#he served he ate he left nothing on the plate
The director yelled “cut” but K Brian Neel heard “Cunt”
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anniebeemine · 2 months
genius 2.0- s.r x fem!reader
Summary: Spencer can't believe his son takes after him so much, maybe a little too much.
warnings: none :), slight implications of what Spencer went through in school
You stilled your shoes off, barely able to close the door before your son, Sebastian, tackled you into a hug. “Mom!”
“Hey, bud,” you greeted, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
He pulled back, his chin resting on your front as he wrapped his arms around you. “Did you know that some species of sharks can live up to 100 years?" Sebastian said, his eyes bright with curiosity.
You smiled and ruffled his hair. “I did not know that.”
He detached himself from you. “Their metabolism is really slow, so it attributes to their age.”
Spencer looked around the corner and smiled. "Hey, sweetheart. How was the parent-teacher conference?"
You placed your bag on the counter and walked over to give Spencer a quick kiss on the cheek. "It was great! Mrs. Anderson had a lot to say about Sebastian." You dropped your voice as Sebastian excused himself to wash his hands. “You and I have a lot to discuss,” you grinned.
Spencer perked up an eyebrow. He served three plates, handing two of them to you. You placed one in front of Sebastian. Throughout dinner, the father son duo liked to talk. Sebastian often had a list of topics to discuss, things that he wanted to hear his parents’ opinions on. So, the two of you answered his questions every single night while he ate with one hand and scribbled down the answers with the other.
At the end of the meal, Sebastian placed his empty plate in the sink. He washed his hands and stood behind his chair for a moment. “I’m going to go to my room.”
“Okay, bud,” Spencer smiled. “Go ahead.”
You giggled as he left, brown curls bouncing up the stairs. “He’s so much like you,” you sighed, pushing some lettuce back and forth on the plate. “I’m so lucky to have two.”
Spencer smiled softly, leaning back in his chair. "What did Mrs. Anderson say?"
"She thinks Sebastian can take an exam to skip the fifth grade. He's already reading far ahead for his age group," you explained, watching Spencer's face carefully.
Spencer began clearing the table, barely responding. "That's...impressive," he said, his voice subdued. He pointed to your plate. "Are you done?"
You nodded, watching as he left everythingin the sink while he took out the garbage. You sighed and got up to finish the dishes, the clinking of plates filling the silence. After drying your hands, you went upstairs and found Spencer in Sebastian's room, thumbing through a book while Seb arranged his toys.
"Hey," you said softly, stepping inside. "Everything okay?"
Spencer looked up, his eyes thoughtful. "Yeah, I was just thinking." He rolled out of the bed, going over to his son. "Can we talk about something?"
Sebastian turned around, leaning against his toy chest while sitting on the floor. You stood by the closet door. "Sebastian-"
"I didn't mean to break it!" He blurted, cheeks pink.
You furrowed your brows. "Break what?"
"Nothing," he lied. Surely, it wouldn't be long to find the broken item. "What are we talking about?"
You told him about the meeting, praising him for being so far ahead of his classmates. "And we were wondering how you'd feel about going straight to the sixth grade."
"Sebastian, how would you feel about skipping the fifth grade?" Spencer asked, his voice calm but his eyes watching his son intently.
Sebastian's eyes widened with excitement. "Really? I can skip a grade? That sounds amazing! I want to do it, Dad!"
Spencer nodded. "We'll set up the meeeting for you to take that test."
After saying goodnight to Sebastian and making sure he was settled, you went to your room to find Spencer sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. His shoulders were tense, and you could see he was fighting back tears.
"Spence?" you said softly, walking over and sitting beside him. "What's wrong?"
Spencer took a deep breath, his voice shaky. "I'm afraid, Y/N. I spent years being tormented. I don't want Sebastian to go through that." He sniffed. "I don't want him to grow up."
You reached out and gently lifted his chin so he could look at you. His eyes were red and glassy, filled with a pain that reached deep into his past. "Spencer, I know it was hard for you, but Sebastian has us. He has a support system that you didn't have. We'll make sure he's okay."
Spencer nodded, tears spilling over despite his efforts to hold them back. "I just want him to be happy and not have to deal with what I did. The loneliness, the bullying... It was relentless."
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close. "He's going to be okay, Spence."
Spencer clung to you, his body trembling. "I remember being so excited, just like Sebastian, and then...everything changed. Kids can be so cruel, Y/N. I don’t want him to lose his spark."
You stroked his back soothingly, your heart aching for him. "We'll talk to him about what to expect, and we'll be there for him if he needs us. We can also talk to the school, make sure they’re prepared to support him too."
Spencer pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice breaking. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
You smiled, pressing a kiss to his temple. "You don't have to do it without me. We're in this together, always."
Spencer nodded, a small smile breaking through his tears. "Together, always."
He leaned into your embrace, and you held him tightly, feeling the weight of his fears slowly lifting. "Sebastian is lucky to have you as a dad," you murmured. "He’s going to thrive, and we’ll make sure he’s happy and safe."
Spencer sighed, the tension easing from his body. "I just want to protect him from everything."
"I know," you said softly. "And we will. One step at a time, we’ll guide him through this. He's strong, like his dad."
Spencer chuckled softly, wiping his eyes. "He's stronger because he has you too." Spencer's breathing steadied, and he rested his head against yours. "You know, I used to think I had to do everything alone. But with you, I don't feel that way anymore. You've shown me what it means to be a team, to share the burdens and the joys."
As you both sat there, holding each other in the quiet of your room, you knew that no matter what challenges came your way, you would face them together.
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packsvlog · 4 months
✶ 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ❜ 𝙏𝙃𝙊𝙎𝙀 𝘿𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙈𝙎 𝙊𝙁 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀𓈒𓈒𓈒ㅤׂㅤ
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✶ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Nanami is not the same man as before. It’s not easy to wake up from nightmares without your husband to comfort you. It’s not easy to live in a house where his presence is constant and also avoidant, questioning your sanity and his existence.
✶ 𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: fck gege.
✶ 𝐬𝐲𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬: angst with good ending, after shibuya, reader has panic attacks, quick description of blood and death, trigger of mahito for one second, reader gender is not mentioned, reader skips one meal. english is not my first language.
✶ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.1k
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You have always been a good partner to your husband, in fact you succeed at being Kento’s perfect match. You understood him ever since your first met each-other at Jujutsu high, where you shared classes and, eventually, many kisses.
The first thing most people realize about your husband is his individuality, the need he has for personal space. You have always gave it to him, even when Nanami didn’t realized he was turning bitter, you reached for his arm and would bring him somewhere calm and let him be, only returning in a few hours to a happy man eager to devour your attention — and maybe you as well.
After the Shibuya incident, you came home after Nanami, as per his odd request through your friend Shoko. When you reached your house in a hurry, your student, Itadori Yuuji, was there, sitting on your sofa with puffy eyes.
“He…” Yuuji chocked on air before breathing deeply. “He says he wants some time. Something happened.”
For the first time in your life, you wanted to disrespect your husband’s needs and commands. You craved Nanami from the moment you separated at Shibuya and it had been two long weeks without any details. Sadly, you knew you were the only one out of the loop.
“Yuuji, what happened to him?” You sat next to boy and felt your eyes burning, Itadori seemed to have aged so much. “What happened to you?”
“I-I’ll be fine! I swear.” Yuuji reached for your hand and you gave it to him, he squeezed it fast, as if he was drowning in his feelings and needed to reach the shore, in this case, you. “But he made me promise to not tell you what happened to him. I’m sorry y/l/n sensei.”
“It’s okay, honey.” It was not, but how could you tell that to Yuuji?
You opened your arms and not a second later, the teenager was hugging you, his unhinged breathing turned into hiccups and loud cries, there was nothing you could do but hug him tighter and silently cry with him.
That night, Yuuji slept in your couch. And for many more days after that he kept you company. Not exactly only for you, Nanami still avoided your presence, he kept himself in the guest room, fortunately for him there was a bathroom there.
That first night at dinner, you made Yuuji send Nanami’s his pajamas, his toothbrush and his dinner. The boy knocked and introduced himself, it didn’t take long for Kento to unlock the door. You wanted to keep an eye and hope to catch a glimpse of your husband, but you valued him more than anything, so you turned your back when the door started to open.
Yuuji left the room half an hour later, with a plate mostly empty and a smile nearly happy.
“He says thank you.”
It’s not enough, it’s not what you want to hear. How badly you wish you were selfish, to bring that door down and take your husband to your embrace in a way that your bodies would melt against each-other. But you are good, so good, and you love him more than anything.
So you prepare the living room for Yuuji to sleep, while he takes a shower in the apartment extra bathroom before eating. You serve his plate when he comes back wearing your husband’s sweater and sleep pants. You tell him you already ate, it’s a lie he buys and you keep him company until he sleeps.
When you kiss his head goodbye and move to your bedroom, your hear pats on the floor of the guest room, but the sound stops when yours stop. That night, you pretend you don’t cry to sleep, and everyone else in the house will pretend they didn’t listened.
This routine of tip toeing and Yuuji being the mediator is tiring, but you still keeps supportive. You start to send Nanami’s clothes and food with stickers glued to them.
“I love you.”
“Please take care.”
“I’m here.”
You try to not let the tears stain the paper, but sometimes you fail and hopes that Kento himself will tear that door down and come get you. You miss his touch like sinners misses heaven. But, as always dutiful, you put your head down and go back to bed.
The dreams have shifted. From dreaming with black spaces, you now wake up in panic, feeling dreadful that maybe your nightmares are right: Nanami is dead, there is no one on the other side of the door but your pathetic imagination hanging on the thread of hope. And that’s how Yuuji finds you, sprinting to your bedroom Itadori catches you in his arms like you had done the first night, you keep crying and chocking on air, trying to not disturb Nanami.
“He is alive, right?” You ask Yuuji when you can finally open your eyes. He seems petrified at your question. You know he is disturbed by that, but a tiny thought cross your mind wandering, maybe Itadori is shocked you learned the truth on your own.
“Yes, he is.” Is not enough of an answer, your mind tells you he is lying, but you believe Yuji for your sake and his, and maybe Kento’s.
A small, yet aggravating part of you knows that if Nanami died, most likely everyone would avoid telling you for as long as they could. Ever so pure and gentle, so charming and lovable, many of your friends have an ideia the spiral of depression you would go to, and only Nanami can calm you down.
You try to push those thoughts away, and you let Yuuji sleep in your bed while you go prepare some tea. When passing the guest bedroom, you let your hand rest on the wood of the door, tempted to knock or punch it down, you don’t know. But you keep still, in the silence, waiting for a sound to prove you he is there, he has always been there. You hear shuffling after more minutes and hope that is enough for your turmoil.
After that night, the dreams have turned more and more realistic, some times you reach the guest room and find nothing that could show you Nanami was there once. A few days ago you had a dream that Yuuji would be in there alone, eating your food and pretending it was Kento.
Itadori was the only person who knew the constant rise and danger of your nightmares, every night the teen would wake up and lay in your bed telling you it was just a dream, Nanami is alive and he misses you so much, but he would avoid your eyes whenever you questioned when would you see your husband again.
Unfortunately for you, after a month of this, Yuuji had to return to his school. The boy wanted to stay for your sake and Nanami’s, but you promised him that everything would be fine. It was another lie, this time Itadori didn’t believe you, but what choice did he had? He hugged you tight before going away, leaving you inside the apartment feeling alone.
It was almost dinner time when Yuuji had to go, you knew Nanami wouldn’t let you inside the guest room, but you also knew he had to eat. You prepared his food and chose comfortable pajamas you had bought before Shibuya, letting all sitting on the floor, you knocked the door.
“Hi. Uhm, there’s food here and… and also your pajamas, I… I’m going to sleep so you don’t have to worry about opening the door with me here.” But you wish he would. “Please eat. I love you.”
Nanami doesn’t say it back.
You try to avoid sleep by watching the TV on your room, or reading a book setting on your husband’s cabinet besides his side of the bed. It’s a boring book, but you pretend is him reading to you, and unfortunately, that sends you into slumber.
The nightmares usually starts and ends the same way, but this time when you reach the room, there is blood everywhere. An intense amount that drowns your feet and choke you with the metallic smell. You try to keep your eyes on the floor, only to get caught in a trap when your head is lifted by a long hand covered in stitches, before you can see the person, they move to your back and grabbing your hair push you to the ground to the origin off all the blood — laying on the floor is your husband with a large wound on his chest, your hands are all over him, bringing his blood from the floor and trying to return to his wound as if that could help. You cry desperately while Nanami keeps stoic, dead.
You wake up falling from your bed, in a mirage of dreams and reality, you confuse your carpet as Nanami’s blood and at that you cry louder. You respect your husband’s wishes, but you run out of the room to beg for his comfort, even his voice could calm you right now.
When you reached Nanami’s door you look down and gasp, falling to your knees with shaking shoulders, you cry louder. His food and pijama is still there, untouched. Kento never opened the door, was he even there this whole time? Was Yuuji lying to you?
You keep crying as you move the plate to the side and grab the sweater, pushing your head to the floor to caress it to your cheek, feeling your heart breaking at the possibility that it was all a lie, he was dead.
How can life keeps moving in a world without the charm that was Nanami Kento, you honestly couldn’t find in yourself the strength to be alone in this world. He was your half, your better half.
“Please… Please, bring him back.” You cry loud again, banging your head on the floor hoping to stop existing for a moment. “Please, don’t take him from me.”
You are so occupied with your cries and pleas, that you don’t hear the sound of strong footsteps on the floor, nor you hear the door opening so fast it breaks from the hinges. But you feel the strong arms around you in a second, like a protective cage, you sense Nanami’s love for you in that embrace. You stay with your eyes closed, smelling him and head on his chest, still crying desperately.
“Please, be real.” You beg one last time, before sensing his lips on your face.
“I’m here, I’ve always been here. I’m so sorry, I went to sleep hours ago, I’m sorry I didn’t hear you sooner.” Nanami’s voice is hoarse and you open your eyes, shifting your face to look at him, Nanami tenses. “I’m not the same anymore, my love.”
He is not lying, sadly. Half of his face and, you could bet body, is burned. Tinted red and pink, his skin seems sore and sensitive. His left eye is hidden behind white gauze. Kento is scared, you can sense his trembling fingers digging into your skin, under your pajama. You know how exposed he most be feeling right now.
“I’m sorry.” He repeats the mantra quietly. “I wanted to be with you the moment I woke up from the hospital. But… As you can see, I’m not myself anymore.”
“You are.” You reach your hand, the one with your beautiful wedding ring, and caress his face. “You still are my love, my husband, my Kento.” With your thumb, you clean the tears that fall from his eye. “I love you so much, and you are alive, you are everything I have ever wanted and everything I’ll always need.”
“I love you.” He kisses you, lifting you in an easy motion, before moving you both to your room, where he lays with you on top of him. “I’m doing treatment with Shoko for the burning whenever you go to sleep or buy groceries, she comes here. I was trying to control the damage. It was much worse before, I didn’t want you to see it.”
“I wish you would have told me, Ken. I’m your spouse, the one person who understand you the most. I wanted to be there for you.”
“You were.” Nanami raises his hand, showing you his wedding band. “And in my heart. You have always been with me.”
“And I’ll always will be.” You kiss him again. “Always by your side.”
“Always, my love.”
And for the first time, when sleep reached you, you accept it with open arms, allowing the nightmares to creep away and be met by warm breezes and soothing waves. The next morning, waking up by Nanami’s side and admiring his face, so pretty you knew that it had never been more handsome, you kissed him awake and told him of your idea to get away for some time, and maybe, just maybe, take Yuuji with you two.
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sjsmith56 · 2 months
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Still Friends
Summary: One shot. Two years after breaking up, the OFC calls her ex-boyfriend, Bucky, for help after her current boyfriend assaults her.
Length: 4.5 K
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, OFC (unnamed and undescribed), OMC (named, undescribed)
Warnings: Contains description of abusive behaviour and physical assault. OFC experiences angst after realizing leaving Bucky was a mistake.
Author notes: This is nurturing Bucky, who also shows some restraint by accepting his ex-girlfriend needed to work out her issues without pressure from him.
📱 🍨 ❤️‍🩹
As far as breakups go it wasn’t a bad one. There were still tears on both sides but there were also hugs after I told Bucky that I didn’t think we had a future together. Between my job as a travelling sales representative and his work an Avenger we didn’t see each other much. The sex was great, but it wasn’t enough to base a real relationship on. He was sad about my decision, but he helped me pack my things that I had left at his place, and we talked about where we went sideways. There was no blame; it was just how it went. As I stood at the door and hugged him again, he bent his head down and whispered in my ear.
“If you ever need me, I’ll be there for you. We’re still friends, sweetheart. That will never change.”
That was almost two years ago. A few months later, I accepted a job as a regional sales manager, in another city. There was less travel and I had time to date. Nothing serious developed but I was okay with that. Bucky was in the news every so often, only now the news stories were about the Avenger Bucky Barnes and not the former Winter Soldier. I was so proud of him and occasionally sent him a text message congratulating him on a job well done. He would send back pictures of him and Sam with the team they had assembled. He looked happy and I was glad for him.
Then I met a guy, Bryce Andrews, a very charming pharmaceutical sales manager. We hit it off quickly. Looking back now, maybe it was a bit too quickly, but at the time it just seemed like things were falling into place at the right moment. It wasn’t until Bucky and Sam were on a publicity tour of various cities and contacted me to arrange to meet up that things with Bryce took a turn.
We were at dinner in a restaurant. During the time between our plates being cleared and our desserts arriving I received a text message, and several more in a row.
“Excuse me,” I said, grabbing my phone. “Someone must need me.”
I looked. They started from Bucky: Going to be in your city next week for some publicity. Can we get together? That was followed by a text from Sam with the same message. Then texts from both asking if now was a bad time to call, since I hadn’t responded.
“Who is it?” asked Bryce, seeming curious, but good natured about the interruption.
“Oh, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes,” I replied. “They’re coming on a publicity tour and wanted to get together. Do you mind if I call them?”
He blinked his eyes, then narrowed them. Now, in our line of work, especially considering how much networking we did outside of normal office hours, it wasn’t unusual for either of us to make or receive calls to and from other representatives. It was part of the job. Even though this would be a personal call, I didn’t think he would mind.
“We’re eating,” he said.
“Well, then let me text them that I’ll call them later,” I said, eager to please him.
A grunt was his answer, but I sent them a text message that I couldn’t talk at the moment, but I would phone later. I put my phone away, our dessert was served, and we ate, talking about all manner of things, except it seemed I was doing most of the talking. He was quieter than normal but not in a way that alarmed me. Since we met at the restaurant, after driving our own cars there, we said our good nights and I started my car up, then set up a conference call with Sam and Bucky so we could talk as I drove. It was great hearing from them, and we decided to see each other that following week. I really wanted them to meet Bryce, hoping they would get along. It was all set by the time I got home, parked my car, and locked it before I walked to my building, where I was surprised to see Bryce waiting for me.
“What’s up?” I asked, puzzled.
“Show me your phone,” he said, holding his hand out.
“Did you talk to them?”
Just the way he asked, set me off. “Yeah, I told you I was.”
“Are you cheating on me?”
“What?” I couldn’t believe he would ask something like that. “I haven’t seen them in two years. How could I cheat on you with friends I haven’t seen in that long?”
Suddenly, his hand was on my throat as he pushed me against the wall. “I always knew you weren’t over him. You’re going back to him, aren’t you? You’re going back to that killer?”
I struggled against Bryce, trying to push him off me. This was bizarre behaviour, and I was getting scared.
“No, I just set up meeting them for drinks, you, me, and them. That’s all. What’s got into you?”
“You’re mine! Do you hear me? You text them back and cancel it.”
“No, they’re my friends. I want to see them.”
The next thing I knew I was on the ground, my head ringing from where he struck me. A neighbour came out of the security door then, quickly assessing the situation. He gave me enough time to get through the door and close it before Bryce could follow. My now ex-boyfriend banged on the glass, his face full of unrestrained fury so I called the police and reported that he hit me, and I was afraid for my safety. They came within minutes, arrested him and I went up to my apartment, packed a bag and got in my car. As I drove, I phoned Bucky back. It took several rings before he answered, sounding like he had been sleeping.
“Sweetheart? Why are you phoning so late?”
“Do you still have access to a quinjet?”
Immediately, his voice changed, not sounding so sleepy anymore. “What’s wrong?”
“My boyfriend. He went off the deep end about us meeting next week. He hit me, Bucky. I had to call the police on him. I’m scared to stay home. I’m in my car right now but it’s too far to drive to where you are so I was hoping you could come and get me.”
“Where are you?” he asked.
I told him and he was quiet for a moment. He must have been looking it up on a tablet because he told me the name of a private airport about 15 minutes drive away. Told me to go there, stay in the car with the doors locked and wait for him. He would be there as soon as he could. When I arrived, I parked away from the other vehicles, figuring he would need room to land the quinjet. As I sat there in the dark my phone began to sound and I could see text after text from Bryce.
I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that.
Please, call me or send me a text.
I’m being charged with assault. You sure you want to lay that on me?
Why don’t you answer?
Listen, if I say I’m sorry and promise to go for counselling can you drop the charges? I might lose my job over this.
There was nothing after that and I realized they had probably taken his phone away. I received another text, this one from Sam.
Almost there. Where are you?
In the parking lot, away from the other vehicles. Red Lexus SUV. I’ll flash the lights.
When I saw the lights of the quinjet approaching I flashed my brights and stepped out of the vehicle. Bucky was at the controls and landed right beside me. The back ramp came down and both stepped out immediately. As soon as I saw them, I began to cry. All I remember at that moment, was feeling their arms surround me, hugging me, and murmuring that I was alright. Sam stepped back, took my car keys and went to the trunk for my bag while Bucky led me into the quinjet. As he buckled me into a seat, he looked carefully at my face, gently touching it. It hurt and I winced.
“He did this to you?”
There was no anger in his voice as he asked, but I knew he was angry, just by the set of his jaw and the look in his eyes. I nodded. Sam strode on with my bag and his phone at his ear.
“Red Lexus SUV, at the location I told you. I have the keys, so you’ll have to transport the vehicle with a tow truck or flatbed trailer. I want it picked up and taken to a secure location within 24 hours.”
He was quiet while they repeated it back to him, then he hung up and kneeled in front of me, doing the same thing Bucky did, except from the mindset of his former para-rescue occupation, asking me if I blacked out, or greyed out, and if my head or neck hurt. When I winced at his touch he shook his head, obviously angry. Then he had me follow his upright finger with my eyes without moving my head. Gently, he cupped my cheek with his palm then stood up and looked meaningfully at Bucky.
“He doesn’t get away with it,” he said to his partner. “You know that type of reaction is jealousy, and it will just get worse now that he’s let his façade slip. I wish we had done something sooner.”
“What do you mean, sooner?” I didn’t quite understand what Sam meant.
Bucky let out a deep breath. “When you first told us about him, we checked him out. I know, that was technically spying but we still care about you and weren’t going to let just anyone be your boyfriend.”
“You’ve been interfering in my love life?” I could feel the anger in me ratcheting up to 100. “You had no right!”
“You’re right,” agreed Bucky. “But we just wanted you to be safe and happy with a good guy. Bryce seemed to be alright but there were moments in his past that made us wonder if he was as nice as he presented himself to be. What happened tonight, proved he wasn’t.”
Even though they were right, I was still angry, and I sat there with my arms folded, fuming. Bucky returned to the quinjet controls while Sam sat next to me and buckled in. To his credit, he didn’t try to talk me out of being upset at them. Half an hour later we were at the airport in the city where they were appearing. Sam called for an Uber. As we waited for it to arrive, he and Bucky stood closely together, murmuring, looking at me every so often. Sighing, I went over to them.
“If you’re going to talk about me, at least do it to my face,” I said, irritated.
“Just discussing the sleeping arrangements,” said Bucky. “We have a double King room. You can have one bed; Sam will take the other and I’ll take the floor.”
“I can pay for my own room,” I replied.
“No, what if he finds out you’re here?” asked Sam. “You’re staying with us. You can take a few days off of work, can’t you?”
“Possibly, if my boss is okay with it. Where do you go next?”
Sam rattled off the next three towns they were in before they got to where I lived. They both promised to help me deal with Bryce if he showed up. By the time we got to their hotel I was beat. Bucky went into the bathroom and came out several minutes later.
“I’ve run a bath for you,” he said gently. “Take your time and relax. We’ll talk when you’re done.”
I would have argued but he seemed so sincere that I grabbed my pyjamas and went into the bathroom. When I came out, the TV was on, and Sam was on top of the other bed, in sweatpants and a T-shirt. The other king-sized bed had been turned down, but Bucky wasn’t in the room.
“He went to grab some snacks,” explained Sam. “Get comfortable. Anything you want to watch?”
I shook my head as I dropped my clothes off on my suitcase and climbed into the other bed, with my phone in hand. There were no other messages from Bryce. Hopefully, that meant he was in custody and not plotting his revenge. The sound of the door being unlocked made both of us look at it and we watched as Bucky came in, carrying a bag and a covered paper cup. He toed his boots off and approached the beds. He placed the paper cup on the nightstand nearest me then reached inside the bag, pulling out a wrapped package, and handing it to Sam.
“Po’ Boy, with lots of hot sauce,” he said. He smiled at me, pulling out a small carton of rocky road ice cream and a spoon. “Comfort food, if I remember correctly.”
“Thanks,” I smiled, taking it from him. “It is.”
He pulled out a submarine sandwich for himself, then two bottles of beer, handing one to Sam. I looked at the paper cup which he had placed on the nightstand nearest me.
“Hot chocolate for you, to warm you up between brain freezes.”
“You still remember?”
“Of course.” He gestured to the space on the bed next to me and I patted it. “I would never forget that.”
Bryce never remembered my love of rocky road ice cream and hot chocolate. In fact, he thought it was stupid that I needed to warm up between bites of ice cream whenever I was feeling stressed. My mouth started to tremble and before I knew it the tears started to fall. Both men placed their food down and sat so they were on either side of me. Sam took my ice cream and put it on the nightstand then put his arm around my shoulders while Bucky held my hands.
“Why did I ever break up with you?” I whimpered, feeling pretty sorry for myself. “You both came out late to get me, then you make a special trip to get my comfort foods and act like its no big deal that you remember it two years after we broke up.”
“Hey, I told you that we’re still friends,” said Bucky, in a voice that was so kind. “I still love you and care about you. Sam still cares. It was our phone call that made Bryce react so poorly.”
“No, don’t blame yourselves,” I said emphatically. “If it wasn’t this, it would have been something else that set him off. I look back now at what attracted me to him and it’s obvious that he wasn’t sincere. It was all an act and I bought into it because maybe I was still trying to convince myself that breaking up with you was the right thing to do. The fact that you two were still watching out for me means that you saw through him long before I did.”
They glanced at each other in the way that good friends do when they need to say something unpleasant to another friend. Sam cleared his throat first.
“We didn’t have anything concrete on him when you two first started to go out. On the surface, everything seemed good and as long as he treated you right, we respected your privacy.”
“But?” I looked at him, then at Bucky. “There is a but, right?”
Bucky let his breath out. “There was a complaint laid against him about twelve years ago, when he was in college. Another student, a woman, said he wouldn’t leave her alone. Always sending her gifts, calling her and checking on her location. It came to a head at a function where her brother hugged her, and Bryce punched him, apparently thinking he was a rival for her affections. He went for anger management counselling and since then his behaviour was acceptable. Because he didn’t seem to be obsessive about you, we figured whatever his issues were then were no longer a concern. We were wrong.” Gently, he pushed some hair over my ear. “You got hurt because we gave him the benefit of the doubt. We’re both so sorry.”
I looked at the ice cream and reached for it, jamming a spoonful into my mouth. After the third spoonful I started to cry again and this time Sam took the ice cream, put the lid back on and stuck it in the freezer portion of the mini bar. He grabbed his jacket, his Po’ Boy, and left me there with Bucky.
“Come here,” he said gently, leaning back against the headboard and pulling me into his lap. “Don’t blame yourself for him being abusive. We should have paid attention to our first instincts about him.”
I shook my head. “It’s not that.” He felt so warm and secure as I snuggled deeper into his arms. “I’m upset with myself for thinking that what we had wasn’t enough. Being with you here right now, it’s obvious that I was fooling myself.”
“Sweetheart, at the time, you had valid concerns about us,” he answered. “If you recall, I didn’t try very hard to change your mind. What you were feeling obviously resonated with me.”
“And now? Do you miss me?”
“All the time.” He kissed my head. “But I knew it was important for you to find yourself again, so I let you go.”
I hesitated before asking my next question. “Are you seeing anyone?”
I could see his smile begin. “No, haven’t been looking, either.”
“Are we still just friends?”
“We’ll always be friends, I hope. Do you want it to be more?”
His right hand was rubbing my left arm as I contemplated his question. Had I missed him? Honestly, yes. He was always good at this, comforting me and validating my feelings whenever I felt insecure. How had I not considered this emotional aspect of our previous relationship when I ended it? Was I so wrapped up in my career at that time that I overlooked how good he could make me feel, not just with this type of intimacy but with our sexual relationship? Bryce didn’t even come close to Bucky in those aspects, nor in any other aspect that counted.
“Yes, I want it to be more.”
“What about your work? I don’t want you choosing between your career and me.”
“My career ….” I sighed. “It’s okay but I think I would like a change, especially since I don’t want to be in the same town as Bryce anymore. I’d rather be closer to you.”
“You’re sure?” His blue eyes were focused on me. “Is this what you really want? I’m not a rebound, am I?”
“No, you were the one that got away. I’m sorry I ever broke up with you. You gave me the time and distance to work it out and it just took me this long to realize that you’re the one I want to be with.”
He caressed the side of my head, as he gazed into my eyes. This is what I had really missed, having someone making me feel like I was the most important person in their life. Even when I ended it before he didn’t stop liking me, constantly reassuring me that we were still friends. Our lips met and for the first time in two years I felt another part of what I had been missing. His kiss was gentle and loving. When I winced after he touched the part of my jaw that still hurt, he stopped and hugged me again. Then he made sure that I was looking directly at him.
“I never stopped loving you and wanting you back,” he said quietly. “We’ll make it work this time. I promise.”
“I love you, too,” I whispered.
Bucky’s phone sounded and he picked it up, reading the text. “Sam wants to know if we’ve kissed and made up.”
“Yeah, let him come back,” I replied. “You don’t have to sleep on the floor, either. But it’s just cuddling tonight.”
He smiled in that sexy, lopsided way that I missed so much, as he texted Sam.
“I’ll get us our own room for the other nights, if you want.”
I was definitely okay with that. Sam returned, immediately noticing we were both happier. He offered to get a different room but we both told him it was late, and we would wait until the following night. Bucky quickly ate his sub, I finished my hot chocolate, leaving the ice cream for another time. We all brushed our teeth then got into bed, Sam on his own and Bucky sharing his bed with me. It felt great to have him spoon behind me again, and I slept well.
I gave my notice to my boss the next morning, who was sorry to lose me but when I told him what happened he offered to kick Bryce’s ass. Apparently, he also thought my ex-boyfriend had some issues with jealousy, explaining how Bryce had threatened several guys at the staff Christmas party about being overly friendly with me. Just like Bucky and Sam, he felt guilty about not taking it more seriously.
Three days later, on our return to the town where I lived, there had been no word from Bryce, although I was called in by a detective to answer some questions. It seemed that Bryce claimed he lost his temper after finding out I was cheating on him. Both Bucky and Sam, who accompanied me, showed the detective their text messages as proof that they only asked about meeting up with both of us. My text messages were also taken as evidence. My neighbour had already given his statement which verified that he witnessed Bryce hitting me hard enough to knock me down. They had security camera footage of that and of him grabbing me by the throat. His excuse wasn’t enough to justify the extreme use of force he displayed. From the police station I went with Bucky and Sam to the hospital where they were doing a PR visit in several wards, visiting sick kids and veterans with health issues.
Instead of staying at a hotel I offered my apartment to both Bucky and Sam, as I had two bedrooms. Since it was the last stop of the tour, they offered to help me pack up my possessions and arrange for movers to clear me out of the apartment. When we pulled up in the Uber, after the hospital visit, I was disturbed but not surprised to see Bryce waiting for me. He scowled when Bucky and Sam got out of the vehicle with me.
“Where the hell have you been? I want to talk to you.”
“Haven’t had any messages since you were first arrested but that could be because you were ordered not to contact me,” I replied, attempting to walk past him. He grabbed my elbow and immediately, Bucky and Sam grabbed him. I glared at Bryce. “Take your hands off me.”
“Not until you tell me where you’ve been.”
Bucky started to speak but I interrupted him. “Don’t, he’s trying to goad you two into hitting him. Notice how he’s in position in front of the security cameras? That’s why the charges I filed against him will stick because they caught everything he did to me.” They both let him go and I pulled my arm out of his grip. “Get this through your thick head. The moment you accused me of cheating we were done. You made a bad situation worse by grabbing me around the neck and then hitting me hard enough to knock me down. Compounding that is the fact that I found out you threatened some of my work colleagues not to be friendly with me. I also found out about the woman you harassed in college and how you hit her brother for hugging her. There is something seriously wrong with you, Bryce, if you think I’m going to overlook all that and allow you into my life again.”
“But I love you,” he said. “I thought we were going to get married and have a family someday.”
“No, we’re not and you don’t love me. You don’t even know my favourite colour or my comfort food.”
He stared blankly at me. With a sound of disgust, I pushed past him, and he tried to grab me again. I turned and kicked him in the groin, making him fall to his knees while he held what was left of his dignity, which wasn’t much to begin with. As he gasped for air, Bucky held the door open for me and Sam as we entered the building. Then I closed the security door, shaking my head at the sight of Bryce, still on his knees. I phoned the detective and told him about the encounter, knowing that Bryce had been warned about contacting me. Assured that a unit was coming to pick him up, I left him there and the three of us took the elevator to my floor. Bucky put his arm around me and kissed me on the head.
“I’m sure glad we stayed friends after we broke up,” he said. “You got a mean streak in you.” I raised my eyebrows at him. “Baby, that was sexy as hell.”
He kissed me again, and squeezed me against his side, a big grin on his face. Sam was also quite impressed. By the time we got up to the apartment we were in a good mood, and we enjoyed ourselves that evening with pizza, beer and a movie. Sam stayed for a couple of days before being called for a mission. He flew the quinjet back while Bucky took some personal leave to help me pack up.
If ever there was proof that he was committing to us, that action alone proved it. By the end of the week, my furniture had been picked up, my car was packed, and we prepared to drive back to the Avengers compound, where some new personnel quarters had been built. The individual units, complete with patios and yards, were just what we needed to begin living together again. I got a job on the compound, heading up the purchasing department, sourcing vendors, negotiating prices, and arranging for delivery of all sorts of materials needed for the Avengers. The best part was that with living there, I saw Bucky a lot more, as he followed through on his promise to make it work. We were still friends, of the best kind.
One Shots Masterlist
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chheolie · 2 months
hey! i love your writing so much! i was wondering if you’d be open to writing a comfort fic where y/n is feeling a little sad and lonely (feeling left out from their friend group) and scoups comforts y/n?
Ohhh hello, I'm glad you enjoyed reading this blog. And well, I hope you like this post too! ♥♥♥
seungcheol unlocked the door to his home, his shoulders heavy with the weight of weeks of intense work, and let out a sigh of relief as he entered. the past weeks had been a whirlwind of recordings, rehearsals, and meetings. his eyes searched for you, whom he hadn't seen as much as he would have liked lately. soon, you rushed to meet him, hugging him tightly. he smiled, feeling your warmth, wrapping his arms around you, and kissing the top of your head.
"i'm home," he murmured, holding you tenderly.
you didn't let go, remaining glued to him. seungcheol noticed the difference; normally, even after time apart, you maintained a certain distance. today, however, you seemed unwilling to let go.
"what's wrong, love? is everything okay?" he asked with concern, caressing your face.
"nothing, i just missed you," you replied quickly, trying to force a smile.
he frowned, unconvinced, but decided not to press the issue at that moment. "i missed you too, y/n." you both headed to the living room and settled on the couch. you lay down in seungcheol's lap, feeling his fingers gently run through your hair, a gesture that always calmed you.
you picked up your phone and started scrolling through your instagram feed. suddenly, your body tensed. seungcheol noticed the immediate change and looked at your face, analyzing your expression. on the post where you had frozen, your friends were all together at a dinner, without you.
"y/n, what is it?" he asked, worried.
you sighed, your eyes still fixed on the phone. "my friends went out to dinner," you finally said, your voice tinged with hurt. "and i didn't even know about it. i wasn't invited. again."
seungcheol felt his heart ache seeing the sadness in your eyes.
"that's not fair, y/n. are you sure they didn't mention anything in the group chat?"
you shook your head, tears beginning to form.
"no. and this isn't the first time it's happened. i just... i feel like i'm losing my friendships. i feel so alone."
seungcheol pulled you closer, enveloping you in a tight embrace. he could feel your pain. "i'm sorry, my love. i know how much this must hurt."
you finally looked at him, your eyes shining with unshed tears. "i just... feel so excluded, you know? like i'm not important to them."
"you are so important, y/n. to me, you are everything. and anyone who doesn't see that doesn't deserve your time or energy."
you nodded, the tears now falling freely. seungcheol gently wiped your face with his thumb, leaning in to kiss your lips softly.
"let's take some time just for us, do something you enjoy. maybe watch a movie, order food... what do you think?"
you gave a small smile, feeling the comfort and security that only seungcheol could provide.
"i'd love that, cheol. thank you for being here."
he kissed your forehead, holding you even tighter in his arms.
"always, my love. i'll always be here for you."
you both decided to order food from a restaurant you both liked, choosing dishes that brought back fond memories of other moments together. while waiting for the delivery, seungcheol put on a movie he knew you adored. he adjusted the cushions on the couch, making sure you were comfortable before sitting next to you again.
as the movie progressed, you felt the day's tension begin to melt away. seungcheol kept an arm around your shoulders, occasionally kissing your temple or whispering funny comments about the movie scenes, making you laugh. it was a welcome distraction and a reminder of how well he knew and understood you.
when the food arrived, seungcheol insisted on serving you, telling you to relax while he prepared everything. he returned with plates full of your favorite dishes, and you ate together, talking about light and fun things, putting aside worries for a moment.
after dinner, you stayed cuddled on the couch, talking about everything and nothing. seungcheol listened patiently as you spoke more about how you were feeling regarding your friends. he didn't try to offer quick solutions, but instead, listened attentively, validating your feelings and offering words of support.
"maybe it's time to find new people, make new friendships that truly value you," he suggested gently. "but remember, i'm always here for you, no matter what."
you felt a wave of gratitude and love for him. seungcheol always knew exactly what to say to make you feel better. you snuggled closer, feeling the warmth and security of his arms around you.
"i don't know what i'd do without you, my love," you whispered.
"and you'll never have to find out because i'm never going anywhere," he responded, with firmness and affection in his voice.
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
Honey First Kiss 🍯
One-shot of just cuteness
Luffy x GNReader
Fluffy marshmallow fluff!
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It had been a normal evening on the Going Merry, dinner had been served and drinks being dished out by Sanji. Everyone had a few drinks in their system already and becoming quite chatty.
"I got a special dessert for you all!" Sanji announced proudly as he set out these adorable honey pudding cups. They were layered like a honey pot with a white chocolate comb on top- everyone awed at the dessert, you included.
You ate the pudding and hummed in delight. It tasted exactly like honey and cream in the most wonderful way!
You had zoned out so much on your dessert you didn't hear the conversation that took place- it wasn't till Nami said your name real loudly that you snapped from your thoughts- humming in question.
"We are talking about kisses (Y/N), Did you hear us?" Nami said with a giggle, You blush and shook your head.
"Sorry I really liked the dessert" You admit with a chuckle.
The crew laughed at this as Sanji looked to Luffy who was just into the food as you were.
"What about you Luffy? Every kissed anyone?" Sanji asked, Smirking at the idea. You did feel a bit of worry in your system- You had always liked Luffy quite a bit and hearing if he had kissed anyone could be a bit, hard to hear.
"Nope! I havent" He said cheerfully. Uncaring of such things clearly as he took another hefty bite of dinner.
"What!? You've never kissed anyone Luffy?-" Sanji said with shock at hearing this, you blushed at this hoping to shrink away from being called out yourself. However Nami turned her gaze at you with a wide grin.
"(Y/N?)~ What about you? Been with anyone?" She chimed at this wicked smile, you blushed deeper at this as you shyed away from the looks.
"N-No not yet-" You start but Sanji jumped forward.
"Want me to fix that?~" Sanji chimed out with a grin, earning a punch from Nami who looked at him in disgust. You blushed deeply at this and turn away-
"No no- I want to share my first kiss with someone special" You admit shyly. Which earned some chimes from others at the table- you felt embarrassed still about it all and choose to just finish your dessert and stay quiet. Not nothing Luffy staring at you quite a bit as the dinner came to an end.
That evening you got up from bed, still thinking about what had been talked about- and that honey pudding.. Getting up from bed you sneak out of your quarters and head to the kitchen- Getting there you quickly find one of the left over puddings and began to eat away with a happy hum.
"(Y/N)?" You damn near jump from your skin at hearing the voice and turned to see Luffy- he had clearly just crawled from bed too and made his way to probably snack.
"Luffy?" You hum pudding still in your mouth- Luffy just grins at you and quickly goes next to you to get into the fridge. Getting a large plate of leftovers for himself- however you noticed how he kept glancing at you.
"Luffy is something on your mind?" You questioned, he took a bite from some bread and stared at you hard.
"At dinner you said you'd kiss someone special right? Who would it be?" Your cheeks turned dark red at hearing this-
"Well... the only person I can think of is.. You?" You say softly, Luffy blinking at you in surprise before he smiled widely at this.
"Really? Me?" He said with a Bubbly joy as he smiled at this- Leaning in really close which made you blush deeply.
"Yeah, I would say you.." You admit, Luffy sets down his leftover plate and stared down at you.
"(Y/N) can you be my first kiss?" He asked innocently, this made your head spin- Luffy was asking to kiss!? You didn't know what to say, so you nodded softly unsure of what to really say.
He looked excited at this and grabbed your cheeks quickly, kissing you gently on the lips. You melted at this- he was so... gentle? And warm? His lips gently pressed against yours in the sweetest passion you had ever felt.
Luffy gently released you cheeks from the kiss, Carefully looking at you as he seemed to be deep in thought. Both of you blushing rather deeply at this whole ordeal.
"H-How was that?" You stutter out, while you didn't know a lot about kisses it was still something you wanted to be good at! Luffy stared at you frozen for a moment before breaking out in a wide grin.
"Your lips taste like honey"
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chilling-seavey · 4 months
All the Time in the World (gr63)
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↳ A/N It took me so long to formulate a solid idea to this ask from my 1.5k celebration - the song instilled a vision in my mind so clearly but the details took over a week to come to me. It felt like a relief to finally get this written out! Thank you to the anon who submitted this request!!
↳ Inspired By: 'We Have All the Time in the World' by Louis Armstrong
↳ Pairings: Wealthy!Dark!George x Fem!Reader (NO use of y/n)
↳ Word Count: 1120
↳ Warnings: Dark themes
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The dainty sound of lone silverware clinking against china echoed through the spacious dining room, reaching to the peaks of the two-storey ceiling and each corner of the lavishly decorated walls. At the head of the lengthy hand-carved mahogany table, you kept your gaze downcast to your plate, carefully slicing through your steaming supper to spear a bitesize piece with your fork. The tick of the clock on the ornate mantle blanketed the room in the weight of the passage of time. The fire crackled beneath it. You still felt chilled.
“How is it?”
The buttery voice cutting through the eerily silent room had your eyes raising from your plate to gaze down the table to the man at the other end. George looked almost humorously small at such a distance; the two of you taking up a table that otherwise would be used for royal galas of a good few dozen people, you were sure. Over filled platters of whatever food you could possibly want, handmade by private chefs, stretching the length of the sizable table, you offered him a polite smile.
“Lovely. Thank you.”
“Is the roast cooked to your liking?”
“It’s perfect,” you assured him softly, “No complaints.”
George smiled back at you, a gentle smile that made his eyes sparkle in the candlelight.
He had kind eyes. That’s what you first noticed about him when you met. The kindest, sweetest gaze that almost had you weak in the knees. He was so handsome, so easy to trust.
He lifted his crystal wine glass to his lips and sent you a sultry wink over the rim. You turned your flushed gaze back to your plate, your heart racing.
You shared the expensive feast together at the expansive table by candlelight and the warmth of the fireplace. The diamonds on your designer bracelet glittered on your wrist with your every polite movement as you ate daintily, calmly. Yet another gift he had bought for you, doting on you like you were a princess. You couldn’t say no. He wouldn’t let you say no.
It was his way he showed you that he loved you. That you were safe with him. That you were his.
After dinner, George excused himself to the drawing room. He always disappeared there for a half-hour after dinner; having to collect his thoughts from the day and wind down a moment before the rest of the evening. On his way past you, he left a kiss to your head and gave your shoulder a firm squeeze before leaving you all alone in the vast dining room.
You took your time to fold your napkin and set it on the table, staring out at the barely touched serving platters that would be going to waste the moment you stood. Now with a non-existent appetite, you pushed your chair back and rose from the table. A better time than any to have a nightly walk through the never-ending hallways of the mansion before George would be expecting you to bed.
You walked across the marble floors of the vast mansion as the sun set, your red bottom heels clicking faintly, rhythmically, like a heartbeat. Crystal chandeliers hung above your head, glinting the orange fading sunlight that came in through the floor to ceiling French doors along the exterior wall of the corridor. Your home was that of Versailles; a jewel among the countryside, glittering in wealth and luxury. There was nothing you had to complain about.
George chose you. He brought you into his home. You were set for life.
At the end of the hallway, the space opened up into a music gallery. It seemed you were still managing to find new places to explore in the mansion. You had never heard George play or even speak about music so you figured the gallery was simply there for looks – and to host the impressive cream grand piano in the centre of the rounded room. Ghosting past it, you let your eyes linger on the pristine wood and details of the carvings along each edge and corner, each black and white key polished and untouched. It was almost a shame.
The mansion was dimmed to a hazy illumination as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the world in ink. You took a few cautious strides across the room to the set of French doors at the far end and you pulled them open to reveal yourself to the impending night. The crisp breeze ruffled through the trees that filled the acreage and blew through the body of your flowing dress in ripples like the ocean.
Stepping out onto the balcony, you breathed in the fresh air and shut your eyes to take in the moment. For a second, it truly felt like it was just you in the world; a chance at serenity.
Just as you lifted your hands towards the stone railing, someone grabbed your hand tightly, startling a yelp from your chest.
“Shh,” George stepped right up behind you, his other hand sliding around your middle to pull you back against his chest, “it’s just me, love.”
His velvety, grinning voice sent shivers down your spine, his fingers tightening around your hand.
“Where do you think you’re going, hm?”
You swallowed thickly, staring out across the perfectly manicured grounds as you answered him stagnantly, “Just getting a breath of fresh air before bed.”
“Mhm?” his lips ghosted across your jaw, reminding you in a firm but gentle tone, “You know I don’t like you going outside without me.”
“Sorry,” you exhaled.
“We need nothing more than our love, darling, you know that.” he pressed a slow kiss to your neck, his thumb gently caressing your waist as he held you firmly to his body, “We can just leave the world far, far behind us, and stay here in our sanctuary…together.”
You looked down at his hand holding yours, wincing slightly at the grip he held on you, your fingers squished together in his hand. He kissed your neck again and breathed you in deeply before resting his face against yours as you stared out at the gardens together under the starry sky.
“I love you, my darling.” he promised into the inky night, his voice sultry and provocative and so incredibly calm.
Down below the balcony, just a few yards out of the way, your eyes lingered on the black vintage Mercedes in which you had been bound and gagged by him only a few short weeks earlier, taken to this place to never be seen again.
You were sure there was no way out. You were going to be here, trapped with him, until the end of time.
“I love you too.”
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"With the cares of the world far behind us, We have all the time in the world just for love, Nothing more, nothing less, only love..."
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knightyoomyoui · 4 months
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Welcome to another brand new TWICE fic series of mine! This story will serve both as an adaptation and a soft reboot of the TWICE horror-comedy book titled “Living With Vampires” written by SaiDaChae29 published in 2020 which was sadly left discontinued until this day. For this one, it scrapped some of the parts from the original while others were kept and applied changes which will lead to its direct continuation. Special mention also to @nchris00 who ordered a commission and entrusted me to recreate this interesting story as his request. Hope this one won’t disappoint! Thank you so much again! -> Read the PROLOGUE here <- “LIVING WITH VAMPIRES: UNDER THE VEIL OF NIGHT” By knightyoomyoui Commissioned by: @nchris00 Part: CHAPTER 1 : "A Nightmarish First Encounter" Word Count: 5,879
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I knocked at the house where there was an old man living in there that I used to help throwing the garbage every night. As he opened the door, he greeted me with a curious gaze as soon as he saw me standing in front of his doorway.
“Jeonghoon? What is it?”
“Uhh hey pops uhm… I was just wondering if you have some extra food left there?” It took some courage to ask that from him, since this is my first time begging from somebody straight into their home for some food to eat. Also, I just did this now from him because he only just know me as a hobo who helps people throw trash in their neighboorhood.
“I already ate the leftovers that I collected few days ago so… if you won’t mind, can I-”
“You came at the right time, Jeonghoon. Ofcourse I will.” He nodded understandably after cutting off my words. I didn’t find it disrespectful at all now that he responded the same thing I was expecting for him to say to me.
He left me in his doorway to grab something from his kitchen. I heard some metal clanging and probably procelains, maybe grabbing something from the plates. I was curious but I remained in his doorway, without any intention to come inside and do something that would break his trust.
Because I will never do that. I may have know how it feels to lose something… but just because it happened worse to me that doesn’t mean I have to make others feel what I felt.
It’s painful, enough to have your life get destroyed in an instant.
Which is what I’ve been going through these days. Imagine I was having these things for me too until that person I thought would be the nicest one among everyone took it all away from me and didn’t spare nothing.
I didn’t noticed I was too occupied at my thoughts when pops here even had to pat my chest twice to steal my attention. “Hey, are you okay young guy? You must be spacing out.”
“Oh u-uhm… I-I’m really sorry pops, I didn’t heard what you said.”
“No don’t worry, I just called your name repeatedly and you can’t hear me, so I checked up on you and I found you hear staring at nothing.” The old man waves it off for me. I looked at his hands and he was carrying a tupperware of the food he cooked for dinner.
“I cooked too much that I wasn’t able to finish it all, that’s why I said that you came here at the right time because I feel a bit dismayed at leaving this extra for tomorrow.” Pops said to me. He handed it to me and I accepted it.
“Do you want to eat here?”
“I would be honored, pops but I think i’m fine out there. I would like to grab some fresh air afterwards.” 
He nodded and he took my answer well. “Okay, eat well Jeonghoon.”
“Thanks a lot again, pops. Good night.”
“You too, kid.”
I bowed again to double the respect I have for his kindness and he smiled softly for me because I helped him close the door. I looked at the beef steak he has for me and probably this is the first day since I lost a home that I smiled with pure genuine.
I looked for some spare bench here along the road and thankfully I found one where I can sit and enjoy this meal I have tonight. I opened the container and smelled the food, oh it was surely mouth-watering and fragrant. 
I prayed as my gratitude to have this kind of food despite of my poor situation. Without wasting much time, I grabbed the spoon he gave for me and I ate my dinner in less than three minutes, an effect of the hunger I was tried to hold onto since earlier.
After I finished my dinner, I went to my scraps to place this in a plastic so that I can return this to pops tomorrow. Then I went back at the spot where I decided to sleep along with my carton as my sleeping mat to make myself more comfortable.
I laid on the couch and stared at the stars above, deeply wondering what the future still awaits for me even after my life had its rock bottom state. Will I still be able to save myself and get back up to slowly reclaim what I never lost in the first place or… if I will be lucky…
Is there someone else out there who will be willing to lend me a hand and assist me with it?
I don’t know exactly, but not gonna lie I don’t lose hope yet. Well, I just think that’s what I should do while I’m still breathing and living you know? I don’t want to waste this opportunity yet, that’s why i have to find a way to look for something that will add more purpose of why i’m living right now. 
I still believe that just because we lost something in our life doesn’t mean we remain worthless forever. 
Anyways, enough of these deep thoughts. I just want to relax myself and call this a day. I just hope there’s a karma awaiting for that person who made me like this. There’s no instances that someone can just ran away freely after doing something reckless to others who did nothing wrong to them.
I closed my eyes and breathe deeply before I let my body soak into slumber.
However, few hours later I suppose, well since I don’t have a watch or a clock -I do have my phone with me but it’s still lowbat since I didn’t get to have my charger with me when I got abandoned-, my ears caught something irritating that woke my senses back up even if it doesn’t want to yet since it’s still midnight.
It was gibberish loud and since it’s slightly audible, I can tell that those noises were coming just nearby from me. I slowly opened my eyes and I blinked rapidly as I try to hear the noises again that caused my peaceful sleep to be rudely interrupted.
I groaned as my reaction before I stood back up. The sound became much clearer now, and I grabbed some of the words they’re talking about. Not being overly interested in gossips, but I do caught that they’re talking about ‘paying something because it’s already due’ thingie.
I looked around to find out what it is, and what I saw didn’t gave me a surprise, it just explained why the sound was so close to me.
There are three kids being cornered by a tandem of intimidating guys cornering them from left to right as they ask them about something.
They’re too busy at what they’re talking about so I tried to hid myself from the nearby lamppost to eavesdrop their conversation more.
“That’s a part of our deal, and we told you that each of us would respect our rules and roles here. We let you borrow our money… and you have to pay us back on the due date.” The guy on the right said, and he’s talking directly at that tallest kid who looks like he’s protecting those two little kiddos he has with him from them.
“I’m telling you sir please, I’m going to pay for it I know about that! It’s just that what I’ve been saving as of now isn’t enough yet to reach that amount.” He replied while trembling in fear.
“And do you think it’s a good thing that even if you don’t want your deadline to pass, you have no choice but to let it? Do we look like we are nice enough to give a second chance?” The left guy said, stepping forward to scare the three kids more.
I understood their situation now. So this kid took a loan agreement with them and these guys are the sharks who are trying to collect the money they gave to the kid as per the agreement says. I get it that they’re just following the rules but… does it really have to come this way?
“Look kid, you better do something right now to pay what you requested for us or else… we are the ones who will look for an alternative.”
“And hey man, I think I know what we should took rather.” He grinned evilly at his partner on the right before his sight landed on the kids.
He tried to reach the arm of that little guy but the tallest one sways his hand away to avoid having contact with the kid. “Get your hands off from them!”
Wait… oh no, are they thinking about the kids being the substitute payment for this guy’s balance?
“Then pay us right now or else you won’t be going to see these rats ever again!”
“No please, I’m begging you leave them out of this!” He shook his head and tried to rid them away while pleading for mercy.
“Shut up!” The left dude pulled his wavering hand at them and shoo-ed him away from the kids. My eyes largened and felt nervous for this guy and what these dudes would do to the poor kids who are crying now in fear.
“WELL THEY ARE NOW, BECAUSE YOU BROUGHT THEM INTO THIS MESS YOU SHOULD’VE AVOIDED IF ONLY YOU COULD’VE PAID US!” The right dude locked his grip on this kid’s slim arm. It tried to force himself out of the hold until this kid tried to bit his knuckle, making the dude scream in pain.
“AAAAISSSHHH, YOU LITTLE DEVIL!” He shook his hand before looking at the kid dangerously and unexpectedly slapped its face.
“No… NO!!!” The guy tried to approach the dude but he only received a huge blow onto his midsection, shutting him off. 
I couldn’t take this sight anymore, so I have to do something for these younglings. I know I’m not that much of a skilled person when it comes to self-defense or challenging somebody in a combat but… I can’t just let these kids to end up somewhere with fate unknown in the hands of these bastards.
Stupidly, I quickly went out of my hiding and tensely approached the dudes who are double-teaming the tall guy before they try to bring the kids with them. I noticed also that the black van that is parking on the side of the road belongs to them.
“HEY! Didn’t you heard what he said!” My puny self yelled at them with bent toughness. “He said they have nothing to do with your problem, so leave them alone!” I said while I eyed the kids who are looking at me right now with their pitiful watery eyes.
“And who the fuck are you?”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m just a random guy on the streets that you two bitchasses ruined his sleep with your annoying rumblings.” I said with much confidence with them. This is the hilarious thing about me, I’m so brave at trashtalking bullies but when they come at me, I’m like a flower who easily covers itself for protection.
In short, I don’t know how to fight back with fists. Great.
“Well, is that so? We don’t give a shit about your beauty sleep, so turn around now, mind your business and you can get yourself back to your little sleep because we’re almost done here. How about that?” The left dude said as he tugged the hair of the tall guy’s hair, making him yelp at the sting it must have caused on his scalp.
I hissed irritably at the stubbornness of this loser. I sighed deeply then went back to arguing with them when I noticed that the dudes were about to carry the kids with them through the van. The tall guy looked at me, crying and pleaded.
“Please… mister… they can’t get away…”
“TYLER!!!” An old man suddenly shouted this guy’s name. I saw that he just came out of the door from this huge looking place. Then I figured out it’s name plastered on top of the entrance.
Wait a minute? Orpha- so these kids are orphans? Now I know why this Tyler guy is so protective with these kids and highly concerned for them. Plus, their home is actually just right in front of them! That means they were about to head home when these bad dudes blocked them off from doing so.
“HEY, W-WHERE ARE THEY TAKING THEM!” The old guy saw the dudes carrying the kids who are crying and trying to wiggle off in their arms to escape.
I looked at them and breathe drelpy before I let my urges control me.
I ran immediately and just before they’re about to open the sliding door of their van, I pushed them both off into the ground, while apologetically involving the kids on the ground. I just thought that it’s the better way to stop them by getting distracted at the kids bodies colliding with them as they fall.
“GO, RUN!” I commanded the kids who were a bit confused at what I just did. I looked at both of them and they got my signal. They stumbled to stand but luckily they are able to ran back from Tyler and the old man. 
“You son of a bitch, look what you just did!” The dude who is laying down beneath me suddenly kicked me on the leg, effectively making me kneel on the ground at how painful it is to endure while standing.
As I was busy seething off the pain, the other dude took the advantage by blowing me in the back of the head with his hammered fists. I faceplanted on the ground and then I felt my entire body filled with shots coming from their attacks.
They kicked me with pure despise. It stopped for a while until I felt by body getting rolled and face up, the dude straddled me and gave me repeated punches to the face before my sight went blurred and complete black.
My eyes suddenly sprung up, and what greeted me was a view of a girl who seemed like she flinched a little when my eyes opened. Her head is upside down, so I figured that she’s looking at me from the edge of… wait, am I laying down on a couch?
“Jihyo-unnie! There’s a man sleeping on our couch!!!” The girl suddenly shouted for her Jihyo-unnie. I guess that was her sister or something but hold up, where was I?!
I made the hardest and most painful sat-up I ever did in my entire life, as I feel like my abdomen are tightening while I’m doing it. My head also feels a little dizzy so I groaned and hold it for support before I turned around.
And where the hell was I? Why am I in a very cozy looking room filled with women sitting around in front of me.
What I first noticed was the girl who is staring at me upside down, she is indeed on the edge of the couch on my side looking suspicious at me with her knitted brows.
Then on the other hand was the rest of the girls with her. The first one is wearing a purple T-shirt with a girl character on its chest, she’s watching the TV in the floor along with the pale-looking girl who I can almost compare her similarity to Snow White because of how bright her skin was.
The other ones on the couch were this girl with long legs, wolfcut haired, and in black t-shirt building a Lego figure on a table and the one beside her is a very gorgeous looking one with uhm… enticing thighs, sitting like a ball and very focused on her phone.
I seriously don’t know who are these girls and why did I end up here, but for now I’ll just leave what will happen to me based on their actions… but ofcouse that doesn’t mean I won’t do something about it.
“W-who are you?” I asked the long-hair girl with tattoos. “And how did I end up here?”
“I was about to ask the same thing about you, Mr. Nobody.” She crossed her eyes and popped the bubble gum she was chewing. “We just woke up and I just went down when we found you here laying so comfortably here in our dorm like it’s yours.”
Where in the blue hell am I actually am right now, seriously?
“What did you say? A dorm?” I asked her again.
“Yeah! Are you deaf or something?”
“I seriously don’t know this place. I don’t even have any idea why I’m here!” I felt embarassed when my raising voice accidentally caught the other girl’s attention, and now they’re looking at me with curiousity.
“Oh, he’s awake!” The girl in purple said. She doesn’t seemed to be frightened that a stranger is on a room with her friends, she rather sounds glee about it.
“Look wait, let me explain-”
“Tell that to her instead.” Chaeyoung flicked her head back when she sensed that a footstep is growing near from us. “Jihyo- unnie!!!”
“Yes yes I’m coming Chae, jeez.” This Jihyo said to her, sounding like she’s so done at this girl’s whiny voice. Oh, didn’t I just heard this tattoo girl’s name to be Chae?
While i was awaiting at this Jihyo’s arrival, Chae decided to scare me off with her gesturing me with her index finger that tells me I’m screwed… which was kinda effective and not at the same time because I don’t even know what this Jihyo can do and… her giving death warning isn’t suitable for a short girl like her with cute features.
I gulped but I hid my nervousness by glancing at her cluelessly at her. Then, a figure stood beside Chae, a short-girl one with large round eyes, almost had me questioning if she’s actually Korean or she’s half.
She was about to ask Chae but her eyes landed at me and just like how Chae greeted me when I woke up, she shared the same judgmental look.
“Who are you and what are you doing here in our place?”
“You asked exactly the same thing as this girl right here.” I pointed at Chae. “And I can’t give the answer as for you too, because I don’t even know how did I end up here.” I shrugged.
“Are you sure about that?” She raised her eyebrow to me, unsure if I was speaking the truth.
“She’s probably speaking lies, Jihyo-unnie! Who knows, maybe this idiot is an intruder!”
“Intruder?! I don’t even know how to lockpick or climb walls!” I said to this brat over here as I felt offended.
“Well guessing from that look of yours and how mysterious your identity are, you should be considered as one.” She traced my appearance from head and toe, as if she’s wondering why such a being like me is existing in this world.
“Look, I’m not as dumb as you think I am. I am very aware that such a hobo like me wouldn’t have even a slightest chance to enter or hell, own a dorm such luxurious as this!”
“Both of you, silence your mouths!” Jihyo stops me and Chae from having a war of words. “Chaeyoung is right, you better give us something you know or else we don’t have a choice but to call security and forcefully get you out of here.”
“Wait wait, I don’t know how but I’ll just tell you instead what I know!” I paused her after this irritating Chaeyoung even handed Jihyo her phone. She’s so obvious of making me look like I’m not very welcome here in their territory.
“But first uhm… where is your bathroom?” I said as my expression softened after sheepishly admitting that the nature is calling for my reproductive organs to release something in effect of my hydration.
“And what are you gonna do in there?” Jihyo questions me.
“She’s probably gonna try to run away, Jihyo unnie! Quick girls, block the-”
“I JUST WANT TO HAVE A BATHROOM BREAK, PLEASE.” I said as I hold my kidney spot tight, constricting my legs as I hold on my pee.
“Oh.” Jihyo reacted. “Cmon, Chae as if he’s gonna be out here by his own. Our lock is equipped with passcode remember?” She said as she patted Chaeyoung’s shoulder who seems sulking that she was proven wrong. “Anyways, the bathroom is on the right, you can see the hallway down here.”
“T-thanks”, I immediately stood up and bowed at them thankfully before I went for the location of it.
As I already reached the kitchen which is where the hallway that Jihyo mentioned was near at, I noticed that there’s another girl coming from upstairs coming rushing down and went for the fridge. She even ignored me as she just passed by at me.
I just gave her the same treatment and walked through the bathroom door but just as I was about to grab the knob and opened it, I heard what she said from behind that grabbed my attention.
“Ahhh… oh a fresh blood in the morning after a hangover is incomparably great!” 
I turned my body around slowly to look at Nayeon after what she just said, just want to confirm it if she’s joking or something.
But what I found out after was instead something much more serious to be like that.
I saw Nayeon holding a transparent pitchel filled with red substance on it while gulping its content with a glass on her other hand. She was kneeling in front of the open fridge.
It was like in the movies where a protagonist gets a camera shot where his or her figure gets zoomed in while the background shrinks as soon as that character finds something mind-blowing, that’s what it looked like to mr when I felt chills in my body.
“Nayeon, hurry up! I want that blood already!”
How in the fuck can they just pronouce that they are consuming blood so casually?! It’s nit even normal at all?!
Or else…
As Nayeon followed the voice where it came from, she caught my figure standing in the middle of the hallway, watching her in horror at the strange act she’s doing. I wished she didn’t even stopped, because she terrified me further when she leans away the glass from her, revealing her blood stained mouth.
“What the fuck… are you?” 
She stood up and left the kitchen as she starts walking towards me. I hurriedly turned the doorknob but it was locked. My heart beats even faster as I got confused and even more desperate to get myself away from this bloodlust woman.
It only stopped when my vision went back to pitch black as I couldn’t control my movement anymore.
I have no idea how long I snapped out, but in an instant i just recovered my consciousness back in this comfy couch again. This time, they aren’t around to be seen in what it seems to be their living room. However, I heard clanging noises from the back, I peeked to see what it is and there they actually are, all seated on their dining table with plates and foods all around their table.
The wolfcut girl was distributing the spoons for her roommates while the short-haired woman was assisting her on scooping up the foods for them. I was just silently watching them when someone caught.
“You’re back.” A girl that I haven’t seen yet spoke me as she faced her sitting posture onto me.
I just stared at us and she probably figured out that I haven’t met or know her yet. She chuckled and smiled as she realized it. “Join us.”
Her soft voice and elegant moves piqued my interest on her. She looks so gentle and very nice to get along with. Out of all the girls who I saw, my attention was pinned sharply at her. She just lets out an unexplainable aura that carries me to her.
I nodded and I stood up, which again caught their focus. Chaeyoung’s bright face turned back into an intense and angsty mood when she noticed me back alive again. Jihyo just looked at me seriously but my eyes averted more at this girl named Nayeon who was somehow avoiding her face at me.
I felt my heartbeat quicken again which caused my head to ache and feel a bit dizzy. I almost stumble but thankfully, the wolfcut girl caught my back. “You okay?”
“My head is a bit spiraling, but I’m good.”
“Yeah it’s better to eat first. I’ll give you a medicine after.”
She was about to direct me to their table but then I refused. “S-sorry, but can I go now? I don’t even have to be here, I’m sorry again for the incovenience that I caused-”
“Don’t disrespect unnie like that, now follow her and sit with us!” I didn’t expected that those inviting words, even though they were sounded a bit rude… came from Chaeyoung herself. I looked at her with shame and I just nodded in defeat. I don’t even want to try making this girl’s blood boil more if I already feeling weak.
Oh, great. Speaking about the blood.
As I slowly make my seat, my eyes are still staring at Nayeon who seems uncomfortable now with my look. I try to stop it but at the same time I’m just completely puzzled and disgusted at what I caught from her earlier.
“You can join us for breakfast, because what we learned about you gave me a bit of an assurance that there’s nothing wrong with you.” Jihyo said as she grabbed her spoon and fork before she nodded at the person in front of her from the distance to proceed as she starts eating her food.
It turns out to be the elegant girl sitting with the wolfcut girl and the one with tattoos beside her. “May we know your name first?” she asked me.
“J-Jeonghoon. Min Jeonghoon.”
“Do you remember how did you end up here in our dorm?”
I stopped for a while as I attempt to recall the last scenarios I’ve gone through, which was from last night… but it was like some sort of a missing puzzle pieces, because I couldn’t remember it entirely.
“A bit. All I know is just I beat up some guys because I caught them trying to abduct the siblings of this kid that they intimidate. I’m pretty sure I got knocked out, but… I really don’t know how am I now here, in this type if place with you all.” I explained.
“Someone brought you here with us. That person found you unconscious outside with a badly beaten body.” Jihyo starts to enlighten out the things I temporarily forgot.
“And you should be thanking right now at her.” She glanced back at the elegant girl who just smiled at me and nodded back. My eyes widened when I understood that she was the one who saved me. 
“I’m sorry if you haven’t met me a while ago when you woke up, I just went for some exercise in our gym.” She bowed her head. “My name’s Mina, and I’m the one who brought you here.”
“W-wait, but how…” 
“Since you couldn’t remember when you went through last night, I was a friend with the old guy who owns the orphanage and a guardian of those three kids you saved out there.” She started to narrate what previously happened. 
“He called me along with the police because well… lets say he knows me as someone he can entrust a lot about.” Mina shrugged. “I volunteered to get you healed here while the old guy reported the incident to the police so… that’s the reason how you end up here in our place.” 
I felt relieved and contented that I have an idea now of what I just did, that I was also responsible actually of bringing myself into here, sharing a room with these 9 girls that even though I never met them in my entire life, they seem to be good people and I can somehow try to connect and make myself trustworthy to them… in return of what Mina did to me.
“We learned from Tyler, the kid you saved that they were caught by the loan sharks and you went there to stop them from kidnapping his fellow orphans in exchange of his unpaid balance.” Jihyo said. “And your kind deed was enough to make me convince that maybe you’re not actually what we hope you won’t be. That’s why we talked about even thought Chaeyoung here was… still hesitant-”
“We still don’t know him, unnie! I won’t still trust him around us.” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes as she spatted a toxic gaze at her before returning to her food.
“Exactly what I was saying, but she was still right. We may be appreciating what you did for the kids Jeonghoon but… you got to prove us more. We still don’t know much with you yet.”
“But you’re now welcome to interact with us.” The wolfcut haired girl spoke to me with a nice smile. I felt grateful that they gave me a chance somehow even thought I ended up looking weird for them.
“Thank you so much, I will do my best, I promise.” I said to them, bowing respectfully. 
I started to eat along with them. While I was savoring how delicious the food was, my eyes caught this girl that I last seen drinking blood. I still can’t get it out of my head. As I get drown fron my curiosity, all of us flinched and got a mini heart attack when she suddenly stood up and slammed her fist on the table, towering at me with her deadly stare.
All of us went silent while I found the other girl with bangs slapped her head frustratingly. We locked into a staring contest until Jihyo slids between.
“Nayeon! Calm down!”
“What did you just said, Nayeon unnie?!” Wolfcut asked her older friend which revealed to be her name as Nayeon. Her voice has sn evident disbelief in it. 
Nayeon realized what she just accidentally released in her mouth, so she quickly covered it with her palm as she nervously looked around at us especially to Jihyo.
“I-I’m sorry… I-”
“You heard her right.” I said as I still confronted Nayeon. “I caught Nayeon drinking blood from the fridge, even complimenting that it was the best thing to aid hangover.”
All of them gasped and this girl beside me who was using her phone earlier clicked her tongue thrice. Wait, did I mentioned already that she looks like the tallest of them all? Well, excluding me because her head is leveled just right on my shoulder.
“Do you girls know about this? Why is she drinking blood? What are you girls hiding from me?”
They all went suspiciously silent for a moment, my fear and nervousness is increasing my heartbeat’s rate at this point, being beware of their secret that hides their true identity.
“W-wait, Jeonghoon can you give us a minute to t-talk?”
“No more time needed, just tell me right away!” I stood up, feeling alarmed at them. They all posed a taken aback expression at my frightful demeanor.
“Are you girls belong in some crazy ass cult or what? Because you girls didn’t disposed the fact that she drank blood means one thing only that you girls know about this and this just seems normal to yall. Thinking that you girls ain’t normal makes me wanna leave this room already!”
“Jeonghoon, please wait!”
They all stood up at the same time, which even looked like more creepy to me. I stepped backwards, being defensive for myself. “NO! DON’T YOU DARE TAKE ANY MORE STEP COME NEAR ME!”
I looked at the door at the near end of the hallway, which helped me to plan what I have to do after. I gotta get out of this place as they all soon to come after me. I better hurry out and ran as fast as I can.
Just as I had a plan formulated in my mind, the elegant girl took our attention when she suddenly yelled that I couldn’t even consider if she actually yelled because of how light like a feather her voice was.
“W-we are v-vampires, that’s why!”
They all gasped unbelievably at their friend who just exposed and retreated at their guilt.
“MINA! WHY DID YOU SAY IT?!” The bangs girls got infuriated at her.
“I-I just couldn’t take it anymore. I can’t lie!”
“Shit… you all are…” I looked at them and soon the sight of them looking like these precious set of women goes shifting into this unimaginable monsters that I never wanted to come across with.
“Oh god… so that’s probably why you all took me, to feed me to become more healthy… so that later tonight you all can eat me and have my blood huh! You girls like the dark and a fresh blood, like what that girl said!” I hauntingly said while pointing at Nayeon who lowered her head, probably felt pain at my accusation.
“Guess what, you all can’t have it. Because I’M GETTING OUT OF HERE!”
I moved as fast as I can, sprinting to the door and tried to open it. I looked back to see all the girls except Jihyo, the wolfcut one, Nayeon, and the thighs girl not joining the rest who is chasing after me.
I realized that there’s a keypad underneath the knob. I remembered that Chaeyoung told me that I have no chance of getting out of here because their door is secured with a pass code.
I pounded the door as loud as I can before I felt the bangs girls tackled my lower part and pulled my legs, sliding me to the ground with my front colliding on the floor.
Meanwhile, Jihyo and the wolfcut girl was talking about something when I saw the tall girl suddenly speak with them.
“Just tell him the truth, unnie. We can’t do anything about it already. It’s too late.”
“Nowhere to run, Jeonghoon!” Chaeyoung said to me before she maniacally smugs and laughs. I saw a glimpse of her fangs growing wiith her pupils shrinking and eyes glowing into color red.
The three of them just watched the rest pulled my body away from the door as I clawed in the front while screaming in dread and terror, with my fate unknown being at the possession of these girls who turned out to be vampires in disguise.
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rainstops · 1 year
fading remembrence
4nemo x reader
TW: reader dies (the cause of the death is a little detailed in ventis part), hinting at suicide in kazuhas part
info: for scaramouche, both wanderer and scaramouche is used
summary: you die right in front of the anemo boys, and they cannot seem to accept your death, because with your death it also felt like they lost their own life. you were their light.
a/n: wrote this in the middle of the night, while putting down my switch for two hours. also i will start to write for zelda totk/botw soon!!
whenever xiao ordered almond tofu at any restaurant, it always tasted the same. even when he cooked it himself. it always had the same taste. the tofu being as bland as tofu usually is, and the dish tasting sweet and like almonds. just what you would expect almond tofu to be. nothing more and nothing less.
but when you appeared in his life, xiao found out you liked cooking. and when you found out that almond tofu was his favorite dish, you immediately went out of your way to learn how to make almond tofu. knowing that xiao ate it a lot, you asked him if he could taste it. xiao did what you asked him to. but what he didnt expect was that the almond tofu tasted different. not in a bad way, but whenever you cooked it, it tasted like you had put your emotions onto a plate. like a little piece of joy, you served xiao. it was the first time, xiao could for sure say that he enjoyed something. but the word 'enjoy' did not feel like it was enough to describe the way he felt. he loved the dish, he loved how skilled you were at cooking it, but most of all, he loved you. and you loved him too. you loved him as long as you could. you loved him, before the passing of time took your life. xiao loved you a lot longer than just that. he loved everything about you. he loved the way you would smile at him, because you gave him a different smile you gave your friends, your family or strangers. when his immortality kept him right where he was, he realized how frozen in time he felt. for you everything moved on so quickly, and soon it was over. xiaos days remained the same old and blank routine before you showed up, and it returned to being the same when you left. but after your death, everything seemed to be so heavy. his eyelids, his arms, his legs, his head, but especially his heart. he searched all across teyvat, for a person, a restaurant or anyone, who could cook almond tofu the exacty way you did. he wanted to taste it again, even if it was just once more. he despaired when he couldnt find a way to make his favorite dish taste the way you made it taste, but his whole world crumbled only then, when he realized he couldnt remember how it tasted. he stopped counting the days and the nights he spend living, because why would it matter if he was slowly forgetting you?
he used to do it, so he could remember your birthday, or your anniversary, or any day that was special to you. but now you were gone, and xiaos memories were leaving as well.
venti wrote many songs in his life. many of them telling stories, but just as many of them just there to sound pretty. but then when you showed up, he had someone to write songs for. he wrote them about you, and for you. and you sang the songs together. venti loved your voice. your voice was the best part of his songs. to him, it sounded like an angels voice.
not only your singing voice, but your voice in general. it made his heart beat so fast, it nearly sprang out of his chest. whenever you greeted him with a smile on your face, it was like all his worries and problems disappeared into thin air.
maybe he took it for granted. maybe he expected to be able to wake up everyday and sing in the kitchen with you while preparing breakfast together. maybe he just thought you could sing him to sleep every night.
well it so happened that that was not the case.
a member of the fatui took your life, and your angelic voice right with it. venti was there. venti was there, when the knife of the fatui found your back. the next moments were a mere blur to venti. he remembers getting rid of the fatui, and in the following moments, he held you in his arms, pleading to be able to hear your voice again.
he mumbled something along the lines of healing you, but you told him that it was too late. it was you who spoke those words, with the voice he loved so much. you lifted a hand to his cheek, and said the three words he loved hearing from you so much. a tear left his eye and fell right under your eye, on your cheek, making it look like it was a tear of your own. he held you in his arms tightly, like it could prevent you from leaving the world.
that was when you spoke your last words. 'thank you' they were. thank you? what were you thanking him for?
your eyes closed, and the smile you had on your face the last moments before your death left. your hand slowly sank from his face, and he held your hand. your hands were usually cold, but this time it bothered him. this time it felt like it was only pointing towards your death.
the wanderer never held much appreciation for the people around him. that was until you came around. it was like you could see right through him, and his facade. like you could see the way he crumbled on the inside, not knowing how to handle his own emotions.
he loved the way you held his hand. your warm hand felt very relaxing against his usual cold one. often you would play with them as well. whenever he was having an especially hard day, because some people kept annoying him, you'd sit down with him. his head in your lap while you were massaging one of his hands. you'd listen carefully as he talks about the people that would annoy him throughout the day. at the end, you would give him a kiss on the forehead. although often enough he'd already been asleep by then.
but you seemed to know him better than he knew himself. you knew what he needed and when he needed it. whenever he was about to explode from anger, you hugged him, since you seem to very well know, that all the anger is build up from all the things that happened to him.
a tear fell as you held scaramouche close to you. one hand around his body, and the other on the back of his head, as his head was resting on your shoulder. the tears were wetting your shoulder but you didnt mind. you would do anything to make scaramouche happy again.
another tear fell, another one, and another one. but this time it was the day you died.
with widened eyes you dropped to the floor on your knees, scaramouche caught you before you could drop to the floor. a singular tear fell from your eye as well.
scaramouche held your body tightly against his, as if you would disappear if he would let go. in this scenario, this was the case, but no matter how close he'd hold you, there was nothing he could do.
he held you the way you did it, everytime he was upset. with an arm around your body, and a hand on the back of your head, while your head was laying against his shoulder.
'i cant breathe scaramouche. im scared'
were the last words you spoke, before your eyes slowly closed.
scaramouche had never cried that much in his life. not when he was betrayed so often, not when his mother threw him out like he was nothing, and not whenever you would comfort him.
scaramouches chest filled with regret. he wishes he would have been there for you at least as much as he was there for you. he wishes he bought you more presents for even just putting up with him. he wishes he wouldve just gotten over his ego and thanked you. he would do all those things and so much more, just so he could repay you.
you remember the day so cleary, when kazuha confessed his love to you. his usually so casual demeanor was all gone, as his hands were shaking while holding a piece of paper. his face was bright red and his voice was shaking and cracking up, as he recited his self written poem for you. when he was done he wished for the earth to open up and swallow him whole.
when you started giggling he thought you were laughing at him. he didnt dare to look up at you, his gaze was only burning holes into the floor.
but when he really tensed up was when you jumped at him and threw your arms over his shoulders.
ever since then, kazuha had written so many poems for you, and you had stored them all very carefully. one after another.
one time for his birthday, you tried writing him one, and although it wasnt the best, he treasured it like nothing else.
but also he treasured you.
for your one year anniversary you gifted him an old gramophone. you werent sure if he was really going to like it, but he adored it.
ever since that day, most evenings were spend dancing to music, time passing so much faster than it seemed. your hands were locked and one of kazuhas hands was resting on your waist. one of his hands went through your hair.
on the first day you danced with him, he realized how much he needed you. you were his light, his hope, his everything. its why he calls you 'his star'
unfortunately, every star dies one day.
if you would ask him, his star died way to early.
on the night your light faded, a shooting star crossed the sky. kazuha knows youre only supposed to make one wish, but all of them crossed his mind at once. he wished he could dance with you again, he wish his fingers could make his way through your soft hair once more, he wished he could gift you more poems he wrote, and watch your eyes light up like the night sky does when the stars start glowing.
his breath hitched when he felt your hand touch his cheek once more. you gave him a last smile, and a tear rolled down your cheek. your hand fell from his cheek, but kazuha caught it mid air, and he held it to his chest.
later, a poem could be found on your grave.
in a moment of sorrow, please let me borrow, your healing light once more, before i am found at our seashore.
it was the last poem he ever wrote.
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rowretro · 7 months
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✧taglist✧: @baevsxii @nikisdubblchococake @manooffline lilyofhoon
✧warnings: Yandere themes, toxic themes, unhealthy love, mentions of blood, manipulation(?), shirtless-ish Riki
♡synopsis: Nishimura Riki. The Robot created by Yang Jungwon himself, a robot that is insanely human like, inside and out. No one could tell he was a robot. However, the Robot had possessed demonly powers, from Satan himself. So I guess you could see it's a half robot. Yang y/n, the younger sister of Jungwon finds herself stuck to this robot 24/7 no matter what she tried, he will always be by her because she's his muse, his world, his love, his obsession.
(PART 5)
The Yang siblings sat there silently, watching as the robot worked around the kitchen. "What do you think he's doing? do you think he's babyproofing it?" Y/n asked as Jungwon stared at her, his face had shock written all over it "Oi- no I'm not pregnant!... I meant- do you think he's baby proofing it because he thinks I'm immature?" Y/n asks as Jungwon goes silently "That would make perfect sense... but what part of baby proofing uses strawberries and rice cakes?" Jungwon asked as Y/n blinked.
"NI-KI bot what are you up to?" The girl asked as the robot frowned. "R-right... my bad- Riki- what are you doing?..." she asked as the robot continued chopping some fruit "Preparing dinner." he simply said as Y/n frowned "I- what? I'm the one who usually cooks... Jungwon can't cook for shit-" she said as the robot turned to her, suddenly planting a kiss on her forehead. "My love, My life, My battery, I don't want even a drip of blood leaving your body from chopping vegetables... so go take a seat and let me make dinner." he said as Y/n stared elsewhere, avoiding staring into his cameras that were planted into those stunning, dark eyes.
The girl cleaned around the house a little while Jungwon left the house to run a quick errand at his work place. The girl gasped when she came back. The table was all set, all sorts of perfectly cooked foods, plated aesthetically, decorating the beautiful table. "I-Is someone coming over?" Y/n asked as the robot went silent "no visitors expected today." He simply said as he took off his apron.
"Then why so much food?" she asked as Riki softly pushed her to sit at the table, serving her with some food. "For us. healthy, tasty and pretty." He said as he picked up some food with his chopsticks, feeding her softly. His fingers making their way to comb her hair back a little, as she feasted on the delectable goods. "I don't know why I'm so surprised a robot can cook... I've heard you sing, seen you dance, you really are the whole package..." Y/n trailed off as Riki smiled.
"But I can't love you... we can be friends? but even that is weird... I'm sorry but me and a robot? I'm going to look so crazy." Y/n admitted. The robot's eyes darkened "I'm only PART robot... god why is it taking so long for you to realise you have no choice but to fall in love with you pretty girl?" The robot asked in Japanese as the girl frowned, tilting her head in confusion. "Oh nothing... Just analysing some data" he lied as Y/n nodded.
Y/n helped clean the place up while Jungwon ate. Poor guy had to overwork. "Riki..." Y/n trailed off as she nervously fiddled with the hem of her skirt. "you're biting on the skin of your lips, hair looks like you just fiddled with it, you're fiddling with the hem of your skirt, you're thinking about something what is it?... what's troubling you princess?" The robot asked as the girl stared in a little shock. "O-Oh.. u-uh... w-well... the weekend's over and... I uh. I kinda have to- I uhm..." The girl was scared.
"You want to go to school?" he asked, his voice a few octaves deeper. scaring the girl more. Y/n stared at the ground, as Riki softly lifted her head so she was staring at him, his fingers just under her chin. "Riki it's kinda the law- a-and im turning 18 soon so I will be done soon anyway-" she tried to explain, only to be silenced by his lips. "I'll be going with you." He coldly said as y/n's jaw dropped.
A robot? in a school? Y/n with a robot boyfriend? she needs to keep his robotness a secret, of course the government or military won't be a big deal, I mean this robot can't even be harmed by acid or lava, what the fuck will 109487430498 measly rifles do to him? It's more the fact, he may end up killing so many students. He's going to raise the teachers' standards, it's just not ideal for a freaky demon robot to go to a place for humans. tomorrow was going to be pretty fun...
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drpeppertummy · 9 months
tiny little prompt drabble
[post-stuffing stuffing, hand-feeding, tummyache]
"I can't eat any more," groaned Sunny, leaning back in his seat. Marianne looked down at him. His tummy pushed out against the table, a sliver of hairy skin peeking out between the bottom of his shirt and the too-snug waist of his pants.
"Mm, you do look pretty full, sweetpea," said Marianne. She'd given him an enormous serving on purpose; there was no way he would've been able to finish it. The plate was nearly as big as he was, and it had been filled to the brim with hot, saucy pasta, beautiful seared scallops, and buttery garlic bread. Now, there was only a small portion left. Truthfully, she hadn't expected him to get as far as he did, but there was certainly no wondering where he put it all; his belly looked very uncomfortably full.
"Do you want the rest?" He looked up at her with his big sorrowful eyes. Marianne had already cleaned her plate. She'd eaten almost as much as he had, but then, she was about twice his size. She considered his offer for a moment.
"Oh, I don't know, cutie pie, I'm pretty full myself," she lied. "You sure you can't finish?" As if to answer for him, his belly let out an uneasy gurgle, and he hiccuped. Still, he said nothing, thinking it over.
"Here, sweetheart, why don't you let me help you out?" She reached out and slowly, gracefully twirled up a forkful of pasta. He watched, almost mesmerized by the motion, and she gently brought the fork to his mouth. He hesitated for a moment, then, obediently, he opened up.
Sunny was far too full for that bite of pasta, and the one that followed, and the one after that. Still, for Marianne, he ate, ignoring the ache in his overstretched stomach, and his tummy rumbled unhappily as it strained to hold the enormous meal. He let her feed him until the pressure inside him was so great that he didn't think he could swallow another bite. He almost said so, too, until he realized that the plate was now empty; the next bite would be the last. If he could finish that final forkful, he'd have eaten the whole thing for her. The thought delighted him; he knew it would make her happy. Proud, even. For that, despite his sore, taut belly, he could push through.
Marianne brought the final bite to his mouth and he took it, but when it came time to swallow, he stopped. His belly was unbelievably full. Marianne saw the hesitation, and, setting the fork down, she placed a hand on his tummy. It was tight and hard, pushing out uncomfortably from his skinny frame. Gently, she began to rub soft circles over his distended stomach, and, almost unconsciously, he arched his back slightly, nudging his belly against her hand. It let out a queasy rumble. Finally, with a deep breath, Sunny forced himself to swallow, and Marianne could feel his stomach groan under her hand as it struggled to make room.
"Oh my goodness, Sunny honey, I can't believe you finished all that," she beamed, cupping his face with both hands. He looked up at her adoringly, leaning his cheek into her palm, and hiccuped.
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neesieiumz · 2 years
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untamed temptation ⸻ “barbarians, they’re ruthless… in more ways than one. ⸻ t. fushiguro
synopsis ⭄ stuck in an arranged marriage, toji, leader of the wildlands, gives you a taste of something you've yet to experience.
warnings ⭄ 18+. smut. minors do not interact. royal!au. queen-consort!reader. barbarian!toji. black-coded!reader. female reader. afab anatomy. infidelity. your husband has a brothel underneath the castle. your husband is also a bit too trusting of the barbarians. possible second part.
writers notes ⭄ toji debut... whoop! barbarian!toji has been on my mind for a bit so I'm glad I finally got this out, even though I was fighting to edit it... also, I'm looking for beta-readers, so if your interested, send me a message or an ask!
word count ⭄ 4.1k
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An arranged marriage, one conducted by your father, to the now king of a small country. A man led by greed and desire for any and everything. To the point that when you were crowned, you were made Queen Consort, a Queen with no power. You were from a far and foreign land, your father, a noble with no power. He would rather have his daughter married to a horrid man, to have some semblance of power within another land. From the moment you met your husband, you knew you were in for a loveless marriage. The two of you found some middle ground, with you ignoring everything he does, and him leaving you to your own devices. It was quiet, finding a few people within the huge castle and surrounding yourself with them.
However, things can not be smooth sailing for you and your people. A war soon approached your borderlines, ravaging the western lands of the kingdom. Your husband, as the leader, left the castle to lead his men into pushing the larger forces back. He was gone for two years, with letters coming from his aides addressing the situation and how things were going. Things were not looking up, until a final letter from his aide, describing an unlikely ally to help them through everything, and how they will be joining them on the return home. It was only for a short period, as the major battles were won, but the war was still going on. It was to thank them for all their help and to help build an official alliance. However, the people who helped to turn this battle were literally, an unlikely source.
Silence rang through the large dining hall, nothing but the sounds of food scraping against the plates, knives, and forks clashing against each other. Within the low-light room, every seat of the elongated table was filled. Food had just been served, with the head of the table, your husband, king of this land taking the first bite before enjoying the rest. As you ate, you glanced at your guest, the unruly bunch, ones you had long heard tales about. 
The barbarians of the Wildlands, an area ruled by chaos.
Your husband had always had a strange obsession with the barbarians, their way of life, everything. So to see them come to the castle, your own home after him being away from war for two years should be surprising but it was not. The few times you have come into his office, you would see posters of barbarians wrapped around his walls, and books piled up about their history. He had always wanted to learn more about them, and now that they are here, he’s giddy like a school child, hoping to impress them in any way he can. 
A few minutes into dinner, your husband soon began speaking with who seemed to be their leader, who you heard others both rave and rant about. According to one of the aides who went with your husband, the war was looking bad for your kingdom. He needed a new ally, and the barbarians were the ones who stepped up. The aides' exact words, “if it was not for the leadership of Toji Fushiguro, his highness would be coming home in a body bag.” He was said to be “chaos in a heavy coat.”
He had once worn a heavy fur coat, evident of his cold becoming, which he had tossed to one of the maids which had nearly knocked her over from the sheer weight. Despite the already heavy coat he once wore, he also wore heavy clothes, adorned with a heavy chest plate with leather straps which he refused to take off when you had asked. 
You stayed silent throughout the dinner, watching as the rest of the guests began picking up their own conversations, your husband joyously chiming in. Your eyes continued to roam around until they landed right on cold black eyes. The larger man smirked as his eyes roamed down, landing on your cleavage being pushed out from your off-shoulder dress. You flinched, sniffing a bit as you adjusted your dress, looking away. You heard a deep chuckle, despite the loudness increasing, and you knew, deep down, as it reverberated through you, it was from him. 
You continued to eat your food, ignoring your husband's conversation that twisted into talk about his private chambers down below. 
Toji had enough of this loud mouth. The boisterous king was leading him and his men down somewhere, with the guards behind them carrying crates of beer. The rest of his men ignorantly followed, blinded by the heavy meat and alcohol of the earlier dinner. He soon led them to two doors, closed in on each other. The two guards overseeing the door bowed at the moronic king, before slowly cracking the doors open. The sounds of rushing water soon hit his ears, glancing up at the low glow light as the sounds of spirited laughter, women’s laughter, permeated through the air. Toji could feel his men getting more and more excited as the realization of the noises fell on his face. 
Toji hummed, the witless king had a private brothel underneath his own wife’s feet.
The king took in the faces of Toji’s men, enjoying the joy upon his face. Toji glanced at his own men, who were vibrating in their clothes, itching to go out and enjoy themselves within the brothel. He glanced at them before nodding his head giving them their blessing, and the moment the guards had set the crates down, before prying them open. They helped themselves to a bottle before spreading themselves around the room, enjoying the company of the women draped across the couch. Toji glanced around, reaching down to grab his own bottle of alcohol. Every time his eyes landed on a woman, nothing within sparked, eyes dulled as he took the closest seat to him, which just happened to be an empty couch. 
As he gazed, his mind flew back in time, to when his eyes first landed on you. The all-black dress perfectly fits your form, the long train of lace attached to the back of the dress, is evidence of a true queen reigning amongst men. Glossy plump lips, Toji smirked at it being curled in the fakest smile he has ever seen. He took another swig of his beer, your figure walking away flashing into his mind. A menacing smile formed on his face, a pure destination and goal in mind. As he rose up from his seat, grabbing another beer, a hand fell upon his shoulder. Heart striking, he turned around, pushing the hand off his schedule. He made contact with the very king, who had two women draped around, caressing him slowly. 
“Fushiguro! You haven’t gotten a lady for you to enjoy yet?”
He grumbled, irritation flashing on his face, before looking up at him, “these kinds of things aren’t my thing, I’ll let my men enjoy themselves.”
He didn’t let the king get in another word before walking out. Behind him, he could hear a guard asking if he wished for him to follow Toji. The moment he heard the king say no, he smirked, before walking right out. He ignored the dirty looks the guards gave him, their order to leave him alone obviously. He walked down the porcelain halls, wooden walls covered in the pompous paintings of the idiotic king, along with his ancestors. As heavy boots stumped across the halls, heading up the multiple flights of stairs, continuing on until he reached the very top floor. He glanced over to his right, before spotting a door creaking open, a light illuminating the small crack. 
Something within him tugged at him, as he slowly turned walking towards the light. Closer he got, the more subtle noises he could hear, humming in a sweet tune. Before Toji knew it, he was standing right in front of the door, leaning down and peeping through the crack. 
There you stood, in front of the fancy vanity table. His eyes wandered down, eyes locked in the silk night dress you were, clinging onto your form. Draped across your shoulders was a matching robe, trimmed with lace at the hems. You were cleaning your face, wiping away the makeup you had worn during the dinner. He stands up straight before glancing around, noticing how there were absolutely no guards around. He wondered if this was their queen, correct? As he thought back to the dinner, and even the few moments as he and his people arrived at the huge castle. A queen ignored by her people, this wasn't the first time he’s seen that. 
He stood up straight, seeing you begin to turn around, probably to your bed. With his free hand, he held it up before giving the door three heavy knocks, taking a step back as you suddenly turned around. You walked up, before opening the door fully, eyes widening as soon as they landed on his tall form. Standing up straight, your face steeling over, you clasped your hand together before speaking. 
“Lord Fushiguro,” you began, voice trembling slightly, “what brings you here?”
He smirks, taking another swig of his drink, “I don’t know… something just led me down here. A question, yes a question.”
“I have a question for you, Your Majesty,” he mocked, tipping his bottle towards you. 
You blinked, shuffling on your feet, “... if I answer this question, will you leave?”
He smirked, “we shall see about that, your majesty.”
You inhaled sharply, shaking your head a bit before looking back at him, “fine, fine, I’ll answer it anyways. What is your question, Lord Fushiguro?”
His eyebrow quivered at the title, but he said nothing about it, “what are your thoughts about what’s below you?”
Both your eyebrows quirked up, “below me?”
“Yeah, the brothel your dearly beloved husband has set up. Where all my men are currently enjoying themselves.”
You blinked, rolling your eyes slightly, “what he does on his own time has nothing to do with me.”
“Is that so…?”
“If that’s all…” you said, beginning to press your hands against the wooden door.
You hummed, taking a step back, however, you could do anything, he suddenly barged into your room, ignoring your short screech, and invading your space. Now that he was inside, he got a better look into your personal quarters. The floors were wooden, although they were covered in intricately designed carpets. The room was huge, bigger than the hovel he had back in the Wildlands. In the middle of the room sat a small table, with two chairs around it, with a tea set sitting right in the middle. He smirked, before eyeing the elongated ottoman bench resting right at the end of your bed. He sat right onto it and relaxed against the foot of your bed.
Anger flashed on your face, stomping towards him, “what do you think you're doing?! Leave before I call the guards!”
He raised an eyebrow, “the same guards that aren’t guarding your door? Yet happen to eb on every other hallway in thai entire castle?”
You pressed your lips shut, your steps stumbling. It was true, the guards were never at your door at night, despite being the queen of their very small nation. 
“Still, leave now, I need to sleep. I have things to do tomorrow.”
He hummed as if he didn't hear what you’d said, taking another glance around your room before looking towards the ground. He then looked back up at you, seeing you still standing there, arms crossed, countenance showing irritation. He licked his lips, his legs shifting before easing them open, his heavy pants creasing against his obvious erection. Your eyes fell down his form, before falling right on his pants, eyes widened at the obvious bulge. You shifted in your steps, before looking right back up into his eyes, hands fidgeting, gripping the silk gown. 
“Aww, why the look, your majesty, see something you like?”
You took a deep breath, before letting out a shakier, closing your eyes, “I really think it’s time for you lea—”
He suddenly reached, grabbing your dress before pulling you close to him. You held your arms out, as a means to keep him away but it was no use. His brute strength was no match to your own, as his hand rested right on your bottom, keeping a snug grip right on. 
“Lord Fushiguro, what are you do—”
Gasping as you felt his hand take your own, before placing right on top of his hard-on. His hand guided you, hearing his deep groans resound in your ear. A lowly ache began pulsing through you, a feeling you had not felt in a very long time. His hand resting on your ass had begun to rub circles through the silk. 
“This is… this is not right, please—” you mumbled, feeling yourself begin to drip down your thighs. 
“So your husband can build a house of ill repute or whatever it is you call it here right beneath your feet, but you, a queen ignored by her people, cannot have a night to yourself?”
You said nothing about that, but within you, he was right. You gazed into his dark eyes, before tentatively placing your hands right on his shoulders. The man smirked, before taking you in, placing you right on his lap. His head hovered right beside your ears.
“Let go for me, my queen, and I’ll show you something your husband can never show you.”
Your breath became heavy as your hips began slowly grinding against him, seeking some sore of friction for the building ache within you. Toji pressed his lips against your ear, before slowly trailing them down to your neck, his heavy breath causing shivers to roll down your spine. Your sudden convulsion and you racing out, gripping at his rough shirt as he shifted you around. He forced your legs around, causing your dress to rise suddenly pressing your now exposed pussy against his pants. He moved his hand from them, placing it under your chin, slightly squishing your cheeks as he pulled your face closer. With vigor, he pressed his lips against yours, rough and heavy. You gasped into the kiss, your hips grinding harder against him. Your every movement electrified you, your moans being swallowed into his strong kiss. He tasted of alcohol, you savored his taste, taking in anything you could. 
“Lord Fushi— oh my god,” you let out the moment he released your lips. 
“Call me Toji.”
With no other words, he soon let go of your face, his hand joining his other, scooping you around your bottom. Squealing, your legs wrapped around his waist as he stood straight up, before turning around. He climbed right on your bed, with you still attached to him. He smiled as he towered over you, your arms spread out along with your braids across the bed. He soon reached over, using his two fingers, pinching out the already low-dimmed flame before grabbing the hanging curtains that were tied up around your bed. He basically ripped off the ribbon, allowing the fabric to fall around all sides of the bed, cutting you off from the rest of your room. You could still see his form moving in the dark, seeing him slowly remove his very heavy clothing. The sound of his breastplate hitting your wooden floors. 
The movement he finished, wearing nothing but undergarments, he grabbed at your own dress, ignoring your squeaks before basically ripping it off your body. You wore nothing under it, revealing your naked body. His larger hand cupped your breast, leaning down to press even more kisses along your neck and chest. Your hands trembled, hesitantly placing them on his shoulders. His lips stretched into a smile as he felt your hands, your nails slightly digging into his skin. His tongue licked and lapped at your soft, clean skin. As he did so, his fingers pinched around your nipple, twisting and tugging at it. The sudden twinge of pain had you curling up against him, feeling his body against yours. You squirmed under him, his movements soon moving to your breasts. His hands cupped both of them, before going in, pressing kisses all over them before wrapping his lips around your left nipple. 
You had no words, only moans could spill out of your mouth as you succumbed to whatever he was giving you. Toji groaned against your chest, the vibrations convulsing through you. Toji glanced up seeing your face overtaken with arousal, drool dripping down your face. An easy contrast to the stoic cold countenance of earlier at dinner. He soon let go, cold air hitting your breasts, causing you to shiver before moving to the next nipple, sucking away at it. When he finished, he rose up, his hands leaving your chest before reaching down, grabbing your legs, and stretching them back. The wet sounds of your pussy resounded throughout the room, causing embarrassment to flash through you.
“Look at you, all wet, my queen, and I haven’t even touched you down there yet.”
You could only let out a whimper, letting out a short gasp as he held both your ankles in one hand. He placed one hand against your cunt, pressing against your labia, fingertips steadily getting wet. Toji then pressed up against you, feeling steady resistance. You jerk, hissing as he slowly pressed a finger into you, sharp twinges of pain running their course through your body. He expects this, seeing how your husband behaves with his very own eyes. 
“Ahh wait wait wait it hurts, it hurts,” you cried out, pushing up against him. 
He shushed you, continuing to press his finger into your tightness. You let out moans of pain as he slowly moved his digit in and out of you. Your once heated grip on his shoulders now dug into them, leaving heavy marks deep within his skin. Your pained gasps soon turned more breathy, as your hips ground against his fingers. 
“Feeling better, your majesty?” His voice took on a patronizing tone, humming as he pressed his thumb against your clit, using your wetness to rub circles into it. 
“It’s been a long time since you took anything, huh? Pathetic king never does anything for you?”
You couldn't answer him yet your hips answered for him as they bucked and jerked. He reportedly planned his fingers into you, his pace picking up more and more as your arousal began to coat his fingers. Soon, he slowed down, before slowly pulling his fingers out of your cunt. He reached, licking your slick off of his fingers, revealing the taste. Sweat dripped down your face, neck, and body as he readied himself. He was still holding your legs together, and before you knew it, you could feel the tip of his length pressing against you. Gasping, the size felt much larger than when you first touched him. 
He began to slowly press himself into you, squirming as he did so. 
“Fuck,” you gasped, cursing as he sunk into you further. 
“Ohh, such a nasty mouth on you, what would your subjects say,” he said, suddenly slamming into you. 
You screamed, your high-pitched tone causing you to slam your hand over your mouth. Toji rocked into you, with no regard for you. Your muffled moans spill you of your hands, the bed jerking with every movement he makes. His hands left your ankles, allowing you to rest them against his shoulders as his hands wrapped themselves around your waist. Toji was able to pull you closer, before reaching up quickly and smacking your hands away from your lips, which were wet with spit.
“Fuck, don’t cover up your mouth, let the whole fucking world hear how well you’re being fucked.”
“Oh my god, you’re going too fast, Toji—”
Your noises echoed through the room, wet skin slapping against wet skin matching the rhythm. Toji rocked into you, with no regard for how you were feeling. He repeatedly plunged into you, and a feral grin stretched across his face. His short dark hair lowered against his face as he suddenly leaned into you, pressing into you deeper and deeper. Getting closer to your face, he suddenly swallowed your moans in another deep kiss. Exchanging spit, your tongues swirling together as you removed your nails from his shoulders, wrapping them fully around his back, holding him close. As you let go of each other, a sliver of spit connects your wet lips. 
Suddenly, he rose up, pulling out of you as he grabbed at you. Toji placed his hands back on your hips before moving. Squealing as he suddenly turned you around, his heavy hands pressing up against your back. Chest pressed against the bed, hands lifting up your hips before plunging right back inside you. Screaming as he did, feeling him hit points within you that he hadn’t before. Trembling as his pace picked up as if he hadn’t stopped at all. Your braids, which had spilled from your silk scarf, whipped around from his sudden and rugged movements. In the spur of the moment, letting out a yelp in pain as you felt a hot sharp pain in your scalp before feeling the upper half of your body being pulled back. 
Gasping as you felt Toji close to you, hearing his grunts closer and much clearer in your ear. His hand left your hips before suddenly coming down right on your ass, leaving a heavy smack, leaving a burning sting against your deep skin. You shriek, your body surging up against his hefty movements.
“Making such a fucking mess,” he groaned, looking at the clear juices sopping from your pussy, making a mess all over him.
“God, imagine if your husband, the fucking dunce, catches us, I wonder what he would say, hmm?”
“What would he say if his pretty wife was getting fucked within an inch of her life, right here on her bed.”
You couldn't help but clench around him as he said those words. A sudden rush built up with you, clenching around his dick tighter and tighter. 
“Oh fuck, oh fuck fuck, something’s coming fuck—!”
Your words activated something within him, as his pace sped up expeditiously, his torso slamming into you as he did. You could do nothing but take it, curses and moans continuing to spill out of your mouth. The heated feeling continuously builds up within you, your body clenching around him. 
“Sucking in me like that,” he groaned, his thrust becoming repeatedly unsteady. 
“Oh my,” with no sudden warnings, you spasmed, moans turning into screams as clear liquid suddenly squirted out of you, dripping all down your thighs and also on his body. 
Your sudden actions caused Toji to grunt, before slamming into you a few final times, before letting out a deep sigh, spilling his seed deep within you. You let out a loud sigh, slumping into the bed, legs quivering like jelly. Your mind buzzed, white noise going through your head, barely even hearing your breath as you closed your eyes. The bed was heavy with sweat, however, you barely felt it as your mind slipped into a deep heavy sleep. 
Toji eased out of you slowly, taking a few steps to get out of bed. He gazed at your figure, slowly heaving in and out in a deep sleep. Smirking, he grabbed your blanket before tossing it over your body and turning around. Without any other words, he picked up his clothes, tossing them on his body before picking up his slightly spilled bottle and heading out the door. 
You were suddenly shaken away, mouth dry as you glanced around, before locking your weary eyes on a maid. Maryam, the one who always woke you up when you didn’t wake up on your own. Her eyes shined with concern as you slowly sat up, pulling your blanket to your chest.
“Your majesty, are you alright? You haven't woken up, and it is nearly noontime.”
You blinked, waking up once you heard her say that. It had been a while since you slept till that late since you first arrived here when you got married. You glanced around, seeing the sun seeping into the curtains. As you looked, sudden flashes ran through your mind, of a tall buff barbarian ravaging you all throughout the night. You took a deep breath, no no that must have been a dream, you couldn't have possibly…
Maryam sniffed, taking a step back, “your majesty… why does it smell like the beer his highness brought for those brutes?”
Your heart dropped. 
taglist: @almoundtofu @das170 @sunflwrsugar @nak4m8to @tojisfavs-bitch @sugurunicorn @miraes-world @dabismissingcumsock @bonsnclareswhore @drakentopia @dionne-dior @myoodan @lalisaology @pinkwhiskers @hxneyitachi @bakugosbabymama13 @tamak00 @cxpids-wxrld @lipikare @pookiepie2 @dane-hampshire @smoooootie @tocji @chaoswhereveryastep @protectpancakes @starnovacreates @mysticprincessdonut @203steph
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cha-lii · 1 month
Ah for the Bad Things happen bingo apologies as I am always in a Sanji mood, but to maybe request Leave me Alone and/or Traumatic Touch Aversion for Sanji. Something that always gets me is when he needs comfort but pushes people who want to comfort him away and I would love to see your take. Or tortured for information? Sanji not selling out the Straw Hats or even Germa. If any of those tickle your fancy
And if you're not feeling those, perhpss Sanji cauterizing a wound on Zoro? Some good trusting nakama after bad stuff.
Thank you if you do and no worries if not!
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(blue prompts are taken, yellow completed – the rest are free)
Hellooo @finalgale, my love I did not ignore you, I am just a Tragically Slow Writer – please enjoy this angsty word vomit that I mostly wrote tonight in a frenzy of inspiration that will likely not strike again for many moons!
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52234756/chapters/148709830#workskin
and over i go
Chapter 2
Dinner that night was tense. Sanji could tell that everyone wanted to talk about what had happened, but no one seemed to know what to say. Instead they sat in near silence at the galley table, watching Sanji bustle around the kitchen as he hastened to add the finishing touches to the myriad dishes he had prepared for them in the short time since they’d left that place behind them. The food he’d prepared for them was just as extravagant as always, and as he laid the dishes out on the table he made sure to present them with the same flourishes and smiles that he normally would, but any attempt at taking a conversation with him further than polite chatter was swiftly and smoothly shut down.
He doubted he would be able to carry a normal conversation anyway. Not with how his mind was still buzzing from his earlier meltdown. He kept getting flashes of hostile faces and scared shouts; spittle on his face and a hand on his arm, pulling him – and then, not far behind, chasing his every thought like a pack of hungry dogs, his brothers’ faces would come to mind. Twisted, mocking, cruel – Sanji shook his head sharply, and served his nakama dinner.
Most of them seemed willing to let the matter drop in favour of digging into the feast in front of them, but Sanji quickly noticed Luffy watching him closely in between bites. He knew that his captain didn’t believe any of his nonchalance for even a second; knew he could see the lingering redness around his eyes, and the tousled hair he’d forgotten to flatten after he’d pulled at it, and the way he just couldn’t seem to get his hands to stop shaking. When he caught glimpses of the others’ faces, he could tell that they weren’t buying into it either.
He kept trying anyway.
Bringing out the last dish, Sanji realised he now had no other option but to join the rest of the crew at the table. Idiot. He swallowed back a sigh, and sat in his chair with tired resignation. Luffy was following his movements, watching and waiting for any sign of upset, and Sanji had no choice but to fill his plate and eat the food, even though it was tasteless in his mouth and swallowing each bite took a ridiculous amount of effort.
Even though he could hear Yonji’s voice in his head telling him it was shit, he was shit, and everyone could tell, that’s why they were all staring at him and whispering about him and hating him–
Sanji ate, and hoped it would be enough to ward off his captain’s concern. But when all the food was eaten, one look at Luffy’s face told Sanji there was no avoiding the elephant in the room. Sure enough, the moment Luffy clocked that there was nothing left for him to gorge himself on, he sat back and fixed his gaze solidly on Sanji’s across the table.
“Sanji,” his voice wasn’t loud, not really, but it cut through the small conversations that had managed to find their footing around the table like a hot knife through butter. Sanji swallowed down the anxiety bubbling at the back of his throat, and tried to silence the voices in his head, and wished he could bring himself to look away from those warm, steely eyes. “I’m sorry.” He blinked.
“You’re – what?”
“I’m sorry,” his captain repeated, and Sanji began to understand that the hardness in Luffy’s gaze had nothing to do with rage or resentment or disappointment, but rather regret. He shook his head, but Luffy continued on, “I didn’t listen to you when you said you wanted to leave. And now you’re hurt. I’m sorry.”
“Luffy, no,” Sanji’s words were strained, and he could feel his panic rising again. See? It whispered to him in his brother’s voice, see what you do? “It wasn’t your fault – you know that. I told you that.”
“It wasn’t yours either,” Robin said, watching Sanji closely with a horrible sort of empathy in her deep eyes. “You understand that, don’t you, Sanji?” He tried to nod, wanted to nod, but he couldn’t. It felt like too much of a lie.
“It was just–” he tried, struggling through the tumult in his brain to find the words needed to end this conversation as quickly as possible. “It was just – unfortunate.” He cringed at the words even as he said them, and cringed again at the answering scoffs from Nami and Zoro. “I mean – it was just shitty timing, that’s all. Maybe if we’d gotten there a few weeks from now, or even months… maybe then it would have been easier for me to – to avoid it. For those people to… tolerate me.” Several of his friends bristled at his choice of words, and he quickly continued before any of them could voice their protestations. “But – I don’t know. It’s fine, though. I’m fine.” Nami scoffed again, her concern a thing with sharp edges.
“Yeah, sure,” she said, and from the way her voice seemed tight and just a little bit higher than was normal, he could tell she was barely holding back tears. “You’re ‘fine’. You spent, like, an hour having a panic attack before making us dinner, because a bunch of strangers took one look at you and wanted you dead. And you can barely even look any of us in the eyes – but yeah – ‘fine’.”
A few of the others shuffled uncomfortably in their seats, and none of them seemed quite so willing anymore to try staring him down. Sanji was aware of Luffy saying Nami’s name in that same quiet voice, but he couldn’t quite hear it over the blood rushing in his ears. Weakling. He clenched his hands under the table, wishing that he could steady them enough to start clearing away dishes, just to give himself something to do. Anything to get away from that table, and those eyes. Anything to distract himself from those voices whispering away in his head.
“I’m fine,” he said again, when he was sure his voice wasn’t going to betray him. “Maybe I was a bit upset before, but I’m fine now. You think what happened back there is enough to rattle me, Nami-san? I’ve heard far worse. So, yes. I am fine.” His voice was harder than he’d intended, and he’d perhaps said more than he’d meant to, but Nami didn’t say anything else, and he could only feel disgustingly relieved at her silence. Sanji cut a quick glance around the table, found everyone’s expressions suddenly unbearable, and stood to begin clearing away the dishes regardless of the fact he was still shaking.
He carried the tall stack of plates to the sink, and was glad when the rush of the tap drowned out the whispers behind him. He sighed, and ignored the familiar feeling of dread pooling in his stomach, and tried to breathe around the weight on his chest.
They regret saving you, Ichiji was telling him. They’re realising what a stain you are on their reputations, and they regret even meeting you in the first place.
“Sanji,” Luffy said, suddenly standing right behind him. He was still so quiet, like he was trying to soothe a cornered animal. “Talk to us.” He wants rid of you, idiot.
“I’ve already said my piece, Luffy.”
“You lied, though,” Sanji couldn’t help but flinch at the accusation, opening his mouth instinctively to argue back, but his captain wasn’t finished. “I know when you’re lying, Sanji. I could tell then, and I can tell now. Stop being stupid, you know better by now.” He’s wrong, it was Niji now, his voice carrying that same humiliating laughter that haunted Sanji’s entire childhood. You’re too stupid to know better – too much of a failure to learn from your mistakes. Same as ever– Sanji snorted, the anxiety inside him bubbling over.
“You are the absolute last person who has any right to call me ‘stupid’, Luffy,” he said tightly, hating himself more and more even as the words came tumbling out. He was suddenly desperate for a cigarette, but realised with a pang that his pack was in the pocket of his jacket, currently slung over his chair at the table. The table where everyone was still sitting, watching their interaction attentively. Listening to Sanji venting his frustrations on their captain.
Cigarettes weren’t an option, then. He settled for biting his lip, swallowing down any more biting remarks before he said something else he regretted.
“Stop deflecting, cook,” As though sensing his tenuous hold on his temper and wanting nothing more than to break it, Zoro spoke up. “We can all tell you’re not fine, you’re wound up even tighter than usual.”
“Fuck off, marimo,” Sanji bit out around his lip. He remembered the swordsman’s hand on his shoulder, his worried eyes, and the feeling of cloth against his face as Nami used his bandana to clean away the spit on his cheek. Even the mosshead pities you, Niji whispered gleefully. Even he can see it.
Sanji couldn’t catch his breath anymore, and he was shaking so much that the plate in his hand rattled as he put it in the drying rack. He was biting down so hard on his bottom lip he could taste blood, only that was all in his head because his skin was too hard for him to even bite through anymore, because he was a monster now  –  he was falling apart. He knew he was falling apart, and he knew that the others could see it clear as day, which only made him feel even more vulnerable and exposed.
He also knew that they were just trying to help. They always were. But they didn’t seem to understand – he just needed some room to fucking breathe.
“Sanji-kun,” and now Nami was starting again, her voice softer than before. Now she sounded cautious, like if she said the wrong thing he was going to lash out at her. Just like I did, right? Niji hissed at him. She’s scared that you’re going to hurt her, just like I hurt your little chef. Sanji bit down harder on his lip, and grabbed another plate from the stack. Nami didn’t even know about what happened to poor Cosette, he reminded himself. Nami was just concerned about him – she would never be scared of him – her face flashed before his eyes: tearful, screaming – terrified. Begging him to stopstopSTOP hitting their captain–
The water was too hot – he could tell because there was steam billowing into his face, and his skin was red – but he could barely even feel it. He tried to pretend it was because his anxiety was making the very tips of his fingers numb, and not because he was becoming so fucking inhuman that he couldn’t even feel pain anymore. Nami was still talking behind him, “– and you know we only want to help. We care about you – we love you. Just talk to us, please–”
“Sanji?” Sanji’s shoulders were heaving with every difficult breath he managed to take, and he had such a tight grip on the plate he was holding he was scared it might shatter, and Luffy’s voice behind him sounded confused now, even more worried than before–
Careful, Sanji, Ichiji whispered to him, you’re being pathetic again, they’ll see–
Ha, Sanji’s crying again, look at him–
Stupid, worthless–
There was a hand on the small of his back, and another on his shoulder, and something – something landed on his head, falling low, covering his eyes – and there was absolutely nothing that Sanji could do to stop himself from crying out, or to brace himself when he flinched so hard that the plate he still held went crashing to the floor.
Some vague part of his mind was aware of the sudden commotion behind him, and of the shell shocked look on his captain’s face – but the other part of his mind, the part that had been spewing poison all evening, that part was screaming at him to get it off. He tore at whatever had been secured around his head, but only managed to yank it forward a few scant inches before he met resistance at the back of his neck – it was stuck – and he could barely breathe already but now he really couldn’t breathe–
Another pair of hands – warm, calloused but soft, firm but gentle, and nothing at all like what his brain wanted him to expect – took hold of his and guided him until he managed to free himself from whatever the fuck was–
“Your hat,” he whispered hoarsely, blinking at Luffy. His captain, his friend, his saviour. Standing before him looking scared. “It’s – your hat.” Luffy searched his face, still holding Sanji’s shaking hands securely between his own. He nodded.
“Yeah, Sanji,” he said, his voice still carrying that faint tone of confusion, now undercut with something deeper, intenser. Something that Sanji has seen him topple governments over. “It’s just – it was just my hat. What else would it have been?” Sanji shook his head.
“S-Sanji,” and that was Chopper’s voice, timid and frightened and tearful. Sanji’s head jerked toward the sound, and he saw them all where they’d leapt up from their seats, confused and alarmed but ready for action, ready to fight whatever they needed to fight to stop their cook from looking like that.
Or maybe they wanted a better look at the crybaby, huh? Sanji flinched, and Luffy’s grip on his hands tightened in response.
“Sanji,” he said again, “what else would it have been?”
“I-I–” Sanji couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t breathe, and they were all watching him, waiting for an answer, for an explanation, for a reason, as if Sanji hadn’t been searching for that his entire fucking life–
“Sanji, breathe,” Usopp was rounding the galley island to stand by his side, hesitating only slightly before resting one hand on his shoulder and splaying the other flat on his chest. Luffy didn’t let go of his hands. “Just breathe. C’mon, we’ve – you’ve been through this with me before. Just breathe.” Sanji tried to meet Usopp’s gaze, then realised he was scared of what he’d find in it and decided to just close his eyes instead. “That’s fine – just breathe with me. It’s – you’re okay. It’s okay. It’s okay, right?”
“Of course it’s okay,” Luffy’s voice rang out, louder now than it had been. He was clearly affronted by this whole situation. “You’re with us. And you’re on Sunny – everything is okay, Sanji. Sanji!” He shook their joined hands until Sanji opened his eyes to look at him. “You’re – what else would it have been?” Usopp shushed him, but Luffy ignored it. He seemed genuinely confused. He looked guilty, and Sanji hated that he looked guilty. Hated that he’d made his captain feel guilty over something that Sanji had thought he’d gotten over, something that had nothing at all to do with his captain, with any of them–
Poor Sanji, still hung up on his helmet, Yonji was mocking him.
Poor Sanji, still nothing more than a worthless little crybaby, Niji was joining in.
Poor, useless Sanji – he’ll never really escape, Ichiji was hissing at him.
Poor, poor Sanji–
“Th-the helmet,” he gasped out, breathless and hoarse. “I th-thought it was the h-helmet.” Luffy blinked at him. He looked to Usopp, who shook his head, also at a loss. He looked to the rest of the crew, and didn’t find answers there either. Sanji closed his eyes again, trying to focus on the hands holding him together.
“What – Sanji, I don’t know what you mean,” Luffy said, and Sanji almost laughed, because of course Luffy didn’t. Even at his most exposed, Sanji had never told Luffy or Nami or any of them about the helmet. Or the cell. Or those endless, endless days when he’d been convinced that he was going to die down there, alone and unloved and unwanted. Or the endless, endless nights when he’d wanted to. He had planned on taking those secrets to the grave – but, of course, he was too weak to even manage that much. “Sanji,” Luffy shook him again, a sort of urgency bleeding into his tone, “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Was it–” Nami’s voice broke, and she took a breath before trying again. “Was it – Judge. Was it the V– was it them?” She sounded close to tears. She also sounded like she already knew the answer. From the way his captain’s grip became bruising – silly Sanji, monsters like us don’t bruise – Sanji could tell Luffy had come to the same realisation as his navigator.
“Was it?” Luffy sounded angry now. “Was it them? Did they do something to you?” Sanji shook his head again, and tried to breathe. He finally managed to get some air back into his lungs, and if he tried hard enough he could focus on the feeling of Luffy’s hands holding his; of Usopp’s hand still pressed securely against his heaving chest; of the rough texture of his captain’s treasure still clutched in his own trembling grip. If he tried hard enough he could focus on all of these things, and pretend that they were enough to drown out his brothers.
“It was – a long time ago,” he managed, opening his eyes.
He looked at Luffy, at the way his jaw clenched and lip curled furiously. He looked at Usopp, at the hard line of his furrowed brow as he tried to make sense of what Sanji was saying. He looked at his nakama, still standing around the table. Nami’s face was red, a mixture of sorrow and anger. And Chopper was in Brook’s arms, and he and Franky were crying. Jinbei looked angry, and Robin and Zoro looked murderous. And Sanji didn’t know what he’d done to deserve them–
“What was a long time ago?”
You’ve done nothing to deserve them.
You don’t deserve them.
“Sanji! What was a long time ago?” Luffy was getting louder with every word. Sanji swallowed thickly, and licked his lips, and tried for the first time in his life to find words to describe the abuse that had scarred him worse than any words or beatings or starvation ever could.
“The – the helmet. He – they made me wear a – a helmet. He did – Judge did. He made me wear it. He made me. He–”
“Because I was dead,” Sanji whispered, the words cutting through the heavy silence in the room with the force of a bullet. “I was dead – and he didn’t want anyone to see me. I was dead. But he couldn’t – he couldn’t actually kill me. So he – he – he made me wear the – and he locked me down there. He–”
Sanji couldn’t breathe again, and Luffy’s grip was too tight, and he could feel Usopp shaking. He heard Chopper crying, and Nami’s wounded noise. He heard Zoro’s low, “And why exactly aren’t they fucking dead right now?” and he heard Robin and Brook’s noises of assent. He wanted to turn to them, to explain to them that it was behind him, had been behind him for years – but he couldn’t fucking breathe anymore, and his vision was going black around the edges.
His hands were released, and warm arms wrapped around his shoulders. His head was pushed into the crook of Luffy’s neck, and firmly held there. Usopp’s hand was still on his chest, crushed between them, but the sharpshooter made absolutely no move to free it, instead slinging his other arm around Sanji’s shoulders. A weight settled against his legs, and Sanji almost startled before he realised it was only Chopper. The little reindeer pressed himself against Sanji’s calves, rubbing his face against his slacks.
“They were wrong,” Luffy whispered to him, and Sanji shook his head, forehead rubbing against his shoulder.
“Please don’t, Luffy. Please don’t.”
“They were so wrong,” his captain continued, ignoring his pleas and whimpers. “They were wrong about you, Sanji. You’re better than them. You’re so good, Sanji. You’re so good.” The noises coming out of Sanji’s mouth were almost foreign to him; noises he hadn’t made since he was eight years old. Noises he hadn’t thought himself capable of anymore.
They were always in there, silly little Sanji.
“You’re so kind, Sanji.”
You’ve always been a scared little boy.
“You’re so much stronger than you realise. So much stronger than them.”
You’ll never be anything more than a scared little boy.
“You’re amazing, Sanji. Sanji.”
Luffy squeezed the back of his head, holding onto him tightly even though Sanji was getting tears and snot all over his t-shirt. Even though the precious straw-hat was pressed tightly between them. Even though he could see him for all that he was. “Sanji, you’re my nakama. I love you, okay? I love you so much, Sanji. Okay? Okay, Sanji?”
You’re worthless.
“Okay, Luffy,” he whispered, and wished his captain would never let him go.
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boba-at-323 · 1 year
Family First
Note : Food mentions! || The reader is pregnant, so if you're uncomfortable with such genres, I recommend not reading this || though omg why have I even written this when its one of my biggest fears
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You woke up to a weary feeling, one a little more tired than usual. As your pregnancy progressed, your growing belly made it difficult to get comfortable at night. In fact, it was hard to even get a good night’s sleep with the baby moving around so much.
As the sunlight entered your bedroom through the spaces in the blinds, you shuffled around trying to find your husband. However, his usual spot next to you was empty. Disappointed, you tried to sit up still wondering where on earth could your husband have gone so early.
After a while of reluctantly convincing yourself to get out of bed, you decided to freshen up to start the day. With a little stretch, you left your bedroom.
To your surprise, you were greeted by the smell of waffles and eggs wafting through the air, along with the strong aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Despite being nauseous, your empty stomach was practically pulling you towards the source of the smell.
"Good morning, beautiful," Renjun said, once he saw you entering the kitchen.
Renjun's little compliment made all of your tiredness melt away. You couldn't help but smile, feeling lucky to have such a sweet and caring husband.
"Good morning," you replied, rubbing your eyes, “What’s all this?”
“Oh nothing much,” Renjun shrugged it off as if it was nothing, a smile resting on his face.
He made his way towards you, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. He then pulled out a chair for you on the dining table and helped you sit down.
He disappeared into the kitchen again, only to come back with a tray full of the dishes he had been preparing. When he started serving you, you found out that Renjun had even prepared a plate of fresh fruit and a glass of orange juice for you, knowing that you needed all the vitamins you could get, both for you and his baby. Once he was done, he seated himself on the chair next to you.
As you ate, Renjun couldn't help but marvel at your beauty, even in the early hours of the morning. When he found out that he was soon going to be a father, he had put all his heart into finding resources and reading articles on various topics related to pregnancy and parenthood. He had also read somewhere that when someone was expecting, they usually didn’t feel so great about themselves and their appearances. So keeping that in mind, Renjun made sure to compliment his beautiful and amazing wife every now and then, just so she felt confident about herself.
You weren’t even halfway through your food when your baby started moving around again. You let out a small groan and looked down at your belly. Noticing what was going on, Renjun chuckled and placed a hand on your belly, feeling the baby kicking inside.
"Hey there, little one," Renjun cooed softly, "Are you hungry too?"
"I think so," you laughed as you placed a hand over your husband’s, feeling the warmth of his hand, "But not as hungry as your wife over here."
Renjun grinned, giving you a playful nudge. "Hey now, I made sure to cook you a big breakfast."
You leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, feeling grateful for his thoughtfulness and support. You wondered what you would have done if you didn’t have him beside you. Even since your pregnancy, he became the greatest source of comfort for you. Every little gesture of his was full of love, and you knew that he was trying his best to be the perfect husband as well as the perfect father for his little one. Just the thought of how he had become even more caring brought tears to your eyes.
"Thank you Renjun," you continued, looking at him with glossy eyes "You know, I never thought I'd be one of those women who gets emotional during pregnancy. But every little thing seems to make me tear up these days."
"It's the hormones, love," he said, bringing his other hand to your cheek "They mess with your emotions. But don't worry, I'll be here to wipe away your tears."
“Cheesy…” you laughed light heartedly at his response, “But I’d love that.”
“I love you so much.” Renjun smiled back at you, feeling his heart swell with love.
As if on cue, you felt the baby kick again, causing both you and Renjun bursting into a fit of giggles.
“Looks like someone is jealous.” you addressed your belly, continuing to rub circles over it.
“Don’t worry, baby, I love you a lot too. Go easy on your mom, will you?” He scolded playfully, never letting your smile fade away.
Both you and your child meant the whole world to him, becoming his top priority. He knew that he was about to embark on a new chapter of his life as a parent, but he was ready to face any challenge that came in his way as long as he had you by his side.
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Title : Family First || Word count: 844 || Genre: FLUFF || Pairing: husband! Renjun x wife!Reader || GUESS WHOSE POSTING AGAIN ???
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mysticwolfshadows · 3 months
Taken - Zutara - Part 34
First / Previous / Next
They get as far from Gao Ling as they can, as quickly as they can. It's hard, since Toph definitely isn't taking well to flying. They have to stop a few times just so she can have a few minutes out of the saddle.
When they stop for the night, Toph flops to the ground, hugging the dirt, and pulling an Earth tent around herself. Katara frowned, seeing the younger girl not helping set up camp. She would normally refuse to feed such a freeloader, but Toph had a rough day.
"Here," Katara says, moving to sit by the entrance of Toph's tent. "I made you a bowl. But tomorrow, you'll need to help out."
"Help out?" Toph scoffs, even as she took the bowl from Katara. "What, your brother needs help unloading his weird smelling sleeping bag? I pull my own weight."
Katara's eye twitches, but she forces a smile even if Toph can't see it. "If you're going to pull your weight, then we won't have a problem."
Toph didn't stop Katara from walking away. Sokka, trying to convince Zuko to let him take seconds, took one look at his sister's face and fled. Aang made nervous laughter, and got up to 'find Momo', who was definitely in Appa's saddle. It was only Zuko who didn't flee, still at his spot by the cooking pot, using firebending to keep the pot warm without over cooking.
"Food or water?" Zuko asked, even as he ladled out a bowl for her.
"I'll meditate later," Katara grit out, though without as much bite as it would have been, and took her bowl. "I'm starving."
Zuko nodded, only serving himself once Katara had her own food. It was a show of respect, Katara had realized, a few days into their journey. Zuko had seen how she did all the cooking, and then only got what was left after making sure everyone else ate, so he made sure that Katara was never the last to be served.
"It looks like the bison might be shedding," Zuko said, conversationally. "When we have a moment, I think we should wash him. We don't want to leave a trail."
Nodding, Katara felt herself relax, and fell into easy conversation as they ate. She'd deal with Toph in the morning.
Except, she found that Toph was extremely stubborn.
When morning came, everyone set about to do their morning chores. Aang and Sokka would pack up camp now, at least most of it, while Zuko helped Katara with cooking. Toph, despite being asked to help move supplies, ignored every. "Not my stuff, not my problem."
And then, they started dishing out food. Aang and Sokka got their share, Katara got hers, and finally, Zuko got his. They doused the cooking fire, and set about eating.
"Hey!" Toph said. "Where's mine?"
"Your what?" Katara asked, eating.
"My breakfast."
Katara hummed, taking a bite of her food. "Sorry, but... Zuko and Sokka hunted for meat in it last night. Aang gathered the vegetables. And I made the food with Zuko's help. And... you didn't contribute."
Toph was gaping like a fish. "What, so you aren't going to leave any for me?"
"No, Toph. If you don't pull your weight, you don't eat. There's exceptions for when training Aang during meal prep, but... Aang wasn't training this morning. He was clearing camp so we can leave once we're done."
Toph fumed, but rather than cave and try to do something now, she huffed a whatever and plopped down on the ground turned away from them. When Sokka and Aang finished, they washed their dishes, and set to washing the cooking pots. When Zuko and Katara finished, they gave Sokka and Aang their bowls to wash, and started loading the cooking supplies onto Appa.
They climbed on, and Toph joined them, refusing to talk to anyone.
When they got off, Toph was clearly starving, eager to eat, but got a repeat of that morning. Aang unloaded Appa and set up tents, while Zuko and Sokka went hunting and gathering. Katara was busy prepping dinner, rinsing plates and setting up rice, and making sure that no meat touched anything Aang would want to eat.
And Toph did nothing to help. So she got nothing that was a team effort. She could slam dirt walls up as much as she wanted, but Katara wouldn't feed her.
It was much later, when Katara was laying down in her sleeping roll, tucked into one end of her tent, that she heard it. Zuko, walking across their campsite. She heard him plop down onto the ground, around where Toph's dirt tent was.
"What do you want?" Toph's grumpy voice asked.
Katara heard Zuko hum. "Just to talk."
"I don't want a lecture."
"Even it means I give you some food?"
Katara grit her teeth. Zuko knew what she said. How dare he decide to ignore her?
"Katara mentioned you said you would pull your own weight," Zuko started, then quickly said, "Just listen for a second." He took an audible breath and pressed on. "I understand pulling your own weight when you're alone. I'm sure you could. But we're part of a team. We need to help each other, so everyone is ready for what could come next, and so camp can run smoothly. If you're fine with a dirt tent, that's fine, but there's other things to do besides setting up tents. There's cooking, hunting, washing, unloading gear so Appa can rest. There's so much that needs doing, and we all benefit when it gets done."
"Except Queen Prissy won't let me eat. So I'm not benefiting from any of that."
"Did you cook?"
"Did you hunt?"
"Then why should you benefit from our work?"
"Because! I'm part of-" Toph cut herself off.
Zuko, sounding satisfied, replied, "You're part of the team?"
Toph didn't respond, but Zuko must have been finished. Katara heard him stand, and heard something touch the ground. "Here. Thanks for talking with me."
She listened as Zuko returned to his tent, the one next to hers, and then the camp was quiet.
In the morning, as Katara and Zuko are cooking breakfast, Toph uses Earthbending to lift supplies and Sokka, so the boy could toss bags into the saddle. When everyone comes back to eat, Katara makes a bowl for Toph, who scarfs the food down. Katara catches Zuko smiling, and she knows there won't be any more problems.
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akwolfgrl · 11 months
Part 3! LFT We have some jelly zoro with us today. Not sure abut how I worte Nami and Ussop any feedback is welcome
Zoro watched as Sanji flitted about, graceful in his movements as he plated everyone's dinners. Luffy was already inhaling the leg of lamb beside him. A large plate of sliced bread with a bowl in the middle was placed in the center of the table and soon came the bowls brimming with seafood, muscles, clams, shrimp and fish in a reddish orange broth. A second bowl of plain white rice was placed in front of him. Zoro hides a smirk, looks like someone had time to read this past hour.
"Dessert is in the oven rising, it will be out shortly so please no yelling," Curly brows shot him a pointed look before his cheeks turned red and he had to hide his face. "What can I get everyone to drink?"
"Wine would be lovely," Nami said with a smile, that witch would use anyone until they had nothing left to give.
"Of course Nami-swan! I'll fetch it right away! The love sick fool gushed, Zoro swore he saw hearts in his eyes.
"Sake," He ordered gruffly scowling. "Or is that too much for you to handle," Zoro didn't like the fact that the man he had in lap just an hour ago, the man who made such erotic noises would pay so much attention to some else and a woman at that.
"Burte you're lucky I have soufflés in the oven," The blond turned his attention back to where it belonged, the marks Zoro had left on his pale skin still there.
Zoro couldn't resist the smirk that graced his face. He shouldn't be jealous of Nami. They weren't in a relationship, not even a sexual one…well not yet anyway. But that would be fixed tonight, Zoro needed more of the man in front of him.
"A nice dry white wine pairs best with the Bouillabaisse," Cook placed a glass of wine in front of Nami before serving Usopp and Luffy saving him for last. "Here's your sake marimo," Sanji held out a bottle of sake for him to take.
"Finally," Zoro deliberately brushed his fingers against Sanjis causing him to blush. He was easy to tease when he was like this, tonight was going to be fun.
After everyone ate their fill, the food had been as good as had tasted when he had kissed the cook earlier, Sanji went back to the oven. Zoro sat back and enjoyed the view, those fancy pants of his hugged every inch and curve of the cook's shapely ass and thick muscular thighs.
"Oi cook can you crush a watermelon with those thighs," Zoro had to know, he was certain he could.
"What!" He shot up the pan in his hands tilting dangerously. "Why would you ask that!" Zoro could see the back of the blonde's neck and the tips of his ears were bright red and waited to see how red and flushed his face was.
"Oooo!! That would be so cool!" Luffy of course was all for it, for very different reasons of course.
"Is that even possible?" Name asked.
"It would be a waste of food and I will not be wasting any food!" The cook spoke his voice raising in pitch, almost yelling as he turned around his face red as Zoro had hoped. I'm his arms was a tray with three brown fluffy desserts and one yellow one. He placed the brown ones in front of the others and the yellow in front of him.
"Aww why does Zoro get a yellow one?" Luffy whined.
"Because he doesn't like chocolate," His shoulders were relaxed, clearly thinking the watermelon conversation was over.
"Why can't you just put a bowl under the watermelon?" Zoro asked, digging into the fluffy food in front of him before taking a bite, it was more salty and savory rather than sweet.
"He's got a point, Sanji, unless you're afraid of failing? I mean not everyone can be as strong as the great captain Ussop!" Ussop attempted to flex with his tiny arms, he could use a good work out. Zoro would lend him some weights if he wanted.
"Please Sanji?" Nami only had to bat her eyes and the dam cook folded.
"Anything for you!"
"Yah hooo!" Luffy cheered in-between shoveling bites of food.
Zoro had gotten the outcome he wanted, but it still left a bad taste in his mouth. It annoyed him how much it bothered him that Nami had such sway over the cook.
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