the people who loved you:: YES?? TYREESE? BETH? HERSCHEL? for instance. But we know he's leaving so he wont have time anyway to say anything, unless : time jump, return and spin off set in between, but i doubt it, we ll see.
Could u remind me again why we are supposed to believe Gabe and Rosita have broken up? I mean as per Angela's interview i think, not on screen. Because they obviously still love each other, duh? ?
Tyler: apologizes to Princess, she doesnt have to forgive him she has every right to be cold to him but it was still nice to have Connie, Kelly and Magna being nice and encouraging to him. And of course he died... the scene of Connie trying to reach out for him was touching.
Aaron, Jerry, Lydia:
Lydia so scared to lose Elijah the way she lost Henry...
Jerry going out to find Elijah "see u on the other side" ouuuh this doesnt look good at all and when u think of Queen Nabilla/King Jerry in Kingdom 2.0, it reminds me that once you start having plans in this show, it doesnt look good for you (Abe and Sasha💔...) , and Aaron looked at him like he knew, so im pretty sure he's a goner 💔💔... Also Please if he dies dont have Lydia feel guilty because she panicked and he decided to go look for Elijah...
And oh My God: "you are so loved, Lydia..."😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 she soo needed to hear that, u know?
I love Aaron so much, please dont die, please??
I probably have a thousand more things to say, still, but it's already wayyy too long
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (725): Tue 12th Mar 2024
Off to the town for a tattoo of my loyal companion Lucy (A loyal companion is someone whose shit you scoop off a pavement with plastic bag right?). This mutt has been a constant source of comfort for me and the family in the decade she's been with us and it's time I repaid her with a permanent tribute adorned on my body for all eternity. I've also been a fan of The Green Lantern since I was a kid and I always try to merge two or more ideas when I get tattoos to make them unique (and to save money) so I decided on getting a tattoo of Lucy wearing a little Green Lantern outfit. Green Lantern is my favourite comic character and I think if the Lanterns picked an animal to join the team they would want one who showed extreme bravery and loyalty and Lucy would be the perfect fit. I got the same artist who has done my last few tattoos and I'm glad because she's amazing and I've been recommending her to everyone who has complimented her work on my arms. The picture I sent her of Lucy when she was a uppy was what she was working from and I didnt quite realise how jet black her nose and mouth were when she was that young. It was so black that you couldn't make out her nose on the picture. I was worried that the tattoo was going to come out looking like Lucy had just been eating from a bowl of tar but the tattoo artist said she would lighten it so you could make out the nose. I wish these guys had TV's for me to watch while the tattoos are getting done because I always end up just staring at the wall for the entire session and I never seem to be able to make conversation, though maybe that's a good thing as I don't want the artists to be distracted after all. The general outline of the tattoo was fine but when she started doing the colouring in it really started to hurt like a bitch but I maintained my stoic composure throughout and didn't even feign the need to visit the little boys room in order to get a reprieve from the pain. The finished result is absolutely amazing and I immediately knew I had made the right choice. I know some people may say it's ridiculous to get your dog's image tattooed on you but Lucy has been with me for over a decade now and every day when I've come home after a shitty day at work she's always been there to sit on my lap while I watch the wrestling and help de-stress me so she has contributed a lot to my life. That being said I do like the idea of being a 90 year old man in an old people's home and my carers looking at the cartoon drawings all over my body and trying to work out what the Hell they are.
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I watched Lenny Henry interviewed about his upcoming final time presenting Comic Relief. I wouldn't exactly call myself a fan of Lenny's but…no that's it I wouldn't exactly call myself a fan. Don't like him, think he's a bad comedian. I used to watch Comic Relief every time it was on back in the day when they would actually have people from the comedy industry hosting it like Jonathan Ross, Graham Norton, Michael McIntyre, Ant & Dec etc but now they just get any fucker to present it. This year they've got Maya Jama presenting for Christ's sake. If they started doing a telethon called "Sex Relief" where there get loads of sexy people to do sexy things to raise money then yes absolutely Maya Jama should be a presenter on that. So should Helen Flannigan, Alice Levine, Isla Traquair, Mollie King and Angela Scanlon (I'm sure the BBC would find a way to shoehorn Romesh Ranganathen into the show somehow too so it wouldn't be all sexy). The only Comic Relief I've watched all the way through was the 2007 edition which featured Ross, Norton, Paul O'Grady, Russell Brand, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost AKA actual funny people presenting a show aiming to raise money by being funny. It also featured the best comedy talent of the day including Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, Mitchell and Webb, Harry Hill, Little Britain, Catherine Tate among others. These were the most critically acclaimed and popular faces in British comedy at the time but nowadays the sketches are made by whatever shit happens to be on the box. Tuned into tonight's Hollyoaks, the focal point of which was Romeo trying to convince Prince to help him escape. I really don't get how we were meant to sympathize with Romeo here which is what they were going for. He killed Rayne albeit accidentally but he still let his best friend Prince take the blame for it before he was eventually found to be the culprit. Now hes escaped with help from James and we're apparently supposed to feel sorry for him. This is one aspect of the show that I've always hated where they try to get us to feel empathy for someone whose actions have been reprehensible (mainly Warren). Prince cornered Romeo in Dilly's old house where Romeo gave him some bullshit apology and for some reason Prince agreed to help him get out of the country even though if it hadn't been for Lacey uncovering the footage of Romeo killing Rayne then Prince would still be in jail now. The end of the episode featured Romeo exiting the show on a horse as the police approached the house. Ah yes a horse, a perfect thing for someone with a fresh stab wound to escape on. Farewell Romeo Nightingale. The only character to ever be written out of the show because there were no more female characters for him to shag. Elsewhere Nancy was bollocking Suzanne about laying about the house all day and Suzanne fired back that she was looking for a job but things kept getting in the way. Yeah things like Ethan's dick!
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gravitycoil · 1 year
Dream of 6/20/23
I was in saw (lol) and the layout of the room was that there was a different trap to get out of/win each room you progressed the start was a pick a path type thing where if you chose the wrong path you were electrocuted (i think) there was like 10 of us and there could only be one of us left iirc I remember I was the ringmaster like, I was kind of like amanda where i helped jigsaw make traps and put people in situations but I was also playing the game myself so I knew every answer and I had to act my ass off convincing people that I’m one of them. The next room was a maze that you had to get out of but you were timed, if you didn't make it in time you just become stuck in there forever. At this point I think there’s only 5 of us and somehow someone figures out that I’m evil and up to no good so I try to eliminate all of us together doing some kind of world reset thing (????) where I typed in a computer (it wasn't terminal just some generic computer) I typed in a computer something like eliminate all entrees beyond room 2. (it was weirdly specific like that) and I sat a timer for the command to execute so, the people who believed me and were on my side still ran with me towards the end of the maze and we leave and we close the door on everyone else (the ones who were against me) so they couldn't get out and would be stuck there forever. Theres like one point where I’m like wait I have to find adam (cause for some reason hes alive and in need of saving randomly) so that becomes my new objective rather than trying to survive the next traps because they were rigged to never kill me or something like that. Eventually my command had an error in it or something and instead of everyone it started to clone myself which caused a ripple in the world and created a giant black hole that was sucking everything in with it the only way I could stop it was if I killed my clone. Eventually everyone dies except me and my clone and only one of us can get through the game and win so we start going back and fourth through the older rooms trying to bait each other into getting close enough to kill each other. Then suddenly im like oh wait I cant die but you sure as hell can. and so I just fucking go for it and pounce on my clone like a wild animal and i maybe killed them? I dont know. I never found adam or... i think i saw him for like 2 seconds Dream shift
Spiderman themed dream despite never watching anything about it but everyone who had anomalous powers all had to gather in this giant training/school building and I remember I was very respected in this building like everyone knew not to fucks with me cause I was really powerful but that also made people afraid of me and afraid to talk to me/friend me but I had 1 friend and we did everything together. I don’t exactly remember what I looked like but I know I could like. shapeshift i think. There was one point where we all were inside a gym track type thing and people were making fun of my friend and once I showed up they like pleaded with their life as if i would kill them on the spot (i mean... true but i wasnt going to) somehow me and my friend get in a fight or something and we distance each other I was mad about it (i dont even remember what happened but i was mad and irritated) but I was being so calm about it but my friend was being extra mean to me and doing almost life threatening things to me. (The building we were in was inside a giant plane btw) and we were in the air and my friend fucking shoves me outside on the plane and I have to like bear grip the wing of it cause we were going fast and also like 3025840958309483 feet above ground Im like so pissed and surprised he did this to me and eventually i get back in and he pretends that he didnt do it and that it was someone else and I wasnt buying his bs so I just call it off there I’m like this friendship is over indefinitely. And this also stirred up drama cause everyone was like circling around us and when I said that shit everyone was like O_O.... Then at one point were in some like facility room and we were assigned to find a piece of paper in this giant ass open room and I’m the one that finds it and I pick it up and I see someone really stressed like they seemed to be struggling to even stay in the school and was on the brink of a breakdown so I give the paper to them and I’m like “Here, tell them you found it” and they were like so flabbergasted but I just left after I said that and then we had like our final assignment or something and it was a race against everyone whoever made it to the end first would survive (cause apparently its life or death now and if you dont make it you just die) and it came down to me and my old friend we were like neck and neck and I push myself to my limits trying to reach out to touch the ending bell thingy and I touch it I do win but no one could tell I touched it first because we were so close that they deemed me like .2 seconds off and kill me and let my old friend win and when im dead in the afterlife like. im a ghost now, i can see everyone else just as flabbergasted as me and we all collectively decide to haunt my old friend and also the person who decided who won because something unfair was happening like I knew something cheaty was happening so all of us angerly push my old friend around and he’s like WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON and literally this is all I remember other than I was home watching videos and they got progressively more fucked up and scary for some reason and I was like. ough... i hate this
dream shift
small part of a dream I remember where I just suddenly realized I was dreaming like I remember saying something like “Wait. How did I get here. I’m sleeping” and I go through the wall of my dream which put me out of bounds but I left it enough where I was put in what I call ‘The dream grid’ which is like a completely black void except theres complete perfect cube clouds in a grid format that go on for infinity in all directions and if you fall in them you go into another dream so I was dream hopping and trying to get into another dream but they kept disappearing when I got close to them they like... slowly deteriorated and so I was falling in the black void until I landed in one. I dont remember what I landed in or anything I just remember seeing the dream grid extra vividly I should draw it
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diegoshargrieves · 2 years
Okay but who's your fav member of MCR
ok know this is a basic answer but none other than the magic man himself mister gerard way :)
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writergirl22sworld · 3 years
*a matt murdock imagine*
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Pairing: matt murdock × fem reader
Word count :
A/N : this is my first time writing anything. So I'm not sure how this all works exactly but enjoy.
Summary : alot of fluff, abit of cursing kind off nothing too bad. You work at Nelson and Murdock and you find daredevil in the office late at night in pretty bad shape but thats not all you find out.
I have been working at Nelson and Murdock for a little over a year now. I handled all their finances. It was pretty stressful to say the least since Matt had the tendency of picking cases that weren't very good for business. I didn't mind though because although it wasn't good for business it was still helping people. I had become pretty close with Matt, Karen and foggy in the small amount of time I'd got to know them. I thought I knew all of them pretty well but how wrong I was. I didnt realize just how much I did not know about one particular member of our little group until now.
Karen had taken the day off to run some errands so I agreed to fill in for her where need be for the day.
Foggy and Matt had left awhile ago calling it a day. I had decided to stay back and catch on my work.
I decided to take a break and get some food. I took a brisk walk and got some Chinese food from the restaurant down the road.
Matt's pov
I needed to find a hide out and soon before the rest of the cartel found me. I had not anticipated how many of them would be at that warehouse tonight and I paid heavily for it.
The safest place for me right now is the office. Surprisingly the door was unlocked that's strange I thought. Y/N is not usually this careless. I brushed it off and walked inside.
I barely made it to the window before I collapsed. I felt around the window for the handle and pushed it open. I needed some fresh air.
I was so focused on the window that I hadn't realized someone else was in the room until I heard a gasp. Shit shit shit.
Y/N pov
I walked upstairs towards our office. The door was wide open. Thats strange I know I closed it when I left. The second I walked in a loud gasp escaped from my mouth and I dropped the packet in my hand.
Sitting infront of the window was someone dressed in full black. I had heard about a masked vigilante saving people at night but I myself had never come face to face with them before.
I immediately noticed the blood and rushed over against my better judgement. " I am going to help you. I think you may have wondered in here when you got hurt. I've got a first aid kit in the draw okay."
Matt's pov
I thought she would be gone home by now. What is she still doing working so late. She rushed over to me and reassured me she would help me. Atleast she hasn't figured out it's me yet. She reached over and grabbed the first aid kit from the draw to the right. I'd have to tell her now there's no way around it.
I got the first aid kit from the draw. He had not responded to what I had said yet. I know this was risky for him but he need the help. I slowly etched closer and lifted up his shirt where to get a better look at the gash. He did not stop me so I took it as a sign that it was okay. I removed it completely. Shit he had a really toned body. I mentally face palmed myself . The guy is injured and youre busy gawking at his body. I gently dabbed at the gash trying to clean up the blood as best I could. He grabbed my sides. I knew that it must hurt like hell so I let him hold onto me.
I finished cleaning it up and bandaging it. He still hasn't said a word and his hands have not moved from my sides. " I'mm
going to have to take off your mask so I can clean up any cuts on your face. I promise I will not reveal your identity to anyone. We can pretend this never happened . I just want to help you as best I can" . I hesitated
Matt's pov
I could hear her heartbeat quicken its pace. She was nervous. I was too. This could take a turn for the worst but she needed to know. It was time and I trusted her more than she knew.
I moved my hand from her side. I heard a small sigh which wasn't intended for me to hear. She thought I was leaving. I grabbed her hand which was on her thigh and moved it to my face hoping she'd catch the hint.
She gently touched my mask and slowly pulled it off. It felt like an eternity but in reality it was probably a few seconds. "Matt " she said her voice full of concern and shock. " hay Y/N" I say with soothing voice
Y/N pov
I couldn't believe my eyes. Out of all the people I expected to be under that mask matt was not one of them. I immediately launched myself at him engulfing him in a hug. I was shocked at my actions but I didn't pull back. " Matt why didn't you tell me? Are you okay? I am so proud and angry and every other emotion all in one"
Matt's pov
I did not expect her to react this way. Her body felt so good on mine. Like two puzzle pieces fitting together. I expected her ask me how was it possible or walk out yelling but those words that left her mouth touched me more than she will ever know. I slowly wrapped my arms around her and kissed her head. " shh its okay im okay. I was scared of how you'd react. I didnt want to lose you but im glad you know now"
Y/N pov
I felt myself melt futher into him as he kissed my head. "Matt even if I did leave y'all don't exactly need my expertise that much. You should have told me ."
I loved working with them. He could never lose me even if he fired me. I would probably still show up.
Matt's pov
She thought I meant losing her as an employee but she couldn't be futher from the truth. Ever since she stumbled in here 15 months ago I had been completely captivated . I knew just by the way she walked and talked that she was special and different. She was quirky and funny and kind all wrapped in one. I knew she was beautiful too by the way foggy stuttered when talking to her for the first few weeks until he got used to her. Before I knew it . I had fallen for her. I knew she felt the same by the way her heart would speed up everytime I entered the room or brushed past her. She would get a little nervous when speaking to me.
What i said next shocked us both.
" Y/N. I am not worried about you leaving Nelson and Murdock although your presence her is essential. I am worried about you leaving me. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I fell for your stupid little laugh the second you walked into my life and I knew then and there I wanted to hear that laugh every minute of everyday."
I couldn't believe what I heard. I pulled back quickly. His face fell in an instant. " I'm sorry if I misread the signs ..I...uh" he began to stutter. He thought I didnt feel the same way. I giggled " Matt you are such a dork." I said before pressing my lips on his. He gave me a little grin when I pulled back. " so does this mean we're a thing now" I ask.
" what do you think?" He says as he pecks my lips. " well my boyfriend might have abit of a problem with this." I say laughing. " you don't have a boyfriend y/n but if you did he would have to flip off because you're mine now."
" well I see you two have got alot of work done " . We both turn our heads to see foggy at the door with a smirk.
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Bath time = nap time
Beetlejuice x fem reader
Beetlejuice saves reader from drowning
Then it gets soft
Slight nsft cuz nudity and mention of masturbation
"You seem to be in a mood"
He was right, you just got home from a long shit day at work, customers screamed at you, your boss left early and made you cover the full store alone, again, you were exhausted and more then a little annoyed, hell, you've been holding back tears the whole bus ride home, and sure as fuck you weren't gonna start balling you eyes out infront of beetlejuice, the man had no idea how to deal with emotions and you really didnt want to deal with all that awkwardness.
Walking in the door, Beetlejuice could feel the angry engery you were giving off, hell, he knew exactly how you were when you were angry, after pushing the envelope one too many times and really pissing you off.
When you two make eye contact with each other you sigh.
"Its just- work sucks" you sigh pinching the bridge of your nose, you flop down on the couch next to the ghoul, you felt like you were let the flood gates break and cry at this point.
"Bring me to work with ya sometime dollface, I'll sort 'em out nice and quick for ya" he cackles, you only give a small smile and a sniffle in return, he frowns, you were no fun when you were like this. Your boss and coworkers constantly took advantage of your kind nature and willing to please to the point that it fucked you up emotionally and physically, but more importantly ruining HIS alone time with you.
"I'm sorry, I just need to cool down" your voice cracks, trying really hard not to cry
"Alright sugar, I can see you need some alone time, I'll make myself scarce so you can do whatever you need to yeah?"
You give the demon a soft smile, it wasnt often Beetlejuice was considerate to your feelings, but was greatly appreciated when he was.
He tussles your hair "see ya in a few, and you better be better to ACTUALLY hang out" he laughs, and with that he was gone, no smoke, no fan fair, just simple pop, gone.
You start your quiet time with a bath, a nice hot bubble bath, it's been awhile since you did that, you were more of a shower person solely for how fast it was, as you waited for the tub to fill you begin to strip down. Unknown to you beetlejuice didnt exactly leave, he just vanished, invisible to your eyes, you stopped at you shirt, the demon groaned at this tease, yes he loved your ass and legs, but he wants the FULL picture.
The demon was banking on his sweet breather blowing off some steam the good old fashioned way, going to town on that cute pussy of yours, but jerking off in the bath? That was new, not that he was complaining, a change of scenery was always nice, keeping things nice and fresh for him? Such a considerate breather you were. hell the ghoul was already buzzing with excitement, electric pink tips already showing in his hair, it's been awhile since he had quite the show, yes he spied on your private times, can you blame him? Hes a demon straight from hell, that may or may not be head over heels for you, his sweet little breather, and watching you take care of business was an excellent way from him to see what you like for future reference~.
Beetlejuice's attention was brought back to reality when he herd the rushing water stop, his gaze leaves your legs and follows the hem of your shirt, drooling at the new exposed skin, when you dropped the bra the ghoul gave you a very lewd motion, an over exaggerated jerk off motion and a wolf whistle, not that you knew it.
Stepping into the tub you let out a soft whine, like always it was boiling hot, the noises you made as you sunk your tired body into the water were practically pornographic, well at least to the ghoul in the room who already had his cock out, just waiting on you to start, but you didnt.
You just layed there in the water, most of your goods covered by bubbles, it felt like an eternity before it clicked with Beej you weren't gonna start playing with yourself.
He huffs, pretty disappointed with the result, floating out of the bathroom and into you bedroom to deal with his sour mood the best way he knew how, digging through your underwear drawer, as occupied as the demon was in this activity, his ears did perk up at the sound of a knock at the front door, tending to his meat would be fun, BUT scaring the piss out of someone would be better.
The ghoul took no time disguising himself as you and quickly making his way to the door. Quickly swinging the door open to reveal the mailman.
"Package for l/n, sign here please"
Beetlejuice took the package eagerly, and scribbling down a mess on the clipboard handed to him, the ghoul responds with a cheerful "thanks" in your voice before grabbing the bottom of his jaw and pulling it down to his chest, as swarm of various bugs fly out, the delivery man screams and makes a quick escape from the premises. Beetlejuice cackles, and returns to his old self, placing the box down he heads to the bathroom where you were to gloat about his recent scare, he adored how your eyes lit up when he bragged about his work to you, a fun little retelling would get you out of your mood and back to being fun.
The ghoul knocks on the bathroom door
"Knock knock" he shouts matching the knock on the door
No response, he knocks again
"Y/n?" Concerned in your silence, he takes a deep breath and hollers "y/n if you dont respond by the time I count to 3 I'm coming in"
"3!" He shouts phasing his head through the door, what he saw made his hair turn white, a colour that rarely graced him, your legs hung over the sides of the tub, while your head was completely submerged, how long where you like this?!
Beetlejuice quickly lunges into the tub without a second thought, as much as he hated water, it didn't matter now, it didn't matter that his suit was soaked, it didnt matter that you were going to be upset that he was straddling your naked body, what mattered was not letting you drown, the demon quickly pulled your head out of the water.
"Come on sweets, a dead guy cant give ya CPR" he utters trying to gently shake you awake
With a hard cough, spitting out a bit of water you were awake.
Moving the wet hair from your face you rub your eyes, before you could yell at beetlejuice for invading your privacy, you're pulled into a tight wet hug.
The first thing that came to mind was the smell, to the point where you felt dizzy, Your head was spinning on what was going on, you were completely naked and enjoying a nice bath, but here beetlejuice was, fully clothed, in the tub straddling you, and now hugging you, as embarrassment and anger fill your chest, but despite all the confusion was the biggest feeling you had now, but before you could say his name once the ghoul speaks.
"The fuck were you doing?" He utters into your ear
"Trying to scare the fuck out of me?" He squeezes you tighter
It clicks
"I fell asleep in the bath again huh" you mumble
Beetlejuice pulls away and stares at you with a quizzical look,
"I used to doze off in the bathtub when I was younger, ya know, it's so warm and peaceful" you trail off while nervously laughing, refusing to meet his eyes
"What am I going to do with you?" Beetlejuice sighs
The two of you remain in the position, sitting in silence for what feels like an eternity.
Finally glancing back to the demon, you realize the position you're in. Naked with a born dead demon, you had more then a little crush on, leaning over you, you couldnt really scream at him after him saving your life huh, but this was a little much.
"Beej? Can you leave?" You stutter out finally crossing your arms over your exposed chest, not that it mattered, the demon probably got an eyeful already.
"Oh! Sure, but uh, you gonna be okay? Or do you need a lifegard babes?~" his voice drops to that seductive gravel that always made your knees weak, the ghoul leans in close, water sloshing over the side of the tub. "Cant have you stop breathing sugar, I've grown accustomed to that warm body of yours~" he whispers as a hand travels up your thigh.
Beetlejuice was always a handsy guy, you knew that, and didnt mind it, but now, being completely exposed like this? It was a little too much too soon.
"If you get out of the tub, clean up the water you splashed on the floor, and keep your hands to youself, you can stay" you mumble out.
"I'll take it" the ghoul jumps out of the tub, and with the snap of his fingers the bathroom was just as it was before he jumped in the tub with you, and with another snap beej was back to being as dry as his humor.
The ghoul hops up on the sink, his eyes glued to your naked form.
"Oh, almost forgot" the demon snaps his fingers again, the room fills with a harsh green smoke, and once it disperses, beetlejuice was no longer wearing his trademark suit, instead he sported a pair of swim trunks, black and white striped, a whistle around his neck, a pair of sunglasses, and a pair of white flip flops.
"Lifeguard is on duty sweet thing"
You couldnt help but laugh
"I'm CPR certified doll, but you dont gotta be drowning if all you wanted was a smooch~" he cackles you laugh along with him.
Yes it was a little embarrassing finishing you bath routine with an audience, but the unexpected happened, beetlejuice was polite, at least for his standards, no lewd jokes, no gross comments, nothing, and here you were completely naked and consenting to his presence and he was on his best behavior. The odd joke was given, but it was much more tame then what you've grown to know, while you washed your body the ghoul chattered on about scaring the mailman and how he really didnt get why breathers were so eager to stay clean.
With the bubbles finally gone that was a good indication to get out and dry off, your muscles now relaxed and you yourself were in a more better mood, albeit alittle drowsy.
Pulling the plug in the tub was a good signal to the demon to turn away from you, you raised an eyebrow at this
"What are you doing?"
"Babes I am a gentleman, I couldn't possibly gaze-"
"You literally just sat there for like a half an hour watching my naked ass like a hawk" you were quick to interrupt. The ghoul visibly flinches at your words still facing away from you
"Humor me babes" he says with a shrug
You sigh, finally standing up and wrapping a towel around your chest, and another towel around your hair. You continue your routine with the ghoul facing away from you. Reaching for a bottle of lotion, you squirt some out and begin rubbing it into your skin, throughout the process you could see the undead demon visibly shiver and wobble a tad, you try not to think about it.
With the thud of the bottle being put away you raise to your feet and leave the room with beetlejuice trailing behind.
You sit down of your bed removing the towel around your hair, the ghoul sits down next to you, once again dressed in his suit. The two of you make eye contact for a brief moment before you look away, remembering how the born dead demon, moments earlier, on top of your naked body, let alone watched you take a bath, the whole thing finally caught up to you and all you could hear was your heart hammering away, so you didnt hear Beetlejuice the first time he tried to get your attention.
You nearly jump out of your skin when his icy cold hand gripped your shoulder, you turn back to the ghoul, realizing he was a bizzar mix of purple and pink.
"Are you okay?" You mumble out
The ghoul snorts a small laugh "I was about to ask you the same thing doll, you almost died" his gaze was scary serious something you weren't really used to seeing from him.
"I'm fine, dont worry about it-"
You were cut off by beetlejuice pulling you into a tight embrace
"Dont worry about it? Are you stupid or something? Jesus y/n I cant have you dying on me, I need ya, your my-" he stops himself, you push away quirking a brow staring back at the ghoul
"I'm your what?"
"You're my... breather, ya know, cuz I'm haunting ya" he shrugs with a forced laugh
"Right, thanks again for your help" you trail off sounding a tad disappoint with the ghoul's response.
Beetlejuice picks up on your ton and quickly grabs your wrist
"Doll I, no y/n, this isnt easy for me to say okay, but fuck, ya mean alot to me, and I dont want ya to stop breathing before you live your little breather life, and yeah, you're my breather, youre mine, my-" the ghoul's grip looses up on you, you gently grab his hand and give him a soft smile
"Thank you" you whisper before pulling the demon into a hug
It's alright that you're both cowards with how you feel, but this was a nice start
This was as close to heaven as beetlejuice was ever gonna get, here you were his favourite little breather, hugging him, out of your own free will wearing nothing but a towel, and right after he tried his damndest to confess to you, yeah it didnt come out clear, but you were happy, he'll try again another time and really spell it out that he loves you
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Angel (one shot)
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Request  helloooo can i ask for like a quick regulus x reader oneshot where the reader sings and regulus hears her voice and basically falls in love with it but he didnt see her face so he just comes back everyday to the same place in the hope of listening to her singing and seeing her face this time? this sounds specific i know but i feel like some soft reggie is all i need now 😭
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M- mention of self harm 
Suffocating… that was the best word that Regulus could use to describe his life. After joining up with the death eaters at the lovely age of 16, Regulus had quickly grown to regret his decision. Anytime that the dark mark began to burn in the slightest, Regulus found himself dying for an excuse not to go. There was, however, not one...at least nothing in Lord Voldemort’s eyes that would be “good enough.” 
On the outside, Regulus had to keep his smooth and reserved demeanor. It didn’t matter on the inside how much he was screaming. No one cared. The people that did know what he was doing continued to go on and on about how he was doing “the right thing, the noble thing.” 
It was 7:00pm and Regulus found himself running down a quiet hallway. He had to get out of the Slytherin common room. He had to get away from Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr. They had been so gleeful over a muggle that had been murdered the night before. Neither seemed to care about this person nor the family that they left behind. Regulus, when the deed was taking place, didn’t care. He stood stony faced as the man begged for his life. The moment Voldemort uttered his “favorite” spell, Regulus had to swallow back the feeling of nausea as he watched the light leave the man’s eyes. 
Regulus had done well not thinking about the “deed” all day. It wasn’t until he returned to the common room and overheard Evan’s conversation did Regulus find himself regretting the day that he was born. 
No one asked a question when Regulus walked out of the common room. Why would they? People would be dumb to question Regulus on something. People knew not to question Regulus on his doing unless they wanted to be jumped. 
Regulus stopped the moment that his hands hit the balcony. Breathing heavily, he closed his eyes mentally begging for the memory to leave his mind. 
Just stop...I fucking hate this! 
Regulus thought miserably. He was half tempted to throw himself off of the balcony. It looked like a good distance and if he was lucky wouldn’t survive the fall. Death would be better than living the way that he was at the moment! 
The brooding stopped the moment that a soft voice caught Regulus’ attention. He knew a lot of the “choir kids” would come up to this particular area of the castle to practice at points. Before today, however, Regulus had never paid any of them any attention. Today, it was different. This voice was soft, gentle...everything that Regulus needed. 
Right away he recognized the French folk song that he had heard numerous times as a child. Leaning his head back against the stone wall, all of the anxiety and tension slowly left. Regulus took a deep breath and looked down at his hands. They were no longer shaking. 
I should leave...but I don’t want to. She, whomever she is, has to have the most beautiful voice. She sounds like an angel.
Regulus thought with a tiny smile. Although he had no belief in heaven, hell, angels, or demons hearing this voice had to be what an angel would sound like if there were one. This soft voice was everything that Regulus needed to hear when he needed to be told “that everything would be alright.”  
Over the following days, Regulus found himself in the same place at the same time. It didn’t matter what kind of hell that he had going on. The moment that soft voice would sing all of the bad would vanish. Even if it was just one song, Regulus was feeling a million times better when he had to return to the Slytherin common room. 
The question plaguing Regulus’ mind now was who did the voice belong to? He had been trying to put an angelic voice with a face nonstop and was coming up with nothing. None of the girls in Slytherin house fit the idea that Regulus had in his mind. 
I have to find out.
He muttered as the signing stopped. Standing up, he quickly walked into the room not having any idea what he was about to say. Regulus knew that whatever girl this was would probably think that he was a creep for spying on her night after night. What kind of girl would want that? 
“I know you’re there.” 
The singing had stopped and was replaced with a soft comment on Regulus’ appearance. Regulus turned around to see Y/n Lupin sitting by the window. You were the girl...the voice...it all fit! Regulus blinked a few times as he took everything in. Of course, it was you. It all made sense. 
Regulus muttered. He wasn’t for sure if he had ever spoken to you before. The two of you were in the same year but your paths didn’t cross much. You were in Hufflepuff and often kept to your little group of friends or with your older brother. 
You, meanwhile, smiled noticing Regulus’ awkward silence. 
“You’ve been up here the past few nights.” 
You commented. Regulus’ face blushed as you patted the seat beside you. Regulus slowly sat down and kept his eyes straight ahead.
He had to be a blithering idiot. There would be no way in hell that anything between the two of you would ever work. You were Remus Lupin’s sister. Regulus didn’t foresee Remus being too onboard with his sister dating a Slytherin (even if Slytherins and Hufflepuffs made great matches). 
“You were upset that first night. Are you better now?”
You asked. You knew the question was probably intrusive but it came out before you really thought better of it. That night, a few nights ago, you had been up doing what relaxed you the most...singing. When you heard the angry footsteps you considered stopping but thought about how your singing seemed to comfort your own brother when he was upset. Maybe this person needed a little comforting too (even if you didn’t know them). 
When you realized that it was Regulus Black the feeling of overwhelming sympathy washed over you. You didn’t know much about Regulus other than the fact that he was Sirius’ younger brother. Over the years that you were in school, you couldn’t help but notice how sad Regulus looked most of the time. You could see those sad dark eyes from your seat at the Hufflepuff table and wanted nothing more than to give him something to smile about. He reminded you of a puppy that had been kicked one too many times. If he was anything like Sirius then you knew that was exactly how Regulus was.
 It was no secret that Walburga Black was cruel to her children. You knew first hand of the abuse. You had heard about it from Sirius himself. If that was what was plaguing Regulus’ mind every night that he came to the balcony, maybe you could give him something to feel better about?
“There really isn’t getting any better.” 
Regulus commented as you scooted closer. You had a feelin what that vague comment was leading toward.
“About being a death eater?”
Regulus’ face went pale as he turned to look at you with wide eyes. 
“How do you know? Did my brother tell you?”
You shook your head at the raised tone of his voice. 
“Ssh now. We don’t need god and everyone to hear. I saw your arm doing potions one day.”
Regulus sneered in your direction. He didn’t know how to react. Maybe just be cold like normal? What the hell was he supposed to say?
“Let me guess, you are going to tell me that I am a horrible person and that I shouldn’t be doing what I’m doing...no matter if it's what my family expected of me.”
Your momentary silence was driving Regulus nutty. After a few moments, you finally spoke. 
“No. I was actually going to say I can’t imagine what you are going through. Sometimes our families are our own worst enemies.” 
Regulus sighed.
“You’ve got that right. Look, I wasn’t spying on you. I want to just throw that out there.” 
You smiled. 
“It's alright. Your aura doesn’t seem as tense after you’re here for a bit.” 
It was Regulus’ turn to be silent. He was trying to decide if he wanted to give you a compliment. If he messed things up, there was a good chance that he would never hear your angelic voice again...and that wasn’t something that he wanted to risk losing. 
“Your voice is nice….its soothing.” 
“Thank you.”
You replied as Regulus turned back to face you. His face this time was different. He had gone from death eater to the sad puppy that needed love. 
“That first night...I was actually considering pitching myself off of that balcony. Hearing you...that was the first time I heard the most beautiful voice. It was like gravity.” 
You reached out and gently took your hand in his. Were you overstepping your boundaries with a boy that you knew nothing about and who in turn knew nothing about you? Possibly. Did you care? Not really. 
“I’m glad that you didn’t do that. You know, believe it or not, I realize how hard things can be with family. My family isn't normal…”
“Your brother is a werewolf.”
Regulus commented and instantly regretted his choice of words when your face went pale. 
“Not that it matters though. It's just who Remus is.” 
Regulus quickly added, hoping to save what hope of a friendship that he had with you. You, to his relief, smiled. 
“Yes, it is who he is. I feel no guilt in telling you this now. With his condition, I tend to be second in the family. My parents don’t mean to put me on the back burner but it happens. It's hard...so I know now you must feel. How did you figure it out, if you don’t mind me asking. He literally tells no one.” 
Regulus shrugged. 
“Just put the puzzle pieces together.” 
You continued to rub slow circles over Regulus’ palm hoping to relax him further. This was the first time (other than James and Sirius) someone had figured out Remus “furry little problem.” 
“You’re really intelligent and perceptive then. If you want...you know...we could do this every evening when you're free. We don’t have to tell anyone that we are meeting up. Sometimes it's nice just to have someone outside of your friend circles.” 
Regulus looked up and was clearly surprised. 
“You would want to see me again?”
You nodded. 
“If you want to see me that is...no pressure.” 
Regulus quickly nodded, cutting you off. 
“I would love to see you again...maybe around 7 tomorrow?”
You gave his hand a squeeze. 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
@amelie-black @realgaytrash @truly-insatiable @fandomsxxregulus @lucasfilms77 @exhsle @spiderxalmighty @jessyballet @knreidy1 @bennyberry @quuenofblacks @hazncalsgal @criminalyetminimal @whymyparentscheckmyphone @acciosiriusblack @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @fandom-trash-worth-it @summer-novak @hankypranky @stuckinsaudi1 @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @li0nh34rt @tas898 @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @knight-of-gleefulness @shitfaceddaniel @untoldshortsofthefandoms @deanwherescas @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @mycuddlycorner
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
how to save a life bucky barnes x reader
Good old whump 😌 this is so fucking long (wc: 2113)
also i know some people are weird about dogs so just know reader has a very large typically seen as aggressive kind of dog (but hes not, just a little slobbery and awkward lol)
Song: say something by danny worsnop and matty mullins 
tag list: @cynic-spirit
"I can't take your shit anymore. If you won't do anything about it then I will! I quit!"
I yelled, untying my apron and tossing it at my manager. One of the cooks had been harassing me for the last couple weeks and he refused to say or do anything. But I had reached my breaking point.
"Come on y/n, we need you! You can't leave me short staffed like that."
He whined and I shook my head, making my way to the back door.
"No, fuck you Rodney, you can find someone else to deal with it."
I said annoyed, clocking out, grabbing my stuff and storming out the back. I gave him the finger as the door slammed behind me, sighing angrily at myself for not finding a new job sooner.
I yelled, kicking the brick wall before leaning into it, shoving my head in my hands. Then I heard a harsh cough. My attention snapped towards the man limping through the alley way, seemingly clutching at his side.
"Hey, are you okay?"
I asked, reaching into my bag and gripping my pepper spray tightly.
I asked again, moving closer to him in the darkness. When he looked up at me I realized who it was. I had seen pictures of him before. What was his name? James? Yeah captain Americas bear friend. From the museum.
He managed before falling face first into the dirt. I gasped as I watched his body go limp. In that moment I wasn't quite sure what to do. I couldn't call someone cause I didn't know who to call, and God it was gonna take everything in me to get him back to my apartment. But I couldn't just leave him here. Shit. I sighed before kneeling down and rolling him over. His face was bruised and bloodied, the same as the knuckles on his hand. He must have really gotten into it with someone. I bit my lip before sitting him up with a groan.
"Okay james, work with me here."
I sighed out, going around him and picking him up. He made a soft noise and I looked at him, his eyelids bobbing open for a second.
"Two blocks, that's all it is."
I told myself more than anything, slinging his arm over my shoulder and walking with him dragging his feet. The whole walk was labored breathing and groaning. He was heavier than he looked but then again he was pretty much solid muscle. And though he wasn't much help I could tell he was trying. That endurance was paying off a little bit. But as soon as we were to my apartment he was out, practically falling through the door after I opened it. I only just caught him, laying him on the floor gently and dragging him to the couch. As I tried to put him on it I could hear my dog whining and tapping his toes in his crate.
"Give me a minute Wolf."
I said half annoyed as I got James flat on his back. When I was content with him laying there I let my massive akita-rottweiler mix out of his crate. He immediately went to James and started sniffing him excitedly until I snapped my fingers at him.
"Hey, leave the nice man alone. Let's go potty."
I said, him barking and running towards the door. I quickly got his leash on and took him down to the streets of new York. We walked a good block before finally heading back to my apartment. After I took Wolfs leash off he was right back in James' face.
"Hey, what did I say? Go lay down."
I instructed, him making a sad sound before pouting his way to his large bed in front of the window. I sighed, looking over James with my hands on my hips. Then I noticed a darkened spot just under his jacket and immediately began to worry.
"Shit. Is that blood?"
I said, stepping closer. I watched his face as I knelt down, pushing the coffee table further away from the couch.
"James I don't know if you can hear me but I'm gonna undo your jacket."
I said in a clear voice, watching to see if he moved but he didn't, prompting me to go on anyway. When the front of it was undone I gasped. He was indeed bleeding. It took me a minute to get it fully off, his shirt following right after. To my surprise his whole torso was covered in scrapes and bruises, along with what seemed to be a gunshot wound. Luckily it was only a graze. That I could treat.
"What the hell were you doing?"
I asked out loud even though I knew he couldn't hear me. I shook my head before going to get the first aid kit from under my bed, wolf following me around my apartment. I guess lucky for him I went to medical school, I mean I flunked out my last semester, but still. That's only three months I'd have to finish before I'm a licensed nurse. I had this. Right?
"God I hope I don't have to sew this man shut."
The next few hours I just sat at my breakfast bar staring at him in the living room, sipping coffee and trying not to wake Wolf who was now fast asleep at my feet. I was waiting patiently for him to wake up, to make noise, to move even an inch. but it never happened. He was however still breathing, the portable heart monitor I had attached to his finger beeping softly.
When the sun started peering through my curtains though I figured it was best to check on him again. After all, I would need to change his bandages soon so whatever it was that hit him didn't get infected. Wolf for one was very excited again for me to be working on the stranger, running to him and getting in his face again.
I scolded, James jolting upright as I pulled the collar back on his large black neck.
I said through a nervous laugh. He looked around for a moment before looking down and wincing in pain as he touched his abdomen.
"Go lay down."
I said harshly, wolf not quite budging at first. But going when I nudged him with my knee.
"Um, I hope you don't mind that. I did as best I could but it's been a while. I was gonna come change them."
He stared at me, looking to wolf in his bed when he sighed.
"Thank you."
He said softly and I nodded.
"Do you mind laying back down? It's a little easier."
I said and he did, slowly, watching my every move as I knelt beside him. I dug into my kit to get new dressing, peeling the old off and shaking my head. It was still bleeding but there wasn't much I could do about it.
"Do you remember much about last night James?"
I asked and he shook his head no, the dog tags around his neck shifting. I focused intently on what I was doing, hearing wolf sigh again. I rolled my eyes, sending him a playful look.
"You aren't afraid of dogs are you James?"
I asked and he shook his head again.
"Okay wolf, come here."
He stood quickly, panting as he came over and stood beside me, looking like he had a wide smile on his face as he sat down. James looked up at him and smiled back, bringing his right hand to scratch at wolf's head. It was a good distraction as I fixed his wounds for a second time. As I put the stuff away I was forced to remember he was still shirtless.
"Oh uh, I washed your shirt too, it was pretty soaked through."
He nodded, making a pained face as he moved to sit up, letting me help as he did. Wolf took that as an invitation to get on the couch, his large dog body taking up a good portion of it as he laid across James' lap. I looked to the ceiling as he laughed, petting him some more.
"I'm so sorry. If you want him off all you have to do is tell him to get down."
I said standing up, going to the kitchen to wash my hands.
"I don't mind it, he reminds me of an old friend."
He lamented as I came back, wiping my hands on a towel.
"They must've been one hell of a friend."
He nodded slowly.
"Hey uh, you can call me Bucky. if you want."
I reached for his hand and shook it.
"Thanks for this y/n."
I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I'm not gonna lie James, uh Bucky, I was a little shook up last night. I had just quit my job when you came stumbling down the alley I almost wasn't sure what to do with you. And I know as a citizen I probably should have called an ambulance but as an ally..."
I paused. he looked a little more into what i had to say now.
"I've, well, I've been around the block with a string of heroes before and none of them could ever actually get help from paramedics. So I did what I could."
He nodded.
"I really appreciate it y/n, I must've been desperate after all, to go to a complete stranger."
He laughed.
"I'm just glad you found me and not someone else. Or who knows what could have happened."
"those were my thoughts exactly."
there was a long pause, me standing awkwardly and both of us staring at the floor. then Wolf barked, taking both of our attention as i jumped at the sudden sound.
"guess he agrees."
i said and he laughed again.
"ya know i really appreciate this. is there a way i could repay you? some how?"
he asked and i shook my head.
"no, i couldn't let you do that. really."
i said quickly, holding my hand out, watching as he struggled to stand.
"i want to."
he insisted, stumbling forward and i caught him. he panted out a pained noise.
"knowing you're safe is enough. come over here, lets get you something to eat."
i said, walking him slowly to the bar i was just sat at and feeling his back muscles strain against my palm as i held him upright.
"careful, you keep taking care of me i might never leave."
he said through a wince as i placed him in the chair.
i laughed and he sent me a soft look before smiling. i could feel the blush run across my face as i moved to the fridge, making a face like i was an idiot for saying that.
"uh i went to school to be a nurse after taking care of my last boyfriend. he was terminally ill but didnt want to stay at a care facility. i guess ive kind of been missing it since he passed last year."
"im sorry."
he said quietly as i pulled things out of the fridge for breakfast.
"its alright. ive been getting by. plus i have wolfie over there to keep me busy."
i said with a smile, the large dog wagging his tail as he sat at the edge of the kitchen.
"im sure he appreciated all you did for him."
bucky said and i nodded once, moving to the stove.
"uh, how do you like your eggs?"
he turned in the chair to look at me.
"what's your specialty?"
i laughed.
"anything but poached."
he smiled widely at me.
"over easy please."
"great. that i can do."
there was another long silence as i began frying the eggs. then he cleared his throat.
"would it be a little Stockholm syndrome-y to ask you out after saving my life?"
i let out a short, loud, laugh before looking at him.
"oh you're serious?"
i asked and he scratched the back of his neck nervously.
"unless youre not looking but the least i could do is take you to dinner."
i nodded slowly, plating the food and setting the plates on the counter.
"im not but i wouldnt say no to dinner. and who knows, maybe id be open to seeing you after. maybe with a shirt and not bleeding on my couch."
he picked up the fork and raised it in cheers to me.
"ill take it. and its the least i could do. as a thank you."
"its a date then."
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nukaghoul · 3 years
Explain Hancock lore to me pls I'm genuinely curious because I'm too impatient to pay attention to anything when I'm playing a game so in fallout I always just run around with my hot ghoul bf but I dont know anything about him because I skip all the dialogue
honestly respect, and okay so BASICALLY dont mind me im just gonna leave an entire Hancock-flavored essay here under the cut ->
im just gonna explain what he tells u in-game and u can find all this on the wiki, but i like saying it and i basically memorized it so ! u might actually know all this already but i v much appreciate u asking hdbsjdj
hancock was john mcdonough, a human and the brother of mayor mcdonough, and when the mayor kicked all the ghouls out of diamond city for No reason hancock couldnt bear to see all those people basically sentenced to death and he left. he managed to help some of them, but he was only one man, and a lot of them disappeared.
after that, he stumbled around as a drifter, literally just surviving. he wound up in the streets of goodneighbor, and the tyrannical mayor of the place at the time was being a fucking dick to everyone and killing drifters for no reason. a Source of Trauma for hancock was then, when he watched that mayor and his gang kill a drifter right in front of him. he describes that they "cracked him open like a can of cram on the pavement." heavy stuff. anyways hancock and the other drifters were frozen with fear, and i mean who wouldnt be, but hancock still feels guilty for not doing anything about it then.
so hancock, who is not quite hancock at this point, decides "god fucking damn i hate myself" and takes this experimental drug packed with radiation. he says he couldnt stand looking at who he was in the mirror anymore, and he knew that taking that drug would wipe that away. john mcdonough, wracked with guilt, takes a cleaver to his own life, becoming a ghoul and getting so goddamn high that he winds up knocked out in the basement of the old state house. (dont ask me how the hell he got in there or why he wasnt intercepted by one of the mayor's goons, cause ive got no fucking clue havdjhf)
anyways, when he wakes, he finds himself staring at the dusty old clothes of john hancock hanging there in the display case, still miraculously untouched after two hundred years. he says that "he mightve still been high but those clothes /spoke/ to him," and suddenly, he knows what he needs to do. he sets his metaphorical cleaver down as he puts on the clothes, transformation finished. he's carved out a new life for himself with that weapon, and he's done running away. from everything.
so, he rounds up all the drifters, gives them weapons, and hides up in the rafters while the mayor and his gang get wasted. they drop down, and they all immediately surrender. for their crimes, hancock's motley little crew kill them all anyways. ((from the man's own mouth: "we didnt have to fire a shot. we didn't /have/ to. but we sure fucking did {]>:) (thats his hat))
he says there wasnt even an official decision or anything, they just all looked to him and suddenly he was on that balcony of the old state house, still rushed with adrenaline and shouting out the first words that came to mind: "of the people, for the people." that was his 'inaugural address.' he says they didnt even feel like his words, that first time he said them, but they fit, and he didnt want to take them back.
with all the decorum that the post-apocalypse can muster, john hancock becomes the mayor of the second-largest city in the commonwealth. and john mcdonough might as well be dead to the world.
its never said exactly how long he's been mayor, or even how long it took him to become mayor after leaving diamond city. if i had to guess, seeing how he talks abt his former self, he was pretty young. maybe he left somewhere in his twenties, formed that little revolution anywhere from a month to a year afterwards, and has been mayor-ing since. he's pretty familiar with all of his friends and family in goodneighbor, so its safe to say he's been there for a good few years. fuck, its not even said how old hancock /is/ come to think of it hskdjfn i'd place him anywhere from 25 to 40, probably somewhere near the middle.
((also, extra fun fact that i cant find anywhere to place, hancock actually knows nick from his days in diamond city and if you walk into goodneighbor with nick at your side, they'll give a brief but familiar hello to each other. on the flip side, if you go to save nick with hancock at your hip and enter dialogue with hancock there, he says something to the effect of, "hey, dont worry. if anyone can find your boy, it's ol' Nick. assuming we get out of this pit alive, that is" (referring to the weird decrepit vault nick's stuck in.) i just think thats pretty neat))
so yeah, there you have it, all the Hot Ghoul Bf Lore off the top of my head !! its nice to type it all out for once instead of stumbling through saying it all at dinnertimes and family gatherings hsbajdjn
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bridgyrose · 4 years
I couldn't decide between an angsty CinderRuby prompt for either 5 or 12, because I know both would turn out great XD
So why not let you have the pick?
“This is all your fault!” Cinder glared at Ruby, picking herself up from the ground, or at least what she thought was ground. The abyss she fell down into with Ruby seemed a bit off. No light, no notion of up or down, yet she could see herself and her rival without issue. “If you had just went without any trouble-” 
“What exactly is your problem?” Ruby finally picked herself up and glared back at Cinder. “All I was trying to do was save everyone in Atlas. All I want to do is stop Salem. I think enough people have died in this… pointless conflict between her and Ozpin.” 
“You took everything from me! And now, it’s time I returned the favor!” Cinder reached out with her arm, freezing when she noticed her wrappings were gone. 
Ruby hesitated as she looked at Cinder’s arm, finally seeing the scarring that littered it. “Who hurt you like this?” 
Cinder quickly gripped her arm and turned around to hide everything. “I-it doesnt matter.” 
As soon as those words left Cinder’s mouth, the void of the abyss started lighting up with memories from Cinder’s childhood. The bullies that picked on her in the orphanage, the Madame and her daughters, Rhodes, Watts, even Salem. Every word, every hit, and every shock was on full display, airing exactly who hurt Cinder. 
Ruby looked around, taking everything in. “All this pain, and you suffered through it alone, didnt you?” 
Cinder’s eyes lit up in flames as she turned to face Ruby. “I was alone because everyone saw me as worthless! I was different, so the bullies at the orphanage made sure I knew just how worthless someone like me was. The Madame shocked me for three years for the tiniest mistake. Her daughters kept pushing me, testing me, making my life a living hell. And then Rhodes… I trusted him to help me. And when I finally had enough and freed myself, all he saw was a murderer. I had to claw my way to get this power, and then I almost lost it to you!” 
Ruby watched as the abyss started to change, showing the encounters she had with Cinder, watching as the silver light from her eyes burned away at her. “Then let me help you.” 
“Help me?” Cinder scoffed. “ And why would you want to help me?”
“Because you’re not the only one who’s gone through so much pain.” Ruby watched as the abyss started changing once more, showing her own pain. Penny and Pyrrha dying in front of her, the day she was told her mother wasnt coming home, watching each of her friends get hurt. “I might not have the same physical pain as you do, but I have my own pain I carry.” 
Cinder looked around, the flames dying out from her eyes as she watched a little girl crying in bed, her father ignoring her while her sister tried to comfort her. 
“I get it, you did what you had to. You felt powerless, helpless… and all you wanted was a purpose. But following Salem… she’s only treating you the same way the others did. And once she gathers all the relics, she’s not going to remake the world, she’ll destroy it. All she wants is death.” 
Cinder frowned, her eyes starting to light up again. “You dont know what I’ve been through! And I wont let you tell me what to do!” 
Ruby sighed and nodded. “I know. But I also know you’ve been questioning things yourself. I saw the way you looked when you saw Emerald with me and the others. The betrayal you felt.” 
Cinder growled and lunged at Ruby. “I wont let you get to me!” 
“Did you know what was inside that grimm? The one that was sent after Penny?” 
Cinder stopped for a moment, keeping her weapon trained on Ruby. “Why should I care?” 
“There was a person inside.” Ruby watched as the room shifted one more time, showing Cinder exactly what happened with the Hound. “I knew something changed about Salem hunting down people with silver eyes, but I’m also concerned she’s going to do the same thing to you.” 
Cinder gripped her grimm arm, hesitating as she did. “You cant be serious. You really think she’d turn me into that?” 
“Are you wanting to risk it?” 
Cinder sighed and let her weapon dissipate as she dropped it, the flames in her eyes going out once more. She refused to answer Ruby, but her thoughts were clear. 
Ruby motioned for Cinder to follow her. “I’m not going to force you to join me. But for right now, we’ll both need each other if we want to find a way out. And maybe it’ll give you a bit of time to think.” 
Cinder followed Ruby as she walked, keeping a few feet of distance between her and the younger girl. “Fine. But only until we get out of here.” 
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cthluvr · 3 years
summary: sadie hates her home life, so she decides to run away to the outerbanks. and with that, she finds out something life changing
warnings: mentions of parent abuse, a little violence
“mom, i’m done. i’m so fucking done with you and robs bullshit.”
“you cannot leave us sadie. you’re 15 years old for goodness sake! you have no place to stay, barely any money and no one to go with”
“i’ll find a place, i’ll use my savings and i’ll go by myself if i have to. i can’t live like this anymore”
“fine, then fucking go! see if i care”
as soon as she said that, i took my belongings and bursted out of the door. ever since my mom married robert, things have changed tremendously.
i hated the way he treated her. i hated the way he changed her for the worse. he made me throw out every memory i had of my real dad. which is god knows where, but i’ve never seen him before. only pictures and stories from my mom.
i remember, rob slapped me after i told him he treats my mother like shit and she did nothing about it. he acts like he knows the place when he has only lived here for 6 months.
i loved surfing, until he banned me from doing that because it was a “distraction.” i tried to do it again, but when he found out my punishment was worse than its ever been. and my mom did absolutely nothing about it.
she doesn’t even act like a mother anymore, and i hate it. she cares about her reputation and robert more than her own daughter, who has been there for her for over 15 years now.
i bike to the nearest train station, not caring where the hell i was going. i boarded on the train going to the outerbanks. i mean, if i’m going somewhere why not go somewhere nice
after nearly two hours, i finally made it to outerbanks. i don’t know where i’m going to sleep, maybe i’ll set a fort outside, it’s pretty nice out.
“party tonight, main beach at 9” a random brunette said to me, walking past.
why not go? it’s a good opportunity to meet new people and get used to my new home. i wanted to ask where the main beach was, but no one was around. until about 5 more minutes of walking, seeing a dirty blonde boy
“hey, i’m sorry but do you know where the main beach is?” i asked
“why? you new here?”
“yeah, just got here today. don’t exactly know my way around yet”
“walk down to 8th street, then make a right”
“thank you so much”
“of course, now i believe i should get your name as a reward”
“sadie, and you are?”
“beautiful name for a beautiful girl, i’m rafe” this comment made me slightly uncomfortable, knowing he looked quite older than me
“thanks” i mumbled “i’m going to go now”
“wait-“ he shouted “if you’re going to the party tonight, do you want to meet up? i’ll introduce you to some of my friends”
again, feeling uncomfortable i gave him the best response i could. “maybe, i’ll see”
“fine with me. just do me a favor, don’t go anywhere near the pogues”
confused with who or what the ‘pogues’ i felt no need to listen to him.
after my legs almost giving up, i sat down on a rock. this side of the island was much messier than the other but to be honest, i didnt mind at all. after sitting with myself and my thoughts, i couldn’t help it anymore. i started crying, hoping no one was around. but against my wishes, i heard footsteps behind me
“hey, are you okay?” a brown haired girl with highlights asked me, being much more inviting than rafe
“yeah, fine” i smiled
“what happened? you have all your bags packed and it looks like you’re a little lost”
“i just moved here, and i’m not sure where to go” sniffling through my response
“i see, maybe you can crash with me at my friends house?”
“i cant do that. i don’t even know your name”
“kiara, but you can call me kie”
“i’m sadie”
“are you going to the party tonight?”
“yeah, i heard about it”
“come with my friends and i. i promise we’re all nice” she laughed
“also, you’re not staying on a rock. come with me back to my friends house and you can decide from there”
“alright, fine”
i met john b and sarah, they were super nice, kie wasn’t wrong. i got told the other two were handling groceries on the other side of the island, but they would be back for the party
sarah let me borrow one of her dresses that she had, in which she said ‘makes my body look hot as hell’
“i’m not kidding, guys will be all over you”
“what if i don’t want that” i giggled
“good point, but you still look hot”
john b was driving us to the beach, while i was scared out of my mind what happens at these events.
so far i smell weed and alcohol, and i have also seen countless amount of people making out.
“sadie! you came” a deep voice came from behind me
“yeah” i said, looking down
“you dress up nicely”
“thanks” i tried giving him dry responses, but he just didn’t get the hint
“sadie, there’s people i want you to meet” kie yelled out
“i told you not to go anywhere near the pogues” he looked mad, but it’s nothing i’m not used to
“who are you to tell me what to do?”
“damn rafe, she really does not put up with your shit”
“shut the hell up for once”
“don’t talk to her like that” walking off with kie to meet the other people of the crew
“sadie, this is jj and this is pope” she introduced. jj. why does that name sound so familiar?
“nice to meet you” pope shook my hand, while jj just waved.
i tried not zoning out, considering i couldn’t put my finger on why the name jj sounds so familiar. i never knew anyone named jj before today
“sade! come on, come try this!” sarah called me over to try some alcohol, in which i’ve never even had a sip of. but why not do it now?
damn, i’ve been having alot of ‘why nots’ so far
chugging it down, making a sour face while i swallowed
the night went on, but i was with john b, pope and kie the whole time.
“fuck you maybank!” i suddenly heard, everyone running over. what did i do? why did someone just say ‘fuck you’ to me?
i soon realized it wasn’t me who they were talking, but it was rafe fighting jj.
i know i should be helping him, but i all makes sense. it makes sense why that name was so familiar. it makes sense how i’ve never seen my dad before
after people breaking it up, i knew i had to talk to jj. so, i found him as soon as i could
“hey jj, can we talk for a second?”
he looks confused, but still nodded his head.
“i know this may sound crazy, but bare with me. when i heard rafe scream ‘fuck you maybank’ i thought he was talking about me. because, my last name is maybank. this might be a long shot, but we might be siblings”
“what? there’s no way. i don’t have a sister”
“it’s because mom took me, and dad took you.” he flinched at the words dad, i couldn’t help but wonder why
“i remember my mom talking about you, how you were such a charming kid. she told me that her and dad got into a fight when she told him she was pregnant with me, which made them go their separate ways.” he looked speechless, words tried to escape his mouth but they didn’t. “one question that might settle this. is your fathers name luke?”
he looked at me with wide eyes. “you’re my sister” he said, finally taking in the words. “but please, don’t call him my father. he has been nothing of a father figure for me”
“okay, i won’t. so i guess there goes my chance of meeting him”
“no shot, he’s a dangerous man and the entire island knows it. you’re not going anywhere near him. i’m sorry”
“it’s alright, doesn’t matter”
“hold on, so if you’re living with mom, what are you doing here?”
i sighed, knowing i would have to explain this to him eventually. “mom got married, with someone i hated. he started with saying i’m worthless, no one cares about me, he gaslit me, was a very manipulative man. then everything changed after i was standing up for myself. he slapped me. and that wasn’t the first time. mom did nothing about it, i couldn’t stand for it anymore. so i got on the nearest train and came here”
he was teary eyed at my words, and just pulled me into a hug. “i’m so fucking sorry, you didn’t deserve any of that. from now on, i’ll try to be the best i can be. i promise. i’ll step up for that brother role i never had. and you will never have to feel that way ever again.”
i started crying as well, but i couldn’t stop myself from saying “i love you”
“i love you too, sis”
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Emotions pt 2
This is the extension of when my sister moved out. We had a small group of friends who lived nearby, and we would visit them occasionally. Lets call these people "Family B" So we'd visit them every once in a while, and my sister would always chat with family B and very often go and sleepover with them. Remember, she was still struggling with depression. One day, my mom goes out with our grandma in london. She desperately needed a break, and little did I know. My sister had decided to go to a party against my mom's wishes. This party had boys, and possible drugs and drinks. This was after prom, my sister wasnt even graduated yet. My mom gets angry and texts my sister to go back home, and I'm at home with no idea what happened. The next morning my sister lets in Family B, and for some reason Family B decides to take us. My mother was terrified of what was happening, and was so mentally unstable at that moment. Family B said they weren't giving either me or my sister back. At the time I was 16, but I'd lived a sheltered life so I had no idea what exactly was happening. My sister was 18. Nearly graduating. I had no idea what was happening and just treated this trip as a sleepover, no idea why this was happening. While I was there at Family B's house with my sister, I started to get sick. I threw up and they were trying to give me medication that I'd never had before. I rejected their offer after trying one of their things. I just rested on the balcony, feeling pale as all hell. Exausted and very unwell, at the time I didn't know any of my choices. All I knew was "stay." While that was happening, my sister didn't even help me. She just patted my back in an uncomfortable way, in which I told her to just not to touch me. Then Family B told my sister and I that we'd have to go back. Or at least I would. I vollunteered to go back, telling my sister that she can stay. Her reaction to possibly going back was filled with anxiety and such. I packed my things again, feeling weaker than before. Pulling my backpack upstairs. I see my dad and something lifts me up, suddenly I feel like I have the energy to carry my bag properly. I had no idea what happened there, but i realized. I was supposed to be with my parents, not Family B. I put my bag into the car and sit in the back, noticing my mom in the front. Then she turns around, I'm shocked by the sheer amount of tears on her face. My steeled emotions turned to putty as I realized she wasnt even mad, she was just terrified. We spend most of the time home for a bit, and I'm mostly getting better with her. We talk alot while my sister is gone, and we realize we barely knew anything about each other. I keep going to school and keep feeling heart wrenched while seeing her on the bus. She cries, I cry. But the more I think about it, I did miss her. But the thing I hated was the fact that she took so much time away from me and my mom. She wanted all the attention and energy from my mom when she had none. Me on the other hand was happy with anything, I'd always be happy with even the smallest thing. Like candy bars or a card. I was easily satisfied, and that made it easier on my mom and dad. After my sister graduated, I spent most of my time with my mom. Chatting with her, and seeing her grow. The longer my sister was gone for, the more my mom grew into learning about trauma and how to handle it. She sometimes consulted me about the teachings she was recieving, and I would be able to explain the methods and how to go through with some of them. But most of all I was learning more about her, at that time she loved cooking. Then it turned to resolving trauma, and we looked towards therapy for my mom and sister. While Me, in the middle. I dealt with the frustration of seeing my sister just act like she's being judged too harshly. I just most of all communicated that I was the one watching most of the time, and the stupidest thing came out of my sister's mouth at that time. "You're not the watcher anymore, I wont let you be in the middle." HAH! I'm your sister and Mom's
kid. I will always be in the middle. Then she proceeded to get upset at mom for communicating with me. From which I responded with a small cry, "i want to know". Then she says I dont need to know. But I'd been shut down and left behind in the closet of living a sheltered life. I was much too sheltered and this was both my mom and sister's fault. But now my mom was revealing the truths to me, and I started to see more about reality. Its not easy at all, you have to make sure you get shit done or else you get evicted. You have to make sure you do things or else you'll not recieve legal money from the gov't. The more I talked with my mom and learned about what my sister said about me, the more I felt hurt. Yeah its fine if you told me face to face, but you said that to mom. Pushing her away from me as I moved along all alone with no one to confide to about my own familial issues. When she moved out. I don't know what exactly was going through my head, but I was suddenly completely against my sister coming back. I was paying for the place myself now, and I didnt want it anymore. As in I didn't want the tense feeling that my sister made whenever they came over. Of course, my sister just blamed it on my mom. Saying it's her who is making the air tense. But to be honest, both me and my mom just couldn't handle my sister being back. So the best thing for me and my mom, instinctually I knew. We had to cut her out of our lives. But my mom still held out hope that they would come back. Back to normal, but the more she tried. The more my sister just deteriorated. Now its just me and my mom, safe from anything my sister says now. My mom is finally telling my grandma to stop supporting my sister so she gets a taste of real life. So she understands how hard it is to live by themselves. Honestly they'll always be babied until they actually live on their own, without talking to any people. Just chores and saving money so they wouldn't have to worry about medical bills. But of course, ordering out is more important. Going to starbucks is more important, going to abandoned buildings is more important. Her friends were always more important. This is my goodbye. I refuse to help you in any way because you refused to help mom when she asked. When you came around, you'd lay around and let skittles(her service dog) Bark and affect Sully(mom's service dog) to bark as well. When skittles isnt around sully is perfect. He behaves and doesnt bark at all. Theres so much more I want to write but I'm scared to move forwards to those words, I myself am not ready to say the words left over in my head. So. Good bye, and have a nice life. I still love you but stay the hell away from me and my family.
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lady-charinette · 5 years
Aged up marichat where chat is being a little fart and marinette puts him into his place sassily. Angst in the beginning then shifting to fluff. But chat is justified in being stupid like he's not being whiny lol just a couple's quarrel LOL (since theyre in their 20s possoble mention at them having future kids and them being blushy bc they didnt do the shame shame bc theyre waiting for marriage XD) Lyyy scar
Heh, you're welcome @ravensink ! Don't forget to drop by more amazing requests! ;) 😏😈 Also: @miraculous-elcie-fanfics since you mentioned wanting to be tagged in my ML stories :3
"Oh? The princess isn't resting in her lavish castle with a maid massaging her feet?" the teasing voice cut through the peaceful silence and Marinette hung her head, already knowing who it was.
They've been at this for a while now.
Four years, to be exact.
She didn't turn her head to look at him, but acknowledged his presence when he jumped down from her chimney to land perfectly balanced on her balcony railing next to her.
It still amazed her how, even after he'd underwent growthspurt after growthspurt during puberty, with only her head reaching the very top of his shoulders now, he still managed to perfectly balance his large frame on the thin metal railing.
Marinette smirked at his banter. "The princess was waiting for her loyal servant to finally arrive and massage her feet for her. I must say you're quite tedious, loyal servant." the smug grin on her lips made the young man chuckle, shaking his head in amusement.
A fair eyebrow rose in question, mirth shining in those green eyes of his that had captivated her more than once, not that she would ever say that out loud. "Apawlogies princess, my services have been lacking."
The young woman laughed, the smile reaching her eyes when she glanced at him briefly. "Careful kitty, I just may be on the lookout for another tomcat." She winked and Chat had to admit it did funny things to his stomach, had since they'd become good friends.
More than that.
Comfortable silence settled between them, until Chat Noir spoke again, his voice dropping a bit deeper, more serious. "Marinette."
The use of her name made her finally turn her head, the bandage on her cheek catching the cat's eye instantly. "What?"
He sighed, swinging his legs over so that they hovered over the floor of her balcony and no longer in open air. "You should've called for me sooner."
She gingerly touched his shoulder, her smile warmer than the inviting blankets in her room. "I'm fine kitty, Ladybug saved me."
He scoffed, messy blond hair falling into his eyes. "She may always save you, but there will be a time where she can't."
Marinette sighed, knowing those words were very true, especially since she was Ladybug.
Not that her partner would know anything about it.
"Maybe...maybe there will be a time where I can't..." the solemn expression on his face and in his voice made her blood boil and Marinette leaned forward.
"Huh? Princess, wha- MEOWCH!" Chat Noir sprung back quickly, back slamming against the side of the wall as he cowered away from the lethal substance. "Hey! Cut it out! I thought we talked about this little lady!"
He hissed at the offending object held securely in her hand, a disapproving glare on her face. "Don't you 'lady' me, kitty! And I thought we said you would stop trying to protect me all the time! I'm a big girl Chat, I can protect myself!"
The woman with the hell spawned spray bottle in her hands crossed her arms and the feline hero deemed it safe enough to come closer when the deadly bottle wasn't directed at his general direction anymore.
"You can't protect yourself against akumas!" Chat Noir straightened to his full height, now a whole head taller than the angry dark-haired woman.
Marinette growled in frustration. "I did and I will! Ladybug and you may have super suits but I have enough brains to think my way out of a situation." the proud smile on her lips was there for a second, until her secret partner was on her again.
Chat Noir growled, a far more guttural and feline-esque sound than what Marinette made. "Don't be stupid! What if you get into a situation where brains can't help you?! What if you're trapped somewhere, kidnapped by an akuma or not even on land and far away? What then? Still think your creative mind can save you?"
Not willing to back down, no matter how pity their argument seemed, Marinette stood her ground. She knew Chat Noir had now way of knowing she was Ladybug, so technically she had the brains and the super suit. "I will think of something!"
Now it was his turn to cross his arms, much bigger than hers, from all the years of fighting against akumas and criminals and he leveled her with a deadpan look. "Evillustrator?"
Marinette gaped, surprised that was the first thing that sprung to his mind. "You were with me! Nathaniel was harmless! We'd been kids Chat Noir!"
He frowned. "Glaciator?"
She coughed, looking away. "Kids! Err...I was on a roof and distracted by all the candles you set up!"
His expression softened at the memory, but quickly hardened with his next inquiry. "Ignoblia?"
Marinette jaw dropped and she pointed an accusing finger at her friend. "Hey! She was a bit..too quick and...she was a superhero- villain!"
"Exactly! Proves my point purrfectly!" He smirked at the look of despair on her face, until Marinette turned her back to him and huffed.
"I see kitty is having a hissy fit!"
He didn't want to, but the jab still got him. That little minx. "How can I not when you constantly dive headfirst into danger?! Do you think I dont check every alley and every corner if I dont know you're home when an akuma strikes? I can't believe you can't see reason!" he ran his claws through his messy hair, messing it up even further.
The designer stomped her foot. "I can't believe you can't see reason Chat! Why do you even check every alley? I'll find shelter somewhere!" she rolled her eyes, irritation seeping from her every pore.
The brief pause that followed made Marinette turn her head and when she looked back at the suspiciously quiet cat, her eyes flew open.
His face was set into a deep scowl, protective rage shining brightly in the green eyes and when he took a large step towards her, Marinette nearly stumbled from his imposing presence. His voice was heavy with emotion but didn't lose its bite from before. "I just want you to be safe!"
She stared up at him, her hands raised and just shy of touching him directly, bluebell eyes blinking slowly.
Chat Noir's face was still set in that intense glare, chest heaving from his outburst, until a hand settled gently on his cheek.
He blinked, all traces of anger gone and he instinctively leaned into her touch. "M-Marinette?"
His face looked so vulnerable, so open, green eyes glistening with emotions when her name left his lips in a whisper.
"I promise..." she took a breath, but smiled warmly up at him, the hand on his cheek caressing him softly. "...to try not to get into trouble as often. And I'll have you on speed dial, okay?"
The man sighed heavily, but nuzzled her hand, blond hair still falling slightly into his eyes. "You better not furget princess."
The teasing glint was back in his eyes and Marinette gently flicked his nose. "I won't you worrisome cat."
He shook his head, smiling down at her like a lovesick fool. "Kittens...."
Marinette rose an eyebrow curiously, giggling in amusement while she gently petted his cheek like a cat. "What?"
"Our kittens will be adorable with your looks princess..." the words leaving his lips were dreamy and mumbled, the same soft look in his eyes.
Then, as if awakening from his trance, Chat Noir sprung away from the blushing woman. "N-No, w-wait! It's not- I didn't- I mean I did, but- NO WAIT!"
He covered his mouth with his hand, face an alarming scarlet, tail haphazardly moving on the floor, and Marinette swore if she'd taken a second glance, she'd seen for sure his tail was formed into a heart.
Marinette's entire face was a tomato red, her mind racing with mental images.
Of Chat Noir
And her.
And their children.
Dressed in little black cat ears and wearing ladybug themed masks.
"Eep!" the undignified sound made Chat Noir jump and it took Marinette a split second to realize it hadn't been her that made that sound but him.
Chat Noir covered his face, before he desperately tried to talk over his rapidly pounding heart. "W-Wait, it's not what it sounds like! I was- I was talking about kittens, from- from the streets and- and! Um, adopting them!" he looked everywhere but at her but Marinette couldnt bring herself to look away from him, transformed into a blushing, stuttering mess.
"Y-Yes! Pff-preciously! I-I mean precisely! Kittens! From the streets! To uh, to adopt! Not like a family or anything or uh - just uh, individually! As-as friends! Platonic! Completely platonic! I mean, of course, if you want- not I'm not forcing you, never, I mean you're my princess and lady, I could never force you, no way! No, I-"
A finger suddenly planted itself on his lips and Chat Noir's eyes flew wide open at the action, pupils zeroing in on Marinette.
A very red faced Marinette, who had a determined look on her face, stared up at him just as she stared down their enemies when in her super suit as Ladybug. "I...I think kittens would....would be fine."
Both older teens stared at each-other in petrified silence, until Marinette spoke again, the pink shade on her face growing darker. "B-But our own k-kittens...w-with Ladybug masks and cat ears...I-in a n-non-platonic way..."
Ice settled in her stomach and Marinette's mind worked into overdrive to try and come up with a believable excuse.
Maybe it had been a joke! Of course! Chat Noir was known to make jokes!
Marinette froze when she was pushed into a solid warmth, surrounded by equally solid, warm arms around her back and one cradling the back of her head tenderly.
She could feel Chat's frantic heartbeat slowly settle down the longer they were locked in their embrace and before Marinette could form a sentence, Chat already spoke.
His voice was so quiet, she strained to hear it properly. "You know princess, I think I prefer them wearing their mama's suit more, but whatever you say m'lady."
Marinette's heart skipped a beat and she buried her face against his chest, shoulders shaking from laughter.
That dork.
Of course he knew.
But she had a little secret of her own, one she won't reveal just yet.
She smiled, her own arms wrapping around him tightly.
He purred in response.
Marinette's smile widened. "Only if they wear their papa's brand from time to time."
Chat's heart picked up in speed again and Marinette laughed.
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kunoichi-ume · 4 years
For the WIP sampler: while I'm curious about Noara's death, I'd much rather hear about her adventures!
Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
Sure you don’t wanna hear about Noara dying? About Torian getting there just in time to be too late to save her, but early enough to get to say goodbye? To say an edited version of the Mandalorian wedding vows because even if she doesnt know it he won’t make her lie to him (about raising children together I mean)? About Noara asking if now she can sleep, just for a moment, and Torian knows it will be longer? 
No? Okay. 
Actually writing her dying at all was a writing exersize that @cinlat sort of dared me to do, sort of a “you never know your character until you put them through ALLLLLL the hell” thing cause I don’t really plan to kill Noara. (Sith Noara however... her days are numbered.)
Noara’s adventure log started when I felt I didn’t really know Noara well enough to keep writing I’ve Got You and was kicking myself for starting the fic so far into the canon story so she wouldn’t be able to grow through her experiences as I worked on her (instead she had to be a finished product and that was bugging me so much!) so I started on Tython and getting into her head from the start.
Have a couple snippets, cause the start of this post was rude I know. They are a bit on the long side, but other than @cinlat who I am pretty sure I shared this doc with, odds are no one else will see this fic if and when I pick it up again because it was more character study than anything but damn if I didnt have fun with it.
Noara’s thoughts as she arrives on Tython to start her trials:
This was the farthest from home she had ever been, not counting wherever she had been before the Jedi brought her to the enclave she’d been raised in. Now she’d left the only home she’d ever known to prove her worth and, hopefully, pass her trials. If she didn’t her dreams of traveling the galaxy and helping people would be gone. She’d be stuck in a research position or raising crops or something else equally unfulfilling even if she understood the necessity of it.
Failure wasn’t an option, not for Noara.
If all the times she had snuck out of her academic classes were any indication, she wouldn’t enjoy life as a scholar.
And the first time she takes a life, even if it’s a Flesh Raider determined to kill her is a big moment for her too:
Noara followed the rock formations, giving her on side where an ambush was less likely, and rounded a corner to see exactly what she had worried she might when she heard their name. Three of the reddish-pink rough skinned creatures crouched on the ground feasting on dead bodies. To make it worse two of the bodies were Jedi and one was their own kind. Flesh eaters and cannibals. That image was going to stick with.her. 
Adjusting her grip on her sabers, wishing she had weapons as real as this fight was going to be, she stepped around the rocks and crouched slightly. Pulling the Force around her, she leapt, propelling herself the considerable distance between her and the Flesh Raiders. They reared up as she landed, one coming at her with a training saber it probably stole off one of the dead Padawans, while the other two drew blasters. 
Reacting quickly, she blocked the first Flesh Raiders first strike before Force pushing it away to buy her time to deal with the other two. As it stumbled away, she slashed her blades at the two firing at her. They knew how to use the blasters, but their aim was horrendous. They hadn’t had these weapons long and she was easily able to sidestep their shots and cut each across the chest with the electrified edges of her blades. 
The creatures cried out, horribly gargled sounds by their misshapen mouths, as they fell. An angry cry behind her reminded Noara of the third Flesh Raider and she turned just in time to block a strike aimed at her skull. Before the beast could react to her quick movement, she stabbed it through the gut with her other weapon. 
It fell, dead, at her feet and Noara had to yank her training saber out of it’s ribcage where it had gotten lodged. She turned her sabers off and frowned at the blood, a sickly brown color, that clung to them. She wanted to clean them but had a feeling this wouldn't be her last fight and that it would be a wasted effort. 
It wasn’t until the smell hit her that what she had just done really sank in. She’d killed them, hadn’t even hesitated. Noara waited for the regret, the sickening guilt her masters had told her would accompany every life she took, but it didn’t come. Just relief that it was them lying on the ground and not her and the familiar thrill she always felt when sparring. She’d assumed that it would be different in a real fight, that it would be less exciting to win when it meant something else died but it wasn’t.
That thought scared her, because she knew how it sounded. It went against everything Jedi stood for and were taught. Taking a deep breath, she pushed all of that away to meditate on later. She was in a dangerous situation and there were other Padawans depending on her. 
And younger Noara might just have an attitude problem, but ya gotta admit the Flesh Raider problem on Tython was seriously mismanaged...
When Noara answered her com a small image of Knight Weller, bending down to brace a wound on his leg, appeared. He looked her image over in relief. “You’re unharmed, good. A Flesh Raider shot me in the leg while I was rescuing some Padawans. No idea where they got blasters, but they know how to use them. I’ve been evacuated to a medcenter but the fighting isn’t over.”
Noara sighed but bit back the comment she wanted to make. For a planet that should be full of some of the galaxy's best warriors they were pretty bad at crisis management. “Will there be reinforcements coming? I’m up to my neck in monsters here.”
Weller nodded. “Some are already there, but they keep pouring in. We need to stop them at the source. Padawan Unaw Aharo found a cave the Flesh Raiders tunneled through to get into the valley. I need you to go and make sure they don’t get more reinforcements through it.”
Noara closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her patience was wearing thin, the handling of this situation left much to be desired and her understanding was that all Jedi on Tython were meant to be taking their trials. How any could be at that point and defenseless was beyond her. As far as she had seen, she was the only competent warrior on the whole planet but she wasn’t near arrogant enough to think she could take on every Flesh Raider out there on her own. “I don’t know how much I can do on my own, but I’ll do whatever I can to push them back and see if there is a way to seal the tunnel.”
“You won’t be alone for long,” Weller reassured her. “Master Orgus Din is on his way as well. We need to end this conflict before anyone else gets hurt. Find the cave along the east mountain ridge. May the Force be with you.”
His image winked out of sight and she huffed in annoyance. It had been a few hours since she had been sent into the field to fight the invaders and they were finally sending a member of the council to come help? What were the Jedi Masters doing while Padawans were being captured and killed? So far all she had learned on Tython was that she was lucky to have finished her combat training on Naboo before making the journey, being sent here without it could have been akin to a death sentence.
Master Doran had warned her the trials would be difficult when he tried to talk her into putting them off until she was a little older, but somehow Noara didn’t think this was what he meant.
And then her day just gets worse and worse when she gets to the cave and has to face the rogue Jedi commanding the Flesh Raiders:
The rogue Jedi lunged at her, swinging his lightsaber toward her neck. 
Noara just managed to dodge the blow, stepping quickly back. The second swing she caught with one of her training sabers, the blue energy blade crackling against the metal. 
“You think to defeat me with those toys?” He laughed, pushing her back with his superior strength and leaving marks in the ground where Noara tried to keep her footing. When most of his weight was committed to pushing her, she dropped to the ground, ducking under his arm and slipping behind him as he stumbled past her.
Using a move Master Doran always called reckless, she leapt into the air. Using the Force she propelled herself across the cavern to where his Flesh Raider backup was. Noara knew that if she wanted a glimmer of a chance to get out of here alive, she couldn’t face all three of them at once. Landing between them, Noara pushed the Force in a ring out from her body and knocked both away from her and to the ground. Stunned, neither stirred. She turned just in time to block the rogue Jedi’s attack with her training sabers crossed in front of her. He pressed forward, forcing Noara to step back again.
Obviously he had an advantage in both size and strength over her. She was going to need to be faster and cleverer. Before he could make her step back again, Noara kicked him in the gut. Not letting up when he stepped back, she followed him, pushing his lightsaber away from her with one of her blades and hitting his sword arm as hard as she could with the other. He dropped the saber with a sharp cry. 
Noara turned, releasing one of her training sabers to call his weapon to her. Before she caught it he tackled her, his shoulder digging into her gut. As they tumbled to the ground she lost her grip on her other weapon. She was never much of a grappler, her creche mates had often wiped the floor with her in unarmed spars but she had learned enough to know she couldn’t let him pin her. They landed hard on the ground, rolling a few times before he had straddled her waist and punched her in the face.
Lifting her hips off the ground, Noara tried to throw him off  but he was too high on her torso for that to work. Leaning forward he pinned her with his weight and wrapped his hands around her throat. Clawing at his fingers, she turned her head back and forth, trying to find a way out of this before remembering she was still armed. Pulling her leg up as close as she could, Noara blindly reached for her boot. Each of her boots had a dagger hidden in a discrete sheath inside the boot. 
Noara’s chest was on fire as she gasped for air and her vision was starting to dim. Reaching out to the Force for strength, she managed to grab the dagger’s hilt and pull it out of her boot. Without hesitation she stabbed him, driving the dagger into his side. He cried out in pain, releasing her neck and she was able to breath again. She ripped the dagger out of his flesh as he fell off of her. Running on pure adrenaline she followed him, burying the bloodied dagger hilt deep into his chest. 
Blood gushed around her hand and when he coughed it left bloody spots all over his face. “Killing me changes nothing,” he gasped wetly, “long live the new order.” The rogue Jedi took another gurgling breath before going limp under her and she felt his life force fading. 
Pushing herself away from his corpse, Noara tried to breathe through the pain in her chest and throat. 
“Look out!” Aharo cried, making Noara turn her head just in time to see the two forgotten Flesh Raiders approaching her. 
The dagger was still in the dead man’s chest but she spotted the lightsaber lying on the ground. She pulled it to her hand, activated it and threw it at them. With the Force she controlled it’s trajectory to strike them both. The Flesh Raiders fell to the floor, making similar death rattles to the ones she had heard all day. 
For a moment Noara didn’t move, leaning on her hand to keep herself upright while she waited for the next attack. When it didn’t come she slumped on the ground let out a shaky breath. Aharo, holding his gut, limped over to her. 
“That was amazing, I thought we were dead for sure,” he said, dropping to his knees next to her. “Are you alright?”
Noara nodded where she lay. “Yeah, I think so.”
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shotos-kettle · 4 years
Written for @ Noblecosplays on Tiktok ♡
Inspired one of their Bakugou videos
It was always in the back of his mind, the burning that kept him going through all of his training sessions. He was very well aware of the feelings he had deep within his heart and they pissed him off half the time, he was unable to get rid of any one feeling, whether it was anger, want, frustration. It was a part of what made him human, something his mother had taught him from a very young age, maybe even from the moment he came out of the womb. 'Never let your emotions be your weakness, you're strong Katsuki.' So he held true to that, using his emotions as his strength to keep going within tough situations.
When he was captured by the sludge villain he had nearly given up and allowed it to over take him, however seeing her eyes with so much fear held within those usually illuminous irises kicked his instincts into gear, he needed to keep fighting. Though when Deku had raced out to try and 'save' him his fight or flight instincts kicked into overdrive. 
Back then he wasn't absolutely certain what made him angrier, that the damn nerd had thought he needed saving, or the fear in his dear friend's eyes. Now, deep into his highschool studies and training to become the number one hero he knew just what had kept him going through his childhood years.
"Katsuki you're drifting again,  you sure you just don't want to hang up? It's 2 in the morning."
Her voice quickly snapped him out of his thoughts, his eyes lowering to his phone,the curve of his lip tweaking up in a slight smile that was only reserved for one person. "I'm fine, not really tired honestly." That was a lie, he was exhausted, he had spent hours in the training grounds with Kirishima and Denki sparring. "What about you? Aren't you getting tired? Didn't you go with pink cheeks today?" 
It wasn't like he actually cared that they hung out, he was just… Concerned, he knew how Uraraka was when it came to the two of them, always pressing things too far with her questions and even her quirk itself.
His eyes snapped over to the phone, shit. Had he drifted too deep into thought again? "Huh? What did you say?" She asked softly, trying to keep his voice down so his classmates on either side of his room wouldn't realize he was still awake.
"I asked if you wanted to hang out at the cafe tomorrow? They have a new macaroon out that I've been wanting to try for a while now."
Her eyes had lit up so much as she spoke and he absolutely adored that about her, even with everything going on in the world after All Might's retirement and the league of villains attack on the convoy that had been transferring the villain Overhaul, she still managed to find the little things that would excite her beyond one's belief.  "Yeah. Yeah absolutely. My treat okay?" Who was he kidding? She knew he didnt have any money, he had spent everything he had saved back to fix his gauntlets a few weeks back, they had imploded on him during a particularly vigorous training session.  
"Katsuki, I know you can't afford to pay so don't worry, besides it's my turn to treat you!" 
She always did this, and he wasn't going to lie it was pretty nice to have someone in his life that he didn't have to take care of every second of the day even if he still tried to. Though he could tell she was starting to drift off, he also knew it wasn't a good idea to push her to go to sleep, she was more stubborn than he was at times. 
Maybe that's why he had fallen so hard for her, she matched him so well but in the same sense was a complete opposite personality type that his own. They complimented each other nicely, whether in training or just on their daily antics, he was almost certain that's why their classmates tried so hard to get them together. He wasn't one to just give into something such as peer pressure, but when it involved her…  he was just a huge softie.
"Hey" He paused as he turned onto his side, head buried into the pillow as he stared at her sleeping form on the other end of the video call, a heavy sigh leaving his chest while his eyes took in every inch of her sleeping face. "Seriously, you say you're not tired and then you go and pass out on me… What am I going to do with you?" His words were spoken under his breath as he shifted one arm under his pillow, trying to keep any noise he made as quiet as he could so he could simply enjoy seeing her in such a peaceful state. She truly was the most beautiful being he had ever seen in all of his years.
His eyes held firm on her parted lips, watched them twitch here and there as everything he had pushed back slowly bubbled to the surface. The love he held for this girl in his heart was unmatched to anything he had felt in his life. "I want to ruin our friendship…" he whispered softly, the internal battle of his mind and his self control was waging on inside of his heart and soul. "We should be lovers instead." He closed his eyes for a moment as he buried his face in the pillow, trying to regain his own self control. "You don't feel the same for me and I know that. But I just can't help myself when it comes to you, everything I do, how hard I push myself to become the number one hero is to be able to protect you." He let the phone fall from his hand for a moment, missing the little smile that spread over her lips.
After a few long minutes, which seemed like hours to Bakugou he finally lifted his head once more and took hold on his phone. "Goodnight.. get some rest okay? I'll see you in the morning." He said softly, ending the call from his end, leaving his phone plugged into the charger as he took note that it was already nearing 3 in the morning. It wasn't an uncommon thing for them to end their days on a call together, it was simply something they had become accustomed to, telling each other about their day, what happened and if they had improved in their abilities at all. Her quirk was something strange to him, it wasn't physical and he wasn't sure if she would even be able to hold her own in a battle if she got mixed up with the league of villains.
That was his new reason to become number one, so he would never see her hurt. He pulled himself out of bed with a heavy sigh, he needed to expel this new found energy he had or he wouldn't be able to focus tomorrow. He packed up a bag with a change of clothes and some shower items and headed out of his room, he needed to train more, that would kick him into gear.
That following morning after his 6 hour training session he walked through the doors, dark circles around his eyes and his bag lazily draped over his shoulder. A flash of blonde was all he saw before he was tackled to the ground, a grunt leaving his lips as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Oi! What do you think you're doing?" He asked, knowing exactly who it was, but what knocked him into a speechless sputtering stupor was the gentle kiss planted on his cheek.
"Katsuki we are gonna be late! I want to get there before the macaroons are all sold out!"
He was fucked.there was absolutely no way in hell he was going to be able to hold his feelings back for much longer.
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authorofdanger · 5 years
Summary: What was life like for Y/N before Stray Kids?
Genre: Angst
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"Get back here you fucking rat," my owner screamed while chasing me through out the house. I ran as fast as I could out into the back yard with his bat in hand. The twigs and broken glass pierced into my feet as I went deeper and deeper into the trees behind my home and in the distance I could hear the hounds howling and multiple footsteps catching up to me.
This was all because I wouldn't let him punish the other ten year old bunny hybrid for something she didnt even do. In a drunken rage my owner came at her with the wooden bat which could easily have killed her so I fought hard and retrieved the weapon, determined to find a way of disposing it. I knew once I get captured I would get the life beaten out of me, figuratively if not literally, but it is always worth it if it means the other prey hybrids are okay.
Getting trapped between the house and the fast paced stream ahead of me I decided to toss the bat into the raging waters and dart upstream. "I see her! Why isnt anybody using the shock button!" I could hear ringing in my ears and a sharp pain shoot from my neck and wrists which sent me to the ground in a heartbeat with a shrill scream. I couldnt even feel the pair of arms that hoisted me up and dragged me back towards the hell house where I would receive possibly another set of broken bones and other various punishments.
"Y/N? Y/N hey its okay," a soft voice hushed as I shot up from the couch and onto the floor to cower myself into a corner. I clasped my arms over my head and gasped out apologies to avoid another beating I was sure to receive. That's when I felt the soft pets on my ears and scalp before removing my shaking arms. A hand found it's way under my chin and guided my gaze into the familiar loving brown eyes of Jisung. I could see the worry and panic in his face and I couldnt slow my jagged breathing.
"Changbin go call-" "No," I cried. Only then did I notice how raw my voice was and how weak I sounded. How long have I been screaming? I scanned both Changbin and Jisung's concerned faces before I completely broke down in front of them. I was then pulled into the strong set of arms and gently lifted back onto the couch. I hate feeling so small and so weak when all my life I had to be strong, if I wanted to live I wasn't allowed to shed a single tear. "Baby what happened? What was the dream about," Changbin sighed while gently stroking my back while Jisung positioned me to sit in his lap facing him. I buried my nose into the crook of his neck and shook my head.
Chan and Felix are the only two who know about my past since we didnt think the others could handle the graphic details. All they know is I was abused and Chan's family rescued me from the shelter I was sent to. I was meant to be Chan's support hybrid for his debut and I do a good job if you asked either one of us but when I finally described what exactly happened to me to the Aussie line that's when they became my support too.
"We cant help you unless we know what's going on. You've been having nightmares like this for the past two weeks again. You havent had this problem in months," Jisung began with the sweetest tone he could muster behind his growing nerves. "Please let us help you." I wiped my eyes and thought for a moment at all the times I have woken up all three rappers from my reoccurring nightmares, two of them watching in worry as only one found the way to calm me down. I nodded my head and guided one of Changbin's hands to the base of my left ear as I took in a shallow breath.
"Its about my last home," I whimpered, "I keep dreaming of all the things he did to all of us. The way he would beat us nearly if not to death. The way he treated us. It still haunts me and it doesnt help that its January." "What's wrong with January," Changbin asked. "My sister's birth month. The same month he forced me to watch him kill her. All because I took away his beating bat."
They looked at me in horror as they slowly began to piece together parts of my history. I glanced down at the scars on my stomach from when on that same night he forced her to shred the soft skin before her demise. I was put in physical and mental torture that night. "Its okay bunny girl. He's gone for good now," Changbin comforted behind a few stray tears. Jisung was close to breaking too with the looks of it but he was trying so hard to stay strong for me in this moment. "Can you tell us what happened to you?"
"My owner owned a breeding ring that my sister and I were born into. The both of us were deemed infertile so he just simply decided to use us as servants around his home. He was a constant drunk and found any reason to beat me and the other hybrids around the home. He killed alot of us over the years from the mix of physically beating us to death, starving us, and depriving us of water if we weren't deemed good enough. I was the oldest of the group when the cops arrived but I also had the worst physical damage. I was the one to take the blame for many mistakes and did everything I could to protect my family. I got no more than three hours of sleep most nights as to make sure everyone survived another night. When the cops came they found me in a tiny dog cage with my stomach mutilated, starving, and barely breathing. I stayed in the shelter in Sydney for almost a year before Chan's family found me. Chan was the first person I allowed to touch my ears and I for some unknown reason trusted him enough to fall asleep on him during adoption day."
I took in one more deep breath before looking Jisung in his eyes and whimpered "if Chan wouldn't have gotten me I was going to be put down because I was deemed aggressive. He saved my life, a life I didnt even know I still wanted." That's when he broke. He hid his face into my chest and shook wildly from a mix of sadness and pure anger.
"You know we would never hurt you. We love you and you do so much for us and I cant imagine how anyone could do that to you," Changbin said while holding his tears back. "I love you guys too. But please if any of the others ask about this dont say anything. I want to tell each of you on my own time."
"I promise. I promise I wont tell, I promise I wont hurt you, and I damn promise nobody will hurt you like that ever again," Changbin assured. "And I promise I will never let you go. I want to hold and protect you forever. We wont let you go."
And they never did.
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