#he is angry at her or at least doesnt welcome her back
mewmeow8 · 4 months
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This.!. Has my brain in a chokehold
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classificationhell · 6 months
Anyway is it ok to ask what if reader was isolated in the palace(because you know why) and reader had enough and let her curiosity win over her gut so when Lucifer was asleep hugging/cuddling her behind she slowly escaped from his iron grip. Got the keys and the only thing to do was unlock the door, since she thought it was just another room because of Lucifer gaslighting, blinded from the light that was from the other side she took a step forward as a rushing adrenaline rushed through her veins "oh shit luci will be mad mad" "I sense danger so what do we do? CORRECT GO TOWARDS IT"
Reader got her phone and went to charlie's hotel, excited to see Charlie again reader didn't realize the angry devil behind her.
Okay I reread this and I'm very flattered about everything and wheezed for a good five minutes, but I kinda don't get the ask.
Mourningstar is yandere and since his family is dead that Reader can't escape to a hotel. However, normal Lucifer could probably become yandere given enough push, like if Reader got really hurt by Sinners, maybe almost killed with an angelic bullet or something, he'd freaking lose it and might like Reader away under the guise of safety. In this case, Lucifer would absolutely freak out when his Little is missing. What if they regressed somewhere dangerous?! What if they got caught in the crossfire of another gang war?!
Charlie would be happy to see Reader but concerned with her father's behavior. Obviously she still loves him thoigh and doesnt want to see him completely broken, or want him to go on a rampage so she cant just keep you a secret. She'll let him know where you are, but won't agree to giving you back. She says he's welcome to visit or move in, but you need interaction with other people, or it's neglecting your social needs and might drive you insane after a while.
Of course, this would lead to him moving in, and he'd keep you cooped up in the Hotel, but hey, at least there's other people here now, and your gilded cage is a lot bigger. I mean, it's progress right?
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pixiexmint · 7 months
since my friend posted a vent heres one from me:
this was in my notes:
whenever im at anybody else’s house my mom favors them.
even though i might be her child she doesn’t like me the best.
i try my hardest but she doesn’t care. why does she get angry for the simplest things.
i was taking off my friends band-aid and she shouts at me.
why? why? why?
what did i ever do wrong to her. what is wrong with me. i wish i was gone. i do everything wrong. i never do anything right. it cant be my fault.
i didnt do anything wrong, right?
shes the one who shouts at me and makes me sad, thats not my fault.
whenever im with someone else she ignores me.
is that my fault?
no. its not. its all her
we came to india.
my dad asked me to go help him get food on his plate.
i just did that. he shouted at me.
my dads in the hospital. my best friend wont tell me anything.
i feel sad.
not because my dad is in the hospital. his surgery went well.
because my best friend doesnt trust me.
maybe i should talk to “someone”.
its just a special person.
i dont feel good.
some people wont trust you.
like me. they dont trust me. they wont ever trust me.
i hate this.
my best friend and i got back together.
i thought so at least.
she doesnt trust me.
she came over to our house because i went over to her house yesterday.
she wants to leave.
i dont feel good.
did i do something wrong?
what did i do?
i dont want to talk to her anymore. im done.
thats it. we are done.
welcome to the new year baby.
i dont like this.
i hate this.
i wanna leave.
i wanna go.
i dont like this.
what did i do wrong.
its all my fault. no. dont say that. i didnt do anything wrong.
i think. i love blue. and my dad. and my mom. and myself. i think.
i dont like this.
“are you okay?”
what wonderful words.
i wish i could forgive them.
not anymore.
why dont they trust me
they dont even know
they make me cry
i wont show
but why?
you wouldn’t understand if you werent me
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ninjasmudge · 3 years
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so welcome the Bone King au! (thank you lupin for the name) im disregarding s3 completely for this since i came up with the idea way before it aired, i might come back and retcon the lore a little after the dub airs but for now its spoiler-free! an listen. i know most of my stuff is humour but i love horror so much and its my au i get to choose the nightmares-
in this au swk goes to fight lbd on his own, reasoning it will get the least people hurt, but when he tries, both he and lbd miscalculate each others power. lbd attempts to possess him, but he is the monkey king and he fights her hold more than she anticipated. she is determined to get in his head though, and she does, but not in the way she thought. instead of lbd possessing swks body, what happens is these two ultra powerful beings mash together into one absolutely spine-chilling, unpredictable and mist-shrouded being who calls themselves The Bone King. more under a cut so i dont take up everyones dash
so far, mk and the crew have NO idea this has happened, the only ones who know so far are the mayor and macaque, who were both there at the time.
the Bone King is tall and terrifying in a cold and unpredictable way, and also a huge mess of contradictions. they dont know what they want, their original goal includes erasing themselves from existence, theyre ANGRY, and they change emotional state like snapping your fingers, laughing one second, cold anger the next and then back to a blank watchful look. theyre not very emotive in general, and a very intense slightly bored look is kinda their default, i think the sound vibe that accompanies them would be a distressing silence and a slight whine of power. an also, their voice sounds like swks voice with lbd’s whispering distorting the words slightly.
they trust the mayor but they dont like or respect him, and the mayor serves them as loyally as he did lbd but theres an edge to it bc hes aware this is only Sort of lbd and this isnt the plan they agreed on. they absolutely fucking HATE macaque but the part that was swk doesnt want him dead, and the part that was lbd thinks he could still be useful. macaque is (rightfully) terrified of the bone king since this is two of the most powerful demons in existence and both of them have personal reason to hate him. he tried to slip away when they first combined (the ‘found you’ pics) but the bone king’s first actual agreed on thought was that, while they didnt know if they wanted to kill maq or not, he wasnt allowed to leave. it was also the first time they actually used all the new combined power and they destroyed the temple and most of a mountain just speeding over to where macaque was; they snapped his arm picking him up out of the shadows, dumped him down by the mayor and told him to ‘STAY.’. he did.
i think it would be really interesting to see them interact with mk and the crew, bc swk and lbd are at such odds about what they think of them, but to be honest this is the part that im still unsure of and would have to foray into spoilers territory to figure out so im leaving it for now, but if anyone has any ideas id love to hear them :) i do imagine when they turn up to mk and the crew, that its more like. they see them somewhere in the mists for a second and then theyre gone, making whoever saw them unable to trust their own eyes. a feeling of being followed, lights going out, eyes in the dark. but theyre just. watching. for now
also because im a wimp and not a fan of completely hopeless situations, i think it would be reversible, eventually, and with a lot of difficulty. (lbd and swk remember and oh god the trauma)
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Wat if katsuki actually had a s/o that loved Key word LOVED him but.....
Then when he started getting to aggressive and starts hitting her she suddenly stops all the love and affection. And that makes katsuki so confused and angry bc he like 'wtf why did they stop huggin and kissin me when I get home from my matches'. Then his darling becomes very depressed is and cooped up in her room all the time. So when katsuki friends come over they wonder where y/n is.
Tw:abuse, implied dubcon, depression
“Babe, you’re home!” You rush over to the door when you head it unlocking, arms outstretched already or embrace his wounds.
But when the door swings open you’re met with a scowling Bakugo who shoves you aside so hard you fall to the floor.
He grumbles and throws his bags down, kicking mud off his shoes onto the carpet as he glares at you.
“This place is a pigsty. Why the fuck didn’t you clean?”
You laugh nervously and raise an eyebrow. “Uhh, ‘cause I was out all day too? I just got home an hour ago and I was tired. What’s with you? Why’re you in such a bad mood?”
Katsuki’s eyes widen until they’re the size of dinner plates. His nostrils flare and his fists resume the same position as they do in the ring.
“You talkin’ back to me now?”
“What? No, you literally just asked-“
The sound of him backhanding your cheek reverberates around the apartment, and you hold your face in shock.
It’s not so much the pain of him striking you that hurts, it’s the fact that this has been happening for a while now that aches the most. Nothing you do-no smiles, no amount of love you showed him in, no sobs or pleads-sways him.
You love him, it’s true.
But it’s hard to love him when he looks at you like that.
“Get the fuck up. And clean all this shit up, the next time I come home to this filth I’ll make the clean the floors with your tongue.”
He grabs you by your hair and throws you face-first onto the tile area, taking his own sweet time to turn around and walk to your shared room.
After you clean for hours until the place is spotless, you retreat to bed.
He’s on his phone typing away with a slight crease in his eyebrows, but he looks up at you as you walk in.
“Hey. You done?” He has the audacity to ask in a gentle voice.
You don’t look at him as you begin changing your clothes in the restroom and close the door behind you.
His frown deepens at that. You’ve never shied away from being vulnerable and naked with him.
To test his doubt, when you walk back into the room with your head still down, he leans forward as you sit down on the mattress, your back turned to him.
You shut off the lights in silence as he reaches a hand out and curls it around your shoulders.
“C’mere, ‘wanna feel you.” He mumbles in his raspy sleepy voice.
But to his utter confusion, you gently brush his hand off and continue your journey to tuck yourself in bed.
With your back still facing him.
“I’m tired Katsuki. Not in the mood.”
His hand is still suspended in midair, his facial features still frozen in his initial shock as he’s left in a pitch black room which is suddenly overcome with a freezing cold creeping up his spine.
He’s too wounded, too shocked and shot from his ego to be irate.
You’ve never said no to cuddling at night. Never. So what was wrong now?
You were taking his anger so well for a while, what the hell was the matter with you?
But he doesn’t touch you again that night. He barely sleeps a wink to your usually comforting sound of soft snores and little mumbles in your sleep talk.
In the morning his lack of sleep gets the betterment of his temper, and he lashes out of you again in the shower.
You’re washing your hair when you feel a cool breeze against your bare body. You open your eyes and see Katsuki standing in front of you outside the glass door to your shower.
You feign an eye roll and merely grab the handle trying to close it shut.
He doesnt even let it budge. He just snarls down at your intruding hand and yanks the door back even further, pulling you along with the force.
You yelp and slip on the floor, falling unceremoniously at his feet.
The look on his face is frankly terrifying, much worse than yesterday’s. Bakugo slowly steps in along with your quickly reversing body and closes the door behind him, trapping you inside with him.
“Why’d you try to close it on me.”
It’s not a question, it’s a demand.
“I’m sorry.”
“Then get up and touch me.”
He’s towering over your cornered form, his fists dangerously swinging next to your head.
Your limbs don’t move though. Your heart thuds slowly, your love ebbing away from him with its slow rhythm.
You already know how this is going to turn out, but you try anyways.
“Please Bakugo, I’m really not in the mood right now.”
“Oh, so it’s Bakugo now, huh?”
Your body disassociates so you don’t feel it as much, but unfortunately your hands still flinch above your head in instinct.
“If you’re-thud-sorry, then you’ll fucking-crack-touch me you-smack-ungrateful bitch.”
Your cries are loud, but not loud enough to drown his roaring out, not enough to mute the sound of his hands cracking above your shaking body.
He leaves the shower unfulfilled in his heart and in his dick.
His mind is in shambles.
This is the longest you’ve wanted space from him, he could understand an hour but half a day?
He has a rude awakening when “half a day” becomes a couple more days, then a week, and then it’s half a month since you’ve willingly kissed his battle scars and loved him with your whole being.
He says willingly because otherwise you eat his hits up like you’re just another fighter in the ring when he gets angry at your apathy. The only restraining factor that differentiates you and the men he puts in coffins is his desperation for you to come back.
To no avail though. If you’re not keeling over on the ground or pinned underneath him and molding your anatomy to the shape of his fists, then you’re still as a corpse on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and wishing you were anywhere else but here.
Bakugo doesn’t know what to do.
He doesn’t know what to feel.
Rage is consumed by paranoia, paranoia is swallowed whole by depression, depression is swept away by panicked desperation.
His hair starts falling out, his punches grow weaker and he comes home with more and more bruises every day to match the ones littering across your body.
One might wonder whose the real fighter-him or you.
And so one day when he can’t stand it anymore, can’t stand the silence and tension that’s so palpable you could taste the iron in the air, he invited his friends over.
He need the distractions. He needs happiness, a word that doesn’t seem worthy of his pathetic being.
He’s more pathetic than your unmoving body.
“Heyyy man!” Sero and Denki exclaim in obnoxious unison and throw their arms around Bakugo’s shoulders. All three of them barrel through his half-opened doorway and practically topple him over.
The air of excitement is so foreign to him, but oh so welcoming.
“Hey,” he grunts back awkwardly.
“You’ve never really invited us over without Y/N dragging you by the ear for it. How is she by the way? Haven’t heard of her in a while.” Kirishima nudges his shoulder.
But before he can open his mouth Denki cuts in. “You knock her up yet? You sly bastard, no wonder you’re hiding her from us. The gigs over Y/N, show us that beautiful belly!” He cups his hands around his mouth and the quip slashes through the air and infests Katsuki’s heart. It’s a mockery, a cruel reminder of what he cannot have.
When their friend doesn’t answer and merely walks off, the boys behind him awkwardly look at each other.
Usually he’d explode at them or at least chase them around the room.
And usually you would come out to greet them.
Katsuki was wrong.
You weren’t different from him anymore.
Because when he accepts that not even his friends can release his stone cold heart from its catatonic confines, he’s never felt more in sync with you than he has now.
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skybristle · 2 years
so they defeated Dork Enchantress cause the power of whatever the hell they have going on theyre all on crack tbh but Dark Enchantress turns back into White Lily, and this is everyone's reaction Pure Vanilla: Incredibly happy, sobbing happpy tears and hugging her and apologizing for being unable to help her before dark cacao: uneasy and there's tension between him and lily, but he is glad to see that she is okay but not ready to forgive her (because of what she did to Dark Choco as Dark Enchantress) hollyberry: Upset but willing to forgive Lily, but their friendship is basically over GOlden cheese: Pissed the FUCK off, not willing to forgive lily and though Lily is BEGGING to be forgiven Cheese just cannot forgive her at all and won't even talk OR look at her, ends up leaving first gingerbrave: super happy and easily forgiving lily I can see Golden as being the serious but also the least serious one of the group, she can turn serious in an instant if it calls for it
but yeah oretty much the entire ancient group fell apart and theres tension between everyone dumbing it down to an ovenbreak relationship chart White Lily's relationships: Gingerbrave- "Thank you for forgiving me..." (friendly) Pure Vanilla- "I'm so sorry... I wish I had listened..." (tensiono) Dark Cacao- "I understand if you hate me for what I did to your son." (friendly) Golden Cheese- "Wait, come back! I'm so sorry..." (tension) and here's everyones relationship w her: Pure Vanilla: "I should've stayed by your side." (Friendly) Gingerballs: "It's alright! Nobody was hurt that badly." (Friendly, i also fucking hate gingerbrave since he so would be like this and someone would 100% be dead) Dark Cacao: "You cannot undo your actions." (Tension) Golden: "You are no longer welcome in my kingdom." (Tension)
YEAH GOD. personally in my fanon i just kill DE off. im not personally fond of the idea of white lily being brought back to life,,,, it just feels like a waste of character and an erasement of all of the abhorrent shit that DE and to an extent WL did. it also erases the character growth of PV finally giving up on forgiveness and realizing the situation is unsalvagable and he needs to kill her to protect what he loves. i think thats a lot more powerful of a storyline. i do agree that golden cheese would get extremely angry with white lily, as soon as she knows the truth she's unwavering in the fact that regardless of who she was or what she is now that dark enchantress *has* to die. she's watched her kingdom, her friend's, and millions of lives be torn and shredded over this war, and she needs it to *end*. in my rewrite of oddessy, she actually shatter's white lily's stained glass portrait in a rage as she yells at pv for lying to her and obscuring the truth. white lily doesnt deserve to be pictured amongst them anymore, and she cannot *beleive* that after all this time, in the rebuilding of the kingdom she destroyed, he still puts up carefully crafted artwork, windows, an entire garden in his visage. especially since he KNEW the whole time, even in the first round of the war.
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twatshag · 3 years
♤ Sakusa kiyoomi's night terrors ♤
Unfaithful. Oh it was just a dream. But why did it feel so real...
Genre: fluff to angst and then back to fluff, smut
Pairing: TIMESKIP both characters!!!!!sakusa x fem reader (in dream atsumu X READER)
Warnings: smut in dream, you cheating in the dream (you wrong for dat sis😩)
M DNI!!!
HIS POV small glimpse of your pov as well
What a day. I sighed looking at the clock it was only 5 pm. Y/n was going to be here at 8 pm. I cleaned and already bought groceries for dinner.
I'm quite satisfied with how things looked around the apartment. As of lately y/n decided to bring me some plants and decorations everytime she visited, because in her opinion my apartment looked lifeless and bland.
I smiled softly thinking about tonight. I'm going to ask her to move in with me today. I mean I hope she doesnt mind. Maybe she'll be taken back by my sudden request or oh god what if she rejects me.. ?
I gulped trying to focus on the show I was watching and pushing back all the negative outcomes. She told me about this show during one of our phone calls and told me that I'd definitely enjoy it. She knows me so well, god I can't wait to tell her how much I appreciate her today.
As of lately I've been gathering up the courage to finally tell her that I'm ready to have intercourse with her. She's been so loving and patient this whole time I can't imagine how sweet she is for waiting up 6 months for me. I couldn't imagine if there was anyone who'd be so willing to respect my very picky boundaries but there she was.
I can't help but think about how it would feel for me and her being so close together. And becoming one. I blushed deeply at the thought. After all there Is one benefit of her not living with me.
That's not seeing me blush like this tsk. I bet she'd give me that smug smile and ask if I'm okay. I rolled my eyes thinking about her smug smile.
I never really asked if she's had.. intercourse with someone before. What if I wasn't good enough to satisfy her expectations..? What if.. she rejects my offer? What if I hurt her during it ? Oh god I don't want that. My head plagued me with bad thoughts about the idea of trying to satisfy her and failing miserably.
Y/n is absolutely gorgeous, all my team mates seem to love her and hell I really hate the way that stupid setter of a team mate looks at her.
I can't help but get jealous because she seems so comfortable with him. Sometimes I even find myself comparing the alternative realities of her being with him instead.
He's easy going has no stupid boundaries and he probably has a ton of experience to satisfy her.. my heart clenched at the thought of her leaving me for him.
I pushed those thoughts back once again. I looked at the clock it read 5:30 pm. Maybe I can dose off and when she comes around I'll tell her everything that's on my mind. I can't keep on post poning things.
I closed my eyes long forgotten about the show playing in the background as I waited for her.
My eyes shot open as I heard muffled sounds in my apartment. Just what the hell was that?
I groaned as I sat up and looked at the clock it read 6:50 pm. Could she have arrived early?
The sounds were coming from the bedroom I smiled softly as I heard her beautiful voice. A voice that's so gentle when talking to me, so soft when she notices the way I slump from a long day of practice. Everything I've ever wanted in a woman. Was mine to keep and cherish.
I peeked through the crack and I noticed someone hovering over the bed. Smiling I opened it more to see what she was doing.
"Oh god yes yes tsumu right there." I felt my heart rip out of my chest. There she laid in my own apartment,in my own bed. With him. On top of her kissing her neck and thrusting into her.
She clung to him harder than she's ever clung to me.
Her mouth hung open and the so beautiful voice was now a curse I was hearing.
He kissed her neck hungrily.
"Ya feel so good angel-so fucking good." He quickened his pace while kissing her disgustingly his tongue gracing her so beautiful skin and infecting it. "Tsumu- aghnn mmhm yes-God fuck yes- yes y-ea-s." I wanted to scream, to move and tear them apart, to burn the whole apartment down hell even to avert my eyes but I couldn't.
Everything I've loved sat there being caressed by another man. That man was not me.
That man was someone better than I'll ever be.
Her gaze fell on me. Tears perked up my eyes looking at her stone lust filled eyes.
She gave me a smug smile.. That smug smile that was always so playfully displayed looked much darker than ever. No hint of playfulness or mercy. No hint of fake innocence as it once had.
"You've always been such a burden sakusa." I flinched at her tone and the mention of my last name, while that man was kissing her neck hungirly, thrusting into her as if I wasn't even there to begin with. That I ceased to exist in his world as of now.
Everything went silent for a moment, her whimpers became muted from the way the faux blonde thrusted into her as she spoke the next words.
"I never loved you. Sakusa. Me and you both know that atsumu was always the righteous man for me. You good for nothing replaceable freak."
And with that I was pushed back into the sofa my eyes shot open as I stared at her face above me cheeks flushed red from her shower she looked so beautiful but my heart it ached from what I saw. Did he see her like this too? She shrieked and stepped back.
"jesus christ kiyo! What the hell ?! are you psychic? I was about to wake you up!"
Kiyo... a name she always called me when things were serious. But the worry and softness that concealed her voice was not enough for me to accept what I just saw as an illusion.
I stood up pushing past her acting like she's not even there. I despised her existence with all my heart yet I can't help but repeat those words in my head. She's right I am replaceable. I'm a freak and I'll never be able to find love.
"Hey what the hell?! I'm talking to you, you know mister sleepy head!" She followed me into the kitchen trying to get me to talk to her, god her presence made me want to vomit.
I grabbed a glass and poured water into it and as I began to drink it to calm my nerve down before I lost my composure that was literally hanging by a thread right now.
I felt her hand on my back and to say the least i wanted nothing but to get her filthy hands and presence out of my life right now.
"Omi..what's wrong you kn-"
"Don't fucking touch me." I hissed, venom lacing my tone as I averted her gaze because seeing her made my heart clench.
Everything that I always wanted was in the arms of someone else. But why keep me around? Why hurt me like this?
I felt her staring at me wide eyed and from the corner of my eye I could see that she looked at her hand.
"I'm sorry are my hands di-"
"They're fucking filthy you disgusting bitch." This time I looked her in the eyes. Her eyes widened at my tone. She deserved it. She did this to herself what the hell was she expecting?
me to welcome her back after she just tore my heart apart ? After she was....with him? In my fucking bed? Infecting it and my life with the pain?
"Omi you don'-"
"Get out."
"W-what? Wh-"
"I SAID GET OUT!" I slammed my hand on the counter and she flinched "get the hell out of my apartment you filthy-" not even finishing my sentence I suddenly felt cold and wet
If there's anything that life has taught me it's that whenever someone was angry DO NOT stay around them. For the sake of the both of you.
As I entered kiyoomi's apartment having a spare he was sleeping peacefully on the sofa making me smile softly. Deciding to leave him rest until I took my clothes off showering and then coming back to the living room to wake him up.
I couldn't help but notice that he was shuffling as if he was in pain i frowned and I decided to reach to shake him awake just as I was about to do so to my surprise he just jolted awake and now here we are.
He was being extremely mean and I think that I know what was going on he was shouting at me with a tone I've never recognised before.
The advise of leaving someone angry long left my mind and the glass of water now emptied in omi's face.
He stared at the ground with such pure anger and hate shocked that I had the nerve to even do such a thing after whatever the hell he saw or heard.
I sighed
"What ever dream y/n did just know that I'd never do to you. When you're ready to talk to me about it I'll be in your balcony. I'm sorry for.. throwing water in your face but you need to understand that I had no other choice." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly putting the glass down on the counter in case he wanted to drink one more time before facing me. And with that I left and made my way to his balcony.
Whatever he saw must've hurt him deeply for him to react that way I thought I sat down looking at the beautiful sight of Tokyo breathing in its air smiling softly at the sounds of the lifeful city.
Whenever he's ready he'll come to me.
Back to his pov
She... threw water in my face. Suddenly I feel more awake. And guilty. God I feel so guilty. It was just a dream.
And I thought she'd... I have to fix this.
Panicking on how the hell i was going to word off 'sorry i had a dream where you cheated and I was so sure you did it so I screamed at you ' to her I filled the glass of water and drank it going into the bedroom sighing and letting a few tears spill while changing my wet shirt.
At times like this I'd truly begin to wish that I was like everyone else.
That I wasn't a very cautious man who was so blunt and had a comeback for everything but the man that could've made her life better.
I put on my slides and my hand hovered over my balcony door. Watching her city gaze smiling softly to herself.
At times where she would come over she always insisted on drinking coffee in my balcony at night.
At first it sounded so silly because I wouldn't get to sleep the whole night but instead i slept better and happier more fulfilled.
"Staring isn't nice you know?" Her sweet voice cut my train of memories and I opened the door clearing my throat.
God how awkward where the hell do I even begin to apologise i feel so guilty and dumb for even doubting you.
I sat next to her.
"You cheated on me.." she snapped her neck so fast it felt like it broke wide eyed. Before she could even speak I reassured "in my dream."Her expression softened she nodded listening to what I had to say.
"It felt so...real.. I walked onto you and atsumu.. and you told me that I'm a burden and you n-never loved me." I couldn't face her. I couldn't even look at her because of my ignorance and insecurities it truly was a pathetic sight for her to witness me this way.
Hot tears streamed down my face as I sniffiled.
"I know you always assure me that there's no need for me to be jealous or worry about him but it felt so real. I know that you'd be better of with someone who understood you better than I did. Act better than I did..hell even not doubt you because of something like this. "
my heart clenched at the next outcome. That being Her actually leaving me. I opened my mouth to speak only to be cut off by her "can I touch you?"
I looked at her nervously nodding like a small child as she pulled me into her arms hugging me while rubbing my back.
"I'd never dream of leaving you Kiyoomi. Yet alone be in someone else's arms.." I clung to her worried that if I didn't she'd leave me.
I cried softly against her repeating apologies while she rocked me.
"Hey hey Shh omi.. it's alright I know you didn't mean any of it. Besides I can't believe dream me cheated on you and with nasty ass atsumu out of all people" she fake gagged.
Making me laugh tearfully against her chest pulling away to look at her and she cupped my face in her hands making me look deeply in her so beautiful love filled eyes. Something dream her didnt have.
"There hasn't been a day that's passed where I don't thank god that you chose me out of everyone else omi. I'd be so stupid to throw away everything that you've given me." She smiled at me so sweetly it gave me toothache "i dont care if there are people out there who have no boundaries and arent afraid of germs and hell can touch me no matter what because those people arent you. I'd never ever lay in someone's elses arms kiyo..you're the one for me you know that right?" She looked back at me searching for a confirmation that I believed her so I nodded gently "It's always going to be you omi.. okay? I'm not going anywhere and you're stuck with me sadly." She giggled while a few tears were threatening to spill from her eyes my heart clenched this time because of her sweetness and care.
"I wouldn't mind being anywhere as long as it's with you y/n" I smiled at her as I brought my hand to her face and kissed her. The taste of her lips were always so intoxicating. So addictive.
And at that I knew it'll be okay. I loved her so much, with every muscle and bone in my body. But it was okay because so did she.
"How do you want the pork chopped?" I looked at her from my counter while she confusingly stared at me "omi... I don't eat pork." Oops I forgot that. And now I'm embarrassed that I did. "O-oh yeah sorry." Fucking idiot.. I thought to myself.
She giggled and hugged me from behind and kissed my shoulder peeking from the sides watching me as I chopped the pork. Smiling at her so familiar warmth.
"No need to be embarrassed you're not the only one who forgets it all the time you know" I rolled my eyes at her observant habit still smiling at her warmth but I wont let her slide that easy so I'll tease her "says the big baby who's clinging onto me like a baby koalo." She giggled against my back sending shivers down my spine. "Yeah its your fault that you're so handsome and cuddly." I chuckled at her reasoning she hummed as if she was in thought. "Oh yeah, Omi you wanted to talk to me about something was it me cheating on you in your dream or something else ?" She teased.
I got a bit stiff At the thought of even asking her to move in with me. She backed away from me as I turned around.
"Y-yeah.." she raised an eyebrow at me "so which one is it?" She asked eagerly crossing her arms "I-uh,," why was this so freaking hard to ask I scratched the back of my neck avoiding her gaze. "Move in w-ith me...?" I mumbled softly I felt my face heat up as I attempted to ask her that half ass effort.
She smiled that one smug smile I loved to see so much but I'll never tell her that.
"Speak up I cant hear you omi" I rolled my eyes at her and turned my back continuing with chopping up the pork. "Guess you dont want to.." I mumbled earning a small gasp from her and to leech onto me from the side hugging me tightly "no no no sorry I heard you yes I'd love that, actually I've been dying to move in with you but I can't just ask hey I'm going to move in with you so make room for me in your closet" she giggled and kissed my cheek lovingly making me smile. I looked up at her as she smiled so hard at me teeth and everything. She leaned in to kiss me.
Now or never.
"I'm also ready to have sex with you." I moved away to the freezer to grab something I can make her leaving her hangingon thin air. She almost choked on nothing blushing immediately.
"YOU WHAT NOW??" I smirked at her loud voice and shock.
"Is chicken okay?" And now her face turned sour in disbelief. Possibly redder too.
"I guess chicken it is" I shrugged smirking at her.
At the end of the day i always knew that home was always going to be right here with her around me. I'm one lucky man to have her around me. But I've hit bulls eye with her love for me.
Kiyoomi made you chicken soup that day. And he decided that today was the day to give you his all let's just say.. his insecurities weren't right at all about him. Even saying that he totally satisfied you wasn't enough to describe the feeling you felt. Now sakusa has grown addicted to how you feel around him. My guy is whipped and extremely horny for you.
A/N: I LITERSLLY FELL ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF WRITING THIS AHAHAHAHA anyway I feel like this isn't my best work yet but I hope that you guys liked it ;(;( I feel like there's not enough his pov content so I decided to make it his pov also this isn't my best work so I'm sorryyyy im insecure rn pls I hope yall enjoyed this thank you so much for reading !!
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bridgyrose · 3 years
“If the White fang could quit causing trouble, then maybe I wouldnt hate them!” 
“They’re just doing what they have to to fight inequality!” 
“Maybe they should find another way to do it than stealing dust!” 
Ruby groaned as she listened to Blake and Weiss argue, already regretting her suggestion of a team bonding day in Vale and away from Beacon. Afterall, she thought a bit of fresh air and a day of shopping with her teammates would help get the four of them to work together a bit better after listening to all of the complaints against Weiss over the last few days. 
Yang sighed, leaning to her sister. “Maybe we should’ve done something else.” 
“You know Weiss just as well as I do,” replied Ruby. “She’d… complain about anything…” 
“We still need to stop this.” 
“I… I know.” Ruby took a breath and used her semblance to get between Blake and Weiss, immediately interrupting their argument. “That’s enough! We’re supposed to be a team!” 
Weiss frowned a bit. “We are, but that doesnt mean we have to agree with the actions of the White Fang! We ought to bring them to justice!” 
Blake glared at Weiss. “It’s not their fault that they’ve been pushed to make a statement by stealing dust or hurting those that only want to hurt faunus!” 
“Its their fault for not finding another way!” 
“They’re victims-” 
“Maybe I’m a victim too!” Weiss wiped away a few of the tears that she couldnt hold back any longer, pushing Ruby out of the way. “Do you have any idea what life was like for me growing up? I know my father doesnt treat faunus the best, but every shipment the White Fang stole, every late train, any and all hindrances the White Fang caused came down on me. My father would come back angry and he made sure that I knew who was responsible while he took his anger out on me!” 
Blake hesitated for a moment, finally putting a few pieces together as to why Weiss seemed to hate faunus, or at least the White Fang, like they were pests. “That doesnt mean you can treat faunus the way you have been. Or even talk about the White Fang like they’re an evil blighting this world. Maybe we were tired of being pushed around and finally decided to do something about it!” 
Weiss paused for a moment as she processed what Blake had said. “W-we? What do you mean ‘we’?” 
Blake realized what she had said, taking a few steps back. Her instincts were telling her it was time to run again, that now she’d overstayed her welcome while her team knew she had been part of the terrorist group. 
Ruby quickly took hold of Blake’s hand, stopping her. “Blake, dont run.” 
Weiss drew her rapier and pointed it at Blake. “We should have her arrested-” 
“No.” Ruby let go of Blake’s hand and allowed for her own tail to no longer hide under her skirt. “I want to hear her side of things. We’ll go back to our dorm and we can listen to Blake.” 
Weiss paused for a moment as she saw Ruby’s tail, going quiet. She slowly glanced at Yang, trying to gauge if she was a faunus or not, but either way, now didnt seem like the time to pick a fight. At least not until after she heard Blake’s side of the story as Ruby wanted. But for now, she just wanted to get back to the dorm with a quiet walk after finding out two of her team members had been lying to her. 
Yang sighed as she watched Ruby pull a string on her skirt to hide her tail once more as Weiss started to walk off. “You sure you’re okay with letting Weiss know about you?” 
Ruby shrugged, following behind Weiss. “Not in particular, but at this point, I think its best to be able to help Blake this way.” 
Blake looked away for a moment, slightly ashamed of herself for putting Ruby into this kind of a situation. But at the same time, she couldnt help but still look at Ruby with that same curiousness as when she met her. That same childlike wonder of trying to make things better. 
Yang put a hand on Blake’s shoulder, trying to help comfort her. “Ruby seems to care a lot about you if she’s willing to show her secret in order to back you up in an argument.” 
Blake nodded a bit, a small smile starting to form on her face. “Its… different. I’m not used to anyone arguing for me.” 
“Still thinking of running?” 
“I… I want to. I’m not sure how Ruby will feel once she hears the truth of everything. I’m not part of the White Fang anymore, but that doesnt excuse everything I’ve done while part of it.” 
“I still think you’d be a bit surprised.” Yang smiled a bit and started walking back to the dorm with the rest of her team. “There was a time when she wanted to join them too.” 
Blake paused for a moment as she listened to Yang, not quite sure she believed her about Ruby. “She did?” 
Yang nodded. “But, that’s not for me to give the full story on. When you get a chance, you should talk to her about the White Fang. I really do think that you’re underestimating what she’d really think of you.” 
Blake slowly nodded, walking back to the dorm, dragging her feet as she did. Hearing that about Ruby did put her mind to ease slightly, but on the other hand, she still couldnt help but worry about Ruby’s opinion. She took a deep breath and started using her semblance to make her way back to campus, hoping that Yang was right. 
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝atsumu, kuroo, tsukishima and bokuto playing acnh ❞
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miya atsumu
→ first he called the game dumb but he eventually gave in because everyone and their aunts were playing it and he didn’t wanna be left out
→ mf tries so hard for raymond at first
→ he insists it’s just because he can sell him for a lot
→ he really just wants raymond because he lowkey reminds him of osamu
→ anyways this fool doesn’t get raymond but ya know who he does get?
→ pedro
→ atsumu was ✨disgusted✨
→ “a clown?! a fukn clown?! yer jokin me!”
→ “aw don’t cry he fits in so well on your island 😹”
→ “sHUT YER TRAP 😠😠😠”
→ he hated pedro at first and for what?
→ eventually he starts vibing with him though
→ he decides that perhaps... pedro isn’t a bad guy after all
→ so atsumu develops a soft spot for him and begins to favour him over the rest of his mediocre villagers whose names he can’t be bothered to remember
→ ya know whose name he can remeber though?
→ BELLA 😡😠😡😠😡😡😠
→ the name that sparks rage in him
→ atsumu hits his villagers with his net shouting “nice cut g!” as a joke
→ with bella he’s not joking 😐
→ he hits her repeatedly and grins maliciously when she gets angry eventually
→ LOVES shoving her into pitfalls for absolutely no reason
→ cusses her out under his breath
→ writes hate mail to her only to get fustrated when she sends a nice reply about the flowers she saw the other day that reminded her of him
→ honestly bella girl it ain’t worth it, pack your bags and get outta there sis 😔
→ he wants her to get tf off his island because he doesn’t like her but he also kinda wants her to stay because he loves annoying her and making her angry
→ literally goes out of his way to buy the ugliest clothes for her to wear
→ he also has all his villagers address him as “big dick man”
→ pedro is special though 😳
→ pedro is the chosen one who gets to call him “tsumu”
→ literally thinks it’s the funniest thing when his villagers say “hey big dick man! the weather sure is great today isn’t it!”
→ you can hear his cackling from down the hall
→ thinks it’s the peak of comedy
→ oh and you’re not allowed to visit his island on a saturday
→ saturdays are “for the boys”
→ and by that he means he’s just going to buy a ton of matching clothes for him and pedro and talk to him all day until he eventually annoys pedro by accident to which he genuinely gets upset about
→ he doesn’t really bother with the fishing tourneys or bug offs
→ does catch a few though just to make sure he beats bella earns nook miles
→ pretty average island, not too much effort put into it yet
→ atsumu prefers channeling his energy and game time into bullying bella interacting with his villagers
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kuroo tetsurō
→ bangs. it. tf. out.
→ literally acts like he doesn’t care about the game but has 395+ hours game time
→ uses the excuse it’s to play with kenma but kuroo actually got into it before kenma had the chance to look at it properly
→ fishing tourney KING
→ has multiple gold trophy’s and built a whole extension just to show them off
→ also treats all his villagers equally
→ he was a bit picky and only wanted cats and dogs on his island though
→ if you’re anything but a cat or a dog, i’m sorry but kuroo will timeskip you tf off of his island
→ has a soft spot for lucky but doesn’t admit it
→ he likes to come across as a “fair dictator of the island”
→ just admit luckys your fav and go oh my god
→ his house is really nice too
→ pretty much paid off all his debt and is financially responsible 😼
→ he will send you money over a few times a week because he claims he’s a good boyfie virtually and realistically
→ LOVES opening the letters from ‘mom’
→ it’s a small detail in the game but it brings kuroo comfort when he opens the letters and sometimes receives gifts from his virtual ‘mom’ 🥺
→ keeps all the letters from her because that’s what he would do if his real mom ever wrote to him
→ he’s a shameless timeskipper
→ “tetsu?? where tf did you get all this the games only been out a week??”
→ “👁👁 idk what you’re talking about baby”
→ the thing that annoys him the most are the fossils
→ HATES the stupid little marks in the ground that appear every day
→ also HATES talking to blathers
→ “spit it out already! i have places to be and villagers to see!”
→ completely ignores blathers’ real name and refers to him as ‘bokuto’
→ because he’s an owl duh
→ and bokuto also talks a lot
→ you thought it was a cute friendship thing at first but took it back when you heard him muttering under his breath
→ “oh my god just analyse the fossils already you himbo bird!”
→ “did you just call blathers a himbo? 😳”
→ “...no? 😳👀”
→ all in all, kuroo’s pretty good at the game
→ you like visiting his island because he has a ton of extra stuff he just gives you
→ “i never want to hear you call me a bad boyfriend again 😐”
→ “okay fine...but oNLY if you give me an ironwood dresser 😏”
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tsukishima kei
→ another one who bangs it out
→ doesn’t really care when you point it out though
→ “you’re just jealous your islands a dumping ground compared to mine 🥱”
→ “k-kei 😔”
→ also sprints near where you’re fishing to scare the fish off and be spiteful 💀
→ little shit KNOWS you only need oranges to complete all the fruits on your island
→ he also knows you’re out of nook miles tickets
→ “aw that’s a shame, maybe if you were a bit better at the game you’d find them quicker but good luck! 😀”
→ oranges are his native fruit 😐😑😐
→ eventually he gives you them because you’re relentless and his patience runs thin after a while
→ good at the bug offs
→ pretty good at scorpion/tarantula hunting too
→ convinced spike is in love with him after the amount of scorpions and tarantulas he’s donated to him
→ his fossil exhibition in the museum is completed already
→ when blathers tells him the facts about the dinosaurs he just rolls his eyes
→ “i knew that already you stupid bird 🙄”
→ why’s everyone bullying blathers damn 😿
→ now, he likes henry
→ one of the few villagers he doesn’t bully
→ tsukki doesnt particularly care for majority of his villagers
→ henry has a special place in his heart though
→ maybe it’s because henry isn’t overly perky or he isn’t rude like the cranky villagers which tsukishima doesn’t like
→ henry is just??? so??? nice????
→ he can’t hate him
→ all his villagers have catchphrases that are dumb af
→ tsukki thought he was being clever when he made them but he just looks mean when other people talk to his villagers
→ “good morning i am useless! i love your outfit!”
→ henry gets to call him tsukki though
→ only because he figured out that henry reminds him of yamaguchi
→ that’s the only reason henry’s the exception to his bullying
→ i feel like tsukki has a pretty nice house too
→ he makes a lot of bells from selling scorpions and tarantulas and spare fossils he’s dug up
→ doesn’t really care about the size but has very detailed rooms
→ like all the furniture in his rooms follow a scheme
→ mf never opens his mailbox
→ doesn’t care for what the other “peasants have to say for themselves”
→ terraforming isn’t really his thing tbh
→ doesn’t like how slow the process and be and kinda likes the natural flat land
→ he likes laying down paths though
→ cusses villagers out when they get in the way though
→ full on shoves them and will keep shoving them until they get annoyed just because they’ve annoyed him
→ tsukki doesnt put as much time into the game as kuroo but his island is still pretty good and aesthetically pleasing
→ he just won’t help you make yours look like that 💀
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bokuto koutarō
→ weeds. everywhere.
→ get so confused when he’s told he has to pick them all
→ “really? why can’t i just let them grow though i kinda like them 🤩”
→ mf ✨struggles✨ at the first stages
→ “y/n, you know i love you, please give me 30 iron nuggets 🥺💖💞💗”
→ ofc you give them to him because you’re well ahead in the game and don’t need them as much as he does
→ praises you like royalty but then he’s back to begging for materials from you 💀
→ doesn’t pay his debts
→ you’re gonna have to help him out here
→ doesn’t like the idea of having to constantly pay them off
→ like?? he doesn’t want a bigger house so why is this damn raccoon always bothering him to upgrade like leave him and his 2 room house alone 😠
→ has a the same camp bed and lamp from when he first moved out the tent 💀
→ insists he doesn’t need another one because the furniture all functions the same
→ he has a point tbf but his house just isn’t aesthetically pleasing
→ he also hoards stuff
→ common butterfly? yeah bokuto has 37 sitting in his storage
→ doesn’t like letting the bugs go because he “caught them fair and square”
→ you show him how to pay his debts back and then he dedicates a whole room to his stupid bugs 💀
→ loves blathers and celeste just because they’re owls
→ doesn’t care about what they’re wittering on about he loves interacting with them just because they’re the only owls in the game 😐
→ his favourite villager is kid cat
→ literally follows him around and sprints circles around him
→ l o v e s the chaos outside the town hall
→ 2 of his villagers are singing, 3 are running around and 1 is just watching like 🧍🏻‍♀️
→ HYPES his singing villagers tf up
→ “yeah get it bianca! turn it up!!! 🥳🥳”
→ has to match his villagers clothes at least once a week
→ also makes them all refer to him as “the best ace”
→ it boosts his ego a little more each time they say it
→ bokuto actually got raymond out of luck but had no idea who tf he was and just how popular he was
→ lets that mf go without advertising that raymond’s in boxes
→ atsumu screeches when he finds this out eventually
→ bokuto doesn’t care what his villagers look like everyone’s welcome
→ bella should move to bokuto’s island and move from atsumu’s because bokuto will accept her with open arms rather than a net to the head everytime he sees her 😿
→ ALWAYS remembers birthdays for his villagers
→ and always shows up to their birthday parties insisting he’s the life of the party and they’d be bored without him 😹
→ which is true to a certain degree cause the party only really starts when the player arrives
→ bokuto is actually okay at terraforming
→ quickly changes his mind after an hour of building and digging and restarts it all over again
→ he can make his island look pretty good
→ theres just weeds and buried fossils everywhere though 👁👁
→ also forgets his turnips go bad
→ literally the least financially responsible out of them all
→ it’s okay though because you help him and he eventually gets the hang of it
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @atsunakaashi @peteunderoos @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei
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literaila · 4 years
Further down down down
spencer reid x reader 
summary: spencer tells reader he loves her. she doesnt say anything. 
warnings: it sucks. probably typos, probably confusing... angst kind of? 
I hope you enjoy it! 
There was an unread message sitting on her phone. 
And although it held nothing, felt like barely anything. 
It was weighing her down. 
It was pulling her body down down down, and she wondered when she had decided to hold onto this incredible weight. When she had decided that today was the day to go weight lifting. Nevermind the fact that she’d never been weight lifting a day in her life, nevermind the fact that she hadn't chosen this, that in reality, she wanted nothing more but to put it down. 
It only took her a few seconds to be pulled back down when she finally found the ground. 
And there she was, going down down down and she could barely remember why. 
It all seemed stupid now, silly, immature. It all seemed like she was being ridiculous, acting like an eight-year-old child and she should learn how to be an adult. 
A couple of days ago she wouldn't have thought that, a couple of days ago her mind was set, her body was no longer anxious with the decision making she’d been putting it through. A couple of days ago everything seemed final, and she knew exactly what was to come, knew exactly how it would all turn out. 
A couple of days ago her mind was set. 
But then everything started feeling heavy, it started with her hands, started with her hands feeling like they were baring the whole world, it started with her hands and then it moved up, up up, and she could feel it in her arms, could feel it filling her like it was something pleasant like it was warm and she was welcoming it. She felt it fill her arms like she was accepting it into her body. 
She wasn't but that didn't matter. 
And then it traveled further up, further down, everywhere else it could touch. Her shoulders, her chest, her stomach, her thighs, her fingertips, her feet. It filled and filled and seemed like it would never stop. 
It would never stop, this weight. This terrible, dreadful weight. 
Holding her down. Pinning her to the ground, screaming in her face that she couldn't get up yet. That she had to go down down down some more, that this wouldn't be over for a while. 
It was so ridiculous. 
And if she were a different person, she might beg it to stop, might beg the weight to stop making her chest feel heavy every time she tried to breathe in air, might beg for this weight to let her mind go, to let her think again without pounding on her skull, sending her body down. If she were any different, she might beg, she might scream for it to set her free, to get her out of this hell, to stop making her feel like this. 
But she was who she was, and the weight wouldn't leave. 
Eventually, after she heard the ring of her phone dancing across the room after she’d walked the distance over to it after she’d picked it up carefully, already familiar with the sound, already aware who was texting her, after she’d read it, once, twice, again and again. After all of that, she’d realized that this weight had been building up, that this weight was all leading up to this moment, this message. 
This girl who was sitting in the dark, sitting, waiting, trying not to fall on her face. 
A couple of days ago she’d been sure. 
Sure that it was over, that it was done, it was just done, that they wouldn't speak again, that they wouldn't talk, wouldn't fight, that his eyes would never meet hers again, that he would no longer look at her the way he always did, that he wouldn't smile, wouldn't laugh with her. 
She’d been sure that it was over. That it was done. 
She’d been so sure. So sure. 
And now she was falling down down down. 
A week ago, Spencer had told her. He’d breathed the words out into the world, exhaling, inhaling, forcing this moment between the two of them, putting this secret out into the world and begging her to take it in. 
He’d told her he loved her. 
He whispered the words, quietly, so so fast, inhaling, exhaling. 
It was all she could do to look at him. To notice the dwindling hope in his eyes, the familiar color she’d stared at for months. It was all she could do to sit there and watch him and let her mind flutter away to a different place. 
He’d told her he loved her and she hadn't said a thing. 
She’d watched though. Oh yes, she’d watched every moment, every flicker of emotion go through his eyes. 
At first, he’d been hopeful, blissful, watching her, laughing at her. He’d breathed this secret out into the world and she could see that he’d been relieved, that this secret was a relief to let go of. And then she noticed his smile fall, slowly, not all at once. She’d notice while his face shifted, changing into something less, something no longer blissful, no longer relieved, like he’d realized he’d said the wrong thing. The wrong thing. 
And then, she watched his eyes become confused, watched as he scowled at the world, scowled at this cruel world that he’d hoped in only moments ago. And she watched and she watched and the last emotion she saw was sorrow, grief like he’d lost something. It was the last thing she saw before he got up, got up off of this picnic blanket they were sitting on, and left. Walking away. Walking home she assumed. 
She didn't see anything after that. 
But she’d sat there, in the dark, cold, the wind fresh against her cheek, the world angry with her, angry that she hadn't grabbed onto the secret Spencer had left for her, that the world had to harbor that secret alone. 
She could barely tell. 
Because her mind was fluttering back, returning to her in the wind, and this event, this secret, this weight had all hit her at once. 
Spencer had told her he loved her. She hadn't said a thing. 
She hadn't done anything. She hadn't blinked, hadn't breathed, there were no whispers of affection, no smiles, no scenes that she was so familiar with in movies. 
There hadn't been anything. 
Every piece of her, for only a minute, had left, had fluttered away in the wind, and she hadn't had a thing to say. 
That night, she cursed to herself, cursed, and had wanted to scream out into the world. But it was too cold, and she was too aware of what had happened to do anything but curse. A couple of minutes later she’d got up, hoping she could find him. 
But it was too late. 
And a couple of days ago she had decided. 
After days of him avoiding her, or her avoiding him- she didn't know, she couldn't decide which it was -after days of that, of not looking each other in the eyes, of not talking about anything unless it was absolutely necessary, of sitting in different rooms, different worlds. Yes, after that she decided that it was done. That it was over, that clearly their friendship wasn't strong enough to last her stupidity, that her immaturity, her tactic for avoiding things, had ended it all. 
It was over. She could tell it was over. It was over so the weight could go, so the weight of Spencer’s secret, his confession, the weight could leave. It could go, she didn't need it, she didn't need to go down down down if they weren't friends, if that moment hadn't mattered at all. If it was over. 
The weight could go now. It could go, she didn't need it. She didn't. 
And for the last couple of days, she’d been firm on her decision, set, final, she was sure that it was the answer. They were over, done, and she would have to cope with that. Surely she couldn't cope with that. 
But then her phone had blared, had stopped her heart for far too long, had sent a brand new wave of weight down her body and, and, ouch. 
After that, she was being forced further down, down down down, and the weight was telling her that this was it, that it wasn't going to leave, that it had made a nice home in her body, that she was just far too comfortable for it to leave, and she wanted to scream and cry and she didn't understand any of these emotions that were coming out of her from a simple text a simple, “I’m coming over” a simple statement, one she shouldn't, one she never had been, afraid of. 
The weight was only pushing her further. Only throwing her body down further into the ground, down down down. 
She had to talk to him. She knew that she’d always know that, she’d known that even if it was over, even if they really weren't going to be friends anymore, even if she would still have to talk to him once more, she would still have to apologize, still have to put an end to it completely. 
But she was good, no she was excellent at avoiding her problems, avoiding talking to people. And she had wanted to avoid him, at least for a couple more weeks, until she could get herself together, could cope with the reality of the situation, until she was ready to tell him, to listen to him tell her that it was over. 
She’d wanted to wait longer. 
But he was coming over, he was coming over to her house right now, he would be there in no less than ten minutes, and she wasn't ready, she didn't want this. 
She was an idiot, she was, and she wasn't ready to admit that, she wasn't ready to admit that this was her fault, that she should have said something. 
And god, she couldn't breathe with all this extra weight on her chest. 
And she was still going down, further down, so far down she was on the edge of the earth, down down down, until she wasn't anything, until there was nothing, until she was just dust in an old-world, until she couldn't-
She was still going down when there was a knock at the door. 
She didn't move, didn't think, didn't breathe. 
She didn't go up and answer the door. Usually, even when they were still being proper friends, Spencer would only knock as a courtesy. After she’d explained her dislike of greeting people at the door, at the awkward silence that usually followed, he’d stopped waiting for her to answer, he knocked, waited a couple of seconds, and then came in. 
She’d given him a key a long time ago. 
She waited fifteen seconds. Fifteen seconds. She pretended she couldn't hear him breathing against the door, inhale, exhale, she pretended that he wasn't there, this was a normal day, normal day, it was just a normal day. 
After fifteen seconds he quietly opened the door. She saw him peek first, notice all the lights off, and then she saw him step in, taking his shoes off while she tried to be as quiet as possible. Maybe if he couldn't see her, couldn't hear her, he would leave. 
He would leave and she would be alone, so alone with this weight and she would go so far down, and she could just keep avoiding him and it could be over. 
But, he turned on the lights, so familiar with her apartment, and his eyes met hers, where she was curled up on the couch, staring at him. 
He gave her a sideways smile. 
A smile that wasn't like him wasn't normal, it was an awkward smile like he was trying to make peace with her like he was trying to make sure she wasn't mad. 
She couldn't feel the weight press against her chest, forcing her to breathe out. 
She swore she could see Spencer flinch. 
He moved quietly, taking his bag off of his shoulder, placing it on her counter, and neither of them were saying a word, and she couldn't remember why he was there, why he had said he was coming. 
Maybe he hadn't. 
She wanted him to be the first to speak, she wasn't going to utter a word until he did. 
And with every second that passed, every awkward second of them being in the same room, alone together, silent, she could feel the weight getting heavier and heavier. 
It seemed impossible that it could be any heavier than it already was, but then again she thought that it was impossible yesterday too. 
“Are you cold?” Spencer finally said, his voice unfamiliar, almost scared. 
It was the first thing he’d said to her in a week. 
And all she could respond with was a “huh?” 
“You-” Spencer swallowed, his hands gesturing toward her “You’re all curled up, and you usually do that when your cold… and I can” he breathed “I can go check the thermostat if you want- I already know where it is so-” 
“Yes?” he asked, his voice quiet now. 
“I’m fine.” 
He nodded. Took a deep breath in. Inhaling, exhaling. 
And then both of them were thinking. It was like their brains were connected, both of them remembering the same thing at the exact same time. 
I love you 
A whisper into the wind. A secret, now told. Grab it. 
Grab it. 
Spencer was shaking his head. Trying not to remember her rejection, her silence. He told her he loved her and she had nothing to say. Nothing at all. 
And she was sitting, staring, willing that moment to fade into the distance forever. The weight on her chest was expanding, throwing itself at her heart, trying to make her fall, trying to get her to go down down down. It was whispering in her ear, reminding her. She willed it to go away. 
They both looked up at the same time. Their eyes mee. And it was awkward, it was so incredibly awkward. And it almost felt like there was nothing to say, nothing at all. 
And she knew she had to get this over with. She needed this weight to go away, to let go. 
“Spencer,” she said again. 
He looked up, nodded his head as a way of answering. 
“Why are you here? If you’re not going to talk to me? Why are you here?” And her voice was so different, such a different shade of herself, a different sound. She wondered when she would be able to move without falling. 
“I needed… We need to talk, we can't work together and just…” Spencer’s voice faded off, his intent clear, his words clearer. 
“Then talk Spence.” the nickname fell from her lips, an accident that scarred the both of them. 
It was silent for a moment. Spencer dwelling on the past, Y/N trying not to fall, not to fade into her couch, willing this weight to go away because she didn't want it. It was supposed to be gone by now. 
“I’m sorry.” Was all Spencer said, breaking the silence. Then breaking it again. “I’m sorry that I’ve made this awkward. And I’m sorry that I left that night. I shouldn’t have left. I just- I just needed some time.” He stopped, and she wondered if he was done. He wasn't. 
“I shouldn't have thrown that at you, and I don't expect you to say anything back, all of this, every awkward thing that has happened this week is my fault, and it was never supposed to be awkward with you and… I’m just sorry.” 
He stopped. Rubbed an ashamed hand over his face. 
And she could see the resistance on his face, she could see the sincerity, and she realized. 
It wasn't done. 
And oh god, oh god. 
She had missed him so much. She had willed herself not to miss him, repeated over and over that they were done, that it was done, that it wouldn't happen, that it was too late, far too late and she fell further and further down, the weight of fear and longing enough to push her down down down. 
But she had missed him, she had missed him and she’d only just realized it. 
It couldn't be over. It couldn't just be over when it was someone you loved as much as she loved him. 
“Why are you sorry?” she asked, her voice strangled, coming out in one breath as she tried to breathe in, tried to breathe in air. Just air. 
“I didn't… I never meant to throw my um,” he paused an awkward hand scratching his neck. “I never meant to tell you like that. It was just. I- I’m sorry.” 
And for just one second, just one moment, the weight faltered, flinched, and she pushed against it, pushed back, fought it. 
She got up off the couch. 
She went to stand in front of him. 
“I know Spence, but why are you sorry?” and her voice was softer now, her chest less resistant. 
“I love you. I’m sorry.” 
And it was those words again, that secret that he had breathed out into the world once before, only once before, that weight that he had placed on her chest, the secret he had handed her. It was that secret. Those words. 
Down down down, breathe breathe breathe. 
“I know you don't feel the same, and I’m sorry. I never should have told you.” 
And that weight, that goddamn weight was pushing against her, making her feel so much, too much, but she couldn't just let herself flutter away again, she couldn't just ignore him like she had been, couldn't avoid his emotions again. She couldn't. She wouldn't this time. No. 
And this weight was forcing her down, so far down, but she had more to say. No. She had more to say she wouldn't go yet. 
“Spencer,” she said, her voice nothing more than a whisper, awed, hesitant. “You don't have to be sorry.” 
“Yes I do, and you can say that-” 
“No,” she said, her thoughts out in the open. “No, you don't have to be sorry. You never have to be sorry for how you feel.” 
Spencer stood in front of her, confused, his eyes questioning. 
“I’m sorry Spencer, I’m so so sorry.” She said, taking one step closer, resisting the weight that tried to pull her back. 
“Why are you sorry? You haven't done anything.” Spencer said, and she could see his eyes thinking over the moment, going over everything she had said, but he wouldn't understand, he wouldn't get it, not until she told him. 
“I have though. That night, when you were smiling at me, laughing with me,” she giggled at the memory, looking right at him like she could see him for the first time. “When you told me when you said you loved me, something inside of me ran away. And I know you understand everything, but you won't understand this okay? So just listen.” She said when she could tell he was about to interrupt. 
“A part of me ran away. I think I was so shocked, I think it was just too much for that moment. It was too much and I didn't know what to say. So I ran, not literally, but figuratively, I ran. And I’m sorry because you didn't deserve that, you didn't deserve to be upset because I couldn't open my mouth, and you have not deserved me avoiding you this past week because I was scared. Spencer, I was so scared.” Her face was reserved now, her voice almost catching, almost falling. 
“I thought that was it. I thought I had made a mistake. I thought that I didn't get another chance, that I was never going to be able to tell you how I felt. And so I didn't say anything, I didn't want to admit the truth to myself, to you, so I’ve been avoiding you, and I’m sorry. Because you don't deserve that, you never have.” 
Spencer was looking at her, staring at her still like he was confused, and so she went on, the words too much to keep trapped inside of her body. 
“And I’m sorry, I never meant for anything like this to ever happen, and we can just go back to being friends we can just-” 
Spencer cut her off, her words disappearing as he moved closer to her. 
And she looked in his eyes, looked and she saw something she recognized. She saw hope, she saw bliss. Bliss. Hope. 
She saw him, she saw the same him she had seen a couple of nights ago, when he had told her he loved her, she saw that same guy, sitting in front of her, smiling, and she was confused, what had just happened what was happening? 
“You were never going to be able to tell me how you felt?” he said, his voice clear as day, his smile breaking her in half. 
“Ye-yeah.” She said, now aware of how close he was, of the weight pounding in her chest. Pounding, pounding, and she was sure, she was so sure, that she was going to fall down, was going to be buried by this pounding, this weight, she was so sure
And then Spencer spoke again. 
“How did you feel?” he asked, and she could understand why he was hopeful, why he was looking at her like that why he was smiling. Because he finally understood, she hadn't even said the words and he understood. 
And it was almost like they were in a completely different place. It was almost like she was completely new, almost like, almost like 
“I love you. I loved you. And I love you.” she said, her words rushed, her secret banging out into the world, her secret so similar to his. She wished he would grab it. Grab it. 
“You love me?” he asked, his smile wider, his dimples more clear. 
And his eyes, and his eyes. 
It was so much different from last time, so much different, so so different because now she was there, her brain wasn't somewhere else and she could feel her heart pounding could feel the butterflies in her stomach, could feel everything, she could think, and 
Spencer looked happy. Hopeful. So so different. 
Inhale, exhale. 
“I love you,” she said again, reassured, tried to smile at her confession, tried not to feel nervous. 
“You love me,” Spencer said once more, this time as a statement, this time sure, this time this time this time. 
And he kissed her. He moved forward, his hands heading for her face, his body colliding with her, and 
Oh god oh god. 
He kissed her. It was different than she had imagined, different, but she was learning to accept the difference, and so she kissed back. Meeting his lips with just as much passion as he met hers. 
And this weight was pulling her down, pulling her down begging her to come with it, grabbing onto her shirt, her hair, any inch of skin it could find. This weight was screaming at her, pulling her down down down, and she was accepting. 
She was going down. So far down. Fading into nothing. 
But, she realized, this wasn't a bad weight. 
She realized that if she had accepted earlier, if she had not tried to keep herself up, if she had let herself fall, fall, down down down down down down. If she had just gone with the weight. 
She would have realized sooner that it was Spencer, that Spencer was pulling her down, taking him with her, loving her, desperately, intensely. 
They were pulling this weight together. 
Down down down.
thank you so much for reading! 
my masterlist here. 
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Hmmm... "tfw ur evil mom doesnt like ur bf"
Despite the glib file name I gave it, this one is actually pretty serious.
This one takes place in my Paradigm Shift AU, which is an AU in which not only was Keith raised in space, and not only did he join Team Lotor, but he and the rest of Team Lotor (or Team Revolutionary as I call this version of them) became the Paladins of Voltron and are fighting a revolution against the Empire. More specifically, this WIP was an AU of my AU, and more specifically still it's a, "what if Haggar controlled Narti in Paradigm Shift the same way she did in canon? What if the Narti Incident still happened?" After I considered the question I couldn't get it out of my head, so I had to write it down—or at least start to write it down, before I got distracted by other things.
TL;DR: Haggar uses Narti to spy (against Narti's will), and Lotor (in a moment of trauma-induced panic) tries to kill her as in canon, only to be stopped by Keith . . . and things get worse from there. Narti does end up escaping (nothing but unrefrigerated women in my AU), but Team Revolutionary is pretty badly fractured as a result of what Haggar makes her do after Keith intervenes, how Lotor reacts to what she does, how Ezor reacts to how Lotor reacts to what she does, and all the emotional fallout that comes with it.
I actually had quite a bit written, so I'll give multiple snippets:
So one Sincline ship was necessary, absolutely, but Lotor had ordered the construction of four more with the remainder of the comet they had secured from an alternate reality. At first, Acxa hadn’t understood why. They had their Lions, and while she couldn’t speak for Zethrid, Ezor, or Narti, Acxa herself was pretty attached to Red. She didn’t want to trade for a Sincline ship. But Lotor had, when she had questioned him, pointed out the fact that they would not be able to pilot Voltron forever. Eventually, they would die or move on to other things. And when they did, and Voltron passed into other hands, it may be necessary to have a check on its power, just in case.
“At present, the Sincline ships are the only ships in the known universe with a hope of meeting Voltron in a fair fight,” he had said. “They will only be five ships, one per Lion, when completed, but that is still five more ships than the universe had before.”
“But we have them,” Ezor had said, “so aren’t we just making a check on ourselves?”
“We have them now,” Lotor had said, a little smile playing at his lips, “but we need not have them forever. Nothing is eternal, Ezor.”
With that decided, construction had progressed on the remaining four. Acxa had to say, they were impressive. While she still felt a strong attachment to Red that she wasn’t willing to break, the Sincline ships gleamed in the light of their hangar, and their cockpits had a soft scent that was comforting and welcoming at once (“New ship smell,” Keith had called it, and Acxa wasn’t so sure about that, but she also couldn’t think of anything to counter it). The third ship was about halfway complete; between the mechanics they had recruited and the droids they had built for this purpose, construction was coming along at a brisk pace, and so Lotor’s smile as the six of them watched its progress from the doorway of the hangar was (in Acxa’s opinion) completely warranted.
“At this rate, we should be able to begin testing on the third ship within the next few months,” Lotor said, his voice raised a little to be heard over the sound of the ore being soldered. “Acxa, have you checked the calibration and pilot test results from the second ship?”
“Yes,” Acxa said. “Calibration of the second ship is complete, and it passed all other tests with no errors. It’s in perfect form.”
Lotor cast one last satisfied look at the half-completed third ship before he turned and left the hangar, the rest of them turning to follow suit. Well, most of the rest of them; Keith alone lingered for just a moment more, smiling a little as he looked back at the ship, but when he turned and caught Acxa watching him, his smile fell.
“Nothing,” Acxa said, and though she resisted the urge to roll her eyes, she couldn’t keep a little smile off her own lips as she followed after Lotor, Ezor, Narti, and Zethrid down the corridor. “Attached already, are you?”
“I like ships,” Keith said, a little defensively as he fell into step beside her. “That’s all.”
“I know,” Acxa said. But though it was childish of her, and though there was no reason to rile him over being excited at the construction of the Sincline ships, she still couldn’t stop herself from adding, “Nerd,” under her breath.
She glanced at him in time to see him roll his eyes, but he was smiling a little again as he stepped to the side to knock his shoulder against hers in a playful bump, and that made her own smile grow.
[. . .]
It had been six weeks since an agent of the Blade named Ulaz had infiltrated the castleship looking for someone named Shiro—six weeks since Keith saw a symbol on Ulaz’s weapon that he thought looked vaguely familiar, and six weeks since Ulaz had looked at Keith with an expression caught somewhere between joy and heartache, like he knew him, somehow, but couldn’t acknowledge that even to himself. Ulaz had given them the coordinates to one of the Blade of Marmora’s bases, and had urged them to go there as soon as possible. Keith wanted to; it was obvious that was what he wanted without him having to say it. But he had said it after Ulaz had left them, his jaw set and his eyes burning holes into the floor as he spoke privately to Acxa and Lotor.
“I think I . . . there was something kind of . . . familiar about him. Like I knew him, maybe. And he—there was something he said, before he died, that made it seem like maybe he knew me, too. And I don’t know how, or why, but . . . maybe if I meet with the Blade like he said, I’ll figure it out.”
The logic was sound. It made sense. And it was something, Acxa knew, that Keith was fixated on, even if he didn’t bring it up regularly. But though Ulaz had infiltrated the castle six weeks ago, they had yet to trace the coordinates he had given them to visit the Blade of Marmora’s hidden base. Their delay was justified; there was always more work to be done. But all things considered, Acxa felt there was a good chance Lotor was delaying their visit on purpose.
Acxa glanced sidelong at the frown Keith was sending Zethrid’s way before she faced forward again.
It was selfish of Lotor if that was the case, but if she was honest with herself, Acxa couldn’t say she didn’t understand.
[. . .]
By now they had reached the base of the stairs leading up to another floor (there being too many of them to all cram into the elevator), and whatever had hit the castle did so with enough force to tilt it briefly up on its side. Ezor flailed and grabbed the banister, while Acxa was thrown sideways into Keith, who stumbled and barely kept his balance as she was thrown into him. Narti spread her arms and straightened her tail to keep her balance, Kova digging his claws into her shoulder, while Zethrid grabbed the other banister and Lotor was nearly thrown back off the stairs he had just started climbing. The attack (because Acxa didn’t know what else it could be) was powerful enough to cause the castleship to tremble with aftershocks even after the blow ceased; and as they all stood up, Ezor looked at the rest of them with wide eyes.
“What was—?”
The security alarms blared to life, drowning out Ezor’s voice and causing Kova to leap off Narti’s shoulder with a startled, angry yowl. In lieu of answering Ezor, Lotor tapped the communicator on his wrist, and as soon as the hologram screen flared to life above it, snapped, “Bridge, report! What’s happening?!”
“We’re being attacked by Empire fleets!” Dune, a member of Auxiliary Team One, cried. “Two, three—at least three of them, from different ang—!”
Another attack crashed into the ship, this time from the opposite side. Acxa caught herself against the wall, and held out her other hand to brace Keith was he was nearly thrown into her. Ezor and Zethrid were gripping the stairway banisters for dear life.
“Use Keith’s console to raise the particle barrier,” Lotor ordered. “We’ll be there momentarily.”
“On it!”
Dune’s voice had already been a crackle through Lotor’s communicator, but her response was even more clipped than normal as Lotor cut the communication in a sharp snap before he turned to head up the stairs again. Acxa and the others immediately hastened to follow suit, Kova climbing up Narti’s back to cling to her shoulder again, yet even as the lot of them sprinted up the staircase, Keith took the stairs two at a time to match Lotor’s strides.
“Lions?” he asked, and before Lotor had time to answer, added, “It’d be faster if we doubled back instead of going all the way to the bridge. We can get to the Lions through the Sincline hangar.”
“No,” Lotor said, and perhaps sensing the rebuttal in Keith’s frown, explained, “If we’re being attacked by this many fleets it wouldn’t be wise to counter. We’re better served using a wormhole to relocate until we can better plan our next move.”
“But how did they find us?” Acxa demanded. “Even if we leave, if we don’t know how they found us in the first place—”
“We had to have been tracked,” Zethrid said, and though Acxa agreed, that didn’t ease the knot in her throat, or the fists her fingers instinctively curled in.
“But how?” Ezor asked, a nervous frown on her lips. “Last time we were tracked by those other reality Paladins, right? By their Lions?”
“But they left a while ago,” Keith said, “and Dune didn’t say Zarkon was here. She would have mentioned it if he was.”
“If she knows what’s good for her, anyway,” Zethrid said.
“Then how did the Empire find us now?” Ezor asked. “If it wasn’t the other reality Paladins and their Lions, then what? How were we tracked?”
Lotor hadn’t broken stride the entire time they climbed the staircase. He hadn’t offered his own input, nor had he shown any indication that he heard their conversation at all. Yet as he reached the second floor he slowed, and finally came to a full stop just as Narti made it to the top of the stairs. Ezor and Zethrid, who had managed to pull ahead of him in the mad sprint up the staircase, noticed and stopped as well, both turning to look back.
“What is it?” Acxa asked.
Lotor didn’t answer her. He gave no indication to show that he even registered that she was talking to him. She was near enough to him so that she could see his profile, and while she couldn’t say why, exactly, what she saw was enough to make ice take up root in her chest. Lotor was staring at the floor, his jaw clenched. His hand was resting on the hilt of his sword. Acxa opened her mouth to call out to him again, yet thought better of it in the next tick. She looked over to Keith instead.
But for once, Keith didn’t return her glance. Instead, he was watching Lotor. His eyes were narrowed, his lips tugged in a sharp frown. And slowly—so slowly that Acxa almost didn’t catch it—he palmed and raised the Black Bayard so it was level with his waist.
Acxa restrained the impulse to reach for her Bayard in turn.
The moment, which felt like hours even though it could have only been a few seconds, ended with the ferocity of a lightning strike. Lotor whipped around as though a bolt had gone through him, his eyes wild, bright, and locked on Narti. In the next tick he threw himself forward, his sword clearing its scabbard as he brought it up in a high arc—
And a ring of steel upon rift ore echoed in the corridor as his blade clashed against Keith’s, Keith having thrown himself between Lotor and Narti like a living shield.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Keith demanded. He pushed back, knocking Lotor’s sword up and away, yet though Lotor took a step back, the wild look in his eyes didn’t fade.
“Keith,” Lotor said through a clenched jaw, “move.”
“No. We’re supposed to be under attack from the Empire, not each other,” Keith snapped. “What’s your problem?”
Lotor was gripping his sword so hard his arm was shaking. “You don’t understand—”
“I don’t think anyone could understand why you wou—” Keith froze mid-sentence, and glanced back over his shoulder. “What—?”
Keith’s voice broke, not in a yelp, but in a gasp as his spine arched and he jerked forward.
“Keith!” Acxa said, as both Ezor and Zethrid came closer. “What—?”
Her question died in her throat.
Narti had grabbed Keith. She had grabbed his arm for support, Acxa thought—had thought. She had grabbed him to give him support through whatever spasm had suddenly seized him. But the spasm wasn’t caused by anything to do with him. Three long, claw-like blades crafted from rift ore protruded through the front of Keith’s Paladin armor, dripping with his blood. They had been driven straight through, and Acxa recognized them. They all did. They were Narti’s blades, from her Bayard, as it took the same shape it always did for her. She had run them straight through Keith’s back, pushing them through until they cut open his stomach with three, evenly spaced wounds.
The one prolonged, solitary moment in which everything seemed frozen while they all processed what happened broke. Narti pushed Keith forward, and in the same moment pulled her blades out of his back. They retracted back into her Bayard with their customary shing-click as Keith—his eyes glazed even as they fluttered shut—collapsed. Lotor lurched forward, knees bent in a crouch, to catch him; his arm looped around Keith’s waist to support him as Keith sagged, limp and unresponsive, against his chest. The Black Bayard fell from Keith’s now slack grip and hit the floor with a clatter, but Lotor did not release his own weapon even as he wrapped his other arm across Keith’s back in a secure, though gentle, embrace.
Lotor’s expression was stricken, his voice strangled as he choked out, “Keith—”
The castle gave another lurch as something rammed against—it, Acxa supposed, or against the particle barrier—and though it was sudden, disruptive, and violent enough to cause them all to stumble once again, it was also enough of a shock to break through the lock her mind had slammed down in an effort to reject what had just happened. She didn’t—she didn’t want to accept it, but there Keith was, bleeding out—bleeding out in Lotor’s arms, and—
The shock, the reminder that they were under attack—it was all Lotor needed, too.
Acxa was only awarded a glimpse of his face—one tick to see not the rage, but the hatred in his eyes—before he jumped over Keith and threw himself at Narti, bringing his sword down in a vicious arc. He missed; Narti leaped backwards and hit the center of the staircase in a back handspring that allowed her to flip the rest of the way down.
Lotor wasn’t deterred. He didn’t hesitate for a heartbeat as he tore down the staircase after her. And Ezor, her eyes wide as she realized everything that was happening—
“No . . . Lotor, no!”
—she, too, sprinted right by Keith and took off after.
Ezor was chasing Lotor, who was chasing Narti, who was trying to escape, but Acxa had no time for any of them. She didn’t register when she hit her knees by Keith’s side, or even what she was going to do as she grasped Keith’s shoulders to try to pull him up, but the moment she realized what she was doing—as the reality of the situation kicked in, and she fought against the urge to kick herself for not taking command of the situation sooner, before it reached this point—she said, “Zethrid!”
Acxa stood and stumbled backward as Zethrid swept forward and easily hauled Keith up off the floor.
#WIPs meme#series: paradigm shift#fic fix#voltron#prince lotor#keith kogane#acxa#narti#ezor#zethrid#keitor#keith & acxa#so basically the situation ends up being:#Narti escapes & is forced to pilot a stolen ship to wherever Haggar is since her cover was blown#(it's not a Lion or a Sincline ship; just a normal one)#Narti is pretty devastated over what she was made to do bc Team Revolutionary is / was her family - Keith included#& she vows that while Haggar made her coat her hands in Keith's blood that the last coat of blood on her claws#will be Haggar's#meanwhile while Team Revolutionary does manage to escape the attack they are just a mess#Keith is on life support in the medbay; it's unclear whether or not he'll survive#Ezor is in love w/ Narti & is sure there is a good reason for why she did what she did & is furious at Lotor for trying to kill her#Lotor is beside himself w/ rage & grief at Narti's apparent betrayal & Keith's potential death & is further furious#Zethrid doesn't want to admit it but tbh she agrees w/ Lotor that Narti is obviously a traitor which further infuriates Ezor#esp bc she assumes Acxa agrees w/ Lotor & Zethrid bc of how close Acxa & Keith are#(Acxa has known Keith the longest; they were each other's found family before anyone else)#Acxa honestly doesn't know what to think beyond the fact that her whole entire family has fallen apart in what feels like 5 minutes#& she cannot handle the thought that Keith might actually die - which he very well could still#later when they're alone Lotor tells Acxa to promise him she'll kill Narti next time they encounter her - bc as a distance fighter she's#the only one who safely can. & Acxa agrees tho rly this whole situation just has her miserable#it's a hot mess & it's all thanks to Haggar being evil as usual. thanks Haggar. you're the best
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reinerispretty · 4 years
I love your writing 🥺 Can you do a Sokka imagine where the reader is a firebender so Sokka doesnt take well to her joining the gaang at first, and they always bicker/ throw sarcastic comments at each other and the gaang is so sick of it! But one day they are forced to be alone together (they go on a mission?) and sparks fly n they kiss or something 😳 they return to camp and the gaang is like... ok why r u guys tolerating eachother and u guys r inseparable and super couply from then on!
hi!! sorry i’m just now getting to this!! i like to put lots of effort into my requests so i wanted it to be the best it could be :D hope you enjoy!!
(Y/N) had always been very proud of her firebending. Not everyone in the town she had grown up in were benders, so being able to bend one of the elements was a great honor. Because of her powers, she was on track to join the Fire Nation military. These plans changed of course, as soon as she met the Avatar and his friends. She had helped them escape capture and joined them on their adventures. They were all pretty hesitant about her joining, but eventually Toph vouched for her by saying that she wasn’t lying when she told them all she had ever wanted was to help people. 
(Y/N) had been traveling with their group for a few weeks and was slowly starting to build friendships with the other members of her group. Aang absolutely refused to learn firebending from her, but watched and laughed as she made little dragon puppets out of fire after dinner. She and Toph became fast friends, as they both had a similar wit and nonchalance about life. Katara took a bit to fully warm up to her, but (Y/N) was relentless and eventually they could exchange pleasant conversation as they cooked dinner. Even Appa licked her when she brought him hay, and Momo had started sharing his berries with her. The only person who didn’t like her at all was Sokka. 
“I don’t want a firebender joining us,” He had said pointedly when she first joined the group. He had been outvoted, of course, and now whenever (Y/N) did anything, he had something to say in return. If she arranged the sleeping bags, he complained about their positioning. If she made dinner that night, he complained about the taste. It seemed like he went out of his way to make her feel bad. 
Initially (Y/N) had tried to understand. The Fire Nation had hurt his people, so it was only natural that he was apprehensive toward her. But then his words started to hurt. One day, he had mentioned that she had betrayed her own people, so it would only be a matter of time until she betrayed them, too, and (Y/N) had had enough. She threw her bowl of soup to the ground and stood up. “What’s your problem?” She demanded. 
“My problem is with you,” He spat. “You’re Fire Nation, you can’t be trusted.” 
“Don’t you think that if I had even thought about turning you all in to the Fire Lord, I would have done it already?” 
“I don’t know what goes on in your little spy brain!” 
“I know what goes on in your brain: absolutely nothing!” She let out a frustrated scream and turned on her heel, marching into her tent. The rest of the group stared at Sokka awkwardly. 
“She’s such a piece of work,” He grumbled, sipping on his soup. “Can you believe her?” 
Over the next few weeks, whenever Sokka said an insult toward (Y/N) she’d shoot one right back. If he wanted to be a pain in her side, fine. She’d be one in his, too. 
“You sure your twig arms can handle that firewood?” She asked him as he brought wood for their campfire. 
“Hey, at least I’m doing something. What, are you too busy plotting how to take over the world to help?” 
Their conversations were just insults and sarcastic quips, and eventually the rest of the group started to get sick of it. One night, as they sat at dinner, (Y/N) and Sokka were bickering because they had been forced to sit beside each other. Toph drove a piece of earth between them and flung them in opposite directions. “Would you guys quit it!” The girl shouted. “I only have four out of the five senses and you guys are driving them all crazy!” 
“Sorry, Toph,” (Y/N) apologized, brushing herself off. “You know how he is.” 
“Me?” Sokka exclaimed. “Toph, you know how she is!” 
“You arrogant, good for nothing--” 
“Ow!” Aang shouted, clutching his foot. The group stopped to look at him. “Ow, ow, ow, I think I stepped on something. My foot really hurts!” Katara rushed over to take a look and furrowed her brows. 
“I don’t--” 
“Oh, Sokka,” Aang sighed. “I don’t think I can go on that mission with you tomorrow, my foot just hurts too bad!” He gave Katara a big wink. 
“Oh, of course!” She said, finally getting what Aang was trying to do. “I have to stay here and help Aang heal. I’ll need Toph’s help, too, so (Y/N) is the only one who can go on the mission with you.” 
“I’d rather go alone,” Sokka said, crossing his arms. 
“Please, how are you going to defend yourself if you don’t have a bender with you?” (Y/N) asked with a roll of her eyes. Sokka balled his fists and stormed off to his tent, mumbling angry, incoherent sentences. (Y/N) yawned and retreated back to her tent for the night. 
“I’m not really injured,” Aang said. 
“Really?” Toph deadpanned. “Couldn’t tell.” 
“I just wanted a break from the two of them. They’re always fighting!” 
“Who knows,” Katara said with a smile. “Maybe the trip will bring them closer together.” 
The next morning, (Y/N) and Sokka begrudgingly walked side-by-side to their mission. They were doing a stake out of some Fire Navy ships to see what kind of weapons they were storing on them. They climbed up to a tall hillside, where they could comfortably watch the ships. As long as they were quiet, they wouldn’t bring any attention to themselves. 
Sokka’s plan was to stay there for a full twenty-four hours. Every time (Y/N) thought about being around him that long, she nearly gagged, but she had to swallow it down because she knew this mission would be for the greater good. Hopefully, there would be more watching than talking.
They set up their tents behind some rocks so they would not look suspicious. And then, they sat. And they sat for a long time. (Y/N) was growing increasingly bored, just watching soldiers go in and out of the ships. She sighed, laying back down on the grass. 
“What exactly are we looking for?” 
“Nothing.” She propped herself up on her elbows. 
“Excuse me?” 
“We aren’t looking for anything. Well, not anything specific. I just want to know what kind of weapons they’re using so I can write to the Mechanist to create better ones for us.” 
“So...we’re just going to watch?” 
“Do you not know what a stake out is?” 
“I do! I just didn’t know it was going to be a full day of doing absolutely nothing.” 
“Look, if you don’t want to be here, fine. You can go back to the camp. I can handle myself.” (Y/N) scoffed. 
“I’m not leaving you here alone, Sokka.” 
“Then I suggest you stop complaining.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes and reached into her bag. She pulled out two sandwiches and laid them beside her. “What are those?” 
“Food,” She said, sliding a sandwich over to him. He took it suspiciously. “It’s not poisoned, you dummy. I got up early this morning and went to the market so I could make stake out snacks.” 
“Oh, thanks. I guess.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
They sat in silence for what felt like a lifetime. (Y/N) watched the soldiers intently and had even made up backstories for some of them. The smaller soldier was named Lee, and he was a fiesty little fellow, but he was a new recruit. He had good ideas, but no one really wanted to listen to him because he lacked authority. (Y/N) sighed as she watched him talk to his commanders. Poor Lee. 
“I recognize that one,” she said suddenly, pointing at one of the soldiers. “He and I went to training camp together one summer.” 
“Oh, so that’s your friend. Great.” (Y/N) furrowed her brows. 
“I never said he was my friend.” 
“I just assumed, since you were both all ‘Go Fire Nation!’“ He sarcastically pumped a fist into his air. 
“You make a lot of assumptions about me for someone who doesn’t know me.” 
“I know exactly who you are. You’re a spoiled girl from the Fire Nation who wasn’t satisfied with her life and only wanted to join us to run away from your probably mean family. You don’t want to make change, you just wanted an out.” 
“That’s not true at all, Sokka. I grew up poor. Dirt poor. And when I say that I mean it, because the floors of my house were literally dirt. No one asked me if I wanted to join the Fire Nation military, they told me I was going to. I was brought up my whole life surrounded by people who told me how great my nation was. If everyone’s telling you something and you have no reason to believe otherwise, you start to believe it. I know I’m not perfect, but I’m really tired of you thinking that you know who I am.” She pulled her knees into her chest and tucked her chin on top of them. 
Sokka sighed. The sun was setting behind them. “It’s obvious I don’t like the Fire Nation. They’ve caused a lot of pain to me and Katara and to thousands of other people. So when you joined, I guess I just projected that anger onto you.” 
“I understand. But I’m not the entire Fire Nation.” 
“I know, it’s just hard to separate the two sometimes. I can literally see the Fire Nation inside of you. You’re decisive and strong and stubborn--” 
“I’m just going to focus on the first two. You really think those things about me?” 
“I mean, yeah. I’ve seen you talk your way out of fights but also kick some major butt. As much as I hate to say it, you’re pretty cool.” (Y/N) smiled and opened her mouth to respond, but her eyes widened as a giant fireball plummeted toward them. 
“Look out!” She shouted, tackling Sokka out of the way. They both grunted in pain as they hit the ground. 
“How did they even see us?” Sokka asked. He grabbed (Y/N) by the hand and led her up the hill. They abandoned all of their camping stuff (as it was currently on fire) and ran down the backside of the hill, away from the Fire Navy ships. (Y/N) spotted a cave and pulled Sokka inside. They both leaned against the cool rock, breathing heavily. 
“Well, so much for the stake out,” (Y/N) said. Sokka laughed. 
“We’ll have to wait here for the night. The ships are supposed to leave at dawn tomorrow, so we can travel back to camp then.” (Y/N) nodded. The sun had fully set behind them and the cool chill of night was setting in. She shivered. “I can get a fire going,” Sokka said, and began to collect the debris that was scattered around the cave. (Y/N) giggled. 
“Sokka, I got it.” She kicked some leaves and sticks into a pile and kicked a flame on top of them. They sat across from each other with their backs against the cave walls. 
“So, how’d you know you were a firebender?” He asked. (Y/N) shrugged. 
“I think I started coughing fire one day. My family expected it though. My father had been a firebender.” She pursed her lips and stared at the ground. “He was sent to fight in the war. He didn’t end up coming home.” 
“I’m so sorry,” Sokka said quietly. She shrugged. 
“I feel torn about it, you know? Because he fought for hatred and injustice, but I also never got to find out if he supported the war or not. The Fire Nation doesn’t really care if you want to fight. They make you do it anyway.” 
“I always wanted to fight, ever since I was little.” Sokka said. “But now while I’m living my dream, I see how nasty it actually is and understand why my dad didn’t want me to.” 
“Well, you’re a pretty good fighter, so I’m sure he’s proud of you.” Sokka smiled. 
“I’m sure your dad is proud of you, too.” (Y/N) grinned. “Listen, I’m sorry for being so mean to you. I guess I was projecting feelings on to you that I had towards the Fire Nation, and it wasn’t fair. But in my defense, everything you did just made me mad. Like the way you cooked soup, or how pretty your eyes were, or how nice your laugh sounded...” Sokka trailed off, a blush appearing on his cheeks. “I said that all out loud, didn’t I?” 
(Y/N) nodded, trying her best to contain her smile. “Alright,” Sokka said. “You can just kill me now, I guess.” (Y/N) burst into laughter. 
“It’s really okay, Sokka. I’m sorry for being mean to you as well. Everything you did made me mad, like how you constantly teased me, or how cute your ponytail looks, or how funny your jokes were...” 
“You...you really think my jokes are funny?” (Y/N) nodded before sliding to sit at his side. “Can I try something?” (Y/N) nodded again. Their faces were just inches apart and she could tell the fire was dying by the dim glow it left on Sokka’s cheeks. He touched her own cheek with his hand, before pulling her close and slowly connecting their lips. (Y/N) felt her face grow hot, but she still let her eyes close and reveled in the feeling of his kiss. They stayed like that for a while, long after the fire went out. 
When they returned to their friends the next morning, they walked hand in hand. Aang and Katara’s mouths dropped open and Toph stamped her feet on the ground. “There must be something wrong,” She said. “Are they...touching each other?” 
“Hey, guys!” Sokka said, a bright smile on his face. “Aang, how’s the foot doing?” 
“Uh, pretty good,” Aang said, pretending to lift his foot as if it were injured. 
“What’s um...going on here?” Katara asked. 
“Sokka and I had a pretty good stake out,” (Y/N) said. She let her hand slip from his. “I’m gonna get started on lunch.” 
“Alrighty,” Sokka said before planting a kiss on her cheek. He sighed happily as he watched her walk away. “Aang, I really have to thank you for pretending to hurt your foot.” 
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@musicalkeys , @aroyaldarknessblr
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fenristheorem · 3 years
Hi again! Since you posted a lance with a touchy s/o ask, can i ask the opossite? a hc for a s/o who doesnt like pda? thanks
Hello again! Happy to write this! 😊
~Under the cut~
Lance with an S/O who doesn't like PDA/physical touch:
Lance is a bit... weird with physical touch. He's not creepy about it, but he doesn't know how to react to it. Usually when someone tries to touch him he needs to be prepared to fight back for his livelihood and the livelihood of others, so his natural instinct when being touched is immediate attention to what's being portrayed through the touch - if they seek harm or... well, don't.
Regardless of who he's personally close to or not, he just doesn't like to be touched. He basically never initiates any form of physical touch unless necessary, and when someone else initiates this - which isn’t often at all - he just sort of stands there... not knowing what to do...
He’s gotten used to not being touched, so for Lance having an S/O who’s not into physical touch or PDA isn’t much of an issue. He’s just fine with lingering around in her presence or doing things together without much contact.
Of course, there are times where he craves physical contact. Being in a relationship, it’s normal that they kiss and hug and everything like that relatively often, so sometimes he’ll lean against her or hold her for a while when he’s craving the feel of her skin and body since some sort of contact is a given, but he’s aware that it’s nothing too important for his partner so he tries to keep it from interfering with any of their responsibilities. He can live without too much contact and he doesn’t want her to feel pressured - which could drive her away from physical contact he craves in the future - so he tries to keep touch on the down low so it doesn’t interfere with their relationship and responsibilities.
Lance is quite pleased at the fact that he doesn’t need to worry about her trying to be physically affectionate in public, though. It’s not that he’d feel embarrassed by her affections in front of others - he just has a very professional view of how he needs to portray himself in the public eye. When he’s taking care of tasks and giving orders to others he needs to maintain his serious, chieftain persona. There needs a be a constant respect and professional trust that the public has in him - he is in charge of the guard’s military and defense unit after all - so he feels that allowing himself to be physically soft with someone in public can create a bit of a contradicting atmosphere. It can sound somewhere along the lines of toxic masculinity until you consider - again - that he’s not very used to physical touch in general; so subjecting him to loving / gentle / vulnerable touch in public and expecting him to reciprocate in front of everyone can make him feel uncomfortable and awkward - things that he’s alright admitting that he feels at times, but would rather avoid in the long run. His belief is that it’s ok to feel emotions and it’s ok for everyone to admit that they feel the whole spectrum of emotions, but it’s also valid for people to try and avoid situations and triggers that can make them feel uncomfortable or negative so long as it doesn’t interfere with their life and responsibilities too much. So that’s what he does; he’ll admit any time during any situation that he’s capable of feeling all sorts of emotions, but he will actively try to avoid unnecessary, minor situations that would make him uncomfortable. Knowing his partner won’t ever try to subject him to this situation that could cause him to be uncomfortable - and knowing that she avoids it for her own personal reasons as well - relieves him from worrying about how to act during that situation and keeps him from worrying about if he’s neglecting her needs by enforcing a lack of PDA.
However, he has his possessive, territorial moments as well. In these moments he can be a bit... clingy, for lack of a better term. He’ll be happy to lean against her or give a small hug in public, but he’ll keep in mind her preferences. If she’s fine with that - cool. If she’d rather him not be physically affectionate in public - he’ll restrain himself... the best he can with a few “side effects” that will effect them later in private. It is very tempting to brush against her when it’s “forbidden” to do so in public. He has his romantic streak and finds the thought of pulling her off to a secluded corner of the guard to embrace her quite tempting, but he’s also a realist; she may not like that and he doesn’t want to upset her, so he ignores these little fantasies. Being in private during these possessive times is a different story, though. Since she’d rather not express physical affection in public, that can leave him feeling starved for contact that’ll be unleashed when they’re in private. He’ll keep himself distant in public, but in private he’ll test the waters - see if she’s alright with close physical contact now that they’re out of the public eye. If she’s not ok with it, then he’ll keep himself a bit distant, only allowing himself a small brush against her to satisfy the basics of his needs, but if she’s welcome to touch now she can expect to be held in his grasp for hours or until they need to carry on with their responsibilities. In the case where, for some reason, she’s consistently uninterested or avoidant of his touch in public and in private, this’ll lead him to having a serious conversation with her to understand why. He’s not angry or disappointed, but usually there’s at least some physical contact in relationships - even if just in private - so he’d want to understand and know if she’s truly not comfortable with it or if there’s another underlying issue that he needs to be aware of. He may also stress that - while he’s certainly alright with staying distant if she’s more comfortable like that - he does need some bit of contact every now and again. Basically, he’s fine with the lack of PDA, but too little physical contact between them can be a concern for him and could conflict with the fact that he does need a bit of contact every now and again. After all, certain chemicals are released upon physical touch that act to bond a pair, so it’s only natural that he would want some leeway to touch her every now and again.
Lance is overall quite happy that she doesn't have a preference that will push a few boundaries, but he does seek physical touch from her every now and again. They don't ever need to worry about PDA as they share the same preference on that, but they'll need to find a balance if she avoids most physical contact overall.
This is a bit short but it’s pretty straight-forward.
Thanks again for requesting!
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vancilocs · 3 years
Is kabal and zephi on the table 👀 just dont answer what doesnt apply aaand colm and naomi?
they have a Thing going on
Who's the one who's reckless and always getting into trouble while the other gotta pull em out
They both think the other is the reckless one! But not getting in trouble, just being careless. Kabal would always like to make sure Zephi gets home safe and Zephi makes Kabal promise he drives safely
Colm doesn't think there's anything reckless about Naomi going into the forest during new moon, his mom disagrees
Who's the one to send the other "I love my gf/bf" memes
Kabal sends memes appreciating rude and powerful women who kick him in the nuts
If they had phones, Naomi more
Who's the one who listens to a music genre the other doesn't like and how does the other react
Kabal is dad rock 100% and that's his playlist when on roadtrips, Zephi is welcome to suggest other songs or even make her own roadtrip playlist if she wants to, but please don't be rude abt his taste in music
They'd both listen to folk rock sampled with mushroom growth sounds and throat singing
How one spoils the other more and do they ever get competitive to show the other more love
Not really? Zephi spoils Kabal by letting him stay at her place for a night or two, he spoils her by giving her flowers sometimes
Colm spoils Naomi by giving her extra affection, Naomi spoils Colm by letting him be by himself sometimes (but makes sure solitude doesn't drive him into a worse headspace)
How many years did it take to get married or was it just not for them
They haven't even discussed being serious yet, marriage isn't a big thing for either so like. It's whatever
Weddings and marriage aren't really a big thing in the clan, people just end up together and move in together and have kids without there necessarily being a ceremony (more like just a bonfire party). They just... became an item.
Are their friends/family supportive
Yeah... mostly. Mehara is fine with Zephi, Hafza is happy for her dad, Gabriel is pleased Zephi might have found someone fun. Herah is still very dubious but also doesn't want to interfere too much, Zephi is a grown woman who can do her own decisions
Very much so, Mahran is so happy to see Colm happy and she also very much likes Naomi. Myra couldn't be more pleased, Kaede is glad and Koldun doesn't really care but he's not very close with Colm in the first place
How does one comfort the other when the other is in distress/having a panic attack/crying
Naomi has to be careful because if she spooks Colm when he's agitated he will teleport by accident and she doesn't want him dropping himself off the rooftop again. Just speak to him calmly, give him his own space, reassure him he's safe and at home. If he allows, hold his hand or hug him. If Naomi's crying or otherwise distressed Colm will just hug her and pet her hair until she's okay.
Which one dissociates
Colm mainly
Which one stares at the other's booty like "damn" and how does the other react when catching them
Both honestly and neither really minds? Kabal will just ask if Zephi likes what she sees
Neither much, sometimes it's fun to walk past and give the other's butt a pat just to hear them giggle
When they live together what kinda place do they live in? What does their home look like?
More like what does Zephi's place look like, Kabal is practically homeless lmao
Cozy and warm, not too small so it fits their kids later on as well, decorated with dried plants and wreaths and branches etc., a bit messy sometimes but it's very much a home and a very comforting place
What do their dates look like
Grabbing fast food or going to a diner after work at like midnight or 2am, maybe going to a bar for a couple, Kabal being invited to Zephi's place, he brings flowers and gets tied to a chair
Go for a long forest walk, maybe take some food along and have a picnic on a cliff or something, enjoy calm nature, have a snuggle, kiss a little, avoid werewolves,
How does each act when getting drunk
Kabal gets louder and more jovial, careful not to trip all over his long-ass legs
Naomi gets a little giggly and very talkative, will talk your ear off about the stars and bones and how you can see the future if you do this this and this under the full moon. Colm starts sobbing inconsolably
Which one rolls over in the morning to wake up the other one just to kiss them
Could be a delicate way for Zephi to say you need to leave my apartment
Naomi, but after letting Colm sleep for a while
Have they saved each other's lives before
Does one have an interest the other thinks is weird but wants to listen to it regardless
Zephi has to introduce Kabal into BDSM delicately so he realizes it's a bit more than just handcuffs
Colm might not quite get Naomi's psychic tendencies but he knows it's important to her and people haven't always believed her about it, so he will listen to whatever she has to say
Which one uses cropped hentai as reaction images
I don't think Kabal even crops it
Does one of them kinkshame the other
Kabal will let Zephi know of his limits but he never shames her
Naomi has no kinks, Colm is ace
Is one of them self-conscious about their body? If so how does the other comfort them
I don't know if either, Zephi is shy but fine about her body in general
Colm has the scar on his belly from that time his dad stabbed him he's uncomfortable about, Naomi just doesn't acknowledge it. He's not super comfortable being undressed anyways so just let him keep his clothes on and he's alright
What song do they listen to while going on a joyride
Kabal has a whole playlist of dad rock and synths for his hours-long drives
What kinda joyrides do they go on? Relaxing ones or wild ones?
Relaxing for Kabal at least, excitement for Zephi when he moves on the highway and speeds up
Do people ever get annoyed of their PDA
Herah gets annoyed at Kabal for breathing but otherwise not really? They don't really show it anyways
Never, it's just cute.
Would they live in the city or the country
It's whatever for Kabal. He'd be going on a long ride nowhere anyways
They live a bit outside the village proper, more quiet which they prefer
Are either of them mentally ill, if so how do they help one another cope
I don't think so? Zephi is just shy.
Colm is a mess of PTSD and general anxiety, Naomi is just weird otherwise but she's very quiet, calming and comforting so if Colm wants to talk she's always available to listen and if he wants to be alone she'll make sure he's fed/warm/dry at least
Does one have a spot on them where they would melt when the other kisses them there
Inner thighs, neck almost behind the ear, throat when his head is bent back for Kabal
Naomi lives for cheek and forehead kisses (and kisses on the mouth), Colm likes kisses on his head
Do they dance together
They could hit a club, sure. Kabal is not super good at it, but passable
Hum a song and sway together at home, if real happy maybe even do a little dance at a bonfire party
Do they sing together
I could see them (or at least Kabal) belting out a tune in the kitchen or something when there's a good song on the radio
Sometimes, one starts humming and the other one joins
Which one is better at cooking than the other and makes most the dinners
Zephi is probably better, Kabal sustains himself on fast food mainly
They both kinda suck. Colm can grill a pheasant on a firepit but that's about it, and Naomi can chop up a cucumber and put some leaves on top. Mahran teaches them how to make the basic casserole before they starve
Are they a reckless couple or safe
Bordering on reckless?
Very safe
What be they kinks and do they try each other's kinks
Kabal isn't aversed to milfs and femdom but Zephi had him topped (hee hee) with bondage. The rougher stuff he will need to be eased into but he's always open for new experiences
Their kinks are Love and Care and Pants On Hugging
What would be their Valentine's gifts be to each other
A bouquet, some candy and a pack of condoms from Kabal
If they knew what it was, a good dinner and flowers.
Do they get into fights often? If so, what do they fight over and how do they make up?
They're not really in a serious enough relationship to have fights
They don't fight
Which one's top, bottom, verse
Both verses, but when Zephi tops she tops hard
What kinda sex they be having
If Kabal gets to pick, just... regular with a touch of rough. If Zephi gets to pick, he's screaming for mercy by the end
If Colm's ace ass is even in the mood it's lights off shirts on missionary
Who would fight in honor for the other if someone would insult them
Kabal would get mad if someone insulted Zephi, he wouldn't immediately throw hands but he'd be very vocal like hey, apologize to the lady
Don't get Colm angry the guy knows blood magics he doesn't have full control over
Do they want kids
Naaaaah. Kabal has a grown up daughter whom he adores and who's the light of his life, but he doesn't want more nor does Zephi
Yeah and they have a couple!
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
So Bad's big thing is that he's very much just bad for the fun of it. Like joker if he was sane and has an eldritch(sugar daddy)patron from a now dead multiverse.
He loves being bad for the sake of being a villain, not to hurt people or even get money(though he would definitely rob a bank and go on a murder spree when he wants)but rather he does it do be an antagonist. He wants people to fight him, to be his protagonist. He want's to be the villain in everyone's story just to have someone be the hero and they to stop him.
He is very cheerful and happy, like I said the joker but a warlock.
Important powers to consider: can summon a tentacle(as all good warlocks should) and can summon monsters.
Pronouns are he/him, however he doesn't really care.
I hope that was good. What do you think of him? And since you seem interested, do you have any new shipping ideas for him?
-🍳/slushie anon
please be ready-
ooh very interesting
hmm ok, so I am thinking Lilith because she's someone who's determined to show the world what true monsters look like, so she does a lot of bad things for that one goal, but it can come off as if she's just doing it for fun.
the other oc is- of course, Toxin- but she's more of a "i do bad things because im angry at the world"
then we have Rin who was kinda like toxin, good at first then became corrupted. i have never even mentioned her before soo idk how you feel about that
alistair, another one i havent talked about (only mentioned in the list). he's not evil, evil, more like it's the only way he knows of living. he does have heroic tendencies (like his brother) but he doesnt understand them. alistair has little memory of his past due to an accident. all he knows is that he has a brother. he was taken in by a dictator who DOES know about his past, but hasn't told him. alistair was raised by a terrible person who taught him to do terrible things. so tho alistair wants to save someone... he can't do it in the way he wants. i havent finished his story completely but now i kinda wanna lol! NGL I KINDA LIKE HIM CUZ LIKE he wants to be good but keeps doing evil things and maybe Bad just finds him cute? He's also nothing like how he was before he lost his memories o:
then we have the titans o: i havent talked about them either but theyre like really powerful beings who started off bad but through the generations have become good. titan magic is passed down and once a titan realizes their end is coming, they can choose to pass their magic down to a vessel. for Bad, the titans I would recommend are Corruption, Fury, or Insanity BUT I would say the first generation- the ones that were tyrants.
we could always go the route of evil x good for that i would recommend:
venus, she's not a pushover and i can see her definitely keeping him in check at times while just letting him do what he wanted others (of course she wouldnt let him harm the public) i can also see her being soft for him cuz she's a pretty tough character who doesn't often show her weak side
aeris, she's a bit of gentle soul and she's also blind but her hearing is takes care of that. aeris CAN see (she covers her eyes) but she wears a blindfold. i can kinda see Bad being all soft for her and like walking her around while holding her hand
eboni, she's like aeris, she's pretty gentle. she's quiet and doesn't talk much- she's a master of stealth. only thing that usually gives her away is her height. she's pretty
yuki, he's a bit of a uhhh rushed oc lol this is back when me and my bestie were making lil bots to rp with and we started to make a bunch of ocs to play around with. Yuki is one of 5 I made that day lol. anyway, yuki is a well-known hero in his land- not like Yunus who was literally known EVERYWHERE- anyway, yuki was born into a family that had been serving a god for generations. lmao hold on so I read it wrong- his family has certain powers but yuki accidentally stole Alir's (the god) powers after he was killed anyway don't mind me forgetting my own ocs :")
yuki has potential for angst >:)
ANYWAY! whew this is so freakin long- im sorry! but you're welcome to pick anybody you like ^w^ or multiple if you want, idm <333
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welcome-to-gaytown · 3 years
all of them
sheesh this was long
The meaning behind my url:
uhh i remember seeing a welcome to hadestown thingy somewhere and i wanted to change my url
A picture of me:
yeah no
How many tattoos i have and what they are:
none :(
Last time i cried and why:
literally an hour ago because uhh parents and crushes and bestfriends
Piercings i have:
both my ears
Favorite band:
Biggest turn offs:
Top 5 (insert subject):
Tattoos i want:
okay so theres gonna be one with different types of flowers going from mid calf to mid thigh and also i want a forearm sleeve. i want two daisies on my shoulder and a really big, intricate tattoo on my back that goes upto my neck
Biggest turn ons:
shutting this down
nope <3
Ideas of a perfect date:
just somewhere where it can be us being us instead of some public facade
Life goal:
getting out of this house
Piercings i want:
a regular nostril piercing and a lip ring
Relationship status:
single ig?
Favorite movie:
dont watch movies
A fact about my life:
it sucks whyd you phrase the question like this
Middle name:
Are you a virgin?
not doing this
What’s your shoe size?
What’s your sexual orientation?
pan demi
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
i take pills each morning for my syndrome?
Someone you miss:
What’s one thing you regret?
letting my mom get this far gone
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:
taylor russel
Favorite ice cream? dont have one
One insecurity:
someone will get tired of my life being too shitty and leave me
What my last text message says:
idk i just feel like he doesnt really like me and ig i just feel like we are drifitng of some shit
Have you ever taken a picture naked? no
Have you ever painted your room? yes
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
my sister on her forehead
Have you ever slept naked? yes
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? no
Have you ever had a crush? @my best friends
Have you ever been dumped? no
Have you ever stole money from a friend?
they werent my friends
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?
Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Have you ever snuck out of your house?
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? @my best friends
Have you ever been arrested?
no but hopefully it doesnt run in our blood
Have you ever made out with a stranger?
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
ew no
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
my brother when we stayed up being therapists to each other so we ended up passing out together
Have you ever seen someone die?
Have you ever been on a plane?
Have you ever kissed a picture?
ew no
Have you ever slept in until 3?
pm or am because both
Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now?
yes what is this question make it grammatically correct
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? yeah
Have you ever made a snow angel?
Have you ever played dress up?
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
yeah its how id hone my thievery skills
Have you ever been lonely?
always, nothing is enough
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
Have you ever been to a club?
Have you ever felt an earthquake?
Have you ever touched a snake?
Have you ever ran a red light?
my mom has while i was in the car
Have you ever been suspended from school?
close but no
Have you ever had detention?
yep but i managed to talk my way out of it
Have you ever been in a car accident?
Have you ever hated the way you look?
haha boy if you knew
Have you ever witnessed a crime?
my dad-yes
Have you ever pole danced?
Have you ever been lost?
mentally or physically bc yeah both
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
Have you ever felt like dying?
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
crying makes me tired, it helps me go to sleep because most nights i dont sleep until like four am
Have you ever sang karaoke?
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
ew no
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
my oldest sister?? we share a bed when she comes home from college
Have you ever kissed in the rain?
Have you ever sang in the shower?
Have you ever made out in a park?
Have you ever dream that you married someone?
Have you ever glued your hand to something?
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked?
Have you ever been a cheerleader?
Have you ever sat on a roof top?
Have you ever brush your teeth?
id be scared of myself if i said no
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?
Have you ever played chicken?
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
kinda yeah actually
Have you ever broken a bone?
Have you ever been easily amused?
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
yeah no
Have you ever cheated on a test?
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
my own yeah
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
yeah and he is currently GHOSTING ME AND I AM SAD
Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
uhh i sometimes get scared my brother will hit me because my brother, one of my sisters, and i got my dads anger issues and so my brother gets really angry and i just get kinda scared that he'll hit me like dad
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