#he has been my favorite since 5th grade
ranchselfships · 1 year
A while ago I had seen a post somewhere which mischaracterized Asriel but ended up prompting me to write my own analysis of why I admire him, find comfort in him, see myself in him, and love him so much. It also goes into why characters like him are needed.
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Ok so let’s examine Asriel’s defining life events. His friend died, he died, he woke up as a plant, he couldn’t feel anything, he tried to kill himself and couldn’t because he just came back to life, his mom replaced him with other kids (at least thats how he feels “she will just get another kid and forget about you” — Flowey dialogue from the echo flower), he experiences delusions of thinking his friend is still alive, he watches Frisk receive the help that he never got as they call for help (he called for help and nobody came, they call for help during the Omega Flowey fight and get help from all the souls in the form of green bandaids and shoes and fried eggs and stuff), and he was never acknowledged and appreciated as much as he should have been!!!!!!!! His memorial statue was uprooted and hastily put in Waterfall, he has spent decades and maybe centuries feeling misunderstood and forgotten about and I know how that feels. And a lot of the time media will try to show characters who deal with these things but it never quite resonates with me because there is still something about that character that does fit into their world, as if being misunderstood is misinterpreted as a superficial experience that can be fixed. With Asriel/Flowey its like I’m finally seen.. that fundamental feeling of being on the outside, not in a good way and not in the worst way but in a way that is so frustrating it makes you act out in ways you regret and in ways that don’t represent you. And you wonder who you are because part of you wants friends and likes stars and rainbows and swords and crap but the other part of you cant connect to people for whatever reason and keeps getting frustrated and angry as a manifestation of fear and loneliness and confusion.
But Asriel also has the greatest attributes ever that nobody even gets to see. I’m not good at describing personalities at all but his is strong and unlike any other I’ve ever seen!! He can’t die, not just because he was injected with determination (chemical substance form of a personality trait… this game is so deep </3) but because his sense of hope and his need to fulfill his plans and promises simply won’t let him. The world may not appreciate Asriel near as much as it should but it needs him and it is lucky to have him. I want to draw him having funny cool interactions with every character. Like getting picked up by the bird or eating hawtdogs with Vulkin and the hotdog harpy lady or hugging his family. Yeah I think this guy is cool, and yeah he is “literally me!!1” but also he is a reminder that the world has a place for everyone, even those who are misunderstood and whose experiences differ so vastly from everyone else’s that it prompts anger and despair. Sometimes these people will perform more important roles than anyone else and it is a good reminder to love all people for that potential that lies inside of them and for the core of their being which wants to live and feel warm like everyone else. He reminds me that death isn’t the end and that as long as you have yourself and your own thoughts, everything’s gonna be okay as long as you stay on your own side. And if you make mistakes you can recover and you will still be loved. 
I love you Asriel ^_^
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p1hypen · 6 months
y(ours) — P1HARMONY!maknae line
a continuation of what it’s like dating the younger one’s and their familiarity with your personal belongings. ft. non-idol!p1h maknae line x gn!reader
a/n: this is my attempt at easing back into writing, apologize if it’s super rough :(
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your vinyl record.
it was gifted to you on christmas about two years ago. you’ve always dwelled on wanting one of your own, but never had the balls to go out of your way to purchase one because they could get pretty pricey. a lot of your extensive research and effort you spent scouring the internet to find the perfect vinyl record you’d like pointed to signs of something completely out of your budget. well, not completely, but unrealistically obtainable with the numbers you’ve been receiving paycheck-to-paycheck from your job.
so, each time that the holidays were around the corner, and whenever your mother would ask for your christmas wishlist, you’d throw in several other items you’d like but never included the idea of wanting a vinyl record. that secret desire of yours was something you kept to yourself, something you never brought up in conversation, nor was it something you’d expect to receive unless it was coming out of your pockets.
lo and behold, on the morning of a wintery cold december 25, when you were gathered around the christmas tree with your siblings and parents to open your presents, there sat a box with a fragile sticker stuck to the wrapping.
to: y/n :)
from: mom and dad
since then your prized possession has followed you to college and your off-campus apartment whom you share with your three other close friends.
intak, especially, took a liking to your music player and never misses an opportunity to use it. whenever he visits your place (which is almost every day) he makes it his unrelenting mission to flip through your vinyls and place his pick of the day on to the turntable. his personal favorite is cigarettes after sex, a band you actually introduced him to.
while you don’t mind sharing things, especially with your partner, you’re pretty sure intak has used your vinyl record more often than you have. ultimately, you don’t mind. it’s rather endearing knowing that what’s yours also belongs to him.
your nintendo switch.
“y/n can i play super smash bros?”
shota doesn’t even need to ask for your approval. in fact, he already knows your answer will always allude to a ‘yes,’ but he does it anyway despite the electronic device already in his possession.
“of course,” you would say.
naturally you grew up owning multiple generations of nintendo ds’s. when nintendo came out with a new updated version you’d go to the game store to trade it in for store credit just to get the latest release. this routine continued up until middle school when your gaming hobby no longer prevailed itself in your interests.
as months passed and 2017 eventually rolled by, the internet buzzed with life after nintendo’s announcement about the upcoming hybrid console came to light. rest assured that you were one of millions who preordered the device and waited impatiently for it’s hard launch date to release in store.
but again, school started to pick up and extra curricula’s were time consuming, that playing video games became less and lesser of an option for you to indulge in.
leave it to shota to pick up your slack. because if it’s not super smash bros that he’s try-harding at, it’s either the suika game, animal crossing (if he really feels like it), or pokemon. an odd rotation but who were you to judge.
“wHat!” he yelps from the couch. “how did he dodge that!”
you giggle at his typical gamer-behavior, closely reminded of yourself.
your digicam.
the sony cyber-shot camera has been by your side since you were in the 5th grade.
it was a hand-me-down from your father’s box of electronic gadgets he owned back in the day; a lot of which were collecting dust in the garage for not being used in so long.
while tossing things away to relieve the clutter and deciding what to keep, you remember discovering the digicam at the bottom of the pile after laborious digging. your father briefly taught you how to turn it on and off, what button to press to take a picture, how to record a video, and the different settings you could play around with.
your digicam has followed you around the world to different countries for family trips, witnessed you graduate from high school, contained a lot of embarrassing photos of you and your friends, watched you grow since elementary to your first day of college, and captured numerous flicks featuring new faces.
when you started dating jongseob, your photo gallery has been nothing but candid pictures of you and him (mainly of you).
your boyfriend is constantly bringing it along with him to events or outings, because, in his defense, he just wants to create some memories for you both to look back on someday. sometimes he goes out of his way to point and direct you on how to pose.
once, over dinner, you asked jongseob if he’d rather upgrade to something better and not outdated, like a canon or even a proper film camera. however, he is not one to budge and refuses to give up the obsolete digicam he unintentionally took ownership of.
“it’s special,” he pouted. “and sentimental, too.”
you smiled, “i guess. i just can’t help but wonder if you prefer a greater upgrade.”
“trust me, this has everything i need. now show me that pretty smile of yours.”
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megapocalypse · 2 months
Bingqiu Doppelganger AU:
When Luo Binghe first confessed to Shen Yuan, the only reaction he had was pure shock. Staring and gaping at Binghe, at the time, he didn't know what to make of it. He never gave his response then.
To be fair, his friends knew it was a long time coming and apparently Shen Yuan had just never noticed... for the past 10 years.
"You never noticed him pining?" Shang Qinghua chimed in to him during post confession, when he texted him his whole freakout before then.
He made sure to give him a scathing roast, leaving nothing left unburned by his words. He remembers his thumbs hurting numb from how long he typed...
He hasn't really spoken to Binghe since, he's been reluctant to read his text messages from him.
Shen Yuan stood over at the hill of a mountain, leaning over the fencing while staring at the waterfall in front of him. In his hand he held a butterfly jade pendant. He looked at it, wondering if this was what caused all the trouble.
Binghe and him have been friends since childhood, he's been with him through everything, to the time of his mother passing and up until graduation. When they were in 5th grade sometime during New Years, Binghe had given him a matching jade necklace he bought from a nearby gift shop that was in the shape of a butterfly.
"It reminds me of you," he said with a toothy smile. "Remember? It's like the story of Liang Zhu."
Shen Yuan used to read that tale to him as it was one of his favorites, to help Binghe with his reading.
"Mm, let's promise to stay together forever!"
Oh, what a sweet and cute child Binghe was back then, even at that age he still had those puffy cute cheeks that Shen Yuan likes to pinch from now and then.
But how was Shen Yuan supposed to know of his intentions! He just thought he was being cute!! To harbor such feelings at that age...
And up until then, with Binghe now a whole head taller than him telling him that his intentions as a kid were to promise marriage...
Saying, "Yuan-ge... I really, really like you," with such a sweet handsome smile that'd blind a man. "I'd like to maybe marry you someday..."
But Shen Yuan isn't gay, okay?!
What was he supposed to tell him then? How was he supposed to- ..to turn him down?
It's been about a week or so since then, albeit Shen Yuan has lost track of time. He grips the necklace in front of him. Shang Qinghua told him that the waterfalls near LingXi caves have a legend, that if you drop something precious into the river and wish for something, it'll manifest itself before you.
But, Shen Yuan isn't going to throw his necklace in, that'd just be plain stupid. He's never been one to believe in superstition anyway.
Yes, this is all very stupid. He's just here to clear his mind, to try and figure out a way to-
Dread drops down into Shen Yuan's stomach...
Unknown to Shen Yuan, an ominous aura had emitted from the mountain, the fog cleared to reveal an unknown figure lurking.
Shen Yuan couldn't believe himself, really. How was he supposed to confront Binghe now?
Days have gone by since then, he still really hasn't done jack, but.
This is all Shang Qinghua's fault! That slimy, sleazy little rat...
"You have to talk to him at some point," he said.
"Go fuck yourself," Shen Yuan said back.
And yet here he was about to meet Binghe again, waiting outside a quaint cafe they used to visit. His hand shakily reached towards the doorknob, as Shang Qinghua pushed him through. The chime of the door alerts Binghe.
Shen Yuan jolts, he slowly cracks an eye open, only to blink in surprise. Sitting next to Binghe was a pale white figure of a man, he looked almost too bright. His eyes green, his hair white, a long slender figure sitting next to Binghe in such close proximity.
"What-" Shen Yuan sputtered, he couldn't believe his eyes.
Shang Qinghua only gave a cheeky whistle in the background, but Shen Yuan was far too shocked to be annoyed by such antics.
"This is my boyfriend, Yuan-ge."
The man, his face looked almost like a carbon copy of Shen Yuan's, but more defined and graceful looking. He had a beauty that couldn't compare, he was taller and his hair was longer. It's as if Shen Yuan was looking into a fun house mirror and what reflected was a better more beautiful version of himself.
"His name is Shen Qingqiu." Luo Binghe gave him a smile, sweet around the edges and eyes happily upturned.
The man gave him a smile, interlacing his fingers with Luo Binghe's. Shen Yuan saw something he wished he hadn't, an image he'd never forget, it was the two matching jade necklaces hanging around both of their necks.
It was sickening, Shen Yuan felt sick.
He had a doppelganger.
I have more ideas for this AU but it's going to get kind of freaky 😂. Anyway, I wrote this in a hurry because I had such brain worms over this idea, hopefully some will like the snippet of this. If there's typos then, RIP.
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watchingovergvff · 1 year
Kill You To Try- Jake Kiszka
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Summary: Will you and Jake ever be able to see eye to eye? Being pining idiots and hating each others guts don’t mix. Let’s find out the hard way then.
Genre: Childhood best friends- enemies- lovers. Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Jake is an asshole. Jealousy and Drinking.
A/N: This is my second favorite thing i’ve ever written. I apologize for my lack of Jake fics, considering I stay in Jake lane 24/7. I’ve been working on this for a couple of weeks and it’s not perfect by any means. I love to hear feedback so please let me know or if you want a part two to this also!! Thank you for all your patience and support<3333
Jake has never been jealous of Josh’s relationship with you, well that was until he saw the two of you dancing. Something about the way Josh’s hands caressed the small of your back, made his chest ache in resentment.
That’s where his dislike for you starts. Well, maybe not dislike but irritation at least.
Jake has known you since the 5th grade. You used to run around the playground, picking flowers for each and every one of your classmates. Jake had fallen and scratched up his knee, sniffles sounding out. Feeling a gentle tap on his shoulder, he turns around to find you smiling down at him.
“Are you okay?” you peer down at him.
“My knee hurts.”
Handing him the prettiest flower out of your bouquet, “Here this should make you feel better.” Jake admires your toothless grin from below, already feeling much better. It didn’t take much longer after that for him to decide to keep you around.
Jake and Josh were a package deal so being best friends with Josh was inevitable. Growing up, you always found that Josh matched your energy to-a-tee. He was your best friend, the one that always knew how to make you laugh. But, Jake was different. Jake felt like your home, your safe place.
That was until he started acting like an asshole out of nowhere. One day you were fine, the next day you weren’t.
It hurt like hell. There’s truly no way to describe losing your better half, other than heartbreak. Maybe it wouldn’t have hurt so bad, if you weren’t utterly in love with him.
As the years go by, Jake continues his relentless cycle of torture. The snide comments or blatant disrespect, never compared to the pain of him ignoring you. Josh was dumbfounded at Jake’s behavior toward you. He could have sworn Jake was in love with you, but it’s not the first time Jake has surprised him. Josh was tired of constantly calling Jake out on his shit. He understood if Jake just didn’t get along with you anymore, but the disrespect was uncalled for.
Over time, you got used to Jake’s nasty behavior and decided to not let it bother you. If he was going to act like a child then so be it, you would be the mature one.
The boy’s music career had shot up since high school, which meant less time spent together and more time touring the world. Saying your goodbyes was hard, but was inevitable. In the meantime, your life would live on in Michigan, while theirs roamed the world.
Life caught up with all of you, which meant less phone calls and no time for visits. Josh kept his promise when he said he would call once a week. He loved giving you every detail of tour since you couldn’t be there. You had been with them since before they even decided to be a band, so not having you around was weird for all of them, even Jake.
After being away for a year, the tour has finally come to an end. Sam being Sam decides to throw a coming home party, mourning the end of tour but celebrating their return.
Being Josh’s right-hand man comes with its perks, so when you get the invitation to their “exclusive” party, you can’t turn the opportunity down.
Would it be weird to say that you hit a second puberty over the past year? Probably, yes. But, you were being truthful. All those years begging and pleading your body to catch up with your maturing mind, payed off it seems. You finally felt good in your own shoes. So, when the hot guy from the local coffee shop asks for your number, who are you to say no.
Having had plans for a date the night of the party, you suggest that the two of you attend a good friend’s party. Surprisingly, he agrees to go with you, let’s just hope he’s used to crazy.
“Josh will you please shut the fuck up? I don’t want to hear her name again, please,” Jake groans out.
Whipping his head in Jake’s direction Josh says, “She’s my best friend. I’m allowed to be excited to see her Jake.”
Jake gives his best effort to not roll his eyes, but fails.
“It’s not like you have to talk to her. I’m sure she isn’t thrilled to see you either, after how shitty you’ve been,” Josh mumbles, leaving the room.
Huffing like a child, Jake does his best to calm his nerves. He is not prepared whatsoever to see you after all this time.
Jake already knew it would be hard to see you, but seeing you with some guy makes his façade shatter completely. Pre-gaming seems to have been a bust, because he has never felt soberer in his life.
“Sunshine!” Josh’s bright smile distracts you from scanning the crowd any longer, silently searching for his other half.
After Josh has gotten his fill of hugs and kisses from you, he makes quick work of introducing himself to your date.
Josh’s love for first impressions allows you to quickly excuse yourself, wanting to find a drink strong enough to get through the night.
Scanning the crowd, you see him. Sitting in a secluded corner of the room, slowly sipping on his drink.
Realizing his eyes had been on you since stepping in the doorway, you allow yourself one quick glance in his direction. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of actively looking for him, you walk the opposite direction, silently hoping he’ll follow you.
Is Jake an asshole to you? Yes.
Does he deserve even a second of your time? Hell no.
But, there’s still a part of you that longs for the Jake you once knew so well. It’s foolish to believe that after all this time he has changed, but you can’t help but wish for it.
Fixing a drink, you smile at people in passing or attempt to make small talk.
Feeling him before you see him, his presence looms over you like no other.
Jake sits onto the countertop next to you, plucking the cherry out of your drink. Grinning wickedly at you, he sucks the cherry into his mouth.
If you hadn’t been so focused on his cherry stained lips, you would have slapped the audacity right out of him.
“See something you like, sunshine?”
“Fuck off Jake,” you glare up at him.
“Don’t be like that, where’s my welcome home hug?” he pouts.
“Assholes don’t get welcome home hugs. They get a foot up their ass instead. Would you like me to demonstrate?”
He chuckles.
Jumping off the counter, he says, “It’s good to see you to, Sunshine.”
Watching him saunter off to his dark corner, you exhale, trying to regain your footing. Jake has always had a way of making your head feel all fuzzy, no matter what bullshit he was spewing.
Sam had made the executive decision to start a bonfire later into the night.
The party had dwindled down to very few people at this point.
Your date had decided to head home early because he had work the following morning. The both of you had agreed to see each other again soon. He seemed extremely nice, but you had a feeling it wouldn’t work out due to your complicated past resurfacing.
But, you were in desperate need of a distraction sadly.
Which left you snuggled under Josh’s arm, sharing childhood stories around the fire. Very clique, but it happened every time you all got together and had a few drinks.
Jake’s eyes haven’t left your figure since you walked in the door. The moment in the kitchen with you replaying in his mind over and over again. He could have sworn you looked at him, like he’s always looked at you.
Hanging on to every word that comes out of your mouth, Jake yearns for your affection.
Over the years, Jake has had love interests that weaved in and out of his life. He’d never been in love with any of them, but unconsciously found parts of you in them.
Deflecting his feelings for you by pretending to dislike you is better than being rejected by the one person he loves most, at least that’s what he tells himself.
He longs to hold you close like Josh.
Was his fear of rejection worth losing his best friend?
Weeks have passed since the night of the party. Danny had graciously taken you home that night, promising to have a lunch date soon.
Remember the guy you brought with you to said party, you know, the one you agreed to see again?
Well, the time has come to meet up again. The both of you agree to get drinks at a local bar in town. Your excited to go out actually. He’s a cute guy who seems to have a genuine interest in you. Plus, he could be the solution to your irritating Jake problem. It’s been a while since you’ve gotten all dolled up anyway, so this is a great excuse.
Finally feeling satisfied with how you look, you head out the door. Don’t get it twisted, you’re not dressing for him. Putting on a pretty outfit and delicate makeup is all for you, mostly because it’s fun.
High school is rough for everyone. Puberty, delayed growth spurts, acne, braces, and social standards never complimented each other. Having struggled with each and every aspect of an awkward stage during high school.
Feeling beautiful is hard when everyone around is trying to be anyone but themselves. So, you could say high school was rough for you.
You never thought of yourself as beautiful or magnificent. Mostly putting yourself into the dull category, because there was truly nothing special about you.
But, Jake always had a way of proving you wrong.
Jake watched you grow from a gentle and kind young lady, into a breath-taking woman.
Having always thought you were beautiful in every stage of life, Jake truly wouldn’t know where to start.
The bar was lit up with string lights, softly playing music.
Lucky for you, the bar was just a block over from your house, so you were able to walk over. Hoping that your date went well enough for you to hitch a ride home with him.
You arrived on time, perching yourself atop the nearest bar stool. He had messaged you saying he was running behind, but he shouldn’t be too long. So, you had decided to wait at the bar for him.
Hours have passed and your still sat atop a barstool, downing your sixth drink of the night. You came to the conclusion about two hours ago, that he was indeed not coming after all.
“Ma’am, do you have a ride home? We’re closing up shop here, so you’re going to have to leave soon,” the older bartender asks you.
“Yeah, yeah sorry. Let me call a friend of mine really quick,” you fumble around, looking for your phone.
Securing your phone in your hand, you go to call Josh. He wouldn’t mind coming to get you.
“Hey Josh, I know its late but I need a ride home. I’m at the bar down the street, but I’ve had too much to drink to walk home in the dark. Can you please come get me?” anxiously fidgeting in your seat.
“I’ll be there in five. Stay right there,” he hangs up abruptly.
He did not sound happy whatsoever. Making Josh mad was not on your to do list today.
It’s just kind of weird. Josh never minds picking you up, he actually insists its him you call. He’s probably having a rough day, don’t over think it.
It hadn’t even been five minutes when you heard your name being called behind you.
Except that voice was definitely not Josh’s.
Out of all people you could have accidentally called, it had to be him. Your night couldn’t get any worse.
Spinning around on your chair, you sigh, waiting for him to provoke you.
He looks at you worriedly, almost like you would shatter any second now.
You scoff, rolling your eyes.
“What? What did I do now?” Jake questions, conscious of your every move.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
You glare at him.
“Like I’m some fucking lost puppy.”
“Don’t give me a reason to,” he bites back.
Running your hands across your face, you realize just how tired you were. “Jake, I can’t do this with you right now. I’ve had a shitty day. Can you please just take me home?”
He reluctantly nods, heading out the door with you in tow.
The two of you climb into his car and begin your silent ride home.
Jake’s never seen you like this. He’s used to you being angry especially at him. Granite, he does love to get you riled up.
But, his favorite is when your happy. When you smile so big, that it throws him back to the day he met you, with your big toothless grin shining down on him.
His sunshine now turning into rain.
So, he respects the silence for once in his life, letting you have your moment. Watching the tears gather in your eyes, brings along a feeling he’s not familiar with.
Gripping the steering wheel, he feels steam run off of him, allowing his knuckles to turn white.
It’s one thing for him to tease and mock you, but another for some asshole to think he can and get away with it.
Jake wants now more than anything to be Josh for you. To make you smile and laugh. He can’t bare to see you like this any longer.
“Do you want to play some music? I’ll even let you choose,” he speaks softly, almost like he doesn’t want to run you off.
You peer up at him in confusion. Where the hell did Jake go?
Shifting anxiously under your gaze, Jake mumbles a quick never mind.
It’s been years since the two of you have had a civil conversation, so this feels unnatural.
“Do you remember when Sam had a crush on you?” doing his best to break the ice.
You snort.
His heart flutters seeing you laugh at something he said for once.
“Do I? The kid followed me around for weeks asking me all kinds of weird questions. It took you telling him that I had cooties because of you to back off,” you laugh out.
Sam was never a smooth talker, that’s for sure.
Jake laughs.
You watch in awe, begging for him to never stop laughing again.
Eventually, Jake pulls into your driveway. The two of you sit in silence for a moment, just wanting to bask in the normalcy for once.
You pull the door open, stepping out of the car. Turning around, you give him a tight-lipped smile.
“Thanks Jake, for everything,” looking anywhere but at him.
“No need to thank me, I’d do it again. If you really wanted to thank me, you could tell me where that guy lives so I can kick his ass,” he smiles up at you, only slightly kidding.
Laughing you wave goodbye, praying that he doesn’t see how flustered you were.
Once you’ve made it inside, Jake sits in the driveway, contemplating everything that happened tonight.
On the way home, Jake realizes he regrets not apologizing for everything he’s said that he truly didn’t mean.
Days pass and Jake hasn’t heard a peep from or about you. Josh claims that your trying to heal from getting your heartbroken, but Jake has a feeling something else is wrong.
He is terrified that he may have done something to hurt or upset you once again. He is sick and tired of being the one that hurts you.
So, Jake makes the impulsive decision to go see you. Josh protests saying “Jake is the last person you would want to see right now”. In authentic Jake fashion, he doesn’t give a flying fuck.
The drive to your house was torture. Jake didn’t know what the right thing to say would be or what he should do.
Thinking back to simpler times, he remembers the time he saw you the summer of 9th grade.
That summer was a weird one for all of you.
Jake and Josh finally went through a growth spurt and started filling into their teenage bodies.
They hadn’t seen you all summer because your family sent you to summer camp.
Jake had come home one day, looking for Josh. He heard Josh’s voice float down the hallway from the garage. Making his way in that direction, he heard a second voice. Recognizing that sweet voice anywhere, Jake strides down the hall in search of you.
Once in the garage, he froze in his tracks. It was definitely you, but different. Jake remembers your straggly hair and your scraped knees. He remembers a little girl, his best friend.
You were no longer a little girl, you were a young woman.
You had bloomed into a stunning flower. Jake felt breathless.
But, after all you were still you. Jake was still Jake.
Best friends forever, but maybe it had always been more than that.
Jake and Josh hauled you everywhere. Every show they played you were there.
Believing in their success was never difficult for you. The moment you heard them play together, you knew everything would change.
When the boys played their first big show, you had tagged along not wanting to miss a second of it. Their set had finally come to an end that night. Trotting off the stage, Jake immediately went looking for you. He’d kept an eye on you throughout the show, always feeling better with you close by.
Feeling a hand grip his wrist, he spins around in search of the culprit.
Wrapping him into a bear hug, you squeeze him tight.
Pulling away from you he notices tears in your eyes.
“What’s wrong? Was the show that bad?”
You slap at his chest.
“No, you idiot. These are happy tears. I’m just so proud of you guys. Thank you for letting me be here,” you smile up at him.
“Thank you for wanting to be here. I couldn’t have done it without you,” he remarks.
Arriving at your house, he stumbles up to your porch and forces himself to knock on your door. After what seems to be the longest two minutes of his life, you answer the door.
You clearly just woke up from a nap, your hair a wild mess. Of course, Jake thinks its adorable.
Obviously, your taken aback as to why Jake would be standing on your front porch. You begin to question him, but he stops you.
“Can I come in? We need to talk,” he says, barely looking you in the eye.
“Yeah sure, sure,” you say, stepping aside.
Looking around, Jake realizes he’s never been inside your house before. Your windows are wide open, welcoming the sunlight in. Music playing softly from your record player. Books littered all over the room. It feels like home, yet so unfamiliar.
Clearing your throat, you see him jump, clearly on edge.
Once the two of you have gotten comfortable on your sofa, you realize she how quiet it is. Giving him a small smile, in hopes to provide some sort of comfort due to his jitteriness. He melts at the sight of your kind gesture.
“Are you feeling better” he asks.
Chuckling nervously, you reply, “Way better than the last time you saw me. Thank you for that by the way. I meant to text you afterwards, but I was just too tired.”
“You don’t have to thank me, I wanted to.”
You stare at him blankly.
“You wanted to save me from one of the most embarrassing nights of my life?”
“No no no, I didn’t mean it like that, I just like helping you or being the one you call.”
Giving him an exasperated sigh, you sink deeper into your chair.
“Jake, why are you here?”
He sighs, remembering the real reason he came after all. “I don’t even know where to start. I just wanted to apologize, for everything. You never deserved how I treated you. You’ve always been such an enigma to me. I couldn’t ever figure out why you were so kind to me, even after I pushed you away.”
“Then why did you push me away Jake? When all I’ve ever wanted was to be close to you.”
“I felt like I had to. You and Josh had gotten so close. I was selfish and got jealous. I’ve had to share everything with Josh my whole life. The one thing I never ever wanted to share was you. At the time, I felt like you had finally made your decision and it was Josh that you chose. It hurt too much to see the both of you together, so I made myself distance from you. A few years after I came to my senses and realized I was being selfish making you choose between the both of us, I wanted to make things right. I bought flowers and wrote out my whole apology speech, just to get to your front door and cower away. I felt like there would be no way you would forgive with such a lame ass excuse at that point. I had already dug deep enough. So, I made myself learn how to hate you, even though that’s the farthest thing from the truth. I--- I’m just so sorry Y/n. I never want to hurt you again. Being the one you called that night at the bar made me realize just how much I missed you. I miss talking to you, laughing with you, and sitting with you. I miss everything. I want to make it right, no matter what it takes. You deserve it, you always have.”
Hiding his face within his hands, in order to keep some composure, he hears a sniffle. Quickly looking up, Jake comes face to face with your tearful smile.
Tears poor down your face, while grinning ear to ear.
Reaching over, Jake gently wipes your tears away. You reach up and cup his shaky hands, holding them against your face.
“You’re such a dumbass.”
The both of you die out with chocked up laughter.
“You should have just told me Jake. I’ve always loved you both and I always will. But, my love for you is different, it always has been. You’re my best friend. Josh is my brother, the one that shields me. I had a sneaking suspicion that may have been what triggered your behavior, but I was too pissed to talk about it with you. Your right, I didn’t deserve the treatment you gave me, but I saw right through that bullshit. You forget that I watched you grow up. You’ve always been my sweetheart, the friend that would go above and beyond for you. I never truly believed you hated me, I just wanted to give you time to figure yourself out, no matter how long it took. I forgive you Jake. I think I forgave you a long time ago, but was always too prideful to admit it to myself.”
Grinning at each other, Jake pulls you into a tight hug. Being this close to one another after years of pining, felt like a dream.
Finally, you pull away realizing just how close the two of you were. Feeling Jake’s breath gently against your skin, you glance down at his lips. Jake’s breathing all together stops.
Quickly, your mind comes to its senses and the both of you awkwardly pull away.
Scratching the back of his neck, Jake says, “I guess I should head back to the studio now. Josh is going to kill me if I’m late again.”
“Oh yeah, of course. I know how cranky he can get,” you laugh off. Leading him out your front door, you turn to walk back inside.
“Y/n,” Jake calls out.
“Thank you.”
You smile so wide, your bottom lip shakes.
Waving him off, you head back inside. Laying against the door, your head feels fuzzy from just his smile.
Five minutes later, Jake finds himself pulling right back into your driveway. He marches right out of his car, straight up to your porch once again. In a tizzy, he begins banging on your door.
Rushing to see what the ruckus is about, you swing open your door.
“Miss me already?” you chuckle out.
“Marry me.”
The both of you stand there looking at each other, daring the other to speak up.
“I’m sorry that’s not what I meant to say, I was trying to tell you-
You tug him by his collar, kissing him softly.
Eventually, the two of you pull away trying to catch your breath. Resting his head against yours, you both smile.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” you whisper out.
Jake chuckles in disbelieve. “No way, I’ve been dreaming of that since 7th grade.”
He takes your hand in his, squeezing so tight in hopes to convey his love for you. Immediately understanding, you bring your hand up to gently stroke his hair.
“Well, we could keep standing out here looking at one another, or we can go inside and kiss some more,” you say.
Jake hastily responses, “Inside please.”
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed!!!!
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
What the Hell Are Fancams?
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Pairing: Teacher Ben (SNL) x f!reader
Word Count: 2500+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Absolutely felt called out during the SNL sketch with Teacher Ben but I knew I had to write a little something for him. I'm pulling from my own experience as an ASL interpreter in the school system (glad I finally can incorporate it!). Thanks to @vanemando15 for her help in this and for being a beta!
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
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Teacher Ben Masterlist
What the Hell Are Fancams? PART 2
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New year, new school, new student. Such is the life of an American Sign Language interpreter when you work in schools. 
My last student moved out of the district so I was assigned a different one. This student's interpreter wanted to go back to work with the little ones and while I loved my time with them, it was time to swap grades. 
My student is amazing and comes from a rare family, in that she is the only member that is Deaf but everyone in her life learned ASL from the moment she failed her hearing test. In most families it's the complete opposite, causing significant language delays and isolation. It never fails to blow my mind how many people won't learn a language for their child, especially when they'd both be starting from the beginning. 
This student, Chelsea, I had worked with from her time in pre-k to 5th grade. It was great already having an established repertoire with a student and we easily fell back into our normal chatter, her filling me in on anything I missed for the few years I was back in Pre-K.
So how's this school? I ask, as she's been here 2 years already.
Not bad. Teachers are mostly ok. Too much homework though.
That's usually the case with high school. Any favorite classes?
I like acting class, but my favorite teacher is Mr. Ben. He teaches marine biology.  She gives me a look I can't discern at this.
Yeah you know, like about the whales you like and other ocean stuff. 
You're in marine bio 2 and you're calling it ocean stuff? Sounds like a great ocean stuff teacher.
She rolls her eyes at me. You know what I mean. Plus he's…
She smirks her mischievous smile that I know can only mean trouble. Nothing. Don't worry about it. 
Oh look we're at math class.
Saved by the bell, indeed. 
After math was lunch, followed by marine biology. Since it was the first day, I decided to eat quickly and get to the next class a little early so I can start on my "who I am and where I and my student need to be placed" speel. Although he may not need it since Chelsea was in his class before. Still, you never know what a previous interpreter did. 
I knock softly on the door and male voice tells me to come in. I push the door open and see that the teacher has his back to me, bent over his desk grabbing something. His very broad back. 
"Uh hi. I'm the interpreter for your Deaf student for next period and I'm here to answer any questions-"
He turns around and I forget what I'm saying. Bright, brown eyes focus on mine, brown hair that looks so soft with greys starting to creep in, matching the patchy facial hair he has. His nose? Don't get me started on the thoughts I'm having about that nose. He's wearing a blue plaid shirt tucked into black pants, and a tie with tropical fish on it. 
A faint pink dusts his cheeks when he looks at me. "H-hi. I'm Ben Morales. The kids call me Mr. Ben." 
He holds out his hand and I shake it, willing my nerves to not come through it. God he's hot. I wonder if this is what Chelsea was talking about. In fact, I'm sure it is.
I launch into my speel, albeit a little faster than I normally would, but Ben just nods along and does whatever I ask of him. 
"Do you have any questions?" I ask.
"Um… not right now. You're a little different than the last interpreter." He coughs and takes a sip from his water bottle.
"Ah yeah we all do things a little different. Is there anything that worked well for the student and you that I can accommodate?"
He chokes on his water, coughing violently. I move quickly, thumping him on the back but his face keeps getting redder. 
"You-" He coughs "-want to go on-" He coughs more "- a date?"
It's my turn to have my cheeks heat up. "I- what? No I said accommodate… are you ok?"
He nods, muttering something like "Oh shit" under his breath as he turns away from me, his coughs dying down. But before we can talk more, the bell rings and students start moving about the halls. 
"Well let me know if there's anything I can do to date you, Mr. Ben. ACCOMMODATE! Accommodate you!"
Fuck. Me. 
A tap on my shoulder and I turn to see Chelsea, lips upturned in that mischievous smirk. 
I see you've met Mr. Ben.
I have. He's…nice.
Yeah, nice. Is that why your face is all sweaty and warm?
She laughs and takes her seat, eyes flicking between me and Mr. Ben as the bell rings and he starts his lecture. 
I find myself making it to that class a few minutes before the bell rings just to have a moment to talk to him. When I can talk, that is. I've never met someone who makes me trip over my words as much as he does. But soon, we settle into a routine, after bonding over our mutual love of orca whales. A couple weeks in, I bought him a brightly colored tie with orcas swimming on it. The smile he had could be seen from space. 
Chelsea can't seem to wipe the smirk from her face whenever she sees us talking. 
He likes you. Chelsea signs, giving me a wink.
Focus on your test, Chelsea. 
It's hard to when you guys are up there yelling your love for each other. You should ask him out. 
This has nothing to do with your classwork. And this is highly inappropriate. 
She scoffs. You've known me forever. 
Yes but you're not an adult. 
I'll be 16 soon. And I'm not an idiot. Everyone knows you guys like each other. 
What do you mean "everyone"?
She gestures around the room. Everyone. It's in the fancams too.
F-A-N-C-A-M-S. She repeats the sign. 
Thanks but I have no clue what that is. 
She laughs and Mr. Ben walks over. 
"Everything ok? Any questions?" He's talking directly to Chelsea and not addressing me, which is exactly what I told him to do on day one.
"No, I'm good Mr. Ben. I was just telling my interpreter about fancams." I voice for her, trying to keep my cool.
His face goes blank. "The what?"
She laughs. "You don't know?"
Before he can answer the bell rings and we head off to next period. 
At the end of the day, Chelsea takes my phone and pulls up one of these fancams and wow. It's basically a Mashup of hidden video and photos taken of Mr. Ben that have been heavily edited and music added, making him look hot. How is this appro-
Oh shit I'm in this one. Apparently Chelsea is not the only one to try and push us together. 
The next day, I make it to his class early as usual. He walks from around his desk to lean sit in front of it.
"Hey Mr. Ben."
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Ben?"
I smile. "Sorry. Habit."
"Hey…so what was that fancam business from yesterday?"
"I uh.."
"Please tell me. These kids all talk about them and I have no clue what they are."
"I don't-"
Oh God his eyes are all big and brown and just like a damn puppy. 
I sigh, shaking my head when I realize that was audible and I'm staring too long into his eyes. I could get lost in those eyes. 
I pull my phone out and walk over to him, leaning my butt against the desk next to him. 
"Ok, so please remember that I was shown these and am in no way affiliated with the creation of the fancams."
He chuckles, leaning in closer to me. He smells good, like fresh parchment and aftershave. 
"Are you ok?" He asks me.
"What? Oh yeah. Uh the fan cams."
I scroll through and pull one up, handing him my phone as it plays. His face becomes redder as it plays on. 
"I uh..who…who made these?"
"I'm not sure. Chelsea said a bunch of the students did-"
"There's more than one??"
"Y-yeah. Look." I swipe through a few more until it settles on the one that puts us together. I try to swipe past it but he catches sight of it before I can.
"What was that one?"
"Oh nothing. It's nothing."
"But it had my face-"
"Just another fancam."
"And yours."
"Kids these days. They will make any-anything."
"I can't see it?"
"Uh nah you don't want to-"
"Oh I think I need to see it."
He's not pressuring me at all, more like flirting, but…that's not possible. There's no way he holds the same crush for me as I do for him, right? 
My boldness coming from some tucked away insanity, I reach over and swipe the video back up, letting him watch it in its entirety. 
"The kids…want us to go on a date?"
"Apparently so. C-crazy, right?" I swallow hard, hoping he can't hear the way my heart is pounding though my chest, his scent filling my head and making it very hard to focus. 
"I don't think it's crazy."
That fucking bell ruins everything. 
At the staff meeting the next morning, they ask for chaperones to the homecoming dance. Teachers groan but a few hands automatically go up, volunteering their evening. I raise mine too, Chelsea already telling me she had been asked to go by the person she'd been crushing on since last school year. They had spent the entire summer learning as much ASL as they could in order to talk to her, which was too touching for words and I know it meant the world to Chelsea. I won't have to follow her around but I'll be there in case of emergencies. 
To my surprise, Ben raises his hand shortly after watching me raise mine. The admin takes down names and the meeting concludes, Ben catching up with me as I start to head out to homeroom. 
"You're volunteering too?" He asks. 
"Yeah. Chelsea is already going and while she doesn't necessarily need me, she asked me to come in case she does. I think she's nervous."
"That kid learned asl for her, right?"
I nod. "Yeah. She's super excited although she'll deny it."
"Sounds like her." 
We walk together for a hall or two. 
"I gotta go this way to homeroom."
"Oh. Right. Um, see you soon?"
"Yup. See you!"
When I make it to his class at my usual time, I can see he's nervous about something, his eyes extra wide and small beads of sweat accumulating at his hairline. 
"HI, Ben."
Silence as I unpack, but then he's standing near me and all I smell is him. 
"Can I ask you something?" He asks.
"Yeah of course."
"I…uh did.. um… would you-"
A student pops their head in, asking for clarification on the homework and he shakes his head, turning to help them.
Homecoming arrives and I pick out a simple dress to wear. Not quite prom dress but definitely nicer than school attire. I head into the dance and get my assigned area and head there, milling about as people and students start to file in. Music blares as the dance starts andI  feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning, Ben is standing there, a navy built suit, dark button up shirt and - the whale tie I had given him shortly after we met. His mouth is agape as he takes me in. 
"You…you look…"
"Is that the tie I got you?
He picks up the end and looks at it. "Yeah. I thought it would go good with my outfit."
"Brings out your eyes."
Just then the music stops and switches to a slow dance, the DJ insisting that teachers should join in on this flashback. "True" by Spandau Ballet starts to play and a few staff members laugh and pull each other to the dance floor. 
"D-doyouwanttodance?" Ben speaks so quickly that I can't understand him.
He sighs, gathering up…courage?
"Do you want to dance?"
"Yes. But you don't have to if you don't want to-"
"No! I want to!" Shit, was that too enthusiastic? 
He smiles, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants before offering me his hand. I take it, the warmth from his hand spreading into mine. He guides me to the dance floor and spins me to him, his hand hesitating over my hip. Gently, I place my hand over his and guide it to my hip, encouraging him to grip me with his fingers. 
His eyes find mine as he leads, neither of us saying anything, just staring into each other's eyes. My stomach is in my chest and I swear he can feel my heart pumping out of my chest. He's wearing cologne tonight, but underneath it I can smell that familiar smell of him that makes me forget words. A minute passes before he leans in and speaks in my ear. 
"You know we're going to be in another fancam because of this, right?"
I laugh. "You're probably right. But it's worth it."
He pulls back and looks at me again, his brown eyes sparkling as he stares deep into my eyes. The song ends but Ben doesn't drop my hand or my hip. 
"Will you come with me for a second?" He asks. 
"Of course."
Removing his hand from my hip, he winds his fingers through mine and pulls me through the crowd of students and out of the side door, turning down the hallway and moving away from the cafeteria doors. 
"Ben, what-"
He spins me around and pulls me tight to his body. His eyes flicker between mine and I can feel the nervous tension bubble between us threatening to pop. 
And then it does. 
His hands come up and cup my face, bringing his lips to mine as he places the softest kiss to my lips. He pulls back and I follow him, unwilling to let him go. 
"Was that ok? I should have asked before-"
I grip the tie around his neck and pull him to me, deepening the kiss. His lips are warm and inviting, better than anything I could imagine. His hands are gentle, one sliding around to the back of my head and the other settling on my hip, pulling me in closer. A slight moan from him goes straight through me and I can feel myself getting warm. 
The doors bang open and we fly apart, laughing nervously when the students that had come through the doors disappear down the hall to the bathroom without even spotting us. 
"Are you asking me on a date, Ben?"
He pushes his body back against mine, having felt my tug on his belt. 
"I am." His voice is somehow deeper and it goes straight between my thighs. 
"I'd love to."
He kisses me again and starts to put away, but I grip his tie tighter and pull him back down. His eyebrows scrunch together in a question. 
"Let's go check if your classroom is empty."
The question drops, lips hitching up in a knowing smile as he slides his fingers between mine, pulling me down the hall to his room. 
What the Hell Are Fancams? Part 2>>
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #9
I like how Hazel seems to be making friends one at a time! I feel like most shows introduce friends as pre-established, or they become friends in the first episode. Hazel seems to be gathering them over time, which is great.
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Why is he even allowed to HAVE those drones?
... Shout-out to Wynn (sp? I don't dare look since I'm avoiding spoilers) for having freckles on only one cheek. Definitely unique for this universe.
-> I lied.
I really like how Wanda has stuck to calling Hazel "squirt." It's super fitting for her.
FATHER TIME!! He's back! ... No dad jokes this time.
Father Time: "This wish involves 15 minutes of fame. That's a time. Therefore, it is under MY jurisdiction." Cosmo: Oh, there was a whole lawsuit a few years ago. The Poofpreme Court had to get involved."
"Timmy's Secret Wish" LIVED!! We are eatin' good tonight!!
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Dev's little leggies...
Is this the first time Cosmo and Wanda have been in object form other than Hazel's bubble popper things?
slkdfj Hazel's shirt belonged to her brother. Everything in this girl's life revolves around a brother we've not yet seen. Love that for her. That's gonna be a great episode.
-> What if he comes back and he's changed a lot because he's been away at college? Ruh-roh...
Oh, Father Time's back and making dad jokes again.
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Nick of Time!! I love her. The coach aesthetic was a good touch. Instant new favorite. I have the PERFECT place for her in 'fics.
I think it's funny that Cosmo and Wanda's running gag is talking about things they did on their 10k-year vacation since one of the things they did in the OG series was talk about how they'd been married 10k years.
Hazel speeding through her remaining time with a song montage is very funny.
I've seen that rat design. Where have I seen that rat?
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I know him!! He's canonically a dad now?? ... I was already writing him as a dad, but now it's justified.
Flappy, what have they done to you? Where are your parents?? Was the Musical all for naught?
Listen. Listen, I know they would never do this because it was such a one-off thing. but... Flappy used to carry Gary and Betty in his briefcase and it was so weird. I'm gettin' flashbacks.
I liked that episode! That was great.
28 Puddings Later
I like how Violin Gal is a recurring gag.
Why are they teaching 12 minus 1 in 5th grade- Oh, they're simplifying fractions.
Timmy is on even more posters in this school- What did he do? This isn't even his city.
Pudding-eating episode going a zombie movie route was not on my list. Fantastic. I'm glad Cosmo and Wanda's crowns glow in the dark; it's great.
Hazel not wanting to unwish her infinite pudding wish because she hasn't gotten any yet is super clever and justified.
Jasmine: I am once again sus of my BFF Hazel and her connection to weirdness.
Okay, with the lights off in the halls, this is a lot more difficult on my hemophobia... I don't think I'll be sharing screenshots I might run across later, though I definitely think Dev's zombie pose is great.
Holy cow, that's a lot of red lighting on the pudding. I don't think I'm watching this one again, but I'm enjoying the plot itself.
We are once again treated to a photo proving they have 2D bodies in this universe, and it once again cracks me up.
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Many, many brown-eyed characters! They're free from the curse...
This is what reality is like when you jump the border to Retroville. Everything looks bulgy, but in reality... you're still flat. I especially like how reality morphs to fit the FOP style, like the pink hair flipping around. I think I've seen someone with their haircut like that in the old show, though I forget who, so that would imply they wear it like the first picture.
Unreasonably funny to me that Dev's glasses shine - usually a classy blue - becomes much duller when it switches to "actual FOP style." His coolness factor drops. I love it.
... His hair REALLY reminds me of his dad's. I distinctly remember Dale's being fluffy, which is why he looks like the pixie godkid listed in Da Rules, but... Dev's got the same "front flare." I'm gonna look it up.
-> Oh, "Nectar of the Odds" is Season 2, not 3. I did not remember that. Also, Dale's hair is a little more orange than I remember, and he really does have dark blue eyes. I can absolutely see the similarities between him and Dev. That's fantastic.
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... I am just now remembering I think I have a character outline for Dale in my Along the Cherry Lane draft. Let me see...
SLDKJFSLDKFJ, I did! I had him marrying Ed Leadly's daughter (the first FOP OC I ever made, Hadley) and having a son named Dave, which is very close to Dev.
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I don't really know what to do with this information. I think I want to do less with this information. I'm so sorry, Hadley- maybe Dev will get a canon mom.
Well, Dev having red hair when you have black probably saved you, tbh.
She doesn't have her dad's black hair. I misremembered. It's brown. Uh-oh.
Anyway, I LOVE how Hazel saw her "ruined" class picture and was ecstatic because she knew her mom and brother would love how memorable it was. That's super cute. She's living a great life.
I don't know if I'd still call her miserable enough for a fairy, but she's adorable and I'm glad her life is going okay.
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And still... he lurks.
Last one tonight! ... I didn't think I'd make it through this many before my bedtime, but okay.
Trial & Hair-or
I cannot believe we're getting the 2nd "living hair" plot (Hair with personality vs. hair with spirit), though I doubt this one will go the helicopter route.
Diana and Sparky would be great friends. I will not elaborate.
Crying, Hazel admiring her bald head and thinking it's cool. Her motivation for getting her hair back is so her hair doesn't cause chaos? She's so pure.
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I hate them.
Just heard Hazel say Cosmo's name. Has she said Wanda's name often? I feel like their names haven't been repeated a lot for new audiences, but I also wasn't paying attention.
Fishbowl instinct...
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This was a goofy episode and I loved it. Bedtime now. We'll see if I watch more throughout the week or just save it 'til after my big stuff on Friday. See you around!
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purple-scrunchie · 1 year
Heathers Headcanons that Live Rent-Free in my Brain
(Some of these are new, some have been rotting in my notes app since January lol also LONGPOST WARNING up ahead.)
Was also a wolf kid (iykyk), wore those dog ear headbands to school from the middle of 3rd to the beginning of 5th grade
Has a pet corn snake named Cornelius. She's had him since she was 12 and loves him dearly
Can't even be trusted with a toaster in the kitchen, can and will find a way to set something on fire
Her favorite movie series is Indiana Jones. She loves the thril of the action scenes and the concept of carefree adventuring
Fucking unstoppable at just dance. She wins by a landslide every time
Had one of those giant picture encyclopedias as a kid
Despite spending so much time journaling and studying people's handwriting, hers is still a mesy disaster (this annoys Chandler to no end)
Likes to doodle in her journal too
has been journaling almost every day since she was 8. She keeps all of her old finished journals in a locked box under her bed
Loves making friendship bracelets for everybody she appreciates
Was absolutely a band kid. She played trumpet but quit sophomore year because she couldn’t stand Kurt and Ram anymore (they were just there to get some elective credits in)
Heather Chandler:
Hates everyone except her favorite three people (Duke, Mac, and Ronnie) And sometimes even them
Gets fucking livid when people touch her stuff without asking (this includes Veronica)
Especially if you touch her hair/skincare stuff (which is one of those 989,752,300 step process ones)
If she doesn’t get her beauty sleep, she’s even more of a megabitch than usual
Super protective of her friends and loyal to a fault. Once you're in her inner circle, there's no escape
Speaks french fluently
Most of the time she spends with her parents is on the whole-summer trips to France they drag her on. She despises these with a burning passion
Learned how to paint in France, and she's gotten pretty good at it over the years
Has gorgeous, looping cursive handwriting and insists on writing everything in red ballpoint pen. (Her teachers hate this)
Almost always has really vivid lucid dreams. She writes them down in a dream log and they’re her main artistic inspiration
Secretly loves Romance novels. Will read them and giggle like an excited 12-year-old when she's alone
Heather McNamara:
Was super clumsy before she started cheer. It’s definitely not as bad as before, but it’s still there. She’ll still trip over her own feet sometimes
Lactose intolerant, but her favorite drink is milk
Loves to click her pens in class
Goes through chewing gum at frightening speeds (think a pack or more a day)
Is really close to her dad
Whenever her dad goes on a business trip, he brings her a new hair ribbon. She keeps them all in a drawer in her nightstand.
Was the biggest horse girl as a kid
Will still happily talk about horses for hours
Loves astrology even more. Her dad cuts out the horoscope section of the daily paper for her and she keeps them filed away by date and season
Loves to read her friends their horoscopes
Definitely has a million constellation/planet charts all over her walls
If it doesn't have mustard on it, she won't eat it
Carries around a bottle of spicy mustard for this exact reason
Heather Duke:
Literally like 5'0 (152.5 cm)
Will not be caught dead without her heels on
Has two younger siblings, Hunter (12) and Hannah (also 12, they’re twins)
Has a black cat named Gatsby
Gatsby loves to curl up on her neck when she reads, and she’ll absentmindedly scratch behind his ears
Her parents forced her to play the piano from like 1st grade onwards. She has the skills of a concert pianist but hates the instrument with a burning passion
Her car is a 1980 Jeep CJ5
Secretly really likes cars. Will talk to McNamara about cars while McNamara reads her horoscope
Loves to fix her friends' cars
DESPISES condiments. She believes that if you can't eat it plain, it's not worth eating. (the exception to this is hotsauce lol)
Has a bunch of cute stationary and study materials (y'know, all the glittery gel pens and color-coded sticky notes) but uses them for the dumbest things
5’10 and still growing
Was really into dinosaurs when he was younger. He still has a collection of little plastic ones in his room that he sometimes (though he’d never admit it) gets out and plays with
Cooking shows are his guilty pleasure. He fucking loves being in the kitchen, it’s almost as safe to him as a 7/11
He cooks as a form of self-expression
Loves to bake too, will make things for his friends
Tried to make Chandler an apology cake one time (which did NOT end well for either of them)
One of his most prized possessions is the blue and black friendship bracelet Veronica made for him when they met. He wears the damn thing everywhere and it’s getting beat up
Loves to take walks alone in the dark or the rain. He thinks it’s nice and peaceful
Constantly losing pens. Was it the trenchcoat's fault? Probably. Will he get out of the trenchcoat? Absolutely not.
Hope you found some you enjoy lol, PLEASE feel free to add on/tell me your own/send requests for more!
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fortheunsungheros · 4 months
Out of curiosity- How much do you know abt ur fav character in The Outsiders?? My fav is Dallas, who was the sixth character to be introduced by pony in the book- hence my blog name lol
Dally’s full name was Dallas Tucker Winston (as we know)
was 17 (also as we know) and died just two months short of his birthday, which is November 9th, meaning the book begins in September on a Friday
got his disc memorized- you know the drill with him so I’ll keep it shortish: described as tow-headed with an elvish face, with high cheekbones and a sharp chin, small sharp animal like teeth and ears like a lynx, his hair was almost white it was so long, but he didn’t like haircuts or hairpins either so it went over his forehead in wisps and kicked out in the back in tufts along the nape of his neck and curled behind his ears. The shade difference between a greaser and a hood wasn’t present in Dally, he was a wild as a brumly boys, like Tim Shepard’s gang. He had pale icy blue eyes, cold with a hatred for the whole world- he didn’t have anything specific to hate. (So much for short- Read it 217 times since 7th grade)
gave pony the letter from soda and didn’t want to get beat tf up by Darry for giving pony the money and the gun
bought pony and Johnny food at Darry Queen :D
he showed up to the rumble with his arm burnt tf up and fought anyhow
Took Ponyboy to see Johnny because he knew he was dying in the hospital and wanted pony to seem him one last time too
he was born in 1948- since the book was finished in ‘65, I just subtracted 17 from there- so he would’ve been 76 this year :,(
on a lighter note, S.E. Hinton confirmed that he was most likely out of the gang to be scared of spiders- had me rolling 🤣
Lmao it got to the point where I gaslit myself into thinking he lived and Johnny lived based on a fic I read years ago and when I reread it this past month my whole reality with him shattered- please send help I can’t be the only one obsessed with a character to this degree🫠
Wow I think you’re more obsessed with this book than me 😭 HOW HAVE YOU READ IT 217 TIMES? I’m on my 3rd reread in the past 8 months or so.
But seriously wow! I’m glad I found someone who is as obsessed - if not more than me lol. Dallas is probably my 3rd favorite character (ik don’t come and find me lol) behind 2. Johnny and 1. Darry
Darry has always been my favorite character ever since I read the book for the first time. He just stuck out to me and I love his character so much. He also is played by Patrick Swayze and he is the finest man to ever walk the earth sooo. (Like seriously I’m obsessed with this man I’ve watched almost every movie he’s in please send help)
Even though Darry’s my favorite character I don’t know everything about him off hand lol. I’m just gonna make a list of everything I know off the top of my head about my favorite character (yes out of every book I’ve read he’s my favorite character, secondly being Katniss Everdeen if you would like to know lol)
• He’s 20 years old
• His full name is Darrel Shayne Curtis Jr (I say this at least twice a day idk don’t ask why)
• Don’t quote me on this but I think he was introduced last in the book
• He works as a roof repair man person
• His birthday is January 5th
• He’s the oldest brother (obviously)
• He is said to not be a greaser if it weren’t for his brothers and the rest of the gang
• Darry was a MESS when Johnny and Pony were at the church (DARREL STAYS UP ALL NIGHT LONG, TILL HE FINALLY FALLS ASLEEP BY THE TELEPHONEEE - Sodas Letter from the musical)
• Also he was the football captain in high school and was voted boy of the year
• Don’t ask me how I know this offhand (I need a hobby) but in the book Darry is one of the tallest if not the tallest greaser but Patrick Swayze isn’t crazy tall so in some of the photos you can see him standing on bricks to make him look taller lol
Okay that’s all I remember right now but I know more will come to me later lol. And also I sincerely believe also that the events in the book are fictional (well no shit) but like FICTIONAL in a FICTIONAL way. Like Ponyboy definitely just needed a good grade so made up a bs story lmao. I really have tricked myself into thinking both Johnny and Dally are alive and well and the gang is still partying in Tulsa.
ALSO thank you for this ask it was really fun to do!
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socialfakes · 2 months
in perfect harmony -quinn hughes-
chapter 1: toddler era
nhl players x platonic abigail jackson
quinn hughes x abigail jackson
series masterlist
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Liked by lhughes06, _quinnhughes, trevorzegras and 9,412 others
abbyjackson | been matching every halloween since we were born 🥛🍪 and this was only the beginning tagged: _quinnhughes
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jackhughes wow you guys were always lame huh | abbyjackson shut up jack | _quinnhughes our parents chose this, not us you idiot 😂
trevorzegras this is adorable 😊 | abbyjackson thanks trev ❤️
colecaufield besties since birth | abbyjackson you know it 😉
lhughes_06 dorks | abbyjackson love you too lukey 🙄❤️
user01 milk and cookies. my favorite | _quinnhughes 😊😊
user02 quinn as the milk is just too precious 😭😍
user03 why is this the most adorable thing i’ve ever seen? 😍
bboeser abby being the cookie makes sense | _quinnhughes and what makes that statement true brock? | abbyjackson i too am curious 🤔 | bboeser because you’re sweet and everyone’s favorite | abbyjackson 🤗❤️
tdemko30 okay this is cute | abbyjackson i say the same thing about you everyday ❤️😉
user04 you guys, quinn’s girlfriend is feeding us with the cutest pics 😊 | _quinnhughes she’s not my girlfriend | abbyjackson but he wishes i was 😉 | _quinnhughes um excuse me ma’am, but who was it that proposed to ME in 5th grade? 🤨 | abbyjackson bro that’s not what happened | lhughes_06 but “bro”, that is exactly how it happened 😂 | abbyjackson nobody asked you luke 🙄
conor.garland8 the cutest cookie i’ve ever seen 😊 | abbyjackson ❤️❤️ | _quinnhughes why does everyone compliment the cookie but not the milk? 😏 | abbyjackson simple. be cute and they’ll compliment you too 😂 | _quinnhughes okay 😔💔 | abbyjackson wait i didn’t mean it quinner. don’t be sad 💔
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Liked by abbyjackson, lhughes_06, jackhughes and 32,148 others
_quinnhughes | always thought abby was the perfect garth to my wayne and i couldn’t ask for a better halloween partner than this girl ❤️ tagged: abbyjackson
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abbyjackson awe we were just babies 😍😊
abbyjackson thank you for being the best wayne to my garth ❤️
lhughes_06 okay i like this one
jackhughes definitely dorks but this year was a little better than your first halloween 😂
trevorzegras even in a blonde wig and glasses, she’s still adorable 😊 | _quinnhughes simmer down there trev | jackhughes yeah or he might get jealous you’re hitting on her | _quinnhughes no because she has a boyfriend and i don’t think he would appreciate it 😏 | abbyjackson stop you’re making me blush trev 😊❤️
johnnymorris the best looking garth i’ve ever seen 😉 | abbyjackson 😃
conor.garland8 okay this is my new favorite photo 😊 | abbyjackson i can’t decide if i should hate you, love you or a little bit of both | conor.garland8 you love me | abbyjackson unfortunately i do 😏 | conor.garland8 UNFORTUNATELY?!?!
colecaufield ha. classic
user05 this is cute quinn
user06 such cuties. omg 😊
user07 new favorite picture. you’re so cute as wayne and abby is the cutest garth 😍
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Liked by conor.garland8, bboeser, jackhughes and 6,128 others
abbyjackson | 💁🏻‍♀️👑💂🏻‍♂️ tagged: _quinnhughes
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_quinnhughes always been a queen 👸🏻
jackhughes please tell me how quinn got so much taller than you so quickly | abbyjackson i’m not sure how it happened but this might be when he stopped growing 😏 | _quinnhughes what? not it wasn’t
lhughes_06 abby could easily pass as a member of the royal family 😊 | abbyjackson will you be my prince? 🤴🏻 | lhughes_06 absolutely ❤️ | _quinnhughes 🙄🙄 | trevorzegras uh oh quinn is getting upset 😂
user08 the most beautiful queen
user03 you guys were babies
johnnymorris 👸🏻❤️
bboeser my favorite queen 👸🏻❤️ | abbyjackson i’ll be your queen if you’ll be my king 😉 | lhughes_06 why can’t i be your king? 😔 | abbyjackson because pookie, you’re my sweet prince 😊 | bboeser i’m prince charming actually 😉❤️ | lhughes_06 so can i be king then? | abbyjackson i love you, but no. i’ve got the king lined up. sorry pookie 😘
conor.garland8 so cute. hope you got lots of candy 😊 | abbyjackson i did but couldn’t eat it all | conor.garland8 oh no 😔
rosscolton ❤️❤️
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taglist: @worldlxvlys
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Hi y'all,
I have been waiting to create an MC profile for my HSS:CA MC, and finally I got the time to do it today. Hope you like it!
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Birthday: 15th April, 2002
Meaning of name: In Spanish, it means the miracle, or in Russian it means gracious and dear one.
Pronouns: She/Her (cis-woman)
Sexuality: Biromantic and Bisexual
Dorky, clumsy, funny, and emotional. She is quick to anger and easy to please.
Has a very strong sense of justice, and can snap when the injustice is happening in front of her.
Does not hesitate to get into conflicts when the person being disturbed is a person she loves.
Biological Family: Alan Park (Father), Faith Park (Mother), Carlos (Twin Brother), Wendy Park (Paternal Aunt)
Adopted Family: Greg Delgado (Adopted Father), Rita Delgado (Adopted Mother).
Backstory (TW: mentions of Death) :
Mila was born in London, 3 1/2 minutes before her twin, Carlos. When she was 1, Faith and Alan meet with an accident where a drunk truck driver crashes into their car, leading to their death on-spot. She and Carlos were put in foster care system after nobody in their family was able to take them in, and they were adopted 2 years later by Greg and Rita Delgado in Cedar Cove.
Ethnicity: She is half-Asian and half-white from her biological family, and her adoptive family are Spanish.
Other than play acting, improv and method acting, she is a really good singer and can pick up any kind of tune.
Baking is her comfort activity and additionally she loves to help out at the Golden Griddle.
She has a favorite activity with each person she hangs out with: With Carlos its basketball, Skye its drawing, Rory its video games and with Ajay its watching movies.
Love life:
As a kid, she hung out with Rory a lot since he was the only other kid in the neighborhood who was her age. For a while, she crushed on him till 5th grade, but grew out of the crush after middle school and admired him more as a good friend.
Her feelings for Skye grew, and they become official after the winter term of their freshman year. They end up going to different colleges in New York, with Mila majoring in Acting and Skye in Tech.
As per my HC, Mila proposes marriage to Skye at the end of their senior year of college, but they don't get married until two years later.
Other Facts:
Mila starts exploring Gothic fashion and music after she starts hanging out with Skye.
She has a deathly fear of rodents and rodent-like creatures, that sometimes Carlos takes advantage of.
The first play she acted in was 'The Hare and the Tortoise' in kindergarten.
She had a space obsession as a kid, and insisted her parents that her room walls be painted black. Eventually she had to settle with glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling.
Tagging: @cadybear420 @choicesficwriterscreations @somerandomjewelleryonthefloor for this MC profile.
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bcbdrums · 1 month
Fave character from an oldy show / fave line from Soul Eater / how would u handle it if u were the Tweebs' music teacher?
i see you.... heheh thank you for the ask.
How does one choose...between their children... No seriously this is hard. Top choices I'm stuck between are Adam Cartwright from Bonanza, Al Calavicci from Quantum Leap, H.M. Murdock from The A-Team, or Spock from Star Trek. I love them ALL for very different reasons, but they all have things in common. Dark and angsty characters with difficult lives (in different ways) who struggle to overcome things and never quite achieve their peace... And...while the character I've spent the most time on is probably Spock, I think ultimately I have to go with Adam. I suppose I relate the most closely to him, because his struggle is so human and relatable to many. A good upbringing not without challenge, a steady adulthood offered to him...but he simply is never satisfied. And we never get an ending for him in canon! So he appeals to me and my creative side, both as an exploration of himself and as a way to process through some things of my own. Al, Murdock, and Spock all a semblance of peace in the end or at least we're told they get it (some more than others/in unique ways) but Adam just...vanishes, and we never truly know. So I guess he'd be the fave pick. (But how can one choose a favorite child, heheh.)
I chose from the anime because I need to re-read the manga (even tho I do have a favorite manga moment). And I must give must preamble to this... So you know how from Death the Kid's very first introduction he's falling on the ground and having fits about possibly having done something wrong, leaving something asymmetrical (which...symmetry for him is symbolic of the balance between good and evil, which he as a Reaper must uphold), and in these fits he has he calls himself worthless garbage and he's basically given up in all of these situations and his weapons have to talk him out of it and it takes a lot of effort? And these moments are always played comedically right up until one moment... His final moment of development in the anime, right before facing down against Asura... After first he thinks he can't help, then Lord Death is defeated, and so he resolves to protect the world. He has one more of these self-deprecating rants, but...this time it's spoken to this dad, who he thinks could be dead. This time it's not calling himself worthless for a lack of symmetry, but not worthy to be his father's son... You really feel the weight of everything he's been going through up to this moment. BUT...this time... Instead of declaring himself worthless and that's the end of it, Kid says, "Maybe I don't have what it takes to do this... But... I can try!" That's my favorite line from Soul Eater.
I'm thinking of them at their age in the beginning, as ten year olds. So first of all they'd be percussionists in the 5th grade band cuz they'd get to do a variety of things. Since that wouldn't be enough, I'd give them extra (optional of course) challenges to learn some solo pieces for percussion. And knowing they'd wanna take everything apart and make new things, I'd also hang around with them after school to show them instrument maintenance on all types, explain how all the things work. And if I had some instruments broken beyond repair (we often do and keep them for spare parts) I'd let them play with those in whatever way pleased them. Lol they'd likely make their own frankenstein'd instrument... Or do chemical experiments on the brass since there's some toxicity risks.... Yeah. And that's just band (but I'm tired now so that's what you get lol). Meanwhile, I'm operating on the assumption that they are good, well-behaved kids at school unless they're either bored out of their minds or the teacher is lousy.
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godzilla-reads · 1 year
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🐅 The Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Rob Horton, after walking through the misty Florida woods, discovers a real-life tiger in a cage. On the same day he meets Sistine Bailey and his life starts to change as he realizes that he shouldn’t push things down and lock them up forever.
I remember reading this book in elementary school and it having a profound impact on me but I couldn’t remember much of the story, so I decided that in the haze of packing up my books to move I’d pull this one out and reread it.
Kate DiCamillo will always be one of my favorite authors. She has such a way with words and storytelling, and in this book we deal with grief and what it’s like to bury our emotions, our memories in a suitcase until it practically explodes. I admit to getting real teary as I read this since, even as an adult, I’m dealing with these issues.
The Tiger Rising still holds its spot as one of my favorite childhood books.
Fun Fact: I met Kate DiCamillo when I was in 5th grade and I asked her about where she got the idea for this book and she said there had been a news story about a tiger loose.
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jaewioslrc · 3 months
⠀ 미⠀ ᥣ͞ ͜⸱⠀ ׅ ⠀ 𝆬⠀ fake love . . ? ׄ ⠀ ׅㅤ
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⠀ ⎯⎯ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ㅤㅤ ׅ⠀ㅤ ⑅⠀⠀ ࣪⠀ ⠀⠀ †
Pairing : Jay!femreader . Fake lovers to lovers ♡
Warnings : sfw , use of swears , mention of bl[][]d. Tell me if
I missed any ♡
Authors note : first ff ohmygawsh . I'm sorry for any typos or
mistakes ajaksjodojwoijrljiw <3 ty ! ♡
   ⎯⎯ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ♡ ⠀⠀   .   ♡    𓏮̶ི𓂂ᰱ┈┈
"Did you hear about Jay's new girlfriend ?!" "Yeah I did! Her name is Lee Y/N right ?"
All the students were talking about you . Since you and Jay started 'dating' . But the truth is , you weren't really dating . It's a set up , just because Jay's parents didn't want him to be single anymore . You and Jay were more like enemies . Never got along ever since childhood. It was funny, to be honest. That everyone thought you two are dating . Wow.
"Oh my god ! It's Jay and his girlfriend !! Look !!" People exclaimed and pointed as You and Jay walked down the halls . Holding hands . Pretending to be in love...
"Don't fuck up." Jay whispered softly to you .
"I won't." You whispered back.
"Good" Jay smirked and gave you a small peck on your lips. Just to play out the act. Even though the kiss wasn't a real love one , you couldn't help but blush slightly. A soft pink hue casting your cheeks. Jay raised an eyebrow at the blush.
"Your blushing already , we aren't even in love." He whispered again
"Shut up. That's just how I am.." You whispered back.
Jay smirked again and leaned closer again "You sure?"
"Shut up, your making me sick." You rolled your eyes .
"Okay , okay" Jay chuckled and walked away , leaving you at your locker . You still couldn't help but feel butterflies from the small peck.
God that boy is so..ugh!
In lunch break , you were sitting alone in the library , reading your favorite manga . 'The wallflower' . As you were reading, you felt a soft tap on your shoulder. You turned around and saw Sim Jake . Your best friend from 5th grade. You quickly jumped up and hugged him. It's been so long...
"Jake?! Oh my god it's been so long !!!" You smiled
"I know. I missed you.!!" He laughed softly and hugged you back
"How have you been???" You asked him with a smile .
"I've been good , how's your life going, is jay still treating you like shit ?" He asked as he sat down
"Oh , my life has been...okay . And uh not really ? I don't know." You shrugged but a soft pink hue returned back onto your cheeks as you thought about Jay
"You sure? You seem in love" He smirked as he saw your blush
"HUH? What do you mean?!!?" You gasped and slapped his shoulder
"CHILL!! I was joking." He laughed . Suddenly someone cleared their throat behind you . You turned around and noticed Jay glaring at Jake . As if he was gonna end up beating the fucking shit out of Jake until he bleeds.
"Oh hey man !" Jake smiles and goes in for a handshake to Jay
Without reply , Jay grabbed your wrist and drags you out of the library . You tried to escape but damn it...Jay was so fucking strong...
"What were you doing with Jake?" Jay asked , his eyes never leaving yours.
"Nothing , just talking." You replied, not affected by his gaze .
"Don't lie Y/N." He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer. What the fuck was he doing ?!
"I'm not lying ?" You asked , trying to pull away.
"You like jake , don't you ?" He suddenly asked . Taking you by surprise.
"Why would you care ? It's my life." You replied
"Well your my girlfriend. " Jay argued.
"Since when? We're just fake dating!! Nothing else." You argued back too.
"Well I think it's fucking time we start real dating !!" He suddenly leaned in and kissed you , this one felt real though .
You stumbled back but only to be pulled even closer by your waist. Jay deepened the kiss to the part you both were breathless.
"I fucking love you . Lee Y/N" Jay whispered against your lips.
"You..what?" You pulled away in shock.
"I love you. I always have." Jay looked away . Was he serious ? Or was he just playing with your feelings?
"Then why-" You were about to speak but Jay interrupted you. "I know. I know I'm not a perfect person but I would change for you , I have done bad things in the past and I know I have hurt you but I'm sorry , I know I should have told you before but I just couldn't, I thought you hated me." Jay explained
"Well your stupid if you thought I hate you." You smiled and kissed him .
Jay felt shocked before quickly recovering and kissing you back .
This felt like heaven.
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orchidsangel · 7 months
who’s your favorite robin? i feel like it’s jason but i’d still like to know why
alright, this is actually ro lore. because- because because my fave robin is dick grayson *everybody gasps* and has been for YEARS.
i've never been a big batman lover, actually have had one-sided beef with him since elementary school. for some reason, i hated all of the men in the justice league except for the flash (could never hate barry allen my cutie patootie snuggle wuggle bear), and that was so amplified for bruce wayne.
partially bc i thought he was a loser like you don't even powers, you're not even a superhero fr, flop womp womp, yada yada yada. then. this girl i hated so. fucking. bad. for so. many. reasons. was the biggest batman fan ever. and when i was in 5th grade, she would always always always talk about how he was better than everyone else, and she would start arguments about it, and it was just so annoying.
so i already hated him, and she liked him, which means i hated him even more basically. also, i hated how many movies he has. pisses me off so bad to this day.
bc of that, i never got into batman or anything related to batman outside of the justice leage, and i never knew anything about him than his backstory. which i didn't even know that well bc for the longest time, i thought he got his powers from bats, and it turns out he's actually just like the rest of us. snooze.
i can't give you an exact timeline of how i discovered dick, but it probably went something like this:
saw nightwing - heart eyes - looks up nightwing on wiki - heart eyes - "first robin" - shocked emoji - connects teen titans dots - ignores everything about batman - hyper fixation passes - watches young justice - robin? - dick grayson? - heart eyes - NIGHTWING!!!!! - heart eyes
when i watched yj, my love for dick multipled by the thousands, and i already loved him bc i was a huge teen titans lover, and i always knew about batman and robin but my dumb ass was such a batman hater that i literally never connected the fucking dots.
my obsession with him is truly legendary, i had a nightwing theme for my spam acc on ig and twitter, all of my friends send me nightwing edits when they see them, and when my best dc loving irl wishes me a happy birthday, she calls me the "#1 nightwing stan" bc it's BAD for me.
but like i said, i wasn't well versed in batman lore until really recently, and that's where jason comes in. idk why when i read "first" robin i never once thought about there being any other ones, even though that more than implies that there are ??? but there's this guy ik who i went to middle school with who's also a fan of comics and superheroes like i am. and his fave character of all time is daredevil.
so one day, we're talking back and forth about which is better, dc or marvel. and he mentions that while he's not really a dc lover, they have one of the most goated characters. *insert jason todd*. and he's like, "yk who that is, right?" and i'm like, "pftt duh (no i don't)" but i'm never gonna let a man catch me slacking, so i do my due dilligence and start my research.
boom. here we are. with 2.5 blogs dedicated to jason who’s spent months living my head. dick will always have my heart, though. honestly, they both will.
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Sonic the Hedgehog and Solarpunk Ideals
Alright, it's June 23rd which means not only is it Solarpunk Aesthetic Week, but it's also Sonic the Hedgehog's 32nd birthday. Let's all say Happy Birthday Sonic the Hedgehog.
Overall, that means it's time for me to do something I usually don't do on this blog--talk about Sonic the Hedgehog, one of my favorite series of all times. Specifically, how I feel it embodies Solarpunk at least a little bit. Hopefully you'll see where I'm coming from by the end of this.
Real quick though, special shout out to @modern-solarpunk for being my beta reader 100/10 owe you my life.
Alright let’s make one thing clear. I’m a Sonic nerd. I’ve been a Sonic nerd since at least the 5th grade. Sonic the hedgehog is one of My Things. IDK if I’d call it a hyperfixation, but it’s definitely one of My Things, and it’s been one of My Things longer than gardening or even Solarpunking and all the other stuff y’all know me for has been. I am about to talk y’alls ears off. Buckle up.
With that in mind, I’m not going to pretend that the Sonic franchise is a perfect franchise made by perfect people working under a perfect corporation. Even ignoring the timeline disasters, retconning, and rushed projects (*cough cough Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom cough cough*), Sonic the Hedgehog is made by a corporation in a capitalistic world who has done some… iffy things in the past, present, and likely the future. We are, here, today, strictly talking about two things--the creation of Sonic and the creation of Dr. Eggman. There will be a super special third topic I bring up later, but that's gonna be its own post. I’ll bring up a handful of things from the shows, comics, movies, etc. If I finish writing and editing and posting this whole lengthy diatribe and someone ignores this paragraph and brings up some inane unrelated shit that the Big Corporation Guys did That One Time Months/Years Ago I might snap. Yes, corporations are bad. Yes, I like Sonic. Let’s establish that.
Ok let’s actually get started.
Sonic the Hedgehog the Dude, Tiny Rebellions, and Freedom
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Alright, so Sonic the Hedgehog is a series of games, movies, comic books, TV shows--it's a whole thing, it's an entire franchise. The basics of what you need to know here is that a little 3’3” superpowered anthropomorphic blue hedgehog dude and his array of equally-animalian and equally-colorful friends are ruining the robotics-based evil world takeover plans of a 6’1” egg-shaped human dude on the regular. Occasionally, there are other villains, and other storylines, and sometimes the motivations change, but that sentence boils down the Sonic the Hedgehog storyline to its base essentials. 
The Sonic franchise was dreamed up in 1990 when SEGA needed a new mascot to compete with Nintendo’s iconic Mario. Personality-wise, he’s said to have been inspired by “a modern sensibility of wanting to get things done right away, righting wrongs as they presented themselves instead of letting them linger.” As we currently know him, with Sonic “What you see is what you get--just a guy who loves adventure.” He’s a free-spirited drifter who goes with the flow, valuing freedom above all else and wanting nothing more than to live by his own rules and whims rather than bowing to the expectations of others. He loves interacting with the many cultures on his planet (which we mostly see in Sonic Unleashed, but still), trying local dishes with friends frequently. Overall, Sonic is driven by a strong sense of justice and fairness, fighting for the ideal of freedom rather than the name of the law--and he always fights for the underdog. He likes to handle things on his own, but he isn’t above looking to his friends for help when needed--and acknowledges their role in his life and achievements regularly (if he can be a bit smug at times). He appreciates scenic views and nature, with a special fondness for places filled with plants--we see him do this lots in the series--and he hates when people destroy it for their own gain. He doesn’t hate cities, though, and finds they have their own beauty.
So what’s Solarpunk about this? In my eyes, a good bit. If you don’t know what Solarpunk is, it’s described on Wikipedia as ‘a literary and artistic movement that envisions and works towards actualizing a sustainable future interconnected with nature and community.” Aesthetically, I like to describe it as a mix between sci-fi and cottagecore, with a particular leaning towards some steampunk and some cyberpunk elements, but in a brighter, cleaner, more hopeful way. It's important to note, however, that Solarpunk is also a practical and political action mindset--as much as Solarpunks dream of a hopeful future and work to visualize it, we also work to learn the concepts and take the actions needed to make it a reality. I’m not going to sit here and pretend that Sonic is super politically revolutionary, I’m here to talk about how Sonic fits into the aesthetics of Solarpunk.
As such, lets get into the point--I feel like Sonic is pretty Solarpunk, personality-wise. He just fits a lot of the core tenants--wants to right wrongs ASAP, whether they’re his wrongs or wrongs of the past. He values freedom, traveling, and beautiful natural places--a big chunk of Solarpunk is learning to appreciate and protect the natural species around you, and plenty of people have dreamed up nomadic Solarpunk societies. Even Sonic living by his own rules instead of bowing to expectations fits in Solarpunk--A Solarpunk Manifesto states that “the ‘punk’ in Solarpunk is about rebellion, counterculture… and enthusiasm. it is about going in a different direction than the mainstream…” People in the Solarpunk movement care deeply about freedom, justice, fairness, and fixing the broken systems we deal with today--and often start the legwork by forming or taking part in community-based movements and initiatives. We lean onto those around us for strength and courage, to work as a group to think of solutions to problems, whether that be something small like trading DIY patch instructions to bigger things like planning and creating community gardens to even sharing news about unionizing and more. There’s acts a Solarpunk can do alone--like guerrilla gardening, or moss graffiti, or drawing and writing concepts of a brighter future--but we all know we’re at our strongest when we’re not just one, but many. 
But one of my biggest arguments to Sonic being Solarpunk actually centers around his nemesis--Doctor Eggman.
Doctor Eggman as the Antithesis of Solarpunk
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After all, it’s pretty hard to talk about how a hero of a series is Solarpunk without discussing the people and forces he fights against, and most of the time that’s Doctor Ivo Robotnik--better known to most as Dr. Eggman. He was developed more or less directly alongside Sonic the hedgehog, and as such the notes about his creation not only influence his character, but the character and vibe of most of the franchise so far. So who is Doctor Eggman?
Doctor Eggman is often described as the World’s Vilest Person--he’s evil, mean, cruel-spirited, and a self-proclaimed genius scientist who only really thinks about what he wants and what he needs to do to get it--getting pleasure in crushing anything that gets in his way. His main goal is to establish his Eggman Empire across the entire planet and build his own version of a utopia, Eggmanland--usually taking the form of a polluted, smog-filled city or a robotic theme park. His plans have varied from excavating natural spaces and turning woodland creatures into robotic slaves (Sonic 1, 2, 3), using doomsday devices to threaten nations and blow up the moon (Sonic Adventure 2), tie down planets for his own purposes (Sonic CD, Sonic Colors), or even using cosmic forces beyond his comprehension to flood metropolises or literally rip the planet apart (Sonic Adventure, Sonic Unleashed). In the comics and some shows, he even takes it a step further--a common theme with him is Roboticization, wherein people are forcibly turned from organic beings into robot slaves. Sometimes its a machine fulfilling this sometimes-irreversible process (Archie Comics, Sonic the Hedgehog Cartoon, Sonic Underground), while other times its an all-consuming virus that grows out of his control and turns almost the entire planet into raving robotic zombies (IDW Sonic Comics issues #12-29). He’s fueled by delusions of grandeur, believing that all of the world’s problems would be solved if he specifically were in charge of everyone all the time and had things his way, and makes robotic inventions and weapons to obtain power. He’s overflowing with self-confidence and pride, highlighting his ‘scientific genius’ whenever he can. He’ll leave temporary allies to rot if it gives him a chance to take all the credit and power for  himself, he looks down on everyone else and sees them as insignificant, only interested in what benefits him. Fairness and community? With Doctor Eggman? Forget it, he’ll steal candy from a baby and then turn it into a robot if given the chance. And even with robotic helpers he makes himself, he quickly gets sick of them--Eggman doesn’t do friends. 
I’d compare him to Elon Musk, but at least Dr. Eggman is actually a genius.
A Solarpunk Manifesto was published in 2019, describing Solarpunk as “A movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion, and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question ‘what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?’”. Eggmanland is not how we get there--Doctor Eggman is an embodiment of everything the Solarpunk ideology stands against, and not entirely by accident. Here’s a quote from Yuji Naka, one of the creators of Sonic the Hedgehog.
“Robotnik was created to be the opposite of Sonic, and to be the bad guy. At that time, there was opposition between "developers" and "environmentalists", and Robotnik was created to represent machinery and development.”
He represents it pretty well--his common motifs are imperialism and pollution, and his version of a utopia is often reminiscent of pre-EPA photos of US cities. Sometimes its done to a cartoonish level--but the point still stands. Whenever we catch glimpses of Eggman’s ‘Home Bases,’ whether its Scrap Brain Zone in Sonic 1, Chemical Plant in Sonic 2, Metallic Madness in Sonic CD, or elsewhere, we’re always seeing tons of mechanization, smog, pollution, and death robots.
Solarpunks aren’t opposed to technology--not in the slightest. But I feel its safe to say that any Solarpunk would be opposed to the over-industrialized, hyper-mechanized, pollution-riddled empire hellscape that Eggman would call heaven. (And you know damn well he'd be all over those Boston Dynamic robot dogs if he were real). To me, Eggman represents the grim-dark futures that apocalyptic stories tell us we’re barreling towards--the darker, less sunny side of the already dystopian cyberpunk genre. Solarpunk is the sun that burns away at smoggy futures, the light that reveals what we can have instead, the ideas that lead to actions to secure it. Its hope in a bottle--hope that we can enjoy and add to, a dream that we can help make into a reality. The ideals are chock full of resisting the real-life Eggmans who want to send humanity into a nose-dive of mechanization and energy-burning self-destruction for the sake of short-lived profits and smug ego-trips. 
Is Sonic a strictly Solarpunk series? I wouldn’t necessarily say so. But I think if the themes and terms had existed in 1990, it certainly would have been cited as a bit of an inspiration. Whether the Solarpunk community would have been chill with a corporation citing the term as inspiration is a whole other deal.
Stay tuned for this posts' sequel, where I talk about how I feel my favorite game in the series--Sonic Colors--is Solarpunk.
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What are your current fandoms??
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1. Black Butler<3
It would've been incredibly distasteful to not put this beauty on top of my list. I have been a fan of this one since 5th grade, the literal backbone of my insanity.
I may complain monthly over the agnoizingly short chapters, but the narrative and storytelling in this manga is one of my favorites ever.
Although you didn't ask, I have the need to mention: Ciel Phantomhive is my child!!
And yes, I am still awaiting Prince Soma's return.
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a sebaciel wierdo and my space doesn't welcome the romanticization of pedophila. "waah waah but it's fiction!" okay?? my account is dedicated on fictional stories and characters and I don't want your wacky shit here. Thank you in advance.
2. Bungou Stray Dogs!!!
What a crime it would've been if I didn't mention the reason my account grew in the first place!!
BSD has such a special place in my heart. Tbh bsd saved me during the downfall that was 2021.
I think people who aren't new to my blog know I'm a sucker for Soukoku. I've made extensive analysis on their relationships for 3 years now. When will this brainrot end!?!?
And oh, of course I am forever greatful to the lovely @ryuuaka713 for collaborating with me on various post, I couldn't have done it without her!! Hope life treats you well! You got a tumblr friend always rooting for ya<3
ALSO: If any of you ever want to ask me anything regarding bsd that isn't Soukoku, please do! I love bsd as a whole and would be happy to answer<3
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3. Berserk
Let me make one thing clear!!! I am NOT a berserk reddit fanboy who completely ignores and neglects the narrative of this story in order to fill whatever inner void that needs to be filled.
I am suuuper passionate about the Golden Age Arc and the Pre Eclipse era of Berserk, it would be impossible to shut me up about it.
I could go on billion rants about Griffith's character and his actual complexities throughout the narrative. (no, he isn't emotionless, that would destory the whole point of the story lol)
Also I want to give a not-so-subtle shoutout to @bthump for validating every single thought I had while reading Berserk and always providing textual evidence. Thank you for being the light in the darkness of this fandom!
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4. Death Note
sighs yes I am still in the fandom of an anime that has only one season and ended so poetically that it makes perfect sense that it doesn't have a continuation yet my brain screams for content when obviously it will never happen.
Before anyone asks, I am not team Light or team L, both of them are selfish people and used others lives in order to beat one another.
I am a constant defender of the fact that the Death Note consumed Light. Not only is it textually stated; but it's visually stated
(Light's eyes get wider and more innocent looking for a reason when he forgets the death note guys!!!)
Anyways, this story is absolutely awesome and I think most people can agree with that.
I don't rewatch this anime often, but when I do I get shooked by the big brain plans and big brain confrontations lmao.
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5. Moral Orel
"MORAL OREL SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN CANCELLED!! FOOLISH PEOPLE FEARED IT SPOKE TOO MUCH FACTS" I scream into a void, tears fill my eyes as losing my religion by R.E.M plays in the background.
Seriously though, I love this show; a literal masterpiece. I don't think theres any show that made me incredibly concious of how my own family's dynamic worked as this one did.
Has amazing takes of the human condition and contains life long lessons.
I once made a long post about the generational abuse of moral orel if you want to check it out!
Anyways, if you haven't had the glorious chance to watch this masterpiece. PLEASE DO!! I BEG!!! The whole series is out on youtube!
we don't talk about the first 3 episodes!!!
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6. Sonic!!!!
I never post anything sonic related on my blog, but I adore Sonic! Not only my childhood, but it continues to pump off amazing content and games.
Fun fact: I have a cute mini sonic keychain my friend gifted me, I take it with me everywhere!!
Nobody asked, but my favorie character is Knuckles and Shadow for anyone who wants to know! (No one wants to know but I HAVE THE NEED TO SAY IT.)
anyways yes, I love Sonic, I am at arms-lenght with the fandom since i'm... well... not much into the furry stuff that goes on. But theres lots of fanmade content out there that is super cool!
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I have lots and lots of other fandoms im in but i fear i will go on forever if I keep on talking.
Thank you so much for reading all the way through and please, don't ever hesitate to ask me anything related to any of these fandoms above. Hyper analizing stuff is my speciality after all:D
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