#he's a groomer and a loser
vinnianlovesdinosaurs · 3 months
House of the Dragon Hot Take #3
It will never not piss me off how so many people just choose to ignore that Rhaenyra is also a victim along with Alicent. Daemon lured her into a brothel, started kissing her and touching her, and then proceeded to leave her there. He then proceeded to tell her father that they had sex when they didn't and tried to blatantly gaslight Viserys into marrying her to him. He then killed his first wife so they could be together, only to end up marrying his other niece/cousin and neglecting and practically abusing her too. And then when Rhaenyra and him were finally married he was yet again manipulating her and trying to get her to start a war. He then commits literal Domestic Violence. This fandom is severely blind-sided on multiple accounts and it's a little irritating, but mostly concerning. Like I see so many people associating being anti-Viserys and Daemon as also being anti-rhaenyra. Like, in no way is that the same concept. I get that Rhaenyra can be irritating and has made some pretty fucking stupid decisions, but she's a victim too. You can't be "Feminist Icons" who see both sides if you ignore one girls victim-hood to acknowledge the others.
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drhadit · 10 months
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midori ukulele apology
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cleverclove · 11 months
Not to associate apology videos or anything but I feel like Claudius totally gives off “Toxic Gossip Train” energy
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shinydudunsparce · 8 months
Getting too much schadenfreude from my abuser getting exposed
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rosesradio · 11 months
honestly now that i think about it it’s kinda wild how any anime fans are antis in any way. i’ve only ever liked like two anime/manga series & watched a little bit of some others & like. even in the most lighthearted animes there’s some form of incest or grooming or something going on. when it comes to fucked up shit you kinda gotta get what you pay for. i highly doubt there’s anything in anime (most media for that matter but especially anime) that isn’t on some anti’s Big List of No-Nos
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littlemisssatanist · 3 months
my acotar unpopular opinions
taking this time to come out as an acotar reader. yes i've read all the books and i've spent way too much time thinking about it. i enjoy the books in the sense that i enjoy hating on many of the characters and loving a few of the others.
be forewarned inner circle fans. you will not like this.
rhysand is not a 'morally grey' character. he's a rapist and a groomer. he sexually assaulted feyre utm, he groomed her (reminder that she was 19 in acotar), and he withheld important medical information from her. 'you'll always have a choice' my ass.
nesta telling feyre about her pregnancy was not a bad thing. why do people act like it is? 'oh she did it to hurt feyre' hurt her by doing what? revealing the lies that her beloved husband had woven? revealing the fact that she'd die giving birth? the fact that rhysand told literally everybody but feyre?
mor is not the champion for women everyone thinks she is. this i will give to sjm it is truly impressive to make a character like women and still be a pick me. i'm not even going to go into her whole weird ass relationship with her dad (i still don't understand why she wouldn't just kill him. 'oh rhys needed the army' rhys is supposed to be the most powerful high lord ever. either admit he's a fucking loser or give me an actual good reason for this) or the fact she's seemingly incapable of doing anything to help the women in the court of nightmares, but everytime she was mentioned, i had to let out a heavy sigh and rub my temples.
on a similar topic. i liked eris. like a lot. out of all the acotar characters sjm has written, eris is by far my favorite.
the inner circle needs to sit the fuck down. they are the most hypocritical bitches i've ever met. they like to think themselves high and mighty. reading them make fun of lucien's band of exiles while their name is literally 'court of dreamers' was the most infuriating thing ever. and then they have the gall to be insulted when called out. don't dish what you can't take.
out of all the inner circle, the only one i don't hate is azriel. this is simply because he is the only one who hasn't opened his big fat mouth and done something bad (except if you maybe count his whole thing with elain). cassian is on my hit list. it's on sight with cassian.
nessian is sjm's worst ship and i will stand by that. lucien/nesta could have been so much. 'nesta would have ripped lucien apart' and cassian was your first choice? not even azriel was considered? like be so for real right now. sjm didn't see the potential of lucien/nesta and i will forever mourn that.
sjm is a terrible writer. i'm not saying this to be mean but she seriously just sucks at it. that being said i admire her ability to still make millions of dollars off her shitty writing. as a woman, i am rooting for her. as a reader, every day i wake up a shoot a prayer to the heavens begging the gods to not let sjm write any more books from the inner circle's pov.
lucien/elain is better than azriel/elain. argue with the wall.
eris/azriel is better than azriel/elain. you can kiss my ass.
NESTA/ERIS IS BETTER THAN RHYSAND/FEYRE. i know this because i have been enlightened.
feyre is a victim to rhysand. that being said, she is also a major bitch. both can be true because these things are not mutually exclusive. i wish she could make friends outside of the ic like nesta did, but i know that's unlikely.
feyre's pregnancy storyline was completely useless and went against her whole character.
acomaf retconned everything about tamlin and feyre's relationship in order to make more money. idc.
tamlin gets a ridiculous amount of hate. rhysand is hypocritical. so tamlin locking feyre in a house because she wants to ride out with him into potential danger is terrible and abusive, but rhysand locking nesta in the house of wind for... *checks notes*... having sex and spending money on alcohol is helping her? what?
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werewolf-cuddles · 10 months
"um, scott pilgrim is a groomer, you shouldn't like him"
holy fuck do people miss the point of this series so fucking hard
yes, Scott starts the series dating a 17 year old, everybody already knows this, it's literally the first thing we learn about him
but the thing a lot of people seem to miss when bringing this up is
A) He gets called out by his friends for doing it, because while it's not technically illegal (reminder; the series takes place in Canada where the AOC is 16), it's still an incredibly sketchy thing to do
B) He doesn't date Knives because he's actually attracted to her. He dates her because he's a fucking pathetic loser who can't get an actual girlfriend.
C) They never have sex. In fact, his reaction to his sister attempting to ask if they have makes it very clear that he doesn't want to do that.
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He doesn't even bring up the possibility of having sex with her until Volume 6, long after they broke up and after she's turned 18, and even then, it's the result of him being in a really bad place mentally and it doesn't happen.
D) Do I need to reiterate that everyone calls him out on it? Because I think it's very important to know that everyone calls him out on it
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ineffectualdemon · 1 year
Summary of the whole Colleen Ballinger situation
I am not someone who watches a lot of YouTubers especially not a lot of original YouTubers but I do occasionally watch drama videos about people I have never watched because I'm a nosy bitch who likes gossip
But the Colleen Ballinger situation is so much more than drama. I've been following it since it blew up three weeks ago and here is the summary of the situation if you're interested
Three years ago when he was 17 YouTuber Adam McIntyre made a video calling out Colleen for running a behind the scenes smear campaign against him and briefly touched on the fact that she had an inappropriate relationship with him which included sending him underwear when he was 13
She made an "apology" video and won the sympathy vote and he was harassed by her fans and generally not believed for 3 years
3 weeks ago another YouTuber named Kodee put out a video proving that they worked with Colleen behind the scenes to smear Adam and came out with a lot more proof that Colleen was being very inappropriate with minors in a private group chat. A lot of which was her asking Adam things like what his favourite sex position was when he was 15. (Side note: Kodee is a whole thing on their own) Adam at age 20 has realised she used him as unpaid labour and groomed him
Adam, while not ready for this stuff to be out there, decided to advocate for himself and shared more proof. Partly because he was relieved to have been finally vindicated. He is now 20 and realising fully how messed up her behaviour was to him and wants to defend past him
All this coming out has led to other former fans that Colleen, her friend Kory, and her brother have been inappropriate with, groomed, abused, or sexualised as children coming forward to share their stories and how they are just now, as they reach adulthood, realising how traumatic a lot of that stuff was
There are a lot of accusations and they have gotten progressively worse
Adam sought out therapy to help him process all this trauma he had kept hidden out of shame only for the world to find out (remember he didn't bring most of the inappropriate sexual comment stuff forward initially. Kodee did)
Colleen is silent for 3 weeks as this all goes down
Last night she releases a video on her 3rd channel titled "hi." Where she pulls out a fucking ukulele and sings a silly little song about how everyone is lying and tried to turn it around and make herself the victim. She's not a groomer! Just a loser! And yeah she did talk to kids in group chats and overshare but she wasn't creepy about it! She promises! While providing 0 proof to defend herself
It goes down exactly as you would expect
And that's where things stand rn
It's a fucking mess
I really feel for the victims especially Adam
The one good thing to come out of all of this is from my perspective is it has led to some very important conversations in my house with my teenager about parasocial relationships, internet safety, and appropriate boundaries
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ghostsbimbo · 5 months
give me a reason - simon ghost riley x reader
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cw: implied dubcon, implied grooming, mentioned age gap relationship. a/n: simon is INNOCENT in this. he is helping reader come to terms with the status that they were a victim. simon isn't being a groomer, he's not guilting reader into consent, and they're not in an age gap relationship. title is from dial tone by catch your breath. please stay safe. minors, if you see this: that adult (18+ year old) is not into you. adults, if you see this and you ignore the fact that your friend is talking to a minor in a romantic aspect: you are part of the problem. words: 437.
All I wanted was an answer All I needed was to know Give me a reason I need a reason All those messages I left you All those nights I spent alone Give me a reason 'Cause all that I hear is A dial tone Dial tone
you two have been sitting silence. you didn't know for how long. all you knew is that the crushing realization of you being in a not so great relationship when you were only 14 with an 18 year old wasn't on the plate of things to do today.
"so all my friends....?" you questioned softly. simon sighed softly, simply nodding. you had talked to him about being with an 18 year old when you were 14, thinking it was normal, it was healthy. it wasn't until you noticed the concerned look he was giving you that it wasn't.
you even talked about the multiple times you tried to reach out to your ex, missing them- even going as far to include the fact he tried to get back with you when you were twenty and well past the age of being a legal adult.
you let out a soft sigh looking up at simon. "i'm an idiot, aren't i?" you questioned softly after the long silence of you mentally going over everything in your head.
simon just sighed softly, putting his arm around you before finally deciding to pull you into a bear hug. "no, you're not an idiot, you were a kid blinded by the fact that class mate was just like you and you fell for the attention he gave you." he pressed a kiss to your forehead, slowly rubbing your back - an attempt at him comforting you.
he didn't need to say anything else, you were slowly coming to the realization you were groomed, that your friends even encouraged so much of it all - peer pressure, wanting to be like your friends who were older than you, not wanting to be considered a loser because you were a virgin, and then on top of it all, your significant other making you think you wanted it - when in all reality, you were fourteen. you were a kid, so even if you did think you wanted it, you probably just actually didn't and just gave into peer pressure.
you finally let some tears fall. "i feel so stupid for falling for him." you mumbled. he didn't say anything, he just held you and let you cry until you fell asleep in his arms. thankfully it didn't take long, considering letting yourself accept the fact you were a victim, did take alot of energy out of you.
he stayed though, he stayed just to make sure you felt safe, and so when you woke up, you knew that no matter what, he wasn't going anywhere. you were stuck with him, just like he was stuck with you.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Percy Jackson is bisexual this,Percy Jackson is bisexual that,Percy Jackson is TRANSFEMININE and the only reason 'bisexual malewife Percy'(GAGS)got popular is the Pjo fandom's misogyny is so strong they won't even let the mc who was intended as a cis white dude be the trauma based misandrist SHE canonically and RIGHTFULLY is because there's been multiple instances where she's proven herself as unlike cis men to other women but ain't no cis men don't that for her ever!!!All they've ever done is either bully her at school,abuse her when she was a child or undertonely come onto her WHEN SHE WAS A MINOR so i support her 100% in her man hating because big mood bestie and you can't use Jason as proof because Jercy works so much because Jason's got tboy swag and autistic rizz and is the Team Dad to Percy's Team Mom,not because Jason's a guy in general and you can quote me when i say that literally the ONLY reason we were robbed of Nico and Percy being cosmic soulmates by found siblings choice in full force is that Rick won't let Percy's egg crack,like just think about it-The ONLY reason they were torn apart is that Nico couldn't stand being best friends with the 'boy' he liked out of internalized homophobia in addition to all the trauma and Percy reached out and took care of him nonstop despite all his bitterness towards her and Hazel is part of it too!The Second Great Prophecy made them meet but NICO brought her back from the dead and Percy's dad is Poseidon and Hazel's ONE exception to animals not being scared of her is horses like hello,the symbolism??????That i know for a fact was accidental because Rick's not that smart and neither are 'bisexual himbo Percy'(GAGS!!!!!!!)believers
Frank is her cousin and Grover was her friend before the trauma set in so don't @ me with that.Luke deadass murdered Beckendorf aka Percy's REAL big bro and mentor who wasn't a fucking serial pedophile who's such a loser he won't even fuck girls who don't look underaged(Kelli passed as a high schooler no problem)nor a child army leader.Percy's an anarchist and Ares is an army chief,Hades abused her babies,Hermes passed down his loser genes to Luke(blaming Annabeth for not saving her groomer?Really dude?)and her explicit opinion on Apollo is he's that gross pervy older male relative she's forced to be around sometimes because he's close with her dad.Percy's a mama's girl who's middle school and high school friends were almost all girls on PURPOSE seeing as she's always complaining about men and worshipping women and that's just scratching the surface!ENOUGH!!!!!I've known Pjo was meant to be about a tgirl and her cast that's mostly lesbians since i was 12 and i will forever stand by it cause it tracks even more than it did then!
Let Ocean Girl BREATHE!Let Percy dye her white streak blue and be a gamer and super into seapunk and glamrock and stuff herself with burgers and fancy homemade blue drinks and desserts and go on dates with her werewolf-adjacent dorky ass boyfriend who worships her like she did other women growing up and spend quality time with her younger siblings she adopted herself before her mom even got to them and beat the ever living pulp out of the weirdo ass men she's had to put up with,which is A LONG ASS LIST,and hang with her girls!!!Nobody cares about your lack of reading comprehension you won't fix because the patriarchy is your safe space and if you're gonna try to make me problematic or 'a bully',what have you posted about Leah Jeffries' Annabeth,Perachel,Theyna and Piper?SPEAK CLEARLY INTO THE MIC🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤
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nerves-nebula · 4 months
I really appreciate that you created Abe. This au explores so many fastest of abuse in such a real way, and it’s so affirming and informative how you write that grooming process in such an explicit way. Like, Abe is such a well-formed character; he’s not just [evil groomer figure], he’s a nuanced asshole, he’s got detail and realistic layers to his bullshitery. It’s so uncomfortable and visceral and helped me get over some shit. I really enjoy that. Stuff like that is why this au means a lot to me.
Awww that’s so sweet thank you!
My main goal with Abe is to write about a guy who would seem cool to me as a kid but who’s actually kind of a loser and a creep <3
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fifteendoc · 11 months
i need to rant about something
im from another fandom on twitter right so before qsmp started i had a pretty negative image about mctwt bc of mf dream, dteam and their supporters. i only watched the brazilian streamers (felps), bbh and skeppy sometimes but im pretty addicted to qsmp since the beginning. i love all the ccs there, especially the brazilians, roier, quackity and jaiden
it just sucks that dreamwastaken is still the “face” of minecraft cause i can barely talk about it without ppl thinking im a weirdo that supports that man and his friends like CAN THEY JUST GO AWAY ALREADY
also its so funny to me that quackity ghosted him and he admitted it on twt like a loser cause if i ever got ghosted i would NEVER say it to my million followers lmao
prob the thing about the qsmp x usmp was part of the reason quackity ghosted him but i also think that he has other reasons for it. i can only assume but knowing that someone u were close with is a groomer, racist and a manipulator isnt nice AT ALL and if that goes against what u believe and think it’s acceptable it’s obviously a pretty fucking good reason to ghost the shit out of them
im just waiting for them all to go back home so i can finally confirm that they definitely aren’t friends anymore
he just annoys me so much, i wish he wasn’t a disgusting human being to begin with and i also wish he hadn’t made the entire mctwt reputation be THIS bad
(im praying for no pictures/interactions and im not even religious)
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phightinghottakes · 23 days
ok so update on BH being Scott Pilgrim who was a groomer
Scott Pilgrim was NOT a groomer, he was an 18ish y/o dating a high schooler. The movie made sure to clarify they never kissed and especially never *ahem*. The entire point of the movie is that he was a terrible person and his friends made fun of him for dating a high schooler. The main plot or whatever is him fighting some sort of demons so he can get a girlfriend his age.
BH being Scott Pilgrim was not a groomer joke, it was a "look at this fuckin loser" joke
Oh thank god
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richeeduvie · 3 days
weve seen the twitter liking spree roman goes on in logan au. what tweets is he liking in kendall au? is there any fallout from that?
We know Logan isn't as anywhere near as threatened by Roman as Kendall is. But the tweet spree did get him a little, the foot video got him a little worse. Can we imagine Kendall's reaction to the whole situation? We can.
A news account posts a pap photo of Kendall and Baby.
'imagine bagging that and then turning her into a druggie like what'
'jumpscare: Groomer and his victim on the TL'
'can I call the police?'
'brother ugueh'
'You guys are fucking losers lol. She's a billionaire who did that all on her own, she'll be fine.'
'booo boo you boring boring fucking bitch'
'Did I just piss off Roman Roy'
Kendall's looking at the screenshots of what Roman's chosen to like. It's a blank, closed-mouth stare.
'The Roys share pussy and seeing how she was being he pumped her with heroin, I understand why'
'Men can ruin a woman can't they like oh my god'
'...Is he trying to kill her?'
The fallout in terms of Waystar's reaction and the news's response to Roman's tweet spree is the same. But with Kendall?
Kendall's silent. Beady. Roman's rolling his eyes at it. Just fucking...be pathetically mad. It's not going to change anything.
They're alone in a room together. Roman's got his arms crossed.
"I'm not bad for her."
Roman's pffs. He scratches the back of his head.
"Yeah...I...I um - I don't think that's the general consensus but yeah. I do know that. Don't make this into a fucking thing."
"You made it...you made it well known how you feel about the situation of the person you didn't choose so - I think I-I need to make this into a thing. Or maybe I just need you to know that she's okay, Rome. I understand that you're still angry, but she's fin-"
"Fuck off. I liked some tweets about your druggie love. For me? That's PG. And all of those tweets were PG. Get over it. It doesn't mean anything except that I drank. Are you going to deny Roy drug usage?"
Maybe it's not so bad, only because it wasn't as if Baby's liking the tweets. Kendall knows how Roman feels.
Still, it's something to see Roman and those tweets - the way the world feels about them. It shouldn't matter, but if she ever saw them, they could. They can't.
And he wants to make Roman hurt, just a little. Not out of his own desire, but just spite. It's fucking childish, whatever.
But he's not bad for her and Roman can't just get out of this with a stupid, smug smile and a pitchy laugh.
"Even if I was, which apparently I am according to your fucking timeline...you do think it would be your fault if anything happened to her, right? Cause this is kind of all your fault and you just find ways to pin it on me...so yeah."
Roman's pffy smile drops. His arms drop.
"Because apparently I'm trying to kill her but outside of that, even, just us being together is your fault. Wasn't it that whole Tabitha thing? Or...whatever, I wasn't invested in it. But it's not. Things just happen. But if you're going to believe anything, it should be that and not you being a fucking asshole to me."
Kendall goes to leave. Roman almost claws at him, but he just breathes hard and alone instead.
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niamflopped · 8 months
Leave Taylor Russell Alone, You Racist Creeps
By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | October 3, 2023 |
This past weekend, actress Taylor Russell, star of Waves and Bones and All, appeared at Paris Fashion Week. Wearing a stunning metal coat sculpture by Loewe, for whom she is an ambassador, she sat front row by Josh O’Connor and Anna Wintour, giving her one of the most sought-after placements of the season.
Russell is a daring fashion figure as well as a celebrated actress currently receiving rave reviews for her West End theatre debut in Lucy Prebble’s The Effect. There’s a lot to be excited about with Russell, from her fascinating sartorial choices to her work with the likes of Luca Guadagnino to her impeccable charm in interviews. Oh, and she’s also possibly dating Harry Styles.
As you can imagine, that last part has become probably the defining part of her current public image. Styles is wildly famous and his love life has been obsessed over since he was a teenager. Every woman who has ever been even remotely connected to him has been subjected to a barrage of misogyny and hate from a vocal subset of his fandom.
Olivia Wilde, who he dated after working with her on Don’t Worry Darling, was labelled a groomer hag for being in a relationship with a man who was pushing 30. Tess Ward, a food blogger who was merely rumoured to have dated Styles, saw her cookbook review bombed on Amazon and faced intense hate on social media, as did model Camille Rowe, who Styles apparently had a year-long relationship with.
So, alas, it’s not surprising in the least that Russell, a beautiful Black award-winning actress with a famous boyfriend, has become the subject of such attacks.
It doesn’t take long to find the hatred online, whether it’s sad creeps on Twitter claiming she’s an ugly social climber, TikTok conspiracists insisting she’s the latest PR beard keeping Styles away from his true love Louis Tomlinson, or Reddit pages spinning dramatic tales of her sultry wiles that will devastate poor millionaire Harry.
The cycle of being the girlfriend, confirmed or otherwise, of an internet boyfriend begins anew. Same as it ever was.
With Russell, there is also the horrendous typhoon of racism on top of the misogyny. She’s a Black actress dating a white man who is more famous than she is, and therefore she is somehow the enemy to the white women who cannot let go of their inflated fantasies of Styles.
All the screeds about her ugliness (which are so astonishingly and objectively false that it boggles the mind) are thinly veiled insults regarding her race. Her career achievements are invalid in the eyes of those who view any woman connected to Styles as a fame-hungry vulture using his spotless image to inflate their own egos. They love to claim that nobody knew who Taylor Russell, an award-winning actress and muse of a luxury fashion house, was until she met Styles. Then again, they said the same thing about Olivia Wilde, too. Facts don’t matter. These insults don’t even need to seem true. They’re just the same old insults used over and over again, to be recycled with every woman who dares to approach their beloved.
I doubt many of these so-called fans actually care about the person they spend so much time devouring. At the very least, they’re so wholly consumed by their conspiracies that they’ve grown more attached to a delusion of utmost misery than a true desire for happiness for their favourites.
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how did reader capture yeves attention? if i remember correctly, in his original post it mentioned saying reader was like his perfect calculated partner or something (i’m probably way off im so sorry my memory is that of a goldfish) which it makes me wonder what of reader he liked so much? or maybe it was a love at first sight thing? when he was doing one of his barbie jobs he ran into reader and everything spiraled from there? with the reincarnation thing i see the issues but i think if you make yeves meet reader later in life, as in he had no clue they were reincarnated until he meets them again when they were 18 or something, then it would make sense plus lessen some of issues the prompt comes with. in general i just want to know why he likes us so much because me personally im a lazy greasy loser of a person that it’s pitiful and i have no clue how someone as perfect as him can see me and go “ah yes, my life partner 🥰”
Ah yes motherfucking Yves "Icanfixthem" no last name
But i would say he's completely loveless during his flop era, like he's stabbing people left and right, robbing people, getting trafficked, stealing drugs and suffering from eating disorders, that's really long time ago and he did not have the capacity to think about normal human stuff
Like i still haven't logically figured out his timeline yet, cause if i make him too old then his flop era lasted like for 2 fuckin centuries and he never got past his mistakes, make him too young then his flop and slay era is too overlapping
Cause there has to be some time in between core memories, he was jailed and imprisoned so many times even was sentenced to the electric chair but because hes YVES he escaped and done some corrupt shit to start anew
Like one of his pieces of lore i was planing is that he got sent to prison and sentenced to death cause he was doing fuckin deranged experienents on humans patients like agent orange and mk ultra shit
And hes a doctor, a mathematician, a parole officer, a researcher etc those need time man
And don't forget he did have parents that are like him
So as of now our mothering yandere just has a groomer lore 😍
Relevant links
1. One of my first asks of yves which hinted something tahat hes been watching for a while now
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