#he's a nutcase okay
sunset-peril · 4 months
Sat still for too long and created Midna Marie's absolute basket case of an ancestor from the Divine Beast/Ancient Hero era.
TW: Breeding programs involving humans, extremely dehumanized humans
Name - "Perfection" (later known as "Failure")
Sex - Male
Breed - Wolfbred
Program Classification - Perfect Standard
Short Description -
Also known as "Failure," Perfection is a genetically modified Hylian werewolf (known as a Wolfbred) who is regarded as the Yiga Clan's greatest accomplishment. (Back when the Yiga were still part of the Sheikah tribe). He, along with a distant descendant of his named Midna Marie, are two of the only Perfect Breed Standard Wolfbred in history. (I based this last bit off the Ideal American Quarter Horse which, according to the last time I was at the American Quarter Horse Association's HQ, has never been 100% met by any registered horse)
Rambly Description -
Hey! That face looks familiar!
This was the Pre-Yiga's (Sheikah before the split who had Yiga-like behaviors) greatest accomplishment. The perfect Wolfbred, loyal to no one but the Queen of Hyrule, ruthless on the battlefield, and physical perfection in accordance to the Wolfbred Breed Standard. Bred to be the Chosen Hero's Living Divine Beast, there was not a single Wolfbred more Wolfbred than he.
Too bad he's 👏bat👏crap👏cra👏zy
Wolfbred are known for being hyper-monogamous, only taking one mate for the entire lifespan even if that mate permanently disappears, which made the breeding program a problem (which is why the Wolfbred were usually "mated" to a researcher so that they could be artificially "bred" to multiple Wolfbred despite their monogamous state.) This guy, however, has actually ZERO qualms about laying with any Wolfbred lady in heat! This, combined with his "perfect" genetics, made him the breeding program's most priceless creature. If this guy isn't properly restrained, he will be either tearing something to shreds or making more puppies.
Hence his registered name of "Failure." He's perfect in every physical way, but his extreme behavior issues make him seem almost non-Hylian, and eventually became a catalyst for the program's shutter. He actually has two registered names: He was registered as "Perfection" at birth due to the reasons listed above by the Pre-Yiga, but after he reached adulthood, the Sheikah (non Pre-Yiga) and Hyrulean Royal Family re-registered him as "Failure" due to his extreme problems.
Sunset's notes - I haven't decided whether he is euthanized when the program is shuttered, or if he somehow escaped euthanasia. Either he or multiple of his offspring made it to Hateno Village alive, because his genetics are very prevalent even in the modern Wolfbred population. He's the source of 99% of the behavioral problems in Wolfbred males, especially Link. Link is the descendant of many of Failure's children.
Hyrule's Final Stand Masterlist
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smh my head edyn isnt the navys chosen one bcus the navy comms guy who gill overhears says 'fish girl contact' and 'chosen one' as if theyre two different people. but he does imply that the navys chosen one is also from the undersea? because he says "maybe youre all freaks" to gillion while being interrogated. so who the fuck IS it???
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cleromancy · 10 months
the thing with tim is sometimes when he goes with his feelings over his logic brain its 100% the right decision bc when he gets too in his head about logics he stops listening to his heart yk. other times his heart is saying things like "maybe if i clone my dead friends and raise the infants i wouldnt feel so bad any more" though so it depends
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
gonna badly rate my taxi driver brb
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cannibalizedlove · 3 months
Watching you.
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Information and warnings — Creepy Donnie, stalker, talks of masturbation, virginity, sex, I don’t know if this is intense enough to warrant a “Dead Dove Do Not Eat” but it’s in that realm so be advised, match his freak? (his freak is criminal behavior).
Donnie Darko was a boy you didn’t really know, you were aware of his existence, yes, but you didn’t really know anything about him except he had terrible handwriting. The two of you sat shoulder partner style in English class. You never really interacted other than the few times you would be missing notes from the day you were absent prior and you had asked permission to copy off of him.
This exchange meant nothing to you, it was to you a simple transaction, nothing more than an easy opportunity to cheat on the next quiz. Yet to Donnie, this was the start of a new life for him.
Donnie had a tendency to get obsessed with things, ever since he was little. When he was younger, he was obsessed with war movies, he would rewind the tape just to watch the bomb scene again and again. Destruction was only the start of his concerning interests. As he grew up, so did the obsessions, a few years prior he was stuck on guns. He passed it off as an interest in fighting for his country, drawing back to the war films, but in reality it was the power of destruction held just by his finger on a trigger.
Now a new one had formed. You see, what you had believed was simply copying notes, was to Donnie; an invitation to a new obsession. He began watching your every move, he knew every tic you had, every nervous habit, every scab that you didn’t know how to leave alone.
Donnie watched you like it was his job, and you didn’t notice it at all.
Donnie was great at that, really. If he was ever called out on his creepy behavior, he easily passed the blame on to his hallucinations, he would pretend to break down and explain that he didn’t want to be a bad guy! It was the people in his head! You have to believe him, sir!
Be it the hallucinations didn’t help his creepy behavior, but they definitely weren’t the only cause of it. Donnie knew he was concerning, and it was a thrill to him.
Yet, you knew nothing about it, you didn’t even notice him.
A part of him resented you for it, he hated you for it. Why won’t you look at him? Why won’t you give him what he desperately craves?
The other part of him, though, loved it. Donnie could stare at you for hours, and you didn’t even notice. You were so oblivious, it was so cute. Donnie thought about the danger you could get yourself into being this unaware, how some terrible person could hurt you, and you wouldn’t even know why!
You should thank him really, if it weren’t for Donnie following you, you could’ve ended up with a real nutcase as a stalker!
The thought of someone else watching you the way Donnie did made him violent, he wondered if any other guys or girls at Middlesex thought about you the way he did. He knew he would take care of them if they even thought about making a move on you, you were his! You just didn’t know it yet, but you didn’t know a lot of things really.
The stalking started out tame, he’d follow you around school, memorize your schedule, take notice of all your stupid friends who weren’t half as interesting as you were. It made him angry, you hung around such stupid people. Why did you spend so much time with these idiots when you could be with him, loving him, taking care of him.
You would soon, he just had to teach you!
The stalking evolved over the next few weeks. He just wanted to make sure you got home safe! Oh, and of course he wanted to know your favorite drink from the gas station! It’s his job to know this, silly!
You know, it’s really dangerous to keep your blinds open, you should invest in curtains! What if a sicko wanted to watch you get changed.
Donnie wasn’t a sicko though, so it was okay for him. It was just to learn about you more, he loved learning about you! He loved learning that you still wore superhero underwear, and how you had all your favorite bands on your wall. On his walk home, he bought a tape from one of your favorites, and hoped you didn’t miss the pair of underwear he took.
Donnie used the pair he took to masturbate frequently. He thought about you when you would listen to your walkman and dance around your room in nothing but a tank top and boxers, or how when you would masturbate yourself you would get really embarrassed after you finished.
He wondered about your virginity, had you slutted yourself out to one of the Middlesex losers, or if you were waiting for the perfect guy such as himself to take it from you.
Sex with you is what he thought about oh so frequently. Sometimes he thought about taking you out to a really nice restaurant, and bringing you home to meet his family, and then make love to you. Other times he would think about opening your window and going from there.
Donnie didn’t want to hurt you, well he did, but only if you would let him! He would never do something you didn’t want, that you knew of.
He just wanted you to notice him, for you to be as in love with him as he is with you! You were Donnie’s whole world, he told his therapist about you every session. Under hypnosis, he told Dr. Thurman he wanted to have sex with you, and she had to wake him up before he could continue his thoughts.
The lack of attention was starting to annoy him more than ever. You didn’t understand. He was perfect for you. Did he have to spell everything out for you? He knew he wasn’t in love with someone dumb. So he began to talk to you more and more to show you how much you really did need him.
You thought he was sweet, he was attentive when you spoke like every word that came out of your mouth was the most interesting thing he had ever heard, and he would leave you little notes in your bag when you were leaving class.
It was only a week of talking before the boy asked you to go with him, and you thought it was the cutest thing. You told him about your favorite bands, and movies, and he smiled and said the two of you should watch them together sometime.
Silly you, he already knew all this. You didn’t have to find that out though! You were his now! It didn’t matter how you got to this point..
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 2 years
Daniel J Nightingale is the absolute bane of John Constantine's existence, and yet here he sat, in the watchtower, talking to zattana, and eating John's fucking sandwich.
"I'm sorry, why is the fucking youtuber here, and why is he eating my food?" He asked, feeling pretty pissed.
Zattana sighed, "I know he has a less than credible internet presence, but he does have information about the Lazarus pits." She looked over her shoulder back at Nightingale, who was staring back at her with false innocence. "And I have no idea where he got that sandwich."
"Sorry man, I was pretty hungry."
"Oh mate, I'm sure you were!"
Zattana put her hand on his shoulder, giving what probably looked like a reassuring squeeze, but actually felt like a fucking vice on his trapezius. "We are trying to have a conversation about the pits, John."
"What in the everloving fuck is some trendy, backrooms influencer going to know about dimensional runoff??!"
"Hey," said Daniel, putting down the now half finished sandwich, "Do you actually think what people call 'the backrooms' are actually part of this dimension?"
"The fuck does that mean?"
"Okay," He said, putting his hands flat on the table and looking like he was getting ready to go on a rant. "So in the 90's to early 2000's a couple of scientists were able to discover a new energy source that existed in very faint portions all over the world, but mostly in graveyards and like, battlefields where people died. This energy would connect with the emotions of the recently dead and form extradimensional beings right here on earth-prime."
And the realization dawned on John, "No." He said, but Daniel nodded. "Not the Fentons, there's no way those nutcases were right?"
He nodded uncomfortably, "Well, they were psycho but they were right. Found a thinspot between dimensions over in Illinois and punched a hole right through, forming our fist stable portal to the Infinite Realms. AKA the dimension where both 'the backrooms' and your little Lazarus Pits originate."
Daniel picked the sandwich back up and let that new information sink in for a bit, picking up a stray piece of lettuce off the table.
Constantine felt like slamming his head into the nearest wall. The insane occult scientists had been right the whole time and now some fucking youtube hack was their best lead to taking down what was basically a magic crime ring.
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rangerbarbz · 29 days
Serving Up Romance pt. 2
Author’s Note: Alright, y’all were eating up the first part of this. (THANK YOU SO MUCH BTW) I am so grateful for all the kind words you’ve given me about my writing. It truly makes me so happy and I enjoy writing for y’all thoroughly. I hope you enjoy this second part! 
You took a deep breath and looked at yourself in the mirror. It was time for your date with Stan, and you were more than just a little nervous. It had been so long since you had been on a date, you weren’t even sure if you knew what to do on one. Do you hold his hand? Do you kiss him? Things were different when you were at the diner. That was your safe space, and you felt more confident there. Now, it was just going to be you and him alone in a car. At night. Watching a movie. Oh, God. 
You sighed and straightened out the fabric of your second-hand dress, removing any wrinkles that were there before. “I hope he likes it,” you mumbled, running your hands through your hair. This was the first time he was going to see you out of your uniform. You sat on the edge of your bed to slip on the sandals you had dug out of your closet. He was going to be here soon. 
Suddenly, the doorbell rang. You sprung up from the bed to put on some perfume. “I’m coming!” you called out, dousing yourself in a vanilla scent you couldn’t remember the name of. You set the perfume bottle down on your nightstand and ran to the door. 
“You got this,” you whispered to yourself, turning the door knob to reveal your date standing on your welcome mat. He was facing the road but turned around when the door opened. He was wearing a brightly colored Hawaiian shirt, blue jeans, and scuffed up leather boots. His mullet was nicely styled, and he had trimmed his stubble. He flashed you a toothy smile. 
“Wow, you look foxy!” Stan complimented you, raking his eyes over you. You grinned and gave him a twirl to show off how flowy your skirt was. “Oh, I got you these by the way.” He held out a red, heart-shaped box to you. “I heard that girls like chocolates, so I wanted to surprise you with some.”
You giggled. “This girl definitely does,” you said, placing the box on the armchair of your couch. “Thank you so much.” You tilted your head at him, feeling your smile wouldn’t leave your face the entire evening. “You look so handsome, Stan Pines.” You hooked your arm around his. “I’m one lucky gal.” 
Stan laughed and you noticed a blush forming on his cheeks. “Ah, well, shucks. Thanks, toots.” He looked over at you. “But I think I’m the lucky one here. You ready to go?” 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
On the car ride to the drive-in theater, Stan told you about a visitor that he described as a “total nutcase.” You always enjoyed hearing him tell stories because he told every story in a way that made you feel like you were seeing the events play out right in front of your eyes. He was captivating; it was no wonder he was such a successful showman. You were so engrossed in his retelling that you didn’t notice how his arm was behind the headrest of your seat. It was such a small romantic gesture, but it made butterflies grow in your stomach all the same
You finally arrived at the entrance of the drive-in movie theater; Stan rolled down his window to pay the man at the ticket booth. “Alright, sir, park wherever you like, and turn your radio to channel 95.1. Enjoy the movie!” 
“Thanks,” Stan replied before driving into the lot. He leaned against his steering wheel, searching for a parking spot. “Damn, there’s a lot more people here than I expected.” He looked over at you with a frown. “I’m sorry, doll. I think we’ll just have to park the Diablo here. I can’t get around anyone. Is this okay?” He was hoping he hadn’t ruined the date. 
You gave him a reassuring smile. “This is okay. I promise.”
He nodded. “Alright, so that joker said 95.1.” He began fiddling with the knob of his radio to switch stations. “Bingo,” he said after he finally got it tuned correctly. “Now, this is a horror movie, so if you need to, ya know, jump into my arms if it gets too scary, I’ll be ready to catch ya.” 
You burst out laughing. “Same goes to you, Pines. I know how skittish you can be.”
Stan scoffed in response. “Please, I’m the least skittish person on the planet.” 
“THE FRIGHTENING OF OAK AVENUE WILL BEGIN NOW,” the radio blared. Stan jumped out of his skin, letting the expletives fly.
You smirked and raised an eyebrow at him. “Okay, that doesn’t count,” he grumbled.
“That’s okay,” you scooted closer to him. “It doesn’t bother me that you’re such a scaredy cat.” Stan shook his head and wrapped his arm over your shoulder, giving you a gentle squeeze. Oh my goodness. His arm is around you, and he smells really good. Try not to let him see how excited you are.
“Okay, that’s enough sass-mouthing, miss,” he joked. “The movie’s starting.” You giggled as your attention was brought to the screen. To be honest, you could give two shits about this movie. You couldn’t stop thinking about how comforting it was to have his arm around you. 
You didn’t know how far you were into the movie when you saw Stan out of the corner of your eye gazing at you instead of the film. You turned your head towards him, and his eyes quickly reverted back to the screen. You felt your face get warm as you continued watching the movie, but you had failed to suppress a small chuckle. 
“What?” Stan asked gruffly. 
“Nothing,” you replied coyly, leaning your head against his chest. You heard his breath hitch in his throat. “You just make me feel pretty.”
You couldn’t see his face which Stan was grateful for because he was looking like a deer in headlights. You could feel how fast his heart was beating. “You are pretty,” he responded, voice barely above a whisper. “Told ya that the first day I met you. Wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”
You straightened up so you could face him when you said this. “Stan, I…I have seen a lot of people walk through those diner doors.” Your nerves were starting to get the best of you. “But I have never had anyone come into that restaurant that made me feel the way you do.” You looked down and began to run your fingertips over the hem of your dress. “I just want to know if you feel the same.” 
“I-I do, Y/N,” Stan replied, stopping your hand from fidgeting by lacing his fingers through yours. “Felt that since the beginning.” He sighed. “Y/N, I know I’m not the type of guy you bring home to your parents, but… If you give me the chance, I know I can be a man you’re proud to be with.” You felt like you were about to cry.
“Oh, Stan.” You cup his face in your hands. His sad, brown eyes gazed into yours; he leaned into your touch as you caressed his cheek. “If you’ll have me, I’ll scream from the top of city hall that I’m dating Stan Pines.” 
He gave you a lopsided smile before kissing the palm of your hand; his hand was gently holding your wrist. Is this real? His face was inching towards yours. “I’m holding you to that.” His hands were now cradling your jaw, bringing your lips to his. They were soft and sure against yours; your eyelids fluttered shut as you accepted his embrace. You placed your hands on his chest and snaked them around his neck, his dark hair falling onto your fingers. His lips were gone too soon as he interrupted the kiss to look at you. His eyes darted over your face, making sure you were still here and okay. It seemed like everything he touched lately disappeared before his eyes. 
He began to shake his head in disbelief. “God, you’re gorgeous.” His lips then crashed back into yours, drinking you in. He loved the way your mouth felt. He then moaned so quietly that you barely heard it yourself, but you did. You smiled against him, fingers tugging at his hair; you licked his bottom lip wanting to taste him on your tongue. His lips then parted letting you explore further. 
Stan whined at the feeling of your tongue swirling around his. His hands moving to the back of your neck and the small of your back to get you as close to him as possible. When you broke free of the kiss, his lips began to travel down your jawline and your neck. He was insatiable; he needed to discover every part of you with his mouth. 
“Fuck,” you breathed when he got to your collarbone. “Don’t stop.” His strong hand grasped at your waist; he now knew you were just as affected by this as he was. He started to suck a bruise into the dip at the crook of your neck. You cried out, desperately grabbing at his shoulder blades. 
When Stan was satisfied with the mark he left, he gave it a soft kiss. His eyes met yours once again. His lips were slightly swollen and shiny from the lip gloss you had applied earlier today. His cheeks were flushed from the intensity of the passionate moment you had shared. He then smiled and leaned in to speak against your lips. “So, what do you think about ditching this movie and heading back to your place?” 
You closed the almost non-existent gap by biting his bottom lip and dragging it through your teeth. Stan let out a sinful groan at the contact before you let him go. “I thought you’d never ask.” 
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simpleeticklish · 1 month
Pick On Someone Your Own Size || Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) Tickle Fic
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Summary: Wade is tired of Logan constantly poking fun at Mary Poppins' appearance and decides to teach the man a lesson. Unfortunately for Wade, Logan is more than capable of teaching a few lessons of his own.
Warnings: Canon-typical language and allusions to violence.
Requested by the lovely @just-a-fluffy-knight!
Wade liked to consider himself a patient man (he was, in fact, the farthest thing from it). However, there was only so much injustice one man could witness before he was obligated by the universe to intervene, and Wade was quickly approaching that point with Logan. Why, you may ask? Did Logan drink the last of the beer and forget to buy more? Did he leave the toilet seat up when Vanessa came to visit? Did he beat Wade in a particularly nasty game of poker?
Yes, he had done all of those things, but what was REALLY grinding the mercenary's gears was Logan's insistence on making fun of their newly acquired canine friend.
“It looks like a rat with fucking mange.”
“Did the poor little batard get dropped as a puppy or something?”
“She’s staring at both of us at once, that’s creepy as shit.”
“Seriously, that is the ugliest fucking dog I’ve ever seen.”
One or two, Wade could deal with, but he simply could not stand by and allow his precious little angel to continue being subject to such a brutal assault on her cuteness. No, it was time to make a stand!
“Alright, that’s it!” Wade sat straight up, turning to face the perpetual grump currently lounging a few feet away at the opposite end of the couch. “I’ve had it up to HERE with the bullying, mister! Haven’t you watched those cheesy PSAs they used to air on Disney Channel?”
Logan averted his gaze from the television, his eyebrows raised. “The fuck are you talking about?” He rumbled.
“You know what I’m talking about!” Wade retorted, pointing an accusatory finger at the other man. “You’ve been ragging on our poor, sweet Mary Poppins all week!”
“The dog?” Logan asked, clearly exasperated.
“Yes, the dog! Quite frankly, I’ve had enough of the ableist comments about her cute little mug, Peanut.”
“You honestly think that THING is cute? You’re more delusional than I thought.”
At that moment, Wade made a lunge for Logan. He knew it was stupid, he really did. He knew it was practically a death wish, but damn it, he never claimed to be a smart man, okay? By some work of god or luck, the mercenary had seemingly caught the other off guard, with Logan letting out a loud yelp as he was forcefully pushed back against the sofa cushions.
“What the FUCK do you think you’re doing?!” He growled, eyes narrowed. “Get the hell off of me!”
“No can do, bucko. I think it’s time I taught you some manners.” Wade retorted, hands working to fend off Logan’s attempts to push him away. “Would you hold still? Fucking hell, I haven’t even done anything yet!!”
A snort tore from Logan’s throat, a smirk tugging at his lips. “You? Teach ME some manners? That’s fucking rich!” His hips gave a particularly harsh buck, nearly dislodging Wade in the process. The mercenary yelped, torso flinging forwards as his hands instinctively latched onto Logan’s sides for support.
At that precise moment, something downright MAGICAL happened, dear readers. A high-pitched, startled sound erupted from Logan’s lips, accompanied by widened eyes and hitched breathes from both parties.
A giggle.
Logan Howlett, the Wolverine, fucking giggled.
The two stared at each other for a moment, neither moving or uttering a word. Then, a gigantic grin bloomed across Wade’s face, and Logan felt his heart jump into his throat.
“Oho, what do we have here?” Wade crooned, fingers still latched onto Logan’s torso but remaining unmoving. “Doth mine eyes deceive me, or did you just-”
“I didn’t do shit, you’re just hearing shit, ya nutcase.” Logan growled, steeling his features as he held Wade’s gaze with as much confidence he could muster. “Just get the fuck off of me, you fucking prick!”
“Nooo, I definitely heard something!” Wade’s excitement was growing by the second, and Logan didn’t like it one bit. He gave the X-Man’s sides another quick squeeze, and while Logan was prepared enough to hold back any noises this time around, he still gave a sharp flinch at the touch. “Holy fucking shit, Batman! You’re ticklish, aren’t you? Aaaw, isn’t that just precious?” He cooed with delight.
“I swear, if you don’t-” Logan started, his lips slamming shut as Wade’s fingers began to wiggle into his muscular sides, squeezing just above the hips every so often. Shit, he couldn’t let WADE of all people break him with something so fucking stupid! He would never hear the end of it! Logan took a desperate swipe at Wade’s ribcage, claws sliding out in preparation to dig into the merc’s flesh, but Wade was a step ahead of him, immediately taking the opportunity to dig into the newly exposed armpit.
Well, fuck.
“Shihihihihihihit!” Logan cursed loudly, slamming his arm down in an attempt to protect the sensitive spot but only succeeding in trapping the mischievous fingers there.
“I knew it! The big, bad badger is tickwish, isn’t he? Isn’t he?” Wade crowed, talking to the other as if he were talking to a baby. Logan felt his cheeks warm as he tossed his head from side to side, their shade no doubt rivaling the red of Wade’s suit.
“Shuhuhuhut up!” Logan snapped, hating the way a barrage of giggles immediately interrupted his words the moment he opened his mouth. “Lehehehet go, motherfuhuhucker!”
“After all of those cruel, cruel things you said about dear Poppins? Ooh no, I think you’ve earned yourself an EXTENDED session with the tickle monster, tough guy. Besides, do you HEAR yourself right now? You’re way too cute to just STOP!”
“I’m nohohot fuhuhuhuckin’ cuhuhuhuhuhute! I’ll kihihihihill yohohohou!” Logan threatened, chest shaking with titters as a soft wheeze rang through the air. “Cuhuhuhuhuhut it ohohohohout!”
Wade was most certainly NOT going to cut it out. Damn it, there was a certain group of people on their internet whose mouths would WATER at the chance to reduce THE Wolverine to such a giggly state, and by god, Wade was going to do just that (in their honor, of course). His fingers spidered up to Logan’s ribs, beginning to scratch between each bone as he counted loudly. “One ticklish wittle rib, two tickwish wittle ribs…”
Logan’s cheeks turned a few shades redder, his laughter increasing in pitch in a manner the man found downright mortifying. “Shuhuhuhut up, shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup, shuhuhuhuhut uhuhuhuhup! Fuhuhuhuhuck!” His legs kicked frantically against the couch, claws digging into the cushions as a snort tore through his giggling.
Wade couldn’t hold back a cackle of his own. “Oh my god, was that a SNORT? You SNORT? Are you sure you aren’t a pig instead of a badger?” He smirked, giving up on counting in favor of taking his fingers back down Logan’s ribcage towards his stomach. “What’s the matter? All these muscles not helping too much in the ticklish department? Does this make you wanna squeal real good? Come on, Peanut, squeal nice and pretty for me!”
Logan let out another loud wheeze, back arching before crashing back onto the sofa, laughter pouring out of him in waves as Wade began to ruthlessly claw at his stomach. “FUHUHUHUHUCKING STAHAHAHAHAP, YOHOHOHOHOU ASS!” He howled, eyes squeezed shut with mirth as he desperately attempted to suck in his stomach. “DAHAHAHAMN IT, NOOOOHOHOHOHOOO!”
Wade grinned wolfishly, his tickling picking up the pace at Logan’s increased hysterics. “Uh oh, it looks like we’ve hit a sweet spot! Does the wittle badger have a tickwish wittle tummy? Does he?” He crooned. He was SCREWED when Logan inevitably freed himself, he knew that, but Wade was okay with digging his own grave. The chance to make the big grump SHRIEK was just too enticing.
The feeling of a finger wiggling in his navel was what finally did it. Logan let out a downright precious squeal, laughter going wild as he wrenched his hands upwards (now claw free), seizing Wade by the hips and flinging him backwards. The mercenary’s back his the arm of the couch, eyes wide with shock. “Alright, alright! Calm down, buddy! Let’s save the rough stuff for the bedroom, yeah?”
Logan collapsed back against the cushions, panting as his arms instinctively wrapped around his still tingling torso. His eyes narrowed, an effect completely ruined by the lingering laughter at his lips. “Fuhuhuhucking hell! What was that for?” He huffed.
Wade gave a little shrug. “Well, at first it was to make you stop being such a jackass to our beloved canine friend, but then you just had the cutest little giggle and I just couldn’t help myself.” He grinned coyly. “Don’t act like you weren’t having fun! You could have stabbed me at any time, but you didn’t, did you? Because you liiiked it!”
The X-Man felt like his ears and cheeks were on fire, and he wanted nothing more than to shut the prick up, but he just couldn’t bring himself to kick Wade’s ass (perhaps because the mercenary’s words held a bit of truth to them). After a moment, however, Logan returned Wade’s smile, although his had a FAR more intimidating undertone. “You like tickling me so badly? Let’s see how you fucking like it, huh?”
As Logan slowly began to move forward, looking downright MENACING with that gleam in his eye, Wade felt his heart start racing. Instinctively, he raised his hands as he attempted to stand up, only to be immediately tugged back down as Logan took ahold of his wrists. “Now, Logan! W-We can talk about this, right?” He chuckled nervously. In the blink of an eye, Logan had him pressed on his back against the couch, smirking down at him in a manner that was downright villainous. “Gee, if you wanted to be on top so badly, you could have just-”
“You just never know when to shut up.”
Fingers dug into the mercenary’s sides, clawing and wiggling with sheer ruthlessness in their mission to make Wade SHRIEK. In mere seconds, they succeeded.
“Fuhuhuhuhuhuhucking Christ! Hohold on, hold ohohohon! Waaaaahahahahait!” Wade squealed, clumsily fumbling for Logan’s wrists as he immediately burst into a wave of high-pitched giggling.
“Jesus, you couldn’t even last a second? I knew you’d be bad, but this is fucking ridiculous.” Logan chuckled, delighting in the way Wade collapsed with titters at the assault on his sides. “Looks like someone can’t take a taste of his own medicine, can he? And you said I’M the ticklish one…”
Wade shook his head, wishing for the security of his suit as he felt his cheeks turning a bright red. “Fuhuhuhuhuck you! Dohohohohohon’t! Eeeeehehehehahahahaaa!” He forced out, eyes squinty with giddy mirth. “Y-Yohohohouou are SOHOHOHO muhuhuhuch wohohohohorse!”
Logan raised a brow. “Still sassing me? You have no sense of self-preservation, do ya?”
Wade let out a borderline SCREECH as Logan’s hands found their way into his armpits, arms snapping down in a frantic, vain attempt to protect themselves. “OHOHOHOHO SHIT! N-NOHOHOHOHOHOOO! CUHUHUHUT IT OHOHOHOUT!” Wade giggled shrilly. “Y-YOHOHOHOU’LL MAHAHAKE ME LOOK BAHAHAHAD IN FROHOHOHOHONT OF THE REHEHEHEADERS!”
“I don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about, but this seems like a good spot. How about we stay here for a bit, yeah?” Wade WAILED as one of Logan’s hands decided to dart down and experimentally squeeze one of his thighs. “Or how about right here? Vanessa mentioned these being SUPER FUCKING TICKLISH at the Christmas party back in December.”
“I’m just fucking with you, it was a lucky guess, and a pretty damn good one going by that reaction. Now, let’s see if I can tickle a fucking apology out of you for your little stunt, shall we?”
“Oh, you’re playing that card again? You SO deserve this now..”
“Wahahahait, what are you doing? Lohohogan, Logan nohohohohooo! Dohohohon’t you fuhuhuhucking do it! I’ll kill you, motherfucker! LohohoGAHAHAHAAHAHAAAN!”
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orphicdreamers-wp · 9 months
Better Hide Your Love — Nico Hischier
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Summary: In which Jack and his girlfriend set you and Nico up on a blind date and neither of you are willing to give them the satisfaction of knowing it went well.
Content Warning; Blind date, mentions of previous sucky dates, secret relationship, sneaking around, plotting bff & jack.
Pairing: Fem Reader & Nico Hischier
You let out a defeated sigh as Maisie pleaded with you to let her set you up on a blind date. You’d gone on your fair share of blind dates recently, most going horribly whether you were stood up, the guy realized how much money you made and expected you to pay when he ordered the most expensive meal on the menu, made comments on your appearance or one of your interests. They just hadn’t been going the best. Maisie smiled, “I promise if the date goes badly I will order you takeout whenever you want for 4 months.” You grinned, “Deal, only because I hate paying for food I didn’t cook.”
On the other side of town Jack was doing the same thing his girlfriend was doing, but for his best friend. Nico shook his head, “No way Jack. After what happened last time I let you set me up no way in hell!” Jack held his hands up in defense, “Hey! I didn’t know she was a nutcase and would tattoo your face on her ass. But I swear this girl is perfect. She has a good paying job so you wouldn’t have to worry about her being with you for money, she’s friends with Maisie so obviously she isn’t crazy. Look if the date goes shitty I’ll let you drive my car for a month.” Nico raised an eyebrow, amused by the offer, “Alright, I’ll go. Just text me when and where.”
Jack grinned as he hurried to his phone to call his girlfriend. He pressed the phone to his ear, “Hey Mais, he said yeah. Okay Friday night at 8? Drinks and dinner. Okay at DiLaurent’s right?” He nodded as his girlfriend agreed. He returned to his friend, “DiLaurent’s downtown at 8 on Friday night. Dinner and drinks.” Nico sighed as he ran a hand over his face, “This better be a decent date Hughes.” Friday came quickly and you were standing in front of your mirror sporting a soft smile. You opted for a black dress with ruffles and a slit up the thigh. You paired it with simple gold heels and gold jewelry and a red lipstick and winged eyeliner.
You let out a deep breath, “I got this.” You grabbed your thin gold clutch and hurried out of your apartment and downstairs to get into the backseat of your Uber. You nervously tapped your nails against your bare thigh. You arrived outside the restaurant and thanked your Uber driver and headed inside. You told the hostess your name and she led you to a table where a man sat with his back to you. From what you could see, he was definitely taller than you and muscular and he looked damn good in dark red.
You smiled as he stood up to pull out your chair, “Y/N right?” You nodded, “You must be Nico. Hi.” Nico smiled at the woman sitting in front of him. She was effortlessly beautiful and her eyes held a twinkle in them that Nico was interested in looking at for awhile. You smiled at him, “So how do you know Jack if I can ask? Maisie didn’t give me much.” Nico grinned, “He’s my teammate, and most days my best friend. How do you know Maisie?”
You laughed, “We were roommates at boarding school in Switzerland when we were in like grade 9.” Nico smiled widely, “What boarding school?” You smiled as you crossed your feet, “Brillantmont International.” Nico shook his head, “No way! My sister went there.” You laughed, “I loved it there.” The waitress approached your table, “Have you had a chance to go over the drink menus?” You looked at the woman, “I’ll just do a white wine if possible.” Nico looked over the drinks, “I’ll take a Negroni.” The waitress smiled as she walked away to get your drinks.
You and him fell back into a smooth rhythm of conversation. Nico smiled as he took a drink of his drink, “So what do you do for work? Jack said you make decent money.” You laughed, “I’m the head athletic trainer for the Harlem Wizards. I also sent to med school and am doing a cardiology residency. I worked for the Seattle Mariners for a while before moving here.” Nico grinned sheepishly, “So if I get hurt you could nurse me back to health. Good to know.” Your cheeks flushed a deep red at his comment.
The waitress had returned to take your order for the meals. Nico ordered first as you weren’t quite ready yet, “Could I have the chicken broccolini alfredo with extra garlic?” You smiled as the waitress turned to you, “Could I have the 8 oz steak, medium rare, extra mushrooms and onions and a side of loaded mashed potatoes?” The waitress smiled at you two, “Of course I’ll have that right out for you. Can I just say you two are a stunning couple.” You smiled at Nico as he thanked her. Nico grinned, “Hey at least people think I could convince a beautiful woman to be my girlfriend.” You laughed, “I’m sure you could.”
The date ended just as well as it started. You and Nico had both ordered the same dessert and laughed about it. You agreed to not tell Jack and Maisie blow well the date went. You made plans for another date. You exchanged numbers as Nico waited with you for your Uber to arrive. You returned to your apartment sporting a grin. You could hear the low hum of your television so you knew that Maisie was in your living room waiting for you to return home to pester you about the date. You pulled out your phone and sent Nico a text telling him you got home safe.
You wiped the smile from your face as you unlocked your door and entered the apartment, “Hi Mais.” Maisie turned off the TV at hearing your voice, “So how was Nico? Was he sweet? Did the date go well? Are you seeing him again? Me you and the guys can double date now! We can go to home games together!” You laughed at the woman’s antics, “Nico was fine, he was kind and respectful. He was just too blah for me. I don’t think we’re gonna go out again.”
Maisie frowned, “Okay, well do you wanna watch TV? There’s a new Love Island episode on.” You shook your head, “I’m wiped Mais, I just wanna take a shower and go to sleep. We have a game tomorrow so I have to be in early to do pre game checks.” Maisie nodded, “Alright, good night. I’ll let myself out.” You hugged her as your made your way to your bedroom and began to get your stuff ready for a shower. You allowed the huge smile to return to your face as you did so.
Nico entered practice the next day with a spring in his step. He was cautious about letting Jack see it so he could lie and say the date didn’t go well so you and him could enjoy getting to know each other without having Jack and Maisie in your ear the whole time. He entered the locker room when Jack spoke, “Hey so what went down last night? Mais said she thought Y/N seemed off after the date.” Nico shrugged, “We just didn’t click. We have nothing in common.” Jack left it at that.
A good two months had passed since the blind date and you and Nico spent every available moment together. You sat high up in the crowds at hockey games while Maisie sat in her box seat. Nico made appearances at a handful of Wizards games. Currently you two were sitting on your couch making out as an Etta James vinyl played on your record player. You two had gone out to a dive bar the previous night. Nico didn’t have practice today so he spent the night. You two had watched all of the Scream movies and then made dinner together and now were making out.
He’d asked you to be his girlfriend the night before. You pulled away from the kiss as you heard keys in your door, “Shit, go hide in my shower. It’s Maisie, I forgot that I told her she could raid my closet for her anniversary date with Jack today.” Nico pressed a quick kiss against your lips as the door opened. He hurried down the hall into the bathroom as Maisie entered the living room, “Hey Y/N, seriously you don’t need to be drinking this much. What did you forget you had a glass already. She was gesturing at the two wine glasses on the coffee table.
You let out a sigh of relief, “Let’s just find you an outfit so I can get back to my horror romance book.” You shut a book near you and made your way to your bedroom. You laid across your bed as Maisie began to flip through your clothes landing on a silk purple dress and heading for the bathroom, “Wait Mais! Just use my room, I have to shit.” Maisie nodded as she returned to your room and you made your way into the bathroom and pressed a hand over Nico’s mouth as you stood there in silence.
You dropped your pants and sat on the toilet as Maisie entered the bathroom. You had never been more grateful you chose dark green shower curtains. Nico was completely out of view of Maisie as she fixed her hair up. Maisie turned to you and sighed dreamily, “I can’t believe I’m celebrating my two year anniversary. I mean Y/N don’t you wanna fall in love?”
You sighed sadly, “Yeah someday, I just don’t want to be the person who falls in love with someone incapable of loving them back, again.” Maisie shrugged, “I know, maybe you should think about trying another date Nico. He’s sweet and still single.” You shrugged, “I don’t know maybe. You should go before your late. You look stunning Maisie.” Maisie smiled at you, “Thank you, I’ll see you later.”
You waited until you heard your front door shut to speak, “That was so close.” Nico spoke as he stepped out of the shower, “I know, maybe we should tell them? I don’t love hiding this now that I know Jack isn’t gonna screw it up for me.” You shrugged, “Maybe your right.” You and Nico returned to your heavy make out session on the couch.
A few weeks later Nico had convinced you to come to his game and you two would figure a way to tell Jack and Maisie you guys had been dating. You had your own plan, you’d borrowed many of Nico’s spare jerseys and you decided to borrow one and wear it to the game. You paired it with a pair of ripped jeans, black converse and an oversized leather black jacket. You put a bit of red lipstick on and clipped in some silver hoop earrings.
You were climbing up the stairs to your seat when Maisie called from a lower part of the seats, “Y/N! What are you doing here?” You smiled as you hugged her, “Can I sit?” Maisie grinned, “Of course sit!” You pulled your leather jacket off as you turned to your friend. Maisie was sporting a confused look, “Why are you wearing Nico’s jersey?” You sighed, “It’s a good thing your pretty Mais.”
Nico skated onto the ice and smiled to himself upon seeing you in his jersey sitting with Maisie and the other WAGS. You had your back to the ice when Jack noticed you and turned to his friend, “Did you finally get a girlfriend Nico? Who’s the chick with my girl?” Jack’s eyes bugged out of his head when he saw the girls face as you turned around. Jack gasped, “You are such a liar! You two have been together for months! Haven’t you?” Nico’s face paled, “Maybe.”
Jack skated away from his friend and stopped in front of you. He glared at you, “You owe us big time! Both of you.” Maisie looked at you then her boyfriend and finally Nico, “You bitch! You’ve been sneaking around behind my back to my face!” You grinned, “I just wanted to have one thing to myself for a while. It’s new though, we’ve only been dating for like 3 weeks.” Maisie grinned, “I’m so happy! So the blind date was a success?” You grinned as your boyfriend approached you, “Yeah.”
Nico grinned widely, “13’s a good look on you.” You grinned as a bright red blush painted your cheeks, “I could say the same thing about you Mr Hischier.” Nico grinned, “So you still up for tonight?” You smiled, “Definitely.”
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dadsbongos · 2 months
Hi!!! Hope you’re doing well - I just want to take a moment to gush before I ask something, because I’ve really enjoyed your blog since finding it:
1: your writing is SO good I’ve reread your dunmesh fics several times now & just eat them up every reread. I’m stoked you also have funger content & can’t wait to eat those up
2: your blog’s aesthetic is just 🤌🤌 chefs kiss
3: your chilchuck’s wife fic - I’m convinced you are the chilchuck expert you characterized him so well (& the bit in the 3some fic when he choked the reader ? gulp)
OKAY on the with the actual question: I was wondering if you have any chil thoughts for the chilfuckers? Maybe some sfw / nsfw?
thank youuu :] i'm so glad to provide for the dungeon community with both meshi and funger <3 and also extra glad to make the chilchuck people proud, he's my fav lil man
i have so many chilthoughts bc i am a verified chilfucker i need that middle aged man
nsfw chilthoughts 
MEAN mean man
Likes to make his partners huff and whine, especially if they start haughty or mouthy
Facefucking, especially, for the mouthy ones. Wants to shut you up and make you drool
Lately the thought of Chilchuck fist-fucking a bigger race has been making me sweat… like yeah lil man, get up in that thang… I need to write it. Maybe some dwarven wench who keeps mocking Chil, or an ogre that feels its appropriate to pick n lift him up while working
Schrodinger’s breeder kink - sometimes its all he’s thinking about and sometimes the thought is entirely uninteresting
Touched on it a BIT in my body swap fic but i think Chil has a really sensitive neck and likes being held there (maybe not choked, but grabbed and stroked for sure)
Has a secret goon for younger partners but doesn’t like admitting to it, the taboo of it makes him all hot especially since he knows most other races can’t tell. Like a VERY poorly kept secret that could ruin his distinguished reputation
i also have chilchuck fic ideas that i haven’t fleshed out, but thought it’d be a shame if they sat in my ‘puter unseen:
Idea 1: Reader is a young elf, only about 72, and against all odds began dating Chilchuck. On his 30th birthday, it's brought to attention that you’ll be in your 90s when he dies. Leading to a spiral wherein you’re just trying to live in blissful ignorance to your races’ lifespan difference, and Chilchuck assumes you’re mature enough to handle his death, move on, and remember him fondly… lol… anyway. When Chilchuck dies you study how to maintain your own mana without a dungeon and practice minor healing spells until you can do a full revival, which fails on Chil, so you have to turn to dark magic. Basically rewinding his life until he’s the same age as when you two met and he’s upset you brought him back because YOU could get in major trouble and that’s when you confess you didn’t tell anyone when he died bc you knew you’d bring him back -- and you’re a nutcase that keeps doing this every time he dies despite knowing he wants to die peacefully. Omg loving someone so much you need them at all costs even ruining their perception of you… 
Idea 2: Chilchuck helping a 20-ish(+?) y/o half-foot negotiate a contract for themself and he thinks they’re soooooo cute so they get together, and he’s kinda nervous to bring them around cuz you’re crazy young compared to him. Not even a child to speak of GASP. The party doesn’t notice at ALL cuz they have no idea about anything about half-foot aging and customs -- but his daughters look at him sideways lmao
and this is literally not even a full fic idea but i have a note from my chilchuck master doc for you lol
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im so normal about him
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vindicated-truth · 1 month
I've ruminated a lot about how Joowon doesn't process social cues as a normal person would, for reasons that may be due to his nature or to his upbringing: he's read as someone who's either neurodivergent / autistic, or a survivor of childhood trauma with CPTSD—or quite possibly both.
I realize this because with both Dongsik and Hyeok, Joowon completely misunderstood what the two of them were trying to tell him—that both of them were just trying to protect him, each in their own way.
In Busan, Hyeok told Joowon this:
"Joowon-ah. A good boy like you who learned everything from books and believes the world is just and fair shouldn't get involved with a nutcase like Lee Dongsik. He'll make use of you in every single way, and nothing will go your way. You struggle, and you put up a fight. Then he ends up devouring you. And like that, the end. "It's okay, Joowon-ah. We can't help it. How can you, who had a privileged life, win against a guy who had to tough it out on the streets? You could never win unless you were reborn. That's why I, who also lived a tough life will do everything I can to— "Just leave everything to me."
What Hyeok has been trying to tell Joowon here is that he, as Joowon's hyung, his surrogate older brother, will be the one to do all the dirty work in Joowon's stead, because Joowon couldn't possibly understand what it's like due to the privileged life he leads.
Joowon, however, interprets it as a dare.
'You have to be reborn. You have to be exactly like Dongsik.'
And that's exactly what he did: he followed Hyeok's advice according to his own interpretation of what Hyeok told him. (He even thanked Hyeok for it, which meant he clearly understood it as advice but with an entirely different interpretation.)
It's why post-Episode 8, I don't look at Joowon as a "worse" version of himself, but I see him as doing his best to be Dongsik 2.0. After all, that's whom Hyeok told him to be like.
He did exactly what Dongsik did with Minjeong's fingers and Lee Geumhwa's burner phone: he planted his own evidence so that the police would take notice. Dongsik himself has figured this out, even if he didn't know or understand why Joowon suddenly chose to follow his lead.
What Joowon did in planting Yoon Mihye's death certificate and the fishing line used in Kang Jinmook's suicide in Nam Sangbae's vault is the same tactical strategy Dongsik did.
Dongsik knew that even if he did call to report on his discovery of Minjeong's fingers in the Kang basement, all it would lead to is a possible indictment of Minjeong's mutilation, but not necessarily her disappearance and death (since he has no evidence to support otherwise). Dongsik would have no way of proving that Jinmook killed her—or all the other women whose bodies still haven't been found, including his own sister.
Similarly, Joowon planted the fake "evidence" in Nam Sangbae's vault because he has no way of reporting that Sangbae has been stalking Jaeyi in Busan without endangering her (because at this point he has no clear idea what Sangbae's intentions are in tailing her); while at the same time he has no other way of trying to find out Jaeyi's intentions without alerting Sangbae to her whereabouts, which is exactly why he also blackmailed her with the dashboard camera footage.
Joowon, with his intellect, used these strategies knowing that neither Sangbae nor Jaeyi will be indicted for it. He knowingly planted the evidence because he knew that with the video footage of multiple people going into Sangbae's office, Sangbae won't be indicted for it. He knew that Sangbae would still be safe and will very likely be released. And he knew that Jaeyi won't be indicted either, despite the dashcam footage, if it's true that she had nothing to do with Jinmook's death.
Joowon is smart, and he isn't cruel. In both Jaeyi's and Sangbae's cases, he knew that the evidences he "manufactured" won't be enough to indict them. He just did all these to push things forward and set the ball rolling for the police to take notice—exactly like Dongsik did with Kang Minjeong's fingers and Lee Geumhwa's phone.
And exactly what Hyeok, in Joowon's understanding, told him to do.
Similarly, during the meal Joowon shared with Dongsik after Joowon confessed his father's crimes, Dongsik told Joowon this:
"About that recording, I saved the file using different methods. So that if you get out of my sight, I can spread it right away."
What Dongsik meant about this is that he was worried for Joowon's safety, especially because what Joowon just vowed to do—bring his own father down—would likely bring Joowon into the line of fire too.
But Dongsik never wanted that. Which is why what he meant by threatening to expose the file if Joowon disappears is that he actually would be willing to give up the chance to indict Han Kihwan for his sister's murder if it meant Joowon would be safe. If it meant, in releasing the illegally recorded evidence, that Joowon can come back to him safe and sound.
This actually speaks volumes about how Dongsik has come to truly care for Joowon because he is, in essence, going against everything he has ever said to Lee Sangyeob, once upon a time: No citizen shall be placed in double jeopardy.
Dongsik knew that in releasing the illegally recorded file, without the pertinent evidence to back it up, would erase the chance for Han Kihwan to be indicted if he's released due to lack of evidence. Yet despite fighting all his life to find his sister's murderer, he's actually willing to forego the chance to finally indict Han Kihwan if it meant Joowon would be safe.
(It's partly the reason too why he refused to hand over the recording to Jihwa when she asked for it, because Dongsik has to make sure he has that ace up his sleeve so that if necessary, he can also protect Joowon with it.)
Joowon, however, once again interpreted it wrongly. It's because he's the son of the murderer of Dongsik's sister, because he had just vowed to bring his own father down, and because of his own rigid moral compass that he holds everyone up to, including himself—
It absolutely does not compute in Joowon's mind that Dongsik would be doing this for his safety—that Dongsik was worried for him.
Instead, he hears it for the threat he believes it is: If you disappear and don't follow through with your promise to bring Han Kihwan to justice, I will release this recording even if it meant it will destroy your life too.
And it's not even that Joowon cares about ruining his own life—he makes it very clear that he doesn't—but that he's determined to prove to Dongsik that his vow wasn't an empty one and that he would see through it no matter what.
Which is again, exactly what Joowon proves, over and over again, until the end when Joowon, while calmly aiming a gun at his own father, asks Dongsik himself to finally handcuff Han Kihwan after 21 long years.
What I'm trying to say in pointing out both scenarios with Hyeok and Dongsik is: Joowon listens. He actually follows what is said to him, especially by people whom he has a great deal of respect and care for.
He just couldn't interpret any of it as people caring for him, because he grew up in an environment where people didn't care for him, where the very people who should have cared for him the most either sent him away (his father) or abandoned him (his mother).
(Hyeok, the only one who has ever stayed, was initially paid to be there. It had never occurred to Joowon that Hyeok would eventually still choose to stay for him.)
The idea that someone worries about him is unknown to him, heartbreakingly so, which is why he couldn't interpret it that way.
And I think, if we keep this in mind when we reevaluate his actions again when we (inevitably) watch the show again, it'll go a long way in understanding Joowon a little more than just being the two-dimensional arrogant little prick that he was initially set up to be.
He is so, so much more than that.
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searchingforgravity · 18 days
Graceland Experience - PART 5
Fandom: Elvis/Elvis (2022)
Prompt: The next stop you need to make is one to the library to find out if you have any chance of making your way back home. Then, you explore Elvis' room.
TW: Brief mention of sex, mention of sex toys and objects, implied smoking, profanity
Word Count: 2801
A/N: Sorry for the slow burn with this series guys, but it will be worth it!
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"Hey, I'm sorry about last night. I just really thought you were a nutcase, Y'know?" Sonny laughs nervously before shoveling a plateful of food in his mouth.
Everyone at the table looks to the two of you. You, Sonny, Elvis, and Jerry all sit at the kitchen table. You are surprised that they let you sit to breakfast with them, but they've all seemed to accept the fact that you're not crazy. They still look at you with curiosity. You're the exciting new topic in the house. The girl with amnesia.
You absolutely hate it.
"Yeah, it's fine," you say quickly, focusing now on your plate of food, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.
"I mean, you really had me goin' there," he laughs.
Annoyed, you pick at your food refusing to respond. There is an awkward beat as everyone turns back to their food.
"Thought you were just batshit cr-"
"Sonny! Fuck off," Elvis grumbles, not amused.
Your body flushes in embarrassment. Looking across the table to Elvis, he meets your gaze, his cheeks flushed with anger.
You quickly look away.
God, how you wished there was another girl in this house. Most of the time, it's just the boys.
"Right," Sonny snaps, clearly offended.
Silence again.
You look over at Jerry. It's so odd, he's just a teenager. You recall all of the photos you've seen of his as an older man, and it's surreal. You watch as he makes a joke to Elvis, trying to win his approval. Elvis chuckles. Jerry's eyes light up as he shoves a forkful of eggs in his mouth.
It's so surreal.
After another moment, you let your gaze wander around the room. You haven't really had the chance to see it since you've been here. The house is buzzing. It's so full of life. This is what you've dreamed of.
You can feel someone watching you.
Looking back to the table, Elvis is watching you intently, like he's trying to read your mind. When he catches your eye, he doesn't look away. Instead he gives you a curious look, lingering.
You clear your throat in thought. Should you say something?
"So, do fans line up outside your door all the time?" You ask.
Stupid question.
Everyone looks at you again. Everyone looks dumbstruck by your question, like you don't live in 1961.
"Are you kiddin' me?! Every day! They love Elvis, it's almost scary. Gosh you aren't a fan are you?" Jerry suddenly pipes up, teenage boy energy bursting.
Your face flushes.
"No! I am obviously, you're amaz-" you start, then stop.
Elvis gives a smug grin, crossing his arms.
"I mean-."
Oh God, stop talking.
Before anyone can comment further, Elvis speaks up, sparing you the spotlight.
"Yeah, I really appreciate all the love. I don't deserve it sometimes."
"Aw, c'mon E, sure you do! Hey, remember those two girls that mailed themselves to the house? That was crazy, man. Now they were batshit. But they were cute girls. You're so lucky, you can get all the tail you want. And you did get some action with one of 'em right? Or was it both?"
Well, there's that. Elvis' cheeks flush as he shoves Jerry by his shoulder.
"Jer, come on, there's a lady at the table."
Jerry glances over at you looking like a dog with his tail caught between his legs.
"Oh, right. Sorry ma'am."
You tell him it's okay as you try not to laugh.
"Hey, Elvis?" You ask, catching up with him after breakfast as Sonny and Jerry go outside to the stables, him following closely behind.
Elvis turns to you.
"Yeah, what's up, honey?"
You hesitate. It might be a risk.
"Do you remember asking me if there is anything I needed last night?"
"Yes, I remember."
Here goes nothing.
"I was actually wondering if I could get a ride to the library."
"The library? I don't see why not. If you want some books, you can write down which ones you want and I have a guy that goes out and gets things for me."
That won't exactly work. You don't want written evidence of you requesting time travel books.
"Well, I actually wanted to go myself."
He gives you a sideways glance.
"Are you sure that would be a good idea? Don't you need some rest for your memory?"
"I think it might be good if I go out. Maybe it could help jog a few things in my mind."
Good thinking.
"Hm, maybe you're right. It seems you got some memory back. At least I know you're a fan," he teases, winking at you.
Your cheeks burn as you look to the ground. There's a brief awkward silence.
He clears his throat before continuing.
"Well I can't go with ya, but I'll tell Sonny to give you a ride. How does this afternoon sound?"
"That sounds amazing. Thank you."
Getting into the car with Sonny, you're suddenly nervous. You are about to go out in public in 1961. You still partially believe you are in some crazy dream. You look down at your outfit, making sure you look the part, and you do. You are wearing a simple pink shift dress. You aren't usually one to wear a ton of dresses, but you certainly can't wear your usual clothing now. And you have to admit to yourself that you are starting to enjoy wearing these dresses. Elvis had some ordered to the house once he realized you might be at Graceland for more than a few days.
"Hey, uh, I know I said it already, but I am sorry for acting that way last night. Just been high strung the past few days, I guess," Sonny says awkwardly as he starts the car.
"It's okay. I understand, I don't blame you, really. No one knows me here," you relent, looking out the window.
"Yeah. You don't seem too bad, though. It's been nice I guess having something to focus on. It was startin' to get boring around here. Elvis hates boring," he laughs, the southern drawl peeping out of his voice.
You hadn't noticed it before.
You aren't sure how you feel about Sonny taking you to the library, you aren't sure if you like him yet, but he was your only option and you had to take the opportunity.
Sonny turns the car, heading for the back of the house, to your surprise. The front entrance leaving your line of view.
"I thought we were going out the front way."
At this, Sonny gives a genuine laugh.
"No, honey, we almost never use the front entrance. Do you know how many people are out there? Hundreds. We wouldn't get to the library before it closes."
You turn your body as you try to look and see if you can get a glimpse of the fans out front, but it's too late, the entrance is already out of sight.
When you get inside the library, it's quiet. There are a few people wandering around, but other than that it's empty. It's not so different from a modern library, except there are no computers. Only books. It's insane to see. Everyone you see are either in dresses or the men in slacks. Some men wearing hats. You see an older man with a hat covering his face as he nods in an out of sleep on a chair in the corner of the non-fiction section. It's all so different and yet, somehow not.
You were preparing for Sonny to come in with you, which would be a challenge to hide what you're getting from him, but he said he'd stay in the car if you wouldn't take too long.
You make your way to the fiction section as you start your search. you hope they have something here that can help you. As you look through the limited selection, you're about to give up when you see A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury. You remember seeing this book while you were writing a paper about the author in high school. You pluck it out of its place and turn it to the back cover, skimming over the words.
Ah, yes. A man who travels back in time and discovers even small actions have big consequences. You make a mental note of that. You decide to pick out a random book as well in case anyone asks you what you got. Looking for a romance, you see a booked called Loyal and All by Mary Burchell. After taking a quick skim of the back, it looks to be up your alley.
You're about to head to the check out when one more catches your eye. A pebble in the sky. Hm. You pick it up and read the back. A man is accidentally sent to the future. Similar to your situation, only you went to the past. This could give some insight.
You decide to pick that one as well as you head to the front. A gentle looking older woman greets you.
"Hello, dear. Did you find what you were looking for today?" She asks pleasantly.
You smile.
"Yes, thank you. Just these three please," you say in return, placing the books on the table.
She glances at them.
"Ah, time travel. I love hearing those stories. I wonder if it will ever come to be one day. I would like to go back and see Louis Armstrong in his prime. I love that man's voice."
You laugh to yourself. That's what you thought about Elvis about a week ago. Now you don't know what to think.
"I'll need to see your library card, dear."
Shit. A library card.
"Oh, I don't have one, I just moved here recently," you say a little too quickly.
She doesn't seem to take note of it.
"Not a problem! I'll just have you fill out this paper and you can take these home with you today."
A paper. Then you think of the butterfly effect. Will something as small as filling out a paper change the course of history? You're not sure. But you need these books.
"Oh, you know what, that's alright. I'll just put them back. I might not be staying for too long, it's a little up in the air at the moment," you respond trying not to sound nervous.
"Oh, alright, if you're sure."
You assure her that you are as you head over to the shelves.
You can't leave without these books, but how are you going to get past the counter without her seeing you? You look around for a distraction and it isn't long before you find one. There's a kid's section with two children about the ago of three running around playing. Setting the books down on a shelf near the exit, you go back up to the check out desk.
"Hi, I'm so sorry, but I think I just saw a child get sick in the children's section. I saw him running around with a friend."
At this, she sighs.
"Sometimes I wonder if the parents watch their children at all while they're here. Thanks, dear," she says before leaving the desk and walking towards the far section of the library.
You're about to run out when you see complimentary bags on a table near the door. You snag one before shoving the books in the bag and exiting the way you came.
You huff as you get in the passenger seat of the car.
"That was a fast exit, what did you steal 'em?" Sonny laughs as he pulls out, turning out of the lot.
You laugh nervously.
"A kid got sick," you lie as you glance down in the bag.
Sonny makes a sound of disgust as he pulls a cigarette out of his breast pocket before lighting it.
"That's why I don't like libraries."
Good, you've got the books, now you just need to do one more thing before you can relax.
Get into Elvis' room. That might not be too difficult seeing as he's still rehearsing for the upcoming film. After dinner, while everyone heads downstairs, you say that you are going to read for a while in the living room.
As soon as you hear them moving around downstairs, you spring into action. Climbing the stairs two at a time, you hurry until you come to a halt at his door, firmly closed.
You take a deep breath, then a second one. You listen for a moment to make sure no one is upstairs. There is complete silence. Your hand shakes as you bring it to the door knob. You need to be quick about this. You turn it and it opens with ease.
Looking inside, you are awestruck. It's a spitting image of the pictures you've seen. You can't believe you're actually in here. A room that not even president's can enter in your own time. It feels magical. You can smell the scent of Elvis all around you. It's intoxicating. You feel invasive, like you shouldn't be in here. But you need to make sure.
First walking to the closet, you open it gently as to not make any noise. You crouch down and look to see if there are any hiding spots. You see a box.
Opening it hastily, it takes you a moment to realize what exactly you're looking it, then it dawns on you.
Pictures of his mom. other small trinket items that you assume belong to his mother.
You gently shut the box and put it back where it belongs. Okay, time to look somewhere else. You check briefly to make sure there are no more hiding places in the closet before getting off the floor and closing the door. Looking around, you spot Elvis' dresser. Quietly walking over to it, You decide to start at the top as you open the first one. When you open the top drawer, you see a polaroid camera. Hm. Then you see handcuffs? Polaroids? For the second time, it takes you a moment to realize what exactly you're looking at.
"Oh,"You gasp as you see what, or rather who, is on the polaroids, quickly shutting the drawer.
Multiple different women, and one or two of him. Nude. Your face flushes all the way to your ears in embarrassment. You've heard stories of him liking that kind of thing, but you never thought you'd actually see it. All the sudden, you hear something.
"One second man, I gotta piss," Elvis calls down to someone as he climbs the steps to his room.
Oh no.
Your heart leaps in your chest as your eyes go wide. Oh God, what are you going to do? You look around and see his closet. It's your only option right now. You run over and gently open it before closing it on yourself, blanketed in complete darkness. You close the closet just in time as you hear the door to his bedroom open.
You hear him sigh as he shuts the door behind him. All the sudden, he stops walking. You can't breathe. What if he opens the closet door to grab something?
"What in the hell?" he mutters, and you can hear him walk away from you and go to his dresser drawer.
That's when you remember. You didn't shut it.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You hear him open the drawer more, and look around in it. You wish you could tell what he was thinking. He is silent for a long moment before you hear the drawer close again and he makes his way to the bathroom. He shuts the door. Thank God.
You hear him start using the toilet and think this is your best shot at leaving. Opening the closet as softly as you can, you slip out before shutting it just as slow. Tip-toeing across the floor as gently as you can manage, you finally reach the door and grab the knob. Then you hear him starting to wash his hands. Eyes widening, you open the door.
You sigh silently as you quietly shut the door behind you. You walk over to the staircase just in time for him to open the door, leaving his room.
"Oh, hey, I didn't know you were up here. Thought you were readin' in the living room," Elvis remarks as he walks in your direction.
"I was, but I needed to use the bathroom," you lie, pointing in the direction of the room you've been staying in.
"Oh, yeah, me too," Elvis chuckles, but the humor doesn't fully reach his eyes.
Whether that's because he's suspicious of you or not, you don't know. What you do know is, that was too close of a call.
Way too close.
Series Masterlist
Tag List:
@horrorgirl4life @tantamount-treason @peaceloveelvis @sissylittlefeather @father-of-2cats @goldobsessionsworld @elvisalltheway101 @littlehoneyposts @atleastpleasetelephone @ccab @msamarican @presleyhearted
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badsweetangel · 3 months
Could you do dating headcanon's of the Creepypastas with a scenemo s/o
Creepypastas with a scenemo s/o
Sorry for the delay, I'm trying to catch up on requests. That being said, I hope this is what you asked for.
Warnings: Mentions of murder,
Jeff The Killer
He likes the aesthetic. That's the best you'll get though. A look up and down and a slight nod. He'll listen to whatever music you're listening to but won't have an opinion on it, you'll only know he likes it because he doesn't tell you to turn it off. He's a nutcase though, he distorts everything, if you haven't done any harm to anyone yet, he'll goad you into getting revenge on those who don't like the way you dress. If you don't, he will, but he'll judge you. Not fun, if you ask me.
He likes to listen to you talk while you pick out what you're going to wear, but he won't respond to what you say. When you're done, you ask him if he likes it and he looks at you momentarily and says okay. He will then judge you for focusing too much on your clothes and not defending yourself from those who would want to kill you for being with him. However, if someone makes fun of you he will just kill them and move on as if nothing happened. It's scary.
I find him a bit obsessive and how you draw his attention, he will stalk you everywhere. He finds you attractive and attractive. He has a lot of pictures of you. Too many, it always gets scary. Once you are in a relationship, he remembers everything you tell him and seems genuinely interested. Although he is a bit stressed when you take too long to get ready and he has to go somewhere. It ends badly, you always end up angry. He tends to compare others to you, he thinks no one is as bold as you. Honestly the best of the three, but don't make him too impatient.
Ticci Toby
The best of the four. He will let you change his look if it means he will gain your favor. Very receptive when it comes to music, he usually always lets you play whatever you want. But you spend too much time wondering if it's out of genuine interest or because he doesn't want you to leave. Either way, you enjoy it. Not so much if someone makes fun of you, though. He's a bit clingy and you never want to watch when he gets back at others because they didn't compliment your aesthetic. You just hear the screams.
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eisforeidolon · 2 months
Don’t know if relevant but found it incredibly funny. Noticed a gifset of this weekend is going around and hellers screaming cockles, where misha basically asked jensen to sit closer to him as he does with Jared, and Jensen came closer, made some jokes to allure the audience and went back to his space (I don’t know if he sat closer after that though). It is such a lol moment for me, and seeing hellers excited for this is hillourious. It feels to me like Misha and his minnions are so adamant to take the place of Jared in Jensen's life. They push for the things which comes most normally between jared and jensen.
I am always amazed at the extent to which tinhatters are able to convince themselves that actors doing things they're being paid to do means they're ~*in lurve*~. OMG, I paid them to hold hands in a photo op and THEY DID! OMG, they're being paid to banter together on stage and THEY DID! Like do you seriously not understand the concept of actors, or ...
I think full videos of the panels went up earlier this evening, but I saw clips previously which included the section of the panel you're talking about and it was so obviously a bit? Part of the reason it's so funny with J2 is that while sometimes they do pointedly do it as a joke, they can make it come off spontaneously. Not only that, but there's also a large portion of the time they don't even seem to notice they're doing it.
This was so painfully staged to warm up the audience at the beginning of the panel that it's embarrassing to compare the two. It was actually Jensen moving closer to Misha after asking why he was sitting so far away IIRC, and then them both exaggeratedly scooting across the stage. Then Jensen moves his chair back as far away as it started with such a blank look, very, 'Okay, checked that off the list, on to talking about the city'. Twue lurve!
I have pointedly said before that I don't think Jensen needs to treat Misha like he has a communicable disease just because some nutcases on the internet are going to fantasize every second they breathe the same air into an epic romance. I would also be very surprised if Jensen has heard even a fraction of the queerbait-y objectifying shit Misha has said and continues saying behind his back. It's also relevant that they're being paid to perform for an audience who are likely mostly GA fans who want to believe the whole cast are super close besties and want to see them goofing around - like they do on the gag reels!
Meanwhile, the cockless weirdos desperately want believe Jensen performing during panels with Misha means that Misha will oh-so-easily take Jared's place - and beyond! The problem is, if you compare the onstage dynamics between the three of them? I haven't ever seen a truly awkward panel between Jensen and Jared or Jared and Misha. But Jensen and Misha? Oof. It's not always terrible. But Jensen is the most reserved and least open while Misha is constantly flippant, raunchy, and overshares. It's not just that Jared is more adaptable, it's that they're genuinely an awkward personality match. Then you add the whole known issue of belligerent overstepping D/C shippers who may try to slip in an awkward bomb of a question on top of it. So in the same way that I assume you don't know what a romance actually looks like if you think D/C is one at all, let alone an epic one? If you're insisting Jensen and Misha are the ones that must be fucking given their onstage chemistry, I assume that you also don't understand chemistry is more than who you personally get off on imagining having sex.
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 6 -Skin
Series Masterlist
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The boys and I pull up to a musty old gas station to fill baby up. "Alright, I figure we hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south...be there by midnight..." Dean looks over to Sam and we notice Sams focused on his phone and he might not be listening, "...Sam wears women underwear" Dean adds and I snicker while playing Sudoku on the newspaper.
"I've been listening, I'm just busy" Sam says and I peer over in the backseat to take a peek at who he's texting. "Busy doing what?" I ask as Dean gets out of the car. "Reading e-mails" Sam says. "Emails from who?" Dean asks. "From my friends at Stanford" Sam responds.
"You're kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies?" Dean asks amused as he picks up the gas pump. "Why not? He kept in touch with me when he went to Stanford" I pipe up. "Well..." Dean says as he puts the pump in the tank, walking back to the side of the passenger seat. "...what exactly would he tell them?" He says to me. "You know? About where you been, what you been doing?" Dean finishes, talking to Sam.
"I tell them I'm on a road trip with my big brother and my childhood best friend. I tell them I needed some time off after Jess" Sam says shrugging. "Oh, so you lie to them" Dean says causally. "No. I just don't tell them...everything" Sam defends. "Hate to break it to ya Sammy, but that's called lying" I say ironically, leaning back into the backseat.
"I mean, hey man we get it. Telling the truth is far worse" Dean says chuckling. "So what am I supposed to do? Just cut everyone out of my life?" Sam asks and Dean shrugs. "You're serious?" He asks. "Look, it sucks but..a job like this, you can't get close to people. Period" Dean says chuckling.
"Don't you agree with me Y/N?" Dean asks me and I turn to Sam "As much as I'd hate to admit it man. He's got a point. I mean. I don't keep in contact any of my high-school friends or old lovers due the nature of this job" I give my opinion and I notice Deans eyebrow cock up at the word 'lovers'. Sam shakes his head in disappointment at this.
"You're kind of antisocial, you know that?" Sam retorts to Dean and I snicker at this. "Dean? Antisocial? Have you seen him at happy hour when the cougars are around, ready to dig their claws into some fresh white cub meat" I throw my head back laughing and Sam chuckles. "Shut it, nutcase" Dean grumbles at me. "Make me, asshat" I counter, winking at him and he smirks at me.
Sam looks back down back at his phone and mutters shocked "God". Dean peers his head in the passenger side window and I lean forward to look over Sams shoulder. "What?" Dean asks. "This email from this girl Rebecca Warren, one of those friends of mine" Sam says. "She hot?" Dean asks intrigued and I roll my eyes.
"I went to school with her and her brother Zach. She says Zach's been charged with murder. He's been arrested for killing his girlfriend. Rebecca says 'he didn't do it but it sounds like the cops have a pretty good case' ". Sam explains. "Dude, what kind of people you been hanging out with?" I ask surprised and he shakes his head.
"No man. I know Zach. He's no killer" Sam defends. "Yeah, well. Maybe you know Zach as well as he knows you" Dean says ironically. "Jesus man, that's cold" I say and Dean shrugs. "They're in St. Louis. We're going" Sam turns to Dean and he chuckles. "Look, sorry about your buddy, okay? But, this doesn't sound like our kind of problem" Dean says and I cut him off.
"It is our problem, They're my friend" Sam says firmly. "St. Louis is 400 miles behind us Sam" Dean exaggerates. "We've driven further for less, Dean. Let's just go and if it's not our kind of deal, we split" I try to reason with him, coming to Sam's defense. Sam shoots me a grateful smile not before hitting Dean his classic puppy dog eyes whenever he wants to get his way. Dean just sighs and gets in the Impala, turning around to make our way to St. Louis.
Now in-front of Sam's friend Rebecca's house. He knocks and almost immediately she opens the door, a smile plastered on her face. "Oh my god. Sam" She says happy. "Well if it isn't little Becky" He smiles back and I almost immediately notice the enticed look on Deans face when he sees Becky.
I'll admit, she's pretty hot, blonde. Exactly Dean's type. Everything I'm not...wait, why am I wondering if I'm Dean's type? Ugh, whatever.
"And you know what you can do with that 'little Becky' crap" She retorts back before hugging him. "I got your email" Sam says when they break the hug. "I didn't think you'd come here" She says shocked. "Dean. Older brother" Dean cuts in, putting his hand out to shake hers. "Hi" She says. "Hi" He says back with his usual shit eating grin on his face.
"Y/N, childhood best friend" I push Dean aside lightly, putting my hand out to shake hers. Dean grumbles a bit at this but I ignore it. "Hi, Y/N" She says to me smiling widely. "We're here to help. Whatever we can do" Sam says to her. "Come in" She invites us in.
"Nice place" Dean compliments her house as I wolf whistle checking it out. "It's my parents. I was crashing here for the long weekend when everything happened. I decided to take the semester off. I'm gonna stay until Zach's free." Rebecca tells us as we're walking in. "Where are your folks?" I ask.
"They live in Paris for half the year, so they're in their way home now for the trial" She explains to us. Damn, must be nice. "You guys want a beer?" She offers us. "Hey" Dean says gratefully. "No thanks" Sam cuts in and Deans face drops. "So, tell us what happened" Sam asks her, leaning on the kitchen island.
Rebecca sighs, "Well...um...Zach, he came home, and he found Emily tied to a chair. And she was beaten up and bloody, and she wasn't breathing, and so he— He called 911 and the police, they showed up and— And they arrested him" She explains to us, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
"But the thing is, the only way that Zach could have killed Emily is if he was two places at the same time." She continues and me and the boys look at each other. "The police, they have a video. It's from the security tape from across the street. And it shows Zach coming home at 10:30. Now Emily was killed just after that but I swear he was here with me having a few beers until at least after midnight" She explains fully.
"You know, maybe we could see the crime scene. Zach's house" Sam suggests. "We could" Dean says. "I mean, why? I mean, what could you do?" Rebecca's asks. "Well, me, not much. But Dean and Y/N are cops." Sam says and Rebecca looks over at us shocked. Me and Dean chuckle before I turn to her. "Detectives, actually" I say and Dean grins cockily at my choice.
"Really? Where?" She asks curiously. "Bisbee, Arizona" Dean says nodding and I nod as well. "But we're off duty now" Dean says and Rebecca hesitates. "You guys, it's so nice to offer, but I just— I don't know" She says unsure. "Beck, look, I know Zach didn't do this." Sam says, sympathizing with her. "Now, we have to find a way to prove that he's innocent" Sam reasons with her.
She looks over to us and we smile at her. "Okay. I'm gonna go get the keys" She agrees and leaves the room. When she walks off, Dean wolf whistles checking her out, "Well, you're a real straight shooter with your friends" Dean says. "Look, Zach and Becky need our help-" Dean cuts Sam off. "I just don't think this is our kind of problem" Dean exaggerates again.
"Two places at once? Like I said, we've looked into less" I counter and Sam nods. Dean sighs, giving in and agreeing.
A little later we're over at the crime scene. We all jump out of the Impala and Rebecca asks. "Are you sure this is okay?" Clutching her sweater to her chest. "Yeah. We are officers of the law" Dean lamely says and I internally roll my eyes as we walk over to the house. This man has no game. How he gets women? I will never know.
Opening the door, the scene is not pretty. Blood everywhere you could think of. I turn to Rebecca after seeing the state. "Hun, you wanna wait outside?" I ask her gently. She shakes her head and steps in, under the police tape. "No, I wanna help" She says walking inside, clutching her hands to her chest. "Tell us what else the police said" Sam says to her.
"Well, there's no sign of a break in. They say that Emily let her attacker in. The lawyers, they're already talking about plea-bargain" She tells us tearfully. "Oh god" She gasps tearfully, looking at the scene. "Look Beck, if Zach didn't do this, it means someone else did. Any idea who?" Sam asks her calmly while shakes her head then she realizes something.
"Um, there was something. About a week before, somebody broke in here. They stole some clothes. Zach's clothes. The police, they don't think it's anything. I mean, we're not that far from downtown. Sometimes people get robbed" Rebecca explains to us tearfully. I hear a dog barking outside.
Me and Dean open the door to see a big brown labradoodle barking aggressively at the door. Rebecca comes behind us and says. "You know, that used to be the sweetest dog" She says as the dog is growling at us. "What happened?" Dean asks. "He just changed." She says shrugging.
"You remember when he changed?" I ask. "I guess around the time of the murder" She says, me and Dean share a look at this sighing. Turning back to walk inside to the kitchen. There Sam is by the fridge, looking at a picture of him, Rebecca and Zach. "Do the neighbors dog went psycho right around the time Zach's girlfriend was killed" Dean tells Sam.
"Animals can have a sharp sense of the paranormal" Sam says. "Yeah, maybe Fido saw something" I say and Sam's eyes narrow at his brother. "So you think maybe this is our kind of problem?" He asks Dean knowingly. "No, probably not. But we should look at the security tape" Dean still denies, causing me and Sam to shake our heads.
"You...." I clap my hand on his shoulder gently. "...Are one stubborn bastard" I chuckle ironically and Sam says, "Yeah" while Dean huffs, rolling his eyes as I take my hand off his shoulder. Rebecca comes back into the kitchen and I ask her. "So, the tape, the uh security footage? You think maybe your lawyers could get their hands on it? See we just don't have that kind of jurisdiction" I tell her.
"I've already got it. I didn't wanna say something in-front of the cops" She admits, nodding her head towards me and Dean. We chuckle at this. "I stole it off the lawyers desk. I just had to see it for myself" She says to us. "Alright" Dean says happily to me and Sam, gesturing for Rebecca to make her way out, he walks out and he follows behind her.
Sam looks at the picture with him and his friends sadly and I rest my hand on my best friend's shoulder comfortingly. He turns to me sighing, his head dropping a bit. "We'll find whoever did this to your friend, Sammy" I give him a small smile, trying to reassure him. He just nods and sighs. "We better" He says.
We're all now back at Rebecca's house, reviewing the security tape. "Here he comes" Rebecca says, pointing at the tv is a clear video of Zach at, "2204, that's just after 10. You said time of death was 10:30" Dean indicates, sitting on the handle of the couch Rebecca is on, while Sam and I stand, looking at it intently.
"Our lawyers hired some kind of video expert. He says the tape's authentic. It wasn't tampered with" She tells us and I notice something flash in Zach's eyes on the screen, I nudge Sam with my elbow lightly to see if he saw it too. He nods and turns to Rebecca. "Hey hun, can we take those beers now?" I ask causally smiling. "Yeah sure, no problem" She smiles at me, getting up to get the beers.
"Hey...uh...maybe some sandwiches too?" Sam adds and she smiles. "What do you think this is, Hooters?" She says chuckling. Dean looks at us suspiciously when we do this as it's completely out of character for us. Dean chuckles at her Hooters comment. "I wish. What is it?" Dean asks us, getting up from the couch to move closer.
"Check this out" Sam says, rewinding the security footage to when Zach turned his head to the camera. There, is a silver flash in his eyes. "Maybe it's just a camera flare" Dean suggests but I shake my head. "That's not like any camera flare I've seen before" I say and Sam nods in agreement. "You know a lot of cultures believe a photograph can catch a glimpse of the soul" I say.
"Right" Dean says and I continued. "Remember that dog that was freaking out? Maybe he saw this thing" I suggest. "Maybe this is some kind of dark double of Zach's, something that looks like him but isn't him" Sam adds. "Like a doppelgänger" Dean adds. "Yeah" Sam says and I nod. "That would sure explain how he was in two places at once" I say as we look at the screen.
Early the next morning. Sam wakes us up to go back to the crime scene at Zach's house. We're at the back. Coffee in Deans hand and cigarette in between my fingers. Me, Dean and Sam exit the Impala, shutting the door behind us. "Alright. So, what are we doing here at 5:30 in the morning" Dean asks annoyed as I scratch my head and yawn.
"I realized something. The videotape shows the killer going in but not coming out" Sam says. "So he came out the back door?" I ask taking a drag from my cigarette, squinting my eyes from the harsh light coming from the sun while Dean takes a sip of his coffee "Right. So there should be a trail to follow. A trail the police would never pursue" Sam says, walking across the street, around the side of the dumpster.
While I lean against the front bumper of baby, Dean says. "Because they think the killer never left. They caught your friend Zach inside" Dean leans on baby next to me. "I still don't know what we're doing here at 5:30 in the morning" I grumble annoyed as I another drag and letting it out. Dean nods agreeing with me.
"Aww does the Princess need her beauty sleep?" His tone is teasing, pouting jokingly at me while I take a drag. I give him a side glare and I roll my eyes. "You need it more than me, charming" I tease back, winking at him and letting out the smoke as he scoffs. "Who pissed in your coffee?" He chuckles when I pointed to Sam in annoyance.
My eyes trail down his face as he drinks from his cup. The way his lips wrap around the little opening in the lid. He catches me staring and smirks. "Not a word" I huff and he puts his hands up in surrender chuckling. We look over to see Sam staring at the wooden post right across from the dumpster.
"Blood. Somebody came this way." Sam says from across the street, nodding towards it with his head. "Maybe the trail ends. I don't see anything here" Dean says and I second that. "Me neither" I say shrugging. We hear sirens from a ambulance in the distance. It comes rushing down the street we're on and we all look at it past by.
The boys and I share a knowing look. I sigh and toss my almost burnt out bud on the ground, crushing it with my boot before we all jump in the Impala and follow behind the ambulance.
Couple blocks over we get out of baby to scan the scene. Cops are putting up police tape and the place is crowded. "What happened?" I ask a woman who's onlooking the commotion. "He tried to kill his wife. Tied her up and beat her" She tells us. "Really?" Sam says as shocked as we are.
"Yeah. I used to see him going to work in the morning. He'd wave, say hello. He seemed like such a nice guy" She says sadly as we look at the police escort a man in handcuffs to the squad car.
Sam and I decide to go to the back of the building to see if there is anything of significance. We see some large blue trash bins and begins opening them. "Hey. Remember when I said this wasn't our kind of problem" Dean calls out to us as we walk back out. "Yeah?" Sam says.
"Definitely our kind of problem" Dean says a little excited. "Finally you're on board. What'd you find out?" I ask as I stick my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket. "I just talked to the patrolman who was first on the scene, who heard this guys Alex's story. Apparently the dude was driving home from a business trip when his wife was attacked" Dean explains and it clicks.
"So he was two places at once?" Sam beats me to it. "Exactly!" Dean exclaims. "Then he sees himself in the house. Police think he's a nut job" Dean adds. "Two dark doubles attacking loved ones in exactly the same way" I start, walking a bit forward, turning back to the boys.
"Could be the same thing doing it too" Dean suggests. "Shapeshifter?" Sam asks questionably and Dean shrugs. "Something that could make itself look like anyone" Sam adds. "Every culture in the world has a shapeshifter lore. Legends of creatures who transform themselves into animals or other men" Dean gives us the rundown and I nod.
"Right. Skinwalkers, werewolves.." I give examples trailing off. "We got two attacks within blocks of each other. I'm guessing we've got a shapeshifter problem" Dean says. "Let me ask you this: In all this shapeshifter lore, can any of them fly?" Sam asks us, walking forward and looking up at the building.
"Not that I know of. You?" Dean says, then turns to me asking and I shake my head. "I picked up a trail here. Someone ran out of the back of this building, headed off this way" Sam says. "Just like your friends house" I say. "Yeah. And just like at Zach's house..the trail suddenly ends" Sam says.
"I mean, whatever it is just disappeared" He said confused and something clicked in my head. I look down and Dean nudges me. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" He asks me. "Yeah, I think so. There might be another way to go" I look up at Sam, nodding towards the sewer hole behind him.
He grimaces. "Aw come on!" He groans while me and Dean chuckle.
We all climb down the drainage, closing back up the hole. Looking around it's a dark long corridor. "I bet this runs right by Zach's house too" Sam says. "The shapeshifter could be using the sewer system to get around" I say as we walk towards Dean who's flashing his flashlight in a dark corner.
"Look at this" He says with a grimace on his face, stooping down to the ground. Infront of us is a pile of what looks like human skin, blood, hair and slime. It's all mushed into a gooey guck that smells like a rotting corpse.
"Oh gross" I gag in disgust. "Gimme your butterfly knife" Dean puts his hand out and I reach into my combat boots, pulling out the knife and handing it to him. He flicks it open, picking up a hair strand that's drenched in the slimy substance. Sam groans in disgust behind me. "Is this from his victims?" He questions and something crosses my mind.
"You know. I just had a sick thought. When the shapeshifter changes shape....maybe it sheds" I say and Dean coughs from the repulsive thought. "That is sick" Sam says, the grimace on his face deepening.
Now back above ground. I turn to Dean asking him. "Yo. You got silver bullets?" I ask him and he nods. "Yeah, right here in baby" Dean opens the Impala trunk and takes out the silver bullets and I pull out my revolver.
"One thing I learned from Dad. No matter what kind of shapeshifter it is. There's only one sure way to kill it" I say, taking the silver bullets one by one and loading it. I look over to Sam who has a smirk on his face. "Silver bullet to the heart" He says, his dimples showing. "That's right" I say smiling. "Atta girl princess" Dean says proudly, patting the small of my back.
My heart leaps at the way he praised me and I feel a knot tie in my stomach when he touched my back. I cover it up with a smile and Sam's phone rings. He walks off to answer it. "This is Sam....We're near Zach's, we're just checking out some things" he says into the phone and I assume it's Rebecca.
"What're you talking about?" He asks confused and then sighs after a couple seconds. "Why would you do that??...Beck.... " He tries to defend and his face drops. "We're trying to help" He says sadly and Dean and I look at each other like 'oh shit'.
I can hear Rebecca's angry voice slightly but couldn't make out the words. "Look Beck I'm sorry but-" and then takes the phone off his ear. "Go easy on him" I whisper to Dean. "Nope" He says back and I roll my eyes before we close the trunk and walk back to the side of the car where Sam is.
"I hate to say it, but that's exactly what I'm talking about" Dean starts and I internally facepalm. Sam doesn't look at us. "You lie to your friends because if they knew the real you they'd be freaked" Dean finishes his lecture. "It's just- It'd be easier if-" I go to add but Sam cuts me off. "If I was like you two" He says sadly.
"Hey man, like it or not, we are not like other people" Dean says with a small smile on his face. "But I'll tell you one thing though, this whole gig..." I start, pulling out a gun with silver bullets and handing it to Sam. "..it ain't without perks" I say smugly, earning a chuckle from both boys. Sam takes the gun and sticks it behind his pants and we walk back down the block to make way back into the sewer.
The dirty mucky water splatters at our feet as we walk through the sewers, flashing our lights through the empty hallow dark tunnel. After a few minutes of walking down the drainage. I spot a pile of skin on a pipe next to Sam and I nudge Dean, shining my light at it.
"I think we're close to its lair" I say. "Why do you say that?" Sam asks. "Cuz there's another puke-inducing pile next to your face" Dean  indicates and Sam flinches. "Oh, God" He gasps in disgust and me and Dean snicker at this. I shine my light a little lower, revealing more skin, blood, gunk and old clothes on the ground.
"Looks like he's lived here for a while" I say. "No kidding Sherlock" Dean retorts back sarcastically, groaning and I roll my eyes at him. I cover my nose using my shirt to block the stench but it doesn't really help. "Who knows how many murders he's gotten away with" Sam says.
He turns to us, flashing the light behind us and yells "DEAN! Y/N!" And I feel a sharp pain behind my head, knocking me to the ground. Dean falls beside me, clutching his left shoulder as Sam shoots at the shapeshifter who attacked us but misses.
I moan in pain from the sudden attack. "Get the son of a bitch!" Dean groans in pain, holding his shoulder. I'm still on the ground, dazzled from the pain. Dean holds me up, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. "Come on, princess. I've got you" He says gently, helping me up and we bolt out of there.
We crawl out of the sewer hole. Grunting as we get out. Dean let's me up first and I take his hand to help him out. "Come on, charming. I've got you" I repeat his words to him and he gratefully takes my hand. "Alright. Let's split up" Sam says to us.
"Alright, I'll meet you guys on the other side. Stay together okay?" Dean instructs us and I nod curtly. "Be safe" I say quickly. "Ditto" He winks at me and we go in separate directions. Sam and I walk down the crowded street, concealing our weapons, looking for the shifter.
After some time, we come up empty. Now at a street corner. "Hey" We hear Deans voice behind us. "Anything?" He asks us and I shake my head. "No, he's gone" I say disappointed. "Alright, let's get back to the car" Dean says and we all make way back to Baby.
"You think he found another way underground?" Sam asks. "Yeah, probably. You got the keys?" Dean asks. "Hey, didn't Dad once face a shapeshifter in San Antonio?" Sam asks Dean suspiciously. "No. It was Austin. It turned out not to be a shapeshifter. It was thought form. A psychic projection, remember?". Dean says casually.
"Oh, right." Sam says shaking his head and chuckling. "Here you go" He throws the keys to Dean who caught his with his left shoulder....oh no. We walk back around the side of Baby as 'Dean' opens the trunk.
"His shoulder was hurt" I whisper to Sam, nudging him. "I know, that's why I threw it at his left" He whispers back. "You thinking what I'm thinking??" He asks me still whispering. I nod, "That ain't Dean" I say. We draw our guns and rush over to the trunk where 'Dean' was leaning down over it.
"Don't move you slimy bastard!" I yell, pointing my gun at 'Dean'. "What have you done with him!?" Sam demands as he points his gun at 'Dean'. He puts his hands up in surrender, taking a confused look. "Guys, chill. It's me alright" He says.
"No. I don't think so. Where's my brother!" Sam demands. "You're about to shoot him". 'Dean' retorts, gesturing to our guns. "Guys calm down" He tries to reason. "You caught those keys with your left. Your shoulder was hurt!" I tell him, knowing he was lying.
"Yeah, it's better. What do you want me to do, cry?" 'Dean' says sarcastically. "You're not my brother" Sam says wearily and I cock my gun, hesitant to shoot. "Why don't you pull the trigger then? Hmm? Because you're not sure. Guys, you know me." 'Dean' says and I hesitate. "Don't" I grit my teeth at him.
In a flash, he knocks the gun out of both of our hands. I feel another sharp pain in my head and everything goes black.
My eyes flutter open, a throbbing pain in my head. My vision is slightly blurred but I open my eyes to see Sam. "Sammy?" I groan, my voice raspy from the pain. I feel a dampness on my legs, my neck is tied to a post, my arms bounded behind me. We're back in the sewer, captured by Deans evil twin, great.
Sam's across the room from me passed out, tied exactly like me. Sam eventually comes to, groaning in pain like me. I see movement behind Sam, only it's Shapeshifter Dean. He walks up to Sam with a straight face, ropes in his arm. He back hands him across his cheek and I scream. "DONT TOUCH HIM YOU SLIMY BASTARD!" Trying to rip out of my binds but it's expertly tied.
Sam grunts in pain taking a deep breath. "Where is he??" Sam asks the imposter. "Where's Dean you face stealing freak!" I yell angrily. Ready to maul the son of a bitch if he hurt Dean. "I wouldn't worry about him. I'd worry about you" Shapeshifter Dean says, turning to me.
"Same goes for you, Princess" He winks at me, smirking and I grimace. "Where is he?" Sam asks again. "You really don't wanna know" The Shapeshifter says morbidly, chuckling. "I swear, the more I learn about you two and your families...I thought I came from a bad background" Shapeshifter Dean says ironically.
"What do you mean learn?" Sam asks as the shifter pulls out a knife, examining it. The shifter starts holding his head, cringing and grunting as if he's in pain. He then turns back to Sam, a slight smirk on his face. "He's sure got issues with you. You got to go to college. He had to stay home" He taunts Sam, walking towards him and dropping his bag.
"I mean, I had to stay home. With Dad. You don't think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. Where the hell were you?" Shapeshifter Dean says irritated but Sam isn't letting up. "Where...is my brother?" Sam demands again. "I'm your brother" Shapeshifter Dean says, leaning down to eye level with Sam.
"See, deep down, I'm just jealous. You got friends. You could have a life. Me? I know I'm a freak. And sooner or later, everybody's gonna leave me." Shapeshifter Dean says, walking a bit back. "What are you talking about?" Sam asks. "You left. Hell, I did everything Dad asked me to, and he ditched me too. No explanation, nothing, just. Poof. Left me with your sorry ass" He walks towards Sam.
"But still, this life...it's not without its perks" Shapeshifter Dean repeats my words from earlier. "I meet the nicest people. Like little Becky, seeing as Dean is so convinced he doesn't have a chance with Y/N and is so stupid to not even admit his feelings for her to himself. He would bang little Becky if he had the chance" Shapeshifter Dean says and I freeze, my heart feels like it's gonna fall out of my chest.
What the fuck? Is he high or something? He's got to be lying. Demons do it to weaken their targets. Surely shifters do it too because he was just taunting Sam. Sam looks over to me quickly and Shapeshifter Dean turns to me.
"And sweet sweet little Y/N.." He coos, striding over to me. "He has quite the thing for you..I mean me. Gotta admit though, I've got amazing taste in women" He crouches down and rests his hand on my cheek, which makes me feel physically ill.
"Don't touch her!" Sam shouts protectively and I nod at him to ensure him I'm fine. I move my head away from him but he just comes closer to me. The smile on his face makes my stomach churn and not in a good way.
"You are the package deal. You're sexy, smart, snarky, and funny. You know how to keep me on my toes, challenge me. You make me laugh in any situation despite how stressful it is. Hell, I hate to admit it but you keep me in line whenever I'm acting like the dick I am" He chuckles at the last part, stroking my cheek with his thumb.
"Sometimes I'm even a bit jealous at the friendship you have with Sammy....But the way you would look at me sometimes, your flirty little comebacks, the way you would sway your hips when you walk, the sight of you on that bike of yours....oh mannn....gets me going everytime" He licks his lips looking at me with a lustful gaze and I feel a chill run down my spine in disgust.
"Jesus dude, at least by me dinner first" I sneer at him and he chuckles. "See? That's the snark I'm talking about" He says, smiling at me and rubbing his thumb on my bottom lip. "Where.Is.Dean?" I grit my teeth at him. "I'm right here baby" He says huskily and I groan.
"I remember how stoked I was when you didn't hesitate to come with us to find my dad...then your daddy went missing too...tsk tsk tsk...poor thing" He says sympathetically, clicking his tongue.
"You grew from this adorable shy timid girl who was afraid of her daddy to this beautiful confident badass women who stood her ground against her controlling father and left..." He trails off as if he's recollecting something, then he roughly grabs my hair, pulling it harshly causing me to wince in pain.
"LET GO OF HER YOU DICK!" Sam yells from across the room, trying to rip out of his bindings. "Did you know when you ran away, your dad had me looking for you for months!" He shouts in my face. "Hauled my ass from Washington to Florida and back!"
"You should've never run away you little bitch" He seethes through his teeth pulling my hair more making me cry out in pain. "You're lucky I covered for your ass every single time, I knew exactly where you were and I had to lead him away every time because I was trying to be a good friend!". He grits his teeth in anger
"You did me just like Sam and walked out when I needed you most! Sam left and then you! God you two are selfish" His tone is pained, betrayed. And I snap, a sick thought crossing my mind but I'm too angry to care right now if he kills me or not.
"Well let me make it up to you" I say suggestively, flashing him a coy smile. Hes fully taken back at this. My eyes flicker to Sam and. I can see his expression go from angry to confused from across the room. A clear look of shock is evident but a sickening smirk on Shapeshifter Dean's face.
"And how would you do that, princess?" He says huskily. I could see Sam's face contorting to disgust across the room, confused and angry. "Lay a kiss on me charming, you wouldn't regret it" I wink at him, smiling seductively.
"You're kidding?" He says surprised, chuckling, his grip loosening on my hair. "No jokes" I grit my teeth, trying to hide my disgust. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Sam yells from across the room.
Shapeshifter Dean's eyes flicker down to my lips, when leans in to kiss me, just as his lips is centimeters away from mine. I hawk up a loogie, spitting it in his face and draw my head back instantly, head-butting him in his nose.
"YOU BITCH!" He screams in pain. He holds his nose, stumbling back. When he recovers, he draws his fist back, right hooking me in my face, hard. "STOP IT!" Sam pleads begging. I turn my head back to Shapeshifter Dean, laughing, a victorious grin on my face. The metallic taste of blood and saliva coating my taste buds.
"Fuck you, you even punch like a bitch. That's to show you'll never be Dean" I sneer at him, spitting the blood out from my mouth on the ground besides me. He groans in pain, grabbing a tarp covering Sam who's yelling at him. He then grabs another to cover me but before he does, he looks at me and says. "I can't wait to kill you" and I smirk.
"Look at me good. Remember this face clearly. Cuz I'll be the last thing you see when I put a bullet in your head, you skin shedding, goopy son of a bitch!" My tone is deadly as I seethe through my teeth. "Well...if it ain't working with you...let's see how it works out with Becky" he winks at me. Covering me with the tarp.
Sometime later, the tarp slips off me and I see Sam struggling. "You okay?" He asks concerned. I shrug, blood still dripping from my mouth. "I can take a punch" I chuckle weakly, trying to slip out of the bounds. "Damn it" Sam grumbles. "Can't get out either" I tell him. We hear a bit of movement and someone coughing. "That better be you, Sam and Y/N and not that freak of nature" Dean voice echos through the sewer and I chuckled sighing in relief as Sam laughs.
"Yeah, it's us. He went to Rebecca's, looking like you" Sam says grunting as me and he try to get out of the ropes. "Well, he's not stupid. He picked the handsome one" Dean says smugly and Sam looks back offended. I chuckle lightly at this. He sure did.
"That's the thing, he didn't look like you. He was you...or he was becoming you" Sam says to us as we try to get out of the ropes. "What do you mean?" Dean asks. "I don't know, it's like he was downloading your thoughts and memories" Sam says.
"You mean like the Vulcan Mind Meld" Dean asks. "Yeah, something like that. Maybe that's why he doesn't just kill us?" Sam says. Dean gets out of his ropes and goes around to Sam saying, "Maybe...he needs to keep us alive for the psychic connection" He says untying Sam. "Yeah, come on, we gotta go. He's probably already at Rebecca's" Sam says.
Dean comes around and unties me. He notices the blood on my mouth. "Jesus, what did he do to you Princess" He asks gently when he notices my busted mouth. He holds my face in his hands, worry etched on his face. "I'm good charming" I smile at him, reaching up to hug him. "Let's go fellas" I say and we all get out of there.
"Come on, we gotta find a phone. Call the police" Sam says to us as we climb out of the hole, leading us to an alleyway. "Whoa whoa whoa. You're gonna put an APB out on me?" Dean says, helping me out. "Sorry" Sam says shrugging. "This way" Dean leads us down the alley.
A little later, after Sam made the phone call to the police, we're on the street infront of a shop with TVs showing the local news, with a crappy sketch of Dean. "An anonymous tip led police to a home in the Central West End where a SWAT team discovered a local woman bound and gagged. Her attacker, a white male, approximately 24-30 years old was discovered hiding in the home. Shots were fired-" The reporter says but Dean cuts it off saying, "Man, that's not even a good picture!" He exclaims. "It's good enough" Sam says as I shake my head and we walk back down the street.
"If you ask me, I think the bastard was talking a pack of bullcrap to throw us off. Like what demons do" I suggest and Sam cocks his eyebrow at me. "It didn't seem like it Y/N. He had certain memories only Dean should know" Sam says and I huff.
I don't look him in the eye because I already know where he's getting at. As much as I would love to believe what that shifter said as Dean is true. It couldn't be. Can it?
"Why don't you think he was lying?" Dean asks and I shake my head, Sam looks over at me urging. "He just said a ton of crap, that's all" I say. "And he tried to kiss her" Sam interjects. "He what!?" Dean yells pissed. "Relax!" I put my hand in his shoulder.
"I hawked a loogie in his face and head-butted him in the nose with my forehead" I say and Dean grins proudly. "Atta girl" He says proudly, patting my cheek and my heart leaps. He needs to stop doing that I swear.
We walk further into an alley way and Dean almost trips on a puddle of water and it splashes on him, "Come on!" He yells. "They said attempted murder. At least we know-" Sam says and Dean cuts him off. "I didn't kill her" Dean says."I'll check on Rebecca in the morning , see if she's alright" Sam says.
"Well first I'm gonna find that handsome Devil and kick the holy crap outta him" Dean says aggressively. "I might just beat you to it" I growl, still pissed about what happened down there. He looks me over a bit shocked but it seems like he understands why I'm pissed.
"Guys. We have no weapons, no silver bullets" Sam tells us. "Sam, the guy's walking around with my face AND he tried to kiss Y/N. It's a little personal. Okay? We wanna find him" Dean turns to Sam irritated. Sam just nods, "Okay. Where do we look?" Sam asks. "Well we could start with the sewers" I suggest." We have no weapons. He stole our guns. We need more." Sam reminds us.
"The car?" I say. "I bet he drove over to Rebecca's" Dean says. "The news said he fled on foot. I bed it's still parked there" Sam says. "Oh the thought of him driving my car" Dean growls. "Alright, Hulk Hogan. Come on" I say patting Deans back as we walk back down the alley. "Its killing me" Dean says angrily. "Let it go" Sam shoots back.
After some time of walking, we end up a few blocks from Rebecca's by foot. "There she is" Dean breaths out a sigh of relief after seeing Baby. "Finally, something went right tonight" Dean says happily as we walk towards baby. Suddenly a squad car comes around the corner, sirens wailing.
"Oh crap" I mutter and the boys and I run down the alleyway. Only to be cornered by another car at the end. "Whoa whoa whoa" Dean says surprised. "This way! This way!" Dean leads us out and we follow behind him running.
We come up to a wall. "You guys go. I'll hold them off" Sam says and I nod. "What're you talking about?!" Dean exclaims. "They'll catch you!" I yell at Sam. "Look. They can't hold me! Just go, keep out of sight! Meet me at Rebecca's" Sam order us and we sigh scaling the walls. "Dean. Y/N! Stay out of the sewers alone!" Sam shouts and we jump over, now on the other side
"I mean it!" Sam yells. "Yeah yeah!" I shout back irritated. Dean looks at me trying to catch his breath. "What're you thinking about?" I ask him after seeing the look on his face. "You know me princess, I can't wait" He says smugly and I sigh. "Fine let's go. We'll wait for it to clear out and get baby" I say.
"You can't-" He starts but I cut him off. "Don't you dare Winchester. I'm coming. End of discussion. We protect each other right?" I say firmly and he smirks at me. "Damn straight" He grins.
When the sun comes up, me and Dean head back down to the sewer. Trudging through the tunnel there's piles of skin littered all over. We come up to a corner where there's candles lit and a bunch of chains. We hear some movement and I nudge Dean.
"This way" I say and he follows behind me. We see what looks like someone covered with a tarp like what me and Sam were covered with. Dean pulls it off and it reveals, "Rebecca?" We say shocked. She's all bloody and busted up. Her hair scattered all about. "What happened?!" I ask her as me and Dean untie her.
"I was walking home and everything just went white. Someone hit me over the head and I wound up here just in time to see that thing turn into me" She explains shakily, tears drenching her face. "How is that possible?!" She asks sobbing. "Okay. Okay. It's okay. Come on. Can you walk?" Dean tries to calm her down and she nods.
"Okay. We gotta hurry okay hun? Sam went to see you" I tell her and she grabs onto us. We get her out of the sewer and into Deans car.
Me and Dean pull up to Rebecca's house and bolt out of Baby. We knock her door down, just in time to see the shifter as Dean ontop of Sam in the middle of the living room choking him. "Hey!" Dean yells. Both of us aiming our guns at him. The shifter stumbles off of Sam, looking at us like he's ready to attack.
I don't give him time to and I shoot twice, right in his chest and he launches backwards into the wall, dropping dead. I don't notice Rebecca come behind us through the door. "Sam" she says concerned, running over to check on him.
Me and Dean walk closer slowly towards the dead shifter and kneel next to him, listening to make sure he's dead. I pull Deans chain that he stole that was around his neck and hand it to Dean. He gives me a grateful smile and wraps it in his hand, I smile back at him and look over back to the dead shifter.
"Told you I'd be the one to kill you" I growl angrily.
The next day, we're outside parked waiting for Sam to finish talking to Rebecca. Dean's leaning of Baby's hood checking a map for our next hunt. While I'm bracing on her, smoking a cigarette. He comes and sits next to me, judging me a bit.
I look over to him and smile. "You okay princess?" He asks me concerned and I just look down and nod. "I'm fine charming" I smile at him reassuringly. "I don't know what he said to you, but whatever it was, don't let it get to you" He says calmly, placing his hand on the small of my back comfortingly.
I look into his eyes and notice it softened a bit. Wondering if what that shapeshifter said could be true. Does Dean have a thing for me?
"I won't. I promise" I say smiling at him, flicking my burnt out cigarette to the side. His eyes pierce mine and I gulp a bit. I could've sworn he glanced at my lips again but our heated gaze is cut off by Rebecca and Sam coming of of the house. "So this is what you do. You, your brother and best friend, you hunt down these kinds of things?" Rebecca says and Sam chuckles.
They have a short conversation before they hug. She waves at us. Me and Dean wave at her back before she walks in and Sam sighs walking towards us. "So what about your friend Zach?" Dean asks. "Cops are blaming this Dean Winchester guy for Emily's murder" Sam says to us ironically.
"They found the murder weapon in the guy's lair..Zach's clothes stained with her blood. Now they're thinking maybe the surveillance tape was tampered with. Yeah Becca says Zach will be released soon" Sam says to us nodding and smiling.
"Hate to be that guy" I joke and Dean rolls his eyes at me as we jump in his car.
As we're driving down the empty road. Dean turns to Sam. "Sorry man" He says. "About what?" Sam asks. "I really wish things could be different you know, I wish you could just be...Joe College" Dean says apologetically. "It's okay" Sam says causally taking a deep breath. "You know truth is, even at Stanford, deep down. I never really fit in" Sam says.
"Well, that's cuz you're a freak" I pipe up jokingly from the backseat and he turns to me smiling. "Yeah thanks" He says sarcastically laughing. "Well, I'm a freak too. And so is Dean." I shrug smiling, Dean looks at me in the rearview mirror and winks. I try to hide my blush but I'm sure he noticed. "And we're right there with you all the way" Dean adds supportively.
"Yeah, I know you are" Sam nods smiling. "You know, I gotta say, I'm sorry I'm gonna miss it" Dean says. "Miss what?" Sam asks. "How many chances am I gonna have to see my own funeral?" He jokes and I laugh along with Sam.
Authors Note:
This is unedited so I'm sorry if there's alot of mistakes. Hope whoever is reading enjoys. Thank you!☺️
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
You know, in the interests of tormenting Calvin further...
The earlier prompt about Cal being sent to assassinate Dick and recognition at the last moment?
Let's make it angstier in true Bat fashion.
The Court wants Dick dead as a warning to Bruce Wayne (not Batman) and they want a nasty death. Hence, poison. Some kind of court made horrible stuff that takes a few bad hours to kill.
Calvin is told only really bad guys get dosed with it, and he figures okay.
Except this time. He recognises Dick. But only after wounding him with the poison weapon.
Anyone wounded with it is definitely doomed... Unless they have access to a demon princess' power, along with Atlantean/Amazonian/Kryptonian tech/magic to call upon.
No way the Titans will let some nutcases kill their leader. A cure is found in time and Dick is fine.
But Calvin has no idea of that... especially since the Bats decided Dick Grayson had better play dead for a bit till they figure out who put a hit on him and why.
Omg that— that would be horrifying. Calvin, who’s enough of a sweetheart to agonize over killing bad people… thinking he killed Dick would absolutely destroy him. Self destruction sequence, activated.
I can absolutely see this progressing with Calvin running away from the Court (maybe after killing the person that ordered the hit on Dick?) and straight into the arms of one of the Bats. Deliberately.
He’s not trying to run. He’s not trying to escape. He just wants it all to stop
(He killed his best friend he killed his best friend he killed his best friend-)
Dick almost has a stroke when they drag Calvin into the Cave and the guy doesn’t stop begging them to make it stop.
Oh! Look at that, we can even go the route of Calvin thinking Dick is a hallucination! A very kind hallucination that even hugs him and allows Calvin to hug him back!
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