#he seemed like just a chill guy before that
uzurakis · 1 day
Can we have JJK guys reaction to his friend/buddy being in love with his girlfriend? (can sukuna and other any other characters you like).
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featuring: ryomen sukuna. gojo satoru. itadori yuuji. fushiguro megumi.
n. hey sweetheart, i’m not used to writing sukuna, but i tried to write him as him as much as i can! i hope it suits him. thankies for the req x—x
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GOJO SATORU. when gojo found out that his friend also liked you, his reaction was, unsurprisingly, far from what most people would expect. instead of anger or jealousy, he simply shrugged it off, his trademark smile playing on his lips.
“did you hear what i just said?” you asked, looking at him with wide eyes, he wasn’t fazed. “your friend likes me.”
gojo laughed, waving a hand dismissively. “oh, i heard you,” he replied, leaning back against the couch with an amused glint behind those glasses. “but why should i be worried? i know you’ll choose me at the end of the day.”
you blinked, taken aback by his confidence. “you’re not even a little bit concerned?”
“not at all,” gojo said, grinning. “i mean, can you blame them? you’re everything. but they don’t stand a chance against me, darling.”
“besides, it’s not like i don’t trust you. i know you love me.”
his words were playful, but because you know him well, he was serious. it was just the way he expressed it. “you’re right,” you admitted, tracing figures on his hands. “i do love you.”
“see? nothing to worry about. let him have their crush. it doesn’t change anything between us. if anything, it’s flattering. just proves i have excellent taste.”
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RYOMEN SUKUNA. being in a relationship with sukuna meant navigating his unpredictable moods and overwhelming presence, but you had never seen him this angry before. the air seemed to crackle with his frustration as he paced back and forth, his eyes blazing with a fury that sent chills down your spine.
“babe,” you began, trying to calm him down. “what’s wrong?”
he stopped pacing and looked at you, his expression dark. “fucking jerk, it’s that so-called ‘friend’ of mine,” words spat out immediately. “i found out he likes you.”
your heart skipped a beat. you had noticed the way his friend had been acting lately, but you hadn’t thought much of it. now, seeing sukuna’s reaction, you realized just how serious this was.
“ryo,” you said softly, stepping closer to him. “i chose you from the start, right?”
he growled, his hands clenching into fists. “i don’t care about that. he should have known better. he should have known that you’re mine.”
sukuna lined up his hand on your chin, causing your eyes to meet. “if he comes near you, he’ll face my wrath,” he whispered, his tone still laced with menace. “no one threatens what’s mine.”
“especially my woman.”
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ITADORI YUUJI. you told him about his friend’s feelings while you both were sitting inside your cozy room. itadori’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, but then he leaned back in his chair, processing the information.
“wow,” he said softly, scratching the back of his head, those pink locks becoming messier. “i didn’t see that coming.”
bitting your lower lip, you’re worried about how he might take the news. “you’re not mad, aren’t you?”
but your boyfriend shook his head, full of understanding. “no, i’m not mad, baby. feelings are complicated, y’know? it’s not like he can control how he feels.”
you sighed in relief, appreciating his maturity. “okay... i was just worried about how you’d react.”
“baby, i trust you, and i trust our relationship. besides, i’m kind of curious now. like, since when did he start liking you? how did i miss that?”
feeling the tension ease out of the situation, you chuckled at him. his obliviousness always gets in the way. “don’t know the exact moment, but i guess it’s been a while.”
“hmm,” the guy leaned forward, resting his chin on his free hand. “did he ever try to tell you or make a move?”
you shook your head. “no, i guess he didn’t. i think he knew about us and didn’t want to cause any trouble.” after your statement, a thoughtful expression was written on his face. “that must have been tough for him. i mean, having feelings for someone who’s already in a relationship.”
“it probably was,” you agreed. “but i’m glad you’re handling this so well.”
“hey, anyone would be lucky to have you. i just got there first.”
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI. he took a deep breath, deciding to be honest. after fushiguro found out that his friend liked you, it hit him harder than he wanted to admit. the knowledge gnawed at him, and although he tried to brush it off, doubts began to creep in, making him question his own worth and your relationship. “i found out that one of my friends likes you.”
“really? who?” you blinked in surprise, not expecting that. he named the friend, and you frowned, thinking back on any interactions you might have had. “i had no idea…”
fushiguro nodded, but his eyes avoiding yours. “i didn’t either. it just… fuck, it bothers me.”
“i guess it makes me question things. like, am i good enough for you? do you have feelings for him too? those sorta things..”
your hands immediately caressed his by instinct, seeing him like this made your heart ache. “baby, you’re enough for me. i don’t have any feelings for them. i’m with you until the end.”
the man looked down for a long while, his grip on your hand tightening. “but what if i’m not enough? what if there’s something lacking in our relationship that makes you look elsewhere?”
“there’s nothing lacking, megumi. i’m happy with you. and i love you just the way you are.” you shook your head, cupping his face with your free hand.
after that he leaned into your touch, closing his eyes briefly. “i don’t want to that jealous boyfriend but i can’t help it. the thought of losing you to someone else…”
“you’re not going to lose me,” you interrupted softly. “i’m here with you, and that’s not going to change. fushiguro then opened his eyes, searching for reassurance in yours, before closing them again. a little, relieved smile tugged on the edges of his lips. “i love you. i’m sorry for doubting us.”
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space-owl · 3 days
Stolas is incredibly classist!
And probably doesn’t realise it.
I already made a short post about it here but I want to go more into detail with all of this.
First I want to show how he is acting with demons that aren’t Goetia and then how his classism even bleeds into the relationship with Blitzø.
Disclaimer: I love Stolas, he is one of my favourite characters of the show! Doesnt mean though I wont critic him for some of the bullshit he is pulling
Stolas is constantly dismissing other demons and looking at all of them from a high angle. We can clearly see it when he interacts with Millie and Moxxie
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Just look at his uninterested face too while Moxxie is talking to him
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Not to forget he keeps referring to Imps as "little ones“ etc
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Of course he is aware of his status sometimes and does use it to get into Ozzies. But he also does it while presenting himself on a higher angle than the poor bouncer in front of the club would’ve needed
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Like Stolas you’re already one of the princes of hell, the guy KNOWS who you are! Why are you giving him this look??
He doesn't see any imp or even any demon who is ranked below him as equal. It shows again when he is directly attacked by Striker. Stolas was mostly chill about the situation and not even fully aware he was in danger!
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Yes, he brings it up but he isn’t fully convinced of it himself. The first time he REALLY understands he is in big trouble is when he realises that his glare doesn’t work!
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I don’t think Stolas doesn’t know what holy rope is. But I do believe that he himself didn’t think an IMP could possess such dangerous equipment!
And what shows it to me the MOST that he really doesnt seem to hold any respect to Imps that aren't Blitzø is this:
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How he handles Pringles, the butler of the family!
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He literally squeezes him so tightly the poor guy cant get any air anymore!
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Just holding him and handling him as if he was an object! Dude is already getting dizzy and Stolas wont let go of him!
Yes I know I suppose this is mostly a visual gag to make the scene more entertaining. We just cant forget that animation is a long process to do. Anything, any action a character does is there for a reason! If Stolas WASN'T a person who wouldnt handle an Imp butler like this, it would'nt be in the scene!
This is already enough proof for me that Stolas is very classist. Its so casual for him and normal that he doesnt even seem to realise it! Why do I think that? Because it bleeds into the relationship with Blitzø!
All the things Stolas keeps saying about Imps, he also says directly to Blitzø.
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Calling Blitzø "his little Imp", again just saying Imps are little and "things" to be posessed
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Dismissing Blitzø when he tries to get serious, just saying he is cute even though Blitzø is trying to complain
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Also the constant cheek pinching, something youd mostly do to a child.
And dont forget the most posessive thing of all of them to say in "Truth Seekers"
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"Who dares to threaten my impish little plaything?" (youtube didnt pick up the audio here so no automatic subtitles appeared (holy shit im so thankful season 2 finally has proper subtitles!))
Stolas literally called Blitzø HIS "plaything", also pointing out the Imp part again.
Id say something like "oh but that was probably just before he got feelings for Blitzø! And then it changed!" I mean even if that was the case it wouldnt make it any better. But no, Stolas literally had a crush on Blitzø the first time he SAW him! Look, this is his literal first reaction:
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Stolas always had feelings for Blitzø, but still he keeps downplaying Blitzøs feelings and totally ignores the class thing. Because he himself is already in a higher class! So he can just pick and choose which Imp he respects and which he doesnt.
Worst of all of this is that as a child Stolas was a LOT more open about those things!
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Until his father "corrects" him
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And Stolas rememberd this statement until his aduldhood. The only exeption he makes to this rule is Blitzø.
And Blitzø of course notices those things. Of course he notices the constant dismiss of Stolas! Being called a "Plaything" and a "little imp!" He is already self conscious enough. And that makes him even more vunerable and hyper aware of those things.
Even though Stolas showed general intersted in him someties, Blitzø already accepted himself as his little tool.
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Moxxie even brings it up to Blitzø, obviously playing to Stolas feelings for him.
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But Blitzø immediately thinks its still just about something sexual. And nothing else.
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Because he cant see himself being anything else to Stolas than just a plaything. It doesnt matter how often Stolas was honest with him and showed interest. His constant belitteling and downplaying on him and also any other Imp that happens to be present while Blitzø is with him is enough.
With ALL of that context, its totally clear why Blitzø lashed out at Stolas in Full Moon. For him this confession came out of nowhere. He didnt have time to breathe or understand what was really going on there. And Stolas himself keeps ignoring their class difference and has 0 self reflection on that part so far, not getting why this is so upsetting to Blitzø.
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"Blitzø, I think so very highly of you. I didnt realize you think so low of me!"
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vermilionsun · 22 hours
If you are still open for requests..how about Ais and Kuras (or pick which one) with a child/children?
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Of course!! Don’t hesitate to send in more if ya want <3
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Father figure of the year
✩ Pretty chill in general
He's the type of dad who will let you have a good time but also make sure you're staying safe.
✩ Always there to lend an ear or offer advice… or constructive criticism—
You can always count on him to give you straightforward and honest advice, even if it's not what you want to hear. Even though he may not always agree with your choices, you know that his intentions are always good and that he genuinely cares about your well-being. Ais may not show his emotions openly, but his love and support for his child would be unwavering.
✩ Seems to know exactly what to say in any situation.
Whether you need help with a problem or just want someone to talk to, he is always there for you (with judgment /j)
✩ Don't even bother to lie to him.
He can see right through any facade and will always know when you're not being completely honest. His ability to detect deception is uncanny, but it also makes him a trustworthy confidant. Besides, what even did you do that made you think the consequences would be that bad? (Or even exist?) Partying? Smoking? Drinking? Drugs? Sex?
✩ “Lame. When I was your age I was way worse—”
✩ CRAZY parent lore.
And he mentions it so casually every time. Like, he's seen (and done) it all before. Nothing seems to faze him in the slightest.
✩ He's the kind of guy who would drop everything to help his kid, no questions asked.
✩ On the other hand, if we're talking about babies…
He might be a bit (completely) clueless when it comes to diaper changing, feeding schedules, or soothing a crying infant. However, his willingness to learn and his dedication to being the best parent he can be are admirable qualities.
✩ He's the type of person who will spend hours researching the best parenting techniques and tips.
✩ He gets the hang of it pretty quick.
✩ He is incredibly patient to the point where it becomes a bit scary. 
From reading bedtime stories to playing endless games of peek-a-boo, a cheerleader, a rock, a shoulder to cry on—he's all in when it comes to being a parent. 
✩ If anyone dares to think about touching his child, they'll never see the light of day again.
24/7 confusion
✞ This begs the question of whether the child would be half-angel.
Let's assume so, because it becomes ten times funnier.
✞ Absolutely  b e w i l d e r e d  in the beginning.
✞ “...Why does it cry so much?”
Another question that often arises is, "Is there something wrong with it that I can't see?" He's just… confused. He doesn't really understand babies. Kuras is used to living a fast-paced, independent lifestyle, so the idea of being responsible for a helpless infant is overwhelming for him.
✞ Incredibly good once he figures it out.
Despite his initial confusion and overwhelming feelings, Kuras quickly adapts. Kuras is always on call to help with midnight feedings and diaper changes, making sure the baby is well taken care of around the clock.
✞ “Uh… honey? The baby is floating.”
Cue Kuras calmly walking into the room and safely guiding the baby back to the ground with a knowing smile. It becomes a common occurrence in the household. 
✞ Eventually takes on the role of mentor, teaching the child how to control their powers and use them for good.
✞ Slightly strict
Believes in setting boundaries and enforcing rules to ensure the well-being and safety of his children. He considers discipline an important aspect of parenthood, as it helps instill good behavior and values in his kids. He may come off as harsh at times, but it all stems from a place of love and protection. Kuras wants his children to grow up knowing right from wrong and understanding the importance of structure in their lives.
✞ Comfort
He listens without judgment, allowing his children to express themselves freely. Kuras encourages open communication and fosters a strong bond based on trust and respect.
✞ Don't even bother to lie to him part 2
If you try to sneak out, he'll be waiting for you at the door, arms crossed and a stern expression on his face. You can try to pull one over on him, but chances are, he'll see right through it. It's better to just be honest and upfront with him, because he always seems to know what's going on.
✞ Consequences
Although Kuras seems disappointed at times, he knows that it is all part of the process of growing up and learning from mistakes. He understands that his children need to make their own choices and face the consequences of those choices in order to become independent and responsible adults. Kuras tries to offer guidance and support, but ultimately allows his children to take ownership of their decisions and experiences.
✞ Always puts his children's needs above his own.
✞ Being the doctor he is and a parent can be a challenging juggling act. Kuras, however, manages to balance both roles with grace and dedication.
✞ T r i p l e t s
✞ If anyone dares to harm their child, he will stop at nothing to protect them. Fuck repentance and forgiveness; Kuras will seek justice with a vengeance that knows no bounds.
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maximoffcarter · 19 hours
Enough for you.
Pairings: Casey Novak x Alex Cabot.
Summary: Casey Novak was not for relationships, she was not a person who went to bars and left with the first person that complimented her or bought her a drink; she was not that kind of person. But then she found herself in the same bar as Alex Cabot; how could she say no?
A/n: So...*cough* another angst cause why not. If this goes well...there might be a part 2. This was my own creation from my own mind, so my own request🤷🏻‍♀️ If you got any more requests, please send them my way guys, either on my asks box or message me privately! Hope you guys enjoy this, leave comments, hearts, whatever you like and reblog so this gets some love🫶🏻
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*not my gif*
‘You’re still young, you should be having a bit of fun even if you’re busy with work.’ If Casey could get a dollar for each time she heard someone say that she’d be rich at this point, maybe she wouldn’t have to work hectic hours. She knew they were not wrong, she was still young, even if she had gotten a good job at White Collar, she still had a right to live and enjoy her twenties, go for drinks with friends and coworkers every night, but she truly didn’t like that life. If anything, Mary Clark had shown her better, and she was not about to disappoint her; she was willing to focus on her job, to focus on what she came to do, and that was exactly what she was here for, not to go out with her coworkers and then get home all wasted and barely being able to get through the door. Yes, she went out time to time, she was in a softball team, she went to practice whenever her afternoon was free, she had a life out of work. She knew what her coworker meant by fun, but she didn’t want that fun, she didn’t think she’d ever want it.
The last time Casey had dated someone was back when she was engaged, not too long ago, and after that, she decided that she was better off alone. That had been a big mistake, she had rushed things before even meeting the person better and she ended up not only emotionally abused but physically too. Of course she knew that not everyone was the same, she knew that maybe she could be lucky enough to find someone who would treat her right, that could show her what true love was, but she still had many scars left, she still had some pieces to put together, and she was not about to risk it again for someone that she didn’t know, and for someone that could be just like her ex. So that’s why she also preferred to go drink alone every now and then; yes, she liked her coworkers, some of them were fun to be around, but she sometimes believed that she was probably more mature than all of them together so that’s why she enjoyed her time alone.
The one time she decided to finally ignore work for a while and go out with two workers, both of them had ditched her for two guys. There was a third guy, but Casey had rejected him even before he tried to make his move. So she found herself sitting alone at the bar with her second drink in hand, wondering if it was time to go home or if she could have one or two drinks more. She knew she had work to do, maybe she could even go back to the office to pick up her paperwork and take it home along with some take out. But just as she was debating with her thoughts, she felt someone sitting beside her, and at first Casey was going to ignore it, but the strong scent of expensive perfume invaded her nose, making her turn to find a blond woman sitting right beside her. She couldn’t help but stare for a moment, finding the woman beautiful. But when she noticed she had been staring for long, she returned her stare to her almost empty glass.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
Casey felt chills running down her spine at the woman’s voice, she was not expecting it…she was not exactly expecting to have any interaction with this woman or anyone at all. “Uh…I think I’m done with drinks.”
The blonde chuckled. “Seems like you do know how to count them.”
Casey nibbled on her lip as she turned to look at the blonde again, a small grin on her face. “You don’t?”
“Not when I had a hard day.” The blonde turned to look at her, offering a small grin.
“Well, then I get why you wouldn’t count them.” Casey chuckled.
The blonde nodded. “You got those days too?”
Casey nodded. “When you’re a lawyer…you gotta have them.”
The blonde raised a brow. “Seems like we got the same job then.” She grinned.
Casey squinted her eyes as she grinned. “Wait…I’ve seen you somewhere.”
The blonde chuckled as she extended her hand. “Alex Cabot.”
“Right…Sex Crimes.” Casey smiled, extending her hand to take Alex’s. “Casey Novak.”
“Nice to meet you.” Alex grinned, letting go of Casey’s hand. “White Collar?”
“Actually, yes.” Casey nodded.
“Thought I had seen you somewhere.” Alex took her drink and took a sip of it, never taking her eyes away from Casey.
Casey couldn’t help but stare into those beautiful blue eyes, almost as if they were enchanting her in some way. “So, what brings Alex Cabot into this bar?”
Alex shrugged. “Tough case. Needed a drink.”
“I don’t think I could ever do Sex Crimes. So I respect you for that.”
Alex smiled. “Well…you learn to deal with it…” she huffed a chuckle as she raised her drink. “And this right here helps.”
Casey chuckled as she nodded. “I’m sure.” She smiled softly.
No, Casey was not planning on staying more at the bar. No, she did not plan on having more drinks. No, she was not expecting to engage in a conversation with someone, let alone such a beautiful girl as Alex. She has heard a lot of things about Alexandra Cabot, some rumors, some facts, she never listened to the gossip, but when she saw Alex in a press conference and the next time she found herself in the same courtroom, her curiosity for Alex started, and now she had spent easily two hours talking about everything with her, and she was fascinated. They decided to avoid talking about cases, so they talked about other things, and laughs soon joined in the conversation, giving them both a feeling of comfort. And no…Casey did not expect for Alex to ask if she wanted to get out of the bar; actually…she figured at some point that it could happen, but what she did not expect was for her answer to be yes.
Casey moaned the moment her back hit the wall, her eyes staring into blue one as her hands worked their way to Alex’s coat, pulling it off and throwing it somewhere on the floor. Alex’s hands soon found Casey’s neck and pulled her for another heated kiss, her body pressing against Casey’s. “Alex…” she breathed out once she felt Alex’s lips traveling down her neck and finding her pulse point.
“Yes baby?” Alex whispered as she looked up to look into green eyes, panting as they stared at each other. “We can stop if you want to.”
Casey breathed heavily as she wetted her lips, her eyes landing on Alex’s swollen lips and back to blue eyes. She shook her head, a small grin on her face. “I want you to fuck me.”
Alex smirked. “As you wish.”
“So, Novak.” Jessica grinned as she stood at the doorframe of Casey’s office.
Casey looked up from her paperwork and furrowed her brows. “Yes?”
“I got a question for you.” Jessica walked inside the office, the grin never leaving her face.
“No, I am not going to drink with you guys again. You left me. Plus, I’m going to the cages today.” Casey returned her attention to the paperwork.
“That wasn’t my question, but good to know that we won’t be counting on you again.” Jessica chuckled. “Why do you suddenly look so happy?”
Casey frowned, looking up at Jessica again. “I look happy?” Jessica nodded. “I…don’t think I look any different than I have before.”
“You’re getting laid, aren’t you?” Jessica smirked.
“I-“ Casey scoffed. “Jessica! What the hell? No! I’m not. I’ve been having good cases, free time, I get to do more out of work.”
“Oh, you get to do someone���”
Casey rolled her eyes. “Please get out.”
Jessica laughed as she walked to the door. “I know you, Novak!”
Casey cleared her throat as she tried to focus back on her paperwork. Yes, it was true. It had been three months since Casey started seeing Alex after work. After that night, both of them had exchanged numbers after Casey decided to leave in the middle of the night. No, it wasn’t her first time being with a girl, she had always suspected that she liked girls but never actually got with one because her parents expected her to be with a guy. So it was no surprise that she was fascinated by Alexandra Cabot. She knew she was going against her own words, saying that she was not that kind of person, that she’d mainly focus on her job, but after some drinks and engaging in conversation with Alex, she couldn’t help it; and she didn’t regret any of it. But that was it…just a hook up. Nothing more. She was not ready to get into anything serious, it could never be anything serious. She was sure she was not the first attorney to fall into Alex’s bed, as bad as that sounded, but she heard the rumors. So no, this was nothing more than a hook up and that was it.
As for Alex, she knew the rumors that went around in her own office, she knew the nickname that was now known even at the precinct, she knew her reputation, but she really couldn’t care less about it. It was nothing, they were simply rumors and gossip, she was mature enough to let it get to her, and some of them, were nothing but lied, but again, if they wanted to tell them around, they could, she knew the truth and she knew who she was, and that was it. Yes, she had her hook ups before, she had stopped once she had joined Sex Crimes since she had focused her whole attention in the job, and she barely had any time to focus on her private life. But that night, the night she met Casey, something called her in, and she couldn’t help but go against her own words but noticing how beautiful she was, that beautiful smile she had, that voice and laugh…she got lost. And she knew she wanted more. It was impossible to not want more.
“Come here often?” Alex whispered as she stood behind Casey, smirking at the way she had shivered.
Casey turned to look at Alex and smiled. “Starting to. I come to meet someone.”
“Oh, so you mind if I sit with you while you wait?” Alex grinned.
“Not at all.” Casey grinned as she placed Alex’s drink in front of her. “Thought I’d get ahead.”
“Oh, thank you.” Alex smiled as she sat down. “Had a good day?”
Casey nodded. “It was slow. Yours?”
Alex sighed before she took a sip of her drink. “Delightful.”
Casey nodded again, looking down at her drink. “That’s why you called?”
Alex furrowed her brows as she looked at Casey. “I wanted to see you.” She offered a smile. “Just needed someone to talk to.”
Casey smiled softly, looking up at Alex. “We can go to my place.”
Alex grinned as she nodded. “Sounds fair.”
It wasn’t the first time that they met at the bar, had two or three drinks, and then left to Alex’s apartment. Most of their nights went like this. Sometimes Alex would go to Casey’s office in her lunch time and make a plan with Casey to meet at night, or Casey went to Alex’s office to confirm if they’d see each other that night. It had now become a routine, for both of them, they barely talked about work, they only asked about their day, had their drinks, and then went to each other’s apartments. Casey debated with her mind daily, saying this was definitely not something she did, that this was definitely not her, but she couldn’t help it; Alex was beautiful, the way she dressed, the way she talked, the way she laughed…the way she moaned Casey’s name, the way she trembled when Casey’s fingers were inside her, the way she came undone and stared at Casey, looking so beautiful underneath her. It was impossible to not want more of that, she couldn’t get enough, and she knew Alex couldn’t either.
Alex kissed Casey’s naked shoulder as she moved to lay down beside Casey. “You good?”
Casey nodded, clearing her throat as she tried to catch her breath. “Good.”
Alex chuckled softly. “Good.” She laid on her side, staring at Casey.
Casey felt Alex’s eyes on her, making her turn to look at Alex, frowning as a smile appeared on her face. “What?”
“Nothing…you’re just beautiful.” Alex smiled.
Casey’s breath hitched as she stared  at Alex, suddenly speechless as she heard the sincerity in her words. “So are you.”
“Thanks.” Alex sighed then, moving to get up from the bed. “Guess this is my cue to leave.”
Casey nibbled on her bottom lip as she sat in bed. “You know…you could…stay. It’s late.”
Alex turned to look at her and smiled softly. “I-“ suddenly her phone went off, making her groan as she stood up and went to find her phone. “Cabot.” She closed her eyes as she sighed. “On my way.” She hung up and turned to look at Casey. “Work.”
Casey sighed. “I understand.” She stared at her the whole time as she collected her clothes and got dressed quickly.
Alex put on her blazer and turned to look at Casey, smiling. “I’ll call you?”
Casey nodded. “Yes.”
Alex bit her lip before she crawled in bed and kissed Casey’s lips. “Sleep well.” She whispered against her lips before she pecked her lips one last time and then grabbed her phone and left the room.
Casey sighed as she heard the door closing, throwing herself back in bed and groaning softly. This was only a hook up. She couldn’t have feelings for Alex, and she didn’t. They just knew each other’s bodies now, they were used to each other, they had a good fuck, and that was it. It was a hook up and nothing more. And it was going to stay that way.
“Heard the news.” Alex grinned as she leaned over Casey’s doorframe.
Casey looked up from her briefcase and smiled, leaning over her desk. “Sorry if I’m gonna take some of your cases.” She grinned.
Alex chuckled as she walked inside, closing the door behind her. “I don’t mind. Not when it’s you.” She grinned.
Casey raised her brow as she bit her lip. “Oh, so if it was someone else, you’d have fought Branch or Liz?” She grinned.
“Maybe.” Alex smirked as she stood in front of Casey, one of her hands going to Casey’s waist and the other stroking her cheek softly. “But now I’ll have you closer.” She whispered softly.
Casey shook her head. “We can’t do this at work, Alex.” She whispered back.
“You sure we can’t?” Alex raised her brow.
Casey grinned as she placed her hands on Alex’s waist, turning her so Alex was leaning over her desk, moving her to sit on it. “We can try it then.”
Alex gasped, her hands gripping Casey’s shoulders. “Thought we couldn’t, Novak.” She chuckled.
“Changed my mind.” Casey smiled as she closed the gap between them, moaning as Alex’s hand wrapped around her and her hand went into Casey’s hair to pull her impossibly closer.
Alex started moving her hands down to Casey’s front, but her phone interrupted them once again. She broke the kiss and leaned her head on Casey’s chest. “Not again.” She whispered.
“Duty calls.” Casey chuckled. She kissed her forehead softly before she stepped away from her. “I need to go to court anyway.”
Alex nodded as she hopped off the desk. “Alright.”
“See you tonight?” Casey smirked. “I’d like to finish what I started.”
Alex grinned. “Sure.” She nodded before she left Casey’s office almost in a hurry, calling Olivia back.
After almost two years of knowing each other, Alex could’ve sworn that there was more between them. Some nights, they stayed in each other’s apartment after many rounds, deciding that it was ‘safer’ for them to not go back to their homes in the early hours. Sometimes they even stayed weekends together, spending the whole day in bed making each other come undone, or just simply talking about everything but nothing at the same time. Alex had been afraid to admit it, she had been in denial for so long, but the reality was…that she was starting to feel something for Casey, and it was so obvious, there was no denial. All those days and nights that they had spent together, all those laughs and smiles they had shared; it wasn’t just a hook up to her, it had become more. But the more they got used to each other, the more she noticed that Casey called her whenever she needed to get off her stress or when she had a bad day. Yes, Alex had done that the first few weeks, but after figuring out that she mostly did it because she wanted to see Casey, it’s when her whole perspective of the situation changed. But she could risk what they had if she said anything, so it was better to keep it to herself and continue as they were. What could possibly go wrong?
And as for Casey, she had been nervous when Branch had called her to his office to let her know that she’d be moving to Sex Crimes with Alex. They had figured out that more than usual, they were loaded with cases and sometimes Alex couldn’t keep up with all of them, so they figured that bringing someone to help wouldn’t be a bad idea. And now she’d be seeing Alex daily, they’d be working together. The idea wasn’t that bad, she already saw Alex daily, but not exactly in the building, now they’d be working together, not only hooking up. She was afraid that the more time they spent together, the more she would let herself get lost, and she couldn’t allow that.
The first few weeks went away so quickly. They had someone fallen into an easy routine and even met up for lunch to help each other out with the cases. Thanks to Alex, Casey was not being accepted by the squad, she knew that they were used to Alex, and Casey somehow worked in her own way and that was something that the squad hadn’t agreed on at the beginning, but with the help of Alex, they were getting used to it. For a moment, she noticed the way that Alex had entirely changed since the first time they had met; she was more…soft. Casey couldn’t deny that she liked it, but she was also not sure that she could buy it. They gave each other what they needed, they gave each other pleasure, they gave each other a space to get off the stress of the day or the week, what they had was nothing but sex. She was sure Alex wanted nothing more than that. And she confirmed it soon enough when she saw her with Olivia.
It was notorious the first day when Olivia was basically pushing away Casey, at first she thought that she had just made a bad impression, but then she saw her with Alex. She acted so differently with her, she got so close to Alex, and Alex to her, and their conversations were so easy, Olivia would do anything that Alex asked her to do, and Alex would give in to whatever Olivia asked from her, but if it was Casey, everything would be different. She noticed the way Alex seemed so relaxed with Olivia, the way she just enjoyed having her in her office, and they could stay there for hours. And that’s when Casey understood, that’s when she confirmed her doubts and answered her own questions; it was only a hook up, nothing more.
Alex smiled as she opened the door to find Casey standing there. “Hey.”
Casey smiled. “Hi.” She walked into the apartment and turned to look at Alex, waiting for her to close the door. She took her coat off and sighed softly. “Day okay?”
“It was.” Alex smiled as she turned to look at Casey. She felt something was off with Casey, so she only stood there and crossed her arms. “Was your day okay?”
“Sure.” Casey smiled. “Should we go ahead?”
Alex furrowed her brows, tilting her head. “Are you in a hurry?”
Casey huffed a chuckle. “C’mon, Alex. We both know why I’m here. So, might as well just save time and get on with it.”
Alex felt like she had been punched right on her chest as she looked at Casey. “Casey…I didn’t call you for that. I just…thought maybe we could just spend the night here instead of going to a bar.”
“We know how that ends anyway, at the bar or here.” Casey shrugged. “Or…did you call me to tell me you don’t wanna do this anymore?”
“I’m…confused as to what is happening right now.” Alex huffed a chuckle as she shook her head. “Did I do or say something?”
Casey nibbled on her lip as she looked away from Alex. “Alex…” she sighed. “Why are we pretending like this is something when we both know this is just a casual thing?” She looked back at Alex. “We’ve been doing this for so long now, we fell into a routine but…the result is the same. We end up in bed and then we start over again.”
“So…it’s just a casual thing.” Alex nodded.
“Isn’t it?” Casey raised her brows. “Tell me I’m wrong. I’m-“ she shook her head as she looked down at her coat. “I don’t really do dating. And since we started this, I made it clear. So yes…it is just sex.” She looked back at Alex with a serious look.
Alex nodded again as she looked away. “I’m glad to know now.”
Casey nodded. “Maybe we should give each other some time.”
“I think you’re right.” Alex bit her lip as she tried to avoid Casey’s stare. “Maybe you should go.”
“Okay.” Casey said softly as she put back her coat, walking to the door. She stopped for a moment to look at Alex who was still looking away. “I’ll…see you at the office.” She said almost in a whisper as she opened the door and left the apartment.
Once she heard the door closing, Alex couldn’t help the tears that rolled down her cheeks. She was afraid that this day would come, and she begged anyone that it would never come, but here she was now. She knew since the first moment that it was wrong to let herself feel anything at all for Casey, she knew that it would hurt at the end, but she still let herself get lost in Casey because she had a bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, she could be wrong and that there was a chance. But there wasn’t. Casey now confirmed it; it had been just sex and nothing more, and there was nothing else she could do about it. She lost what they had…she lost Casey.
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keirawantstocry · 17 hours
hey how about umm fit hallucinating pac and tubbo in the corpse pit 😇
i hope you wanted your angst bone chillingly cold 😇
Fit was lonely. A bone chilling loneliness. Did everything hurt because he was cold or was he cold because everything hurt? He wasn't sure. Something inside of him was blue and yellow eyes but he couldn't remember what. Couldn't remember anything. All he knew was he was cold as ice. 
He saw two figures in front of him in a haze. “Hello?” he called out weakly. 
They came closer and his whole body relaxed. “Pac. Tubbo. You guys, I… I don't know what's happening or where I am or…”
“Shhh,” Pac said softly, kneeling down in front of him. “Don't speak Fitchie. Save your energy. You're right here with me and Tubbo.” 
“But where? Where am I?” 
“Right here, silly,” Tubbo said with a laugh. A sense of wrongness went down Fit's spine. It was such an out of character thing to say. Tubbo never called him anything like that. Jackass? Sure. Asshole? Definitely. But his mind was yanked away from those thoughts as Pac leaned forward to kiss him. 
His lips were cold as ice. He tasted of nothing. 
“Pac?” Fit said, his voice cracking. “You're so cold.” 
Pac pulled back and giggled, the exact same tone as Tubbo's laugh from earlier. Something was so incredibly wrong about it. “No, I'm not silly.” 
Something is so very wrong, Fit thought. He tried to push Pac away but his grip tightened like a snake around his wrists. 
“What are you doing?” 
Fit glanced between them nervously. They had the same empty eyes. For just a moment, just a flash they were yellow and blue before returning to normal. “Something isn't right,” he said slowly. 
“Everything is right,” Tubbo said, tilting his head ever so slightly. “We're all together again. A family.” 
“Ramon is waiting for you,” Pac said, his hands still so frighteningly tight around Fit's wrists. 
They both laughed and said in tandem. “Right here, silly.” 
“What the fuck is going on?” Fit asked desperately. Hot tears were falling down his cheeks only to nearly freeze by the time they reached the end of his face. 
“It's time to go home,” Pac said softly. He released Fit's wrists and wrapped his arms around the man's torso. Tubbo's arms joined him seconds after. Faster then the man should have been able to move. 
They should have been warm. They were both always so warm. Tattered shorts and tank tops stained with sweat as they complained about the heat of the sun and laid on his cool chest. 
Now they were cold as ice. Even colder then him if it was possible. 
“I want to go home,” he agreed gently. He didn't want to fight anymore. He didn't want to question how different they seemed. He just wanted... to let go.
He was getting colder by the minute, a roaring pain ripping through his stomach. “We're going home,” Pac said, arms tightening around him. Tubbo held on tighter, matching every move Pac made. Everything fucking hurt. They were hurting him. “Let go.”
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Summary: You are secretly dating, and he sees you chatting with another guy, which makes him jealous Pairing: Nozel x gn!reader (reader does tease) Length: ~0.8k Contains: themes of jealousy Tagging: @kalolasfantasyworld
Nozel Silva, the eldest son of the Royal House of Silva, was a proud and prideful man. But he was also… territorial. And he was very poor at sharing. Had always been, and had no reason to change into being anything else in the course of his life. Not even now.
Not even if the public, or his family, knew about your relationship, he wasn’t any more willing to share. Which… posed a problem for him. One that annoyed him to his very soul, because there was no way of him making a declaration of any kind, swooping in and wrapping his arm around you to hold you close, without making a lot of other declarations at the same time. Which would go against the whole point of keeping your relationship secret.
He had convinced himself that keeping things on the downlow, would keep you safer. That you wouldn’t have to deal with the drama and the politics and the envious gazes of half of the nobles in the kingdom. Because there would be a lot.
Of course there would be. Royal courting was always a news worthy topic, which would bring with it other less than ideal phenomena as well.
But now, as he looked at you, chatting so… casually? In a friendly manner with some other man in the middle of the city, he couldn’t do anything else, but stare at the exchange.
His eyes were narrowed; fists clenched, and his brows were furrowed to the point they might cramp. But he didn’t notice it. Nor the way his chest was rising and falling, in steady, calculating, deep breaths. As if he was preparing; assessing, calculating… Talons ready to make a dive and snatch whatever snake there was around his spouse.
Though you weren’t exactly a spouse. Yet. But that didn’t make you any less his. And he wouldn’t let just someone steal you so easily.
Oh no.
Secret relationship or not. He wouldn’t stand for it.
Which is why his feet moved, even though before his mind could register it, and carried him to you with great intent. A path; not quite one of war, but… only quite.
His jaw was tense. His well chiseled, sharp jawline that made his features sharp and predatory, was clenched as he bit down his molars. The Silva pendant hung over his face, scraping his skin ever so slightly in the movement. But he was used to it by now. Just as he was used to squeezing his fists tight, nearly enough to sink his trimmed nails into the palms of his hand…
All the things he didn’t care about. The scrapes and cuts. The things that didn’t matter as he was calling out your name, to grab your attention. And in such a public place for all that matter.
“Oh Captain Silva?” You greeted with a smile that ached a grin. “What is the matter?”
“We need to have a word,” he simply replied, tone low, and chilling, almost a  growl. Almost. Something that seemed to resonate from somewhere deep within him, perhaps deeper than he realized; not his throat, but his heart strings.
“Oh? Well, if the good captain insists…” you uttered with a shrug. “Sorry brother,” you apologized to the man, your brother, and begun walking towards Nozel with the intent of passing him. But your eyes stayed on him. Watched him. The way his eyes in turn narrowed even further before turning around and following you, just half of a step behind. Almost like he was guarding.
“I didn’t know you’d make a scene,” you mused, half uttered.
“I didn’t cause a scene.” He insisted with a hushed tone as the crowd became more and more scarce the further you walked from the square.
“Hmm… So what was that? Because it didn’t seem lik-“
He wrapped an arm around you, and pulled you close.
His chest was pressed against yours, the fur lining of his cape tickled your skin.
“You are mine,” he growled. “And I am… yours…” he blushed.
His eyes turned to the side, as if he was hesitant. Only that he wasn’t. He was very sure of what he was doing. The most sure he thought he had ever been in his life. And yet… warmth climbed onto his cheeks, creating a reddish tint that adorned his lilac eyes so adorably.
“And I don’t… share,” he insisted again before swallowing.
You placed your hand onto his cheek, and let your thumb draw circles onto it. “Neither do I,” you spoke with a whisper. “But it’s a good thing to know how you feel,” you tilted your head a little bit, giving him a teasing look. “Jealous.”
“Je-a-lous,” you mused.
He bit down his teeth, and closed his eyes.
It wasn’t exactly a victory over the topic, but you’d take it. For now at least. And maybe later you’d tease him a little bit more. Just a little bit.
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nbkdramathings · 1 month
I think the best thing about Lovely Runner so far has been the fact that BOTH leads are huge goobers and are equally ridiculous when it comes to the other.
I also love that even adult Sun Jae is goofy and not as cool as he may seem. Haha
I still haven’t done my “road so far” rewatch, but I’m DEFINITELY rewatching today’s episode. Mostly to see adult Sun Jae, and that bridge scene at the end. 🫠
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mars-ipan · 5 months
look i love my asexual headcanons to death and what i’m about to say in no way discounts said asexual headcanons. with that disclosed i do not think aziraphale is a “virgin” (<- virginity isn’t real but you get my point) take one look at that angel and tell me he didn’t go to bacchanals i mean come the fuck on
#marzi speaks#i have no opinion nor do i care about whether people think crowley fucks. i think it’s funny if he doesn’t but i could see it either way#but aziraphale? while i don’t think it’s his favorite thing in the world you cannot tell me he never dabbled#bacchanals (and dionysian raves before that) seem right up his alley#plus there’s the fucking. ‘discreet gentlemen’s club’ (THE FUCKING HUNDRED GUINEAS CLUB??? SIR.)#and this guy lives in soho!!!! i mean truly#i don’t think he really seeks sex out or anything#i mean there’s those diary entries where he turns down the woman who essentially flashes him (and i believe a man later?)#so like he’s clearly not someone who really wants sex that much#but there’s no way in hell he never tried it at least once. he’s wayyyy too curious for that#i have a feeling he really stopped ‘trying it out’ after 1941 though. i feel like after he realizes just how deeply he feels for crowley#he’d like. feel Extra Weird about having sex with anyone else#especially bc he isn’t attracted to humans (perhaps beyond like aesthetic attraction)#but he’s definitely dabbled#crowley? could go either way. on one hand: demon. temptations. et cetera#on the other: he’s far less cool than he acts and while having sex isn’t necessarily cool it feels like smth he’d lie about to seem cooler#plus i doubt he’d ever really have any proper interest in humans. probably even less so than aziraphale#see this still coincides with the asexual headcanons. it’s chill 👍
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snapbackslide · 7 months
WHAT HAPPENED OMG how was it!!
it was a really good date, we spent 4 hours (!!!!) together just like, walking downtown and we got drinks which he paid for mine, said it was his bday gift for me 🥲 and talked a lot about everything, hockey especially, families, education/career, news, memes, travel, music...
i think he picked up on my hints, when we were walking i kept bumping lightly into him on purpose, and i'd tuck my hair behind my ear and lick my lips lmao. and i let him have a sip of my drink. cause i wanted him to kiss me, and he did, but i got so nervous and messed it up and pulled away 😭 (i buried my face in his chest and held him and i think he chuckled.. he could tell.. then he kissed the top of my head and i died 🪦 i texted him after saying sorry for the bad kiss LOL and he said 'don't apologize i thought the goodbye was very cute' .. omg)
it's just i never liked kissing but i wanted it with him, and he was good his lips were soft gosh, the second it was over i wanted it back.. this is crazy i miss him already 😭
#it was so hard for me not to dive right in i think maybe that's why i panicked#i'm just so passionate and i was holding back all night and he was so chill and calm... kinda drove me insane 😭#i was having a hard time taking initiative.. like the bumping into him thing was me FIGHTING the urge to hold his arm#he didn’t seem like a super touchy guy idk if it was bc we had just met or that’s how he is but that was a little disappointing tbh#and a WASTE bc gosh he’s so comfy to hug. i had to physically force myself to pull away. i'm not joking#bc in our hugs i could feel him letting go & i didn’t wanna make him uncomfortable#but ugh our height difference & age gap are both literally -perfect-#he got a really cute laugh (and a deeper voice than i thought 😩)#oh yeah and he just ever so casually mentioned he was an argentina fan and i went full fangirl mode?????#oh. and he said he's a mama's boy... (& he likes the oilers.. & his fav movie is interstellar... *quiet voice* “tyson?” LMAOihaveatype)#yea and he said to let him know when i got home and when i forgot (bc i always do) he texted me 🥹#he mentioned having been in a LDR before and how he didn't mind it... seems like only one of us was good at picking up hints 💀#he asked if i'd ever been in one and i didn't realize until later like. oh. HEY maybe i should've said i wouldn't mind it either 🤦‍♀️#ngl there were moments that were a bit awkward tho bc we were both quiet.. but he was so so sweet#like when i said i should go home he was completely understanding and would often ask if i was cold#just a very Gentle man like.. i felt so safe and comfortable 🥹#and i really loved looking up at him and into his eyes it was the best lil moments...#like when i said i hope this wasn't too boring for you and he immediately reassured me and said he's having a great time#and asked if i was having a good time too and our voices got softer and that eye contact was just.. ugh ✨#he really talks like a hockey player tho lmaooo 😭#so yeah i've been up for HOURS replaying all this in my mind i barely slept... i really just wanna see him again asap#answered#brunch anecdotes w the girlies
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topflights · 2 years
cracks knuckles. in the face of wanting to drop out of college i remind myself again. hangman adam page would want me to do well on my midterms hangman adam page would believe in me to get this work done hangman adam page would be proud of me for trying so hard hangman adam page would support me even if i ended up failing these tests
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penisliker-moved · 2 years
wellk anyways.. my bddedtime. gn everyone . we r alll praying together that tgere arent a lot f rooms tmrw
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daincrediblegg · 2 years
Tom Hiddleston for the ask game!
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
they made me sit still thru a 2.5 hr boardroom meeting with period cramps that felt like someone was carving out my innards with a grapefruit spoon (bad) BUT when I got back to the lab one of the micro techs was whistling floweys theme and I was like hey! and got to talk w him abt undertale so all in all not a bad day <3
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slytherinslut0 · 7 months
jealousy. | slytherin boy headcanons
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author’s note: im completely unhinged, as always. no surprise there. love me some angry snake men🥵 please enjoy.
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-your boyfriend sees another guy flirting with you in the hall.
Draco Malfoy.
Sees you from down the hall as he’s walking with his friends.
“You know what, guys, I’ll catch up with you after.”
Would literally ditch his friends to make his way over, collecting himself as saunters up to you and mystery man.
Would instantly grab your ass, no hesitation, grip firm enough to bruise. When you gasp, caught off guard, he’d shift his arm up and around your shoulder, pulling you against him.
“What’re we talking about?” He’d sneer.
His voice would be laced with feign interest, smirking down at you with blaring eyes before shooting daggers at the boy.
He’d simply chuckle at you when you tell him nothing, just school stuff, leaning down to place a possessive kiss on your cheek as he grabbed your hand.
“Wonderful. let’s head to class, yeah?”
He’d pull you away from that dude, shooting him another look meant to kill, a silent warning not to fuck with him.
Finally gets you alone in an empty corridor or bathroom; would waste literally no time at all before pushing you against the wall and grabbing your neck/jaw.
“Who the fuck was that, hm?”, “he was practically eye-fucking you…give me five good reasons why i shouldn’t have him expelled or hexed into bloody Azkaban.”
He’d be furious, but he’d also know that you’d never choose some other guy over him, so he’d soften once he hears the innocence in your tone.
“You’re mine, princess,” he’d loosen his grip, kissing you softly. “Say it.”
Blaise Zabini.
Was listening to music while walking down the hall, instantly rips out his headphones the second he sees you laughing a little too hard with some dude he doesn’t know.
He doesn’t necessarily stop walking, but he’d definitely slow his pace, kind of just watching, not wanting to interfere but also not wanting to look creepy stalking you from a distance.
When the guy doesn’t leave, he’d tired of waiting, saying “fuck it”, before marching over naturally.
This man is so fucking cool calm and collected he’d just saunter right up and join in, making himself at home.
He’d practically take over the conversation because he’s literally just that chill in every situation, seamlessly fitting right in, so fucking charming and loved by everyone.
You’d kind of just end up staring at him, smiling in silent awe, knowing that this was his way of asserting his place, letting the guy know what the fuck was up.
After the dude leaves he’d just causally look at you, smirking that charming smirk, wetting his lips as he hooked an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close, leaning down for a kiss.
“Ain’t no one getting you without getting me too, babygirl.” He’d murmur against your lips. “let that be known, right now, forever, always.”
Lorenzo Berkshire.
Would literally stop everything. The second he’d see you laughing and smiling he’d be completely unable to focus on anything else and would completely zone out of any conversations with his friends.
Would get like super anxious and flustered pretty much immediately.
Wouldn’t want to intrude so he’d just kind of hang back, wait for you against the wall and try not to stare too much.
His adorable little cheeks would flush, and he’d know he seemed utterly ridiculous so he’d try to busy himself with his shoelace or something while he waits.
You’d quickly cut off the conversation and move over to him, instantly being able to tell that he’s overthinking.
He’d smile at you, though you could still see the concern on his features.
“Who was that guy, darling?”
You’d tell him he was just a friend from class, no one special at all, pulling him in for a hug and giving him a quick smoochie on the cheek.
“Don’t worry enz, no one could ever take your place.”
He’d blush, trying to play it off. “Sorry love, I know you’re my girl.”
You’d take his hand, squeezing him hard, never wanting him to doubt that for a second. “Only yours baby, forever.”
Mattheo Riddle.
“Who the fuck-“
Would literally whip his bag at Theo, hastily shoving through the crowded hallway with blazing eyes, tunnel visioned as he tried to figure out where the fuck this dude found the audacity.
You wouldn’t even have to turn around to know he’s there, you’d be able to literally feel the anger radiating off of him.
You’d already know exactly where this was heading, but you’d also know there was no attempting to stop him because it’s pointless. Everyone in the school knows that.
Matty does what Matty wants, and right now, he wants to fuck up this guys face for even thinking about flirting with you.
You’d simply look up at him, noting his tensed jaw and his dark eyes as he glances between you and the dude, before fixing back on you, wetting his lips before he says,
“Is this fucker bothering you?”
Unable to help it, you’d smirk, shaking your head as you calmly attempted to talk him down.
“No Matty, he just asked if he could borrow my study notes-“
He’d heard more than enough.
“Study notes? Yeah, I don’t fucking think so,”
Without giving the guy a chance to react, he’d reach for his collar, shoving his back against the wall, teeth barred and face contorted in a snarl as he’d hiss:
“Bother my fucking girlfriend again and the only study notes you’ll need are the ones on how to drink out of a fucking straw, understand?”
Not interested in the response, he’d shove the guy away, eyes softening instantly as he moved back over to you, thrusting a hand through your hair as he kissed you like it’d been a hundred years, right in the middle of the hall for everyone to see.
And judging by the intensity in his grip, you’d already know, later that night, he’d be extra fucking sure to ask you who the fuck you belong to while he’s fucking you.
When he finally pulled back, he’d smirk at you. “Some bloody nerve on that guy, huh?”
You’d just shake your head and laugh, taking his hand as the two of you headed for class.
Theodore Nott.
He’d spot you from down the hall, his eyes instantly narrowing, gaze darting around as though he was missing something, as though this was some sort of sick joke.
Surely, this dude is mentally unwell, right? There’s no fucking way that he’s-
Doesn’t bother to think about it for even another fucking second, instantly shoving through the crowd to make his way over.
Proceeds to wrap his arm around your waist, other hand finding your jaw and pulling your lips to his before you could even process it.
Would proceed to full-on make out with you in front of the dude, and I mean tongue and all, his grip on your jaw so tight you’d know exactly what he was trying to do.
His hand around your waist might even slip lower, grazing over your ass, and then that’s when you’d attempt to gather yourself and push him back, completely embarrassed.
He’d just shrug, smirking down at you before he’d finally acknowledge the guys’ presence with literally nothing more than a glare meant to kill.
“Move along,” he’d say to the guy while pulling you away, grip tighter than ever. “This one’s fucking taken.”
As soon as he got you alone he’d be damn sure to remind you that you’re his, and only his, making you beg and whine his name before he fucked you like you deserved the pain.
Tom Riddle.
Lowkey kidding but not really.
No one would even dare because that man would make it clear as fucking day what would happen if they tried.
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mirialan · 6 months
I don't think I could ever live by myself. Actually, I know I can't. I've known for a while. It's been a fear of mine for a long time. My guy has been M.I.A. for almost a week now and my roommate is at his gfs place for the night. So I'm here on a Friday night completely by myself, working overtime and trying not to have an anxiety attack about where my man is. My mind gets so dark and I feel so alone and scared about my future and it's literally only been one day of me by myself. I would never make it living alone lol.
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bluerosefox · 1 month
Siblings Behavior
It's shenanigans time guys
So have this DpxDc idea.
So, the Justice League and the Light (OR villains in general) have two newish members, they've both been around for about a year and they're from the same plane of existence (a place called the Infinite Realms according to those who dabble in the occult)
And the two seem to have some serious beef with each other.
Wisp and Wrath are basicly feral cats hissing and hekles raised when they spot the other and their fights normally ends in draws. They're evenly matched and sometimes the two even fight to the point they are out of steam and just fist fight.
Needless to say everyone believes they totally hate each other and might one day kill (or end?) One of them.
So everything gets turned upside down when suddenly both factions of heros and villains are suddenly summoned to the Infinite Realms.
In a throne room.
In front of the Infinite King (or most commonly known as the Ghost King)
A King who looks very, very much like Wisp and Wrath (like yeah the two do sometimes look alike, like when they grin with sharp teeth and their hair color, but one has blue skin and red eyes for crying out loud!)
He's staring at them, glowing green eyes that seemed to just... know.
"Welcome to the Infinite Realms. I am King Phantom." His voice echoing in the throne room and seemed to rattle them deeply, like a sudden chill in the early morning.
"I have summoned you all here for a single reason." He continued to say "Tell me..."
Here he paused, closed his eyes before leaning back on the chair then he smiled big and cheerfully asked.
"How are my kids doing in your world? Dan and Ellie aren't causing too much chaos in their wake are they? They tend to go a tiny bit overboard sometimes but what siblings don't when they rough house you know. Tell me everything."
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