#he made me feel bad about my interests. he had a weird thing with power and control. he would pin me down and make jokes about how ‘i have
buck-yyyy · 1 year
god, i fucking miss him so bad and i am SO BEYOND MAD ABOUT IT
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Poor Things
First of all, Emma Stone’s performance is as good as everybody is saying. Stone takes a very difficult role that easily could have gone very, very wrong and makes it look like the most effortless thing in the world.
I have been looking at the reviews, good and bad, and I think that the minority of people who didn’t vibe with this movie had slightly skewed expectations.
Poor Things starts out at Tetsuo The Iron Man levels of fucked up, but by the end it has dropped to Edward Scissor hands levels of fucked up. This is probably plenty of weirdness for the average movie-goer, but true connoisseurs of mondo cinema should calibrate their expectations.
Second, apparently this is being talked up as a sort of feminist coming of age fable chronicling an everywoman’s sexual awakening and liberation, and it really isn’t that, and I think if you are hoping for that you’ll come away disappointed.
Better, I think, to look at it as an autistic coming of age fable and power fantasy, which I think it does a tremendous job at.
Very minor spoilers under the cut; really, this is more an essay about what I thought the film was about than a review, my review would be that it's somehow simultaneously a feel-good crowd-pleaser AND a movie where an adult woman with the brain of a toddler stabs the eyes out of a corpse with a scalpel and then plays with its penis (I wasn't kidding with the Tetsuo comparison)
Honestly now that I've actually written that out I have maybe underestimated how impressive it is that Yorgos Lanthimos made a movie where that happens on screen but somehow basically everybody loves the movie.
In terms of sex, we do watch Bella discover sex, but she very quickly comes to a conclusion about her relationship with it which never once changes throughout the rest of the movie:
She likes it, she likes it more with an attractive partner, she is utterly lacking in any kind of sexual jealousy, and she doesn't attach too much more to it than that.
This is an odd comparison, but Bella treats sex the way Joey did on Friends. A man acting this way is a sitcom cliche, but a woman acting the same way…
This is a film that is really, really not interested in the real-world consequences of this kind of sex; in fact, given that a pregnancy is the inciting incident of the film, it came off a little weird to me that the possibility of a pregnancy or STD was never really addressed (unless there was a line or two that I missed while I was in the bathroom).
For the most part, though, I was able to get past it by just thinking of it as a heightened world. The sets and settings are extremely artificial, and ultimately I figured, “Hey, if I can buy this kind of thing as harmless and fun in a sitcom, I can buy it in this other kind of heightened reality.
I will say, I don't think Bella is meant to be an every-woman, and that there's textual support for this in the film itself.
All of the women Bella deals with in some way question her approach to sex, making it clear, sometimes through explicit dialog, other times more reading between the lines, that her approach to sex is not for them.
If there’s any particularly feminist message in the film, it’s that when confronted with Bella’s bizarre approach to the world, none of the women get angry at her, and most of the men she meets do.
But Bella’s relationships with other women aren’t really the meat of the film, that’s more about her relationship with men, and particularly the way that they feel, deep in their bones, that they should have control over any woman that they have sex with.
Duncan Wedderburn, when he first discovers Bella and convinces her to go away with him, thinks he is tricking and seducing a beautiful naif who he can use and then discard when he tires of her. Their relationship disintegrates as it becomes clear that Bella hasn’t been tricked at all; she wanted exactly what he was able to give, a chance to sow her wild oats by having some no strings attached sex with an attractive, likable person in an exciting foreign city.
This makes Wedderburn increasingly unhappy and unhinged (He says at one point that he has become what he hates, a “grasping succubus”) much to Bella’s growing consternation. She has no idea why he can’t simply be happy having sex with her and otherwise letting her do what she wants, and he is so committed to a certain vision of gender roles that he can’t even begin to explain it, he can only lash out in frustration.
And that I think is the meatier part of the film; Bella doesn’t so much flout social expectations as she is simply totally unaware that they exist. 
Honestly I think the character isn’t so much coded as autistic as she just is autistic. Bella is a woman who is basically totally unaware of social expectations and constantly taken aback to discover that they exist.
More than that, she has to figure out a way to work around the fact that many of the people who become most enraged by her are also so totally lacking in self-reflection, and view their social situation as so normal, so self-evidently obvious that they cannot explain to her why it is she has made them angry. They suddenly fly into rages that clearly perplex Bella and which they themselves don’t even bother to explain, because they regard their own ideas as self-evident.
Bella is an idealized autistic hero; personally as outlandish as she is I don’t really think the film expects us to take the side of anybody else, and I think there are some fairly subtle and accurate bits of autistic behavior on her part.
She responds to life as a kind of social experiment, attempting to parse out a set of logical rules and, especially in the latter parts of the movie, she often justifies her actions with a perfectly sensible internal logic that the emotional men in her life can’t parse out. Late in the film, when she and Wedderburn are destitute, she prostitutes herself for 30 francs, and with implacable logic, explains the two reasons that Wedderburn ought to be quite happy she has done so: First, her john was much worse at sex than Wedderburn, which ought to satisfy his ego, and second, they now have 30 francs and the potential to earn more.
Wedderburn does not appreciate her logical approach.
Another thing that strikes me as very true is that Bella has a very odd theory of mind for other people. There’s a scene where, traumatized by the unspeakable poverty and suffering she sees in Alexandria, she puts all of Wedderburn’s money in a box and rushes out to give it to the poor. Unfortunately the ship is leaving, but two port attendants tell her that they will be staying on the island, and would be happy to deliver a package. She tells them that she has a big box filled with money and they should give it to the island’s poor, and they agree to do so. Now, the film never tells us one way or another whether they keep their word; but Bella herself retains an iron certainty that they did exactly what she asked them to. Now, we know Bella understands what lying and deceit are, because we’ve seen her trick people before, like when she chloroforms McCandles to run away with Wedderburn. But it never once occurs to her that these sailors might do something similar. Call it paradoxical, but that kind of thinking is common in autistic people.
There’s also the scene where the self-professed cynic Harry Astley shows her the suffering in Alexandria; he admits, when he sees how terribly it has affected her, that he didn’t tell her simply because he thought it was the truth of the world, but that her attitude made him angry, and he wanted to hurt her. A very common part of the autistic coming of age is the slow realization that not everything people tell you is part of a dispassionate, scientific search for the truth.
There’s also a scene in a whorehouse in which Bella argues that it would make more sense to have the women decide who is to sleep with the johns, so that then the john could be more confident that the girl was attracted to him, which he must doubt if he chooses. You can tell I’m autistic because I immediately had the thought, “Well, but the johns would probably be worried that nobody would choose them.”
One of Bella’s fellow working girls instead tells her, “Some of them like the fact that we don’t have a choice”.
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
Could you please write how the monster trio would react if they swap bodies with their s/o?
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Monster Trio Swaps Bodies With You (NSFW-ISH)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Mentions of smut, Also crack, Luffy and Sanji are a bit OOC
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He couldn’t care less about being it in your body, he treats it the exact same way as he does his body so please WATCH HIM
“How do i pee. Y/N. Y/N I have to pee how do I pee—“
“Sit down.”
“No I don’t have to take a dump I have to pee—“
He is laughing at it at first, but he doesn’t care too much
Up until he realizes he doesn’t have his powers anymore
He spends all day trying to teach you how to use his stretchy powers especially since you kept accidentally doing it to your arms
“You’re so bad at controlling it. Don’t worry i was that way at first too.”
It’s fun to see him struggle with managing your breast whether they are big or small though.
He’d get so frustrated on how to properly lay down he starts to whine
(a bit NSFW) While in your body, he got aroused and didn’t understand how the hell he got so wet, you explained it to him awkwardly and when you gave him permission to “relieve” himself he demanded that you watch him.
Play with himself
In your body.
It was a pretty fun thing to watch, because he knew the exact struggle of why you always ask him to use his fingers instead of yours.
“How the hell do you masturbate with these short fingers? I see why you always ask me.”
Freaking out because he woke up to himself.
So after an hour of unnecessary screaming Zoro is pissy all damn day about the situation, especially since he can’t train nor fight like he usually does
“You are weak as all hell, Y/N. I can’t even hold my swords in your body.”
“Oh but you can hold it just fine when I put it in your mouth as I fuc—“
He actually gets upset about your breast.
“What? They’re heavy.”
You on the other hand—
“Where are you going?”
“I wanna…I wanna ….play with it.”
“….with what.”
“Your dick.”
You do but it’s not something he necessarily was happy about.
(If you watched Punk Hazard then you already know how he’s ganna act.)
You woke up and he was gone.
In the bathroom.
Taking pictures.
He was such a giggly mess all day.
His hand was constantly in your shirt, squeezing your breast. He tried not to smoke but you allowed him to so he switched between lolipops and his cigarettes to make sure he doesn’t harm your pretty lungs.
Sanji is so happy to be in your body he spent about 45 minutes trying on outfits to wear
and yes
he picked the tiniest
You had to actually watch him get dressed. Not because you didn’t trust him but he just wouldn’t hurry up. He kept standing in front of the mirror in y’all room ….naked. Just staring.
“Can you….”
“Your body is so beautiful Y/N…!!”
He was literally living his dream.
Even though he was a pervert for most of it he did take care of your body. He made sure not to bruise it when fighting, he kept you hydrated, and even made sure you kept up with your hair and skin routine.
You however kept looking at yourself in Sanji’s body and got semi-hard.
It felt…weird?
“Yes, my love?”
He turns to see you in his body, pointing at his dick and if you had any color on your face it was now gone due to embarrassment.
Sanji suggested something
“….How about…we..y’know…”
“…with our bodies switched?”
Sanji nods, and it seemed weird but the thought of feeling a male orgasm interested you
So you agree
Long story short you both do it and from that point on Sanji has a new appreciation for a woman’s body and now he tries EXTRA harder to make you orgasm more AND faster
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venus-haze · 10 months
Under My Skin (Black Noir x Reader)
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Summary: Just when you think you don’t have a chance with Black Noir, an investor gala gives you a new opportunity to get under his skin.
Note: Gender neutral reader and no descriptors are used. This is based on an anonymous request and also the song I’ve Got You Under My Skin. I’m so glad I’ve finally gotten a chance to write for Black Noir! Pre-season 1 where you’re in The Seven. Do not interact if you’re under 18 or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: None. Do not interact if you’re under 18.
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The piece of paper on the table in front of you was mocking you. Black Noir had already won three out of the four tic-tac-toe matches you were silently engaged in during The Seven’s daily briefing, and with the way things were going, he was poised to win a fifth. With a huff, you drew a hopeless circle and silently slid it back to Noir.
“Nightowl,” Homelander said.
You looked up, bringing your attention to him. 
“Great work on the team-up with Noir the other night.”
Noir slid the paper back to you, his tic-tac-toe win marked with a clean line, but he’d also drawn a smiley face.
You smiled. “Anytime.”
Homelander continued on, and you only half paid attention, your focus increasingly on the man sitting beside you. Even before you joined The Seven, you admired Noir for his stealth and prowess, something you aspired to. Upon your first team-up, it was clear your powers, most effective at night, complimented his incredibly well. Plus, he seemed to like you from the start, which put you in Homelander’s good graces most of the time. 
Absentmindedly, you drew a little heart on the paper, feeling your face heat up when you saw Noir’s head turned toward you. He didn’t acknowledge the drawing, instead beginning a new game of tic-tac-toe. Embarrassment flooded your chest, blood rushing in your ears. You hoped he didn’t think you were being weird.
“Last thing…” Homelander said, reading off the agenda. “Oh yeah, investor gala this weekend.”
“Great, another ass-kissing convention,” Maeve mumbled.
“Can we make sure shrimp cocktail isn’t served this time?” The Deep asked. “I just feel like—“
Homelander’s jaw clenched. “Jesus Christ, do I look like a caterer, Deep? Am I carrying around a silver platter–”
After a few more moments of bickering, Homelander ended the meeting, not without everyone still grumbling under their breath about the gala. No one particularly liked schmoozing over rich assholes, but they made your lucrative paychecks possible, so it was a necessary evil. 
You and Noir hadn’t finished the last round of your game, but when he left, he took the paper with him. 
You sighed. You knew you had it bad for him, but it was tough to gauge his feelings for you when his face was constantly covered by his mask. Even when you blatantly flirted, he seemed unaffected by your advances toward him. Of course you’d fall for this mystery of a man, the epitome of cool, calm, and collected. Your endeavor was starting to feel hopeless.
“So, when are you gonna make a move on Noir?” Homelander asked, walking out of the meeting room with you. “And don’t give me that ‘we just work together’ bullshit. The tension’s so thick I could laser through it.”
“You can laser through anything.”
He rolled his eyes, a slight smile on his face. “Look, there’s only so long I can take the two of you making heart-eyes at each other. I mean, get a room.”
“He makes heart-eyes at me?” you asked softly.
“Yes, so do something about it already.”
“Maybe at the gala. Everyone’s there to see you, anyway.”
“That’s true. No one would really notice if you and Noir weren’t there,” he said, before giving you a slightly painful pat on the shoulder. “Well, except me if you’re loud enough.”
You gave him a pointed look. “Thanks, Homelander.”
You never took his comments like that to heart. You knew you weren’t one of the more interesting members of The Seven, especially compared to the likes of Homelander and Maeve. It was a blessing in disguise, as you ended up stuck doing far less schmoozing than they did. Homelander could hide his disdain for whoever Vought wanted him to entertain for the evening, but on more than one occasion, you’d been on the receiving end of his rant about “pandering to the mud people.”
Noir always showed up to these events, despite not interacting with anyone unless it was to get food. Once in a while, you’d watch as someone tried to start a conversation with him, only to be ignored before awkwardly making an excuse to leave. At least he’d give you the time of day, silently letting you people watch with him, acknowledging your observations about the various guests with a nod, or on rare occasions, his shoulders shaking ever so slightly when you’d said something funny. You always felt especially accomplished then.
The night of the gala was only nerve-wracking because you were finally going to be forward with Noir and see where that got you, rather than your tentative approach in the past. 
When you arrived on the floor where the investor gala was being held, you went through all of the necessary introductions as quickly as you could. Across the room, Black Noir was playing the piano, as he tended to do during crowded events. You’d asked him before where he learned to play, and he wrote simply on a cocktail napkin ‘My grandma.’ As much as he trusted you, there were still parts of himself that were guarded, carefully revealing pieces of his past to you, though you could never fully put the whole picture together. In all the years you were a member of The Seven, you weren’t sure you ever would. 
His past didn’t matter to you. You were fond of the man he was, even if he didn’t reveal his whole self to you. Still, you wished you knew more. He didn’t seem to have any family, at least that he was in contact with. Then again, most of your teammates had complicated relationships with your families, yourself included. That one talent of his, however, showed that at one point there was someone he was close to, that he had a life outside of being a member of The Seven. You hoped the two of you could have that together.
Finally able to slip away from the people whose names you couldn’t be bothered to remember, you made your way over to Noir. He looked up from the piano, tilting his head a bit in acknowledgement of you.
“This party’s so boring.” You made a point to lean against the piano, letting the spandex of your suit highlight your body. “I mean, I can think of much better things you and me could be doing with our time.”
You weren’t sure if he was nodding along with your sentiment or the music. Ever so frustratingly difficult to read. Taking his response in stride, you sat down next to him on the piano bench. He didn’t stop playing, but he didn’t move away from you either. 
“Will you show me how to play?” you asked.
He paused, the soft music stopping momentarily. With a nod, he shifted closer to you, placing his gloved hands over yours. You let him guide you, though your gaze was on him rather than the keys. 
“You’re great with your hands, Noir,” you said. “I mean, playing piano, fighting criminals, I’m sure there’s more you can do, if you ever wanna show me sometime.”
No reaction. Maybe it was useless. Maybe Homelander was just messing with you. Maybe—
He rubbed the top of your hand with his thumb, and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your lips. It was something, finally some indication that he returned your affection. 
“You wanna get out of here?” you asked softly. “I only came for you, anyway.”
He took your hand in his, the music from the piano ceasing abruptly again. He brought his pointer finger to his mouth, and you giggled despite his silent instruction to be quiet. 
Glancing around, you noticed everyone else was preoccupied, mainly with competing for Homelander’s attention, as usual. The perfect opportunity for the two of you to slip away from the party with ease. Stealth was his speciality after all. 
You let him lead you away from the gala and to an empty balcony on another floor of the tower. The city seemed to sparkle especially bright that night. Feeling bold, you rested your head on his shoulder, your hand still intertwined with his.
“I wish we could be like this more often,” you whispered. “You’re the only person I like spending so much time with. I think of you, and I—it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I just wanted you to know.”
After a few minutes of silence, Noir moved away from you, reaching for something in his pocket. A folded piece of paper, the same one the two of you had been playing tic-tac-toe on just a few days earlier. He handed it to you, and you scanned the page before landing on the heart you’d drawn, finding he’d drawn another one around it.
“This is so high school,” you laughed, nevertheless taking his covered face in your hands and kissing him. “So, what do we do now, loverboy?”
He wrapped his arms around you, and you could’ve sworn you heard him sigh contentedly.
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hollowtones · 10 months
first yiik impressions?
Hi. Thanks for your message. I've been thinking about this for days. I wrote paragraphs. Here you go!
Everyone talks up how the game is bad, but I've never looked into it much myself, so I went in with an expectation along the lines of "people whose opinions I often agree with think it was an awful mess, I'll likely think something similar". Expectations were low. Even then I wasn't really ready.
"YIIK" is a game of tedium. I don't think it's a game about tedium, that's something different (though it could be, if it was a different video game altogether; "what if the world was made of pudding" etc). To some degree I think the tedium is by design but I'm not really sure what it's in service of.
I don't think tedium in a video game is a bad thing. "Morrowind" and "Breath of the Wild" are two video games I like very much, and some of my favourite memories of those games are of slowly wandering through empty expanses, or having to suddenly deal with equipment degrading or supplies dwindling because I forgot to prepare. Moments like that feel thoughtful! They're interesting moments of reprieve or of tension that feel thoughtfully and intentionally designed! "YIIK" feels like trudging through chest-deep molasses so it can shout "hey did you know you're stuck in my molasses right now? that's weird, why are you stuck in my molasses right now? did you notice?" directly into your ear.
You'll notice this is a pattern.
Combat is turn-based and involves completing little minigames, timing button prompts or hitting targets or some such. It's a cute idea that wears out its welcome when you start realizing how long every single one takes to resolve, especially when you have multiple party members, and sometimes multiple enemies (I'm told this part specifically gets more egregious as the game goes on). I don't think it's awful or unsalvageable but I'm not super into it as of the point we're at.
This is a pattern.
Leveling up is a manual process that you have to unlock, and it involves going to a save point (any save point? we didn't check), to enter the Mind Dungeon, to enter the actual Mind Dungeon, to walk down a set of stairs and enter individual doors one-by-one, so that you can choose how you want to allocate stat increases, so that you can walk down a different set of stairs to commit your choices and spend your banked experience to level up. I think "you can only power up at specific points / times / locations" and the granularity of stat growth are interesting ideas, and the environment they made for it are a charming idea, and I don't think it needed to be a "Hotel Mario" level that you had to slowly walk through. It could have been a menu. They could have used the resources for a nice background or backdrop for a menu that accomplishes the same thing.
This is a pattern.
I haven't really mentioned anything about the story or writing yet. The protagonist's name is Alex and he's a very self-important nerdy misanthropic dickhead white man (a very specific kind of guy that I've definitely met at least once or twice) who is obsessed with a paranormal message board populated by people like him and desperate to find out more about the disappearance of a woman he witnessed. (The woman & her disappearance are based on the real life death of Elisa Lam & aren't handled with a whole lot of tact, IMO, but other people have put this into better words than I can right now. It sucks. It keeps coming up and it makes me bristle every time.) Alex is a bad person. I know he is. You know he is. The game knows he is. I've seen some reviews say a negative point of the game is "the main characters aren't likeable", which I don't really get, because that's the point of the characters, as far as I can tell. The issue, then, is how much time the game takes to exposit at you how bad the characters are. It's exhausting. Every time Alex has a monologue, it feels like it sums up to 10 minutes of "I am a bad person. I am a bad person. Alex is a bad person. This character is a bad person. Do you get it? He's a bad person. Alex is a bad person. Do you understand yet, player? Alex is a bad person. You should know that he's a bad person. Do you get it?"
This is a pattern.
(I don't know how interested I am in bringing up the game's lead writer right now, if at all, but there's a well-known anecdote where he talks about wanting to write a story about a bad person who is forced to grapple with himself and do better, and how the reason why his game wasn't well-received was because people who play video games didn't get it & weren't ready for a story like that. I dunno. I can understand being upset about negative reception to something you poured time and sweat into, and saying something hasty because of it. "Final Fantasy 4" is a beloved RPG classic, though, and "Disco Elysium" came out the same year to overwhelming praise. I haven't played either of these yet, though, so I'll admit maybe I'm off the mark here.)
The characters we've met so far (i.e. the ones that aren't unnamed NPCs) are… well. There's a smarmy younger kid who idolizes(?) Alex & also made the aforementioned paranormal website. So far it seems like he mostly exists to go "hey fuck you Alex, you dickhead" and immediately say something even more insensitive. There's the insensitive based-on-a-real=ass-dead-woman elevator woman, who immediately disappeared from the narrative while still being an essential part of the narrative. There was a dead(?) robot in a bedroom, who had a choir of ominous hooded people monologue about how weird and sad and strange and uncanny the scene is. What the!? There's a woman who works at the arcade and has Powers. Her design's cute. (I feel like, generally, the game's visuals are Fine. The audio, too. That all ranges from Just Fine to Surprisingly Neat. I don't really have much issue with those aspects of the game, but I don't have much to say about them either.) Alex and Kid Whose Name I Didn't Care To Remember are constantly very uncomfortable to her, because she's a woman and because she isn't white, in the 15 or so minutes we've seen her on-screen, and she gets to tell them off, but then immediately kind of goes "well whatever I can smile and put up with this and hang out with you". It feels misogynistic. I know to some degree Alex is misogynistic on purpose, because the game is bludgeoning your skull in and yelling "ALEX IS SHITTY TO WOMEN! AND PEOPLE OF COLOUR! DO YOU GET IT? HE'S SELF ABSORBED IN A SHITTY WAY! DO YOU GET IT, PLAYER? YOU UNDERSTAND THAT ALEX SUCKS ASS YET? MAYBE 10 MORE MINUTES OF THIS WILL MAKE IT CLICK?" But for a woman of colour (the only one we've seen so far who isn't Probably Just Dead) to finally tell him off for being a shithead, only to turn around and go "well it's ok, you're cool now, let's hang out now because it's narratively convenient and you're the protagonist" is pretty damn egregious!
This is a pattern.
Writing in general feels stilted and long-winded. Most of the main characters feel like they don't talk like people do. Alex gets to feel like a person but that's mostly because he gets to talk to himself so damn much. Most of his monologues feel like overly flowery prose, like someone padded it out with identical adjectives to meet a school essay word count. There's an interesting idea or premise or setpiece every now and then. There's a spark. A glint of something compelling. Every single time this has happened so far I find it immediately snuffed out by an over-blown "oh my god!!!!!!! how weird!!!!!!', or a very long plot dump, or a Joss Whedon-ass quip. There can be no small moment of joy. No story element or visual element can stand on its own legs. There can be no room for ideas to breathe. No space for the player to wonder, to dream, to play in the space. The narrative is compelled to suffocate iself on itself, to take up all space, to swallow itself whole in its making. One very minor (so far?) side character has some interesting dialogue in this one dream world, and I think "oh that's neat", and then I learn they're lines taken wholesale from a book (and I think that's fine, reference is fine, but I have a bit of a chuckle over the fact that this character is the reason why the game has a giant REFERENCES option in the main menu). The literal first minute of the game is a bird telling you "oh my god, the title of this game, right? why'd they spell it like that? so fucking dumb, am I right!" It feels insecure. It reads like the writing has no confidence in itself. It has to make a comment about how silly and video-gamey it is, roll its eyes at itself, mock itself for the thing it's doing while continuing to do it without addressing it or discussing it or doing anything with it.
This is a pattern.
There's a specific part of "YIIK", at this early point in the game (we're only around the start[?] of chapter 2), that feels emblematic of the thing as a whole up to this point. Alex is getting phone calls from a stranger. They're confusing and weird and sound a little like something you might hear in a dream. They make references to some shared past, some childhood, some understanding of Alex, or maybe of you, the player. They've come up a few times. Every single time, I'm left thinking about what it could mean, how it fits in with everything we've seen so far & what the game seems to be talking about, with regards to connecting to other people and to yourself. It's a neat little thing. It's a neat idea. I'm charmed by it. As much as my thoughts on this game are largely negative, I still try to look at it fairly, to understand it, to talk about it, to let myself be surprised by it. As soon as I find myself thinking about this, my thoughts are immediately drowned out by Alex telling me how weird the phone call is, how random and uncanny and dumb this is, and how he's rolling his proverbial eyes about it, in spite of all the other paranormal happenings around him, for another period of Just Too Long. And I am sapped of all strength and I crumble to dust.
I'm genuinely transfixed. I'm transfixed! Maybe the fact that I wrote Paragraphs about the 4-or-5 hours I've seen of the game can tell you as much, even if you skip everything I wrote in them.
I can't wait to see more.
This, too, is a pattern.
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mxtantrights · 4 months
swept away, I’m stolen
a/n: and we’re back! Kind of. I don’t plan on writing more for this at the moment. Seeing as this was supposed to be just a one shot (I lied to myself here we are) I just wanted to have some fun now within this little universe I made. Writing a down bad Azriel is just *chef’s kiss* and I couldn’t leave you hanging like that.
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Azriel x magic!fem!reader
The sun feels weird. It has since you came back home. You don’t know what’s wrong with you. It’s like every time you go to lay out in the sun it feels wrong. Wrong. That’s the word. You suck you teeth and sit up on your elbows.
In front of you, down the hill, the children from summer were playing in the water. The way they play with water is different from the kids in day. These kids have more intricate water fights.
After completing both your missions Helion told you to go on vacation. Well, told is putting it prettily. He ordered you to go on vacation. He packed most of your things. He locked you out of your room and he knows how much you hate sleeping in the guest rooms.
It’s not like you were running away from anything. Lucien hadn’t scheduled a visit yet. It was taking a toll on Helion, he wouldn’t talk about it but he didn’t need to. You’ve known him long enough to know the dips his brow and the worry lines around his lips were because of his son’s absence.
And then there was the Azriel thing.
You don’t want to go back to the night court. But you do want to see him again. The way you two left things after he talked with you in your room that morning felt unfinished. 
Which is precisely why you’re here, in the summer court. Soaking up the sun, trying to forget about all of your problems at the moment so that you might find a solution. 
You couldn’t stand being home when you felt this way. You’re thankful Helion made you come here. You close your eyes again and try to call on the heat of the sun.
All of a sudden, instead of the mild warmth of the sun on your face you felt cold. You open your eyes and you find the culprit. A short red haired culprit. 
“Is that a fox I see?” You joke with a smile. 
Eris smiles back at you, “It is. Don’t you know foxes like to bathe in the sun?” 
“You never could do it with me.” You answer.
You watch as he takes a seat next to you. Eris always has this way of fitting in anywhere. An Autumn male through and through but that’s because he has his duty to the throne. He sits back on his elbows too, and turns to you.
“Slander. I’ll have you know lying against me is a crime.” He jokes.
You nod your head with a laugh, “I bet you’ll leave in five minutes.”
Then it hits you. Why is he here? Eris surely couldn’t afford to trot around on vacation. His father, ever the best parent, would not allow it. Seeing anyone happy but him makes all the blood vessels in his body combust.
“Eris, how are you here right now?” You ask.
He turns away from you.
“I winnowed.”
“You are so annoying you know that is not what I meant.” You say, turning back to face the kids once again.
“I like getting under your skin, sunshine.” 
“Don’t call me that either, flame-thrower.” 
The two of you sit in silence for a while. It’s nice. Peaceful. To anyone else it might perplex them. The sight of Eris sitting next to someone and not scowling or frowning. But to you it’s not that odd of an occurrence. 
“I have to throw my father off my scent.” Eris finally answers.
“Oh? Anything interesting?” You ask.
“Yes, and I have you to thank for that.” 
You look at him again. He was here because his next stop is the day court. And you doubt Eris would just go to the day court without a reason. 
He may not have scheduled a meeting but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t going to see his father. You smile to yourself. You’re glad that he was able to do it after all. 
“You knew, didn’t you?” You ask him.
Eris nods his head, “Lucien had a little slip up when we were kids. A display of powers that wouldn’t have come form Beron or our mother.” 
“You protected him.” You put simply.
“I just helped him.” Eris shrugs. 
Always the humble servant. You turn back again. The kids are starting to leave now. The water beginning to rest as they do. You were planning on going in after they left.
You sit up properly and start taking off your light shawl. 
“As much as I am flattered…” Eris trails off.
“We shared one kiss as blushing adolescents.” You laugh.
You stand up now and turn your back toward the sun. He takes your figure in. He wouldn’t be Eris if he didn’t. You throw your shawl at him, he catches it easily and puts it to the side.
“It was a kiss nonetheless.” He adds.
You spin around and begin taking off down the hill. The wind whipping past you and against your skin. You legs take you all the way to the water. The cold hits your feet first. Then you wade in deeper. 
When you turn around to find Eris, he’s gone. Like the apparition he claims to be to everyone. Keeping up with the rumors, you guess. You can’t help this gnawing feeling inside of you though.
That even though you turned around, and Eris was the one you were talking to moments before, you wanted it to be someone else…
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The bell on the door rings out through the shop. You huff out a breath and get yourself ready. You were helping one of the shop owners, Deji, white he was out to lunch. It was the least you could do in exchange for taking surfing lessons.
Deji wanted to give the lessons to you for free. But after you explained to him that your job title pays you quite handsomely he let you pay him some money. You felt it wasn’t enough so you let him put you to work.
A vacation where you had to work is weird but you don’t consider it work. You consider it a new experience. 
“I’ll be right with you!” You yell out.
With the crate of wax used for the boards in your hands you walked from the back of the store to the front. You set it down on the empty counter top and turn to greet the guest.
Safe to say you were not expecting Azriel. 
You’re glad you set the box down, you might have dropped it because of the surprise standing a few feet away from you. He was here. Right there. How was he here? 
“Hi.” He says first.
You smirk, “Only one word for me?”
He chuckles at that. It feels nice to hear the sound again. You didn’t think you’d hear it this soon.
“It’s nice to see you again.” He corrects himself.
You nod your head. You bring your hand behind your back, at least this way you can wring your fingers in peace. Why were you so nervous all of a sudden?
“It’s really nice to see you too. Are you on a mission?” You speak.
“In a sense. It’s hard to explain.”
Ah. So he is here on a mission. Maybe he came here to ask you for the blade again. You actually don’t have it on you right now. You had to hand it over to Helion as per the deal of this vacation. 
“Well I don’t have the blade so if—“ you start
“I’m not here for the blade.” He cuts you off.
“Good.” You answer.
Azriel is about to say something else when the bell rings out again. Both of you turn your attention to the person who just walked in. It’s Deji. Which means if he’s back you can leave for the day.
Deji looks at the shadow singer and greets him. He offers him a handshake which Azriel takes. You come form around the selling table and over to Azriel.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Deji says to you.
Deji moves in front of you, and you position yourself in front of Azriel.
You can tell by the way he said it that he’s picking up on something. Maybe he thinks Azriel is your friend. Or maybe he’s thinking something else. Either way your insides are churning. 
“Yes yes, see you tomorrow Deji.” You say, hands still behind your back.
Deji smiles and walk over to the selling table. In the time that he does that, Azriel grabs your hand from behind your back. It stills you. No Still it not the right word to use. It calms you. Yeah, that’s it. Without another word Azriel is leading you out of the store, hand in hand. You look at your hands joined together. Fingers intertwined. You follow behind him wordlessly. He walks from the shop and down the little paths to the beach. You can barely see anything with his wings and shadows in the way.
And yet his hand never leaves yours.
The two of you walk like that without another word said until you reach a new place. One of the many beaches that you haven’t visited quite yet. There aren’t many people lingering around either. A few groups of people spread out on the sand and people in the water.
Azriel walks on the sand but you stop him. He turns around.
“I don’t want sand in my shoes.” You say as you reach down and undo them.
Azriel chuckles softly to himself and does the same. He holds his shoes in one hand, your hand in the other. You hold your shoes in your free hand. Azriel leads you onto the beach.
A bit away from the people there, he stops at a spot. Just a few feet from the water. You move to his side and look out into the distance. There’ nothing for miles. This must be the beach that faces the long ocean, away from the other courts.
You feel his thumb brush back and forth against the back of your hand. Like it did the day you left the night court. You can feel the heavy weight of that day come back to you ever so slowly.
You look over at him.
“I’m sorry for the way I left.” You speak.
His throat bobs. He doesn’t turn to look at you. Maybe he doesn’t want to speak about it. You don’t know what he wants. You don’t know what you want either.
“It’s okay, I understand why you left the way you did.” He replies.
“Doesn’t make it right. It’s not like you were to blame for everything.” You add.
“But I could have said something.” He says.
He finally, finally, turns to look at you now. He doesn’t look as sad as that day. Or maybe he’s gotten used to wearing his sadness. You still can’t understand what brought him to tears that day. There was no way you being mad at him made the shadow singer fall apart like that.
“I have to ask you something, but you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” You say.
“I’ll do my best for you.” He replies.
You squeeze his hand, “When I left, and you were overcome with emotions. What was that really about?” 
He sighs and looks back at the view in front of him. You stuck a nerve. You decide to keep looking at him. You don’t know if this conversation will go horribly wrong and if this will be the last time you speak to him. You don’t know what the future holds.
“It was about you. It still is. You are the first person in a very long time that has made me feel less of a monster and more like a living creature with feelings.” He explains to you.
“You think of yourself as a monster?” you ask.
He scoffs, “I know about the rumors.”
“And?” He asks you back.
“If I let the rumors about me weigh me down I wouldn’t get out of bed every morning.” You answer his question.
You take this moment to stand in front of him. Your hands still intertwined. His eyes move to you from the distance of the perfectly blue ocean. “Sometimes I can’t help but let it weigh me down. And you leaving, just reminded me of who I am to everyone. Who I have chosen to be for most of my life.” He says.
“Who are you when you’re with me?” You ask.
Azriel can’t fight off the smile that forms on his face. You like that you are able to make him smile. You like that this sadness that coats him like a blood stain seems to wash away with the words you say.
“I don’t know, but I want to figure it out.” He answers you.
“I want that too.” You smile.
Azriel pulls you in to him. The two of you slot together turning on a light. So much science goes into the light but it looks so easily done. With your body pressing against his you can’t help but feel like something really did click between you two.
A WEEK LATER  You think you might have upset him. Not totally, but at certain intervals. He’s fine whenever you spend time together outside of the vacation house. You decided to let Azriel share a space with you instead of living two places that were across the city.
There were three rooms, so it’s not like the two of you would have to share a bed. He got one room. You got another. It was nice. You could run into him in the living room, or in the backyard, or in the kitchen. And he would smile at you and join in whatever you were doing, or invite you to join him.
But something strange is happening to Azriel. 
Every single time you offer to stay in and have food, he declines. Either he’s busy and needs to go somewhere. Or he’s already placed an order for food someplace else. Or he doesn’t feel in the mood for home cooking and just wants to go out. Which are all fine reasons, you didn’t think too much of it.
Until now.
Right now Azriel is making food for the evening. After you told him that you would be working with Deji to complete orders at his shop. Well, you came back earlier than both of you expected. Deji thought there was more work to do but underestimated how quickly four hands and two brains word. 
You’re watching from outside the house. You feel like a creep but you were proven right about your suspicions. Through the kitchen window you can see him mixing something in a bowl. 
This has to end, you think to yourself. You don’t want this to fester and become something ugly. You talk yourself up and walk over to the door. You unlock it with your keys and head inside.
As you cross the threshold you hear moving from the kitchen. Frantic moving. You really don’t hope that he’s trying to get rid the food he’s clearly making because you came home earlier than he expected.
You rush into the kitchen. Azriel’s shadows are everywhere, trying to hide the mess he’s created. Their master is looking right at you, something being hidden behind his back. No doubt the bowl he was just mixing.
“Azriel?” You shout.
“You’re back early.” He says.
You look around the kitchen. The spices are out. There are multiple pans in the sink. Flour is coating the kitchen counter. 
“Do I get to eat any of what you’re making?” You ask.
“No!” He shouts.
You step back a bit at his volume. You watch as he takes in your reaction. It takes him less than a few seconds to put the bowl down and walk over to you. He holds on to your arms, you can feel the sticky substance of something on your skin now.
“I’m sorry. I’m just that I'm not that good of a cook. I wouldn’t want you to get sick or something.” He explains.
You nod your head, even though you’re not following a word he’s saying to you, “I can take over if you’d like.”
“You can’t—I mean, I already started and you just came back from work you should relax.” He continues.
You squint your eyes at him. He doesn’t want you to eat what he’s making, he won’t even allow you to make something for him—oh.
He has a mate.
Cooking for someone else, someone who is not his mate, might be murky waters. Every bond is different. But maybe that’s just how his is.
You don’t want to think about how defeated you feel by your own conclusion. You don’t want to, but you do. Your eyes soften a bit.
“I’m so sorry if I offended you. I won’t ask about it again.” You say.
Azriel cocks his head to the side, “What just happened here?”
“Don’t worry about it.” You put simply.
Then you’re stepping back. Azriel lets his hands fall away from you. You turn around and head down the hallway to your room. You open your door and put yourself on the other side of it with bated breath. 
Were you just reading it all wrong? Maybe he just wanted to be your friend. He didn’t want anything romantic to do with you. How could he when he has a mate? 
You take off your shoes and crawl into bed. Suddenly vacation is starting to feel doomed.
Things have been awkward to say the least. You got work early in the morning and busy yourself. And if you get done early you make sure you have other places to be. The beach, the shops, anywhere that is not the vacation house. Anywhere where Azriel isn’t sure to be.
A part of you feel terrible for doing it, but another part of you is embarrassed. You practically made him move into the same house as you, you pulled him around the summer court to all types of places.  You let your eyes drift from his face to his body whenever he was shirtless!And all the while he probably wanted to do all of that stuff with the person he loves.
“Mother, you are hard to track down.” His voice calls from behind you.
You turn around quickly, not expecting it or him. You’re standing in the water, new day means new beach. 
He’s standing right behind you. Shirtless. Of course it’s a beach, and he’s in the water. You keep your eyes from drifting any further. You can’t look him in the eye for too long.
When you don’t move to say anything, Azriel takes a step closer. You take one back. This catches his attention fairly quickly. 
“Did I do something?” He asks.
“No.” You answer.
He rolls his eyes, “Are we really back to this? Again?” 
He crosses his arms over his chest. You can’t help but to look at his arms. Arms you shouldn’t be looking at. Arms that don’t belong to you. Arms that want to hold another person—a person who is not you.
“How long is your mission?” You ask him this time.
He shrugs his shoulders causally. 
“There is no duration on my mission.” He answers. 
“Don’t you want to go home? Don’t you miss it?” you try again.
Because maybe, just maybe, he can let you go. Right here, right now. He can end this illusion. You felt like the feelings you have towards him were reciprocated. But now, you know that even if they are they can’t be. He has someone waiting for him at home. You couldn’t stand in the way of that, willingly or unwillingly.
“Why are you asking me that? I told you how I feel back there,” He says.
“Yes you did, but do you really think your mate sees you as a monster?” You retort.
He looks at you confused. His hands fall to his sides. There it is. Now it’s out in the open. You don’t want to leave on bad terms, you don’t want to leave at all. But this is just some illusion. And you can’t break your heart trying to keep it alive. 
“What are you talking about?” He questions.
You wrap your arms around yourself. 
“I’m talking about why you wouldn’t let me cook for you. And why you wouldn’t let me have the food you cooked the other night.” You clarify for him.
He’s silent. And it shatters you more than anything. You can feel it deep inside of you. Your stomach feels like it’s tightening and unravelling all at once.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know how to do this.” He speaks.
“How to cheat on your mate?” You ask, your voice getting louder.
You were getting angry. He’s acting like he’s not doing something wrong here, with you. Like he doesn’t have someone back home who loves him. Who is probably worried about him. 
“No. That’s not what’s happening here. I promise you.” He says.
“Then why are you here?!” You shout.
“Because of you!” He shouts back.
“You said you weren’t here for the blade—” You say.
“I’m not mated to the blade, I’m mated to you!” 
You watch as he can’t seem to catch his breath. Mated to you? You and Azriel? You didn’t feel anything. You still don’t feel anything. You slowly wade in the water over to him. What is six steps actually feels like a lifetime.
His eyes meet yours. He looks just as nervous as when you left the night court. You realize it now for what it was. He was emotional because his mate was leaving him. You don’t know when he felt the bond snap, but you know it was before that morning.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to spring it on you, but I could feel you through the bond. Your sadness and I couldn’t take it, it actually hurts to feel you so sad. And I—“ he rambles.
You don’t cut him off with words. In this frightening but equally exciting situation words wouldn’t do it justice. So you wrap your arms around his waist and hug him.
He lets out a choked breath. Once and then twice. Then you feel his hand hesitantly on the small of your back. You think about the time where you hugged him and he hugged you back without a second thought. 
It must have been torture.
“When?” You ask him so quietly, he might not have even heard you.
“Seconds before you saved my life.” He answers you. 
His arms wrap around you now, fully. It brings you impossibly closer to him. You feel his voice from his chest, vibrating against you. 
“Is that why you kept asking me about it. You thought I felt it too?” You ask.
He can only hum his answer. His head in the crook of your neck.
“And that’s why you didn’t want me to cook.” You say.
“I know it’s not exactly the same thing but I didn’t want you to think I tricked you.” He explains.
You pull back from him a little bit. As you do you see the hesitation written all over his face. You reach up with your hand and caress the side of his face.
“It’s okay.” You whisper.
You duck your head back into his chest. And you can hear him let out a breath. The water feels warm and so does he. This might have been the feeling you were searching for after coming home from the mission.
And it’s all because of Azriel.
“It has to be dark so we can hide!” A voice says.
You press your ear against the wooden door. Inside the room were no doubt your students. 
Things have changed since you took that vacation to the summer court. You decided on a lot of things. 
The first being, that you would not longer guard the day blade anymore. That was a actually the first change you made once you got back to the day court. You asked Thesan if there was another way to guard the blade but still retain your role.
Of course he figured something out. Which was easy really. Hiding it in plain sight. The sun blade was made of one of the hottest tendrils of the sun, why not return it to it’s creation place?
“If you don’t be quiet she’ll find us!” Another voice yells.
You hold in your snicker.
And then came the kids. They are part of an exchange program between day and summer. Something about court relations being at an all time high and other things. All you knew is one day you woke up and were greeted with three children resting at the edge of your bed like it were normal. It was interesting to get used to. 
The three kids had been the ones you saw around the summer court. You’re closest to them out of everyone else. Those three followed you everywhere and told you practically everything.
“Can the both of you find another spot? You’re so loud!” a younger voice says.
You open the door and the room is thrown into darkness. Black shadows fill the room an in instant. 
There was also that. Well, not a ‘that’, but a him. Azriel. 
While he is still the ever scary shadow singer and mercenary of the night court, he does have time for normal things. Like taking a break from his duties at times. This is one of those times.
He showed up in the day court a few days ago. Something about unused vacation days and the house being too crowded and missing you. You liked the last detail a lot.
You look around the room, playing along, “I could have sworn this room wasn’t that dark. Where are the lights?” 
You move over to the window facing wall and reach for the light switch. When you flick it up and down and nothing changes you fake a dramatic sigh.
“I guess I’ll have to find another way to light this very dark room.” You say.
You raise your hand and call on the light from outside. You know already that Azriel has caught on because the darkness that is encasing the room is fading away. Slowly you see a bunch of your students all hidden in plain sight. They knew the darkness would hide them, that Azriel would hide them. Once they see you and you see them completely, all of them jump out of their hiding places.
Azriel is standing near the farthest wall from you. When your eyes lock with his you feel it. The snap of the bond. 
You thought it would be like fireworks or a storm. But it’s the opposite. It’s like all the noises around you quiet down to a hum. You can’t suppress the smile that forms and burns your cheeks.
Azriel is looking at you now with wide eyes. A smile quickly forms on his face too. 
“You found us!” One girl shouts.
It breaks you out of the trance.
She runs up to you and throws her arms around you. You hug her back while still keeping an eye on the other students. They were all coming up to you slowly.
You smile, “That I did. I think that means we can have an early lunch.”
They all cheer. The little girl lets go of you and nods her head eagerly. Of course. The only other ting these children liked half as much as playing around was eating.
“Can you all walk nicely to the dinning room and sit in your seats?” You ask them.
They all agree and walk in two lines out of the room. You turn and watch the go out the door. 
You don’t feel him sneak up on you until he wrap his arms around your waist. His head in the crook of your neck. He places a feather soft kiss there, which makes you lean back into him.
“Azriel, did you feel it too?” You ask him.
“I did,” he says, “but that doesn’t mean we have to rush into anything. We can take our time.”
You turn around in his hold to face him. He looks at you with that cheesy grin on his face. Slowly you reach your hands into his hair. He hums as your fingers scratch his scalp.
It’s a sight you’ve seen multiple times now. And it’s not like the two of you are abstaining from anything. Thesan has almost caught you more than once making out or in a very compromising position.
Azriel is a giver, that’s for sure. 
But this feeling its—
Ravishing. That’s what Nesta and Feyre called it. You had started talking to them again. Mainly looking for advice because they were the only two mated fae you knew of.
Well, you guess that’s not totally true. Elaine is mated. But she and Lucien are, whatever they are. And you still didn’t really get along with her. It’s not like the two of you are feuding, but you’re just not checking for her. 
Amren called this feeling a bunch of other words—ones that made you half nervous and half lustful. And you think she did that on purpose, just to get under your skin. Or get you to get under Azriel’s skin more like it. 
And that’s what you want right now.
You lean in, his lips just mere inches away from yours. He leans in more to cut the distance but you pull back just a bit. 
“Lock the door.” you whisper.
You hear the door lock on it’s own. No doubt one of his shadows. You don’t care really what locked the door. Only that it’s locked and now you have him all to yourself without a chance of interruption. 
Cutting the distance is easy then. Azriel’s hand snakes to the back of your head and is bringing you closer than close. You found it fairly quickly that if the two of you are alone there are no pecks. It’s open season for Azriel.
His tongue explores your mouth. 
His other free hand explores your body. A brush against your thigh as a particular sound coming from you. Azriel pulls away just for a few seconds.
“I like that sound.” He says with a wide smile.
He looks good like this. Hair all tasseled. You hadn’t even realized you did that. His lips look bitten and have a slight pink tint to them. You bring your hand over to his face, your thumb brushing against his lips.
You laugh to yourself, "I know you do. Wanna go to the house?"
Azriel nods along to your every word. It makes you laugh a bit more.
The house.
On his second trip to the day court, Azriel purchased a house. He had initially said it was so that he didn't suffocate you while he was here. Which you told him straight up that could never happen. But he insisted.
You're so glad he did.
All of a sudden the scenery around you changes. You're no longer in one of the many rooms in the day court palace. You're in the house you now share with Azriel. You haven't called it home yet but you know it's only a matter of time.
Azriel lifts you up by the backs of your thighs. He hauls you up in his arms. Your arms, stay around his neck. You're staring right at him, like he might disappear any second now.
He's maneuvering his way through the door and shutting it close with his foot. You can't help how happy you feel for guarding the blade. If you hadn't you wouldn't have Azriel.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 8 months
hi again! I'm the one who asked if you write for aaron himself, anw the fic doesn't really need to be a smut. butzzzz, what if aaron x reader were childhood bffs and when they went to highschool, reader had a crush on aaron and reader's feeling for aaron lasted for years, but then after aaron's taping on nowhere boy, reader found out that aaron is dating s*m? then reader decided to cut off ties with aaron so reader can move on?????????? then after years years later reader is also now an actress and is starring on a romance film with aaron, as the film was in progress reader's feelings for aaron is slowly coming back, and on a specific scene for the movie, reader got carried away so she accidentally "confessed" to aaron even though it wasn't on the script then than made it. to the final cut😖🤙
A/n- hiii! Also love this sm anon!! Sorry it took so long, I’ve been super busy ): it’s kinda lengthy but I hope u like it
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You and Aaron had been best friends, ever since you both were teenagers.
You both stayed with each other through the awkward growing up phase. You two used to be inseparable, and stayed like that until he started to film for nowhere boy, where he was playing John Lennon.
“Wait, so you’re telling me that you’re literally going to play John Lennon?” You asked, with a smile on your face as you talked to your friend.
He smiled back and nodded. You both continued to walk and talk, you talked about what you auditioned for and he talked about how he was excited to play in the movie.
You both were busy filming, you for a show and him for a movie. So you both had been a little distant, distracted.
You sighed when you flopped into the bed, tired and yawning. You were falling asleep, eyes shut and everything, when your phone goes off.
You groan and pick up the phone.
He says your name, and you automatically knew it was Aaron.
“Aaron! Hi! Oh my god, I haven’t heard from you in a while. How are you? How’s the film?” You rubbed your eyes.
“Hi. Sorry if I woke you up or somethin’. Im alright. The filmings almost wrapped up. How about your show?”
“That’s good. Today was the last day, so hopefully it goes good.”
“Thats nice.”
There was an awkward silence for a while.
“ I was wondering if you’d wanna hang out this weekend. We haven’t talked and you know-“ his British accent cut through the silence thankfully.
“Yeah! I’d love to.” You said, more excited than you should’ve been.
“Great. I’ll text you everything tomorrow, thank you. Goodnight, y/n.”
“Goodnight, Aaron.”
And you thought things would be great at lunch, but they got worse.
He told you about his new girlfriend, Sam. And you learned that she was older, way older than him. He had just turned an adult, so what the hell?
Of course, you’d been his best friend forever, and you’ve seen his girlfriends come and go, but this one was different, she was old, way too old for him, and the power imbalance was weird to you. The he mentioned how she was pregnant.
You tried to be supportive, but you couldn’t. When you got home, you cried into your pillow and blocked Aaron’s number.
It’s been two years now, and you had just got cast for Anna Karenina. You were playing the main character, and that’s when you found out Aaron was also on the movie, playing none other than your love interest.
The first day on set, you both were shocked to see each other. You glanced at him and he did the same, and quickly darted his eyes away.
Did he hate you? Did he feel bad?
He should, you thought bitterly. You looked over your lines, and after you were ready made your way to where it would be shot.
It was awkward for you and Aaron, both of you just continued to work professionally, however, on set.
It wasn’t until the dance scene that you realized how utterly in love you still were with him. It was a few days of filming now.
He kissed your hand, and you were gone. In terms of the movie and in reality.
You did as you practiced, but you’d practiced with someone else, and so has he. It was odd to be doing it with him.
You stared into his eyes. That’s when you realized in character and out of character, you were in love with him.
So you used that to make the scene better, he stared into your eyes the same way, but you brushed it off as acting.
The spotlight was on the both of you, and you couldn’t see anything but him.
Your palms were sweating, but so were his, you realized.
Once that scene was over, you both stared at each other for a moment in silence.
“Let’s take a break!” They said, and everyone went where they usually did.
It had been a long day. You both stayed staring for a good few seconds before you both opened your mouth.
“I’m sorry-“ you both apologized at the same time. You both smiled and laughed at that.
“I shouldn’t have blocked you.”
“And I shouldn’t have sprung everything on you at once.”
You both stayed silent for a moment again before you asked.
“How’s you and Sam..?”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Oh. Yeah. We’re good- fine.”
“And your baby..?”
He smiled at the mention “She’s good.”
“A girl, huh? What’s her name?”
He stared into your eyes again, with that same look as he did in the dance scene.
And that’s how you were here now, months filming now. It was the scene were you told Vronsky, or Aaron, that your character was pregnant.
You were in a field, holding a parasol as you looked into the distance.
“Anna.” He said behind you.
You turned back, with a small smile present on your face, putting the parasol down.
“Alexei. What is it?”
“I couldn’t bear not to see you before the race.”
You smiled and practically ran into his arms, his hands rubbed your shoulders.
“What were you thinking about?”
His hand grabbed your jaw softly when you didn’t answer.
“Tell me.”
You stared into each others eyes. You passed for a moment before speaking.
“I’m pregnant.”
You stayed silent for a moment and waited for a reaction.
His face lit up, hand caressing your cheek.
“Oh, my love. Love was never a game to us. Here’s an end to living in corners. Existing days to days on lies. Now we can be together.” He laughed quietly.
For a second, you wished it was real.
“How can we, Alexei?”
“Tell him everything.”
“Do you think my husband will make you a present of me?”
“Leave him.”
“Leave him and be your mistress?”
“Yes. Run away.”
“I would never see my son again. The laws are made by husbands and fathers.”
He paused for a moment. Was that the only reason he was still with Sam?
“What then? I’ll never forgive myself for your unhappiness.”
“Unhappiness? I’m like a starving begged who’s been given food. I am happy. I love you. I could never be unhappy with you.” The last part slipped out on accident, it was not part of your lines.
His eyebrows raised, and you paused for a moment, looking at him for a reaction.
He leaned in, and you did as well. The kiss seemed genuine, not like the forced ones you’ve had while filming this movie. This felt real, full of actual passion and love.
The kiss went on for longer than expected, the people on set were eating every second of it up.
“Cut! Now that is how you act! Way to go, guys. Really great.”
Your cheeks burned up as you realized what had happened, you looked at Aaron and he smiled softly.
You both talked for a while, you both trying to ignore what happened earlier.
“Did you mean what you said earlier..?” He asked suddenly, right before you were about to enter your car to leave.
Your eyes widened, and you paused, and turned to look at him as he walked closer to you.
“I need to know.”
Y-yeah. I meant it. I didn’t mean to say it. And I know that you have-“
His lips crashed against yours while you tried to explain, it was passionate, and just like the one from the confession.
“I love you. I always have, y/n.” He mumbled quietly, hand on your jaw.
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flicklikesstuff · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Ep 8 Ramble and Theory
⚠️ SPOILERS!! ⚠️
Surprisingly, the show’s first season really got me hooked with its storyline and I can’t wait what’s in store for the upcoming season 2.
I’ve had my suspicions with Alastor since the pilot, and it just keeps growing with every episode. Even then, his real motivations are just hard to really see and it’s what makes his character intriguing. One moment, he’s lurking in the shadows like some sort of villain, and then the next, we see him maaaybe caring for his friends?? If he even considers them that. Idk 🤷
I’ve always thought that maybe he’s sticking around and playing nice to get Charlie’s guard down in the long run. Waiting for her to get desperate so he can strike a deal with her. So he could ask her for any favour in the future. And guess what? That’s what he exactly does in Ep 7.
And if I’m recalling correctly, Alastor helped Charlie with the war, but Charlie is yet to grant her own end of the deal. Alastor STILL is owed a favour from her.
(Where am I going with this theory and analysis? I’m getting there-)
At one point, maybe he did genuinely care for the hotel and the people in it. Regardless what his motives were. He even admits it’s a “surprising thrill” to watch them form connections. But the word choices he uses in this scene are just sooo…weird?
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“Almost??” “Could get accustomed??”
It sounds like he admits feeling attached to the other characters but at the same time, doesn’t want to commit to it. Does he have far more nefarious intentions in mind for them and that’s why he’s so distant?
Alastor probably noticed this in the ending of Ep 8 too. His altruistic self almost got control of him. He almost risked his life to help his “friends.” And he didn’t like that one bit. Perhaps, he sees this trait as a weakness.
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It really sounds like the verse“Great Alastor Altruist died” is equal to him stating that “there’s no more Mr. Nice Guy” from now on. He’s disconnecting and staying firm to whatever his highly vague motives are. And it’s highly likely that whatever’s holding him back from his full power is the deal he made itself. And he’s going to try anything to get out of it. Maybe that’s the reason why he approached Charlie in the first place.
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And I’m going back to Charlie’s deal with him here. The only condition she has is that she won’t harm anyone for him. But knowing Alastor, he’s going to twist the words a bit there. Maybe he won’t harm them physically. But maybe in some other way. Indirectly. One that Charlie won’t see in the long run. Maybe he uses this one favour to help him break free of this deal or loosen it in some way.
And Charlie already has so much trust in him after the battle, she most likely won’t see it coming. It’s perfect.
(Not exactly sure how these soul contracts work buuut, she’s the princess right? Maybe she’s powerful enough to do smth about it? Maybe that’s why Alastor was so interested to gain her trust and potentially free himself?)
But anyway! Onto the second part of my theory!
Alastor’s probably going to optimise his one chance of freedom through Charlie’s owed favour. But I have a feeling he’s not only going to use just Charlie.
Who else is at the hotel that the other main cast members trust? Who he could freely command under his control? To show up at his will? Answer his beck and call? Whose souls that Alastor owns?
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I swear. It is NO ACCIDENT that these two were standing side by side. NEXT TO ALASTOR. In the ending. (Or maybe I’m overanalysing, but whatever. This is MY ramble)
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When Alastor comes back from the “dead”, everyone was happy to see him. Especially Charlie. And surprisingly Vaggie? I guess she’s warming up to him. Idk if that’s good or not.
Everyone except Lucifer and Husk. Lucifer’s still bitter on the whole ‘dad’ thing. But I just really felt sooo bad for Husk here. 😂 My guy had maybe a few happy hours of what he thought was freedom. Then he sees this guy come back and he’s just: “Ahhhh… SHT-!”
Now I’m just saying, I don’t think Alastor can just casually go up to Charlie and just easily demand that favour. Especially now that Lucifer might be staying around(?) Also, Alastor sounds like someone who would strategically play the long run if it means benefits. Albeit, less truly altruistic than before since that approach almost costed him highly.
He’s maybe going to have to pull some strings to really make Charlie feel like she HAS to do him a favour. To better solidify his chances and so she’s less likely to be hesitant/reluctant/suspicious. After all, Alastor is only owed ONE FAVOUR. Maybe he’ll pull some strings to win over Lucifer’s own trust too so he won’t be stopping Charlie? (I’m not sure, these two are not in good terms.)
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(Look me in the eyes and tell me this is the face of someone who’s definitely not going to use this hotel for his own personal gain. Things are going to start getting ugly with Alastor’s new approach. I’m also still like 80% sure these 3 characters are placed together for a reason. It CANNOT be a complete coincidence, right?)
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Now I’m really curious how Husk and Niffty would react under this sudden new approach. The angst potential here is smelling strong. It’s obvious that they’re starting to get highly attached to the hotel and really consider the others as friends. Something Alastor didn’t allow himself to.
And it’s not like they have a voice in the matter either. No matter what Alastor tells them to do to secretly manipulate things around the place so he’ll appear like he’s “helping out more.”
Who knows really? What kind of errands he’ll force them to do? “Mr. Nice Guy” is really no longer an option here. That guy is dead. Adam killed him.
And all at the same time, Alastor wouldn’t be breaking Charlie’s condition. He’s not making her hurt anyone at all. Just helping a good old pal, who’s done so much for her, to maybe loosen the constraints his deal has. Or whatever else he wants, I don’t fcking know-
(But Srsly though. The angst??? Niffty and Alastor are fond with each other, but Niffty is also starting to like her new friends too. Will that create some sort of rift? Niffty actually being hesitant??
And don’t even get me STARTED on Huskerdust. Like wtf-? Husk has already stepped out of line before and it left him completely shaken. What else could he do? And a heartbroken Angel finding out he’s behind all this when Husk is the first person to truly reach out to him? Husk not being able to meet his gaze out of guilt?? THE FCK-???)
Yeaaaahhh, can’t wait what Season 2 has for us all….
Remember fellas, this is just a theory. A Hazbin theory! :))
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sanjisluvbot · 9 months
Isekai Yandere Strawhats X Black Fem Reader Ch 18
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Minor spoilers!!!!
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Luffy hadn't been this upset in so long. He couldn't even remember a time when he was so upset he didn't want to eat. Robin smirked at the commotion she caused, the energy in the room was intoxicating and Nami leaving was the icing on the cake.
Using her fruit to add an ear to Sanji as he rushed to follow behind her the smirk on her face turned into an animalistic grin. The fruit of her quiet labor had finally shown itself.
Matter all the months of reading the media she was born from, watching you with the crew and with the heart pirates, then creating multiple plans that slightly failed. She was overjoyed at the fact that this one was working out flawlessly.
Luffy complained and started little arguments with Ussop and Zoro. They all but rolled their eyes at their captain knowing it wasn’t about their card game but at the fact that you weren’t with them.
Robin decided to leave the room telling them she was going to get a drink, of course to bother Sanji.
The cook was smoking thinking about everything that would most likely happen over the next few days. Robin opened the door and smiled at him sitting down on a booth asking him for Coffee.
It was silent for a while, both waiting to see if the other would spark up the obvious conversation. Robin was going to be impulsive tonight so she spoke up.
“ Are you also upset with me?”
“ No… I understand. I understand the both of you.”
She hummed and took a sip of her drink, “ I think it’s in our best interest if Luffy is upset, he can use the anger with Kaido.”
“ But what about our alliance? It’s also in our best interest to be on good terms with Trafalgar. I don’t think it was a good idea to mention that Y/N was planning on staying with them until we got to Onigashima.”
“ Perhaps…”
It was silent again, Robin did agree with the fact that they did need Law, and as of now Law and you were a package; one wouldn’t be without the other. However, after Wano Law would be defeated and so far there hasn’t been any mention of the Heart pirates since.
You didn’t know that though, you’ve been here so long and haven’t caught up to the manga yet.
Robin had another bright idea.
“ Sanji… have you gotten to read the books?”
“ Yes, a few. Why do you ask?”
“ I know everyone thinks me mentioning Law and Y/N was a bad idea… which makes me wonder who read and up to what but after Wano.. Law is defeated.”
Shock spread over Sanji’s face and the cigarette he was smoking dropped to the ground. With how calculating and cunning Law was— including with how powerful his fruit was… who could defeat him besides his captain?
“ I know you’re wondering who.. it’s Black beard.”
“ The heart pirates are ambushed when we all go our separate ways, and the Kid pirates were dumb enough to think they would be able to defeat Shanks.”
“ Does Y/N know this?”
She shook her head and the cook sighed in relief. This would work out perfectly, you’d finally be just with them and Law wouldn’t even be a problem in their lives.
The conversation continued for some time before the lights went out and the crew were soundly asleep.
You were curious about what Law did in your world. He kept it pretty broad when he told you about it and you couldn’t help but spark interest in what he did.
You moved closer to him pulling his attention from the stars. “ I’m feeling bold and curious right now…” you started. You never took your eyes off the sky but you noticed the slight redness on his face which made you hopeful for answers.
“ I want to know what you did when you were in my world. Were you alone..?”
“ I was. I didn’t want to risk anything happening to my crew mates. It was pretty weird, the entirety of it. From getting there to seeing everything.”
Law remembered Robin telling him to visualize different things and to clear his mind before she left the room they were in. He felt his entire body spin but he knew he wasn’t moving and when he opened his eyes he was in a bedroom.
He was in shock, it was as if he used his own transportation power but when he saw pictures of you on the walls he realized he was in a new world. Law read every book on your shelf, and glee spread through him as he learned so much about you.
He heard movement a few hours later, people were coming home. He quickly grabbed an eraser and hid into the closet. He planned to use his power if someone came in and found his hiding place.
A little while later the door opened, for a moment he couldn’t recognize who it was. Different hairstyle, different clothes, and the person in question was faced away. Until they turned towards him, and low and behold it was you.
You were just as pretty as you’d always had been but the far off look in your eyes let him know this was only half of the person you used to be. That’s when Law knew he needed to do everything to get you back home, where you really belonged.
You were simply on auto pilot, doing routines your body had gotten accustomed too without really thinking about it. He grew angry seeing you like this, and even angrier knowing the Strawhats seen you like this as well.
They made into half a person in both worlds. You were trapped with no one to notice or care because to them you weren’t really missing. He would’ve hopped someone from your universe had noticed— especially your parents but it seemed to him that either no one cared or they couldn’t really see the change in your eyes and certain mannerisms.
Law used the erasure to leave your home, unable to continue watching you. It would break his heart even further.
He strolled the streets, hoping to be seen as normal but the strange looks that he got from basically everyone let him know he needed to change outfits and unfortunately get rid of his beloved hat.
Law scoured your town after changing, never forgetting leave his hat inside of your closet. He went to the library, the parks to continue reading his long medical books.
And after a days work he went back to your house, and into the crevices of your closet. He watched you as you ate your dinner in your room, just so you could catch up with a new episode of your favorite show.
When you left the room he decided to stretch until a pair of eyes met his own. Before he could make a sound multiple hands wrapped around him and covered his mouth.
Robin had appeared to tell him you had been searching for his since last night.
“ Interesting. I thought when you shifted people couldn’t tell that you’re gone.”
A lump in your throat had formed after that sentence. No one knows you’re gone but the ones who do have been watching you in the other world. They all knew that you looked broken but did nothing about it.
The urge to leave tonight settled inside you. You were done with the Strawhats, you needed to sever this link they’ve created.
Law noticed the gears in your brain turning and he quickly spoke up.
“ Y/N.. if you go I want to come with you.”
Your head snapped to him and your eyes widened, “ You want to come with me?”.
He nodded and you struggled for words. Why would he come with you? Could he be plotting with the Strawhats so you’re never fully out of reach—
“ I want to continue exploring your world.. and I Don’t honestly think I can live life without you anymore.”
The solemn energy had dissipated, both of your hearts were racing, waiting for the other to say something even more embrassing.
“ I-I don’t know what to say. I would love for you to come back with me but… you have a life here. You were born here, I’m a completely different case. Not to mention law, your crew.”
“ I would still come back. I just want to be with you.. as much as I can. Can we move the conversation to you either saying yes or no?”
Law was so embarrassed by the words coming out of his mouth. He was begging for your answer at this point, he didn’t want too much flying out of his silly little mouth without knowing how you felt.
You bit your lip. Law coming home with you? Being with you. He wants to be with you? You could hear your heart in your ears as you finally decided to answer him.
“ No.”
“ Great we can- No? Oh..”
A giggle made it’s way out of your lip and you latched onto his jaw and pulled him in for a kiss.
The eyes watching you from behind all widened and a collective gasp was heard by their captain and you. The two of you pulled away and Law angrily told them off as his entire face turned stark red.
After he was sure there was no more peaking he pulled you closer and you both continued to stare at the stars.
“ Would you sleep in my room…”
“ If you’d let me.”
“ Okay.”
“ Tomorrow?”
“ Yes.”
Night turned to day and Luffy was getting ready for Wano packing his stretchy limbs into armor. As much as he was joking and playing like usual you not being around made everything less funny.
“ Robin, Did you find Y/N !”
“ Y/N is with Trafalgar, we’ll see her tonight.”
He sucked his teeth and the crew gave one another looks.
“ Where are they?”
“ I’m not too sure, the book never mentions the heart pirates exact locations.”
He groaned and threw himself to the ground. He didn’t want to be nice to Trafalgar anymore, he wanted to play games with Y/N and cuddle her like he used to.
He thought that after all they did for you, you’d come to your sense and just have fun with him everyday. You were a priority in his life just as the rest of his crew mates and he thought he pushed far enough with you.
With every other crew member that he has he never needed to do too much to get them to join his crew. Why did you have to be so different? It’s not that he hates how you are, you being so different is what made him so attracted to you.
Everyone else knew how oblivious the boy was to his own feelings, seeing his mind overload itself trying to understand why exactly he’s so upset right now.
Luffy didn’t want to say it himself, deep down he knew the emotions he felt for you different then the feelings for his crew mates. He slapped his hand on his face to cover the redness on his cheeks.
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🏷️: @chaichaiiskai @mizzhellsingsstuff @herwritingartcowboy @axulaphie @toshirolovebot @futmblr @rhicambo @marim0cha @sasukeswife3 @mitskikinnie100 @alaurannara @angstylittleb1tch
A/N: thank you for an overwhelming 400 followers <3 I’m still shocked that all of you like this series, and the amount of new people who come everyday makes me so happy. We’re obviously nearing the end but I hope with my next series you’ll support me further 🪄
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andsjun · 9 months
omg what do u think abt e2l reader x gyuvin likeee the big amount of sexual tension and all one day it just snaps 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
i looove ur works btw xppp
(Omg I love ur works too) you made me think about mean gyuvin 🫶🏻
warning: mean!gyuvin, degradation kink, manhandling.
So your parents are friends and you had to tolerate him for years, you passed all your childhood fighting with him and it didn’t change a lot during the beginning of middle school. After some years you see him again and he looks so damn hot now (puberty hit him so good) but you don’t want to accept that because he’s annoying, he still enjoys pressing you against the wall to see "how much you can endure" because he knows that he is now much bigger than you and that the chances of you escaping are smaller. But something changed, you changed. it doesn’t bother you anymore you feel hot when he grabs your face to squeeze it, how his hands are so big that only one is enough to hold both of your wrists and make you stay still. And only makes you feel even more flustered, because you know he hates you so you have to hate him too.
You don’t know the true actually, how gyuvin loves touching you and feeling he has the power, dreaming to manhandle you to his bed and make you his fuck doll. Making you cry and shake due to pleasure.
Unexpectedly (we know that's not true) his dream comes true in the most satisfactory way possible. Both of you are in gyuvin’s house, your parents seem to have a great time playing some board games while you are stuck in gyuvin’s room because you mom said so, you are using your cellphone in a way to avoid gyuvin’s smirk because he is definitely planning something.
“Who is Taesan and why he is so corny” he said as he snatched the phone from your hands, reading your conversation “I wanna throw up”
“Why do you even care! Stop bothering!” You said as you tried to get back your phone, jumping to reach his hand.
“Looking trough it I just know you are a dumb little virgin. All he wants is to fuck you hard, get over him”
Suddenly, something turned on in your brain. A way to make him feel just as weird as you were feeling around him these days.
“Why you so interested? Perhaps you are the one who is desperate to fuck me?” you asked
Gyuvins eyes turned darker as he got closer to you, grabbing the back of you head and pulling your hair “you sure you wanna hear the answer babe?” A little scared you decided you nod, to late to regret “I wanna rail you so bad that the only thing you will remember will be my name”
Gyuvin starts moving his mouth against yours, bitting your lip to make you open you mouth and inserting his tongue, you are kinda lost in the feeling, on how Gyuvin forces your mouth to be open, pushing his tongue and tasting all your mouth. Pushing his knee to your cunt and feeling you wetness.
“Wow, you are just a little whore who was willing to be fucked. Look how wet you are, you even got my knee wet, how cute” he smirks, one hand on your jaw and he is forcing you to look down, showing the mess you made in your underwear and still pressing his knee against your core.
“Gyuv, please…”
“Please what” chuckles “use your words bitch, or you won’t get anything at all”
“Please, please, please, fuck me” you begged, moving your hips against his knee.
“Good girls get what they want, I hope you are prepared” he answered, manhandling you to be in his bed. Ass up and face being pushed to the pillows.
Is hard to keep quiet because of how harsh gyuvin is being with you, pushing his dick really fast, his tip reaching your cervix. Making you cum more than one time only with his dick.
Now you two get along and of course enjoy when your parents hang out and you are able to be alone in his room.
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linawritestwst · 2 years
Could you write about Rollo, left with all the unforgettable memories and peculiar feelings after y/n went back to NRC, in the City of Flower, just to realize that he was going through lovesickness? For what he decided to do after then, I’ll leave it to you 🥺. As long as yandere is not used, it’s all okay for me. Thank you for reading this (even if it’s accepted or not)! And thank you a million times if this is written 💖.
P/s: This is the first time I requested for writings, so if there’s anything that is at fault, please forgive me 🙇🏻‍♀️.
rollo missing you after you go back to nrc headcanons (gn!reader)
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don't worry, your request is so cute, i had so much fun writing it! i even got a bit emotional while writing it, haha ;w;
and yes, you can see my headcanons for the nbc students' personalities here, haha-
♡ rollo didn't expect it himself, however, he really did get attached to you, even though you didn't spend that much time together. but maybe it wasn't that unpredictable, at first he got interested in you because you were the only magicless person here, so naturally he liked you more than all other students. he also felt bad for you, when he heard about your situation, he's sorry that all those magicians were still not able to help you go back to your world. how can they be so irresponsible? it's almost like they don't care about you at all.. however, as he got to know more about you and what kind of person you are, you being a "normal" human became just one of the many things he liked about you. 
♡ sadly, even though he really wanted to talk to you more, he was still busy with this whole event and he had to check on other students as well. and it's not like he could just forget about that plan of his.. ah, speaking of that, when you told rollo that you think magic is not as bad as he thinks, that.. that was really painful for him. he thought that you were better than this, he thought that you will definitely agree with him! but then he tried to come up with an explanation for your behavior. maybe you just got manipulated by other nrc students? yes, that must be it, you're just an innocent victim, you have no idea what's wrong and what's right! and that made rollo want to protect you even more. 
♡ rollo is surprised that you still don't hate him after everything that he has done. don't you think he deserves to be punished for his actions? he tried to take away everyone's powers and some of those students were.. uh, people who you call your friends. yes he still thinks that all magic users have bad intentions. be patient with him, he needs some time  so you say to him that after everything you had to deal with because of nrc students, you just got used to this kind of stuff. you even laugh and say that you have to admit, rollo managed to impress you a little. you probably shouldn't act like this, after all, this is a very bad situation and if others weren't able to beat rollo, many people would lose their magic forever. but hey, you have to cope with it somehow. rollo can't understand your logic at all, but.. to be honest, he's relieved that you don't hate him. 
♡ when you have to leave, rollo tries really hard not to show it, but he doesn't want to let you go. he doesn't know why he feels like this and he's not sure if he wants to know. he thinks that it's simply because, again, you are magicless, so he's gonna miss being able to talk to someone who's not a magic user, especially someone this kind and smart and- okay, he's getting those weird thoughts again. and he knows it probably sounds stupid, but he feels like you don't want to leave him? it took some time for you to let go of rollo's hand when you said goodbye and you kept looking at him while preparing to leave with others. maybe it's just you being polite or something like that, but for some reason rollo really hopes that it's something more than that.
♡ after you left, everything became so.. boring? no, not really boring, but it's like.. when you were here, rollo even felt kind of excited for the first time in many years. and you actually noticed that as well, because when he was talking to you, he looked like he genuinely wanted to know your opinion and your thoughts, he wanted to understand you better and he listened carefully to every word you said. you even thought it was cute, haha. but you're not here anymore and yeah, rollo feels a bit lonely now. he writes about his feelings in his diary and he hopes that no one will ever read it, because if they find out about what he's going through.. that's gonna be embarrassing. other nbc students can notice him acting weird too, he's much more forgetful now and he always looks like there's something on his mind and he can't focus on anything. they even start to worry about him and they make sure their student council president is taking care of himself.
♡ rollo still can't understand why exactly he's feeling like this and it bothers him a lot. he's such a smart and intelligent person, he always gets the best grades and he's the pride of noble bell college, he's supposed to know something like this, right? but maybe he's just a more "logical" type of person and he doesn't know much about emotions. he probably should ask someone for help, but he doesn't want to admit that he's feeling this way because of you. what would other students think? he eventually decides to mention it while talking to his assistant and his vice president, since they are the people who he trusts the most. their reactions? "um, how should i put this.. maybe you've actually got feelings-" "yeah, you're totally in love with them." 
♡ so yeah, this guy just found out that he has a crush on you and he misses you exactly because of that. he hates to admit that everything is making so much sense now, he has no idea why he realized it just now. he really doesn't know anything about feelings, romance and stuff like that.. so now he's being teased by his fellow student council members and he also has to decide what he should do with these feelings. maybe he will forget about it eventually- okay, no, he won't. he thinks about you literally every day, he remembers every single conversation you two had and he's very worried about you, he hopes that nrc students are not causing too much trouble right now. and what if he's the only one who feels this way? what if you actually don't care about him at all and you've already forgot about him? thinking about it brings him so much pain, but he has to accept it. he should just move on and focus on his duties, he doesn't have any time for romance anyway.
♡ rollo thought about contacting you in some way, but he gave up every time he tried to do it. and whenever other student council members asked him about it, he just said that he's too busy, even though the true reason was him being too shy. come on, how is he supposed to talk to you after those events?? "hey, i'm that guy who tried to steal everyone's magic, remember me? yeah, wanna go on a date?" no, he's not gonna do that. so he just keeps overworking himself and trying to forget about you, but for some reason he still can't. also is it just him or other nbc students are more busy too these days? maybe it's because of exams or something like that.. that's what he thought, but then one day, his vice president and assistant ran to him, looking excited, like they had something important to tell him. "hey, hey, so we knew that we have to help you because you're obviously in love with y/n, but you're still here, not doing anything about it and-" "we are so sorry, we know that this is sudden, but we sent a letter to y/n and asked them to come to the city of flowers again, if they want and they have time for that! we just thought that you will feel better if you see them again.." "yeah, and it turns out that they would love to visit us! so you better get ready, this is your chance to confess your feelings for them!" 
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crtter · 29 days
When I was around 10 or 11 back in medieval times (2001 / 2002), I discovered online forums and thought they were so much better than chatrooms. Both because my dial-up internet was super slow and I couldn’t really keep up with a conversation in real time but also because, unlike in chatrooms, people didn’t ask you right off the bat if you were a boy or a girl in them. This was a plus to me. You see, even in the cusp of the 21th century, people still were very much on board with the whole “boys and girls are different species” thing and it just so happened that I was only interested in talking about video games, dinosaurs and TV shows about owning monsters with elemental powers and it pissed me off that whenever I identified myself as “a girl”, the conversation would steer away from these very important topics.
Incidentally, I also hated being made to wear dresses, wanted to kill whoever invented training bras and I wished that my parents had given me a less feminine name on a daily basis. Which surely didn’t mean anything. Anyway, I soon learned, to my absolute delight, that not only people in online forums didn’t think it was too weird if you didn’t immediately identify yourself as a boy or a girl, they also just assumed I was a boy because of my interests! This changed the game. I didn’t know why, but being called “he” and referred to as a boy made me feel ecstatic! But I also felt a little guilty. Sure, they didn’t ask if I was a girl, but not telling them after they assumed otherwise would be kind of like lying, right? And lying is wrong, especially if you’re lying to your friends.
But after much consideration I decided that I shouldn’t correct them. Sure, lying was bad, but correcting them would be even worse! Why, they would be SO embarrassed after making such a blunder, I would just be an asshole if I told them I was a girl! I had to think about their feelings! So I just gave myself a fake boy name and proceeded to have an online presence where I was exclusively known as a boy for like a full year until my mom caught me and made me see a therapist. In her defense, though, the cyber crossdressing wasn’t the main reason she sought professional help for me. The main reason was that I kind of believed Digimon were real and was convincing other kids of that as well.
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
So uh... Lesson 18 huh??
I'd just like to say that the juxtaposition of Lesson 18 being all sad and serious with the new event being all ridiculous was both weird and kinda nice? Like I needed that event to cheer me up after Lesson 18 almost made me cry.
Anyway, let's talk about it! Lesson 18 spoilers below!
Okay. I've seen some speculation that perhaps Lesson 20 won't be the end of season one. However, I don't think that's going to happen.
I think they're gonna pull some time travel shenanigans on us again. Or Nightbringer is gonna show up and deus ex machina this mess. Or the solution to everything is for MC to just make a pact with all seven brothers at the same time. Solomon did say that he thought they could do that in a past lesson. And if they do it all at once, it wouldn't take that long? Hmmm.
Anyway, I could speculate all day, but there were some really interesting things that happened in this lesson that I'd rather talk about.
First of all, Diavolo pulling out the Prince Voice on Raphael had me going OHHHHH lol.
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I honestly love Diavolo's different sides. It makes him feel so real, you know?
SPOILERS FOR HARD LESSON 18 (just skip this paragraph in case you haven't gotten to it yet!)
And I feel like that really is even more evident in the hard lesson where he talks to Barbatos about the difference between his head and his heart. And how all he really wants is for the brothers to be happy. Which was so dang sweet. And Barbatos just gives him that whole speech about what a great king he's gonna be. I was like I can't with these two.
Anyway, the fact that Diavolo can just step into this Prince persona and be a leader when he needs to, but then he's just a silly guy when he's not needing to do that is very realistic to me. A lot of people have different versions of themselves that they only show at certain times or to certain people. Gives his character a lot of dimension, in my opinion!
And oh... can we talk about Mammon?
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My precious baby. I wanted to hug him so bad. I wanted him to continue to chew out Raphael. I mean, I know Raph is kinda just the messenger here, but I felt like Mammon was actually saying what everyone was feeling, but was too restrained to say. For some reason, everyone was just kind of letting Diavolo take the lead (and I guess that makes sense, he is the Prince after all and Raphael is basically saying they'll go to war over this). But Mammon was like oh hell no.
I agreed with him entirely. The Celestial Realm can go fuck off. I was NOT expecting this to be about the fact that the brothers have power in the Devildom now. Like are you kidding me? THAT is your big concern? Should've thought about that before you threw them out, GOD.
And when Raphael was like are you questioning Father's word to Lucifer and Luci just kinda got sad looking, I was like YES QUESTION HIM because Lucifer and his brothers deserve better than this bullshit.
It really feels like the Celestial Realm booted them out because the bros did something they didn't like, but now they've realized they made a mistake. So to get them back, they're gonna go down to the Devildom and threaten them.
Are they trying to get us to hate the Celestial Realm? Is that the goal here? I don't, obviously, but I think this was a pretty shitty move considering all that these guys have been through.
when I tell you I was crying... it was Belphie's fault.
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Pretty sure this was the line that made me tear up, but then we get the same sentiment from Beel and Asmo about not leaving Satan behind and I was just like that was MY HEART you guys just shattered.
Now let's talk about Solomon and Barbatos in 18-A, shall we?
Please refer to this collection of screenshots featuring my true love dishing out some real insults.
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WOW. Let him have it, Barb.
I don't know what Solomon did, but I do find this exchange incredibly interesting. Note that Solomon is wearing his human world outfit here. I kind of think human-world-outfit-wearing-Solomon is the imposter. He's the one who talked about the pact with Asmo first, where it didn't fit with his later version of the story. He was also the one who pushed all the brothers into Asmo's tub and therefore also the one who then made a pact with Asmo. He was also the one who commanded Barb to make a portal when he didn't want to and who had the discussion with Nightbringer.
I'm just sayin... maybe he doesn't know why Barb is mad at him 'cause we got more than one Solomon running around...
Buuut I could be completely off base here. We'll see, I guess!
This could all be resolved by the end of Lesson 20, you never know with this game lol.
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musclesandhammering · 6 months
Unpopular Phase 4 & 5 Opinions
Quantumania is the worst Phase 4/5 movie. And it wasn’t even because “kang got beat by ants.” (I liked kang in this movie). It’s just that the Spy Kids aesthetic & bad acting & overall weird vibes just weren’t for me.
Love and Thunder is no worse than Ragnarok. I would argue that it’s better in a lot of ways, actually. I really liked it.
Taika Waititi ruined thor with bad humour all the way back in Ragnarok tbh, but y’all weren’t complaining about it then 😒.
BuckySarah is better than sambucky every day of the week.
The Marvels was a good ass movie & they’re one of my favorite teams in the mcu. I’ll never forgive cbm sites & online dudebros for killing the hype from the moment the film was announced.
I adore America Chavez & Kamala Kahn and I want to see them in everything. They must be protected at all costs.
Multiverse of Madness had shitty characterisation & basically just copy-pasted the ‘grief made me go off the deep end & hurt people, then I realised and stopped myself’ storyline from Wandavision… but Wanda was extremely selfish & apathetic to other people’s suffering from the time she was introduced in the mcu. MoM didn’t make her like that.
Wanda should’ve been looking for Vision (her actual real life boyfriend whom she spent years with irl) in MoM instead of the kids that weren’t even real that she spent like a week using as characters in her sitcom.
Making everyone forget Peter Parker wasn’t profound or poetic in any way- it was just frustrating and needlessly cruel.
I’m begging marvel to understand that heroes don’t have to be in constant suffering to be heroic & villains don’t have to sacrifice themselves to achieve redemption. Let characters heal and atone, you absolute weirdos.
What If…? is the most boring show ever. I’d rather watch Secret Invasion or She-Hulk.
Season 2 of Loki is, in a cinematic & artistic sense, the best marvel project period.
Loki season 1 was meh- more of a fun au than anything because his characterisation kinda sucked. Season 2 fixed it, though, and made it way easier for me to incorporate this version of Loki back into the larger mcu.
Having Steve stay in the past with Peggy was stupid af.
I don’t hate Peggy (or Captain Carter), though. I actually think she’s pretty cool.
I don’t really love Steve. He’s arrogant & they never really let him have flaws & something about him being a perfect metaphor for the American military industrial complex (and marvel painting that as a good thing) doesn’t sit right with me.
The Illuminati got done dirty and the only reason they went down so fast was because Wanda had all that plot armor.
I thought the retcon of having Wanda be “destined” to become the Scarlet Witch since birth was an annoying cop-out. Her powers originating from being experimented on with an infinity stone was way more interesting.
Loki & Wanda have almost the exact same powers.
Nebula deserved a bigger rule in killing Thanos & everything else moving forward.
I love Kathryn Newton but her acting as Cassie Lang was the worst acting I’ve ever seen in the mcu, like it was outrageously bad.
I’m glad Sam is the new Captain America and not Bucky.
The fact that Bucky probably isn’t gonna be one of Thee lead characters in the upcoming avengers movies feels sick and twisted.
Secret Invasion was actually passable until the G’iah scene at the end. That ruined it. And Nick Fury deserved way better for his solo series.
Kang is so much more interesting than Doctor Doom. I really hope they just recast him.
Carol Danvers does NOT deserve the hate she gets.
I actually disliked Carol until The Marvels. That movie made me a stan.
The way people treat Monica as Wanda’s little inferior pet creation or smth & then brag about it is uhh very sus.
I don’t like sylvie (bc she’s an amalgamation of 3 different comic characters- which killed any hopes of them appearing individually in the mcu, the creators used her existence to butcher Loki’s genderfluid rep, & she was written poorly) & I HATE sylki (bc it’s weird & unnecessary).
Marvel isn’t dead. I actually love where they’re taking things. But that’s just me.
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rubykgrant · 29 days
OK, my thoughts about the final season of RVB! If you haven't seen it yet, warning for SPOILERS!
In general, I thought it was alright. The good parts were GOOD, but it felt kind of rushed, and a few things were disappointing. Certain parts I wish had been different, but I'm glad it exists. Watching it with lots of cool people made it fun, and it had a decent enough ending for what it was... though, after so many years, so many characters, just so MUCH of a story, I wish things had been a little MORE. It was a shame it was so short and rushed. I'm still glad the people who worked on it got it done, and we were all able to see it.
So. Actual thoughts on different bits...
I'm somebody who enjoys seasons 15-16-17, so while it will always be real in my heart, if they HAD to do a ret-con, having a spoof with a Retro Convention was VERY funny. Kai would absolutely milk her relation to Grif for some attention. I thought it was weird that Dylan was there, but she was a convention host? I feel like it would have made more sense for her to be one of the people asking questions about where the Reds and Blues went (y'know, like she ACTUALLY DID in 15). Oh well.
Things were very rushed... if this had been a more full season (or, in my perfect world, a story split into 2, so we get 19 and 20 out of it. I'm sorry, it just bugs my brain when something ends on a 9 instead of a 10. that's a ME problem), there could have been more of a Big Reveal about Tucker being the Meta. HOWEVER, since things were very condensed, I can appreciate how amusing it is to have Epsilon info-dump the plot to every body.
I did get a chuckle out of Epsilon being a "recorded prediction program" and not the true AI, and he decided to just be an obnoxious little youtuber. Like, that was so awful, it was AWESOME. It is also something that would have made Alpha Church super ticked off, which is very fitting. Good job Epsilon, 10 out of 10~
I was so happy to see Sheila and Lopez! Mechanical love lives on. It was a bit meh seeing the Reds act like they don't care about Caboose (we've been there, done that), but some of the funny bits that followed and Simmons getting Sarge interested by bribing him with Blue Defeat saved it (listen, these guys have been insisting they hate each other for 2 decades, but they can literally not live without each other. let them just admit they are ALL FRIENDS). Grif ranting was excellent.
No Donut is some major BS! Look, I get it, we stole the spot-light in 16-17, he was the time-god's most specialest pink princess and a harbinger of death, it can be intimidating to include something so powerful after trying to erase all that from existence... but come on. With all the important call-backs and connections 19 made with previous seasons, AND having the ending be in Blood Gulch? DONUT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE AND HE SHOULD HAVE THROWN THE AI UNIT. No, I mean it, imagine the thing gets knocked really far away, maybe from an explosion, and Donut throws it clear across the canyon, because you KNOW he can! This time instead of it being a grenade that kills Tex, she catches the unit, tra-la-la, it all comes together. I'm sorry, Simmons doing the cool sports-ball throw was fun, but... Donut. DONUT!
Alright, moving on. It felt a little awkward that Wash is yet again hurt, and nobody is there with him? Oh wait, Doc is there, except no he isn't. Listen. Listen. I love plural Wash. I also love the idea of him genuinely having an emotional connection with Doc, because it DOES make sense; when Wash kid-napped him, Doc just kept making all his sarcastic little comments the whole time, and it tricked Wash into having real conversations with him. I honestly think that if Doc hadn't been with them, Wash wouldn't have been so open to the idea of finally settling down after his Villain Moment. They also both have a lot in common with AI incidents, and again, Villain Moments. I'm just annoyed that the Pacifist and the Original Bad Boy evidently died. Off screen. Give me back my purple boys. If we need to have Wash Not Be Around for a while, have him and Carolina go off to track down Hargrove or something. Maybe they went to two different locations, and Wash gets back to the others first, so we still get Carolina to the rescue.
Anyway, the plot! There was a lot of funny bits when it came to looking for Tucker, getting into the ship with the "video call security", and Niner being there! Hooray! I am... a little disappointed about WHY and HOW Tucker is a "villain". Obviously, I can't picture him being legit EVIL, but the idea that he's just the physical puppet being controlled by the AI isn't very... good. I understand how it was explained, sure, but still. I know I keep rambling about my own thoughts for alternate scenarios, but I can't help it! I just don't like when Sigma (or Omega) are just plain EVIL, for no reason. They've always been more complicated than that (the Meta wanted to be HUMAN, remember. and Omega even told Epsilon "I'll be here if you need me". they are definitely different kinds of harsh and intense, but they aren't the Murder AI or the Evil AI). I don't like that Tucker is being tortured into doing what they say... a more subtle manipulation, the Fragments not only convincing Tucker but also themselves that they NEED to do all this to get Alpha back, is very intriguing. After Epsilon Deconstructed, the Fragments lost their Memories. They just know they aren't complete. Tucker just knows he wants to talk to his best friend again.
If it needs another push to make it more insidious, I'd buy that Meta suit being a trap to begin with; Hargrove probably had that thing rigged to make it into a trap for anybody that wore it, so they'd have this subliminal inclination to collect all the AI, and kill anybody in their way. Something-something forgetting what your motives are, and only caring about the GOAL. Tucker and the Fragments ALL need to remember who they are and why they want the Alpha; it isn't about being a weapon. If there was more of a fake-out/reveal of Tucker being the Meta, maybe with a false hint of it being Felix with the orange/black colors, a sign that Tucker is still in there would be him getting close to killing everybody... but he backs off each time.
Speaking of killing... Sarge. Oh, Sarge. I will admit that, just from a thematic point of view, yes- it works to have a Sarge death. I don't care for it being Tucker that did it, or that Donut isn't there to share the moment as well. Matt Hullum acted the HECK out of that scene, though. In fact, the whole bit of Sarge running back to save Caboose, and trapping Tucker with a bubble shield, was AWESOME. I didn't want Sarge to die... but he went out wearing his red armor, and told Grif and Simmons he cared about them. It was sad, but it was well done. In my perfect world, we just THINK he died, but then at the end it is revealed he's still alive! How? Well, Doc gave him CPR! Doc isn't dead either, that is integral you see. I'm not sure of Sarge going "Hurgh Bleh" would have been better or WORSE. Well, heck. I wish he wasn't dead, but as much as I hate it, I... didn't totally hate it?
I kind of wish Simmons had more of a break-down over it. I wanna see him lose his temper. OR, he acts so quiet and cold, it is just UNNERVING. Then Grif helps snap him out of it. Let's be real, those two are so co-dependant, it ain't even funny. I appreciate Simmons telling Grif he is officially free to leave, and the conversation of "Come with me" leading to Simmons saying he wants to see this through, and Grif agreeing to come along was good. Simmons has aspired to be an impressive soldier from the beginning, and Grif has just wanted to be DONE. In the end, they meet in the middle.
I may be a sappy Grimmons person, but I can say, as objectively as possible, they should NOT be separated at the end. Grif and Simmons are literally the introduction to the series. They were the first two characters we see, they have been side by side almost CONSTANTLY, they are always bickering but they are also each other's favorite person. I don't even mean in a shippy way, it is just a fact. To have them say good-bye and just leave each other is honestly out of character (we saw that before, remember, in 15; Grif got so guilty about it, Simmons came to the realization that opposites attract, and they finally had to admit they missed each other. it was a WHOLE THING). I think it would have worked if, after telling Grif he's free to leave at the end, Simmons waits minute, then starts following him-
Grif; What are you doing?
Simmons; Coming with you. What the hell else would I do?
And that is that, wherever they do, they're together. Also, Kai shows up and HUGS HER BRO, come on, please!
Now, as a sappy Grimmons person, they should have just gone through with it. It has been more than 20 years. Seriously. We all know it. People who don't even care about the ship know it. Just commit to the freaking bit. Stop being cowards. Let them hold hands, or hug, or gently bump the visor of their helmets together, SOMETHING. Show them taking a walk on the beach together, all lovey-dovey. We deserve some emotional satisfaction after a 2 decade queer-bait slow-burn. JUST DO IT.
Sigh... OK, that is out of my system.
My absolute FAVORITE thing in 19 was Tex. She was so freaking PERFECT. I love Caboose telling the unit a story, his way of bringing her back, because that was how he talked to Epsilon. It was so sweet. When they asked Caboose why he brought her back instead of Church, he told them- "Because I wanted to win". Listen, Caboose LOVES Church, but he knows what is up. It was hilarious to see her go through the teleporter to get her black armor back. I absolutely ADORED her saying she's NOT a "failure" anymore, because she's not just based on the Director's memories of losing his wife, she's also got the memories of the guys who REMEMBER HER KICKING THEIR ASSES. 100 percent, Tex return was the best. Her reuniting with Church was also very sweet... the only thing I would have liked more would be the other Fragments showing up in there, so they can all be together (and Church gives Theta a hug; he doesn't even need his memories yet, he just knows he loves Theta).
I didn't care much for deleting the Fragments at the end, but I get the "reasoning". Like, sure. Fine. In my perfect world, Caboose gives the unit to Carolina, so someday, when they're all "ready to wake up again", she can see her family. Wash taking the fall to alert Carolina was both kinda wonky, but also very funny, and hey- it got her there! Again, I don't know why she wasn't there with Wash from the beginning. Also, just. A few characters being dead, and most of the others splitting up at the end... nah. They all need to live together and be friends and be happy and be OK! Like, come on. They've had a lot of "endings" in this series that were bitter-sweet, or kind of sad. I know life doesn't always have a happily ever after... but just once, give them that.
OH, and ANOTHER THING; if things had been just slightly different, if both the Fragments and Tucker sort of "forgot" who they are, the way to remind Tucker should have been JUNIOR. Heck, maybe Carolina was off finding Tucker's kid, and when they come back Junior gets his dad to remember who he really is... but the suit is still controlling him, forcing him to fight. I just want a happy Tucker family reunion. Give that kid his daddy back. Even if Junior isn't there for the big conflict, he should have shown up at the end, with Tucker promising they won't be separated again.
Well, that sure was a lot! The final season was a lot, in a short amount of time! Again, I wish certain things were different, but I'm happy I could see it. Even after everything, all the good and bad parts, I know that it still isn't "the end". I've got a lot of ideas for stories, and so do many other fans out there. I know people are going to keep sharing their thoughts, creating their art, telling their stories... because a universe without stories? That's just empty space.
Bow-chicka-Bye Now!
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mariamariquinha · 7 months
tear you apart - Dave York x f!reader (one shot)
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Summary: You were his assistant. You had a crush on him. Classic.
Word count: 8.8k
Warnings: Bad words, p in v, unprotected sex, slight mention of abusive coworker (not Dave), possessiveness (from Dave hehe) and alcohol comsuption.
Author’s Note: My mother saw me writing this and she said it was impressive that I was writing in English. That's one of the good sides of being the only one who can speak and understand English in a brazilian household - I can write 8k words of smut about a Pedro Pascal's character.
He isn't even in my list of regulars. But again, since when you guys try to understand me?
Join my taglist! Don’t forget to reblog, comment and like! As always, I would love to know what you’re all thinking! ❤
It wasn’t like he was your boss - in matters of hierarchy, he had more pomp, but he didn't have the power to order you to serve coffee, for example. Unlike the other agents in his ranks, however, Dave York was… likable. He limited himself to almost symbolic instructions or requests - a report, a question about the availability of a meeting room (he didn't like his).
The thing that made him tolerable was simple. Dave York knew how to ask just as much as he knew how to demand.
You mentioned him to your coworkers sometimes and you all would share nothing but a few words about the guy - that he was nice, polite, discreet. With nothing but an old LinkedIn profile, there wasn’t much to see about him. Well, in the meaning of personality.
Dave was attractive. And married.  
That being said, you couldn’t see yourself as the purest of the souls for feeling such a magnetism towards him. You wouldn’t come to some excuse, to say that the looks you sent his way had this uncontrollable intensity because, hey, you would go feral over him. It wasn’t true. If you wanted, if you tried hard enough, Dave would be just someone from work. What gave you some sense of preservation was that you’d never give the first step. What took it away from you was that if he asked, if he suggested, you wouldn’t… be contrary to the idea. But you would say no. 
“Did you hear?” Alessia, a fellow friend, came to your desk with fast steps and a weird eagerness. 
“Hear what?” You raised your head nonchalantly, ready for whatever gossip she had on her because… Well, Alessia never hid her intense interest in whatever off-work situation was happening around the office. 
She eyed your surroundings, surprisingly making sure no one was listening - it seemed so odd that you yourself looked around as well, frowning at the sudden mystery around whatever topic she would bring. 
“You know Dave York, right?” Alessia whispered, body leaning over your desk. 
“... Yes?”
“He’s getting divorced.”
“Shut up!” She shushed you with a scolding, enough to make you tap your mouth shut almost immediately. 
“How do you-Fuck, Alessia, how do you know that?” You asked after composing your discreet tone, not even daring to pretend you weren’t interested in what sounded like a huge lie. 
Dave loved his family, he acted like a girl-dad-family-guy type of man, even if in subtle ways - to not involve any business thing with personal issues. From what you saw, which wasn’t much, he would at least be in a couple therapy. Hell, Dave would fucking try. And given the number of women around the building who gave him intentional glances and flirty lines, you would know by now if he had given up to the ‘temptation’. 
You felt bad for thinking of him like that, like he was a cheater, even if it was common for guys like him. There were other reasons for people to divorce, especially if you’re working on a job that takes so much of your time and-
“... I might’ve been passing by his assistant’s desk and eventually listened to her talking on the phone…”
“Alessia.” You warned. 
“It wasn’t on purpose, I swear! Dave is… Well, he’s nice with us. I wouldn’t snoop through his things, he’s not Dawson or that stupid Mark Russo-”
“Mark Rudolph.”
“Yeah, whatever.” She waved you off. “The point is that she mentioned something about Dave being kinda unstable because of marital crises. Divorce. Her words, not mine.”
All of this sounded so secretive, so intimate; you know Alessia enough to be comforted by the idea of her not spreading the news. She was too curious, but not cruel to prejudice Dave or his assistant. All in all, she would just bring the subject up again in the privacy of your lunch breaks or night outs - nothing more sexy than that. 
“... Oh.”
“That’s all you have? Oh?”
“What do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know, engage! How could you not be surprised by it?”
“I don’t look surprised?”
“You look lost.”
Because you were. During your lifetime, you had your fair share of big news or surprises - an aunt of yours assuming that she was lesbian in her late 50s, your college grades being enough to have a job in the government, finding out that losing your virginity wasn’t that big a deal. The difference was that they were all expectations, things you imagined in a way and turned out to be something else. Well, you could guess that your aunt could have inclinations. Applying for an office job in Governmental Security, in the CIA, was your first option since high school. You had at least 5 friends telling you that sex wasn’t great. 
You couldn’t guess, in your spare time with the senior agents, that Dave York would be divorced. 
“... We shouldn’t be speculating,” You said in a defensive tone, adjusting yourself in your seat and looking back at the computer screen. 
“Don’t act so innocent, yeah? I know you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, so you think you’re always so subtle about the biggest crush you-”
“Shhhhh! Are you out of your fucking mind?!” Your desperate shout came lower than her clear intention to fuzz with your absence of reaction. A hiss, you could say, with your hand slapping her wrist. 
Alessia grinned like the devil itself. 
“Just sayin’,” She raised her hands in defeat, straightening her stance and looking you over with a smirk. “He’s officially on now, baby.” 
“Get the fuck outta here.”
And if you felt your cheeks and neck burn - if you knew that this was because she was kinda right, you blinked a few times and got back to your work. 
“Hold on!”
You’d heard it before you saw whoever the person was - you just held the elevator’s doors with a small ‘oof’ and dizzy feet. Just when you smelled the perfume, when you heard, again, the same voice but with a soft low tone saying a single thanks, you noticed who it was. 
Seeing Dave standing there, both hands on his pockets with a neutral expression, not even giving you a side glance to notice your surprise. You cleared your throat, turned your heated face to the side and watched the doors closing - him staying on one side of the thing, you almost being swallowed by the wall from the other.
You unconsciously passed your hands over your dress. A new one, in a color you liked. You were so fucking nervous, as if the conversation with Alessia made you a criminal of something you shouldn’t be interested about. And, well, you weren’t, you know? It's just… Ugh.
“Seventh floor?” The sudden question made you turn to him with a frown.
“... What?”
“You’re going to the seventh floor?” 
“Oh. Oh, yeah, we… Our department changed to this floor.” No etiquette towards the topic of just saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’. You needed to embarrass yourself. 
Dave smiled in comprehension, then nodded his head. 
“Has it been recently?”
“Three months.”
And you looked at him, when you dared to give him more of a real glance, you noticed that he was still watching your nervous stance with a small pleased grin on his face. You smiled back - not with the same confidence, of course, but that was something at least.
“I’ll take notes from now on.” Dave said after a long elevator ride in silence, right when you were leaving him there alone. You turned around, saw the same grin staring back at you. “That you’re on the seventh floor now.”
It seemed sweet enough, polite for a colleague; you couldn’t help but smile at the amused tone of his voice and his ease into making small talk. 
And even if it was regular, not odd or invasive, you stood there in the corridor, after the doors were closed and the elevator kept going up, up, up… 
You stared at the thing until Alessia came by your side, asking what took you so long. 
For better or worse, you didn't tell Alessia about the little encounter with Dave, or the others that happened over the next few weeks. It wasn't like there was a point A and a point B - he was kind, polite and subtle in his approaches, as you would see him doing with any other colleague. You were conveniently there and the interactions were never awkward in any way. 
The said magnetism was there. Your attraction as well. For that very reason, you kept everything there, in the professional line of things, where the schedule of occupations and spaces on the seventh floor were always more convenient. And until you could gather reliable information, one that didn’t come with too much excitement from Alessia because damn you loved her but she could be really delusional, you decided to keep it cool, on your quiet side of the things, without big hopes or inventful ideas. Or let your imagination flow to-
“Good afternoon?” 
You gasped at the voice, startled by the sudden noise in the middle of such a quiet room, and when you turned around, pencil in hand, you saw Dave standing in the doorway with a small smile on his face. 
“Hi! Erm-” You cleared your throat, blinking a few times. “Hi. Dave. Sorry for that, I was distracted. Wasn’t expecting anyone here… so… soon.”
“Yeah, a meeting of mine ended early and I thought I'd use the free time to check some emails before we start here. Do you mind?” He pointed at one of the empty chairs, not daring to move before you could nod. “Thanks.”
It was unconscious the way you rubbed your hands on the fabric of your dress before going back to the board and writing the topics Joe had asked for - it was as if your palms were suddenly wet with a taut, unexpected sweat. And to be fair, you never really liked Joe's traditional handwriting method; PowerPoints would cut your time on your feet and certainly save you the trouble of writing or erasing the same things over and over to make your handwriting minimally legible, but it would do you some good to keep yourself busy with something while being alone with York. 
It also seemed like the kind of situation that was pretty depressing for your morale. With Dave there, you'd need to limit your curses and defeated mutters to each erase, which revealed itself to be a stressing quest. You would hate to give him the impression that you hated what you were doing even if you did - Dave could be nice, but he wouldn’t stop himself from giving Joe his opinions about your behavior.
And, well, you kind of needed the job. 
All the silence in the room, interrupted now and then by the pen scratching the whiteboard, was only interrupted after a good few minutes, when he decided to speak. 
“Do you-”
Your quickness to turn with visible stress and discomfort had him frowning, then looking down at the way your fingers tightened around the pen. Maybe it just wasn't a good day or the situation itself was always this stressful, but your shoulders were tight and your posture tense. No, that wasn't it. It wasn't Dave or the writing on the board. Meetings involving Joe would always put you on edge - days of prep, practically doing all the work for charts and data, and even information you barely had access to, all to receive other types of demands that left you stuck with too much work.
Dave noticed that. 
“... Do you have news from Eleanor?” Being decent enough for that, he decided to ask this instead, which made you blink a few times, as if waiting for a blow that never came. “I end up getting few updates on how she is doing. I've been pretty busy lately and I couldn't congratulate her. It's a boy, isn't it?”
Oh. Oh, yeah. Eleanor. His assistant, who became a mother recently and was out on maternity leave. That Eleanor. 
“Yes. I think his name is Bryan. Or John. Or Bryan John or John Bryan… I’m not sure.”
“Seems like something she would choose,” He said with an amused smile. “And as much as I want her to take her time, I admit that I miss her around here.”
“Yeah, well, not everyone can replace an assistant.”
“You’re right. Joe is the lucky one to have you, always ready to provide and organized. If he didn't waste your time with such nonsense-”
“I could-Yes, nonsense-I could use some help. Or just take you for me already.” 
The joking tone made you scoff a giggle, hiding your mouth with your hand and averting his gaze. Dave was giggling as well, but with a huge confidence - not tearing his eyes away, measuring your reaction. When you raised your eyes again, he still had that attentive face. 
“I’m sure there’s other great assistants willing to help you.” 
“Well, I haven't found these ones yet. If you ever know where to find them, don’t hesitate to tell me.”
“Of course,” You smiled, not being able to help but feel a little shy at the attention. 
When Joe appeared shortly afterwards, along with the few who would also be present at the meeting, the topic died down, but you got the impression that Dave kept a focused look in your direction for a while longer before getting distracted with work. 
If you're being completely honest, you knew you were the kind of person that other people took time to feel the kind of sexual appreciation for. It took a while, without love at first sight or passionate looks - it was like unveiling a beauty that perhaps wasn't clear at first. Alessia said that you were very modest and inattentive, that people looked at you or that you didn't really notice flirting because people did; you'd rather think that you just occupied yourself with different things and, you know, that's okay. It was a normal enough life within the work you did.
You didn't have a car, despite knowing how to drive a little (with a short list of incidents in your history), so you always took the bus or train or, on difficult days, a taxi or Uber. This, of course, when there were no extraordinary conditions, such as extended working hours because Joe made you stay. That day, you were busy with a lot of documentation that had come to you late. Alessia even offered to give you a ride, but she had a date that night and you knew it would get in the way. 'That’s okay,' you said, and then saw the entire floor empty completely as the hours passed.
When you took an elevator with a defeated sigh, around eight, you thought you would be able to get the difficult day's transport; it was dangerous to walk at that time of night, of course. But then you ended up on the sidewalk of the building, no battery on your phone and not even a sight of a taxi nearby. Fine. Fine. Yeah, totally fine. That was the epitome of your career, of  working with Joe, of… being a fucking ‘good employee’ just so that motherfucker could-
You turned around at the sound of the voice, startled to see Dave parking his car in front of you and leaning over the passenger seat to grab your attention from the desperate swipes you made on your phone. He was smiling politely at you, waiting for a reaction you didn’t give for a few seconds. 
“Hey,” You said with a small smile. “I didn’t know you were working late.”
“Yeah, had some stuff to do,” He shrugged. “Are you waiting for someone?”
“No, I’m just trying to find a ride home. My phone’s off, I can’t call an Uber and there’s no taxis around.”
Dave raised his eyebrows, looking around and nodding a little. 
“You live nearby?” 
“I wouldn’t say nearby, but…”
“I can give you a ride.”
The offer made you blink dumbly at him for a moment, phone in one hand and purse in the other. 
“No, no, I don’t want to bother.” You waved him off with a smile. 
“It's late and it's getting cold. I would hate to leave you here when I can leave you at home,” He argued, still without losing his friendly smile and soft tone. “I'll drop you off.”
You could say 'no', you could insist that a taxi would show up soon or that you could just use his phone to order an Uber, but you knew it would be in vain because Dave was insistent and might get upset if you refused to accept the ride from him. Besides, who were you kidding? It was a ride from Dave York, the guy you were really interested in. What other opportunity would you have to learn more about him, even just a little, outside of work?
“... Okay then,” You conceded with a nod, hearing his ‘attagirl’ while he let you enter his car. Once inside, you put the seatbelt on and kept your purse firmly on your lap to keep your hands busy. “Thank you.”
“It’s okay. What are co-workers if not to help in these difficult times?” And he said it so nonchalantly, using one of his hands to simply touch your knee in a friendly manner before putting it back on the steering wheel, that when you finally noticed the action, you also noticed that you left him hanging on a question about why you were there so late. 
“Joe gave me some paperwork at the end of the day and the deadline was tomorrow,” You said, seeing the way he frowned. 
“Does he always do this? Make you stay alone here until late?”
Well, you didn’t want to complain, it would be unprofessional. But you were so tired, so done with Joe’s shit, that you couldn’t help but say something about it. 
“He’s always saying it’s work.” 
Dave scoffed. 
“This is ridiculous.”
You nodded, eyeing the streets silently. That was the beginning and the end of the conversation, with you just giving basic instructions of where you live. During this time, you noticed a few things inside the car; small things, like the childlike ornament on the inside rearview mirror or the pleasant scent of bergamot or the soft music from the radio station that played almost like a discreet soundtrack. He looked as organized there as he was in the office, without a crumb of food on the inside or a stain on the dashboard. Everything was impeccable.
“You know, that job to be my assistant is still open.” The sudden comment made you turn to him with surprise. Dave was already on the street where you lived and you thought he wouldn’t say anything else, but that made you frown. 
“There’s a big chance that Eleanor will not be back. I’m gonna need someone to help me.” 
“But…” You considered. “I'm sure the agency has a list of more experienced people for you.”
He smiled at that, parking right in front of your building and turning his body to you, one arm hanging on the steering wheel and the other brushing his chin. 
“I think you have enough experience for what I need. And believe me, I’m meticulous when it comes to choosing who I want to work with, and I’ve been watching you for some time.”
“Mm-hm. I always envied Joe for having someone so valuable on his team, I already told you that. And let's face it, as a senior agent, I can give you more benefits and I certainly don't intend to keep you working late into the night.” 
That made you smile a little, shaking your head and eyeing the street ahead with uncertainty. 
“... I need to think about it.” 
“Hey,” He brushed his fingers on your jaw, making you turn your eyes at him again. Get your shit together, woman, for the love of God… “No pressure, yeah? You take your time to consider. And if you’re afraid of how Joe might react, I’ll deal with him.”
“Tell me your decision when you feel like it,” Dave leaned in, disconnecting your seatbelt and brushing his hand on your shoulder, then opened your door. “I would be happy to work with you anyhow.” 
“Okay,” You repeated yourself, nodding and getting out of the car. “Thanks for the ride, Dave. And for the opportunity.”
“Anything, honey. Good night.”
He sped down the street and you stood for a long time on the sidewalk outside your building thinking about a few things: you should take your charger to work, Joe was an asshole, Dave York gave you a ride (his car smelled really good, like him), he had been paying attention to you and… God, he called you 'honey'?
Yeah, definitely get your shit together. 
It was like having one foot outside. In the morning, all it took was for Joe to send you an email saying that you should pick up his suits from the dry cleaners and, as soon as you arrived at work (without the suits), you went to the ninth floor and, effectively, to Dave's office.
He had the same charming smile he always had when you said you accepted the job.
It was a curiously peaceful transfer, most likely due to the bureaucratic situation between Dave, a higher caliber agent, and Joe. Dave's room was much larger, with large windows and good lighting, and everything seemed much more comfortable. You felt impressed and wanted to impress.
Eleanor told you everything, but curiously she didn't know how Dave liked his coffee or his favorite restaurant for lunch. She mentioned that he never asked her that kind of thing, and when you mentioned it to Alessia, she said that maybe that was why people liked him there (apart from, as she herself mentioned, 'his nice, toned ass in stockings age').
As soon as you started, he had a two-week trip to Brussels. This gave you time to get used to his routine, with calendars and schedules, even with who he preferred to talk to or who should leave messages on your desk. All the effort (that you convinced yourself that came from a place of pure professionalism) had some return when he arrived that morning, after the trip, with a smile on his face and his casual blue suit, Dave had two cups of coffee on his hand, accompanied by a small paper bag from Starbucks. 
“I unfortunately didn't have time to bring the champagne,” He teased, handing you a cup and the bag. “Latte and cinnamon roll, right?” 
“How did you-”
Hah. Of course. That would explain why she sent you a million morning texts telling you she would be the one bringing you coffee. 
“That's very kind of you,” You said with a smile. “But it's a shame I don't know yet which coffee you like.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Dave reassured, walking in the direction of his office and observing you from head to toe. “That's not the first thing I value in an assistant like you.” 
Like you. Of course you didn’t know what it meant, but you tried not to read into it. Either way, you smiled a little while sipping on your coffee and eating the cinnamon roll, touched by the considerate act. 
It would always be a cliché for the boss and the secretary to have such a passionate and fiery affair. At the CIA, there were very strict rules about this type of behavior, but they didn't have the same weight as not being able to tell government secrets or being one of those retired guys who went on TV documentaries to talk about how aliens existed. The break rooms were full of true stories of similar cases, just like an everyday convenience, so it was normal when, over time, people started to speculate or make jokes about your relationship with Dave.
At first, you just denied it with a smile. Little by little, everyone started to believe, because ethically speaking, Dave never showed any signs of giving you some kind of special treatment compared to anyone there. The curious thing was that, as people let the speculation cool, you noticed some kind of tension between the two of you.
After the first month, he started to have subtle touches on some part of your body: fingers that brushed your back when you two took the elevator together and he told you to go first, or touches of his fingertips as he asked about the color of your nails. Sometimes, unconsciously, he would stay close enough while showing something on your computer and then, before leaving, he would give your shoulder a brief squeeze before leaving.
Between the second and fourth, more or less, the stares began. At first you thought he was just staring into space in contemplation or reasoning, with you conveniently there in his eyesight, but then it seemed more like a deliberate action. You felt him watching and the next thing you knew, Dave was smiling like nothing had happened before going back to work.
From the fifth to the sixth, he started bringing you small gifts from trips he took. From Canada, a pair of winter socks; from Malta, a ceramic set of espresso cups; from Spain, a Manila shawl. They progressed from small considerations for your services to finally 'I remembered you when I saw this' and 'I thought it would go with your kitchen'. He gave you rides, paid for your lunch, complimented your hair or your nails or your skirt or your shoes and sometimes he just kept staring, as if paying attention to something.
Dave, that same man who you labored a regular interest in, wore the same tailored clothes, the ones that accentuated his body, revealing potentially strong thighs and a perfect physical structure for someone his age. At that point, though, being so close, you knew he bit pen caps when he was focused, ran his hands through his hair when he was tense, and always left two buttons on his shirt open after the last meeting of the day was over. His hands were an interesting counterpoint, steady and reflective of manual labor, even though he was always impeccable.
That all meant you were noticing each other. 
Deep down, in fact, you just had the impression that he was naturally inclined to know everything from a person who would be so close to his routine, his professional environment and his life as a whole, and therefore, he would always know everything about you unconsciously while you would only know what he wanted you to know. 
“Oh, what’s the special occasion?” 
The question caught you by surprise, enough to make you gasp. Dave was entering his office nonchalantly, looking at you with an amused frown. You were just putting some paperwork on his desk when he came back from a meeting. 
“... What?”
“Your dress. I’ve never seen you wear this one before,” He pointed out. “And it’s way too cool for the environment.” 
Oh yeah, the dress. The dress you were almost dying for him to notice, but you didn’t get so lucky because of how busy his morning was - enough for not being able to see him until that exact moment, after lunch time. The dress you chose carefully at a shopping trip with Alessia, one she approved, one that was new. It was an earthy shade of brown, kind of satiny and fitted to your body almost like a glove. It wasn't really a dress, it was a discrete set - the tighter shirt had a few buttons and the skirt complemented it, as it was the same color, in a harmonious way. Well, those were things Alessia had told you. In a way, you agreed. You felt good in the morning when you wore it and you were feeling good (in a different way) about the fact that Dave paid attention; finally paid attention. 
“I hope I'm not straying from dress protocol,” You said, trying to sound funny or collected about his comment. He smiled, walking closer. 
“Wouldn’t say you did it,” Dave stood two steps away, both hands inside his pockets while, without any shame, looking at the extent of your body. “You are quite distracting, but I don’t think you can help it. Wearing this or not, you’re a pretty woman who happens to wear pretty clothes.” 
You blinked at him a few times, taking notes on the way he said it so casually, without a single tone of flirting, then turned around his desk to go through his day. 
“So? Any special occasion?” He pressed calmly, focusing on the papers in front of him. 
“... No! No, I mean… I’ll go for a few drinks with some friends from work. Alessia, some other assistants… Happy hour.” 
“Oh,” Unimpressed. “Seems like you’ll have a lotta fun tonight then.”
“Joe will be there too.”
With your time working together with Dave, you began to expose small aggressions and positions that Joe used to have. It wasn't anything serious, it was even 'normal', like comments that came very close to inappropriate and absurd during working hours. In the beginning, you mentioned things he did to others, things that Dave had often witnessed. When you told him about yourself, about what Joe directed at you, about the calls for drinks and rides that you always politely declined, Dave even apologized if he was being invasive. You said no. After that, he got weird when he heard about the guy. 
Mentioning this to him made you watch that same reaction. He raised his eyes at you with a big scowl, papers forgotten and a stern expression on his face. 
“Will he.” Dave said in an emotionless tone, as if making sure you said it right. 
“Yeah, some agents will, in fact,” You nodded. “You could come by too if you want to. I know it’s not your kind of thing, but maybe, I don’t know, you could decompress a little?”
The offer was left hanging in the air for quite some time, with him staring at you without a reaction. You waited for a decline, really, because Dave wasn’t one of going out with coworkers just because. But then, all of the sudden, his face relaxed, he smiled and became a whole different person in a matter of seconds. 
“‘Would love to, honey. Just don’t want to interrupt your complainings about the bosses ‘round here,” He teased, going back to the papers once again, being all playful. 
“We’ll be careful to keep it away from your ears,” The answer made him giggle. 
“Just tell me when and where, yeah?”
“I will.”
You left his room satisfied, even if not so hopeful that he would really appear at that get-together. Perhaps, and that could be a fair statement, obnoxious of how Dave’s face fell into that same ugly scowl with the reminder of Joe’s presence still surrounding your social life - or your life, in general. 
“What are you looking at?” Alessia asked, pushing a drink in your hand and following your eyesight at the door. You just averted your gaze, sipping in a way too strong cup of gin and vodka. 
“It must be something. Should we be waiting for someone else?”
Dammit, why did this woman know you so well?
“... I just…” You looked around, making sure none of your coworkers would hear you two. “I invited Dave.”
“Shut up!” Preventing the storm of words coming out of her mouth, you shushed her off, giving another wary look around the bar. “I offered. Nothing more than that.”
“And I assume he said yes?!”
“He did.”
“Oh,” She raised her eyebrows. “Bold of you.”
“Yeah, I can see it.”
“No, seriously. That’s the most brave thing you did since that dude from IT.” 
“Really?” You made a face at her. 
“Just sayin’, baby, sorry. But let’s hope he comes by, give us some good talk instead of this… whatever this is with Joe and his guys.” 
Over her shoulder, exactly where she pointed out, you saw Joe sharing some of those suspicious laughs with some other fellow agents, obviously saying something that your colleagues couldn’t find funny in the slightest. You sipped on your drink again, raising an eyebrow at her and shrugging. 
“Let’s hope.”
It was a long night, even if it was fun despite the company. You moderated your alcohol intake, laughed with your friends, knew how to dismiss Joe's mean or typically provocative comments. He behaved, somehow, at least for what anyone could expect from him, and the problem was just that his whole personality was just annoying. By the end of the encounter, later on, with people disappearing and any sign that Dave might appear had already vanished, you decided to call it a night, phone in hand, ordering an Uber for you and Alessia. 
Chilly night, peaceful street - not a lot of cars available, which didn’t bother your friend, who leaned against the brick wall on the sidewalk, lighting a cigarette and staring at the sky during what seemed like a really good drunk state. You kept an eye on her from time to time, splitting your attention between her and the phone screen, sometimes seeing those drunk eyes looking at people passing by or just wandering around. 
You turned your back for a second, anxious at the possibility of finally getting a car and-
It wasn’t aggressive, nor harsh, but you jumped at the possibility of drunk-Alessia interacting with anyone by any means. When you snapped your head in her direction again, ready to start a fight or anything that she could throw your way, you saw that it wasn’t the case - that she was smiling at the sight of the person approaching. 
“You’re, like, really late” She said to Dave, narrowing her eyes to see the time on her wrist watch and then waving it in front of his face. 
“Got stuck with work, sorry,” He smiled apologetically, turning to you. “Last minute problem.”
“Is everything okay?” You asked, mind already working on what you could’ve forgotten to do before leaving to the bar. 
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry,” Dave waved you off. “I take it the night went well?”
“Except for that stupid Joe talking a lot of shit, it was good,” Alessia intervened, voice full of venom while blowing the smoke of her cigarette in the night air. “That bitch can’t shut the fuck up…”
“I think we’ve got the point, Alessia, thank you,” You scolded her, taking a few steps closer to make sure she was listening to you properly. She tsked, face turning to the side while she started to get distracted again. 
That just made you huff, shaking your head while going back to your phone to find the damn Uber. 
“No luck?” Dave asked. 
“No, this just-” You raised your eyes in time to see him really closer, looking curiously at you and the phone screen. That made you stop in your tracks, clearing your throat before speaking again. “I’m not really lucky with this stuff, maybe.”
“Huh,” He grinned, looking around for a second. “I was hoping I could come by, but since your night ended early, I can give you two a ride.”
“That’s not really necess-”
“It is!” Alessia cheerfully said from behind Dave, raising both hands in the air. “My feet are killing me, baby…”
That made you roll your eyes.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” You said. “Really, Dave, you can have your drink, enjoy the night. We’ll find a ride to go back home.”
“I insist,” He pressed, one of his hands carefully placed on your right arm. “And anyway, I was planning on enjoying the night with good company. The only difference is that you’ll be in my car.” 
Hah. How charming… You couldn’t help but smile at his statement, seeing from your peripheral that Alessia was smirking and making pouty kissy lips in your direction. 
“... If you say so.”
“Yeah, he said so, can we go now?” The way your friend throwed the comment at you two made Dave grin grow wider. 
“C’mon, ladies.”
He helped Alessia to sit properly on his back seat, even opened the door for you to sit at the passenger side. Took Alessia ten or fifteen seconds to pass out, sleeping soundly in a very embarrassing way. All the while, you sat there quiet, talking now and again to give directions to where your friend lived; Dave drove peacefully, right hand on the steering wheel while his left elbow was propped up on his open window, head tilted to the side. 
You couldn’t help but pay attention, like any other moment you two were in the same room. He seemed tired, stern - work clothes still on, mind probably going somewhere else. 
“You should start charging me, you know?” You decided to make small talk right after you two left Alessia at her place. 
“Mm?” Dave hummed absently, not taking his eyes off the street. 
“For these rides.”
He raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement, smiling a little. 
“Should I?”
“Any other person with common sense would.”
For a moment, all he did was huff, but when you two stopped at a red light, Dave leaned comfortably on his seat and looked at you. 
“You should know by now that I don’t play by common sense.” 
“... No?” You frowned. 
“Nn-nn. There’s a lot I prevent myself from doing that could have something to do with common sense.” 
“I don’t believe you.”
“Why not?” The traffic light changed and he started driving again, but now more attentive to what you were saying, almost amused by the way his face was softer. 
“You’re the perfect example of someone who plays by common sense. Polite, well dressed, family man…” The last word made you hiss internally. 
“Mm.” He didn’t seem affected by your words, by the slight mention of his family, because that was one of the things you two never talked about. Still, you could punch yourself in the face for that. 
“I mean, the usual.”
“Makes sense.”
“But everyone has things that don't have to do with socially acceptable stuff,” It carried an intensity, the way he said it, one that made you shift in your seat and burn your cheeks. 
You brushed your fingers on the fabric of your skirt, averted your gaze from him to watch the street. Deciding against your better judgment, or just being a coward, you didn’t elaborate. 
“Joe behaved?” He asked after a beat of silence, changing the subject. 
“On his own terms, yes.”
“‘Would hate to have another talk about his approach with my assistant.” 
My assistant. Why did that sound slightly… No, no. Get your fucking shit together.
“You two… talked?” You asked with curiosity, clearly a little confused by such information. He clearly didn’t need to do that. 
“Did I do it wrong?”
“I just don’t want to bring you any problems.”
“You’re not,” Dave reassured you, shaking his head. “You’re my friend, aren’t you? I like to be sure my friend has anything they need if I can help.” 
Yeah, friend would be… Yeah. Friend. Huh. Friend. 
“Fair point.”
“I know,” He smiled. 
The rest of the ride went on in silence, but you couldn't tell for sure if you were comfortable or anxious or confused. Or all at the same time. It was like you felt bad for even trying to read beyond kindness, like an obsessed teenager interpreting signs that weren't there. Maybe he just thought that Joe's presence still hovering around him could interfere with the quality of his work and, therefore, he just made sure he stayed away. It made sense.
When you arrived at your house, it took you a while to get out of the car, with a strange delay. It was clear that you wanted to enjoy that almost intimate and private time with Dave, to be close, to talk about what the two of you could have talked about at the bar if he hadn't been busy with work. You wanted to continue feeling the electricity of being close, of attraction, of hearing his voice for longer, his laugh, his mannerisms. 
“I have beer,” You said bluntly. “If you want to, you know.”
He stared at you for a moment, measuring your face and lightly licking his bottom lip, then using his thumb to brush his chin - that regular tick he had. 
“It’s late.” He said.
“... I know, sorry, I-”
“But beer sounds good.” 
At the same time as you felt relieved, you felt a feeling in the pit of your stomach of anticipation. You smiled, got out of the car and clenched your fists when you heard him do the same behind you, followed by his footsteps on the asphalt until you realized that you should start walking to your door. Dave followed silently, keeping a respectful distance but curiously watching you the entire time you invited him in. 
He didn't look around your living room when you turned on the light, nor at the place where you left your bag and keys - Dave looked at you, at what you were doing, in a look that seemed to penetrate your insides. You made a comment about him not noticing the mess and he just shook his head. You started walking to the kitchen, asked him to follow you and he did, stopping next to the counter and, again, burning your back as he stared at you, taking the beers from the fridge. 
It was safer to sit at the kitchen table, so you did. Only then, when you started making comments about what was talked about in the bar hours before, about how fun it was, did Dave re-engage in the conversation, losing all his silent and observant posture for a more conversational one. You managed to relax more, but your body felt the way his eyes went from your eyes to your mouth as you spoke, or to your throat as you took a sip of beer. And you could certainly never catch him making any of these observations, because they were quick, subtle, almost hallucinogenic, as if you were imagining it. 
At some point during that conversation, when it was actually much later in the night, you were wearing no heels, he was wearing just one more button undone on his shirt and the two of you became more comfortable on the couch, extending what seemed like the first conversation you were having in months. It could be the buzz of the beer or the tiredness, but you started to notice more closely the same things he might have been noticing about you: the little skin that showed at the opening of his shirt, the fabric of his pants pressing against his half-open thighs, the mouth touching the bottle spout. 
You didn't even pay attention to whether you were being discreet about it or not.
“It surprises me,” He said casually, pulling you out of your trance. 
“What?” You asked. 
“No boyfriend or girlfriend on the line for you?”
“No… I think I’m always busy enough for that.”
“I can give you some days off if you need,” He joked, which made you two giggle a little. “But really, I’m impressed there isn’t no one in the game for you.”
The words were out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“There actually is someone.”
Dave raised his eyebrows.
“But it’s more like a platonic thing.”
“So a friend from work?”
Don’t answer that. Lie.
“Do I know him?”
He nodded his head, contemplating your answer carefully without taking his eyes off you. There was a pregnant pause, with you both just looking at each other without saying anything. 
He was the one who approached first. 
It wasn't something blatant, like grabbing a person out of nowhere, but it felt more like a probe, as if he was testing the waters before moving forward. You let him, because you knew it was incredibly sensual to see him take such small, subtle steps towards the end of all your doubts. He just adjusted his position and sat a little closer, placing one arm stretched across the back of the couch, his fingers almost touching your shoulder but not enough. 
“So I am your will outside of common sense?” Dave asked in a low voice, head tilted to the side while he brought the same fingers close to the collar of your shirt, brushing the fabric calmly without losing eye contact. You swallowed hard, feeling a heat between your legs and the most irregular beating of your heart.
“... Mm-hm.” 
“I see…” He hummed, moving his hand closer to your face, the tip of his fingers now grazing the skin of your neck, up to your jaw, cheek, the bridge of your nose and then the cupid bow of your lips.  
That wandering tip of his finger booped the tip of your nose lightly, almost playfully, with a smile growing on his face at your lack of answer. 
“I've always admired your facility with words, dear. Why are you suddenly so quiet with me?” 
You blinked a few times at the call out. 
“What do you want me to say?” 
“That you want me, for starters. At least just as much as I want you.” 
“How can I say that if I don’t know how much you want me?” It was your turn to be the smartass, but he liked it, biting his bottom lip. 
“There we go, there’s my good girl back…” Dave leaned in even more, breath touching the corner of your mouth. “You’ll have to earn this info, baby. That’s how it works. Wanna know how to do it?”
You nodded. 
“Words.” He used a stern tone, eye to eye. 
“Yes,” Was your answer, one that came out breathly from the proximity. 
“You’ll take your clothes off, then you’ll bounce on my cock like I know you dreamed of doing. I’m sure you’re already wet, I can fucking feel it. And you’re always so efficient, I know you can do it effortlessly.” 
Dave had a commanding presence, a calm but stern way of ordering. He walked away, smiling like a rascal when he saw you try to follow the heat of his mouth with a pathetic movement of your head, and sat comfortably on the sofa, legs open and both hands resting on his thighs. You would find it ridiculous if it were anyone else, but it was Dave, so you unconsciously started to go for the buttons of your shirt.
“Get up,” He interrupted your movements. “‘Want you to put on a show for me.” 
And damn, you did it. You got up, wobbling a little from arousal, standing in front of his spread legs and getting even more hot with his lustful gaze. Tentatively, you unzipped your skirt and moved your hips so it fell to your feet. As soon as you opened each button on your shirt, he lifted your hips a little off the couch, taking one of his hands to adjust his hard on. It was a scene you certainly wouldn't forget.
“Nah,” Dave raised a single finger before you could open your bra. “Changed my mind. Sit here.”
Again, you obliged, both hands on his shoulders for support while you straddled his waist. He seemed distracted by your lingerie, looking and analyzing you, running his hand over the straps, then over the transparent fabric that barely covered your nipples, attentive to the care he was directing towards them. When you sighed at the contact, he leaned his head and gave one of them a small kiss through the fabric, making you whimper. 
He was so hard against your covered core, you almost moved your hips for some friction, but before you had the chance, Dave grabbed the sides of your panties, pulling them up and pressing the fabric against your throbbing clit. The motherfucker was playing with you, observing each change in your expression at the teasing. 
“Such a pretty pussy…” There was an amused tone there too when he pulled the panties to the side and brushed his knuckles on that sensitive area. “What’s taking you so long to fuck yourself on me, hon? Go on. Take it off.”
Gaining some ‘decency’, you went to his belt, easily opening his pants and taking in the sight of a big and really hard cock that was melting with pre cum. You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight, of being able to hold it against your palm and pump him a few times. He groaned at the stimulation, as if warning you to go faster, to fucking sit on it, so you obliged again, stretching yourself with his length and moaning at the sensation of being so full. 
“Thaaaat’s it,” Dave gripped your hips firmly, growling. “Get used to it, baby. Stretch that pussy, get used to my cock so you can have it anytime you want.”
“Yeah?” You panted. 
“Mm-hm,” That was all the encouragement you needed to start moving, rolling your hips and going up and down slowly, savoring the moment with him. “Since the first time I saw you looking at me, begging me to fuck you good, I wanted to bend you over that desk and give exactly what you’re asking. Because that’s what you wanted, eh? Wanted me to fuck this pussy?”
“Yes… Fuck, yes…” You closed your eyes at his words, aroused by the discovery that your desire didn’t go unnoticed by him. 
“So do it. Prove to me that this lingerie is for me, not for Joe.”
Dave was frowning in concentration when you blinked at him. The admission seemed coherent, like all the reactions he had about you mentioning Joe started to make sense. Fuck, he was jealous and that was so hot. 
“Jealous?” You smirked, speeding up the movements of your hips against his. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fucking jealous,” He slapped one of your ass cheeks, bringing your face closer with a hand wrapped possessively on the nape of your neck. “Jealous that he got to get you, to talk to me about how hot you were and that you’re not mine. Almost taught him a lesson, almost fucking killed him…”
It could be a reaction of the intensity of the moment, but you thought it was so hot that all you could do was moan. Suddenly, then, you were on your back on the couch, with him sealing your lips in a harsh and wet kiss, pounding inside of you restlessly. 
“All mine, you hear me? You’re mine,” Dave bit your bottom lip harshly, making you taste blood on your tongue, then touched your forehead with his. “Say it.”
“I…” You were close, so close, faster than with any other partner you ever had in your bed before. “I’m yours, Dave… Yours…”
“That’s it, you’re mine. Fucking mine,” He got on his knees, putting your legs up around his hips, going even more deeper while watching him disappearing inside you. “Joe doesn’t get to fuck you like this, I do.”
Taken by the same lust as you, he groaned when he noticed you getting your orgasm with a high moan, wrapping his fingers around your neck for stability while not stopping the movement of his hips. The slap sound of skin on skin made you go crazy, gripping his arms with the sensation of your second orgasm coming in full force. 
He came a lot. Taking deep breaths, you just felt all of his seed inside, but also dripping around your thighs and probably wetting the cushions below you two. All of this, all of the intensity, and Dave was fully dressed. 
“Are you okay?” His voice was soft again, nothing like the savage he’d been minutes before. With the weight of him on top of you, his breath on your neck and his come on your legs, all you could do was nod. “Words.”
The second order made you put your arms around his torso, holding him close. 
“I am, Dave. I am.”
He groaned a little to support himself on his hands, eyeing you from above and taking in your cock drunk expression. 
“You look even more gorgeous like that,” The comment made you smile shyly at him. “Been jerking off for quite some time imagining your face after I fucked you, not I’ll need to do more times so I can’t forget.”
“I’m willing to help.”
“Good,” He smiled, leaning down to kiss you slowly and sensually, probably tasting a little blood from your injured lip. “Because I’ll fucking tear you apart.” 
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