#he was never my top favorite character so this isn't hurting me as much as I think it's hurting some others
guardian-angle22 · 2 years
There better be some more context to Carlos calling TK a “hot mess” later on cause, bro... did you walk past a mirror on your way to telling him that?
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outlanderskin · 5 months
Tobias Menzies
I was reading on a card how much would fit in ten years and I saw that in 10 Years
fit 120 Months
521,714 Weeks
3652 Days
87648 Hours
5258880 Minutes
315532800 Seconds.
And even in all this, it doesn't fit what it meant for me to wait for him.
Within these 10 years, there are memories of being persecuted since the beginning when I said that he was my favorite.
All the times, I had to explain the difference between actors and characters for people who hated him because of Frank and BJR.
All the times I've had to say that I really like Sam, but that at the top of my list will always be Tobias, and this isn't a sin.
All the times I said there was no dispute between them.
All the times I was hurt when I saw people from my side of the fandom excluding him from photos or wishing he wouldn't go to some events because it would "take the focus" away from the main actors couple (yes, this stupid thing happened).
I've been in this fandom since the beginning, and anyone who knows me knows that for me, it's always been about him. I'm not someone who started using Tobias to justify hatred or to disguise an unhealthy love for Sam. It was natural from the first day I looked at him. And a thousand times, I've expressed my pride about how private, talented, different, down-to-earth he is.
I've been going to Cons of Outlander since 2015, but he rarely does Cons, I had already met the loves of my fandom friends' lives, but never mine. Until Saturday, April 13, 2024.
When I took the first photo (with him and Sam) and saw him for the first time, everything around me disappeared completely. There he was, finally. I was practically led by my friend, I gathered all the courage to say where I came from, then he blinked, and all my senses and rationality, and 🎶🎶🎶 all that was me, was gone🎶. I don't remember how I left the room, but my friends remember... I needed to be strong, I thought. There would still be three photos with him alone (one of them a gift from much-loved friends), a photo with him and Sophie, and an autograph. I would have to maintain my sanity until then.
For the first time, I understood the fact that Sam Heughan's fans left photo shoots shaking.
During the photo shoot, I spoke quietly, and so did he, and for me, it was like a dance because I said he decided the poses and I followed. I left the session and I want to thank from the bottom of my heart the girl on the team who asked me how I was and I could only say "he's my favorite" and she hugged me.
There was a rush at the autograph, but I gave him a book about theatre from my country, and I believe it was a gift he didn't expect. He thanked me with his hand on his chest, like the gentleman he is and at that moment I wanted to be royalty because I was going to give him all the honors of a noble English knight that I could find in the Buckingham Palace . Do I like British Monarchy? I like Tobias Menzies.
Ah....how I wish I could sit down with him and say he has a fan page that I manage, say that I admire him for being truly discreet in every way. Ask about his process of acting , speak about Stanislavski, Brecht, Ibsen, talk about my experiences in the classroom with The Theater of the Oppressed and say how good is for me to see someone like him acting. But conventions are collective experiences, and there would be no time.
In ten years, a lot can happen... all this time waiting for him. And I would do it all again. Someone like him was worth waiting for.
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Where's Mommy?
Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Part 3
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Summary: Wolffe's wife suddenly dies, leaving him a single father in the middle of a war.
Pairing: Wolffe x Lilith Sestri (OFC)
Characters: Wolffe, Cara (child OFC), Comet, Sinker, Boost
Tags & Warnings: heavy angst, mention of death, off-screen death, spousal death, grief, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 1k
Author's Note: This part isn't blatantly in-your-face sad as the previous two parts were, but instead, I would consider it a lingering sadness. Wolffe takes a back seat in this one while Comet and Cara take center stage. It's sweet, soft, and also bittersweet. Also, are these parts getting longer? Whoops... As always, please enjoy 💚
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With Cara in one hand and his key card in the other, Wolffe scanned the card to open the apartment door. While they were still at the med-center, Plo contacted a few of Wolffe's closest brothers in the battalion to help him pack his and Cara's belongings in preparation to move into the Jedi Temple. They didn't have to leave tonight, but in the morning they'd have to abandon their home and most of the things in it, since they could only take so much with them to the Temple. 
Wolffe let the door whoosh closed behind him, then took a deep breath to steady himself. He carried Cara past the kitchen, where dirty dishes from their dinner preparation laid still, but stopped as he walked by the dinner table. Half-eaten, cold food, utensils littering the floor, a yanked table cloth, and a knocked over chair brought vivid images of his wife clutching her chest and gasping for breath back to his remembrance. He squeezed his eyes shut and stepped quickly into the living room.
Comet shot up from the couch and smiled wide, reaching out his arms to take Cara from Wolffe. "Ad'ika!" he cooed. Comet touched his forehead to hers and swayed slowly while she settled against him. "You've gotten so big since the last time I saw you."
"She doesn't know what that means," Wolffe said as he stretched his arm and back muscles.
"You never taught her?" Sinker asked from his seat in the armchair.
"I'll add it to the list next to burning my riduur," Wolffe retorted.
Sinker, Comet, and Boost lowered their eyes.
"That's not– I didn't mean–" Wolffe sighed, then slumped down onto the couch. He rubbed his forehead to help relieve some of the growing tension. "You know how it is. Months away on missions and only a few rotations of leave. When did I have the time?"
"It's never too late to start," Boost said with a small smile from his seat at the other end of the couch.
"She barely even knows me," Wolffe lamented. "The only reason she recognizes me is because my wife shows her my picture every waking moment. I… I don't even know what her favorite color is."
Cara began to squirm and fuss in Comet's arms.
Wolffe sighed and got up from the couch. "It's way past her bedtime."
"I got it," Comet insisted. "Just do what you need to do."
Wolffe nodded his thanks and plopped back down onto the couch.
"Come on, sweetie," Comet said as he headed towards her bedroom. "It's sleepy time."
Comet entered the bedroom and flipped the light switch on. Seeing that Cara was not in the best of spirits, he decided to try and change that. He flipped Cara onto her stomach and flew her around the room while imitating gunship sounds. "LAAT coming in for a landing!" he exclaimed before gently tossing her down onto the bed. She giggled and he smiled at a mission accomplished. "Alright, ad'i– sweetie, where are your pajamas?"
Cara pointed at the dresser against the far wall.
Comet opened the top dresser drawer and found a couple of options. "Do you want the tooka ones or the…" he paused to think. "You know what? I'm not actually sure what these things are. Uh, pink or purple?"
Cara giggled again. "Purple."
"Weird creature it is," Comet said. He closed the drawer with his elbow and handed the pajamas to Cara. "Can you put them on yourself?"
She looked up at him and blinked.
Comet raised an eyebrow. "You drive a hard bargain, ad'ika. Alright, arms up."
Comet helped Cara get out of her day clothes, which had a mixture of weird and unusual stains on them, and into her purple mystery creature pajamas. After she was ready for bed, he pulled the blanket back to let her nestle in, then tucked the sides of the blanket in around her. He brushed an unruly curl out of her face and smiled softly. "Good night, ad'ika."
"Comet?" Cara said.
"Yes, sweetie?" he asked.
"I need Cloney," she said.
Comet tilted his head to the side. "Who's Cloney?"
Cara sat up in bed and pointed to a shelf across the room. On the shelf was a little clone trooper doll with gray armor with markings that were worn down from being well-loved.
Comet nodded, grabbed the doll, and brought it back to her.
She hugged the doll close and nestled herself back into bed.
"Does Cloney have a name?" he asked as he sat down and tucked her back in.
"Daddy says I can't give him one," she said.
"Oh?" he questioned.
"Only clones can," she said.
"Ah, I see," he said. "Well, you know, I'm a clone and I think Cloney would love it if you gave him a name of his own."
"Maybe…" she trailed off. "Do you know when mommy will come home?"
Comet tensed.
"Mommy always reads me a bedtime story," she continued.
Comet cleared his throat. "I could read you a bedtime story. Would you like that?"
Cara looked up at him with her mother's blue eyes and for a moment Comet thought he might break his composure.
"Okay," she said.
Comet released his held breath and scooted across the floor to the bookshelf to grab one of the children's holo-books. He chose one that had a lot of pictures in it and scooted back over next to the bed. He started reading the holo-book to her and tried his best to make all of the character voices sound different and imitate all of the different noises. She giggled at his funny interpretations and, eventually, Cara dozed off and fell asleep.
When he was sure she was sound asleep, Comet ended the holo-book and watched her sleep for a moment. Cara still didn't understand what happened, and he couldn't imagine how she'd really feel once she figured out what it meant for her mother to be dead. It pained his heart to think about it. They saw death every day, their brothers blown to bits, but for a child to lose their mother? He didn't even know what that meant. None of them did.
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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In the mood for...
1. hi there!! i’m really fond of your page. i wonder if you’ve got fics with wei wuxian as an idol but lan wangji with another job and falls in love with wei wuxian before discovering that he’s an idol or something like that. preferably mdzs fandom instead of cql-verse, if you could? thank yoou so much beforehand 💕
When the Lights Come Up by brooklinegirl (E, 50k, wangxian, modern, Notting Hill AU, famous WWX, non famous LWJ, Break ups and make ups, Musician WWX, bookseller LWJ) Not an idol but rock star wwx and bookseller lwj!
The Fault in Our Stars by Vamillepudding (T, 17k, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Romantic Comedy, Comedy of Errors, Misunderstandings, the title makes it sound like a cancer story, it's not a cancer story) They were both famous, but don't realize the other is as well. A lovely rom com fic.
Twitter fic by @/cerbykerby
does your pretty face see what he's worth by defractum (nyargles) (E, 27k, WangXian, Modern AU, Rock Band, Ballet, Second Chances, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Long-Distance Friendship) has rock star WWX and ballet dancer LWJ, but it's not LWJ not knowing WWX is famous, exactly, just discovering his friend from dance class has gotten famous while he's been busy building a career.
you'll always know me by ana_cp (E, 127k, wangxian, modern, Actor WWX, Teacher LWJ, Getting Back Together, Exes to Lovers, is it exes to lovers if you never quite defined your relationship?, Angst with a Happy Ending, LWJ being cute with children alert, WWX rides a motorcycle, LWJ writes as a hobby, Back hugs as a love language, Sharing Food as a Love Language) Another one where WWX isn't exactly an idol (he's a famous actor) and LWJ knows him from before he was famous, so maybe not exactly what they're looking for, but a great story nonetheless.
2. Do any mods have some longfic recommendations? I prefer wwx-focused ones since he's my fav character!
Not sure what your definition of a long fic is but the ones that pop into my head right now are:
🧡 a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke (M, 180k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, arranged marriage)
🧡 Night of the Living History (an edutainment special!) by Aerlalaith (T, 51k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Workplace Relationship, Fluff and Humor, Museums, living history, Some Plot, Slice of Life, Injury, a minor haunting)
🧡 I Don’t Want to Debut! by countingcr0ws (G, 56k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reality show, Idols, Actor LWJ, Forced Contestant WWX)
🧡 Song of Suibian and Bichen: Or, the Greatest (And Only) Furby Master of Demonic Cultivation by moonwaif (T, 64k, WangXian, Suibian/Bichen, Fix-It of Sorts, Canon adjacent, The spiritual weapons are furbies, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, Taking my favorite parts of every adaptation and smashing them together)
Mud and Canvas by StormsBreadth (M, 109k, WangXian, Larping AU, Fluff, Angst, Role-playing, Camping)
- Mod C
💖 Cut Him Out in Little Stars by ChaoticAndrogynous (E, 69k, WangXian, Canon-Typical Violence, Grief/Mourning, Existential Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Memory Loss, Dementia (referenced), Suicidal Thoughts, Battlefield Surgery, Blood and Injury, Immortality, Loneliness, Isolation, Explicit Sexual Content, Oral Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Consensual Non-Consent, Bondage, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian (mentioned) )
💖 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, Arranged Marriage, political scheming, Gratuitous Domesticity, Pining, slow burn, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, bottom LWJ)
💖 Pentimento. by orange_crushed (E, 73k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, art conservation, museums, pining, not actually unrequited love, angst w/ happy ending, misunderstandings, smut, major character injury, hospitalization, hurt/comfort, past incarceration, forgery)
I went with two older ones and one I bookmarked somewhat recently ~Mod L
Other recs:
live from new york: an snl au series by varnes (E, 105k, WangXian, XuanLi, Modern AU, SNL AU, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, and they were ROOMMATES, Frottage, Light Bondage, could not be lighter or gentler bondage)
In Imitation of Life by travelingneuritis (E, 70k, wangxian, modern cultivation, scifi au, android WWX, tone: neon seedy, rich people are bored and terrible, post-apocalyptoc landscape, happy ending, smut, severe major characger injury, time loss)
3. Hello there! For the next itmf, does anyone know of any Greek gods/mythology wangxian fics?
something so precious about this (so wretched about this) by lazulink (E, 26k, WangXian, Inspired by Eros and Psyche (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Touch-Starved, Loneliness, Learning to be Loved, Mpreg, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore Fusion, canon adjacent, Royalty, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pregnant LWJ, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian)
4. Itmf WangXian Bichen smut? Or other sex toy smut? Preferably not modern. Thank you! <333
try Better Things to Do with a Flute in Wartime by Anonymous (E, 365k, MingXian, WangXianJue, Sunshot Campaign, Fix-It, Magical Healing Cock, Dual Cultivation, mild Dom/Sub, Undernegotiated Kink, Golden Core Reveal, Breathplay, Choking, Painplay, Subdrop, Topdrop, Major Character Injury, Canon Divergence, What-If, Temperature Play, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Fisting, Spanking, PTSD, Trauma, Self-Harm, (in the pursuit of cultivational badassery)) and the series it starts. Especially later on, the main thruple really get into some kinky explicit stuff. Mind the gore, it’s not part of the sexy stuff, but the series starts during the sun shot campaign and it’s explicit.
[MANHUA] Incense Burner 2 (Parts 7 - 29) by Haruka_Forever (E, 189, WangXian, The manhua artist unofficially drawing the incense burner extra 2, so what you'll read is canon to the novel, Masturbation, Bichen used as a sex toy, Non-Consensual Blow Job, Rough Sex, Non-Consensual Spankings, But also tender Wangxian) here's the manhua artist drawing the incense burner extras
5. Itmf for fics with just a lot of love for the characters we adore. Like I'm talking about fics where the love and fluff just bleeds through the page and makes your heart turn into goo and curls your toes. Complete sugar for everyone. I feel like we could use some right now. @gentil-minou
Love Cats Series by so_shhy (T/G, 14k, WangXian, Modern AU, Meet-Cute, Fluff, First dates, Falling in Love, Officr party, POV Outsider)
Bunny Tales Series by sunnific (G/T, 7k, Modern AU, Meet-Cute, Fluff, Falling in Love, First kiss, Making out, Rabbits)
First Errand by Zacksy (G, 7k, WangXian, Accidental Baby Acquisition, temporarily, turning into, Volitional Husband Acquisition, glorified shopping trips, glorified free Sundays)
🧡 A Study in Fluff by WeaverOfTheNight (T, 29k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, no plot just vibes, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Domestic Fluff, literal plot bunnies, Getting Together, POV Alternating)
Dazzle Like a Diamond by Tsukimiko_san (T, 4k, WangXian, Dragon LWJ, Crow WWX, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, No Angst, ok maybe a tiny sprinkle of angst but like, usual lwj thinking wwx is just teasing him, it doesn't last long, Getting Together, they are both so whipped, Boys Kissing, Courting Rituals)
The Art of Communication by mrcformoso (G, 4k, wangxian, Modern College/University au, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Meet-Cute, Engineering Student WWX, Music Student LWJ, Swimmer WWX, Martial Artist LWJ, POV Outsider, POV WWX, POV LWJ, Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts, When your individual communication issues complement each other, Communication Issues, But Wanxian Makes it Work, LWJ has limited words, WWX has too many words, Falling In Love, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Love Languages, Requited Love)
Secrets by handwritten (onefromanotherworld) (G, 1k, WangXian, Fluff, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Getting Together, Smitten LWJ, Smitten WWX, courting gifts) i haven't read the rest of the series yet but i assume it's just as sweet
6. Hi! ITMF for time travel fics where the time traveler(s) physically goes to the past, not just them returning to their past body.
花无百日红; the flower that withers by yiqie (M, 29k, wangxian, Time Travel Fix-It of Sorts, Case Fic, Spells & Enchantments, Hurt/Comfort, Forgiveness, It’s about the emotional catharsis, If you have ever laughed at WWX clowning himself for the 'no one will marry you’ scene, This fic is: for you)
Melody of the Lost and Found by esama (T, 48k, WIP, XiXian, WangXian, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, YLLZ WWX, There are two WWXs in this)
❤️ Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Yunmeng sibling bonding, good dad wwx, good dad lwj, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
7. Hi hi thank you so much for your hard work!! This blog means a lot for me to find many many fics🤣
Now, I'm in the mood of fics where wwx is the one being rich rich, meanwhile lwj financially struggle or at least not as rich as wwx, I am hoping for wwx family disapprove of wx relationship as well (maybe because of past incident, difference status, etc) basically the opposite of usual wx relationship in fics, and of course wx endgame and happy ending🥺🥺. The setting can be a royalty, modern, cultivation world, or anything else.
Thank you so much🩵🩵🩵 @yourslwj
there is a fic like that, i know it, i just can’t really put my finger on it. LZ is basically working as a sugar baby and WWX is his sugar daddy. I also remember LZs Mother being a nurse and working really hard to keep them afloat. I think she got sick at some point? Im sorry, i really want to help. If anyone knows what this is called, i would appreciate it a lot.
finally safe (for me to fall) by sassybluee (E, 77k, WangXian, Modern: No Powers, Sugar Daddy, Age Difference, Sex Work, Rich WWX, Older WWX, Service Top WWX, Poor LWJ, Single Parent LWJ, Sugar Baby LWJ, Family Issues, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Cockblocking, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, No Lube, Lube, Addiction, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Implied/Referenced Abuse, wangxian + others) it's a sugar daddy/sugar baby fic where lwj is a single father and struggling to care for himself and A-Yuan
8. Hi! I was wondering if you have stumbled to a juniors see the yiling laozu phase in action or react to him in that mode.. also are the past react to wei ying in laozu phase post canon like a time travel or something😅 @myst1210
9. itmf for dads wwx and lwj but i want lwj to be the lenient parent and wwx the strict one, thank you!
10. Can I make an odd fic request? I want to expand my skills as an author and try to write with more personality and flair. I know this will come with experience and that I will eventually find my own style, but I want to also open my eyes to great examples from more experienced authors. So can everyone please recommend their favorite fics that have a unique or memorable writing style/author’s voice? If possible, include in your rec what in particular you like about it. Thank you all so much!
This fandom has so many incredible writers. The ones that come to mind immediately with a unique voice are 💖 Pentimento. by orange_crushed (E, 73k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, art conservation, museums, pining, not actually unrequited love, angst w/ happy ending, misunderstandings, smut, major character injury, hospitalization, hurt/comfort, past incarceration, forgery) link in #2 live from new york: an snl au series by varnes (E, 105k, WangXian, XuanLi, Modern AU, SNL AU, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Idiots in Love, and they were ROOMMATES, Frottage, Light Bondage, could not be lighter or gentler bondage) In Imitation of Life by travelingneuritis (E, 70k, wangxian, modern cultivation, scifi au, android WWX, tone: neon seedy, rich people are bored and terrible, post-apocalyptoc landscape, happy ending, smut, severe major characger injury, time loss) (Those last two can fit for the long fic category too) Everything by spodumene Honestly it's hard to not just say like a hundred of them sjsjfj - Ah I just finished reading the rest of the request. What I like most about their writing is that they have this ability to pain the world they wrote like a picture. With these lines that leave me sitting in awe
i 100% agree about the loads of fantastic authors in this fandom. i wanted to mention 2: s6115 - i love how they get to the absolute heart of the characters and express their emotions, and they also balance it with humor very well H_Belle - i would call their writing…. snappy? idk if it's the right word but they keep the writing tight and moving and intriguing
For 10: anything by ScarlettStorm, her writing has a really solid voice! Also paired wings soaring by typefortydeductions (E, 33k, WangXian, Modern, slice of life, domestic bliss, angst, fluff, smut, hurt/Comfort, kissing, bdsm, artist WWX, poetry translator LWJ, slight somnophilia) has a very unique and wonderful narrative style.
I would recommend ScarlettStorm, who has great found families and depth of character and a particular breezy style I like. Also Ariaste, who has a similar style and excels at getting the most out of a premise. Also Sami, in particular the Paper Moon series because of her thoughtfulness about character development and how that drives the plot and the neat way she weaves the story together and has excellent narrative consistency. One more - hansbekhart is a tremendously skilled writer who, like orange_crushed (recced above), can just hit you with a brick of emotions. Highly recommend both authors as those who can drag deep, vast emotions out of you and leave you feeling as if you're a different person after you've read their fic. In particular, I suggest Roots Grow Riotous by hansbekhart.
for an example of fantastic writing, Twelve Moons and a Fortnight series by stiltonbasket on ao3 is EXCELLENT (intricate layered worldbuilding in vast timeline, awesome imagery and characterizations and build towards pivotal scenes). Also I personally love Cradle by dragonesque (one of best/fav show down diss scenes, politics) & The Murder of Crows by cerbykerby; to name a few
Say More by lettered (E, 55k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Pining, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, non-graphic drug use, non-graphic withdrawal, Drug Addiction, one suicidal thought, negative thought, wwx struggles with Mandarin and feeling connected to Chinese culture, this is not a large plot point but bears mention, Compulsory Heterosexuality, wwx kisses a girl, Sexuality Crisis, Gay Panic, some gender confusion and questions without serious gender questioning, incorrect definition of omnisexuality, Open Relationships, Masochistic Fantasies, non-graphic sadomascochistic realities, humiliation fantasies, Submission Fantasies, some D/s realities, one condomless blowjob, suggestions of some unhealthy co-dependence, Possessive Behavior, Slight Consensual Non-Consent, Frottage) For the itmf ask about works with unique voices I can happily recommend lettered's "say more", currently a wip. They use frequent semicolons and extreme mood swings to illustrate what's its like in wwx's fast-branching and self-effacing thoughts.
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, WangXian, Modern AU, Pianist, Getting Together, Mental Health Issues, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Hospitals, Overdosing, Eventual Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Additional Warnings In Author's Note) for great writing this story is amazing. It will make you cry, and there is a happy ending
11. hello! hope y’all are doing great 🥰 idk if there are a lot of fics for this ask but recently i read one of your recs luminous by azuresummer and i absolutely love it, in the fic wwx is a jiaoren who is unable to verbally communicate with lwj so for the next itmf, i would appreciate more recs of fics where there is a language barrier between wangxian, any au is fine. Thank you so much ! 💖 @makkachiin
💖 splash;; by defractum (nyargles) (E, 11k, wangxian, F/F, modern cultivation, Gender Changes, Merpeople, Humanfucking, the opposite of monsterfucking, Rule 63)
12. ITMF Wei Ying appreciation fics!! People realising how much wwx did for them and continues to do so. Bonus if it's ANGSTY
Hi for #12 itmf here. It's good, but not what I wanted. For example, wwx got injured, and now people are really worried like oh wwx did so much for us , i wouldn't handle it if he were to no longer be here. Also it can be about people loving wwx, bonus if there's good yzy and lqr.
New Perspective by mrcformoso (T, 8k, WangXian, Angst, Hopeful Ending, Fatherhood, Regrets, Flashbacks, POV LWJ, LWJ-centric, Canonical Character Death - WWX, Pining LWJ, LWJ Has Feelings, LWJ Needs a Hug, Character Development, Dead WWX, Introspection, Feelings, LWJ is Bad at Feelings, Character Study, Regretful LWJ, Breaking Toxic Cycles, Canon Compliant, LWJ in Seclusion, Post-LWJ, in Seclusion, Child LSZ) you asked for angst and you shall receive. lwj appreciating wwx after he died, and using that as a starting point for change
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 139k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together) And Time Is But A Paper Moon, time travel fix-it, has a situation in the middle (starting at chapter 28) where it's evident everyone cares for Wei Wuxian, and the story as a whole has great Yu Ziyuan and Lan Qiren, and develops their relationships with Wei Wuxian in interesting ways.
See all this and more for just ten dollars a month! Series by ScarlettStorm (E, 382k, WIP, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Pining, Porn, like in the writing and also as a plot point, onlyfans au, repressed lwj, sex worker wwx, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, hornt(tm), mental health, therapy is good actually, Nonbinary NHS, Gender Exploration, Hurt/Comfort, past trauma, genderfluid wwx) ScarlettStorm's got a series (See all this and more for just ten dollars a month!) where they're both in therapy and work through all their issues like real adults including past trauma but also household budgeting, etc.
leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation) Also recommend the meet ugly story, leave all your love and your longing behind, for just, grown up adulting WangXian + extended family
I'm Sorry & Thank You by Iamnotawriter (T, 12k, wangxian, post-canon, Canon Compliant, Golden Core, Canon-Typical Violence, LQR's epipheny, Angst with a Happy Ending)
u may want to check out variations of watching/reading the series tags. Some follow exactly with great character reactions like The Characters of MDZS Watching the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by emma_screams (M, 147k, WIP, WangXian, Humor, Fluff, Angst, Drama) book canon Misunderstood by Silver_Flame_2724 (M, 250k, WIP, WangXian, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Heavy Angst, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon-Typical Violence, Self-Worth Issues) very au/diverging au, set immediately after first seige w/ wwx backstory that happened 'offscreen' & dif resurrection
13. Hi loves! Thanks for all the word you put into the blog! I check it so often it might as well be the newspaper 🤣
For the next itmf I’d like something kinda specific: wangxian, established relationship, when they fight, but like fighting the way married people do, as in a “healthy” fight or because they care about the other or things like that. It can have angst but it must be happy ending or my heart won’t be able to take it! Don’t want cheating or infidelity tho, and no ABO please either.
Thank you!!!!!!!
Waiting for Spring by thievinghippo (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, slight angst, Happy Ending, for a baseball fic, there’s not a lot of baseball, Sports, Baseball) the second fic in boys of summer comes to mind, with feelings Saturday. Not much arguing though more lots of healthy communicating
14. Hi, do you know any fics about the kids crushing on wei ying like post canon embarrassing sizhui about his milf dad or him accepting that his dad is interested basically in a random lunatic twink? @quxxnrandonmness27
Help, My Dad Is Fucking Someone My Age!! by sweetlolixo (T, 3k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Humor, Crack, Fluff, Romance)
15. ITMF where Lan Wangji is a little more outspoken and Wei WuXian is a little less oblivious and they get together early. The less angst the better.
Thank you for your time ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა @tinyfoxpeach
Pigtail Pulling by protos_metazu_ison (G, 3k, WangXian, Fluff and Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans)
💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons Series by starandrea (Varies, 1m, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Accidental Marriage, Fluff, Happy Ending, Telepathic bond, Kink Negotiation, Family Drama, Magical Pregnancy, Dual Cultivation, Shapeshifters, Modern with Magic, Immortality, Yilling Wei Sect, podfic) Super fluffy, very little angst, they figure things out shortly after the handfasting in Lan Yi's cave.
16. In the mood for fics where LWJ loses his golden core & how he deals with it. Don't mind whether WWX also loses his or not, but hard pass on anything where WWX gives LWJ his core (unless they find a way to share somehow). @thispatternismine
stay, fury, your wrist wrapped in silk by spookykingdomstarlight (E, 228k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Yiling Laozu LWJ, LWJ loses his golden core, yiling wei sect, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Major Character Injury, Injury Recovery, Temporary Character Death, War Crimes, Wen Remnant, wangxian Get a Happy Ending, Revenge, LWJ goes dark for a while, WWX has a hard time with the bad shit going on around him, JGS is a bastard, Protracted Sunshot Campaign, War is war and hell is hell and of the two war is a lot worse, temporary impotence, growing intimacy, LWJ and WWX and the Wen Remnant live in the Burial Mounds together, WWX travels with LWJ and stays at his side post-Sunshot, Spanish Translation)
17. Hi Mods! hope you have a good day! for the ITMF I have two things I would like to ask A) a fic with a wangxian wedding in detail! like what they are wearing and doing, and B) a fic with some focus on Ouyang Zizhen bonding with WWX,
This Time With Lanterns by ChaoticAndrogynous (T, 6k, WangXian, post-canon cql, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Light Angst, WWX's canonical self-esteem problems, Friendship/Love, doting husband LWJ, Cultivators In Love, the duckling squad ship them so hard, not really arranged marriage but surprise wedding)
🧡 a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke (M, 180k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, arranged marriage) It's been a while since I read it, but pretty sure -- has a lot of detail about the wedding and the leadup.
卧薪尝胆 by RoseThorne (G, 978, WangXian, OYZZ & WWX, Petty LWJ, Bunnies, False Accusations, scapegoating, Cultivation Sect Politics, Chief Cultivator LWJ, POV Third Person, POV WWX)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
26 askss!! ✨💖🐻💖✨
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XD actually, Bibi never minded being the shortest. Because Jangles and I never made fun of him for it. But he's probably happy that there's now 2 people short enough to give him proper hugs 🥺
And to be honest, I haven't thought too much out about character facts :0 other than Cici is a smarty pants and can be a lil sassy at times XD But in a harmless/charming way.
Also oh yeah, Gerald loves puns. XDD Although he hasn't had any cake before.. so idk what his favorite could be. What ever is the funniest flavor I suppose XDD
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD Happy holidays!! :}}
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Oh you're new to Tumblr? Ahhh word of advice then- If I may? It might be a good idea to change your profile picture. Tumblr has a big bot problem. And a lot of the bots have default profile pictures just like yours. A lot of people might see your account in their feed and just block/report on sight. Not fun.. also I suggest you do the same though, if someone with default profile picture, banner, no bio, no posts follows you... that's probaaaaably a bot and should be blocked--
ANYWAYS! So for the Captain Barnacles/Crab comic. I don't plan on finishing it. And the reason why I abandoned it was because the way I had written the comic had everyone acting out of character. The blood was over the top, it was too dramatic,, ugh.. I got tired of my own comic half way through making it. <XD
The comic was gonna end with the rest of the crew showing up, they take the Captain to the octopod, and Peso cries because "I was too scared to help the Captain.." Which is just stupid <XD
Peso would not cower in fear in this situation. Even if Captain Barnacles turned like that and became very scary. Peso has had an extended history of getting it together and braving through anything to help creatures in need. And if his own Captain/friend was hurt? Nothing would stop him. Nothing could scare him away.
In the perfect re-write, Peso would ace this situation. He would approach Barnacles perfectly and calm him down. He would patch the wound, guide him to the gups. Guide him into the octopod and into the med-bay. Expertly deal with the wound and clean up all the blood.
Sure maybe after everything was done he would cry a bit out of the stress of it all. But originally everyone else did everything for Peso because he was too scared to help the scARy CapTAIN OOOO!!
Nah, that dumb. Peso is way stronger than that. #justiceforpeso
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I made one yeeeaaarrs ago when I was into Sonic. But it centered around a Sonic OC of mine. <XD I don't tend to do much insert OC stuff anymore..
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I imagine Bonnie would just sigh and try to get through it on his own. And not go to Foxy for help.. Worse case scenario he gets overwhelmed and shuts down on stage and ruins the show. Which is fine by him. He'd think, "Serves them right for puttin me on that stage. Faz-bear entertainment deserves to have their show flop for how they've treated me.. for how they've treated us."
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XDD Hey! That's Veggietales isn't it?
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XD That's what I was thinkin! That, and they were basically fully fleshed out characters but their bodies just didn't exist yet. Since their future existence was so set in stone Jangles was able to connect to their minds..?? XD I guess??
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Thank you so much!! :DD Also CAPTAIN BARNACALES FTWWW!! ✨💖🐻💖✨
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XD New friend indeed! Cici is technically an old friend, she's existed longer than Jangles and Gerald! XD
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Also thank you! I'm glad you've stuck around and like what you see! :DDD
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1: AAAA I'm glad it fooled you! When I drew it in I knew that anyone with a different Tumblr theme wouldn't be fooled.. but I'm glad I got at least 2 people! XDD
2: Also aww.. even if they were happy tears, sorry for making you cry! <XD
ALSO WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD Also also don't worry, I'm taking a nap and drinking water at the same time as we speak! XD
(Also also also that heart shattering might come sooner than you think..👀)
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Nahh, my gnome is built different. All he needs to thrive is a steady supply of pepperoni pizza and a very large 3 inch deep puddle XD
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Maybe! :0 At the very least I imagine they'd get along. My Seam is soft spoken, polite, mellow.. he's probably a nice person to share a cup of tea with! :}
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@coolkoaladeer @thesweetishfish
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Its hard to say, I didn't ever like.. try to replicate an art style and draw something unrelated. Like- if I was drawing in the gravity falls art style, I was drawing gravity falls stuff. I wouldn't draw in the gravity falls art style and draw random ocs and stuff. If that makes sense-
But maybe one style was easier to draw hands in than another. So I.. might have adopted some stuff..?? I guess??
I guess that would mean my art style developed off of the different franchises I made fanart from? If that's the case it was likely Gravity Falls, Sonic x, and Steven Universe..? Mostly?? XD Sorry this answer is all over the place-
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Many actually! Its just unfortunate because all of them are giant comic ideas but I'm too wiped out from my 20k celebration to really draw any of themmmm... 😩sighhhh
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XDDD I'm glad you like them! And I can imagine that they might be shy to hug new people- but Gerald probably wouldn't mind! XD
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Since that statement I have re-written the timeline.. So who's to say any of that still stuck and what her motives were/are now..? 👀
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<XD I've never played the paper mario games so that's why I've never drawn them.. it sounds really cute though! :D
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Taking the quilt off does nothing, the quilt doesn't bring them to life either! Remember that Bibi could talk when he was a still picture and was brought to "life" without the use of a quilt or even any glowy effects. Also Jangles had a quilt as a drawing and was "brought to life" using a pen!
The point I'm getting at is, Pen? Quilt? It doesn't matter. None of these methods actually give the characters life. I do. All these fancy ways I seem to bring them to life are just for show <XD
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XD The first thing that came to mind was Freddy telling Fredbear about Gregory.
Freddy: "I'm keeping a child hidden in the basement.."
Fredbear: "...you're keeping a CHILD in the BASEMENT??"
Also thank you! :DD
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Naahhh he'll be fine 😉
And yay! Cici and Gerald!!! XDD
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To put it simply, fanart makes me feel bad. And Comments make me feel good. So I prefer comments to fanart. 👌
To complicate it a bit, when I post artwork I'm just sitting there all giddy waiting for the first "AKSJKASAU WAAAAA 😭😭😭" comment to pop up. When I get fanart I immediately get frustrated and uncomfortable. Fanart feels like stealing and usually invokes a negative reaction from me. So if people want to show their appreciation for my work, leaving comments is 100% more effective and preferred. 👍
Also thank you! :DD
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XD These are great match ups!
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unnoticed-poison · 1 month
[ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1 ]
[ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸 ]
Really, really didn't expect to update this silly idea but oh well.
Started using Ada and she/her to not confuse myself when moving to other characters povs.
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Adam truly hoped from the bottom of his heart that this was some sick prank by Lucifer.
If it WAS done by that short ass fuck, then this was a new low, putting him in an illusion dream in a time before everything in his life went wrong, and as a WOMAN?
If it wasn't him, then fate sure loves to fuck with him.
"Hm...it sure was quiet the fall." The angel mumbled as he examined Adam- well now Ada's face. He was too damn close; she could particularly feel his breath against her face. "But nothing I can't fix!"
This. Ada thought Lucifer would be a chick too in this world, but apparently 'Luci' was simply Leith's nickname for the angel.
With her fists clenched and her teeth bared in a grimace, it took everything in Ada to not lash out at the man and hit him with everything she had.
I mean sure, she wouldn't do much damage, especially now that she was a weak, powerless human, but at least she would vent her anger.
Just one punch-
The man, of course, noticed her looks and the way her body was shaking. "Oh dear, you must be in so much pain! here." He snapped his fingers, and the pain in her nose went away in an instant. "Tada! No need to thank me!"
She wasn't going to.
Leith she was still trying not to look at his dick sighed in relief when he saw her nose stop bleeding and return to normal. "Thank you Lucifer."
The angel giggled and tapped the brim of his hat. "No problem! You two's well-being is my top priority after all!"
It wasn't. He never wanted to sign up for this; Michael insisted he volunteer to prove he wasn't a mischievous 'baby' anymore and that he was ready to take some actual responsibility as a Seraphim 
'Isn't this what you want? Aren’t you tired of being just a troublemaker? To stop being seen as a nuisance here in heaven. Isn't it time to change that and prove yourself as a responsible seraphim? Well, this is your chance; don't mess it up.'
And so here he was. It's only been over two weeks since he started, and man his new job was boooooring! There was nothing to do here; Ada was a bore as well, she does nothing but stargazing at nights and climbing trees like a....well they haven't named those animals yet. 
Leith was his only source of entertainment in this vast garden. Unlike Ada, the man was actually using his brain and asking real questions; sure they were innocent ones but his unwillingness to just accept whatever was told to him without a second thought was a breath of fresh air.
Leith was his first true friend.
Ugh, Sera is going to give him an earful if she ever finds out that one of them her precious Ada got hurt again under his watch.
Speaking of Sera...
"Can you please not mention this to Sera when she comes over? I might get in trouble." Sera was going to visit today to give the two humans their first duties.
Leith grimaced and gave a subtle nod in agreement, well aware of how strict and uptight the woman can be. They weren't found of each other due to his... curiosity. "Of course, don't worry we won't say a thing, right Ada?"
The pair turned to face the woman, but she was nowhere to be seen.
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"I think that's far enough." The woman let out huffs as she stopped to rest. "Fuck! My legs hurt like hell; this body is weak as shit man."
While the two were busy chatting, she quietly backed up until she was far enough before running off to her hiding spot.
The garden looked exactly the same as her previous world, and even though it's been over ten thousand years, she still recalls every single detail.
And that included her favorite spot.
The cave opening was hidden by a curtain of plants, with the pathway beyond it being submerged in water. The place was adorned with delicate moss hanging from the ceiling, and the pathway was illuminated by protruding crystal, lending an ethereal beauty to the space. But the crown jewel of this spot of hers was at the very heart of the cave. There stood a lone tree above a small patch of land surrounded by a variety of flowers, with sunlight streaming in through a large space in the ceiling above.
She would always go there to calm her mind whenever she caught Lucifer and Lilith while...ugh, let's not think about that.
She wished she could erase those damned memories from her mind permanently.
Ok, now for the problem at hand...
She absolutely did NOT want to stay butt naked like this all the time! Especially around those angels!
Luckily, she was able to use her ridiculously long hair to cover her body. It was still embarrassing as fuck, but it was better than nothing.
Ada ran a hand through her hair. Seriously, it was longer than Lilith's, dragging along the grass, making her feel like she was Rapunzel or some shit.
Eh, at least it was soft to the touch, which was a plus.
She heard the sound of chipring above her and looked up. "Hm?"
There were several birds resting up on the tree branches.
A lightbulb went off in her head.
That's it!
She whistled loudly, causing the birds's heads to snap towards her. "Hello little birdies!" She called out. "Can you please do me a favor?"
She always had a special bond with the animals; they would listen to her every command, which was probably why she was tasked with naming them while Lilith had to name the plants, which the woman wasn't pleased about for some reason.
The birds, of course, obliged, with cheerful chirps and enthusiastic nods. They descended from the tree and lined up in front of her, awaiting her instructions.
They would do anything for Ada!
"Ok, listen closely, I need you to bring me Ti leaves, about this big." She intsructed, using her hands to demonstrate the size. "And bigger ones about...this size." She added, extending her hands.
Leith would need a longer skirt to be able to cover that monster...thing...it still wasn't fair man! There was absolutely no need to make it THAT fucking large!
"I need about 180 of those, 100 for me and 80 for the bigger leaves. If you can get other birds to help you that would be awesome."
The birds nodded, chippering again before flying off.
Good. Ada stood up; she could start making some strings while waiting.
This was going to take a while...
Welp, let's get to work!
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"Aaaand done!" The woman exclaimed, grinning triumphantly as she looked at the clothes she had made. "I still got it, hah!"
She tried them on and checked herself in the water; the dress that reached her mid-thighs fit her perfectly.
And damn, does it make her ass look good.
She nodded to the birds and smiled. "Thank you for the help." The vibrant feathered creatures responded with happy chirps and flaps of their wings at her words.
Bending down, Ada picked up the one she made for her 'partner' and went out of the cave. "Wish me luck."
Now, for the tricky part...
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"Ugh, come on..." The man mumbled, bending down to pick up another rock.
What was the first man doing?
After his wife ran off to god knows where, Lucifer followed suit, stating that he has to meet up with his brother, so with nothing to do, the man went searching for Ada for a while before giving up, deciding to practice making the rocks skip on the river near the cave he and Ada live in.
He was planning to show Ada once he mastered it and impress her.
The woman was rather easy to impress, and seeing the look of awe on her face as she clapped her hands while showering him with praise would make all of his hard work worthwhile.
And well, it would boost his ego so...yeah.
There was one problem though...
He had been at this for HOURS. The sun was beginning to set. Leith tried to be patient, but he was extremely frustrated now, to the point where he was pulling at his hair. He never seemed to get it right, throwing rock after rock with no success. Every single one bounced off the water and sank.
Ok, one more try...
He took a deep breath before throwing the rock, determined to get it right this time.
Leith winced; not only did he fail again, but he hit a frog as well.
"Damn, you suck at this dude."
He turned around, and what he saw made his eyes widen.
The woman stood near the entrance to the cave with her hands clasped behind her back, her lips curled into a subtle smirk. She had arrived ages ago, but after seeing what the man was doing she decided to stay hidden and observe the man's struggle from afar. Watching him pull at his hair was fucking hilarious!
Leith's head tilted to the side, his gaze drawn to the leaves that adorned her chest and hips. Why is she misusing them like that??...so weird..
It looked a bit similar to the thing Sera had on as well...
And her hair? Wow.
Perplexed by the strange sight, he couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and asked. "Why are you decorating your body like Sera and Lucifer do? And what did you do to your hair?"
"I'm just giving myself a little glow-up," The woman beamed with pride as she posed, showing off her outfit and her new hairstyle, a long, thick braid that was just a few inches off the ground. "Can't a chick make herself look a little more appealing? I just felt it was time for a change, y'know. Something to spice things up a bit." She added with a twinkle in her eye. "I look hot as fuck don't I?"
That made the man pause. Sweet, naive Ada, who mostly liked to stick to routine, trying something new? And what does 'glow-up', 'fuck' and 'Chick' mean? What's with those strange new words?
Ok, something's going on.
"I'm not complaining, but you could've at least told me darling...I would've helped you."
As Ada stepped closer to the man, she removed her arms from behind her back, revealing a large and longer skirt than the one she had. "I made one for you too." The man looked on in surprise as she tossed the skirt at him with a casual shrug. 
Leith swiftly caught the skirt she had thrown at him and scanned it for a moment, a mix of confusion and curiosity on his face.
Did she really expect him to put this thing on?
"No need to thank me- wait what?"
Did this motherfucker just refuse?
Ada's heart sank as the man walked towards her, his expression neutral as he held the skirt out for her to take back. "Ada..." he said, his voice cautious as he looked her in the eye. "I appreciate the thought, but I don't see why I need to wear this at all. Plus, the way you threw it at me wasn't so nice darling."
Fucking hell.
Just fucking wear it damnit- she worked on this shit for hours man!
Quick! Think of a bullshit excuse!
"I-I- uh...it's just that... I thought it might keep us warm at night, you know? Plus, that green would go well with your eyes don't you think?!" She quickly stammered out her response.
Tinker bell kinda shit-
"But we cuddle when we go to rest I think that's enough warmth without these leaves in the way. It's more natural that way."
Brutally rejected once again.
They went back and forth, both sides refusing to back down.
Ada sneered. "Just wear it damnit!" She demanded, shouting at this point.
Leith looked at her with equal frustration. "I already said no; what's the matter with you today?" He snapped back, crossing his arms across his chest.
Both were thinking the same thing.
'Why is she/he being so stubborn!?'
Oh for fuck sake-
There was a brief moment of silence between the couple; the tension between them palpable, neither was willing to give in. That's when Ada glanced at the river and got an idea. 
"How about a bet?"
Leith looked confused at her words. "What's a bet?" He asked, his curiosity piqued.
'Ah right. THIS IS EDEN...'
Ada's smirk grew wider, she started to explain. "It's simple; it's like a challenge, and whoever loses has to do what the other person wants, for example." She bent down and picked up a small, flat rock that was about the size of her palm. "If I manage to make this rock skip several times, you lose and have to wear the damn skirt; if I don't I lose and I'll do whatever you want with no complaint."
The man seemed to consider her words for a moment before sighing. "...Very well."
He was confident she won't succeed anyway. If HE wasn't able to even after hours of trying, then how could she?
"It's a bet then!"
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Taking a deep breath as she prepared herself, she held the rock with her thumb and middle finger. standing up straight, facing at a slight angle to the water.
Leith stood to the side, watching closely.
"One...two....three!" She exclaimed as she threw the rock with all her might and as low as she could.
Leith's eyes widened, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. "What..."
The rock skipped across the water over 10 times before finally sinking.
Was she practicing behind his back!?
Ada looked smug while picking up several rocks. "It's pretty easy! All the rocks you used were too heavy or just not right; they should be flat and small, plus the way you were throwing them sucked too. You should do it like this."
She did it again and again.
" ...Can I have a go?"
"Surrrrre, here!" She tossed him a rock, the blonde thanked her before facing the river, trying to mimic what Ada did.
Come on....
He threw the rock.
He failed again.
Leith gritted his teeth and groaned, hearing his wife snicker at him. "Don't laugh at me." He mumbled.
"Get it right first then talk, and stop hitting the damn frog."
A couple of tries later...
"I did it!" The man exclaimed triumphantly after he FINALLY managed to make the rock skip three times. "Did you see that?!"
He turned to Ada, eager for her praise, but the woman only gave him a sly smirk as she held up the leaf skirt.
"You lost, remember?"
He still doesn't want to.
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"I look ridiculous."
"Hmm..." Ada circled around him, taking a thorough look at him from top to bottom, tapping her chin in thought. "You look...ok."
Ain't no way in hell she was going to say handsome, but she couldn't deny that that green really suited him.
Leith stood silently, his arms crossed in annoyance.
Before either could say anything else, a sudden burst of light suddenly illuminated the night sky, causing the two to instinctively raise their arms to shield their eyes from the glare.
"What that light doing?" Ada grumbled. "Besides blinding me!!"
Upon hearing that voice, the woman's body tensed up, and as the light faded away, she lowered her arm.
Holy fucking shit balls....Sera!? So even she stayed the same huh.
The seraphim descended from the sky, landing gracefully before them. The woman's eyes narrowed while she examined the two, specifically the 'clothes' they had on.
"What is the meaning of this?"
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Here's a cute little drawing my bestie made for this chap! Thank you hun I love youuuuuu!
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Was chatting with my friend about Leith and how he would act since the rules are now switched; instead of Lilith having to listen to Adam even though they are 'equal', Ada has to.
Since Eden Adam obeyed without question, Ada probably wouldn't have a problem with it either since she believes the angels 'know better'.
Unlike Adam, who demanded control without hiding it, Leith being the first man I can see him being controlling but more calm. Like he would do gaslighting in a way that he would act sweet and loving, but when he doesn't get his way, he just goes, "Don't you love me?" "I'm doing this for us don't you understand?" "I'm doing this so we can be together, love..."
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marsbar17 · 10 months
OH yes please absolutely make a part two pretty please with a cherry on top 🥺💗
I gotchu babe 😘
More of the legends finding out that you're a ✨️masochist✨️
This is the next 5 legends in release order (excluding caustic and revenant, request if you wanna see them though)
Also apologies the pet names in other languages are mostly masculine but if your femme just imagiiiineee
CONTAINS: pain kinks, spanking, biting, praise, degrading, bruises, electric shocking, bondage, sexual torture, overstimulation, knifeplay, and scratching :)
All he wants during sexy time is to worship you. You give in to his need for praise all the time so he might as well return the favor, in any way you want. When you tell him you want him to hurt you he's a bit hesitant, but realizes that pain isn't exclusively hardcore shit like slapping or punching you. He probably prefers marking you up with hickeys and small bites than other things.
"You're so pretty for me, baby. Now everyone will know you're mine."
There's never a moment where you don't have a hickey. Once they fade he just gives you more. Occasionally he will spank you lightly or bruise your hips from holding you but that's only when he's been really frustrated.
He'll do anything to make you cum as fast as possible, and as many times as possible. If pain is your thing, he's all for it. Anything to feel you shaking and quivering in his arms. When you keep asking him to go harder, grab you, slap you, anything, he just laughs and smiles before obeying your demands. He loves that he can feel you squeeze around him everytime he spanks you.
"You're clenching around me, muñeco. You're a twisted little thing aren't you? I like it."
He spanks you, not super hard but fast and sharp. He'd probably be into knifeplay too. Any man with a butterfly knife is into knifeplay, I'm right. He leaves small scratches along your thighs, not enough to scar, just enough to bleed and sting.
Finally getting to write about my favorite character <33
She's a woman in stem, she's gonna be up for trying a variety of kinky things. That's my opinion on women in stem, coming from someone in stem. She's probably already brought up something like spanking, electric shocking, basically soft sexual torture. She'll tie you up and attach muscle stimulators to your thighs, watching you twitch uncontrollably. You're little "experimenting" sessions always end in you crying and overstimulated.
"Interesting... You're enjoying this quite a bit, aren't you, mon chéri? Want me to increase the intensity?"
None of it is done specifically with the intent to hurt you, or a need for power over you. She just wants to know all the ways your body responds to her torture. Spanking, overstimulation, bondage, electric shocks, muscle stimulation, None of it is specific painful, but it's so overwhelming that after a while you end up sore and sensitive.
Okay unpopular opinion but this man is pretty vanilla. He's not not super against trying new things but he probably draws the line at bondage and blindfolding. When you tell him about how you get turned on by pain he hesitates and looks uneasy, but he's reassured when you tell him it doesn't need to be super hardcore. He's more comfortable with the thought of light spanking than slapping you in the face or nipple clamps yknow. Feeling how you clench around him though, he might start spanking you harder.
"Y-you're squeezing me so much. 씨발~"
Just generally softer and lighter stuff. If he's close he might hold you hard enough to bruise but other than that he sticks to light spanking. My man has enough people he takes his anger out on (ahem ahem mirage and octane) so when it comes to you he just wants to feel loved and to make you feel loved.
The trailer for Kill Code part 4 just came out as I'm writing this and like, my gurl needs some stress relief. The rage in this woman's body never ends man. She probably figured out your kink while fucking you to let off some steam and accidentally digging her nails a bit too hard into your skin. The way you squealed and whimpered made her think she hurt you at first and she stopped to check if you were okay. Once she saw how glazed over your eyes were though her concern turned to a sadistic look.
"Oh you liked that? I'm going to have fun with this, beautiful~"
Now that she knows she can let out a bit more rage on you and you'll gladly take it, she does all kinds of shit. Everything you can imagine pain wise, yeah. Obviously she doesn't want to scar you, at least not a lot, you're too beautiful to ruin just for temporary pleasure. So spanking, light scratching, overstimulation, biting, all that jazz.
I intended to post this a couple days ago but then I fucked up my sleep schedule and today I got my wisdom teeth out so I completely forgot jfbdbsjsk, lemme know if a part three is in order :)
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ollieoliver910 · 3 months
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*In Regards To Wong Creating The New Avengers...*
Yeah, I'm done with Marvel. I'm tapping out. Any lasting hope I had, especially when it came to Doctor Strange. One of the last pre endgame characters left that is still popular and relevant is now completely gone.
Benedict Cumberbatch man...he was so fucking robbed of something more. It also doesn't help that he had acknowledged in a podcast that M.O.M. did not feel like HIS movie...which it wasn't...which is why it sucked major donkey balls. Trust me, you do not want to suck donkey balls, but I wouldn't doubt that the people at marvel are getting high writing this shit just by doing that.
I don't even know where to start because I was processing the "Wong will create the Avengers" information for a couple of days...So I think I will begin things with this.
STRANGE should have replaced STARK as the leader (or one of the leaders) of the avengers. Infinity War and Endgame almost hinted at the fact that this was going to be the case...AND THAT WOULD HAVE MADE SENSE FOR HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Strange has problems working as a team, something that Tony himself had to overcome for almost ten years! The fact that they had this fantastic set up for Strange, especially when he is the exact opposite of Tony when it comes to his powers, and they didn't jump for it, like...ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? As a writer, this hurts me SO BADLY because it was the OBVIOUS thing to do! Even a high schooler who knew enough about the marvel cinematic universe would probably want Doctor Strange to go in that direction too! This isn't even a college level writing class thing, or a college class that trains you to pick apart every word from a book and analyze it. This is, simply, the most EASIST SHIT TO CONNECT. Even if you don't write for a living, you can just see and feel where they should have taken Doctor Strange and or the rest of the movies that followed Endgame. If it was me, I would have put Doctor Strange and Black Panther together as the next Iron Man and Cap dynamic, which again, with them being opposites (magic vs technology) would have worked so damn well! Sadly, because Chadwick Bosemen passed away, that will never come to be and with how bad the writing has become overtime. I don't think marvel would have the mental capacity to try to catch lightning in a bottle twice.
THIS, one top of my seething list of issues of how they disposed and misused Doctor Strange is why I am done with marvel, PERIOD. M.O.M wasn't even a Doctor Strange movie, it was a Wong and Wanda road trip movie that FORGOT they had set up something with Mordo and NEVER followed though on it. Plus, it didn't even feel like a Doctor Strange movie VISUALLY! That's what I loved about the OG movie. It was a trippy, surreal film with AMAZING effects that were also present in Infinity War, which to me, made that fight with Thanos my favorite scene in the movie.
In M.O.M, all that is GONE! Or is limited to a 10-20 second scene when Strange and Chevz travel to another dimension. I read a while back that Scott Derrickson wanted the second Doctor Strange film to be a horror movie, which sounds fucking awesome! But Disney was so against the idea that Derrickson left due to creative differences...and we got what we got instead...damn.
What makes everything a thousand times worse is the Wong pandering in every fricken film/tv show that comes out, and I used to like Wong! Mostly because in Infinity War and Endgame, he was robbed of any substantial screen time in those movies and I kind of felt bad for him because of that. Now, he has WAAAAY too much screen time, to the point where ALLEGEDLY, Wong might be the one creating the new avengers too...sigh...push an agenda.
Doctor Strange has only been demoted from Sorcerer Supreme once in the comics (I believe) in order to save the whole damn universe, but outside of that. Sorcerer Supreme IS his title. This is what makes him DOCTOR STRANGE, and to give that title to, essentially, your sidekick who does nothing other than berate your actions because your a straight white man is just like...FUCK. HOW DID WE GET HERE??? HOW???
I have no hope for Doctor Strange 3 if Marvel decides they are going to pursue it, why? Because there is no way a writer on that film can develop Strange and Clea's relationship within a single movie right before Cumberbatches contract is about to end. I literally guarantee you when Secret Wars is finally released. He will be one of the first ones to die. Without going too much into the comic itself, he was done justice there. With Secret Wars, his death will be agenda based, I would bet money on it.
So yeah, that's it. I'm done. I'll just sit behind my computer screen and continue to watch Disney burn. They already ruined all the other franchises they own, I guess pain is nothing but a flavor for them at this point...
Rant over.
Edit: Spider-Man: No Way Home is the last movie I felt Doctor Strange was phenomenal in. I wished they pushed the father/son dynamic with Strange and Peter so much more since Tony is no longer part of Peter's life...but don't worry. Marvel will revive everyone and none of this will matter in the end...barf...
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carp3tpasta · 1 year
I did the thing!!
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Here's the template
Reasons under the cut
Favorite campaign: This was really difficult, as I enjoy most of them pretty equally. I couldn't narrow it down to one and had to go with top three. I love Hunter's campaign because of the challenge and story, and because it was the first to be different than the first two [no hate, I love the first two]. Ofc, because Hunter is my favorite slugcat too. I really love Artificer's campaign. Being able to explode is super fun [I love arson >:) /j]. Though the Karma mechanic can be annoying, I think it adds to the tragedy of Artificer in a way. I think the campaign would've been way too short without it too. Rivulet is top three cuz. Speed. And the storyline of that campaign...I will never stop crying.
Honorable mentions: Survivor, Spear Master and Saint
Favorite Slugcat: Hunter is my favorite slugcat because of the tragedy of their story and their character. Hunter did not deserve their fate, and even though the ascension ending is a far more peaceful end for them, they still never got the chance to live a full life.
Hardest Campaign: This was kinda difficult to decide as well because some campaigns have things that are both difficult for me and easy for me. But I ended up choosing Saint because it is a lot more difficult to defend yourself and how it is more difficult to find food before you freeze.
Honorable mentions: Spear Master, Artificer
Favorite Lizard: Yellow/Orange lizards because their antennae are cute, and I like that they live in packs and communicate with each other. They are just really silly, and I like them.
Honorable mentions: Cyan: So jump :), but they've caused me much pain. White: They remind me of cats because they're so sleepy, and I like their camouflage ability. They also have caused me much pain.
Favorite Iterator: Five Pebbles is my favorite character in the entire game. His story is a tragedy through and through. He shuts everyone out because he is desperate, angry, and jaded. He hurts everyone who cares about him in one way or another and, worst of all, kills his sister. The Rot he develops, in my interpretation, is a representation of his guilt, that slowly consumes him literally and figuratively. Before he succumbs to it though, he gives the only thing prolonging his life to the person he hurt the most. A representation of the heart. In his own blind rage, he failed to see the value in what he had, and like Hunter, never truly got to live. By the time he does realize, it is too late, and all he can do is give all he has left to Moon in a final attempt to make things right.
Favorite Passage: I like combat. It is fun
Honorable Mentions: The Scholar, The Mother
Favorite Species: King Vultures [and Vultures in general] are just super cool to me. They're terrifying but cool. Like, what is that thing!!?? It's horrible but so neat at the same time!!
Favorite Region: This was also difficult. I decided on Five Pebbles because of how mind-blowing it is the first time you traverse it. Especially with the lead up to it. Traveling through Memory Crypts and Exterior, getting closer to this mysterious destination that isn't just abandoned structures anymore. I think it really highlights how excellent the environmental storytelling is in Rain World. Also, Random Gods is so good. This isn't my favorite region in terms of being there for fun, however. But I couldn't choose one favorite for those either.
They are: Chimney Canopy, Industrial Complex, Outskirts and Shoreline
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fizzingwizard · 7 months
Five: the one you've been waiting for, about Moomintroll!!
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It is so much fun to go on a rescue mission to find Moomintroll. The bittersweet beginning, with Moomintroll sad as Snufkin leaves for the winter, and Snufkin's dread when he returns in spring to havoc and no Moomintroll... mwah. Love it
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Goodness Snufkin chill out would ya
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Snufkin might love you, Moomin, but that doesn't mean pics of your body gone splat in the mud isn't absolutely getting posted on his Instagram
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So in this game Moomintroll is pretty angelic. He doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone. It's nitpicking of me, but yeah, that take isn't for me. I like my hospitable, awkward, endlessly tolerant Moomins with a pinch of spice. Actually it's rather funny because so much of the game characterization seems to pick off the cartoon, but Snufkin and Moomintroll themselves are just so nicey-nice...? At least we spend enough time with Snufkin to hear him take a few digs at the other colorful characters lol.
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I MISSED TAKING A CAP OF SNUFKIN FALLING ON HIS ASS that would have been perfect revenge too ugghh
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[fizz.exe has stopped working]
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Can't get over how cuuuute this is. If the whole game sucked, it would still have been worth it just for this ending haha. Btw I will definitely have a piggyback in a fic some day and this is the inspiration xP
I love how Snufkin's flower-covered hat blends right in with the flower bed when they're hiding teehee
So theme again. When Snufkin hurts his foot, he encourages Moomintroll to go on without him. But Moomintroll says no, we'll go together, hence piggyback. This is my favorite way the theme comes out, and not just because it's cute, but because it involves Moomintroll overtly offering to help and then really helping. Not needing to be coaxed and indulged or endured first. Yes, in the real world there are all types and we all need to get along. But Snufkin accepts nearly all help, talks to everyone kindly (much more kindly than they are to him!), and isn't even wrong when he tells Moomintroll to go on without him - neither does he make a fuss about going together anyway.
So what growth is he supposed to have here? He doesn't decide to not leave in winter anymore (and I certainly wouldn't want him to). The story is like "Snufkin learned something" and it's... that he should keep being friends with the people he's already friends with? Even though he never said he planned on doing otherwise...? Or are we just punishing him for daring to go on loner adventures period? Maybe a cut scene showing him running away from the Fillyjonk or avoiding parties or something would have helped frame things better, but as it is - I fully understand what the story wants to say, I just don't believe it actually says it.
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Take this scene. In essence, I don't have a problem with it. But, since when does Snufkin kick people out of Moominvalley? More likely he's the one skedaddling... "But it's the Park Keeper!" So? In Moominsummer Madness he destroys the park but the Park Keeper still is the one with authority, so it's Snufkin who tries to leave. That's minor, though, what bugs me more is this "Moomins tolerate everyone!" bit. Of course it's not bad...! But Moomins definitely do not tolerate everyone and go to lengths to drive certain types away... Including potential romantic threats haha. This isn't a complaint, the game just goes in a different direction than what I prefer when it comes to Moomins. But Moomintroll is a little over the top, that's all I'm saying...
"He just dammed the river without asking and imprisoned all the animals and caused a forest fire... But I'm sure deep down he's a nice guy"
psst fizz it's a game for kids...!
yeah i know it's my blog and I'll bitch if I want to bitch if I want to bitch if I want to
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I digress. The point is how cute these two obviously are. Gaaah. The piggyback 💕💕💕 Also Snufkin's little (>m<) face!
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spirit-of-a-kiger · 5 months
Am I the only one who hates Jax?
Don't get me wrong, people are absolutely allowed to like him! Hell, I even fully understand why they do; it's really just an objective fact that that buck is attractive and was doomed to become a Tumblr sexyman from the start.
That being said, just how universal that is... makes me feel kind of alone? And I really need to vent.
(Jax lovers, if you're reading this, you probably should step away at this point. And I don't mean that in a judgmental way, not even slightly. Just... for both of our sakes. I'm very unabashed in this post.)
I keep seeing people try to find some goodness in him. And that's fine! They're allowed to speculate! But honestly, like 95% of points I've seen for this argument are a pretty big stretch. I get tempted to reply as such, but I resist it because I know I would end up snapping at them if I did, and snapping at someone over a cartoon is never okay.
I hate Jax. I hate him so, so much. I genuinely, truly hope that he abstracts. The sooner, the better. Just get him out of the picture.
I don't even care about his backstory or trauma or whatever. I really think that if they try to make me feel sorry for him at this point, my response is just gonna be "'k".
It doesn't help that he has so much screentime. It makes sense if you think about it, as he is the creator's favorite character, but it really doesn't help my opinion of him.
Everything Jax does pisses me off. Literally every waking moment, he hurts somebody for absolutely no reason. And no one can stop him. He even continues to mess with Zooble - you know, the person who literally strangled him the last time he was a butt to them.
I genuinely believe that among all the other issues that would come from being trapped in the Digital Circus, being stuck with Jax every day for the rest of your life is at least in the top 3 worst. I honestly can't even imagine how horrible that would be. Like, if it were me, I would try my darnedest to shred him to pieces every time he so much as looked at me funny, but again, Zooble tried that, and all it did was repel him temporarily. Even Ragatha has pretty much given up at this point, not bothering to stick up for Gangle when Jax was bullying her while she was driving because Ragatha knew (probably from experience) that there was nothing that could be done about it.
So, yeah. This isn't entirely organized, but it's not entirely disorganized, either. I just needed to get it out of my system. It's not as good as talking, I'm finding, but it's better to do it through text than not at all. I'm not sure if I got 100% of it out, so I'll just edit or reblog or something if something new comes to mind.
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tailsrevane · 2 months
hey so sorry to jumpscare anyone who's still following me by posting some stuff here for the first time in like literally a year i think? adhd is fun. but yeah, i've really been missing writing something fierce, so i may try to be more present. i cannot promise that i'll be great about keeping up with what y'all are up to on here because the parts of my day i used to fill with scrolling tumblr have seemingly evaporated? but i'll do my best.
anyway, i was listening to a patreon bonus episode of one of my favorite podcasts (hey riddle riddle), and one of the hosts (adal) mentioned that every time he rewatches a tv show he hasn't watched in a while, he usually ends up with a different favorite character than he had the last time he watched it. and that got me thinking about some shows i've rewatched lately, and i realized that's largely been the case for me as well. hardly a shocking revelation of course, but i decided to do what any normal person would do with this information and write a long post no one but me is going to care about about my experience with this phenomenon.
avatar: the last airbender
original favorite: aang
current favorite: zuko
this is the most interesting one to me, and it also feels like it makes a great deal of sense both in terms of how i've changed since the first time i watched this show and also just how the show mechanically works. like... the first time you watch the first few seasons, prince zuko is unambiguously the bad guy for the first few seasons. the show even seems to go out of its way to show him being offered an off-ramp or two and not taking them. which is part of why him finally doing so feels so earned.
watching it the second time through was just a completely different experience. it didn't feel weird whenever zuko did something admirable. it didn't make me roll my eyes whenever he was Going Through It and showed us that he was hurting. it didn't make me angry to see him trying his best for a dad who would never love him. or rather, it did make me angry, very angry, but not at him.
i genuinely think atla is one of the shows that most rewards a rewatch. it was already one of my favorite shows of all time the first time i watched it, but i realized upon rewatching it that i was somehow underrating it in my memory.
star trek: the next generation
original favorite: captain picard
current favorite: riker
honestly there are a bunch of characters on this show i might've called my favorite on any given day when i was younger. i definitely went through phases with worf & geordi too. and embarrassingly i think my first favorite character was probably wesley. but i think the one i most consistently came back to was captain picard. he was aspirational. i wanted to be that good at listening to all sides of an issue but always, always making what i believed with strong moral conviction was the right choice, and being willing to put myself into the literal & figurative line of fire to defend my principles.
and don't get me wrong, there are still a lot of things i admire about picard. but also like... one other consistent thing about my favorite character years ago is that it was for sure never will riker. to be completely honest when i first watched the show i thought he was easily the most boring character. like, what even is a first officer? spock was that and a science officer at the same time. and on top of that the character himself is intentionally channeling the worst star trek captain? are you sure? and the thing that everyone likes about him is that he has a beard? (no offense to anyone but i don't find facial hair attractive.)
to be honest i still don't quite get the beard thing, but wow was i ever sleeping on this guy. will riker is my favorite tng character and it isn't particularly close. part of it is just finally noticing how dang charismatic jonathan frakes is in his unique kind of way, and how much he uses that charisma to be warm & reassuring and just... generally kind of a "good guy"? like, i hate star trek: picard, but i think seeing riker as a wholesome husband & dad is a big part of what made his character finally click for me. and going back & rewatching tng, it was hard not to notice how much he was constantly standing up for people and just... caring.
maybe that's just it. i like "boring" characters who care and want everyone to be ok and will do their best no matter what. and that's will riker.
and yeah, it helps that he's a slut.
star trek: deep space nine
original favorite: worf
current favorite: captain sisko
worf was my favorite star trek character for a good long time and there are still things i admire about him. i'll never not fall for that stupid-ass trick they pull every tng episode where he's having an interpersonal conflict in which he's been carrying the pigheaded idiot ball all episode, and he'll say something that sounds completely unredeemable and reminds you of all the reasons you're on the other person's side, but then he'll pause dramatically and start his next sentence with, "however." and immediately say the coolest shit you've ever heard that shows he's really Grown and Learned (but he'll forget by the next episode because while late-season tng got really good at having at least one character experience character development per episode, it wasn't until ds9 that they showed any signs of actually retaining what they learned from episode to episode).
also like... when we talk about autistic-coded characters i feel like worf often gets left out, but he's just... yeah, guys. yeah.
but on my last rewatch of ds9 it just became abundantly clear to me that captain sisko is the best star trek captain and it isn't especially close. he's every bit the paragon of virtue that picard is, but he's just... more human. more present. more willing to be transparent about what he's dealing with, more willing to talk through his weakness and biases, but still willing to accept the responsibility of command.
different doesn't have to mean better or worse, but especially with the way picard's character careened off the rails & burst into flames the further we got from season 7 of tng, sisko is just indisputably the best captain. and no disrespect to patrick stewart or anyone else who's ever been in front of that camera, but i think it's reasonably likely avery brooks is the best actor that's ever been on star trek. he's just incredible.
star trek: voyager
original favorite: seven of nine
current favorite: tuvok
i still like seven a lot, but tuvok was always one of my favorite characters on the show and rewatching the show really cemented it for me.
i especially like seeing the way he talks about emotions in a genuinely emotionally healthy way. he acknowledges their power, never says they're not real or unimportant, and then talks through them. it's just brilliant.
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my-current-obsession · 8 months
My Next Life as a Villainess VN - Thoughts
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Considering the source material, I was surprised at how good this game was! It's unsurprisingly light-hearted and comedic, but most of the CGs are still great and the romances mostly worked. I appreciated how despite Catarina's black-hole level of denseness causing issues in basically every route, everyone tackled it differently and every relationship felt unique.
My biggest complaint is just that we were robbed of routes with the girls outside a "normal/friendship" ending, since the girls canonically ALSO love Catarina. Getting three extra routes for Mary, Sophia, and Maria would have been SO GOOD. But Alas.
While this game and story is definitely meant for fans of the light novels and/or anime, I think there's plenty of information for people new to the series to still enjoy it. I also appreciate how much content is added to the common route as you complete the routes of love interests. Expect SPOILERS below the cut, as I go into detail on my thoughts for each route.
My play order was:
Alan -> Keith -> Geordo -> Rozy -> Nicol -> Silva
Common Route: I won't linger too long on this, since the common route in this case was pretty short. It did its job, setting up the plot and introducing us to all the important characters, both new and old. But in terms of notable interactions with the love interests or MAJOR plot points, there isn't much of notice yet. All the choices that give affection for the guys pre-route split lead to very brief tangents/conversations, nothing substantial.
We do meet and immediately befriend Rozy in the common route, which is nice. Silva by comparison barely features here, but he's ALL OVER basically every route, so his absence here is honestly fine.
I do like that we learn about the sachets and their connection to Ryle Werder, since that plays an important role in several routes. The Witch's Eye, by comparison, perhaps receives TOO MUCH attention in the common route. It's only relevant in NICOL'S route and yet we learn about it when meeting ROZY, which seems odd.
Alan: Not counting the girls, when I watched the anime, Alan was my favorite love interest. Hence, I decided to start with him. And I wasn't disappointed! I like that it's pretty clear under "normal" circumstances that despite his love for Catarina, Alan would never rock the boat and confess to her. He acknowledges and respects that she's engaged to Geordo, and he's engaged to Mary.
Thus, for this love to bloom, the pair kind of NEEDS to be separated from the group and spend some quality time together, which is just what we get. Interacting one-on-one, these two have a very casual and easy relationship that appeals to me. They get along well and Alan is mostly charmed by Catarina's eccentricities. His one real problem with her is that she is reckless to the point of endangering her own life, and that's a fair criticism I think.
Since Alan wasn't planning on confessing, his struggle to "get through" to Catarina is mostly about making her understand that being reckless hurts and upsets the people that care about her, which he finally inadvertently succeeds at by... getting hurt himself while protecting her, causing HER to be upset.
It's a very sweet and subtly romantic moment, which I liked a lot. I like how this route, particularly the "memory scenario" bits, seemed to imply that deep down, subconsciously, Catarina ALWAYS has liked and favored Alan. He's the one she likes to just... hang out and spend time with, and thus when they spend a certain amount of time alone and have some (mostly accidental) romantic moments, she's quick to Catch Feelings, even if she takes a bit to acknowledge them.
The cherry on top to this route was his confession and how it was handled. When Alan accidentally confesses his feelings while saving Catarina from Frederic, due to her hangups about the whole "I'm a villainess in an otome game and all the guys should love Maria" thing she initially wants to doubt or misinterpret it - but Silva (who had earlier called out and WEAPONIZED Alan's feelings for his own gain) is quick to correct her, forcing her to acknowledge it. But the pair don't get to talk it out right away, leaving them to be noticeably awkward around each other until they do.
Only then, when it's unavoidable and necessary, does Alan fully confess. Because he knows Catarina NEEDS to hear this in order to fix their current relationship. But he immediately follows it up by telling her to forget it all - because he's genuinely content with just being friends with her and doesn't want to ruin things between her and Geordo.
I appreciate how much Alan is selfless and trying to do the right thing - and I appreciate it even more, comparing it to other routes to come. And Catarina refuses to forget because simply finding out how he feels is enough to make her recognize her own feelings, but she similarly resolves to talk things out with Geordo and Mary before confessing. The respect paid to their "official" partners and trying to properly end things before starting anything together is mature and wonderful, to the point where in Alan's happy end Geordo (reluctantly, but still entirely of his own volition, without outside pressure) gives them his blessing. It's sweet and satisfying.
Also, sidenote - I genuinely liked Liliana a lot as a side character and was disappointed she wasn't in any other route. On the other hand, that means she got to witness and support JUST Alan's romance and none of the others, so...
Keith: I won't lie, this is my least favorite route from a plot AND relationship standpoint. While basically ALL the other love interests find Catarina charming and endearing, it bothers me how Keith is always criticizing her. He loves her, but he's constantly trying to get her to act like a "proper noblewoman" instead of embracing her as she is. And from the perspective of a SIBLING, that's fine. But I HATE it when you're actively trying to mold your love interest's behavior and personality.
Across all the routes Catarina must have dreaded Keith lecturing her (explicitly acting like her mother, at that) more times than I could count. That's just NOT romantic. At all. And isn't a dynamic that can/should be TURNED romantic, IMO.
Another big turnoff for me is that Keith is one of two love interests who has... let's say a sense of entitlement to Catarina. He's actively hidden his feelings for years, AND YET he hates the idea of her with anyone else and actively tries to keep her away from her more aggressive suitors like Geordo. Unlike Alan and Nicol, who acknowledge their feelings but WILL NOT act on them in usual circumstances, Keith monopolizes Catarina's attention when he can and actively WANTS to be with her romantically... all while excusing the time and attention he gets by saying it's his right as her BROTHER.
The underhanded nature of how he gets her attention and his ulterior motives bothers me. At least Geordo is UPFRONT with his possessiveness and intentions, even if Catarina is too dense to notice.
On Catarina's end... I just struggle to buy her suddenly falling in love with him. This route makes it clear Keith is "special" in that she's quick to notice if he's not feeling well physically or emotionally; Catarina likes to TAKE CARE OF and DOTE ON Keith. That's pretty in-line with her seeing him as her brother, and honestly that same care and attention comes across in other routes where she clearly loves him PLATONICALLY, so it's hard for me to accept that not only does she quickly fall in love with him here but she confesses FIRST before Keith makes his own feelings clear.
As for the rest of this route's plot, I barely remember it. I wasn't invested in the conflict here - and that's not the case in most routes. Alan's route interested me with the relationship drama of Ryle & Liliana, Silva and Rozy had big political issues, and Nicol's was supernatural. Only Geordo's route was similarly dull in terms of non-romance content. The main thing I took away from the conflict here is I was unhappy how Keith's conflict of feeling weak and unable to protect Catarina was handled.
Rather than learning he didn't HAVE to protect her, that he was important/valuable to her without that, or something along those lines (leading to a more mutual and open dynamic, theoretically), it's resolved by... him finally being able to protect her. He had a BAD personal arc on top of a BAD romance on top of a BORING overall route/conflict.
Geordo: Like Keith, Geordo is pretty possessive and "entitled" to Catarina. Unlike Keith, I can at least somewhat understand why. He's literally engaged to her and has been for years. Beyond just his own hopes/feelings, there is an expectation that he WILL marry her eventually. I also appreciate that while he's initially not that forward, he's still open and obvious about his romantic affections. It's just that Catarina is PARTICULARLY dense with him.
She struggles to believe anyone could fall for her when Maria is Right There, but Geordo in particular she struggled to win over "in game", and despite years to get used to the idea she still doesn't seem to realize how much people and relationships have changed due to her actions. Thus she can't envision him EVER loving her romantically and finds a way to misinterpret his every action.
Whereas Keith just kind of... snapped and wasn't able to hold back his feelings in his route after spending too much time alone with Catarina, Geordo by comparison is very DELIBERATE in making more aggressive moves. And again, I think it's narratively justified albeit kinda messed up. While he is used to the usual rivals and felt relatively secure that they wouldn't/couldn't steal Catarina out from under him... suddenly Silva enters the equation and NOW he feels threatened.
As a pirate, Silva wouldn't care about Geordo's title or his claim to Catarina. If he chooses to steal her away or if Catarina just comes to like him, there's NOTHING Geordo can really do. Thus, he couldn't afford to be patient anymore and he got desperate.
He thought he had time to win her over, but now he had to progress things FAST or risk losing her. His actions make sense, and by making his feelings clear earlier on in the route, Catarina has more time to think about it and figure out her own feelings.
I think it's notable that none of the other love interests, despite their own feelings for Catarina and their frustration for how Geordo handles things (since he says some nasty things and unintentionally hurts her while revealing his feelings), actually try to PREVENT Geordo from "winning" Catarina. The girls even come around to SUPPORTING him despite loving Catarina as well.
Geordo's "entitlement" to her is reasonable. He's not guaranteed her love, but he is the most justified in expecting it and acting possessive by virtue of their engagement. While Mary may plot to run away with her, while Keith might secretly want her for himself, while Sophia tries to push Nicol to pursue her... EVERYONE acknowledges on some level that unless Catarina actively falls for someone else (which looks increasingly unlikely as time goes by), Geordo IS her endgame by default. And they respect that. They are all prepared for this marriage to eventually happen; Geordo by comparison on other routes is typically NOT prepared for Catarina to suddenly fall for someone and want to break things off.
His crime is of being complacent and then poorly handling it when he realizes just that. I personally can forgive that a lot easier than Keith's... everything, and a lot of what happens in Rozy's route, too.
On Catarina's end, the extra time she got to think about Geordo's feelings and re-contextualize a lot of their earlier interactions while also being more aware of the romantic implications of later ones served her well. While I personally imagine Alan and Nicol as the two guys she's lowkey into "by default" judging from their routes, it was easy enough to see Geordo's efforts to win her over actually paying off near the end, and her accidentally acknowledging her realization of "maybe I love Geordo" out loud, TO HIS FACE, was great. The non-romance plot of this route was fairly dull, but I found the romance very engaging so it evens out!
Rozy: I was impatient and just had to give one of the new love interests a go before doing Nicol. I have very mixed feelings about this route. On the one hand, as a new character, I found Rozy very attractive in terms of his appearance and personality. And many of his interactions with Catarina were sweet and endearing. On the other hand I have two MAJOR issues that hampered my enjoyment of specifically his relationship with Catarina, A LOT.
Problem one is that, plain and simple, Rozy was TOO devoted and obsessed with her based off ONE, BRIEF interaction 8 years ago. I understand that she inspired him and changed his life without meaning to, but he just... takes it too far. I can rationalize him looking into her immediately afterwards to learn her name. I can get behind him thinking back to that moment and hoping to meet her again one day, to thank her.
But he went as far as HIRING people to check up on her and tell him all about her, years later. That's just STALKING. Through a proxy, yes, but stalking nonetheless. Which is not okay. Ever. It doesn't help that outside of this one "flaw" - being TOO devoted, to the point of clear obsession, which is noted in story to be a flaw his entire family has - he's basically perfect in a way NONE of the other love interests are. I'm genuinely not sure if I would have preferred a literally flawless Gary Stu love interest or... this, which was gross.
Problem two was Albert's interference and the DISRESPECT to Geordo this route had. In general I'm wary of other characters in a story "shipping" anyone together - passively rooting for something like Liliana did is typically fine, but very active matchmaking is grating - but WOW was Albert a busybody about getting Rozy and Catarina together. When he was talking politics I was engaged and enjoying him, but whenever he turned his attention to playing matchmaker, I just felt frustrated.
He's MEANT to be eccentric, but this is really how a king is spending his valuable time? In particular the way he outmaneuvered Geordo so that Catarina and Rozy could fake-date For Reasons, and even PULLED RANK on him, threatening to end his and Catarina's engagement BEFORE Rozy had even confessed, was infuriating.
What gets me is that his interference was ENTIRELY unnecessary. There were plenty of moments between Rozy and Catarina to justify their mutual feelings without him poking his nose in it, and despite being clearly unhappy about it Geordo HAS proven to be reasonable about letting Catarina go when she actually falls for someone else. It's not like Albert's actions prompted Rozy to confess; he was going to do so ANYWAY. All Albert did was piss off and disrespect Geordo. In theory his actions SHOULD cause political issues between Quid and Sorcier, which he wants to prevent, and yet...
This was the one route where I liked the plot outside the romance significantly more than the romance itself. The political drama and intrigue was engaging, and I loved seeing Rozy and Silva interact. They have a genuinely sweet dynamic. It was also cute seeing Rozy's dad gush over him - a more normal, healthy (yet embarrassing) way to express the family's overly-affectionate trait.
The conflict with the premier Cet Norden was... a bit sloppily handled though. It bothers me that like 90% of his backstory and motivation was in an optional "memory scenario". Was an optional exposition dump really the best they could do? No way to incorporate any of that into the story naturally? By comparison the conflicts are much better integrated in Alan, Nicol, and Silva's routes.
I have a third minor issue with this route (and to a lesser extent, Nicol and Silva's) - it's frustrating that even AFTER finding out Rozy is associated with the pirates, he continues to hide shit and only comes clean when he can't avoid it any longer. Silva's route fully explains WHY - they're trying to secretly handle this so they don't have to work with and be indebted to Sorcier. But the politics of that choice are, in itself, kind of disgusting. Thinking rationally, Rozy chose to endanger who knows how many Sorcier nobles by keeping things secret, and even if their lives are kept safe by the "pirates", they're still under extreme emotional stress due to the situation. They even go so far as to plan for ships from Quid to "rescue" the Sorcier nobles, making them feel indebted rather than the other way around! The entire plot/conflict of this game could have been avoided if saving lives mattered more than politics.
Nicol: This route took an interesting turn into the supernatural. There is an entirely unique conflict (on top of the existing ones, which... still exist and take up nearly half the route), and I quite enjoyed it. I do think it needed more time to shine, though. The witch is only properly introduced more than halfway through the route, and that conflict is resolved surprisingly fast and easily.
As for romance, this route actually worked way better than I expected going into it. I'm not typically into aloof love interests that don't emote much, but I think it helped that we got to spend a lot of time from Nicol's perspective so I could see what he was thinking and feeling, even if it wasn't clear from his expressions and voice.
I mentioned that I think Catarina is lowkey into Alan and Nicol "by default" earlier. Alan I explained in his section - she subconsciously seeks him out and pays him special attention, to the frustration of her other love interests.
Nicol by comparison she is more OVERTLY into, but it's initially shallow. Nicol has a "mysterious allure" that exists both in-game and out, and since canonically she hasn't played his route, AND she's the most distant from him out of all her love interests (he's more "my friend's brother" than "MY friend", initially), she's intrigued by and drawn to him in a way she isn't to her other friends. She is Not Immune to his good looks, and he's able to fluster her in a way no one else can, without even meaning to.
Thus, when they actually spend time together and get to know each other, it's actually very EASY for Nicol to win her affections. Lucky for everyone else that he's a good friend and is DETERMINED to keep his feelings to himself. Much like Alan, he has no intention of confessing and attempting to steal (ostensibly) Geordo's Girl, and I respect him for that.
I was honestly really into the tension between Geordo and Nicol this route, where out of respect and friendship Nicol was trying so hard to keep his distance from Catarina but he kept accidentally letting his feelings affect his actions in ways that stepped on Geordo's toes anyway. That said I think there was a missed opportunity regarding how that conflict ended. I think there was a lot of potential for either drama or wholesome friendship if he and Geordo had actually gotten to TALK about it, but they never did.
Nicol spent the entire route not wanting to confess and get between Catarina and Geordo, but then due to the witch's interference he ultimately confessed to Catarina anyway WITHOUT talking it out with Geordo first. Either Nicol needed to find the courage to confront Geordo and at least give him a heads-up that he was going to do this, or even better, Geordo could be a good friend and tell him to shoot his shot (but obviously Geordo himself wouldn't fully give up until it's clear Catarina has fully chosen someone else); either way making it a "may the best man win" situation would have been ideal. Instead Geordo tells Nicol they need to talk AFTER Nicol has confessed and stolen his girl after spending the whole route determined not to do literally just that, and we don't even see the confrontation.
This route is leagues better than Rozy's in "dealing with" Geordo, but not as good as Alan or Silva's. While I wanted Nicol to talk things out with him first, I at least am more accepting of the witch's interference than Albert's. Albert was playing matchmaker and screwing over Geordo in the process, while the witch was personally trying to upset Geordo due to his similarity to her lover that she wanted revenge on, and Nicol and Catarina getting together was more a byproduct of that.
She forced Nicol to spend time with and confess his love to her (in Catarina's body), which made him reconsider his feelings and his passivity, and when he ultimately confessed it was because he couldn't bear for his only confession have been to the witch. It was explicitly for the sake of closure rather than expecting reciprocation, which was a happy surprise.
Ultimately I think this route was very solid all around though it could have been improved in some ways. It also brings another point AGAINST Rozy, because I can't help but feel he WAS trying to pull a last minute Mr. Steal Your Girl despite claiming his confession was just for closure. If you only wanted closure... why did you not also confess in Silva's route, where you spent MORE time with Catarina and thus should have loved her there too? It comes across in hindsight like he cares too much about Silva to come between them but he's willing to try his luck with Catarina's other love interests.
Silva: It's rare for me to love the true/favored love interest in otome, but this is definitely an exception. His route was so good! I already liked Silva a fair amount from what I'd seen in other routes - not only is his design very appealing, but his Honorable Rogue shtick was right up my alley. So I went in with fairly high hopes and honestly still got way better than I expected.
I appreciated that while he and Catarina definitely get along right from the start, he WASN'T immediately into her. It was refreshing after literally all of her other love interests being in love with her from the start of the story (including new character Rozy, who either fell in love as a child or immediately fell for her upon reuniting). Silva's "romantic" scenes in the early parts of his route definitely felt like he was flirting more just because he's USED to getting women's attention and he was testing her reactions, rather than him genuinely trying to woo her. Instead, it's her complete trust and faith in him (despite him being a "pirate" and having a somewhat shady past that he initially tries to hide) that really warms him to her.
Either intentionally or accidentally, this pair kept stealing moments alone together, and almost every one served to bring them just a bit closer together. You could really feel their relationship shifting from strangers to acquaintances to friends to ultimately lovers. They were BOTH gradually getting to know and falling for the other, rather than it being largely one party trying to win over the other.
And while Geordo has a relatively small role in this route and isn't really addressed until the ending... I think that works. As I mentioned in Geordo's route, he was complacent and assumed his "victory" was secure. He might have been initially paranoid, but he took reassurance from Silva initially saying Catarina was like a little sister and didn't consider that those feelings might change. But then unbeknownst to him, Catarina ended up spending A LOT of time with Silva (and as I said, those moments often happened to be ALONE, so no one else truly knew just HOW close they were getting), and falling for him. Basically, Geordo was caught sleeping on the job in this route and by the time he considered Silva a threat, it was too late.
One aspect of this route I really loved was Silva's interactions and dynamic with Rozy and the Lindgren family. It's so clear how much Rozy and his father truly love Silva, and Silva loves them too but is reluctant to officially join their family because doing so would cause a minor scandal. He'd rather keep a wall between them than burden them in any way because he feels indebted and unworthy, while they WANT him in the family and would happily accept any trouble he brings.
Heck, Rozy loves Silva enough that he didn't hesitate to back off when he noticed Silva getting close to Catarina, despite presumably being in love with her himself! The subtle way he gave the pair his blessing through giving Silva the notebook that had her picture - something he had in the past told Silva he "couldn't give" him, despite Silva's curiosity - was honestly sublime. One of my favorite moments in the entire game.
I also adored Silva opening up about his family and culture to Catarina, and then how he used that unique culture to woo her. Even before the reveal, the ear kisses were SO GOOD and clearly affecting her. In the end, when he revealed it was actually a sign that he was courting her? Buddy, that's too smooth!
Speaking of his confession, I loved that initially it seemed he was going to just confess his feelings and then back off, leaving the ball in her court. He wanted her to know how he felt before she left, since it would be who knows how long before they saw each other again, if ever, but he didn't intend to pressure her. It was only AFTER she instinctively stopped and clung to him - after she'd given him some small indication that she reciprocated - that he made a move. And what a move it was! The way he warned her to stop him or leave if she didn't want this before kissing her, MULTIPLE TIMES, was just... very attractive. He was probably already my favorite before this, but even if he hadn't been, this scene would have pushed him to the top anyway.
And the epilogue is also very lovely, with him having finally been officially adopted by the Lindgren family. He found a reason worth troubling them - so he could have the status and education to "properly" be with her without society putting up a fuss. It's so cute to see her so thrilled to see him again and being so happy and excited at the prospect of marrying him.
Finally, the conflict and drama in this route was once again pretty good. I don't have much to say (mainly because while I DID enjoy the conflict, the romance was just astoundingly solid and stole most of my focus), but everything regarding human experimentation and how Silva was directly linked to it and the antagonist was good. I wish the villain wasn't a brand new character not even SEEN in other routes though (he might have been MENTIONED in one or two other routes, but that's it).
One thing I think this story does REALLY well is the Butterfly Effect of Catarina changing the game's canon (something she hilariously never seems to fully grasp). Her one meeting with Rozy changed his life. And even though she NEVER met Silva as a child, her chance meeting with Rozy also rippled outward and still positively affected Silva, making him radically different than the "in-game" Silva, who most likely WASN'T a romanceable character but a true villain (I find it hard to believe the game would let you romance someone who callously kills several people in his INTRODUCTION and who is part of a pirate crew that is legitimately threatening/evil. I like to imagine Rozy was the true "secret" romance in the fandisk, since he WAS still in the game and on the ship).
Overall I thought this game was great and it far exceeded my expectations. I expected (and got) comedy, but the romances were mostly good and there was more drama and intrigue to many of the plots/conflicts than I expected. I'll definitely be returning to this game to re-experience my favorites.
In terms of my feelings on the routes as a whole, best to worst: Silva > Alan > Nicol > Rozy > Geordo >>>>> Keith
My feelings on the romance/relationship with Catarina: Silva > Alan > Geordo > Nicol >>> Rozy >>>>> Keith
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snowbellewells · 2 months
Fandom Birthday Rec List for @jrob64
Happy Birthday, dear Joni! Happy Birthday to You!!!
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Okay, when I set out to make this list of my favorites of your works, I had a couple in mind right off the top of my head, and thought "This is a no-brainer! It'll be easy!" You would think I'd have known better after the massive list I created when Krystal asked for our favorite fics overall a couple years ago and I ended up making a Sweet 16 style bracket to even narrow mine down. Needless to say, I ended up with a solid dozen stories on my paper, instead of the five or six I needed, and discovered a few hidden gems from way back before I knew you that I hadn't even read!! However, my very, VERY favorite has never wavered and is still exactly the same - you'll see! ;)
Anyway, I am so glad I found your wonderful writings, have gotten to know you in person, text with you, travel with you, and become genuinely good friends. Your are a blessing in my life, and I hope this gift brings a bit of a smile to your face as I try to celebrate the joy you've shared with us all in creating further adventures for our pirate and princess. Happy Birthday!!!
**Top 6 Favorite @jrob64 Fics (in descending order)**
#6 - "One Thrill Ride Leads to Another" (my own birthday fic! ;p )
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This five part (six, with the epilogue) story is pure fun and chemistry and sweetness overload. I adore it more than I can really say, and am beyond flattered that a handsome sight and chance comment of mine helped to birth the original idea. And no, it isn't even just because this one include an alive and happy Graham as supporting character and a hilariously hot secondary Red Huntsman plot line -- though it certainly doesn't hurt!! ;) My rambling can't really do this one justice, so if anyone reading this has missed it, I beg of you: Check it out for yourself! It's a perfect summer treat!
#5 - "Silly Songs With Killian" (Modern AU one shot - adorable!)
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Okay, I realize that I am using a valuable spot on this list for a fluffy little one shot, but it's just that much fun and has that much heartwarming power. I dare you to get the image of Killian playing VeggieTales on the guitar for a wildly enthusiastic audience of one small boy who is madly excited by the effort out of your head! You won't be able to - it's gonna stick with you and make you smile every time it floats back in!! If you've had a bad day and need a pick me up, this is your fic right here!
#4 - "Taking on Mrs. Jones" (hilariously hot silver fox one shot)
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This is another more comic/lighthearted one shot, but I just can't resist it. In fact, I re-read it in making certain of my list, and I love it all the more. This one features a slightly older, professor Killian (one of my serious weaknesses) and a married version of CS. Plus, when he gets an overly flirtatious new co-worker who makes him uncomfortable - Emma comes perfectly to the defense of her man and teaches that girl a lesson.
#3 - "Ghosted" (a WIP supernatural modern AU MC for @cssns24)
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This story is still in progress, but it has very quickly jumped the list to become one of Joni's best, best offerings (in my humble opinion)! I love the unusual and intriguing plot and can't wait to see how it will turn out. The inclusion of Will and Belle as secondary characters (and a secondary love story) is wonderful👩🏻‍🍳 *chef's kiss!* And a ghostly version of Liam absolutely tugs on my heart. Definitely check this one out if you haven't yet.
#2 - "Always in my Heart" (5 Part Modern AU, so feelsy and angsty and deep)
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This one moved me to tears in the process, way more than once. I loved the long lost friends reunited aspect of this story, right from the start. I loved the sense of adopted family Emma has with David and MM, and most especially Ruth. (I always loved David's mom in canon, and the chance to see a lot more of her in this fic, and to see what this version of her means to Emma was priceless, even if heart wrenching too.)
#1 - "Sowing Seeds of Trust" (and its extra chapter "Marco's Legacy")
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This story was the first one of yours I discovered, Joni, and I was completely captured! It was wrapped around my heart from the very first chapter. I loved the vulnerability and need, but also strength and resilience, in this version of Emma. I loved Killian's support, understanding and love in how he reached out to her. I love the friendships with David, MM, Ruby, and of course MARCO!! (He steals the whole show here, honestly!) The faith and restoration and perfect "happy beginning" after trials in this story are original, unique, and unforgettable. It's always going to be my favorite, I think, as it lead me to your writing to begin with, and it touched me deeply.
*Honorable mentions - if anyone is curious - also not to be missed:
"Snowstorm Confessions"
"Lonely No More"
"Faultline"/"Seismic Waves" (Liam x Elsa)
"Where Her Heart Belongs"/"Her Heart's Home"
"For the Sake of Henry"
Hope you enjoy your little list - and an absolutely wonderful day!!! Very Best Birthday Wishes to You!!!
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forcebookish · 2 months
thanks for the tag, @retiredficwriter!!
Make a poll with 5 of your favorite rarepairs/crackships. See which one is everyone's favorite!
obviously, my favorite is kaibaek. i feel like i don't ship a lot of rarepairs so these were kind of hard to come up with after kaibaek and widowana fjdsljldg i might have forgotten a more obvious one, sorry!
tagging: @ariadnekurosaki @takeanumbrella @monwillica @sssneakiest and idk if it's my internet connection but tumblr isn't letting me tag anything else. if you wanna do it, do it and tag me! i wanna see your rarepairs :D
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my exo otp and one of my ultimate OTPs. they had a bit of a rocky start and had a hard time getting close pre-debut, but once they did they now have a sincere trust for each other. they're caring and protective of one another: jongin (kai) running to baekhyun when he was injured, comforting each other when they cry (baekhyun following after jongin and holding his hand; jongin gently tugging at his ear), baekhyun leading jongin through the airport when he was sick, jongin drinking bitter juice for him in a batsu game (the reason i started shipping them), and so on. they've had to deal with a lot of similar situations wrt hate from fans (added to the group late, "overly" featured, dating scandals, etc.), as well as challenges with simply being in exo, superm, and sm in general. they admire each other, compliment and complement each other, and aspire to be as accomplished as each other; they support each other's solo careers and are always excited for each other. easily my favorite thing about them is why they're a rare pair in the first place, despite being in two groups together: their interactions, even the more affectionate ones, are rarely played up for fanservice. it's often little, private moments where they lean on each other or are affectionate in some other way. like THIS:
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it's just so subtle and intimate? it's for no one but them. most of these kind of moments like the ones i've mentioned and others, can only be found on fancams! also they're really playful!!!!! i love them!!
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my overwatch otp. friends (or lovers if you're delulu like me) to enemies to attempted killers. after thinking amélie (widowmaker) dead for a year, ana snipes her helmet on the battlefield, revealing who widowmaker actually is. once ana realizes it's her friend, she can't pull the trigger. ana, who never hesitates, hesitates for the first time, and widowmaker shoots her cybernetic eye out. they have an adversarial and competitive relationship now that they're both snipers on opposite ends of the war, trading barbs and pity for the other's situation. as the top two deadliest snipers in the world, they're kind of obsessed with one another and specifically outdoing each other. it provides a lot of tension and potential angst, especially of the "i know you're in there somewhere, come back to me" variety.
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so rare even i don't talk about them (i tend to ship ishihime more, although even that is third after tatsuhime and ulquihime). SO much wasted potential! both of them have been wronged so acutely by mayuri and i think there are a lot of daddy issues to explore between the two of them. plus, uryuu seems to be literally the only person in the series who sees nemu as a person. shame their relationship, and mayuri medically torturing uryuu's grandfather AND the way he abuses nemu, was played for laughs later on lol good one, kubo :/
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jing is my name for him, he's a fusion of "force" who showed up in only boo! and that one guy in you fight, and i love (i'd use the nickname of what character from the novel he's supposed to be, but i couldn't find it lol). i have a fic in mind i wanna write for them and it would have been another entry into the hurt/comfort bingo, but it accidentally ended up too long. the headcanon is that jing is deeply closeted and shone is addicted to heartbreak.
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idk i just like them. i think ty lee's crush on him is cute.
with a couple exceptions, i tend not to care about popular enemies to lovers ships but when it comes to rarepairs, apparently they're my preference? 🤔
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gojosbf · 1 year
If you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from Jujutsu Kaisen? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this question before....Thanks....
with pleasure!! but i will try to avoid talking about geto and gojo because it's very clear they're high in favourite characters and their moments, i want to dwell in other characters more this time. Heads up though most of my other fav characters are fav because of their certain moments, so the top 5 moment in series and character might go hand in hand for some. Now
1. Yuuji
This is such an easy and obvious choice, not because he is the mc but because of how admirable and lovable his character is. He is righteous to fault. Everything that he has done from the moment of his introduction in manga is for the good of others. The amount of empathy he carries even for the cursed spirits and his resilience and determination to protect his friends (he has failed yes i will admit that but poor boy was giving everything he could, every second fight was so close, he did not hesitate once while confronting sukuna to save megumi). He has had the front seat to most of the deaths (I've mentioned this before), the guilt he's carries is so heavy and people overlook his capabilities and trauma so much, it isn't fair. My favourite moments from him were
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This whole interaction of him and higuruma hurt to read. He is innocent. He is. But he doesn't believe that. Because he thinks he's too weak and this is his fault when people die. Sick. Twisted. That panel of him approaching sukuna even with all those cuts. Chills.
2. Maki
Let me begin by saying i will never forgive gege for wasting such a fleshed out character after he's the milked the whole hype out of her story. She paid a huge price for that superhuman strength and yet after that we barely see anything of her. She started from the bottom and never gave in to her weakness. I love her sassy tone, I love how she is ready to get her hands dirty if that is what it takes to set things right. This moment that i am about to talk about was one those that made me put down the phone
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i was reading the translation of "she took it with her" and that hit me like a truck. I am not exaggerating when I say it went NUMB and BLANK.
3. Nanami
This man, the embodiment of calm, perfection and responsible. I have many drafts saved for when his death comes up in shibuya arc BUT the fact that he left jujutsu world because he couldn't handle what happened to haibara and drowned himself in work so he could get away from everything and yet whenever gojo called upon him for help he helped them. He did what no adults have done for them, he did his best to protect yuuji, he did not care whether yuuji was powerful or not, his only rule was a child should not be handling this. A kid should never be put through what haibara went through. He died with a smile so he couldn't be a burden to yuuji, he was so caring and protective even till his last breath it hurts my brain to think about it and yes that exactly is another one of my top moments:
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There are too many this hurt in such a painful way that I sobbed from this manga and this indeed is one of them.
4. Megumi
Where do I even begin with for him. He grew up too fast, he never knew that his father actually even for a minute did care about him, he was so busy trying to save everyone tsumiki, yuuji, being a comfort for maki. All he wanted to ever do was live. To be with his family and friends, he knew he wasn't perfect (I would like to disagree with him on that) but he kept trying his best, he was the one to assure yuuji that he deserves to live, that even if anything happened to him or others it was not yuuji's fault, he was there as emotional support for all of them and then oh well then rest is history (I don't believe anyone. He is alive to me. he is alive and he will come back.) The amount of damage his soul took it makes me sick he doesn't deserve it good god none of them do. My two favourite moments are his interaction with toji
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and this
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this truly tells you everything you have to know about his character. He is not trying to be a messiah, he wasnt. He just wanted to save as many people he can and live peacefully.
5. Riko
Now this might come as a shocker but I really loved her. She knew her fate was doomed and she accepted it, she was ready to die if it was for humanity. But that wasn't the reason she made to the list but because when given the choice she chose to live, to be a little for selfish, her monologue when she was making that decision was another one of the moments which got me sobbing because all throughout the hidden inventory arc she acted like she was okay and this is what she wanted but she didn't. She was human. She wanted to live. Even if she was unhappy she wished she could live more and that's what made her special to me, she finally chose to be selfish, for herself, for her happiness and nothing in this world would've fucking prepared me for this panel after all this
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you think geto's reaction was bad? you should've seen me go from crying to a hand on my mouth zero movement. I was stunned. So yes this makes it to the top 5 moments.
Now i would really like to make honourary mentions of other moments too.
• Nobara's death ("tell them it wasn't so bad" and what if i threw up and cried)
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• Yuuta (just him in general and everything he does, someday i will do a deep dive into his character but everything he does leaves so much impact idk how else to put it simply) top ones being
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and to lighten up all of that mood one of the most iconic panels ever!!!!
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