#he thinks we are cute and interesting to look at but if he accidently kills one its like
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Looks like the scary big guy has a soft spot for a certain little human
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seokari · 18 days
He doesn't know what his true feeling are.
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Note𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅: Remember that english is NOT my first language so please, excuse my spelling mistakes ♡.
Warnings₊‧: None, just fluff and I think there's no angst, or maybe just a little bit, so, please enjoy.
Accepting his feeling was a no go for megumi, and there's the problem, he knows he isn't good at expressing himself, but he doesn't even wants to try.
And, another problem is that you don't know this, so, he trying to be nonchalant to you made you think he hates you.
When you hang out with your friends, there was Megumi talking peacefully to the rest of them but ignoring you completely, even tho you tried making a conversation.
On mission, he just said you don't need to go do the work because you are going to be a bother for him. (You ended up saving his dumb, egocentric ass)
On training, he says he doesn't want a vs with you because you are too weak for him. (He's trying to sound interesting plus he is really afraid of hurting you by accident).
One time you fell asleep on his shoulder, and he pushed you until you were sleeping seated, he didn't wanted you to think he has a sweet spot for you, but he does.
He knows that, even tho he is an asshole to you, he has your attention. Or well, he had, once you had enough of his demeanor, you started ignoring him, acting nonchalant, being more friendly, touchy, even flirty with Yuuji, and, he (Megs) didn't like, not even a bit.
You two could be joking during a mission while Nobara did something else, but Megumi's hot gaze was set on you two.
He tried convincing himself that he hated your laugh, but he didn't, he hated that you were laughing at other man's comment, not his.
Until he had enough, "Could you two shut up already, we are trying to concentrate" His brows furrowed.
"I didn't said nun" Nobara spoke.
"Ok, geez, I don't know why you hate me so much" You said.
"I d-dont ha-" He was interrupted
"Hey look here, I think I found it" Nobara pointed
Yuuji noticed Megs behavior, his suddenly annoyed face when you were near him (Yuuji), so Yuuji started getting away from you (not that much, just being less touchy and stuff), you noticed this and thought he hated you too now.
But he reassured it was nothing.
Yuuji decided to have a conversation with Megumi about his demeanor towards you, Megumi really denied it at first, but after listening to Yuuji's yapping for what seemed like an eternity, he started believing it.
You were a little bit far away from them talking and messing around with Nobara, Megumis soft look has being around your during all the convo with Yuuji.
He started thinking "stupid" things meanwhile, like how is you skin so porcelanic, how soft your hair looks, that dumb smile you have when Nobara said something that seem funny made you look cute, and your hands looked so tiny, how are they compared to his?. He couldn't deny it anymore, he felt, hard, he felt really hard.
He turned his head towards yuuji that is still yapping. "Im an idiot right? Is the first time I feel like this"
"Yeah. I mean kinda-" He kept quiet when he saw Megs serious face.
"Omfg" He got back on his feet. "im having a walk, and then im talking to her"
"Yeah, you should, she told me she thinks you hate her, like, extremely, like you despise her"
"Just shut up you are making it worse, what if she decides i was just being an ass and she doesn't wants to talk to me"
"I think that is what is going to happen"
"Ok, now in definitely not going to talk to her"
"I meannn" Megumi looked at him "I could be wrong"
"Kill yourself" Megumi took his things and started walking towards you.
" If that makes you happy megs" Yuuji took his things too and started walking toward nobara, you and Megumi need privacy.
Hiii, I dont know how to continue this, cuz I think it pretty obvious what is going to happen.
Confession -> is mutual -> Megumi being a complete tsundere at first -> Getting used to be around you -> Clingiest boy ever -> Happy ending.
Hope yall like it₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊
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gay-dorito-dust · 5 months
Hiiiiii I saw that you might be interested in making pjo content again if you are, can we please get something like Percy being a good big brother? Like just a lot of fluff. Have a good night/day
Ps you don’t have to if you don’t want you you can just ignore this ask lol
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Percy is the best brother anyone could ask for but Christ was he extremely overprotective of you; More so if you were to ever get hurt, accident or otherwise.
And if he were to ever found whoever hurt you well…Percy is all about getting his own back…tenfold.
For no one would be smart enough think that they could ever get away with hurting his family, not while he was still breathing.
At the end of the day Percy was your brother and if you were to be developing your first crush on someone, he’s going to have a few choice words…
‘Why did I have to hear that you were found down by the lake with Luke Castellan of all people from the Aphrodite cabin. It’s all they could seem to talk about.’ Percy said as he walked into your shared cabin.
‘Why were you at the Aphrodite cabin in the first place?’ You asked from your bed, brows raised.
‘Why were you at the lake with Luke of all people?‘ Percy replied. You groaned, already done with the conversation before it even began. ‘Why do you care for who I develop feelings for anyway? I wasn’t like this when you started realising you had feelings for Annabeth.’
‘I just wanted to know when did my sibling started developing such a rubbish taste in crushes.’ Percy shrugged, dodging the pillow you threw at him for that comment with ease. ‘Luke isn’t rubbish!’ You mocked, making sure to use quotation makes on the word rubbish. ‘He’s sweet, he’s charming, he’s cute- I mean have you seen his dimples?!’ You listed off.
‘Please,’ Percy drawled, unamused before adding. ‘he’s a guy! They’ll use their best attributes to lure you in before showing you their true colours the moment they know they’ve got you hooked into their trap.’ He then plops himself beside you on your bed to look at you sincerely. ‘I just don’t want you getting hurt.’
You smiled softly at that. While Percy maybe a twat sometimes and the way he looks out for your best interest can often times be annoying but he’s your annoying, sassy, overprotective brother and you couldn’t be prouder to call him as such. ‘You never want me getting hurt anyway,’ you began. ‘but there will come a time where you won’t be there to prevent me from being hurt and that’s okay.’ You watched as Percy gone silent and his face becomes clouded with distraught and unease before reaching over and placed a hand over his shoulder in reassurance.
‘I still don’t like the idea of you getting hurt and I’m not there for you.’ Percy murmured as he looked over at you. ‘It’s my job as your big brother to protect you, if I don’t then what does that make me other than a failure.’ Your heart broke for him, truly it did because you knew that if you were ever in trouble, Percy always came running with riptide and a look that could kill. He had done so on multiple occasions and even had the scars to prove it that whenever you look at them you can’t help but be reminded of how much and how willing he was to sacrifice for you, it was downright frightening at times.
However there were times where he was too late to prevent you from getting scars of your own, scars that you would rub subconsciously when a particular memory resurfaced, causing them to burn almost with the pain you experienced during that moment…
‘You’re not a failure Percy.’ You began. ‘You’re my brother, the one person I look up to the most, my inspiration of the kind of person I hope to be one day. You took me in instantly after I was claimed and whsilt you maybe a dick at times but there’s no one else I’d proudly call my brother.’ You finished before ruffling his hair. ‘Now stop looking so sad, fish breath. It’s weird not hearing you talk about how you’re going to drown Luke if he were to get within radius of me.’
Percy playfully shoved you, smirking. ‘People don’t plan their murders aloud, shrimpy but I will fucking drown him if he pulls something I don’t like. Nobody gets to mess with my sibling but me.’
‘Oh joy.’ You said sarcastically but the smile on your face told otherwise.
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adventuringblind · 9 months
Drive with you Forever
Chapter Twelve: New Beginnings
Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc x Lando Norris x Reader x Oscar Piastri (I added a fifth because why the hell not)
Chapter summary: reader is clueless, Oscar recounts his time with alpine, Daniel is still a menace, someone is kidnapped… again
Warnings: talks of abuse, toxic workplace, blood, gore, kidnapping, drugging, sexual innuendo, no actual depiction of smut but it’s talked about and alluded to what their doing, dom/sub themes for a second, passing out, panic attacks, alcohol consumption
Notes: this is a long chapter and I did not intend for it to get as dark as it did but like… I swear it just happens. Also I apologize to the Alpine fans I needed them to be the bad guy.
Previous <-
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Life is filled with highs and lows. Vast new experiences to explore with those you love.
Something she never thought was an option for Seb came and rescued her when she was fifteen. Now it’s something she experiences almost daily.
Her phone buzzes in her pocket. Their group chat had been going nonstop for the last hour. Everyone stuck waiting for interviews and other media duties.
Except for her. She was lucky enough to be curled of in a chair with a tablet, data rolling across her screen.
Lan: *image*
Lan: I made Oscar blush again
Maxy: you’re going to kill him if you keep going like this
Charlie: what did you do this time?
Lan: this time was an accident! All I did was bring up y/n!
Y/N: me? Why would I make him blush.
Charlie: sometimes I know I’m oblivious, but this is ridiculous
Lan: the poor kid is crushing HARD
Y/N: he’s so sweet
Y/N: he brought me water while we were in Miami with a cute note attached
Y/N: you three should take notes
Maxy: do you need a reminder of why you love us so much?
Y/N: previous statement redacted
Lan: no! Don’t redact! It could’ve been fun!
Charlie: you’re just tired of being the only one who gets in trouble
Lan: am not!
Lando looks at the Australian next to him. “Looks like we’re going to have to try something else.”
“Listen, I appreciate the effort, but have you considered your girlfriend doesn’t like me back?” Oscar grimaces at his own sentence. The concept not new. He’s been around long enough to understand. But it sounds weird coming out of his mouth.
“Well she almost got herself in trouble talking about you. I’d take that as a sign.”
“What about the other two?”
“Listen mate, they know I like you- well y/n does because I tell her more then everyone else. And this whole thing wasn’t simple at the start.”
“What do you mean?”
Lando thinks back on the memories of the interesting dynamic they had at first. “Apparently when two became three, it took ages for Charles to figure things out. He wasn’t sure how to act around Max. So they determined maybe he’d just do more with y/n. An agreement they were all comfortable with. Until the first time they did the devils tango.” Lando wiggles his eyebrows and the Australian flushes again.
“What about you then? Was it easy for you?”
“Absolutely not.” Lando laughs about it now but at the time he was stressed. “I lived with them during Covid. I had fallen head over heals for y/n, but I thought since I wasn’t there yet with the other two that it wouldn’t work.”
“Obviously you were wrong.”
“It took time but I figured it out. Them also. It’s not like this happened overnight.”
Lando looks at the boy next to him. He’d admittedly been crushing on him since the start of the year. His calm demeanor a stark contrast to his own. It was… refreshing, in a way.
Oscar also liked him, which helped, and the female he was currently trying to win over also does. The hard part is she hasn’t figured it out, and the red and blue guard dogs were hesitant to let him get close. Which sucks in its own way because who the hell wouldn’t be crushing on Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc.
The McLaren garage is one of her favorite places to be. They always had the best snacks here. She often found herself sneaking into Lando's room just to raid his stash.
She opens the door to his room and is met with Lando standing above Charles and Max.
"Am I interrupting something?"
"No, I'm attempting to explain my predicament."
She looks between the three. The Monegasque and Dutch just look completely unfazed.
"Is this a hard on type of predicament? Or an Oscar predicament?"
"You knew?" Max and Charles both yell at the same time.
"Did you forget I can see the future? I just wanted to see how long it would take without me."
"Lando, we're glad you found someone, but we hardly know the guy."
It's not that they don't like him, but after everything they've been together, it can be hard to trust new people. Especially when their female partner is straight from a movie.
"Can we invite him over then? For dinner or something?"
Max and Charles relent. The Brit smiling like an idiot when they say yes.
Oscar knocks on the door to the hotel room. Nervous is not how he would describe his feelings. More like petrified.
Lando is the one who greets him. His signature goofy smile on his face. He basically bounds in to the room, excited to welcome Oscar into their home away from home.
The female is nowhere in sight, and Max and Charles are sitting at opposite ends of the small table with their arms crossed.
"Don't let them intimidate they're just a but... protective." Lando seems to shrug them off like no big deal, but Oscar is shaking out of his clothes (figuratively).
"Lan, last time we invited someone in it didn't end well." Reminds Max in a tone that makes Lando almost halt to attention. Which is weird because as far as Oscar knows, the Brit listens to no one.
"That was different."
Charles is shaking his head in disbelief. Whatever happened last time must have been bad. He definitely dosen't want to make them uncomfortable with this. "I can go if this is uncomfortable. I promise I'm not meaning to start drama or anything." Oscar manages to slip the words past his lips, but the unease doesn't go unnoticed.
"It's not that. I'd just rather bit see Lan have a breakdown and y/n unconscious like that again." Explains Max.
Okay, so whatever happened was bad. Oscar now has no idea what to do and had thrown every plan he had out the window.
Thankfully, he's saved by the bell as the fourth part of the quartet comes through the door. "Sorry, I ran into Seb, and he said his coffee pot in his room isn't working, so I offered to go fox it, and -" She abruptly stops her rant and stares at Oscar for a second. "Hello, Oscar." She greets warmly.
The takeout boxes she'd been holding now neatly set along the table. Lando now moving to sit at the table and gesturing for Oscar to sit with them. He does so hesitantly. Taking a spot between the female and the Brit.
"Are you going over tonight?"
"If I have time, yes, or I'll just go early in the morning."
"Seb seems more like a tea guy. Are we sure that he's not been possessed?"
"As his child, I can assure you he drinks coffee more then you might think."
Oscar listens to how the conversa flows so easily between them. He feels awkward and out of place. They fit so well together. Even if they let him in, how's he going to fit? What if he ruins it?
It takes him a minute to realize they are all looking at him. Lando is attempting to get his attention. "Hello? Earth to Oscar?"
"Sorry, I zoned out for a minute."
"Oh, I just asked how you're feeling with McLaren after the whole alpine mess. We don't have to talk about it, though." The female smiles warmly at him again. Maybe she pulled them all in with that smile because he's certainly struggling to not let it consume his thoughts.
"No, it's fine. Like I said, my head just spaced. I definitely like McLaren better if I'm being honest."
"Bet it's because of your amazing teamate." Lando send him a suggestive wink.
"Well, yes, but Alpine did some things I'm not proud of sharing...." He trails. His mind whirled about what he's saying. He can't just dump his trauma on them!
"What do you mean by that?" Probes Charles. It's not mean or prying. It's gentle and caring. There's a concern in his eyes that he's not seen someone have when he brings up the Alpine situation.
"Being a third driver sucks and it feels mostly like assistant work at times." He sucks in a breath through his teeth. Lando had moved his hand over the top of his, and he couldn't help but feel thankful for the contact. "I was definitely used and overworked before the contract stuff, but it got so much worse after."
The female is looking tentatively between her counterparts. Like asking permission for something.
"It's up to you if you tell him, but please don't scare the poor kid like we did Lando." Chuckles, Max. It's almost unerving to hear such things
"Oscar-" starts the girl as she fumbles around for her words. "There are things I can do, aren't you exactly... normal." She looks around the table for support, and the three boys nod her on with encouragement. She gently grabs Oscar's hand and sets it on the table face up. "If you'll allow me, I can see those memories without you having to talk about them."
He's skeptical, to say the least, but the way the other three are looking at her makes him think she's not lying. "Sure." He shrugs. The curious side of him winning out.
She sets her palm against his. Her skin is so hot it almost burns him. He can feel the back of his brain tickling, and then he loses focus of the present moment.
He's at the Alpine Headquarters. But he's watching himself stride into the room instead if doing it. He's watching his own memories.
"Kinda cool isn't it?"
"Wha?- how?-"
"I can explain more later, but for now, you're in control of what we see."
"This is a week after I signed." He almost wants to run away as he sees himself aproach his team principle and other various staff.
He listens as he gets berated and made to feel selfish. Threats of him always being in debt to the team make him shiver.
Then, the scene changes. The colors and scenery morphs before his eyes. He knows exactly what this is.
The woman beside him offers him her hand, which he gratefully takes.
"We can stop at any point." She reminds him gently. But this is easier. Showing her instead of talking makes it so she can see without him having to listen to his voice crack every thirty seconds.
It's cold outside, the November air hitting his face. His superiors are yelling at him again, just outside the paddock entrance.
He remembers the feeling of holding back tears well. The lump in his throat, trying to break free as he fights it back.
The hand that comes down on his cheek still surprises him. Even at twenty-one it hurt when he felt like it shouldn't. This had been the routine for awhile now. They blame him for the teams mishaps since he created so much drama.
He was so fed up at this point that he just let it continue like it had been since he confirmed that he signed with McLaren.
He was nothing more than a toll before, and he was still one now. He hated every minute of it.
Then nothing.
He's pulled abruptly from the scene like he's awaking from a dream. He wakes up with an oddly comforting sensation running through his body. His hand still entwined with the females.
But she's not awake, and his brain still feels like it's prickling.
He disconnects himself from her, alerting the other three boys that he's once again conscious.
"How'd it go?" Asks Lando, his eyebrows quirked with curiosity.
"If therapy was like that, I think the world would be a better place. Like... I feel oddly warm, and my body feels amazing. Not like- in a weird way."
Charles halts all movement. "You mean you feel good? Like someone took all the ailments your body might have had and made them go away?"
"Uh yeah- exactly that. How do you know?" Then Charles is bolting to get Max, who had just walked into a different part of the room.
Lando hands Oscar a tissue. "For your nose." he hadn't even realized the his nose was bleeding.
Then Lando gently moves back the girl's body. Carefully making her head sit upright. "Oh god." Oscar breathes as he catches a glimpse of her.
"Don't worry, she'll be alright. This is a newer thing to her so she's still testing the limits."
"You mean this has happened before?!" Oscar won't deny the panic rising in his chest. The girls eyes are stuck in the back of her head, bloody tears roll down her cheeks. The same crimson color pooling out of her ears and nose. Her forehead is slick with sweat dampening her hair.
Did he kill her?
"Yeah, in the past more. It's better now because she can find the limits. But again, this is new."
Max and Charles return with rags. Then they move her to their bed and get to work cleaning her up. Lando moves to her side and starts speaking to her, and after about ten minutes, Oscar feels the prickly sensation in his head vanish.
Was she stuck in his head?
Her eyes roll back and close completely. Her chest now heaving in a steady pattern. Oscar releases a breath he didn't know he was holding at the sight.
Charles offers him a reassuring smile. "She must trust you."
"Why me? What makes you say that?"
"Because you're now a part of the 'I know y/n is a superhero club.'" The comment sends the three into a fit of laughter. It makes Oscar able to relax.
Then they just talk while waiting for her to wake up. Staying nervous in case something happened.
They explained everything to him. Her vulnerability with her powers and what they'd been through in Abu Dhabi.
No wonder they're so protective.
As they talked, he realized more about their dynamic. He doesn't have to fit into the puzzle in some specific way. He just needs to be himself and communicate with everyone.
When the girl finally opens her eyes, she looks for him immediately. A warm smile appears on her face when she finds him.
Then he explained what happened with Alpine. The entire reason she'd gone into his head was so he didn't have to talk about it. Yet, the comforting and supportive atmosphere made it easy.
It was late, and they offered to let him stay. He accepted the couch at first before Charles and Lando were just shaking their heads no.
"Listen, they roped us in with the sleep. I swear to you, it seals the deal." Lando winks, and he can't retell if it's suggestive or not.
And he's right. Somehow, wearing a mixture of comfy clothes provided by them and laying peacefully in bed, enjoying each other's presence makes him wake up feeling the best he's ever felt.
"I think I'm sold if you are."
The funny thing about Max's first championship title back in 2021 is that they tried to come out, and people collectively said no. Deeming the moments as a burst of energy from Max and that the four are 'best friends.' Which is ridicoulus considering the fact they've been caught kissing each other on different occasions after that.
Some got it, some didn't understand it, and others decided to slander them for it.
The four blamed the PR teams for doing their job too well. It wasn't bad, it just makes things difficult from time to time.
This is one of those occasions.
They aren't saying anything about Oscar yet. Mainly because people are going to say what they want. Oscar is still a rookie, and he could get slammed if people found out. Claiming it as an attempt to get a better spot in the sport.
So it was back to hiding in the small motor home rooms. Unless it's Max, whose room is actually a decent size. This is why all five have ended up here; an hour before the race and taking a minute to get ready. Unless you're the female who is still actively reading through data.
'Mon amour, you can spend two minutes away from your work." Sighs the Monegasque.
She just shakes her head. Almost looking like she's ignoring him.
Charles turns to Max, and the Dutch nods his head sending him a wink. Lando is practically shaking in his spot next to Oscar, and the Australian has no clue why. He just observes what's happening with an open kind, as he's done with everything the last month.
"Sounds like someone isn't listening." Smirks Charles. The female body halts movement at his words. She hastily scrambles to her knees in front of him and hands him her work tablet.
"'mm sorry." She mumbles.
Oscar gets it now. He'd watched them a few times and had participated in a few scenes. Needless to say it was the best sex he'd ever had and doesn't think he could go back.
But this is different. Normally, she doesn't need to apologize because she does everything right. She looks so disappointed in herself as she stares at the floor. They all knew work had taken its toll on her this week. Sergio is struggling to keep up with Max, which meant she had to help figure out where the problem is. She'd had little sleep trying to figure it out and was still working on it even before the race.
Charles bends down to her level. "It's okay Chéri. We’ve just know how stressed you've been and want you to take a break. So how about this: do you want to spend the next hour helping the four of us get ready?"
The way her eyes light up has all four of them melting. It takes approximately fifteen minutes for everyone's clothes to be discarded in a pile.
Limbs are sprawled everywhere, and everyone is enjoying it. Until a certain male comes to the door.
Daniel had a lack of understanding for boundaries. Which means he just opens door without knocking. Unless it’s locked, which is currently not the case.
“Hey Max, Christ-“
Everyone freezes. Daniel is staring like a deer caught in headlights, Max is yelling at him to get out, Charles is trying to shield the females body from view and Lando has Oscar wrapped protectively in the corner.
It not like they were all completely naked, aside from Charles and the girl now having his shirt pulled over her body, but the fact that Daniel won’t close the door is getting frustrating.
Finally, Daniel turns and walks away. Max determining he will be going through the Australians camera roll later today and have another talk about boundaries.
“Everyone okay?” A chorus of yes’ follow Max’s question.
“Doe he do that often?” Pipes Oscar, his head peaking around the corner.
“You have no idea.”
Lewis Hamilton notices things. He has a keen eye for detail. So despite their best efforts, he knew Oscar had joined in to make the quartet now a quintet.
It’s ridiculous, he thinks, that they can fight it out on the track and still go home to each other at the end of the night.
That’s what led him to this phone call. “I swear to you Seb, she’s collecting them.”
“And I swear if that’s anything less then a compliment I’ll force a Redbull can down your throat.”
“No need to get violent, I just don’t get how they manage. Aren’t you worried?”
“No.” The deadpan in his voice makes Lewis ishiver with the fear of an angry protective Seb. “For some reason I think it was meant to be.”
“And if one of them hurts her?”
“Then there are three others to make sure she knows she’s still loved.”
Oscar had caught on quickly to the less typical rules of the house. Like how Charles is not allowed anywhere near the kitchen and the unspoken shower schedule.
He’d found his place with them and now feels as though they are in step with each other. The white board on the wall by the door is littered with notes and reminders to keep communication flowing.
Tonight, however, is interesting because it’s just him and her. The other three having gone out to a club on their off weekend. The other two opting to stay home and chill.
Oscar grabs out their favorite snacks then climbs back into bed with her. He’d felt strongly for her after she was in his head. Something the other four have felt as well. This invisible rope pulling them to each other. Like she has bonded them by more then something as simple as love.
“Did you pick out something to watch?”
“Yep! I wish the boys would let us watch true crime when they’re home.” She curls herself into Oscar and hits play.
“They are just a little paranoid sometimes.” He kisses the top of her head. Another unspoken rule of the house: physical contact is the best way to communicate. Its something he’s used to already, three sisters who’s have similar love languages can teach you a lot.
“I don’t see why they would be. I can stop any intruder with my mind powers.” She snickers as herself.
The three boys stumble up to their apartment. All of them having to much to drink but are still able to walk- with the support of the wall, of course.
They fall through the door, kick off their shoes and fall into bed. The three so disoriented themselves that they didn’t see the disarray of the apartment on their way in.
Sleep taking over so quickly that they couldn’t see the hastily scribbled note peaking out from under the lamp.
The light from the room sears into Oscars eyes as he tries to wake himself up. His head is pounding and the white walls of the room are not helping.
Where is he?
He sits himself up in the stiff bed. His surroundings are entirely unfamiliar. It’s a cell of some sort. The mirror in the middle of the wall can tell him that much. Most likely somone is watching him from the other side.
But why?
They went to bed last night fine. The three were still at the club while the other two were curled up in bed. There was a knock at the door, loud enough to wake both of them. They assumed is was their, most likely, drunken partners.
Instead she had been greeted by the familiar face of the man who ran away during the Abu Dhabi incident. Her reaction time was much better then his. Oscar opened the door and was of the floor seconds later. A large needle now sticking out of his partners arm.
Yet she didn’t fall.
Most likely it was the same drug used in her before. She’d told Oscar about when her father got to her at a race. How he’d managed to knock her out in a similar way.
She’d protected him from the drug and now she needed to get them both away safely.
The apartment was in shambles when they’d finally sedated him also. The first guy having brought back-up with him. She could have managed one, but six made it difficult and she took a beating.
Not like Oscar got out unscathed either. He could feel where his ribs are most likely cracked and the bruises on his skin hurt when he puts any sort of pressure on them. There’s a few lines of dried blood from cuts and his lip is split from whoever punched him in the face.
He’d managed to scribble out a note while they were focused in her. He knew he wasn’t winning this and the phone is risky since it could take to long. He settled for a note he prayed they would see. Then they came after him.
Where the hell is he and where the hell is she?
She’s not here with him. The panic settling into his bones as he realizes that she’s not here with him.
His head is pulsing. His vision is starting to swim. He can’t even get a word out as sleep takes hold of him again.
Charles wakes up first. He smiles when he sees Lando and Max still snoring, assuming the other two who probably got decent sleep are up and about.
The room is an absolute mess. It looks like they threw their own party.
Nope, definitely not. Neither of them really like parties. Maybe they decided to have their own fun last night. If that’s the case then he’s already making plans for later.
He ventures to the kitchen for water. Something unnerving settling over him as he sees it’s not just their room, but the whole flat. Furniture has been flipped, shelves are knocked over, glass is broken, and the blood spatters in the floor make him want to vomit.
“Max!” He yells. His body paralyzed from the sight. “Max! Lando! Please you need to see this!”
The other two come around the corner disoriented. They have a similar reaction to the monegasque.
Max quickly gets his head straight and begins searching the house for any sign of their younger lovers.
Aside from a hastily scribbled note shoved under the lamp.
Three words and a name: attacked, drugged, help, Oscar.
Max feels his chest ready to explode. How could he have let this happen again? It makes no sense. They were supposed to be safe here. They were supposed to be able to move in and live without fear.
He supposes fate works in cruel ways.
The security footage was less then helpful. The authorities invaded everyone’s personal space. Seb is in a plane to Monaco but wouldn’t be here til later. And ti top it all off, the front security person lay lifeless in the security office.
It couldn’t get any worse and Lando is forced to watch it all. Watching his lovers, one of them also his teammate, get dragged down the fire escape stairs that run through the building was not in his bucket list.
So he sits and he stares and he breaths. His mind trying to explain the situation to him over and over agin.
The authorities had been taking them in for questioning. He’d gotten done first. The officer said he should get some water. He obviously looks distressed.
Maybe he deserves to feel like he can’t breath. Maybe that’s how they felt when they realized what was happening.
A figure slumps themselves down next to him.
“Is this our fault?” He mumbles out.
Max pulls Land into him. “My mind wants to think so, but I know it’s not.”
“How do you know?” Lando looks up at Max. The Dutch is staring off into the distance, pondering how to put it into words.
“Even if we were here and sober when it happened, they would have gotten us too. Her visions only provide so much information at given times and even though we’re fit and can surely hit hard, they are combat trained.”
“So you’re saying we wouldn’t have made a difference.” Lando’s voice cracks at the suggestion.
“No, not at all what I’m saying. We would have had a better chance but things have played out this way. Now we have to get them back because we’re the only ones who can.” Max explains. His hands find Lando’s hair and comfortingly plays with his curls. “We’ll find them Lan, I promise.”
Both if them sit in silence for a few moments before they are interrupted by angry strings of French.
“I’ve lost my language! Nobody understands my French, my English, my Italian!” Shouts the frustrated monegasque. A less then happy officer just shakes their head in defeat.
“What do you reckon he’s on about?”
“Probably how everyone has been asking that same question.”
Oscar is pulled from his restless slumber by a new figure. A familiar face.
He knows this is probably a dream. He only has so much time to bask in her warmth before he wakes up for real.
“Oscar please wake up. We need to go.” There’s a frantic urgency in her voice. She shaking his shoulders.
“Are you real?” Whatever they’d been dosing him with to keep him sedated after he tried to break the mirror had caused him to hallucinate a few times. They’d wake him up at set times to eat and use the bathroom, then would put him back to sleep. His arms now have small circular outlines from the constant jab on needles.
She cuts his face with her hands. “I’m real and can get us out but we don’t have much time.”
Oscar shoots himself out of bed. A discarded needle on the floor and the sore spot on his arm tells him she figured out how to wake him up from his unwanted slumber.
He takes a minute to asses her. She’s in new clothes. Well- not new, just different. A pair of basketball shirts and a t-shirt four sizes to big with holes taking up more then the fabric.
She bleeding in multiple places and it looks like she’s struggling to breathe. There is so much to process about everything wrong with the picture. She looks absolutely wrecked. But then again, maybe he doesn’t look that much better.
His ribs don’t hurt as he stands. Actually, he feels shockingly good and- “please tell me you didn’t heal me.”
She sets her eyes in the floor and takes his hand in hers.
He’s got shoes on and she doesn’t, he notes.
It feels oddly empty and he wonders where they are. It looks like some sort of old bunker. It’s dark and musty as he sets foot outside the door.
She puts him along with her. The girls head scanning everything for potential threats. He’d never seen her so focused.
There’s heavy footsteps echoing through the corridors. Shouts can be heard from down the hall. The girl leading him is getting more unstable by the second. He can see her body swaying.
He notices the blood spatters on the walls but doesn’t say anything about it. He just lets her guide him out, his head still foggy from everything.
Her steps get slower and his body reacts quicker then hers. She doesn’t touch the floor as Oscar scoops her into his arms.
He knows they can’t stay here. It’s absolutely freezing, both of them are shivering. He treks with her a while longer. Relief hits him as he finds a secluded corner.
He just needs to rest a minute. Why’s it so cold in here? He knows his body is exhausted. It’s not going to let him continue. It’s not like a race where he can keep the adrenaline flowing.
He holds the girl close to him. Her lips are trembling and blue.
Just a minute, he tells himself, then he’ll will them both out of here.
Search party’s became their best bet.
They’d ruled out them leaving the country. Monaco is a small place so it would be hard for someone to slip away unnoticed. Last time she was taken, someone caught them with her but didn’t know she was being kidnapped. They came forward with their information.
Similarly, someone said they recognized Oscar in the back of a car asleep.
Sebastian has been searching for them day and night. Hanna and the kids have moved themselves to Monaco for the time being.
Two weeks.
The other three had to reluctantly go back to racing. It was only after lengthy discussion with their teams that they did. Lando was suffering from missing a teammate and now lover.
Oscars family had also been involved. They didn’t understand what was happening. So many questions that Seb wanted to answer but couldn’t for his own daughters safety.
He knew they would be okay. If only he could find them.
His phone buzzed in his pocket. It’s close to midnight and the caller ID is unknown. He answered expecting the worst but hoping for the best.
“Dad.” It didn’t matter how static and broken the word was, he knew it was her.
“Y/N? Where are you love?” He wanted to ask if she was okay but that had to come later. After he finds her.
A static group of numbers is mumbled through. He grabs an writing utensil and scratches it down in the nearest surface. Disregard for their hotel the furthest thing from his mind.
Her heavy breathing fill his ears. “I’m gonna come get you, okay?”
She’s panting and he can hear her moving. Voices in the background speaking English. He can hear every second of her screams getting quieter as they drag her away from him.
Lando nearly dropped his phone.
He’d done a race without Oscar and it was the worst thing he’d ever done in his career.
He’d lost lovers for a second time in the span of two years.
Now Seb is saying he knows where they are.
It’s only Thursday meaning they can fly back. There is still time. But he needed to get to Charles and Max who reluctantly are in a press conference. Where most likely answering questions about the missing female and Australian.
Lando runs. He’s never run so fast but his legs a caring him at top speeds.
He bursts through the door. Everyone stares at him and he freezes for a moment before he remembers why he’s here.
“They found them.”
Charles had never been so cold in his life. These tunnels they’re meandering around in seem neverending.
The area had hopefully been cleared of everyone who wanted to hurt them and now they were able to join the search parties.
Seb and Hanna had gone a different direction then the three boys. Hopefully they would be able to cover more ground this way. Oscars parents would be here when they could. They’d flown back to Australia to take care of some things with his sisters and they would all be flying back together.
Max sent his jet for them so they didn’t have to wait on a flight.
Charles looks between his the Dutch and Brit. They’d had little sleep the last couple of weeks. Angry at the world for what it’s putting them through.
They’d been staying in the same hotel as Seb in case something happened. Their apartment is still trashed and it’s not like it’s safe there anymore anyway.
“Oscar! Y/N!” Lando is losing his voice from all the yelling. Charles could hear the lump in his throat that wanted to be let out so bad.
Charles shines his flashlight around looking for any sort of corridor they may be down. It’s dirty, the floors are wet, and in his head this is the sort of place to be haunted.
He notices a a gap in the wall. If he wasn’t looking so hard he’d have definitely missed it. He peaks his head around and shine his light around. His heart nearly bursting at the sight of two familiar figures.
“I found them!”
Charles steps through the gap and inches closer, praying they aren’t dead.
The echo of the footsteps wakes Oscar, his hands shielding his face from the light.
Charles is careful about approaching. He notices the way the Australian is scrambling to move them farther away. “Stay away!” His voice is weak and scratchy.
Lando and Max slide around the corner.
“Oscar it’s me, it’s Lando.” The Brit wastes no time sliding to his knees in front of them. The disoriented state of Oscar only making him more panicked and he thrashes, doing his best to keep the still unconscious girl behind him.
Lando gently holds his face. Almost forcing the younger to look at his face. Oscars breathing evens as he meets Lando’s eyes.
Then he breaks. The cracked wails bouncing of the wall.
Lando looks at Charles and Max. “He’s freezing.” They’re all shrugging off their coats and bundling up the two.
Then their walking out of that place.
The five of them.
Next ->
Tags: @styles-sunflower @purplephantomwolf @boiohboii @reblog-princess-blog @jjsprobablywrong @jayda12 @faithm120601 @eugene-emt-roe @lpab @yaaadii @80sloverry @spongebeck3101 @eviethetheatrefreak @chanshintien @vellicora
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yowyowyaoi · 10 months
Itachi’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Konan
Nobody eats until you come out and eat with us 😤
Thank you! You’re the only one who even noticed 💙
You need to do a better job of hiding that kitten lol  it pushed open your door and walked down the hallway again
Of course! You know where I keep it you don’t even have to ask 😊
I know I’ve spoken to Nagato about them he’ll handle it
You have GOT to come try this new massage chair I got it’s heaven 😌
From Deidara
Come on I was just kidding!!
Please call him off if he bites off my hand again Sasori said he won’t replace it 😔
Sharingan is not art it’s dirty cheating 
The counter is covered with plates of eggs, did you do that weird sleepwalking thing again?!
Me and Hidan and maybe Tobi. Come on take the stick out of your ass and just come with us!
I’ll paint them if you braid my hair first.
Why do you always blame me?? Hidan probably took it!
Omfg I SWEAR I meant that for Sasori!! 😳 Please please don’t show Kisame he’ll kill me 😫
From Zetsu
He’s just so emotional is that an Uchiha trait?
I can literally smell your exhaustion you need to go and rest
Yeah very cute. Be a shame if someone ate it 👀
He was doing fine. Got a lot taller. Looks a lot like you in the face.
No I’m glad you made him leave that dude freaked even ME out 😵‍💫
From “Tobi” aka Obito
Can I borrow your face cream? This mask makes my skin itch like crazy!
God stop it man are you TRYING to speed up going blind?!
Would he take your last name or would you take his? 🤔
No. Never. They think I’m a dumbass, remember?
Little more time in the sun would probably help 🤷🏻‍♂️
“Crushes” are for little kids. And anyway he hates me 😔
I thought about that yeah. Reminded me of your mom’s. She always made the best ones.
I’m not sure of anything kid. But we’re in it too far to back out.
Idk you just looked super pale
Ask Sasori to make you more, they’re helping a little 
Idc what Zetsu says. I can do a lotta shit but cannibalism isn’t one of them 🤢
You think I didn’t see you sneak in that pie? Either share or I’m telling Kisame.
From Nagato
Come and join Konan and I for tea. We’ve got a new blend we think you’ll like.
Permission granted. Just be back within three days, I’ll be sending you two on a mission then.
Thank you for the tips. My eyes feel much better now.
Take your time reading it. When you finish I’d love to discuss some of the themes with you.
I know you dislike meat but perhaps a bit more protein might help improve your stamina.
I don’t mind but do not let Kakuzu see it.
From Hidan
Movies with me and blondie?
Yeah but he’s half-animal right? Still counts, pervert.
PLEASE make the splinters in the ass joke PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU😭😭😭
If I didn’t take a piece you would have ate the whole fucking thing yourself and your stomach would burst. You’re welcome 😊
No that was definitely Deidara’s gay ass
Mask boy’s looking for you
Oh right like Kisame wouldn’t beat my ass for that 🙄 Nice try asshole
God damn it’s 3am when the FUCK do you sleep?!
We’re not “plotting” anything just come with ffs 🤦‍♂️
It was an accident and I didn’t even look that long don’t tell her she’ll slice me up with that sharp-ass paper 😖
From Kakuzu
You always being on time with your rent is most appreciated.
To be honest I don’t really know. But at this point I’m too far into my feelings for him so this is my life now. 
Getting enough sleep is important. Nagato agrees that a new mattress would be in your best interests. No arguments.
I’ve ripped off his leg and made it clear it won’t be returned until he returns your property to you.
I’ll consult with Sasori and get back to you.
Konan is insisting everyone text you to come down to eat. It’s my turn. Be advised that continued delay will result in one or more of us coming and retrieving you by force.
From Sasori
Please inform me right away if you notice any adverse side effects. I may need to change the medication or adjust the dosage.
Oh, thank you for reminding me. I wouldn’t want a repeat of last year. What sort of gift do you think I should give him?
You’re more than welcome to anytime. You know I don’t sleep.
Finding the correct body is the most difficult part. All that follows is merely routine.
He can be very sensitive. I’m still learning to decipher and appropriately react to his emotions.
May I borrow that book when you’ve finished it?
Heh. That’s actually very funny.
Try not to overdo it. Your chakra levels still haven’t recovered from the last time.
You may want to hurry back. Zetsu has been circling outside your door like an animal and trying to sniff under it. That lock may not hold.
From Kisame
You remembered your meds today right?
Did you eat?
Yeah? I bet I could work out that tension 😏
Cake is not acceptable for every meal, Itachi.
I got a new blanket, very soft. Come test it out with me 💙
I’ll talk to him about it don’t worry.
For God’s sake just TAKE A NAP!
Have fun but watch your back, I don’t trust those two.
Pretty warm out tonight. Midnight swim later? 😏
You left your necklace on my dresser
Leave it there. You’ve already got one illicit pet you don’t need a second.
I’m cooking, you’re eating. No objections.
My hands are craving being in your hair 😔
I did not eat him. Zetsu is a liar.
You got any more pics like that? Please? 👀
I 💙 you too
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
๑ keep safe : see you later, vivi! (20)
Tumblr media
one piece x male reader
if he's a serial killer,
then what's the worst thing that can happen to a girl,
who's already hurt?
i’m already hurt.
if he’s as bad as they say,
then i guess i’m cursed.
looking into his eyes, i think he’s already hurt.
he’s already hurt. ​​​
『 prev 』
[name] was flying. that was the last thing he remembered, as well as the bright sky above his head. but when he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a dark ceiling.
then he began hearing the snores around him.
he blinked slowly, wondering where he was. but when he looked to the corner of his eyes and saw luffy’s tuft of black hair, he didn’t think twice in closing his eyes and going back to sleep.
he smiled to himself, reminding himself to apologize to vivi when he woke up. after all, he didn’t get to kill the warlord like he had promised her. instead he left that to luffy.
vivi had herself sitting in between [name] and luffy the whole time they were sleeping. the others had gotten up the next day. and after the treatment chopper and vivi had done for them, they were feeling much better.
it took [name] two days to wake up with enough energy. the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was chopper.
“ah, what a cute mascot we have!” [name] smiled, sleep still in his system.
at the sound of his voice, chopper whipped his head around to look at him and jumped on him immediately.
“[name]!!! you’re awake!” the doctor cried, suffocating [name] with his plush body completely covering [name]’s face. “i was so worried!!” just as [name] was going to comfort the worried chopper, the doctor’s personality did a complete switch. and instead of being worried, he was angry at [name], “there was a bullet lodged right in your stomach, asshole, why didn’t you say anything! you were running around with an open wound, you could've died of blood loss!
“not to mention — if pell hadn't caught you do you realize you'd be dead?! falling from such a height!! not to mention that you weren't completely immune to the explosion either! you're lucky you have no scorch marks!!”
“what's another scar on my body, anyway?” [name] pouted, crossing his arms and looking down at his bandages in interest, “oops, i think i opened the stitches by accident…” the blood was beginning to leak to the surface which made him hum in confirmation, “yep, i surely did!”
“the scars aren't the point! and bastard!!! i’ll kill you for re-opening your wounds!” chopper said, charging at [name] with more wraps of white bandages, “just stay still and listen to doctor's orders!”
“ah, tony-kun, i think we should ease up on the yelling…[name], might not be completely-”
“vivi!!” [name] shouted, outstretching his hands to grab her wrist. chopper jumped aside, huffing with his entire chest in annoyance at [name] who was ignoring his screams.
the rough pull to her wrist made her stumble forward and into [name]’s bandaged, and bleeding, chest.
“sorry, vivi,” he apologized immediately, holding her tight as his chin rested on top of her head, “i wasn’t able to take care of crocodile like i promised. do you think any lowly of me because of that?”
there was silence and soon the only sound in the room was vivi’s whimpers and cries. [name] said nothing and kept smiling at the girl in his arms, squeezing her tight to comfort her.
“[name], thank you,” she cried, lifting her head to show her teary eyes and trembling expression, “if it weren’t for you, pell and this entire country would have been done for!! thank you so much!!”
[name] laughed at her gratitude, the sound of his laughter only sending her into a deeper crying state. chopper sighed, shaking his head at [name]’s manners before leaving the room to grab vivi a glass of water.
“so pell is alright?” [name] asked, scooting backwards on the bed so he could rest his back against the frame. it also made more space for vivi to sit. but instead, she stood up and took ahold of one of the bandage wrappings chopper left behind.
“he’s alright, he’s quite angry with you though, last i checked,” she chuckled, flinching when she felt [name]’s hands wipe the tears away from her cheek.
“and you’re okay?” he asked her gently, holding her face in his palm, “there anything else i need to do to make sure your job as princess is easier?”
vivi shook her head.
the strawhat crew were never going to be forgotten, she’d assure that.
he chuckled at her actions, lightly tapping her cheek with his palm before letting his arm fall.
”i never met any princess before, vivi, but no matter who i meet i doubt they’ll be a better person than you,” he complimented sincerely, resting his hand on top of hers, “your courage is honorable. you’ve saved this country just as much as luffy has,”
she bit her lip, scolding herself for wanting to cry again. [name] noticed it too, laughing to himself, “but you sure are a professional at worrying! c’mon, princess, the people can’t have a leader as emotionally driven as you!!” he teased, obviously joking.
she rolled her eyes, unwrapping the sullied bandages off of his chest. she frowned seeing the scar from where he was shot. it was on his lower abdomen and currently seeping with blood. she disinfected the area quickly, [name] not even flinching at the alcohol being put to his wound, and then wrapped it once more. the entire time she worked she tried to ignore [name]’s e/c eyes watching her.
then she lifted her hand to flick him on the forehead. seeing as she couldn't "harm" any other part of his body without the risk of worsening his injuries.
his injuries…it seemed that it was the only thing she could see. she didn't lift her head once to look into his eyes.
when he noticed a pained look on her face, he moved his fingers to be underneath her chin and made her look at him.
“what’s wrong, vivi?”
she shook her head, lip quivering as she denied to speak her thoughts. [name] didn’t push for answers, instead holding her once more and rubbing up and down her back to comfort her.
“i just think…you’d make a great knight, [name],” she broke the silence, burying her head into his chest. [name] didn’t reply, only looking down at her in confusion. “you've been protecting me since we've met and you've protected this country. despite my attitude to you in the beginning, you've been nothing but kind. thank you so much,”
the two laid there in silence and [name] thought vivi had possibly fallen asleep. but when he moved to lift her up and put her in the bed beside him, so she could be most comfortable, she had stopped him.
”let’s just rest,” she breathed out, falling limp in his arms.
and he wasn’t going to deny her of sleep, so he moved her to be next to him and pulled the blanket over them. he fell back asleep rather easily, his breathing evening out in a matter of minutes.
when chopper came back into the room, he sighed at the two. as a doctor, he was really worried for [name]’s health. but as his friend, he was even more scared. [name]’s condition when pell flew  him to them, they really thought he was done for.
his body was bleeding from almost every crevice and chopper knew blood transfusions were out of the question for [name]. how [name] sufficed such tremendous and dangerous wounds and survived was a mystery. perhaps it had to do with his blood, but genuinely, chopper had no idea. there could be numerous theories he could come up with, but the only real answer would be from [name] himself. 
or...[name] could have a case of recovering freakishly quickly for no apparent reason, something both zoro and luffy both had as well. 
either way, it was something that intrigued and confused chopper at the same time. but if [name] was going to start getting into life threatening situations then it’d be a real cause for concern instead.
he shook his head multiple times, ridding himself of those depressive thoughts and simply climbed up to the foot of the bed. he was planning on just monitoring [name]’s condition, but he soon felt himself getting sleepy too.
then all the bodies laying on the bed were sleeping, luffy resting in the bed next to them.
after another night of recovery, luffy finally woke up. this called for celebration from everyone. a feast was to be had later that night. the moment [name] saw that luffy was up and healthy, he went over to his bedside and immediately smothered him.
luffy grinned, “[name]!! i haven’t seen you in so long,”
“yeah, yeah,” [name] said, nuzzling his face into luffy’s shoulder, “but y’know…i’m angry at you,”
“angry?! why? what’d i do?!” luffy asked with a pout and a whine in his voice.
“you didn’t let me land a single hit on crocodile, you asshole!” [name] shouted before biting into luffy’s rubbery shoulder.
a yowl was released immediately at the action, “hey, hey, hey!!! that hurts, knock it off, bastard!” [name]’s teeth were still digging into the flesh. he pulled his head back, making the skin of luffy’s shoulder stretch. “that hurts a lot! stop it!!”
[name] only grunted in response, not letting his jaw relax.
the rest of the crew watched with deadpan expressions as [name] attached himself onto luffy like a backpack as their captain ran around the room, begging for mercy.
“[name]! quit it!” luffy shouted in frustration, grabbing and slapping [name]’s face in annoyance, “it’s not my fault you couldn’t take care of him yourself! bleh!!” luffy’s tongue stuck out in a taunting manner at [name], which the man didn’t appreciate at all.
“i’ll kill you luffy!” [name] rung his hands around luffy’s neck, shaking him back and forth as he cut off the rubber man’s air supply.
”both of you, enough!!” chopper said, turning into his large form and wrangling [name] off of luffy, holding the two apart as if they were two cats fighting and clawing at each other. the two still tried attacking each other, kicking and punching the air, with sharp teeth barred at each other.
the rest of the crew only sweat dropped at their behavior, internally sighing in relief to see that neither of them had changed after their life-threatening injuries.
the room stayed as chaotic as it could be with an energetic luffy and [name] practically bouncing off of the walls. and it stayed like that until they were called down for their celebration feast.
the crew looked at each other in fear the moment they stepped into the room, hearing the hungry stomachs of luffy and [name] bubbling in anticipation. after seconds of sitting down, the food was presented to them.
[name] and luffy were the main ones who were eating as if their lives depended on it. the captain would use his devil fruit to his advantage, continuously stretching and stealing food off of other people’s plates then shoving it into his mouth before they’d be able to fight back.
[name] on the other hand was consuming things the moment they were set down on the table, not giving the others a single chance to take a piece. sometimes he’d haphazardly throw meat onto one of their plates, but that’d be because he’d take the rest of the food off of the dish and swallow it whole.
“we’ve got a lot, so-” vivi was cut off when [name] shoved noodles into her mouth and grinned as he ate from the same dish.
“ish sho good, ife neba hat noodwes like fis!!” he said, as if anybody could understand what he was saying. he swallowed his noodles, eyes glowing with stars, “wait! wait! wait! let me try your alabasta coffee! it’s gotta be good, huh?! get me coffee, please!” he shouted at no one in particular.
after a couple of minutes of waiting, a freshly brewed cup of hot, black coffee was placed in front of him. he ate a handful more dishes, to give it some time to cool off, before chugging it all down in one go.
tears filled his eyes as he cried for a refill, “it’s all so yummy!”
soon, the entire dining room was filled with laughter. the guards around them couldn’t hold back cackling at their rambunctious behavior and the strawhats themselves were laughing as chopper and usopp both got onto the table and started dancing.
it took a while for them to finish eating, mainly because of luffy and [name], but when they were done eating the most lavish meal of their lives — they were escorted to the bathing house.
[name] had a small towel wrapped around his waist, taking in a deep breath of the relaxing scent that was all around them. then his grin turned devilish as he grabbed ahold of luffy and usopp by their necks.
“hey, hey! no running, we’re gonna crash!” usopp shouted, slapping at [name]’s arm that was practically choking him. luffy didn’t complain though, clapping his hands and cheering as [name] ran.
“let’s go for a swim!!” [name] shouted, throwing the two of them forward and into a deep pool of water that was coming from the grand fountain. when he saw luffy and usopp crash in, he threw off his waist towel and followed soon after. he created a huge splash that soaked almost everyone near them.
“idiot! act more mature!” sanji shouted from the sidelines, his face now drenched with water, “also you guys are disgusting! this is a bath, not a pool!”
“sanji, come on, join us,” [name] said, resting his cheek on his palm. he was propped up against the marble wall that encased the pool of water they were in, a smirk on his lips. “or should i come over there and make you?”
sanji’s eye twitched at the invite, “don’t use that tone with me, shit for brai-”
he couldn’t finish his sentence as [name] was already jumping out of the water and running over to him. sanji’s eye locked in on [name]’s and he visibly cringed as he realized he couldn’t run. and in seconds, he was thrown into the pool of water that usopp and luffy were swimming in.
“zoro!!” [name] shouted, running to his next victim.
“hey, you can’t! i’m washing chopper, so-”
“zoro and chopper!!” [name] corrected, not stopping in his pursuit of collecting the two. he ran over with impeccable speed, throwing the duo in with the rest of the crew. chopper sputtered out water as he reached the surface and zoro simply leaned on his elbows, his hands planted on the bottom of the bath, and spat out a fountain of water from his mouth, a disgruntled look on his face.
[name] grinned, properly joining all of them and grabbing ahold of some of the shampoo and conditioner, “who’s going first?” he invited, showing his lathered hands.
”me! me! me!” luffy shouted, splashing his way over to [name] and sitting in front of him, presenting his hair to be washed.
[name] grinned, leaning down and pressing a chaste kiss on luffy’s cheek before going to wash his hair. luffy giggled at the action, closing his eyes in bliss.
he made sure to massage his scalp, to relax him further. and it worked seeing as luffy completely folded into [name]’s torso in a matter of seconds. after washing out the shampoo and conditioner from luffy’s head, [name] worked on scrubbing his back.
he’d prod and poke at luffy’s flesh every now and then to tickle him, making the captain whine and then laugh.
“alright, you’re all done! who’s next?” [name] invited once more. luffy shot up from his spot in front of [name] and took a position standing behind him. when [name] looked at him in confusion, the ravenette only grinned as he too now had shampoo lathered in his hands.
“i’ll wash your hair, [name]!” luffy proudly declared, making [name] smile in thanks. usopp took a seat in front of [name] and soon a train of washing hair had started. the sniper didn’t hide how vocal he was about the pleasant sensation of [name]’s hands washing his head, making [name] laugh.
“damn, [name]! you’re really good!!” usopp said with a look on his face that screamed pure relaxation, “we gotta take more baths together, i think i’d sleep like a baby every night if i got this treatment on merry,” he drawled on, his eyes shut as if he were about to go to sleep.
[name] worked his hair through usopp’s curls for a little while longer, moving onto conditioning, before announcing that the man was done and clean. usopp shouted his thanks, a pure smile on his face. [name] brought water up to his hair to wash out the product, sighing in delight at the relaxing temperature of the water. 
after luffy and usopp were finished, [name] went over to zoro and roughly took ahold of the short green hair.
“i’m plenty capable of washing myself, no thanks!” zoro rejected, going to move from [name] and to somewhere more secluded, but [name]’s hands firmly planted themselves on his shoulders.
“nope, not taking that as an answer,” [name] grinned, already working his hands through zoro’s short hair, “come on, i’ll give you a massage too,”
zoro groaned, his bottom lip jutting out as his eyes squinted in annoyance. first he was annoyed that [name] insisted on washing him, but now he was annoyed at how good it felt. [name]’s fingers gently washed his hair and massaged his scalp. and then when it finally came to washing down his back, his touch turned firm and completely relaxed his strained muscles.
not to mention, the warm water around them almost made him knock out into a deep sleep right then and there. [name] had his tongue pocking out in concentration, digging his fingers into a particular knot in zoro’s back.
he was humming to himself without realizing it and that’s when zoro really thought he’d fall asleep by accident. the low hum of [name]’s voice, the strong hands massaging his back, and the warm body heat that they were radiating off of each other.
the only reason why he didn’t knock out right then and there was because there was a sudden loud crash coming from behind the two. both him and [name] looked over and saw that half of them were laying down flat on their face. sanji even had a stream of blood coming from his nose.
[name] sighed, putting two and two together, reminding himself to lecture them later for peaking in on the girls. he was too busy scrubbing into zoro’s back that he couldn’t be bothered with it right now.
when the perverts of the bath house finally collected themselves, [name] was sitting in front of zoro and the swordsman was roughly washing him now.
“gentle, zoro, how many times have i told you i’m a sensitive man?!” [name] scolded, slapping zoro’s arm with his towel.
“shut up, i’m not even scrubbing that hard!” zoro shouted in return, but he did let up a very little bit. his eyes scanned over [name]’s muscular back, taking in the sight of [name]’s tattoo. the man in front of him had a very objectively nice figure. his shoulders were wide and his waist was slim. the tattoo on his back only seemed to pronounce these two features. 
zoro coughed at the sight, averting his eyes and quietly telling [name] he was done. [name] sighed in thanks, turning around and leaning on the marble walling of the bath. the two were now facing each other, [name] with a pleasant smile on his lips whilst zoro did anything but look at the said grinning man.
“thank you,” were the king’s words to break the silence. everyone looked at him, eyes widening just a tad when they saw him begin bowing his head down at them, “thank you for saving this country,”
“hey, hey, is it okay…for a king to do such a thing…?” zoro asked slowly, looking at the king who was still bowing down to them.
“this is a serious incident, king cobra! a king should never bow their head to anybody,” igaram said, the blonde looking worried at the king’s actions.
“igaram, authority is something you wear over your clothes. but we’re in the bath, there isn’t such a thing as a naked king,” [name] chuckled at the metaphor, looking at the king in interest. “i’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart, as a father and as a resident of this land. thank you very much, i really appreciate it.”
luffy laughed his trademark laugh, eyes turning into crescent moons as his pearly whites were on display. the rest of the bath was turned peaceful, a drastic difference from when they first entered.
[name] was mellowed out, having a towel rest on top of his eyes and forehead to cool himself off. he almost fell asleep if it weren't for luffy bouncing over and jumping onto his chest.
“let’s go, [name]! we've been in here for too long! we gotta get dressed snd go now!” he said cheerfully, hugging himself deep into [name]’s torso. [name], used to the man’s close contact, nodded his head in understanding and stood the both of them up.
he had his hands resting underneath luffy’s thighs, carrying him as if he were a baby. the captain at least had some decency to put a towel on over his waist. shamelessly, though, he grinning like a kid who just won candy.  it was obvious luffy had no problem latching onto [name]’s figure and using him as a personal transport.
trusting that the grip luffy had around his waist and neck would be enough to keep him upright, [name] removed his hands from luffy's thighs to tie his own towel around his waist. they met up with the others in the changing room. [name] put on a black set of robes that were set out for them.
luffy got dressed in his own attire as well, but jumped right back onto [name]’s back once they were both wearing clothing. they returned back to the grand room where they were settled down for a conversation on when to leave. luffy rested his chin on top of [name]’s head, legs around his torso to prop himself up to that height. 
“we should be ready to leave by tonight,” nami said first, looking around the room for reactions. [name] agreed, for the most part everyone else did too.
“alright, let’s leave after we eat some more delicious food!” luffy said, completely missing the point. [name] slapped his cheek harshly, clicking his tongue in annoyance.
”no, we leave tonight, right now,” usopp shouted.
“yeah, if we have no other reason to be here, it’s best to leave as soon as possible,” zoro chimed in.
[name] carefully watched vivi’s expression, frowning when he saw her lip quivering as if she were about to start crying. just as he was about to say something to her, a royal guard entered the room and was carrying a den-den mushi for them.
“someone named bon-chan wants to speak with you,” he said to the straw hats, hesitance in his voice.
“who the hell is bon-chan?” the crew echoed in confusion, not recalling anybody with a name like that.
“but he insists he’s your friend, so…” the guard continued, holding the transponder snail out to them.
sanji was the one who got up, picking up the receiving end and immediately an irritating voice filled the room, “hello? hi there!”
and then their line of the transponder snail was immediately slammed down to hang up. the ones who had interacted with the caller all cringed in distaste. it only started ringing again the moment the call ended, earning angry glares from sanji and [name].
luffy stretched and took the snail, picking it up and speaking in a defiant tone, “huh, it’s you! what do you want from us?!”
[name] looking at the snail that mimicked the caller’s expression, grimacing as he could imagine the man spinning around in his pretty ballerina costume as he spoke into the den-den mushi.
“oh? that voice! it must be straw hat-chan! you really surprised me, y’know? you’re so strong!” the voice complimented, making [name]’s look of disgust only deepen.
“what do you want from us, mr. 2?” [name] asked in a deathly serious tone, glaring at the snail.
“no! no! don’t call me mr. 2, yeow!” the voice cried out, panic evident in his voice, “if this signal is caught by the navy, we’ll be in trouble!”
“what do you want from us.” [name] repeated, more stern this time to get to the point.
“oh, i took your ship!”
“that’s not funny!!” zoro, nami, and chopper cried out in unison.
“you bastard! this isn’t a joking matter! tell us where you are right now!” usopp said, pointing a finger at the snail in anger. like the other three, his teeth were barred and sharp as well.
“on your ship!”
“don’t fuck around right now, bon-chan,” [name] spoke in a taunting tone, “we both know what i’ll do to you if you lay a hand on merry!”
“no, no! it’s not like that, geez!” bon clay cried out, “we’re friends, right? i’m waiting for you guys at the upper reaches of the sandora river! but you have to hurry, i don’t know how long i can be here for before the navy finds it!!”
[name] grit his teeth, hanging up the snail and looking at the rest of the crew.
“now, what?”
they all looked conflicted, eyebrows furrowed in thought. they all decided that it’d be better if they left right away, not wanting to leave merry in the care of a past enemy as well as the fact the navy could find it at any second.
the crew began moving, [name] equipping himself with his sword and making sure that the cloth around his wrist was securely tightened.
”everyone…” vivi lowered her head as they all stared at her, waiting for her to continue, “what…should i do?” she softly asked, tone wavering.
a silence passed over all of them before nami spoke up, “listen well, vivi. we’ll give you 12 hours. once we take our ship back at the sandora river, we’ll draw the ship near the eastern harbor just once at exactly noon tomorrow. we probably won’t be able to anchor. if you want to continue traveling with us, that moment is the only chance to come aboard. if that happens, we’ll welcome you…though you’ll become a pirate!”
vivi blinked several times at the invitation, nodding her head in understanding.
“since you’re the princess of a country, this is the best we can do to invite you,” sanji sighed, looking somewhat troubled in having to leave behind vivi.
“come, vivi! definitely come! let’s go right now!”
[name] smacked his hand on luffy’s head, apologetically smiling at vivi. usopp began dragging luffy away and [name] was left to be the last one to scale out of the window.
he walked over to vivi, grinning down at her as he ruffled her blue locks, “this isn’t goodbye, even if you don’t end up coming. i’ll make sure to see you in the future, vivi! all of us!”
she nodded her head, pushing herself forward and crashing into [name]’s chest. the grip she had on his waist was tight, as if she didn’t want to let go. but after a gentle tap on her shoulders from [name], she released him from her hug.
“this was from pell,” she breathed out, handing him a crumpled up letter with his name neatly written on the front. he grinned, recognizing the lettering — thinking back to his impromtu lesson he received from the princess herself on the going merry. it seems even the guards got proper education on higher learning, “i assume it’s his thanks all written out. he was really bashful when he handed it to me,”
“then i’ll read it on merry,” [name] grinned, “vivi, you’re an amazing princess — you’ll make an even stronger queen one day!”
and then he was gone, just like that. he jumped form the window, using the rope to touch ground with the rest of his crew. and vivi was standing there, a blush on her cheeks at his sudden compliment.
but like [name] said, she'd trust they'd see each other again. whenever that time was.
the journey to the ship wasn’t super long, but it left them enough time to think. nami looked particularly forlorn, causing worry for the other crewmates. but when they realized she only looked like that because of beri, they all threw their worries out the window.
[name] had to physically stop himself from beating bon clay to a pulp when they reached merry, choosing to silently walk around the ballerina as they carried all their goods onto the ship.
the ship sailed on once everything was brought on board, bon clay still lingering on their deck. he seemed to bat his eyes whenever [name] walked by, but the man he was trying to woo would only shove his face away with his hand and a grimace.
by the time the sun came up on their journey, they were surrounded entirely by the marines.
[name] grit his teeth in annoyance, holding onto the railing as iron bars were lodged into merry’s wood. he concentrated on one of the ships that was targetting them, waving his hand in the air and causing it to capsize with a humongous wave.
“yes! [name]! keep doing that, whatever that is! keep it up!”
“it takes a lot of energy! i won’t be able to do it for all of them!” [name] bit back then beginning to breathe heavily. he noticed that they were beginning to get surrounded by 8 navy ships now.
“well, do as much as you can anyway! we can’t keep taking hits like that!” nami said, worry etched onto her features.
thankfully, usopp was able to land a cannonball into one of the ships. that bought them more time, but they weren’t going to move from their place. this is where they needed to be. vivi was going to meet them there.
thinking of the princess coming to the harbor and not seeing their ship, it made him infuriated. these marines had to ruin everything!
he turned around, waving his hand once more and causing two more of the ships to crash down.
bon clay began to beg for them to leave, but all of them refused. once luffy mentioned they were waiting for their friend, it seemed to woo the man in acting as a decoy for them.
and as bon clay got the formation to break apart, the strawhats were able to successfully move deeper into the harbor and closer to shore. and the only thing they could do was wait.
vivi’s voice began to ring in the air, making [name]’s face brighten up. he ran to the railing, to search for her at the shore. but gradually, the smile on his face began falling as he saw that she was nowhere to be seen.
she was giving a speech, but not for them. she wasn’t at the shore, which means her choice was obvious.
it did sting a little bit, [name] giving a bitter sweet smile to the country. he wished vivi could have joined them. she felt too close as a crewmate to be anything else, too. a selfish part of him wanted her to choose them over her country, but he knew that that was unreasonable.
“let’s go, luffy,” [name] said softly, patting the strawhat of his captain, “she’s made her choice,”
“no, we have to accept it and sail onward,” [name] said, shaking his head at luffy, who was pouting in sadness.
just as [name] was going to turn his back on the shore, sighing in defeat, he heard her call out, “everyone!!”
he turned around in an instant and grinned ear to ear, waving at her. the others began rejoicing, perhaps too soon. since the next words that left her lips made all of them still, “i came to say goodbye,”
“huh? what did she say?” luffy said, the wide grin on his face turning into a flat line.
“i can’t…go with you! thank you so much for everything! i’d like to go on more adventures, but there’s no ignoring that i love this country! so i can’t go!! i…i…i will remain here! but if we ever meet again some day, will you call me your friend again?!”
[name] chuckled at her crying expression, looking at the rest of the crew with a sad smile.
“you’ll forever be our-”
nami and [name] acted in sync, slapping luffy’s mouth shut and onto the deck with grim expressions.
“you can’t! the navy has noticed vivi! if they see us making contact with her, they’ll assume the worst!”
“she’ll become a criminal!” nami added in, tears glistening in her eyes, “let’s part without saying anything!”
[name] pursed his lips, a grin of mischief on his face. he quickly ran to the back of the ship, a smile on his face that he hoped the princess could see. silently, he turned his back to her. he untied the black cloth around his left wrist and stuck it up in the air.
the straw hats joined him by his side, all showing their marks of friendship with pride. despite the cannons that were being shot at them, the rocking of their ship, and the chaos around them — they all stayed still and showed off the black ‘x’ on their left arm.
“set sail!!!”
BONUS : pell’s letter to [name]
as i am writing this, you are currently in an unconscious state and have been in one since yesterday. it is troubling to think that someone like yourself has been the one protecting princess vivi recently. to think that someone who makes such reckless decision was keeping her safe…it’s most certainly unsettling.
but she’s told me about you — your adventures together and how much you have sacrified for her, plus this instance in which you saved this country and my life, as well as every civilian’s life. i’ve learned from her debt to you, one that she has said she can never repay properly. and i do agree with her.
i could never repay you or properly put into words how thankful i am to you and your captain for keeping princess vivi safe and saving this country from the evil clutches of crocodile. to us, the strawhat pirates will never be forgotten.
the reason why i could not face you in person and instead opted to write you this letter is because of the utter shame i feel in making you be the one to hold the burden of saving the country on your shoulders. if i were more competent, then we would have both been able to save everyone, but instead i proved to still have a ways to go before i can be the perfect guardian for princess vivi and this country.
the princess had told me that my shames and worries were silly, then further reinforced that idea by saying that you were a rather laid back individual who would care for nothing of this sort. but, i can’t push aside my shames at this moment, but i also cannot stay silent in your actions and not show my genuine gratitude.
from one guardian to another, i thank you very humbly in everything you have done — but especially everything you have done for the princess. her smile reaches her eyes now and her shoulders are no longer slouched in stress and in worry of saving her country. but besides that point, i think you alone have saved her as well. saved her from walking down a dark path of loneliness and abandonment.
thank you for not giving up on princess vivi and pushing her forward in returning back home.
take this letter as a means of holding me accountable in the future. if we ever cross paths again, which i think the princess would like very much, then please utilize me as a proper guardian this time and trust in my abilities to prove myself to you. you have done me a great fortune i could never think of properly repaying, but allow me to at least try and hold a candle to the bright flame you have ignited when you saved this country.
additionally — i am glad i was at least the one to bring you the joy of flying. hopefully, when we meet in the future, we can go on the same flight together once again.
[  .ᐟ ] alabasta arc ends 🥹gonna miss vivi fr i need the straw hats and vivi to reunite in the manga ughhh like rnnnn + i finally caught up w the manga guys!!! i know everything thats going onnn (i had to reread from wci-present) concerningly enouhh i think it took a week?? definitely more than three days...i think
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taglist (lmk if u want to be tagged ! <3 :
@skullr0se , @strawberrii-tea, @triangulartriangles, @anotherlovefool, @haratatsu , @sinmp, @3v37773, @taru-nami, @disc0dild0s, @boredwithlifeatthispoint, @kaulitzer, @notplutos, @cheetosins
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myosotisa · 1 year
reckless driving - e.m.
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Eddie Munson x Reader
‖ summary: You're Eddie's first relationship and he falls fast. Faster than you are ready for. You tell yourself it'll work out until it almost kills you both.
‖  tags: angst, break up fic, new and unhealthy relationship, no y/n, gender neutral reader, no pronouns used, nicknames are doll and baby. based on reckless driving by Lizzy McAlpine, Ben Kessler. tw: unsafe driving/close call car accident
‖ word count: 2k
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“Eddie, I have to talk to you about something.”
No good conversation has ever started off that way. But it’s really like that for a reason.
You’ve been rehearsing it in your head all day, all week. The ‘I think we should take a break’ talk. The one you know he’s never had and won’t really understand.
Especially not with how things are going right now.
At first, Eddie’s reckless behavior was something you loved about him. He was so unapologetic about everything he did – so steadfast in his beliefs and his decisions. Stubborn, maybe, but he was so sure of himself. At least, he appeared to be from an outside perspective. He was fun and spontaneous and you thought that was what you needed. Plus he also made you feel safe, in a way. He was very ride or die with the people he cared about. Once you were in, you were in, and the idea of that was so thrilling.
As you got closer to him, you noticed more. His imagination had no rival, his brain was constantly on the move. It made sense that he struggled so much in school – the dude could barely sit in one spot for more than a few minutes. There were always things that needed to be done, songs to be written, campaigns to be planned, and everything else that mattered more than his responsibilities. He was a dreamer that lived in the clouds. As a person with a heavy anchor to the earth, it was a marvel to sometimes end up in the sky with him.
Eddie Munson made everything seem lighter. Made everything more fun.
Looking back on it, you always really liked the idea of Eddie Munson. The reality wasn’t quite what you thought it would be.
On your third time hanging out with him, just the two of you, you took your chance. It had been a night of jokes and laughs and smiles that made your cheeks hurt. He looked at you like you hung the moon and the stars in the night sky above your heads and you grabbed his collar and yanked his mouth to yours before you could think about it twice.
He made you feel brave that way.
After an awkward and less than ideal kiss, you pulled away to a shell shocked Eddie. It turned out he had no idea you were crushing on him, thought you both were just hanging out as friends. He never thought someone like you would be interested in him. That, right there, had been his first ever kiss.
With this new information and a sickly sweet smile, you asked him if he wanted to have his second ever kiss. He basically fell on top of you in his excitement.
After that point, you’d describe the rest of your time together as ‘dating.’ Although, that was only 6 weeks ago. Things with Eddie had progressed… Quickly, to say the least.
At first, it was endearing. He was just so excited to have feelings reciprocated with someone that he didn’t quite know what to do with himself. He called you his partner, his love, his future. You’d thought he was making fun, being cute. Really leaning in on that puppy love from a new relationship.
A week and a half into your brand new relationship, he explained how excited he was to navigate holidays with your family, that he had never met (and it was May), and asked if you’d thought about moving in together. He was dead serious. You’d laughed at first, accidentally hurting his feelings, and you rushed to recover without really knowing what to make of it. Of course, you weren’t against the idea of those things in theory, but it was all just happening so fast.
The first time you tried to explain that you weren’t really thinking that far ahead, wanting to think about the time spent with him now, he’d gotten upset. More upset than you anticipated. It felt like you were ruining something that was fun and exciting for him – he was all in and ready to go all the way, no matter how little you actually knew each other, and you felt like you were trying to play catchup in a race you weren’t sure you were ready to run.
You’d comforted him, told him you were just overwhelmed. He’d apologized for overreacting, explaining he was scared to lose you when he had only just gotten to be with you.
That explanation fed you over the next few weeks. This was all so new to him, is what you told yourself. He spent way too much money on a spontaneous gift for you because he wanted to impress you, even though he was barely making enough to cover his expenses. He skipped work to surprise you during lunch because he thought it would be romantic, even though he got in a lot of trouble for it and could’ve lost his job. He would randomly show up at your house unannounced – wanted to occupy all of your time, invited himself along on everything you tried to do without him, and seemed anxious whenever you tried to tell him you were busy or wanted some time alone.
He was just so excited to be with you, you told yourself. He didn’t know that it was hurting you because you couldn’t talk to him about it without upsetting him. No matter how gently you tried to broach the subject, it always became the end of the world to him.
It seemed you couldn’t do anything for yourself lately without upsetting him.
The excuses were enough to keep pushing through until earlier this week.
The trees rushed past on the two lane road south of town where the streetlights were few and far between. The stars were bright and blinking in the humid summer night while the breeze rushing in through the windows cooled your skin and ruffled your hair. Eddie was driving fast and had the music at a deafening volume. It made you feel alive – reckless and daring. Brave.
“You look so fucking pretty, doll.”
When you looked over at him, he was staring straight at you. The wind was whipping his messy waves around his face that was absolutely filled with softness. It made your heart rate kick up in your chest for two reasons. “Thanks, handsome. But you should really look at the road.”
You both laughed and he did, at least for a little while. When you looked back a few minutes later, he was staring at you again. Despite his lead foot on the gas pedal.
Anxiety spiking, you felt the smile on your face falter. “Seriously, Eddie, you should watch the road.”
“But I just wanna look at youuuuu,” he cooed in a way that would’ve been adorable if he hadn’t been pushing 80 mph on a country road.
“Eddie, please.” You tried to laugh it off, using your hand to try to turn his face back to looking forward. “You can look at me all you want when we get there, okay?”
Then he took both hands off the steering wheel to take yours, pressing kisses on each of your knuckles and over your palm. “Eddie,” you tried again, attempting to pull your hand away so he would focus. He took your denial playfully, yanking your hand back and flashing you a smile as his foot pressed down harder on the gas, speedometer inching toward 95. “Eddie, seriously!”
“Hmm?” He hummed, giving you a lovesick smile as he finally let your hand drop. You could feel your breathing kicking up, tears springing to your eyes in fear and panic, which seemed to reach him for the first time that something was wrong.
He realized too late.
“Eddie, LOOK OUT!”
His dirty Reebok hit the brake at the same moment his ringed fingers grabbed the wheel, jerking it to the side to avoid the tree that had fallen into the road. The van went skidding across the tarmac – your hands flying out to brace against the dashboard as the force of the spin pressed you hard against your seatbelt. It made a full 180 before the locked up wheels hit dirt and brought the car to an abrupt stop that threw you in the opposite direction of the spin.
Your head hit the backrest hard. There was a burning feeling along your neck and chest from the seatbelt. The car had come to a stop but it still felt like your brain was spinning, like the world was moving. Some nausea kicked up in your stomach and was amplified by the thoughts that invaded your head.
Thoughts like: We could have just died.
“Baby, are you okay?!” Eddie’s big doe eyes were absolutely filled with panic, rapidly looking back and forth between your tear-filled eyes, the rapid rise and fall of your chest, and the trembling of your hands. “I’m so, so sorry, I don’t know how that happened.”
You knew. You knew exactly how. You’d tried to tell him. Begged him to just look at the fucking road.
He’d begged for your forgiveness, starting to cry himself, and you granted it just to placate him. You just wanted to go home. Just wanted to feel safe again.
When did you stop feeling safe with him?
So now, three days later, you were standing in front of the door to his trailer with a rash-covered bruise along your chest and trembling hands. Rehearsing it again in your head, the ‘we need to talk’ speech that you were terrified to give.
The door ripped open before you were ready to knock.
“Hey doll!” Eddie’s face lit up in a brilliant grin, immediately pulling you into a bone crushing hug on his porch. “I was just thinking about you – are you sure you’re not a mind reader?”
“I, uh… I don’t think so?” You replied with an awkward smile, tentatively hugging him back.
“Could’ve fooled me,” he pulled back with a wink and pressed a kiss to your forehead before dragging you inside with him. “Come on, I can’t wait to tell you about this new idea I had for the campaign with the guys.”
This is going to be harder than I thought.
“I would love to but–”
“No, seriously, you’re gonna love it.” He was all smiles as he led you by the hand over to the couch and flopped down onto it, patting the spot next to him for you to sit. When you didn’t, he kept talking anyway. “So they are on the way to this underground cavern that’s supposed to be a settlement, right?”
“Eddie,” you tried to get his attention, still standing a foot away.
“Well, I was thinking, wouldn’t it really fuck them up if it was an underwater settlement? Like with merpeople? They’d have to backtrack, figure out a way to get the party to breathe underwater–”
“Eddie,” you tried again, and were ignored again.
“They should have the funds to buy a couple trinkets, and the sorcerer of the party should be able to cover a spell of waterbreathing for at least one or two of them–”
With the sharp increase of volume from you, he finally fell silent. Those big, brown eyes were on you again and owlishly wide as he finally realized you were trying to say something to him. Another lovesick smile and a tilt of his head, holding out his hands toward you to try to encourage you closer. “What’s up, baby?”
“Eddie, I have to talk to you about something.”
His face and his hands fell in perfect harmony.
You'd rather die than take your eyes off me I don't love you like that I’m a careful driver And I tell you all the time to keep your eyes on the road But you love me like that You’re a reckless driver And one day it’ll kill us if I don’t let go
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saetoru · 1 year
tee! i want to hear more about shidou rear ending you afterwards! i think it’d be so cute like as literally the first gift he ever buys you, it’s a new car! idk if he’s rich but in my head he’ll make it happen! (maybe another reason why he gets arrested ?!!?? idk!)
REINS. i would be so happy to tell you about this NDJSJD. “shidou ryusei arrested for stealing his crush a new car !!” on the next headline 💀
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it happens when he’s rushing to practice—shidou isn’t exactly known for always being punctual, but practice? practice is something he takes really seriously. sure, he’s been late to past dates and doctor’s appointments and heck, he was late to his own high school graduation. but practice? everyone better get out of the way because he’s driving like he owns these roads today.
but then there’s this car. this one slow car (it’s not really slow, it’s just on the speed limit, but he’s going way too fast) and he just can’t find a way to cut in front because traffic is getting too packed and this damn car won’t move and he needs to get to fucking practice.
and then it happens, and he almost watches it in slow motion, in all honesty. you brake out of nowhere because there’s a squirrel on the road that you just can’t kill, and he’s tailing too close to you because he’s determined to cut around you, and boom. he rears right into you. doesn’t even realize he’s supposed to brake until he hears the crunching sound of his bumper digging into yours and busting your taillights.
and now he’s pissed—he’s about to let you have it too. you’re gonna drive like a geriatric, make him later than he already is, not give him room to swerve around you, and now you’ve managed to ruin his relatively new car? he’s had it with you, climbs out the driver’s seat and is ready to start swinging without even giving you a chance to talk this through—because he already knows how this is gonna go if insurances get involved. he knows the chances of not being held liable for a rear end are slim to none.
but then out comes you. you in all your glory—your soft wobbly lips and your slightly watery eyes, your shaky hands that hold your phone tightly to your chest as you debate what to do, your apologetic little face like it’s your fault he was driving too close and too fast to you on a busy road.
“i-i’m…i’m not sure what happened there—i was…there was a squirrel and…and…” and then you sigh, sniffling as you pout and resign yourself to this sense of pure defeat that he finds equal parts cute and equal parts amusing. “i’m gonna need your insurance info,” you say dully, “this sucks. i already have two accidents on my record.”
he almost feels bad—and if he does, he gives no indication of it because there’s a wide grin as he stares at you with crossed arms. what a sweet thing, he thinks, eyeing you up and down like you’re candy.
“sorry about this, sweetheart,” he says smoothly—because practice be damned and screw all worries of his car. you’re much more interesting—and he’s going to get to know you through this lucky twist of fate if it’s the last thing he does. “how about we forget about insurance, yeah? i’ll just pay the damages.”
“what?” you look shocked. he doesn’t want to battle it out? he doesn’t want to claim that you cut in front of him suddenly and that it’s your fault he hit you? he’s just…willing to pay the damages?
“yeah, as a matter of fact,” he says through a smile that’s a little too excited to be well intentioned, “here’s my number. why don’t you give me yours—you know, to keep in touch so i can send the money.”
“o-oh, right,” you mumble, still unsure what’s really happening—but the handsome stranger in front of you is offering to pay for your damages and not file a claim against you. you’re going to count your blessings where you can.
“make sure you answer me,” he calls as he goes to climb back into his car, “don’t wanna leave me hanging, do you?”
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rose-riot-johnson · 7 months
I watched 13 episodes of JJK and Junpei Yoshino's death fucked up my life.
I need you to write an AU story where he goes to JJT and meets a cute they/them reader and has a happy love story with them!!!!
( Finally some love interest for the Real GOAT of in JJK )
Ofcourse I will write this😃👍I do like plenty of characters from JJK (Jujutsu Kaisen), especially Junpei🪼😁👍Seriously I'm really honored to write about him, especially with how this is requested🪼😃👍
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🪼What Inspired You To Want To Be A Jujutsu Sorcerer🪼((Eventually) Adult) Junpei Yoshino x They/Them Reader)
Genres: A Happy Love Story (Warning⚠️: Mentions of Bullying)
After that night Yuji Itadori saved Junpei Yoshino from Mahito, he decided to his path to become a jujutsu sorcerer, starting as a student at the JJT (Jujutsu High in Tokyo). After all Itadori talked him into attending the JJT. He made some new friends, especially Nobora Kugisaki and Megumi Fushiguro.
It was because of Itadori who made it possible for him to become one of the first years with Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobora Kugisaki. Obviously Junpei has a jellyfish shikigami (aka Moon Dregs), which was why he was glad was glad he was able to enroll in JJT. Thanks to Itadori, it was one of the best decisions of his life.
One day Gojo announced there is a new first year student of the JJT, as he then said, "Don't be shy... You can come in the classroom now..". When you first came in the classroom, Megumi slightly smiled, while Junpei, Itadori, and Nobora were all excited that Gojo will introduce a new student to meet, especially if it's you. Gojo then explained, "My first years... This is (they/them reader name)... Now, you may take your seat, (they/them reader name).".
You went to sit in a desk next to Junpei. In first sight, (even though he found you cute) he knew something about you that gives off good vibes, however senses something might have happened in your past. He still knew something about your soul that is kind.
After class was over Junpei offered to walk you home, which you told him yes. Junpei then said, "By the way... My name's Junpei Yoshino... If there's anything you need and need to talk about, I will do my best to try and be there for you, (they/them reader name)...". "Okay, Junpei...", you replied, as you smiled at him.
While Junpei was walking you home, he asked, "So, (they/them reader name ), if you don't mind me being curious, what was your life like before you came to JJT and what inspired you to want to become a jujutsu sorcerer?". You were surprised anyone has ever asked that, so you answered, "Well, Junpei... When I was in the elementary school that I attending, I accidentally let out my cursed technique, as my the teacher told my parents about it one day, so my parents... Not so much my mom, however more my dad mentioned that I can't use it, even by accident, so I repressed my cursed technique for rest of my elementary school years and part of middle school until the day we ended up needing to move to Tokyo, which my father somehow ended up needing a job in Japan and he somehow got hired to work at JJk, I think he makes lunches, I'm not sure. I assume that since my father is an amazing cook. What inspired me to attend JJT? Well I secretly snuck into the JJK to see what it looks like... Well don't tell anyone I snuck there nor saw this... I remember seeing this man named Yuta and the one he loved named Rika, battle against this Geto guy and eversince their battle, I feel Yuta and Rika are secretly the reason why I started to attend JJT.". Junpei happily replied, "That's pretty cool to hear. I'm glad this Yuta person and Rika gave you inspiration, even if neither of them know, yet."
You then asked, "What about you, Junpei? What got you to want to become a jujutsu sorcerer?". Junpei then answered, "You see, (they/them reader name)... I was frequently bullied for a long time in horrible ways, then when I met this person who killed three of the bullies in the movie theater, all this person did was manipulate me... However eversince I met the other first year, named Itadori, I knew he was my first friend somehow... If it wasn't for him, I would have hurt every innocent person in the school I was attending, even the person I thought who killed my mother... You see... After Itadori showed me the light and encouraged me to attend JJT, this person showed up and he turned out to be a bad person... After I tried attacking thinking one of the other students was the one who killed my mother... After Itadori showed me the light and encouraged me... I saw this bad person, which was the moment I realized he's really the person who killed my mother... He tried to kill me, however Itadori somehow punched him... And that Namami guy showed up not, too long afterwards. The both of them just somehow managed to defeat him and protect me... So, I knew that since these moments happened, I want to attend JJT and become a jujutsu sorcerer someday...". You smiled and replied, "Well, I'm glad you're okay, Junpei... And I'm also happy you had some inspiration to attend there, since you did came to the right place...".
Since, that conversation you had with Junpei that day, the both of you knew you and him are both soulmates who are meant to be. After the both of you graduated JJT, the both of you got your own place and as time went by the both of you started to have a relationship together. So, the both of you sometimes go on dates together.
A few years went by, both you and Junpei decided to get married together. After the both of you got married, life just became really peaceful for the both of you. Now the both of you will be able to grow together for a very, long time.
🪼The End🪼
I hope you enjoyed this Junpei fanfic my Tumblr Peeps🪼😃👍As for you @hitoshisbf , I hope I written this Junpei fanfic as well😃👍I put some ideas, as much as I could think of coming up with pertaining the request, I did have fun working on the fanfic and I hope you had fun reading as well🪼😃👍Hope the fanfic makes your day and/or night🌕☀️🪼😃👍
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strangesickness · 3 months
but you might be wondering! why would eddie choose a job as potentially dangerous as a bodyguard?
consider: i will do anything to make silly AUs. mostly kidding. consider for real this time: what he does in the novel and the miniseries, he drives cars in new york. car accidents kill something like 1.3 million people a year, 1000 or so of those people are new yorkers. you can't tell me bro doesn't know this.
but why being a bodyguard specifically? idk man! he finally got out of his mom's house and was angry enough that he really wanted to stick it to her and when he finished college he decided, "yknow what? fuck this. i get a 'safe' office job and i'll die by 55 from the stress. i might as well do something more interesting." or maybe he was frequenting the gym in college and someone suggested he do it as a weekend job. idk man. point is. bodyguard eddie <3 he probably starts with really basic shit that puts him at subzero risk, he does security for a couple small conventions, he mans the door at a small club on weeknights, etc.
but later he's richie's bodyguard. obviously. because i'm predictable. probably after quite a few years as a bodyguard. maybe when they're in their mid thirties. he thinks the job is kind of stupid. like who even cares about some asshole comedian who's jokes your nephew in eighth grade could, and probably has, come up with. richie doesn't really need a bodyguard, he's not that big a deal, and he's like twice eddie's size so whats even the point, and he thinks this seems kind of egotistic to be honest.
and because i think it's cute when adult reddie meet for the first time and eddie can't stand richie: eddie can't stand richie. he's always late, he doesn't seem to take his job seriously, he isn't very funny, he keeps flirting with eddie... okay maybe he's growing less annoyed by that last one by the day. but like. the list goes on.
eddie is Very Serious and Professional, and richie's like "pls pls pls can we go to five guys after this pls?" and eddie's like. "no. but i guess if we have to go somewhere we can go to panera bread. i guess." (he is not subtle at all about wanting to hang out with richie. he tries to pretend he's just doing his job but like. he caught himself laughing at richie's joke one time and he knew he had lost.)
after a while eddie is thinking that they're actually becoming friends and richie is getting lunch with him because they're friends, but then his paycheck comes in and it's way more than he expected because richie's paying for his time during their stupid outings to wendy's, and eddie's like. ????
richie generally speaking does not have any issues that require a bodyguard, he got a bodyguard because of an incident with an overzealous fan, but that was really a one in a thousand experience. eddie's job mostly consists of trying to look intimidating and getting people out of the way when richie's trying to leave events.
but like. then there is an altercation of some sort, and eddie has to physically remove someone from backstage or something. and richie is never the same. like yeah eddie is hot and cute and fun to be around, but he's like. dealing. and then he sees eddie manhandling someone much taller and heavier than him, and realizes eddie could probably carry him, and it's so over. he is just in a constant state of thinking about eddie literally sweeping him off his feet (and carrying him to bed👀).
also because i live for the drama i think eddie should get to dramatically save richie from an attacker. i don't know who is attacking him but someone is and eddie is swooping in and saving the day and maybe tearful confessions follow idk.
anyways bodyguard!eddie i love you <3
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eshtaresht · 1 year
holy. fuckin'. DAMN. I was pretty good at predicting the plot so far, but this episode proved that stampede is going in a whole new direction for real. spoilers for ep 9!!! (and manga a bit)
first of all, we still haven't got a full story of the great fall, but I think it's something they'll reveal in this season, probably during confrontation with knives. and still no scar reveal!! I'm angy but it's something that could be relevant to the standoff with knives, hope we'll get it
the piano scene... oh we're eating GOOD, it's just so wholesome but goes to confirm my theory that twins weren't completely fine on the ship. vash feeling useless because he can't do cool plant shit, knives envying vash for being good at human shit.... oh it's great
so glad knives is getting proper characterization and not just "he evil because he evil"! the fear, the hurt, the genuine care for vash, but then frustration with him – it's right there and I'm eating it up so yummy
the way they recontextualized vash's arm loss is GORGEOUS! I've seen ppl reading this scene differently, but to me it was an act of care from naï. he looks really scared for a reason: we see that the gate consumed all matter, including the hand. vash couldn't control it, so it would only grow bigger and destroy him. NAÏ REALIZED THIS AND SAVED VASH THE ONLY WAY HE COULD
he didn't want to fight him, this was not an act of anger, like in previous versions. all he cared about in that moment was saving his twin..... and what did he get in return? a gun pointed to his face. a gun he gave vash to kill human scum. oh, the DRAMA
ahem, now to the less intense stuff
homeboy has so much trauma, like, damn... how is he gonna fit any more from his impending epic brother fight...... I'm quite curious on how they're gonna characterize him in the next season. concidering that we're taking off earlier than previous versions, he might end up with the same unhinged vibe 98' vash had, as a coping mechanism (if depression didn't work, try dissociation and silliness). but then it would be even more interesting to see meryl's and wolfwood's reactions: they knew him before the accident and saw the big sad
vash has sense in the prosthetic arm, so it must've hurt when he damaged it... probably it hurts less than the real one, and it's clearly painless to take off. but the hand seems to be rather sensitive and fic writers are gonna go crazy for this
age reveal! also brad and luida being in cryosleep makes sense, I was racking my brain on how they're still alive. seems like they're using much more plant power tho... both for cryo and the vegetation, while in manga they tried to keep it as low as possible and send signals to earth
saw someone say that they're probably not doing that here because the earth is destroyed... could be that they decided to go the hard way. but in the manga the earth was still fucked, and it wasn't clear if they communicated with the ppl left on the planet or the fleet that was in some new place. what I'm saying is, there is a possibility that they are looking for help in stampede, we just don't know it yet
meryl was so cute! go off, comedy relief goofy girl, while you can, there is more trauma coming your way :3 yeah, enjoy roberto calling you by your first name... oh it would be such a shame if he gave you his derringer before his untimely death..........
pretty weird that nobody knows why they fell on no man's land, but ppl probably were too ashamed of their past and 150 years later the new generation is oblivious. also so funny that luida has to explain what vegies are..... they have so many plants but haven't see any plants
tbh I wasn't expecting the zazie twist at all, but I'm excited! they are SO gender in stampede, might be the best redesign in the series, love me a genderless bug creature with bold fashion choices. really cool to see that storyline adapted, it was barely touched upon in the last volumes of trimax
btw the multiple bullets story about a plant, worm and human who went around figuring out if their species could coexist and just.... creating this foud family and then building a town there all were equal...... that's my favorite mb story for sure
wolfwood saying "I'm not your friend"... I know what you are. and we got a "you'll have to decide one day"... oh oh the misery, but the context was lacking. it just doesn't hit the same when he isn't daring vash to shoot him in the most homoerotic way possible. on and he looks so goofy trying to ride with his cross
in the last ep's rant I assumed that luida lied about rem saving everybody for some reason?? but no, she actually saved them, I just got a bit confused
so, as I predicted, the gang separated (tho not because of vash) and by the end of the next episode vash'll be in july and meet naï. the poster, man.... that gorgeous futuristic city is getting obliterated for sure
btw vash's gate being opposite to knives and sort of a black hole is nothing new. but there are new layers to this, like vash willingly giving away energy, but destroying things against his will, and knives with the opposite of this. ying yan twins go brrrr
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
Hey! You might like the game Dead Wishes. The main concept is that all the love interests are yanderes (some debatable, imo, but all interesting). It's about 50/50 male vs. female love interests. I want to say it's about $10 on Steam, and it has a LOT of content.
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Phew, yeah sorry for taking so long to get to this ask, it is a lot longer than I expected. I actually did know about Dead Wishes way back when I first started this blog, but I only really knew briefly about Mateo's route. I honestly thought that the game would be a lot darker than it was (which I mean, don't get me wrong- it CAN be), but it was nice and fun to play. There is about 1-2 male yanderes, and 2-3 female yanderes depending on interpretation. It is well worth the 10 dollars though- there is indeed a LOT of content. It is also pretty r18 despite not having any actual sex scenes or anything as it can get gory or talk about more sensitive topics. You can find more information about this and other games at @violetstudiogames. This is going to be VERY long, so bare with me.
Starting out, I'll give a brief summary of each non-yandere route including some of my brief opinions on it. We will save the yandere (or yanderesque) routes for last since I have more to say on it. The main character's default name is Dante, so we will use that name when discussing relationships. I'll go in order from how me and Cherry played it, skipping the yandere routes until the end. Generally the idea is that the more innocent the character looks, the more terrible their route is and the more problematic they look the more sweet their route is (not always true, but it is to a certain extent)
The game starts out with Dante moving into a new apartment. They are really behind on rent and the landlady is trying to come in and get them to pay her.
Clement's route starts with Dante getting help from the landlady in finding a job. Dante ends up working with Clement at his restaurant. While Clement is generally very angry when people do stupid things in his restaurant (so like Gordan Ramsy), though he is for the most part kind towards Dante because he has an interest in them. Dante and Clement eventually get close to each other. We learn about Dante's past and how they moved away because they accidentally killed their parents in a car accident, and still feel survivor's guilt for it. The two get into a relationship after some cute moments.
Clement's route is very cute all things considered and is the most fluffiest route out of all of them. The route is pretty solid, but I think that Dante's personality in this route was a tad annoying. Not the worse one, but just a bit annoying. If you came into this game not knowing about all of the warnings about how dark it is, Clement's route will very easily fool you into thinking it is a sweet game when it really is not. He's a caring person though and he just wants Dante to be happy. Very sweet.
Festus's route starts with Dante promising to pay the landlady and attempting to steal from a nearby church (and failing). Festus gives them a place to stay in the church and Dante ends up helping out at the church. Dante finds out pretty fast that Anise is sort of corrupting Festus with sexual desires, which is causing his duties as a priest to become worse. Festus persists that it is his own desires that lead him to Anise, but it's also obvious that Anise is enabling them and taking advantage of him. Dante is able to help Festus break of from Anise and continue to lead his life as a priest the way that he wants to.
I actually did like Festus's route. I thought it would be a bit more dark, but it is for the most part rather wholesome the way that Dante tries to help Festus throughout it and that he's not just a sly and promiscuous person, but someone who cares deeply about the community. Dante in this one is probably one of the better main characters (in my opinion) because they are able to help Festus the way that he was able to help them (plus I think that them trying to steal from a broke church is funny). Unfortunately, despite how good the route is, it is relatively forgettable compared to other routes.
Nanako's route starts with Dante going to work for them thanks to the land lady. We are greeted by Nanako and her sister Kazue. Initially Nanako doesn't really have anything for Dante to do, but as Kazue gets clingy towards Dante, Nanako tasks us to take care of Kazue. As Dante takes care of Kazue, we see that her mental state is degrading, becoming very capricious at times. Eventually, Nanako introduce us to her friend Eira, who has been stalking a man named Mateo for her. Mateo seems to have done something to Kazue, which is why her mental state has deteriorated so heavily. Eventually following Mateo leads us to a back alley, where Nanako is able to kill Mateo once and for all.
Nanako's route is where the dark parts of the story become more obvious, with the start of Mateo and his master coming into play. Really Nanako's route feels more like a Kazue route feat Nanako, since it seems mostly platonic but more importantly that she's not really in the route. It's not really a bad route, it's just not really "Nanako's" route, if you know what I mean.
Lucian's route starts with Dante being kicked out of their apartment and them living on the streets. Lucian ends up picking them up and giving them a place to stay at his escort business. They end up working as a receptionist with Lucian flirting every now and then with them. Eventually though, while getting close to Lucian, Dante reads a diary on the side of his bed depicting scenes of being molested, raped, witnessing murder as a child and being abused by his parents. Lucian catches them and is understandably enraged by this, which leads Dante into feeling incredibly distraught. The two are able to make up because of Dante's gift, and Lucian ends up trying to force them even despite their pleas. This leaves Lucian upset that Dante has rejected his advances, which lingers until they make up. Dante is kidnapped by Sergio and his gang to his location, with Sergio trying to warn them about Lucian. Dante refuses to believe him and Lucian comes to rescue him, leading to the two of them shooting him. All seems well afterwards with Lucian being together with Dante.
Lucian in his route is mostly pretty nice to Dante given that you get his good route, but boy does Lucian do pretty bad things in other routes. In his own route, getting a neutral or bad ending will have Lucian turn Dante into an escort against their will, either by manipulating them or telling them that he's spent too much resources on them and makes them work it off in this way. He definitely has one of the worst backstories in the game, but this of course doesn't justify his behavior. He and Sergio were a couple, but Lucian seems to not care or think about Sergio at all, which is especially telling since he sleeps with a lot of other people (and in Ophelia's route, used to "break them in", and even attempts to rape Ophelia as well) and it doesn't even seem like he and Sergio have been broken up for that long. He is written to be the playboy done straight, which definitely is done well since it elicits pretty strong reactions (which for me is disgust, mostly, but I've never liked playboys in the first place). Dante in this version is written to be the doe eye innocent character like a lot of otome girl protagonists, which works on his route since he really needs to have a main character who is that naive for it to be pulled off.
Sergio's route starts with the land lady calling the repo men after Dante refuses to talk to her, leading to Mateo coming in and taking their stuff. Given that Dante pretty much has nothing, Mateo just kidnaps them and brings them to Sergio. Sergio is annoyed, but takes a liking to Dante and gives them a job as a black jack dealer and a place to stay. During this time, Mateo pesters Dante and Sergio tries to flirt with them, leading to Mateo getting beat up by Sergio after letting a customer get away with a ton of money. Mateo ends up trying to get Dante to escape with him, but they refuse. Sergio is pissed that Mateo left suddenly, and gets Dante to stay in his room for the time being. Sergio ends up confessing accidentally (and very cutely) to Dante, who continues to tease him. Eventually getting closer to Sergio, he tells Dante about his history with Lucian, how they were together, but Lucian suddenly broke up with him (due to the fact that he was afraid of his status and him being afraid of them being extremely homophobic to him) and stealing half of his company. This entire time he knows he has to take down Lucian for this, but he is still too shaken up by the break up and still cares for him. With Dante's reassurance, Lucian is able to kidnap Ophelia and Allegra, confining them to the dungeon (which is actually very well furnished with a shower). Dante is tasks to take care of them and gets Sergio to collaborate with Ophelia to get rid of Lucian (since she hates his guts). This leads to an attack on his lounge, but when Sergio and Lucian are seen face to face, Sergio can't shoot him, leading to his right hand lady Eira doing it for him.
Sergio is really cute, but that's no surprise because that's coming from me. Despite his position as mafia boss, he is surprisingly easy to tease and actually pretty kind all things considered. He's in a pretty stressful situation given that Lucian has stolen half of his business and he needs to keep his business afloat. He is also probably the most sensitive of the guys in this game, still attached to Lucian despite all of the horrible things he's done to him/other people. He's trying very hard to keep up the façade, despite the fact that I think he mostly treats everyone pretty well all things considered (Mateo is an exception, but it's kind of understandable given Mateo's personality). Also, canonically is submissive and breedable according to the wikia, which would never lie to me. I think Dante in this route is very bratty, but it works with this route because of Sergio's cute reactions, otherwise, I probably would have been more annoyed at Dante's behavior. He also has one of the worst endings (in my opinion) given that in the bad ending, Sergio misses his shot, causing her and Eira to be shot fatally. Dante is then raped by Lucian in front of Sergio's dying body and eventually sold off as an escort afterwards, thus showing that Lucian is still worst boy and that Sergio has every right to kill him as best boy. That's just my opinion, but man Sergio is adorable, is all I'm saying.
Ophelias route branches off of Lucian's after Dante asks to work with her instead. Initially, Ophelia seems to just be very mean spirited and direct person, spitting on Dante after not understanding how important skincare and fashion is. Initially, Dante doesn't see the big deal of it, but slowly sees just how much work Ophelia does and just how good she is as it, touching up all of the escorts. Ophelia is blunt and mean, sure, but she never lies and is in the end trying to help people, despite how it may come out. Dante slowly learns about all the work she has to do and admires her drive for it. Ophelia starts to let Dante in, telling them just how much work she does for Lucian's lounge and how much she despises him, only working for him as a paycheck. Eventually, Ophelia ends up snapping at Lucian after he tries to force Dante into an escort position, leading to Ophelia stabbing his eye and peeling his face off of his corpse. Ophelia explains to Dante that he was trying to hurt them and that she was only protecting them, adding that Lucian would often sleep with his escorts to "break them in" and even tried to rape Ophelia. After this, Ophelia ends up taking over the business thanks to Sergio and Eira, and the two work together.
Ophelia being one of the poster children for this series has a pretty fun route, all things considered, though I can definitely see people trying to label her as a yandere. She initially does seem like one considering her good ending, killing Lucian to protect Dante, but in her bad ending, its revealed she does this quite frequently to people who don't listen to her and even skins Dante for this very reason. She is much more of a yangire, and I can see why people might have more split opinions on her route. I actually did like her route quite a bit, partially because I just like cute looking characters and because she is very competent at what she does with her advice, while said in a callous way, very useful and generally trying to help people, and if you get in her way, she will kill you. Plus her friendship/love for Allegra is very cute and the two compliment each other very well.
Eira's route starts with Dante going to the bank trying to get a job from Vincent only to be turned down. They are then scouted by Eira and brought to Sergio, where they work as a bartender. Dante gets more and more curious and worried about Eira as she seems to be sneaking around and Dante keeps trying to butt in so that Eira will tell them what's going on. Eira brings Dante to her house where she's renovating and they have some cute moments together, until Eira brings them to meet Nanako. They stalk around in Mateo's turf for a while, before Eira has to go and help Sergio dispatch Lucian. During this time Dante talks to some of the children in Mateo's turf and brings that information back to Eira. Eira returns wounded after being shot, and soon after tending them, the two go out to get rid of Mateo. The two get sucked into the blackhole where Mateo's master lives, leading to a weird scene where Eira and Dante are together.
I really like Eira, but her route is very confusing. I understand it's suppose to sort of tie in with the true ending of Mateo's master, but it sacrifices Eira's route for it, which is not great (at least in her happy ending). I felt really bad though in her normal ending, as instead we get Sergio to help, but before Mateo dies, he outs that Eira has been using Sergio to get to Mateo. Given that, Sergio has no choice but to shoot her, despite how heartbroken he is, leading either Dante to sacrifice themselves or Eira to die. Personally, I wasn't a fan of Dante in this route because while I understand the general idea was to get Dante to push about what Eira is hiding so that she doesn't have to carry the burden herself, it is written in a way that makes Dante seem very annoying, especially since Eira herself states that she doesn't want Dante to get hurt and that Dante doesn't have any way or training to defend themselves. There are cute moments between them, but the ending of the happy ending is jarring and unsatisfying. Probably the worst of all routes just because of that.
Alright, now let's talk about the yandere/ yanderesque characters. The three characters I consider as certain yanderes are Vincent, Kazue and Allegra (in her bad ending) and the ones that can be more debatable are Anise and Mateo.
Allegra's route starts with Dante attempting to steal from her bouquet only to be caught and reprehended by her. Dante ends up crying and telling Allegra about their situation, to which Allegra gives them a job working at the bouquet alongside her. Things go mostly smoothly, though Dante has to learn to work with Allegra's temper when she gets pissed off, until someone attempts to rob the bouquet. Allegra is able to knock him out, but after pissing her off, she ends up killing him, causing Dante to panic. Allegra tries to calm them down, telling them they can sell the body off to Mateo so that the evidence won't be found. Allegra ends up teaching Dante about designing clothing, but also both have to do a favor for Mateo. This results in the two luring a deaf girl named Eden into the alleyway for Mateo's master to leave, which leaves a bad taste in Dante's mouth. With the help of Ophelia, the two are able to escape Mateo's debt and work together in the bouquet together.
In her bad ending, Dante is scared out of their wits of Allegra, despite how hard Allegra is at trying to keep her temper and be nice to them. In the end, Dante seems to be so scared or uncomfortable with Allegra that they reject a matching outfits she designed for them. This leads to Allegra knocking out Dante and Allegra confronting them about how they're still afraid of her. Allegra takes her clothes cutter promising that she will take care of Dante until they learn to no longer fear them and cuts off their legs and arms.
Allegra's yandere ending is pretty cool since a lot of times yanderes use fear as a way to get with their lover (especially male yanderes, in which it often turns them on) but with her, it's the opposite-trying to get Dante to NOT be afraid of her (albeit by cutting off their arms and legs). I think it's a pretty good subversion of that trope and although we only see her do this in her bad ending, it was still pretty cool to see. Her route as a whole is very nice and I think Dante's personality paired very well with it. Despite being dangerous, she still maintains a sweet side and just wants to be loved.
Vincent's route (which is the main one we care about on a male yandere blog) starts out with Dante going to the bank to get a job. Unlike in Eira's route, Vincent is very understanding of Dante's position and proceeds to pay off their rent as long as they work in the bank to pay it off. Dante is very grateful for this and starts to work at the bank, but feels extreme pressure due to the fact that they feel like they're slipping behind despite instruction. This leads to Vincent inviting them over to his house to talk about this, only for Vincent to drug them. Upon waking up, Dante is chained to the bed, while Vincent explains that they are now his wife (yes, wife- doesn't matter what Dante's actual gender is, Vincent will call them his wife). Vincent states his very strong rules about how Dante will be his wife- waking up early to choose his clothes, cooking meals for him and saying goodbye and welcome home when he comes back. Failing to do so will cause Dante to be punished. We see this on the first day when Dante fails to wake up and cook breakfast for Vincent, with Vincent forcing them to strip and walk around naked for the rest of the day. Vincent implies he's put cameras around the apartment, so they can't put on their clothes or risk getting punished. While trying to make food for Vincent's dinner, Dante gets burned and leaves the food to accidentally burn. When Vincent comes home and finds out, he punishes Dante by forcibly placing their arm over an open stove, causing them to be severely burned. As the days go by, Dante gets better at becoming a housewife and despite some hiccups (like chewing loudly), Vincent comes to be more soft and accommodating, even happy when Dante calls Vincent using an old phone that is used for emergencies. While cleaning one day, Dante ends up passing out due to the bleach fumes, leading to an extremely worried Vincent. He reveals that he wanted to have a family for so long, but was always lonely-happy that Dante is now with them to make the perfect family. Vincent ends up adopting two children from the streets after trying to make a baby with Dante (again, doesn't matter gender, baby's gotta be made) whom are also chained to complete Vincent's perfect family. Dante gets punished by Vincent a couple of times for failing to be a good wife, but ultimately Dante gets used to it. Eventually, Vincent lets Dante go out with him to the flower shop. In the end, Dante is fully stockholm sydrome and takes care of Vincent, and the they all stay together as a happy family.
If Dante does try to run away, Vincent will catch them, leading to him killing the two children in front of Dante before killing them, stating that it's their fault that they (and the children) died and that they destroyed his perfect family.
In the bad ending, Vincent is tired that Dante is not the perfect wife and kills them with a knife. Dante is killed, but finally feels free of their shackles.
Vincent runs a pretty fun idea of enforcing traditional values with a yandere twist of confinement and stockholm syndrome. He loves Dante, but wants them to follow his set of rules to be his perfect life, whether they want to or not. I was pretty surprised that Dante was pretty lax in this route, not really attempting to run away but instead succumbing to the stockholm syndrome in the end. As a yandere, he enacts punishments to mold Dante into the perfect housewife, but also worries about them when they are hurt by accident, and is extremely happy when they don't leave him, as he is a lonely person who just wants to have his happy family. He even tells the landlady that the two are dating and that Dante will move in when he pays Dante's rent. There's something both familiar and unique about this situations that Vincent has when it comes to yandere media, which is in my opinion very nice and still adds to the wariness of horror while having a loving aspect to him. It's interesting that the traits for Vincent's route to activate to include submissiveness since he does believe that it is part of his lover to be a wife, and that wives are subserviently in this way. Personally I feel like Vincent and Kazue are kind of an OTP not really because they would have a good relationship (god would they not have a stable relationship) but rather because their traits and personalities compliment each other to a T, with Vincent wanting a loving a supportive wife and Kazue wanting to be useful and being extremely good at housework. They would manipulate each other to hell and back and are too strong of a yandere couple. Also, Cherry really liked him and I liked his route, but I would be turned into fried chicken really fast because boy am I not good at housework. Also, this entire route I was trying to mimic Markplier's voice (because that's kind of what Vincent sounds like sometimes) and I think it's really funny that Vincent kinda just kidnapped two kids off of the streets to be in his family. I understand why, it's just the image of it is hilarious. Stockholm syndrome go brr.
Kazue's route is an extension of Nanako's route, where Dante pays attention more to Kazue. Initially it is very sweet, with the two teasing each other and while Kazue does have her fits of capricious crying, is mostly very kind to Dante...and starts to cling very hard to them. While the two like each other, Kazue gets very jealous whenever they are near Nanako, even if it's just to do certain tasks for Kazue. Kazue also gets very obsessive, sniffing Dante's clothing and using their bathwater. She talks about missing her departed husband Daichi dearly, and wishing that she were more useful despite her broken body- happy that Dante is very similar to how kind Daichi is. Kazue is able to convince Dante to move in with them, and then convinces them to go out and meet Kazue's friend, which is Mateo's master. After passing out and being brought back, they try to tell Nanako what's happened, but can't find her anywhere. Dante continues to tell themselves that Kazue is a sweet person and that she isn't capable of doing horrible things, even though at some point Kazue ends up sexually assaulting Dante and continues to manipulate them into believing that they're being cruel by not doing what she says. Eventually, Dante finds Nanako's corpse in her bedroom, and despite Kazue nonchalantly stating that she was the on who killed her, Dante starts to get attached to Kazue and is fully manipulated at this point. The two are finally married in front of Mateo's master.
In the normal ending, Dante isn't fully manipulated and tries to convince her that she will find someone even better to get married to. Kazue can't accept this and ends up bounding Dante to the bed until they realize they are Kazue's true love.
In the bad ending, Dante pushes her away, leading her to kill Dante. Dante is able to see Kazue keep their dead body, delusionally holding them and taking care of their and Nanako's corpses.
Kazue's route is what I would expect a female route to be like- which is to say less on the physically violent side and more on the manipulative side. I'm not saying that female yanderes can't be violent, but I think that this type of yandere is more found in female yandere routes rather than male ones. That being said, I do kind of wish that there were male yanderes that feign weakness and get the MC to depend on them through emotional manipulation (I call these yanderes "Damsel yanderes" for feigning weakness to get their lover to be with them.) Still though, Kazue's route is very twisted because while Kazue is seemingly weak, she does do a quite a lot of horrible things such as committing sororicide, emotional manipulation, rape or sexual assault and just killing, yet it doesn't feel as scary as Vincent's route. I suppose it's the difference of thrown into lava or being slowly boiled alive- one is more immediately dangerous, while the other seems fine until it's too late, which in many cases, is sometimes even more terrifying. Eventually the two become one, and I can see Kazue as a bunch of types of yanderes from delusional, to a replacement type (Dante replacing Daichi), to manipulative and it works very well without it feeling like it's just tacked on. Still pretty horror esque, though in the way that something is creeping up behind you that you don't see. Again, Kazue and Vincent OTP, causing chaos everywhere they go.
Finally the two yanderes that are more debatable... I can see an argument for both ways.
Mateo's route starts through Sergio's- by running away with Mateo to avoid Sergio's wrath. Mateo drags them off to the alleyways where there are children living in boxes. Mateo is very volatile, one second being cutesy and nice while the other spitting out obscenities' and choking Dante to sleep. Dante helps the children the next day find boxes to make new houses but when Mateo returns, he ends up chaining himself to Dante. After not eating nor sleeping well for a while, (and having Mateo nearly killing Dante when peeing on a plant), Mateo and Dante go out to get food for the children, which involve killing Clement and feeding him to the children. He also gets other bodies to feed his master, the giant hole in the alleyway. Dante refuses to cannibalize and tries to get Eira to help them (silently) while the two are chained up. Mateo continues to be volatile, choking Dante, screaming at a child for bringing dead animals all as Dante grows weaker and weaker with little food or water. Eira tries to kill Mateo and free Dante, but ends up shooting Dante in the leg by accident and presumably being fed to Mateo's master. To stop the bleeding, Mateo cuts off both of Dante's legs in a gruesome fashion, and Dante snaps, angering Mateo. Mateo throws Dante into the trash, where Dante slowly grows insane, refusing to eat their own leg which Mateo throws into with them all as they suffer from the pain in the remains of their legs. Eventually, Dante starts to befriend the maggots living in their chopped off leg. Completely mindbroken, they eat cannibalize whatever flesh Mateo throws into the bin and is eventually rescued by Mateo. Completely mindbroken, Dante happily agrees with Mateo about his point of view and even tries to resew their other leg off, only to have Mateo cut off their hand instead, something which Dante accepts happily. Mateo brings Dante to Kazue's place and ends up killing both of them. Mateo and Dante live... happily until Mateo mentions that his master wants to eat Dante, but he doesn't want them to go. Unwilling to let them be eaten the two seemingly run away together.
In his normal ending, Mateo ends up leaving forever (presumably eaten by his master) while Dante waits happily forever for his return.
In the bad ending, Mateo brings Dante to be eaten (though with great distraughtness) and he eventually gets eaten as well by his master.
Mateo's route is the darkest route with the two creators trying to up themselves in every time. It has rape jokes, cannibalism, cutting off body parts, mindbreak, and basically you really feel for poor Dante in this route. Now the question comes down to the thought of Mateo actually does love Dante in this route or is just incredibly insane and does not do this out of love but out of insanity. You can make a case for both, since Mateo does end up mindbreaking Dante to understanding his point of view. Mateo views humans as lumps of flesh and undeserving since they caused problems for the world, and sees anything that harms the innocent (namely animals as plants) as atrocities, thus has no qualms with killing people or doing horrible things to them like stitching and sewing body parts on weird places. Does breaking Dante's will and personality to understand all of this make him a yandere? Personally, I think it does through the impetration that all of this is Mateo's twisted way of showing love in the sense that he wants Dante to understand his love. I think of it as an extreme Vincent, where Vincent does love Dante but also punishes them to make them follow their rules, to come to an understanding of their place as a housewife. Similarly, Mateo does love Dante (he presents them as his lover to Kazue, has a wedding of sorts in his epilogue in front of his master, constantly keeps them alive despite him having every opportunity and reason to kill them and in the endings is always reluctant to have Dante die by his masters hands, which to him is the most important thing) but is trying to make Dante understand his point of view with his extreme hatred of humans even if it comes to mindbreaking them. If this is actually what Mateo believes as showing love, then I can see him as a yandere since he does love them to this much of an extreme, especially if its through the eyes of a delusional yandere. Understandably, I can see why people don't see him as one, since all of his actions pretty much cause harm to Dante, it's not what you would standardly think of love and is closer to sadism, and he does mindbreak them making you wonder if they cared about Dante in the first place. It's understandable, so that's why I think it can be either or depending on the interpretation of "love".
Anise's route is the final route, starting off with meeting her in the church. Dante then cycles through all of the characters, berating them for leaving them, either their relationship or getting them killed amongst other things. We finally see Anise in her pure form, seeing that she is the master that Mateo so greatly worships. She reveals that everyone is already dead, living in a sort of Dante's Inferno, all wandering around her web until they are filled with so much suffering that Anise eats them. Anise is some sort of god like being, unable to die and consumed by boredom. All the characters are brought because of their strong desire and wishes (get it, dead wishes?) and slowly get more corrupted the longer they are there. Anise and Dante then kind of go off into a morality questionaire, where they can either leave or stay with Anise. Staying with Anise affirms that the two of them are the same, while leaving showcases Dante's strong conviction and Anise waiting for them to come back.
The thing with Anise's route is about the mortality of doing bad or good things and that if our actions in the game make us similar to her, sadistic and cruel or make us different. Honestly, I can understand the concept, but there isn't really any indication that we are jumping from route to route in the game and that we are messing up the relationships we've already made, and for all I knew, I was simply starting a new timeline every time. Personally, I feel like it falls short because not only were we completely unaware we were essentially leaving people behind constantly, but also because Anise goes on and on about how selfish we are, yet in most of the routes, Dante is kind of just reacting to certain things as opposed to purposefully doing bad things. To me there is a difference between choosing to purposefully kill someone (for any reason) and going along with someone killing's because of self defense. While they are both bad, one of them does imply a level of choice while the other restrains it. For instance, in Allegra's route, Dante has the choice to call the police after the man is killed, but it will always lead to Dante being killed by Allegra. There is also a difference between knowing and purposefully ending a route to cut off someone's happiness and moving onto the next one and being unaware that you are doing so, since there then is an actual knowledge of consequence to your actions. Finally, despite all of the bad things we've done of jumping from route to route, Anise makes it feel like it's all Dante's fault and that they've destroyed the happy endings of all of the characters while doing so, when honestly, it shouldn't be up to Dante to determine whether or not they are happy. Yes, it does suck that Dante left them, but regardless of their situation, people are responsible for their own happiness and shouldn't blame it on others. Anise is fascinated by Dante throughout the routes as they see them as like her, callous in the fates of others and using them all as toys when in reality we were most likely oblivious to the suffering we caused.
Anise pretty desperately wants someone like her, to understand what she's like and thus grows obsessed with Dante when she believes they are similar. Despite the fact that she seems to despise the idea of love, she's also strangely fascinated by it when it comes to Dante being similar? The best I can see her as a yandere is kind of an extreme narcissist that projects onto Dante in that they are similar because she's just that lonely, but I can't really say that she is (in my opinion) since she seems to despise love and doesn't hold anything remotely close to love (romantically, platonically or otherwise), only fascination. It's kind of like projecting onto an ant and being fascinated by it because you both are hard workers- it's not really love, just an interest. Still, I suppose if Anise did actually feel love at some point, I could see it as one, but considering again how much Anise despises love... eh...
Also, sidenote, I wish I could get a job as fast as Dante does, cuz this person gets jobs left and right without even trying. I get that they're in a limbo of sorts, but please... I wish I could very easily get a job by attempting to rob someone or something like that.
Anyways, Dead Wishes overall is a very well made game from the voice acting, to the routes, to the UI and soundtrack. All of it is well worth $10s and has a good mix of characters to keep everything interesting and well thought out. I got to play their other games because I heard there was another yandere in one of their other games, so you know how it is. If you are interested, please give it a try- it does not disappoint.
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cometcon · 8 months
I did it. I wrote fanfic for Helluva Boss. Striker is consuming my mind. XD
So I was looking through the Striker tag on here for more of my favourite bastard snakey boi and found this really neat artwork. :D
And it's a really interesting concept and the artwork is so well done and they've kept just enough of Striker's sinister energy in the images that my brain just wouldn't leave me alone about it. And it got me thinking: Redeemed Striker cuddling up to Moxxie for warmth is definitely cute and even I love it (and I'm aromantic as fuck XD ). But would it be possible to write something with the same basic concept, just making it a different scenario to involve my first impression of Striker instead, without having to redeem and develop Striker first? Can I have my cake and eat it too? XD
I've changed my mind since I first posted this so here's the freshly edited new introductory waffle:
I want to flesh this out a little and write it as a whole oneshot partnered with my Blitz/Striker fic which is also set during Harvest Moon and maybe ending along the lines of the events in the canon episode, but in the meantime my brain churned out about 800 words for the specific prompt. I think I'm leaning for the fic being about Moxxie's perspective of Striker arriving at the farm as in canon. Moxxie dislikes him immediately and since Striker is an egotistical supremacist piece of shit he just doubles down on the dickwad behaviour, but keeps it subtle enough for Blitz and Millie to do their usual thing of overlooking Moxxie's concerns about things they don't see as a problem/threat/red flag (I promise I'm not hating on them; I enjoy their characters but also sometimes it does seem like a fair bit of the shit Moxxie gets dragged into could have been avoided if they'd listened to him. XD Though then we wouldn't have the parts of the show I enjoy, so again, not complaining, just playing with it. Don't kill me lol.) And Moxxie understandably gets sick of Striker's shit and they begin a tit for tat resulting in Moxxie shooting Striker's window 'by accident' and then 'forgetting' to fix it. XD And since they're all sleeping in the farm house, Striker chooses to escalate with a cruel and unusual punishment...
Behold, my first ever attempt at dark fluff. XD
The sound of the door opening and soft light spilling across the room made Moxxie's eyelids flicker, a low growl of annoyance building in his chest. 
Millie had a bad habit of laughing off their boss' infuriating behaviour, finding it amusing. Cute, even. Moxxie vehemently disagreed, yet his complaints typically fell on deaf ears, so he usually just endured. But these night-time visits were reaching the absolute line and Moxxie had had enough. He didn't care what his wife said, he was going to fucking murder Blitz if he took even one more step toward-
His back tensed in surprise as the covers lifted, the mattress behind him sinking beneath Blitz's weight. The night had finally come. He'd suspected his boss would escalate, but the fact it was really happening took its sweet time trickling through his outraged mind. Moxxie's vicious attempt to slam his elbow into the licentious imp's gut was too slow and easily thwarted as a large hand latched onto his arm, halting its trajectory. 
"Blitz, I swear to fucking Satan, I will claw your eyes out of your skull and feed them to Luna! Get off me," he hissed quietly, hoping not to wake his snoring wife. She might just tell him to move over and give Blitz more space before falling asleep again anyway. 
Before he could do much else however, a long, clammy, lithe body that was decidedly not Blitz pressed into him, strong arms wrapping around his much smaller form and pulling him closer. His heartbeat accelerated and a bolt of fear shot down his spine. 
"Shouldn't make threats you can't follow up on, rodent." 
Striker's breath wafted over Moxxie's ear in a gentle caress. He shuddered, tugging uselessly at the unyielding grip trapping him against the assassin as he felt Striker curl further, moulding himself into every part of Moxxie he could reach. Moxxie's tail twitched, caught between them and unable to find a gap to escape.
"What the fuck?" 
It should have been a shout, but his throat was tense with fright, the words emerging in an embarrassingly pathetic whimper. One hand searched for Millie, desperately praying he could wake her before they were both slaughtered in their sleep. 
"Quit wriggling," Striker rumbled, fingers lacing through Moxxie's to draw the hand back into his chest. 
"Why are you in here? Get out." 
Moxxie still couldn't manage more than a choked whisper, but the fact there seemed to be no intention of actually harming him allowed a rising indignation to take fear's place. He tried kicking, though that only served to annoy Striker, who immediately enveloped the flailing legs between his own. It was like being stuck in a patch of quicksand; the more Moxxie struggled, the deeper he sank.
"Someone hasn't fixed my window yet. It's cold." 
That long, spiked tail snaked across Moxxie's shivering skin, coiling around their tangled limbs and draping itself over his abdomen. The quiet rattle as the tip continued upward and settled by his face sent a chill through him and he squeezed his eyes shut. 
"That doesn't mean you get to- mmph!" 
His final, barely audible attempt at protest was swiftly cut off by Striker's free hand covering his mouth. 
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," came the deceptively soft admonishment, arms and tail constricting in a painful warning. Moxxie groaned and went limp, hoping it would be enough to appease, the understanding he really was at his captor's mercy sinking to the base of his stomach like a concrete brick on the ocean floor. Striker chuckled and thankfully granted him the ability to draw breath after a moment, though he remained tightly entwined with the trembling little body in his clutches, chin resting in mock affection atop Moxxie's head as he murmured, "Good boy. Go back to sleep."
This was just another one of Striker's games, he told himself. If he stayed very still and didn't cause a fuss, his tormentor would get bored and leave. 
Any minute now.
The dark outline of Millie's senseless form under the blanket was silhouetted against the window, her peaceful snores the only sound stirring the atmosphere. Striker's breathing had slowed too, apparently content to stay snuggled against him, leaching his warmth and sanity alike. 
Well, fuck.
When several minutes had passed without any further threat, Moxxie forced himself to relax. There was nothing he could do anyway. If Striker wanted him dead he would be already. Staying alert all night would play right into the other's aims, showing him the intimidation tactics were working the second he saw his victim's tired eyes and frazzled demeanour the next morning. 
Moxxie refused to let him win that easily.
He listened for Millie, his breaths steadying as he timed them to match hers and held the image of her beautiful beaming grin in his mind. Striker was bound to slip up eventually and when he did, Moxxie would be prepared for him. A new thought of slicing the trecherous demon's throat with his own knife flashed through Moxxie's head and he smiled, playing it slowly on loop until he managed to drift off again.
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moonlight-tmd · 2 months
ProwlBee but it's Prowl who has the obvious crush on Bee.
Like, we've all seen or heard how Bee acts around Prowl- in my opinion he's trying to impress him using the wrong way (being cocky and bickering with him all the time). All while Prowl is nonchalant about everything and just grows to like Bee more over time.
What if it was- Prowl just internally panicking about his feelings towards the cute and annoying scout while Bee is just casual about everything and just wants to hang out with Prowl?
It's Prowl who caught that sparkle of magic when Bee approached him when they met. Prowl has been trying to supress it the best he could but he just couldn't help but feel flustered whenever Bee forgot that personal space is a thing or threw one of his cheesy jokes at him.
Prowl being Prowl, tries to be as secretive about his feelings as possible with everyone in the group so no one really knows. And let's be honest, Bee is oblivious as fuck. There is no way he would know. And he never had anyone interested in him so there's no reference or signs to look for.
I really like the idea of Prowl just breaking thru that barrier he put up and going for it- maybe after something happens, like an accident; they were called to aid a massive fire at the docks and Prowl got trapped in. Some rubble fell on him and pinned him down. He was about to get squashed with a rafter falling on him-
He braced himself for impact but it never came, instead he saw Bee, struggling to not bend and keep holding the heavy metal. He heard him call for help on the comm as he laid there paralyzed, then the fire finally reached a gas cointainer held in the same warehouse and it exploded. Bee was hit with a wall of heat and fire and Prowl was sure they died, but no... Bee withstood it and forced thru the pain to lift up the rafter along with the new rubble as much as he could. At that moment Prowl wanted to say something but Bee yelled at him to shut up and "We survived space barnacles, we'll survive this."
Prowl was forced to watch as Bee's frame deformed under the weight- metal warped and snapped out of the transformation seams, the mesh burned, exposing wires and energon lines- he could see some of the damage and burns on Bee's backside. He felt Bee's tears falling on him as he tried his best to withstand everything...
Few seconds before he gave out, the others finally came thru with the extinguishers and Bulkhead lifted the weight off of them.
Bee was rushed back to Base where Ratchet fixed him. Bee stayed in medbay for 3 days after that, he shielded Prowl from the explosion and took most damages which saved him. It gave the ninjabot time to think about what happened. He tried to talk with Bee about it but Bee brushed it off like he didn't just nearly get killed to save him. He was just happy that Prowl was alive.
It made Prowl realize that he doesn't have all the time in the universe to ponder and try to come up with a plan to confess. Anything could happen and they won't be able to be happy at all if he keeps waiting.
Bee was the type to never have plan or make one up on the go, Prowl took that lesson from him and in the few days before Valentines he managed to prepare some form of confession at a location near the lake.
When the day came he avoided everyone until the afternoon, that's when he send out a message to Bee to come help him with something and to come alone. He waited and waited.... it was starting to get dark, he wondered whether Bee saw the message at all or if he was just ignoring him. Pain filled his Spark when the thought of being stood up wandered to him. But just as that happened he heard rustling in the bushes and he regained composure just in time to see Bee walk in.
He asked about this thing Prowl wanted help with and Prowl had to admit he didn't actually need help with anything. For a calm and serious mech like Prowl, Bee was surprised if not a tad worried to see him stuttering and nervous. But then Prowl whipped out the big boquet of flowers along with a box of energon sweets from behind his back. He confessed that he's been thinking about Bee and what happened at the docks, that he doesn't want to hold back anymore and wants to get his happiness while it's still around.
Bee stood there silent with wide optics just looking and listening... but after a long silence Prowl didn't expect him to start laughing. He felt the sharp sting of rejection but before he could leave Bee grabbed him and apologized. He explained that he never thought Prowl would like him and in fact, thought he wanted nothing to do with him- especially like that.
Truth be told, Bee also developed a tiny bit of a crush on Prowl that he never showed. Prowl avoided everyone today, Bee included. Whenever Bee tried to talk with him Prowl either went away faster than he could speak or accidentally told him to leave him be... It hurt considering that the same day Bee wanted to spend time with Prowl specifically, he wanted to make their friendship a little bit more special and all he got was an indirect rejection over and over again... When he saw Prowl's message an hour after it's been send he hesitated to go- if Prowl didn't want to spend time with him then why would he request they meet alone? Most of Bee wanted to not come at all from spite and hurt Prowl caused but in the end he broke and came all the way out there... and he was glad he did.
It was the greatest evening they had- Prowl didn't plan anything but he did have a lot of suggestions of where they might go for Bee to enjoy. But instead Bee said they'd spend a nice evening in this spot, away from any bustle or interruption. Just peace and quiet, something Prowl enjoys. They sat by the lake and ate the sweets and some snacks Bee had in his subspace, and when the wind picked up they cuddled to stay warm until the clock told them to head back for the night.
The next day Bee approached Prowl and invited him to hang out together. They went to the zoo and spend nearly an entire day there, Bee even bought 2 buckets of fish to feed the penguins which Prowl enjoyed very much. Of course Prowl also got a plushie from the gift shop, a fancy penguin with a bowtie and a top hat.
The rest of the team suspects something is up, the two have been going out together quite a lot lately. Bee might have bragged about having a date with Prowl to Bulkhead when they were trying to make some plans on their own. So yeh, everyone knows that they go on dates now, thanks Sari.
They're not official yet- they're trying to see if it works, as Bee put it. But so far it does work, very well in fact.
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planetpiastri · 1 year
ooo maybe 28 for fanboy?? or number 8? buzzing over ur writing btw
i went with #8 for this bc i just think that’s soo cute<33 i love writing fanboy this was so fun
8. accidently hitting the other one with a snowball meant for their friend
word count: 1.7k
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It was snowing in San Diego. As in San Diego, California. 
You looked up to check if the sky was falling, but just got a few more soft flakes to land on your cheeks. You couldn’t help but smile in childlike wonder, spreading your hands and letting the tiny crystals collect on your sleeves. When your best friend had told you he was back in town at TOPGUN and he wanted to see you on his one weekend off, you couldn’t have predicted something like this happening.
His voice broke through your reverie at that exact moment. “Hey, you with us?”
You blinked, looking over to where he was standing with another pilot—the callsign ‘Phoenix’ seemed to ring a bell. She looked just as awed as you were at the sudden flurry, but she was better at hiding it.
“Yes,” you said, jogging to catch up with them. “Sorry. I can’t believe this. We haven’t gotten snow in—”
“Twenty years?” interrupted Reuben, holding out a palm and watching as a few flakes collected in it. “Thirty?”
“Something like that,” murmured Phoenix. Then she blinked and shook herself. “Sorry—we’re gonna be late. Everyone’s waiting for us at the Hard Deck. Come on.”
By the time Reuben’s car had rattled its way off base and down to the beach, the light flurry had turned into a proper fall. When he parked outside the Hard Deck, he nervously squatted by his tires, checking to make sure they were handling the cold okay. 
Phoenix laughed at the sight of you both anxiously preening over the vehicle. “California kids,” she said with an amused shake of her head. “Come on, let’s go.”
The Hard Deck was crammed with officers and pilots who were trying to escape the sudden snow, but when the three of you muscled your way to the bar, Reuben looked around in confusion and said, “I don’t see them.”
It was Phoenix who flagged down Penny the bartender and asked where their friends had gone. In reply, Penny just smirked and jerked her thumb over her shoulder, gesturing back towards the oceanfront behind her.
“You’re kidding,” said Reuben. 
Penny shook her head. 
“Is this Fanboy’s idea?”
“He said something about a snowball fight,” said Penny coyly.
Reuben dropped his head and groaned, but Phoenix tugged you both by the sleeves, saying, “Come on.”
You’d heard tale of this ‘Fanboy’ from Reuben—his new backseater from Whidbey Island, a charming and rambunctious WSO who’d barely been out of TOPGUN three years. It was hard to tell from the stories if Reuben hated having a backseater or admired the kid’s tenacity; maybe Reuben didn’t even know himself. Either way, at the mention of his callsign, you’d be lying if your interest wasn’t piqued.
Phoenix led the way onto the back deck and farther down the steps, onto the sand and snow where a bunch of grown adults were bundled in thick jackets and hurling snowballs that were fifty percent sand at each other, giggling like little kids.
“Oh my god,” said Reuben.
“Phoenix!” wailed one of the men on the edge of the group, taking a few steps up the beach towards you. “Thank god you’re here! They’re killing me! Ack!” 
Right on cue, a different pilot nailed the guy in the back of the head, sending him staggering and brushing ice and wet sand out of his hair, wiping at his glasses.
“Hey!” cried Phoenix, already taking off at a run towards the group, bent double to gather a snowball of her own as she went. “Pick on somebody your own size, you leave my backseater alone!”
“Children,” said Reuben quietly, shaking his head. “They’re a bunch of children.”
Piff. A pitiful handful of snow and sand scattered across the back of his Carhartt. Without turning around, he said, “You’re about to enter a whole world of hurt.”
An utterly childish giggle ripped its way out of your chest and you began to sprint across the sand towards the larger group, listening to Reuben give chase behind you, his laugh loud and raucous across the expanse. Blood pounded in your ears as you ducked between two burly pilots, crouching to gather up a few snowballs. It hadn’t been snowing long enough to get any genuinely good powder—the balls were mostly ice and grit—but no one seemed to care. The novelty of a beachside snowball fight in San Diego was too alluring for pesky things like logic to interfere.
All around you, the pilots worked as a team, turning this silly childhood game into a ground-level dogfight.
“Coyote, heads up!”
“On your six, Phoenix!”
“Break right, Rooster, break right!”
Of course, you didn’t have a callsign, but everyone pretty quickly picked up on the fact that you were Reuben’s friend, giving you the complimentary nickname ‘Payday.’ Maybe it lacked some originality, but it was forged in the heat of battle, which you thought was pretty cool. 
It was the cry of, “Payday, help me out!” that screwed everything up.
You weren’t sure who’d called for your aid; maybe Rooster, or even Yale. But you jumped to your feet, snowball in hand and ready to defend anyways. Across from you, someone else stood up: a tan man with short, dark hair just visible underneath a gray beanie pulled low over his ears. His strange posture confused you briefly: his arm flung forward, one leg pitched out behind him, his grin huge and white and destabilizing.
Then icy-sharp pain bloomed across your cheek and you fell backwards, hitting the sand hard.
Everyone froze.
Someone—Hangman, you thought—shouted, “Shit, Mickey, not the face!”
The one who hit you—Mickey, you presumed—cried, “I was aiming for Rooster’s shoulder, I swear!”
Your ears were ringing and your face was so cold that it was numb. You lifted one dizzy hand to your cheek, stunned to realize it came away with blood, ice, and sand all combined on your fingers. There were a few people kneeling next to you in the sand, but most of them gave you space, which you were grateful for. Reuben had hold of your arm and was shaking it gently, saying, “Are you with me?”
“I’m okay,” you grunted, shifting mostly upright and trying to wipe the sand out of your eyes. “Just caught me by surprise, that’s all.”
“Are you okay?” a new voice asked, and a firm hand grasped your forearm, hauling you smoothly to your feet despite Reuben’s protests of, “Easy, Mickey!”
You were prepared to have some sort of biting retort or withering remark at Mickey’s expense, but when you met his eyes, the words fell away. His grip on your arm was firm and present, grounding you to the sand and snow beneath your shoes. While there was a definitive mischief-making tilt to his mouth, there was no humor in his eyes at the moment. His brows were knit and his gaze was fixed on the spot on your cheek where you knew you’d been struck.
Realizing you’d never answered his question, you stammered, “Oh, I-I’m okay. It was just an accident.”
“I’m so sorry,” Mickey rushed on. “I was aiming for Rooster behind you, and you stood up as I was throwing, I wasn’t trying to—”
Then Rooster himself was there, pushing in between the two of you and giving you a little more breathing room. “Careful, Fanboy,” he said, his tone light but authoritative. “I don’t know if Penny is equipped to treat talking-induced concussions.”
You blinked, something nagging at the back of your head as you glanced between Reuben, Rooster, and Mickey. Something familiar, like you were staring at a puzzle missing one piece, and the piece had just been handed to you. And then, like wires connecting—
“Oh!” you yelped, taking half a step back. “Mickey’s—that’s—you’re Fanboy?” You glanced back and forth between him and Reuben, who’d buried his face in his hands.
“Wait,” said Fanboy, looking as lost as you’d felt a few moments ago. “You know who I am?”
“You’re the backseater!” you blurted. “From Whidbey Island! Right, Rueben? This is him?”
Before Reuben could speak, Fanboy said with a huge, shit-eating grin, “You’ve been telling your friends about me, Payback?”
Reuben stepped forward, his hands extended placatingly. “Okay, this is getting—”
“I’ve been so curious,” you interrupted, side-stepping your friend so you could keep talking to Fanboy. “From day one, he has always had something to say about you.”
Fanboy grinned, one corner of his mouth pulling up higher than the other. “Good things, I hope.”
“Fifty-fifty,” you said, matching his grin.
“Okay, maybe you should go take a seat at the bar,” Reuben said, laughing nervously and taking you by the elbow. He glanced over your head, gesturing with his other hand. “Hey, Bob, could you give us a hand over here?”
Before Bob could react, Fanboy had come up to your other side, easily slipping your hand through the crook of his arm and waving Reuben off with an easy, “I got it from here, Payback. You guys finish up the snowball fight, okay?”
Reuben looked like he’d rather swallow a lemon than finish up the snowball fight, but he stayed quiet and watched as Fanboy led you up the beach and back onto the deck. You half-expected your best friend to come storming up after you in less than five minutes, but soon enough, the group had gone back to their childish games, whooping and hollering and having a great time.
Meanwhile, Mickey sat you down at a table where you could look out the glass and still see the snow falling on the water. Penny gave him some basic first-aid supplies, and he cleaned up your small cut, saying like he was almost impressed, “You’re gonna have a gnarly shiner, probably. Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay,” you said, feeling strangely sleepy as his fingers brushed at your cheekbone, sending chills down your spine—and not from the cold. “Makes me look cool.”
He smiled widely at that, like he didn’t even notice he was doing it. Feeling strangely shy, you shifted back to front, watching as Phoenix and Rooster worked together to pepper Hangman with a fierce bombardment of snowballs. The flakes over the beach fell like glitter, shimmering and twinkling in the dark late-afternoon light, and without meaning to, you murmured, “It’s beautiful.”
“It really is,” replied Mickey, but when you glanced back at him, you had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the snow.
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Canon vs Creepster: Kagami
Canon!Kagami *Bowing gracefully* You have quite the extrodinary outfit. I have a love for western films, watched them all the time back in Japan.
*Kagami Herushingu smiles, surprised at how... calm this girl is to see another version of herself. She tips the hat in response*
Herushingu: Well, thank ya kindly, darlin’! Name’s Herushingu, pleasure to meet ya!
Canon!Kagami: Kagami Tsurugi. I must say, your accent is lovely, yet is quite different from your name. Are you by any chance American?
Herushingu: Yes’m, Born and raised in Texas!
Canon!Kagami: Hmm... how interesting. I don't sense any sort of falsehood about you. Clearly this is the result of some sort of accident. Are you by any chance from an alternate reality?
*Herushingu's eyes widen in surprise. She's right on the money!*
Herushingu: Just precisely, ma’am. Where I’m from, my kin are monster hunters, same as I am ma’self!
Canon!Kagami: Oh! And by monsters, you are referring to more supernatural species? In our world, the only sort of monsters are those who were changed by the villainous Hawk Moth.
*Thinking of the butterfly, Herushingu can't help but snigger a little*
Canon!Kagami: Yes, yes, he looks as stupid as his name.
*Herushingu sobers back up and tells her counterpart about her team and the type of monsters they face*
Herushingu: Exactly right on that front, darlin’! We’re talkin’ real monsters, vampires, phantoms, demons! The kind that live to terrorize the in’cent folk! Not to mention the most vile. Human killers!
Canon!Kagami: What gives one person the right to decide when another’s life should end. It’s just…dishonorable!
Herushingu: S'like my mama says. "Humans are the only 'monsters', because they have no reason to kill."
*Canon!Kagami looks a little jealous and sad that her mother isn't as close to her.*
Canon!Kagami: Does your mother treat you well?
*Herushingu frowns, looking concerned for her counterpart.*
Herushingu: Yeah, she can be a bit rough on the edges sometimes, but we get on just fine! I get the feelin’ ya need someone to talk to, hon.
Canon!Kagami: *Trying to stay strong* I... I try hard to stay strong, in order to make her proud. But sometimes... *voice quivering* I feel as though I am nothing but a disappointment.
*She desperately hold back a sniffle, as Herushingu embraces her, letting the girl sob into her shoulders. It pains her to think of a world where her mama would treat her with such cruelty.*
Herushingu: Here, now, that’s a load’a nonsense! I’ve only just met ya, but so can already tell ya got a fightin’ spirit! The only person who’s standards ya need to live up to are your own, and I’m sure you got plenty to be proud of!
Canon!Kagami: *Sniffing* I... I'm sorry for breaking down. That isn't like me. *Trying to regain composure* I... I suppose I like fencing. I mean... my mother made sure that happened. *Frowning once again* Do... do you like fencing?
Herushingu: (smiles) I do love a good sword-crossin’ every now and again! But if I’m bein’ honest, my trusty guns get me through the most battles!
Canon!Kagami: What is a... gun?
Herushingu: (Blinks a few times) Oh, boy…
Canon!Kagami: *A little bit later* So, do you have heroes you fight alongside? Some sort of team?
Herushingu: (Smiles) Yeah, I got ma partners, Marinette and Adrien.
Canon!Kagami: *Feels a quiver in her stomach once again.* Oh... what are they like?
*Herushingu tells her about their jobs and personalities, and notices Canon!Kagami looking sadder and sadder as she continues*
Herushingu: Well, Marinette’s real spunky, she’s somethin’ of a mad scientist! Sometimes I don’t know what she’s talkin’ about, but it’s cute how excited she gets! And Adrien…well, he’s one of a kind. So sweet, but so lively at the same time! Don’t know what I’d do without em to be honest!
*Canon!Kagami sobs once again. Memories of events from canon are flashing through her mind. Herushingu frowns. What on earth happened between her and her partners in this world?*
Herushingu: What... what's wrong?
Canon!Kagami: It's... it's complicated.
*Herushingu's eyes narrow. Something happened to this girl, and she wants to know what*
Herushingu: Please tell me... if ya want to.
*And she did. She told Herushingu everything that had gone down. All of the highs and lows.... and Herushingu was PISSED*
Herushingu: Darlin’…I don’t even know WHAT to say. They put you through hell emotionally and yet you still stand by em! If they don’t realize how lucky they are to have you in their lives, I may do something I’d regret later!
Canon!Kagami: No... please don't. They're perfect for each other, just not for anyone else. Focus on your own partners, keep taking good care of them.
Herushingu: (Sighs) If you say so, lil lady!
Canon!Kagami: ... Is there any way I can visit you?
Herushingu: Well, here lemme give you my number. I got a few friends who know some witchy stuff, so they should connect across dimensions. Call whenever ya want!
Canon!Kagami: I will, thanks!
And that’s the last of the trio meeting their canon self! I feel that Kagami was done dirty in the show. Not just by Marinette and Adrien, but also with how the writers decided her and FELIX would be a good idea. I may do the villains and classmates as well, but I don’t know yet. Once again thank you to Weeby for assisting with the writing, and make sure to check out the previous crossovers with Marinette and Adrien. Reblog, reply, post and ask to spread the love. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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