#he knows he could Very Easily do a lot of pain and damage to them.
wardingprotector · 1 year
at valar's fundamental nature, his most deep rooted instinct is protect and help. stranger, friend, or otherwise. Often at the expense of his own well-being. he has only once used his own healing on himself in game and will usually brush off concerns on his own wellbeing to worry and concern himself with the other party members first. it's always been part of him, even before narius and the grinners.
afterwards, after meeting narius and going into where they were usually working, that need and instinct became ever greater. luckily, narius was able to pull him back. but in the time between narius' death and the events of his campaign, valar ran himself ragged often. because it was better than what he truly wanted, which was blind revenge.
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copperpipes · 1 month
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Magical girl versus child soldier :]
When Dani was created vald's intentions were to create another danny, off the bat, she wasn't a person of her own in his eyes, you can imagine what that does to someone. Being forced another person's individuality instead of figuring out your own.
Vlad didn't know the exact circumstances in which Danny died, only the outcome, and so he thought that all he had to do was to recreate the final product to get what he wanted, but there were a lot more things in play then vlad predicted.
For one, Vlad didn't think that a major reason for Danny existing was thanks to his hazmat suit, its why most clones didn't last long outside their tube.
A solution that was figured out for Dani was to make clothes from ecto resistant fabric to hold the clones shape, of course for her they were extremely uncomfortable just being in them, let alone fighting in them, but she maneged.
Of course, she was still at a risk of suddenly starting to melt at any moment, but luckily she was valuable enough to be given treatment that could keep her functioning.
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After she ran from vlad she lost to said treatment, and this caused damage, but it was still a hundred times better then returning to plasmius.
Then Danny found her and she wasn't dying anymore but the damage was done and she was left with problems in both forms.
As a ghost, keeping a solid form is very hard for her now, not that she couldn't exist as a puddle, but she doesn't want to. Basic asking for help was not a skill she was taught, but her now new family were observant enough.
She got a full body-brace-suit (first picture left) that would let her keep her shape, but it's not meant for fighting, which she doesn't plan on doing anymore.
As a human, chronic joint pain and misshapen meniscus in both knees which causes them to be very easily dislocated.
The cane they got her helps but on worse days getting up from bed is harder then fighting Danny, and they don't have the money nor does Dani has a civilian identity to get a wheelchair.
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Dani herself is very different from Danny. From personality to interests (she likes fish, marine biology seems cool). They may be genetic twins but like in all sets of twins they are completely different.
Also she got a water core
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rory-multifandom-mess · 2 months
My Thad Headcanons
Because I'm so totally autism about him, you have no IDEA
I took this from a fic I read, but Thad runs warm. By this I mean his cooling system likes to malfunction every now and then and he has to throw himself into a bunch of icepacks until it works again. If he overheats, he’ll shut down so it systems can cool down much like a phone would
He's self conscious about his sharp canines, but not in the sense that he’s constantly thinking about it. It’s more like a “if i look at myself in the mirror and see my smile, I’m going to remember they’re there and be like ‘oh. that’s not right.’” Because of his insecurity with his sharp teeth, he refuses to go to the dentist
The fact Uzi had a crush on him before meeting N absolutely flew over his head (he’s stupid)
He likes girls AND boys
Ever since the fight with J and V in the pilot, he coughs up oil on occasion. Basically; Worker Drones are stupid and don’t know anything about their own anatomy, so instead of trying to fix the internal damage, they just welded his wounds closed, so now he’s just perpetually internally bleeding
He heals pretty quickly and has a high pain tolerance (entirely because he’s a sports player, and also he heals quick because of the fact he runs warm)
Sometimes he’ll get nightmares about the attack with V and J and also when Solver yonk’d his ass in episode 2. These fucked him up for a little while after and he couldn’t sleep very well, but they’re not as big of a problem anymore
His room is usually surprisingly neat and full of trophies and medals and other various sports memorabilia
Gets really competitive during football matches, but has really good sportsmanship <3 like he’ll be screaming shit during the match and then he’ll lose and to the other team he’s like “good job guys you absolutely rocked it out there, but we’ll beat you next time i’m sure of it >:)” he likes a lil friendly competition
Thad and Lizzy are twins but he’s younger than her by like 2 minutes. She teases him for this. In retaliation, he teases her because he’s taller (by 1 inch)
Sometimes they get in trouble for ‘bullying” each other, but every time they do, Lizzy just says “Siblings are fair game!” and Thad nods
I think he says “no problemo” a lot. He also says other silly phrases like "Okie Dokie Artichokie" and calling things "Rad" and ironically saying" tubular." Lizzy says "This isn't the 80's" and then he responds with "Well the 80s were sick as heck dude so I don't care"
He's a morning person
Listens to highly energetic songs without paying attention to the lyrics, so he’ll listen to the most like. Innapropriate songs without even realizing it just because they’re bops
Gets dating advice from Ron (the drone at the door from episode 2 for those who forget the bg characters)
Yk how people will throw food like popcorn into the air and then catch it in their mouths? yeah he’s really good at that
Sometimes when he can’t sleep he goes out and plays basketball by himself. tires him out so he can eep
Has a nice singing voice, but he doesn’t think he does (i’m projecting)
He doesn’t like to swear, but sometimes jokingly says “I will swear word at you” to his friends
If he’s holding something, he’ll start idly just flip it in the air and catch it over and over. subconsciously too, he just does that
He also plays Soccer and Basketball
Sometimes when someone grabs him unexpectedly, he’ll flinch a little (thanks solver). This usually only happens if he’s been spacing out or doesn’t see the person who grabbed him at first
Chill until someone messes with Lizzy. Then he will fight. Though she’s one of the popular girls so it doesn’t happen often
Weak to flirting; he gets flustered easily. Yet he’s a total flirt when he likes someone and is comfortable enough around them
I like to think Thad gets hurt a lot because he’s a fucking football player and usually he doesn’t get it fixed because it’s normal, but Lizzy and/or Uzi will yell at him to get it fixed because it could fuck with the strength of his casing
One time Thad said “Bite me” to Uzi and she just looked at him like a smug cat while he had a moment
Sometimes he’ll try to hide in his collar when he’s flustered (it never works)
He, Lizzy, and Doll were a trio of best friends (Until Doll's Solver infection started getting really bad and began distancing herself from the other two)
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cyberbvnniee · 1 year
i am so upset. we’ve been moots for like a month now and i haven’t come to throw some filth in your ask box yet 😩 buT it’s not too late!
alsO hI miya it’s nice to officially greet you 👉🏾👈🏾 i’m glad you enjoyed reading warm bodies! how are ya?
clears throat this is so long and i’m sorry but i like to ramble when i have ideas
So, I was lowkey just scrolling through your blog (i need to read more of your tasty ass work fr fr) and I noticed you reblogged a short fic about villian Kiribaku… A concept that has been untouched by my brain and was probably for good reason because now all I can think about is Red Riot the hardening villain who uses unbreakable to strike fear into civilians, heroes, and villains who dare to threaten his authority. Red Riot the villain is fucking huge and bulky and still has a smile of sunshine but a heart darkened by a selfish society. He honestly gives me Pain vibes, and idk if you’ve ever watched The Boys but I think he’d fit in perfectly with them, he definitely wants to kill heroes who don’t deserve to be called heroes.
Red Riot is very meticulous about the crimes he commits but there is one thing for sure— he loves a good fight. Doesn’t matter where the fight is or when it is, if there’s a fight brewin’ he’ll be there to find it. Also, random fact, he likes rocks soooo… he robs a lot of jewelry stores when he wants to add to his collection or he goes “shopping” at museums.
For example, big boy Riot has left the headquarters in search of a way to get his knuckles bloody, cruising around, looking for a hero to pick a fight with. Listen, even he’s got standards. He’s murdered a couple of people but never innocent ones, only heroes that don’t deserve their titles. And for that, he’s wanted by the Japanese government… Why’s he still walkin’ around like he’s some regular civilian though? I don’t even know. But… oh! Look at that, a hero.
The name of this hero doesn’t matter, he’ll scrapbook it later. A grin spreads across the villains face, a set of razor sharp teeth reveal themselves as he begins to approach the unsuspecting hero, following them to a more secluded part of the city to minimize witnesses as well as collateral damage.
This particular hero has quite a destructive quirk, so it’s truly no surprise that as soon as Red Riot attacks him, the hero begins to lay in blows that aren’t held back in the least. Indiscriminate waves of the disastrous quirk, that Red Riot easily dodges or blocks, cause nearly irreversible damage to nearby buildings, which no-doubt is putting civilians in even more danger than Red Riot’s presence alone. This is exactly /why/ he does the things that he does. With just one stupid fucking test, anyone could become a hero, even psychopaths like this.
As the hero is attempting to knock Red Riot down, the redhead villian doesn’t halter in anyway, getting closer and closer to the hero that looks like their about to shit their pants right in the alley. He’s nearly a foot away from the hero when he hears a blood-curdling scream that appears to be coming from above. He takes a moment to glance up and sees a woman plummeting to her death from the destroyed building that was just beside the alley. Then he looked back at the hero to see if he would do anything.
No. He was far too busy trying to keep his own ass safe. And for some reason, that pissed him off beyond comparison. He’d been holding back since the fight began, giving the hero a chance to defend himself, but it appeared time was running out. Hardening his fist, he aimed a blow directly to the hero’s face, satisfied with the sickening sound of flesh and bone breaking from the heavy punch, and watched the hero fly back into a pile of garbage bags, deserved.
With the screaming come closer and closer to where he was, Red Riot used the debris of the crumbling building to propel himself upwards and easily captured the woman who’d been falling, only then taking note of the bundle of life that she had protectively curled over. As they approached the ground, he hardened his legs and landed with ease, causing quite an indent in the earth.
While she’d been falling, hero eyes remained shut the entire time, but when she stopped falling, suddenly becoming hyper aware of her surroundings and the big strong arms that were wrapped around her rather protectively, she slowly opened one eye to take a peek at her savior.
In all his glory stood the infamous new Hero Killer, staring down at her with an arched brow on his handsome yet rugged face. The childhood scar on his eyelid had somewhat faded but fresh scars had been added to his face, a few nicks on his chin, cheek, and forehead, but they didn’t take away from his handsome appearance. He’d been wearing a red sleeveless hoodie, that showed off his muscular arms and a sleeve of ink that started from his right wrist, up the entirety of his arm, and disappeared under the hoodie no-doubt covering his right pec with a decorative tattoo, along with some plain black cargo shorts. His hair was spiked in the front and the rest flowed down his back in a mullet of sorts. She hadn’t realized she bad been silently staring at him in awe until he cleared his throat, asking if she was alright. Weirdly enough, she felt comfortable enough to answer him honestly, along with thanking him for saving her life. Unexpectedly, a cocky grin spread across his face and an idea came to mind.
“I’ve got other ways you can thank me, lil’ diamond.”
Next thing she knows, Red Riot aka Hero Killer 2.0 is mumbling some name that starts with a ‘K’ and a portal of purple smoke suddenly forms beside them out of thin air. Poor girl is basically kidnapped right then and there, but who woulda thunk Red Riot wanted a reward for taking down another hero and that reward just happened to be the lil’ milf who’d just dropped from the sky (or destroyed apartment building more specifically).
Don’t worry though, he may be a villain but he’s sweet and kind when he wants to be. And that includes taking care of you and your kid. Just like any normal abductee you question this motives and why’s he suddenly taken you from your home. He easily corrects you, saying that your home no longer existed and it was the manly thing to do to offer his surface to provide for you until you were able to get back on your feet.
(insert that one Soulja Boy audio where he says ‘HUH?!’ hella loud)
Why in the flying fuck would this man offer to take care of you? He had to have some kind of objective. But… to your surprise, he didn’t. In fact, you were free to leave whenever you wanted, and he made that clear.
Much to your surprise, Red Riot didn’t live in the LoV headquarters, he lived by himself in his own lil’ cabin in the woods that could easily fit a family or two. It was strange. You were thankful that he saved you and your baby’s life, but he was still a villain. A really, really handsome one at that. After his oh-so-caring suggestion, he mentioned if you wanted him to he would drive you back to the city and drop you off wherever you wanted to go. You dunno how it happened exactly but he’d been holding your baby while he was speaking to you, rocking the sleeping infant in his arms like he was their biological father. How was this man so fucking charismatic and sweet to you? He HAD to have some kind of ulterior motive.
Spoiler alert: yes, yes he did, but not the one you would expect from him.
Y’see… he’s always wanted a family. And here you were, dropped right into arms for the taking, and you didn’t seem to want to leave anytime soon, so he was going to use this opportunity.
A day turned into a week, a week turned into a month. And just as he promised, he took you out the house whenever you wanted and asked you each and every time if you wanted to be left in the city after your daily adventures (shopping and shit y’know, yes this man goes grocery shopping). But you always went back to his cabin with him, each and every time. Was this Stockholm Syndrome? No… couldn’t be, he openly told you to leave if you wanted to, then did that mean you were falling for the rugged mass-murdering villian? Looks that way.
As expected, the developing relationship between the three of you was not normal in the least, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. He’d even introduced you to some of his buddies from LoV, only the ones he trusted tbh, and after that— you now had some willing and ready babysitters on call whenever you two needed.
Who wouldn’t abuse this opportunity? After some time convincing you, Red Riot, who had disclosed to you his real name was Eijirou Kirishima, managed to get you to go on a real date with him with just the two of you. And soooooo, ya did.
Who knew a villain could be so romantic? Certainly not you. He’d wined and dined you like his life depended on it and you were now putty in his hands. Perfect. The real games could begin.
He’s called a driver to take you both home and before you know it, Eijirou’s carrying you over the threshold like the two of you had just said ‘I Do.’
cracks knuckles
Now, this is where the real fun begins.
Red Riot, the hero-killing, tall, muscular, BDE, long-haired, thick-thighed, scarred, tattooed, smiling, thieving, hardening villain… has a breeding kink. And not just that, he’s got a big fucking dick that’s usually impressively hidden behind his usual wardrobe of loose fitting pants. But, you’ve seen him adjust himself more than a few times when he thinks you’re not paying attention, but you’re sure he just does it subconsciously without even realizing.
So there’s no real surprise when he’s dropped you onto your shared bed after a date and you can see the imprint of it through the black slacks he chose to wear. You coulda swore you saw the fuckin’ thing throbbin’ through the fabric but maybe your mind was playing tricks on you.
He’s now staring you down, noticing how your eyes have stayed glued to his crotch, with a timid look with some worry hidden behind your eyes. He grins and decides to have a little show for you. You’re struck back into reality when he suddenly grabs it, giving it a lil’ squeeze and a tug, causing your thighs to rub together in anticipation.
“No need to be nervous. It ain’t gonna hurt ya, baby. Promise.”
He purred, stroking his cock a few for times for you through his pants before moving his hands to start unbuttoning his shirt.
“Think you could strip for me, mamas? I like that dress on ya… Think I’d rip it to shreds if I tried to take it off.”
Sweet fuck, when’d you become so obedient???
Before you know it, you’re both naked and on top of the bed, not even bothering to get under the comforter or the sheets. Seems you two were impatient.
Eijirou was splayed out on his back, cock on fully display as it rested against his stomach that wasn’t exactly chiseled with abs, it was a lil’ squishy but the muscles in his arms and chest were hard to ignore. And would ya look at that, you were right, he did have a nagasode and hikae style tattoo with a dragon, flowers, and other symbols. His monstrous cock was almost teasing you with its ridiculous width and length, how was that going to fit in you? With its thick tanned shaft, and its fat brink pink circumcised tip that was dribbling precum despite being only half erect. The happy trail that led to a trimmed bush of onyx hair made you think about the hyped mane of hair on his head.
He’d decided to leave the gel out of his hair this evening so the bright crimson locks flowed in waves under his head… what kinda conditioner did this man use? Them locks shiny as a muhh’fucka- No, no, no, don’t get distracted.
Where were you?
He’d had you sitting on his chest, beckoning you to straddle his face with your thighs, and when you hesitated he took matters into his own hands and grabbed you by the hips, pulling you right onto his face.
Maybe I should have mentioned earlier that he’d got a forked tongue…? Y’know, the kinda tongue a snake has… He kinda got into a bit of body modification after dropping out of U.A.
And the way he uses his forked tongue on you is heavenly. So heavenly, that you nearly hunch over and run away from his skilled tongue, whining and whimpering his name, pathetically asking him to calm down and give you some time to adjust. The iron grip on your hips forces you stay right where he wants you, thick digits easily sinking themselves into your plush hips like memory foam. He’s absolutely ravishing you with the rapid fire motions of his tongue, writing out every Hiragana symbol in the charts, observing how you react to every trace of ever symbol. And when he draws out that one symbol, his tongue acting as a brush drenched in ink and your pussy acting as the paper, he notices the way you shudder and let out a guttural moan, clenching at his hair hard enough to make his scalp burn just a fraction— he smirks, abusing this new power.
ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki.
Ironically, the symbol that makes you shudder and silently scream sounds a bit like laughter, and laughter you shall receive. It is the best medicine after all.
Abusing this particular symbol, it is no surprise that the hardening villian soon rips an orgasm right out of your body, the searing heat that builds up inside you releasing into his mouth as you squeeze his head between your thick thighs.
Easily, Eijirou laps up your sweet nectar while groaning about how sweet and delectable you are, and gives you a moment to collect yourself, hearing the sweet pants and huffs that escape you as he rubs comforting circles onto your hips. That won’t last long, however.
“Think ya can cum on my tongue a few more times, lovely? Gotta make sure you’re slippery enough to bounce on my cock a lil’ later after all, hm? Be a good girl f’me, ya know ya can.”
my bad, my bad… went a lil’ crazy on this one 🧍 do with this as you please, aLsO i had an urge to draW hIm but i haven’t colored the lineart yet 😩 ill show ya when im doNe
You’ve been reduced to nothing but a whining, whimpering mess on the redhead’s tongue. He’s flipped and twisted your aching body so many times to get you in the perfect position, but nothing beats that good ole spread eagle.
Your hero turned villainous lover has both of those big hands holding you wide open for him, fingertips sunk into your plush flesh.
One knee is flush against the bed, the other is up against your chest, leaving nothing hidden from his fiery gaze. Your pretty pussy is his to abuse, at the mercy of that dexterous tongue and those razor sharp teeth.
Your moans and sounds are so cute to him, so pretty he wants nothing more than to keep fucking you on that long tongue.
You peer down at the beast between your thighs and the sight has you immediately tossing your head back, a breathy sigh passing through your lips.
Eijirou looks so precious—crimson eyes hooded and low, the thin sheen of your slick spread around his mouth while he licked and sucked you to another release.
‘Cu-cumming.’ Is how you’ll warn him before your pussy is creaming around that tongue again. You’re so sensitive, clit so swollen and red even the waft of his breath hurts.
But Eiji loves seeing you squirm, so much that he’s lathering your poor clit in spit, sucking the nub into his mouth just to hear you squeal as you claw at the sheets.
“Ei, p-please baby.” You’re begging, pleading for just an ounce of mercy from your lover’s tongue.
He raises his head to look up at you, or what’s left of you, granting a brief intermission as he flips you onto your belly.
He’s palming the fat of your ass, spreading you until he’s face to face with your delicious cunt and puckered asshole, his moistened lips curling up into a devilish smirk.
He loves this. He loves you and your perfect fucking pussy so much that tonight he plans on making you a mommy again. As soon as you cum for him one more time he plans to split you open and breed you.
“Just one more pretty girl, I promise.”
It’s nice to meet youuu, I love your work 🥺❤️Villian Kiri makes my pussy brain melt 🥹 I hate that it’s so short but I’m writing like 4 other one shots and my brain is a can of baked beans right now 😭
Hey bae, care to join us? @darkmajesty-xo
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blood-grove · 2 months
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The Hunt
part 1 -> next hunt
x tws; violence , blood , injuries , gore , slight suggestiveness , sickness. <- more will be added possible depending on the part.
x pairings; soap x male!reader (😲)
x characters; soap , ghost , price , gaz + (others will maybe be added? idk ive never written a whole lot of characters cuz i get confused in my own head)
a/n; i may make art for this series! and i will also possibly making art for my merfolk au.
Alarm bells rung threw out the small town the yells and panicked cries of the townsfolk as the huddle and ran into houses under carts under anything.
You let out a amused chuckle that came out as a growl to everyone else.
You were admittedly showing off a bit more than usual today pushing your self up with another flap of your wings as arrows shot past your head.
Christ John had to get better aim.
You dove letting out a bone shivering roar it was getting boring doing the same exaggerated display but it paid well.
John or Soap as the guild nicknamed him all those years back was your very lovable boyfriend.
To say what you both did was wrong would be true.
If it didnt bring so much coin.
Slaying dragons was a respected craft and admired by many and all, The demand for dragon slayers was high since such a feat was beyond dangerous and mostly ended in death.
Dragons were usually hunted by groups who set up traps of sling shot nets , big crossbow contraptions meant to pierce threw thick hide and scales.
But Soap didn't need of that,
Not when he had you.
Speaking on which you felt something dig into your side as you let out a fake cry of pain as your turned away from the village you couldn't hear anything they were saying from up here but you could imagine Soap's heroic rant as he chased after you away from the village a few more arrows stuck too you as you decided to close your act for today.
A final dramatic cry as you dived down intentionally losing control as you crashed into the ground.
A few taps to your face.
"Heyy wake up bonny boy"
You grumbled huffing.
"C'monn- You need to get up so I can pull the arrows off ya daft-"
You peered a eye open to him shifting as you got up shaking off a few branches and leaves from your head.
"Ye wanna know what name they gave ye today?"
You grunted as you got up shaking off any remaining stray debris before laying back down as Soap went to work with tugging off the arrows from you they never pierced your flesh magical properly imbued inside of them made them stick painlessly to the target more like tracking tag than real damage arrow.
"White Death, Ah think that's cooler than yer lest name na? whit wis it again.." Soap pulled off another arrow storing it back into his quiver.
White Death certain was a better name than your pervious infamous nicknames.
"Ah I remember was it Snow Scales or Ice Lizard-" Soap grinned as your growled looking away embarrassed.
Soap chuckled.
"I got 300 coin from you today- We could head somewhere nice grab some pastries from that Village a bit west I know ye loved there cinnamon rolls."
The suggestion had you perked up at the mention of the sweet which Soap grinned at.
"We should get all washit up na? Ye juist haed tae land in the mud—"
You flicked your tail at him sending him off balance and falling back into the ground as well as yo letting a raspy soundalike laugh.
Pushing your claw against the amulet that sat tight around your neck it glowed for a moment before you started to shift and change shrinking as Johnny complained about getting his satchel and clothes dirty.
Once it stopped glowing you were human size albeit a bit taller than Soap, You still had some draconic features your eyes still dilated into slits under the sun, Scales around you arms and back that were easily hid with clothes and gloves, and horns that were luckily short enough to be hid with hair or hoods.
You walked over to him holding out a helping hand only to be yanked down onto the ground by him.
"Payback-" Soap flicked your forehead as you huffed.
"Whatever you're not the one that takes the daring crashes and falls in out little acts-"
Soap just rolled his eyes. "I never said 'Oh and at the very end make sure to get covered in mud!'."
You huffed flicking his shoulder as he grinned as he retold his fake little heroic story he told to each village rambling on about these couple of cats he saw as you just listened fondly.
You visited villages with him sure when you were in your human form but it just always made you feel antsy the odd stares you'd get were enough to make you visits to cities, towns, and villages very sparse.
Soap had noticed of course the observant caring bastard that he is and wouldn't stand for it of course not forcing you but you both went out for little walks, for supplies, and for getting you and him clothes and gear.
That's what you loved about him, He brought you out of your shell his voice and mannerism really just made a part of you melt.
To think when you both met when he was going to kill you.
a/n; not very confidence in this but i wanna commit to it </3 my nerves r all over the place makes it hard to write.
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astermagne · 2 months
I wanted to try this x reader Hc thing out
Lucifer + Adam x Reader with sensitive hearing
Lucifer, canon au
- At first, the songs he breaks into are pretty loud , he can’t help it! He gets so excited and loves to go all out. However , the songs usually end in a broken abrupt chord once he sees you wince /in pain
- He tends to forget you have sensitive hearing constantly. He feels so guilty and berates himself mentally for it :<
- However, he does try to make up for it by buying you only the BEST noise canceling headphones,those very nice comfy ones that don’t hurt your ear. He’ll either buy it for you or make his own! But he’s definitely not buying it from VoxTech.
- It’s honestly a bumpy relationship , so you’ve both decided to keep it platonic, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Lucifer, vampire au
- He’s much more quiet toned in this au. You actually love to hear him talk, whether it’s by how he talks, or part of his vampire’s charm. A prince of the night,things are quiet around his place. As long as you don’t venture into the dungeons-
- He only yells when he’s in an argument with his family, which by that point he makes sure you're safely away. Who knows when a powerful fight will break out, and he doesn’t want you to be a casualty from the collateral damage.
- His place is honestly really nice?? The days are very quiet since almost everyone is asleep, aside from the day servants who do their work. But they don’t bother you.
- The night comes alive in candlelight all over the place. Soft music reverbs in the air from the ballroom a couple stories below. You enjoy it from your room , or out in one of the big gardens. In some areas it’s so muffled you can actually fall asleep to it .
- Sadly earplugs and headphones weren’t a thing back then, so you don’t have fancy noise canceling technology. However, you do have a very powerful vampire who could or could not put a spell or so over your room . But then again, it’s your room, why would you need it? It’s not loud. But could he do it? It’s a possibility .
- You do have a headband you wear, should you choose to go out in the market or whatnot. It’s a little tight and has padding , so it does help to block out a little of the crowd and bustling noises . You can easily hide it under your hat /whatever headwear you have on.
- Honestly this life is so nice and peaceful. Aside from all the fighting and wars those vampires have going on, but you’re pretty protected from it so it’s sort of fine
Adam, canon au
- “What”
- “Ohhhh”
- Oh he is r e a d y. Earplugs, headphones, helmets that cancel out a lot of noise, he’s got you covered.
- He thinks nothing of it, he gets it. He’s got you 👌🏻
- That helmet of his can do a lot of things, one such being he can turn down his own volume, and makes it so it’ll do so via facial recognition .
- “So , because you’re wearing headphones all the time, here’s my new album.” You probably have 40,711 playlists from him alone by now
- “That’s so cool, like,you can hear shit other people can’t, rock on”
- The moment someone bullies you or tries to hurt you by being loud purposefully, Adam will shove them off and deal with them.
- He can play anything and everything, including soft slow notes. He doesn’t mind. I mean hey, you love his music, don’t you? Who cares what he plays as long as he can get your smile and praise!
- During private moments, he absolutely uses mouth sounds, and loves to whisper in your ears. He loves to see you shiver from it.
I will pull up a muse list so you know who you can send in asks for if you want to
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mayhem-neverending · 1 year
Kakashi Hatake x f!Reader
I feel like although there's a lot of Kakashi fics, there's a good majority of them that are pure smut. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, I love Kakashi smut, I just want there to be more pining/loving from sadboi!Kakashi who needs to be held so tightly he might break.
Summary: Reader has a peculiar jutsu that comes in handy when she and her team are in a very tight spot. Due to the nature of this jutsu, an exchange is made and you experience your comrade's thoughts/memories that are strongest around the time of the transfer. You're sure Kakashi never meant for you to see what he exchanged with you.
Warnings: Smut, cursing, fainting, angst, teacher-ish/student relationship (Kakashi is 29, Reader is 24)
Word count: 3,353
Although a proficient ninja, times like these were the true reason for making you an addition to teams on dangerous missions.
You held onto Sakura while Naruto, Sai and Kakashi continued their attacks in the forest not far from the Hidden Leaf Village. The three Akatsuki members who they battled had terrifying strength, and you wondered if you would make it out of this alive.
Despite being out cold in your lap, Sakura had minimal injuries. You were thankful they hadn't done more damage, not only for her safety but because you didn't want to expend too much chakra. You were sure that the others would need it later.
Naruto came whizzing passed you and slammed into a tree not far from your right. He crumpled to the ground, breathing heavily.
"Naruto!" You shouted. You began moving Sakura's head carefully from your lap, but Naruto moved his head up and made eye-contact, giving an almost imperceptible shake of his head. You nodded in response.
With Naruto's crash being so near, you decided to move Sakura's limp body further away from the action. You carried her easily as you jumped into a tree and leapt a few hundred yards out of the way. You placed her down gently against a gnarled trunk and turned back to the fight where explosions and shouting could be heard. There was no doubt that when she woke she would know where to go.
You made your way swiftly back to the battle ground. As you approached you could see that one of the Akatsuki had taken the brunt of one of Naruto's attacks and you silently cheered. You arrived at the clearing they had created and watched at the tree line. Your purpose here was as back up, and Kakashi had made it clear that that was your only job. You would not get involved unless he called upon you.
Kakashi used a lightning attack while Sai distracted his opponent. It seemed that the man was hardly affected. He coughed and let out a raspy laugh. Their strength frightened you. Even with your incredible reserves of chakra, you would be no match for them and you hoped desperately that you wouldn't be called into it.
You studied their attacks for maybe fifteen minutes before Sai was out of the game. He fell near the tree line a ways away from you, so you hurried to retrieve him. He was half conscious and muttered a 'thank you' as you carried him to the same place you had deposited Sakura.
Once he was placed down, you assessed his wounds. He had a good extent of them, you winced at the sight of his broken femur on his left. There wasn't much you could do about that there, so you coaxed some pain reliever in his mouth, wrapped his other wounds, and headed back to the fray.
Your team was holding their own better than you could have hoped. You watched as Kakashi, who had become a sort of mentor to you, matched his opponent punch for punch. Naruto was fairing a little worse, but the Nine-tails had yet to appear so he was doing pretty well too.
At that thought, Naruto came flying passed your head. Your eyes widened as his disheveled body slammed through a series of branches and he fell to the ground.
You looked back to see Kakashi had looked back at you, the red of his Sharingan flaring. You nodded to him, jumping from your position and down to Naruto.
"I'm okay," He grunted as you hovered over him.
He tried to sit back up but you placed your hand on your chest, not letting him move. You activated your medical ninjutsu before he could say another word, assessing the damage. You gasped at the extent of his injuries.
"I'm okay," He repeated, but his eyes could hardly focus on your face.
"Stay down, Naruto," You sternly replied, your ninjutsu working at his injuries.
"You're new here, Y/n. You have no idea what I can do," He argued, trying to push you away.
"You don't even have the strength to move me, what do you think you're going to do out there?"
He gritted his teeth, eyes finally focusing on your own. You were impressed at the fire behind them, even more impressed that he pushed you away in one smooth motion.
"I have to do this, for Sasuke,"
You heard someone approaching and whipped around to see Kakashi running towards you, panting.
"Naruto, are you okay?" He called.
"Perfect," He growled, standing back up.
"Listen, I think I figured out a way to finish this, are you up to it, Naruto?" You looked between them in disbelief. That child was not okay!
"Ready, Sensei,"
Kakashi knelt down to you, still breathless. "I need your kekkei genkai, Y/n," His gaze was intense and your breath stuttered at seeing his Sharingan so close.
You nodded. You looked him over and placed a hand on his exposed neck, assessing the amount of chakra left in his body. You blinked when you realized he was near empty.
"How much do you need? You're almost empty, Kakashi."
He sighed. "For this to work?.. I need to be almost full."
Your eyes widened a little, this was going to be an intense transfer. And despite the situation, your cheeks reddened as he stared at you in his disheveled state. "I-I'll do the best I can,"
He smiled tiredly at you. "That's all I ask. Are you ready?"
You took a deep breath and nodded, steeling yourself. He pulled his mask down, exposing his plump lips. You barely had time to glance at him before he was pulling you in.
Your lips crashed together in a searing kiss. You began pouring your chakra reserves into his network where your lips touched. It was absolutely electric and you could just make out his stuttering breaths as he surprised you by sliding his tongue against yours. Your fingers dug into his hair as he pulled your body closer, nearly knocking you both over in your kneeling position.
You could feel the chakra leaving your body in droves. Soon, it would be replaced with memories, thoughts, feelings from Kakashi. That's how the exchange always worked. You felt wrong to desire knowing his innermost thoughts, and so intimately, but that desire burned through the kiss. If this man wanted everything you had, you would be more than happy to give it to him.
Your hand slid out of his hair and down his chest. Never had you given so much chakra before; you could feel all of the energy leaving your limbs, filling him. He kissed you hungrily, kissed you harder than he needed, sucking your bottom lip, caressing your tongue with his own. All he had to do was touch his lips to yours for your kekkei genkai to work. Somewhere distant you remembered explaining that to him, but now you were feeling the last bit of chakra you could give climbing out of your throat and rushing into his body.
You pulled away, your vision hazy as you looked at him through your lashes. He was breathless, his neck and cheeks aflame. Somewhere in the background you heard a gagging noise. Your mind swirled as his memory exchange started tugging at it.
Your eyes fluttered shut. You wondered what you'd be in for.
Kakashi laid you gently on the ground and swiftly pulled his mask back up. He stood up, his knees a little wobbly. His body felt amazing, your chakra licked at his insides like lightning.
"Naruto, let's go,"
You had performed this jutsu many times before, but never had you seen yourself in them. The thoughts were important, recurring, or highly charged that you received. Nothing was ever a random thought, it was all important to that person, at least within that time frame. That's why you were shocked to see yourself in that first memory.
You watched your chest heave, saw your hair had fallen from its clasp and frame your face. You lunged at Kakashi, whom you saw this through. He deflected your attack, but you caught him off guard by kicking the back of his knee. He fell forward and you rushed him, tackling him and grabbing his hands so that he couldn't move.
You remembered this, and smiled. It made your heart sing that the first time you had ever taken him down in training was an important memory to him.
You watched as he managed to flip you around, straddling you. You could feel everything, as if his body was your own due to the jutsu, and felt heat travel up his neck as he stared at you. You had never saw yourself as terribly pretty, but you could feel it in him; he thought you were gorgeous in this moment.
The next image was in his dark bedroom. You could feel that he was in bed, his heart racing. He reached out as tears ran down his cheeks. He closed his eyes and your heart stopped when the image of your face pressed against his chest as you curled around him appeared. You could feel some of his anxiety falling away at his thought. Was he- did Kakashi think of you as a safe place? He imagined himself tangling his fingers in your hair and took deep breaths. Your heart broke for him.
The image changed to one of his students. Young Naruto was running around, chasing Sasuke and Sakura was sighing and swinger her legs on a bench. You felt contentment in his heart and yours swelled with happiness. He loved these kids so much. You wondered how many more memories you would see, since this was the most chakra you had ever given.
The image swirled and you were transported to a bedroom - the same as before. Due to the hazy quality of it, you could tell that this was going to be some kind of fantasy or dream.
You choked suddenly at the image before you. His bed was a disaster of pillows and blankets, and in the center, was you. You were splayed out on his bed, biting your lip, eyes half closed. You watched through his eyes as he rubbed himself against your folds. You could feel that what he was feeling was his own hand. You felt him pump himself to the image of him slowly pumping into you, watching your own breasts bounce and hearing yourself whine.
"Kashi," you sighed out, arching your back.
He leaned in and kissed you, hand caressing your breast and moving down to circle your clit. You were in such a state of shock you thought your body outside of your mind you had probably stopped breathing too.
Was your mentor and friend just thinking about this all the time? You shook your head mentally. Maybe it was just a recently charged moment. Actually, that didn't make it much better.
The image whirled again. You felt yourself salivate. There was Kakashi himself in the mirror before you. It was another fantasy. His muscles rippled as he held you by the throat with one hand, the other holding your leg up by the knee has he rutted into you.
He was gripping himself hard at the image. You could feel the head was slick with precum. "You like watching, baby? You like seeing Daddy's cock destroying your pretty pussy?"
"Yes, Daddy," You whined.
You could hear him grunt aloud in the memory. He opened his eyes and you saw the thick ropes of cum covering his stomach, could feel the heaviness of his breath.
His sense of relief at his release was overcome by guilt. He rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. You furrowed your mental brows in confusion, despite being absolutely astounded by what you were seeing.
He raked his fingers through his hair. "Why do I have to love you?"
His memories faded and your mind turned to black.
"Is everyone okay?" Kakashi's voice waded through your subconscious. Confusion coursed through you, where were you? What was going on?
Memories of the battle, of your chakra transfer, or Kakashi's memories rushed back to you. Your fingers twitched and your heart pounded against your chest. Slowly, you managed to force your eyes open.
Sakura was leaning over you, working her medical ninjutsu and she smiled when your eyes found hers. "Y/n, I'm glad you're okay,"
You managed a smile. "I didn't even do anything, don't worry about me."
She helped you sit up. You looked around you and saw everyone on your team in various states of injury. Naruto was out of it, Sai and Sakura awake, although Sai was in obvious pain. Kakashi looked wiped, even with the extra chakra you had given him.
You were still in the woods, but considering everyone was alive, you knew that they had won the battle.
Kakashi caught your eye. "I've sent Pakkun to get back up. They should be here anytime to help us back to the village."
You nodded, having a hard time keeping the eye contact. The revelation that your longtime friend and mentor was masturbating to you was fresh in your mind.
And that he loves you. A tiny voice said in the back of your head.
"There they are!" You heard Pakkun call from somewhere in the trees. Before you could blink, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji and four medical ninjas were before you.
You got to your feet as two of the medical ninja pulled out there stretcher to load Sai onto. They rushed back to the village while Kakashi explained what had happened to Shikamaru. The other two medical ninja took Naruto away.
"Y/n, Sakura. Head back to the Hokage's office. I'm going to show them where the bodies are. I'll be right behind you."
The mission report took a couple hours. The whole time, of course, you avoided eye contact with Kakashi. At the end, after the door had closed, he caught your arm with his gloved hand.
"Thank you," He looked at you seriously. "The mission would have been lost without you,"
You nodded, your face reddening. "Of course, anytime,"
He let go of you. "Do you want to go have a drink? On me?" He smiled, his hand rubbing the back of his head.
You schooled your features so as to not let away your mild alarm. Would it be rude to say no? Would it come off as out of character for you? You had gone to share a drink with him a few times before.
"I'm really tired, raincheck?"
He nodded with a smile. "Okay, I'll hold you to it,"
You had taken a long hot shower and had slowly eaten some food when you heard a knock on the door. You were lost in thought and it startled you. You looked at the clock. It was already past nine.
You got up and peered out the window. Kakashi stood at your door, running his hands through his hair. You stepped back and frowned. What could he possibly want that couldn't wait until tomorrow?
You unlocked the door for him. You could feel his nervousness in waves as he looked down at you in the doorway.
You motioned him in and he stepped forward almost hesitantly. "Kakashi,"
You waited for him to continue. You watched as he struggled to collect his thoughts, which was a trip. You had never seen him look unsure of himself like that.
"What's going on?" You leaned against your kitchen counter facing the table, where you motioned for him to sit.
He sat, perched at the edge of the chair. His fingers twitched. "I know how your kekkei genkai works, and I was wondering..."
You narrowed your eyes, but the blush that was slowly taking over his ears was also creeping up your neck.
"You know how it works, but you still decided you wanted to stick your tongue down my throat?" You sassed.
He choked, his eyes widening. You wondered if he could get any redder and failed miserably to hold back a laugh.
His shoulders loosened at the sound, but he still looked anywhere but you. His foot tapped on your hardwood floor.
"It's fine, don't worry about it," You offered.
"What was it that you were wondering?"
He cleared his throat. "Well, I- You weren't acting like yourself - after the mission and I just-" He cleared his throat again. He could probably hear your heart pounding if he could hear past his own. "What memories did you see?"
You looked down at your hands. You didn't know how to approach this. Should you lie? You had liked Kakashi for awhile but you didn't want to embarrass him.
"I saw you watch team 7 train." You said quietly. You looked up at him, his shoulders tensed again. It was like he could see right through you with his piercing gaze.
He took an audible breath. "What else?"
You spared him a glance. "I saw you.. wake up from a nightmare,"
He tapped his fingers on the table. He looked like he wanted to ask you again.
"If that's all-" You started.
"There's more." He stated dryly.
You watched each other for a few moments. "Tell me,"
"I think you know," You stated quietly, playing with your fingers.
He exhaled shakily, a pleading glint in his eye. "Just tell me, please,"
"I was - I was in your imagination and I saw-" You breathed in deeply, embarrassed for him and yourself. "I saw myself. Under.. you. In a, you know, compromising, um, position."
He took a deep breath, closing his eye. "And-" His eye shot open.
"I saw us.. in the mirror. You know what we were doing."
He looked like he was going to explode. He stood up quickly, nearly running to the door. "Thank you for telling me,"
You grabbed his wrist and he stilled. When he looked at you, it was with a mixture of shame and fear. "Kashi,"
You liked the way his nickname fell off your lips. "Stay,"
It was now or never. You pulled him into you, hugging him to you. He was rigid at first, but slowly relaxed into you. "You know I like you too, right?"
Kakashi pulled back in surprise. You tapped his covered mouth. "Why don't you take this off?"
"I-" You reached up, pulling his mask down. He didn't protest, and quirked his lips into a half smile. He leaned down, and you met in a slow kiss. His lips were soft and he sucked your bottom lip in to nip it. It took no time for the kiss to turn heated, and you were pulling at each other's clothes, stumbling back towards your bedroom.
Kakashi backed onto the bed, and you climbed on his lap. He looked at you with his half lidded eye. You kissed him roughly, pulling his hair. Heat pooled in your core as you sloppily kissed across his jaw and down his neck. He groaned when you sucked a hickey in the crook of his neck. You could feel his heart beating rapidly in his throat and it gave you butterflies.
He felt along your curves, tracing them gently even in this heated moment. He pulled your face back to his and continued kissing you. He rocked his hips against you, and you moaned softly at the friction.
He pulled away, gasping. "Y/n,"
"Why don't we take this slowly?"
"What do you mean?" You murmured, reattaching yourself to his neck. He inhaled sharply.
"Let me take you out,"
You pulled back and looked at him, raising your eyebrow. "You're saying you don't want to-" you grinded your hips against his "-do this- right now? You would rather take me out?"
He bit his lip, nodding. You pouted and he grabbed you by the chin. "Let me do this right, please,"
You licked your lips. "Let me get dressed, then,"
"I didn't mean now," He chuckled breathlessly.
"It's called a compromise, Kashi."
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stolitzsings · 6 months
Okay this is gonna a (VERY) long post but it's my attempt to get my thoughts in order about Stolas, Blitz, and what we've seen of their dynamic so far. I can understand why some people would think they made Stolas "too soft" or walked his less admirable character traits back too much, but I think the show's choices for him make a lot of sense in context. Helluva Boss also relies a lot on subtext, and often doesn't feel the need to directly spell things out, which I think makes a lot of sense for a show in which almost every character is dealing with some sort of trauma or issue that severely impacts how they interact with the world. Why did they do this shitty thing? Fuck, they don’t know, so how would the audience possibly find out? Everyone in this show is an unreliable narrator, and I think that's one of its strengths.
So. Blitz and Stolas are both kind of shitty to each other, and that makes them better and more interesting characters.
Let's start with Stolas. While he is clearly my favorite character, I have very little interest in making "excuses" for his behavior, and I think doing so actively takes away from what makes him interesting. Instead, I want to look at what led him to excuse his OWN behavior, and what finally made him realize how he was hurting Blitz.
So, the book. Stolas may have been a little naive about why Blitz was breaking into his room (and easily allowed himself to be convinced that fucking SOMEONE thought he was worth going even a little out of their way for), but once Blitz left with the Grimoire I bet Stolas figured it out pretty quick. I can imagine his response being mostly pain and anger; he finally thought someone wanted him, and it's just another bid for his power. Well, fine, he can play that game too.
Two of the primary relationships Stolas had, with Paimon and with Stella, were all about power. A marriage to maintain the Goetia family's power, and a father whose only solution to his son's sadness and loneliness was to throw money and influence around until something stopped the crying. So it's an easy jump for Stolas to decide to leverage his power to force Blitz back into his life. And again, this isn't about "poor sad boy didn't know relationships could be built on mutual respect," it's "this is why he decided to do this and why it was easy for him to rationalize his behavior."
On the topic of rationalization, Blitz was the one who initiated the relationship, right? And they were both getting something they wanted out of it. Blitz got the book for his little business venture, and Stolas got intimacy and contact with Blitz. That's how he justified it, anyway, while either not seeing or purposefully ignoring the way that being treated like a servant to be summoned or dismissed at will would impact Blitz. And Blitz's go-to response to anyone, even people he really cares about, is to be sarcastic and insulting, so Stolas could easily use that as justification for Blitz's harsh comments. It's just banter or Blitz being Blitz, probably. While never stopping to think about the possibility that Blitz was really uncomfortable or unhappy with their relationship. The closest he comes to acknowledging this is when he's having his little cereal and telenovela pity party, thinking about how Blitz doesn't seem to feel the same way about him, so it's possible he's already beginning to see the cracks in the foundation of their relationship, or realize that there's no amount of time he can make Blitz spend with him that will lead to him returning his feelings.
However, the first time he really understands the damage he's done is after Ozzie's. He realizes he's been treating Blitz as a plaything, something to pick up or put down whenever he wants, and so of course Blitz thinks that's all he is to Stolas. This is made clear when we see him scrolling through his camera roll, and he realizes that Blitz looks annoyed and uncomfortable with him. He understands that his relationship with Blitz is a "comfortable lie" of which he's happily convinced himself.
Immediately after realizing this we see the shift. His characterization is different in season 2 because HE'S different, or at least trying to be. He immediately tries to find a way to free Blitz from their arrangement, and tries to understand and consider his feelings. We see in his text messages that he apologizes to Blitz for his behavior at Ozzie's, and tells him that he can just leave the Grimoire at his place for the next full moon. He says he doesn't want to be a bother.
"Just Look My Way" is the culmination of everything he's been wrestling with. He expresses so much tenderness and affection for Blitz and just wants to keep him close, but "[he] know[s] better now." He has to let Blitz make his own choices, and he desperately hopes that Blitz will see that he's trying. He recognizes that he's been using Blitz as "means to an end," to get the attention and intimacy he wanted from him.
He is also trying to understand Blitz and what he's feeling. He knows that Blitz is wrestling with things Stolas doesn't know about, and wants to help. Stolas sees Blitz's ambition, his drive, and the way that Hell treats him for being an imp, and how that broke him down and made him so guarded. While it's not explicitly stated, the case could be made that Stolas is also recognizing the way in which he has belittled or dismissed Blitz because he's an imp, and how much that would have hurt and only put up more walls between them.
Finally, he recognizes that, by freeing Blitz from their arrangement, Blitz might remain permanently out of his reach, and he resigns himself to that.
To summarize, Stolas has undergone a lot of painful, difficult character growth in a very short amount of time. He has realized that he was selfish, and lied to himself in order to justify his treatment of Blitz, and because of that he may have ruined their relationship forever. His character wasn't changed by the writers, he's just changing as a character. The realization that you've hurt someone you care about can be a very powerful motivator.
Speaking of hurting people you care about, let's talk about Blitz! His emotional timeline is a little harder to pin down. We know Stolas always had a thing for him, but we don't know when Blitz began to return those feelings. You could make the case that it started as early as their first night together, when "I can do this real fast" before he absconded with the Grimoire turned into falling asleep in each other's arms. It's clear he felt something--although it may have just been pity or remorse--at finding out how desperately lonely and touch-starved Stolas had been.
Regardless of when his feelings started, we know he was becoming aware of them by "Truth Seekers," and was distinctly unsettled by how they might affect him. He clearly put Stolas on a pedestal, someone out of his reach but alluring, someone he might allow himself to be "chained" by and trapped by his own emotional vulnerability. In fact the idea of Stolas vanishing from his life like the others is represented as clinging, burning feathers that bind and torture him. While there are a lot of possible analyses of his trip sequence, I interpreted that part as, "if he goes too it might be the one that breaks me." It's something so vulnerable and raw that it manifests as physical agony.
Still, in that episode we see him realize that he needs to open up a little, and actually be honest and vulnerable with the people he cares about. He does this immediately with Moxxie, and I would argue that he does this at the end of the episode with Stolas as well. The scene between them is, well, intimate. The way he draws his finger across Stolas's face clearly communicates, "I know what you like, and I want to make you feel good" (and yes, I am completely feral about it). It's flirty, it's affectionate, and it's also the first time we see them kiss. It may be one of the first times he shows affection for Stolas in front of the other IMP employees. And for Blitz? That's a lot. It seems like he's decided to open up a bit with Stolas, as well.
His decision to ask Stolas to Ozzie's could also be part of opening up. I mean, on the one hand, it's definitely "if I show up with a demon prince they have to let me in," but there might also be a bit of "it's a convenient excuse to ask him out without having to feel vulnerable because I can pretend it's just a scheme" mixed in. He even sounds a little rueful when Stolas points out it's their first date, possibly because he's realized he's using Stolas to spy on his employees whereas Stolas seems genuinely excited for a night out together.
Unfortunately for both of them, Blitz decided to open up and was immediately forced back into his shell at Ozzie's. He tries to stick up for M&M, gets humiliated by his former best friend and his ex girlfriend, and then, when Ozzie goads Stolas about their relationship, Stolas literally hides his face behind his menu, which Blitz of course interprets as him being ashamed to be seen with him. Personally, I don't think that was Stolas's thought process. I think it's more likely he was thinking about Via and how he'd blown her life up, or worrying that he WAS just selfish and should have stayed in his marriage. Whatever it was, I think it's a lot more likely to come from Stolas's internalized guilt or shame rather than any embarassment about Blitz.
But Blitz doesn't know that, of course, so he assumes the worst. Of course Stolas is ashamed of him, who wouldn't be? And it all spirals from there. Stolas is fine with fucking him or acknowledging him in some two-bit town in Wrath, but put him among his own kind and he's too embarassed to look at him, let alone defend him. So just when he decides to be vulnerable, he immediately feels betrayed. He's convinced that Stolas doesn't actually care about him.
The scene in the van is heartbreaking on a rewatch. Stolas invites him in, which Blitz assumes is a ploy, and he literally has to hold up a hand and pause for a moment to keep himself together. He even apologizes for not coming in. He's fucking devastated, and he feels like this is just another relationship that's going to crumble into dust. He thinks he's going to die alone. We end the season with him looking back through all the relationships he's ruined and breaking down in tears. Yet again, he's pushing people away before they have the chance to leave him.
As with Stolas, Blitz's camera roll provides invaluable insight into his character. He has pictures of himself with all his loved ones, including Stolas. Either he very rarely takes pictures, or he has a folder for people who are important to him. Either way, it's clear he treasures these pictures, and he puts Stolas's photo in there, too. Crucially, it's a photo taken while Stolas is asleep. He allows himself to express his feelings for Stolas very rarely, often when he's sure Stolas can't see him. We see it in his blush over Stolas's human form in "Seeing Stars," and later in that episode when Stolas tells him he'll "leave [the audience] breathless" and we see that smile spreading over his face. The feelings are there, but showing them openly without three defensive layers of sarcasm and shittiness makes him feel too exposed.
And then here comes "Western Energy." Yeehaw. I think confining Blitz to a hospital waiting room for most of this episode was a smart way to delay gratification for an audience (me) that desperately wanted to see him come charging in action hero style to sweep Stolas off his feet. It's the perfect level of "I really need to get this mundane but very real and important thing done." He's trying to be there for his daughter when she's scared and she needs pretty critical preventative healthcare. He's stuck there, frustrated, yelling at everyone in the waiting room, clearly worried about Stolas but telling himself that Millie and Moxxie could handle it. And they did, eventually, but what might a few extra minutes have done if they didn't drop Blitz and Loona off at the hospital first?
Blitz barely sees Stolas at all in this episode, but what he does see is so impactful. Watching a swarm of doctors in the fucking SLOTH ring running to his van, getting knocked down, and then only seeing Stolas's tail feathers passing over him as he finally understands that something is terribly wrong. It's a beautifully done scene. And then his sheer disbelief when Millie and Moxxie explain what happened.
"He can get hurt?" Stolas was, to him, untouchable and unobtainable. This was the first time he had to reckon with the fact that Stolas could get injured, or even die; that there were more ways to lose him than by just pushing him away. I think it parallels how he'd been thinking about Stolas's emotions, as well. How could anything he said impact a demon prince? Especially one who just viewed him as a plaything? Realizing that Stolas was physically vulnerable made him realize that he was emotionally vulnerable, as well.
The events of "Western Energy" also parallel what we now know of his relationship with Fizz. He couldn't get help for Fizz in time, and it nearly killed him. And because Millie and Moxxie were delayed in getting to Stolas, he almost died as well. This only encouraged him to push Stolas away further. He HAS to convince himself that Stolas doesn't care about him, because that's the only way to get enough distance that it won't hurt as bad if Stolas leaves him or is taken from him.
In summary, Blitz defends himself by walling himself off, hiding his true feelings, and being an asshole to people he cares about. While he tries to open up a little after "Truth Seekers," he assumes the worst of Stolas's behavior at Ozzie's and convinces himself Stolas doesn't care about him at all. His realization that Stolas can be hurt in "Western Energy" only encourages him to push himself further away in order to preempt what he sees as the inevitable moment when he loses Stolas too.
We're coming into season 2 part 2 at a time of transition for both characters. Stolas's mistake was trying so hard to bind Blitz to him, and now he's realizing that he has to let him go. Blitz's mistake was always pushing people away, and he's finally trying to repair some relationships like with his sister and Fizz. These goals, alongside their chronic inability to communicate, could easily clash in spectacular and hearbreaking ways in the coming episodes. Whatever happens, I'm excited to see what the creators have in store.
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archie-sunshine · 6 months
Survey Says-!(Rodimus/EVERYONE)
Chapter 2: Feel The Beat(Rodimus/Blaster)
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Rodimus is NOT bitter about the results of the crew satisfaction survey, in fact, he’s fully prepared to change! He’s determined to change his crew’s minds, and what better way to do so than to get to know them- in the carnal sense that is. 
There are no problems with this plan in Rodimus’s mind. There are many in Ultra Magnus’s. Magnus engages in some unfortunate(for Rodimus) damage control as head of Cybertronian Resources. Rodimus is not easily deterred. 
Chapter 1 Here! Read on AO3 here!
FIC TAGS: Rodimus/Everyone(But y’know, not like. EVERYONE. Just a lot of various background characters and also more specifically with some others), Takes place post dark cybertron, but pre the whole ship disappearing thing and the mutiny, smut, Chastity, denial, Rodimus is a slut, Ongoing humiliation, HR Violations as comedy, Ultra Magnus is clueless, sticky sexual interfacing, comedy, sexual comedy, dubious consent (if you squint and tilt your head), contains illustrations
Authors notes: I didnt know blaster very well before writing this, i watched some of the old g1 cartoon funnily enough, and it turns out blaster is a cutie pie and i love him actually?? beautiful boombox boy
CHAPTER TAGS: Rodimus/Blaster(implied rodimus/huffer, crosscut, kindle, siren, and rad), oral, blowjobs, sexual frustration, blaster's servos can vibrate, the most painful nut ever, rodimus continues to make bad decisions
Ultra Magnus’s little magnetizer trick had been dirty, underhanded, cruel, unusual, and downright sadistic(from a certain point of view). But it was also stupid, considering that as long as Rodimus still had one hole, by primus he was gonna use it. 
The only thing this horrible device had managed to do was shorten his one on ones. He was still going to give his beloved crew the helm of a lifetime, but without having to worry about chasing his own edge, it meant Rodimus was more inclined to get things done quicker. He had managed to check Siren, Huffer, Crosscut, Kindle, and Rad off his list in the two cycles following the incident, however there were some… adverse effects that these meetings were having on him. 
It was hard not to get at least a little bit excited when giving helm, and that became an issue in and of itself, as Rodimus’s array had started complaining more and more as he continued to deny its release. 
Rodimus stalked down the ship's hallway, faceplate set in a frustrated scowl as he made his way back towards his office. He felt like he was walking with a limp, which would have been fun and sexy if he was limping because he’d been spiked silly, but instead was infuriating… because he was limping from having to walk with a stupid fragging magnetizer attached to his overheated panels. 
The captain absently swiped at his intake, making sure there were no traces of transfluid still there from his ‘meeting’ with Rad. He was a bit shy, considering the captain’s ongoing predicament, but still managed to get a good overload in from the deal. It was getting harder for Rodimus to focus when he was giving out his one on ones, it felt like every encounter added new, angrier popups in his processor screeching for him to overload. His helm was swimming by the time he’d felt Rad finish, and it had taken the bot grabbing him by his finials and dragging him off to bring him back to reality. 
So there he was, pouting his way to his office, manually dismissing every one of the popups in his processor to clear his mind so he could think again. He entered the access code, cursing as he flubbed the code the first time and stormed in, letting the door close behind him. He flopped into his chair with an exhausted groan. He eyed the stack of datapads on his desk that he had been instructed to fill out and sign. They were supply manifests… he thought. He wasn’t entirely paying attention to what Ultra Magnus was saying that morning as he’d been considering the unpleasant flavour the aftertaste of transfluid in his mouth made when mixed with his morning energon. Gross. Rodimus chuckled to himself at the thought. Primus, that was fragging disgusting, he was fragging disgusting. He smirked to himself. 
He reached across the desk and tapped at the first datapad, propping his legs up as he began the daily slog through datawork. He let his optics go into skimming mode as he scrolled halfheartedly through the document. He had gathered it was some list of acquisition requests that the crew members had personally made, so he began signing off his approval.
A new shipment of high quality engex for swerve’s… approved
A bulk order of plating patches for the medibay… approved
A set of high quality wrenches for Brainstorm’s laboratory… approved
Rodimus shifted around a bit in his chair. 
A blank datapad shipment… approved
Replacement parts for the staff room vending machine that Megatron had accidentally broken… approved
It was impossible to get comfortable, he felt overheated without even being particularly aroused.
A palette of hover scooters… denied
Rodimus froze. He set the datapad down and glanced between his thighs. His faceplate flared hot with embarrassment. He was fragging leaking. 
It was a miracle that he hadn’t started doing so before he made it to his office, but all the same, around the edges of his panels he could see prefluid seeping out, making the tiniest little puddle on his chair. Rodimus let out a long, frustrated groan, letting his helm thunk against the back of his chair. This was humiliating. He reached for one of his drawers and plucked out a rag, quickly swiping at his panels and the seat before stuffing it under himself and getting back to work. 
Ping! Another popup at the front of his mind ‘Open Interface Array?’ 
He closed the popup. It wasn’t his fault he was in this mess! He was just trying to show a little gratitude for his crew! Some.. sloppy, sticky gratitude, but gratitude nonetheless. Interface was different now, it was purely a means to making his apologetic feelings known, letting people know he really could change. He’d do anything his crew wanted for their approval. 
He swallowed thickly. Anything they wanted… He recalled the servos gripping at his helm, the weight of a spike in his intake or the smooth mesh of a valve under his glossa. Oral was easy, Rodimus had plenty of time to practice in the washracks and supply closets of various barracks during the war. But this fuzzy, syrupy slowness that accompanied the denial of his own overload was something… new. 
He felt his fans starting to kick on. He willed them up higher, trying to blow off as much of the excess heat as he could. He refocused on the requests on his datapad. 
A new set of parts for one of the busted replicators… approved
A bulk order of glassware for the canteen… approved
… the rag was getting soaked. 
Rodimus slammed down his datapad and stood up. He quickly scanned through his itinerary for the day, confirming he had an hour and a half free before his meeting with the comms officer, before wiping up any visible prefluid around his panels and beginning to speedwalk towards the medibay. 
“What do you MEAN you can’t do it!!?” Rodimus shouted. He sat up a bit from the slab, only to get a firm servo on his chassis pushing him back down. “You’re Ratchet!”
“I didn’t say can’t, I said won’t, Rodimus.” Ratchet sighed out in exasperation. 
“B-but it huuuuurts, I’m dying here, I can feel my spark about to go out!!” Rodimus whined, rolling his helm back. 
“I know thats a lie, Rodimus, any discomfort you’re feeling is perfectly normal with a device like this, and I’ve received direct orders not to take it off without dire circumstances or reasons to do so.” Ratchet sounded like he was reciting something, it was likely that he was, considering who was the mastermind behind this whole wicked scheme. 
“Direct orders that I as captain-” Rodimus began.
“WHATEVER! I outrank Ultra Magnus, I should be able to make those orders completely moot, right!?” Rodimus stared pleadingly at Ratchet, searching for some ounce of sympathy in his field.
Ratchet bit back a smug grin. “Not in cases surrounding Cybertronian Resourses violations. I’m afraid you’re stuck with that until Magnus decides otherwise.” 
Rodimus let out a pitiful moan, going limp against the slab. “I’m gonna die…” He whimpered.
“You know, as your doctor I would suggest that you find other outlets for mitigating this sexual frustration. Try to focus on your work, get a hobby, something to take your mind off interfacing until you get the clamp off you.” Ratchet began, carefully reaching down to swipe away the excess prefluid that had gathered around Rodimus’s panels during their appointment. Rodimus bit back a desperate moan. “But as someone who knows you, I understand that’s not exactly something you’re going to be able to stop yourself from doing. So I’ll prescribe you some coolant accelerators and hope for the best.” The medic offered an insincere, borderline malicious smile and helped Rodimus off of the slab. 
Rodimus glared daggers at Ratchet, clenching his servos. He let his processor wander, wondering if he could convince First Aid to help him out. 
“And I wouldn’t get any ideas about begging for help from the crew.” Ratchet had turned away, now gazing at a datapad and beginning to flick through it. “Ultra Magnus sent out a memo to the crew’s comms to let them know any interference with your ‘reeducation’ would be considered grounds for a week in the brig.”
Rodimus growled again. “... thanks doc, always a pleasure…” 
“So, just to be clear, theres nothing at all?” Rodimus asked, leaning helm on his servo. 
“Well, I wouldn’t say nothin’ at all, but radio signals have gotten sparse now that we’re back on our way, no urgent notices from Cybertron, some minor radio chatter from ships we’ve passed, but nothing terribly concerning.” Blaster explained, turning his datapad to indicate the waves coming in. 
Rodimus nodded inquisitively, shifting again in his seat. “Cool, thats good news, thanks Blaster.” Rodimus said. 
“... Yeah…” Blaster said slowly, looking the captain up and down for a moment. Rodimus squeezed his crossed legs a bit. “Listen, cap, I gotta say, uh… I heard about the whole… Ultra Magnus… CR violations… thing.” He said awkwardly, glancing away. 
“...Yeah. It’s not a big deal, I gotta learn to be professional.” Rodimus gritted out, failing to hide his adverse feelings on the whole matter. He was fighting to keep his field to himself, but it was clear that Blaster was seeing through it. 
“I did also hear about your… one on ones.” Blaster lowered his voice, putting the datapad away in his subspace. 
Rodimus perked up. “Yeah?”
“Well- Yeah, obviously, Roddy, you sent a comm to the whole crew about it.” Blaster chuckled. 
“The whole crew- except for Megatron and Ultra Magnus.” Rodimus corrected. 
“Yeah, listen man… I dunno if I agree with the whole thing Mags cooked up, I dunno if its the best like… plan? On your part, to go around slingin your array at whoever’ll take it…” Blaster glanced around bashfully. 
Rodimus frowned. “Where are you going with this?” 
“I mean you gotta know that actions speak louder than words, you gotta show the crew that you’re on their side, that you do stuff for their benefit, all that stuff- but!” Blaster kicked one of his pedes a bit. “Y’know, I wouldn’t say no to ah… what was it you called it? An ‘apology’?” 
Rodimus perked up again, slowly standing up from his chair. “Oh yeah?” Rodimus remembered the rag he’d stuffed on the seat and quickly snatched it up, covertly tossing it into one of his drawers while Blaster wasn’t looking. “Sure, I’d be happy to- Wait- You gotta promise me this isn’t a test or anything, like- Mags didn’t put you up to this did he?” 
Blaster shook his helm, expression melting into an easy-if slightly relieved- smile. “Nah- I figured you’d still be at this whole thing… heard some intel from some other bots… wanted to see if you’re all you’re cracked up to be.” 
Rodimus quickly denied his fans request to turn on, clearing his vocalizer. “Well, I guess I got time between my meetings… Have a seat.” He said, gesturing to his desk chair. 
Rodimus eagerly rushed to the office door, punching in the locking code as Blaster sat down. A lance of embarrassment struck through him as Blaster made a surprised noise. 
“Primus, Rod, you uh- heh- you a little worked up there?” His Comms officer chuckled. “Your seat’s a bit sticky-”
“ITS NOTHING!” Rodimus bleated out, face flaring as he trotted over and knelt down between Blaster’s thighs. “Just- just coolant, nothing else.” 
“Yeah, sure.” Blaster smirked, rubbing a servo over his own panels. “You’re sure you’re up to this, pal?” 
“‘Course I am, c’mon, we both got places to be.” Rodimus hissed impatiently. 
Blaster shrugged, exhaling a little chuckle before letting his panels open. Rodimus let out a relieved sigh at the sight of it, running a digit gently around the edge of his slowly pressurizing spike. It was that sleek, warm grey colour along the underside, red on the top all the way up to a yellow tip, with little triangular yellow biolights along the underside. Rodimus licked his dermas, letting his optics dim a bit. He almost went for it, before remembering what all these apologies were about. 
“So, Blaster, how do you want me?” Rodimus asked pleasantly, fighting to keep his voice from sounding too desperate. His optics flickered a bit when Blaster’s servo came around to rest gently on the side of his helm. 
“I’d love to get my spike in that mouth and see you work your magic, Cap…” Blaster breathed, letting his digits trace the edge of Rodimus’s lower finials. Rodimus’s fans kicked on without thinking. 
“A-” Rodimus cleared his vocalizer. “Alright, heard and listened to!” Rodimus said, allowing himself a pang of pride at his line usage when Blaster’s vents stuttered. He opened his intake, lolling his glossa out to lave over the tip of Blaster’s spike. Offlining his optics, he wrapped his dermas around the shaft, slowly bobbing his helm downwards towards the base. He laved his glossa slowly over the ridges and edges of Blaster’s biolights, allowing himself a moment to feel at the smooth texture of them. Rodimus hummed quietly as he worked, taking the spike two thirds down before leaning his helm back and drawing it slowly up to the tip.
Blaster let out a low, pleased moan, his thumb rubbing fondly at the side of Rodimus’s helm. “Ahhh, thats it… hah, you must be pretty glad you got sparked with an intake like this, huh?” 
Rodimus hummed lightly in confirmation, peeking up at Blaster coquettishly as he rubbed the tip of his glossa over the comms officer’s spikehead. A shudder wracked through Rodimus’s frame as the other mech moaned, low and deep in his chassis. He felt a lick of Blaster’s charge ground through him and tightened his grip on Blaster’s thighs. He started pumping his helm up and down, darting his glossa out against the underside of his spike and swallowing the growing flow of prefluid where it pooled at the back of his intake. Rodimus brought one of his servos up, wrapping around the base gently as he massaged the soft protoform there. 
Suddenly, Blaster’s grip on his helm shifted, now grasping the back of his helm and dragging him down further. Rodimus felt his optics glitch and reset, his gaze flicking up to the larger bot’s face. There was hunger in Blaster’s optics, deep and carnal, held back by a thin, fraying thread of propriety. 
Rodimus’s processor produced several popups at once, warning him of an obtrusion squeezing down his throat, demanding he open his panels, informing him his fans were working hard to stave off overheat. Rodimus gagged, feeling his optics glitch again, bits of charge fritzing over the bridge of his nose between them. He fought back as much control as he could, beginning to close out the popups. He was swiftly interrupted when Blaster’s spikehead slid readily back into his throat and his nose brushed against his panels. Rodimus let out a muffled whine. 
“Ah.. attabot, frag…” Blaster licked his dermas, a curl of steam escaping his lustful smile. “You take it so well, cap…” 
Rodimus’s processor screamed, overfilling with warnings and demands. That ounce of praise rocked him to his core, drawing a pitiful, staticky whimper from his vocalizer. He dragged his glossa frantically against whatever part of his spike he could reach. A bubble of intake lubricant dribbled down his jaw. He could feel his frame shivering with charge. What was happening to him? Giving helm had never had him this worked up before. 
Rodimus swallowed and began to move his helm again, relishing the slippery, undignified noises that filled the room. He sucked hard, hollowing his cheeks against Blaster’s shaft and earning another punched out groan. He could feel him start to twitch in his intake and moaned in anticipation. Blaster’s other servo reached down, curling around one of his finials as his hips began to stutter. 
“Ah- Primus- frag-! Roddy-” He gasped, his fans roaring. Rodimus strained to pull his helm back, focusing all his attention on Blaster’s tip. With a glitchy, choked out groan, Rodimus felt transfluid hitting the roof of his intake. He greedily swallowed down what he could, gasping in surprise as it escaped his dermas. Rodimus felt as though he was about to overheat watching Blaster stroke his spike, splatters of his transfluid hitting his helm and faceplate. 
Rodimus panted, fighting to close out the dozens of popups clouding his processor. He laid his messy helm against Blaster’s thigh, trying to get his vents under control. He could already feel his panels were overheated and embarrassingly sticky with excess prefluid. He absently pawed at the plating there, drawing his servo back with a pained hiss. 
“... Whoooooh….” Blaster breathed, clearing his vocalizer and sitting up a bit. “That was quite the show, captain, thanks..” He chuckled. “Oh- uh… sorry for- er..” He gestured generally at his face. 
“‘S fine… h..how would you rate uh… your…” Rodimus mumbled blearily. He noted Blaster was rummaging around his desk, but couldn’t bring himself to care. He offlined his optics and relished the feeling of a cool rag swiping the transfluid off his face and finials. 
“It was great, Roddy, thanks for helpin me blow off some steam.” Blaster murmured. Rodimus could feel the warmth in his voice and swelled with unfocused pride. He drank in the relaxation and fondness in Blaster’s field, wrapping around him like a warm blanket.
“Happy to help…” Rodimus wheezed hoarsely. He shakily got up off the ground, wincing as a thick drizzle of prefluid dripped from his panels. When he onlined his optics again, he was greeted with Blaster’s pitying look, optics focused between the captain’s legs. “D-don’t worry about me!” Rodimus said, attempting a confident and chipper tone, but unable to force the strain completely from his voice. “This was all for you, Blaster, see, I’m all about listening to my crew and rewarding their efforts.” 
Blaster chuckled. “Yeah, thanks cap.” He slowly rose from Rodimus’s seat, closing his panels up. “Just hate to leave a bot hanging, is all.” 
Please don’t leave me like this. Rodimus thought. Please don’t let me die of overheating.
“Nah- Not much either of us can do about it anyhow.” Rodimus waved a dismissive servo. 
“On the contrary, actually… at least- I think?” Blaster offered. “I dunno about getting that thing off you, but I bet I could get you an overload at least?”
Rodimus’s intake felt dry. “... huh?”
Blaster smirked, sitting back down in the chair. He patted his lap. “C’mere.”
Rodimus shifted uncomfortably, climbing backwards into Blaster’s lap and leaning against the other bot’s chassis. He shivered at Blaster’s servos on him, one wrapping around his slender waist to hold him in place while the other delicately hovered over his panels. 
“Might be a bit intense, okay? Just hold on and let me know if you want me to stop.” Blaster warned, finally bringing his digits down to hold Rodimus’s overheated panels. 
“J-just do it, please-!” Rodimus gritted out through a whine. 
Rodimus’s optics fritzed and rebooted at the first sensations of vibration on his panels. He let out a loud, surprised moan, half cutting out with static as the oversensitive protoform below his panels seared with pleasure. The vibration was intense, just dancing on the line of painful and pleasurable, heady and bassy and rocking him to his very core. 
“Feel good, cap?” Blaster asked.
“Aa-auhuh!!” Rodimus answered intelligently, bucking his hips against Blaster’s hand. His vocalizer felt raw, his voice breaking and cracking as he moaned out. 
“Keep it down- someone’s gonna hear!” Blaster hissed, upping the vibration as he did and forcing another desperate cry from Rodimus’s vocalizer. Rodimus’s optics glitched and flared as Blaster clamped a servo over his intake, silencing him only partly as he writhed and bucked in his lap.
It was starting to hurt now, his processor more full and garbled than ever as his array pulsed and throbbed in need. His optics flickered. Drool bubbled between Blaster’s digits. He could feel every bit of his plating searing against Blaster’s. 
Rodimus let out a pitiful, needy sob as the other mech’s servo squeezed his panels down tighter against his array. He was practically humping Blaster’s servo at this point, chasing that painful, burning edge as he dumbly whined into his digits. 
(go to my AO3 for the illustrated version)
Blaster kicked the vibrations up one more notch and Rodimus saw white. He was dying, he was crashing, he was overloading- Rodimus’s frame arched back, strung taught as a bowstring as transfluid poured from the seams in his panels messily over the magnetizer and Blaster’s digits. He shuddered and bucked and twitched as Blaster drew his servo back, curling back over on himself and grabbing the edge of his desk. Blaster carefully released his faceplate, a string of drool sloppily escaping his dermas as he let out one final, broken moan. 
Rodimus curled his hips forwards, drawing the desk chair in against the desk so he could rest his helm against it. His array ached, now sloppy and coated with his own transfluid beneath his panels. He could feel himself leaking copiously onto his chair, embarrassment pooling in his tanks as he heard it dribble off the edge of the seat and onto the floor. 
“Th… thanks Blaster…” Rodimus mumbled brokenly. 
Blaster patted his aft gently, carefully lifting the captain up enough to slip out from under him. “No worries, captain.” Rodimus felt a half wet rag hit his panels and hissed in discomfort. He let out a stringy whine as Blaster cleaned him and the seat up, leaving the rag on the arm of his chair. 
Rodimus lifted his helm up, watching Blaster unlock the door. “Keep up the good work!” He called after him, earning a laugh as Blaster walked off down the hallway. 
Rodimus sat back, examining the state of himself. That was truly the most painful overload he had ever had.
He didn’t like how good that notion felt in his processor. 
He didn’t like how good the overload had felt either.
“... This had better not awaken anything in me.” Rodimus muttered, before shakily reaching for another datapad to work on.
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klausysworld · 1 year
Do you think maybe you could do a part 2 to ‘We’ll Go Slow’? Maybe the day Klaus takes her home from the hospital and gets her settled and she’s on bed rest or something. I’m interested to know if his family would go along with it?
Maybe some of her recovery and Yandere!Klaus very clearly manipulating her, making her believe her family kicked her out or something and he’s all she has, but she’s all he has and he worships her. Maybe some smut if you want and some talk of that ‘family they wanted’?
Just a lot of Klaus making everything the exact way he always wanted it but thought he could never have it. Manipulative and loving in his own creepy way.
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Klaus smiled as he jogged on up the stairs with a ‘get well soon’ teddy bear in his hand. He found that y/n loved his little gifts and acknowledgments.
The y/n he had followed for months was a little different to the y/n she remembers being from however many years ago. She was a lot shyer, less experienced in the world and more innocent. It was perfect, like the gods had handed him her in a golden platter.
He slowed as he got to her ajar door. He composed himself and walked in, seeing her sat up with a book in her hands before she saw him and set it aside.
“Nik” she breathed, a smile spreading across her face
“My love, how are you feeling?” He asked while nearing her bed, poor girl couldn’t walk yet, her spine had been damaged causing many issues with balance and such as well as a shit load of pain. Klaus found it better to carry her or wheel her around, plus the doctors recommended it after seeing the agony she went through. Though he still brought her to physio therapy each week because although he wanted her to be reliant, he felt disgusted with himself at the thought of leaving her quite so helpless, she didn’t deserve to miss out on simple opportunities just because of him. He wanted her to be able to walk with him, to be able to twirl her around and see her run after their children. He wanted her to be able to carry their babies and birth them without such high risk of her spine damage.
She was his angel, his prized possession and he wanted life to be easy for her.
“I feel a little better” she was lying, he knew and so did she, he smiled sadly at her before putting the teddy on her lap.
“For you to snuggle at night” he whispered as his hand reached out to grab her hand gently
“Thank you Niklaus…when will I be able to come lay with you?” She asked softly, the doctors said she needed her own space, bed and although the idea annoyed Klaus, he wouldn’t be the source of her pain.
“Soon my lovely, very soon” he whispered
It took a little while longer for her to be able to be up and about, still with Klaus holding her hand every step of the way.
Of course she became tired rather easily but that was okay, he enjoyed being her support system. Especially now he had convinced her he was her only person. That her family had moved away without her leaving her utterly alone.
She was only all the more grateful to him for staying with her despite her forgetting everything of their love.
She felt guilty for loosing so much of their time and for making him wait to have the life he wanted.
It took many breakdowns for her to finally come to the understanding that Klaus was never going to be mad at her, never leave her, ever.
His heart broke for her each time he realised her mental pain as well as her physical. The way she would sob on the floor about how she didn’t mean to ruin his life and she was sorry she wouldn’t let him touch her like that. But he never once pushed her to let him do that. As much as he desired to have her so intimately, she was fragile and traumatised from the accident. She didn’t know remember him and so he wasn’t ever upset with her reluctance.
Even after another few months when she was nervous about it, he was gentle and understanding.
“It’s not expected of you sweetheart, you never have to do anything you don’t want. I love you, unconditionally.” He told her and it was true. He didn’t care if their relationship was only emotional, he was lucky to have her at all.
But he knew that she wanted to give him more and so he helped her get to a point where she was comfortable.
Where talking of them having kids brought joy to her eyes and she would pull up a list of baby names she loved.
Until eventually she was panting beneath him, her hands holding his as he slowly thrust within her, his lips softly pressing to hers as gentle whispers of praise was whispered through the air to her.
And after nearly two years she finally fell pregnant with their child.
Klaus was over the moon and what was even better was that she was too.
She had insisted on getting the nursery ready as fast as possible, she was overly excited and since finding out she was all over Klaus.
He loved her, he always had and he always would.
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auspicioustidings · 6 months
Can we get more about Price and rebel fighter!reader? I love them ❤️
You can get me trying my very hardest :')
Summary: Price's enemy is betrayed by her own soldiers and he finds he hates it.
Words: 2k
CWs: Terrorism, discussions of terrorist acts, torture (non-graphic, all happens off screen)
“Fuckin’ hell!”
How was this blasted woman so strong? She was pushing the tip of a knife down, trying to drive it into his throat, and he was barely holding her off. In his defence he had lost quite a bit of blood already in the fight, mean thing had stuck him in the leg. 
It was a sick sort of rescue. What he believed was her own people dragging her off of him and cuffing her as she fought wildly. He saw a look in her he hated. The look of someone being horribly betrayed by people they loved. 
He mostly expected he would meet his end here and decided he would go down at least being a bastard about it, finding some energy reserve to spring up and forward to tackle one of the men at the knees and take him down. There were too many of them and he didn't have a weapon, but he took pride knowing that he had definitely snapped something. Let's see the fucker run around playing terrorist with a ruined leg (many years later he would laugh about his line of thought as Alex Keller continued to be a menace with one leg gone below the knee).
They had him wrangled and pinned, a prisoner then. That was fine, they trained him to get himself out of captivity or at the very least to withstand it. The training failed for a moment when the crack of a backhand hit her and he could not contain his fury as he barked at them.
“Don't you fucking touch her!”
She met his eyes with furious shock before something smacked his temple and he blacked out.
Oh he felt awful. Waking up was a nauseating experience, definitely the aftereffects of a nasty concussion. Bastards. 
“About time. Hope your head is fucking banging.”
She was here then. He did a quick sitrep. His leg had been wrapped, so he wasn't bleeding out. One wrist was manacled to the wall of a bare cell. All in all not a terrible situation, he was still able bodied if a little banged up and the chain was long enough to provide a pretty wide arc of movement. 
She was hell to look at. She had fought, that much was clear from the black eye, swollen lip, torn clothing. The hand that wasn't manacled was mangled. It was difficult to see the full damage from where he was with her cradling it protectively in her lap so he slowly got to his feet and started towards her.
Her eyes followed him, calculating. As soon as she thought he was in range of her chain she pounced, tackling him to the ground and trying to strangle him before crying out in pain at the attempt to use her bad hand. It was easy for him to flip them, get her underneath him. She tried to grab his chain to use, probably to loop around his neck, but it was laughably easy to hold her wrists to the floor above her head with his hands and growl right in her face.
Fucking animal. Even now all she wanted was to murder him. It annoyed him how easily she was subdued in the attempt. This was far from the first scuffle he had been through with this particular terrorist, and not once had it been easy to escape with his life. She was not a creature to be broken like this.
“Will you fucking behave? You're not going to kill me with one hand, settle down and let me help.”
“Ha! Help? From one of the crowns army? What help could you give me Corporal? Your kind only knows how to harm, not to help” she spat back at him.
Christ, even now the fire in her hadn't dimmed at all. There was certainly hurt there, some new vulnerability he was unaccustomed to seeing in her, but the flame was no less bright because of it. 
“You really do believe your own bullshit don't you? We're only trying to stop your lot from destroying everything in your path.”
Her derisive laugh caused a prickle of molten hot annoyance to run through him. She always treated him like this, like he was so far beneath her. He had watched her once through a sniper in her element, with her people (it was the first time he had lied to his superiors, reporting that he couldn't get a good shot). Just her playing with a child, laughing and affectionate. She had been soft in that moment before her soldiers had interrupted and she had flipped to war mode. And war for what? Change? The way she chose to go about it was wrong.
“It's not us who straps bombs to innocents.”
Her stare felt like it was burning straight through him.
“It is you who shoots those innocents you care so much about through the eyes.”
He frowned. 
“What other choice is there?”
“There is always a choice. We send them asking for talks, say we will disarm them if we receive an agreement. It is always the same hypocrisy with you lot. When you make a choice to sacrifice an innocent for the greater good, it makes you a hero. When we make the same choice, it is criminal.”
He sighed in disgust and rolled off of her, both of them retreating to their own corner to sit and glower at one another. He always felt exhausted after any conversation he had with her. He was still fairly new to the army but he believed he was doing good. He believed the orders coming from the top must be well intentioned (honestly his future disdain for authority probably came from her, the mindset of one man's terrorist being another's freedom fighter certainly had).
After a spell of silence he spoke again.
“I'm a Sergeant now actually. Surprised your Intel didn't catch that.”
“It did, I just thought it would annoy you if I called you Corporal. Your kind seem very attached to these little names.”
There was a pause and then both of them were laughing. Laughing so hard it hurt. He could admit to himself that he felt a pang of horrible sadness when her laughter trailed off with a pained gasp. They had really done a number on her, he knew the pained noises of someone with cracked ribs. 
“Why did they…?”
Oh fuck. The way she curled ever so slightly, tried to make herself small. This woman had never tried to make herself small for anyone. They really had betrayed her then. 
“I made the mistake of thinking we were different from you.”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“Tell me Corporal, are women allowed to serve beside you?”
He didn't answer because they both knew they couldn't, not in the SAS (in the future he would get rip roaring drunk in celebration when they lifted the ban on women being allowed to serve in any capacity a man could. Kate still had the voicemail he had drunkenly left her saved, finding it quite adorable to hear him talk about all the potential recruits for the SAS he had his eye on). 
He had maybe been a bit surprised that she was leading this organisation, but that was surprise that the men she led were amenable, not surprise that she was capable. He had accepted it quickly, treated her with the same respect he would treat any enemy. So someone in the organisation had gotten emasculated and poisoned her men against her. What a stupid fucking way for this bright and brilliant pain in the arse of a woman to get taken out.
“Bunch of muppets.”
Another lull in the conversation. 
“I do not know what they intend to do with you. I did not condone torture, but I cannot say I will be surprised if that policy has already changed.”
“Is that worry for me?”
“...I hope they take your favourite finger first.”
A half hour maybe, and then another little talk. 
“You use innocents but don't condone torture?”
“One of these methods can work, the other will not.”
“We have gotten plenty of men to talk.”
“As have I Corporal, the difference being I know they speak true because they have joined me after I have treated them with dignity and care.”
“Recruitment over torture?”
“I know it pains you British soldiers to refrain from hurting your prisoners, but I assure you it is the better tactic.”
She seemed uncomfortable as that made her look her over again, take note of the ever darkening marks that had been left. He wished the rest of them thought the same suddenly, not for himself. He had trained for torture, he would get through it. He could not stand the thought of it happening to her.
He couldn't stop it. When they came to drag her out he was already beaten and sore, a few fingernails missing. He still tried, still looked at her and tried to reassure her everything would be OK. 
It took a few weeks until the first time she let him touch her. Not that he would ever say it out loud because he valued his eyes, but it was like looking after a feral kitten. He had to be slow with his movements, assure her with telling her what he was doing, be quick to dodge if she took a swipe at him. He had convinced a guard to at least give them a first aid supplies if they wanted them to last, and he cleaned her up as best he could. 
Another week went by and after he was tossed back into the cell she crawled over to him and repaid the favour. He called her Spitfire and she had pushed down on one of his bruises in warning. That only meant he used it more.
He wasn't sure how long it was, maybe a few months? But it was her who came to him in the night in the end. Her that curled up in his arms so they could speak in whispers, make some sort of plan for getting out alive. Only she never did move away once they stopped plotting and drifted off to sleep, opting to remain right where she was. Right where Price was rapidly realising she belonged. 
It took an incredible amount of luck to have the plan work. Well technically the plan went to shit in the first stages and they had completely improvised. They should really be dead, they would be if not for the absolute divine intervention of some rookie stumbling across them and firing at their pursuers, cleverly darting from angle to angle to make it look like a full army rather than one man. The stupid skull mask helped Price supposed, freaked people out (they never told Johnny or Kyle about it because it drove them wild never being told how they had met).
She laughed and it sounded wonderful. He suspected it would be a while until he heard it again so he savoured it.
“Well it was, unbelievably, nice working with you” he said, holding a hand out.
“I will only ever admit this once, but it was nice working with you too Sergeant” she answered, putting her hand in his.
Price was glad that the rookie had understood the assignment when he had tapped the zip ties on his hip earlier. Her shock at her wrists being swiftly locked together lasted for a few seconds before she screeched at him, trying to take him down.  
He'd make her laugh again eventually. He was sure of it. 
“Come on Spitfire, think we both need a trip to medical and a long bath.”
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foozle-woesies · 3 months
Omg omg omg omg guess whose back? Back again? Dizzy's back. To spam his friend. Okay but like deadass I want to know your most significant angst Hcs. Literally any characters just what have you really thought about with who cause I know I've got a list of them for pretty much every character so I wanna know ur favs. Give me yummy angst I'm hungry.
🍓Genshin Favs Angst Headcanons🍓
Wooooo!!! You have submitted a GOOD ask buddy. This post will include:
Kaeya Alberich
Diluc Ragnvindr
Il Dottore
I have more favorites than this, but these are the guys I’m always thinking about.
Warnings: familial death, depression, alcoholism, descriptions of s/h, mentions of internalized homophobia and transphobia, and general violence.
❄️Kaeya Alberich❄️
This isn’t even a headcanon, I’m pretty sure it’s very heavily said in the game- Kaeya’s an alcoholic. And that suave personality of his? I really think it’s just a front.
I see Kaeya has having some serious battles with depression. It takes quite a lot of energy to uphold that smooth façade, leaving him feeling unable to do anything but drink and sleep.
I think Kaeya has a horrible time even just getting up in the morning. Like, it physically hurts him to think about. In the mornings he’ll feel such hopelessness and dread that, again, it just hurts.
I think Kaeya is also deeply hurt by how cold he and Diluc are to each other. Diluc is too, of course, but more on that later. He feels abandoned by Crepus, even though he’s aware that it wasn’t his father’s fault he died.
I also think Kaeya was envious of Diluc and Crepus, even if his father loved the boys the same. Crepus was Diluc’s biological dad- something Kaeya also wanted to have.
Not as angsty as everything else, but Kaeya’s always cold because of his cryo vision :(
Another small one- Kaeya has really textured hair imo. But due to his lack of self care, his hair gets matted often. He’s already tender headed, so combing through it hurts bad. He can hardly bring himself to care for it by the time it’s so matted. Not just because of the pain in his scalp, but because of the pure and utter shame it brings. He couldn’t even gather the strength to do something as basic as brush his hair- how weak could he possibly be?
This is a lot more specific to my au but I’ll try and keep it generally related to the actual game. Kaeya knows both his brother and his spouse are trans and is fully supportive. He supports any queer person in Mondstadt. When it came to realizing he himself was gay, though, it was a bloody internal battle. I’m glad to say he was able to accept himself quickly and live happily with his husband <3.
🔥Diluc Ragnvindr🔥
I think, as the Darknight Hero, Diluc’s an extremely reckless fighter. He’s covered in scars from fatui and abyss mage attacks, but also burns. His hands specifically are burnt to the point of nerve damage in his hands.
He hides these burns with his gloves. This is also why he leaves bartending to his employees- it’s hard to not drop the glasses and spill the drinks due to the damage.
He doesn’t ever pay much mind to his injuries and hardly goes to the hospital when he should. He prioritizes his mission as the Darknight Hero over his own safety. Perhaps he just wants to carve a meaning into his life, feeling as though he lacks one.
Diluc is not one who is good at handling complicated feelings. Quite honestly, Crepus’s death hasn’t exactly registered to him. Obviously he knows it’s happened, and he grieved, but… he just pushes it so far down. He’s easily irritated by the topic of Crepus.
This irritation becomes evident whenever Kaeya tries to talk about their father, even though it’s always in a fond manner. In general, discussions between the brothers end in screaming and shouting.
Diluc doesn’t hate Kaeya, though, it’s quite the opposite. Diluc frets a lot over his little brother. His lack of emotional tact, and Kaeya’s unwillingness to open up, just keeps driving the brothers farther apart.
Diluc is trans. Of course this isn’t an angsty headcanon within itself! Rather, I want to talk about the things that can come with it. I like to think Mondstadt is generally a very accepting nation (I choose to think all of teyvat is, really). But once in a while, a drunkard in the bar will make a nasty comment towards this fact. He acts as if these comments mean nothing but it bothers him deeply.
Actually, Diluc feels insecure about being a “real man” quite often. It’s a pretty persistent bother. I’m glad to say though, at the end of the day, Diluc is proud and confident of who he is :3
🧪Il Dottore🧪
Dottore’s backstory isn’t really in the game atp (except for Zandik’s legacy, except it’s not even canonically stated to be Dottore so who really knows at the end of the day?? I def think it’s him tho), but I have my own theories. I feel like Dottore definitely had a horrible childhood. Was he probably kicked out of his village for a good reason? Yea. But still. I can’t help but imagine he had no one to care for him, therefor harboring his bad tendencies.
By the time he got to the Akademiya, I think he was also bullied pretty badly. This worsened his hatred towards people and made him even more of a shut-in.
Dottore is just tired all the time and I mean TIRED. It’s a miracle he’s even functioning.
I don’t have much for Dottore atm… sorry!
Tartaglia is really struggling while in the fatui. Sometimes, he’s really zoned out. He’s good at keeping up that charming and energetic front for jobs, sure, but if you know him personally or just see him around Zapolyarny palace, he’ll seem like a totally different person. He seems to be… remembering the things he’s seen and done.
Sometimes, he’s totally angry and freaking out. He has a hard time controlling his emotions, all of which seem to appear as anger. This always ends with him breaking something, hurting someone, or even hurting himself. These tantrums are triggered by even the smallest things. I really think he has a ton of resentment, despair, and fear bubbling underneath the surface, resulting in seemingly random breakdowns.
I don’t think Tartaglia really enjoys the fatui. When he crawled out of the abyss, he was a scared, vulnerable young boy. I don’t think he could process what he experienced at the time- I don’t think he can nowadays, either- and I think the fatui used this to their advantage. To try and make him better harbinger material, they stunted his recovery by saying what he went through wasn’t that bad, it was just something that strengthened him. They brushed off any possible mental degradation as him just “being weak” and “needing to be stronger”. He doesn’t realize any of this.
I think that contributes to his need to train more and grow stronger. His over-exertion with battling, and focus on physical pain is a way for him to ignore the mental anguish he’s truly in.
Beyond losing the light in his eyes, I think Tartaglia’s entire face changed. Obviously he grew up, and that changes people’s face, but I mean in a different way. His cheeks are sunken in, his eyes even more so. Around his eyes and the tip of his nose were constantly discolored and red. His lips were chapped and bloody. He seemed tired, even with that fun mask he put on. Honestly he lacks a lot of self care. He wants to focus on his strength rather than such “small matters”. He honestly looks… pretty fucking terrifying, even inhuman when he’s violent. It’s sort of the way a shell-shocked soldier will look different when he returns from war.
About him ending up hurting himself. I think he’ll just grab at any part of himself and scratch and squeeze, resulting in jagged cuts and bruises. He has to take his anger out on something physical. If his anger is directed at another person, when he was a younger man, he’d just hurt them. As he grew, he just broke things around him instead, screaming and shouting all the while. He regrets this every time it happens. He doesn’t know why he lacks control.
All in all, Tartaglia is a deeply troubled individual who’s been manipulated into believing he is fine. He’s been lied to and told his job is a great thing for the world. Maybe one day, he’ll snap out of it and realizes he needs to leave.
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angeart · 2 months
Poor Scar, he is actually cursed with creepers.
Is...is the wing damage something that could be fixed if they were in less-hostile territory (without just a respawn)? CAN it be fixed when they eventually make it home? Or is it permanent damage by that point since its so far away? -🎀
mhm! he is so very creeper-cursed!
the wing damage would be easily fixed with an instant respawn, but as we know, that's not an option in hhau. the wings could still fare better, not necessarily healed, just less bad, if scar didn't tuck the injury away and pretended it doesn't exist. if he kept his wings out and took some care of them.
would that be realistic? they were in a cave, hidden away. but scar's focus was on keeping grian calm (which heavily involves not admitting he just almost died permanently), and he also didn't really want to face that damage and pain in his wings. in many ways, keeping them away was easier.
plus, it's not like they had any healing supplies at this point. (if they did, believe me, they'd all go to grian, as there was a real threat grian might actually die without them.) (yep scar was so distraught, he had nothing to offer but he was doing his best.)
if we take an ideal scenario, wings out and healing supplies, the damage could've been mitigated, yes. fixed completely? well, that's a wholly different thing.
can be fixed once they get back on hermitcraft? questionable. (just because me and link still haven't decided jxncbk) maybe with use of a lot of magic. or maybe cub knows a way to help. but either way, there are no simple solutions and no easy answers. the wings will stay tattered even through a respawn, because at that point, it's been about a year. it sets into the code, stays permanent. (kind of like the scars that grian gets in that hostile world—they'll stay forever.)
but! as link said in their post about hhau vex scar, the wings are only half-corporeal, and they mostly function on magic rather than anything else, so in theory he could still manage to use them for gliding, even in their tattered state. (and once i kick myself to put together those remaining mimic au rambles, maybe we'll even get to see that cjhxbnj)
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raayllum · 6 months
"My mom used to do that." for claudiez 👀
as always they're in their 20s... Plus send me a number with a ship and i'll write it &lt;3 accepted ships are tdp canon ships + rarepairs (claudiez, sopreli, corvus/terry, sorvus)
There's very little that Ezran remembers about Sarai.
He remembers the warmth of her smile, he thinks. The softness of her hair in his chubby little hands. But beyond that, there's not much else—too recently weaned before her death for more than stories he's heard to take hold, and even then, it feels like every year Harrow (until he couldn't) and Callum, or even Aunt Amaya, would bring up something new, something small, that they remembered, and he was learning it for the first time.
Mom always wore little gold beads in her hair.
Those were her favourite pair of earrings.
She planned out the castle gardens, with those hedges over there.
Soren, even, citing that she was his first sword-fighting teacher back when she'd been captain of the guard, before she and Ez's dad had fallen in love.
Her birthday is always hard, an added winter chill growing throughout the castle. Ezran ensures more fires are lit, and Claudia enchants little glass jars of orange light with her Sun primal, for people to carry in their pockets to keep them warm. He dons his more heavily furred royal cape and keeps Bait close while he writes letters to his brother and Rayla in Xadia, climbing the cold steps up to the rookery to send them.
Claudia joins him more often than not in his study, to save on candles, she says, as they do their work long into the night, but Ezran thinks she just likes his company, his heart doing a hopeful little dance in his chest. He steals glances at her atop the rim of candlelight dancing in her green eyes, now with that spark of light in them that'd been gone for so long during the war. After the war, too.
"You know," he begins, when they're heading to the study after lunch, "we could go to the library. The fireplace there is warmer. There's more comfortable chairs."
We used to always sit up in the library when it got cold, his dad had said, and Callum would play on the floor with you in your mom's lap.
Claudia thinks for a moment, then grins adorably. "Why not?" she says.
They settle in with tea and jelly tarts as an extra bonus, Claudia easing off her prosthetic and letting her stump be close to the fire; Ezran knows the cold makes the phantom pains worse this time of year. (Terry still sends over a herbal remedy that helps with it from where he's set up an apothecary on the border of Del Bar and Katolis with Corvus.)
More of her dyed black hair falls in front of her ears while she works, making notes on charts for what magical goods will be imported once the ice melts, and Claudia pushes it back impatiently until she sits back and begins braiding it. It's still shorter than it was in their teens, no longer all the way down her back, but long enough to braid as she starts the process, fingers jolting.
Dark magic took a lot from her, but one of the things it left was permanent nerve damage in her hands. (The cold makes that worse, too.)
"My mom used to do that," Ez half-remembers, half-recalls. Another story about the differences from their royal portrait—the one real non-Callum produced picture of their mother he has, the way he pictures her in his mind's eye—and how she'd worn her hair in a braid just as often loose or in a bun.
Claudia smiles then, softly. "She did. She's actually the one who taught me, after..." Lissa, another woman Ezran has never really met, isn't a wound anymore, but it's still hard during this time of year. "After my mom left and I grew my hair out."
Ezran sets aside his letter to an Evenerean diplomat, rising when she struggles again. "I can do that for you, if you like."
"Oh. You don't—"
He steps around easily to stand behind her armchair. "Let me?"
Claudia turns to the front fully, exhaling. "Alright."
He gathers her hair gently, hands confident due to the way his father had shown him him growing up, but styled a bit more the way Moonshadows do their braids, like how Rayla had demonstrated. For love and affection, she'd said, having small, long ones tucked away behind thicker locks for each of them—Callum and Ez and Soren, her boys, and then for each of her parents.
"There," Ezran says, finishing. He takes off his cape too for good measure, and drapes it across her shoulders. Claudia is looking at him wide-eyed when he walks back around to face her, and he passes a hand self-consciously over the patch of hair he's growing on his chin.
"Thank you," she says at least, tugging his cape further over her shoulder. The royal red brings out the green of her eyes and black of her hair. It suits her.
"Don't mention it," Ezran says, sitting again. They catch each other's eye, briefly, and share a smile, before she blushes a bit and looks away.
He feels warm for the first time all day.
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vanillaxoshi · 10 months
Boom badabim bada pow
Tumblr media
Welcome to septuplet au! Also now called injuries matter au
Where i make the elements into siblings but despite this being done but a bunch of people let me make this my way or-
Maybe a similar way ig
What you see above is Cahaya and daun
There aint no way Cahaya will become just fine after being hit on the head and the abdomen or gut by a giant hammer and flew thhrough metal floors? Ceilings? (I know this happened to boi but dont drag him into this. this is also a septuplet au he aint included but dont u dare get ideas👹👹👹)
And he got thrown to space twice, very high or low temperature causes dead cells and stuff (welcome decayed skin)
So- yeah, he got into a longer coma so to speak, perhaps the actual logic into this is death but lets not get into that and just do 2-3 months folks
According to google said symptoms for frontal lobe damage are:
Weakness on one side of the body or one side of the face, Falling, Inability to solve problems or organize tasks, Reduced creativity, Impaired judgment, Reduced sense of taste or smell, Depression, Difficulty controlling emotions, Changes in behavior, Low motivation, Poor attention span, being easily distracted, Reduced or increased sexual interest, Odd sexual habits, Impulsive or risky behavior, Trouble with communication
And vocal chords get damaged with cold temperature so-
Kk, hes not completely incapable as he heals overtime(note: not completely), but trauma with the dark :> oh how will that help if he doesnt sleep well :)
(he uses sign language if he needs to stop speaking)
ALRIGHT moving on to air
Dude got his arm melted off by roktaroka i think thats his name, which very much hurt because lava, is still slow, which meant it was slow and painful, and with it being put on ice immediately (yes this situation summoned ais) it left quite a huge mark
And he also cant keep the ice hand for so long so bros ambidextrous just uses left the most now, might have trauma from long distance attacks and perhaps hot temperatures, so you could say api is trying his best for air and that goes the same for air to api
Yes he gains a type of inferiority complex so he has to be included and does his best, but not only that, he gains lightning scars from kirana, on his hands, so he has trouble controlling those hands
They will randomly end up shaking sometimes, and randomly drop as in become paralyze, this resulted to a lot of things to become broken, and this is where daun feels bad for gaining this problem, and at times might hurt like theres still lightning striking him
OF COURSE petir feels bad and blames himself for getting caught like that haha-
Bro also got caught or kidnapped three times he blames himself for repeating that situation a lot.
ANGIN well, i know the fandom makes him love yaya's cookies, but imma be honest here, those things basically drugged him into drugging everyone, he for sure gained fear of those cookies. That made him out of it
Buuuuut what if as well he has a temptation to eat it at times, despite his whole mind not wanting to, so when he does end up eating it he becomes nauseous and vomits :)
API doesnt like seeing fear in peoples faces but that never washes away bc of his anger issues that causes people to be afraid so lets go low self esteem-
Tanah wants his brothers to be more better so thats why he shoves all responsibility onto himself but that also causes trauma!!!
Hes so afraid of losing them that he became very strict which causes to some arguments but he also tries his very best to look tough and be more capable, but there are times where its obvious like with movie 2, api and air try their best to help him despite him pushing them away and being in denial. Gopal was the one who did end up calming everyone down
Angin is the one who sees him always and is always the one who conforts him
Petir feels even more down knowing that hes the oldest and that he should be the one to take that burden of responsibility.
And yeah i might add more but who knows
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Was musing on how the identity reveals in Duchess and M-Trio would look from an outsider perspective.
Like with the latter, it may not be noticed too much. Some observers note the team seems a little awkward. Maybe they are seen bickering in an Akuma battle a bit more than usual. But mostly people just figure its some growing pains stuff and will pass.
My rationale here being that despite Nino's history with Chloe & deeming her a brat he did still have her as part of group stuff he was in charge of. Meanwhile Alya may dislike her but she lacks any significant history with her beyond "Is a dick to my friend."
So a lot of it is more like "OK fine, she's not a bad bee but why was she picked?" & generally trying to get used to the idea.
Duchess & Ladybug however, that is much more obvious.
Cos as @generalluxun said both Chloe & Marinette tend to yeet affection at their loved one's when they do get physical. & with less 'serious' flirting and both being girls I could easily see them being quite affectionate with each other.
Then it suddenly just stopping.
Suddenly they are always quite far apart Suddenly Duchess is a lot less cocky and chatty & Ladybug is even more all business. Suddenly Duchess is a lot ore risk tasking and self destructive in battles & even more inclined to fawn though be it at a distance on her partner & do as she's told. Possibly to the point where it risks getting her really hurt & leads to a sort of:
"Isn't this what you want?"
"Just because- Just... Stop getting yourself hurt over this!"
Most people think Duchess chose to shoot her shot and got rejected. Or that there was some big dramatic unseen confrontation with a villain and someone had to make a call and its damaged the partnership.
Oh yeah no like
In M-Trio, there's a combination of like. Nino doesn't particularly /like/ Chloé, but they've rarely had direct beef and he's more chill and (unlike Mari) he is very aware that parents can be shitty and kids will act out because of it. So his reaction to Chloé being Queen Bee is pretty easy for him to roll with.
Alya has a slightly trickier time with it because she's very ride or die with Mari and was already projecting her own experiences with other bully types on Chloé. But she's also equally ride or die with Queen Bee and while it takes her a minute to really connect the two and connect like. She'll look at something 'Chloé' says that usually would be taken as insult because oh she's just a mean bully but actively shift her perspective to think of 'Queen Bee' saying it and realizing that a solid chunk of Chloé's words are just her being bad with people and not really knowing how things should work(granted she's also often trying to be mean, but there's plenty where she's just. Stating something. Or trying to express her dislike/displeasure. And it comes out so wrong that people get offended.) So yeah it trips her up but it takes a minute.
Meanwhile in Duchess Noire:
Mari's whole black and white mentality gets absolutely shattered with a fucking cannon. Because 'Chloé' is 'bad' but 'Duchess' is 'good' and she surely can't be both 'good' and 'bad'...... right?
And it takes. It takes a lot of unpacking. And for her hearing C/DN say something she's always imagining the other and how she'd interpret them saying it and it's driving her goddamn nuts because no that's that's not right something has to be going on here one of these has to be fake.
On the flipside, Chloé completely click that Mari and LB are the same person. But now she's just like 'god you're so fucking perfect and I'm afraid of rejection let's do whatever to please you and make you like me!'
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