#the duality of kenobi
threebea · 2 years
My favourite thing about Obi-Wan is that he's a jock that has us convinced is he's just a nerd.
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lorelai-arcturus · 2 years
can someone with a 3d printer please make me wall hangings of obi wan and anakin frozen in carbonate??? i really need them and i will love you forever.
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lains-reality · 1 year
hi :) i hope you’re having a wonderful day
you’re literally the only blogger i trust when it comes to non-duality, and your advice has been the one i’ve been most easily able to apply/understand. I hope this doesn’t come off as a vent, but it probably will just because this question is so complicated and problem riddled, and tbh idek if you’re actually going to respond, but yea. it’s like star wars you’re my obi wan kenobi! my last hope lol
basically i’ve put my life on hold and procrastinated everything i’ve needed to do. (TW: death?? health problems/sa?) I went through a really bad year, last year. the human character i identify with (non-dualistic terms, bc ik this character isn’t me?) was sa’d in the beginning of the year. really traumatic. i dropped out of school, i couldn’t go out of the house because i feared for my life. i became super paranoid. i reported it and filed charges, but the justice system is fucked so.
anyways, after because the amount of stress i was experiencing, i became very ill. my biological father wished death on me, and i believed it at the time, because my sibling wished for me to get raped, and then it happened. i can see now, how my belief may or may not have been the cause of what happened. i then got cancer. the doctors couldn’t figure it out for months, and even ridiculed me- saying how i relied on google.
i finally went to a specialist who was immediately concerned, and then confirmed my suspicions. i was sort of friends with a blogger on here who got into the void and manifested their dream life. they went into the void for me and affirmed that i no longer had cancer, and that i could tap/wake up in the void. the next day, the huge lump/tumor on my neck was gone. all of my ailments- trouble breathing, patchy and rough skin ceased. i literally told my mother what happened which made her start believing in the power of “manifestation”.
because of the paranoia, and then cancer- i didn’t go to school my last 2 years of school. i switched to online, but never felt the need to complete my classes because i knew i would get into the void. i’ve gotten into the void, both by waking up/tapping into it but i haven’t been able to change my awareness, or “manifest” bc i was just mumbo jumbing words or poetry. i didn’t apply to university, because i thought i’d enter the void before then and revise my school grades + make it so i got into the university of my choice.
now, i have a week left before i have to finish my classes- which i have 7 of them, and so many assignments. i have to move out in the middle of august because i lied to my parents and said i got into university, because i thought i would’ve already changed things with the void by now. my life was fucked, then i fucked my life. after discovering non-duality i gained hope that i would be able to turn things around by now, yet i haven’t. i don’t know what i’m doing wrong, because i was able to show myself the truth of reality (as lester levinson said).
i am really stressing because now everything is falling down on itself. i try to forget my problems, and don’t give them life by letting go, yet it’s so hard when teachers are bombarding me with messages how i have to finish the classes, or how i have to move out soon. i know this is probably ego driven, but i feel as if i can’t see a way through because of how attached i am to this. my health has also been abnormal, which makes me fear that the cancer has returned. what should i do?? im kinda freaking out.
anyways, i am so sorry if this came across trauma dumping/venting. i am just at a point where i do not even know where to begin to conceptualize this into understanding. this took a lot of courage to type, as im a bit afraid still- that people who hurt me from last year will see this (even though i know they won’t, but still). i totally understand if you wish not to post this or answer it, as it is very long and limiting. thank you though! i hope you have a wonderful week:)
this was quite difficult to answer as i've never been through so much turmoil all at once. i hope this answer helps and you'll continue taking care of yourself! (i'm sorry i linked way too much lol just don't read it all at once!)
firstly i want you to rest.
you've been through a lot and you've also been putting off a lot to get into the void. stopping life for manifestation is common it seems, its not healthy either. so much pressure is coming from time. you put all your expectations on a method, and i'm gonna guess that you also put so much onto your mind to get you into the void.
practically: your biological father sounds abusive and so does your sibling, i would be more careful around him. idk if your not around him anymore, it sounds like it? but you need to plan accordingly for your lie. are you gonna tell your parents or ?
theres a massive chance you'll just go crazy trying to figure out all these moving parts, so i suggest do what you can and leave the rest. do the minimum to keep you safe, then figure out the rest as it comes. do whatever you need to do, just remember to not take on too much at once.
ask for breaks on work at school for medical reasons, maybe think about jobs, etc. you see how much more could come into the picture? but this is all the body-mind can do. its easy to treat it as god, but its not god.
"but i feel as if i can’t see a way through"
You fail to do the works of God, because you take the body to be God. - Ada B. [4dbarbie]
take a look at these meditations:
butter meditation
peace meditation
surrender meditation
un-identification exercise
crying meditation
i'd like you pick one of these exercises:
feel all the shit. feel bad. just do it. let all the bad feelings out. put on sad music and fucking cry. cry it all out.
let yourself rest, with no problems. if a thought or feeling comes in just let it, because its not a problem remember? :) just put on some calming music or visualise a calming place. and let yourself have some time with nothing. no conditions. no perfection. no obligations. no 'have to' 'should' 'must'. let that go for this time
feel as if you've died. feel as if you've been completely forgiven, feel as if there was a powerful white light that washed you away of all the crap. really feel as if the divine came down, hugged you and said 'i love you and forgive you'. its all over. finally its all done. you can rest. (i suggest kickstarting this with imagery or music, its hard to generate feeling such grace on you own. i saw a jesus holding a baby lamb picture that made me burst out in tears and realised that all i wanted was just to be, no obligations. i imagined waking up in a heaven, in a gaint flowerfield. do what you want)
one time i did the 1st and 3rd exercises (i made it up on the spot) and it was worth it. the next few days felt much better. its like an exercise in rebirth. let yourself be reborn.
some days you'll just do one or all 3. pick what ever feels right in what ever order. but i suggest that 'feel as if you've died' or 'no problems' comes last! the whole point is to let the painful emotion pass through and settle in a neutral or grateful place.
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"after discovering non-duality i gained hope that i would be able to turn things around by now"
here's the problem, you went into a philosophy intending to manifest. yes,, (1) you can do that (2) its okay, AS LONG AS YOU DONT MISS THE POINT. the point being that there is no person! the character is a character, not you. manifestation is just another concept, you can use it as long as you understand that its not real. thats why i shared the BOOKS, you need to READ.
"i try to forget my problems, and don’t give them life by letting go"
don't force yourself to forget (don't say you're not forcing it, otherwise you never would of wrote "TRY"). just let them be. deal with it when it comes up. the mind'll want to make a bazillion plans and stress. if you can make plans without spiriling, then do it. if you can't, don't. there will probably be some things you need to plan and thats okay. but everything else, leave it.
you haven't actually let it go, you're here in my inbox. you do not need to force letting it go. you naturally let it go by realising who you are in relation to it all. if you think you're the body-mind then its impossible to let go, because its your life and it involves you and if you let it go to shit, you might die!! - says the mind. but if you're Self, then this is not you. all those stories mean nothing compared to Infinity, Absolute Perfection and Love!
the Self is who you truly are. Self is still underneath it all, it is all. its imagining itself being a human. the character is the wave, YOU are the ocean. ultimately this is about realising all the identities, images and roles that "you've" taken on and used as reference are not you. how can a story be you? how can the past be you? are you the past? are you currently living in the past? you can be if you keep bringing it into the now.
when you stop using the past as a reference point, how much more posibilities come up now?
this is because the mind only knows what it knows. it cannot know anything more than what it knows right now. it can't access infinite intelligence. that's why it'll try to project into the future, and make plans. but it doesn't truly know. all it does is give suggestions based off the past. it is a combination of identity based off feelings, thoughts and memories that is collected and turned into a habit.
the past, memories, feelings, thoughts, identifies, roles etc all pass through you. they all come up like waves and then leave on THEIR OWN. if you hold onto these (which the character wants to do, it thinks thats all it is) it'll be painful when they are threatened in some way. a simple remark of "oh you look xxx" can be so painful for some characters because they based their whole life on a singular identity that WILL go.
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Most of you can't change because you are so desperate TO change... but there is nothing to want to change. Things just are. Don't work with changing self, just realize who self actually is. [4dbarbie]
this is not a forcing thing, its just a rememberance. its done out of love, passion, a desire to just be free! with no ties to whatever identity! its takes courage, not convincing or denial.
Disbelieving you are Vanessa and denial are not the same thing. Denial is when you deny reality to something you're already giving reality to. Disbelieving was meant as an experiment, you never thought yourselves to be anything but this body, what will happen if you did? What are changes in your psyche, do you feel more confident, do you feel like you could take on the world? Don't you love Vanessa now that you know that she always was a choice? Even if she wasn't the greatest, what's so wrong with her? She is just somebody, she just lives a life. Things are only so serious when you're identified with her, you get scared, you get hurt, you feel stuck. But when you know that she can't hinder you? That she was never you? Don't you just want to laugh and hug her? [4dbarbie]
are you sure you're reading books and posts? a lot of this is already answered. your case is just more to deal with, but the point is still the same: you are not the body and mind, see what would happen if you questioned them.
i'd like to leave you with this.
Once a young woman came to Hafiz and said, “What is the sign of someone knowing God?” And Hafiz became very quiet and stood in silence for nearly a minute. Lovingly looking deep into the young woman's eyes, he then softly spoke: “My dear, they have dropped the knife. The person who knows God has dropped the cruel knife so often used upon their tender self and others.” [source]
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some extra resources
eft - health fear
eft - afraid to feel
we cannot practice letting go
heart of an emotion
i want to wake up with everything
hafiz - love's victory (PLEASE WATCH IT)
trust yourself
"You think you're doing it all for nothing, that's why you don't do it. But is freedom from pain really nothing? At least you are, for once in your life, sighing from relief from all this never-ending sense of doing."
health anon
"All the process requires is letting go of thinking you are Vanessa."
letting thoughts and emotions pass
challenge yourself
everything brings you back to your Self
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you've been through a lot and i'm glad you still are full of love! otherwise you never would've tried in the first place to change anything. use that love, take any anger and turn it into love for freedom! for Self! i know you can do it!!
also: the feeling of bad health coming back is a sign to me. you've put so much on hold: your healing from the sa, the healing from your family, the lying, LIFE in general. you can't keep doing that. turn inwards. the fear won't consume you.
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moonstrider9904 · 5 months
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Here is a library of my gifs for you to navigate. If you like any of these posts, please consider reblogging to support me! I put a lot of love and effort into all of these, and I’d really appreciate the reblog. 🌙✨ Please do not repost any of these gifs without my permission!
Also please mind that I made some of these a long time ago in a galaxy far far away when I hadn't mastered the art of giffing so they aren't my best work, but I did want to include them ❤ However, the ones for TBB Season 3 and any remakes are my best work.
The Bad Batch Season 1
Soft!Crosshair meeting Omega
Hunter gives me Hozier vibes sometimes
Crosshair gets Wreck'd and Lula'd
Crosshair in the battle simulation
Imperial Crosshair
Tech Tuesday
Crosshair for May the 4th
Crosshair's different helmets
Wow I was in denial about Crosshair's chip lol
More Imperial Crosshair
Crosshair in Reunion
Crosshair in Return to Kamino
Crosshair in Aftermath
Imperial Crosshair (remake)
Comfort Crosshair gifs
Crosshair - After Dark by Mr. Kitty
Tech - Five by Sleeping At Last
A set of Crosshair gifs I made for my birthday
Tech's more deviant than defective
Crosshair no
Season 1 Crosshair (remake)
Crosshair on Ryloth (remake)
The Bad Batch Season 2
Tech in Faster
Crosshair across season 2
Crosshair - epiphany by Taylor Swift
The Bad Batch Season 3
Crosshair and Omega - Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift
Batcher with her dads
Crosshair in The Return
Crosshair in Point of No Return
"How Touching"
Crosshair's sparkling personality
I can fix Crosshair, no really, I can
Crosshair in Aftermath + Crosshair in The Cavalry Has Arrived
Crosshair, Omega, and Hunter hug
The Bad Batch - Eye of the Universe by McKane Davis
Hunter in Aftermath + Hunter in The Cavalry Has Arrived
Hunter and Omega in The Cavalry Has Arrived
Crosshair - Every Step and Between by McKane Davis
Hunter and Omega in Aftermath and The Cavalry Has Arrived
The Clone Wars
The Clones - Goodnight, Saigon by Billy Joel
Wolffe, my beloved
Wrecker vs. The Decimator
Star Wars Rebels
Ezra says goodbye to Kanan
The Book of Boba Fett
Jumpy Grogu
Space Jesus
Leia's Skywalker genes run rampant
The Legend of Vox Machina
Percy de Rolo
Lord Percival Fredrickstein Von Mussel Klossowski III
Bad News
Percy de Blorbo
The long lost De Rolo
Percy in A Silver Tongue
The duality of Percy
Percy's righteous anger
A set of Percy gifs I made for my birthday
You can also find these under the tag #moon's gifsets.
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antianakin · 8 months
Have you seen the "Anakin did his doctorate thesis on Darth Plageius" video? It's pure crack, but it's absolutely hilarious watching Palpatine get more and more fed up with Anakin's elitist and pretentious views on the "narrative" of the "story."
Brings to mind that one Tumblr post where OP was wondering what exactly happened the first time Anakin As Vader tried to cry about his problems to Palps only for him to be like "I don't care about you or your problems actually, go terrorize a planet or something."
Serves Anakin right for killing/attempting to kill all the people who actually cared about him and his problems, TBH, but that interaction still sounds like it would have been, just, so golden.
I had NOT seen this but it just added about five years to my life, thank-you! Palpatine being confused about what language Anakin was speaking when he said "je ne sais quoi" just about killed me.
This also reminds me of the way Palpatine responded to Anakin in the Kenobi show where he basically is like "damn you are REALLY obsessed with Kenobi, you need to (and I recognize the irony of this) LET GO because it's getting really annoyed to me."
Despite it being total crack, I feel like this video captures the duality of Anakin being someone who is in fact pretty smart in certain areas but also absolutely dense to reality at the same time. He can come to the right conclusion about how it was a story meant for the Sith apprentice to acquire his own apprentice and then completely miss when Palpatine does exactly that and Palpatine is forced to just come right out with it instead of being subtle because that's clearly not going to work.
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vulpes115 · 1 year
The Lovers of Obi-Wan Kenobi
Siri, the Childhood Crush: Siri was a friend more than a lover but Obi-Wan was aware of the fact they had mutual crushes on each other in early padawanhood, that she would’ve been willing if he was, but logically neither were in a place to do anything with it. Obi-Wan was too nervous at that point to ruin their friendship or their place in the Jedi, but still, he thinks of it sometimes as an old man on Tatooine when Siri has long passed into the Force. Maybe in another life, Siri could’ve been one of the great loves of his life, but in this one, she was a childhood friend, a creche co-conspirator, and a much-needed ally on countless missions, and Obi-Wan still loves her for all of that.
Quinlan, the Fun One: What they had was a fling between long-time friends to blow off steam between missions and no more. They never even fully broke the Council’s rules, not in the way they both would later in life. It was an understood thing that Padawans were going to act like teenagers. Still, Quinlan helped Obi-Wan figure out some things about his identity he had only begun to truly think about on Lenahra, and besides that, even with all the headaches he gave Obi-Wan, he was a trusted friend and brother. The fact that he saw Quinlan’s name on the Path wall is one of the few happy facts he has to cling to, and Obi-Wan hopes that he’s doing well, wherever he might be.
Satine, the Regret: No, that wasn’t fair, he still loved Satine, still appreciated the amazing leader she was, and he would always look back at their time on Mandalore with a deep fondness, even despite the ever-persistent threat of danger. No, the issue wasn’t Satine; it was him. He regretted not leaving the Order for her, and more than that, he regretted what he brought upon her. He knew deep down upon first seeing Korkie that he was his; his hair said it all. But like so much back then, he wouldn’t let himself see it. He should’ve left the Order as soon as he met Korkie, become the father and lover he should’ve been all those years ago, but he was too loyal to the Jedi, too loyal to Anakin, and left the window of opportunity close shut behind him. He knew that Maul only attacked and killed Satine to hurt him, that from a certain point of view all the destruction done to Satine’s beloved home planet was his fault, and if he was a weaker man, he would’ve hated himself for it. And in his weaker moments, he did, but in the end, he was still a Jedi, and Jedi did not, could not, dwell on regrets. So in the end, he did what he had always done with Satine and let her go.
Ventress, the Flirtation: What he had with Ventress was never anywhere close to true love, merely a game between the two of them. Still, Obi-Wan always held out hope that there was good in her, that she could be brought back to the light despite it all. When Quinlan came to him after her death, Obi-Wan was filled with equal grief and hope, for even though she had died, she was at peace and had finally come back to the light fully before going to join the Force, and really, that was all he ever wanted for her. He hopes one day Anakin can achieve the same.
Maul, the Enemy: He didn’t love Maul, not after he caused the death of two of the people he loved the most. But he also couldn’t bring himself to hate him either, not after knowing what happened to him, and this is the duality of feeling that leads to him killing Maul, though with a heavy heart and only to protect Luke. Only to cradle the monster in his arms, let him die with a sense of peace for the first time in his life and give him a full burial. What Obi-Wan didn’t know, couldn’t possibly know, and possibly not even Maul knew, was that the Zabrak’s obsession perhaps could’ve been love, a feeling that the dark-sider didn’t know how to deal with, having been shown no love himself, so it became the worst kind of hate. That perhaps in a different life, one where the Jedi found Maul before Sidious could twist him into nothing but a cruel and brutal weapon, Maul could’ve been one of Obi-Wan’s great loves, but that wasn’t to be.
Cody, the True Love: Obi-Wan respected his clone commander as soon as they were introduced after the Battle of Geonosis. But it took a long time for that relationship to grow to full-on romantic love, and longer still for them to both admit it due to how dutiful Obi-Wan and Cody both are. It wasn’t until a month after the death of Satine that Obi-Wan decided he didn’t want Cody to become another regret, and their relationship finally started. Obi-Wan was careful as could be to not let his attachment get out of hand. He knew Cody was a more than capable soldier, but still, if the worst was to happen, Obi-Wan made his peace with that fact. Except, he didn’t know what the true worst thing that could happen was, as no one could. He didn’t know why Cody fired on him, but he didn’t feel betrayed, not in the same way he did with Anakin. He knew that Cody, his Kote, the man who had gotten him through countless battles and who he loved and who had called him cyar’ika in return, would never ever do such a thing. Obi-Wan wished he could reveal that he was alive, but it was too much of a security risk. He just hoped that wherever Cody was, he knew that it wasn’t his fault.
Anakin, the Soulmate: He didn’t love Anakin in the same way he loved Satine or Cody; he couldn't see a man he helped raise in such a light. But oh, did he love him. Anakin was his son, brother, and best friend all in one—the other half of his soul. Perhaps this is why he didn’t see the warning signs: the sudden spikes of violence, the inability to let go of attachments, or the hold Palpatine had on him. Even after everything that happened, he still loved Anakin; he just couldn’t save him. He spent years dwelling on how everything could go wrong. It wasn't until a second encounter with Vader that he was finally able to let him go and accept that Anakin was dead; all that was left in his place was a dark shadow. In the dark hours of the morning, when he's most vulnerable, it's always Anakin's ghost that comes to haunt him. Perhaps it’s ironic then that Anakin is the reason why his other past loves don’t haunt him as badly anymore. After all, he was the one who taught him that nothing good comes from dwelling on those who have already passed into the Force.
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babkaboy · 1 year
I’ve always been curious about Obikin, because it never felt right to me, but it isn’t exactly a pro-ship? I can never really tell. On one hand there’s the “you were my brother Anakin” on the other theres the headcanons. I just wanna know what the appeal is from someone who ships them. /gen
i’m not the best person to answer this bc i really don’t care at all if a ship is problematic or proshipper or whatever lol, i mean the first thing i did after watching the kenobi show was to look out for art and fics of vader nonconning obi-wan 🤪 and even if anakin and obiwan were siblings (which they aren’t let’s be real) i’m all for the dead dove ngl!! also it’s fiction… have a little more fun cuz this shouldn’t be that different than playing with our barbies when we were 4 and making them kill each other or have orgies together lol
but to answer your question, first i found their cat-and-mouse dynamic in kenobi really hot. vader obsessing diligently on his old master who he claims he doesn’t care about anymore was crazy. however, i think obikin is a beautifully complicated relationship. it’s canon that both anakin and obi-wan’s entire relationship is built on duality: master and apprentice, dark and light, love and hate, two halves of the same coin. this is some soulmatism shit that i fuck with and i was never into the whole soulmates tbh. i also think obi-wan is a heavily repressed man in terms of love and attachments and following the code to the core, and ofc struggles with his love for anakin: he cannot control him in any way for the force against humanity that anakin is (he’s such a momboy) plus he had the chance to kill him a couple of times and yet he couldn’t bring himself to do it and finally free him from the misery of being darth vader, bc of his love for him. he even spent his life in exile and probably didn’t kill himself just for the sake of anakin’s children. it’s not a coincidence that he decided to finally die and join the force when luke and leia were reunited and he guaranteed their safety
and then you have anakin who is anything but someone who subdues his feelings: he thrives for love, love is was fuels him and the reason he Fell on the first place, he pushes and pushes like the way he did to get padme to love him. i simply love how their own approach to love complements each other so well and i cannot get enough of it, bc at the end of the day they are both each other’s most important person. like look at this extract of this novel where anakin finally joins the force after ROTJ and how obi-wan has his own whole sentence from the other ones (even from padme!!!! or shmi!!!!)
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idk man i just love them so much
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yiliy · 9 months
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"Duality is also present in the characters of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. In the beginning, Obi-Wan is at odds with Qui-Gon, who rebels against the Jedi rules. But by the end of the film, he has become Qui-Gon by taking on his rebellious personality and his responsibilities."
- George Lucas
Star Wars - The Making of Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), by Laurent Bouzereau, Jody Duncan
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But Obi-Wan Kenobi was not a conventional Jedi, in many ways. Although he tended to be reserved, especially when dealing with his Padawan, his former Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, had left a mark on Obi-Wan.
Star Wars - Episode II - Attack of the Clones novelization (2002)
by R. A. Salvatore
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mostthingskenobi · 1 year
What makes anakin such a special character ? What would you to see Vader / anakin in the future ? I would love a Vader series ?
Hello there!
I find Anakin interesting because of his duality. He is a hero who is selfish. He's courageous yet full of fear. He is the best and the worst of humanity.
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Which makes perfect sense since he is supposed to be the balance, the chosen one. One cannot understand the light unless they've been in the dark. Therefore, Anakin, more than any other Star Wars characters, knows the true depth of the Force and everything it can do.
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I would always like to see Anakin or Vader. Vader in Rogue One was one of my favorite moments in all of Star Wars. Granted...I would always rather see Obi-Wan than Anakin 😂😂😂 But...you probably knew that already since my blog is called Most Things Kenobi.
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A Vader show could be interesting. There's a lot of ground to cover between Revenge of the Sith and the original trilogy.
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looseleafteeaves · 3 months
Letting Go/Non-Attachment
This will be taking place in the Desert Speaker Universe. I have shown and explored alot of how Obi-wan is trapped by his past, and what has happened. I think I would like to now explore the parts of Omi that they cannot let go of. The people Omi has lost.
Omi wakes up screaming.
Tears-a waste of water- pouring down their face. The face of Kereth as sand tore flesh from bone, trapped in their mind's eye, haunting them even awake.
Around the room, the delicate sand sculptures Omi had begun to craft with the force were floating, vibrating and cracking.
Every single beautiful thing that they had created, fracturing and promising pain.
The first sob breaks past Omi's teeth, and the sound cracks through the air. Every glass sculpture in the room shatters.
Omi, leg throbbing with pain- they can't quite tell if it is phantom or real this morning- struggles to their feet and drags themself out towards the canyon wall, weeping as quietly as they can.
'Kereth... What am I doing here? You were so much brighter than I, born to the suns and promised to them to. I was born to darkness... How could I ever think that I would escape it?'
"Omai? Padawan what is-"
Omi whirls, and snaps "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I LOST HIM. I LOVED HIM. I LOst him."
Marrat Ben Kenobi's eyes widen, the gray blue sharpening.
"Padawan. I need you come here. Sit with me, we should meditate on this."
"Marrat... Marrat I can't. He was my only light for so long- I ran from my master expecting, no, hoping to die. I knew that my chip was in a spot that promised death if I didn't get help. That's why I went into the wastes. I couldn't- I still feel as though I can't make it without him. How do I continue to walk in the suns, in the light, when my light has died. When he, the one who could think positive, who looked as who he could help, who gave and gave, and never once asked for his own freedom, sacrificed his life for me?"
Ben's wrinkled faces is sad, aging before Omi's eyes. "Omai, have I taught you of the jedi code?"
Omi's anger bursts higher, the apparently unrelated topic change making them mad enough that they pushed themselves up in a single smooth motion.
"Omai, listen. This is important. Have I taught you it?"
"Unless you are referencing 'do or do not, there is no try,' no you haven't taught me that."
"Come. Sit. Let me teach the foundation of the jedi. We learn this throughout our walk with the force, growing from the simple meditation chant we are taught a crechelings."
Omai begrudgingly takes a seat out is the cold sands, two crescent moons framing a full one in the sky.
"The jedi code is a study in duality, in the abscene of absolutes. In the existence of contradictory ones. The force is not something to be quantified. But it is not un-quantifiable. Does this sound confusing yet?" Ben smiles, a mischievous twinkle in his eye
Omi, disgruntled and frustrated, just huffs.
"There is no emotion, there is peace.//There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.//There is no passion, there is serenity.//there is no chaos, there is harmony.//There is no death, there is the Force."
Omi looks up sharply, mouth opening.
"This is not the jedi claiming the ability to raise the dead. This is jedi, and how we expeariance the wonderful universe that connects everyone and everything, and where our loved ones are once they are gone. They are part of the great cosmic soup. We can't pick out every single person who has joined it, but we can reach out and feel thier impact on our lives. We can know that when we join the force, we can mingle and exist alongside them again."
"So, before you say anything to me about how the person you lost wasn't a jedi- I never said only jedi join the force. We believe that everyone, force sensitive, or force null, are connected. The Force is in everyone. So letting go isn't forgetting. It isn't betraying them. It isn't spitting on thier memory. It is entrusting your loved one to the force who has cradled and cared for you with the care of a dear one. But you must let go of the grief of your lost, or you are trapped searching for a way to bring them back, to tear them from the safety you have always relyed on. There is no death..."
Omi takes those words and breathes, fully examining them.
'There is no emotion, there is peace' But emotions are a part of existing...and peace is something we strive and wish for- peace from our gut reactions, peace in a crazy world, peace in the face of soul wrenching pain.
It's not a striving for no emotions, but a state of peace alongside them so that my heart does not rule when a cool head is more beneficial.
'There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.' Ignorance is actively choosing to not learn, to not change from the expeariances that you have. There is only the learning and knowing based off the things that occur.
I should not strive to remain the same, I should strive to continue to learn from everything I experience, and not ignore what is coming due to pain.
'There is no passion, there is serenity.' There is no passion, there is serenity. Passion is a dangerous state to be in. Crimes of passion are some of the worst that can occur.
When emotions hit a high point, I should actively step back and seek out serenity, or calmness so I can observe and respond responsibly.
'There is no chaos, there is harmony.' Chaos is a state where so much is happening, that there is too much. Everything is fractured and insane, like the state of being inside a sandstorm, There is nothing but trying to survive in chaos. Harmony is providing a balance or dichotomy to the chaos. I should strive to actively observe my environment , and move through it with the intention of providing balance.
'There is no death, there is the Force.' Death is part of life. There is nothing that encourages people to want to forever exist on the earth, for the balance of life is death so that the resources are returned to the cycle. There is only to eternally connecting concept of the Force, which is life, death, and everything in between. Dying does not separate you from the world, for death is part of life, is part of the force.
"There is the force." Omi breathes more, tears slowing. "I have not lost Kereth, I have only lost his physical presence beside me. I have the Force, and Kereth is part of the force."
"Yes, precisly, my dear padawan. So, we let them go. We entrust thier luminous forms to the force who cares for us. Can you entrust Kereth to the Force, Omi?"
"I must, Marrat. Chaining Kereth here is a far worse fate for him to entrusting him to bright light that encompasses the universe I will not be seperated from him forever- I will not be lost to death, but returned to the force."
"Very good, Omi. That is the root of non-attachment. We release the people we love to the force- alive or dead."
"And we follow the force to new people who need us."
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tennessoui · 2 years
hi kit! i’d love to see your take on an avatar au! either one! the firebender and waterbender duality of it all…anakin born, forged, destroyed, and reborn in flames is giving big zuko energy but also cognitively inhabiting massive blue bodies could be fun too with all the force vision implications and also the whole chosen one subtext to the main character of the movie
Oooo my forever perfect imo a:tla au would be where Ahsoka is the avatar and obi-wan is her water bending teacher (but a case could be made for air nomad monk obi-wan — just depends on how much adjacent priest kink there’d be) and Anakin is her fire bending teacher (no cases can be made for any other element I will not hear them. Court dismissed)
and they absolutely hate each other. Just so much hate. Cold and aloof obi-wan like the ices of the North Pole vs Anakin who would burn every conversation to the ground if it meant getting an honest reaction from Master Kenobi
Ahsoka is just trying to learn the four elements here. Master Jinn taught her earth bending and Master Depa taught her air bending already. Theyre just waiting around for her water and fire bending teachers to actually do their job and stop fighting with each other
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 year
I need all of your spoilery thoughts (tagged of course) about Ashoka!
Plus if it was possible (aka an au) what do you think Anakin's reaction would be seeing his children? After seeing both and Vivien Lyra Blair excellent portrayal of Leia my mind cannot help but rot about this and think about it nonstop
I feel like I still haven't collected my thoughts after Ahsoka episode 5 my brain is still just going !!!!!!!! after the latest episodes - and there's probably a ton of people with far more eloquent and thought out things to say but I'll be happy to ramble. See below the cut for Ahsoka series spoilers
The first couple episodes of the Ahsoka series were okay but I've lost my mind over the live action Clone Wars Anakin and I don't know that I'm ever going to recover. Visually - the episode was amazing. And I'm so in awe of Hayden. The way he portrays the duality of Anakin and Vader, because they've are and always have been the same, is perfection. The man understood his assignment from day one, and this shows it. His physicality! His change in tone! His incorporation of TCW/Matt Lanter's portrayal. I could gush/ramble praises forever.
And seeing teeny tiny baby Ahsoka was amazing. I have never been on the Jedi critical aspect of Padawans in the war effort, and that's not what I'm saying here either, but it was such a beautifully done, heartbreaking way to show the realities of war with her middle age perspective and understanding coming through reliving the traumatic experiences of her younger self.
ALSO I know there's specifically some talk around if that was really Vader or Anakin in (or just her unconscious imagination) and here's my poorly thought out and worded take: it's Anakin. Anakin as he is now, post Return of the Jedi/Vader redeemed, balanced in the Force. He understands that both light and dark have always and will always be a part of him. He teaches Ahsoka how to move on from her fear of becoming just like him and falling to her darkest parts by making her confront it - as Vader. He's not actually trying to kill her, he's using the dark as a tool, totally in control, and turns it off as soon as he doesn't need it. [I also think he's not done yet and we're going to see more of him before the season is done]
Finally - I'm not quite sure what you mean about Anakin meeting his kids. Do you mean if he had found out earlier and been able to meet them like...during the Kenobi show? Or as infants before that, and known that he hadn't really lost everything like he thought? I do have thoughts about both of those possibilities. But Force ghost Anakin has met both Luke and Leia as Darth Vader as they took down the Empire, but maybe this is my brain just being stuck on Ahsoka series/Force ghost Anakin!!! I do care about answering your question so please pop back into my inbox and set me straight so I can give it the thought it deserves!
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kit-fisto-obsessive · 2 years
Captain Rex Is In Trouble
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“The campaign has turned out quite well, my friend,” Plo mused.
Wolffe crossed his arms and tilted his head, considering.
“Monnk looks good,” he said thoughtfully; “does our face justice.”
“Thank the ka’ra they didn’t pick Unduli and Gree,” Rex added. “That would’ve been embarrassing.”
“I detest this,” Kit declared, crossing his arms too. “I don’t see why I had to be involved at all.”
“The idea of the campaign is to show Clones and Jedi, working together in harmony to defend the citizens of the Republic,” Plo said, lacing his fingers together and tilting his head. “I think it comes over rather well.”
Rex was pretty sure that the quiver in his tusks meant he was laughing at Kit.
The sequel to Commander Fox Is Completely Fine, this time centered around Rex and his relationships, with his friends, family, etc. Kit will also feature pretty heavily, for obvious reasons.
This fic will contain explicit sexual content and each chapter is rated accordingly, including community labels. However it won't be the main focus of the fic and I will try to make it avoidable for those of you who don't enjoy that kind of content. I will do trigger warnings in the notes of relevant chapters, and not only for sexual content. Tags will keep updating as the fic progresses.
As ever, thanks to my bee-ta @cyarbika. You're an inspirational writer and I adore the way you make me think in more depth about my work and the way I write. You can find her masterlist here!
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Relationships: Kit Fisto/CT-7567 | Rex, CT-7567 | Rex & Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex & Anakin Skywalker, CC-2224 | Cody & CT-7567 | Rex, CT-6116 | Kix & CT-7567 | Rex, Clone Troopers & CT-7567 | Rex, CT-7567 | Rex & CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-1010 | Fox & CT-7567 | Rex
Characters: CT-7567 | Rex, Kit Fisto, Ahsoka Tano, CT-6116 | Kix, CT-5597 | Jesse, Clone Trooper Hardcase, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-5385 | Tup, CT-6922 | Dogma, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-1010 | Fox, Plo Koon, Quinlan Vos, Padmé Amidala, Original Clone Trooper Characters, Sophi (Original Clone Trooper Character), Cham Syndulla
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Blood and Gore, Blood and Injury, Panic Attacks
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Chapter List
Trouble In The Oceans Of Mon Cala - Tumblr - AO3
Evening Adventures On Coruscant - Tumblr - AO3
Downtime And The Duality Of Man (Cody) - Tumblr - AO3
Rex Questions The Wisdom Of Sith Architects - Tumblr - AO3
Bacta Tank Blues - Tumblr - AO3
The Supply General - Tumblr - AO3
A Lesson In Meditation And Generational Trauma - Tumblr - AO3
Storm Over Ryloth - Tumblr - AO3
The Burden Of Command - Tumblr - AO3
Pressing Forwards - Tumblr - AO3
Lessu - Tumblr - AO3
Liberation - Tumblr - AO3
Big Boys Do Cry - Tumblr - AO3
A Fresh Perspective - Tumblr - AO3
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ao3feed-obikin · 1 year
Duality of Men
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46879792 by Mayathebee4778 In an attempt to save Leia and the Path, Obi-wan sacrifices himself to Darth Vader, who has been on an endless crusade to find his former Master. Obi-wan fears the extent of Vader’s need for vengeance but finds himself drawn by his fallen friend and agrees to help him defeat Sidious. Words: 2207, Chapters: 1/24, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Bail Organa, Breha Organa, Owen Lars, Reva Sevander | Third Sister, Wilhuff Tarkin Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Plot Necessary OC, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Non-Graphic Violence, Consensual Sex, Forgiveness, Non Graphic Death read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46879792
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U V W X :chinhands:
This took much longer than expected. I should have expected it though because I always write too much. Thank you so much for the ask, @dottie-wan-kenobi! I enjoyed getting the chance to ponder and flail about fandom!
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Persona 5: Goro Akechi. My poor little meow meow. His duality fascinates me: who he presents himself to be vs. who he really is, who he wanted to be as a child vs. who he has become now. His slow realization that he’s merely the puppet of more powerful forces in the game (Shido, Yaldabaoth (though he doesn’t quite know this), and Maruki) is heartbreaking, as are the choices that he makes to break free from that control.  
Yuri on Ice: Yuuri Katsuki. He is so important to me. He’s so wrapped up in his head, striving for acknowledgement, for success, for Victor, that he doesn’t see his own talent or how bright of a light that he is. His blossoming over the course of the show is lovely. I desperately wish for a season two of the show (or the long delayed movie) because I want to see more of Yuuri’s journey to discover life and love.
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakahara Chuuya. I am in aesthetic lust with his design. There’s just something about it that calls to me. The red hair, the jaunty hat, the even jauntier grin, the choker and the coat. He’s a pintsized powerhouse and so achingly human (despite his less than human origins). His dynamic with Dazai is fascinating, and I wish we got to see more of him in the anime & manga.
Final Fantasy XV: Prompto Argentum. See above re: Nakahara Chuuya being so achingly human despite his origins. See above re: Yuuri Katsuki and his anxiety and lack of belief in himself. See above re: Goro Akechi and the power of Robbie Daymond as a voice actor. He’s an anxious ball of sunshine just trying to keep up with royalty, and I love how he helps Noctis to feel human, despite the literal weight of the world on his shoulders.
Game of Thrones: Sansa Stark. Sansa for queen. I found her story the most compelling in the show (it’s been too long since I’ve read the books for me to comment on them). She has such a hard, relentless reality check. The little songbird is nearly crushed by the cruelty of the world, but she finds a way to survive in the figurative lion’s den, without any physical or mystical prowess. She should have been Queen of all Westeros at the end, not just Queen of the North.
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Persona 5: Goro Akechi x Akira Kurusu (Ren Amamiya). Because, to paraphrase Hegel, advancement cannot occur without both thesis and antithesis. Because they are two sides of the same coin. Because in other circumstances they could have been great rivals, maybe even friends. Because Akira is the one person that Goro refuses to lose to. Because Akira held on to the glove. Because Goro being alive & his real, angry, jaded self is Akira’s greatest wish.
Avatar: Katara x Zuko. Because one rises with the moon and the other rises with the sun. Because Katara offered to heal his scar. Because Zuko went with her to find her mother’s killer. Because Katara went with him to confront his sister. Because Zuko threw himself in front of lightning to protect Katara.
 Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy and Spike. Because they are my first online OTP. Because Spike would rather be fighting her (and because the feeling is mutual). Because Spike knows that he’s a monster, but Buffy treats him like a man. Because Buffy asked him to stay. Because Spike made a promise to a lady. Because 147 days yesterday and 148 days today. 
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
Yuri on Ice: Victor x Yuuri. Yuuri & his stamina just wrecking Victor
Trigun Stampede: Vash x Wolfwood. Wolfwood calling Vash ‘angel’
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai x Chuuya. Emotional honesty 
Game of Thrones: Jon x Sansa. Jon going down on Sansa like a champ
Persona 5: Goro x Akira. Philosophical debates as foreplay
Yuri on Ice: Yuri Plisetsky
Persona 5: Yusuke Kitagawa
The Untamed: Wei Wuxian
My Hero Academia: Todoroki Shouto
Fruits Basket: Tohru Honda
Trigun Stampede: Vash
Howl’s Moving Castle: Sophie Hatter
Breath of the Wild: Sidon
Bungou Stray Dogs: (tie) Akutagawa Ryuunosuke & Atsushi Nakajima
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naughtygirl286 · 2 years
We've been catching up on some TV recently 😄
Obi-Wan Knobie
I thought the series was excellent! and think they should do a Season 2. The only problem I had was with his interaction with Leia it kinda doesn't mesh with Episode 4 like when she is leaving the message for him in R2 it like she doesn't know who he is but she should know or remember who Obi-Wan Kenobi is becasue as a kid she spent quite a bit of time with him. that is pretty much my only gripe with the show a continuity error
I wanted to see this being I'm a fan of the character and I was happy they were going with the funny/silly 4-wall breaking version which is the version of She-Hulk that I like. Now I actually the series was awesome! I enjoyed it alot! I laughed at parts and giggled at parts and did a few eye rolls here and there. Its all very fun I liked the references and the 4 wall breaks I thought Tatiana Maslany was perfect as Jennifer Walters the way they did She-Hulk was awesome I liked how they kept her origin somewhat close to the comics love the Cameos and thought Tim Roth is still killing it as Abomination. but like I said I enjoyed the series and as a comic reader I have to say that the show is very She-Hulk very similar to the comics.
Now next we watched Ms.Marvel now I can't say I know alot about the Kamala Khan version of Ms.Marvel being I didn't and haven't been reading her series. the Ms.Marvel I grew up with was Carol Danvers Ms.Marvel before she became Captain Marvel. but like I said I know the basics about Kamala Khan from her team-ups and guest appearances in other books. the show is really good it has the fun almost silliness to it but at the same time a very seriousness as well similar to how Spider-Man: Homecoming was it had that same feel as that movie almost. there was some funny moments and some nice action and visuals and speaking of which I knew they changed her powers for live action and she is no longer "stretchy" with her shape shifting powers in the show she is now more like the MCU version of Green Lantern where she puts on a The bangle and it gives her the power to create Hardlight constructs similar to what a Lantern Ring does also there was one thing that bothered me the "Bad Guy" in this were suppose to be djinn but they didn't seem to have any type of magical powers? you would think they would? djinn are suppose to be magical creatures aren't they? also another thing the ending I remember ppl saying that the '97 X-Men animated theme is heard during a scene but I didn't hear anything I watched the scene like 3 times and couldn't hear anything. other then that I thought it was a good and fun show.
Moon Knight
and finally on the Marvel side of things we watched Moon Knight. I know a lil bit more about the character the Kamala Khan's Ms.Marvel. I thought the series was really great plenty of action and adventure and some funny moments I thought I thought the visuals for this were also really well done and kinda impressively cool at times. One thing tho I did feel at a few moments during the series it felt a bit disjointed but got back on track quickly it was like it hit a "speedbump" for a minute. I also think Oscar Isaac was great as Moon Knight and he pulled off the somewhat craziness that the character is know for perfectly! the duality that they do in this was excellent. but yeah I thought it was great and a good introduction for the character into the MCU
Now after watching all three Marvel shows I thought they were all really good and I enjoyed them all but I would have to say I enjoyed She-Hulk the most. I actually thought it was the best of the 3 I probably think that being that I am an actual fan of She-Hulk but also I thought it was witty and funny and full of all kinds of moments and things that I enjoy like comic references and Easter eggs and also I felt it was very close to the actual comics so I'd say I liked it the most.
Also I watched Werewolf by Night now that is something I thought I would never see in live action! but it was pretty great! I liked the whole B&W aesthetic where it looked like a 1950's monster movie that was great! and I loved how they did Man-Thing (aka "Ted") he was perfect! it was a great an somewhat funny introduction of the character into the MCU and I like how they had him use his acidic/burning touch thing too. but it was a good lil special I do wonder if this will have any connections to the upcoming Blade movie?
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