#he'd be like…. but.. but… WHY??? and act like a kicked puppy the entire time
freakystinky · 10 months
ns4w, gojo/ambiguous partner
Gojo is seriously the type of guy who would have zero physical boundaries after he starts dating someone; like a toddler who can’t keep their hands off things. Obviously there’s the normal casual touching, which turns more romantic and exaggerated, but also a new, more intimate kind of touching.
He’s grabby.
He’s also bold, and increasingly so the more he gets away with it. Always, no matter the time, place, or occasion, if his hands are available, they are resolutely holding handfuls of his partners ass, chest, hips, hair… anywhere he can reach, really. He gravitates towards them, always present with a hand gripping their thigh, waist, neck… and when he doesn’t, he’s pouty and upset- sometimes even a little mad. He’s a brat about it, actually.
… In private, he’d walk up behind his parter at any time and sneakily slide his hand into their pants after a chaste kiss on the neck and a whispered greeting. He acts before he asks, but he’s a tease so he’s sure to pose the question once he has a hand around them and he’s invading all of their senses. It’s hard to say no when his breathing is getting heavy next to their ear and he’s driving them crazy with the erection he’s grinding against their ass.
He’d grab them, bruising where fingers grasped at whatever soft flesh they can find when he cums, and he hesitates to let go once he’s done, too.
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pretty-little-mind33 · 2 months
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Dave Lizewski x fem!reader
Summary: Being partners with Kick-Ass is far more intimidating when you have a huge crush on him, especially when he won't stop talking about his crush.
Prompt: hurt and comfort - "I'm so sick of pretending like everything is okay."
here you go, my darling @lavieenvalentina! ily! seeing you in my notifs always makes me so happy!
The night is humid and hot and nothing seems to be going your way. 
First, your costume had shrunk in the laundry making the middle feel three sizes too small. Second, it had been drizzling outside and now your hair is frizzy, and third—your partner, Kick-Ass, has been going on and on about this girl Katie from his high school. 
You know Katie. You've deduced you go to the same school. She's all sugary sweet on the outside, but she's been casually teasing you since middle school, which is something you can't exactly tell him considering your identity must remain a secret. 
It doesn't help that you don't know who Kick-Ass is either. Hell, he could be one of the stupid popular jocks for all you know and then you'd so feel silly.
"And her hair is so silky and smooth, I wonder how she—" Kick-Ass continues as you walk, grinning like an idiot. You don't know how much longer you can take this agony, but you try and listen to him anyway.
"You okay?" he asks after more rambling because he can now sense you aren't listening. 
You pause, stopping at a crossroads and then you turn to him. "I should go home, there isn't any crime happening," you say, needing some time alone and away from him. 
"Did I say something wrong?" he asks, his voice low and hoarse. It's the tone that makes your cheeks feel warm and your heart flutters uncontrollably. Behind his mask, his bright blue eyes shine and he's looking at you like some poor puppy who can't understand why his owner won't give him a bone. 
"Don't look at me like that," you say, taking his arm and pulling him into a small alley. 
"Like what?" he sounds genuinely confused as he leans against the brick wall. 
"Like a damn wounded puppy!" you exclaim, throwing up your arms in exasperation, "As if I've kicked you or something stupid. Why do you always have to act like the one who's hurt when all you do is hurt me?!"
The words tumble from your lips.
"I hurt you?" he whispers, his concerned expression obvious even with almost his entire face covered. "How? I thought we were friends. You're the best damn friend I've ever had."
"You don't know me," you interrupt him and fiddle with the latex of your glove, "not really." 
"Well, I could know you," Kick-Ass says, sounding very determined. "You're the one who doesn't want to know me. I've told you a thousand times you can trust me. I've even told you my name."
Your eyes widen at this revelation. "What? When?"
"The first week we met, you never told me yours but whatever," he shakes his head and then outstretches his hand, "Here, I don't mind. I trust you. My name is Dave," he says casually.
You suddenly click all the pieces in your head and your smile drops.
"Dave Lizewski?" you whisper, suddenly recognizing his voice. Of course, how could you not have recognized him? You sit next to Dave in Pre-Calculus every single day. Dave hangs around with Katie all the time. You look him up and down.
His eyebrows crease. "How did you know that?" he asks suspiciously.
You think, screw this, and untie your mask from behind your head, letting it drop into your hands. You look up, almost afraid of his reaction.
Dave's eyes widen and he stutters out your name, the syllables stuck in his throat as he processes that it's you.
He didn't consider you a friend at school, but you always helped him in Pre-Calculus when you could so he liked you. Plus, you're gorgeous and he can't deny that before Katie Deauxma, he'd thought of you in inappropriate ways—sometimes he still does.
His cheeks burn bright red. 
"It's you," is all he can muster.
You shrug and look away from him. "This is so stupid," you say and then turn to him again, "We're so stupid for not knowing. I mean, we talk all the time."
Dave pulls off his mask. Luckily no one is walking around this dinghy alley to see you both. Your breath catches in your throat at seeing Dave, his hair messy and stuck to his skin, his glasses abandoned and dressed in his Kick-Ass suit. 
You start to laugh. You aren't laughing at him but at this absurd situation. 
Dave doesn't take it like that and he scrunches up his nose. "Are you laughing at me?"
You shake your head and look at him seriously. "No, I'm laughing because if I had known waking up today that the boy I have a crush on was none other than Dave Lizewski from Pre-Calculus—I think I would have pinched myself."
Your words sink and Dave's eyes widen until he looks almost scared. "What?"
"You know Katie thinks you're gay. That's the only reason she's your friend," you interrupt. You feel the need to tell him, like jealousy and pure venom is slipping from your mouth. Is it mean? A little, but you think it's time someone should burst his bubble.
Dave frowns, your previous statement slipping his mind momentarily. "I know that," he tells you, defensive. 
"Then why on earth do you have to go on and on about her all the time?"
"Sorry, I didn't realize I was inconveniencing you, Y/n," he snaps without hesitation, crossing his arms.
"Well, you are," you snap back, glaring at him and looking at him like this, knowing who he is, makes this a thousand times harder.
If Kick-Ass did turn out to be a stupid, meat-head, jock then this would be so much easier. Only he isn't. He's Dave Lizewski  and Dave is sweet and he's funny and he's brave and—
"I'm so sick of pretending like everything is okay," you blurt out and bury your face in your hands. 
Dave is quiet for a moment until he walks closer and pulls your hands down so he can look at you. "Okay, listen, can we please rewind for a second?" he asks, "y-you said you have a crush on me."
You shake your head and warmth spreads across your cheeks. 
"You did," Dave insists. 
"Doesn't matter, it's stupid."
"It does matter," he says and his hands cup your cheeks, hair falling and tickling his wrists as his mask hangs from his hand. "It matters because you're lovely and kind and I really like you." 
"Not the way I like you," you counter, "you like Katie Deauxma." 
Dave winces and he can't argue. His feelings don't just magically disappear, although he can admit that for some reason—after seeing you in this light—something inside him shifted. Something he can't explain right now.
"Y/n, you don't know me either," he tells you honestly, "you may know Kick-Ass a little, and you may like him, but you don't like Dave."
Not yet, you want to finish but you don't. You keep your mouth shut. He has a point.
"Just don't talk about her anymore, will you?"
Dave smiles a little, nodding his head. "Okay. Promise," he looks into your eyes, his gaze flickering to your lips. 
He has a really strong feeling he won't need to talk about Katie anymore. 
tags: @earth-elemental18
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faemytho · 1 year
hii!! if you’re still taking requests, could you please write more licorice x red velvet with romo fluff #9? ^^
ah redlico,,,, i missed u. its been a minute since i wrote fluff so i might be rusty, and these boys are also SUPER awkward dummies in general so. pls bear with meeeee
PROMPT: "Wait, back up, I thought you hated me? I mean, I definitely won't complain if you kiss me again, but I'm kinda getting mixed signals here."
The Crimson General was different from the rest of Dark Enchantress' followers. The leader of her armies, he was a terrifying commander on the battlefield, or so it was said. Licorice had never actually seen him in battle.
He spent nearly all his time in the Cake Tower, the ovens churning night after night. The only time Licorice ever really saw him was during meetings, in which Dark Enchantress spoke to them all directly. Even then, he never spoke unless he had to, and was always the first to leave. He was never assigned any field missions like the rest of them, and it was easy to forget he existed.
Well. Almost easy.
For all that Red Velvet avoided the rest of Dark Enchantress' followers, the few times he did not were enough to send the dark sorcerer into a tizzy. For all the harshness in the heated looks that typically followed an attempt to talk to him, Licorice could not deny the terrible, fluttering, puppy crush he had on the other. For all that he was sure Red Velvet hated him, Licorice still wanted his attention.
Which led him to this moment, back against the wall and Red Velvet's entire body pressed against him, a hand cupping his face and a warm mouth pulling away from his.
The kiss hadn't really been much of a kiss. It was more of an awkward push of lips against lips, uneven and uncoordinated, like someone who was vaguely mimicking something they'd only ever seen before. It might have been Licorice's first kiss, but even he knew that it wasn't very good. He'd always imagined his first kiss would be different, and yet, the fact still remained that he'd been kissed.
"What," he breathed, meeting Red Velvet's gaze, "what was that for?"
For the first time Licorice had ever known him, the Crimson General faltered and his glare broke into something uncertain. "You were talking too much. I- Should I not have done that?"
Licorice gaped at him. What kind of excuse was that? "If I knew that talking too much would be all it took to get you to kiss me, I would've never shut up before now," he said, incredulous and staring. Red Velvet blinked. "I'm getting mixed signals. I thought you hated me?"
"I feel no such way about you," Red Velvet said, brow furrowing. He actually looked upset at the notion. "I rather quite like you. You're the only one who speaks with me, even if for but a moment."
Oh. That was... kind of sad. Was Red Velvet lonely? "Then why do you glare at me so much?" Licorice argued, narrowing his eyes. "Don't get me wrong, I will not complain if you kiss me again, but I feel like I missed a few things."
"Glare at you? I don't do that," Red Velvet said. "Did you think I was? Is that why you skitter off like a kicked cakehound whenever I look at you?"
Licorice blushed, averting his gaze with a huff. It was partly that, but also partly because he didn't trust himself not to act stupid when Red Velvet gave him his full attention. He'd been misinterpreting the looks this whole time.
"Licorice." A hand turned his face, still cupping his cheek. Red Velvet looked directly at him, beautiful and focused heated attention, and Licorice tried to maintain a state of coherency. "I like your company."
"Oh," Licorice said, dumbly.
"I would like to kiss you again," Red Velvet told him, eyes flicking from his down to his mouth. Licorice was thankful the other cookie was holding him up, the heat and weight of the body pressed against his an anchor, because he might have collapsed right then and there. "I'm afraid I'm not very good at it, though."
"Yeah, I figured that much out myself," the dark sorcerer said without thinking, and was treated to the sight of a tinting blush in Red Velvet's cheeks. "Not that I hated- I didn't hate it or anything! I was just surprised! I don't really know how to kiss either!"
"Well, I would still like to kiss you," Red Velvet muttered, looking around, "but the hallway does not seem like a good place to continue this."
Continue? Kissing him? Licorice stared, and Red Velvet met his gaze again.
"That is, if you wished to continue."
"Yes," Licorice blurted out, and Red Velvet backed away at his push. He grabbed the General's hand, looking at him. "Yes, I- my room."
A little smile played at Red Velvet's lips, and Licorice wanted to kiss it.
"Well," Red Velvet said, clasping their hands firmly together. He lifted their joined hands, brushing a soft kiss to the back of the sorcerer's, and Licorice felt his heart skip a beat. "Lead the way."
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necroromantics · 5 months
Hey hey tomb is there anything more about tobin?? We need more of him plss he is so cooll we love him so much pls spill we're listening:3
*puppy eyes*
UHHHH I DUNNO WHAT TO SAY SPECIFICALLY... Heres a bunch of random facts though... If you want me to expand on anything specifically lmk (None of these are particularly relevant to the plot of Creepedverse, if you wanna know more about that feel free to leave an ask on the account @creepedverse )
-He has a little sister named Emily. Shes 8 years younger than Tobin. The last time he saw her was before he killed his father. He was 17, she was 9.
-His mother dealt with severe mental health issues all his life, and his father was heavy into drugs and alcohol. Tobin was really the only one who raised Emily. He would steal chocolate bars from the store to give her, cook her supper, get her ready for school, etc
-Tobin knows how to braid hair. He learned one night after his mom yelled at Emily when she asked her to braid her hair. He took his crying sister into his room and spent an hour trying to figure it out for her
-He used to run away all the time, or would get kicked out, but always ended up back home. Either he calmed down, his mother calmed down, or the cops dragged him back without asking why he ran away in the first place
-Tobin is very interested in guns. Something he picked up from his father. He likes older models the most
-His favourite music artists are Green Day, The Offspring, Three Days Grace, Alice In Chains, Aerosmith, Eminem, and NWA
-Despite being insensitive and callous, he's very loyal and very protective of the people he likes. But he's insanely picky on who he deems worth his time and energy
-Tobin is awful with emotions. He doesn't like when people vent to him, he never knows what to say, and he doesn't really care about their problems
-Being in and out of school his whole life, Tobin is very set back on his education. He barely even knew how to read until Tali taught him. She was his tutor in high school, which caused a lot of arguments between the two hotheads
-He's good with his hands. He steals bikes and takes them apart for scraps. He's also very into welding and later in life, he'd spend his time in chop shops fixing up or taking apart busted cars
-Tobin is very unserious and goofy. 99% of the shit he does is because he thinks its funny or entertaining. He has a mindset of "nothing matters", to a fault. He finds it very difficult to understand why others might take certain things seriously, or be hurt by things
-He's a troublemaker from birth. Always starting fights, running his mouth, getting his shit rocked. Tobin is not one to hold his tongue for the sake of peace. If someone has a problem with him, thats their issue, not his
-Before he killed his dad, Tobin was pretty well known by the local cops (small town). They'd sometimes drive past and ask if he was staying out of trouble. Nobody was really surprised when they heard about what he did
-He has untreated bipolar disorder (not borderline.) and goes fucking insane for a week or two every so often. Tali can always tell when he's heading for an episode before he can, and is always there to help him out
-He got the scar on his mouth from being attacked by a dog when he was 8
-He doesn't have a middle name
-Tobin carries his backpack with him everywhere. It holds his entire life (Wallet, switchblade, cigarettes, candy bars)
-He skates (board) and has busted his ass more times than he can count
-Freedom is the most important thing to him. The only thing in the entire world that he'd ever even consider giving up his freedom for is Tali. Anything for her
-His love language is acts of service. Heavily. He wont buy people gifts or say nice things to them or spend time with them, but if they need help with something, he's there, he'll do it in a heartbeat, whatever they need
-He's a big hypeman and likes encouraging people. On his good days, he's funny, outgoing, and optimistic
-On his bad days, he's a piece of shit who'll blow up on anyone, do anything he can to cause problems, put others down. He'll lash out, hit where it hurts. Horribly self destructive
-Tobins favourite colours are orange, blue, green, in that order
-He was really into dinosaurs as a kid. His favourite dinosaur is the bruhathkayosaurus
-He's very open-minded, like this guy does NOT care at all about what someone else is doing. He was raised to always mind his own business, let people do their thing, and he kept that mindset growing up. To a fault. He doesn't care if someone is a killer, sexist, gay, a furry, conservative, a cannibal, whatever. He has his own views, and does not care enough to be bothered by other peoples
-Despite being very morally skewed and being a chronic idgafer, Tobin is fiercely against harming, and people who harm, children and women (Physically. He doesn't care about emotional). He grew up defending his little sister and sometimes his mother from his father. He thinks people who prey on those weaker than them are pussies, and always stands up for the smaller guy
-Due to this, Tobin tends to pick fights with people who are bigger than him, or people who he views as a threat. Authority, people who act tough, disrespect him, etc. He'll pistol whip a guy twice his size he does NOT have any regards for his own limits or safety
-He was close with his grandma growing up. He's a grandmas boy. She never really knew all the things he was up to (drugs, selling, fights), but she's been around for a long time so she always had a feeling. One of the things he thinks about from time to time is how he never got to say goodbye to her before he ditched town
-Tobin had a few close encounters with death. Almost getting his brains blown out, accidentally overdosing, nearly drowning. The feeling right before you're about to die is something he's well acquainted with
-He's big into anarchy and knows how to make various bombs. Never gets around to it though. He doesn't trust his knowledge in chemistry enough to not blow himself up
-He does boxing when he needs to blow off some steam
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temmtamm · 2 years
(Yandere oc x Reader)
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Not all that related to this, but this song is so him when he simping for someone--
He was never really bothered by anything, he was always known as the chill cool older dude on the block that acted as everyones older brother.
Though, when he caught sight of you during his usual trips at the skate park, he couldn't help but catch himself staring.
Not wanting to be a creep, he had walked up to you to start a conversation, but before the words could even tumble out of his lips, a kids voice had broken through the air, stealing any possible conversation away.
"(Y/N)!! Mom says it's time to head home!!"
You didn't even think twice to move to catch up with the young boy--Most likely your brother--who had said that, almost as if he wasn't there.
He couldn't help but feel a bit let down at the interaction--But hey, at least he got your name, right??
And what a lovely one it was!! Definitely rolled off the tongue nicely.
Now, normally. He wasn't the type to worry or obsess too much. So, why would this be any different?? Sure, you were a looker and all, but he was sure that the conversation wouldn't have been life changing it anything.
But as the days passed, his creativity only grew more and more rampant. What-if's about what your personality was like or how the conversation could've gone ran in his head over and over again to the point where it'd sometimes be the first thing he was thinking about.
So, taking the L, He just kept making his usual rounds every week or so, hoping to catch sight of you again for a proper conversation. But when he wouldn't catch sight of you, he made those weekly rounds into daily ones.
Days and days on end he'd spend hours upon hours at that park hoping to catch a glimpse of you.
But he never did.
He did however, catch sight of the little boy who had stolen your attention.
Winning the kid over was an easy feat, just some of his lame ass jokes and grabbing the kid some toys and food did the trick. Definitely helped that the boy had a fondness for skating as well, so he gave him some lessons, on the house.
....Weeelll, not entirely.
But, hey!! The little boy just wanted to learn to do all the cool tricks he was able to!! How was he to know that he just forfeited his older siblings schedule and school to some rando??
It didn't take long for him to start showing up at your school and in your classes. Whether he actually went to the school or not was a mystery but now he actually had a chance to talk to you.
He kept you entertained with his stupid jokes and made sure there was never a dull moment around him, and that you always had a smile on your face.
So, it was only natural that you two would end up dating, and when you did he was latched onto you constantly.
He was never clingy before, but now?? Now he looks like a kicked puppy when you don't want to spend every waking moment with him.
No matter though, he still enjoyed your presence--Even if he had to enjoy it from behind your blinded windows.
Isn't above bribery to make sure your friends don't get TOO touchy with you.
And thanks to his relaxed and chill personality, even the gamers and coders in the school are willing to hang with someone as extroverted as him.
Soo, guess who also was able to get your social media passwords and search history??
He never knew you were into that stuff, by the way. You seemed so innocent.
Don't you worry your pretty little head, though!! He's not gonna do anything with this information!! He just wants to get to know you better!
You'll let him, right??
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Thanks for reading ♥︎
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innytoes · 1 year
Willie Ship of your choice and Pokemon AU?
The problem with living in a town with a gym, Reggie thought, was that every passing by would-be Pokemon master thought literally everyone with a Pokemon wanted to battle. It was exhausting. Especially when they wouldn't take no for an answer.
Listen, was it stupid for Reggie to try and punch out a Geodude? Yes, but it was better than trying to punch out a twelve year old. Probably. The twelve year old probably wouldn't have given him what felt like a black eye. And he had to act fast, because the Pokemon had been rapidly approaching his cowering Jolteon.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Alex asked as he came to on what appeared to be a park bench. It wasn't very comfy, except for his head, which was pillowed on something.
"That Sparky is a rescue, and if she doesn't want to fight, she shouldn't have to," he said, gently petting the Jolteon who was nuzzling her nose under his hand anxiously. "It's okay baby, nobody's going to hurt you."
Both of Reggie's Pokemon were rescues. His very first, a Growlithe puppy he'd found out in the rain when he was fifteen, was a constant companion. Reggie wasn't sure what had happened to it before he got him, but Buddy didn't particularly like fighting. He shied away from battles, and it took Reggie ages to realise why he always cowered behind his legs in a certain part of town. The part near the gym.
They'd worked on that, and getting his confidence up in general. Buddy was a happy Pokemon now, though he still didn't like battles. The only time Reggie had ever seen him fight was to protect Reggie, and to help him kick Sparky's owner's ass. Anyone that would raise his hand against his own Pokemon didn't deserve them. They did, however, deserve a black eye, a stolen Jolteon, and singed pair of jeans.
With a groan, he sat up, laughing when Buddy hopped on the bench and started anxiously licking at his face. "I'm okay, Bud," he promised. "What happened? Did Whitney put them to sleep?" That was their usual strategy, when trainers wouldn't stop bothering them. You couldn't start a Pokemon fight if you were too asleep to grab your Pokeballs.
Alex' emotional support Jigglypuff chirped at him from Alex' backpack.
"I was going to, but..."
"Yeah, sorry, Ziggy and I stepped in first," a new voice said from behind him. Reggie turned and blinked. Apparently, the comfortable thing his head had been pillowed on was this gorgeous stranger's lap. He had beautiful long dark hair, killer cheekbones, and just about the cutest Zigzagoon Reggie had ever seen draped over his shoulders like a fancy stole.
"I- uh- that's..." Really hot, Reggie wanted to say.
Sparky nudged his hand again, pointy fur prickling under his fingers. "Thanks," Reggie managed. He looked up at Alex, who seemed equally flustered at this hot stranger who just rocked up and saved them both, and then waited with them until Reggie regained consciousness.
"Are you... a trainer?" Reggie asked, carefully. He didn't seem to have any Pokeballs on his belt, just the Zigzagoon wrapped around his neck. But if he defeated that kid's entire arsenal, that Zigzagoon was probably powerful as heck.
"No," the guy said quickly. Ziggy nuzzled his cheek gently. "I... not anymore. Ziggy and I are just... travelling."
"Thank you for saving us," Alex said sincerely.
"If you're new in town," Reggie said, not wanting the guy to leave now that he was awake again. "Maybe we could show you the best places to get food?"
The man's guarded look changed into a beautiful smile. "I'd like that, yeah," he agreed. "I'm Willie."
In the end, Willie decided to stick around a lot longer than he planned, and Reggie and Alex never had to worry about pushy Pokemon Trainers again. Their boyfriend and his badass Zigzagoon had them covered.
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tenebriism · 9 months
Of all the people Jean has come to find gifts for, Tsuki is by far the hardest. There are so many things she wants to gift to him. So many simple things that he has been denied throughout the course of his long and perilous life. But while the novelty of an ugly winter sweater or a batch of homemade cookies may convey some of what she wants him to know, it still falls short of the gravity of compassion she wishes to bestow upon him. 
So this Winter, as the year draws to a close and the lantern rite looms on the horizon, it is an envelope that she gives to the former Wanderer. Just a small little thing, sealed with a wax stamp that bears the Gunnhildr family crest. Contained within that elegant paper is a simple key to the place she now calls home and a note that conveys a sentiment that perhaps carries more weight than the outside world can ever truly comprehend. 
Wherever the wind may take you; know that you will always have a home to return to for as long as you need it.
- J x
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This, still, is a strange concept to him. The idea that a time of the year can seemingly shift an entire nation and beyond, in unison, and have everyone in an auto-piloted endeavor to shove it in each other's faces. This goes FAR beyond some annual festival, he's noticed. The decor stays up for weeks, mora passed around aplenty for materialistic trading, and where, normally, he may have been able to tuck himself into a tree for an extended spell of silence, he CAN'T, now, what with some fashion of festivities going on every single night.
Perhaps it's the ' most wonderful time of the year ' for those actually INVOLVED in it, but to him, it feels like it's more trouble than it's worth ( and, a right detriment to his already fragile nerves ).
So what, then, keeps him lingering outside of Mondstadt, in particular, watching how the town evolves day by day? Lights strewn and the Angel's Share more packed than usual. Gift exchanges at the Anemo Archon's statue, sometimes with tears ( a proposal, a baby announcement... alright, so ' gifts ' aren't always materialistic, then, he learns ). Holiday carols and seasonal plays at the fountain, whilst food and drink is passed around. He loathes the thought of admitting it seems somewhat NICE... that he would dare YEARN for something like this, even if he knows it would only end up overwhelming him.
The Acting Grand Master, though, is the exception. Though not a modicum of understanding exists in regards to why she endeavors, so fiercely, to take care of and INCLUDE him, he never turns her down despite it. Like a lost puppy, he follows her out of town, away from the hustle and bustle of Mondstadt as yet another party kicks off. She's come to know him relatively well, he fears, and it's likely why whatever she wishes to speak with him about will be done outside the city.
Away from interruptions, away from prying eyes, away from an atmosphere she knows he won't like.
" If you need help with something, just say so, moth--- ugh. Jean. " the Wanderer mumbles. He won't hesitate to, she should KNOW this, considering he's one of few people who even bothers to make sure she doesn't kill herself amidst all the duties she takes on. The envelope, extended towards him, then, earns her a sigh, like he'd had the audacity to forget the kind of person she was. Of course she would make sure to include him in her pot of generosity, no matter how much he may act like he doesn't want to be. It's why she continues to hold out the envelope to him with that... gentle, PATIENT smile of hers, and doesn't force him to accept it while he battles with himself over why he should in the first place.
Is it to make HER happy? Or, is it because he wants to know how it feels to be given something, when all his life, everything has been TAKEN?
Thumb glides against the fold, carefully separating it from the adhesive, and as he pulls both the key and the note from its confines, he shoots her a very confused look. " What is this? " Obviously, he could just read the note to find out, but forgive him for not being a fan of the unknown. As she gestures for him to read the note, he sighs and relents... and that's where the interaction stops for several moments.
He reads it once. Reads it twice. Flips it over to look for something else he may have missed, and when nothing is there, he looks at her. To the soft eyes that have only ever gazed upon him with kindness and adoration, and the even softer smile that he feels, deep down, he doesn't deserve to see.
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Don't cry... no, don't cry.
He hasn't had a home in so very long. Not a proper one to go back to, at least, besides Lesser Lord Kusanali's domain. It doesn't matter that he, in a way, doesn't need one--- it isn't as if he functions off of food and sleep like mortals do, but he wanders largely because he doesn't HAVE one to return to. If he keeps on the move, keeps occupied, he needn't worry about everything WRONG with him ( and it's a wonder that's not ALWAYS on his mind, because there's a LOT. )
Tsuki ducks his head as he pulls the key from the envelope and squeezes it within his palm, as if he fears it may up and disappear, or get lost, if he doesn't clutch onto it as hard as he can. In a swift motion, he swipes his opposite arm against his eyes, growing in silent frustration at how futile his efforts were proving to banish his emotions. Eventually, though, he gives up, and slowly steps forward, leaning his face into her body with a stupidly childish hiccup.
He can't say thank you right now, or even BEGIN to verbally convey just how much this means to him right this very minute, but he hopes his inability to get himself together is proof enough that this is a gift he does not mind at all. Even if he's far, far older than her, she still feels like the mother he never had, but always needed, and maybe this is the gods' way of finally showing him MERCY, by giving him the one thing he has always wanted.
@gunnhildred ;;
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gretavandutchy · 3 years
a friendly favor | three
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{danny wagner x fem!reader} fake it til you make it collection: phase four!
summary: when a friend needs a little help showing his ex that he’s moved on, you’re a little too willing to help him out.
word count: 4.9k i got carried away with this holy--
warnings: language, a little more pining, danny is out here sending mixed signals
That night, things were strange between you and Danny. The two of you had never had a sleepover before, let alone after spending an entire evening pretending to be in the honeymoon stage of a relationship. Your cheeks still ached from smiling too hard, and you could still feel the ghost of his body pressed up against yours.
He laid on his back beside you, a very respectable amount of distance between the two of you as you both laid on the very edges of the queen sized bed, but you could still feel his touch. You could still feel his hair tickling your cheeks, and your neck, and your shoulders. You could still feel his hands holding your sides, pulling you right back into his lap as you tried to catch your breath from laughing so hard post tickle-attack.
You could still feel his lips on your cheek, and you could still feel his warm breath on the side of your face as he rested his chin on your shoulder. Your heart was still fluttering in your chest, and you were trying hard to calm your racing mind down so that you could attempt to get some sleep before the full day of acting began. Despite your attempts, you couldn't.
All you could think about was how it felt to have the slightest taste of what it was like to be loved by Daniel, and the bitter sting that burned through your chest each time you'd realized he was watching her instead of you. You knew it was pathetic to be so upset about it, but you couldn't help it. No matter how aware you were in your mind that it wasn't real, it was hard to keep your heart on that same track.
He'd been so sweet all day long. He'd worked so hard to try and keep you comfortable, never straying too far or for too long because he knew you felt awkward being surrounded by a group of friends who considered you an outsider. Still, your mind was stuck on the one thing he'd done all night that had made you feel badly.
Danny probably wasn't even aware he'd done it. And, why should he have been? As far as he knew, you only thought of him as a friend. What reason did he have to think that staring at his ex like a kicked puppy would upset you?
Even beyond that, you were pretty sure he wasn't even consciously aware of the fact that he'd been watching her. You knew very well the pain of being around an ex after a recent breakup. You knew how much it hurt to see them for the first time after separating, and you knew how hard it was to not find yourself gravitating toward them in some way or another.
The questions about his intentions were eating you alive, though.
"Danny?" you whispered, hoping that he was awake and you weren't disturbing him.
He rolled onto his side, facing you with his eyes still wide awake. "Can't sleep?" he asked, and he chuckled when you nodded, "Neither can I. I can't shut my brain off."
"I have a question," you admitted, a little sheepishly, "I don't want to sound weird, but what are you hoping to get out of me being here?"
Daniel propped up on his elbow, resting his head in his hand as he furrowed his eyebrows. His voice was low with confusion, and maybe a little apprehension as he asked, "What do you mean?"
You chewed at your lip as you pondered how to explain, eventually settling on, "Like, are you hoping to get back together with Holland? I just--I understand if you are, really, but if I'm here in an attempt to make her jealous I'd prefer to know."
He sighed, falling back onto his back and effectively hiding his face from you. The movement startled you, but you grew more nervous by the fact that he took awhile to reply. The longer he laid in silence, the more you worried you'd finally found that invisible boundary and crossed it.
Just as you'd considered retracting the question, telling him to forget about it, he spoke up. "I can't lie, the thought did cross my mind." he murmured, softly, "But that was before we'd even left, and I forgot about it as soon as I even considered it. I don't like playing games like that... it feels wrong, and besides, I don't think I'd want to get back together even if it were an option."
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, and now it was your turn to prop up on your elbow and stare down at him in confusion. He met your eyes and chuckled softly, clearly amused by your shock, and you asked, "Really? You seemed so upset about it, though. I mean, you lied and said you had a girlfriend just because Sam told you she was bringing another guy."
"I was upset about it." he agreed, "I still am, kind of, but I just think it was the right choice for us. I've realized a few things lately that made me acknowledge the fact that our relationship probably should have ended awhile ago, but I was just too afraid to do it."
You hummed, your curiosity kicking into overdrive. You wanted more than anything to ask what those realizations were, the green-eyed monster in the back of your head wondering if you were one of them, but you refrained. If he wanted to tell you, he would.
The silence settled between the two of you again, and you fell back onto your back with a sigh. It didn't last long, though, because Danny asked, "Can I ask you something?"
"Of course." you whispered.
You probably should have expected it, but it still took you by surprise when he questioned, "Why didn't you tell me you met her?"
"I don't know." you replied, "Why didn't you ever tell me about her?"
"I don't know." he repeated, and the silence settled over the two of you again. That time, neither of you broke it.
The following day, things were strange.
You couldn't quite place your finger on why, or how, but Danny was acting differently. His touches were less hesitant, his looks lingering a little longer, and he just seemed more at ease. Whereas before he'd seemed unsure of himself in his attempts to portray his affection for you, the insecurity did not seem to be plaguing him anymore.
He didn't look at you timidly just before placing his hand on your thigh when the two of you sat next to each other at breakfast. He didn't squeeze your leg in warning when he leaned down and kissed your cheek, and you shuddered as you felt his lips drag slightly closer to your jaw and his nose brush against your ear before he pulled away. Previously he'd seemed sheepish after such a thing, but when you'd turned to look at him he was already watching you.
You'd tried not to show just how much it affected you when you noticed his lips quirked up into the faintest of smirks. He'd only grown bolder from that point. It was like he was glued to you, and no longer out of pity or an attempt to keep you from feeling excluded.
No, now his hands were stuck on your body and it was really making you feel all sorts of things that were not for show in the slightest.
His hand rested low on your back as he led you from the table to the couch, and there was no hiding the way your breath hitched as his fingers skimmed the bare skin under where your shirt had ridden up. Goosebumps had crawled across your skin, and you couldn't bring yourself to look at him that time. You could tell he noticed, though, because his hand slipped further into that space as he sat down beside you.
Things were still a little awkward with everyone else, too. You could see the way the guys all stared at his affections toward you, and it only made you feel all the more exposed. As far as they knew the two of you were happily dating, but your mind was blaring the alarm bells that you were a girl playing with fire and everyone was about to see you get burned.
Holland was the only one who didn't stare, and you were on the fence about that, too. She was nothing but nice to you, making small talk whenever the situation called for it, but you were stuck in that weird place of wondering whether or not she was genuine or secretly hated you. Did she want Danny back? Was she jealous, like you had been for months? Jealous, like you still felt in the quiet moments between Danny's affections.
He wasn't staring at her anymore, either.
You caught him staring at you more often than normal throughout the morning. Each time you turned to him, he was already looking, or he'd turn within seconds to meet your gaze. Sometimes he'd simply smile at you sweetly, but others he'd make a point to brush a strand of hair from your face or touch you in some way.
It was hard not reading into the way he looked at you, too. You couldn't quite place the emotion behind his brown eyes, but it made your belly flutter all the same. Each time he stared at you like that, his words echoed through your head. I've realized a few things lately... It was getting harder and harder to stop convincing yourself that maybe you were included in those, after all.
"Alright!" Sam called for everyone's attention shortly after dinner, "We've got six, so everybody needs to partner up for beer pong tonight."
Plates were still spread across the table, cutlery and napkins piled atop them as everyone lingered in their seats to continue the straggling mealtime conversation. Josh and Jake had been arguing about something, you were fairly sure that even they had lost sight of what that was exactly, and the rest of you had been urging it on for longer than you probably should have.
Your stomach ached from laughing so hard, and your cheeks hurt from smiling for too long. Though, the smile probably had more to do with the sweet way Danny had wrapped his hand around your wrist on the table. His fingers were drawing little shapes on the palm of your hand, tickling your skin and ensuring that the goosebumps that erupted across your arm would not fade.
For a moment, the prospect of picking teams made your heart skip a beat. You wondered if Danny and Holland were normally a team, considering the times they'd been to the lakehouse before now they'd been an item, but the anxiety was quickly quelled. Josh called out his dibs on Holland, and Jake groaned, "I thought we were partners for life, what the hell?"
"Your aim sucks after like three drinks," Josh retorted, "I want to win this year."
You clapped a hand over your mouth to stifle the laugh that bubbled up your throat, but Jake still scowled at you playfully as everyone heard it. "I'll be your partner," Sam soothed, clapping his hand on Jake's back before not so subtly remarking, "I will carry this team to victory, don't you worry."
Everyone collectively burst into laughter, and Jake lunged at his little brother who cackled wildly. Sam took off down the stairs to the basement, his attacker hot on his heels, and Josh was cheering as he and Holland followed right behind them. Faintly, you could hear a crash as Jake undoubtedly caught his teasing brother.
Danny's hand was still wrapped around your wrist, and you made no move to pull away. You kept your hand pliable in his own, and turned to him with a grin as you said, "Something tells me that you all take this very seriously."
He laughed at your words, his eyes widening slightly as he teased, "Oh, definitely. It's a bloodbath, honestly." His fingers slipped between your own, his hand wrapping yours up as he stood and pulled you along with him. "I hope you're good because I have a crown to defend and my partner just left me for Jake."
Your eyebrows raised slightly in surprise at his admission that he and Holland hadn't in fact been partners, but you didn't say anything. Things were going good, and you didn't want to sour the mood or stop whatever shift in his attitude had happened by bringing her up. He wasn't looking at her anymore, and you selfishly wanted to keep his attention all to yourself.
"You're looking at a frat party legend," you joked, though you were truthful when you continued, "I've probably hustled about a hundred fraternity brothers out of money. Got banned from playing at one house my senior year of college once they sobered up enough to catch on."
He grinned, his eyes lighting up as he gasped, "No shit, really? Sam's gonna be pissed when we smoke his ass."
A devious thought popped into your head just before the two of you began to descend the stairs, and you were smirking mischievously as you whispered, "Wanna hustle them? I think I still got it."
"A girl after my own heart," he groaned dramatically, his free hand slapping over his heart as he matched your smirk, "let's do it. I can't wait to see their faces." You both worked hard to school your expressions as you made your way into the basement, though it was useless because the moment you looked at each other you both began laughing. None of the others paid you any mind, though, Josh and Holland working to set up a long folding table as Jake was grumpily filling up plastic cups with water.
The two of you let Josh and Holland face off against Sam and Jake first. Sam had brought bottles out from the bar, and each time a ball sunk into a cup the loser had to take a pull--you had to admit it was a little impressive the way none of them seemed phased chugging straight tequila with no chasers. You also could see exactly what Josh had been referring to with Jake, each drink seeming to deplete his hand-eye coordination fractionally. He didn't seem drunk in the slightest, but his throws deviated more and more each time it was his turn.
Regardless, the match was close. Holland was good, though you had a feeling Josh only chose her to irritate his twin, and the two of them were holding their own against Sam who truly was carrying his team. Whoever won was to be your and Danny's opponent, and you really weren't sure who you wanted to face more. You knew that Danny was hoping for Sam, though.
There were only two cups left on the table, one on each end, and it was Josh's throw. You watched closely as he took an obscene amount of time aiming, his tongue caught between his teeth, and one eye squinted causing Sam to grumble about his dramatics before he finally threw it. In a series of movements so fast you could barely keep up, you gasped as the ball spun rapidly around the rim and Sam's hand shot out like a viper to catch it before it could hit the water.
"Fuck!" Josh cursed, and Jake was cheering loudly as his partner proudly held the moist but not dripping ball in his hand, "I demand a flag on the play! Refs, can we get a playback?"
Sam scoffed, flipping his brother off before throwing the ball carelessly. He barely even looked before tossing it, and Josh collapsed to the floor in a spectacular performance as it sank into his last cup. Holland took the pull for him, remaining quiet as Jake all but threw Sam over his shoulder in celebration.
"Victory for the abandoned partners!" he shouted, doing a small lap with Sam yelling for him to put him down, "That's what you get for betraying your own flesh and blood, fucker!"
After quite a bit of arguing, the table was eventually reset and you and Danny took Josh and Holland's places. The two of them drifted over to the bar, mixing drinks for themselves and settling into stools to watch, and Sam was taunting Danny, "Think you can beat me, Danny Boy?"
The two of you threw the match intentionally. You threw recklessly, sloppily, and missed every shot except for one which managed to clip the rim of a cup by pure luck and land in the water before Sam could catch it. Daniel was holding his own, but when it came down to the last two cups he threw just slightly off target and missed. "Shit!" he cursed, pretending to be frustrated, but you could see the way he was struggling to keep from laughing.
Jake was talking shit, hyping up Sam who sunk his shot just as you'd expected. The two of them began to cheer, and Danny shouted, "Rematch!"
"Now, don't be a sore loser--"
Your partner interrupted Sam's taunt, demanding, "A hundred bucks says you can't beat us again." You pretended to look horrified, grasping Danny's arm and looking at him with wide eyes as you shook your head, "or are you scared to lose a little more than just your pride?"
They fell right into the trap. It was like taking candy from a baby, really, how easily Sam fell victim to the jab. "You're on!" he retorted, digging his wallet out of his pocket, "And, just because I know we'll win again, make it two hundred." He slapped two bills on the table, rattling the cups slightly, and you had to bite your cheek to keep from smirking. He was so easy to rile up.
You all worked to set the cups back up, you playing up your anxiety as you frowned to yourself and pretended to glare at Danny who purposefully ignored each of your looks. His jaw was clenched, the planes of his face flexing as he ground his teeth in what looked like anger, but you knew it was to keep from laughing. He squeezed your hand as the two of you waited for Jake and Sam to take their shots, both of them sinking into cups in the back row of your pyramid.
Keeping up the ruse just long enough to keep them from catching on too soon, you missed your first three throws. But, when you and Daniel were left with four cups on your side of the table and they still had almost a full pyramid, you switched up. The first shot you sank you pretended to be surprised, clapping your hands and turning to Danny with an excited grin that he matched with a high-five. The next, you only smiled, and by the time you sank your last shot and officially beat your opponent you could only smirk.
It had been a dirty game. Danny had used distractions to make Jake miss, and you'd snatched Sam's last shot off the rim much like he had Josh's. The two men were gaping in horror, but Danny wrapped you up in his arms and spun you around like the two of you had just won a million dollars. "Rematch! Four hundred says you can't do it again!" Sam shouted, and you shared a devilish smile with your partner.
You took that rematch, and one more before Sam was raging, "You fucking hustled us!"
The words barely registered in your ears, though, because Danny had suddenly caught you up in his arms and crashed his lips to yours. His hands were dangerously low on your back, fingers dipping under the waistband of your pants and just skimming the slope of your ass, and you were boneless. He pressed his body tightly against your own, tightening his grip with his hands and digging his fingers into your skin through the lace of your underwear, and he took advantage of the gasp that you let out.
His tongue licked into your mouth, lips parting against your own as he sucked the air right out of you and left you shivering. He tasted like tequila, much like you probably did, and you could barely feel your body as your hands finally lifted to twist your fingers into his hair. He gasped then, and you gripped his hair harder as you worked your lips against his with a fervor. You weren't sure what was happening, or where it had come from, but the kiss didn't feel like an act.
A ping pong ball hit your cheek, and the two of you pulled away with ragged breathing. As your puls slowly stopped roaring behind your ears, you could hear Josh cheering the two of you on and Sam shouting, "Hey! You don't get to rob me and then celebrate like you aren't cheats!"
"You're just mad he never kissed you like that when you two were robbing us every year before now." Jake teased, and you were thankful for the distraction when they began to wrestle each other again. The two of them ran circles around the room, Sam stumbling just short of Jake's heels, and you watched mystified as they raced up the stairs and Josh and Holland followed shortly after, the former shooting a smirk over his shoulder toward you and Danny.
The silence was thick as it settled over you both in their wake. Your eyes drifted back to Danny's face, his brown eyes already trained on your own. His lips were parted and puffy from the passionate kiss, and you weren't sure what to do. What did it mean? Was it the heat of the moment? Or, was it an intentional show of affection for the cause? Was it intentional for other reasons?
"I--" you stammered, trailing off in uncertainty. Your breathing was still a little heavy, and it hitche slightly when you realized his hands were still on your back, fingertips still wedged beneath the waistband of your jeans. They flexed slightly, digging into your skin as he pulled you a little closer.
His voice was timid, so soft it was barely audible as he murmured, "I don't know why I did that."
You nodded, though your heart was beating a little faster in fear of what would come next. You whispered back, "It's okay."
Those fingertips dug into your skin again, tugging you flush to his chest once more, and his eyes flicked down to your lips. Danny's tongue swiped across his lower lip, and his eyes were dark as he asked, "Would it still be okay if I did it again?"
You didn't answer, at least not with words. Your hands reached out to cradle his jaw, fingers curling around the sides of his neck as your thumbs pressed lightly on the soft skin of his cheeks, and you pulled him back to you eagerly. This time it was different, and a million times better, because you knew in your heart it had nothing at all to do with the people around you or the act you were putting on.
He kissed you slowly, breathing your scent in and humming quietly as you opened your lips to him. One hand finally left your back, sliding up your spine before his fingers were curling through your hair and scratching your scalp lightly. He kept pulling you closer, his grip tightening and loosening over and over as he worked to mold you to him completely.
The longer he moved his lips against yours, gliding his tongue between the parted seam and tasting you, the more you relented to all of the feelings that had been lurking beneath the surface for months. All of your longing, desire, and jealousy poured out of you and into him, and your knees were shaking as he pushed you back toward the table. He helped you to sit on the end of it, the whole structure lurching and scraping audibly over the floor under the force of his push, but you were too absorbed in him to care.
You were a little grateful for the seat because you were pretty sure your knees were seconds away from giving out on you, but then his hands moved and you were grateful for a whole new reason. One large hand wrapped around your knee, hitching your leg up onto his hip as he pressed into you until your back was arching and you were craning your head back to keep his lips on yours as he loomed above you. The other crashed onto the table just behind you, holding his weight as he pressed his entire body into you.
Things were getting very intense very fast, so fast you probably should have stopped it, but you couldn't bring yourself to. The way everything was progressing, Danny's hips rolling against your center slowly as if he were testing the waters, you were pretty sure the two of you were moments away from ripping each other's clothes off right there on the still damp table. When your leg wrapped entirely around his waist, squeezing him closer in time with your own hips bucking up toward him, he let out a ragged breath and dropped his other hand to the table and sent both of you crashing onto it entirely.
A few plastic cups clattered to the floor, and water splashed out of the full ones that remained standing, but still you kept going. He was grinding into you in earnest now, and you could feel him beginning to strain against the fabric of his jeans to match the way you were pretty sure you'd soaked through your own entirely. He finally separated from your lips, biting at your lip roughly before he began to work over your jaw and nip at the sensitive skin of your neck, and there was no holding back the breathless whimper that ripped form your chest.
He groaned as you rocked up into him, your hands gripping his shoulders as you writhed on the table in a desperate attempt for more. "Fuck," he hissed, pressing one last open-mouthed kiss to your neck and licking over the skin hungrily before he was lifting his head to look at you with lust filled eyes and swollen lips, "(Y/N), I--"
"Danny!" Holland's voice rang out from the top of the stairs, cutting him off and causing the both of you to freeze, "Are you guys coming? Sam's starting another fire!"
You listened for the sound of her footsteps descending the stairs, but they never came. They never retreated from the door, either, and you knew that she was waiting for a response but not willing to risk seeing whatever the two of you were doing. You weren't entirely sure what you hoped his answer would be, but you looked to Daniel expectantly. He cleared his throat, blinking a few times as if coming out of a stupor, and all at once you could see that uncertainty and insecurity flood back into him.
"Yeah, we'll be up in a minute!" he called back, pushing himself off of you and backing away slowly. You sat up and pushed your hair out of your face, smoothing it down as you stared at him in confusion. What was happening? "I--Sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to go so far."
He was sorry? From the tone of his voice, full of nerves and discomfort, you couldn't decide if he was only sorry for how far it went or because it had happened ata ll. You tried to hide how disheartened you were as you replied, "It's okay. I started it that time, technically." He definitely could see it, though.
His lips twisted into a pained frown as he acknowledged the way your own turned downward, your entire demeanor deflating in the aftermath of the moment. He didn't speak of it, though, taking a small step backward in contrast with the way he extended his hand to you, "Are you ready to go up?"
"Actually," you muttered, standing and tugging your clothes back into place to avoid looking at him, "I'm pretty tired. I think I'm gonna go to bed."
His hand fell, and he looked stricken as he murmured, "(Y/N), I'm sorry--"
You forced a smile, waving your hand as if to brush his words away as you interrupted, "I'm fine, Danny. Everything's fine, I just want to lay down. Go have fun with your friends, okay?"
He hesitated, stepping up to you again with his hands raised toward your face, but you were quick to skirt around them. It was impossible to ignore how hurt he looked, his brows furrowing and lips pouting slightly as he replied, "I can join you, then. I don't want... I don't want you to be upset. Come on, I'll just tell Sammy we're going to bed."
"Danny," you spoke, looking him in the eye as you forced another smile, "I'm okay. Go be with your friends, I'll still be here when you come back." Somehow, it still hurt when he nodded after a few moments of hesitation and trudged up the stairs alone.
TAGLIST! @theweightofstardust @alltimekp @sing-against-the-sky @sammykiszkasunusedshoes @myownparadise96 @tripthelight-fanfic @imdepressedaf1996 @caravelstan @gvfvanfleet @vulture-withafile @godblessmarywanna @brokenbellz @gretavanfleas @streamsofstardust @celestialfauna @honor-gvf @jakekiszkasguitarpick @peterr-parkourr @localhideaway @anneanirac @chalametpwk @stardustdanny @trplshotofdopamine @blissfulbellss @wriwrites @stardustingold @fleetsonfire @pleasecallmemoth @ascendingtostardust @ohitselliana @carlybubs @joshyswife @guitarpedal @strangeh0rizons if you would like to be tagged, send an ask!
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walks-the-ages · 3 years
Would love to have Adrien's absolute garbage treatment of his own friends be acknowledged.
He knows that Kagami is the dragon miraculous user. He knows that Nino is the turtle wielder, and he knows that Viperion is Luka.
And yet.... He throws a temper tantrum when his friends are called into battle and more competent than he is. He sees his friends and classmates, (people he supposedly cares about!) Helping Ladybug and his first and only thought is-- "but why isn't she relying solely on me?!"
Adrien willfully sits out of fights to make Ladybug jealous and miss him, and then has the gall to be upset that she won't wait forever for him to show up, that she won't fight on her own when she now has options as Guardian to call in help, and he's got the gall to pressure her into revealing the identities of the heroes he doesn't already know after waltzing in when the fight is already over and KNOWS that she's on a timer and under a huge amount of pressure.
The fact that PLAGG is the one that had to get Adrien off his sorry but to transform in the first place speaks volumes.
The fact that Adrien plays at "wanting more responsibility" when he's proven in canon for multiple unseen fights that he's completely irresponsible and doesn't even show up to fights....even so that even the new media has been asking "where's chat noir lately? We haven't seen him in a while"...
Why the fuck SHOULDN'T Marinette snap at his bullshit when he asks to "help her" retrieve the Miraculous from the temporary heroes?
We all know if she let him "help" he would be going out of his way to pressure the temps he doesn't know into revealing their identities to him, and that he would probably spend the entire time acting Suave and Cool and Dismissive of their contributions to try to build himself up in their eyes, or failing that, would act like a Sad Kicked Puppy so that they would promise not to "show off" their competence so much, or convince them to be his wingman in wearing Ladybug down to his advances.
Seriously guys. We've seen how Adrien operates when he's in a position of power over others. He's already actively encouraged people to be akumatized, sabotages fights on the regular, and treats temporary heroes like crap. Do we really think he wouldn't be above manipulating or threatening the temps, even the ones he knows for a fact are his "friends" who don't know how Identity?
If he really cared about "no more secrets".... He would have revealed his own identity to Nino when Nino revealed he was Carapace. Adrien doesn't give a crap about keeping his identity secret when it comes to pressuring Marinette to reveal hers.... Oh, but apparently his so-called "best friend" isn't on his list of people he's willing to reveal to.
Because Nino's already said how much of a jackass Chat Noir is for harassing Ladybug, so if Adrien revealed he was Chat Noir to Nino, he'd have to face consequences for his behavior :)
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whumpshaped · 2 years
Might just be cause I'm on a whumperee kick, but do you have any more content involving Seth getting whumped?
Also any encounters or interations with El seeing mid or post whump seth?
heres the first time bbe el sees seth
trigger warnings: multiple whumpers and whumpees, vampire bloodbag dynamic, implied captivity, dehumanisation
"That, that's the guy-"
"Shut it, human."
El's mouth would've snapped shut at the command at any other time. They adored their owner, their owner was the nicest person in their life, their entire world, there was no other purpose to their than to please him - but this was their tumblr crush. At a noble vampire gathering, with a collar around their neck.
"B-But- but that's-"
Seth's... owner? Seemed to spot Kane too, and he came closer, grinning and immediately engaging in the most insufferable behaviour, but El wasn't focused on him. They were staring at the human.
"You're... Seth? From tumblr, your blog is sethwhumps, right?"
"I said shut it!" Kane snapped again, but it was already too late.
"Our bloodbags seem to already be acquainted with each other," Anton said casually, but Seth seemed to tense up nonetheless.
"No, we, um, we're not. I've never seen them-"
"No, no, you know me! I'm pumpkin anon, I used to send you so many-"
"Oh for god's sake, let's just move somewhere private, then." Kane grabbed El by the wrist and dragged them towards a backroom, Anton following in tow, excited enough about this new development that he didn't even make a comment about Kane acting so in charge.
As soon as they were all inside, the words just wouldn't stop flowing.
"I'm such a big fan of all your writing, I've been a big fan of it for years, I was still reading it after Sir, um, after he took me in, but then- then you disappeared, I had no idea, this is such a coincidence, I can't believe you've also been taken in-"
"I've been kidnapped," Seth growled, visibly annoyed. "Can you shut the fuck up already? Do you ever close your mouth? Do you ever run out of air?"
Anton smacked him over the head, making Seth wince. "Now, human, behave yourself. My dearest baby brother's human seems to be absolutely obsessed with you, isn't that sweet?"
Kane scoffed, but the sarcasm seemed to be lost on El. They looked up at Anton with sparkling puppy dog eyes, like he'd just said the kindest thing. "Sir- Sir thinks so? I, I d-didn't mean to be annoying, I'm sorry, I just- I love, I love their stories so much! They're an amazing writer! Sir should read some of it! It's, it's such excellent hurt/comfort, mostly hurt, it's really g-"
"No!" Seth was suddenly put under and made to stand back, while Anton stepped closer.
"Oh? Hurt/comfort? Why don't you help me out and show me that, uh, 'blog', then."
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roguerogerss · 4 years
A Long Day of Saving Your Ass
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(gif isn’t mine, creds to the owner!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Plot: “Hi darlin! If you’re still taking requests could you do a Bucky x reader where she gets her ass saved from literal death by Bucky during a mission and she refuses to leave his side on the way back or at the tower? And he gives her a back/foot massage to make her nerves calm down aaand they may or may not share a kiss bc they like each other? I hope that makes sense, tysm! 💞” - requested by anon
W/C: 2.3k
Warnings: mentions of fights/blood/kinda ptsd but not really? she’s pretty much just really shaken up and Bucky’s cute and protective as hell about it. also kinda sexual themes towards the end, no smut or anything though it’s all fluff!
(A/N: first of all, thank you so much for all of the love on my last fic, it really really does mean the world and that was just totally insane. okay, so, this request only came in yesterday, but I was so in love with the concept and had this wave of ideas for what I could write, and so here it is! thank you so much for this one, bby! as always, requests are open for any marvel boy you want, plus any of the stranger things boys. i do smut too hehe. any feedback is so welcome and appreciated, it really helps! please like and reblog!)
The quinjet was ready to take off, engine on, Steve behind the wheel. But Y/N wasn't there yet. They'd been holding off on leaving, giving her time to get out and the opportunity to do it without help, but Bucky had been antsy since he'd gotten on the vehicle and realised that she wasn't there.
It wasn't exactly a secret that he liked her, in a way that he hadn't really liked anyone in over seventy years. He'd never admitted it to anyone, not even to himself out loud, but you have to have a certain level of intelligence and basic sight to join the Avengers in the first place, and it wasn't hard to figure out.
Y/N was oblivious to it, rolling her eyes whenever Natasha teased her about 'Bucky's little crush', never taking it seriously. If she'd known that they were really serious about it, she wouldn't have hesitated to make a move. She was inherently forward, had no sense of shame whatsoever, it was common knowledge that she would've said something, at the very least.
"Hey, Y/N, where are you right now?" Bucky spoke into the intercoms, earning wide eyed glances from the rest of the team. They knew that she hated being rushed, hated being babied even more, and the fact that Bucky was doing both was probably about to blow up in all of their faces.
There were obvious sounds of struggle on her end as she answered back with a grunt, "South side, got ten guys on my case. Think I can handle it, though."
"We're ready to leave, Y/N." Bucky grunted, leaning forward in his seat and chewing at his lip. He was met back with a crash and a strangled groan from the assassin, making him shoot up and towards the exit of the ship.
"Bucky, where are you going? She'll kill you if you try to help her-" Tony was standing now, too, worried about his teammate, but figuring that she'd find some way out. Bucky shook his head and pressed the button to open the escape hatch.
"She's going to die if I don't help her, Stark. Keep the engine running, we'll be back in a second." And he was gone with that. Steve closed the hatch, radioing to Bucky to 'keep in touch' as he did so.
Bucky pulled his machine gun from the holster on his back, shooting two guards that were stationed at the front entrance of the Hydra base that they'd sneakily infiltrated, managing to only cause a few minor scenes. He was inside and backed against a wall, scoping out his route to the south side of the building, without wasting a second.
His feet pounded on the metal stairs as he made his way down to where they'd been earlier, where he knew that Y/N still was, and he looked around himself cautiously, gears in his arm turning.
He could hear the fight before he could see it, and he could tell from the noises that Y/N wasn't doing so well. A lot of crashing, thuds, groans mostly from her. The sight wasn't exactly easy to look at either, she was covered in blood, slumped against a wall and kicking her legs wildly while one of the agents held a gun to her temple.
Bucky knew that he had to act fast, and so he shot the agent with the gun without giving away his position, and then proceeded to open fire on the rest of them, trusting in the fact that Y/N knew how to dodge a bullet.
When he was sure that the agents were dead, each one of them crumpled in heaps on the floor, he slung his gun back over his shoulder and ran for Y/N, who let out a relieved sigh upon seeing Bucky. "Oh my God, Buck." She whispered. She wasn't sure what she meant by the words, what she wanted to convey in them, but he seemed to pick up just fine as he wrapped his arms around her shaking and compacted body.
"You're okay, I've got you." He rested his head on top of hers for a second, breathing heavy, just allowing himself to enjoy how it felt to have his body draped over hers. "We've gotta go, okay?"
"I can't run." She said assertively, knowing that there was no way that she'd be able to get up and run like hell, like Bucky seemingly wanted her to. He nodded once, gave her an apologetic smile, and then scooped her up into his arms without another word.
She scrambled to grip onto his black jacket, a gasp leaving her mouth as he picked her up from the floor, flesh arm supporting the backs of her knees and the metal one around her shoulders. He chuckled at her reaction, the way that she white-knuckled the leather of his combat jacket. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna drop you."
"How do you expect me to believe that?" She croaked, trying her hardest to be her usual, sardonic self, but failing miserably as she realised just how fast and hard her heart was beating.
"Because I just saved you from at least ten guys who wanted to kill you within a minute, I'm not dropping you." Bucky replied as he ascended the stairs and she buried her face in his chest, the smell of his cologne relaxing her. He allowed a soft smile to cross his face, bringing his metal hand to her head and almost rocking her like an infant or a small child who had a nightmare.
For Tony saying that she hated being 'babied', she seemed to enjoy it when it was coming from Bucky.
They were back at the ship within a few minutes. Steve had taken off, and Bucky had gone to sit in the back of the ship on his own. Or at least, he'd wanted to sit in the back of the ship on his own, but Y/N was so shaken up and had looked at him like she was a lost puppy when he'd tried to leave her alone, and so he smiled and told her to come with him.
Everyone else had looked between themselves, grinning like mad. "He really likes her." Steve commented and Natasha nodded.
"She really likes him, I'm well aware of that fact." She said.
"I've never seen The Winter Soldier so caring. And, was that - sorry if this seems outlandish - a smile? On Bucky Barnes' face? Surely not." Tony pitched in, leaning back in his chair while his friends laughed.
Meanwhile, Y/N was curled up in a chair, chewing at her fingernails and dabbing at her bloody face with a wet cloth that Bruce had given her the second that she'd gotten on the ship. Bucky watched her, his heart breaking at the way that her hands shook as she brought them to her face, at the way that her entire body shook.
"Hey." He placed a tender and soothing hand on her back, rubbing gentle circles there. "It's okay, you're safe now."
She gave him a wobbly smile that didn't quite reach her eyes and placed her hand over his, allowing him to interlock their fingers. "Yeah. Safe now."
She still hadn't left his side, apart from briefly so that she could take a shower. He'd offered to come back to her room with her when she'd hovered around the lounge while everyone else had already dispersed, reminding her that no one was going to hurt her.
She was laying on her bed, hair wet and wearing nothing but a big shirt, while Bucky sat awkwardly on the edge of it, twisting the sheets between his fingers. "You don't have to sit there, you know. I have a sofa, or you can sit back."
Bucky shook his head and looked round at her, she was still visibly shaking, eyes darting around to show just how on edge she was. "It's fine, darlin'. M'fine." His voice was more ragged than he'd expected it to be. "I'm just here to make sure that you're okay."
"Well," She held her arms out, "Come here, that'd make me feel okay." It was a bold move, one that told of her feelings towards Bucky, but she didn't mind much, figuring that he probably wouldn't decline her.
He chuckled, shaking his head at her, but still, kicked his boots off and lay down next to her, allowing her to wrap her arms tightly around his torso and press her cheek over his heart. "Hey, you're okay, sweetheart." He stroked her hair. "There's nothing to be on edge about, yeah? I've got you."
"Yeah. Yeah, I know. Sorry, I don't know why I'm so freaked out." Her breathing was picking back up again, so Bucky shushed her and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, something that drove the butterflies in her stomach wild.
"It's okay, baby." The nickname just added to the way that her stomach fluttered, and she swallowed hard to try to forget about it. "Hey, how about I do something that'll relax you, yeah?"
"And what would that be, Barnes?" She smirked mischievously and he laughed at her.
"Lay on your stomach." He removed his arm from around her shoulders, and she looked at him with one eyebrow raised, obviously thinking that he was implying something way more forward than what he was actually implying. "Woah, no, no, no. I give good back massages, metal arm and all."
She laughed, throwing her head back into the pillows at the headboard of her bed. "Oh my God, Bucky. I hate you so much." She breathed out, flipping over so that she was laying on her stomach, back exposed to him.
"Can I pull your shirt up, or?" Bucky whispered, running his hands up and down the back of her t-shirt, and she nodded.
His breath hitched in his throat and he found himself struggling to think straight when he lifted the hem of her large shirt, to show that she was only wearing a pair of black panties underneath. She didn't seem to mind, so he didn't mention it, even though his breathing was hindered as he trailed his hands from the small of her back to her shoulders, thumbs rubbing circles as he did so.
She sighed and could've sworn that her eyes rolled back into her head as she relaxed into his touch, one hand cold and the other warm. She understood what he meant when he said that he was good at giving back massages.
"Feel okay?" He asked softly, swallowing hard. She nodded again.
"My God, Bucky, feels fucking amazing." She moaned, and he hated himself when his stomach flipped upon hearing her. "You're so good at that."
He had to stop when she said that, hands still on her shoulders but unmoving, just sitting still. He couldn't think about anything else other than sex when she was moaning like that, something that he wanted to punch himself for. It was such a tender moment, she was scared and so vulnerable, and all that was going through his brain were those thoughts.
"You okay?" She asked, and when he didn't answer she flipped back over, sitting in front of him. He looked like he'd seen a ghost as his tongue darted out to lick over his bottom lip. She reached a hand out, caressing his cheek gently to bring him back to reality. "Bucky?"
"Can I kiss you?" The words were leaving his mouth before he even knew what to do with them, what they meant and how she'd react. As soon as he realised what he'd said, he had his face in his hands, shaking his head. "Shit, sorry."
"No. No, Bucky, don't apologise. Look at me." She wrapped her fingers around his wrist, prying his hands away from his face. "Yes. Of course you can kiss me."
He furrowed his eyebrows, wondering if what she'd just said was real. She was looking into his eyes so intently, staring at the light blue rings around his pupils, realising how pretty they really were now that she was this close. "Kiss me." She whispered, and Bucky took no hesitation in complying to what she was asking of him.
His lips were on hers, and they were so gentle and soft, gliding against hers effortlessly. He pulled her closer to him with a hand on her back, the other cupping her cheek lovingly. His tongue had soon slipped between her lips, earning a soft little whine from her, as his tongue met hers and they worked out how to move them together in harmony.
She eventually pulled back, breathless, and simply grinned at him before laying back and pulling him with her. They resumed their earlier position, her arms wrapped firmly around his waist, his arm around her shoulders, her head on his chest while his hand stroked her hair. "Relaxed?" He laughed and she smiled and nodded.
"I'll get goin', it's late and you look tired, princess." Another nickname, another flourish from the butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Just as Bucky was getting up to leave, she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him back to her, snuggling back up to his chest.
"Stay. Please."
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parkertech · 4 years
Tattoos & Tears - CHAPTER 1
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a/n: on everybody's 18th birthday, they get a tattoo of their soulmate written on their wrist. for you, it's your best friend who you thought you got over. who even has a girlfriend of his own.
warnings: swearing
It had been exactly a month since the trip to Europe. You spent the entire week by yourself, isolating yourself from Peter. You didn't want to, but after seeing him kiss MJ on the bridge, seeing your crush since the 7th grade kiss another girl, your heart shattered. He sent countless texts, but you ignored them all. If you even thought about him, the tears came out like a waterfall and the aching in your chest became stronger.
By the time the week was almost over, you realized something. Despite the jealousy, insecurity, and overall terrible feelings you felt, you realized Peter was happy with MJ. And all you wanted for him was to be happy. So, you sucked it up, and shoved your feelings down.
You came back to school happier than ever. You convinced yourself Peter was just a crush that didn't work out. To your surprise, life was easier like that. When you were introduced to MJ, you found out you had a lot more in common than you thought. You didn't feel a ping of jealousy when Peter and MJ kissed or hugged or showed any sort of PDA. You just rolled your eyes playfully and complained about them being cute.
Eventually, even Ned had his own girlfriend—Betty Brant. Betty joined you and MJ, and all of you became a trio. Everything was perfect.
And everything brought you to right now. You were walking to your house with Betty and MJ, you being in between them, chatting about the usual. Until Betty brought it up.
"Wait...isn't it your birthday soon, Y/N?" She said a little shocked. Your eyes widened along with MJ's.
"Holy shit you're right! I have only a week left!"
"And then you get to find out who your soulmate is!" Everyone's 18th birthday, was their famous day. Not only because you became basically an adult and almost graduated high school, but it was also because your tattoo would come. It would reveal the love of your life.
"Who do you think it could be?" MJ spoke up. You shrugged your shoulders while thinking.
"Maybe Aiden in Physics?" Betty sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "What? I think he's cute and has potential! Plus we went on a few dates that weren't half bad."
"Oh please, Aiden? We all know who it really is, Y/N." She gave you an obvious look, and you just shook your head with a confused expression. "Brad Davis!" It was your turn to roll your eyes.
"What, you don't think he's cute?" MJ asked a little shocked.
"It's not that! I just...I don't know..." Okay, you had a tiny crush on Brad. But you never admitted it. Because he kind of became a player after the blip. Every girl found him hot, and leeched onto him. Which kind of started his reputation. You didn't want to be one of those girls, but you couldn't help it with his soft hair and gentle, yet mischievous smile. Not to mention, his muscles....
"Oh, please! You do know! It's gonna be him, I bet $100!" Betty exclaims.
"Well then I bet $100 it's Aiden. Just to compete." MJ counters. You giggled at the both of them as they finalized their bet. All three of you eventually made it to your apartment, and said your last goodbyes. You rushed to your room and spent a few hours on your phone, before getting to the more important things. In the middle of your homework, you heard a tapping at your window. You knew it was Peter before you even saw his familiar, bright smile behind the window. You hopped off your bed with a matching one, and opened the window for him.
"Whatcha doin' here, Spidey?" Peter didn't go to your window often, since usually at this time he'd be with MJ.
"MJ's at a peaceful protest and I'm bored out of my mind." He replied matter-of-factly. You rolled your eyes before moving aside and letting him climb in your room. He dropped his backpack on the floor before leaning over your bed and landing face first into the mattress. You chuckled a little before doing the same thing. He then fixed himself so he was on his back, and you turned so you were on his side.
"Someone's getting old in a few days!" Peter said sing-songy. You groaned before burying your face into your blanket at the mention of your special day.
"I knowww! God, I'm not ready." He chuckled at your response.
"Whoever your soulmate is, if he hurts you even once, I'm kicking his ass." Peter said firmly. You raised your eyebrows at him, a little surprised at his word choice and confidence.
"Whoa, who knew Peter Parker had the balls to want to actually kick someone's ass?" Peter just gave you an unimpressed look.
"Shut uuup! I'd totally be able to. I can stop criminals, for fucks sake." He countered. You scoff at him before sitting up.
"Speaking of my birthday, of course I'm gonna have a party, and it's mandatory that you come." Peter rolled his eyes while you put on a puppy face you know he couldn't resist. It always worked, whether it was asking for your favorite candy from Delmar's, or help with homework.
"Y/N...you know how I feel about parties..." Peter started. But you interrupted him.
"Nu uh! You're going! It's a necessity! No refunds, nada!" Peter realized there was no out on this, which caused him to groan a little. You sat there, expectantly waiting on an answer. Peter dragged it out, creating more suspense.
"Fine...only because it's you though." You squealed and gave him a bone crushing hug. Peter found himself hugging you back, and hiding his face in your neck. He could smell your perfume, and almost took a good amount of air to get a better smell. But that was weird. That's what weirdos do.
The rest of the night was spent watching Star Wars movies, cracking jokes, and Peter's constant complaining about your party. You constantly reassured him you'd make sure he would have a fun time, but that didn't stop him from dreading the event. Your fun ended when he got a text from MJ saying that she was back from her protest and wanted him to spend the night. Peter sighed a little loudly, which snapped your attention from the movie to him.
"What's wrong?" You asked in slight concern.
"MJ's back. I gotta go..." Peter felt a little guilty honestly. He barely spent time with you like this, and you were always so understanding. He didn't want to leave. Tomorrow was always another day, but this is his girlfriend. Everyone knows how the girlfriend feels about the girl best friend. But MJ wasn't like that, right?
"Oh, okay..." You didn't mean to sound so sad, but you knew how rare this was just as much as Peter.
Then a weird ache came back in your chest. You cleared your throat, holding your heart while Peter furrowed his eyebrows at you.
"You okay over there?" You nodded and waved him off despite how much it seemed to knot up.
"Yeah, I think it's just heartburn or something." You felt your cheeks flushing and grabbed the cold glass of water on your bedside table and took a big gulp. Peter kept eyeing you in confusion, but nonetheless kept packing up his things and opened your window.
"Okay, well...see you in History tomorrow?" He asked as his leg was resting on your carpet and the fire escape.
"Yeah, you're acting like we don't go to the same school, stupid!" You both shared a little laugh, and then you felt a weird wave in your stomach. Your face fell a little, but not enough to be noticed. You both exchanged one last goodbye before Peter was heading down your fire escape back to his house, where MJ was waiting.
On his way home, Peter felt a weird tugging at his heart. He found himself missing you, more than usual. It was probably because you two didn't spend after school hours with each other in a while. Right? Right.
You on the other hand, were wondering why your body was reacting that way to Peter. It's how you used to react to him when you had feelings for him. But you didn't anymore. You didn't. Have. Feelings. For Peter Parker. Even if you did, he's in love with MJ. And you can't do that to MJ. So there it is. Problem solved.
Letting out a long heavy sigh from your thoughts, you changed from your school clothes and put on a hoodie with some sweatpants. You turned off your bedside lamp before getting in your bed, pulling up the blanket to the middle of your ears. Your thoughts were still on how you reacted to Peter today. But you said it yourself. You got over him.
Peter is nothing more than a friend.
But there was a tiny voice that you tried to silence at the back of your mind.
Are you saying it because it's true, or saying it to convince yourself?
Taglist 🏷: (you can always ask to be here!)
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welpzthisishere · 4 years
Sylvain snaps - Sylvain x Byleth (heavy angst, trigger warning)
Sylvain had been off ever since the death of his brother. He had pushed almost everyone away, even Byleth, who he once showed extreme affection towards, which was a key sign something was wrong.
Byleth was especially concerned when he got into several fights, started hitting on randoms again and she started to receive more serious complaints about him. She decided to confront him as his lover and professor. Partially out of jealousy but mainly out of concern for his well being. He ignored and brushed off all of her questions for the majority of the following three months until she cornered him in his room.
"Sylvain, we need to talk, you can't avoid me forever."
"I can and will!"
"Sylvain... I don't understand, what have I done to upset you?"
"Noone understands! That's the problem!"
"Then help me understand! I want to stand by your side!"
"Why!...I need to go... I've got a date and I'm going to be late!"
"A date?! Sylvain! You promised you wouldn't do this to yourself anymore! Or me!"
"Why do you care?!"
"Because I love you!"
"How can anyone love someone like me! My own family doesn't even care about me! Only my stupid Crest!"
Byleth stood in shock, she thought they had moved past these insecurities at this stage in their relationship. "Sylvain I've already told you I don't care if you have a Crest or not!"
"Yeah right! You just want to have crest babies with me like all the other women-"
Byleth slapped him. "You! I can't believe you right now!" She walked away leaving him staring into space thinking about what he had done.
He started to cry and locked himself in his room. "Damn it!" He kicked over the desk, all his stuff flying everywhere.  The neighbouring rooms, mainly Felix, Ingrid and Dimitri wondered what the hell was going on.
"Sylvain!" Felix was the first to speak knocking on his door. "Open up!"
"Felix, leave me alone." Sylvain sighed, but they could all tell he wasn't himself.
"Sylvain... Talk to us!" Ingrid begged her friend. "I can only imagine how you must be feeling, after Glen I couldn't talk to anyone either, but it helps..." she glanced at Felix who ignored her.
"THIS ISN'T ABOUT MIKLAN!" Sylvain laughed as he yelled at them but his voice shook giving away that there was something wrong.
"Sylvain please... Open the door..." Dimitri says calmly. Sylvain opens the door and they all see the terrible state he's in.
"Sylvain, you look like shit." Felix points out the obvious. "You should come with us, we were about to get something to eat-"
"No! Byleth- I mean the professor will be there!" Sylvain quickly corrects himself hoping the others didn't notice.
"I- I didn't know the two of you were so close... I see you're on a first name basis..."
"How could you not know? It's so obvious they're together!" Felix glares at Dimitri for his innocence. "don't act all innocent!"
"Felix thats enough!" Ingrid sighs dragging them away from each other. "Sylvain, You need to talk to her..." 
Sylvain holds his breath and decides now is a better time than any to tell Byleth how he's feeling. So he goes with his childhood friends and immediately spots her. 
"Byleth... We need to talk..."
She offers him a smile. "so you've come to your senses?"
"I've realised something yeah..." He takes a deep breath. "I can't do this Byleth"
"W-What are you saying?" She looks at him like he's just kicked a puppy.
"Us... we need to stop this... You need to move on... I want you to see other people, better people, you deserve better than me!"
"Sylvain! how can you say that?! you're amazing!" She lets out a few tears.
"I'm sorry, that's just how it is!" He sighed, struggling to stop his own tears from flowing. Then he leaves her there,crying as he ran to town, where he knows she won't follow.
*After Time skip*
Sylvain smiles as he watches her walk down the aisle, and when she dances with Dimitri. But inside he feels his heart clench with jealousy. It was his fault though so he had no right to be jealous. He had her but he gave her away, now one of his best friends had her and he had to pull himself together.
Ingrid marries Dedue soon after, much to everyone's surprise. Sylvain supports his friend the entire way and the feeling begins to stir once more.
When Felix marries Annette the feeling only gets stronger. Sylvain is the oldest after all. He begins to feel like the failure his father always suggested he was. Felix seems to become inseparable from Annette and Sylvain only feels more alone than ever.  
Then the biggest hit... Dimitri chooses to make Felix and Ingrid his first child's godparents, seemingly forgetting all about him. He just laughs it off at first. Too happy for Byleth to say anything. It's Mercedes who brings it up to Dimitri. Dimitri simply apologises and informs him he wasn't sure he'd want anything to do with the child. It hurts a lot and causes a scolding from Byleth. Sylvain reassures her it's fine and he should have said something earlier making Byleth drop the subject at dinner. During dinner he catches Mercedes staring at him multiple times so he keeps up his cheery facade.
Mercedes is the one who finds him.  Dead. A note next to his body confirming her suspicions. She doesn't read it, it hurts too much just seeing him like that. She starts crying and can't stop. 
Felix is the first to be informed and he breaks down as soon as he hears the news. "Fuck... Why didn't he say something! How did we not notice!?! I should have done more!" Annette holds him as they both cry. Mercedes letter falls out of her hands. 
"Felix...No this isn't your fault!"
Dimitri and Ingrid find out at the same time as she is in shock when Dimitri has tears forming in his eyes. "Dimitri?"
"Ingrid...I-its... Sylvain's gone... He's dead!"
He hands Ingrid his letter and she reads it and immediately starts crying. "no....no he couldn't!"
"Ingrid..." Dimitri shakes her to snap her out of her shock. "Ingrid listen to me! Byleth can't find out about this! She'll blame herself!"
"Dimitri! She'll find out eventually!"
"I'll find out what?" Byleth walks in with their son. "Dimitri?"
"It's nothing beloved-"
"Sylvain killed himself!" Ingrid blurts out before thinking earning a look from Dimitri.
"W-what....And Dimitri... he didn't want me to know..." She looks on the verge of tears. 
"He was trying to protect you!"
Dimitri goes over to her and holds her. "Byleth... I'm sorry I didn't do anything..."
"I knew there was something wrong! Mercedes, she said he seemed off, I ignored her! I thought he was just jealous! I should have done something! It's my fault! Sothis!" When Byleth yells out for Sothis time seems to stop. " Help me go back... I have to save him..."
"I'm sorry...I'm afraid it just isn't possible to go back that far..." Sothis says with regret.
"No...Did you know about this?!"
"I swear I didn't! I would have made you do back as soon as possible if I had! He's gone..." She holds Byleth until time resumes and she disappears once more.
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marvel-noms · 5 years
After School Snack
Have my sleep deprived hot mess -snexy))
When Scott first got the instinct he wanted to lock himself away from his family, scared he'd  end up hurting them. Time went on however and Hope told him he was a dumbass for trying to hide from them, they loved him after all. 
Despite trying to keep his work away from his home life he ended up having to gulp his little family down during a mission. He still remembered how horrified he had been when he had to swallow them down. It was a lot different than when he had to tuck Hope away, it was heavier and a bit distracting when Cassie told him to kick butt every so often.
He honestly had expected to never be able to see his daughter away but they had accepted it, knowing he didn’t want to and that it was safe, besides Cassie had absolutely loved it. Scott wasn’t too surprised, his kid had a habit of liking the weirdest things after all. It did make finding a babysitter hard though, most didn’t particularly like a child going on about the insides of a human being, it had been a godsend when he met Peter parker, the kid knowing exactly what Cassie was talking about and why. The little web crawler had actually given him tips about how to handle his kiddo when she was small. 
The only issue was the fact that Peter had taught her how to use very effective puppy eyes which she used a lot on him.  A good example would be when she came home from school.
Scott grins when he hears the door open and slam shut, thrilled his kid was finally back from school. 
"Hey munchkin how was school?" He calls out, finishing putting the last of the band aides on his scratches. He still had issues with being small and hitting the dirt wrong. 
"I don't like it." Cassie whines, making a beeline to her dad. She thought it was burning and the teachers just wanted them to learn useless stuff. She was pretty sure he daddy didn't need to know the 7th's presidents name when he went out on missions.
"No one does, but we have to go." Scotts says sympathetically, grunting when Cassie practically threw herself onto him. She wasn't afraid of announcing what she wanted that was for sure. 
"It's not fair." She grumbles, burying her face into her dad's chest. All she got to do was go to boring school, her dad however got to do super fun stuff with Hope and sometimes he'd even show her the video of what he did. 
"I know, I know." He murrurs softly, running a hand through her hair gently. At this point he took it as a win that he was able to see his kid even after everything that happened. He sighs happily and kisses the top of her head, just relishing the fact they were together.
"But hey, at least you're home!" He says nudging her with a small smile, his smile growing wider when she giggles slightly in agreement. He takes the moment of vulnerability to hit her tickle spots, grinning when she squeals with laughter. 
"Daddy! Stooop!" She begs thrashing around as he tickled her mercilessly. It was little moments like these that just made the day. 
"Or what?" Scott says teasingly, slowly letting up to give his kid a breather. God she was so small and young, before he knew it she would be an adult. He sighs wistfully hanging onto this moment as long as he could, smiling again when tiny hands grasped at his.
"You're a meanie!" Cassie says still giggling slightly from the attack. Scott wasn't sure what triggered him but the instinct screamed in the back of his mind as his kid cuddled closer to him. God he hated this, it felt so wrong to want to eat his child. 
He shudders slightly, trying to act normal for now. "At least it got you giggling grumpy pants!" He says playfully, his stomach growling impatiently as he pushed off the urge.
He hated the way Cassie's eyes went wide at the sound, a look of confusion before she started grinning. Out of everyone he knew Cassie had an odd reaction to being tucked away, then again Stark's littlest didn't mind it either. Maybe it was just a kid thing.
"Oh! Are you gonna eat me?" She asks excitedly, squirming in place. She always knew exactly when he was having trouble squashing the urge down, hell the little crapper would even aggravate it more to get herself gulped up.
"I'm going to try not to." Scott sighs, playfully booping her nose. He wasn't too surprised when she sighs dramatically and buries her face into his chest, looking up at him through her eyelashes. Yep she knew exactly what to do to get his urge to flare up. 
"Now you're playing dirty munchkin." He says with a small grin. He kisses her forehead, trying to ignore his stomachs loud protests of not immediately swallowing his little girl up. 
"M' not." Cassie says innocently, her grin everything but innocent. She knew exactly what she was doing, and it was taking everything in him to not just swallow her up that moment. 
He sighs heavily and shifts up slightly, focusing on adjusting her size to something more manageable. He hated that he was making her a target being this small, but she didn't seem to mind, just excitedly bouncing. She really was something else.
"Alright you win." Scott says with a nervous smile, shifting Cassie into his hand. God she was so small like this, it always freaked him out that he could just hold his kid in one hand like this. He relaxes slightly when she cheers, grinning widely up at him.
"You lil pooper you knew exactly what you were doing didn't you?" He says teasingly. He smiles a bit bringing her up to his mouth. She was so fragile like this, that of course didn't help the ever present urge screaming at him to just tuck her away. He cringes slightly and opens his mouth mentally bracing himself.
"Maaaybe." Cassie chirps, giggling excitedly when she was plopped inside her dad's mouth. She wasn't sure why he hated this so much, it was soft and warm! It got dark and sometimes that was scary but Peter suggested that she use glow sticks which was always fun!
She grins widely, squirming around when she was squished around, squealing with laughter when her daddy started tickling her again. He was always so much fun when he was like this, she wasn't sure why her daddy hated it.
"Stoop! N-no Moore!" She squeals wriggling around as she was mercilessly tickled. 
Cassie's little chest heaves as she tries to catch her breath, still giggling slightly as she tried to calm down. She wriggles around a bit as she reaches into her pocket keeping a death grip on her glowstick, she would probably need it soon.  
She squeaks slightly as she was pressed up against the roof of her dad's mouth. She grins widely when the muscle under the twitched unsafely, like Scott was having second thoughts, like always. Before she could reassure her daddy that it was alright and that she was a big girl, she was squashed down into his throat. 
She smiles brightly as she slipped down with a small squelch. The trip down was always squishy and tight but it was like a water slide so it wasn't too bad. Besides she got to hear Scott's heart as she slipped down into his stomach, she liked that part a lot. 
"You alright munchkin?" Scott questions softly, lightly resting a hand over his stomach. He felt Cassie plop in a second ago so she should be fine right? The waiting always killed him, he never liked having to wait to know if he accidently hurt his kid. 
"Yeah! Peter gave me glow sticks, is it kay if I use them?" 
He sighs in relief melting back into the couch. She was alright, he hadn't hurt her. And the angry yelling in the back of his mind had gone away, so bonus. He hadn't exactly heard what she said over the loud very pleased gurgles of his stomach but figured it wasn't anything yo bad.
"Go ahead sweetheart." Scott says with a pleased sigh. He tenses up when he hears something snapping but before he could panic entirely he saw a soft glow coming from his middle.
Yeah he would so be talking to Peter later about glow sticks.
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naughty-noodles · 5 years
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@honeyaep Don't be sorry, for a writer who loves horror and gore, I'm actually a heccin soft baby too
@c-pyromaniac awe, I'm glad to have a new regular ^-^ and also, the s/o description is a mood. My bf is always lecturing me on how I'm too trusting
(These asks were so similar that I'm putting it in the same post. Hope you guys dont mind)
His first instinct is to push you as far away from him as possible. He's dangerous! Why cant you see that? He's (pun intended) a ticking time bomb!
But... then you start to remind him of his sister. Someone innocent and sweet... someone he failed to protect. So he's now determined not to make that mistake again.
He hides his true self from you. Lies to keep that secret to. He tells you the scars on his face were from when his tics were at their worst. Lies about his job, where he lives, his family, etc.
He knows he cant keep these secrets forever but dammit, he can try.
As the relationship progresses, he starts to notice how you never really lie to him. You're always so genuine and honest and he, well he's the one living a lie.
So he comes clean, trying not to scare you.
He doesn't succeed.
He can see fear in your eyes as he tells you about the slenderman. His past. The things he does.
Hes already in panic mode as now hes convinced you're leaving. Running as far away from him as you can.
But you dont.
Instead, he feels your cool hand on his face as you kiss him
Hes taken aback. Theres no way anyone could trust someone after that conversation. Even you.
But hes proven wrong as you just pull away and smile at him.
"I love you. Nothings going to change that. "
Let's just say he cried happy tears that day
*wheezy weeb breathing*
Dude, you are literally his irl fantasy
Hes skinny af and is hella insecure about it so having a smaller, innocent girl would finally make him feel like a man
Hes not a territorial person, normally he would act like a kicked puppy when hes jealous, but now his arm is always around you like "yo, she mine."
Revealing that he's dead isnt something he really has to do. The moment you met in person, its... kinda obvious.
But you trust him entirely so it makes him mind his form a bit less
He'd definitely call you his princess. You cant escape that nickname
Did someone say manipulation?
Sorry, that's just who he is
He doesn't expect the relationship to last so he abused your trust
But the longer it goes on, he slowly becomes more honest and less of a fuckboy
Protective x 1000
Dont look at my gf, dont touch my gf, dont even breath my gf's air
That's his attitude
Hes an angry bean but you have a calming effect in him
You're his new drug
He rarely says I love you but when it's late and hes tired, you'll catch him mumbling it when he thinks you're asleep
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Johnlock Prompt!
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A little overdue prompt request from @i-dont-shave-for-john-watson that's been nagging the back of my mind.
CW: Bee stings, fluff and sexual tension
If you ask John Watson who is the smartest person in the world, the answer is always the same. Sherlock Holmes. The man was brilliant and clever. Brilliantly clever. He could tell where you'd been for the past six months just by looking at your pinky finger and the length of your eyelashes. Just brilliant.
There were very few times John would contemplate over his answer, wondering if perhaps Mycroft would be a better choice. If Sherlock knew, he'd probably go mad. But how could he refute such a change of mind when such a situation as this arrived. The ex-soldier couldn't wrap his head around it.
"I just-just don't understand." He breathed, holding Sherlock's arm in the air, fingers wrapped around a wet tea towel that was covering the majority of the other's lower arm.
"It was for a case." Sherlock said stonily, having been pretty stiff ever since he had returned to the apartment. Licking his wounds, it seemed to John.
A noise rumbled from the back of John's throat that had Sherlock huffing and sitting up straight in the kitchen chair. "The man was a beekeeper, which meant he had direct contact with pure honey. I couldn't use the stuff in shops, there's too many chemicals, it wouldn't give the same results." His tone of voice seemed to give off the impression that was a good enough response.
John disagreed. "So you decided to shove your bloody hand in a beehive, did you?" He snapped, scolding the younger man like a child. Part of him wanted to slap the tea towel across Sherlock's face and call it a day, but the sad kicked-puppy look his flatmate had was enough to keep him in place, scowling instead of moving.
"I was led to believe that bees were peaceful! I was only going to take some honey, not kill them." Was Sherlock whining? Sherlock was definitely whining.
"You think shoving your hand into their home isn't going to come across as an act of aggression?" John scoffed, ignoring the hard look he received in favour of pulling the tea towel off to check the several stings, see if they had reduced in swelling. Sherlock had opened his mouth to give some kind of witty retort, but John wasn't going to give him the chance. "Honestly, Sherlock... You baffle me. Don't scratch them!"
He stood up, letting the towel hang lamely over his chair as he shuffled over to a cupboard, rummaging through it. A thick silence filled the air as John searched desperately for some ointment, hoping it would help stop the itching.
"The bees turned against me, John..." Sherlock sounded so dejected and bratty at the same time, it made John wonder why on Earth this man was capable of protecting England - scratch that, the world. Sherlock was more of a child than the kids who would play ball on the road outside their house.
John held back the victorious noise when he finally found the cream, instead letting out a small laugh. He sat back down and began applying cream to Sherlock's battle wounds, resting the man's elbow on his lap as he worked. "Look, they didn't know you weren't going to hurt them." He used a soft tone, quiet and something reserved only for kids. It seemed appropriate, even as Sherlock leaned in closer to hear John's words. "They just thought you were going to hurt them, so they reacted. I think bees have to protect a queen that lives in the hive, right?"
He looked up at the brunet, hoping to swell his ego a little by letting him show off some knowledge. He hadn't accounted for how close their faces would be, how he could feel Sherlock's hot breath against his lips as their eyes met. His voice caught in his throat and Sherlock didn't seem intent on responding.
The mutual gaze was held for a long minute before John pulled himself free of whatever gay panic had consumed his mind, and he pulled away. Was that a flicker of disappointment in Sherlock's eyes?
"Yes, they have a queen to protect." The younger man grumbled, slowly leaning back in his chair with a sigh. Oh, the inconvenience of being stung.
John kept the silence after that, unable to form words even if he tried. He just focused entirely on the ointment, massaging it gently into pale skin.
Pulling away somewhat hesitantly, John released his grip from Sherlock's wrist and moved to wash his hands. He glanced over his shoulder to see the other studying his arm with a look of dismay. It was cute, he had to admit, the way Sherlock's eyes and nose wrinkled, showing the creases around the corner of his eyes and nose.
"Don't go itching them, or I'll put cones on your hands." John threatened, partially in jest and received a noise of annoyance from Sherlock.
The soft laughter of the ex-soldier echoed throughout the room as he moved back over to the kitchen table, grabbing Sherlock's wrist once again to lead him away from the kitchen.
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