#he finds the applin will was about to give him and just
chaoticsoysauce · 9 months
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shiny-kaibernyte · 6 months
Pokémon Headcanons | Drayton (Romance)
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
After living, dexing the Indigo disk and fighting Drayton a thousand times, I have finally given in to my urge to write romance headcannons for my favourite toothpaste dragon.
I am open to writing any Pokémon character story, so feel free to drop me a direct message or in my “ask me” and I will be happy to oblige.
SPOILER WARNING AHEAD (Indigo Disk Main Story)
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The most supportive person you will meet. If you have a goal in mind, he is supporting you every step of the way. Feeling down? He is taking you by the hands and pulling you up again. Though he will try to talk you out of anything dangerous, Got to keep you alive and all.
He is extremely loyal to you. If he were a Pokémon, he’d be an Arcanine when around you and a Slaking when you’re not with him.
He is a cuddly sleeper, hands down. If you don’t like cuddles, he will understand and will sulk about it every time. But if you are a cuddly person like him, expect to just have him cling to you whenever you’re alone, every chance he gets.
He will trade you any Pokémon you don’t have if he has it.
He is definitely a PDA fan; he loves to just be around you in general.
Hugs from behind are his favourite thing to give you, and he always rests his head on your shoulder when he does.
He loves it when you jump into his arms for a hug. He now has an excuse to catch you and swing you around, just to hear your laugh.
You’re the reason he is even still at this school! He has been held back three separate times, almost getting kicked out at multiple points. Your sheer determination to tutor him and actually get him into a classroom helped persuade the teachers to give him one final chance. And he is taking it and actually trying to do better. His battling skills and Kieran’s demand that he remain only helped him out a little bit.
If you want something, you are going to have to fight him to the checkout because he will try to buy it for you. When he takes you out, he is paying, even if you really want to. And if you try to transfer the BP to his phone after he’s paid, expect it back on your phone the next morning.
All of his Pokémon love you, especially his Flygon. It just likes to follow you around whenever Drayton brings his Pokémon out during picnics.
Speaking of picnics, All the time. Just all the time. If you want to make a sandwich, he is going to watch with stars in his eyes. Not because of the clear masterpiece you have made (iykyk), but because you are making food, and he can eat it.
Surprisingly good at English, I cannot count. Maths is his worst enemy, so you may have to help him out sometimes. Unless it's a mutual thing, then you’re on your own, buddy.
Drayton has a Dipplin in his box. It evolved from an Applin you gave him. Originally, he was going to evolve into Hydrapple, but when Kieran destroyed Drayton's team with one, The Dipplin remained unevolved.
If you are a shiny hunter, he will use his battling skills to grind out herba mystica for you whenever you are away on hunts, just so he can surprise you with his findings. Usually only one because he gives up after 15 minutes. But he tries!
Very protective of you. Not in an obsessive kind of way. He knows you can take care of yourself; given the stories you've told him about Paldea, he knows better than to just rescue you like a damsel in distress. BUT! If someone talks down to you, disrespects you, or upsets you, he will put them in their place so fast - he'll put Luxary to shame. And if someone even dared to lay a hand on you, his Archaludon would be the least of their concerns.
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smashingdollz · 1 year
Headcanons of Guzma, Raihan, Piers, and Adaman react to shy crush confessing to him?
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hello anon, thank you for the request! i can totally do this for you!
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-you decided that today youre going to be confessing to Raihan. with the help of one Pokemon, Applin. you read somwhere that Applin can be used for confessing your love to someone. so you went on a journey to find Applin, even though it was going to be a rare find you were dedicated to give him that Applin.
-he loved your confidence and determination, and admired you for going far and beyond for someone that you love. and he was determined go go far and beyond just for you.
-he definitely teased you a bit during the confession (and still does) "haha, youre face is as red as Applin!" he loves to gently pinch your red cheeks for some reason.
-he of course accepted your confession as soon as he took the pink loveball containing Applin out of your hands. you two definitely raised the Applin together, he even uses it during battles at times.
-like true Raihan nature, after the two of you confessed he took a picture of the two of you captioning it something cheesy. and in that momment everyone knew that the two of you belonged to each other.
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-you did not confess to this man out of your own will. It was actually one of the team skull members who teased you about it and threatened to tell Guzma themselves. so after hours of contemplating and procrastinating you decided that you would go up to him yourself and proudly spit out your confession. (however, it did not actually go like that. you were whimpering and trembling the whole way)
-he actually admires your confidence for going up to him and just confessing to him like that (little does he know), knowing how that stuff isnt easy for you. and hes actually suprised you confesses to him out of all people. how could such a gentle person like you love someone like him?
-of course he loves you too, he always has. but the idea of someone returning his love seems so surrel to him. you've always made him feel some type of way, around you he feels like he can let go of his "big scary tough guy" demeanour, thats when he knew he wanted to spend his life with you.
-he notices how much youre shaking after minutes of silence from him, he then confesses. you're relived, you can finally let out that shaky breath youve been holding in. he walks to you and pulls you in to his side, which is somewhere you'd never leave
-he would tease the hell out of you. i mean even before you confessed he would tease you, but this was the cherry on top. he would just keep on going and going until you turn red in the face and pass out. (jk he wouldnt go that far, maybe just some "light" teasing)
(aaaaaaa sorry this is more of a short story than a headcanon)
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-you two confessed to each other on the same day!
-while he listened to your confession he just couldn’t help but to admire you and your confidence. he admired the fact that you liked him out of all people, he didn’t see himself as anything extravagant but him hearing the way you praise him in your confession made him really feel like the best person in the world
-while you confession was nearing its end he gently grabbed your hand and traced circles on your skin with his thumb. and when you finished he aligned your hand with his and slowly intertwined his hand with yours. which obviously caused you to become more flustered than you already were.
-to accept your confession he pulled out a cute bat clip, one of the many gifts and trinkets he got for you this very special day. he gave yu many things that fit your interest and manythings of his own.
-for his confession he led you back to the Spikemuth gym so he could preform a song he wrote just for you! while he preformed he held your hand and looked lovingly in your eyes.
-after that he just preformed what ever song you like. and would mix in a song he had from a playlist he made just for you
-he would totally play any love song by The Cure. Lovesong, Friday Im in Love, Lovecats, etc
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-you decided to ask to confess to him two days before the festival being held in Jubilife village. (you had a week, but of course you were too nervous) he happened to be in the area, you decided not to waste anymore time.
-while confessing he noticed how shakey your voice was and how you stumbled over your words. he put a hand on your shoulder, "hey hey, its alright. take your time okay?" he smiled. (he made it worse)
-he was so bold and quick in accepting your offer to accompany him to the festival and in returning your confession. it almost scared you knowing that someone can be like this, but thats what you liked about him the most
-he loves the fact that you took the time out of your day to confess to him. how could you apologize for wasting his time? when youre around no time of his is wasted, hell be sure to let you know that.
-he gave you a blue hair pin/shirt pin that would match the outfit that he would be wearing to the festival.
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i hope you enjoyed! (i was in a bit of a rush to get this out im sorry!)
i posted this a bit later than i wouldve wanted, a shcedule changed happend at work today which messed up my whole routine for my assignments.
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flowerboy-barista · 4 months
❀~Welcome to Whipped Dream Battle Café~❀
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Hey hey! I'm Robin! I, along with my colleagues Nicky and Beau, run Nacrene City's one and only battle café!
Stop by for the coffee, the battles, or the vibes! We're Pokemon friendly, and have a fenced in space outside for your bigger Mons~!
Wanna know more info about me and how the café works? Check below the cut!
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Please use he/him, fae/faer, and it/its for me!! Yes, Caramel is a shiny Leafeon... No, you can't really tell...
I also have a little Fletchling named Ginger and an Applin named Nutmeg, both of which do not battle!!
We have a Appletun named Ambrosia, and a Dachsbun named Creampuff who both help around at the café!! Please be nice to them, they're extremely friendly!!
Are you curious about how our café works? Lemme give a quick rundown!!
Battling is not required! We have comfortable seating where people can enjoy their treats and watch the battles!!
Want to casually battle other trainers? You can do that! We have dedicated spaces for you to battle inside or outside the café!!
Want to be a bit more competitive? It's easy! Just register your trainer ID with one of our workers, and you'll receive a digital ticket!! Battle other trainers to collect their tickets. The more tickets you have, the more you climb the ranks!! Your goal? To fight one of the Battle Café Masters!! Beau runs the Single battles, while Nicky and I run the Doubles!!
I think that's all! Enjoy your stay~!!
((OOC NOTE: Please read before interacting!!
Hey hey! Welcome to my Pokémon rp blog. On this blog I will be pretending as if the world of Pokémon is 100% real. This being said, I will be including pkmn rp tags in each post that fits that description as a warning.
Friendly reminder that if you try to engage a plot with me or any kind of offscreen rp experience without at least discussing it with me first, then I will likely not respond. Even if you do approach me with something in mind, there is no guarantee I will engage. Also I tend not to interact or engage in any big events. They tend to become overwhelming for me and you’ll most likely never find me becoming a part of them. Please don’t send in asks regarding big events.
If you are looking to interact with my muse, and your muse is tied to some potentially triggering topics, I would prefer if you discussed potential interactions with me first. This is for my own comfort, so please keep this in mind.
Admin is an adult! If this makes you uncomfortable then move along.
This is an RP blog for my own self insert. Not much to it, just be nice!
Please be aware that if something ever comes off as rude/mean, it does not reflect how I actually feel and is just how I believe my muse would react.
This blog is SFW, save for vaguely suggestive topics. Anything that is deemed as explicitly NSFW will be deleted on sight.
Another warning. This blog may often be involved in long RP threads. I won’t be using any programs to cut my long posts short. If this bothers you, I would recommend skipping this blog or blocking the tag “long post” or “rp thread”.
Also! I follow and like from @ripoff-robbie-rotten.
DNI: Proshippers, TERFS, and NSFW blogs))
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moonlight-phobia · 1 year
Headcanons for Hassel, Brassius, and Larry with touch starved gn s/o?
↭︎ Hassel ↭︎
- As the very emotional art teacher of the academy it’s not a surprise he’s quite affectionate towards his lover.
- Hassel understands the feeling of how it can be to not receive forms of affection with running away from his own family and taking over his own path instead of being guided by others.
- Though that doesn’t really stop him though from being a tad bit more on the touchy side. Be it for his dear love it starts out with gently little headpats.
- The second you even hold his hand or brush against him even if it’s a piece of clothing he’s full on sobbing. I mean this man doesn’t cry pretty - what could be a real mess. Tissues are a need.
- Very gentle forms of affection and it starts with flower crown making! He holds your hands in his own showing you how to entwine them together.
- First Anniversary Gift: a Applin!
- The art teacher took forever to find one that was very special. This Applin does have a sweet apple so if one day when or if it wants to evolve it’ll be there.
- As a busy man unfortunately time with you can be a bit short. Though he’s always shown his affection in different ways. Be it wrapping an arm around his dear lover’s waist or hooking your arms and hands together.
- He may be a bit way to forward at first along with the way he kisses- it’s heavy and deep with little sense of shyness.
“Know this for the rest of your life my dear Hypericum when we hold hands or when I kiss you it’s an action of my love for you. You alone. The past- oh my beaudiful..no need to worry for I will give you all the attention and love. Those who shye away can face me in a battle!”
↭︎ Brassius ↭︎
- Despite his sharp looks and well clothing that one might be afraid they’ll prick themselves on this isn’t true to who he really is.
- Another passionate artist but one that really specializes in the art of sculpturing
- The gym leader couldn’t help it the first time you brought up evening getting into a relationship, his hugs are rather strong and yet all the same warm.
- Seeing his new love get shocked though and almost on the verge of tears from the sudden show of affection he’s quite on the edge.
- “My sweet Rose what’s wrong? Oh- you want to keep hugging me. Heh. That’s fine with me..how about we sit down and I can show you how to spin clay tonight..”
- Brassius knows how it is to feel not recognized in the sea of people that exist so he’ll be your new dark knight.
- Taking care of the surrounding area of the gym and the garden is one of those. The surrounding Pokémon are very loving but his Sudowoodo also seems to have the same touch starved problem it took years before it even evolved from a Bonsly!
First Anniversary Gift: a Deerling!
- The gym leader knows this Pokémon looks quite sweet and adorable but it’s strong on its own or in a herd.
- Knows how to take time and won’t push you, his kisses mostly start with butterfly kisses only but a tad surprised when you’re the one to start the display of affection.
- Absolutely loves this though means you’re taking your own steps forward.
- Will take off his jacket and he’s done some research with his lover’s condition. If you ask why? He’s just going to say that he’s working with clay.
“Sweet Rose, shall we head to the gardens? Ah my change of clothes- it’s not much I know you’re used to seeing me in my work clothes but the sun is quite warm today. How about a picnic Arboliva and Lilligant already have a basket ready for us. So shall we hold hands..I don’t want you getting lost..”
↭︎ Larry ↭︎
- This man also has quite the problem when it comes to being touch starved but rather that he considers himself to be either to busy with little down time to be spending it with another person.
- Meeting him had to happen at Treasure Eatery or you were introduced too him by Hassel. Hassel knows to many people for his own good.
- Conversations and Food seem to be the surrounding light- but the second you even mention something about normal types seems to be his passion.
- Going on for hours over the kinds of Pokémon and how strong they really are even if they aren’t to popular amongst more elite trainers.
- Pinkie Finger holding. Holds your finger in his own and it’s a very brave step coming from him of all people.
- Encourages though for the both of you to take those steps forward and will get tickets for events. Dances but much more relaxed ones.
- Man looks like he could be a really good ballroom dancer very much by the book.
- “Yes um oh..well how about this we will hold each other’s shoulders. Your..outfit looks really nice” if you wear something with clouds on it means a lot too him since it matches his tie.
First Anniversary Gift: a Tandemaus!
- “I found these little ones and they remind me of us. So here- for you..I love you Gerbera. How about we go out and eat I’m sure we can find something new tonight”
- Going to a different restaurant is his way of showing how comfortable he is with you! So that’s a really good thing.
- Larry is a taller man but doesn’t matter if you’re taller or shorter then him. His kisses down the road are him bringing his lover closer holding at your ribs gently it’s where his hands are comfortable. Yes his hand and no gloves in sight.
- “I have a battle today would you like to join me and then we could get some curry after- yes a Galarian dish but it’s quite comforting? My boss..Mm today..I don’t really care. I’d rather take my time off with you consider it into my mental health I had to sign up for.”
The sweet flower of dreams blooms in the night when least expect its presence…
Hope you enjoyed this Anon! Least hope it’s what you were looking for (メ﹏メ).
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kashmir-smoke · 9 months
Some QSMPers as Pokémon trainers.
(Pomme, Richarlyson, Ramón y Spreen)
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For Pomme, I obviously had to give her Applin as a starter. Her Applin would definitely become an Appletun and not a Flapple, which is why I gave her more Appletun colors. Speaking of her outfit, like a lot of Pokémon characters, her outfit has a lot of bows and things on her that look like things on Applin or Appletun. Her neck bow is Applin’s eyes, the leaves on her head and her hair ties are the leaf things on Appletun, and her socks are the mouth like pattern on the lower half of Applin. Not to mention, the top of her apple beret has the light pink pattern shine like Applin. All of her colors but her dress and skin tone, and the French flag blue were picked from Applin/Appletun. I imagine she would be a grass type trainer because none of the eggs can be dragon type because they are all dragons. I used Iono as a pose reference because I wanted to get the style (obv no tracing just referenced it).
Richarlyson has Scorbunny obviously because he’s a soccer player! That was pretty much my thought process on it, I did find it hard to incorporate Scorbunny’s colors into his design though so I may go back and rework his design at a later date. Richas has a mooshroom hat usually, but I made his hat a miltank now because that is the most cow Pokémon and a mooshroom is a cow. No kidding, that was my thought process. I think he would also be a Sword & Shield trainer or gym leader and if he was a leader he would be a fire type trainer. Why did I decide fire type? Because Scorbunny is fire type, again, I am very straight forward. And that’s why I made the Brazil flag’s globe into a blue fire type symbol. I think certain parts of this design are good, I think I could definitely rework the colors a bit though.
Ramón was the first design I made and I think it’s the best thought out in terms of Pokémon choice, and it goes hand in hand with his father’s, Spreen’s, Pokémon, Pangoro. I gave Ramón Pancham as a starter. Pancham is a flat fighting type, which I think is perfect for Ramón, Ramón is a fighter and a little gung-ho and I think a baby-stage fighting type is perfect for him. None of the eggs will have evolved Pokémon, I think. I think that Fit would be a fighting type trainer and as I will talk about later, Spreen is a dark type trainer, so Pancham is particularly perfect for Ramón. Pancham is pure fighting but it becomes a dark type when it becomes Pangoro because it is corrupted. I think Ramón would refuse to evolve his Pancham and keep it a baby Pokémon forever because of his father, Spreen. Ramón would associate dark types with Spreen and therefore wouldn’t keep them as Pokémon. I also gave him a klefki because I thought it was cute and I would probably also give him a duskull if I had unlimited time to draw this. I used the youngster trainer from either Hoenn or Kalos…? I truly do not remember which game the blue hoodie youngster comes from, I think it’s ORAS.
Spreen is a dark type trainer and I think he would actually be a gym leader. I think that he would serve a similar role to Norman narratively for a Pokémon game while Ramón would be Brendan (Hoenn/ORAS). I think unlike Norman though, Spreen would be a lot more aggressive, but he would still have that “dad’s working he’s an absent father” rizz that Norman has. I also imagine that he gave Ramón a Pancham to be similar to him, but now Ramón resents him and refuses to evolve his Pokémon because of the dark type which Spreen is annoyed with.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Introduction Post
Hallo, Hola, Ciao, Bonjour, and all the other greetings, everyone 👋. My name is Arrowquill, but you can just call me Quill. I don't care for pronouns much, so you can call me whatever you like.
I'm a student who was born in Galar, but I'm currently studying at Naranja-Uva Academy in Paldea, where I'm studying biology. I want to be a pokemon professor when I graduate, so I will be sharing info and facts here! Extra stuff under the cut. Scroll to the very bottom to see blog rules.
More about me
I'm the kid of @historianofgalar and grew up in the wild area of Galar. Not much there really. I got my starter at 11, joined the Galar league at 12, made rivals, got a crush on one of my rivals, failed the Galar League at 13, had a mental breakdown and almost died on an ice mountain at Galar's research facility, realized the problem with the government, I think I might've made the Galarian government hate me, joined a new research facility that does more field work, and yeh :)
Main Team
I have a lot of pokemon, as I have to study a lot. But here is my main ones
Squirt the Inteleon
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My sweet baby and first pokemon. I got her when she was a sobble as a gift from my dad when I turned 10, and I've cherished her ever since.
Flash the Cinderace
I got him from as a rescue from a not great research center shortly after I received Squirt. He's super energetic, and him and Squirt are quite close.
Joker the Orbeetle
First wild pokemon I caught. Caught him the old-fashioned way when he was a Blipbug. I named him Joker because I thought he looked really goofy, but seeing orbeetle, I see the irony of that.
Archer the Decidueye
Caught him on the Isle of Armor as a reward for finding a lot of diglett. I was supposed to get a Popplio, but the guy thought it was neat how I was named Arrowquill, and Rowlet evolves into the Arrowquill Pokemon, so he gave me a rowlet instead. Archer is really sweet, but a bit timid, so he tends to keep to himself a lot.
Jellybean the Goodra
Funny story on how I caught her. It was raining, and I was trying to catch a Pikachu, but I accidently threw it at a goomy that was just passing by. Long story short, she's a goodra now, and I love her.
Scarlet the Corviknight
Caught her as the second wild pokemon on my journey, right after Joker. She's shy, but also really great. She's one of the more serious members, and she's pulled my team through a lot.
Bagels the Fidough
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Caught him because he was following me when I was eating, and I caught him because it isn't a good idea to have wild fidough walking around a city. He's super cute and I love him a lot.
Kiku the Appletun
Received her as a gift from my rival when I told her I wanted an Applin but couldn't find one. Kiku ecame an Appletun and now eats my homework when I don't pet her.
Caesar the Chestnaught
Technically, he has two names? I call him Caesar, as in See-ser, but my mom says it's pronounced "Hay-sar." Either way, I caught him as a Chespin in Paldea.
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Ooc: Blog Rules
-While this blog is supposed to be made so everyone can view it, there might be some NSFW mentions regarding pokemon breeding (nothing too detailed). However, this blog does not accept nsfw asks, mentions, or submits other than light-hearted jokes
-Please keep in mind that Quill is older than irl me, and I am a minor. I won't roleplay anything sexual and will block/report anyone that tries to do that with me
-If your account has the default tumblr pfp, is untitled, has no description, has a pornographic name, or pornagraphic imagery, I'll assume that you are a bot and you will be blocked
-Quill is a character I am still developing, so a lot of stuff about them might change overtime
-While I might post some Fakemon, they will most likely be from the ancient past. The Fakemon that I do post who aren't variants or from the ancient past will not be mine, and I will give credit to the original creators. You can submit fakemon if you want, but there will not be fact posts about them. Just analysis.
-I do not allow hybrid Pokemon, but I WILL allow and talk about crossbreed pokemon. Like a Bounsweet, whose dad was a Roserade having traits of a Budew and stuff like that
-I awnser asks, but at my own pace. Some I might delete for multiple reasons (difficult, can't think of anything, or I just plain don't like the pokemon). But I try my best to awnser most asks, even if it takes a while
-My headcanons can be used by anyone, and you don't have to ask if you want to use them
This blog is completely made for fun and as a way for me to spit my headcanons and roleplay as my OC. I have a regular tumblr where I just post random shit: @mintaikcorpse , and an art blog @mintaikk
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mcofthemansion · 6 months
Hihi! Hugs! Currently a little bit obsessed with pokemon since the dlc for indigo disk comes out soon (4 days as of now when I'm posting this) so apologies if I'm not posting some pretty lovely otome guy/girl stuff for a little while...I just can't help but live and breathe pokemon until I have terapagos securely in my party! Little baby turtle must cuddle forever and ever!
So for now, I offer you random pokemon teams that remind me of my/your men for no particular reason : (Ikevamp) -> (Tears of Themis)
Arthur (Ikevamp) :
• Popplio -> Primarina line (Because Vic! Ok? I think I'm referring to one of my first posts)
• Applin -> Flapple (Because of that thing when you give someone an Applin you confess your feelings and ensure a happy future together, reminds me of the red ribbon thing ok!!! ><)
• Lillipup -> Stoutland (Remember in Alola how it helped you find stuff like a dowsing machine would in previous gens? It can be a detective-y pokemon! Yay! Also again...dog...Vic...yeah...still this one represents his detective skills)
• Happiny -> Blissey (Arthur's doctor skills and how much he cares! I can see him having a Blissey!)
• Mimikyu (His interest in the occult and its cute)
• Shiny Milcery -> shiny Alcremie (Reminds me of his love of fudge! It just does! Not much of an explanation but yeah, also the blue decorations!)
Isaac (Ikevamp) :
• Porygon-[2-Z] (It's a super math-y pokemon ok! Well at least the most math-y in my opinion, plus it levitates which I think Newt would find cool)
• Magnemite -> Magnezone (Idk it's a pokemon for really smart people and it's a super science-y and professor-y pokemon...so yeah...don't expect me to try and give a physics answer, my brain is fried)
• Applin -> Appletun (Enough said, just has to happen, it's a big cuddly sweet apple pie, Newt...apples...yeah...this one is sweet ok, also the romantic thing about Applin)
• Sandshrew -> Sandslash (Kanto to be exact! Because Harry, need I say more?)
• Hatenna -> Hatterene (Newt is super calm...so I can see a Hatenna sticking around him! It might cutely fall asleep at his desk with him)
• Togepi -> Togekiss (Newt had a thing with Theology, don't quiz me I'm tired, anyways in Sheild the dex entry is "Known as a bringer of blessings, it's been depicted on good-luck charms since ancient times" and I was like...awww Newt might like that...kind of a sweet angelic pokemon)
Napoleon (Ikevamp) :
• Rufflet -> Hisuian Braviary (Jupiter! Because, because, because)
• Honedge -> Aegislash (Have you seen his rapier? Enough said, the man can fight)
• Sewaddle -> Leavanny (Idk this always feels like a nurturing pokemon that I could see in a school as an assistant or smth so it would help out at L'École de Napoleon or smth like that)
• Riolu -> Lucario (It's a smart and just fighter, it fits! Plus it doubles Leon's coolness factor XD)
• Bagon -> Salamence (Bagon wanted a change so bad it happened! The whole flying thing...Leon gets it! He wanted to bring about some change pretty badly so they just kinda connect...plus it's a cool dragon!)
• Komala (Cute napping Koala to cuddle with...need I say more? Even more of a reason to sleep in)
Faust (Ikevamp) :
• Shroodle -> Grafaiai (Mephie! It's a poison type! Yay experiments!)
• Beldum -> Metagross (It's a smart person science-y pokemon that floats!)
• Elgyem -> Beheeyem (It loves experimenting with humans and thier memory so Faust would probably get a kick out of it!)
• Zorua -> Zoroark (He would be fascinated by the shape-shifting and it brings the coolness factor, sorta somewhat matches his vibes)
• Nacli -> Garganacl (It can hurt and heal with its salt powers which might get rather useful for Faust)
• Spiritomb (guy works as a priest...I'm assuming he's had experiences with funerals and stuff and I can see this as his ghost type pokemon)
That's about all for ikevamp for now!
Vyn (ToT)
• Deerling -> Winter Sawsbuck (Svart's animal is a deer...and Vyn's hair is white ok!)
• Petilil -> Liligant (His love of gardening and elegant things...it just kinda works)
• Ralts -> Gardevoir (seems like a pretty good psych nurse pokemon to help him out with the feelings stuff and all)
•Rowlet -> Decidueye (His love of Archery)
• Fidough -> Dachsbun (His love of sweet things! And pastries)
• Sinistea -> Polteagiest (Authentic! Just because that's the Vyn-est thing he could get in pokemon!)
Marius (ToT)
• Gimmighoul -> Gholdengo (He's a rich fun loving CEO...explain to me why excitable money made surfing ghost isn't up his alley!)
• Smeargle (Artist...yeah...enough said)
• Ekans -> Arbok (His symbol is a purple snake...I couldn't not do this!)
• Luvdisc (Our Marius is sort of a flirt!)
• Pikachu (It's fluffy and as in the public eye as he is...probably felt a lot in common)
• Rotom (I associate Pax with tech so...yeah...idk...it just fits in my mind)
Anyways! Thanks for letting me ramble! Should I do this with other guys?
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i-write-boop-spoops · 2 years
Guzma as an expecting father! headcanons
ignore the fact I'm a day late for father's day, it's dilf! guzma time!
features: pregnancy and discussion of symptoms, a smidge of angst, and some mild references to sex
Oh shit.
Well, this wasn’t part of the plan
It’s not necessarily unexpected though
Admittedly, you two had been rather lax when it came to protection
And as much as he talked up his pull-out game, Guzma found it very hard to put his money where his mouth is when he’s about to bust a fat nut
So here you are
His baby
His fucking cinnamon applin
Almost in tears as you tell him that you’re pregnant
From all the shock, he doesn’t know what to say
He doesn’t know what to feel either
His mind is a swirl of emotions
It takes him a moment (or several minutes) to fully comprehend the situation
Not great, since you’re freaking the fuck out waiting for his response
Eventually, he just gives you a big, reassuring hug and tells you that he’s here for you, and your baby too.
In reality, Guzma likes the idea of having a family with you
And you’re his boo, he’d do anything to support you, no matter what
He really really wants to be a good dad
A provider for your burgeoning family
The kind of man you deserve
So first things first – well after he takes you both out for malasadas to calm yourselves down and celebrate - he’s gotta get a job
He’ll take anything
Fast-food chef, janitorial duties, cashier, Pyukumuku thrower…
Hopefully some professional battling to get some legit earnings
Next thing, you two are moving OUT of the Shady House
And by extension Po Town
That place is not suitable for babies
You don’t stray too far though
Getting yourselves a cramped (but thankfully two-bed) apartment in Malie City
And by that, I mean HIGHKEY
Guzma thinks you’re hot af pregnant
Man is like 100 times more handsy
Which is wild considering how handsy he already was
But his touches are a lot gentlerand loving
Though still quite protective and possessive
My man may or may not have shed a tear when he felt that first kick
Guzma goes back and forth on whether or not to propose to you
On one hand, he loves you, and he wants to give your baby a more stable home
But on the other, he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s just doing this because you’re pregnant and it’s “the right thing to do”
Plus, weddings are so stressful
And expensive!
Eventually, he decides to wait until after your baby is here to propose
After all, they’d make such a cute little flower boy/girl on the big day!
God-mon Plumeria!
You two set up the cutest little nursery for youe baby
Ideally he wanted to fill it with brand-new stuff
But that wasn’t totally feasible, so many things are second-hand
Some from when you were born!
One of the new items though, is a cutiefly teddy
It was the first thing he bought for the baby
First thing he bought from his first pay-cheque actually
Walking home tired and stressed from his first week on the job
He’s usually pretty good at dealing with your symptoms
Gives you back-rubs, holds your hair back when you’re getting sick, over-indulges your weird-cravings…
Seriously he went out at four a.m. trying to find somewhere that sold pickled lumberries so you could have them with some yogurt and peanut butter
Though considering the fact he is new to all this + he has 0 patience things can get a bit hairy sometimes
Like he is not good at handling any mood-swings
Or when baby kicks him in his sleep
One thing he does enjoy about you being pregnant is that you’ve taken to wearing his clothes a lot more
They’re big on you, so they’re perfect for your changing body
We all know how he feels about you in his clothes 👀
He keeps ultrasound pictures on him at all times
Just as a reminder of his little larva
Makes the tough days easier
He loves being the big spoon even more now
Finding great comfort and excitement in holding you and cradling your bump while he falls asleep
When baby finally comes
Yall know ya boi is gonna be right by your side
Doing his best to support you through this traumatic, demanding time
(though I can also totally see him just chilling, casually eating a sandwich while you’re pushing out a LITERAL human baby from your bits)
Once baby pops out, and you get to hold your little one
Guzma wraps his arms around both of you, gazing at the wonderful life you’ve created together
And after a moment he asks:
“So, Guzma Jr.?”
“Absolutely not!”
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spacefinch · 1 year
Pokemon Incorrect Quotes: Johto Crew edition
Ethan: Kris! Is that a weed?
Kris: No, this is a crayon—
Ethan: I’m calling the police!
911, what’s your emergency?
Falkner: Why are you guys reblogging this in December?
Falkner: It is February, you ANIMALS
Bugsy: Would you like something to drink? *opens fridge* We have water, milk, juice, Spinaraks, Dr. Pepper…
Falkner: Spinaraks?
Bugsy: Spinaraks it is, then.
Falkner: Wait, that’s not what I meant—
But they were already pouring him a brimming glass of Spinaraks.
Ethan: Hi, welcome to Applebee's! Would you like Applins or Beedrills?
Falkner: Beedrills?
Falkner: Wait, what?
Kris: *filming in selfie mode*
Ethan: (in background) Bop it! Twist it! Pull it!
Ethan, Lyra, Kris, and Silver (gathered around a lettuce): Cabbasu, cabbasu, cab-a-su, LETTASU, LETTASU, LETTASUUUUUU!
Ethan: Really? EVERYBODY was kung fu fighting? I find that hard to believe. Stop feeding me these lies.
Lyra: Well it was really hard to see if it was everyone, you see they were as fast as lightning.
Kris: And to be honest, it was a little bit frightening.
Lance: Tumblr is just talking to yourself but with an audience.
Will: That’s called a soliloquy.
Lance: Found the theater kid. Get em boys.
Karen: Hey OP, how do we know you’re not a theater kid?
Falkner: *pours lemons into cereal bowl*
Falkner: Well, when life gives you lemons…
Silver: If you’re fortunate enough, your internal organs will spend their entire lifespan in absolute darkness.
Ethan: Not if I swallow this glowstick!
Silver: Despicable Me ruined the word minion. Whenever I become a supervillain I’m just going to have to call them my homies or whatever.
Falkner: I swear, the next one of you to say "weird flex, but okay" is going to regret it.
Ethan: …
Kris: … 
Bugsy: …
Morty: Preposterous boast, but alas.
Falkner: *facepalm*
Ethan: Early to bed, early to rise, Burger King burger with Burger King fries
Lyra: Later to rise, later to bed, Burger King burger on Burger King bread
Kris: Eat at morning, eat at night, I participate in a Burger King fight
Silver: I slap my knees, I slap my thighs, tonight is the night that Burger King dies
Bugsy: An Octillery is just a wet Ariados.
Ethan: This is my life now. I have climbed this hill and now I will die on it.
Pryce: Stop being so dramatic. We've only been hiking for ten minutes.
Falkner: The opposite of  "the Donphan in the room" is "the Venipede in the room—" something that’s not actually an issue, but everyone is freaking out about.
Janine: As someone who specializes in training Poison-type Pokemon, I can assure you that a "Venipede in the room" is in fact a very big issue.
Janine: If you have knees, you are valid.
Falkner: Homophobes have knees, too.
Janine: Not for long.
Bugsy: *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* *whacks you with my Animal Crossing net* 
Silver: Sometimes I'm tired of being nice. One day your femur will be mine.
Lyra: Tooth fairies are a smaller and friendlier subspecies of the larger and much more hostile bone fairies.
Ethan: Thank you for this bespoke nightmare.
Silver: Bro forget that, how much money do I get for a femur under my pillow?
Whitney: Someone called country music "farm emo" and I can't stop thinking about it.
Silver: What means “I hate you” in dinosaur?
Lance: No. Dinosaur is the language of love.
Ethan: What are you guys going to be for Halloween?
Falkner: Sad
Clair: Gay
Morty: Sexy
Bugsy: Goblin
Bugsy: Professor Elm asked if I prefer “Miss” or “Mister” (because nb) and I accidentally said “ya boi” without thinking, so now I have a professor that calls me “ya boi Bugsy” every time I see him.
Janine: I almost dropped my Pokedex on my soft carpeted floor but thank Arceus I have lightning fast reflexes and was able to slap it into the wall instead.
Clair: The term girlfriend implies the existence of a girlfoe. That is a service I am willing to provide.
Ethan: Hey did you hear that Joe contracted ligma? They had to do a surgery on his updog.
Pryce: Who’s Joe? What’s ligma? What’s updog?
Ethan: *inhales*
Whitney: Non-binary people don’t owe you androgyny.
Falkner (talking about Bugsy): One does owe me money, though.
Morty: Oh sorry, I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich!
Falkner: Go back to sleep AND STARVE.
Ethan: I heard my brother [Red] say he was going to Dairy Queen, so I snuck in his car and he has no idea I’m here.
Ethan: He asked his friend what he wanted and I popped up from the floor and said “I was thinking about a milkshake." I have never heard two teenage boys scream louder.
Silver: I am going to make a bucket list.
Silver: You are such a fricking moron, do you know that?
Whitney: She was poetry, he couldn't read
Ethan: his name was jarred, he's nineteen
Lyra: When his parents built a very strange machine
Kris: Watch that scene dig in the dancing queen
Bugsy: Ayyyyy macarena
Falkner: Horrible job, everyone
Ethan: Do not stand near the open fire when you have a tube of cocoa butter in your thigh pocket.
Kris: This is so oddly specific. What happened?
Ethan: I am confident in your ability to figure it out from the clues provided.
Ethan: We can’t mansplain manipulate malewife our way out of this.
Silver: Manslaughter it is, then.
Ethan: NO
Ethan: Rules are made to be broken.
Falkner: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Kris: Uh, piñatas.
Lyra: Glowsticks.
Janine: Karate boards.
Whitney: Eggs.
Bugsy: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Silver: Rules.
Falkner: Carpe diem— seize the day
Morty: Carpe noctem— seize the night
Clair: Carpe natem— seize the ass
Lance: Seriously, if you guys don't stop reblogging this, I am going to carpe someone's neck and break it.
Silver: Carpe collum— seize the neck
Ethan: Guys, it actually happens! I saw a documentary about it!
Falkner: Was it a documentary, or was it that movie about the robots we watched at your sleepover, Ethan?
Ethan: It was a documentary!
Ethan, narrating: It was the movie about the robots.
Jasmine: You don’t have to ‘ship’ things… just a reminder.
Ethan: Yeah, you could deliver them inste94q0ugpwsb nglsjki/rrhxbijbvnldkzOLHLNF>O(PJFVD
Jasmine: Poor thing… walked right into an electrical fence while speaking…
(during a Pokemon battle)
Falkner: No, but seriously, blue is a really fun color.
Janine: But your entire room? I’m not painting my entire room blue!
Falkner: Well, then why did you ask my opinion on paint colors if you’re not going to listen?
Morty: Spirits, if you are here, speak to us.
Bugsy: A theif
Falkner: Thief?
Bugsy: Theif
Falkner: I before e, except after c
Bugsy: Thceif
Falkner: No
Lance: Let me see what you have!
Silver: A knife!
Lance: NO!
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leggerefiore · 10 months
Building off of the bento story there are things called husbento which is pretty much just 'bento for my husband'. If Ingo ever hears his s/o call it that the man would melt from pure joy. Think it would be kind of cute if his s/o had like space online where they post pics of the bento they made, or maybe they make videos showing people how to cook the stuff that they put into Ingo's bento. Maybe every Friday they make the cute special bento for him. Sort of to give him something to look forward to at the end of each week. The same could happen for Emmet, but he gets the bonus of getting a cute Pokémon themed sweet every Friday. One Friday it's cookies that look like Archen. Another Friday it is a Durant dirt pie pudding dessert. If they can branch off from the twins Pokémon (and their Pokémon) they could probably make Applin apple dumpling, or Poke Ball Cake Pops. The possibilities are endless. Bonus thought. If Ingo's s/o does make videos of the bento making process maybe sometimes Erin appears in the videos to help. His s/o makes sure that no one ever sees their faces, but you can hear Erin's enthusiasm at the idea of helping to make his dad a special lunch. Ingo's heart would melt at that as well. Heck, he would probably save a few of those videos onto his phone.
Ingo finally encouraged to always take his lunch break to enjoy the lovely food his beloved made for him and stop overworking himself. The special Friday bento always has him excited for his break, and he actually rushes off to enjoy it. Everyone's happy Ingo is finally taking better care of himself.
Emmet is literally vibrating with excitement for his special Friday bento. He needs with cute dessert his darling made for him. He's literally rushing through people to get to it. His smile is terrifyingly large as he indulges in whatever cute sweet he was given.
The video idea... Just getting tons of views as people wonder who your husband is. There's so, so many theories from the shape of the pokemon dishes. They've determined he's Unovan but nothing else. It's a popular pass time to try to guess which possible Unovan figure receives such a cute lunch (or if it's some random business man).
Erin popping up to help on his little step stool and going on and on about how he wants to make something Litwick themed for his daddy. His face is definitely obscured, but sadly, his constant blabbing about trains and battling makes it very obvious who his father is. Ingo does tear up and let out a soft bravo as he watches his son make him a small Litwick cake or some kind of jelly to look like a Litwick flame. (The viewers find it adorable the mysterious husband has such a sweet son.)
Oh, and Emma and Inka getting in on making lunches with their parent for Emmet. Emma tries to sneak in sweets for her papa while Inka tries to sneak them away for herself. They both do try to make something some cute for their dad. Inka accidentally gives him food poisoning, but Emmet still thanks her for her hard work.
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randoimago · 11 months
Thank you so much for keeping up with the writing! I know I struggle sometimes so I can imagine there are probably days where it's a bit hard to keep up?
All being well, could I get a friends to lovers with Brassius (Pokemon), where they're artist friends? Thank you 🙏💚💚
Picture Perfect
Fandom: Pokemon: Scarlet / Violet
Character(s): Brassius
Type of Request: 3,000 Followers Oneshots
Note(s): I have over 60 in the drafts rn so I know once the ask box is closed that I'll have a time 😅 But I do hope you enjoy this!!
Edit: Hi, Current Mod Kat. Yeah it was a time but a fun time!!
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"That's the wrong shade of blue."
"It's the shiny version."
Brassius gives a small smile at your remark to him deliberately trying to mess with you. He's not usually one to be playful when it comes to art, but with your long friendship and how serious you look while drawing a pokemon. You look really cute in his eyes, and he couldn't help making a bit of a comment.
Brassius moves to work on his own drawing, making sure the colors are exact as he glances to his rotom where a reference photo of an Applin is. There is a curious legend behind the small pokemon and while it's usually talking about the physical pokemon, he hopes a picture can suffice. He has to duck behind his easel just in case you happened to look up and saw his blush.
He's been trying to keep this painting hidden from you. You'll see it when it's done, he promised you that. But he needs to make sure it's perfect. Brassius has finally decided he's had enough of just being friends with you and hopes that this is enough to convey his feelings when words don't come as easily. If only he could get the details perfect.
"I'm surprised your painting hasn't caught on fire." He's snapped out of his concentration as he looks over at you, seeing you already giving him an amused look. "You were glaring pretty heavily," you explain, and he lets out an "ah" as he didn't realize that.
"I need to make this perfect," he responds and hears the hum that you give him. "Sorry if I'm distracting you."
"It's fine, Brass." He gives you a look at the nickname, but there is a small smile on his face too. "What are you working so hard on?"
"You'll see when it's finished." He can't help a chuckle as you make another attempt to find out what he's working on as he dips his brush into some more paint to work more on his painting. He hears the grumble you give, and another chuckle leaves his lips.
There's some more small talk exchanged as you both work on your own art pieces. But the longer Brassius stares at his painting, the more he sees everything wrong with it. Doubt begins to cross his mind as if he should give this to you. You don't deserve anything but the best. Maybe he should go out and catch an actual Applin for you at this point.
"Aw, what a cute little guy." Brassius jumps as he hears your voice behind him. He turns quickly and tries to position his body in front of the painting, but you already saw it.
"Didn't I say-"
"I got impatient." Brassius narrows his eyes at you cutting him off as well as sneaking a glance at his painting that was supposed to be a secret. "But it does look really cute. Almost like the real thing. Why an Applin?" You ask him and he grumbles a bit as he steps aside so you can see the painting again. There isn't a reason to hide it considering you already saw.
"I wanted to give it as a gift. But I can't get it right," he tells you with a frown as he looks at the painting, only seeing mistakes and flaws in his eyes. A sigh leaves your lips and he sees the tired smile you give him.
"Brassius, we both know where this line of thinking leads. The painting is fantastic. I can see it's an Applin, there lighting effect you have that really makes the pokemon shine. It's obvious you put so much effort into this," you state as you continue pointing out all the things in the painting that make it perfect. The mistakes he saw before dimming a bit as he takes in your encouragement.
"The painting is for you, so I'm glad you enjoy it," Brassius says as he glances to you to see your expression. His previous confidence over this idea coming back slowly. "I know it's not the actual thing, but there's a legend with Applins in Galar..." He trails off as he waits to see if you understand what he's trying to say. Judging by your expression, you do.
"Brassius, are you-"
"I treasure our friendship. But I would be honored if you'd accept my feelings for you. I understand if you don't, but you're more important to me than any art piece I could dream of," he confesses as he stares into your eyes, making sure you know how serious he is.
There are a few moments of pause as you process what he just admitted to you. He continues to give you the determined look, not wanting to lose hope until he heard you speak.
"I... I have feelings for you too," you say, and he feels his heart soar as he smiles at you. He doesn't quite know what to say or do now because none of it would do how he feels justice. So he just leans in and presses a kiss to your forehead.
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Applin Of My Eye Ch10 Epilogue
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(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Nintendo and Game Freak for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story.)
"What do you mean he went off somewhere again?''
Felix shrugged. "He left a good number of days ago. I thought ya already knew that. Didn't my big bro tell you anything before he left?"
You shook your head wide eyed. "No. I didn't even have any idea he was gone! How long has he been missing?"
"About two weeks ago. Said he had to take a quick trip over somewhere to pick up somethin' after Sonia told him about it. Not sure what tho. But I'm sure he'll be back soon."
"And how do you know that?"
"He called me this mornin'. Said he'll back by tomorrow noon."
That was strange. You hadn't seen Milo for almost two weeks by now because you both had been so busy lately. You just assumed he was spending time with Felix. You'd been busy yourself seeing about setting up your new home and bakery. So you hadn't seen Milo lately but only assumed that was because he was busy with everything. But..he had left without telling you? That was very much unlike him. Where did he go? Why didn't he tell you? Maybe he's been so busy and stressed that he had just forgotten? You'd just stop by to see if he wanted to join you for lunch that day and was hit with the news when Felix answered the door. Well you'd soon find out what he was doing anyways since he was returning tomorrow. The next day came faster than expected and you were in the middle of work too. Your were in the front restocking some of your kitchen shelves when a man of pink hair and a smile on his face walked in and you paused in your tracks, eyes widened, as none other than Milo himself walked through the door.
"Y/n!," he said with a smile on his face turning towards your wide eyed look. "I'm home!"
"Where have you been!?," you asked turning from the shelf and frowning at him. "You took off for two weeks without telling me!"
He held up an empty hand. "I know. I know. But I promise I can explain. Can I talk to you outside for a sec?"
..You rose a brow. "Alright. I can finish stocking up in a minute."
Well that settled it. With that being a yes you went ahead and followed Milo back outside on your porch. Once outside he stopped and looked at you silently smiling for a moment however you were still confused. It was only after another second or two you opened your mouth, but was stopped when he held up his other hand. You weren't sure how you didn't notice but the entire time he was holding something, that something happened to be a simple pokeball wrapped in a red ribbon. You stared at him, then at him, then back at the ball, and after a moment of silently staring at it, slowly it from him to which he then lowered his hand back.
"...What's this?"
"It's a pokemon."
"I-..W-Well yeah. Obviously. But why?"
"J-Just open it," he stammered hand shakily reaching up to rub the back of his neck. "I w-went through the trouble of getting it for you."
You still stared at him for a moment before looking back down at it. Milo..got you a pokemon? Well that was an unexpected gift but not a bad one! That's actually really sweet of him to do so! With a smile you immediately pulled off the red ribbon and gave the small red and white ball a toss to summon out whatever it was inside. A bright white light popped out from it and the small critter came forth but the sight of it made you pause. It was a pokemon alright and one you HAD seen before...But by accident. When Gloria accidentally gave it to Hop so long ago. The small pokemon had the small body of an apple with eyes poking out at the top where the stem would be and a small green tail behind it. It blinked before looking around and stopping at you. Giving a curious peep towards yourself.
IT WAS AN APPLIN!! A FREAKING CUTE LITTLE APPLIN!! MILO HAD GIVEN YOU AN APPLIN!! you continued to stare at the small pokemon for a silent wide eyed moment for a moment before looking at Milo.
"W-What's all this about?"
He gave the shakiest most nervous sounding sigh you had ever heard him say. "Y-Yeah...Look. I jus'-....*ahem* I-I-....*sigh* I didn't know how else to ask. Alright?" His head rolled to the side as he nervously rubbed his neck. "I-...I know we h-haven't really t-talked about being together-together or anything official or nothing...So I-...I-I remembered what your mate said about the Isle of Armor. I talked to Sonia about it and found out there was a ton of these lil guys living over t-there in secret. So I just..." He sighed again closing his eyes gesturing to the small apple pokemon who made a peeping sound. "I wanted to get you one and ask-..W-Well it-it's only natural I'd a-ask and make it o-official at least. I-I MEAN! Only if ya want to. W-What I'm asking is....Y-Y/n. W-W-Would y-you m-mind..being m-my..p-partner-" His body flinched feeling a touch on his hand and he snapped his eyes up towards you.
He got his answer when you wrapped your hand around his own and smiled. "Yes."
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Pokemon Scarlet Character Thoughts: League Members
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The first (if you go in order based on strength) Gym Leader people will face. Her outfit is rather cute, and her dialogue is enjoyable as well, but to be brutally honest, she’s kind of boring. I had actually forgot about her later on in the game as she didn’t stick with me compared to some of the other leaders. I do enjoy seeing that the Paldea Leaders have additional occupations instead of just being a Gym Leader, as it gives them more character depth. I think Katy is a nice character, just a bit boring compared to other characters, maybe if she had more bright pops of color in her outfit it might make her stand out a bit more. Her gym challenge was fun, as it made me think of the olive farms in Italy that have huge harvest festivals.
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The thirst I had for this tired look man when he first dropped! This tired man is so extra but I love it! Brassius, as well as other characters in these games, all give me vibes of theatre children, they’re so extra, but also passionate and unique. He’s an artist but also a climber, as when we first met him, he was on top of a windmill! Compared to other grass gym leaders I love that he gives off a totally different vibe, he’s edgier, but he does have his moments, especially later on in the game. His gym challenge was fun, playing hide and seek with Sunflora, I’m not sure if other people had this happen, but one of the last Sunflora actually ran from me and I had to chase it down and battle it to get it to come with me.
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I 100% totally believe that these two cupcakes are dating and have been for a long while! They have cute nicknames for each other and just look so comfortable with each other! One thing (of many) that solidifies this is Brassius is the grass gym leader, and Hassel has a Flapple, which, according to the Pokedex and lore, if you give an Applin to someone you care about you’ll be together forever!! It’s canon and they’re so stinking cute together I could cry!!
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In comparison to Katy, who I think is a little bland looking, Iono is the exact opposite, she’s vibrant, colorful, and definitely not forgettable. If I had one complaint, I feel like she’s almost a little over designed, she is very busy from her outfit, her adorable pastel hair, oversized accessories, her shark teeth, and her wild personality. This is not to say she’s unlikable as I adore her character, she’s fun and lively and her gym challenge was very fun.
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He is another gym leader whose personality I adore, he’s so nice when he’s coming out to our match, interacting with kids and other people around, he’s so likeable. This being said, his facial hair, eyebrows and beard, are... yeah... I’ll leave it at that. It was nice to have a bit more involvement to getting to the point of battling him, from taking his wallet to the auction, winning the auction, and then meeting him back in his town, but I kind of wish there was an actual gym challenge on top of it as it would have been interesting to see what Gamefreak could have come up with for a challenge for his gym.
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Oh lordie, this tired, old, normal, salaryman. HOW I LOVE YOU!!! 100/10 best gym leader EVER!!! He vibes so much with me as I work a grueling 9 to 5 office job myself, so I complete understand why this cupcake is the way he is! Yes, he is plain design wise, but his character is anything but forgettable as everything flows so easily together for him. I was also extremely happy to find out that his style when throwing his Pokeballs was based on Koyo Aoyagi of the Hanshin Tigers! I know baseball is very big over in Japan, but to see this little easter egg in a Pokemon game was very enjoyable!
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Even though I adore Larry to pieces, Ryme is my favorite Paldea Gym Leader, she’s fierce, she uses one of my favorite types of Pokemon, she’s the sister of one of the teachers, and she’s a rapper! Her gym challenge was overly simple, but it was all forgiven when I came out to see her in a rap battle with a store clerk! I was offended when she asked if I wanted a rap battle and then told me no, even though I would get torn to shreds by Ryme, I still wanted to have fun! Her design is so much fun and I love when she gets mad and her eyes go white, that’s so funny when it happens. Not going to lie, when I see Ryme and Tyme, all I see is Salt n’ Pepper!
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Her design is so beautiful, she’s elegant and feminine and just so freaken pretty!! She gives that vibe that she can snap your neck if you disrespect her without any issues while putting on mascara and not losing a single ounce of her concentration. When I first met her, I thought she was a snob, as she was on the phone, but once I got to see more of her character afterwards, she quickly grew in favor and showed that she’s not just a pretty face. Her gym challenge was Simon Says with a few battles thrown in, nothing majorly difficult, but my favorite thing was the photo we took afterwards, she did that position in those high as frick heels and made it look easy.
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Grusha is so pretty but personality-wise, I hated this pompous prick until I saw more of the dialogue. Grusha was very rude to me and acted like battling me was going to be a huge waste of time. However, I came to realize that Grusha was trying to protect me, by being an asshole, as Grusha was one of the top snowboarders, keyword ‘was’ which makes me think there was an accident with major injury that resulted in Grusha’s retirement; they’re trying to keep others from doing the same because they don’t want us to get hurt and ruin our futures. Grusha is, according to the official site, male, but I’m not convinced, and prefer to keep their pronouns gender-neutral. Design wise I love Grusha’s design, it’s simple but not boring, I love the two-toned hair color and the oversized scarf that is so adorable that I want to find a tutorial to crochet myself one.
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When I first saw her, I thought Rika was a skinny man, but once I found out that she was female, my inner lesbian all of about exploded from immense glee! Her design is amazing!! I can’t find a single thing bad to say about her other than I wish we had seen more of her and had more interactions with her!!
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How in the world did this child become an Elite Four member at such a young age? When I first met her, I was in disbelief, how is this possible?! She was decently strong, and her design is rather cute, and the dialogue she has with others is rather cute. It is amusing to see this little bebe that is one of the strongest trainers in Paldea. I feel like her color palette could use something, her outfit is mostly all the same color and I wish that there was some more color differences, like maybe her shoes could be black as well, and the lining of her jacket could be black. I’m not sure what that giant key thing around her neck is, it reminds me of a key holder that younger kids would carry their house keys in. Ahh latchkey kids, brings back memories...
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Nuff said <3
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Woof, this man radiates DILF energy, he’s elegant, kind, and goes hard in battles but is so sweet and a wonderful teacher on top of it! When I found out he was in the Elite Four after only knowing him as my art teacher, I squeed. His design of beautiful, his eyes remind of me of a hawk, and his clothes scream professor but at the same time he’s so handsome!! He was one of the hardest battles in the game when I faced him in the Champion Test, but I loved it! By end game (Elite Four time) I’m usually over-leveled as I want to be able to handle it in one shot, but he gave me a run for my money. When I beat him and he started to cry and tell me how proud he was of me, I cried, I wanted to immediately adopt him as my new dad.
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Not going to lie, when I first saw her, I thought she was going to pull a Chairman Rose and be the secret secondary bad guy like in Sword and Shield. The way she carried herself and just the vibe screamed sus to me, and I just couldn’t shake it. Now that I’ve finished the game and now know that she is just a very serious person, I’ve come to appreciate her more as a character, unless if they bring out a DLC and my sus vibes were telling me the truth and she really is evil! Her design was a little...ehh for me. Her hair is very full, almost like a mane, and her outfit makes her seem very boxy, unlike Rika who pulled the look off well. She is another character that I wish had a bit more color in her palette, the black, blue, and yellow is fine, I just wish there was a bit more of varying colors.
Overall, the Paldea League is very diverse, design wise, and most of the characters, if you didn’t know them, you wouldn’t be able to tell what kind of trainer they were, which I like, as it makes it fun to learn through trial and error with each of these trainers.
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Applin Of My Eye Ch10 Epilogue
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(Hey everyone. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this far and liked my story enough to read it to it's end. I had a lot of fun writing it and it makes me happy knowing some people loved it enough to read it fully. If you liked this consider checking out my other works. Thanks to everyone for reading this, faving it, or leaving a nice comment. And thank you to Nintendo and Game Freak for creating such wonderful characters and giving me the opportunity to make this wonderful story.)
"What do you mean he went off somewhere again?''
Felix shrugged. "He left a good number of days ago. I thought ya already knew that. Didn't my big bro tell you anything before he left?"
You shook your head wide eyed. "No. I didn't even have any idea he was gone! How long has he been missing?"
"About two weeks ago. Said he had to take a quick trip over somewhere to pick up somethin' after Sonia told him about it. Not sure what tho. But I'm sure he'll be back soon."
"And how do you know that?"
"He called me this mornin'. Said he'll back by tomorrow noon."
That was strange. You hadn't seen Milo for almost two weeks by now because you both had been so busy lately. You just assumed he was spending time with Felix. You'd been busy yourself seeing about setting up your new home and bakery. So you hadn't seen Milo lately but only assumed that was because he was busy with everything. But..he had left without telling you? That was very much unlike him. Where did he go? Why didn't he tell you? Maybe he's been so busy and stressed that he had just forgotten? You'd just stop by to see if he wanted to join you for lunch that day and was hit with the news when Felix answered the door. Well you'd soon find out what he was doing anyways since he was returning tomorrow. The next day came faster than expected and you were in the middle of work too. Your were in the front restocking some of your kitchen shelves when a man of pink hair and a smile on his face walked in and you paused in your tracks, eyes widened, as none other than Milo himself walked through the door.
"Y/n!," he said with a smile on his face turning towards your wide eyed look. "I'm home!"
"Where have you been!?," you asked turning from the shelf and frowning at him. "You took off for two weeks without telling me!"
He held up an empty hand. "I know. I know. But I promise I can explain. Can I talk to you outside for a sec?"
..You rose a brow. "Alright. I can finish stocking up in a minute."
Well that settled it. With that being a yes you went ahead and followed Milo back outside on your porch. Once outside he stopped and looked at you silently smiling for a moment however you were still confused. It was only after another second or two you opened your mouth, but was stopped when he held up his other hand. You weren't sure how you didn't notice but the entire time he was holding something, that something happened to be a simple pokeball wrapped in a red ribbon. You stared at him, then at him, then back at the ball, and after a moment of silently staring at it, slowly it from him to which he then lowered his hand back.
"...What's this?"
"It's a pokemon."
"I-..W-Well yeah. Obviously. But why?"
"J-Just open it," he stammered hand shakily reaching up to rub the back of his neck. "I w-went through the trouble of getting it for you."
You still stared at him for a moment before looking back down at it. Milo..got you a pokemon? Well that was an unexpected gift but not a bad one! That's actually really sweet of him to do so! With a smile you immediately pulled off the red ribbon and gave the small red and white ball a toss to summon out whatever it was inside. A bright white light popped out from it and the small critter came forth but the sight of it made you pause. It was a pokemon alright and one you HAD seen before...But by accident. When Gloria accidentally gave it to Hop so long ago. The small pokemon had the small body of an apple with eyes poking out at the top where the stem would be and a small green tail behind it. It blinked before looking around and stopping at you. Giving a curious peep towards yourself.
IT WAS AN APPLIN!! A FREAKING CUTE LITTLE APPLIN!! MILO HAD GIVEN YOU AN APPLIN!! you continued to stare at the small pokemon for a silent wide eyed moment for a moment before looking at Milo.
"W-What's all this about?"
He gave the shakiest most nervous sounding sigh you had ever heard him say. "Y-Yeah...Look. I jus'-....*ahem* I-I-....*sigh* I didn't know how else to ask. Alright?" His head rolled to the side as he nervously rubbed his neck. "I-...I know we h-haven't really t-talked about being together-together or anything official or nothing...So I-...I-I remembered what your mate said about the Isle of Armor. I talked to Sonia about it and found out there was a ton of these lil guys living over t-there in secret. So I just..." He sighed again closing his eyes gesturing to the small apple pokemon who made a peeping sound. "I wanted to get you one and ask-..W-Well it-it's only natural I'd a-ask and make it o-official at least. I-I MEAN! Only if ya want to. W-What I'm asking is....Y-Y/n. W-W-Would y-you m-mind..being m-my..p-partner-" His body flinched feeling a touch on his hand and he snapped his eyes up towards you.
He got his answer when you wrapped your hand around his own and smiled. "Yes."
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morgananddeino · 8 months
(And hear me out on this one)
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(Look at them sillies😭)
Ik it sounds weird but HEAR ME OUT OKAY?? (+headcanons lol)
They're SOOOOOOO golden retriever bf × black cat gf omg
He would be so grateful to Marnie and piers for helping him and Gloria/Victor getting to the Rose Tower he would def took it as an exscuse to go to their house just to speak to Marnie
He also def had to overcome his stupid fear of going to spikemuth alone for that lmao
He confessed in the traditional galarian way giving her an applin a couple weeks into knowing eachothers<3
The mc was the only person he told about his crush on Marnie and they teased him for it until he confessed (a lil bit out of frustration)
She accepted, wasn't too sure at the start but started loving him with time<3
Leon and piers mutually agreed to let them have sleep overs BUT the big brother of the host has to check on them REGULARLY.
Hop is scared to death of marnie's pokémon
They swap jackets a lot<3
Hop attents all matches in Marnie's gym during the championship season
IF he can't make time for it he watches them live on his phone while doing whatever else he's doing
I don't have a name for this ship yet BUT I'll make sure to find one, AND post this on twitter too when I get the motivation to:3
Bye~ <3
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