#he really needs to get that shit checked out
homestylehughes · 2 days
4 times quinn wanted to kiss you, and the 1 time he did.
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pairing(s): Quinn Hughes x fem!reader
summary: 4 times quinn wanted to kiss you, and the time he did.
warning(s): absolutely nothing, pure fluff.
wc: 2.1k
an: hi loves!!! before i say anything, i think this might be my favorite fic, i've ever written, i love it so so much. it was so nice to sit down and write another fic, I had the best time writing this. i know the poll i put out wanted the nico x Hughes sister smut but this idea has a hold on me and i had to write it today, but i'm working on that fic currently as well! i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i do, like and reblog If you do! much love always <3
happy reading <3
It had always been yn and quinn, quinn and yn, attached to the hip at 5 years old and neither of you wanted to let go. If you would have told Quinn that the little girl the jack pushed into the sandbox at 5 would be his best friend for the rest of his life, he'd think you're crazy. But here you guys are today starting the first day of college, together.
This wasn't exactly the plan for you guys, it just so happened you got into michigan, the same place quinn was signing to play hockey. 
Today was the first game of the season for Quinn, even though Quinn had played hockey for most of his life, he couldn't help but be scared to step on the ice for his first college game. The nerves are getting the best of him as they line up, ready to headout on the ice for warm ups. 
The first push on the ice takes away Quinn's voice as he looks around the arena at all of the fans in the crowd, his eyes glimmering with excitement as he takes it all in. his heart stops for a moment when he sees you standing in the stands with his family, dressed in his jersey, holding up a sign that says “number 43 is my favorite!”. Holding it high above you head, a wide smile breaking at across your face as look down at him skating on the ice. 
A smile spreads upon Quinn's face, as he looks at you and his family. At that moment he really wanted to kiss you. 
Quinns hands were shaking as he tried to tie his tie, his mind was everywhere else but where it needed to be. It was the day of the NHL draft, a night that would change the rest of his life and his families. He couldn't help but feel almost sick at the thought of moving to a new state or country, leaving everything and everyone he loved behind, including you. 
After five attempts of trying to tie his tie, he dramatically sighs, dropping his hands away from his chest. Staring at himself in the mirror trying to peace himself together, coaching himself to take deep breaths. Just as he starts to tie his tie again, he hears a soft knock on the hotel door. 
His mom had already ushered everyone out of the room around 30 minutes ago, telling everyone to give him some space. Quinn couldn't help but be annoyed at the fact that someone already was knocking on the other side of the door. Making his way to the door, his brain already settled on whoever was on the other side of the door a bit of hell for disturbing him. 
Opening the door slowly he sees you standing in the hallway, with a small smile on your way as you look at him. All of the anger he had harbored in him, immediately  disappears when he sees you. 
“Hi, i'm sorry to interrupt but i thought i'd just come check on you” she says 
“You weren't interrupting anything, thank you for coming and checking on me.'' Quinn says, pausing for a second clearing his throat. 
“I actually could use a bit of help, i can't tie my tie.” he says a little embarrassed 
“I can help, if you let me in your room, or we can stand here in the hallway whatever works best for you” yn giggles out. 
“Oh shit, i'm sorry come in '' he quickly says, his face heating with embarrassment. Yn quickly walks into the room, quinn shutting the door behind her. 
“Sit on the bed” she quietly says to him, quinn doesn't need to be told twice when it comes to her, taking a seat on the soft bed, leaving his legs slightly open, allowing you to stand in between them as she works on his tie. 
Their faces and bodies are so close together, his eyes catching hers for a moment. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to pull her on top of him and forget about the draft, forget about his future. Because at that moment, he really really wanted to kiss you. 
Quinn woke up to a constant banging on his front door, rolling on his side to see that the clock on his bed side table read, 3 a.m. “who the fuck is knocking on my door at 3 a.m?” Quinn thought to himself. Quinn trudging pulls himself out of bed, walking slowly downstairs hearing another round of knocking once he reaches the bottom of the stairs. 
Finally reaching his front door, he doesn't even bother looking through the peephole before opening the door. Opening the door he's met with a rain soaked yn on his front porch with flowers in her hand and a suitcase at her side. Quinn thinks he's dreaming as he looks at her, still half asleep. 
“You know i think i forgot how much it rains in vancouver during the summer, as you can see im soaked” yn chuckles out. “Also how dare you not tell me you were being named captain, I'm very upset that I had to find out through an instagram post. But I'll get over that because I missed you, so I flew all of the way here to surprise you.” 
“OH! These flowers are for you” she says, holding out the slightly weeping flowers in front of her.
“I promise they looked better, the rain…ruined them” she says smiling sadly at him.
“I'm so sorry i woke you up with the banging, my phone died and i don't have a key-” 
Quinn quickly cuts her rambling off by pulling her into the tightest hug known to man, spinning her around, as if he never wants to let her go. 
“I'm so happy you're here” quinn says, as he sets her down, his arms wrapped around her. 
“I'm so happy I'm here too.” yn says, looking up at quinn, he can see something in her eyes, love maybe? He’s not sure, but what he is sure of is that he really wants to kiss her, and it's killing me everyday that he hasn't. 
They lost. They lost. They lost in game seven, their playoff run was over. All of their blood, sweat and tears couldn't help them win this game. Quinn couldn't help but let the weight of loss fall on his shoulders as they skate off the ice. The walk to the locker room felt like an eternity. The room is quiet as the players strip out of their gear. He couldn't help but let a few tears fall as he got undressed. Feeling like he let his team, his family, the fans down. 
Quinns mind couldn't focus during the press conference, giving the reporters one to two sentence answers. He didn't want to be there, he wanted to think about anything else other than hockey. He wanted to cry alone, he wanted the voices in his head to stop, he didn't want to be here. 
After the press wraps up, Quinn quickly grabs his things heading out the locker room, as he turns the corner he sees you sitting against the wall, quickly turning your head when you hear footsteps down the hall, making eye contact. 
Quinn had completely forgotten where even at the game, the loss of the game, completely taking over his mind. 
“Yn, what are you still doing here?” he asks as he reaches her, offering her a hand to get off the ground. 
Wordlessly she takes his hand, pulling his bag out of his other hand placing it on the ground below them. Before wrapping her hands around his neck pulling him down into a hug, Quinn's arms instantly wrapping around her waist, his body melting into hers. His face resting in her neck as he feels tears fall out of his eyes, as he clings to her body. 
They stand like this for a few minutes, quinn’s tears finally settling before yn pulls back, running her fingers under quinns eyes wiping away his tears.
“I'm so proud of you, win or lose. I'm so so so proud of you Quinn, please never forget that '' she says, holding his face in between her hands. 
“I love you” quinn mumbles out as he begins to cry again. 
“I love you more” she says, “now let's get you out of here, i think you need one of gina's world famous burgers hm?” she says, grabbing his bag from the floor. Holding her hand out for him to grab, Quinn doesnt waste a second before sliding his hand into her as they head towards the exit. 
Quinns head is no longer filled with thoughts about the game, about hockey. It's filled with thoughts about you, about how much he loves you, and how badly he wants to kiss you. 
Quinn can't count on his hands how many times he's been to the lake house during the summer, but each time he does it better than the year before. Making new memories with the people who he loves, making new memories with you. 
Quinn insisted that you come to the lake house with him a week before everyone else did, he wanted to spend as much time with you before everyone else got here, and you couldn't say no to that. 
So this brings you to where you guys are now, sitting on the boat in the middle of the lake, watching as the sun sets across the sky. The sky casting hues of pinks and purples across the lake. Quinn couldn't help but look at you as you stare at the scene around you, seeing you look so relaxed and at peace, he couldn't help but smile. 
“I can feel you staring at me” yn giggles out, still looking at the lake in front of her. 
“I was just taking in the scenery” he says 
“Mhm, and that just happens to be my face?” she says, turning to look at him with a smile that matches his on her face. 
“Maybeee” quinn playfully says.
“Well it's creepy so stop it” she says playfully rolling her eyes at him
“And what if I don't?” he asks
“I'll feed you to the sharks” 
“Pretty girl there isn't any sharks out here” quinn says laughing at her
“Stop laughing at me” she says, sending a quick shove to quinns shoulder, causing him to fall back against boat. 
“Oh that's it” quinn days before launching himself at her, pinning her down before his hands start to attack her sides. 
“ QUINN PLEASE NO” she pleads out to him as he tickles her. Laughs fell from both of their lips as they attacked each other. 
“I CAN'T BREATH” yn laughs out as Quinn tickles the skin behind her neck, knowing its sweet spot. Deciding to give in to her pleas, he stops his attack on her neck. Her chest rising steadily as he looks down at her, her lips slightly parted, the plump skin almost looks like its calling is name. 
Before he knows what he’s doing, he slowly lowers his face closer to hers, softly connecting their lips together in a sweet kiss. Yn kisses him back almost instantly, her hands wrapping around his neck pulling him closer to her. The once soft kiss turned hot and desperate quickly, a tension they've been dancing around for years, as finally broken like a dam, and neither of them wanted to stop. 
Neither of them wants to pull away, but the need for air begs them too, Quinn pulling away first causing you to whine at the loss of contact. Looking at her with swollen lips and love filled eyes. 
“I've wanted to do that for awhile” quinn says 
“How long?” she asks as he works hard with the hair on the bottom of his neck.
“Ever since i saw you for the first time” 
“Quinn we were five” she laughs
“I knew what I wanted at five,” he laughs, pushing a piece of hair out of her face. “And i've known that i've always wanted you” he finishes
“I love you” yn says
“I love you more” he replies
“I don't think you do” yn quips back 
“Let me show you how much i do” quinn says before connecting their lips back together, because at that moment quinn wanted to kiss you, and this time he did.
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vivwritesfics · 19 hours
hiii!!! if you can can you please make a fanfic like (sorry for my bad explaining) basically a fluff fic with oscar piastri and y/n where they meet at like the streets of paris or something romantic like that? (you can give it any ending you want lols)
one of my best friends is from paris and we talk about how it's not the romantic place we all fantasize it to be. but i got you boo
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Paris, France:
The hotel was awful, just awful. But that was what she got she got for booking her holiday on a budget.
The bed must have had bedbugs. She saw one review online (after she had checked in) that suggested it. And, ever since, she could feel the little fuckers crawling all over her skin.
If the bathroom wasn't down the hall, she would have been throwing up from anxiety. But, instead, she shut her eyes and tried to fall asleep.
And then her neighbours started shagging. Like, bed hitting the wall behind her kind of shagging. Holy shit, she needed to get out of here.
Grabbing her jacket and placing her valuables into her pockets, she headed out of the hotel.
The streets of Paris were a little bit terrifying in the dark. If one of her friends had just done with her, they could have gotten a nicer hotel and she wouldn't have been terrified to walk the streets in the dark. She shouldn't have been out there, she knew, but it was either have a panic attack on the disgusting floor of the hotel room or get out for some fresh air.
It was like there were eyes on her all the time she was walking. She pulled her jacket closer to her body and walked a little faster. Her eyes were trained on the floor as she pretty much marched down the streets of Paris.
Her body collided with somebody else. "Shit," she cried as this persons arms wrapped around her, stopping her from falling.
"Are you okay?" He asked, voice not accompanied by a French accent. "Sorry, I should have been looking at where I was going." He shook his head, floppy, Prince-Charming-from-Shrek hair falling in front of his face.
"It's okay," she said, tightening her grip on the things in her pocket.
He released her. "I'm Oscar," he said, holding out his hand.
She didn't take it, but she did smile at him. "Nice to meet you, Oscar," she replied, not giving her own name.
It was almost like a game, on the streets of Paris. Oscar twisted his wrist and looked at his watch. "Where are you headed? Do you need me to walk you there?"
The red flag in the back of her head was taking a long ass time to raise. "I'm good," she said, because he was still a stranger on the streets of Paris. She began to walk past him. "It really was nice to meet you, Oscar," she said and began walking again.
Santorini, Greece:
The view from her balcony was so fucking pretty. The glittering ocean, the pale sand, the gorgeous architecture. It was a far cry from Paris.
Even on a budget she'd managed somewhere nice. A lot nicer than that hotel room in Paris. Here she felt safe. She left her valuable things in her hotel room (in the safe) and went out to dinner.
It was so damn peaceful. This was the getaway she needed, not those few nights in Paris. This was fucking bliss.
But then he showed up. She was in a little beach front restaurant, having a drink when he came walking past. What did he say his name was? Oscar? What the hell was he doing in Greece?
Her initial reaction was to think he had been followed. But the way he was looking at her, all confused before that look of familiarity crossed his face, it was all so genuine.
"Are you following me?" He asked it in such a teasing way, she immediately knew he wasn't serious.
She kicked out the chair in front of her. "Come have a drink with me, Oscar."
He obeyed and sat himself in the seat opposite her. Almost immediately a waiter came over to take his drink order. As soon as the waiter was gone, she was staring at him. "So, tell me about yourself, Oscar."
"Aren't you gonna tell me your name?" He asked as she sipped her drink.
She thought about it for a moment. "Tell you what, tell me about yourself, and I'll tell you my name."
He held out his hand, and this time she took it. "Deal."
Italy had never been on her list of destinations. She didn't understand why not, because it was gorgeous.
But seeing the sights was such a small part of it. She walked behind Oscar, Oscar Piastri the Formula One driver, as he led her through the paddock.
"This can't be real," she said for the fourteenth time since they'd climbed out of the car.
Oscar laughed at her. "It's real," he assured her as he took her to the McLaren garage. He stopped for a second and gave her a minute to step closer and take his hand.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me you were a race car driver," she said as she squeezed his hand. It wasn't a comforting squeeze, but it had Oscar laughing, again.
"I did," he insisted.
"Yeah, after we'd had four cocktails!"
He led her through the garage, to his drivers room. "Okay, okay. How can I make it up to you?"
He shut the door behind him and she stepped closer. "Hmm," she said and pushed his hair out of his face. "Take me back to Paris?"
She hummed.
"Okay," he answered, still holding her hand. "I'll take you back to Paris."
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cherryobx · 1 day
congratulations on 2.4k followers!!🤍💐
turn the radio up! can i please get a rafe cameron fic based off of the song, work song by hozier, please and thank you!!☺️
Work song
a/n: thank you sm rach! hope you like it!
pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
summary: Rafe cuts his business trip short because he can't stand being away from you
warnings: like 1 bad word lmao
wc: 0.8k
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“I’m not coming home just because you miss me.” 
“Why not?” you whine over the phone. Rafe is on a trip with his dad and has barely been away for a couple of days.
“Because I have shit to do here. I can’t just leave,” he scolds and you can picture him frowning and his eyebrows furrowed.
You pout. “Come on! Please, for me?”
He sighs before he gives you a negative answer. “It’s just two weeks. You can handle not seeing me for that long. Yeah?”
“I can’t, Rafe. I’m dying over here.”
“You poor thing,” he mocks. “You’ll be fine.”
“Okay, I get it. You don’t love me anymore.” You throw yourself on your bed, holding the phone to your ear and staring at the ceiling.
Another sigh, and probably an eyeroll. “Of course I still love you. I just have business I need to take care of here before I come back. Just two weeks.”
Just two weeks. Rafe has been telling himself that every time he’s thought of you during this trip. Which has been a lot. He can’t seem to focus on anything else really. Never before has a girl been on his mind like this.
He’s obviously been in relationships before. He’d rather categorise them as situationships but he’s not so sure about his ex-girlfriends.
Rafe feels like he’s going crazy. He can’t focus on the task before him, his mind drifting off to you. He’s wondering what you’re doing. If you’re at home or hanging out with your friends. He once caught himself thinking about what you had for dinner. Who cares about things like this? Him now apparently.
“Rafe!” His father says loudly. “Stop daydreaming for once and listen.”
“Yeah, sorry,” he mutters and physically shakes his head in an attempt to get the thoughts of you out of his head for a second. It’s almost impossible. 
He checks his phone every time it lights up in hopes that it’s you. He likes getting texts from you, updating him on how your day’s going. When it’s not you, he’s disappointed.
When it’s time to go to sleep, he just can’t. He tosses and turns all night. It drives Ward crazy and he regrets getting one room instead of two at the hotel they’re staying at. Rafe’s so used to another body being next to him. He’s accustomed to having you in his arms and it’s weird and unfamiliar when you’re not there for him to hold.
Rafe held out for five days before he packed his bags in the middle of the night and got on the next flight home. His father left 12 missed calls and even more messages when he woke up but it’s too late now. Rafe has already landed and is driving home.
It’s 6am when he furiously knocks on your front door. 
“What the fuck?” you groan and put on a bathrobe before dragging yourself to the front door. It’s way too early for any human interaction, you think.
You open the door and there he is in all his glory. He looks exhausted and his hair is a mess, probably has been running his fingers through it in stress.
“Well look who it is. Mr. I’m-not-coming-home-before-the-end-of-this-trip Cameron.” There’s a smirk on your lips. You never thought he’d be the one to cave in like this.
“Shut up.” He steps into your home and closes the front door after him, locking it too for good measure.
He wraps his arms around you and holds you close, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling your sweet familiar scent. You smell like home. He feels better already, the stress immediately leaving his body.
“Come on.” You take his hand and pull him into your bedroom. 
You take off your bathrobe, revealing his own t-shirt underneath which you wore to sleep. 
“I was looking for that shirt.” He narrows his eyes at you.
“And now you’ve found it.” You plop onto your bed and hold open to cover for him so he could crawl under them with you.
He makes quick work of removing most of his clothing before joining you. His hands immediately find you and he pulls you flush against him. You place one of your palms against his chest and feel his heartbeat.
He places a soft kiss on the top of your head and then keeps his lips there. “I’m gonna marry you,” he mumbles into your hair.
“Be quiet.”
Before you know it, soft snores are coming from the man next to you and you smile, your heart aching from the love for him. He’s so smitten. But so are you.
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reidrum · 4 hours
hey, if you haven’t wrote this before i was wondering if you could write a fic about spencer catching you admiring his hands and later on he fingers you (idk how to word this properly 😭)
fingers crossed | s.r
spencer reid x bau!reader
a/n: this is literally my brand fr
cw: 18+ no minors, fingering, reader is afab, spencer’s slutty ass hands, soft dom spence (duh), praise kink, office shenanigans lol
wc: 1.5k
you should’ve known you’d get caught, you work on a team of people literally trained to notice things. you working on that team meant that you thought you could be subtle. yet it didn’t stop you from gaping at spencer whenever he used those fucking hands of his.
it started off innocently, becoming so entranced when he would explain the geographical profile to the team on cases and his massive hands would span the map occasionally using a finger to point out a spot. then it was the way his veined hand engulfed his pistol, so much that it could disappear if he tried. you took detours on the days you knew spencer would be in the training range just so you could watch his fingers pull the trigger over and over again.
you’d go home thinking about those hands, how they would feel roaming your body, squeezing your chest, placed on your throat. it was enough to make yourself come three times over, just imagining what his fingers would feel like inside you. but it never felt as satisfying as what you really craved.
the next day you’d come to work, you and spencer had to work on a report together, and you weren’t sure how you were gonna keep your shit together if he was less than a foot away from you.
he pulled up a chair to your desk and you both started going over the files, and he’d occasionally reach over your lap to point something out in the files you were holding. he’d nonchalantly brush his fingers on your thighs, your shoulders, even placing his hand on the small of your back when hotch had called both of you to his office. it was turning you on so bad, you were getting wetter by the second that you had to cross your legs to find some satiation.
spencer knew you were getting restless, anticipating you were going to break soon. it’s just what he planned.
“everything okay?” spencer whispered, placing his hand on your upper thigh.
the action shocked you, “i’m good! i just think i need another cup of coffee.” you abruptly get up and practically run towards the break room. spencer watches you walk away with a faint smirk on his face. he gives you a minute or two to calm yourself before getting up and following you.
he found you leaning against the counter, coffee mug in hand and eyes closed, like you were trying to regulate yourself before returning. you heard footsteps and opened your eyes to watch spencer walk over right next to you, and grab the coffee pot in a way you could only describe as deeply sensual as he accentuated every movement, flexing his fingers around the handle and gripping so motherfucking tightly his veins popped up, before pouring himself a cup and speaking to you, “so, i think we’re missing a file. will you come with me to the records room to help find it?”
he calls your name again when you’re so obviously still staring at his hand holding the mug and not attending to him. you snap up and stare at his face blankly, he stares back with that smug ass smirk still and you realize he’s holding his hand out for you to take.
he has to be fucking with you right? it can’t just be a coincidence at this point. spencer literally rambles on and on about the actual probability of coincidence, and if it happens enough times, it’s intentional.
so you take his hand.
and now you’re reflecting on the last few hours, the maybe not so accidental touches to your thighs, the over exaggeration of his fingers pointing to lines in your files that you knew he didn’t need to check again, and now his outstretched hand leading you to a secluded room. you don’t have time to finish your conclusion when the door to the records room closes behind you both and spencer pushes you against it to cage you in with his arms.
“hi.” he’s so close to you oh my god.
“h- hi.”
spencer starts trailing his hand up the side of your hip, “you seem really distracted today.”
“oh…i didn’t realize, sorry.” you murmur, trying not to get distracted as his hand ends its journey on the side of your neck, curling his fingers around the back and angling your face up with his thumb.
“i’m not sure how you expect to get anything done if you keep staring at my hands all day, sweetheart.”
your eyes widen, “i wasn’t, no it wasn’t like that, i..” but your protests fall on lost lips as he thumbs over your lower lip.
“if you wanted my fingers that bad, all you had to do was ask.”
your heartbeat fastens as he leans down to press a soft kiss to your lips, slow but exploratory. he feels you relax a little and pushes his tongue through and attacks you more earnestly. your hands have rested on his shoulders while his have both moved to your hips, pinning you to the door.
one hand moves to play with the button of your dress pants, rubbing his thumb over the button and slightly dipping the tips of his fingers into your waist, “is this okay?”, you nod, “if you want me to stop, at any point, just tell me.” you nod again, pulling his head back down to kiss him, already missing the drunk feeling he gives you. he deftly undoes the button and pulls down the zipper, pushing your pants down around your thighs but leaving your panties on.
you thank whoever’s watching over you that you chose lavender lacy panties today, and it seems spencer’s especially thankful as well when he lets out a groan, “i think you’re trying to kill me.”
“i think it’s going both ways right now.” you pant.
spencer dips his index finger just below the waistband of your panties and pulls it back, “oh honey,” snap. “just you wait.” you let out a soft whimper while he chuckles to himself.
he runs his hand down the lace trimming of your panties, reaching the crevice of your inner thigh and your core. ghosting his fingers over where you really need him, he watches your face intently for how you react. your eyebrows are furrowed, and your breathing is heavy, but not enough to let out a moan. and spencer is nothing if not an overachiever.
he presses his middle finger flat against your core, staring as the increased pressure causes your mouth to fall open. he’s getting closer, but it’s not enough.
moving his fingers back to the crevice, he hooks two fingers and slides your panties to the side, wasting no time in collecting your arousal and spreading it all over you. he faintly hears his name fall from your swollen lips, and he knows he’s close to his goal.
giving your clit the last bit of attention, he dives his middle finger down and enters your hole, and you lose it.
the sharp gasp you let out immediately turns into a pornographic moan as he begins moving in and out of you.
“there’s my girl, knew i could get those pretty sounds out of you.” he breathes in your ear.
his praise goes straight down, making you clench around his slender finger, something that spencer made note of, “you like it when i tell you things like that huh?” he adds his ring finger to the mix, “wanna hear how good you’re doing for me?”
“spencer, please…i’m so close” you whimper.
“i know baby, you’re taking my fingers so well, can’t imagine how you’d look full of my cock.”
“fuck, oh my god…” you whine
he’s got you teetering on the edge of your orgasm as you let out another loud moan, the feeling of his fingers sliding in you so fucking easily is enough to make you delirious. spencer feels you clench around him again and knows you’re so close, and rubs his thumb on your clit.
“come for me, pretty girl, show me what my fingers do to you.”
it was enough to send you crashing into your peak, grabbing on to his forearms as you roll your head back, spilling out a mix of expletives, his name, and moans as he fucks you through your high. you slowly come back down to reality, panting heavily as you meet his honeyed eyes again. he slows his movements and gently pulls out, opening his mouth to suck the arousal off his fingers.
“jesus fuck, spence.” you whimper.
he laughs as he helps you pull your pants back up and resituates you with a pat on your ass, “come on, let’s go pack up our stuff.”
“what why? we still have to finish the report.” you lamely point out.
spencer leans down to plant a longing kiss on your lips again, “i think the file i’m looking for is at home,” he smooths your hair down, “go tell hotch we’re gonna finish it at my place.”
you can’t help but smirk, “why won’t you come tell him yourself?” your eyes panning down to his bulging crotch.
“don’t be a little shit, you know why. now go tell him, or i’m not gonna be as nice as i was now when we get there.”
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starsomens · 2 days
It was early morning on Father’s Day and you were up before Noah for once. So you just looked at him while he slept like a baby, he had this adorable pout that he does when he sleeps and maybe you snapped a picture or two
This was really the father of your kids. He was handsome, talented and tall. And don’t forget about his many, many skills. You inch closer to him until you could clearly hear his soft breaths You come to kiss his cheek and whisper
“Good morning…..”
“Mmmm” was all you got back which made you giggle
“Sleep good?”
“Mhm…..where the kids?” He asks. You actually got up before him and checked on them. Lucky for you both they’re starting to get to the age where they’re sleeping in much longer
“Still asleep….which means,” you lean forward to his ear “we have a little, time” laying a kiss right under his lobe. If he wasn’t away before he sure is now. He kicked off the blanket, trying to move as fast as he can before you stopped him from lowering his boxers
“No, no…..you stay put mister,”  you said, pushing down on his chest to make him lay down “you stay….right…..there” you said between your trail of kisses crossing over and down his tattooed chest. You can feel and hear how his heart started racing, how his breathing started to become faster. The more you in to the hem of his boxers heavier, he was breathing. Already feeling how hard he was against your stomach the further south you went.
“Baby…please…” you had to admit you love when he begged you, even if it was just a little bit. You kissed the very edge of his boxers and look up at him
“I got you baby, don’t worry,” have you finished your sentence you pull his boxers down where his hard cock springs free. You wrap your hand around him and start to pump him, looking at him directly as your tongue meets length and licks from your hand up the underside of his shaft. Bringing his tip into your mouth to swirl your tongue around it
“Fuck….fuck princess….” He growls as he resist the urge to grab your hair and bring you down on his cock. You start slowly at his tip and lower your mouth on to him halfway. No matter how many times you have tried it no intends to still be too big for you to completely. As you bob your head up and down his leg, his fingers rake through your hair. Picking it up into a ponytail, keeping it out of your way, and out of his view from your administrations. Usually Noah was the one who always wants to go down on you, but he always felt extra. grateful whenever you did it to him.
“Fuck princess….so fucking good….such a good girl for me…” the grip on your hair became tighter the more you bobbed your head. You moan around his cock, from him, gripping your hair “so fucking….taking cock so good…fuck….,shit Y/N…get up here, Now”
You take one more, Bob as far as you can before coming up with a pop. You’re saliva connecting you by string to the tip of his cock.
Sits up in hoist you over his hips, as if you were nothing. He was very happy that you were sleeping in one of his shirts, simply pushing your panties aside and aligning himself with your pussy. He thrust himself upwards, entering you without friction. You were so wet, warm, tight around him. He was convinced he would come right on the spot.
“N-Noah…oh god,” you moan as you close your eyes feeling him fucking up into you. His lips finding their usual spot on your neck, leaving kisses and nips along the way as his hands pull your hips steadily above his.
“Mhm…lemme hear you baby….fuck…love this pussy so much….” he faster. Coming closer and closer to his peak. “Where…tell me where princess…”
“I-inside…please!” he couldn’t resist fulfilling your needs when you asked him so nicely using your manners while he was deep inside of you
“My good girl….wants me to fill her pussy up huh? Gonna let me—fuck! Knock you up again? Hm? Is that what you want?” he whispers into your ear as his threats only become harder, hitting the sweetest spot inside of you. His mouth captures yours in a deep and passionate kiss. Also trying to keep your sounds down without blowing your cover. 
The bed bucks against the wall as he delivers his last powerful thrusts as he pushes himself in you deeply as he finishes. Feeling you to the brim with his cum. You both can’t. Neither of you moving from your spot.
“Fuck… why don’t you wake me up like that more often?” he the sudden passionate moment
”Do you forget that we have kids for the most part attached to you,” rest, your chin on his chest look at him. His cheeks were all flushed were blown just looking at you. “ I’m surprised they haven’t come knocking on the door looking for you already,”
Speaking of those little gremlins of yours, you started to hear the pitter patter of their feet, approaching your door. Followed by giggles before some knocking claim. Followed by a test of the door knob to see if it was open or not. Luckily, you locked the door before starting your little morning surprise. You and Noah just chuckle among yourselves, of course parenting was hard, but it was silver boarding. You couldn’t ask for a better life, or better, or a better man to be the father of those kids.
“Alright, come on let’s get the day started.”
“Didn’t we already started it?” as you sit up on his lab fixing yourself up before getting off the bed
“I sucked you off and you think that’s all I had planned for you today? I’m hurt,” dramatically as you place your hand over your chest “ i’ll get your tall ass out of bed, so the kids can give you their presents,”
He said that you open the door, to let in your three kids, with all their energy at nine in the morning
“HAPPY FATHERS DAY !!” Sometimes you wonder if they were really your kids because there’s no way so could have this much energy at this time in the morning. You could do shake your head and smile as you watch them basically throw themselves on top of their father no matter how many times he can’t breathe. But he doesn’t stop them either.
Three kids now and you weren’t planning on having anymore. But if you were honest, seeing him being the father, he is enough to convince you to have one more.
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 days
I really like your stuff <3 could you do a Lucifer x reader who’s really kind and sweet to everyone but is also amazing in a fight, like they were trained in combat before they died. I understand if you can’t get to making this if you have a lot to do, if you can thank you :)
Lucifer x kind!sinner!reader who can fight
feels like its been a while since ive gotten a hazbin request! or maybe my memory is going to shit. lord knows my brain is getting soggy notes: reader is gn, reader is a sinner, established relationship cws: canon typical violence
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it takes a while for the relationship to form; partly because hes still getting used to the whole dating scene after liliths disappearance
as well as just... trying to get used to the idea of falling in love with a sinner
hes a bit beside himself when those feelings make themselves known- he doesnt... see much hope in sinners, at least not before him and charlie patch things up
but youre so so nice to him... he almost tries to make himself find a flaw with you, find out why youre down here- what did you do to get sent down here?
feels bad when he sees you being so sweet to everyone around you
he doesnt even try to knock you for getting aggressive when you fight, because you usually dont do it unprevoked
youre one of the many sinners who were wrongly sent down in hell, it seems
he admires your strength and even finds it attractive
he knows he can easily protect you and come to your aid if needed but knowing that you can fight for yourself gives him some extra support
add in that sinners basically respawn unless killed with an angelic weapon... even more security- though thats not saying hes not going to be stressing out if you do end up needing to respawn
likes watching you train, checks in on you to make sure youre not overworking yourself
prepares you snacks and stuff for you afterwards!
total house husband material/hj
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akirathedramaqueen · 17 hours
No, I am not done with Western Energy yet, and I am not sorry
I. Just. Can't. With those parallels.
Just look at that! I am sure bunch of people already pointed that, but Hell knows it makes me think a lot about this shift.
Murder Family
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[Blitzø]: Stolas, this is really a bad time!
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[Stolas]: Mm, when isn't it a bad time, Blitzy?
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Stolas *knows* Blitzø is in danger. There could've been a room for speculation, if it wasn't for the next exchange:
[Blitzø]: What is it?!
[Stolas]: I've been meaning to follow-up on our last little conversation regarding my grimoire.
[Blitzø]: What did you just call me?!
[Stolas]: My book, Blitzy. The book I was given to do my job. That I've allowed you to use to do yours.
[Blitzø]: Shit!
[Stolas]: Anyhoo, I have been thinking... You know I've been permitting you to access the mortal realm less than legally for some time now? But I do need it back to fulfill my duties. I was thinking; what if we worked out some kind of an exchange? Favors for favors... Doesn't that sound...
[Stolas]: ...enticing?
[Blitzø]: You gotta stop using your fancy-ass rich people talk, okay? I am trying to concentrate to not getting FUCKED IN MY A *gunshot*
I will omit the rest, as it won't add much to the point (if you've seen the show, you know the conversation doesn't stop here), but you can draw some conclusions from the dynamic:
Stolas sees Blitzø in projection. Gunshots do not give any chance for the wrong interpretation. He knows imp is getting chased.
Stolas takes his time to get to the point, speaks slowly, as if playing with Blitzø, with his life even, and he enjoys that. He knows Blitzø can't turn him down as imp is on a hook.
Blitzø is clear that he would like to pass on the call for the better time, but Stolas keeps him on the line. Blitzø is clear that Stolas needs to get to the point because he is about to get killed, and Stolas, although does that, is still slow in speech, playful, and demeaning towards him.
Overall, Stolas does not care about Blitzø being safe at the beginning of the series. You can also get from that convo that he crosses boundaries without guilt, and if he was able to jeopardise life of his potential lover, it's not surprise at all that he is demeaning, creepy with overly sexual talks at inappropriate times, and does not take Blitzø's offence as something to care about (I don't think Blitzø was called by his name properly at least once in the 1st season, but I have to check), as shown in later episodes. Stolas is abusing power and knows he will get away with it, because Blitzø has nowhere to go and has to put with it.
Western Energy
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[Blitzø]: It's really not a good time, buddy...
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[Stolas]: I'm sorry it's a bad time yet again, Blitzy, but, um...
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[Stolas]: I seem to have found myself in a bit of a sitch.
You see the parallel, right? Right?!
I'm sorry it's a bad time yet again, Blitzy.
The first time we heard that, he wasn't sorry. He was dismissive.
Mm, when isn't it a bad time, Blitzy?
And the situation... Stolas is literally getting kidnapped, and finds time to ask an apology for calling at wrong time. *Again*.
Let's look at another piece of conversation:
[Moxxie]: That's Striker, sir!
[Blitzø]: Oh, for fuck's sake! Can't you just get away? Aren't you powerful?
[Stolas]: I believe he has me bound with blessed rope, which limits my ability to free myself I'm afraid. So I think you should come save me.
[Blitzø]: Oh, shit, Stolas, I can't today, alright? I'm sorry. I-I'm literally on my way to take Loona in for her very important Hellbies S.H.O.T. It takes years to book an appointment at that place, it took me five to get this one... and she's doing a lot of field work, so you know, she needs it...
[Stolas]: Oh, ha-ha, well, I do agree that is very important... but I-
We know the rest. The phone is taken away by Striker, and the conversation is interruped. We also know that Stolas gets a sudden realisation that he is in danger, which gives a hint that before he didn't recognise the situation quite as serious.
You see the shift that happened?
Stolas apologises for taking Blitzø's time, despite being in imminent danger. He went from total dismissive to total apologetic and even evasive.
Stolas takes into account Blitzø's reasons, and admits their importance.
This time Blitzø is the one who talks more, but he is on point the whole time and generally sounds uneasy, understanding that this time this is, despite being the bad time, very important. As we know, after the conversation he rushes in, before agreeing with Moxxie and Millie for them to go instead.
And why is so?
I find it very interesting that the similar phrase was used in so different contexts. In the comparison, the power dynamic simply has flipped.
Stolas was the one who needed attention, and Blitzø was the one who was asked for help.
The first time around, Stolas needed attention as well, but his matter was so diminutive and Blitzø's problems at the moment were so serious, it was simply disrecpectful, to say the least.
The second time, his request is to literally save his life, and he apologises, puts Blitzø's interest higher than his. He now feels like he is a burden, a nuisance in Blitzø's life, not wanting to disturb him at all. The connection that holds them became so fragile, because Stolas realises he has nothing to offer besides power, and from that sole conversation it becomes clear that he now avoids using it against imp even on the verge of being hurt.
Stolas's attitude shifted from dominant to apologetic, he went from assertive to frightened, and, as Blitzø's importance in his life grew, so grew Stolas, giving us hope for his redemption, but also showing how insecure he really was all the time.
So much for the regal title and eldritch powers, if you can't hold onto a meaningful relationship with the one you care for.
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minniesmutt · 10 hours
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐰/ 𝐬𝐤𝐳
☾ ━━━ PAIRING: OT8 X READER (SEPERATLEY) ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: SUGGESTIVE, STRIPPING, BULLET POINTS, ALCOHOL MENTIONS ☾ ━━━ WC: 0.7K ☾ ━━━ repost from old blog ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍
He’s timid to do it at first. Playing poker with the stakes being you losing clothing rather than money. He’d rather lose money now honestly.
His shyness comes out the moment you mention to just try playing the game for shits and giggles. 
If you guys are dating– whether it's long-term or fresh– he’s iffy about playing strip poker. You guys are just friends, probably not for long, but he’s even more iffy.
Not in a way that he feels uncomfortable with it. No. he walks around half-naked. He’s more so shy about YOU seeing him naked.
Got him blushing and shit when you eventually tell him that you have seen him half naked anyways.
Then he’s down to play. Still would rather lose money to you at this point.
At some point, you thought having a drink would be a good idea.
Man’s cleaning up the poker chips that toppled over somehow. Also just folds the discarded clothes
Get’s nervous when you’re both getting down to your last bit of clothing
Successful when you tell him to kiss you if he wants the game to stop
The night did not end with a kiss
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 
He’s got too good of a poker face for this.
Probably the one that suggested the game.
Just a fun way to pass the time
But he’s watching you the whole game. Is he checking you out or is he trying to see if you get uncomfortable with the fact your stripping in front of him?
Feel like he could very easily win. Just seems like he would be good at poker in general.
Won’t take off the shirt he’s wearing for as long as possible
Somehow you guys just end up in a flirt war toward the end of the game.
At some point, he starts thinking with his dick
He’d do this completely sober too     
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐁𝐈𝐍 
Honestly so unphased by the stripping part
He’s neither good nor bad at the game
He’ll win by distracting you with his biddies
Not even on purpose. The shirt just comes off as part of the game and that’s all your looking at
He notices for sure.
He’ll flex to distract you 100%
It works
Did you even finish the game or did you guys just take the other's clothes off 
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐍 
Paboracha at its finest.
Like heard of the strip version but never cared so forgot about it
Took him a minute to get the concept
A mix of flirty and shy
Like he’s all talk until after the first round and then he’s all blushing and shit
He’s the first to fold and pulls you onto his lap
Kisses and compliments. 
Cards are completely forgotten for the rest of the night
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐇𝐀𝐍
He googled it
He’d heard of it but wasn’t sure so he looked it up
Doesn’t know why he thought it’d be a good idea
It was truly all fun and games until one of you lost the first round and a shirt came off
He needed alcohol to even continue and lord knows he’s a goddamn lightweight
Didn’t even really finish bc of him being a lightweight
Whined for you to cuddle him bc he was tired
Clothes were not put back on and he panicked a bit the next morning until you calmed him down
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐗
Can’t play card games for shit. Why did this one seem like a good idea?
Thought the strip part was funny and that was the only reason he decided to play
It was fun and games till one of you lost a round x2
He’s trying to be subtle about checking you out. He is not
Once you notice, tease him
Fuck the game at that point
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐌𝐈𝐍
Poker face x2
Thinks its funny to watch you lose
When he acts innocent
Adds more stakes to the game for no goddamn reason
Sometimes will lose on purpose. Depends on the day
Should have backed out of the game when you had a chance
Will tease the utter shit out of you the entire game
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐈.𝐍
Just thought it was funny
Googled the game x2
Laughed while reading the rules
Tries so hard not to be phased. Fails miserably
Starts thinking with his dick x2
One of you ends up on top of the other
Actually finishes the game though
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☾ ━━━━━━ M.LIST    TIP JAR
☾ ━━━ please support writers by reblogging and/or leaving feedback
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blasphemecel · 1 day
Michael Kaiser — Stench
PAIRING: Michael Kaiser/Reader WORD COUNT: 9k TYPE: Angst, Childhood friends, Making up, occasionally funny WARNING(S): Poverty, implied/referenced child abuse, house break-in, spoilers for Kaiser's backstory, if I missed something lmk NOTE(S): This is a two shot but I'm posting it here combined for my own convenience. The numerals show how the chapters are separated and indicates a long time skip.
Someone’s coming closer and closer. It’s hard to catch Kaiser off guard — he’s sensitive to the slightest of sounds, so he can hear them approaching from behind without trouble, these sloppy footsteps slapping against the cement as if the owner is wearing really shitty shoes. He freezes with the ball still in his hands, doesn’t dare look back and check who it is, an irrational part of his brain suspecting it to be his father.
It takes a while for whoever it is to cross the distance, and then an unfamiliar voice rings, “Hey.”
Kaiser glances over his shoulder finally. You stand there, peering down at him while he’s sitting, cigarette spreading fumes in the air even though you don’t look any older than him. He doesn’t say anything to acknowledge you, though, just stares, tense and confused about your intentions.
You crouch down so you are at eye level with him. The bad smell follows, wafting by his nose and he holds down a cough on the off chance any noise might set you off and make you violent. You pull it out of your mouth and flick it away from him, apparently possessing enough decorum to stop blowing smoke in his face. “Why are you always doing that?”
Kaiser knows what you mean, but he can’t help asking. After all he’d noticed you before all those times just like you’d noticed him. Every day you hang around the solitary playground at a distance while he messes around with the ball, though he never expected you’d speak to him. If anything you never pay much mind to each other.
You usually leave like you’re on some kind of schedule, but you’re up close to him now and he can see you’re in a similar condition to him — bruises and dirt littering your skin, tattered and ill-fitting clothes barely hanging onto your frame. The offenders behind your loud entrance he identifies as the torn pink fuzzy slippers he always sees you wearing, smeared with faded mud. Certainly not the most reliable footwear, but you’re in a better boat than he is on that front, what with him not wearing any shoes at all. Not his fault he outgrew his last pair, although naturally his father found a way to blame him. He’s creative like that.
“You’re always kicking the ball and punching the shit outta it.”
Embarrassed by the reasoning behind his behavior maybe, Kaiser averts his eyes. He hopes not responding will dissuade you from interacting with him.
It doesn’t work. “What’s your name?”
“… Michael.”
“So basic, but fine. I’ll call you Micha, ok?”
“You don’t need to call me anything.”
You offer your name in return. After taking another drag, you smile and ask, “How old are you?”
“Thirteen,” he says, figuring this is unimportant enough information that he can offer it without consequences until you grow bored and go away.
You grin at him and squint your eyes. The expression makes you seem smug for no discernible reason. “I’m fourteen, so I’m your senior. You can call me boss if you want. Got it, small fry?”
What an annoying attitude. He places the ball over his stomach and adjusts his position so he’s hugging his knees, this surly expression on his face. “It’s not even that big of a difference…”
“You sound so pensive when you talk. Hey, why do you kick the ball even though you don’t have shoes? Doesn’t it hurt?”
What else is someone supposed to do with a piece of trash except hurt it? Expressing such a sentiment out loud seems shameful, though. “Why are you smoking even when it’s bad for you and stupid and tacky? Why are you asking dumb questions even though you’re not getting anything out of it?”
You burst out laughing. “Woah, relax. Touchy.” When he doesn’t respond and instead continues scrutinizing you with scorn (which at this point you deem undeserved), you say, “I stole ‘em off someone. What’s stopping you from stealing a pair of shoes?”
“They’re too big to steal. It’s impractical.”
“You think small, but fair enough,” you say, before standing up, still grinning. Then you wave. “I’ve gotta go now. I’ll see you tomorrow, Micha.”
“Who said I want to see you?”
You laugh again as if his rejection is funny, but trudge on away from him. “C’mon, lighten up.”
Kaiser scoffs, pressing his cheek against the ball, tightening his hold against it. There is nothing to lighten up about.
Kaiser hasn’t taken any particular liking towards you, but you do hang out together every day since you approached him. He’s not sure why he tolerates your presence. Maybe because you’re resourceful — stealing is so much easier when you two coordinate. Or maybe it’s nice to talk to someone who doesn’t seem to want to strike him down and strangle him.
Currently you’re at the playground again. The lighter you use has some ugly, childish print on it. Kaiser is trying to inflate his ball with the air pump you swiped together from a shop in town earlier after you made fun of how ‘sad and flat’ it was and came up with the idea. When he hears the flicker and then registers the smell, Kaiser asks, “How many do you smoke a day?”
“One is to be stylish. Two is if I didn’t appreciate the first one enough. Three is if I still don’t feel like shitting.”
Kaiser frowns in disapproval at the moronic remark. Funny in an ironic sort of way how this lifestyle has you sounding like a ridiculous, fake adult — neither child nor mature, but something else entirely. A different category of human. He wonders if you think the same about him. “You fucking smell. How many are there in a pack?”
“Twenty,” you say after uselessly flipping over the lid, even though for one it’s not full and you already know the answer anyway, so it’s not necessary to check.
“So if you smoke three a day then you have to… steal one every two weeks?”
You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion at this assessment. “No, that’s not right. It’s like once or twice a week depending.” Then you do some weird counting on your fingers for a while. “But even if it was exactly three a week, that’s like six point six or some shit like that. Dummy.”
“Shut up, shithead,” says Kaiser, embarrassed.
“Leave me alone. I didn’t think about it too much.”
“I’m not even saying anything.” A moment of silence passes until an enlightened remark comes to mind. “Hey, Micha.”
You scoot a little closer to him. Kaiser gets nervous at first and freezes, but calms down when it seems you’re not inching your hands towards him. Though the relief is short-lived because then you take an exaggerated sniff of the air and grin. “You stink too.”
He glares at you.
The ball ends up fine. Sure, it’s still beat up and dirty as most things around him, but at least it’s functional enough to kick again, and that’s what’s important.
“What now,” says Kaiser with an attitude of being greatly inconvenienced before plopping down next to you on the sidewalk.
You continue counting, trying to keep track of how much money you have on you. A series of gross, dry coughs escapes your mouth. When the fit near passes, you spit on the ground as if to ease your throat, hitting your chest for good measure. Kaiser watches the display with an impassive look on his face. Eventually you turn towards him and ask, “What’s your problem?”
“I don’t have a problem.”
“You’ve been quiet, not talking to me.”
“I’m gonna go get a haircut so I’m trying to see if I have enough,” you say, figuring he’s wondering about what you’re doing in a roundabout way.
Kaiser rams his head into his knees and makes some kind of noise which you can’t categorize between acknowledgement and disapproval.
You say, “Those children from the schoolyard were telling me having a bad haircut is ‘social suicide.’ Like ‘getting stabbed’ everyday. Apparently it’s the bowlcut that’s really shameful.”
“Other people have such stupid problems,” he says, irked, resentful. “I just cut it with scissors at home.”
“Yeah, man, I can tell. They wash your hair at the hairdresser though, so I wanna go now.”
“You really hang out with them? What do you even talk about?”
You shrug, pulling out a cigarette and then the hideous lighter. The smoke will waft by his nose again and irritate him. It’s unpleasant. The smell he associates with you is unpleasant, but it’s also yours so it’s kind of conflicting. “Recently I’ve been telling them I’m a ghost from the forest.”
Kaiser remains unamused the way you’ve always known him, but after some contemplation graces you with a snort, which makes you smile in return. He asks, “They don’t believe that. Right?”
“Maybe. They’ve got a what-do-you-call-it… You like football, don’t you?”
“A pitch.” He rolls his eyes as if forgetting the word is some kind of crime. Back he goes to frowning.
“Yea, they have that. You should sneak in with me sometime.” You shrug again as if the suggestion isn’t a big deal. “It’s fun.”
His nose scrunches at the thought, forehead wrinkling. It pisses him off just imagining it — truly a sickening concept. Why would you subject yourself to such a thing? Mingling with children who have nice things and an education and clean clothes and probably eat proper meals every night with their families. He doesn’t want to exchange pleasantries with people who can afford to concern themselves with social suicide. Stomach twisted in knots, Kaiser almost hurls, but somehow swallows the bile back down.
“Never,” he denies with finality.
“So dramatic, Micha.”
“Like you’re any better. You don’t care about anything. At all.”
At the sound of his tone getting more sulky than usual, you decide to spare him another glance. “Aww, are you tearing up?”
“No,” Kaiser lies, lips wavering. Unable to hold it in yet desperate to hide, he settles for covering his face with his hands, folding over himself. “I just fucking… hate this place. And I want out so… so bad.” Aside from the muffled sobs, there are also voice cracks littering his admission.
The thing is: you don’t really know what to do to make it all better.
Kaiser feels like he’s about to get a cramp from keeping his leg in this position for so long, lifted up and extended. Recently he stole a pair of sneakers from the thrift store, but the soles ended up falling off. Now you’re lathering everything in glue and wrapping it in tape in an attempt to salvage the situation.
“I’m not sure this is how it works,” he says. It’s kind of meek — a pathetic mumble — but you can recognize unwarranted criticism when you hear it.
“Take it or leave it.” You snap off the tape and move onto the next shoe.
When a snarky or otherwise offensive response doesn’t immediately come to mind, Kaiser resigns to silence. He continues observing you while you squeeze out copious amounts of glue. For a moment the only noises between you are those of your sniffles, the obnoxious huffing in of snot.
A few raindrops pour down, pelting your heads at the same time. You hiss when you realize your hard work is about to go to waste while all Kaiser provides in terms of reaction is a blink and a downwards twist of his lips.
“I don’t wanna go home,” you say, sounding distant, which he doesn’t hear from you much — usually there’s a lilt of amusement in your tone, some kind of playfulness lingering in all your words.
“I don’t either. It’s pointless anyway because you’ll get drenched by the time you go home and then there’s nothing to dry yourself with properly and it’s all one huge pain in the ass.”
“Right.” After signaling your agreement with his assessment, you shrug off your hoodie and stretch, trying to drape it enough so that it shields the two of you from the rain. Kaiser accommodates your goodwill by adjusting his position, scooting over next to you and cramming so he’s taking as little space as possible. It’s not an adequate cover by any means and you can tell his shoes will break apart again. But Kaiser is hugging you around the waist, resting his cheek against your neck, and you don’t have to deal with being at your place yet, so it can’t be all that bad.
“You look like a pufferfish,” you say unhelpfully.
Kaiser narrows his eyes at you in that way he tends to do which you haven’t seen anyone else replicate exactly. It’s kind of amusing when he does that, especially when one of them is irritated and droopy. “And you look like a spoiled apple.”
“Don’t mind. It’s a lot of bad things happening to me in that house.”
“I know,” says Kaiser.
You rub your cheek and then some more under your eye where the spots are the brightest. It makes him wince because your hands must be dirty, what with everything you two get up to in a day. Since Kaiser’s father strangles him, he’s always swollen and not so much bruised, but he thinks your parents must only leave it at punches while making up for it with enthusiasm. “I kinda like touching them when some time passes.”
“You’re sick.”
“Honestly I was, but it went away. I think I might have an ingrown toenail though.”
“No… I mean in the head.” To emphasize his point, Kaiser reaches out to probe your temple with his index finger. There’s another scratch blooming there, only coming to attention once his focus lands there, but it’s a waste of energy fixating on any of the small ones — he just can’t help but notice sometimes. “By the way, I don’t need to know what kind of toenail you have.”
You laugh, apparently finding his remark funny somehow. Then you reel your hand back before bringing it back down quickly as if you’re about to slap him. Still retaining his common sense, Kaiser flinches and tries to defend himself with his forearm. The reflex is foreign since he usually takes it lying down without moving an inch when it’s his dad.
His reaction makes you laugh harder for some reason, and you don’t smack him at all. Kaiser glares at you for your unfunny prank but you disregard it. Your hands settle around his throat instead, lightly tracing over the purple fingerprints, still fresh from last night. Almost immediately he clenches his teeth, tightlipped, breaking out into a sweat, expecting a harsh squeeze which never comes.
Kaiser wants to scold you for your idiotic behavior, yet he doesn’t. Maybe your hands aren’t for harm, he decides. And then he reaches out too, pressing his knuckle against the darkest contusion on your face. Your eye twitches closed. It turns into a strange fascination then, your skin touching his and his touching yours in places others had hurt. A ritualistic erasement.
You’re splitting the money again after selling off another valuable. It was some kind of fancy watch you two stole this time, more ballsy than usual. Once you pocket your share, you ask, “Are you saving up?”
“You wanna move? Where?”
Kaiser shrugs. “I don’t care. Anywhere but here.”
You hum and walk ahead of him, probably looking for one of the drinking fountains in the area.
Either compelled by unusual curiosity or bothered by your silence, he says, “You wanna make it the fuck out of here too. Where would you go?”
“To the beach.”
Kaiser rolls his eyes behind your back, finding your answer stupid. Sure, the beach is an exotic idea considering he has never been to one, but all he can imagine is the sand sticking to his skin and the gross seaweed he’s seen in commercials inside stores and such. But on second thought both of these things are probably way less gross than the environment he spends every day in. He lets out a performative huff anyway and says ‘huh’ as if to demand an elaboration.
“I wanna be free like one of those seagulls that fly over the sea. D’you wanna be a seagull with me, Micha?”
“No. That’s dumb,” he says. You ignore him. Kaiser steels his nerves for a second and, after a dry swallow, takes a step so that he’s walking next to you rather than lagging behind. Then he brushes his fingers against yours lightly before making a sweaty, half hearted attempt at holding your hand. His cheeks are warm in a way he hasn’t felt them before. “Take me to your shitty beach someday.”
You make a more competent attempt at hand holding, grasping his fingers in yours until they’re interlacing, and then you swing your arms up and down. Kaiser has enough sense to be embarrassed by this, but doesn’t tell you to stop. He doesn’t know why, but this is the kind of contact he feels the need to savor. “So you do want to be a seagull.”
“Not interested.”
“You’re such a sourpuss, Micha, never playing along with anything.”
“It’s not my fault you make it sound dumb- Well, do you think it’s any use? Hoping for something like that…”
“Don’t tell me you’re giving up.”
“I won’t give up,” he says. “I just don’t know if it’ll work.”
“Come on. We’re gonna get out of here together someday. That’s gotta work.” You lift his arm in the air next and try to make him spin like a dancer. Though Kaiser is used to standing still and limp and letting things happen to him, the attempt doesn’t come out successful. At most he does a slight twist.
“Yeah. Together,” he agrees, like a promise. He imagines messing around with you in the sand with the sun warming his skin in contrast to the perpetual chill he’s become used to. Honestly despite belittling the idea earlier, it doesn’t seem so bad in his mind.
Kaiser yawns while sitting next to you on a bench, eating a burger. Since you’re famous for your generosity and kindness and all (not), you decided to ‘splurge out’ by buying food for you both from some shitty hole in the wall. It’s the most filling meal you’ve had in a while. You’re still chewing when you ask, “Are you tired or something?”
He rubs his eyes. “My father was fucking making noises throwing up all night.”
“Ah, your worthless sperm donor.” You nod sagely in acknowledgement.
“Yea, him. It reeked too and when I went to clean it, there were whole chunks in his vomit.”
You scoff. “Don’t clean after him.”
“Not like anyone’s going to clean it if I don’t.” Two more yawns accentuate his sentence. You reach out to throw away the container. For a second you consider keeping the plastic cutlery and maybe washing it at the drinking fountain later, but that seems too desperate even for you. Kaiser says, “I’d take a nap right now if I could, but I don’t want to go back yet.”
“It’s sunny today for the first time in a while. Would be a waste.” You watch Kaiser while he wipes his mouth and his fingers with the napkin. The dark circles around his eyes are worse than usual. “You can lie down on me and sleep if you want.”
“Huh? Really?”
“Yea, it’ll probably be really boring, but I’ll tolerate it,” you allow, ever so charitable.
Kaiser frowns, contemplating. He’s silent for so long, you forget you even suggested anything, but he eventually shifts around and rests his head on your lap, tense. You rake your fingers through his hair. “Don’t smoke,” he warns, but it’s kind of difficult to act butthurt when you’re being so… gentle with him.
“I won’t.”
“Seriously, don’t smoke right now.”
“I said ok already.”
Now that the matter is settled, he decides to trust you and flutters his eyes closed. Though your thighs and the bench aren’t the most comfortable places in the world, to Kaiser who only knows the cold hard floor, such an opportunity is borderline luxurious. The tang of the cigarettes clings even to the fabric of your pants, to your fingers — his favorite smell. You continue stroking his scalp and he dozes off with ease within minutes. Even though he’s snoring already, he moves to wrap his arms around your knee as if he feels a compulsive need to hold onto something in his sleep.
Kaiser looks surprisingly peaceful and precious right now. You hope he’s having a nice dream if any. A long stretch of ennui is ahead of you.
The antics have been ramping up as of late. In your defense, you weren’t sure how you were supposed to resist urging Kaiser to break in with you when you noticed the house with the open first floor window, clearly vacant. Though at first he displayed kleptomaniacal tendencies and wanted to rummage through the drawers for anything expensive, you deemed it too risky since you had no idea when the owner would come back. And then you told him you were merely interested in taking a proper shower.
Now you’re almost dry, waiting for Kaiser to finish. You can’t remember the last time you were so free of grime. Wearing the old clothes again almost feels shameful, like a step back. You sniff your armpit like a weirdo and realize your skin smells good .
Kaiser takes a while to come out and emerges looking like he underwent some kind of magical girl transformation. He’s trying to soak up the water from his hair with a towel, sending specks flying everywhere and dripping down his shirt when you blurt out, “You’re handsome.”
In a fashion you’d consider comedic, he stops dead in his tracks to gape at you with flushed cheeks. “What?”
“Your face is pretty.” He blinks. A crease appears on his forehead in apparent disapproval, though you’re not sure what he’s mad about (it’s a compliment!), especially when he’s still blushing. You make a vague hand gesture near your head to clarify your next point, “Try untangling it with your fingers.”
It takes Kaiser a good few seconds to get with the program before he twitches to attempt and follow your advice, but you both freeze when you detect the unmistakable sound of a door closing and locking downstairs. You push him back into the bathroom and close it behind yourself as gently as possible. Then you drag him back to the tub and gesticulate incomprehensibly some more to signal you should both get in and hide before sliding in behind the curtain and reclining on your side. Kaiser follows after you, but you think you might be doomed. It’s still wet, too, which is unpleasant, but not a priority considering the upcoming disaster.
Kaiser opens his mouth to speak, so you clamp it shut with your palm before putting your index finger over your lips. He embraces you, and he’s trembling, and then he hides in your neck as if you’re going to save him from whatever is about to come.
Like you’d assumed, the house owner enters almost immediately. You’re nauseous, stomach clenching. Kaiser is making a stunning impression of a corpse the way he’s not even breathing anymore in his attempt at being quiet. Your muscles are so tense on alert that it hurts and each passing second puts you more on edge.
Thankfully the flush comes and then the running water and then the person leaves with a click. Their footsteps get fainter and fainter until another door opens and closes. You stand and step out, trying not to make a noise still. Before going out into the hallway you throw a glance over your shoulder just to make sure Kaiser is still walking behind you, which he is.
Your movements are slow and light. The escape, especially while making your way down the stairs, is drawn out and excruciating. You hop out through the window you came in from. There you are outside, somehow without incident.
You turn to look at Kaiser again once you hear the rustle of the grass accompanying his jump. With the adrenaline still kicking, you break out into a sprint, eager to get far away. Kaiser catches up to you and you burst out laughing but you’re not even sure why, since you don’t find any of what transpired particularly amusing. A slight smile appears on his face when he recognizes the sound.
The next day you notice Kaiser isn’t at the playground, even though he always gets there before you do. No biggie — you can exert some patience.
After a while you start tapping your foot. It’s not like you have a watch to check what the time is or how long it’s been or a phone to ask him where he’s at. So you settle on putting on a show of irritability.
Nothing. Your legs hurt so you go sit down on the swing. You’re getting pretty old for the playground anyway, you think as you pull out a cigarette and light it, eyes darting around. Parents and their children, but no sign of Micha.
You exceed your usual three and end up burning half the pack in your attempt to occupy yourself during your waiting. It relaxes you usually, smoking, when you have a lot of shit juggling around your brain, but it doesn’t work this time.
Did something happen?
… Did his dad finally kill him?
Kaiser doesn’t show up at the playground ever again no matter how many times you go.
It’s another day where you need to shield your eyes from the sunlight with your hand. You’ve been seeing more of those since you ran away. Must be allegorical or some shit.
From your peripheral vision, while you walk down the street, you pass by a store that has one of those TVs on display, playing a sports game. You spare a moment to look, intrigued, nostalgic in a way — it reminds you of when you were little, when that kind of thing was more common.
They’re playing football, you realize, and you find that evocative too. Some guy scores a goal and they zoom in on him even though he’s not celebrating, instead choosing to stand there like a statue with his arms crossed. Like he’s too cool to get excited, which strikes you as obnoxious.
Then they show his face in full, up front.
You know that face. You’d recognize that face anywhere.
The back of his jersey reads ‘Kaiser’ and yet you never knew him as anything besides his first name.
At first you’re relieved considering you were under the impression catastrophe must’ve befallen him, but the solace doesn’t last long. When the realization hits, your eyes widen and your lips fall into a thin line. It's similar to a punch in the gut how all the air seems to vacate your chest. All this wind around you and you can’t get any.
The only person you ever loved left you behind without a second glance in your direction.
Michael Kaiser is mildly inconvenienced. Billions injured on the scene and millions more will die.
So maybe he’s been ranting at someone who he didn’t even glance at, eyes closed, mind way too lost in his reverie. A part of his brain doesn’t even comprehend he’s in fact speaking to a person instead of a cardboard cutout. It’s to his complete shock and bafflement when after so much babbling he receives a reply. “Hey, Mr. Kaiser was it? Shut the fuck up.”
He flutters his eyes open to give the ingrate a glare and speak his mind some more, but he freezes on the spot at the sight in front of him. His blood runs cold, heart stuttering in his chest.
He’d know that face anywhere, even if right now it’s more unamused and neutral — nothing like the expressions in his memories. He’s not sure why his body is reacting like this either, tensing up with a nervous jitter in his system.
Wasn’t he supposed to have left all that stuff in the past? Yet a single look at you is enough to cause this response: this uncertainty, like he’s still a little boy who veers towards hopeless and incompetent, and fuck, why are you giving him such a dead stare?
Do you not recognize him?
Do you not love him anymore?
It’s a rash thing to focus on as his immediate concern especially when he hasn’t been killing himself with worry over you or anything during your years apart, but right now when you’re in front of him it’s all he wants to know. Which is cruel and selfish in a way, in his specific Kaiser-ish way, how he’s first preoccupied with himself before he wonders about your state of mind or living situation. A need to bait for a sign you still care about him torments him even if it might be drastic right off the bat.
When no ingenious idea for such a thing comes to mind and Kaiser realizes he’s been staring at you like a moron, he says, “Don’t call me Mr. Kaiser. It makes me sound old and decrepit.” And that isn’t what you of all people should be referring to him as.
You continue assessing him in a manner which can be described as judgmental at best. “Isn’t that what you said your name is during your little monologue?”
“You already know what my name is.” The awkward silence which follows is almost unbearable. Kaiser scratches himself on the neck even though he’s not itchy just to pass the time. Finally he snaps, “Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“Sorry to break it to you, sir, but most employees anywhere aren’t happy to listen to ten minute long demented tirades about non-problems.”
“Well maybe I overreacted a little,” concedes Kaiser and gives you what he thinks is a suave smile in an attempt at downplaying how uneasy he is. He thinks you can feel it. He thinks you’re doing it on purpose, hurting him with intention. “Are you seriously going to act like you don’t know me?”
Your pitiless gaze sticks to him like glue even when you take out the ice cubes and throw a generous amount into his drink before sticking a paper parasol in it with lots of spite, which is what the big stink he threw a tantrum over was all about. Kaiser wants to tell you that you’re very hot when you’re no longer a starving punching bag, but thinks better of it. Doesn’t seem charming even coming from him. 
“There.” You slide the cup across the counter towards him. “I fixed your shitty smoothie.”
“It’s not a smoothie!”
“A mocktail is basically juice.”
Wrapping his fingers around it, Kaiser doesn’t leave. Instead he chooses to stay and observe you in silence, jaw clenching.
“You can go.”
“I’m not going until you admit you know who I am.”
“What, are you famous or something?” you ask, bemused.
Kaiser is on the cusp of hypertension because you’re doing it on purpose and you’re not even doing it well because you want him perfectly aware of what you’re up to. You’ve never done this — hurt him before, let alone by design — so Kaiser almost assumed you were incapable of it. Though it makes sense that you are. After all, you’re the same type of inhuman he is, and he’s done this if not worse hundreds of times, and even reveled in it. Yet the realization you’re not what he remembers of you stirs disillusionment within him. The nature of it, he doesn’t quite grasp.
Kaiser contemplates causing a scene more than he already has, but he’s not sure how to do so while still getting what he wants. Trying to joke even though above all he wants to throw a tantrum, he whines, “You’re so immature.”
“I’m sorry that my reaction to getting threatened with a lawsuit over ice cubes was immature, Mr. Kaiser.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about!”
Your exterior remains listless and vacant, and Kaiser wants to scream the longer you scrutinize him in this manner. Eventually you spin your finger near your temple as if to call him delusional, then move onto taking the order of someone else.
His eyes narrow until you’re so blurry he can barely see you, perhaps either to censor you from his sight or because a milder expression wouldn’t suffice in communicating his disdain. With a final grit of his teeth and maybe a visible vein on his forehead, Kaiser stands up to leave. Fine. You win this one, but it’s war now.
The scorch of the sand under his feet startles him. He kind of forgot how hot it was, what with getting so distracted. Another comeuppance on a list of many. Today is punishment.
Dramatic inner soliloquy aside, Kaiser makes it back to the beach bed quickly, still reeling over that interaction. You’re here? You’re here, in front of him again, and apparently you’re not too happy to see him.
In the most disinterested tone he can muster, Sae asks, “Did they fix your smoothie?”
“It’s not a fucking smoothie!” With the grace of a lobotomized koala, Kaiser drops it over the small table separating them and barely resists the urge to hurl it at Sae. This would do wonders for his mental health short term, but again he’s trying to feign decorum.
With his trademark deadpan, Sae pretends none of that just happened. Kaiser turns around to look back at the hotel bar where you’re gesticulating at your coworker. Both of you seem immensely annoyed, wild and animated while you converse.
“Fuck, they’re totally complaining about me.”
Sae follows the line of direction through which Kaiser is stalking you. After a few seconds of analysis, he says, “Those are definitely the ‘this shit stain just threatened to sue me,’ ‘wow, really, what the hell’ faces.”
Kaiser snaps his head to look at him with genuine surprise. “What- How’d you know?”
“... You’re so embarrassing, it’s predictable.”
“And you’re annoying,” he says. “I’ll tell Coach to get rid of you and airdrop me Ness.”
“It’s cute that you think the coach cares about your opinion on me enough to replace me. The same as thinking the strippers at the club like you, in a way.”
There is a while of silence where Kaiser’s just snarling while Sae seems like he couldn’t give less of a shit. Then he adds his finisher,
“Or I guess in your case it’s like thinking the bartender actually cares about your order.”
Oh, fuck this vacation.
The heat is unbearable.
You step out into the sun and saunter up the wooden path to take your break away from the beach. Sweat has been exuding from your skin for the last few hours. Even so when you make it to the sidewalk, you keep your eyes trained on the scenery as you trudge on to your destination. The sand, the sea, the plants — some natural and some artificial.
Before long your legs take you to your usual street vendor, where you’ll order a shitty pancake that won’t do much to nourish you, but it’ll be so sweet that you’ll be too nauseous to get hungry for a while. The queue isn’t unbearable.
Not until you sense someone hovering behind you, followed up by a hand settling on your shoulder. You turn around to grace the offender with a disgusted side glance, but you’re so baffled to see Kaiser there, you just… freeze.
He’s sneering at you. In fact he looks so happy with himself, you want to vomit. Preferably on him.
“What a coincidence,” he says without even a sliver of shame.
You roll your eyes and face front again, deciding it’s in your best interest to feign ignorance to his existence. Taking this as a sign to elevate the antics to a more obnoxious level, Kaiser resigns himself to the role of one of those domesticated leeches, hanging off you now, fully wrapping his arm around your shoulders. His gaze is burning into your side profile to the point it’s unnerving and you can feel the artificial smugness emanating from his form.
“I thought we were done talking yesterday.”
“Really? You did? How naive,” he coos at you mockingly.
It is convenient that during this time of need — when you’re lacking a good comeback — your time to order comes up. You talk to the guy working about your aforementioned shitty pancake. The moment you shut your mouth, however, Kaiser starts listing off things you’re not even keeping track of like you’re hanging out together or something.
With a mild dispute over whether it’s ‘backwards’ that they do not accept payment through a card, which makes you want to die because you’re a regular here and now the employee who knows you by face will associate you with this pest, Kaiser pays for your thing, too. On the one hand you’re prideful, but on the other you’ve lived the life of a bottomfeeder who takes every scrap they’re given without question, and it’s the kind of conditioning you can’t let go of. So you allow it.
He ends up with an inordinate amount of food in his hands, too much for one person to eat. You’re still doing your ignoring shtick even when Kaiser pulls you down to sit next to him on the table. Content with pretending he doesn’t exist as he is dead to you, you bite onto your food in relative peace, mind drifting somewhere else. Until he speaks that is. “This must be our fateful meeting.”
“I don’t see what’s so fateful about it if you followed me?”
Unbeknownst to you, Kaiser too is adept at the ‘hearing only what he wants to hear’ game. So he moves on with the conversation without any indicator of comprehending what you just said. “I think it’s quite ironic, actually.”
“What are you on about now?”
“You told me you want to go to the beach once. And where do I find you? On the beach. It's an astral influence, I’m sure.”
“Ah? I don’t remember telling you that.”
You’re blinking at him in mild confusion. This hurts Kaiser a hundred times more than when you were deliberately going out of your way to act dismissive of him because he can tell you mean it. To think one of the moments he clung onto the most had slipped your mind.
His eyes are wide and his lips stand still in a thin line, so he forces himself to smirk again and glosses over the information which just shattered him. “So you admit you know me then?”
“No, Mr. Kaiser, I have no idea who you are. I’m thinking you should admit yourself to a hospital. They say false memories are an important symptom in psychopathology.”
“Very funny. I prefer Micha or at least Michael, though.”
“Do I give a fuck?”
He scowls at you. “Yes.”
You finish off your pancake and wipe your hands with the napkin in mild disgust. Kaiser laughs at the wrinkle of your face while you do so, and then he scoots an inch closer.
“Help me finish it all off.” He gestures at all the paper plates.
Pinching between your fingers, you tug the first thing that seems appetizing closer to your side of the table. Kaiser scoops up some of the portion for himself and dumps it in another meal. You ask, “Why are you trying to suck up to me?”
“Aw, is it so wrong to want to treat my closest friend?”
You scoff. The movement of your eyelids fascinates Kaiser — you never really showed any annoyance towards him before, so he finds these expressions of distaste fascinating even if they make him sick. “We haven’t seen each other in four years, so if I’m still your closest friend somehow, that’s just sad. Be for real if you’re gonna be anything.”
“You’re being so difficult! What did I even do?!” To be honest, he’s lying and his gaze isn’t even shying away from you while he’s lying, not even a twitch. He knows you, so he knows that you’re mad he couldn’t be assed to tell you where he went even though he obviously could. He thinks playing dumb might be more in his favor here, though, so he’ll do that. “I don’t even like going to the fucking beach. I’ve been going every year to different places searching for you.”
The unbridled perturbation on your face upon hearing this is quite amusing. Priceless even. You were calling him crazy merely for the sake of fucking with him, and perhaps it was your earnest attempt at gaslighting him but you’re not about to admit it. Right now, though, you think he is genuinely insane.
“You’re saying that to appease me,” you accuse, hoping you’re correct, but also not. The idea he might’ve thought about you like you did about him while you were separated enthralls you, though you can’t let him win you over his bullshit.
“Maybe,” says Kaiser, trying to be mysterious.
Since he obviously wants you to ask him for an elaboration, you deny him the satisfaction.
“How much do you make working at that shitty bar?”
“I should take you back to Spain with me,” Kaiser decides. With too much confidence at that. “You’d have anything you could ever want.”
It is not like it was before. He’s not acting the way he used to. You suppose you aren’t either. But anyway, you thought it inconceivable that he would ever joke — is he joking? — or make the absurd statements he’s been making. It’s natural, in a way, since you’re also not of the same temperament as before.
With a huff, you say, “You’ll never be my sugar daddy, Kaiser.”
“You’re no fun nowadays.” There’s an amused lilt in his tone while he sneers — you think the way he smiles is fake. You recall he was kind of quiet and awkward and stilted, unnatural at first maybe because he was out of practice in communicating with others, but now he speaks with insincere charisma, like a showman. Yet still the things he says so casually are off-kilter, ruining whatever illusion he’s attempting to sell. “And I said to call me Micha.”
“I don’t need to call you anything.”
It’s all about the metamorphosis. It’s about becoming each other so you’re never truly apart.
You’re crouching under one of the tropical trees overlooking the road by the wooden path leading down the beach. The shade is insufficient and the heels of your feet are digging into your ass to the point it hurts. Before your break, the thought of smoking a cigarette had entered your brain so you obeyed it as it was too pervasive even though you don’t enjoy lighting up anything during such weather, believe it or not.
Your eyes are glossy since you’re spacing out, taking puffs. When two silhouettes come to a halt right in front you, only then does the absentminded trance end.
Kaiser waves at you with unnecessary enthusiasm which is just for show. They’re late, arriving way past their usual time. Earlier when he and his companion didn’t show when you expected them to, you assumed maybe their vacation ended and they’d headed home.
The other guy is sullen, but at least his eye lashes are long, which must count for something. After sparing you a glance, he turns towards Kaiser and says judgmentally, “You’re still harassing staff.”
“I’m not har-”
Not giving a shit, the other guy straight up leaves, not bothering to participate in the discussion on a topic he brought up. You watch in mild bafflement as he walks off without a care.
“Ignore him,” Kaiser says. A plastic smile overtakes his face before he squats down next to you, butting into your body with his and almost toppling you over. This is probably bad for his knees, and you’re half exposed to the sun now. Somehow he has created several problems where there were none. “You still smoke.”
You don’t reply, but maintain the common decency not to blow any in his face. He should stay away from you. Isn’t he an athlete? Shouldn’t he be cautious about secondhand smoke? You consider putting it out altogether, then, so you stub it in the almost empty can of the fizzy drink you’d been drinking earlier.
“What kind of lighter do you have now? Has your taste gotten any better?”
No response again. He places an arm around your waist. Through touching you so often it’s like he’s trying to hammer it into your head that you were close, and yet intangible things seem to evade Kaiser, so maybe he’s struggling to conceive of any other way to reestablish your connection.
“You still smell the same. Like nicotine.”
“Well, you smell the way you used to, too.”
The space between his brows wrinkles and his nose twitches in irritation at your words. “The fuck do you mean? No, I don’t.”
“Let me spell it out for you in a way we both understand.” For the first time since your strange reunion, you reciprocate the physicality and pull him in by the shoulder till you’re forehead to forehead so you can look him in the eyes while explaining. “When I saw you a few days ago for the first time in so long, it was like you basically still had a sign that says ‘broke ass bum.’”
He gapes at you with incredulity, this offended expression on his face.
“I mean,” you say, snickering in bewilderment at the absurdity of his previous actions, “you were gonna sue me over some ice cubes, really? Acting like a spoiled little prince to disguise where you crawled out from? I think you and I have got the kinda stench not even all the Dior in Avenue Montaigne can wipe off.”
His fingers would’ve dug hard into your flesh if your shirt wasn’t in the way with how his grip tightens in response. The grit of his teeth exposes more of them. Strangely, you think he has nice gums. “Why the fuck are you being like this?”
“‘Cause you were content to forget all about me, but you don’t want me to be angry at you either. You should’ve just been polite and pretended you didn’t recognize me. But no, you want it all. I hate people like you who make no sense.”
“You’re just jealous,” Kaiser accuses, trying the snobby angle. If he’s pretentious then he’s not hurt by you claiming you despise him. At least that’s what he settles on.
“Sure. That could be true as well.” You stand up and take the can with you to throw away.
Kaiser plops down on the sand, tired of squatting, and doesn’t bother watching you plod back to the bar but the sound of your footsteps rings heavy in his ears until it dissipates. He hugs his knees like the wet wipe he is at heart.
The kindest person he’d known was a scammer and a liar and a thief and who knows what else. It hurts like nothing else to bear the weight of your desertion.
This must be cellular rejection. You should’ve been ecstatic to see him on account of your shared inhumanity. Does it not matter to you anymore, the fact that you and Kaiser are the same?
… Right; you’re not the ball. When he hits you, you can hit him back.
The beach is desolate and eerie at night. Kaiser came out to brood, which was fine because Sae didn’t care to ask him where he was going when he left the room. Unlike during the day, the sand is cool under his feet now — what an obtuse observation to make, all things considered. He’s annoyed and frustrated at himself as usual when things don’t go his way.
There’s a light illuminating someone’s face where they recline on one of the lounge chairs. It’s blue, meaning the source is a phone. Kaiser startles because he assumed he was alone.
And you startle when you see him staring at you in the dark, but instead of screaming all you do is let out an unconvincing gasp and turn on the backlight to reveal him. Kaiser covers his eyes with his forearms and turns away, letting out some vampiric kind of noise.
Then you frown and go back to tapping away on your shitty mobile game. “You’re such a creep honestly,” you say in distaste.
Once he gets over the assault you just committed on his admittedly sensitive eyes, Kaiser sits down next to you uninvited.
“It’s a coincidence,” he snaps. “I don’t want to be around you either. You’re so fucking exhausting. Can’t talk to you like a normal person at all because of your stupid grudge.”
“Then why are you still trying?”
Of course, there are many answers to that question. Some including but not limited to I think I can still love you like before and I miss you and I regret not sending you that postcard and I hate how you’re mad at me, but I can’t seem to get it right. Though such pathetic things aren’t in Kaiser’s nature to spew, so they never make it past his throat. The words constrict around his neck like a noose.
Instead of answering, he says, “You’ve got a phone now. You should give me your number.”
“You’re just trying to make my life difficult for no reason!”
You give him another one of your blank stares. In the dullness of the night, obviously the gesture stays meaningless, though Kaiser can sense the bemusement in your silence at least.
Seeing that ignoring the problem at large isn’t turning out to be the winning move, Kaiser sighs and tries to think of what to say. There’s probably some kind of trick to this, some way he could fool you into overlooking his transgressions. Though when you were friends, he never did that to you, and you never left him then. Maybe it’s not necessary. In this situation, it’s proving to even be detrimental.
Kaiser picks at the skin on his neck. It’s to his benefit you can’t see each other well — he’s not sure he’d be able to spit it out without the detachment of the environment. “Listen, I’m not good at this shit, but… If I have to be honest, I was really paranoid. I didn’t want to think about the past and I didn’t want to get dragged back into it, so I was too scared to even write you a letter to tell you I’m fine. But stumbling on you again, it’s probably fucking stupid but I don’t want to lose track of you anymore. It’s lonely.”
“I wasted a year of my life thinking you were dead,” you say.
“I’m sorry.”
“Tomorrow’s my free day.”
There’s an uncertain excitement in Kaiser now, as if you might be yanking his chain and he doesn’t want to commit to the feeling right away. “Sure, I’m leaving after tomorrow, so that works. Meet me here and we can catch up.”
“I see this shitty beach enough as it is,” you say.
“Yeah, but not the way you’re supposed to.”
You shrug.
Without prompting or any indication that you care, Kaiser says, “I have a horrible sunburn.” He will always find something to bitch about. It’s like he’s never satisfied.
After a few swipes, you unlock your phone and pass it to him so he can add his contact information. “Then use aloe vera or something. What are you, stupid?”
“I don’t have any,” justifies Kaiser, inputting the digits. His tone is defensive because this is the first he’s heard of it, but it’s not like he’ll admit that.
Your forgiveness is fake, in a way. It’d been a grudge you held for a while and a betrayal you wouldn’t tolerate from anyone else. Maybe you’ll hold it over his head if he displeases you. So it’s not real forgiveness, is it, more so a lenience, a testament to your past, that your love for him somehow prevails over your need to enact the lex talionis.
The sand sinks under your weight with each step you take, waves lapping over the shoreline, seagulls and children squealing in the background. Sunset makes everything easier on the eyes and the heat is finally settling down since it’s getting late into the afternoon.
You had a nice time catching up with Kaiser in another part of the city, although he displayed a susceptibility to tourist traps. He gloated a lot, and you pretended you didn’t know about half of it from reading his Wikipedia page that one time when you were fostering your hate boner for him. You told him about how you ran away and ended up in another country and about how you’re still on the missing persons site.
Now you’re going back by the seaside instead of through the streets. You walk side by side, your ankles touching the water. Kaiser’s grin is wide, which makes him seem smug, but this time it doesn’t strike you as forced so maybe he is simply carefree. It’s an unusual sight for you — Kaiser, genuinely smiling.
“I think I’ll come see you again when it’s off season. Or maybe we can arrange for you to come visit me instead. I’ve got all sorts of things I want to show you,” he says. He never really had anything to give you before, and now he takes pride in having the means to do so, regardless of whether you’re interested or impressed.
“Whatever, Micha. You’re so full of it. I bet it’ll be lame or you’ll forget you promised.”
He remains pleased despite the teasing, even happier if possible. “It’s fine if you say pointless shit like that, I don’t mind a challenge. All I have to do is prove you wrong.”
Lol at the end of finishing this I teared up in Frustration because I couldn't write this the way I envisioned it and then I couldn't save it through editing either (<- guy who's defiinitely normal and casual ) and I kinda just wanted to be done with it so I'm not gonna hold it hostage any longer either. Idk I'm just mad and depressed about it rn i guess. Thank U all for tapping in
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therealcocoshady · 2 days
Hey! I love your fics, would you be able write one of Marshall taking care of the reader while the reader is sick?
Author’s Note : thank you for your request 🖤. I made this a part of the Marshall + Lily series because why not 😉. Also… I think it is most fitting for Father’s Day 🖤.
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Mama’s gon’ be alright
Synopsis : Reader is sick and Marshall has to take care of her and Lily.
You had been under the weather for days and, what your GP had told you was just a bad case of food poisoning was getting worse, in spite of you not being able to eat much. Even more curious was the fact that Marshall and Lily, who had been eating the same things as you were absolutely fine. On the weeks his youngest daughter wasn’t at his place, he was often at your house and you were more thankful than ever to have him around. Your stomach was hurting like hell and, overall, you were feeling like shit. That God, he was able to keep Lily distracted while you were able too lay down and get some rest. Her first birthday was fast approaching and she was now running around everywhere, with a lot of energy to spare. He spent a lot of time playing with her, as well as taking care of you, whether it was to massage your feet, cuddle with you or to help you with anything you needed.
- I’m sorry for this week, you mumbled.
- What are you talking about ? He asked with a raised eyebrow.
- You know… For being under the weather and stuff, you explained.
- Not your fault, babe, he said sympathetically.
- You know, I would have understood if you’d told me you’d rather stay home-, you began.
- I’m happy to be with you, he replied. I just hate seeing you like this.
- Me too, you groaned. Thanks for taking care of me. And for keeping Lily distracted.
- You don’t have to thank me, he chuckled. I told you. I’m happy to be here. Besides, I don’t know how you’d do if I wasn’t. Even if I’m tired after running after her all day.
- She’s growing up so fast, you commented with a smile.
- It’s crazy, he agreed.
As if she was able to sense that you were talking about her, you heard her call you, signaling that she had woken up for her nap. You let out a grunt as you got up from the bed to go and pick her up from her bed and Marshall looked at you with a worried look.
- Tell me again why you don’t want to go back to your GP ? He asked.
- He said it’s food poisoning and basically dismissed my symptoms, you groaned. I’m not going back there.
- You can’t stay like this, babe, he said.
- I can still work and change diapers, now, can’t I ? You almost snapped. It’ll pass.
- Forget I said anything, he sighed
You went to Lily’s room and she seemed genuinely excited to see you, which brought a smile to your face. You regretted not being able to spend too much time playing with her. You went to kiss her and pick her up but you immediately felt a sharp pain in your stomach, causing you to let out a scream.
- Mama ? Lily asked with a worried voice.
- I-I’m fine, baby, you said as reassuringly as you could.
- Y/N, are you alright ?! Marshall asked as he entered the room.
- It hurts, you said. Oh my God, it hurts so bad…
- Go and lay back down, I got this, he said.
- Her diaper needs changing, you said.
- Got this, he shrugged.
- Are you sure ? You asked.
- I haven’t changed a diaper in a while but, unless they now include a Bluetooth feature, I think I can handle it, he said with a smile.
- Ok, you conceded. I’m here if you need me.
You gave up and went back to your bedroom where you laid back down. You were feeling exhausted and a bit feverish. Every passing minute, things seemed to be getting worse and, even though you were frustrated with yourself for not being able to care for Lily on your own, you were thankful that Marshall was here. Once he was done with Lily’s diaper, he came to check up on you. She was in his arms, playing with his chain. Ever since you had started dating, roughly six months ago, they had gotten really close. She simply loved him and, whenever he was around, they would have a blast. He was very patient with her and, whenever he was playing with her, his inner child came out. At first, you were a bit worried. You knew being a single mom wasn’t exactly glamorous and would probably be a turn-off for many men, but Marshall didn’t care one bit. Knowing you had a four month-old when you met didn’t prevent him for flirting with you. It took two months for you to give in on the attraction and go on a first date with him and, ever since, he had been a staple presence in Lily’s life. In fact, a lot of your dates included her. He understood that you were a single mom to a very young kid and he consistently showed you that he respected that. He was always mindful of your schedule and, since he was a parent himself, you were in agreement that kids came first. You actually enjoyed dating a man who had three grown daughters, and you often talked about the struggles of parenting, you with a baby, him with teenagers and young adults. In many ways, Marshall was a blessing and him being a girl Dad meant that you easily trusted him when it came to Lily. In fact, he was the only one capable of reassuring you, when you were doubting yourself, scared of doing something wrong, feeling guilty for not following everyone’s advice. He made a point of reminding you of what a great mom you were to Lily, and how lucky she was to have you, often praising your hands-on parenting.
- Are you alright ? He asked as he sat on the bed and let Lily crawl to you.
- I think I just need some rest, you said. It’ll pass…
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow but didn’t say much. The three of you were laying in bed while he was reading to Lily. She simply loved having stories read to her and her favorite reader ever was Marshall, who put a lot of efforts into it. He was great at using his vocal skills to give life to the characters and you often thought to yourself that, if he was to give up on the music industry, he should get into voicing characters. Whenever he read to Lily, she was super involved and interested. This time, you were glad she was captivated and didn’t see your face scrunched up in pain. She was giggling at the voices Marshall made up for the characters and staring at the book while he pointed to the various elements. You, on the other hand, were unable to focus and felt your eyes close as the room started spinning.
- Y/N ? Marshall asked. Babe ? Can you hear me ?
- Mmh yes, you mumbled. Headache that’s all….
- I’m taking you to the ER, he said firmly.
- No need, you said.
- That wasn’t a question, he replied. Either I’m taking you, or I’m calling 911. You choice.
- Not 911, you pleaded. I don’t want Lily to be worried if they take me in an ambulance.
- ER it is, then, he said.
- What about Lily, though ? You asked.
- We’ll take her with us, he shrugged. I’ll stay with her in the waiting room while they take care of you.
- Ok, you said sheepishly as you closed your eyes.
He placed a hand on your forehead and commented on your fever being too high before helping you get ready. Lily was nervously looking at you and you tried to appease her by smiling - however weakly. Seeing as you were in no state to drive, Marshall drove your car to the hospital. He had packed a few snacks and toys for Lily, in case she would get bored. You expected the wait to be quite long but, as soon as she saw you, the nurse called a doctor and you were taken to an examination room.
- Mama ? Lily asked nervously as they helped you sit on a wheelchair.
- I’ll be right back, my love, you said as you cupped her cheek. I won’t be long. You stay with Marshall ok ?
Marshall gave you a weak smile and you could see the worry on his face. He stayed with Lily in the waiting room, playing with some toys that were there. Thank God, she was rather calm and easy to deal with. About an hour later, a nurse came to call them and they were allowed to see you. You were laying in a hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown and hooked to an IV drip.
- Mama ! Lily shrieked as soon as she saw you. Hug ?
- Yes baby, give me a big hug, you said with a smile. I need this.
Marshall handed her to you and kissed the top of your head. The doctor came in and informed him that you had peritonitis, which meant that you needed emergency surgery.
- I have already called my parents, you said. They’re in Cabo right now but they’re taking the first flight to Detroit. They’ll look after Lily.
- I could have taken care of her, you know ? He said.
- She’s my daughter, you said. My responsibility. You don’t have to-
- I love Lily, he replied. I know I don’t have to do anything. I want to.
- Do you think you can look after her before they arrive ? You asked. It shouldn’t take too long. You’d just have to make sure she eats, give her a bath and put her to bed.
- Of course, he said.
- I’m sorry to ask this, you said apologetically. But Tracy is busy tonight, and-
- I told you, it’s no problem, he said with a smile.
You were rather nervous about leaving Marshall to take care of Lily. Not because you didn’t trust him but because, as a single mother, you had always refused to let anyone else to care for your daughter. Even finding a daycare you could trust had been a struggle. Deciding to have her on your own, you saw her as your responsibility. But having to undergo emergency surgery, you felt helpless. Especially since the doctors had implied that peritonitis could be fatal if not treated quickly. You held your little girl in your arms, stroking her hair.
- My parents’ flight should land late in the night, you commented.
- Good, he said. Do you need me to pick them at the airport ?
- No need. They’ll take a cab. I just need you to look after Lily before they arrive… and if anything were to happen to me-, you said in a creaking voice.
- Don’t be dramatic, my love, he said as he held your hand.
- This is not me being dramatic, you said. This is me being a single mom. So if anything happens, there is a folder in a safe under my bed. With all the necessary instructions. The combination is Lily’s birthday.
- Alright, he said. But nothing is going to happen to you. You’re going to have this surgery, you’re going to be well again, and you’ll be healthy just in time for her first birthday.
You nodded and felt a tear roll on your cheek. You were grateful he had forced you to come to the ER. Otherwise, God knows what would have happened. He kissed you and, as the surgeon came to see you, He took it as his cue to leave. He held Lily and they both said goodbye to you. She was calm in his arms, which put you at ease.
In the car on the way back home, though, she started to get a little fussy and call for you. He started to get a little more nervous, realizing it would be the first time he was alone with her for so long. So far, he had only been there for the « fun » moments like playing with her, reading to her or carrying her on his shoulders when the three of you went for a walk. This would be the first time he would have to actually care for her and, even though he had done all of this with his own kids and even Nate, it was a little stressful.
- It’s just the two of us tonight, Lily, he said softly as they arrived home. It’s a first, huh ? Don’t worry, we got this. But just so you know, it’s kind of a big deal for me. Because if your Mama knows we did a great job, I might score a few important points. Which might help if… you know, I ever work up the courage to ask for her hand.
- Hand ? She asked as she looked at hers.
- Yeah, he said with a smile. It’s when two people have so much fun together that the guy asks if they can stay like this forever. And I’m having a lot of fun with you girls. We’re not there yet, obviously but, you know… one day, maybe, I might pop the question. I’d like to. But it won’t happen if I blow this so, I need you to help me, ok, Lily ?
She looked at him and almost shrugged. Obviously, everything he was saying didn’t make a lot of sense to her but, hopefully, she would register the important part which involved being good until her grandparents arrived. Which made him realize that he would be meeting your parents for the first time ever without you there. Talk about nerve-wracking. It was already dinner time for Lily so he put her in her playpen and attempted to find and prepare something for her to eat. For the first time ever, he silently cursed you for being the kind of mom who made everything from scratch. How the hell was he supposed to compare ? He wasn’t a bad cook by any means but he didn’t even come close. He settled for some vegetable sticks with toast and yoghurt. It wasn’t a five star meal but that would have to make do. She was starting to be a little fussy so he did something he knew you would never agree to : he let her eat in front of the TV, watching cartoons. Thank God, she wasn’t one yet and her limited language skills would prevent her from snitching. After dinner, they played for a while and he was relieved that she seemed to be cooperating. However, things became a little more difficult when he attempted to bathe her. It was always a time you shared with her, a mother-daughter ritual in which he was never involved. Maybe it was because she could sense his nerves, or she was tired and starting to miss you, but she started crying straight away and no amount of little toys made her feel better. After bath time was over, he went to put her down but, once again, she didn’t cooperate too much. As soon as she was in her crib, she started crying again and he didn’t have it in his heart to leave her like this so he picked her up and sat in the armchair next to her bed, that you once used for breastfeeding and now mostly used for reading. She was staring at him with wet eyes and a quivering bottom lip.
- I know you miss your Mama, he said. I miss her too, you know ? But right now they’re taking care of her so that she can come home soon and give you tons of hugs and play with you. And soon enough, she’ll be back home and we’ll do fun stuff. We can even go back to the zoo and watch the ducks.
- Duck ? She asked with a smile.
- Yeah, I know you love ducks, baby, he chuckled.
He grabbed the duck plushy he bought for her when he had taken the both of you on a date to the museum and gave it to her. It was by far her favorite stuffed animal. Ever since she saw ducks for the first time, she had been obsessed with them. She was sitting on his lap, mindlessly playing with her toy and it was apparent that she was not intent on sleeping. He grabbed a book and decided to read to her, hoping she would fall asleep. However, after three stories, she was more awake than he was. He sighed and looked at his phone. Four hours had passed. By now, he should have received news from your surgery. Anxiety started to rise. What if something had happened ? What if they had not performed the surgery in time ? The thought of something happening to you was upsetting but thinking about it while he was holding your baby was nearly making him sick. He kissed the top of her head and he let her play with a couple of toys while he called the hospital to get some news. He was put through to a nurse.
- We meant to call you, Mr Mathers, she said. There have been complications…
His heart started to rush. He looked anxiously at Lily, who was playing with a doll. In half a second, his mind immediately went to the worst-case scenario. Was he going to have to look at your baby girl and tell her that her only parent was gone ?
- The peritonitis was caused by an untreated appendicitis and was in an advanced stage that caused sepsis, which in turn caused organ failure. We were able to treat her, though and she’s still recovering from anesthesia. We’re monitoring her and she should wake up soon.
- Thank God, he said. Is there anything I can do ?
- For now, nothing, she said. I’ll call you as soon as she wakes up. She will have to stay here for a while, so you might want to bring some personal effects.
He sighed in relief and, as soon as the call ended, he engulfed Lily in a big hug.
- She’s alright, he said. Your mama is alright.
- Mama ? She asked.
- Yes baby, he said as he kissed the top of her head. She’s sleeping now, but she is all good. So as soon as your grandparents arrive, I’m going to pack her stuff and bring it to her so that she can recover and come home to you as soon as possible.
- Mama ? Lily asked again.
- Very soon, I hope, he nodded. She might need a little help, though, but I’ll be there, don’t worry.
They played calmly for a little while but, when he tried to get her to sleep, she got fussy. Evidently, without you by her side, her little routine was off and she was all upset about it. He resorted to the method he used when his own kids wouldn’t sleep : he laid on the floor, next to her bed and held her hand through the bed rails.
- I’m not leaving until you sleep, ok baby ? He said softly. Now you need to rest. The sooner you sleep, the sooner you get to see your mama.
He stayed like this for a while, humming lullabies and losing track of time. Eventually, he heard her soft snores and smiled to himself. They had officially survived and, if he said so himself, he had done pretty good. It had been a while since he’d had to take care of a baby - since Stevie was one, basically - but he wasn’t too rusty after all. And with Lily, the idea of having to do it all over again wasn’t too bad. He was in love with you and he knew you were a package deal. Thank God, your baby girl happened to be the cutest child on earth, right after his own daughters. She was still firmly holding his fingers in her small hand, not letting go. He smiled and yawned before closing his eyes and eventually falling asleep on the carpet.
He was awoken a couple of hours later by the sound of the door opening. He jumped before quietly going downstairs, making sure Lily was still asleep. He immediately recognized your parents from the family pictures displayed in the living room. He went to greet them with a handshake but your mom immediately hugged him.
- Hi, she said. Marshall, is it ?
- Indeed, he said. Nice to meet you.
- Likewise, your dad said. Although we wish it was under better circumstances.
- Of course, he hummed. I called the hospital earlier. They had some complications but she’s alright.
- Thank God, your mom said as she brought a hand to her heart. And thank God you were here to take care of Lily, too ! I knew Y/N moving here alone was a mistake ! And raising my poor Lily without a father… see, honey ? I told you we should move here ! What if Marshall had not been there ?
- She’s not alone, Marshall assured her. Don’t worry.
He tried to refrain from smiling. You had told him time and time again how much you had argued with your mom, about having Lily on your own, about moving from New York to Detroit… he knew that you loved your independence and that your mother could be a little too pervasive for your taste.
- Need help with your bags ? Marshall offered.
- It’s alright, your dad said. I’ll take these to the guest room. How is Lily ?
- She’s asleep right now, he replied. She was a bit fussy but she did good. I think it’s the first time being away from Y/N for so long.
- My poor baby, your mom said. Hopefully, Y/N will be back soon.
- Hopefully, yeah, Marshall said. I’m going to pack a bag and bring it to her.
- I can do it, your mother replied. I’m sure you have better things to do. Y/N mentioned you have kids. You must be eager to go back to them.
- All good, he replied. The eldest are in college and the youngest is at her mom’s, this week. I’ll let you get settled.
He went to your room and packed a bag for you, with some comfy clothes, toiletries, one of his hoodies (the one you always shamelessly stole from him), as well as one of Lily’s stuffed animals, that you kept in your room for when she would end up in your bed because she had a nightmare. He imagined just how hard it would be for you to be away from her. As he exited your room, he saw your mom going to Lily’s bedroom to check up on her. The little one was awoken by the creaking noise of the door and immediately started crying.
- Don’t cry, Lily, it’s just Granny, she cooed. I’ve come to take care of you.
She picked Lily up and tried to soothe her. The three of them went downstairs and Lily got to hug her grandpa. She seemed rather happy to see them and Marshall took it as his cue to leave. However, as soon as he put on his jacket, Lily started bawling, trying to reach for him. Her grandma tried to get her to stop crying but to no avail. He immediately took off his jacket and put it back where it was.
- It’s fine, baby, I’m not leaving just yet, ok ? He said softly.
- It’s just a tantrum, her grandma said. You can go.
- I don’t mind, he said.
He knew full well you hated the idea of letting a child cry and he couldn’t bring himself to go, seeing Lily like this. She seemed to panic at the idea of seeing him go. He grabbed her and held her close, reassuring her as much as he could. He realized that, of all the people in the room, he was the one she knew best. After all, even if they were not related, he saw her practically every day, whereas she only saw her grandparents every two to three months. He was the most familiar face in the room and it had been hard enough on her having to spend so much time without you.
- See ? I’m here, I’m staying, he cooed. No need to panic.
He rocked her for a minute and, eventually, she stopped wailing. She brought her hand to his face and stroked his beard. He kissed her forehead and went to put her to bed.
- So here’s what’s going to happen, baby, he said softly. I’m going to stay with you until you sleep, and then, I’m going to see Mama, alright ? Granny and Grandpa are going to take care of you. And I’ll see you very, very soon.
- Soon ? She repeated.
- Yeah baby, very soon, he nodded. As soon as possible. I’m going to miss you. But see ? We survived the night. Just the two of us. We did a good job. I’m proud of us, we’re a good team.
He planted a kiss on her forehead and put her to bed. And just like earlier, he held her hand until she was fast asleep. Then, he went back to the living room where your parents were having tea.
- She’s asleep, he said. I’ll leave you to get settled. Do you need anything ?
- I think we’re good, your father said. Thank you for handling her.
- No problem.
- She seems taken with you, your mother remarked with a grin.
- She’s used to me, he replied with a smile.
- We’re having a family dinner for Lily’s birthday next Friday, if Y/N is out of the hospital by then. Will you join us ? Your mother asked.
- Of course. I’d love to, he said.
He left and, as he got to the car, he smiled to himself. For a first encounter with his possible in-laws, it wasn’t too bad. It was in the early hours of the morning and he drove to the hospital to bring the bag he had prepared for you. As soon as he entered your room, he was relieved to see your face. You were awake and looked much healthier than before, though a little tired.
- Hi babe, he said with a smile. How’s my favorite girl ?
- A little loopy but that’s alright, you said with a smile. How is my favorite girl ?
- With your parents now, he said with a smile. She’s doing good. We survived the night. She misses you though.
- I miss her too, you confessed. I missed you as well.
- I was so worried for you, my love, he said as he kissed your temple.
- Thanks for taking me here, you said. If you hadn’t, God knows what would have happened…
- I don’t want to think about it, he said as he kissed your hair.
- How are you ? You asked.
- Tired but ok, he said with a smile. Survived my first meeting with your parents. That’s a milestone.
- Oh my god, you said. I didn’t even realize… how did it go ? Was my mom weird ? She’s like that sometimes but-
- Your parents are lovely, he assured you. They invited me to dinner for Lily’s birthday.
- That’s a good sign, you conceded. But if you don’t want to, you don’t-
- I want to, he chuckled. I love Lily. I love you. I want to be here.
- We’re lucky to have you, you said as you let your head roll on his shoulder.
You talked for a while, Marshall’s arm around your shoulder, your head on his chest. His presence was incredibly comforting. You didn’t really like hospitals but him being there made it bearable.
- I should be out of here in three days, you explained. But I won’t be able to go back to work straight away, I’m sorry…
- Don’t you dare apologize for this, he scolded. I’m not here as your boss, I’m here as your boyfriend.
- Still, I’m annoyed, we had all these things planned, the meeting with Dre…, you continued.
- Work is just work, he said. For now, all you have to do is rest and get better. Stay home a while, rest as much as you can…
- With my mom around ? Not a chance, you scoffed. I love her but she’s so… her. If I have to live with her for a week and have her tell me how to handle Lily, I will lose it, babe.
- Don’t go home, then, he shrugged. Come to my place. I’ll take care of you.
- Oh, no, I didn’t mean… it’s fine, you said. Don’t worry. I can’t just barge in there with my daughter and-
- Why not ? He asked. I can make a room for Lily’s in Nate’s old space. I can even baby proof the house.
- You don’t have to do this, you said. It’s fine.
- Let me take care of you, he insisted. I love you. I’m literally asking for it.
- We’ll see, you said.
- Now you better rest, he commanded.
- I’m starting to have double vision, you said with a yawn.
- Close your eyes, babe, he chuckled. You don’t want to see two of me.
- Two Marshalls ? You giggled. I might have a few ideas…
He chortled and kissed you chastely on the lips. He stayed in the room with you as you went to sleep, watching the serene expression on your face. As soon as he was sure you were asleep, he grabbed his phone and searched for tips on how to baby proof his house. Just in case. Because, after all, doing that Dad stuff all over again didn’t seem too bad, after the night he spent looking after Lily.
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dwtdog · 1 day
a little drabble for fem dnf week day 1 :]
Dream is slow to wake- her sleep schedule has gone to absolute shit as of late, and it’s a gamble to drift off and not know if she’ll be up in four hours or fifteen. 
There’s light creeping at the edges of her black-out curtains, creating odd little stripes on the opposite wall. But that’s not what had woken her- she turns her head quickly when she hears the sound again, a rustling. For a moment, her heart crawls into her throat, and she thinks the worst; a robber, a giant rat. But her logical brain quickly steps in, reminding her of the three cats that run the house like they’d been the ones to pay for it.
Dream relaxes back into her pillow, feeling the pull of sleep behind her eyelids. She really can’t be bothered to check the time, much preferring to trust her bodies signs that she needs more sleep. Until, of course, an angel appears in the doorway. 
She’s haloed by the bathroom light, harsher than the sunlight, stark against short cropped dark hair. She’s speaking, lips moving in patterns Dream knows he should recognize, but she’s blinded in the moment, entirely entranced. Until, of course, she hears her name. 
“Dream? Are you okay?” She blinks. The angel walks closer, and a thousand winged creatures take flight in Dream’s stomach. “Sorry for waking you up but all my clothes are in the wash.”
And Dream smiles. Because it’s George, her girlfriend, standing just a foot away in the shadowed room. 
“S’okay,” she says brightly, all the prior urge to return to sleep flushed from her system. “What did you need?”
George grins then, cheeks rosy, and loops her fingers in the bottom of the shirt she’s wearing, pulling it forward so Dream can see better. And it takes her a moment to realize what it is she’s being shown- but when she does, she feels all the blood rush to her own cheeks, her heart pick up speed in her chest.
“My hoodie?” Dream asks, soft. She’s fully sitting up now, knees drawn to her chest, chin resting atop them as she stares shamelessly at her girlfriend, looking all cosy in her hoodie. 
“And shorts,” George adds proudly, lifting the hoodie up to reveal Dream’s shorts, which she’s secured with the string running through the waistband, and the skin of her stomach. Dream’s mouth waters involuntarily, and her eyes almost ache with how fast they dart between hoodie-skin-blush. “They’re shorter than mine are.”
And they are. George tends to prefer basketball shorts when she can’t wear pants, and while Dream adores the way they look on her, the sight of George’s pale thighs is well worth the tradeoff. 
“Dream,” George says after a beat, breaking the word into two syllables to draw it out. “You’re staring, idiot.”
“What, like you don’t stare at my boobs every time my shirt so much as moves?” Dream fires right back, smug. “You have no ground to stand on, Georgie.”
George huffs, her mouth twitching as she stares Dream down. There are familiar wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, and Dream traces her gaze across them, wishing it were her fingers instead. 
She gets a step closer to her wish when George suddenly darts forward, hands gentle as they come up to cradle Dream’s face. Her thumbs dig into the corners of Dream’s mouth, pulling at her lips until Dream is frowning up at her even as she feels her cheeks warming under George’s hands. 
“Say sorry for staring,” George demands, using her grip on Dream’s head to tilt it until her eyes are level with the pale expanse of George’s neck. When Dream just makes a noise, the choked giggle she does her best to fight back, she steps on Dream’s foot. “Look! You’re still doing it!”
“You are so,” Dream says, words garbled due to the fingers still contorting her lips, “Ridiculous! Fine, I’ll stop,” she declares with finality, screwing her eyes shut.
George lets this happen, bringing one thumb up to rub at Dream’s cupid’s bow while the pokes into her mouth, her short nail tapping against Dream’s tooth. Dream fights to keep her expression neutral, knowing that if she holds out enough-
“Fine!” George says, stepping back. Dream’s eyes shoot open, taking in the sight of her girlfriend crossing her arms petulantly, dark eyes shining with something that sends a thrill of fear, or something near it, down Dream’s spine. “Fine, I want you to look at me. I came in here because I missed you. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
Dream smiles, sure there are hearts blooming in her pupils, showing the world how totally in love she is with her ridiculous girlfriend. “I didn’t want anything, but since you’re here….”
George snorts. “Freak.”
“I could just go back to sleep.”
“No,” George says, punctuating the words with a shake of her head. Her hair swings a bit as she does, overgrown since neither of them have left the house much recently, let alone to get haircuts. “Pay attention to me.”
“Well then stop being over there,” Dream gestures, shoving the blanket away from her in invitation, “And get over here.”
George takes the offer gladly, although she does a damn good job of holding back- she walks up to the bed slowly, drawing the few paces out into what feels like an eternity. Dream’s already shown her hand, the secret weapon she’d kept hidden behind the blanket protecting her modesty. She was, as George would say, a freak, who preferred to sleep in nothing but a loose bra and a pair of comfortable shorts. And here she is, all cozy and growing cold, just waiting for George to fall into her arms.
And fall she does. Once she’s reached the edge of the bed, the facade falls quickly, and George pushes her way between Dream’s knees until they’re kneeling, face to face, on Dream’s mattress, noses nearly brushing with their proximity.
George is looking at Dream through her eyelashes in the moment before they both lean forward, eyes dark and wanting. The first brush of their lips is more of an accident than anything, a brief spark before George rolls her eyes and leans fully forward, capturing Dream’s lips in hers.
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soleminisanction · 2 days
Issue 6 of "The Saga of the Super Sons" answers an important question: where the fuck has Dick been in this scenario?
Answer, apparently: At college.
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Which is... where Bruce Junior is supposed to be. Bruce Junior, whose mother Bruce almost certainly met years after he took Dick in as a ward. Bruce Junior, who appears to be younger than Dick, but not by that much.
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If you came at a Silver or Bronze Age writer with today's modern "but why is this character still 17" bullshit, I think they'd laugh directly in your face.
By the by, Dick is here because Bruce has been murdered.
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I guess some things never change.
This does present an amusing comparison with the more modern takes on the subject like Prodigal/Knightfall, Gotham Knights (the game) and Battle for the Cowl, because here the boys treat Batman like something they expect to be left to one of them in Bruce's legal, actual will, like the one read out loud by his lawyer, implying the lawyer would be in on the whole secret identity thing.
When that obviously doesn't happen they come to an agreement to both... team up? But also compete? To find out who murdered Bruce, and whoever does the actual uncovering wins the cowl. This, for... reasons involves seal hunting in the Arctic and, ah... northern Native people. Which means a lot of use of a certain slur that all Natives in that biome used to (and still do) get lumped under, which I shall endeavor to write around but just know, there's a lot of it. Like, a lot. A loooooot.
Less awkwardly, check out what Dick Dillin apparently thought a killer whale looked like:
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Hell, look at those mildly demonic black seals. I know this was pre-Internet dude but you could've gone to your local library. Or picked up a Seaworld ad.
Another thing that apparently never changes: Super-Sons comics insisting that only blood relatives count as "real" children.
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To be fair, I wasn't actually expecting to see Dick referred to as Bruce's son at all in this. And Bruce Jr. is the only one who says this, and he's pretty consistently portrayed as the more immature and bratty one in this equation, so it doesn't really feel like the story is "agreeing" with him, it's just an interesting parallel.
Of course, because this is the 70s, they don't have any consideration for things like tactical costume changes or the realities of being mostly normal guys in the Arctic. So, though the boys arrive wearing sensible parkas, once they change into their superhero costumes Dick is just, snow shoeing through the tundra and water skiing behind a seal in his short sleeves and bare legs.
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You'll probably be grateful to hear that the white industrial seal hunter is in fact the bad guy of this story -- this is actually one of the more cohesive stories in the saga so far in that regard. Simon Link was exploiting the land by killing too many seals, and then massacred part of the native village when they fought back trying to stop him, so this man Malook wanted to kill him. But, unable to find him and unable to get the white authorities to listen to him, he instead traveled to America to target his business partner, Bruce Wayne.
Bruce Junior is appalled by the accusations but, interestingly, Dick is willing to hear the guy out. When Link's crime is exposed (with the help of the Supers Senior and Junior, natch), he tries to escape across the ice.... disguised as a seal... aaaaand...
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Huh. Okay then. Justice is served, I guess.
Oh also Bruce Senior's still alive.
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I mean... good on you for realizing the need to make amends for funding exploitative colonialism, Brucie-boy, but did you have to do it in a way that put your son through the exact same trauma you went through? Complete with the murder mystery dinner theater death scene?
Not to mention your poor wife, do you know how much shit you two have put her through in the last however long it's been?? Junior faked his death complete with a full funeral in the first issue of the saga and now you're doing the same thing! If you actually did marry Talia she'll gut you both the next time she sees you and probably Dick too just because she's never liked him.
Anyway, for a parting shot, check out the image they used to advertise this story on the cover, it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Beware the Ominous Pixie Boot!
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You're too Sweet for Me (Grumpy!Sebastian Stan x Sunshine!OC!Assistant)
Sebastian Stan Masterlist
Chapter 1
Word Count: 1,816
Warnings: None.
A/N: I know this chapter isn't long, but I promise the upcoming chapters will be longer. Let me know what you think and what you would like to see!
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They say never meet your heroes, yet here Julie was, working for him. At only 25 years old, she decided to make the move to New York City, it was a bold move. she had known California to be her home since birth, but with her recent breakup, she felt like it was suffocating her. She needed a change a big one, so she grabbed all her shit and her dog and moved to NYC. 
Getting the job as Sebastian Stan’s assistant was just the cherry on the top, she never imagined working for the actor Ishe had a major crush on, but he wasn’t everything she saw in interviews. He spent most of his time angry or silent. Julie decided not to let his moodiness ruin her mood because she was living the dream. 
“You’re late,” Emily, Sebastian’s manager, says as Julie walks into Sebastian’s apartment. 
“I know, I know,” Julie sighed setting down her bag on the counter. “What am I dealing with today? Two cups of coffee or do you think one will do?” 
She glanced towards the office where Sebastian spent most of his time, “Make it two.” 
Julie rolled her eyes, “Jesus.” Making her way into the kitchen and began making some coffee. 
“Did you go check out that restaurant I told you about?” Emily asks, leaning against the counter. 
“Yes, I did. It still doesn’t beat the tacos back home.” 
Emily smiled. “You miss California?” 
“Yes and no.” 
A frustrated yell echoed through the apartment, Emily and Julie looked at each other. “If only the coffee machine could go any faster,” Julie said, grabbing Sebastian’s favorite mug from the cupboard. 
“I should head out, but I’ll send you more recommendations. There’s this Thai place you should try out, it’s near your apartment,” Emily said as she made her way to the door. 
“Wish me luck,” Julie sighed. 
“Good luck,” she smirked before leaving the apartment. 
Julie poured Sebastian his coffee before rushing over to his office. 
“A coffee a day keeps the grumpiness at bay,” Julie said, placing Sebastian’s mug on his desk. It was just the way he liked it, with a dash of oat milk. Julie wondered if maybe that’s why he was always such a big grump. 
“I am not grumpy.” Sebastian rolled his eyes before turning around, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
“Sure, and I’m not bisexual. Oh, wait, Yes I am.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes again, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Remind me why I hired you again?” 
“Because I needed a job and I saw a posting about ‘Assistant needed’ and I thought, hey! I can-” 
“Alright, alright,” Sebastian sighs. “Can you just hand me that script I was talking about yesterday?” 
Julie sighed, “Please?” She mutters, handing him the script that was in his file cabinet. 
Sebastian takes in a deep breath, “please,” he mumbled. 
“Now was that so hard?” She asked as she began to walk out of the office. 
“A bit,” he muttered. 
“I heard that!” 
“Wait! Before you go.” Sebastian took a sip of his coffee as Julie quickly turned around, “You do know you were about thirty minutes late today, right?” 
“I really thought I was gonna get away with that,” she smiled. “It won’t happen again, I promise! My alarm never went off this morning.” 
Sebastian stared at Julie as she rambled on, something was different about her. Her glasses. Sebastian shook his head with the realization. “You wearing contacts today?” He asked. 
“Oh,” she let out a nervous laugh, “I uh- managed to forget my glasses at home along with my contacts.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes, “dear lord, help me with this one.” 
“But I swear, I’ll be fine!” She turned around to walk out of the office but bumped into the wall, she let out a small groan. “I swear that wall wasn’t there a second ago.” 
Sebastian sighed, getting up from his chair. “Come on,” He said, grabbing his keys. 
“Where are we going?” She asked, rubbing her nose from the impact. 
“We’re going to your apartment,” He said walking past Julie. 
She quickly followed him out of the office, “What? Why?” 
“Because, Julie, unfortunately, you are no use to me when you’re blind as a bat,” he commented, grabbing her bag from the counter and handing it to her. 
“A-Are you sure? Because it’s like a twenty-minute walk, that’s not including having to use the L line to get to my street,” Julie began to say as she took her purse from Sebastian. 
“I would much rather have my assistant able to do her job without making any mistakes, especially today.” 
“What’s so special about today?” 
“We have that deadline remember?” 
Julie did not remember, she took out her phone, holding the screen close to her face as she looked through her calendar. “Ah, yes, I remember now.” 
Sebastian gestured for Julie to lead the way once they exited his apartment building. 
It took about thirty minutes for them to arrive at Julie’s apartment, Sebastian took in the old building in front of him. This was the first time he had been to her place and he’d be lying if he was never curious as to how she lived. He expected her to have bookshelves and maybe some plants, a cozy environment for an introverted bookworm like herself. When they got to her hallway, Julie led him to the farthest door. 
Yelling could be heard as they passed by one of the doors, “That’s Janice,” Julie commented. “She’s a bit of a yeller.” 
Once they got to Julie’s door, she rummaged through her purse. Sebastian watched as she squinted her eyes while rummaging through her purse. Her petite frame barely made a dent in the small space they occupied, he felt like a giant next to her. Her dark hair tied up in a messy bun, evidence that she was indeed in a hurry that morning. Sebastian knew her signature bun that was always perfectly pulled up with a few loose strands of hair in the front. 
Her skin had a warm, caramel hue, a testament to her latina heritage. To most girls, Julie would be envied for having the perfect tan skin. 
Julie cleared her throat, feeling Sebastian’s eyes on her. She pulled out a book and handing it to Sebastian, “Hold that, please.” 
Sebastian sighs, taking the book. “So you forget your glasses,  but you don’t forget your book.” 
“Oh, that’s my purse book,” Julie says, rummaging through her purse again. 
“Your purse book?” Sebastian raised his eyebrows.
She nodded, “It stays in my purse, in case of emergencies.” 
“What kind of emergency would there be in which you need– what book is this,” He looked at the title, “Tuesdays with Morrie? What kind of emergency would require you to read Tuesdays with Morrie?” 
“The kind in which I am trapped somewhere and in dire need to read,” She smiled, pulling out her keys from her purse. 
“Sometimes, I wonder what goes through that little head of yours.” 
“My mom always said that to me,” Julie commented, opening the door to her apartment, “maybe that’s why I had to take all those tests when I was a kid.” 
Sebastian stifled a laugh, “You know what, I’m not gonna even ask.” 
As they walked into the apartment, the sound of nails clicking against the hardwood floor echoed through the apartment hallway, it was followed by the jingle of small pieces of metal clashing together. A German shepherd came into view, wagging its tail as it went straight to Julie. 
Julie bent down and began scratching behind the dog's ear, “I know, I know, I didn’t say good morning to you this morning.” She kissed him on the head as the dog whined, “I am so sorry, Shadow.” 
“You didn’t tell me you had a dog,” Sebastian commented. 
At the sound of Sebastian’s voice, Shadow quickly reacted and began barking at him. Sebastian took a step back, “Heel, Shadow.” Shadow obeyed instantly, sitting beside her. 
“And he’s trained,” Sebastian said with an impressed look. 
“This is my baby,” she walked over to the kitchen counter, grabbing a treat from a jar. She handed it to Sebastian, “Trust me, he’s just like you. A big softie on the inside,” she said with a wink. 
Sebastian gave Julie a small glare as he took the treat from her and gave it to Shadow, “hey, Shadow.” The dog was quick to smell Sebastian and then eat the treat. Sebastian had gained his trust, for now. 
“I’ll be right back, um, you can make yourself at home.” Julie gestured towards the living room. Sebastian stepped into the living room, taking in the bookshelves that lined one of the walls, the plants that hung on the ceiling, and the ones that were left out on the patio. Some plants had long lines that draped over some of the bookshelves. It was exactly how he imagined it. A smile tugged on his lips as he scanned the books on her shelves. 
“Is most of this yours?” Sebastian scanned the coffee table, which was littered with magazines and books. He was surprised to see an ashtray. 
“The books and the plants, yes!” Julie yelled out. 
“I’m assuming the ashtray isn’t yours?” 
“Roommate,” Julie said as she walked into the living room with her glasses on. 
“There she is! Now that’s the assistant I know.” 
Julie rolled her eyes, “Let’s just go before we’re late for that deadline.” 
The way back through the L line took an unexpected turn, the line had stopped suddenly. Everyone seemed to not panic as a voice came on the speakers informing everyone they should be back on route shortly. 
Julie smiled widely as she pulled at her book from her purse, “Emergencies.” She waved the book at Sebastian. 
Sebastian couldn’t hold in his laughter as he shook his head, “You are unbelievable.” 
“You think it’s stupid, but look what just happened. Now I can entertain myself while we wait.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes, “Whatever.” 
After a few minutes passed, Sebastian began to feel anxious waiting, his leg began bouncing as he peered over Julie’s shoulder. 
“I see you,” She whispered, a smirk playing on her face as she turned the page. 
“Wait, I wasn’t done with that page.” 
Julie glared at Sebastian, “Then maybe you should have a purse book.” 
“But I don’t carry a purse, so it won’t work out.” 
“You usually carry around a backpack, right? Hell, there are even ebooks for your phone,” she exclaimed as she put her book down.
“Why don’t you get ebooks then?”  
“Because it’s not the same,” She rolled her eyes, “now stop distracting me from my emergency.” 
Sebastian leaned back in his seat. “Alright, maybe the whole purse book wasn’t such a bad idea.” 
“Thank you,” She said in a sing-song voice. 
Taglist: @cjand10 @floralwsloki
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deadpool15 · 16 hours
Unexpected Visitor P2.
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Before I knew it, two men had just pushed me in the ground, hurting my stomach in the process causing me to scream out the first name that came to mind. “MANNY”.
Abruptly the phone call ended, I had never felt a sense of fear like this before. Not me for me though, my child. Right before Armando went to prison I wanted to tell him about the kid but too much was happening, a part of me wanting him to be involved in our life though the other part of me had to be logical and as much as it hurt, I had to let him go. Armando wasn’t the father but with the way our relationship was going he damm sure had no issue stepping up and showing me he could be.
We were huddled up and moved to another location before that fucking asshole received a call from a partner I’m guessing to move the hostages. Then we were planted in cars and boats apparently traveling to Cuba. “Are they gonna kill us?” I had completely forgotten Callie was here alongside us. I felt worse if anything, I couldn’t even reach out to hug her, I knew she needed comfort right now more than anything.
“No, sweetie we are going to be fine. Mike and Marcus are going to come for us. No one will hurt you ok?” Pushing myself closer to her to offer her a shoulder to lean on. Since, in this situation that’s all I could really do. “Look at you, mama bear giving her false hope. Already entering your mama phase and it hasn’t even started.” Looking at this asshole who had already pissed me off for yanking my locs. “It’s not false hope and last time I checked your boss gave you orders to not walk around speaking to me and my fucking family asshat. So, how about you do everyone a favor and check the perimeter, lord knows u could use the walk.”
He moves closer to push some of my hair back into place before caressing my cheekbones. I hurry and bit the shit outta his finger when he gets closer causing him to scream aloud and slap me. A gray haired man comes over to check the situation, head butting guy before sending him off to check the area leaving me. Christine sits there in tears worried for both me and Callie. Eventually, we hear noise from outside causing someone to yell out commands and we realize we are being moved. “Come on, ladies it’s your big day. Don’t let them outta your fucking sight, especially the feisty one.” Motioning towards me.
After a moment of waiting outside we notice something out of the ordinary and sadly so did our kidnappers causing one to grab my fucking hair again and push me back into this stupid gator park. Gunshots ringing straight through my ears causing pain. And then the man holding me falls, shot dead right in front of me. “O my fucking god, I think I’m gonna be sick.” Tears running down my face cloud my vision causing me to trip a couple of times trying to run away from the constant gunfire. Managing to untie the knot that had broken skin off my wrists, I immediately look for sight of Callie.
Crawling on the floor trying to find my 16-year old god daughter in the middle of an abandoned gator park is not something I thought I would be doing today. Finally, I look over and find Callie trying to run away from two men. Without a second thought, I run over towards here as fast as my body would let me. Grabbing ahold of her, causing her to shout not knowing the identity of who she believed was another attacker. “Callie, Callie stop it it’s me.” Holding onto the girl for dear life I check for any injuries. From the corner of my eye I see movement causing me to turn around while shoving Callie behind my back.
And right before I thought my life had came to an end. He appeared. Armando pushed us both behind him. Looking at me, while holding onto my arm not letting go. “Stay behind me. You gotta trust me.” Hearing those words hurt, made me realize how dangerous the situation was, maybe one of us wouldn’t make it. Fighting off a group of men while getting sliced up relentlessly, made me shriek in fear for the man I love. Grabbing Callie and pushing her towards the door as we try to run away a man pushed us back and Armando fight him off taking a knife to the shoulder. Leaving him on the ground in pain, I’m quick to grab him and try to pull him up. Before, I hear Callie scream.
Looking down all I saw was blood. Rushing down, but it wasn’t from Armando, it was me. My blood was pouring down. My vision started to become blurry and suddenly nothing was coherent. They were speaking but my brain couldn’t comprehend anything in that moment. Armando gathers his strength and looks at me, like a burst of adrenaline he shoots to quick while grabbing me with Callie’s help and moving towards the door. I soon feel us stop and look up and can make out a spec of what looks to be Armando’s face and his mouth is moving. “My baby, no..o the b-baby. Help.” And then everything fades. Trying to grab ahold of my stomach as a last resort to protect my son.
Sitting here facing off with Callie’s mom, while holding onto my girl. I watch my father and Callie plead for my life. “Go.. before I change my mind. Grabbing a hold of her I move with my father to find a boat. Before starting it up he looks at me, “Take this, head south. Don’t look back, and be good.” Smiling I look at him, thanking the world I got to know him. “That’s not your choice, detective.” Grabbing ahold of her and starting up the boat looking back at him, “take care of them.” With one last smile I nod and drive off. Seeing him for the last time.
2 weeks later…
“Manny, are you ready to watch the stars.” Hearing nothing my random little noises as my respond I smile. Grabbing ahold of my son I make my way to the patio to oversee the stars, “pretty right baby?” Hearing boots hitting the pavement I look up seeing Armando. “Ain’t got a thing on you, though baby.” Smiling while I watch him move closer to grab our son and play with him. Reminded how much I love him and our litter family. “What you thinking about, Girasol?” Pulling him closer for a kiss, staring into his eyes while running my nails through his hair. “Us, baby. Always about us.”
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breedtheseed · 9 hours
Omega Adam prompt:
Adam was an Alpha as a human, but he loved his kids more than anything (if you can forgive the comparison) and when he ended up in Hell as an Omega, he just wanted to have more kids. Lucifer made a deal with him to protect him from sinners seeking vengeance. In exchange Adam is his fucktoy. He assumes Adam wouldn’t agree, but Adam does, hoping to get pregnant. Lucifer is confused that Adam agrees so easily, and he doesn’t want to hurt Adam, but they’re both so enthusiastic during sex that Adam keeps getting pregnant.
Bonus if Adam takes a while to get used to bottoming
May I take this to use for a potential project?
Omega Adam wanting babies is so good, imagine Lucifer is only in it to fuck so he uses condoms. So Adam is constantly begging to himself that the condom breaks, begging Lucifer will pull it off and fuck him raw. Whining when lucifer would pull out to change positions, begging for him to stay inside.
When Adam does get pregnant he hides it from Lucifer at first, mostly to keep the king from taking away his baby. Adam can’t wait to be a parent again growing even more happy when signs of his pregnancy start showing.
Lucifer would be so confused watching Adam, and not only that but their sex would be more intense. Adam pinning Lucifer and riding him or Adam randomly needing to be dicked down.
Lucifer finds when Angel Dust slips up and accidentally tells Lucifer.
Lucifer stared blankly at Angel who was now trying to leave, “what did you say?” The king questioned the spider. Lucifer heard an audible gulp as he got closer to the spider.
“Adam might have ah bun in the oven,” Angel gave an awkward smile, Lucifer stood back on his heels.
He couldn’t be, Lucifer had been using condoms?
Lucifer thought back on the past few months, there were a couple of quickies where he didn’t care to put one on or that one time it busted. Lucifer bit the inside of his cheek, fidgeting with his ring before walking out of the room and going straight for Adam’s room.
This couldn’t be happening, Adam being pregnant! Yeah like the first man would actually want a baby, Lucifer rolled his eyes as he approached the man’s door. He didn’t think to knock as he opened it and didn’t see Adam, he was about to call for the demon when he heard humming from the restroom.
Lucifer, the curious man he was quietly slinked over and slightly cracked the door open. It was just enough to see into the restroom, there he saw Adam in the tub.
All the restrooms were the same only differences being the shape size and placements of the essentials. However at this moment Adams restroom almost seemed to be whimsical in a way, Adam was in the tub surrounded by water while humming to himself. Lucifer’s mouth watered, Adam looked so gorgeous to him.
Had he always been this pretty?
Lucifer watched every one of Adams movements carefully, watching as the man gently stroked his stomach while he smiled softly. Lucifer hadn’t seen Adam smile like that since Eden.
“It’d really suck if you came out looking like a small Lucifer,” Adam chuckled to himself, “I wonder who’s hair you’ll have, I hope it’s mine.” Adam sighed as he stretched, “mmmm that’s enough of that time to get out,” slowly Adam got out of the tub. As usual he was really horrible about drying himself off as water pooled at his feet. “Shit,” Adam yelped as he began to slip only to have strong arms catch him. Adam stared down in surprise at his savior.
“Are you ok?!” Adam was in shock, what was Lucifer doing in here. “Adam you’re not hurt right?” Lucifer picked him up like he weighed nothing and took him to the bed gently laying Adam down as he looked over him.
“What are you doing here?” Adam asked as Lucifer checked his belly, Adam pulled away and growled unconsciously. His instincts screaming to protect his unborn cubs. “Hey!” Adam barked as Lucifer backed off and sighed.
“Angel told me you’re pregnant,” Adam blushed but then went pale, what if Lucifer wanted to get rid of it. Adam placed a protective hand on his stomach. He was only five months along, Lucifer wouldn’t take his baby right?
Lucifer’s eyebrows knitted, Adam looked terrified with his hand on his belly.
“Adam, I’m not going to hurt you or our baby,” that seemed to relax Adam. “I was just here to verify if it was true,” Lucifer slowly rose of the ground. “Can I help you dry off, you might get sick if you stay like that,” Lucifer offered.
“Where you going to tell me?” Lucifer asked with a soft tone, Adam fidgeted biting the inside of his lip before letting out a low sigh.
“It never came up,” Adam admitted, he really didn’t want to tell Lucifer he had been encouraging more unprotected quickies just so he can get knocked up.
Lucifer smiled softly at Adam, the goat looked at him with a sad expression. “Do you want to keep them?” Lucifer gently placed a hand on Adams. “I would like if you did,” Adam blushed at the soft look on Lucifer’s face. This man the king of hell who he’s seen rip sinners limb from limb is here giving him such a gentle look, such a strong alpha to protect his future cubs. Adam subconsciously purred as he nodded.
“I’ve been kinda wanting a baby for a while now,” Lucifer’s eyes widened a bit, one of his hands going to his mouth at the realization.
All the nights where Adam would whine to keep it in or how he’d prevent Lucifer from pulling out when going raw. A shiver ran down Lucifer’s spine, “this whole time,” he mumbled.
“Yeah,” Adam said as he averted his gaze.
“I never would have thought you’d want a baby when it’d be you pregnant,” Lucifer admitted with a grin.
“Shut up, it’s actually more convenient,” Adam chuckled “when me and Eve had kids they always needed their mother for the first few years, never really wanting to be near me unless Eve needed a break.” Adam gently stroked his stomach “I’m actually fucking happy right now,” Lucifer placed a hand over Adams and looked into the demons golden eyes.
“I’m happy too,”
The End
(That’s all I got I didn’t mean to turn this into a thing lol, I hope this makes sense sorry for no smut and bad grammar and sorry if it makes no sense lol I hope y’all enjoy this)
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joelsbeard · 2 days
yoooo I've been thinking about this for dayssss 🤤🤤🤤 get ready for
🏝️❤️‍🔥✨ Honeymoon/Vacation Headcanons with pre-outbreak!Joel Miller ✨🐚☀️
*with some pictures at the end too to get a better idea, they're not quite as i pictured in my head but similar :)
the horny really popped off with this one i fear. I think this might be one of my favorites!!!
Since neither you or joel have super high paying jobs, but still live in a dual income household, you can afford to go on some vacations but you likely just do short ones that aren't too far from home
Additionally, I have the feeling that joels favorite type of vacation destinations would be ones with more tropical locations where he can just sit back and relax on a beach since he's always stressed and tired from work, and doing a lot of walking to him doesn't seem like too much fun (although you convince him to do a couple of those bc you like going to historical landmarks and learning about other cultures).
With that in mind, I feel like places you could probably visit are Hawaii, Mexico, or a good amount of countries in the Caribbean, and you also at one point save enough go to Tahiti lol (maybe for your honeymoon or a special anniversary 🥺)
On your vacations, you and joel just fuck nonstop LOL, AND because they're mostly in tropical destinations, it's hot ;) so he always tells you not to pack too many clothes bc you won't be needing them ;)
You basically fuck for most of the time, only taking breaks to eat, sleep, and do a little bit of sightseeing or checking out the hotel or resort's amenities (mainly the pool)
Basically as soon as you check in you guys are vibrating (lol) with anticipation as you walk to your room, its on as soon as yall lock the door asdflj
Every time after checking in and walking to your room, he's always like "I can't wait to fuck the shit out of you for days baby 🤤" or "Starting today imma fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk properly tomorrow 🤤" as you're walking or as you're waiting in the elevator (if no ones around, otherwise that'd be awkward lol, or he just waits until people are a little out of earshot ;) )
Sometimes if you do get to the hotel/resort kind of tired, joel always looks around the room like "����🌚 so where do you want me to fuck you first, your choice baby🤤" LMAOO fuckin horndog. He is just very straightforward and does not want to waste time 😀
^ and all of a sudden you're not tired anymore lmao
Lets just pretend these hotel room walls are sound proof (they never are) but on these vacations you guys are always super loud bc you don't have to worry about neighbors, or maybe having to see them again as opposed to your actual next door neighbors at home
You're damn near wailing half of the time with how hard he's fucking you
You love these vacations bc you get to hear more of joel's grunts and moans than you get to at home
He's always pulling you back by your hair when he fucks you from behind or has his mouth right next to your ear as he's fucking up into you from behind and holding you upright with one arm across your stomach and one arm across your tits and he's like "lemme hear those lil moans baby, don't hold back. You like that?"
Meanwhile you're like "fuckfuckfuckfuck. FUCK! god you're so big, I feel so stuffed 🥺" He almost cums right then and there.
Yall fuck in every part of the room lol, the chair the bed the bathroom the shower the balcony the sundeck chairs the pool the goddamn walls
Okay the next hc's will be based on the pictures below so you can take a look at them to get a better idea. Note, these places are probably all like 5 star resorts and way out of you and joel's budget but who cares lol
For your honeymoon you stay in a super nice place where you get a private pool with your room and it comes with a poolside lounging spot/bed? Which you take advantage of rather than going to the resort's public pool since you prefer some privacy ;) You'll probably start off your day fucking and then take a break to swim in the pool (where you also might fuck LMAO) then cuddle and take a nap on those outdoor beds and wake up just to fuck again HAHAH yall do not pLAY when it comes to these vacations
The windows in these hotel rooms are huge so you have a good view from almost anywhere, including when yall take baths together so ✨optimal relaxation and vacation vibes✨ and yall will 99% of the time fuck in there too lol, it always escalates after you guys help each other wash up
AND in the outdoor shower too, how could you not.
He loves when you wash his hair 🥺 you're extra gentle when you rinse his hair to not get any water in his eyes and sometimes you tell him to tilt his head back so you can give him little kisses on his cute forehead.
Since you and joel are goddamn freaks, part of the reason yall like fucking in the outdoor shower is because one of your neighbors might overhear 👀🙈
Which is why you guys will go to the resort's main pool and joel always probably tries to fuck you in one of those cabanas lol even though theres people basically right next to you
He just tells you you have to stay extra quiet as he fucks you ;)
Which obviously can be QUITE difficult, bc joel is just so goddamn fine🤤🔥thats YOUR MAN.
Imagine him bending you over with your hands braced on that bench in the outdoor shower while he rails the shit out of you from behind
You love teasing him in your skimpy barely-there bikini's and you can tell he's always about to lose his shit/drooling/getting hard when he sees you
One time you didn't tie the strings well enough (maybe on purpose) and your top almost falls off and you look at joel while holding it to your chest like "oh no! 🥺 my top came undone, can you help me retie it baby?" joel is damn near barking LMAOO and he's like "well i got a better idea, why don't you just leave it off ;)" but you can't bc this is the day you decide to leave your room and go to the resorts main pool lol
Both of you have extra fun "helping" each other out with putting sunscreen on each other hehe 😏 and you both end up taking extra time just to "make sure you're getting all the hard to reach areas". And you also don't want pookie to burn 🥺 but he probably tans better than you tbh lol
He's always like "I don't want you to get sunburnt baby, why don't you take your top off so I can rub the sunscreen into your chest better 🥺😏"
Sometimes you do sometimes you don't ;)
When you don't, he just puts his hands under your bikini straps and rubs the sunscreen REAL good into your skin lol
Sometimes he takes too long rubbing sunscreen onto your tiddies lmao and maybe someone will be walking closer to you both/ nearby and you're like "okay I think that's good babe I'm pretty sure they're not gonna get burnt if I keep my top on" and he's like "🥺just wanna make sure the girls don't get burnt 😏" LOL
He damn near moans when you're rubbing the sunscreen from his back and sliding your palms back around his trunk to cover his pecs lol
and when you're like "well I don't want you to get tan lines 🥺" and you slide your hand down his happy trail to the spot right under the waistband of his swimming trunks hehe, all while you're whispering dirty shit into his ear from behind him.
At the end of these vacations you guys leave with a ✨glow✨, not just from the sun (joel always looks so cute when he get's a little redness on his cheeks and nose ❤️) but also that ✨post-coital, 4 days of straight fucking, vacation glow✨ LOL
The resort also has these nice cabana beds right on the beach, and you and joel like to spend time there cuddling and watching the sunset 🥺
and guess what else? fucking! LMAO
you and joels exhibition kink goin brrrrr on vacation fr lol
Okay but you and joel fucking with a ocean view is just 👌🏻 or getting to cuddle on the beach while the sun sets 👌🏻
If anyone could hear you guys baby talking to each other while yall cuddle on the beach theyd be sick lol
Not only do you guys fuck everywhere on vacation, but yall also fuck in a million different positions too lol
After you guys swim in the pool or take a shower/bath, as soon as you're dry he's whipping that towel off of you and tossing it somewhere, he's like "no clothes or towels allowed! You're dry already so you don't need it anymore"
He definitely walks around yalls hotel room naked lol 1. for easy access 2.it's hot anyways 3. its not like the neighbors are gonna see you, your hotel room and pool is completely private
Tbh idk how yall manage to fuck for so long, like how he has any nut left in his balls by the end of the day is beyond me LOL and you lose track of how many times he makes you cum by late afternoon dude
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