#he gets to be shrimp colored as a treat though
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🍤🍤 RIP Anomalocaris, fly high in shrimp heaven king 🍤🍤
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rnakamura22 · 10 months
Yandere Azul x Reader
Prefect is Female! Her name is Yu! I read about possessive Azul and I did the best I could...
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Ah, the one and only Azul Ashengrotto...We all know how much of a stoic person he is and how he works hard everyday(some shady methods...Don't tell him I said that).
He never wants to go back to his former self when he was bullied, and he sets high demands for... almost every aspect including, Mostro Lounge, Academics, and being in great shape controlling his daily calories. (Not much for Flying on Brooms, but let's get that out of the way)
Ever since the incident with Ramshackle Dorm, Yu has definitely left QUITE an impression on Azul, no doubt. Whoever thought a tiny shrimp like you could go out of his tentacles and act up?
And even though you are from another world, you work hard to survive every day in NRC, which is something Azul can relate and admire you for that. Looking at you everyday in school, Azul MAY have looked at you for a minute too long, which is teased by Jade and Floyd like forever.
Azul is DEFINITELY the first to found out your little secret of being the only girl in an all boys school. WELL, WELL!! And the  two first years who always hung by you didn't have a clue!! Azul may have gotten the most valuable information for him.
He politely negotiates with you (AKA THREATENS you ). If you don't want to let the whole school know that you're a girl, go out with him.
Yu is baffled at first. But Azul promises that if you go out with him, (He stated "A chance to experience how dating is in the upper world, you can never miss a chance to learn something new right?") he will provide you with all needs such as fixing up the ramshackle dorm, puberty related merchandise, and so on. You reluctantly agreed.
Azul is not a bad boyfriend. Yes, he can be timid at times, he's shy! But he escorts you like a gentleman, give study advice for FREE!, and takes you out eating on Mostro Lounge, and so much more.
But you've come to realize that he is VERY possessive. I mean, from his schedule, you should've realized that sooner. He has the same demands for you, to be perfect in every way, and yet has the original YU. He is very good at giving punishment, and treating you so SICKENGLY sweet.
Take food for example. You are allowed to eat what Azul himself cooks or the menu he suggests. Eating other things?
Expect a good grip of his tentacles around you to choke out the BAD substance that might contaminate you.
Oh, not telling where you will be because you were too busy partying with the first years? Prepare yourself for a two day (or more) locking up of the hotel rooms in Mostro Lounge where absolute Hell begins.
Falling behind on your curriculums? Better prepare your ears because Azul can be HARSH when it comes to insulting you and making you feel like less than garbage. But these insults always come with a warm hug and patting on your head, and the final magic word.
"I'm doing this for you."
It's true that Azul doesn't have a good knowledge about dating in the upper world. But he truly believes he's doing this for you. By controlling every part of your life, in his mind, he is slowly becoming the only content that creates your life. Who needs others when you got only him? He can teach you everything, treat you like a princess, and punish you when you got out of line. He truly loves you. You were the light of his life.
Azul also HATES other people talking to you. Who gave them permission to talk to HIS little mermaid? When even one person talks to you, the person will see your neck covered in octopus tentacle marks. And let's just say that person will get a good payback from Azul.
He is already planning for the future by thinking about which building to buy for him and Yu. I mean, you've got nowhere to go, so might as well marry him! It's the one and only option right? He also daydreams about you becoming a mermaid, so both of you can live in his home under the sea. Just how dreamy your color of fin will be? Oh, how his fantasies just continue to grow. Oh, did I mention it's already been decided by Azul that you're ditching your legs for fins? Azul, a man full of surprises.
Oh, you insist on breaking up with him because he will graduate a year faster than you? No biggie! He already set up his supplies for you so you won't have to worry about after his graduation from NRC. And have you forgotten the contract between you and him? It may have been a marriage contract that have been written in the language you never learned... and Azul may have done a few stunts that builds your own certificate for family records but only active because you married with Azul. If you divorce him, you were left with no place to go.
Overall, Azul is a possessive yandere. If he falls in love, he will make sure you never go away from him. After all, like the Sea Witch he admires, he is very merciful. And if he can't rescue and protect one little mermaid, it would rub dirt on his name right? You are safe and sound as long as you're with him! As safe as being trapped in a cave by the name of love forever ...
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creepslayer7 · 1 year
Tim: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, it's “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Tim: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
Bruce: Real life should have a f***ing search function, or something.
Bruce: I need my socks.
Jason: You seem familiar... have I threatened you before?
Danny, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Danny or Jason: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.
Jason: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Tim: It's not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You've got to admit though, fire is fascinating.
Baby Jason: Did you just call me a shrimp, you a**hole?! I'm still growing, dammit!
Jason: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Tim to Damien: Could you maybe just like… stab me… right in the gut. Just REALLY twist it in there. ‘Cause that honestly seems less painful than this conversation.
Danny: Yum, thanks!
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it.
Steph: I love sarcasm! It’s like punching people in the face, but with words!
Damien: I wish I was a cat, but not in a furry kinda way, more like a “I can sleep all day and hit people with no consequences” kinda way.
Danny: *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Tim: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
Jason: Lol. Heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you’ll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this.
Damien: What did you do Jason?
Jason: A Mistake.
Damien: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated!
Jason: Killed without hesitation.
*Tim is comforting Dick when Damien stayed the night at the Kent farm*
Tim: Stop crying because he's gone. Start smiling because Damien is someone else’s problem now.
Dick: Damien, when’s your birthday?
Damien: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me?
Dick: …So I know when to wish you a happy birthday.
Dick: Nice rock.
Jason: Thanks, Damien gave it to me.
Damien: I threw it at you!
Jason: Isn't he the sweetest?
Bruce: Where are your parents?
Random black hair, blue eyed child he found: What are parents?
Bruce: You're coming home with me.
Jason or Danny: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
Damien: I don't follow the rules. I follow dogs on social media.
Bruce : Like they say, "If you can't beat them, curl up in a ball and protect your organs."
Damien: Of course I have a lot of pent-up rage, you fool! I've been the same height since I was twelve!
Dick: Why aren't there friend pick up lines? Pick up lines to make friends like-
Dick, to Danny: Hey, that's a cute outfit. You know where it would look better? On nobody else, because you're a beautiful individual.
Damien, to Jason : Be my friend or I'll set your entire family on fire.
Tim: There are two types of people.
Bruce: You three, explain right now!
Damien : It was Danny.
Tim: It was Danny.
Dick: It was Danny.
Danny: …fuck.
Tim: Do you think I'm plastic?
Jason: No.
Tim: Phew. Oka-
Jason: Plastic, at least, has some use in life. You're not plastic.
Danny: Gatekeep, girlboss, and what's the other one again?
Damien : There isn't another one. You're crazy.
Danny: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
Danny: Damien is late again.
Jason: How did this happen? I called him at 8 o’clock this morning and pretended it was 11.
Dick: I printed up a fake schedule for him saying we were starting at 9 instead of noon.
Tim: I set his clock to say PM when it’s really AM.
Danny: Oh boy. We may have overdone it.
*Damien bursts through the door*
Tim: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
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A little otome-like adventure for @ayato-kisser in the frame of @favonius-library gift exchange event ;3.
Sakura petals danced around you, cheering along with your team to the success of the last book. Your watercolors and pencils skillfully peppered the pages, and you preened under Lady Yae's proud gaze, who waved you all off, to rest and have fun.
O-hanami in full swing whirled in Hanamizaka, and you were quite eager to finally have a taste of the festival. Where do you want to go first?
1) Check the food stall 🍡.
"Isn't it the person of the hour!" your childhood friend's, Heizou's, voice greeted you among fried shrimps, candied melons, and dango of all colors. "Enjoying your freedom from the spotlight?" he chuckled.
He nodded toward the improvised scene, where the writer kept bowing and thanking the seemingly endless stream of fans.
"You could certainly say so!" you laughed, joyous. "And you aren't on a case either. Rare!"
"Oh, could I not afford a tiny bit of rest?" Heizou raised his hand to his forehead, picking up on your dramatics. "You wound me, merciless, merciless companion..."
You exchanged glances and burst into laughter, so needed after tense days of work.
"Seriously, though," he continued a few minutes later, after you picked up a small arrangement of treats, "I just have a lead that I wanted some help about," you noticed how the strain returned to his smile, "and I heard he should be nearby. But that doesn't mean," Heizou nudged you before you could comment anything, "that I can't divulge some time to you! Bet I'm still better at catching fair's fish?"
What would you do?
2) Take Heizou up on his challenge 🎯.
"Bet I'm still better at hoops?" you quipped right back.
Giggling and lightly pushing each other, you made your way to the game corner...
Where, of course, a dart game caught your eye. It had no reason to be so colorful!
And require good aim as much as hoops did.
"What do you want me to win?" you winked at Heizou, confident in your abilities.
"Hm..." he tapped his chin, smirking. Two could play this game. "A plushie of your choice," his gaze laughed, as between the pair of you you were the one to favor those, "and I have something in mind for later".
"Later, you say?" you narrowed your eyes at him. "I better give my all, then!"
Now determined, you focused your efforts on striking as many balloons as you physically could, not noticing how Heizou's gaze wandered around the fair, searching.
But you did feel his arms snaking around you just as the shout of triumph left your throat.
"Nice job," he whispered in your shoulder. You felt how he forced trembles down, and the smile didn't reach his voice. A soft deer plushie the stall owner pushed at you awkwardly hang on your forearm. "Mind if I step away for a bit? I think I saw..."
And he needed a breath, you understood.
"Feel free to do whatever, 'kay?" he reluctantly let you go, his smile in place but not fooling you one bit. Yet, you knew that he'll be alright.
What are you going to do?
4) Keep Heizou company 🌊.
You whirled around and caught his hand, intertwining your fingers together.
Seeing him mope made your own uncertain sadness, held at bay by the fair's liveliness, rise, and who wanted that?
Not you, that's who.
His evident surprise warmed your heart, and you winked:
"Did you think your favorite companion would leave you?"
You tugged him to the shadow beyond colorful tents, hoping that your blush will become less noticeable there.
Repetition of the ocean waves soothed both of your fraying nerves, and Heizou leaned into you, laying his head on your shoulder once more.
"Eh, I am a mood downer today, am I not?" he mirthlessly chuckled.
You pinched his forearm, threateningly raising a hard-won plushie in a smacking gesture:
"Nu-uh, mister I-will-unearth-decade-long-mysteries, you are not getting such titles from me. Everyone needs a break once in a while. Besides," you lightly pushed him with your hip, "the moon over the sea is the most delightful".
A spark returned to his eyes:
"You are the most delightful".
"Flattery won't get you anywhere," you bit back, nonetheless confident you are as red as a tomato by now. And Heizou, no doubt, saw that clearly.
"Won't it?" he teased, grinning.
"Brat," you muttered with a flustered smile, returning your gaze to the waves.
Heizou let you, squeezing your side closer to himself, whispers of water the only sound between you now...
After some time, Heizou tapped your nose:
"Hey, sleepyhead, didn't you want to find trinkets for the folks back home?"
Mindreader, you thought to yourself.
What do you want to do?
4) Relish in nature 🌊.
"E-e-eh, they'll survive," you whined, "stars are far more attractive right now".
Heizou chortled:
"You would regret that decision tomorrow, dummy. Wait here, then".
And was it the atmosphere of the holiday or your sweet pouty look, but Heizou leaned into you to leave a small, but unmistakable kiss on your lips - only to disappear in the people's sea a mere second later, your dazed gaze following his steps.
You didn't notice how a tall figure in resplendent white froze on the edge of the crowd and quietly retreated back.
Left alone, you turned your eyes to the sky, winking at you through twinkling stars' dots.
Would've you thought even a year back that a brat you smacked with naku weed stems would grow into someone you would love?
Oh, love, such a fickle thing.
...didn't Lady Yae comment on how inspired you lately were? And you could swear it was always the places that reminded you of him.
You mushed your face in the plushie.
However embarrassed, you could not wait for tomorrow, and the day after that, and the whole life before you.
"Didn't make you wait for long, did I?" his breathy chuckle tickled your ear.
You both, together.
[Achievement unlocked: In intuition’s sphere]
...Kazuha caught up to the two of you once you were leaving the fair, and you cheerfully waved at him with your intertwined hands, getting a raised brow and amused chuckle in response.
...rumors said, Yashiro Commissioner became even more elusive lately...
...winds of the faraway lands ruffled your hair, passing, unbothered.
As for you two, Heizou and you continued as you always were...
If now a bit more entangled.
"Five more minutes," you muttered into his shoulder, burrowing deeper into the blankets.
"I should charge you for derailing the investigation," he teased, pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
A little plushie deer proudly sat at your nightstand.
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oasissimming · 1 year
15 questions about me!
I'm so glad I got tagged! I really wanted to do an about me post but I was hoping someone would tag me! Thank you so much @zoeoe-sims I really appreciate it!
Are you named after anyone?
No, I don't think so but my Mom told me I was almost named Abigale! I'm glad she named me Isabelle. I feel like that name fits me more than Abigale/Abbey does.
When was the last time you cried?
I cry all the time. I have bipolar disorder and I just had a really bad manic episode last week. Last Saturday I was practically un-consolable for like no reason.
Do you have kids?
No! And I really don't want any! I have a list of reasons why I can't have/don't want kids.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Hmmm, not really?
What sports do you play/have you played? 
I tried playing tennis in middle school but I was completely terrible at it. I will never again do any kind of group sport lol.
What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
I pick up on how people treat others pretty quick. I can notice right away if you're a kind person. I do not tolerate any kind of bullying or hate talk. I will always speak out if I hear people being mean.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way! I'm such a chicken I swear. I think the scariest movie I've ever been able to sit through was Coraline. It's okay you can laugh at me I know it's pretty pathetic lol.
Any special talents? 
I'm a very creative person. I like to paint/draw in my free time when I'm not playing the sims! You should look up my insta if you'd like to see my art! Just look up Isabelleskapikart.
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I can also make Yoshi noises like owowowo and wahhh! lol
Where were you born?
Columbus, Ohio!
What are your hobbies?
I like to make art (I think I already discussed this?)! And I love to play any kind of open sandbox/creative game. I like playing Minecraft and Cities Skylines when I'm not playing the sims 3. I also like to go to the park on the weekends with my dog Prince!
Do you have any pets?
Omg yes I have so many. I have a dog (Prince) a cat (Pippin), several aquariums and a paludarium with vampire crabs. In the fish tanks I have a betta fish named Snowball, many cherry and amano shrimps/snails, some aquatic frogs, a dwarf crayfish, and a few more fish. My boyfriend and I love animals. It's like a zoo here in my apartment. We just recently made a tank for a jumping spider too.
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How tall are you?
too short!
Fave subject in school?
Hmmm I like art class but I didn't really like my high school art teacher. He wasn't very nice and I feel like we had different ideas of the style of art that we like. It was actually the first class I failed in high school lol. School was pretty hard for me though. I was really overwhelmed with all the coursework I had to do, so a lot of times my art projects would get put on the back burner.
Dream job?
Being a full time professional artist! I know I keep talking about my art but it's a huge passion of mine.
Eye color? 
I have hazel eyes. My Mom has green eyes and my Dad has blue eyes so I got a mix of the two.
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ragsy · 8 months
Ok. U asked for it….
All the odd questions for Dogmark and all the even ones for Dillion.
(You don’t have to do all of them I prommy but if you WANT TO)
i'm just gonna answer these rapid-fire style because i DO want to do all of them but if i don't reign myself into one or two sentences i will probably not finish answering this until 2024. i'm also going to omit the ones that i have absolutely no idea how to answer
What’s the lie your character says most often?
Even split between "it's fine" and "i don't want to talk about it"
How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
not very often-- not that he bottles them up intentionally, mostly that he doesn't know what to do with them. also he's been kinda sorta turning into a dog when he gets worked up, so, there's that
Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
oh hell no. he cried a lot as a kid much to the disappointment of his "boys don't cry" man's man of a dad, so now he'd be mortified to be seen crying at all as an adult, much less crying on purpose
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
honestly "dogmark mandog" would get his attention. i call him that all the time despite nobody in canon ever calling him that, yet he'd know exactly who's being referred to
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
he wants to be gentle. he wants to be treated gently. the most he can offer is loyalty. the best he can ask for is safety.
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
got this one previously here, but long story short, push his buttons and make him turn into a dog
When do they fake a smile? How often?
rarely, if ever. he wears his misery on his sleeve.
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
at work and with friends, he has a task or social interaction to focus on more or less keeping him from falling into an anxiety hole. when he's alone, he stops bothering to hold himself together.
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
TBH IT'S THE SAME FOR BOTH.... just sayin', most people don't walk around with a pair of pointy wolfman ears and pointy dog teeth. he keeps his mouth shut and a hat over his ears in public.
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
WELL the person he's been avoiding wants to find an excuse to kill him for revenge so. Sit there as still as possible hoping she won't notice him, then full anxiety attack once she does
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
He used to be a big proponent of turning the other cheek to keep the peace. Recently though, he's fully embraced IF IT SUCKS HIT DA BRICKS
What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
oh buddy this man has guilt spirals that operate on frequencies you couldn't even imagine. Dogmark sees shrimp guilt colors
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
Back before his life went to shit, he was really into repairing and restoring retro game consoles. He has long since had to abandon that hobby, but he still remembers all of the tiny ways the guts of a sega genesis can go awry
What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
10th birthday, his uncle took him on a deer hunting trip. It was rainy, & cold, and that was the first time he ever killed anything. He didn't speak a single word for the entire rest of the trip.
How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
Increasing desperation. He's not interested in misleading people, and it upsets him a lot when people take him for a liar.
When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
see above ^ re: All Guilt All the Time. he responds by avoiding the things he feels guilty about and/or drinking about it
How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
A deer-in-the-headlights stare and an awkwardly mumbled "uh, hi,"
What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Waking up on the forest floor, covered in blood, no memory of how he got there: "It's probably fine. I have other things to worry about"
What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell?
his very first crush was ewan mcgregor in the phantom menace
Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?
Oh, if he isn't wanted somewhere, he would LOVE to not know about it. Ignorance is bliss, etc etc
What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
He learned how to talk back and stick up for himself from his friend Pip 🥲
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
He grew up middle class in a predominantly white town in Wisconsin, raised by Christian parents who valued traditional gender rolls. I could write a whole essay on his internalized biases. He did an okay job unlearning a lot of that when he moved out on his own, but he also knows he's still got a ways to go
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
He can't articulate why, but he's always had a deep, visceral hatred for mall Santas
Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
Up until extremely recently, he couldn't remember anything from his time in dogman form. There were a few survivors of those attacks who remember him very, very well.
Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
What’s a phrase they say a lot?
"fuck! i don't know!!!"
Who would / do they believe without question?
His (now ex) girlfriend, Emily. If she told him
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
He really, really hates camp food. Which is really unfortunate, because that's all he really had for several years working on the forest watchtower.
What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
He nicks himself shaving a lot. He usually goes a little scruffy because of this.
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
He says "my friend" like every other word, I think if he used it any more loosely it would cease to be a word
What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
He misses having a sparring partner who he could pay to let him win
What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
Oh, you simply MUST try this krill pudding, it is deLECTABLE
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
I.... Don't know if he's ever. Said it to anyone
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
How handsome and great at fighting he is :) it's true, irrefutable facts
How do they put out a candle?
Sticks it under water
Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
His party members! He truly, honestly believes in them and wants them to get what they want.
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
Yes. Kelp flake flavor...
How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?
Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I believe you have made a mistake! You must have meant to fire some OTHER Sir Dillion!
What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
He tells people he wants to serve as someone's loyal knight. He really just wants to return to his life of comfort. He's beginning to doubt that'll ever happen.
When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
No, it's all the same. He failed someone, and being a failure is not something he can stand being.
If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
Horse theft 🐎
How do they greet someone they like / love?
A boisterous and extremely loud HELLO!!! followed by a very very firm handshake
What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
He would literally never pass up an opportunity to look good doing something in front of someone, are you kidding
If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
How I Became a Royal Knight (and you can too!)
Step 1: have rich parents
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
Because. Uh
I said so
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
He's a talker and a blatherer and a bloviator. He will actually listen when someone knocks him down a peg though. Or when he recognizes that he doesn't actually have anything to say about the situation at hand (which is becoming increasingly common)
Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
Honestly, the whole party, but especially Midas and Vecklan
He's not a thinker, but he's not necessarily a strike-first kinda guy. He's maybe more of a "threaten action before assessing the situation first" type
What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
Draw sword -> if drawing his sword changed nothing about the situation, evacuate
If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
It's the same all around. Knowing that someone, literally ANYONE wants to comfort him, that's all that matters
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burnwater13 · 1 year
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Grogu thought he’d recognized Boba Fett! When he was finally introduced to the Daimyo he felt like he’d met him before. Years earlier. Maybe at the Jedi Temple? That hadn’t made much sense to him until Din Djarin explained that Boba Fett’s father had been Jango Fett. Then it all fell into place. 
At least that’s what he told the Mandalorian. In reality Grogu had talked to Fennec and she had explained what she knew about her boss and friend. He had been orphaned during the Clone Wars, like so many other children. Boba Fett’s father had been a well known bounty hunter and Mandalorian foundling, just like Grogu’s father, Din Djarin. 
What he hadn’t really realized (giggle) was that Jango Fett had been used as a cloning template. Uff. That must have been awful. People poking and prodding him and all that. Grogu hoped he’d been compensated for his time and trouble. He hated that Boba’s dad had been treated that way.
Fennec said they had made millions of clones of him. Wow. It was almost impossible to imagine. All those humans looking exactly alike. Sounding alike. Smelling alike. Uff. Humans didn’t smell good as it was. Grogu didn’t like to imagine what a million humans smelled like… oh, sorry, he knows what they smell like. He grew up on Coruscant after all and it had a population of trillions and more than half of those people were human. 
Which, come to think of it, made a few million Jango Fetts a lot easier to imagine. After all the galactic population of humans was estimated be larger than a quadrillion. Which was an amazing number. It was huge. Bigger than huge really, but in a galaxy that had over 400 billion star systems and billions of habitable planets, you had to figure the number would get really big, really fast. 
So, if he was getting the math right, just on Coruscant, Jango Fetts would have been one person per 1.3 million people. Grogu had never met 1.3 million people (regardless of their smell) and that meant it was surprising that anyone had met them at all. Of course the Force worked in mysterious ways and since they were clones, they were probably all at someplace at the same time. 
Huh. He wondered if that’s what Moff Gideon was trying to do? Make millions of Grogu clones! But then, why would anyone want millions of tiny Force users moving around the galaxy and charming everyone they met that wasn’t a Stormtrooper? Oh no! Tiny Force users! 
He bet Moff Gideon hoped to have his army of Grogus move from planet to planet and use the Force to convince people to follow him and start the empire up with the Moff as the new emperor! Dank Farrik! And even if those Grogus refused, just like he had, because the DNA doesn’t change much in the replicator, the environmental damage that millions of Grogus could do was substantial. Think of the frogs and the fire-shrimp! Grogus had a big appetite. 
And if you thought about it, millions of Grogus would be much easier to move around the galaxy than millions of people sized like Moff Gideon. The Moff was 1.83 meters tall and weighed roughly 75 kilos. Grogu was only 0.34 meters tall and weighed almost 6 kilos. Just the numbers all on their own suggested that millions of Grogus was the way to go if you were going to build a new clone army of Force workers!
It made Grogu shiver. Moff Gideon’s were hard to hide, even in a huge galaxy, but Grogus? They would be so easy to hide. They could sneak into small bags, back packs, and things like a spittoon and no one would notice. But unlike Boba Fett, people wouldn’t recognize his face, if they happened to bump into one of the Grogus before it was too late. Grogu wasn’t a famous bounty hunter and even though his dad was, Grogu thought it was fair to say, that other than sharing their beautiful brown eye color, he and his dad looked nothing alike. 
He wondered what he should do? Should he tell his dad? Or ask the Daimyo for advice? It seemed pretty urgent. 
Fortunately Fennec came to his rescue. 
“Kid, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Moff Gideon is too arrogant to make clones of you. Mark my words, they’ll all be made like him. Mores the pity. I’d much rather deal with a bunch of Grogus than a bunch of Gideons.”
Grogu asked her why, since he was the son another Mandalorian bounty hunter. 
“Yup and they will all want to be fierce protectors of the people they love. I would take them all to Mandalore and before you knew it that planet would be livable again.” Fennec cackled and gave him a frog flavored lollipop before he could ask her another question. 
He supposed that was for the best. He was going to ask her how he could get his hands on some cloning equipment.
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drathanasius · 2 years
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My Habitica tableaux animations for Plaguetober 2021. Captions beneath the cut.
1, Magic: After a series of contract negotiations, the bunny has agreed to submit to transmogrification, provided that he will not be required to curl up in Dr. Athanasius’s musty top hat and that he will be allowed to consume any and all bouquets of flowers sprouting from the tip of the magic wand after the conclusion of the performance.
2, Protect: Sometimes the best way to save a bloom is to prune a bloom.
3, Trace: The next time you find yourself in an abandoned cornfield at midnight and in need of a convenient source of flame, try bringing your pet phoenix along for stress-free ignition.
4, Sweater: Spectral tiger cubs are often shy and tend to vanish when startled by steaming mugs of cocoa.
5, Act: Now thou art an O without a figure. I am better than thou art now. I am a fool. Thou art nothing.
6, Discovery: Remember, Watson, that though we have so homely a thing as a goose at one end of this chain, we have at the other a man who will certainly get seven years’ penal servitude unless we can establish his innocence.
7, Measure: To hatch yourself a mantis shrimp, take a drop of this, a drop of that, distill in an alchemist’s alembic, and… Poof!
8, Incense: Welcome to The Temple of the Spectral Gourd! What’s that tantalizing aroma?
9, Sit: Sure, Dr Athanasius enjoys the occasional cozy chat in the Swarming Darkness with his Ember-Eyed Egg Friends now and then. Doesn’t everybody?
10, Reap: There is a Reaper whose name is Death, and, with his sickle keen, he reaps the bearded grain at a breath, and the flowers that grow between.
11, Feather: Intruder! Mama! Intruder in the birdhouse! Get him!!!
12, Blunder: Dr. Athanasius’s pet phoenix, though admittedly very helpful in lighting the campfire, turned out to be inconveniently curious about the fish and carrot stew. Sadly, his hat would never be the same.
13, Treat: The only thing Dr. Athanasius enjoyed more than tea parties with hedgehogs was biscuits as big as his head.
14, Crystal: As it turns out, transverse rephlogistonification of Celestite works splendidly to thaw out ice serpents, but don’t expect to receive any gratitude from them.
15, Bandage: A rag, a bone, a strip of gauze… A mount fit for a Pharaoh!
16, Spirit: Soul summoning cannot yet be considered a controlled process.
17, Warning: Don’t change color, kitty. Keep your color, kitty. Stay that pretty gray. Don’t change color, kitty. Keep your color, kitty. Keep sickness away.
18, Mischief: Step one, acquire key to classroom. Step two, acquire cat toy. Step three, lure enormous blue frog into classroom by means of cat toy. Step four… ???
25, Ticket: Dr Athanasius leapt at the chance to tour the Luminous Sewers of Dragon Canal, but neglected to notice that his ticket had him placed in the Splash Zone.
26, Clandestine: Dr Athanasius thought he had escaped scrutiny, but he couldn’t quite be sure.
27, Nest: “Who, me? Nothing. Just thought I’d get a bit of fresh air. The what? On my head? Oh! Oh, I hadn’t noticed. I’ll just leave that here, shall I? Right, then. Goodbye!”
28, Revive: A shower of sparks from the scarab wand, and the desiccated nudibranch was as good as new.
29, Romantic: A confirmed bachelor, Dr Athanasius was never happier than when he was all on his lonesome, a wanderer above the sea of fog.
30, Macabre: And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.
31, Witch: Whenever Dr Athanasius borrowed his witch friend’s flying gear, it always made him feel a bit off kilter, but he very much appreciated the extra cat storage. (Animation linked here due to 30-gif post limit.)
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feral-witch-hat · 2 years
Octo Octavius Pt.2
(So this is going to be more story based, as you can tell. I’m going to be doing the same thing with the Turning Green AU once I get to working on that.)
As the octopus got bigger through the next few weeks, more and more times he was taken from the water and stabbed with the sharp metal.
Though he hated it, the sharp metal was becoming routine, and he knew when to expect it. 
The long-haired giant would then monitor him afterwards and give him crabs and shrimp as retribution for being stabbed at. But long-hair would also give him colorful things that were not yummy, that had many corners and edges. 
He didn’t know what these were for, but then long-hair directed his attention to a long thing, with holes in it. Some holes had more corners than others, he noted, and then long-hair directed his attention back to the colorful things. 
He didn’t know what long-hair wanted and started to shift and feel the colorful things in his many arms. He went over to the long thing and tried to eat it, but it wasn’t a treat. It had the same texture as the colorful things, and as mentioned before had holes in it.
He squeezed himself inside one of the holes and stared back up at long hair, who’s strange mouth was down as they scribbled on a board. Soon he was taken out of his new hiding spot and brought back to his glass cage, which was beginning to get too small.
The stabbing stopped for a while and was instead replaced by the colorful things and long things. 
Long-hair was there always, pointing out the colorful things to him and the long thing, there strange mouth moving in a way he didn’t understand. Long hair then showed him a yummy looking crab. He wanted it, but long-hair would then pull it away and point to the colorful things.
Oddly... he was beginning to understand that these ‘colorful things’, were in fact called shapes. 
And that the shapes he currently had were a circle, a triangle, and a square. 
As his brain deduced this, he remembered the stabbing against his head. 
He grabbed the circle and brought it over to the long thing. The holes in the long thing matched the shapes, he saw, and put the circle in the circle hole. 
Long-hair’s mouth opened, and their expression changed. 
The octopus then did the same thing with the other two shapes, and long-hair’s mouth went up as they started to scribble against the board. 
The octopus was then rewarded with not one, but two yummy crabs! His bright red coloring flared brightly, and he puffed up, feeling proud he could make long-hair happy. 
As he was being taken back to his glass cage, and before he was dropped in, another giant came up to long-hair and told them, “Good work today, Mary!”
When he was dropped in, all sound became muffled. But he learned a few things that day. The first being shapes, and the other being that long-hair was actually called Mary. 
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ramshacklestar · 4 months
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@sweetlybite sent || "Hey, Snow Shrimp." He hooks an arm around Yuu and pulls her in against his side. A few pieces of candy are dropped into her blazer pocket and he slowly tightens his grip to squeeze her a little. "Make sure ya swing by the Lounge later today, alright? Might have a meal put aside for ya and Earless Seal. Happy day or whatever."
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Yuu would claim his movements were a surprise, but considering who exactly she was dealing with, knowing him immediately by the bizarre nickname he called, out she’d like to imagine that by now she’d grown somewhat used to it. With a small oof from the movements Yuu’s vision moved from in front of her up towards the literal towering eel-man above her, a mix of curiosity for why he’d stopped her mixed with a small twinge of fear as she hadn’t really known his intent at that moment. Perhaps his movements were innocent, simply Floyd being Floyd, but the possibility that she may have done something to upset one of the Octavinelle three still remained as well and this was Floyd getting back at her for something she couldn’t think of at that moment.
“Hello, Floyd.” Yuu finally spoke a nervous sort of smile being directed towards him as she hadn’t known where his mind was at that moment. However, upon feeling a new sort of weight added to her person her attention was moved from him down to the pocket on her blazer the colorful wrapped confections standing out amidst the darker fabric of the school uniform. She seriously would never understand how this guys mind worked.
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“Candy? But why?” Perhaps it was rude of her to question the why instead of simply thanking him, and the confusion only seemed to grow further as he mentioned something about a special meal being put aside for her and her never ending pit of a companion at the lounge. Sure it was Valentine’s but she’d expected that she was going to be asked to work instead of being treated as another customer. “You know I hope your word is good cause the moment I mention something about it to Grim he’ll absolutely expect it to be worth his time.” She spoke in a slightly pitched tone, imitating her feline companion with a grin.
“I’ll certainly try to keep it as secret as possible though, the last thing I need is him causing anymore debt to pile up, oh and thank you Floyd. I’ll be sure to return to favor for the happy day or whatever too~.” She had after all been studying how to make homemade candy so with any luck Floyd would get to be one of the first one’s to try her actually edible creations.
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laviethepooh · 2 years
your protective big sister | beidou + sibling!reader
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summary. beidou as your protective older sister | headcanons + drabble
ft. beidou + sibling!reader
cw. none
wc. 0.6k
notes. i’m trying to build my beidou as a sub-dps/burst support so she was one of the first characters to come into mind for the new genshin family + reader thing. if you think that this is beidou x reader, it’s not, it’s beidou + reader (which i understand looks similar but it’s platonic/family)
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beidou’s a super chill sister and likes to joke around and include you in everything
however she’s very protective and doesn’t let anyone lay a finger on you
although she relaxes and acts like herself around you, she still keeps up a tough and strong demeanor and tries to look reliable
she doesn’t come home often, but she never forgets to get a gift for you
usually it’s a trinket that she found or bought on her adventures
sometimes she comes with a new recipe or a piece of jewelry
“you gotta try out this recipe i got from ritou! you’ll love it!”
she always makes sure you ate or have enough to eat (a result of not having enough to eat when you were younger)
“y/n, did ya have breakfast yet? hey, come with me and the crew! i’ll treat ya to something good!”
she and you both love xiangling’s cooking, so whenever beidou’s back in liyue, you almost always eat out at wanmin restaurant
beidou swears like a sailor [ hahaha ] but whenever you’re around she tries to hold back. once you’re until “old enough” she lets loose
but sometimes you have to take care of her too like holding her back to avoid fights with people (kind of difficult because we know beidou’s buff as hell)
“come on! y/n, let me at ‘em! i swear i heard ‘em talk smack about you!”
as for the crew of the crux, they’re also super sweet to you and treat you as if you’re a part of their pirate family (but beidou’s always watching just in case)
kazuha thinks it’s funny how you somewhat resemble your sister, but at the same time you’re so different from her
“what’re you two talkin’ about? he’s not saying weird sh- stuff to you is he? i might like this kid but i won’t hesitate to take action if i need to.”
ningguang thinks you’re cute, she adores you so much that sometimes beidou thinks ningguang likes you more than her
i want to think that ningguang kind of spoils you really subtly like every now and then she gives you a small gift like fabric or something
“hey hey, y/n, you can’t just take the tianquan from me like that!”
“there’s enough of me for the both of you.”
on the sibling scale, she’s a solid 9/10
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“y/n! ah it’s been so long, how about i treat you to something, eh?” beidou waved to you as she walked down from her ship.
“wanmin restaurant?” you suggested, already knowing the response that would follow.
beidou laughed as she slung an arm around your shoulders, leaning in for a half-hug. “nothing but the best! we’d better get going though, we don’t want to be late to xiangling’s cooking!”
as the two of you walked from the docks to chihu rock, you started to make some conversation with your older sister about her latest adventures. she had sent you a letter a week earlier detailing her adventures of looking for treasure on some smaller islands on the coast of tsurumi island. the fog had apparently been too thick to venture to the main island. but now she was excitedly telling you about what she had found.
“lots of mora, of course, and some crystals. there were also those electro sigils which my men and i traded off a portion of. that reminds me, i got a little something for ya!”
you looked up at her in expectation. “what is it?”
beidou chuckled as she fished through her pockets, “i’m sure you’ll love it. let’s see… here we go! first of all, i got you some of these sakura shrimp crackers.”
you took them from her hand and opened up the cloth wrapping they were in. you expected a fishy scent, but you were surprised that it pleasantly smelled like sakura flowers. the bright pink color reminded you of those sakura blooms that beidou sent to you once.
“then i got you a recipe for dango milk and fluorescent fungus. pretty cool right?”
you grabbed the rest of the goods and smiled up at her. beidou had told you great things about dango milk and you had been awaiting the recipe to try it out for yourself. as for the fluorescent fungus, maybe they’d make for some good decor? you weren’t sure, but you put it away.
as you neared wanmin restaurant, you could already smell the delicious food. before beidou’s ship docked, you had already run over to check to see if xiangling was there and you asked if she’d stay a bit overtime since beidou would be eating. xiangling, being as excited as ever, agreed and said she’d start working on her special as well as some of beidou’s favorites.
“captain beidou,” xiangling called out, waving enthusiastically, “have a seat! i heard you were coming home so i prepared some dishes for you, enjoy!”
you and beidou took a seat next to each other as xiangling pushed out dish after dish in front of you. beidou was definitely happy and savored each bite as she told stories to you and xiangling. they weren’t exactly like the exaggerated tales that were shared around liyue, but they were still compelling nonetheless. every now and then, she would ask if you were eating and you’d have to take a bite of xiangling’s delicious cooking to convince her that you were.
but (somehow) you eventually finished all of it and thanked xiangling before heading off to take a light stroll around liyue. you caught your sister up on the latest news and greeted some people since it had been a while. the day ended with some dinner with the crew and kazuha, and then you and beidou went home.
“hey, we should hang out like this more often!”
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flcwxr · 2 years
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❝Blake, please be careful... ❞ ❝You worry too much.❞
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Names: Bianca (On the left), Blake (On the right)
Bianca's nicknames: Goma-chan/Sea bunny (Floyd), Mademeoiselle Souris Blanche (Rook)
Blake's nicknames: Shako-chan/Mantis shrimp (Floyd), Mademoiselle Petite Souris Marron (Rook)
Genders: Female
Species: Laboratory mouse
Ages: ???
Birthdays: February 14
Height: 4'11 (Bianca), 4'9 (Blake)
Hair Colors: Albescent White (Bianca), Tundora (Blake)
Eye Colors: Red (Bianca & Blake)
Homeland: ???
Family: ???
Dorms: Ramshackle
School Years: Firsts
Classes: Bianca: 1-A (Student no.2), Blake: 1-E (Student no.2)
Occupations: Students
Clubs: Science (Bianca), Track & Field (Blake)
Favorite Subjects: Potions (Bianca), Flying (Blake)
Dominant Hands: Both are right-handed
Favorite Foods: Chocolate (Bianca), Fruit Gummies (Blake)
Least Favorite Food: Both hate seafoods
Dislikes: Bianca hates getting disturbed when she's doing her hobby, while Blake vocals her dislike towards Savanaclaw and Octavinelle
Hobbies: Dissecting Insects (Bianca), Baking (Blake)
Talents: Both can store each events that happened in their day, even the smallest things, and can still remember it even if a year or two passes by
Bianca and Blake both have their similarities of being quiet and distancing themselves from everyone; but each of them expresses their dislike of having any closure to anyone differently. Bianca expresses it by having a silent yet ominous look on her face, while Blake expresses it more loudly, being rough with her words whenever another student would try to create a conversation with her. But of course, if the two were to put in a group project, they'll cooperate but they'll want to do their roles individually.
Though the two may be cold to others, when it comes to each other, the two are rather soft. Almost acting as siblings even if they aren't.
As the two have different likes, things that they're great at, they try to help each other out. As Bianca excels at potions, she guides Blake whenever she would have a hard time with the subject. And as Blake can handle doing exercises that they do during PE, she helps out Bianca practice her stamina as Bianca isn't much of a person that likes to work herself physically.
The two were once ordinary, laboratory mouses from the NRC'S lab. But an accident in the lab earned themselves a humanoid form. As Crewel was the teacher present at that time, he took the role of being their guardians and was the one who gave them their names.
Crewel was also the one who gave them their birthdays that is in February 14; as the Professor noticed their favorite foods being sweets and candies, he figured that their birthdays should be on the day of Valentines as they could receive more of their favorite treats.
They aren't twins, but everyone sees them just as that. Even the Leech twins who are aware of it, treats the two the same as them.
The reason they hate seafood is because of Azul and the Leech twins. Azul would usually try to lure them into a contract, especially when the two were not used to their new surroundings that is the Night Raven College. As everyone else who are aware of their shady tricks, Bianca and Blake have started to dislike them and that also earns them to hate seafoods as they remind the two of those Octavinelle students.
They also have a strong dislike towards everyone on Savanaclaw students, just because everytime they would bumped into them, they're often mocked by their heights as well as their species.
Floyd calls Bianca a sea bunny because whenever he would try to cage her in his arms, she would gave him a glare that he swears it's almost poisonous. Sea bunnies are known to drive their predators away with their toxin, and just as how Floyd feels like she's driving him away with just her glare, she was given the nickname, Goma-chan (Sea bunny)!
Then, Blake is given the nickname Mantis shrimp because of how brash she is even with her small size. She's always standing her ground even when Floyd and Jade would tower over her. She's not afraid to vocally express her dislike towards them. Mantis shrimps ard known to be aggressive, and just what the image Floyd has gotten with her reactions towards them. Hence the nickname, Shako-chan (Mantis shrimp)!
The reason they're all cold towards everyone except Crewel, is because of their past of being a once normal, laboratory mouse. They remembered getting toyed by them, often getting hurt whenever the students would get their hands on them. And each of those events, they all remember too well. And they also remember Crewel being the only person who is careful with them in their tiny forms.
𝐀/𝐍: I hope you take care of these two, little munchkins of mine. Bianca and Blake may not be friendly, but I'm sure the two of them would warm eventually to all of you💕
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hahagiggles3 · 3 years
I’m bored so heres what i think the ideal pets/animals are for death note characters
i think logically he’d get a cat or a big dog like a bernese mountain breed because theyre calm and fluffy
but his favorite animal would probably be the mantis shrimp
they're colourful shrimp but theyre big and predatory and theyre so weirdly cool
he’d love them because of their interesting habits and builds, as well as the way they catch their food
he couldnt care less about having a pet, so he’d get some cool fish that sayu would name Mr. Bubbles or something
like he could have a tank of piranhas and she’d name them stuff like Gertrude, Daisy, Fluffy, dumb fun things :)
he thinks snakes are cool tho!
there are lots of different kinds of snakes and within those categories there are SUBcategories theres so many kinds
i think snakes are cool so Light thinks snakes r cool okay
she’d keep frogs i think
theyre pretty spontaneous every now and then so theyre fun to watch
she likes taking care of small cute things, but she’d also take an interest in poison dart frogs for their vibrant colors and how deadly they are!!
to keep poison dart frogs you cant feed them the usual bugs they eat because thats how they produce their poison, but she’d like them nonetheless
when she takes them out she puts fancy little hats on them and does photoshoots :)
Matsuda <3
He likes turtles!! they’re easier to take care of because they mostly just sunbathe all day
he loves them like his children and keeps a picture of them in his wallet
he’d love something bigger but his apartment is way too small and he could never replace his babies
he has no time for pets ! he’s got a daughter, a murder investigation, and all sorts of stuff with his wife going on :(
but he’d also like a big dog, one who’s calmer and can jump up on the bed and nap with him
he finds comfort in grooming and taking care of things
i think he’d like fish
no reason, he just gives me like,,, neon tetra vibes
he keeps birds in his garden at wammy's house
no one is allowed in there but roger because they are old and need their peace
Mello & matt
big mean dog that is actually really sweet !!!
Mello keeps trying to train her to attack Near when he shows up unannounced but she just tries to lick Nears face
it basically has the same affect, near sits on the desk when they come by
Matt buys her all sorts of chew toys and treats but she just keeps trying to eat Mello’s chocolate
one christmas she got into his stash and had to get her stomach pumped :(( mello was so nervous
he definitely didn't cry in the car and Matt doesn't have a recording of him hugging her and crying on the drive to the vet
rabbits! he has to keep them outside though, its the rules (aka the only way anyone can get him out of the building and into the sunlight)
he has them in a very large pen and they get lots of salad leaves and raw vegetables all the time
he likes lop bunnies the most, he has a sleepy one who’s allowed inside sometimes if he makes a sad enough face
Beyond Birthday
rats follow him around no matter what <3
likes and reblogs are much appreciated :)
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hobidreams · 4 years
october 1865.
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you never thought you would smile like this again, but here you are. and here he is, by your side.
pairing: joseon king!yoongi x reader genre: fluffy fluff words: 5k 😳 contains: historical au, chuseok date!, eunuch kim!, so much cuteness, guest appearances hehe
moonlit throne index. this is drabble 13. start from the beginning?
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“How do I look, mom?”
Standing before the mirror, you nervously smooth the delicate sash of the pink hanbok for the hundredth time, careful not to lean down too much and dislocate the floral ornament carefully pinned in your hair. There have been doves fluttering in your stomach the entire afternoon; you don’t know if you tied this correctly or if your hair is braided right, and you can’t ask any of your nearby neighbours for fear of discovery that your plans are different than theirs tonight. Mother would know exactly what to do and what to say to make you feel at ease. But want you want most is for her to see you all grown up like this. Finally able to properly wear the outfit you coveted for so long, and hold your head high in it too. You think she’d be proud.
You manage a smile as you run your fingertips along the edge of the ornament, a gift from mother on your twelfth birthday. It’s almost been a year since her passing, and you still miss her more than anything. But you also know now that the best way to honor her is to be happy, and to carry on her work, her legacy. So far, you’ve begrudgingly won a few scraps of respect from the male physicians, and it’s a start.
“I hope you’re doing well up there,” you say, letting your gaze drift out the window to the beaming Chuseok moon, hoping the wind might take your words and your love all the way to her.
“Hey. Are you ready?”
You are grateful that the door is closed because the way you snap to attention is frankly embarrassing.
"Yes, just a moment, seja-jeonha!" you say in a nervous half-whisper, half-exclamation as you allow yourself one last glimpse at the mirror. This is going to be fine. You're going to be relaxed and have a good time, even if you are sneaking out of the palace with arguably the second most important person in the country.
Putting on a smile that hopefully looks effortless, you pull open the door and practically gasp out loud at the sight of him.
It's perhaps the first time you've seen the prince out of the traditional royal robes. It's an excellent disguise -- the clothes of a young yangban lord, done in a deep-dyed scarlet that contrasts his usual navy. A cinched belt fastens the coat deftly, juxtaposed against the dragging, silky sleeves beside it, making him seem somehow more elegant in the way he holds himself. Completing the look is the gat that sits atop his head, its wide-brim tilted low so it covers enough of his face that he wouldn't be recognized, at least not to anyone who spared him a passing glance (not that they would know his face to begin with). The gat strap hangs low in front of his chest, the intricate beading betraying just how truly expensive this hat is. He is, in short, unfairly, unfathomably handsome.
You are forever grateful that you chose to dress up; if nothing else, at least you will look suitable standing next to him, at least for a night.
If Yoongi thinks anything of your outfit, he covers it with a slight cough, his cheeks faintly reddened from the cold. “Good. Come on. We have to be quick.”
You nod, following him out into the night air.
With swift steps and strategic maneuvering, it doesn't take you long to reach one side of the imposing wall that separates palace from town. There, you find a familiar face waiting for you.
"Good evening," Eunuch Kim says with a bow. He’s wearing a different, muted set of green robes and donned a gat as well. “As you instructed, the select guards have been informed to keep quiet, and all else has been taken care of. Let us go."
He likely insisted on coming, as one of the caveats for your illicit excursion. You don't mind, since this isn't the first time he's had to do such a thing, always so worried about his rebellious, stubborn charge. You watch as he lets Yoongi go past first, then gestures for you.
“You look lovely tonight, uinyeo-nim,” Eunuch Kim says, and you share a small, furtive smile that feels like he’s cheering you on. Then you step past the official gates, feeling so acutely the pattering of your pulse because this is truly happening.
For the first handful of minutes, you remain both terrified and anticipatory that you'll be snatched back by the royal guard and accused of kidnapping the prince or something equally ridiculous as being on an actual outing with him. Beside you, Yoongi doesn't seem to have these worries as he walks by your side (though still a respectful, proper distance apart), letting his arms slightly swing while he kicks up dust with his slippers.
Just as you're wondering if you're being an awful companion and not making conversation, he says, "haven't been outside the palace in ages."
“Me too. It's… a little strange, having all this freedom to roam and do what I want. Even if it’s just for a night.”
“I'll say.” Yoongi makes an exasperated noise. “There are too many rules in that place. Can't do anything without being watched.” He gives a minor tilt of his head towards your chaperone, though it's more a tease rather than actually spiteful. Eunuch Kim, for his own sake, pretends not to see or hear the jab.
You smile. “It's for your safety, seja-jeonha.”
“So they say. But they'll regret it when I die of boredom first.”
He rolls his eyes and you laugh, and the palpitations in your stomach ease just like that.
As you draw ever closer to the town, the harmony of string and wind instruments crescendo and build with the jubilant chatter of the townspeople. It's getting to you in the best of ways; you're becoming so elated at the prospect of the festivities that you start to speed up, soon practically rushing towards the town square at a pace that forces Yoongi and Eunuch Kim to run to follow.
At the base of the square, your entire face brightens with the wondrous sight unfolding before you. There are people everywhere. Some down celebratory alcohol, others munch on sweet treats, and more still singing along to the traditional folk tunes with robust vibrato, regardless of whether they’re on key or not. You can’t find a single frown amidst all this mirth, and that’s just the way you like it. It’s overwhelming: the sights, the sounds, and the mouthwatering smell of something delicious and fried.
Yoongi eventually jogs up to you, forced to inhale a few quick breaths to refill his lungs. “Are you that hungry?” He asks, the corner of his lips curling up.
Oh god, you just made the prince run.
"No...! Not at all! I’m deeply sorry, seja-jeonha. I got too excited, didn’t I?”
“Not at all. Shall we get something to eat first then?”
You avert your eyes, though you really haven’t had dinner tonight. “No, please. Let us do what you would like.”
Yoongi grins as if it is of no consequence. “What I want? Well, then, I want to go this way.”
As is his habit, he begins to walk in the direction he chooses without notice, though this time he has to weave through the people that crowd the area. His disguise is working well; he is largely ignored as he passes, leading your little group all the way to an open alleyway where stalls line each side, lit up with lamps and vividly colored banners.
A twinge of sadness squeezes your heart as you look at the spread. You faintly remember a decade ago that there used to be a full row of assorted delicacies and sweets for purchase; now it’s mostly merchants with tables of books and hairpins, food becoming too scarce for most to sell with the grain shortage, even if they need the funds. Still, everyone seems to be doing their best with what they’ve got.
Sudden shouts ring out right beside you, nearly blowing your ears out with how loud they are.
“Jeon! Freshly fried shrimp and fish jeon for sale!”
“Hot, hot, hot nokdujeon over here!”
“Gaah!” you exclaim, eyes wide. You wouldn’t be surprised if the monks up the mountain heard about this jeon! When you turn to see who the hell is making all this commotion, you’re met with the scowling faces of two men, glaring furiously at each other in-between tending to their sizzling pans in adjacent stalls. The bearded one looks about seconds away from giving the other younger man a good smack with the fishing rod leaning on the wall behind him.
Said younger man gives a snicker. “No wonder my sales are beating yours. Why would anyone want your shrimp when they could have my delicious mung beans?”
“Say that again, if you dare.”
“Why would anyone want your gross shrimp when—”
“Yah, you can take your beans and shove them right up your nasty sokgot—”
“Excuse me,” Yoongi cuts in between them with a smirk. “I’ll take two orders of each. Preferably not ones shoved anywhere.” He drops coins on both counters, more than enough to cover the food.
“Ahem.” They levy two very similar glares at each other before beginning to package the orders for consumption, switching to polite honorifics in the process. “Yes, sir!”
“Right away, sir!”
They work deftly, obviously very practiced in the art. Neither of them drop so much as a crumb, even though they seem to be racing.
"My lord, here is your order," Fish Jeon says, only to be roughly shoved aside by Mung Bean in a rush to hand over the goods first.
"Please enjoy, sir!"
Yoongi takes the round and crispy nokdujeon, all wrapped in parchment paper. His amused chuckling makes you feel a little warmer, a bit fonder than you should. Especially when he then promptly passes the package to you.
"Seja--" You cut yourself off before you make the mistake. "Um. My lord, this is for me?" You ask, even though you're practically drooling at the scent.
"Did I give it to someone else? Eat."
He turns, hands off one of the assorted jeon plates to Eunuch Kim behind him, who accepts gratefully with a bow.
You, and your stomach, don’t need to be told twice. After blowing on the golden batter, you take a generous bite, accidentally smearing a bit of it on your cheek in the process but god, it tastes incredible. Mung Bean may be loud, but he clearly doesn’t tell lies. You have to hold yourself back from inhaling the pancake whole, instead savoring each nibble on your tongue.
“Come on. Keep going before the crowd grows,” Yoongi says, urging you forward with a jerk of his chin before biting into his own pancake. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him smile this much before, and it’s with slight regret that you tear your eyes away to look where you’re going.
From behind you as you start to walk, you hear, "Jungkook, you brat, shouldn't you be more respectful to your elders?!"
"Whatever, hyungnim. Nokdujeon! Better-than-his-fish nokdujeon!"
There is a very distinctive thwap as you move into the merchant area.
The first booth you come to belongs to a woman that you recognize, selling the latest romance novel by a rising author, Taehyun. She recognizes you too, waving you over with enthusiasm. “Oh, hello! We just received this last week. A tale of forbidden love between a yangban lady and a fisherman! Full of tension and…” she lowers her voice conspiratorially, “more than a few kisses!”
“Do people actually read things like this?” Yoongi mutters, staring at the covers.
“Huh? No! Well, hah, I certainly don’t!” You hope your face looks plausibly innocent. “But thank you,” you turn to say to the woman before hurriedly walking on before she can expose your ruse. The prince doesn’t need to know about the precious books you keep in a secret stash in your room. A lady can’t only study all day, right?
(You make a mental note to come back to town and pick up a copy later.)
Down the row you go, reluctantly finishing off the pancake on the way. Yoongi hands you the entire second plate of jeon not long after. “I don’t want it,” he says, watching you brighten at the prospect of more food. He does end up stealing a piece of shrimp from within your grasp later, throwing it casually into his mouth before you can even react.
The next display to really catch your attention is one laden with delicately handcrafted ornaments, pins, bracelets, and perfumes. “Wow!” You gush, leaning over the table as you try to calculate how much money you brought with you because you want it all, even though you rarely have the occasion to dress up. Still, you want at least something as a keepsake, to hold your memories of this precious day. Yoongi stops and waits for you; you forget it should be the other way around.
“Oh my, Eun-a-ssi? Is that you?”
What? You look up, breath hitched.
“Oh, my apologies.” The woman behind the booth is elderly, her hair grey, eyes wrinkling warmly as she smiles. “My mistake. My eyesight isn’t what it was. You… look a lot like a woman I know. I haven’t seen her in a long time now.”
“Eun-a… Eun-a was my mother,” you murmur. “She passed away last year.”
The woman’s eyes widen as she clutches her hands to her chest. “She did? Oh… Oh no… I’m so sorry, child. Then you must be—” She thinks for a moment, then says your name. You nod, and a small smile slips back on her lips, though now tinged with sadness. You know the feeling. “My name is Hong Sook-ja. I used to live right here in town with Eun-a-ssi, until all those years ago when she moved into the palace and I moved to the countryside. Your mother used to bring you into town for Chuseok and we got to know each other then. These days, I just come back every once in a while to see my granddaughter and great-grandson, so I must have missed the news.”
“It’s alright, Sook-ja-ssi. Mom lived well,” you say, ignoring the twinge in your chest. Any glimpse into mother’s life before she had you fills you with a certain homesickness, alongside the joy. “She was happy. And I’m sure she’d be happy to know that you are living well too.”
“Good. Good. She deserved happiness.” Sook-ja sighs, letting the information sink in. Only after one last kind smile does she finally seem to notice Yoongi standing beside you, trying his best not to intrude. “Now, is this handsome lord your companion? Perhaps your betrothed?”
“N-No!” You immediately cry, not wanting Yoongi to misunderstand, to think that his rank could be dragged so low as to match yours. Sook-ja should know that these class lines, even between yangban and cheonmin, are not so easily crossed. But the mischief in her gaze seems to suggest she doesn’t care much about that. “No, we’re just out. Together.”
“Yes. Out. Together,” Yoongi echoes, just as the door behind Sook-ja starts to open with a noisy creak.
A young woman dressed in a pretty hanbok steps out of the house with a smile. “Grandma, are you interrogating the customers again… Oh, hey! Kim-nim!”
All three of you turn your heads to look at Eunuch Kim, who couldn’t look more surprised at the woman’s appearance if Yoongi started growing a tail. He flusters, stepping back as if that could protect him. “Ahh, Chun-ja-ssi…! You’re, um, here! And you look, wow—” He almost drops the last piece of jeon altogether. “I was not expecting you to be here— I mean, not that I was thinking of you being elsewhere— Uh, not that I think about you that often—”
“This is my granddaughter,” Sook-ja explains, saving the poor man. “Chun-ja. She and her son, Han-jae, are the best parts of my life. She’s so clever, she can even read and write, you know!”
Chun-ja flushes under the praise. “My grandmother likes to exaggerate. But it’s very nice to meet you both,” she says, bowing in greeting as Sook-ja excuses herself, exiting through the same door.
Yoongi is once again smirking. “So, how do you know Kim-nim?”
“Mm, it was about two years ago? I was helping one of the merchants bring grain into the palace. Kim-nim saw me struggling with a particularly heavy pot, and so he helped me carry it. Since then, we chat for a bit every time he’s in town on an errand, and exchange the occasional letter! When he remembers to write me back, that is. Though his letters are often so lovely that I don’t mind the wait.” Chun-ja offers Eunuch Kim a grin that he can’t quite return with ease.
Yoongi has to work hard to keep his face relatively straight as he says, “hmm. So that is why he’s always disappearing from the palace with those weak excuses? And using all that ink? He always said it was for something important.”
“Seja— My lord! Please!” Spare me, Eunuch Kim’s wilted expression pleads. You have to hide your amusement behind a hand, lest you burst out with inappropriate laughter.
Once again, Sook-ja comes to the rescue as she shuffles out of the house, holding two familiar objects that make your eyes light up. “You’re both in luck. I knew we had a few extra this year, even after that rascal great-grandson of mine ruined a few with his roughhousing. He’d still be causing trouble if he weren’t off with his friends right now.” Sook-ja sighs. “I wish my grandson were still around to scold him. But anyway, I’d be happy if you’d take them!”
“Wish lanterns!” You exclaim, taking the lightly orange cloth contraption with glee. “Oh, I haven’t seen these up close in years.” The palace celebrations don’t usually include them, leaving you to try and catch the sight of the tiny, almost imperceptible lights floating into the sky from so far away. You’ve always loved the thought of the lamps surging towards that boundless sky, endlessly drifting, free to follow the wind.
“Do you know how to start it?” Chun-ja asks. You shake your head. “Let me show you.”
As Chun-ja explains the mechanisms behind the lantern to you, Yoongi reaches for his coin pouch. “We must give you something in exchange.” Yoongi produces several mun coins that are at least five times the lanterns’ actual worth, and tries to give them to her.
Sook-ja pushes his hand away. “No, no, it’s a present!”
“I insist.” Yoongi tries again, only to be rejected, again. He wonders if she would be so obstinate if she knew who he really was. (Probably yes.) “Alright… What if I take another item from the table to make it a fair trade?”
“Stubborn, aren’t you?” Sook-ja bursts into laughter, her belly shaking beneath her skirt. “Fine. Take your pick!”
Yoongi barely scans the accessories; he snatches up the bracelet you were looking at before and tucks it into his jeogori with a secret smile. “Thank you.”
“Thank you,” Sook-ja says warmly, before her smile dips down conspiratorially. “It’ll look good on her. Anyway, have fun! Enjoy the night.”
“I’m sure we will.” Yoongi shifts his attention to you. “All done? Then let’s keep going.”
“Yes, my lord,” you say, happily clutching the lanterns. “Thank you so much, Sook-ja-ssi. Chun-ja-ssi.”
Chun-ja beams. “Our pleasure. I hope we see each other in town again soon. And Kim-nim, don’t forget your letters!”
“Yes, of course, I will. I mean, I won’t. Forget, that is. Uh, I’ll write. G-Goodbye.” Eunuch Kim bows twice in quick succession before hurrying after you two, trying his best not to look back for one last glimpse of what he’s left behind.
You continue your wandering through the rest of the festival, marveling at the sheer strength of the wrestlers and then the elegance of the dancers. Absently, you wish this atmosphere could stay in place forever, and that everything else could just vanish into the smoke and ash of the burning campfires, but you know too well that life is a balance. And right now, with the prince’s silky sleeve pressed almost right against yours as you walk past a chorus of singers, the scales have temporarily tipped in your favor.
Eventually, all your wandering takes you to almost the outskirts of town, to an area you visited before with your mother. It takes some squinting but you eventually recognize the obscure path among the bushes, and immediately gesture towards it. The prince has shown you so much tonight; you want to return the favor, especially since his steps are beginning to slow. “This way! Please come with me.”
“Are you sure this is safe?” Eunuch Kim calls. “We cannot let anything happen to our lord!”
You start down the road. “Completely!”
It’s been so long since you last took these steps, but it all comes back to you effortlessly as you take the lead. It takes a few minutes, just a few, to reach the clearing you seek. And it is exactly as you remember it — the nature growing with a wild, greedy virility, the oddly shaped rocks studded in the dirt, and the reflecting pond, its water rippling from the drag of the autumn wind across its surface. There is no one here, which is exactly how you expected it to be.
“Here it is, seja-jeonha.”
“It’s quiet,” he marvels, and steps further in. He stops at the edge of the pond, staring not down but out, at the reflection of the full moon in its depths.
“I thought that you could use a change of environment. You look a little tired.” At this point, you know him well enough to tell that the neutrality of his expression shows subtle signs of weariness.
“The noise. It can be overwhelming at times. I’m not used to so much of it, usually. But I like the songs.”
You nod. “I understand perfectly! That’s why mom took me here in the first place. It used to be her secret spot when she was growing up.”
His arms shift, sleeves brushing the sides of his jacket. “She was a kind woman.”
“Very much so.”
You feel the breeze swiftly pick up, weaving through the strands of hair that have come loose from your up-do. The curling leaves around you rustle with welcome relief, bathing in the atmosphere, the rare tranquility of such a beautiful evening.
“Shall we float the lanterns?” You suggest after a spell.
“Sure.” Yoongi indicates for Eunuch Kim to bring the lanterns over. “Matches?”
Eunuch Kim fumbles in his robes for a few seconds before he realizes with a start that they’re just not there. “My apologies!” He bows. “I must have left the matches back at the booth!”
Yoongi sighs. “Too distracted by Chun-ja-ssi, hm?” Eunuch Kim flushes. “Go get them then.”
“But to leave you alone—”
“I’m not alone.”
Eunuch Kim looks between the prince and you a few times in rapid succession, his thoughts evidently as wavering as his eyes. He finally lands back on the prince.
“…Understood. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
You both watch him go, the quick pace of his steps no doubt brought on by anticipation.
“I can’t believe he’s been involved with a woman without any of us knowing,” Yoongi says, his tone betraying his real fondness.
“It’s sweet.” You smile, wondering if Eunuch Kim will ever manage to stop the stuttering long enough to actually tell Chun-ja how much he appears to like her. He is a mature man with most aspects, but apparently you’ve happened upon his one sole weakness. “But… He’ll probably be gone for a while. We won’t be able to light the lanterns.”
“I thought as much when I told him to go.”
“Well, it’s nice to take a break.” You don’t mention that you’d probably go anywhere and do anything, even if it’s just sitting around waiting, if it was with him. Instead, you look down at the pond, the water stilling enough for there to be a slightly blurry reflection of yourself awaiting below. “Hm. The water’s gotten a bit murkier these years. It used to be clear enough to see perfectly in. But it’s not so bad! Come look!”
Yoongi does. His pale face, all dark eyes and that rough, obvious scar, appears beside yours.
You fully intended on saying something else but that thought falls clear out of your mind when you realize just how undone your hair has become in all the bustle of the celebrations. I look like a mess, you think in a panic, hurriedly feeling for the strands to tuck them back. You’ve only managed to get one side fixed when a rock comes flying out of nowhere, plunging into the water with a noisy thunk! It disturbs both your reflections and wrecks the temporary mirror as cold droplets splash back.
“Hey!” You cry, leaping back from the pond to Yoongi’s grin. “What was that for?”
He has the audacity to look innocent. “Nothing. Haven’t you ever skipped rocks?”
“That was more a throw than a skip,” you grumble, checking your skirt as you hope it didn’t take too much damage. Thankfully, only a few drops actually landed on the precious fabric. “But yes, I love skipping rocks. Properly.”
“Here then.” You open your palm at Yoongi’s behest and he drops a stone into it. “Show me how to do it properly.”
You accept the challenge and plant one foot behind you, staring down a point in the middle of the pond, angling your arm as you position the stone in your hand. You most definitely look the part of an expert as you let the thing go. It shoots towards the water at a rapid speed, whooshing right through the air like a tiny bullet as it hits the surface at the angle and then proceeds to instantly sink to the bottom like, well, a rock.
Yoongi’s raucous laugh is no less than a roar, his entire body wracked with the exertion as he practically doubles over. He only gets louder when he sees the embarrassment on your face, the absolute mortification.
“I never said I was good at it…” You mutter, deciding to try a second time. This rock plummets right down to the watery floor too, refusing to save you even a little bit of face.
Yoongi’s settled into an infuriatingly smug look. “So, you can’t actually skip a stone. But you still love doing it?”
“That’s right.”
“Why?” He effortlessly makes a single skip before his pebble capsizes.
“I have a theory.” His curiosity piques at that; a turn of his head. “That it’s not up to us if the rock skips or not. Even if we have all the technique in the world,” you pick up another stone, “if the wind just happens to blow a bit harder, or if a fish from beneath disturbs the rhythm, or even if the tides themselves decide to surge up… It’ll fail. Or only skip the once. But—” You clutch the rock tightly in your hand and feel the weight, the cold, steady shape. “But if we wish hard enough. If we just keep trying every time we have the opportunity again and again…” This time, your rock is truly flying as it smacks the rippling water and skips a miraculous four times before finally dropping into the deep. “The universe might just make it happen.”
“…Or you need more practice.”
You shrug. “I’d rather believe that there are some things in the world simply out of our control. But that we can still hope for those things to shift, to change for the better if we never give up.”
Yoongi falls silent, staring at the ground through his downcast, delicate eyelashes. Maybe you said too much, you think. You didn’t mean to ramble. It’s just something you’ve thought about often. For these past months, it’s been the only thing keeping you going on the hardest, loneliest days. But you’ve made it. You’re still here. And by some miracle, he’s right here with you.
(You think maybe this is happiness.)
“I like that.” His eyes flick up to meet yours with an intensity that says he’s listening. He’s contemplating your thoughts and taking you seriously. He rubs the back of his neck, scratching at an invisible mark. “It’s a good theory. I… I understand it.”
There’s a weight to those words that you feel in the pit of your heart. A pull that draws you to him like the reckless tides towards his moon – a gravitational longing to know what truth vibrates beneath. You wonder if he feels it too.
“Seja-jeonha, I’ve returned!”
Eunuch Kim comes rushing back into the clearing, wielding the packet of matches. You both turn to him, letting the moment be whisked away with the wind whipping past the emerald robes, though you keep it safe in your memories. The eunuch has brought ink and brushes too, for you to write your wishes on the fabric itself. Increases the chance of their coming true, or so the legend goes.
After a few swishes of the brush, it doesn’t take long to light the fires. Your darkly inked characters are lit up by the flame, flickering staunchly beneath the opening as you each clutch a lantern in your hands and look at each other.
“What are you wishing for?” Yoongi asks.
“For more jeon,” is your reply, followed by an easy laugh that he echoes.
Then you let the lantern go as he does — two firebirds soaring side by side into the twinkling night.
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a/n: *cue Can You Feel the Love Tonight playing softly in the background even though it hasn’t been invented yet*. hope you’re all enjoying sweet Yoon 🥺
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bandaged-writer · 4 years
hi!! since requests are open- can i have jealousy hcs for dazai, ranpo, tanizaki and chuuya with an s/o who’s friendly and doesnt really catch on to flirting? :0
Dazai Osamu
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➤ Dazai doesn’t get jealous easily. He trusts you all the way to his bandages and knows how long it takes you to notice that someone is flirting with you. Before the two of you became a thing, Dazai had been excessively flirting with you only and always threw compliments your way such as “Ah, those earrings really compliment the color of your eyes, belladonna!” and you’d just say “I think so, too. Thanks,” before resuming your way of life. Yosano had to tell you that Dazai was looking at you with heart eyes, trying to score a date with you for 2 weeks at that time.
➤ He watches with an amused smirk when the person flirting with you starts getting frustrated. To Dazai, it’s just funny how the person becomes more desperate and the flirting becomes blatantly obvious, yet it’s like you’re immune unless it’s Dazai that does the flirting (yes, you got better at catching his advances). Eventually, Dazai will smoothly join the scene with his hand resting on your waist and pull you close to his side.
➤ “Thank you for looking after my belladonna while I had to use the bathroom, but we’re on a date. If you’d excuse us.”
➤ However, Dazai won’t pull the playful side if the person makes you uncomfortable or uses inappropriate pick-up lines. He knows you’re just too nice to tell the person to fuck off and would rather sit through the experience than potentially anger them.
➤ You can actually see the light in his eyes fading into nothing and his voice drops an entire octave. You’d only witnessed that side of Dazai one or two times, but you will never forget the goosebumps that covered your skin. “Put those paws of yours on her and you won’t see tomorrow come.”
➤ I can see Dazai getting somewhat jealous when it’s someone you have good chemistry with and/or if there’s some kind of romantic background; like someone you’d once gone out on a date with, was partner other and such. He’d stay attached to your side all the time, but not because he doesn’t trust you; he doesn’t trust that person.
➤ While you’re happily chatting away, Dazai is extra touchy in that situation. May it be his arm around your waist, his hand on your upper thigh or gently caressing your knee underneath the table while whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Ngl, he wants to fluster you a bit, just enough for it to be visible or audible. Dazai is a little shit in that situation and wants to make the person feel uncomfortable enough to leave.
➤ “Dazai, you what-?!” You’d slap his arm and blush furiously.
➤ “I don’t like the way they looked at you, my love,” Dazai would say pouting once you’re home and proceeds to suck some purple bruises into the skin of your neck, so that they wouldn’t look at you twice, again.
➤ Can and will continue if you liked what he was doing.
Ranpo Edogawa
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➤ That man protects his candy better than his own life and you’re no exception. Sharing ain’t caring and he sure as hell isn’t having it when someone flirts with who belongs to him.
➤ Unlike Dazai, he can’t just watch and immediately sweeps in to stop whatever the person was about to do with both of his arms around you or you behind him. Depends on how badly it rubs Ranpo the wrong way.
➤ Yes, Ranpo’s aware of your overly friendly side and appreciated it. Even flirting with you is fun, because it takes you some time to get it and when you do, it’s the most adorable thing. However, it’s definitely not adorable when someone else tries to gauge that reaction out of you. It’s only for Ranpo to witness.
➤ “Who the hell are you?” Ranpo would say in a tone that would give away that he’s definitely jealous but quickly sigh and stop the person from answering by waving them off. “Have you ever heard of rhetorical questions? Of course, I don’t want to know who you are.”
➤ The type to deny he’s jealous and be all whiny about your accusations until you stop teasing him about it, hold his hand and reassure him. “I really look up to you, Ranpo. My eyes are always on you,” and Ranpo would deadass lose it, because that’s what you said when it was your first time joining him for a murder case and he had told you to watch him.
➤ Gets soft real fast and admits that he just doesn’t like anyone else hitting on you, saying that jealousy is indeed a lame feeling that he’s not fond of. “But you’re beautiful so I can understand, but it’s still so meh.”
➤ Pls give him a forehead kiss. He treasures them so much more than kisses on the lips, cheek, neck, etc. To Ranpo, it’s like a pinky promise.
➤ Will proudly wrap an arm around your shoulder, pull you flush to his side and wanders off to the next ice-cream shop while making walking a bit hard. According to Ranpo, ice-cream cools down heated feelings (pun intended) and it’s a great place for him to show off who’s his.
➤ Can and will use his deduction skills on that person if they’re making you uncomfortable or trying inappropriate things on you. “Ah, I see. You’ve already harassed several people and had to go to the police. Wouldn’t it be a shame if you had to get actually arrested this time?” 
➤ Has that proud and wicked smirk on his face when the person gets scared and makes a run for it. Ranpo will still report them though.
Tanizaki Junichiro
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➤ Jealousy-wise, he’s something between Ranpo and Dazai. It really depends on the circumstances, how the person approaches you and all.
➤ If the person treats you with respect and kindness, Tanizaki will quickly inform them that you’re taken by him. He understands that you’re naturally friendly and figures that it’s also the vibe you give off, so he can’t blame anyone for finding that attractive. Tanizaki is just relieved that the person was kind enough to understand the position they were in and even wished the two of you a nice day/date.
➤ Still holds your hand a little bit tighter, though. 
➤ “Wait, did you just get jealous?” It’d hit you out of nowhere once the scene replays in your head and Tanizaki would blush ever so slightly. Maybe he was a bit jealous, but not to a high extent. He’d rather call it protective. “Ah, [Name], it’s nothing like that, I promise.”
➤ Now, y’all have seen that man protecting his sister and he protects you just as much as Naomi. Once the person is creepy and fishy, it’s game over and it’s like a switch turned within him.
➤ When you get uncomfortable and feel bothered by whoever’s flirting with you, Tanizaki takes over faster than you could ask him for help. “I don’t care who you are or what you’re trying to achieve here, but bend even a hair of hers and you’ll severely regret it.” His eyes are dull, voice firm and serious as he gets his point across. 
➤ Feels genuinely jealous when you seemingly ignore him for someone else, though. None of Tanizaki’s tries of joining the conversation are successful, not even him touching your hand or being a bit more touchy than usually gains your attention. It’s then that his voice sounds a little bit more lifeless and gains your observance. “[Name], weren’t we on a date?” You know you messed up.
➤ You kindly say goodbye to whoever’s flirting with you and ask Tanizaki what’s wrong - it’s just not his kind and easily flustered self
➤ “You seemed to be having fun with them, don’t you?”
➤ “Tanizaki, they were just being nice-”
➤ Give him the puppy eyes and everything is forgiven, though. Tanizaki could never, in his entire life, be genuinely mad at you. Yes, he might be upset that you ignored him for good 5 minutes straight, but that’s it.
Chuuya Nakahara
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➤ Chuuya rarely gets jealous. He puts 110% of his faith and trust in you and knows that you do the same. A relationship that’s loyal to the bone.
➤ He can stand it for a little while when e.g. Tachihara is getting a little too friendly and touchy with you. Of course, you return the gesture, believing that he’s just being nice to you and not actually flirting. After all, no one but Chuuya had ever really flirted with you or so you believed.
➤ We all know that man’s temper is as short as his height, so it wouldn’t take long for him to snatch you away from Tachihara and dump a load of work on him. “Chuuya, what is all that work for?!” Tachihara would obviously complain, not quite understanding why all of a sudden he was assigned to pretty lame jobs. Chuuya just waves him off, pulling you into his side and temper tested. “You don’t flirt with taken people. If you do, you’ll simply have to carry the consequences.” 
➤ Tachihara wasn’t aware you were in a relationship with Chuuya. After all, being an executive was a lot of work, he often came home late and your paths with Chuuya didn’t cross as often as you’d like, but y’all still make it work. 
➤ At that moment, Chuuya makes an effort to see you more often during the day, have you closer by his side and let people know that you’re his and his alone. He’ll then bring you along to meetings, lets you sit on his lap when it’s just paperwork he has to finish for Mori and holds your hand at the mafia headquarters.
➤ It’s not like Chuuya has never held your hand. He just never thought of it as necessary and you never complained about it either, so he assumed it was okay.
➤ Chuuya introduces you to Kouyou, knowing that word will get around faster. Now, Kouyou isn’t a woman of gossip but she will assume that Mori is aware of the relationship Chuuya shares with you and casually goes “Chuuya’s partner is pretty cute, don’t you think so, Mori-san?” and Mori stops whatever he’s doing, “You mean like a..relationship?”
➤ Mori will spread word like wildfire. Elise scolds him.
➤ “Now everyone knows you’re mine, shrimp,” Chuuya pats your head and messes up your hair affectionately. You can’t help the huff slipping your lips and look up at him with a questioning look. “Big reaction for someone so small.”
➤ The next day everyone knows about your relationship with Chuuya and knows better than to hit on you. Not only did Mori run his mouth, but your neck was pretty colorful and Chuuya was extra cocky that day.
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alwaysbeliev · 3 years
I Can’t Lose You
Happy Valentine’s Day! This is for the @rdr-secret-cupid adventure this year. Thank you for the prompt, @bloodylove3 and I hope you enjoy!
summary: When Dutch asks you and Arthur to pretend you're married for a job, you're nervous that you won't be able to hide your feelings for the outlaw. You manage to keep it in line, but things go wrong fast.
relationship: Arthur Morgan x F!Reader
word count: 3497
link on AO3
“Alright, here’s where we’ll start.”
It was mid-afternoon. The heat from the sun above was overwhelming, burning whatever it touched. Not even the shade was a relief with its cover. Animals all around were burrowed underground, hiding inside of trees, splashing around in the cool river nearby, and doing their best to stay out of direct light. You idly watched a small mouse scurry through the grass, digging at the dirt every now and then before disappearing into a hole. Quietly, you wished you were that mouse. 
For the hundredth time, Dutch was reviewing his next grand plan. There was a tipoff about a decent score, something that would help the gang move to a new camp, and it would be almost easy to pull off. Almost. But he was careful to plan, detailed to a fault, and now you had to sit through another lecture about making sure you were in the right place at the right time. He stood just inside the flap of his tent as he talked. The others were in a loose circle around him and Hosea.
You felt a drop of sweat slide down the back of your neck. What you wouldn’t give to go jump in the rushing water just a hundred feet away, even fully clothed. Imagining the relief alone made you sweat more. You could feel your skin throb, your cheeks turning red, your shirt sticking to your lower back…
The sharp sound of Dutch’s voice cut through your daydream, snapping you back to reality. Others were snickering as you jerked your head over and tried to pretend you had been listening.
“As I was saying,” the man continued, “there has been a small change of plan.” 
Whoa, Dutch was changing his plan? But the score was just a week away now.
He carried on, “Arthur will be playing the part of your protective, but quiet, husband. You will need to cause a big enough distraction that we can enter without tipping anyone off. Can you handle that?”
“I thought Hosea was providing the distraction?” Your mind was turning, scrambling to remember if that was the original plan or if you were suffering from heat stroke.
“As I had said before, Hosea will be needed outside. It would seem awfully suspicious to outsiders if 5 men all seemed to suddenly rush inside together, don’t you think?”
You supposed he had a point. Outwardly, you agreed with him, but inwardly, your heart was pounding. Arthur? Husband? You barely made it through the rest of the session, managing to excuse yourself as soon as Dutch was done talking. Never before had you felt the palpitations on your chest that you did now at the thought of being with Arthur Morgan. Not just being with him, but pretending to be married. 
To say that you had a crush on Arthur was putting it lightly. From the moment you had met the outlaw, the sight of him caused your heart to race faster than his beautiful horse. You could barely speak around him, let alone carry on any conversation, and you were certain everyone in camp knew about it. Karen, Mary-Beth, and Tilly had approached you just last week to tease you about the way you fumbled over your words when Arthur asked a question. Now you had to pretend to be married?
The group dispersed as Dutch finished his grand lecture, chattering excitedly about the huge score. You felt light-headed and were rooted to the spot. Dutch was right, it should be easy, you had played the actor’s role many times before, but this… This wouldn’t be acting. And surely someone was going to notice that.
A week passed quicker than any week you’d been through before. You and Arthur had prepared a scene, practicing to get it right, and you were feeling slightly more confident. The cowboy still gave you flutters in your heart, but rehearsed lines were much easier than improvised ones, and you were positive he hadn’t seen the longing in your eyes. It was easy.
But what wasn’t easy was how inseparable the two of you were becoming. Every morning, Arthur approached you near the campfire, offering a small treat, typically a piece of chocolate or a small fruit. The first time, your cheeks had flushed hotter than the summer sun. It hadn’t improved much. You would review your plan for the score, pause for a lunch time meal, and continue in the afternoon. Arthur often seemed to have other ideas, wanting a change of scenery, and you would find yourselves a few miles from camp on some rocky outlook or on a river’s shore, just shooting the breeze while the sun seared high above. Arthur even managed to convince you to leave your horse once, riding behind him with arms wrapped around his chest, content just to be near him. 
Finally, the day arrived. The gang all arose early, gathering their tools uneasily. Nerves always ran high the day of, regardless of how much planning had gone into the score, and your stomach churned. Karen had lent a hat, Mary-Beth a beautiful dress in your most favorite color, and you felt so fluffy and over the top. When Arthur saw you, his face seemed to go slack, a rare smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“My, my, Mrs. Morgan,” he drawled, taking a few lazy steps to close the gap to you. “Aren’t you lookin’ mighty fine this mornin’.”
Pouting and embarrassed, you waved him off, brushing a tight curl over your shoulder in a weak attempt to mask the color rising to your cheeks.
“Shut up.”
“Hey, now, I’m only tryin’ to lighten the mood.” He laughed before looking somewhat sheepish himself. “Besides, you really do.”
You paused, taking in his sincere compliment.
“Thank you.”
He didn’t have time to respond as Dutch stepped out of his tent, looking the picture of graceful leadership, commanding everyone’s attention. As you turned your body towards him, you saw Arthur’s gaze lingering on your figure, the dress complementing you perfectly. You focused on tugging on your white lace gloves, trying to turn your ears where it mattered.
“Alright, Mr. Callahan, now, here we are!”
Your voice pitched up, you pointed out the grandest building in town: the bank. Arthur guided his horse to the hitching post before hopping down, turning to help you down, your big skirt catching slightly and flouncing as your feet landed. Grinning at him, you tugged at his arm excitedly.
“Come on, darling, we gotta go get us a loan! That house ain’t gonna buy itself, you know!”
It was clear you were amusing the man at your side. Your anxiety was causing a jump in your performance, pushing you a slightly uncomfortable bit above believable, but you were pretty and young and the men were watching you. That was all that mattered.
With a grand gesture, you shoved the door to the bank open, stepping into the marbled interior with your boots clicking. The teller glanced up from whatever paperwork he was looking at. For a brief second, he studied the two of you, his eyes lingering on you in particular, before a fixed smile appeared on his face. 
“How can I help you?” he drawled. As practiced, Arthur opened his mouth to speak but you butted in before he could.
“Why, hello, Mr…?” You swept forward, extending a hand for him to shake. He glanced at Arthur in disbelief before gingerly shaking your hand.
“Mr. Monaghan.”
“Oh, Mr. Monaghan, how lovely!” You grinned widely, shaking vigorously. “Yes, me and my new husband here are looking to buy a house! Isn’t that just grand? We just got married, you know, just last week! Oh, we had the most beautiful honeymoon, didn’t we, darling? Traveled to see the ocean, oh it was gorgeous! Simply gorgeous! Have you ever been, Mr. Monaghan?”
He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn’t. Not the way you planned it.
“The birds were so lovely, there were so many of them! Oh, and the food! Simply divine! Have you had seafood before? Crab, lobster, shrimp, oh it was perfect!”
As you rambled, the doors swung in again, allowing entrance to John and Javier. You didn’t spare a look for them, your energy pointed at the teller, and as planned, he didn’t seem to notice them. Your shrill voice and wild theatrics had his whole attention. You carried on as the men got into position.
“They paired the shrimp with-- What was it, my love? This wine, it was a red, wasn’t it? Or was it a white? Mr. Callahan is just hopeless about these things, you know, I’m glad I’m here to help him. Oh we had the most wonderful time together! I thought it might rain one day, there were these horrible gray clouds, but he told me not to worry, even though I wanted to, and sure enough, the sun was out by dinner time!”
The doors creaked again, allowing the last two men in, Dutch and Bill. All 5 men exchanged a look and, in one swift motion, they pulled their bandanas over their faces and drew their weapons. It was satisfying to hear the clicks of a few hammers. Your grin turned wicked and the teller suddenly realized what had happened. 
“We’ll take that loan to go, if you don’t mind.” You couldn’t help yourself. Arthur quickly stepped forward, shielding you with his body so your face was hidden, and you hurriedly moved towards the back of the men, allowing them to do what they needed. It was relatively painless and quiet, the teller moving hastily and without hesitation, filling bags with money and even allowing them access to the room with the safes. You served as lookout, casually standing at the window to keep an eye peeled for the law. Only when you heard Dutch’s signature goodbye did you turn away from it. Arthur made eye contact with you and playfully raised his eyebrows as he strode towards the door and you, ready to make for the horizon.
Without warning, the doors flew open, banging against the wall from the force behind it. Several lawmen were standing, guns drawn, ready to take out the outlaws. Instantly, shots were being fired. You didn’t know who fired first, but you dove out of the way, gripping your hat tightly so it wouldn’t be left behind. For some reason, your only coherent thought was Karen would have my hide.
Men were shouting, the smell of gunpowder filled the air. Flat on the floor, you couldn’t see anything, only heard Dutch shouting orders, police filling the streets outside, the solid sound of bullets connecting with flesh. There was nowhere to take cover. Somebody stepped on your leg and you gasped from the pain. A hand gripped your ankle and dragged you towards a wall. Panicked, you tried to scramble away until you registered Arthur’s voice trying to reassure you. 
“You boys play nice!” a deep voice bellowed from the porch. “We don’t want no hangings, now, y’here?”
“We will play nice when you play nice, Sheriff!” Dutch barked back. 
“This is a fucking massacre!” John spoke to the room at large. The men that had entered before were all on the floor, blood pooling around them, their guns laying forgotten on the wood. More were shouted outside. They were organizing to block all exits from town. There was no way you were gonna make it out now, you started to fear, and you could see the shared looks of the men with you echoing the same sentiment.
A surprised cry arose from outside as another gunshot cracked through the air. 
“There’s Mac!”
With renewed energy, everyone jumped up and sprang for the door. Feeling marginally brave, you snatched a gun from the floor, hoping you wouldn’t have to use it. Bill led the way out. Javier, John, and Dutch quickly followed, and Arthur made up the rear with you in tow, sticking to him like glue. 
The sun outside was blinding. You barely caught a glimpse of the street before you were rushed down the steps and around the side of the building. Back pressed against the wall, the pounding in your head started blocking out your hearing, and you only felt the vibrations in the air and under your feet. Even with all of Dutch’s careful planning, you were still trapped in this mess…
Arthur shouted your name. He stood, almost pressed to you, eyes burning. You snapped to attention, gun at the ready.
“We gotta make a break for it! Be ready on my count!”
It was all you could do to nod. You saw his horse in your peripheral, antsy and pawing, but waiting. You tried desperately to calm your breathing and gathered your skirts up out of your way. At the mark, you all ran, each in slightly different directions to mount their horses, spurring before fully mounted. Arthur was first and you scrambled after him, latching onto his arm and using the momentum of his horse to swing your leg over, skirts be damned. With a sharp cry, he urged his horse forward and away from town.
For a brief moment, you were free. Pounding hooves sounded behind you but were fading fast. The shouts of men continued to rip through the air, but you realized that they, too, were slowly growing faint.  And then a stabbing pain exploded in your thigh. A scream escaped before you could stop yourself. Trained well, Arthur didn’t stop his horse, but he tried to see what had happened, calling back to you with increasing desperation. You had been shot. The panic, the shortness of breath, and now the pain was too much. In a surprisingly short matter of seconds, black filled your vision and you were gone.
The rustle of the trees. The soft sound of running water. Crackling of a campfire. Low voices outside your tent. Your hair brushing your face. Dull and throbbing pain in your leg. Heaviness in your chest. And, finally, the realization you were laying on a cot and not your usual bedroll. 
Slowly, your eyes blinked open. This definitely wasn’t your tent. These weren’t your blankets. Only the soft glow from the fire and a few lanterns shone on the one canvas wall. It was enough light to see that this was Arthur’s tent, the small table with his journal and flower, his photographs on the wagon side. His smell on the blankets. You breathed in deeply.
A snort by your feet caused you to startle. Sitting up slowly, you saw Arthur slumped in a chair, his hat drawn over his face, arms crossed as he breathed evenly, the occasional snore breaking the silence. An strong and sharp pain made you hiss and, in turn, woke the outlaw from his slumber. 
“You’re awake,” he mumbled, barely awake himself as he sat up. 
“How’re you feelin’?”
“Honestly? Not great,” you said, chuckling a little. “But I’ve had worse. Why am I here?”
“Thought you might like a real bed. Well, realer than your bedroll. We can put you out for the wolves, if ya like.” His teasing tone was back, but it was more strained than normal. He looked absolutely exhausted. 
“No, this is fine. It’s… nice.”
Silence fell again. You stared at a thread on the sheet while Arthur stared at you. Usually there was a party the night after a big score, everyone drinking and being merry. There was a strange lack of boisterous laughter, though, and you had the weird feeling it was your doing. 
“How did we make out?”
“Oh, we escaped,” he said, leaning back in the chair again. “But we’re trapped here awhile, there’ll be law crawlin’ everywhere for a few weeks.”
“How much?”
Not even your fixation on the money got him to crack a smile.
“Dunno.” Shrug of his shoulders. “I’ve been in here, makin’ sure you don’t die.”
Arthur’s behavior was bizarre. You hadn’t seen him behave this way when another gang member was injured, not even when John had nearly been lost last year, and it was starting to worry you. Was there something else you didn’t know about? Was your injury more serious than he was letting on? For a moment, you studied his face, the ache and shadows clear in the weak light, and your heart skipped a beat when you saw the barest sign of a light track down his cheek.
It was such a soft whisper, you weren’t sure he had heard you at first. He lifted his eyes to meet yours. You tried desperately to read him for a second before finally caving.
“Arthur, what happened? Did someone not make it?”
At long last, he managed a short huff of air that might be mistaken for laughter. Shaking his head, he leaned forward, elbows on his knees as he ran his hands across his face, removing his hat and setting it on his wardrobe. When he looked at you again, he actually had a small smile, and relief had replaced what you had mistaken for grief.
“No, no, nothin’ like that.”
“So what’s the matter?”
He tilted his chin up, exhaling long and low towards the sky, seemingly contemplating something. It was quiet for an achingly long time. Another deep sigh and he brought his chin back down, meeting your gaze steadily.
“I thought I was gonna lose you,” he murmured. “I heard the shot, your scream… I thought you were gone for sure.”
Okay… you thought, still bewildered. We’ve almost lost people before. What makes me special?
“And I didn’t get the chance to tell you…” You had seen him struggle with words in the past, but this was different. It was almost as if his voice was physically fighting him on saying anything. “I couldn’t stand to lose you, truth be told. You mean-- That is, you’re very important-- That’s, well…”
Tears pricked the corner of your eyes as you realized what he was trying to say. You didn’t dare utter a word, hoping, begging him to just spit it out. You weren’t positive this was happening, as now you were almost certain you had actually died and this was the beginning of your personal heaven.
“I can’t lose you, darlin’.”
The tears spilled over and dripped down your cheeks. You couldn’t even feel the pain in your thigh as it felt like a major weight had been lifted off of you. Arthur was startled, concern growing once more on his face at your tears, but when you started to grin and laughter bubbled up, he relaxed and looked as embarrassed as a school boy, dropping his eyes and smiling himself.
“I can’t tell you how happy that makes me to hear,” you finally said, shaking your head at the silliness of it all. “I can’t lose you, either, Arthur. You mean the world to me.”
Slowly, the cowboy rose from his seat and approached the edge of the cot. You gingerly shifted yourself over to allow him to sit beside you, and he took the opportunity. You soaked in the other’s presence for just a moment. With the softest gaze you had seen from him, Arthur returned his attention to you. He lifted a hand to cup your face, his rough thumb stroking your cheek as he drank in your features, looking truly content for the first time. Gracefully and ever the gentleman, he tilted your face up to meet his as he carefully kissed you. It was light at first. He was testing the waters, not pushing too fast. But when you met him eagerly, he leaned in, hard. 
You didn’t dare breathe for the duration of the kiss, your heart a frightening combination of pounding and not beating at all. The taste of whiskey lingered fresh on his lips and left your mouth tingling. When Arthur pulled away, you shifted forward slightly, not wanting it to end. But, courteous as always, he pressed a lingering kiss on your forehead and then sat back again. Your eyes flickered all over his face. You were still unsure if you could catch your breath.
“Wanted to do that for a long time,” he muttered. All you could do was nod. Wow…
“Can you stay with me?” you blurted out. “Tonight?”
“O’ course,” he agreed. He tugged his boots off as you scooted as far over as you could, lifting the sheet for him to crawl into. Warmth radiated from his skin and it was like stepping into a comfortable bath as he wrapped his arms around you. You sighed into his chest, drinking in his smell with your face buried in him, hands gripping his shirt. The dull sting in your leg was in the background of your mind. It didn’t matter to you, though; you were safe here. And this wasn’t going to end any time soon.
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