#he was abandond guys!
wildglitch · 7 months
Ninjago HeadCanon
So we all know how Kai is like a year older then Nia right? Well I personally like the idea the he is maybe 4-5 years older than her.
Have it be that his parents left when he was like 5 or 6 right? Ok...Now imagin poor little abandon 5 year old Kai just sitting out on the porch of his house with a baby Nia bundeld in his arms just waiting and hoping to god that his mom and dad will comeback like-
"Dont worry Nia, everythings gonna be ok. Mama and Papa will be back any minute now and soon you be able to eat. But in the meantime, your big brother here!"
And they just never return-
I think Kai stole. Kai 100% stole shit from people. He stole food, he stole medicine, he stole a red dress from some hanging landrey for Nia and she never knew. Kai was either taught by a group of criminal how to steal cause they took pity on the poor boy, or he fucked around and found out. There no inbettewn. He was like a Little Aladdin minus the monkey.
I also think Kai or dropped out of school or just never whent so he could focuse on raising Nia.
He would probably be forced to leave Nia alone, or leave her with the neihbors while he "went to school in another village" as he told them. Which really meant working a lot of odd jobs and stealing. Later on when he got older, he probably did a couple of crimes to earn money. Everyone thought he was a Darkly student and the cops even sent him there a few time, be never botherd correcting them.
Kai didnt really care much about his own education and health, but Nia? You better belive he did everything he could to make sure she had the best shot at a good future. He would steal books and tools so his sister could study and "grow up super smart!". Though, since he didnt really now much, he didnt really give her stuff that was really her level
7 year old Kai gave a 2 year old advance robotics book and thus, genieuse machanic Nia was born!
When Nia was 6 and old enough to go to school Kai cried tears of joy she actually got to go. This is also around the time that things got a bit easier cause he got a part time-job and started up his dads blacksmith. He was really bad at it but the money was coming in.
Kai fought tooth and fucking nail to hide all of the struggle from Nia to the point that she has no clue they had it so bad. Her conscious came online when she entered school so anything that was really bad she dosent remember.
She hasent conected the dots about the fact that she was a baby when she was abandon, and that her 5 year old brother raised her.
By the time they are with the Ninja, the others only sort of understand the fact that they were abondond. Except for Lloyd.
Only Abondond, runaway, took care of himself, Lloyd clocked what Kai went through and all of a sudden, "the guy that bullied me a bit and also saved me" becomes, "the guy who was just like me once" and he sort of just..."our big brother"
We dont talk enough about the fact that Kai be it this headcanon or in canon, was abondond as a child, and had to just deal with.
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lemonyinks · 3 months
going crazy trying to remember the name of a book that i liked as a kid
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pandora-midnight · 8 months
The vast majority of the left has repidly devolved into accelerationists, authoritarians, and sccelrationist authoritarians. Ideologies we used to all rightfully know are actually terrible praxis.
And the worst part is basically no one seems to care.
#my post: shadow#like holy shit#tankies are like half the left on this website suddenly#half of the rest are willing to platform and reblog from them because they post the right feeling things about one or two specific issues#or especially God forbid anyone from another country points#antisemitism has exploded#pro-facist and colonial powers worship had exploded as long as those powers didnt like the “west”#people literally willing to let the us and similar states devolve into right wing facism and leaders who have openly called for genocide so#to “teach” the liberals a lesson#or “jumo start the revolution”#like it's nuts#you all dont even understand actually leftist theory or beliefs#youve all immediately abandonded restorative and rehabilitative justice when you can get blood instead#youve abandoned any real sense of landback unless its able to be weaponized by white authrotatian commies#youve abanonded the global south except when their pawns for you#huge ranges if yall are literally compnaining about democracy being unethical#like wtf is wrong with you people#like you usamericans have a guy whos got a year plan to enact a nazis facist overtake of the country#and has openly discussed the like 6 different minorities he plans to start genociding day fucking one#and half of you are like “well the other guy isnt aggressive enough about ending shit he diesnt have power over#and so imma geasture in the nazis rather then spend 5 minutes voting to keep him out“#and then throw a bitch fot when anyone from your own backass country#points it out#you bitch about imperilism and America centrism and cultural imperialism#and that you demand and force activists and discussion in the rest of the world to use your specific qnd often specific to your issues view#of race#of ethnicity#culture and imperlism and indigenous and religion and everything else#even when it doesnt make sense#even when its actively harmful
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So. Your writing is amazing. I need more. I need more. I am in love with Porn Star Dieter and honestly? Dullahan!Din is super good and I love it. I love all of this. Keep on keeping on. Shine on you crazy diamond. You're fantastic and should be damn proud of your work.
hi anon are you aware that im in love with you now
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riskyraiker · 7 months
So I saw your requests were open and that you do both x men and tfp, leading to me wondering how would the team prime and the cons react to a mutant reader? And could readers mutant ability be like Johny Storm from Fantastic 4? (Keep up the good work 👍)
LOVE IT! ALSO YOU GET EXTRA POINTS FOR MIXING UP TFP AND X-MEN. I wrote this as platonic. Let me know if you want any romantic version
How did you end up like this? No one knows, but they don't even know you're like this. Ecxept Miko, Raf and Jack, since you know that they're friends with huge fraggin robots. When you met the bots it wasn't the best situation, because you were enraged about the events that happened at home that day. Almost engulfed in flames you calm down when you spot Miko talk to a bit bulky bot behind an abandonded building. You saw the bots which resulted in you being brought to the base. You were amazed that you could forget the sorrow you have for being different. You grew close with the team really quick, even Ratchet took a liking to you. The moment the team sees your ability for the first time was when they were cornered by cons in a energon mine. Since there was no backup at the moment you ran out and light yourself up. At first the autobots thought you were an alien or something, but when they realize it's you they didn't believe it at first. The vehicons weren't so lucky since you almost melted some of their limbs. Once the fight was done they just stared at you. "Uhh..guys? Does anyone have some spare clothes?"
Optimus Prime
He would be confused. Like literally confused which is rare, but still you managed to achieve it.
You're human and fire should hurt you. How do you light yourself on fire?!
The moment you tell them that you're a mutant and your not the only one they start to do some research on these so called "mutants"
He would ask you what you can do and what your abilities are.
Doesn't like the idea of having you on the battlefield even if it means that the autobots have the upperhand
You're now his child. No objections.
The team needs help? You're there to melt them down and that earns you a big lecture from Optimus about how they can't risk human lives.
If he's wounded you would melt the metal gently and repair it.
Since he's made of metal some of his plating might be cold. So he absolutely loves how you work like an furnace.
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Almost freaked out by your abilities.
The moment he gets to know about your so called mutation he turns into a fragging scientist. Blood samples, dna samples and etc.
Anytime there's any need for repairs he just picks you up and points where repair is needed.
"Fix it, you're smaller, steadier and you're hot"
He wouldn't realize his mistake until you laugh straight into his face "what's so funny? Wha- NO NOT LIKE THAT"
He would love your help in the medbay since you can mold wounds.
Your now his favorite assistant in medbay and in the lab
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He thinks you're so awesome! A human who can light themselves on fire with no harm?!
He would ask you to fly or use any other abilities out or nowhere because he wants to see you as your true self
If you could understand him he would straight up just rant how cool you are. He also gave you a nickname which is Firefly
He loves giving you hugs since you're so warm.
He's in trouble? They're melted before he can even ask for backup
He's your big bro now and Raf your lil bro. You're the best sibling duo there is.
On cold nights he would just keep you on his shoulder so he could feel your warmth close to his face so he can relax
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Oh she would be speechless. You can melt vehicons, fly somehow and just in general use your abilities
You're now her favorite human (BYE JACK)
She would love to watch you make fireshows
Your warmth would comfort her since she's lonely sometimes
She would call you as backup anytime the team is struggling
✨The sassy team✨
Oh you two would be unstoppable. Cybertronian femme whose sassy and a mutant who is also sassy.
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Oh he would take you for a drive to ask you all kind of questions
First he thought the cons lit you on fire and panicked
After that he wants to see your abilities. That includes you having clothes on (of course🤨)
He would be so interested, but terrified about your ability to melt cybertronians
He's a wrecker! Of course your abilities will be useful.
He wouldn't like the idea of you in the battlefield, but still is amazed how well you handle it.
The big chunky guy is usually warm but won't mind some extra warmth from your body in the colder days.
He's bored? Be ready to fire up.
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Oh oh oh! You'll never hear the end of it. He's around every corner begging you to light up.
He's more chaotic than bulkhead so of course he's after you all the time and asking you to set things on fire.
Wouldn't actually mind going on patrol with you since you're so awesome
He would secretly carry you around on missions to have you melt the cons. I bet he would stare sadisticly.
But don't worry he wouldn't risk your life! If you want to stay safe he won't bother you anymore. (Maybe)
Any old enemy of his he managed to meet on earth would most likely be melted by his request to bring you along.
Ultra Magnus
He would not be happy about you breaking protocol and not staying in the base.
But he would be grateful about you saving the team
"Aaww you're worried about me" No teasing! Now you're in for a 1 hour long lecture
He would find your mutation interesting, but would let it be since he's a robot himself
He's always cold. Mentally. And! Physically so he wouldn't admit it but does love your body warmth.
"YOU'RE ON FIRE?! COOL!" Wouldn't understand that isn't normal until he's back in his senses. "YOU'RE ON FIRE! AHH PRIMUS WHY ARE YOU ON FIRE!?"
Would absolutely love your abilities even if you would be insecure about being 'different'
If you ever would kick decepticon aft he's your 1# fan in the background
He finds beauty in fire so he thinks you and your abilities are absolutely stunning
If he's scared about succeeding or about the future you would be there on his shoulder warm like an oven which calms him down
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The team were in trouble. Why? There was a surprise attack by Megatron himself. You flew through the groundbridge so you could help the team. You were almost too late as Megatron had his servo/sword up and about to strike Optimus. Hurrying you catch on to his servo and start to heat up, melting his servo in the process. "GAHH! WHAT ARE YOU!?" Megatrons sword and blaster were both out of the game since you melted most of his servo. Having the upperhand, the cons give up and leave. There was one con left. Megatron. "This isn't over, Optimus. Not with you and your firey PET!" Oh oh, he was pissed!
That little mutant dare to melt his servo!
He didn't even know you're a human with a mutation until soundwave found footage and info about you.
Would try to get revenge on you, but doesn't want to risk losing his servo again.
For once the warlord was worried about his opponent.
If you could melt his servo, could you melt your way through his whole frame?
He didn't show it, but the thought actually made him shudder.
He couldn't lose to a pathetic human who is 10 times smaller than him.
In short, he hates your guts but loves your abilities.
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The moment Megatron asked to find information about you, a switch flipped in his processor.
Finally he found a human interesting. A extraordinary human to be specific
If he had time he would try to see you on cameras so he could catch you for Megatron
He wasn't scared or anything, but would be slightly worried could you melt his screen off?
He did almost catch you, but you lit up inside him so he had to drop you out before he would fall down from the sky.
Knew that you're stronger than anybot thinks. Wouldn't mess with you unless he has something to overpower you for example: some relics
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If he ever I MEAN EVER sees you in action he would definitely run away and protect his paintjob.
Fire + his beautiful plating/paint job did NOT go together.
If you would try to attack him, you won't see him after a while. He's AFRAID of you.
Would always seem busy when he heard lord Megatron talk about a mission where you could be involved.
"Knockout!" The cherry red medic saluted. "You have a mission to go an retrieve a relic. Y/N could be there, so be quick." "My Liege I'm in the middle of a medical check up I don't have t-time. Send breakdown. He's willing to do it."
If you're on the nemesis he would run away like from the bot zombies in season 3 of tfp xD
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You're mutation was...illogical
A human shouldn't be able to light themselves on fire
Would ask permission from Megatron to take you as a test subject.
Be careful not to be caught by him! It would be worse than having others afraid of you and your freaky abilities.
He wanted to see how you could work with your abilities. How could he make them..Logical
Wouldn't be afraid of you. Oh no no no. He would be so so so interested about your abilities he wouldn't care if he would get melted at the same time.
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He would love your abilities to be on flames, but! Since he's a decepticon and a predacon ofcourse he has to attack you.
Would speak to you someway or another in his bipedal mode during a mission
If he need fire styled company, he would try to contact you. He doesn't care if you're part of the autobots. You're his friend
Frag Megatron and Shockwave. You're warm like him! You're now his grandchild!
You would joke around that he's your actual king! Since you both are fire themed basically.
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
can we get dealer!Sevika & hyper-feminine reader plssss 👁️👁️
reader has long ass nails so she sucks at rolling but thankfully since Sevika has a liking to her, she sells reader pre-rolls with a huge discount, and says it’s just a special deal for her only. & maybe one day she invites reader to smoke with her in her car and they just act all cute and high 😭
hhhghhhg... yeah. i'm a sucker for sevika. i'm a sucker for weed. let's fucking goooo
check out the nail inspo for the nails in this fic hehehe
men and minors dni
be outside in 5. the text on your phone reads. you grin, then look back up in the mirror, putting a fresh coat of lipgloss on and fixing your hair.
you suppose you could just buy in bulk. it would save sevika the two or three trips to your house a week. but she doesn't complain, and you've got a pretty good guess as to why.
a horn honks outside your home. you giggle, give your outfit one more look over in the mirror, spray a bit more perfume on, and run out of your house.
sevika's windows are tinted so dark it has to be illegal, and the presence of her car makes the whole block smell like weed. she rolls her window down as you come out of the house, turning down the music she was listening to, to grin and wolf whistle at you.
you giggle, spinning in a little circle in front of the driver's door, giving her a good view of your outfit. she chuckles. "c'mon, get in." she says, nodding to the passenger's side. you quickly run around her car and let yourself in, pressing a quick kiss to sevika's cheek as she pulls off.
she groans, scrubbing where your lipstick has stained her cheek-- a bright, glittery pink print left behind, now being smeared by her hand. she's driving the two of you to the abandonded lot you guys always sit in-- what used to be a strip mall is now cracked pavement and giant, overgrown trees. it's the perfect place to park, in the shade, and remain unbothered all day as you smoke and chat.
sevika's been your dealer since you met her at a party last year. your old dealer, a grimy old man, was... fine. he grew the weed himself and gave you real good prices... but he was also your history teacher in the sixth grade.
you gave up on him when you met sevika, gorgeous, charming, sevika. sevika who had woman sitting all around her at the house party you'd met in, but whose eyes only caught on yours. sevika who'd snatched her blunt that had been being passed around out of the nearest girls hands, and into hers as she rose from her seat and approached you.
sevika who you've been in love with ever since.
you guys have been spending a few evenings or afternoons a week together. sometimes here, in your spot, sometimes in a park, sometimes at sevika's place. sometimes she'll take you along to her deals, driving you to houses all around the city as you help her weigh bud and count cash.
it's fun. a lot of sevika's customers are old friends of yours, people you thought you'd never see again. you get to catch up and chat with them for a bit-- then spend the rest of your night gossiping about them with sevika once they leave.
she's your best friend.
you're just trying to make her make you her girlfriend.
you know she wants you. she doesn't even let you pay for weed anymore. and when she's high, her eyes all pink and her lips curled in a goofy little smile, her gaze wanders. and it catches on your lips, most frequently, but also your tits, your thighs, your stomach-- really, anything she can see.
but she doesn't act on it. because she's a gentleman.
and you don't act on it because... well... sevika's attractive. and she makes good money, and you know that you and sevika don't hang out on weekends because she goes to parties to sell on weekends.
and you wouldn't be surprised if you aren't the only girl riding in her passenger seat.
it's hard to know.
people leave shit in sevika's car all the time when she's doing house calls. they'll sit, chat for a bit, and leave behind their water bottles or hair ties or cigarette butts or press on nails when they get out.
and besides, if you confront sevika, who'll roll your joints for you? certainly not you. not with your nails.
speaking of...
"show me your nails." sevika demands as she pulls into your little spot, under a big willow tree. it's like your own little world here, under a green dome of leaves. sevika rolls all her windows down, and you wiggle your fingers over the middle console.
you told her you were getting a new set last time you smoked together. you asked for color recommendations-- she suggested purple, her favorite color.
so, of course, you got purple.
"fuck, they look sharp." sevika smiles, poking the pointed tip of your nails. you laugh.
"i forgot i got 'em so sharp 'n almost took my eye out this morning putting my lashes on." you admit. sevika giggles, still holding your fingertips in her hands and examining the way they shine in the light.
"so shiny. fuckin' pretty, baby."
you're pretty damn sure you're the only one she calls baby but... you happen to know that back in the day when sevika was scamming rich idiots by selling them baby powder and grass in exchange for hundreds of dollars, she had a lot of women riding along in the passenger seat of her car. and getting fucked in the back seat. which has yet to happen to you.
so you don't know. you just tell yourself you're here for the free weed.
"how's your day been?" you ask, snatching your hands away from sevika. you recline your seat, putting your feet up on the dash as she opens her center console.
"meh. been lookin' forward to this all day." she says. then. "oh! look." she reaches between your seats into her back seat, grabbing a plastic bag and pulling it into the front of the car. "snacks!"
"you're the fuckin' best, sev." you moan as you tear into a bag of chips. she chuckles, and hands you a preroll.
"strawberry flavored wrapping paper, you'll like it." sevika promises. you chew on your chips, take a quick swig of your drink, and then put the joint between the lips. sevika lights the tip for you, her eyes locked on yours.
you tear your eyes away just in time to jerk back before the entire joint goes up in flames, and take a long drag. it's truly delicious, like candy flavored smoke, and you hum, happy. sevika grins.
"very." you nod, leaning back against your seat and taking another puff. "oh, i'm sorry." you pout, like you do every time you smoke with her. "i got lipgloss on your joint."
sevika giggles, snatches the joint back, and takes her own puff. "fuck off. i like it. 's like extra flavoring." she shrugs. your stomach twists. she blows smoke out in your face, then takes another puff, her eyes dragging up and down your body.
you guys smoke in silence for a while, passing one joint, then a pack of chips, then another joint, then a bag of candy between one another. and now, the sun's setting and your little world under the willow tree's all golden-greeen, and sevika's rolling another joint.
you sigh, happy, and your eyes trail down sevika's exposed arms-- she's wearing her signature wifepleaser. you speak before you can help yourself. "you look delicious today." you mumble. sevika raises an eyebrow at you.
"'s that mean you got the munchies or is that your way of flirtin' with me?" she asks. you giggle, then shrug.
"whaddya think?"
"i think you stole my line." she says around her joint, smirking as she lights and takes the first puff of it. her eyes dart down to your outfit-- intentionally skimpy, showing a little more skin than necessary for this pleasant spring day.
she lets you take a puff. you feel like you've melted into the seat. all your inhibitions are lowered. the words come out before you can stop yourself... again. this is what you get for smoking so much fuckin' weed. "'m i the only person in your life?" you ask.
sevika blinks at you. "what?"
"like... the only person you flirt like that with." you clarify, cringing. sevika's confused smile grows wide.
"has that not been obvious this whole time?" she asks. you gulp.
"uh." you whisper. your heart's beating a mile a minute, and you suddenly sit up from your relaxed posture in her passenger's seat. "i don'--"
"yes. am i the only person you let dictate your nail color?"
"yes." you whisper. sevika grins.
"so..." sevika trails off. you gulp.
"y'know... it's really hard for me to roll my weed with my nails like this." you say. sevika takes a drag off the joint nodding along as you speak. "it'd be nice to have a girlfriend who could help with that." you say. she grins, blowing the smoke out the side of her mouth as she leans across the center console to speak, her lips an inch away from yours.
"i coul--"
"okay." you agree, grinning. sevika giggles, then leans forward to kiss you. you stop her with a finger to lips and she pouts. you chuckle, take the joint from her hands, and take a long drag. when you exhale, you speak again. "the nails also make it really hard to keep myself satisfied." you whisper, intentionally shifting in your seat, squeezing your thighs together.
sevika chokes, and she's not the one with the joint. you smile, then pull your finger away from her lips, letting her speak again.
she doesn't. instead. she reaches out, grabs the joint, and flicks it out the window, smirking at you. you bite your lip in anticipation (and trying to hold in your scold about wasting good weed.)
"only if you promise to scratch the shit outta my back with those claws, baby." she whispers, her lips brushing against yours as she speaks. you shiver. "your place or mine?" she asks. you gulp.
"...the backseat? i've kinda been fantasizing about it since the first time we smoked in the car together..."
sevika doesn't answer. she just bursts into laughter, and launches forward to pull you in a kiss.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub
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starless-nightz · 2 months
Yes, two of them are based off of two Six of Crows characters, sue me. Some of the backtories might be changed over time.
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Age: 16
Height: 6'1
Birthday: 15/4
Parents: Artemis and Zoe Nightshade (both bio parents, she was born by magic)
Appearance: long dark brown curly hair with a white streak, brown skin and silver eyes.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Likes: woods, wolves/animals, playing the guitar, open space, the hunters, food, McDonalds, Nico, reading, music.
Dislikes: men/boys, Percy Jackson, being indoors too long, most gods, Lucas, camp, quests.
Backstory: She was born from magic as the bio daughter of Artemis and Zoe Nightshade and was raised as their daughter, she adores her brother but thought he abandond her and the hunt when he disappeared one day. She blamed Artemis for Zoes death and she and Nico tried to bring back Bianca, her first love. She eventually learns to accept her death and moves on with Piper.
Love intrests: Bianca Di Angelo (deceased), Piper McLean (girlfriend)
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Age: 21
Height: 6'4
Birthday: 27/5
Parent: Artemis (adoptive mother, she gave him her "blood" when he almost died so hes a demigod), bio parents unknown.
Appearance: medium-length curly blonde hair and blue eyes, muscular.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: reading, music, playing a guitar, walking, animals, birds, rivers, Nina.
Dislikes: almost all gods, camp, quests, most guys he met, some hunters.
Backstory: He was abandond in a forest as an infant, he was found by the hunt and they grew fond of him. Artemis and Zoe raised him as if he was their own son and the hunters treated him like a younger brother. He almost died when he was 5 years old and Artemis was able to save him with Hecates help by giving him her "blood", making her biological son. He disappeared one night when he was 14 years old, Carmilla hates him, thinking that he abandond them.
Love intrest: Nina Zenick (fiancee)
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Age: 20
Height: 5'10
Birthday: 3/9
Parent: Hecate, bio parent unknown.
appearance: long, curly brown hair and green eyes.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: reading, dancing, flirting, going out, shopping, nature, magic.
Dislikes: salty/spicy food, quests, mud, fighting, flirting with men (not including her boyfriend).
Backstory: Nina was abandond when she was a baby and was raised in an orphanage until she ran away when she was 12, thats when she met her now fiancee Lucas and the two found a small cabin in the woods and have lived there for a few years before meeting Wyatt.
Love intrest: Lucas Aylin (fiancee)
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Age: 16
Height: 5'7
Birthday: 6/2
Parent: godly parent Hephaestus, adoptive father Reginald Henson, mother Mary Henson (deceased)
Appearance: short curly brown hair, brown eyes.
Sexuality: AroAce
Likes: reading, crafting, playing his flute, hiking.
Dislikes: sports, politics, the gods, his adoptive father.
Backstory: Wyatt is the adoptive son of Reginald Henson, a multi billionaire who owns many companys and brands, he was abused by his stepdad after his mothers passing when he was 10 years old, he ran away from home and met Lucas and Nina, who he sees as parental figures, he plans to one day give half the companys and brands hes going to inherit from his stepdad to Lucas and they would be co-owners.
Love intrest: No one
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dustinslovehandles · 28 days
People I met at the Pre Show for Wembley; a review!
Starting with people I got my picture taken with
Britt Baker: Very polite, though I feel like these events aren't her favourite thing to do, which is understandable. Genuinely surprised by how strong her american accent is in person! Had very soft skin and smelled like vanilla. 7/10
Toni Storm: Pretty lady! Very nice and friendly, despite saying that her shoes were killing her, hah! 8/10
Rick Knox: Seems like a nice enough guy, though we didn't really get to say anything to him so it's hard to say much about him. 6/10
Excalibur: Ahhh, what an absolute sweetheart! Very warm and friendly and shaped like a friend. Wasn't expecting him to be the person who made the biggest impact on me but there you go! Total cutie, 10/10
Mariah May: So sweet! Before I even got up to her she was telling me how much she liked my outfit and was just so nice. Like talking to an old friend from school, such a nice girl. 9/10
Aubrey Edwards: Not gonna lie, always had a bit of a crush on her so I'm very bias. But she was very friendly and sweet and is another person who commented on my outfit so much appreciated! Absolute sweetheart, 9/10.
Hook: Adorable, precious baby child. Kinda looked like an abandonded child but very sweet. I think I broke him when I went for a fist bump at the end because he entered polite mode and said thanks and that it was lovely to meet me, hah! 9/10
The Acclaimed/Billy Gunn: I'm so SO sorry my mother glomped you, Billy. Thank you for not having her kicked out or anything. 7/10, thought I was going to have a heart attack.
Now for people I ran into/saw but didn't get pictures with:
Nigel McGuinness: Had two interactions with him, one where I asked him to move out of my way, and one where he asked me to move out of his way. Things are now perfectly balanced and we can never meet again, 7/10
FTR: Walked past us several times and made my mum go "Oh, hello!" as they walked past and cracked up a nearby security guard. 7/10
RJ City: Has a genuine dorky charm to him, very sweet. Surprisingly big boy up close too! 8/10
Renee Paquette: SO pretty. However pretty you think she is, add some more. 8/10
Amanda Huber: Awesome lady, really loved talking to her. Very clever, very passionate and kind and caring. 10/10
The pre show was generally awesome, really enjoyed it and would definitely go again!
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slimmmby · 2 months
hi. you're in my notes. I'll give you a note now.
What exactly is your AU? cause it seems like El Topo is a sort of traumatized and as a Self- Proclaimed President of Jeantonio Nation I eat that kind of stuff up like it's breakfast brunch lunch and dinner (I've attempted/killed him like..87 times or something)
Soo in short words is like this.
After Antonio and Jean go on a mision , tonio accidenly killed a guy causing him to not being really good. Jean notices this and he decides escape from VILE with him, but hes not really sure about it. So he dosent tell Antonio.
One day on a mision they have with tigress (they where supost to burn a fabric) Jean sees an oportunity to escape so he goes away for minute just to pick a things. Antonio who was supost to start the fire gets distrated when he sees Jean Leaving, and accidenly starts the fire with him inside.
Afortunaly Sheena save him and they go to the island without Jean.
Antonio is taken to the hospital because he gets part of his body burns ( mostly part of his face, arm and back). Thats when his told Jean abandond VILE and by this he thinks Jean abandond him too.
The professor malstrom sees an oportunity on this and decide to pick up tonio has his personal toy abusing psysically , psychologicaly and sexually of him.
But Antonio decides he had enough so he tries to escape but hes dicovered by professor malstrom who punish him Leaving him tied up in a tree in a frozen wood so he learns not to be a "bad boy" ( yes it is that disgusting as is sounds)
But Carmen, ivy, zack and shadow-san where in a mision there. And zack accidenly finds him while he was looking for ivy and Carmen.
So hes taken to the hospital and he discovers that Jean was with Carmen the whole time that wasnt with him so hes really mad.
Jean is so fucking worried about Antonio state ( I mean the guy is NOT okay) but Antonio dosent want to talk him or with anyone.
Hes just so Scared and depressed that he thinks they gonna hurt him. So he dosent let anyone to touch him.
Antonio dosent want to hear jean and he tells him its all his fault what happened and they fight. Jean tells him that he not abandond him, he just wanted to escape with him but things didnt go well.
At the end Antonio forgives him but still Jean is very guilty.
WOW THIS WAS SO LONG DAMN. Well i hope you like this thing i did.
Btw english is not my first lenguage so if i spell something wrong tell me.
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angelp-official · 2 months
New Detlarun + PJSK crack theory alert!! (SPOILERS FOR JPSEKAI I THINK)
Paperus Deltaballs MIGHT be connected to tbis new unit
(Note: In case if you didn't know at this point, this is not supposed to be serious at all, so please don't come after me, I'm just joking and having fun around here-)
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Here we habe 3 poeple here!! HOEVER!! Only 3 people her e? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE 4TH PERSOM and no I'm not counting the person in the mirror cuz if so I'll count the 5th person as well
HOWEVER, THESE PEOPLE HERE LOOK AWFULLY LIKE FRICK AND CHARA!! So these persons MIGHT be them!!! (Source: Trust me bro)
Frisk and 3rd person side by side
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Chara and 2nd person side by side
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Idfk who the guy is but you could say it's Asriel?? Idk not the point
The point is that it's fucking weird that there's no 4th person!!
These 2 people might be Frisk and Charmander from Undertall
SO LETS GO BACK TO THE WEIRD EGG CARD I mean the Luka card where she discovers abandoned Sekai
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"It would be safe to assume that each egg represents something they were trying to make..." HMMMMMMM "...Petrified one, I wonder what you were supposed to become?" HHMMMMMMMMMM THE KNIGHT PAPYRUS AND EGGMAN PAPYRUS THEORIES ARE LOOKING GOOD AS HELL RN
What ARE the eggs supposed to represent? Well, I say that these eggs are supposed to represent the dark worlds the knight, in this case, Papyrus, has made!!
(PS: Tumblr hates the number 11 so I'll post the YT link here)
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So she looks emo as fuck
But you notice that her outfit is more suitible for winter? And WHO'S THE UTDR CHARACTER THAG'S ASSOCIATED WITH WINTER?
"Noelle?" ❌️
"Dess?" ❌️
"Sans?" ❌️
"Papyrus?" ✅️
HELL YEAH IT FUCKING IS, AND SHE LOOKS LKKE SHE HAS A TAG AND WHO HAS A TAG LOOKING THING ON HIS ARMOR? PAPYRUS UNDERTLE!!! Maybe she has a jacket looking dress because Papyrus is familliar with a person who has a jacket (his brother)?? Idfk
HOWEVER, She has black crosses all on her, so what is that supposed to mean??
I say: MAYBE THOSE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE SNOWFLAKES BUt they distorted to X marks overtime bexause Papyrus abandonded his SEKAI and possibly the other s too!!
But why is she emo??
I say: Because Papyrus Deltarune is emo himself!! Maybe because of the same reason Mafuyu is emo? Because Sans Undertale threw away his stuf?? Or is it his and the others' emotioms combinded??? Idk
"I did as I was told, and followed him into the alley. Right at that moment, I closed my eyes without thinking. The sun was setting. Its blazing hue painted the alley in vermillion..."
And there's an unfinished animal illustration and a manga there too??
So uh idk wtaf these are so lets put these aside for now
(PS: These are all actually multiple people's stuff! So maybe the novel thing was Chara's stuff and the drawings are Asriel or Fisk's?)
And the music sheets. Maybe the reason why they sound so painful is because it represents the problems the 4 members face through?
There's also an MP3 player where a boy was practicing. Maybe that was Papyrus? "I bet this boy is a hard worker." "I can hear his frustration and impatience from the way he sings..." Hm? Maybe Papyrus was really putting his emotions into this recording, but it doesn't seem enough. Despite the hard work, he always messes up, and he always has to try again, and again, and again. But still, somehow, he never gives up. Until he finally did.
And the wooden box, oh boy. Maybe it was the 4 members' emotions put into one? Papyrus's shallow hopefulness, Asriel's sad nostalgia, Frisk's unsure creativity, and Chara's pure paranoia, all in one box?
All these feelings hidden away because they all feel too stressed of choosing their own future?
"It's so hard to find a place that makes you feel needed or welcomes you to try in a way that works best for you..." Okay now that's definitely Papyruscore
"Was it because you didn't want anyone to know? Was it because you couldn't tell anyone about it? Or... Was it so painful that you couldn't take it anymore and had to give up?" Maybe it meant Papyrus either didn't want Sans or the others to know, he couldn't tell anyone about it, or he had to give up at that point (And that could explain the others too)... Or was it because he was weighed down by someone? Who knows
And at that point, the SEKAI is now erased. Maybe Papyrus and the others... Really didn't want to remember those terrible memories that they built together. Maybe they finally let go of their... "Mistake", or as they would call it.
Maybe that was in the past? Maybe... All of that was resonated into the Empty SEKAI, the one that belongs to Mafuyu?
Maybe that explains why the SEKAI has one to no emotion put to it at all!! Maybe because Asriel misses his place at home, Frisk and Chara wanted to do their own things on their own, and maybe Papyrus is the only one who truly cared about the SEKAI, but is too weighed down to admit it?
So in conclusion:
The abandonded SEKAI MIGHT'VE belonged to Papyrus Detlarunn
So thank you for coming to my ted talk, cyaaaa 🤩🤩
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lights-out-knives-out · 11 months
New boy who's life ain't going great
I apologize for the misspellings my computer hates me
I dont even know what kind of warnings to put on here. We've got Bad parents, carewhumper, medical trauma anddd panic attack
"Uh Boss? There's somthing you need to see."
Carter looked up from the work on his desk, visibly iritated. "What problem have you caused now? We acnt afford any mistakes you know."
"Me? Causing problems? oh no Boss. Everything is going smoothly with the ransom, we just had a bit of a hiccup with the trade off that's all." The henchman tried to assure Carter
"What kind of hiccup?" Carter growled
"There's no need to get angry boss," Henchmen said putting their hands up "How about I just show you what we're dealing with?" They came over to Carter's desk pulling up the video feed on his computer "Everything was going just fine until we told the guy we'd send back his kid, He kinda lost it." Henchman pressed play.
"I dont want him back. He's a pathetic excuse for a son. If he's weak enough to get kiddnapped, he's too weak to be in my family. He's your problem now, do with him as you please. Beat him, Fuck him, Kill him. I dont care. Just dispose of his body when you're finally fed up with him." The line went dead
Carter stared in disbelief "Is the kid still here?" He asked his henchman
"Yes Sir, he is. Do you want me to bring him in?"
"Do it." Carter said waving the man off. Henchman soon came back with a disheveld teary eyed young man, who avoided Carter's eye contact, paying more attention to picking at the bandadges that were bound around his hands. Carter rounded his desk approching the pair, he couldn't help but notice the young man stiffen as he drew near. "Your name is Jasper, isn't it?"
"yes sir" he replied in a voice barly louder than a whisper
"So Jasper, now that your father has abandond you. What are we to do with you?"
Jasper suddenly dropped to his knees with a sob, startiling the two older men
"Please! Please don't kill me!" He begged "I can be useful! I-I swear I can be useful! I've- I've been trained S-Sir! I can-I can I can do things. I can be good for you! Please Sir! Please don't kill me!"
"Get up. I'm not going to kill you."
"You aren't?" Jasper sniffed as he stood up
"No. Follow me." Carter left his office
Jasper stood there hesitant to follow, unsure what was to happen to him. The henchman took Jasper by the shoulder guiding him into the hallway, then with a gentle push Jasper went stumbling after Carter.
"I will go over the house rules later, but curently we'll be taking you to our medic. just to make sure my boys didn't break anything when they roughed you up." Carter said as they walked
"M-Medic?" Carter looked back over his shoulder, the kid didn't seem to understand.
"Our doctor." he explained
"No" Jasper stopped dead in his tracks, the color drained from his face. "No, you-you can't! I'm not! I won't! No! No please!" Jasper pushed himself against the wall, fingers digging into his head "I Can't! Not again! Not again! I was good! Please! I was good! No! no no no no!" Jasper hyperventilated squeazing his eyes shut
"shit. Grab him"
"NO!" Jasper screamed, taking off down the hallway, he turned a corner ducking into the first room he saw. Jasper slammed the door behind himself slinding into a heap on the floor.
"Can I help you?"
Jasper looked up, a concerned looking woman stood over him. "I-" Japser started to speak but the world shifted, he found his vision going dark. then his head conked back and he was out like a light
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howlingday · 1 year
tragic backstory (tm) au)
pyrrrha and jaune have a date. yang is defnatly not jealous and neither is ruby they're just tagging along for moral support…. yeah!
ozpin takes the time to inspect jaune's gear for him. he's seeing a lot of … aura? magic? something like that. it's rearranging the metals and making them both sturdier and acting like a conductor for jaune's aura… this is something he heard about when he was a boy… as in a boy back in his first life. but it was only for great legends.
… just what has he turned jaune into?
(slaying the dragon was a big enough feat that now jaune's weapons and armor are more symbols of that feat than actual items. more like if you somehow crystallized the attention and emotions people felt about jaune's slaying of the dragon. tldr jaune's got a couple of noble phantasms on his hands)
Ponce Age
Pyrrha: (Sighs contently, Holds Jaune's arm)
Jaune: Everything okay, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: Yes. Everything is just... perfect.
Ruby: (In a bush) Target in sight.
Weiss: They're not targets, Ruby.
Yang: I mean, they're the reason we're out here, so...
Blake: Targets.
Emerald: And why are we following them? Shouldn't we be respecting their privacy?
Mercury: And miss this blackmail? Yeah, right!
Emerald: Wait, are we really here for blackmail?
RWBY: (Holding up their scrolls) Um...
Emerald: I can't believe this...
Wei: Do you truly believe this?
Adam: (Bound by chains, Welts all over him) Yes! All of my suffering has been by the hands of a hum- ARGH!
Wei: No! You only suffer because you lack discipline! You lack understanding! Humanity did not give you that scar. It is your naivete and ignorance that causes you pain!
Adam: ...
Wei: Who did this to you? Who is responsible for your incarceration? Who is the one who put you away, only to be freed later by my hand?
Adam: ...Me- ARGH!
Wei: You say the correct answer, but you do not believe it. If you are going to speak, then speak with certainty.
Adam: Jaune Arc...
Wei: Good. Your honesty will reward you this once... with less pain!
Wei: You were fighting an unarmed opponent and you lost. He surprised you not only once. Your rage for humanity blinds and now your hatred of this Jaune Arc is blinding you more so! If you wish to become stronger, you must free yourself of your mask of animosity! See the world for what it truly is!
Wei: See this Jaune Arc for who he truly is.
Jaune: Ugh, I still can't believe this...
Pyrrha: What's wrong, Jaune? Are you mad we got free snowcones?
Jaune: It's the being free I'm mad about, it's the reason. "Here you are, your majesty"? (Groans) Is this my life now?
Pyrrha: (Pats his back) You saved a lot of people, Jaune. People who will be forever grateful for what you've done in Mallet.
Jaune: I didn't do anything. I just held a sword... lance... drill thing and lucked a killing blow. After I abandoned you guys.
Pyrrha: You didn't abandon anyone. You were needed elsewhere. You abandoned us as much as you abandonded your sister when she got away from Adam Taurus.
Jaune: I... I guess.
Pyrrha: How is she, by the way?
Jaune: Cin-Cin is... Can you promise not to tell anyone?
Pyrrha: I promise. I could give an Arc's word, but...
Jaune: (Chuckles, Sighs) She's doing better, but I can tell she's traumatized by that night. Mom was telling me about how she's been avoiding kids at school. Kids with Faunus traits.
Pyrrha: Oh my...
Jaune: I know she doesn't mean it, and I can't say I blame her. Whenever I think about the White Fang or what that bastard did to her, I- (Crushes cup) ...Dammit.
Pyrrha: Here, let me clean that. (Wipes hand) And you have every right to be angry. What happened that night would be traumatizing for anyone, especially someone as young as your sister. I don't think there's a magical cure for what your sister is feeling, but what she does need is the same as what you need. (Looks at him) Love and support.
Jaune: (Blushes)
Yang: Damn... Pyrrha's making some moves.
Weiss: Is it any different than what any of the rest of you have done?
Mercury: Heh... Burn.
Emerald: Geez... I knew that guy was bad, but leaving a little girl traumatized? Never thought he'd go that far.
Blake: ...
Ruby: Are you okay, Blake?
Blake: ...I have to make things right. For everyone.
Ozpin: No, no, this isn't right.
Ozpin: Perhaps if I applied fire and ice dust..?
Ozpin: ...
Ozpin: That did nothing. Unexpected.
Cinder: And he's been doing this all day?
Goodwitch: All week. Ever since what happened in Mallet, whenever Jaune Arc has nothing to do after classes, and he has no missions, our headmasters steals away his weapon to run secret investigations on his sheath.
Cinder: And what if Jaune needs his weapon?
Goodwitch: Ozpin has the locker moved up here for "upgrades", and in a distress, has it delayed until Ozpin sets the weapon in and shuts the door. He's also been excused from participating in combat classes until the "upgrades" are installed.
Ozpin: Glynda! Ms. Fall! I'm made a stunning breakthrough in my research! It turns out that all of the dust does absolutely nothing, ergo, Archaic, dust itself is entirely resistant to his sheath- I mean, his sheath is resistant to dust!
Cinder: ...And I should care why?
Goodwitch: I've stopped asking those questions a long time ago.
Pyrrha: Thank you for the lovely date today, Jaune.
Jaune: Of course, Pyrrha, and, uh, thanks for keeping it on the cheap side and for paying for the snowcones.
Pyrrha: Of course, Jaune. I understand these dates can be very taxing on your wallet.
Jaune: On their own, no. But when you have three in the span of a week.
Pyrrha: (Giggles) I understand. Um, Jaune, do you think we could-
Shishi: Mr. Arc? May I have a word with you?
Jaune: Uh, sure. I'll meet you inside.
Pyrrha: ...Sure. (Opens door) I'll be waiting, Jaune-
Pyrrha: (Nervously chuckles) I'm coming! I'll see you soon, Jaune. (Steps inside)
Jaune: You're Shishi, right? From the first year, Team Savage?
Shishi: I'm pleased you remember me, but what I wish to discuss is not a team matter.
Jaune: Oh? Is it about classes? Because first year can be rough-
Shishi: No, no, it's about your social status.
Jaune: Ugh... Look, I know everybody thinks I'm a king, but I'm not. I'm just a regular guy!
Shishi: I know. I am well aware that you are not the king.
Jaune: ...I'm sorry, what?
Shishi: You are not the king.
Jaune: ...Huh. I, uh, wasn't expecting that, but man, does that make my day! Thanks, ma-
Shishi: I must ask that you stop pretending to be.
Jaune: Huh? But... But I'm not pretending. It's everyone else saying-
Shishi: Then make them stop. You're only serving the public by making an ass out of yourself. You're distracting everyone else from the true king.
Jaune: The true king. Look, I don't know-
Shishi: (Steps up to him) Then know this; continue to insult the royal family, and I will see you pay for it with true humiliation.
Jaune: Uh... N-Noted, um, your highness.
Shishi: Oh, I am not the king. (Turns away, Walks away) No, I am but a humble servant of the true crown.
Jaune: ...What the hell is going on?
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strummingmyheart · 3 months
well i dont normally use tumblr n i deleted my last account because i hated everything about it !! so anyway, you can call me finney, rody or clem, any pronouns but he/it by default, please & thanks yew, i really like sea life especially koi fish or magnapinna squid, n my favorite animal is probably either cats or giraffe's. im in alot of fandoms so I'm only gonna name a few rn, !!
i really like the dcu although mostly batfam and young justice (both the comics & the cartoon), vocaloids !! (mostly kaito, len kagamine, gumi, luka, miku and gakupo), l the mcu although mostly spider-man,deadpool n daredevil, mcyt (ex; life games, hermitcraft, empires smp, etc.), studio investigrave (ex; dead plate and cold front), omori, ensemble stars, random story games i find (like literal storys that are interactive, i usually find them on itch.io and dashingdon, like infamous by amy ^^), bungo stray dogs (the mangs, the anime & the mobile game !!!), project sekai [my favz r tsukasa, mafuyu, shizuku n basically all of wxs, !!], VIVINOS [ex; alien stage and pink bitch club], flcl, vkei (ex; malice mizer, gulu gulu, Yuugure GIRL SUICIDE, etc.), danganronpa, bandori, twisted wonderland, d4dj, the guy she was intrested in wasn't a guy at all, good omens, hi3, yttd, fe (fire emblem) [the entire franchise], persona, n so so many more, so many.
my favorite colors are yellow, red, black and pink. i read alot of fanfiction but im terrible of writing, my favorite book is the goldfinch n I'll probably post one of my old mini rants about it,[ i also might post my when twilight strikes lore dump... wtv I'll get 2 that later!!!11 ], while my favorite book series is percy jackson or the tim drake: robin series if comics count :3.
i like drawing but im really bad at drawing already existing characters, i appreciate constructive criticism but if ur just gonna be rude abt it, don't.
examples of my art !! ;;
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the first oc is mei lynn, her whole backstory is basically that she's SUUPER unlucky, like really REALLY bad luck, and on her way 2 school she did isekai'd, fell through the air, landed in a lake and broke her leg ^^
n the second oc is florian, his nickname is driam, hes a dragon shifter, meaning he has a full dragon form (which i haven't drawn yet), a half dragon-half human form, and a fully human form (i haven't drawn this yet either), n his backstory is that his parents who were also dragon shifters [and unapollogetically so] were killed by discriminatory humans who beleive shifters shouldn't be aloud rights called hunters, so he usually just parades around as a human, the only people who know hes a dragon shifter are his partners, (havent drawn them yet but he has 2 partners; his boyfriend abbie who's a cat shifter and his girlfriend mira, whos a mage that specializes in ice, water, and healing magic) and bestfriends, (elliott, a freelance programmer who beleives everyone deserves rights, shifter or not and protests these rights happily. piper, florian's roomate before he moved in with his partners, a human who lightly dabbles in plant magic but she wouldn't consider herself a mage, her apartment is above her flower shop which she named ' The Bluebell ', its her pride and joy and she hired mira to set up protection runes around the shop that activate when they close up for the night. and mikhail, whos a demon that refuses to make a deal with anyone for anything out of fear theyll hurt them because a deal with a demon always backfires on the person making the deal with them because a demon always wins in the deal they make, and demons are just angels who were abandoned by their patron god/goddess, mikhail's patron goddess was the goddess of the night and stars, he was abandonded by her out of hope that the mistreatment he got for being an angel would lessen and in a way it did because in the end he found a family.)
this post wasnt sposed 2 b about my ocs but it was fun to write about...
next post i do will most likely be alot of headcanons for alot of different fandoms !!
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bored-gay-werewolf · 2 months
I think the most upsetting part about "actually, its Frankensteins MONSTER" is that that "monster" has a name
His name is Adam
Frankenstein named him smth really uncreative, biblical and on the nose but his name is still Adam
Adam isnt even particularly monsterous in appearance in the book (he just has really creepy yellow eyes)
Hes got a whole personality (hes a pretty street-smart, self-taught, crippelingly lonely kinda guy)
His deeds are as questionable but still interesting in a way that he shouldnt get dehumanised for (Adam after having been abandond in the wilderness as a metaphorical baby murders frankensteins brother Wilhelm, believing him to be frankenstein; a maid gets framed for the murder and then gets executed bc Frankenstein doesnt come forward about knowing it was Adam; after Frankenstein takes apart Adams unfinished wife essencially robbing him of his potentially only chance to be loved by an equal, Adam murders Frankensteins wife Elisabeth in retaliation; he later hunts Frankenstein down in the polar region, kills him and then dies himself)
...the kid is all over the place but to call him a monster instead of saying his name when people get it wrong feels weird
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stellawolfearts · 1 year
I did have a question after rereading the lore for your upcoming ask blog.
Are you gonna keep mks origins the same in the consequences au or will you change it up to fit the show or TS mks origins?
IT....it depends.
So yeah, i am changing MK's origins. the canon one fits so well with consequences AU actually and the more i think about it the more canon sounds like it would work with a few changes.
like, the whole part where mk is a lil guy abandonded in the city sounds like it would work. just make mac or swk find em instead of pigsy.
im definitly going to change consequences Mk's origins bc of canon but HOW im changing it im still unsure. it /might/ be closer to TS. maybe. im still not sure. honestly-
TSMK is a whole different thing bro, it will be explored more after AWS but ill say rn that you all only know a small bit of who and /what/ he is.
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up-in-space-reading · 2 months
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 1: Let's Make a Bet
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 2472
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: So I attempted writing a text fic for another fandom i used to write for buuut abandonded it when i left the fandom. But i wanted to give it another go!! I think it helps me be a bit more creative, and I had some content that I hated going unused. I've tried to make everyones nicknames and stuff in group chats obvious so you don't get too confused who is who but I do have a "key" written out in my notes I can include if you need, just comment and lmk!!
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Jimmy Jabbers
[9:05am, Monday]
Four Eyes: Jake has fallen asleep in class, bets on how long until he wakes up?
Queen G: The whole class
Mr Grapes: 30 minutes
RoRo: Professor?
Four Eyes: Wunch
RoRo: She’s gonna wake him up in 12 mins
Four Eyes: Will keep you updated
[9:17am, Monday]
Four Eyes: Rosa you terrify me
RoRo: I know RoRo: what do I get for winning?
Four Eyes: I’ll make Jake give you $10
Vic Kovac: not happening
RoRo: you say that now RoRo: but you will give me my money
Vic Kovac: is anyone else feeling threatened
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:37pm, Wednesday]
Ferris: hey santiago Ferris: i have a super important question Ferris: how did fountains work way back in time Ferris: or did they not have fountains and fountains r a recent thing Ferris: has media ruined my perception of fountains
Cameron: You do know that google exists?
Ferris: i wanted to ask u first bc ur smart
Cameron: Jake, I’m working on our essay that’s due in two weeks, google it yourself please
Ferris: ur so boring
[11:59pm, Wednesday]
Ferris: it was gravity Ferris: gravity made the fountains Ferris: fountains are like SUPER old
Cameron: Yeah that makes sense Cameron: Now please let me go to sleep
Ferris: goodnight!!!!!!!!!
Jimmy Jabbers
[8:43pm, Thursday]
Queen G: okay losers gather around Queen G: we are partying this weekend, no arguments Queen G: its happening and EVERYONE will be participating
Vic Kovac: YES G LETS GO Vic Kovac: whats the plan?
Queen G: one of terrys housemates was thinking of having a party and terry said he can persuade him to have one
Mr Grapes: oohh a party! I’ve been wanting to take my new slacks for a test run
RoRo: @vic kovac how bad are the slacks?
Vic Kovac: so awful
Mr Grapes: you guys hate my style! Its not fair :(
Queen G: because Charles the clothes you wear make you look like a background extra of a movie set in an office but not a new york office more like a used car salesman office in ohio
Mr Grapes: message received loud and clear :(
Four Eyes: Count me in for the party!
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[8:47pm, Thursday]
Ferris: YOU are gonna go to the party?
Cameron: You’re acting like I never go to parties
Ferris: just surprised is all
Cameron: You’re weird
Dance Squad
[9:02pm, Thursday]
G-Hive: okay we need to start a bet NOW
Charlese: what are we betting about??
G-Hive: it’s the beginning of the school year, the two of them seem different this year G-Hive: i think this might be the year! G-Hive: rosa, u in?
Scary: of course I am, dumb bets are my specialty
Charlese: I’m in!!!
G-Hive: ok, start date is today, place ur bets now and u can change them until the clock strikes midnight tonight G-Hive: after that they are locked in
Bi Besties
[9:06pm, Thursday]
Dagger: what r ur feelings towards amy?
El Baboso: she’s my friend El Baboso: why r u asking??
Dagger: dont worry about it
Dance Squad
[9:07pm, Thursday]
Scary: three and a half weeks after we get back from winter break
G-Hive: weirdly specific i like it
Charlese: in three months
G-Hive: awful guess but sure G-Hive: im gonna go with a month before the school year ends
Scary: fair enough
G-Hive: okay im writing all the dates down in my notes G-Hive: remember u have until midnight to change G-Hive: how much is everyone putting in the pool?
Charlese: $50 – feeling confident
Scary: you shouldn’t beScary: I can match that
G-Hive: same G-Hive: its gonna be an interesting school year babes
Jimmy Jabbers
[4:36pm, Friday]
Queen G: party at terry’s tomorrow is ON! Queen G: he said “BYO booze, I’m not made of money” Queen G: hes my fave
Vic Kovac: as ur childhood best friend i resent that statement
Queen G: i said what i said
Vic Kovac: ill find a new bestie
Queen G: you do that pineapples
Four Eyes: HA pineapples
RoRo: pineapples lol
*Jake Peralta has left the group chat*
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[4:38pm, Friday]
Ferris: amy add me back pls
Cameron: I’ll think about it
Ferris: pllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeeeee
Jimmy Jabbers
[4:39pm, Friday]
*Four Eyes added Jake Peralta to the group chat*
*Four Eyes changed Jake Peralta’s nickname to Pineapples*
Pineapples: im gonna find better friends
Queens, Legends, Icons
[3:13pm, Saturday]
Ginaa: babe what r u wearing tonite????
Rosie: what i usually wear
Ginaa: so real of u
Jimmy Jabbers
[9:27pm, Saturday]
Pineapples: charles and i on our way!!!!!
Four Eyes: Rosa, Gina, and I will be leaving as soon as Gina is satisfied with her hair
[10:46pm, Saturday]
[11:22pm, Saturday]
Queen G: i can’t find rosie Queen G: has anyone seen rosa
RoRo: in the bathroom RoRo: DONT COME FIND ME
[12:34am, Sunday]
Pineapples: me and charle takin amyyy home
Four Eyes: one more daaance
RoRo: freaks
[10:04am, Sunday]
Four Eyes: I want to die
Mr Grapes: seconded
Pineapples: thirded
RoRo: gina and i are getting brunch in 20
Pineapples: count me in
Four Eyes: Me too
Mr Grapes: me three
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[3:15pm, Sunday]
Ferris: ik ur embarrassed but drunk amy was kinda fun ngl
Cameron: As bad as I feel today I will admit that I did have fun
Ferris: in a few weeks when u forget how bad u felt we shall do it again!
Cameron: Whatever you say haha
Jimmy Jabbers
[1:37pm, Wednesday]
Queen G: this class is KILLING me Queen G: someone entertain me pls
Pineapples: ok so if human skin is like pig skin would u be able to make pork crackling but like with human
RoRo: probably if u prepared it properly
Four Eyes: You most probably could. Part of me would want to say that human skin would react to being in an oven differently, but I think if you just used a part of the body most similar to a pork roast it would be fine. Pat dry, oil and salt, all good to cook. The only issue would be knowing how long to cook it for and what temperature so that it does crackle
Pineapples: jesus christ amy…
Queen G: amy i think i just gained a bit of respect for u
RoRo: me too
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[2:55pm, Thursday]
Ferris: im SO bored rn
Cameron: Focusing on the class is usually a good way to cure boredom
Ferris: i tried Ferris: its not happening
Cameron: You’re distracting me
Ferris: come ooonnn we both know u already know the lesson plan
Cameron: That’s not the point
Ferris: stop replying to me then
Cameron: If I don’t reply you’ll just continue to bug me
Ferris: i believe that is what they call a rock and a hard place Ferris: check mate to me Ferris: always get what i want Ferris: do u think holt will get mad if he sees me texting Ferris: probs will Ferris: worth it tbh Ferris: im hungrryyy
Cameron: I’m going to kill you
Ferris: amy pls, get in line behind rosa
Jimmy Jabbers
[7:23pm, Saturday]
Four Eyes: Need movie suggestions, please
Pineapples: mamma mia
Queen G: the mummy Queen G: Brendan Frasier is way too fine to pass up
RoRo: Somethings Gotta Give
Mr Grapes: Dirty Dancing
Four Eyes: Hm okay Four Eyes: No documentaries?
Queen G: NO
Pineapples: n o
RoRo: no
Mr Grapes: Blackfish?
Four Eyes: That’s a bummer Charles…
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[7:30pm, Saturday]
Cameron: I decided on Mamma Mia, thought you’d like to know
Ferris: i knew u were smart
Bi Besties
[6:45pm, Tuesday]
El Baboso: do u have the notes from yesterdays lecture?
Dagger: yeah, why?
El Baboso: can i borrow them? El Baboso: i lost mine
Dagger: no, u never returned the last notes i let u “borrow”
El Baboso: :(
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[6:47pm, Tuesday]
Ferris: amy Ferris: ameesss Ferris: ur my bestie right
Cameron: What do you want, Jake?
Ferris: can i borrow ur notes from holts class yesterday Ferris: PLEASE
Cameron: Yes you can
Cameron: Don’t worry about it, I made an extra copy of mine after class when I noticed you hadn’t taken any notes
Ferris: this is why we r friends
Cameron: So you can steal my notes?
Ferris: uuhhhh
Sleuth Sisters
[6:50pm, Tuesday]
Rosa: cant believe u gave jake ur notes
Amy: I keep hoping that if he has all the material then he might try and study more
Rosa: optimistic
Amy: I know..
Jimmy Jabbers
[9:32pm, Wednesday]
Queen G: a girl in my class just text me that theres a party happening this Friday at her friends place Queen G: which one of u bitches is in
Pineapples: obviously im in!
RoRo: feel like even if i said no i’d be forced to go
Mr Grapes: who’s gonna be there?
Queen G: definitely NOT the professor you have a weird crush on Queen G: just say yes
Mr Grapes: i don’t have a crush on her…
Four Eyes: I can’t do Friday, sorry. Have fun though!
Pineapples: amy pls just forget your study schedule for ONE night
Four Eyes: I’ll think about it, but no promises
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[10:03pm, Friday]
Ferris: i knew u would come
Cameron: Shut up and bring me a drink, if I’m going to miss studying then I at least want to make it worth it
Ferris: 3 drink amy coming right up!
[10:42pm, Friday]
Cameron: rosa just gave me SHOTS
Cameron: you’re weird lol
[11:14pm, Friday]
Ferris: COMING
Jimmy Jabbers
[01:11am, Saturday]
RoRo: anyone seen amy?
Mr Grapes: ive lost jake too
[01:20am, Saturday]
Pineapples: amy threw up in the garden Pineapples: taking her back home in an uber
RoRo: k
[11:24am, Saturday]
Four Eyes: Can’t begin to explain how terrible I feel right now..
Pineapples: im not surprised based on how u were when i took u home
RoRo: drink some coffee and you’ll be fine
Four Eyes: Don’t even talk to me about food or drinks unless its water or plain toast
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:27am, Saturday]
Ferris: sorry u feel crap today
Cameron: I knew what I was signing up for when Rosa handed me the tequila shots
Ferris: if its any consolation i just remembered i have an essay due on monday that i havent done yet
Cameron: If you need help let me know
Ferris: dont make promises u will regret santiago
[01:07pm, Saturday]
G: what was with u taking amy home last night???
Jacob: nothing was with it Jacob: shes my friend and i helped her Jacob: id do the same for u or charles or rosa
G: hmm okay G: ill accept that G: for now
Jacob: despite being friends with everyone im friends with ur still at the top of the weird list
G: thank you sm <3
Jimmy Jabbers
[08:27pm, Wednesday]
Pineapples: guys im so booorreeddd Pineapples: someone talk to meeee
Queen G: we could play a game?
Pineapples: like what???
Queen G: ive been saving this screenshot for a rainy day Queen G: what movie is this, wrong answers only Queen G: 1 image attachment – screenshot of movie review which says “These two fuck like they’re gremlins in a rainstorm”
Pineapples: Home Alone surely
Four Eyes: Point Break
Mr Grapes: Dumb and Dumber
Queen G: @four eyes point break isn’t a documentary, you know that right?
Four Eyes: I don’t just watch documentaries, Gina
RoRo: Saw
Pineapples: do i wanna know who in saw ur talking about
RoRo: no you don’t
[10:07pm, Wednesday]
Pineapples: how long has the concept of whiteness been around
Four Eyes: For the love of God…
Mr Grapes: this feels like a conversation I should stay out of
RoRo: take a guess or google dumbass
Pineapples: b* idk like 12 AD
RoRo: don’t hide it under your little asterisks Peralta, call me a bitch like a man so I can slap you like a woman
Pineapples: if my dead body is found tomorrow use this gc as evidence
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[05:03pm, Friday]
Ferris: dark academia has been done to death
Cameron: Yeah?
Ferris: its time for stripper academia
Cameron: Is this you trying to tell me you want to open up a strip club cross with a library?
Ferris: amy ur a genius!!!
Cameron: Oh god no…
Bi Besties
[02:42pm, Tuesday]
El Baboso: would u rather meet a ghost or a vampire??
Dagger: why??
El Baboso: im curious El Baboso: also ur a deeply unreasonable and angry person so i wanna know ur answer
Dagger: that checks out Dagger: now go away
[02:45pm, Tuesday]
Jacob: would u rather meet a ghost or a vampire?
G: vampire obvs
Jacob: good answer
G: i know
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[02:46pm, Tuesday]
Ferris: would u rather meet a ghost or a vampire?
Cameron: I’m not sure, I’ve never thought about it
Ferris: well nows the time
Cameron: Maybe a ghost, they couldn’t really do anything to hurt me unlike a vampire
Ferris: what if the vampire is very sexy
Cameron: That does change things
The Night Boys
[02:50pm, Tuesday]
Deathblade: charles Deathblade: would u rather meet a ghost or a vampire??
Sidewinder: ghost
Deathblade: what if the vampire was sexy?
Sidewinder: if I get bitten by a vampire then I can’t eat food ever again, only blood Sidewinder: no vampire is sexy enough to make me give up food
Deathblade: fair enough buddy
Jimmy Jabbers
[02:53pm, Tuesday]
Four Eyes: Who else has been asked about ghosts and vampires by Jake today?
RoRo: me
Queen G: me
Mr Grapes: me
Pineapples: you weren’t supposed to talk to each other about it!! Pineapples: you have ruined my important data collection
Four Eyes: What data??
Pineapples: … Pineapples: which of you could be swayed by a vampire
Jimmy Jabbers
[11:12pm, Saturday]
Pineapples: just thinking about if the hudson flooded
RoRo: what would you do about it?
Pineapples: get a big straw
Queen G: girl what
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:14pm, Saturday]
Cameron: You alright, Jake?
Ferris: yeah Ferris: why?
Cameron: You’ve just seemed a little all over the place this week
Ferris: ah right Ferris: yeah idk just been a bad brain week i guess
Cameron: Fair enough. If you need anything I’m here :)
Ferris: thanks amy
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: Thanks for reading, i love u <3
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