#he seemed kinda nervous around the other actors might not have known anyone
#i need some advise#okay so#im just going to be blunt#i think i have a crush on one of my actors#and like... in a very.. i cant stop thinking about him way#and i have 2 classes with him and hes a main role so hes in every rehearsal so i see him for hours every fay#and anyways#at first you know i didnt know him didnt have any feelings towards him#he seemed kinda nervous around the other actors might not have known anyone#then i starting thinking he had a spike spegeil vibe#and then he opened up around everyone and is super funny like always so fucking funny and i like his sense of humor#and idk i think he might have been flirting with me??? for a few days he would say omg is that Hailey i havent seen you in like 2 hours#and i would play along and be like omg i havent seen you since class this morning omg#and now everytime he sees me he says hi and always looks happy to see me#but the biggest thing is that one of the other actors asked my age becuase i was holding the prop glasses well use to stand in for alcohol#in the show#and i said im 23 and he said Hailey we should go get drinks some time#and i just said okay sure!#maybe im just overthinking it#we had to work together ina project in class the other day and i found myself just looking at him...#anyways... idk i wonder should i ask him out? ive never done that before#was him saying we should get drinks a sort of asking me out?#i think i should wait till this show is over though and maybe i will...#ahhhh idk how can i tell his feelings#oh also he started sitting closer to me in rehearsal...#okay ahhhh fuck ahhhh#i kinda want to flirt with him to give him a hint but i realy dont know how
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Kumon Hyodo Relationship HCS
Request: “Do you do hcs for act 2 characters? If you do can you dating hcs for kumon pls. It's okay if you can't ❤️❤️love your blog ^_^” from anonie
A/N: omg of course^^ thanks for requesting !! i’m literally in love with the act 2 rookies especially kumon he’s so cute i’m !! he’s literally so cute and nice and ahh.... i love him i’d literally die for him ( i’m writing this listening to a lindsey lohan career recap (?) so sorry if this doesn’t make sense lol yeah )
Word Count: 1282
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- Realistically, you’re probably his first S/O ever. He’d always been so busy with baseball and Juza, and that’s not even mentioning all the times he’d get sick.
- Kumon never had been able to really look for a s/o, he’d always wanted one - just the thought of being able to have someone next to him all the time he can talk to and love and who’ll praise him gets him all pumped up.
- So when he meets you, he gets a little puppy crush on you. He didn’t think he’d manage to actually date you, he’d just joined the Summer Troupe and he felt the need to prove himself as an actor and member of the company, plus he’d never been lucky with romance.
- He gets shocked when you start reaching out to him and before he realizes you two start hanging out more and more, in a way he’s kind of dense - in his head his feelings for you were one sided and he’d never actually get a chance to act on them - and he never really realizes you might return his feelings until Banri of all people mention it.
- Once he does realize, oh boy - he’s so scared but after encouragement from the rest of the Summer troupe + Azami (who lectured him on what was and wasn’t allowed during dating) he decides he’s gonna give it a shot.
- The day he confessed to you he was blushing furiously to the point you almost called Juza worried he had gotten a fever, but Kumon quickly reassures you everything is fine and that he’s just kind of nervous - something that had immediately caught your interest.
- His hands are all clammy and he thinks he’s never been this nervous and excited ever, but as he sees you staring at him - wondering why he’d called you so suddenly - he decides it’s now or never.
- “[Name]... I- we’ve known each other for some time and I was- I was wondering if you’d like to, uh, go on a date with me?” His normally confident persona seems to have shrunk significantly as he tried finding the rights words to say to you, he could feel his heat bearing out of his rib cage.
- Of course, seeing a guy like him - normally loud and proud - all shy and nervous was endearing, and you couldn’t quite deny the fact you had a crush on him; and so you two start dating.
- “I’d like that a lot too, Kumon!”
- Kumon is just a very physical guy, he likes hugs and cheek kisses, holding pinkies while walking back home after school. He’s just a PDA type of guy, what can he say.
- Whenever he gets down or worried he likes having you there around to hug, to him it’s a reminder that you’re there and you’re not leaving. You don’t even have to say much, just the physical affirmation that you’re there is enough to help him.
- He’s also kind of emotional, he gets carried away easily and he’s not afraid to let you know how he feels about you or things in general.
- He won’t force you into playing baseball, but he loves the idea of you taking an interest in the sport. You don’t have to know much but asking him about it, what certain terms mean, about players and teams you saw on TV; knowing that you’re just trying to engage in something so special to him has him wide eyes with a bright red flush as he explains the basics of a move you saw on yesterday’s match.
- Since he’s like a total health junkie once you two start dating he’s becoming your coach, he’s always asking you about what’s you’d eaten or how much you slept, if you’d gone out for a walk or maybe a run, if you do a sport he’d ask you about your practice or how you’re doing in general in regards to it.
- It’s his way of showing he cares as subtly as a guy like Kumon can.
- Fights or arguments aren’t common, since Kumon tends to be a very good communicator and he’s naturally very empathetic towards those around him - he isn’t weak though and if he deems it something important to him (like acting or Juza) he won’t back down - he thinks finding a compromise is more important than either his or your pride.
- Dates with him feel young and fun, they’re never too complicated like the ones someone like Azuma or Homare might take you out on but they’re just as thoughtful.
- He remembers things you like very well, so if you mention being into something like gardening or art he’d take you to a park with some cool plants he heard about from Tsumugi or a museum with an exhibition Kazunari recommended him.
- To him, once you’re in his life, you become one of the most important people to him alongside Juza. He really values both of your opinions, even on small things like getting a jacket over another.
- It’s kind of essential if you’re dating Kumon to get along with Juza, he’d get really torn if he found out both of you didn’t get along and it’d definitely take a toll on his mental health and it would kinda break his spirit.
- (You getting along with Azami would be a nice plus too, if he’s honest - he cares about those two a lot and seeing three people he loves getting along makes him smile and want to run a few laps around the courtyard.)
- Kumon doesn’t care much about gifts but he’s also the kind to work really hard in figuring out what he’s gonna give you for a birthday or special occasion. He’d probably settle for something like a baseball jacket with the number 9 on it and a matching one for him too, he’d probably ask Yuki and Kazunari to help him design it.
- Oh boy, if anyone says anything negative about you’d he’d go to war.
- He does have his moments of insecurities, he can feel like he’s too much of a pain for others or fear that he might be wasting your time on a guy like him; so while hugs and physical affection can help him, in those moments telling him you love him and that things will be okay tend to work the best.
- “Kumon… you’re doing your best and it’s okay! No one is blaming you, you’re doing more than enough just now, so please - take it easy today, Juza, Azami, and I… not just us, but the troupe too, we all care for you so much,” you could feel smile as you hugged his head to your chest, “it’s okay, Kumon…”
- In return he’d pull away with teary eyes and a blush, from both your words and the worries that had plagued his mind, and smile at you; “Thank you, [Name].”
- He’d probably also be the type to send you text you during the most awkward times, it could be at like 10PM during a school-night asking for help on a chemistry problem or 4AM on a weekend because he had a dream about you.
- Kumon would rather call you over the phone over texting, probably because he likes rambling at you – like, he’d start talking about baseball and the Summer troupe and suddenly he’d start talking about a shop he visited with Azami and then he’d remember an article he’d read about spinach and tomatoes and he’d remember he’d helped Taichi dye his hair red kinda like a tomato.
- Overall, Hyodo Kumon is a puppy in love who loves sharing his passions with you and would literally fight Banri and Sakyo for your honor.
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please-buckme · 4 years
Wine. (Part 2) Hayden Christensen x reader
Warnings⚠️: slight mentions of sex, cussing
2133 words
Authors note: I might have gotten one slight detail wrong in regards to Hayden’s actually life but I’m not a fucking stalker so... don’t @ me.
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After you get back to your hotel room you wasted no time getting ready for tonight. You threw all the clothes out of your suitcase trying to find something to wear. He forgot to tell you the name of the restaurant, so you walked around a while before you found the one you were sure he was talking about. It was nice but not too nice. So if you showed up in a cute top and jeans you’d still fit in just fine. Thank god for that because you didn’t bring any dresses besides work, professional dresses. You didn’t want to come off stuck up so you just packed those right back up.
The only sad part about this date was that you were leaving tomorrow. Of course you found the cutest guy in LA the last day of your visit, however, you weren’t going to dwell on it. You’d rather go out and have a great time, then come back and have an even better time.. before you have to go.This all depended on if it went well, though. You were so nervous. How were you supposed to be sexy, sweet, cute and funny while also feeling like you’re going to throw up?
After you picked out your outfit you hopped in the shower. You stood under the water spoking it and the events of this morning in. Were you getting in over your head? You thought to yourself. This man was flat out gorgeous and way out of your league. Was someone standing behind you while he was talking to you?.. No, that just wouldn’t make sense. You laugh to yourself over how ridiculous you sounded right now. He seemed to like you for some reason. Maybe for sticking up for yourself or just not taking any of his shit. You didn’t know but whatever you did worked.
Before you got out of the shower you shaved.. everywhere and did a quick rinse and repeat for good measure. Once you got out you dried off, put on some PJ’s, since it was nowhere near time to leave, and tried taking a nap. All you could see was his face in your mind. He was older than you but still so beautiful. You wondered what he’d wear since this was a date to him. You pictured him in fitted dark jeans with a dark T and maybe a black ballcap. Just the image of that made you up your eyes, giving up on the whole napping idea. You decided to pack your suitcase back up and mess around on your phone for the rest of the time before getting dressed and ready to go meet him.
--------------------------------- That Night
The restaurant was just a few blocks from your hotel, so you walked instead of calling for a taxi. The night was warm but a steady warmness. Thank god the humidity wasn’t bad or your hair would’ve been a disaster, in that scenario you would’ve just gone back to the hotel and died.
You were nearing the corner when you saw him saying outside waiting for you. Pausing in your steps you took a deep breath, scanning your eyes over his body. You were right about the dark T, it was black. The jeans he wore were a darker blue but more baggy than you’d expected. You focused on his hands now, in them were a hat, as expected, and a single red rose.This made you blush. Should you have brought him something, you think to yourself, like a six pack or something? No, that’s ridiculous. Taking in one more deep breath you made your way to him.
You cleared your throat as you approached him from behind, “Um, hi.” You greeted him shyly. He gave you that beautiful smile you’d been dying to see for what felt like your whole laugh. He now took this opportunity to trail his eyes up and down your body.
“Wow, you look incredible.” He says before continuing, “Oh this is for you!” he handed you the rose he’d been holding. That gesture was something you’d only ever seen in movies and you honestly can’t believe you’re the girl on the receiving end this time.
“This- this is so thoughtful.” You say looking at him and back down at the rose. “I should’ve brought you something.” You state.
“Like what a 6 pack.” You looked at him surprisingly before laughing, he laughed too. “I guess you know for next.” Next time? You aren’t even close to being through with the first date and he’s already planning a second one? You just nod your head. Hayden reaches for your hand to walk you into the restaurant.
Once you got in and seated the short lived awkward silence appeared. You decided to help the conversation along, “So, you never answered my question from before.” You say playfully.
He laughs, “I’m sorry, what was the question again?”
“Have you lived here long?”
“Um, yeah kinda. I spend time here when I work and when I’m working I go back home to my farm.” This intrigued you.
“You.. have a farm?” he laughed at your reaction and nodded. “Where is this farm?” you ask.
“In a town just outside of Toronto.” You look up from your menu to now look at his face.
“So you’re from Canada?” you ask.
“Yeah! Where are you from?” he asks in return.
“That’s really cool.” You say before adding where you’re from and telling him all about your childhood. A little bit of time guys by while you both get caught up in conversation. When they waiter comes over to get your drink order he orders a beer, you a wine.
“So you’re a wine drinker?” He asks.
“Yes but I can throw a few beers back if I need to. Wine in public just makes me look more classy.” You say, he laughs.
You both have an amazing time talking and laughing. It felt so natural with him, like you’d known each other your whole lives. He told you about his family and you told him of yours. He asked what your job was and he actually seemed intrigued by it all. When you told him an embarrassing story from your childhood he was so engaged, hanging on to every word that fell from your lips.
You’d both finished your meals well over an hour ago and it still felt like the date had just started. “So what do you do?” You ask him.
“As a profession?” He reiterated.
“...Yes.” You said laughing.
“Oh you know, little of this, little of that.” You furrowed your eyebrows at his response.
“So you’re a.. con artist.” He shook his head at you with a grin on his face.
He laughed for quite some time before actually being able to answer. “I’m- I’m an actor.” You sighed in relief. At this point you had no idea what he was going to say.
“Oh that’s really cool. Would have seen anything you’re in?” You ask while finishing off your fourth glass of wine. You were beginning to feel the effects of the wine but you weren’t showing it. You didn’t want him to see you at your worst on the first date.
“Honestly if you don’t recognize me right here and now, then no.” He shrugged.
“What’s that supposed to mean.” You ask defensively.
“I mean if you’d seen my more popular movies you would’ve recognized me right away. That’s sort of why I got so defensive which I’m still really sorry about.” You shrugged in response. He then continued, “Like see that couple over there?” He asked tilting his head for you to look behind your back. “They’ve been staring at us all night and while I’d say it’s from your beauty, I know it’s because they know me.” You blush slightly while nodding your head in understanding.
“Does that upset you?” You ask.
“Only some times, not right now though. I want people to see me with the most beautiful girl in the world.” He grabs your hand from the table, “I’ve had a really great time with you tonight, I just wanted you to know that. It’s been a long time since I've met someone so exciting and real.” He kisses at your knuckles. He then places it back on the table covering it with both his hands now. “Can I just ask you one thing?” You nod. “What the hell is your name?” You both laugh at that.
“I was never given a name.” You joke. He gives you a puzzled look, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” He sighs almost in relief before you tell him your actual name.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” He says with a smirk across his face.
“I could’ve told you any name and you would’ve said that.” You smirk in response to his.
“Yup.” He laughs. You release your hand from under his to playfully slap his arm. “But your name is beautiful nonetheless.“ You blush once again before telling him thank you. You two carry on this way until they told you the restaurant would be closing soon. You insisted on buying one of his drinks from the evening. He finally caved after you told him you’d pay for the whole thing if he didn’t let you do it.
Once he paid for the meal and you one drink, you headed outside. “Where do you live,” He asked. “I could walk you home.” You stop walking for a second.
“You.. can walk me back to my hotel.” You say scrunching your face up at him. He stood there staring at you with his mouth hung open.
“You don’t leave here?” He asked with a tinge of anger in his voice.
“It’s my last night actually..” He huffed in disbelief.
“You couldn’t have told me that at the beginning of the date?” He walked in slow circles trying to calm himself down.
“I didn’t think it would affect you this bad.”
He huffed again, “How could it not? I know you feel the same way I do right now.” You felt tears brim at your eyelashes. He was right. You’d both had such an amazing time together, better than you ever had with anyone else. His thought processes right now must be that you were just using him to get through the last night of your stay. That couldn't be further from the truth.
“Of course I do,” You finally say, “I’ve never had a better time with anyone else but just for tonight can we just focus on tonight? If you still like me in the morning then we’ll go from there.” He’s looking at you now, “I want to say we’ll work this out but I’d need to know that you’d be mine as much as I’d be yours.” You look down at the ground. You won’t will yourself to cry, not in front of him and not in this moment. You watch his shoes as they make their way to step right in front of you.
You’re still staring at the ground while he links his pointer finger under your chin, lifting it up gently. “I’m yours if you want me to be, I’m whatever you want me to be. There's just no way I’m letting you go.” He brings his other hand up to your cheek rubbing to it gently with his thumb. You put your hand atop of his and smile a big, goofy smile back at him. He sighed brushing back your hair. He leaned into slowly hovering over your lips before asking, “Can I kiss you?”
You giggled before responding, “Of course you can.” You felt him smirk against your lips before locking his lips to your in an eternity awaited kiss. His lips were plump and soft against yours. In some way he felt familiar, like home, like you’d always been destined to kiss his lips in this life or another. You could also taste a hint of sweetness among the alcohol that still lingered on his lips.
He started to deepen the kiss which was totally okay with you but you did have other plans in mind. He swept his tongue along your lips asking for permission again. You pulled away to look at him instead. He opened his eyes to meet yours. “Is everything alright.” He asked, you smiled.
“Everything’s perfect, that’s why I want you to walk me back to my hotel.”
“Oh o-“
“Room,” you said, cutting him off. “My hotel room.” You reiterated.
“Oh!” He exclaimed. He removed his hands to your face and brought them back down to grab each of your hands, “let's go then.” You nodded in excitement before heading back to your hotel room. You were definitely in love with this man.
Part 1 (Coffee)
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the one ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1294
request?: yes
“Song #21 with mgk????”
description: colson finds himself truly in love for the very first time and isn’t sure what to do to make sure he doesn’t mess this one up
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mainly fluffy but there’s a little steam
based off of this song
if you’d like to check out my song prompt list thing that i’m doing click here!
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Colson watched as his girlfriend fucked around on stage with his boys during the soundcheck. (Y/N) was by no means the first of Colson’s girlfriends (or “girl friends”) to join the guys on tour, but she was certainly the first to really get along with the guys. Most of them would either just be attached to Colson, or would opt to stay in the tour bus or hotel room.
(Y/N) was just...different. In a good way, a great way even. She got along with his friends, his family, and most importantly, with Casie. (Y/N) treated Casie like she was her own daughter, and Casie adored (Y/N), which made Colson all the more sure that (Y/N) was someone special.
He had never felt this way about anyone before. All of his past relationships just felt like hookups, and most of them were. With (Y/N), he felt like he was truly happy, and truly in love, which was very new to him.
Colson stood and approached (Y/N), throwing his arms around her when her back was to him. Shocked by the action, (Y/N) stumbled a little and giggled.
“Excuse me, sir,” Rook said in a dumb accent. “Please do not hurt our star, we need her for the show.”
“Our star, huh?” Colson questioned.
“Sorry babe, I’m stealing your show from you,” (Y/N) told him.
“There’s worse people to steal my show I guess,” Colson teased and kissed her cheek. “I might steal the star away to our hotel room, if that’s okay with her obviously very devoted band.”
“Wear protection is all we ask,” Baze told them. “We don’t need any mini Kells running around. Casie is enough.”
Colson flipped him off before wrapping an arm around his girl’s shoulder. She waved goodbye to the guys before following Colson to the car around the back of the arena.
The drive back to the hotel was the exact opposite of silent. (Y/N) had almost immediately stolen the aux cord and was playing her music at full blast, scream-singing the words to everything that came on. Every so often, Colson knew a song that would come on and would join in with the singing. Most the drive he was just smiling at his girlfriend, whether she noticed or not.
It was little things like this that made Colson know that he was in love with her. The moments where they were goofing off, or they were alone together doing anything. Where Colson didn’t feel like he had to be MGK, he could just be himself. She made him feel so free, like there was nothing to worry about in the world.
When they arrived back to their hotel room, (Y/N) collapsed onto the bed. The look she gave Colson turned him on, and made him wish he could strip her of her clothes as fast as possible. However, there was something he wanted to discuss before their newest tradition of “a pre-show fuck”.
He got on top of (Y/N), hovering over her on his arms. She ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him down to meet her lips. The kiss was immediately passionate and all thoughts were gone from Colson’s head. He cradled her head in his hands, lowering himself just enough to press their bodies together. He wanted her like crazy, and he knew she wanted him as well. But he pulled away from her before they could go any further.
“What’s wrong, baby?” she asked. “You feeling tired? We can wait, you can get some rest. I know you’ll probably be up super late tonight, you need your rest.”
God, this woman! Colson thought. How the fuck is she real, and how the fuck is she mine?!
“It’s not that,” he told her. “Although, I may need to rest before the show. The guys want to go out to an after party when it’s all over. No. I just wanted to talk to you about something.”
Her eyes widened then, fearing the worst. Colson took her into his arms, hugging her tightly. “No! It’s nothing like that! I’d be the biggest fucking idiot if I let you go.”
(Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief. “Yeah, you would be. I’m pretty great.”
Colson laughed. “You’re more than pretty great. You’re amazing. You’re the most amazing person I think I’ve ever met.”
“Stop it, you make me blush,” she said, playfully pushing her boyfriend.
“I mean it,” Colson said, taking (Y/N)’s hands in his. “You’re absolutely fucking amazing. You’re honestly the best person I’ve ever been with romantically. You care about me, like the actual me and not the rapper or the actor me.”
(Y/N) smiled through the tears that were starting to form in her eyes. “Because I do care about you. You’re a real person, you’re not just a famous rapper. It sucks that you’ve gone through that where people are just using you and whatnot.”
“You seem to be one of the only people who thinks so,” Colson shrugged, although he felt much stronger on the topic than he was letting on. “But this isn’t about that. Not just about that anyways.”
“You’re getting awful affectionate tonight, babe,” (Y/N) pointed out. “What’s up?”
“I’ve just been thinking lately is all,” Colson responded. “I’ve been thinking about you, about us, about how happy you make me. This relationship is the realest one I’ve had since before I blew up, and I’m honest to God so fucking in love with you. Everything means nothing if I can’t have you, babe.”
(Y/N) tilted her head like a confused puppy, although there was still a smile on her face. "I love you so much, too, but what does all this mean baby?”
Colson was holding her hands so tightly she flinched a moment, causing him to loosen his grip. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his breathing, and asked, “Do you...want to spend the rest of your life with me?”
(Y/N)’s eyes widened. For a moment she was sure she had heard him wrong. But when she realized he was looking at her expectantly, and as nervous as she felt, she accepted that it wasn’t a misheard question.
“Are you...asking me to marry you?” she asked him.
Colson nodded. His throat suddenly felt dry and he felt like he couldn’t speak. “I don’t have a ring or anything, but I’ll get one when I can. I just know that I think you’re the one for me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, and I know you’re someone special. I’ve always known you were someone special.” He paused, trying to read (Y/N)’s facial expression. “So...what do you say babe?”
(Y/N) took a moment to process the question, then a wide smile grew on her face. She wrapped her arms around Colson, lunging at him with such a force that she knocked him over. She straddled him, kissing him deeply and passionately, not wanting to let go.
Colson pushed her away just enough to ask, “Is that a yes?”
“That’s a fuck yes,” (Y/N) responded. “Also, I take back what I said about taking a nap earlier. You absolutely have to fuck me first, it’s the rules of being engaged.”
Colson smirked, flipping them over so that he was on top again. “I guess I can sacrifice a little sleep then.”
Then he passionately kissed his fiancée, and began to undress her, the two of them in such a state of happy bliss that they never wanted to leave the warmth of each other’s arms.
God this was kinda shitty I’m so sorry.
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exhaustedfander · 4 years
Oh, Bi the Way [Analogical]
Here’s a fun little Analogical highschool au where Virgil comes out as Bi to Logan. Reblogs and feedback are really appreciated! 
a03 link
word count: 2,351
Virgil paces tight circles in his bedroom, his hands woven in his hair as his mind runs rampant. He glances out the window, the daylight golden and fading outside. Logan will be here soon, he realizes with dread, his heart hammering even faster at the thought.
I shouldn’t be this fucking nervous, he thinks to himself as if most things in life don’t make him anxious. Virgil’s been plagued by horrible anxiety for most of his life, but this really isn’t something that should be putting the pit in his stomach that it is.
But he’s been hiding something – is still hiding something and it’s so goddamn stupid. It really isn’t a big deal. He should be able to go ahead and say it no problem. Except Virgil’s stupid brain has to make things so fucking complicated, doesn’t it?! It has to mess with him and make him think that maybe people are going to freak out and maybe it’s going to be a total disaster.
He’s bisexual.
Yeah, yeah. He knows it isn’t a big deal. Tons of people are queer, and he just happens to be one of them. For fuck’s sake, his best friend Logan is gay! It’s not his fault that no one had told him there was an in-between. He was anxious enough about crushes on girls so once he figured out boys too? Well, he didn’t have the balls to tell anyone.
Sometimes he blamed it on the fact that he grew up in the foster system. Getting shuffled around from home to home the way he did, he didn’t exactly have a chance to get a good set of parents to teach him the ins-and-outs of the LGBTQ+ community. He was a fourteen-year-old getting bounced around, not even trying to get close to any of the people whose care he was under because in a blink of an eye, they’d be gone.
And then he’d gotten adopted by the Knight-Hart’s. It was still what Virgil was probably the most grateful for in his life. He was fourteen-in-a-half, having lost hope of being adopted years ago and yet here he was, brought into the home of two of the sweetest people he’d ever met.
It’s so stupid – Virgil’s parents are gay! He’s got two dads and he can’t even tell them he’s bi? Why does his brain hate him so much?! His fathers’ have helped him so much in the few years he’s been in their care, bringing more happiness and joy into his life than he’d known in so long. His Pops is always making dad jokes that Virgil can pretend he despises all he wants, but really, they crack him up. He’s such a kind, good-hearted guy who’s been nothing but supportive of Virgil since day one. His dad is no different in that respect, loving just the same but with a bit more bravado and eccentricities. What can he say? His dad’s an actor and his flair for the dramatics fail to surprise Virgil any longer.
He loves them. He really loves them but it’s still so hard to think about coming out to them, let alone Logan. God, Logan’s going to be there anytime now!
Virgil continues his pacing, trying his best to steady his breathing. If he can muster up the courage, he’s going to tell him. Virgil’s going to come out to his best friend.
After everything the pair’s been through, Logan deserves to know. Virgil met John in the beginning of high school, a time where he found it almost impossible to make friends of any kind. Virgil’s anxiety and self-doubt made having a mere successful conversation feel like an accomplishment of some kind. He didn’t think he’d ever get the chance to have a true friend, let alone a best friend. But when he met Logan that all changed.
Despite Virgil’s hesitations, they got along famously right away. Although Logan was far stiffer and more out of touch with pop-culture than anyone Virgil had ever met (Seriously, he pronounced “fam” as fahm) he was also an incredibly smart and interesting person who Virgil was proud to know. Logan could tell him so many interesting facts about outer-space or the ocean and was always really good about handling Virgil’s anxiety. Virgil had never met someone who he clicked with so instantaneously before, they just got each other. Even if they were spending time together doing separate things, Virgil was thankful to merely be in Logan’s presence. He kept him grounded.
So, of course he fell hard for him. it’s not like Virgil doesn’t know that there’s a change that his feelings are reciprocated, it isn’t impossible. Just unlikely, and damn does it sure feel impossible. Virgil’s been spending the nearly four years he’s known Logan trying to convince himself that he’s straight as an arrow and doesn’t feel anything for Logan – neither of which things are true, of course.
The two friends are going to the same college, so it isn’t like Virgil’s gonna have any room to breathe and get other his feelings. He’s been dancing around things for so long, and frankly it’s getting kind of exhausting. Virgil isn’t expecting Logan to feel the same way – god, he’s never been that much of an optimist in all his life – but telling him is something Virgil’s decided he has to go through with.
If he can manage to muster up the courage, that is.
Logan arrives, punctual as always and beautiful as ever. Logan’s the only kid Virgil’s ever met who wears a tie almost daily, claiming such attire is an attribute of his “seriousness.” Hah, as if Virgil doesn’t know about his unicorn onesie, not that he’d tell anyone about it. He’ll let Logan keep up the “serious” act, if that’s what he wants. It suits him, anyhow.
Virgil’s going to give it a minute, he decides, and they start to do their homework in relative silence. This is no oddity for the pair, they often spend time over at each other’s homes after school to do work or catch up or both. But Virgil’s heart isn’t usually beating out of his chest when he’s doing his fucking APLit homework. He told himself he was just going to take a minute to collect his thoughts before breaking the silence, but god, it’s been like thirty minutes at least and he hasn’t said anything and he’s getting too fucking nervous and he doesn’t think he can do this and –
“Virgil?” Logan’s voice cuts through the haze of his mind, voice calm and collected.
“Uh – yeah?” Virgil replies dumbly, his eyes snapping up to meet Logan’s gaze. Logan shuts his book, moving from his spot at Virgil’s desk to sitting beside him on his bed, a look of concern etched into his face.
“Are you alright? You seem distressed, and you’ve been reading that same page for over five minutes now.”
Shit, Virgil hadn’t even noticed. Logan’s question has offered him the perfect Segway to what he wants to say, it couldn’t have been laid out better. Except…Virgil can’t do this. He’s too nervous, and his hands are trembling, and this is going to be an absolute train-wreck.
“I’m fine,” Virgil mutters, hoping Logan will just drop it. He just wants to burry himself in his own cowardice, thank you very much. “Just a little distracted, I guess.”
“Forgive me if I don’t believe you,” Logan’s voice is even and steady, so the opposite of how Virgil’s feeling, “but you appear to be very nervous. For several days now, your anxiety has appeared to be heightened. I didn’t want to voice my…” Logan swallows thickly, “…concerns, fearing it might only worsen things. But I must confess, I’m getting a bit worried.”
Well fuck, is all Virgil can think. Logan, in the absolute sweetest way possible, has backed him into a corner. Evidently, Logan’s been worried about him and the thought makes his stomach turn. He hadn’t even realized he was acting any more nervous than he usually does.
"I don’t suppose you won’t just drop this for a while?” Virgil asks with a fleeting hope that maybe he can escape this in one piece.
“I’m afraid not.” Virgil sighs. It figures.
“Okay. Okay, you’re going to think this is so fucking stupid.”
“I highly doubt that. When was the last time I reacted in such a way to you telling me something?” Logan makes a good point, as Virgil can’t remember a recent instance.
“I mean, sure, but this is really dumb, L. I’ve kinda been trying to tell you this for forever, but, big surprise, I’m really anxious about it.” Virgil flinches as he feels a hand settle onto his shoulder, seeing the sincere concern in Logan’s eyes.
“Whatever it is you want to tell me, I’m here, Virgil. I’m your friend and your fears are not baseless or dumb. It’s okay to be afraid.” Virgil’s pulse hammers in his ears as he nods, taking a shaky breath.
“Yeah alright…s-so uh, I’m bi.” Virgil nervously ducks his head, his eyes landing on the carpet. It’s not like it would make sense for Logan to react poorly, but like, what if he did?
“Well, thank you for telling me, Virgil. How long have you –.”
“I dunno, a while,” Virgil interrupts, still not looking at Logan, “See? I told you, stupid.” “I never said stupid. You aren’t stupid for not coming out until now, there is no time limit or restrictions when it comes to identity. I’m glad you told me, Virge. Thank you, I know that it can be very hard to do so.” Virgil finally feels confident enough to meet Logan’s eyes, a lopsided smile forming on his face.
“Thanks, man. That kinda makes me feel better. You’re, uh, the first person I’ve told. I wanted it to be you who I told first, that is. Cuz, you know, we’re…” Virgil hesitates, struggling through the words “such good friends.” The pressure on his shoulder reseeds and is replaced at his hand where Logan has laced their fingers together. Virgil feels a shiver run down his spine.
“Is that all you wanted to tell me, or was there something else as well?” Virgil can feel the heat radiating off of him, knowing his cheeks are going crimson. Fuck, fuck Logan knows. He knows and he’s pitying him.
“I – uhh –,” Virgil sputters, incredibly dignified.
“I only ask because you still seem to be rather nervous. I’m not trying to provoke you and I apologize if that’s what I’ve made you to believe. I’m –.”
“I’m also, uh, kinda really in love with you.” Virgil can’t help it, it just comes up like word vomit. He can’t believe he just said that! He’s sure any second now Logan’s going to let go of his hand and push him away. He’s sure Logan will leave and never come back, and he’ll have lost his best friend.
“You…you are?” Logan doesn’t sound outraged or disgusted. He sounds relieved.
“Uh, y-yeah. Shit, did I just make things weird?” From the way Virgil finds Logan taking a fistful of Virgil’s hoodie and pulling him into a kiss, he’s inclined to believe that no, he didn’t just make things weird. The embrace is clumsy at first, their teeth knocking before Virgil’s hands are laced in Logan’s hair, melting into this kiss.
“I love you too, in case that wasn’t clear,” Logan says breathlessly as they part, their foreheads pressed together. Virgil laughs, relief washing over him in waves.
“Fuck, L, I thought I was about to lose you as a friend or something. I never entertained the thought that…”
“That I’ve been in love with you for years?” Virgil’s lips curled into a smirk.
“Years, huh?” He asks, as if he probably hasn’t loved Logan for just as long unknowingly.
“And here I’ve been, suffering in the belief that you were heterosexual. And you know my stance on feelings.” Virgil laughs, kissing Logan again and wondering how quickly you can become addicted to something because holy shit, this is amazing.
“Yeah, yeah, their “the bane of your existence” and all that.”
“Full disclosure, there’s no way I’m finishing my homework now,” Virgil says. Logan swats him.
“You horrid delinquent.” Virgil chuckles again, throwing his arms around Logan and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. For two boys who claim to be averse to most physical contact, they seem to be enjoying themselves a fair amount.
“Okay, this is probably a stupid question, but are we a thing now?”
“Are you asking to be my boyfriend?”
“Well then I accept. I find your presence to be tolerable.” Virgil snorts, holding Logan closer than he ever has and never wanting to let him go before a thought comes to mind.
“Hey, L?”
“You wanna stay for dinner and help me come out to my dads?” Virgil can’t believe it, but for once in his life he’s feeling brave. Logan’s made him feel brave.
“I would be more than happy to offer my assistance.” Virgil grins. “It’s gonna be great because they already love you, I mean, you’re so fuckin’ smart, and nice, and cute, and –.” “You’re rambling, Virge.” Virgil pulls away to see the flush on Logan’s cheeks.
“Aww, you’re embarrassed!”
“I absolutely am not.”
“Lo?” “Yes, Virgil?” The fondness in Logan’s tone was just about to kill him it was so sweet. Virgil kisses him again, long and slow, his hands planted firmly above Logan’s waist. His boyfriend – oh my god, he has a boyfriend! – continues to lean in, even as he pulls away. There’s no way Virgil’s ever going to recover from the cuteness.
“I love you.” Logan sighs contently.
“I love you too, Virge.”
“Virgil, honey, dinner’s ready!” Virgil’s Pops calls from downstairs. Virgil and Logan share a somewhat nervous, lovesick glance.
"Let’s go tell my dad’s I’m bi as fuck and have an insanely nerdy boyfriend,” Virgil says as he gets up from the bed, earning a chuckle from Logan. Logan grips onto his hand.
“Lead the way.”
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The Dutchess’ Garden - Part 2
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Series Masterlist - Chris Evans Masterlist - Full Masterlist
Pairing: Chris Evans x OC Emma Meijers
Warnings: Strong language, age difference, smut but not really smut
Word count: 2472
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‘Just so you know,‘ she smiles shyly, ‘you’re always welcome here. Would be a shame to refuse someone living this closeby.‘ She runs back inside and he watches her. When the door closes he checks the piece of paper he got. It’s a flyer with the opening times of The Dutchess’ Garden, as well as a form to sign up to be a member.
This morning had been better than yesterday. It had treated Emma gentler than the night before. She felt like she could actually get something done today. Today, she found herself actually enjoying the cold shower after her run. It was almost like she needed it. She had felt hot since yesterday around ten pm and she knew exactly why.  Normally, she prided herself for acting so normal around all these people who were “more special” than she was, but he- well, he... She didn’t actually know what to think about him. He had felt like an old friend from the minute he walked in. Not once did he get offended at her jokes and he actually went along with some, even if she thought she was taking it too far.  In a moment of weakness, she had sat down next to him after closing and felt her heartbeat rise when he put his arm behind her. He probably didn’t even notice he was doing it, but she noticed.
Dressed for the day, she sits down with her laptop at one of the tables in The Dutchess to get some work done. She normally sits outside whenever she can, but the weather had decided to take a turn and become a bit gloomy. It’s so much different from yesterday. She’s lucky she doesn’t have to get anything today. She stocked yesterday, so she should be fine for tonight. Around lunchtime, she grabs a bowl of yoghurt with some cereal before the chef walks in to prepare the simple meals and bites. Emma greets him with a smile, but doesn’t talk to him for too long. She’s got plenty to do. Just when the clock tells her it’s 2 pm, there’s a knock on the locked door. She yells that they’re closed, but they knock again. She sighs and head for the door to check if she’s offended someone’s bloated ego. Through the stained glass door, she can’t really see who it is so she unlocks the door. ‘Oh, hi,‘ she speaks with a soft smile when she’s met with Chris Evans. She has to do a double take for a second. He looks so casual and apparently he’s walking his dog. He has a dog? She must’ve missed that in her research. ‘Hi, I just came to give you this,‘ he says and hands her the flyer she gave him yesterday. She takes it from him and has a quick look through it. ‘That’s great, come in, I’ll sign you up right now,‘ she says, ushering him to come through the door, but he takes a second. Hesitating because 1; he didn’t know if Dodger could come in with him. And 2; he had to take in how she looked for a second. With the weather being a little chillier than yesterday, she had opted for flared jeans and a jean blouse over a navy tank top with lace detailing the sweetheart neckline. Her hair is done half up half down and she’s wearing cold-rimmed glasses. He likes how she looks. It’s much more casual then yesterday. ‘Are dogs allowed,‘ he asks. ‘Of course, bring him anytime,‘ she gleams and walks ahead of him to the table she was working at, ‘grab a chair. Can I get you something? Do you want some water for the dog?‘ ‘We’ll be fine, we’ll head back home after this,‘ he smiles and sits down. He looks at the dog and softly tells it to lie down. ‘Okay, let me just run through it quickly,‘ she says and takes a quick sip from her coffee, forgetting she just poured it. With a sour face, she puts it down. She burned her tongue. ‘You good?‘ ‘Yes, hot coffee.‘ She scans the form and puts the data into her client base. ‘Okay, that’s set. So, like I explained yesterday, you can invite 2 people at a time, but never invite them before you’ve called to make a reservation if you bring someone who’s not a member.‘ ‘Why is that?‘ ‘Like other bars, we also have a blacklist. People who we do not trust, people who have talked about other hidden bars on national television, people who are rowdy,‘ she explains, ‘this place is exclusive to celebrities, but there is an exception to partners, mits they sign an agreement to keep their mouths shut about this place if the relationship turns bad.‘ He chuckles: ‘You won’t have to worry about me on that rule. I’m known for being single. Couldn’t keep a relationship if I tried.‘ She chuckles along. ‘I’m sure that’s not true,‘ she smiles, ‘you seem like someone who looks for something real rather than short and easy. That’s fine. I’m the same.‘ Is he chocking?  “Chocking on air? Really Chris? Are you really going to start chocking on air when she tells you something personal?”  He thinks to himself. Dodger looks up at Chris to check if he’s okay. Before he can ask for anything, Emma hands him a glass of water. He was so busy beating himself up because he was chocking on air that he did not see her get up and get him water. ‘Come on, it’s not that shocking,‘ she laughs, ‘do I really come off as the fuck-and-go kinda type?‘ She keeps joking while he catches his breath. Keeps smiling like it isn’t awkward and it probably isn’t to her. But Chris wants to shrink into his clothes and disappear. ‘I’m sorry,‘ he coughs. ‘That’s okay,‘ she smiles, ‘at least you didn’t throw up.‘ The comment takes him by surprise and he starts laughing so hard he fears he might throw up. His stomach starts hurting and his cheeks feel sore. ‘Wow, I didn’t know I was that funny.‘
It takes him a minute, but he gets back to normal. Meanwhile, Dodger has taken a liking to Emma, following her around the bar. Because where she goes, there are food scraps. Chris watches her walk around and tell Dodger to wait when she goes into the kitchen. To his surprise, he actually listens to her. She comes back out with a small bowl of leftover meats. ‘Do you mind?‘ She looks at Chris and shows him what she’s holding so he can check if it’s safe for Dodger. ‘No, go ahead. He deserves a treat,‘ Chris tells her. Emma nods and leads the dog in front of the bar, tells it to wait once again, and puts down the food while he’s still waiting. ‘All yours buddy,‘ she says and Dodger starts devouring the meat. She grins and sits back down with Chris. ‘Now where were we?‘ ‘I was chocking.‘ ‘Ah yes,‘ she tries to suppress an amused smile, ‘so partners are allowed. Dogs are allowed as well as long as they behave. This is a place of peace and quiet.‘ ‘Ah, Dodger’ll be alright then.‘ ‘He seems like a good boy, yes,‘ shes says in an almost analytical tone. It makes Chris chuckle. He has never seen anyone call a dog a good boy in such a cold and serious tone. ‘Any other things I have to keep in mind?‘ ‘Yes,‘ she smiles, ‘we have a great variety of drinks and liquors, but if you want something specific, please call ahead so we can get it for you. Oh, and we don’t do parties unless it’s an all members party, but we organize those ourselves. You’ll get a call when we have one. And one last thing, The Dutchess’ is civilized and so are her guests. So I don’t care if you have beef with anyone, you don’t when you’re here.‘ ‘Did you have many fights here?‘ Chris looks at Emma, curiosity dripping from his look. ‘Yes, but I can’t tell you who were the offenders,‘ she leans back in her chair with a smug look, ‘secrecy of The Dutchess and all that.‘ ‘Of course.‘ ‘Okay,‘ she starts typing something and then looks up at him with a smile, ‘all done. Welcome to The Dutchess. Normally, we’d give you a bottle of champagne to celebrate, but I didn’t know you’d come around.‘ ‘That’s okay, not a great fan of champagne anyway,‘ he says and stands up. They walk to the door together to say their goodbyes for the day. Chris steps outside and hesitates for a second. He turns back to Emma with a smile. ‘And since we’re nearly neighbors, let me know if you need anything.‘ She smiles at his offer, but feels a bit nervous. ‘Thank you,‘ she says, knowing she’ll never make use of that offer. It would be wildly inappropriate for someone in her position. She’d like to, but she won’t. Her father always told her she shouldn’t fall for these people. They’re actors for a reason.
And then Sunday morning rolls around.
‘Good morning ma’am, we’re here for the boiler.‘ Emma stands flabbergasted, sweating, trying to catch her breath after her morning run. ‘You’re kidding? You were supposed to be here Monday,‘ she says, trying to sound strong but her red face really isn’t helping. ‘We had some things moved around. We have time now or next week,‘ the man says with a strange grin. He knows she has to shower and it looks like he’s taking pleasure out of making things difficult for her. ‘Shit, fine,‘ she sighs, ‘around the back.‘ She shows them to the stairs at the back of the house that lead to her own floor of the house. When she shows them the boiler, the verdict is made quite quickly. ‘Ma’am, your boiler is expired,‘ the man says, ‘if you keep using it and it breaks more, your insurance won’t pay.‘ She rubs her fingers against her forehead, feeling a headache coming up. ‘So what’s next?‘ ‘We order you a new boiler. It’ll probably arrive somewhere late this week and we install it next Monday,‘ he explains. ‘So I have to go a week without warm water?‘ The grin on the man’s face widens. He’s enjoying this and she knows it. ‘You’ll be fine ma’am. I’m sure you have someone who’ll let you borrow their shower for a week.‘ He writes out a sheet of paper that explains the next appointment and the expected cost. Emma quickly scans it and sigh again. ‘Fine, I’ll see you next Monday then.‘ ‘Ma’am,‘ he says and nods his head as he leaves. Emma shuts the door and lets her back fall against it. A series of whines leaves her mouth while she punches and kicks the air like a little child. Why now? Why? This is terrible. With a lump in her throat, she picks up her phone and calls the person who told her she could call for anything. “Chris speaking.“ ‘Hi, Chris, this is Emma,‘ she says a bit nervously. “Oh Emma, how are you doing?“ ‘I’m quite alright, but I have a bit of a favor to ask.‘ “Ask away.“ He seems way too cheerful for this. Why is he so damn nice? ‘Listen, I feel terrible for asking and making use of you right away, but my boiler is broken and I don’t know if I can take a full week of cold showers. So could I maybe-‘ “Shower at my place,“ he hesitates, “yeah, for sure. When do you need it?“ ‘Actually-‘ “I’m at home, just take your shower stuff with you.“ ‘Okay, thank you so much, you’re the best.‘ “No problem. I’ll see you in a minute.“ ‘See you.‘ 
And so it goes. Emma walks down to Chris’ with a backpack that holds her clothes and her shower supplies. She feels like there’s led in her shoes. She doesn’t want to overstep boundaries, but she has to. Sure, showering with cold water isn’t the end of the world and she’s sure plenty of people do it just because they can but she can’t stand the cold. Not like that and certainly not after a run. When she reaches the house, she wants to just turn around. Pretend like the water at her place is warm. At the same time, she really wants to see Chris. He’s such a bundle of joy and she’s enjoyed every second she’s spend with him so far. She feels like she’s walking the edge of friendship very closely, but she doesn’t want to step in. Though she feels like that, her mind is way further. Her mind has imagined him naked in her bed, taking up almost the whole queen-sized bed she has. Her mind has imagined her laying on his chest with her leg draped over his body and her hand gently on his chest tracing the tattoos she knows he has. Her mind still gone, she presses the doorbell. Dodger’s barks pull her out of it before the door can swing open. Lucky her. ‘Hey Emma,‘ Chris says like he’s greeting an old friend. “Oh no,“ Emma thinks, “have I already gone too far?“ ‘Hi, thanks so much for letting me use your shower,‘ she says with a smile. ‘No worries, please, come inside,‘ he says and steps away from the doorway so she can pass. While she does, Dodger starts running circles around her hoping she brought more treats. ‘I hope it’s not too much trouble,‘ she frowns, ‘the boiler man just showed up out of nowhere and told me he has to shut off my boiler.‘ ‘It’s no trouble at all,‘ he smiles, ‘I’ll be home for a while anyway.‘ ‘You finished filming,‘ she asks. ‘Yeah, last Friday.‘ He looks her up and down. ‘You run?‘ ‘I do. I try to run every morning,‘ she tells him. ‘Me too,‘ he says excitedly, ‘how about we take runs together this week? You can shower after and just head home.‘ Emma is taken by surprise by this offer. Morning runs with Chris Evans? Yes please. ‘Oh, that’d be great,‘ she grins, ‘you better keep up with me though.‘ ‘You’re half my size, I should tell you that,‘ he teases, ‘but I’m glad you said yes. I don’t know the forest very well and I figured you might know it better.‘ ‘I do. Know it like the back of my hand.‘  ‘Good, good.‘ A pause falls in their conversation and they just stare at each other. Admire the other with loving eyes. There’s nothing awkward about it, until Emma starts thinking. She just crossed the line. ‘So, shower,‘ she asks. ‘Yes, of course,‘ Chris replies and walks her to the bathroom, ‘I’m sorry, I was out of it for a second.‘ ‘Not having second thoughts, are you?‘ She smiles brightly, playfully punching his shoulder. He smiles back at her. ‘No, just admiring you,‘ he says casually. Emma’s eyes widen, she feels a pit of butterflies in her stomach, and her face turns bright red. Lucky for her, Chris is not looking at her. ‘I’m stunning, I know,‘ she jokes, flipping her hair to play it off. ‘You are though.‘
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ocw-archive · 3 years
No Laughing Matter - NW magazine, February 4, 2002
Owen Wilson is happy to star in his first dramatic role
Quirky sex symbol Owen Wilson, known for his comedic roles in movies such as Zoolander, Meet the Parents and Shanghai Noon, stars in his first dramatic lead role in the upcoming combat movie Behind Enemy Lines. "I don't really have an awareness of myself being an object of attraction in the way that I think of Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt," the actor/writer says, blushing. "I'm clearly not one of those people, but in real life I've always been lucky to have pretty nice girls."
His impressive track record includes Sheryl Crow and Gina Gershon. "I'm not dating anyone right now. I don't know why, but I suppose I've been working a lot, which might have something to do with it." But now that Wilson, 33, has become a bona fide movie star, surely women are throwing themselves at him? "Not as much as I'd like," he laughs.
It seems Owen's appeal runs in the family. Younger brother Luke, 30, who has dated Drew Barrymore, is currently seeing Gwyneth Paltrow. "Well, Luke's the heart-throb of the family," he laughs. "Luke was always popular with the girls while we were growing up, but I have to say that I kinda held my own, too. But, in fact, our older brother Andrew is traditionally the best looking in the family. He's acting now, too. He had a little part in Zoolander, actually."
Wilson, on the hunt for his next girlfriend, says, "I look for a sense of humour - but doesn't everyone say that?" He pauses. "Firstly, you've got to be attracted to the girl, and then once you've cleared that hurdle, like, can you stand to be around them and do you find the stuff that they say interesting? A lot of stuff has to fall into place."
Wilson says that going out with celebrities hasn't deterred him. "It hasn't put me off dating women in the public eye, but I think it'd be nice to get married to someone who wasn't in the business. I don't want a woman to just sit at home and wait for me, but someone who had a different type of career, like a doctor, would be great," he says. "But I live in Los Angeles, so it's pretty relentless how everything revolves around the entertainment business. But sometimes I think that if I was with someone in an unrelated field, they might not be comfortable with the bullshit of Hollywood," he says. "Generally, I get along better with smart women."
Although Behind Enemy Lines did well in the US, Wilson was nervous about how he would be received. "I didn't know if people would accept me in something that's not funny, but they seemed to have an okay reaction to it." An understatement, it would seem. Behind Enemy Lines grossed nearly US$19 million ($37 million Australian) in the US in its opening week. Wilson stars opposite Gene Hackman. "Gene had seen Shanghai Noon and recommended me for the part, so I was really thrilled about the chance to work with him."
Owen's offbeat looks, particularly the size and shape of his nose, have made his life a little difficult at times. "I've obviously had to develop a sense of humour about it. I went through life thinking I was pretty normal until I came to Hollywood and people were talking about how screwed up my nose was," he says. 'It was broken in high school and again in college, both times when I was playing football."
Has he ever considered surgery? 'Well, it's kind of a bit late now, isn't it? And also, I would have gotten too much grief from my brothers," he groans. But on the upside, it can only help Wilson with his dating dilemmas. After all, there are some who relate big noses to other body parts. "Well, yeah," he laughs.
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lildevyl · 4 years
Hearts and Heroes
Summary:  Fans and YouTubers from all around the world come together to help fight against a great evil that invades everyone’s dreams, known as the Terrorlings.  Join Brandy and her team as they team up to help fight the Leader of the Terrorlings and help save their friend and mentor, Markiplier.
This is based on the fan-made game in the Markiplier Community known as Hearts and Heroes.
TW:  Mild Gore, Violence, Fran Bow Game, Hospital, Asylum, Nightmares, Anxiety, Mention of depression
Guest Staring:  @weirdmixofweirdness as Nora Weird
                              Chapter 1: Dream Warrior
(Brandy’s House)
Brandy sat at her computer wiping tears from her face from laughing so hard, as the video of Markiplier Makes Pancakes wrapped up.  She was so glad the Markiplier Makes video ended up in her Recommended.  After a busy weekend like this, it was nice to sit back and just relax a bit.  That and Brandy really needed the laugh.  Her lacrosse practice didn’t go so well, but she was starting to feel a bit better now.  After getting ready for the night and turning off her computer.  Brandy headed off to bed ready for some goodnight sleep.  Not knowing the adventure that awaits her.
(The Manson):
When Brandy woke up, she found herself lying on a - couch?  That didn’t make any sense.  Why would she be on a couch?  Looking around, Brandy realized that she wasn’t’ in her house anymore.  She was in someone else’s home, but where?  Brandy got up and decided to explore, maybe she can find someone and get to the bottom of this.
The more Brandy explored the house the more it seemed familiar to her somehow.  She just couldn’t put her finger on it, but Brandy knew this place looked familiar to her.  It wasn’t until she came across a hallway full of portraits but the faces looked like a giant ex was painted on them.
A portrait of a Chef.  “I thought I told you to stay outta my Kitchen!” A portrait of a Butler.  “The Master will be so displeased!” A portrait of a Woman in a Fortune-teller Room.  “I won’t force this on you.  You have a choice.” A portrait of a Mayor.  “Life is our’s to choose.” A portrait of a Colonel.  “Life needs a bit of madness.” And a portrait of an Actor.  “Life is to live it to the fullest.”
*Same snake, different skin.*
Brandy entered the Kitchen and didn’t find anyone, but wait?  Is that?  Brandy goes over to the Island where a tiny box is sitting and smiling at her.  “Huh?  No way!  Tiny Box Tim!”
“Hiya!”  Tiny Box Time greeted.
Then there was a flash of light and someone else was standing in front of Brandy but was behind Tiny Box Tim.  “Well, hey there, Tiny Box Tim.  How’s my little biscuit doing?  Thanks for notifying me that she’s here!”
“Huh?  Whoa!  You’re Markiplier!”
“Hi.  Listen, I know you have a lot of questions and I’ll try to explain everything as best as I can.  But right now, we need to get someplace safe.”
“Someplace safe?  I don’t understand.  Aren’t I just dreaming?”
“You are.  I am too.  It’s a bit complicated and I promise that I’ll explain everything, as best as I can.”  Mark held out his hand, palm up, gesturing for Brandy to take the first step.
“Um, okay.”
(Markiplier Hub)
Brandy stepped forward next to Mark and the next thing that Brandy knew.  She, Mark and Tiny Box Tim was all being teleported somewhere.  “Whoa.  Okay, feeling a little dizzy.  Okay, now can I know where I am?”
“Yeah, it takes a little getting used too.  And to answer your question, this is basically, home base for people like us.  You, me, and many others were chosen to fight against the Terrorlings.”  Mark started to explain.
“The what?”  Brandy asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Hear me out on this, alright?  I’ll try to explain as best as I can.  Terrorlings are basically dream-like demons that feed off negative emotions.  Anger, jealousy, grief, sadness, anxiety, uncertainty, and fear.  They can only affect people’s dreams as of right now, but the damage they can cause is very real.  And if they grow strong enough, I'm afraid their darkness will begin to seep into the awaking world.”
“That doesn’t sound good!”  Brandy said getting a little on edge.  She can only imagine what that might be like.
“Yeah, it’s definitely not good.  But that’s why we’re here to help.  This is the Hub or as some people like to call it the Markihub.”
Brandy gave one of her, “Yeah, right” looks at that.  “So, what do we do here?”
“Well, people here train for battling the Terrorlings.  They can also gather supplies and meet up with their teammates before missions.  Then, when the third shift bell rings, a portal will open to take you to the person that needs to be saved.  Speaking of, there’s the first bell!  You’ve still got a lot to do, but I’ll help you get up to speed.  Follow me to the training room.”
Brandy followed Mark to the Training Room, and her mouth fell open.  The Training Room looked more like a dojo!  Training Dummies were set up, different training weapons, and protections when using real weapons during training.  And so many other people were also training as well.  Brandy partnered up with Mark and he showed Brandy the ropes that will be her in her first mission.  After some time, Mark said that Brandy wasn’t too bad for the first in training and showed her the Army.  Mark stayed outside, claiming that the guy in there made him a bit uneasy.
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, reader and all other configurations of being, my name is Wilford Warfstache and this is my weapon shop!  I’m in charge of very sharp objects.  Ready to choose your class?  Wilford Warfstache takes no crap from anybody!”  Wilford told Brandy.
“My class?”  Brandy asked, confused.
Wilford then went on to explain the different classes that people here in the dream world can take.  The different weapons they will have and the different training opportunities as well.  But Brandy had to choose carefully.  It was first to come first serve and all sales final after that!  Brandy decided on Warrior since that’s what she would normally choose if this was an RPG Game.
After exploring the Markihub a bit more, trying to figure out where everything is, and the layout of the place.  Brandy decided to find Mark.  She’s still very confused about a lot of things, and Mark did promise that he would explain everything.  Here’s hoping.
“You ready?”  Mark asked.
“I think so,” Brandy said.
“Great.  Now I’ll try to explain things more, especially since I promised to explain everything as best as I can.  Every person has their own Terrorlings.  In the dreams, they can manifest themselves into entities that are familiar to the victim. They invade the person’s head, causing the victim’s dreams to become nightmares, attacking them, and slowly eating away at their sanity.  Our job is to go into their dreams and save them before the Terrorlings do too much damage.” Mark explains.
“There isn’t much time left before the portal opens.  And there’s a couple of things you need to do before heading out.  Sometimes, I like to do a quick send-off before the start of a shift.  It can get tough out there, so a few words of encouragement are always good.  What you want to do and I’ll help show you, is to equip before you head on out.  That way you’re fully prepared and have a better chance at fighting the Terrorlings.”
Brandy quickly equipped her armor and Mark showed her how to secure her sword when not in use.  “Okay, I think I’m ready to go, but I still don’t know exactly what I’m going to be doing out there.  I mean, I’ve hit people with a lacrosse stick before, but I never really been in a fight before.”  Brandy confessed.  She was really nervous about botching her first mission and completely messing it up.
“Don’t worry, new recruits face easier enemies on their first missions.  Even though everyone’s dreams are different, we try to make sure no one is going in facing enemies that they can’t handle.  Tonight you’re going to help a college student who’s been going through a tough time.  Their adopted father has been put in jail and their classmates have been really laying it on them.  They're starting to feel like a burden and their anxiety has been going through the roof, even having a few depression episodes.  Here, things like anxiety can take form as Terrorlings.  They start out small, but they can pile up over time and can cause some major harm.  Along, with the depression episodes.  The Terrorlings can probably do a lot of damage if we don’t try to help them out.”
“So, I go into someone’s dream and fight these  .   .   .  Terrorlings?”  Brandy asked.  Now, she was getting really nervous about this.
“Yep, and once they’ve been rescued, the exit portal will appear to take you back to the hub.”
“And  .   .   .   What if I  .   .   .   fail?”  That was one of Brandy’s biggest fears. Failing.  Not just failing a test or something, but actually failing someone.  Failing at helping someone.  Failing at something in life.  Brandy prides herself at being a really good student and yes, she has a lot of sass and tries her best to be a good friend.  But failing, at being a good friend, a good daughter.  It always made Brandy nervous that she might not be good enough.
“You’ll do great.  I know you can do it.  You were chosen for a reason.”
“If you say so,” Brady says, feeling a little confident now.  “Then, is it about time to start?”
“Yeah!  Let’s get going!”
As the third bell was about to toll, everyone gathered at the entrance where the portal will appear.  And as usual, everyone started talking among themselves, while Mark tried to get everyone’s attention.  A lot of people just did this knowing that, it would annoy Mark, it was kinda a thing that everyone did every now and then.
“Okay, now that I have your attention!”  Mark starts off awkwardly.  “We all know why we’re here.  There are dark things out there threatening the well-being of good people.  But we’re here to stop them.  Each and every one of us has something in your heart that can shine through that darkness and let you reach out to others.  Some of you were saved, others were chosen.  Chosen by what? 
Well to be honest  .   .   .  I have no freaking idea.  I’ve been doing this for a few years now and I still haven’t been able to figure it out.  But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop fighting.  Every night the darkness attacks, but our numbers continue to grow with every person saved.  Helping people is what I’m all about.  So, I’m taking this chance to do just that.  I want you all to know that even though things will get rough out there, I believe in you and I know you can do it!  And if it gets too much for you, just know that we’re all here for you and you can always ask for help.”
“One more thing for the new people.  You, see that heart everyone has on their sleeves?  It’s the mark of a hero.  Not everyone you save will have one, but if they do, it means they’ll be joining our ranks in the fight against the Terrorlings. Alright, everyone!  Good Luck out there!”
The portal opened and everyone went through.  Talking to themselves or giving each other a last-minute pep talk.  Mark came to where Brandy was standing. “Let’s go!”
“Hang on second,” Brandy said.  “You said that each person had to be saved from the Terrorlings, right?”  Mark gave her a nod.  “Then what about me?  I wasn’t being attacked when you came and got me.  I was literally in a   .   .   . House?  Mansion?”
“Well like I said, sometimes people get chosen.  That’s what happened to me too.  I don’t know how this works, but it’s just one of those things where you get the chance to do some good and you’ve just gotta take it.”
“I guess that makes sense.  It’s kinda like donating to a charity or tutoring someone right?”
“Well, sorta.  If that helps you understand a bit better.”
“Hey, man.  I got enough sass on my own.  I don’t need any more from you.” Brandy said, crossing her arms.  “Anyway, I guess we should get going.  Here goes nothing!”
“You’ve got this!”
(Oswald Asylum)
“Whoa!  So, we’re in someone else’s dream right?”  Brandy asked looking around.  Oh, damn.  Where the hell are they?  Is this some kind of hospital?  Great, she hated hospitals!
“Yep!  We should hurry and try to find them before the Terrorlings do.”
“Are you going to stick with me through my whole shift?”
“Ah, sick of me already?  I’ll stay with you for as long as I can, but I have to eventually get back to my own objectives.”  Mark then looked around and suddenly his expression changed upon recognizing their surroundings.  “Oh, great I know where we are.”
“Wait, you do?  Where are we then?”
“This will certainly be an interesting first mission for ya.”  Both Mark and Brandy suddenly heard someone scream and came, barreling down the hall.  With what looked to be zombie-like skeletons chasing them.  “Looks like they need our help.  Let’s go!”
The person ran right by them and locked themselves in a room.  The Terrorlings start to taunt and scratch at the door.  Laughing and calling out to the person that was trapped in this nightmare.
“You’re Dad’s a criminal!” “He could have killed so many people just using his talent!” “He’s Dark’s puppet!  And you’ll be next!  You’ll be serving him, and no one will take you seriously.” “Not even the writer of this fanfic!”
“Huh?!  How did -  Wait, are these guys breaking the fourth wall here?”  The writer of this fanfic says to absolutely no one.  “Okay, that must have been a typo!  Come on, I’m not even writing Wilford, the Host, the Author, or Darkiplier in this story yet and you guys are breaking character and the fourth wall already?!”
The writer of this story goes back to what she was writing and hopes to whatever Creator Power that is out there, that there won’t be any more breaking character or the fourth wall.
I guess she doesn’t know us, characters from the Markiplier Community, too well, do she?
“I’m going to pretend that I don’t see that and will continue to write this story the way I intended on writing it”
Okay. 👼
“Thank You!  Now, where was I?  Oh yes.  The person runs into a room locking the door behind them.”
(Oswald Asylum)
The person ran right by them and quickly locked themselves in a room.  The Terrorlings start to taunt and scratch at the door.  Laughing and calling out to the person that was trapped in this nightmare.
“Hey, jerks!  Over here!”
The Terrorlings turned around and their smiles grew to an ear to ear grin.  They came over to where Brandy and Mark were standing and were ready to fight. Brandy quickly grabs her sword and swings it around.  It was a bit heavy but it fit her perfectly as far as her body type.  Mark brought his staff and was ready to kick some ass.  The Terrorlings went after Brandy and Mark and the fight was on!  It was three against two.  Two of the Terrorlings, Brandy guests were the stronger ones, went after Mark and the Terrorling that Brandy got either wasn’t as skilled, as strong as the others or this Terrorling thought that Brandy would be slim pickings.
Brandy would be the first to admit to that she was by far any kind of fighter, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t going down without a fight.  As the fight went on, it was clear that Brandy was a newbie, but holding her own.  The Terrorling did manage to get some good shots on Brandy but Brandy was able to block a lot of the Terrorling’s attacks and was able to get some shots in as well.  Brandy briefly saw Mark successfully battling two Terrorlings at once, and hoped that she would be able to get to that level.
Right now, that got someone they need to save.  Brandy blocked the Terrorling’s attacks and was able to get one final blow.  What shocked Brandy the most was, one point the Terrorling was standing right there, then the next moment, Brandy was staring at a pile of ash.  Brandy quickly went to check on Mark only to see that he as well had two piles of ash.
“The Terrorlings become ashes when defeated.  Then they regenerate and go after other people here in the dream world,” Mar explained upon seeing Brandy’s shocked and confused look.
“I guess that makes sense.  We should get to the person we’re trying to save.”  Brandy headed to the room where they saw the person ran into.
Mark tried the door.  “Locked.  Hello?  Anyone in there?  You can come out now! We’re here to help you.”  Mark tried calling out to them and even lightly, knocked on the door.  No one answered.
“I think I can help with this,” Brandy said.  She then pulls out a few bobby pins from her hair and quickly put them together.  Then she goes over to the locked door and tries to pick the lock.  It takes Brandy a few tries and luckily it’s an old fashion lock.  “Walla!  The door is now open!”  Brandy opened the door, letting Mark go first, with a small bow.  Mark just smiled and shook his head fondly.
When Mark and Brandy entered the room, both of them found the room to be completely empty besides the bare essentials.  A bed, a window with the currents on the floor, and a dresser, that was it.  The person who ran in here was gone.  They must have ran, off somewhere, but where is the question?
Beep, beep, beep.
“Oh, sorry.  I have to go now.  But as I was about to say earlier I know which this is,” Mark explained after looking at his watch.  “This is Fran Bow.  I think once you find the person we’re looking for, and head to the end of the maze you should be good.  Just be careful, and whatever you do, don’t take the red pills!”
“Will do Mark!”  Brandy assured.
After Mark disappeared through the portal, Brandy decided to look around.  What better way to figure out who she needs to find then look around the room she’s in.  Plus, Brandy didn’t remember watching the playthrough of Fran Bow so this is completely new to her.  Looking around the room (didn’t take that long) Brandy found a file of the person she was looking for.
Patient’s Name:  Nora Weird
Parent/Parental Guardian:  Adopted Father Author Fischbach
Case:  Patient Nora Weird is the adopted daughter of the Author, one of the oldest Egos of Mark Fischbach (YouTuber Markiplier) and one of the deadliest ones.  After her adopted father had been arrested and taken in by Jackieboy Man, Nora has been severally bullied.  And started to show signs of possibly having the same powers as her adopted father. Patient believes that she is not “real” and is trying to find a “Creator” to use their powers to become “real.”   If not treated and suppress these powers, then it is theorized that she too, will be as powerful and insane as her adopted father. Powers:  Being able to write things down in a story and then narrates the story.  The story and/or characters become real.
‘Oh, wow!’  That was the first thing that Brandy thought when she read that.  Wait, did they just say that one of Mark’s Ego’s is her “Adopted Father?”  Okay, this nightmare is more confusing than anything else.  How can one of Mark’s older Egos be Nora’s adopted father?  The Author isn’t real.  Brandy was here in Nora’s nightmare to help her, so Nora’s a real person like her.  Like Mark.  Alright, so this file must be made up and is mixing things up, to try and drive Nora over.
‘Hang in there Nora.  Help is on the way.’  Brandy thought to herself as she headed out of the room.  Time to explore the hospital, maybe someone will be able to help her find Nora.
Tagging:  @weirdmixofweirdness, @isa-ghost, @septic-dr-schneep, @nightfuryobsessed, @fischyplier, @dezzydynamite, @kangaroo-roux, @shadowsinyoursoul, @marshmallowmischief, @juju-on-that-yeet, @m4delin, @stained-puppet, @10th-no-name-person
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hikari-hoshi-posts · 4 years
Just want to share another thought of AU here, what if finder series was a movie or drama. The cast must be hillarious and making mischief behind the scene, like bloopers and others. And they also get press conference where the cast talk about their characters that seems not match at all of them in real life. (Maybe some of them or maybe really different) like role reversed! They often get teased a lot from the reporters. I would like to picture where Akihito cast might be serious person while asami is the playful one (usually the supportive senior).🤣
Mikhail being second senior beside asami try his best to help the director to contain the ‘kids’ from running around and pulling on each other pranks all the time. Mikhail is the mother here, while Asami and the others trying to change the set into summer camp.😆😆
Sometime Akihito even thinking why he being in the same group with all this people (but secretly loves it). Enemies only on the scenes; Akihito and sudou are best friend in real life. They share their struggle from ups and down being in the same agency. Sudou being there when Akihito having mental breakdown pressure from all the expectation. He calms the younger man down, and becomes so defensive when Akihito getting ‘attack’ from the reporters or fans. He is like big brother to Akihito, to be truth, he is big brother to everyone that younger than him on the set. Being almost at the same age, Mikhail and Asami also being prominent to the media of their friendship. People thought it’s all about publicity but only those two know the truth of their friendship and the need to rely on each other. The knew the thorn path they had to take in other to become known to the world. That’s why they also support young actors like Akihito, Feilong, Momohara Ai or Tao improving their acting skill. But mostly, Asami trying to pull all of them into his mischievous act while Mikhail trying to put up with Asami kiddies antics on the set. If anyone can stop asami from his madness, just call Mikhail to put a stop to it. Asami learn to not make Mikhail upset with him in hard way in their younger days so he can’t afford a disappointed Mikhail.
Not exactly from what I thought impression:
Akihito almost want to bailed out after he reading the script and list of the A-list actors that soon to become his co artist. Especially Asami- his partner (the main actors) he is too nervous until sudou had to talked to him about three days to convices him. He end up to give the script a try, that.... also after sudou announce that he also get a part from the movie.
Asami know about Akihito kinda scare of him, and uncomfortable with his presence. He secretly plotting to make the set and himself more fun and welcoming environment towards all his colleagues. (Mikhail blame on Asami brow that always seems creasing when he thinking of something- part of his charms to scare people). He tried to make Akihito blend into the atmospheres and get into chemistry with him when they’re having reading script.
Turns out, akihito rely too much on sudou and Asami spend almost half month to get Akihito to date in order they can bond with each other, that earn too much gossips in media and Asami trying to keep Mikhail to calm down because this could effect their career and misunderstandings. (much to sudou dismay because he think Asami trying to steal his spot) too much pictures of them outside of the shooting, and rumours but the production brushes it off thinking it really good for publicity.
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shoober56 · 5 years
Tied ends (outlast story)
Chapter 1:Undefended
The lobby was filled with the smell of rotting flesh, most of us had our nose blocked by our masks, but i had only a helmet, i had to smell it all. "It reeks in here" i said. My friend, Baki, laughed "then wear a mask next time, non of us smell it" he stated, causing me to groan. "Fine, lets just get this over with..." i said as we started clearing the rooms, putting barriers on the doors and killing every inmate we find. We were in the male ward when we saw a dead corpse on the floor."who would do this to someone" baki said, looking down at him, strangely, it got him into a talk about genitals with an employee. Soon we left though, as we were about to leave however. I was ordered to clear the lower floors..
The place still reeked with blood, i could actually taste it. I was walking around when i heard it, a soft buzz. What was it- holy shit! Someone had snuck up behind with a buzz. He suddenly yelled the words "Feed me!!" Iturned around as it lifted the buzz saw up and swung it down. I could only block my body with my gun before suddenly, i was defenseless. I could see the varients smile grow as he lifted his buzz saw again. I couldnt do anything! I could only...I pushed him aside and burst into a sprint, running out the room. I could hear him behind me, chasing me. "FEED ME! FEED ME FEED ME FEED ME!!" I ran faster, dropping my flashlight. he was getting closer. Fuck me fuck me fuck- I slammed the door behind me, locked in a room with no exit, i didnt even think about it, i hid in a locker. He busted down the door. How could he do that? He looked around before walking out. "I can smell you!" He yelled, obviously not. I slowly got out the locker, crouching and sloely creeping out. He was on the other side, to the far left. I decided to go to the right, not risking anything. Soon enough, i found something, a camcorder on the floor. What would a cancorder be doing in the labs? I slowly picked it up, it was cracked, but if i didnt have my flashlight, it would have to do. I lean down the corner, the varient was on the left side, breaking into the server room. Im risking it, the lights are out so he might not see me. I turned on the nightvision and booked it to the door infront of me. "I can smell you!" He repeated, i could tell he heard my footsteps. Fuck me, this is gonna be hell isnt it?...
Chapter 2: Uncertain
I crouch behind some definitely not red barrels, i dont think he saw me, but he definitely heard me. I could hear him getting closer, maybe he'd just walk past me? Hopefully. The camcorder ran on double A's, and i was only able to hold 5 on me, but i dont expect to be here long. Eventually i see him walk past the barrels with the night vision. I stay still, hoping he would just keep walking. Thankfully, my wish was granted, and he turned around, not seeing me, and started walking back. I creep my way to the elevator. 'Fuck me why did i take this job?' I think to myself as i slowly reach the elevator. I take the key out and-im slammed against the wall, i could feel someone on me, a black mist surrounds me. Shit! Its the walrider. I could feel myself about to blow up but...i open my eyes, a dark figure is infront of me, looking at the camcorder. I look at it myself. There were some recording on it before i picked it up, maybe the hodt finds them special, i was never told who the new host was, i just know billy is dead. Whoever it is though, they leave me alone. I pause before picking the key off the floor, deciding to watch the recordings while im on the elevator...
Miles Upshur, thats who he is, the host, hes a journalist, he wanted to show the world murkoffs doing. Thats why hes not killing me, he sees me as a vessel, someone who can finish his work, a prophet. I need to get out of here. Im wondering if i should take the camcorder or risk my chances of him spotting me drop it. That didnt matter however, cause this elevator has different plans, it passes the exit and keeps going up, what the hell? It stops on the third floor instead. God damn it. I walk out and try the door to the bottom stairs, locked, of course. I decided, if i need it for night vision, i might as well record, maybr it will help my chances of escape, maybe the walrider would help me even more, who knows. I look around before walking to the right, seeing as the other side of locked and barricaded. My team probably left without me, or sent someone for me, though im not going with the latter. I find myself in the gymnasium after acouple yards. Bodies hanging on the roof, most of them hanging, exept one, poor bastards. I keep looking for an exit, a way to escape, too bad the elevator here wont work and the ladder is broken. This is gonna take forever, i just hope i dont run into- I hear footsteps, a mumbling voice getting closer, i cant hear what it says, but it doesnt sound staff-like. I crouch down and go into a dark corner. I dont see anyone, but i can understand the mumbling now "double...triple yard...Gluskin not here...nobody to use on.." use on? I dont know what their talking about, then i see him. A man, 6 feet at most, an untied straight jacket, and holding a double barrel shotgun like its a blunt weapon. I quickly go stiff. I recognize that inmate. Samuel Kluntz, split personality, i was known here for having the same last name as him... he looks around, ready to whack someone with that shotgun. I just keep still. He has about to turn, but i could see it as he turned. He spotted me "ungrateful!"he yelled as he turned starting to run at me. My adrenaline kicks in as i run, trying to run around him, and it works, but not without getting the butt of a double barrel on my spine. I wince a keep running. I run and run until a run into a room, seeming to mimic a wedding, with only a bride, but thats not my main focus, my main focus is the vent on the left cornor. I sprint, hearing him close behind me, and jump, getting into the vent and breathing heavy as i look in the room, hearing him curse and start walking away...
Chapter 3:Unwatching
Fuck this. I got hit with a gun, these fuckers are crazy, they told me there was no danger, no danger my ass. The vent dropped down to a small room, windows showing the wedding like room, and the doors blocked by debris, though i could probably move some of it to get out of i wanted, but not yet. If im staying any longer, im getting this armor off, i run too slow with it on. I quickly take the shoulder pads and shin protectors off unbuckling and unzipping my vest, taking it off and shaking my gray jacket off, wrapping it around my waist. I was only wearing my black sweatshirt and grey camo pants now, with my jacket tied around my hips. I take the camcorder and start pushing the metal cabinet away from the door, slowly opening it. I already here the mumbling and crouch down, entering the room infront of me and waiting. I hide under a table when i hear the variant vault the table. Peeking alittle as i see him enter, to be honest, he kinda looked like that one actor, Jesse Eisenberg i think the name was. I see him turn around and walk off. I softly follow, my steps much quieter now. He vaults over the table as i crouch my way under it. I follow him before making way to the door. Maybe i can find a way out through the female ward, though i doubt it, the place was bunring just a couple minutes ago, but we managed to water it down alittle, i hope its enough for me to find my way out. Once i was out of his earshot a walk up afew floors, heading to the floor with the broken door and heading outside, too bad the outside area was surrounded by walls. I start walking, it was morning so i didnt need the nightvision, but i freeze, hearing something, voices, but...I look around before spotting it, two men in the shed, mumbling to each other, i cant see them in detail, but i can hear them. "He looks..nervous..i would like to kill him." "...as would i.." I quickly turn around and walk to the one on the other side. Managing to get to get to the other sode before hearing footsteps, following me. I pause, the footsteps continuing, theres two sets. 'Its them' my brain tells me, i just curse and book it. Fuck that, seriously. The footsteps quicken behind, i cant tell if they are faster, or slower then me. It doesnt matter, i just keep running before finding a small hole in the wall and crouching through it. Now at the entrance to the female ward...im going to die here, arnt i?
Chapter 4: Unfriendly
This place seems broken, some parts burnt to ashes, but no holes led to the exit, only to the outside area of the asylum.
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our-heroes-rise · 6 years
I love the headcannons with kastuki bakugou. I didn’t get far with the anime but the cute Baku is helping me so I wanna ask if you want: Can you do a heacannon where bakugou gets a love letter and thinks it’s a joke but when you tell him it’s not he gets.....you know?☺️ Also love your blog it’s great!!
thank you so much sweet person this was going to be just a headcanon but then it turned into a scenario and sdkjhghs i hope you like it and that it was what you were looking for!
He had to read it over a couple of times because he’s wondering if maybe he’s hallucinating or misreading it somehow. It’s written with such affection and care… There’s no way it could be for him. Then he sees your name at the bottom, signed with your initials in the handwriting he knows too easily to be yours, and he lets out a snort. You were obviously messing with him.
There was no way you liked him. There was no way you had caught on to his feelings for you. There was absolutely no way this wasn’t a joke. You loved jokes, especially the ones revolving around him. Much to his utter annoyance, you delighted in giving him a hard time. But teasing each other was a rather large portion of your friendship, it was your own weird form of secret communication. So, of course, he was already aware that pranks and surprises were in no short supply with you. This was just another one of those pranks.
You knew how terrible he was at expressing himself, this was just an attempt to get him all riled up.
Yeah, that’s all it is.
Bakugou shoves the carefully printed letter into his bag before he can dwell on the other possibilities for too long, and tries to return his attention back to Present Mic’s English lecture. However it only takes a few minutes for his mind to go wandering back to that letter, now sitting scrunched between two textbooks.
What if you had meant it? What if, maybe, this one time you weren’t messing with him?
A tiny smile tugged at the corners of Bakugou’s lips as he allowed himself a moment to think what it would be like to actually take you on a date. He stopped himself the second he felt the heat clawing up his cheeks, angling his face towards the window just in case anyone saw. But as he stared out the window, intensely studying the cherry blossom trees that bloomed in the courtyard in an attempt to distract himself, his eyes found your face in the reflection.
You were looking at him – at his reflection – with that stupid little smile spread wide across your face gazing expectantly at him. No, not expectantly, you looked nervous, hopeful even.
Hopeful for a reaction.
Bakugou told himself, sending you a glare then turning his head back to the front of the room. He did not dare look your way the rest of the class, but the more he thought about it… About your damn smile. The way you looked at him. You were egging him on, trying to get him to fall further in the trap you had set out for him. It made his blood boil.
Did you not consider that he might actually like you? Did you not think of how it would affect him if you went through with this dumb fucking prank? Were you really that dense or had he really made it that difficult for you to tell he was crushing on you so damn hard?
Half an hour later the bell rang for lunch, and Bakugou was the first one out of the classroom without so much as a glance in your direction. Hands stuffed deep into his pants pockets he stalked down the hallway, growling, and grumbling at anyone who got too close to him.
“Hey!” a voice called. You. It was you. He could hear your shoes clicking against the tiled floor as you ran to catch up with him. Bakugou cursed under his breath, knowing that if he tried to escape you now you would only hunt him down later. “Wait up pop-rocks, would ya?”
“What?” Bakugou grumbled as you approached from behind.
You shot him an assessing look from the corner of your eye. “Nothing, I can’t walk with you anymore?” A grunt and a shrug was your reply. You were quiet for a moment, voices of chattering students being the only thing that filled the silence as you both continued to walk next to each other. He wanted to ask what was wrong, look to see if he hadn’t hurt your feelings, but his pride was snuffing out any whisper of sympathy within him. A few seconds later you spoke, your voice so soft he could barely hear it above the sounds of the buzzing breezway you passed through. “Did you read my letter?”
A muscle flickered in his jaw. “Yes and it wasn’t fucking funny.”
Bakugou looked over at you, gaze hard and blazing. “It was a shitty joke Y/n. Who the hell would pull that kinda thing on someone?”
You stopped all of a sudden, mouth agape in shock. He stopped to face you. “I wasn’t kidding Bakugou.”
“Yeah, sure you weren’t,” he scoffed. “I’m not that stupid. Who told you it was a good idea? Was it Kaminari? Ashido? Hair for brains?”
Your expression suddenly shifted from surprise to complete seriousness. “Look, I know I mess around with you a lot, but this – that, –” you gestured vaguely to his bag where the letter was still stored – ”wasn’t a joke. I wouldn’t joke about something like that.”
He stared at you for a long time, letting the crowds of students pass by, ignoring the strange looks people shot at both of you, and furrowed his brows. That heat from before had begun to inch slowly back up his face and he fought to gain control over it. “You joke about everything, how am I supposed to believe that?”
You glared at him, hands tightening around the straps of your bag as your face flushed an alarming shade of red. “I’ve never joked about my feelings with you and I certainly wouldn’t start now. What would be the point in that? I meant every word I said in that letter, Katsuki.” You took a step closer to him, your back straight and chin tilted up, your eyes locked on him. His heart jumped at the sound of his name falling from your lips, and he resisted the urge to step away from you, keeping his gaze as fiercely unwavering as yours. “I like you. I don’t know why because you’re such an asshole sometimes, but when I’m with you I can’t think of being any place else. Even when we argue and fight I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather cuss out or tease relentlessly. You make my heart go crazy and–”
He couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t remember how to move his mouth. Could hardly form a coherent thought. All he could do was stand and stare at you and try not to fall to his knees in front of you because those were words he had only dreamed of you saying. He knew you weren’t lying, something told him deep down that he had known the truth the second he read those words from your letter and that he was an idiot for not believing in you.
“If you don’t feel the same way that’s fine, just please take what I’m saying seriously.” The breezeway had nearly cleared, there were only a few straggler students that still remained though none of them paid any attention to you. Even as you laid your heart bare in front of the boy you had come to care so deeply for. You stood there, waiting for him to say something. Hoping with all your heart that you had finally gotten through to him.
Bakugou hadn’t realized that he had lost track of your words somewhere along the way, but it didn’t matter anymore because his brain was finally functioning properly. He threw himself towards you, crushing you against his chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around you, burying his face into your shoulder and holding you as if you were to fade away any second.
“I’m sorry.” Was the first thing he thought to say, the words feeling foreign on his tongue. His baritone reverberated against the skin of your neck, though he didn’t notice the small shiver that slithered down your back while you came to wrap your arms around him. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. I’m a dick and I’m sorry. You mean fucking everything to me and I never thought you could actually like someone like me, and I don’t deserve a damn thing from you, but you make me so happy that it drives me insane.” He pulled back suddenly, his warm hands sliding up to gently grasp your face and press his forehead against yours. His cheeks were burning red, almost matching the smoldering scarlet of his eyes. “I believe you and I want to be with you too. I’ve wanted that since the moment I saw you.”
You grinned a dopey grin and the world seemed to stop for a moment while you took in the wild passionate flame that burned in his eyes and made your heart flutter. “Who knew the brute of our class could be so sweet.” His cheeks seemed to burn brighter. “First I get him to apologize and talk about his real emotions, what’s next, Katsuki? Will you actually ask me on a date?” You brought both of your hands up to slide over his and pull them from your face, placing a light kiss on each palm.
He dipped his head a bit closer, eyes flickering to your lips before saying, “What if I kiss you first?”
You were completely alone in the breezeway now but you couldn’t make it that easy for him, not after he just accused your feelings of being fake, apology aside. Letting him move a little closer to you, waiting till his lips hovered just above your own, you pressed your fingers against his lips and pushed his face away. Slipping out of his grasp you took his hand and continued pulling him down the hall unable to control your giggles as you did so. “Not before the first date Katsuki, what kind of girl do you take me for?”
“A pain in my ass kind.” He growled, though the frustration in his tone didn’t match the gentle way he still held and intertwined your fingers together. “Fine. How about I take you to that movie you’ve been wanting to see this weekend, with that shitty actor you always fawn over?”
You gasped in mock shock, placing a hand over your heart, “How dare you say such a thing about Chris Hemsworth? He’s Thor, The God of Thunder!”
Bakugou scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Yeah and I’m Bakugou and I don’t give a shit. You wanna go or not?”
“I didn’t say no.” You smiled at him, tugging him down by the arm to peck his cheek. “You buy the tickets and I’ll pay for snacks.”
If his cheeks could get any redder you know they would. He shot you a light glare, “Deal.”
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nancywheelxr · 6 years
(our friends set us up on a blind date as a prank because we don’t like each other but neither of us wants to let them win so ) | Part 8:
( part 1 ) ( part 2 ) ( part 3 ) ( part 4 ) ( part 5 ) ( part 6) ( part 7 )
Game nights at Kara’s are always very fun in a very competitive sort of way. Winn loves every second of it. And it’s been around as a tradition for about as long as he’s known her. It’s the sort of thing that used to be just for fun and then stayed existing just for the normalcy. It’s kind of impossible to imagine life without those weird nights now.
This one, though. For this one, he’s as nervous as the first time he talked himself into knocking on her door.
“We can do this,” he says half to the mirror, half to his anxiety. They can do this. “It can’t be that hard.” His sentence rises at the end, almost bending into a question; too dubious to be a statement.
“It will be the first time they all see us together outside of work and its distractions,” Brainy answers him from the living room anyway, still idly flipping through channels. He’s been slowly becoming more comfortable in Winn’s apartment after their fake-date and dinner at Valentine’s Day; Winn is sure even his small one-bedroom is better than the dorms at the DEO. “Are you ready yet? I’d rather not be late.”
A deep breath. Not to say, of course, that they don’t get into each other’s nerves anymore. “That’s not as helpful as you think,” he calls back, then quieter, “asshole.” To be fair, they should get all the insults out of the way before going to Kara’s, you know, really get it out of their systems.
“I apologize, it was not my intention to make it worse,” Brainy appears at the door, seizing him up with a carefully neutral face. Winn is surprised he didn’t hear him approaching, even more at the petty need not be found lacking that rises at the inspection. He tugs at his collar at the same time Brainy clears his throat, “to me, knowing all the parameters of a situation helps. What would help you?”
Not to be under a microscope tonight. Instead of replying, he meets his eyes on the mirror with a look that hopefully carries all he really wants to say, and splashes water on his face, wishing to dispel some of his nerves with the cold. If he’s being honest, he’s not even that sure why he’s so apprehensive.
“If it helps,” Brainy continues, a little hesitant, passing him the towel hanging by the door, “they have no reason to be suspicious, they want to believe us.”
Clutching the towel on his hand, Winn gives him an almost-smile. “Now, this helps,” he dries off, hiding the full extent of his grin, “thanks. But we should get going or we’ll be late even by my standards.”
Maybe Brainy is right, things might be fine tonight. If anything, everyone will be already expecting bickering from all sides, it’s game night. Maybe, as a surprising amount of things in this lie, it will be easier than he expects it to be.
The kitchen table is littered with snacks and Winn is sure this is what heaven looks like. Why was he so nervous earlier again? Nothing could possibly go wrong with this much junk food available.
Besides, now that everyone’s here, the air is full of laughter and inside jokes and the warm, steady promise of friendship– it’s really hard to be nervous.
This is his family, of course it’s going to be okay.
“So how was the date?” comes Lena’s voice, drifting faded from the living room.
Right. Even if they’re halfway through this stupid lie.
“Very nice,” follows Brainy’s reply, “even though, Winn was five minutes late.”
Scoffing to himself, Winn makes his way around the counter, taking the bowl of chips with him, “hey, you should be nicer,” he says over the prattle, “I’m your boyfriend now.”
Brainy makes space for him on the floor, “I am being nice, it’s why I said five minutes, instead of the fifteen.”
“Thanks, really,” Winn deadpans, leveling him with a deeply unimpressed glare, and sets the bowl on the table.
Lena snickers, laughing fondly at his grudging expression as he holds one arm open, letting Brainy settle back against him. After over two months of pretending, casual touching like this is easy– Winn has always been an affectionate, tactile person, it wasn’t hard to accommodate Brainy into his personal bubble. It’s almost nice.
“Okay, are we ready for this?” Kara calls their attention, tapping a spoon against her beer, “after some serious requests, I have finally dug out Clue!” She sets the box on the middle of the table, smiling proudly at their cheering.
“I have not played this before,” Brainy whispers, watching Kara bring out the board and all the pieces. “Is the title as misleading as the others?”
“No, actually,” Winn says, “it’s pretty much what it says on the tin. Someone murdered Mr. Boddy and we gotta figure out who, where, and with what.” He snags two pieces before Alex could claim them all and start assigning them like codenames, “here, you should be Professor Plum.”
Turning it over on his hand, Brainy raises an eyebrow, “and who will you be?”
“Apparently,” he snorts, “Ms. Peacock.”
“Alright,” Alex calls, shaking the dice on her closed fist, “where’s Miss Scarlet?”
With a tired, long-suffering sigh, James raises his hand. “Let’s get this over with, hand over the dice.”
“Here you go, Red.”
James sighs again.
“Alex!” Kara cries, throwing the last of the chips at her sister. “You’re cheating!”
“How am I cheating? It’s Clue,” she laughs, ducking and holding up a pillow as a very ineffective shield, “and– stop it– you’re wasting food!”
“Okay,” James stands up, watching Kara scrap the bowl for ammunition with a face that doesn’t seem to decide if it wants to be amused or afraid, “I think it’s time for refills.”
“Hold up,” Winn detangles himself, unfortunately flailing all the while, “I’ll help you.”
The brewing war in the living room is left behind as he wanders into the kitchen behind James, going straight for the cabinets and raiding them for Kara’s emergency stash of chips.
Bags are poured into another bowl in relative silence, as they eavesdrop into the bickering drifting in. It’s imported to keep up with it, really, by the time they get back, it might already have devolved into an all-out war and they might have to choose sides and– Kara squeals, followed by a burst of laughter, and both of them turn to see her clinging to the couch behind her, crumbs all around, and Alex holding the bowl above her, grinning darkly satisfied.
But it’s not any of it that catches his attention.
No, while it is a funny scene to watch and it does startle a chuckle out of him, it dies on his throat once his gaze lands on Brainy. Winn can’t look away. Because Brainy is laughing openly, and Winn hasn’t noticed this before, but when Brainy smiles it lights up his whole face, makes him look younger, and it’s just–
James sidles up beside him, elbowing Winn lightly, “I know that face,” he chuckles, way too entertained by the whole thing, “it’s your smitten face.”
His mind screeches to a stop, and Winn freezes for a second, before going into overdrive and whipping his head around fast enough to give himself whiplash in compensation. “What?” His voice cracks embarrassingly. He clears his throat. Is his mouth hanging open? It might, he’s not entirely sure what’s going on, things are spiraling fast. “ I mean, what, pshh, why would you say that?”
“Uh, because I know you? And I’ve seen it way too many times now not to recognize it?”
That’s. Wow. When you think you know a guy– seriously, how long have they known each other and– how can James even. That’s. Wow. It’s supposed to fool everyone but, this is something else; for James to just come out and say that– where did he even. Wow.
“You okay there?” James, who clearly does not know Winn as well as he thinks, asks. He even has the gall to sound concerned. “I know it’s still fairly new– I didn’t mean to freak you out, man.”
Winn shakes his head, burying his inner monologue for later when he’s not supposed to be agreeing to this so very wrong statement. “You didn’t freak me out,” he shrugs, kind of trailing off. How do you follow up on that? Goddamnit, it’s too soon for Winn of all people to get tangled up in the lies. If anyone should trip, it should be Brainy, not him. “You just– caught me by surprise, that’s all. Kinda forgot you were there for a sec.”
“I hear that, alright,” and man, it’s the chuckling that irks him. James is just so sure, it’s. It’s whatever. “You were smiling like you didn’t see anyone else,” he claps Winn in the shoulder, calling back as he ducks out of the kitchen, “you’ve got it bad, man.”
Well, would you look at that. Maybe Winn should have looked into the Broadway thing, after all.
Who would’ve thought he’s such a good actor.
Clue goes about as well as it was expected. It’s to no one’s surprise when Alex wins, although Lena narrows her eyes in a way that promises hellfire of a payback later and Kara pouts, already resigned to be caught in the middle of that.
With the night winding down, they exchange the board games for a movie, because in all honesty, they have all missed getting together like this. Winn had not been there for the worst of it, but he’s seen the last drags of awkwardness lingering after all that went down last year.
To have everyone in the same room without any pressure, it’s kind of a miracle.
They’re mostly fine with not talking about it, though.
But the movie seems to be one of Alex’s, some action flick that demands just this tiny bit more of attention than he can give it right now. It’s a Friday night, and Winn’s tired; he’s been working all week, he’s so, so tired, he can feel gravity winning and his body tilting, head lolling to the side, eyelids insurmountably heavy. Maybe, if he closes his eyes for just a second, then–
Just one teeny-tiny moment, then he’ll give the movie all of his attention.
The warm, soft wall he’s leaning against shifts, and Winn burrows in the warmth more comfortably. An arm wraps around his shoulder, and oh, right, it’s a person. Something nags at his mind, too faint to go through the sleepy haze setting in, and Winn lets it slide away, as he goes further and further into the dark.
With the background noise quieting down around him, Winn sleeps.
A hand shakes his shoulder.
Scowling, Winn half-heartedly tries to bat it away, holding his pillow closer.
Someone coos nearby.
Now, his eyes fly open.
The first thing he sees is dark green, soft under his cheek. A sweater, his brain helpfully supplies with an unwanted delay. Then, there’s awareness of his surroundings– shit, right, he was at Kara’s, game night then a movie, and– “where’s everyone?” He mumbles, pushing himself off Brainy.
“Lena left half an hour ago, James is probably still waiting for his taxi outside,” Kara counts off her fingers, grinning unashamedly, “and Alex is out cold in the guest bedroom.”
His legs are still unsteady, stiff from sleep, and Winn is forced to accept Brainy’s hand to pull him up. Maybe if he weren’t still dazed and a little disoriented, he wouldn’t be so blasé about all of this, but as it is– things are already so goddamn weird, why not just go along with it?
“You have slept through the entire movie,” Brainy tells him, monotone, dusting himself off, “overall, it was very inaccurate.”
“That’s what you got from it?” Winn snorts, accepting his jacket from Kara. He gives her a smile, opening his arms in an invitation for a hug and she goes easily, laughing. “Told you we’d resurrect game night.”
“Says the guy who slept through half the night,” she turns him around, pushing him back towards Brainy, “here, I think this is yours.”
“Yes, I suppose so,” Brainy makes a terribly resigned face, trading a sympathetic look with Kara over his shoulder, both struggling to keep a straight face. She herds them out the door, bundled up in scarves to brave the cold weather, snickering at his dramatically offended face. “Thank you for inviting us,” Brainy says, stepping out in the hall, and Winn takes his hand.
“Yeah,” he echoes through a yawn, nodding at Brainy’s direction, “what he said.”
Kara waves goodbyes, shutting the door with a soft click, leaving them alone in the empty hallway, and Winn drops his hand.
Broadway-levels acting right there.
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Ace Klaine headcanons
So, I may have rewritten glee/the story of Klaine in my mind three times?
Everything goes as I want it to go - Blaine stays at Dalton edition
Everything goes as I want it to go - Blaine transfers to McKinley edition
And this is the latter. 
Personally, I don’t think that Kurt and Blaine are asexual in canon. In fact, I like that they’re so open about the fact that they’re in a sexual relationship, because it still happens too often that mlm relationships are either non-sexual, because Straight People might not be comfortable with it, or that they’re sexual only, only refuting a main problem with Straight People regarding gay pride: them seeing homosexuality (or any non-heterosexual identity) as only sex instead of love.
Then you might wonder: “Well, Yuè, if you’re so happy with Kurt and Blaine being overly sexual in glee, why did you feel the need to rewrite the entire Klaine story with them being asexual?”
Well, m’dude, because being a sex-repulsed asexual in fandom can be quite hard sometimes, so this is mostly for my own sanity and amusement. Their headcanons are based on canon Klaine, some other ace!Klaine fics and headcanons that I’ve read, and of course my own experiences.
Enough talking.
Let’s go.
Although, maybe we need some more talking. tw: acephobia, mentions of rape threat (not in the story, but y’know, “ace discourse”), occasional cissexist language, homophobia, memories of Sadie Hawkins, overusage of the word “bro”.
This isn’t a glee fix, like the first two options. Most of the shit glee pulled them through still happen in this version, although I did change two things for no other reason except for the fact that they bother me a lot. Also, it’s unclear if Finn dies or not.
There’s one moment where unwanted sexual activities happen (I sound like a biology book, jfc), but the moment it becomes clear it’s unwanted, it stops immediately.
Now, for real, let’s go.
Season 1
Glee starts in season 1, guys. We can’t help it that Blaine decided to wait to grace us with his presence until season 2. Just like glee, we will start with Kurt.
Kurt comes out to Mercedes in 1x03 and then to his dad and the rest in 1x04/05. Everything is great, to be honest. He feels relieved, especially since his dad and friends are so okay with it.
Kurt’s like: “Yeah. Dick.”
In the beginning, he’s in a bliss. He no longer has to awkwardly overhear the girls talking about boys. He no longer has to pretend to be interested in the boys’ girl talk. But something changes. 
Kurt loves to talk about Finn’s hair and cute face and his clothing.
The other girls, uhm, rather talk about what’s underneath all that clothing. Why would Quinn share that Finn touched her breasts? Why would Rachel dream about Finn’s junk? Why would Santana do anything (please notice that Santana hasn’t figured out shit yet) at all?
So he googles. He googles a lot and after quite some agonizing nights spent googling, he finds the answer. Isn’t the internet great?
Kurt basically goes through another questioning, but he’s pretty sure he’s all about that ace. He doesn’t tell anyone, though. Not even Mercedes.
He already gets so much shit for being “gay”, what will they do when they found out he’s gay and ace? 
So season 1 ends. Kurt’s truly happy and okay, don’t get me wrong, but he’s not out yet. 
Season 2
The bullying, just like in glee, gets worse. David Karofsky gets worse- and no one seems to notice. Puck sends him to spy on the Warblers, and just like in the actual glee, Kurt has a hard time realising that places like Dalton exist. 
Blaine notices.
So the beginning of the dialogue in 2x06 is the same, that is until Kurt tells him that he’s not even gay- or at least, in the way they think he is. Trusting Blaine and Dalton, he comes out for the first time and it’s liberating.
And Blaine tells him he understands- which kind of pisses Kurt off.
“No you don’t.”
“Yes, yes, I do.”
Because Kurt’s tired of non-ace people thinking that asexuality is the same thing as whatever problem they’re feeling, probably caused by sexual frustration.
“No, Blaine, you really don’t.”
And to Kurt’s surprise, Blaine laughs it off. He’s about to explode when Blaine shows him his right hand. There’s a simple black ring around his middle finger.
Not much changes for 2x07 to 2x13. They become really great friends. Mercedes feels left out. Kurt transfers after his dad’s wedding. Sectionals tie. Flirty duets. Kurt keeps falling more and more for Blaine, whereas Blaine’s an oblivious piece of fuck.
They do get to know each other better. They soon find out that, sure, they’re both asexual, but they’re sooooo different.
Kurt’s pretty sure he’s sex-repulsed. Blaine’s very sex-positive. He just doesn’t feel the need.
Blaine’s pretty chill about people not knowing- as long as they don’t assume he’s straight, he’s okay. Kurt doesn’t want to come out yet because he wants it to be huge, so that people can understand it’s a huge deal.
Later, they’ll find out that Kurt’s dad is overly supportive, whereas Blaine’s family situation is less than ideal.
Kurt, despite not being out, is entirely comfortable being ace. Blaine’s not all the time.
Literally, the only things they have in common is that they’re both homoromantic asexuals.
Kurt gets the confirmation in 2x12: GAP ATTACK!
And then, Rachel Berry throws a party. A party involving alcohol. And Blaine doesn’t question his sexuality, but his romantic orientation. He’s kind of freaking out, because he thought he was sure of himself. That, and the fact that he realises there’s so much more out there. Have you seen the entire aromantic spectrum? 
Just like in glee (sorta), he realises that nothing has changed.
Of course, everything in 2x15 becomes irrelevant. Instead of the actual storylines, it’s just them reacting to the Top-Secret Information™ Sue has given them.
By now, they have a code for talking about ace related stuff.
I have an ace hanging on my sleeve,
Which is obviously a pun and mix of “ace up my sleeve” and “[sth] hanging on my sleeve”. Not that being asexual is tiresome (okay, for Blaine it sometimes is), but these are often hard-hitting subjects.
Really, Blaine is so comfortable with sex. Kurt would rather not think about what Blaine does in his room when he’s by himself and he’d also rather not look into Blaine’s browser history.
Sure, Blaine doesn’t do those things because of sexual attraction or anything. It’s a known fact that sexual behavious =/= sexual attraction. It probably relaxes him and he appreciates the intimacy, but Kurt’s just like LALALALALALALALLALA PORN???? HAHAHAHAHA NOPE.
And that’s what they discuss in Sexy. And sure, Kurt gets very uncomfortable, but they talk it through and they once again just get the wake up slap that they’re still two very different people.
Kurt’s happy being around Blaine.
Kurt’s not so happy when Pavarotti dies.
They kiss and start to date (which probably makes Puck cry). They’re of course delighted. Both of them have dreamed about their prince Charming, but they never dared to dream about him being asexual, because they didn’t think that could happen. But it did. They’re not lonely anymore. They have each other and they’re very happy.
Honestly, after 2x16 everything is pretty much the same. They go to the Benefit and confront Karofsky. Kurt transfers back to McKinley. Prom is shit and Blaine opens up about his past and how Sadie Hawkins has also changed his view on his asexuality (again, there’s a reason Blaine’s not always 100% okay with himself). Kurt loses Nationals. Blaine tells him he loves him. They run into Sam and Mercedes and well…
They’re definitely together and they become that obnoxious couple that everyone hates. That summer, Blaine gives Kurt a gift. 
It’s a simple black ring.
Season 3
If you watch the transfer scene in 3x01, you know they’ve had a *cough* nice summer together. Blaine transfers to McKinley.
And he lands Tony.
Really, this kid is at a school for two weeks or so, and he lands the lead role in the school musical. He’s killing it.
Artie, on the other hand, doesn’t agree. He clearly tells both him and Rachel that he judges them for having sex and UGH that entire scene is just awful. It hurts Blaine. Of course it hurts him, but it hurts him more than Rachel because he’s fucking asexual, and here’s Artie telling him that he can’t be a great actor without having sex? In fact, he can’t be a normal functioning human without having sex?
He dances in his room, listening to Roxy Music, while telling Kurt everything. Just like Blaine, Kurt can’t stand it, but that’s not the only thing bothering him. Blaine can’t really take a stand against Artie without telling him the truth. Kurt isn’t out yet and he knows that if Blaine starts telling people he’s asexual, they will ask about Kurt. 
Remember, Blaine is okay with that. Being asexual is a huge part of him, but he’s still more chill about it. As long as people know he’s not into women, he’s good. He doesn’t mind people thinking he’s gay. When people ask him “so you’re gay?” he politely corrects them and that’s it. When people ask him about his sexuality, he tells them the truth. But as long as they know he’s not into women, he’s got nothing to complain. In his eyes. I get that people *cough*Kurt*cough* feel different about this, but this is how Blaine feels.
Honestly, Kurt not being out for the first three seasons is probably the only semi-OOC part of this story, but I did it with a reason. In my mind, Kurt is not like that at all. He wants people to know, goddamnit. He’s just a bit nervous because he made such a spectacle of coming out as gay (before realizing he’s ace) that he just needs more time to get his shit together.
Sometimes, he must think about Blaine though.
“I know! But I feel like…" 
“Feel like what?“ 
“I feel like I’m pushing you back into the closet. You’ve been at McKinley for weeks and you know that you’re free to be who you are in glee club, but you haven’t acknowledged it at all. They think you’re gay and you think it’s okay.“ 
“We use it as an umbrella term.“ 
“Still. I know that you’re not running around with an ace flag wherever you go-” “I should do that, it sounds amazing.” “-because you don’t think your sexuality is the only important thing about you and you’ve always been out with this ‘I literally don’t give a fuck if you know it or not’ attitude, but you cannot deny the fact that this is important to you.“ 
“Yeah, but I don’t want to push you out of your closet. I know you want to tell your dad first, but it is kinda hard because you came out as gay a year ago.“ 
That didn’t go exactly as planned, though. Santana gets outed and Burt’s busy trying to take down that awful commercial and of course, he’s talking about his kids shouldn’t be ashamed of their sexuality and how he’s happy with Kurt for being honest and Kurt just blurts it out. He wanted it to be touching and everything, but no. He just said that he’s definitely asexual. 
Kurt’s dad replies with: “Hi asexual, I’m dad.”
Which immediately makes the tension disappear. Burt admits that he has no idea what it means and that he doesn’t know how to feel, but that he’s willing to learn. Kurt helps him out.
"So, you and Blaine don’t plan on having sex?" 
"So, every time I yelled that the door had to stay open, it was all for nothing?" 
After that, he has the courage to come out.
Blaine’s happy for Kurt, but he’s also a bit bitter. Kurt’s dad is so amazing, whereas Blaine’s parents are… not. They aren’t very open about their acephobia, but they simply ignore it. They treat it as if it’s a phase and they’re just waiting for Blaine to “get to his senses”. 
“Blaine, you dating another boy? Well, if you really have to, baby.” 
“Blaine, you not wanting to have sex? Well, if you believe that’s true then we’ll wait, sweetie.”
It really bothers him, of course. That’s not all. They’re pretty sure it’s not real and that Blaine’s punishing himself for something.
“I think they don’t understand the point of asexuality. Then again, I haven’t explained it to them. I never talk about it at home, because then my mom will go on about how we shouldn’t label ourselves and bla, bla back in my days, we only had gay or straight, why are you making it so difficult for yourself? Do you want to make it harder for you? Why is it so important? Bla, bla, bla…” 
But it’s time for more: The New Directions! Kurt loves these kids, that’s true, so he’s happy he finally feels like it’s time to tell the others.
It goes so, so wrong.
Just think of all the worst possible responses to coming out and put them in this moment. There are a lot of glee club members after all. They don’t understand and they’re too caught up in their idea of asexuality that they don’t bother with listening to Kurt. 
BUT WAIT. It gets way worse. After Kurt tells them that he really doesn’t want to have sex, the others stare at Blaine with so much pity. They tell him how brave he is and "oh I could never date an asexual” so of course he freaks out and he flat out tells them that he’s also asexual and that they’re all disgusting. The others, still a bit biased, apologise and it will get better, truly, but this was probably one of the worst moments in Kurt’s life.
Why did I do that to him? 
It is kind of inspired by the LGBTQ community. I remember thinking I was straight and I always admired the LGBTQ community for being accepting and open and a safe space. When I started to realise I wasn’t straight, I didn’t feel all too bad because I knew that there was an LGBTQ community where people could be themselves. I still love the community, but what a joke. The amount of biphobia and acephobia and panphobia and basically everything against anything that isn’t homosexually gay is disturbing. I was actually quite nervous to post this because of the LGBTQ community calling me homophobic or whatever. “Ace discourse” (aka blogs telling ace people to kill themselves or get raped and that shit) is somewhat normal and that’s a problem. Sure, not everyone is like that, but it feels like the “ace discourse” has gotten worse.
That’s why this happened. The glee club is about acceptance. Kurt never doubted about telling them. It was always such an obvious thing is in head. Glee club is family and they will accept him, that’s what glee club is about. Hell, they just finished an entire week dedicated to Santana (after his brother outed her and got to play the hero, amiright glee?). He just wanted to tell his dad first and that was the hard one. Because, y'know, glee club is a safe space and Kurt will be fine. But that didn’t happen. Is it OOC? Maybe, but the LGBTQ community being exclusive is already “OOC”  for a community about acceptance and love and hope.
The glee club does get better. It’s a bit messy at first, but they go back to being #protective (something that would never happen to the LGBTQ community, sorry not sorry). In fact, the Unholy Trinity almost becomes a group of female assassins chasing down Straight People that are idiots.
Life goes on, and so does their relationship. So, remember the sex talk they have in 3x05? I sort of put it after the whole coming out thing. Blaine’s always been more open about being more comfortable, so it’s just them working on comfort zones in general. How far does Kurt want to go when they’re together? 
Because when people talk about ace/allo relationships, they always say: “THINK ABOUT THE COMFORT ZONES!” and they’re absolutely right, but that also applies to ace/ace relationships. Hell, even to allo/allo.
There are two (or more) people in a relationship and they’re all different and have different feelings and experiences. You know, Kurt and Blaine talk it through and they’re happy.
Plus, why would you have fun in the bedroom when you can have fun in the kitchen? Burt and Carole come home that day to find the entire kitchen ruined, but at least Kurt and Blaine get to enjoy their freshly baked cake.
Then Cooper decides to visit Lima, and Blaine is low key not so low key freaking out, because he’s never told Cooper about being ace, and even though he’s pretty chill, he really wants to tell him since they’re working on their sibling relationship.
Cooper is one of the many who thinks Blaine’s gay.
Blaine coming out is supposed to show parallels to Kurt coming out to Burt. Both men really want to tell these family members (even Blaine!). Both of them really value the opinions of those family members. Both want their acceptance.
Burt immediately accepts him. He lightens the mood by cracking a joke to make Kurt feel more at ease. Later he admits he doesn’t understand, but since Kurt’s already feeling so much better about it, he’s willing to help.
Cooper isn’t like him. You know Cooper and his mindset. Blaine tells him and just like Burt, Cooper doesn’t understand. But he doesn’t lighten the mood. In fact, he makes it worse by flat-out telling Blaine he doesn’t understand and that he doesn’t really believe him. It’s the more toned-down version of Kurt’s coming out to the New Directions.
"Are you sure, Squirt?”
“Do you really think we’d have this agonizing discussion if I weren’t?”
Blaine has always looked for approval in his family and Cooper is part of that family, but for the first time he tells Cooper. He just tells him that he wants Cooper to know because he cares a lot about Cooper’s opinion. That’s when Cooper starts to realise it is a great deal and that he’s hurting Blaine. Just like Burt told Kurt, he tells Blaine he doesn’t understand (maybe he never will), but he’s willing to learn. Unfortunately by that time the mood is pretty ruined, since Blaine feels like shit. Cooper does learn though, but it was a rough start.
Guess what happens next? You’d expect Chandler, right? Well, you’re somewhat right, but guess what doesn’t happen?
This fucking fight. Neither Kurt nor Blaine is sexually frustrated cause they’re both hella hella ace.
Chandler does exist and since Kurt’s pretty oblivious to flirting and trying to be sexy, he has no idea what’s going on until, just like canon, Rachel confronts him. Worried and freaked out, he turns to Blaine, asking him how he feels about that and Blaine, who’s obviously more knowledgeable about these things, agrees with her. No blee-related overly dramatic and scenic angsty solos needed.
Kurt and Blaine do still have to do the couples counselling thing with Ms. Pillsbury, but there’s no sexually frustrated shit. Blaine’s being distant, like in canon, but Kurt doesn’t go looking for affection anywhere else. Again, no blee-related overly dramatic and scenic angsty solos needed.
That’s it, I guess.
3x18 to 3x22 are pretty much the same. NYADA stuff and the hairgel at the dinosaur prom. And of course Nationals and finding out that the entire season, Kurt’s been nothing more than an accessoire to Rachel’s successful and undeserving storyline.
Kurt and Blaine are happy and in love. Hooray!
Season 4
We know what’s about to happen so let’s get this thing fucking over with.
Kurt and Blaine break up.
They had a great time together during the summer, but they both notice how Kurt’s not really happy. Blaine encourages him to go to New York and they try long-distance. They love each other, but just like in glee, Kurt starts to lose track of Blaine. Kurt’s at Vogue, living the dream and hanging out with fashion icon Isabelle Wright, while Blaine’s running for student president with a former stripper.
But here’s the thing: they’re so goddamn ace. Blaine doesn’t need to fuck a lighthouse in order for Kurt and Blaine to break up, because Blaine isn’t sexually frustrated and tempted to fuck a freaking lighthouse. Praise hallelujah, Blaine does not have to cheat, since the writers thought that was the best way to break up a relationship. It’s so original of them!
Since they’ve always been open and very great at communicating even before they started dating, they decide to break up because long-distance isn’t working. Fuck, Blaine even flies to New York to do this, since they can’t break up over phone and yeah, it shows that Kurt’s life has gone on without Blaine next to him. It hurts both of them, but being together also hurts and love shouldn’t hurt like that. They try to stay friends, but it’s awkward. It isn’t until Thanksgiving, during Sectionals of all times, that they finally talk it through.
Kurt gets into NYADA after all and Burt flies to New York for Christmas. Blaine tags along and it’s pretty clear they’re still into each other, but they know long-distance hurts too much. Despite that, it actually goes uphill with their relationship.
In this season, they obviously have their own storylines when it comes to the ace part: Adam and Sam.
Adam isn’t acephobic. I’ve thought about it, and maybe it’s because I fucking love Adam Crawford, but I didn’t do it. Based on his 6 whole minutes worth of screen time, I came to the realisation it doesn’t fit him. Kurt starts to like him and asks him out. They date and Kurt comes out pretty fast, since he’s all about I’M COMING OUT/I WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW.
Sure, Adam isn’t downright acephobic, but it doesn’t go easy. Kurt’s only been with Blaine, a fellow asexual. Adam admits that he has already thought about Kurt like that so Kurt coming out means that Adam has to change his perspective cause that is definitely not gonna happen. It’s awkward and messy and Adam does try to support him. Ace/allo relationships can work out -rightfully so- but this one doesn’t. Adam was great, but not the one true love Kurt’s been dreaming of.
Not much changes about the Sam storyline. I never believed it was more than a small crush and I actually think Tina’s right about how Blaine needs somewhere to put his love, because Blaine craves affection in his own way. Whereas it was random and overly unecessary, I don’t have much to complain. Sam’s been okay with gay guys possibly crushing on him since day one, or 2x04, and that hasn’t changed.
There’s actually more to the Sadie Hawkins plot (since glee totally disregarded Blaine’s past and trauma and the aftermath of a hate crime and bullying): remember how I linked that to Blaine not being all too happy about being ace all the time?
I haven’t gotten into Blaine’s questioning because it never happened on glee. By the time Blaine does grace us with his presence, he’s already out and everything. We never saw what happened before that and Sadie Hawkins is actually the first glimpse to his past. This also ties together with the fact that Blaine doesn’t feel the need to let everyone know he’s ace. By the time Sadie Hawkins happens, Blaine knows there’s something "wrong” with him. He goes to the dance with Logan (I named the guy after Logan Wright, do not judge me) and in his eyes, the physical part of a possible relationship doesn’t excite him as much as it should. Yeah, they’re young and sure, Blaine’s already explored parts of well, himself, but with another person involved? Maybe, but maybe not? And that’s not right, because he’s a teenage boy so he’s supposed to get turned on every time Logan tells him about his dreams and magazines and about feeling grown up while going through them and “wow Blaine there is this site, you should see it…”
He has heard of word asexual, but that can’t be him. He’s not some plant. He’s not religious. All the misconceptions of asexuality float through his young mind and because of that, he simply refuses to be asexual. When he realises that he is, he breaks down. Sure, by then he knows more about it, but he’s not only into men, but also asexual.
And he remembers that godawful dance where a couple of boys kicked the living shit out of him and Logan for being gay. Being gay is already disturbing to some people. He doesn’t want to be asexual as well. What if Blaine had known by then? What if those guys had known by then? What would they done differently, considering they’d give him a “special treatment” to not only kick the gay but also the ace out of him? Fuck, would he still be here? Logan isn’t.
At Dalton, he learns to love himself. As far as he knows there are no other openly ace students at that school, but the environment only makes it safe enough for Blaine to get his shit together. Just like Kurt, he comes out at Dalton for the first time and people support him. He’s home. He starts to love himself and he becomes proud of being ace. He buys himself a ring, puts an ace pride flag on his computer, and continues life. But sometimes in the back of his head, he just wishes he could be “normal”. He knows he shouldn’t think like that, but the fact that those guys still assumed that part of “normality” about him might have saved his life. He knows there’s also a chance that they weren’t going to give him a “special treatment” and that he’s “overreacting”, but sometimes someone’s thoughts and fears can take over their rationality.
Well, that doesn’t happen because these guys don’t want to get in each other’s pants or in anyone’s pants in general. Sure they sing a duet and yeah, it’s pretty clear they’re into each other (despite Adam and Sam), but they’re fucking ace.
4x15 to 4x20 are also pretty much the same. Except for Come What May, not much happened for the boys. Blaine’s random crush on Sam randomly disappears, Kurt has a boyfriend pillow cause it’s comfy, there’s a fucking school shooting, I don’t even remember what happened in 4x19 except for Finn going to college, and McKinley loses its power while Isabelle invites Team Bushwick to sing at a ballet gala.
Kurt is back in Lima for his dad and maybe he’ll patch things up with Blaine as well. It’s probably the happiest moment of Kurt’s young life when he hears that his father is in remission. 
Now here’s what’s going to happen. Like I said, this isn’t a rewrite of all the shit glee pulled them through, so even the things I wish I could change have to stay.
And like I also said, 98% of the time I follow the rules. I changed two big moments after all because I just can’t stand it at all. Here’s the first. 
Yup folks, I am stopping their engagement and future wedding. 
I’ve never been okay with it. I’ve thought about keeping it and then I thought about all the possible reason why them being asexual would mean not getting married like that, but in the end I gave up and broke the rule. I could go on about why I can’t stand it and wish it never happened but you know… been there done that. No Liz and Jan (don’t like them either), no ring box behind Blaine’s back, no Burt discouraging Blaine (rightfully), no me flat-out hating Blaine for his delusions and putting Kurt in this position while they’re broken up for fuck’s sake. 
And with that, we swiftly move to season 5.
Season 5
They get back together in an elaborate fashion. Since the engagement doesn’t happen (praise hallelujah) Kurt goes home without a ring on his finger. He and Blaine know that long-distance didn’t work out before, and they know love shouldn’t hurt, but in their months apart they’ve gotten lives without each other so they’re less lonely. Don’t get me wrong: they miss each other very much, but they both have great people to rely on and well, graduation is around the corner.
Kurt starts a band and there he meet Elliott. And hey, guess what? Elliott is a very happy panromantic asexual. I remember when the spoilers about Blaine getting jealous of Elliott first came out, people were speculating about Elliott’s sexuality, because what if he’s straight? But other sexualities got discussed too, and this was my favourite headcanon.
Why did I make Elliott ace as well? Because they need more people to talk to. They have each other and that’s great (amazing even). They still tell each other that every now and then they have an ace hanging on their sleeves. By this point, Blaine’s gotten more comfortable with himself, so their ace stories are mostly about their relationship. Elliott shows up to talk about more ace stuff. For Kurt, having an ace boyfriend and an ace best friend is great.
He still turns to Blaine for his ace stuff. When Blaine gets to New York, he does the same. But honestly, now they both have Elliott as well.
But before Blaine has Elliott, the jealousy kicks in. Sure, Kurt won’t ever sleep with Elliott (to quote Kurt about sex: “ew ew ew”), but what if they kiss? Blaine’s pretty sure Elliott is into Kurt.
Again, not much happens for the remaining episodes of season 5a apart from the Elliott jealousy thing: 5x05 to 5x13. Blaine auditions for NYADA and then sings with puppets, Kurt’s band is taking off and they have a small fight, Kurt’s afraid Elliott is taking over the band, Blaine becomes valedictorian, the New Directions lose and gets disbanded. Kurt and the others alumni come back to celebrate the glee club. And voilà, time for season 5b.
Everything is also the same in 5x14, by the way. I just needed to give that its own paragraph, because that episode is my favourite and it deserves love. Klaine was so good in that episode, y’all.
5x15 means that Blaine’s self-doubt comes back once again (see my part about Sadie Hawkins) and it’s heavy for both of them. Sometimes I have a hard time realising they’re both victims of homophobic hate crimes.
The big one is 5x16. I know it’s named Tested, but I’ve started calling it Sexually Frustrated Swordfights, because it’s one of the four sex-themed glee episodes (2x15, 3x05, 4x14, 5x16). 
But hey, guess who doesn’t get sexually frustrated?
Guess who doesn’t get sexually frustrated either?
Honestly, the website thing… if it were to happen, Kurt wouldn’t be that mad at Blaine, because he knows why Blaine goes through those things every now and then, and he’s got nothing to be jealous of. There’s no need for an actual sword fight. Jeez, these boys are dramatic.
Kurt’s a bit more uncomfortable in this episode. As Blaine mentions in the beginning of the episode, people are seeing Kurt as a sexual object and not only Blaine’s uncomfortable with that, but so is Kurt. Kurt knows he’s attractive. He has an awesome body and yes, Blaine does jealous of that. He sees men (and women!) check him out on the subway. He feels good, truly, he’s confident.
But he doesn’t like that he’s seen as sexual.
And as I mentioned, it makes Blaine very insecure. It’s not like he wants to be seen as a sexual person either (although, he wouldn’t mind as much as Kurt), it’s just that his body is awful compared to Kurt’s. Or at least, that’s what he believes.
The entire breakdown in the loft still happens. Kurt’s so much better, right now. Blaine’s feeling like shit. Not only because of his body, but after Bash he’s back to hating himself and his parents split up. And then he remembers the good ole Dalton days, where Blaine was Kurt’s protector and mentor. He used to be so strong, and now he’s not.
About his parents… I’d like to think they made amends. I’d like to think Blaine yelled at them for their acephobia.
I did, and whereas it’s not ideal, I’m okay with my family now.
But Blaine’s family has always intimidated him. Maybe now that his dad has left his mum, he feels the courage to at least talk to her, because I believe Pam loosened up after her divorce.
But yeah, Blaine’s in a bad place right now, but together with Kurt, he works on it. Kurt has gotten used to the unwanted attention and when it goes too far, he calls people out, but otherwise he just lets it happen. He’s still in the center of Blaine’s attention, and that’s all he needs.
5x17 to 5x20 is not much. The Ultimate Rachel Berry Pity Party, June picking Blaine over Kurt, Kurt as Peter Pan, Blaine moving back in the loft. Everything is going uphill.
Until it goes downhill.
Season 6
Kurt and Blaine break up after things get bad at home. Whereas I still don’t really get why they did this to them (they were doing so well in season 5b), it happened. Since glee presented them as an unhappy and unhealthy couple, I respect that they needed to leave each other.
(That, and the fact that I knew they were going to get married in 6x08).
Here’s change no. 2: Blaine dates an OC instead of You-Know-Who (not Voldemort). His name is Ryan. He’s part of all three the rewrites. He’s a gentleman. He lives close to Westerville.
Blaine isn’t the biggest fan of Scandals, but you know, he’d just overcome his depression (kinda. It’s still hard on days), he has a job he likes, he’s good, so why not celebrate at a gay bar? 
They start to date and it’s sweet. Again, Ryan is a gentleman. 
It’s also sexy.
Which is new.
I also have a headcanon that Ryan is one of those bro-bros, since Blaine’s apparently into that out of nowhere (*cough*You-Know-Who*cough*). He has a couple of bros that also adore Blaine. But there’s also his ultimate bro: his best bro.
Ryan likes Blaine, but man, he can be frustrating.
“I don’t know, bro. He’s never really into taking it a step further.”
“Bro, what do you mean?”
“Like, every time shit gets heated, he starts talking about lesson plans or bowties or fuck what, and I don’t think he realises he’s interrupting something. He’s just genuinely excited about bowties while we’re making out.”
Ryan is older so he lives on his own. Since it’s pretty close to Dalton, Blaine goes there quite often, and without a mother like Pam Anderson around, things can get heated.
And it freaks him out.
He’s always known he’s very okay with these things, but how the hell is going to come out to Ryan? He slowly starts to lose his pride. He doesn’t even know where he left his ring for fuck’s sake.
Is he back to not being comfortable with himself?
Hell, he doesn’t even know.
When things get very serious one day, he just tells Ryan that he’s never done this before and that he needs some time to fully explore everything. Ryan’s a bit confused, because he knows Blaine was in a committed relationship, but he doesn’t ask. Blaine’s told him he’s gone through a messy break-up and that he doesn’t want to talk about his ex. Ryan just assumes Blaine’s ex is religious or he has whatever reason not to have sex he respects that and he respects Blaine.
It doesn’t cross his mind that Blaine wasn’t going to have sex either.
There’s a big time jump between season 5 and 6, so they have time. Blaine’s a bit overwhelmed, that’s for sure, but it feels quite good. At one point, they sleep together (and not just sleeping) and it was really, really good. Blaine enjoyed it.
Back to the bros!
“Bro, I’m just so confused.”
“What is it this time, bro?”
“Like, sleeping with Blaine is fucking great and I’m pretty sure he feels the same, but he never makes the first move. I’m always the one suggesting, bro, it’s been like that since we dated.”
“Just talk about it.”
“But, bro, I feel like there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m pretty sure Blaine’s not teasing me or anything. He just never initiates anyting intimate.”
“Bro, respect that.”
“Bro, I do, but I’m just so confused about that. We like being together. You know, the other day I suggested Netflix and Chill. You wanna know what he said to that?”
“He said: ‘I make the popcorn, you choose the movie!’”
“He wasn’t even kidding. It wasn’t until I told him what I really meant that it clicked for him.”
And Blaine’s freaking out. He feels like it’s too late to tell him now that they’ve slept together. Kurt and Adam didn’t work out. Elliott has told him his relationships didn’t always work out. 
By the time he’s completely freaking out, he has basically forgotten about Kurt. Ryan asks him to go to a bar with the bros, and Blaine accepts. Ryan tells him a friend is coming back to visit or whatever.
It’s Kurt.
Well, that is awkward.
Both of them are absolutely floored when they see each other. Kurt was going to text Blaine to meet up, but he didn’t expect to see Blaine like that with a new guy. They try to be polite, but the awkwardness is palpable. Kurt excuses himself, telling the others he needs to use the bathroom (to cry) and that he’s gonna order a drink, and Blaine follows the bros to their booth.
There he tells Ryan and the others about their history. Ryan apologizes. He truly didn’t know. He and Kurt aren’t that close, so they never really talked about personal stuff.
It’s awkward and Blaine’s pretty sure that setting himself on fire would be less painful, but when he sees Kurt, who’s clearly been crying, ordering a drink at the bar, he gets up.
He tells Ryan he needs to fix this.
He doesn’t tell him he doesn’t mean Kurt and Blaine’s friendship or whatever relationship.
He goes to Kurt and he tells them that, yeah, this is fucking awkward, but if they could just put aside their differences for one night because holy shit, Blaine has a HUGE ace hanging on his sleeve and he’s been dying to talk about it.
Both Kurt and Elliott were off-limits (Elliott’s too close to Kurt) and this is going to be painful, but Blaine needs Kurt. He didn’t want to turn to the internet, because he felt like he needed to speak about something like this in person, and he hasn’t come out to his therapist, because he’s afraid she’ll tell him it’s fake and because of trauma.
Kurt tells Blaine to sit down and Blaine tells Kurt everything (occasionally apologizing for more talking about the more sexual details). Blaine’s basically having a breakdown in a public bar while speaking to his ex, knowing that his new boyfriend is probably watching them.
Oh, how awkward.
As awkward as it is, they both know what’s like to feel trapped. Before they met each other at Dalton, they had no one to turn to. Kurt tells him that he needs to be honest with Ryan and that there’s nothing to be ashamed of.
“Do not apologize for being yourself, Blaine.”
Kurt takes off his own ring and gives it to Blaine, asking him to return it the moment he finds his own. At that point, Blaine’s probably openly crying, but hey, it’s glee.
Kurt also apologizes for what has happened between them. They actually have a conversation about that, since glee decided to completely overlook that despite having the opportunities.
Blaine’s a bit shakery, but he makes his way back to the booth. Ryan, who thinks they’ve only talked about their break-up, comforts him. Later, Kurt joins the others. 
It’s fine. There’s still a little bit of awkwardness left, but both boys feel so much better after their conversation.
That day, Blaine goes home and he finds his ring. He texts Kurt (they never deleted each other’s numbers) to tell him. Ryan comes over the day after and so does Kurt. Wow, awkward again. Blaine gives back the ring, since he’s now wearing his own. Kurt tells Blaine to talk to Ryan.
He does in 6x03, because unlike in glee, Blaine doesn’t get locked in a sheet music store. Blaine is the one who always rushes things, so of course he accepts when Ryan suggests him moving in. Since Ryan already has the apartment, Brittany doesn’t have to furnish it for them. She does stop by to give them rainbow printed decorations, of course.
After the move has been finalised, Ryan obviously kisses Blaine because he’s happy for the both of them. It leads to more- much more. It becomes clear that Ryan is more interested in taking off Blaine’s new jacket instead of talking about the store he bought it at. Blaine’s excited. It’s fun and great and wow.
Until it’s not.
Ryan is more rougher than usual and Blaine slowly starts to realise that this is not good at all. It’s not excitable anymore. In fact, it hurts. So he tells Ryan to stop and since Ryan is still the definition of gentleman, he immediately does.
Blaine’s basically having another breakdown and I just feel so bad for all the shit I’m pulling this kid through. He locks himself in the bathroom until he’s more calmed down. When he opens the door to the bedroom, Ryan is waiting for him, clearly worried. He immediately hands Blaine some pants (such a gentleman) and asks him what is going on and if he can help.
Blaine tells him. Ryan listens and occasionally asks questions, and Blaine tells him he didn’t want to tell him because he felt like he was too late and that he didn’t want Ryan to dump him. To his surprise, the conversation goes well. He keeps restraining himself from saying "I’m sorry” every sentence though, but that’s because he remembers Kurt telling him that he shouldn’t feel ashamed for being himself.
Back to the bros! I love them, since their “bro-ness” is so cringy and unnecessary.
“Bro, I figured it out with Blaine.”
“Cool, bro, what’s up?”
“He’s asexual, bro.”
“A-S-E-X-U-A-L, bro. He sent me some links to info sites and it’s fucking huge and interesting. You ought to read it too.”
“Bro, why not? Of course I’ll read that shit.”
Meanwhile, Kurt has met Walter. Whereas a part of me thinks the Walter storyline is even worse that Blaine dating not-Voldemort, another part of me has also never believed they were dating. Maybe I’m naive but in my mind they’re just friends that go on outings that they jokingly call dates after they realise it’s not gonna happen. That’s why he’s still here.
Of course Kurt has told Walter, since Kurt wants people to know. Walter makes a small derogatory joke about how that’s a reason they should be happy they decided not to date. Kurt’s hurt and confronts him about that, since he’s implying that ace people can’t love, and Walter apologizes.
Just like that, they’re both kinda happy living their own lives. It’s still a bit uncomfortable to run into each other, but they will get there. They can’t help it that Sue Sylvester decided to speed things up for her own amusement. Kurt and Blaine are not happy that they’re being forced into physical contact. They’re fine with kissing, but only when it’s with their consent. Sure, when they do kiss, they do it out of their own consent, but in the beginning they’re not happy with their former Cheerio coach.
Plus, those air drugs that promotes sexual stimulation by increased blood flows to the male genitalia don’t affect them anyway.
Yet, in the elevator they rediscover each other. It’s no them trying to fix whatever relationship. It’s them genuinely enjoying being around each other and them chatting as if nothing has happened. Unfortunately, they need to get out. It’s really hot in there (definitely not sexually hot), and Blaine’s not fond of confined spaces. They kiss and get the hell out of there, but the awkwardness of them being exes is no longer necessary.
Which starts to mess with both of them. Blaine’s caught up with his feelings for Ryan and his returning feelings for Kurt. Kurt’s never had any feelings for Walter, so fuck him, he’s just trying to suppress his feelings for Blaine, since he thinks that’s what Blaine wants.
Boys, you two used to ace that.
Pun intended.
Although, back then everything was different. They weren’t ex-lovers back then. Hell, they weren’t even lovers back then. Blaine decides to stay away from Kurt for his own sanity, and because he hasn’t really come to his senses about the New Directions. He thinks they no longer want him since he’s back to being a Dalton boy or whatever bullshit. Oh Blaine.
The New Directions prove him wrong, though. Not only is he invited to sing for Brittany and Santana and for a dinner at Mr. Schue’s, he’s also invited for yet another hectic Rachel Berry party. Yes y’all, it’s time for 6x07. Not much changes, if I may say.
Kurt makes sure they sing together and the fishing starts! Kurt’s pretending that he and Walter are very serious and Blaine’s pretending Ryan can be jealous, but they’re both fishing for information. Because of that, they both think that the other isn’t interested anymore.
But Blaine realises he’s very interested when they sing Somebody Loves You together. He needs to leave because he and Ryan and the bros are going to see a game, but woops, he kisses Kurt. 
He’s fucked.
After the game, Ryan tells Blaine that he knows that Blaine’s still into Kurt and he tells him to go after him. It’s bittersweet, but both of them know it’s for the best. Kurt, Blaine, and Ryan will stay friends, but that’s it. 
We all know who’s waiting in the choir room with Kurt, though: Walter.
Again, Blaine has no clue. He thinks they’re really dating and his heart shatters. At the double-date, Kurt realises that something has happened, but he doesn’t know what.
He starts to get what is going on when Brittany and Santana’s wedding is about to happen. He doesn’t want to take Walter to that fucking wedding. He wants Blaine. He runs after him (Blaine’s back to living with his mum, btw) and they kiss and get back together and guess what? 
Brittany and Santana get married and they cheer for their friends, because remember how I stopped their wedding? Yeah.
Since they’re not on their honeymoon, Kurt helps the glee club with Myron and Blaine’s at Dalton with the Warblers.
After that, things in 6x10 to 6x13 go as canon. DALTON ACADEMY BURNS TO THE FUCKING GROUND FOR NO REASON?? Blaine’s been accepted into NYU. They win Sectionals. McKinley becomes an art school. Kurt and Blaine go back to New York.
Over there, Elliott and Dani are waiting for them. Since Blaine and Elliott go to the same school now, there’s a new version of Glitter Rock Vampire in less than a week. Rachel, Brittany, Santana, Artie and Tina join them, and so do Kitty and Rodrick after one and two years.
And that, folks, is glee.
5 years later
It’s supposed to be the best day of their lives. All their friends and family members are here, but there’s only one thing nagging them.
The well-meaning wedding guests that tell them it’s okay if they want to leave the reception a little bit earlier so that they can spend their wedding night together *wink wink* *nudge nudge*.
It’s as if some of them don’t even grasp the point of asexuality. 
They wear their wedding rings on their left hands and their ace rings on their right hands. Plus, it’s not as if it’s that big of secret anymore. In the past five years, they’ve both made a name for themselves. Blaine mostly in the Broadway community, but he’s also a Grammy nominated musician (he lost to Mercedes and he can live with that). Kurt’s an Obie winner for sure, but he prefers fashion and Hummel Brag a bit more, since being an actor means that he sometimes has to act out things he’s not entirely comfortable with.
Both of them have come out on national TV during interviews. Not because they had to. It wasn’t even that big of a deal. They just mentioned it in passing and it’s out in the world now.
Blaine’s even one of the mods of one of the biggest asexual sites and Kurt makes ace pride merch. 
But those wedding guests be damned. They’re married and it’s the ceremony of their dreams- with other words, the one glee deprived them off. They’re surrounded by people they love, and there’s a baby on the way. 
They’re good.
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exhaustedfander · 4 years
First Comes Love: Chapter Eight
a03 link
Link to previous story in the series: When is Enough Enough?
1  / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / ?
TW for homophobia/mention of homophobic parents as well as what can be considered a brief mention to religion, but it's nothing too specific.
Remus woke suddenly. Not in a jarring way, but merely an abrupt return to consciousness, an odd thing considering he was usually such a heavy sleeper. It was a Sunday, one he’d anticipated would be spent celebrating their engagement, but alas.
He certainly hadn’t slept well, not that it seemed Logan had fared much better. His boyfriend had tossed and turned beside him all night, just a touch away, yet they hadn’t held each other. Remus blamed it on the sour taste in his mouth left from, well, everything that had happened last night.
He’d been moments away from proposing to Logan before Patton’s phone had rung and everything came crashing down. But if he was honest with himself, and he always was, things had seemed off even before then. Remus had been nervous, understandably so, but Logan had seemed upset too. He’d been spaced out and noticeably agitated, and Remus couldn’t explain it. He hadn’t had the chance to ask, either, not after what had happened to Patton and the party’s abrupt end.
Remus had known, vaguely, of the complication in Patton’s relationship with his parents. He hadn’t been Patton’s friend long, not till after the accident and Logan’s admission to their relationship when he’d been welcomed into the friend group. Those moments from mere months ago felt like they’d occurred forever ago; he felt as though he’d been friends with Patton and the others far longer than he had.
Patton could be a bit much sometimes, with his happy, peppy personality and nonstop puns as well as some of his more deep-seated black and white beliefs. But that didn’t stop Remus and Patton from getting along for the most part. Patton would laugh at some of Remus’s more inappropriate jokes if a bit uncomfortably. He’d even offered to read one of Remus’s books; Janus told him in private how it had given him nightmares and he hadn’t been sure if he should be proud of sad to have upset him. The point was, Patton was one of the kindest, most loving people Remus had ever known, and yet his parents were throwing him away like he meant nothing.
Remus could certainly relate to that sentiment.
He avoided thinking about his upbringing as much as he could, but repressing the memories did little good. To put it lightly, Remus’s parents were complete assholes. Always had been, always would be, as far as he was concerned. Remus was surprised it took into early adulthood for them to officially disown him and Roman, considering how much Remus had pushed their patience. He’d never been good at hiding things about himself, even when it was in his best interest to do so, and as such, Remus had done little to cover up his bisexuality.
Roman was the one who did pretending the best, but he supposed that was expected of an actor. Roman had multiple girlfriends throughout high school, going through the whole song and dance of it. Remus had simply never had the energy for the charade. He didn’t blame Roman for doing it; their parents were brutal, desperate to push “salvation” upon them, doing everything their power to raise the sons they wanted. It was tough, looking back on those instances when Roman was the only other person he had, and even then, their relationship was in pretty rough shape. It wasn’t now, though. Sometimes he forgot how good things were, that it wasn’t some kind of idealistic dream.
It had taken Remus nearly dying for a resolution to form between the brothers. That hurt to remember. He didn’t put blame on Roman for the way things had been, at least not anymore. It was both of their faults, and what mattered was the change they’d undergone. Even if they continued to bicker fairly frequently, the twins made a good team.
Remus hadn’t tried to make bargains with his parents. From a fairly early age, he’d known that someday they simply wouldn’t be in his life. That was an incredibly heart-wrenching conclusion for a child to come to, and sometimes he wondered how long Roman had known the same thing. Roman came out after Remus did, claiming offhandedly that Remus had inspired the courage, and that, it seemed, had been the final straw. There was no more respect left in their hearts, no more love. They were disowned shortly after, only in contact with a handful of relatives after the explosive outcome.
So, to think of how hard Patton had fought to keep his folks in his life, how he’d sacrificed so much for nothing; well, it just broke Remus’s heart in two.
Remus sighed, turning over in bed to see Logan blinking awake. Some strange discomfort swelled in him.
“Morning, Dragonfly. How’d you sleep?” He knew the answer wasn’t going to be good, considering the circles under Logan’s eyes as well as how much he’d tossed and turned last night. Logan scrubbed a hand over his face before sitting up and sliding his glasses over his face.
“Poorly,” he said, voice bitter, “Last night certainly was…” He trailed off.
“An utter fucking disaster?” Remus supplied. Logan hummed in response.
“Yes, that. I feel horrible for Patton. I can’t imagine a parent –.” Logan cut himself off, seeming to suddenly remember Remus’s backstory. “I apologize, I – I didn’t mean to –.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Remus said reassuringly, despite how much everything didn’t feel okay, “My parents are dicks. It’s crazy to think about any parent doing that. It’s an expected reaction of you to wonder how a parent could do that to their kid.”
Logan was thankful enough to have been graced with incredibly accepting parents, ones who had never so much as questioned Logan’s identity when he came out as gay. Logan recognized that he was in a lucky position in that regard, but it didn’t stop him from slipping up from time to time and forgetting that wasn’t the case for so many less fortunate queer people.
“How do you think he’s holding up?” Logan asked, fearing what the answer might be. Remus sighed.
“I dunno. Not good, I’m sure Jan’s doing what he can to help, but not good.” Logan nodded sadly.
“That’s what I’d assumed.” Silence fell over the couple for a moment, unbearably heavy as they sat beside one another in bed before Logan spoke up again. “Is it hard?” Remus quirked an eyebrow.
“Is what hard?” Remus would’ve slipped in an inappropriate joke if he had the energy.
“Being reminded of your parents,” Logan said, somewhat hesitantly, “I would imagine that must be… difficult.” Logan was trying to handle this delicately, goddamn was he trying, but it didn’t take away from the clumsiness of his attempt. Remus appreciated it regardless.
“It can be,” Remus replied honestly after a moment of contemplation, “I try not to think about it too much, y’ know?” Logan nodded. He didn’t know, not really, but he got the gist of it. “My teenage years were a blur. I’m kinda glad I didn’t know you then, you wouldn’t have liked me back then.”
“I’m sure that isn’t –.”
“No, it’s true. I didn’t even like me back then. I was just so fucking angry all the time. Home was a nightmare and I was constantly reminded of how “sinful” I was on account of my sexuality and all that shit. Roman was good at pretending to be straight, but I guess I was just never cut out for it. I’m just me, regardless of whatever anyone else thinks.” Remus’s breath hitched as Logan pressed a hand into his own, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I’m glad you’re you, love. You’re one of the most genuine people I’ve ever come across, that’s a very admirable trait.”
“Yeah, well, I also used to be a major asshole. More of an asshole, anyway.”
“You are by no means an asshole. As far as I’m concerned, you’re the sweetest person I know.” A smile flickered across Remus’s face. Even despite how heavy and horrible everything felt, Logan always had a way of making him feel better, at least a little bit.
“Only for you, Dragonfly. Anyway, I was an angsty teen with a fucked up home life and a strained relationship with one of the only close people in my life. I was fucking awful at making friends, but just terrific at scaring people away. I… well, I thought that’s what I was going to do with you, at first. Scare you away.” There was a rawness to Remus’s tone that he hadn’t intended, and he ducked his head, eyes trained on the bedsheets. “Jeez, sorry to be such a fucking downer. I’m just thinking about Pat, and my folks and all that shit…”
“Remus,” Logan’s voice wavered with sincerity, earning Remus’s full attention as their eyes met once more, “You never need to apologize for something like that. You don’t need to apologize for your vulnerabilities. It's okay.” Remus’s head swam with a cocktail of different emotions as he threw his arms around Logan and held on tight. There was still something tense and strange in the embrace, but Logan was solid and warm and always such a good source of comfort.
“Jesus, I love you,” he said, voice uncharacteristically soft, “You mean fucking everything to me, you know that right?”
“And you mean the same to me,” Logan responded, still embracing Remus tightly. “I love you too, dear. Immensely.”
It was no secret that both men were working on being more open and vulnerable with one another. They loved each other to the moon and back, but that didn’t hinder the fact that they both had issues with opening up and exposing their most primordial, raw emotions. Still, they were making progress together, doing everything they could to be better for each other and for themselves.
“God, I feel really fucking bad for Pat,” Remus said as they pulled away, “He’s such a sweetheart and to know what he’s going through…” Remus trailed off sadly. Then, Logan had an idea.
“What if someone visited him?” Remus raised an eyebrow.
“Do you think that’s a good idea? That might be kinda overwhelming.”
“Do you think Roman would be interested in visiting him as well?”
“I mean, I’m sure he would, but what’re you talking about?”
“You and Roman both have experience with that Patton’s going through. I feel as though you two spending some time with him would do a great deal of good.”
“And you wouldn’t want to come too?” Logan shook his head.
“It isn’t that. I love Patton, he’s an incredibly dear friend, and I’m going to do everything in my power to support him during this time. But as I said, this is a situation you and Roman know well. If the idea makes you too uncomfortable, then, by all means, I’ll drop the issue. I just feel as though you two could offer him some very good support.”
Remus considered it for a moment. Prior he thought that perhaps approaching Patton so early on might be a bad call, but now that he thought about it, Logan made a compelling case.
“You know what, yeah… yeah, I think you’re right. Let me text Jan and ask how Pat’s doing and then ask Roman if he could help out,” Remus said, standing up from bed and grabbing his phone.
Remus came back into the bedroom after a few minutes, still holding his cellphone.
“Janus said I can head over anytime.” Logan nodded, thankful that at the very least, Patton was accepting the company.
“How’s he holding up?” Remus's lip tugged into a frown.
“Not too good, from the sounds of things. Are you sure you don’t want to come too? I’m sure Patton would appreciate it.”
“I promise I’ll come next time, but for now, I want to leave this to you two. I know he’ll be in excellent hands. Can Roman attend?” Remus nodded, sitting back down on the bed.
“Yeah, he’s on his way now.” Logan pressed a kiss to Remus’s cheek, holding a hand against his face for a moment.
“Then you’d better get going.”
“You really think we’re gonna be able to help? I mean… he’s so upset, and I don’t want to make things worse…”
“Nonsense. You’ve got this, love. I know you do. You and Roman are going to do so much good.” Remus pulled Logan into a final hug, one that finally lacked the unexplainable burning sensation of all of their previous interactions since the party, and parted feeling far more hopeful then he’d started the day out with.
“Thanks, Dragonfly. Okay, I’m gonna get going.” It was still odd to think about all that Remus had thought this day would be. He’d expected celebration, overindulgence, and morning sex, not a friend dealing with so much strife. No matter, that was the situation, and Remus would have to do his best to make things better. He grabbed a granola bar and a cup of coffee on the way out, doing everything he could to cling to hopefulness.
In the past, Remus had never thought of himself as someone who was suited for comforting people, as far as he was concerned, he just wasn’t built for it. Since his time with Logan, though, Remus had come to realize that wasn’t entirely the case. The fear that he might still somehow make things worse burned in his chest, but it was alongside the hope that Logan had instilled as well as the knowledge he’d have his brother’s help. Alone, maybe Remus wouldn’t be able to brighten Patton’s spirits. But he wasn’t going to be on his own. Roman had always been good at soothing others, even at the expense of himself at times, and he was a good person to have in his corner.
There was no doubt all of this was going to continue to remind Remus and Roman of their childhood, but for now, he pushed the thought aside. What mattered now was helping Patton, and he was going to try his damndest.
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