#he offers to go to Avernus with her and protect her
wavebiders · 9 months
The thing that really gets me about Wyll and Karlach is just how their bond is allowed to have the importance in their narratives that it has
I mean, in games like these the cast is always going to be centered around the pc. Sure, the relationships between other companions can be developed through party banter, commentary, or even cinematics, but at the end of the day everyone's most significant relationship is always going to be the player. That's the person who most affects them and where their story is going
With these two, it's not even that Tav isn't vitally important to them both, but it's meeting Karlach that changes Wyll's life one way or another. It's Wyll that's the first person to stick out his neck for Karlach, and sends her reeling. Their bond alone is enough to convince Karlach to go to Avernus and stay alive
It's a very bold choice to risk limiting the player's importance in order to drive home the connection between two characters, and I really appreciate Larian for going there
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secret-smut-sideblog · 7 months
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Ascended Astarion x F! Tav
18+ angst, regret, longing, tenderness, comfort, complicated feelings, self doubt/hatred, dubcon, rawness, needy astarion, fingering (f!), dry humping, pants cumming (m!)
Escaping him again, Tav finds solace and safety in an old friend in Lower City. If only it was that easy to escape the Ascendant's desire...
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
"Oh Gods," She moaned.
Eyes opening, aching from the previous night.
She winced, the tight puncture marks on her neck pulling.
"Oh Gods..." She buried her face into the pillow and let out a frustrated scream.
It hadn't been a dream. She was back in it. The walls of the Elfsong a cruel reminder.
She gave herself a moment to indulge the tempest, beating her fist into the mattress.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
Took a few shaky breaths.
But now she must think.
Too many lines of thought assaulted her.
Why did he drink from her with such need? He was free of the hunger. Why did it seem like he was starving?
Why did he leave her to stay here? He could have taken her away. Compelled her, even. Why had he agreed to go?
Why did he... transform like that? They had shared a bed many times since his Ascension and he had always remained the same. In control. What was that?
She shook her pounding head as the one question, the real question, rose to the top.
Why didn't he kill her?
She had betrayed him to the utmost degree. Depriving him of his consort. Of her.
Wondered if she had gone through with the change, would he have more control over her?
Would he be less obsessive if she was his spawn? His vampiric bride?
Would he scoff at her escape and pull her back to him with ease?
Most definitely.
He always needed control now, and she had given him as little as she could get away with. She could see it gnaw away at him over time. At his cruelest, he would punish her for weeks on end, trying to break her. Submit. But she would never fold.
Her upbringing had warded her spirit to a great deal of pain. She could endure indefinitely, if needed.
She unconsciously traced the thin scars circling her wrist. On rainy days, she could still feel the bite of wire.
Pulling her lower lip in thought.
She could circle the drain of her endless dilemma later. She needed a plan.
Closing her eyes.
She needed to get out of the Elfsong, preferably unseen. And she needed help.
Though she was loathe to pull another of her companions into this, her greatest strength would always be those bonds. His endless pursuit to isolate her had proven that tenfold.
Gods below, if everyone wasn't strewn across Faerun. She needed someone in Baldurs Gate.
If Wyll wasn't with Karlach in Avernus he would be the perfect option. The son of the Duke, in his own castle. His protection would be invaluable.
Think, Tav.
Her eyes opened.
Rushing to the window. Yes, she could just make out the head of the statue.
Suddenly buzzing with adrenaline, she rang for the dumb waiter.
"Ugh, what?"
"It's Tav, tell Alan I'm calling in that favor he offered."
Gripping the cracks of brick in fingertips, threading between the vines holding, she cursed herself. Scaling up the side of the Elfsong in grunts of effort.
Stupid, stupid.
Her anger feeding her strength.
Thank the Gods she had been training herself with Shadowheart or she would be broken on the cobblestones.
She leapt up and got a hold on the lip of the roof. Legs dangling out then pulling in, arcing out and twisting up. Catching her heel on the gutter and rolling with gasping breaths on the morning warmed shingles.
Blinking away the endless sky.
What had Karlach said when she watched her scale an oak tree?
"Gods, soldier. If you were anymore of a daredevil I would've hunted you in Avernus."
Tav laughed quietly to herself, patting her bicep twice. Gotta make her girl proud.
She rose to knees, orienting herself. The high wind whipping her hair as she circled with her eyes.
Yes, she could just see the edge of the roof. It would have to do.
"Please let this work." She whispered to herself. Pulling the scroll of Dimension Door from her waistband.
Standing she felt a shingle wiggle under her foot then slip away. Catching herself she gave it a withering look.
Setting her sights, she took a deep breath.
Shouting the incantation, she felt a great pull from behind her spine, and the air broke around her with a crack.
Only doing this with Gale bracing her in the past, she buckled forward when her body crashed back into the world.
Landing with a loud scrambling thud on the roof of the Elerrathin Manor.
"Mom, there's someone on the house!"
Clean hair damp from her bath and swaddled in fresh clothes, Tav sat curled into a plush corner, taking in Jaheira's surprisingly cozy office. Her bloodstained nightgown being tended to, though she insisted there was no need.
The druid worked quietly at her desk. Tav had stepped in, and she had gestured to her kindly to make herself comfortable. "I'll be just a moment."
"No rush." Tav pulled her legs tucked under her. She felt safe here, no easy feat. Beyond the Selune outpost, she could think of very few places where that was possible.
"There. I'll send this with a raven to our Shadowheart." She folded the letter with sure fingers, handing it to a messenger rat that scampered away in determination.
Tav let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I've been worrying myself sick about leaving her in the dark."
Jaheira turned in her chair, giving Tav her full attention.
"Why are you back, cub?"
The underlying question hanging in the air.
Why did you willingly walk into the vipers den?
She bowed her head in shame. Picking at the edge of her leggings.
"Hubris? Hope?" Shook her head. "Definitely stupidity."
"A need for closure is not stupidity." Jaheira sighed knowingly. "The way you could go about it on the other hand..."
Tav laughed, tired and embarrassed, but safe.
"Gods, I don't know. I dont think people like us get closure. It was a terrible idea, Shadowheart said so herself. I just-" She leaned her head back, closing her eyes. "I don't want to live in fear. I have lived so much of my life under a knife, I want some breathing room for once."
Jaheira nodded. "You deserve peace. And I will do everything in my power to assist in that. I have already sent word to The Guild, The Harper's, and pulled some strings with the Duke. You will be protected from all sides. You can walk through our city freely."
She organized some papers on her desk and stood, offering out a hand. "And, if you'll allow me, I can give you the best protection I can offer. I will ward you from his harm." Winked, hitching her head over to an open letter on the desk, spinning with blue magic. "A little gift from our friend Gale. I sent for him as soon as Rion pulled you off of our roof."
Tav blinked, tears forming. "This is... so much more than I could ever hope for." A hitching sob caught in her throat. "Thank you."
She held her hand out and pressed her palm into hers.
Jaheira spoke, eyes alight, the air swirling with great pulsing light.
Tav could feel the magic infuse into her, unmistakably Gale's. A warm caress washing over, the smell of old books. A brief phantom hand stroking her cheek.
She smiled, the ends of her hair lifting. The last of the magic pulling in circles into her.
Hello, dear. Welcome back.
"Children, there will be more than enough time to bother her in the morning. Let our guest get some rest."
Little legs running circles around her, Tav smiled warmly. "Ah, I don't mind."
"Don't encourage them." Jaheira laughed, looking fondly but sternly at Fig. "Bed now, little guard."
"Aw, alright. But I'm sleeping outside the door!"
"You most certainly are not."
Tav laughed. "I don't know, I'd be a fool to turn down more protection."
Jaheira pressed her palm on Fig's head, leading her away. "And yet, little guardians are in need of their rest. Off with you now. You too, Jhessem."
The small girl that had been peeking behind the corner squeaked and retreated into her bedroom.
"You certainly have your hands full." Tav mused as the hallway emptied. "Are you sure I'm not going to be a burden?"
"Never." Jaheira reached out and squeezed her hand. Hers warm and calloused. "Now you get some rest too." Spoken in that same stern tone she had used with her children, a sparkle of playfulness in her eyes.
"Ah, okay. You've twisted my arm." Tav mock sighed. Giving her hand one grateful weighted squeeze before releasing.
"Enjoy some safety, you've earned it." Jaheira hushed as she turned away.
Tav closed the door to the spare bedroom behind her. Barely contained tears rolling to the surface.
She curled into a ball on the floor. Letting it wash over her. Hitching sobs wrenching her throat. The tidal wave finally having its way.
Gods, she was so filled with hope it stung her heart. The feelings of grief, exhaustion, wonder, protection, all threading together. A rope that had been tied to her throat now wound tight around her fist.
Even after all of this time, they rallied around her. Her heart bursting with their strength. She was indebted to them all.
He crouched on the lip of her new hideaway. There you are, my treasure.
The sweet heady call of her blood, still pulsing through him, leading him here.
One of his many new gifts, he could sense her as long as she coursed through him. Her blood had always bewitched him. Even if hadn't been searching for her, he mused that the river of her would have sung him back regardless.
Eyes scanning the outside of the ledge for traps he was shocked to find the window unlatched.
Tav was not stupid, if anything she was infuriatingly clever. Outfoxing him twice now the proof of that. He was loathe to admit that the only reason he had found her so quickly was the bloodcall.
He slipped inside, quiet as death. Moved on silence to her bedside.
She was curled on her side, breathing softly. Her sweet face relaxed, pouted lips slightly open. Those doe eyes moving back and forth under her lids. Dreaming.
A shot of possession cracked through him. He needed her back.
He reached forward and tried to scoop under her legs and back but felt a bite of magic, pain arcing across his skull. His hands compelled to release.
A familiar voice: You may not have her.
Fucking Gale.
He snarled in frustration. Why do they all insist on interfering in his affairs. This was his consort, his should-be bride. His.
She settled back down into the sheets but leaned into him as he pulled away. Sighing in her sleep.
He almost answered, kneeling down. His face inches from hers. Fingers caressing her cheek, her neck. Watching her face, rapturous.
Her eyebrows pulled together in pleasure, lips parting. A sweet little breath leaving her.
He hummed low in his throat, a fierce elation rocking through him.
It had been years since she had reacted to his touch like this. All soft pleading, calling him to her. He could not deny her.
He climbed carefully onto the bed, distributing his weight evenly. Straddled over her, hand still raking feather light desire across her skin.
"Astarion," She moaned quietly. Arching up to meet his touch.
"Yes, my darling," He cooed to her sleeping words. Pulling the blanket away slowly, leaning down and kissing her collarbone. Hand cupping her breast with a low moan. Slotting between her legs.
She sighed, words hushed and barely formed, but he could make it out. "I missed you."
A lightning strike of need and grief struck him.
She had too much power over him, that was the problem. He had every intention of making her happy in the beginning. Loathefully desperate for her to stay, he had offered her everything. Finery, food, any lavish thing she set her sights on. And his linchpin, immortality. To make her his vampiric bride.
But she only smiled at him. Her bewitched fingers running along his arm. "I don't know if I'm ready for that. I just got my life back, Starlight. Let me have a little living before I decide."
Oh, how he had pushed, prodded, enticed. Eventually demanded, berated, bled. He tried to break her, but she had never given in. The panicked screaming at the lack of control in his head aside, he respected her for it. He would have ruined her.
Well, ruined her more.
He softly circled his thumb over her wrist. The scars he had left there sneering at him.
Look what you did. You deserve this.
His old voice in his head again.
You aren't worthy of her.
He clenched down his jaw.
You're disgusting. Treating her like that.
He shook his head. He did what he felt he needed to do. Right?
Her hand reaching for his face broke his hateful trance.
He leaned down into her searching fingers. His eyes closing in quiet bliss when he met her touch.
Her soft fingers stroking his face was a spellbinding balm. He pushed his face further into her, sighing.
Going without tenderness from her for so long, he felt drunk. His whole body swirling with heady pleasure.
He leaned down, eyes lidded heavy with lust. Gently pulling her nightgown down along the collar. Leaving heated kisses along her clavicle.
She moaned, a high intoxicating call.
Oh Gods, he needed her.
He snaked his hand under the covers, her blanket warmed thighs a sacred domain. Still unbearably soft, lamb's ear made flesh.
His eyes hitched back as he met her center. Fingers trailing over her curls to slide back into his home. A velvet wetness meeting him, coating his fingertips.
He leaned his head down into her chest, already overcome. Rutting his hard cock into her hip in slow rapturous thrusts.
He slowly pushed his two fingers in, her body arching up. Her small whimper wrapping around his head in dizzy circles.
Her sleeping form capable of no scrutiny he felt no need to perform. His walls falling.
"Tav," He moaned, pumping his fingers into her endless warmth. Thumb pushing devotion in circles against her clit.
Gods she was too beautiful, it made his chest ache to look at her when she was like this.
Softly mewling, her labored breath a heady miasma pulling him down.
He leaned down to her neck, fangs grazing along her pulse point. Felt a warning crackle of magic.
Gods damn it.
If he didn't have her blood in him, he felt empty. He needed that connection to her.
He relented, leaving a needful kiss along the two pinprick scars he had pushed into her long ago. Feeling a snarl of pride for those, at least. Anyone can look upon her and see this mark of him imprinted in her body.
His fingers curled up in that way he remembered she liked, got the immediate reward of her hips squirming. A short gasp that moved into a pleading moan.
His eyes glazed over, mouth hanging open against her chest. Precum leaking into his trousers. His head nothing but circling waves of desire.
Gods he felt like an animal on all fours, controlled by its heat.
Only she could make him come undone like this.
Only she could pull this from him.
Please stay asleep a little longer. He thought to her, though he knew they no longer shared a tadpole.
I need you. I need you to want me again.
His desire too great for anymore subtle movements, he arced his hips down and ground his erection into the mattress. Whimpering in the back of his throat.
He pulsed his fingers in as controlled a ministration as he could manage, feeling his end approaching hot on his heels.
He leaned up into her ear, watching the rhythmic arches of her body in rapturous greed.
"Come for me, darling." He breathed into her, nipping at her lobe.
She shuddered under him, head falling back. Her neck opening up to him, a flower unfurling in the sun. Her cunt gripped his fingers in vicious pulses, pulling him further into her. That hauntingly beautiful face straining in release.
He gasped in quick choppy breaths, biting back a moan as his pelvis contracted, a deep shudder pulling through him, spurting long pulses inside his finery. Eyes rolling into the back of his skull, gripping into the sheets next to her head. His newly beating heart thumping against the back of his chest.
She murmured something softly and turned on her side, cradling his head into her chest. Hooking her legs around his in an intimate tangle.
Part of his head screamed at him to pull away, but he was helplessly pulled down. Eyes closing with shameful tears threatening.
How long had it been since she had held him?
He buried his face in her. Breathing her in like the last gulp of air before a tide pull.
He knew he couldn't stay, if she awoke the spell would be broken. She would turn him away, that spear of contempt in her eyes. Or worse, the flat deadness that overtook her when he pushed too far, an opaque distant glaze over her doe eyes.
You've really broken her, haven't you? Just like Cazador broke us.
"Shut up." He hissed under his breath.
He carefully maneuvered out of her embrace with an annoyed huff. He was being ridiculous. There was a way to break this spell and he would find it.
Then she would be his again. Finally. Take her back to the place where she belonged.
He allowed himself one last look at her, bristling at himself at the brief spike of longing he felt, before he pulled up into the night air. Twisting into the moonlight, back to the Crimson Castle.
He had research to do.
Part 6
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bladesmitten · 8 months
I have been rotating a Wyll thought in my head for days and need to consult a fellow Wyll lover. I can’t remember the post exactly, I saw one talking about the kind of character who when faced with a choice of “save your love or save the world” they’re always going to pick save the world, even though the choice will destroy them, they can’t NOT think about the greater good. And of course that fits beloved Wyll perfectly and it’s one of the things I love about him, how unfailingly good he is.
Do you think that Wyll could be in a long term, good relationship with someone who was the opposite? Who will pick their love every time no matter the cost? Would that difference eventually drive them apart?
(I'll talk about this mostly in the perspective of a good Tav/Durge!)
I think Wyll's resolve to choose saving the world even if it dooms his partner is part of his self-sacrificial tendencies. (Though if it's possibility, he's more inclined to sacrifice himself, of course.) It's part of him believing that he doesn't deserve to be selfish, to choose what Wyll wants (to have a long happy life), and not what The Blade of Frontiers/Avernus/Duke Ravengard wants (to protect the Sword Coast at all costs). (I can go into a whole other tangent about how this dichotomy should've been the focus of his character quest, but I digress!)
If Wyll has a partner who would choose their love every time no matter what, it'll definitely help Wyll realize that he can choose for himself, he can choose to save his loved ones. He doesn't need to sacrifice himself or his partner to save the world. (Better yet, he learns that someone is actually choosing to save him. Not the Blade, not the Duke, but Wyll.)
And in a world where people defy gods, kill devils, break warlock pacts and still come out alive on the other side, it's not impossible for them to have their cake and eat it too.
We can actually already see it in the way Wyll insists that Karlach should go back to Avernus so she can keep on living (choosing love instead of sacrifice). We see it in the way Wyll is confident that Gale doesn't need to sacrifice himself to save the world. Though he frames it in a way that Gale's talents are enough to defeat the Absolute, it's still choosing love instead of sacrifice.
Interestingly, we don't see that when the illithid decision is presented to the player, though I think at that point you've truly ran out of options and there's no other way out other than a sacrifice being made. Instead, Wyll only says he trusts the player on whatever decision you make, even if that means you'll probably break up later because he can't be with you in the "normal" way. (I would be remiss not to mention that I believe this is an oversight on Larian's part, where Wyll doesn't at all offer his opinion on whether or not the player should transform into an illithid or not.)
Of course, if Tav/Durge is truly irredeemably evil, Wyll also recognizes that, especially if you're at the point of no return. He will then leave you (or even turn hostile). My favourite example of this is when Durge accepts Bhaal and Jaheira tries to rally your companions at her side to defeat you. If Wyll is romanced, he actually joins Jaheira. Combat starts and he fights you and you have to kill him (and Jaheira).
My point is! It can go either way, if you like. If you want a divorce arc for your Tav/Durge, go ahead! It's fun and it can still be in-character for Wyll! If you want them to stay together, it can be character development for Wyll to learn that he can be selfish, that people will be selfish for him, and that selfishness is not necessarily a bad thing.
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ryttu3k · 8 months
BECAUSE I AM DUMB (and it is almost 2am) I sent you an astarion ask for the ship ask, but my brain meant wyllstarion! (apparently my brain decided that astarion is intrinsically connected to wyllstarion)
Haha, all good! <3
[ship meme]
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
lmao it was a post about that clip saying that Astarion used to dream of marrying a man like Wyll. Just the thought of Astarion feeling like he's too old and jaded and cynical for this very pure romance, but Wyll still being young and idealistic and intensely romantic and, you know what, he's going to woo the heck out of this mysterious and charming elf he's crushing on.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Okay so. I have a List.
They bring out the best in each other. Wyll encourages Astarion, by his actions, to help people, to do good, to be heroic. Wyll so wholeheartedly believes in being a hero that it just... starts rubbing off on Astarion too. Conversely, Wyll can be selfless to a fault, and Astarion can sort of reel him back a bit, get him to think about himself and his own needs. I absolutely believe that left on his own, Wyll would agree to Mizora's deal and sacrifice his own freedom for his father, and Astarion is probably the one best positioned to get Wyll to think about his own future and reject the pact.
The contrasts and parallels in their story. The obvious contrast, monster vs monster hunter, starting out (more or less) chaotic evil vs lawful good, but eventually meeting somewhere in the middle (see: above point about bringing out the best in each other). And then the parallels - both of them are heavily under the influence of someone else, seemingly abandoned by the gods and any other important support structures (Astarion being cut off by Cazador from any kind of support, Wyll being disowned by Ulder who I still haven't forgiven, he was seventeen years old!!), and their main narrative arc is about breaking free from their respective tormentors, and working out who they can be as their own free people. Why not do that together?
The romance is so healing for Astarion. More one-sided here, in that it's more of a benefit for Astarion than it is for Wyll, but a slow courtship is exactly what Astarion needs, with this foundation of trust building, knowing that Wyll cares about him for more than just what he can do in bed.
The mutual attraction. They're so down bad for each other. Using your own post here, Astarion critically fails a charisma roll and Wyll is just. Lucky for you I'm into that shit.
The hands the hands. The hands!
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Honestly, I think they genuinely do work best as a poly ship (or like, a QPP thing) with Karlach. I love all three relationships individually, but I also love them together (there's a lovely post on their dynamic as a trio here, looking at them platonically, but it still holds out for a romance). Wyll and Karlach's storylines are intrinsically bound together, and indeed the only way for Karlach to have a happy ending at this point is with Wyll and/or a love interest accompanying her back to Avernus. I... can't really see Wyll being able to brush off not helping Karlach, leading to her death; I think if she does die, he'd be deeply depressed and feel a lot of guilt for it.
Astarion, too, really values Karlach. He's the most gentle about her if Tav is torn between them, there's just this very sweet dynamic between them. And Karlach clearly adores both of them too! She and Wyll become best friends, she's basically ready to go to war against Cazador to protect Astarion, there's just... so much love and care between the three of them that I can't see any one of them wanting to leave one of the others behind. My 'canon' ending for them would be all three going to Avernus (which Wyll openly offers to do and which Astarion is 100% willing to do as well), finding a solution for Karlach's engine and Astarion's sun issues, and then returning to Baldur's Gate to start working out a future - together.
So in conclusion:
Astarion/Wyll: Good shit.
Wyll/Karlach: Good shit.
Karlach/Astarion: Good shit (but please fix the Origin spawn Astarion ending, Larian!!)
Karlach/Wyll/Astarion: 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
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transquad · 1 year
Illithid Tav — romance epilogues
EDIT: This has only partially been updated with the Patch 5 party stuff and has nothing from any patch after that, I'll get around to it ... Someday
I am obsessed with the concept of a protagonist sacrificing their humanity for the greater good. That's why the free Orpheus + illithid player ending made me so fucking happy, up until Astarion decided to dump my ass in the last five seconds of the game, because he can't handle a few tentacles or whatever. It made me realize that as much as I like him, I really don't like his romance. It's just so much giving and so little receiving. I think my character deserves someone who can actually offer him a little love and support and reassurance every once in a while. Including (especially!) after he transforms into a squid man.
So I wanted to go into my second playthrough knowing which of these sluts would still love me if I was a worm.
Unfortunately I have not been able to actually find many variants of these scenes on Youtube. But from what I could find, this is how the epilogue scenes with romanced companions play out if the player character becomes a mind flayer:
• Astarion dumps you. Good Astarion says he is open to the idea of getting back together someday but he needs a break to process things. (Exactly what's going on in his head here is anyone's guess.) Evil Astarion thinks you're icky now and only wants you as a powerful ally.
PATCH 5 EDIT: Despite having six months to come to his senses, at the party Good Astarion seems pretty disinterested in getting back together with Tavflayer, something I'm never going to forgive him for.
• (Crownless) Gale fully accepts you. You fuck offscreen. He asks you to marry him. He even says he will find a caterer who does brains for your wedding. It's incredibly sweet.
• Halsin fully accepts you. You fuck offscreen. You are invited to his anprim commune with the caveat that he will need to introduce you to his followers carefully, for both your safety and their mental health.
• (Good) Shadowheart fully accepts you. You fuck offscreen. She wants to take some time to go on a quest to find herself / spend time with her parents, but you're welcome to go with her in disguise.
• Wyll certainly acts like he accepts you, but he basically makes you his secret attic wife in the name of protecting you, which is pretty fucked up, dude. Halsin & Shadowheart are also very concerned about your safety and have the same impulse to hide you away, but it's easy enough to convince them that you'll be fine. Not Wyll, apparently. (What the hell, man?)
EDIT: If you don't get this dialogue because one or both of you go to Avernus with Karlach, then he is normal about everything at the party.
• I don't think Karlach gets a normal epilogue scene if she isn't a mind flayer. No clue what changes in the dialogue that she does have if you're the mind flayer.
• I don't think Lae'zel gets a normal epilogue scene if she returns to the Astral plane, which I believe she always does if you're a mind flayer. Yeah, she dumps you even after you sacrifice yourself for Orpheus. Sad! However. I saw someone say in a Youtube comment that if you are (were) also githyanki then you can go with her, even if you're a mind flayer now. So if that's accurate, I guess that's the exception?
• EDIT: Good news! Minthara is also a squid fucker.
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Glaringly, none of these scenes acknowledge that Disguise Self is a spell that exists, and it's unclear how different they would be if they did.
If you know something I don't know, especially if you have proof in screenshots or videos, please let me know so I can update these notes. I have become very invested in finding out which of these clowns are squid fuckers.
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Born with the gifts of a storm sorcerer, Malus spent their youth learning everything they could about magic. Much of their tutelage came from a cleric of Deneir who would go on to swear them in as a paladin under the Oath of Devotion. They channeled their tempestuous abilities into thunderous, searing, and radiant smites, empowering their sword to protect the vulnerable and the helpless.
detailed ID: Malus is a tiefling with medium grey skin, glowing yellow eyes with black sclera, and curly pink hair pinned at the sides to create a mohawk effect. They have hall spiralled "minouros" horns, a short beard on their chin, and a septum piercing. They have faint markings in a symmetrical pattern on their forehead, and some slight scarring on their face from slashing wounds.
Their armour is plate and mail with large silver pauldrons and a light pink undershirt and accents on the breastplate. At ease, they wear a simple white shirt and brown trousers.
Karlach is a muscular tiefling woman with red skin, wild brown-and-red hair, golden cat-like eyes, and curling horns one of which is broken near the base. Flames ripple over her constantly. Wyll is a Black human man large curving horns. He has one eye that is red-on-black, and one that is a light grey stone prosthetic.
gif IDs (copied from alt):
A custom Baldur's Gate 3 character, a tiefling with pink curly hair and grey skin, lifts their head to reveal brightly glowing eyes, passing from pale yellow to pale blue. Text reads: Malus, Zariel tiefling.
Malus holds Orin's netherstone in their fist, looking up. Text reads: Sage background.
Malus reaches up to a bright light with their gauntlet. Text reads: Paladin, Oath of Devotion.
Malus stands in the sun with a surprised expression, which turns to a soft smile. Karlach and Astarion can be seen crossing behind them. Text reads: Neutral good alignment.
Malus, without their armour on, dances with Wyll. Malus smiles as they place their hand against Wyll's. It cuts to an overhead shot as they step together and apart gracefully, keeping their hands touching. Text reads: Wyll Ravengard, love interest.
Malus, Karlach, and Wyll standing in Avernus. Karlach offers a cigar to Wyll, who shakes his head with a smile, and then to Malus, who takes one. There is then a cut to a close up of Malus smiling. Text reads: Banes of Avernus ending.
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blackjackkent · 10 months
OK, Day 2 of Moonrise Tower Adventures.
Yesterday's explorations mostly consisted of Hector almost getting absorbed by a tentacle hivemind, Astarion getting creeped on by a drow monsterfucker, and then us all watching Ketheric Thorm do his party tricks called Be Voiced By JK Simmons and Take An Axe In The Neck. Let's see what trouble we can get into today.
Everyone around keeps kowtowing and bowing to Hector because they think he's a True Soul, which is making him tremendously uncomfortable.
Interestingly, though, that bugbear back in the entrance hall seems to know Karlach!
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"Well, Flo didn't tell a lie! She said you'd find me, and here you are. Karlach, isn't it?"
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"Now there's a name I'd hoped never to hear again. What was Flo doing here?"
"Didn't think to quiz her about her business," the bugbear grunts casually.
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"Karlach, who's Flo?" Hector asks, keeping his tone deliberately just as casual.
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"Florenta the Garrotter. A cambion I knew back in Avernus," Karlach answers, sounding more than a little tired. Some complicated expression works its way around her eyes. "She was the closest thing I had to a friend. That said, she would've choked the life out of me if I ever turned my back on her. The fact that she knows where I am - where I might be going - doesn't exactly delight me."
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Hector frowns worriedly. Karlach has a way of casually dropping these comments about her time in Avernus that makes him want to put everything else aside and just hold her and protect her for roughly a year. She was so alone - and her closest friend would have killed her given a chance. Better to have no friends at all than that, in his opinion. And even better that she has him now, and the others of their little band - people she can rely on.
(He doesn't think about it at this exact moment, but it is a sign of how he's grown. In the early days after the nautiloid crash, he thought it impossible that he would be able to rely on and trust such violent, secretive, difficult people - but he would trust them with his life now, and the life of the woman he loves. Many things have changed...)
"What does she want with you?" he asks.
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Karlach shrugs. "Nothing would surprise me. Maybe she wants to live up to her name and wrap a cord around my neck. Or maybe she just wants to say hello."
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Something of Hector's disdain for the cold cruelty she describes must show on his face, because she frowns almost apologetically. "I wouldn't have given her the time of day, but even I needed a laugh once in a while. And what can I say? The bitch had good jokes."
"Enough chatter," the bugbear puts in irritably. "Your friend gave me three soul coins. Said I could sell 'em if I wanted, but if I kept 'em for you, she'd consider it a favor owed."
Karlach blinks, perking up slightly. "Soul coins, huh? Those could come in handy."
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Hector considers this for a moment in silence. They've found a few of these Soul Coins already; Karlach described them as, more or less, fuel for the infernal engine - inserting them during a fight will give her extra power. They're also receptacles for actual living souls; between that and the fact that her engine doesn't need any help being overpowered, the whole thing makes Hector distinctly uncomfortable, and he hasn't actually brought them up during a fight, although he knows Karlach wants him to. She likes the feeling of energy they give her - but she hasn't forced the issue, at least not yet.
He can see, too, that she wants to accept this addition to their stock of them - which also doesn't make him super comfortable. "We shouldn't take anything offered by a devil," he points out. "Too risky."
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"Cambion," she corrects absently. "But you're right." A pause. She fidgets her weight back and forth from one foot to the other and looks at him sideways. "Then again...they could *really* come in handy."
He can't help a slight smile. It is, perhaps, a good thing that Karlach is on their side and a fundamentally very good person, because she could convince him to do anything with just a glance like that. Besides, she's still letting him decide when to use them; perhaps he owes it to her to at least let her accept the gift.
"Let's have the soul coins, then," he says ruefully, sticking a hand out.
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"Sure." The bugbear sneers unpleasantly. "But she did have a condition."
Of course she did, Hector thinks with an inward sigh.
"For every coin you take, you've got to hear the story of the soul trapped inside."
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Karlach goes very still. Her eyes flash and her mouth sets into a tight line; it's supposed to be a sardonic grin but doesn't quite manage it. "There you have it," she mutters. "Flo came all this way just to try to make me feel like shit. Clever use of her time. Memorized a bunch of sad stories on her behalf, did you?"
"Didn't need to," the bugbear says coolly. "Your Flo did some devil woo-woo and stuck 'em in my head. Couldn't forget now if I wanted to." He reaches into his pocket, pulls out one of the charred black disks, and spins it in his fingers. "D'you want the coins or not?"
Hector shifts uncomfortably. He likes the idea of this gift even less now - and this 'Flo' is now firmly on the list of people he will happily put a fist through, given the chance. Were it only his decision, he'd walk away right now. But he can see Karlach's expression and knows she would see that as capitulation to the cruelty being thrown at her, and she wouldn't appreciate it.
So he closes his eyes, squares his shoulders, and prepares to ride out this storm with her. "Fine. Get on with it, then."
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The bugbear's smile tightens maliciously. "First coin's got the soul of a woman named Mavery. She was born to a cruel mother and a violent father and three evil brothers, all named Baldur. She never knew a day of love in all her life. When she was a girl of fifteen, she sold her soul to Tiamat in exchange for someone who would love her unconditionally. She got what she asked for - a fellow named Clint, destined to be her soul mate. Struck by a cart and died a few moments after clapping eyes on our Mavery. Poor guy. The scud of her soul is yours now."
Karlach's expression is unreadable as she takes the coin. "Thanks, I guess."
"We'll put that coin to better use than Tiamat would've," Hector says firmly.
The bugbear laughs. "Sure you will." He pulls out another disc, flat in the palm of his hand. "This'n has got the soul of a man named Frakes. Lived in a village near Neverwinter, hit hard by the worst hunger in a thousand years. Frakes called out for help - prayed for his children to have meat to eat. Zariel answered. Made old Frakes grow flesh upon flesh after flesh. His wee ones had all the meat they could stomach."
Karlach looks slightly ill. "He shouldn've known," she mutters. "Better to die a thousand deaths than let Zariel into your life."
"That's absolutely vile," Hector says, his skin prickling uncomfortably. "Unsurprising of Zariel, but vile all the same."
The bugbear looks at him pointedly and shrugs. "*Karlach's* the one set to consume his soul, I hear." He pulls the last coin from his pocket, tosses it on the floor at Karlach's feet. "Last one's got the soul of a little boy named Ongir. Eight years old. He liked playing in the sun with his friends. That's all I know."
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Karlach, retrieving the coin, squints at him warily. "That's all?"
The bugbear smirks. "That's all - oh, and this slip of scratch." He thrusts a folded paper at her, which she takes without looking at it.
"Well, thanks, Flo," she says bitterly. "Hearing a bunch of desperate horror has ruined my day, which I suppose was the point."
The bugbear smirks. "You got three soul coins out of the bargain, didn't you? I'd quit whinging, if I were you. I did my part - that means our business is done, unless you've got actual gold to hand."
He waits hopefully, then turns and stalks away when he receives no response.
"All right, Karlach?" Hector asks her gently when they are (more or less) alone again.
She shrugs, handing the last coin over to him. "Been better, Soldier. I won't lie to you."
He takes the coin, then catches her hand before she can pull it away. "You didn't deserve that."
"I bloody well know I didn't," she snaps. "Just another bit of bullshit for them to torment me with." A pause. "Sorry, I just..." She trails off. "They're a tool. And we need all the tools we can get. We didn't put them in the damn things."
"You're right," he says softly. "And if you want me to, I'll keep them."
"I don't know what I want." She frowns and looks away; for a moment it's clear she wants to yank her hand out of his grip, but then she hesitates, and gives his fingers a slight, desperate squeeze.
"What did the note say?" Shadowheart asks, leaning against a nearby pillar.
Karlach glances at the folded up piece of paper in her other hand, then shoves it at the cleric. Shadowheart, raising an eyebrow, takes it, unfolds it, and reads it aloud.
"To whom it may concern. Fruug got his head stuck in a butter barrel and when his little imp thing tried to help him, they both fell off a ledge into a volcano. I laughed so hard Zariel sent me out of the room. Other than that, you haven't missed much, though I've sure as hell missed you. XO, Flo."
There's a long silence. The temperature around them has climbed several degrees and Hector can see the light of Karlach's engine stuttering with agitation.
"Well," Gale says cautiously. "Allow me to be the first, Karlach, to commend you on the absolutely astonishing improvement you have made to your social circle by leaving all that behind."
The comment startles a soft laugh out of Karlach, and the surge of heat eases a little. "I do seem to be doing better with you lot, don't I?" she says. "Gods...Hec, let's just...keep moving. Sooner we're through here the better."
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avernusfuries · 10 months
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The really fun thing about being friends with @spiderwarden is that the things we spoke about before, can be used for meta. Thank you, Melody, for being gracious enough to allow me to use the tags of this post.
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Now, we all know Karlach as our happy-go-lucky, kind and caring friend / lover who we would destroy entire worlds for, but I think something that gets briefly looked over on occasion is the fact that she is used to being in danger. Constantly. It shows in her eyes, most of all, when we look past some of her body language. Everyone's eyes move because they are taking in their surroundings, and being able to assess the dangers / people around her based on what's in front of her and in her peripherals. This is something of second nature to her because she spent ten years being in constant peril.
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This has given her a somewhat predatory nature when it comes to her environment, and how she can almost immediately assess what's where in a room from sight and sound alone. This goes hand-in-hand, also with the danger sense feature that is offered by barbarians as they level. She can quite literally pick out when something is a little off just from stepping into a room. Threat assessment is as natural as breathing and she doesn't need to specifically look around to know when something is fishy or where people / creatures are.
After all, despite how friendly and open she is, she was used as a weapon and old habits are trecherously hard to kick, especially when you've done all you can to survive.
While Karlach spent a good portion of her young adult years in service of Enver as his bodyguard, she did not develop these skills as his bodyguard. While I personally headcanon that she excelled at that (he's alive, ain't he), there was actually very little outside of thugs and the occasional assassin (probably, this notion may change when I'm done researching), they were very easily disposed of in comparison to what Avernus threw at her. Avernus was an experience all on her own. While no stranger to the occasional scar, the most notable of which, before she was sold to Zariel, is seen in the gifset about.
Trivial, minor scars that come from the life she led before the hells. Hazards of the job, really.
Karlach's most notable scars are the burn marks over her shoulders and upper torso. While I like the idea of them being from the actual fighting, in actuality it was likely from the initial installation of the infernal engine that replaced her heart. Chances are, they did not quite realise that that much heat needed somewhere to go, and I mention this because that particular burn scar is localised around where they've littered the vents to let out steam.
Literal trial and error (maybe trial by fire huehuehue). The infernal engine scorching her like that is what led to her not only having vents installed, but the eventual inclusion of a similarly crafted slot where they would have given her soul coins to juice her up.
We can also see that the vents are on both shoulders, and the backs of them. This was likely their notion of protecting their "investment" with a little more of a careful hand. A dead champion is not a good champion.
This, she thought at the time, is all her life would be. A series of upgrades that would sculpt her into what Zariel wanted her to be as her hard-bought champion.
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Now, if we look carefully at her arms and stomach, those are scars I think she got when she was actually fighting. The endlessness of the war does come with its price, and the fact that she has no fresh ones? Shows that not only did she do what she did to survive, but the fact that she was good at what she did.
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maegalkarven · 11 months
I am normal and do not have divine intervention in form of vivid visions of the scenarios with my ocs.
I particularly did not have a VERY DETAILED vision of Levi and Karlach's massive freaking fight bordering on murder after the meeting at the Wyrm Rock keep.
I did not have to live through them saying the worst imaginable things to each other and Karlach almost attacking Levi, but him holding her down with the vines and saying how he should've killed her when his father demanded it and- wait, what?
Him remembering scraps of his past and how they knew each other eleven years ago and them having confrontation about that as well.
And Levi being fucking annoyed what the moment he finally decided to kill her Gortash shipped her away to Hells, and who does that??? He couldn't follow to Avernus and had to try to pacify his father with random tieflings' deaths, but it was not enough and Father was so angry, it was the first time Levi was punished so badly-
And Karlach being "wait, what? You were going to KILL me?"
And Levi snapping what of course he was going to kill her, killing is what he DOES, but of fucking course Gortash ruined his plans, he had to do that intentionally, that fucker-
And just flying away to confront Gortash about it and complain about his dumb ass companions who have the audacity to be horrified at the reveal what he's a Bhaalspawn and maybe (totally immediately) falling back into Gortash's embrace.
Him telling Gortash "I need to fix my mistake and kill her now" and Gortash actually talking him down from that bc "Hold on, she can be useful", which leads to Levi saying it doesn't matter, she'll die from burning out soon anyway and Gortash actually offering to fix that bc "she can be useful 2.0", the power of her rage and her engine should not be overlooked.
Which leads to even more weird situationship where Gortash fixes Karlach's engine and Levi mopes bc he's in that place of mind where he really wants her dead and he's jealous and territorial and it's the second time Gortash consequentially saves her life, what is she to him??? (He is not in the right state of mind at all. Imagine unhinged and turn it to 10)
How dare Gortash care about anyone but him, no one but the two of them matter!!!
Which leads to Levi realizing Father punished him for not killing Gortash when he ordered it (before Moonrise Towers), what Orin stabbing him was the result of that, and having several mental breakdowns all over the place and Gortash having to calm him down AGAIN, because it's the professional murderer and world-ender in a frenzy one step from committing mass murder RIGHT THERE.
The team realizing what the only thing keeping Levi in check is actually freaking Chosen of Bane, as Levi laments what he couldn't realize this plan alone, or maybe he could, but he would not. It was supposed to be him and Gortash as the last people alive, not Levi killing him so early and moving on with the plan all by himself.
Levi, knowing what if he does not defy his Father, the first thing Father will order would be to slay Bane's Chosen, and knowing what there's no way for him to survive defying Bhaal and what even death will not free him, he will just return to father and, who knows, maybe father will just pull him right back as he did with Sarevok.
Levi trying to convince Gortash he has to proceed with the plan alone because the moment Levi slays Orin, it will be his end.
Trying to talk Gortash into it, even going as far as trying to offer him the astral prism (after the careful inquiry if the prism will protect him and the team if it's away from them. Turns out it would if Emperor wills it).
Telling Gortash how to find the temple and get the netherstones from his body, warning him "these wannabe heroes would try to stop you, don't let them", telling Gortash he'll probably have to kill Elder Brain bc the crown changed it too much, asking him not to rely on Bane because "gods are not the answer".
Just being all over the place in a frantic, panicked state of his what's as dangerous as a lit up bomb, and then leaving.
Gortash, being Gortash, absolutely refusing to accept the fact what the only person he ever truly cared for, his only equal, is going to die like that and researching all the possible ways to change it/ stop it from happening.
The poor freaking team having a front seat to the worst and the most confusing freaking situationship.
Karlach trying to grasp how is it her practically best friend is her enemy now and it's GORTASH who plays middle ground and stops them from killing each other.
The entire freaking team just being Concerned As Fuck and trying to adjust their image of Levi who turned out to be someone completely different from who they thought him to be.
Just...the entity of act 3 being a mess and full of revelations and it's a miracle they all survive through it.
Levi and Karlach eventually make peace with each other bc neither of them truly meant all the shit they said/did at their fight, they were just hurt, betrayed, scared, angry and lashing out.
The entire team trying to search for a way for Levi not to die because he's an asshole and says a lot of awful things, but his actions say otherwise. He speaks of unleashing horrors and lashes out a lot, yet somehow always manages to make things better and save just another stray soul.
Having the entire "Alright, let's save Levi" council with Gortash in it because they find out he's searching for a way to save Levi too.
Wyll manages to bargain his father back because this is Wyll, come on. The price of it is stealing something for Gortash from Hells bc Gortash has no time to participate in heists anymore and he needs some particular thing like yesterday (the thing turns out to be orphic hammer. Huh)
Just...that. Everyone inevitably working towards a common goal of saving 1 (one) Cursed Child of Bhaal and Levi, meanwhile, having no idea they're doing that.
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scribsbg3hell · 11 months
Man, spoilers ahead but...
I am a sucker for Karlach/Dammon and Karlach/Wyll. Just the softest babies all mashed together.
But you know in the end where Karlach is dying and she doesn't want to go to Avernus and she's scared and sad? What if...what if Dammon, who finds the party at the docks, comes running up, looking over Karlach in complete distress, muttering to himself as he desperately tries to find a way to stop this, to save her. His hands are burning as his fingers flutter around her, but he can't.
He can't, and his heart breaks, and he makes one last attempt to convince her to go back to Avernus, looking to Tav for help-- he'll even go with her, "Please, Karlach."
Of course, this all but strengthens her resolve. There's no way she could live with herself if she condemns Dammon to Hell with her, he is too kind, too gentle. He deserves to live his life in the sun.
And then, Wyll steps forward. He is a devil now, bound to Mizora, his fate and life tied to Avernus no matter what anyone says or does. And he loves Karlach, as everyone else does, because it's impossible not to. So he offers himself, too. He can keep her safe in Avernus, protect her from whoever Zariel sends to take her back. He'll be at her side.
So Karlach cries, her tears turning to steam on her cheeks, and she agrees, because she's scared and she doesn't want to die, and all these kind and beautiful people around her don't want her too either. And she agrees, taking Wyll's hand, and says goodbye to the sun, the blue sky, the ocean. Goodbye to Tav and goodbye to Dammon, but Dammon just shakes his head. There might not be a cure for her on the material plane, but there could be one in Avernus, a way to make her engine more stable. And when it comes to that, she'll need an someone she can trust to help. It is more than just obligation, it's devotion, and Dammon doesn't hesitate, not really surprised with himself by how willing he is to leave his life behind. For her, it's easy. She is a hero, a light in the dark, and he'd be doing to universe a disservice if he didn't do everything in his power to keep her breathing.
It is love, of course, but he won't give it that name. Not yet.
So, the three of them go. Into the dark, the fire, the blood, fates intertwined and yet untethered. Their future, as dismal as it may seem now, is theirs.
Tl;dr I just have a lot of feeling about Karlach, Wyll, and Dammon, and they all go to hell together. If anyone writes this or something, please tag me so I can cry about it more haha 🫠🫠
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ambrozians · 7 months
2, 19, and 18 for wyll!
2. favorite canon thing about this character?
stared at this question for five minutes because i have three answers to it lol. they technically all go hand-in-hand but i’ll try to narrow it down to one! i really love that no matter what, he is a fundamentally good man. so much of what guides his decisions within the game (non-tadpole related) are rooted in seeking to protect the innocent. his willingness to do whatever he can to help others is admirable. will he slip up on the way? of course! everyone makes mistakes even with the intent to do good, but it’s the fact that he holds himself accountable always that also contributes to his goodness.
18. how about a relationship they have in canon with another character you admire?
wyll and karlach! not romantically, but i love that despite their history prior to the story’s start they grow very close. my playthrough ended with the two of them going to avernus together to try and fix karlach’s engine and i just really love how wyll didn't hesitate to offer his support to her when she needed it most. also, i’ve seen this dialogue between them during wyll origin playthrough after he gets his horns and karlach a) tells him that they look great, and b) gives him horn-care tips, which is just too cute. wyll & karlach besties for lyfe!
19. how about a relationship they have in canon that you don’t like?
is it too easy to say mizora? major eye roll every single time she comes on my screen with that annoying "singing" voice she does. immediately picking the threat dialogue option. i don’t even think there’s a path where you can kill her in the game but if there was, trust i would’ve done it.
ask game
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paarthursass · 1 year
1, 6, 10 for aurel and wyll 😁🫶
couple questions
What do they think of each other's family? And how does the family feel?
Aurel and Ulder had a semi-rocky start - Aurel was incredibly protective of Wyll, and disliked Ulder's treatment of him up until that point. However, with how important his own relationship with his father is, he did try to put aside his own reservations to advocate for a resolution between Wyll and Ulder. Once that was reached, Aurel then switched gears "I need my future father-in-law to like me SO MUCH." Which, honestly, wasn't hard to achieve. Aurel is a Polite and Well-Mannered Young Man, and considering his other Good Deeds throughout the game it was quite easy to win Ulder's approval. There was a slight hiccup when Ulder discovered Aurel was a dhampir, but by that point Aurel's actions had spoken towards his character, and he didn't want to jeopardize his relationship with his son (again) by worrying about something that was Probably Fine.
Wyll likewise had some reservations about meeting Aurel's father, considering his own status as a monster hunter and Dragomir's status as Old As Balls Vampire Who Has Killed Many Vampire Hunters. But Dragomir (as a side effect of being Old As Balls) is also Chill As Hell. He met Wyll and instantly went well he is Polite and he makes my son happy. Oh he's a monster hunter? Does he plan to kill me? No? Okay we're fine then. And then with those niceties out of the way, Wyll and Dragomir get along swimmingly. Dragomir is such an Eccentric Old Man and Wyll finds that, frankly, hilarious. Dragomir will pull out baby stories about Aurel with SUCH little prompting and Wyll loves that. They will spend hours upon hours talking about old historic battles that Dragomir witnessed, and Wyll will talk about monsters he killed and Dragomir will nod his head with genuine interest. When Dragomir finds out about Mizora he also gets a Look in his eye and goes "Do you want me to kill her for you? I can kill a cambion, easy," and offers to go on a father-son bonding trip to kill Mizora.
Do they have pet names for each other? Do they like them?
Oh they are insufferable with their nicknames. They're both high charisma, poetic, classical romantics. They are in a constant game of trying to one-up each other with their nicknames. Wyll will start small with "my heart" and then Aurel goes "yes, mirror to my soul?" and then Wyll goes "the first light of my day" and Aurel goes "the spring of my seasons" and they just keep GOING.
What was their last big fight? What did they learn from it?
So, I don't imagine Aurel and Wyll have a huge disagreement with each other until after the events of the game. The game takes place over such a short period of time, everything else is so chaotic around them, and their relationship is so new that they are blissfully in the honeymoon phase.
But after the events of the game, especially in my (current) canon where Aurel becomes an illithid, things do get significantly rougher for them.
Aurel and Wyll accompany Karlach to Avernus, which delays Wyll's "lock you up in my basement because you are not the one I loved but also I cannot bear to be parted from what remains of you" thing. Fighting against Zariel's forces and searching for a cure for Karlach's engine is an excellent distraction. But in their small moments of reprieve, Aurel does see how differently Wyll looks at him. At first he thinks it's only Wyll growing accustomed to his new form, but he slowly comes to realize that Wyll sees him as more of an echo of Aurel. As Aurel is also going through his own identity crisis (Am I me? Am I something else? Who am I if I'm not Aurel?) Wyll's silent but palpable mourning of him only worsens this.
Wyll, likewise, is forced to contend with the fact that "Aurel is dead and this thing only has his memories" is not as simple an answer as he thought it was. He cannot ignore that illithid!Aurel is so, so similar to the Aurel That Was when he's fighting alongside him. He is constantly at war with what his head tells him (that Aurel is dead, that this mind flayer is a ghost left behind, and that one day what is left of Aurel will fade and the mind flayer will just be another monster that he will have to kill) and what his heart feels (that no ghost nor echo should feel so real, that perhaps Aurel's heart was so strong that he persists even through ceremorphosis, that even though his eyes are different now when Wyll looks in them he still sees Aurel).
All of this is brought to a head by Mizora's interference; in an attempt to destabilize the group, she voices Aurel's fears: that he is not himself, that he has no soul left for her to bargain for because what remains is a tadpole in a dead man's brain, and that Wyll and Karlach both know this and see him as a monster wearing the memories of their friend. Wyll, still grappling with his own crisis of how to handle illithid!Aurel, is not capable of denying Mizora's accusations, and Aurel closes himself off completely from him. Wyll makes a few feeble attempts to mend things after this, but Aurel firmly shuts him down, and also throws himself increasingly into the task of finding a way to fix Karlach's engine. This eventually culminates in him breaking into Mephistopheles' library, alone, and nearly dying as he retrieves a Scroll of True Polymorph for Karlach.
Wyll berates him for being reckless, Aurel snaps back that it doesn't matter because he's not the real Aurel, and now that they have a way to fix Karlach's engine she and Wyll can return to Baldur's Gate. Wyll realizes Aurel intends to stay behind, and — unlike in the illithid epilogue with Wyll, where he lets you go without a fight if you break up with him — actually vehemently fights back against Aurel's decision to die taking out as many of Zariel's soldiers with him.
It's a messy, complicated fight they have, and it doesn't truly resolve, but it does set them on a tentative path towards figuring out how to move forward in a non-destructive way.
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offrozenmemoirs · 9 months
"Nelia, it's almost insulting to think you can outmaneuver and outthink me. No matter what anyone says, I am looming in each corner in every room you feel safe in; I see through every window you glance out of from paranoia; I am present and everywhere without lifting a finger. It's your own guilt that makes me all the more powerful over you." You hear the deep sigh. You can imagine that crude man rubbing the bridge of his nose. Disappointedly, like always. "It won't be long before you come home with your tail between your legs when you realize how pointless this is."
Voices in the Void || Accepting!
"I am so fucking tired of you being a paranoid asshole."
Creed had been long tormented by visions and dreams like this. She'd grown used to her brother's patronizing and demeaning behavior. She knows that it stems from his resentment over being passed over by their ancestor Vadu, not given her blessing. The firstborn had always been blessed by the Lady of the Crossroads. Then again, besides their grandfather, Ariortos had been one of the firstborn to be a male in a long time. Helios had similarly been passed over in favor of the second-born, his sister.
After all, House Zarin, was above all else, a matriarchy. Rafan had similarly been passed over, but given that her parents prayed to Vadu, offering whatever they could, she showed more loyalty to their ancestor than her parents, and now worked as a headhunter, to hunt down those who reneged on their deals with the Lady of the Crossroads. It wasn't until she was born, that Vadu decided to bless her.
It was said that the Lady of the Crossroads was a fickle mistress, after all, she was likely to do things purely out of amusement, just as she was to pursue her own agenda. As far as she was concerned, Vadu occupied a firm spot within Avernus, of course, she kept an eye out for those who would try to replace her, and made sure her displeasure was swiftly and firmly known to any potential rivals.
House Zarin itself thrived on those who were ambitious, and in that sense, Ariortos embodied it perfectly, but just because he was her blood, didn't mean that he would have her favor. Learning that had been something of a heartbreaking revelation for him. Even when Creed discovered her lack of magic ability, causing her to be shunned by family, he had been there for her, along with Rafan. Ariortos would encourage her to be more ambitious, to show their parents that they were wrong to simply discard her.
"When are you gonna learn that I don't give a shit about how this house is led? That I don't care to participate in whatever game you have going on?! I just want to be free to live my life the way I want!"
Creed was more frustrated than anything, he encouraged her ambition once, then he found that godsdamned letter. She can remember it clearly, reading that her father wanted her to lead House Zarin into a better future. She remembers the rage she felt at having such an expectation placed upon her. She hadn't thought about her parents for years after their deaths. She knew that Ariortos had killed them, encouraged by their grandfather, and in that sense, perfectly embodying the ambition expected of a member of their house. Shortly after, he was announced to be the new head of the family, representing them in all matters.
"Something you need to learn Nelia, is that even with a lack of magic, that doesn't mean you're worth less. No matter what Grandfather may say, I know how smart you are. If a bit shy, you simply need that intellect to be cultivated, encouraged."
Beneath all of the anger however, there was a sadness. Even if Ariortos was distant, he showed care for his siblings in his own way. Even when he was enraged at being passed over, it was never at them. He was protective of them, and any perceived threats to his siblings would have been met with cutting words, or unfortunate accidents.
All the siblings of House Zarin weren't overly close with one another, but in times of need, they would all be there to help when needed. Well, save for Liyan and herself. Those two were always in contact with one another in some manner. Though their career as a traveling bard left them often moving from one place to another. Creed herself never took root in one place for too long, after all, for all intents and purposes, she would forever be a wandering monk.
"I remember when you would encourage me to seek answers to everything that I wondered about. You wanted me to always challenge myself, and I did! I always pushed the limits of my knowledge! That's why my alchemical solutions were so damned good! Why my experiments with bringing my resistance to being poisoned worked! That godsdamned letter ruined everything between us!"
Once again, the legacy of House Zarin reared its ugly head, causing problems. She wishes that they could be a normal family, that they could have dinners with one another, share stories of their travels and adventures. She wishes that she could talk to her brother about how her life has been, how much she's grown! She wishes that for once, they could just ask each other if they've been living well.
"I miss my brother. I miss when I could come to you for advice, or when you'd tell me about things to look into to find breakthroughs on things that were stumping me. I wish you knew how much this hurt, how agonizing the reality of us coming to blows is. But then again, maybe I never really knew you. Maybe the caring, helpful brother I thought I knew never existed."
Creed wants to say more, to let her thoughts be known, but she is quickly bought back to reality as she wakes up, and clenches her fist.
"Great. Now I'm just going to have to live with this until I get a chance to get it all out."
The tiefling quickly gets to her feet, throwing her coat on. She needed to get this anger out, or else it'll just eat her alive. She climbs out of her tent, wandering off into the forest. A good workout will distract her enough to think about better things...At least that's what she hopes.
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traceofexistence · 1 year
friends I can't stop thinking about this post
I tried to do it myself but Gale cockblocked it with his brooding 😒
so according to the post this is before getting Lae'zel who offers a cure, and I also assume before the grove and meeting dammon.
so best girl Karlach assumes that her heart is going to be fixed, and tadpole is not that big a deal she will find a healer and fix it in no time right?
so her first thought is how to fuck everyone and their mothers, who will consent of course.
"Then I'm horizontalling my way around Baldur's Gate, from halfling poet to goliath berserker, until the gods themselves step in."
this shows that she's been thirsty for so long, she wants and needs to have sex, 10 years of pend up sexual frustration.
she wants ALL, all shapes and sizes, all genders, she doesnt discriminate, she would fuck a goblin, she would fuck the ogre lady from the blighted village, she only mocked them because she knows she can do better LOL
she would fuck the hag if she didn't fear the consequences.
and then she proceeds to write(or think) self insert fic
sweet silver-tongued halfling perched on my lap - I'll have one hand up her skirt, she'll have one down my top, when there's a knock at the door.
he doesn't wait for my reply - it's…Logus…and all ten feet of him are back from the hunt. He steadies a brace of rabbits against the wall and sees us tangled up when - wait! No! Brain! This isn't the time…is it?
and this is proof that she so into poly, or 3-4-5somes, because this implies that the berserker joined them. this also implies the domestic life she wants, because this is not a random setting this is her house, and she has both a wife and a husband.
but then Karlach learned that her heart can not be fixed, and her dream to fuck all baldurians who will have her, is not something she can do anymore. so she grasps to the only tangible thing she can dream of, a romance with tav. and she wants to protect it, she wants it for herself alone, and noone else, because she knows her time is short and tav can have all the romance they want after she's gone, so when tav asks if Halsin can join (the only poly option the game allows) she says no, she firmly objects of even the thought of it.
in different circumstance tav would have been the halfling hottie, and halsin the berserker in her life's fanfic.
but now she's dying, so she doesnt want to share, neither her body, nor tav.
her dream of horizontalling has been far gone. death put her sex/romantic life in perspective very fast.
she grasps at the prospect of romancing tav with both arms and legs, and she's not willing to let go, because that's her only chance to live it.
I assume by her first lines, that her life before the hells was pretty much about having good sex with everyone who would want her, and no thought about the future.
so I think Karlach never got herself into a relationship before, because she just liked having fun, after a busy day, protecting Gortash's ass from some random thugs, her and Fytz would go back to their shared room and fuck until next morning, no strings attacked, just two besties having a good time.
same deal with everyone else close to her, and then partying picking up lovers 4 per night, big and small, she was enjoying equally railing others and getting railed herself to oblivion.
that was the life. but then hell happened.
when she gets to share a secret she never told anyone before, she tells tav that when down in Avernus and two years into being celibate she masturbated so hard she burned her tent.
(and that's why I think Karlach and Lae'zel would fuck instantly the moment Karlach would stop burning)
I also now want art of Karlach and Fytz fucking because im 99.999999% sure that has happened and it's canon LOL
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kisari · 1 year
Finished Baldur's Gate 3 Wow. Really great. I really went into it not caring how good it was. I bought it when it first went into Early Access forever ago. CRPGs are my jam and I knew even if it wasn't great, I'd enjoy it. But it really did exceed all expectations. Seeing it become critically acclaimed is... wild. And it deserves it. Fun to play. Enjoyable story. mega spoilers under the cut for the Dark Urge play through, chapter 3 and the ending
For my route, I played a "Redeemed" Dark Urge drow, kind of going a middle of the road type morality with an emphasis on freedom. Freedom from gods. Freedom from control. Freedom in it's purest form. Lots of daddy issues. I think this is partially why I love being a Bhaalspawn so much. I'm addicted to daddy issues. Having him romance Astarion only made sense. They worked perfectly together, honestly. I also romanced Halsin on the side, but it didn't include him in the ending scenes. Sucky. Wyll also broke his pact with Mizora for me, and because of it, Karlach is doomed. There is only one way to save her, and that's by having Wyll keep his pact with her and he vows to protect her in Avernus and save her heart... Since I didn't do that.... Karlach offered herself up to become a mindflayer. I let her, and she transformed. And then I also denied The Emperor and freed Orpheus. I think one of my biggest complaints, story wise, IS the emperor. His whole claim of, Mindflayers are still people is all well and good and yeah! Once they are out of a big brain's control, they are! But as soon as you say you want to release Orpheus... HE GOES AND JOINS THE BRAINS SIDE? It makes no logistical sense, to his character or the plot. The brain winning means /him/ being enthralled again, going against his core beliefs of freedom himself. And he seems to want to eat Orpheus' brain for literally no reason other than to be an ass. It's completely unnecessary to winning. While Karlach stays herself as a mind flayer, The Emperor really just does a shit job at being morally gray because his pragmatism goes into just... cruelty. Until the end I was thinking, yeah sure he can be trusted. Until then. What an idiot. AND HE KILLED HIS DRAGON LOVER. Anyways my beloved boy Kyros is free of Bhaal. Free of tadpole. And is now traveling the world with Astarion looking for a way to let him go into the sunlight again..
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fademirrored · 1 year
gamma timeline world state
Note: I’ve listed how they got along with the companions purely to give an idea of what they’re like. I won’t force any relationships on you.
Temry Mahariel
Alive and well
Rogue; ranger, bard, shadow
Recruited Dog (named him Lethallin)
Picked the lock to Sten’s cage
All companions recruited
All companion quests finished
All companions alive and well
Fought Flemeth for the Grimoire
Loghain executed by Warden
Warden made a baby with Morrigan
Alistair and Anora rule together
Broken Circle:
Mages supported
First Enchanter Irving survived
The Urn of Sacred Ashes:
Not poisoned
The Arl of Redcliffe:
Helped Redcliffe fight
Helped Redcliffe prepare
Freed Bevin, took sword
Helped Owen’s daughter escape
Connor alive, not possessed
Got help from the Circle, Isolde alive
Nature of the Beast:
Brokered peace
Ignored Cammen
Told Athras about his wife
Brought back ironbark
Paragon of Her Kind:
Joined forced against Caridin
Bhelen rules Orzammar
Helped Dagna get to the Circle
Spared Ruck, told Filda he died
Convinced Zerlinda to go to the surface
Helped Orta join Assembly
Told Bann Sighard about Oswyn, got his support
Freed all prisoners in the estate
Gave Alfstanna Irminric’s ring, got her support
Brought scroll to Sister Justine
Cleared out the Pearl
Returned amulet to beggar
Helped Alistair find Goldanna, Alistair hardened
Killed Marjolaine, Leliana hardened
The Landsmeet:
Warden executed Loghain
Anora and Alistair rule together
The Battle of Denerim:
Warden killed the Archdemon
Allowed the Architect to live
Keep and Amaranthine protected; Keep fully fortified
Nathaniel alive and well; recruited the second time around
Gave Nathaniel the Howe Bow
Looked for Anders’s phylactery
Oghren and Felsi reunited
Witch Hunt:
Went through the eluvian with Morrigan
Warden’s Keep:
Didn’t drink concoction
Slayed Sophia and allowed Avernus to conduct ethical research
Stone Prisoner:
Matthias and Amalia alive, unpossessed
Madry Hawke
62 % purple, 35 % red, 3 % blue (roughly)
Mage; elemental, blood
Bethany died fleeing Lothering
Carver became a Templar
Carver survived final battle
Friends with Varric
Bartrand still alive
Helped Varric discover cause of haunting
Varric did not keep the red lyrium idol
Recruited Isabela
Isabela returned
Didn’t give Isabela to Arishok
Fenris alive and well
Merrill stayed loyal
Merrill did not destroy eluvian
Clan was not killed
Merrill is alive and well
Approved of Anders’s explosion
Aveline married Donnic
Aveline stayed loyal
Recruited Sebastian
Joined mercenaries
Act 1:
Fought against templars
Fenris killed Kelder
Brought Saemus back home
Ginnis died
Told truth about Ghyslain’s wife
Killed Danzig
Didn’t blackmail Thrask
Idunna killed
Solved mystery of missing miners
Sent Feynriel to the Dalish
Recommended Keran not be a templar
Defended Ketojan from the Qunari
Didn’t kill Karras
Act 2:
Javaris alive and well
Discovered looter of Hubert’s caravans
Killed Gascard
Feynriel freed and left for Tevinter
Helped Lieutenant Harley
Didn’t side with Petrice
Didn’t side with Varnell against Qunari
Killed Arishok
Act 3:
Rescued Nathaniel
Killed dragon at Bone Pit
Allowed Emile to go free
Offered to help Nuncio
Let Zevran go
Did not reunite Charade and Gamlen
Handed conspirators to Orsino
Gave Keran to the templars
Sided with mages
Sided with Larius
Found Malcolm’s will
-Dorian did not reconcile with father -Friends with Dorian -Dorian stayed with Inquisition -Iron Bull recruited -Iron Bull sacrificed Chargers -Iron Bull is still Hissrad -Blackwall recruited -Blackwall left prison as Grey Warden -Friends with Blackwall -Cassandra discovered book of secrets -Cassandra did not rebuild Seekers -Cole recruited and stayed -Cole more like a human -Friends with Cole -Sera recruited and stayed -Sera killed Harmond at Inquisitor’s urging -Solas freed his friend -Varric tracked the red lyrium source -Friends with Varric -Vivienne recruited -Gave Vivienne a Snowy Wyvern heart
Exploring Thedas:
Reached the inner sanctum
Helped refugees
Investigated the dwarven ruins
Rescued troops from the Avvar
Fairbanks not revealed as noble
Fairbanks defeated the Freeman
Captured Caer Bronach
Closed the lake’s rift
Claimed Griffon Wing Keep
Imshael killed
Captured Suledin Keep
Inquisition forces deployed regularly
Sutherland’s company was formed
Samson was the Inquisitor’s nemesis
Told Cullen not to use lyrium
Leliana’s assassin’s dealt with Du Paraquettes
Leliana steeled
Investigated Samson
Destroyed Samson’s armor
The Wrath of Heaven
Inquisitor does not accept being chosen by Andraste
In Hushed Whispers:
Went to Redcliffe, mages allied
In Your Heart Shall Burn:
Inquisition is declared for order
Here Lies the Abyss:
Grey Wardens exiled
Warden Stroud sacrificed
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts:
Briala rules through Gaspard
Grand Duchess Florianne dead
What Pride Had Wrought:
Respected temple traditions, allied with the guardians
Inquisitor drank from the Well of Sorrows
Doom Upon All the World:
Supported Leliana as Divine
Judgments At Skyhold:
Mostly a recruiting judging
The Descent:
Saved mines, stopped earthquakes
Done with the Deep Roads forever
Bull betrayed the Inquisitor
Inquisition disbands
Stop Solas at all costs
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