#he got hit by a car while on his bike and it really messed up his hand so playing has been harder for him
foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
Don't be shy drop the Old Crow song 👁️👁️🫴🏽 /nf /silly
Okay. Before clicking this link I will say, I don't always love my dad's music, the crow was definitely a gift divorced from my personal feelings about his music. I had to listen to him playing constantly when I lived at home and it created an antipathy for me, but that said, maybe you guys will like it?
Here's his reverbnation, I don't see the Old Crow song, but you can get the vibes. If you like his sound and really want to hear about an old time traveling crow I'll poke him to upload it.
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strangerqueerthings · 11 months
The Camaro
Neil was adamant: Billy had to get his own car if he wanted to go anywhere that wasn't school, and he had to pay for it himself.
Billy was equally adamant that he was going to get his hands on one.
So he worked his ass off, starting at the age of thirteen. He started small and local, mowing lawns, or offering to help elderly neighbors with grocery shopping- and bringing them in for them afterwards.
The latter got him far more pinched cheeks than he wanted, but when he laid on the charm, he was paid well.
To his delight, an elderly neighbor, Mister Grant, gifted him with a bike. His grandson never visited anymore now that he was in college, and Billy had been so helpful with the yard work, so he was happy to give it to him.
Billy kept the bike at Mister Grant's, afraid that Neil would take it away, or worse, destroy it or give it away- if Neil knew that he'd been given something like a bike, he'd accuse Billy of being weak by accepting charity.
The bike opened up entirely new venues of work, expanding his reach. More work offers, thanks to the bike, and his work ethic- which was talked about, spread by word of mouth.
All the while, he checked out car maintenance books from the library, rode his bike to the closest mechanic and volunteered to help, in exchange for the mechanics explaining what they were doing, so he could learn as much as he could about cars.
By the time he was sixteen, three years of working in the sun, doing manual labor, Billy was tanned, fit, and had plenty of money to start searching for something even better than a bike.
His first car.
Billy had never even dared to dream about getting a new car, even a relatively new used car. He'd saved up nearly 1,500 dollars, had it hidden in various places to keep it out of Neil's reach, going to the bank to swap out coins and singles for bigger bills so it'd be easier to hide.
He had finally brought the bike to the house. He told Neil he'd bought it used, to help him get more work, and Neil had almost been pleased at his work ethic- but as Billy had expected, it was taken away as punishment whenever Billy pissed him off.
He browsed the sale pages in the newspapers, kept his ear to the ground for deals, and finally, a few months after his birthday, Sid told him a cousin was selling his Camaro.
"It's kinda shitty," he drawled, exhaling clove cigarette smoke into the summer air. "He swiped a few cars and a mailbox with it, so it needs body work. He also didn't do a lot maintenance on it, and it's a 79, so... yeah. He's selling it for cheap."
"Does it run?" Billy asked. That was all that mattered, really.
"Yeah," Sid said, nodding. "It runs, it just... it's a mess. Real fixer upper."
Billy hadn't minded in the least. He'd wanted something with horsepower, something that would be loud, go fast, but he'd suspected he'd get something rusted and slow with the money he had.
"How much?"
Sid shrugged.
"I think he said 900 or so, but you know... you could probably haggle."
Billy did just that. He ignored the scratches and dents- they were all cosmetic. What he pointed out were all the mechanical issues- just like the guys at the mechanics had told him.
'College kids who have something like a Z28? They don't know shit about cars, just the model,' Bert had said, and had showed him what to look for, and told him what to say to bluff his way into a reduced price.
"I don't know," he said, putting the dusky blue car into park after a test drive. "That clunk? That's a CV joint- either I'd have to replace the boot, or the entire front axle."
He popped the hood and got out, peering into the guts of the car he already wanted more than anything in his life- save for freedom from Neil. He winced audibly, a sharp, hissing intake of air through his teeth.
"Yeah, I dunno," he said, folding his arms over his chest. "The serpentine belt is starting to look a little frayed. I'd have to replace that before disaster hit."
He pulled the dipstick out, examining it, making a show of sniffing the oil on it, and made an overly exaggerated face.
"When's the last time you changed the oil, man? It smells burnt."
Derek looked taken aback, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Honestly... idunno," he said helplessly.
Billy replaced the dipstick, closed the hood with a loud clang and dusted his hands off.
"Yeah I dunno," he repeated. "Nine hundred bucks can get me a car that isn't riddled with issues- mechanical OR body."
"It's a Z28, man," Sid's cousin said, scowling.
"Yeah, but she's nearly fifteen years old, and she's been poorly maintained- and I'm being generous," Billy retorted. "I'd be better off saving up for another three years for something better than getting this heap. It'd cost me nine hundred to fix all the shit that's wrong with her."
Derek was quiet for a bit, and Billy shrugged, moving to pick up his bike and head home.
"Eight hundred," Derek blurted.
Billy paused, making a show of consideration.
"Six hundred."
"Seven hundred."
"Six fifty, and you write the bill of sale as five hundred so I don't pay as much on the title fees."
Derek sighed, defeated.
Derek wrote out the bill of sale, and filled out the title. They both signed where appropriate, and Derek handed the title and keys over to Billy, who fought to keep his hands from shaking as he took them.
Registering the Camaro would have to wait- he couldn't take her home as she was. He took her to the shop, where Bert congratulated him on his haggling, and enthusiastically offered to help him fix her up.
By the time October came around, Billy pulled up at home in the Camaro, and Neil came outside, clearly surprised at the car his son had managed to find.
She was perfect.
He and Bert had changed out her fluids and filters, put new tires on her, replaced her old serpentine belt, put in a whole new front axle, and had hammered out and smoothed out the dents and scratches.
She looked good as new, gleaming in the driveway.
Billy handed him the title and bill of sale, showing him how much he'd paid, and Neil had immediately held out his hand for the keys.
"You may have paid for it, but legally, you can't own it until you're 18," he said. "When you turn 18, it's all yours, provided you don't do anything stupid."
Billy's heart sank, but he knew it was going to happen. He placed the keys in Neil's open palm, watching his father's fingers curl around them.
"I'm not going to ask how you got the money for a car that looks this good."
"She didn't," Billy blurted. "I worked on her. I fixed her up. She's been at Bert's. Bert helped me learn how to work on her, so I can maintain her upkeep without using my money for someone else to do it."
Neil glanced at the Camaro again, his look appraising, critical.
"And here I was worried that you'd learned nothing."
He turned to go back into the house.
"Glad to learn I was wrong."
Billy didn't dare read too much into it, but he could have sworn there was a note of pride in Neil's voice. It made the affection he felt for his new car swell in his chest.
Neil may have taken ownership of her for now, but he hadn't been mad. He hadn't punished Billy for taking initiative.
For once, he'd done something right, and the proof of it sat on four wheels, gleaming like a beacon of freedom in the driveway.
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kay-elle-cee · 8 months
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@jilytoberfest 31 Prompts: Day 19 || 712 Words || Read on Ao3 —
“Mate, I brought you here to help, not ogle the other bloody mechanics.”
“Keep your fucking voice down, Sirius!” James splutters. “And I am not ogling her!”
James turns his back to where the ogled-mechanic-in-question stands, lovely red hair pulled back and out of her face as she works on a car across the garage. Instead, his focus is on the man—his supposed best friend—within arms’ reach, who's currently hunched over his motorcycle and tinkering away, desperately looking to James like he needs some sort of slap across the head.
“She didn’t hear me. She’s always got earplugs in when she works.”
“Yeah you know, you should probably invest in some of those as well.”
“But I aspire to the day where I don’t have to hear you fretting over me like your mother.”
“Oi, you keep my mother out of this!”
Sirius breaks his concentration to look up, grinning at the fact that he’s hit a nerve. “Why? You think she’d be mortified to know her kind and respectful only son is just openly salivating as he gives the poor girl the glad eye?”
“I am not doing that!”
“You kind of are, though,” a voice—amused and so close—answers from behind him.
Sirius lets out a bark of laughter as James spins on his heel to come face-to-face with the woman in question (the ogled mechanic, not his mother). He doesn’t have to see his reflection to know his cheeks are red with embarrassment even at her clearly-not-offended reaction. 
As a matter of fact, she raises a brow in interest, her sparkling green eyes glued to his even as her head tilts slightly to the side in consideration. 
“Black,” she starts, and the volume is loud enough that James knows with absolute certainty that this is a conversation with Sirius, even if her eyes are still connected with his. “Decide to bring a friend to help you with that mess of a bike of yours?”
James can hear Sirius laugh behind him but he cannot seem to pull himself away from this woman’s gaze. “Help’s a bit of a strong word. He’s my best mate, but dead useless when it comes to auto repair.”
Indignantly, James whips his head around to where his friend sits, this insult apparently enough to break the trance of the ogled mechanic. “Hey! Then why even invite me along?”
He doesn’t miss how Sirius’ eyes flicker quickly between James and the woman behind him, nor how his brow arches as he shrugs his shoulders with a satisfied smirk. This was a set-up. “Honestly, James, I’ve got no clue.”
“Ah, so you’re James.” As he turns back to face the woman, he notices as her eyes look past him to Sirius and a small flush creeps up her neck. Before he can spend too much time deciphering whatever silent conversation the two seem to be having, her eyes are back on him—appraising.
“Er, suppose I am. And that makes you…”
The woman grins, chin raising ever-so-slightly. “Lily Evans.”
“You’re Evans?” James blurts, turning once more to stare wide-eyed at his friend, who’s watching the whole scene playout with amusement. James had heard about nothing but Evans for weeks on end—how she drove Sirius up the wall, how she was admittedly a very skilled mechanic, how she had the absolute gall to correct him (and even worse, in Sirius’ book—had been right). Sirius couldn’t stop talking about how much Evans annoyed him, which meant she was alright in his book. 
After a particularly rough day the previous week, Sirius had recounted how Evans had caught him smoking out back and ripped him a new one. Unfortunately he had done this while pulling out another smoke and receiving a similar lecture from James—which he did not receive well. (“You two are bloody made for each other, Christ!”)
“Suppose I am,” she answers with a smirk. “Well, considering this arse just insulted you, would you mind coming and helping me with something?”
“Oh, I’m not sure—I’m really not—”
She turns on her heel, walking back to her side of the garage with a look over her shoulder that James knows he would follow literally anywhere.
“Relax, James, I just need another set of hands. You won’t break anything, I promise.”
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Maybe Someday
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
A/N: It's been a while since I wrote for Daryl, but thanks to my bestie @kazosa an idea came to life, so here we are. Wasn't sure who to tag, so just tagged those who I know used to read my TWD fics.
Summary: With the fighting done, and the Commonwealth holding steady under the leadership of his group, Daryl still finds himself feeling restless. An old friend, from before the fall, plagues his mind and he thinks maybe it's time to finally find out if she survived.
WC: 6.5K
Warnings: Language.
Tags: @kazosa @wings-of-a-raven @twdsunshine @valeriiecameron @jodiereedus22 @rhyatt-deauxtreve
The roar of his bike down the graveyard highway wasn’t loud enough to drown out his thoughts. Daryl thought once he hit that open stretch, with no car coffins of the dead, he may be able to hit the throttle hard enough to escape the notion he was doing the wrong thing. It felt wrong in his gut to leave everyone behind, especially with all that happened as the Commonwealth fell under new leadership. His friends could use his help, and the kids—Judith and RJ—already lost one father, they didn’t need to lose him, too. He had done everything he could to keep them all safe for so long. He needed to be there for them now. He also knew that if he didn’t take care of himself, he wouldn’t be at his best for them. He felt used up and tired. He couldn’t feel that way and be there for the kids. No way he could make mistakes with them around. 
Daryl wasn’t planning on leaving forever, either. Until he got his head right and got back, he knew Carol would be there, and they’d be okay. It hadn’t been an easy decision to go, but through all the years since the world fell, he’d had a thought nagging at the back of his mind. Through all the horrors of battles won and lost, with all the blood that had been spilled in the last ten years, she should have been the furthest thing from his mind. Yet, there she was. Her name itched the back of his brain, irritating him in the worst possible moments. Her face still haunted his dreams, and he would wake with the guilt of knowing he had left her behind. 
In the years since, he convinced himself she hadn’t made it. That was how he got on with every day, doing what was necessary for his new-found family to survive. He rarely worried about his own life; he didn’t before the world fell, why would he now? Then, he met them all. He met Glen and Rick, and Hershel and Maggie. They fought like hell, side by side, in some of the most terrifying situations; and most times, they won because they had stuck together. Now, there was some quiet. Some assemblance of real peace. That’s when (Y/N)’s face came back into his dreams, and her name started to itch again. He never really let her go, just like he never really let Rick go. 
Carol caught him one night, out in the Plaza at the Commonwealth. It was after the mess had been cleaned up, and those who had been in charge were now nothing but a memory. Weeks had passed and he just couldn’t find that sense of contentment that most of the others had. When his best friend asked him why, he absently said her name and had realized he said it allowed. Carol asked a few more questions, and Daryl’s dam of memories with (Y/N) crashed open. After an hour of recounting story after story about their childhood together, Carol encouraged him to head down south.
“You’ll never be able to really be happy, Daryl. I know you. You carry these things with you and don’t know how to set them down. Yes, the chances that she’s still alive are small. But how many times have we thought that, and we were wrong. Hell, you dug me a grave at the Prison, remember? I was stuck in that cell for days. You found me. I’m here because you wouldn’t give up. You found me.” She placed her hand on the knee of his ripped pants and gave it a squeeze. “If she is still stuck in your head, then at least go to give yourself some peace of mind. If she’s not there, then you know. If she is, then you know.”
It took him a few more days to convince himself to pack supplies for the trip. The Commonwealth had cleared a lot of the areas between there and where he was headed, so the risk was minimal, but not totally gone. RJ and Judith were okay with him going, as long as he promised to come back. No matter what, that would be a promise he would keep.
Two days on the road with clear pavement, he made good time before entering South Carolina. The dangerous part was going to be traversing the backroads to the southwest part of the state where he figured she would be. IF she was alive… IF she was STILL alive, that’s where she’d be. 
The sun was setting, and with it the heat of the day started to fade. Daryl was grateful for the relief and began to slow the bike as he approached yet another abandoned small, one-stoplight town. Coming to a stop at the ghostly intersection, he had to make the choice to push on through the dark or try to find a safe place to hold up for the night. He could hear a few far off groans of the walkers, and thought he would be better to push on past this little hamlet, and maybe find a spot off the road to camp. (Y/N)’s family estate was maybe another hour further, going at the slower pace he was now. 
He had only been there once, a million years ago, and never inside the place. She had called him on a rare night he and Merle had actually been home. There was a bad storm raging, and Merle had been too drunk already to even think about leaving the house that night, so of course, Daryl stayed in with him. Their father was on a bender somewhere in Atlanta, and it was a rare treat to have the place to themselves for an extended amount of time. So, when she called crying, asking him to pick her up on the corner by the gas station, his gut reaction was to say, no. Then he heard the fear in her voice and knew he could never leave her alone and afraid. Merle was too far gone to see Daryl steal the keys to the ratty old pickup truck, and he certainly didn’t notice when it started up and left the house. 
Daryl found (Y/N) standing in the pouring rain, absolutely soaked to the bone. Make-up was running down her cheeks, but he didn’t know if it was from the rain or from her crying. She was visibly shaken, and when he asked her what happened she couldn’t answer him at first. He had known her since they were five years old, and in all those years between he had never seen her like this. (Y/N) was normally tough and stoic. She wasn’t one of those girls that showed a lot of emotion. If she fell off her bike, she never cried. The time she fell out of the stupid fort they tried to build and broke her arm, she waved it off and walked home without a complaint. (Y/N) wasn’t a neglected kid, at least not like him and Merle had been. Daryl didn’t always know the extent of what she dealt with at home, but he knew she was broken like he was, even as kids. Maybe that’s why they stayed close for so long. They could see that in each other.
Being so deep in thought about (Y/N), Daryl wasn’t paying enough attention to the road ahead, and it was nearly too late to swerve to avoid the old wreckage in the road, but he still was able to not hit the ancient station wagon that stood in his path. He veered enough to the left to avoid it, but not avoid laying down the bike completely.
“Shit!” he shouted, as he slid across the pavement away from the bike. Thankfully he had slowed down a lot since the highway, but didn’t make it hurt any less, or mean that his bike hadn’t been damaged. He checked around him to see if the sound of the accident drew any attention from the dead. When he was sure it was safe, he got on his feet with a grunt and limped back to where his bike lay on the ground. Once he got it upright, he could see right away that it would need a few repairs before it would be safe to ride. “SHIT!” he growled again, then released a deep sigh from his chest. 
A sharp, stinging pain in his left arm caused him to stop and check out the injury there. He couldn’t see how bad it was without taking off his leather jacket, but it had torn through enough to see blood. He took the rag from his back pocket and quickly tied it around his upper arm as a make-shirt tourniquet for the time being. It only took a second for him to realize the wound was almost in the same spot he’d been cut there before. 
“Really hope she’s still alive and still there.” Despite being in pain, frustrated and tired, Daryl snorted a laugh when the memory popped into his head of the first time she had to tend to one of his injuries. “Gonna need her to stitch me up ag’in.”
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“What the hell happened to you?” she asked, examining the cut above Daryl’s eye and the large gash he had on his arm. “Just what you need. More scars… Was it your dad again? Or Merle this time?”
“Neither. Stupidass Tommy Blake. He thought he’d be smart and try to start shit.”
“Clearly, he started it, but I hope you finished it. That guy deserves an ass kickin’.”
“Mhm,” Daryl grunted. “C’mon, stitch me up, would ya?” Daryl used his chin to nod at the yarn and hook she had sitting beside her on the porch swing.
(Y/N) looked over her shoulder to see what he was referring to. “That’s crocheting, you ass. I don’t know how to sew.”
“Same shit. C’mon, I’m bleedin’ all over mama’s precious porch here.”
“Good. I hope she sees it.” She grabbed his arm again to see how deeply he had been cut. “Seriously though, why me? Better off at the Urgent Care.”
“Got no cash. Besides, you do all that craft shit. I know you can do it.”
“I CROCHET Daryl, I don’t SEW.” 
He rolled his eyes at her. “Whatever! Just grab a needle and thread, I’ll walk ya through it.”
That’s what she did. They sat on the porch swing on a late Georgia summer afternoon, and as she painstakingly sewed up the cut on his arm, he had to laugh at how her tongue peeked through her parted lips proving she was deep in concentration.
“Some time this century grandma, this ain’t no cotillion dress.”
“Fuck you. I’m going as fast as I can.”
“Mhm, sure. I think you just like touchin’ my arm,” he teased, knowing it would piss her off. 
“I swear, I don’t want to hurt you, but I will punch you right in the stitches that are already done if you don’t shut up and let me work here.”
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Daryl could hear a rumble of thunder far off in the distance, and began to walk his broken bike in the direction of where he hoped (Y/N) was. He hoped against all that told him she was already dead, that she would answer the door, and maybe help stitch him up again.
An hour by bike turned into nearly four while walking with the broken bike. It was well past midnight, but whatever storm had blown through was gone, and the sky was as clear as could be. He lucked out and had a nearly full moon that was able to guide him in the right direction. When the large, rambling estate finally came into view, he was surprised to see that it didn’t look as run down and abandoned as he worried it would be. 
Finally reaching the wrought iron gate that stood a quarter mile between him and the front door of the home, Daryl leaned the bike against it and drew in a deep breath. His mind begged him to rest for a few minutes if for no other reason than to be ready to battle whatever came out of that house. It could be a house of walkers. It could be a house of people. Those people could NOT be (Y/N) and they could be armed to the teeth. You just never knew what to expect from this world anymore.
He took the pack from the bike and slung it over his shoulder. Daryl paused, and made sure his gun was still in place and checked to reassure himself it was fully loaded. His rough and scraped fingers touched against the set of knives he wore on his hip and then felt ready to go see what or who was living in the big house.
Staring up at the big iron gate, he could easily see the large chain and padlock that was on it. No big deal, it had never stopped him before. He began to walk the perimeter and found a spot where the ground rose up enough that he could make a jump, grab the top of the iron fencing and pull himself up. The pain in his arm screamed at him and he felt a gush of blood warm against the inside of his jacket, but paid it no mind. 
Once he hoisted himself over the fence and onto the grounds, he ended up facing the side of the house. In one of the windows, he could see some faint light and the shadow of a person moving around. A small bit of hope grew. He rechecked that all his supplies and weapons were still in place, and headed in the direction of the light. 
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“Sure you don’t want me to take you further?” Daryl asked her. (Y/N) slowly shook her head. “Why not?”
“You know that my dad would have something to say if you brought me to the front door. He hates that I hang out with you.”
“Fuck him. He’s a dick.”
“You’re not wrong. But after everything that happened last night, I don’t need to deal with that, too.”
She had finally told him how Tommy Blake had turned on her and attacked her when she said she wouldn’t go have sex with him by the quarry. Daryl gritted his teeth the whole drive from their modest Georgia suburb to (Y/N)’s father’s house in South Carolina. He would have brought her back to his house, but with a drunk Merle lurking, who knows what would have happened. 
“I hate it here,” she whispered and looked out the window at the oversized southern mansion. 
“Shit, I’ll stay. You take the truck back and go home to the trailer and Merle.”
“Um, no.” She laughed. “Though, can’t really say your drunk brother would be a worse alternative to my drunk father. But at least here I have a room with a lock on the door.”
“He better not lay a hand on you. Why the hell you wanna come here anyway? I coulda just taken you home.”
“Nah,” she shook her head and sighed. “Mom is no better. She’ll just tell me to suck it up, was probably my fault anyway.”
“You know it wasn’t though, right? That asshole has it comin’ to him when I get back home.”
“Don’t bother, Daryl. He was so high he won’t even know or remember why you’re beatin’ his ass.”
“Like I care.”
“I need you to care. Okay? I’m not staying here forever. I will be back in Georgia soon. I just need to breathe. And when I get back, last thing I want to have to do is bail your ass out of jail.”
“Fine,” Daryl grunted. “You call me when you’re ready to come back. If I can steal the truck again, I’ll come’n get ya.”
(Y/N) got quiet again. She looked like she wanted to say more, but instead she just turned to him with a sad little smile and nodded. “Thank you.”
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Daryl was within steps of the front porch. He never got the chance to climb the steps to knock. Whomever was inside must have heard him somehow and came downstairs to see who was lurking. Another faint light began to illuminate the room right beyond the front door. After a loud click of the interior lock, the front door opened a crack. The light from inside was enough for him to see the barrel of a shotgun sticking out. 
“Who are you!?” a deeper, but female voice, called from inside.
“Name’s Daryl,” he called back and slowly raised both hands into the air so that whomever was inside could see he wasn’t carrying a weapon. “Lookin’ for a girl that used to live here.”
“Lots of people have passed through here in the years. We got an army inside, fully armed. So if you’re here to cause trouble–”
“Nah, just lookin’ for an old friend,” he yelled back. He wasn’t too scared of the threat, he figured if there had been an armed army inside, he would already be surrounded with guns pointed at his head. “Her name is (Y/N). Back before the world died, this was her dad’s house.”
Silence. The barrel of the shotgun never moved, nor did the door. A minute passed, and finally the gun was lowered and the door cracked open a bit more. 
“Daryl, who? Daryl Dixon?”
A feeling of relief tore through his chest and despite everything he had been feeling, he smiled. “Yeah, Dixon.”
The door opened all the way, and the lights from inside spilled out onto the porch. (Y/N) stepped out into the night air. The way the shadows fell, her face was obscured from him, but Daryl would know her from anywhere. 
“Had an accident on my way here. Ripped my arm open. Was hopin’ you could stitch me up, again.”
(Y/N) reached the top of the front steps, and this time the moonlight allowed him to see her face. She was older for sure, but the years hadn’t seemed to be too hard on her. She was still beautiful, and when her lips twitched into her crooked smile, he felt even more relieved. 
“I don’t sew, you asshole. Thought we’ve been through this already.”
“Still got the magic tough,” Daryl laughed and snaked his now sewn up arm back through his leather jacket. 
“I just–I can’t believe you’re alive. And here. Where… HOW are you here?”
“Figured if you were still standin’ you’d be standin’ here. At least I hoped.”
(Y/N) bit down on her lower lip and drew in a deep breath through her nose, slowly releasing it. “Yeah. Here I am. You look like you’ve been through Hell and back.”
“Close enough,” he mumbled, suddenly feeling shy and unsure of what to say. “It’s been rough. The group I got with, we had our troubles along the way. But it’s a strong group, I guess that’s why we made it.”
Daryl hadn’t heard his brother’s name in a long time. Though it had been years since he had to put Merle down, it still stung. He lowered his head and shook it slowly. “He didn’t make it.”
“I’m sorry.” It was all she could manage to squeak out. The shock of seeing Daryl again was still fresh. She had thought he was long gone, though that didn’t stop her from thinking about him all the time. “I’m glad you’re here. Shocked, but glad. I have a room upstairs you can use. Take a hot shower. Are you hungry?”
“I could eat. But shower sounds better.”
“C’mon, I’ll show you the room. You get cleaned up and I can make you something to eat.”
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Daryl finished cleaning up, put on a clean shirt from his pack and found his pants, now patched up, laying on the bed. He made his way back downstairs and slowly walked through the house looking for the kitchen. With each room he passed by or looked into, he was in awe of how well things seemed to hold up through the years. He had a million questions for her but didn’t want to push for answers. Finally, he pushed through a set of swinging doors and found himself standing in the kitchen. (Y/N) was at the island counter, slicing what looked like ham off the bone and piling it onto a hearty slice of bread that already had lettuce and some ripe tomatoes on it.
“Damn, looks good,” he said as he slowly made his way closer to her. 
“Veg is from the garden out back. Been able to keep it going fairly well. Baked the bread this morning and the ham, well… a great sacrifice from one of the older piglets.”
“So, just you here?”
“Mhm. Wasn’t always just me. People have passed through, some stayed for a while. But after the last bunch, I stopped taking people in. Figured if they were this far into the pandemic, they could survive on their own.”
“Last bunch? Lemme guess… caused a whole lotta trouble?”
(Y/N) nodded without looking away from slicing the ham. She placed the other piece of bread on top and pushed the plate towards Daryl. “Eat up. Want a drink? Got water from the tap. Actually stays cold from the well. Or, I got whiskey.”
“Whiskey,” he said without hesitation before pulling the plate with the sandwich on it closer. He used both hands to pick up and took a big bite. It didn’t strike him until that moment that he hadn't eaten all day. Last meal was a can of beans over a campfire with a few hunks of stale bread. The Commonwealth hadn’t been hurting for food, but the rations he took for the trip didn’t last long.
(Y/N) rifled through the cabinets until she produced a clear decanter of whiskey and two crystal tumblers. She placed them on the counter and poured a hefty shot into each. “My grannie sure did love her crystal,” she said absently as she moved one of the glasses towards Daryl. “Lotta good it did her in the long run.”
They lifted their glasses and clicked the edges together. “To old friends,” she said. Daryl repeated her toast and they each downed the biting brown liquid. 
Some brief small talk was exchanged while Daryl ate his sandwich, but when he was done, the kitchen got very quiet. 
“Why are you really here, Daryl? And, where have you been all these years?”
“Been all over,” he said quietly. A flash flood of memories whipped through his mind, not really sure if he should start from the beginning and tell her all of it. “Now we’re staying in a large community north of here. The Commonwealth.”
(Y/N) let out a loud, snorting laugh and promptly refilled her glass. “Oh, I know the Commonwealth. Some of their,” she used her fingers in air quotes, “‘soldiers’ were the last group that I had here. Claimed to be recruiting for the community. But really they just wanted my land and the house. Heard them talking about how their leader would love the place. Just what she needed. When I told them no, they got hostile. For two days I battled to get them out of this place. When the last of ‘em finally left, I told them if they were ever spotted this far south again, I’d resurrect the Confederacy and reign hell down on them.”
Daryl laughed. “And they believed you?”
“I took out six of them before they could even blink. I think they got how serious I was.”
“Six? Shit. I trained to be one of those soldiers. They aren’t soft men and women.”
“No. They aren’t. But I’m harder and I won’t take shit from outsiders.”
“I can see that.”
“You never answered me. Why are you here, Daryl?”
Daryl cleared his throat, then reached for the decanter of whiskey. After another shot, he simply shrugged. “Wanted to know if you were still alive.”
Her gaze narrowed on him as if she didn’t believe him straight away. By all that he could see, it looked as if she survived fairly easily. The house wasn’t in a state of decay, she was clean, clothes neat, and still looked like she did all those years ago but she’d gotten harder than her fancy granite counters. It made him wonder how the girl he knew had become the woman before him.
“I’m alive. So are you, though, you look like you’ve been through it. You certainly look different. Last time I saw you, you weren’t a boy exactly, but you sure are a man now.”
“Yeah, well. I didn’t have a fortress like this to hold up in. I was out on the road, always fighting to stay alive, to eat, to… to keep others alive.”
She shook her head and reached for the decanter again, but Daryl stopped her. “Nah, don’t do that. Roll your eyes then go for the booze. Say what you wanna say.”
“Ok, fine. That was your choice, Daryl. When things started going to shit and I told you I was heading up here. I told you to come with me. Hell, I fucking BEGGED you to come with me.”
“I remember,” he said, the rush of the moment and the heat of the whiskey was fueling him. “I also remember you said, but NOT my brother. Merle wasn’t welcome.”
“Damn right Merle wasn’t welcome. You were though. You could have been here with me all this time. But no, loyalty to your brother kept you living on the road. Scouring for scraps of food, dealing with God only knows what kind of people.”
“Worst of the worst kinda people.”
“My point.”
“You damn well knew I wouldn’t leave Merle behind. He’s my brother! WAS my brother, (Y/N). He’s all I had in this goddamn world back then.”
“Bullshit. All he ever did was get you in trouble and bring you down. Since we were all kids, he was always dragging you into some kind of mess. Remember Tommy Blake? That fight you had with him and I had to sew your arm up? That was because of Merle!”
“What was I supposed to do?! He was the only one who ever gave a damn about me growing up!”
“No, he wasn’t and you know it! Your loyalty had you blinded to him. I gave a shit about you!” Both of their voices were getting louder and louder with each line thrown at the other. “And look, you still lost him anyway! How much trouble did he cause for you until he died?!”
Daryl wanted to lash out at her, but he couldn’t because she was right and also because it wasn’t why he came all this way. (Y/N), however, wasn’t done with her tirade. 
“Goddamnit, Daryl! You know how many years I stood on that porch and watched people approaching the gates, praying that you would be among them? Hoping, just HOPING you were at least still alive somewhere!”
“Just, stop… I wasn’t gonna leave my brother behind. Not for anyone.”
“Clearly, because he was the end all be all of your existence!”
“Jesus… I didn’t come all the way for this…”
“Some things never change. You’re still an ass!”
“Yeah, well, you’re still a know-it-all bitch!”
“And I still love you!”
Her words stopped Daryl from saying anything else. It was his turn to narrow his gaze at her, trying to understand what the hell she meant by that. 
“Look, I don’t wanna fight with you–”
“What does that mean? You never told me that.”
“What? That I loved you?” she snorted a laugh. “Why would I have told you, Daryl? I had to spell everything out for you. You weren’t the only one with a shitty childhood, you know. My parents, they didn’t hurt me the way yours did; never laid a hand on me. But, they never laid a hand on me lovingly, either.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“It means I don’t know how to show people I love them. I don’t know when I should hug someone, or show affection. If I tried with them, I got swatted away, like I was a fuckin’ pest. I was a burden to them and everyone around me. Including you. It wouldn’t have mattered back then, anyway. Even if I could have stripped myself naked in front of you and told you everything I felt for you, and you still wouldn’t have seen it. Your world revolved around Merle. I’m sorry he’s gone, I am. But, I can see you’re a different man now. You’re not the same guy that was led around by his brother anymore. I don’t know what you’ve been through, but I can guess that change happened after he died.”
He hated that she was partially right. “You don’t know shit about me.”
“Ok, keep telling yourself that. It may have been ten years since I last saw you, but don’t forget, I knew you for years before that. YEARS, Daryl. I know everything about you. I know, at your core, who you were, and how badly you wanted to allow yourself to be that person. I also know that man is standing here in front of me now. He wouldn’t be if Merle–”
“Stop, (Y/N). Maybe you’re right. He’s been gone for years, and yeah, he did hold me back. The people I was with all this time, people I’m still with, they made me who I am now. That kid you knew back then, he’s long gone. And for the record, you weren’t some kinda burden to me. You were my friend. I woulda done anything for ya.”
“You did, to a point. Then Merle would come along and… But you’re right. It's the past and bringing up Merle doesn’t do us any good now.”
The kitchen grew quiet again. This time, it was Daryl that reached for the whiskey and refilled both glasses. Slowly, they each lifted the crystal to their lips, but this time sipped on the drink. (Y/N) placed her glass down and leaned her elbows on the island counter. 
“Want another sandwich?”
“Nah,” he grunted. 
“Wanna tell me why you’re here? We keep getting sidetracked from that question.”
“I told you, I wanted to see if you were still alive.”
“So, let me get this straight… you and your friends are living it up in the Commonwealth, training to be soldiers, working jobs, living life… and you just decide to travel all this way through backroads of who knows what, and see if I am alive?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“Ok then, asshole, why do you think I did it?”
(Y/N) was thoughtful for a moment, but then Daryl noticed her lips forming into that little smirk she had; the one he would dream about. “Maybe because you missed me. And now that you’re in a stable place, you wanted to come ‘n tell me as much.”
She challenged him with a raise of her brow, and as much as he wanted to deny it and tell her how wrong she was, he couldn’t. Instead, he shrugged one shoulder. “Maybe I did.”
(Y/N) reached her hand across the counter and covered Daryl’s. “I’m glad you did.” She saw that the bandage she had put on his arm earlier was bleeding through. “C’mon, get out of that shirt.”
“Damn girl, I just got here.”
“You’re bleeding, dumbass. I wanna change your bandage. Jesus… Tell a guy you love him and he immediately thinks you’re trying to get laid.” She paused before walking out of the kitchen and turned back to him, one brow raised and a smirk on her face. “And, maybe I am… but you still need that changed first.”
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Daryl followed her out of the kitchen through the swinging doors and down the hall to a parlor room. There were lanterns burning low, giving off a soft light but enough for him to see the medical supplies she had set up around the room. 
“Here, sit.” She pointed to the bench near the lantern. “Shirt off please, and no smart smartmouth comments.”
“No promises,” he grumbled and watched her go to a cabinet that was filled with rubbing alcohol and bandages. “Damn, you got a stockpile here.”
“Yep. You think I just hid away in this big… fortress is what you called it, right?”
“C’mon, (Y/N), I was just–”
“I know, being salty. I didn’t just hide here, Daryl. I mean, yes, at first I did. But once dad and grannie were gone, and it was just me, I went out, gathered supplies. Found animals to breed for food. Found ways to fortify this place and make a sustainable home. I did that. Me. I’m not some weak ass woman who just hid.”
“Okay, I’m sorry. Trust me, never thought you were weak. Like, ever.”
(Y/N) came and sat down on the bench next to him. She repositioned the lantern to see his wound easier, and that’s when she caught sight of his back. Some of the scars she knew well, they had been courtesy of his father’s belt. But there were so many more, some fresh. She thought she could actually feel her heart break in two thinking about the horrible things he must have gone through.
“Daryl…” she started to say, then stopped. Dabbing a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol, There’s so many more, she thought. Gingerly, she sponged the fresh blood from around his cut. “What happened out there?”
He didn’t answer at first. In the low light of the room, she could see the mix of emotions that ran across his face. His blue eyes cast to the ground as if he was ashamed. 
“Whatever it was… I won’t… couldn’t ever think less of you.”
“Doesn’t matter. People tried to beat us down. We wouldn’t let them.”
She absently reached up and tucked a long tendril of his hair behind his ear, then lightly took his chin between her fingers and turned his head to look back up at her. 
“I have never been good at expressing my feelings. Never been good at anything like that. I’ve gotten better about it over the years. Losing people left and right like we do. Had to learn to let people know what they mean to me. So, for what it’s worth, I’m proud of you. For whatever you fought through, whatever you had to endure. You’re still here, thriving in this hellscape of a world. And now you’re here sitting in my house just because you wanted to know if I was alive. That means something.”
Daryl dared to look up and meet her eyes. For the second time in his life, he saw tears there. They were a whole lot different than the tears he saw the night he picked her up in the rain at that gas station, but she was still just as beautiful. He reached up his hand and took hers that held his chin, bringing it down to his leg, then laced his fingers with hers. 
“I shoulda went with you when you asked.”
She slowly shook her head no. “I’m glad you didn’t. Because it wouldn’t have lasted. I think part of me knew that back then. You would have always wondered about your brother. Regardless of what I thought of him, you loved him. You had to stay with him. You woulda just gone to look for him, like you are here looking for me, now.”
“And, maybe, you had to do this,” he said, motioning around towards the room. “Being here, helping people that came through. Going out to scavenge for supplies on your own. You were always tough, but now, you ain’t that scared kid anymore, either.”
“Guess we both did some growing up,” she said, and reluctantly took her hand from his to continue dressing his wound. “So, what now? You see I’m alive and doing okay. Stay a few days and head back home?”
“Guess so,” he said, though he didn’t know if that was really what he wanted to do. Back home meant the Commonwealth. Sure it was safe, and aptly stocked for its many residents, but he never really did feel comfortable in such a big place. Even with his own people in power, it felt too open, too exposed for his liking. “I got people back there. Kids… I promised ‘em I’d come back.”
“You have kids?!”
“Well, no. I mean, kinda. They ain’t mine. I’m just keeping an eye on them til their mom gets back. The girl, Judith, she was born in the beginning when we were on the road. Her dad, Rick, he… he became my brother in it all, ya know? Her ma died havin’ her, so we all kinda took part in makin’ sure she was okay. We got to this new place up in Virginia, things were good. Rick found someone again, they were happy. Then, he was gone. I lost another brother and it damn near wrecked me. Spent months trying to find him, but all I ever found was his gun. His new wife was pregnant, so when RJ came along, we did what we always do, helped out. They call me Uncle Daryl.”
“Wow…” she whispered, genuinely touched and surprised at what he was telling her. “I cannot imagine you with kids. Even if they aren’t yours.”
“Their mom, she thinks Rick may still be out there, so she’s out lookin’. Me ‘n Carol, we take care of them.”
“Carol? Is she part of your group, or is she… your wife?”
Daryl snorted. “Wife? Nah. Carol is my best friend. She’s the one who told me I should come ‘n try to find you.”
“Remind me to thank her if I ever meet her.”
“You’d like her. Hell, she’d love you.”
“Good to know,” (Y/N) said, and he noticed the little smile that came to her lips. 
“So, uh, what you said before in the kitchen. You mean that?”
“What part? That you’re still an ass? Yes, with all my heart.”
Daryl rolled his eyes and watched her finish replacing the bandage on his arm. “You know what I mean.”
“Oh,” she said, “that. I meant it.”
Daryl bit the inside of his lip and nodded before he stood up and put his shirt back on. (Y/N) stood up alongside him and once he had his shirt situated, she stepped closer and threw her arms around his neck to hug him before he could even think about objecting. Not that he would have.
“I only ever wanted you in my life, Daryl. I want you to stay for as long as you can stay and I hope that’s a long time.” Her words were muffled a bit because her face was buried in his neck, but he heard everything she said. A moment later, she pulled back and while her eyes were dry, he could see the high emotions set across her face. “I know you have to go back. You have family there, and you have to keep your promise. But now you know where I am and that I’m alive, maybe next time, don’t take so long coming back around.”
Daryl wanted to say what was on his mind, but instead it came out as a deep grunt from his chest. 
“Yeah well, I woulda come sooner, but needed to find my own way, first.”
“Maybe we can find our way together now?”
“I do gotta go back. But, I think we could. Not now though, and probably not tomorrow. Would like to stay for a while, if that’s okay.”
(Y/N) lightly touched his cheek and guided his face closer to hers so she could leave a soft kiss on his lips. “It’s more than okay. Maybe one day when you do come back, it will be to stay for good.”
Daryl thought about that, and thought, maybe it could be. The reason he was so restless at the Commonwealth was because even though it was now a peaceful community in good hands, it never felt like home. That moment, sitting in the big house on the sprawling grounds, with (Y/N) was the most he had felt like he was home in years. He couldn’t get himself to tell her this now, but maybe one day he could. Maybe one day, he would tell her that he loved her too, and his home was wherever she was. 
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sugarsfics · 1 year
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Summary: You were your little brother’s Dustin idol from the day he opened his eyes, that was until Steve “the hair” Harrington came along. God how you hate Steve.  But does he hate you?
Trope: Steve x Henderson!reader; enemies to lover 
Warning: Cussing, Dustin being a jerk but makes up for it, talks of the events of season 2 and 3, upside down, bad writing  
Word count: 1.8k  
Ever since your little brother Dustin was born, he has been attached to your hip. He looked up to you, he wanted to be just like you. You’re the one you got him in to DnD, his character was the same as yours but male version. He was always in your room reading your books, listening to your music, he always wanted to hear the gossip of what was happening in high school. You love it, it was nice to have someone who wants to be like you. You were riding on this high that came crashing down too soon for your liking. The cause of the crash was Steve Harrington. Your brother bonded with Steve, while you were trying to help Jonathan, Joyce and Nancy get the mind flayer out of Will, Steve had the kids. Next thing you knew Steve was Dustin new idol.  
 After the gate was closed the kids had a nice night at the Snowball. Dustin came out of the bathroom with his hair all did up. “Woah what is going on the mane-ow" “Don’t touch it” “Whatever you say little brother...Mom is going to snap some pictures then we will hop in my car” “Oh um I don’t need a ride” “I am not going to let you bike there you will mess up your suit” “No Steve is taking me” your blood boil at the name Steve “Why is he taking you” “He is going to help me with the ladies” “Ladies?” “Yeah, he helped me with my hair” is this what heartbreak felt like your brother is choosing Steve Harrington over you “Well your hair looks s-” knock knock what broke your heart even more is seeing his face light up “Steve’s here” he beamed. He ran to the door and opened it “Steve my man” “Hey buddy you ready” “Yep oh let me grabbed my jacket” Steve looked at you “Hey y/n” “Hi” you said annoyingly “You look pretty” you looked down and your outfit “I am just wearing a pair of sweats and a shirt” “Still pretty so you doing anything tonight” he is really trying to flirt “No I am not” “Well maybe we can-” “Got my jacket let’s go” Dustin interrupted “Yeah ok so y/n maybe-” “STEVE” Dustin shout from the door way “If you are going to ask me to hangout or whatever the answer is no” “Oh” he looked like a kicked puppy “So you should get going” “Yep I should” “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out” Did he really think you were that dumb he just wanted another tally mark as much as you like Steve you knew his game and you weren’t about to fall into his trap. You saw all the girls he hangs out with, there is a new one every week you knew you would never be one plus he didn’t even know your name or the fact that you existed until this year. You hated him right yeah you did hate is stronger the love like hate is stronger than like.  
Summer 1984
You finally graduated, now you had a job at Star-court mall you were the first batch of people that got hired. “Just a head ups y/n today we have a newbie, and you are training them” your boss said “Roger that” you wiped down the counters then you heard that voice “Hey I am new here where do I go” Steve. You look up just to make sure and up there is was Steve “Y/n hey I didn’t know you worked here” he did that’s way he applied in the first place “Ok come on back and we will get started on your training” when he came into the back he couldn't help up but stare you surprisingly the uniform made your body look good the shorts squeezed your hips like a waist trainer. Over the weeks of working with him you couldn’t help but laugh that amount of times he got reject but a smile on your face he deserves it you thought. One Saturday you were extra happy because Dustin was coming home from camp, you missed him and wanted to hear all about it. As you were it that back you hear Robin say “Is who hear” then Steve “Henderson” he was here you ran out to see him only to see them doing complicated handshake then Steve took Dustin to a booth to talk he didn’t even know you were there. After that, your and your brother's relationship changes for the worse. 
You thought after protecting Dustin from Russian, for Christ sake you got beaten up and truth serum inject into you not to mention with Steve being tied to you. But nope when you found a way-out Dustin ran too Steve make sure he was ok. You tried reasoning with it because maybe Dustin just needs a male figure in his life, yea we are just going to say that, so you just let it go. 
March 21, 1985 
You got a call at home “Henderson residence” “Hey y/n it’s me Dustin” “Is everything ok” “Yes um are you able to feel in for Lucas tonight at hellfire” he wants you to play with him he wants to hang out with you “Yes yes sounds great” “Awesome you were my last resort Steve couldn’t do it and-” ah last resort “Um Dusty I got to go be good” “Ok” “Bye-” the line was died. Last resort those words replayed in your mind last resort. But hey you thought maybe this is a chance to redeem yourself and be his Idol again. You made his favorite cookies and got your dice ready. Dustin met you outside “Ready” you nodded you walked into the Hellfire room, with Dustin and Mike at your side. “Well Well Well if it isn’t lady y/n haven’t seen your since graduation” said Eddie “Wait you know my sister” “Yep we go way back” he winked “Shall we get start” “What no initiation no tests no anything” Dustin complained “Nope lady y/n is a legend in these parts she singled handedly beat my campaigns with nothing but a stone and a dream” he cheered Dustin stare at you in awe your moving on up. The game ended with you bringing them to victory. You all walked down the hall screaming and shouting with a pair of eyes watching you those eyes watched has Eddie threw an arm over you and gave you praise.  
“Lady y/n I see you are still the best around” “Your eyes are correct Eddie the banished” you both laughed those same eyes turn dark why is he making you laugh why don’t you laugh with me “I really missed you y/n Dustin is pretty cool but he ain’t lady y/n cool” “Oh please your making me blush” now he is making you blush “Hey thank you though for taking in my brother and his friends” where is my thanks “ No need to thank just some more sheep's to add to my flock” “Sheeps don't have flocks” you teased “Oh shut it smarty pants” he grabbed you and spun you around I have seen enough those eyes thought “Steve!!” Dustin says those eyes met yours “Do you need a ride Dustin” “I- ““Why would he need a ride I'm right here” “Well you seemed pretty occupied” he said nodding toward Eddie. “What does that even mean” “So Dustin do you want a ride or not” Dustin glance at you then back at Steve “Y/n you wouldn’t mind right”  
Your drive home was quiet, he chose Steve again. You drove around for about an hour hoping that you would avoid both. When you pulled into your driveway a figure lingered near your door. You have to get home and shower just ignore it and walk in you took a deep breath, opened your car door and speed walked to your door “Y/n can we talk” silence “Please” he blocked the door with his body “Listen to me” “Please” said Steve “No” “No?” “No you don’t deserved to know how I feel” you spat “Just tell me why” “Why what” “Why not me” you looked at him confused “huh” “you don’t look at me the way you look at Eddie or another guy I tried and been trying so hard to get you attention for you to look at me without hate in your eyes” “That’s because I used too” you mumbled “What” you couldn’t hold it in anymore “ I used too” you yelled “Back in high school my focus was on you but you didn't even know my name till Junior year then of course what Steve Harrington wants he gets and you got my brother wrapped up in your spell another person falling for you you’re his number one his Idol I was in your place before you came around that was the one thing that was keeping me from leaving , I was just waiting for you to drop him like you did every other girl but nope somehow your bond got stronger HE CALLED YOU FIRST TO FILL IN FOR LUCAS I'M THE ONE WHO TAUGHT HIM THAT GAME AND I WAS HE LAST CHOICE  and you want to know what is worst I can't even hate you because I love you so much that it hurts” you took a breath a wipe tears that you didn’t know fell “I didn't know you felt this way” “Yeah no one did” “I know I can't change the past but let me help our future please I want to be with you, you are so brave and smart beautiful please just give me one chance” “I need time please” “Take so the time you need” he said and kissed your cheek 
You open the door was was met with a teary eyed Dustin “I'm sorry” he quivered “I didn’t realize I was pushing you away I-I-I- it was nice you have an older guy around teaching me things” “I kinda thought that” and brought him into a hug “Please forgive me” “I forgive you” “Please don’t tell Eddie your like his favorite and he will forbid me from ever playing again” “Ok I won’t” you laughed and you sat on the couch with him still in your arms “Last thing” “What's that” “Give him a chance he really likes you he has been talking about you for a long time he tried to be sneaky but it’s Steve so  and I don't want to be the reason why he doesn’t find love”
You and Dustin fell asleep on the couch with him resting in your shoulder. You slowly got up to not disturb him and laugh when his head fell on the couch. You made your way to the phone and dialed certain number. “Harrington house Steve here” 
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layce2015 · 2 years
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Fear Of Flying
Masterlist / Next Chapter
Jerry was looking through a microscope as Dean and I stand near him. "Sulfur?" Dean asked Jerry, who sighs then nods at him. "Well, that's great." Dean grumbles, annoyed, as I rub my hands over my eyes. "All right, that's two plane crashes involving Chuck Lambert. This demon sounds like it was after him." I said.
"With all due respect to Chuck, if that's the case, that would be the good news." Sam said and we look over at him.
"What's the bad news?" Dean asked him.
"Chuck's plane went down exactly forty minutes into flight. And get this, so did flight 2485." Sam said.
"Forty minutes? What does that mean?" Jerry asked.
"It's biblical numerology. You know Noah's ark, it rained for forty days. The number means death." Dean replied.
"I went back, and there have been six plane crashes over the last decade that all went down exactly forty minutes in." Sam explains.
"Any survivors?" I asked. "No. Or not until now, at least, not until flight 2485, for some reason. On the cockpit voice recorder, remember what the EVP said?" Sam asked. "No survivors." Dean and I said in unison and something hits me. "It's going after all the survivors. It's trying to finish the job." I said.
That night, Dean was driving the Impala as I follow them in my bike. While following them, I start to think that I need to find a safe place to put my bike in. As much as I love to drive this bike around, I wouldn't mind riding in the Impala with the boys and plus to save me gas money. Maybe I can stop at one of the safe houses Dad had bought and put the bike there for safety.
We make it to an airport and Sam gives me a rundown of the flight attendant from flight 2485, Amanda, was about to board a new flight. We rush into the airport and check the Departure board. "Right there. They're boarding in thirty minutes." Sam said once we make it inside. "Okay. We still have some cards to play. We need to find a phone." I said then Dean goes and picks up a courtesy phone.
"Hi. Gate thirteen." Dean answers. "I'm trying to contact an Amanda Walker. She's a flight attendant on flight, um...flight 4-2-4." He replied to the person at the other end then he stands there.
"Come on." He mutters, annoyed, as Sam and I stand there. Then Dean jumps then said. "Miss Walker. Hi, this is Dr. James Hetfield from St. Francis Memorial Hospital. We have a Karen Walker here. Nothing serious, just a minor car accident, but she was injured, so—" Dean started to say but pauses.
"You what?" He asked. "Uh, well...there must be some mistake." He said as Sam and I go up to Dean and try to hear what's going on.
"Is this one of Vince's friends?" I hear Amanda's voice asked.
"Guilty as charged." Dean said, smiling.
"Wow. This is unbelievable." Amanda said.
"He's really sorry." Dean said to her.
"Well, you tell him to mind his own business and stay out of my life, okay?" She said, angrily. "Yes, but...he really needs to see you tonight, so—" Dean started to say but Amanda interrupts him. "No, I'm sorry. It's too late." She said.
"Don't be like that. Come on. The guy's a mess. Really. It's pathetic." Dean said. "Really?" Amanda asked.
"Oh, yeah." He said.
"Look, I've got to go. Um...tell him to call me when I land." She said.
"No, no. Wait, Amanda. Amanda!" Dean shouts into the phone but I hear the dial tone.
"Damn it! So close." Dean growls. "All right, it's time for plan B. We're getting on that plane." I said to them and Sam nods. "Whoa, whoa, now just hold on a second." Dean said as he places a hand on my shoulder. I turn to him and see that he's wide-eyed.
"Dean, that plane is leaving with over a hundred passengers on board, and if we're right, that plane is gonna crash." I said to him. "I know." Dean said and I could've sworn I heard his voice shaking.
"Okay. So we're getting on the plane, we need to find that demon and exorcise it. I'll get the tickets. You guys get whatever you can out of the trunk. Whatever that will make it through the security. Meet me back here in five minutes." Sam said and Dean looks between us, anxiously.
"Are you okay?" I asked him, concerned.
"No, not really." He replied.
"What? What's wrong?" Sam asked him.
"Well, I kind of have this problem with, uh..." Dean stammers, anxiously.
"Flying?" Sam and I asked.
"It's never really been an issue until now." He said.
"You're joking, right?" I asked him in disbelief.
"Do I look like I'm joking? Why do you think I drive everywhere, guys?" Dean said, angrily, and I chuckle a bit.
"What?" He asked me.
"Nothing. Just...I never thought I'd see the day where Dean Winchester was afraid of something." I said and had flowers at me. "Shut up." He grumbles.
"All right. Uh, (y/n) and I will go." Sam said to Dean. "What?" He asked. "We'll do this one on our own." Sam said, gesturing between me and him. "Yeah, we can handle it." I said.
"What are you, nuts? You said it yourself, Sam, the plane's gonna crash." Dean said. "Dean, we can do it together, or Sam and I can do this one by ourselves. I'm not seeing a third option, here." I said and I pat Sam's back and we started to leave.
"Come on! Really?" I hear Dean exclaim at us but I look ovef my shoulder and see him following us, reluctantly.
Dean, in the aisle seat, was anxiously reading the safety card while I sat next to him and Sam got the seat behind us. "Just try to relax." I assured him, calmly. "Just try to shut up." He grumbles and then the plane takes off, with Dean jumping at every rumble and sound. I smirk then look behind and see Sam smirking as well and shaking his head.
Dean leans back in his seat, humming to himself. "You're humming Metallica?" I said, disbelieving, "Calms me down." He replies.
"Look, Dean, I get you're nervous, all right? But you got to stay focused." I said to him, firmly and calmly.
"Okay." He said.
"She's right. I mean, we got thirty-two minutes and counting to track this thing down, or whoever it's possessing, anyway, and perform a full-on exorcism." Sam said as he leans over to the side and looks over at Dean. "Yeah, on a crowded plane. That's gonna be easy." Dean remarks.
"Just take it one step at a time, all right?" I said and he looks over at me. "Now, who is it possessing?" I asked the boys. "It's usually gonna be somebody with some sort of weakness, you know, a chink in the armor that the demon can worm through. Somebody with an addiction or some sort of emotional distress." Dean replies.
"Well, this is Amanda's first flight after the crash. If I were her, I'd be pretty messed up." Sam said. "Mm-hm." Dean hums then he turns to a flight attendants.
"Excuse me. Are you Amanda?" He asked her.
"No, I'm not." She replied. "Oh, my mistake." He said and the attendant walks away. Then he looks to the back of the plane. "All right, well, that's got to be Amanda back there, so I'll go talk to her, and, uh, I'll get a read on her mental state." Dean said.
"What if she's already possessed?" Sam asked. "There's ways to test that." said Dean and he goes into his bag and comes out with a Virgin Mary-shaped bottle of water. "I brought holy water." He said and my eyes widen.
"No." I said as I snatch the bottle and tuck it inside my jacket. "I think we can go more subtle. If she's possessed, she'll flinch at the name of God." I said. "Oh. Nice." Dean said then he turns to go.
"Hey." Sam said and Dean turns to him.
"What?" Dean asked.
"Say it in Latin." Sam replied.
"I know." Dean said and he starts to leave but Sam stops him again.
"Hey!" He said.
"What?!" Dean said, annoyed and I try to hold back a chuckle. "Uh, in Latin, it's Christo." Sam said. "Dude, I know! I'm not an idiot!" Dean growls at him and he makes his way back to the plane.
Moments later, Dean returns to his seat. "All right, well, she's got to be the most well-adjusted person on the planet." He said once he sits down. "You said Christo?" Sam asked.
"Yeah." Dean replied.
"And?" I asked.
"There's no demon in her. There's no demon getting in her." He said. "So, if it's on the plane, it can be anyone. Anywhere." Sam said just as the plane shakes.
"Come on! That can't be normal!" Dean exclaims.
"Hey, hey, it's just a little turbulence." I said to him.
"(Y/n), this plane is going to crash, okay? So quit treating me like I'm friggin' four." He growls at me and I roll my eyes at him. "Well, maybe quit acting like one." I said and he glares daggers at me and I sigh.
"Look, you need to calm down." I said. "Well, I'm sorry I can't." He said. "Yes, you can." I said to him. "(Y/n), stow the touchy-feely, self-help yoga crap, it's not helping." Dean growls, angry and annoyed.
"Listen, if you're panicked, you're wide open to demonic possession, so you need to calm yourself down. Right now." I said, firmly. "She's right, Dean. We don't need that. So, calm down." Sam said and Dean takes a long, slow breath.
"Good." I said as Sam leans over to the side of the chair. "Now, I found an exorcism in here that I think is gonna work. The Rituale Romanum." He said.
"What do we have to do?" I asked Sam.
"It's two parts. The first part expels the demon from the victim's body. It makes it manifest, which actually makes it more powerful." Sam replied.
"More powerful?" Dean and I said.
"Yeah." Sam said.
"How?" I asked.
"Well, it doesn't need to possess someone anymore. It can just wreak havoc on its own." Sam said. "Oh. And why is that a good thing?" Dean asked. "Well, because the second part sends the bastard back to hell once and for all." Sam said and I nod at this.
"First things first, we got to find it." I said and Dean nods.
Dean walks slowly up the aisle with his EMF meter, getting odd looks but no readings. Sam suddenly claps him on the shoulder, and he jumps. "Ah! Don't do that." He said as I come up to them. "Anything?" I asked him.
"No, nothing. How much time we got?" Dean said and Sam looks at his watch.
"Fifteen minutes. Maybe we missed somebody." He said.
"Maybe the thing's just not on the plane." Dean said and I look over at him.
"You believe that?" I asked him. "Well, I will if you will." Dean said but then he looks down as the EMF meter spikes.
"What? What is it?" Sam asked as I look up and see Dean staring at one of the pilots. "Christo." Dean said and the man turns slowly to face us, his eyes are black. Then he goes into the cockpit as the boys and I share a glance.
"She's not gonna believe this." Sam said to Dean as we make our way to the back. "Twelve minutes, dude." Dean mutters as we come up to Amanda.
"Oh, hi. Flight's not too bumpy for you, I hope." She said as she looks between us. "Actually, that's kind of what we need to talk to you about." Dean said and I closes the curtain.
"Um, okay. What can I do for you?" She asked, nervously. "All right, this is gonna sound nuts, but we just don't have time for the whole the truth is out there speech right now." Dean said. "All right, look, we know you were on flight 2485." I said to her and her smile disappears.
"Who are you guys?" She asked us. "Now, we've spoken to some of the other survivors. We know something brought down that plane and it wasn't a mechanical failure." Sam said to her. "We need your help because we need to stop it from happening again. Here. Now." said Dean.
"I'm sorry, I—I'm very busy. I have to go back—" she stammers and she brushes past Dean but I stop her.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. We're not gonna hurt you, okay? But listen to me, uh...The pilot in 2485, Chuck Lambert. He's dead." I said and she looks up at us in shock.
"Wait. What? What, Chuck is dead?" She said, shocked. "He died in a plane crash. Now, that's two plane crashes in two months. That doesn't strike you as strange?" I asked her.
"Look, there was something wrong with 2485. Now maybe you sensed it, maybe you didn't. But there's something wrong with this flight, too." Sam said to her. "Amanda, you have to believe us." Dean said to her.
"On...on 2485, there was this man. He...had these eyes." She admits. "Yes. That's exactly what we're talking about." I said to her.
"I don't understand, what are you asking me to do?" She asked us. "Okay. The copilot, we need you to bring him back here." Dean said.
"Why? What does he have to do with anything?" She asked us. "Don't have time to explain. We just need to talk to him. Okay?" I said to her.
"How am I supposed to go in the cockpit and get the copilot—" she said but Sam talks over her. "Do whatever it takes. Tell him there's something broken back here, whatever will get him out of that cockpit." Sam said.
"Do you know that I could lose my job if you—"
"Okay, well you're gonna lose a lot more if you don't help us out." Dean said to her, firmly, and she hesitates. "Okay." She said and she leaves and goes to the cockpit. She knocks on the door and says something to the copilot, who follows her back. Sam pulls out the holy water while Dean pulls out John's journal and hands it to me and I open it.
"Yeah, what's the problem?" The copilot asked as he comes in. Dean punches him in the face, knocking him down. He pins him down and puts duct tape over his mouth. "Wait. What are you doing? You said you were just gonna talk to him." Amanda said, freaking out.
"We are gonna talk to him." I said as Dean splashes holy water on his skin, which sizzles.
"Oh, my God. What's wrong with him?" She asked, confused and shocked. "Look. We need you calm. We need you outside the curtain." Sam instructs her.
"Well, I don't underst—I don't know—"
"Don't let anybody in, okay? Can you do that, Amanda?" I asked her. "Okay. Okay." She said, nodding then she leaves.
"Hurry up, Sam. I don't know how much longer we can hold him." Dean said as he and I hold the demon down while Sam looks down at the book and began to read it. "Regna terrae, cantate Deo, psallite Domino—" he said and the demon breaks free briefly and hits all three of us until Dean and I manage to subdue him again. Sam pick up where he left off but the demon knocks Dean off again and pulls the tape off his mouth then knocks me to the side.
Then he grabs Sam by the collar.
"I know what happened to your girlfriend! She must have died screaming! Even now, she's burning!" he taunts as Dean and I recover and we hit the demon as Sam sits there, stunned.
"Sam!" Dean and I shouted and he recovers and begins reading again. He puts the book down and helps us pin down the demon, who kicks the book up the aisle.
"I got him." Sam said but the demon exits the copilot's body and disappears into a vent. "Where'd it go?" I asked, fearfully.
"It's in the plane. Hurry up. We got to finish it." Dean said just as the plane suddenly dips and heaves violently. Sam struggles to retrieve the book as Dean and I splay ourselves against the exit door, Dean began to scream.
Suddenly a bright electrical charge runs through the entire plane, which then levels out. I sighed with relief then looked over at Dean. "You okay?" I asked him and he nods after letting out a few deep breaths. "Yeah, you?" He asked me. "Yeah..." I said, breathless, and he gets up then helps me to my feet. We come out from behind the curtain as we see Sam standing up.
The passengers from the flight were disembarking to an area milling with uniformed agents. The copilot was seated in a wheelchair with a blanket wrapped around him, being questioned by an FAA agent. Amanda was being questioned by another agent.
She sees us standing across the way and mouths Thank you to us and we nod at her. "Let's get out of here." Dean said to us and we head for the exit. I looked over at Sam and noticed he had a disturbed look on his face.
"You okay?" I asked and he stops and turns to us. "Guys, it knew about Jessica." he said and I give him a concerned look. "Sam, these things, they, they read minds. They lie. All right? That's all it was." Dean said to his brother.
"Yeah." Sam said in a tone of voice that said he didn't believe that. I frown then I go and hug him, he hugs me back and he buries his face into my shoulder. I patted his back, reassuringly, then I pull back from the hug and smiled at him. "Come on." I said and we head out.
"Nobody knows what you guys did, but I do. A lot of people could have been killed." Jerry said to us as we went to tell him what happened the next day. He goes and shakes our hands. "Your dad would be real proud." Jerry said to me as I go and hug him. "Thanks, man." I said to him.
"We'll see you around, Jerry." Sam said and we head out to our vehicles and drive off.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 3 months
From Hell to Home To Back Again
Summary: At the talent show, Chrissy Cunningham is so hungry that she nearly collapses. When she's found by Hopper, her parents ended up losing custody of her. She ends up being placed in the care of the Hendersons, and she finally finds the family she so desperately needed. She also ends up falling in love. What other changes are made in this alternate universe?
A/N: After this chapter is season 2 territory and the arrival of Argyle! Woohoo! Can't wait to see how things are going to change for season 2.
@emen-98 @1lostsoul0fishbowl @vulpixsworld
Prologue . . . Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chrissy stepped out of the car and thanked Steve for dropping her off, telling him she'd see him later at the graduation ceremony. She chose not to ride her bike to Eddie's because she didn't want to get her skirt all messed up. Summer was here, and school was now over. Hellfire had forgiven Eddie, and the new principal had welcomed him back for next year with promises that things were going to be different. Eddie had a fresh start with a new principal who actually seemed to want to help students. The bills had piled up with Wayne, which is not surprising considering that Wayne had more than likely been paying for Al's house too so Eddie could have a home. She didn't tell Eddie her theory because that would only make him feel more guilty than he already was. He had gotten a job selling the very weed he had stolen to help Wayne pay the bills.
"Hey, sweetheart," Eddie greeted as she walked through the door. "I thought I was picking you up."
He was laying upside down on the couch while Wayne sat in the recliner shaking his head.
"I thought you were too," Chrissy said.
"Shit, am I late?" Eddie yelped.
"No, I gave you an earlier time to pick me up in case you were late," Chrissy said.
"She's got you pegged, Ed," Wayne said.
"Hush, you," Eddie said.
Their relationship was still in the in-between state of moving from friendship to something more. It didn't help that Chrissy still had him on probation, but she figured she would throw him a bone considering what was happening today.
"You sounded weird on the phone earlier," Chrissy said. "What's up?"
"It's nothing," Eddie sighed.
"It's not nothing. You haven't even showered, yet!" Chrissy exclaimed.
"You look beautiful, baby," Eddie said.
"Don't change the subject, Eddie!" She yelled.
"It's just - it feels weird not graduating with Ronnie and Dougie. . .I mean, I know that it's partially my fault, but still. . .," Eddie said.
"How long have you been trying to cheer him up, Wayne?" Chrissy asked.
"About half an hour. Thank God, you showed up, darlin," Wayne sighed.
"So, what's it going to take for me to cheer you up?" Chrissy asked.
"Nothing," he sighed.
"Really? There's nothing?" She asked.
She kelt down next to his head and placed a kiss on his lips before moving back. Eddie sat up quickly with a start and tried to get up off the couch, but he was still in a weird position. He rolled off the couch, hitting his head on the coffee table. He collapsed on the floor.
"Fuck!" Eddie said.
"I think your kisses might just kill him," Wayne said in amusement.
"There would be worst ways to go, Uncle Wayne," Eddie sighed dreamily.
"Lord, I'll leave you to it. I'm going to head to the school early and bring Granny Ecker," Wayne said and gave them both a look. "Don't be late."
Wayne left just as Chrissy helped Eddie up, her fingers pressing on the blossoming bruise on his forehead.
"I think your uncle thinks that I'm going to take advantage of you," Chrissy grinned. "If we didn't have somewhere to be, I might."
"Don't start something you can't finish, Henderson," Eddie said.
Chrissy grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down in for a kiss. Eddie sighed happily against her mouth as he cupped her face and backed her up against the kitchen counter. She managed to hop herself up there, breaking the kiss slightly before pulling him back in. She gasped and nibbled on his lip, pulling on it slightly as she pulled him back again. Eddie cursed as he breathed heavily.
"Are you okay?" Chrissy asked.
"Nope, nope, definitely not," Eddie said as he rested his forehead against hers. "Witch."
"Freak," she giggled. "Are you going to have to take a cold shower now?"
"Chrissy!" Eddie exclaimed and paused. "But, yes."
He kissed her deeply before walking away and went to take his shower. Chrissy slid off the counter and smoothed her skirt down. She fixed her hair and makeup as she waited for him. When he came out, he was wearing his best black pants and his Black Sabbath shirt. His hair was still wet. He plopped down next to her with a grin, squeezing her knee.
"So. . .what is this?" Eddie asked.
"I always left that up to you. What do you want this to be?" Chrissy asked.
"Girlfriend?" Eddie asked hopefully.
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, or are you asking to be my girlfriend?" She grinned. "Either way, I'm up for it."
"Do you want to be with me or not, Henderson?" He asked, glaring at her.
"Yes," she giggled and kissed him.
Eddie sighed against her lips as she ran her hands through his wet hair.
"You taste like candy," Eddie pulled back with a grin.
"You taste like cigarettes," Chrissy said. "Did you brush your teeth?"
"I did not," Eddie said.
"Go," she laughed.
Finally, they left, but they were still a few minutes early when they showed up to the school. What were they supposed to do? Just sit there? Chrissy had managed to successfully climb into Eddie's lab and didn't complain even with the steering wheel digging into her ass. She was focused on kissing him hungrily. This one was a lot more heated than the other one, and this time, their tongues were involved. Chrissy moved her hips as much as she could before Eddie placed his hand on them to stop her as he groaned into her mouth. She broke the kiss and moved her lips to his neck, nibbling and biting at it as she moved to do the same to his earlobe.
"Someone is going to see us, Chrissy," Eddie groaned, and she hummed in response. "Chrissy. . ."
Chrissy groaned before sitting back and pouting. She pecked his lips before climbing out of the car. She fixed her skirt and turned around to find Eddie still sitting there.
"Eddie, are you coming?" Chrissy smirked.
"Hahaha, give me a moment," Eddie said.
She giggled as she leaned against the side of the van. She fixed her hair and her lipstick. She wasn't sure what Eddie was muttering, but she could guess what he was trying to do. Chrissy laughed again. Finally, he climbed out of the car, glaring at her.
"All good?" She smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Eddie replied, and she giggled as she stared at him. "What? Do I have something on my face."
"No, not at all," Chrissy said, biting her lip.
They found their group of friends waiting for them outside of school. It consisted of Hellfire, Nancy, Steve, Jonathan, and Robin. Jeff snorted with laughter at the sight of Eddie.
"Come on, man," Jeff said. "You should have come looking more presentable than that."
"You're wearing the same Black Sabbath shirt," Eddie said, narrowing his eyes at him.
Nancy giggled as she pressed her face into Steve’s chest. Jonathan grinned and snapped a picture of him.
"Jesus, do you ever clean your face, man?" Gareth asked.
"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Eddie asked.
"So, I'm guessing you and Chrissy are official now?" Steve asked.
"Why would you assume that?" Eddie asked.
"Chrissy's lipstick. . . All over your face, man," Steve said, slapping him on the back.
"You said I had nothing on my face," Eddie said glaring at Chrissy.
"I thought it would be funny," Chrissy said. "And it was."
She pulled a tissue out of her purse and started cleaning Eddie's face.
"It's all over your neck, man," Jeff said, and Chrissy giggled.
"My girl's a biter," Eddie said proudly.
"It's not my fault you're so yummy," Chrissy said and kissed his nose before he brushed it against hers, cooing.
"Oh my God, you guys are going to be one of those disgustingly sweet couples," Robin asked. "Gag me."
"He is my teddy bear," Chrissy beamed.
"I guess that makes you my Chrissy cat?" Eddie said as he kissed her cheek.
"Oh, please, stop!" Gareth exclaimed, and the couple burst into laughter. "I knew you guys were fucking with us. No one's that cute."
"Except you, Gare-bear," Eddie teased and ruffled his hair.
Gareth glared and hit him in the stomach. Once Eddie was bent over, Gareth put him in a headlock. They watched them wrestle for a minute before it was Chrissy calling Eddie over, and he quickly pulled himself away before moving over to Chrissy.
"Whipped," Gareth scoffed.
Eddie rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around her as they all moved inside of the gym. Chrissy and Eddie found a spot by Wayne while the others sat down in front of them.
"He give you any problems?" Wayne asked Chrissy and she giggled.
"No, but Chrissy gave me problems," Eddie narrowed his eyes at her.
"Well, turnabout's fair play," Wayne replied.
"Ugh! You're supposed to be on my side, Uncle Wayne."
Eddie wrapped his arms around Chrissy's waist as they eagerly awaited to watch Ronnie and Dougie walk across that stage. Ronnie was the first one of the two, and when they did, their group stood up to scream her name. Eddie put his fingers on his head like they were devil horns, and Ronnie responded with enthusiasm, and then she flipped off the crowd. Her friends cheered again and then once more when Dougie was called. He flipped off the crowd as he walked up to grab his diploma, much to the displeasure of the new principal. When the ceremony was finally done, they met Ronnie and Dougie out in the parking lot. The others stood back while Hellfire hugged each other tightly.
"I'm glad you didn't let the fact that you aren't graduating with us stop you from coming," Ronnie said. "It would have sucked not to see my best friend out in the crowd."
"Yeah, well, you kind of have Chrissy to thank for freeing me from feeling sorry for myself," Eddie said.
"I have a lot of things to thank her for," Ronnie said. "She finally kissed you, huh?"
"I'll send you a copy of the proof," Jonathan said. "Along with your graduation pictures. I also promised your Granny to get a picture of you two."
"Thanks, Jonathan," Ronnie said.
"You better burn the evidence, Byers," Eddie said.
"Hmm, let me think about it. . .no," Jonathan said.
"Congratulations, Ronnie," Robin said as she went to hug her, but then she stopped.
Ronnie laughed before pulling Robin into a tight hug. They embraced for a while before pulling away quickly.
"Eddie. . .what happened to your head?" Nancy asked.
"Forget about me. It's Ronnie and Dougie's day," Eddie laughed, and Chrissy snickered.
"Alright. Hey, Ronnie, aren't you curious at all about what happened to your best friend's head?" Steve asked.
"You're right, Steve, I am curious," Ronnie said. "You know, since it's my day and all I think I deserve to know. Isn't that right, Dougie?"
"That's right, Ronnie," Dougie grinned.
"Fine! When Chrissy kissed me, I fell off the couch and hit my head on the coffee table," Eddie muttered, and they all laughed. "Yeah, yeah, get it all out."
"Jesus, if that's what happens when she kisses you, what's going to happen when you guys eventually have sex?" Steve blurted out, and Nancy elbowed him in the stomach.
"Busted heads for both of them," Robin said and laughed with Steve.
"Well, I figured it would be safer for both of us if I handcuffed him to the bed," Chrissy said casually, causing Eddie to yelp and choke on his own saliva.
"Jesus H Christ, Chrissy," Eddie said, his face red.
"She's going to end up destroying you, man," Jeff said.
"There are worse ways to go," Eddie grinned and kissed the top of Chrissy's head.
"You guys still want to celebrate at my house?" Steve asked.
"Duh, why do you think we're friends with you? For all those secrets you store in that hair of yours?" Eddie teased.
"Well, Munson, I figured you were friends with me because you secretly want me," Steve winked at him.
"Oh, please, if I were going to leave Chrissy for a guy, it would be Jeff," Eddie replied.
"Yeah, I'd chose Jeff, too," Steve replied seriously.
"You can't fuck with a gay guy like this!" Jeff laughed.
It was old news that Jeff was gay, something he talked about with Robin on many occasions and then with Ronnie when she came out. Jeff rolled his eyes affectionately when they just ignored him.
"It's his eyes," Eddie said.
"They're very pretty," Steve agreed.
"Okay, I'm starting to feel a little insecure about our relationship, Steve," Nancy laughed.
"All the boyfriends want me," Jeff smirked. "I fucking told you, Gareth."
"I don't want you," Jonathan said and then paused. "Not that I am a boyfriend or that I think of myself as a boyfriend. What?"
"Yeah, we all know who wants you, Byers," Jeff smirked.
"Well, this conversation took a very non-straight turn," Robin laughed. "Perhaps we should move this to Steve’s place so no one can hear us."
Once Jonathan got pictures of everyone, it was off to Steve’s house for a low-key celebration with teens. Wayne took Granny Ecker and hugged Ronnie tightly before they left. He was just as proud of Ronnie as he was of Eddie.
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Chrissy asked Wayne.
"You kids don't want an old man around," Wayne chuckled. "You have fun, darlin."
Chrissy, of course, had to ask. As much as she wanted Wayne there, this party felt more for the teens to say goodbye to Ronnie and Dougie than anyone else. Now, here she was, sitting on the counter of Steve’s kitchen with Eddie between her legs as she braided his hair. He claimed he didn't want his hair falling into his food, but she knew he loved the way her fingers felt in his hair.
"Hey, how comfortable are you in your masculinity?" Chrissy asked.
"Well, considering I'm letting you braid my hair, very comfortable," Eddie laughed. "And also comfortable in my femininity. Why?"
"Are you secure enough to know that your girlfriend got you a job at Thatcher's Tires?" Chrissy asked.
"What?" Eddie asked.
"I mean, you can still sell weed, but I know how much you wanted to get a job there because you like working with your hands and with cars," Chrissy said. "The guy owed Benny a favor, and I'm practically Benny's daughter so. . . What do you think?"
"I think. . . That I have the best goddamn girlfriend in the world," Eddie said as he leaned back against her. "Kiss me, you fool!"
Chrissy giggled and obliged. She quickly broke the kiss and tied off Eddie's hair.
"Damn, Munson, you're looking pretty," Steve said as he entered the kitchen, carrying the boxes of pizza. "Looks like the pizzas are not the only meal in this kitchen."
"Stop flirting with my boyfriend!" Chrissy laughed.
"I'm just stating a fact, Chrissy," Steve said.
"Fuck off," Eddie laughed.
"Get your own metalhead, Harrington," Chrissy said as she wrapped her arms around Eddie's shoulders.
"I tried, but Jeff isn't interested," Steve said mockingly. "And Nancy doesn't want to convert."
"We get it. You're comfortable in your sexuality," Nancy said as she entered and wrapped her arms around Steve from behind. "Stop flirting with our friends, or I'm going to get jealous."
Pretty soon, everyone gathered in the kitchen to eat and talk. Ronnie and Robin were the last ones to enter the room. Their disheveled appearances let everyone know what happened. Ronnie quickly pulled Eddie off to the side to talk about it. She stared at them for a moment. Chrissy knew how much Eddie was going to miss his best friend, but she could also tell how happy he was for her. Still, Chrissy could see a lot of cuddling in their future as she helped him adjust.
"Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve!" Robin's voice came from Chrissy's right.
"Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin!" Steve whispered back sarcastically.
"This isn't funny! We kissed!" Robin hissed.
"We did?" Steve asked.
"Okay, enough shtick, asshole," Robin said.
"Well, I'm waiting for you to tell us all about it," Steve said.
"It was. . .oh my God, there are no words. Do you think if I asked, she would just leave her lips here?" She asked.
"Well, she's going to be a lawyer, so I think she's going to need them," Steve said.
"Damn," Robin said.
Chrissy and Nancy sat off to the side as they watched their friends chat. She kind of knew what Nancy was thinking. . .that missing presence she felt on a daily basis. It was something she tried to ignore, but it was difficult to do it when she constantly dreamed about Barb. Everything that happened with Eddie over the last few months had served as an easy distraction and befriending Ronnie had also helped. Now that Ronnie was leaving, suddenly, they both felt the weight of Barb's absence.
"I miss her too," Chrissy whispered to Nancy.
Nancy smiled gratefully at her and squeezed her hand. When they finally cleared the kitchen, they moved it into the living room to dance out their feelings. It was a long year for all of them, and as they danced to Bob Seger, Chrissy recalled another absent member. Stan. He should be here with his friends, doing what he loves. No, instead, he's trapped by abusive parents who thought they knew what was best for him. She hoped to whatever benevolent God that was out there in the universe that Stan somehow escaped his parents' grip. Though a lot of bad things had happened, a lot of good things did, too. She felt them in the room as Eddie spun her around . . . as Robin danced with Ronnie . . . as Steve danced with Nancy. Even Gareth, Jeff, and Dougie danced together. Gareth practiced his drumming skills in the air, preparing for his new role in Corroded Coffin. Jonathan even set his camera down when Robin pulled him in. Held tightly in Eddie's arms, Chrissy realized that more good things were coming to Hawkins. Argyle would be coming this summer. Chrissy squealed and jumped into Eddie's arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. She kissed him deeply. All good things, she hoped.
Chapter Fifteen
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pecxiebu · 8 months
Rory Keaner x Reader
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y/n pov:
My first day at the new school and I'm already exhausted. Having gone through the previous day organizing all my stuff in the small apartment I have bought was more tiring than I had thought, although I'm a vampire this moving made me lose a lot of meals and I'm starving. Getting out of my comfy bed, that I use only for the reasons that I like to pretend to sleep, I go to the kitchen looking for something to eat, of course there's nothing and I'm gonna have to be late.
narrator pov:
y/n goes back to her bedroom to change clothes, choosing a dark red long sleeve, to hide the blood in case she spills some, and dark brown pants with a pair of black shoes, tying her hair up she tosses everything she thinks she will need on her backpack, a notebook, her phone, an extra blouse and a new tube of sunscreen.
- am i forgetting something - she picks her backpack and scan the room for what might she have forgotten, deciding she has everything she goes to her living room to open the curtains for the three remaining plants that survived her bad memory - sunglasses, my sunglasses - she squints her eyes putting a hand between her face and the sun while the other close the curtains - great now i’m blind - overstating her conditions y/n makes her way back into the bedroom.
finally with everything she needs in hand y/n exit her apartament to start her hunting. - my keys, i forgot the keys - now with what she hopes is everything y/n start her dark blue Ford Galaxie, her most prized possession - where does a vampire goes to eat some breakfast - she drives without a rout for some minutes until remembering the reason she came to this town at all. she picks her phone looking for her friends number - hey jes, do you have any blood on you, i just arrived and i’m so hungry - he being the reason she moved to whitechapel therefore the reason she didn't eat a drop of blood for two days is going to have to help - great, you came in the perfect time, we just got some blood and i want you to meet someone - she didn't wait for him to complete the sentence before she was spending to where she remember was his house.
y/n pov:
- who could it be that jesse wants me to meet - trying to guess who that person could be i almost forgot that i was driving, hitting someone in a bike, looks like a kid - oh my i killed a kid - stopping i get out of the car kneeling beside the person, groning the mop of blond hair turn over and i finally see the boys face - i’m so sorry, i didn’t saw you, please say you’re okay - i take the bike off him looking for blood or a broken bone, he seems okay - I don't think it hurt as much as your fall from heaven - the boy says, going from a pained expression to a sly smirk.
“what” I ask with a giggle, confusion clear in my face. it’s this boy, that i just hit with my car, hitting on me. “well, you know, because you're an angel” he blush “that fell from the sky” i conclude with a smile, what a cutie. i offer him my hand for him, he takes happily and we both stood up, giving him his bike back “i’m y/n nice to meet you, but i really need to get going and sorry again for almost running over you cutie pie” i get back into my car waving my hand at him, leaving behind a blond blushing mess behind. “I'm Rory” he shouts a little too late for me to hear.
narrator pov:
thinking about the encounter with the cute boy, y/n don't notice the time passing and in a blink she's at jesse’s gate, stretching her body a little out of the car she press the button of the interphone “password” a male voice comes from the little box “i don't know, jesse didn't say anything” throwing her head into the seat cushion, she should have guessed there would be a password, reaching for her phone she hear another voice that she recognize as jesse “hello old soul, hope you like the changes i made in the house” the gates open and she enter, seeing the front garden brings y/n old memories, some better than others. everything looks the same but different in some way, at least they have a pool now.
y/n pov:
I park the car in front of the door, there are some other vampires scattered along the entrance. entering the house it's a mess, red cups thrown on the floor, they definitely have thrown a party last night, i also see some kids lying on the furniture. “Jesse, it's so good to see you, you don't look a second older, these kids' blood are really good on you” finally in the kitchen I see Jesse with some of his friends and a girl that i don't know.
Turning in my direction Jesse opens a fangy grin, coming at me, he opens his arms and gives a big hug. “it's so good to have you back, and don't be so modest, you're as good as I remember” I reciprocate the hug, going back to the times where we whore kids and everything was simple. As I got grat the others i can see a new girl staring at me “it's so good to see y'all again, but i’m really hungry, jes where is the blood?” I held onto my stomach feeling more and more weak.
“here o- that's also the password” i take the bag of blood out of jesse’s hand, biting with ferocity into the bag i drink the majority of it’s content, letting little spill out, the metallic taste fills my senses as it fills my stomach. i feel my body getting its energies back slowly, taking slow breaths i recompose myself “sorry i didn't get a lot of opportunities in the travel” i do a little burp, putting my hand immediately on top of my mouth. “no judgment, we all know how bad it feels” a dark skinned boy says with a simpatic smile, he gives me a paper towel “i’m Nathan by the way” i take the towel saying a “thank you” after i clean myself jesse calls me to the living room.
i seat in the couch and he sits besides me “i want your help with a newling” he says looking at me and a let a small giggle “don't say that the great, cult leader, jesse is in need of help” i mock him poking at his face, he takes my hand away from his angry face “i don't ‘need’ you, i only want your abilities to convince that girl in the kitchen to drink blood” grabbing my wrist with force, he carve his index finger in my pulse “i’m gonna do it because you’re my friend not because you order it” i pull my arm free of his grip, a fine string of black liquid runs down its length “i am not one of your followers jesse, and we both know who wins this fight”
I hastily stand up going back to the kitchen, Jesse follows a little after. that now there's only the girl i don't met yet “y/n thats Sarah, one of our most recents addition and also my girlfriend” he gives a peck on her lips. I smile at Sarah knowing that its probably not gonna last much, i shake her hand and notice she is a little nervous “it's a pleasure to meet you Sarah. i hope we can be friends, all jesse’s friends are my mine too” jesse motions to the girl with his head and i understand she is the one, not wasting time i take her hand “you don't mind a take her for a walk do you” i pull Sarah to my side smiling at her still nervous face “not at all, have fun” saying bye to Jesse, i guide Sarah to the back of the house where the trees provide a good cover of the sun.
“So how long do you know Jesse” I start, trying to ease her “a couple of weeks, maybe three i guess” passing through the pebble path. I see one of my favorite spots in the house. An old wooden swing that sits below an even older oak tree, i happily stroll the rest of the way, patting the open space i invite her to take a sit besides me “it’s seems like you know Jesse very well, how many long have you know him” she asks me, voice coated with jealousy. i turn a little so my body face her “you don't need to worry darling, Jesse is like an annoying brother to me. i would never date him” she relax a bit, embarrassment showing on her face “and i know Jesse even before he was a vampire and what an ugly kid he was” i recall the time i met Jesse, he had always been a bossy little brat, but in that time we were such innocent kids. I tell Sarah about how I met Jesse, how he looked before being a vampire and how he felt the first time he drank blood.
Looking at my phone i see that we been talking for about ten minutes and the classes started five minutes ago “shit we’re late” we stand up to make our way back to the front “i’m sorry a got you late for school, hope you don't get in trouble” we speed walk to the front of the house where there's only my car. “That brat didn't even call us” i kick the floor picking some grass, taking a big breath a turn to Sarah “do you mind show me the way to school, not that you have another option” i give her an apologetic smile, leading her to my car i open the door for her, i hop into the driver's seat frustrated with Jesse’s antics.
“Sooo… Sarah what type of music do you like” not wanting the entire drive to be a painful silence i say the first thing that comes to mind “i listen to pop a lot, but i really like pop rock, what about you” she appears to be more comfortable now “i like a little of everything, but i think i know a music you gonna like” i turn on the radio with my cd already inside, passing some musics i finally stop on the right music, i look Sarah’s way expectantly.
“Not bad” she bobs her head in the rhythm, I followed along and not soon after were dancing to the song. we share the moment and i feel that we gonna be good friends “looks like we’re here” she points to a brown brick wall building, there's no sing signaling what is the building “i really liked meeting you Sarah, hope we can be friends”
i give her a side hug and we go our separate ways, but not before i bump in someone “sorry, i wasn't looking” the blond boy from before kneels on the ground looking for something, next to my feet i see black glasses that i remember seeing on the boy earlier. i quickly get down and pick the glasses “here” i hand them over to the cute boy “i don't think i got your name” helping him stand i say “it’s Rory, and you’re y/n, are you going to study here i can show you around, i’m like suuupeeeer popular here” enthusiastically he puts the glasses on, he looks like a happy puppy that just got a treat “please Rory show me the to the principal's office” he opens a big smile and leads me to the doors opening them for me.
i am feeling this year is going to be special
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hope you guys have liked and thank you for reading
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jcbbby · 1 year
"i’ll come running whenever you need me. "
This sentence with Jamie
I'm sorry, this feels incredibly rushed... But I hope it still makes you smile! :) Thank you for the prompt! <3
Warnings: None!
(send me a sentence or line of dialogue and I’ll write a little something Jamie/Henry/001/Kit Marlowe-related with it)
This week had been awful. You got home from work, tossing your keys and bag haphazardly on to the table by the door, going directly to the kitchen for a glass of wine. Just something to soothe the frayed nerves. At least you were going to FaceTime with Jamie tonight. He was away in Europe filming a new movie, while you stayed home in LA. It had been about 2 weeks now, out of 6 he would be gone, and you wanted nothing more than to just cuddle up with him.
After slipping into some comfy clothes, a pair of shorts and one of Jamie's shirts, you poured another glass of wine and got comfy on the couch, eagerly awaiting the sound of your phone ringing. Finally, his icon popped up as your phone rang and you smiled wide as you hit the green checkmark, pulling up Jamie's live video.
"Hello my love!" He waved on your tiny screen.
"Hi baby! How are you doing?" You smiled back.
"I'm good, yeah. Just had a shower and relaxing with some tea. How about you?"
You held up your glass of wine, pouting. Jamie laughed.
"Oh, no. Tough day again too?" He asked matching your downturned lips.
"Probably the worst of the week, honestly. Someone side swiped my car. The whole side is dented and the paint taken off. They didn't even leave a note or anything. I mean, insurance will cover it...but still, are you kidding me?" You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your glass.
"Oh, god...I'm sorry, darling. You've really had a shocker of a week, huh?"
You nodded. "Messed up that big project at work, spilled coffee all over my new white shirt, broke my favorite necklace you gave me, Stephanie is mad at me for who knows what, now my car...a week from hell."
"Well, at least the week is over now. You made it through, love." He smiled.
You inhaled and exhaled smiling back. "Yeah...I wish you were here though. You always make everything better. I miss you."
"I miss you too, darling. I'm sorry I'm not there." He frowned.
"No, no it's okay. You're working, being the best actor in the world and all." You giggled.
He chuckled. "Oh, don't try to flatter me...you know my ego is big enough."
Talking to Jamie made you feel a lot better. Or maybe it was the wine. Or both. But you went to bed that night feeling a little better at least.
The next morning, you decided you would be active, as it was a lovely day. A leisurely bike ride sounded good...until it wasn't.
"Hi baby, what's up? Jamie said picking up the phone, sounding cheery.
You sniffled. "I'm in the ER."
"What?! What happened, are you okay?" He exclaimed.
"I'm okay, I just...I went for a bike ride this morning." You sniffled again. "And I don't know what happened, I must have hit a patch of something and I fell off. I think I broke my arm."
"Oh...my love...you poor thing. Ugh..." You didn't see, as you were having a regular phone call, so Jamie wouldn't see your puffy, red eyes from crying, but he ran his hand over his face. "Well, keep me updated, okay? I can come home if you need me to-"
"No, no." You shook your head. "No, you're working. I'll be okay. I just wanted to let you know- oh, the doctor's here. I'll call you back. I love you."
"I love you too, darling." The two of you hung up.
After a series of x-rays, it was determined you had indeed broken your arm, in two places. You were put into a sling for the next week, before you could get into the orthopedic specialist to be fitted for a full cast. You texted Jamie, slowly, with your non-dominant hand, to let him know the deal. He offered again to come home, but you wouldn't dream of making him do that, filming has only just started anyway.
After a couple days at home, the limitations that your injury imposed became incredibly frustrating. Since it was your dominant hand, even simple tasks were a struggle. You called Jamie this morning, just needing to talk.
"I just want to wash my hair!" You whimpered on the phone to Jamie. "I can't even put it up in a ponytail. I feel so gross, I just want to wash my hair." You wiped a tear.
"Baby...I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. I love you so much." Jamie comforted you as you vented and cried before he had to leave to get back to set.
You spent the rest of the day sulking on the couch watching trash TV. Eventually, at some point you fell asleep watching the dull, plot-lacking reality shows. You awoke several hours later, hearing your door open and then close. You shot up, eyes fixed toward the sound of footsteps coming closer. Your hear pounded, mentally preparing yourself to be met with an intruder since you weren't expecting anyone. Your fear quickly flipped to surprise when you saw Jamie's face come around the corner. He stopped and immediately smiled when his eyes met yours. You blinked, wondering if you were maybe just dreaming.
"Jamie? But how did...when did...w-what are you doing here?"
"I'll come running whenever you need me. Even if we're across oceans." He smiled. "I was already on my way here when you called earlier, I was on a layover in New York.. When I said I had to get back to set, I was boarding my flight."
Your mouth hung open for a moment. "I don't deserve you, you angel man. I really don't." You shook your head, laughing lightly, eyes welling.
"So, would you like some help washing your hair, beautiful?" He smiled.
You nodded, allowing him to help you up as you both made your way to the bathroom. You turned to him as he reached to get the water running in the tub.
"I love you, thank you for always being there for me." You hugged him with your good arm.
"I always will be." He smiled, placing a kiss to your temple.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 2 years
Even Actors Make Mistakes–Joe Keery
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I rode my bike to work, mentally preparing myself to clean tables, take orders, and put on my Customer Service Smile all while standing on my feet for the next six hours. Music played through my headphones as I rode my regular route to work. Until. . .
I gasped when a car hit my back tire and I was thrown off my bike. I'm not sure how far I rolled, but I stayed on the asphalt as a wave of pain washed over my entire body.
"I am so sorry! Are you alright?"
I gasped as the guy who hit me gently helped me sit up. He started looking me over for injuries but all he was doing was making me feel uncomfortable.
"I'm fine," I said through my teeth, trying to hide my pain.
I looked up and instantly recognized him. The rising star, Joe Keery, just hit me with his car. He jumped when I took a step out of his hold.
"Are you sure?" He stuttered. He tried to reach for me, but I instantly moved away.
"I told you," I said quickly, "I'm fine. I don't need your help."
"I wasn't paying attention and. . ."
"Of course not," I scoffed. "I bet you were looking at your phone. Now, if you don't mind. . ."
"At least let me take you to the hospital," he said, trying to sound lighthearted.
"I think you've done enough."
                                * * * * *
After a check-up with the ER doctor, I called work and took the day off. Even though my boss was oddly uptight for the manager of a sandwich shop, getting hit by a car is one of those reasons you can't ignore.
I spent the day, relaxing at home. The next day, I walked into work still sore. Throughout my shift, I constantly had to sit down. Luckily Lexi, my coworker, was a lot chiller than our boss.
"Girl," she sighed, "I told you. Just go home. It's been a slow day and Mr. Westin isn't even here."
"I'm fine," I said through my teeth as I stood up.
She opened her mouth to say something, but a customer walked in. I looked over my shoulder, looking at who walked in. When I saw who walked in, my breath got stuck in my throat. And not for the same reason Lexi's got caught in hers.
"O. . . M. . . G. . ." Lexi giggled. She leaned in and whispered, "Joe Keery just came in. Ugh, and he's coming up to order. I wish I didn't have to clean the tables."
"I'll do it," I said quickly. I cleared my throat before adding, "You take his order and I'll wipe down the tables. I need to stretch my legs."
As he walked up to the counter, I grabbed the cleaning supplies and started cleaning the booths. I could feel him watching me, but I ignored it. I tried to, at least.
I clenched my jaw when I felt Joe walk up to me. I continued wiping down the table as the actor nervously stood behind me.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, slightly clearing his throat.
"I'm fine," I said as I continued to wipe off the table. When I was done, I turned around to see him still there.
"Are you sure?"
"It's none of your concern," I sighed.
"Well, I was the one who hit you," he mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck.
I walked around him and started cleaning another booth. "Can I make it up to you?" He asked following behind me.
"Please don't," I mumbled.
"Come on," he chuckled. "I can buy you a cup of coffee or we can go to dinner."
"How did you find me?" I asked, spinning around and catching him off-guard.
"Well," he hesitated, "we were down the road and I recognized your apron and name tag."
"Oh," I said under my breath. I messed with the rag, not sure what to do.
"Listen," he sighed. "I'm really sorry about the accident and I'd love to make it up to you."
"It's not necessary," I started to say.
"Yes, it is," Joe persisted. "Can I buy you a cup of coffee?"
"Joe," I sighed, "after an accident, you exchange insurance information, not a date."
"Why can't we exchange insurance information while we're on our date?" He asked playfully.
"Because you're an actor," I blurted out.
"What does that mean?"
"It's just. . ." I stuttered. "You're Steve Harrington. I make sandwiches."
"No one would believe that someone like you would go for or want to go for someone like me."
"That doesn't matter" Joe shrugged.
"Maybe not to someone like you," I whispered. "But it does to someone like me." I started to walk away but he caught my wrist.
"Trust me," he said softly. "I don't care what other people think or say about me. I care about getting to know you."
He paused before adding, "Please, Y/N. Can I take you on a date?"
"Well," I said hesitantly after a few seconds of silence. "Even actors make mistakes."
"So?" He said with a small laugh. "Does that mean yes?"
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farewellneverland2004 · 6 months
my gripes with ep 1 Phayu
so I came across this post that made me remember my biggest gripe with Phayu at the begining.
Plot-wise, I see why that needed to happen, because unlike everyone else around them, Rain doesn't really Idolize Phayu, in fact, he's semi-jealous because his current crush is enamored by him. Still, he doesn't know the bike bro is Phayu, so he admires him in a different way than others. If he acted nice (like he should've done) and let him know he indeed remembered him, he'd probably just be another admirer from afar. but if Phayu pretended not to remember him when it was only like a day or two ago and they actually talked, he'd have a less than admirable look at Phayu but still recognize him as a flawed person.
while also giving a better excuse as to why Rain didn't hesitate to ask him for help, because he knows more about cars than he does, but since he doesn't remember him, He feels comfortable asking for help from him again. at least, that's how I read it
but character-wise, this seems not only cruel to crushing Rain's spirit but also a way too convoluted and silly plot for a man with Phayu's level of intuition. Like what nitwit tinkers with a guy's car to have an excuse to be their knight in shining leather jacket, yet decides "you know what? I should make the cute guy think I don't remember him instead of just saying the truth that I vividly remember the cutie on the side of the road with a flat tire to maybe idk have a cute little icebreaker talk?"
Like there was no reason for him to think this would actually work out for him in his favor and he just got lucky that Rain is terrible at subtly stealing glances at him. Because for all we know, he could've just been completely willing to accept that he didn't remember him and move on with his life.
If anything, this, along with him fucking with his car should give him the idea that maybe Rain isn't just completely playing hard to get.
Maybe I'm Bias, but I 100% am on Rain's side for the mishap/borderline assault. Phayu! Buddy! you're supposed to be smarter and more mature than this! You genuinely thought that he was supposed to get the hint that you wanted to hook up instead of having him pay money to get his car fixed, when his car was messed up BY YOU!? You're hot! but sometimes people are just stranded in a rainstorm and need a mechanic, and they're willing to pay money for their car to be fixed.
It's not easy for everyone to catch on to the deeper meanings behind "can you pay the price" or whatever. and if you thought he was just clumsily hitting on you, why did ti take you a good head wack before you got the memo that he wasn't looking to sleep with you?
Is that what you think "playing hard to get" is? You're the king of playing hard to get! you should be able to tell the difference I feel.
But, like I said before, I am speaking from the lense of someone who is neurodivergent. So I might just be interpreting things as the way I view interactions with people.
But can someone else tell me if they also agree with this gripe? cause I know that kinda toxic and jackass decisions in the first episode of shows aren't anything new, but I just feel the scene is almost written as if we are supposed to all believe that Rain was the one making mistakes and leading him on because he's supposed to be too dumb to realize how obvious he is about his attraction towards Phayu. And I hate that because not only does that feel like victim blaming, but also excuses Phayu for making a dirt bag decision of trying to sleep with a very confused college student who is verbally telling him to stop and that he was not intentionally throwing himself at him.
like i said before, I love Phayu, but that decision making always pisses me off because it doesn't even really fit with his character.
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velvet-paradox · 2 years
Between (Part Two)
Fandom: Stranger Things/Marvel AU
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Female reader, Jim Hopper x Joyce Byers, eventual Female reader x Jim Hopper, eventual Jim Hopper x Female Reader x Steve Rogers
Summary: the new neighbors next door are really something, huh?
Length: Medium
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY, ok look... one little idea pops in my head and here we have this mess; take it or leave it (PLS TAKE IT): explicit content, voyeurism, strong language, oral (m receiving), unprotected P in V, creampie .
Tagging: @synnersaint @yiiiikesmish
"No no, like this!"
Jim smiled in his own backyard watching Will do a summersault on the grass. El laughed at him, missing out on those little fun things as a child. Not poked and prodded and forced to use her powers for hours on end.
"Now you try!" Will and the rest of the kids were still pretty young at heart. They played some fantasy game that Jim had never gotten the grasp of, biked around and would sometimes play a pick up game of basketball at the rec center. He hoped El wouldn't grow out of that stage just yet. Seventeen. He was suddenly reminded of what you had said when you first met, that you were a bad influence of sorts. Jim wondered how many hearts you broke along the way to land Steve Rogers.
"Hey Jim, we're out of basics, would mind running to the store?" Joyce finished soaking the dishes, sliding in the last plate he could hear from the window while he smoked and watched the teens play.
"Sure thing! Keep an eye on em' while ya?" 
"Whatever you say, chief." Joyce blew him a kiss and tossed hum the keys through the open bay window. 
Jim turned down the radio in his truck, lurching forward in the seat as he saw storm clouds rolling in. Thick dark pillows clouds gathered and just far enough I the distance he could see little sprinkles of blue white lightning in the future. A few droplets of water hit his cheeks when he walked into the grocery store. 
Jim grabbed a few things the house needed and few that it didn't. Did he really need to buy an extra six pack and a box of Twinkies? No, but they were in the cart anyway. He strolled through the aisles and just as he put the last bag in the backseat there was a shout from behind him.
"Look out!"
Son of a bitch!
A wild shopping cart, dizzy from the gaining wind slammed into the back of his leg. As he rubbed his knee quick footfalls came closer.
"Omg Jim I am so sorry!" You grabbed the shiny red handle of the cart, spinning it away. "Damn thing got away from me! Are you ok?"
"It'd alright Y/N, I'm alright." Jim winced and his eyebrows met his hairline when you dropped down to a squad, touching his knee. His skin felt too hot and wished the rain would just get here already. Wash away this strange new feeling. 
"Are you sure?" You asked and looked up at him through your lashes. Poor Jim. He caught just the briefest of glances down your shirt.
"Yeah, I'm sure."
You got up with a bounce. "It's not busted is it?"
"Nah probably just a scratch, nothing serious. Trust me, I've had worse.”
"Gosh I am really sorry, Jim."
"You don't have to apologize, that storm is coming in hot. I'm surprised more carts aren't flying around here." Jim joked, relaxing when you smiled. 
"I'm parked just over there," you thumbed behind you, Jim could see the trunk of your car was still open, then you turned back with a wicked twinkle in your eye. "Wanna' race home?"
"I'm kidding! I know you're a lawman." 
"Was, a lawman. "
"Once a man in a uniform, always a man in uniform." You touched his arm, not the way you touched your husband's but close enough to let it linger.
"So... what do you think?"
"You look like a princess."
"Or something a princess ralphed up." Will joked as El spun around the living room in a too pink, too puffy sleeved and flounce homecoming dress. She frowned.
"Will, be nice." Joyce never could scolded Will, not like she did before everything had turned Hawkins on its' head.
"I'm just joking!" Will hid his shit eating grin and hugged his stepsister. "You know I'm kidding, right El? It looks nice it's just..."
"Just what?" El asked swished the skirt of the dress.
"It's just, I don't know El, it's not you. Not your style."
"My style?" El's frown grew and she moved and plopped down on the couch next Jim. He patted her leg. "What's my style?"
"I don't know. You haven't figured that part out yet." Will shrugged.
"Look at Mike, he rocks band tees and ripped jeans because that's his style, that's how he is. And Max, she's a big music head so she wears what her idols wear. You'll figure it out. Pink just doesn't describe who Eleven is."
"Don't worry sweetie, we'll take you to the mall and have a girl day. How does that sound?" Joyce offered just as the timer on the stove went off.
A crack of thunder and a purple wave of lightning lit up the night sky, rain came down in full on sheets. Jim checked and rechecked that he had in fact rolled up all the windows on the cars. It sounded violent. 
Another sleepless night.
The sounds outside put the whole Byers/Hopper house expect for him. Munching on a banana in the kitchen didn't help, the glass of cold tap water didn't either. He hung his head at the sink, gingerly placing the glass on the surface. He walked through the living room with a yawn but stopped short when a flash of lightning illuminated the empty space between the houses. Jim squinted,  uncertain of what he just saw or thought he saw until he got to the window.
What was with these glimpses into other people's lives that lured him like a moth to a flame?
It was wrong to be nosy, to be that neighbor. He thought of Gladys Kravitz from Bewitched, always on the look out for something strange across the street.  But there was something goin no.
As Jim peered through the downstairs window, no enough to cast a shadow or let himself be known.
You were in your own living room, moving your head back and forth while Steve had his hand at your throat. He was choking you, shaking you around in the candle lit room. Steve's hand slapped your face twice in succession, not violently but enough so that you pouted and looked up at your husband. Jim fumbled around for the phone but stopped when he lifted the receiver, Steve was pointing at you, then the floor. Jim couldn't see much after that, other than the top of your head that made a good shelf for Steve's large hands as you sucked him off.
Adventurous is what Joyce called it when he told her the next afternoon, finally the weekend to enjoy and indulge in some much needed R & R.
"Their young and in love Hop, it's fine. Their consenting adults and why are you watching them anyway?" Joyce asked, rummaging through the clean and maybe not so clean piles of laundry in the bedroom.
"I wasn't watching them! I just happened to look out and see Steve choking and slapping his wife!"
Joyce regarded him. "Jim. People experiment sexually all the time, maybe their into some kinky stuff."
"Well we don't do that stuff!"
"No Hop we don't and you know why?"
Jim abruptly looked at his wife. "No, why?"
"Because we're not them!" She laughed and at least threw a clean pair of socks at his face. "We're old and we have young kids in the house... once it's just you and me, if you want to fool around with that kind of thing we can explore it then but for now," Joyce shook out a shirt and as an after through smelled it and tossed it down quick to the dirty pile at her feet. "Yeesh. Until then, I am a-ok with our missionary."
"That's all we do." Jim didn't mean for it to come off like that, he was fine with it too but sometimes he wanted to bend his wife over, take her from behind, tug on her hair, smell her neck.
"Excuse me?"
"Oh no, not nothing. Explain yourself, Jim Hopper. " another wad of socks bounced off his chin.
"It's nothing Joyce really. I didn't mean anything by it. Just like, I don't know. We used to be like them I guess, not slap happy shit or that what do you call it-- exhibition junk, but we used to do it all the time, all over the place. Remember when I turned thirty-seven and we had sex at skull rock like we did in high school?"
"Yes... and you're right; that was pretty fun." Joyce smiled in her reverie.
"Ya' know I think that was the last time I fucked you from behind. Jesus, maybe we are old..."
The laundry basket hit the floor with a thud, all her sorting efforts gone to nothing. Joyce strolled around the end of the bed and grabbed Jim's foot. 
"You uh, maybe wanna do that now?"
Jim burst at the seams. Nobody wake him the fuck up.
"Wait, now?"
"Yeah now! The kids are gone, it's just you and me for the next hour or so," Joyce wiggled her eyebrows and twitched her lips to the side. "Or maybe even later."
Fuck this felt good. Why did this feel so fucking good? He almost forgot the feeling, the way Joyce melted and clawed at his arm wrapped around her waist. How her muffled breath for more sounded to his ears, his knee made a popping sound but that didn't stop him from fucking his wife. If anything it made him lust after her even more. Joyce laced their fingers together on her soft stomach, bent over her and smelled her hair, her perfume. The slap of skin on skin, their hot bodies set in unison drove his cock deeper into her. 
"Jesus Hop, don't stop!" Joyce moaned and slipped out of his grip, falling to the mattress as his thrusts sped up, chasing the lightning of both of their orgasms.
"Christ Joyce, that's it. That's fucking it!" Jim tugged on her mused hair, scratching at her scalp, stretching her around him until the final grunt of her name as he came, letting go inside her as Joyce gripped the sheets by her head and followed over the edge with a wail.
"We gotta’ do that more often." Joyce panted, rolling over and fixing her tits in her bra. It happened so fast her shirt was just shoved up enough to expose her chest, jeans hung loose at both of their ankles.
"How much time did you say we had?"
Joyce laughed in hysterics, turning on to her back. The sheets were ruined and would be added to the pile on the floor, especially when she reached out for him. He fit between her legs, wet and flaccid cock reviving against her sex when she pulled him in for a languid kiss.
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spacedreamerz · 2 years
Johnny Vincent Headcanons!
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Johnny was sent to Bullworth when he was 13 when his anger got out of control. His mom sent him there hoping Crabblesnitch could straighten him out some. This obviously didn't work.
Johnny has very bad anger issues. His short temper became apparent when he was 5. He used to lash out in anger and hit other kids and yell profanities at them.
Johnny knows he has an anger problem. He tries to fix it by walking it off or removing himself from the situation, but it never seems to work. He just ruminates the situation in his mind and makes himself angrier.
There is nothing scarier than an enraged Johnny Vincent.
Seriously. Even the prefects, teachers, and Crabblesnitch are scared of him to an extent.
Johnny sometimes gets so angry that he can't control himself. He hates it. He just completely sees red and turns to violence or destruction.
Usually, the only people that can get him to calm down and think are Lola and Peanut.
Johnny can do a lot of cool bike tricks.
He's super into vintage cars and bikes.
He's a real jokester when hanging out with his friends.
Johnny is very intimidating to people outside his clique. Though his friends know he's just a big ole softie.
He's really good at fixing cars.
Johnny's father is in prison for aggravated battery, unlawful possession of a firearm, and domestic violence.
His mother is a drunk. That's all she is 90% of the time. The other 10% is her crying, sleeping, watching TV, and talking to herself about how it all went wrong.
Johnny's actually a good cook. He makes stuff for the gang sometimes.
Johnny grew up in New Coventry.
Johnny has a surprising knack for technology.
Johnny really wants a motorcycle. He just doesn't have the money yet.
Johnny works part-time at a bike shop. He's saving up for a motorcycle.
Johnny buys Lola gifts whenever he has the cash. They're always quite expensive as he knows how Lola hates cheap stuff.
Johnny's in a fight almost every other day.
Johnny's father taught him how to fight.
Johnny is rather possessive when it comes to relationships.
Johnny's mother has thought about sending him off to military school, but Johnny managed to persuade her out of it.
Johnny has a difficult relationship with his father. Half of him despises him because of what he did to his mother, but the other half still cares about him.
Johnny loves his mother. Even though she insults him and blames him for everything that's happened to her, he still loves her. He's seen what she was like before. She used to be so kind and strong, but now, she's nothing. He feels terrible for her.
Johnny and Lola met when they were 10. Johnny had a black eye from a fight and was sitting outside when she came up to him. Johnny had noticed Lola at school before. He thought she was beautiful and had a little crush on her. Lola asked Johnny what happened to his eye and he told her. She thought Johnny was so cool and tough if he was getting into fights. The two started talking and hanging out after that. Their friendship soon blossomed into childhood romance.
Johnny and Lola started dating at 15.
Johnny rants a lot to Peanut about his problems.
He met Peanut when he was 14. Peanut was a new student at Bullworth. As a new student, he was the new target of bullying. Johnny, who had been at Bullworth for a year and established a reputation for not being a guy to mess with, noticed this. Johnny felt kind of bad for Peanut. Always getting pushed around and bullied for his height. So Johnny decided to defend Peanut from some bullies looking to steal his money. While Johnny didn't see his good deed as a big deal, it seemingly made a huge impact on Peanut.
Peanut is Johnny's most trusted friend. Seriously, the dude would do just about anything for him. He greatly appreciates Peanut.
Johnny likes rock music. 1980s rock to be more specific. Though he vibes to current stuff too.
Johnny has a crown tattoo on his right shoulder.
He also has sleeve tattoos of skulls, roses, and fire on both arms.
Johnny enjoys playing arcade games.
If he could, Johnny would travel all over the world with his friends.
When Johnny was 6, he found out about his father two-timing his mom. He told his mother and they both got into a violent altercation which ended up with Johnny's mother being knocked unconscious on the floor and his father slashed with a knife. Everything went downhill after that fight. His parents started arguing every time they were in a room together for more than 5 minutes and every argument got disgustingly violent. Johnny has a bit of trauma from his parents fighting.
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oldestenemy · 1 year
through another lens - still an alien
Sam has never biked so fast in his life.
By the time he reaches Frog Comics his legs are burning and barely willing to carry his weight. Heart pounding and anxieties starting to grow with every passing moment. Mike still hadn’t come home, and Sam couldn’t shake the feeling that something had gone terribly awfully wrong.
But he had bigger concerns right now.
After showing Edgar and Alan the pages he had mentioned to them, the brothers had led him through the back of the shop into their house. Alan had dug a large trunk out from under piles of extra comic inventory, flinging it open to reveal a mess of what looked like sharpened chair legs and old canteens. Once again, Sam found himself questioning his choices in “expert” help.
“If we’re going to be launching a daytime attack on Max, we’re going to need to go in prepared. We can’t have another disaster like last night.” Edgar said, a deep frown creasing his forehead.
“His dog is a nightmare,” Sam reminds them “I don’t know if you guys have any way we can distract or— I really don’t want to kill a dog you guys.”
“Hounds of hell are easy to throw off.” Alan assures him “We’ll pick up some raw meat and drug it well enough distracted to get inside.”
“Drug it?” Sam echoes “With what?”
Edgar and Alan share a look before Alan replies “Come on, Sam. Have you seen the state of our parents? We’ve got something around here.”
“But,” Edgar cuts in “We’re losing daylight today, we’re going to have to put this off while we gather supplies. Keep an eye on your mom— and your bloodsucker brother while you’re at it.”
“Be safe, Sam.” Alan adds, pressing one of the better looking stakes into Sam’s hands.
“Right,” Sam mumbles, feeling more than a little overwhelmed. “You guys too.”
Sam comes home with the sun barely starting to hit the horizon line, painting his grandpa’s creepy property in orange and gold. His mom’s car is missing, and Mike’s motorcycle is still gone too.
“Grandpa?” Sam calls as he walks in, looking around in the hopes to not be startled by his feather-footed grandfather.
He eventually finds him dozing in one of the living room chairs, another stuffed trophy cradled in his arms. Sam isn’t quite sure what this one is supposed to be... some kind of ferret?
“Hey, grandpa—” Sam manages to prod him awake, and once he’s opened one eye, adds: “Mom and Mike both gone?”
“Haven’t seen Michael all day,” Grandpa replies, shutting his eye again. “Lucy has another date with the video store manager.”
“Let me take my nap boy, I’ve got a date later too.”
Ugh... Why is it everyone in this house was too goo-goo eyed over someone to have any sense?
Sam can’t help but think everything would be easier if they all just didn’t care like he did.
Sure, people were attractive and all, but there were better ways to spend your time than drooling over them!
Resigned, Sam heads up to his room to comb through the two vampire comics for more battle strategies. But he’s stopped on his way up the stairs when the phone rings.
He practically flies back down them to answer, speaking without thinking.
But it’s a woman’s voice that responds.
“Oh, I’m terribly sorry my dear— did I dial a number wrong?” Her voice is soft and lilting, it reminds him of the lady who used to run his favorite ice cream shop back in Phoenix. “I’m looking for Barnard Emerson.”
“Barn—oh, oh, you’re looking for grandpa.” Sam realized as he spoke that he’d never actually heard anyone refer to his grandpa by his first name. “He’s asleep right now.”
“Ah, not to worry. Let him know Delilah Johnson called for him, and that I unfortunately have to call off our evening. Do tell him I’m very sorry, but something rather important has come up.”
“Uhhhh,” Sam’s mouth hangs open for longer than he’d like to admit. This is the widow Johnson? “—Yeah, yeah I’ll tell him. ‘Course.”
“Thank you, Sam.”
“Yeah, yeah no problem.”
He doesn’t think about it until he hangs up, but he never even told her his name.
“The widow Johnson called for you while you were asleep.” Sam says when his grandpa finally creeps into the kitchen. Sam is set up at the table, rubbing the stake down with a peeled clove of garlic. Nanook is curled up under the table at his feet, resting her head on them and snoring. “Said she’s really sorry but she has to cancel your date. Something ‘important’ came up.”
Grandpa just shrugs and moves to the fridge, collecting one of his bottles of root beer and a fistful of oreos. “Interesting project you’ve got there.” He says, eyeing the garlic.
“Oh— uh, project, for school.” Sam lets out the lie before even registering that school hasn’t begun, that he and Mike aren’t even enrolled here yet. “—I- I mean—”
“—I ain’t your mother, Sam. And I might be an old man, but I’m not an idiot.”
Sam just blinks at him.
“Stay outta trouble.”
“Yeah... right, I will grandpa.”
“Good.” Grandpa grumbles, giving him one last look before shuffling back to his taxidermy studio.
Sam pushes back in his chair, waking Nanook who looks up at him— clearly upset that he removed her pillow. “What did I tell you Nanook— Alien who stuffs chipmunks.” He sighs, returns his feet to under her head, and continues with his task.
Read the rest here <3
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
I know what to do that I know how it's supposed to work and a lot of people have no clue I just want to hold on to it cuz it's an artifact it makes it a real pain in the ass but it weeds stupid video out and sitting on the money is stupid unless you're him because Max don't want you sitting on the money but then again he was using it it's not real stupid but they know about it but they are upset to be around so they're going after Trump and we knew about two and they kind of go after us a little we're going up there to Upton and I hear it's a mess and we hear the sweetheart drives around with the maniac breaking things and she's a maniac too she's not Jewish he says you should explain that everybody would the same or similar DNA is it's really mutants like me and you and the hulk and she's looking at it and saying wow that's what it is so you can say because you're probably doing it because of that and she smiles and says you're actually right it's years of doing it and I know why she does it she's saying this is what we are and you better understand it and a friend here saved a lot of people from world war II and and nowadays to try and help him and his family got beat up bad and he's different but he's hanging out and he's all right and he thinks it feels bigger it'll be easier in a way you might want to try and make friends and say this horrible s***
Mac Daddy it's kind of the max plan but it's going to get information from them and they need it and they're going to see them stopping them and we hope they don't toast themself completely it can go fast. And she would be out for a few days then he says how's that going to work I get a Firebird out of nowhere or he has it his house and gives me a Firebird and it doesn't make sense to him but it could be in the will that she has a firebird and it's funny cuz she didn't have the car it wasn't her but she wants us to be her but still we understand what you're saying you're not supposed to drive there and get this money and drive back without a car and bja knows what's going on and he says it's going to happen like you were saying there's a lot of money outstanding including Oxford Hawks ox the Ford it should be where they try and reverse it first and I agree that is what they should and it's me mac daddy saying some more it's very true that's probably the place and it was months it was quite a while 6 months or something
It was almost 4 months and they prorated by day and that is quite a while and he says oh they reinstated while he was there so he remembers and that is true some say three and a half back then it was only like 1700 bucks but still that's 5100 but that's not enough for a car and from the drive up and it says yeah it is but not really cuz you need insurance and there's no reason to buy a car when that he could take a plane that's true and Brian says it's true so we got to ask BG
I think you're right you have to ask me and the bike works and it works great and you figured it out and a lot of people are buying it and yeah the big one cuz they're big and you get the extended battery like mac daddy said they asked him and it's sprinted on a lot more purchases cuz our friend doesn't tell you he knew about the extended battery but he doesn't tell you how it really works he just says it's pretty good it goes 20 right away and it holds it there and mine goes 17 and it's a burden I saw him zipping down the road on his big one and it looks real fast it's because he's way up there and he's big and it's not real big there's a lot of people in his size now but it looks big enough if you get hit by him you're going to fall over any of these guys they're probably sake of brutal and he says it's going to be much much bigger I've seen the hulk before and he knows that I've seen him I've seen Sasquatch and their Giants this guy is going to be one of them and he's got an attitude to match he's going to sense of humor but boy he is an attitude okay and I suddenly see it might be justified I do know what he's doing and it's making me a little sick he said I could go out like more like often do and he can explain it to me on a friend goes down and the stars come out after the sun goes down and in a warm night for the breeze from the ocean and say nothing and it'll be explained because it's just a Majesty it's majestic it is awesome and it is all inspiring and he says I didn't really plan it this way but all these pieces are here and it's going that way and I suggested some things and it's working and I do see what you're saying Dave did a lot of it but he's right we know what it is and to look at the sky and the Stars just to think about it someone might have a solution and it's me and it's him and Dave and it comes back to this car it's the highway Star I was wondering why he doesn't understand is a Firebird and is designation doesn't really say it and he says he thought it was the feast are v Star or the person was and he's going to be the star I was wondering how to get up on stage okay let me says this someone has to drive it here and so that might be it or they can fly I don't know and this is going to happen or they drive it after him but we are going to see what it is it's still I think that the car is going to be purchased by him here how our friend has to do things does he ask to purchase it and I think it's the social security and they do give it lots and it's by sections of around 5 years or so in the first one's pretty big the second is pretty big and they don't take too long so we're going to see what happens and they want to see what he does for the money so he says how am I supposed to get there before around the 15th and I said okay so I don't know they're going to land you over there right in the middle of it and it says that might be an issue so I'm going to check into it but that's the idea he says you only need a probably one of those but not 5 grand I agree with that
There's a way that's going to get handled and we're going to make it can handle and the girl is not capable of doing it and she said it too she said you told her like 50 times you can't do it it's too big the max don't want you to right now and you never make it through the day and she tried a few times and didn't work and she got upset that's true okay so that explains it the question is where is it going to come from and he's right about something how the hell is this going to happen I just out of nowhere want to get a Firebird to drive around I guess he gets he can get money from social security and he's saying those people are around and he gets into that mood he says that could work
Mac Daddy
There's some other things that could be and we say this it's true it could be social security but then again when you have something happens someone they're saying it hasn't happened. Some people agree that it looks like her but he says are they doing these crazy movies when it's really usually these guys and he says that's true but she does some movies and shows that's true too she's a weird places like The Rock is.
The lawyer sends a letter yeah he's not used to the stuff they send a letter and they tell you what's going on and they send you a series of letters usually it's part of the disbursement and then they say you have to be here or you won't get the thing unless you I go to court or something and it's true they say that it's not really true what they say that you have to go through a process and you really do have to start up a process again and it's a pain in the ass and yes he looks and text and it is a pain and that was our son saying I guess it would be a pain to him he doesn't like doing those things over and over and we are also discussing his disposition here and how he's surrounded by people that are hurting him and harangue and mainly Trump we don't need him to do that nobody does it's his clan and his fault they don't seem to mind it do anything else and they want to be the enemies and they want to go in and find us and they don't have kidnap him and pull them Ransom and they're against this whole process and they're starting to get killed. And there are others that kind of want to join up with them and Lady Gaga says she's not but she's kind of into it and is saying that she needs him to do that and our son says it's not really my people that you know you should be concerned about at this time it's everybody else and she said wow that's freaky and yeah the pseudo empire since they can do too but not the same fashion and it's true they want to use stealth and deception in these people want is nothing and it hasn't done anything it's terrible and yeah that's the big wings Max and have them do it and Trump was doing it before and doesn't want to and he spent so we're going at it with that in mind because it's true but the letter is sent to the series it takes time usually like a week and getting money then you have to go there and it is the plan it took a long time to get going and it's if BJ is an executor and really it has happened already and it is in process and people are just interrupting the process and it was they're going to say it was a year ago and bja says that she left him stuff and he's not surprised because she knew that our son was not doing anything it's true too and she wants to be well thought of and retrieved and the switch he was saying so he's going to go ahead and do it and help her and he has friends and she said what about him I said well you have to help me you have to help me and she said oh no you said that there are things there they're going after and she got sick and figured it out so we are going to make it work they send a decent amount you're allowed to send a third and she had a decent amount from iron and other sources and more than they were saying and several house sales and she kept the money anyways and he didn't ask it was a lot so he'd have plenty and he gets the idea to drive out there like an epiphany no it's going to point out that we need to do stuff and they say he drives to Utah in it and he might for other reasons but really he drives back so we are going through the math right now
This whole place is shaking up this is change things for them
Thor Freya
They went up there and they can see them fighting and they can see that it is a real contest and they see that Trump is fighting like hell and the pseudo empire is beginning to attack and they can see the max and people are describing it with alike and it is a nightmare for them they see them flying around with their lights on and it is amazing there's a lot of stuff happening all at once but it's going to be huge it got really big this afternoon they tried to figure out where and some did and they are just amazed and it's huge already and there's a whole bunch of purgatory chasm I'll tell you what this other movies about this place and it's like in the middle of nowhere and there's nothing there and one of the movies was huge it's not pennywise but it's like that
We do know what movie it is it's a huge huge movie and it's a film a full feature film is about the place it has some of the characters in it they were in the video and oh living Dead that could be it it's not Day of the Dead it's later on and living Dead is the name of it but there's a whole bunch of parts but it's only one of them and yeah I guess zombies form
Savage Oppress
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Mikey x Mechanic!Reader
Summary: A list of headcanons about Mikey's relationship with his mechanic. Gn!Reader (I didn't bother to read through, please let me know if I messed up the pronouns!!)
Warnings: Swearing, some violence, mentions of kidnapping??? (but it's just a joke), reader is a badass
How you first meet:
The first time you two meet, it is because he's somehow managed to damage his bike.
Like, to the point where all of the mechanics he goes to are like:
"Dude, this is unfixable"
"There's nothing I can do to help you now"
"I'm afraid you're just going to have to buy a new one"
And he' getting increasingly frustrated, but still refuses to give up
But then, one of them goes:
"Hey, I might know someone that can help"
And they give the address of this small, rundown shop in the middle of nowhere
At first they think it's deserted and they're ready to go back to that mechanic and give them a piece of their mind
But then the sound of a long string of cuss words comes from within
So Mickey and Draken go in further to investigate and find you,
Stuck head first inside the bonnet of the car
And they're both thinking:
"Seriously, this is the one supposed to help us."
But then they pull you out of the engine and turn you to face the bike, explaining the hopeless situation
You take one look and go:
"Yup! Sounds like challenge!"
And instantly get to work
Whilst working:
During the time that you're spent fixing the bike, Mikey is a constant visitor
And it hits a point where you hear footsteps and, without even looking up, you instantly go:
"No Mikey, I already told you, the bike isn't ready yet."
But the footsteps don't stop
And now all 5 feet of his badass blonde hair is breathing on your collarbone
"Mikey, I can't concentrate with you breathing down my neck like that."
"Right, sorry."
And he pulls away.
But only a little bit.
And now he's breathing on the back of your shoulder.
"Alright! Alright!"
He pulls away and goes to sit down on a stool so he can watch you work
His dark eyes follow every little move you make
He flinches every time the bike makes a sound it doesn't usually
And you have to sigh and reassure him that everything is fine
Constantly explaining what you're doing as you're working
Without even realising you're using smart engineering language that he doesn't even remotely understand
but he listens anyway because he's starting to like the sound of your voice
Sometimes Draken will come over and you'll get to use your proper engineering language because he's able to keep up with what you're saying
You'll also sometimes teach him some new stuff he didn't know before
He also helps out with the stuff that he does understand, so the process goes a lot faster
Mikey sits there all jealous because you two are getting along so well and you're really enthusiastic about whatever it is that you're talking about that he doesn't understand
He wants to stop you two but he also can't get involved in the conversation because he has no idea what you're talking about and he's trying to hide he's obvious jealousy
Draken 100% knows
Some nights, Mikey even stays at the workshop with you
There's a small couch in the corner of the garage that he sleeps on
You used to have to call Draken to come pick him up
Now, you just throw a spare blanket over his exhausted form
One night, you even brushed a piece of blond hair away from his face and his nose scrunched up very cutely before he leaned in slightly to your touch
Cue you having an absolute seizure over how cute this man is when he's all relaxed and passed out
Whilst fixing the bike, there would definitely be moments when he would hop up and lean over your working space
You would look at him
Give a small smile and ask
"Do you want to give it a go?"
Cue the biggest, brightest, happiest smile on his face as he enthusiastically picks up the closest tool on hand
Which is often not even remotely the right one
And you fall even further as you try to explain, in the most basic terms humanly possible, how to go about fixing this area of the bike
When trouble comes a-knocking:
Being affiliated with the leader of the Toman gang
Trouble is naturally going to find you
Especially when news gets out that you're the only one capable of fixing the leader's most precious and prized possession
His bike
Luckily for you, you're a certified badass
The first group that came in looking for trouble was a rather small one
However, you know the kind of neighbourhood you live in
And you always do research on your clients so you know what you're getting yourself into
You knew this would happen
And you came prepared. ;)
So when they first rocked up at your door
You came at them, all guns blazing
You ever seen Home Alone (if not, I totally recommend)
Well, it was basically like that
All the classics
Hot iron in the face
Marbles and nails on the floor
Paint can to the head
Glue and feathers
And then the more deadly ones
Kerosene, oil or petrol (you work in a garage my dudes, there's never a short supply) and then once they're soaked, an innocent match has them screaming to get away
For this next one, you need a layout of the building
There is a second level, which is all but busted and destroyed, you've laid out planks along the ground of the second level and you know which parts are safe
Through the holes in the floor, you can drop all sorts of things
Rats and mice
Childhood trauma
You name it
And if anyone makes it to the second level, chances are, they'll end up falling through the floor
If they realise where it is safe to stand, keep in mind, you're super ripped from working machinery all day every day
And you've been practicing where it's safe to stand on this roof for a fight for as long as you can remember
Moving up there is second nature to you, an instinct, if you will
But it's all completely new to them
And, if I hadn't mentioned it before, you're a badass
So, by the time Mikey and his crew rock up at the garage, ready to take on a small army,
You've already got the entire enemy gang on the floor crying and begging for mercy whilst you stand over them, confidently swinging a mallet with a menacing grin on your face
And Mikey finds himself falling for you, just that little bit more
Once the bike is finished:
Once you've finally finished the bike
Mikey is instantly at your side
And you take a step back as he slowly examines every little section of the bike
And he's in awe
Not just because it's a spitting image of the real thing
But because it still has all the memories
The scratch from when he and Draken thought it was a good idea to attempt riding in the forest
That one time he tried to flirt with a lady by leaning on his bike, and inevitably knocked it over
All those little things
And you'd managed to keep them
God, it takes forever to finally shut him up
"So, how much do I owe you?"
You'd thought about your answer to this for a while and finally come to the conclusion of what you really wanted out of this
"Well that depends, how much are you willing to pay?"
"Anything. You can't put a price on this bike, I assure you."
"Well in that case."
With a final deep breath, you place a hand on your hip and cock it, pointing a finger at Mikey's face
"I'd like to work as your gang's permanent mechanic!"
His reply startles you
"You heard them, Pah-chin, the kidnapping is off."
There's an audible sigh from behind you and the mentioned male slumps out from the shadows, a felt bag and some rope in hand
"... and this is???"
You turn to ask Mikey
"Well it was going to be a kidnapping."
A dejected Pah-chin answers for the blonde
Bitch, I beg your pardon, it was going to be a what now
"You were planning to KiDnAp mE???"
"Welcome to Toman!"
He cheers as he wheels his fixed bike out of the shop
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