#he gets type cast as fanfic professor
threebea · 2 years
My favourite thing about Obi-Wan is that he's a jock that has us convinced is he's just a nerd.
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norcalbruja · 3 months
Two spirits/steps forward with the Tagalog spirits, one REALLY big step back.
What’s up, it’s been about a month and things are shifting in a less-than-ideal manner.
Bad news: A third theater-friend I asked about a superhero play I’m writing (Takotsubo: The Story of a Superhero) has said that he doesn’t know anyone with the cast numbers or the budget to pull off my superhero play, so it’s increasingly likely that I’ll have to relearn how to draw and make this a comic series after all.
He mused that the only people with the NUMBERS to pull it off are schools, and that leaves me to go ask my old theater professor if the college is still doing new works.
I’m conflicted about asking the high schools, because as much as I’d love to give young actors a shot at acting, they are also YOUNG actors dealing with school and life and shit. Some of them are likely to be new at acting as well. Takotsubo has a cast of ADULTS WITH ADULT PROBLEMS, so I don’t want to just toss a bunch of teenagers into the deep end of “the cycle of violence and poverty with gang/street life, plus a side of colonization and undocumented immigration as experienced by the Tagalog deities,” especially if some of them are actually dealing with that in real life.
I’ll see how much I can speed-write of the first draft before I ask my theater professor AGAIN about this.
The full circle of going nowhere! It’s hilarious and infuriating.
Behind the read-more button, because a month of updates is EXTREMELY long.
Better news: I think hearing/confirming from someone that I probably haven’t offended every anito into abandoning me is a good thing.
In early June, someone else in the Tagalog pantheon showed up, and THAT was unexpectedly Araw, the primordial Sun.
Araw is not the same figure as Apolaki--the latter is a sun-GOD, who got mixed up with the Kapampangan deity if I remember right, and he’s also said to be Bathala's younger relative (son, grandson, nephew, and I think I've heard ADOPTED relative, but I'm not sure where).
Araw is always portrayed as the personification of the Sun itself, as his name denotes. As the blistering tropical sun, he's not very nice. His only surviving myth is a Maui-type story where he conquers the sky-world--and seemingly the REST of the Philippines, since he's stated to oppress mortals with his heat. Either 1) he almost burns the world up until Bathala fights him and gouges his eye out, thus bringing the heat down to the CURRENT Philippines, or 2) he drops the sky on everyone and forces them to crawl around in submission, at which Bathala gouges his eye out.
For double the oppression, Araw does both in some myths--he drops the sky on everyone, AND he makes it too hot for Bathala to lift back up, at least until he loses that eye. Unfortunately, with that being the only surviving Tagalog myth about him, Araw mostly vanishes after his origin myth stating, "you think it's hot in the Philippines? It used to be EVEN WORSE!"
It seems that writing so much about Araw for the past couple of years means that he logically has a lot of thoughts about how I see the Sun, and how I’m trying to put together all the pieces that we no longer have about Tagalog and Philippine religion.
So, I’m not “softening him up” or justifying his former oppression--it’s definitely BAD that he was a former conqueror--but he is also the Sun and necessary for life, so he must have SOME good qualities besides getting taken down a peg or five by Bathala. It’s not like the Philippines is a stranger to the idea that “Nature is NATURE, it does not have our morals,” given that crocodiles in our mythology are at once water-guardians, guides for deceased souls in the afterlife, AND are fully acknowledged for eating people sometimes.
I started writing about Araw in my Black Panther fanfic as a motif about the Sun and fire. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever had the constant theme of "burning the world" due to grief/rage, but as I ended up putting Loki in this fanfic, HIS theme about the Sun is "always being in the Golden Boy Thor's shadow" and "hungering for love/attention/sunlight/warmth."
Araw starts out as a sexy but hotheaded nature-spirit who charms my Filipino-American character, because she's a mage/mutant with wind-powers and he's the sky-chief, so they seem like a good match! But being the Sun, he is notoriously hot-tempered and gets mad when he finds out she's got a bantay-tubig boyfriend. After the fight, Araw gets narrowly beaten when the Mayan bat-god Camazotz rolls up and ends the daytime, so he loses the bulk of his magic for eight to ten hours. Obviously he wouldn’t die from getting stranded in the ocean, but he’d still be swimming a lonnnnnnng way home until his powers get back.
But then I went, "ehhhhh, do I want a Tagalog man trying to kidnap a woman and kill her boyfriend? It’s like a repeat of Namor/Kukulkan being gratuitously violent because he’s TECHNICALLY the antagonist, even though he is really, really right about colonization. Also, we need the sun to live! It’s not smart to demonize the source of 90% of Earth life."
So I tweaked the outline, and now being forced to swim a lonnnnnnnnng way home (and restore all the plant-life and animals) calms Araw down, so he joins the group and makes amends. And THAT begins with telling everyone the real story about how Loki got adopted by Odin! He and Loki will eventually get together, lol.
Meanwhile, the Araw in my script “Takotsubo” is cousin to Haik the sea-god. They look eerily identical because they both happened to look like their grandfather, a volcano-god who used to be a datu’s son and was enslaved as a young man (by another datu, as things go in older times when everyone with enough power can say they run the place). They inherited WILDLY opposing traits from him: Araw got fire-magic, while Haik got his kindness.
Context: Takotsubo is a gangster/superhero story. While it definitely starts with a “superhero origin story,” my protagonists are not white, and at the end of the ‘origin,’ my main protagonist just gives up and makes a new gang as the Tin Man, because he thinks there’s no point in getting out of the street life.
They are widely known as a NICE gang, being that this is also a superhero story. It’s a constant, bitter joke that the Tin Man only shot one guy, and everyone started making up shit about how he cursed the man’s house, or he can curse the people he’s trying to take out. The only real powers he has are that he’s good with guns, and he has this vague and barely-trained ability to “charm” people.
When the Tin Man recruits a Filipino woman who’s lost her parents to gang violence, he has her become the gang’s “witch/bruja” because she’s another barely-trained mage with a lot of anger/grief at the world. I then start bringing in Filipino spirits, lol. She starts getting HER overblown reputation when she helps the gang bludgeon the bantay-tubig away from eating another gang, gets one of the women’s dresses as a gift, and is often mistaken for a spirit herself.
When you are a Filipino-American who knows the basics of Filipino folklore, but you’re in a place where a lot of people have NO experience with Filipino spirits, you are essentially the only adult in a group full of teenagers. Lol.
The Tagalog deities have also been marginalized and forgotten, and she PROPERLY meets the anito after a really shitty day at the restaurant she works at: A customer threw hot coffee and his mug at her, so she retaliated by slamming him with a serving tray, and the police arrested HER because the customer was an old white guy and “you can’t hit old people, not even if they’re acting like they were raised in a barn!”
Way back in my “Crocodile God” research, I was trying to find anything about Haik besides the usual records that chiefs would hold feasts for him for a safe voyage, and the post-colonial myth of “Haik and Amanikable are rival sea-gods fighting each other to protect/destroy ships.” The closest thing I got for information was how Haik coincidentally means “daytime” in Temuan Malay. I’m not sure if his name was intentionally borrowed or if it’s a remnant of Old Tagalog or Austronesian, but currently Haik and Araw are cousins in this story.
As an ambitious/resentful young man, Araw killed the fire-spirits’ king and took his place. This is “myth-building,” yes, but it is also definitely a parallel to modern gang violence. He starts out decent, but then he loses his parents to war (bad) and tries to avenge them by conquering the land- and sky-kingdoms (VERY bad). Once Araw kills his ex-girlfriend’s new husband, Bathala fights him, puts out his eye, and claims the sky-kingdom. Araw thought he was going to be killed and accepted that fact of preindustrial noble life, but Bathala is both surprised and relieved, so he just tells Araw to do better with the fire-kingdom than he did with the whole of the islands.
Haik and his parents left court and went back to fishing and granting peasants’ wishes, because they don’t want Haik to get lost in the money-sauce. Araw, to his credit, knows that he’s fucked up, and he constantly helps them and offers to get them a nicer house and servants, even if they don’t want to stay at the palace anymore.
One day, Haik’s canoe gets wrecked by an enormous crocodile. He barely manages to beat him, and the dying crocodile turns into a dragon and offers him his magic, telling him that with water-magic, he can go to the throne of the seas and claim it. Haik turns it down because… surprise, his day-job is FISHING. All he knows about ruling personally is that his cousin is a king, and he lost an eye when another king came along.
The dragon laughs, tells him he lied about being king of the seas, and bestows his magic upon Haik anyway, so Haik eventually becomes a sea-god.
Then Spain arrives, and with the sheer scale of colonization, Araw 1) realizes his defeat by Bathala was EXTREMELY necessary to keep him from getting this bad, and 2) is forced to slow down and think, “well, maybe bludgeoning (or burning) everyone to death isn’t a good idea ALL the time.” When Haik starts losing his worshippers and getting demonized as a “cannibal” because he is known for turning into a croc/dragon and eating people, he’s also accused of demanding human sacrifice because “BIG LIZARDS BAD, SO THE SCARY BROWN MAN WHO TURNS INTO ONE MUST BE REALLY BAD!”, and he’s almost killed by the Spanish when they massacre a pagan barangay, and he refuses to leave them to save his own life.
Araw finds Haik half-dead in a mountain of corpses, drops him off with some of his healers, then heads to the Spanish camp and pretends to be a MOSTLY-healed Haik (what with his missing eye), so he can pump them full of lead in a rage. Yes, that is another parallel to modern gang violence. Guns and gunpowder are actually a motif in my script--they were invented in ASIA, but in modern times they’re constantly associated with Western (especially European) and “modern” society, what with colonization.
Haik and Araw are character foils to each other, not only in the “rich cousin and poor cousin” dynamic, but because they’re “two extremes of personality that have their own issues to deal with.” After all, they only inherited HALF of their grandfather’s traits--Araw’s immense power makes him a veteran of three wars by the time that he’s thirty years old (or “the immortal equivalent of thirty”); Haik is kind and merciful, which means he’s been physically and emotionally scarred by everyone blaming him for shit he didn’t do.
So a couple weeks ago, Araw showed up in my meditation. As many younger Filipino spirits appear to me, he’s a handsome and dark-skinned guy, but he’s got an eye-patch and a red loincloth/bahag. He also gives off a LOT of heat. When I last visited the Philippines, I remember that just getting to the airport felt like a load of bricks was tossed on me. Of course, I love heat, so after I adjusted, I literally felt like I was home, and that’s what Araw’s presence feels like.
He just laughed and said, “You know who I am. You’ve been writing about me.”
I was like “Araw? At least, you are until someone else says THEY’RE Araw.”
And the Water-Spirit, understandably, just went, “No. Please leave. She has a hard time dealing with gods right now.”
Araw just went, “I’m not a GOD. I am the Sun.”
And I’m like “Well, I do write a LOT about the Fair Folk--I guess you can hang around until you do something ACTIVELY bad.”
Around the week of June 10-12, the CROW turned human and started calling him/itself Meylupa. And… they didn’t beat around the bush, to their credit. They literally just turned into a man and told me, “CHILD, YOUR PEOPLE CALL ME MEYLUPA. ERIC BROUGHT ME HERE BECAUSE I HEARD YOUR PAIN.”
And I was like “oh, okay, sir--ma’am??? Ma’amsir?--that’s not as helpful as you might think. I don’t have any idea whether to trust a spirit who says they’re the anito right now. You even told me you weren’t Tagalog when you first came!”
So I was like “Well, that’s… a WAY to explain why you’re not Tagalog. And you said the Water-Spirit was ‘adopted by Tagalogs’ as well, so at least you’re consistent.”
Lola Buwaya was irritated, but all she told him was, “If you think I don’t know what you and Araw are doing by pretending you aren’t the anito, you’re a fool.”
So Lola Buwaya said, “It seems the wilderness creatures ARE all she has for the anito, then. I am not banishing the gods in the way I banish a demon--surely you all see fit to ignore me! But I will not mind them coming if they wish to HELP her, and it seems most don’t see fit to do it yet.”
A few days later, I remembered I should do an apology-offering with Filipino food, and so I made pan de sal. The dough was unusually dry while I was mixing it, and I had to keep adding water and brushing it while it was rising, so I warned Meylupa that I’d check if the first bun was edible BEFORE I did a formal offering. Good news: The pan de sal was delicious and biscuit-like in texture!
But Meylupa “felt” that I was gearing up to apologize and he said, “WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?! I DID NOT COME BECAUSE YOU OFFENDED ME--I CAME BECAUSE YOU WERE IN PAIN!”
And I’m like, “Yes, I got told that blogging and writing is not very ‘blasphemous’ of me, but it’s been years, and I just want to make sure! If I have offended the anito for blogging and writing fantasy, then I am extremely sorry, and here’s some pan de sal!”
Meylupa immediately said, “NO! YOU HAVE NOT! BUT THANK YOU!” So that was some angry eating.
And, um, repeat that for the next few days because… you know, it’s been years since I got the drama-bomb reading.
Meylupa was concerned that I kept apologizing, but Lola just snapped at him, “What were you expecting? She’s not better simply because you’ve come and said she hasn’t offended you. Perhaps you will DO SOMETHING to show her that, besides eat her food and talk at her.”
And I’m like “You know, Lola, I am not ACTUALLY expecting… a briefcase full of money to fall into my car, or an overnight success with my projects. There’s a lot of room between what I ask for in desperation-mode and what I realistically expect.”
Tatay the tribal spirit just came up and said, “I should not have expected Tagalogs to help her. I think it has been too long since they were properly worshiped. Perhaps they wish to be gods again, but they have forgotten that they must give back to their people.”
That really took something out of the Water-Spirit, because you know how he keeps saying that while lying about his name/identity wasn’t ideal, he also expected SOMEONE to 1) hear/see all my writing about the Filipino anito, and 2) come and straighten things out about “this guy who is pretending to be Haik?” He was not expecting the charade to go on nearly as long as it did.
He has now completely stopped petitioning/asking the anito for help, or reading my stuff while I’m working on it, and he sometimes says that nothing he does matters anymore. That’s… upsetting, because aside from the obvious problem of “a person/spirit I care about is clearly depressed and losing motivation,” I’d prefer that at least one of us stays optimistic.
Then the part where Eric Draven is involved blew up, because he-who-calls-himself-Anansi spotted me one day and went, “Girl, what the hell?! You smell like death! What did you do?!”
And I’m like “…Yeahhhhhh, that was technically Eric. I don’t know if it’s BAD, but he brought the Crow around and the crow is now calling himself Meylupa, so that’s SOMETHING.”
So Loki said to me, “Okay-okay-okay, let’s not panic. Quick lesson, Cyborg: Dead spirits in general are not ‘bad’ or ‘misplaced’ among the living. They’re everywhere. It’s not even bad to ask them for stuff, because people do that with their ancestors all the time. The trouble is when you start crossing the streams like this.”
Yet again, I told him to stop complaining about the questionable shit I’m doing because I’m desperate. If everyone feeeeeeeeels so bad about how dead my life is, and how I have slept with a dead guy in the hopes that something will actually work this time, then maybe someone could change my life for the better, so I don’t have to keep doing that.
Annnnnnnnnd that went badly because Meylupa wouldn’t leave, and that means I kept screaming and getting increasingly “feral.” Lola Buwaya came and ripped one of his fucking wings off, so then he had to just walk away.
It grew back after a week, and there was surprisingly little blood for a room-sized crow losing a limb, but like when the Water-Spirit got his back broken, that shit is not fun to see.
So yeah, other spirits STILL don’t know where the hell most of the anito are.
Maybe this is just a spiritual version of “Filipinos SAY they love artists, but only the ones who are already famous, and preferably the ones who are also mestizo. Their friends and relatives who are NOT conventionally attractive and have to GET support? They’re ignored or told to get a ‘real/backup’ job.”
I may start seeing the NON-WILDERNESS anito (you know, the ones who deal with art and wealth) after I’ve already gotten famous/rich without them.
I don’t know.
Currently I’m just writing my various stories and trying to draft a message/email to my prof that DOESN’T sound too desperate.
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shewhotellsstories · 3 years
i really dont wanna annoy you but you post about racism in fandom sometimes so i thought you'd be the right person to ask. i hope this doesnt come off as expecting u to be my teacher. yesterday someone said they didnt trust white zk shippers and i thought it was mean but then people started sending the them all these nasty messages and i started to worry maybe op was right. honestly a lot of this stuff is pretty new for me. i think our fandom is inclusive & unlike the rest of the atla fandom we actually like katara. but i'm trying to learn.
why would it be a problem that a lot of zk fics have katara looking after zuko? i always just felt like he needed it more bc he was abused and kataras better at dealing with feelings and she's good at taking care of people. is fire lady katara still ok? is there racism in our fandom? there are a lot of woc zks and i've seen them get hate for it. but the messages op got were pretty bad too. i know i'm asking a lot of questions i just hate the thinking that we might be as bad as the z*kka stans have been saying all year.
This is gonna get long so I’m just gonna jump right in. When I listened to fansplaining’s episode on fandom racism one of the guests said white fans who can acknowledge that fandom racism exists tend to frame it as “just a few bad apples” and get caught up in worrying about not looking like a “bad apple” instead of making fandoms spaces that aren’t hostile for BIPOC. Jag offs hiding behind anon to tell women of color who ship zutara that we have a creepy fetish for imperialism and colonialism suck, but your biggest concern really shouldn’t be the optics or if you can claim superiority over zukka stans.
Yeah the “katara’s a homophobe” nonsense didn’t come from our end of the fandom, but it feels naive at best or dishonest at worst to act like the zutara fandom is uniquely immune to fandom racism. A creator I follow made the excellent point that allyship conditional upon if a poc talks "nicely" about racism is still white supremacy. I believe poc need to be allowed to vent and be salty or angry without being tone-policed. I definitely have my days where I’m like “ugh white people,” or "why must white fans be like this," so I get where the OP was coming from. Ironically the folks that sent them anon hate proved their point. You can always count on hit dogs to hollar.
Fandom is only escapist for some people. It doesn’t exist in a vacuum so you’ll find racism in fandom because there’s racism in the world. Navigating that gets exhausting. There are certain things I enjoy, but for the sake of my sanity I'll only talk about it with friends in real life or only follow fans of color. Before I follow white fans I need to see first that they’re not the kind of person who inspires posts about fandom racism. A good friend of mine loves Star Wars, Kpop, and gaming but after years of attempts at calling in she decided that she’d only interact with woc in those spaces. Again, you get tired.
ATLA wasn’t on my radar until last year so I definitely haven’t read every zutara fic out there but I have noticed a lot of fics do tend to have Katara being the one comforting and supporting Zuko. It’s not inherently wrong of course, it’s just in the grand scheme of things in fiction woc are often cast as eternal caretakers and confidants in fiction:
“How characters of color are portrayed in fanworks, especially fanfiction, is worse than the actual films. They are portrayed as supportive, almost invisible understudies. Any characteristics which they possess in the [MCU] films are stripped and given to other white characters. It is not only erasure. It’s a theft of identity.
Characters of color are positioned within storylines to support the main, white characters. Even within the slash biracial pairings, the character of color is underdeveloped and in a position of servitude within the relationship.”
TheNavyLanguage, Fansplaining
As the quote above points out this honestly happens in a lot of fandoms. I’ve read fanfic for books, movies, tv shows, and comics and I can’t help but notice that in fics the writers often have the non-white character or-- if neither character is white--the darker skinned character being the care-taker, the bodyguard, or the person who is performing all the emotional labor. It’s not inherently wrong to have a character of color have a nurturing personality, you just have to remember that since Black and brown folks have been saddled with narrative after narrative where we exist to serve leaning into dynamics where the non-white or darker skinned character is providing all the emotional support and getting very little in return has some unfortunate implications.
It’s not better if instead of being defined as the avatar’s girl, Katara’s the fire lord’s girl. Part of the appeal of zutara for me is the idea that Katara could lay down some of her burdens and get some much needed support. I always imagine she’d have some major issues after the war.
"i always just felt like he needed it more bc he was abused and kataras better at dealing with feelings and she's good at taking care of people."
I’m going to push back against that statement. Yes, Katara didn't grow up in an abusive household but she has pain and trauma of her own. In fact I’d argue that her believing it’s her job to take care of everyone is rooted in her trauma. Katara needs support and care just as much as anyone else does.
Having read a lot of fics revolving around abuse victims in different fandoms I’ve observed that if fans feel a character’s trauma wasn’t properly addressed in canon, they’ll give them a lot of TLC in fics. But again, reducing the non-white or darker-skinned character to a glorified therapist has some implications.
I feel like the Fire Lady Katara headcanon's been talked to death so long-story short, it’s not inherently racist but it can problematic if it's not clear that Katara is Katara of the Water Tribe wherever she lives. Fics and art where her crown has a crescent moon, she wears blue, or Zuko wears blue when she's in red are the executions I'm fondest of.
When in doubt just listen when poc talk about uncomfortable trends in the fandom. Give fansplaining’s episodes on fandom racism a listen here, here, and here. And very loosely quoting my favorite professor just remember that if a marginalized person says they’re distrustful of a group of people or institution it usually happens after a lot of bad experiences. Don’t center your own comfort and hurt feelings.
“If we truly believe in fandom’s progressive credentials, then perhaps it is necessary for us to listen to critiques that make us uncomfortable rather than those that keep arguing that the status quo is perfectly acceptable—even as there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Perhaps then we will be able to come at these, yes, these very complex and nuanced discussions with the type of openness and good faith that is required for them to succeed, rather than approaching them with hostility.”
-Rukmini Pande, Fansplaining
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mha-princess · 4 years
Let’s Play Ball
[Bakugou x Fem! Reader]
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Masterlist | Request Rules | Request Box
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Genre: 18+ | College AU | Oneshot | crack
A/N: before you all ask yes Bakugousquad has to be friends in all of my fanfics i litterally can not help it also I am very upset that I’ve been slacking on writing but I still hope you enjoy ⁍̴̆◡⁍̴̆ )⊃♡- Anako
Warnings: unprotected sex, breeding, explicit language
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: a bakugou x reader college au where katsuki is new to the school and the football team, and he develops a little crush on his football captains sister. Who is definitely OFF limits.
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“I just don't know where we can find another quarterback before the playoff game! Kaminari you idiot!” Akawa cursed, throwing a pillow at the injured male.
“Hey man, if you wouldn’t of overworked me at practice we wouldn’t be in this predicament. Kaminari said sending the pillow right back at your brother, who catches it easily.
“Plus I told you Kirishima has a friend who's transferring here soon. matter of fact he'll be here monday so you don't need to worry, I promise he's good enough to take my place for now .”
“He's good enough to take your place, but is he good enough to take us to the championships.’ Akawa beckons, you roll your eyes at their bickering.
“Football this and football that. Stop worrying so much It's not that serious.” Akawa and Kaminari scoff at you in unison.
“We’re going to bring this college a trophy. Its my duty as captain to make sure of it.” Akawa brings fist to his chest as if he were swearing to an oath and Kaminari follows in the same motion.
“Both of you. Leave. “ You shake your head as you open the front door. Kaminari reaches for his crutches as your brother grabs their bags.
“Don't you feel bad kicking out a cripple?” Kaminari questions, limping past you.
“Yeah! Don't you also feel bad kicking me out too!? I’m your brother!” Your sigh and shove them out the door.
“I know I tried to get away from you, but out of all the scholarship offers you had you decided to pick the college I wanted to go.” Your bother stops in the doorway.
“You know I have to keep an eye on my little sister. I gotta protect you from these racid guys.” Kaminari laughs at your brother’s teasing as you force him out of the doorway.
“Goodnight.” You say, slamming the door in their faces.
“Now class I know this isn’t a high school course, but we have a new student today and I would all like for you to greet him formally and treat him with the same respect you give your peers.” Your administrator announces.
You elbow Kaminari, “She talking about Kirishima’s friend, right?”
Kaminari shrugs, eyes glued to his phone screen. You then snatch his phone from his hands.
“Y/N! There was only nine people left.” He whines reaching for his phone. You hold the phone far out of his reach.
“You know if your brother wasn’t a psycho I would’ve been accused you of liking me. Seeing how much you pick on me.” Your mouth drops in offense.
“Me ? Like you? Could never.” You roll your eyes giving him his phone back and before he can express how you had just hurt his feelings the door to your classroom opens.
“Ah, Mr. Bakugou, it’s nice to have a transfer from such a prestigious school.” Your administrator walks over and firmly shakes the boys hand.
You take a moment to take in the the male’s appearance. His uniform is disheveled, his ash blonde hair is unruly, his bangs are choppy, and his shirt is unbuttoned revealing his collar bones. He didn’t look like he was from a prestigious school. But even though his presentation could use some work his overall appearance wasn’t bad, he was clearly the athletic type.
“There’s a vacant seat next to Mrs. Y/N, so if you would seat yourself so I could get started.” The administrator gestures to the desk and the boy takes his seat.
After that the rest of the class went by as usual. Kaminari asked stupid questions and you struggled to stay awake during the lecture. Once the professor dismissed you all, you pack quickly up, but your stay was prolonged due to the injured Kaminari.
“Welp off to sit on the bench at practice.” Kaminari sighs grabbing his crutches. You try not to laugh, grabbing his backpack.
“I can take it.” Your turn to see that Bakugou hadn’t left, “I don’t know where the field is anyway.” You and Kaminari turn to eachother, but say nothing.
“I got something on my face or something? The hell you too lookin’ like that for?” You snap out of your confusion.
“Nothing it’s just your nothing like how Ejiro described.” You say letting him take Kaminari’s bag.
“Huh? What did that bastard say about me?” The blonde questions.
“He said your an ass-.”Kaminari starts, but you cut off his oxygen with a quick punch to the chest.
“He said your an amazing person.” Bakugou scoffs.
“Whatever, just show me where the field is.”
“It’s so hot out here.” Kaminari whines from the bench.
“Maybe it’s because your not playing.” Kirishima teases sitting on the turf, poking at the cast around Kaminari’s injured ankle.
Bakugou and Akawa approach taking a seat next to Kirishima.
“Well look who it is! My replacement!” Kaminari exclaims with fake enthusiasm.
“More like permanent replacement.” Bakugou sneers as he watches Kaminari’s face fill with panic.
“Akawa, you bastard! You gave my spot away?!” The yellow haired boy yells in a questioning manner, throwing a crutch at the captain.
“Easy! For now your still our primary quarterback! But if Bakugou wants to challenge you for your spot, I’ll allow it.” Kaminari picks up another crutch, but Akawa is too fast and darts down the field before he can throw it.
“You’ve been here one day and I’m already getting booted.” Kaminari sighs.
“I’m an asshole, but not that big of an asshole. I’d just wait to take your spot next year. It’s almost the end of the season anyway.” Bakugou responds shrugging.
Kaminari raises a crutch but Kirishima stops him, “It’s too hot to be beat to death by a man with a broken ankle don’t you think?”
Kaminari huffs, sliding down the bench.
“I have so much homework. I shouldn’t be here.” The yellow haired boy groaned at the thought of having to use his brain.
“Just get Y/N to help you after practice.” Kirishima says, taking a sip of water.
“Y/N definitely tired of me. She’s been carrying my stuff all day I’d rather not bother her anymore.”
“Who the hell is Y/N?” Bakugou questions, taking the water bottle away from Kirishima and finishing the remaining amount of liquid.
“Y/N? You took my bags from her earlier.” Bakugou nods in understanding. “She was hot.”
Kirishima and Kaminari turn to eachother, an all too fearful glint in their eyes.
“What are you fucks looking like that for?” Bakugou furrows his brows.
“Bro Y/N is like the most hands off girl in this school. Akawa will kill you and us for even talking about his sister like that. As long as Akawa’s her brother your not getting even a little close.” Kirishima explains.
“Plus we wouldn’t let you use her like that.” Bakugou glares at Kaminari.
“You fucking dunce, I might be an asshole, but I wouldn’t use a girl like that. She’d be my girlfriend before I ever tried anything.”
“That’s nice to her coming from you that is .” Kirishima sighs in relief. Bakugou raises his hand to hit Kirishima but he maneuvers out of the way.
“Seriously man its good that you think that way! But good luck getting past Akawa, your gonna need it.”
To be frank, he didn’t need it. Well no let me rephrase you too just hadn’t got caught. After that day at the field Bakugou began to grow more talkative and more open. After a month he was no longer that transfer student, he was your friend.
After few more he was your boyfriend and suprisingly Akawa remained unaware. It’s was hard but you had to admit it was fun. From sneaking kisses in during and between classes to you occasionally stealing him and taking him back to your dorm for some alone time.
But to be honest it’s was growing tiring. Eventhough the adrenaline of being caught was a nice rush, but the more serious you and Bakugou grew the more you both wanted the world to know that you were together.
“But Katsuki the problem isn’t I don’t want to tell him! It’s that I can’t tell him, do you not know how mad Akawa will be at me?
“Well we can’t be a damn secret forever. So I think it’s in your best interest to tell him. Or I will.” Katsuki threatens, as he lay lazily on his back sprawled out in your bed eyes glued to his phone screen.
“Katsuki!” You pout grabbing hold of his arm, not feeling shocked when he pulls away.
“Katsukiiiii.” You whine throwing a leg over his body to straddle his waist. He doesn’t acknowledge you, rather he just keeps looking at his phone.
Feeling aggravated with his silence you lean down and press a kiss in between his neck and his shoulder blade. He pays you no mind. You then let your hand travel down his chest and to the waist band of his pants, causing him to briefly look away from his phone.
“Don’t.” You take your lip in between your teeth.
“You know that’s only makes me want to do it more.” You say letting fingers enter the waistband.
Slowly, you let your fingers trail over his pelvis. He tenses up but still continues to pay you no attention. As your fingers slide down further you take his length into your hand.
“Katsuki.” You whisper in his ear.
“Dammit Y/N stop it.” His breath hitched as you began stroking up and down his shaft. “Your not getting out of this.”
“Mhm.” You respond continuing to trail kisses all down his neck and to his chest, stopping when you reach his underwear.
“Katsukiiii.” You tease. Finally he adverts his attention to you. “Can I?”
He says nothing, instead he lifts up his hips so you can pull his pants down.
“I knew you wouldn’t say no.”
“Shut the hell up.” He mumbles, finally discarding his phone to watch you.
Your mouth falls open has you take his erect member into your mouth taking him as far into your cavern as possible, and taking what you couldn’t throat into your hands.
Bakugou exhales deeply as you swirl your tongue around his firmness. You moan around the thick cock filling your mouth. You could taste the salty taste of precum leak on to your tongue as you continue to bob your head and twist your wrist . A river of saliva beginning to pool over your hand.
Soon enough Bakugou is no longer composed. His hands find there way to your hair as he begins to buck his hips in a sharp motion.
“I-I’m gonna f-fuck.” He groans, not giving your throat a rest as he continues to fuck your mouth. Moaning against his cock only encouraged, him to thrust harder. Your hand eventually lost its purpose as his cock was buried deep in your throat, causing you to gag relentlessly.
Your eyes fluttered up to his face, which was tense from his upcoming release. His lips parted slightly as he let his cum pour down your throat.
Slowly, you let the blondes cock fall from your mouth, a line of spit dribbling down your chin.
“Shit Katsuki, your still hard.” You say eyeing the males hard on as you slip off your pants and underwear.
“I wanna ride it.” You move back up to straddle his waist, your pussy aching from arousal of the blowjob you had just given. Desperately you take two fingers and rub them against your dripping cunt.
“Then fucking ride.” Bakugou groans at your actions, unable to deny you. You smirk as you take hold of his length and position it at your entrance. Cautiously, you let him fill your insides. His cock dragging so good against your walls.
“Shit Katsuki.” You moan, placing your hands on his chest for more stability. He sighs as you begin to rock back and forth on his cock. The rocking eventually turning into steady bouncing, Katsuki’s hands finding your hips.
“You fuck me, so good.” He grunts, allowing his hips to fall into rhythm with your bouncing. The lewd sound of slapping and simultaneous moans fill the atmosphere. A familiar warmth building in the pit of stomach.
“I’m g-gonna cum on your c-cock.” You feel him twitch against our walls as his grip on your hips tighten. His hips thrusting up erratically, chasing his own release. The sudden change in speed hitting something deep inside of you.
“R-right there Katsuki. Right there. Feels so good.” You whimper, losing all rythmn as he hits that spot deep inside you. After a few more moments of abusing you pussy, you cum your walls clamping tightly around his cock.
“If you don’t move I’ll cum inside.” He groans, but doesn’t stop. You slump over on his chest as he continues to fuck you into overstimulation.
“Fuck, cum inside.” You breathe heavily against his ear. Your boyfriend’s cock twitches desperately inside you as he nears his release. You let your teeth sink into his shoulder as he pumps his load into your pussy.
After coming down from your high you roll off of Katsuki and pull the covers over you both.
“I’m going to tell him, just give me a bit more time ok.” You say, resting your head in the crook of his neck. Bakugou then runs his hands through your hair and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“I was just being an ass, take your time. I’m fine with waiting to be with someone I love.”
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writcraft · 3 years
Hello! How would compare and contrast Snarry vs Drarry? Since you have (beautifully!) written both, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the dynamics of these two ships. Thank you!
Hello Anon, thank you for this lovely message and what a topic!
I have set out below the cut why I think the dynamics differ but also some of the similarities and it got very, very long. Yikes.
Draco is privileged, from a wealthy, pureblood, old wizarding family and immersed in magic from childhood. He's the kind of popular where he has his crew and doesn't really care if the Gryffindors don't like him, he is athletic and bright and he is described in a way that suggests he is attractive. Up until the point things really start to go wrong for Draco, he leads a relatively charmed life. He is a product of his upbringing, of his upper class status, he experiences a childhood where he is spoiled, loved and doted on, albeit he appears to be subject to high expectations of academic excellence and sporting prowess. With his friends he appears to be something of the ringleader and generally liked. He gravitates towards Voldemort because it's really all he's known, he's born into it. At first it seems Draco's views are driven by his desire to protect the things he values (wealth, status, power) and the privilege he has become accustomed to and, in the end, he sticks around primarily out of fear and self preservation. Draco exhibits moments of cowardice.
Severus has an entirely different upbringing. He is working class, has a tense relationship with his parents, he is disliked and bullied at school which leaves him isolated, he gravitates towards solitary intellectual pursuits and he is described in a way that suggests he is supposed to be unattractive (although this reader would argue he has a certain magnetic charge). Lily aside, his relationships as a child seem to be shaped by a fascination with the power that comes with wealth and elitism, something he has never experienced. Sirius describes him as Lucius Malfoy's 'lap dog' and it is telling that Lucius is much older, a Prefect when Severus starts Hogwarts. He is radicalised in a way and gravitates towards Voldemort through a greedy hunger for power, a desire for revenge and a desperate desire to change his lot in life. He stays because, well, we all know why he stays. Severus is brave but grudgingly, acerbically so. The deepest insult he confronts is being called a coward by Harry.
Aside from the differences in their characters, the way Harry encounters Severus and Draco is completely different. When we meet Severus in canon, he is bitter, angry, jealous, grieving and indebted to Dumbledore. He is also in a position of power as Harry's professor. When we meet Draco, he is Harry's peer but he is also full of himself, an arrogant little shit who thinks the world is his for the taking and he thinks very little of Dumbledore, because father says...
This shapes Harry's encounters with them both. Severus approaches Harry with animosity, venom and a legacy of hurt that Harry doesn't yet understand. Severus places no weight on Harry's celebrity, he actively resents and despises it. Draco, by contrast, values Harry's celebrity initially. He wants to be friends with the wizarding world's brightest star and the animosity that follows between them flows directly from the sting of Harry's initial rejection.
Severus wilfully misunderstands Harry. He draws connections between Harry and James based solely on their striking physical similarities and (incorrectly) ascribes the characteristics of James to Harry. He is tasked with protecting Harry but he does so always through gritted teeth. The curse of Severus Snape is to spend his life protecting someone who represents everything he despised as a child and yet the only person who can give a dying man that last connection to his one true friend.
Draco sees Harry more clearly but his perspective is shaped by jealousy and the sting of that first encounter, which leads him to make fun of Harry's circumstances and the people he associates himself with. He doesn't misunderstand Harry in the way Severus does, but he also doesn't know him fully.
The magic that connects Harry, Draco and Severus is fascinating. Harry famously uses Sectumsempra on Draco without knowing what impact it will have. He then intentionally uses the same spell on Severus (unsuccessfully) knowing exactly the damage it will do. Not only does the use of the spell in both instances show us a darker side to Harry, but the spell was also created by Severus and he is the one that helps Draco after the spell has been cast. I could write an essay on the links this spell creates between those three characters.
Expelliarmus is another one. Severus teaches Harry this spell and in doing so, equips him with his most powerful tool in the fight against Voldemort. Harry disarms Draco of his wand and the implications of that in terms of the final battle are intrinsically connected to the 'signature move' of Harry's in battle, which is all about gaining possession of the wand of the attacker as opposed to trying to target the attacker themselves.
Avada Kedavra is also something that binds the three of them. Harry witnesses Draco failing to cast the Killing Curse, and simultaneously witnesses Severus easily casting it. This also is part of the broader relationship Harry, Draco and Severus have to Dumbledore. Harry and Severus are willing pawns in the master plan but neither are fully equipped with all the information they need. Draco ends up unwittingly being part of the plan but he is never a soldier of Dumbledore's Army in the way Harry explicitly is and Severus, with a gnashing of his teeth, also is.
Finally, one of the important similarities between Severus and Draco is they are both skilled Occlumens, something Harry is notoriously rubbish at. This skill suggests both are better able to bury and compartmentalise their emotions whereas Harry is unable to do so with any success and this plays into the fact that in both ships, Harry is likely to be the more demonstrative, wearing his heart on his sleeve in a way both Draco and Severus can better disguise/suppress.
With all of the above the dynamics between Drarry and Snarry will always have a different slant, even if Harry himself is essentially the same. By way of sweeping overstatement, Snarry tends to skew darker and heavier because there is much more to overcome, but by contrast Severus has also spent his 'canon' years protecting Harry which creates this bitter 'Guardian Angel' type dynamic that, if you ship it, can be intensely romantic when they encounter one another again as adults.
The age difference lends itself to different dynamics too. Harry and Draco have that potential for young, dumb and in love, working things out, exploring, eighth year and spin the bottle sort of stuff that Snarry doesn't really have in the same way. It feels more natural that Harry and Draco would encounter one another as peers from the same year group, so part of the battle with Snarry is working out how Harry and Severus end up in the same spaces together in adulthood (Snape's canon death being a pesky inconvenience). The age difference raises another important difference in dynamic too, when it comes to the experience of Severus and Draco as gay or bisexual men, if you apply Muggle attitudes to same-sex relationships that have shifted over time.
The age difference is also relevant because there is a capacity for Draco to change his ways as he grows up, but Severus has already long changed his political beliefs and we know Severus as an adult in canon. That's not to say adults can't change their beliefs of course, but because his adult character exhibits moments of real cruelty you have a challenge around how this irascible, often mean, sharp-tongued character can give Harry what he yearns for when it comes to affection, love, family, security and so on.
There are hurdles to overcome with both ships and although the core 'enemies to lovers' starting point may create a similar overarching dynamic, the roots of those hurdles, the scale of them and the ways and ease with which they get resolved will differ because ultimately Draco and Severus are very different characters with quite polarised life experiences. They have some similarities, Occlumency aside, such as fostering beliefs during childhood they reject around the same time in their lives, albeit for very different reasons. Both are Slytherins who, their magical skills would suggest, are capable of pushing their emotions down in a way Harry can't, when everything for him is raw, on the surface, now, even though they both also unleash their emotions at various points. They are both prone to dramatics, to anger, to pettiness, to humour and in many respects, Harry is prone to those things too. In general though, I believe Draco and Severus would approach a relationship with Harry quite differently.
I don't think there's any one easy way to pinpoint the different dynamics in general because there is a huge variety of ways these three can be presented in fanfic, with its own plot, worldbuilding, external factors and so on. There are so many different directions you could go in with Snarry and Drarry so I'm only speaking from some of the things that strike me not only about the Severus/Harry and Draco/Harry connections/potential hurdles but also about the links between the three of them. Ultimately I think there is opportunity for deep connection, discovery, levity, passion and of course, delicious angst and UST with both ships, but they tend to manifest a little differently for all the reasons outlines about.
There's so much more I can say, but I'll leave it there. Thank you, Anon!
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hufflautia · 4 years
Different Love Languages
✨COMMENTS+REBLOGS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED✨  They motivate me and make me supes happy, so please pretty please reblog and/or comment!! It doesnt even have to be a coherent comment, keysmash if you must! ok fanks go read now and enjoy <3
Summary: Hufflepuff is the type of person to express her love verbally but Slytherin is different; he hardly says “I love you” and Hufflepuff worries that maybe it’s because he doesn’t love her as much as she loves him. Our darling puff will realize that this is simply not the case. People just have different love languages. 
Hufflepuff loved Slytherin. She really did. In fact, she reminded him frequently. 
“I love you,” she chortled during breakfast when Slytherin had cast a spell to make the bacon strips float around in a dancing manner so that she would cheer up after reading depressing news from the Daily Prophet. Another time, she cooed the term of endearment as he held her tightly in his arms, swaying to the sound of music in the background. 
The thing was that Slytherin rarely said “I love you” in the entirety of their relationship. Instead of saying it back to her, he often replied by cupping her cheeks tenderly and leaning in for another kiss. Other times, he responded with a loving smile, his eyes glowing with warmth and infatuation.
It’s not that Hufflepuff thought Slytherin didn’t love her. She could definitely see it in the way that he looked at her, in those stolen glances when he thought she wasn’t looking. She could feel it when he held her close at night, his arms wrapped protectively around her. 
However, a part of her- the small shadow of doubt within her heart that told her that Slytherin didn’t care for her as much as she did for him- just wished for some kind of affirmation, a clear signal that said, “I love you.” 
One day, Hufflepuff and Slytherin sat side by side in Potions class, listening to Professor Slughorn drone on and on about Felix Felicis. She was absentmindedly staring at the board when Slytherin slid his notes in front of her so that she could see the doodle he drew on the side of his paper. 
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*Credit: Beastflaps*  
Hufflepuff bit her lip to suppress a laugh and squeezed his hand 3 times.  
Unfamiliar with the motion, Slytherin asked what the squeezes meant.
“It means I love you,” she whispered. Her voice was soft so that Professor Slughorn didn’t overhear their conversation.  
Nevertheless, Slytherin heard every word. A smile tugged at his lips and he immediately squeezed it back. He didn’t just stop there; he repeated the gesture about 6 times- and Potions class hadn’t even ended yet. 
From that day forward, Slytherin constantly told her I love you. Sometimes he squeezed her hand randomly- before he left for Quidditch practice, during breakfast when she passed him a plate of toast, and after he walked her back to the dormitory. 
Aside from that, he would occasionally tap out the gesture with his finger. 
Tap tap tap. 
Hufflepuff looked up from her book and made eye contact with Slytherin from across the room. She knew what it meant. She always did. 
Slytherin said I love you all the time now, more often than Hufflepuff’s verbal “I love you”. 
She realized that he had a different love language from her, and that was ok. It was the love itself that mattered. 
On their wedding day, as the officiant performed the ceremony, Hufflepuff looked up at Slytherin with adoration. “I love you,” she whispered. 
He smiled warmly at her and squeezed her hand four times. 
I love you too. 
Based on a true story! If you can’t see the link that I attached, here it is: 
MASTERLIST ~(˘▾˘~) (click my profile to see the pinned post, aka my masterlist, if you cant see the link) 
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Author’s note: YAYAY HI!!! DID YOU LIKE THAT?? 
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probably yall @ me rn lmaoaoao
You might be wondering why i wrote this one-shot. There was no special occasion this time, I just got a bonk of inspiration one day. also i felt bad for reblogging my ice skating oneshot so much (i did it to respond to other peoples reblogs) and i sent an ask to my favorite fanfic writer, asking her about what happens if i reblog my own work and if it pushes my fanfic up the algorithm, and she answered my question but also said that she usually deletes her reblogs bc her followers would probably get annoyed if they kept seeing the same work over and over again. i felt bad bc i had just done that, and i didnt want yall to constantly see the same fanfic all the time, so i wanted to give u something new. also i was thinking back on that person who said that my writing was sporadic (they werent trying to be mean). Sporadic basically means spaced out and occuring at different intervals. i felt bad bc my writing is definitely spread out by one month for some reason. im not sure what this means for next month bc i never write 2 fanfics in one month. does this mean that i wont write a fanfic for november? hopefully not. ok that sounds sad, im sure it doesnt but who knows bc the college process thingies is killing me 
I wrote out the general details of the story at 1 am one night when i was trying to sleep lmaoao heres a screenshot: 
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This is basically how I write for most of my fanfics at first, it consists of the general info along with some specific details.
At first, the one-shot was gonna be a drabble (aka a story that’s only 100 words long) but when I finished writing it, I went to wordcounter to check the number of words and it was 500! i was like oop ok im just gonna call it a oneshot then. i wrote part of the story on sunday morning and then i went to exercise in the park with my sister. afterwards, i wanted to keep working on it but then i became swamped with college stuff so i stopped. i started writing again today (its monday, but im posting it on tuesday, aka today for you- or maybe not if ur not reading this on the day that i posted it) and i surprisingly finished- but that was probably a bad idea to be writing the oneshot during this week because i have a lot of exams, but lets look at the bright side, i finished the story!
I didn’t think of the idea completely on my own. I actually read the reddit story (found it in a thread on insta) a few years ago, and I don’t know why but I was thinking about it that night and I decided to make a one-shot out of it! Isn’t it such a sweet story (the actual story, not this)?? It would be kinda nice if I reached out to the person and said, hey i wrote a story based on you and ur husband! 
Anyways, I just made a meme: 
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i didnt actually get up, i just opened the notes app on my phone in the dark and wrote the details down. 
this isn’t related but i made a meme about the ice skating oneshot:
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I’m gonna cut the authors note short (i usually write a lot. its funny when u go back and see my authors note in chapter 1 of the slytherpuff series, bc its so so short. wowza, times have rlly changed!) bc i think i have at least 2 exams tomorrow. this is gonna be me when i post this one-shot in the morning: 
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bc i have to wake up early and i am most definitely not a morning person:/ OH GOD OK I HAVE TO STUDY NOW- 
Love you all, thank you for reading! TOODELOOOOOOO
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@mttviolet @wordowords @foxieberry @prince-of-thedarkness @wwebeckyfan @sunshinyyb @kindawannadietbh @ajdqueen  @boilyourteeth @mouthfacereborn @idrawandthatsaboutit  @trentalexanders @i-love-books-and-kpop @skylee-skz @turbulentbluebird5 @there-is-no-punch-line @nowheredreamer @vulnerabilizaste @i-cannot-do-aesthetics @i-miukimiuki @https28 @accio-dopamine @jewish-lesbo119 @pinqgchuu @hmilkwhoney @kaffiny72 @bojelina @fixstationed @bibearwannabe @chasingjacksonpotter @nikkijovanic  @neonuzumaki @slytherbullshit @kendall-engel @stressy-depressy @acciocrzychick @flower-child-bitch @strawberrypanda99  @n3rdywu1f @ihavenocontrolofmylifeeither  @zuko28 @tarot6467 @firewhisky-kisses @hufflepuffgirly @slytherpuffbaby @misssunflowersandsangria @velvetstrawberry @the-darling-badger @cottagecoreslytherin  @jpow345 @jess-harrywars @sirenofthe7seas @unknownbitchsthings @ganjeolhiddaeng @pinksmol @evolnura @pink1babez @hufflepuffwritess @simpforkpop @auburn-rachel @johannamariemst @deathandblue @blazeuzu23 @iamahufflepuff @ana-bolism97 @joyfulcollectordreamlandme-blog @happy-puff @toomanybandstocare @megand2017 @inkedintothepaper @natyukie-blog @tonythestank @plantelacasiopea @poony-madfoot @paradoxglacier @emmaa-t @truly-insatiable @pancakelover @lauxtbs @verifiefangirl-mainblog @i-have-a-bad-feeling @accio-incorrect-quotes @lacuna-bumble @lady-snow-white1 @schlongbottom @colettedelaurel @rayanicaraynbow @duskmemo @sweetinvisiblewriter @galaxythreads  @xi-fan @lucia5 @thesarahcat @poojxshxh @coldsweetharmony  @chunwest @absentmindeduniverse @wornoutexcuses @ki-kaii @bohemian-oddity @princessstoopid @uhhhem @lewispoolerpayton @swagangelhorsepickle @starrysonic @malfoys-demigod @incorrigible-romantic @sleepdeprivedgurl @dont-hyuck @badb0y-malf0y @thatonebislytherin  @1d-killed-me @kaslec  @kodeinekissss @uwuplsh  @worldsbestdilfbecky @lupins-cardigan @zuzxbby @harrypotterimagines @oliverwoodsismybf @seviravir @much-cute-dolls-uwu @sara-is-boredd @sakura96bella @autumnpleaves @bloodyxheaven  @gay-disaster826 @xxkitsurikaxx @light-in-mygalaxy @in-love-with-remus-lupin @xo-angel-ox @selenapotter-blog @wolfpack-arts-industries99 
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pellucidity-is-me · 3 years
McGonagall vs. First-Year Werewolf
Summary: Professor McGonagall’s mother had been a proud wizard, and she’d heard countless horror stories of werewolves growing up. Now a werewolf student—Remus Lupin—is attending her classes, and she’s not exactly sure what to do with herself. So she and Remus are going to have a Chat: perhaps, with a little creativity, they can work things out before they become too problematic.
Wordcount: 1310
Remus Lupin was in the Hospital Wing, and he was bored.
Over the course of the day, he’d finished all of his homework (including the essays that weren't due for weeks). He read the entire book that Madam Pomfrey had picked out for him. He finished Ancient Greek Roots in Common Spells. He gave his pet toad, Bufo, another bath (some water spilled on the bedsheets, which seemed to annoy Madam Pomfrey, but she didn't say anything about it), and he learned four new hexes.
That evening, he woke up from his nap to Madam Pomfrey softly opening the door. "Are you awake?" she whispered.
"Am now." Remus felt groggy, and he rubbed his eyes.
"I'm sorry to wake you..."
"It's all right. I'll make up for lost time tonight. Besides, I napped all day yesterday." Remus yawned, even though it hurt his jaw to do so. "Did you know that Professor McGonagall is here to see you? She's out in the main ward."
"She's here to see you, actually."
"Me? No, that can't be right. I don't think she likes me much."
"Remus! She likes you just fine. Will you talk to her?"
Well, that was an unexpected turn of events. McGonagall? Here? To talk to Remus? And it was even more surprising that Madam Pomfrey had claimed that McGonagall liked him just fine. Was Madam Pomfrey simply being kind, or perhaps McGonagall really did...? No, that would be ridiculous. Of course McGonagall didn't like Remus; Remus could tell. He yawned once more and then sat up with some difficulty (Madam Pomfrey made a motion as if to help, but Remus shooed her away). "Yes, of course," he said.
Madam Pomfrey went to fetch Professor McGonagall. Remus waited patiently. Two minutes later, a cat stalked into the room.
"Er." said Remus eloquently.
The cat morphed into a human, and Remus winced at the familiarity of shifting bones and limbs. Since there were no screams of anguish and it was relatively quick, he figured that this was the "light magic" type of Transfiguration that McGonagall had talked about.
"An Animagus?" he mused, and McGonagall nodded. "You were different. You weren't you at all."
"What do you mean, Mr. Lupin?"
Remus colored slightly. "Sense of smell. Werewolf. It’s how I knew that you were waiting to see me in the main ward. And... the cat... wasn't... like you. It was a cat. An actual cat. That's interesting."
"Hrm. Well, I was hoping to see you before talking to you. I was hoping that you wouldn't notice me enter."
"Because you're afraid of me." Remus hadn't meant to say anything of the sort, and he immediately repented. "I'm sorry. It's all right, really."
"You've noticed?" asked McGonagall faintly, sitting down in the chair.
"Well, yeah..." said Remus. This really was uncomfortable. "It was rather obvious. But I don't mind."
"You... don't mind?" McGonagall did not seem as if she wanted to be there at all.
"Goodness, Professor, even I'm afraid of me."
There was a bit of an awkward silence. "I'm very sorry, Lupin,” McGonagall said (a little stiffly, Remus thought, though he couldn’t really tell). “I should have visited you earlier. I'm your Head of House, after all, and my behavior has been unacceptable. I'm trying very hard, but it seems as if I need to try harder."
"No," said Remus, feeling guilty at her discomfort. "No, it's fine. I get it, I really do." McGonagall did not looked convinced, so Remus tried to elaborate. "They're ingrained prejudices... It's not like you made a conscious decision not to like me. If I were to meet a vampire, I'm sure even I would be a bit wary." Remus did not think he would, actually, but it was a white lie. "I was the same way, before. So was my dad. I..." Remus did not think that he should be telling Professor McGonagall this story, but he continued anyway. "I was actually... you know... because of his prejudices..." He stopped and started over. "The fact is, you're trying, and that's all that matters to me. Take as much time as you need. I don't blame you for something that you can't control. That would be... hypocritical, wouldn't it?"
McGonagall seemed taken aback. "Well. That is a very mature mindset, Mr. Lupin. Very mature, indeed."
Remus smiled faintly. Yes, mature. That was him. She should have told that to his father when Remus had put fruit flies in his trousers.
"And I don't dislike you. I think that you are very kind, calm, and overall a very good student. The fact that you happen to be a werewolf is not your doing, nor is it something that should deter me. I won't accept that I 'can't control' it, and I'm going to do my best. That starts here. Now, why couldn't you cast the charm in Transfiguration? Is there any way I can help you?"
"No," said Remus, remembering his failed Transfiguration test. He’d been too nervous, what with McGonagall standing over his shoulder. Remus had been trying so hard not to scare her that he’d been a bit scared himself. "But thank you, Professor."
"Professor Flitwick told me that you're very good at Charms."
"He did?" Remus felt a bit of pride well up in his chest. He wasn't nearly as good at Charms as James and Sirius, but he was doing all right. He was a wizard, after all, and maybe someday (with lots of practice) he'd be a very good one. Who said werewolves weren't good at magic?
"Yes, he did. So what's the problem in my class?"
"I... get nervous."
"Ah." McGonagall tapped her foot three times in a gesture of deep thought. "I see. You've noticed that I'm not comfortable around you, so you're not comfortable around me."
"That's not it," said Remus, although McGonagall was exactly correct. "I'm just not good at Transfiguration."
"You needn't lie to me. I expect you've been hurt very often by those with my... ingrained prejudices."
Remus was silent. McGonagall was correct again. The Ministry, St. Mungo's,  the boys from Durmstrang that had hexed Remus as a boy... All of them had exhibited the exact same behavior around him as McGonagall did. The obvious contempt and the jumpy nature always raised an immediate red flag for Remus. He was just as nervous around the other teachers... Sidus and Sprout, for instance. "I suppose we have the same problem, then," he said quietly.
"I suppose we do. What do you propose we do about it?"
"I'm... not sure, Professor."
"How about a competition?"
Remus blinked. "A what?"
"A competition. Whomever can act normally around the other first shall be declared the winner."
"Those seem like subjective guidelines."
"Well, it's a subjective problem. How about it, Mr. Lupin?" McGonagall extended her hand, and Remus nearly fainted in surprise.
Ten seconds passed, and then Remus slowly took it and shook. McGonagall didn't even flinch. "That's a start," he said.
"It is indeed. That's one point for me. And one for you, I think, though you hesitated significantly. Now, why don't we see if you can redo your test?"
"All right," said Remus, still stunned, and McGonagall conjured a broken plate out of thin air. "Reparo," he said, and the plate instantly mended itself.
"That's another point to you, not to mention a decent grade on your test. I'll have to take a few points off, of course, because you couldn't do it the first time. But this is a perfectly mended plate."
Remus grinned. "Thank you, Professor."
"Thank you, Mr. Lupin. And... I must warn you that I am extremely competitive." McGonagall smiled and left the room, shutting the door softly behind her.
Remus stared at the closed door for a second before falling back onto his pillow and smiling himself to sleep.
He loved Hogwarts.
A scene from my fanfic! Link in blog description if you wanna read the whole thing
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aloera · 3 years
The ask prompt is too long to fit into an ask TT_TT but here's the doc for it docs(.)google(.)com/document/d/1yDI7iFRhOJ8ENv_IwZAo3rDSUqj80EiJROS10RzRbj4/edit
the lengths u are going for this,,, much appreciated you're very sweet!!!
prompts + answers under the cut!!
Name: aloera
AO3 account: aloera
Fandoms you write for: bnha
How many stories have you written so far: 19
What's your favorite fandom to write for? hmm,,, used to do pjo and eah (ever after high) and eah was fun as fuck i will say!!! i think bnha is my fav mostly bc i made the most friends in this fandom :D
What's your favorite character/person to write for? bkg and kirishima!! cannot choose do not make me <3
Fic you'd want to improve? probably what we deserve? i rushed the beginning and the confession is a bit stilted imo
Hardest fic you've written? between lion and men -_- bc there is so much canon compliant stuff i've gotta write out before i get to the divergence and its HARD
Easiest fic you've written? come home to me!!! it happened so easily,,, no second guessing no writers block just vibes <33 was lovely i miss it
What would you say is the most "famous" fic you've ever written? also probably come home to me? its got the most interaction
first line of the first fic you've ever written and published. [not including my 2014 ffnet fics] "The bell rings, class starts, and Katsuki and Midoriya are inexplicably absent." from come home to me
Have you ever done a collab with another writer? yes!!!!! on two separate occasions and its so fucking fun i highly recommend trying it out its the best
Do you beta? if asked but honestly im a shit beta lmao
Do you like joining fic fests/exchanges? depends on what i have going on irl but in general yeah!!
Fluff or angst? definitely fluff
"OCs" or "Reader" inserts? reader inserts!! have been going ham on them recently
Blurbs or drabbles? blurbs!!
One thing you love about fanfiction i just. i really love slice of life romance?? and most media doesn't give you that bc its dedicated to plot and action and that's valid!! but fanfiction fills in the gap which is really nice
One thing you don't like about fanfiction most of the stuff i don't like is less about actual fanfiction and more about how people behave about it
What is/are your favorite fandom author/authors? IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! TURN IT UP!!!
bnha: hiuythn, rae_tnub, Moniix, Ata_Lanta, wrunic, chezka, PurplePersnickety, surveycorpsejean, mahadevi, arxaris, deviance, Oceanbreeze7, MikeWritesThings, bonnia, wonhaebunny, dinosuns
voltron: hiuythn, Oceanbreeze7, DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee, arahir, dinosuns,
and honorable mention to loveclouds im not even in the haikyuu fandom i just love their fics So Much
these are just the ones off the top of my head i have so many favourites idc if i'm only supposed 2 have one!! die mad about it!!!
What is your favorite trope? secret relationship + relationship reveal til the day i die babie <3 <3
Least favorite trope? hm,,, probably just like. angst lmao i cannot stand 90% of it
A fanfiction cliché that you can't help but love? coffeeshop aus,,,, so good
Do you have a type when it comes to pairings? the otp where its like. piece of shit + himbo = love. ex. krbk, catradora, jade/beck
Favorite setting/au? hm,,, truly i cannot pick one KGKSJNHKj but i really like college aus!! and modern aus!! and roommate aus!!
Explain the meaning of your favorite line of dialogue you've written as if someone hasn't read it in context. “He doesn’t know,” Katsuki says, softly. “My timer stopped and nothing happened. He’s not mine.”
the line is from what we deserve!! it's a soulmate au where your timer counts down to the moment that you meet your soulmate!! bakugou's timer ends at USJ when he and kirishima attack kurogiri at the same time (impulsive kings <33) but kirishima's timer doesn't end until kamino because that's when he accepts himself as bakugous soulmate!! unfortunately, when bakugous timer has reached 0, he turned to see that kirishima's was still ticking and therefore believes that kirishima isn't his soulmate.
this line just,, idk. it's really sad. bakugou is such an action-driven character? if something doesn't go his way he Makes it go his way. he's got this insanely volatile quirk and he's got impeccable control of it!! but his love for kirishima isn't something that he can change and he's not going to ruin kirishima's chance of finding his own soulmate because he loves him and wants him to be happy. i really wanted to focus on how resigned he is? and how unusual that is for a character like him.
Favorite trope/genre to write? again, secret relationship with relationship reveals <33 fluff in general is my wheelhouse!!!
A trope/genre you haven't written but think would be a fun challenge? idk if this counts?? have been working on some dead dove concepts!! its super different from what i normally write so its a cool challenge
The one trope/concept you'll never touch and why probably cheating/infidelity?? it just looks,,, super difficult to write well and i don't have enough of an interest in it to try it out
Which do you prefer to write: longer or shorter fics? shorter!! low attention span gang <3
Ideal length to read? 5-10k?
Ideal length to write? 4-8k!!
How long was the longest fic you've ever written? control fraek is around 28k i think?
Have you ever written an AU? yeah!! i've done restaurant au's, soulmate au's, pro hero aus, and fantasy aus (general, not the bnha fantasy ending)
What's your favorite AU trope? hm,, probably when two people in authority are in a secret relationship? ceo's/uni professors/etc etc
Have you ever written smut? yeah!! was. difficult tho
What's your comfort genre? (the one you fall on most in writing/reading) fluff,,, hurt/comfort,,, fix-it fics with happy endings <3
If you were to start writing in other fandoms, which would they be? maybe jjk?? the characters are really cool!!!! fr i might go back to my ever after high roots i love the characters and setting so Much its so fun!!! idec if no ones into it anymore!!!!!
Is there a trope you think you could be easily recognized by in your writing? i've had people say they saw the mention of buff hagakure and recognized it was me so. probably that skdjhnksjd
How would you describe your style? i tend to use shorter sentences and pretty simple words i think? and i gravitate towards lighthearted concepts that allow for ensemble casts and humour!!
Describe your style in three words romcom but fanfic
Favorite words to use when writing? the word reverent!! fuckin love including it!!
Dialogue tags or no dialogue tags? (she said, he said, they said, etc) dialogue tags!!!
Favorite dialogue tag (other than said, if you use them) again idk if this counts but "they said softly" is unmatched
Long sentences vs short vs a mix short <33
What colors would you use to describe your writing? hm,,, depends on the fic i would say?? control fraek is dark green to me?? kinda like a forest at night yk?? scary but there's still life there. sugar cookies is yellow like early morning sunlight, when it rains is yellowy-orange like a caution sign. not gonna list all of them cause theres a lot its just. do u get it? the colours change based on the vibe of the fic.
What song or music genre would you use to describe your writing? think. i am constantly trying to emulate that moment at the end of wasteland baby when hozier goes "im in love/im in love with you."
What kind of metaphors do you rely on? religious metaphors my beloved <33 they're just so pretty!!! i also love comparing stuff to water for some reason?? like that ocean vuong quote thats like "what are you now?/water." it goes hard!!!
What's something you'd say is experimental in your writing at this time? definitely action!! i have,,, no idea how to write it so anything i do is really just me playing around and seeing what works and what doesn't
Do you prefer to write by hand or to type? i've tried both!! personally i prefer typing because it goes way faster but i will say that writing by hand lets me get words down when i'm going through writer's block
What is your preferred place to write (notebook, laptop, cellphone, etc.)? laptop!!
What app/apps do you use to write (word, notepad, etc.)? google docs skjdnkjh its fine on desktop but mobile is,,,,, disgusting
Do you keep a notebook or file/notes page in your phone/device for notes on your writing? ngl i just have everything organized in my drive?? one folder per fandom and then sub folders for ideas+hcs, unfinished wips, and finished fics. multichaps get sub sub folders so i can organize outlines and drafts
Do you listen to music to help you write? yeah!! playlists organized by fic vibe :D
Where do you usually go to write (bedroom, living room, etc.)? mostly in my bedroom??? but moving around to different stops helps too i think!!
How long does it usually take for you to write? again this depends on what i have going on irl, how attached i am to the idea, my mindset at the time, etc!! i am,, the least consistent person skjnhdkjh.
What's your favorite font to use when writing? times new roman my beloved
Other writing habits? sometimes i'll write in the dark?? bad for my eyes but for some reason it gets the words flowing
How do you conceptualize your ideas? (See specific moments like they're a movie, writing specific lines in your head, don't know until you put the words on paper, etc.) i tend to get inspiration from movies, books, poems, or other fics!!! sometimes one line just makes me go oh,, i want to write something like that,,, and then it helps me create an idea that makes me feel the same way?? i did this with control fraek!!!! i wanted a scenario where bakugou was cold and calculating and i was like hm. to do that he’d have to be focusing on something important. and from there i was able to flesh out the rest of the idea.
Which comes first: the pairing or the plot? with krbk its always always the pairing,, i'll be sitting there like wow <33 i love them <33 what if one of them had amnesia <33 (which, yes, wip!!) otherwise it's usually the plot!! and i slot in characters that i feel make sense
Have you ever used a prompt? yeah!! used a prompt for wlw week 2020 and it was fun as hell
Do you write around the story around a specific scene you want to get to or do you start from a plot idea definitely the first!!!! i almost always write like,,, a super messy scene thats 90% dialogue, keep it in my head, and then write the entire fic around that one moment
Do you find that you include a projection of some part of yourself in the way you write a character? a lot of the time when i write love confessions or love in general i'll have one of the characters think or say that the other person makes their head quiet? and it's because that's what i feel whenever i'm in love?? a quiet mind. i project on characters yeah but i think most of the projection actually goes to the way that i write love
Do you research some of the things you write deeply, partially and kind of wing the rest, or play entirely by ear (in this case, go with whatever base knowledge of the subject you have)? most of the time if i do research it'll be about the setting (ex. the izakaya in to have and to hold) or if i'm having the characters interact with an object that they like. need to know how to use (me, in control fraek: google. hey google. does someone die if they get shot in the foot??? no???? awesome thank u <3)
Have you ever had an idea for a story and forgot about it? lmaoo yeah all the time i'll find like 500-2k words of concepts in my gdocs like i do. not remember this at all
Is there a trope you think you could be easily recognized by in your writing? probably krbk secret relationship lmao
Are there concepts you've tried that turned out better than expected? yeah!! i fully thought the action in control fraek would be awful but it turned out not bad??? which im happy with
Are there concepts you've tried that turned out worse than you expected? again, what we deserve, i personally think it would have worked out better if i'd paced it slower and drawn out the pining but i. do not feel like going back to fix it so its staying the way that it is. pining is so fucking hard to do AHHHH i get so tired with it!!! im like just date already!!!!
How do you come up with titles? in rare occasions (literally. all my multichaps for some reason) the title comes after writing like .5 words of the first chapter im like YES this is it!!!!! sometimes i write the whole thing and pick out one line that fits (what i did with come home to me) a lot of the time i just. steal from songs or poems that i like
What's your favorite emotion to cause on your readers? i like making people happy!!!! love when people comment saying they're cheered up
What's your favorite emotion to write? lovelovelovelovelovelove
Have you ever cried or felt any emotion while reading something you've written? never cried?? but sometimes i'll rereading my hurt/comfort fics 4. yk. comfort
Do you write in order or whatever comes to you? in order!! unless i have a scene that i Need to write and i'll quickly jot it down so that i don't forget
Usual way you procrastinate while writing? ...doing asks like this, making playlists, discord, watching netflix. what don't i do smh
Do you outline or free write? i am. so shit at outlines. i mostly free write and write lil notes for stuff that i wanna add later
Do you set word goals or scene goals (scenes you want to include)? yes!! like i said i'll write loose notes for scenes that i want to add later!! it gives me something to write towards :D
What do you consider when writing your scenes? what goes into making the atmosphere and mood you want? to set a scene i do two things? the first is like,, the five senses bc that always sets the scene really well and makes it feel Real. i'll visualize stuff in my head like its a movie and write out what i would want to tell the set designer?? if the lights are low, if the space is busy, if it's supposed to exude comfort or not.
for putting forward the character's mood one thing i've found that makes a difference is sentence length!! long sentences are good for making a character seem flustered and nervous or not really in control of their emotions? good for love confessions. short sentences are good for when the character is focused on something or short on time. good for fights!!
What's something you never considered to include in your writing that you can't leave out now? def buff hagakure,,,, once i thought of it i was like. if i don't include this at least once in every single fic how could i look at myself in the mirror!!!!!! how could i face anyone!!!!
How do you start a story? establishing a fact about the character or describing the setting! option a is one single thread of gold, option b is between lion and men
How do you end a story? either by tying it back to the beginning or doing like a funny kind of closing??? option a is sugar cookies, option b is a godless society
How do you get out of writer's block? change something!! move something!! i go from typing to handwriting, moving from my bedroom to my living room, switching wips to work on something else!! i do sprints as well?? give myself like fifteen minutes to write something and sometimes 200 words opens up the way for another 2k. sometimes i'll just delete like 500 words and start fresh
Do you edit? or do you toss your writing out there? i edit!!! i'll go over it myself then send it to one or two betas (bee my beloved <33)
How do you edit? do you use spellcheck, grammar checkers, etc? bee is my grammar checker bc he is So Good with grammar. i use grammarly as well for spellcheck stuff mostly?? sometimes my edit process is just like "am i tired of looking at this!! yes <3" and then i post it
Do you usually like what you write? yeah!!! i post stuff that makes me happy and that i'm fine with rereading!!! i write stuff for self-indulgence reasons first and foremost and i think my writing reflects that sjhnksj
Have you ever written something you didn't like but posted anyways? nope!! even what we deserve i LIKED even if i see a lot of room 4 improvement!! if i don't like smth it's not getting posted
Do you find yourself rereading your writing often? yeah!! the reason i wrote so much krbk secret relationship is because i loved it but i'd read all that there was so i just,, wrote more,, ngl its kinda nice being in a place where i actually like my writing bc i can write stuff that i want to see and really enjoy it!!
Can you tell us anything about your current WIP? sure!! i'm currently working on when it rains which is a fic where bakugou gets hit by a crying quirk!! i'm gonna be using it to explore So Much of all might's character and his relationships with bakugou and aizawa (and i think some people from his past!!)
Can you give us a sneak peek on your current WIP? “You did something. What the hell did you do?” Kirishima sounds pissed off. It would amuse Katsuki if he wasn’t fighting just to stay standing.
“Nothing he didn’t ask for,” Shinsou replies.
“K’ri… shima,” Katsuki croaks out. “‘S fine. Not him.”
His chest collapses back into the familiar dry heaving after that but Kirishima shuts up. He doesn’t apologize to Shinsou.
Kirishima’s a good friend, stubborn and loyal. He stands by Katsuki’s side like an attack dog, blocking him from the view of anyone ogling at his tears.
The last line you've written Ochako knows more than she'd realized. She knows enough to keep her guard up.
It’s not enough.
Open a wip. what’s the first line?
Katsuki wakes up feeling like absolute fucking shit.
What's your favorite thing about writing? touched on this before but it's mainly just being able to write the things that i want to see and actually enjoy them!!! actually reread them!!!! i thought "wouldn't it be cool if bkg and kirishima owned a restaurant together" and then i wrote it and i like it enough to reread it!!!! being able to create content for myself makes me. so happy
How do you keep yourself inspired? this is gonna sound narcissistic maybe but honestly i'm just really excited about my ideas and where i'm gonna take them and the idea of "i'm gonna get to That scene" keeps me going through the entire thing. also my friends!!!! i'll talk to them about fics and their reactions keep me hyped up enough to finish!!!!
What is your favorite thing to write? just,, slice of life romance,,, stuff thats silly and makes people laugh!!
What do you think your strengths are in writing? i'm good with dialogue!! i do lil voice acting sessions with myself to make sure everything sounds natural and like it's coming from that character skhjnskj
i'm comfortable with my portrayal of love as well??? i spend a lot of time thinking about what it is exactly that i'm trying to get across and i think it turns out well!!
What are things you wish you could practice more? on one hand i wanna get better at writing angst on the other hand i dislike writing angst. do you see my issue
One way you've improved your writing since you began? characterization!! i think i've gotten better at writing characters that are all Different and bring different things to the table!!! i used to project a lot more and it would compromise the characterization because the character was like 70% me and 30% them? not to say that projection is bad but if you do it too much it just,, doesn't read like the character and from a reader's standpoint the narrative can become less compelling
One aspect of writing you're still working on? writing action!!! i. literally hate writing it but i write for a fandom about superheroes so. Unfortunately i gotta learn.
A piece of writing advice you've learned while writing saw this on another tumblr post but they said sometimes if you're struggling with a scene, the problem is five lines back. i've found that to be true!!!! sometimes u gotta delete a chunk and start a little ways back!! i did this with too busy being yours because i was stuck for Weeks and i deleted like 25% of what i had but it helped me actually finish it :D
A bit of writing advice you can't stand when people shit on show don't tell for being overrated lmao bc when u read their writing you can Tell
Something you wish you knew when you first started writing? ,,,,honestly i kind of wish i could know some of the stuff that i used to when i first started writing?? technically i'm better now but creatively i was must better when i wasn't stressing about whether anyone would like what i was writing. so i guess i wish i knew that i should keep that confidence? i kinda wish that i wasn't as insecure about other people's writing styles because i never used to be!!
Something you've learned in life that you apply in writing there's no point in feeling inferior?? writing one genre isn't better than the other. being in one fandom isn't better than being in another. the kind of language you use or the length of your paragraphs- none of that stuff like. matters. what matters is that you're having fun and happy with what you're creating!!!! enjoy other peoples writing but don't let it make you feel worse about yours :D
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elseaa · 4 years
Stop to lying to me, fanfic Nedport chapter one.
Pairing: Nedport
Timeline: Humain Au
Word: 2477
All the students entered the classroom when the ringing of the university bells. Marianne had already joined Rosa, chatty together as usual, they sat next to each other. A few minutes after the beginning of the course, the door opened slowly, João entered the room step by step of wolves, the teacher did not pay even attention to him. Marianne then moved from a seat to let him sit between them.
-Is that your calendar delay this week? Is she giggling.
-Get used to it! It won’t change, there is a way I have a date tonight." He explained by putting his notebook on the desk.
-Still a blond, I suppose? Did she casually question him?
Joao nodded and showed to the girls the pictures of a blond with brown eyes, very beautiful of course, however, they did not seem really approved for that. Towards the end of the first hour of class, Marianne gave a little nudge to her Portuguese friend.
-The handsome guy is still looking at you!
-I have already told you that he is not my type.
-You seem to be his, he is handsome, though said the brunette, touching his ponytail.
-Don’t touch my hair! You know I don’t like it…
-eheheh if I were a handsome boy I’m sure you wouldn’t mind.
-João, you have been single for so long.... You should think about finding someone.
-And I’m fine to be single !
João then cast a discreet glance at the boy sitting behind him, their looks crossed again in the space of a short second, just like last week and the week before.
-Give him a chance. He’s tall and blond, it’s perfect, isn’t it? Argue the blonde.
-I am. not. interested. by him. You know that my last relationship wasn’t very happy so…. Did he reply dry while being cut off by the professor?
-SILENCE the three of you!! I would like to be able to continue giving my lesson ! If you are not interested in attending then go out !
The two companions rose up in surprise, stopped bothering their friend and finally decided to follow the course while giggling a little, no question of abandoning their mission to finally couple their beloved João. As for him, he put his things in his backpack, annoyed as much by the class as by the girls' words.
-Will you give me the notes? Asked Joao
-Yes, yes ! they answered together
-Rosa, since you write badly, you will give her yours. 
The professor sighed, even if he would have preferred that all three come out, at least the silence had returned.
-For this second hour of class, I will explain the tasks of the work to be done in pairs for next week.
At these words, the two girls looked at each other, each smiling on their face, their friend’s partner was already chosen!
The rest of the hour went on without a hitch, Abel then approached the two pretty girls, pretending to strike them with his eyes.
-I would like to know where João is?
-Oh. Euuuh, of course. I will give you his number. Said Marianne.
This surprise left Marianne empty-handed, who then tore a small piece of paper from her pad of paper to write a number she handed to Abel. He took him in hand without saying a word and encoded him in his phone, his strict look prevented anyone from knowing what he was thinking.
-Normally, when it dries it hangs out in the Cambre wood or the bars of the Cemetery of Ixelles.
-Thank you. He answered dry.
He then moved away from the two girls by crunching the piece of paper in his pants and went to look for her from his partner.
-Ouuuuf! I thought he was angry that they put him with João!" exclaimed Marianne, finally reassured.
-Thanks God! I am still alive !
-Do you think it was right to pair them?
-I wonder… Maybe nothing will happen. Confia Rosa. 
-Ah… But it’s not really our problem anymore ! All he had to do was be present at the class, but I say that I said nothing, right, Rosa?
-It’s for work!
-They will only do it once at the cottage, not need to make a cheese ! I am really looking forward to knowing what will happen, we will know everything tomorrow
Finally, Joao had not gone far, he was staying on campus to eat a little and reread his courses in peace and in the sun. Although Abel had sent him a text, he received no reply when he suddenly saw him about twenty meters away accompanied by a blond with smooth hair of about his size who did not seem to act in a very pleasant way, Probably complaining about him and raising his voice angry while Joao didn’t seem to be comfortable with the boy, trying to escape. Abel, who was unable to understand their conversations from so far away quickly approached them, no question of letting his partner run away when suddenly he grabbed his ponytail to intimidate him, Joao then violently pushed him away, getting himself snatched some hair on the way.
-Let go of me! I hate being touched by my hair!
-Tsss.. I’m out of here. 
At these words, João was finally relieved of a burden, he then turned, feeling a presence very close to him who had seen the whole scene, which disturbed him a little.
-I need you
-What do I need? He asks, on the defense.
Abel then handed him the explanatory sheets of the work with their two first names.
-The teacher has given us a job to do and your friends have decided that you will do it with me."
-What? » But I never wanted to do it with you !
-I don’t give a shit so you follow me that we finish this story quickly. Abel insisted.
-What doesn’t make you say I have other plans for tonight?
-Don’t you have one that just canceled right now? The sooner we finish, the less time you’ll have to rub shoulders with me
Abel was right and even though he was still angry, João followed him without saying a word. Abel simply warned him that they would first pick up his little brother at school before going to his house.
They arrived in front of Abel’s little brother’s school, when the end of school was rung, a lot of children rushed to their parents or caregivers, many of them had drawings or crafts in their hands. It was then that an little blond head dressed in white and blue and with a big smile came out of the crowd while directing towards Abel and João, presenting a very colorful drawing.
-Big Brother !! Look I drew Pelze!
-This is a very beautiful drawing, we will put it in the living room, give me your satchel
Abel crouched down to took his satchel and drawing in hand while stroking his head.
-It is that you draw very little man ! said Joao
-Merciii, Pelze is my dog ​​and this is the big brother's rabbit, are you a friend of my big brother? Your name is comment He asked smiling.
-Hmm ... well, yes ?… I’m João
-Nice to meet you, my name’s Mickael! And look, I  won 5 euros at school ! Look !
-It's the third week that you bring back 5 euros, where do you get them from? Asked his big brother again.
Little Mickael, nine years old and proudly showed his five-euro note that only god knows how he got there, so he explained about his day on the tram journey, getting along very well with João while Abel was much calmer while remaining very attentive. Joao then sighed in listening to him speak.
-If only my little brother was so cute
-Do you know my brother?
-I have Spanish lessons with his boyfriend, believe me towards the end of each lesson, he is always the same idiot who beckons him at the window
-No mistake it's him !! He said, giggling.
-We see that you are brother, you look very similar
Abel began to stare at João who, following these words, had just offered him an expression full of self-confidence.
-Certain but I remain more beautiful than him! He affirmed by quibbling one of her locks of hair
-It is true. Said Abel
Joao stopped short at Abel's unexpected words but little Mickael was too busy telling his day for him to speak more, he contented himself with a discreet glance at Abel who vaguely gave him the time to a few seconds.
About ten minutes later, arriving from Watermael-Boisfort, not far from the forest, they finally got off the tram. Lots of nature was present in the neighborhood where they lived, close to a large lake and two large green spaces, it was very quiet during the day, you could hear some birds, all the houses were very large, pretty and well decorated . Arriving in front of one of the houses, Abel then passed the very flowery front yard, in particular with tulips and poppies and took his keys from his pocket to open the door. Michael ran into the house as quickly as possible.
-Pelze !!
The young puppy who was waiting for him wisely in front of the door jumped into the open arm of his young master, happy with his return.
-We are back !
At these words, the pretty African who took advantage of the sunbeams in their garden returned to the house to welcome them with a big smile.
-I was waiting for you my loves ! How was your day ?
She then noticed that her sons were accompanied by João, the surprise could be see on her face, Abel brought friends so rarely to the house that her mother did not even remember the last one !
-Why didn't you tell me you were bringing a friend ?! She exclaimed.
-It's for group work, it was done today and ...
He didn't even have time to finish his sentence as the African woman, named Fatoumata, headed for the stairs, climbing a few steps.
-My darling !! Come see ! Abel brought a friend!
-Really ?!!!
Some footsteps echoed on the stairs, an adorable little blonde with very long hair came to greet João, both were very cheerful with his presence and assailed him with questions and did not stop complimenting the fact that he was a very handsome boy. Abel knew very well that they shouldn't be disturbed at the time, it was the same for every new friend of their children. João then answered the questions kindly, also thanking them for the welcome and said that he ate everything. Michael took care of putting his harness on to his dog, really looking forward to going for a walk in the park. Abel then went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, without wasting time, a large ball of fur passed the garden door, he handed a celery stick to his rabbit, which rose on its hind legs trying to catch the vegetable, when he finally had it between his teeth, he took it like a trophy like a dog would have its bone in its mouth to bring it on the outside courtyard leading to the garden and ate in front of the sun. Abel then looked more closely at the kitchen worktop, something was missing!
-Sophie! Where are my waffles ?!
-Oh, Bella took them on the way home, it's for her friends. Responded her mother. 
-I told her to leave me two or at least one! Complained Abel
-According to her they were missing, so you already took them this morning ! Said Sophie.
-Sorry ? But it was the same last week! Whenever we make cakes or waffles, I ask her to leave some, then she takes everything and accuses me of accusing her of stealing everything !!
-But I can't help it! Look, she's in the midst of a teenage crisis so you're getting on with her
-There is no but ! With that, we're going to walk the dog and do some shopping for tonight
The blonde then dressed in her jacket, following her wife taking her hand as for Mickael was already outside with Pelze's leash, still full of energy.
-And see you later boys ! Said the second mother.
The house was finally quiet, João stared at Abel for several seconds.
-You don't call them moms?
-I .. not often, I consider them as my mothers however, they adopted me with my sister and my brother when I was 11 years old then ...
Abel paused his explanation, unable to look the Portuguese in the face, so he touched the scar he had on his eyebrow.
-So when I call them moms, I always have the face of my biological mother and father in my mind ... These are some bad memories. Explained Abel. 
-Oh .. Excuse me for asking
-You shouldn't worry, we're very happy now, I really love my mothers. Abel said smiling.
Joao blushed at his smile, it was the first time he saw him with such an expression on his face, contrary to the first idea he had made of him, he was actually quite handsome.
Abel then grabbed a few snacks and a drink and went up to his room with Joao. They both opened their macbooks on his large desk. His room was quite large, decorated with travel souvenirs and some pictures where he didn't really smile as usual. The windows in the room were large and the room very bright, Abel closed his curtains to avoid having the sun in their eyes.
Before starting the work, Abel took the time to explain the course to him but when they started to write the text, João seemed to have writing difficulties of which Abel complained however, he was much better than him to find the documents most relevant. Two hours passed, the task was much longer than he thought. João then got out of the office chair to collapse in the big green beanbag that was used for Abel's video game and reading.
-I can't take it anymore ! I need a break !
-I don't mind, we've already made enough progress
Calm had set in when João noticed the look Abel was giving him, he then sported a sly smile, Abel approached him, disturbing by that little smile.
-What makes you laugh ? Asked Abel.
-And therefore I am more beautiful than my brother? He finally asked
-That ?! It's nothing more than a fact, he looks like an idiot while you are ... well ...
-Why are you embarrassed? Stop lying to me, I see it at each class that you devour my eyes.
He then rested his hand on his thigh and grabbed him by the collar to put his lips on hims while Abel ran his hand through his soft hair to undo his ponytail.
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momothegeckho · 4 years
Magi19 is Online...
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Mystic Messenger Fanfic. Yoosung x Reader (OC)
Note: So i totally did this when this game first came out, and its been collecting dust for a long time lol. I know its a bit lat and irrelevant now, but I enjoyed writing it so here it goes. I may not continue it unless I feel it needs more, so this is just what I wrote.
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• Yoosung unlocked his door and sighed. His Professor had caught him texting during class again and really let him have it after the session ended. He went into his room, dropped his bag, and jumped onto his bed. “He just had to give me extra homework, today of all days! What luck…” Today was a special event on his favorite MMORPG, LOLOL. If he wasn’t there today, it would be gone tomorrow. Yoosung sat up and looked at his bag, then at his computer. After what seemed like forever, which was really five seconds, Yoosung chose LOLOL. He just couldn’t wait. And the homework was due on friday, anyway. He pushed the power button on the side of his computer and smiled. 
“Armor is 60% off today! As well as certain boosts, too! No way can I miss this event!” The desktop on his screen lit up to show the background picture of him when he was younger, holding a light brown puppy with brown eyes. Rika’s puppy. He smiled at the memory and quickly opened up LOLOL, put on his headphones, and logged in. As soon as he was about to review his character, Yoosung’s phone beeped. A new chat room had opened up on the messenger app. He picked up his phone and sighed. It was Seven again, most likely signing on to poke a little fun at everyone. He turned on the app and entered the chatroom.
707: Yoosung!!!!
Yoosung: Seven… why are you here? Didn’t you say you had work?
Mina (MC):He does… but he’s putting it off until the last minute. Hello Yoosung! How was school?
Yoosung: Fine I guess, but my prof. yelled at me for being on my phone… I was just about to get on LOLOL.
707: Yoosung.
Yoosung: What?
707:… Get a girlfriend.
Those words made Yoosung sigh. Ever since Seven and Mina had gotten together, Seven tried to set Yoosung up on dates with girls he barely knew. He just wanted to find a girl naturally and connect with her through a mutual friendship, though he knew it wouldn’t happen overnight. Even though he wished it would.
Yoosung: Seven… Pls.
Mina: Seven! That was rude! Let Yoosung find love by his own terms! Sorry Yoosung. You know Seven is just playing.
Yoosung: Thanks, Mina. I’ll find someone someday!!!
{Jaehee Kang Has Entered the Chatroom}
Jaehee: How soon is someday exactly? Because from what I see, you barely put yourself out there.
Yoosung: Jaehee! You’re so mean!!!!
Jaehee: Just speaking the truth. Hello Seven, Mina. Finally got a break from Mr. Han!!!
Mina: Glad you made it out alive! How is Jumin? He hasn’t been in the chatroom lately.
Jaehee: He’s been on a lot of business trips lately. Just this morning, he took off for America for a transaction. And this time, he took the furball with him! 
707: Wow. You must be really happy. Elizabeth Third! Come baaack!
Jaehee: Don’t jinx this. Please.
Yoosung: Lol. Jaehee. Do you really not like Elizabeth the Third? She’s cute!
Jaehee: No… She’s the devil with shedding hair. Zen’s new role in ‘Love Under the Cherry Blossom’ is cute! ////
Yoosung: Whatever. LOLOL calls for me. Later, everyone!
Mina: Bye, Yoosung!!
Yoosung put down his phone and started to play LOLOL. He smiled at the prices on new armor and buffs for his character. It was like being a kid in a candy store! He bought up a few things and started to play. He found a dungeon to go into and saw another player standing outside of it. The character wore a white cape with gold decorating the edges, while the armor she had on was very amazon-like. The character’s hair was black with white tips, and she had a sword on her side. Almost as if on cue, the messenger block popped up with blinking dots. The player was contacting him.
Magi19: Hello! Are you here for the event, too?
Yoosung: Yeah! I mean, who could miss it? I would hate myself if this passed and I wasn’t here to participate. What did you get?
Magi19: Right!? I just got a few buffs to help me cast spells quicker. I also got some new armor! You?
Yoosung: A few armor suits and some buffs. Hey, do you want to be friends? We could conquer the dungeon together! 
There was a small pause after Yoosung’s question, and he started to feel awkward. Was he too straightforward? After all, He only met Magi19 a few seconds ago. The worst thing that got to him was that he was thinking so hard about this as if he was asking out a girl… He was about to dismiss his question when a beep came from his computer.
Magi19: Yeah, sure!! I haven’t went inside yet! Let me send you my info really quickly…
Yoosung received Magi19’s profile info and looked through it. Everything seemed normal, from her gender all the way to her stats.
Yoosung: Wow! You’re really experienced! Level 60? You could clear this level by yourself if you wanted!
Magi19: I’m not that experienced. I just fight monsters here and there for the items. You have a really high level, too. Lol!!!
Yoosung: I’m sure you’re great! Let’s go!
Magi19: Wait! Shouldn’t we hook up our mics so we can talk instead of type? I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit of a slow typer…
Yoosung: Oh yeah, sure! Here’s my sky-pic number.
Magi19: Thanks! Hold on…
Magi19 stopped typing and then called Yoosung on Skypic. He answered and was met with a smiling face. “Hi! You’re Yoosung, right?” The girl had brown hair with light purple tips, brown eyes, and a really bright smile. 
“Yeah… Hi. I’m Yoosung! Nice to meet you…” Yoosung trailed off, not knowing her real name and smiled. “Sorry! My name is Yoona. Nice to meet you, Yoosung!” Yoosung smiled and laughed with the girl as they entered the dungeon together. Jokes were exchanged between the two as they slayed monsters and talked about daily life “You go to Sky University, too?” Yoosung looked at the girl on his screen as she nodded and smiled. “Yeah! I actually got there a few months ago! You see, I had to transfer from my other college for a few reasons…” Yoona trailed off and slayed a beast in front of her. “But I like Sky. It’s the best school I’ve ever been to!” Yoosung smiled and laughed a little. 
Where was this girl all his life? She liked video games, she was super comfortable around people, she has a great personality, and to top it all off, she was comfortable in her own skin. She didn’t need to be told she was pretty, because she didn’t care. Yoosung liked that. “So Yoosung, what are you planning on making your occupation later in life?” Yoona looked at Yoosung and picked up some items from the dungeon. “I’m going into medicine to become a veterinarian. What about you?”  Yoona stopped moving her character and looked into the lens. Yoosung knew that she wasn’t there with him and couldn’t really stare through a camera, but still felt as though her eyes were going to pierce his soul. “I wanted to go into medicine to be a veterinarian freelancer, but instead, I want to become a patissiere! I have already went to culinary school in France and got my degree, so now, all I have to do is get this degree, and I’ll be able to open up my own shop! It doesn’t sound stupid, does it?” Yoosung smiled and shook his head. “No! I think that it’s amazing you can study so hard and still have time for LOLOL. How do you do it?” 
Yoona thought for a moment and sighed. “To be honest, I don’t really know. Once I got everything down on a schedule, it all fit together. How about you? I only just got here, and I already know that the Uni’s homework is a bit… piled.” Yoosung sighed deeply at the question and instantly got depressed. “To be honest with you, I don’t do a lot of my work. You see… I’m addicted to LOLOL. As we speak, I have homework I still haven’t gotten to. How about you?” Yoona smiled. “I already finished! You know, if you want, I could help you with your homework!” Hearing Yoona say she would help made Yoosung tear up. He didn’t know many people from the campus, but loved to meet new people along the way to graduation. 
“You’d really do that for me? Thank you so much!” Yoosung wiped away a fake tear and laughed. “Anything for a fellow LOLOL player and teammate! Here’s my number…” Yoona gave Yoosung her number and smiled. “I hate to do this now, but it’s getting really late. I have to go now.” Yoosung groaned and gave her puppy eyes. “You can’t stay a bit longer?” Yoona smiled and sighed. “Sorry! But hey! We go to the same school! Let’s just meet up tomorrow, kay’?” Yoosung nodded and exited out of the game. They said their goodbyes and signed off, anticipating if they would really see each other tomorrow. Yoosung was excited to make a new friend like Yoona. She seemed really cool, and definitely had a certain enthusiasm about her. He couldn’t wait to see her again. Even though they had literally just met a few hours earlier. He logged onto the messenger and saw no one was online. He took the opportunity to open a chat room. He smiled as he typed in the news.
Yoosung: Everyone, I met someone today. She’s a really nice girl, and she also likes LOLOL…
Yoosung: She’s really pretty, her name is Yoona. 
Yoosung: Turns out, we go to the same school… and have probably been passing each other everyday.
Yoosung: What should I do!?!?
Yoosung: I’m meeting her tomorrow! Should I buy her something? Should I?
Yoosung: … Is it weird that I’m talking like this even though I met her a few hours ago?
Yoosung: Gahhh!!!
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• There are 3 other chapters I made, so this is just the first one. ugh its so cringey lmaooo - 
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indigosandviolets · 6 years
The Professors - BoRhap Cast
A/N : I’ve been posting a lot of smut lately, so I’ve decided to break that up a little bit with another BoRhap Cast thing. Take this how you want. I know I was supposed to post this after like four more headcanons but I finished this one really early and it’s been sitting in my drafts forever but I swear the rest of them will be done! Don’t be mad at me.
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Rami Malek - Mythology
Rami teaches every single type of mythology there is
Norse, Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, Korean, Hindu, and Roman (a rip off of Greek, he has stated several times)
He loves to go on and on about battles of certain gods, sitting on top of his desk, legs crossed and hands gesturing
He also endorses using Wikipedia
“It’s fact checked, damnit. You can scroll to the bottom of the page, click a link, and then you’re at the source. Use it.”
To engage his students, he helps the theatre program put on Greek tragedies and they all have to go or participate
The students were the first ones to suggest it too
Everyone talks to him about ther life problems on campus. He always has a pot of coffee brewing and hot water with teabags ready for any student that needs to talk
In the corner of his room, he has pillows and blankets available for students to use after a test if they’re burnt out
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Gwilym Lee - Literary Arts and Creative Writing
Gwilym loves the beauty in words, adoring how a few simple lines of poetry can make someone feel the writer’s own remorse or frustration
He has a few passages of classics memorized, ranging from Dante and Shakespeare to Poe to Golding and Burgess
You know Dead Poets Society? He started one up because he loved the idea so much
He actually has a book of poetry that his students are always trying to get him to publish
He’s the most encouraging teacher ever. You want to write a song? Write it. Compose it. You want to write fanfic? Do it! Nothing’s stopping you. All writing it real writing.
He does the Shakespearean productions and classic productions of the theatre program
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Ben Hardy - Physical Education
I know this sounds basic as fuck but listen alright
He coaches football(soccer) and rugby and he’s the most empowering coach ever
He’s like a soccer mom. Oranges slices and grapes? Got em. Mini water bottles? You betcha. Those tiny little rubber bands with the team name? No doubt. You can expect mandatory stretching to prevent cramps.
He always provides constructive criticism and will spend hours with one team member to help them be better at something
He makes all his players take ballet and takes it himself to help perfect balance and coordination
He does some choreography for the theatre program when they need it
He also helps with stage fighting and it’s honestly the coolest thing the theatre kids have ever seen
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Joe Mazzello - Archeology And Palentology
Dino man. He has fossils from almost every single period in history where fossils could be formed
He has a map of archeological digs up on the wall with pushpins in the ones he’s been too
Some years he gets lucky with funding and takes some students to a dig site and he’s actually found some stuff with those students and the kids are always like “I found this it belongs in a museum”
He’s a lot like Indiana Jones in that sense
He’s just a lot more dorky and awkward and doesn’t have a fear of snakes
He also has a fossil from the Petrified Forest and he’s like ‘that’s from the Petrified Forest’ and the students are like ‘the forbidden forest?’ And he yells at them every damn time ‘NO YOU NERDS’
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Lucy Boynton - European History
She has a map of every goddamn country on there with pushpins in the places she’s been to
She’s very upbeat and talks about the interesting shit in history to get the students engaged
She made a game called ‘Can You Survive?’ And the students played for a whole class period
The goal is to try to not die from The Black Death and if you win you get one of those old bird face mask things (I hope you know what I’m talking about)
When the Shakespeare era comes into play she only speaks in old English
She sets aside one day per week as nap day to give the kids a rest because god knows they need it
In the mornings she brings an electric griddle to school and any student who wants pancakes can have them
She’s basically the mom of all these students in her class because she cares about every one of them
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dusk-realm · 6 years
Chrysanthemum [Chapter 1: Light heart, heavy heart]
This is a Severus Snape x reader fanfiction, I do not own any of the characters mentioned unless clearly stated. 
Trigger warnings will be found at the tags.
For the sake of the narrative, your House has to be Slytherin, sorry for that.
This is my first ever fanfic, so feedback and criticism are welcomed. Please leave a ❤️ if you enjoy the story!
Tagging: @featurelengthfics
(Y/N) stood before an abyss, perched on the uncomfortable railing; her feet loosely hanged above the far, faraway ground. She lingered in the pleasurable silence that inhabited the castle. The students were on their way home for a refreshing summer vacation, the crowd had left for the Hogwarts Express that very morning carrying heavy luggage and a light heart - that is, the whole mob minus one. The young Slytherin turned around just enough to look at what she had left behind, to which her spine protested with loud cracks of tiredness. There laid a pair of torn shoes, crowned by her wand resting in a perpendicular line. Underneath them, a folded paper. It was not, however, the type of paper one would expect in such a scenery. It was nothing more than her grades for the just finished course; which she did not need to consult in order to remember her marks for each of the subjects. The girl was not stupid, in spite of what many of her House mates may think of her. Rather, she possessed a cunning mind, which helped her overcome her own personal hardships and top in certain subjects: Astronomy, Potions and Herbology. As for any other student, there were unbearably disinteresting subjects in her curriculum (History of Magic and Flying lessons) for which she had only acceptable grades and, lastly, the nightmarish ones: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration and Charms. (Y/N) was perceptive enough to recognise not only the teachers’ display of skill in their respective subjects, but also sense their disappointment and frustration when they dealt with incapable students like herself. Much to her disgrace, her fellow Slytherins had noticed as well her lack of ability with spells.
Such a waste...
Mudbloods shouldn’t be allowed in.
Not even Hufflepuff would accept you.
How do your parents tolerate this?
Why don’t you just drop out?
A bitter sigh escaped her mouth as she turned to look at her front again. Perhaps they were right. Perhaps she should have abandoned Hogwarts after being the only one left behind in the first course, but, how could she? Wasn’t Hogwarts, after all, her tiny ray of hope? Her opportunity to escape from the cesspit she had to live in during her childhood? Where else would she go if Hogwarts wasn’t a possibility anymore?
(Y/N) allowed herself to slightly shift forward, inspecting again the landscape.
Perhaps she was wrong all the time. Maybe Hogwarts was not her place, but neither was the muggle world, the girl felt trapped in the anguish of in-betweenness, of not really belonging in any of the two worlds, of not having a place she could feel comfortable calling ‘home’. What to do, then? The view made her stomach twist and her skin get goosebumps. Her gaze traveled again towards the paper, (E/C) orbs pondering about the choices that had led her there, to the top of the Astronomy Tower. The majority of people would leave a note, a farewell, something explaining their deepest, hidden sentiments. But the youngster hadn’t written one - she had carefully contemplated the idea, always arriving at the same conclusion: For whom? Nobody was interested, nobody wondered why I repeated the first course twice. Nobody cared enough to ask, and nobody will wonder why… -a shudder interrupted her stream of thought- I…
Dark eyes drifted around the staff room, dull and tired. The professors held the last meeting of the course, dealing with the overall behavior and results of all four Houses. Slytherin received the usual dose of praise and criticism, so their Head was not really paying attention until a certain name was mentioned.
‘That (Y/L/N) girl… she didn’t make it this year either.’ Minerva had started, a hint of severity in her voice. She frowned before continuing. ‘I do not see her slacking off, but she, somehow, always manages to fail!’ The Transfiguration teacher looked around at her colleagues, seeking some sort of reaction. Albus seemed lost in thought, and nobody else seemed to reciprocate or deny her words assertively. Some teachers stared at her, expecting a further explanation, whereas others nodded in silent agreement. Flitwick intervened this time:
‘Indeed… I have seen a little improvement, but still, it is not enough. It seems as if she… didn’t have enough strength to cast even the simplest spells.’
Severus was now fully alert, but said nothing. He had noticed the girl had been stuck in the same course for two years, but he simply could not agree with his peers. Indeed, the student he knew was a very diligent one, who would actually put all her five senses in her task. However, he couldn’t conceive the image of Miss (Y/L/N) being a complete inept, for she was one of his most capable students. In fact, he had been hoping to get her into eventually brewing more advanced potions. The professor had also noticed how after her first year at Hogwarts, the witch had grown colder and more composed, which he had at first interpreted as a sign of maturity. She no longer seemed intimidated, but rather collected and distant. In a way, she reminded him of his own youth: he knew that behind the silent facade, a turbulent, active mind hid waiting to be aroused. Professor Snape’s elbows rested on the table, and his nose on his intertwined fingers, when the arrival of an unexpected owl snapped him out of his thoughts. The Headmaster received the note and took a little breath in before speaking.
‘It looks like… someone is not willing to abandon us just yet’ He knowingly looked up at the potions teacher.
Suddenly, Dumbledore’s words made something click in Severus’ mind, since he got up and bursted out of the room without uttering a word. Albus followed closely, and McGonagall chased out of pure instinct leaving the rest of the staff sitting there dumbfounded. Severus had a hunch that something was very wrong and rushed upstairs towards the Astronomy Tower. If anyone asked, the professor would never be able to provide a reasonable answer as to why going there out of all the hidden places in the castle, but he was both relieved and aghast at the sight of a fragile figure slightly bending forwards.
Towards the void below her feet.
His voice reverberated against the few walls around.
A foreign roar made the Slytherin sit right up and clench the railing, making her stay immobile in place and not even daring to look behind. Instead, she squeezed her eyes shut as she clenched her teeth. Fuck. Steps could be heard coming closer. I’ve just lost my opportunity.
‘(Y/N)...’ A lower, softer voice called.
‘(Y/N) please stay where you are…’
The voice definitely belonged to Professor Snape, but it didn’t sound like Professor Snape. (Y/N) obliged herself to turn around to look at him as hot tears began to flood down her face. She clearly saw a tinge of pain mix up with Snape’s shock.
He was half way there, advancing slowly as if he didn’t want to startle the girl. Further in the scene, she could see two more figures standing there. Dumbledore had his arm extended, impeding McGonagall advance any further. (Y/N) turned again to look at the depth before her and felt a knot forming at the the pit of the stomach. Severus took the opportunity and hurried to surround her with his arms from behind, pulling her into a tight hug before dragging her back to the safety of the stone floor.
‘I got you… I got you, it’s okay, you are alright…’
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Hello, everyone! Now, I know I generally write Supercorp fanfic, but I decided to try my hand at writing some Bechloe fanfic, and what better way to start than a Pokemon!AU? I’ve noticed that it’s not a very popular (or, really, ever written) AU, and after all the goddamn research I did for it, I can see why.
The fic itself is long as hell, by the way, but I hope you enjoy it!
Read on AO3.
Chloe Beale had known Beca Mitchell since they were little. They had both grown up in Pallet Town, and Chloe remembers the first time she met the other girl. They were little, around five-years-old, and some of the older kids were picking on Beca about her size. Chloe had tried to intervene but Beca had lashed out at her, saying she didn’t need anyone’s help, and Chloe had left the playground crying.
Ever since, Chloe had kept her distance. She made friends with the other kids in the neighborhood and tried to forget the anger Beca Mitchell had thrown at her that day.
She still saw Beca around, of course. Pallet Town was small, and everyone knew everyone else. They had classes together, and sometimes their friend group even bled into one another. Chloe didn’t ever talk to Beca, though.
Not until they were ten.
Not until it was finally time for Chloe to receive her first Pokemon from Professor Oak.
Chloe had been looking forward to this day for a year, ever since her best friend, Aubrey, had received her first Pokemon the year before. Chloe waited for Aubrey outside of the laboratory, and Aubrey had introduced her Squirtle to Chloe excitedly.
So, Chloe Beale was excited to receive her first Pokemon. She did all her research and even got to the lab early (she had heard a story about a trainer who was late and ended up getting a stubborn and hard-to-train Pikachu and decided that that would not happen to her).
Other ten-year-olds started to show up too. Stacey showed up not long after, and she buzzed with excitement as her and Chloe talked. Jesse showed up with his best friend Benji, and lastly, Beca Mitchell walked in looking like she would rather be anywhere else. She stood off to the side by herself, staring at her shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the room.
Chloe couldn’t help but notice her, and while she wanted to go over to the girl and hopefully make her feel more comfortable, Chloe remembered Beca’s anger when they were five and decided to stay with Stacey instead.
“Alright, everyone,” Professor Oak stepped out of a room with a big smile on his face, “I hope you’re all ready to meet your new Pokemon.”
And just like that, Professor Oak gave them a speech before bringing Chloe in to choose her Pokemon first.
Chloe thought about it long and hard, thought of the type advantages and trainability before choosing the ball that held Bulbasaur inside. She was eager to let her Pokemon out of its ball, to meet it and become best friends with it, but she decided to wait until everyone else chose theirs.
Stacey chose Eevee. Jesse chose Squirtle. Benji chose Pikachu, and lastly, Beca chose Charmander.
Everyone but Beca started talking about their new adventure and what they planned to do, but Beca left without another word.
Chloe followed her.
“Hey, Beca!” Chloe ran after her, “Hey, wait!”
“What, Beale?” Beca was small for being ten, but she had already mastered a glare that could impress a Gengar, and it made Chloe want to shrink in on herself.
“I just, uh,” Chloe looked around the hallway they were in, “I wanted to wish you luck. You know, with whatever your plan is.”
“Whatever, Beale,” Beca turned to leave, “Have fun with that Bulbasaur. It won’t beat anything.”
Chloe ended up traveling with Stacey and Aubrey throughout Kanto. Aubrey had already beaten all eight gym leaders, had already competed in the Indigo league, but she wanted to help her two friends train and grow stronger before going to the next region.
           Chloe had defeated Brock easily, her Bulbasaur, newly-caught Seel, and quickly-evolved Butterfree all strong against the rock-type Pokemon. Misty was a bit trickier, but Chloe caught an Oddish that helped even the playing field.
Chloe loved the adventure of capturing new Pokemon and expanding her Pokedex, and with each new badge and new friend made, she was feeling very confident.
Chloe saw Beca again right before the last gym in Viridian City. She wanted to pretend like she didn’t, but Beca was already looking at her with a smirk, ready to say something cutting.
“You can’t possibly think you’re going to win against Giovanni.”
“I actually think I might,” Chloe defended herself, her Cubone held tightly against her. She had recently found him all by himself in the rain, and she couldn’t bear the thought of just leaving him there, so she coaxed him into a Pokeball. He didn’t like that much, though, so Chloe tended to leave him out of the ball, held against her.
Beca smirked, “With that weak Pokemon you’re holding, you’ll be lucky if you survive his Dugtrio.”
Chloe held onto Cubone tighter and Cubone waved his club at Beca, “Cubone is just as strong as any other Pokemon.”
“Not nearly as strong as Marowak.”
“Evolution means nothing when it comes to strength.”
“Wanna test that theory?” Beca was already pulling a Pokeball off her belt, ready for a fight.
“Yeah,” Chloe set Cubone down and reached for one of her own Pokeballs, “I definitely do.”
So, Chloe and Beca battled in Viridian Forest. Dewgong held up well against Charizard, defeating it quicker than Chloe thinks Beca expected, and Beca sent out Pinsir, angry and ready to win.
The battle itself was relatively equal. All of Chloe’s Pokemon were strong and loved and fought hard, but Beca’s Pokemon were just as strong, and Chloe could see the devotion to their trainer in each of their eyes.
After Venusaur defeated Beca’s Gyarados, she sent in Marowak, who used Venusaur’s exhaustion to win, and then there was only Cubone and Marowak, and Chloe was ready to prove her point.
“You could just give up now,” Beca said from her side of the battle, “You’re not going to win.”
Chloe was a lot of things. She was bubbly, energetic, affectionate, and especially stubborn, but a quitter was not one of those things. “There’s no way I’m giving up now.”
The battle was close, but Marowak just barely defeated Cubone, who collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.
Chloe scooped Cubone up as Beca returned Marowak to its Pokeball.
“Evolution matters,” was all Beca said before she left, and Chloe rushed to the Pokemon center.
It took work, but Chloe defeated Giovanni by a hair. She registered for the Indigo League tournament, and she did well, up until she had to battle Beca Mitchell in the semi finals, who smirked at Chloe, arms crossed cockily as she barely won.
Chloe was fifteen now, still traveling with her Pokemon but working towards becoming a Pokemon professor. Her team didn’t change much, though now she had a Ditto that she caught from Cerulean Cave. Her Ditto was cute and strange, and it enjoyed the company of Cubone, who preferred to ride on Chloe’s shoulders now.
Many of Chloe’s friends were now in other regions, catching and training new species of Pokemon and working towards different leagues. Stacey and Aubrey were traveling Johto currently, and they had just defeated Morty, the Ghost gym leader, with Stacey using her Umbreon and Aubrey using her Houndoom. They kept trying to get Chloe to come with them, but Choe was happy to stay in Kanto, though she did use Pidgeot to visit them every now and then.
She sometimes wondered where Beca was. Last she heard, Beca had came first in the Johto League and was on her way to Hoenn.
Chloe didn’t actually see Beca again until she was sixteen.
She was at her house in Pallet Town with her mom and dad, and she was in the backyard, Venusaur laid out next to her enjoying the sun, Cubone running around after Ditto.
Chloe was on her back looking up at the sky when she saw a Charizard flying over her, and it landed a few houses down. Chloe knew that that meant Beca was home, probably to visit her dad and stepmom.
Venusaur made a noise of complaint at the sky as Charizard cast a shadow down on them, and Chloe giggled, running a hand over Venusaur’s rough skin. “Don’t worry, sweets,” Chloe pulled herself up to sit leaning up against the large Pokemon, “Charizard was only in the way of the sun for a moment.” Venusaur turned her head to nudge Chloe gently and then put her head back down on the grass.
A few days later, Chloe ran into Beca at Professor Oak’s lab, almost literally, but Cubone made a small noise so that she looked up before knocking them all over.
Beca Mitchell stood before her with a smirk that wasn’t as cutting as the last time Chloe had seen her.
“I see you still haven’t evolved that Cubone.”
There was something different about Beca Mitchell now, Chloe thought. She didn’t seem as harsh or angry.
Chloe pulled Cubone off of her shoulder and held him against her chest protectively, “Well, Cubone doesn’t really want to evolve quite yet.”
Beca smiled then, and it was small but almost certainly there. “Well, he might be too cute to evolve.”
Chloe was confused. This Beca, the one that stood in front of her awkward and unsure, didn’t match the Beca that Chloe knew. The Beca that Chloe knew was angry and mean and she didn’t care who she hurt.
“Um,” Chloe smiled slightly, “Yeah, I guess.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
Chloe smirked, “You kind of just did.”
Beca rolled her eyes, but that small smile was still there, “I meant another question.”
Chloe readjusted Cubone in her arms so that they were both more comfortable, “Go ahead.”
Beca ran a hand through her hair nervously, and Chloe caught a glimpse of a row of piercings running up her ear.
“Why is Cubone always out of his Pokeball? Isn’t that unusual?”
“Oh,” Chloe smiled and scratched Cubone under his chin, “Some Pokemon don’t like being in the Pokeball. So, even though I coaxed this cutie to join me,” Chloe tickled one of Cubone’s feet and the Pokemon giggled in response, “He sort of grew an attachment, so he never wanted to stay in his Pokeball for very long.”
Beca nodded and then her eyebrows came together in confusion, “You didn’t catch Cubone?”
“Not in the traditional sense,” Chloe explained, putting Cubone back on her shoulders, “Stacey, Aubrey, and I were on our way to Vermillion City, and it was raining, and we had just set up camp when we start to hear this pitiful crying sound. Stacey and Aubrey were too freaked out to go look into it, but I took Venusaur, well, actually, she was still Bulbasaur then, but I took her to investigate, and there was this tiny little Cubone shivering and crying. It was obvious that a trainer had left him behind, because the only place to find wild Cubone is in Pokemon Tower, so I got him into a Pokeball and to a Pokemon Center and the rest is history.”
Beca’s smile grew as Chloe rambled through the explanation of how she got Cubone, and Chloe wondered what could’ve changed Beca so much.
“He’s really lucky to have you.”
“Uh,” Chloe didn’t know what to say, so she just said an awkward, “Thanks.”
They stood in an awkward silence until Beca finally said, “I, uh, have to go meet the professor. I asked him if it was okay if I came to check up on all my Pokemon.”
“Oh, yeah,” Chloe got out of Beca’s way, “Of course. Have fun.”
Beca smiled and waved awkwardly as she left. Chloe stood frozen in the hall before she turned around quickly and called, “Hey, Beca?”
Beca turned too, “Yeah?”
“If you’re, um, if you’re going to be in Pallet Town for a little while, we should hang out.”
Beca smiled again, and Chloe was sure she had seen Beca Mitchell smile more in the past conversation than every other time they talked put together, “Yeah, I would like that.”
Aubrey was not excited to hear about the fact that Chloe befriended Beca.
“Do you remember how she treated you for sixteen years, Chloe?” Aubrey said into the video call, the excitement from her latest gym win wearing off quickly, “She treated you like dirt, not to mention all the horrible things she said about Cubone.”
Cubone perked up at the mention of his name, and he dropped his treat to crawl into Chloe’s lap so that he could see Aubrey.
“She’s different, Bree,” Chloe tried to explain, “I don’t know what happened, but she’s,” Chloe paused to think of the adjective she wanted, “She’s softer and warmer and far less angry.”
“So, you decided to become friends with her,” Aubrey said as if she just couldn’t get why Chloe would do such a thing.
“People deserve second chances, Bree.”
It was then that Stacey came onscreen and she nudged Aubrey out of the way, “Let’s let Chloe make her own decisions so that I can tell her about how my Magcargo destroyed Jasmine’s Steelix.”
Chloe sighed as Stacey took the conversation away, praising her Pokemon and finally, Aubrey started to tell Chloe about her own battle.
A knock on the door pulled Chloe’s attention away from the television so that she could get up and answer it.
Beca was on the other side, looking around nervously.
“Hey,” Chloe leaned against the doorframe with a smile, “What’s up?”
“I, uh,” Beca ran a hand through her hair, and Chloe was beginning to see that that was a nervous habit for her, something she must not even notice that she does, “I was wondering if you wanted to come to Saffron City with me. I need to do some shopping, and I heard there are some pretty good restaurants there, and if you don’t have a flying type, Charizard could probably take both of us-”
Beca looked up at Chloe with wide eyes.
“I can take Pidgeot,” Chloe smiled, “He’s used to me flying on his back anyway.”
“Oh,” Beca smiled too, finally seeming to calm down, “Yeah, that would probably work best.”
“Here, come on in,” Chloe moved out of the way of the door, “I just have to grab some stuff and leave a note for my parents.”
Beca came inside awkwardly and stood in the entryway, looking around.
Chloe realized that Beca didn’t follow her into the living room as she turned around and saw Beca looking at her shoes. “You could come in more, you know.”
“I didn’t want to impose.”
“Beca, please actually come in.”
Beca smiled as she moved further into the house, reaching the living room with some hesitation. Cubone was sat on the couch where Chloe left him, and a Meowth looked up from the back of the sofa, giving Beca a very disinterested look.
“Oh, don’t mind her,” Chloe scratched behind the Meowth’s ears, “Buns is just an old softie.”
Beca laughed a little bit, “Buns?”
“My mom’s nickname for her,” Chloe said while looking for something on the coffee table, “My dad’s Growlithe is probably lurking around here ready to pounce too.”
Cubone looked up and noticed Beca, immediately scrambling off the couch to run up to her and hold his arms up for her to pick him up.
“Um, Chloe?”
Chloe looked up from the coffee table having found her wallet and smiled, “It means he wants you to pick him up, Becs.”
Beca looked freaked out, “Why?”
“I don’t know,” Chloe threw her wallet and keys into her backpack, “Maybe because he likes you.”
Beca looked down at Cubone again and he looked insistent, waving his bone club around. Beca watched as Chloe moved around the room gathering the things she’ll need and then back down to Cubone before finally picking him up. Beca felt awkward holding him until he snuggled into her, and she couldn’t help but smile softly.
Chloe looked up from pulling on her shoes and took in the moment before standing and saying, “I’ll be back in a second. Some of my Pokemon are out in the backyard and I need to put them back into their Pokeballs before we leave.”
Beca only nodded, and she followed Chloe to the sliding door, curious what other Pokemon Chloe might have caught since their battle six years ago. Chloe’s Venusaur didn’t surprise her, though the Pokemon was huge and a bit threatening, but Beca was particularly interested by one Pokemon.
“You caught a Ditto?” Beca asked as soon as Chloe came back in, her Pokeballs on her belt.
“Oh yeah,” Chloe laughed a bit, “Tricky little thing to catch. Chansey did not appreciate that battle. She refused to battle for weeks.”
“You have a Chansey?” Beca couldn’t help how shocked she was, “I thought only the nurses at the Pokemon Centers had Chanseys.”
“I spent forever in the Safari Zone trying to catch her,” Chloe took Cubone from Beca and put him on her shoulders and Beca could see him smile despite his face being hidden by the skull helmet, “Now come on. We need to stop by the lab so that I can trade out one of my Pokemon for Pidgeot.”
Chloe grabbed Beca’s hand and pulled her out of the house, and even though Beca didn’t like physical contact, she didn’t pull away.
After Chloe had Pidgeot in her team, Beca let Charizard out of his Pokeball, and they all flew to Saffron City.
Beca loved flying, and Charizard loved it even more, doing barrel rolls and flips as Beca held on tightly. When Beca looked over at Chloe, she was smiling, holding Cubone in front of her and petting Pidgeot’s soft feathers. Beca felt something she didn’t quite understand, a feeling she never really had before, but she brushed it aside, instead coaxing Charizard into another flip.
In no time at all, they were in Saffron City, landing in front of the Pokemon Center.
Charizard nudged Beca softly as she rubbed over his wings before she put him back in his Pokeball, and Chloe did the same with Pidgeot.
“So,” Chloe said, “Where to first?”
They went to a few shops that Beca needed to go to, and Chloe pulled a reluctant Beca into a few others before they sat down at a café for coffee.
Cubone was under the table eating a treat while Chloe and Beca talked, starting with their day and moving on to other topics.
Even though they had only hung out a few times since Chloe ran into Beca at Professor Oak’s lab, Chloe was starting to learn a lot about the girl across from her. Like how she was so happy when Charmander was the last Pokemon left for her to take, or how she grew up reading book after book about proper training techniques and the best way to get the most out of a Pokemon team. Chloe thought it was cute how Beca would get a little sparkly in her eyes whenever she talked about her Pokemon.
They were on the topic of traveling when Beca asked, “How come you didn’t go to any of the other regions?”
“I guess I was just happy to stay in Kanto,” Chloe said while breaking off a piece of her pastry and giving it to Cubone, who took it happily, “Everyone else left as soon as they participated in the league, but they hadn’t caught every Pokemon in Kanto or even encountered them. I wanted to know more about the Pokemon here before moving onto somewhere else.”
Beca rested her head in her hand, “That makes sense.”
“Weren’t you in Hoenn?”
“Yeah,” Beca sighed, “I had actually just defeated Wallace.”
“Why did you come home then? Weren’t you qualified to compete in their league?”
“I was,” Beca looked down at her lap, and Chloe noticed that she looked a little sad, “It’s just, the battling, it used to be fun. I was good, and I made it through three leagues without any issue. My Pokemon were strong and so loyal, but it just wasn’t fun anymore.”
Cubone’s head perked up, and he climbed into Beca’s lap without hesitation. Chloe smiled at Beca’s shocked expression before grabbing Beca’s hand across the table, “Maybe you just need to find the fun in battling again.”
Beca gave Chloe a small smile, “Maybe.”
Chloe let them sit in their comfortable silence before saying, “You’re very different, Beca Mitchell.”
“I know I used to be a jerk,” Beca said, “Especially to you, and I’m really sorry. I’m trying really hard to be different.”
Cubone took Beca’s pastry and handed it to her, causing Beca to start laughing and Chloe joined in.
“I think you’re not doing half bad, Beca.”
Beca and Chloe started to hang out every day. Some days they just sat around watching old reruns of league battles, placing small bets on who would win. One time, Beca lost her last eggroll because she bet on that kid with the Pikachu, and the battle was close, but he lost, and Chloe took Beca’s eggroll and ate it, telling Beca just how good it was.
Other days, Chloe took Beca out on different adventures.
On this particular day, Chloe drug Beca out to the beach south of Pallet Town.
“Chloe, it’s early,” Beca whined from behind her, “What are we doing out here?”
“Come on, grumpy,” Chloe grabbed Beca’s hand and continued to drag her across the sand, “I have to do something for Professor Oak, and I’m taking you with me.”
“This hour is ungodly,” Beca complained yet she still let Chloe pull her to the waves.
“It’ll be fun,” Chloe pulled a Pokeball off of her belt, “I promise.”
Beca smiled, “Okay.”
“Alright.” Chloe threw the Pokeball and a Lapras came out, making a happy noise from the water.
Beca rushed forward, eyes wide with excitement, “Oh my god, you have a Lapras!”
Chloe smiled and thought about how cute Beca was when she was excited. Beca was running her hands over Lapras’ long head, talking about the different moves Lapras can use. Cubone poked Chloe’s cheek, pointing at Beca and Chloe could see the smile in Cubone’s eyes.
“I know, bud,” Chloe whispered to him, “It’s really cute.”
Beca turned around, “Where did you find a Lapras? I spent so long on Gyarados trying to find one.”
Chloe came up next to Beca and scratched under Lapras’ chin, “She and I met on my way to Cinnabar Island. She and Dewgong helped me defeat Blaine.”
“Dude, that is so cool.”
Lapras turned so that Chloe could climb onto her shell. Beca stayed on shore shocked.
Chloe offered Beca her hand, “Are you coming?”
Beca took Chloe’s hand with a huge grin, “This is so cool.”
Lapras set off, and Beca sat as close to the edge as possible without falling into the water, excitedly looking around her and into the deep water. Chloe watched from her spot, holding onto Cubone tightly so that he didn’t fall into the water.
“Hey, Chlo?”
“What did Professor Oak send you out here for?”
“Oh,” Chloe smiled and took out another Pokeball, “Do you have a water type, or do you need to borrow one?”
Beca took a Pokeball off of her belt, “I’ve got Poliwrath.”
Lapras came to a stop slowly.
“That’s perfect.” Chloe threw her ball to let Slowpoke out, and Beca followed suit with Poliwrath.
Beca was smirking at Chloe as her Pokeball returned to her hand, “You really have a thing for Pokemon who aren’t fully evolved, don’t you?”
“I just don’t think that evolving Pokemon should be the sole purpose of training them. Sometimes they’re happy to stay the way they are.”
Slowpoke nodded at Beca slowly, and Beca smiled at him, “I’m starting to learn that.”
Chloe set Cubone down on Lapras’ shell by her backpack and pulled her clothes off so that she was just in her bathing suit. She slid into the water and used Slowpoke to stay afloat, “Are you coming?”
“Oh,” Beca’s cheeks went pink, “Yeah. One sec.” Beca turned around and pulled her clothes off too, feeling naked despite the fact that she had a bathing suit on. She looked up and Cubone was looking at her with a curious expression, his head tilted to the side. Beca gave him a thumbs-up, and Cubone returned it excitedly.
“Beca, come on!” Chloe splashed some water up on Beca.
“God, Beale,” Beca slid into the water, “Give a girl a moment.” Poliwrath swam up to Beca and let her hold him to stay above water, “You never told me what Professor Oak wanted us to do.”
“Right!” Chloe looked up at Cubone, “Hey, bud. Can you get the breathers out of my bag?”
Beca was impressed as Cubone dug around in Chloe’s backpack and threw something into the water. Chloe handed one to Beca and then said, “Now, remember to stay on Lapras, got it? Water is not good for you.”
Cubone nodded.
Then Chloe turned to her Lapras, “Make sure he stays on, okay girl?”
Lapras made a happy noise and nodded, and Beca couldn’t help but admire the relationship that Chloe had with her Pokemon.
“So, Professor Oak needs us to assess the amount of Tentacool in the area,” Chloe said to Beca.
“Because they were starting to over-populate the ecosystem, so Professor Oak wants to see if the issue has figured itself out.”
Beca nodded, “Are we doing this in any official sense?”
“Trust me, you’ll know if they’re still in excess,” Chloe held up her own breather, “Ready to go?”
“I think so.”
“Alright. Follow my lead. Slowpoke and I have done this before.”
Chloe put the breather in her mouth and held onto Slowpoke as he dove under the surface. Beca followed suit, holding onto Poliwrath as he followed.
A few Pokemon swam by them. Beca watched a school of Horsea and Seadra pass beside them and the school of Pokemon barely even glanced their way. There were a few Krabby and Kingler on the ocean floor, and Poliwag were bobbing near the surface.
Chloe kept going until they were met with a wall of Tentacool, looking vicious and ready for a fight. Chloe stopped Slowpoke and put her hand out to stop Beca, and when Beca looked over, it looked like Chloe was trying to assess the situation. She then looked at Beca and pointed to the surface, swimming up with Slowpoke following her.
When they broke the surface, Beca took the breather out of her mouth, “You weren’t kidding when you said over-populated.”
“Nope,” Chloe waved her hand at Lapras in the distance, “And as far as we can tell, they’re growing more and more violent towards the other Pokemon in the ecosystem.”
Lapras started to make her way over to them.
“What do we do about it?” Beca asked.
“Nothing,” Chloe smiled at Slowpoke and rubbed a hand over his back, “We keep monitoring the area to see if the ecosystem naturally evens itself back out again.”
“Because it was a natural over-population,” Chloe said while climbing back onto Lapras’ back, “If it happened unnaturally, like if someone dropped a foreign species into the area or something like that, then we’d have to do something about it, but populations fluctuate, and nature has a way of figuring itself out. Plus, I know it might look like it, but the number of Tentacool hasn’t reach dangerous levels, and the other Pokemon have adapted to the situation.” Chloe reached out and helped Beca back up too.
Cubone was munching on a sandwich as Chloe and Beca pulled towels out of their bags.
“Cubone,” Chloe said, “You know those sandwiches were for Beca and me.”
Cubone looked down as he offered the half-eaten sandwich back to Chloe, but she giggled instead of becoming angry. “No, bud. That one is yours now.” Cubone still looked down, his eyes downcast, and Chloe ran a hand over his skull helmet. “Just ask next time, okay?” Cubone nodded and then happily took another bite.
Beca laughed, “You’re so nice to him.”
“He was just hungry,” Chloe said as she toweled herself off, and Beca averted her eyes, not knowing why looking at Chloe in her bathing suit made her cheeks warm and butterflies flutter in her stomach, “And I made plenty, since I knew that Cubone would steal one.”
“Smart move.”
“Thank you,” Chloe threw Beca a sandwich, “Now eat so that we can enjoy ourselves.”
“Won’t Professor Oak be expecting us back soon?”
“I told him we would be back late.”
Beca smiled and took a bite.
The two girls spent the rest of their time alternating between swimming and sunbathing. At one point, they were lying on their backs, and Chloe took Beca’s hand, pointing out different shapes in the clouds, and Beca wished that they could stay on Lapras’ shell forever.
Chloe was eighteen when Beca showed up at her doorstep looking sheepish. The two had grown closer and closer since they started hanging out, and they spent almost all of their time together. They had a lot of adventures over the past two years, like Beca joining Chloe on her different assignments for Professor Oak and discovering new places and new Pokemon around Kanto.
Chloe looked Beca over, wondering why Beca seemed so nervous, “Hey Becs, what’s up?”
“I think I’m going to go back to Hoenn and compete in their upcoming league competition.” Beca spat out the words, and she looked worried.
Chloe smiled, and she was sad that Beca would be leaving Pallet Town indefinitely but more excited that Beca finally found enjoyment in battling again.
Chloe pulled Beca against her and Beca sunk into the contact.
“I’ll be sure to watch your matches,” Chloe said into Beca’s shoulder, “And you better call, Mitchell, because I’m going to be very angry if you don’t.”
“I will,” Beca wrapped her arms tightly around Chloe, “I promise.”
“Good,” Chloe pulled away and smiled at Beca, “You’re going to do amazing, Becs.”
Suddenly, Cubone pushed between the two and raised his arms up to Beca, who picked him up with a smile. She nuzzled against the skull Cubone wears, “I’ll miss you too, buddy.”
Watching Beca with Cubone made Chloe feel warm. Now would be the perfect time to tell her, Chloe thought, but she decided against it. Instead, she hugged Beca again before she left, throwing her bag over her shoulder and hopping on Charizard’s back.
Chloe watched every single one of Beca’s matches in the Hoenn League, and for each one, Chloe cheered loudly every time Beca won.
Beca and Chloe talked frequently as Beca continued traveling. Beca called Chloe from every Pokemon Center that she could, talking excitedly about defeating gym leaders in Sinnoh and the new friends she made from battling and traveling. She told Chloe about all of the Pokemon she caught, and sometimes the Pokemon pushed their way into the video chat, nudging Beca aside curiously.
While Beca went on new adventures in the new region, Chloe had moved to Cerulean City to be near Mt. Moon for her research after finally becoming an official Pokemon professor. Each day she took Clefable and Cubone and studied the prayer patterns and strange rituals of the Pokemon thought to be from outer space.
Chloe enjoyed the work, and she could see how much Clefable liked helping her. Cubone took to chasing the mountain’s Clefairy until Clefable caught his tail and gave him a glare. Since then, Cubone stayed close to Chloe as she sat and observed.
Chloe had had a hard day. The rain from the night before carried into the morning, so she couldn’t ride her bike to Mt. Moon, and she had to walk the entire distance with an umbrella over her and Cubone, the wind whipping and pulling at her raincoat. Then, when she actually got to the mountain, all of the Clefairy and Clefable were hiding. They didn’t even emerge when Chloe let Clefable out of her Pokeball, so she didn’t get any work done. And on top of it all, her umbrella broke on the way home.
Chloe was soaking wet, tired, and disappointed, and all she wanted to do was mope around her apartment in pajamas and watch crappy television. She felt like she had earned it.
After a call to the local pizza place and a long, hot shower, Chloe heard knocking at her door, and Cubone ran to it, looking up at her expectantly.
“You know it’s just my take-out, bud,” she picked him up and grabbed her wallet, “I don’t know why you’re so excited.”
Chloe opened the door, and it wasn’t the delivery boy. Beca Mitchell was on the other side smiling.
“Becs!” Chloe set Cubone down so that she could hug Beca tightly, “Oh my god, what are you doing here?”
Beca laughed as she returned the hug, “You talked so much about this apartment. I just had to see it.”
Chloe pulled Beca in the apartment and closed the door, “I thought you were in Sinnoh.”
“That’s the nice thing about having a large flying-type Pokemon,” Beca picked Cubone up and hugged him to her tightly, “It means that I can come see my friend who I haven’t seen in two years.”
“That’s so sweet of you, Becs.”
Beca looked at Cubone as she said, “Chloe knows I was talking to you, right, bud?”
Cubone kicked his feet excitedly.
“Alright, now you’re just a jerk,” someone knocked on the door, and this time Chloe was sure that it was the delivery boy, “And jerks don’t get any pizza.”
“Chlo, come on,” Beca ran after her laughing, “Wait, did you get Hawaiian?”
The two caught up over dinner with Beca sneaking Cubone some of her crust and Chloe pretending not to notice. Beca talked about her recent win against Fantina, releasing the Gengar she used for her win so that she could pet him. Gengar preened under the attention, and despite the fact that Chloe didn’t understand ghost Pokemon, had never raised one of her own, she loved the way Beca doted on and praised Gengar.
Cubone was also fascinated by Gengar, chasing his tail and looking up at Gengar with his head tilted to the side. Chloe thought Gengar would find the attention annoying, but he didn’t. He just pat Cubone’s head, and Cubone responded with happy chirps.
“That’s enough about me, though,” Beca watched the two Pokemon interact, “I want to hear all about your research. How’s it going?”
Chloe deflated with the reminder of her horrible day.
“Hey,” Beca moved closer to Chloe on the couch and grabbed her hand, “Is everything okay?”
Chloe looked down at their joined hands and thought about how Beca never initiated contact before. It was always Chloe hugging Beca, Chloe pulling Beca by her hand, or Chloe cuddling into Beca.
This was the first time that Beca took her hand first, and every emotion that Chloe thought that she had packed away in the two-year separation bubbled back up again in full force.
It was easy to ignore the crush Chloe had on Beca when she was in a whole other region. Now that she was there, in Chloe’s apartment, holding Chloe’s hand, it was really hard to ignore it.
“Yeah,” Chloe breathed out with a laugh, hoping Beca didn’t notice the blush rising to her cheeks, “You just asked on a bad day. Any other day and I would ramble about my work for hours.”
Beca dropped Chloe’s hand to wrap an arm around Chloe’s shoulders and pull Chloe to her, “Well, I guess I’ll just have to ask again tomorrow.”
“How long are you staying?”
Beca smiled, “However long you’ll let me use up your hospitality.”
Beca ended up staying for a week.
On days that Chloe had to work, Beca tagged along, happy to sit and watch Chloe write down observations and interact with the Clefairy and Clefable. Cubone would generally find his way into Beca’s lap, happy to sit there and stay out of trouble.
On all the other days, Chloe and Beca filled their time walking around Cerulean City or lazing around Chloe’s apartment. Chloe introduced Beca to some of the other professors she shared a lab with (when she was actually in her lab), and Beca joked about going to the gym to win another Cascade Badge, but Chloe pulled her away.
Chloe hugged Beca tight on her last day, her bag already packed and ready to go.
“You should visit more often,” Chloe said into Beca’s shoulder, trying hard not to let the tears spill over.
“How about I visit after I win my next badge?” Beca suggested, “Instead of calling, like we normally do.”
“That would be perfect.” Chloe pulled away from the hug and kissed Beca’s cheek, smiling at the blush that rose from the contact, “Fly safe, Becs.”
Beca threw her bag over her shoulder, “See you soon, Chlo.”
Beca kept her promise. Chloe came home from her lab one day to find Beca leaned up against her door, Byron’s Mine Badge held in her hand for Chloe to see.
Chloe handed Cubone to Beca so that she could easily open the door, and as she prepared dinner, she insisted Beca tell her every detail about her win.
Beca’s visits became more and more frequent after that. Instead of only visiting after winning a badge, Beca started visiting Chloe in Cerulean City randomly, giving new reasons every time Chloe came home to find Beca waiting at her door.
“You make the best spaghetti.” Said with a shrug and a smile.
“Gengar started to miss Cubone. It would be a tragedy not to let them play together.” Said as she let Gengar out of his Pokeball.
“One more night in a sleeping bag and I’m going to throw myself off Mt. Coronet.” Said as she flopped onto Chloe’s couch where she usually slept since Chloe didn’t have a guest bedroom.
Well, until recently.
Chloe didn’t know what shifted, but a few visits ago, she was woken up in the middle of the night by a sleepy Beca climbing into her bed and snuggling up beside her. Chloe was so tired, she didn’t even notice until she woke up with her back pressed to Beca’s front and an arm thrown around her waist.
When Beca woke up, she apologized, stating that the couch was starting to hurt her back, but it became a routine from then on.
Beca would fall asleep on the couch, Chloe in her bed, and the two would wake up tangled around one another.
Chloe should mind the contact, should mind being in this situation with Beca, but it was nice. Chloe was a cuddler, and her regular cuddle buddy was a boney Pokemon with rough skin. Cuddling Beca was nice. Beca was soft and warm, and she smelled like grass and campfire smoke.
The cuddling did nothing to help Chloe’s crush though. Chloe just found herself falling harder and deeper, with all the “likes” associated with Beca slowly turning to “loves.”
One morning, Chloe woke up with Beca’s head on her chest, and as if Beca could sense that Chloe was awake, she said, “You should take some time off and come to Sinnoh with me.”
“Yeah?” Chloe started running her fingers through Beca’s tangled hair.
“Yeah,” Beca shifted slightly to become more comfortable, “I’m going to be competing in Sinnoh’s league tournament soon, and I, uh,” Beca’s fingers messed with the hem of Chloe’s shirt nervously, “I would really like it if you’d come.”
“Of course I’ll come,” Chloe said simply, because for her, it wasn’t even a question.
The next week, after Beca had left to register for the competition and do some extra training, Chloe packed a bag and flew Pidgeot all the way to Sinnoh, only stopping in Hoenn for a quick break before arriving in front of the Pokemon Center near where the stadium was.
Beca met her there with a smile and a quick hug before showing Chloe around the town.
Beca sat with Chloe and Cubone in the stands for the other battles, and Chloe smiled every time someone came up to Beca asking for an autograph or advice. Chloe didn’t even know Beca had become so famous, though placing first in three leagues (almost four, because Chloe is sure Beca will win this one too) must have gotten Beca some attention.
Each time someone came up, Beca would blush and smile and push some hair out of her face as she took the pen offered to her, and Chloe couldn’t help but think that it was the cutest thing she had ever seen.
When it was finally Beca’s turn to battle, Chloe yelled and cheered from the stands and Cubone waved a small flag Chloe made for him that read, “Go Beca!” Every now and then, Chloe would notice that Beca would look up at her from the field with a smile, and Chloe would smile and cheer even harder.
Beca barely won the final round, but her opponent’s Milotic couldn’t stand up to Beca’s Cacturne. Chloe jumped up from her seat as she cheered, and when she finally could, when Beca came to find her after, she hugged Beca as tightly as possible.
Beca took some time off between finishing the Sinnoh League and heading out to Unova, and instead of staying in Pallet Town with her dad, Beca asked if she could stay in Cerulean City with Chloe.
Chloe couldn’t say yes quickly enough.
Having Beca in her apartment all the time was interesting for Chloe. Chloe expected Beca to be messy, but she was actually fairly tidy and organized. Because Beca didn’t have much to do during the day, Chloe would come home from the lab to find Beca cleaning or cooking dinner, and she always greeted Chloe with a soft smile.
All of their Pokemon would be out and interacting with one another. Chloe was surprised to come home one day to see Venusaur completely okay with Beca’s Persian cuddled up to her, and Beca’s Primeape loved teaching Chloe’s Sandshrew new moves. Beca’s Flareon would be asleep on the couch next to Chloe’s Vileplume, and Charizard would be curled up in the corner fast asleep, flaming tail twitching slightly as Chloe’s Eevee chased it.
Chloe came into her apartment one day to see a large Muk waiting for her at the door, and since then insisted that Beca keep him in the Pokeball, if only to keep her apartment clean of poisonous goo.
As soon as Chloe came into the apartment, Cubone would wiggle in her arms to be put down so that he could chase after Gengar’s tail, and Clefable would follow to try and keep Cubone in line.
Chloe loved it, loved that it felt domestic and warm, even if Beca would never see her as anything other than a friend.
But Beca would look up from cooking and smile that smile that she saved just for Chloe, and Chloe would feel the deep whisper of hope tug at her heart.
On her twenty-third birthday, Chloe came home to a suspiciously empty apartment. She didn’t even have Cubone with her, because Beca insisted that she keep him that morning, holding Cubone against her chest as they drifted back to sleep. Chloe had been a bit unwilling to leave Cubone, but she couldn’t say no when he snuggled into Beca and fisted his tiny claws into her shirt.
So, Chloe was mostly alone as she entered her apartment, save for Clefable and Abra, the newest addition to her party since Professor Oak found him abandoned and decided Chloe was the best trainer to help him feel comfortable and grow stronger.
“Beca?” Chloe called into the apartment, and she got nothing in response.
Still nothing.
“Eevee?” Chloe tried, kicking her shoes off, “Vileplume?”
Chloe moved into her kitchen to find a note in Beca’s curly handwriting on the fridge. “Went out for a bit,” it read, “I put all of your Pokemon back in their balls except for Venusaur because she kind of scares me. She’s asleep in your room.”
Chloe giggled at that. She never understood how a girl who was so close to Charizard on a daily basis could be afraid of her lazy Venusaur.
“P.S.~,” it continued, “I have commandeered your Cubone. Love, Beca.”
Chloe pulled the note off of the fridge and took it into her room. Sure enough, Venusaur was taking up most of the floor, and she didn’t even wake up as Chloe moved around her to change out of her work clothes.
After changing, Chloe let the rest of her Pokemon out of their Pokeballs and sat down on the couch, getting comfortable before Eevee jumped up and bumped her head against Chloe’s hand so that Chloe would pet her.
It was an hour before Beca came home with Cubone on her shoulders and quite a few bags in hand.
Beca smiled when she saw Chloe on the couch, “Happy birthday.”
Chloe smiled back, “Thanks. Do you need any help with those bags?”
“Nope,” Beca struggled to put them on the kitchen counter, and Cubone giggled at Beca’s antics.
Chloe got up from the couch and pulled Cubone off Beca’s shoulders so that she could hold him against her chest, having missed him all day, “What did you get?”
Beca smirked, “When did you get so nosy, Beale?”
“That’s Professor Beale,” Chloe hit Beca’s nose gently, “And I’ve always been nosy. So, what did you get?”
Beca moved the bags out of Chloe’s reach, “Nope.”
“Please?” Chloe gave her best pout, and Cubone looked up at Chloe and then did the same, and Chloe could see Beca breaking, watched her almost give in, but Beca closed her eyes and shook her head with a laugh.
“Nice try,” she nudged Chloe out of the kitchen, “But I’m going to have to kick you out.”
“It’s my apartment, Becs.”
“It is,” Beca started pulling things out and hiding them from view, “And I am taking control.”
Chloe smiled and allowed herself to get pushed out of the kitchen. As she left, she heard Beca let Gengar out of his Pokeball to help her with whatever she had planned.
Chloe sat in the living room half paying attention to her television, but mostly, she was listening to Beca in the kitchen. Every now and then she would hear Beca whisper instructions to Gengar, and on a few occasions, she heard Beca’s laugh as Gengar tried to help but ultimately made something worse.
Vileplume got bored of sitting in the living room, so she joined Beca too, and slowly but surely, Chloe lost all of her Pokemon due to curiosity.
Chloe turned around and there was a little bit of flour on Beca’s nose and on Gengar’s spikes on his head.
“Are you almost done? I’ve been abandoned by my Pokemon and I’m bored.”
“Almost,” Beca looked up, and Chloe thinks she’s never seen someone look so attractive, “Stop peaking.”
“But I’m bored,” Chloe whined and fell back on the couch.
“You mentioned.”
“Ten minutes, Chlo.”
“Beca.” Chloe held out the last syllable.
“You’re impatient.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“How did you become a Pokemon professor again?”
“The Clefairy at Mt. Moon don’t greet me with bags full of mystery and then refuse to let me know what’s in them.”  
Beca laughed, “There’s hardly anything mysterious about the bags.”
“There is when you won’t tell me what’s inside.”
Something dinged and Chloe sat up, looking at Beca with a wide smile.
“Just another minute,” Beca said before Chloe could ask whether she could come in the kitchen.
Chloe fell back down on the couch and heard Beca hand stuff off to all the Pokemon capable of carrying things without dropping them.
“Okay,” Beca said, “You can come into the kitchen now.”
Chloe got up from the couch and saw that the table was set with food filling the small surface.
“I know you were a bit bummed that you have to wait until the weekend to go see your parents,” Beca explained while taking a seat, “and I know Aubrey and Stacey can’t make it back from Unova until next week, so I wanted to do a little something for you for your birthday.”
“You cooked?” Chloe took a seat across from Beca, who threw her apron over Gengar and smiled as he waved his claws around to get the fabric off his face.
“I made your favorite,” Beca started to fill Chloe’s plate, “And I baked a cake.”
“You did?”
“Of course,” Beca smiled, “It wouldn’t be your birthday without a cake. You prefer chocolate, right?”
Chloe couldn’t remember when Beca learned all of these small details about her, and she couldn’t remember even mentioning to Beca that chocolate was her favorite kind of cake, and it made more of those “likes” turn to “loves” with that big, special smile Beca saved just for her.
“Yeah,” Chloe smiled back, “Chocolate is my favorite.”
“Good. The icing might be a little strange, because Gengar tried helping and then got a little carried away.” Beca shot a half-hearted glare at her Pokemon, and he only gave her a small shrug in response.
“I’m sure it’ll be perfect, Becs.”
And it was. The food was delicious, and the cake was so good that Chloe had another slice (though she let her Pokemon have a few bites). Chloe couldn’t remember the last time she felt this content and warm as she and Beca talked.
She wanted to blurt out all of her feelings, and she almost did until Beca gave Cubone a pointed look and jabbed her head in the direction of the bedroom. Cubone jumped off of Chloe’s lap and ran in, narrowly avoiding Venusaur, still asleep on Chloe’s bedroom floor.
Cubone returned to Chloe with a wrapped box in hand.
“What’s this?” Chloe took the box from Cubone and played with the little bow on top.
“It wouldn’t be your birthday without a present,” Beca said before leaning across the table and stage-whispering, “Cubone’s gonna say it was all him, but I did the choosing and the paying.”
Beca was so close to Chloe now, and she could barely think about the present in her hand until Beca leaned back in her chair and said, “Well, are you going to open it?”
“Right, that’s what people generally do with presents, isn’t it?” Chloe joked to try and cover her distraction.
“Apparently not you,” Beca said with a wink, and Chloe was confident. She flirted with ease and was never lost for words, but something about Beca Mitchell made every word in the English language leave her brain in an instant.
“I’m getting there. I just like to build suspense.”
“You’re just getting me back for all the mystery.”
Chloe smiled, “That’s also true.”
Chloe finally ripped the wrapping off of the box and found a framed picture of her and Beca from her visit to Sinnoh, Cubone waving excitedly at the camera, and underneath the frame was a nice leather-bound notebook and a pack of new pens.
“I figure you go through a ton of notebooks with all of your research, and a new notebook needed new pens to go with it.”
“And the picture?” Chloe ran her fingers over the glass protecting the picture inside.
Beca smiled, “You have pictures of Aubrey, Stacey, and you and pictures of you and your parents. I figured it’d be nice to have a picture of the two of us, too.”
Chloe felt tears sting her eyes, because everything about the present and the dinner was thoughtful and perfect, and all the “likes,” every single on of them, disappeared, being replaced with “loves,��� because without question, Chloe Beale loved Beca Mitchell.
“Thank you, Beca,” Chloe whispered as she held the frame against her chest, “It’s perfect.”
Beca’s smile grew softer, “I’m glad you liked it.”
“But Cubone chose it, right?” Chloe laughed as she wiped a stray tear from under her eye.
Cubone looked up at her with his head tilted to the side at the mention of his name.
“Like I said. He’s going to claim he did, but just know that I’m the one who did a majority of the work. He just pointed.”
“Well, thank you, bud,” Chloe pat Cubone on the head, “I loved it.”
Cubone smiled at her and then ran off to play with Eevee and Vileplume in the living room.
“Hey, Chloe?”
Chloe was about to get up to help clear the table, but stopped and sat back down, “Yeah?”
“There’s something I want to tell you.”
Chloe set her present off to the side and gave Beca a confused look, “Okay.”
“It’s just,” Beca ran a hand through her hair, and Chloe wondered what she was so nervous about, “I really want to tell you this, but I’m horrible at feelings, so I’m probably going to mess this up.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m,” Beca sighed and smiled, “I’m more than okay.”
“Are you sure?”
“I promise,” Beca looked at Chloe as she paused, then said, “Did you know that you have the warmest smile of anyone I’ve ever met? I mean, I just look at you and it’s like sunshine and clear days, even when it’s actually storming outside.”
Chloe smiled but didn’t interrupt. She didn’t know where Beca was going with this, but she figured she just had to let Beca ramble to get to her point.
“And I used to be so jealous of you when we were kids,” Beca continued, “You were so happy just to take your time and get through the gyms whenever your Pokemon were ready, and all I could think about was being the best and winning every badge I could so that I could prove to everyone that I was better than they thought I was. I thought I had to make fun of you and demean you, but really, you understood this whole thing a lot better than I did. While I was focused on winning, you were focused on your Pokemon and they’re all so amazing, Chlo. You’re so amazing, far more amazing than I will ever be.”
Beca paused to take a deep breath and she smiled like she wasn’t nervous anymore. It was the same smile she got during a battle when she knew she was going to win, confident and self-assured.
“I don’t know when I started to fall for you, Chloe. I just know that when I did, I fell hard, and I could pretend like it’s this horrible thing, but I know it’s not, because liking you, falling for you, could never be horrible.”
Chloe froze, because there’s no way Beca just said what she thought she said. There’s no way Beca just confessed her feelings to Chloe after that perfect dinner and thoughtful gift.
That would be almost too perfect.
“You like me?” Chloe breathed out.
“I really do.”
Chloe didn’t know what to do. There were too many words swimming in her head for her to say anything coherent, so she got up from her seat and rounded the table to pull Beca against her, kissing her just like she’s wanted to since she was seventeen and she realized what the warmth in her chest meant whenever she was around Beca.
Beca stood and wrapped her arms around Chloe’s waist, grabbing onto Chloe’s shirt tightly to steady herself. Chloe moved her fingers into Beca’s hair, and she had run her fingers through Beca’s hair before, but this was different. This time she heard Beca hum into the kiss whenever Chloe ran her nails over Beca’s scalp and Beca gasped against Chloe’s lips when she pulled gently.
Chloe pulled away to catch her breath, and Beca continued to trail kisses over Chloe’s cheek and jaw.
“Seventeen,” Chloe breathed out, and Beca pulled away from kissing just below Chloe’s ears with her brows pulled together in confusion.
“You said you didn’t know when you started to fall for me,” Chloe said, breathing heavily, “But I know exactly when I started to fall for you. We were seventeen, and we were at a Pokemon sanctuary watching how the Oddish interacted with one another, and you were sitting in the grass, covered in Pokemon and laughing as each of them tried to get your attention. That’s when I fell for you.”
Beca smiled that just-for-Chloe smile, “That long ago?”
“I never thought you would like me back.”
“I would be stupid if I didn’t,” Beca said before leaning in to kiss Chloe again, and Chloe could feel Beca nudging them across the living room into the bedroom, opening the door clumsily and falling onto the bed in a heap.
All of the Pokemon were locked out of the room except for-
“What?” Beca came up from kissing along Chloe’s collarbone.
Chloe pointed to Venusaur giving them a disinterested look as they interrupted her nap.
Beca dropped her head into the crook of Chloe’s neck and breathed out a laugh, “Do you have her Pokeball?”
Chloe was already fumbling around with everything on her bedside table, “I know it’s around here somewhere.” It took a few more moments of blindly grabbing, but Chloe finally found Venusaur’s Pokeball and the red beam reached out and returned Venusaur inside of it.
“There,” Chloe set the ball back on the nightstand, “Now it’s just us.”
Beca kissed Chloe right in front of her ear and breathed out, “I like the sound of that.”
Later, as Chloe held Beca and pressed kisses along her shoulder and against the back of her neck, Chloe thought about their future.
Eventually, Chloe and Beca would officially move in together, after Beca came in first in the Unova League and decided against continuing on to Kalos or Alola.
Eventually, Beca would replace Giovanni as Vermillion City’s gym leader. She would be hard to beat, but she would smile as she gave the winners their new Earth Badge, telling Chloe all about the battles when she got home.
Eventually, Chloe would become well known across many regions for her research, accepting awards and writing papers that gave a deeper look into the habits of different species of Pokemon.
Eventually, Chloe and Beca would get married in a small ceremony in Pallet Town, and they would have a daughter who would start her own Pokemon journey when she turned ten. (Their daughter would choose Bulbasaur as her starter, and Chloe would never let Beca hear the end of it.)
Eventually, they would have a life together full of traveling and adventures. They would tell and show each other how much they love the other during fights and over breakfasts on Sundays spent lazing around, but right then, Chloe was happy to have Beca against her now at the beginning of it all.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Extra Credit: Part 3 (Shalaska) - Rosie
A/N: Hello, it’s me, Valentina alaskadelneedles who has changed her pen name to Rosie! I’m back with another instalment of Extra Credit, please enjoy! Feel free to tell me your thoughts about it here or at my new fanfic blog @aqrosie !
Summary: After their last ‘meeting’ in Sharon’s office, the ball is now in Alaska’s court to make the next move. And she makes many moves – just not at Sharon. Cue a sexually frustrated professor giving a lecture while side eyeing the blonde in the front row who’s practically sitting in the lap of the boy next to her. A healthy 5.8k words.
It had been almost an entire week since their last ‘meeting’, and Sharon was beginning to think Alaska was giving her a taste of her own medicine.
Sharon, who last week was too worried to pick up the phone for an entire seven days, was now the one playing the waiting game.
Each day she would type away in her office, her eyes flicking to the door and her heart rising whenever someone walked past her room. But it was never Alaska.
Each night she would come around her fingers, her limbs shaking against her white sheets as the blonde’s name rolled off her tongue and echoed around her bedroom walls. But it was never the same.
Sharon realised this was probably how Alaska had felt last week while she waited for the call Sharon never made, an overly excited ball of sexual energy that was also riddled by self-doubt, nerves and anticipation.
But as Sharon entered the hall to deliver her morning lecture, she knew she wouldn’t have to wait much longer.
Sitting in her now usual spot in the front row, Alaska was chatting away to the bubbly blonde girl who was always the first to raise her hand to answer one of Sharon’s questions.
“How have you not started the assignment for Integrated Marketing Communications yet, Alaska?” the blonde cried, her loud, gob smacked tone allowing Sharon to hear their conversation.  
“I dunno, Courtney,” Alaska drawled sheepishly, casting her gaze over to Sharon before meeting her friend’s eye, “I’ve just been busy.”
“Well, I’m going to the library after this with Bendela if you want to come, I can help you start?” Courtney asked.
“Aw, thanks girl,” Alaska smiled. “Ah, I have to do an errand first, but I’ll meet you after.”
Sharon didn’t react as she eavesdropped, her face blank as plugged in her laptop and opened her PowerPoint, knowing fully well she was the errand.
The clock hit 9am and the last few stragglers to enter the hall found their seats, one of those stragglers being Derrick Barry, and one of those seats happening to be next to Alaska.
Sharon forced her eye not to twitch as she watched Derrick fumble into her lecture late and nosily set up his laptop.
Like Courtney, Derrick was a student who always raised his hand. Unlike Courtney, whose contributions were intelligent, thoughtful and aided class discussions, Derrick’s answers were always either mansplaining what Courtney had just expressed, or a bad attempt at humour – or worse, hitting on Sharon.
Sharon caught herself, realising the true reason for Derrick being extra annoying today was because he got to sit next to Alaska.
“Alright, before I begin, I’ll answer the burning questions,” Sharon said to her class. “Yes, there is a mid term quiz and no, I’m not pushing it back, it’s a midterm quiz.”
As a groan rippled throughout her cohort, Sharon caught sight of Alaska, whose sight was set on Derrick Barry.
The sound of a record scratching echoed in Sharon’s mind.
With the back of her pink pen in her mouth, Alaska was smiling at the boy next to her, her thick lashes fluttering at someone who absolutely did not deserve to experience the beauty that was Alaska’s fluttering lashes.
Alaska finally tore her eyes from Derrick and looked at Sharon before giving her a small, cunning smile.
Oh, you wanna play that game? Sharon thought.
“So, Week 3,” Sharon announced, smacking her middle finger down on the spacebar key of her laptop a little too forcefully, her eyes locked on Alaska as she transitioned to another slide.
As Sharon walked her cohort through a new concept and posed questions at them to generate discussions, she was constantly flicking her attention to Alaska, who had it trained on the fool next to her.
She noticed everything, from Alaska flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder and practically onto Derrick’s, to how she giggled at his dumb comments – not that Sharon could even hear them, she was just going off what had previously come out of his mouth – to the way Alaska’s forearms were pressed to her sides, her already perky breasts made to look even bigger.
Sharon nodded along and politely smiled as a student took far too long to communicate a simple idea, all the while picturing Alaska lying across her lap with her skirt up and her underwear down, Sharon’s hand smacking her tight, perfect ass.
“Ah, yeah, exactly,” Sharon said encouragingly when the student finally finished. “This brings me to my next point, social media. Now, who can tell me some ways companies and brands use social media well?”
A few people raised their hands, but none as enthusiastically as Courtney. Sharon smiled and gestured for her to speak.
“When brands quickly reply to customer service posts, typically on Twitter, and are actually helpful, it reflects really well on the brand and resonates with their younger target demographic. Direct messages, like DMs, are also a good tool as well when young people don’t want to call customer service,” Courtney said perfectly.
“Yeah, well said,” Sharon nodded encouragingly.
Contrary to her profession of being an academic, Sharon described herself as technology illiterate. Once she got the hang of one platform, five more were springing up. Apparently Facebook wasn’t cool anymore, but SnapBack was all the rage. Or was it SnapClap?
Derrick raised his hand proudly, and Sharon’s expression flickered slightly, mentally preparing herself for whatever response she would receive this time.
She had recently actively avoided accepting Derrick’s contributions, but she had pulled herself up on it. It wasn’t fair, and it was unprofessional of her to let her own opinions get in the way of a student’s learning, no matter how infuriating that student was.
Her eyes narrowed as she noticed he was reclining back in a ‘too cool for school’ way, his right arm propped up on the back of his chair in an attempt to look like it was around Alaska.
“Sure, Derrick,” Sharon forced out, gesturing at him to speak.
With a smirk on his lips and a look in his eyes he would probably describe as ‘cheeky’, Derrick announced, “I’d like to slide into your DMs, Ms.”
As Sharon’s eyebrows rose, another groan rippled throughout the cohort. They were just as much over Derrick and his bad attempts at hitting on Sharon as Sharon herself was.
Alaska grimaced and side eyed Derrick, but she still didn’t move away from him, instead continuing to almost lean into him, like a couple. Sharon narrowed her eyes at their little seating arrangement.
She could join in on Alaska’s games too though, couldn’t she?
Conjuring up her best fake laugh, Sharon cackled, her face barely moving and her eyes dead as she looked at Derrick.
“Ah, you’re so… funny, Derrick,” she said, even though she had no idea what the fuck a DM even was.
Alaska’s jaw dropped as she witnessed Sharon Needles giving Derrick Barry the time of day.
Sharon met her gaze before she turned around to walk back to her podium to flick to another slide, and Alaska just rolled her eyes.
When Sharon looked up at her class again, she saw Alaska had repositioned herself, now sitting in her own seat and not leaning into Derrick anymore, the cunning smile wiped off her face.  
“You know,” Sharon smiled, clearly happy with herself and feeling victorious, “I think I might push that midterm back, just a week though.”
A cheer erupted amongst her students, followed by a smattering of applause.
“Well, that just about wraps us up,” Sharon said as the clock hit 10am. “Don’t forget you have another module due this Friday, and I’ll email you all to confirm the new mid term quiz date.”
It was a flurry of students closing laptops and grabbing their bags as they packed up, conversations filling the room as they began to file out. Alaska and Derrick were still sitting as Courtney confirmed their plans to meet up later before leaving.
As Alaska took a final sip from her water bottle before sliding it into her bag, Derrick leaned towards her, his face far too close to hers.
“Hey,” Derrick said, dragging out the word and failing to do it as effortlessly and coolly as Alaska did with her words.
Alaska just looked at him, her face pitched as if she smelt something bad.  
“What?” she said, leaning away.
“Let’s go out sometime,” Derrick said confidently, not even posing it as a question.  
Alaska had to hold back a laugh.
“And what would give you the idea I’m interested in you?” Alaska snapped back. She flicked her gaze to Sharon, who was being crowded by students with questions.
Derrick’s expression fell from one of smugness to confusion at Alaska’s instant rejection.
“But, but the lecture… the hair, the flirtin—“ Derrick fumbled out.
“I have no interest in you, no one’s interested in you,” Alaska hissed, shutting her laptop before slipping it into her bag.
“N-no one’s interested?” Derrick faltered, his puzzled expression missed as Alaska slid out of her seat and walked up to Professor Needles.
She joined the crowd of her peers and smirked at Sharon, who was nodding along and mentally scolding the students for not asking these questions in front of the class where everyone would have benefitted from her answers.
“No, I can’t push the deadline back further. No, I can’t process extensions; you’ll have to apply through Student Services. No, five website references are not enough, the librarians will help you find peer reviewed articles,” Sharon rattled off, almost robotically.
Slowly but surely the crowd around her dispersed, the shoulders of students slumped as they faced the reality of university.
Alaska was about to walk up to Sharon to do her normal ‘can I grab another extra credit form off you, Professor?’ spiel, but another student beat her to it.
Striding in front of her and catching Sharon’s attention was Kimora Blac, a cocky double degree Law and Business Marketing student with an ego the size of her ass.
“Good morning Professor,” Kimora smiled, offering her hand to Sharon, who stared at it almost dumbfounded at first before shaking it. Whether they were real or not, Sharon was obsessed with Kimora’s sharp cheekbones, and Alaska noticed her staring.
“First of all, I’m a huge fan of yours,” Kimora gushed. “I watched your speech from last year’s Global Marketing conference on YouTube and loved it.”
“Oh wow, thanks,” Sharon replied brightly, learning for the first time she was on YouTube.
Alaska glared at the back of Kimora’s stupid head, not believing how much of a suck up she was.
“I was just wondering,” Kimora continued, “I happened to be away for the first few weeks of the semester due to an overseas exchange, and I’ve missed some of the modules. Would I be able to apply for extra credit to make up for what I’ve missed?”
Alaska’s eyes grew wide as Kimora uttered the words Alaska always did when she entered Sharon’s office.
Sharon’s surprised reaction was a mirrored image of Alaska’s, and she caught sight of the younger girl’s expression over Kimora’s shoulder.
Alaska smirked and raised one eyebrow. Yeah, she silently asked Sharon, can she?
Sharon swallowed and addressed Kimora, who stared back at her with dark, catlike eyes accentuated even more with sharp, black eyeliner.
“Uh, wi—with extra credit,” Sharon stumbled, “you’ll have to actually apply through the faculty co-coordinator. I can’t process it on my end.” She flicked her eyes to Alaska before she said the last part. “So, I can’t help you.”
Kimora nodded understandingly, albeit a little frostier now that things had uncharacteristically not gone her way.
“Okay, I understand, thank you so much for you help anyway, Professor. I look forward to the rest of the semester with you,” Kimora said, and Alaska rolled her eyes for the second time today at just how desperate Blac sounded.
Kimora turned and walked away, both Sharon and Alaska left to watch her long, black, slicked up ponytail sway above her round ass as she walked out of the room.
Once the door shut and they confirmed they were alone in the empty lecture hall, Alaska turned to Sharon.
“So, Professor,” Alaska said softly, walking up to Sharon, her fingers brushing the buttons of the older woman’s blouse. “Can I have some extra credit?”
Sharon couldn’t contain her laugh as she pulled Alaska in for a kiss.
Sharon wasn’t even pretending to do work in her office as she waited for Alaska.
After their brief kiss in the hall before, Alaska had told her she had planned to drop by her office after their lecture, but first they had to leave the room separately.
As Sharon calmly walked through the campus, her insides were alight with excitement and anticipation. She had admired herself in the mirrors of the elevator as she rose to her floor, a complete turn around from how she felt in the exact same space just last week.
Seven days ago she was filled with so much shame after realising she had screwed a student that she couldn’t even look at herself in the elevator’s reflection. Now, she fixed her hair, checked there was no lipstick on her teeth, and adjusted her cleavage. It was only then she realised she was wearing the same dress she had worn the night she had gone up to Alaska at the bar, and then gone down on her in the bathroom.
While it was office appropriate, it was also black, low cut, hugged her figure and could easily be hitched up. As the elevator doors slid open, Sharon couldn’t wipe the smugness off her face. She had a plan.
Now she sat in her office, tapping her nails against her desk and not even bothering to look busy as she waited for the younger girl, her eyes focused on the digital clock in the top right corner of her desktop.
Finally Alaska appeared, and for once it wasn’t a fragment of Sharon’s imagination, but the real thing. She had seen her in the lecture hall just 10 minutes ago, but somehow Alaska looked even better.
She stood at Sharon’s open door and leaned against the frame slightly, biting her bottom lip in an effort to stop smiling like an idiot.
“Hi, Professor,” Alaska said hurriedly, her voice higher than she would have liked. Sharon couldn’t help but grin back, and it warmed Alaska. They were both as excited and horny as each other.
“Can I talk to you about extra credit for the assignment?” Alaska asked as a colleague of Sharon’s walked through the corridor.
“Sure,” replied Sharon, a little too quickly. “Come in… and close the door.”
Alaska stepped inside and closed the door before locking it. She reached up to pull the blinds down for privacy, but smiled when she saw Sharon had already done so.
Sharon leaned back in her leather chair that was more expensive than the car Alaska was saving to buy before tapping her desk in front of her.
“Come here, baby,” she whispered, and Alaska happily obliged.
She walked around and sat on the hard, wooden surface of Sharon’s desk, the palms on her hands propping her up as her feet dangled. She crossed one leg over the other, and neither of them missed the moment where her skirt rode up, revealing more of her thigh.
Even though she was sitting higher than Sharon, Alaska still felt submissive under the older woman’s gaze. As she watched Sharon’s eyes trail down her body, she felt herself pulse.
Sharon reached out and felt the material of Alaska’s skirt between her fingers. It was baby pink, incredibly short and pleated. Sharon could feel her heart thumping in her chest as she stoked the fabric, failing to ignore all the memories it conjured up.
She was suddenly remembering all the afternoons in high school she spent sitting on the bleachers, smoking and watching the cheerleaders practice, feeling herself throb as their short skirts flew up around their bodies as they were launched into the air. They would wink at Sharon and giggle with one and other, each cheerleader showing off to their favourite audience member.
Then she was remembering her first time, behind the sports equipment shed where her hands had trailed up past the hemline of a school skirt much like this before kissing a girl not at all like Alaska.
Alaska knew what she was doing when she picked this out this morning.
“I didn’t think you’d be so cliché,” Sharon said as her fingers grazed Alaska’s schoolgirl-esque skirt. She didn’t touch her skin, and it drove Alaska crazy. Alaska didn’t want tentative touches; she wanted Sharon to rip the damn thing off her.
“Not as cliché as this,” Alaska replied before leaning back and spreading her legs.
She flicked her pink skirt up to reveal a bright red thong underneath. Sharon’s eyes widened and she cleared her throat almost comically, and Alaska had to bite her lip to stop the laugh that threatened to bubble out.
“What happened to the pure, little white one you had on the first time?” Sharon joked.
“It’s probably still on the floor of that bar’s bathroom,” Alaska said, the tip of her middle finger running over the lace and between her folds as she spoke.
“You want me to fuck you like I did in that bathroom, hmm?” Sharon asked softly, leaning forward to gently kiss Alaska’s inner thigh.
Alaska’s breath hitched as Sharon’s kisses got closer and closer to her core. It took everything in Sharon not to give in yet, to not slide the thong off and bury herself in Alaska. Not yet. Even though she was sitting, Sharon’s hips jerked slightly, her body impatiently hungry for what she knew was coming.
“Yes,” Alaska breathed as Sharon mouthed over her folds ever so slightly. She could feel Sharon’s hot breath against her sensitive skin through the lace, and it made her eyelids flutter.
“Well you’re not gonna get it,” Sharon said suddenly, her slow, sensual tone replaced entirely with bluntness. She pulled away and leaned back on her chair, narrowing her eyes and sizing up Alaska.  
“What?” Alaska attempted, sitting up. She tipped her head to the side as her foggy, lust clouded mind tried to keep up.
A smile pulled at Sharon’s lips and threatened to spoil her dominating act. But she couldn’t help it; Alaska just looked so adorable, all confused and spread out.
“You really think I’m going to do all the hard work and eat you out after that stunt you pulled earlier with Barry?” Sharon practically spat the last word.
Alaska’s eyes grew wide before she cottoned on. Her plan at making her Professor jealous had actually worked. They both knew Alaska’s flirting with Derrick wasn’t real, and that Sharon wasn’t nearly as envious and annoyed as she was pretending, but that was part of the fun.
“Are you jealous, Professor?” Alaska asked, sitting up so that she was almost looking down at Sharon, her long legs dangling off the desk as she spoke.
“Very,” Sharon drawled, her hands sliding up Alaska’s thighs before pulling her forwards slightly, towards her, their eyes locked on each other.
“Have I been naughty, Professor?” Alaska asked, her voice quiet, because she feared if she spoke any louder, their sudden bubble of role-play would pop.
Sharon’s chest rose at the word choice as she breathed in deeply. She shifted in her seat and squeezed her thighs together, already feeling dampness.
“So naughty,” Sharon sighed, her hands caressing Alaska’s thighs under her skirt.
Whether they realised it or not, they were slowly moving closer, their world getting smaller as they gravitated towards each other.
“What do naughty girls do?” Alaska asked, her lips inches from Sharon’s.
Sharon paused, her eyes trailing down Alaska’s neck before meeting hers again, and Alaska forced herself not to shiver under the older woman’s gaze.
“They get on their knees,” Sharon said.
Alaska’s plump lips parted as she gasped slightly. She slipped off the wooden desk with ease, eagerly obeying Sharon.
She flicked her long blonde hair behind her shoulders and spread her knees as she positioned herself between Sharon and the desk.
Sharon hitched her tight dress up, the material gathering around her waist as she exposed her pale thighs. She went to pull her underwear down, but Alaska stopped her.
“No,” Alaska said with a shy smile, her fingers hooking under the elastic, “I want to do it.”
Sharon lifted her hips slightly so Alaska could pull her black underwear off. The material clung to her dampness slightly as it was pulled away, reminding them both of their first time in the bathroom.
Sharon heard a soft, low moan before realising it was herself. A blush blossomed on her neck as Alaska pulled her underwear down her thighs, over her knees and down her shins before carefully navigating them between her high heels.
Sharon spread her thighs before lifting her legs to rest her feet on the desk, her red Louboutin bottoms against the polished, oak wood.
“I missed you so much,” Alaska said between the kisses she placed on Sharon’s inner thighs.
“Show me how much you missed me,” Sharon whispered as she ran her fingers through Alaska’s soft hair, emphasising the first word.
Without any more delay, Alaska leaned forward, her tongue lapping over Sharon’s slick folds before dipping in between them.
Sharon gasped, her mouth falling open as she was finally met with relief. Her whole week was building up to her next encounter with Alaska, and every second was worth the wait.
Alaska flattened her tongue before licking one long, slow stroke up Sharon, who spread her thighs wider at the sensation.
A string of moans, gasps and praise was held back behind a bitten lip as Alaska’s movements intensified, building Sharon up before bringing her down, edging her along.
Alaska pulled away, only to bring her fingers between Sharon’s folds.
“So wet,” she murmured, her fingers already slick.
She leaned forward again, her tongue lapping against Sharon’s bud as her index finger circled her entrance.
A high-pitched moan leaked out of Sharon, and suddenly she couldn’t hold back anymore.
“So good, that’s so good baby, ah,” Sharon babbled, her hand on the back of Alaska’s head pulling her even closer as her hips automatically rocked up, desperate for more.
As Alaska slid her index finger in completely, she hummed around her sensitive bud, sending shock waves through Sharon’s body.
Sharon clutched her armrest with one hand, her knuckles instantly turning white as she gripped the leather.
Alaska slipped a second finger into her entrance, and Sharon squeezed around her touch, grasping for more.
“You like that?” Alaska drawled, her voice raspy.
Sharon could only nod feverishly. Moisture gathered in the corners of her eyes as Alaska pumped herself in and out before adding a third finger. She wrapped her lips around Sharon’s clit, showering her in a mix of tongue, sucking and moaning.
Sharon was close. Her limbs were rapidly becoming both weightless and heavy at the same time, and her mind felt simultaneously so distant but so present.
And then her phone rang.
Gasping, Sharon’s eyes shot open as she was ripped back into reality.
Her hand on the back of Alaska’s head halted her and held her close as another sharp ring sounded from the office phone.
Sharon glanced at the called ID and felt her gut lurch. She couldn’t let this go to message bank.
Shooting a glance at Alaska, Sharon picked the phone up before bringing it to her ear.
“Hi Chad!” she sang, greeting her boss entirely too happily. She needed to tone it down.
“Hey Sharon,” Chad Michaels replied warmly.
Sharon loved Chad. Even though she was the Executive Dean of the university, Chad was almost like a loving mother figure. She was in her mid fifties and took Sharon under her wing when she joined the university. Chad, Senior Public Relations Professor Bianca Del Rio and others interviewed Sharon when she applied for this position, and Chad was the one who went out of her way to make Sharon feel at ease and welcomed.
“What’s up?” Sharon said casually, as if this were just a regular phone call with her boss and there wasn’t a student under her desk and between her thighs.
“I know you’re super busy at the moment…” Chad began, and Sharon nodded, looking down at Alaska. She was very busy.
Alaska met her gaze and lightly lapped at her folds before gently focusing on her pulsing bud. They kept eye contact the whole time, and Sharon almost dropped the phone. This was the hottest thing that had ever happened to her in her 35 years on earth – and her boss was semi-present for the moment.
“…and I’m not even the one who usually makes these arrangements but everyone’s sick at the moment, you know how bad this flu season is, but I was just wondering if you were able to take Roberta Queens’ first year Global Marketing lecture this afternoon at 2pm?” Chad continued. “I’m so sorry to throw this on you last minute, but she’s called in sick and there isn’t anyone else to take over, and I know you can handle it.”
Sharon tried to listen to Chad, but she couldn’t pull her focus from Alaska, who was batting her thick lashes at Sharon as she continued.
“Uh, yes I can—ahhH!“ Sharon’s hips jerked as Alaska’s teeth deliberately grazed her clit, the younger girl causing Sharon to gasp right down the receiver to her boss.
“Sharon?” Chad asked, her voice concerned.
“Yes!” Sharon exclaimed, tearing her gaze from Alaska and holding her close to halt her movements. “Sorry, I uh, I had to sneeze, and it just won’t come, you know? But yes, I can definitely do that.”
Alaska pulled away and brought her hand to her mouth, physically having to bite down to stop herself laughing.
“Ah yes! I hate it when that happens.” Chad replied, completely fooled. “It’s such a tease.”
“Yes,” Sharon agreed, her eyes wide at Chad’s word choice. “Such a tease.”
“Wonderful then, thank you so much Sharon, I owe you one,” Chad said graciously. “I’ll forward you Roberta’s email that has the PowerPoint and content notes attached.”
“Yes, sounds good, thanks Chad,” Sharon hurried out, desperate to hang up.
“Great, thanks Sharon.”
Sharon waited for Chad to hang up before she slammed the phone down herself, her attention now fully on Alaska.
“Even my boss thinks you’re a fucking tease,” Sharon whispered as Alaska smiled and shrugged her shoulders in a ‘not my problem’ way, except it definitely was.
Sharon’s heart was beating wildly. She couldn’t believe how reckless they were just then – and she couldn’t believe how much it turned her on.
She tangled her fingers in Alaska’s hair and brought her closer. While their actions before were drawn out and teasing, now it was fast and hot. Sharon took full control, grinding herself against Alaska, who moaned as the older woman’s slickness coated her lips and chin. She returned her fingers to Sharon’s entrance, pumping them in time with Sharon’s grinding and clenching. She parted her fingers, stretching Sharon before twisting and curving them, hitting the spot that made Sharon’s eyes roll back.
“Mmph, fuck, yes, Alaska,” Sharon whined as she threw her head back against her leather chair. She spread her thighs wider, arched her back further, and held Alaska closer, her orgasm building and building as Alaska continued to fuck her.
She felt her abdomen tighten. A spark ran up her spine as her legs tensed. And then she was coming, her body finally letting go entirely and giving in. Her legs shook and her fingers scrunched Alaska’s hair as short, sharp gasps came out through her parted lips.
Alaska could only continue as Sharon came, leading her through her climax as her walls spasmed around her fingers. Even though she was below her on her knees, Alaska had never felt more powerful as Sharon unraveled above her, completely submitting to Alaska’s touch.
Sharon came down from her high, and Alaska gently lapped at her folds, causing little aftershocks to ripple through her body. With heavy limbs and a wide smile, Sharon ran her fingers through Alaska’s hair lovingly.
“Such a good girl,” she drawled affectionately, her speech thick with lust. “I think you deserve a reward.”
She patted the desk above her, and Alaska quickly stood up, hopping back on the desk like she was before. She leaned back and brought her legs to her chest, clumsily knocking over Sharon’s stationary in her enthusiastic process.
Sharon’s hands trailed up her thighs before ghosting her fingers over Alaska’s crotch.
“So pretty,” she commented on the red, lacy thong with flower detailing. She lightly traced her fingertip up Alaska’s folds before roughly rubbing her pulsing clit.
Alaska jerked up, a sharp gasp escaping her.
“I’m not gonna last long,” Alaska managed out, “I’m so fucking ready for you.”
Sharon smiled, leaning down to kiss her. Their lips met, and Sharon’s tongue traced the rim of Alaska’s upper lip as she continued to rub her.
“Your mouth is needed elsewhere,” Alaska gasped as her hips shuddered under Sharon’s touch.  
Stifling a laugh, Sharon hooked her fingers under the thin red straps of the thong and pulled in down Alaska’s slender legs.
Now she laid bare before Sharon under the bright glow of the desk lamp with her skirt up, underwear gone and thighs spread. With previous partners, this amount of vulnerability would have been nerve wracking, but with Sharon it was different.
With Sharon, Alaska felt powerful, confident. She felt safe.
Quickly unbuttoning her blouse, Alaska pulled the white material apart to reveal her pink lacy bra and more soft, pale skin underneath. She cupped her breasts as she arched her back against the desk, her eyes on Sharon as she felt herself.
And then Sharon was finally between her thighs, her hands holding her thighs apart as her tongue dipped between her slick folds. She rapidly flicked over Alaska’s clit, feeling the younger girl practically vibrate under her touch. She pushed her to the edge before pulling away completely, not letting Alaska come so easily.
Alaska had to bit her lip to stop herself from crying out, both grateful and furious at Sharon for edging her along.
Now more than ever, Alaska noticed Sharon’s expertise. Maybe it was experience, or just confidence. Whatever the case may be, no one had ever fucked Alaska like Sharon currently was.
While her lips wrapped around her pulsing bud, her fingers circled her entrance, sliding into her before pulling out entirely. She kept going, each time pushing herself further into Alaska and pulling out just as fast. She moaned around Alaska, her actions slow and gradual before they were rapid, building with intensity every second.
And then she would pull away, leaving Alaska a desperate, crying mess who would beg her for more.  She repeated this an endless amount of times, building Alaska up only to pull away and edge her on. She kept going, tears springing to Alaska’s eyes as her breathy moans filled the office.
“So, fucking, good, Sharon, ah,” Alaska whined, and she was surprised she was even able to speak.
She legs were shaking, her body was writhing and her walls were clenching around Sharon’s fingers, grasping at her touch. She placed a hand on Sharon to hold her close, and the older woman looked up at her as she continued, her thick lashes fluttering in front of her sultry gaze.  
And finally Alaska was coming, her mind simultaneously going blank yet exploding into a million pieces as Sharon finally pushed her over the edge. She squeezed her eyes shut as her mouth parted in silence scream, and her back arched against the hard wooden desk as she held Sharon close.
Sharon leisurely ran her tongue over and between Alaska as she settled down from her high, her legs twitching and her breath shaking whenever Sharon would coat her oversensitive bud.
Alaska propped herself up on her elbows once Sharon pulled away. Sharon found her sensible black underwear forgotten on her nice carpeted floor beneath her and shimmied it on before pulling the skirt of her dress back down.
They smiled at each other, dopey and sleepy and absolutely spent. There was a comfortable silence in the room, no words were needed, their bodies had said enough.
Sharon offered to button up Alaska’s blouse, and they both smiled as her fingers delicately manoeuvred the little white, heart shaped buttoned into their respective holes.
“Would you like to come over for dinner tonight, Alaska?” Sharon asked when she finished the final button. Alaska’s cheeks turned pink at the invitation.
“Yes, of course, that would be lovely,” Alaska replied. The thought of Sharon making dinner for them made her heart swell.
“Perfect, I could start preparing now,” Sharon smiled, joking.
“Don’t you have an impromptu lecture to prepare for?” Alaska asked.
“Oh fuck,” Sharon cursed, feeling like she was back in high school and had forgotten homework was due.
She just wanted to go home and plan what she would make for dinner for her girlfri— for Alaska. Sharon shook her head slightly, not wanting to think about why she so effortlessly referred to Alaska as her girlfriend. An affectionate warmth spread in her chest at the thought of the word – girlfriend.
Alaska laughed at Sharon’s forgetfulness, hopping off the desk as Sharon quickly opened her emails, her head shaking slightly as she remembered her lecture. Alaska picked up her forgotten red thong on the floor and went to put it on before she thought of a better idea.
As Sharon scrolled through a never ending stream of unread emails and downloaded PowerPoints and lecture content, Alaska silently slid open her desk drawer and stuffed the thong inside, the bright lacy material a shocking contrast to the rest of Sharon’s black stationary and bland paperwork.
She brushed Sharon’s blonde hair to the side before she placed her hands on her tense shoulders and leaned down to kiss her neck goodbye. Sharon’s shoulders immediately relaxed and her frantic typing came to a halt.
“I’ll see you tonight?” Alaska double-checked.
“Yes,” Sharon said warmly, swivelling around in her chair and taking Alaska’s hands in hers. “Come by around 6? I’ll text you the address.”
“Sounds perfect, I’ll see you at 6 then.”
Alaska moved to walk away, but Sharon pulled her back into her embrace gently, lightly kissing her lips.
“Okay, see you at 6,” Sharon smiled.
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kurokoros · 7 years
The egg sitting on her dresser glints in the light spilling through the open window, the scaled pattern on the shell casting blue shadows across the wall. They dance, flickering as the clouds shift outside, and Lucy traces a finger along the side of the egg, feeling it warm beneath her touch, reacting to her presence. The shell quickly grows to a scalding temperature the longer she touches it, and she jerks away with a slight hiss, her fingers tinged red.
It concerned her, at first, how violent the egg seemed to react to her touch, but Gildarts explained to her that it was natural. Dragon eggs emit heat when they're comfortable, radiating a warmth meant to comfort their partner in return. He laughed when Lucy help her egg cautiously in her hands, patting her on the head and joking that human skin isn't nearly as hearty as dragon scales, and what might be pleasant to the thick skin of a dragon mother is considered a first degree burn to Lucy.
Natsu's had it worse than her, in the burn department. He ended up with some kind of fire demon masquerading as a dragon. The molten egg nearly burned through the cozy she and Juvia made for it, singing small holes through the fabric until Gray was able to place a low level magic spell on the cloth making it resistant to the eggs heat. Natsu's fingers have been burned more times than Lucy's have, and blisters formed on his palms soon after he bonded with the egg.
He complained, of course, cursing at the unresponsive egg, but it paid him no mind, continuing to burn on until Lyon found a bucket and made ice cubes with his magic, Gray laughing too hard to help his friend. The bucket nearly worked, too, until the ice melted and the water began to boil, exploding in the middle of their dorm and splattering them all with scalding water.
Luckily, none of them were injured too badly, Natsu's pride suffering the brunt of it.
Gildarts refused to tell them what breed of dragon it was, not allowing them to search through any books to find it. He told them it was supposed to be a surprise and that sometimes it's better to grow attached to the eggs before learning the breed, as there are some with particularly nasty reputations. Lucy figures Natsu's egg is one such dragon, but their Professor refused to explain any further.
Snorting, Lucy shakes her head, imagining the smug look on Gildarts face when that egg hatches. She gets the feeling that dragon is going to be some kind of terror, and she has no doubt that Gildarts is going to find it all kinds of hilarious. He seems like the type to enjoy the surprise of others. Not necessarily in a mean way, but Lucy can't help but wonder if their professor might be some kind of sadist.
She supposes that's not really something she wants to know.
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eurusholmmes · 7 years
On His Mind|| Old Man Logan
Requested by Anon
Guys.. let me tell you. If you haven’t invested into the Logan Blue Ray, I highly recommend you take twenty dollars and go buy it. Not only does it come with the movie but also half a dozen deleted scenes (which SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE FINAL CUT) and a black and white version of Logan to watch from beginning to end! GO BUY IT!
Prompt:  So glad the Logan requests are temporarily back! Y/N becomes a nurse for Charles to help out Caliban and Logan and one night while sitting with Charles he tells you that he’s been reading Logan’s mind whenever his meds start to wear off and nothing is on his mind but her? I feel like it’d just be super cute and she’d be all blushy and awkward :3
Tag List: @house-of-penguin @drewkelliii @weasleytheking @agirlinherhead @itsbrittbrattt @xavier-chxrles @cleanslates @rivertales @katiedreamy @buckybabble @avengers-bucky-fanfic @castawaybarnes @let-it-go-and-live-again @liveourlifelikenobodyelse @tigers-have-teeth 
        The first time you heard him say it, you were almost immediately convinced he was lying to you. Despite the fact that Charles Xavier was a guilt ridden senile old man, he had never been a liar. Not in the time you’d known him. 
You’d been hidden on the other side of the border with him and Calliban since Logan Howlett had brought you here after The West Chester Incident; the three of you the only sole survivors to live and tell the tale. You had become an interim nurse for the older man as Logan pushed himself further away from the two of you, taking to the roads of El Paso and the bottom of a bottle to numb his pain. 
  “Calliban, can you hand me Charles’ pills?’’ You called out, face tucked away under an old black hat you’d found in the Compound as you grabbed Charles dinner tray. Calliban glanced up from his work and tossed the bottle in your direction before returning back to his task at hand. “Thank you, continue with your work. Or not. I don’t really care.” 
  “See, now you sound like Logan!” He called out, voice muted behind the door as you ventured out into the cool night towards the tank Charles was hidden in. A small part of you felt bad for the Professor. Stuck inside a confined space with no contact to the outside world, deprived of his true calling, under the impression that he was to blame for the decimation of the X-Men. 
  “Y/n? Is that you? You’re far too quiet. You’re getting better at sneaking around.” You smirked as you entered the tank and gently shut the door with your foot, moving to the center of the room where Charles was reclined in his bed. He had gone partially blind in one eye in the year you’d been here, giving you more difficulty in taking care of him then you knew to deal with. “Whatever you cooked smells divine.” 
  “Everything I cook for you smells divine. You’re lucky I’m not Logan and his god awful cooking.” You joked softly, your grin widening when his eyes lit up at the joy that emanated from you. “Speaking of Logan, you need to take your pills. He’ll kill me if you don’t.” 
Charles snorted as his fingers closed around the two blue pills he took like clock work - downing them with the glass of water on his bedside table. “No no. Logan wouldn’t do that to you.” He reassured. 
  “And how do you know that, old man?” You retorted, sitting down at his side and taking his hand in your own as you waited for his food to cool. Charles cleared his throat and turned his head enough that he could properly look at you. You, y/n y/l/n, in all your splendor. Kind eyes and array of scars, tender hands and words of reassurance in a dark and dreary world. Just the type of woman Logan needed to keep going. To give him a reason to live. 
  “Because, once upon a time, I knew how to tell whenever my students were-” He coughed behind his hand placed against his mouth. “Interested in one another. When I am not on these pills, I can hear Logans thoughts. May I remark that they are particularly loud and all revolve around you?” 
  “What-What-No-You have to be joking-” You stuttered, your pale skin dusted with a dark red blush as you struggled to hide your embarrassment from the telepath. Charles chuckled quietly under his breath as you stumbled around his nightly meal, settling on the apple sauce before collapsing back into the seat at his side. “Logan Howlett thinks about me? Are you sure you’re not.. high or something?” 
The laughter that broke past his lips was enough to make you grin - a full, stomach laughter that you had not heard since his days with the Xmen. “Believe me my dear, the only thing I am high on are these freaking pills you two have me take.” He replied. “And I would never lie to you about something like this. It was very faint at first before the Incident, but ever since we relocated here, it has become incredibly strong.” 
Before you could form an articulate response that didn’t convey the anxiety clawing its way up your throat, the familiar screech of Logans limo was heard in the lot outside the tank. You cast a glance at Charles over your shoulder and smiled as he motioned you out the door. 
  “What do I do now?!” You exclaimed. “All he’s going to do is run away!” 
  “You act on how you feel, y/n.” Charles replied. “If he tries to run, you give him a reason to stay.” 
And with that you stepped back out into the night, sneaking through the hallways of the Compound until you found Logans room that he’d retreated into. Wrapping your fingers around the door knob, you quietly made your way inside and stopped just in front of the bathroom doorway where The Wolverine was gazing at himself in the mirror - scars and blood and flaws in all. 
  “Hi Logan.” You said quietly, your eyes softening as he met them through the glass. Eyes so ancient, full of devastation and longing, that it nearly tore you apart to know that he hated every inch of himself. 
Because for every inch he hated, there was a piece you loved. 
  “We need to talk.” 
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