#he just enjoys having two others competing for his attention so much <3
meanscarletdeceiver · 7 months
Do you ship Gordon with anyone?
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy holiday to you too!
Eh, I dunno. I made a comment on one of DJ’s (as in @djs-sideblog-for-pog-trains) fics a long time ago to the effect of:
Gordon/ComfyArmchair OTP 💞
I think I’ll stand by that. Perhaps a recliner instead of a mere armchair. The unbearable sexual tension between Gordon and Relaxation...
In seriousness, I can enjoy lots of Gordon ships but I’m not too married to any of ‘em. Gordon/Henry is a soft NOTP for me. 
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drvscarlett · 5 months
About You Pt6
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
About You Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
A/N: okay so the draft did not save itself that's why i made a quick edit and just post this one. I hope you enjoy this
Taglist: @spideybv28@randomcuboidshape @mehrmonga @casperlikej @cliosunshine @honethatty12 @randomgirlnumber-13 @sugyomama @ririyulife @skywalker1dream @vicurious28 @khaylin27 @0710khj @its-elias-world @vizzzashley @allisonwoods
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2010, Interlagos
"Honey we have to stop meeting like this" Jenson grins as he opens his hotel room.
Y/N immediately wrapped her arms around the British driver. Media be damned but she was extremely worried about Jenson when she heard what happened. She couldn't stop messaging people to ask him if he was okay or what. Even Mark has been worried when she told him what happened.
"Are you okay? You aren't hurt or anything?" Y/N asked worriedly.
"I'm alive and well"Jenson said, closing the door "maybe a little bruised ego from not being able to compete for the championship"
"Oh championship be damned Jense, you almost got kidnapped"Y/N exclaimed
Jenson could only chuckle. He admits he was a bit spooked by what happened but it is what it is. However, he was extremely grateful that Y/N has been worried enough to check up on him and assures that he is okay.
"Just join me for a little drink and lets talk about our day"Jenson suggested "Wine, beer, whiskey?"
"Beer would be fine" Y/N answered.
For all the times that Jenson have gone drinking with Y/N, he knows that her preference was more on wine. He could never forget it because who else than Y/N orders a wine on a bar or a nightclub.
"Tough day?" Jenson wondered
"Not as bad as being kidnapped" Y/N drinks up.
The two friends conversed for the night. Jenson opened up how it felt for him that he isn't able to extend his championship streak. He was not at all disappointed because he performed well and he just missed it out with this race. Y/N is a good listener and became a good support for Jenson.
"What about you? You are in for the big race on Abu Dhabi"Jenson diverted the attention to the female Webber "The big question is who are you supporting"
"I'm neutral"
Jenson looked at her as if she grew two heads. He shook his head as he took a sip of his beer.
"Oh c'mon your brother might win and you are still neutral about it?" Jenson questioned
"Well if you must know my bestfriend is also competing, Lewis is also competing and Fernando is also there" Y/N stated
Jenson raises his eyebrows in a teasing manner. He is not blind and he does not fall for the lies that Y/N is not choosing a side because she is friends with everyone competing. Y/N refuses to take a side because of the 'bestfriend.'
"You know its going to be historic, four drivers vying for a championship" Jenson informs "I think this is the first time that this happened"
"A lot of pressure for those wanting to win" Y/N agrees.
"You are feeling it all Y/N?" Jenson asked.
Y/N could just give out a sigh as a response. She knows that she won't be sleeping well with the whole thing happening. Its bound to happen that someone will not be fast enough and lose. Then there is also the possibility that someone will win the race and be crowned as champion.
With everything down the wire, no one could predict what will happen.
"You have to make a choice you know" Jenson reminded "What if Mark wins, what if Sebastian wins?"
"We can't have them both as world champions?" Y/N joked
"Maybe for different seasons"Jenson offered.
It was impossible for either of the driver to secure that. Given how the things are in Red Bull. They will favor whoever brings them the first championship and then place the other as their second driver.
"Y/N its just going to be much more difficult after this"Jenson straightforwardness sobered Y/N up a little "You have to stay strong and pick a side"
"I don't want to pick a side Jense, they both deserve a championship"Y/N stays firm "They are both incredible and fantastic drivers. If one of them wins, I'll be happy but I know my heart also aches for the one who misses out that championship"
This was the thing that Jenson admired about Y/N. She is supportive and loyal like that, its quite rare in the field. He gave her a comforting hug as they continue drinking their woes away.
2010, Yas Marina
It was early morning of the qualifying day when Y/N received the email. She was very much surprised upon receiving the email because she had to blink a couple of times to make sure that she is reading it correctly.
From: McLaren Racing
Subject: Job vacancy.
"Oh I am so gonna kill you for this Jense"Y/N muttered.
One of the discussions during their drunk night in Brazil was that the possible solution to Y/N's problem is moving teams. Jenson suggested that there might be some vacant jobs in McLaren before the winter season begins.
And now this conveniently timed email that Y/N has been highly recommended by several employees for the position of Press Officer makes one think that Jenson took that advice seriously.
"Are you decent?" couple of knocks interrupted her "Can I come in?"
"Come on in Mark"
Mark has two cups of coffee in hand. He was already dressed and ready for his paddock appearance. Y/N could just chuckle at the role reversal because usually she was the one who is already dressed while Mark is the one begging for five more minutes to prepare.
"One brown sugar shaken espresso with 3 pumps of toffee nuts"Mark recited proudly.
"You remembered?"
Y/N was in glee as she takes in the cup of coffee. It was a kind of morning that really needs a coffee to help her throughout the day.
"No one drinks coffee as sugary like that, only you" Mark snickers.
"I just like my coffee sweet"Y/N defends.
Mark ends up sitting at one of the chairs. Y/N could read how his expression is a mix of confidence but deep down there is some kind of worry that he is trying to hide. It must be the championship nerves getting the best of him.
"You nervous?"Y/N asked her older brother.
"Its my only chance for a championship. It feels different" Mark answered.
Y/N wanted to say that its not true and there will be plenty of more chances in the start of a new season. However,she knew that this is the closest shot that Mark has to the championship ever since he entered Formula 1.
"I spoke to Sebastian last night" Mark brought it up.
The younger Webber immediately looked up with wide eyes. She knew that the two haven't been in speaking terms except when they have to or forced to talk with each other.
"We talked about you" Mark expanded.
"Me? Why am I even brought up into the conversation?"she was confused.
"Same question but it was Sebastian that first approached me" Mark explained "He talked about how win or lose, we should not put you into a bad spot because you are both important to us"
There Sebastian goes again making her heart skip a beat. Its these little things that mainly causes her to feel deeper and deeper for the German driver. Y/N felt really touched that despite the intense rivalry, he still cares.
"And I know I thought about it all night how I'm really making things difficult for you. So thanks for sticking up with me and I'll try to be much more easier to handle" Mark concludes.
"Oh brother" was all Y/N could say before hugging him.
It felt nice for the both of them that they have each other in the sports. Its the same reason why Y/N cannot answer the offer of Jenson to move into McLaren. If she leaves then how could she be there for her brother?
"Seb really cares a lot about you"Mark informs.
"He is just being a good....bestfriend" Y/N rebutted but she seems unconvinced with her own answer.
Mark knew that Sebastian has a big sense of pride. But whenever, Y/N comes to the picture then he will immediately melt. Mark could only chuckle because Y/N has no clue of the chokehold he has over Sebastian.
"Oh I think you are thinking too little about yourself"
"What is that supposed to mean?" Y/N wondered
It was not Mark's business to play cupid. If Sebastian had the balls then he would have asked her without his help. He just gave a grin as he exited the room.
"Don't be late"Mark teased
Meanwhile, Sebastian is early to arrive at the paddock to avoid the media asking plenty of questions. He wanted to be stress-free today since he needs to put all his focus to this race because this is his chance to win the championship. He will be damned if he lets this slip by.
At the moment, he is sitting at the cafeteria which seems to be deserted by the crowd. He was enjoying his peaceful breakfast when a man in orange sat next to him.
"How are you feeling buddy?" Jenson asked too energetically for Sebastian's opinion.
"For a man no longer fighting for the championship, you seem more excited than me" Sebastian joked.
"Oh don't tell me you are nervous" Jenson teased "The Sebastian Vettel is nervous?"
Sebastian rarely gets nervous but this is one of those instances that he really feels the nerves getting the best of him. He finds it really out of his character. There is this heavy feeling in his chest that he may emerge victorious or a complete failure after this race.
"Don't tell anyone but you have my vote of confidence" Jenson whispered.
It was a bit of a boost to hear it from the 2009 World Champion, Sebastian gave him a quick hug which Jenson accepts. It was due to this closeness that Jenson noticed the silver necklace hanging on his neck.
A mischievous grin replaced Jenson's face as he knows there was only one person in this paddock that has that necklace.
"That's Y/N, isn't it?" Jenson snickers.
Just like that, the feeling of embarrassment spread in Sebastian's face. He was not embarrassed by the gift but rather he feels a little shy about anyone seeing his little lucky charm. He tucks it inside safely inside of his shirt.
"It is" Sebastian answered,playing it cool "How did you know?"
Knowing the dating history of Y/N and Jenson, he can feel a little green monster forming at his shoulders. Jenson must have been well-acquainted with Y/N that he paid close attention to notice details such as her necklace.
"Mate, when are you going to ask her out? It's been ages" Jenson asked.
"Excuse me?"
Sebastian was not expecting that. He immediately downed a water to hide his surprise.
"Don't tell me you still haven't made a move even after everything?"Jenson asked.
Jenson knew that Sebastian was someone very dear to Y/N. He had spent enough time with Y/N o figure out that its always the Webber family, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull, then everyone else. That was how the list of priority of Y/N goes.
"She doesn't like me like that" Sebastian lies even though everything from that drunk confession still replays in Sebastian's head.
"You know what, if you win the championship then go and ask her out" Jenson challenged.
"Now you are putting even more pressure on me"
"C'mon now!" Jenson was exasperated "I'm not even accepting any cash prizes, just name your first child after me for being a good wingman"
"I'm gonna ignore you now Button" Sebastian's nonchalantly ended the conversation.
"Sebastian you can win the championship and the girl!" Jenson convincingly shouts.
Sebastian just gives him a shrug as he continues to eat. He smiles at the thought that maybe he will try Jenson's advice.
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Victorious Vettel and a missing team mate.
Congratulations to the amazing drive of Sebastian Vettel which made him victorious from the four-way championship. He also boast two records with one being the youngest WDC champion and the other being Red Bull's first driver champion.
While celebrations are happening, it was evident that there was the absence of the Webber siblings. Mark Webber was seen congratulating Vettel the minute that they stepped out of the car. However, Mark wasn't seen after that and even in the parties. Also absent was Y/N Webber, dubbed as Sebastian's bestfriend. She was spotted in the Red Bull garage but she was absent as well during the celebrations.
Is there trouble brewing with the Webbers against the new world champion?
Seb: Hey, where are you? I have been looking for you everywhere Seb: Y/N are you there? sent by 8pm Seb: I'm going to the club with the team. I hope to see you there sent by 9:34 pm Y/N: Hi Seb! Congratulations with your WDC!! You know that I always believed that you will be a champion one day! I'm really really so happy and so proud of you. Y/N: I'm really sorry if I couldn't be there. I fainted around lap 45 but not to worry, its just my sugar levels. My phone went dead last night and I wasn't able to reply and congratulate right away. I'm really sorry. sent by 11:22 am Seb: Hey, I'm glad to hear you are okay. I just woke up from a massive hangover. I wish you have seen the party Seb: BTW, I have something to tell. Are you still at the hotel? sent by 2:06 pm Y/N: Oh, me and Mark took an early flight back to Melbourne. Parents were a bit worried. sent by 5:44 pm Seb: Okay see you. Y/N: What do you mean see you???? Seb: :)))))))))))))))))
It might be the high from winning the championship or maybe its the alcohol in his system but Sebastian was sure of his decisions.
Clothes are haphazardly thrown into the luggage while he conducts a quick sweep of the essentials he might need. He sent a quick text to everyone that might be needing him. As far as he knows, he has some time off before resuming with his media duties and such.
He is going to Australia.
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navia3000 · 2 months
hello! I'd like to request a Tom Riddle oneshot, maybe a part 2 to Amortentia? But if you don't want that, I have an idea where Tom sees y/n as an academic rival but they get partnered yet realize that they enjoy each other's company.I only request that it's a ravenclaw reader hehe and it's up to you to make it more fluffy hehe, advance thank you!!
Potions Class - T. Riddle
Pairing : Tom Riddle x Ravenclaw! Reader
Warnings : Cursing
Genre : Fluff, or, where Tom and reader are forced to work together after years of rivalry
A/N : I saw this request and got to work immediately! I hope I did your vision justice! And, I am working on Amortentia part two so I will let you know when that’s out <3
Requests are Open
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“Y/N, you’re with Riddle for this one.”
Her professor’s words made her heart stop. No, she thought, it can’t be. It’s no secret that Tom Riddle is her biggest rival. The Slytherin has been a thorn on her side ever since first year, the two competing for the highest grades possible.
Of course, if you asked her, she’d say she’s the best of the two, and that Tom Riddle is nothing but a stuck up piece of sh-
“Well, I knew the day would come when we would have to work together at some point.” Tom Riddle’s aggravatingly smooth voice jolted her from her thoughts.
“Yes, I suppose so,” she spoke with reluctance. She watched as the boy sat next to her, and she galked at his nonchalance. “Does this not bother you?”
“Very much so, but nothing I can do about it. Well, other than show you how to correctly brew a potion.” He struck a nerve and he knew it.
“I know how to brew a potion, thank you very much. My excellent grade in this class proves it.”
“Whatever you say, darling.” The nickname brought a heat to her cheeks, her mind overrun with thoughts of how devastatingly irritating Tom Riddle was.
The pair got to work in silence, only speaking when reciting the recipe from memory, or asking for an ingredient from the other. As they worked, Y/N found herself oddly at ease. She had to admit, they worked well together.
As they waited for the cauldron to boil, he broke the silence. “What are your thoughts on the Astronomy project?”
She was surprised at first, but answered honestly. “I thought it easy. Not exactly necessary seeing as it was information we both already knew, but I found it enjoyable.” He huffed out a small laugh at her words, an action which took her completely off-guard.
“Yes, I thought it enjoyable as well. Although, I am quite positive I got a better grade than you,” he spoke with a teasing smirk.
“You did not!” She exclaimed with a laugh.
“Did too. Denial is not a good look on you, dear raven.” Once again, she was surprised at seeing this side of Tom, the two so busy competing and never actually getting to know each other. Yet she was enjoying their easy banter, her affection for him certainly growing as the minutes ticked by.
“Alright, just add the basil and stir, and we should be fine.” He spoke as she did what he instructed. However, they were both startled when the potion began bubbling and overflowing from the cauldron.
“What did you do?” Tom exclaimed.
“I did what you said!”
“No, this clearly is not what I said.” At his words, she turned to stare at him in disbelief. How dare he accuse her of messing up the potion? Yet, as the pair made eye contact, they couldn’t help but burst out into laughter, drawing the attention from their classmates.
“Well,” he spoke after three minutes of uncontrollable laughter, “it seems we have managed to fuck this up royally.”
“It seems we have,” the smile was glued on her face.
“What do you say we get together to study, we clearly need the work.” She paused at his words, searching his eyes to decipher a hidden motive to his offer.
“I’d like that,” she spoke after she couldn’t find one.
“Great.” He began cleaning up their workspace.
“Great,” she whispered back.
Tom Riddle is definitely not what she thought.
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vinaxxo · 6 months
Can you write to Leander and Ais, who are basically competing and fighting for MC/Reader?? (i'm obsessed with these two men)
Im obsessed w them too bookie 🤤🤤 love this idea, hope i did it some justice, may expand on it later <33
Being new to Eridia, the doctor who brought you back from the dead, Kuras, recommended that you see a man named Leander for help.
Leander fully welcomed you into his territory, even offering you magical flowers to greet you. Though you didn’t trust him much yet, his noble and kind demeanor was a charm you couldn’t resist.
Leander knew this, and whenever you came around, he turned up his charm to the max. He was greedy for your attention and determined to make you dependent on him for everything— the physical and emotional.
That being said, he loved shoving the fact that he was able to touch you in everyone’s faces, especially Ais’. Ais never showed his disdain for it, but if you looked at him hard enough, you’d notice his easy smile twitch.
When you’re away from the mage, the demon tells you that you shouldn’t trust so blindly. That the mage isn’t what he seems. It was hard for you to believe that Leander was a complete monster behind those captivating emerald eyes… or maybe you just refused to believe it.
“Sparrow, why don’t you crash here for the night? Princess misses you.”
And no, Ais doesn’t have a problem using Princess to keep you around him, even if just for a second longer.
Ais was an intriguing individual to you, not one to say much but say everything at the same time.
Whenever Ais came to the bar— on invitation by Leander at that, he always sat next to you. If someone was occupying said seat, he’d only have to look down at the person for less than a second to get them to move.
He enjoyed the banter, about whose drink was better, who had the better bad jokes. Ais only realized that he truly needed you when he observed your features and magnetic demeanor over the rim of his glass.
Leander’s laughter died down as he watched both you and Ais grin at each other, feeling the glass in his own hand begin to crack. He mended it with faded green swirls, as if he never lost his composure in the first place. The hound Leander was talking with had left him be, knowing better than to pry.
As you ordered another round of drinks, the mage and demon exchanged looks, both borderline murderous before returning to their own business.
Ais chuckled at the start of a new kind of rivalry before downing his shot, and wouldn’t answer you when you asked what was so funny. Competing for your love against Leander may be the most fun he’s had in years.
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© vinaxxo 2024. Do not use my works for ai, or reposting to different platforms. Thanks for reading <3
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watatsumiis · 2 years
Reactions to Being Ignored for Video Games (part 1)
Exactly what it says on the tin! Modern AU Genshin characters react to the reader not paying attention to them in favour of a video game!
Characters: Ayato, Arlecchino, Baizhu, Capitano, Childe, Cyno
Part 2 (Dainsleif, Diluc, Dottore, Foul Legacy, Gorou, Itto)
Part 3 (Heizou, Kaveh, Kazuha, Lisa, Pantalone, Pierro)
Ayato is undoubtedly pouty about it. He gripes and grumbles to himself, but won’t just outright express what he’s feeling. He'll sit in your peripheral with his arms crossed and an unamused look on his face. It isn't often that he gets time off just to spend with you, so he takes it as a grievous offence if you don't want to do something with him. He isn't the type of person to particularly enjoy playing video games or watching others play them, so he'll just act like a stick in the mud until you set the game aside and give him some attention - then all will immediately be forgiven, or he'll just complain to Ayaka or Thoma later, then grumble when they joke that he's jealous of a game console. 
Arlecchino will just outright bitch at you - not necessarily in a mean or rude way, just in that signature way of hers where you can't quite tell if she's joking or not. She may snatch the device or controller from your hands to play a round or two and certainly won't say no if you offer to take it in turns (be warned though, she's prone to bouts of gamer rage). As long as she has at least some semblance of your attention, she's usually okay - but if you're ignoring her entirely, prepare to have your gaming session well and truly interrupted. If you don't let her play, or, gods forbid, continue to ignore her, she'll get snippy and annoyed, huffing and puffing and stomping about the room as she waits for you to give her attention.  
Baizhu is almost painfully polite about it - if you miss something he's said or don't respond, he'll just let out a breathy little sigh and shake his head and sit somewhere nearby to wait until you're done and he has your full attention - he struggles to compete with noisy devices when talking aloud and usually doesn't mind hanging on until you're ready to talk to him. He'll just read a book or do something on his phone for as long as it takes, but his very presence in the room seems to be loud in some way, though he himself isn't. It's just always extremely obvious that he's in there with you, keeping a close eye on your every move and waiting to say what he wants to say. 
Capitano doesn't really care unless he's trying to tell you something urgent (in which case he just plucks the device from your hand to make sure he has your full attention). He likes spending quiet time with his loved ones and is more than happy to sit in the corner and read a book, or quietly watch you play your game. He doesn't have much interest in participating, but he likes seeing people engage in things that make them happy. If you offer him a controller to play with, he seems to almost get flustered as he shakes his head and insists that he's fine just watching. He's too darn polite for his own good. 
Childe cannot stand not being in the centre of your attention. The moment he realises you're more absorbed in your game than you are in his mere presence, he turns into the embodiment of that one annoying little cousin at the family gathering. "Hey, what are you playing?" "Can I play too?" "Why are you being so quiet?" "Are you concentrating?" "Why won't you talk to me?" He's all up in your face, prodding and poking and pulling at you until you eventually snap and ask him what he wants - he usually doesn't really want anything except your unwavering attention. If you keep up the charade of ignoring him long enough, he'll practically start climbing all over you like a needy puppy, grumbling and pouting all the while. 
Cyno doesn't really mind - or doesn't even notice that your attention isn't on him. If possible, he'll just pick up a controller and jump into the game without even asking, or he'll sit right beside you to watch, so close that he's pressed up against you. He loves providing commentary like a mid 2010s YouTuber. Whether the act is satire or not is a hotly debated mystery amongst everybody who knows him, it's still pretty funny to hear though. His reactions are always so over the top and hilarious - if you play a horror game, rest assured he'll be hiding under the nearest blanket or clinging to you at the first jumpscare. If it's a strategy game, he'll put on a voice like a sports announcer and comment on your every move. Comedy genius, honestly.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites (without credit + permission).
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seahagart · 8 months
What are Drifa's first opinions of the companions before she gets to know them?
Lae'zel: First companion she would meet, immediately understands she's very brave and 'knows what she's doing', respects. As time goes on, I think Drífa's indifference towards her comments/insults would wane, she would ignore it/not understand what she's saying, or would just think she's making a comment like 'you have an ugly large nose' and drifa is like 'you have no nose, see drífa have eyes', then would probably get tired of it, poking the bear, but remain stoic which i think would bother lae'zel more than getting a reaction lolol. Lae'zel hates Drífa... or does she.... :)
Shadowheart: Second companion, small elf girl, anytime shadowheart is like 'i don't wanna talk about it' drífa's like 'aight' and leaves, which is why shadowheart likes her now. Drífa is concerned, a small elf all alone. Feels shes quite small and fragile to be into the things shes talking about, but whatever. literally has no idea who shar is so is like 'cool goddess, i respect your faith' because drifa also follows a rather fierce goddess. Drifa prefers to listen over talking, so they get along well. shadowheart is desperately trying to smash rn
Gale: Pulled this weirdo out of a rock, a malnourished human, appears sickly. Drífa is confused by most of what he says, but he is rather poetic so she enjoys the 'nonsense' he talks about. Now she has 3 main landers to take care of. Gale talks way too much, but it is entertaining to her. She does not like that he believes he could compete with a goddess.... the gods are gods for a reason, to think you could understand their meaning, or be equal to one is conceited to her. She understands it's because of 'love', but she is weary. Gale is trying to smash now in my play through.
Astarion: weird little malnourished elf man. He also talks to much. Drífa has two talkative dramatic tiny boys and two ladies that hate each other so she's kinda remembering why she lived in isolation for 35 years. Astarion she probably views like a cat, like seeks attention when he wants it, eats what he wants, believes he's the best one here. She is not afraid of him being a vampire because she simply would never let an elf fell her, that would be a true dishonor. he's mildly offended. She doesn't tolerate his dislike of children, but typically doesn't really care what he does.
Wyll: Another little guy with sad eyes. Another human. Drifa likes him, he's polite, seems to know what he's doing, seems 'the most normal' plus has seen his share of battle (like lae'zel) so she's glad to have him along. Obviously when things go down she's like 'wow... yet another guy with baggage with a blue lady...' side eying gale. She likes his stories, listens intently to his deeds of good and protecting the sword coast, overall likes him but is still like 'here is another small human- oops small devil for my collection'
Karlach: Finally someone who looks like they're a warrior. Likes her, feels like she doesn't need to protect/take care of, which is good so she can focus her energies on the softies of the party. Drífa would like Karlach, she's a bit blunt and a bit more energetic than Drífa is used to, but probably likes that. Karlach's dancing, lust for life, and fire would be highly approved. I think Drífa wouldn't really get why she's sad about not being touched
Halsin: another gd ELF, but this ones big and can turn into a bear so thats ok. I think they'd have a lot in common but Drífa views him more as a tree hugger. She appreciates nature, so i think they could get along well.... though she finds him confusing... she doesn't feel like she needs to worry about him, and he's pretty forward and upfront so it works out well.
There are all first impressions. Drífa was raised to take care of herself and herself only, keep to her own, and that strength = power, because her lifestyle is very physically demanding. Being big and strong is important, being fat and strong is more important to survive frozen winters etc. She is a loner suddenly surrounded by people for the first time in her life, and is doing her best to keep them alive because obviously they need her help and this is a mission given to her by her goddess, why else would she have sent the ship to take her, to bring her to these people...
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witchysfics · 11 months
Hey! I loved your fic a lot, thank u for adding some fluff to his romance <3
You mentioned the requests are possible, what about Gale and Tav spending one of their nights in town? Maybe cafe, tavern or restaurant? Or just a slow walking promenade through the alleys? Or slow dancing somewhere near musicians? Whatever inspires you the most :D
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author's note : Thank you so much for requesting!! I will be finishing up other requests and finishing my rules soon. Feel free to keep requesting for now! I love all your ideas!! this is not proofread and may have many mistakes. It was soooo late when I was writing this. enjoy <3
The party had stopped at a quaint little town for the evening. You had practically begged to rest here. Why be outside in the cold dark night when you all could cozy up a fire and warm up to a little a drink. It would be great!
And you were right. The tiny town was filled with happy families, couples strolling along and a quaint tavern, perfect for your traveling party.
As the sun disappeared behind the horizon and night filled the air the town grew even more bustling.
Now the patrons of the tavern sat outside nursing their drinks and watching the locals dance to the music.
The party had settled on some outdoor seating as well, Karalach and Wyll loading up on ale, laughing boisterously. Astarion hung to the shadows, probably looking for a snack out of one of the clueless town's persons. And you sat with Shadowheart chatting like a couple of gossiping old ladies while Gale sat with you two, listening.
An upbeat song began, drawing your attention to the dancers.
"The aroma of the night is relaxing. It's a nice change of pace isn't it?" Gale asks, turning to you and Shadowheart.
You nod, smiling. You could definitely agree, after the countless battles and hours of exploring the party really needed this off time.
A sudden bump of your table had startled the three of you.
"Op! s-sorry!" A giddy, and possibly drunk, Karlach called as she dragged a nervous Wyll to the dance floor. "I told you Wyll, Blade of Frontiers. You will be bested by me! Karlach! ... uhh The Dancing Demon!"
You and Gale chuckled at their antics while Shadowheart shakes her head, amused.
"How long do you think before Wyll finds competing with Karlach is too hot to handle?" Gale asks jokingly.
You shake your head at that, "Haha, I thought you were a Wizard, not a comedic bard." You quip.
"I can be anything you'd like my dear. Maybe even a proficient dancer?" He look expectantly at you. His delivery is confident but the message in his eyes holds of other, more nervous intension.
You blush slightly at the implication of the statement. Opening your mouth, trying to formulate something to say but nothing comes out.
"I- uh."
"I can't remember the last time I danced." Shadowheart sighs, gazing at the dancers.
You turn to her and fan your heating face. Thankful that she unknowing shifted attention to herself you ask, "Really? Shar doesn't like dancing?" You joke, smiling a little at her.
"I wouldn't say that, its just... I can't remember the last time I danced, because of the...you know" She gestures to her head, "memory spell"
You make a silent 'oh' in realization.
"I'm not too sad about it though, I know I'll get my memories back. And in the mean time," She suddenly stands from her seat, standing in front of you. "I get to make new memories now. Starting with you!" She makes a quick motion for you hands and pulls you up to her.
You let out a surprised yelp as she laughs and she drags you over to dance. You look over your shoulder to Gale, who looks just as surprised but recovers and mouths for you to 'go on it's fine' with a smile. You give a apologetic smile in return.
Shadowheart, still holding your hands, spins the two of you. Dancing in a way that is reminiscent of young school girls. Twirling, spinning, jumping and laughing all the while.
You spot Karlach an Wyll who both shoot you friendly smiles. Wyll's a little more crooked and weary while Karlach gives you two red thumbs up.
Eventually you have traded dance partners as more people join the group. You switch from Shadowheart, to Karlach to Wyll. Even Halsin joins in during a slower song. You danced with strangers too, some old some young. Some flirted with you and some you made a friendly banter. You had noticed Gal tried to slip in a few times only for you or him to snatched up by a different partner. Both of you expressing contrite smiles to one another.
By the time you got back to your table, and Gale the whole town might as well have turned in for the night. The music was slower and the dance floor was lighted by dancing fireflies and the occasional ground lantern.
"Well, it's been a while." He says looking over to you. "You seem very popular."
You sigh falling into the chair, exhasuted. "I'm so sorry!" You exclaim, slumping to your knees and placing one of your hands on his own that sat on his high. "I had meant to answer you question ages ago, but well..." You chuckle, "I just I was preoccupied."
"Oh no my dear, I completely understand. Of course everyone would want to dance with a beautiful individual like yourself."
His voice is smooth, like a stream gliding over flat stones. His face is soft though his tone is flirty.
You gulp and roll your bottom lip between your teeth. You've danced with strangers all night, how could he make just taking to him overwhelming?
"Is something the matter? You seem, stunned." He asks a smug smile spreading across his lips
"Oh! No no. Not at all." You clear your throat. "Sorry I just...." You trail off, unsure of what to say.
"You know," he begins, taking your hand into his. "You never did answer my question. Would you like me to be your dancer?"
You nod breathlessly and he smiles down at you. His eyes filled with an indescribable softness.
He pulls you gentally to the dance floor and a song kicks up as you wrap your arms around his neck and he placed his hands on your waist. His chest presses to yours and the warmth from the contact warms the cool air around you. His shoulder is soft as you place your head upon it. Drinking in the smell of his, now clean, robes. They have a hint of petrichor and vanilla, as well as a slight lingering smell of ale. But that is to be expected near a tavern.
The playing song is cheerful, but romantic as it belows out it's slow rhythmed melody.
Gale's eyes haven't left you once since you'd begun dancing. Taking in the view of your eyes as they sparked from the light of firefies.
It's only when he begins speaking are you snapped out of your trance.
"You know, I've been trying to get to dance with you all night. I was almost convinced I wasn't going to just because I couldn't seem to even catch a small moment with you." He chuckles. "But I'm glad I waited. Dancing with you then would have been a privilege but I would have had lost you as soon as I got you. But this, dancing with you, watching your darling face lit up by the stars? This, this is a dream."
Footnote : Thank you so much for requesting! I hope this is sufficient to what you had in mind, this was really fun to write. Had me kicking my own feet. Sorry it took me so long to get to, midterms have been biting my ass. Love ya! - Witchy
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fullsunised · 1 year
hii!! can i request maybe scenarios or bullet points (whichever you like) of things dreamies would do with their partner? like fluffy and all. ty btw i like what you write <3
genre: fluff
trigger warnings: none
a/n: well hope this is what you wanted and thank you for loving my work </3 i love you sm. I did the top 3 things types and have included like affection types as well bro idfk what I made anyways. jungkook is so leng bro.
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┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
late night calls. cause he's so busy, he absolutely adores talking to you over calls especially after a long day. just the thought of you being there for him is enough for him. yall just be talking about anything fr, from gossips, complains to how the day has been going, anything fr.
music. making music, listening to music, writing lyrics all that. he loves spending time with you doing what he loves the most- if you share the same passion, that's great because he's coming to you for help a lot and that. sharing playlists, listening to your favourite songs.
calling each other dude and bro. those are endearing terms for both of you. it's funny how easily you two do it, making everyone else doubt if you're actually dating but nah that's so normal in your part. you'd be calling him dude and bro everytime you have to make a point and him doing the same to catch your attention. of course there are occasional baby, and babe slipped in.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗝𝗨𝗡 𝗛𝗨𝗔𝗡𝗚 ❞
painting skies with you. bro loves the company of you and the setting sun, calms his mind like no other. your sessions consist of you two making fun of each other's drawings, talking about life, future, present- or sometimes its just quiet, where yall are enjoying each other's presence.
watching moomin. even if you aren't actually watching it, the show just plays in the background while you two talk softly. these usually happen during nights, right before both of you are about to sleep. yk just the peace and quiet, with moomin in the background. thats it, that's heaven for him.
holding hands. he loves it man. just how perfectly your hands fit in his. he's just going about on his day, your hand in his when he suddenly kisses your hand, happy that you're by his side all the time, even if not physically. his favourite type of pda.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗘𝗡𝗢 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
gyming. although he isn't much into working out all the time, he loves going to the gym with you. like one of them routines yall have atleast thrice a week to keep both of you fit. he helps you with your workouts, and that.
watching anime. considering how bro loves one piece, yall be watching it most of the time (me fr). it wouldn't be just one piece it would be a lot of airing animes, that you two talk to your fans about on lives causing them to ship you two lmao.
having your arms around him. this is not an activity but boy loves it when you rest your arms on him or like touch him even slightly. makes him feel secure, and confirms the fact for him constantly that you're there for him.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗛𝗔𝗘𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
gaming. boy is gaming 24/7, so he expects you to do so with him as well. both of you are either competing with each other, or teaming up to beat others but either way that's his favourite pass time activity to do with you.
you sitting on his lap. just like how jeno likes you touching him constantly, my sun likes you on his lap especially on those days when you are lazy and don't feel like gaming, he loves you on his lap, watching him play while giving him ideas and that. boy plays 200 times better like that.
making playlists. yall would probably have like a playlist for every occasion and situation. oh someone is crying, play the sad songs, someone is mad play the angry playlist..yall do this so much that others find you bare annoying but it's your source of entertainment.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗔𝗘𝗠𝗜𝗡 𝗡𝗔 ❞
cooking. you'd cook, he'd watch- or he'd cook you'd watch, or both of you will cook and make a mess out of the whole kitchen but in the end yall will be making dishes that are meant for the books- cooking is a natural talent for you two. he's on a day off, he's over your house and you two are cooking every meal for the day together.
watching horror films. you know how much he loves watching them. even if you're scared to death, he'd make sure you sit, tugging onto his arm while he watches it with no soul whatsoever. like what's the point of watching it, he loves ridiculing you and cooing at your cute self everytime you get scared.
baby talking. constantly. every single time. all the week. boy just speaks like that naturally, and being around him most of the time had you develop this alien ability. you despise doing it but do it unconsciously. his members eye you two weirdly as soo as you start doing that.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗟𝗘 𝗭𝗛𝗢𝗡𝗚 ❞
basketball. even if you suck, you'd be on your way home and boy is gonna see a court, pulls the car, and plays a match with you. loves making fun of you for your mistakes, would even take multiple videos of you playing and posting it on his insta or weibo.
touching knees. bro that's so hot, but listen he needs that physical contact. if you're ever sitting next to each other, instead of being over the top with holding hands or sm like that, he'd subtly just lean his leg towards you, and you do the same until your knees touch. reassurance you get me.
learning girl group choreos. New song is out, he's sharing it with you, with a comment saying 'let's learn this'. or you are blasting tiktoks onto his account, sharing one for every dance you want to learn. and then, at home yall play the song and teach it to yourselves, later uploading it
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗜𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞 ❞
netflix. watching every show there is on that streaming site. yall don't even hesitate with what you have to watch, just find smth and play it- and definitely get invested in the show. that's how jisung knows almost every show to exist. because you force him to watch them all with you.
nuzzling into necks. his favourite thing of all time bro. even if he's meters tall than you, he's plopping himself onto your lap, and nuzzling his head into your neck. down bad fr. he loves breathing in your scent, makes him feel safe fr.
comparing sizes of hands. bro is laughing at you for how small your fingers are, but internally he's dying of cuteness. how can you be so cute bruh. boy is taking pictures like multiple to save them as his lockscreen and that.
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coldhndss · 8 months
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──★ ˙ ̟ Blue Lock Matchup No.3 Anon whose MBTI is INFJ, and has a 4w5 enneagram
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Hello, thank you for being part of my event! Your description was well written, and it made it super easy for me to figure out who to match you to!
I decided to match you to Hiori Yo!
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 ―୨୧⋆ ˚  “My hobbies are drawing, playing games, reading and writing short stories and I enjoy learning stuff like history and biology…”
As confusing as it sounds, Hiori’s apparent preferred type of person is, naturally, one who would sort of not swarm him; i.e., someone who would leave him alone when needed, and not be too obsessive of him or overbearing with him. Keeping his backstory in mind, it makes sense. 
So, with the majority of your hobbies being the types of things that can be done alone, not inclusive of things like going shopping, or going out to a theme park together, the two of you would definitely bond over something like this, and I doubt it’d take long for him to warm up to you. Some say that opposites attract, but there are some people who prefer to be around their own type of people, and both of you give off that type of vibe. 
So instead of going places and travelling, the only places you’d really go to are shops nearby to buy food and the like, and to the field, to watch his games. He’s not a complete shut in of course. Sometimes, the two of you walk together; I’d imagine that Hiori likes nature, and walking on trails and sightseeing, are calm places where basically anyone would feel at peace. Maybe the two of you would go to an aquarium, zoo, or a botanical garden. He’d take photos of you looking at the flowers and record you fawning over the seals at the aquarium. He holds these types of memories of you close to his heart.
Since we don’t actually know Hiori’s favourite school subjects, I feel like he’d be interested in the Humanities and Sciences, as they are somewhat difficult yet calm(ish) type subjects. They usually reflect the personality of the person as refined and gentle (I’m not yapping I promise this is just my opinion) and these same subjects happen to be what you’ve noted!
In a school setting, this is how I imagine the two of you would get along:
You and Hiori are in the same class, and constantly compete with each other in your subjects to see who comes out on top. When its you who comes first, he blames it on his training schedule, and when its him who comes first, you blame it on the fact that you didn’t study enough. The point difference between the two of you is always 1-3 points, so either way, the both of you always top the class together. 
 ―୨୧⋆ ˚  “ I rarely speak unless I have something important to say but I yap about my interests and hyperfixations a lot”
Needless to say, its widely assumed that Hiori is introverted and keeps to himself. Though, that doesn’t mean that he’s necessarily antisocial or boring. He usually listens in and puts his own input during a conversation. I’m sure He’d listen to what you have to say, and definitely make you feel heard. 
You may be watching a video documentary on something you’re interested in, or playing a game that he doesn’t know much about. He’d come and sit next to you, lean his head on your shoulder, and silently watch what you’re watching or playing. That way, if he doesn’t know much about something you like, he wouldn’t outright say it, but he’d try to figure it out by paying attention when you engage in it. He wouldn’t want to interrupt you while you’re talking about it since you’d look so happy and excited, and he doesn’t want you to lose your train of thought. He thinks that it’s nice for someone to enjoy something naturally without feeling any pressure to do so, since he didn’t have that same luxury.
 ―୨୧⋆ ˚   “I'm straightforward and work is my top priority as I dislike slacking and people who can't take stuff seriously.”
Work ethic is super important for anyone who wants to be the top at what they do. This mindset of yours would help not only you, but even motivate Hiori, who might not always feel like he’s in the best mental state to be playing sports. Pre his awakening in the manga, his demotivation may get to him, and make him feel like he’s not good enough at soccer. That’s where you’d motivate him, and remind him of his achievements, while also making sure that he feels better about himself and his skills. 
Post his awakening in the manga, his vital role as a player would become one of his top priorities, never backing down or falling victim to the demotivation which once had a tight grip on him before. Part of him gives you credit for keeping his motivation afloat back when he thought no one else saw potential in him anymore. 
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dreadfutures · 8 months
“Nine People you want to know better” tag game
Thank you so much for the tag @beebundt <3 it was great getting to know you a little better :3 Here are my answers, blank template under the cut. Tagging: @kiastirling | @queenaeducan | @knightdawn | @shivunin | @greypetrel | @demandthedoodles | @xochihuacoyotl | @fadedsweater | @ghostwise <3 No pressure!
Last Song: Spotify recommended a playlist of indie songs from 2010 and I gave in to the urge to reminisce... I have so many memories tied to the songs in that playlist, but this one stands out from my bus ride home today: Spanish Sahara (Foals)
Favorite Color: Proooobably maroon. It was my high school class color and we were so right for that tbh.
Last Movie/TV Show: I think it was The Boy and the Heron. It was interesting, I have some mixed feelings about it. I think it should have been two separate movies, so that its two sets of themes could have been fleshed out adequately. It was very quirky and I liked the world building/narnia-esque quality to it, and it kind of felt like a return to Spirited Away, but...it didn't have the follow-through I wanted for many things, compared to Miyazaki's earlier works. It feels almost like at this point in his career, no one is allowed to edit Miyazaki lol including himself. I do think a major theme was about retirement and being a creative and not knowing when to let go.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: In order from best to least favorite: Savory > Spicy >>>>>>> Sweet. I rarely want something sweet. My favorite snack is the Tapatio Doritos or the knock-off chili lime Takis from Trader Joes. I will always go for a savory food though.
Relationship Status: You know. A friend today said that "Men think they're competing with other men for women's attention, but really they're competing with a woman's peace." Gave me a lot to think about.
Last thing I googled: The name of a friend of my family's who was a painter. He passed away a while ago and I was wondering if I could find any of his other works. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like any of them are digital, but here are two from my childhood home. They're very large!
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Current Obsession: Hollow Knight lore! I just played through the game for the first time (90% completion atm!) and it is such a unique and DEEP world to explore. Super tragic, and while it's very much a Souls game to its core (including the story), it is so, so unique. There's very little like it. So imaginative! And so many twists and turns to think about its story. (I have listened to. like. 60 hours of video essays about it at this point.)
Last Book: The last book I fully read through was Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia! I really enjoyed it.
Looking forwards to: Getting frames for more of my art! I have been so fortunate to collect so many beautiful prints & be gifted so many more, like my sisters got me a whole set of Ghibli-style TOTK/LOZ prints, and they need frames and they need to go up on my wall. Slowly! It really has helped my mental health to start putting up decor in my apartment.
Blank Template
Last Song:
Favorite Color:
Last Movie/Show:
Relationship Status:
Last Thing I Googled:
Current Obsession:
Last Book:
Looking Forward To:
Tag nine people whose answers you are interested in!
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amoebaforce · 1 year
Your writing is... muah! So good, i love the way u write characters. I can't wait to read more xoxo
Could i request thancred x wol x graha head canons? Preferably steamy poly stuff but fluffy would b wonderful too. Pls disregard if u dont write poly orz
i must admit i'd never considered poly!Thancred + G'raha, anon, but you are definitely onto something here. i think i'm slightly obessed. i chose a female WoL for this (mostly to make pronoun usage clearer), hope that's ok!
also, i know you said headcanons, but i thought this idea was just too good to relegate to bullet points, so please enjoy this sweet-and-spicy lil fic i have cooked up for you <3
pairing: Thancred Waters x G'raha Tia x female!WoL tags: polyamory, established relationship, alcohol mention, NSFW (mdni), threesome, fingering, oral sex (m + f receiving), vaginal sex word count: 1523
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The decision to become a throuple was surprisingly simple. It was actually Thancred’s idea — one he proposed directly to G’raha, after realizing they were both vying for the WoL’s attention. Why should they compete, he reasoned, when the Warrior means so much to both of them? If they made the WoL choose, it would inevitably drive a wedge between the trio, and Thancred didn’t want to jeopardize any of their friendships. G’raha thought it over for a few days, but ultimately agreed. He and Thancred approached the WoL together, and after a long conversation, the three were officially an item.
The WoL was a little apprehensive at first, worrying that the men would eventually get jealous of each other despite their promises to the contrary. Fortunately, her fears were quickly assuaged when she realized Thancred and G’raha have a bit of a soft spot for each other, too. They’ve built up a fair bit of mutual respect and admiration through their work with the Scions, and their love for the Warrior has only brought them closer. Their bond transforms very naturally from platonic to romantic.
The throuple agreed at the beginning to take things slow, thinking it’d be best to get comfortable with their arrangement before escalating things physically. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t handsy with each other. One of Thancred’s hands seems to live in the small of the Warrior’s back. He never misses a chance to hold a door for either of them. G’raha’s greatest joy is to slip his fingers through his partners’ and trace circles on their knuckles. After a week or two, both of them are stealing kisses from the WoL whenever they can, and she never stops them.
One night, the WoL invites both of her partners to her apartment for dinner. Their light conversation turns hot over a bottle of wine, and suddenly all three are migrating to the bedroom. Thancred sits on the edge of the mattress and pulls the WoL into his lap, pressing her back to his chest as he feathers his mouth along the back of her neck. G’raha kneels between both sets of open legs, lips locked with the Warrior’s while his fingers trail down to her navel. 
They’re all consumed by the moment, by the litany of hands and tongues. Thancred pulls off the Warrior’s shirt and lets his rough palms glide across her breasts. When she shivers, he chuckles and does it again. G’raha trails his mouth down her neck and now-bare torso, nipping and sucking at her skin until she bucks against the sensations. His tail wags happily behind him as he reaches the waistband of her pants.
“Promise you’ll say something if you need a break?” Thancred asks softly, stroking one finger down the Warrior’s cheek.
“Promise,” she squeaks back, nodding quickly. 
G’raha hums against her lower stomach and tugs down her zipper. After a moment of shuffling and repositioning, the rest of her clothes disappear entirely, and G’raha’s head dips between her trembling thighs. The first touch of his tongue elicits a yelp, but Thancred is right there to steady her as she writhes. Soon, her gasps turn to low moans. She can feel Thancred’s length stiffen against her tailbone, twitching every time G’raha swirls his tongue around the spot that makes her whimper. 
The sound intrigues Thancred — he’s never heard his mighty Warrior make such a timid noise. He experiments a bit, rolling and pinching one of her nipples between his fingers until she does it again. Her world narrows until it contains nothing but this room, these men. Soon, she’s pushed over the edge, letting out a keening cry as her body arches against theirs. She pants through her aftershocks. Her head lolls back onto Thancred’s shoulder while he murmurs praise in her ear.
“You taste better than I ever imagined,” G’raha groans, wiping his mouth with the back of one hand.
Thancred slides the WoL onto her mattress. His clothes hit the floor, followed by G’raha’s, and their bodies tangle with hers. Thancred explores her inner thighs with his lips and tongue, while G’raha keeps her locked in a deep, aching kiss. She whines for friction, adrift in the haze of lust, and Thancred slips two fingers inside her. The Warrior’s answering moan vibrates against G’raha’s tongue as it sweeps over hers.
“Gods,” Thancred mumbles, pumping his fingers slowly, “look at you. Both of you.”
The Warrior’s bleary eyes crack open. G’raha is pink-cheeked and swollen-lipped above her. His narrow pupils are blown wide, and she knows she must look just as addled. The thought sends lightning right to her core. She looks down to Thancred and sees his smirking face hovering between her knees.
“Come and get us, then,” she says, threading her fingers through his and dragging him upward. 
She shivers as his fingers leave her, but the absence of touch is momentary. Thancred kneels and slots his hips between hers, then pushes his palms into the backs of her thighs to angle her pelvis. She’s pleasantly pinned as he drags his swollen cockhead along her sex. G’raha groans at the sight. His own length twitches between his thighs, catching the WoL’s eye for the first time. She lifts one hand to G’raha’s hip, offering him a love-drunk smile.
“Can I?” she asks. 
He nods wordlessly, as if he doesn’t trust his voice. The Warrior wraps her hand around his shaft, and G’raha lets out a desperate gasp. His hips jerk involuntarily as she begins to stroke him. Thancred finally lines himself up with her entrance, and he sinks into her with a careful roll of his hips. All three let out a shattered groan. G’raha’s mind is swimming. He can’t decide what to look at  — his girlfriend’s beautifully undone face, or his boyfriend’s cock plunging into her. 
Then, the Warrior pulls G’raha even closer, lifting her head off the mattress to wrap her lips around his tip. She grabs the back of his thigh to keep him in place, tongue flicking and swirling, and what’s left of G’raha’s composure snaps. He whimpers shamelessly, eyelids fluttering.
“You too, Raha?” Thancred croons, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from the Miqo’te’s face as he bottoms out inside the Warrior. 
With a moan, G’raha melts into his touch. Thancred chuckles again, smoothing the pad of his thumb along G’raha’s lips. Their faces drift closer until Thancred captures his mouth, both sets of eyes rolling closed. The WoL groans wetly around G’raha’s length, shuddering as she watches Thancred’s tongue flash out from between his lips. Her core clenches around him, and he quickens his pace. His hips snap against hers over and over, tightening another coil of need inside her. 
Against the Warrior’s tongue, G’raha twitches and ruts, and she knows he’s getting close, too. She tugs his thigh forward and takes all of him into her mouth, and his pleasure-soaked wail breaks her partners’ kiss. G’raha’s hips flex as his hand fists in the Warrior’s hair. Thancred swears quietly. Two of his calloused fingers find her clit and circle it, coaxing a mewl out of her arching form. 
“Oh, Gods!” G’raha grits out. 
His length throbs in the Warrior’s mouth, then spills over her tongue. He grasps clumsily at Thancred, who is practically growling with approval as he lets him squeeze his arm. The Warrior sucks and swallows until G’raha is gasping and shaking, then releases him with a happy hum. As soon as G’raha is free, Thancred buries himself to the hilt and drags the Warrior’s attention back to her building orgasm.
“Give us another one, won’t you?” he asks, flashing her a teasing grin.
She can do nothing but oblige. A few more thrusts, and her coil snaps, sending waves of white-hot pleasure up her spine. G’raha’s hand loosens in her hair as she cries out, and he coos something sleepy and sweet in her ear. The WoL doesn’t hear it, but she ripples with affection anyway. Thancred moans as her body envelops his, her walls squeezing his cock so hard he can hardly move. One more shallow pump sends him crashing into his own climax. His hands are vices on her thighs as he releases against the deepest part of her, and she can feel the wet heat of his spend running down the curve of her bottom as she comes down from her high.
All three collapse into a pile, chests heaving. Thancred’s still locked inside the WoL, but he doesn’t seem to care. G’raha buries his face in the curve of the Warrior’s neck. His face is hidden, but she can tell he’s blushing by the warmth on her skin. For a moment, no one can muster the energy to speak.
“I– ah–” G’raha tries, wincing with overstimulation, “I love you. Both of you.”
His partners laugh quietly. It’s the first time any of them have said those three words, but somehow they don’t feel new. The WoL ruffles his crimson hair and presses her lips to his crown, while Thancred rests his forehead on G’raha’s bare shoulder. 
“We love you, too, Raha,” Thancred replies.
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belit0 · 1 year
2000 Word Commission (MadaIzu/ HashiIzu/ TobiIzu) for anon
"Honestly I just want part 2 to be pregnancy sex, I want each of the 3 possible baby daddy’s to have a turn with Izuna while he’s still pregnant."
Part 2 of this!
Ko-fi commissions open!!
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"It's really true what they say about pregnant people glowing, you're stunning." Hashirama proclaims with a radiant smile on his face, elbow resting on the table and his hand holding his chin. He stares at him with devotion, as if he would like to throw himself on the floor and kiss his feet, a sensation that makes him tremble with anger and pleasure at the same time. No one looks at him with the same fondness as the Senju, tender, pleasant, genuinely loving eyes.
He could try to compare him to his older brother though it would be pointless, different loves coming from two opposite dominants, both perfect and contrary in every way. Madara's gaze always has a hint of something passionate behind it, a love so pure and deep, real, that it escapes any kind of understanding.
Hashirama is simply .... Hashirama. Faithful dog eyes utterly dedicated to his owner, happy to see him, a level of appreciation within those brown orbs that cannot be explained. He doesn't know where his adoration comes from or what he did to earn it, but his mind clouds over when he hears him talk that way.
Izuna hates and loves it in equal parts.
"Please shut up..." he whispers while covering his eyes with one hand, the heat in his cheeks apparent and impossible to hide. It seems that pregnancy makes him more susceptible to everything, including the flattery he fears so much from the Hokage.
"I can't help it, I love your belly." Those gleaming white teeth never made him so uncomfortable, simultaneously sending a familiar warmth between his legs. What the Uchiha feels every time he finds himself in the spotlight of this Alpha's attention is hard to describe, his ego trying to fight the pleasure he gets whenever he gives him a compliment but his natural instincts bathing in his wonderful words.
He strokes his prominent belly with his other hand thoughtlessly when he hears him speak of it.
Hormones seem to be totally revved up since the three Alphas followed his plan to perfection, filling him with biological possibilities and giving rise to an uncertain future within his being, a life (or several) growing strong with each passing day.
No one warned him how annoying it would be to have the symptoms of a heat but consciously and prolonged for the months it takes to give birth.
The Uchiha now lives horny but without losing his mind about it, pussy always ready to be taken and a constant tingle of pleasure between his legs. It's infuriating and wonderful at the same time.
"Hormones are getting to me, so take off your clothes before I take them off of you." He babbles between the dizziness of arousal and the discomfort of having his entire crotch wet, ready to be fucked just by being near one of the potential fathers.
His body accepted Hashirama since he decided to welcome him as a candidate for his belly, consciously allowing him to fill him and compete for the golden place he carries with him, granting the chance to unite clans and genetics, future perfect generations.
The Hokage follows his instructions smoothly, reacting to the wonderful scent Izuna gives off in the air and ready, extending his hand for him to stand and approach, assisting with removing his clothes.
He guides him to sit on him, prepared area and plain entry, giving him immediate relief at being stuffed by a prominent, good quality Alpha. "I love the effect I have on you" Hashirama whispers as he hears him moan, holding him by the buttocks and helping him up and down.
"Shut up..." Is all he can say, overwhelmed by the pleasure his natural instincts bring about as he is being pleasured, his huge belly in the way making it difficult for him to move on his own. The Senju is huge, a size to recognize and enjoy, but it's always hard to get used to his length.
"Look me in the eyes, pretty one, please." It's a demand disguised as a pleading question, and in a state of feisty submission, Izuna is incapable of denying him anything. Whatever the Alpha asks for is something he will be forced to deliver, complying with his request between moans.
When their gazes connect, the Hokage's hands and hips lose their rhythm, stunned at the sensation of being in the limelight of those black orbs. The power the Uchiha carries in his gaze beyond his Dōjutsu is mesmerizing, a pool of night color to dive into and get lost in, unmeasured beauty focused completely on him.
Izuna is the most beautiful omega to ever set foot on this earth, and Hashirama has him on top of himself, probably carrying his future heir, surrendered and at his complete disposal. It's an invigorating feeling, something that strokes his ego and makes his Alpha purr with satisfaction.
"Senju move-!" two silky soft lips devour his mouth, stealing all his words and breath in the process, a quiet, love-filled kiss that makes him uncomfortable and happy. The Hokage has that terrible power to manage to deal with him, to take away all his sarcastic and passive-aggressive responses, to strip him to his core and expose a need to be seen and flattered he always wished to deny.
Izuna finds himself dying to receive cute remarks from him.
Those huge hands lift him up and down again with a slow, leisurely, amorous pace, taking the time to feel each thrust. His lips don't let go or give respite, and the Uchiha discovers how passionate it is to feel the sweetness of his mouth as he slowly moves him.
In general, he would prefer a much more violent and fast paced, furious sex with no thought for the other or the pain remaining between his legs afterwards, but what Hashirama proposes is as delightful as that.
Eventually, he allows him to breathe, parting mouths but not letting him move his gaze from his, spellbound by the magic those black Uchiha eyes exude, entranced by the beauty of the person above him. "How dare you be so beautiful, hm? You're addictive, Izuna."
He has no strength or concentration to silence him, only able to moan, squeezing his shoulders with both hands and feeling so close to finishing. He never manages to understand how the Senju can fuck him calmly and languidly, and still have the same effect as the opposite. "Such a good pussy... do you want another baby in there?"
"Good job, beautiful." And with those words Hashirama takes a more vigorous step, stimulating his cunt in a wonderful way and focusing on filling him with his seed again. This time there is no knot or natural need to secure it inside, his body already satisfied with the huge belly he carries, yet adoring to feel it anyway.
The Senju puts all his momentum into targeting the pleasure the Uchiha's pussy milking him provides, still lost in his eyes and enjoying his every expression, feeling powerful with every moan he manages to steal from him.
He hugs him around the waist and rests his head on his shoulder as he feels his peak come, holding him in his arms and making sure he doesn't move.
It is the gestures of tenderness and love, affection, the Senju always has that succeed in making him feel funny, and that which he craves so much when his Omega seeks validation, pleasure.
He paints his inner walls white effortlessly, always ready to give whatever Izuna asks for, totally pleased by the sounds he makes. His hormones relax as he gets what his instincts demanded, and that cloud of need disappears from his mind, allowing pure clarity again.
He pushes himself off of Hashirama faster than the Senju would have liked, leaving him grasping the air and not waiting a second longer than necessary. He picks up his clothes from the floor, pants and underwear in hand while his long robe protects his privacy, and prepares to run away.
The Hokage always manages to make him feel exposed to a level he cannot tolerate without being horny, fleeing every time consciousness returns and he realizes he must face him naked. At this point, he is used to watching him leave quickly after finishing, but the expression of sadness Hashirama always shows creates a huge emptiness in his chest.
He whispers a not quite heartfelt "sorry..." before disappearing out the door and heading for the bathroom, attempting to clean and make himself presentable again. There's always a strange lump-like guilt stuck in his throat when it comes to vanishing from Hashirama's hands, a sentiment he can't erase from his head no matter how hard he tries.
If he becomes the winner of his little secret challenge, he will have to find a way to deal with it.
Distracted in his thoughts and rushing to get back to the privacy of his own home, he is surprised when a hand grabs him hard by the arm and pulls him into another room, door slamming shut behind him.
"What are you doing here?" a frowning Tobirama angrily asks, arms folded and waiting for a satisfactory answer. He observes the clothes in his hand suggestively, implying knowledge of the reasons for his visit but waiting to hear it from him.
"I stopped by to fuck your brother because I was horny, but now I have to go, so if you'll excuse me." He turns to leave out the same door the albino forced him through seconds before, but as he is about to slide it open, a large hand closes over his and stops him.
"What's the matter, Tobi? Angry because the Hokage put a baby in me and you didn't?" He doesn't know who was the winner of his belly, who managed to successfully impregnate him and whose child is inside him, but there is never a shortage of opportunities to make the Senju's blood boil, a sense of old-fashioned comfort in making him angry, momentarily returning to those times when everything was simpler.
"Your womb is too big for only one baby to be in there. You appear to be full-term but you're only about six months." That distinction makes him tense, and his eternal rival seems to notice, "What's the matter, Zuna? Weren't you weighing the possibility of having more than one puppy in there? They're probably all mine." He can feel the mischievous smirk the albino wears on his face as he speaks while putting a hand on his belly, and pressing him against the door.
"Fuck you, Senju, we won't know until delivery." He peels himself off when feeling his rival trying to use his sensory abilities to read his belly, stepping away and walking further into the room. His butt slams against a desk, unable to move his eyes from the man to make sure he doesn't play any tricks on him. "No one will know what's going on in here until then."
He rests both hands on his tummy, protective instinct guarding that future life (or lives) from the possible threat in front of him. Could he and his enemy get along, if this one ended up being the father of his baby?
"Why don't you use your Sharingan to find out?" He asks approaching him, a predator locking up his prey ready to devour it. Nothing in Tobirama's posture invites relaxation, and his hostile words only confirm having to be alert in front of him.
"I want it to be a surprise."
"Surprise? What are you, three years old?"
"Fuck you."
"No, fuck you."
The tension only increases between the two, and the Senju grabs the clothes in his hands only to throw them forcefully to the floor, standing face to face with only inches of distance in between. "I'm not letting you find out, you idiot, spare me the attempts of using your stupid techniques."
He fixes his eyes firmly on him, demonstrating he will neither back down nor allow his intimidations to succeed, resolute in the face of his convictions and unwavering. Tobirama does not let himself be defeated either, an intense staring match where none of them can win.
It is at that moment when the Senju accidentally lets his guard down, stunned by Izuna's orbs. He is still not used to being able of looking an Uchiha in the eyes and telling the story, living, always fervently avoiding that spot after years of fighting against them. This is the very reason why he never manages to avoid the natural spell his enemy has in his gaze, no ocular ability activated.
Tobirama feels absorbed by the color of those eyes and their depth, unintentionally captivated by the wonders hidden in them throughout the years of war. He would never have thought of appreciating his gaze face to face if it weren't for the work his brother and Madara did together, unprepared for what he would find there when it happened.
Izuna's eyes are as alluring and imperious as his scent, a fatal combination for any unsuspecting Alpha. He doesn't know if it's on purpose or an innate talent he has, but his eyes are as captivating as a Genjutsu itself, always catching him off guard and making him forget the situation, the context, everything.
The Senju finds himself salivating to taste his lips, to possess him, not to lose sight of those beautiful eyes and the beauty of the person in front of him-.
"I hate you, Uchiha." is the only thing he answers before turning him around and lifting the little protection that Izuna's robe provided, forcing him to lean with his hands on the desk and tilting his chest forward. Even in his anger and fury, he is careful to place a protective hand on his rival's belly, preventing it from colliding with the wood.
The Uchiha succeeds in angering, annoying, infuriating him without even words, unsettled by the feelings produced by his natural stare, and unable to process any other feeling than negative ones towards him.
He hates him with his soul, or so he forces himself to believe.
A simple tug with his other hand on the waistband of his pants reveals an erect member, arousal he never has trouble stirring up when it comes to fight him. The work his brother did previously left the way paved to thrust hard into him, regardless of whether the Uchiha wants it or not.
"Those babies are mine, you hear me? You're fucking mine, Izuna." He whispers into his neck as he is fully buried in him, dark satisfaction at watching his enemy fight against what is happening. He struggles between a mixture of pleasure and anger, moaning with rage at how good it feels to have him inside him.
"There's nothing you can do about it, you're stuck with me forever." A hand forces him to turn his face and kiss him, holding him by the jaw and manipulating his body as he wishes. Izuna momentarily struggles against his mouth, eventually surrendering under him and accepting his commanding tongue inside.
The albino's pace always leans towards violence and little control, only taking more caution because of Izuna's prominent tummy in his hand. "Look at you, all round with my children, you belong to me from the inside out."
When he senses the Uchiha wants to talk back or wrestle, his tongue slips back into his mouth, intertwining with the other's and fucking him harder when he hears him genuinely moan. Izuna always tries to conceal his arousal from him, to make him believe he has no effect on his body, and that only lasts until he manages to destroy his restraints and break through all his barriers, pushing him to the limit.
"My horny cunt, mine." And when Izuna nods without even thinking about what he says, he knows he manages to reach deep inside him, touching his mind even more than anyone else. He has an overwhelming need to possess him, to make sure he is his and his alone, to keep him from being with anyone else, and a part of Tobirama begs to be the father of that baby just so he can mark him for good with his teeth.
Izuna would look amazing with his fangs tattooed on his neck, ensuring eternal dominance over him.
Lost in that image and fantasy, he chomps down hard on him in the same place he would if he could claim him as his own forever, hoping that mark would never fade. Izuna moans with abandon, and the way his pussy squeezes his cock makes him come right then and there, letting it all inside.
It takes him a second to catch his breath, but there is no affection once he finishes. The nicest thing he does for Izuna is hand him the clothes he threw on the floor before fucking him.
A second later, the door opens and closes, leaving him alone in the room and relieved that his enemy has given up trying to find out what's inside.
Izuna makes quick work of his garments and ignores the need to stop by the bathroom before leaving, wanting even more urgently to return home and lock himself in the safety of his house. His arousal has taken him down a rocky road today, and he just wants to feel the comfort of his nest, sink into the warmth of a hot bath and sleep.
That's what he's thinking about as he makes a quick walk home, as fast as he can with the huge belly he's carrying, feeling the contents of both Senju brothers slide down the inside of his pants, down his legs.
It is an immediately uncomfortable, wet, unpleasant sensation, and he hurries even faster to get there. He avoids busy streets as he walks to the compound, unable to carry on a threaded conversation with anyone in this state, embarrassed by the mark Tobirama left on him.
He will certainly have to think of a way to keep his Aniki from seeing it.
Though he'd love to be strong enough to simply jump through the trees and gain speed, there's no way to do that with a baby inside, at least not without using what little strength he has left. He ends up choosing the longest path of all just to avoid familiar faces, taking much more time on the journey.
When he arrives home, he makes a beeline for the bathroom, immediately filling the bathtub with hot water.
He assumes Madara must be in some meeting with the council solely because of the hour, and feels confident he has time to decide how to cover up that bite on his neck. "Of course you couldn't fuck me without scarring me, of course not, mister "everything I touch is mine". Idiot."
As he pulls off his pants, he appreciates the mess that's soaked into the fabric, a river of white fluids running down to his ankle and somehow grossing him out as he forgets how turned on he was. It will be difficult to clean them up, but he will have to do it personally if he wants to keep today's adventure a secret.
When the tub is finally full, he throws away his clothing problems and steps into the water, quickly gaining instant relief. Wetting his hair with a wooden container, he simply lets the temperature of the water put his mind at ease.
He feels peace as he caresses his belly, genuine joy when he senses movements inside, and thinks about what Tobirama said about having more than one baby. Of course it would be possible, even more so considering his own fertility and the ability all the Alphas he fucked in his last heat have, but it wouldn't cease to surprise him.
He re-evaluates using his Sharingan to see, but quickly dismisses the idea. He decided it would be a surprise, and intends to maintain that illusion until the end.
Gently washes his body, a moment of self-love, but when he reaches his crotch he can't help but feel warm again. Pregnancy hormones are exhausting and impossible to ignore, and when they demand he satisfy his natural needs, there's not much else left to do.
His fingers slide gently up and down his vagina, caressing his outer lips and then moving to his inner ones, lingering on his clitoris for a few circular motions. The sensations are intense and fast, his body predisposed for more release, and he becomes engrossed in his own bubble of pleasure as he masturbates.
Forgetting the world around him as two of his fingers caress that wonderful little ball, side to side and circularly, moving down to his opening when he feels too much pleasure and is about to come only to delay his peak, prolonging the stimulation as long as he can.
His eyes close and his attention wanders among all the physical sensations he is experiencing, failing to notice those eyes staring intently at him from the bathroom door. Fully convinced of being alone in the house, he never restrained his moans or sounds, catching his older brother's attention.
Madara approaches the bathtub, and only when his presence is unnoticeable, Izuna finally opens his eyes. He gives him a tender and embarrassed smile, feeling exposed but comfortable all at the same time, and accepts the hand his Aniki extends to him to get out of the tub.
No words are needed to understand each other, connected in a superior way and without the need to explain, and as he covers himself with a bathrobe, the Uchiha leader empties the tub, both then walking in the same direction to Madara's room.
It is his favorite place to be whenever horny, surrounded by the overpowering scent of his Aniki and feeling totally safe and secure, sheltered by the presence of the most capable Alpha to take care of him and please him. No one knows him like he does, no one knows how to press the right buttons and disarm him under his hands like his older brother, no one understands him the way Madara does.
The leader arranges some pillows on his bed one on top of the other, forming a pile on which Izuna can rest his back and not feel so much pressure on his stomach from the baby's position, ensuring as much comfort as possible for him.
The way he tends to him, making sure he has everything he needs and more, is the biggest turn on factor when it comes to his older brother, ever attentive to him in every way possible, the perfect dominant.
As he lies down on the bed and opens the bathrobe wide, he observes Madara tie his hair into a high ponytail, pulling any strands out of the middle for convenience.
He approaches from the side, climbing over the mattress but avoiding placing himself on him so as not to press his protruding belly, and with one hand exactly where the baby kicks, he kisses him deeply.
How his Aniki's lips move, the contact of his mouth on his, the exactness of his tongue inside his mouth, has no equal, only Madara being able to take him to the limit without even touching him. He can't excuse himself by saying it's the pregnancy hormones, always having this effect on him since the first time they touched like this.
"Aniki... I love you..." He speaks between kisses and holding his brother's face between both hands, desperate to taste and feel him completely. This his Alpha, the dominant who he wishes to be bitten and branded by, the one he wants to belong to completely.
"I love you too, Izuna." The older Uchiha looks into his eyes, foreheads pressed together and undeniable visual contact, black orbs connected in a union of loyalty and passion, pure love that cannot be explained in words. The bond they both share escapes any kind of rationality, and it seems that life divinely united them by making each other Alpha and Omega, destined to be together from the beginning.
Madara is his person, the only one who understands him from beginning to end, who he wants by his side for the rest of his life. There is no safer place than his arms, no more beautiful spot than his eyes, no more perfect location than his lips.
Locking eyes with him exposes love on another level, pure affection in inexplicable ways, and they both lose themselves in each other's kisses in such intimate situations. Soon, they are joined in a deep embrace again, Izuna moaning into his older brother's tongue at the devastating effect he has on her body.
His Aniki replies with a small smile, showing he knows what he wants, and settles between his legs to help him with what he couldn't finish. He holds his pelvis by tangling his arms under his thighs, and his two hands are placed at the base of his belly, caressing the residence of that future baby.
"You're perfect, you know that don't you?" he asks before plunging into his crotch, giving no room for an answer. He slides his tongue from his hole to his clitoris like licking ice cream, flicking the tip up and down on top.
The moans he gets from his younger brother are deep and immediate, spurring him to act with more force and precision. He laps the entire exterior slowly, and concentrates both of his lips on that wonderfully sensitive nub as he sucks, flicking his tongue and attacking the area with pure enjoyment.
Izuna's fingers dig into his hair and tug at it, pressing him even harder against his skin and demanding more and more.
One of his thumbs moves down to his clit, and his tongue now turns to concentrate on devoutly thrusting into him. Madara moves in and out of his hole pointing upwards, brushing that sensitive area with precision while his finger stimulates him at the same time.
He exerts more force on the grip he has on his pelvis to prevent movement, holding him with determination to prevent him from escaping his stimulation. Madara knows he is sensitive, he can feel the scent of two other known Alphas on him even though he bathed, and he is aware they probably fucked him before he came home.
His tongue acts as relief and punishment at the same time, pretending to ignore the mark Izuna wears on his neck so as not to get angry and take it out on him.
The Uchiha could delay his pleasure, not let him finish or push him to the limit a few times before giving him release, let him know he knows about the little adventure he had today only because of the Senju brothers' scent permeating the whole fucking bathroom, but he chooses to be lenient and ignore his brother's sexual insistence.
If he wants pleasure, sex, he can have it here at home with him, but he also understands that hormones make him do stupid things mindlessly. Izuna doesn't need anyone but him, he doesn't need any other Alpha, he has everything he could ever want in Madara himself.
When that baby is born and finally everyone understands this Omega belongs to him, the Uchiha Leader will mark him for good by biting his neck, claiming him as his own and not allowing anyone else to touch him.
He strongly releases his own scent to ensure his younger brother is covered in it, erasing that of the others, permeating the entire room with even more dominance and enjoying how Izuna rubs against his sheets, his pillows, his bed. He is his, ultimately, and deeply his.
He again engages his clit with his tongue, and smiles self-satisfiedly as the younger Uchiha convulses in his mouth, finishing on his lips and tensing his whole body with pleasure. Izuna tries to move his head from between his legs, but Madara punishes him with over-stimulation and a second orgasm followed by another, only stopping when he sees tears in his eyes.
He moves up to his mouth again, kissing him lovingly and making him swallow his own fluids, whispering a "you are mine" against his lips and receiving a "yours, Aniki" in response. The honesty he feels in Izuna's words puts him at ease, completely confident that the baby inside him is his.
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runawaymun · 2 years
If you're still doing it - how about Celebrimbor? If he's competing with Celebrian for your Elrond OTP he's gotta have some interesting headcanons to go with.
This has been sitting for ever sorry!! I've been meaning to get around to it because Celebrimbor is Best Boy.
1: sexuality headcanon
IDK I view him as being very open and not really caring so much about who he's attracted to. If the vibes click then the vibes click and he definitely enjoys sex, but he also isn't one of those people who has a preference in partners, nor does he really go out of his way to seek them. He's a very affectionate and attentive person in general, though, both with friends and with partners.
2: otp
Brimbrond. I literally can't say enough about Brimbrond. I just love the idea of them being very close in the Second Age, (with a bit of hero worship on Elrond's part that Celebrimbor finds very cute). I love the idea of Elrond being enamored with Celebrimbor, and Celebrimbor being enamored with this gorgeous ainur-like creature (funnier when you add Silvergifting into the mix...because I guess that Celebrimbor is just a maia-fucker). Love the idea of Gil being the one to introduce them and give them a little nudge. There's a bit of camraderie that comes from being able to speak Quenya with each other, and with my headcannon that Elrond picked up a Feanorian accent from M&M... that makes it even better. And Elrond being able to fill Celebrimbor in on late M&M, and Celebrimbor being able to tell Elrond stories about what they were like in Valinor...stuff like that. And Elrond loves nothing more than encouraging and supporting people and so I think he'd do really well with such a highly gifted and creative partner. And I like to think that Celebrimbor maybe saw things in Elrond that others didn't -- like his gift for medicine, and nudged him toward it. Sure, Elrond is a REALLY good politician, but he's a peerless master of lore and master healer, and I like to think that Celebrimbor spotted that in him and gave him space to explore those things. They're both SO people and friendship oriented, too, so they'd do a really good job of balancing each other out and making sure that they're getting their needs met in the midst of focusing on everyone else. And idk, I headcannon them being very soft for each other, and it also is just very juicy for how things Ended. Because Elrond is the one that Gil-Galad entrusted with his host to go and liberate Eregion. And Elrond was too late to save Celebrimbor. And with all of that history...I just Think It's Neat.
3: brotp
Tie between Galadriel & Celebrimbor and Erestor & Celebrimbor! I absolutely adore thinking about how close Galadriel and Celebrimbor must be as two of the last surviving direct descendants of Finwe. How they both remember the Treelight, and How Things Were Before, how much pure time they have spent with each other. How Celebrimbor crafts the Elessar and Nenya for her, both works intended to preserve and protect her and her lands from evil. Incredible. And it's my headcannon that Erestor is the son of Caranthir, which would make him and Celebrimbor first cousins. I like the idea of Celebrimbor sort of taking his baby cousin under his wing & the two of them surviving together as the last descendents of Feanor (even though it IS incredibly sexy to have Feanor's entire line end with Celebrimbor. I'm very fond of Erestor Morofinwion).
4: notp
I don't really have one, to be honest, though sometimes I get a bit irritated with Silvergifting being so ubiquitous -- purely because I get tired of seeing it. I've never been a huge Silvergifting fan. But I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a notp. I ship it in the right context with the right characterization!
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
My boy has the world's WORST time blindness. Just...he gets going on a project and nothing else exists.
6: favorite line from this character
We don't have a lot of direct dialogue from him, but I am especially fond of "In the working of this he became a rival of the Dwarves, or rather an equal, for there was great friendship between the Dwarves of Moria and Celebrimbor, and they shared their skills and craft-secrets.", and of course "Speak friend, and enter." Celebrimbor's hubris (which Sauron definitely used against him) is forever fascinating to me, but I think his defining trait is his openness to those around him, to how he forges friendships and alliances just as he forges his masterworks. How incredible it is that he walks in the footsteps of his grandfather, who created three Objects of Power and zealously guarded them as his masterworks -- where Celebrimbor creates three Objects of Power and keeps not one for himself, instead giving them away to his friends. How he goes to his grave in defense of his friends under immense pain and torture. Something something that post which said how this all began with "get thee gone from my gate" and ended with Celebrimbor and "speak friend and enter". I'm feral, okay? He's just so good. He's so good. I am clenching him in both fists.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
That hubristic desire to create a masterwork is something that resonates very deeply with me. I get way too wrapped up in trying to create something "perfect" and it gets lost in the sauce sometimes.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The insistence that Silvergifting is canon. No matter how much we would like it to be, it's not. It IS very ubiquitous and it IS a fun ship, but it's not canon and I get very tired of the repeated insistence that it is (which I see a weird amount of going around). But in terms of the character himself, his wee baby crush on Galadriel is so embarassing for him. I can't take them seriously as a ship, because age-difference-wise it's about the equivalent of that time I met my baby cousin Beau for the first time. Beau is about seven years old and he imprinted on me like a baby duckling and got a wee crush. And I just feel like that's how Galadriel feels about Celebrimbor. Like 'aw, that's adorable and kind of weird. Love my baby cousin though'.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon roll! Too good! Too pure! Too precious! A bright ray of Telperion's light!! <3 I would die for him.
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pyreshe · 2 years
i am very tender always about livvy's thg verse,, like it's one of the only verses where i will default to writing livvy as a teenager- she's only fifteen in catching f.ire and was the youngest victor on record- won her games at twelve years old.
she had a very close alliance with her district partner who tbh gale and katniss would have reminded her of; his name was amadeus and he was almost safe from being chosen at seventeen. he was the main provider for his family, his mom and four younger sisters, and was known to use the tunnels to slip outside of district 3 to scavenge and occasionally set up snares. he'd clung to livvy immediately and she had clung to him.
on the way over, livvy had spent a Lot of time with their capitol escort. she absolutely hated the man, but her mentors looked at her like she was already in the plain wooden box they'd send her home in and amadeus was in the same predicament she was in. she peeled the escort apart in her mind and used him to tailor a mask the capitol would find endearing and enchanting.
she had waved and grinned through the train window, skipped ahead when they arrived. during her interview, she twirled and chirped about how she'd always wanted a pretty dress like this and how glad she was to enjoy this "even just for now", kissed caesar's cheeks and gave him a hug, bowed to the audience. the non-career kids are usually so depressing about the whole thing, it was refreshing.
and then she got a 9 during her game assessment after showing them that she could set explosives and fire based traps, that she could detonate them quietly and unseen. by the time her time was up, she'd near incinerated 6 training dummies. she was viable for sponsors, and wiress and beetee didn't even need to do much to work for them.
during the actual games, she and amadeus bolted from the cornucopia and then put their strategy in place. one of them would distract the careers and the other would steal as much as they could carry; never food or weapons, which is likely why their thefts went largely undetected for so long. they used these materials to absolutely cover their arena's in various traps and snares. some were only meant to draw attention when detonated, lure careers to finish the job, and others were so deadly they'd be able to take out half the remaining tributes at once.
when it was down to the final six, one of the careers killed amadeus and he made sure she died alongside him on his way out. livvy seemed to be on the run from the remaining two careers, the boys from 1 and 2, and after they'd killed the girl from 10, they gave chase in earnest. not for the first time, they wondered if she was insane when she'd smiled at them, chest heaving, as though she'd just won a game of tag. but then the explosive had gone off, two cannons sounded, and the hovercraft came to collect her. she had used herself as bait.
her story was presented as the unlikely triumph of a plucky under-dog and the capitol ate. it. up. a lot of people were inclined to think her games were won mostly of luck and not deliberate ruthless cunning and snow advised her to keep the illusion alive.
she befriended finnick, johanna, annie, mags, and a handful of other victors. largely presents in the capitol as a bubbly but somewhat dimwitted presence; she has no interest in secrets or politics or rebellion, only her pretty clothes and what party she will be attending that night. they view her in a similar way to sh.irley te.mple, still seeing her as the little girl on stage who twirled and giggled and gave caesar a hug.
it's a bit of a surprise when the revolution starts and they discover she's a hyper-competent strategist and weapons builder who is out for blood.
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Review: Cult of Chucky (2017)
 Cult of Chucky (2017)
Rated R for strong horror violence, grisly images, language, brief sexuality and drug use (unrated version reviewed)
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<Originally posted at https://kevinsreviewcatalogue.blogspot.com/2023/08/review-cult-of-chucky-2017.html>
Score: 3 out of 5
Not counting the 2019 remake, Cult of Chucky is the last feature film in the Child's Play franchise, and a film that, above all else, demonstrates that at this point Don Mancini was already envisioning its future as being on television. A lot of its biggest problems feel like they stem from it being overstuffed with plots and subplots, the kind of thing you'd throw into a television story to bring up the runtime to something you can justify spending several episodes on, and it ultimately ends in such a manner as to indicate that they did not intend for this to be the end, not by a long shot. And indeed, television is where this franchise ultimately wound up, with the TV show Chucky premiering four years later and by all accounts doing the franchise some real justice. Above all else, this movie, for better or worse, feels like Mancini setting the table for where he ultimately wanted to take the franchise, less a full story in its own right than a setup for a bigger, meatier adventure to come.
That's not to say that this is a bad movie, though. For as many problems as it has in the storytelling department and as much as it feels more like a two-part season premiere than a feature film, it still feels like a pretty damn good two-part season premiere. Chucky gets some of his old sense of humor back (just read the tagline on the poster) but is still a scary villain above all else, the psychiatric hospital setting was very well-utilized and avoided a lot of the unfortunate pitfalls that you normally see in horror movies of this sort, and while the supporting cast was a mixed bag, I still enjoyed Fiona Dourif's performance as Nica, especially towards the end of the film. Word of warning, though, it's also a movie that relies heavily on franchise lore. If Curse of Chucky was made to appeal to both longtime fans and complete newcomers, then this movie leans far more on the former to the point of being pretty inaccessible if you haven't seen any other films. If nothing else, I recommend at least watching Curse first, largely because this movie follows on directly from its ending. (So, spoiler warning.) Overall, if you liked Curse, then I can see you enjoying this movie too, though I wouldn't recommend it if you're completely new to the series.
We start the film with... well, here's the big problem I alluded to earlier. We really have three separate plots, with one of them getting more screen time than the others but all of them competing for attention and not really coming together until the very end. The first and most important concerns Nica Pierce, who's been institutionalized after Chucky framed her for the events of the last movie. After five years of punishing electroshock therapy to convince her that she did, in fact, have a psychotic break and kill her family out of jealousy of her sister, Nica is moved to the medium-security Harrogate facility under the care of Dr. Foley alongside a group of other patients: a man named Malcolm with split personalities (some of them celebrities like Michael Phelps and Mark Zuckerberg), an old lady named Angela who thinks she's a ghost, a woman named Claire who burned down her house, and a mother named Madeleine who killed her infant son. But the actual first scene brings us back to Andy Barclay, the protagonist of the first three movies, now an adult who the last film's post-credits scene revealed was still alive and had been awaiting Chucky's return for years. On top of that, we also have Tiffany Valentine, who put her soul into Jennifer Tilly's body at the end of Seed of Chucky and is now working with Chucky towards some nefarious goal.
While Nica's story is central, Andy is treated as a secondary protagonist, and one whose scenes rarely intersect with Nica's or seem to leave much impact on her. While I was pleasantly surprised with Alex Vincent's performance as Andy given how long he'd been retired from acting before this, his entire character felt like it could've been cut from the movie with minimal changes, like Mancini was setting him up to have a greater role in the follow-up he was working on but didn't really do much to integrate that with the story itself. Only at the very end does he ever interact with Nica, after Nica's story is finished. A more interesting direction might have been for Andy, who we see has been keeping track of Chucky for all these years and at one point tried to prove Nica's innocence by showing Chucky to Dr. Foley (he dismissed it as creative animatronics), to get in contact with Nica before and during the events of the film, letting her know that he's the only one who believes that she's not insane and that there really is a killer doll on the loose. This would've given him more to do over the course of the film rather than spend most of it at his house, and having them know each other would've added more weight to what is, in this movie, their only scene together. Instead, the two of them are kept apart for far too long, producing a story that constantly shifts gears and pulls me out.
Fortunately, the meat of Nica's story was still good enough for me to enjoy. Mancini gets a lot of mileage out of the hospital setting, portrayed as a landscape of creepy, ascetic white hallways that makes me wonder if he ever had a bad experience in an Apple store. More importantly, he avoided taking the easy route with the other patients and presenting them as threatening forces in their own right, an all-too-common depiction that plays into some very unfortunate stereotypes of mental illness. Even though it's made clear that Harrogate is a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane, meaning that its patients each did something bad to get sent there, they are presented as human beings first, whether it's Claire distrusting Nica for having (allegedly) done far worse than she did, Madeleine's repressed feelings of guilt over her crime leaving her easily manipulated by Chucky, Angela finding a way to piss Chucky off when they first meet, or Malcolm finding himself vulnerable to attack because he doesn't know if he can trust his own senses when he encounters Chucky. Mancini felt interested in developing these people as actual characters, not caricatures of mental illness, and it meant that I actually cared about them when Chucky started going after them. Madeleine especially was one of my favorite characters for the dark directions her story ultimately went.
The kills are exactly as over-the-top as you'd expect from a movie that proudly flashes the word "Unrated" on its DVD cover, with highlights including a decapitation and somebody's throat getting ripped out alongside the usual stabbings. Brad Dourif's portrayal of Chucky, meanwhile, brings back some of the sense of humor he had in the past without making this an outright horror-comedy. His argument with Angela early on made it clear that this wasn't the deathly serious Chucky of Curse, but the insult comic who frequently mocked and taunted his victims, complete with some outright one-liners as he scores his most brutal kills. There's one scene late in the film where we're finally introduced to the titular "cult" that I'd hate to spoil, but may just be one of the single funniest Chucky moments in the entire franchise (and one that makes me give some well-earned props to the animatronic work). Mancini also likes to indulge in a lot of flair behind the camera, much of it influenced by a love of '70s giallo, and while it can be distracting at some points, it otherwise made this film feel lively, especially when paired with the austere environments the film takes place in. Again, this was a movie that felt like it had a bigger budget than it actually did.
The Bottom Line
Cult of Chucky is a movie for the fans, for better and for worse. If you're not already invested in the series, you'll probably enjoy the main slasher plot but find yourself scratching your head at some moments. If you're a fan, however, you'll get a huge kick out of all the callbacks and Easter eggs this film has to offer, and eager to see what the series does next. (TV, here we go!)
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ednacrabapple · 1 month
So I just finished watching the six individual episodes that got Emmy nominations for outstanding writing in a comedy series like I've been threatening to do and here they are ranked from best to worst:
Pride Parade - WWDITS
This might be the best episode of any sitcom I have ever seen in my life. There is so much that happens in this episode. I've seen it a million times and I still don't know how they fit everything in AND made sure everything got enough time. This episode has EVERYTHING. Nandor goes to space. Laszlo terrorizes people at the beach. Colin Robinson and Ghost Nadja both posses Nadja's body. It's insane. This episode absolutely deserves the Emmy (though we all know it won't win). And I still want to know why Nandor wasn't speaking to Matthew (the little bird that flew into his room that he was trying to befriend) anymore lol
Also Natasia Demetriou absolutely should have been nominated for a best actress Emmy for her performance in this episode alone but that's a story for a different time
2. Orlando - Girls5eva
The 30 Rock vibes are immaculate. I had no context for anything that was happening and I still loved every second of it. I was literally laughing the entire time I was watching this episode. Paula Pell especially is outstanding. This one episode made me want more and I need to watch the entire show now. I loved it
3. Brooke Hosts a Night of Undeniable Good - The Other Two
God this episode was so fucking chaotic and insane. I literally don't even have anything specific to say about it. It was just so fun??? Also that fricken song that Cary and the other gays were singing is stuck in my head. Amazing episode no notes
4. Career Day - Abbott Elementary
Now, I absolutely adore Abbott, which I'm sure you can all tell by now, so it really hurts me to put it so low on the list, but honestly Career Day was the weakest episode of the season in my opinion. It was still good - the whole plot with Melissa and Gary was so well done and heartbreaking, and some of the jokes about Ava going to Harvard to use their wifi to earn a degree from Grand Canyon university were hilarious, but overall I think this episode could have been way better. It just felt like something was missing, ya know? I think there are some other episodes from this season, like Smoking or Party, that were better overall and maybe deserved the nomination more. I still love this show, but this episode is kinda meh
5. Bulletproof - Hacks
I know absolutely nothing about this show or the characters, but the episode was still so compelling. This is definitely a show that handles the whole "dramedy" thing well from what I can tell. I definitely enjoyed this episode, but it just wasn't quite as good as some of the other episodes that got nominated. Also, that scene on the plane with the sorta proposal was amazing lol
6. Fishes - The Bear
This show is not a comedy. Full stop. It is a drama. Like, sorry it can't compete against Shogun, but how is that WWDITS' fault? Or Abbott's fault? Or Girls5eva's fault? It should be in the drama category - NOT stealing nominations from actual comedies.
That being said, this episode was just not good. It was so boring. It couldn't hold my attention for more than a few minutes at a time, and it was just so long. It felt like it was never going to end. And I swear it was 90% people yelling at each other and nothing else. But don't worry everyone, I'm sure this is the episode that will win the award, despite being the least deserving by far 🙄
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