#he only wants to worship at your alter and spoil you
ravereina · 2 years
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Small idea I had a while ago that I decided to put into words so enjoy make request if you want too!
Contains: Praise, Slight degradation, Body worshiping, Dumbfication
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Scaramouche loves spoiling you!! Dressing you up in pretty laced lingerie with matching silk robes covered flowers. Kissing and complimenting your body any chance he gets.
Constantly getting compliments on how gorgeous you look, and getting called cute nicknames that makes your cheeks flush red. He just loves having you all dolled up just for him to ruin later.
Your body littered in bruises and bite marks, some so dark you don’t think it would fade soon. Mascara slightly altering your vision. Your smudged makeup and the black glittery tears that flowed down your face, Making you look fucked out.
“S-So good Scara-!” You mewled.
“Feels good doesn’t it, princess?” He said head against your thigh knuckles deep into your cunt. You felt your high approaching, eager to reach it you moved your hips to his fingers thrusting in and out of you.
Almost at the peak of your orgasm he moved his hand. Denying you of your orgasm for the 3rd time for the night. “Wha- Why did you..” You stumbled upon your words.
“Relax doll, m’gonna make you feel good Ok?”
He said aligning himself to your hole, pushing in just enough to get you accustomed to the sensation. “A-ah! fuck” You moaned as he finally bottomed into you.
Scaramouche hummed tracing shapes on your hips to distract you from the feeling. “Can move now Scara.” You said with a slight whimper in your voice
He grabbed your hips as he finally started thrusting into you. Your voice switching from whimpers and small whines to incoherent phases for him to go faster.
“Aww, look at you all fucked up hm? Pretty fucking whore.” He mocked you. Waiting for a response he tapped on your temple “Anyone in there?” He taunted, dryly laughing.
“Y-yes your w-whore scara! Only yours!” You squealed. “I fucked you dumb, huh? Can’t even reply straightly. Gonna fuck you even dumber,” His thrust suddenly increased in speed. Making your back arch. “Who knew the prettiest girl i’ve seen was also the dumbest?” He spewed, rubbing your clit hardly.
“Too m-much!! Ngh.. N-no more scara!!” You pleaded. “You can take it doll, fuck.. j-just a bit more,” He muttered. You felt your orgasm reaching “Wanna cum! Just wanna please!!” You begged “Go ahead doll, cum on my cock.”
Your high finally washed over you. A flaming white sensation coursed throughout your body. As you felt Scaramouche cum inside you. Your bodies panting at different rhythms.
“You ok doll?” He spoke gently getting the bottle of water and tilting you up. “mhm I’m fine.” You said with a small smile. Your body resting against his chest. The stickiness of your bodies together yet providing a comforting warmth.
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
Vampire Wife - Sequel of Vampire Bride 💍
Marko/Paul/Dwayne/David/Female!Reader (She/Her Pronouns)
Summary: It's your first night reborn as a vampire, and you're going to make the most of it. Tonight you'll experience so many wonderful things. New powers, bloodthirstiness, and a new form of romance. There's so much to enjoy~
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This fic has a romantic surprise ending, but you gotta see it for yourself!
WARNINGS: Nsfw/Smut/18+ Readers Only, Vampire!Reader, Murder/Gore/Vampire Feeding, Poly Relationship, Super Romantic Foreplay, Beach Sex, Public Sex, Group Sex, Telepathic Bond, Body Worship, Cunnilingus, Blow Job, Hand Job, Nipple Play, Face-fucking, Multiple Orgasms, Language Kink, Creampie, Childe-Sire Bond
First Fic
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You couldn't have been happier with how well your transformation went. After the night of passion between you and your boys, you had drifted off into the longest sleep you had ever experienced. A full 24 hours had passed while you slept, as the daytime would never be seen by you again.
When you opened your eyes, you were reborn. 
Everything was sharper, clearer, and far more beautiful. You could hear and see things like never before. Your body felt stronger than ever, the burden of human weakness completely gone. 
All four of your lovers were there to greet you as a fellow creature of the night. Dwayne, Paul, and Marko all fawned over you, spoiling you with praise and compliments about how well you did and how stunning you were. David, on the other hand, only said one thing to you.
"Welcome home~" 
They all helped ease you into your new form. Together, you tested out each of your newfound powers. You sprinted up and down the empty beaches of Santa Carla, faster than a cheetah, without any exhaustion slowing you down. You smashed through thick trees as if they were merely toothpicks. They even helped you take flight into the night sky, cheering you on as you dipped through clouds with grace. 
Though you were now undead, you felt truly alive. But the best part of it was saved for last; your first hunt. 
The boys guided you to their favorite spot. The one they had taken you to in order to reveal what they truly were. Now it was your turn to show what you had become. You moved quietly as you followed them down in the sand dune and up the lone tree that stretched over the secluded beach. The last time you were here, you were clumsy and a little noisy as you struggled to hide. Now you were light as a feather as you slipped into the shadows. 
The five of you eyed a nearby bonfire, a group of college-aged guys drinking beers and chatting without a care in the world. If you were still human, you'd feel guilty about going after them when they were still so young. 
Now all you felt was hunger. 
"Choose carefully, little one," David advised you. "Really think about how you want to go about this. When you're ready, just follow your instincts~"
A wide grin stretched across your face as the excitement rushed through your body. He was giving you free rein over this, and you wanted to make it count. How would you do this?
Just jump out and strike? No, you didn't want this first attempt to be reckless and risk messing up.
Try to seduce them? No, that would just make your boys jealous and pouty. 
Be sneaky and pick them off one by one? No, that would take way too long. 
After juggling some ideas around in your head, the perfect plan finally came to you. What better way to hunt the helpless humans than to pretend you were still one of them? With a rush of excitement flowing within, you slipped back out of the tree and landed soundlessly on the ground. 
You altered your appearance accordingly, messing up your hair and adding rips to the fabric of your shirt. You even bit your fingertip to let some of your blood flow, dabbing a little under your nose to make it look like someone had attacked you. 
Once you looked the part, you slipped into character, running towards the group of humans with a frightened expression on your face. 
"HELP! Someone, pl-please…help me!!" you cried out. You added a fake limp to your run as you made your way to the bonfire. The five human boys turned their attention to the sound of your voice, shocked by what they saw. 
"Holy shit, are you okay?!" One of them asked when you got closer. They all stood up and two of them moved toward you in order to help. The two boys each wrapped an arm around your back, letting you lean on them for support. 
It was a shame they were being so helpful. It almost made you feel bad about targeting them for your first feed. 
"Th-there was an attack…" you whimpered, crocodile tears in your eyes. Who knew one of the powers that came with vampirism was impeccable acting skills?
"Oh my god, where?" another one asked, stepping closer to check the blood by your nose. He didn't even get the chance to notice it was sparkling and too dark to be a human's blood before you spoke again. 
"Right here"
Your act was dropped in a fraction of a second. The fear on your face melted into a sinister smile as you attacked quickly. 
The hands that rested on the two boys' shoulders reached around to slice at their throats. They choked and gasped, panicking as blood immediately poured out of the wounds. You were amazed at how your new claws cut through the skin like warm butter. 
In the brief moment of terror the others experienced at the sight of their dying friends, you grabbed at the wrist of the one who had tried to check your "wound". It only took a small tug to force him closer, allowing you to take hold of his neck and snap it under the force of your free hand. He was lucky to go so quickly. The others wouldn't be. 
You let the throat-slashed humans fall to the sandy ground so you could pick up the new body with both hands. You lifted it over your head with your new brute strength and threw it in the direction of one of the two remaining victims. All the weight hit straight against his head, crushing the skull from the sheer force of your throw. 
Four down. One left. 
The remaining human looked so traumatized. All the color had drained from his face and his eyes were as wide as they could physically be, with tears falling freely. His mouth hung open in a voiceless scream, and his body trembled violently from the shock of what he had just witnessed. 
You could see in his eyes he was desperately trying to pick fight or flight in this terrifying situation. You silently hoped he would choose flight so you could chase him down. 
He swiftly turned on his heels and sprinted down the dark beach. 
Something inside you took over. That hunter's instinct that you had expected to come with your new abilities. You'd seen it many times before with your boys when you watched them hunt. They became wild animals, solely driven by bloodlust and the need to feast. Now you knew exactly what they went through. 
Your mind went completely blank, empty except for one single thought: DRINK
The human was fast, but you were incomparably faster. As sand kicked up behind your running feet, you felt a tingling sensation in your face. It was shifting into the vampire form you'd seen for the others. Facial features sharpening, fangs enlarging and eyes glowing an eerie yellow in the dark. Even if you could no longer see your reflection, you knew it was there. The face of a predator. A monster. 
It made you feel even more powerful than you did already. 
He was thrown to the ground in a mere couple of seconds. Your powerful body kept him pinned down tight. Any hits or kicks that landed on you felt no different from a slight tickle. It was cute to see him struggle. 
But it was better when you lunged in to take a bite. 
Oooh, how he screamed. It was a horrible sound to you as a human, but was pure music as a vampire. You drank greedily from the wound you made in his neck. The blood was hot on your icy skin and flowed into your mouth so quickly. You mindlessly consumed it, desperate for more after each gulp.
No words could properly describe how this tasted on your tongue. It felt as if you were drinking something from the heavens. A divine gift just for you. Being a demonic, terrifying creature of the night, you felt like a spawn of hell, getting one little hint at what heaven was like. A teasing taste that you would chase the high of forever. 
When the last drops of blood in the body's circulatory system got sucked out, you let go and sat upward. The empty body was useless to you now, and all you wanted to do was rid it of your sight. 
With your body stained with red and your vampire face still on, you stood up and grabbed the victim's ankle, dragging it back to the bonfire. You chucked it into the flames just as you would with a piece of firewood. It all burned brighter and higher, the glow looking more beautiful than ever. 
Reality hit you like a ton of bricks. You shook your head and blinked rapidly, finally regaining control of your mind. Now you could think again, the hunger within you satisfied.
The boys all came running your way, filling the silence with cheers and praises. 
"That was so fucking AWESOME! It was just like a horror movie. I loved it!" Paul told you in between giggles. He lifted you upward, spinning you around with glee before setting you back down. 
"I'm so proud of you, angel! You were absolutely perfect," Dwayne cooed. He pulled you in for a big, loving hug and a kiss on your forehead. 
"Bravissima! Sei bellissima! La mia principessa vampira~" Marko praised you in his native tongue. He held your face as he pressed kiss after kiss against your lips, eager to show his love for your vampire form. 
All of their love put together was too much for you. Without your control, tears of joy began falling down your face, now returned to its original, human look. You blubbered out "thank you"s and "I love you"s to each of them as they kept showering you with attention. This was the last thing you expected from this first hunt, but it just made it all the more special. Your bond with them was stronger than ever. 
The three of them reluctantly let you go in order to feed from the other bodies while they were still warm. The last thing they wanted to do was waste the meal you had so skillfully provided for them. As you watched them and calmed down from your crying spell, you heard one last set of steps make their way behind you. You knew who it was before you even turned around. 
You were so used to his expressions being more cocky, smug, or even devious. That was not the case when you looked at him. He looked proud. Enamored. As if he had fallen in love with you all over again. It made your heart melt.
He reached forward and cupped your cheek, the gloves he had on before now tucked away in his pocket. You sighed dreamily as you nuzzled against the skin. No longer did he feel icy to you. Your temperature matched his own, and it brought you such comfort. So welcoming and gentle in his touch. 
"David, I love you" 
His thumb brushed over your cheek, wiping away the last bit of tears you had shed. When the skin was dried, he moved his hand downward, taking hold of your chin as he always loved to do. 
"Let me show you just how much I love you~" 
The gap between the two of you closed as he brought you in for a kiss. Immediately, your eyes shut and your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in closer to you. Kissing him as you were now was more complex. It was all so new, yet so familiar. 
He moved those kisses downward, peppering them against your neck as he shrugged off his coats. You had no heartbeat to tease him with, but his blood was still flowing within you. That alone was making him want you~
Only for a moment did he stop kissing you, and it was just so he could spread the coats down over a patch of the sand. Now you understood what he meant. 
"What about the others~?" you whispered, looking over his shoulder to see them finishing up their meal and starting to clean up the bloody mess you had left on the beach. David smiled at you as he helped guide you down on top of his coats, laying you on your back. 
"Why don't you call them over yourself, darling? You have another power you can use after all~" 
Oh! The telepathy! You had almost forgotten that the boys could all talk to one another in their minds, but now you could do it too. As David leaned down to kiss you on your lips, you called out to your other boys in your mind.
My loves! Come here~
The three of them perked up at the sound of your voice, surprised to hear it so clearly when you were far away. When they figured out that you had spoken to them in your mind, they all grinned at one another and ran over to where David had laid you down on the beach. Ever the eager boys, they immediately began stripping off their jackets, shoes and pants, ready whenever David was willing to share you with them.
The bleach-blond moved a lot more slowly whenever he undressed you. Out of the four of them, he was the most patient when it came to savoring a moment of passion. You ran your fingers through his hair as he caressed your body, helping slip you out of each bit of clothing. You did the same in return, tugging his black shirt over his head so you could enjoy his body more. He moaned into each kiss, clearly grateful to have you like this~
“My little one. My beautiful vampire bride~” he sighed, releasing your lips to travel downward with his kisses. Your now naked body was ready for him. For all of them. You were strong and powerful now, perfectly capable of seeing just what they could really do to you. 
Still, being slow and tender for your first time as a vampire couldn’t hurt. You loved it when they took their time with you, and now you had all the time in the world~
David kissed over your neck, your chest, your stomach and all the way down to the spot above your exposed pussy. He stopped there and met your gaze, stretching out the wait in order to tease you with anticipation. You whimpered softly, desperate for him to move lower.
Please, David. Taste me~
God, the smugness on his face was too much. He looked up at you before diving in, his ice-blue eyes quickly flashing to a bloodshot yellow to show just how starved he really was.
“Aaaahhh~!” you sighed out, head thrown back and fingers already grasping at his hair. Your body was so much more sensitive to him now. Every touch of his hands, every nibble of his teeth, and every swipe of his skilled tongue felt even more pleasurable than ever. He was an amazing lover when you were a human, but this was something completely new and absolutely intoxicating~
He threw your legs over his shoulders, urging you to get as close as possible while he slipped his tongue inside of you. You squeezed tightly, already overwhelmed by how it all felt. You imagined you were quite a sight for the others to enjoy right now.
Speaking of which~
The others were circled around you, kneeling by your side in the sand but still looming tall and powerful over your body. They were completely naked, looking as perfect as ever under the glow of the moonlight. Your heart was undead now, forever silent and unbeating in your chest, yet you still felt it skip from the way they all gazed at you. So loving, yet so consumed by their own desire.
“Baciami, amore mia~” Marko whispered to you before leaning down to kiss you. Thanks to David working his magic in between your legs, you were quite noisy as you kissed the curly-haired vampire. You whimpered and sighed breathlessly as your lips moved perfectly together. It was a good thing that your noises seemed to make Marko enjoy it even more~
“Let me touch you, sweet girl~” Dwayne said, moving downward, so he was at eye level with your chest. You watched carefully as he explored your body, caressing one of your breasts with his big, strong hand and pleasuring the other with his mouth. A shiver ran down your spine as he toyed with you, slowly sucking one nipple and gently twisted the other. The shots of pleasure running through your body only made you tighten your hold on David more.
“Mmmh I want you too, kitten~” Paul groaned, his long fingers wrapped around his cock and stroking it at a fast pace. You nudged Marko away from your mouth so you could turn it towards Paul, letting him move closer and slip the length past your lips. The immediate sigh of pleasure that he let out was so blissful to your ears. 
I’ll take care of you too, Marko. Come here, Il mio bell’uomo~
You spoke directly to Marko in your head, adding some of the Italian he had taught you in order to sweeten him up a bit. While you slowly sucked Paul’s cock on one side, Marko moved to the other side of your body, ready to get pleasured by you too. Your fingers enclosed around his thick cock and started moving up and down at a pace that he loved most. His hazel eyes shut and his head fell back in ecstasy as he relaxed from your touch. 
Every part of your body was being ravaged by your boys. David gripped your thighs tightly as he fucked you with his tongue. Paul moved his hips back and forth, pumping into your mouth with a mindless need. Dwayne kept toying with your sensitive nipples, desperate for more of your pretty noises. Marko was in an absolute daze while you pumped his cock in your hand. 
It wasn’t the first time you had done something like this all together, but it definitely felt a lot easier to manage this time around. You were focused enough to give each of them equal attention, all while savoring your own pleasure.
It was like a complicated dance, everyone moving together to match a perfect pace and make something beautiful. You were practically bursting with love for them all. If this was what eternal life would be like with the four vampires, then you were the luckiest girl in the world.
It all went on much longer than usual. Normally, you’d be worn out and exhausted from the intense things they put your body through, but not anymore. You could keep up with them, and they seemed like they wanted to make it last all night long. Hours could be going by, but you didn’t care. You only wanted to enjoy it with your four loves as much as possible. 
Of course, even if you weren’t human, you still had the familiar need to enjoy your climax. Now that your powers were in sync with them all, they could tell how close your body was getting to your orgasm without you even telling them. That didn’t stop you from using your voice, though~
FUCK, I’m almost there…boys…please, make me cum~!
They all kicked up the pace they had with their own actions. David lifted your hips up high and sped up the motions of his tongue, desperate to taste you when you came. Dwayne pinched you harder, fueled by the sounds you made when he did. Paul ran a hand through your hair and grabbed on tight so he could properly fuck your mouth. Marko begged you to speed up the motions of your hand.
It was like they were desperate animals in heat, and now you were becoming one, too. Everything happened so fast. Your mind blanked out and your body tensed up as the rush of pleasure consumed your entire being. It was nothing like any other orgasm you’d had as a human. You experienced immense ecstasy rushing through your entire being, striking you again and again and again. 
You felt like a goddess, flowing with cosmic power. 
Your boys got their own satisfaction as well, each one closely following your climax. They painted your body in different spots with their cum, hot and eager to mark you as their own. It was clear that this new experience was just as intense for them as it was for you~
When the rush had died down, the relaxation hit you all instantly. They each collapsed against your naked body, breathing heavily and smiling like a bunch of dopes. It was positively adorable. You returned a smile to them as you let them cuddle against you, savoring the afterglow together. 
Your first night was coming to an end. It was the final hour before the sun came up, and the boys were readying things before your first sleep with them as a vampire. After your romp in the sand, Marko and David finished cleaning up the mess on the beach while Dwayne and Paul helped wash you off in the ocean before getting you dressed again.
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Your joy was through the roof, a blissful expression on your face while everyone worked together. You were overflowing with love. 
After you got back on the beach, Marko made his way over to you Dwayne and Paul. They were all smiling as well, but something about their expressions felt a little more…sneaky. You couldn’t explain your reasoning. It just seemed like they were withholding something else from you. Even when you tried speaking with them telepathically again, you were met with silence.
“There’s actually one more thing we have for you before the night ends, princess,“ Marko said. He chewed on the nail of his thumb, a classic sign that he was holding back a lot of excited energy. 
“I thought you boys were hiding something from me! What is it~?” you questioned, arms crossed and eyebrow raised in curiosity. They all kept grinning eagerly as David’s voice spoke up behind you.
“Turn around and find out, darling~”
You did just that and nearly shrieked out loud.
David was in front of you, but he wasn’t standing. He was down on one knee. A ring was held in between his fingers.
Oh god. Oh god!
“I wanted to wait until you were fully transformed into one of us,” he explained, calm and collected despite how energetic you were now. “When I said you’d be my bride, I meant that for real~”
Tears were already pooling in your eyes. Your hands clasped over your mouth to silence any cries building in your throat. The other three each giggled in delight at your overwhelming excitement. They each threw an arm over your shoulder or gave you an affectionate squeeze.
“As much as we’d all love to marry you, polyandry is, unfortunately, illegal in California~” Paul joked. 
“But we do all love you equally, angel. That will never change~” Dwayne cooed, nuzzling the back of your neck.
“We all worked together to get you this. We just thought as your Sire, David would be the right one to gift it~” Marko explained. He took your trembling hand in his own, comforting you in this big moment. 
Even with your cheeks flushed and soaked with your joyful tears, David remained completely calm and content with his own expression. With the aid of your strengthened vision, you could see every detail in the ring.
The gem was your birthstone, glimmering under the light of the moon. Inside the band itself was an engraving. Four letters: D, P, M, D. Each one representing the names of your lovers. 
“D-David..” you whimpered, unable to express yourself without feeling the need to cry more. Your entire body was shaking, and you felt like you could burst at any moment. 
“No matter what we do, where we go or how long we last in this immortal life, let’s experience it together. I’ll devote my entire life to you, my love. My Childe~” David promised. He reached forward and took the hand that Marko didn’t hold. He was so gentle. So loving. 
“Marry me”
Of course, you said yes. 
They all squeezed you tight in a group embrace. As Marko, Paul and Dwayne peppered you with kisses, David slipped the ring on your finger, clearly over the moon from the delight of your answer. There was absolutely no way you would ever take it off. 
When all was said and done, the five of you took off into the night sky, ready to hide away from the daytime and celebrate all over again once the night returned. As you soared over the city of Santa Carla, you held David’s hand tight; the ring shining so brightly against your finger. 
It really was good to be a vampire.
Once again, I don't speak Italian, but here are the translations I got with the research I did. Please tell me if something is incorrect!
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Bravissima - Very well done
Sei bellissima - You're so beautiful
La mia principessa vampira - My vampire princess
Baciami, amore mia - Kiss me, my love
Il mio bell’uomo - My handsome man
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murdersinthemaking · 6 months
Oliver met Murdock exactly one year ago today. Since then, he’s sure his heart and soul have been altered permanently.
The spirit’s been silently restless the entire day and clingier than usual. He made the other man the three important meals of the day, worked on the garden, spoiled him any and every way his limited position could offer him. Even at the end of the day, when he’d worshipped his love in more ways than one and they’re left panting and clinging to each other, it still didn’t feel like enough.
Murdock lays comfortably on his chest, and Oliver’s hand smooths up and down his back, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head and inhaling the scent of him with a soft sigh. “I adore you… I feel I don’t tell you enough.”
He leans back to gaze down at the content expression of his lover, his everything, his second chance at love. Even like this, he was beautiful, unlike any kind of beauty he’s ever had the honor of witnessing. “I never believed I’d ever love anyone else after… after I’d been wounded before. I’d made peace with the knowledge I wasn’t made to be loved, but you… you love me so easily, as if it’s second nature to do so. As if it’s as simple as breathing.”
A hand moves up to cup his cheek, thumb grazing the slight stubble of his cheeks. The molten brown of his eyes have always given away how he feels, always wearing his emotions of his sleeve: lovestruck, confliction, nerves. “I can’t give you what you deserve. I can’t give you the privilege of living peacefully somewhere outside these woods, and most importantly, I can’t take your pain. But I’ve vowed to be there for every tear and doubt and anxious thought.
“You have my heart in the palm of your hand, and though you could’ve easily crushed it a long time ago, you’ve treated it with devotion I am far from deserving of.” His hand slides down from his face to hold his hand, and in between their intertwined hands, there’s the feeling of something small and delicate in between their palms.
“If I could have it my way, I would’ve taken you somewhere beautiful, done this properly, but…” Oliver rests their foreheads together and brings their held hands in between them, unveiling the ring resting over both of their hands. “I want to spend my eternity by your side… would you do me the honor of being here, forever?”
Before the only reason he’d had Oliver around was that he was so sure it was all a hallucination. Some form of treatment for his loneliness, a haunting voice a figure to follow him around to try and be his friend until it became a taunting shadow. Murdock had to tolerate him at first, trying to endure the friendly presence that wandered around in a controlled path within the house and garden. Never ending, inescapable from one and other.
And then he started to fall in love with a ghost. A man out of his league and far past his time. Painfully beautiful, sculpted to perfection and preserved in death. It must’ve been nearly a year since he arrived and an eternity since he loved him.
Up to three months ago, Murdock couldn’t have accepted an entire day of spoiling. How could he deserve it, a murderer and criminal who was bringing home bodies more often than hot meals. Spending nights in his workshop, on the edge of the spirits boundary. Arm deep in gore and intestines wrapped around his forearm. Oliver coaxed him out of it, that there was something he would be deserving off. An angel kissing his broken heart. Murdock had started smelling of sanitizing cleaners and the after scent of blood. But then he fell in love with Oliver, someone so precious and worthy of devotion. Cleaning around his rough edges to smell of cut flowers and freshly cut logs.
Comfortable across his chest, he sighs and turns up towards him. Leaning against the spirits newly warm skin and wrapping both hands around Oliver’s shoulders. Squeezing muscle and smoothing his fingers against his skin. Every word sets him into silence, wide and full of wondrous hope. Sniffling quiet cries out and trying to muffle them with the palm of his hand, Murdock stares with his mouth agape. Letting it wash over him to be sure it was real.
“Forever,” he promises, holding onto his lovers hands tightly. He never needed a ring, already promising to seal himself a fate to stay in the house until time ran out.
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poppy-metal · 2 years
me cringing whenever i read hard dom eddie smut on this app bc that's my soulmate and i happen to know him deeper than anyone else and know for a fact that man is a service top through and through.
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offbrandhange · 3 years
Wedding Day ! | 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
Fluff & NSFW headcanons on your wedding day/night with some of the AOT boys!
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! Slight NSFW !
Warnings: Alcohol, mentions of sex, pregnancy. Fem ! reader.
Majority of this is fluff, but there are mentions of !BEEP! sooo yeah.
Characters: Armin, Eren, Erwin, Jean, Levi
a/n: I have to take my SAT tomorrow, please wish your girl good luck for those sweet, sweet good grades....
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𝕬𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓 𝕬𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖗𝖙 ~
Helps you plan the wedding and possibly loves it even more than you do. He’s a sucker for quality time. 
Armin would prefer a small or medium-sized wedding. If you want a large wedding though, there’s no way he’s holding you back from having it. 
100% a beach wedding. No doubt.
The venue is BEAUTIFUL. Spent countless nights researching and visiting places to make sure you got the best.
Eren is chosen as the best man, although Armin feels guilty for having to pick only one out of all his friends.
On the day of the wedding, Armin is a panicking mess. Eren and Jean literally have to give him a pep talk before he goes to stand at the alter.
Practiced deep breathing techniques before the wedding. Unfortunately, they aren’t working.
When you finally walk down the isle, Armin starts crying softly. Eren put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him......which just made him sob harder. He cried multiple times during the wedding.
Your wedding rings are the set his grandfather and grandmother shared :’)
Specifically told the bartender not to serve Connie and Sasha more than 3 drinks. He doesn’t trust them making their own alcohol-related decisions at his wedding.
Armin isn’t a dancer but....he practiced how to slow dance just for you.
Shy at first when it comes to the more fast-paced dancing, but Jean coaxes him into it, and he ends up having a lot of fun.
The speeches are so nice!!! But mostly because Armin asked Mikasa to read them over before hand to make sure they were okay.
After the wedding ends and everyone has left, you and Armin sit and watch the waves at night.
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The beach was reserved...meaning it is now completely deserted. I am now politely reminding you, Armin is not a saint. Honeymoon sex on the beach, anybody?
The sex is slow and sweet; he takes his time with you and kisses you all over. It’s 100% the definition of, “making love.”
If you’re down for a kid right now, Armin’s down for a kid right now. He WILL try for a baby with you if it’s what you want.
After you made a mess of yourselves in the sand...Armin would probably let you sleep for a little bit as he watched the waves. He doesn’t want it to end yet.
When he’s finally content, he would carry you back to the hotel, trying not to wake you.
Super considerate dusting the sand off you, and then tucking you in bed. He’s totally cuddling you to sleep, too.
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𝕰𝖗𝖊𝖓 𝕵𝖆𝖊𝖌𝖊𝖗 ~
Pretty much gives you full control of the wedding planning; he only has a few requests.
Eren would be the type of dude to invite friends, friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends. Your wedding is gonna be packed.
Has no idea what kind of wedding he prefers.
Please, god, don’t let him pick the venue. He will go to the first one, look around, and go, “Yeah, this is pretty nice.” That’s how you’ll end up getting married at an AirBNB with a nice backyard hidden behind the local Walmart.
Doesn’t know if he should make Armin or Zeke the best man, so he flips a coin to decide. It landed on Armin, and from that day on, Zeke was super salty.
Tries to convince you to try on the wedding dress/suit the day before. He can’t sleep that night because he’s so keyed up thinking about how pretty you’ll look.
On the day of the wedding, he’s super fucking ecstatic and practically bouncing all over the place.
Eren would get kind of impatient when waiting at the isle, to the point it would annoy the groomsmen. Jean came so close to saying something but was thankfully stopped by Armin.
When you finally walk down the isle, he’s BEAMING. He tears up a little bit out of happiness, but nothing too extreme.
Armin had to help him pick out the wedding rings otherwise you would’ve ended up with one of those plastic spider rings you win at Chuck e. Cheese’s.
Eren gets so fucking drunk you’re worried you might have to carry him back to the room by the end of the night.
Jean literally nit-picks everything Eren does the whole night....which almost ends up resulting in a drunken bar fight...at your wedding. It ends up fine, though, because Levi and Mikasa step in as bodyguards.
You SWEAR Mikasa is giving you dirty looks. Likewise, Eren SWEARS he’s getting dirty looks from Levi.
He does alright slow-dancing, but is so tipsy and distracted by how attractive you are to him, he’s kinda just....trying his best.
Absolutely OBLITERATES the dance floor when the fast-paced songs come on...
WILD assortment of speeches. Mikasa is crying, Armin’s reading a poem, Floch’s trying to get you to join his cult, Zeke is crying......and Eren is sitting there like, “Is this almost over.” You’d think it was America’s got talent, or something.
When the wedding ends, he 100% drags you to your favorite fast-food restaurant. Still in your wedding attire. Seriously, this dude is crazy, but he’s fun.
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When you get back to the hotel, he lets you eat your food--and then he fucks the shit out of you.
Way, way, way more rough than usual; super passionate sex. Multiple rounds, too. You don’t even KNOW how he has this much stamina by the end of the night.
Not even TRYING to get you pregnant, but his dumbass probably accidentally would.
Good luck trying to walk tomorrow!!!
When he’s finally tired, he is GONE. Like, you could scream bloody-murder and he still wouldn’t wake up.
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𝕰𝖗𝖜𝖎𝖓 𝕾𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖍 ~
You can TRY and take that wedding planner from Erwin--the only way he’d give it to you is if you pried it from his cold, dead hand(s).
Tells people he’s married MONTHS before the wedding.
Everyone.....and I mean EVERYONE.....knows you’re getting married. he will walk up to strangers and brag about you.
Erwin invites everyone he sees. Elderly woman crossing the street? Invited. Barista at the coffee shop? Invited. Guy on the bus who offered him a seat? Invited.
All those people attend the wedding, too. Why? Everyone knows and loves Erwin. So when your wedding is literally PACKED with people you have never seen before--you’re only slightly surprised.
You know those reality shows where they have HUGE, expensive weddings? Your wedding would put theirs to shame. Erwin goes ALL OUT.
The venue? A literal castle. How did he manage to book and afford a castle? Don’t question it.
Your wedding dress doesn’t have a budget. Seriously, your wedding is crazy expensive--and straight out of a fairy tale.
You’re pretty sure Levi made himself the best man--and Erwin was fine with it.
Is super excited on the day of the wedding. He knows it’s going to be perfect; he got his eyebrows done just for the occasion.
When you walk down that isle his smile is SO BRIGHT. he is SHINING.
Yeah, those wedding rings? Imported from Italy, plastered with giant, real, diamonds. You will never be able to say Erwin doesn’t spoil you.
Pretty chill wedding, nothing’s too rowdy and everyone’s still having a good time.
Whispers sweet nothings and tells you how happy he is the whole night. He can’t go five minutes without saying, “I love you.”
Just TRY to get him to stop holding your hand; he won’t.
Erwin is so good at slow-dancing??? And he’s so careful with you, too. 100% the one in the lead, but he’s spinning and dipping you so sweetly. Not to mention the way he’s looking at you...
He’s a serious guy a lot of the time, but I honest to god believe in the sweetest way possible, you would genuinely have a really fun time fast-pace dancing with him. You would both be laughing at each other’s moves.
Majority of the speeches are super nice. Hange tried to get Levi to say something, brought him up to the stage and....he starred at the crowd for a couple awkward seconds, then walked off. He conveyed his message through his eyes, I guess?
The wedding is so long you weren’t sure it was ever going to end...
Hotel? Nah he booked that castle, that’s where you’re spending the night...
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You’re fucking in the king bed tonight baby, literally.
Pays attention to your needs/wants the WHOLE NIGHT. Seriously, he’s a soft dom, and makes sure you’re more than satisfied.
Tons of body worship?? He’s so sweet and careful with you.
Erwin secretly really, really wants to give you his babies and start a family with you on the honeymoon. If you’re willing, he will make sure he gets you pregnant; you’re getting no sleep.
After you’re done, he will run you two a bath and clean you off. He adds in a little bonus massage, too.
When you get in bed, he pets your head, cuddling you until you fall asleep. You could’ve sworn you saw him smiling before you drifted off to sleep.
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𝕵𝖊𝖆𝖓 𝕶𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖎𝖓 ~
Jean would definitely help you plan the wedding--he values romance a lot, so having the perfect wedding for him and you, is important. He also doesn’t want to put all the weight on you.
Brags to his friends that he’s getting married--they all get tired of hearing about it.
Normal sized wedding--not too many, but not small, either. Lots of family and friends.
The venue is at a barn. Yes, he picked a barn. it’s a nice venue, too; the only problem is that he’s not going to be able to escape those horse jokes.
Marco is chosen as the best man--and when Connie hears about it, he sulks for a few days. He gets over it eventually, though.
He’s kind of nervous the day of--but Marco reassures him and teaches his some deep-breathing techniques.
Keeps his cool until he goes to stand at the alter--and then he’s in full-blown panic mode. “What if I can’t make her happy?” “What if she runs away with Eren?” meanwhile, Eren is standing right there with the other groomsmen, like “wtf?”
When you walk down the isle--he’s super overwhelmed. He feels a huge sense of relief you didn’t ditch him and run away, but also metaphorically hit by a semi-truck of emotions since he realized he’s ACTUALLY getting married. There’s a little bit of happy crying.
His mom picked out your wedding rings; you only find out when she brags about it--and Jean yells at her for telling you.
His wedding gift to you is a giant portrait he drew of you--and on the back, there’s a message in French. He won’t tell you what it says, but you’re pretty sure it’s an oath to love and protect you ‘till the day he dies.
He does pretty well slow-dancing. His mom also mentions he begged her to practice with him so he didn’t mess up.
He’s a little worried about making himself look like a fool dancing in front of you--but for you, he does it anyways; You both laugh your asses off and have a lot of fun.
The speeches make Jean look like he wants to drop dead from embarrassment. He’s not sure what’s worse--Connie and Sasha doing karaoke, Eren making horse jokes, or his mom telling all of his embarrassing baby stories.
After everyone leaves, Jean takes you to look at the animals before you leave, too.
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 As for honeymoon sex; you better not make a horse joke, otherwise you’re getting laid in that fucking barn. Maybe. He threatens that, but you know he wouldn’t want to have sex there on your wedding night. He’s 100% down for another time, though.
A mix of rough and sweet at the same time--he does the right things at the right times.
Is a lot more passionate and soft than usual--very careful with your body, and makes sure to really take everything in; He wants to remember the night for as long as he lives.
Immaculate aftercare; and on top of that, he lets you fall asleep in his arms, occasionally kissing your forehead.
Bonus: he sings you to sleep.
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𝕷𝖊𝖛𝖎 𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓 ~
Lets you plan the wedding, but looks it over and makes sure there’s nothing too crazy happening. He, somehow, is worried you’re going to plan a circus or something else ridiculous to show up.
No one knows you’re getting married until the envelopes are mailed to family and friends. In fact, some people didn’t even know you were together.
Pretty small wedding, it’s mostly people who are very close to you two. It has a very homey-feel.
The venue HAS to be indoors. Levi thinks an outdoor wedding is unsanitary--so you end up getting married in a banquet hall.
Erwin is 1000% the best man. You don’t even have to ask, you already know it’s going to be Erwin.
Is literally shaking and sweating his ass off he’s so nervous the day of the wedding--if anyone asks, though, he swears he is fine. Has no idea it’s completely obvious he’s on the verge of absolutely freaking out.
Erwin and Hange try to get him to relax--but he continues to deny that he is in fact, NOT calm.
When you walk down the isle and he makes eye contact with you--his brain short-circuits. His mind literally stops working and is constantly repeating, “p...p...pre....pretty..” the whole damn time.
Mentally saves the image of you in your dress/suit to use as his motivation to always come home to you.
Tries to remain expressionless, but is literally tomato-red and on the verge of crying; he never thought he’d be able to find happiness--it feels like everything is finally going to be okay. Erwin is smiling like a proud dad, and Hange is trying to suppress their amazement that the dude’s showing emotion.
Your wedding rings are fairly plain--but on the inside of the bands, both of your names are etched.
He won’t read the vows out loud, he simply hands you a letter and tells you to read it another time.
When the time comes to kiss--Levi literally hides behind you and shyly pulls you in. The view the audience gets is your back--and they aren’t sure whether to clap or not.
Your wedding gift to him was a giant assortment of different teas--and he genuinely seemed really excited to try them. He didn’t realize it, but when he mentioned tasting them, he said, “with you” at the end.
Has no idea how to slow dance. Erwin tried to help him, but it didn’t do much, so you teach him on the spot. Your first dance, he concentrates really hard on not messing up, eyebrows furrowed and all.
Doesn’t know how to dance fast-pace either, in fact, he’s pretty confused. You have to grab the man and force him out of his comfort zone, spinning him and all. Hange and the Survey Corp members are laughing their ass off at his bewildered face.
The speeches went pretty well--except for when Hange didn’t stop talking; Levi threatened to force them off the stage, and you don’t think he was joking.
The wedding was fairly short--but only because Levi rushed everyone home; he just wanted to drag you off and keep you to himself for the rest of the day.
After the wedding, he takes you to a spot nearby to watch the sunset. He has a soft smile, and you can tell he’s genuinely happy.
You take HIM back to the hotel--he would’ve been fine staying there just a little longer, in the peace of it all.
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You’re literally taking his virginity. He saved himself for marriage; he wanted to make sure he gave himself to the right person.
Very nervous--and kind of insecure, too. He isn’t sure what you’ll think of him, and he’s worried about you seeing his scars. He STILL isn’t completely convinced you really want him.
Lots of body worship and reassuring him; he melts at your touch.
Once he gets comfortable and into it, he repeats “I love you” a lot.
He doesn’t last very long...but keeps going until you get off, too. He’s still a little confused by everything, so you have to teach him.
He’s half asleep after cumming--but still insists the two of you need to get in the shower.
Was too tired to stand, so you took a bath together instead. He falls asleep, leaning on you, when you massage his head.
You end up being unable to wake him up--the man is dead tired from not only sleep deprivation, the long day, but also his first time.
You can’t get him out of the bathtub, either--he’s too bulky to lift. You expected him to be much lighter due to his height, but his muscle makes him a lot more heavy.
Hange and Erwin have to be called to haul his ass--naked--out of the tub and into the bed. Hange is of no help since they’re laughing so hard--and Erwin is helping, but trying so hard not to break face and laugh too.
After they leave, you cover him up and cuddle into his frame; you could swear you heard a quiet, “thank you.”
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sekceesimps · 4 years
HxH Domestic Fluff Headcannons
these are just some cute and fluffy (kinda spicy?) head cannons for Feitan, Hisoka, and Chrollo with a fem!reader
a/n   please send in requests and feedback. I love doing head cannons and really want to improve my writing for y’all,
sincerely Coffee
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Chrollo Lucilfer
-  Chrollo would have never thought that he’d settle down with someone. In truth, he’s still surprised that he did. It’s not that he doesn’t love you, he would kill for you, but he’s surprised that you managed to stick with him for this long
-  This sexy man loves you so much
- he's never really felt this strongly about anyone in his whole life. He’d usually just fuck someone to get what he needs and then get the hell out of there. Honestly, he didn’t think he needed anyone being the busy leader that he is
- With you he feels so many more unfamiliar and strong emotions. He knew a few months into being in a relationship that he wanted to marry you, he was very sure about you being the one. 
- However, this level of love only comes due to how much trust he has in you. At the beginning of your relationship it was dishonest for him. He had a mask, but that didn’t protect him from the eventual feelings he developed. It took him a bit of time to drop his guard, but once that happens he’s all yours. 
- He doesn’t admit it, but he loves it when you call him your husband. Having a ring on your finger makes him feel more secure that you truly belong to him too. that possessive mf 
- you’d have the be very patient and accepting of him and his line of work. He still goes about his spider business, even after marriage, although he tries to make it less obvious now, for your own peace of mind. 
- He enjoys coming home to you cooking a beautiful meal and waiting for him on the couch. No one in his life has ever put as much thought and effort into things for him as you do. 
- Will still spoil you. Your gaze lingering on that bracelet in the store too long? it’s already wrapped up and on the bed for you. 
- If he thinks he pissed you off even a little bit, he’ll try to give you something as an apology. You don’t really care, preferring to just be with him. 
- morning kisses! You’ll often find yourself waking up to him kissing you on your forehead, neck, and cheeks. He loves seeing you blush and act shy when he does this 
- these morning kisses will have a 50/50 chance of leading to more. it’s usually lazy and sensual, but it’s what both of you need before heading off to the shower together and then taking care of the day’s events. 
- He loves cuddling so much, it’s insane. He might act like he’d be the big spoon, but that’s just not happening. You’ll be watching a movie together at night and he’ll be making himself comfortable with his back against your chest. In truth, Chrollo loves being held by you 
- Don’t get me wrong, he’s still going to be topping you like 80% of the time, but he really loves just taking in your warmth and the comfort you give him. Coming from Meteor City, he’s never felt as safe as when you’re holding him. 
- Likes burying his face into your hair and just inhaling your scent. It’s so intoxicating for him. 
- Sometimes when you two are sitting in bed he’ll read to you or let you read over his shoulder. You two would probably be reading the same literature and talking about it as a nice calm activity together.  
- He’s never really considered a family before, but after marriage he’d go into a slight baby fever. he 100% has a breeding kink 
- He saw you holding a family member’s young child once and something in him definitely changed. You don’t mind though. One kid would definitely not be enough for him. 
- Overall, a married Chrollo continues to pamper you and will always see you as his whole world. The amount of trust and love he has for you will only grow through the years. 
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Hisoka Morow
- Honestly, Hisoka isn’t settling down with anyone seriously anytime soon, but for the right person he would perhaps put in some effort in his own way
- that being said, if he does ever get into a serious relationship he’d be like a house cat. 
- you’ll be doing chores around the house and he’d come behind you for attention until you stop doing the dishes and cuddle with him
- With Hisoka, he’s either always giving you affection or will be ignoring you. There is truly no in between
- don’t go seeking attention and kisses. If you initiate he’ll be mildly annoyed and won’t indulge you. He is a massive tease and will start initiating affection at the worst times
- you’re busy with work? Too bad. He’s horny and wants to take you on the desk right now. trying to fold the clothes from the dryer? you better do it with his arms wrapped around your waist and him breathing down your neck. 
- His method of affection will be neck kisses and hands wrapped around your waist. He’s not too into holding hands or cuddling. 
- He has a weird obsession with calling you sickly sweet pet names until you get annoyed. he definitely won’t stop even if you get pissed off by it
- dates with him are also truly something else. He’s pretty clueless about what normal couples do. Some dates can be sweet, with him taking you to an expensive dinner or a romantic walk around town. Other times they be weird, with him taking you to a random abandoned lot and making out with you for an hour. 
- Hisoka is incredibly possessive in public. He’ll be clutching onto you if anyone starts looking and flirting with you. you are HIS and it pisses him off that someone doesn’t realize this. 
- which is exactly why he likes the idea of marrying you. He can make it official that you belong to him. PDA will increase so much after you get married.
- He also leaves way more hickies on your neck. He loves to make sure people know that you are his. 
- When you two are getting ready in the mornings he’ll teach you how to apply makeup. Always gets the best stuff for you, he steals it sometimes, but he pretends he doesn’t know. Seriously though, he’s great with hair styling and tries to teach you all his tricks.  
- This sexy clown will be a shitty gift giver. He forgets some important dates, but makes up for it with hastily bought presents. also eats you out as an apology
- He’s pretty stubborn, so when you get into real arguments don’t expect him to beg for you back. He’s going to be pouty and ignore you. All you have to do though is ignore him back and eventually he gets frustrated enough to pin you against something and fuck you right there. 
- He refuses to have kids. That’s just not his style. He’d rather you and him had an easy to maintain pet that doesn’t require much work
- If you do end up getting pregnant, he’ll be displeased and most likely won’t alter any of his actions. He warms up to the idea later on, but initially it’s pretty rough getting him on board the idea of a family 
- Hisoka is a strange lover to be married to, but he does love and care for you in his own ways. 
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Feitan Portor
- Don’t expect many words from him. If you want to hear “I Love You” and other words of comfort, it would be incredibly rare and only ever when he’s really tired and not quite in control of his demeanor.
- He would only want to settle down with you if you were self reliant. He’s not always going to be there so you need to take care of yourself
- You would probably also be a Spider or some form of assassin/hunter. He needs to be able to know that you can take down enemies when he’s not with you. You being able to beat down enemies turns him on so much.  
- Feitan also probably sees marriage as an unnecessary formality. You’d probably be dating for a while, so why do you need a piece of paper telling you how much you love each other? If you wanted it though, he wouldn’t protest too much.
- He’s not COMPLETELY devoid of emotions though. He still loves you very much. His form of affection comes from small changes in his body language and the little things he does
- He will remember important dates and occasionally give a word of praise on those days. This lack of affection is definitely not because he doesn’t love you, but rather because he just does not know what to do when it comes to romance
- His form of romance also comes in more romantic sex. We all know that Feitan is a kinky mf, but after being with you for so long, he mellows out a bit. He worships your body however you want as his main form of reassurance
- Sometimes with urging from the rest of the Troupe he tries to bring you things you’d enjoy. Will get you some form of matching clothing or maybe a practical knife. 
- He actually gets you a cat on your birthday. He’ll act like he didn’t plan it, but he knew you wanted to take care of something while he was gone. Pretends he hates the cat, but they’re really similar and get along well.  
- Due to his background and upbringing, trusting and physical contact is foreign and unnatural to him. It would take a lot of time together and loving nights for him to finally let you cuddle and have him kiss you often
- After you two break that barrier he can’t stop holding your hand, touching your waist, giving you forehead kisses. he is so touch starved, give him love
- Will probably never seriously consider children. In your lines of work it would be too dangerous with not much of a benefit. That being said though, if you do end up getting pregnant he won’t protest too hard
- The kid will end up growing on him though. He definitely doesn’t want more though, one is more than enough for him. Will secretly find it adorable when his son or daughter calls him dad. He will teach your kid how to torture and interrogate someone in 10 minutes. 
- He loves the family you two have and wouldn’t trade it for the world. Be patient with him and he would take a bullet for you 
part 2??
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
Touched [M]
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 2.2k
Rating: 18+
Genre: Fluff; Smut
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff; Full Body Massage; Petnames; Praising; Body-Worshipping; Nipple Play; Fingering; Mentions of pubic Hair; kinda tantric orgasm (?); Yoongi is awfully sweet and adorable! 🤧💕
A/N: I wrote this here for my sweet Darling Sibi @borathae​ who had an incredible awful week and I just thought about how to make a little bit up for this shitty week. I love you and I hope you like it, Baby~ 🙈💖
Summary: This week was just so awful and shitty, every muscle in your body hurts and you're absolutely exhausted from this horror week. But Yoongi has an Idea to relax you and make you feel so loved in a way, that couldn't make thousands of compliments.
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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"Just relax. And if you don't want something, please just tell me.", Yoongi whispers in your ear as he lays you down on your stomach on the big king size bed. You just nod exhausted and worn out, really don’t want anything more than relaxation and rest.
This week had just been terrible and exhausting. You don't know why, but Mother Nature thought this week is a good week to let the temperatures reach 40°C. Exactly in the week where you no longer have lectures and therefore you have to work a 40 hours week in your side job. Not that it's bad, no. You work at a photographer and you study photography, so it couldn't be that bad... wrong. It is already shit if you have to renovate in blazing sun without shade a barn (for photo shootings etc). You are studying photography, not trained as a craftsman! Now you regret having applied with your craft skills.
Yoongi already said the last few days, you should finally quit and find a better part-time job, with a boss who also appreciates your photographic skills. But you need this Job, your Boss pays you well. Only you would like to do more often the things you have applied for and no other stupid work.
Especially when this man, who call you your boss, is sitting in his air-conditioned office and you had to work outside your ass off in this unbearable heat?!
But now this cruel week is finally over and you should not get upset even more with it. You’re finally at home, with Yoongi.
You close your eyes, inhale deeply the smell of the Ylang Ylang oil, which the Oil Burner on the windowsill lets spread throughout the room. A slight smile plays around your lips, Yoongi has remembered which kind of scents you like so much in the summer months. In your bedroom it’s pleasantly cool, the approaching night brings the first fresh breeze through the wide-open terrace door to you, caresses your naked skin tenderly. The sinking sun bathes the entire room in a soft red-orange tone.
It is incredibly comfortable to lie on the bed just in panties, between all the big soft pillows and blankets.
Your Boyfriend is up with something for you, something that is relaxing, sensual, tender. You admit, these last few weeks, you couldn't really be there for each other. Too much work, too many other things had just taken too much time. And the fact that he also spoils you now, only made your guilty conscience towards him grow even more. 
The mattress sinks down a little, you felt him shift his weight and sit in front of your head.
He seems to rub oil or something else between his hands before bending over and stroking with his warm and big hands over your shoulders to the swell of your butt cheeks. You sigh softly at this loving touch, enjoy this single touch already so much.
His hands glide again and again in full strokes with gentle pressure over your back and then begin to massage you gently. Your breaths get deeper, undreamt-of tension gradually eases and you enjoy every single caress from him.
Circling, he lets his fingertips wander over your back, scratching lovingly with his fingernails delicately over it, which gives you tingling goose bumps.
Every patch of skin is getting pampered by him and leaves pure relaxation and deep inner peace. You no longer think, you just feel and and
gratefully accept his tender touches and this deep calm as a sensual and confidential gift from him.
Finally, he straightens himself up again and goes to the height of your hip and kneels above you, but lets his hands lie on your lower all the time, thereby not interrupting this physical and mental contact with each other.
His hands exert completely different pressure on your body through this altered Position, which is a completely different experience.
Yoongi really always knows what is good for you, even if you have never said those things before. He likes to massage you, let all his love and appreciation flow into you through these touches.
Things he would never have gotten over his lips otherwise, so that you feel downright adored.
Yoongi had always been a quiet man who had a hard time getting feelings across his lips and yet he is so incredibly soulful that he constantly tries to express all his love differently. And it is precisely through these touches that he can convey it much better than with any words.
For what he feels for you and shows you through these gestures, there are simply no words.
You groan softly and muted as his lips touch your neck and shoulders. Every single feather-light kiss leaves an exciting tingling on your skin, which made your pleasurable sigh slightly tremble.
You gulp a little, a lustful feeling shoots through your nerves and bales in my stomach, which slowly pulls into your lower abdomen.
His tender kisses and nibbles on your skin excite you. It is not a hot and craving desire, it’s a permanent subliminal and sensual pleasure that goes through your entire body and reaches, occupies all nerves and fibers.
His body slides backwards, his hands wander over your butt. It was just a gentle stroke over it and yet it aroused you even more. He continues this loving, slow treatment on your legs, massages and kisses every conceivable place. Even the soles of your feet and toes were kneaded with calm pressure. Your body is completely relaxed and yet you feel pleasure. Lust that let you otherwise expectantly tense. It is new and exciting to experience it like this.
His fingers are back up on your thighs and each of your two butt cheeks is now nestled in his palms.
From your coming sigh your excitement can now be heard, which makes him hum contentedly. There was still the thin stuff of Panties between you, but that doesn't stop your excitement for more. Rather, you feel your nascent moisture between
your legs just even more. At some point, his hands glide once more over your entire back, over your arms and hands, which you have placed at a laterally bent angle next to your head.
"Please turn around, Darling.", he breathes into your ear. A little sluggishly and slowly you turn on your back and notice how some blush rises on your cheeks. Your Breasts are bare.  Even though Yoongi is your Boyfriend, it was often unusual for you to show yourself so naked, so vulnerable.
He spoils you now just as tenderly as it has done before with your back. Massages and rubs your scalp, temples and stroke all over your body in long strokes.
Every now and then a fresh breeze pulls over your body, brings the Lust in your blood more into action and makes your nipples hard. You you’re feeling warm, even quite hot. Yoongi feels your Lust now downright, nevertheless he spoils you slowly further, which became a sensual tormenting. He bypasses your erogenous zones, cancels them until the end of the extensive Massage.
Kissing every accessible spot of my skin and you feel as valued as you haven’t felt for a long time. You are tough and don’t get overwhelmed and emotionally exhausted easily, you want to show that you, as a woman, can be strong and independent. But you are also just a normal person, you struggles sometimes too, you also need from time to time a shoulder to lean on.
Yoongi gives you exactly this shoulder to lean on. He is solid as a rock and catches you when you fall. You are not alone in this cruel world. Yoongi is with you.
A light sweat film lies on your skin and you bite down on your lower lip softly, trying to hide your moaning away. Your breath is still deep, but it trembles a little with excitement and arousal.
Every Pore begins to tingle longingly, all over your body, from the hairline to your toes. From your feet, his hands glide in a fluid motion across your shins and the insides of your thighs. Caressing strokes, no more than a breath of wind over your Vulva.
You sigh tremblingly, automatically open your thighs a little more and your fingers run through your hair, which is spread like a fan around your head.
His touches give you immense trust in him. You present to him your soul. Your wishes, dreams, ideas, but also your fears and insecurities. He accepts you, he accepts you the way you are.
Touch you almost reverently, as if you were something so precious that is not worthy his touch. This realization of being valued and on an equal level with him, with him as a man, almost brings tears to your eyes. He shows you the respect that every woman would have deserved.
His fingertips dances across your Vulva up to your stomach and draw blurred lines that find themselves somewhere invisible.
They keep sliding back up and finally, they find your breasts. Finally. You wanted to be touched by Yoongi there so badly.
His fingertips drawing a spiral that circles ever tighter and ultimately reaches your nipples.
Carefully he caresses them and gently breathes his hot breath on them. Your body trembles.
Your folds were swollen and wet with Lust. This sensual game arouses you completely. How badly would you be touched there by him, caressed... Suddenly, his warm lips closes around your right nipple and caress it with light sucking, touching it with the tip of his tongue.
Your body is completely relaxed and yet it seems to you that everything in you is contracting with longing for him.
He plays the same game on your other nipple and you put your head in the back of your neck with your eyes closed. You whole body is so hot... A soft lustful moan escapes your open lips.
"You are so beautiful... you’ll ever be.", Yoongi whispered softly. His voice is also shaky and... there is a certain awe in his deep harsh voice. Another gasp comes out of your throat, his deep voice makes your hot, aroused body tingling. Makes my body pulsate. His lips touch your chin and kiss a trail down between your breasts across your stomach to your hot center.
Just before your Panties he stops and hooks his thumbs under the waistband on each side. Slowly he takes off the last piece of clothing before he lies next to you in a sideway position and lets his one Hand slip between your thighs.
You gasp for air and open your thighs a little more. His fingertips glide through the soft curls of your pubic hair, tugging gently on it to make you mewl. Moving lower to your folds before dipping with two of his fingers between them.
Gently he caresses them, playing gently with your entrance, while you quietly gasp out my Lust. Yoongi kisses your shoulder and your neck, in the Moment he finds your Clit that finally wanted to be found.
Your hip bucks up, you just bring out a strangled moan. You trust him so much, want to be able to open yourself completely up to him and let yourself fall, in the conscience of being caught by him again. He feels this intimate emotion in you, this desire to be completely his.
He whispers barely audible words into your ear, tells you what he loves about you and puts  after each compliment a kiss under it. His fingers rubs over your pearl, carefully and sensually. Taking his time for you.
Again and again, two of his fingers sinks deep into you, then he stimulates all over again only your clit. A long, lustful game begins.
Your pelvis rises towards him, you reward his actions with soft, breathless moans and the search of your lips for his own. Your thighs fall apart to the side, open your folds open even more up for him and the idea that it sees you so open, bare and so vulnerable turns you incredibly on.
It’s the last time when his fingertips circles around your pearl, until you tremble and cramp with the fulfillment of your Lust. Feelings and emotions rain down on you, which could never have been properly described with words. Only your facial expressions can show approximately what fulfilled pleasure you are feeling right now.
Tenderly Yoongi kisses you and wispers a breathy "I love you" into your ear, before you look into his dark brown eyes and find nothing but love, honor and respect, which applies only to you alone.
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autistic-singer515 · 3 years
The ending of the Pinky and the Brain quarantine episode before the Julia surprise ending version one.
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This is part 1 of the opening I want in Animaniacs season 2 or 3. That’s when Pinky and the Brain planned a fake pandemic and a fake death of Pinkfert aka Pinky to automatically lock every people of the world until they swear fealty to the Brain. That would foreshadowed Pinky’s Disney Death in my previous fan comic. But it all failed when Pinky popped up in front of the camera obliviously and cried, still wearing his Pinkfert wig and costume. It’s very similar to the one Pinky and the Brain episode, Pinkasso where Pinky faked his own death and then blew his cover when he obliviously cried for his alter ego in front of the mourners. As a result, everyone realized the pandemic and Pinkfert’s death were all fake and they were understandably ticked off. The ones who successfully escaped their houses or was accidentally locked out or had a auto lock malfunction found Pinky and the Brain after they found out they didn’t get sick from going outside and then they unlocked everyone else’s houses and then everybody chased after the two lab mice and then that’s where we jump to Julia watching them on her game boy in my recent previous mini comic, The Julia Episode of Pinky and the Brain Opening Part 2.
Somewhere in the suburban house, the father tried opening the front door. But it was still locked.
The Father: “Oh, great! It’s still locked!”
But his daughter didn’t take it so well. She bursted out crying out of boredom.
The daughter: “But I wanna get out now! Daddy, I wanna go outside and play now!”
The father sighed disappointingly.
The Father: “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I’m afraid we have to stay inside until the piggy flu pandemic subsides. Professional Doctor Brain says so.”
But the daughter was still bored. She threw a temper tantrum and jumped up and down and pulled her dad’s hair.
The daughter: “I wanna get out! We can’t stay inside forever! I wanna get out! This is so dull! I’m bored out of my skull!”
The father knew he would have to deal with his daughter’s temper tantrum while being in a lockdown. He would have to yell at her until his voice wears out. It could take forever for all he knew. He looked up at the ceiling in disbelief.
The Father: “Help me.....”
Then suddenly their flat screen tv automatically turned on, revealing the Brain’s usual stoic face and he was wearing his tuxedo with a red tie and black shoes.
The mother joined her husband and daughter to watch the Brain make an announcement. Hoping it could mean that they could be finally free and safe from the flu pandemic.
The Brain: “Dear people of the world..... It is with great sadness that my partner Pinkfert has died from the piggy flu today.”
The family looked at him pityingly. Even the spoiled daughter. Tears filled their eyes.
The Mother: “Poor Pinkfert....”
The Father: “So sorry about your loss...”
The Daughter: “That’s so sad...”
The Brain: “To commemorate my partner.... You will stay home unless you will swear fealty to me. And I will sanitize the world. And when you’re all safe to go out again, you will worship me as your leader!! But if you go outside now, you will end up like Pinkfert. So just wait a little longer. Keep grocery shopping online until I give the word.
The family and everyone else watching the Brain on tv: “Yes, Doctor Brain!”
The Brain: “Yes! I am the Brain! Your worlds greatest dictator and hero!”
Everyone who watched the Brain knew they had to rely on him. They couldn’t stand the thought of making other people sick if they go outside.
The family and everyone else watching the Brain on tv: “Yes!!! Please save us, Doctor Brain! You are our only hope for humanity! Save us!”
The father was so impressed with the Brain’s bravery. He doesn’t seem like the type of person to cry about stuff like this. He knew he didn’t have time to get weepy eyed. He was on the job!
The Father: “Wow! That little guy is so brave and strong despite the piggy flu fiasco! I wish I was that strong like him! No weakness in sight! He never whines about stuff!”
The Brain grinned.
The Brain: “Yes.... At long last.... Worl d domination is finally coming to fruition!”
The Brain chuckled rather maliciously.
But suddenly out of nowhere, a lanky mouse with a red wig and a hospital clothing popped at the screen. It was Pinky disguising himself as Pinkfert. He was sobbing his heart out. The Brain jumped back with annoyance. He was supposed to still pretend to be dead in the hospital bed.
The family and everyone else watching this incident stared at Pinky and the Brain suspiciously.
The Brain shook his hands to get Pinky to stop and return to bed.
The Brain: “Pinky, you idiot! No! Stop! What are you doing?!”
Pinky blew his nose on his handkerchief.
Pinky: “I wish I could’ve met him sooner! BWWWWWWAAAAAAA!!!”
The Brain pushed Pinky down onto the floor just so nobody watching this could see him. The wig fell off of Pinky’s head. The Brain smiled and sweated nervously.
The Brain: “Oh... Um.... (Laughing)! You see... It’s Pinkfert’s twin brother, Pinky!”
Then out of nowhere, the people who either escaped their house, have a malfunction with the auto lock and being locked out ran behind Pinky and the Brain. They weren’t happy with they saw the whole thing with Pinky faking his sickness all along and realizing that they didn’t get sick from going outside with people.
Crowd #1: “LIAR!! THERE’S NO PIGGY FLU!!!”
Crowd#2: “We didn’t get sick! Nobody did!”
Crowd#3: “Let’s get them!”
The one crowd stepped on the Brain’s remote control that locks people in their houses. The Brain saw hopelessly.
The Brain: “No!”
Every house that still have the auto lock function unlocked the doors itself. People were finally free. They ran out of their house happily.
The crowd: “We’re free!”
The family growled at Pinky and the Brain after their doors unlocked. They ran out of the house to get revenge on them.
After seeing the crowd running after them, the Brain decided they should run away. He grabbed Pinky’s hand to pull him up.
The Brain: “Run, Pinky!!”
Then Pinky and the Brain ran for their lives form the angry crowd. Then after a while, the crowd was catching up with them. But Pinky and the Brain saw Acme Labs ahead. The Brain pulled Pinky away from the crowd and hid behind the lab. They took off their clothes and watched the crowd still running. Then they watched them pass. They were safe again after they were gone. Pinky and the Brain were relieved.
The Brain: “Good! They’re gone!”
But then the Brian’s anger fueled after his plan for world domination ended in disaster yet again.
Will this failure ever end?!
Why won’t the world let him succeed?!
The Brain knew Pinky was the one to blame again. He was always foiling his plans!
The Brain turned to Pinky angrily with bared teeth and angry blood shot eyes. He growled like an angry lion.
The Brain: “PINKY!!!! COME HERE!!!!!”
Pinky shook in fear. He knew he messed up very bad again. But he knew the Brain’s behaviour was getting worse and worse after all the failures. He knew this was going to end pleasantly. He tried to reason with him.
Pinky: “I’m sorry, Brain! I couldn’t help it! You see, losing Pinkfert is so depressing I get teary eyed!”
But the Brain was still angry with Pinky. He was growling again. He shook his hands like a maniac, ready to hurt Pinky. He walked towards him angrily.
Pinky stared at him in fear. He knew his reasoning wasn’t going to work.
Pinky: “Yipe!”
The Brain jumped up and bunked Pinky on the head really really hard.
Pinky: “OW!”
The Brain: “Pinky, you imbecile! You ruined my plan yet again!”
Pinky felt very bad pain and dizziness in his head. He twirled around like a drunk mouse.
Pinky: “Sorry, Brain......”
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aros001 · 3 years
Read through light novel vol. 11. Random thoughts.
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Okay, right off the bat, this
is my favorite art in the books yet just because of how annoyed Naofumi looks.
It's always been a thing but I've been seeing it more in these last couple of books, especially in contrast to Sadeena and Alta, but I really like that Naofumi likes that Raphtalia will push back against him when she doesn't like something, be it his attitude, his action, or his ideas. He doesn't want a yes-man or someone who'll worship and never question him. Child Raphtalia was kind of his sidekick but adult Raphtalia is definitely his partner. They trust each other completely and they never have to worry about holding back their honest thoughts. This is especially important if there is to ever be a romantic relationship between the two of them. Romance is not supposed to be just the guy and his prize. Naofumi and Raphtalia I can see working as a couple because they genuinely see each other as equals.
So, as has been revealed so far, Trash's family, save for himself and his younger blind sister, were murdered by the hakuko. He hated Siltvelt because it's where the hakuko came from and his own kingdom for taking no action against them for those murders. Then later his sister was attacked by a hakuko and presumably murdered and possibly raped but the body was never found, thus pushing him to overthrow the king of Siltvelt because he was a hakuko.
And he hates the Devil of the Shield because...! ...A previous Shield Hero helped to found Siltvelt? I get that Siltvelt is a demi-human supremacist country and that it worships the Shield Hero but I feel like there's a little bit of a disconnect in Trash's hatred. I suppose his hatred for Naofumi didn't blow up until he thought he tried to force himself on Malty and before that he just treated him dismissively, but I can't help but feel like I'm missing something here. Also, didn't the previous Shield Hero die in Siltvelt a month into him being summoned? I get that hatred and the desire for revenge are not always very rational, especially when religion is thrown into the mix, but I feel like it's odd he's placed so much of it on Naofumi and the Shield Hero as a whole.
So Fohl and Alta are possibly the nephew and niece of Trash through his sister and the grandchildren of the hakuko king of Siltvelt whom he killed. Obviously I'm hoping Trash's sister wasn't raped to conceive them and that it was just a forbidden love like was one of Naofumi's theories, but I guess I'll find that out in a later book.
Also, poor Naofumi and poor Raphtalia. Either Alta wants to be with Naofumi (romantically or...) or she's on her way to becoming the new pope of the Church of the Shield Hero. She was reminding me a little bit of Neia from Overlord and her devotion to Ainz in the latter regard.
“Apparently there’s a new bandit chief that’s risen to power lately, and we’ll be wasting our time unless we capture him.” ... “That’s the thing. I don’t know all the details, but apparently the boss is really distrustful and rarely makes appearances. But he’s also supposed to be strong enough to pick off even the toughest of adventurers one by one without a problem.”
This is going exactly where I think it's going, isn't it?
[Five minutes later]
Reading this book and I realized my main issue with Ren, beyond the issues he shares with the other two heroes, was how unbelievably condescending he'd been to Eclair, someone who knew her way with a sword WAY better than he did, just to protect his own ego after he would have lost if he hadn't cheated in their duel. That left a really bad taste in my mouth but it's still not as bad as what I dislike about Motoyasu and especially Itsuki. He hasn't yet specifically apologized for that but he is showing her a lot more respect and being clearly remorseful over his actions. Even him blaming his loss against the Spirit Tortoise on his party's weakness and not his own I could swallow fine because there was the implication that he was unable to deal with the guilt of it being his fault that they were all dead, which, while bad, is a very human thing to feel. As long as he takes his training seriously from this point on and doesn't regress back, I can look forward to his progress and his interactions with Naofumi.
I actually was slightly spoiled before I started reading the light novels that the other heroes were going to unlock their own curse series as well. It was minor because I didn't hear any specifics beyond that but the person I was reading I remember being really unhappy about it. Personally, I'm fine with it. The Holy Weapons are meant to be equal to each other so it makes sense they'd have similar unlockable abilities (relative to what each weapon is, of course). The reason Naofumi is so much stronger is supposed to be because he actually bothered to learn how to use his weapon and because he took how he was told to power it up seriously. If he had an ability the others had no equivalent of it would basically be cheating. Part of the criticism too was that Naofumi had been through so much worse than the others to unlock his curse series, but everyone has different levels of stress they can take and it definitely helps that, thus far, each curse series embodies a different sin and thus has different effects. Motoyasu is clearly being effected differently by his Spear of (I'm assuming) Lust than Naofumi is by the Shield of Wrath or Ren by the Sword of Greed.
Speaking of which, I'm not the only one who felt a big red flag over Motoyasu's Temptation ability, right? I'm not saying he would abuse such a thing but powers that force attraction on people always makes me feel very uncomfortable. Just the fact that it worked on Naofumi whom is both straight and can't stand Motoyasu shows it can work on pretty much anyone who doesn't have specific resistances. It's a scary thing, your romantic and sexual preferences being altered by an outside force. Like a date rape drug weaponized.
The whole controversy over RoTSH's first episode holds less and less weight the further into the series I go. Naofumi vs. Motoyasu I'd argue has several great examples of feminism vs. sexism throughout the story. Naofumi was horribly betrayed by Malty but he doesn't hate women or use what she did as an excuse to. He's simply distrustful of anyone who can potentially betray him and is put off by the idea of any romantic or sexual relationships. Motoyasu gets betrayed by Malty (and his two other party members) and now sees all women as pigs, save for Filo, whom he's now obsessed with. The stupid criticism of RoTSH was that the series had Malty representing all women; that all women lie about being sexually assaulted and that all women are horrible bitches. That is the mentality Motoyasu now has, judging all women by the actions of one.
“Mr. Ren . . . I’m sure you’ve felt just terrible this whole time after losing your companions. It’s okay to cry now. Don’t worry. Even if the whole world insists you’re a criminal, I still believe in you, Mr. Ren. I believe you were fighting for the sake of the world.”
I love how, even after everything else she's done, the thing that makes me hate Bitch almost as much, if not more, as when she made the false rape accusation was her plagiarizing the words Raphtalia had said to finally reach Naofumi's heart and earn his trust. It just felt like such a violation, sullying that moment so much that you just want Bitch to die almost as much as Naofumi does.
Though I suppose it's Witch now, huh? Doesn't have quite the same punch as Bitch but I don't want to call her the Witch Bitch because that's my nickname for Satella in Re:Zero and that's more a term of endearment ironically enough. I don't want to sully her by putting her in any kind of association with Malty.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/shieldbro/comments/fh9syh/read_through_light_novel_vol_11_random_thoughts/
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9worldstales · 3 years
Interviews might not remain forever available or not be easy to find so I’ve decided to link them and transcribe the points I find of some interest so as to preserve them should the interview had to end up removed.
It’s not complete transcriptions, just the bits I think can be relevant but I wholeheartedly recommend reading the whole thing.
And of course I also comment all this because God forbid I’ll keep silent… :P
Title: EXCLUSIVE: Screenwriter Don Payne Talks Thor!
Author: Elisabeth Rappe
Published: Feb 23, 2011
Thor has seen a lot of screenwriters come and go, and I imagine that led to some very drastic changes to the character and story. Can you talk at all about that process, and what changes were made over the course of project? (For example, I know rumors swirled very early that the Thor movie would be an origin story with his alter ego, Dr. Donald Blake!) How did the script come together? At what point in the process did you come on board, and what was your contribution?
Don Payne: First off, for the record, the final, official WGA writing credits for the film are “Story by J. Michael Straczynski and Mark Protosevich, Screenplay by Ashley Edward Miller & Zack Stentz and Don Payne.” Any other writing credits you might have seen elsewhere are either outdated or incorrect.
As far as how the script came together, J. Michael Straczynski and Mark Protosevich worked on the project before Kenneth Branagh came on board to direct. At that point, Ken and Marvel sat down and decided exactly what kind of story they wanted to tell. They took everything that had been written so far and figured out a game plan. Marvel then hired Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz, and, as I understand it, those guys worked pretty intensely on the screenplay over the course of four or five months. After they left the project, Marvel hired me, and I stayed on all the way through the end — about a year and a half total. For the first eight months, I continued to develop, rewrite, and restructure the screenplay, bringing in new characters and new scenes. I worked closely with Ken and Marvel throughout the process, and, as the cast came together, I worked with Ken and the actors during rehearsals here and in London.
Then, once production started in January 2010, I was on set writing every day, both at the studio in Manhattan Beach and on location in New Mexico, and continued to work through post-production.
I’d like to say more about how the script has evolved since the very beginning of the development process, but I don’t want to spoil anything. I hate spoilers. (Mostly because I’m weak, and I can’t resist them myself!) But I’ll be happy to talk about it all after the film comes out. What I can say is that this really has been the greatest writing experience of my life. I’ve never worked harder or been as closely involved day-to-day on a project as I have on Thor.
And as far as Thor’s alter-ego goes, as Kevin Feige has said, people looking for a Donald Blake reference might just find one.
I know you’ve worked with iconic superheroes before, was Thor more or less daunting to deal with? He’s a real anachronistic, medieval character. How do you bring that into the modern world? Is it ultimately the same as trying to make any superhero realistic and relatable?
Don Payne: Well, I think the challenges are pretty apparent. As you say, Thor’s a unique character, and it’s an unusual story we’re telling. When you’ve got something like Captain America, the premise is easier to get right away — he’s a superhero fighting Nazis in World War II. Whereas we’ve got an extra-dimensional being once worshipped as a god by the ancient Norse who’s banished to earth and stripped of his powers to learn humility, all set amidst the Shakespearean intrigue of a dysfunctional royal family. It’s not as simple to grasp.
You just have to find the things that make Thor timeless and relatable as a character. It certainly helps that he’s charismatic and likeable, albeit flawed. He’s banished for good reason, but I think people will want to go on the journey with him and root for him to find redemption — particularly with Chris Hemsworth’s performance.
I think what really makes Thor relatable are the family relationships. There’s a lot of dysfunction in the House of Odin. Thor’s got a hard-ass father and a jealous brother. But for all of Thor’s hardheaded rebelliousness, he, like Loki, is really just trying to live up to his father’s expectations and make him proud. I think people can relate to that father and son dynamic.
What can you tell me about the parts popular Asgardians such as Heimdall, the Warriors Three, and Sif play in the overall plot? Will we see more of them in other Marvel movies? Is there potential for a Sif spinoff, as she has enjoyed in the comics?
Don Payne: The Warriors Three and Sif are very much like they are in the comics. They’re fierce warriors who are fiercely dedicated to their friend Thor. They’ll follow him anywhere — which might not always be the wisest thing. Also, as in the comics, Heimdall is bound by duty and honor to guard his post on the Rainbow Bridge, and he’s got serious issues with anyone who tries to cross it who would endanger Asgard.
As far as seeing these characters in other movies or their own spin-off films, I think Marvel already has a full slate of projects in development, so I imagine we’ll only see them as part of the Thor franchise. But you never know. I’d ask Kevin Feige if I were you!
One element that jumped out at me in the trailer was the comedy – it felt very light and natural, not corny. (Jane reacting to Thor’s name, for example, or the coffee cup scene.) How did you strike the balance between the comedy and drama of the piece? Were there moments where you thought “Ok, this goes too far with the fish-out-of-water joke”?
Don Payne: Well, my hope is we’ve included just enough humor in the script, but no more than that. This isn’t a comedy, and that’s not what I was hired to do. It’s an action film, and, as in all action films, you need those fun moments. But you have to do it sparingly. You don’t want things to get silly.
One thing we all agreed about early on was to make sure we were careful about how we approached the fish-out-of-water moments. We didn’t want Thor to come to earth and suddenly become an idiot for comic relief. Even without his powers, he’s the same person on earth as he was in Asgard — a smart, headstrong warrior. He’s a being from an advanced race who’s used to travelling to other worlds and thinking on his feet. We didn’t want him looking at a television set and going, “What is yon magic box, with phantoms that move and speak inside it?”
Still, he’s on unfamiliar turf, and there’s some fun in that. You just have to find the right balance. You also want to have fun moments and dialogue during the action sequences, so you put those into the script. Of course, those bits are the easiest to cut in editing if you find the jokes are too much or too distracting. You can pick and choose.
I particularly liked how Jane and Darcy react to Thor’s arrival. They aren’t immediately throwing themselves at him. They think he’s hot, but likely to be crazy. I know you’re a staunch feminist, so I imagine their portrayal was important to you. Can you talk about how you approached them? It seems rare to have two girls in a single Marvel film, possibly competing for Thor’s attention. How did that play into the romance, and how did you approach the relationship between Thor and Jane? Did Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings have any input into their characters?
Don Payne: Kat did an amazing job taking the words on the page as written and making them fly. She really embodied the character of Darcy.
After the second trailer came out, I read some people mistakenly speculate that her character was created as a marketing decision to appeal to the youth audience or some such thing — as if the producers sat down and said, “Hmm… this script is good, but we need a character to appeal to the tweens! With current pop cultural references!” I promise you, that wasn’t the case at all. I came up with Darcy because we needed someone to work with Jane Foster, and the character had to have a vastly different background, personality, and world-view from Jane in order to make that relationship interesting. I decided to make her a woman, frankly, because other than Sif and Frigga, we had a very male-heavy cast of characters. I thought it might also be interesting to have someone working for Jane who both frustrated her and who Jane saw as protégé whose potential she could help fully realize.
But I also wanted Darcy to be the voice of the common man. We’ve got Asgardians and astrophysicists, so I wanted someone to say what the average moviegoer might be thinking. If someone in the audience is thinking, “What the hell is that weird, glowing thing?!” Darcy should be asking “What the hell is that weird, glowing thing?!” (That line isn’t actually in the movie, but you get the idea…)
Natalie actually helped out tremendously with the character of Jane Foster. Let’s be honest, Jane Foster in the comics has traditionally been one of the most boring characters in the Marvel Universe. In the film, she’s an astrophysicist, so that makes her more interesting right off the bat. And it doesn’t hurt that she’s played by Natalie, who brings loads of personality and charm to any character she portrays.
Originally in the script, however, Jane was more of a traditional scientist — a hardcore skeptic. But Natalie came to the first rehearsal with the idea of turning that on its end. She suggested making Jane the believer. She thought Jane could be more of a kind of “scientist as poet” — someone who thinks outside of the box, someone whose theories are considered outlandish and are frowned upon by the scientific community. But it’s the kind of thinking that leads to great discoveries. When Thor arrives, she’s willing to take a leap of faith — and she has to pay the consequences for it. Natalie’s input made the character more interesting, improved her relationship with Thor, and, in general, made the story better. And she helped make sure Jane Foster isn’t boring. So I’m grateful to her for that.
During my story meetings with Ken and Marvel, we put a lot of work into the Thor/Jane relationship, and there was much discussion about exactly how and how quickly things should progress between them. I think we succeeded in developing their romance realistically, so it doesn’t feel forced.
There has also been a lot of ugly and foolish controversy about Idris Elba being cast as Heimdall. I don’t like to justify bigotry with attention, but has the reaction surprised you and the rest of the team?
Don Payne: You’d think as a society we’d be beyond this now. The funny thing is, this film was never meant to be a straight representation of traditional Norse mythology. It’s the cinematic take on the Marvel comics take on Norse mythology. In fact, in the reality of our movie, the Norse myths are actually based on our version of the Asgardians, after they visited ancient Norway. The Norse just got some things wrong, based on their primitive understanding of their encounters. (Like, for example, worshiping the Asgardians as gods.)
The bottom line is Idris is great in the movie. I think almost all of the people who are skeptical or have issues with the casting will be convinced when they see the movie — except for all the actual racists out there. But who needs them?
This interview is so goddamn awesome because it’s so informative. Don Payne talked about a lot of topics and didn’t give just two lines answers but well rounded explanations. There’s so much more than the bits I’ve selected but I couldn’t really copypaste it all, though I wholeheartedly recommend you to read it.
I’d kill to get a peck at the old scripts but definitely there was a lot of work ongoing to produce the definitive one.
Anyway I love how almost all Marvel seems to know Odin is a bad father yet Odin doesn’te ven get a slap on his wrists. Really guys...
I like how he admits Thor’s journey is one of redemption... but really that’s not how you made a redemption arc...
I also find interesting how again we get a confirmation that Sif and the Warriors Three are ‘fiercely dedicated to THEIR FRIEND THOR’.
In the movie Thor says:
Thor: Why don't you tell her how you sent the Destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me?
But the truth is that those were his friends, not both’s. For the Warriors Three and Sif there was never a choice between Thor and Loki. They were Thor’s friends and to him their loyalty went.
I also like how he says he hopes they included enough humor, but no more than that as this is an action film, and, while fun moments are needed they need to have them sparingly of things get silly. How they didn’t want Thor to come to earth and suddenly become an idiot for comic relief. How they didn’t want for the jokes to end up being too distracting. I think this speaks of care for the story.
They even put care in creating Jane and Darcy. I still think they could do Jane better, but still they tried.
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gcmblingdice · 4 years
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Say hello to Agent S. He's 25 years old and has a very fragile grip on reality. See when something happens to upset the fabric if reality, the universe will stitch itself back together and that reality and in turn, the universe itself, becomes a smidge smaller.
He was born inside a fissure, an area where two universes merged and collapsed creating a strange otherworldly zone. Because it is two universes that merged and collapsed, nature becomes warped and time ceases to exsist. If one strays to far, like he did, they would be unable to find their way back.
A way to check if one has gone too far is that everything stops working. The skies become twisted and there is an oppressive, almost heavy feeling of dread that sinks into your mind. You begin to see things, layers of reality begin to fade and soon you are trapped. Without a set home point to tune into you could wonder for years only to die alone.
He was assigned to study and learn about Evancurt, but instead, after a spell gone wrong, ended up in an endless, dark void, wandering for years it felt. He's seen some shit man. He may be young, but he is powerful. His main weapon of choice is creating small rips in the fabric of reality, altering areas around him. He is able to bend, with great effort, reality and if allowed, can get into someone's mind and fuck their shit up.
He worships a dark entity, a godlike being that seems to have been brought to our reality, when the tear in reality near hedge lake happened.
He is unhinged and seemingly not all there, but working for the group, one can't be expected to not loose part of themselves. He was friends with another, one closer to his age. He had an ability to slip between layers of reality, giving him a see through appearance. He is one who helped him master his ability to tear small holes in reality to bring forth otherworldly creatures.
Like all agents their main goal is to aquire and if need be, destroy objects and relics of great or profound power so that no one else may have it. However they all have their own goals. His? His is to find souls to offer to his "god" and aquire knowledge. Anyway i can't exactly say much more without spoiling, but i really want to. 😭😭😭 please approach him with caution.
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Kitsune [TEASER]
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Jung Hoseok/Reader [F]
Genre: Demon Hunter AU, Enemies-Lovers, Action, Angst, Rom., Japanese Feudal Era
Warning(s)!: Violence (Semi to Graphic Depictions), Poorly written action scenes Im srry
Words: 1.9k (I’m not being very generous in spoiling anything am I, lol)
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Summary:  Demons: man-eating, murderous monsters who would kill anyone for the blood of humans: be it man, woman or child.  They have no need for comrades. Known cannibalize and kill other demons if they so choose. Demon Hunters are tasked with eliminating any and all demons without question, but what would come to pass if they were told that a demon saved a human life? Views, values and relations become altered and absolutely nothing seemed human anymore.  Never sharpen a blade too much, lest you become the wounded.
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a/n: if you want to be added to the tag list for when this series finally hits the screens hmu.  If you want any more information regarding Kitsune, head over to the Series Index or ask me directly!  (I’m always happy to answer any Qs especially abt this project!)
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Teaser takes place in the middle of the first part: i.demon
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It would be a day’s long journey on horseback to ascend the mountain.  When night fell, the two would camp.  Camping inside a nearby cave up the path, the horses and men rested.  Taehyung only freeing himself of a few pieces of armor.  Sitting around the fire of sticks and stones, Hoseok basked in the pulsing crackling warmth.  Hoping his haori would take in said warmth through the night- wanting to weave it into the very fabric of the piece hanging on his shoulders.
Waking at dawn they head further up the mountain.  The closer they got towards the peak, the wider the terrain became.  Hoseok noticed stone statues and white talisman and ribbon taped and tied around and onto tree trunks and limbs.  Enclosing further up sacred ground.
Ideally, demons shouldn’t be allowed passaged on sacred ground- the purity intoxicating to a lethal degree.  With grounds endowed with protective mantras and barriers to keep the wicked out.  Though, if not strong enough or long abandoned by their priest, priestess, monk, God, what have you- the spiritual power would weaken considerably.
Before long, the two breached the crowded forest and stood before the first torii gate leading to the long approach of a shrine.
“According to himself, the man was injured and attacked further in,” Taehyung announced before he jostled his stallion onward through the torii.  Hoseok rarely visited shrines, rejecting most Gods’ people pondered on or prayed too.  He stood without religion, so he wasn’t familiar with shrine setups if he were being honest.
Passing under the second torii he could catch a glance at the main shrine. Throughout the approach and beyond it, the lack of up-keep began to show more and more.  
The sacred fence was frozen with ice and snow, the long approach road of gravel and stone coated with winter.  The front worship hall was beaten and aged with poor conditions.  Hoseok could only imagine the state of the main sanctuary past the inner fence that use to supposedly house a God.  Even the so-called sacred forest littered with previous evergreens was baren with winter stripped limbs.
What God dwelled here before has long since left his shrine to decay into the mountainside.
“Go look around the sanctuary.  I’ll scope around the approach further and check the shrine office. Tie your horse and continue on foot,” Taehyung instructed, lifting himself off his stallion as Hoseok left the back of his mare.  Tying the steeds down to any firm part of the fence they could, the two broke off to search.  
Hoseok grimaced at the overwhelming feeling of demonic tension that hung in the air like a bad fragrance.  It made him on edge as each snow crunched step he took was guarded. A constant, ready hand on the hilt of his single in-use blade.  The kitsune statues that looked over and acted as messengers were broken and eroded: a bad omen if Hoseok ever believed in one.  It was as if a demon could appear from anywhere at any time.
Hoseok walked and inspected as instructed.  Scoping out anywhere for any sign of a righteous demon woman.  He couldn’t even find footprints in the snow to indicate anyone had been here recently besides himself.  Perhaps she’s moved locations by now.
Eventually, Hoseok met back up with Taehyung of whom also turned up empty-handed when it came to any possible clues to locate the demon in question.  Both men decided to stay inside the abandoned shrine for the night, tying the horses down at the main hall to keep them close and under shelter, in case more snow should fall throughout the night.
If nothing that could be of use to their objective could be found soon, they’d leave the mountain.  There would be no use in staying if there is nothing to keep them there.  If they were to go back empty-handed, Taheyung- as the acting superior warrior- would settle any following action that may be hurled at them in a negative manner.  
Through the evening, the tense, thick air never lessened and the silent, uneventful atmosphere remained just that: silent and uneventful. Taking to the inside of the sanctuary as night began to fall, both experienced fighters reeled in their tense shoulders for a sliver of sleep.
Dead of night, Hoseok was forced out of restless sleep.  The demonic intensity plaguing his unconsciousness with nightmare after nightmare.  The sweat beading along his brow and the heat flashing between hot and cold along his skin made any further sleep a high impossibly and hopeless wish. Deciding to forego a time of sitting in an uneasy relaxation, Hoseok moved to leave the sanctuary to walk the perimeter once again just to make time tick by faster- albeit just barely- and hopefully clear his head.
Stepping outside, the snow had deepened to the point when he took a step, it hit nearly half the length of his shin.  Hiking up his legs to take solid steps and drag his feet through the snow, he moved aimlessly.  The shrine looked far more sinister in the nighttime than it did dilapidated in the daylight. The air was stagnant in its chill as the moon overhead became partially covered when clouds of swiped shape spotted over.
Maybe it was just the instinct in the back of his mind due to his everyday task of taking down demons, but he began to believe he should’ve brought his sword out with him. Instead, they both sat inside beside where he once lay in the room with Taehyung.
Stopping his trekking around in the snow, he turned to go back and stay inside the shrine until the chill running in circles on his spine simmered.  He was three steps retreated when something slammed into his back. It wasn’t just an object that an animal may have tossed from the tree top; no.  What hit into his back was alive and when he fell chest first into the deep snow, he felt it remain on top of him.
He felt it sit on his back, it’s feet pushing into the back of his thighs and it’s hand pushing on the center of his back and neck.  He heard growling and hissing from behind him as he pushed his head back to lift his face out of the snow.  Looping his arms behind his back, he grabbed the wrists of whatever was on him and lifted their hands off him just enough for him to gain ground.  
Having mobility of his head- his neck now free- he pushed his forehead into the packed snow and forcefully twisted his hips to toss the thing off his back just enough to knock it off-balance.  Hearing it hit against the snow in a series of snowy crunches, Hoseok quickly lifted himself up out of the snow, now on his knees as he shoved the wrists away from him completely.  
Leaning back to gain more ground, Hoseok hissed at the sight of the demon leering at him.  Shaking his head at the lack of a weapon, he had come to see the small hatchet lodged into the ribcage of the demon.  Hanging there and moving with each jerked breath, along with a fresh leakage of ooze that seemed far too dissimilar to blood.  The color was green and dim- thicker than the average human blood.
The demon itself was far beyond all comprehension.  It was hardly human-like, thin and sickly to the eyes like a walking skeleton.  Arms long and when hanging hitting their knees, it’s fingertips hidden in snow as the demon remain kneeled.  Legs like a spider, thin and spindly, it was shocking it held the bones above it. The face was demented and pulled back, eyes sunken in and mouth wide and more of that like a snake.  
By the looks of the monster, it was already close to death.  All Hoseok had to do was find a way to yank the hatchet from its ribs and lop off its head and it would be all over for it.  He had no doubt it would eventually wither away and die afterward. It was the only chance he had if he wanted to get back inside without leading the demon back to Taehyung’s sleeping body.
Standing off with the demon as it twitched and growled, it’s pulled back skin and lips showing the rotten, carnivorous teeth that were no doubt ready to tear into Hoseok’s neck. There was silence before a pile of snow slipped from a tree limb and landed in a mound on the ground before the demon lept without consciousness leading its way.  
Lunging forward, Hoseok rolled and stepped around in the high snow the best he could manage.  Tucking his knees up in a roll, he spun around the body of the front buried demon who missed in its leaping attack.  
Spinning around its skeletal back, Hoseok lay in the snowbank, his back sinking in it as he pulled his knees to his chest.  Feet flexed and flat, he stomped his heels into the demon’s back; feeling its ribs vibrate and move under the sheer force of his stomping.  
Rolling back up, he took advantage of the momentary distraction of the demon due to Hoseok’s back stomping, he reached from around the long eerie arms of the demon to grasp the handle of the hatchet.  Taking a breath through his teeth, he yanked the hatchet backward and ripped it harshly out of the ribcage of the demon.  
The piercing shriek of the demon’s sudden gash in its chest vibrated the air.  Screaming like a woman turning ghost, Hoseok could only focus on the green blood coated on the cold hatchet blade.  The scream blurring his vision and throwing his balance.  The wooden handle of the hatchet was lightly frosted as his warm skin melted the frost; damping the wood.
The demon whirled, swinging its arms without hazard, angered and disturbed at Hoseok’s infliction upon it.  In those unaimed, meddling whirls of arm swings, Hoseok successfully avoided and even lopped off one of the demon’s arms.  Cutting it off with a swing of his newfound hatched at the elbow, the arm fell into the snow with a dull crunch as it continued twitching despite its removal from its body.  
The demon howled once again. It’s anger and desperation to kill Hoseok spiking.
It was instant when the demon pinned Hoseok’s shoulders into the snow as he somehow found himself on his back again, sinking into the white of winter.  Demon face to face with the hunter as it screamed into his face, making him wince- the cold on his skin the only thing keeping him from losing his consciousness.  
The severed arm leaked large, disgusting blobs of green, sick blood as it bled into the snow beneath Hoseok, tainting it.  It shrieked once more, Hoseok feeling it in his bones before all was silent once again.  The demon vanished.
Gaining his senses and realizing the demon was no longer on top of him, he felt the hatch being ripped from his grasp.  He gasped as he sat up, watching the back of someone else run off ahead.  Rushing towards the body of the demon who was suddenly lying in the snow several feet away.  
Thrashing around like a headless dog, it found its way to its feet as it became ever more feral.  Thrashing and screaming like a mindless husk, the new body nimbly avoiding any and all spastic movements aimed their way.  
Hoseok watched the back of the- what he can only assume was a defender- as they moved cleanly around and through everything.  He wasn’t sure how it happened, but with every single correct movement, restriction of the only attached arm left, and a swing of the hatchet, the demon’s head rolled down it’s back and into the snow.  Facedown in a mouth open scream that would never sound again.
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Love Killer (Chapter 1) Light Show (Judal | Judar)
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A'isha Kilani stood in the soft, green grass rotating a staff lined with black iron between her fingers, otherwise a meager excuse to occupy her free time while she remained put and cure her frustration. Her blood boiled and she positioned the staff above her head, ordering the white rukh to alter into the energy needed for her magic. The sphere-shaped, red crystal at its apex began to glow and with a silent command, Asha brought the staff into a vertical slash and shot her magic through the air like a bright beacon into the straw figure erect in the ground ahead of her. In modest appreciation she sighed and watched the dummy burn to ashes, settling herself into the grass to rest.
Asha stared at her staff and cursed, choosing to point blame at the wooden vessel rather than admit her fault. She calmed her uneven breathing and directed the rukh to alter again. Her staff came to life and glowed brighter than before, but her body numbed and she cut the flow of magic in defeat.
Two bursts is about my limit. Anything more will put strain onto my body. Heat burned at her face. She snorted in mock laughter at herself. Surely even the twins; her sisters, Hala and Nasira had more to display with their magic than their elder sister did. But Asha, more accustomed to war than manipulating magoi just could not tolerate the praises their father gave to them and pleaded with him to find her a tutor. He did just that, but as fate would have it she didn’t catch on quite as fast. Slow and steady Asha.
A sudden realization dawned on her. Even her brother, battle hardened Kamal knew more on magic than she did. Asha felt her heart sink. She threw back her head and screamed, choking down a squeal of surprise at the sudden flash of dark, pink hair in her face.
“What are you doing here?” Kougyoku’s voice laughed at her.
Asha felt her face grow warm and glanced away from her princess.
Kougyoku’s hands cupped her round, baby face as she laughed again. “Are you hiding from Judal-chan?”
Asha tossed her a glare and puffed out her red cheeks. “Maybe I am. So what?” She allowed the princess a second to chuckle, chewing the inside of her jaw. “To answer your previous question, I am here with Kamal on business. Racketeering and such. The usual.”
Kougyoku hummed to herself and sat at her side. “Is that all?”
“That depends. Did you know the caravan Kamal and I arrived by is loaded with illegal weapons and armor boosted by magoi?” Asha chewed at her jaw again and sighed. “Or that my family are felons, stealing, modifying, and reselling our merchandise to the Empire?”  
Kougyoku narrowed her eyes and clicked her tongue. “Sounds beyond me.”
“You’re not much help, you know?” She nudged her shoulder and let out a laugh. Brown eyes hardened. “What is this interest with picking on me over Judal?”
She smiled and slid the ornate, golden pin from her hair. “How about a competition?”
Asha’s eyes widened. “A competition? Now of all times?”
“There is no time better than now.” Kougyoku’s voice melted into deceit as she stood and skipped ahead, flaunting the pin at her. “Beat me and I’ll tell you what you want to know.”
Asha snorted at her, shrugging her shoulders. “What makes you think I want to know?”
She remained still, lips pulled into a smirk and prompted her metal vessel to take shape into its sword form. “Curiosity is nature, wouldn’t you say?”
Asha hoisted herself up and rotated her staff between her fingers. “Very well. I am in no position to refuse the princess of the Kou Empire after all.”
Kougyoku clasped her sword and trained the blade on her. “Excuses are futile.”
“Spoken like a true warrior.” She mocked the eagerness in her keen expression while keeping the staff out in front of her.
Asha and Kougyoku clashed. The sword struck first and Asha blocked while sparks flew, the iron decorated around the staff surprising held well against her metal vessel. Again and again she blocked the sword’s well-aimed strikes setting into a kneeling pose as Kougyoku aimed high to take her head. Asha took a chance and slashed downwards only to be blocked and slammed in the side by the sword’s aqua-colored hilt.
Kougyoku smirked and seated her position. “One to nothing.”
Asha hissed a curse and blocked a low strike with her staff. Yet again she stopped the sword from reaching her until Kougyoku blocked an overhead slash in a crouch and Asha spun right, hitting her side. “One to one. We are even.”
“Not for much longer.” Kougyoku’s words sneered at her. She stood and hacked at her much harder than before, making it so that Asha planted her feet firmly to keep her balance but accustomed to such force from endless hours of training Asha parried and took another point at Kougyoku’s right arm.
Asha attacked first this time around and recklessly evened the score. “Two to two.” Her side burned in pain as she rubbed the discomfort from it. “Shall we make this more interesting?”
Asha’s eyes narrowed at her. “More interesting? What are you proposing?”
Kougyoku slammed the blade of her sword into the ground and rested against it. “A magoi shoot-out. One technique against the other, considering neither of us appears to be really letting go.”
“Or having fun, you mean?” Asha rolled her eyes. “Speak for yourself.”
She had started to feel a little bored herself, and a shoot-out could be fun. But it could also put injury on her body using her very life force to sustain her magic. Not only that, but Asha had used her light magic previously and another burst of the magnitude needed to overpower the Djinn equip of the Kou Empire’s princess could kill her. Asha rotated her staff and sighed, eyes greeting the princess with defeat.
Kougyoku shook with delight and drew her sword pulling it above her head. “Brace yourself. Water God’s spheres.” Her water magic burst out the air and created a spear around the metal vessel in her hands aimed to fire at her.
Asha mocked her stance and commanded the rukh to alter drawing a loop into the air. “Astral Halo.” The crystal pulsed and the loop began to expand in size as she forced her magoi, but the flow of magic came to a stop and the crown of light fizzled out with a pop. Asha panted from exhaustion, but to be mindful she had to offer thanks to Judal for stopping her, even if were by force of his fist in her stomach.
“What is it you think you’re doing?” His voice taunted her.
Asha coughed and dropped her staff to the ground, using his shoulder to keep herself from falling over. Her knees buckled beneath her and blood leaked from her mouth obviously a side effect of expending her magoi.
Kougyoku dispelled her water magic and scowled flicking her sword at him. “What is the deal Judal? We were about to have a shoot-out. You interrupted and that’s not fair.”
Judal met her eyes. “I was just helping Asha out. Her magoi can’t hold up against your own after all. The fight would be unfair, so don’t get mad at me for being honest.” His arm locked her against himself. “Just look at how weak she is.”
Kougyoku peered at her and frowned. “I wasn’t aware you were hurt.”
Asha smiled despite the pain and Judal’s constant badgering. “I am fine Kougyoku, just a little exhausted.”
“See, I helped.” Judal’s warm breath tickled her cheek. He pulled her hair and tilted her head to meet his bored expression. “You should say thank you. I earned it.”
Asha glared feeling her face heat up. “I fail to see how, other than causing me more pain.”
“How rude.” His voice crooned. “I am the oracle of this empire, so you’d do best to remember that. Say thank you.”
Asha hissed at him having enough of his childish antics. She felt like a pet dribbling at his feet and sucking up to him all the time just because the rukh favored him. Even in her own country the people worshiped the very ground he stood on but she would have none of that. She huffed back her bangs and gave him a hateful glare. “No I will not say thank you. I appreciate the help but I will not praise you, magi.”
His eyes narrowed and upon seeing that she would not obey, he shoved her aside and watched as she fell to the ground in a tussled heap.
Kougyoku watched in disbelief. She felt pity for her for the reason that surely, Asha couldn’t see the trouble she had caused. It had been as if she hoped for Judal to correct her, and he just might, curling his lips into a snarl. The very air around him felt cold and gloomy.
“What was that for?” Asha cursed at him. She spoke even before she thought it over just happy to have caused him to make such an expression other than that which he gave her. “I wish you would grow up spoiled brat. I will not suck up to you. I don’t believe you deserve it.”
Kougyoku went pale. “Please stop Asha.”
Judal silenced her with a look and crouched to his knee, clutching her face roughly in his fingers. “I’ll make you regret those words.”
Asha’s smile faded. She felt ill, looked into his bloody, red-ringed eyes, and swallowed her fear.
“Do you think that I am scared? You’re childish and you’ve got threats. You may frighten the Empire with your power, but I will not be shaken so easily.”
Judal tapped her nose and laughed, “I wouldn’t be so sure.”
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veroticker · 4 years
Finishing in the New Year - Krystyna Allyn
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You can buy the book on Amazon.
Summary (from Krystyna Allyn’s website)
Danger! Men with big umm ... egos can be hazardous to your health.
Have you ever had a moment of pure insanity, landing you up against an elevator wall with a total stranger?
Just me then, huh?
Well, he wasn’t exactly unknown, but that’s besides the point.
The second I met Jared Carrington, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to throat punch him or kiss him. Choosing the latter was a mistake of epic proportions, and after two of the best months of my life he broke my heart.
Big surprise.
If you’re on the fence about hooking up with a guy like him, use my story as a cautionary tale. Stay away from arrogant jerks with skillful hands and a tongue that …
You get the point.
“Empty pussy.
Cooper told me about this phenomenon once and I didn’t believe him until today. In fact, I’m staring at one passed out in my bed. I have a lot of respect for women who know what they want sexually and go after it; I actually prefer fucking those types. As of this moment my priorities have shifted and it only took a night of extreme sex with his woman, Beth, and Cooper as a third. That shit was intense, life altering, and damn mind-blowing.
Let me be clear. This isn’t a team Cooper or team Jared situation, meaning I’m not upset she didn’t choose me. Rather I’d like to find a woman to worship as much as Cooper does Beth. I’m a determined motherfucker and being as such, I make a promise to myself. As the clock ticks down to midnight, I smile, knowing for damn sure I’ll make it come true.”
(review under the cut)
(audiobook) Picture a young woman sacrificing everything to keep custody of her younger brother and who left her cheating boyfriend, and an ex-playboy who decided to look for his happily ever after after a threesome with his best friend and the woman his best friend wants to marry. That’s one hell of a premise, right? Now imagine how hard it’ll be for them to end up together when you add the cheating boyfriend wanting his girl back and a spoiled woman who can’t take no for an answer, two fabulous villains who want to ruin Marla and Jared’s burgeoning relationship.
It was a fun ride, I enjoyed it. Especially the two villains who, following the tradition, are as stupid as they are mean. And the younger brother, who’s funny and endearingly protective of his sister.
Thumbs up for sizzling hot love scenes that push some boundaries, the expression of true passion. The chemistry between Marla and Jared is over 9000.
My main complain is with the female narrator. I thought she sounded a bit too snobish for a poor hard working latina woman--even though she’s good. The male narrator was good too, and gave life to the arrogant side of Jared. But he didn’t do much for me either.
Series: Sexy romantic standalone #2
Hashtags: #multicultural romance #playboy
Main couple: Marla Rivera & Jared Carrington
Hotness: 5/5
Romance: 4/5
+ delicious side characters
- I’m a bit tired of instalove that feel more like instalust (though this one was really hot)
Stalker mode
You can suscribe to Krystyna Allyn’s newsletter on her website.
You can also follow her on Facebook.
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officialtrashbin · 5 years
Fill for @jogetsurin!
Rating: M+, for NSFW situations and violence typical of the Black Order. Corvus and Proxima have been married only a few months, so they’re still trying to figure each other out. Is a warzone a good place for a lover’s quarrel? Absolutely not. But it leads to a lot of rutting.
A/N: This got so incredibly out of hand. That’s all you need to know. It’s literally 4,000 words of just, me not knowing how to make something short.
When Corvus Glaive witnessed true death for the first time, he was an adolescent at the edge of the wheat fields behind his village home, hefting a bucket onto the platform beneath the water pump. He worked the handle once, twice, three times before discolored water finally sputtered out, then flushed clear, and he toed the bucket under the stream to fill. In the distance he saw rapid movement. Streaks of gray against a smudge of brown. He shielded his eyes from the sunlight, peered out—and witnessed a Deruswood doe sprawled out in the grass, begging for her herd while a razor-toothed Nynx tore her to shreds. The brutalization of the creature upended his world. He retched, the first- and only-time violence would ever have that profound effect on him, but he dared not look away. He didn’t think he could.
Corvus knew it then as he knew it now. He would never forget the sight of flesh wrenched from bone, the scent of wet blood in the air, and the haunting screams like prayers, all that anguish without answer, nor how it made his body sing. There was that terrible realization that he was half-hard, breathing into a body that didn’t feel like it was his anymore, forcing himself to endure the agony of spiritual reflection as the doe’s mournful wails diminished. That terrifying desire of knowing true peace.
When he remembered to shut the pump off, he saw the liquid swelled precariously at the lip of the bucket. That was how he would feel for the rest of his life: near to overflowing with a venereal desire he had learned in childhood and relearned in death.
The Shadow Guilds had ensured that much.
* * *
To his master, Corvus was the doe: a necessity to the food chain, something to be meticulously dismembered and masticated for the good of everything else above and below. Thanos had worded it quite delicately—how that doe rejected death only because it had been damned by its ancestors, who earnestly filled the role nothing else would for the betterment of all. It was a death the creature knew awaited it, from the day it was born to the day it felt claws lacerating its hindquarters, but never when.
Corvus grasped the neck of his glaive. He was the doe, anticipating his own death, yearning for it—yet on the battlefield he was the predator, too terrifying and too mighty to be killed so easily. In each scenario he was molded into his element. That was a rare thing: a beast that was both predator and prey, that excelled at both. Around him, the hinterlands of Muldari IV were burning, a sight he had seen a hundred times before on hundreds of other planets, yet every instance of battle filled him with a carnal need that could never be sedated. The predator that hunted and was damn good at it. A self-fulfilled prophecy.
Corvus was perched on the steps of the hilltop temple, and from here he took in the chaotic panorama: dismembered torsos of the fair-skinned and sharp-lipped Muldari scattered along the ground, detached heads in the rubble, the paths offset by broken staves of ill-designed weapons, which Corvus expected from a race which had never seen violence in all its centuries. He’d be impressed by their pacifistic diligence if it could be separated from the species’ weakness.
“To think,” he said to his companion, “if they had only given us their tribute, we could have avoided this.”
Proxima Midnight scoffed under her breath. “Strength in spirit is often grounds for short-sighted foolishness, Husband. Though, I suppose in the face of the inevitable, it doesn’t pay to give up what you’ll lose regardless.”
She was the only one who understood him. Corvus was guilty because of it. He had seen death so often it felt like a familiar memory, always lingering distantly in the back of his mind for when he sought its comfort, yet as the months passed, he became aware of how afraid Proxima was while he welcomed unlife with open arms. To be without him. To be alone. To die alone. She hadn’t cared about that in almost half a decade, but they were married now, and her concern felt…different. Personal. She knew this about him going in. Now her voice was always there, guiding him in the dark, bringing him back to her as if it had been embedded in the essence of his glaive. A desperation he was beginning to think he reflected.
Still, here they were, overseeing the aftermath of another slaughter and basking in the ambiance of the violence.
“Midnight,” he started, and she looked at him. “Do you regret marrying me?”
She was running the tip of her finger over the sharp crest of his blade. He felt the pressure of her touch but couldn’t deduce its intent. “Should I?”
“You are a survivor, formidable and enduring, but I am a creature that begs for death and warrants little self-preservation. Does that make it seem like I do not value you?”
She moved her hand to his cheek. “Probably,” she said, “though the intrinsic worth of value has never been a universal consistency. We have our certainties in life, sometimes with others more than ourselves, and that is the result of individual experience.”
Proxima always made it sound so simple.
He did value himself, as he valued her and the Order and above all else, Thanos—but he could never transpose into words how desperately he craved death for reasons as intensely adjacent but wholly unique to his master’s own. “I—I do value you,” he said, laying his hand across her thigh, “just so you know. I do not want to make you feel otherwise.”
An Outrider lurched by them, lightning-quick, and descended on a Muldari soldier who was groaning about his legs, crushed beneath the stone of a toppled pillar. It sliced open his torso through his flimsy armor. Organs blossomed from the wound—a flower, reaching for sunlight. The shrill screams rang out amongst the distant cacophony of other wails; Corvus’ lips split into a terrible grin as the desperate pleads for their goddess went unanswered, and the soldier gurgled to death on his own blue blood.
Another Outrider bounded up to Proxima and dropped to its knees, head bowed low. “Word, my lady,” it hissed out. “He is incapacitated but awake now, as you requested.”
“Excellent,” Proxima said, dismissing it with a wave of her hand. “Shall we, my love?”
Corvus followed his wife as she ascended the steep crest of the hill to the temple of the Muldari’s goddess. This town, like all others, had been built around a place of worship, it seemed, and they went through the open doors into the foyer. The corpses of Muldari citizens filled the room of religious homage. Several Outriders hovered around the cadavers, snapping at each other over entrails and the spoils of flesh.
The duo moved towards the alter.
An Outrider threw a man down to his knees at Proxima’s feet. He was dressed differently compared to the other Muldari soldiers, his uniform crested by gray feathers and finer metals, face and body bruised from the Machiavellian tactics of the Mad Titan’s army, and a thick trail of blue blood dripped from his thin mouth and along his soft chin. Proxima kicked him squarely in the chest and sent him sprawling onto the platform of the alter; she slammed her foot down into his sternum, pinning him there beneath the listless gaze of their goddess.
“Husband,” she purred as his figure moved into her peripheral vision. “This is the man they call General. Such a pathetic sight.”
“I was hoping they’d put up more of a fight,” Corvus said. “Pathetic and disappointing.”
“What is it you want from us?” the General begged, grasping Proxima’s ankle to keep her foot from sliding into the delicate plush of his neck. “Please, we are peaceful—”
“You could have remained in peace if you had given us tribute,” Corvus told him. “We are the Black Order, the judge, jury, and executioners of the Mad Titan Thanos. Give us what we want or we will continue to gut your planet until all that remains is its husk. Have I made my intentions clear?”
The soldier nodded furiously.
“Good.” He twirled his glaive around and slammed the blade through the floor mere inches from the Muldari’s head, and he shrieked, pupils blown wide with fear. “Tell us where you’ve hidden your children. The village is suspiciously lacking, and if we were anything less than observant, my wife would have had you castrated by now.”
“Please,” the Muldari soldier said. “There is no need, they are only children—”
“You brought this on yourself,” Proxima interjected, pressing her weight into her leg. “We asked for an understandable amount of tributes, between the standard ages of sixteen and twenty-two, but you had the audacity to deny us. The rest of your miserable race would have remained untouched.”
“Please,” he uttered. “Please—I beg you—”
“This is why I wish we had come with the Maw,” Corvus told his wife bitterly. He bent down, tapping the tip of his claw against the focal point of the General’s forehead. “Though, I suppose it is more fun to decimate the planet. This universe is already swarming with enough short-sighted species.”
“Swear to me!” The Muldari exclaimed. “Swear to me you will leave my people alone if I tell you! Even if I am to die, just—swear it—”
Corvus withdrew his hand. He crouched for a long moment, and then said, “All right, General. You have my word. We wish only for our tribute, and then, we shall be on our way.”
The General put his palm flat to the floor. “There are catacombs beneath all our temples, for protection!”
“Protection? You are pacifists.”
“We were once decimated by a meteor. The wrath of our goddess, so we believed! Though it was ages ago, but we built the systems beneath our temples to protect our species should it ever happen again. That is where you will find them.” He pushed against Proxima’s weight. “Now, please, call off your armies!”
As he stood, Corvus’ eyes flicked up to his wife. She seemed to know what he was thinking, and asked him, “Shall I defile their place of worship with his blood?”
He grinned, baring the predacious teeth of a voracious killer. “Of course, my love. But make it slow—compensation for denying our master his tribute.”
Proxima smirked deliciously. Methodically, the tip of the spear pierced through layers of flesh and muscles, splitting the Muldari’s neck open front to back. His pleads for mercy were pushed through the edges of the wound. Blood ruptured, overflowing like a bucket filled over the brim with too much water, but Proxima left it there, at that precipice, so the General asphyxiated on his own vitality. Fluids trickled into his lungs, slowed by the intrusion of the spearhead. His eyes rolled into the back of his head.
Corvus thought of teeth slamming down into a helpless creature’s hide, pulling flesh away, the tearing and snapping of skin like thread—and he bent at the waist, the glottis in his throat vibrating intensely to release a bestial hiss. He became aware of Proxima’s apprehensive look. He was breathing heavy, sucking in deep breaths as if winded by the very sight of the gore, and each exhale was shakier than the last—but Proxima gazed at him knowingly. Her eyes wandered his body. His half-crumpled posture, his trembling shoulders, his quaking knees, and she knew the desire that coursed through him.
She flicked her wrist at the Outriders. “Leave us. Locate the entrance to the catacombs.”
The beasts departed one after another, throwing themselves back into the fray outside; soon, they were alone, and Corvus snarled like he had been struck hard enough to render pain. Proxima ripped her spear from the Muldari’s body, pointedly looking at her husband as she did, and then set it against the statue of the uncaring goddess. Blood leaked down the statue’s exposed thigh in rivulets.
“My love,” she said, and sauntered up to him. Her hands traversed the expanse of his chest, gliding over the thick material of his suit, up to his shoulders. “You poor, insatiable creature; you’re shaking.”
“You must understand how overcome you make me feel,” he hissed out, clasping his hands at her waist. “How…how difficult it is to resist—”
“Why resist?” One hand caressed his face, and the other slid downwards, over the valley of his abdomen and to his plated belt. She traced her fingertip over the intricate details on her descent. Then dipped lower, to where she felt him harden under her touch.
“Because it is—an inopportune time to be this—”
“Allow me to alleviate your suffering.”
He dipped his head into her shoulder. “I cannot ask that of you.”
“My love, you are afflicted by the heat of battle and the intimacy of death. Have I not been the same way? Do you forget Keruuva?”
Ah, yes. Keruuva, a seedy planet in the corner of the universe; they were eradicating the Keruuvian Deathsquad in trade for information from one of Thanos’ underhanded informants when Corvus went down on her in a squad leader’s office. “I remember,” he said then, flexing his claws to pantomime the grip he had maintained on her thighs to keep her from crushing his skull. “Still. It is—we have been given our orders.”
Proxima shrugged one shoulder and gave him a little smile, but he saw the disappointment behind the pallid filament of her eyes. “Your tone betrays your words, Corvus… but it is your decision all the same.”
Corvus knew she hadn’t been trying to guilt him. They were always eager to satisfy the other, with anything and everything, whether it was sexual fulfillment or emotional gratification, so of course there was despondency to be had in a situation of denial. Proxima merely wanted to help—
There was a mischievous glint that crossed her gaze. She pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips, then to his chin, his right cheek, his left cheek. Her mouth captured his, and for a moment Corvus surrendered to her, returning her affections by deepening the kiss, sliding his tongue curiously against hers. She hummed against him, into the cavern of his jaws. It was a deep vibration he felt reverberate into every bone in his chest as if he was made hollow by her existence. And she tilted her head, and he took in her quizzicality, feeling how she seemed to be looking for—for—
White, hot pain flared through his face. He reeled back, slamming back-first into the curve of the wall, and he was snarling. The reflex of a cornered animal about to strike. It should have been enough to deter her otherwise, yet Proxima was smirking at him like she wasn’t afraid at all. A drop of crimson blood meandered down her chin. He instinctively brought his hand up to the swell of his lower lip, where he felt the point where his skin was rendered in two.
“You bit me,” he said dumbly.
“A promise for tonight,” she replied, narrowing her eyes. “Unless you’re through making excuses?”
“We have been given our orders. Are those not your words? My ears have yet to fail me, and that sounds very much akin to an excuse.”
“We are in a warzone, Proxima.”
“A point that would maintain its leverage if you weren’t so obvious with your need. Was Keruuva not a warzone as much as this?” Corvus grit his teeth, but she briskly added, “I can always tell when you’re omitting what you want to say.”
“And what if I don’t wish to say anything?” He advanced on her, blood leaking from his split lip. It gave him the terrifying qualities of a predator. “How can I so casually admit that the sight of death was the only commiseration that made me feel alive until I met you? Or how afraid I am to lose that?”
“I am your wife,” she shot back. “Has it not dawned on you I feel the same?”
“Of course it has! But it makes me vulnerable in a way I haven’t felt since—since—” He ripped his glaive from the floor and threw it in anger across the room, where it smashed through a far wall. “This damnation! What the Shadow Guilds did to me! I no longer fear death, I fear a life I am forced to live without—”
Proxima was looking at him, breath pillowed up in her chest.
With the glaive no longer in his grasp, he healed much slower. The blood hadn’t yet coagulated. If he had been born anyone else, perhaps he could have kept the scar. “I apologize,” he said then, putting the meat of his palm to his lip to feel the dangerous wetness through his vambraces. “This is…new territory for me, both mentally and emotionally. I am afraid that I’m going to—inevitably—do or say anything that is too much or goes too far. It is quite terrifying.”
“You worry about non-existent troubles. We have devoted our entirety to what Master Thanos commands—if violence were a matter I could not stomach, I would not be his harbinger.” She raised her hand. He loyally went to her open palm and maneuvered his cheek into her touch, exhaling softly, fulfilled by a comfort he had once thought was beyond his reach. “Do you not trust the words of your wife, Corvus Glaive?”
“I do. I’m sorry.” He took her in his arms and nuzzled her neck. “Then, may I ask—”
Proxima laughed affably. “Ask. Oh, you insensible creature, have you not realized I find battle as arousing as you? Especially when”—she pushed him back against the wall, no rough but firm all the same, fists in his cloak, her limpid gaze flaring with desire—“in your words, I become the predator, the hunter. Judge, jury, and executioner. You think that doesn’t excite me?”
Corvus’ heart was in his throat. He looked at the upturned grin on her face, at the dried trail of his own blood on her chin, and as the scent of her hormones rammed their way up his nose, he felt vindicated.
“I,” he started to say, claws curling under her jowls, “am very much in love with you, Proxima Midnight.”
He brought their mouths together. They were feverish and anguished, hands asking for more of the other as he worked her open and wrapped his wrapped his arms around her waist and sucked on her tongue. The metallic taste of his blood was on both their lips, igniting the cingula in his head with that instinctive, beastly desire to hunt: to take her apart and make her his. She undid the circlet of his belt, connected to his hip guards, with deft fingers that slid in behind the front plate as quick and precise as a snake bite—and she moaned into him, hurriedly pushing the piece down. It clattered to the floor; in the hollowed room the sound reverberated, like a pipe deflecting off a sturdier pipe, that weaponized bang.
In that moment he decided it would take too long to undo all their clothes. At his guidance they tumbled to the cold floor, where he caught her against him as he would in their bedroom and pressed his forehead into hers to feel nearer. The vastness of the temple was scaled significantly down in her presence.
“You’re being awfully impatient,” Proxima said coyly.
Corvus slid his arm under her knee and lifted her leg to his waist. “Worry not, my love,” he told her in kind, lining his hips adjacently against hers, “I will ensure you still come first.”
He pressed his erection to the apex of her thighs and began to move, feeling the wet warmth of her through the thick of their colliding suits. She didn’t seem to mind that they were reduced to rutting on the floor like beasts in heat—actually, she quite enjoyed it, edged by the friction generated from the cloth and the not-quite-close-enoughness of their position, wanting more but being denied, trapped at the midpoint of frustration and relief. Quickly, she began to move against his motions. A heated moan slipped past her lips, then another—she tensed, nails in his indicators along his spine, and tossed her head back and arched her hips and pushed her clit at an angle against him.
“That’s it,” he said into her neck, “that’s it.”
Her sounds were intensifying. He sought out the pulse point at the divot of her collarbone and bit down; he felt her shudder and whimper. The scent of her arousal worsened. His head began to spin, wild with need, taking in her pheromones, her noises. His teeth were sharp enough to tear her flesh away if he really wanted to. But he had always known how to restrain himself, and even as she weakened his resolve, he managed not to break her skin.
She rolled her hips with fervor; he returned the affection. Grinding the orgasm out of each other. The rolling and crashing of energy and ecstasy.
An image flashed through his mind—the doe, but her cries are slow and silent, mouth tilted upwards to the sky—and he gazed into Proxima’s eyes, slotted like blinds against the sunlight, the midpoint of falling closed to focus on the sensation and snapping open to ensure he was still there. Curiously, she became all he could think about. There was no longer the memory of beasts tearing into flesh or blood glistening against dried summer grass. It was only her, and—
She came harder than he had anticipated. Her head rolled back, her spine arched off the floor, and he felt her trembling moments before her body seized up. Then she was pulsating. Grinding roughly with each involuntary jerk of her hips, her orgasm ripping through her body and she cried out as she tumbled through it, release after release. When Corvus came it was easy; he hadn’t realized he was that close but the sight of her surrendered to her orgasm beneath him was what he had needed, and he lurched for his other arm, sinking his fangs through the material of his clothing, piercing skin. Blood filled his senses like the first time he was ever killed. Red, hot, acidic pain.
Then, nothing.
* * *
For a while afterwards, they remained there on the tarnished floor of a once religious sanctum, him above her, until the reality of how uncomfortable the platform was forced Corvus to sit up, bending his legs over the steps of the altar. Blood dribbled from between his fangs, giving him the visage of both a predator who had hunted and the half-executed prey. At least his lip had healed. His arm, shredded in comparison, was beginning to amend itself too.
Proxima rose up to meet him and put her chin to his shoulder. Her fingertip traced a lemniscate along the length of his spine, over his environmental indicators, but the veil of the cloak allowed the sensation to pass without stimulation. “What are you thinking about, my love?”
There was sunlight everywhere, lancing through the windows and falling across everything, a predator in its own right by claiming whatever it thought necessary to endure and survive. In the distance beyond the temple walls, the screaming of war was gone. Silence, reflection. Water in a bucket. Blood on the floors.
“You,” he said honestly. “Just you.”
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diveronarpg · 5 years
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In fair Verona, our tale begins with FELIPE CASTRO, who is TWENTY-EIGHT years old. He is often called FLORIZEL and is NEUTRAL. He uses HE/HIM pronouns.
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It was hard not to love him, and he was all the worse for it. His bambinaia fretted over his fate often, wondering what would become of a boy who won utter devotion with the smallest of gestures. Born for adoration, created to woo the world into submission, Felipe had no reason to consider the dark clouds ahead and focused most of his attention on flowers, instead. What right did he have to worry? By whose authority did he dare weep? His absent parents paid for every need met and every want fulfilled, and that was all he needed; he had the rest of Rome to love him. And love him, Rome did. In a city so irreverent and overcrowded, Felipe flourished. The city WORSHIPPED him; the entire sun was his to devour. It could overwhelm anyone, even a boy as resilient as Felipe. He craved admiration from the masses and the loyalty of all who loved him – especially his bambinaia. Even when he was well past the age of needing supervision, Felipe demanded that his bambinaia stay by his side. Your love means the most to me, he promised, I only need your loyalty. FOREVER.
For as long as she could, his bambinaia stayed. But she was of no use to a boy becoming a man, and when the time came, she laid a hand over his head, closed her eyes and prayed: Dio, may he love the world, for the world has loved him first. Felipe, with his eyes wide open and turning black with rage, waited until she met his gaze to CURSE her darkly, in a voice his bambinaia had never heard before. He could trace all his greatest sins back to this one night. Desperate for an escape from a city that wanted too much of his attention, Felipe traveled to Verona for a weekend alone. He had never been truly alone before; while his heart had once trembled with fear at the thought, it now yearned for such a SILENCE – a silence he found at the bottom of a bottle, the end of a line of powder, the comedown of a particularly ruthless high. One weekend turned to a week; a week became a month; a month became years.
To this day, Felipe cannot understand how he made the decision to forsake his education, forsake his parents, forsake everything about the life he’d led and embrace the streets of a stranger, darker city. The gods would have laughed at the thought. A boy as spoiled, as pampered, as BELOVED as Felipe, surviving among thorns and bramble? It was more than laughable, it defied fate and destiny itself. And yet, he survived. With his growing reliance on mind-altering substances and habit of saying yes to every opportunity, it was no surprise that Felipe fell into the crossfire of the war that defined Verona. For a long while, Felipe straddled the line between traitor and sneaky bastard well. He mishandled third-party deliveries and sold information for the right price – the HIGHEST price. His pockets were lined with gold, but it wasn’t long until both sides began to grow weary of his name. So he chose a new one, named himself Gabriele after his bambinaia’s favorite angel and ran to Rome.
He was still coming down from his last bit of ambrosia when he met Paola. Their love story was a great one, the kind he had been chasing his entire life. He loved her BLINDLY, as the world had blindly loved him. Yet still, Verona sang his name. When he received a call from an unknown number, Felipe understood that he would only ever belong in the city that held onto old grudges like promises from its BLOODTHIRSTY gods. He promised Paola it would only be one last assignment before he put it all behind him. He would never forget the trust in her eyes as she said goodbye. Bring me a souvenir, she had said. Knowing he did not intend to return, he had kissed her and promised, I’ll bring you the entire city. Was it his fault that the delivery was a trap, intended to PUNISH him for his crimes? Was he to blame for going into hiding to save his life? And tell me, he begged the gods, am I to be miserable forever because Paola came back for me? He received his answer in complete, wretched and holy silence. The boy who desired to hold the sun, to bask in its glow and be admired by all who dared to behold his loveliness – BANISHED. Such was his punishment. It was not until Mona plucked his phantom heart from the ground, held it in her hands and — against her better judgement, with heartfelt pleas on the lips of her most beloved, Omi — vowed to protect him. Your blood will be my blood, she decreed, and those who come for you shall suffer under my own blade.
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PAOLA DAMASCO: Regret. Guilt and gratitude taste the same on his tongue at the sight of her. Once bound to the shadows, Felipe learned to move with the darkness instead of drowning in it. From the sidelines, he has watched Paola wrestle with Verona’s demons and, to his horror, join them. With Mona’s blessing, he ran to save her; in return, she cursed his true name and taunted him with the scars of his false one on her skin. Isn’t this everything he’s ever wanted: someone to follow him like he is a prophet and they are his disciple, someone to love him like he stands at the center of their universe? This is what they should have warned you about: someone who loves you enough to become a monster, and hate you for the terror they’ve become.
YAMAMOTO OMI: Safe haven. She is beautiful and she is worshipped for it, but that means nothing to Felipe; he has enough of that and more to feed him for a lifetime and still, his belly aches for something more substantial. Something of worth and value, something Felipe cannot name but knows Omi has. He’s known it since he first laid eyes on her in The Dark Lady. I won’t be your customer, he told her that night, but I want to know everything about you. Their story should have ended like this: Omi speaking quietly and fully-clothed, Felipe listening with his eyes closed, trying to understand the strength that radiates from her. Instead, their story continues with a gunshot; with Felipe dragging himself to the Dark Lady where she lived, where her gentle touch heals his wounds. I won’t be your savior, Omi says as he’s recovering, but I’ll be your friend. And I’ll keep your secret. But save him she did, and he owes his freedom entirely to her. You, he reminds her as often as he can, are the first friend I’ve ever had.
HAZEL ACCARDI: Loose end. He met them by chance, stumbled upon them like a lost man stumbles upon God when he is starved for hope. Felipe remembers thinking they were an angel, all of that hair surrounding their face like a halo. He remembers the two of them sharing the stories, full of accidents and tragedies, that brought them to Verona. Most of all, he remembers learning about their secret talent. When the Montagues and Capulets alike learned his scent and cast a bidding war for his head, Felipe went to Hazel to forge documents for his new identity. They are the only person in Verona who truly knows both Felipe and Gabriele, and it both terrifies and excites him. They can destroy him, yes — but they can also set him free.
ODIN BELLO: Hunter. Felipe has no enemies and no targets; but there are many who have claimed him as theirs, and Odin is the most impassioned of them all. How was Felipe supposed to know that a sizable chunk of the information he sold and the missions he disrupted targeted the same person, time and time again? How can he be helped if the Capulet captain who paid the price of Felipe’s sins never forgave, and never forgot? There are many who want to see his head on a stick, and he knows all of their names; but Odin is the one he fears the most.
Felipe is portrayed by KENTA SAKURAI and was written by MINNIE. He is currently OPEN.
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