#he played innocent and she instantly was like ok so true
taiturner · 2 years
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How’s Aaron doing? He’s great. Instantly connects with people.
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theapangea · 1 year
Omg do you think he gets jealous easily?? Like if someone is flirting with innocent!reader and she doesn't really get it and thinks theyre being nice and like Lip comes over and just starts talking dirty to her or something.
Ok ok ok I think Lip is not like jealous jealous. He's pretty confident in himself and may not care if other dudes hit on you per se but he is definitely the type of dude that would say "He can't fuck you like I can". ughhh I love him sm
This how I think the situation would play out...enjoy cuties <3
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The Alibi is loud tonight, louder than normal and here you are sitting all alone because Lip has to use the bathroom. When duty calls, duty calls he laughed before placing a quick peck to your forehead. You baby the cold beer that sits between your palms. Lip mainly got it for you to fit into the bar scene but knows he will probably be the one drinking it.
Your eyes follow around the small room, card game in the corner, a group playing pool, a quick smile from Kevin as he keeps a close eye on you while Lip is away. Feet lightly tapping the bar stool to the faint music you can barely hear over the talking, yelling, shouting.
"Hello there, pretty lady," an unfamiliar voice speaks to the right of you, turning you head to meet with an unkept man about 30 or so years old. "Mind if I sit?" He questions, gesturing at one of the empty bar stools.
"Sure," Your voice is calm, a quick smile peaking through.
While situating himself on the stool, "So what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone?"
"Waiting I guess."
"I'd never keep you waiting." His is quick and confident in his comment. A smirk dancing across his face as he fingers reach out to graze your forearm.
"I see you made a friend." Lip's voice sends a shiver down your spine. The volume breaking through the loudness of the space. His arm instantly finding its place over your shoulders.
Smiling up at him, "Yeah, yeah...this is...um?" Realizing you actually don't even know who you are talking too.
"Ricky." You repeat back to Lip.
"Got it," His thumbs wipes his bottom lip. "So Ricky you plan on fucking my girl tonight?" He leans against the table, his arm slightly pulling you with him.
Lip's comment sending blood through your ears, the heat rising to your face as Ricky chokes on his alcohol.
Lip continues, "Because you and I both know you'd never be able to fuck her like I can so..." He nods his head, signaling for the man to leave.
Ricky taking the hint as he tilts his glass towards Lip, moving to the other side of the bar.
"Lip." You lightly hit his chest, the embarrassment coating you like a blanket.
"What?" Lip laughs, "You know it's true."
ok just a little bit of what may happen. I do think here is a time and place for a Jealous Lip which is so HAWT so maybe I will write something about it -- let me know.
a little kiss for you for supporting me!!
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lovemesomeharry · 4 years
Warnings: Angst
Words: 2k
Summary: Harry feels insecure and needs reassurance that Y/N won’t leave him.
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The sun was shining, birds were singing and the sound of water splashing made the summer feeling even sweeter. The distant sound of people talking was almost unnoticeable, compared to the hectic and loud streets of London, Y/N, and Harry was so used to. It almost made them forget how quiet the world could be and they were thankful for the little getaway into a peaceful habitat to recollect themselves.
Currently, Y/N was sitting on a chair on the balcony of the small Italian house, reading a book Harry urged her to, a while ago, and eating grapes every once in a while when she had to turn the page. Her white summer dress was floating in the wind and her hair was up in a ponytail to keep the strains of hair out of her concentrated face. The tip of her tongue was sticking out as she tried to imagine the scenario she had just read, not noticing her boyfriend staring at her in awe further away.
Harry was trying to cool himself down at the small pool, Y/N had great access at looking at, and he had hoped she’d join him but she was too focussed on her reading to even notice the lack of attention she was giving her boyfriend. Wet hair was sticking to his forehead and tiny little droplets we're covering his body when he looked up to see her sitting on the balcony. His heart immediately picked up on speed and started to hammer harder against his ribcage. His emerald eyes were scanning every single one of her outlines, trying his best to memorize them as if she was his favorite painting he never wanted to forget.
With a muffed sigh he got out of the pool and instantly felt the hot ground beneath his feet as he grabbed a towel to dry himself off a bit, knowing well that his girlfriend wouldn't approve of him getting the expensive Italian carpet wet.
It was really not a big deal to him but it was to her and he was glad about it. She kept him grounded, even though Harry could swear he was on cloud nine, nowhere near the ground, whenever he remembered she was his to love and he was hers.
He truly couldn't grasp how she’d even consider being with him, knowing what consequences and difficulties he had brought into her life but he was too selfish to push her away and he was happy she never considered leaving him. Even if he couldn’t understand her decision.
When he finally got to see her again, she didn't notice him right away. For a moment Harry let the cold fan air surround him before he decided that she’d spent enough time reading a book. With big and fast steps, he walked into the balcony and stopped right behind her so he could wrap his arms around her shoulders.
A small shriek left her lips and her body jolted forward a bit, making Harry smirk. “Hey, love. What are you doing?” He wrapped his arms tighter around her as she tried to push him away slightly.
“Don’t scare me like that!” She complained but did not close the book yet much to Harry’s dislike. He wanted all of her attention on him. “Besides I was reading the book you wanted me to.” She held the book up so he could see what she was reading. He nuzzled his face into her neck, covering it with sweet kisses as a blush crept onto his face, heating his face up. She couldn’t be more adorable to him than at this moment, he thought. He loved that she always listened to him and paid attention to what he was saying. It made the butterflies in his stomach go crazy knowing she cared enough about him to read one of his favorite books. He knew he’d read her favorites within a second but never expected her to return the favor. “Thought we could talk about it once I finish it.” Y/N suggested only making those emotions Harry was feeling stronger. He really wondered how she still had this effect on him after all this time being together and hoped he was causing the same impact on her.
“Sure.” He said leaving open mouth kisses on her jaw. “But first, your boyfriend needs some attention.” She turned her head to the side to get a look at his beautiful face and got lost into his mesmerizing eyes once she looked into them. His long eyelashes were framing them perfectly and the tiny freckles on his face made her want to count them so she could tell everyone how many he had on his cheeks. She felt his large hands grip her forearm, squeezed it slightly before he planted a kiss on her nose. Her body melted into his embrace as if it was missing his kisses the whole day and craved them already.
When he let go of her she made sure to take his hand in hers and put the book on the round glass table in front of her. Her legs, that were pulled up to her chest, were set back on the ground so that she could have better look at him. He sat down next to her, squeezing her hand back when a small yawn escaped his mouth.
“Are you tired, baby?” She asked and studied her boyfriend carefully. His lips turned upwards and with his other hand, he ran through his fluffy mustache that was tickling her neck not even a few seconds ago. He looked so different with it, she thought but not in a bad way. He looked older with his ’Mario mustache’, as he liked to refer to it, and made him feel proud of finally being able to grow some facial hair. And it came in handy in the bedroom. So how could she ever dislike the little bit of hair?
He nodded his head. “A bit.” She couldn’t deny that he was looking tired but not enough for him to be craving a deep slumber.
“Should we go to bed?” She asked only making Harry feel softer for her. She said ‘we’ and it made his heart swoon and wonder what he’d done to deserve an angel like her.
God, he was so whipped.
“No. But come here.” He hummed and opened his arms. No more words were needed for her to understand what he’d meant and she was already climbing on his lap. Her legs were dangled from each side and her hands found their way into his hair, pulling slightly on the hair on his neck. A deep, satisfied sigh left his mouth and he had to fight the urge to kiss her breathless, fearing he’d be too clingy. “I love you. You know that, right?” He asked instead and held her hips tighter.
Worry was clouding his innocent face and Y/N could only frown. “Of course, H. Is everything alright?” She didn’t want him to think that she didn’t know that because she did. She felt so appreciated, adored, and mostly so incredibly loved because he never failed to prove his feelings to her. Even if it’s just making her coffee the way she liked it or him knowing when she’d get her period so he’d have all the candy ready, she was going to crave.
Sometimes she’d even feel bad about it, thinking she wasn’t giving him enough love. Thinking he deserved somebody better as she did at that moment. Maybe she should have put the book away and focussed more on him, she thought.
Her fingers were massaging his head in hope of calming him down. “Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you know that.” He shook his head as if he was trying to figure his words out and let out a breathy but nervous laugh. “I don’t deserve you, angel. You’re too good to me.” Y/N wanted to ask him if he was joking but seeing the sincerity in his eyes made her swallow the lump in her throat. How could he ever think that, she wondered truthfully.
“Why would you say that?” Her hands stopped playing with his hair, what Harry didn’t like but he kept his mouth shut about it. His heart aches to see the worry and hurt in her eyes as the previous sparkle died down. He mentally cursed at himself for making her feel this way when it was supposed to be their getaway vacation, for them to escape the hectic world they lived in.
His fingers were playing with the fabric of her dress, which she looked ravishing in, only making her look more like an actual angel. “I don’t know why you’re with me when I bring more trouble than joy.” His shoulders sagged and the sadness in his voice made a painful throb run through her heart. She couldn’t believe he would think that and felt as if she didn’t do a good job as his girlfriend proving to him that he was all she ever needed. Y/N wished she could make those thoughts disappear out of his head, but to Harry, they came completely naturally after multiple broken relationships due to his lifestyle no one seemed to be able to put up with. And to think that she’ll leave him too, was a pain no one could’ve ever prepared himself for. Just by the thought of never holding her again and getting to smell her sweet scent made him tear up and something laced his neck, keeping him from breathing.
“Harry, that’s not true. I love you.” She tried to reassure him and once he lowered his gaze she took his chin into her hands, forcing him to look at her. The corner of his eyes was filling up with tears and Y/N wondered how she didn’t realize what was going on in her boyfriend's head. “I’m sorry if I hadn’t made it clear before but there’s no one and nothing I’d trade you for. Ever.”
“It’s just-“ He stopped to take a deep breath to collect his thoughts. “I, I’m scared, ok? I’m scared that one day you’ll wake up and not love me anymore. That you’ll realize I’m not worth the trouble.” Y/N saw how he was fighting with his tears, felt how his hands started shaking around her hips, and his voice got so quiet that he was barely whispering. She wanted to kiss his troubles away but felt so helpless not knowing what to do. “Sometimes I wonder if I should just let you go, but I’m too selfish.”
“Love, I never wanted you to be selfish more than I do right now.” Her voice was slowing losing its power and tears started to form at the brim of her eyes. “I love you, Harry. I love you so much and I really don’t care what we have to go through as long as we’re in this together.” She pressed her forehead against his and let the small skin contact send shivers down her spine and try her best to take all this negativity away. Her fingers were gripping his face and pulling him closer, if it was possible. “You’ve no idea how much you mean to me. You’re worth risking everything for and I’d rather lose everything before I’ll lose you. My heart just wouldn’t be able to take it.”
Harry was still battling inner thoughts even though he believed her and Y/N saw the conflict going on inside of him. Her thumb stroked his cheek and finally, he started to lean into her touch. He breathed the hot air out of his lungs when he pulled back to look at her properly. ”You sure?”
”I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” And with that, she finally captured his lips with hers, trying her hardest to get the insecurity out of him. His soft lips moved perfectly in rhythm with hers and by the shape of their mouths, both parties were convinced that their lips were meant to be together. Harry sighed into the kiss and even though he still believed she could get someone better he was happy she still wanted to be with him and didn't mind giving him the reassurance he sometimes needed. Y/N on the other hand already planned to devote her heart to him for the rest of her life and make it her life goal to prove to him that he was all she ever wanted, needed, and loved.
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hwangsbbg · 4 years
Just a kiss - Yangyang
Synopsis : Yangyang and reader are best friends and they end up going further than just kissing in an attempt to check their kissing skills
"I'm not watching that movie another time" Yangyang complained as the two of you made your way to your house. It was a tradition for him to sleep over every Friday night and for you guys to do a movie marathon.
"But its a classic" You whined as you saw you were a couple steps away from reaching the front door.
"A classic we've watched literally a hundred times. Can't we watch one of my movies instead" He replied watching you open your front door.
"We can watch one of your movies, and one of mine. And if we can't get along on the last movie we can just play video games" You walked in your house, immediately making your way to your room.
"Are your parents not home?" He asked considering we'd always be greeted by them as soon as we entered the house.
"My dad travelled for work yesterday and my mom is visiting her parents. I told you this like ten minutes ago" You rolled your eyes.
"I forgot to listen" He grinned at you, following you into your room where both of you set your bags on the side of your room.
"Did you finish your homework for the weekend or are you gonna end up copying on me" He practically jumped next to you on the bed as he watched you remove your shoes, doing the same.
"I finished it during my free period this time" you replied, proudly, as you removed your cardigan, throwing it to the other side of the room.
"Wow! For once! You deserve an applause" He dramatically clapped for you. You rolled your eyes playfully.
"I'm gonna take a shower, you can go in after if you'd like" You walked towards the door that connected your room to your bathroom.
"Or I could always join you" He laughed making you laugh as well. You shook your head at him playfully before finally going in.
You finished rather quickly and when you were out you realized Yangyang was missing. You called his name while putting on a new pair of underwear and an oversized shirt he had actually given you.
"I'm coming! I'm grabbing some snacks" He replied from the kitchen as you set up the movie you wanted to watch on Netflix.
Yangyang walked in with a tray full of snack and grinned as soon as he saw the shirt you were wearing.
"You're wearing the shirt you stole from me" "You gave it to me" "Yeah after you wouldn't stop stealing it" He laughed, setting the tray on the table next to your bed and jumping in the bed next to you.
"Aren't you gonna take a shower" you questioned.
"Oh yeah" He remembered. You laughed as he stood up making his way to the bathroom. A few seconds later he walked out, shirtless.
"Can I use your shampoo" You definitely heard him, but your eyes were more focused on his bare upper body that was displayed before you and you couldn't think of anything else.
"Wh-What" "can I use the shampoo" he repeated his question, smirking at you.
"Y-Yeah of course" You finally managed to look up at him. He laughed at your reaction before walking back into the bathroom.
You laid down on the bed, quite embarrassed, making yourself comfortable as you scrolled through Instagram, waiting for him to come out and start the movie.
You were so focused on your phone however, you completely forgot about Yangyang who walked out of the bathroom and walked in on you laying down on your phone with half of your ass exposed by your shirt that had been lifted up.
He coughed a little trying to get your attention, and it worked, however you had no idea about your situation and you simply looked at him smiling.
The thoughts that crossed his head at that moment were far from innocent, certainly not the kind of thoughts you would have about your best friend.
When you turned your head, you noticed he was only wearing a new pair of pants but his abs were once again on full display and it was turning you on in ways you couldn't imagine.
You hadn't had sex ever since you broke up with your boyfriend last year and to say you were beyond sexually frustrated is an understatement. To add on to that you have an incredibly good looking man standing shitless in front of you. What would you expect.
Your eyes trailed up from his abs to his eyes to see he was staring at your ass and you quickly sat up, laughing nervously as he copied your actions, laughing as well.
"where's your shirt" You asked him as he took a seat next to you on the bed.
"I tried to put the AC on when you were showering and it isn't working, it's way too hot inside for the shirt I brought" He explained making you nod in understanding.
"I bet Talia would love to see you like this" You Spoke after a while, remembering the quirky girl who dared come up to you and tell you to back off of Yangyang.
"What do you mean" He looked genuinely confused which made the situation quite comic for you.
"You know Talia right?" "Which one" "The skinny brunette one with the green eyes" You explained and he instantly understood who he was.
"High heels Talia? The one who tried failing maths so I could tutor her" "Yeah! That one! She told me to back off her man because she thought we were dating"
"What did you say" He was almost dead laughing. "I told her I've done some things with her 'man' she couldn't even think of" You laughed seeing him become all read and remembering how she stormed off after hearing that.
"Why would you say it like that" He laughed even harder. "Because I was tired of her always thinking I'm 'stealing you away from her' and I mean we have done some pretty crazy things.. just not what she's probably thinking" you explained.
Yangyang shook his head at you playfully making you give him a suspicious look. You wouldn't dare believe it but you had to ask him.
"Why.. are you like into her" you didn't mean to make it sound so mean but it just came out that way.
"Why are you jealous" he teased you, laughing at your reaction. You frowned in response.
"Come on! You're the only girl in my life! You know that" He tackled you into a bear hug, holding you tightly before letting go. During those few seconds you managed to catch a strong whiff of your shampoo and body wash and you realized how he was shirtless and had to force your mind away from inappropriate thoughts.
"Ok but I also have a confession" He spoke up after a couple of seconds of silence. "What did you do" knowing Yangyang, he was capable of the craziest of things and him saying that scared you.
"I kinda did the same thing you did with him" Yangyang admitted, shocking you.
"What!? When? How? Where? Why?" you had so many questions. He gave a nervous laugh before explaining.
"So I was walking to my locker and he came over to me and asked if I had seen you. I told him yeah but I wasn't going to tell him where you were. Then he told me he just wants to explain himself"
You shook your head. He had cheated on you. What was there to explain. You stayed quiet however and let Yangyang continue his story.
"I told him there was nothing to explain and he said I had no business in this and asked me why I was even putting myself in you guys' business. So I told him I have my reasons. And he asked me if we were dating or fucking and that it had to be one of those" he paused.
"What did you say" you asked. You were aching to know the rest.
"I told him why not both and he got super pissed and left" Yangyang admitted making you burst out in laughter.
"You told him we were sleeping together and dating" You couldn't believe what you had just heard.
"Yeah. I mean I thought he would have realized I was lying considering you could sense my sexual frustration from miles away"
"Not at all Yangyang, if anything you give off playboy vibes" you replied making him blush a slight red color.
"No but seriously I mean with that smile and those abs, you have like half of the girls at school chasing after you" You didn't even realize your hand was on his thigh until you met his eyes and saw him looking at it.
"Sorry" You bashfully apologized. "It's okay" He breathed out.
"Anyways, why would you give off sexually frustrated vibes. Don't you like.. touch yourself"
Yes, it was quite an awkward conversation but you guys didn't mind talking about things like this and that was a great thing in your friendship.
"I mean yeah, but it's not the same thing as having sex" he replied as if it were something you should have known.
"But didn't you hook up with Violet at the party last week" "She tried to hook up with me but I didn't want to"
You were quite confused considering Violet was considered one of the hottest girls at school and he was sexually frustrated.
"So I haven't had sex in like five months" "I haven't had sex in like a year! I don't know why you're complaining" you rolled your eyes at him.
"That's cause you didn't want to. Every guy at school tried hooking up with you as well. Your ex boyfriend spread the rumor that you were a great kisser but even better in bed"
"Yeah I heard the rumor. It's not false so I didn't bother saying anything" you shrugged.
"So you're saying you're a great kisser" "Well I'm not denying it" "I bet your not as great of a kisser as I am" Yangyang teased you making you laugh.
"I could show you" You spoke jokingly but noticed the serious look on his face.
"I was joking" You made it clear before you saw him smirk and speak up.
"I bet you I'm a better kisser than you" he challenged you. Only he knew his true intentions and how competitive you could be.
"Bet on what Yangyang. Twenty bucks" You sparked up at he thought of the new challenge.
"Ok but if I win you have to grant my three wishes" he replied. You nodded, sure you weren't going to lose.
"But how do we test this, do I have to kiss one of the girls you kissed because they all suck to be honest" you spoke making him chuckle before replying.
"I mean it's just kissing we could just do it together and see for ourselves". You raised an eyebrow at him and he shrugged.
You obviously wanted to kiss him, all betting aside, so it didn't take much for you to agree. As soon as you replied with a 'yes', he moved his hand to rest on the bed, at your side and leaned in to kiss you.
It was a really soft kiss and it made your head dizzy. You hadn't been kissed like this in so long. Your lips moved together softly before he pulled away.
"I don't think we can determine who's the better kisser from just that" you used that as an excuse to continue doing what you were doing previously.
Yangyang smirked, kissing you once again, this time more passionately. You changed position, both kneeling on the bed without breaking the kiss.You could feel his hands, one of the back of your neck and the other around your waist.
He licked the bottom of your lip, asking for entrance. You teased him, denying it to him, wondering what he would do next.
He completely surprised you when he let his hand trail from your waist to one of your ass cheeks and squeezed it making you yelp and allowing him to enter his tongue.
He grinned into the kiss as your two tongues danced together, Yangyang taking the lead and dominating over you. You didn't mind his dominance though, you found it hot. Hot to the point where you could feel your underwear slowly getting soaked.
You let your hands rest on his abs as the kiss continued on for a while longer before you pulled away.
"Wow, the rumors are soo true" He let out, quite out of breath making you giggle.
"I didn't even show you half of what I know" You smirked, proudly, as you saw him bite his lip. He definitely wanted you as much as you wanted him.
"Can you show me more in that case" He asked. You smirked.
"Only if you admit I won the bet" "Who the fuck cares about the bet at this point" He replied. You couldn't agree more. Things were definitely not going to be the same after tonight.
You pushed him back so he was sitting on the bed before climbing up onto him, straddling him. Without wasting any time, you reattached your lips to his, instantly inserting your tongue in his mouth and letting it be guided by his tongue.
After a few seconds you pulled away, stared at him and reattached your lips to him, only this time to his neck. He let out a clearly involuntary moan as you sucked all over his neck and softly grinded on him.
You could clearly feel his member growing in his pants, right under you ass. You felt bad for the poor thing that wanted to break free from the clothes he was locked in. He grabbed your ass with both hands and began rubbing on it making you curse in pleasure.
You looked up to see Yangyang biting in his lip hard as you continued sucking on his neck. You moved your ass a little to grind into him again, making the both of you moan out of pleasure.
You made your way back to his mouth, reattaching your lips as you felt his hands trail under your shirt. You felt him smirk into the kiss as he discovered you weren't wearing a bra.
"Were you expecting this" He pulled away, biting his lip. "No, I just don't see the point in wearing a bra in my own house. Don't feel too special" You giggled, reconnecting your lips.
He let his hands play with your breasts under your shirts, squeezing on them before taking both nipples and squeezing those too.
You let out a rather loud moan, not really caring considering nobody else was home at this time.
He pulled away, tugging at your shirt and within a few seconds it was on the other side of the room. You watched him lick his lips before flipping you over so that you were laying in the bed with him on top of you.
"Fuck.. you're fucking hot" he praised you, attaching his lips to your neck this time as he grinded his erected member right on your core that was only covered by your panties.
"Fuckkk" you both moaned as he continued kissing all over your neck and collarbone before he began moving down, grabbing one of your nipples with his hand and taking the other in his mouth.
He sucked and licked around you, enjoying the sounds of your moans before moving to the next one. He reveled in the fact that he was the one making you feel this way as he continued kissing your lower stomach all the way to your panties.
"You might be the better kisser but you've never seen what I can do with my mouth" He smirked as he pulled away.
You looked at him in shock. Was he seriously talking about what you were thinking.
"Please show me" You weren't going to bother lying, you were desperate to see what he could do with his mouth beside speak a ton of language and say the weirdest shit.
"You don't even have to ask" he kissed between your thighs making you shiver in excitement as he neared closer and closer to you.
He reached towards the waistbands of your panties, using only a few fingers to pull them off and toss them next to him.
"Holy fuck" He groaned, wasting no in attaching his mouth to your core. He first kissed it, sending an intense feeling all through your body before he licked between your folds.
"Oh fuckkk Yangyang" you moaned as he continued licking up and down before he thrust his tongue in your hole making your knees buckle in pleasure.
He reached up and began rubbing on your clit as he continued thrusting in and out with his tongue. Your loud moans only further encouraging him.
You felt heat pool up in your stomach as he used his other hand to play with one of your nipples.
"Ah.. fuck.. I think I'm gonna come" you let out in short breaths and he sped up his actions. He removed his hand that was rubbing on your clit but it didn't matter as he went deeper with his tongue making his nose rub against your clit.
You reached your first orgasm and it was nothing less than pure bliss and your entire body shook.
You watched him smirk in satisfaction, admiring your naked body and replaying the orgasm he caused in his head.
"Can you take anymore babe" You don't know where the nickname came from nor did you care. It sounded so fucking hot and you felt so desperate for him. And you knew how he felt too.
He stood up, giving you he perfect few of his member that was clearly very hard inside his sweatpants.
You licked your lips, making your way over to him and helping him remove his sweatpants along with his boxers, finally freeing his hard on from the prison it was stuck in.
You stared at his impressive size before slowly grabbing hold of it. He let out a small groan at the feeling as you began to pump on it.
"I would return the favor but I really want you inside of me right now" You loved hearing his moans but you couldn't wait any longer.
"Fuck- if you keep saying things like that I won't be able to control myself" "I don't want you to" you replied making him chuckle in response.
"Shit- I don't have a condom" he groaned in frustration before you spoke up, announcing you had one.
"For surprises like this" you spoke once again after seeing the eyebrow raise he gave you. He opened your bedside drawer and was surprised to see all the different types of condoms you had stored in there.
"You just keep them in here knowing your parents could see them" he looked at you in confusion.
"My dad never comes into my room and my mom gave me these" You watched as he scanned over the different sizes before picking up a large one. Seeing his size, it didn't surprise you.
He ripped it open using his teeth and easily rolled it on before positioning himself at your entrance. You moaned, feeling only the tip enter you as your whole body was once again overwhelmed with pleasure.
"Fuck babygirl" he unconsciously let the pet name slip as he grabbed on to your waist, pushing further inside of you until he was fully in.
"Fuck Yangyang" you moaned loudly as he began moving slowly inside of you before he started picking up his pace.
"F-faster.. please" you managed to let out as he went even faster than before and your moans became more high pitched and frequent. You were already nearing your orgasm.
Your hands went to his back, before the rested in his shoulders and he hit your gspot with each and every thrust.
"Ugh.. I'm close babygirl" you could feel him twitching inside of you as your walls clenched around him and, like he had announced, he came.
He continued thrusting though until the pool of heat in your stomach spread to your entire body as you also released for the second time.
He rolled over, laying on the other side of the bed as he tried regaining his breath while you did the same.
"I can't believe that just happened" You would have never guessed your weekly sleepover would turn into probably the best sex you'd ever experienced.
"I'm so happy it did" he replied, finally free of the sexual frustration that was bothering him.
"I mean it was only a matter a time considering the way you stared at my abs earlier" He teased you making you laugh.
"It wasn't as bad as how you were staring at my ass" you replied, returning the favor.
"You got me on that one. Remember the favor you owe me" he reminded you of the amazing job he had done to you with his mouth.
"How can I forget. Remember the three wishes you have to grant me" you also reminded him of the bet he lost.
"I just made all your wishes come true but if you need me to show you again I will" He replied cheekily, making you giggle.
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kpop-zone · 4 years
Blackpink reaction to their s/o being jealous
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Jisoo realized the minute that she came home from work that something was off about you today. Instead of greeting her with one of your wide, contagious smiles and starting to ask her about her day, you only allowed her to leave a quick kiss on your cheek before basically pretending that she wasn’t there. She simply assumed that you had had a bad day today, so she sat down next to you on the couch and tried her best to distract you by telling you funny stories from her day on set. A lot of things had happened today and Jisoo thought she was doing you a favor until a comment from you took her aback.
“...and I complained because he didn’t bring me a coffee, so during the next break Hae-In promptly brought me a large coffee and my favorite snacks.”
She giggled proudly, but you didn’t seem to be as amused as her about this incident.
“Oh yeah, of course perfect Hae-In would bring you a coffee and also knows what your favorite snacks are.”
You praised Hae-In, although your cynical tone made it clear that you weren’t really meaning what you where saying. Perplexed and with narrowed eyes, Jisoo stared at you, beginning to understand why you were acting so strangely.
“Yes, I’m very glad to have him by my side. Filming this drama is a big step for me, and I wouldn’t know what to do without his support.”
She exaggerated to test her theory and like expected, you scoffed in disbelief while rolling your eyes, causing Jisoo to cross her arms defensively.
“You know, I don’t really appreciate you being jealous.”
She stated bluntly and you looked at her with a mixture of embarrassment and anger reflecting on your face.
“I’m not jealous.”
You scoffed, but Jisoo knew that you were lying. You were terrible at hiding your emotions opposing to her. Although right now, Jisoo didn’t feel like hiding hers either.
“Of course you are, but I don’t know why. I’m just doing my job and I’ve never given you a reason to mistrust me.”
She replied calmly yet determined to show you that you had upset her.
“I- it’s not like I mistrust you.”
You stuttered after you had caught up to her mood and Jisoo looked at you expectantly in order to give you a chance to explain yourself.
“I didn’t even want to be jealous, but you spent so much time on set and... I don’t know what Hae-In’s intentions are with you.”
You mumbled sheepishly, causing Jisoo to sigh.
“Y/N...I don’t care what Hae-In’s intentions are. You don’t need to worry about him, our relationship is purely professional. And about the lack of time I have for you...I promise I will make it up to you once the filming is over, ok?”
She had softened her tone again and reached over to take your hand, causing you to smile.
“Ok. I’m sorry for the little tantrum.”
You grinned apologetically and Jisoo giggled in amusement before pulling you into her arms. As long as this would be the exception and not the rule, she could live with your jealousy.
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Jennie had to try her hardest not to burst out in laughter as she observed out of the corner of her eye how you almost exploded with jealousy. She was talking with some newcomer model who apparently thought that he was a big shot now just because he was invited to the Chanel after party. For almost ten minutes he had already told her about all his successes in order to woo her. Usually, Jennie would have turned him down a long time ago, but seeing you getting so agitated over this was giving her great pleasure. Therefore, she let him boast some more while keeping an eye on you before eventually deciding that she had tortured you enough.
“Excuse me please.”
Jennie smiled at the model who looked at her dumbfounded, apparently never having been interrupted  in his life before. Unbothered by his attempts to stop her from walking away, she turned on her heel and headed straight for you with a smirk playing on her lips.
“I swear to god I would have ripped his head off if he would have touched you one more time.”
You gritted through your teeth as soon as Jennie was within earshot.
“What’s wrong baby?”
She replied sweetly, pretending to be clueless.
“Don’t feign innocence. I know that you did that on purpose.”
You grumbled, causing Jennie to giggle before stepping closer to you in order to loosely wrap her arms around your neck.
“Aw don’t be angry baby. You just look so cute when you’re jealous.”
She cooed and you looked at her grumpily.
“I’m going to make you regret that later.”
You replied while pulling her closer by her waist to make sure that no one else would overstep their boundaries tonight, causing Jennie to smirk. Mission accomplished.
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Never had you ever thought that you would regret accompanying your girlfriend to work like you did right now. While clenching your jaw tightly, you watched how Chaeyoung cuddled up to Seungjoo and you felt a wave of jealousy washing over you. You knew that it was ridiculous. This was just a music video shoot after all. But somehow the way that Seungjoo pulled your girlfriend close simply drove you insane. Tensed up, you watched one take after the other until the PD was finally satisfied with the results and called it a day. Relieved, you jumped off your chair, ready to finally leave this set, but Chaeyoung took her time to thank every single staff member; especially Seungjoo of course. By the time, she was finally walking up to you with a big smile on her face, you had considered a thousand times already to simply storm off.
“I’m sorry it took so long! But it looks so amazing, doesn’t it?”
Chaeyoung squealed in joy, completely oblivious to the jealousy that was seething within you.
“Yes, amazing. Can we go now?”
You answered brusquely, much to the confusion of your girlfriend who still complied to your wish though. Together you made your way to the dressing room before leaving the filming location after Chaeyoung had changed into her comfortable clothes. Her excitement from before was visibly reduced now and she silently sat beside you in the car until she broke the silence eventually.
“Don’t you like the video?”
She asked insecurely, causing you to sigh. You had to stop making her feel bad for something that wasn’t her fault.
“I do like it.”
You replied while trying to fake a smile to make your words more believable.
“Then why do you seem to be so angry?”
Chaeyoung tilted her head in confusion and you tried your best to avoid her gaze. What was the best way to tell her?
“I just...I didn’t like the way that Seungjoo touched you.”
You blurted out before hanging your head bashfully.
“Oh...I’m sorry I didn’t think about how that would make you feel.”
Chaeyoung mumbled taken aback, instantly making you feel guilty for worrying her.
“No don’t apologize, it’s ridiculous.”
You replied and your girlfriend looked at you pensively.
“I mean it is ridiculous indeed, because I would never cheat on you with Seungjoo. But I also understand where you are coming from.”
She reasoned, causing you to sigh while resting your forehead on her shoulder.
“I don’t even deserve you, Chaeng. You are way too good to me.”
You whined, feeling like you didn’t deserve the amount of understanding that your girlfriend showed you.
“True. I feel like you should start repaying me. I accept various types of payment. Food, cuddles, gifts...”
Chaeyoung said dead serious, causing you to look at her before both of you started bursting out in laughter. Maybe your first way to repay her should be by stopping to be a jealous prick...
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Grimly, you scrolled through your Twitter feed while cursing yourself for following several fan accounts for your girlfriend. All of them were talking about the same thing: how cute your girlfriend and Chaeyoung had looked together at their the fansign today. You were happy that your girlfriend had found her soulmates in her members and that they managed to make her life a little less crazy; you really were. But somehow you just couldn’t stop the green monster from overcoming you every once in a while. They spent so much time together and you knew that all of them were superior to you in every way. It was just so hard to watch them being this close. Frustrated, you spotted a clip that showed your girlfriend kissing Chaeyoung on the cheek, causing her to blush sheepishly. All those ‘Chaelisa’ shippers were really getting under your skin, even if you hated yourself for it. You knew that Lisa was the most loyal girlfriend that you could have ever wished for, nevertheless, you couldn’t help but to be jealous when you saw her pampering Chaeyoung like that. Shouldn’t that be you?
“What are you watching?”
Lisa’s voice suddenly appeared right next to your ear, managing to rip you from your brooding session. Panicked, you tried to lock your phone before your girlfriend could see what you were looking at, but Lisa had already managed to take it out of your hands. Curiously, she watched the video before looking at you again with a smirk on her face.
“Is someone jealous?”
She cooed in amusement and you looked away bashfully.
You scoffed, but Lisa snickered knowingly.
“I think you are. Don’t you like it when I kiss other people?”
She sat down beside you and poked your cheek to annoy you.
“You can do whatever you want.”
You grumbled while swatting away her hand, causing her to giggle even more.
“Oh really? So Chaeyoung and I can do even more fan service?”
She smirked and you instantly glared at her.
“Don’t you dare.”
You blurted out before you coudl think, causing Lisa to grin triumphantly.
“Why not? I thought you weren’t jealous?”
She put her finger on her lips pensively to mock you and you rolled your eyes.
“Ok fine. Maybe I am, so don’t make it worse.”
You huffed in defeat to save yourself from even more torture. Smugly, your girlfriend giggled before suddenly putting her hand behind your head to hug you against her chest.
“You are so adorable, Y/N. Don’t worry, baby, I only have eyes for you.”
She cooed and you hesitantly gave in to her embrace. Maybe your girlfriend was mocking you right now, but you couldn’t say that her reassurance didn’t feel good...
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natromanxoff · 3 years
26 - No Queen here...
Hi. Just a quickie from the shores of sunny Bondi Beach.
Here's a couple of questions from someone called Jazz, and I thought I had a daft name. In fact just last week a lady asked me if Crystal was my real name, and I told her I was adopted by a couple of gay guys and that's what they named me. She didn't know whether to laugh, cry, cuddle me or hit me, and she left still not knowing the truth. Anyway, back to the questions. First off Jazz wants to know what my favourite Christmas carol is. I put a lot of thought into this as they're not top of my list of songs to play, but I came up with a classic which, when sung by a large choir always brings tears to my eyes as it's so beautiful. The name of this wonderful little ditty is, "Meet me by the Christmas tree and kiss me under the balls."
Next was, "What's the silliest thing you've ever done while being drunk?" What a great question and would you believe I can't think of anything daft I've ever done, apart from the usual guy thing like trying to chat up any female as long as she's got a pulse, attempting to draw pictures while peeing, trying to hold a serious conversation while yelling, slurring and staggering. Nothing out of the ordinary really, just guy stuff. But, and there's that word again, I can think of something that somebody else did, and this time I was completely sober and just an innocent bystander, for a change. Lets start by setting the time machine back to Venezuela, 1981. It was the time when black leather jackets were at the height of trend, and being the fashion victim that I am I had one. As all leather jacket wearers know they cannot be neat and new looking or you look like a shop dummy. Now Jobby wanted to go one better, or worse, depends how you look at things, and he went a got a white one, and it was so prissy it still had creases down the sleeves. For obvious reasons he was instantly named Elvis, but he's also, and how do I say this nicely...err...slim, so his full name became Elvis Belsen. Think about it. This was a name that stuck for a long while because he said those wrong words, "I don't like that name."
So there we are in the hotel in Caracas, on about the 19th floor, me and one end of the hotel and Elvis at the other. It was early evening and I was lying on the bed reading and resting before a night out when there's a knock on the door. My big mistake in all this is that I let the knocker in, and it was one of our lighting guys who was, shall we say, feeling very relaxed and wanting me to go and do something, anything. I declined his lousy offer so he said he was gonna go and see who was in, so I said ok and expected him to leave, but instead he went and opened the window and started to climb out. As anyone would do at a time like this I asked him what he was doing and he once again replied, "I'm going to see who's in," and with that he was gone. Now don't worry here, there was a ledge about 18inches wide. There was no point in me trying to stop him as he wouldn't have listened, and lighting guys are used to walking along thin beams at very high altitudes, but I thought, and still do to this day that the guy was an idiot. About 10 mins go by and my phone rang, and it was Elvis saying, "I've been robbed. I was asleep on the bed and somebody stole my leather jacket and climbed out the window." By this time I'm trying not to laugh cause Spiderman had reappeared in my window with the the dreaded white leather jacket. I told Elvis he must have dreamt it as we were on the 19th floor but he kept insisting it was true and then said, "I'm coming down to your room and you're gonna have to sort this out." I couldn't believe Spiderman was stupid enough to climb out the window in the first place, he topped his stupidity by climbing out a second time, and when I told him Elvis was on his way to my room guess what he did? Yup, said he would put it back and, shazam, was once again out on the ledge to return the stolen goods. Elvis came and I told him before we complain to the hotel manager about burglars he should give his room a good check to make sure it wasn't there, and he left. I flopped back on the bed thinking just how sane I was compared to everyone else when, lo and behold, in through the window comes Spiderman again feeling very proud of himself. I suggested he went and got a coffee and thankfully he left, but I must be honest, I did find the whole thing highly amusing and had a good chuckle whilst relating the story in the bar later that evening. And I don't think anyone ever told Elvis what happened during the missing half hour in the life of his poofy white jacket.
I'm sure I don't need to tell you that this kind of stunt, apart from being incredibly stupid, is unbelievably dangerous and you should not attempt to copy it.
Before I go I should mention JD, FM, RT and BM seeing as this is a Queen site and none of them have been spoken about, but we did do some shows in Venezuela and I loved the place and had a fabbo time there. On the night before we were leaving the country, Jim Devenney and myself went to a party with a bunch people that we had met and I had been having a very long chat about nothing with the host (Stop smiling Jacky) and it got to about midnight so I phoned Roger, told him to get Freddie, Phoebe and stacks of booze cause we were staying up all night, and we did and we got wrecked. We were on the way to the airport on what they called a luxury bus, I didn't, and it was hot and muggy on the bus with no air conditioning and I for one needed some air, so I did what any self respecting pisshead would do at a time like this. I stood in the aisle, held on the luggage rack, did a spectacular leap and landed two feet squarely on the window sending it into the street, then calmly sat back down and put my head out into the fresh air. Now is that silly enough?
I've just realised I haven't sworn once, not f***ing bad eh.
Time to go.
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startanewdream · 4 years
Shotgun wedding
Harry and Ginny will have a quick wedding, though not for the reasons people would expect.
@constancezin this silly piece of family fluff in a Jily Lives AU is for you 😘
Read on AO3 or below the cut:
The ring seems to sparkle even if the two diamonds there are really tiny - or maybe it’s just the fact that Ginny can’t help but look at it every now and then.
It doesn’t seem real yet. They are engaged, she and Harry.
It’s a little bit silly, because it’s not like anyone is actually surprised by their engagement. They’ve been dating steadily for four years now, surviving the long-distance relationship of her in Hogwarts and him on Auror training, then the mismatched turns when she was training for Holyhead Harpies and he was a Junior Auror and their time together was limited. And they live together.
Still, ever since she began her career as Quidditch Player, there was not a game where a reporter didn’t question her when she and Harry would tie the knot. She always ignored any question about her personal life - even learning that her Bat Bogey Hex didn’t seem to discourage people from asking. It was the only annoying thing in their lives.
It was no wonder that Harry had taken her on a short trip to a faraway place before kneeling in front of her - all classic like probably his dad had told him - and asking her if she would give him the huge honour of marrying him. Ginny had laughed happily - she hadn’t realized she wanted to properly marry him until that point - and had hugged and kissed him and assured him she very much would like to marry him.
After the celebration, when they were lying together in bed and Harry was playing with her hair absently (in a way that GInny feel they would still be like together sixty years in the future), they had talked about how they both wanted a quick wedding. Two weeks at most. A small wedding, only for family and close friends, in two weeks.
As far as Ginny gives a thought about it, the reporters can find out they have married when her new uniform says Potter instead of Weasley.
And fortunately for her, planning a wedding in two-weeks seems easy when she has the help of her future father-in-law.
‘Finally!’, James sings when she and Harry apparate in the Potter’s house. James was clearly expecting them in the porch. ‘So?’, he looks from one to another, his hand passing nervously in his receding hair.
In answer, Ginny beams and raises her hand, showing the ring there.
‘YES!’, James cries, and then he is hugging them both, almost lifting them up in the air, and Harry laughs amusedly.
‘Come on, Dad’, he says, when James lets them go. ‘You are embarrassing me. It’s like you didn’t think she would accept.
‘Maybe he thought I had more sense’, Ginny teases, winking at James.
‘You dated me for years now, it’s obvious you don’t have’, Harry answers playfully, kissing her forehead, and Ginny sees James is beaming at them, his eyes almost teary. He looks like he is stopping himself from swooning at them.
‘This is like the happiest day ever’, he declares, opening the door to inviting them in. ‘Come on, Lily is - well, maybe we should tell you together -’
‘You mean we should tell her the news?’, Harry asks, sounding confused. Then he smiles. ‘Let’s hope Mum is not as surprised as you’.
They find Lily sitting in the living room and Ginny sees she is knitting, singing to herself with a soft smile on her lips; Ginny had never seen her knitting anything before. It makes her think of her own mother.
She thinks there is something else different with Lily since the last time she saw her, more than two weeks ago; Lily has always been pretty, but today there seem to be something shining in her, as if she has an aura around her, like Fleur sometimes has.
It’s ethereally beautiful.
‘Harry, Ginny!’, she cries when she sees them, leaving the knitting aside and raising to greet them. James is at her side instantly, supporting Lily as if she needs help, though for what Ginny can see Lily looks perfect well. ‘I would ask, but James’ cry could be heard in France. Come here, Ginny, let me see it!’
Ginny smiles, approaching Lily with her hand already raised.
‘Oh, it’s really beautiful!’, Lily says, looking at the ring. Then she hugs Ginny warmly. ‘I am so happy for you two!’
‘Yeah, yeah, we are all very happy’, James says, waving his hand dismissively. ‘Now, the important thing, have you thought about dates?’
‘Oh, yes’, Harry smirks. ‘Two weeks from now’.
‘What?’, James looks nervous. ‘Harry - we can’t rush perfection, a big party in two weeks... there are places to see and I have thirteen options of buffet for you two to choose -’
‘We just want a small celebration, really’, Ginny explains, watching the smile freeze in James’ face.
‘Yeah, we are already in the spotlight too much’, adds Harry, coming at her side and embracing Ginny. ‘We want something more intimate, just our closest friends. We thought of something at the Burrow, it’s spring so -’
‘But - fireworks and one thousand red roses and the Weird Sisters singing -’
‘James’, Lily interrupts him. ‘That’s their wedding, not yours’.
‘Oh, yeah, true’, James nods, still looking crestfallen. ‘I guess I can take only the basics of my wedding planner’.
‘You have a wedding planner?’, asks Ginny, not bothering to hide her chuckle. Harry rolls his eyes.
‘Don’t ask, but I think he keeps one since we first kissed’, he says. ‘Well, as long as you can organize in two weeks, we will accept your help’.
‘Hang on’, Lily looks from one to another, raising her eyebrows. ‘Why the rush?’
Harry shrugs.
‘It’s no rush, we just don’t want to feed gossip’.
‘There doesn’t seem to be much sense in a long engagement’, Ginny agrees. ‘A quick wedding, hopefully without any reporter knowing’.
‘And is there any reason for all the secret?’, Lily asks, exchanging a knowing look with James, who also raises his eyebrows, his mouth now open in an ‘oh’, clearly understanding what’s on Lily’s mind.
‘Yeah’, Harry says slowly. ‘I mean -’, he points at his own scar. ‘I don’t want paparazzi at our wedding’.
James and Lily breath out together, as if they are relieved at something, and Harry throws a confused look at Ginny, who giggles.
‘They thought we were having a shotgun wedding’, she explains amusedly. ‘You know, as if you had knocked me up’.
Harry laughs now too.
‘People can marry just because they are in love, you know?’, he says playfully. ‘Don’t worry, no one will be pregnant at the wedding’.
He turns to his parents, obviously expecting them to share the joke, but neither James or Lily are laughing. Now that Ginny looks at them, she sees they have the same expression: a mix of happiness and embarrassment, with a touch of pride in themselves.
There is something different there, that she knows. Ginny frowns, trying to the understand - there is the fact that Lily is glowing for some reason, and the way James seems overprotective of his wife and how their hands are clasped together in front of Lily’s belly.
Also, Lily’s cleavage seems really great, now she notices it.
‘OH!’, she exclaims without controlling herself. ‘Don’t tell me -’
Lily nods, grinning more than ever, with a sparkle of mischief that it suddenly makes sense for Ginny, considering what Lily is carrying right now. Or who she married.
‘Congratulations!’, she says, letting go of Harry’s hand to hug again both Lily and James. ‘Oh, God, this is so amazing!’
‘Gin?’, Harry asks, bewildered, looking from one to another. ‘What’s going on?’
Lily and James exchange an overjoyed look.
‘Well - we have some news too’, James says, his voice shaking with undeniable satisfaction. ‘You are going to be a big brother’.
Harry just blinks.
‘Harry’, Ginny calls him, coming again at his side, but he doesn’t seem to notice her for once. He looks so lost that Ginny takes pity on him, so she says gently: ‘Your parents are having a baby’.
‘But - how?’
‘Oh, James!’, Ginny laughs now. ‘I thought you gave Harry the talk’.
James nods, looking at Harry with evident amusement. ‘The usual way, Harry. It was not an immaculate conception, you know’.
‘But -’, Harry still looks like he is not understanding a word of what they are saying. ‘You - you two are old’.
‘So kind’, James notes, rolling his eyes.
‘Your parents are barely in their forties, Harry’, Ginny remembers, but that doesn’t seem to clarify anything for him.
‘Old’, he repeats. ‘They couldn’t have - you know - made a baby’.
That makes Lily let out a sparkling laugh.
‘You are so innocent, Harry’, she says fondly.
‘I am pretty sure we could have’, James says confidently. ‘In fact, we already did. Six months from now you will have a little sister or a little brother’.
Harry gasps.
‘I will?’, he almost smiles, until he blinks fastly. ‘Wait, you really are three months pregnant?’
Lily nods, beaming once more. Harry is frowning.
‘So - three months ago - that trip to Italy -’
‘We did tell you it was like a second honeymoon’, James reminds him shamelessly.
‘But I thought you would do old people stuff - visit museums and cathedrals -’
‘We did all of it’, James shrugs. ‘And at night - some glasses of wine -’
‘We didn’t need much wine’, Lily says teasingly, turning to James and winking at him. He smiles mischievously, kissing her softly in the lips - and then, when they seem to deepen the kiss, Harry coughs loudly.
‘Ok, I get it, you two have a … life’.
‘I think you meant sex life’, Ginny can’t help but tease, making him look at her with his eyes narrowed. She just blinks innocently. ‘Come on, you still didn’t say anything about it’.
‘About what?’
‘The fact you are going to be an older brother’.
‘Oh - I didn’t think about it - I -’
Harry seems lost at words. James and Lily exchange a look.
‘Maybe we should have broken into him slowly?’, she whispers to him. 
‘I don’t know, I was an only kid too’.
‘We should have started by saying we will always love him and that love only multiplies, not - ’
‘He is twenty-one, Lily, he knows it by now -’
‘Harry’, Ginny calls him again. ‘You are scaring your parents’.
‘I - I just -’, Harry bits his lips, looking nervously at his parents, before meeting Ginny’s gaze that he seems to deem as safer. ‘I don’t know how to be a brother’.
‘Oh, Harry’, Lily sighs, looking at him with fondness. ‘You are going to be an amazing brother, we are sure of it’.
‘Besides’, Ginny notes. ‘You have been taking care of my brother for ten years now, a baby will be much easier’.
‘Oh, yes’, James agrees. ‘Changing diapers, you’re going to love it’.
‘Teaching things’, says Lily, shaking her head at James, though she has a smile on her lips. ‘Helping learn to walk. Hearing the first words. Seeing him or her growing up’.
‘Training for the future’, James adds, winking at Ginny, who blushes and rolls her eyes.
‘Get a grip, you two. Your baby can’t wait a few years until we think about turning them into an aunt or uncle’.
‘As long as it doesn’t take you too much -’
‘Unlike others, I think we will plan it’, Ginny notes, raising her eyebrows and, just as she expected, they both blush. She laughs. ‘I can’t believe you two had another unplanned kid’.
‘We did plan’, Lily says with dignity. ‘We just had planned for twenty years ago, but there was this dark lord problem -’
‘Mum?’, Harry asks very softly, drawing all their attention. ‘Am I really going to be a brother?’
There are tears shining in his green eyes. Lily looks at him tenderly, her own green eyes sparkling too, and she opens her arms.
‘Yes, son’, she whispers, and then Harry is hugging her. James comes to their side, his hand on Harry’s shoulder, and Ginny feels happiness flooding her at the sight of them together.
It’s - or it will officially be in two weeks - her family too.
Perhaps they seem to think so, because Lily opens her eyes, her hand motioning to her, and Ginny hugs them too.
‘Now’, James says when they break away, wiping away his tears. ‘Let’s plan your wedding, shall we?’
‘It’s good we are having a quick wedding’, Ginny teases. ‘Imagine how outrageous it would be if we took longer’.
‘The mother-in-law pregnant? Oh, very scandalous!’, James agrees, grinning. ‘I’ll be back with the wedding planner, just a moment!’
‘The second good thing is that Dad will have to keep things modest’, Harry notes, sitting right next to Ginny.
‘Ha!’, James laughs. ‘You wish. I have things rented for years just waiting for the right moment’.
Harry throws a look at Ginny that seems to say ‘What did I tell you?’, but she just grins. She never expected anything less of James Potter.
‘So -’, she begins, turning to Lily, who is back at knitting what Ginny thinks it will be a baby bootie. ‘Did you think about names yet?’
Suggestions of names will be accepted by James and Lily 😉 😂
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angelamelamela · 3 years
"Verbal Typo"
(A day in the life of komaeda)
Nagito Komaeda
warning: lazy, sexual innuendos, implied sexy time, teasing, mild cursing, just- sexual tension actually, I think this should count as lime now since I kinda got carried awaysbd mfkdnfnf READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION, exhibitionism if you squint, Nagi is a little bit ooc
pairings: Nagito Komaeda x GN! Reader(I don't mention any gender specific things, though it is slightly leaning more to the feminine side if you squint)
You slide into the entrance of the hotel restaurant, cheerfully saying hi to everyone as usual as they wonder how the hell you were always energetic so early in the morning.
The truth is, you were always just excited to see Nagito and his pretty face.
You were into him, that much is very obvious. Everybody and their grandma knew of your crush towards the boy since you don't exactly even try to hide it. Though the dude in question had too much self loathing to truly believe your feelings.
But even then, his reactions to your never ending teasing and flirting was quite adorable. His usually calm and collected persona shifting in the tiniest blush whenever you pull another one of your pick up lines.
And if ever he feels like he's in a cocky mood, he might even flirt back as well.
Today, you were feeling quite bolder than usual, and also quite....needy. If you get what I'm saying.
And so the moment you finished greeting everyone with a bright smile, your eyes immediately searched for the marshmallow-head. Spotting him sitting across Hajime and a couple other people that you didn't really pay attention to since you were in tunnel vision to get to Komaeda.
You walked over to him with a small skip on your step as he smiles after seeing your frame walk into the room. Such a charming smile
You stood before Nagito, looking down at his seated form for a couple of seconds in a slight moment of hesitation, before you plopped yourself down onto his lap.
His face almost instantly exploded in red, but he tries to play it off by letting out a forced cough and leaning down to whisper next to your ear,
"W-what are you doing?" He asked, letting out a small nervous laugh.
"I needed a place to sit while waiting for the food, hehe" You replied, shifting around on his lap to get comfortable. Though he immediately puts his hands on your hips to stop you.
"But there are plenty more places to sit-"
"They're not as comfy as you." You simply stated. Making the boy's cheeks blossom in red even further.
The other people in the restaurant gave the both of you weird looks, some snickering with teasing eyes while some are looking at you as if you had three heads just for sitting on the class weirdo's lap.
"Jesus, [y/n] is whoring around again. Not just to anyone, but to that weirdo? Seriously?" Hiyoko sneered, pretending to gag. But you simply stick your tongue out at her.
Nagito tried his best to shift his attention back to his conversation with Hajime and the others, while you lean forward and chat with Chiaki who was sitting across from you and playing her game. She let you borrow the other controller of her switch as the both of you start playing whatever.
You don't even notice but you have begun to start shifting about once again when the game started to get more intense, where you were quickly losing. Which was not surprising. You were playing with the ultimate gamer after all.
But as much as you were enjoying the game, Nagito was enjoying even more. But for a different reason entirely.
Your shifting around and slight bouncing in excitement on his lap kinda made something else get excited. And so he had to stop you before he ended up enjoying things too much.
The hands he placed on your hips earlier slowly snaked around your waist, and so now he was holding you against him, holding you in place. It was your turn to blush a bright red.
You subconsciously shut your legs and rub your thighs closely together when you felt his breathe hit the back of your neck as he whispers, almost huskily.
"Can you please stop moving around so much?"
You turn to him, acting all confused. "Hm? Why not?"
"I-it is quite distracting..."
"I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you're getting at Nagi...." You state in the best 'innocent' voice you could muster.
You suddenly leaned back into his chest, briefly raising your hips up only to grind it back down onto the poor boy underneath you. Though you tried your best to keep it discreet and unnoticeable to your classmates.
He choked back a groan, releasing a small gasp instead as he desperately tries to stop you from moving anymore. But that doesn't really stop you since your hips continue to grind down on him in the most subtle way that your classmates won't see you slightly shifting up and down on his lap, but enough that he can still feel your ass teasing him so much that it hurts.
You can barely focus on the game anymore due to Komaeda's warm breathe down your back, his forehead was now leaned against your shoulder as he continued to breathe heavily due to your next level teasing.
"Fuck.." He breathed out, his forehead coated with a thin sheen of sweat. "Alright, I can't deal with this shit anymore"
He moves your body by hooking his arms under your legs and on your back and moving you to the seat next to him gently. Consciously pulling his shirt down to cover more of his pants as he stood up, a heavy blush settled upon his face.
"I-I'm gonna go rest in my room, I'm kinda not feeling well" He reasons out to the rest of the group who was kind of confused as to why he stood up so suddenly.
They all nodded, oblivious as ever.
Nagito leaned down to whisper something to you.
"Meet me at my cottage after 10 minutes. If you're not there by then, I will personally bend you over and take you in front of everyone in this room."
You blushed impossibly harder at his words, a rush of excitement shooting down your spine as you nodded eagerly.
He put his mask of usual indifference back on his face, giving you a smile as if he didn't just say something non-family friendly five seconds ago. He saunters out of the hotel restaurant, leaving you a hot and flustered mess in front of the dining table at 8 in the morning.
After 10 minutes, you stayed true to your word and stood up to start making your way to Nagito's cottage.
"Sorry guys, I gotta go. I'm gonna get laid"
Everybody at the table spit out the food and drinks they had inside their mouths at the moment. You mentally swung a bat to your head as you scramble.
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nelapanela94 · 3 years
LevixFem!Y/N Warnings: Slight 18+ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Focus. Steel gray orbs re-read the same line for the nth time. Again. How was he supposed to finish all his paperwork by evening if he was stuck in the same sentence? Levi took a sip of his peppermint tea, placed the cup back on the table and shook his head determined to complete his work in due time. But the scene that has been wandering in his head since morning wouldn't allow it.
Stupid Y/N, why was she so careless?
He covered his face with his hands and groaned in frustration. His cheeks felt warmer under his touch. The recently promoted Captain turned around in his chair, stood up, and walked towards the window. Maybe a little fresh air would ease his mind.
He couldn’t be more wrong, though.
The cause of his sinful thoughts entered his field of vision. Y/N had come back from patrolling, her horse walking quietly by her side as she led it back to the stables. At least, she was fully dressed this time; however, it didn't stop his heart from pounding wildly in his chest. His eyes followed her as his mind took him back to the events from early that day. .
After showering, getting dressed, and having his morning tea, Levi had decided to take a walk around the training grounds before breakfast was served. He wanted a peaceful moment for himself, away from the hustle and bustle of everyone's morning routine.
He walked aimlessly at a slow, leisurely pace with only one thing in mind.
A person, indeed.
Y/N had been a scout before he joined the Survey Corps. She, as well as Hange, had been one of the few people who didn't belittle Levi and his friends; and when he lost Isabel and Farlan, she did her best to comfort him. With her positive attitude and kind-hearted personality, it was easy for her to make friends.
As time passed, he developed feelings for Y/N that he couldn’t fully recognized at first. Hange was first to realized he had a crush on her, and could not restrain from teasing the grumpy raven-haired. He had been in utter denial for so long, but eventually found himself thinking of her first thing every morning and last every night. She had become the thief of his thoughts, and it seemed she wouldn't settle for so little. No, that greedy Y/N was taking over his heart as well.
The growing sound of burbling water took him back to reality. Levi studied his surroundings when he reached the source of the buzzing sound.
Has this been here all the time?
The waterfall was greenish-blue, gushing over the rocks and thundering down into the pool like a massive water spout. Foam formed on the surface as the water toppled into the plunge pool. The place was still cool and foggy, since the sun light was yet to bring its joy and warmth.
Levi rested his back against a tree trunk, contemplating the beautiful nature's work when his gaze darted towards a strange silhouette in the mist. With squinting eyes, he came closer to get a better view of the figure, but nothing would've prepared him for what he was about to see.
His eyes opened wide as he covered his mouth with his hands, abruptly turning around. A red shade crept across his face and his breathes quickened.
There she was, serenely and undisturbed, floating face up on the water surface with her eyes closed and arms extended out to the side. The only issue, and cause of his shameful reaction was that the girl was naked. Completely naked.
He hid behind a rock before she noticed she wasn’t alone.
Levi felt the urge to take a peek and make sure it wasn’t his brain conspiring against him, but he didn’t want to feel like a perv. He didn't want to leave either. What if somebody else showed up and took advantage of her. He had to be there to protect her.
His pants were getting tighter, and his eyes looked down at the bulge in embarrassment. The ravenette felt like a teenage boy under the influence of hormones.
Fuck. .
Levi turned his head to the door when he heard the knocks. He straightened his back and fixed the collar of his shirt.
"name and business"
"It's me, Levi"
He swallowed the lump in his throat at the sound of Y/N's voice. "Come on in" he firmly said, doing his best to disguise his nervousness.
She stepped in, closing the door behind her. "Captain Levi, my bad" she offered an apologetic smile.
"Y/N, you know you can drop it"
She walked closer and handed him a small wrapped box with a bow on top. "This is for you. Congratulations for your promotion, Captain"
"Thanks" a small smile drew on his lips as his cheeks slightly blushed.
"I made it in my pottery class, I hope you like it" She swiveled around, taking a look at his new office. It was the first time she stopped by after he was named captain. "Sweet. You even get your own room." She commented. "This place is nice, I think I'll come more often" She cuckled. "Only if you want me to" Y/N whirled around again to see him, with a lopsided grin displayed on her face. He was leaning against the desk, his hands resting on his side.
Her brows knitted, scanning his face as she approached him. "Are you ok?" She asked with concern in her voice and placed the back of her hand on his forehead, making the man jolt back.
His heart pounded hard in his chest; he was certain she could hear the beating sound.
"I...I'm alright" he stammered, giving himself away.
And she finally understood.
Y/N batted her eyeslashes and slightly opened her mouth with the tip of her tongue showing. "I see"
She leaned forward, only an inch keeping their lips apart. "You look so adorable when you're all flustered" she teased flirtatiously, placing a lock of hair behind her ear. "Don't hesitate anymore and kiss me already, dummy"
He was left startled at her words. Did she have the same feelings for him or was she just playing with his heart? He had to find out anyway.
With his hands on her shoulders he closed the small gap, pressing his mouth against hers and time stopped instantly. Y/N's heart beat faster and harder and her legs wobbled, almost losing her balance. Delicately and gently, his peppermint flavored lips brushed hers. She wondered if she was daydreaming again with this moment, but the firm squeezed on her shoulders reassured her it was utterly real. Levi half opened his eyes to sneak a peek at her, just to ensure it wasn’t his imagination toying with his emotions.
When he was ready to pull away, she kissed him back wrapping her arms around his neck, and all shyness and insecurities drifted away from him. His hands traveled up and cupped her face as his body detached from the desk he was resting on, deepening the kiss.
What had started innocent and sweet turned fierce and desperate. Her lips parted instinctively and his tongue began the conquest in the depths of her mouth, demanding and consuming.
He smelled incredible. And she didn’t mean the fresh lavender from his impeccably cleaned clothes, but his natural masculine scent that she found intoxicating.
Her hands slid down his perfectly sculpted chest, then his torso, and only stopped when they felt the leather of his belt under their touch. Heat rose from her stomach to her chest. She wanted more of him. She needed more. Guilt inundated her whenever she touched herself picturing his body pressed against hers. He had stolen all her dreams, not only the sweet ones, but the dirty and raw ones as well, and now they were near to come true.
His lips traveled down her jaw, leaving a trail of kisses, and settled in her neck. "Levi" she weakly said, tipping her head back while his mouth moved along her sensitive skin.
With her hands grabbing his belt, she pulled him towards her body, grinding her pelvis against the hard bulge in his pants. "Fuck, Y/N" He gasped. How can she switch from sweet to sexy in so little?
She smirked, leaning her mouth to his ear and muttered "I think is the perfect time to show me your new room Captain"
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neetmatsuimagines · 4 years
Could I get some headcanons for the boys winning their SO a giant plush toy at a carnival....only to realize that they inadvertently caused their life to become the "ah yes, me, my So and their gigantic plush *insert animal here* that I won for them at the fair that one time" meme? Like, They love it so much it has to sleep with them EVERY night, robbing them of precious snuggles. And they can't get rid of it because SO would be so upset. (Bonus points. What animal did they win for them?)
When he saw the way you was reacting to the stuffed red panda, he smiled. He couldn’t help but find it cute with the way you was reacting to the stuff animals cuteness. “Osomatsu, can you please try to win it for me?” You would ask as you ran up to your boyfriend, clinging onto his arm lightly, resting your cheek in his arm and looking up at him with a soft pleading look.
He would sigh and nod softly. Leading to you cheering and jumping around gleefully.
After a few attempts and enough encouragement from you, he won you the plush, and when he handed it to you and smiled happily.
“Thank you Osomatsu!” You said as you soon kissed is cheek. He would instantly blush and look away, scratching at said cheek softly.
“N-no problem babe.”
He soon slightly regretted winning you the stuffed animal as he noticed it was in bed with the two of you from there on out. He rolled over in bed and looked up at the ceiling, watching the lights from passing cars light up the room.
“Osomatsu?” You asked as you rolled to face him, leaning up on your elbow.
“Ah (y/n), sorry if I woke you, you can go back to bed if you want.” He whispered out and you shook your head. Moving over to him and curling up on his side. “I know what this is about.” You said and he held his breath.
“Just so you know I don’t always plan to cuddle with it all the time you know. I just really love it...it’s something you got for me so I really want to keep it close to me.” You said and he breathed in, forgetting he was holding his breath.
“Man you really do know me huh honey?” He said and he laughed quietly.
“Well your my husband after all Osomatsu.” You said and he sighed out, letting his arm wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Hey since we are both up do you want to-“
“Ah man...”
“...maybe tomorrow”
“Really! Haha lucky!”
“Ah so I see my Angel has gained an interest in a specific prize? Ah and it’s a wolf nonetheless!”
He would look at the plush wolf and soon chuckle softly. “If my sweet dear wishes this to be her prize than so be it!”
He would try for the next 10 minutes until it was yours, your smile being the true prize for him.
“I’m so happy that my Karamatsu honey is enjoying the prize I won, is there any other thing you wish for me to-” he was soon cut off by you kissing him softly on the lips.
His face grew redder by each second as he puttered out unbearable words.
But he would chuckle to try to regain composure. “Let’s go home my sweet, I think we had enough fun here for today.”
For the next few days he begun to give the wolf the stink eye when you wasn’t around, for he grew unbelievably jealous of the prize he won you. He didn’t like being jealous, but seeing you cling onto it in your sleep instead of him was unbearable. So reluctantly he hid it one night, but for one night only, just so he can be able to hold onto you again.
Only to be soon found out when you found the hiding spot of it the morning after. “Karamatsu if you wanted to cuddle with me all you had to do was ask.”
“Hmmm my sweet darling knows me so well, but if you insist, we shall cuddle more in are deep loving embrace of slumber.”
Your hand held in his as you pointed out the frog on a lillypad hanging as a prize at one of the stands. He frowned at it lightly wondering what was so enticing about a frog. But seeing your eyes light up made his heart beat race. He sighed out softly and walked up to the stand to win you the prize.
He soon bashfully looked away as he listened to you jump around with glee as you pressed your face affectionately into the plush. “Thank you Choromatsu!” You said as you grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes.
He stuttered out a you’re welcome as you two soon went to ride a ride. His hold on your hand slightly tightening onto yours as the two of you walked.
He growled at the frog as it sat in the middle of your shared bed. It’s innocent eyes boring into his. He soon scoffed and walked away, attempting to ignore the stuffed animals looks.
Why was you cuddling with it and not him? Sure he liked having some space to sleep, but he enjoyed knowing you was close to him while he slept. He soon saw you cooking breakfast in the kitchen, your hips swaying softly to the Nyaa-Chan music playing. He sighed and walked up to you.
“I want to make some rules with the stuffed animal!” He demanded and you looked up and him, softly humming that you got his attention. “I-I want there to be nights where you don’t cuddle with that frog but you cuddle with me instead!” He said loudly and huffed. You smiled softly and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “What ever you say dear.” And you soon went back to the breakfast not seeing the red hue spreading into your husbands cheeks.
He looked up at the stuffed cat as it hanged from the rack, it’s large brown eyes becoming enticing. He looked over at you and saw you was looking at the same thing as him. He turned back to the stand and walked up to the stand. He won the game pretty quickly and was somehow able to manage to get the prize you both was looking at.
He came over to you and held it out, looking away bashfully. You quickly grab onto it and cuddle with it.
“How did you know I wanted this? I didn’t even say anything?”
He hummed softly, kicking a pebble on the ground. “I just know.” He said and soon walked up closer to you. “I want you to know that uh...I may want to cuddle it too...if that’s...ok with you.” He said and you smiled and ruffled his hair softly. “I had a feeling you would say something like that Ichi.”
He hummed softly and looked into your eyes. Smiling softly. Only for him to grab your hand and pull you along with him.
The two of you was rather attached to the stuffed cat you two soon named Coffee, but after a few nights of you having the stuffed cat to yourself he reacted harshly. He ended up sighing loudly and turning away from you.
“If you want to cuddle that cat so bad you can! You seem so keen on cuddling it instead of me anyways!” He would soon storm off and leave you feeling confused and slightly hurt.
You soon heard him come back home in the dead of night as he got dressed for bed and crawled into it. You turned to face him and saw his eyes was on you.
“Ichi...I’m sorry if I made you feel that way. If you want to cuddle more you can just ask, I’m ok with it. I just don’t do it a lot because I don’t want to seem to pushy on you and your personal space...” you said and his eyes slightly widened. A small blush soon appearing on his cheeks at your statement.
“Tch... I wish you told me that sooner.” He said as he would soon move closer and pull you into him, his chin resting on your head.
“I’d ranther much prefer to cuddle with you over Coffee any day.” You said as you softly fell asleep to the sounds of his breathing.
He would be giggling frantically as you encouraged him on to win the prized stuffed golden retriever. The game was a strength tester which you was sure Jyushimatsu was going to win. And sure enough he did, he managed to ring the bell so hard it broke it! The man running the stall shakily handed over the prize to Jyushimatsu as he never saw anyone do that in his entire life. “I did it (y/n) I did it! Hahaha!” He soon pushed the plush into your arms and giggled happily.
“Thank you Jyushi I love it.” You said and he bashfully rubbed the back of his head. “Anything for you (y/n)-Chan!” He than proceeded to grab your hand in his, suprisingly rolling his sleeves up in he process, and running around the festivel with you. Laughing out loudly and happily. Yours soon following soon after his.
He looked at the stuffed dog with a suspicious look as it lay on the bed. His eyes cat like and his sleeve covered hand over his mouth as he was lost in thought.
‘Is it controlling (y/n)?’
‘Is it making (y/n) cuddle it now and not me!?’
‘Why does she give it more attention!’
These was a few thoughts that went through his head as he soon was skipping his foot of the ground, deeper into his thoughts than he knew. He soon jumped and he felt your hand on his shoulder.
“Ah! (Y/n)-Chan!” He shouted and looked at you nervously, hoping you didn’t read his thoughts.” But little did he know you figured he was upset about the stuffed dog.
“Are you upset that I’m cuddling Ramen?” You asked and he looked to the side. “Ramen?” He asked and you hummed going over to pick the stuffed dog up. “I named him Ramen!” You said and laughed.
His eyes soon widened, “ah you can read minds?!” He asked and you shook your head. “No I just figured that’s what was upsetting you sweetie.” You said as you walked over to him, cupping his cheeks. “Haha, you could always read me so well (y/n)-Chan.” He said and you nodded. “If you want I can have on an off days when I cuddle him and cuddle you instead...deal?” You asked and he thought for a minute. “Can you hug it once a month and me for the rest?” He asked and you laughed. “No...but maybe, just depends on who I want to cudddle.” You said and he laughed too. “Well I guess we can both agree with what we said than?” He asked and you nodded. “Yes Jyushi I guess we can.”
He saw the way you was looking at the light pink rabbit and he giggled. “Neh neh (y/n)-Chan do you want me to win the stuffed bunny for you?” He asked as he pointed at the plush. You nodded eagerly. “Please Totty, it’s so cute!” You said and he giggled. “If you want it that bad I guess I have no other choice.” He said as he walked up to the stand and started the game.
You hugged onto the plush as soon as he handed it to you. “Thank you Todomatsu!” You said happily and he giggled. “Anything for my sweet (y/n)-Chan.” He said with a small wink.
He looked at the plush with a pout and picked it up, turning it over to get a better look at it. “What’s so enticing about this thing anyway.” He pouted and soon layed it back down onto the bed.
“It’s cute for starters” came your voice and he quickly turned to see you standing in the door way. “Ah (y/n)-Chan when did you get there?” He asked and laughed bashfully, his hand rubbing the back of his head.
“I had to get some clothes to wash and I saw you in here...are you alright?” You asked and he nodded quickly.
“Of course I’m ok, I always am!” He said winking at you.
“Are you sure?”
“And your not jealous of the rabbit are you?”
“No way!”
“Are you sure?”
“Todomatsu if you want to cuddle me more, you don’t have to ask.” You said as your wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He tensed.
“Ah...I don’t?” He asked slowly, his cutesy voice gone.
You hummed. “You never have to ask sweetie.” You said and kissed him softly on the lips. You smiled and picked up the cloths you needed and left him dazed and a blushing mess.
(This is all written on my phone so please forgive me for any grammar and spelling errors, my phone hates me)
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Alrightttt, I’m on a roll so we’re going onto chappy five 🥳🥳🥳😎😎
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I know the movies made the Capitol — re: basically only Effie and maybe Caesar — have those ridiculous made up accents but .... I actually feel like the description of the Capitol accent in the book is supposed to be like the Kardashians or Paris Hilton’s voice. 🤷🏼‍♀️
“Why do these people speak in such a high pitch? Why do their jaws barely open when they talk? Why do the ends of their sentences go up as if they're asking a question? Odd vowels, clipped words, and always a hiss on the letter s. no wonder it's impossible not to mimic them.” Like this is a pretty good description of how Kim Kardashian and her sisters talk. And Suzzy C did say she was inspired by the juxtaposition between war news footage and ridiculous reality television shows so... I think my theory of the Capitol all talking like they’re on the Real Housewives of LA is pretty valid.
Just imagine Paris Hilton as Effie and Nicole Richie as one of her preps
Lolololol this whole section of waxing is reminding me to go get my legs waxed 😭😭😭 straight up calling me out here, Suzanne
I like how Katniss says her stylist “apparently has no interest in seeing her until the prep team has addressed obvious problems.” Like you can tell from her narration she was expecting to feel the same was about Cinna that she does about Effie and her prep team.
The “gritty loam that takes off dirt and three layers of skin” is probably just a strong exfoliator 😭😭😭 my girl knows nothing about quality skincare 🤧🤧 someone build a Panem Sephora
She mentioned them waxing her underarms.... girl, did you have hairy armpits before this? Idk why this revelation is new to me
“Grease her down!” Just sounds wrong 😅😅😅😅 I need to stop being annoying omg I’m like a twelve year old
Hmm it’s funny to me that Katniss refers to Octavia as plump. You’d think in a place like the Capitol body image and weight would be very important. Unless it’s like back in the old, old days when being overweight was a sign of wealth. Which would make more sense so this was an unnecessary thought process curtesy of Samantha
Katniss faking a smile and thanking her prep team shows she does know how to play the game and fake it better than she says.
So ... okay, hear me out, I’m not trying to get over the top or make this into something it’s not but ... the whole stylists / Cinna coming into the room and staring at her naked is a little weird. Especially considering Cinna isn’t Lenny Kravitz who’s like a bit older than her but actually like a twenty-something year old dude.
But okay, here’s the thing I was getting at ... Cinna’s one of the best people in this series and you can’t deny that. Even if you find him boring, he’s still one of Katniss’ closest people. Also he’s probably gay. But like ... what about the other stylists? I don’t wanna be that person who makes everything more than it is, but like, this scene just sounds like a perfect opportunity for some Capitol creep to assault a teenager idk I’m probably making a mountain out of a molehill just ignore Samantha okay.
That’s nice that he complimented her mama though 🥰🥰🥰
So Katniss calls District Twelve the least desirable district but ... doesn’t District Eleven suck too? Like she also later says District Twelve is the smallest and the poorest but doesn’t she also say Rue is worse off than her and Prim? Make up your mind, Suz.
Cinna claims he asked for District Twelve but did he really get an option? 😅 If it’s his first year and Katniss claims the newbies get them anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️ Samantha is once again, reading too much into this.
Awww, Katniss is thinking about how long it would take for her to assemble this fancy meal at home 🤧🤧🤧 it would take her days and the Capitol just has the necessary resources at their disposal and they just takes it for granted. And yes, I’m aware this is supposed to be calling all us readers out who take so much for granted I know. We’re the Capitol.
“How would I spend the hours I now commit to combing the woods for sustenance if it were so easy to come by?” It’s honestly so sad but so vital to her character that Katniss has zero hobbies or real free time. Her life is about surviving. She doesn’t get to live or enjoy very much of her time. She dedicates everything to keeping Prim — and her mother — alive, sacrificing everything a teenage girl should be doing. Sacrificing even the things the other girls in her world get to do. She mentions the merchant girls and the Seam girls who are more experienced romantically and sexually and socially than her. Because she doesn’t get to be a kid or innocent or even happy, in order to focus on her and her family’s survival. And the things she does enjoy, like spending time with Gale or dancing with Prim (mentioned in Mockingjay) she downplays in case they’re taken away, because nothing good is secure in her eyes. 🥺🥺🥺
Okay but what did Katniss’ facial expression give away that Cinna knew exactly what she was thinking? Or is she just less emotionless than she and Haymitch both claim? Ironically I think they’re the only people who call her emotionless which can easily be chalked up to their self-hate and terrible self-esteems.
Katniss is so afraid they’re gonna make her be naked for the parade 😭. Honestly though they’re children that’s so creepy that they’re even allowed to make 15/16/17 year olds be naked in a parade. I mean I know they kill kids every year but isn’t there like child pornography laws in Panem? 😭
“You’re not afraid of fire, are you, Katniss?” Is so foreshadowing 😭😂😅😎 Caesar Flickerman’s voice “Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire!”
Honestly though Cinna is smart to make Katniss recognizable in the arena by leaving her with simple makeup. I know and the sky is blue we all know this already beating the dead horses until the farmer comes home.
“It crosses my mind that Cinna's calm and normal demeanor masks a complete madman.” It’s true though 😅😅😅😭😭 he was always a rebel. I actually think he may have asked for District Twelve after Katniss volunteered, because he saw the potential in her. Poor Peeta. Baby, I’m rooting you for even if no one else is.
Also I always found it a bit .... curious? That Peeta had a female stylist and Katniss had a male one? Not just because of the required nudity, you’d just think men would do better as a boy’s stylist and a woman would make a better girl’s stylist. So yes, my whole Cinna was interested in District Twelve because Katniss seemed like a good symbol for a rebellion idea seems very plausible.
I know I know I know I read wayyy too much into this stuff sometimes a cigarette 🚬 is just a cigarette 🚬
Katniss being relieved when Peeta shows up 😭😭😭 because even if she won’t admit it and even if she won’t let herself trust him, she still sees him unconsciously and completely against her will as a comfort because they’re in this thing together in a way, even if they’re supposed to try and kill each other
And honestly, it’s such a like... relatable feeling? To feel alone and nervous and uptight and then someone who you recognize — even if you maybe aren’t even friends with but you at least know — shows up and you just instantly feel less alone. I’m totally looking at this through shipper goggles and I’m not even ashamed you all knew who’s blogging you were reading ight? 😂🤣🤷🏼‍♀️
“He should know about fire, being a baker's son and all.” And he’s gonna learn a lot more about it when he falls in love — for real, falls in love, not a childhood infatuation — with the girl on fire. 🥰🥰🥰
But also, I love this particular line on a reread because it totally is an indicator towards their future. Like Peeta knows about fire, he’s experienced with how to handle it, and later on, he becomes the only person who truly comes to understand Katniss, who represents fire, in a way that no one else could ever imagine.
Hmmm, Katniss’ point of view here, talking about how Portia and Peeta’s team seem all giddy and air-headed and it’s only Cinna who seems reserved makes me rethink my previous imaginings of Peeta’s stylist. Maybe she’s just a Capitolite idiot and nothing like Cinna. And my baby got a raw deal here then too. Good thing Haymitch loves him more. Just kidding 😅😅😅
But also I wanna know why Cinna is hesitant to accept congratulations for his and Portia’s idea? Wasn’t he at least lowkey excited about it when he pitched it a page ago?
Their horses are coal black 🐴 😅. I like that they went the whole nine yards with the theme. Nothing but the best for the kids on Death Row.
Aww Katniss asking Peeta what he thinks about being set on fire is so sweet and pure for some reason. I just find their commodore here cute ok
“I'll rip off your cape if you'll rip off mine” this is literally their first friend type of interaction and it’s so pure y’all leave me be I’m emotional for them
🙃 Also lowkey reminds me of “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” Everyone look away ok I’m sorry
Peeta’s shady/annoyed Haymitch comment and Katniss’ joke at his expense 🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂🥲🥲☺️🥲🥲 they’re bonding it’s so presh
“And suddenly we're both laughing.” I hope they laugh a lot together post-canon 🥲🥲🥲. If they can make the other laugh during their terrible circumstances, then they can make the other laugh anywhere. 🤧 Except in Thirteen because he’s hijacked and she’s certifiable and they’re both so used and abused and 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Okay I have to say, Suzanne Collins really builds up a lot for certain events and then just like grazes over the actual action of said event? Like she builds towards the tribute parade but then kind of rushes through off the actual event itself? It’s a common theme in her writing. And I don’t like it at all ngl.
Oh wait she doesn’t actually rush the parade events the paragraph before just looked like she was about to I jumped the gun 🤣😂🤭 but what I said is still completely true for many events in these books sorry not sorry
I’m definitely reading too much into it but the fact that District One — the favorite of the Capitol — gets snow white horses and District Twelve gets coal black horsies kind of ... seems to imply something .... 🤭
Cinna just lets out a sigh of relief “it worked” like ... way to fill your tributes with hope, dude. “Yeah, you’re totally safe, don’t be scared-OH THANK GOD THAT WORKED I wasn’t actually sure you wouldn’t blow up.” But actually this answers my previous inquiry about why he seemed hesitant I guess he wasn’t even sure this wouldn’t burn them up that’s nice 🤭🙃
It’s a literal trial by fire *cue drum hit* 🥁 aww, I just cracked myself up 😭
“Then he gently tucks a hand under my chin. "Remember, heads high. Smiles. They're going to love you!" This is caught halfway between being very Capitol-y and very father-brotherly and idk which way to take it but it’s kind of cute 🤭
“For the first time, I look at him and realize that ablaze with the fake flames, he is dazzling.” This is such a significant line because Katniss isn’t saying Peeta is technically good looking (like when Haymitch said they were decently attractive) or someone else thinks he’s good looking (i.e Gale, her mother and lowkey Finnick) but she’s saying she herself thinks he’s attractive. Girl, your crush is showing.
"I think he said for us to hold hands," says Peeta.” I’m sure Cinna actually did say that but this just seems like a very good opportunity for Peeta to hold the hand of the girl he has a massive crush on. 😭😭😭
Okay Cinna gave a thumbs up so he actually was saying that but can you imagine Peeta’s excitement right now?
I mean, yeahhhh, there’s the certain death looming over him too but like live in the moment, babe. 🥰😘🤗👌🏻
I like that Katniss says the crowd is at first like 😳😳😳 before they start cheering like they’re thinking “what are these backwoods, hillbilly kids doing this year?”
“At first, I'm frozen, but then I catch sight of us on a large television screen and am floored by how breathtaking we look. In the deepening twilight, the firelight illuminates our faces” okay they both have to be pretty naturally attractive people objectively, because you illuminate my face without much makeup and no one is gonna be cheering.
“Remember, heads high. Smiles. They're going to love you! I hear Cinna's voice in my head. I lift my chin a bit higher, put on my most winning smile, and wave with my free hand.” I wonder what the true difference is for Katniss between Cinna and Effie saying this to her? Maybe it’s that Effie is just outright mean to her sometimes whereas Cinna shows her nothing but kindness from the start and expresses sympathy and understanding? It’s probably that he’s already earning her trust versus Effie who’s just cruel I’m not over her comments on the train ok
“I'm glad now I have Peeta to clutch for balance, he is so steady, solid as a rock.” Right from the start, Katniss refers to Peeta as solid and steady. Idk, I feel like this is something that the movies really misses along the way. Katniss wasn’t always strong or confident at all and Peeta, at least publicly, exuded those qualities pretty well. Samantha’s complaining again ™️ 💁🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
Also this is just outright foreshadowing how Peeta will eventually become her rock. Or that he will be soon painted a rock ... pick and choose which way you wanna go with this. 🤷🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️😅🤣
“As I gain confidence, I actually blow a few kisses to the crowd.” Okay, see I feel like Peeta really gives Katniss confidence in herself. If he’d been there in District Thirteen and they’d done propos together, she probably would have been a thousand times better.
But also this makes me think Katniss actually has it in her to be a charismatic, confident, alluring celebrity. She just chooses not to. 🤗🤗🤗
But this also reminds me of “She has no idea the effect she can have” okay imma move on and stop focusing on every little detail
I say that every chapter 🤧😅
“The pounding music, the cheers, the admiration work their way into my blood, and I can't suppress my excitement.” Say whatever you want, Katniss is still such a girl underneath it all. She gets excited over people liking her and cheering her on. And I know it’s because it increases her chances of getting sponsors but still
Honestly Peeta trying to showcase Katniss and let her take the spotlight is so selfless and indicative of his ultimate plan to help her win but also ... I can see how Katniss would believe it’s too good to be true and he’s messing with her. That he’s just playing the game to earn her trust, get her guard down and manipulate her later.
See, Peeta is actually framed at the start like the typical, standard YA love interest turned villain. In majority of YA books, at this point the boy is kind and sweet and helpful to the girl until she trusts him completely and then he turns on her and uses everything she gave him to destroy her. But the difference is, Katniss refuses to truly trust him and she is guessing his game incorrectly at every step. And then it’s revealed that it was never a game and he truly isn’t messing with her and everything he’s done that’s seem too good to be true and not even remotely plausible has actually been genuine and heartfelt and that, my friends, is why Peeta is above all other YA love interests. Because Everlark is actually the foil to many of the cliches. That was a long speech over some incoherent thoughts I’m so sorry if you suffered through that.
“It's not until we enter the City Circle that I realize I must have completely stopped the circulation in Peeta's hand. That's how tightly I've been holding it.” Awww he is her rock 😭🤧🥺
"No, don't let go of me," he says. The firelight flickers off his blue eyes. "Please. I might fall out of this thing." Okay this part is so cute and so blatantly setting Peeta up as her main love interest omg 😅 this isn’t the least bit subtle or disguised. But first off, the fact that Katniss is also Peeta’s stability here too 😭😭😭 and second of all, she takes time to notice his blue eyes against the firelight? She was attracted to him from the very start, y’all. That’s indisputable. 👌🏻😎🤧
“It's not really fair to present us as a team and then lock us into the arena to kill each other.” I agree with you, baby, it’s not fair at all. But you two take care of that situation nicely. Or not. Y’all do start a dang war. 🤭🤭🙃🙃
It’s rather ... ironic that it’s District Twelve’s chariot of them all that is pulled up and stopped directly in front of President Snow’s mansion. I know it’s a book, certain details like this are definitively contrived, I know get over it. 🤦🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
So uh. Snow is a small thin man? Why do I suddenly imagine Danny Devito as Snow 😅😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣 y’all know he’d kill the role
“The darker it becomes, the more difficult it is to take your eyes off our flickering.” Okay, this is such a great line and it’s so significant to the rest of the series? The fact that Katniss — and Peeta, let’s not forget our boy — became symbols of the revolution. Like this line is deep if you think about it. The worse things in Panem got, the more the civilians looked towards Katniss and Peeta for hope 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰
Omg now after Songbirds and Snakes, we know the national anthem. I’m sorry, babies, that you have to endure that I’ll get you out of there 🙉🙉🙉
I feel like in part, the Capitol camera crew — Cressida, Pollux .... Pollux’s brother... is that you here???? — put so much attention on District Twelve because it would create some resentment and competition between them and the careers 🤭🤗
“I notice a lot of the other tributes are shooting us dirty looks, which confirms what I've suspected, we've literally outshone them all.” Insert Gretchen Wieners “I can’t help that I’m popular!” 😅😅😅😅😅
“I realize I'm still glued to Peeta and force my stiff fingers to open. We both massage our hands.” — they were hanging on so tight 😭😭😭😭
“Thanks for keeping hold of me.” He’s so sweet ☺️☺️☺️ I love him even if he’s kind of an idiot sometimes but so is Katniss so let’s not point fingers
“I'm sure they didn't notice anything but you. [...] And then he gives me a smile that seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness” Omg I know Katniss views this as him trying to manipulate her but the fact that he’s actually just admitting the way he’s felt for years is so 😭😭😭😭 if only you’d spit it out sooner, Bready
“he gives me a smile that seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me.” She literally has a crush on her fellow tribute and her first line of defense is to decide he out to get her for making her feel this way 🤣😭🙃
“The more likable he is, the more deadly he is.” The more my crush grows, the more deadly he becomes. I know I’m reading this with shipper goggles but guess what? I’m unashamed. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ who feels guilty for reading this book with an Everlark bias not this girl right here 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️
“I stand on tiptoe and kiss his cheek. Right on his bruise.” Okay first off, she says cheek here but according to a chapter ago, she claimed the mark was on his jaw... so in other words, she’s incredibly short. If a medium height guy has a bruise on his jaw and she has to stand on her tip toe to reach it... well... hashtag LittleKatniss
And second off.... can you even imagine how Peeta must feel. He genuinely complimented her here, the girl he has had a crush on forever, and she responds by kissing his cheek. He was probably really happy at this moment. And also this probably played further into his buying into her false display in the arena. That here we have her clutching his hand, smiling and laughing with him and kissing his cheek. Idk what I was trying to say necessarily but I made myself sad wow way to go me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧🤧
Anyways! Those are my very over the top and too detailed thoughts! Hope you enjoyed if you read this! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳😎😎😎😎😎😎😎🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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ashyblondwaves · 3 years
could you make the gym prompt a part 2 at visions place please 😁
The Playlist Chapter 1: Breathless
Wanda stared up at the high rise apartment building in front of her, scanning the lit windows to see if she could figure out which apartment was Vision’s. Referring to her phone, she saw the apartment number was 3C. Third apartment, third floor. Her eyes immediately went to a glowing window on the third floor There was a healthy golden pothos plant dangling in the open space, leaves bright and green, the stems spilling over the pot in long flowing lines. Did axe murderers keep lush plants?
Seems innocent enough, Wanda thought. She was still having a little trouble wrapping her mind around the fact that she’d agreed to going to this guy’s house after talking to him for less than five minutes. But there was something about him. Something she felt at her core that drew her to him. Saying no just wasn't an option.
She entered the lobby, searching for the buzzer for 3C and gaving it a long press. With hope, he'd heard it and she wouldn't have to press it again. It was hard enough to even press it once.
"Hello?" a voice came over the .
"H-Hi, it-it's Wanda" she stammered. "From the gym."
Did you really even need to clarify that, Wanda? Probably not.
"Hi Wanda. Come on up," Vision replied, his voice crackling through the speaker. With a loud buzz, the glass door unlocked and Wanda let herself inside.
Too late to go back now.
The third floor had a slight odor, like someone had burnt popcorn a few days prior and the aroma still hung lightly in the air, but apartment three stood out. It was adorned with a subtle copper pipe wreath with a few Tillandsias affixed to the bottom. Wanda smiled to herself at the decoration. Axe murderers definitely didn't deck out their front doors with air plants.
Wanda knocked on the door and heard shuffling almost instantly. The door swung open to reveal Vision, cleaned up and no longer sweaty. He'd traded his soaked tank top for a simple white button down, rolled at the sleeves and gray dress pants. At least she hadn't overdressed when she chose the flowing, white sundress from her closet. In fact, it seemed to match Vision perfectly.
Vision stepped to the side. "Please, come in," he said cheerfully.
As Wanda walked in she noticed the change in smell from the hallway immediately. This smell was familiar. It smelled like home.
"I hope you haven't eaten yet, I just finished making Paprikash," Vision explained, motioning to the kitchen. "I could fix you a bowl, if you'd like?"
"I'd love some," Wanda said, immediately realizing her mistake. What if he put something in her food? She followed Vision into the kitchen, watching his every move, just to be sure. As he handed her the bowl with a pure smile on his face, she felt bad for thinking the worst of him.
He fixed a bowl for himself and lead Wanda out of the kitchen and into a comfortable living room. In the middle of the room, there was a gray sectional complete with a chaise lounge on the right hand side and two matching recliners on either side.
"Please," Vision said, motioning to the living room. "Make yourself at home on the couch or one of the recliners. Unless you'd prefer to sit at the dining room table?"
"Oh no, no," Wanda said, plopping down on the chaise section of the couch. "This is just fine."
Vision took a spot on the recliner across from her, immediately digging into his bowl of paprikash, making sure to finish chewing before he spoke.
"So, what kind of music are you into?" he asked, taking another bite. He went silent to chew and continued. "I wasn't kidding about making you a playlist tonight."
Wanda smiled, almost touched by how seemingly genuine Vision's intentions seemed to be. "I'll listen to anything, really. But in terms of a workout? It needs to be upbeat and get me moving."
"So for workout purposes, would it be safe to assume you prefer something like EDM remixes, where the beats per minute almost always fall in time with movement?" Vision asked, finishing off his bowl of paprikash.
"I'd say that's a fair assessment," Wanda nodded. "Dance music almost always gets the blood flowing."
"Perfect, then we'll start there." Vision said, standing up just as Wanda finished her food. "Can I take your bowl for you?"
Wanda handed him her empty bowl and settled back into the chaise, another smile sneaking up on her as Vision disappeared into the kitchen to take care of the dishes. She took a minute to look around his apartment. Behind her was a simple dining room, with a black dining set, shining like it'd just been dusted. Next to it was the bedroom, the room was dark but she could just make out the dark colored sheets on an impeccably made bed but couldn't see anything else.
The room next to it seemed to be a home office or studio of some kind and is where Vision disappeared to after finishing the dishes. He came back out a few minutes later with a Macbook and a Bluetooth speaker in his hands.
"Alright," he started, this time sitting on the couch and setting the computer down between him and Wanda while the speaker went on the coffee table.
"So I figured we'd start by going through some other workout playlists to see if anything jumps out at you," Vision explained, pulling up Spotify on his computer. "You're okay with listening to music with me?"
"Of course." She nodded eagerly, almost too eager. She slowed her movements and kept her nod in check. "That's what I'm here for."
Vision smiled and started typing.
"Let's try this Workout Remixes playlist first," he said, clicking on the shuffle button as the first song started to play. Wanda listened and immediately heard Sam Smith's voice.
"What's this one?" Wanda asked. "I like it."
"It's called Promises. Looks like it's by Calvin Harris and features Sam Smith," Vision read. "Want me to add it?"
"Yes," Wanda said. "Please."
"There," Vision said, clicking along on his trackpad. "You've got the first song on your new playlist."
They spent the next hour listening to bits of songs and adding the ones Wanda liked to the playlist, dancing and laughing as the beats filled their chests. Any fear about Vision's true intentions abandoned long ago.
"Would you mind if I took a look at your current playlist?" Vision asked. "I can probably recommend a few songs for you based on that."
Wanda nodded and pulled up her playlist, handing her phone over to Vision who looked at it closely and intently. He was really into this.
"You were listening to Bassnectar earlier?" he asked. "It's still paused, that's why I ask. Do you like them?"
"Yeah, they're not bad," Wanda said. "They have some good songs."
"Have you heard Breathless? If not, I highly recommend it."
"Put it on," Wanda said, waiting to hear the music begin. As the beat filled the air she suddenly noticed how close they moved next to each other throughout the last hour. The computer was now on the coffee table with the speaker and Wanda sat cross legged on the chaise, mere inches from Vision who sat with one leg firmly planted under him.
I'm still restless... Leave me breathless...
"What do you think?"
Wanda nodded her approval and continued to listen to the lyrics, a haunting reverberating voice pumped out of Vision's speaker and seemed to stir something deep inside of her.
In all my dreams I'm still restless Why do you always leave me breathless
They were face to face, looking at each other, the space between them closed long ago. She looked closely at Vision, his blue eyes seemed to be searching her face for an invitation to her lips. Silently and lightly, she nodded, letting Vision know it was ok to kiss her and he moved in quickly, pressing a quick and almost chaste kiss to her lips.
"I hope there's more than that," Wanda breathed, shocked at her sudden boldness, but it was the truth. There was more brewing between them than a quick peck on the lips. "I mean-"
She was cut off by Vision's lips on hers again, this time lingering in feather light kisses that then trailed across her cheek. His hands moved to cup her face and pull her closer and she let him, scooting closer until their legs were interlocked and they were almost tangled in each other.
Vision inched his nose across Wanda's cheek, pressing another delicate kiss where the tip of his nose had been.
"I don't want you to think this is the only reason I invited you here," Vision whispered, dropping another kiss to Wanda's waiting lips.
"I wouldn't mind if you did," Wanda said earnestly, accepting yet another kiss from Vision. "I've had my eyes on you for weeks."
"I know," Vision sighed, finally pressing his lips firmly to Wanda's and she eagerly opened her mouth to let Vision's tongue inside. He kissed her deeply, thoroughly, exploring her mouth and letting Wanda explore his and soon, they'd completely forgotten about the playlist, letting the Bassnectar song end and another begin.
This beat was just as haunting, a deep echoing hum and a song of craving someone. Wanda felt the hum in her chest and pulled Vision down on top of her. She allowed his body to slip between her legs as his hips instinctively rolled, a light moan escaping his lips in response to the movement. Wanda felt the bulge at the front of Vision's pants pressing against her panties, teasing her middle. She lifted her hips, searching for his erection, desperate for more contact.
They spent many minutes pressed together, Vision grinding his hips against Wanda's middle while both stayed fully clothed. It didn't seem to be going any further than that, and Wanda didn't mind. She liked the teasing, the build of pressure and wetness at her front staying present as Vision moved off of her and took her in his arms, dropping light kisses against her neck and down her collarbone.
"I hope this is okay," Vision said between kisses. "Lying here with me."
"More than okay," Wanda whispered. She ran her fingers through his hair, guiding his head down to kiss her where she wanted him to, right at the curve of her neck and shoulder. His kisses were warm and inviting, leaving trails of heat and wetness in their wake. If she was being honest with herself, she didn't ever want him to stop.
Life is funny, she thought. Earlier today I was staring at him, only wondering what he might sound like, how he might hold me. Now I'm in his arms, accepting his kisses and feeling all of him.
Wanda was snapped out of her reverie when Vision suddenly pulled away, turning to his computer and typing something in. A new song started, one that felt like it was picked just for her.
We stayed up all night Talking to each other, whispers under covers
Vision returned to the chaise, pulling Wanda close again, pressing his forehead to hers and speaking in a low, rumbling voice.
"I'm not normally this forward," he admitted, kissing the tip of her nose. "But there's something about you that I feel deep in my veins."
Wanda wouldn't say out loud that she felt it too. A buzz when she looked at him. Some kind of deep connection that she couldn't pinpoint but enjoyed nonetheless. Like they'd been here before. Together, again and again.
She pulled herself closer, nuzzling her head into his neck, pressing her own kisses to the pulse point that was frantically pumping.
"Calm down," she said soothingly. "I'm here. You have me."
It's the last thing she remembered before sleep pulled her under. She woke hours later, music still playing, the room fully dark and Vision curled up asleep next to her on the chaise. They could have easily gone to the bedroom, but it didn't feel right yet. It held implications of things neither of them were ready to admit just yet, so they stayed on the couch, tangled in each other and keeping one another warm.
Vision opened one eye, squinting as though he were making sure Wanda was still there.
"Hi," he said, his voice full of sleep.
"Hi," Wanda returned. "Sleep well?"
"Better than I have in a long time," Vision admitted. "Sorry I fell asleep on you."
"Well if we're being honest, I fell asleep on you, too," Wanda smiled. "And I'm not sorry that I did."
They both laughed, Vision's hand reaching out to run the tips of his fingers down Wanda's cheek. Blue eyes locked on Wanda's"
"When can I see you again?" he finally asked.
"I'll be at the gym tomorrow around five," Wanda said, propping herself up on her elbow. "Can you make it there then? Maybe we can grab dinner afterward?"
Vision nodded. "I'll be there." He pressed a sneaky kiss to her lips. "We'll work out together, too."
"Sounds like a date," Wanda said, returning Vision's kiss.
A date? Wanda thought. Why did I just say that?
Luckily, Vision chuckled and said, "It's a date."
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch25: Keep it Simple
Chapter Summary: The events of Boston behind them, Frank, Fliss and Mary look forward to Christmas…and Frank has a big surprise planned. 
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut…NSFW and NO UNDER 18s!!!
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
 A/N: So here it is, the last in the series Riding High. Thank you to everyone who has helped and re-blogged and commended in any way. Do not fear, Frank and Fliss will be back in the next instalment of their adventure Riding On
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 24
If you should ever leave me, thought life would still go on, believe me, the world could show nothing to me, so what good would living do me? God only knows what I’d be without you…
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"Mary can you just hold on a second, please!" Frank sighed, grabbing the back of her coat to stop her shooting off into the crowd that streamed down the busy Manhattan sidewalk. "But Frank!" she turned and looked at him, her woollen hat jammed down over her ears "I just wanna see the stall!" "Yeah but you can't just run off!" He grumbled and beside him Fliss gave a chuckle. He turned to look at her "who gets so excited about damned wooden tree ornaments?" "Oh hush!" Fliss leaned up to give him a pack, her cold nose brushing his. In retaliation he pulled the front of her baby blue sparkly bobble hat down over her eye and she shoved him in the chest, laughing. "Fuck you!" "Chance would be a fine thing" he grumbled, taking Fliss’ hand as they headed after Mary. "Awww is that why you're grumpy?" Fliss grinned as they walked "Coz you haven't had any in nearly 3 days?" Frank pouted "No." "Liar..." "Ok, look...Frankie has needs..." he whined "I completely over looked the fact hanging out with an 8 year old in the room would be a cock block." "Always the shower..." Fliss teased and Frank snorted. "Yeah, right. Can you imagine? I give it 3 minutes before she came looking for us." "We go home tomorrow. I'll make it up to you then." Fliss grinned and he sighed. "What?" She laughed. "It’s just...you look so hot in all this winter clothing." Frank grinned. And he meant it. Seeing her wrapped up in a coat, hat and scarf had made her look all cute and cozy...and it had done inappropriate things to him for some odd reason. "Hmmm, you know most men get more turned on the less clothing their girls wear." She teased and he grinned. "Yeah, well, I'm not most men" She gave him a smile which he returned with a soft kiss as they stopped by the stall where Mary instantly dived into looking at the array of ornaments. After a few moments of looking she handed Frank one in the shape of a reindeer stag, and a doe for him and Fliss before selecting a robin for herself. "I think they're so pretty." She looked at the bird in her hand "I saw one at Evelyn's over thanks giving." "Ever heard the saying robins appear when loved ones are near?" Fliss asked. Mary shook her head. "No" "Well, I don't know about here but certainly in England we say it because there is an old belief by some people that a robin is a message from heaven, that a loved one is watching over you." "Do you believe that?" Mary looked at Fliss. Fliss hesitated "Well when my Dad's dad died I was 20 and I remember getting up the morning after he died and there was a robin on the fence of the back garden. Bill told me it was my granddad Alex come to check I was ok." "Do you think it was? Really I mean?" "I dunno sweetheart." Fliss sighed "I'd like it to be true..." "Then you should believe it was." Mary said, looking at her "Because isn't that what faith is? Believing something you want to be true?" Fliss looked at Frank who smiled and gave a small shake of his head. She turned back to Mary, smiling softly as she dropped a hand to the back of her head. This kid was unbelievably wise, but with such an innocence behind it all. "Yeah, I suppose it is." Fliss nodded. "Do you think the robin I saw could have been my mom?" She asked, her eyes wide. Frank at that point stepped in, carefully picking an answer that was ambiguous so as not to say yes, but also not dampening her spirits. "If your mom could I'm sure she would come and see you, make sure you're ok." Mary gave a nod, before she turned back to the stall, her attention back on the ornaments. "We need a dog for Thor, and a cat for Fred oh...and a pony for Monty." "What about Cap and Heidi?" Fliss asked, moving to inspect the selection of decorations. "Oh, yeah!" "This is gonna bankrupt me." Frank grumbled, his hands on Fliss' hips, chin resting on her shoulder as he observed the two of them. "Scrooge" Fliss shot back with a smile "Do you think Verity and Bill will like this one?" Mary held up a snowman. "Absolutely" Fliss nodded. "And can I get one for Evelyn?" She asked, selecting a snowflake. Despite the fact that they were now well into the fifty buck range for fucking tree decorations, Frank couldn't help but want to smile at Marys face. She was so thoughtful, the purity behind it all was, as usual, humbling. So he nodded "Sure she will appreciate it." He smiled. He moved to lift her up so she could hand the ones they had picked over to the guy behind the counter who asked Mary what names she wanted on each one. As she told him, he allowed her to sit up on the edge of the little surface, held in place by Frank to watch as he burnt the names into each ornament before he bagged them up and she took them with a thanks. "Our first family tree stuff!" Mary grinned and Fliss smiled, bending down to give her a hug. They set back off towards the hotel, stopping by a burger joint for dinner before they dumped their bags and returned back out for their final evening in the City. Frank had loved every second of their trip, and so had Mary and Fliss. Seeing Mary's reaction to snow and the Christmas lights had been amazing, along with all the bands on street corners, people walking around dressed up. It was magical and he wasn't afraid to let his inner child come out to play either, as Fliss had just found out. "Whose idea was this again?" He asked as Mary was bouncing up and down in the queue. "Yours!" Fliss scoffed as he took Mary's hand in his right "I seem to recall the very visible horror on your face yesterday when I told you I'd never done it before..." "That’s because it's an abomination that someone who's 34 has never been ice skating." "I was a professional athlete." She shrugged "I was banned from doing anything deemed dangerous " Frank looked at her "What do they consider more dangerous than flying a half tonne animal almost 2 meters into the air?" "Bungee jumping, sky diving, jet skiing, water skiing, ice skating.." Fliss shrugged "just to name 5" Frank shook his head as the queue shuffled forward a little. It wasn't too long now, luckily they had timed it right by arriving 20 minutes or so before the next lot of General Admission to the famous Rockefeller rink opened so there weren't too many people ahead. After another 10 minutes they got to the front and Frank nudged Fliss out of the way as she tried to pay. She scowled at him and he simply rolled his eyes and handed his card over. It wasn't cheap but then, he was in New York. What was? Together they headed onto the ice. Frank, having done it a few times as a kid found his legs fairly quickly and didn't stop himself laughing as Mary's completely went from under her and she landed with a thump on her ass. "Here..." he chuckled, offering her his hand. He pulled her up and moved her in front of him. "Give me your hands..." Mary extended her arms to the side and he took her mitten clad hands in his, holding her in front of him. Fliss was moving tentatively behind him, using the sides for support a little. "Ok slide your right foot forward, like on your roller skates..." Frank said. Mary did as she was told "now left...right...left...right..." He continued his chanting and glanced over his shoulder to see Fliss was concentrating on her feet, her tongue poking out slightly. "You good?" "Yup." She said, raising her hand to give him a thumbs up before she skidded slightly and went down in a tangle of limbs. Letting out a laugh he gently pivoted Mary so she could hold onto the side and offered Fliss his hand. Pulling her up into his arms he held her steady for a moment whilst her laughing subsided. He watched her for a second, her face creasing up into those adorable dimples, eyes crinkled so much they were almost shut and her shoulders shook with the force of her giggles. "I fuckin' love you..." he grinned and she smiled at him. "Back at ya sailor" After another few laps Mary and Fliss had managed to get the hand of it which meant Frank could leave them a little bit as he went off for what he called a proper skate. The girls watched calling him a show off as he crossed his feet and turned, skating backwards a little. Both of them debated sabotaging him and tripping him up but they decided not to, instead they simply pretended they didn't know him, resulting in him grabbing Fliss from behind just beneath the large tree, and spinning her round to face him. "Can I help you?" She teased and he gave a snort. "Yeah, you can... Mary?" He called to her where she was trying to perfect a turn and failing as she almost stumbled again. She looked up and headed over. "Can you take our photo?" "Only if you're gonna kiss..." she replied, making smooching noises. "Well we can’t disappoint her..." Frank shrugged and Fliss grinned, her smile turning into a shriek as Frank quickly grabbed her hips before he took one hand, keeping the other round her back and dipped her so she was bending backwards, planting a sloppy kiss on her lips. She laughed against his mouth as he gave her a wink, before kissing her a little deeper and then setting her upright, his eyes boring into hers which were shining in the Christmas lights surrounding the rink. "Oh that was great!" Mary howled and he turned to face her as she handed his phone back. Frank checked the photo and had to smile, it was a dammed good shot. He showed it to Fliss and she beamed. "A framer?" She asked. "A framer." He agreed. It took them ages to get Mary to finally leave the rink. Even a bribe of hot chocolate, marshmallows and cookies wasn't doing it. Eventually Frank put his foot down and told her it was time to go as it was almost 9pm and they still had that tree to go see before they headed to Central Park for one last walk in the lights. After handing their skates back and retrieving their belongings from the lockers they followed the path to the tree. As they round the corner Mary gasped. "It's huge!" She turned to look at Frank and Fliss, her eyes wide "Oh my God!" Frank smiled kissed Fliss' cheek as Mary walked slightly ahead of them down the walkway that was flanked with smaller trees and the famous lit up trumpeting angels . As they caught her up he slipped his spare hand in his pocket, his fingers curling round the small, leather box inside. The damned thing had been burning a hole in his pocket since he had bought it in Boston just after Thanksgiving. Fliss, Verity and Bill had all stayed for a very pleasant week rounded off with a damned good proper Thanksgiving dinner and the three of them had flown home on the Friday, as Fliss was starting to stress about her business. He and Mary followed on the Sunday after she had been given the all clear to fly after a week’s check up at the Hospital. On his spare afternoon, he'd taken a trip into the city with one goal, and it had been surprisingly easy. The first jeweller he has walked into had a perfect ring, and despite the fact he had visited several others none of them caught his eye like that. So he had gone back and asked the assistant for a closer look. It wasn't a huge rock, white gold and emerald cut with in a pave setting, but everything about it had screamed Fliss. It was delicate and feminine but with a wonderful sparkle just like her. He knew that sounded so lame when he had told the assistant but she has just smiled and told him that if he had that much conviction, it must be right. He had been lost when she asked him what size, but in a sudden inspiration he had remembered the Pandora ring he had bought her when he had gotten his first new pay check as supervisor. He mentioned this to the assistant who beamed and said she could easily size it from that by using a simple conversion chart and told him to come back the following day. His sudden good spirit had fallen as he explained he couldn't do and asked her to see if here was anything she could do, even contemplating taking it and having it sizes back in Florida. But, after the shitty run of events over the last week, his luck was in after she returned 5 minutes later with a slip of paper, informing him it would be ready by the end of the day. When he had told Mary he was going to ask Fliss to marry him, she'd been so excited. She'd asked when, where and when he said he didn’t know she'd given him the most exasperated look on the planet. The only one of his friend who he had confided in, Greg, hadn’t been much help either, simply telling him to do it in a way that meant something to them both. Simply put he just hadn't a fucking clue. He had agonized over how to pop the question. On the boat? Or maybe a sunset on their favourite spot at St Pete's beach? Did he wait for New York? As such, Frank had taken to carrying the ring around with him, waiting for that moment when it felt right. So far it hadn't happened at home and as it stood New York wasn’t faring any better. He had thought about it at the top of the Empire state, but it had been too busy. Then there was a moment in Central Park after they had been snowman building that might have worked...until Fliss had nailed him in the face with a snowball. So they'd had a snowball fight instead. Then when walking over Brooklyn Bridge, the skyline behind them… then when they walked back to the Hotel after seeing the Lion King on Broadway, going the long way round to see the display in Macy's window all lit up...and then that moment before when Mary had taken a picture of them kissing under the tree on the ice rink... but none of it felt right. It didn't feel like the moment for them. But now something stirred in his gut. This could be it. It wasn't too busy, the place was gorgeous, right in front of the tree Fliss had been so desperate to see... Ok Adler, you can do this. Taking a deep breath he pulled the box from his pocket when he heard Mary give a squeal. "Oh...wow! Frankie look..." Fliss' voice was a whisper and she nudged him, pointing to the base of the tree. He followed her gaze to see a blonde haired man down on one knee, presenting a ring to a dark haired woman who had her hands clasped over her mouth. Frank slipped the box back into his pocket and stared at the man as he placed the ring onto his now fiancés finger and did his best to look like he cared when Fliss let out a soft "Awwww" The man looked around excitedly, his eyes falling on the three of them before he asked Frank if he or Fliss would mind taking a photo for them. "Course not buddy, congratulations." Frank smiled. Fucking prick... ***** "It was AMAZING!" Mary gushed to Verity as they walked to the car, Fliss' parents having come to pick them up from the airport. "we saw so much stuff but nowhere near all of it but Frank said we could go back next year in the summer maybe and do a bit more." "Looks like someone else had a good time too." Bill smiled, nodding to Fliss who let out a loud yawn. Frank chuckled "She was up all night, I told her not to have more food so close to bed time." "I wanted a hot dog and a pretzel." Fliss mumbled, "Besides, it's nothing to do with the food...we did a lot of walking." Bill gave a snort "You ride horses for a living, you should be fit enough to walk round New York" "I probably skated about 4 miles too..." Fliss said looking at Mary "Someone wouldn't come off the ice rink" "You been sleeping ok otherwise?" Verity looked at her "I'm fine mum." She smiled "No anxiety?" 'V, she said she's fine so leave it" Bill said gently and Fliss shot a grateful look at her dad. She knew her mum was only concerned but she was fed up of assuring people she was fine. After the attack from John she had suffered a bout of delayed shock which had manifested in a few panic attacks, nightmares, and restlessness at night and on one occasion nausea. Luckily Frank had been brilliant at keeping calm when she had an episode, helping her work through it and the last incident she had suffered had been over a week ago. Once they were all in the car, Frank took the passenger seat after Verity offered it to him, Mary continued to chat all the drive home about New York, Fliss and Frank butting in here and there. They arrived home little after 30 minutes later and Fliss headed up the steps with Mary, Thor almost sending the pair of them flying when they opened the door. "Oh puppy I missed you!" Fliss smiled as she gave him plenty of attention and he kept licking her face, whining and emitting quiet little barks. "Did you miss me? Did you?" "Yerress" Frank did his best Scooby Doo impression as he walked past and Fliss let out a laugh, as she stood up and headed into the living room behind Mary, bumping into the girl as she stopped dead, giving a squeal as she saw the Christmas Tree in the corner. "Mum, Dad?" Fliss called, smiling "I take it you did this?" Frank appeared behind them both, smiling as Fliss and Mary exchanged a glance before they all turned to Bill and Verity who were stood in the doorway. "Well we know how much you like to get your tree up as early as you can and, well we were picking one up for ourselves so we got you one. You don’t mind do you?" Verity, looked at Fliss then Frank. "No, of course not!" Fliss grinned. "Saved me a job." Frank nodded "Thanks guys." "Can we decorate it tonight?" Mary asked "Pleeeeeeeaaaasssseee Frank!" Frank glanced at his watch before giving a sigh, he knew she wouldn't go to bed if he said no anyway so what was the point? Plus she was at the University tomorrow which didn’t start until 10 so... "Ok, but if you so much as grumble tomorrow morning when I get you up you'll be in deep trouble." He looked at her sternly as she stooped to pick Fred up. "Cross my heart, hope to die, we all know Fred's got one eye..." she chanted off, nodding. "We brought your box of decorations from the annex." Verity smiled at Fliss, nodding to the box on the floor. "We thought you could pick what you want to keep now you're combining."
“Speaking of decorations…” Frank said, looking at Mary.
“Oh…yeah…hang on…” She said, running to the sofa where she had dumped her little pink rucksack. She fished out the paper bag they had gotten from the stall and found the Snowman they had bought. With a smile she handed it to Verity who looked down at it, her face curling into a smile as her eyes started to prick with tears.
“Fliss said you wouldn’t mind the names Mary wanted on them.” Frank said, watching carefully.
“Of course we don’t mind!” Bill smiled, picking Mary up to give her a hug “We are Nanny V and Poppa B ain’t that right kiddo?” “Yep!” she grinned, hugging him.
“We’ll save it to hang tomorrow when you come over after school.” Verity said as Bill set Mary on the floor and she hugged her tightly.
After a little more chat Verity and Bill left and Frank instructed Mary to change into her Pyjamas before they did the tree. Deciding that was a good idea, Fliss did the same and before long they were all in the living room. Fliss and Mary going through the boxes of decorations, Frank wrestling with the tangle of fairy lights. How they managed to get so fucking knotted up after simply being in a box for 12 months was beyond him.
He had just about managed it when Thor came over to inspect what he was doing, and dropped straight onto his back on top of the string.
“Thor…get out of it…” he grumbled, pushing the dog who simply rolled over, taking half the lights with him, tangling them round his legs and his tails. “Jesus Christ…stand still…for fucks sake…”
Thinking this was a huge game, Thor started to bounce around, barking, and Frank shook his head. “Fliss, sort this mutt out….” Fliss gave a laugh and dropped off the sofa, calling Thor to her. He sat down, allowing Frank to remove the lights before he stood up, shaking them out. Together the 3 of them wound them round the tree before they made a start on the decorations.
“Frank got me this for my first Christmas.” Mary said, hanging a red bauble which had her name on it. “The glitter has all fallen off it now.”
“We can add more if you want.” Fliss looked at her and Mary shrugged.
“I kinda like it.” It didn’t take them long, and their wooden trinkets from New York were the last ones they hung, Mary ensuring they took pride of place. Frank then lifted her up so she could place the star at the top before they stood back.
“Ready for the big turn on?” Frank asked, grinning. Mary and Fliss cheered and began a countdown from 5. When they hit 1 Frank hit the switch and the lights on the tree came to life. He stepped back, looking up at it, his arm curling round Fliss’ shoulder, his other dropping to Mary as she grinned.
“Best Tree ever.” she smiled.
“Yeah, and now it’s time for the best bed ever…” he looked at her.
“Seriously?” Mary complained
“No moaning, remember?” Frank instructed her. “That was in the morning.”
“Well I just extended it to now as well.” he said, shrugging “Because I can, so get…” “Fine, fine, I’m going…” she grumbled. “Night Fliss.” “Night sweetie.” Fliss dropped a kiss to her head before Mary shot a filthy look at Frank who met her with a passive one of his own.
“I’ll be in in a second.” Frank shot after her, watching as she headed down to the hallway. He turned back to Fliss who was watching the tree, a smile on her face.
“Not exactly up to Macey’s standards…” Frank chuckled and she shook her head.
“I love it.” “It looks like an Elf threw up on it.”
“All trees should be like that.” Fliss shrugged, before she gave his cheek a peck. “Now, you go sort Mary and I’ll get us both a beer.” “Actually…” he said, looping his arms round her waist. “I believe there was something else you promised me tonight…” “Oh, yes, of course, Frankie has needs…” she replied with an almost uncanny impersonation, which made him snort. “Does that mean no beer?”
“No beer.” “You want me to wait in bed.” “Yes I do.” he nodded “Go, I’ll let Thor out and lock up.”
Grinning she accepted his kiss and smiled as she turned around, casting him a quite frankly sinful look over her shoulder which almost had him hard right there and then. Not wanting to wait a moment longer he sorted the dog, locked the door, poked his head into Mary’s room to wish her goodnight, and headed into their bedroom. Fliss was hanging her jeans in the closet after having simply discarded them on the bed earlier, and wasting no time Frank pulled off his T-shirt, tossing it to the side before he stepped up behind her, spinning her round to face him. He pressed his lips to hers, deepening the kiss as he slid his hands down to cup her ass and she smirked into the kiss.
“I like your ass.” he muttered. “I like yours too” she said back, “And your arms”
He laughed and pulled back to look down at her as her fingers trailed up his biceps. “My arms?”
“Yeah, your big, strong arms, and your big, broad shoulders and your stupid, handsome face…” she muttered, pulling him back down to her. In between the dizzying kisses Frank steered her towards the bed, and as her legs collided with the edge he stopped to gently trail kisses across her bare collar bone. His lips found her jaw and then, with a wicked quirk of his eyebrow he reached down for her thighs, and grabbing them he pulled them forwards, causing her to fall backwards as he pitched them both onto the bed. As she laughed he chuckled slightly before he kissed her again, and then it was a scramble to get out of his clothes as fast as he could before he fell back on top of his girl, his hands pulling up her camisole top, lips kissing at the spot just below her ear before he slid down her shorts, his mouth gently kissing a trail up from her belly through the middle of her breasts, up her neck and finally back to her mouth.
Fliss was utterly lost now, in the usual whirl of love, and lust and passion and kissed him back, hard as his hand gently dropped between her legs and he felt her slick against the tips of his fingers as he gently coaxed at her clit, continuing until she was nothing short of a writhing mess clawing at his back, aching for him. They locked eyes as he took her left hand in his, and slowly worked into her, both moaning simultaneously at the sensation, Fliss’s eyes rolling back at the exquisite stretch inside. Frank began to move his hips slowly, deeply, his thrusts weren’t measured in the slightest despite the fact he was absolutely aching for her. He wanted to take it slow, end what had been an amazing trip in the same mood it had started in, absolute pure love.
His mouth moved back to Fliss’s neck, nipping gently at her skin and she let out low moan as he picked up the pace ever so slightly, his spare hand kept hold of her hip, keeping her as close to him as she could possibly be.
“Fuck, Frank, right there…” she groaned as he hit her spot and he smirked slightly, he loved the way she got like this with him, ever so demanding at times, such a far cry from the timid woman he had fallen for the previous year.
“Yeah?” he panted as she gave a soft cry, her body tensing underneath him “Good.” “So good…” she moaned, arching her back. His mouth found hers again and his hand slid from her hip to gently tease her nipple and she rolled her hips to grind up against him, changing the angle slightly causing him to go deeper.
“Lissy…” he panted as he drove into her deeply, slowly, and then again and again, his pace increasing ever so slightly. Every single sense Frank possessed was on fire and he broke the long, lazy kiss that they were sharing to stifle a moan against her cheek when he felt her clench around him, a tell-tale sign she was nearing her release. The sheets rustled underneath and around them both as his hips pushed up against hers, and Frank saw Fliss’ head tip back, her throat bared to him in utter bliss as she came hard, her moans soft and breathy into his ear. Frank picked up his pace slightly, chasing his own end as he pushed her through hers, and when he felt that snake in his belly beginning to unravel, he gave a low grunt which morphed into a gasp as he clung to Fliss, spilling himself into her, his hips slowing to a stop as he collapsed forward. Fliss gave a soft chuckle as her hands gently slid up his back and into his hair, as she moved and pressed a soft kiss to his head.
“I know I keep saying it but I really do fuckin’ love you Cowgirl.” he said, voice muffled as his face pressed into her neck.
Fliss gave a chuckle “I’ll never tire of hearing it Sailor. “
He moved to look at her, flashing her a grin before he caught her mouth in a sweet kiss. **** "You still not managed it?" Greg asked as they stood at the bar, waiting for their drinks. Frank sighed and glanced at Fliss who was sat with Bonnie in the booth, the pair of them sniggering at something. "Do you see a ring on her finger?" He looked at Greg. "No" "Well there's your answer." "What's the hold up, man?" Greg frowned. "Nothing has felt right." Frank sighed "she won’t want a huge fuss in front of people so that basically ruled out all of New York...bar one moment when I thought it was time, in front of the tree at Rockefeller...and then some douchebag went and beat me to it, proposing to his girl whilst we watched..." "You're over thinking it." Greg said, looking at Frank "Take a step back. When are the pair of you at your best? The time you enjoy most, I mean" "Honestly?" Frank shrugged "at night when Mary's gone to bed and we finally sit down and just watch TV or joke around." "Well there you go." Greg shrugged "What, at home?" Frank frowned "Why not?" Greg looked at him "the point isn't to be showy or flashy but to show her you wanna spend the rest of your life with her." Frank pondered this for a moment. Greg has a point. They were at their happiest doing the simple things, spending quiet time together, being fucking normal. Fliss loved it when they curled up and Frank would simply cuddle her close and kiss her head, easy signs of affection that she had craved all through her wreck of a marriage. And Frank loved it too, because it made him feel grounded, time for him to simply be Frank in his own right, the very thing he used to use his Friday night drinking sessions for. Now he could feel it every night, thanks to Lissy…
And then, suddenly an idea came to him, out of nowhere.
Oh, it was perfect! "Greg..." he smiled, slapping the man on the back "you are a genius." "Glad I could be of service." Greg smirked "This means I get best man duty, right?"
Frank smirked at him, shrugging, not giving anything away. His eyes flicked back to Fliss who had now stood up, Simon having returned to the table sliding in next to Bonnie. Frank’s eyes travelled up her bare legs, from her high-heels up to the short little pink playsuit she was wearing, which was printed with black palm trees and other patterns, the small straps settling on her tanned shoulders, the front showing him just enough cleavage. She was wearing a black butterfly necklace that she had bought in New York and her hair was loose, falling over her shoulders in soft curls. Her brown eyes locked onto his and he smiled as he remembered the last Circle Of Truth Christmas outing the previous year, when he had told her he loved her for the first time. And here they were, now 5 days away from their second Christmas together.
“Hey beautiful” he smiled as she reached his side. His arm curled round her and he pressed a kiss to her cheek “You ok?” “Yeah, just thirsty.” she smiled. “Can I get a water as well as my gin please?”
“Sure…” he turned to look at the bar tender who was pulling their drinks together. Once he had attracted his attention and added a bottle of water to the order he turned back to her as Greg spoke up.
“Frank said you enjoyed New York.” “Oh, it was fantastic.” she smiled “Every bit as magical as I thought it was going to be.”
“Good, I’m glad you all had a good time.” Greg smiled “You deserved it after everything that went down.” “Yeah well, he’s banged up now. His brother is going to go down for Endangerment or whatever it is you call it, its’ done, it’s over.” Fliss smiled, “We got the rest of our lives ahead of us now.” “Well, if that doesn’t call for shots then I don’t know what does…” Greg smirked as the bar tender placed their drinks in front of them.
“No, Greg…” Fliss started to protest but Greg cut her off.
“Yes Greg!” he smirked, turning to the bar tender, “Can I get a bottle of Tequila pal and 8 glasses.” Fliss groaned “I’m teaching at 9 am!”
“Dumbass…” Greg looked at her and Frank gave a snort.
“I told you to switch them out…”
“I can’t!” she pouted “I already did for Boston and New York…” “Well…” Greg smirked as the bar tender set the bottle and glasses down in front of him “Looks like you’re doing it with a hangover honey.” “Fuck my life…” **** Fuck my life indeed. Fliss spent the following morning throwing up, groaning once more that she was never drinking tequila EVER again. Frank reminded her of how many times she had said that over the time he had known her and she’d simply let out a huge fake sob and thrown herself face down on the bed again declaring that she didn’t want to adult anymore as it sucked.
The days before Christmas passed in the usual chaos. Presents were wrapped and stashed under the tree, more drinks were had with Friends. Evelyn visited for a few days, which had actually almost pleased Frank a little. She wasn’t staying for Christmas, her arrangements having already been made, but she had hinted that maybe next year she could, to which Frank and Fliss had both agreed. She had been taken with Mary’s gift to her and had laughed out loud when Bill and Verity had presented her with a case of Malbec, the same Malbec she’d smashed a bottle of over John’s head. Her gifts to them both had been a substantial chunk of money, in the thousands, and when Frank had protested at the amount on the cheque she had waved it off as 8 years of owed presents. Mary’s was wrapped so it was placed under the tree for Christmas morning. Evelyn headed back to Boston on the morning of Christmas Eve, Frank and Mary driving her to the airport instead of her driver, where they had both bid her a Happy Christmas and waved her goodbye as she headed off to spend it with her friends in Newton.
After the final preparations were made Frank, Fliss and Mary collapsed onto the sofa for a Marathon of Christmas Films. Mary was, as usual, excited and the copious amounts of chocolate and candy she was shovelling down weren’t helping either, but what the hell, it was Christmas after all.
"You ok?" Frank glanced at Fliss as she sat on the other side of the couch. Love Actually was playing, the final film of the evening before Mary went to bed. Fliss, however didn't look like she was paying attention. "Huh?" She looked at him, blinking. "I said are you ok? You look like you were miles away"
“Yeah, sorry, I was errr…just running through things in my head, making sure nothing was forgotten.” Frank smiled. They were hosting Verity and Bill tomorrow as Steven and his family were at his wife’s parents for this year, flying out instead of the 28th to spend New Year’s with them all. Fliss had asked Frank if they could host, as she’d never had the chance to do that before and of course he had agreed, not least because of the excited look on her face when she had asked.
“The table is set, food and everything is ready to go…” he chuckled, looking at her “Just relax…”
He reached round Mary, his hand gently rubbing at Fliss’ back and she smiled at him, turning her attention to the TV.
20 minutes or so later the film finished and Mary jumped up, grabbing Frank’s hand to make him dance to God Only Knows as the final closing scenes played out. He smiled and picked her up, resting her on his hip as he twirled her round to the song, the pair of them laughing before he eventually dropped her down and told her it was bed time. She scooted off, Fred trotting behind her, his tail swishing as she skipped and Frank headed in about 5 minutes later to tuck her in, before he came back to the living room.
“She wants you to go and say goodnight.” he smiled,
Fliss nodded and stood up.
“You sure you’re ok?” Frank asked.
“Yeah, honestly, I’m just tired.” she assured him. Giving him a kiss she headed up the hall and Frank watched her go before he smiled to himself, and set about quickly putting the last touches to his plan.
She came back about 10 minutes later and he smiled at her as she walked into the room.
“OK, now she’s out of the way…I got something for you...” Frank smiled.
Fliss looked at him before she shook her head, chuckling a little “I got something for you too…Frank, I have-” “Me first.” Frank cut her off.
She looked at him for a second, his bright blue eyes were shining as he grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.
“Fine…” she smiled, “Ok, you first.” He grinned and then folded his arms “You gotta find it.” “What?”
“It’s hidden, on the tree, and you gotta find it.” Her face lit up as she gave a laugh “You are such a dork!” “Yeah, I know…” Narrowing her eyes playfully she moved to the tree, glancing at it. “Ok so it’s not very big then, seeing as I can’t see it straight away.” Frank shrugged as she continued her search.
“I haven’t put it high up, seeing as you’re a short ass…” “I’m perfectly average for a woman thank you.” “Trust me baby girl, nothing about you is average.” he winked and she let out a snort.
“Charmer.” she grinned, turning back to the tree.
“Ok, you’re miles off…” he said, and she moved to her right “Gettin’ warmer…warmer…ok, yep, nearly there…” Fliss continued to search, and then something caught her eye. There was something shiny handing from the nose of her Doe ornament. She stepped forward slightly, and when she realised what it was her right hand flew to her mouth. Frank’s breath caught in his throat as she spun to face him, her eyes wide.
"You, me and Mary have been hanging out together since August last year now...” he said, clearing his throat slightly “How do you feel about hanging with us forever?" He watched, holding his breath as Fliss' chest heaved with emotion as she looked at him, those brown eyes he could happily stare at all day were full of tears, the hand which had flown to her mouth in surprise was now shaking as it slid to the spot beneath her throat, that dip in her neck that he could nuzzle at forever. "I'll hang with you for as long as you'll have me..." she whispered, taking a deep breath. "Is that a yes?" Frank inhaled sharply and a watery laugh burst through her tears. "Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes!" Frank's face split into a huge grin "shit..." he sputtered before she threw herself into his arms and he lifted her up easily, her legs wrapping around his waist as he held her close, kissing her neck. She pulled back and placed a kiss to his lips, long and short pecks being shared as she laughed and he laughed, the pair of them simply lost in the moment until eventually he set her down and with a shaking hand he reached out to retrieve the ring from where it was hanging. Taking her left hand in his, with a deep breath he slipped the diamond onto her finger.
Fliss looked at it, admiring the way the delicate band sat underneath her knuckle, the beautiful diamond twinkling in the lights of the tree.
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"Oh Frankie...it’s gorgeous..." she whispered, before she looked at him, taking his face in both his hands and pulling him down for a deep kiss. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." He smiled, kissing her again before he pulled away, his hands linking behind her back. 
"I err, got us some champagne." He smiled, "I know it was presumptive of me but figured we could have it tomorrow if you turned me down." Fliss looked up at him, blinking before she took a deep breath “First I need to get you…just wait here…” He released her from his hold and she turned and headed out of the room, Frank watched her go, blinking for a moment before he shrugged and headed to the fridge, the smile still plastered on his face. She said yes! 
Not that he had doubted she would, not really, but there had always been that little bit of fright she may have done. But that was all gone now. As he popped the cork on the bottle he found himself thinking about how he would be doing that soon enough on his wedding day. He poured 2 glassed and headed into the living room with them wondering if maybe a late Autumn wedding next year would be nice, October perhaps when it started to cool off slightly. They could do the beach wedding she always wanted, hire a marquee... Lost in his thoughts completely he jumped a little when Fliss spoke his name and turned to look at her as she stood in front of him, the back of his thighs brushing against the sofa slightly. He noticed her hand was in her pocket, clutching something. Playfully he nodded towards it “I assume that’s not a spanner." He chuckled, referencing the joke they often shared and Fliss shook her head, biting her lip. "No it’s a bit bigger than that" With a shaky hand she pulled out a small, white stick of plastic and held it towards him. It took Frank a moment to understand what it was and as soon as he did his eyes widened and he looked at her, then it, then back again.
"You're...we're...no!." he stuttered, reaching out to take it from her. "I found out this morning." Fliss whispered, watching his reaction carefully "I suspected last week but thought it might all be down to stress and stuff but..." "How, I mean..." "I should have started a new pill packet when we went to Boston but I forgot to take it with me. I thought I'd be ok if I started as soon as I got back but..." "There's a baby in there?" Frank cut her off as he stumbled over his words, nodding to her stomach "Yeah" Fliss nodded. "You put it there." Frank's legs grew shaky and he dropped onto the sofa, staring down at the test in his hands.
2 blue lines. 2 blue lines that had just changed his world forever. "I'm sorry, I know this is sudden and I should have been more careful..." Fliss took a tentative step towards him and he reached out, his hands on either side of her hips, gently pulling her t-shirt up. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her belly, his forehead resting just above her navel. "I'm gonna be a dad." he pulled back, his eyes watering. "Frankie, you already are." Fliss said, her own tears once more springing forth. "I know you hate it when I say that about Mary but it's true." He looked at her, a dazed smile split his face into two as he pulled her onto his lap, where she straddled him, and he kissed her, hard, leaving her slightly breathless before he rest his forehead against hers. "Fuck, Lissy." he whispered, his eyes closed "You're cooking a little person..." She spluttered a laugh, nodding, her forehead brushing his as she did. "Was it made in Boston...is that the right word?" He pulled back to look at her and she laughed, brushing her hand through his fluffy hair as his gently reached out to rest against her stomach. "Yeah and most likely." "It's a little Boston Bean" he grinned and she laughed again, pressing her lips to his. "You're ok with it then? I know it's probably not what you would have planned but..." "Ok? Of course I'm ok!" He smiled "I love you and the thought of us making a little person that's half me, half you...fuck, it's amazing." She smiled and nodded, her voice a whisper "I know..."
"There is one problem." Franks said, his arms wrapping tightly around her. "What?" "You just ruined Christmas forever...because nothing is ever gonna live up to this ever again."
****** Fliss, Frank and Mary’s adventure continues in RIDING ON
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neutrallyobsessed · 3 years
Why tho (KayWorth one-shot)
A/N: felt like posting it here rather than ao3. 700 words. Idea and most of the story came to me when listening to don't go yet on the radio so thats funny lel
The latest trial was a disaster. A mass-shooting in a theatre play full of the most eccentric and extravagant people one could ever imagine: perfectionist mad at their ruined craft, actors who keep playing their characters off stage, startled witnesses and their unreliable testimonies, minimum wage workers who couldn't give less of a shit and narcissists who just want to talk about themselves. The main suspect, as expected, happend to be innocent and the trial for the real culprit is going to be in about a week and, as expected, Edgeworth was devastated, depressed, feeling those pesky unnecesary feelings of unease and doubt that come over you when your entire theory that sounded so plausible before is absolutely destroyed by the Facts and Logic™ of that lawyer. So you know what that means...
Time to leave the country!
"Why do you do this?"-Kay asks sitting on the bed, clutching her legs. While Edgeworth packed his things, not lifting his eyes from his task.
"It's how I deal with defeat... is a bit of a tradition"
"But why does it have to be another country? Can't you just go to the next state? or perfecture? or whatever it's called?!"
"It is still too close to home"
"There's plenty of room in the country..."-she said pouting, trying to make sense of this weird (and expensive) coping mechanism
"I don't expect you to understand it, I just need time alone with my thoughts, ok?"-he puts his hand on her cheek to make her look his way, but she refuses and looks to the other direction
"I wasn't planning on asking you to bring me along"-Kay says coldly. And it's true, Edgeworth wasn't planning on bringing her either-"I just... I just thought that instead of going so far away... you'd just come to me for comfort..."
He stops what he's doing to look at her, hugging her knees and avoiding eye contact. For so many years, he's been alone and his solution to problems was to be even more alone. But now, he has someone. Someone who will hear him and reassure him. Not miles away, but a meter or two away.
"Ok, we can try that"
"Huh?"-Kay says surprised, as Miles unwraps her from the ball she made herself and places himself between her legs, face on her chest, hugging her close. Her coldness was suddenly replaced by his warmth. Startled, but not at all uncomfortable, she places her hands on his back and head, caressing them soothingly.
In that warm embrace, Edgeworth thinks about his errors, his miscalculations, what he missed, what he should have said, what were his mistakes... only for those memories to melt away and disappear from his mind instantly. A process that used to take days or weeks of freezing those thoughts to easily break them, was accomplished in mere seconds. With nothing else in mind, he started to concentrate on the now and all the sensations he was feeling: her rarely ungloved fingers going through his thick grey hair, while her other hand swayed slightly on his back, the rythmic up and downs of her breathing with some of her heartbeat too, her natural smell devoid of any perfumes or chemicals, just her pure, unadultarated fragance, the body heat that surrounded him, so full of love, caring, affection and peace that he needed so much.
"Feeling better?"-Kay whispered kindly
"Mmhmm..."-Miles answered muffled, not wanting to move at all... but he kinda had to, to keep talking-"maybe... you can come along... if you'd like..."
"W-well, if it's fine by you, then I don't have any problem!"-she says feeling that they have gotten closer as a couple
"It's possible that there will be times that I'll spend by myself, but I could appreciate if you were closer when I'm done being alone"
"I'll do my best to cheer you up whenever you are ready to recieve it and need it"-Kay smiled widely while hugging and kissing Edgeworth's head-"I guess I have to pack my things too-"
"Oh, you can do that later!"-Miles gets up enough to smack a kiss right in Kay's lips
So there was nothing else left to do but to kiss and cuddle the afternoon away~
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Keeping Secrets
Title: Keeping Secrets
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 2075
Square Filled: Castiel
Summary: Under the spell of a truth potion, Y/N reveals things to Cass that she makes him promise not to tell anyone, especially Dean. Cass agrees, but secrets tend to find a way of revealing themselves whether you like it or not.
Warnings: Fluffiness, Keeping Secrets, Misunderstandings, Mentions of Killing (not literal), violent threats, Innocent Angels, Language? (honestly, I my mind is so scrambled right now, I can’t remember if there’s any…), Mentions of Kinkiness, and I think that’s it.
Written for @spndeanbingo​ (round 2)
Disclaimer: No my gif. Credit to giuls from tenor.com. All mistakes are mine.
A/N: Secrets, man… so easy to keep, yet at the same time, so hard to keep as well. Or is it just me? A side effect of being a terrible liar? Lol. Well, there’s a fun fact about myself. I am a terrible liar! Happy Reading! xx
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Hey, Cass told me. There’s nothing to be ashamed about, it’s OK.
When you read that text, your face went up in flames with embarrassment, and now, you were on a mission to find one very, soon to be dead, Angel who spilled the beans. You couldn’t believe Cass told Dean! You confided in him in full confidentiality! Hell, Cass promised to keep his mouth shut, that he’d never tell Dean, that you could trust him to keep your secret, but now you knew that you were wrong.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!
“Castiel, when I get my hands on you, I’m going to throttle your stupid angelic neck!” you muttered to yourself, brows furrowed and lips morphed into a deep frown.
You stomped through the bunker looking for the blabbermouth. Still grumbling, you passed Jack’s room, the seemingly teenaged boy looking at you, as you ducked in, with a confused expression. When you didn’t respond to him after he called your name several times, he decided to follow you, wondering why you were acting so strange.
He picked up on a few key words you were saying: stupid, angel, kill, asshole, assbutt, and a few other choice words that he knew were inappropriate but didn’t quite understand what they really implied.
Next, you stormed into the kitchen finding Sam eating a salad. In your already foul mood, you scoffed at his choice of nutrition, rolling your eyes at the gentle giant of a man.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” He asked, looking at you and then to Jack, who shrugged in obliviousness.
“I’m fine,” you hissed, not meaning to snap at him. “Have you seen Cass?”
“Uh, no. He should be in here somewhere. He didn’t mention anything about leaving,” Sam provided.
“Okay, thanks,” you replied, tone still not very pleasant.
You marched onwards, Jack still trailing behind you. He wasn’t sure if you knew that he was following, or if you simply didn’t care, but Jack continued on regardless.
The two of you made it to the war room, the space void aside for a few empty beer bottles that was most likely left by Dean. Growling in disapproval, you walked into the library next, just in time to see Sam walk in from the other end.
“Cass, there you are. Y/N’s looking for you and she doesn’t seem very happy,” Sam warned just as you stepped in.
“Damn right I’m unhappy,” you confirmed, storming up to Cass. “I can’t believe you told Dean!”
“I don’t understand. What did I tell him that I wasn’t supposed to?” Cass questioned, the look on his face completely perplexed.
“Oh, you know what you told him!”
Cass squinted his eyes and tilted his head, a tell that told you he was trying recollect what he possibly could have said. Annoyed with him, you exclaimed in frustration. “I can’t believe you told Dean that I liked him!” you finally revealed, Jack and Sam’s eyes widening and brows raising.
Your body froze when you heard the familiar deep voice echo through the library. You didn’t dare to look back, already knowing your face must be glowing with humiliation.
With wide eyes and mouth slightly ajar, Cass’ eyes went from you to the Dean, who had taken a few more steps closer and was now standing directly behind you, next to Jack. “Uh… Y/N,” Cass started, “I never disclosed any of that information to Dean,” the angel confessed.
“I don’t get it,” Jack interrupted. “I thought we all liked each other? You know, we’re a family?”
Sam cleared his throat at that, giving Jack an acknowledging smile. “Uh, yeah. We do like each other, but they’re talking about a different kind of like.”
“Like what? Like love?” the innocent boy blurted, the word love making you cringe.
“Whoa, whoa, hang on a second,” Dean took control of the room. “Y/N, you love me?” He asked, neck a little stretched out, eyes wide, and mouth hanging open with disbelief.
Shyly, you turned to face him, heart leaping when you instantly made eye contact. “Didn’t you already know that? You texted me that Cass told you.”
“What?” Cass quipped. “I did not tell him that,” he defended himself.
“No,” Dean confirmed. “When I texted you that, I was talking about the hunt.”
Your face went completely white. Just the other day, you and Cass had come home after what was supposed to be an easy hunt. You were adamant that the monster you were hunting was a vengeful spirit possessing innocent people, but it turned out to be a witch casting curses. It was that mistake that landed you in becoming a victim of said curse. A truth curse.
The witch worked at the diner where all the incidents happened. You figured that the ghost was attached to something or someone in the restaurant, but it was the witch mixing people’s drinks with her truth potion. That was how your secret was let out to Cass, but he had assured you that he wouldn’t tell anyone, that your secret was safe with him. And it was true, you told Cass how stupid you felt for not realizing that it wasn’t a spirit but a witch terrorizing the small town. You made a mistake and you weren’t the type that to brush off little mistakes like that. You took it to heart, like you were a bad hunter.
“Oh…” was all you could say at that point, feeling even more embarrassed, and stupid, that you already were.
“Uh, hey Cass, Jack, how about we go into the kitchen; give Dean and Y/N some privacy to talk.
The three of them left the room, heading into the kitchen. You were grateful at that but at the same time, you wished that he would have invited you along, but you knew that it was too late and you and Dean needed to have this talk.
“Y/N…” you flinched at the sound of your name.
Wanting to beat the bullet, you just let everything out on the table. “Look, I’m sorry okay? No one was supposed to know! I know you don’t feel the same way but I hope we can just forget all about this and pretend that it never happened. I was drugged out and didn’t really mean it,” you continued on until Dean stopped you.
“Y/N, stop. First of all, you weren’t drugged out, you were bewitched with a truth potion. Everything you said was the truth, not something you didn’t really mean.”
Your shoulders dropped knowing he was right. The only thing left now was to take the rejection. There would be no more fantasizing about all the what ifs because all those dreams were about to be crushed by the hard truth… Dean Winchester did not love you back. Great.
“Okay, I get it,” you sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. I know you don’t feel the same way, so I’ll do my best to get over you,” you told him.
“What? No!” Dean exclaimed. “Y/N, you don’t have to do that. Uh…” Dean’s demeanor suddenly changed and if you were reading his body language correctly, he seemed tense, timid… cute. No! Y/N stop it! Don’t think that way! “Uh, I actually kind of…”
In the kitchen, Sam leaned against the prep table, Cass sat at the table, while Jack stood in the middle of the room. “So...” Jack started, “when you said that they were talking about a different kind of like, you mean love?”
Sam met Jack’s gaze, “basically,” he answered.
“Okay… I don’t see what the problem is. Don’t we all love each other? I mean, it’s pretty much that same thing, right?” Jack questioned.
This time Sam let out a soft chuckle. “No, Jack. Y/N is in love with Dean… romantically.”
“Oh! Okay, I get it now. So Dean is in love with Y/N and now Y/N is in love with Dean! They both are in love with each other! That’s a really good thing, right?” Jack smiled, proud of himself for final grasping the situation.
“Yes, that is correct,” Cass answered instead. “But after we killed the witch and the potion wore off, Y/N told me not to tell Dean. But she ended up telling him herself instead, albeit it was unintentional.”
“I think this will be good for them. They deserve to be happy,” Sam grinned, actually glad that the truth was all out there.
Dean struggled to admit his own feelings. He wasn’t the type to talk about his emotions but if he wanted to have a future, like a real future, with you, then he had to tell you. He had to confess to you too.
“You actually kind of what?” you asked.
“Uh, I actually kind of… you know. I like you too,” he finally said it.
It was your turn to be dumbfounded. You weren’t sure if you heard him correctly, but at the same time you didn’t want to ask him to repeat himself, scared to find out that it was merely your delusional head playing tricks on you. It couldn’t be possible that Dean felt the same way, right?
“Y/N, did you hear me?” Dean inquired.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you correctly. I thought you said you felt the same way,” you giggled bashfully.
“Because I did.”
You froze at the confession. There was no denying it now. Dean had just confirmed that he felt the same way you did. The thought of how to proceed from there was short-circuiting your brain, not once ever thinking this was possible. Dean had said, on more than one account, that in this life, falling in love was impossible, that it would only end bad. You agreed with him, but that didn’t stop you from feeling the way that you felt, and now he was admitting that he had feelings. Those exact forbidden feelings he said hunters couldn’t have.
Having never planned for this unforeseen moment, you shifted your eyes from his to whatever you could find in the room. You were looking at an open book when you heard footsteps, and when you looked back to Dean, he was right there in front of you, his lips an inch away from yours. An audible gasp escaped you and Dean simply smiled.
“I thought you said hunters can’t have love,” you gulped, eyes trained on his invitingly pink lips.
“I say a lot of things Sweetheart, but if you’re willing, I’m willing to give this a try too. You know… give us a try.”
Averting your eyes to his, you searched for something that told you he was lying, that he didn’t mean it, but when you saw nothing but sincerity, you couldn’t help yourself. You lunged into him, arms wrapping around his neck and lips smashed against his in a needy fashion. Dean growled, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist as he hoisted you off the ground a little. When you pulled away, you were both breathless with matching dopey smiles stretched on each of your lips.
“Wow, Winchester,” you grinned.
“Better than you imagined?” he teased.
“So much better.”
“Everything okay in here?” Sam asked as he stepped back into the library, Cass and Jack in toe.
“Everything is great!” you beamed, taking your place beside your new boyfriend, hands intertwined.
“So are you two together now?” Cass questions, looking at your interlocked hands.
“Yup! All secrets are out. There’s nothing to hide anymore,” you assured.
“I see. Then can I ask you a question, since there are no more secrets?” Cass directed his question at you.
“Uh… go for it,” was you reply, not knowing you would soon regret it.
“When you were under the truth spell, you said you wanted Dean to punish you. To tie you up and punish you all night long. Spanking and choking you. I don’t understand why’d you want him to inflict pain on you.”
Your face went red as all eyes were on you. Jack had no idea what the hell was going on, but Sam gave you that horrified look, knowing he just heard something he wasn’t supposed to, or needed to know. Dean on the other hand was shocked at first, but quickly smirked at the notion.
“Cass!” you shouted it mortification. “I’m gonna kill you!” Just as you were about to attack him, a flutter of wings echoed through the room and he was gone. “Cass!”
A/N: You made it to the end! Thank you guys for reading! I appreciate you taking the time to read what I wrote! If you enjoyed it, please reblog to help share my fic, and leave a comment because it acts as fuel to keep writing and to keep posting! Y’all have a beautiful morning, day or night! xx
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blackinnon fluff instead of studying-
There was a girl beside him. She had the softest blonde hair, the deepest blue eyes and he loved her. She leaned against his shoulder soaking up his warmth and he felt like the luckiest man in the world. This gorgeous star had bestowed her grace upon him and he didn’t know what he’d done to deserve it. She hummed softly and he smiled the smallest of smiles. It was just perfect. He could stay like this forever. She shifted and his heart stopped. Was she leaving? Would his heart be broken that easily? Only she leaned in, closing the inch of distance between them. Bringing her lips-
“Oi! Oi Sirius!”
“Yeah?”, he blinked.
“Where’d you fly off to?”
“Eh? Nowhere, don’t be daft Prongs”
James shrugged and went back to wolfing down his meal. Sirius didn’t know what just happened. But it couldn’t be anything good. He heard the clicking of heels down the halls and stood up quickly which raised a few brows. He had to leave. He had to leave now. If he saw Marlene right about now, he might actually die.
“Sirius… you okay?” inquired Moony, incredibly concerned.
“Yeah, don’t worry. Just going out for some fresh air”
“Be right back” and he rushed out of the room just as the woman he dreamed about entered.
“Sirius love you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost” came Marlene’s honeyed voice
“Of course, I’m alright. Why wouldn’t I be? I have to go”
“I..” she began to speak but he was already gone.
Sirius was losing his mind. That was the only reasonable explanation. Why else would he be dreaming about being in loveespecially with Marlene McKinnon? This wasn’t normal and he didn’t know what to do. He banged his head against his knees letting out a terrifying groan.
“Oh God. Sirius are you okay?” snuck up Lily
“You know what, No. I’m not okay and I’m thinking something I shouldn’t be thinking at all because it would ruin everything” he panicked
“Ok love, calm down” Lily comforted, “Let’s take this one step at a time”
“Start from the beginning”
“I had a daydream. There was this girl and- and she was in my arms and I was hugging her. You know I’m not a hugger especially with girls, I’m a womanizer you know it.”
Lily gave him a worried look but he powered on.
“And well, I was in love with this girl and I was incredibly happy and then she was leaning in to kiss me when your oaf of a boyfriend shook me out of it”
Lily held back an eye roll at James’ idiocy and said,
“Did you see what she looked like?”
Sirius wouldn’t meet her eyes, looking anywhere but at her. Her stomach sank, assuming the worst.
“Sirius I-
“No, Lily it wasn’t you don’t worry. Not that you’re not jaw droppingly gorgeous but you’re more my sister”
“Oh, thank God. I didn’t want to break your heart”
“Bahahaha- well good then”
“Who is it? I know you know so just come right out and say it”
“I- well… she was blonde” he said, messing up his hair because he knew Lily was smart enough to connect the dots.
“Say it a little louder why don’t you”
“Sirius this is wonderful. Oh, you would be adorable together. Oh, you have to tell her”
“Excuse me???”
“She can’t know, she’ll hate me forever”
“Sirius that is not true- “
“Yes, it is end of discussion. I’m not saying anything and neither are you. Especially to James or Marlene. You have to promise me”
“I- of course but just for the record I think you’re wrong.”
“Darling, even if I was wrong and she did like me that way. Your boyfriend, my best mate also known as the man who’s practically her brother would slaughter me if he knew what was going on in my head”
“I know him Sirius and he’d be thrilled for you. It’s not often you feel like this you know”
“Agree to disagree”, he shrugged.
“Fine, I have DADA. I’ll see you later”
“See ya”
Lily couldn’t believe how ridiculous Sirius was being. How could he not know how Marlene felt?
How exactly did he miss all the times she stared at him with so much desire on her face, when she thought no one was looking? Marlene McKinnon was smitten and there was no questioning it.
She couldn’t take it any longer. She had to talk to Marlene. She wouldn’t betray Sirius of course not. She’d just get Marlene to confess. She was already acing Defence. Cutting one class wouldn’t kill her.
And so, Lily Evans began her search for her best friend, ready to play matchmaker for two people she loved incredibly much. As she searched through the halls someone ran up and hugged her from behind. She froze instantly thinking it was Mulciber, only relaxing when she saw well-manicured hands and incredibly tanned arms.
“Ms. McKinnon you nearly gave me a heart attack”
“I’m sorry but I needed a hug”
“Hon, what’s wrong?”
Lily nearly squealed
“Oh? What happened?” trying and failing to be as nonchalant as possible
“Nothing- Wait why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what” Lily said, feigning innocence
“Like you know some things I don’t and that I would appreciate knowing”
“Oh you have no idea”
Marlene began to speak but she cut her off,
“I can’t. I’d be breaking a promise, even if it was for a good cause”
“Uhuh…” Marlene was suspicious and that wasn’t good. At all.
“Okay come on I need to talk to you somewhere private”
She took her friend’s hand and dragged her to the dorms.
“Alright just answer me. No games.”
Marlene just stared at her, mouth slightly open, confused to say the least.
“Do you like Sirius Black?”
“What???!! No of course not” she tried for disgust but failed. Epically.
“Right. I definitely asked the wrong question”
“Do you, Marlene Leigh McKinnon, love Sirius Orion Black?”
Marlene was silent and she had her answer.
“Hush!! Someone will hear you”
“Marlene this is wonderful. You need to tell him”
“WHAT??!! Are you insane? Why would I tell an absolutely hot womanizer that I’m in love with him? I love him too much and I couldn’t bear just a shag and for it to be done.”
“Oh, trust me. That is definitely not what would happen. Trust me”
“Lil, you know I love you but how the fuck do I just go up to him and just tell him that I love him when we haven’t even everthought about going out- at least not me, not before now.”
“Marlene please listen to me. Do it. Tell him. Don’t do it randomly. Sit him down, talk, be you and then you tell him. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
“Lily, I- I can’t”
“Yes, you can and trust me when I say you’ll love what happens after”
“Why don’t you just tell me?”
“Because I want you to see for yourself”
“Ugh, how long have you known by the way?”
“Too long”
“And you never said anything?”
“It wasn’t my place but it is now because I know something good”
“Ok ok, you don’t have to sell me any longer I said I’d do it”
Sirius let out a smoke ring as Remus finished his Arithmancy paper. Remus looked up at the ring, his mind turning. Sirius only made rings when he was really truly pre-occupied and he had a feeling he knew what was on his mate’s mind.
“Hey Sirius?” he said closing his books.
“I have a question”
“Fire away”
“What would you do if Marlene McKinnon came in through that door and told you she loved you?”
“I- what? Why are you asking that? What did Lily tell you?”
“Aha! Suspicions confirmed”
“Fuck, you know”
“It’s clear as day anytime she’s in the same bloody room as you. And this morning? When you nearly had a panic attack when she called you ‘love’ and you ran out like a dog was chasing you? Kinda hard to miss the signs man. Don’t know how she hasn’t seen it yet, being the smartest witch our age”
“Fuck fuck fuck. Does James know?”
“No, he’s blind as a bat that one” Remus snorted
“Mate you can’t tell anyone. Least of all James, he’ll pummel me into the ground”
“I won’t, don’t worry. But just for the record, she loves you too”
“Yeah right. How could she love someone like me? I’m a Black and a disowned one at that and not to mention, I’m also a complete fucking mess”
“Mate you have no idea”, he stood up going to stretch his legs.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going??”
“A walk” he shrugged.
“I- after you just did that you’re going for a bloody walk”
“I didn’t do anything. Besides you need to be alone with your thoughts for a while.”
Sirius gave up and fell back.
The door clicked as Remus went out and he was all alone. Or so he thought. Because at that very moment Marlene McKinnon was climbing down the stairs when she saw him and froze in place. Staring at him and him doing the same.
“Uh- hi” attempted Marlene
“Heyyy, what’re you doing up here?”
“Cutting Defence because it’s a pain in the ass”
Sirius chuckled and the hair on her neck rose. How could one man be so attractive that Marlene felt she couldn’t breathe if she looked at him any longer? This was her moment, she knew it, but looking at him, in all his rebellious glory. She couldn’t. So, she tried to run but Sirius grabbed on.
“Marl, do you mind if I talk to you for a second?”
Her heart pounded so fast it was a wonder he couldn’t hear it. She nodded and followed him to the fireplace. It was one of her favourite places, always giving her a sense of peace when she couldn’t breathe but not right now. All she could think of was that Sirius had never been that serious (yes, she saw the pun, no, she didn’t give a fuck).
“Everything ok?”
“Yeah- well… no”
Marlene was practically shaking. This was too much. This was too intimate. She would crumble and have her heart broken if she didn’t leave but no matter how much she wanted to her body wouldn’t listen, forcing her to sit in her panic.
“Marl I have to tell you something and you have to promise not to kill me once you hear it”
Marlene swallowed,
“I’ll try not to”
“I love you”
Her world stopped. This couldn’t really be happening. She was just having a dream that seemed very very real.
“Marlene for Merlin’s sake say something or I’m gonna go mad over here”
She turned suddenly, crashing her lips onto his. All her words going into the movement of her tongue against his. It was fire. It was oblivion. It was Armageddon. It was everything she had dreamed it to be. They sunk right into the kiss. Years of desire and yearning coming out in a single moment. They were the only two people in the world and each other’s lips was the only thing that mattered. They broke apart. Gasping for air.
Marlene looked at Sirius and pinched her arm.
“You’re not dreaming, you know,” he smiled
“I had to check. You truly love me?”
“Truly, madly, deeply I’m afraid”
“You know I love you, too right?”
“I do now”
“Sirius, I love you so much. You need to know. There aren’t enough words in the world to describe how I feel about you”
Sirius bowed his head, hiding the tears in his eyes that inched down his face. She lifted his face and brought her lips to his. Slow, soft, full of the pure tender love she had for him. She pulled away, whispering
“You’re my eternal star”
He grabbed onto her and kissed her like it was the last kiss of his life. They were a flame together and they would never stop burning. He pulled away, their faces touching and there she was. His Marlene.
His sea.
He kissed her head as she held onto him, silently swearing never to let go.
“This doesn’t feel real”
“I know love”
“How long?”
“One minute in on the Express”
“NO, really?” she would die of shock today
“It’s always been you Marl”
She held back her tears, leaning up, catching his lips with hers. They were locked onto each other when they heard it. Sniffles and barely held back sobs. They pulled back and saw James hugging Lily as they looked at the two stars.
“So? Is this happening?”
“Yeah, it is”
Sirius and Marlene looked at each other. Knowing the other was theirs and crashed together again as James, Lily and god knows who cheered on.
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