#he/it/she/ze 8 real
9-punk · 6 months
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God is dead and 8 is a doll. I can hc whatever the fuck I want on em.
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mayflora-18 · 5 months
Incorrect CoD Quotes #8
*Soap grabs a balloon filled with helium and inhales*
Price: Oh god not again!
Soap: HOW Are unicorns fake but a giraffe is real!?
Ghost: WHAT?
Soap: Like, what’s more believable?
Gaz: Where are you going with this?
Soap: A horse with a horn *aggressively claps on “horn”* ORRRRR a leopard moose camel with a 40 foot NECK?
Sherlock: I work with idiots 😑
Ghost: Does anyone else think…
Soap: That’s dangerous.
Ghost: That some people… just need a high five…
Price: That’s nice, Simon.
Ghost: In the head…
Roach: Yassss
Ghost: With a chair?
Gaz: Why are you like this?
Ghost: Okay, what does A stand for?
Roach: Arson.
Ghost: Aww you’re so good.
Soap: Okay B. What does B stand for?
Roach: Barson.
*Soap laughs*
Gaz: What stands for C?
Roach: Commit arson.
Ghost: Ooooooh!
Price: D!?
*Roach looks at Price and smiles*
Price, thinking: Please be normal.
Roach: Don’t come near me… I’m going to commit ARSON!!!!
*everyone else laughs*
Price, sarcastic: I raised him real well.
Sherlock: How did you take down Captain America?
Ghost, using a terrible German accent: Ve shot him in ze legs because his shield is ze size of a dinner plate.
König, overhears Ghost: …Fick dich🖕(“Fuck you” in German)
Ghost: Umm, do you have a pencil by any chance?
Rudy: No, but I have a knife…
Ghost: What-what?
Rudy: And I know how to cut a bitch… *whispers* Try me
*Rudy cooking in the kitchen*
Alejandro, walking in: Hey mi amor?
Rudy: ahuh?
Alejandro: If somebody told you they’d give you a million dollars for knocking me out, what would you do?
*Rudy immediately slaps Alejandro with a frying pan*
Rudy: Where’s my money?
Alejandro, on the floor: 😵‍💫
Roach, singing for Sherlock: Somebody come get her, she’s fucking up my dinner~
*Sherlock throws a plate at and he falls down*
Sherlock, singing for Roach: Somebody come get him, before I fucking end him!~
Nikolai: There’s a spider!
Laswell: So what do you me to do?!
Nikolai: KILL IT!
Nikolai: YOU KILL IT!
Laswell: You’re the man!!
Nikolai: Since when?!
Stupid-drunk!Roach to Sherlock: You so crazy… I think I wanna have your babies.
Sherlock: 😐
Gaz, thinking: I don’t know if I should be confused or just jealous.
Soap, just confused: How would that even work?
Ghost : I think it’s time for you to go to sleep, Roach.
Sherlock: Listen. Am I the most attractive person in the world?
Soap: Is this a trick question?
Sherlock: No. But do I have a great personality?
Price: *face palms*
Sherlock: Also no. But do I wake up every morning and try to be the best person I can be?
Ghost, has only heard the first half of this bit before: I actually don’t know this one…
Sherlock: No.
Nikolai: …Sweetie, did Ghost get to you?
Price : Repeat after me: I can do this!
Nikolai: I can do this.
Price: I’m ready to burn some calories!
Nikolai: I’m ready to burn some calories.
Price: I’m done eating fast food and drinking alcohol.
Nikolai: …I’m ready to burn some calories.
Price: Alright, let’s get started!
Soap, Gaz, Ghost: Ahhh
Soap: We’re d-d-d driving in a-
Gaz: Car! Destination drug dealer’s-
Ghost: Bar! Pass the mic over to Price-!
Soap: Shit, we forgot Price.
Ghost: …But we can’t turn back because we’ve too far!
Gaz: We have to turn back, though. We can’t leave him.
Alejandro: You eat so fucking gross, Graves. Do you eat like that on dates?
Graves, cheeks puffed up with meatballs and marinara sauce on his face: …I don’t go on dates.
Alejandro: Exactly. There’s a reason why no one takes you on dates.
Graves: Well damn! Who hurt you today?
Alejandro: Bitch nobody.
Graves: Hey, Sergeant. …Soap.
Soap: What?
Graves: *hands Soap a coffee cup* Try this coffee and tell me what it tastes like.
Soap: *takes the cup and gives it a sip* Hazelnut?
Graves: I don’t know, I found it in the garbage.
*Soap tries to spit it out*
Gaz: Nikolai, what’s wrong with Sherlock? She seems angry.
Nikolai: She’s totally fine.
Gaz: Okay? Well, where’s Graves?
Sherlock, walking into the room: Maybe he got sick… or went missing… OR GOT HIT BY A BUS!!
Gaz: 🙊
*Sherlock leaves the room*
Gaz: Totally fine, huh?
Nikolai: Yeah… Totally fine.
Nikolai: So, the man that tried to kill you - what did he look like?
Sherlock: He was so hot. It was crazy.
Price: O-ok. But what did he look like?
Sherlock: I mean where should I start? Uh, he was tall, you know, maybe 6’3” or 6”4”? Uh absolutely just jaaacked! But not like scary-body-builder jacked. Like, he was ripped but he still had a soft touch. You could totally fall asleep in his arms.
Price: Alright what did his face look like??
Sherlock: Well- uh- y’know Brad Pitt?
Price: Yeah?
Sherlock: Forget Brad Pitt. This guy was hotter.
Nikolai: Hotter than Brad Pitt??
Sherlock: Hotter than Bradley Joseph Pitt.
Soap: That’s crazy!
Sherlock: I would pay money to gaze into those eyes again.
Gaz: Even after he tried to kill you?
Sherlock: I almost wish he’d stabbed me to death and took his time doing it just so the last thing I saw could’ve been those ocean blue eyes.
Ghost: I’m getting a little hot just off your description so I can only imagine how it felt to be there!
Sherlock: Insane.
Gaz: Gosh I can’t believe he was hotter than Brad Pitt.
Ghost: Hey, what did she say about Brad Pitt?
Gaz: Oh, shoot! I-I-I-I I’m sorry!
Soap: Yeah, forget Brad Pitt!
Gaz: Done! Forgotten! Who is he?
Ghost: He doesn’t exist.
Soap: He’s gone.
Gaz: Bradley David Pitt is no more.
Sherlock: Good!
Price and Nikolai: 😑
(Note: Sorry there was no post yesterday! There will be more later, promise!)
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 393 spoilers translations (no images)
Apparently Horikoshi got a little too horny this week and his art tripped the boob-alert censors, so here’s an image-free transcript of the chapter 393 rough translations.
To view the image version that has been marked by the mature filter, click here.
1 そういやトガちゃんって souiya Toga-chan tte Come to think of it, Toga-chan,
2 敵名つけねえの? ヴィランめいつけねえの? VIRAN-mei tsukenee no? can’t you [use] a villain name?
tagline 1 ありし日の敵連合ーー ありしひのヴィランれんごうーー arishi hi no VIRAN rengou-- The League of Villains from days gone by--
tagline 2 No.393 少女のエゴ  堀越耕平 ナンバー393 しょうじょのエゴ  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 393 shoujo no EGO   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 393 A Girl’s Ego  Kouhei Horikoshi
3 確かに たしかに tashika ni “It’s certainly true.”
4 そーいやおまえとウチのボスくらいだな sooiya omae to UCHI no BOSU kurai da na “That’s right, you and our boss”
5 敵名が無いの ヴィランめいがないの VIRAN-mei ga nai no “have no villain names.”
6 つけよーぜ tsukeyoo ze “Use one!”
7 いらねーよ iranee yo “They don’t need it!”
8 やです ya desu “Don’t want one.”
9 あった方が箔つくよ あったほうがはくつくよ atta hou ga haku tsuku yo “It’d be more prestigious to have one!”
10 「女吸血鬼カーミラ」…! 「おんなきゅうけつきカーミラ」…! 「onna kyuuketsuki KAAMIRA」...! “The Woman Vampire Carmilla...!”
11 「血う血う」 「ちうちう」 「chiu chiu」 “Bloody kiss.” (Note: This is actually a pun on the word “chiu” which is what Toga says as an onomatopoeia for sucking blood. It sounds like “suck” and “smooch.” Twice has squeezed in the kanji for “blood” for the pun.)
12 「ピカちう」 「PIKAchiu」 “Pikasmooch!” (Note: Same pun as the previous line.)
13 や ya “NO.”
14 下らねぇ くだらねぇ kudaranee “How worthless.”
15 個性届制定前までの名残だろ客喜ばせるだけだ こせいとどけせいていまえまでのなごりだろきゃくよろこばせるだけだ kosei todoke seiteimae made no nagori daro kyaku yorokobaseru dake da “It’s only a relic from before the enactment of the Quirk Registry, just to please people.”
16 「荼毘」が言うなよ 「だび」がいうなよ 「Dabi」 ga iuna yo Literal. “Don’t say that, ‘Dabi.’” Context. ��You don’t get to say that, ‘Cremation.’” (Note: The implication is that Dabi’s villain name is pretty uninspired or boring.)
17 本名未だた知らねー ほんみょういまだにしらねー honmyou ima da ni shiranee “We still don’t know your real name.”
1 昔は"ヒーロー""敵"に違いなんかなかったんだってな むかしは"ヒーロー""ヴィラン"にちがいなんかなかったんだってな mukashi wa “HIIROO” “VIRAN” ni chigai nanka nakattanda tte na “Long ago, there wasn’t a difference between ‘heroes’ and ‘villains.’”
2 一説によると いっせつによると issetsu ni yoru to “According to one theory,”
3 得体の知れねぇ敵対者への仮称が始まりだったそうだ えたいのしれねぇてきたいしゃへのかしょうがはじまりだったそうだ etai no shirenee tekitaisha e no kashou ga hajimari datta sou da “it seems like they were tentative names given to mysterious adversaries.”
4 そこから素性素性隠しに自ら渾名を名乗る者が現れたと… そこからすじょうがくしにみずからあだなをなのるものがあらわれたと… soko kara sujougakushi ni mizukara adana wo nanoru mono ga arawareta to... “From there, people appeared who gave themselves nicknames to hide their identities...”
5 生き抜く為に被った別人の皮が いきぬくためにかぶったべつじんのかわが ikinuku tame ni kabutta betsujin no kawa ga “while others wore masks in order to survive,”
6 いつしかコミックに倣った"記号"となった いつしかコミックにならった"きごう"となった itsu shika KOMIKKU ni naratta “kigou” to natta “and eventually they became ‘symbols’ that imitated comic books.”
7 世界がコミックになったのは"名乗り"が原因って説さ せかいがコミックになったのは"なのり"がげんいんってせつさ sekai ga KOMIKKU ni natta no wa “nanori” ga gen’in tte setsusa “It’s said that [those] code names were the cause of the world becoming like comic books.”
8 俺ぁいいや おれぁいいや orea iiya “I don’t need one.” (Note: Literally he’s just saying “Me, no.”)
9 かっこいいと思うけど かっこいいとおもうけど kakko ii to omou kedo “Although I do think they’re cool.”
10 キャッ! KYA! “Hyup!” (Note: This is really just a nonsense word for Toga to shout as she leaps up.)
11 だから連合入ったの! だかられんごうはいったの! dakara rengou haitta no! “That’s why I joined the league!”
12 生きにくいです! いきにくいです! iki nikui desu! It’s hard to live!
1 私は わたしは watashi wa “I”
2 トガヒミコとして生きるのです トガヒミコとしていきるのです TOGA HIMIKO to shite ikiru no desu “live as Himiko Toga.”
3-4 そっちの尺度で私を可哀想にするな‼︎ そっちのルールでわたしをかわいそうにするな‼︎ socchi no RUURU (kanji: shakudo) de watashi wo kawaisou ni suruna!! “Don’t make me a pitiable person by those rules (read as: standards)!!”
1-2 同情なんかじゃ…ない…! どうじょうなんかじゃ…ない…! doujou nanka ja...nai...! “I am not...sympathetic...!”
3 触られた さわられた sawarareta I was touched
4 …でも今浮かされる事自体にリスクはない …でもいまうかされることじたいにリスクはない ...demo ima ukasareru koto jitai ni RISUKU wa nai ...but being made to float now isn’t by itself a risk.
5 耳当たりの良いこと言ったって みみあたりのいいこといったって mimi atari no ii koto itta tte “You have something that’s nice to hear?”
6 結局檻に入れて死刑でしょう…⁉︎ けっきょくおりにいれてしけいでしょう…⁉︎ kekkyoku ori ni irete shikei deshou...!? “In the end, won’t you put me in a cage and sentence me to death...!?”
1-2 でなければ仁くんのように殺すだけだ! でなければじんくんのようにころすだけだ! denakereba Jin-kun no you ni korosu dake da! “If not that, then you’ll just kill me like [you did] Jin-kun!”
3 勝つか負けるか かつかまけるか katsu ka makeru ka “Win or lose,”
4 生きるか いきるか ikiru ka “live or”
5 死ぬか しぬか shinu ka “die,”
6 生存競争なんだよこれはもう‼︎ せいぞんきょうぞうなんだよこれはもう‼︎ seizon kyouzou nanda yo kore wa mou!! “this is already a competition for survival!!”
7 ハッ HA “Hah” (Note: This is a sound for panting/gasping.)
8 それ…っ sore... “That...”
9 ハァ HAA “haah” (Note: This is a sound for panting/gasping.)
10 は wa “is”
11 お互いっ"当たり前"だね おたがいっ"あたりまえ"だね otagai “atari mae” da ne “true for us both.”
12 ーー‼︎ 同情じゃないなら ーー‼︎ どうじょうじゃないなら --!! doujou ja nai nara “--!! If it’s not sympathy,”
13 ただのエゴだ…‼︎ tada no EGO da...!! “then it’s just ego...!!”
14 互いにそうならーー たがいにそうならーー tagai ni sou nara-- “If that’s true for both of us--”
PAGE 6-7
1 "我我は大勢であるがゆえに"‼︎ "サッドマンズレギオン"‼︎ “SADDO MANZU REGION (kanji: wareware wa taisei de aru ga yue ni)”!! Sad Man’s Legion (read as: We are many, therefore...)!!
2 死ねよ しねよ shine yo “die”
3 ヒーロー HIIROO “hero.”
4 こんな…! konna...! “This...!”
5 こんなのないぜ…‼︎ konna no nai ze...!! “There’s been nothing like this...!!”
6 「世代を経るごとに強く…」 「せだいをへるごとにつよく…」 「sedai wo heru goto ni tsuyoku...」 “‘Stronger with each generation...’”
7 「そして誰もコントロールできなくなる」 「そしてだれもコントロールできなくなる」 「soshite dare mo KONTOROORU dekinaku naru」 “‘until no one can control them.’”
8 何年も…何度も囁かれてきた…終末論ーー なんねんも…なんどもささやかれてきた…しゅうまつろんーー nannen mo...nando mo sasayakarete kita...shuumatsuron-- “For years...it’s been whispered over and over...the doomsday theory--”
1 今日だったんだ… きょうだったんだ… kyou dattanda... “It was today...”
2 それが今日だったんだ…‼︎ それがきょうだったんだ…‼︎ sore ga kyou dattanda...!! “That was today...!!”
3 世界は せかいは sekai wa “The world”
4-5 少女たった一人の気持ちで変えられてしまう…‼︎ しょうじょたったひとりのきもちでかえられてしまう…‼︎ shoujo tatta hitori no kimochi de kaerarete shimau...!! “can be changed by the feelings of a single girl...!!”
1 圧し おし oshi “Push and”
2 潰れろ!!!! つぶれろ!!!! tsuburero!!!! “crush her!!!!”
3 ガンヘッド GANHEDDO Gunhead
4 マーシャルアーツ‼︎ MAASHARU AATSU!! Martial Arts!!
1 浮かせるだけだ‼︎ うかせるだけだ‼︎ ukaseru dake da!! “You’re just making us float!!”
2 なんのダメージもない‼︎ nan no DAMEEJI mo nai!! “There is no damage!!”
3 そうだよ… sou da yo... “That’s right...”
4 「ゼログラビティ」は 「ZERO GURABITI」 wa “Zero Gravity is”
5 人を…傷つける為の力じゃないもの……‼︎ ひとを…きずつけるためのちからじゃないもの……‼︎ hito wo...kizutsukeru tame no chikara ja nai mono......!! “not...a power for hurting people......!!”
6-7 私は…人を落として幸せを感じたりしない わたしは…ひとをおとしてしあわせをかんじたりしない watashi wa...hito wo otoshite shiawase wo kanjitari shinai “I...would never feel happy about dropping people.”
8 オエエッ OEE “Uegh!”
9 同情じゃないならただのエゴだ…‼︎ どうじょうじゃないならただのエゴだ…‼︎ doujou ja nai nara tada no EGO da...!! If it’s not sympathy, then it’s just ego...!!
10 ……そうかもね…! ......sou kamo ne...! “......that may be...!”
11 故意に人を殺めた事…‼︎なかった事にはしてあげられない…‼︎ こいにひとをあやめたこと…‼︎なかったことにはしてあげられない…‼︎ koi ni hito wo ayameta koto...!! nakatta koto ni wa shite agerarenai...!! “Deliberately killing people...!! I can’t just act like that was nothing...!!” (Note: Literally she is saying “I can’t do that for you, make killing people into something that didn’t happen.”)
1 ただ…あなたの顔を見て ただ…あなたのかおをみて tada...anata no kao wo mite “It's just...I saw your face”
2 そうならざるを得なかった そうならざるをえなかった sou narazaru wo enakatta “and it couldn’t have just come to be like that...!” (Note: I think Ochako is saying Toga isn’t this way just naturally. Something must have happened to make her like this.)
3 理由があったんじゃないかって…! りゆうがあったんじゃないかって…! riyuu ga attanja nai ka tte...! “I thought there must be a reason...!”
4 あの日 あのひ ano hi “That day,”
5 世界がグチャグチャになった日に せかいがグチャグチャになったひに sekai ga GUCHAGUCHA ni natta hi ni “that day when the world became a mess,”
6 あなたにあまりに悲しい顔をさせたから…‼︎ あなたにあまりにかなしいかおをさせたから…‼︎ anata ni amari ni kanashii kao wo saseta kara...!! “[something] made you make such a sad face, so...!!”
7 あれがお前だろう!⁉︎ あれがおまえだろう!⁉︎ are ga omae darou!!? “Wasn’t that you!!?”
8 あれも私! あれもわたし! are mo watashi! “That also was me!” (Note: Ochako basically means, “Yes, it was me, but it was more than just me!”)
9 聞いてトガヒミコ! きいてトガヒミコ! kiite TOGA HIMIKO! “Listen, Himiko Toga!”
10 初めて会った時怖かった…! はじめてあったときこわかった…! hajimete atta toki kowakatta...! “The first time we met, I was scared...!”
11 わからなかったから…‼︎ wakaranakatta kara...!! “Because I didn’t understand...!!”
1 あの状況でなんで… あのじょうきょうでなんで… ano joukyou de nande... “In that situation, why...”
2 あなたにも純粋に笑えるんだろうって‼︎ あなたにもじゅんすいにわらえるんだろうって‼︎ anata ni mo junsui ni waraeru darou tte!! “were you able to laugh so genuinely?!”
3 ……っうるさい! ......urusai! “......Shut up!”
4 トガヒミコとして……か TOGA HIMIKO to shite......ka As Himiko Toga......huh?
5 じゃあ ja Then,
6 好きなだけぶっ殺して すきなだけぶっころして suki na dake bukkoroshite you can kill as much as you like,
7 好きなもんなりまくりゃあいい! すきなもんなりまくりゃあいい! suki na mon nari makuryaa ii! and become whataver you like!
8 その顔をやめなさい! そのかおをやめなさい! sono kao wo yamenasai! Stop making that face!
9 死ね! しね! shine! “Die!”
10 なんで死なないの‼︎ なんでしなないの‼︎ nande shinanai no!! “Why won’t you die!!”
11 一度はつき放したけど いちどはつきはなしたけど ichido wa tsuki hanashita kedo “Although I pushed you away one,”
12 あなたの居心地の良い世界ではないけれど あなたのいごこちのいいせかいではないけれど anata no igokochi no ii sekai de wa nai keredo “and though this world is not one comfortable for you,”
1 エゴだ…! EGO da...! It’s ego...!
2 わかってる‼︎それでも私は わかってる‼︎それでもわたしは wakatteru!! sore demo watashi wa I get it!! Because after all, I
3-5 喜ぶ顔をたくさん見てきたから よろこぶかおをたくさんみてきたから yorokobu kao wo takusan mite kita kara have seen so many happy faces.
6 好きなものを好きと言う すきなものをすきという suki na mono wo suki to iu “you tell those you like that you like them.”
7 あなたの顔は あなたのかおは anata no kao wa “Your face”
1-3 羨ましいくらいに素敵な笑顔だと思うから うらやましいくらいにすてきなえがおだとおもうから urayamashii kurai ni suteki na egao da to omou kara “I think your face has such a lovely smile that I envy you, and that’s why...”
1 まるで maru de It’s like
2 異常者だ いじょうしゃだ ijousha da you’re a deviant!
3 私は わたしは watashi wa “I”
4 あなたの笑顔を見なかった事にはしたくない‼︎ あなたのえがおをみなかったことにはしたくない‼︎ anata no egao wo minakatta koto ni wa shitakunai!! “don’t want to act like I didn’t see your smile!!”
PAGE 16-17
1 浮いた…⁉︎ ういた…⁉︎ uita...!” “They floated...!”
2 麗日に触られてないにの…! うららかにさわられてないのに…! Uraraka ni sawararetenai noni...! “But they weren’t touched by Uraraka...!”
3 接してる人に…伝播…してる…⁉︎ せっしてるひとに…でんぱ…してる…⁉︎ sesshiteru hito ni...denpa...shiteru...!? “It’s spreading...to people...[these bubbles] come into contact with...!?”
4-5 少女…たった一人! しょうじょ…たったひとり! shoujo...tatta hitori! “Just...a single girl!”
6 罪をなかった事にはできない!全てを肯定はし��い‼︎ つみをなかったことにはできない!すべてをこうていはしない‼︎ tsumi wo nakatta koto ni wa dekinai! subete wo koutei wa shinai!! “I can’t pretend your crimes never happened! I will not affirm everything!!”
7 でも! demo! “But!”
8 まだ少しでも私と話してくれる気持ちがあるなら まだすこしでもわたしとはなしてくれるきもちがあるなら mada sukoshi demo watashi to hanashite kureru kimochi ga aru nara “If you still feel like talking with me even a little bit,”
9 血なんて一生くれてやる! ちなんていっしょうくれてやる! chi nante isshou kurete yaru! “I’ll give you my blood for the rest of my life!”
10 あなたと恋バナがしたいのヒミコちゃん‼︎ あなたとこいバナがしたいのヒミコちゃん‼︎ anata to koiBANA ga shitai no HIMIKO-chan!! “I want to talk with you about romance, Himiko-chan!!” (Note: Yes, this is the “koiBANA” word again, which means “gossip, girl talk, talking about crushes, etc.”)
tagline 届け‼︎少女の叫びーー‼︎ とどけ‼︎しょうじょのおもいーー‼︎ todoke!! shoujo no omoi (kanji: sakebi)--!! Deliver them!! The girl’s feelings (read as: shout)--!!
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battery-ooc · 5 months
hi. battery here. this is my account I guess. go to battery-even-more-ooc for old posts. call me battery, or whatever else you want to, I don't make the rules.
tagging (note: some of this info is not public on their blogs yet, and some is false, but I can't tell you what):
@battery-anon & @eyencogneyeto-polls apsyrn adalia, rust, they/them, 8 sweeps, beforus, in sgrub
@beforus-against-real-justice talcus taipan, gold, he/it/they, 7.5 sweeps, cullee, beforus, in sgrub
@wriggler-naming-suggestions minthy mentha, jade, she/they, 8 sweeps, beforus, in sgrub
@ne0n-n0b0dy miacid ramsay/neon, mutated teal/cerulean cusp, any pronouns, around 7-8 sweeps, beforus, in sgrub
@glauconycterisaeneid connie, jade, she/her, alternian, I don't use this account anymore
@jade-confessions jade, alternian
@transcendental-concealer alaska, purple, alternian, DEAD
@golden-abnormality gold, purr/purrself, 7 sweeps, beforus, cullee
@quadrant-polls heart/spade/ash/pale, 5.5 sweeps, beforus, cullee
@krozzed-kreaturezz tusk, rust, she/sea/shell, beforus
he/ze/fish, violet, beforus
@absconding-assassin she/it/they, beforus
@tranquillity-captured marrgo taipan, purple (and also gold) she/it, beforus, culler in sgrub, half snake, DEAD
@jadeblood-hate-blog >:3
@would-grumblr-eat-them bronze, Alternian
@alternia-against-real-justice cerulean, it/its, alternian
@grim-abomination bronze, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@traditionalanguine talcus!!! the real one!!! up to you to guess what that means
MY CHART!!! okay actually I'm putting the chart down there too
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I am fine with most in character things. Do not accuse characters of sexual assault in my inbox. Sexual assault may be something that in character discussion is logical, but those should times should be treated seriously.
If I block you please accept that. I am not afraid of blocking anyone.
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battery-even-more-ooc · 5 months
hi. battery here. this is my new account I guess. go to battery-ooc for old posts. call me battery, or whatever else you want to, I don't make the rules.
tagging (note: some of this info is not public on their blogs yet, and some is false, but I can't tell you what):
@battery-anon & @eyencogneyeto-polls apsyrn adalia, rust, they/them, 8 sweeps, beforus, in sgrub
@beforus-against-real-justice talcus taipan, gold, he/it/they, 7.5 sweeps, cullee, beforus, in sgrub
@wriggler-naming-suggestions minthy mentha, jade, she/they, 8 sweeps, beforus, in sgrub
@ne0n-n0b0dy miacid ramsay/neon, mutated teal/cerulean cusp, any pronouns, around 7-8 sweeps, beforus, in sgrub
@glauconycterisaeneid connie, jade, she/her, alternian, I don't use this account anymore
@jade-confessions jade, alternian
@transcendental-concealer alaska, purple, alternian
@golden-abnormality gold, purr/purrself, 7 sweeps, beforus, cullee
@quadrant-polls heart/spade/ash/pale, 5.5 sweeps, beforus, cullee
@krozzed-kreaturezz tusk, rust she/sea/shell, beforus
he/ze/fish, violet beforus
@absconding-assassin she/it/they, beforus
@tranquillity-captured marrgo taipan, purple (and also gold) she/it, beforus, culler in sgrub, half snake
I am fine with most things. In character death threats, in character crushes (whether you ask or not, please do this one actually), dark character lore, weird polls to apsryn, etc. I won't post an ask if I think I should tag it and don't know what to tag it with. But, generally, I am fine with everything, and will let you know if it crosses into something I'm not fine. If you are unsure, feel free to ask in an ask or dms.
Common-ish themes on my blogs that may upset someone: murder, suicide, self harm, uncomfortable age gap relationships, grooming, cannibalism, parental death, I will add more as I think of it. I don't tag cannibalism, I try to tag everything else.
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annoying-xthing · 9 months
Hi. We're not very good at intros. So.
We are the x thing. Not because we used to be thing from the Addams family or anything. You know how people will call themselves by a collected name because of their plurality? Like, the avocado system or the avocado collective. That's what we are. But instead, we use thing. So it's the equivalent of saying we're the avocado thing. Except we're not named after avocados.
Actually, our stupid collective name was chosen impulsive just now, as we made this blog. We're the x thing now. I guess.
Why don't we use system or collective? Well, we don't use collective because it doesn't describe our experience very well. We're not "fully" plural- we're a median system, and our plurality tends to fluctuate. Sometimes we feel completely singlet. Sometimes we feel like some sort of fusion, like conjoined siblings. And sometimes we feel very separate- but not to the point of amnesia or hearing voices. Alters talking are more like thought projection, if that makes sense.
Anyways. We (? It's mainly for the host but because of our complexity other alters will probably use it occasionally) have a separate blog but this one will be more focused on other stuff. Like our systemhood, otherkinness and burning hatred for radqueers while also relating to them a bit too much. We'll probably get a radqueer alter eventually tbh.
We have autism and ADHD. We do not have DID or OSDD. You can't accuse us of faking a disorder we don't claim to have, okay? We're also quoigenic.
We don't really do the whole "roles" thing. Persecutors, protectors, etc etc are not things we care about.
There's probably a good amount of unknown alters. But here's the ones we DO know:
Rocket (host) - will not share age as it is body's age. Genderqueer. He/she/they/ey/nya/shey/pop/star/la/xe/ze/bro. In no particular order, but mix it up!
Voice - no real age. No real gender. They/its/xe
Intropost: N/A
Aaron - 16-17. Boy/man. He/it.
Intropost: N/A
Madison - 16. Girl/woman. She/her
Intropost: N/A
Altair (factive) - 23. Girl/woman but questioning gender. She/they/it.
Intropost: N/A
Mika - 8. Genderfluid. She/he/it.
Intropost: N/A
Collective use they/them for us and refer to us as x. We'll be doing sign offs on this page to help us differentiate each other more. Anyways. Yeah. Also if you know us from trevorspace pretend that wasnt a thing (still say hi though unless you're one of those people)
Oh and DNI sysmeds. Sysmed =/= anti-endo, it means you don't think anyone can be a
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demonic--scare · 2 years
Deaftale’s info!!
this post contains some stuff, such as murder, death, swear words, etc. this AU is also LGBTQIA, so i beg of you, PLEASE LEAVE IF YOU DONT SUPPORT <3 i dont allow non-supporters of the LGBTQIA. This post is extremely long, and it’s not rlly that organized tbh…plz forgive me…also, please do not gatekeep. this is an Alternate Universe, a different version of undertale. Do not accuse me of stealing, please. more info can be found here
This is what you’ve been waiting for!! I’ll post the designs later hahahah
Sans - he’s much more energetic than og!sans, which caused a increase in his HP, which is now 680 HP. Sans is Deaf, and he always has been, but he never got the cochlear implants because he doesn’t want them. Sans does know American Sign Language, and so does a few other monsters, but he only uses ASL to communicate with Papyrus. Sans gets frustrated easily, and sometimes expresses it in unhealthy ways, like hitting his head(or skull)- Sans is demisexual and uses he/they pronouns, but mainly he/him. Sans is..kinda cold towards Frisk when they first meet, but he opens up later on!
Papyrus - Papyrus’ food is actually edible- He is learning ASL, and its going well! Papyrus doesn’t want to join the royal guard, EVER. He’s always around Sans for communication purposes. Papyrus is aroace and uses he/them. He is still friends with Undyne, and Undyne was actually the reason why Papyrus wants to become a chef when he gets on the surface!
Toriel - Toriel doesn’t fight Frisk when they wanted to leave the ruins, Toriel understands why. Toriel still loves Asgore, thats why she and Asgore decided that they needed a break until things work out. Toriel is straight and uses she/her.
Alphys - Alphys is really clumsy and very nervous, but she always tries her best! Alphys doesn’t beat herself up abt messing up anymore. Alphys is still a anime nerd and will always be hahahdmsks- Alphys is bisexual and uses she/her-
Undyne - Undyne knows that anime isnt real. Undyne uses she/they pronouns and is a lesbian <3 Undyne is..tough, but Undyne can get rlly nervous, like when you ask her how babies r made. Undyne was the one who got Papyrus interested into culinary arts b/c Papyrus didnt rlly do anything except clean when Sans didnt need communication and take care of the humans that fell, so yeah-
Mettaton - Mettaton wont ask you if you would smooch a ghost b/c thats super weird- Mettaton is transgender(he/him) and he is demiromantic <3 Mettaton doesn’t like to talk only abt themselves. Mettaton’s show is all about quizzes with less severe consequences, the quizzes cover a lot of topics too!
Napsblook - he’s pretty social, but not too social b/c introvert vibes- Napsblook is aromatic, and he uses he/they pronouns(mainly he/him)- Napsblook doesn’t mind being called Blooky by anyone. Napsblook isn’t on Mettaton’s show b/c of the noises and lights, so he helps Alphys in the lab instead b/c he doesn’t mind watching the show on TV since the lights are less bright and the sounds are less loud- Napsblook does have a vessel but its a lot smaller than Mettaton due to lack of resources </3
Frisk - Frisk is one of the few humans who tried to communicate with Sans. Frisk isn’t used to people being nice to them b/c of his home life. Frisk is genderqueer and uses any pronouns, including neopronouns, and ze is demisexual. Frisk had a crush on a cute Deaf girl but she was murdered.
Chara - Chara is blind, and they were lead to the mountain by their so called friends. Chara is nonbinary, and they are questioning their sexuality- Chara was born on October 31st, 1992 & the year is 2003, so Chara is 11 years old. Chara fell at 8 years old. Chara uses Asriel as their seeing-person. Chara got cancer and they weren’t able to beat cancer due to lack of medical stuff required to help fight cancer.
Asriel - Asriel is really shy and timid at first, but he opens up if you’re deemed not a threat! Asriel is sensitive to sound, and how Asriel copes with really loud noises can vary, but the common reaction for Asriel is hitting someone that is the closest to Asriel. Asriel(and Flowey) is 11, like Chara. Asriel uses he/them, and Azzy is bisexual. Azzy is Asriel’s nickname
Flowey - he’s a lil shit, but they do get nervous when Chara is mentioned, b/c he and Azzy are the same person.
Asgore - Asgore doesn’t want to hurt anyone anymore, but he has no idea how to tell Toriel that he doesn’t want war anymore.
i spent too much time on this 💀💀
srry if its cringe, idk how to not make things cringe brrr
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hyperfixationspam · 3 years
tma voice actors rated on how well they would play the character in live action
Jonathan Sims as The Archivist: 3/10. He just doesnt look pathetic enough. Its the poor little meow meow factor. He gets some points for looking like he might be just a little bit insane tho. Also, fun fact, when I started the podcast I was having trouble picturing Jon so I looked at a picture of Jonny and immediately went "...no. he doesnt look like that"
Alexander J Newall as Martin Blackwood: 0/10. Alex is an evil little man and you can tell by looking at him. Even without the suit, there's malice in those eyes. He is neither gentle nor a giant. Just an all around unpleasant experience, not a Martin!!
Alexander J Newall as Jared Hopworth: -10000/10. No explanation needed
Mike LeBeau as Tim Stoker: 9/10. Im pretty sure he is actually s1 Tim. He's very charming and good looking and just generally has the right personality. Season 3 is harder but I bet he has the range physically too!
Lottie Broomhall as Sasha James: 7/10. She looks very sweet and nerdy! Shed be a good fit. Not like shes around for long anyway...
Evelyn Hewett as Not-Sasha: 5/10. She also looks very sweet!!! Which is the problem!!! I dont think shes creepy enough... but that might actually make it more creepy?? Idk man, take a half rating
Ben Meredith as Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus: 4/10. Hes just not scary! Not to mention too young. However he gets points because it would be absolutely hilarious
Lydia Nicholas as Melanie King: 8/10. Something in their face just says "Im a nice person but I could kill you if I wanted to." I think she would really pull off the woman slowly losing her mind look
Hannah Brankin as Jane Prentiss: 7/10. I mean. Shes gonna be covered in worms anyway. Anyone will look terrifying with good enough sfx
Hannah Brankin as Rosie Zampano: 4/10. She looks very sweet but I feel like Rosie has this very specific vibe of well concealed yet visible rage that Hannah just doesnt have. Plus I imagine her being a bit older
Frank Voss as Basira Hussain: 5/10. Theyre too sweet! Basira is very serious and I just dont think I could be intimidated by Frank. They could definitely do the more emotional moments but they just dont look like they would hold someone at gunpoint!
Imogen Harris as Helen Richardson: 4/10. Similar situation to Not-Sasha. She doesnt look unhinged at all but the lack of unhinged energy might actually be creepier? -1 point for not having ringlets. Idk why I just cant imagine Helen without ringlets
Luke Booys as Michael Shelley: 15/10. Just put a wig on him and tip to toe that is a Michael! He has the perfect energy. Theres just something in those eyes that says "I have seen madness beyond your comprehension and I have become a part of that madness." I think hes an avatar of the Spiral irl based solely on his face. He doesnt even fit the canon description but hes just so perfect you cant cast anyone else
Fay Roberts as Daisy Tonner: 10/10. Ze looks very graceful and gentle yet also like ze can and will kill you which is the exact energy I get from Daisy. And their hair is so perfect for her too!! Like yeah thats Daisy!!
Carrie Cohen as Mary Keay: 10/10. Shes got the unhinged old woman energy down to a SCIENCE!! She is TERRIFYING!! Good for her!!
Sasha Sienna as Georgie Barker: 6/10. He looks very sweet, very strong cat mom energy but the problem is they just look too innocent. No offense but I just dont see death in her eyes
Guy Kelly as Mike Crew: 8/10. He looks pretty much exactly how I imagined Mike but I dont think hes tiny enough. Hes gotta be a real short king
Jessica Law as Nikola Orsinov: 11/10. Youre not allowed to cast anyone else!! Shes perfect!! Like Nikola doesnt even have a face but if she did thats what it would look like. There is a reason she gets typecast as a sentient human shaped object and its because she slays it both vocally and physically!!
Lowri Ann Davies as Lynne Hammond/Celia: 8/10. Im just enjoying imagining her in a cult
Francesca Renee Reid as Julia Montauk: 10/10. My only justification for this is that I am gay for both of them
Ian Hayles as Trevor Herbert: 8/10. Needs a little more chaotic bastard energy but nothing a little makeup cant help. Give him a more fucked up beard and put some dirt and blood on him. Thats Trevor!
Jon Gracey as Gerard Keay: 2/10. Hes Not Even Goth. Like I know you could just dress him up goth but its just not the same! We need an authentic goth actor for accurate goth representation! Points for being a weird nerd tho
Alasdair Stuart as Peter Lukas: 7/10. Alasdair is way too wholesome for Peter and I dont think I could be intimidated by him or see him as pathetic. HOWEVER I am giving him a bunch of extra points because I simply thinks he deserves to play Peter in live action. Alasdair is the OG Peter kinnie and who am I to deny him that right?
Russell A. Smith as Oliver Banks: 9/10. He looks so nice and handsome! Yet also a little depressed at the same time! Give him some dark circles under his eyes, and yep, he's Oliver!
Helen Gould as Laverne: 10/10. Theyre such a comforting presence. She could totally be a therapist. I would tell him all of my problems
Layla Mannings as Manuela Dominguez: 5/10. Shes too adorable! She doesnt look like someone who would try to extinguish the sun!
John Henry Falle as Arthur Nolan: 2/10. He definitely looks insane but not in a landlord kinda way ya know? He looks like he would commit arson but not like he would be a class traitor
Karim Kronfli as Simon Fairchild: 0/10. Hes like 50 tops. Simon is like 500 and appears 100. We need a man whos fucking decaying
Richard Soames as Eric Delano: 1/10. This Dude Is Like Thirty
Chioma Nwalioba as Annabelle Cane: 9/10. Shes adorable!! And I think Annabelle is adorable too!! She would look great in some vintage clothes. I would tell her all of my secrets I dont care if she would use them against me <3 I cant imagine her as a giant spider tho but Im sure she has the range
Ray Chong Nee as Mikaele Salesa: 10/10. He really does look like he would sell people cursed shit, he just has that eccentric vibe. Seems like hes a big dude too. Definitely the kind of guy to dramatically play the piano to reveal he was alive all along
Mabel Syrup as Dr. Jane Doe: 10/10. Looked at her instagram for ten seconds and nearly went insane. My brain cant process any of this. Thats the kind of vibes we need. Good for her
Anil Godigamuwe as Arun: 10/10. I literally just imagined him as Anil the entire time. I cant separate the actor from the character
Tim Ledsam as Jordan Kennedy: 10/10 but only if he wears the Gunpowder Tim getup and this is never addressed
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
Headcanon! Jjk men dick sizes from largest to smallest. Please include Todou and Noritoshi ✨
I have never once thought of Noritoshi Kamo since his introduction to the series so he gonna have to sit this one out and yes there will be heavy bias in this but that's what we're here for
First off is h-h-h-HORSE COCK NANAMI KENTO, that luscious piece of man meat, the shlong to end all shlongs, his third leg knocking at his knees! I know the real reason he left the office its cause just the imprint of his cock in his slacks was having bitches FAINT ON SIGHT, people were SCARED to come into the office cause they were so aroused by the sight of- anyway if I'm being overzealous I give him a 10in but realistically it'd probably be like a 8, 9 on a good day which is everyday when you got that spicy sausage link down the back of your throat
Coming in hot hot hot in second place is the lustrous 30in 1B Brazilian straight 360 lace with a pre-plucked hairline, 180% density and an elastic band in the back: Mr. Getou Suguru! Now I'm sure if he and Nanami measured dicks side by side(hehe) you'd be hard pressed to find any real differences and ya know what, there's not. Except I believe that Getou's dick curves to the left a bit. Realistic size is like 7.5-leaning-8in.
Let's not forget third place is dominated by the black sheep reject who got sniped by a highschooler with barely any eyelashes Toji Ze- Fushiguro! Packing not only abandonment issues and a grudge bigger than my ass, Toji can and will use his dick as a weapon and legally he must tell airport security that he is flying with a concealed firearm(his dick in case you didn't catch that). I bet he's got multiple other children we don't know about because Akutami doesn't have it in him to describe every one of Toji's lovemaking sessions which left the recipient incapacitated in the best of ways. His dick is a nice 8in.
Not to be outdone in fourth place is Naoya Zenin and I already hear the call out posts being typed up as I write! You may call me a misogyny lover, a woman hater, a dumb stupid whore that only exists to be bred to have babies but meanwhile she's popping birth control when her man ain't home and you would be right in all those assumptions! Naoya Zenin is without a doubt slinging some heat, he is the Zenin clans finest after all and being the prized race horse means you got the ding dong to end all ding dongs. A healthy 666- oops sorry I mean 6.9in and no he doesn't shave, that's gay.
Fifth in this line up but certainly not coming up short if you know what I mean is none other than Itadori Yuji! Yes that's right the boy that should have just joined the fucking track team rounds out the top five. He's not only great in the kitchen but great in the bedroom, living room, bathroom, backyard, alleyway behind the club - wherever you want him! He trims, he shaves, hell he'll even get waxed if you want him to! Sports a nice dummy thick one, definitely more girth than length, I'm giving him a wonderful 6.5 in length. In thickness...lemme get back to you on that.
And now I'm too lazy to write anyone else with grandiose descriptions so in order we have: Todo - truly the same size as itadori, Inumaki - deffo uses his dick as a lightsaber, Choso+Gojo+Yuta give me sickly victorian child that is also a ghost vibes so really they're probably all rocking at max 5 but just know in my heart its really a 3-4. Mahito...that little gremlin can be whatever size he wants he's like Willy Wonka...
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 382 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 あの瞬間 あのしゅんかん ano shunkan That moment,
tagline 1 トゥワイス達の中に… トゥワイスたちのなかに… TUWAISU-tachi no naka ni... Among all the Twices...
tagline 2 No.382 行かせない‼︎  堀越耕平 ナンバー382 いかせない‼︎  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 382 ikasenai!!   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 382 Won’t Let You Leave   Kouhei Horikoshi
2 少女に傾国の一手を与えた しょうじょにけいこくのいってをあたえた shoujo ni keikoku no itte wo ataeta I gave that girl a siren maneuver (Note: He means he gave Toga a move to do that is dangerous like a siren.)
3 2人の男は 2りのおとこは futari no otoko wa the two men
4 気づいていた! きづいていた! kidzuite ita! were noticing!
5 ウソつき USOtsuki [That] liar.
6 事態はまだ じたいはまだ jitai wa mada The situation is not
7 "最高" "さいこう" “saikou” “the best”
8 "最悪" "さいあく" “saiaku” [or] “the worst”
9 ではないことに de wa nai koto ni as of yet.
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1 あくまで希望的観測よ最悪だけどまだ最悪じゃない あくまできぼうてきかんそくよさいあくだけどまださいあくじゃない akumade kibouteki kansoku yo saiaku dakedo mada saiaku ja nai “This is just wishful thinking, but though this is the worst [scenario], it still isn’t the worst [we expected].”
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1 初手でAFOや荼毘に変身したり「二倍」で出されていたら終わってた! しょてでオール・フォー・ワンやだびにへんしんしたり「にばい」でだされていたらおわってた! shote de OORU FOO WAN ya Dabi ni henshin shitari 「nibai」 de dasarete itara owatteta! “It would have been over if her first play was to transform into someone like AFO or Dabi or if she brought them out with Double!”
2 でもそうはならなかった!それなら demo sou wa naranakatta! sore nara “But that’s not happening! In that case,”
3 "状況理由"から勝機を見つけるしかないわ! "そこ"からしょうきをみつけるしかないわ! “soko (kanji: joukyou)” kara shouki wo mitsukeru shika nai wa! “she can do nothing but find victory from [where she is] (read as: a way in the current situation).”
4 本来の「二倍」で増やされた人間は"個性"を使える! トゥワイスの「にばい」でふやされたにんげんは"こせい"をつかえる! TUWAISU (kanji: honrai) no 「nibai」 de fuyasareta ningen wa “kosei” wo tsukaeru! “Humans who have been multiplied by Twice’s (read as: the original’s) Double can use [their] quirks!”
5 でもウラビティが聞いた通りならヒミコちゃんの「変身」は でもウラビティがきいたとおりならヒミコちゃんの「へんしん」は demo URABITI ga kiita toori nara HIMIKO-chan no 「henshin」 wa “But if it’s just as Uravity heard, Himiko-chan’s Transform”
6 "好き"な人の"個性"しか使えない "すき"なひとの"こせい"しかつかえない “suki” na hito no “kosei” shika tsukaenai “can only use quirks of the people she loves.”
7 相性と言うのかしら…「変身」→「二倍」で増やした人間にもヒミコちゃんの条件が乗ってしまうようになっているのなら あいしょうというのかしら…「へんしん」→「にばい」でふやしたにんげんにもヒミコちゃんのじょうけんがのってしまうようになっているのなら aishou to iu no kashira...「henshin」→「nibai」 de fuyashita ningen ni mo HIMIKO-chan no jouken ga notte shimau you ni natte iru no nara “I wonder if it’s something like compatibility... If the condition for Himiko-chan’s Transform is being carried over to the people multiplied by Double,”
8 ヒミコちゃんの"好き"が死柄木たちには当てはまらなくて使えないのかも ヒミコちゃんの"すき"がしがらきたちにはあてはまらなくてつかえないのかも HIMIKO-chan no “suki” ga Shigaraki-tachi ni wa atehamaranakute tsukaenai no kamo “maybe Himiko-chan’s ‘love’ cannot be applied to Shigaraki and the others, and so they can’t use [their quirks].”
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1 全くの的外れかもしれない…でもーー まったくのまとはずれかもしれない…でもーー mattaku no matohazure kamoshirenai...demo-- “It may be totally irrelevant...but--”
2 この極限状況気持ち一つで一秒後に条件が覆ってもおかしくないわ このきょくげんじょうきょうきもちひとつでいちびょうごにじょうけんがくつがえってもおかしくないわ kono kyokugen joukyou kimochi hitotsu de ichibyougo ni jouken ga kutsugaettemo okashikunai wa “in this extreme situation, it wouldn’t be strange if, after one second of one emotion, even [her quirk’s] condition enveloped [them].” (Note: I think what she’s saying is something of a hypothesis like this: if Toga’s feelings affect her quirk, then a split-second feeling could be carried over to all the clones.)
3 そうならない為にも早く本物を見つけないと そうならないためにもはやくほんものをみつけないと sou naranai tame ni mo hayaku honmono wo mitsukenai to “To prevent that from happening, we have to quickly find the real one.”
4 …だとしたらトガヒミコはーー… ...da to shitara TOGA HIMIKO wa---... ...If that’s the case, Himiko Toga is---...
5 何で… なんで… nande... “Why...”
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1 哀れな行進を続けさせてやろうぜ デッドマンズパレードをつづけさせてやろうぜ DEDDOMANZU PAREEDO wo tsudzukesasete yarou ze “Let’s make the Dead Man’s Parade continue.”
2 ヒーローは殲滅する…‼︎ ヒーローはせんめつする…‼︎ HIIROO wa senmetsu suru...!! “Annihilate the heroes...!!”
3 弔くんも燈矢くんも好きなのに とむらくんもとうやくんもすきなのに Tomura-kun mo Touya-kun mo suki nanoni I love Tomura-kun and Touya-kun too, but
4 仁くんやお茶子ちゃんみたいに"個性"が出せない じんくんやおちゃこちゃんみたいに"こせい"がだせない Jin-kun ya Ochako-chan mitai ni “kosei” ga dasenai their quirks won’t come out like Jin-kun’s or Ochako-chan’s.
5 ヒーローは殲滅する…‼︎ ヒーローはせんめつする…‼︎ HIIROO wa senmetsu suru...!! “Annihilate the heroes...!!”
6 この戦い前にも試した…出せなかった! このたたかいまえにもためした…だせなかった! kono tatakai mae ni mo tameshita...dasenakatta! I also tried it before this battle...and they wouldn’t come out!
7 大好きなのに…「好き」に成れるはずなのに だいすきなのに…「すき」になれるはずなのに daisuki nanoni... 「suki」 ni nareru hazu nanoni Even though I love him... Even though I can become someone I ‘love’...
8-9 仁くんなら出せるのに じんくんならだせるのに Jin-kun nara daseru noni Even though Jin-kun could make them come out...
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1 何で私は なんでわたしは nande watashi wa Why can’t I
2 仁くんになれないの じんくんになれないの Jin-kun ni narenai no become Jin-kun?
3 ヒーローは殲滅する…‼︎ ヒーローはせんめつする…‼︎ HIIROO wa senmetsu suru...!! “Annihilate the heroes...!!” (Note: This phrase is repeated in all the background speech bubbles.)
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1 人の喜ぶ顔が好きだった ひとのよろこぶかおがすきだった hito no yorokobu kao ga suki datta I loved people’s happy faces.
2 だから彼女は だからかのじょは dakara kanojo wa That’s why, for that girl,
3 涙を見逃さない なみだをみのがさない namida wo minogasanai I won’t turn a blind eye to her tears. (Note: You could also go with “overlook” instead of “turn a blind eye to.”)
(Edit: Please read this update to regarding the translation of these pages.)
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1 頑張れツクヨミ抑え続けて時間を稼ぐんだ‼︎ がんばれツクヨミおさえつづけてじかんをかせぐんだ‼︎ ganbare TSUKUYOMI osae tsudzukete jikan wo kasegunda!! “Give it your all, Tsukuyomi! Keep holding him back and buy us time!!”
2 奴は今恐らく無敵状態だが時限付きだ! やつはいまおそらくむてきじょうたいだがじげんつきだ! yatsu wa ima osoraku muteki joutai da ga jigen tsuki da! “He’s probably in an invincible state right now, but he has a time limit!”
3 エンデヴァーさんが一度倒したおかげでそうなった‼︎ここで抑え続けて止めるんだ‼︎ エンデヴァーさんがいちどたおしたおかげでそうなった‼︎ここでおさえつづけてとめるんだ‼︎ ENDEVAA-san ga ichido taoshita okage de sou natta!! koko de osae tsudzukete tomerunda!! “He became like that thanks to Endeavor-san defeating him once!! Keep holding him back and stop him!!”
4 黒影を覆って!光を遮って‼︎ ダークシャドウをおおって!ひかりをさえぎって‼︎ DAAKU SHADOU wo ootte! hikari wo saegitte!! “Cover Dark Shadow! Block out the light!!”
5 闇を供給させるの‼︎ エネルギーをきょうきゅうさせるの‼︎ ENERUGII (kanji: yami) wo kyoukyuu saseru no!! “Let me supply him with energy (read as: darkness)!!”
6 それ sore “For that,”
7 オーロラの夜空とか出せるし「幻惑」でオケオケかもー! オーロラのよぞらとかだせるし「げんわく」でオケオケかもー! OORORA no yozora toka daseru shi 「genwaku」 de OKEOKE kamoo! “if I can bring out an aurora night sky or something, maybe with Illusion it’ll be OK-OK!”
8 トガの増殖も抑えなければ! トガのぞうしょくもおさえなければ! TOGA no zoushoku mo osaenakereba! “We have to suppress Toga’s multiplcation too!”
9 全力全方位サポォオオオト‼︎ ぜんりょくぜんほういサポォオオオト‼︎ zenryoku zenhoui SAPOOOOOTO!! “Full power omnidirectional SUPPOOOOORT!!”
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1 ぐあァ guaA “Gwagh!”
2 うわああ‼︎ uwaaa!! “Waaah!!”
3-4 …やはり力で…ゴリ押ししてくる奴は面倒だな… …やはりちからで…ゴリおししてくるやつはめんどうだな… ...yahari chikara de...GORIoshi shite kuru yatsu wa mendou da na... “...Of course, those who push their way through...by force are troublesome...”
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1 更に若返ってーー さらにわかがえってーー sara ni wakagaette-- He’s restored to even younger--
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1 闇を! やみを! yami wo! “Gimme darkness!”
2 行かせんぞ‼︎ いかせんぞ‼︎ ikasenzo!! “I won’t let you leave!!”
3 突風で運ぶっス追いつける‼︎ とっぷうではこぶっスおいつける‼︎ toppuu de hakobu SSU oitsukeru!! “I’ll carry [myself] with a gust of wind and catch up!!”
4 絶対行かせねっス!!! ぜったいいかせねっス!!! zettai ikasene SSU!!! “I absolutely won’t let you leave!!!”
5 2人の男は気付いていたーーー 2りのおとこはきづいていたーーー futari no otoko wa kidzuite ita--- The two men were noticing---
6 事態は じたいは jitai wa the situation
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1 もう mou is already
2 散らせマキア ちらせマキア chirase MAKIA “Scatter them, Machia.”
3 最高である事に さいこうであることに saikou de aru koto ni becoming the best one [possible].
4 事態はまだ じたいはまだ jitai wa mada The situation is not yet...
5 "最悪"じゃない…って事っすね "さいあく"じゃない…ってことっすね “saiaku” ja nai...tte koto ssu ne “It’s not the worst...[scenario possible], eh?”
6 塚内さん‼︎ つかうちさん‼︎ Tsukauchi-san!! “Mr. Tsukauchi!!”
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1 何をーー なにをーー nani wo-- “What is--”
2 ……貴様ら…‼︎ ……きさまら…‼︎ ......kisamara...!! “......You bastards...!!”
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1 俺たちも来たぜ常闇‼︎ おれたちもきたぜとこやみ‼︎ ore-tachi mo kita ze Tokoyami!! “We’ve come too, Tokoyami!!”
2 緑谷たちンとこア行かせねえ!!! みどりやたちンとこアいかせねえ!!! Midoriya-tachi NtokoA ikasenee!!! “We won’t let you got to where Midoriya and the others are!!!”
tagline 元・普通科の星心操人使‼︎ もと・ふつうかのほししんそうひとし‼︎ moto・futsuu-ka no hoshi Shinsou Hitoshi!! Former general studies star Shinsou Hitoshi!!!
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disciplevolo · 2 years
hey i’m volo (jr), your local rizznessman. giratina won’t let me die, you probably don’t know me or maybe you do, i just want to blog food i guess
pronoun collection she/her he/him they/them tox it/its it/zhe ky/kyr ke/ken ze/zir co/cos pog
Welcome, welcome! This is an independent RP blog for Volo from PLA. This blog is completely in character unless otherwise specified.
I’m willing to write both short and long form RPs, with pokemon characters and non-pokemon characters.
I’m not particularly picky with RPs unless you’re making me uncomfortable so don’t be afraid to interact.
More about Volo
I’ll be honest here for OOC knowledge: This Volo is immortal, and had ended up like a ‘champion’ of Giratina’s. He’s pretty much his lacky in the "real” world much to his disgruntlement about it. So, he tends to be working as a shadow on things that are going on in the world. So in the end instead of being with Arceus he’s with his shadow, fittingly. He definitely doesn’t want to give up on seeing Arceus and kicking his ass but he isn’t vocal about it, nor does he want to particularly plan Out Loud or consider it unless something that could seriously work came up. He’s come to respect Giratina and almost get angry for it from Arceus’s treatment, much like the treatment of himself. He’s still a scheming bastard though.
Rules and such
Mun is 30, so I’d prefer people over 18 to RP with for both my comfort and yours.
I’m completely fine and happy to do crossover RPs, so don’t mind if you’re outside the universe completely. Doubles/AUs are chill too.
If I haven’t listed something specific, it’s whatever, send it in. I do not play with everything I’m given though, cause some stuff just Does Not Work unfortunately.
I’m happy to do combat/fighting, injury and similar, but I tend to play it out realistically (will take awhile to heal, may leave lasting conditions). Just discuss such ideas out with me first.
If you have an RP discord I’m happy to be invited if you enjoy my characterisation.
I’m running on GMT + 8 so my hours might be a bit weird.
I also run @coinflipshade​ @down-track​ @runwaythunder​ @spikemuthrockin @shellbellchime @bugsforever
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ignisnocturnalia · 4 years
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Variks x Reader Relationship HC's
Gonna write you as a new light, apologies my God-slaying siblings
News of the Pyramids over Europa reaches far and wide, as does stasis
With this discovery, relayed by a veteran guardian, also reveals news of the Eliksni who instigated the riot at the Prison of Elders
Being freshly revived, there's not much you can make out of the hostility the other Guardians offer the alien
Curious about him, you make a bold request to be stationed on Europa to "monitor" him
Of course, Zavala denies your request and speaks of how important your guns would be here at home
While you say you understand, you're secretly trying to find your way around it
The Drifter
You heard about his escapades to the frozen planet, reasons unknown, but still able to slip through Vanguard sanctions
As usual, a Guardian siding with the Vanguard approaching you with a purpose usually isn't a good thing
"Somethin' you want, kid?"
His tone is carefully jovial, bordering neutral, but you're not foolish enough to think he actually trusts you
"I need to get to Europa."
He stares at you for a solid minute before sizing you up, an inquisitive glare settling on his face
"What's in it for me?"
Having been on Strike detail for months on end, you've got a sweet heap of glimmer and nothing to use it on; you know he doesn't care a lot for the currency, so you offer up your weapons alongside it
He gives you a lopsided grin as he takes the arsenal, waving off the glimmer and taking you to his ramshackle ship
Unsurprisingly, it's a quiet ride, your own Ghost unsure of your actions
Drifter gives you little warning before transmitting you off the ship, leaving you to fall flat on your ass in the deep snow
Despite being a little upset about this, you finally see your goal, the very Eliskni that brought new questions to the ice planet
Every step you take lands your foot in a fluffy sheet of snow, sounding out with a crunch you had never heard before
Soon enough, you've completely deviated from the reason you came to the planet, completely obsessed with the snow under you
The entire time, Variks has been watching you from the window of his base making a fool of yourself
Distantly, he realizes that he thinks you're cute like that
"Here to help, yes?"
You are COMPLETELY caught off guard, turning quickly on your heel before slipping on the ice and landing flat on your ass
A shadow falls over you as you look up to see the well spoken Eliksni towering over you, and you're immensely thankful for the helmet hiding your blush
He offers you one of his real hands, helping you up and you can't help but notice how his hunched form is hiding a solid 8" from his height
Bringing you inside, you slowly decompress from the outside chill and Variks formally introduces himself
You quickly take note of how each of his sentences are punctuated by insect noises, which are quite fun to hear
You explain your circumstances and even though you can only see his eyes, you can feel the confusion in the air
"You left the Tower.. to see me? Variks does not know who you are; you do not know Variks, yes?"
You're slightly disappointed but not surprised by his suspicious behavior, after seeing how other Guardians harped about him
You then remember something very important
"I don't have a ship to get back."
Your ship still sat in the Hangar, locked down until it was needed for use
Variks stood in front of you quietly before also noticing something unusual about you; your weapons were missing
"Stay. I will contact your Commander."
You immediately spring from your seated position, grabbing at his shoulder before he can reach the comms
He seems to understand your plead
You spend the next few days eating freeze dried food, along with MRE's supplied by another curious party on Europa
Variks doesn't join you until he's finished eating in another room, and the conversations you can strike up are limited
You ask him to teach you Eliksni
He appears shocked at first but eagerly obliges, now showing up to eat with you
It's been a good couple of weeks, and you've got a few phrases and words under your belt
Nothing translates directly, everything is interpreted based on the small word choice
Variks didn't know, but you had spent the last 3 days trying to figure out what the closest thing to "I love you" was in Eliksni
That night, when you both settle down to eat, you eye Variks with a renewed purpose
The fuzz in your brain dissipates as, astoundingly, he moves to take off his mouth cover
You can't help but stare at his revealed face not noticing how he fidgets a bit under your intense stare
"Apologies, (y/n). I did not mean to ruin your appetite."
It was now or never
Moving over to sit next to him, you shyly looked up to see he had yet to put the mask back on, instead looking at you with uncertainty
"Yu ne ze." You are my gift. I love you.
The Eliksni's eyes widen and his body stiffens and you worry for a second that you've made a mistake before he turns fully and leans into your face
"Ma yun ne."
His mandibles are often used to caress your face
You find yourself with gifts and trinkets waiting in your small room in the base
He has you spot check his weapons, testing them out and generally having a blast with them
Other Guardians have seen you on occasion, but very few have approached you to ask questions about the mysterious Eliksni
Variks loves it when you hold his hands, even more so when you pet his face
When you find out he can purr, it's one of the most sought after sounds during your intimate moments, and sometimes he will purr simply to indulge you
Even if you're an undead warrior, Variks still piles furs on to your shoulders to make sure you don't get cold during outings
You have had to fend off assassins, often at the cost of your life
This pushes you to accept the deceptive whispers of the Pyramid, carrying you all the way to the Exo Stranger's den
She reluctantly agrees to teach you because of your inexperience, and although neither of you say anything, you and Drifter make quick eye contact
Variks can smell the Darkness on you and is very disappointed, but he doesn't tip off that he knows
Instead, he uses it as an excuse to put you under house arrest
He catalogues every single symptom you have that could barely begin to resemble a sickness, encouraging you to stay inside until you're better
During the nights, you notice he holds you much more tightly against his body
You apologize for your zealousness regarding his safety
Your lessons in Eliksni continue, and soon enough you can hold your own in small conversations with him
Whenever you or Variks look at each other trying to figure something out, you both always ask about the question in your mind
Whoever is asked ends up sitting in the other's lap, but you've found that it's much more convenient to sit in his own
This exploration leads to daily petting or grooming sessions, giving way for more risque activity to take place
Nsfw 👁👄👁
Variks orients himself as a switch, but you can tell he enjoys being on the bottom a little more if his rapid breaths are anything to go by
Brushing and lightly scratching segments on his exoskeleton are immense green lights for him, especially adding just enough force to push into the seams between his limbs
He's very gentle with his teeth, but the red marks he leaves on your body are generous from the amount of fondling he carries out
He's perfectly fine with both of you being bare, so long as a heat source is nearby
This level of exposure allows you to feel every rumble, trill, and moan straight from his chest and you can't deny just how hot it is to have an entire alien making these noises because of you
He delivers plenty of foreplay, always giving you the option to back out of it
With your size difference, you have to work to move up and down his body when you're both laying down
One of his favorite things is when you drag your teeth along his neck or chest, no real threat of harm but an undeniable thrill for him
He may start slow, but towards the end? You're better off simply letting him take care of you the next day
After particularly tedious days, you will pull him into your shared room and pepper his face with kisses
Whenever he wants to nap, he selectively chooses your lap so you can massage his back or his forehead
Following the official announcement of your relationship, Zavala finally submits and gives you full permission to stay stationed on Europa, at the price of lengthy field reports at the beginning of every month
Variks, of course, teases you while writing these papers
He'll correct a mistake you made way back in the paper, laughing quietly in the back of his throat as you fume at the obvious inaccuracy
Besides Vanguard papers, you've taken it upon yourself to make him a new arm
You decide to gift it to him once the Dawning starts
Note: I leave some of my handcanons open ended for more ideas, and yes, I am aware they are more like one shot/hc hybrids, but hey, take it as an invitation to ask me to actually write out the whole thing. I will not write out explicit nsfw unless asked, and if I am asked, it will always be gratuitous and extremely detailed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Finals are eating my timbs tho, so I'm currently attempting to study for these hellspawn
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saranghanuuu · 4 years
7 SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE TRUE FRIENDS - as taught by Hospital Playlist!
1. Good Friends Accept You for Who You Are
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2. Friends Stick Around During the Good Times and the Bad
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3. A Real Friend Celebrates Life With You
4. True Friends Will Make the Time to See You
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5. A Real Friend Will Tell You the Truth, Even If You Don’t Like
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6. A True Friend Encourages You to Achieve Your Goals
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7. A Real Friend Helps Us Feel Comfortable in Our Own Skin
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Hah~ Hospital Playlist ended and it's like a part of me has been taken away, enough to make me feel empty. This drama officially made it to my list of fave Korean dramas and so far, my highly recommended this 2020. There are a bunch of lovely things about Hospital Playlist worth remembering - a feel-good drama about friendship, all forms of love, and career - not to mention those wonderful, relatable OSTs to top them all off. Reminiscing all these makes me emotional. So in order for me to cope up with the showhole, I watched this drama again. And guess what? Watching Hospital Playlist for the second time made me uncover interesting things among seemingly trivial matters. I'm now even more intrigued about season 2 next year slash whole year of suffering in waiting ㅠㅠ
Things I'm looking out for in season 2:
Winter Garden relationship progress - Knowing that Jeongwon and Gyeoul are innocent with the matters of the heart, I'm aching to know their level of crazy towards each other. Isn't it impressive that they commenced their love with a kiss? What's there to it as the romance deepens? They've been holding their feelings back for a long time and it's now ready to explode! Merely thinking about this makes me go... 🤭😍
Ikjun-Songhwa-Chi Hong - As we know, the writer-director duo of this drama is notorious for blowing the viewers' minds about who the characters will end up with. It's highly likely that they'll do this again with the Ikjun-Songhwa-Chi Hong love triangle. We've been hinted on season 1 that Ikjun and Songhwa are each other's first love's. There are lingering feelings for sure, knowing that Songhwa neither accepted nor rejected Ikjun's advances and eventual confession. But with the addition of Chi Hong in the middle, what would make it different? My shares are for keeps on Ikjun until next year ('coz why not him? I am for the bestfriend of 20 years of course!) But who knows? I might sell them for Chi Hong depending on the situation ㅋㅋㅋ
Junwan and Iksun's love might... Bear a child? - I know this is shocking, but I'm not saying this without basis. I think their scene on episode 8 won't be there for nothing. Yeah... I may be wrong. But we are aware that Junwan dreams to marry Iksun. They're also very much worried making a long distance relationship work out. What if it's cut short due Iksun's sudden pregnancy? Will this cause Iksun to finally believe in marriage? I also can't wait to see Ikjun's reaction once he knows about this. He won't stand still HAHAHA
Seokhyung, Minha, and the ex-wife - I am finding Seokhyung's situation to be the most complicated among 99즈. Seokhyung obviously cares for Minha, but afraid to do anything as he's been too much wounded. Minha likes him, yes, but is she willing to wholeheartedly accept him and his painful past? Also, that last scene on season 1. Why is ze ex-wife calling him? Well knowing Seokhyung (in the drama, not personally ㅋㅋㅋ), there is no chance for reconciliation. However, will the ex-wife intervene between Seokhyung and Minha? That is a possibility, especially since Seokhyung feels terribly sorry for her.
What I'll miss the most about Hospital Playlist:
The band sessions
Ikjun's funny antics
Songhwa and Junwan's mukbang sesh, and Gyeoul's too
Jeongwon's drumming skills putting boom boom into my heart (♬You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts♬)
Seokhyung's ob-gyn/outpatient scenes. I love them for some reason haha. I wonder what if Songhwa gets pregnant next season. Will he go to Seokhyung for consultation?
Ikjun and Junwan's bromance. They might turn into bro's-in-law in season 2!
Songhwa's vocal (though some may not warrant it to be called v o c a l but still ㅋㅋㅋ)
The residents of Yulje Hospital, especially Do Jae Hak. I can totally relate to him on episode 12.
Drama seasons aren't my thing. I will not get used to it. But for Hospital Playlist, I'm making an exception. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN NEXT YEAR!
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duhragonball · 3 years
Battle Tendency Liveblog JJBA Ch.48-52
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This is the “Joseph vs. Straizo” arc, so I’ll just lead off with one of my favorite moments from the entire JoJo franchise, when Joseph furiously declares war on Straizo with tears in his eyes.   In the anime, voice actor Tomokazu Sugita delivered this with such intensity that it actually overshadowed the machine gun.
None of the dubs or translations can do it justice, including this panel from the JoJo’s Colored Adventure scanlation project.   This is a faithful translation of Joseph’s line, as far as I can tell, except they always leave off the last part: “宣戦布告だぜ!!”  In romanji, that’s: “Sensen fukokuda ze!!”    And it means  “This is war!!”  
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
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Last time, we saw the Joestars treating their new friend Smokey Brown, to dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant.   Some mafia jerk caused trouble, Joseph whooped his ass, and then a second mafia guy apologized and shared a rumor he recently heard: Robert Speedwagon was found dead in a Mexican riverbed, apparently killed by a Tibetan monk.  
From there, we see that Joseph immediately realizes that this must have been Straizo, and Erina suspects that it must have something to do with the Stone Masks and the battle with Dio fifty years ago.   Smokey warns Joseph to consider the source, but Joseph is pretty sure it’s credible information, since mafia guys are all about money.   I’m not sure what that has to do with whether he’s telling the truth, though.   Either way, Joseph slugs the guy for just blurting out such terrible news in front of Granny Erina.  
Now, at this point, Joseph and Erina are making all these Phantom Blood references, and Smokey has no idea what they’re talking about.   And I think seeing this panel helped me understand Smokey’s role as a viewpoint character.  When the Part began, it seemed like Smokey was sort of the narrator for the thing, which works because he’s a good viewpoint character, and he seemed to be settling in as a sidekick like Speedwagon and Poco in Part 1.   But shortly after this he just vanishes from Battle Tendency altogether, and then he shows up at the end like it’s no big deal.   I never quite understood that, and I think this is the sort of thing that fuels the “Araki forgot” memes, but it actually makes a lot of sense.  
See, Smokey’s primary function is to be the viewpoint character, specifically for the readers who missed out on Phantom Blood.    BT is a direct continuation of the previous part, in a way that none of the other JoJo parts are.   Most of the main BT cast was deeply affected by what happened in Part 1.   A few of them lived through it, and the ones that didn’t have personal connections to it.    So they constantly talk about Stone Masks and Dio without really stopping to explain any of it.   Well, if you don’t know what they’re talking about, you can take heart in the fact that Smokey doesn’t know either.   So as long as he can keep up with the story, so can the uninitiated readers.  For now, all that matters is that he’s impressed by the Joestars’ great kindness, and he’s intrigued and disturbed by these hints of a tragic past in their family.  
And eventually, Smokey learns just what happened to the Joestar Family, or at least everything that the reader needs to know to follow Part 2.   But that doesn’t happen until near the end, which is why he shows up to hear the secrets revealed.   But for most of the story, he steps aside, because that’s mostly about Joseph dealing with events in the here and now, so Joseph can act as his own viewpoint character.  
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But is Speedwagon truly dead?   The story flashes back to the previous night, after Straizo killed his own disciples and clobbered Speedwagon.   They’re in this temple where Speedwagon discovered more Stone Masks, like the one Dio used, but Speedwagon also discovered an immortal man petrified in a stone column.    Straizo was enlisted to destroy this “Pillar Man” with his Hamon power, but instead he wants to use one of the Stone Masks to turn himself into a vampire.  
Before he does this, he reads Speedy’s translations of the writing on the walls of the temple.    The ancient Aztec cultists who built it said that the Pillar Man was immortal and had many powers, but he was vulnerable to the sun, just like the vampires from Part 1.   But the writings warn that the Pillar Man created the Stone Masks because of this weakness, and one day, “when he befriends the sun, the world will be his.”  That doesn’t seem to follow, since the only thing the Stone Masks seem to be able to do is make new vampires, who are just as vulnerable to sunlight as the Pillar Man.   
Anyway, Straizo doesn’t seem to care.   He just doesn’t want to die of old age, and he’s become disillusioned with the Hamon power he has, so he’s turning heel and going full goth on us.   To avoid Dio’s mistakes, he plans to eliminate any witnesses, including Joseph and Erina.  Then he’ll go into hiding and figure out a long term plan, with the rest of the world unaware of his existence. 
You know, now that I write that out, I’m amazed by how similar that plan is to what Dio ends up doing in Part 3.   In Part 1, he set about turning a whole town into zombies, and planning to unleash them on the world without any real agenda.    But in Part 3 he eventually holed up in a swank mansion in Cairo and took great pains to stay hidden while he acquired more power.   Parts 5 and 8 carry that same idea even further, with villains who go to great lengths to cover up their very existence.   
At any rate, we only see Speedwagon pass out in this scene, so it’s unclear whether he actually dies or not.   Really, using Speedwagon in this way is a pretty smart play.   He’s an old man, and he was never going to survive another 50-year time-skip into the next part, so it’s safe to assume that Part 2 is his swan song.   But how will he die, and when?   It could be at the very start, or maybe somewhere in the middle.  
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Anyway, Straizo just walks up to a cafe in New York to confront Joseph, and Joseph whips out a machine gun and shoots his ass.   This whole time, Straizo had assumed that the untrained grandson of Jonathan Joestar would be easy pickings, but Joseph’s a lot more skilled with Hamon than he expected, and he’s tricky too. 
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As Joseph fires on Straizo, he recalls how worried Erina was about all this.   The story kind of glosses over it, but Joseph seems to have worked out Straizo’s entire plan.   I guess that’s not much of a stretch.   He and Speedwagon were together with a temple full of Stone Masks, and then Straizo turned on Speedwagon.    Why else would he do that, unless he used the Stone Mask to turn into a vampire like Dio did?   And once you arrive at that conclusion, it isn’t hard to figure out what Straizo’s next move would be.    And that’s how Joseph was so prepared for this.    After the shooting stops, Smokey freaks out about Joseph murdering a dude, but Joseph was expecting a vampire the whole time. 
I also like Joseph’s line in the flashback.   Erina isn’t worried for herself, but for Joseph, because it looks like he’s being pulled into this same tragic fate as the rest of the family.   But Joseph resolves to face this head on.    “If this is my fate, then I accept it.”  Pretty sure Will Zeppeli said the same thing when he discovered that he would die saving Jonathan.  
There’s similar “call-to-adventure” moments in the other parts.   Jonathan has his when he accepts Zeppeli’s offer to train him to battle Dio again.  Jotaro has his when he defeats and saves Kakyoin, then learns what’ll happen to his mother if he doesn’t go.   Josuke has his when Angelo shows up and he has to avenge his grandfather.   Giorno kind of always had a hankering to take on Passione, but I think things got serious once he had a choice between killing or sparing Bruno.  There could be no turning back from that point.  For Jolyne, it was the moment she had a clear path to escape the prison but decided to go back in because that was where her enemy was.    For Johnny, it was that one battle where he chose to crawl towards the danger to save Gyro instead of withdrawing to safety.   For Gappy... I’d have to study that a bit.   
But for Joseph Joestar, it’s this moment.  Erina never sent Joseph to learn the Ripple from the Hamon monastary, and she seems to have taken great pains to keep him out of trouble, but now trouble has come to them, and Joseph isn’t about to back down.   
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So yeah, bullets don’t actually kill vampires, but Joseph was hoping to destroy his head with some of those shots, or at least slow Straizo down long enough to finish him off.   Instead Straizo reveals that he has the power to shoot high pressure fluid from his eyes, the same move Dio used to kill Jonathan at the end of Part 1.   He calls this “Space Ripper Stingy Eyes” which is either stupid or brilliant depending on your mood, I guess.   He used it to protect his head from the machine gun fire, and then he uses it again to shoot Joseph... except he hits Joseph’s reflection in a nearby mirror, and I guess he didn’t notice the real thing standing behind him.
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What makes this fight so awesome is that these two are determined to kill each other, and they each have extremely simple moves to defeat one another, but they have all these tricks and schemes to protect themselves.   Joseph manages to hit Straizo with Hamon, but it does nothing... because Straizo was a Hamon master before turning into a vampire.   He can’t use the Ripple without destroying himself now, but he still knows how to defend against it.   For instance, he’s got this scarf woven from dead bugs, because it conducts Hamon energy far more effectively than his own body.    So it just absorbs Joseph’s attacks and disperses the energy harmlessly away.   
Does it really have to be made of dead bugs?   I feel like Tonpetti just told him that as a prank.   “No, really (snort!) the only thing that works is dead bugs.  (tee-hee!)   It smells awful but you have to wear it (ha!).”
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But Joseph has his own tricks, like... putting a dozen grenades on his opponent’s back when he isn’t looking!  Seriously, there was zero opportunity for him to do this.    One moment he steps over Straizo’s body to see if he’s still alive, and the next moment he supposedly planted all these things on his scarf.   I get that he could pull a string connected to the pin without being noticed, but that’s the only part that makes sense about this.   It’s still awesome, though.   If Jonathan had access to explosives, Part 1 would have been a lot shorter.  
I really think this was the battle that set the tone for Stand Battles in later Parts.   Araki loves these off-panel tricks in combat, and they’re a lot easier to explain when all of your characters have magic super powers.   If Joseph had Hermit Purple in this fight, there’d be no problem at all.   He could just use Hermit Purple to snake through the ventilation shafts and hook up all the grenades.   In fact, it’s tempting to suggest that Joseph was unconsciously using Hermit Purple throughout Part 2, but I don’t want to get into that right now.
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Anyway, explosions don’t stop vampires any more than machine gun fire.   Straizo’s body is in pieces, but the pieces just slither back together and regenerate.   Wait, wouldn’t his head have been vaporized in that blast?   Also, Straizo spends the rest of this battle in the nude, so we know that stupid scarf is out of the equation.   Why didn’t Joseph just go back in the cafe and finish Straizo off while he was still in pieces?
Again, it’s easy to say “lol Araki forgot”, but I think it’s a lot more sensible to suggest that Joseph forgot.   As clever as he is, he went in with the Ripple, a machine gun, and a dozen grenades, and Straizo had an answer to all three.   He doesn’t want to press the attack because he’s out of tricks.   All he’s got left is another Hamon attack, which means Straizo will see it coming.   Or he’s still worried about the scarf, and hasn’t realized that it’s gone now.    In any event, he’s running away, creating some distance before Straizo can make his next move.
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Also, there’s a lot of bystanders gathering around, so it makes sense to take the fight elsewhere.   Some guy named “Bruty” tries to stop Joseph to impress his girlfriend, but that backfires spectacularly.  Was Bruty in the anime?  I feel like he wasn’t, but I don’t want to check. 
The one I do remember is this girl photographer.   Spider-Man hadn’t been invented yet, so in those days photographers just sort of wandered around with their camera, waiting for Spidey to debut.   This exploding vampire diner is the best she could do in 1938.  
I just really like this lady.   There’s a spark in her eye and I just assumed she would end up being Joseph’s love interest by the end of the story.    Well, we’ll get to that.  
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Instead, she’s a hostage.  Joseph and Smokey run to the Brooklyn Bridge?   I guess?   It’s a bridge, I’m sure of that much.   Anyway, Straizo catches this lady and takes her with him to intercept them.   He threatens to kill her unless Joseph faces him again.   But Straizo offers to spare Joseph and never trouble him again if Joseph runs away.   This is because Straizo figures that if Joseph chickens out now, then he’ll never be a threat to Straizo in the future, no matter how powerful his Hamon abilities become. 
Joseph tries to call his bluff, but then Straizo rips out one of the girl’s teeth to prove he means business, and Joseph gets furious all over again.  I don’t think he was ever planning to abandon this fight, but he was probably hoping to get Straizo to give up his hostage at least.   Now he’s just pissed, and Straizo is impressed.  Joseph tries to act cool, but he just can’t hide his passionate feelings.    This is in stark contrast to Jotaro, who wagered his own soul in a poker game and bluffed his way to victory. 
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So Straizo tries again with the Space Ripper Stingy Eyes, but this time Joseph blocks it with two shot glasses charged with Hamon power, and then he lands the decisive blow.   But before Straizo dies, Joseph demands to know why Straizo dumped Speedwagon and the others in the river.   Not only does Joseph want to give him a proper burial, but he doesn’t understand why Straizo would have dumped them in the river, since that was how Joseph knew to expect him.  
Wait, I thought Straizo wanted Joseph to know he was coming.   Oh well.
Anyway, Straizo explains that he had to do it, because the Pillar Man was absorbing the blood from his victims.   Straizo was worried that the Pillar Man might awaken, so he put them in the river instead to be safe.    Nevertheless, he suspects that the Pillar Man will reawaken eventually anyway, and Straizo now realizes that it will be Joseph’s destiny to face him some day.    Then Straizo just uses the Ripple one last time, and self-destructs. 
It always seemed strange to me that Straizo saw the danger of the Pillar Man and just left things the way they were.   Maybe he planned to deal with him later, or maybe he just didn’t know or care about it until Joseph defeated him, and he felt a moral obligation to warn someone. 
I guess he could have destroyed the Pillar Man like Speedwagon wanted him to do in the first place, but it seems like Straizo didn’t realize that blood would wake him up until after he was already a vampire, and unable to use the Ripple.  For that matter, it remains to be seen if Hamon will work on Pillar Men.   
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Anyway, what else is going on?   Oh, yeah, Europe is getting closer and closer to World War II.   The official start of the war is usually considered to be September 1, 1939, but Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935, and Japan invaded China in 1937, and Germany annexed Austria and conquered Czechoslovakia in 1938, the year Battle Tendency is set.  So we’re in this weird time period where there’s Nazis in the story, and the British-American protagonist doesn’t care for them, but isn’t trying to kill them on sight.   I’ll be coming back to this topic later on. 
I think the main reason for including Nazi Germany in this story was to draw parallels between their goals and those of the fictional villains.    The Nazis believed themselves to be the “Master Race”, the most “evolved” people, and this made them worthy to rule the world.   Araki notes that they turned to all sorts of sci-fi/occult/fantasy stuff in their war.   Similarly, you have villains like Dio and Straizo turning to mysterious Stone Masks for spooky powers, and then you have the Pillar Man himself, who apparently sought the means to “befriend the sun” and rule over the world.    So the Nazis fit into this theme of trying to claim some sort of supremacy over other beings.  
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But what’s their role in this story?   Well, the Germans have an “information base” in Mexico, run by a guy named Stroheim.   He makes pretty ladies shave him with a straight razor, and if he gets a nick he makes them lick the blood off, and then he threatens to cut off their tongues.   Also, he trained his dog to not eat treats until given permission. He’s a sick fuck, is my point. 
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Wait, no, my point was that his staff discovered the bodies that Straizo dumped in the river, including Speedwagon, who’s still alive, somehow.      I guess Straizo was going to finish him off but he got in a hurry when he saw the Pillar Man absorbing the blood from the others.  Not sure how Speedwagon survived that ordeal, but Stroheim’s men have been taking care of him this whole time, and he was unconscious until recently, so it might have been touch-and-go for a while. 
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            Back in New York, Joseph doesn’t know what this is all about, but he decides to go to Mexico himself to get to the bottom of it...
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n-anon · 3 years
Fallout (Chapter 1)
Disclaimer: I don’t know how long this will be yet in terms of chapters, BUT THIS IS A SEQUEL SERIES. If you’re planning to read this, Please read My multi-chapter series of Ready Aim Fire, this will have spoilers to that! I’m linking it down below just so y’all can do so.
Ready Aim Fire Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5
Okay done? All good? Then lets go.
Description: And as the ashes settle, everyone tries to return to what’s normal....And what’s left.
(TW: mentions of death, burning, and self-blame)
“Its been two weeks. His funerals on Tuesday. Are you coming?” Marvin stared at his hands. Still imagining the fire as it leaked through is fingers, he sighed, staring up at Schneep. “....Yeah. Of course.” Schneep nodded, jotting it down, he then set down the notepad, and grabbed  the cup of coffee, drinking from it eagerly, “Okay. Now talk to me.”  Marvin scowled, “I-I can’t. You know that.” Schneep hummed, “Can’t? Or Won’t? Jackie told me you will hardly speak to him. Hell, you can’t even look JJ in the eye. You did what you needed. It doesn’t make it any easier, yes. But locking yourself up for it in your own little mind prison and not talking is going to make it worse.” Marvin grit his teeth, the urge to just-burst out. Let it all burn.....let it go. He couldn’t. Not now. “Also. Jackie says the police need an account, they want it to go well with the public....That you didn’t mean to burn it down.” Marvin opened his mouth angrily, but Schneep cut him off, “I know you meant to burn it down, we all do. But ze people don’t. They want assurances that as Jackie’s new sidekick you weren’t trying to burn it down. That’s what their calling you by the way.” 
Marvin snorted. He was hardly a sidekick. He was the whole damn show...but the show was a mess. He nodded silently, “Can I go now?” Schneep sighed, then took another sip from his coffee, “Yes. Again, if you ever need to talk....well-You know.” the Magician nodded and with that he stormed out, unintentionally slamming the door as Schneep winced, and turned back to his work. He grabbed his pencil and began working, yet again. Of course, Marvin wasn’t the only one going through something right now...they were all suffering. The pieces were on the floor, and he didn’t know who was going to pick them up. Not without.....Nein. They would make it. It would be hard.....But they had to. His phone rang and he answered. “Dr. Schneeplestein’s office, how can I help you today?” 
JJ stood at the pier, staring at the spot. His fists were clenched, remnants...ashes. That’s all it was now. No heartbeat. Nothing he could do. The blaring yellow of the caution tape surrounding what little was left of them....He was happy. Sad.....All mixtures of emotions he couldn’t express out loud. He thought that when he died...It would return. That he could finally....But that was a dream, a false hope that kept him going. And now? All that was left was just the rubble. He felt the hand on his shoulder and the familiar steps. “Jameson? If you’re not ready we can-” He shook his head, and walked forward, glancing at the crumbled warehouse, “I just want to make sure there are no weird temporal differences...is all. They still found the knife, like you-made....them do. I’m just...worried, call it double checking.” Jackie told him that afternoon, JJ was eager to at least get out of the house, seeing boxes piled up near his door was too much to bare. If he was just stronger-No. They would’ve eventually found out. At least, that’s what he told himself. Jackie motions to the security guards, he had told them that JJ was a private investigator friend, he just wanted to double check, what little the police force knew of Anti-before...this, wasn’t much, but they understood he was dangerous, and could probably kill everyone in town if he wasn’t actually dead. He walked, looking around, what was left of the body of Chase had been removed. He sighed, closing his eyes as tears came up, he couldn’t think of that right now. He had to focus. He reached out for anything. Any sign, looking at his wrists he remembered the connection that was there before everything went wrong. Nothing. Not even a yoink. He turned to Jackie, and shook his head. Jackie seemed to relax, as he patted JJ on the shoulder, and the man left in a daze, he needed to get out. To breathe. Jackie stayed behind to talk to the cops, as he made the long journey home.
Stacy Brody wasn’t sure if she should be relieved or just dying inside, but she cried anyway. Finding out that Chase did none of the things he thought he did, Jackie’s final explanation filled with words of vitriol and persuasion, her mind swam as she tried to wrap her mind around it all, but one thing was clear. Chase had died a hero. And she was going to do what little she could to make sure he had a funeral like one. “Mommy?” She turned to see their-her youngest son, still wearing that hat Chase gave him, he looked so much like-She wiped the tears from her eyes and turned off the sink, “What’s wrong?” She asked, turning to him and pulling on her best smile, “Nothing, honey. Just remembering your dad.” The boys expression grew muted, sad, quiet, “Oh.” She had surmised he would know what was happening soon enough anyway, and what kind of mother would she be if she kept that from them? They deserved to know what happened...what kind of person their dad was, before they started forgetting, anyway. “Is...Are Uncle Jackie and the rest gonna be at the funeral?” Her son asked in a quiet voice, “Of course honey, they’ve assured me they’ll make it.” She knew the kids all loved their adoptive ‘Uncles’ “Now, where’s your sister?” The boy crossed his arms, “She’s still in her room.” Stacy sighed, “Okay. I’ll go talk to her, its time for both of you to get to bed anyway. Its late.” The boy pouted, “But mom-” Stacy walked up and picked him up, he was just 8, and she was tired. “C’mon, help me go get your sister to bed, alright, Grayson? You gotta be strong for mommy. If you go to bed early we can read that story about sharks you love so much.” Her sons eyes lit up and she smiled softly, as he ranted on about sharks, she closed her eyes, we’ll be fine. I think.
‘Oh, so you’re new? Welcome to the group chat! You got a name or nickname you use?’
‘You can just call me Blip for the moment, I usually go by that lol. Sorry to hear about your dad D: that really sucks. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. We all are, I think. Anyway yeah I know we’ve just met but hey, if you need someone to talk to...’
‘Absolutely! We’ll help you in anyway, if you need anything, we’ll be here for ya Oli.’ 
‘Thanks guys... I might honestly just take a quick break from....everything, ya know?’
‘Understandable, take all the time you need!’
‘Yeah. I think I can figure out how this place works before too long :P’
Oli laughed at the comment, and smiled, she was glad her friends understood that, she let out a hiccup and wiped the tears from her eyes. She just didn’t know what to think right now, Everyone online was saying it was an accident. She wasn’t stupid. She knew Uncle Marvin had something to do with it, and the funeral was the best place to confront him about it, they needed to know the truth, if not for her for Grayson...at least. She sighed as a knock on the door came, and she exited the chat without much of a goodbye, and laid in bed, “Olivia honey, are you awake?” Her mothers voice creeped through, she let out a very fake snore, hoping she’d take the hint as her mother sighed, “Okay...Love you honey.” She heard the door close as she just buried her face in the pillow, and eventually she fell asleep for real, dreaming of fire.
(A/N: THIS IS A LONG BOI. Also sorry for this very sudden, very out of nowhere sequel series, @rogue-of-broken-time’s post about posting fics we never thought we would make really got me thinking, and eventually thinking got me to go like ‘lol what if I wrote a sequel series based in this uni about the aftermath. And yes the sons name is Grayson cuz haha references, and if you get that reference, you get a gold star. Hope you enjoyed, and as for how long this series is gonna be-Uh...No idea lol We’ll see. This is just mostly set-up. If you want to be added to the tag list, as always, send me a DM, comment below, or ask, and I’ll get right on it!)
Tag List: @segernatural @pyranoia @caithesavage777 @vwoop-prince @antis-gauge @heely-um @therealtiger77 @a-bnana @randowaffle @sharkyg @miishae @innocent-angel3  @darcywillfindyou @asexualerror
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vegaslightsrpg · 3 years
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Congratulations, Katt! Your application for the character of Mackenzie "Mack" Puckerman has been accepted! Please make sure to go over the checklist, make your account and send it in to the main within 24 hours!
Name or Alias: Katt Age: 26 Timezone: EST Pronouns: They/He Activity Levels: I'm pretty active, I have no real life. Number wise, I'd say like 8/10 on a good week, 6/10 on a bad week.
Muse #: 9 Character Full Name: Mackenzie "Mack" Blair Puckerman Face Claim: Katie Findlay Pronouns: They/She/Ze Gender: Nonbinary Age: 29 Birthday: April 10, 1992 Birth Order: Middle Sibling Type: Solo Hometown: Boston, MA Sexual Orientation: Queer
Occupation and Where Do They Work?: Bartender at Atlantis Hotel Lounge, poet
Hometown: Boston, MA Parent(s) and Marital Status: Maria Puckerman is divorced from Joseph Puckerman, who is estranged from all the mothers of his children.
Are you open to twins, triplets adopted or half-siblings, cousins, etc.? (Be specific): half-siblings only
Biography: Mack has never met their father. Their mother divorced him before she told him she was pregnant but couldn't afford to change her own name, so their last name is the only thing linking them to him. As a child they were constantly writing and dreamed of being a poet. Their mother moved them from Boston to Texas when Mack was in their teens after an incident with a man she was dating got out of hand. They later went on to college in California before ending up in Las Vegas. Their dream is to be a full time poet but know they have a long way to go before then. Growing up poor, Mack started working as early as they could and understands the need for hard work. They don't tend to trust anyone who doesn't put in the work for things. Due to their mother's consistently bad taste in men, Mack is wary of romantic relationships and getting too close to people, but they enjoy a good fuck. When it comes to their pronouns, only those closest to Mack know they also answer to ze/zir and they only tend to use she/her at work.
One Positive Trait: Creative One Negative Trait: Jaded
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