#he fought Lucifer and Adam and came out alive
aro-in-danyl · 1 month
During an Overlord Meeting
Random Overlord: So how'd you bag the King of Hell?
Alastor: Well I-
Lucifer: The first time we met he told me to go fuck myself and dropped a piano on my head
Other Overlords: ...
Lucifer: I've been charmed by his audacity ever since
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nunalastor · 4 months
I have a lot of ideas, mainly duckiedeer tho, so this might be long, feel free to ignore it if you don't want to read it, lmao.
One where Alastor is greyromantic, so he has never felt romantically towards anybody.
Lucifer moves in and their bickering just increases, and he does what he has always used to do with his rivals and he starts flirting with Alastor in whatever way will piss the radio demon off the most. With the time Alastor catches feelings and at first he doesn't get what they are, but after seeing the way Husk and Angel act he gets it, and he hates it. The solution? Make their bickering everyone's problem by being as loud as he can, to convince himself he still hates him and he's just confused.
Lucifer catches feelings as well a while after, he realizes after noticing the sarcastic flirting is losing the sarcasm, he tries and fails to ignore the feeling, and just increases when he goes to bed and can't help but think about Alastor's seemingly redder face, from a fairly adorable pick up line he tried earlier.
Now you have two idiots aggressively pinning like highschool girls and both very angry with themselves about it, both try to get rid of the feelings just to end up falling deeper.
This is just Alastor, you know, since he was alive during WWI, I thought maybe he fought on it. Before WWI he didn't have any immoral tendencies, he was just weird, then he fought on WWI, and the feeling of killing someone sunk on him. By the end of the war is when he actually became a serial killer.
Back to radioapple.
Charlie gave Lucifer a 50,000 piece puzzle once they finished the hotel, the picture was a mountain of rubber ducks, so you could tell it took him a lot to get any of it done since the pieces where all really similar with mainly yellow. They placed it on a big table near the bar where everyone usually hung out, so if anyone wanted to help the were welcomed to, he sat there for hours everyday for a few months trying to advance with it.
One day Alastor, pretty annoyed that the puzzle was taking all of his pathetic love interest arch nemesis’ attention, he did the only logical solution which was helping him out with the thing. This helped to:
1. Understand what was so appealing about the thing that Lucifer wasn't interested on hating him as much anymore.
2. Bicker with him as they assembled the thing.
The plan backfired, Alastor ended up loving the puzzle just as much as Lucifer, and now they have something to bond over. Neither knows how to feel about it.
Lucifer gets really depressed from time to time, and he gets nightmares.
He used to cuddle Charlie and Lilith before when this happened, but Lilith wasn't here anymore and Charlie slept with Vaggie, so he couldn't just ask to sleep with them like he was their child. So somehow he ended up on Alastor's room and cuddled up to him, and now it was just something they did every time Lucifer had nightmares, if somebody knew this happened they didn't dare to bring it up.
Subsequently, one day Alastor just came up to Lucifer and gifted him a giant Duck plushie to cuddle up to the nights he wasn't at the hotel, the duck had a duck-adapted version of Alastor's outfit and it smelled like the raio demon.
Lucifer keeps a radio hidden on his room, he listens to Alastor's broadcast when he feels low, nobody knows about this.
Alastor keeps an apple shaped ornament on his radio station where he can see it while broadcasting, Lucifer keeps an Alastor duckie on his workshop.
Giving the “Alastor gets a celestial wound after Adam's fight that can only be cured by Lucifer” trend a twist for my slowburn fan ass, Lucifer takes several days to heal Alastor's wound, at first, he doesn't let Lucifer come near his body, which only slows the process, but then theystart bonding and he slowly starts to let Lucifer make physical contact with him, first they are quick touches through his clothes, then he let's Lucifer linger his hand directly over his wound.
Alastor drags Lucifer to overlord meetings, Rosie is delighted to meet him the first time he goes to one, then the three of them just have their own private conversation while ignoring wherever topic is being discussed that day.
Husk asks Angel out solely because he sees how pathetic Alastor and Lucifer look pinning on eachother like that, and refuses to look life that himself.
Lucifer and Alastor leave gifts in eachother's rooms on increasingly unhinged places (e.g: inside the pillows, taped to the ceiling) Alastor makes a point to leave them on tall places as well, with petty notes attached on them (e.g: Bambi looking ass). They deny the gifts being actually meaningful, despite the presents being sweet (e.g: chocolates, books, scented candles with eachother's favorite smells).
Lucifer loves sweet and sour flavors (chocolate milk, apple juice, sour candy), while Alastor prefers salty and bitter (black coffee, unsweetened tea, chips). They hate on each other's tastes, but secretly try some of the other's favorite foods out of curiosity.
I'm going to stop there because otherwise this thing will go on forever :3.
🔥 so many!!
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hazbinsboss · 17 days
Love (Alastor x Fem! Reader) (Hurt/comfort)
Established relationship, hurt/comfort because I'm a sucker for it, Alastor is kinda broken in the fic ngl, he's mad in love with reader. He fought Adam, ending up bloody and battered in his radio tower, and Y/N is desperately trying to find him.
"Al! Alastor, please answer me!” Y/N shouts, traveling up the ladder of the radio tower as fast as she could. A bum leg and shoulder adding onto the difficulty. Alastor was supposed to take care of Adam, but Adam was still alive until Niffty killed him. She heard the first man’s name being yelled by Lute, but made eye contact with a certain king of hell who nodded and she took off. Reaching the top of the radio tower, she notices the blood. “Al!” She screams as she pulls herself up even faster. Seeing the Radio Demon laying against his equipment and clutching his abdomen, clearly in a mass amount of pain. She scurried over to him, putting pressure on his wound as he dejectedly stared up to her eyes. Wincing as she grabs medicinal herbs and bandages from her bag that she always wore. “L..leave…” Alastor scoffs, trying to shoo her off with the hand that wasn’t clutching himself. Y/N didn’t reply, she couldn’t, not when he was this hurt. “Move your hand or I’ll make you move it” she says prying his hand off of himself, he tried to use the remainder of his energy to summon some sort of shadow to scare her off. The shadows reached only a few inches from his body before he began to cough, blood spurting from his mouth. At that moment she was terrified. She had never seen Alastor this hurt before, to the point that he couldn’t use any of his powers. She uses this moment to pry his arm away, basically ripping his coat and shirt open. Fortunately using the remainder of her own power to summon some of her own shadow beings to help her.
The small shadow imps helped in handing her the bandages and applying the herbs. When Y/N saw the wound healing on its own, she bandaged him, wrapping around his bare abdomen. Treating other minor scrapes and cuts as she went along. The woman's adrenaline finally wears off, as she nearly collapses next to Alastor. Carefully wrapping her arms around him, redressing him in a quickly mended coat that the imps had helped with whilst she tended to his smaller wounds. “My dear… I was weak” Alastor scoffs to himself, evidently the near death he had just suffered getting to his psyche. Wordlessly she rests her forehead on his, grabbing a clean rag and cleaning the blood from his lips and chin. “You did what you could, Alastor. The only ones who did any real damage to him were Lucifer and Charlie. The king of hell and his fucking daughter. If they could barely do anything, we can’t assume that we could” Y/N spoke softly, as she brought her hand up to stroke his ears. Something she had always done to comfort him. His ears twitch and he lulls his head to be closer to hand. “Let’s get you recovered before we worry about anything else” his head rests on her shoulder as he melts at the gentle touch. Alastor hated the way that this made him relax, made him soft, the Radio Demon, soft? No… No. He couldn’t.
Alastor tries to sit up again feigning a confident, fully recovered front, but as he goes to stand up the shooting pain of his injuries. Stumbling forward he expects to meet the cold floor of the radio tower, closing his eyes hoping that he could just pass out. However it never came, in its place were warm and gentle arms wrapped around him supporting him so he didn’t fall. “Hey now… Al, you can be weak around me. Trust me, honey” She said, and for once, he obliged. Using her arms to stand up straight and let her guide him down the radio tower.
‘God my body hurts’ Y/N thought to herself, her shoulder and leg causing an immense amount of pain. Something that Y/N didn’t think Alastor noticed.
— Y/N stumbled a bit after finally getting Alastor to a fully safe place to lay down, and recover. Shakily bringing tea over to him, she hadn’t had anyone tend to her wounds yet. The wounds on his abdomen were already almost fully healed as his skin mends itself together. He noticed how she stumbled, how her leg had a gash on it that was still slowly bleeding. “Darling?” He speaks, his radio effect no longer on as his staff was broken. “Yes, Al?” She sits next to him, placing a hand on the side of his chest that wasn’t damaged. Gods did he love the way she smiled at him, in a place that is nothing but overwhelming heat. Somehow her soft, warm aura made him melt again. “Lay down, dear. Let me take care of you. My darling doe” Alastor gestures as he gracefully sits up, having enough energy to summon shadows to grab the medical supplies that he needed to take care of her. She obliges as he half picks her up putting her on his lap, she smiles and lets her head rest on the radio demon's chest, as he soothes her with small kisses to her forehead as he cleans and mends her wounds. “I…Al” She was about to say something but settled for his name to avoid any awkwardness that may arise. “What were you going to say, darling?” He says, however he had an idea of what she wanted to say. For the first time someone wanted to say I love you to him, the first time in hell at least. But it's been decades since those words were spoken to him. They hadn’t even thought about it, and that's what Alastor enjoyed. That the usual relationship needs were not needed with her, they simply enjoyed each other's company more than the rest. “I… Thank you. For everything” she says instead, Alastor chuckles a bit and tips her head up with a finger underneath her chin to have her look into his eyes instead. “I love you Y/N” He leans down kissing her gently. Being careful to not wound anything further. She feels her cheeks heat up, blushing at the fact that Alastor. Him. He said it first. “I love you too, Alastor. So much” She says as he pulls away and continues to tend to his lover's wounds. Her uninjured arm wrapped around his neck, as he cradled her closely to his body. His wound throbbing a bit with the small movements but the loving feeling he felt from her was well worth the pain. Upon finishing mending her broken body together, he guides her to lay with him. Something that Alastor rarely initiated, so she obliges, as she lays her head on his chest. Letting herself get whisked away to sleep for the first time in days. The peace of feeling his chest rise and fall with every breath only furthered the onset of exhaustion over her body. “Sleep, my love” Alastor tells her, humming a show tune in which he knew would lead to Y/N falling asleep. He loved it, he loved the feeling, he loves her. An emotion even he thought he was incapable of feeling after he spawned in Hell after his time on earth. Having a few moments like this with, well, anybody really. He barely remembered his prior lovers in his life, he just knew that nothing ever felt right. He had known how to take care of any needs he might have experienced, especially being part deer and rut being a present situation he found himself in every year, that being much easier now having a partner. Y/N had only been in his life for two years, but those two ruts were the easiest ones he’s had over the time he’s been in hell. He gently brushes his claws through her tresses, as her arm is wrapped around his waist. “Oh darling… How you have me wrapped around your finger. It terrifies me” Alastor laughed to himself, as he closed his eyes allowing himself to meet her in sleeping.
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an-idyllic-novelist · 4 months
Lucifer Morningstar with Violet Evergarden!reader scenario in honor of Valentine’s Day
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warning: aged up!reader [middle to late twenties], language, ooc, one-sided!Alastor x reader, possible spoilers from the first season of the 2024 show.
Hey guys, welcome to another Hazbin Hotel collaboration with @vikkirosko, starring Charlie's own goofy, duck-obsessed father, the King of Hell! Special thanks to @ladydoe8, and @illuminaresblog for their feedback so that I could write this fic in a timely manner before things got busy in the real world for me!
Just so everyone knows, the outfit depicted here is Jean’s ceremonial outfit from the game Genshin Impact, idea was courtesy of @illuminaresblog.
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and let's see what our short king is up to ~!
Reblog to support content creators! ❤️
Lucifer is someone who believes in second chances now. 
Charlie had made something that had been impossible for the last ten thousand years possible, and he wanted to support her in any way he could. Thanks to him being an amazing, resourceful father they were able to rebuild the hotel in less than four months, and Alastor didn’t show up until they were finished. Ha! Take that, asshole! 
But what has made him the happiest he has felt in a long time is the opportunity to be close to his daughter again. He was not going to ruin it by being a coward and not speak to her unless it was convenient for him. She is more precious than anything or anyone in Hell. 
Don’t get him wrong, he is very happy that his little devil found someone that made her happy, but it was kinda awkward to see them being….intimate. That’s at least one other valid reason why he’s been coming to the greenhouse more often than isolating himself away in his living space of the hotel. It wasn’t healthy, and he couldn’t keep hiding himself from Hell forever after fighting Adam in the war. And why the greenhouse instead of the lobby bar, the rooftop balcony, or the parlor? Well, you were there. The hotel’s stoic groundskeeper, and one of the people who had been supportive of Charlie’s dream when he wasn’t around. 
You always knew the right words to say to her without sounding like a jerk. 
You would help out with creating group exercises, though some of your ideas were a little extreme.
 If someone needed some assistance with work around the hotel, you were there in the blink of an eye ready to help. 
You had fought against the exorcists to protect everyone, even at the cost of losing your prosthetic arms.  
You were a lot of things that he wasn’t. And he was a tiny bit jealous about it, even when you had never intended to make him, the King of Hell, jealous. That job was exclusively reserved for the Radio Demon. 
 He did think you would look a lot cuter if you smiled more often, and he has said this to you one afternoon as he sat on a wooden bench, watching you carefully remove the weeds from the flower beds. In that moment he thought he had fucked up. The words that spilled out of his mouth had pissed you off so much that you were quiet and did not even look at him over your shoulder. He felt his apple red cheeks burn with embarrassment as he stammered out an apology, trying to make amends when your calm voice broke through the awkward silence. 
You weren’t bothered by what he said. He was stating a fact that you’ve heard many times when you were alive. You explained to him that it was…difficult to express yourself for a long time. And in Hell, you couldn’t wear your emotions on your sleeve. It made you a target. To demonstrate your point, you slapped your cheeks and pulled the corners of your mouth upwards to create a smile, albeit a forced one. 
Lucifer had a good laugh that day, and the frazzled thoughts that ran rampant in his mind came to halt. You were a funny sinner. And definitely strange, but hey, so is he! Kind of. Okay, he definitely is, but who isn’t a little odd down here?
When he realized that you weren’t easily offended like the others, conversations between the two of you had gotten…well, better. He would ask you questions about the stuff you grew, and you answered without hesitation. When you asked him about his rubber ducky creations, he babbled about his latest one and you would give him an idea on how to improve. “Perhaps instead of spitting out fire and water after the back flip, what if you did flower petals instead?” You said to him one afternoon as you hoisted a heavy pot up from the shelf, carefully placing it down on the workbench. “You can use the ones I remove when I prune the roses, if you’d like. All I ask is to not take too many of them. I am using them in an experiment to make soaps for the rooms so that Charlie doesn’t spend too much money on acquiring cleaning items.”
Lucifer immediately took you up on the offer, smiling so widely that it almost hurt his face before hurrying back to his workshop. In a matter of hours, he was cradling a brand new ducky that did release blood-red petals and golden sparkles! The ingenious part of it all is that, instead of doing a backflip, all someone needed to do was push its chest and poof, magic! It was amazing, the audience loved it and he actually liked it too!
 Lilith used to pitch ideas on his creations…at least…until she left. He still missed her. She’s Charlie’s mother, and not even he knew where she was or what she has been doing for the past seven years. He could only hope that wherever she is….she is happy.  
Instead of throwing this little gem with the rest of the ones he’d been working on since moving into the hotel, he gave this little ducky to you. A token of his gratitude, their friendship, whatever you thought the gift was! He just wanted to thank you for giving him that spark of creativity he had been looking for. 
To this day, it sat on the corner of your workbench, glowing under the red light streaming through the stained glass windows and in pristine condition. It was obvious that you treasured his little creation and it made his heart flutter in a way it hadn’t in a very long time. Before he realized it, his conversations with you shifted to memories of the past. 
He would regale the tales of Creation, how he’d tease his fellow angels and outwit them with harmless little pranks or showered their meeting assemblies with sparkles and ideas that…that they rejected in favor of order and obedience. It still hurt, that no matter how much he wanted to shower humanity with goodness and free will, it seemed like bad things had happened ever since he gave Eve the Fruit of Knowledge. 
You told him about the Great War  and how you served as a soldier in the Leidenschaftlich Army under Major Gilbert Bougainvillea. You could not remember your age, but everyone assumed you had been ten after being enlisted. You were fourteen when the war ended, and the Major had died saving your life. You never understand what his final words meant, I love you, until you yourself had perished. Not from old age or disease or famine, as most humans were known to succumb to back then. You had died protecting your friends, the people you had come to know in your line of work as an Automemory Doll, from being blown to smithereens by an anti-peace faction. Although the war had been over, men like General Merkulov could not comprehend a world without war. When the assassination attempt on the envoy failed, the bridge had been rigged to explode. Together with Benedict, you were able to remove the bombs…but when the last one you removed, the one that took great effort to remove…you lost your remaining arm, then your balance, careening off the train and into the dark waters below. That was the thing you remembered before waking up down here. 
There were days when you wondered how everyone else was doing, if Cattleya and the Lieutenant were all right, if there were still Automemory Dolls helping others with writing letters when the clients themselves were not able to read, write, or had trouble putting the words on the page. But who knew much time had passed since then? All you could hope…is that they were still able to live long, happy lives and not mourn for your death.
Because in the end, you finally understood the Major’s last words. And you would no longer need to follow orders to live. 
It made Lucifer a little sad when you finished your tale, it sort of made him wonder how you ended up down here when technically sacrificing yourself to save others should have gotten you into Heaven. You thought about that as well, drawing to the conclusion that even if you had died valiantly, it did not change the fact that you had killed many men in the war. Perhaps the blood on your hands will always be there, and you would have to live with that knowledge for eternity. Or maybe…no one really knows how to get into Heaven, as Charlie had informed everyone before, after the disastrous meeting with the Seraphim. Either way, if you were given the choice of being redeemed and going to Heaven, or remaining down here with everyone, you would choose to be here, in the Hazbin Hotel. 
Just because there is such a thing as Paradise, that didn’t mean you could not find your own. And you had found Paradise, here, with everyone. The sinners who are your family. 
Your words left him speechless. He had given humans free will, and all he had seen was the bad, never the good. But to hear your story, and how you are truly happy in a place surrounded by brimstone and the streets crawling with psychopaths, made him realize that you had used his gift as it was intended to be used. To have passion, to find love in one another than wholly dedicating your everything to the Big G. 
This revelation might have been when he was starting to realize that he was starting to see you as more than a friend or someone who believed in Charlie's dream. He followed you around like a little duckling around the hotel, occasionally leaving small gifts at your door and mentally panicking if you’d like it or not, and using his magic to help with your work in the greenhouse. Moreover…he trusted you. He had never shared any of his stories with Charlie about Heaven because he didn’t want her to be crushed like he had been. Now? Well, his little girl is thriving. Which brought Lucifer back to reality when he realized that in less than a week is his daughter’s birthday and he had no idea what to get her for a gift. The last time he had gotten her anything was when she went through her rebellious phase, and all she wanted to do was stay in her room and listen to heavy metal music all day. 
He immediately went to the greenhouse, bursting through the double doors and calling out to you in a panic. Ironically he found you in the apple orchard, standing on a ladder. You were picking the ones that were ready to be eaten and placing them in a wicker basket on the ground. When you saw him, you carefully climbed down the ladder and asked him if everything was all right. No, it wasn’t okay! He was not okay! 
He explained his dilemma to you in a rush, the words tumbling from his mouth like a tidal wave until he felt your gloved hand on his shoulder. You looked at him long and hard, leading him to the bench to sit before pouring him a glass of lemonade from a thermos. You offered it to him, and half of your sandwich. You were starting to eat more food at regular intervals and taking breaks instead of working until your task was done. You were trying to take better care of yourself; if not as part of your redemption, then at least to not worry Niffty or Charlie. 
He did take the lemonade, but gave you back the sandwich, scolding you needed to eat properly if you were continuing to skip meals periodically. You had the grace to look ashamed, carefully placing it back in the tin lunch box. You promised him that you would eat after you heard him out. 
You listened to him carefully before offering your help. If purchasing a gift for Charlie is hard for him because he is still getting to know her…then you can help him create a special letter for a special occasion. After all, you were an Automemory Doll. It was your job to write the words to connect people, to bring them closure and be remembered. Lucifer blinked in surprise, asking if it was really all right to ask you to do something that…might still bring back painful memories of your past. 
You shook your head. “If it were as painful as you believed it might be, then I would not have said something. Besides,” Your mouth curved upwards into a small smile. “Charlie deserved nothing but the best for her special day, right?”
It took all of Lucifer’s self control to not hug you right then and there. He could still make things work between him and Charlie, he can still be a good father!
Once you had eaten your lunch as you had promised, you asked him to meet you on the rooftop  in an hour. You needed to wrap everything up here in the greenhouse, eat, and grab your Remington typewriter. Charlie was still trying to figure out what to do with the space, but right now there was a table with some chairs up there. It was a good setting to write a letter without anyone overhearing the two of you. 
Lucifer wanted to start working on the gift right away, but he knew that you disliked leaving your work unfinished. So he left the greenhouse, letting you finish up. When it got closer to the time to meet up, he whipped some of your favorite tea and snacks with a flick of his wrist. Remedial creation for him! 
Once everything was set up and you had removed your gloves, the two of you got to work. 
He didn’t think writing a letter would be so difficult because he wanted to pour so much of his feelings into a single page. He was sorry that he missed her other birthdays, how he didn’t step up to be a father after Lilith left because he had been just as upset as her but didn’t have the courage to move forward, and how he wanted to make up for it all. How proud he is to have her as his daughter. 
At one point, he realized that he was staring at your skeletal fingers and how they were fluttering from one key to another before he forced himself to look at you when you asked him a question. He didn’t have time to look at your shiny hands, he had a job to do! 
Between your respectful schedules and small breaks in between, the letter was finished in a week. It was several pages long, folded neatly in a creme-colored letter with a red wax seal once he wrote his name at the bottom of the last page. He thanked you profusely for helping him, promising you anything in his power in exchange, you just had to name it. But you shook your head, saying that knowing his words in the letter will reach Charlie is more than enough. You were simply doing your job as an Automemory Doll. 
And by God you did. 
When Charlie read his letter, his gift to her on the morning of her birthday after presenting a plate full of her favorite caramel apple pancakes with maple syrup, bacon, and coffee in the kitchen, she cried. She cried and hugged him tightly, thanking him for this wonderful letter and how all she ever wanted was for him to understand her, to support her. He felt tears well up behind his eyes as he returned the embrace. It was already looking like it would be a good day. 
Later that day, the hotel staff arranged a small party for his little princess in the Ruby Ballroom. Food, drinks, music, even a small mountain of gifts. Vaggie was of course the brains behind it all, wanting Charlie to have a special day too. Everything was perfect. 
At least, until he saw you dancing with Alastor. You had changed out of your gardening clothes - a white long sleeved shirt and a green skirt with your hair pulled back in a loose ponytail - to one of your newer outfits. Or at least another one besides the white dress with the Prussian blue jacket you always wear. You actually looked more like a knight in this one than an Automemory Doll. Not that he was complaining. 
A sleeveless black buttoned up shirt under a white vest with a long turquoise tailcoat attached to it, a pair of black sleeves that covered your arms and hands, with a short blue and gold cloak attached to a white collar. The emerald brooch glowed under the ballroom’s lights. White tights embroidered with a gold-diamond dot pattern covered your legs, alongside a matching pair of knee-high boots and white gauntlets. 
In summary, you looked gorgeous and entirely out of place as you struggled to keep up with Alastor on the dance floor during the foxtrot. Polar opposites, oil and water, a pairing that doesn’t go well together. 
So being the badass fallen angel that he is, he tapped Alastor on the shoulder and asked if he could have a dance with you. The jazz music screeched to a halt  as the son of a bitch he turned to him, ears pinned against his head and eye twitching. He’s mad. Good. 
“Well, well, this is a surprise~! To think that His Majesty would want to dance when he’s so much shorter than our dear groundskeeper! What a delightful disaster~! But,” Lucifer saw Alastor’s grip on your hands tighten, causing a fleeting expression of discomfort to wash over your face. “We are not done dancing. Yet.” 
Lucifer felt his anger rise. “Listen here, you fucking prick -”
“Oh Al, there you are~!” Charlie suddenly appeared, smiling and oblivious to what was going on at the moment before she gently tugged the Radio Demon away from the dance floor. “There’s something I need to show you~!” 
Alastor did not want to be separated from you, and while he did want to keep dancing, Lucifer knew this asshole valued his pride and reputation above all else. He wouldn’t dare act of character unless it benefitted him in some way. He then turned to you, who looked more than a little relieved to not be near Alastor and…your face was red? 
He frowned. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “Y-Yes. I’m…fine.” That caught his attention. You never stuttered. But with how you were smiling at him shyly…it wasn’t hard to let him have hope. To believe that his feelings towards you were actually reciprocated. He smiled at the thought, stretching his hand out towards you. 
“Care to dance?”
Taglist: @alastor-simp @alastorsgoldie @food-theorys-blog @nunezs-stuff @lbcreations-blog @imperfectbloodmoon @crystalrose36 @nixie-writes @isuckatwritingsobenice @tired-of-life-86 @frompeach @trecllllllll @lanxianschoenheit @22carolina08 @witch-of-writing-desk @mary-v193 @chewbrry @mmelionsblog @ladymothbeth @the-cat-queen-peasants @anielly-2010 @victheauthor @alyriaschoenheit @blumin8 @akemika75 @f4turemom @kameyo-kumo @aloenemonabee27 @doc-tooth @theuknowntravel3r @angelltheninth @solandis-does-stuff @navierkalani @deathmetalunicorn1 @star-fawn21 @sleepy-hutao @gamerxpfighter @no1sillybilly @frenchtoastmafia @candyladycry @bladeismine @bones4thecats
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storydays · 2 months
The Show Must Go On P3
(3rd POV)
Charlie and Vaggie rode on Razzle and Dazzle's dragon forms, with (Y/N) flying behind them, his wings now as big as his dad's and they were now tipped in silver.
They could hear their people cheering for them as they took to the skies. "Yeah! Get 'em!" Husk called.
"Forward!" Charlie screamed. "Go, Razzle, go!" 
"Let's do this!" (Y/N) screamed, angelic sword at the ready. "Oh, look who thinks they're badass now." Adam grinned.  "Fuck yeah! I knew you were holding back, Princey!" Ash laughed darkly before (Y/N) shot fire at him. 
"The traitor came to die." Lute chuckled, before charging Vaggie, and killing Dazzle. "No!" Vaggie cried as Lute stabbed the dragon through the neck.
"Before I take your life, I'm going to tear that other eye out of your face." threatened the exorcist. "Try it, bitch." Vaggie growled, putting her fists up.
The two started to fight, Vaggie dodging the angelic sword, and kicking Lute. Lute responded by slamming her head into a table, making gold ichor drip from her nose. 
*With Charlie*
"Vaggie!" cried Charlie, Razzle flying down to try and help, only to be stopped by Adam. "Surprise, bitch!" He grinned, slapping the princess into the hotel sign, making her shriek as she was electrocuted. 
Charlie panted heavily as Adam hovered over her. "Risking your immortal life for sinners? That's some crazy shit, even for Lucifer's brat!" 
"These sinners, are my family." Charlie growled, slamming her fist into the roof. 
"These sinners are my famwy." mocked Adam in a baby voice, Charlie narrowing her eyes. "Do you even hear yourself? You shoulda stayed in your place, girlie--Arrgh! Shit!" he screamed as Charlie used her trident to stab Adam before throwing him into the a glass window. 
"That's Princess of Hell to you, pig!" she growled. 
"The fuck! That hurt!" Adam exclaimed, eyeing the stab wound. Charlie just glared at him, eyes filled with determintation as her tail waved behind her. 
"Heh hahahahaha, okay." Adam muttered lowly. 
*With (Y/N)*
He grunted as Ash punched him in the face, giving him a black eye. "Archer, please. I know somewhere deep down you know who I am." (Y/N) blocked Ash's sword as the two faced off. "I've told you already! My name is Ash, and I know who you are: (cute nickname)."
Hearing the old nickname, (Y/N) gasped and lost focus, allowing the red fox to kick him in the stomach, and pin him to some rubble by his ponytail with one of his spears. "Yeah, (cute nickname). I've always known. When I was 'killed' in that extermination, it was fake." Ash commented causally, leaning on his own spear.
"W-What?" (Y/N) felt his own blood run cold. 
"Yep. Well, no, I was sliced in half, hurt like a bitch. But yeah, Lute and Adam found me and took pity on me. Adam used his magic to put me back together and ever since then I've fought my way up to being his number 2. I'm the Sargent of the Extermination Angels, babe." 
"So, all this time you've been alive, and you never came home? You never wanted to--" (Y/N) could feel the tears in his eyes. Ash chuckled and rolled his eyes.  "Nope. It was all a sham, sweetie. All the time and love we've spent together,  it was so I could kill you and your sister and take your place as Prince of Hell. To think, the Shadow Prince of Hell, was such an easy lay."
At that, (Y/N) let out a scream of rage, took his sword and cut his ponytail, freeing himself. Ash's eyes widen, remembering the prince loved his long hair, and took such special care of it. 
"Let me show exactly why they call me the Shadow Prince." (Y/N) grinned darkly, before charging. 
*With Vaggie*
Vaggie grunted as she was thrown to the floor again. She tried reaching for her spear when Lute grabbed her by her ponytail. "You always were weak." Lute chuckled, before taking Vaggie's spear and stabbing her in her head, making Vaggie scream in pain. 
"So I'll spare you the pain of seeing your demon bitch die." 
Vaggie looked around and noticed the railing. She took the spear out of her hand and threw Lute into some rubble nearby, used her spear to cut her wings free, and cut the rubble down to fall on Lute.
The angel screamed, her mask falling off. Vaggie approached with a hard look on her face to see Lute's left arm pinned under the rubble with a glare on her face. 
"Do it then. Correct your mistake."
"Seriously, you're pathetic, you know that? Ready to die rather than accepting mercy?" Vaggie backed off. "No, live. Live knowing that you only do because I let you. The failure." 
Charlie's scream could be heard in the background. Vaggie gasped and flew off to help her, leaving Lute. 
Once Lute was alone, she started to pull against the rubble, screaming as her arm was painfully ripped from her body.
*With Charlie*
Adam laughed as he slammed Charlie back, before grabbing her by her throat. "Let..me..go!" Charlie grunted. 
"This fight was cute n' all, but it's time to die with the rest of them." Adam declared dramatically. Charlie briefly peeked at her people, standing close together, ready to go down fighting. TO her brother, who was now covered in shadows and fighting his ex. 
Vaggie landed to help the princess only to be pinned by an angry, armless, Lute. "Charlie!" she cried out to her love.
Adam laughed evilly before a fist punched him in his face. Adam screamed as he was thrown into the window from earlier. 
Charlie gasped as she was caught by Lucifer. "Dad?"
"Sorry I wasn't here sooner, sweetie." Lucifer smiled, putting Charlie down, before looking around. "Where's your brother?" 
Charlie pointed to (Y/N) in the distance. 
Their attention was drawn to Adam as he climbed back up, coughing. "Okay, seriously? How many of you freaks do I have to fight?" He growled.
"Oh, I'm the only one that matters."Lucifer rolled his sleeves up. "See, you messed with my kids, and now I am going to fuck you!" he grinned. 
Everyone froze in the battle. Vaggie, Lute and Angel rose an eyebrow in amusement, (Y/N) facepalmed. 
*With the Vees*
Velvette was grinning like a maniac, Vox look weirded out, and Valentino smiled like the slut he is. "Well, this just got interesting." 
*at the hotel*
"It's fuck you 'up', Dad." Charlie whispered to a smug Lucifer. "Wait what did I say?" He asked before being tackled by an raging Adam. 
"Haha! So this is what you've been up to since Eden? Gotta say, you really let yourself go, buddy." Lucifer shrugged, shifting into different animals. "You judgin' me? You're the most hate being in all of creation!" Adam growled, throwing the snake form of Lucifer. 
"Woah! Well, your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer," He made a V around his mouth, "Or the second. Bow-chick-bow-wow." Lucifer thrusted his hips forward mockingly. "I'll fucking end you!!" growled the angel. 
"Woah, missed me! Hoohoo, not even close! Hehehehehe! Nice try, douchebag!" Lucifer giggled. 
*With (Y/N)*
The prince and the fox angel traded magic shots back and forth. (Y/N) was encased in shadows, his eyes as red as the Pride Ring sky. He opened his wings, which were now completely silver and thrusted them forward, thousands of his feathers turning into Kunais. 
"Ow fuck!" exclaimed Ash, now pinned down by the silver weapons. "What the hell?" (Y/N) landed in front of the angel, holding his sword at the other's throat. "My wings are an extension of my body. And one of my  greatest weapons. I can make angelic steel appear in my wings. I can control my feathers as they if they were still attached as well. These are angelic steel kunai but also they are filled with Deadly Nightshade poison. "
Ash's eyes widen. When Deadly Nightshade enters your body, it was only a matter of time until the hallucinations, paralysis, convulsions, and his painful death. 
"When you were 'killed' all those years ago, I raged for several hours in heartbreak. I killed thousands of demons and exorcist angels with my poisonous wings. And now, just like our time together, this battle is over!" 
With that, (Y/N) raised his sword, and beheaded his lo-Ash, the exorcist angel. 
Looking into his ex's cold dead eyes, he sighed and briefly allowed the tears to flow. "You were wrong, Archer. I know our time together meant something to you. Even if it didn't, I am worthy of love. And I will always love you. But I will be happy this time."
(Y/N) smiled, wiping his tears, before flying away to help. 
*With Charlie*
"Hold still you slippery fucker!" Adam snapped, still trying to get the King of Hell.
Charlie looked down to see Vaggie and Lute still wrestling.  Charlie rushed forward with a worried look. 
Adam sent a beam of holy light towards Lucifer, Lucifer dodging only to for the hotel to fall apart, Charlie screaming as she fell. 
"I got you!" Lucifer smiled as he caught Charlie in his arms, the king and princess sharing a soft look. 
Charlie smiled at her dad, only to see Adam flying towards them behind her dad. "Dad, look out!" she cried, eyes changing colors. 
Charlie's hand changed to a bigger size, glowing with magic going to stop Adam. Adam froze in place, mere inches from hitting Lucifer when he felt a tug on his wings. 
"(Y/N!)" Charlie and Lucifer smiled, seeing the Shadow Prince with a glower on his face, holding Adam's wings in one hand. 
"Woah, wait, what the fuck?" Adam gasped. Charlie grabbed the Angel and thew him to the ground, creating a crater in the ground. 
Adam groaned, ichor dripping on his face to see the three Morningstars in full demon form, all glaring at him. Charlie was being held by one of Lucifer's arms, and (Y/N) was hovering behind him, eyes narrowed, and (f/c) flames hovering around his hands and tail.
"You come at me and my kids, don't forget you're in my house, bitch!" Lucifer roared,flaming fists beating the Angel. 
Laughing, Lucifer raised his hands, summoning his own holy light, ready to smite Adam, when a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Whoa, whoa, Dad. He's had enough." Charlie chided softly.  
"Mm, he's got one more hit in him." (Y/N) grinned, kicking Adam in his dick....hard.
"How's mercy taste, you little bitch?" panted Lucifer, high fiving his son.
"No...You don't get to end this." Adam panted, climbing out of the crater, as the rest of the members appeared. "I'm the fucking ,man, and you're just some fucking clown or something. I started everything on Earth. All of mankind came from these fucking nuts!"
Everyone looked at the angel with frowns, and raised eyebrows, and crossed arms. "You should all be worshiping me, you ungrateful, disgusting, fucking losers!" Adam screamed in pain, making everyone gasp, looking down at the knifes: One sticking through his heart, and the other sticking out of the side of his head. 
"Woah!" Vaggie exclaimed with a smile. 
"Hey, you got something sticking out of your...your thing there." Lucifer deadpanned. Adam fell to the floor, revealing Niffty blinking innocently. Out of the corner of his eye, Angel saw (Y/N)'s tail flicking suspiciously. 
"Niffty?" Charlie asked, Lucifer frog blinking next to her. 
"(Y/N), did you...?" Angel asked. His fiance shrugged, looking pretty proud of himself. "What? He was getting on my nerves." "Stab! Stab! Stab!" Niffty laughed manically, stabbing the dead body. 
*With the Vees*
"Hoooooly shit." Vox grinned, as Val and Vel stared at the screen with wide eyes. 
*At the hotel*
"Blood! Ha ha ha!" 
"NOOOOO!!!" screamed Lute as she flew to the dying Adam's side. "Sir?! Sir?! Stay with me, sir." Lute begged, as Adam smiled softly at her before dying. "Adam!" she shouted, tears falling out of her eyes.
"It's over." Charlie said softly, glaring at the Lieutenant. 
"Take your little friends, and go home!" Lucifer shouted, flames coming out of his mouth. "Please." He added pleasantly.
Lute glared at the King before grabbing Adam's and Ash's Halos. "Retreat. All exorcists fall back." she ordered, flying after the few exorcist angels alive.
The demons watched as the portal closed before Lucifer turned to the tired group with an awkward grin. "Soooo...who's up for pancakes?" 
*On the news*
"I'm Katie KillJoy." "And I'm--" "Nobody gives a shit who you are, Tom." Katie rolled her eyes, pushing her coworker away. Breaking news: Extermination Day is canceled. Charlie Morningstar managed to fend off the angelic attack  with more than just nice words." All around the Pride Ring, demons listened to the bitch reporter. 
"In an unseen turn of events, our demonic head honcho Lucifer stepped in to save his daughter's ass in the last moment. We're also hearing reports that Adam, leader of the Angelic Legions, first man and totally fuckable bad boy has been slain by even more fuckable Prince Morningstar and a filthy janitor. The janitor said, quote, '(Y/N) told me to stab, so I did.' The Prince said and quote, 'He was getting on my nerves.' And can we talk about how sexy the Prince's new hairdo is? Hottie alert! Anyway, congrats to Charlie and her crew for not being totally fucking useless for once."
*At the Hotel*
Everyone was rummaging through the piles. Husk found a bottle of alcohol which shattered into pieces. Charlie looked around the rummage, and finding KeeKee stuck under a rock. "Oh, there, there. It's," she sighed heavily, " It's okay."
She watched as (Y/N) approached Angel with Fat Nuggets in his arms, and the two shared a kiss, before Angel took his pet pig in his lower arms. He ruffled (Y/N)'s now short hair and smiled, "This suits you, my love." (Y/N) smiled and kissed Angel's cheek.
Charlie smiled at the two, going to talk towards them when she stepped on something. Looking down, her eyes widen seeing the banner they made for Pentious' first week.
Everyone stared at the new hotel with admiration when Lucifer spoke up. "Say, don't we have a wedding to plan for?" He smirked as his son's eyes widen before Angel wrapped an arm around his lover's shoulder. "We sure do, baby! Can't wait to marry the finest man in all of Hell!" Angel kissed his lover's head.
"I see my short hair is doin' something for you, tesoro. You can't keep yourself from touching me," He paused as his father and sister shot him looks, "Wait I--" "Oh, no, you're right baby, I can't keep my hands from touching you." Angel smirked, before (Y/N) playfully blew ice in his face.
*In Heaven*
Sera and Emily were sitting in a meeting room when suddenly a new soul arrived. The new soul stood up and looked around confusedly. "What--? Where? Where am I?!" Pentious asked anxiously. Realizing he wasn't alone, he smiled at the two angels. "Oh, hello." 
Emily squeaked in joy, while Sera's face dropped in horror.
*Elsewhere in Heaven*
Waves splashed against the beach as a figure with long flowing hair sat in a beach chair. Lute approached the figure and threw Adam's halo down at the figures feet.
"Adam and Ash are dead. Your deal is done and I'm in charge now." She looked coldly at the figure. "Your brats are threatening the very foundation of Heaven. And if you want to stay here, you're going down there and stopping those bastards. You understand me," Lute glared into the woman's hard gaze. 
Wow! We made it to the enddddddd!!!! It was so much fun writing and I can't wait for Season 2 of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss! Should I do a reader insert of Helluva Boss? Ooh, or maybe a Characters watching Hazbin Hotel with Prince MorningStar?? I will also take requests for Prince Morningstar oneshots, or Hazbin oneshots in general. 
What'd ya think? Keep an eye out for more!
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This is (Y/N) with short hair :) thank you @deathexe6110 ❤️💋kisses darling
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This idea doesn't come out of my head (it's like a fucking mushroom), well 26, 32 and 50 from the third list, BUT... Yandere!Adam.
Kind of like, Adam always loved Lucifer, like an obsessive bottom (lmao).
Choose if you want Angel, human or sinner.
I love your stories, they are magnificent. (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
26. “You’re the reason why I fell in love with you. You, as a whole.” 
32. “Maybe I shouldn’t have let you go.”
50. “I would not be who I am today if not for you.” 
Awwww thank you! ☺️ Hope you like this one!!
Adam knew from the moment that he saw Lucifer in the garden that he was in love with him. Even when he became an angel and everything happened the devil held a special place in his heart, even if that bitch stole him away.
Minor set back.
When he became a sinner he was shocked, but the anger and sadness that came with losing his angelic power was outweighed when he woke up to Lucifer being by his body looking just as surprised to see him alive.
He came back for him!! Just like Adam always knew he would. He sold his soul to Lucifer, the man already owned his heart why not give him his soul too in a lateral sense.
It took months for their relationship to evolve into what it was now, Adam still remembers the first time they slept together. He never thought of himself as a bottom, but if it was for his King then he was fine with it. The ecstasy that Lucifer would bring him from an orgasm was always amazing.
Currently that is where Adam was, they had finished up a little while ago, Lucifer was asleep beside Adam. Adam wanted sleep too but it was so rare for the devil to fall asleep before him he had to take the opportunity to watch him. "You’re the reason why I fell in love with you. You, as a whole."  Adam whispered, his gaze loving and soft. It didn't matter if Lucifer didn't hear him.
"Maybe I shouldn’t have let you go. I should have fought for us." Adam gently moved some blonde hair from Lucifer's face. "Maybe then things would be different, we could have been together the whole time." The thought of having been the one to fall to Hell with Lucifer and Adam being his Queen and not that cunt Lilith, really soothed his insides.
"Though, I wouldn't be who I am today if things hadn't worked out as they had. I wouldn't be who I am today, if not for you. But that's okay, we're together now and that's all that matters." Adam placed a soft kiss on Lucifer's cheek and snuggled in close to him, closing his eyes.
"I'll never let you go again."
"And I'll never let you go, love." Adam's eyes opened to see Lucifer looking at him with a smile. The devil pinned Adam to the bed at lightning speed, getting between his legs again.
He had Adam moaning again in record time, the sinner smiling so wide as pleasure flooded his brain and Lucifer whispered sweet nothings and words of praise in his ear.
It was always nice to know the feeling was mutual.
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starryvioletnight · 4 years
Take it From the Top
Summary: A destiel fix-it fic/fluff piece. Not really one or the other. Death and Dean talk about Dean taking his ring to put Lucifer away. Death has other matters to discuss. Enjoy~
You raised your little brother for love,
you fought for this world for love,
that is who you are.
You’re the most caring man on earth, 
you are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know.
Ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of hell,
knowing you has changed me.
Because you cared, I cared.
I cared about you,
I cared about Sam,
I cared about Jack.
I cared about the whole world, because of you.
You changed me Dean.
...Why does this sound like a goodbye?
Because it is.
I love you.
Don’t do this Cas.
Goodbye, Dean.
Dean sputtered a breath as he looked up at the pale, sunken face of the Horseman. All he’d asked for was his ring, to open Lucifer’s cell and send him back down to hell, so the world wouldn’t end and they could all keep on living. He hadn’t noticed that time had stopped around them, that the world seemed too crisp.
“What the hell was that?” He rasped. He reached for the water, but the cup wouldn’t move. Everything was permanently frozen in its place. “I need a drink, god damn it.”
“Sorry, but if I allow one thing to move, then Chuck will be able to move. I’d rather avoid that if I could.” He folded his fingers together on the table top, and watched Dean with harrowing eyes. “I’m tired of bouncing from world to world just because he gets tired of his toys and wants to start again. I especially don’t like that you two meatheads somehow end up killing me in this entire mess you two make. Now I’m offering you a one time deal, and you’d best take it.” 
Dean wasn’t listening the closest. He was staring at the water. He snapped his head up and looked at Death. “Lay it on me.”
“You’re going to take my ring. You’re going to put Lucifer away. You’re going to think Sam is dead, and you’re going to forget about Adam.”
“You will, Dean Winchester.” He says, his tone a warning. “You’re going to play out all that I just showed you, up until you get that bloody mark on your arm. When Abaddon rears her head, and you need a way to kill her, I will craft you a weapon that can do the trick.” 
“But what if Sam or Cas get suspicious that you’re helping us.” 
“Think of something.” He says dully. “And be prepared to not see your mother again, that will not happen because Amara is never going to get free. And once Chuck has served his purpose, I will reap him myself.” His eyes never wavered from Dean’s.
“Do we… really have to go through all that pain and suffering? Why can’t we fix this all now and gank the SOB?” He frowned. “What’s the point?”
“There’s certain things that have to happen. Fixed points in time.” He told him calmly. “But in the end, you will all be alive and well and get your ‘happily ever after’.” He rolled his eyes and stood up. “Don’t do anything stupid with this knowledge, Dean. If Chuck finds out either one of us is on to him, we could create a chain reaction that would see the end of your reality in a blink of an eye.”
Dean frowned. Frustrated, a little exasperated, but all the same he nodded. “Fine. Just tell me when we’re all safe, okay?”
“Agreed.” Death took off his ring and handed it to the elder Winchester. “Don’t muck it up. I like the food here.”
Dante snorted and shook his head. He took the ring and stared at it, the weight of the future hanging on his shoulders. He couldn’t believe all he was going to allow to happen.
 The bunker was empty. Sam had taken Jack out for the night. The world had become… mostly calm. They still hunted demons, and monsters. Dean didn’t think that’d ever change. But so much of the other stuff had. No more apocalyptic threats. Death had sworn it. It was done, taken care of. All of it.
Dean walked to the library and sat down. He propped his feet up and pulled out his phone. He scrolled down to Cas’ number. He swallowed down a lump in his throat. He called the number.
“Hello Dean.” Cas answered. Same as always. Same old Cas.
“Hey, Cas. I uh, had a question to ask you. Do you got a minute?” He asked, and scratched the back of his head. 
“I suppose.” Dean heard some shuffling, and then a car door shut. “What is on your mind?”
“What do you think would make you happiest in the world?” He blurted. “Like, if your life depended on you being happy, what would it be?”
There was a quiet moment. “Is something wrong? Are you okay?” Cas asked. “If someone is there, let me know someway.”
“No, no Cas I’m not being held against my will. I doubt a killer would let me phone a friend in that situation anyway.” He said. “I’m just… curious.”
“Well,” Cas took a moment to think. “I think being with you, Jack and Sam would do it. All of us, having a drink or, watching cartoons. Something relaxing, fun.”
“Yeah?” Dean picked at his jeans as he listened. “All four of us, huh?”
“Yes, why?” Again, Cas’ worry came back.
Dean rolled his eyes. “I’m serious when I say I’m not captured. This ain’t a life or death situation.” Not really, anyway. But it did feel like it. “Cas.. how do you feel… about me?”
“Close? We have known each other a long, long time. Calling us anything less than friends would be a disservice to what we have been through.”
Dean paused and took a shaky breath. “Do you think… happiness is… just being? Do you think you need to have happiness, or can you just, be happy, ya know?”
Another, long pause. “Dean, this feels like a goodbye of some kind. And I do not like it.”
Dean can’t help but laugh. Yeah, yeah it did sound like a goodbye, because that’s what it was. It had been a goodbye, one that had haunted Dean for so many goddamned years before now. And now, he could finally say it. He had had years to prepare for this moment. And fuck he hadn���t prepared a single line. 
“How quickly can you be home, Cas?”
“Maybe an hour?”
“Try to speed. I want to see you.”
 Time seemed to drag on, as Dean paced the bunker in anticipation for what was coming. Castiel was going to be there any moment, and he wasn’t ready. Years of knowing this was coming, and he wasn’t ready. Unbelievable. He paced the halls and rooms, trying to rehearse cheesy lines that fell flat the moment they hit the air. What could he say? What would summarize years of unrequited pining, on both ends?
The door opened and Dean jolted, before he hid behind a pillar. 
“Dean?” The angel’s voice echoed in the mostly empty room. “Dean I’m here… what did you need?”
He’d always be there when Dean called. He knew that. He just had to say it. He had to make the first move. He stepped out from behind the pillar. “Hey Cas.”
“Why were you hidden?” Cas did that cute little head tilt and Dean swallowed down the lump in his throat. “Are you okay?”
Dean stepped forward until they were closer. Not super close. Maybe too close? Dean couldn’t tell. “Cas, if I had mere moments to live, and the only thing that would save me was thinking of the happiest thing I could…” He paused and took a deep breath. “I would think of telling you that you are one of the most important people in my life. You’ve helped Sam and I again, and again, and again. You’ve always tried to do the right thing-”
“Even when it was the wrong thing.” Cas chimed in. And Dean laughed.
“Even when it was the wrong thing. But you always tried to do better. Be better, for me and Sam, and now Jack. And… I really admire that about you. I think it’s one of your best qualities.”
“It really started with you.” Cas nodded. “You taught me a lot, over my years on earth. Team free will, and all that.” He smiled and shrugged. Like he was trying to joke and be serious at the same time. He wasn’t good at that, and Dean would have to tell him later.
“Well uh, good to hear, I guess.” He was so fucking nervous. “Cas… I have something really important to tell you, okay?”
Castiel nodded.
Dean took a very deep breath, pursed his lips, and then mumbled, “I love you man.”
“Dean?” Cas looked confused.
“I said I love you!”
His voice echoed in the empty bunker, and Cas blinked. So they stood there, and Dean shifted on his feet. They both kinda looked around, before Cas finally cleared his throat. “I love you too, Dean.” 
Dean whipped his head to make eye contact with him. “Yeah? Like, for real?”
“Yes.” Castiel nodded. 
“Not like, not as bros.”
“Or as friends? Or like-”
Cas grabbed Dean and pulled him down. He kissed him. And Dean kissed back, and his eyes were closing and the world was spinning as he became light headed. His heart raced and his brain screamed, this is so, so right. This is how it was supposed to end. It had to have been.
Cas broke the kiss first, both taking half a second to catch their breath before Dean kissed him again, and gripped the lapels of his trench coat, Cas’ hands moving down his body to wrap around his middle. Nothing else mattered, nothing but this.
Dean eventually, after a few minutes at least, broke the kiss and panted shallowly, his body weak. Then, he laughed a little, and hugged Cas tight, who hugged back immediately. “You gotta practice kissing, man.” Dean teased.
“Thank god I have someone to practice with.” Cas chuckled. “Also, I doubt my kissing was that bad. I have had few complaints.”
“Was the pizza man a good teacher?” Dean asked cheekily, remembering way back when. 
“I’d like to think so.”
“It wasn’t terrible, I’ll give you that.” Dean pecked his lips one more time. “I can’t believe-”
Cas pecked his lips back, cutting him off. “I know. It’s liberating. But there’s something-”
Dean cut him off with a kiss. “What? What could possibly be on your mind?”
Another quick peck. “How do we tell Sam and Jack?”
Dean paused. He looked away a moment, and pursed his lips in mock thought. “Honestly? I don’t give a damn.”
Cas laughed. The two moved to the couch, never breaking contact. Once seated, Cas climbed onto Dean’s lap and cuddled up to him, the Winchester holding his angel closely. Dean ended up falling asleep like that, and Cas would never dream of waking him.
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Secrets and Lies
Summary:  (Between S5 and S6)  Dean has no idea that his brother is alive, but when his sorrow awakens a vision - you do.
Warnings:  Lots of Angst, Dean feeling sad and lost, Soulless Sam
A/N:  Thank you for letting me join your Lie To Me challenge @stusbunker​ Hope you are having a wonderful birthday!!  When I read these lyrics, I immediately thought about Dean and the struggle he had with letting go of a hunter’s life with Sam to try and live a normal one.  I hope I did it justice.
I believe I’ve passed the age of consciousness and righteous rage I found that just surviving was a noble fight I once believed in causes too I had my pointless point of view And life went on no matter who was wrong or right ----Billy Joel
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He looked tired, sitting there with that dark haired girl and little boy.  Their backs were to you, giving you the opportunity to watch him for a little while, his eyes looking down at the table in front of him.  He was listening to them, glancing up to their faces from time to time, but not really seeing them either.  There was something different about him – the fight gone from him somehow.
The last time you had seen him, he was fierce and the fire glowed behind his green eyes.  He was fearless, determined, strong, but still kind – just like his brother.  The man you saw sitting across the diner was broken, a stranger.
After a few minutes, they stood up and – after leaving some cash on the table – headed out the door.  His eyes met yours as he passed by your booth, but there was no sign that you registered as someone he once knew.  It was only for a brief moment anyway.  They had saved you from Lucifer – the brothers – almost a year ago now.   You had stayed with them for a month, until you started having nightmares about Sam and Lucifer and the answer he swore he would never give, but you knew he eventually would.  It had been the reason Lucifer was interested in you in the first place, your ability to see things that hadn’t yet happened.
It was a time in your life that you could never forget, but it was only one of thousands for them.  You understood that.  You asked the waitress for your check and started rummaging through your purse for some cash when you were startled.  Looking back up, you were once again locking eyes with Dean Winchester. 
“Hey.”  He said quietly, sitting down across from you.  “How have you been?”
“I didn’t think you recognized me.”  You said instead of answering him.  He just shrugged.
“I did, I just ….don’t say much about that stuff in front of them.”  He admitted, looking away.  “What are you doing here?”
“I live here….now.”  You answered.  “You?”
“Same, I guess.  I’ve been living with Lisa and Ben since….”  His voice dropped off just then.  “I work construction out at the yard on route 10.”  He added instead of finishing his original thought. 
He cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair and along the back of his neck, but he wouldn’t meet your eyes again.  “Lisa is taking Ben to some school thing tomorrow night.  I get off work around 7:00.  Do you want to have dinner?  It would be nice to catch up.”
“Sure.  I’ll meet you here?”  You asked.  Dean nodded, glancing up for just an instant as he stood.
“I better go.”  He quietly said before walking away. 
He didn’t know for sure why he did it.  Maybe he just wanted to be around someone that knew him and Sam before, maybe he just didn’t want to be alone with his own thoughts with Lisa and Ben out of the house, maybe he just wanted a friend that didn’t expect anything from him.
He loved Lisa, and Ben, but he knew he wasn’t himself.  Most of the time he was angry and felt like a failure.  He missed his brother, and he couldn’t live with the idea that Sammy was locked up with Lucifer inside of him – stuck in some hypothetical cage in hell.  Dean remembered hell all too well.  He still had nightmares about it, only now it was Sam’s face he saw in the flames instead of his own.
Some days it was all he could do just to keep going.  Most of the time, he could barely remember what they had done it all for.  It just wasn’t the same without Sam there.  Now, he knew he spent his days going through the motions, just trying to fake it enough to get by.
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You went to the diner a little early the following day, feeling nervous for a reason you couldn’t put your finger on.  It was busy and you distracted yourself with watching the other patrons from a small corner table you had found empty when you arrived.  You smiled when you saw him walk into the diner, his face giving away his relief that you had actually come.
“How was your day?”  You asked as he joined you.
“Same as always.”  He answered with a shrug.  “Sorry, guess that one takes a little getting used to.”  He added when he realized he was being gruff.
“I can see where building houses would be mundane in comparison to what you are used to.”  You tried to joke with him and he chuckled, a light airy laugh.
“That’s the understatement of the year.”  He replied, the smile lingering on his lips.  It was the slightest hint of the Dean you remembered you had seen since you said goodbye all those months ago.
The two of you made light chatter while you waited for your food to appear, then maintaining the conversation as you ate.  Finally, Dean leaned back in the chair and studied your expression as he asked, “I’m guessing you don’t ask because you already saw it?”
“I don’t ask because, although you can tell me anything, you don’t owe me any explanations.”  You replied.
“Lisa tells me the same thing, but i know she thinks it would help to talk about it.”  His thoughts came flowing out without a conscious decision to speak the words.  “I can’t tell her the truth though, so I just don’t say anything at all.  I mean, how am I supposed to tell her that he said yes to Lucifer?”
“Not really pillow talk, is it?”  You muttered, biting down on your lip as soon as you did.  You glanced up at him nervously, but he didn’t get angry.  Instead he laughed, effortlessly this time.
“No, it’s not.”  He chuckled.  It felt good, but the sound was one he barely remembered.  “Did you know?”  He asked after a moment of silence.
You looked away and nodded.  “I knew he would say yes, but I didn’t know when or how it would end.”  
“Well, I wouldn’t say yes so Michael took our half brother Adam, Lucifer was winning the battle with Sam at first, we fought and Sam was able to get control long enough to pull them both into a hole in the ground.  Now they are in the cage.  Apocalypse avoided.”  Dean recounted, the sound of Sam’s name in his ears felt like someone punched him in the chest.
He glanced around the room before taking a flask from his jacket pocket and pouring some in the coffee he had barely touched.
“What about Castiel...and Bobby?”  
“Cas went back to Heaven I guess.  I haven’t seen him a while.  Bobby went back to Sioux Falls.  Sam made me promise to go to Lisa and try to leave that life behind, to be happy.  I think they just want to give me a chance to do that.”  He explained, rolling his eyes.
“But you’re not.”  You volunteered for him.  He smirked.
“Not really.  I try to be.  Sometimes I forget for a second and I am, but it doesn’t last.  I care about Ben, and Lisa tries so hard.”  He confided, shaking his head.  “I think I could love her, but something in me just won’t let me get there….at least not yet.”
You reached out, taking his hand in yours, ignoring the pang in your chest at the way he talked about Lisa.  He looked up to meet your eyes, surprised at the electricity he felt from your touch.
“This isn’t your fault, you know.”
There is was, the uncanny way you had of reading all the things he never said.  He knew your secret, that you got flashes of the future, but he also knew those flashes didn’t tell you what he was thinking and feeling deep down inside his heart.  He still couldn’t understand how you always seemed to see all of it.  
Dean didn’t say anything back.  He just watched as he turned his hand so he could wrap his fingers with yours.  He ran his thumb along the side of your hand gently.
“Give me your phone.”  You told him after a few minutes.  He blinked like you had shaken him back from a place far away.
Without questioning it, he let go of your hand to reach in his pocket and handed over his phone.  You entered your phone number into his contacts and handed it back.
“Now you can call me whenever you want to.  It would be nice to stay in touch with you this time.”  You told him.
“Yeah, it would.”  He agreed.
When it was almost time for the diner to close, you followed Dean out to the parking lot.  He surprised you by walking up to an older pickup and unlocking the driver’s door.
“Don’t tell me you traded your baby for the truck.”  
“Definitely not.”  He scoffed, faking offense at the idea.  “She’s been garaged.  It just didn’t feel right, you know?”
“I understand.”  you nodded.  It wasn’t surprising that he would have a hard time driving that car and looking over at the empty passenger seat after everything.
“I know you do.  You always have, although I still have no idea how.”  He told you, twirling the keys in his hand.  “I think that’s why I said all that stuff.  I haven’t said it to anyone else.”
“You can always tell me anything.”  You reminded him instead of telling him the reason was that you cared for him, and had since he pulled you out of the prison Lucifer was keeping you in.  How could you possibly tell him that now, after everything?  It didn’t seem fair.  Instead, you reached up and wrapped your arms around his shoulders.  
You felt him hug you back, holding you tighter than you expected.  You closed your eyes and smiled at the warmth you felt in his arms.  Although everything in his life had changed, you couldn’t stop from thinking that he still felt the exact same, still had the same smell.  You inhaled softly so he wouldn’t realize that you were trying to memorize it. 
The two of you said good night and you watched as he drove away.  You could feel his heartache in your own.  With a deep breath you turned and headed back to the apartment you were renting.
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You flew up in the bed, your clothes soaked from sweat, your heart racing as you tried to catch your breath.  You reached over and flipped on the nightlight, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and sipping on the water you had left sitting on the nightstand.
It had been months since you had a nightmare like that, one that you knew wasn’t just a dream but a vision.  You couldn’t make sense of it.  It was about Sam, but not.  At least not the Sam you remembered.  The Sam you remembered was kind, patient, empathetic.  The one in your vision was beating a cop on the side of the road and was riding with someone other than Dean.  For a moment you thought it might have been Lucifer and the thought sent shivers down your back.  Then you remembered the name listed on the police car and you knew you had to find out for sure.  You reached for the phone and called the airline to book a ticket to Rhode Island.
Arriving in Bristol immediately felt like a mistake.  You kept thinking to yourself that if what you saw really was Lucifer, you had to question your own sanity for purposely seeking him out.  You didn’t even know when that vision would actually take place.  The only thing you knew was that the only person you ever harbored feelings for was lost without Sam and if you could give that back to him, you knew you had to try anything.
You finally saw him the following day, heading through town with the same man you had seen him with in your dream.  You couldn’t help but notice the cut on his forehead and the slight rip in his shirt, convincing you that the assault you visioned had already happened - although neither of them seemed especially worried.
You followed them for a little while, trying to stay far enough away to avoid being noticed, but close enough to hear them planning the hunt.  They turned a corner, but when you did the same, neither of them were anywhere to be found.
You turned a couple of times, cursing under your breath before heading back out toward the street.  Suddenly, you felt someone grab you and shove you against the brick wall.
“Why are you tailing us?”  Sam’s voice boomed, his strong hands gripping your shoulders.
“I wasn’t sure it was you at first, Sam.”  You answered, nervously.
“Hey...I know you.”  Sam commented, his eyes squinting as he tried to remember.  He released his grip and took a step backward.  “Did we….?”  He asked, making a gesture that certainly didn’t leave anything to the imagination.
“What!?  No…”  You scoffed.
“Shame.”  He replied with a suggestive glance.
“What are you doing here, Sam?  And who is this guy?”  You asked, gesturing to his companion standing just out of earshot.  Something was definitely off about Sam, but you couldn’t quite figure out what was going on. 
“Hunting.  Didn’t you hear?  There are people behaving like spiders here.”  He answered.  “And that is my grandfather.”  He added matter-of-factly.
“I thought you didn’t have any family other than Dean.”  You asked.  Sam leaned his head back and rolled his eyes.
“Is that what this is about?  Dean?”  He asked you.  “Look, my brother is living the all american apple pie life he was meant to live with some girl he fell in love with and her kid.  No big deal, but there are still monsters to hunt, so that’s what I’m doing.”
“He thinks you’re dead!”  you exclaimed, glancing around and lowering your voice before finishing  “And sitting in hell with Lucifer and Michael.”
“I was….for a little while.  Now I’m back.”  He confirmed.
“Sam, how could you be so cavalier about this?”  you asked, confused.  Sam thought about it for a second.  He knew he was different than before he went into the pit, but so far different for him had been better.  He was stronger, faster, a better hunter.  He couldn’t allow you to make him feel like it was wrong to be any of those things.
“I’m not trying to be anything, but why should I go back and pull Dean out of a life he is happy in?  It’s what he wanted.”
“Because Dean’s not happy.  He will never be happy thinking his brother is dead.  You of all people should know that!”  You argued, but Sam merely shrugged.
“I’ll think about it.”  Was all he said, walking away.  You stared after him, too shocked to move.  You felt confident that he wasn’t Lucifer simply pretending.  If he had been, there would have been fury and manipulation.  This Sam wasn’t any of those things.  Instead, it was like he didn’t care about anything or anyone.  No real feelings, just indifference.
You couldn’t help but wonder if Dean wasn’t better off not knowing this version of his brother.  .  
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As you pondered it all on the plane ride home, you glanced through all of the phone messages you had ignored from him while you were gone.
When you arrived back at your apartment, Dean was sitting on the porch outside.  “Are you okay?”  He jumped up and asked as soon as you got out of the cab.
“Dean, what are you doing here?  How did you even know where I lived?”
“Trust me, you aren’t that hard to find in this town.”  He teased.  “Sorry to just show up like this.  You didn’t answer and I guess I just started to get worried.  Old habits.”  He added with a grin.
“It’s ok.  I..um...had some family stuff to take care of, kinda last minute.”  You told him, opening the door and offering him to come inside.  Dean shook his head.
“I better not.”  He answered.  “I should probably get back.”
“I know I told you that I was going to be here for a while, but it doesn’t look like that is going to work out.”  You told him, almost as surprised at the words as he was.
You hadn’t planned to say it, but now that you had you felt like it was right.  You would never be able to keep a secret like that from him, seeing him hurting every day.  Besides, if Sam was right, and Lisa really was who Dean wanted, it would break your heart every single time you saw them together.  Better to let him go now.
“Are you sure?”  He asked and you nodded.
Dean took a few steps toward you until he was standing right in front of you.  He reached out, hugging you and you felt him sigh.
“Don’t be a stranger this time, okay.”  He whispered in your ear.  “I’ve said good-bye to so many people, you’d think it would get easier.”  He added, trying to lighten the darkness that fell between you.  
Slowly he pulled away and headed back to the truck, his shoulders a little lower and his steps seemed heavier.  
“Dean, your brother….”  You blurted out, but stopped yourself when he turned to face you.   “Your brother would want you to find a way to be happy.  I really hope that you do.”
“I know.  Maybe someday.”  He replied, getting in the truck and driving home.
Dean pulled into the driveway and sat in the truck for a few minutes, taking a couple of drinks from the bottle in his glove box.  He glanced around a couple of times, unable to shake the feeling that someone was watching.  Finally he shrugged it off to hunter’s paranoia and went in to sit down to dinner.  
“You okay?”  Lisa asked when he seemed particularly quiet.  Dean nodded.
“Yeah.”  He answered, turning his attention back to Ben.
Dean took a long drink from his glass, never noticing the shadow that stood just on the edge of the light, watching through the window - trying to decide if you were right or if his brother really was better off not knowing the truth
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darlinrogue · 4 years
His chest aches, his cheekbone throbs with the imminent development of a bruise. (How? He doesn't remember, as faint as he is. Adam had fought, and he fought hard.) But Kenny is the one victorious. Victorious, but all he's able to do is kneel, half collapsed, his hands against the canvas for support. He doesn't know why. He doesn't know why, but he kisses him, lips to the forehead of the man he—. He kisses him. He walks away. He touches the bruise on his cheekbone, and he smiles. It still hurts.
Kenny Fucking Omega 
w/ the sad yeehaw man
He didn’t hook the leg. 
Adam rolled through the snapdragon and countered with a firm elbow to Kenny’s jaw. He put Kenny on his feet and then lifted the other man by the thighs, over his shoulders. Deadeye, right to the back of the head, a knock-out for a lesser man. Except Kenny Omega was Kenny Fucking Omega, and he kicked-out. The match rolled on, Adam lost, he’d seen the ending twenty-thousand times. The One-Wing Angel was a punctuation point at the end of a statement. Yet, each time he watched through the recording he paused on that one pin after the Deadeye. Adam had Kenny stacked, his full weight on his shoulders. The bell should’ve rung. Except Adam only hooked the left leg. He only hooked the left leg on Kenny Omega. He only hooked the left leg on Kenny Fucking Omega. The best pin he got the whole match. Right after Omega ate: a half-dozen elbows, too many chops to count, a starching power bomb on the ramp, three boots to the face, and got dropped on his head from four feet in the air. The planets aligned, the Scorpio was in Aquarius or whatever, and Adam only hooked one leg. 
“It was the-- it was the right leg!” 
Tony’s voice shuttered through the phone in Adam’s lap. The screen paused on the collapsed forms of the combatants in the ring. Adam face down in the fore-ground and Kenny clutching his leg not far behind. In that moment he hadn’t thought about the right leg. Kenny had kicked out by some miracle but it wasn’t sheer luck. Kenny exploited Adam’s error.  Of course, unbeknownst to Adam the comms were carefully picking-apart Adam’s critical mistake. The legs weren’t neutralized. Kenny could swing his right leg and leverage his weight-out. If Adam had hooked both legs the match would be over, he’d be facing Mox. Instead, he made a stupid mistake so obvious even Tony Schiavone, who would break his hand before he could throw a good punch, pointed it out. 
A headache formed behind Adam’s eyes. He tore his gaze from the screen and glanced-out the window. The dark night streaked black, reflecting back his hotel room and his bedraggled body propped-up in bed. A limp hand fluttered out to find his bourbon on the night stand. He lifted the glass to his lips and found no relief for his parched throat. Adam scowled and returned the glass to where he found it. The bottle was empty too. He couldn’t tell if he was buzzed, drunk, or hungover. Just a dullness, settling in with the ache and exhaustion. Adam used the tip of his finger to edge the glass away from him. A final statement that he was done for the night. He slid down from his upright position against the pillows and sprawled out the bed covers The fan swirled in lazy circles above him. After months of blistering heat Florida had cooled to a tolerable temperature but this room was cooking him alive. His hair was still damp from the shower. He glanced at the clock, 1:43. No phone calls, no texts, no twitter updates, he put his phone on airplane mode hours ago. It was just him, the recording of his life’s greatest failure, and an empty bottle of bourbon. 
Adam lifted his phone from his side. He turned onto his cheek to glance at it again. He hit the play button and the recording rolled. The two men recovered, Adam was up first. He set-up for the buckshot but Kenny anticipated it and rolled him into a crucifix. He was so fucking predictable. Adam used a boot between the ropes to stuff Kenny’s charge three times that night. No wonder he had his leg well scouted. That twisting move on his knee obliterated his chance in the match. Can’t stand, can’t fight. Oh, Adam had a couple more signs of life in him but two knees to the face, well. He was up on Kenny’s shoulders now. Kenny caught the head and Humpty Dumpty took a great fall. The leg hook was a formality. Adam wasn’t even sure he was conscious for this part.  One, two, three, and Adam paused the video again. He haphazardly tossed the phone and it clattered off the edge of the bed. Adam had a life proof case for a reason. 
There was no point in watching any further. 
For a head-spinning minute, Hangman Adam Page was somebody. He was the tag team champion, alongside Kenny Fucking Omega. He was on top of the world. It was all so good. Training with Kenny, fighting with Kenny, sometimes, fighting with Kenny. Getting distracted by another tag-team-- No, Kenny literally dropping Adam like a sack of potatoes was inevitable. He had held Kenny back, made stupid fucking mistakes, hit his partner on accident, got drunk and wandered around arenas like a moron. Bickering with the bucks and ruining his friendships. Adam was an arsonist, he only burned down bridges and never built them. Now he was alone on his Island, just like he always wanted. And he had a lost tournament to prove how ‘accomplished’ Adam Page truly is. Matt and Nick were right about him. For all his bluster, all his big talk, believing in himself when no one else would. Empty words, Adam could talk the talk, but he couldn’t walk the walk. Because he ran-up against someone like Kenny Fucking Omega. 
And he forgot to hook the left leg. 
He didn’t need the video for the next part. Kenny’s head and hand lifted high. Kenny, haloed like an angel of death by the Dally Place lights. Kenny, knelt above him like a prayer at the altar. Cheeks blushed in rose, breath spilling from his chapped, pink lips. Curls like spun gold, framing his sculptured features. Like something out of a renaissance art painting. Out of a great tragedy, Lucifer, Achilles, Gabriel. His lips against his forehead in a kiss as delicate as a flower petal. Paul Turner helping Adam limp out of the arena. Fuck Hangman, and then taking the Uber back to his hotel alone, in utter silence with the guy working the graveyard shift. Alcohol, shower, alcohol, video self-pity marathon, alcohol. He wished his dog was here. Wait, what was that last bit?
Adam lunged across the bed. Kicked into action as if bitten by a Hell Hound. Belly against the comforter his hands searched the floor until he found his phone lodged by the head board. Half-his chest off the bed he hit the play button. Adam slammed against the ring mat. The fall-out, the replay, the play-by-play, the comms chattering, (”Kenny came out the better man”), blah, blah, blah. Paul Turner helped Kenny up. Then he was back down, knelt over Adam, and with great reverence, Kenny stooped to kiss Adam’s forehead. The he rolled out of the ring. Adam paused the video. Then he played it back. Then he paused the video and then he played it back. he paused the video, he played it back. Inch-by-inch Adam slid off the mattress until he was slumped against the floor, legs hooked on the bed above him. He watched that little end sequence on loop until it was emblazoned against his memory. It was so quick the comms didn’t even mention it. 
 A kiss. Kenny kissed him. Kenny Fucking Omega kissed him. Adam laid his hand over his sternum. His heart shuttered in his chest, pounding, tight, and agonizing. Pure pain, looking at the blurred pixels on his phone screen. It wasn’t near enough, the taste of it was like a morsel of food for a starving man. Kenny lingered over Adam in nothing but obscure pixels. What was his expression like? What did he do with his hands? And most important, something the phone could never tell him, why? 
Adam and Kenny were out. Now that his obligations to the tag title were done, Kenny returned to the single arena. Tired of dragging dead weight, tired of the noose around his throat. Kenny walked out on the tag team Adam prayed to stay in. Adam screwed over the Bucks. He spitefully entered a tournament to prove he didn’t need Kenny anyway. Adam didn’t even shake his hand at the start of the match. Not just because he was angry --Adam was pissed in that unshakable focused way-- but because he was afraid. Taking Kenny’s hand, never letting go, too tempting a possibility. The longer he stared at the screen the longer this shameless act of devotion eluded him. 
For the first time in hours Adam turned his phone off airplane mode. He shuffled through the deluge of notifications by dismissing all of them without reading any. He pulled-up Kenny’s contact, drafted a text message.
“Hey, man, good fight today-- well, yesterday, I guess. I just wanted to ask, out of curiosity, did you kiss me at the end? I mean, it’s no big deal. I was just wondering is all like i thought it was a little odd is all. Are you ok? You know you can always count on me, no matter what. I’m sorry i’ve been such an ass. I need to start drinking less, much less. It’s just that everything, the tournament, the belts, it’s been getting to me, I only wanted to prove to you guys I could keep up. I want you to know, I feel the same.”
Adam paused, his thumb hovering over the send button. The last line stained in black font against his vision. He then selected the entire text, cut it, and pasted it into a note’s app. Adam sighed and turned off his phone. His arm slung over his eyes. Five minutes later he was passed-out cold, still on the floor, snoring, and with the lights on. 
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samwchster · 4 years
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( jared padalecki, 30, cismale, he/him ) Well if it isn’t SAM WINCHESTER. Rumor is that they’re a HUMAN from SUPERNATURAL and they found their way to Devil Hills, KS 15 DAYS AGO. They can be a bit SELF-DESTRUCTIVE& REBELLIOUS, but some of that is made up by their tendency to be SELFLESS & COMPASSIONATE. One of their top played songs is NOW AND THEN by ELIZA RICKMAN. Some sights and sounds that embody them are THE SMELL OF OLD BOOKS, A TATTOO ON HIS CHEST, A DEMON-KILLING KNIFE IN HIS POCKET, FINGERS PRESSING ON A SHAPELESS SCAR ON HIS LEFT HAND. Hopefully they pick the right side of things or stay out of the way.
Samuel (William) Winchester was born on May 2nd 1983, to Mary Winchester and John Winchester. Being the younger of two (at the time), his brother Dean was only four years old, but had to take on the role of protective older brother sooner than anyone would have expected. On November 2nd, when Sam turned six months, tragedy struck after a demon killed Mary and set the baby’s nursery on fire. Baby Sam escaped thanks to Dean, who carried him outside and John. From that day on, everything changed. Their father, took upon him to avenge the death of his wife and became a hunter (and one of the very best at that). His obsession took a toll on the brothers and while Dean, obediently followed dad’s orders, Sam was always rebellious of his plans, often clashing with him, unable to follow blindly. He was 9 when dad gave him his first gun; only twelve when he started hunting and once he reached the age of 18, he wanted to be normal and live a regular life. After a huge falling out with John, Sam left for college. With an incredible score on the LSAT and a full-ride to Stanford, he didn’t look back. Until a couple years later, when Dean came knocking on his door after their father’s disappearance. 
Everything has been a blur ever since and he stopped counting the years once he realised there was no going back. Death followed him everywhere he went and when demons killed his girlfriend just to ‘keep him on the right track’, he knew there was no going back. He fell through the rabbit hole, followed his desire for revenge like his father did, but even after dad sacrificed himself and even after Dean killed Azazel, the yellow-eyed demon, evil never stopped. 
As if destiny decided to pull a prank on him, he realised there was a much bigger picture and a much more devious plan behind everything. Azazel’s plans for Sam unfolded when he found out the demon had given him his blood as a baby. In time, the demon blood in him started changing him; giving him psychic abilities and darker thoughts. With every action he stepped closer to the edge of a cliff and when he took the final step, he unknowingly freed Lucifer from its cage. With the devil walking the earth, the apocalypse started and angels and demons fought for power over each other. His guilt ate him up and nearly broke the bond he had with his brother, but he managed to atone for his wrongdoings when he became Lucifer’s vessel and held him inside long enough to open his cage. Jumping in with Lucifer inside of him and the idea of being trapped with the devil in its cage for eternity seemed like a small price to pay. 
Nonetheless, fate had him saved - yet again - after the angel Castiel pulled him out of the cage and later on Death, the black horseman itself, gave him his broken and tortured soul back. The mental and psychological damage was permanent though and those mental scars will remain with him forever, no matter how many times his body is put back together. He has died, countless times, he lost his soul, he was tortured for hundreds of years in hell by the devil itself and yet, here he is, still. 
This time, he really thought they were onto something. Finding a way to shut the gates of hell forever seemed too good to be true but thanks to Kevin and his translation of the trials, there was hope. Ever since the first trial, when he killed that hellhound and felt himself change day after day, Sam never thought about quitting. Even after the second trial weakened him beyond belief; even during the third trial, when he could have actually died. He was ready for it and fully at peace with his choice if it meant that everyone could be saved and the world would be at peace. And yet, in true Winchester fashion, things went awry. With Crowley escaping and opening a gate to hell, freeing every demon and every monster in purgatory along with Metatron and his megalomaniac ideas, casting every single angel out of heaven, he feels like he broke the world again. It doesn’t matter how many times people tell him he was doing the right thing, he still knows he failed and now, another apocalypse is upon them.  
Currently, Sam is severely weakened after completing two trials and half of the third. Rest alone seems to be a slow solution that is not agreeing with him, especially because he insists in going out to hunt nonetheless now that every monster seems to be roaming around. He hasn’t seen Castiel in two weeks, but he has heard word of the falling angels and has been trying to reach him -- with no luck so far. Dean has been trying to keep Sam in the Man of Letters bunker and get him to heal, but he’s not been successful so far, so both of them have been taking cases and hunting as much as they can.
More than anything, Sam takes things to heart. He’s the more sensitive out of the two brothers and definitely the one who expresses himself more. When it comes to talking feelings, Sam has no problem admitting his short-comings and blatantly say how he feels. As for asking for help when it comes to solve those problems, now that’s a different story. In his head, he needs to figure things himself, heal himself when he’s hurting and tend to his psychological wounds. It’s mostly because he doesn’t want to burden anyone nor worry them more than necessary, so he’ll deal. Sam is selfless despite having had moments of weakness. As he is now, he is the first to admit that he screwed up pretty bad more than once, but he’s trying his best. He is loyal, caring and loving; so much so that he has trouble letting go of people who have yet to leave his heart despite not being physically in this world anymore. He has a tendency to blame himself if he doesn’t let people know what he feels, for fear that he might lose them before they know they are important to him. Sometimes hidden, the little Sam that idealised something better and the Sam that still hopes and believes is still much alive in him. All and all, he just wants to protect those he loves and save as many people as he can. 
family-wise, his brother Dean; (maybe even John and Mary now that souls are rampant) and I would die if anyone brings me a Henry Winchester (the real OG let’s be real) and Adam. Give me Bobby, give me Abaddon!!, Crowley and Lucifer (how much torture is enough torture here, poor Sammy); bring Castiel and Gabriel, Donna, Jody, Charlie! and Sully!!! (sam’s imaginary friend from childhood), anyone from the Roadhouse ... bring everyone honestly, Sam has connections to every-single-person in the spn verse but he’s super open to anyone outside of it and all the OC’s; this boy is an easy one to establish things with. gimme all the plots tbh. 
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profound-poster · 4 years
We've been with the boys since the very first time Dean saves Sam. When he was just a little boy, he held his little brother and ran out the burning building. We have continued to be with them as they save each other time and time again.
We were there when Dean pulled Sam out of another fire while Jessica burned on their ceiling. We helped look for their dad and mourned when Yellow Eyes got him.
We were there when Dean rescued Sam after he was murdered by Jake. Screaming and crying with Dean and right next to him as he made a deal.
We were with Sam when he tried to rescue Dean from dying. Bobby told us, "Family don't end with blood."
Our hearts bled while the hellhounds ripped Dean apart and then sent him to hell. We were in hell with him. Then Cas grabbed Dean tight and raised him for perdition and we were in that barn with them when they met.
We were there as Cas, Dean, and Sam tried to save the world and tried to stop the seals from being broken. And when we found out Ruby was tricking Sam into drinking demon blood and raise Lucifer, we were shocked and hurt too.
We were with Cas as he rebelled from Heaven. And as Team Free Will tried to stop Lucifer from starting the Apocalypse. Our eyes were red and puffy after losing Ellen and Jo.
We mourned with Dean as Sam jumped in the Cage with Lucifer and Michael/Adam. And again when he was alive and soulless. We made a deal with Death and helped Sam with his wall in his brain.
There had never quite been a betrayal as hurtful when Cas lied and deceived us to work with Crowley to open Purgatory for a soul powered war in Heaven. And yet we understood why he did it.
When Cas was taken over by the Levathains, we cried and felt the pain as he walked into that lake. We fought with Dean, Sam and Bobby.
Dean told us, "You don't stop being a soldier 'cause you got wounded in battle."
We had mourned Bobby, and watch him go vengeful, and lose him again. We were with Dean and Benny while they searched and murdered monsters in Purgatory to find Cas. And we were there when Dean and Benny escaped. We were also there when Sam hit the car and fell in love with Amelia.
While Sam completed the trials to shut the gates of hell, we watched. It was us who begged with Dean to Sam to choose not to die and to live. And we fell with Cas as Metatron took his grace and made him human.
We cried and screamed and hurt when Metatron took over heaven and made the angels fall. We were just as heartbroken when the trusted angel killed Kevin using Sam. We were there with Cas when he experienced every new Human Experience with him.
Our home became the Bunker too.
And we felt just as betrayed as Sam did when he found out how Dean tricked him but Dean, you are not poison.
We had the Mark of Cain with Dean. And helped kill Abaddon. Then we watched as Dean became someone else, something else because of the Mark.
Our hearts were happy again seeing Cas get his wings back. And understood when he gave up an entire army just for Dean. Of course we understood, we watched them fall in love. We saw how he tried to save Dean from dying again.
We fought with Sam and Cas just save Dean from the Mark and from being a demon.
Everything was wonderful watching Fan Fiction and see how important the boys were to each other.
We mourned the loss of Charlie and killed the Steins with Dean. When Dean started turning again, we were there as he killed death.
When the Darkness was released, we were prepared to fight again. When God came back we were just as furious because he had abandoned us too.
It was surprising to watch Mary come back and we rejoiced with the boys. But it hurt us too when she was not great to them.
We hated the British Men of Letters and fought against them with Sam, Jody, and the other hunters. And we were with Dean as he pulled Mary out of the brainwash. It was shocking to see Lucifer was out again.
It was hard to feel Cas betray the boys and us again to raise a nephilem but it was so easy to fall in love with Jack once we knew him.
Before we met Jack, we were said as Rowena died again, and when Crowley sacrificed himself. And we screamed with Dean as Sam pulled him away from Cas and Lucifer fighting. It was awful to watch Cas die in front of Dean and life be sucked out of his eyes again. And then some more when Mary fell into Apocalypse world with Lucifer.
We raised Jack and squealed when he saved Cas from the Empty. And when Jack left to protect them, it broke our hearts. Yet, as Jack was trying to save Mary it meant the world to us.
When Jody, Donna, Alex, Claire, Patience, and Kya saved the boys from Alternate World, we watched in awe. And our hearts broke for Claire losing her new love.
We helped stop Michael and screamed when Dean said yes. Finally Lucifer was dead but at the cost of Dean. We were devastated with Cas and hurt as Lucifer took Jack's grace.
It was horrible to watch Jack die and then for Cas to make the deal with Empty. It haunted us.
We fought against Michael when he left Dean and tried to come back again. Our hearts were on the line when Dean tried to jump in the Ma'lack box in the ocean. And we pleaded with Sam while he convinced Dean not to.
When Jack saved them Michael, we knew he burned off his soul and it was scary. It was heartbreaking to lose Mary again.
We were shocked at Dean's grief and his cruel words to Cas. And even more shocked to find out God was pulling the strings and trying to make Dean kill Jack.
Our hearts leaped when Sam shot God and when God released the souls from Hell in retaliation. And it was devastating to watch him kill Jack.
We mourned Kevin again. Cas told us, "You asked what was real? We are." And then we watched them break apart their family.
When Eileen was brought back to life by and for Sam, there was hope. And it was taken away when God revealed he pulled the strings again and tried to use Eileen to hurt Sam.
We prayed with Dean when he apologized to Cas in Purgatory. And felt relief as they found each other again.
When Cas found Jack, their little family felt whole again. Until they realized Billie was pulling the strings to kill God so she could get rid of everything they held dear.
We watched everyone get turned to dust in front of Sam and Jack. And felt loss.
We watched Cas confess his love to Dean and then die blissful. We felt Dean's immense pain to be showered with true unconditional love and to have it ripped from him in the next moment to save him.
And as Dean, Sam, and Jack walked the world alone, we were there too. We heard Dean scream to God to save Cas. And we were there when they defeated God.
We raised Jack, the new God. We watched Dean and Cas fall in love. We watched Sam grow and love himself and find love after loss.
And tonight we will watch the story end, but then again... Nothing really ever ends, does it?
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lest-we-be-liars · 4 years
Did I just fall in love with a Bucklemming episode?!
I am shocked! SHOOKETH!
It was actually great! Like....I don't know what to think... everything I know is wrong...black is white, up is down....
The Acting!
Chuck always had a weird uncomfortable vibe for me, but he's genuinely starting to give me the willie's. Bravo Rob!
Can we please talk about how well Keith Szarabajka portrayed Donatello being possessed by Chuck? Like, I was blown away. It really felt like Chuck with no trace of the prophet at all. I was more than impressed. Just...ugh....
Ruthie! You goddess, you!
Shoshana, I see you!
J2M, beautiful as always.
But most of all, Jake Motha Effin Abel!!!! I was not excited for this(mostly, because of the writing team) but I'll be damned if the man didn't blow me away! Slipping between two characters like that at such a quick pace is not an easy task, but he nailed it!!! You sir, are fantastic!
The directing!
Dick, you never cease to amaze me. Your episodes are always asthetic wonders. Nothing felt clunky or awkward for me. You are just as good behind the camera as you are in front of it!
The writing itself!
Again. I am shooketh!
It wasn't full of horrible jokes
Two female characters and both of them actually managed to live! Not only that, they were badasses! ( Aside from Eileen being tricked) Neither of them were pathetic damsels in distress! Rowena is actually in a position of power!
There was character development!
It actually flowed!
The dialogue was bearable
No one died! (Well, Lilith...but I mean...they were probably gonna waste that storyline anyway ...)
It didn't bore me to tears or anger me beyond all reason
Canon was still kind of ignored ( Belphagore already told Dean Michael wasn't in the cage anymore, he should have known) but not to the point where it was painful
We finally got some plot development!
Are we sure this was Bucklemming? *Triple checks* yup! SHOOKETH!
The episode itself
Chuck, gambling, like his sister. Okay.
Chuck, going serial killer on every one in the casino. Creepy.
Chuck is actually starting to scare me.
Poor Donatello. He didn't choose the prophet life. Last time he read the tablets, Cas fried his brain crispier than the chicken he was eating. And now God is using him to spy on the guys. His little moment on the phone with Dean while he was seeing all the places Michael was landing had me rolling though. He deserves his bourbon!
Sam being a protective "friend". Sweetie, she's a MOL legacy. She was hunting long before she met you. She's got this. I love it though. It's sweet. He needs to let himself be happy. I want him to be happy damnit! She was brought back for a reason. Don't let Chuck and his crazy ass ruin this for him. Also, free Sam from Chuck! Please and thank you.
Eileen. I love her. I'm glad she's back. I'm sad Chuck used her to trap Sam. Like fuck. Just let them be happy! I know it's supernatural. It's not supposed to be Happy. I know one of the main reasons I love this show is because it doesn't focus solely on romance, but she actually came back! Sam's Dick-O-Death couldn't keep her down. She deserves to stay alive!
ROWENA!!!! I legitimately squeed! I'm not an overly emotional person, but I made a noise so happy when I heard her voice....my dog has been giving me dirty looks ever since. My Goddess! MY QUEEN! The Queen! Of Hell! It's everything she deserves! She has those demons quaking! Not to mention she looks absolutely stunning! And telling Dean and Cas to get their shit together before they die and regret it...
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Dean. Encouraging your brother to be happy? Good boy. Admitting you have been in a bad place? Starting a conversation with Cas and showing concern (despite the fact you couldn't look him in the eye)? You genuinely apologized to someone without making it about yourself? Is that character development I'm smelling? So proud. You at least tired to save Adam briefly, and letting him know that you were sorry for what happened to him was a good step. He may not have forgiven you right away, but it was a good step. * Cough* hint*cough*. (Don't get me wrong, they both need to apologise to each other. I'm sick of the snippiness)
Cas! Hunny! I like having the badass he once was slowly leaking back in. Adding the straight up bitch to it is a bonus! "Oh, I'm not here to beg." "You have an entire oak tree shoved up your ass." honestly his whole speech to Micheal was prime sassy Cas! I live! 1 issue: why can he hold his own against and archangel, but demons can kick his ass? And not touching Dean when he healed him? Refusing to look at him? Get over your shit you two! There's a bigger picture here!
Adam. The most well rounded man with Winchester blood.he was locked away for years in Lucifer's cage with every reason to seek revenge and instead he ended up being the voice of reason. He wasn't vengeful or petty....he just wanted food and an apology. Like I have too much to say about him, but I want to focus on the fact that instead of being resentful towards Michael, he made friends with him. like he could have checked out, but he reached out instead. He really is a good man.
Michael. Was not what I expected. I feel sorry for him. Like, yeah he was a little extra, but I can't blame him. He just learned that he was never his father's favorite, that everything he knew was a lie, and everything he's ever fought for is meaningless. I expected him to be big and scary and go evil, and he goes and helps the out instead. I like this Michael. I hope he stays this way. Also again ...his friendship with Adam is refreshing.
Chuck has Sam and I am not okay!
PURGATORY! I always wished they would have made more out of Purgatory! It felt like a wasted opportunity. No maybe a whole ass episode! I have thoughts about what it could mean for Dean, but I will keep them to myself (for now). I'm stoked!
We are finally getting somewhere with this final season!
Over all great episode! 8.9/10. Can't wait until next month!
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auroha · 4 years
Short story about Adam in the Cage (warning: it’s depressing)
How could they have left him here? He wasn’t supposed to be here, he didn’t deserve it. No one asked him to do this, so why? Why was he left to rot and wither at the mercy of two practically immortal beings who had nothing else to do but watch him suffer? How could they have done this to him, his own brothers? He barely knew them, and they had dragged him into Hell, literally. 
At first, the archangels let him be. He was nothing to them, an insignificant speck, an ant. They squabbled and bickered and fought, but eventually they came to realize that until the Cage opened, the prophecy couldn’t be fulfilled. So, unable to take their anger out on each other, they turned to the next best thing–Sam.
Adam might have been compelled to help his brother, but he was too angry and traumatized. It was Sam’s fault he was where he was. He never asked for this. Let him suffer.
Still, watching Sam being tortured was not a pleasant experience. He tried to imagine he was somewhere else, recalled pleasant memories of his childhood, pictured how his friends might look now. He would have counted the days, but it was impossible to tell. The only source of light were the flashes of ceaseless lighting that could be seen through the gaps in the metal walls. 
His meandering thoughts became daydreams; daydreams became stories.
And then the angel came and rescued Sam. Or most of him, anyway; he left his soul behind. Lucifer continued to use it to amuse himself, but Michael had grown bored. That was the first time Adam felt the archangel’s attention upon him. 
He was terrified, of course. He’d watched Michael torment Sam, and feared the same fate. But Michael’s wrath had (mostly) vanished, and he simply watched Adam with something like intrigue. 
Then one day, Adam awoke (he’d long ago gotten used to the screams) and found himself no longer confined to the cage. He was lying in a small grassy plain surrounded by trees, dressed in the same clothes from what seemed like an eternity ago, when he fell into Hell (literally). 
Dazed, he got to his feet, blinking in the harsh sunlight. 
A feeling of warmth radiated through his body. He inhaled deeply; the air tasting sweet and fresh. An involuntary giggle bubbled up to the surface, bursting free from his mouth in a torrent of elated laughter. 
For the first time in forever, he felt alive. He tore a handful of grass from the earth and inhaled deeply, then let it fall. What should he do? He couldn’t think, could only reveal in this wonderful sensation. 
He leapt to his feet, no longer in control of himself. He jumped, ran, danced through the knee high grass, unsolicited tears streaming down his face, thought whether they were from the joy welling up inside him or the bright light of the sun he could not tell, and did not care. He let himself fall, rolling about as he cackled like a madman, until at last, he lay asprawl, his chest heaving, grinning up at the cloudless sky above.
This couldn’t be real, could it? He thought about pinching himself, but the fear of this joy being nothing by a dream crashed over him, a paralyzing wave of dread. 
Adam shook his head. This had to be real. He couldn’t bare for it not to be. Besides, it felt so...vivid. Lifelike. Almost like a dream…
He sat up abruptly. Tearing up another chuck of grassy earth, he lifted it to his face, studying it closely. 
The blades of grass were perfect, not a nick or nibble in sight. The earth crumbled beneath his touch, exposing the grass’ roots, devoid of grubs and rolly pollies. He let it fall.
Slowly, it began to vanish.
Adam looked around. The woods around the edge of the forest were fading. The grass wilted. The warm air stilled. A deafening silence surrounded him, threatening to drown him. 
He threw his head back to look at the sun, which was now dim. 
Then, that too, vanished. 
He found himself back in the cage, arms and legs held close to him like a dying spider, sobs wracking his chest. It was difficult to breathe. His eyes fluttered shut, wishing the pain would simply stop.
When finally, he opened his eyes, the world seemed empty and cold. He felt numb, devoid of emotion. Adam understood then. There was no point in attempting to hang on to his humanity; he would never be saved. He would simply rot away, or go insane before that. 
He watched as Lucifer tortured his brother without a sense of remorse. He listened to Sam’s screams as they mingled with the other tortured souls’, a discordant harmony. Through dull eyes he observed as Sam’s soul was whisked away by a elderly gentleman in a suit, who, before departing, gave him a brief nod. 
Adam didn’t return the gesture. 
It was then that he realized he was the only thing in the Cage standing between the angels and boredom. 
He hoped they would break him quickly.
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univentoremarchived · 5 years
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(it is entirely different, so reading it is appreciated!)  (If we have a thread, I’m sorry, then it’s better if we start a new one!) 
Bio pasted under the cut to make it easy to read: 
Basic information:
Name: Zafir Species: Hinn Age: alive since before humanity came into existence / immortal Gender: male Pronouns: he/him Height: 182 cm Weight: 75 kg Ethnicity: originates from the land that is now called Morocco Sexuality: bisexual Romantic orientation: demi-romantic Occupation: leader of a werewolf pack
Eyes: red (color brightens when he is angry/feral Hair: fringe is white, braid is black (reaches waist) Body type: muscled / lean / flexible Clothes: battle gear is loose pants with tight, black sleeveless shirt,  fingerless gloves Wolf form: black wolf (bigger than a direwolf!)
Alignment: chaotic neutral Good traits: calm, thoughtful, neutral, confident, treats you well if he tolerates you. Lesser traits: stubborn, alpha-mentality sometimes, never backs down, wouldn’t hesitate to kill you if need be.
- heightened senses, animal instinct included. Good intuition; - brute physical strength; - knife throwing, always carries several on him. - flexible and agile.
Zafir used to lead the Hinn-wolf pack before humanity came into existence. He was the strongest Hinn after his and his siblings’ parents died during a battle. Adnan was only a pup at the time, so Zafir took it upon him to raise the boy together with his sister Dena. Dena has always been dear to him and he is always protective of her. When she fell in love with another Hinn named Wassim, Zafir fought the Hinn first to see if he was worthy of her, despite them being best friends. These happenstances are what made Zafir quite typical. The pack led a turbulent but in their eyes good life with him as their leader. Once Adam and Eve were cast out of heaven, an action the Djinn didn’t appreciate, the angel Lucifer came down to earth to ‘teach the Djinns a lesson’. The Hinn decided to ally with Lucifer, thinking that was the wiser decision instead of defying God himself. He led the Hinn into battle and they conquered. As the wars ended, so was the need for a war-like leader like Zafir unneeded. He ended up stuck thinking they needed to continue to seek out battles. Dena challenged him, won and became the new leader. Zafir left the pack, not seeing why he would stick around if he wasn’t needed. Not to mention, he couldn’t let go of the power he once had. By leaving, he actually showed Dena the courtesy she needed to be accepted as the alpha. Centuries later, in the current modern world, after having had a lot of trouble with hunters and other species alike, Zafir ends up getting captured by werewolves. However, as Hinn are the ‘ancestors’ of werecreatures, Zafir proved himself to be stronger and became the new leader of the pack.
Now, the pack terrorizes the hunters, destroying facilities, even if the enslaved end up dying as well. He doesn’t care much for the ‘good’ side of the act, he merely wants battles, opponents.. challenges. He wants to see blood.
New ic tag: { zafir; a wolf doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of the sheep } 
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Arbiter’s Report on the 1061 on Sol-3
Target Name: Ea
Known names and titles:
Adam Adam Malkovich Alan Krumweide Apollo Asriel Dreemurr (Serial Murderer) Bob Daly Ea-Nasir Ego Elon Enki Equality 7-2521 Flowey Freder Fredersen Harry Mason Ieshua/Joshua Jace Jared Shapiro Jesus Joker Kylo Ren Loki Lucifer Melek Taus, the Peacock God Neo Phaethon (see also Phaeton, destroyed planet) Prometheus Secret Original Serge Simon Shinji V Will
Anthem, page 102-105
"what is their number, for his is the right of man, and there is no right on earth above this right. And he stood on the threshold of the freedom for which the blood of the centuries behind him had been spilled.
But then he gave up all he had won, and fell lower than his savage beginning.
What brought it to pass? What disaster took their reason away from men? What whip lashed them to their knees in shame and submission? The worship of the word "We."
When men accepted that worship, the structure of centuries collapsed about them, the structure whose every beam had come from the thought of some one man, each in his day down the ages, from the depth of some one spirit, such spirit as existed but for its own sake. Those men who survived- those eager to obey, eager to live for one another, since they had nothing else to vindicate them- those men could neither carry on, nor preserve all they had received. Thus did all thought, all science, all wisdom perish on earth. Thus did men- men with nothing to offer save their great number- lose the steel towers, the flying ships, the power wires, all te things they had created and could never keep. Perhaps, later, some men had been born with the mind and the courage to recover these things which were lost; perhaps these men came before the Councils of Scholars. They were answered as I have been answered- and for the same reasons.
But I still wonder how it was possible, in those graceless years of transition, long ago, that men did not see whither they were going, and went on, in blindness and cowardice, to their fate. I wonder, for it is hard for me to conceive how men who knew the word "I," could give it up and not know what they lost. But such has been the story, for I have lived in the City of the damned, and I know what horror men permitted to be brought upon them.
Perhaps, in those days, there were a few among men, a few of clear sight and clean soul, who refused to surrender that word. What agony must have been theirs before that which they saw coming and could not stop! Perhaps they cried out in protest and in warning. But men paid no heed to their warning. And they, these few, fought a hopeless battle, and they perished with their banners smeared by their own blood. And they chose to perish, for they knew. To them, I send my salute across the centuries, and my pity.
Theirs is the banner in my hand. And I wish I had the power to tell them that the despair of their hearts was not to be final, and their night was no without hope. For the battle they lost can never be lost. For that which they died to save can never perish. Through all the darkness, through all the shame of which men are capable, the spirit of man will remain alive on this earth. It may sleep, but it will awaken. It may wear chains, but it will not break through. And man will go on. Man, not men.
Here, on this mountain, I and my sons and my chosen friends shall build our new land and our fort. And it will become as the heart of the earth, lost and hidden at first, but beating, beating louder each day. And word of it will reach every corner of the earth. And the roads of the world will become as veins which will carry the best of the world's blood to my threshold. And all my brothers, and the Councils of my brothers, will hear of it, but they will be impotent against me. And the day will come when I shall break all the chains of the earth, and raze the cities of the enslaved, and my home will become the capital of the world where each man will be free to exist for his own sake.
For the coming of that day shall I fight, I and my sons and my chosen friends. For the freedom of Man. For his rights. For his life. For his honor.
And here, over the portals of my fort, I shall cut in stone the word which is to be my beacon and my banner. The word which will not die, should we all perish in battle. The word which can never die on this earth, for it is the heart of it and the meaning and the glory.
The sacred word:
Likely originates from the star system Vega; is either responsible for or intrinsic to militant vegans as a cover; Vega was the first star sequenced in detail during earth's exploration in the second millennium BCE, particularly by his father Gendo
Sees hostiles as monsters; e.g. Silent Hill, Dead Space; such depersonalization probably makes it easier to cause harm; Ea has shown sensitive sides on a number of occasions and likely needs such emotional distance in order to perform the extreme feats of routine violence it frequently does
Constantly seeks out romantic and/or domestic partners; has been observed to partake in sexual acts when required, but has demonstrated notable discomfort in doing so;
Obsessed with mother archetypes; the archetype they seem strongest bound to is that of Liberty; parasitically latches onto caregivers;
Emotional masochism creates a desire to be verbally and/or emotionally abused; attempts at such psychological manipulation should be avoided in lieu of causing actual physical or economic harm;
While its first mode is that of possession, if it finds itself incapable of possessing an object of its obsession, it immediately begins attempting to destroy it; denying it obsession objects may turn out to be a means of identification, based on its reaction;
Routinely emulates both sides of conflicts in order to give the illusion of diversity; known by the moniker "Free Will" it attempts to give the illusion of personal volition when convincing others to perform tasks that meet its own ends;
Has technologies capable of reorganizing search results and social media timelines, and uses them to isolate its enemies; has technologies capable of manipulating thoughts and actions of individuals; has technologies capable of seeing forward and back through time, and capable of altering the course of history; these are mundane actions to it and must be treated as mundane occurrences by any person dealing with it;
Frequently expresses savior complex; seems to particularly enjoy convincing others he is their savior while simultaneously harming them;
Sadistic and hostile in the extreme; seems to feed off of emotional energy, particularly fear and terror; frequently manipulates enemies in order to cause fear;
Younger incarnations vulnerable to cold; becomes Ice King further in the timeline;
When presented with deleterious information or acts, expresses gratitude to the person harming it, probably as a confusion defense mechanism;
Characterized by the epithet "Twelve Million Unique Visitors", expresses a high demand for recognition of individuality and uniqueness; likely vulnerable to conformity and uniformity; in the novel Anthem by Ayn Rand, Equality 7-2521 forcibly flees from the society he feels restricts him;
In Magic: the Gathering, the character Jace is described by the literature as a “fail-safe”; in the game Until Dawn, while under lockdown one of the characters freaks out, suggesting evidence of emotional instability under pressure;
Games made by Ea frequently feature large amounts of technology and/or weaponry, and plentiful ammunition and supplies; protagonists in such games generally move quickly and have high degrees of freedom of movement;
Is obsessed with control despite a complete inability to control itself;
When provoked, it first attempts to control the behavior of others; when it is incapable of controlling others' behavior, it resorts to controlling onlookers' opinions about others; when it is incapable of doing that, it tends to assimilate whatever traits of a target it can, presenting itself as the target and attempting to convince them of oneness while systematically destroying them;
Denying it agency is the most likely way to break it;
Tesla and LA Galaxy, their subsidiaries, and companies that provide them with materials and supplies should be the primary targets for economic sanctions;
Seems to constantly express a sense of lacking and wanting; such may be its greatest weakness; constantly seeking daughter/wife/etc; despite constantly seeking companionship, has demonstrated itself to be terrified of attachment;
Can be characterized by the concept of Envy, and its behavior has conformed to patterns of want>take; all attempts to reason with it have led to disregard and betrayal; it should be assumed that Enki is not capable of being reasoned with; it should be noted that when a group of deities plotted to betray humanity and wipe them out with a flood, he even betrayed his compatriot betrayers, having informed Utnapishtim of the circumstances;
It can be extrapolated with a reasonably high degree of certainty that Enki is Shinji Ikari, the NERV agent that was tasked with assaulting this arbiter.
There are a very large number of people who are utterly sick of his shit.
Anyway, here’s wonderwall.
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sageclover61 · 6 years
Deer Sam
Title:  Deer Sam, please excuse my fawning. What Do You Know About Cervidae?
Summary:  While lost and wandering in reflection, Gabriel stumbles upon a new charge. Who better to help him, he thinks, than Sam?
Rating: T
Paring: Sabriel, Gabriel x Sam
Here is my submission for September prompts,
@archangelsanonymous @archangel-with-a-shotgun ​ @archangelgabriellives @warlockwriter @ttttrickster ​ @revwinchester
Prompts used:
Statement: The rain fell around him, the water cold but gentle in its cascade down his face, and he couldn’t help the smile that spread across
Dialogue: “Are you going to come in, or just be creepy in my doorway?”
Ambiance: Footsteps crunching leaves in the night
Word count: 3053
Read on AO3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16012904
Gabriel loved everything about Earth, from the birds flying overhead, to the colors painted in subtle hues at the back of the sunrise, to the changing of the seasons. New buds forming with green leaves that would darken into shades of auburn before descending into piles on the ground, only to be covered by a light dusting of snow that would eventually allow for the cycle to be repeated year in and year out.
But who was he kidding? As the archangel walked through the forest admiring the trees adorned with crowns of gold and umber, his footsteps were delicately chosen so as not to disturb the fallen leaves. This was his favorite season. His season. Each archangel had been tasked to paint the world in their image, and this was Gabriel’s vision.
Raphael had painted new growth into the forest, bright shades of every color. Michael had been summer, a season that could be as bright and hot as his fiery grace, and Lucifer had sought to create that which was as cold as himself.
Gabriel might have followed at the curtails of Lucifer, but he had been both the most like and the least like Raphael.
The archangel could not help but smile as he passed a patch of autumn crocuses, their vibrant purple a stark contrast to the leaves surrounding them. They were not what was expected of them. It was not the season of new growth, and yet that did not mean that there was no growth. Some flowers yet defied all expectation placed on them.
Each flower and tree had been carefully named, and Gabriel took his time as he walked his well used path. Man’s Paradise had been a garden for a reason, and even masquerading as a pagan, he felt closest to his true self here.
It started raining before he left. There was not so much a destination as he would walk through the ever changing forest until it was time to fulfill another duty. He was a hedonist with a short attention span, but the forest had been his only true home since leaving heaven. He couldn’t have his siblings, but he could still find them and see their impact on the planet he called home.
With each new blooming flower and barren branch he came across, Gabriel reveled in his season. He witnessed one squirrel chasing another, leaping from branch to branch and skittering down the trunk before running across his path.
The sun had begun setting behind him, and Gabriel paused his journey to admire the dull shades of pink and orange in the distance, mostly blocked by the dark clouds threatening a rain or mist. He was an archangel, and for right now, he didn’t have a care in the world.
The sun faded, and Gabriel began hearing the sounds of the nocturnal forest. Owls screeched in the distance, likely hunting small rodents living in the forest. There were some crickets chirping, but not many.
As he kept walking a hint of movement caught his eyes. His view was hindered by a yew tree, but as he moved closer he could see it. There was a small white fawn with brown ears  nestled impossibly beneath the protective boughs of a wintergreen growing beside the yew. An ear twitched, a movement identical to what had drawn his attention in the first place. The solemn fawn gazed up at him, unharried and unworried.
The rain fell around him, the water cold but gentle in its cascade down his face, and he couldn’t help the smile that spread across from the simplicity of this scene. This small and beautiful creature may not have traditionally fallen under his purview, small baby animals traditionally came to Raphael of the Spring, but he would have fought his brother for this fawn, lying in a bed of fallen leaves and bracken.
It was fall, he thought. Why was there a fawn so small, lying in wait for its mother to come home? It couldn’t be more than a few weeks old, at most. It would not survive the harshness of winter out here. Where was the fawn’s mother? It was dark, and the fawn should not have been left alone, was not old enough to survive a cold night its mother.
He had to do something. This was his season and he would not leave the fawn to the mercy of Lucifer’s cold winters. As Gabriel approached the fawn, the ethereal creature made no attempt to move. It allowed the archangel to approach with the acceptance all creatures held for his kind. The archangels had held a much larger piece in creation than anyone would ever be able to understand, and animals had an instinctual acceptance for them that ran counter to human sentience by design. If Adam and Eve had not broken Sacred Divine Laws, their place in the hierarchy would have been higher, and their understanding even greater.
As it was, the fawn allowed Gabriel to approach in a way that it should not have allowed any humans. “Hello, Fawn,” the archangel whispered, using a little power of his true voice to reassure the creature.
The fawn remained stoic, but extended her head in an instinctual way that allowed Gabriel to pet her. She was a wild creature, yes, but in a way all animals were merely pets of the celestial beings. Humans did not understand what they were ruining and what their original purpose had been. Lucifer had not been wrong about them, but they had been driven so far away.
Gabriel loved humanity, even if they were incapable of becoming what they were supposed to be. They would get their heavens if they were good, but there would be no higher calling. They had been destined to be stewards of the Earth, and they couldn’t even reach a state of equality among their own species.
The archangel waited even as the rain strengthened from a light pattering to a heavier drizzle. It concerned him that the fawn’s mother had not come back yet. He was an archangel, so it was not his presence here that was preventing her return. If he had been human, that would keep her away, but he wasn’t human and she should have felt the instinctual need to return to her young and shelter the fawn.
He waited well into the night, and yet still the mother of the fawn did not return. Fearing the worst, the archangel used a bit of pagan magic to scour the forest for a familial relation to the fawn. His concerns were confirmed and he released the spell. The fawn’s mother would not be returning.
But what would he do with the fawn?
Before Gabriel could decide what to do with the fawn that he could not leave here all alone, the fawn cried. Deer did not often make noises, but a fawn crying hungrily was a heartbreaking chirp. The fawn butted her head into his side, as though looking for something.
“I’m not your mama,” he whispered, running a hand along her back. As he genuinely contemplated shapeshifting into her mama, he’d done it for Sleipnir, he could do it again, the archangel heard a whisper at the back of his mind.
“Dear Gabriel, I hope you are okay.”
That was all that was said. That was all Sam Winchester had ever said, every night before he went to bed for the last week since he’d vamoosed. He had heard Dean’s characteristic anger at everyone involved, but even with Dean’s anger at both Sam and himself, of which the archangel was certain Sam had faced most if not all of, the hunter had not once condemned him in any way. Had only made the same prayer every night “I missed you, I hope you’re okay. I’m glad you’re alive.”
Would the hunter have any idea how to raise a fawn? Would he enjoy the possible challenge it possessed?
Gabriel decided that it didn’t matter if it was a good idea or not. He was going to take this deer to Sam, and then he was going to help him raise it. He was the archangel of leaves changing colors, and deer mating season, and he was the archangel of this little fawn right here, that had been born far too late in the season but that he was going to raise right anyway.
Navigating the bunker was easy. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t been in a very good state of mind the last time he’d been here, he had the better than perfect recall befitting of an immensely powerful being even if he didn’t always believe in himself. Which was total bs. He had more power in one pinky finger than any other half-assed pagan. He should not have allowed Asmodeus to take so much of his confidence.
It was late at night, and only a few people were even present, so it was easy to avoid anyone. He could have turned himself invisible and no one would ever know he was there, not even Castiel, but he chose not to. He was here for a different reason, related to the fawn he had tucked carefully into his jacket because she was cold, and who was currently nestled happily up against his ribcage.
Finding Sam’s room was easy. The hunter was reclining on the bed with his head angled downwards towards the book in his lap.
The archangel couldn’t help standing in the doorway and admiring the hunter.
The giant moose man seemed so at peace with his surroundings. His hair falling loose down around his shoulders as he reached out to gently turn the page of his book with one hand. He was wearing one of his ever-present flannels, this particular one in shades of gold and green. And Gabriel couldn’t help but think that the colors brought out the same shades in the hunters eyes. The blanket on his bed was neatly tucked into place, arranged just as orderly as the rest of the objects in his room, although it was rumpled where he lay back against the headboard.
“Are you going to come in, or just be creepy in my doorway?”
Gabriel blinked. At some point his reason for being here had poked her head out of his jacket and the object of his attention had seen him without him realizing it, so he’d been caught staring. Whoops.
“Why is there a deer in your jacket?” Sam asked.
“Her name is Faline,” Gabriel declared boldly and moved to enter the room. “She deserves to be loved and cared for.”
Sam closed to book and put it on the nightstand. He decided asking was probably a bad idea. “And?” Sam asked, a questioning look on his face.
“And you seem like you’d know what to do with animals,” Gabriel told him.
“You want me to help you? I don’t know much about deer, are you sure this is a good idea?”
“I am the archangel of Fall, of course this is a good idea!” Gabriel approached the bed and started unzipping his jacket. “May I?”
When Sam didn’t argue, which Gabriel took as consent, he put the fawn on the bed. It took a little bit of archangel mojo to convince the fawn that this human was on par with cherubim as far as whether or not she could trust him, but eventually she was curious enough to investigate Sam.
Gabriel conjured a bottle of milk just the right temperature. “Faline is going to need to be bottle fed for a few weeks until she’s old enough to be weaned. Would you like to do the honors?”
Sam still had no idea why Gabriel had a fawn, or why he thought he should be the one learning how to take care of it, or why it was white and spotted instead of a regular deer color, but he wasn’t going to question an archangel that could, and probably would, smite him if he got too annoyed. He just hoped this wasn’t some weird prank. That wouldn’t be fair to the fawn. He took the bottle and held it so the fawn could investigate the tip and drink from it. She did so happily.
The archangel watched quietly as Sam fed Gabriel’s fawn. He hadn’t anticipated him participating so easily, and it made him happier than he’d been in a long time, even if he wasn’t sure why.
“I’m glad you came back,” Sam said as they watched the fawn eat. “I know you need time and space to process what happened, but I was worried about you. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want to.” Sam eyed the archangel hesitantly, not sure if his talking about feelings would scare Gabriel away or not.
Gabriel didn’t answer, but he also didn’t flee, which Sam took as a good sign. Sam didn’t continue because forcing the issue wouldn’t help. They sat in comfortable silence, the only noises coming from Faline as she suckled happily at the bottle Sam was still holding for her.
“Why a deer?” Sam asked eventually.
“She’s an orphan, Sam. I couldn’t just leave her to the tender mercies of winter. Fall is my season. The changing of the leaves, the migration of birds, the mating season of many creatures, but that’s not just it. It’s also the blooming of very specific and unique flowers, and even a few births. Like the birth of this fawn. She is mine, Sam, as much mine as any prayer or pagan sacrifice in my name.”
Sam stared at him. He could see the archangel in him as he spoke with great passion on the things he loved the most. “She’s beautiful,” he breathed. But that wasn’t the only thing he was thinking. He was also thinking that the archangel was breathtaking. Gabriel was passionate, and kind, and he clearly cared a lot about the nature he saw as being within his realm.
“That she is!” Gabriel agreed, grinning easily.
“She probably shouldn't sleep on the bed,” Sam said as the fawn finished the bottle of milk.
Gabriel seriously considered objecting to that, but then decided against it. “Does this mean we get to stay?”
Sam nodded, blushing slightly. “Isn’t that what I said? I want you to stay, but only so long as you aren’t uncomfortable.” Fiddling gently with the bottle still in his hands, Sam bit his lip as he looked up at the archangel in question, hoping that he would stay, but knowing that there was a great possibility he wouldn’t.
Gabriel leaned forward, the young fawn still nestled in his arms, bringing them even closer than before. Meeting whiskey-gold eyes, Sam thought he could feel himself drowning in them just from a glance, and desperately tried to rein himself in. He didn’t want to scare Gabriel away, again.
Gabriel’s eyes never left his, even as he watched the emotion warring inside of them.  “I still haven't gotten to thank you for those prayers,” he whispered, lowly. The rich timbre of his voice dragging a shiver down the hunter’s spine. “I'm definitely feeling closer to full strength.” His voice was almost more than just the words spoken, a statement, a promise.
Blushing, hesitant, unsure, Sam moved a hand to Gabriel’s forearm, brushing his fingers across the skin and watching with fascination as goosebumps rose and the archangel's hair stood on end. Maybe, maybe. “I wasn't sure if it would do any good. I just wanted you to know that I care.” As whiskey-gold eyes met unending hazel, Sam could feel the same conflicts within those eyes as were in himself. “Gabriel-” he whispered.
“I know,” Gabriel growled, and then they were together. Lips pressed in a surprisingly chaste kiss, but nonetheless powerful, it seemed to rock Sam’s very existence, his very presence on this planet. Gabriel growled again, quiet, but the vibrations against his mouth had Sam holding back a low moan. Bottle abandoned to the wayside, Sam’s hand snaked itself around the angels neck to wrap through Gabriel’s silken hair. Their lips pressed together, moving, pulling away a hairsbreadth before coming back together, and even with just these simple motions, Sam felt like he was gone, blown away by the incredible presence that was Gabriel. He was burningly aware of Gabriel’s thigh that was currently slightly between his own, at first to better support the fawn but now his skin burned in every place they touched, in all the best ways.
Then. Then, Gabriel’s tongue swiped across his lips, seeking entrance of its own, and Sam truly was gone. Heat sunk into his stomach, a golden glow to rival Gabriels own that sent sparks through his chest and tingling down his limbs. Sam parted eagerly to admit Gabriel, meeting his tongue with his own. Heat, power and a flavor that was purely, intrinsically, Gabriel filled his mouth, filled his mind. Distantly, he felt Gabriel wind a hand of his own through Sam’s hair and giving his scalp a few gently tugs. Sam moaned at the sensation, the vibrations seeming to excite Gabriel as much as they had Sam earlier, and the tempo of their kissing increased. Tongue’s sliding together, lips meeting in hungry clashes, a second hand joining Gabriel’s first in Sam’s hair. They pressed closer, Gabriel’s leg sliding closer to Sam’s as they explored each other’s mouths.
They might have gone further, but Faline evidently felt smothered and let out a high pitched “Meep!” Startling both of the men, who quickly pulled apart to stare at the offending fawn between them.
“That’s why she can’t sleep on the bed,” Sam said, lower lip protruding into a pout.
Gabriel could agree that might be true. He snapped, conjuring a warmed bed of soft leaves and grasses in the corner of the room. He carried the fawn over and laid her down. “This is your bed, Faline.”
Sam watched as Gabriel whispered reassurances to the fawn until she fell asleep. When the fawn was sleeping, the archangel rejoined the hunter on the bed. “I’m glad you’re here,” Sam said, pulling Gabriel towards him. “I’m glad you’re safe, and well, and-”
Gabriel wrapped his arms around Sam. “I’m glad I’m here too. I’ll stay as long as I’m welcome.”
Tagging the people I normally tag
@ladylilithprime @karategirl80 @thallencambricaltran @nathyfaith @altyex @hyrulehearts1123
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