#he has good hair! a perfect nose! the world's most gorgeous eyes!
kitnita · 8 months
dylan larkin is soooo beautiful to me, it's unreal. the next time i see people try & make the argument that women are only into sports because the men are attractive i should bring up that by that logic i would be a die hard red wings fan on the strength of sheer attraction to their grown-up boy-king captain alone, and yet,
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thetypingpup · 1 month
I really want to be railed by nerdy!hwa right about now. Just imagining him grabbing my your ankles and holding you open as he pounds into you, eyes focused on your body while his pretty mouth smirks at how you moan and whine, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose slightly because of how into it he’s getting just so smart and cocky and ahhhhhhhhh
Oh so you hate me fr...
Fuck he would be so damn cocky about it too. Just imagine how effortlessly he'd switch from holding you up by your hips and lifting you off the bed to grasping your ankles while you're hips are still hovering above the table, various books and papers strewn about. He wouldn't let you have a moment’s reprieve. Even while you're panting and trembling and whining incoherently, he'd still be pounding into you, still suspending you in ecstasy with a relentless onslaught of pleasure.
And when you do manage to open your eyes you just see him smirking down at you, beyond satisfied with the sight of you coming apart for him. His long hair would be pulled back so you could take in every detail of his cocky expression, the intensity in his eyes magnified by his glasses. He'd change your position so many times, bending you in half when he wants you to gasp and whine, wrapping your legs around his waist when he wants you to beg, holding your ankles up when he wants you to scramble to grab onto him. He controls your reactions completely, all while the pace of his hips doesn't falter for a moment. He changes up the tempo when he wants to and not a moment before. Of course he's panting from the effort too, losing just a bit of his sanity every time he sheathes his cock in your tight pussy, finding himself getting more delirious with pleasure by the moment. But it's your reactions that truly drive him insane. The way you cry out, the way you babble, the way you beg, the way your clothes are bunched and skewed over your gorgeous body, the way your glasses are askew over your pretty face, the way you contort and tremble so beautifully in response to his every move, all of it just makes him wanna double down and fuck you harder, to make you forget about everyone else you've ever been with.
He wants to ruin you. He wants to ruin the picturesque image of perfect you present to the world, and turn you into a sight that only a perverse hedonist would enjoy, a perverse hedonist like him. He wants to fuck you so good it ruins what you have with anyone else, all so you keep coming back to him. He wants to be the only one who sees you like this, the only one who gets to fuck you like this, the only one who's name is moaned and cried out from your pretty lips. Fuck he wants to be the only one who gets to feel you, who gets to touch you, who gets to play with you, who gets to make you cum, and that possessive rush of lust makes him grab you by the hips, tug you to the very edge of the table, and fuck you even harder, pressing against your innermost point of pleasure as if to make a point.
And he does. He wants you to feel every flashing burst of pleasure that has white dancing behind your eyes. He wants you to feel that spot that no one else has been able to reach with such intensity you can't speak, that you can barely fucking breathe. He wants to fuck you speechless, breathless, senseless, to the point where the only thing you can think is
"Seonghwa! Seonghwa! Zeonghwa!"
It takes everything in him to maintain composure as you cum. Your head tilts back, your body arching up as your shoulders are precariously balanced on the table, curving into the most alluring depiction of euphoria. You clench around him so tight you almost push him out, but he doesn't let you go. With a rough groan he grabs your hips and shoves his cock all the way inside you, resisting your repellant pulsations and keeping himself fully sheathed inside you.
"Don't you dare push me out now." His voice is lowered to a commanding growl and you swear you lose all cognizance for a moment or two. He sounds so demanding and so desperate that you feel compelled to comply, even as you lose all control of yourself. The only thing you know in that moment is obedience and the intensity of your orgasm. The grip of his hands combined with the desperation in his tone just amplifies your ecstasy even more, and you're left screaming and shaking and haphazardly grabbing onto him for purchase.
The sight of you coming undone like this, the delicious rippling of your core around his cock as you ride the waves of bliss, all because of him, is almost enough to have him cumming on the spot. And he would, if he wasn't determined to make you cum again.
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missmugiwara · 10 months
Got It Bad ♡ Part 1
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summary: fem!reader x Luffy. You ogle the Straw Hat captain, and he takes you for a ride. Make of that what you will! warning: 18+, slightly NSFW, very suggestive Note: IF YOU AREN'T A LUFFY SIMP, THEN I WILL MAKE YOU ONE. First tumblr fic, let's gooooo! Kinda long. I'm so nervous.
♡ You can read Part 2 and Part 3 here! ♡
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God, you had it bad. How long were you going to last like this? You were sure to snap at any moment. And when you did snap, you would go right after your captain. Could he not feel your gazing eyes boring into his back?
You licked your lips. They were suddenly feeling dry. So was your throat, and that meant it was time for a sip of the drink Sanji just gave you. When you were done, you placed the drink back on the table where the cook had lovingly placed it. You lowered the book from your face and tilted your sunglasses off your nose. Your attention was directed elsewhere at the moment. The laughter of Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy was much too distracting to focus on reading right now. However, it was one special person of that trio that had your undivided attention.
Oh. Your captain.
There he was in utter perfection.
You longingly gazed upon the rubber man who was smiling, laughing, and just enjoying the day. Everything went silent around you - the only thing you could hear was your heart thundering in your chest. All you could focus on was the captain. Your god, your rock, your heaven - and yet he had no idea how you felt. It was killing you, honestly! You wanted to tell him how you felt… but how would that go? Luffy was a simple man - you were positive that he could understand these types of feelings, but… has he ever really interacted with these types of feelings from others? Surely, he has to know something - or at least understand why people want to kiss or get married. You shook your head. It didn't matter here, and you wanted to stop asking yourself these difficult questions.
Besides, it wasn't fair! He was just running around with no shirt on - getting sprayed by a hose Usopp was wielding. These sunny days were amazing (but also tortuous) because it allowed your captain to run around like this and left you to ogle.
Shirtless. Wet. Gorgeous.
Jeans shorts that were soaked so badly that they clung to his skin. Denim gets quite heavy when wet, so they clung to his hips in desperation of staying up - but no good. They rode a little lower as they began to slip, but not quite enough that they would fall completely. Hmm, was he even paying attention to that? You took the sunglasses off your face for a better view in the sunlight.
Luffy's dark-as-night black hair stuck to his forehead in cute, messy waves. The small little scar under his left eye almost grinned at you like the grin upon his lips. Your eyes lowered from his sun-kissed face to his scarred chest. Beads of water glistened on it as it heaved up and down from his breath while he ran. You took a few moments to stare at his musculature, wondering how would it feel if you could just lick every part of his abs? How would it feel if you could just kiss each part of his body?
Luffy let out a loud laugh, and your eyes darted back up to his face.
And that smile? You swooned. Oh, his warm, beautiful smile. There was so much in that smile. He was genuinely happy being with those he cared most about, and the simple things made him so joyous. You couldn't help but tilt your head to the side and beam at him. His personality was contagious. How could you not step back for a second and appreciate these little moments together of playing in the sun? He taught you that. As high-maintance as Luffy was, there were always these slowed-down moments where you could just genuinely feel so happy near him. Not a care in the world. His smile was ear-to-ear, and he let out a laugh you could never get sick of.
It was hot out enough already, but goodness. These feelings for your captain made your heart skip a beat. You would have been fine just admiring from afar, but there was a moment when the three goofballs stopped for a second to catch their breaths. Then, they were nonchalantly walking toward you for a drink break, but you weren't ready for social interaction yet as your head was still in the clouds, daydreaming of Luffy. Instantly, you sat up and grabbed the nearest thing you could to appear as natural as possible - the plate of drinks Sanji left on the table.
Shakily holding the tray, you called out, "Hey, guys! Thirsty?"
Did that sound natural? Did they sense you were lusting? Or thirsting? Did anyone see you stare at Luffy with amorous eyes?
For a split second, you turned to reach for a towel to wipe up some lose water beading on the glasses, only to feel yourself being slightly launched off your chaise. You turned around to find Luffy, nose-to-nose with you, who happily took a seat. You froze, clutching the towel close to your chest.
"What did Sanji make?" Luffy grinned, not giving a damn about how close he was. You quickly forgot how to speak and words and… oh god. Luffy stuck his tonge out from his mouth and let out a deep exhale at the unbearable weather.
"Whew, I'm soooo hot!"
Oh, he had no idea.
Your mouth salivated, staring at the scar on his chest and having your mind fantasize about all the ways you could just run your hands over him. Could you stare any harder? God, how many ways could that rubber body bend if you could just have your way with him all night long? You looked back up at his soft, gentle face. He was waiting for you to do something, say something, anything! You realized you hadn't responded to him once, but you were out of words.
Just… try to act normal.
The only thing you could do was smile at him. You reached out and dabbed the towel softly to his cheek to soak up any sweat or water, not like you'd be able to tell at this point. It was something you always did, and Luffy let you. Whether nursing him back to health from battle or cleaning his face after he ate - he'd willingly let you do this, and no one else. Luffy let out a hum, closed his eyes, and proudly pointed his face upward to bare his neck, waiting for you to dry it next. That was new, and it was freaking adorable. Becoming a tad flustered, you looked down immediately out of sheer bashfulness. Your eyes landed on his shorts, and using every fiber of your being, you restrained from asking him if he wanted help out of those later.
Now kiss him.
Wait… no!
This internal battle caused your face to erupt in volcanic heat. Usopp and Chopper's comments sounded like white noise in your ears, and you realized you weren't even paying attention to a word they said. They took their drinks and thanked you while you mumbled a bunch of yeah's and sure's after they merrily ran away.
"Feels soooo good when you do that!" Luffy said as you continued to half-assedly dab his face. Your froze at those words. He had to stop saying all this… this stuff! He slapped his hand over your hand, and you squealed at that. You've held his hand before but only when he was helping you up if you fell, yet this was so much different! It was so… much gentler than you anticipated considering how boorish he was at times. But that slap was the momentum you needed to get moving again like a normal person instead of this horny animal out for flesh and rubber.
"Um, let me get-"
You managed to come back down to earth and reached for the last drink saved for Luffy, managing to grab it before he did - but not fast enough for his next motions. With a slight misjudgment of time, he brushed his hand onto your fingers just as you grabbed the glass. In your not-so-right state of mind your brain just decided to turn to mush… and you dropped the drink all over your lap. You had zero control of your fingers and Luffy's touch made you open your hand on command. How the hell did that work? The drink had spilled all over your thighs, and you thanked yourself for wearing a bikini today so you wouldn't have to worry about washing any pants later. Or maybe later you could use laundry as an excuse to get Luffy out of his.
Luffy pouted for a second upon seeing he could not drink his beverage. Then, a smile reappeared on his lips before he let out a, "Shishi! You spilled!"
He seemed rather amused at your clumsiness. Usually, you didn't screw up like this at all, and even Luffy knew you didn't screw up like this at all. Clumsiness wasn't part of your nature so this was like a great new thing for him to poke at and tease you with later. You felt a tad embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, Luffy! I'll go ask Sanji to make another one," you stood up, but took a moment to look down at yourself, "Oh, I'm all sticky now!"
It was as if that were a cue, because Luffy let out a mischievious laugh as he grabbed your wrist, "Then you need to get cleaned up!"
You turned to him. What did he mean?
"Luffy, please let go - OH!"
Before you knew it, he had lowered himself to swoop his arms around the back of your knees, lifting you up into the air. He held tightly but with care. You knew he would never let you fall, but what an embarassing position to be in. Especially in front of everyone! Every one of your friends was outside, enjoying the day much like the three troublesome boys, save for Sanji who was still cooking and out-of-sight. Again, the heat blossomed to your face as your crewmates laughed and jeered at your compromising position. Before you had time to even think, Luffy was once again faster.
"USOPP! CHOPPER! GET HER! GET HER!" Luffy roared while bearing a huge grin.
Luffy took off like lightning, running full-speed ahead while still somehow maintaining a perfect hold onto you as Usopp and Chopper screamed in triumph, holding the hose high into the sky. You gripped Luffy's shoulders for extra balance, and his grip tightened once more around your legs as you began to slip. Your face flushed as his head was pressed into your thighs, the water from his face somehow suctioning your skin to his. You were slipping, and Luffy's face was definitely getting closer to your -
Oh good god!
You looked down at him, and he up at you.
He smirked, "No escape!"
Then, Luffy wrapped his rubber arms around you and himself several times. He pressed his grin against your groin, and you nearly toppled over because of this. Feeling this topple about to happen, Luffy tightened his strong grasp so that you couldn't fall.
"Put me down, put me down, put me down, put me down!"
You shrieked over and over as Luffy's lips were just pressed into the warm space between your thighs, letting out hot breaths against your groin that reduced your legs to jelly. You weren't worried about falling, no, but you were concerned you might just pass out from the feeling of his mouth and the amount of intimate contact. Not to mention, you both were practically naked! You pulled your hands from his shoulders and covered your face. Screw balance. The urge to hide was much greater! You could just feel the sensation of warm, wet skin on skin rubbing and rubbing and -
Usopp yelled once more and put the hose on full blast, dowsing you and Luffy with ice cold water from the sea. The kind of cold that was shockingly painful and yet so refreshing all at once on a hot summer day. You and Luffy screamed from the coldness, and after Usopp stopped running after you both - you and the captain burst into a fit of laughter.
"Okay! Enough! Cold!" You begged Usopp to stop, and he turned off the hose.
As the laughter subsided, both of you panting heavily to try and catch your breaths - you realized Luffy did not let go of your legs. His touch was so soft. Again, you thanked the heavens for this intimate moment with the rubber man. You both stared at each other while panting, you still wrapped in his arms so masterfully. Luffy's muscles flexed in the sun, more water beading on every part of him - completely soaked head to toe. He then lowered you gently, your hands moving from his shoulders to his neck as you readjusted yourself as he did.
Smiling, he let out a laugh as your thumb brushed his jaw up to the corner of his lips. The captain twitched at this, and a small pink blush feathered over his face. He wasn't stopping your touch though. You just reached for him so intimately without realizing it. You weren't even thinking! Would he say something?
You quickly retracted your hand from his face as he unwrapped his arms, placing his hands on your hips to steady you. He could sense you were recovering after being attacked with cold water, but he gave a look that asked if something else was the matter.
After a moment of composing yourself, you pouted at him and lazily slung your arms around his neck.
"That was dirty, captain. I'll get you back for this!" You whispered with a smile.
A smirk worked its way onto Luffy's face. He stared at your lips before blinking and averting his eyes to meet yours.
"That's what dirty girls get!"
He whispered to match your playful tone. Luffy let his hand linger on your waist for a split second before Sanji came out of the kitchen, and immediately Luffy was off. He left you standing with wide eyes and butterflies deep in your stomach. Did he understand what he even said? Did he know what a double entendre was? Those words left your ears burning. You took a moment to stare after him. No, he probably meant you were dirty because you spilled a drink on yourself. Of course! Right?
Yet there was something else in those wild eyes of his that left you feeling otherwise. Especially when he turned once more and flashed another smirk at you before yelling at the cook. Was it just playful teasing or something more? Fighting the growing heat to your face, you smirked and placed a hand over your mouth.
No fair.
Luffy was such a tease, and he didn't even know it.
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kquil · 6 months
PAIR. : Sirius Black x Lilly (moot)
SUM. : Lilly is the florist working in the flower shop next door and Sirius is the tattooist with a growing crush and unhelpful friends...
TAGS. : biker sirius ; tattooist sirius ; florist lilly ; booklover lilly ; romance at a bookshop ; remus' birthday is coming up ; silent pinning ; leather-wearing sirius ; puppy love ; fluff ; cuteness! ; my moots are adorable and this proves it!
LENGTH : 1.9k
DEDICATED TO @somewereinthegalaxi (1k cake request)
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The first time Sirius saw you, he couldn’t believe his eyes. You were a beauty. Your long, wavy brown hair was always accompanied by some sort of breeze and he wanted nothing more than to bury his face into your locks and breath in your fragrance. He bets you smell like the sweetest, most alluring blossom. You’re short and pretty, the perfect height and figure for him to wrap his arms around and squeeze, just so he could stare into your gorgeous doe-like eyes, press a kiss onto your button nose and eventually your perfect, full lips. 
And the fact that you had been working next door to him for, who knows how long, without his realisation has his mind scrambled. Have you seen him already? He hopes to god you don’t know—
“Oh she knows,” Remus chuckles from beside him, which makes the dark-haired tattoo artist groan. He can’t even protest the statement, “you’re not really the shy type when it comes to your pursuits,” 
Sirius looks over his shoulder as he leans back against his parked motorcycle. Past the glass of your flower shop, he sees you float around the space, in between stretching stems, dangling foliage and delicately proffering petals. It was like you were dancing a beautiful waltz; a ballerina on a stage. 
Ever the encouraging brother-figure, James claps Sirius on the shoulder with an bright smile, “No worries Padfoot, she’ll come around to you eventually, just lay on the charm like you usually do,” 
“I don’t want to,” the biker protests weakly, a small blossom of appreciation awaking in his chest from James’ encouragement. 
“How come?”
Sirius didn’t know how to respond – his own silence and lack of a straight answer making him wince. He was never the best at deciphering his own emotions, a flaw that has pushed many romantic interests away. A permanent deterrent in his life. But, ever the observant and intuitive friend, Remus answers for him, “you don’t want to treat her like all those other girls, huh?” a look of soft pride settles into the brunette's features, before a gentle chuckle passes his lips, “finally growing up, I see?”
“Sod off, Moony,” he snaps half-heartedly as his two best friends laugh at him – all in good fun, never with ill-intent and he eventually joins them. 
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You weren’t oblivious to the stares, no. How could you be? Someone that handsome with that many girls lined up just to be around him was someone you couldn’t ignore. What struck you as completely odd, however, was why he had suddenly taken such an interest in you and why in the world did he frequent your street so often? 
In your peripheral, you watch as another dolled up girl approaches him with fluttering lashes and a sickly-sweet smile. All while he leans his frame against a lamppost situated outside your quaint little flower shop, smoking a cigarette. 
That awful habit seemed to be his only vice. On a normal day, you’re not a big fan of smokers, however, he frustratingly makes the flaw rather attractive when associated with his character. A character of rather long, dark locks; steel grey eyes; unblemished pale skin and angular features, he looks like a character straight out of a fairy tale. You can easily see him becoming one of your favourite characters if he ever was in one. It makes you sigh – a cross between dreamy and despondent – and turn away from the scene unfolding outside your shop window. 
The jealousy stirring in your stomach was unfounded; it wasn’t appropriate for you to feel as though you had some claim over him when you didn’t even know him personally. However, you childishly wanted to argue that having seen him out there, smoking his cigarette in his all-black, leather attire, almost every since you’ve opened up the shop grounded your otherwise unreasonable possessiveness with some sensibility. Breathing another sigh, you tend to your tulips before turning towards the decorative flora you had yet to organise and display. 
A thought occurs to you. 
He no longer seems to be the pursuer as of late…
You wonder what’s changed.  
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Out of all places, you never thought to see him in a bookshop! Your – he isn’t yours! You remind yourself – mysterious philanderer in leather was going between the Philosophy and Classical Literature sections of the bookshop and you felt your heart squeeze painfully in your chest. A leather-clad romeo who favoured philosophy and classical literature genres? Was he the poetic and romantic sort too? You wanted desperately to freely cultivate more affection for him but feared the consequences of doing so. It was frightening how much you adored him despite being complete strangers to each other.
It takes you a while to realise that in your inner turmoil, you’ve unintentionally begun to stare at him. And, upon perceiving the action, immediately tried to look away if it weren’t for the troubled expression you glimpse of his perfect face. Irritation visibly furrows his brow as the weight of burden draws his lips down into a frown. Looking down, in his hands are two books and it dawns on you his dilemma. It’s a war you often find yourself in whenever you’re in the bookshop too and a blossom of sympathy blooms in your chest for his situation. With silent footsteps, you approach his towering figure, pressed on by a surge of confidence. The familiarity and relatability of his predicament encourages you to reach out a helping hand but, as you draw near and his broad shoulders grow larger, appearing more daunting than ever, your steps falter. Maybe you shouldn’t?... 
Biting your lip, you argue with yourself for a moment and inevitably let your self-doubt win. Your reaching hand lowers and your shoulders slump, with a suppressed sigh, you turn and move to step away from his figure. 
Your – he’s not yours! – unnamed, mysterious, handsome leather-clad casanova will have to remain a stranger…
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The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas or Letters from a Stoic by Seneca? 
It was a hard choice but one that Sirius needed to make urgently for Remus’ upcoming birthday. The Count of Monte Cristo was a novel Remus loved. He already had a well-loved (worn) paperback copy that he had read through multiple times, so getting him a special edition hardcover of the novel would be a wise purchase. However, that was a rather safe option. Turning to examine the other book in hand, Sirius contemplates his friend’s more recent interest in Philosophy, especially stoicism. But was Seneca a good choice or should he go for Meditations by Marcus Aurelius? Was that option too customary?
Perhaps if he had the book with him…
Turning around, Sirius is slow to lift his eyes and ends up walking straight into you just as you were turning away. His eyes snap up and his arms reach forward when he hears your yelp and feels the collision of your body against his. In a matter of seconds, he’s pulled you safely into his chest, dropping the books in his hands to secure your safety. 
“Whoa!” he chuckles nervously under his breath, “Sorry about that, dollface,” he doesn’t hurry to move away, not wanting to shock you further with any more sudden movements and definitely not because he was immediately inebriated by your alluring fragrance nor the softness of your smaller body against his. 
“I-It’s okay,” you let out a soft, nervous laugh in return and twist in his arms to look up at him. In that moment, the world stops spinning and Sirius finds his breath stolen away by the sight of your sweet, doe eyes, cute button nose and kissable full lips. 
You’re the flower shop girl…  
“Oh!” you blink at him in surprise and he swallows his awe of adoration, “You know my flower shop?” 
Fuck! I said that out loud didn’t I?
Giggling, you nod, still in his arms but not seeming to mind in the least bit, “yes, you did,”
“Sorry about that, doll,” he hastily removes his arms from around you and hurriedly goes to pick up the two books he dropped in the collision. From afar you were an untouchable daydream constantly enticing him through glass windows but up close, you’re a dream come true, pretty and sweet and perfectly suited to be in his arms. This new unshakable feeling is the first time he’s ever felt around a girl. He’s had plenty of lovers in the past but no one has had such a disarming effect on him like you and you were a complete stranger. 
His voice is hypnotic and sweet, smooth and deliciously melodic to your ears. And the way he called you ‘dollface’! You’re weak in the knees and this close to drooling over the man. Desperately needing a distraction, you fix your eyes onto the covers of the books he picks up from the floor. The book titles catch your eye and immediately has you starting up conversations, which, thankfully, Sirius was more than eager to participate in, grateful for the change in topic. 
Come to find out, he, unfortunately, wasn’t the secret literary romantic you had imagined him to be but the research he conducted behind the scenes for his friend, Remus, touched your heart. In fact, that made him more attractive than the potential that he was a classics-lover. 
“Hey uh,” Sirius starts, catching your attention as you turn to face him, “I really appreciate you helping me out with this, Lilly,” he motions to his bookshop purchase and bites his lip from the radiant smile you face him with. God you’re so pretty…
“It was no problem, it was finally nice meeting you, Sirius,” your sweet voice makes his name sound so much lovelier than it really is.
“I’d love to return the favour…” he whispers, his voice is deep and dulcet, and you finally witness his casanova tendencies firsthand. There’s a tempting glint in his eyes as they look down on you while his hand gently brings your knuckles to his lips, “will you let me give you a ride home, dollface?”
“Yes please…” you sigh breathlessly, so starry-eyed that you couldn’t even feel embarrassed. Not that Sirius let on ever noticing your sudden dreamlike propensity. With a smile and a gentle hand on your lower back, he leads you outside to stand before a familiar looking motorbike. 
“This is my bike,” he says proudly, grinning as he turns to you and begins to shrug off his leather jacket. For a moment, you mull over where you’ve seen that bike before. It didn’t take you too long, however, as a gasp of shock and realisation leaves your parted lips when you glimpse Sirius’ heavily tattooed arms. And your mind finally pieces everything together. 
“Y-You’re the…”
“I work in the tattoo shop next to you,” he chuckles, taking your moment of shock to drape his leather jacket around you, “there, so you can stay warm,” he whispers fondly, eyes warm and soft as they take you in. Unable to help himself, Sirius leans down to press a kiss into the crown of your head, and moans softly at the fragrance of your hair wafting up his nose and into his brain. You make his head so foggy, you’re like a dangerous pill. But a pill he’ll gladly take over and over again until nearly poisoned and made an addict. 
“All this time…” you utter softly, feeling a heat rise up your neck and to your cheeks. 
He laughs in good humour, “I know,” he rummages around for a spare helmet. Turning back to you, he finds you swamped under his jacket and innocently looking up at him with the sweetest look.
God he could kiss you right now…
“Oh um…I-I wouldn’t complain but you should, at least, take me out to dinner first…” you joke despite the sudden onslaught of fluttering butterflies in your stomach. 
Fuck…he said it out loud again!
“Yes, yes you did,”
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A/N : im so sorry for how late this is darling! it really wasn't my intention, i think my perfectionism really got in the way, again i needed to keep this under 2k words but easily could have written up to 5k with the plot lines i was coming up with for it gah! the possibilities were endless and i wanted it to be so perfect for you! i hope it's to your liking for now, i love you so much ( ˶˘ ³˘(⋆❛ ہ ❛⋆)!♡
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ellieromanov · 7 months
Vanilla, Pine, or cinnamon 
Pairings: r x Natasha
Warnings: angst
Word count: 700
Summary: it’s been years since Natasha has made the sacrifice and memories only linger for so long before you start to forget.
I think I miss her more than I remember her. That terrifies me. I don't really remember what she looks like anymore... I know she had red hair and she had green eyes, but I don't remember the shape of her nose, or the color of her lips.
I don't remember what her laugh sounds like or the pitch of her voice, or you know... like the little phrases she would say. I can't remember what she smells like. I want to say vanilla but maybe she smelt more like pine or maybe  cinnamon.
I kept all her clothes. I never wanted to wash them because I was afraid it would get rid of her smell so they would just sit in my closet. Sometimes I'd pull out one of her old sweaters and and I'd sleep with it on my pillow just so I could pretend like she was there.
Like it was just one of those gloomy days where we wouldn't get out a bed for ages because the comforter was just so warm and the mattress felt just right and the position of the pillows were perfect. And we'd watch old cheesy 90's movies all day long...
I don't do that anymore because her sweaters lost her sent from all the dust they've collected.
It feels like it's been an eternity since she was last here...
There was something my dad would always say to me and my siblings as kids and it went something like;
"you do not know time until you know how to dance. You don't know time until you know how to paint, compose music and have read Shakespeare. Once you know how to do those things only then can you complain about time."
I think about those words often. Since Nat has been gone I fill my days reading the tragedy's of Shakespeare, sitting at the piano, putting on my old ballet pointés, and most recently, painting.
I've been trying to remember her enough to put her on the canvas. I can't seem to get the correct shade of red for her hair, and I've had to repaint her her nose several times.
But I do remember how much Natasha loved the night sky. All the stars just seemed like magic to her. She also loved... daisies? Or were they tulips? I think they were daisies. So I've painted a field of daisies underneath the night sky with Natasha in the middle of the field.
But no matter how many pictures I have of her to use as a reference, they never captured what she really looked like. They never captured that gorgeous smile she had or the freckles on her nose, or the scars that littered her cheek or the depths of green in her eyes. These are all small things that I remember vaguely.
People don't often visit anymore. Clint and Laura stop by once every few months and Yelena once or twice a year maybe. I haven't heard much from anyone on the team since the funeral besides Peter. He's a good kid. Sends me a message once every few weeks to update me on he's life and he always asks how I'm doing. He keeps me up to date on the outside world.
I so often wish that I could go back to that day and trade places with her. I dream about it sometimes. They are the most vivid dreams I have. When I dream, I get to hear her voice again.  But the longer I think about it the more I realize that it's better this way. Deep down, I know that. I know it's better. Because Natasha will never have to know what it's like to lose her other half, she will never have to experience the pain and grief and suffering that comes with losing me. She will never know what it's like to to forget me. And for that I am grateful.
So as I try to fall asleep tonight I just need to remind myself, it's better this way, and one day... one day I'll be with her again. But until that day i just have to accept the fact that the comforter is never warm anymore, the mattress is like a brick and the pillows are old and torn. I will try to remember her scent so I can go find it, try to make the house feel like home again with it and restore some of that comforter but I don't know if she smelt of vanilla, pine, or cinnamon .
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rafecameronsslxt · 1 year
Helloooo, could I request a imagine for Rafe Cameron inspired by this TikTok ?
Warning: Implied smut, Friends with benefits
Synopsis: Rafe takes you by surprise, a sin wrapped in one.
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Hoping this is what you expected, btw this song has had me in a chokehold for a year now!!
JJ introduced me to the infamous pogues when we became a “thing.” In other terms, a situationship which turned out to be one of the most aggravating ‘things’ to happen. He wanted more, and I did not. I couldn’t lie because JJ does everything for me: pulls a chair out before I sit down, dinners when he could afford it, and the sex was fucking everything, and I felt like I was taking advantage of him. I didn’t deserve someone like JJ. He was too good for me.
   His wholesome kisses and his sky-blue eyes peered into mine that told me he loved me without saying it or consoling me when my mother decided to kick me out of the house for any reason she could find. 
   The beautiful blonde-haired boy is sweet and appealing and broke the guarded walls for me. He confided in me when he needed me the most when I had been eyeing a kook, who would only use and spit me out because that kook, in particular, was a complete douche and marked girls off as if they were his conquest to gloat about later. JJ, hell- even defended me when the conceited boy came an inch too close just to tease me and whisper filthy and spiteful words in my ear with his soothing voice that wavered through my body each time.
   But- because there is always a but to any story. 
   Sometimes JJ would be too clingy and overprotective to the point where if a guy even hugged me, it was an argument. You’d think every girl would want and love the suffocating boyfriend ‘thing,’ and it became insufferable, but that was the only flaw I could think of because he was still perfect.
   Everything Rafe Cameron wasn’t.
   Rafe Cameron is the prince kook. He thought the world surrounded him, bowing at his knee. Rafe is a coke addict who can’t keep his nose clean or abstain a day without the white powder and heaved his father's money around like it's candy. 
   He was full of himself- a fucking conceited boy that had no care to make me feel like the waste of the earth, to patronize me. Rafe thought he was above every pogue because he could throw money in someone's face to force them to like him, and people would do anything for money. 
   Speaking of the devilish being, he comes waltzing into the convenience store, and JJ isn’t around to keep me calm or something stupid.
   I turn around quickly, trying to find a drink I like which makes my stomach twist in knots, not wanting to be in proximity of him. Finally, I grab a bottled water and pace to the cash register when I get pulled by my wrist. My body spins into his chest hard. 
   I grab Rafe’s shoulders to keep myself stable from falling onto the dirty tiled floor. 
   Rafe has a backwards hat on, which makes my thighs warm, before removing my hands from him rather quickly to stop these thoughts that form too fast and shouldn’t. “Where are you going, sweetheart?” His voice was sweet, with a sly smile on his gorgeous cherry lips that seemed so kissable and soft to the touch, yet I think he’d be more of a rough k- never mind. 
   “Going to pay for my water and hope you leave, sweetheart.” I mimic him childishly, which encourages him to play with me more. He chuckles, following me to the register. I don’t acknowledge his presence until I’m speed-walking out the glass door, hearing the bell ring as it shuts.
   “Where’s your boyfriend?” Rafe carelessly throws his arm around my shoulder, bringing me to his side. I clear my throat, remembering JJ and his angelic white smile. “We’re not dating,” I say firmly, tossing his muscular arm off me. It makes me imagine if they were wrapped around my waist while he kissed my neck, leaving purple circles to show everyone I’m his. The thought makes my fingers tingly and my body tense. He lets out a chuckle. 
   He turns his face to mine: a well-defined jaw, slightly sweaty from the raging heat, and his lower lip between his pearly teeth. Rafe squints at me for a minute. “I’ll give you a ride on my motorcycle. You know, so you don’t have to walk for another ten minutes, sweetheart.” The fucking nickname and his too-friendly tone are throwing me off. Before I can protest, I’m thrown over his shoulder, getting dragged onto the sleek red bike. 
   Rafe swings his leg over the bike and hands me a helmet. I take the black helmet hesitantly and sigh. “You’re gonna have to hold on to me.” He looks back at me smugly as I lean my head to the side, annoyed and freaking out. I am terrified of motorcycles. 
   I wrap my arms around his waist securely because my bones feel like I’ll fall to the pavement if I let up. He grabs my thighs, yanking me closer to his body. “Asshole,” I mumble into Rafe’s spine. My breath catches in my throat, and I close my eyes, hearing the engine revving, then the wind blowing my hair. I don’t open my eyes but tighten my grip on Rafe’s abdomen. 
   A cold metal hits my thigh again, and I jump slightly, opening my eyes to see we’ve stopped at Rafe’s house- “Rafe, what the hell?” I say, taking off my helmet and gliding a hand through my brunette hair. He shrugs. “I have work in an hour. I don’t have time for this.” I throw my hands up in the air officially over this. “The country club isn’t far from here, chill.” He arches a brow and backs me up into the wall. “I never thought someone like you could look so fuckable.” He hums out, whispering closely to my ear. His nose touches mine ever so lightly. Shivers roll down my spine.
   “That dirty pogue you sleep with doesn’t deserve a woman like you.” Rafe was so biased. Before I realize what I’m doing, I close the gap, pressing my delicate lips to his. He makes the kiss rough as I imagined. The kiss was taboo, but he slipped his tongue into my mouth, and the guilt flew down the gutter, yet it’d be back in a second. It was fervent, and he pushed his clothed lower half into me, but I could still feel him against my inner thigh. 
   I’ve never felt a spark like this in me. The eagerness I’m thriving off of has my insides aching. What we’re doing would have my friend's spiralling querulous and- or could disintegrate our friendship. Oh my god JJ! “Rafe.” I let out a deep breath, looking around at the bright sky and the flawlessly landscaped yard, too-green grass, trimmed edges, and the Tannyhill estate in place behind me. 
   I keep my hands on his chest. “If we plan to fuck around- no strings attached I expect this relationship to be on the D.L. and exclusive, but I want late-night talks. Not just a hook-up.” 
   “Doesn’t sound much like no strings attached, sweetheart.” He smiled at me, but it had an underlying meaning I was clueless too. Rafe’s blue eyes pierced through me like he was reading every thought, but I couldn’t read him. People could read me easily, Rafe especially, as if we’d known each other for years.
   “No, we’re not coming in together,” I whisper scream at him. What part of ‘down low’ did he not understand!? Rafe puts his hands in the air, surrendering, a smirk on his face. 
   When I walk into the Country club, I spot Topper and Kelce occupying a table, most likely waiting on the third of the trio. I advert my eyes, tying my apron around my waist. About a minute later, JJ shows up. His ruffled blonde hair, eye bags, and furrowed eyebrows mean he is overwhelmed. 
   JJ quickly finds me, throwing his loving arms around me. My body stiffens at his touch. Meanwhile, Rafe stares at us and seems satisfied when he catches me uncomfortable while JJ wraps his arms around me. 
   JJ pulls me in for a kiss. His kisses were familiar, compassionate, and soft, and his hands held my waist just to keep me close like I’d leave. JJ’s hands are hooked to my waist as if I am going to leave. I kissed back lightly, not with so much meaning. 
   I pulled back. My head filled with the idea of Rafe’s hands touching the soft flesh of my waist, having my back arched while kissing him, his strong arms picking me up. Rafe’s callous yet lustful lips pressing to mine with such intensity had me wanting more. 
   I wanted his veiny hands curving my ass, his callous lips on every inch of my body. I wanted my hands tangled through his sweaty hair wishing to make scratches along his back my mind filled with him until it felt like a fever dream.
   Rafe is a sin that had me descending in his arms from above.
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beanghostprincess · 22 days
Transfem buggy anon, back at it again-
• the sanji bit threw two thoughts into my head and it's both the "I love women (romantic)" thing and "i love women (trans)" thing.
Romantic: Sanji starts off all laughing at the overdramaric misery of his friends being step-clowns (new insult courtesy of him), but then, as he's serving Robin and Nami some snacks, he catches sight of the loose papers pile. He offers to assist with organizing it so Robin can enjoy her book and Nami can enjoy her newspaper and drink. They graciously accept, and he takes his place there with a smile, begins sorting them between fliers and bounties.
Then he finds a certain article.
That Article.
The One That Trash Talked Buggy For Being Trans.
Oh that shit is NOT gonna fly. Sanji is livid. Not only is that just.... mean, but he may have been in his own variant of ""hell"" on the okama island, but he met so many people between his training, and there's nothing WRONG with it. Women are women and women deserve RESPECT, damn it!!
Then, as he's frothing, he finds a bounty - updated since her coming out, name still the same, amount still higher than most expect, but the picture is changed.
He doesn't even realize his nose is bleeding until a drop falls on the paper.
Poor Sanji has to play off the heart flutters and face flush and nosebleed as sheer Respect Women Juice Induced Anger and not a flutter crush on a clown.
Nobody believes him but he still gives it the old college try.
It only really "comes out" as it were when the crews wind up meeting. Luffy is immediately tucking himself into Buggy's personal space with big smiles and bigger laughter, wrapping around his auntie-mom happily. She huffs but let's him cling, a sign enough on its own that she isn't all that bothered. And the eye roll, the half smile, the gruff hair ruffle-
Oh poor Sanji is gone. He is swooning, is spinning, is presenting a snack and affirmations. The other Strawhats are rolling their eyes, casual flippancy, fond exasperation.
Crocodile and Mihawk are Processing, Buggy is flustered and astounded, and it winds up bringing out a slight possessive streak in the two dark haired former warlords and it is HILARIOUS.
Trans route:
Sanji gets SUCH gender envy, and things go fairly similar to the above, but they wind up actually becoming something really soft and sweet with Sanji carefully hedging questions and Buggy just going "due are you a fucking dumbass, your crew loves you, they'd defend you to the ends of the world, they'd never be mad that you're a woman"
Sanji: I'm trans.
Ussop: oh I'm nonbinary! Neat!!
Nami, a lesbian: I AM THRIVING
Luffy: mmm good food
Anyway yeah that's it and ai am soft for Sanji and Buggy becoming friends or at the very least Awkward Friends.
And if anyone has a moment of "weird crush on a friend's relative", it would totes be Sanji and him having a moment of "Oh my seas it's a Stacy's mom deal, but it's luffy's clown mom-aunt-frenemy, fUCK-!!!"
Buggy's just flattered regardless and thinks it's kinda cute, she too had a puppy crush on someone older when she was a kid-
HIIII <333
Honestly, Sanji falling for fem!Buggy makes sense because fem!Buggy is just-- She is stunning. Gorgeous. Perfect. The only reason why she isn't transfem canonically is that it would be too much for this world to handle. And of course, Sanji, being the lover of women he is, would absolutely fall for her. Who wouldn't???? Sanji wants to die a little bit after the realization, though. If Luffy and Zoro ever find out, he won't be able to deal with the embarrassment.
AND!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trans Sanji <333 Transfem Sanji??? Genderqueer Sanji??? My favorite is honestly Genderfluid Sanji but the point here is they find out thanks to Buggy and it's the most unexpected thing in the world. Hilarious, even. The whole crew accepts them though because they're all queer. Like there is no way there's someone allo/cis/hetero in that ship.
I agree wholeheartedly btw Sanji is SO the type to fall for a friend's relative. Maybe that's why I love Sabosan,,, And Acesan,,, So much,,,, Mmmm. It just makes sense.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 10 months
A Perfect Blend of Me and You
A little Dad!Jack fluff to start the weekend! I’m obsessed with writing about him right now 🥰
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Brooklyn had been in the world no more than 24 hours and Jack was head over heels in love. In his biased opinion, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on, mostly because he thought she looked just like you. She had a head full of silky hair, a tiny, perfect nose, and big brown eyes that were seeing the world for the first time; all things he found so beautiful in you. He was in awe that something so gorgeous and tiny could be the result of the greatest love of his life.
“Hey, you.” You opened your eyes, giving Jack a small smile when you saw him standing by the window with Brooklyn in his arms. “Everything okay?” You rubbed your eyes, shifting to your side in your hospital bed.
“Everything’s fine. How do you feel?” You sat up as Jack walked up to you, handing you Brooklyn so you could nurse. “I feel good. Thank you for letting me sleep for a few hours.” Jack placed a kiss on your forehead. “Come sit next to me.” You made room for Jack to sit next to you on the bed, his arm naturally draping around your shoulders.
“You were amazing. I honestly don’t know how you did it.”
You chuckled, brushing your finger across Brooklyn’s nose. “I don’t either. I’m glad you were by my side. I don’t think I could have done it without you.” Jack grabbed your hand, kissing your knuckles. “I’m so proud of you.”
Brooklyn stirred, pulling away, her eyes immediately fluttering closed. You handed her back to Jack, leaning against his shoulder, your eyes heavy from exhaustion. He propped her up in his arms so both of you had a perfect view of her.
“She’s beautiful, just like her mama. She looks just like you.” Jack gave you a gentle smile, making you blush.
“You think so? I think she looks a lot like you.”
“No way. She’s got your hair, your big brown eyes, your perfect lips.”
“But I think she’s going to have your beautiful curly hair, and your cute nose.”
“You think so?” Jack’s heart swelled at the thought that his daughter was going to have some of his features. “Yes, and I hope that she has some of your personality as well. Your kindness, your big heart, your sense of humor.”
You heard a soft knock at the door, Clay peeking his head through the doorway. “Can we come in?”
“Of course.” Maggie and Brian followed Clay into the room, all three cooing over Brooklyn as they sat down. “She’s so beautiful, Y/N.” Maggie sniffled, her tears starting the minute she got the text that Brooklyn had arrived. “How are you feeling?”
“Really good, thank you for asking.” You noticed Clay inching closer and closer to Brooklyn, his hands behind his back. “Do you want to hold her, Clay?”
“Oh, no. She seems too fragile.” Clay whispered, backing away.
“I trust you. I would love for her to connect with you right away.”
“Sit over there, and I’ll hand her to you”, Jack directed his little brother. Maggie gave Clay a baby blanket to drape over his shoulder, and Jack gently placed her in his arms. “She’s so cute. Are you sure this is my brother’s child?” Clay joked, knowing Jack couldn’t retaliate in the moment.
“You’re lucky you’re holding my daughter, or I’d punch you.”
“I was just telling Jack I think she looks a lot like him. They have the same nose.”
“And the hair!”, Maggie exclaimed, “Jack had so much hair when he was born.” You grabbed Jack’s arm, squeezing it affectionately. “See, baby? I was bald as a baby, so she definitely gets the hair from you.”
Jack’s family spent a couple of hours with you, each one getting a chance to hold the first grandchild before they left for the evening. You were finally getting into a routine with Brooklyn, feeding her every two to three hours, and trying to get as much sleep as possible in between before you headed home tomorrow. You were tossing and turning in your sleep, not really able to get comfortable when you heard quiet sobbing coming from the corner where Jack was sitting. You looked around in a quick panic, thinking that something was wrong, relaxing when you saw Brooklyn sound asleep in her bassinet.
“Jack, are you okay?” Your voice was hoarse. “I’m sorry, baby, go back to sleep. I’m fine.” You could barely make out his face in the dark. “C'mere, baby.”
He slowly made his way over to you, sitting at the edge of the bed by your feet. His lashes were brimming with tears, the tip of his nose red. “Why are you crying?”
“I don’t know.” He rubbed his hands over his face, leaning his elbows on his thighs. “I’m scared that I’m going to do something wrong. I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want to worry you.” You pulled him over to you, hugging his waist as he leaned against you. “Baby, you can’t keep these things from me. I need to know when you feel like this so I can help you.”
“I’m supposed to protect my girls. I can’t do that if you doubt my ability to be a dad.”
“Hey. Look at me.” You lifted his head by the chin, grazing your thumb against his beard to soothe him. “I have never doubted that you would be an amazing dad. I’m scared too. I’ve never been a mom before, and I worry that I’m going to mess up all the time. The only reason I feel a little bit sure of myself is because I have you next to me. We lean on each other, and we’ll learn together.”
You pulled him in for a gentle kiss, Jack leaning his forehead against yours. “I love you so much, Y/N.” Both of you turned to Brooklyn when you heard her begin to cry. Jack stood up immediately. “I’ve got her.”
“Hi, Brookie. Are you hungry?” Jack kissed Brooklyn on the head, his daughter crying louder at his touch. “One thing we definitely know she has is your sense for dramatics.” Jack joked, making you giggle.
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catb-fics · 4 months
Skin to Skin (Dad Van)
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Words: 2k
No warnings just fluff for my Valentine’s countdown // Feeding your baby daughter for the first time 💗
Dad Van Masterlist Main Masterlist
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You'd never understood the concept of crying tears of happiness until now. Sweat-soaked and exhausted, your voice hoarse and dry and your muscles strained and weary, you gently cradled the precious and wondrously beautiful new life that was your baby daughter and you sobbed as you watched her through glassy eyes full of tears.
"She's perfect babe, just perfect. I can't believe it. You did so good... I can't believe that she's ours..."
Van's voice is tight and shaky as he loses the fight to hold back his own tears, wiping them away with the cuff of his shirt sleeve as they track down his cheeks. You wrench your eyes away from your perfect little miracle to look up at him, so much love flowing between you at that moment as you soak up the realisation that you're parents now, no longer just a couple but a family.
"She's beautiful Van. Just look at her. Look at her little nose... and lips... and fingers. Everything's so tiny! I think she has your features, she definitely has your eyes. I think she looks like you already."
You both look down again at the little bundle, all swaddled up in a blanket, big expressive eyes wide open and gazing up at you and it hits you then. This is just the beginning.
You'd thought the birth was the hard part but the visceral pain of labour had already started to dull the moment the midwife had checked over and weighed your daughter and placed her in your arms. The hard parts are up ahead, the sleepless nights and the new-mum worries, the realisation that not only have you both created a little human being but now you have to take care of her for the rest of your lives overwhelming you.
"Nah, she's too beautiful to look like me, she's gorgeous, just like her mummy. I'm so proud of you Y/N, you were amazing. I'm in absolute awe of you love."
His eyes glow with adoration as he looks between you both, slipping an arm around your shoulder as he snuggles in even closer to you on the hospital bed.
"I couldn't have done it without you," you tell him, resting your head his shoulder. "I love you."
"I love you too... so much," he mumbles into your hair, planting a soft kiss there before he turns his attention back to his little girl, leaning right over her, a fingertip gently running over the apple of her rosy cheek. "Hey there baby girl, I've been waiting so long to meet you... and here you are, more beautiful than I ever could've imagined."
She makes a soft gurgling cooing noise, stretching out a tiny arm, her hand coming to rest on Van's finger. He lets out a delighted chuckle as her small but perfectly formed fingers wrap around his fingertip.
"Look at that! Look at that Y/N! Hey sweetheart, I'm your daddy. I love you so much, me and your mummy love you more than anything. You wouldn't believe."
His voice cracks again as he fights back a fresh round of tears, fascinated and awed by this new life that you've both been blessed with. She blinks up at Van through her long lashes, squirming in your arms, turning her head towards his finger, tiny lips seeking as a small whimper arises.
"I think maybe she's hungry already," you observe. "She definitely takes after you! Are you hungry my little one?"
You shift on the bed, drawing down your nightdress and unclipping your maternity bra, uncertainty taking over as you awkwardly try to manoeuvre your daughter into the position you'd been shown in your ante-natal sessions.
"Are you okay? What can I do? Do ya want a pillow? Here... have one to prop up your arm," Van offers, fussing around you, concern in his eyes as he takes in your worried expression. "Can ya manage? Are ya comfy like that? Shall I get the midwife back?"
"No, no... just let me try," you insist. "It can't be that hard."
Surely it should be the most natural thing in the world? The female human body is literally designed to birth a child and feed and nurture it, but even so your head is full of countless stories you've read on baby blogs online about breast-feeding struggles. Your little girl latches on hungrily but then quickly pulls away, her whimpers growing stronger, her small fingers pawing at your skin.
"Shit... this is harder than it looks," you curse nervously, gathering your baby up in your arms to try switching sides, groans of frustration bursting from you as you struggle to get your positioning right. "Something's wrong, I'm not doing it right. I just can't seem to get it right!"
Your eyes flick up to meet Van's anxious expression but then quickly back down, not wanting him to see the hot tears that are brimming in your eyes. Tears of tiredness and worry and frustration this time.
"You're doing great babe, really... you are. We could just give her a bottle though... just this once... I'm sure it'd be fine..."
"No!" You cut him off bluntly, your voice coming sharper and with more force that you intend. His eyes widen and his face creases and you soften then, quickly checking yourself. "I didn't mean to snap," you explain. "You know I want to do this myself, it's really important to me. I just need a bit of time to get it right... that's all."
"Okay... okay... I just want to do as much as I can. I'm sure you'll be feeding her like a pro in no time though! You can do anything that you set your mind to... you'll see... you always do."
Van grins a warm encouragement, one hand gently stroking at the downy hair on your baby's head, the other smoothing down over your back. You both watch as her tiny lips latch on again, a surprisingly strong suction this time that makes you gasp. You look up at Van, a huge smile of triumph breaking out.
"She's doing it... she's actually doing it!" You whisper, excitedly but quietly lest you break the spell. Van looks back at you with pride and reverence in his eyes, shaking his head slightly like he still can't quite believe that the last tough ten hours of labour since you arrived at the hospital have just taken place.
He leans even closer, peering in wonder as he takes in the scene. "Just look at you both like that... look at her go! She's proper guzzling! S'fuckin' amazing innit?"
"Shh... no swearing, remember?" You gently scold him with a smirk. "Don't want her growing up foul-mouthed like her Daddy!" You're only joking and he knows it, breathing a quiet 'sorry love' in between a whispered laugh.
You're both silent then for a long moment, you leaning into Van's warm embrace, your daughter contentedly suckling at your body's wonderful nourishment, a picture perfect scene that you know will be imprinted in your memories forever.
"How's it feel anyway?" Van breaks the silence eventually, folding the neckline of your nightdress carefully back where it's fallen over your daughter's face.
"It's just... weird... feels weird... kinda strange..." You pause, searching for the right words, quickly adding "in a good way though... a really good way. It feels bloody amazing actually. I can't believe I'm actually doing it. I'm actually feeding our baby Van... our daughter... our little girl. Can you believe it?"
You break off into a delighted giggle, only distracted when the sensation of your baby suckling changes, looking down to see her tiny jaw slacken as her lips purse and pucker as she pulls away. A small trickle of milk pools in the corner of her mouth which you quickly wipe away with a muslin cloth.
"Oh my god look at her!" You laugh, watching her eyelids fluttering as she blinks up at you sleepily, looking almost dazed. "That's the exact same look you get when you've had too much to drink!"
"Milk-drunk!" Van sniggers, lifting his arm away from your shoulder as he shifts on the bed. "Must be good stuff! Not surprising really... considering where it's come from!"
You laugh, nudging him with your elbow lightly, then you set about propping your baby up on your lap, gently rubbing soothing circles on her back which elicits a tiny burp, smiling to yourself that you've already overcome such an important first milestone of motherhood.
You're so caught up on making gooey eyes at your daughter that you don't realise what Van's doing, but detecting movement out the corner of your eye prompts you to look around. To your surprise and puzzlement, Van's sitting there propped up against the headboard of the hospital bed unbuttoning his shirt. The first four buttons are already undone and he's starting on the fifth when you speak, stilling him momentarily.
"What on earth are you doing?"
"It's my turn now, c'mon pass her over," he smiles, popping open the last button and holding out his arms, his shirt falling open to reveal his bare chest.
You just stare at him, completely befuddled, wondering whether maybe he's been sneakily siphoning off some of the gas and air whilst your back's been turned. "C'mon," he urges. "Ya can't keep her all to yourself! I'm desperate to hold her!"
"Sure... sure..." you mumble, gathering up your precious little bundle and getting gingerly to your feet, wincing slightly as you shuffle over to Van. You stop, hovering over him whilst he looks at you expectantly, bursting with eagerness. "What's with stripping off though? I'm not being funny, but you haven't exactly got... the right equipment!"
He grins, shaking his head. "Course not love, but I'm just thinking about what the midwife said... you know, in the ante-natal classes. About how dads could get involved? Skin to skin or summat... s'posed to be a good way to bond."
"Oh... so you were listening then?" You tease good-naturedly, recalling all the daft jokes Van used to relentlessly crack during the sessions, no doubt a cover for the nervousness he'd never admit at the prospect of becoming a dad.
You can see it now, the slight tremble in his hands as you place your baby carefully in his outstretched arms, the gentle way he supports her head and tiny body like she's made of the finest china and he's frightened that she might break.
"Oh wow, she's so tiny... she's as light as a feather. And so, so beautiful... just perfect. How did we create something so perfect, eh?"
You hear him suck in a shaky breath which he blows out quickly, leaning back against the headboard and bringing his daughter closer to his body. He lifts her carefully and positions her so she's pressed flush to his chest, then he begins to untuck the blanket that's swaddled around her, delicately pulling it free.
"Look at you... all wrapped up like a little burrito!" He chuckles. "C'mon sweetheart, come and lie on daddy. Gonna take good care of you... you and your mum. I love you both so much."
He dips his head down to plant a small kiss on your baby's head and she makes a contented cooing sound, nuzzling into his bare chest. He's cradling her with one hand, the other stroking soft, soothing circles on her back. You feel your heart swell with emotion watching the two of them together, your precious little girl so serene and comforted, the way Van looks down at her so dotingly and protective.
"Thank you Y/N," he murmurs, voice a little choked as he looks up, meeting your eyes which again are brimming with tears of emotion, his own looking glossy too.
"For what?"
He smiles, warm and genuine. "For making me so happy. Don't think I've ever felt this happy before... ever."
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robinuntamed · 4 months
“You mean, would I have done it for you?” Lan Zhan asked with this hurt look in his eyes, and Wei Wuxian wished to have swallowed his tongue whole.
“No! No, no, nothing like that. That’s just stupid. All this hypothetical business is rubbish anyway, I know that—”
Even worse, this soft thing his face should not physically be able to do without shifting a single cun. “Wei Ying. I would give you my core.”
Ah, well. Hmm. No, there was no chance to process that. The worst part about life two was maybe how un-flustereably sweet Lan Zhan turned out to be: Wei Wuxian suspected he may have always been sweet, under the solid layer of embarrassment. Now there wasn’t even that.
“Shameless,” he managed, croakily.
Lan Zhan just looked at him. He didn’t move his lips, but he was smiling. “My life is Wei Ying’s,” he declared simply. “My body. My—” stopped only when Wei Wuxian’s hand was on his vexingly-gorgeous mouth.
“All right! All right. It was a stupid question and I’m a stupid man, we get it. Please, Lan Zhan, I can’t bear any more.”
“You will bear it,” the fiend said, after pressing an unfair tiny kiss to his palm.
“Mercy,” Wei Wuxian whined. His chest was too tight for all of this. For all this Lan Zhan, soft and lovely in the evening light, every line of him in blinding, overwhelming harmony. The room was beautiful, the best Jinlintai had to offer, and still seemed a crude backdrop; Lan Zhan was grace itself.
“Mm,” came his concession, or perhaps his refusal, since he pressed another kiss to the hand he would not release, then another.
“Lan Zhan. Lan—Zhan! Lan Zhan, stop, stop it, unless you’d like a puddle of melted Wei Wuxian and it’s going to ruin your nice robes and probably get sticky in your hair and Lan Zhan are you even listening?”
He wasn’t, clearly, although he did this thing with his shoulders that signified laughter, and Wei Wuxian did melt, just, his whole chest gone writhing and slippery and helpless, he was so entirely helpless against this. The only enemy the fearsome Yiling Laozu couldn’t match. And in fact, the battle was getting much fiercer, and unimaginably dirty:
“Lan Zhan, that tickles! Stop, stop, you magnificent arsehole, ah, ha, that, stop, stop, I beg you!”
Stopped only to give him this puzzled look. Something in his tone must have registered. “Did I upset Wei Ying?”
“No,” helpless, rubbing his useless eyes. How to explain this ever-raging storm in his blood of I want to make the whole world yours, and that would still not be enough? “No, Lan Zhan, you're just… perfect.”
He tilted his head the tiniest of angles, suddenly transforming into something so serious it scratched inside Wei Wuxian’s throat. “Not perfect,” Lan Zhan said, as if to make a point. He was mad.
“Huh?” nose scrunching when—he didn’t frown, but—“Lan Zhan. Come here.” Taking his face in two hands, his beautiful, impossible face, which still didn’t move and now was inconsolably, irreparably sad? What the actual hell? Wei Wuxian did that sometimes, said the wrong thing and caused this mini-avalanche, this earthquake which threatened everything good. But he wasn’t even talking about himself this time. What did he say to make Lan Zhan sad?
How dare he make the world’s most perfect man—ah.
Idiot, idiot, idiot. Wei Wuxian could strangle himself if his hands weren’t holding something much more precious. Pressing tighter: “Silly creature. Lan Zhan, let me promise you, the standards for perfection are vastly different between yours and the rest of the known world, but neither matter. You don’t need to be perfect.”
“I know.”
Yeah, he would, wouldn't he. “You may know it here,” Wei Wuxian said, as gently as he could, and kissed right above the bridge of his nose. “I think you might forget it elsewhere. Lan Zhan, you’re everything I could ever want. No, you’re far more than that.”
Slow, cautious blinking: fuck, Wei Wuxian really put his foot in his mouth this time. Lan Zhan looked afraid. Had he not—stupid, stupid Wei Wuxian, has he not been clear enough? Did he not do his best to reassure this miracle of a man that… he should be spending every second of every minute of every hour of every day solely on—
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan said. His voice was so deep and so familiar that it settled him, even when it shouldn’t have.
“Lan Zhan,” heartbroken, “you know that I…”
He placed his hands over Wei Wuxian’s. “I know.”
“No, listen. This is important. You know that I—”
“Wei Ying,” softly, “I know.”
“Will you let me speak, you gorgeous arse. Listen. You’re the only reason I—”
“Wei Ying.”
Shaking him: “Stop interrupting and listen. You’re all that matters to me. I would work every day for the rest of my life to be worthy of you and I know I would never be; I would spend every moment on providing you every shred of happiness; I would go to the ends of the earth with a smile.”
Lan Zhan looked at him for the longest moment, then said, “Mm.”
“Mm? That’s all you have to say for yourself? Silly thing, did you listen? Do you get it now? Do you understand how breathtaking and crucial and—”
“I understand,” the bastard cut him off, the edge of his nose brushing Wei Wuxian’s. “My answer remains the same.”
“Your answer?”
The tiniest quirk of his lips, managing to look exasperated and disastrously fond: “Mm.”
“What answer? What are you even on about? Did I ask you a question? Honestly, sometimes you old men do drone on and on when something so simple can be said instead, and…” Wei Wuxian realised he was panicking, had no idea why.
“You asked,” Lan Zhan said.
He made this face, half fiendish and half bashful, all devastating, and pulled away the tiniest bit until his one blurry eye became definite two. He was the dearest thing in the whole world, so much was true: he was beautiful, and perfect only in the ways that mattered, in the shape of his face under Wei Wuxian’s palms and the burst of never-ending affection that would ruin Wei Wuxian’s life. Running a helpless finger over full, red lips, rejoicing in the trembliness of it, of this joy. Lan Zhan truly was a miracle, and he was looking right at him so, so seriously.
“I would give Wei Ying my core.”
Wei Wuxian could only shut him up with a kiss.
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alleiwentcrazy · 1 year
“This is painful. It hurts. The idea alone makes me wanna puke. Remind me, why do I have to deal with this?”
“Because you wanted to be a rockstar?” Chrissy asks, not unkindly, and Eddie is stunned for a second. She is… well, she’s right. He wanted to be a star. Share his music, ideas and dreams with thousands of people – it’s true. Everything about it is!
It just never occurred to him that in this fucked up world, everything is also about business. You can’t make art or share your ideas and reach other people without promoting it first, but everything about “going viral” disgusts (scares?) Eddie a bit. He doesn’t want to purposefully hype anything. It’s in fact one of the reasons why he wrote the song and decided that it should be released on the most capitalistic of holidays, Valentine’s Day.
And now, because he wants people to hear it, he has to promote it. Oh, how the tables have turned.
“Chris… Are you sure there’s no other way? It’s hypocritical,” he whines, sour expression transferring into his tone.
“That’s what the team has decided. I tried to tell them that you didn’t want this, but you know how it is. You have a nice idea, but the label has a different idea. In the end, it’s their decision.”
Eddie grimaces. “We’re just here to deliver.”
“I’m sorry, Eddie,” she replies, genuine, and Eddie immediately feels guilty.
“No, don’t. It’s not your fault, I’m being a jerk. Though, you said you were the one who found this guy, right?”
“Yes,” she responds. There’s an edge to her voice, something that makes Eddie sit a bit straighter, like he’s about to receive a punch. “But please, Eddie, be nice to him. It’s only one photoshoot. I couldn’t find anyone else on such short notice.”
Eddie frowns. He always makes sure to be nice to anyone who’s working with him, and Chrissy knows that. They’d both worked in customer service together before Corroded Coffin made it anywhere. “What are you talking about? Why wouldn’t I be nice?”
“Just—” he can practically hear her pinch the bridge of her nose. “You’ll see. And have at least a bit of fun! I’ll see you after.”
Before Eddie gets to say anything, she’s already gone. He stares at his phone with a frown. Well. That was something.
He sighs and looks out of the window. Like Chrissy said, it’s only one photoshoot. Eddie wrote a song about how you can buy practically anything now, but you have to pay the price for it. Then he themed it with Valentine’s Day, plastic flowers and plastic love, and now he has to pose with a random guy he doesn’t know, play lovey-dovey make-believe and act like it doesn’t go against everything he believes in. He hopes, at least, that it’s going to be as satirical as possible.
First thing he notices about the set itself is how dauntingly normal it looks. Well, besides the angry pink background. That’s unsettling, Eddie thinks—but aside from that, it’s almost boring.
“Oh, you’re here. Good to see you, man.”
Eddie whips his head around and smiles. Jonathan Byers hasn’t changed a bit since they last saw each other.
“You too,” he shakes Jonathan’s hand with a grin before gesturing vaguely around the set. “So, what’s the plan for that?”
Jonathan’s face isn’t too enthusiastic. “Maybe I’ll explain when we’re all—”
Eddie blinks, very slowly, not sure if he’s really seeing what he’s seeing.
The model he’s supposed to work with is gorgeous, simple fact. His face is handsome and the gentle smile he’s wearing only adds to it – another fact. His wiry glasses make his eyes pop in a way that’s physically indescribable – third fact. Lastly—gods help him. The guy’s longish hair is more blond than highlights, and Eddie has no idea if that’s how they were supposed to turn out, but it looks just perfect in combination with his pink sweater and blue jeans. Only the moles on his cheeks and neck make Eddie frown a bit—both because they make him insanely handsome instead of just handsome and because they remind Eddie of someone. He just can’t recall the name.
“Well, speak of the devil,” Jonathan says when the guy stops next to them. “Hello Steve.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, feeling very out of place. “You two know each other?”
Jonathan and the guy—Steve—exchange glances. They both squint a little and smile awkwardly, like they know something that Eddie should know, too, but he’s being the stupid kid of the bunch.
“I mean…” Steve says, his eyes never leaving Jonathan’s face until the very last word. “Don’t we all know each other?”
This time, Eddie is stunned enough to take a step back. He’s also confused enough to frown. Surely, he’d remember this guy if they’d worked with each other before, right? And damn, why is he getting all philosophical now? Don’t we all know each other—is this some kind of metaphor? About humanity and shit?
Weird silence stretches out while Eddie’s mulling this over inside his head, knowing well that he looks stupid, but unable to stop the train of thought. Jonathan and Steve exchange another glance, clearly deciding not to continue with the conversation.
Eddie feels misplaced. Because, yeah, on stage? He’s free. He’s an animal. He can do whatever he wants, however he wants it. He has nothing to lose, nothing to prove – he’s there to be himself. Same goes for when he’s with people he trusts, or with people whose trust he wants to earn. He will do anything to make them more comfortable than they’ve ever been.
Whereas put him into one mildly awkward social situation and his brain will stop working, especially if there’s someone really attractive on the other side of said social situation. He can flirt if he wants to, but half of the time it comes out odd and misplaced, so he hardly ever tries.
Especially with guys like Steve.
“Alright,” Jonathan says, finally, and Eddie shakes his unease off. “No time to waste, let me tell you what they want from us.”
Jonathan tells them alright. With every sentence, Eddie’s eyes grow larger, until he’s sure they’re about to fall out of their sockets. This is not what he was hoping for.
“No. No, I disagree,” he says immediately after Jonathan’s done speaking. “Not a chance! It goes against—Wait, is that why we’re dressed like that?” He points at the clothes he and Steve are wearing. Steve’s look expensive, they’re well-fitted, colorful and bubbly, while Eddie looks like he took a dive into a trashcan—not that he’s too mad about the tears or the off-brand shirt and jacket, he’d wear that himself, but in this context they just piss him off. Jonathan shrugs, holding up the camera with the most helpless expression Eddie has ever seen.
“It’s not my favorite scenario either, but that’s what they told me to do. Do you have any other ideas?”
Eddie stays silent for a second. He peers at Steve, who looks solemn, but not too distraught.
“Are you okay with that? It’s quite, you know. Stereotypical. And mean. And it’s the premise’s long-lost cousin, at best.”
Steve shrugs. His face is almost unreadable. “That’s what they’re paying me for. I guess we have to do it, unless you have a better idea.”
Eddie grits his teeth. No, he really doesn’t.
“Let’s get this circus going,” he breathes out.
Surprisingly, although it appears that they both at least dislike the idea, the photoshoot itself goes smoothly. Jonathan takes the separate photos first and Eddie hates everything about it, but watching Steve do the silly faces cheers him up a bit. He can stand ABBA playing in the background (lie—Eddie actually likes ABBA himself, but no one has to know that) if it means that Steve is going to be smiling like that for the rest of their workday.
They’re eating lunch when Eddie realizes that the difficult part is about to begin. How is he supposed to fake-flirt with a person he’d like to real-flirt with, but he doesn’t have the capacity to flirt at all in the first place?
“I’ll give you five more minutes and we have to get going, guys,” Jonathan tells them. Eddie glances at Steve and Steve glances back at him with an uneasy smile. They’re both nervous.
They can’t be nervous. They’re supposed to be—act like lovers. It can’t stay this tense.
Eddie looks around. There’s an open box of heart-shaped chocolates on the table. He takes one of them and makes his last-ditch effort to relieve the tension. “Hey, Steve,” he says, and before Steve even manages to assess the situation properly, he throws the chocolate in the air haphazardly, “catch!”
The second he does it, he starts to regret it. Only Eddie Munson could get an idea this stupid and—and then Steve just dives forward, roughly in the direction of the falling candy, clutches the table for some stability and catches the chocolate in his mouth without fail.
Eddie stares at him in awe.
“Man,” he says, a big grin slowly growing on his lips, “that was so fucking cool. How did you do that?”
Steve chews the chocolate with a tight-lipped smile and speaks from behind his hand. “My best friend trained me to do that. When we worked together in customer service. We were the laziest employees imaginable, we spent half of the time doing stupid shit like throwing peanuts at each other until we got it right.”
Eddie’s rendered speechless. His shocked smile is so big it feels like his cheeks are starting to crack. “You’re kidding. How many tricks do you know?”
Steve shakes his head and laughs shortly. There’s so much joy glistening in his eyes it makes Eddie feel something. “Too many,” he replies. “As I said, we weren’t diligent workers by any means,” his eyes go wide for a second. “Not that, uh—not that I’m lazing my way through the day now—”
“Don’t worry, man,” Eddie replies, reclining in his chair. “I’m not your boss. And I have a history of lazing my way through basically everything, so…” he stops mid-sentence, catching Jonathan’s eye. “Nevermind. I think we have to get going.”
“Oh,” Steve looks over at their photographer and then back at Eddie. His face is grave, but there’s no trace of the usual curiosity Eddie sees immediately after exposing even a sliver of his past to a stranger. Either Steve really doesn’t care about Corroded Coffin at all or he has the least self-serving soul of all people.
They stare at each other for a second, and Eddie smiles first. He’s still a bit nervous, but it’s much better now. Steve’s just a person—and a really good one, it seems. When he smiles back and stands up, Eddie doesn’t try to postpone the moment any longer.
Actually, it turns out that they’re able to work in almost perfect sync. Everything goes smoothly and Jonathan seems to be genuinely excited about some of the shots, which surprises Eddie to the core, but whatever. Maybe they’re just good enough.
It’s just—the awkward tension is gone, yes. But there’s something entirely different in the air now, and Eddie doesn’t know how to go around it, exactly.
They stare into each other’s eyes and it’s not weird, even though it should be. Eddie laughs and he doesn’t even have to think about anything funny to laugh honestly, because Steve mumbles something unhinged every few minutes to keep him entertained. Their knees bump under the table – it’s not in the frame, but it doesn’t really matter. Their fingers brush when they both reach for the grapes, and it’s not even staged, it just happens.
Eddie’s baffled. He’s not uncomfortable, he’s not weirded out, Steve seems equally fine. There’s still some nervousness about them, but it’s more like—like a natural reaction. When he realizes that he would like to do it again in a more serious manner, it takes him aback. Eddie doesn’t do crushes.
Steve spots the change in Eddie’s attitude. When he finally manages to catch his eye, there’s a barely noticeable frown on his face. Everything’s alright? he mouths, leaning forward. Eddie immediately straightens his back to keep the distance, not ready for more proximity, and—oh. Oh, well. Maybe he does crushes after all.
“Alright,” Jonathan says, taking one last photo of them. “We’ll be wrapping up, I think. You can take a break if you want.”
There’s probably something more after that, but Eddie doesn’t have a chance to hear it. He nods at Steve half-heartedly and leaves the studio in haste. He needs a smoke.
He dodges the security successfully and finds his way outside. When the cold air hits his face, he immediately lights up a cigarette.
He’s so overwhelmed. This is—all of this, really, it’s just so stupid. It was supposed to be one photoshoot. Did Chrissy really have to find the cutest, nicest guy for him to work with? She knows him. She should have known better. He should have known better—he should have distanced himself the second he noticed how his heart quickened for the first time.
He doesn’t do crushes, not anymore. Especially when it comes to cute guys he’s never going to meet again.
Eddie’s frying up his brain with another cigarette and a whole lot of unnecessary thoughts when the door opens up behind him.
“Hi,” Steve says, fixing up his beanie. Blond strands fall over his face and forehead. He’s still wearing glasses. “Jonathan said that we’re done. He has everything he needs.”
Eddie hums, looking at him over his shoulder. Steve shoves his hands into his pockets. Eddie cringes inwardly; it’s awkward again.
“I love stealing from sets too. Best part of the experience,” he tries, not sure how to salvage the moment. Steve looks at him in genuine confusion, so Eddie points at his imaginary glasses. Steve opens his mouth and pushes his glasses further up his nose.
“Oh, no. They’re mine. I can’t see shit without them,” he counters, the glasses fogging up as he speaks.
Great, Eddie thinks. So he is cute like that on a daily basis. Great. Great.
He squishes the cigarette with his shoe. He wishes it was his stupid, overly eager heart instead.
“So, my Uber is here.”
Eddie looks over at him again. God, this is really awkward now. Steve looks like he’s waiting for something, but Eddie doesn’t know what to say.
“It was nice working with you,” he utters and barely holds back a grimace. Where is his bravado when he needs it?
Steve casts his eyes downwards and Eddie’s sure he’s never seen anything more miserable in his life. They nod at each other, smile and wave, and Steve leaves—all that without even exchanging a glance.
When he’s finally alone, Eddie punches the wall with the side of his fist. Fucking hell. Sometimes he wishes he was just a regular person, someone who knows how to interact with other people.
You can treat this as a silly little oneshot, or if you're interested, you can check out extended version with another part here, bc I'm posting both at the same time! Happy Valentine's Day people, I hope your chocolate tastes great today <333
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railroad-migraine · 1 year
Hi! If you're taking requests, I would love headcanons of how the members of Bells Hells would celebrate their s/o's birthday, as it's my birthday today ^^ thanks 💞
This has a bonus character at the end so keep an eye out for them 👀 enjoy and hbd cutie 💜
~ Poet
Bell's Hells (+bonus member) Celebrating Their S/O's Birthday 🎉
Ashton 💙
It's surprisingly cold out, so they wrap you up in one of their oversized heavy jackets and whisks you away to the market. It's a comforting weight, and it makes you both feel giddy and mischievous for the day ahead. Ashton brings you to a tacky general store full of useless trinkets and unusual items, let's you browse through the aisles to your heart's content. Purchases you one really expensive thing that caught your eye at a better quality shop, and manages to swipe a few cheaper knickknacks from vendors who give you grumpy attitudes on your special day. Holds your hand and kisses you stupid every chance he has, insistent and teasing.
Chetney 💙
You can't seem to find Chet at breakfast, which slightly dampens your mood while the rest of the party chime in and wish you a good birthday. You spend the day indulging yourself as you see fit - snacking on treats and buying that magical item you wanted, but it's a little lonely. That is until you hear a running and a shriek behind you, and the gnome almost knocks you off your feet. He fumbles with something in his hand, nearly dropping it several times due to the splinters at his fingertips, and he spouts apologies of not seeing you earlier and excuses of attempting perfection. You're at a loss when he presents a beautfully carved ring, and can't help but pull him in for a tight hug, his arms curling around your neck.
Dorian 💙
You're woken up to ticklish and energetic kisses being pressed under your eyes and following the shape of your face, the slope of your nose and the apples of your cheeks. Dorian's smile can be heard in his tuneful humming - you don't even have to open your eyes to know that. He helps you dress into something new and a lil bit fancy for the occasion, cooing all about his plans for the day - your favourite dinner, a show, maybe drinks with the rest of the party followed by a stroll about the town, arm in arm with your cheek pressed to his shoulder. He serenades you throughout the day just to see you smile shyly, pulls out your chair and keeps your glass full, and playfully lifts spoonfuls of dessert to your lips only to steal a kiss after.
Fearne 💙
You think you're being smooched awake by a beautiful faun, but when you open your eyes it's in fact Little Mister who is nibbling on your nose with a happy chirp. You laugh and huddle up with the familiar for a little longer until Fearne finds you both and joins the cuddle pile, giving you a proper kiss. She places a crown woven of flowers and ribbons on your head, adjusts it here and there until she deems it perfect before she declares you gorgeous and orders you to get ready for a day of shenanigans. This includes going to fancy boutiques and trying on shirts, dresses, scarves, hats etc. (and casually walking out without paying), sight seeing around town and sharing the most scrumptious and tooth-rottingly sweet cupcakes you can find.
Imogen 💙
She storms into your bedroom at the crack of dawn, gears you up in comfortable trousers and boots. Your eyes are still bleary from sleep and it's dark outside, but you have no choice but to wake up a bit and wrap your arms around Imogen's middle tightly when she commands her horse to take off at a very sudden and fast pace. You find yourself laughing, her hair tickling your face as the world whips by you, the horse ride so invigorating and spontaneous to start your day. Eventually, you settle down with a makeshift picnic-breakfast on a hill under a tree, cuddled up as the sun rises. She has your head in her lap and trails her finger so lightly across your face in little motions that you end up dozing off.
Laudna 💙
She perches at the foot of your bed with an almost nervous energy while you unwrap her present. You smile down at the package and begin to peel the parchment away reverently while she patiently watches. Just as Laudna insists it's nothing special, you softly gasp and lift up the handmade doll from the paper - with woolen hair styled in such a familiar way, and button eyes that match your own, the figure is undoubtedly an imitation of yourself. Scraps of cloth have been lovingly stitched together to resemble your signature armour and robes, and Laudna squeals with happiness when you launch yourself at her and fall to the floor. She scrambles for Pâté and Sashimi, who both greet and promise your doll a fun day is in store their fun-scary friend.
Orym 💙
He's planned you a party. Not a grand social event to rival that of lords and princes, but a party nonetheless with your favourite people in attendence. There's food and music and dancing, a roaring fire and friendly faces. Orym somehow managed to get in contact with some of your family and allies from before joining Bell's Hells, and even if they couldn't make it, he has their birthday messages and letters wrapped in a box for you to read once the day is over. He wipes the most delicious cake crumbs and frosting away from the corner of your mouth when he sits down at your side at the head of the table, eyes shining with so much warmth and affection you just about melt.
BONUS: Lord Ariks Eshteross 💙
You wake up in the early hours of the morning to so many wonderful smells oh my god. There's rummaging and clattering of bowls and utensils downstairs that you 100% know is coming from the kitchen, and as you slip out of bed and throw on a robe, you notice a small little present on your bedside table. Lord Ariks spoils you with a hot drink waiting at your table setting, sugary pastries and bitesize cakes, and fondly presses his lips to your knuckles when you join him for breakfast.
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beewithknee · 8 months
of submission and relaxation
redactober day 8
(/lh) for all my sub/switch anton deniers:
and you’re telling me that after a long day at ETS, making decisions and fixing everything
that the poor man doesn’t wanna lay down?
let someone else make decisions for him?
be pampered?
be taken care of instead of DOING the taking care of???
Like he’d come home, strip and collapse into bed.
His Love would glide their hands along his chest and face, admiring their gorgeous partner.
“May I touch you?” they always check, because some night he can’t bear it. Guilt and shame eating away at his soul. Some nights he needs to be help and gently reminded why they love him, who he is, and the good that he’s putting out into the world.
He nods, head tilting for a kiss. They allow it, lips meeting gently.
Their warm hands slide down his thighs, kneading at the softness there. Light hairs cover his legs and they adore the way he looks under them.
Peeling off his boxers, they nuzzle at him. His soft cock immediately begins to chub. His scent is thick and heady, beautifully him.
His hand goes to their head.
“Anton. Move that hand again, and I’ll tie it to the headboard. Keep them by your sides for me, baby.” He moves back, fingers tangling in the sheets.
“Good boy.” It has him groaning, head flinging backwards. In the back of his brain, he knows two words shouldn’t affect him.
But with his Love between his thighs, mouth tantalisingly close to his cock, the words go straight to his core.
“Please.” His voice cracks and his cheeks flush. It’s embarrassing. It’s perfect. The control is out of his hands.
His wellbeing placed into the care of someone he knows will treasure it.
They move, licking a long stripe up his cock. Anton’s already leaking, precum salty on their tongue.
Digging into his slit, they watch on fondly as he contorts.
The way his eyebrows furrow and his breaths quicken turns them on far too much to be acceptable.
“Ah, my love. Please, don’t tease. I’ve been craving you-” A whimper cuts his words as they take him down.
Their nose hits his pelvis, throat constricting around the length. His hands flex in the sheets, still listening to their command.
It’s his gospel.
They hum around him, just to see the way his thighs jump.
They move one hand into his own, knowing in that state Anton requires more reassurance and care.
They bob, constricting their throat and lips to give him the most pleasure. Their partner responds beautifully, eyes squeezing shut and moans tumbling from parted lips.
“Oh fuck. I’m so close love. Please” He whines, chest heaving.
Mercy is something they were never good at, but having such a strong man fall beneath them makes them give a little.
They squeeze his hand twice.
He keens, back arching and cock sliding into their throat. Humming they breath through their nose and let him stay there until he’s finished.
Swallowing his cum, they pull off his softening length. “Good job baby. So perfect.”
The kiss tastes of both of them, and Anton has never felt happier.
“Thank you. I needed that. You are so incredible.” He pants, eyes glazed and fluttering.
Shifting, they wrap around each other. Limbs sprawled and tangled. Hearts beating for each other.
“I love you.”
“I love you too” That’s the last he hears before the world goes syrupy.
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dearabby1990 · 1 month
Chapter 6: I wanna show you something
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The van starts to slow down as you try and take in some surroundings as to where he’s taken you. Pulling over the side of a dirt road he turns off the engine. Turning to you to smile taking in you & the sight of the moonlight upon your face he offers you his hand. “Trust me?” he asks you tilt your head and smile “sure why not” Eddie runs to the passenger side to open the door for you stepping out into the night breeze shutting the door behind you Eddie takes your hand and turns back to you “You ready?..” you nod in response before you can take a second to think what he could possibly be up to he’s taking off running with you in tow into a field you decide on kicking off your sandals to keep up as he pulls you along through a field of wildflowers. Giggling and running with each other as the ground below tickles your feet you’ve never felt more alive then you do in this moment so carefree & with the most gorgeous man in the world nothing could make this more perfect. Stopping at a small clearing you noticed a flannel blanket already laid out with a book and a bottle of wine to the side. Eddie looks at you with such a look of admiration the moonlight lighting his face in the most magical way making him look like an angel come to earth just for you. “I figured I’d take you to one of my favorite places I come here to be alone sometimes something about the stars here just makes your problems feel so small when you’re looking up at what beauty the night sky has to offer.. not as beautiful as you that’s for sure but a close second now come lay with me & let’s just take in everything” you smile you can’t believe how sweet he is you would’ve never guessed he was the type to even show emotion let alone have it radiating off him. You both lay on the blanket your head nestled in the crook of his shoulder gazing up at the constellations 🌌 when suddenly a shooting star streaks it’s way across the night sky you both gasp in shock & excitement. “Make a wish princess make it a good one” you both close your eyes making a wish not realizing you both made a similar one. But you both don’t say because you know it’s bad luck to do so. Giggling drinking wine and speaking of life and music Eddie introduces you to one of his favorite books the hobbit & pulls out an extra blanket for you both covering you both from the chill. He reads you chapter after chapter you could stay like this forever. Before you both know it the sun is starting to rise you both sit up not wanting to miss the beautiful sky with hues of pink and orange turning to smile at each other you place your hand over Eddie’s locking your fingers with his. Eddie rests his forehead against yours before leaning in to touch his lips on yours fitting together like 2 pieces to a puzzle. You both melt into each other his hands cupping your face while one of your hands makes its way through his beautiful hair and the other against his chest where you feel his heart pounding almost as if you both are beating in sync like your hearts are drumming the same song of love and longing. Parting for some air he looks you in your eyes noses touching “I never want to this to ever end will you… go out with me.. again??..” you smile resting your arms around his neck “Eddie I’ll go out with you everyday if that’s what you want” he smiles and lays you down onto the blanket snuggling into your neck whispering sweet nothings in your ear you don’t think you could ever get enough of this enough of him. Like a drug your addicted to him in every way his smile his eyes his scent you wanna drown in him for as long as he’ll have you in the back of your head your insecurities start to creep telling you that he’s too good for you & that you’ll never be enough for him especially if he wanted to get more intimate in the future you didn’t even like being naked alone let alone in front of someone. You’re not virgin but with the experience you did have wasn’t one you’d cherish that’s for sure. You were taken to prom as a joke by the captain of the baseball team not knowing he had a bet with his teammates…
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A better Potter
Little story for my favorite boy's birthday tomorrow: James Potter. I would literally die for him. Enjoy!
The sensation was fenomenal. James felt at the top of the world. His team had won the game. The score had been perfect. And the crowd had exploded with claps and cheers. They were even doing a standing ovation.
"James! James! James! James!" they were roaring for him "James! James! James! James!"
James was in shock observing the beauty of the red and gold colors in the crowd. They were wild and so happy. Go Gryffindor! James felt incredible that all those people were clapping for him, at him. It was wonderful.
"Good job, Captain!!" Rick Stevens exclaimed squeezing James' shoulder "You're the best!"
James smirked "Cheers"
"PRONGSIE!!" Sirius jumped to hug James as well "I can't believe we won!!"
"I know Padsie!" James exclaimed grabbing his friend's face "The Hogwarts Rugby Cup!!"
Sirius frowned "No... This is the Premiership!"
Woow that was surely better!! And somehow it made sense on James' brain.
"All thanks to our great captain" Sirius winked.
James smiled.
"I surely did a great job" James nodded.
"Hey, James..." Marlene approached as well. She looked very happy "I have to admit you are the best Captain this team has ever had"
"Oh cheers, Marly" It was weird because Marlene rarely complimented him, but this felt nice.
"And if it wasn't weird because I consider you my brother, I would snog you right now"
James raised an eyebrow.
"James is actually an extraordinary snogger" And suddenly Mary was right there next to Marlene "And so handsome"
Marlene nodded "I completely agree"
James didn't understand what was going on. But he wasn't complaining. He liked the praising.
"And..." Marlene smiled, pointing at something behind James "I believe someone wants to see you"
James turned and there she was: Lily Evans. She was as beautiful as ever, standing in the middle of the field. Lily's hair was lose, bright, flying in the wind. She was wearing a beautiful white dress. Her makeup made her green eyes pop. She was absolutely gorgeous. So beautiful, James had his mouth opened and he was drooling.
He came to his senses when Lily smiled at him and gestured him to come closer.
James looked around. Suddenly there was no one around. They were completely alone. The sky had a beautiful sunset, a very romantic scene. James only cared for the fact that freaking Lily Evans was calling him. Him!
"Me?" James asked pointing to himself.
Lily nodded and called him again. She extended her hand for him.
"I think Mr. Captain deserves his prize... Right?"
"Oh yeah yeah...." James swallowed.
"Come on, Potter" Lily winked "Follow me"
Lily started walking. James had to follow her. His feet moved quickly. But Lily was faster.
Lily walked and walked through the forest. She was laughing and James kept thinking that laughter was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
"Wait, Evans... Lily..." James chuckled "Where are we going?"
Lily didn't answer. She kept laughing which made James extremely happy. She liked him. She liked being with him.
Lily finally stopped near the lake, facing it. She didn't turn to look at James. But James had made up his mind. He was going to kiss her. The place was perfect. And he had to. James needed to kiss her or he was going to die.
James approached carefully, with his heart racing in his chest. He tapped Lily's shoulder. Lily giggled before turning around. But this wasn't Lily anymore... To James surprise and disgust, he saw none other than Snivellus' face wearing a red wig. His disgusting big nose and his disgusting yellow teeth grinning at him.
"Kiss me, kiss me... Handsome"
That's when James woke up, screaming like an idiot.
"Noooo! Nooo! Noooo!! Nooo!!!...."
Luckily James was in the safety of his bed, with no Gross Snivellus around. Shit! Disgusting... James wanted to puke.
"Prongsie?" Sirius asked with a sleepy voice, getting out of his own bed.
"Noo! Nooo! Nooo!"
"Jesus!! What the fuck?" Peter asked from across the room "What is going on?"
"We are trying to sleeping" Remus mumbled in his sleep.
James was still recovering from that terrible nightmare. Everything had seemed so real, God dammit.
Sirius was standing by his bed by now. James retrieved his glasses from the nightstand and put them on.
"Are you okay, Prongsie?"
"God!" Peter approached as well, rolling his eyes "I hate sharing a dorm sometimes"
They also heard Remus groaning as he rolled out of bed.
"What happened?" he asked "Did Sirius see a spider again?"
Peter chuckled
"It was a big spider!" Sirius protested, crossing his arms "And it was James who screamed"
James sighed, catching up his breath.
"I was just a nightmare, lads" he explained "Actually it was a wonderful dream until it became really horrible" James shivered remembering it.
"What was your dream about?" Remus asked.
"Did you see McGonagall naked?" Sirius asked
Peter groaned "Thanks for the picture, Sirius!"
"Naked Minnie?" James smirked "That wouldn't be so bad"
His friends looked at him.
"She is a hot babe" James shrugged "Anyway, I don't want to talk about it"
"Okay..." Remus shrugged.
"Yeah let's talk something else..." Sirius smirked.
He stared at James, and then at the other two boys, then at James again. Remus and Peter smiled as well.
Sirius, Peter and Remus jumped on James' bed, on top of him and began hugging him and giving him kisses on the head.
James laughed. He was so happy.
Ever since James had memory, he loved celebrating his birthday. It was the one day when he had the excuse to drag all the attention towards himself. Fleamont and Euphemia were radical parents but back when James was little, they used to work all day or have meetings with their friends. They didn't give much time and attention to James as he wished. But in his birthday, James was the king. They bought him wonderful gifts, Maaike cooked what he liked and his parents canceled everything to spend the whole day with him. So birthdays became days when James could feel the love from his family, his friends and he loved that. It was James' day and he could feel as special as he wanted.
That's why James was joyful and energetic as they walked down for breakfast. James was singing one of his favorite songs at the top of his lungs.
Well, no one told me about her, the way she lied
Well, no one told me about her, how many people cried
But it's too late to say you're sorry
How would I know, why should I care?
Please don't bother tryin' to find her
She's not there
James was singing to his friends. James was even making dance moves. James didn't care people might be staring at him. He was making his friends laugh and smile and that was all that mattered.
Well, let me tell you 'bout the way she looked
The way she'd act and the colour of her hair
Her voice was soft and cool
Her eyes were clear and bright
But she's not there
Sirius broke down laughing when James finished once they got to the Great Hall. James was pleased. He even bowed once or twice with a smile on his face.
"Shows are on Wednesdays and Fridays, if you want something private, baby" he winked "I can be yours on Saturdays. But that would be an extra"
Sirius chuckled.
Peter tutted.
Remus was smiling.
"Get inside, Birthday Boy"
Once they reached to their usual table, James was happy to see his other Gryffindor friends coming to wish him happy birthday. Frank, Edgar, a couple of members from the Gryffindor team. He wasn't the Captain yet. But next year, he was surely going to.
By the time, the girls approached, Sirius stopped everyone and said.
"Please, I know James is irresistible and truly a king..."
James smiled and winked.
"But the birthday boy has things to do. The greetings and hugs are going to be limited..."
"Get out of my way, wanker!" Marlene pushed Sirius away and gave James a tight hug.
"Happy Birthday, you little little twat" Marlene smiled "Excited to be one year older?"
"Wasn't thinking about me getting older but..."
"James!" Mary hugged him as well "Happy Birthday, love" she kissed his cheek.
"Mmm..." James smiled "Kiss the other one"
Mary laughed but obeyed kissing his other cheek. James remembered just last year Mary snogged his face off because they were dating. But that wasn't important anymore.
James was interested in another girl. The only one he was interested in.
But Lily wasn't excited to wish James a happy birthday. She was busy chatting with Remus. James remembered about his dream and he wished that someday it will become true. Without the Snivellus part that was.
But James tried to humor the situation.
"Evans... You're not hugging or kissing the birthday boy as well?"
Lily sighed and approached slowly. She seemed uncomfortable to be doing it but feeling like she had to.
Lily gave James a quick hug.
"Happy Birthday, Potter" she said "Have a nice day"
Then she looked away, cheeks flustered putting a lock of hair behind her ear. She looked so pretty doing that.
"That's all?" Remus asked "Not a little kiss?"
"The birthday boy deserves a little kiss, don't you think, Ginger?" Sirius added.
Peter made kissing noises. Mary and Marlene giggled.
When Lily blushed, James smiled because he could have hope and pretend she was blushing because she fancied him, not for something else. Lily was absolutely adorable and James liked her so much.
Lily rolled her eyes and gave James a rushed kiss on the cheek. But just by that, James' heart raced.
"Eey..." Mary smiled.
Sirius whistled.
James knew Lily was uncomfortable but James couldn't stop looking at her and observing how pretty she was.
"So... Are we having a special breakfast for James' Birthday or..." Marlene commented.
"Yeah..." Peter answered "We asked Manolo to prepare something special"
"Yes!" Marlene exclaimed "Shall we eat? I am hungry"
"Please, I am starving..."
They went to sit down around the table.
James noticed that he was still staring at Lily when she looked away and followed her friends. Sometimes James was an idiot around Lily but he couldn't help it. He fancied her so much. But he needed to act cool and make jokes again about how he deserved the best seat and have the best food.
James was having a good day so far. James was surprised with by his parents. They were coming all the way from London to have dinner with him and his friends for his birthday. And James was excited about that. The best thing about Birthdays was spending them with his parents. And also, most of the teachers were nice to remember James' Birthday and wish him a good day. James was happy like any other birthday.
It was until he saw Lily Evans getting out of an empty classroom on his way to the loo. James stopped and stared because the way she was getting out was rarely suspicious. She was looking around to make sure there was no one around. What was she hiding? James was very very curious.
Lily jumped and grabbed her chest.
"Fuck! You scared me, Potter!"
James smiled because she cursed.
"What are you doing, that you are so jumpy?"
Lily blinked nervously.
"Nothing!" Lily exclaimed. She approached and grabbed James' arm dragging him a bit down the hall "What are you.... Weren't you supposed to be in Art Class?"
"I went to the loo" James said "Why are you whispering?"
"We... We... are in the middle of the hall?"
Okay... She sounded so nervous. She was definitely hiding something.
"Why aren't you in Astronomy Class?"
"Professor Sinistra gave us the hour to do a practical work"
James looked at her suspiciously.
"Then why are you sneaking around like a criminal?"
"I wasn't...I... How are spending your birthday?"
James smirked.
"Are you changing the subject?" James asked "You're definitely hiding something" he tutted "Do you have a birthday surprise for me?"
Lily chuckled "It's none of your business!... Maybe I do. Maybe I don't... Maybe I don't want to tell you anything... So I am going to go"
Lily Evans drove James completely bonkers. She was so bloody perfect.
Lily started walking away but James stopped her.
"Wait, Lily..." James said. Lily turned "My parents are coming for dinner at Hogsmeade for my birthday. Madam Rosemerta's.... You are welcome to come..."
Lily snorted.
"Effie and Monty said I should invite friends so..."James rubbed his neck "The boys are coming obviously... And I also invited Mary and Marlene..."
Lily surprisely smiled.
"Your parents are coming all the way here to Scotland for your birthday?"
"Yeah" James smiled "My birthdays are like a family holiday. They cannot miss it. Plus they love Hogsmeade. They rent a cabin there all the time"
"You should come... I want you to be there..." James said, then he cleared his throat when he realized what he said "I want all of you there... My friends"
"We are not friends..."
"Are we not?"
Lily smiled.
"Okay..." she said "Sounds lovely. I haven't officially met your parents. Only heard stories about them..."
"That's right!" James nodded "They will absolutely adore you. They love my friends more than me" he chuckled.
"They adore you, James" Did she just call him James? "I get why you love your birthdays so much. It's because of them, right?"
James nodded. It was absolutely true. James loved his parents.
"I will be there then..." Lily said "Just for your parents" she added quickly.
James smiled "Right"
"I am going to hand out my work..."
"Yeah I have to go back to class..." James said "I was having so much fun painting fruits..."
That made Lily laugh. But she stopped quickly.
"Ok..." Lily pushed him "Go to class"
"The Art Classroom is over there, Evans"
She was definitely keeping something in that empty classroom.
"Okay..." She let him pass "But get there quickly..."
"Okay" James giggled.
James walked away and Lily did the same to the other side. But James didn't leave to class. When he was sure Lily was gone, he came back. He needed to see what was in there. Maybe a birthday surprise for him. Please be a birthday surprise for him. That would make him so happy.
James was about to open the door, when it opened itself. James took a couple of steps back. And he was surprised to see Snivellus getting out of there. When Snape noticed James he was surprised too.
James was disappointed. Were they together? Lily and this wanker had fought a couple of months ago. He had been spreading lies about her to the Slytherins. Saying nasty things about her. And Lily had made the wise decision to stop being his friend. But now, they were sneaking into empty classrooms. What was the meaning of this?
"Potter" Snape sneered with disgust "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"
"Yep... Confirmed where the bad smell came from..." James nodded.
"Are you done bragging about your birthday around the halls? It is nobody's business when was the unfortunate date you were born, Potter. But no. You have to make make everything big. You have to brag and be the center of attention"
"Yeah everytime" James nodded "Gives me life" he said "Now can you tell me what are you doing with Evans? Are you bothering her again? Because she wants you away from her".
Snape smiled and James wanted to punch him in the face.
"What I do or don't do with Lily is none of your business and I don't owe you any explanation"
"She is not taking you back after what you did to her" James said "She is more intelligent than that. She finally realized the garbage of friend that you are"
Snape snorted "Lily is my best friend. And best friends forgive each other...." he said "She likes me, Potter. I have more chances of gaining her trust. Unlike you, Potter. She truly hates your guts..."
"That's not true" James said "Lily deserves better friends. And she has the girls, and Remus... Even me. We are getting really close, actually"
Snape chuckled "Please, Potter. Don't make me laugh" he said "You think you are a better friend for her? You are selfish, you are self centered and you are a bully"
Lily said that same thing once. One time, when she yelled at him.
"You have everyone at your feet but you don't care about them" Snape continued "You have Black because he kisses the floor you step in and you love that, don't you? You don't care about him..."
James shook his head.
"And Pettigrew is stupid enough to do what you want..." Snape added "Do you even think of them as friends? Or just slaves?"
"I do care about my friends! They are very important to me!" James' blood was beginning to boil.
"And Lupin... Do you actually know where that delinquent comes from?"
Remus didn't like talking about his past. All James knew was what Sirius has told them. But what did Snape know? He was surely lying.
"Don't say anything about Remus" James snapped "He is my friend too. He has become part of the gang. Part of The Marauders"
Snape smiled "Oh... You collect freaks from the street now?"
James grabbed him by the shirt.
"I'm breaking your face off if you say anything else about my friends"
"Uuuh.... Look at Potter caring about his slaves" Snape snapped "Are they worth for you so they can hear you brag about your new clothes, and your rich parents that are fools for doing everything for you when all you do is get into more trouble and waist the money they give you..."
James let go off Snape. He stopped being angry. Now he felt sad, maybe guilty. Effie and Monty were too good with James and James hasn't been the best son. He got into trouble. Sometimes lied to them. He didn't appreciate everything they had done for him. And now Fleamont was sick for working too much.
"Or maybe hear you whine about how Lily doesn't give you attention like anyone else.... Now you realize why"
James didn't answer. He looked down. Maybe he talked a lot about him, especially his issue with Evans. But it was because this was too important for him. Although his friends had said they were tired of hearing him. Perhaps they had issues as well. And James hadn't listened. Sirius with his fucked up family. And Peter with his insecurities. And Remus... What the fuck was going on with Remus? James didn't know. James had made everything about him.
"You might have fooled everyone, Potter" Snape said "But not Lily.... She is always going to see the real monster that you are. And she is never going to be close with someone like you"
It had hurt James everything Snape said. Especially because it was true. James was so self centered. He was so selfish. He only cared about himself. His issues and problems when his friends needed him. Maybe James did love the attention. Maybe he loved making noise, be funny and silly to hide the shallow person he actually was. The Marauders didn't deserve him. His parents didn't deserve him. Lily didn't deserve him.
Snape was satisfied with his work. He was pleased to have won. But James wasn't going to give him that satisfaction.
So he smiled.
"Kiss my sweet ass, Snivy" James said and then he made kissing noises.
Snape shook his head.
As James walked away, his smile disappeared.
Dinner with Fleamont and Euphemia was lovely. They were nice with everyone, and bought burgers for everyone which was huge. They talked and laughed all night. They gave James a guitar as a present. And he was forced to play a song for everyone, which he used to mentally dedicate to Lily. But anyways, James felt happy again. As every birthday. Because he was surrounded with the people he loved.
But Snape's words had been running around his head all evening. And he couldn't shake them off. Was he really a bad friend? Somehow he needed to be better. So he kept asking his friends how they were doing and they called that weird, which made James feel more guilty because they weren't used to James caring for them.
At the end of the night, James had a chance to chat with Lily while everyone else was saying goodbye to James' parents.
"Your parents are lovely" Lily commented.
"Yeah" James sighed.
"I really liked them. Your dad's impressions of celebrities were really great. And your mum is so wise. She really knows about life"
James loved his parents so much. He was trying not to feel guilty about disappointing them.
"I'm really lucky to have them"
Lily nodded.
"By the way...." James cleared his throat "What they said about me talking about you all the time..." Shit. James' cheeks were on fire "They were just exaggerating...."
Lily smiled.
"I don't talk about you all the time.... I talk about girls in general..." James was nervous "And they seemed to got stuck with your name because.... I mentioned you were... You were a ginger and they are obsessed with gingers..."
Shit. Really? James closed his eyes in frustration. He was an idiot.
Lily giggled.
"Oh yeah? Obsessed with gingers?"
"They love gingers"
Lily laughed.
"I don't talk about you at all"
Maybe James was obsessed with gingers. A ginger. Because he did talk about her a lot.
"Okay... It's clarified"
They were silent for a second. James was thinking about how he didn't deserve her.
"You know what?" Lily said "I've figured out something tonight"
"You're not... You're not as bad as I thought you were...."
Lies. He was worse. James was a bad person. Too selfish, too cocky and self centered.
"I mean you're human..."
"Yeah Lily, I am not a dog"
Lily chuckled.
"What I mean is that seeing you with your parents, and your friends, not bragging or pretending to be this cool wanker... But actually enjoying the moment, letting yourself be loved and loving, kind of made me see you in a different way. You are a different Potter. A better Potter"
James smiled.
"You're right" James nodded "I'd like to be James all the time"
"That would be nice" Lily smiled.
Perhaps Lily was right and James could change and be better. He wanted to be better.
"Well dear... Give your mother a hug" Euphemia said as she approached.
James blushed. Not in front of Lily.
"Mummy..." James whined.
He was aware Lily was giggling.
"I am a man now"
"You turned seventeen. Not eighty, James" Fleamont tutted "Hug your mother"
"Man or not you're still my baby. Come on"
Euphemia pulled him into a hug, while the others giggled.
"I love you, honey"
"I love you too" James said and he meant it "I love you both.... I love you all"
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elvishoxygen · 8 months
🫶🏻Today part 3🔥
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Part 3 is here 18+ ONLY ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️, not going to lie I had to take a break from this for abit🥴🚨 FLIRTING, SMUT, ROUGH BEHAVIOUR, POSSESSIVE BEHAVIOUR.
You've been stood in the shower for a good 5 minutes, no sounds other than the low grunts of elvis' and your own breathe. Glistening in your desirable state elvis has left you in, your body over sensitive and flower satisfied from the fullness of elvis' member. Weakness kicks in, knees creaking and slightly shaking underneath you. God you've never felt so good in your life, like all your unknown senses have been switched by the click of fingers, elvis' fingers, his long sensual masculine fingers that leave you trembling at the littlest touch, but you can't seem to shake your feeling in your gut. You wonder if this is all a mistake, whether or not you should have let him in like you did and have.
Your mind wonders away for a second, you think maybe the best decision will be to stay home and not attend the party, after all, you don't want to get yourself tied up and start over thinking the smallest, you have a thousand questions you want to ask but now is not the time. Plus you think you will look stupid at the side of the surreal man that's stands behind you. You decide to keep this to yourself hoping Elvis will forget about you and your invitation to the party.
" yes, stay home" your head ticks.
The hot wonders of his touch now a erotic memory that threaten to burn your mind. Shaking your head slightly, you attempt to stay in control.
Elvis slowly pulls his now softened cock out of your small hole, leaving kisses along your back and low "mmm" slipping his pouty lips.
"abbey...baby, I've never met anyone like you before, your so god dam perfect" he praises, still kissing your back, his large hands trailing over your hips gently caressing your soft skin and curves. His eyes stare at your peach that faintly keeps swiping his crotch ever so innocently.
"it felt so good Elvis, thank you" your innocence evident. Elvis curves his lip into a small boyish grin, grabs your shoulders and turns you to face him, your noses touching for no longer than a second, he pulls you closer, landing a lustful kiss on your lips before pulling away to stare at your bright green eyes.
"i gotta go get ready honey, I'll call ya soon baby." He whispers, then playfully jumping out the shower, wrapping a towel around his waste his golden sun kissed chest still wet from the shower and his hair stuck against his forehead. He gathers the his trousers from the floor and turns to admire you once again, the door a jar. You notice him still peeking through the door, he meets your eyes with a shy smile, he says nothing and he doesn't need to.
Leaving you with nothing but a wink before closing the door.
After your unforgettable moment in the shower, you stand looking across at the vegas view, you take in the heat and hot air from the door still being open on the balcony, your skin dries almost immediately. Your incredibly long hair wrapped in a towel and another wrapping your tiny body. It's been about 30 minutes since Elvis left to get ready and your nervous at how he will react when he calls and you tell him you might not be attending the party with him. You've never been one for parties, even if it means you'll be around Elvis more. You stand for another 5 minutes biting the skin around your nails thinking about what the hell you should do, but all your head seems to jolt back to is the way you have just been touched and near enough owned by the most gorgeous desirable man in the world. He has women fall around his feet everyday, so what does he want with you? He could have absolutely anybody and somehow he ended up wanting you? Why?.
Because he has nothing but love of his brain. On you.
A shriek from your hotel room phone rings and the shrill rasp of it startles you out of your little gaze. You stare for a while before actually picking it up to answer. You know know exactly who it is. "Hello" you say quitly but confidently.
"hey little darlin', can ya be ready for 11.30pm, ya only have 45 minutes, is that ok" elvis' voice a light endearing tone, sweet and gentle.
"oh, um, I don't think I'm going to come Elvis, I don't think i need to be there, I will look silly at the side of you" you reply, voice slightly cracking.
"naaw honey I want'chya there with me, please come, I want to see ya again" he says a little faster you can hardly understand with his accent being so thick.
"I don't know Elvis, I don't know what this is but it's not for me I don't think" you say a little bit more sternly than you normally are.
"just come abbey baby, for me, I'll make it worth ya while" he says with a hint of playfulness his voice.
"Hmm, ok, but only for a short while Elvis" you reply, feeling a little defeated.
"good, now get ready, ya don't have too long" he says before hanging up the phone quite abruptly. You roll your eyes at how easily he has you right now.
You managed to get yourself ready in a small amount of time yet again. Going for slightly the same makeup, only adding darker grey eyeshadow to your lids and thicker eyelashes. Your green eyes bright and soft but now showing flecks of strength and lust. The need of wanting to look your best getting the better of you, you decide to show it just enough but not flaunt it too much. Your outfit was the best you could find for this sort of occasion or event, finding out your skin tight black midi dress, low square cut neck line, plain and long sleeved, pairing it with your knee high black platform boots. Forgetting your hair was still in your rollers, you start to panic when you hear a loud knock at the door. You jump, pacing back and forth scurrying trying to take them out whilst trying to find your purse. Nearly falling over the towel you threw on the floor earlier. Luckily, your stunning long hair doesn't take long to dry with the heat of Vegas.
"JUST A MINUTE, HOLD ON PLEASE" You shout loudly.
"What'chya doin little mama?" Elvis' voice grunts through the door.
Opening the door slowly, your taking out your last roller, your shiny bright blonde hair falling lightly to the bottom of your belly, now big soft bouncy curls. Elvis' eyes widen and he takes in your gorgeous beauty. His belly turns, adjusting the collar of his shirt, he body turns hot, he can't understand how more sexy but yet sophisticated you can look, he steps back getting a better look at you, your thighs pressed together and how your boots meet the top of your knees, he wishes he could just tear them off and bury his face right where he wants you the most. Swallowing hard, he praises your beauty.
"My boy my boy, ya look so sexy, ain't nobody lookin at'chyu t'night, ya mine." He quickly says, before lingering his gaze over your tightly fitted dress, then to your face. "Ya have the most gorgeous eyes" he praises.
Your face goes red and you waft him off like you would to anyone who compliments you.
"don't be silly Elvis" you reply playfully. You can't believe how he makes you turn so easily, how he turns you on just from complimenting your appearance. It leaves you wanting more of him, more of his butter fulled words to fall willingly from his lips. You love every second, you almost laugh at the look on his face.
"hmm, ain't nobody look that good before, it should be illegal" he cooes, his southern accent thick. "Come on now baby, let's get your motor running"
Lamar opens the darkening black rolls Royce door, the only car you see in movies, but not for Elvis Presley, this is his life his normal. Elvis' hand gently rubs over your ass with a small slap when climbing in the car in the car, leaving you to roll your eyes from the warm sultry feeling. "Ya match my car lil mama, suits ya" he giggles as you make yourself comfortable in the car. He scoots close to you, his long legs filling the back, leaving little to no room for your tiny legs, he man spreads and your heads turns as his knee pushes against your thigh, your eyes wander to the large bulge in his trousers. Your mouth waters, remembering the raw moments he filled your mouth with his big cock, you clutch at your purse tighter and he catches you in your overly obvious staring.
"straighten up women, what's tha matter wi'chyu" he shouts, but then giggles so you know he's only joking. You quickly turn your head to look out the window and playfully cover your eyes. You let out a small helpless giggle, he knows what he's doing and he adores the fact that you have so much need for him. He thrives the way you stare and admire him with your beautiful eyes.
Grabbing the bottom of your chin he turns your head to stare back into your big innocent eyes, he catches your bottom lip with his thumb, the same small action that made you fall at your knees for him at the beginning. Your heart pounds through your chest hard enough you hear it in your ears, letting out a low sigh onto his hand as you close your eyes enjoying every second of his touch.
"ya like what ya see little baby?" He questions. His eyes filled with sexual scenes you can practically read what he's thinking just looking at them.
"uh huh" blinking and fluttering your eyes into his ocean blues.
Suddenly, you feel his hand leave your lip, it travels down to your thigh, the dress your wearing has ridden up a little from sitting in the car. He squeezes hard, glancing to the front to make sure Lamar has his eyes on the road. A lump in your throat appears, and suddenly you let out a airy breathe, he squeezes again but slightly harder this time, travelling his hand up to your most sensitive area. He swipes his fingers along your lace panties.
"Ya already have a wet ass pussy huh? He whispers into your ear, then gently sucking the side of your neck.
"God, Elvis." You say quitly. You automatically push your thighs together from the intrusive feeling. But this annoys him slightly, pushing your thighs to open wider, not caring about Lamar that's sat in the front.
"Keep them wide open baby" he purrs still in your ear, he slaps your pussy through your panties, making you jolt upwards and to lift slightly in your seat. The sound of the small firm slap must have caught the attention of Lamar.
"everything ok back there EP, dya need a window opening." Lamar asks, having no clue of what sexual antics are happening right behind him.
Elvis stares at you, without breaking his contact. "Turn up the radio".
"no problem EP. He replies, turning up the radio, loud.
Rubbing at your wet heat, he pulls your panties to side and slides two finger tips through your sopping folds. Teasing at your tight entrance before slipping them up, curling his fingers to find your soft core. Dripping the seat underneath you coming completely undone he pulls his fingers away, leaving you hot and flustered at the side of his god like appearance. He places them in his mouth, swirling his tongue around, tasting all of your arousal. Making himself shift in his seat from the sweet taste of your sticky desire, before you have time to take in the sultry sight, he places them in your mouth, shoving his fingers to the back of your throat that clenches and gags at his force.
Gritting his teeth, he hisses. "Take them like that baby, just like that".
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, coughing slightly. Having no clue how to take this new but exciting motion. You give in to his mercy, so you decide to go with the flow. You want him to feel what your feeling. Grabbing his hand, you suck and lick at his fingers that are far down your throat, lapping at your own desire, pulling them slowly from your lips, your flatten your tongue against the base of his fingers, a small string of saliva follows, kissing the tip of his fingers, you smile at him softly. Before thinking you lingering your hand to rest on his now hardened cock that sits underneath his trousers, finding his rock hard length, you squeeze hard enough that he grips at the hem of your dress.
"WERE HERE EP" lamar shouts above the music before turning it down to hear a response.
This has you snapping your hand away fast and your gaze quickly shifting out the window, as if nothing had just happened right in the back of the car.
"fuck" he sighs, almost disappointed.
"what's wrong... 'honey'..." you coo sarcastically.
Biting the inner corner of his mouth, he stares at you with a annoyed but playful look before jumping out the car, he runs around to open the door for you.
"hmm did ya now darlin', let's get in the party now, I wanna get ya home" he snaps before helping you out the car, his gentleman instinct still apparent even in this situation.
" honey, you grabbed my thing and now I'm in trouble boy" he stands, aware of his erection poking through his trousers.
"hmm, I wanted to get serious" you whisper softly with a slow sly smile.
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