#he's flustered and fumbling and rambling
min-kit · 6 months
"I don't think Buck is attracted to Tommy" be so for real and clean those biased glasses right now.
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AHDKAHSJAJ he's so cute when he's all flustered like that
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ssahotchnerr · 4 months
okay imagine a reader who’s clumsy asfff, and aaron is always there to stop her from falling flat on her face ahaha
falling for you
cw; clumsy bau!reader, established relationship, aaron's injured and minor blood mentions, angst? if you squint, fluff <3
A rural town surrounded by acres of woods: a serial killer's perfect playing field. Plenty of remote, secluded places to dump victims.
The trail on which you were walking was barely passable; narrow, obstructing hanging branches, the dirt path littered with slippery rocks due to the rainstorm the night prior.
One wrong step, poor footing on an angle, could result in sliding down a steep ledge. It wasn't comparable to a cliff - an eight foot incline at least - but could easily result in injury nonetheless.
Which naturally you of all people were bound to intercept; always moving too quickly for your own good, more focused on the destination rather than the journey - ultimately feeding into your habitual clumsiness.
Aaron took notice of the rock slab before you did, reaching out suddenly to grab at your arm the second your foot took a dive off the side. While you managed to escape unscathed due to his heroism, he wasn't as fortunate.
You had coerced him onto the passenger seat - if it were up to him, the two of you would've continued to the crime scene - cleaning and bandaging the bloody gash on his forehead yourself. He hadn't fallen, but knocked into a firm, solid branch, as well as scraped his arm on another, ripping his sleeve in the process.
"Stop moving so much."
Aaron's chest huffed in a faint laugh, "I'm not even moving."
A subtle glare came from you, "You could be concussed."
"I'm not concussed. Banged up maybe, but not concussed."
"Maybe?" The sight before you tore at your heart, Aaron's pretty face scraped up. "You mean definitely. And prove it."
A clever, amused expression formed on his face, "The United States government consists of-"
"Okay, okay." You surrendered with a playful eye roll, dismissing his impending recitation.
Admittedly you were flustered, solely for the fact that it should've been you - the one bumped up and bleeding. Your bottom lip was sticking out in a pout, cleaning his wound with an alcohol wipe.
He winced briefly at the sting, eyes watching your movements. "I know what you're thinking."
"You should've let me take the fall." As if by clockwork, the bandaid in your hand fell onto the wet asphalt. Annoyedly you reached down to pick it up, hastily tossing it to the SUV's floor before grabbing a fresh one from the first aid kit.
Aaron scoffed lightly, "Yeah, right."
"I'm serious," Your lip jut out even more, pulling your gaze to his exasperatedly. "Or Morgan should've at least accompanied you."
"Sweetheart, you know I'm in better company when you're around."
"He's more coordinated than I am," you insisted, your fingers fumbling together as you peeled the bandaid open, smoothing it over his broken skin. Carefully. You repeated the same for the gash on his forearm. "He can duck and leap from side to side without a second thought, has a much faster reaction time and, well, he's Morgan."
"He's not clumsy," you huffed out, crumbling the plastic in your fist. Your clumsiness, as incredibly inconvenient as it was, had never 'bothered' you to an extent.
But now that you had caused Aaron to get hurt, everything changed. It was a surprise it hadn't happened sooner, and it was only a matter of time before you caused another incident. One with a larger, more menacing result.
"In a terrain that's damp and woodsy and has twigs and leaves poking out, I should be the farthest person away," you rambled, covered with guilt. "Why they even let me join the field in the first place... I don't know."
"Because you're an outstanding profiler, have a keen eye that catches details the rest of us overlook, never backs down despite heinous barriers. Must I go on? I can, the list is quite extensive."
"Regardless, it doesn't excuse the fact I'm accident prone." You insisted, your sentence ending on a deep sigh.
"You aren't-"
"Aaron," you interrupted, "how many times have you reached out to stop me from flying into a table, or have reminded me to slow down. Look what just happened."
"You didn't fall because you're clumsy, honey. You fell- no, tripped because it rained and your shoes lacked the proper traction."
"But because of me, you're hurt." Your voice wavered the smallest amount, you could cry if pushed.
"And I'd do it again if it meant saving you." He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, eyeing the CSI agents not too far away. "And again," Another kiss, this time on your lips, "and again. It's a small price to pay if you're unharmed."
"Kissing me at a crime scene? You must be concussed." You quipped softly, lips itching to smile. Although you wanted to continue sulking, he was making it awfully difficult.
A laugh exited him; the rare laugh of his that minimal people experienced, and one that could lift your spirits in less than a milli-second. "How many times do I need to tell you? I'm not concussed."
You still weren't convinced - your inelegant tendencies not to disappear by morning - but you did feel better compared to how you felt five minutes ago. "Thank you."
Your hand grabbed onto his arm lovingly, a grateful gesture, but produced an immediate flinch from Aaron.
Your eyes widened in horror, heart nearly stopping, "I'm so-"
"You're welcome." Aaron stopped you, grabbing your hand and providing a reassuring squeeze. His expression was kind, compassionate although you should've been the one soothing him.
You exhaled deeply after a moment, readjusting his rolled-up cuff sleeve. "I owe you a new shirt too."
He smiled, his hand lifting to chuck you under your chin gently. "I'll add it to your tab."
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ddejavvu · 1 year
would you please write a spencer x reader where she's at the conference (? not sure if thats what it technically was) where spencer gave his speech and everyone was just like 😶😶 but not her
and immediately after the speeches when everyone is talking she comes up to talk to him and shes being so kind he doesn't even notice that shes the only one paying him attention, just immediate infatuation 🥺
"I liked your joke, Dr. Reid." You approach the man from behind, but you neglect to tap him on the shoulder. You'd seen him apply hand sanitizer on his way out of the lecture hall without ever having touched anything inside, so you have a feeling he's more conscious about germs than most.
He turns from the proximity of your voice, and so does Agent Rossi. You're ecstatic to be in both of their presences, but Dr. Reid is an extra something special.
Agent Rossi takes one look at the flustered expression on Dr. Reid's face as he tries processing your remark, and turns around with a stifled grin.
"Uh, thank you," Dr. Reid stammers, blinking fast, "It didn't seem to be much of a crowd pleaser."
"Nothing pleases this crowd," You lament, "We're all overworked and sleep-deprived. But from an avid patron of the campus library, your joke made me laugh. And- uh, I'm Y/N. By the way."
He nods, lips pulling back into a smile that's more of a straight line than anything. You like it, it's cute.
"This campus's library is incredible," You seem to have unlocked Dr. Reid's hidden passion, as he springs into conversation without hesitation, "Unfortunately I wasn't able to explore before we got here because we got stuck in traffic, but we walked past it and I could see that the philosophy section goes all the way through to the other side."
His eyes are wide as he speaks, hands aiding his speech as he rambles.
"It's actually," You chuckle breathlessly, a tad sheepish to admit it, "It's one of the reasons I came here instead of my other potential university. I couldn't pass up the library."
"A girl after his own heart," Agent Rossi sets a hand on Dr. Reid's shoulder, finally tuning back into your conversation with a kind smile towards you. Dr. Reid turns, effectively broken from his passion-fueled library reverie.
"Unfortunately, we've just gotten called away," Agent Rossi informs you, "But Spencer, I think you should give her your business card in case she has any questions about our lecture."
Dr. Reid stands frozen, blinking once, twice, thrice, then-
"Oh! My card," He fumbles with the chest pocket of his sweater, then when he comes up empty (save for a speck of lint), he switches to his messenger bag.
"Uh," He jams his hand into a sleeve sewn to the lining of the bag, then thrusts a slightly rumpled business card towards you, "Here, um, yeah, if you have any questions. Or- or if you'd like to talk about philosophy? I've, um... I've got plenty more jokes if you ever have time to listen."
"I'll make time," You promise him, and you don't miss the way his eyes go wide and his cheeks glow pink, "Thank you, Dr. Reid."
"Uh, Spencer!" He decides, calling after you as you part ways, feet shuffling over tile as he tries keeping pace with Agent Rossi, "You can call me Spencer!"
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Dave Lizewski x best friend fem!reader
Summary: Dave is devastated by your supposed crush on his alter-ego, Kick-Ass.
Genre: hurt and comfort, fluff
Warnings: jealous!Dave, swearing, not explicitly consensual kissing (both of them are okay with it however!), blood
~ thank you for requesting, anon!! this was a very cute idea!~
The comic store was more crowded than usual that afternoon. You, Todd, Marty, and Dave had squeezed into your usual booth, with you and Dave squished shoulder to shoulder as he rambles on and on as you stare at the small TV in the corner which is playing more news coverage about Kick-Ass. Your cheeks feel significantly warmer.
"She's drooling again," Marty quips, and all three boys turn and look at you with interest. 
"Who knew girls were so horny," Todd comments with a smirk and sucks his milkshake obnoxiously.
Dave, unlike the other two, looks positively flustered as he watches you. His eyes land on the screen and then on yours.
"Hm, doesn't the suit look good on him," you hum and sigh, turning to your friends with a serious expression. "Do'you think he's young? He looks young."
"Looks around our age, so I suppose that means you're free to bone him, Y/n." Todd shrugs. 
That makes Dave blush crimson.
You slap Todd's arm from across the table. "Shut up."
"We all know you want to," Marty adds and sips his milkshake like he knows something. You chew on your lip, subconsciously leaning into Dave as you turn back to look at the TV and let out an amused sigh as your eyes stay glued onto the screen. 
This isn't the first time you're pining over Kick-Ass. You've been doing it for a while now and it makes Dave blush every damn time. Some part of him feels like an asshole for feeling that way about you considering you aren't drooling over him. Not over Dave, your best friend.
No, you're drooling over a superhero who is completely different from himself. His alter-ego, someone who is undeniably so much better than him. 
How can Dave Lizes ever compete with Kick-Ass?
Todd kicks him in the shin but you're too entranced to sense the tension.  
"What?" Dave mouths and his cheeks flame crimson when Todd points between you and him and makes obnoxious kissing noises. Dave sends his friends a frown and shushes them with a shake of his head. Luckily for him, you aren't paying any attention as you watch the screen, your mind focused on only one thing. 
How does Kick-Ass look so damn good in that stupid costume?
* * *
Sirens go off as Dave limps away, blood staining his lip. He's not badly hurt, just a little shaken up. It isn't like he could feel much of the pain anyway. He sniffs and wipes a hand under his lip, groaning. The air is cold and the night is cloudy. He's been so preoccupied by you that he's been shit at his job—or worse than usual. 
Dave prepares to walk home when he hears a small sniffle from behind a tree in the park he's walking by. He frowns,something stirring in his chest as if pulling him toward the sound. 
Someone could be hurt. 
He forces some bravado as he rounds the park gate and approaches the tree, the sniffling becoming louder. 
His body stiffens when he sees you huddled behind a dress, wearing that dress you'd shown him a thousand pictures of. Realization dawns on him. Corey Addams. You did have a date with him tonight. 
That dickhead.
"What are you doing here?" The question comes out weirdly interrogating as Dave's voice lowers in an attempt to have him be unrecognizable to you and you jump, looking up as you frantically paw at your teary cheeks.
Dave feels like a jerk as he watches your face morph into one of panic and he kneels down, now panicked in his own way. "Hey, hey, it's okay. M' not gonna hurt you. Are you okay?"
He's fumbling with his words, unsure if he's even doing the right thing. You blink at him, your eyes still watery. Dave knows you have a crush on Kick-Ass so this must be extra embarrassing and in his panic, he looks you up and down and fakes a much too insightful educated guess as a way to make you comfortable. 
"Did you just get dumped?"
You scrunch up your nose in confusion and shake your head. Your crying has ceased and you huddle your arms around your legs, resting your chin on your knee. You sigh and look around at the mostly empty park.
"I'm hopeless," you say, not looking at Kick-Ass in particular. 
Dave swallows and fully sits down now, unsure what else he can do. As a superhero he wants to make sure you're safe, and as your best friend, he has a burning desire to stay with you. You turn to him and chuckle out a laugh, sniffling.
"What's so funny?" he asks, confused.
"Me. I'm a fucking joke," you whisper, laughing as you try not to cry again. "I'm so stupid."
"Why do you say that?" Dave asks in a rush, his voice high again. You're too busy self-loathing to hear the change. 
"Because I spend all my fucking time pretending that the one boy I am in love with, I am not actually in love with him! A-and then I go around trying to forget him with any boy that smiles my way or simply walks by and they're never good enough."
Dave thinks you're talking about Kick-Ass and he panics even more. "I-"
"Like how fucking stupid am I? Rambling on and on about you when all I want is him?"
Dave's heart sinks. Shit, he thinks, so you must be talking about Corey then.
After a beat of silence, he says, "I'm sure your date likes you back." He assumes you're most likely overwhelmed since you had said Corey didn't dump you and it's late and—
"My date?" you laugh, "What are you talking about? No. Not my date. My best friend," you ramble on, tears still falling. "I love him and I've messed it up too many times pretending like I don't. I- and Corey told me David's in love with Katie and I just feel so stupid."
You're too distraught to catch on to how weird it is that Kick-Ass has more information about your date than he should as you ramble on and on to him as if he understands who everyone is. Dave can tell you're mostly just speaking out your frustrations. 
You nod, sniffling. "Dave. My best friend, the guy I'm in love with," you tell him and look at Kick-Ass, groaning immediately and then holding your face in your hands like you'd just done something shameful. "Fuck, I'm sorry, this is inappropriate. I'm so sorry I am wasting your time—"
You lower your hands and then he's kissing you before you can finish the sentence. His hands cup around your cheeks as he leans in and continues to kiss you.
You lose yourself in the moment for a bit, your very real yet superficial attraction to Kick-Ass kicking in as you kiss him back until reality finally snaps in and you push him away, scrambling up. 
"What the fuck?!" you scream, feeling violated as you wipe your lips with your hand.
Dave panics now fumbles with his costume. "W-Wait, let me explain," he mutters as he frantically pulls at the zipper behind his neck and throws his mask onto the dirt. He looks up, brown curls falling in front of his eyes. Your eyes widenand you blink at him. 
"Hi," Dave mumbles, his blue eyes shining as the tips of his ears burn. 
"Fuck!" you shriek and lean forward, kneeling again as you now cover his face with your hands, all kinds of emotions overcoming you. "What is wrong with you?!" You grab his mask, shoving it in his hands. Your heart is pounding as he stumbles, falling over from the roughness of the way you're tackling him. 
He grunts and holds your waist with one hand as he pushes your hands away to pull his mask back on. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!" he mutters as he attempts to zip it up. You mumble curses and take over, adjust the fabric as you sit back on your heels and simply watch him. 
Kick-Ass is Dave?! 
You swat his arm repeatedly. "You fucker!!"
"O-ow!" Dave winces as he shields himself from the blows. 
You continue to hit him, your mind unable to process anything anymore— "I can't believe you hide this from me! And that you kissed me?! You fucking perv!" you shout, with no real bite behind your words as your palm rests on his toned chest. 
Dave sits back as your assaults calm down and groans. "I'm sorry."
"Bullshit," you clap back, staring at him. "You aren't sorry. You did that on purpose because I–" you cover your mouth with your hands, "I admitted I have a crush on you."
Dave grins widely, some confidence coming back as he nods his head.
"Kill me," you mutter. 
"Kiss you?" he asks. He's looking at you with his striking blue eyes, chewing on his lower lip. You look at him in his costume and now it all makes sense. Duh, Dave Lizewski is Kick-Ass! It's all in the eyes. How could you have missed them? 
"You just asked me to kiss you."
You pause for a moment but then you break out into laughter.
"I didn't," you say.
Dave leans away, hurt written across his features. "But you want it," he tries. "Y/n I have loved you for years. How could you not know?"
He looks completely serious. You know him. You've known him for years. You know that look behind his eyes. Your expression softens and warmth fills your chest. 
"You can't go around kissing girls without their permission," you whisper, inching forward as your eyes drift to his lip. Dave's lips. 
Dave leans in, almost entranced as he senses your movements. You've always been connected but this feels like a magnetic pull. "I don't plan on kissing any other girls, just you," he says honestly, not even trying to make a move, "but I should have asked you. I'm sorry. I should have—"
It's your turn to pull him in, crashing your lips against his. It isn't smart, kissing Kick-Ass out in the open like this but neither you nor Dave seem to care. Your lips move rhythmically with his and you wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer. 
Dave's gloved hands tighten around your hips, pulling you in even closer as he loses himself in you. You feel so at ease as he deepens the kiss, only pulling away to catch your breath. Dave's looking at you from behind his mask, his chest heaving. 
You lean in and hug him, holding him close. "Why didn't you tell me you liked me?" you whisper.
Dave wraps his arms around your middle. "Why didn't you?" he counters. 
You grin against his shoulder. "Smartass."
Once you pull away again, Dave stands and holds out his hand. He pulls you up and looks around. Thankfully no one is around. "Let me walk you home?"
You nod and nudge his shoulder as you walk. He laughs and pushes you away a little—just like always. A comfortable silence falls upon you both and you itch to hold his hand. Instead, you ask softly. 
"You're careful, right?" You look at his costume.
It's barely audible but Dave hears you anyways. He nods. 
"Yeah. I always am."
Your hand grazes his and your chest fills with warmth. 
"Good. Can't lose you when I've only just gotten you."  
tags: @earth-elemental18, @lqrlei, @princesssunderworld, @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
Sev showing off her card shuffling tricks to reader? (And yes, we can tell you’re ovulating lmao)
men and minors dni
"...and i can shuffle one handed..." sevika mumbles, a proud little smile on her lips, her eyes focused on her hands as she demonstrates all her card tricks to you.
she's just won a round in her little booth, and she's waiting for a new challenger to approach her. she's tipsy, relaxed, a hundred coins richer than when she entered the bar, and best of all, she's got you in her lap, scratching her scalp as she entertains you.
you're fucking enchanted with her, hypnotized with her skilled hands, loving the sweet, childlike look in her eye as she shows off.
"this is the classic riffle..." she says, "and then from here you can go into your fancier shuffles; bridges..." she shows off the move, "waterfalls... the faro... this one's banned in some clubs 'cause you can use it to cheat."
"oh, yeah?" you ask, not caring at all, but absolutely loving the sparkle in sevika's eye when you ask the question.
"yeah! 'cause it's a perfect interwoven shuffle-- so if you do it properly enough times you re-set the deck."
"'s it banned here?" you ask. she nods.
"yeah, but the idiots i play against are too stupid to realize when i use it." she whispers. you cackle, and sevika smirks. "this one's called the tenor..." she continues.
you have to bite your lip a little as you watch her big, strong hands, metal and flesh alike, dexterously and delicately fling the cards around, not dropping a single card or fumbling once.
sevika's none the wiser to how fucking hot she's making you-- she's lost in her nerdy rambling.
"then you got your table shuffling variations--" sevika drops the deck down onto the table top to demonstrate, but you reach out and grab her hand before she can start.
"sevika..." you whisper. sevika pulls her eyes up from her cards to look at you. "you've got sexy fucking hands." you say. sevika blushes, and you grin, reaching up to swipe your finger over her pink cheeks. "and a pretty face, too."
"sevika!" old billy calls from the front of the bar where he stumbles in. she blinks rapidly, biting her lip in embarrassment before turning to face her friend. "i'm gonna kick your ass tonight, young lady!" he teases, approaching your booth.
sevika gulps, and you giggle, leaning forward to kiss her cheek. "better get your game face on, baby... seems like the man means business." you tease.
billy approaches the booth, smacking sevika's shoulder in a greeting, then bending down to kiss your cheek. "evening ladies." he greets.
"hi billy." you greet as he crawls into his booth.
"fuck's wrong with your face, sevika?" billy asks.
sevika squeaks and passes the cards to billy to let him shuffle, her hands clawing at your hips as she hides her embarrassment behind your shoulder.
you cackle, wave billy's concern away with your hand and pass him a cigarette as sevika tries to get her flustered blush under control.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
@raphaellearp @iamastar @sevikitty @claude999
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seoliee · 8 months
Married with the LaD Men: CALEB
Notes: I felt bad not making one for him, but I hope this one is still up to par with the previous one I posted. Anyway, this man deserves so much more and I'm still hoping he could be a love interest in the future.
Oh and by the way, my dms are open for any requests. I have yet to put up a post, but do feel free to message me. I'd love to see your ideas and try to make them come to life ^^
What is it like being married to Caleb?
Word Count: 532 words
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— CALEB : Home Sweet Home
• Caleb was discharged from work quite early than he expected. He's supposed to be scheduled stay in at work for a week, but shortened in just five days. All's well that ends well because he wants to surprise you anyway.
• Caleb who returned to an empty and cold home. He already half expected that you wouldn't be home as he's aware of your actions. Whenever he tells you that he wouldn't be home for an XX amount of days. You'll take that as a chance to sign up for missions to occupy and stop yourself from feeling lonely.
• Caleb who always felt bad about leaving you alone. He sends you messages everyday, but he feels like those weren't enough and had became a repetitive thing. Despite it all, once he's home, you'd always greet him with your sweet smile and pampering him with the love he craved the most.
• Caleb prepared all kinds of delectable dishes, especially his signature roast pork. He spreads his arms out, and you ran up to him with a tight embrace as he swirls you around, keeping his arms tightly secured around your waist.
• Caleb who buries his face on the crook of your neck and inhales your scent. He missed you so dearly. "I missed you so much, pipsqueak." You chuckled at his words, pulling away from him and playfully slaps his chest. Even after being married, he still called uses that nickname. "I missed you too, silly."
• Caleb who actively listens to all your ramblings about your day. He watches as you savor his cooking, commentating that you missed his cooking so much that anything she cooks cannot be matched. He merely chuckles, feeling a bit flustered, but happy that you enjoy them.
• Caleb who scooped you up into his arms, and walks into your shared bedroom. He gently lays you down on the mattress and hovers above you, caging you underneath him. He kept his gaze low, locking with your glimmering eyes. His fingers gently touches your cheek as if it was made of glass, tucking in a stray strand of hair behind your ear and glides under your jaw.
• Caleb who kisses you softly, relishing the taste of your soft lips. Both of your lips danced in a sensual tango, his tongue enters your wet cavern and occasionally brushing against your own. A low moan escapes his throat at the feeling of your hand running up his body and fumbling to undo the buttons of his shirt. He pulls away, licking his lips slowly and looks down at you with a predatory gaze, a playful smile grazing his lips. "Someone's eager today."
• Caleb who plunges his face to the crook of your neck, running his tongue up against your sensitive skin before biting down, and suckles on a patch of skin. He loved the small noises that escapes your lips, and how your body response to every move he makes. "Too bad." He whispers.
• Caleb who's eyes are filled with a mixture of love, lust and mischief in them, nibbles on your earlobe as you elicit a sharp moan. "Too bad that I want to take it slow tonight."
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daddy-suguru · 2 years
she’s mine and oh so fine
Your lacking of confidence just won't do. Not when you should know how beautiful you are.
✑ tags: f!insecure!reader, begging, praise, dacryphilia, Eren call you sugar mama since you give him that sweet pussy, edging, mirror sex, doggy style, mating press, lingerie, daddy/doll/crybaby (used affectionately), teasing/some embarrassment, just the tip, vibrating wand, homemade smut video, overstimulation, mind-break, brat used affectionately, squirting, cockwarming
✑ reposting from my banned page
Every teasing, slow roll of his hips through your slick lips stops just shy of your clit. Your pussy throbs from the ache. Fluttering every time his tip caught on your Toji when he pushes his cock up.
You're making his cock throb, displaying your pussy to him in a mating press. With your sheer skirt bunched up around your squishy hips. While the lace of your top cupping your breasts, giving him glimpses of your nipples.
Splaying his fingers on your navel, pressing down. Whining, pouting as Toji shakes his head, more long strands of his dark hair falling into his dark chocolate eyes. Assuring you,
"Beg and Daddy will make it happen. I promise you, I'll take good care of you doll and your princess pussy." Tears blur Toji hovering over you, roll down your cheeks. Fumbling over your words, pleading,
"Please Daddy!" Your thick voice scraping your ears. Biting your bottom lip, trying to grind your pussy on his cock. Desperate for him to rub your clit just once. His weight keeps you from doing more than trembling.
Smirking while insisting, "I can't tell what my sexy crybaby needs unless you say it." Closing your eyes, heat flushes through your body. Lifting his cock up, slapping your pussy roughly, pressing his large palm against your pussy.
Soothing the sting as he grinds his palm on your clit. Reminding you, "I love the look on your face when you beg. Look me in the eye." Smearing your slick along his cock, twisting his fist and groaning,
"I'll jerk off over your pussy and go watch tv if you take too long to beg." Rubbing your nipple through the lace. The warmth of his touch seeping through.
Yet without his roughness of calloused fingertips, it isn't enough. Arching into his hand, he pulls away. Requesting with a breathy whine,
"Take my lingerie off, please Daddy." He waits and you ramble, "I want to feel your large, rough hands on my body while you fuck me." Pushing your hips down, as he lines himself up.
Relaxing into the bed, groaning as he rolls his hips slowly. Nudging his cock past your lips. Pulling away when you try to take more than his tip. Whining,
"Please, I begged!" You're too perfect not to keep teasing. Greeting him at the door in a white lacy, flowy baby doll lingerie. The moment he saw you, flustered and dressed up for him. With your panties already soaking wet.
Massaging your nipple, while deciding, "Can't, you're too beautiful dolled up. And I'm already fucking you with just my tip. What more do you want?" Dipping his head, sucking on your other tit. Sucking softly, pressing the soft lace into your nipple.
Swirling the wand on your clit, sending intense pleasurably painful waves throughout your body. While Satoru's tight grip on your hip keeps you from pulling away.
Turning the intensity of the wand up as you cum. Quivering, and mewling, while fat tears roll down your face, tugging on his hand. Whining,
"Can't Ru! Please give me a break! I-!" Your words become incoherent moans as it getting harder to think. Your brain failing to do more than process the overwhelming feeling Satoru is endlessly building.
Drawing another orgasm from you despite your belief that you can't cum again so soon. It's like your pussy won't stop, thick clear cum gushing from between your thighs.
Soaking Satoru's long, veiny cock, which jerks upwards inside of you. His tip rubbing your cervix. "Fuck I love feel your pussy throbbing around my cock when your squirt." Your mouth drops open, and he can barely make out his name.
Satoru chuckles, his chest rumbling. He croons. "I told you either you would give in and tell me how beautiful you are. Or I would break your silly little mind. Now tell me, who's a pretty stubborn brat for me?"
The moment he saw that doubting look you had cast on yourself in the mirror. He refused to let it go. You are going to see yourself through his eyes.
After relentless compliments and kisses failed, Satoru playing videos of you, making you watch while he gets you drunk off pleasure, overstimulating you till your stubborn mind breaks. And you give in.
Babbling the words, "I'm your beautiful stubborn brat! Please I'm so pretty getting my pussy stuffed with your long, yummy cock. Need you Ru!" He pulls the wand off your pussy, clicks it off, throwing it back onto the bed.
You can't look away from the tv. Showing one of many videos of you getting pounded from Satoru's point of view. Jealousy flickers through you as you watch Satoru grab your wrist in the video. Using it to fuck himself into you harder, deeper.
The mix of groans and squelch of your pussy is softer than your loud cries as you whine, "Please want to be your pretty cum stuffed brat!" Lifting you off his cock, throwing you onto your back. He grabs your thighs, and yanks your hips to the edge of his bed.
Grabbing his cock, lining himself up. Admitting "I've jerked off to that video more than any other. Porn is so boring now. Only the sight of your pretty face and wet pussy can make me cum. I should send you those cum shots more often. Make sure you never have a chance to ever stubbornly doubt how sexy you are."Nudging his hot head through your lips, rubbing your clit. Then sliding himself back down, rolling his hips forward.
Slipping his fingers out of you, spreading them apart. While watching your slick stretch till it breaks between his fingers. As you whine into the blanket, Eren smacks roughly smack both cheeks.
Softly rubbing the stinging handprints in between each hit. Until you reach back, and he grabs your wrist. Tugging your face out of the blanket, pulling your ass flush against his thighs.
Eren smirks at the sight of your tears. In any other situation, he would worry. In the bedroom is the only time he strove to make you cry. Your whines are so much sweeter when you're overstimulated. Crying that he's too much.
Commanding in his deep, smooth voice, "Sugar mama you better watch me when I'm fucking into your thick head how beautiful you are." Squeezing your hip. Sliding his hand up to your breasts.
Softly massaging one of your nipples. Wrapping his other hand around his cock, slowly pumping his fist. Smearing your slick over his head before lining himself up. Demanding,
"Admit it." There is a burning heat between your lungs unlike anything else before. Every time Eren would stop, it grew. Leaving you wound up so tightly if he touches your pussy again, you'd burst.
Studying yourself in the mirror. Your messy face smudged with lipstick and running mascara. There is a needy desperation in your tearful eyes. And your quivering body bent over in front of Eren screams submission.
Caving, admiring yourself in the mirror. Breathing, "I'm a beautiful woman." Looking into Eren's hooded green eyes while pleading, "I said it! Please just let me cum on your cock" He lines his cock up, swirling his tip. Not even giving you half of his head.
Crying loudly, " I can't wait anymore longer it hurts. I need to cum. I'm the prettiest girlfriend you've ever had. And one day I'll be your sexy baby mama." Hot tears trickle down your cheeks. And your lips part in an o as Eren slowly pushes his hips forward.
Shoving his cock deeper, watching your pussy spread. Groaning, "That my sexy sweet baby mama. Hmmmnn I love spitting her open, watching my cock sink deep into your pussy. So soft and wet.” Grinding his hips against your, rubbing his head against your sponges cervix.
Eren grabs your throat, pressing his fingers in tightly. Keeping your body from boucing forward from the force of his thrust. Eren groans,
“Made to take my fat cock, I’m fillin’ her up perfectly." Sliding his hand down from your chest to your hip. Holding your body tightly to his, as he moves off the bed. Standing in front of the mirror, holding you off the floor.
Smirking as he marvels at the sight of your body held against his. Sliding his hand down to your thigh. Lifting your thigh, showing your stuffed pussy. And his dripping wet balls.
Insisting, "Look at her, so fuckin' sexy!" His voice drops. "Sugar mama tell Daddy what you see." Pulling his hips back, till his head almost slips out. He stays with his the tip inside your throbbing pussy. Waiting for your answer.
Clenching Kento's fingers as he massages your g-spot with two large fingers. Rubbing slow, soft circles into your sore clit. Fresh fat tears roll down your cheeks while your cream gushes into Kento's hand.
Crying, yanking on Kento's tie, which binds you to his headboard. He demands, "Say the number brat." Sucking on your clit, flicking it with the tip of his tongue. Twisting your hips, ripping your clit from his mouth. Without slipping his fingers all the way out.
Kento easily shoves your hips back into place with one large hand. Slipping a third finger past your lips while you whine, "Fiiiveee!" His thick fingers, stroking your squishy insides. Stretching you out as much as his cock.
Pleading with Kento, "Can't cum! Daddy please I can't cum again." Pumping his fingers faster, making a loud squelch fill his bedroom. Rubbing quick soft circles into your clit. The pleasurable pain twisting the ball in your gut tighter.
Reminding you with a sharp tone, "Brat you don't get to call me that." Moving his thumb from your clit. Wrapping his lips around your clit, spelling his name into your clit. Lingering the last letter.
Quickly apologizing, "Sorry sir. I'm sorry I-fuuuck!" The string of moans has Kento smirking. "It's hard to! Kento! Please fuck! It's aah- want your cock. Please I'm pretty, that's why you can't keep your hands offffff meee! Please! I can't!" Thick clear slick gushes from your pussy.
Kento replaces his fingers with his tongue. Loudly groaning as he slurps your cum. Which keeps squirting onto his face, as your pussy spasms around his tongue. Your body goes limp, unable to run away from Kento's tongue.
Slowly pulling away as you slick trickles down to a drip. He croons, "That wasn't so hard was it my love? You should know how breathtaking you are.” Kissing your clit. “Such pretty pussy and it’s all for daddy isn’t it?”
Groping her soft breast while pumping the dildo past her lips. You want to touch her, to feel her plush, heavy tits. Her pale pink nipples puffy and suck-able. Begging Mikasa,
"Pleassee don't make me. I won't talk about myself like that again. Even as a joke. Please baby girl." Your pussy drips onto the chair. Mikasa has you tied up too. Using thick black rope that you normally would tie her up with.
Mikasa's lips curl into a soft smile as she insists, "Keep begging. It's pointless. You know what I need to hear." Pulling the dildo out of her pussy. Her thick pink lips glistening with her cream. While her puffy pink clit is just begging for attention.
Leaning forward, rocking your hips, trying to rub your clit on the chair. Aching for any stimulation for your dripping pussy. Pleading with her, "I want to bury my face between your beautiful thighs. Lick your pretty pussy clean. You can sit on my face and smother me with your cum."
"I'll sit on your face when you tell me how gorgeous you are. Tell me my favorite parts about you." Mikasa used to get flustered so easily when both of you first got together. Your favorite way of teasing was telling her in just how breathtaking her body is. While having her beg using those same compliments for herself.
Mikasa stands up, as you confess, "You love how sweet my pussy taste. That's why you can't get your head out from between my legs. I love sixty-nine-ing with you so we can eat each other's sexy, soft yummy pussies." She closes the small space between the bed and chair. She holds her drenched dildo above your head, some of her slick drips off onto your bottom lip.
Licking your lips, groaning at the sweet taste of her pussy covering your tongue. She groans, "Good girl, I'll squirt on your beautiful face after you clean this up for me." She lowers the dildo as you part your lips. For her to slip her toy past, licking her cum off happily.
Pinning your thighs with her own. While holding your hand above your head. Shoko rocks her hips, stuffing your pussy and her own with the double-ended dildo. When her soft warm pussy touches you, she grinds her hips.
Rubbing her puffy clit against yours, driving you closer to the peak you're craving. Shoko lifts her hips up, pulling the dildo out of you. Which she grabs, pumping into her pussy. Letting go of both of your hands, she rubs her clit.
Giving herself a few strokes, she creams, her pussy dripping onto yours. Cupping her heavy breasts, softly massaging them as they spill through your fingers. Sucking one of her soft nipples, flicking it with her tongue.
Looking up at Shoko and slipping her nipple out of your mouth. Begging her, "Mommy please let me cum. I was wrong. I'm sorry I'm your beautiful baby girl. My pussy is soft, warm and wet. Want you to fuck her till she squirts. Pleasee!" She pulls her dildo out of her with a soft squelch. And climbs off you, letting you stretch your legs out.
Turning the dildo around, stuffing the end soaked in her cum past your lips. While you moan, "Mommy take care of my pretty pussy." She lays down next to you, partly hovering over you. Her breasts are so close to your face.
Wrapping your lips around her soft pink nipples, softly suckling and groaning. Shoko rolls on top of you. While you cup her other breasts, and she pumps the dildo faster. Rubbing the faux cock head against your sweet spot before hitting your sponge cervix.
Shoko moans, "Fuck, suck Mommy tits just like that. Hmm I can feel every flick of your tongue in my clit. You're so beautiful, baby girl."
Shifting your hips, Suguru pinches your nipples. Rocking your hips forward, desperate to feel Suguru's cock drag along your squishy pussy. He tugs your nipples till you still your hips.
Reminding you, "Stay still princess. Until you tell me how beautiful you are, you can't move on my cock. Instead I want to hear you tell me how thankful you are I'm letting you sit on it." Sliding his hand down over your the shape of your body.
Lightly dragging his nails, making you squirm. His cock head rubbing against your spongy cervix. As you whimper,
"I'm tired of cock warming! I need you to let me cum, need to move. Please! Daddy I won't do it again! Please I need my pussy pounded!" Grabbing your hips, his large hand and strong grasp reducing the shifting of your hips.
Suguru strokes achingly slow circles into your clit. He promises, "As much as I want to fuck my fat cock into your soft pretty princess pussy, I can't let you get away with your earlier behavior." Lifting you off his cock, while reminding you.
"Only good girls to get cum and ride Daddy's cock." Biting into your bottom lip, too stubborn to cave in just yet. But when his cock slips out, you break instantly. Crying,
"I sorry daddy, I'll do better! Don't take away your cock! Need you to fill me up. Please pound your pretty princess pussy." Suguru sits you back down, his cock hanging between his parted legs. Which your legs dangle on either side of. Keeping spread apart.
Looking up at Suguru, pleading with him, "I won't talk bad about myself again! Please I'm your lovely goddess with a pussy you should worship instead of teasing." Pouting, he smiles as he leans down and kisses your forehead.
Lifting your hips, lining his cock up and sinking you down on himself. Wrapping his hand around your throat and standing up. Tightly cutting off your air, as he stands up.
Tangling your fingers into his hair, loosening up his messy bun. Your feet dangling off the floor. All you can hold on to is Suguru, who warns you,
"Can't run away now. You want me to pound your pretty princess pussy, worship it? Then don't cry it's too much and take it all like a good girl. And don't ever disrespect yourself again, you should know how beautiful you are mama."
✑ all works
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poppurini · 7 months
꒰ written by m ┊ HE’S OLD AND A LOSER! ෆ lilia fem!younger!reader, modern au, age gap, you loove teasing poor old lilia for being his age, up to u how old u want him to be but ME PERSONALLY ???? in his 40s <3
꒰ notes from m ┊ awkward / loser / tall / big lilia BECAUSE I CAN, lowercase intended, “it’s ooc” “the timeline doesn’t match” IDGAFFF you’ve been warned 💥💥 absolutely GROSS writing bcos this is stoopid ramble … don’t expect anything
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lilia who fumbles with his new phone and frowns at how complicated it is to navigate through everything. what’s wrong with plain old buttons with clear directions on them? they’re easier to press and doesn’t disappear from the phone itself! he’s sitting by himself, so, so focused on figuring out the phone before you laughed softly at how cute he looked. him? a former general? cute? he shrugs, not minding the compliment one bit since it was from his darling love.
you’d settle yourself onto his lap comfortably and take his phone into your hands, showing him how easy it is to navigate through them and that he was just old!
“see? easy! and you could do so much more with it too!”
“i can do many things with it, yes. but i don’t really need it. and also back in my day, phones were just to—”
a soft chuckle escaped the older man when you cut him off with a whine and a wave of your hand, snuggling into him and setting up his phone for him. he doesn’t really get what you’re tapping so much for, but his eyes brightened when he saw a nice picture of the two of you being displayed on the screen. now, he was intrigued.
“if you change this to anything else i’ll hate you.”
you were talking about his lock screen and he was perfectly fine with the picture you chose; it was endearing.
“but what if I want to change it to a different picture of my pretty girl?”
his arms snaked around your waist and pulled you close against him. his voice playful and the corner of his lips tugged up into a small smile.
lilia who can’t seem to keep up with your energetic self as you dragged him around malls or amusement parks. he shakes his head and tells you he can’t go on rollercoaster rides because they’re far too extreme for his poor heart! but that man eventually caves and allows you to excitedly pull him in line. you know he workouts and eats healthy; he’ll be fine! he had a great build for someone his age.
he’d definitely be the kind of bf who gently nags you about how you shouldn’t have so much sweet stuff in a day. you’re on your second cotton candy and he’s NOT gonna let you have any more!! but feel free to sneak away and secretly purchase one (with his card) yourself when he’s busy talking about the cons of consuming cotton candy or sugary drinks
if you get upset at him please don’t be :( he’s really just looking out for your health and he knows you’re supposed to have fun in an amusement park but you’ll come back tomorrow right ?? so just save it for then! how about a nice dinner for now? with actual nutritious foods
lilia who gets all flustered when you shamelessly swoon at his attractiveness. from the visible veins that run up his hands to the sheer size difference between the two of you, you love every single thing about him! you’re not even shy at expressing how needy you are for him, clinging onto him every second of the day and intertwining your fingers so sweetly before playing with his large hands.
yes, yes … he knows he’s attractive and has had his fair share of lovers before but he hasn’t met an individual as enthusiastic as yourself. no seriously, was it his age that makes him feel like he’s unable to keep up with you? because he’s had girls swoon over him before when he was in his prime and he’d always always always!! know what to say just to get them even more head over heels for him but maybe his age is catching up to him…and youngsters like yourself with such enthusiasm and energy just makes him dizzy (affectionately)
ok hear me out … MAYBEEEE loser lilia doesn’t think he’s THAT attractive even when he was in his prime. he wasn’t that good at talking to girls and all the girls loved confident, smug men, don’t they? but he wasn’t sooo desperate for a lover either so he was kinda just chilling and doing his own thing … until he got himself a bubbly girl like yourself who isn’t shy to admit just how in love you are with him
you’d notice all shades of red bursting across his cheeks. his hand coming up in an attempt to hide how flustered he looked but him moving his hand MADE HIS VEINS EVEN MORE VISIBLE !! so you’re obvi going crazy over it while snuggling into him all giggles and shit … making him even more flustered ugh he’s faking coughs clearing his throat and looking away
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vampirevatican · 7 months
Looking at saved photos of him...
pairing: om! brothers x reader
summary: the bros find you reacting to something on your phone. a huge smile, blushing, covering your mouth, or muttering things to yourself. they would've never guessed you were looking at them
note: whenever i see my fave boys, especially mammon, i think about how they'd react so i made this
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remember. he is pride personified.
sure it's not an arrogant pride, more so stubborness
but!! in this case? oh yeah he knows he's hot shit and he couldn't be happier
funniest part is that the mfer usually has a smug and calm look on his face so when he's thinking about how you were just grinning over photos of him it doesn't really show to others
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he's boasting...
instantly in the HoL group chat he's going on and on about how he's better
how you ramble on and on over just looking at photos of him
he WILL NOT stfu about it... unless one of his stronger brothers makes him (lucifer or satan specifically)
would start sending you pictures of him at modeling jobs
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oh he's flustered and confused
how could you blush over a smelly, bastard, gross otaku like him
and then he hears how sweetly you talk about him and he just gets more flustered and embarrassed
going over some of the pictures with him? maybe you'll build his confidence a bit
although im certain he'd still be fumbling his words and in awe at how you see him and love him
he's going to cherish this for a long time
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he is his father's daughter son.
by that i mean to say that he's prideful about it but he's not focused on him and it being a natural fact like luci
and it's not bc out of all his brothers you're reacting like this about him like mamo or levi
nah this is him being better than lucifer. this is about you seeing him for him. this is about loving him from cute cat pics, rage and handsome
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it's worse than lucifer... mainly because he lives and breathes the reality that he is the most gorgeous thing in all the three realms
would constantly tease you over it
anytime you simply glance at him? "take a picture, darling. it'll last longer." (affectionate)
and me? personally? i'd wanna wipe the smirk off of his face
but for the folks who are in love with him?? you take multiple pictures instantly which he poses for ofc
you now receive every selfie he takes before he posts it on devilgram
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doesn't think much of it but is very happy about it
seeing you happy makes him happy, he's simple like that
at the same time he is very emotional intuitive, so he knows that when you swoon over the pictures it's more too it than his looks
hell the photos and your muttered words say it too, and he actually holds onto how sweet it all is
really makes his day that he's more than just brawn or someone who eats a lot to you...
he feels warm inside when you say he's your baby
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he can look like he doesn't care, he can sound like it
but know for sure he's teasing you
and that teasing is the only way he can actually tell you he wants you to look at him more
being the baby, the seventh, and the least active/present brother he demands and needs the attention
might be sweet and smile at you more when you lock eyes, or just when he sees you... maybe even smiles in his sleep when hearing your voice or sensing your presence
i feel like he'd tease you if he catches you staring at him one day by saying "take a picture it'll last longer" (derogatory)
but please take pictures of him, he appreciates the attention
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starglow-xx · 1 year
“i think you forgot something!”
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isagi yoichi x gn! reader
in where your boyfriend’s forgetful habits somehow leave you the one being flustered
a/n: i’ve fallen fast and hard for the blue lock boys (specifically isagi yoichi but shh) so here we go but also happy birthday yoichi ily <33
inspired by this scenario: Person A is about to leave for work. Person B asks them if they've forgotten anything, and Person A gives them a kiss. Person B turns red and opens their hand to reveal Person A's keys/wallet/etc., saying 'I meant this, but thanks.'
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Isagi was already half way out the door when you called for him, jogging slightly to meet him at the door frame. He was running late as he fell to the temptation of staying in with you for a little longer in bed.
Before he knew it, he had just about 7-10 minutes to leave before he’ll surely be late and as much as he wants to continuously improve his skills for soccer, he does not want to subject himself to whatever punishment would be waiting for him.
Isagi as quickly as he could with his thoughts already so scrambled went through a mental checklist of possible things that he could’ve forgotten.
And whether or not it’s a list comprised of things he has actually forgotten in the past is irrelevant. He ignores the your voice in his head telling him he’s “head empty, only soccer”.
He’s thinks it’s dumb though, because really, you’re the one always on his mind.
Okay, but water bottle? Yes, he nearly knocked off like 3 things off the fridge shelf to get it, but it’s in his bag.
His keys? Yeah, they should be in the pocket of his bag.
His cleats? Should still be in his bag from yesterday’s practice.
Ah! Duh, what else could he be missing?
Tunnel vision seeing nothing but your face, he quickly took a stride forward and wrapped an arm around your waist and used his other hand to cup the side of your face and pulled you into a long kiss.
The squeak that accidentally left your mouth was lost in the kiss as you feel yourself literally melt into your boyfriend’s arms, knees weakening almost embarrassingly quick.
Yoichi deepened the kiss tilting both your heads, as you feel yours spinning, although you aren’t really sure if it’s due to the sudden kiss itself or the lack of oxygen.
The blue eyed male pulls away to be met with your burning face. He smirks slightly at his work and brushes hair from your face, then kisses your forehead gently.
His smile is gentler and more affectionate as he pulls away to look at you again.
“Sorry love, almost forgot your goodbye kiss”
He didn’t think your face could get any redder, but you always managed to surprise him. He watched you fumble with something behind your back, avoiding eye contact, and you slowly pulled out his cleats.
“I-I meant your cleats, but t-thanks...”
Isagi blinked twice in surprise. He was not expecting that.
Getting more flustered due to this silence, you ramble on using the cleats to cover your face.
“B-but not that I mind! Actually, I don’t mind if you do that again later...”
You mumbled the last part, but naturally, your egoist of a boyfriend happened to hear.
His face breaks out into a smile combination that to you seems so Isagi Yoichi being a mixture of smugness and boyishness.
Having enough (not really) of the man in front of you, you shove the cleats into his arms feeling your own mouth break into a grin as he laughs at you.
“Go on you egoist! You’re going to be late! Don’t come running to me when all the boys target you for dragging your practice back!” You playfully chastise as you practically push him out the door, knowing fully well that he’s letting you because he’s much stronger than you.
“I’m going! I’m going!”, your boyfriend laughs out.
You watch as Isagi walks out, leaning against the doorframe as he does so, a gentle smile as you wave when he turns around.
All of a sudden he sends you a cheeky smile, and before you know it, his lips are back on yours. Before you can even kiss back, he breaks the kiss, and runs away from your spot at the door.
You gape at his back as you process what happened.
Never mind being an egoist, what a little shit!
“Isagi Yoichi!”
You’re only met with the light laughter that carries throughout the corridor.
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im a simp for isagi yoichi <33
as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate on here or any other sites!
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asa-do-your-thing · 4 months
The Game
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18+ MINORS DNI Eddard Stark x F!Reader x Robert Baratheon 6.2 k Warnings: P in V sex, porn w/o plot, smut duh, virginity, alcohol, fingering, doggystyle, mmf, threesome, blowjob, cunnilingus, overstim, actualy really cute and fluffyas always no proofreading no nothing dedicated to @zaldritzosrose and @foxyanon <3
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"Everything is fine," You assured Ned, your voice quiet as you looked over at him. He was holding your dress together at the back where he had accidentally ripped it with Brandon's shield. "It's fine, we can just wait here until my sister can bring me a new dress," you suggested. Robert Baratheon's tent was impressive in size - expected for someone of his status as head of House Baratheon.
Eddard Stark, the man you have long since felt affection for, stood in front of his friend and blushed as red as an overripe apple, and tried his best to look away from your exposed back. “Robert, I’m sorry, you know I couldn’t take her back to her family like that and I would dishonour her if I brought her back to my tent… Brandon sees everything and I couldn’t possibly harm her reputation…”, he rambled and looked apologetically at his friend.
Robert gave the two of you a wicked smile and wiggled his brows, before beckoning you to come closer. “Is that not the shy Lady you danced with yesterday, Ned? My, I did not think you to be so chivalrous. Or sly… it is not like I told you yesterday that the view of my tent’s entrance is obstructed…”
Your heart started beating rapidly as you watched the two handsome young men interacting with each other and felt the back of your dress drooping again, a cold draft passing over the tops of your buttocks. “Eddard, the dress!”
Eddard started, his gaze snapping back to you. He quickly gripped the torn fabric of your dress, drawing it together. "Apologies," he muttered, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.
Robert roared with laughter, slapping his knee. "Seven hells, Ned! I've known you since we were boys, but I never thought I'd see the day when you’d be flustered by a woman’s bare back." Even as he teased, there was affection in his voice.
Eddard shot Robert an irritated look but held his tongue. He turned to you again, still fumbling with your dress, and then dropped his hands and looked helplessly at Robert. "I can't hold this all day," he admitted grudgingly.
Laughter still dancing in his eyes, Robert stood up from his seat at the head of the table and ambled over to a chest by the side of his tent. He rummaged through it for a moment and then came back carrying a thin fur cloak. "Here," he tossed it over to Eddard who barely caught it in time.
"Thank you," said Eddard quietly as he wrapped the cloak around your bare shoulders, careful not to let any more skin show than necessary.
The fur felt warm against your cooled skin and you sighed in relief. You turned around carefully to look at Eddard who was now standing slightly away from you. His fingers brushed against yours as he handed you the remaining length of the cloak and your heart fluttered at the brief contact.
Meanwhile, Robert sat back down, eyeing both of you curiously. “Actually… Now that I’ve come to think about it, I’ll send a servant after your sister and tell her to forget your dress. I think we shall spend a wonderful evening here, instead of having to prance around in front of Lord Whent’s daughter and that Targaryen Prince once more. I have a bottle of strongwine I’d wish to finish with you.”
You nervously eyed Eddard and Robert, slowly shaking your head, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “No, I shouldn’t… I…”
Robert held up a hand to stop your protest. "Barely half a week in Lord Whent's castle, and you've already attended more tourneys than I can count," he said, then waved around the tent with a flourish.
"What is more enticing? Another night of listening to Whent’s daughter prattle on about the virtues of housekeeping, or an evening of mayhaps too much wine, laughter, and stories from two charming men from Great Houses?"
Eddard looked up at his friend, his eyebrows raised in surprise at the sudden change in his tone. To you, it was clear that Robert had more to offer than just a simple drink; it was an opportunity to escape the stifling expectation of propriety.
He moved closer towards you, his eyes glinting in the candlelight and revealing a new depth of fondness. "I used to tell Ned that laughter is the best cure for everything - war, heartbreak, even frostbite." He paused, looking straight at you with a reassuring smile. "Perhaps it is time we tested that theory... together."
Silence hung heavy in the air as Eddard nervously rubbed at his neck. His shy, grey eyes met yours, pleading silently for you to consider Robert's offer. You saw not just affection from him but also a desperate desire for companionship - an appeal that tugged at your heartstrings. Your father would never have approved - this alone made you consider their offer.
Robert broke the silence by standing and extending a hand towards you. His eyes were warm as he waited patiently for your decision. "So?" he asked, his voice laden with anticipation.
You glanced over at Eddard one last time before finally reaching out and placing your hand into Robert’s, to which he softly made you shuffle over to a settee. “One evening won’t hurt,” you said with a small smile. “We already snuck around the tourney grounds last night, Eddard, and no one saw us. And you, Lord Robert, I’ve heard many good things about you. Some time with you and strong wine will not hurt, I think…,” you said softly, almost as if trying to convince yourself that whatever you were doing was, in fact, normal and alright. It would’ve been easier to do so, you thought, if the two of them did not make you feel giddy and if your dress - and to your horror, your shift under it - was not falling apart.
Robert’s laughter rang out again, hearty and infectious, filling the tent. “Ah, you underestimate us, my lady! We are far more entertaining than any tourney,” he declared, settling back onto the settee with an exaggerated flourish, his arm draped behind you and Eddard.
The evening passed in a whirl of stories and laughter, of shared glasses of strongwine and knowing glances. Eddard’s bashfulness was soon replaced by quiet amusement as Robert recounted tales of their childhood adventures — some heroic, some foolish, but all engaging. Eddard would chime in now and then with corrections or additions that made the stories even more enjoyable.
Your nerves slowly eased away as the night progressed. You found yourself laughing heartily at Robert’s boisterous jokes and charmingly exaggerated anecdotes. Eddard’s reserved wit added a refreshing touch to the cheerful atmosphere. The soft fur cloak provided not only warmth but also a sense of comfort and security amidst your unusual predicament, especially as you finally felt the last few inches of your dress and shift falling apart.
Robert had been right; this was indeed far better than another tedious evening at Lord Whent's tourney. The unspoken expectations for noble ladies like yourself were temporarily forgotten in the company of these two captivating men. And most importantly, you felt a strange sense of camaraderie with them, an intimacy that belied the short length of your acquaintance.
Eddard - no, Ned you were supposed to call him, Robert had said - looked at you then, a soft smile tugging at his lips as if contemplating an endearing secret. You met his gaze and smiled back, feeling a tenderness towards him that startled you with its intensity.
Robert interrupted the moment by raising his nearly empty goblet. “To unforgettable nights.”
You toasted back and finished your cup, your head body all warm and woozy. “This… this is the best I’ve ever felt. Thank you for letting me stay.”
Ned, much to your surprise, stayed quiet and eyed both you and Robert with a small smirk. His fingers gently touched yours as he looked deeply into your eyes. "You're welcome to stay longer, if you wish," he said softly.
“But… Lord Robert…?”, you asked quietly and looked at the big, muscular man with the beautiful blue eyes, who, just like Eddard, seemed to look better with every instant that passed.
“Oh, I won’t mind. Though… Actually, let us properly finish this bottle before we can even think about sleeping or leaving. My Lady, have you ever played truth or dare?”, Robert asked you with a smirk that mirrored Ned’s.
You blinked at Robert, taken aback by his proposition. “Truth or dare?” you echoed uncertainly. The game was something children played during frivolous feasts, not something that nobles such as yourselves indulged in. His smirk widened at your surprise, delight sparkling in his eyes.
“Indeed, my lady,” Ned chimed in, his grey eyes twinkling with mirth. “A chance to honor honesty or test courage. Both qualities we admire.” His gaze held a touch of challenge, daring you to accept their proposition.
A wary heart warred with a curious mind within you. But the boldness of the Baratheon and the comforting presence of Stark had already stirred a perilous thrill in you. This game could be terribly revealing and potentially jeopardizing. But it could also be liberating. You were never one to shy away from challenges.
“Very well,” you sighed dramatically, feigning reluctance. “I accept.”
Glee replaced the smirks on their faces as they hastily poured more strongwine into your goblet than was necessary, making you giggle at their eagerness. You raised an eyebrow at them suspiciously as they clinked their goblets against yours before gulping down their share heartily.
“As our guest of honor tonight, you shall have the first choice,” Robert declared after he set his goblet down with a loud clank. He was already halfway through his strongwine again and his cheeks reddened as he looked at you expectantly.
Your stomach fluttered nervously as you considered your options but seeing the anticipation in the men’s eyes only made you bolder. You wanted to prove to them that you were not afraid of their questions. Dares could easily be done - though the truth… the truth, in your opinion, could be far harder. “Alright, my Lords. I choose the truth,” you said with a small smile, not showing any reaction to Ned’s hand on your leg. You slowly understood what game was truly being played here, but to your own surprise, it only seemed to thrill you even more.
Robert, with a roguish grin, leaned forward, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Very well," he said, his voice low and teasing. "Whom do you fancy more, Lady? Ned with his solemn eyes and honorable ways, or me with my charm and good looks?"
Your heart pounded in your chest as the words echoed in the air of the tent. The two men watched you expectantly, their eyes bearing into yours. This was indeed a tricky challenge, you thought with a soft smile. A truth that could possibly upset this delicate balance between you three.
"You're putting me in a difficult situation, Lord Robert," you said playfully, pretending to be distressed by the question. "Both of you have your charms."
Robert chuckled at your answer while Ned's grey eyes were unreadable but his hand on your leg tightened slightly in response.
“Very diplomatic,” Robert teased, swirling his goblet of wine around before taking another deep gulp. “But it won’t be that easy to evade our questions by being coy.”
“Agreed,” Ned added with a smirk that was quite uncharacteristic for him but suitably devilish for the situation at hand.
“Alright,” you said, sighing heavily for dramatic effect once again, “I’m drawn to both of you.” You paused for effect and looked at both men. “To Robert’s infectious laughter and bold spirit.” You turned to look at Robert whose grin widened at your praise while he nodded approvingly.
“And,” you continued, “to Ned’s gentle strength and handsomeness.” You then directed your gaze at Ned who seemed slightly taken aback by your confession, and blushed deeply. “That was… not so bad,” you mumbled with a small grin, “ and I choose you, Robert, next. Truth or Dare?”
“Dare,” Robert replied almost instantly, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
You smirked mischievously as a dare popped into your mind. It was nothing outrageous but something that would surely entertain you.
“I dare you, Lord Baratheon, to sing us a song. A love ballad preferably."
Robert’s eyes widened at your words before he groaned loudly, much to Ned's amusement. "By the gods, woman! You truly are a sadist!" He complained, but there was a twinkle in his eye that was hard to miss.
"Those were the rules of the game," you retorted cheekily and gestured for him to proceed.
With another dramatic sigh, Robert started humming an old Westerosi ballad about a knight and his fair lady. His voice was surprisingly melodious for someone so gruff and brawny. The smile on your lips widened as he really got into it, gesticulating wildly and not missing out on even one of flourishes.
When he finished, he bowed low in front of you with a grand flourish causing both you and Ned to break into uproarious laughter. Your sides hurt as you tried to stop laughing while Robert feigned hurt.
“Your turn, Stark,” Robert said after everyone had finally managed to calm down from all the laughing. “Truth or Dare?”
Ned thought for a moment before replying, “Truth.”
Robert rubbed his hands together as if relishing what he was about to ask next. “So Ned… Is it true that you have ripped this fair maiden’s dress on purpose?”
Ned turned scarlet at the audacious question and apologetically pressed a kiss on your hand. “I… Fuck, Robert, that was mean! Y-yes, I did. I only wanted to rip it a bit, but my dagger must’ve slipped and I also nicked your shift and… I only wanted to be a gallant knight to maybe steal a chaste kiss, but now I’m here, with your clothes falling off of you…”
"Quite the confession, Ned," Robert boomed, laughing heartily at his friend's discomfort. "The shy wolf with lecherous intentions. Who would have thought?"
You smirked, looking at Ned whose blush went even deeper. "It was quite the sight to see you flustered, Ned," you confessed, keeping your tone light-hearted. "I must admit, it only added to your charm."
Despite the blush on his face, a pleased smile spread on Ned's lips at your comment.
"And since I've been putting you gentlemen to test so far," you continued, amusement coloring your voice and a wicked glint in your eyes. "I believe it is high time I got a taste of my own medicine."
Both Robert and Ned exchanged glances before Robert turned back to you with a deep grin. "Dare it shall be then," he declared, raising his goblet in a toast.
Your heart skipped a beat as you awaited their command – the thrill of the game alive and pulsating in your veins.
And then Ned spoke up, his voice slow and deliberate – enough to send chills down your spine. “We dare you to dance for us.”
The request caught you off guard - dancing did not seem like much of a challenge until you remembered that there was no music playing in the tent - no lute or harp melody to guide your movements, not to mention that you only had Robert’s thin fur coat to cover your body.
"How will I dance without music?" You asked, attempting to divert this dare to something easier. “My dress will fall of completely…”
Robert shrugged nonchalantly and pointed towards himself saying, "Oh, that won’t bother us. But if you won’t dance, I guess you’l have to kiss us, then…”
Your cheeks flushed with excitement as you watched the two of them exchange a sly look. "Oh, so that's how we're playing this game?" you whispered with a mischievous grin. You sprang up and blew out the candles, enveloping the tent in playful darkness.
With a twirl, you shed your garments and snuck over to Ned for a slow, seductive kiss before moving on to Robert for a quick, teasing one. Giggling, you hopped onto Robert's bed. “If you want more, I guess you will have to catch me…,” you whispered and giggled as they cursed and something clattered against the ground.
The next moments were filled with soft laughter and hushed whispers as the two men seemed to plot your capture. You held your breath, wondering which one of them would make the first move. Then suddenly, the bed dipped gently at the corner signaling that someone had made their move. Grinning wildly, you leapt off the bed just in time to avoid Ned's outstretched hand.
"Where are you?!" Robert's gruff voice echoed in the dark followed by a thump and his subsequent curse. It was clear that he'd walked into something and you stifled a chortle, pressing your hand to your mouth.
"Oh, come out! Come out! Wherever you are," Ned called out playfully after a moment of silence. You stayed hidden behind some draped fabrics which seemed like an enclosed pavilion within the tent. Their cautious steps were heard shuffling about in the dimness as they tried to locate you.
Suddenly, a hand brushed against your arm, and before you could react or run, you were being pulled into a warm embrace and gently lifted back onto the bed. You yelped in surprise and then giggled when you recognized Robert’s husky chuckle near your ear. “Got you,” he murmured triumphantly.
"Oh, well done," Ned's voice came from somewhere close by, accompanied by soft clapping. The smile on your face widened when he added with evident amusement, "Now I guess it's best we see how our lovely maiden plans on escaping this situation."
Robert laughed heartily at that but didn’t release his hold on you while you squirmed lightly in his arms trying to appear as if you were attempting an escape, only stopping once Ned’s hand softly gripped the top of your thigh, above the point where your stockings ended and dangerously close to your growing heat. “I… oh!”, you gasped and blushed.
Ned chuckled, a low rumble that made you shudder. "Oh, I like this game," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. You could hear the grin in his voice. You felt his hand squeeze your thigh before sliding away in an achingly slow journey.
"Now, now Ned," Robert's voice came into play. "Let's not be overly greedy, shall we?" His arms tightened around you again as if to doubly emphasize the fact that he was the one currently in control.
You squirmed and twisted around to look at him over your shoulder, giving him your best impression of an innocent doe-eyed gaze. "But if I can't move... how do I continue the game?"
Robert's laughter filled the tent once more. "That's the point, lass. We have you right where we want you."
A thrill ran down your spine at their words, the playful darkness of the tent somehow making their intentions all the more exciting.
Suddenly, Robert let out a groan followed by a muffled curse. Ned had managed to prod him in the ribs with his knee and taken advantage of Robert’s momentary distraction to pull you from Robert’s arms into his own lap. This new position offered no respite; Ned's form was just as hard and unyielding as Robert's had been, yet his hands started wandering once more, shyly cupping your breasts and rubbing your nipples with this thumbs.
"You're sneaky, Stark," Robert protested but there was no real heat behind his words. The tent quieted down as Robert moved from the bed - something clattered against the floor, probably his doublet - and you tried to calm your breathing, so as not to show them how much this… game excited you.
"I learn from the best," Ned replied, pressing a kiss on your temple.
"You haven't seen my best yet," Robert retorted with a sly grin and let his hand wander over your body, stopping short of your mound making you inhale sharply.
“Your… best?”, you breathed and stifled a moan as Ned continued gently playing with your breasts, dipping down to kiss you every now and then.
"Yes, my best," Robert grinned. His voice was huskier than you'd ever heard it before and it sent shivers down your spine. The silence in the tent was only broken by the occasional mutterings of the two men and your small gasps as they touched you in places no man had ever dared to before.
Ned's mouth began tracing a path down your neck, nipping lightly on your collarbone before he moved lower. You whimpered at the feel of his mouth on your breast, his tongue swirling around your nipple before taking it into his mouth, suckling gently. You clung tighter to him as you felt yourself being pushed back against Robert's equally demanding body.
Meanwhile, Robert’s large hand traveled up and down your thigh, slowly creeping closer to the apex of your legs. His touch was driving you insane, and you could only imagine what would happen when his hand finally reached its destination. "It really is an interesting game," he murmured into your ear, his hot breath washing over you.
"Ned...Robert..." you gasped out their names like a prayer, squirming against them, pleasure building within you like a flame ready to consume everything in its path. The world spun around you, everything focusing down to where their hands and mouths were on your body.
Ned pulled away from your breast with a wicked grin, leaving it wet and your nipple hard. He leaned over to whisper something into Robert's ear while his fingers continued their torturous dance over your body. Robert laughed heartily at whatever Ned said before leaning in to steal a rough kiss from Ned's lips.
Your eyes widened at the sight in the darkness but immediately closed your eyes as you felt Robert’s fingers spreading your moist lips open and after an instant, the warmth of his tongue on your pearl. You did not even notice that Ned took off his clothes, nor did you notice that he softly retuned to his spot behind you, holding you softly in his strong arms. All you felt was the warmth of Robert’s tongue, the pleasure it gave you as it swirled over your sweet spot and at the way his large fingers trailed up and down your heat, not daring to enter you yet, only laying them teasingly against your entrance.
“I think I’m in the lead, Stark, she’s so wet already and I haven’t even been inside her,” he said as he demonstratively patted his hand against your slickness, making the tent echo with your small, suppressed moan.
"Is that so?" Ned's voice was low, his breath sending tremors down your spine as he nudged your ear with his nose. "Well then, let's see where this leads us." His hand slid down your body, joining Robert's between your thighs, their fingers brushing against each other and creating an electric sensation that tickled the pit of your belly.
Robert paused to let out a gruff laugh, but didn't move away from you. Instead, he pressed a hot kiss onto your inner thigh, his stubble scratching delicately against your sensitive skin. "Where are you headed with this, Stark?" His voice was muffled as he continued his ministrations on your throbbing nub.
Ned didn't answer at first. He shifted behind you, moving closer until his naked body was completely pressed against yours, turning you slightly onto your side. You could feel his arousal pressed against the small of your back causing a gasp from you. He chuckled darkly, his hands moving on their own accord to cup your breast and massage it in rhythm with Robert's flickering tongue.
The pleasure coursing through you was unlike anything you'd ever experienced before. Ned's strong hands expertly kneading at your breasts coupled with Robert's relentless assault on your wetness had you writhing and moaning in ecstasy between them.
"Ned... Robert…" Your plea came out more like a desperate whimper as Ned’s hands moved down towards your arsecheeks, spreading them, squeezing them, spanking them. Suddenly, the sensation of Robert’s mouth retreating caused a frustrated whine to escape from you.
"Patience, darling," Robert admonished gently as he leaned up from between your legs, pressing one final kiss on your warmth before moving up to your face, kissing you sweetly, his mouth tasting of your cunt, yet you could do naught but to kiss him feverishly, because Ned, in your moment of distraction managed to crawl between your opened thighs, and inserted his finger into your warmth, making you moan into Robert’s mouth.
“Let me… anything… oh…,” you muttered wantonly and let your hand explore Robert’s big body that loomed over you, before shyly closing your small hand around his hardness, your mind spinning as you noticed that you could easily hold his with your second hand as well. With a growing blush you moaned as Ned slowly inserted a second finger into your heat, slowly moving them, whilst pressing small, sweet kisses onto your rosebud.
"Ned...more," you whimpered, your hand tightening around Robert's length as the tension coiled tighter within you. The Baratheon lordling let out a low groan at your touch, his own hand nestling in your hair to keep you close.
"All in good time, love," Ned murmured against your heat, sucking your juices off of his fingers bore gently inserting them again, curling them inside you and sending a fresh wave of pleasure coursing through your body. His other hand left your thigh, travelling up to tangle in your hair as he guided your head towards Robert's ready arousal.
Gods, they both made you feel tiny as they roamed their hands over your shivering body. Helplessly you did as he motioned, opening your mouth and tasting Robert for the first time. He was rich and salty and filled your senses completely. You heard Robert's sharp inhale as you took him in deeper, his hand tightening in your hair as you choked on his length, your tongue swirling around him.
Meanwhile, Ned had taken advantage of your distraction to press his thick digit further into your warmth, matching Robert's moan with one of his own. "I believe I have taken the lead again," he chuckled lowly, continuing his torturous pace inside you. His voice was ragged, filled with desire and anticipation that mirrored yours. You could feel him shifting behind you once more, and when you felt the blunt pressure of his cock against your entrance, it took everything within you to keep from crying out loud.
"Ned..." It was a plea this time, a desperate cry for release that he answered with a gentle thrust inside you. The sensation was overwhelming, filling you completely as he stilled inside you to let you adjust to him.
Robert's grip on your hair loosened and he pulled away slightly to meet Ned’s gaze, though all you could do was to suck him deeper again, unable to keep yourself from moaning and screaming at Ned’s length in your womanhood. You’d been a maiden, of course, so the feeling was overwhelming - the way he stretched you out, the way he grunted at the way you tightened around him. After a few moments of respite, he slowly began to move inside you.
“Are… are you alright, my girl?”, he panted and looked up at Robert, who quickly pulled back from you so that you might answer Ned’s question, his cock glistening with your spit as it loomed over you.
“Yes, yes! I’m… ah… please more… feels’s’good…,” you mumbled, trying to give him an encouraging smile, even though it didn’t fully matter - your mind had been tunred into jelly. You hyperfocused on the delightful stretch of his cock, before gently stroking Robert’s again. “D’you… want me to continue?”
"Continue..." Robert echoed your words, his voice brimming with desire. His hands once again found their way to your hair, tugging gently as he guided you back onto him, a groan rippling from his chest as your lips encased him once more.
Ned started to move again, a low grumble of pleasure escaping him as he sank further into your warm depths. The sensation of them both filling you was intoxicating, the taste of Robert in your mouth and Ned inside you causing a fevered heat to pool in your belly.
With that affirmation, Ned's thrusts began to quicken, each one met with a gasp or moan from you. His hands were everywhere - roaming your body, making sure no inch of your skin was left untouched. He took great pleasure in watching as you writhed under his touch, the sight of you taking Robert into your mouth only adding fuel to his flaming desire.
Meanwhile, Robert's hand tightened in your hair as your tongue worked him over. He watched as Ned moved within you, his chest swelling at the sight before him. He had to stop himself from reaching out and touching where Ned disappeared inside you, the sight so erotic it drove him wild.
"Gods... You're amazing," Ned murmured against your ear, gently picking up your legs and pressing them up against your heaving chest. Every inch of him attuned to every move you made, every gurgle that escaped your lips as Robert began wantonly fucking your mouth.
"Yes," Robert agreed hoarsely, "Perfect."
Emboldened by their praises you continued with newfound zeal, matching Ned's movements inside you with the rhythm of your lips around Robert's length. The tension built within your body, tears of pleasure rolling down your cheeks. You grunted, desperately hoping for some fresh air as you felt your release creeping up to you.
"Yes, darling." Robert withdrew his length from your mouth and pressed a sweet, comforting kiss on your forehead, his hands cradling your face as he whispered words of encouragement. "Let go, love," he murmured, stroking your flushed cheek with his thumb.
Ned continued his relentless thrusting, each movement sending jolts of pleasure coursing through you. His fingers dug into your thighs as he quickened his pace, his grunts and moans in sync with yours. "Can you feel it, love?" he breathed into your ear. "Are you close?"
Nodding frantically, you whimpered in response. “Please, Ned, please, please, I…” Your body was shaking under the pressure of their combined attentions; the tension building to an unbearable point that begged for release. And when Robert whispered a final command into your ear —"Now."— it was all you needed.
Your orgasm tore through you like wildfire, a scream escaping from your lips that Robert quickly muted with his lips, as every muscle in your body tensed and shuddered. It was all-consuming, blinding even, and for a moment all you could feel was the pulsating pleasure coursing through your veins.
Ned groaned at the feeling of your warmth clenching around him and with a few final thrusts reached his own climax moments after yours. His body stilled above you as he buried his face into the crook of your neck, sweat dripping off him onto the sheets beneath.
Anxious not to leave Robert unsatisfied, you reached out for him once more and gave his throbbing member a firm stroke. But before you could do much else, Robert swatted your hand away gently and gently pushed Ned to the side, turning you over onto your trembling knees and pushing our face down into the hot furs, so that you were practically on the same height as your previous lover, who gave you quick, sweet kisses.
“Be a good girl for me,” Robert muttered and spat down onto your throbbing heat, making you moan wantonly in response. You had thought that many things could happen in this tent - this was certainly not one of them. Your thoughts were quickly pushed aside as Robert, who had a thicker cock than Ned, slowly pushed himself into you, spreading your arse wide open with his hands, as if to amire the way your cunt was taking him.
Robert's entry was slow but relentless, easing into your tight heat bit by bit, his large hands spreading you even wider for him. You cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he filled you in an entirely new way. "Gods… So tight… So hot…" Robert growled lowly, his eyes closing in bliss at the feel of you around him. His pace was slow and measured, each thrust carefully calculated not to bring you discomfort, but to bring you maximum pleasure.
Your body convulsed as you tried to adjust to his size, your walls clenching around Robert involuntarily with each soft moan that escaped your lips. Ned’s comforting hand on your back steadied you, his gentle strokes soothing your trembling body as he watched Robert take you from behind.
"Relax," Ned whispered in your ear. "You're doing so well." His words were a balm on your heated skin, bringing comfort and reassurance amidst the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body.
Robert took his time with you, savoring every tight clench of your walls around him. He groaned in pleasure as he felt every ripple of your muscles contract against his thick length. His fingers dug into the plush flesh of your ass, pulling you back onto him with every thrust.
As Robert continued his tantalizing assault on your senses, Ned moved to kneel in front of you. His soft gaze met yours, a silent question hanging in the air between you two. When you nodded slightly in acceptance, he smiled softly before leaning down to capture your lips in a tender kiss.
Their attention was too much - it felt like blissful agony as Robert impaled you on his length while Ned, sweet Ned, reminded you to breathe, kissed you, reassured you that you were doing perfectly well.
With each slow, deliberate thrust from Robert, Ned's kisses became more fervent, his hands sliding up to cup your face as they explored each other's mouths. His tongue traced your lower lip before delving into the warm recesses of your mouth, matching the rhythm of Robert's strokes. The intense stimulation from both ends had your head spinning - it was almost too much.
Then Robert's pace began to pick up, his fingers digging deeper into the sides of your hips. The pain was quickly replaced by pleasure as he hit a spot inside you that made your eyes roll back and a strangled gasp to escape from your throat. "That's it," he grunted, trying to hit that spot with each thrust. “Our pretty little girl, overflowing with our seed…”
Ned pulled away from the kiss to watch you, his gaze filled with adoration. The sight of your pleasure-painted face was enough to have him hardening again, but he held himself back, focusing on your needs instead. He stroked your hair gently, whispering words of praise as he watched you unravel from Robert's ministrations.
Soon enough, you could feel another climax approaching, and this time, it promised to be even more intense than the last. Your breath hitched in anticipation and your body tensed, signaling Robert that you were close. "I got you," he breathed against the back of your neck, quickening his pace. With a few final thrusts from Robert and a rough kiss from Ned, waves of pleasure washed over you once again - stronger this time. Your body tightened around Robert who groaned out his own release moments after yours.
There was a moment of silence as all three of you laid on the bed, panting as though you had just run for leagues. You shivered lightly and twitched, your mind too hazy to comprehend anything.
“Shh, it’s fine… we’ll take care of you,” Ned whispered and stroked your hair lovingly, motioning for Robert come closer and to hug you. “You did so, so well.”
"Did we go too far?" Robert asked, his voice hoarse and filled with concern. He positioned himself on your other side and pulled you in close, wrapping a strong arm around your waist. “We didn’t mean to fill you up…”
"No," you mustered a weak smile as your response, shaking your head as you sought refuge in the warmth and comfort of their bodies. "I... I enjoyed it."
A hint of relief passed over their faces and they both leaned in to press soft kisses to your forehead. "You were amazing," Ned whispered, his voice filled with so much awe and admiration that it made your heart flutter.
"You're ours now," Robert stated firmly but gently, his hand moving up to cup your cheek. His blue eyes probed yours for any signs of fear or hesitance but found nothing but acceptance.
The moment was silent as you all listened to each others' laboring breaths, the air heavy with pleasure and contentment. You were still trembling slightly from the orgasmic high, and the feeling of their naked bodies against yours only heightened your post-coital haze.
Sleep came easy for Ned first, the exhaustion of the night's activities catching up with him. His strong arm wrapped protectively around you as he snuggled into the pillow beside you.
Robert kissed the crown of your head lightly before whispering a sweet "Goodnight," in your ear, his voice hoarse from all the moaning earlier. His hold on you tightened just a bit more before he too succumbed to sleep.
In the quiet refuge of their arms, under the warm blanket of their affections, the three of you drifted off into a peaceful slumber — the game, or its victor, completely forgotten.
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queenendless · 10 months
🍂🍁💝Thankful (Adult!SatoSugu x Adult!Fem!Reader ft Various JJK)💝🍁🍂
A/n: Spontaneous short fiction.
Sequel to Spooky Lovin'.
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. To those who don't, well do whatever makes you happy.
Lots of characters/pairings, pure cavity esque fluff, with a twist!
All credit for JJK goes to Gege ... despite what happens canon wise.
*Please don't plagiarize, translate, or repost my FANFIC work. Like, reblog and follow instead, thank you.
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The enriching enthusiasm boomed out throughout your private abode.
You watched in beaming amusement through the open archway at the packed company.
Yuji laughed at what Megumi had to say which made the other smile; both close together on one end of the couch.
Nobara gushed over showing Maki upcoming winter attire releasing on her phone, to which the latter was intrigued, both also bundled closely on the other end of the couch.
Kento and Yu leaning against the wall, drinking apple cider as the latter rambled enthusiastically on their latest endeavor, while Ino popped in, praising a blushing Nanami on his caliber as his sorcerer icon.
Aoi clapping and weeping all up in the big TV showing Takada-chan's live performance in the themed parade happening down South.
Panda and Toge jumping in the leaf piles, a beaming Yuta swinging a giggling Rika around through the whisking leaves. Kamo sipped tea on the front patio as he watched the sunset.
Down the way, a car crossed by, with Shiu at the wheel and Toji eyeing the house with sharp ambivalence. Part of him missing his kids but accepting long ago that this is where they truly belong, nodding for Shiu to drive off.
A tipsy Shoko cuddling up with a blushing smiling Utahime in the hot tub on one end and Mei lounging and sipping on cider on the other end with Ui holding her bagged gear and waiting on her outside the tub, on standby, cause he's just that devoted.
Mai and Momo taking selfies together in the backyard garden before teasing a flustered Kasumi after Kokichi gifted her a flower in her hair.
Yuki and Choso; also in the backyard, napped together on the bench under the tallest looming tree, cozy smiles on their faces.
Kusakabe excused himself just to sneak into the bathroom to try out the jacuzzi.
Nanako and Mimiko braided Tsumiki's hair as they sat at the katsudon, smack dabbed in the center of their spacious living room.
Junpei blushing from Tsumiki noticing him gazing at her, smiling widely in return, to which a flushed Junpei jumped from Megumi's stern-faced warning to which his sister complained for him not to scare him so much and a nervously laughing Yuji consoled his horror buddy by hugging him and patting his back, simultaneously trying to calm down his boyfriend going all overprotective brother mode.
Masamichi made some festive themed cursed corpse dolls that were taking up space on the other couch.
Kiyotaka fumbled with his drink as Akari's beaming smile had him and Arata covering their flushed faces from how pure she looked.
Riko and Misato assist Suguru in the kitchen as they prepare the food.
Suguru, knowing you were still unwell, insisted you take it easy and let them handle the feast.
You had been feeling unwell the past few days.
You called in sick today when you felt something change.
You had to see for yourself.
And when you did, you felt inspired to message everyone you know for an impromptu get together at your place. The word spread via group chats, texts, and calls.
Watching everyone enjoying themselves at your impromptu get together heightened your spirits.
Just not for the festive touch.
But to be surrounded by all their beaming warm faces when —
Satoru warped right before barging through the front door with dramatic flair, exciting a few, scaring some, and annoying the rest.
“Honey, I'm home~!” Dropping the bag of pies on the counter, Satoru smooched Suguru fully on the lips.
The moment he noticed you practically glowing, the Six Eyes told him all that there is and will soon be, straight down to the first traces.
In that moment, everyone inside and outside felt the shifts in the cursed force as Gojo warped right before you, startling you out of your hidden viewing spot, his arms wrapping around your figure to catch you. You imagined his eyes trained on the right spot.
“You … you're …”
You couldn't suppress your smile. “I found out this morning. But I didn't know how to tell you both. I had a feeling your Six Eyes would show you the truth – AAH~!” Your yelp as he lifted you up in the air reverberated throughout the house, grabbing everyone's attention.
“Gojo-sensei?!” His students exclaimed in a jumbled mess.
“Satoru! Be careful – !” Suguru's concerns were cut short when he watched as you tugged down that blindfold just to see Satoru's awestruck eyes with your own.
Tears made his eyes sparkling that much beautifully, sniffling softly, beaming with that lovestruck smile as he lowered you down to embrace you, swinging side to side gently, laughing as he smooched your face with so many kisses.
“Y/n … thank you.”
As he sets you down; keeping you wrapped up in one arm, his other arm waving you two's partner over before intertwining their hands together to pull him in quickly. “Suguru~ We've got the hottest scoop of the year!”
Pressing himself right by your side, Suguru leaned down as you got up on your tiptoes to whisper your secret right in his ear. His stunned face was all you could read as he replayed your words in his mind, but he wanted to be certain. “Are you sure?”
Satoru's closed eyed smile and thumbs up added to the buildup. “These eyes don't lie!”
Burning wetness swelled up in those beautiful almond eyes as Suguru kissed you lovingly, smiling at you in the same smitten manner. “Best news ever.”
“Everyone!” Satoru hollered as his arms became yours and Suguru's thrones, lifting you both up, as he floated for literal joy. “We're having a baby!”
“And yes, it's all true!” You exclaimed boldly, knowing the people would take your word more easily than Satoru's.
First stunned silence. Which immediately erupted into cheers and applause of congratulations.
The twins, Tsumiki and Megumi were the first to get up and hurry on over to embrace you, shedding tears of joy.
Yuji and Haibara high-fiving Satoru who was over the moon.
Nanami shook hands to congratulate Suguru, warning him to make sure Satoru took extra caution with taking care of you and your little bundle before embracing you himself. You personally wanted to deem him as the godfather, just a side note.
As those from out front and out back swarmed in as the announcement shot straight through the roof from the loud groundbreaking importance.
After all the girls in the house fussed over you with hugs, advice and offers to help you through this new adventure, your husbands were in the same boat with almost everyone.
Except Kusakabe who was stuck in the bathroom for a while since the hallway was filled with the rest of your guests.
After embracing and congratulating you themselves, Riko and Kuroi announced the feast was ready.
Exchanging kisses with both your loves, you gave a toast.
Toasting to the new addition to your growing unique family.
Now that is cause to celebrate.
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theautisticwriter · 1 year
The Owl House characters being paired with you for a school project
Characters- Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Willow Park, Gus Porter, Hunter, Young! Edalyn Clawthorne, Young! Raine Whispers
Show- The Owl House
Genre- romantic, crushes 
Summary- you are paired with the owl house characters for a school project
Warnings- reader gets referred to as "pretty", usage of the word "hell", usage of the acronym "wtf", that's it I think??
Word count- 1.7k+
Extra notes- these are headcannons
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✧Luz Noceda✧-
✰ when she found out she was partnered with you for the school project she ran home and dived onto her bed
✰ screamed into her pillow like there was no tomorrow
✰legs flailing and everything
✰ part of her was dreading working with you incase she did something wrong
✰ and the other part of her was swooning at the idea of spending more time with you
✰ eda was giving the worst advice ever like holy-
✰king declared himself the 'king of wingmen' and decided to help Luz in her flustered state
✰Luz asked around the school what your favourite food was so she could have it ready for when you came round
✰hooty was banished from speaking to you
✰poor fella
✰gave you a house tour and rambled on about all the intricate details due to her nerves
✰she got that neurodivergent swag
✰could not sit still the whole time you two were studying
✰was very interested in the topic but would bounce on the bed whilst you read out loud to her
✰king kept appearing in the room to try and wingman
✰was kicked out before he could make significant damage
✰lots of blushing and awkward giggles
✰you told her she was smart and she just broke
✰was fumbling over her words so bad
✰"haha yeah- thank you, you're uh, pretty too- PRETTY SMART- pretty smart too..!" bless her soul omg
✰eda did in fact make your favourite food and it warmed your heart that Luz put in so much effort to make you feel comfortable whilst you were there
✰eda was spying on you both to make sure you were suitable enough for Luz
✰she approves
✰all in all you two barely passed bc you both either got distracted or were interrupted by the other residents of the owl house
✰definitely got closer to each other though and you both are excited for the next school project
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☾Amity Blight☾-
✰she was so ready for this
✰school was her thing, and doing something school related, with you?? she was thrilled
✰planned the entire evening so you both would have time to study, complete the project, eat and engage in conversation
✰wouldn't mind doing the project at her house, but would much prefer doing it at yours
✰if you both went to her house she would grab your hand (bold move, her heart was racing) and literally run to her room to avoid contact with her family
✰could not avoid her siblings however, as they were waiting in her room for you two
✰they teased the two of you like crazy
✰amity literally tackled them out of her room and barricaded the door
✰rough start, but we perceiver
✰you two 100% passed with top marks because our girl was not letting you fail on her watch
✰got briefly distracted as she thought about maybe asking you out for future study dates
✰she tried to ninja her way down the stairs to with you to get some food and take it back up to her room but her dad caught you both
✰just nodded at you in acknowledgment and instructed that you both didn't stray from the task you'd been given from your teachers
✰ate in her room and talked for a good while
✰she had conversation starters on little flash cards
✰"so, y/n, what is your favourite subject?" listens so intently at your answer
✰gave you a kiss on the cheek as you left
✰10/10 would study with again
✰and that kiss sparked a blossoming relationship :)
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✿Willow Park✿-
✰told her dads about her nervous she was about you coming round for the project
✰they were excellent hype men
✰when you entered her home it was a very welcoming atmosphere
✰she gave you a bouquet of your favourite flowers
✰"I got you some flowers, I hope you like them :)!"
✰you spoke to her dads for the first 15ish minutes
✰guided you to her room with a hand on the mid-section of your back
✰she gave you her comfiest pillow and blanket
✰put the flowers in a vase while you two studied
✰you both had a pretty good balance of working and having fun talking
✰definitely passed with at least a B+
✰once you both finished the project you laid down on her bed and you both just stared at each other as you spoke about whatever was on each others minds
✰her dads helped organise a future hangout between the two of you
✰gave you the biggest bear hug before you left, and gave you the vase and flowers
✰very wholesome experience, it went very well
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☘︎Gus Porter☘︎-
✰had his fists clenched to his chest and a very wobbly straight lipped expression on his face when he found out
✰he was trying not to look flustered
✰very awkward organising process, but it was cute watching him move his hands around like an insane person as he forced words out of his mouth
✰was stood outside his front door waiting for you to arrive
✰opened the door for you and stood to the side as he gestured you in
✰a true gentlemen
✰his closet was bursting to open because he'd thrown all his human nicknacks into it beforehand so his room would look less messy
✰pulled your chair out for you at his desk
✰he's trying so hard to impress you it's so cute
✰info dumped about the subject and you were astonished at how much information he knew
✰he did a lot of research before you came over to appear smart
✰you two would get distracted a lot but always found your way back to the project
✰passed, and that's all that matters
✰checking every five minutes that you're comfortable
✰"are you sure you're comfortable? I can get you another pillow if you'd like!"
✰just an absolute sweetheart, when you left after giving him a hug goodbye he collapsed onto the floor and just melted into it
✰phoned Luz and Willow to tell them every little detail
✰squealed once or twice whilst talking about it
✰'twas a lovely experience, 10/10
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✰had no idea what he was doing
✰look he's just getting into this whole 'school' thing, and now he has to work with you?? how will he prove himself a worthy suitor if he's in uncharted territory
✰literally barged into the owl house in full blown panic mode
✰Luz told him to just be himself, and gave some good advice about how study sessions and projects normally go
✰eda teased the hell out of him and he was RED
✰went round your house cause he's kinda homeless
✰was stood like this🧍‍♂️when you opened the door
✰forgot how to breathe a good few times
✰he was determined to impress you with his knowledge, and would literally beam whenever you slightly complimented him
✰after a while he got more comfortable and was able to have some good banter with you and ease up a bit
✰was still very aware of his movements and actions, but was able to calm the tension in his body down and speak more freely
✰you both did that cliche where you reached for the same pen and your hands collided in the middle
✰"ah-! I'm sorry, no, you take the pen, I didn't mean to invade your personal space like that or take your things." give him a hug wtf
✰his fingers felt all tingly afterwards
✰you reassured him that you didn't mind at all, and found his apology to be really sweet
✰you both passed!
✰as he left your house for the night he blurted out "we should do this again! soon!", nodded his head quite violently and then bolted
✰you guys did do it again and it was great :)
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⁂Edalyn Clawthorne⁂-
✰this is the only time she actually did her work istg
✰was unbelievably nervous but did not let it show
✰when you arrived at her house she opened the door, put her elbow against the frame, put one leg in front of the other and smirked at you
✰she then lost her balance and fell but we don't talk about that
✰gave you a tour of her home, and you said hello to Lilith before going up to her room
✰was really struggling to focus but she tried so hard cause she didn't want you to fail because of her
✰if you have hair, she would end up randomly grabbing a bit of it and messing with it absentmindedly
✰or she would grab your poke you at random times and then smile at you when you looked up, denying that she ever poked you in the first place
✰a menace
✰used many pathetic pickup lines on you, with full confidence it would woo you
✰it did but that's a you problem
✰you both barely passed tbh, but she was chuffed with herself when she heard about your grade
✰asked you on a date at the end and you said yes
✰almost cried out of joy to Lilith when you left
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♪Raine Whispers♪-
✰very calm and collected when they found out they were partnered with you
✰just very happy abt it
✰stares at you whilst you work out who's house you'll be going to and what time you'll get there with love in their eyes
✰very willing to just follow you around wherever you go
✰just like with willow you both find a good balance between work and fun
✰nods and smile whilst you ramble on about the project or your interests
✰plays you a little song at the end of the evening
✰they wrote it for you
✰you both passed!!
✰shows off their magic and the tips of their ears go pink if you compliment them about it
✰100% attempts to make you join the bard covern
✰you both hang out a lot more after that :)
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edajcheel · 1 year
Summary: Which of three is in their favor?
Character(s): Jade L. & Floyd L.
Gender of MC: Female
TAGS: Suggestive, perhaps a little misspellings and grammar mistakes, blood, biting, marking, bruising.
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Image does not belong to me.
☆.。.: 𝐽𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝐿𝑒𝑒𝑐𝒉
Honestly, you took him by surprise when you asked him such a question while he was on his shift. "How relevant is this inquiry to you?"
Admittedly, you were the most amusement to him during his whole shift.
It was getting dull and quite boring since there were no special customers to deal with.
He decided to amuse your curiosity just as you to him. He has a soft spot for anything easy to the touch, as in, meaty and gelatinous objects. Something that's squishy and is soft.
Technically, that could apply to all three. But, he is also captivated by how thighs feel when their meaty, and squishy.
Behind closed doors, he likes to lend all his attention towards them. He likes littering little pecks, and small kitten-licks on them. Especially when you fumble over your words and get all hot and bothered. It's so easy to get on your nerves, how endearing.
Ohoho, now don't get so antsy. While his brother and himself have differing preferences, they also have similarities to follow along with that.
Jade's been listening on Floyd's rambles recently. He perked up when the topic suddenly went to.. he quote, "biting into Shrimpy's little legs."
He's been contemplating the idea since then, biting into the prefect's thigh? How scandalous you are, Floyd. Truthfully, he couldn't put the idea aside after his brother mentioned it.
Jade isn't shameful about it either, rather, he finds it intriguing. He already knows that merfolk and land dwellers have very different anatomy and different strengths and weaknesses. But he wonders several questions...
What would your reaction be? How would you feel? Just in the span of seconds after he sinks his teeth into your thigh. He wants to see little tinkles of blood dripping down so he could lick you clean.
Hmm.. Floyd's suggestion does sound tempting, perhaps he should try it out personally himself.
❃.✮:▹ ғʟᴏʏᴅ ʟᴇᴇᴄʜ
Squishy, and soft objects isn't just Jade's thing.
Floyd is shamelessly into fatty and fleshy things. He won't hesitate saying so. He loves the extra fat and squish that comes when he squeezes it.
"Aah? Shrimpy wants me to choose between those three?"
He likes all three cause their very squeezable, and you have the right amount of flesh and meat in all of them.. buuuuuuut–
He's definitely a very dedicated, and crazy boob man.
Yes, sometimes you find him cheating on your boobs by rubbing his face on your thighs or randomly GROPING you by the butt in the hallways just to see you get all mad and flustered for his own enjoyment.
But all parts of Shrimpy's body needs love and attention!
He shows his love to Shrimpy's boobs too, so they won't feel left out. He likes planting his head on them whenever he had a rough day of scolding by Azul, or got forced into eating one of Jade's dumb mushrooms, or even a bad day in general!
Ahh.. Floyd really loves marking you and biting you on your chest. He loves the purple bruising and bite marks after he's done. Especially your struggling. He loves it. It's so cute and adorable of shrimpy.
After both of you are tired out, or more like your tired. Your chest is littered with his teeth markings and there are a few bruises, it's not an emergency though! He didn't do it that hard.
He knows shrimpy is veeery fragile, but he couldn't help himself. He'll give you allowance to his personal stash to make it up, there's macarons, gummies, hard candies, cookies, and anything sweet
He really goes crazy for your boobs. Whether small or big, it doesn't matter. He loves them and will continue to love them. So remember to button your shirt correctly.
Maann, all this talk got Floyd riled up, and it's all Shrimpy's fault. Be grateful that he answered your question and give him a hand in appreciation.
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A/N: I really enjoyed doing this one. It was super fun. I hope I didn't get tooooo into it. mannnn jade and Floyd's characters don't disappoint. I love them so muhchchchch
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astrowaffles · 2 months
those three words
FOR JJK GOTCHA 4 GAZA (jjkaisenaction on twt) & katatsume on a03!
General Audiences | Sickfic, dad!Gojo
By the time he’d made it to the classroom, Megumi’s stomach was practically screaming. The pain, once irregular and centred, had moved to a rather exact spot in his lower belly and became constant – and red hot. Gojo’s raised eyebrow at Megumi’s slowed pace didn’t fluster him; he simply sat down in his seat and raised an eyebrow back like a challenge.
“Sorry, did we interrupt your sleepy time?” Gojo teased, fake-checking the watch he didn’t have on his wrist.
“Shut up,” said Megumi – which, yeah, was a weak comeback, but he was in pain and it was 8.30 in the morning and Itadori was grinning brightly next to him like this was the best day of his life.
“Yikes, what’s up with you?” Gojo asked.
That sounded far too caring for Megumi’s comfort, so he rolled his eyes and did his best to hit Gojo with an eraser between the eyes. It bounced off Infinity and Gojo sighed.
“Right, okay, well. On with the lesson, I suppose.”
OR: megumi's sick and doesn't want anyone to know. they find out anyway
It wasn’t often that Megumi woke up feeling ill. It was even rarer that he woke up in genuine pain – only after a particularly gruelling training session, or that one time he’d twisted his ankle and didn’t realise until the morning after.
This morning, Megumi woke up in so much pain he couldn’t move for a minute. It throbbed hotly in his stomach; Megumi wanted to roll over, curl up, stretch out, and die all at the same time. He fumbled into his drawers to see if there were any painkillers there left over from Gojo’s last health kick (and by health kick, he meant ‘making sure Megumi never got ill again’ kick). There wasn’t any ibuprofen that he could find, blindly searching with one hand, but he unearthed five boxes of antihistamines.
Thanks, Gojo. Real helpful.
 After a little while, the pain in the centre of his abdomen faded, so he got up and got dressed. Sometimes people got random flashes of excruciating pain, right? It was normal. Yeah. Totally.
Halfway through washing his face, there was another throb that almost had him dropping his washcloth back into the sink. For one stupid moment he wondered if an antihistamine might actually help, but after a minute of staring at his own face in the mirror, twisted with pain, he decided to stop being dramatic and just get on with it. He went down for breakfast.
Megumi didn’t feel much like eating – he felt a little sick, actually – so he stared at his orange juice while Itadori rambled on about the manga he’d just started reading. Kugisaki at least pretended to nod along, although she was clearly more invested in her phone. Luckily, no-one expected any high energy from Megumi, so he was left in silence with nothing but a small concerned look from Itadori when he turned down his favourite cereal.
The second years were absent – Inumaki still in bed, and Maki almost definitely already training – so Itadori used their seats as springboards for a re-enaction of his favourite scene, which Megumi obediently clapped for. A smaller flash of pain nearly ruined his stoic expression, but he managed to tighten his facial muscles just in time. Kugisaki spared him a strange look, but got distracted by Itadori’s dramatic dying sequence and didn’t press it. Somewhere in the distance, the bell was ringing for first period; there were thumps upstairs from Inumaki’s room, signalling Toge rolling groggily out of bed. He wouldn’t make it to class for another hour, probably. Itadori flailed on the floor where he’d fallen in the throes of a violent death until Kugisaki hauled him upright and pushed him towards the door. Megumi rose more slowly so as not to trigger more pain, but it rang through him anyway; he tried pressing a hand to his stomach, hoping the heat would do some good for any muscle cramps, but it just made everything worse.
Itadori looked over his shoulder, halfway through being manhandled out the door. “You good, Fushiguro? You don’t look too hot.”
“Fine,” Megumi told him, and it was partly true, since the pain had subsided when he stopped moving. Perhaps if he’d felt a little more energetic he might’ve made a joke about ‘always looking hot’, but alas, the spirit of Gojo seemed to have abandoned him in his most needy hour. Instead, he tried for a small smile which probably came out looking a bit off.
“You look constipated,” said Kugisaki. “Want some castor oil?”
“No,” said Megumi. The late bell rang.
Itadori grimaced. “Uh-oh. Late again. We’d better run!”
“No-one cares if you’re late, Gojo probably isn’t even-“
Itadori took off at a sprint..
“-there yet.” Megumi shook his head in exasperation. “Dunno about you,” he told Kugisaki, “But I’m walking.”
Kugisaki eyed him. “At your current speed, you won’t get there until noon. What’s up, a sore leg?”
“Something like that,” Megumi agreed, and shuffled forward. “Let’s go before we get hollow purple’d.”
“Thought you said no-one would care?”
“Yeah, no-one would care if Itadori was late. He’s the favourite.”
Kugisaki rolled her eyes, matching her pace to Megumi’s slow steps as they started off across the campus.
“Are you kidding? You’re so obviously Gojo’s favourite it’s genuinely painful. It’s all Megumi this and Megumi that and did you know what Gumi said to me the other day?” Kugisaki faked a gag.
“I’m his favourite to bully, maybe,” Megumi shrugged.
Kugisaki used her hands to muffle a scream.
By the time he’d made it to the classroom, Megumi’s stomach was practically screaming. The pain, once irregular and centred, had moved to a rather exact spot in his lower belly and became constant – and red hot. Gojo’s raised eyebrow at Megumi’s slowed pace didn’t fluster him; he simply sat down in his seat and raised an eyebrow back like a challenge.
“Sorry, did we interrupt your sleepy time?” Gojo teased, fake-checking the watch he didn’t have on his wrist. “Tut tut, young man.”
“Shut up,” said Megumi – which, yeah, was a weak comeback, but he was in pain and it was 8.30 in the morning and Itadori was grinning brightly next to him like this was the best day of his life. Every day seemed to be the best day of Itadori’s life, if you believed what his face told you. Megumi did believe it. So did Itadori.
“Yikes, what’s up with you?” Gojo asked. It was the kind of ‘yikes’ that meant ‘something is clearly wrong’. Megumi hated that he knew Gojo’s tones well enough to discern them like that, but he couldn’t help it; there was ‘yikes’ which meant ‘I’m judging this so hard’ and ‘yikes’ that meant ‘someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning~’ and ‘yikes’ that meant ‘go back to bed you overtired monstrosity of a child’. He’d heard that one a lot.
This yikes was far too caring for Megumi’s comfort, so he rolled his eyes and did his best to hit Gojo with an eraser between the eyes. It bounced off Infinity and Gojo sighed.
“Right, okay, well. On with the lesson, I suppose.”
Gojo turned to start writing something on the blackboard, accompanied by silly doodles (including a spiky sea urchin labelled ‘Megumi’ and a puppy labelled ‘Yuji’. Kugisaki didn’t get a doodle after she nearly killed Gojo over one of her as an octopus). Even after the principal’s observation had nearly put Gojo on probation for never teaching them anything useful, Gojo absolutely refused to take the theory lessons truly seriously.
The pain in Megumi’s stomach stabbed out again and he just bit down on the inside of his cheek in time to stop himself complaining. Gojo finished covering the board in alternate words and images and spun back around, beginning to point to the first one.
“Cursed energy,” he began, “is something that has-“
Megumi let his head fall forward onto the desk with a clunk.
“Something wrong?” Gojo asked, in a way that really meant ‘are you insulting my teaching right now?’.
“No,” Megumi gritted out.
A pause.
“Gumi, are you … feeling okay?”
Megumi lifted his head, taken aback by the outright concern. “What?”
“You’re not sassing me very much today,” Gojo insisted, coming forward to squat by Megumi’s desk. He put a hand out to feel Megumi’s forehead. “Hmm. No fever. Did you twist your ankle again? Is it bothering you? You’re not normally this quiet. Muscle aches maybe? You did take a lot of time getting here. Is Nobara annoying you again? Do you need a nap? I think I have a giant beanbag somewhere-“
“I’m fine,” Megumi interrupted. “Just a little stomach ache.”
Itadori stood up, chair scraping across the floor. He bent down to stare unnervingly into Megumi’s eyes. “You’re looking a bit sick, to be honest, dude.”
Sick as in cool, right? Megumi’s mind chimed in. Damn, another joke opportunity missed. Megumi’s tough guy persona was really coming back to bite him today.
Unless that was the delirium talking. Man, his stomach really hurt.
“I think we should call Shoko,” Kugisaki decided, thankfully not invading Megumi’s personal space like the other two had done. “I’m not sure he can walk that well.”
“Is that why you two took so long getting here?? Why didn’t you say anything?!” Gojo was beginning to sound genuinely distressed, something both unusual and incredibly irritating. A distressed Gojo is a fussy Gojo, and Megumi didn’t have the energy for that.
Megumi waved a hand at him as if that could disperse his worries. “It’s fine, I told you.” The pain pulsed a little; Megumi bit back a groan. “Maybe call Shoko,” he amended.
He could practically see Gojo’s eyes widening behind the blindfold. Internally, Megumi winced – he never asked for a doctor, so Gojo probably thought his ward was literally about to die.
He wasn’t.
It felt a bit like it, though.
Shoko swivelled on her computer chair to face Megumi, who was lying across the bed where he’d been put after being delivered by Gojo from the classroom. Megumi grimaced.
“That’s what you’ve got. Appendicitis. You need an operation.” Shoko laughed, but not unkindly. “Bet you didn’t expect that when you got up this morning.”
“I didn’t,” Megumi agreed. “But an operation? Is that actually necessary?”
“If you don’t have one, your organs will explode,” Shoko shrugged. “It’s your choice, though.”
“That’s not really a choice,” Megumi sighed. “Obviously I’m gonna have it.”
“Obviously,” Gojo agreed, having waltzed in like he lived there as soon as they brought Megumi in. “If you’d tried to explode your organs I would’ve…uh…” He thought for a minute. “I’m trying to think of an alternative to killing you that has the same impact.”
Shoko sighed long-sufferingly. “I’m guessing you’re coming with us, then?”
“Yep,” said Gojo. “Wouldn’t let you go without me.”
“Of course not,” Shoko nodded, but caught Megumi’s eye and pulled a face.
Megumi snickered a little.
Shoko let Gojo wheel Megumi into the sterile surgery next door, offering him a hospital gown as they went, before wandering off and returning in a mask and gloves and hauling an IV behind her. Quickly, she hooked him up to it and looked down at him. “See you on the other side, kid.”
The world went woozy and blurry, then completely dark.
When Megumi woke again, still hooked up to the IV and flat on his back in the hospital bed, he couldn’t feel anything except the vice on his hand. A gentle turn of the head confirmed that, yes, it was Gojo, sat beside the bed and gripping Megumi’s hand with two of his own like his life depended on it.
“You’re awake!” Gojo greeted, not letting go of the hand.
Megumi wiggled the fingers of his other hand experimentally and said, “Am I? I hadn’t noticed.”
“And you’re feeling better,” Gojo noted with a huffy smile. He squeezed Megumi’s hand.
Gojo let go like he’d been burned. “Did that hurt?! I’m sorry, you’ve just woken up from surgery-“
“Shut up,” Megumi told him. “I’m fine. …Why were you holding my hand, though?”
“In case you got lonely,” Gojo shrugged, like he was talking total sense (he wasn’t). “You’ve never had surgery before.” He leaned closer and lowered his voice to a whisper. “And Shoko’s scary.”
“I’m not five!” Megumi objected. “And she’s not scary!”
“Are you sure?”
“I wasn’t even scared of her when I was five!”
Gojo raised an eyebrow. “You weren’t scared of anything when you were five. We live and learn. You might have revised your opinion since then.”
“Stop trying to make him hate me,” Shoko interrupted, striding in with a clipboard and eyes halfway through rolling at Gojo’s antics. “He likes me better than you, anyway.”
Before Gojo could stop spluttering long enough to actually disagree, Shoko flipped her clipboard to show Megumi some kind of complicated graph. “See this?”
“Not really,” Megumi said, squinting.
“Well, you probably couldn’t read it anyway. It means ‘you are alive’.”
“Oh. Great.”
“No need to sound so happy about it,” Gojo teased, then slapped a hand over Megumi’s mouth before he made a joke about being very upset about it, actually.
Shoko sighed. “You two never change.” She clipped the board to the bottom of Megumi’s bed. “I’ll leave you to it.” She made the ‘I’m watching you’ gesture at Gojo and went out again, already flipping her lighter open to light her cigarette.
Gojo flipped her off and watched her go. “She gets more wrinkly every time I see her.”
“Still not as bad as you.” Having finished reorienting his fingers, Megumi moved on to attempting to wiggle his toes, something he couldn’t properly do even when he wasn’t drugged up and in a hospital bed.
“That’s extremely rude of you,” said Gojo. He stood up and went to look at the clipboard Shoko left, squatting down so it was eye level. “Did you know you had a slightly low red blood cell count?”
“Is that what it says?”
“Yup. Add iron deficiency to your list of problems.”
Megumi snorted. “Yes, captain.”
“You could at least use the right honorifics,” Gojo huffed. He rose from his squat and stared right at Megumi. “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“That you were feeling ill. Hell, I would’ve at least expected you to say something to Yuji-“
“I didn’t think it was that important,” Megumi shrugged.
“You were dying and you didn’t think it was important?!”
“I didn’t know I was dying?!”
“That doesn’t mean-“ Gojo took a deep breath. “You have to tell us, okay?”
Megumi scowled. “I’m not gonna complain for ten minutes every time something hurts. I’m not you.”
“I’m not asking you to! A passing ‘oh my stomach hurts today’ would’ve been fine! I don’t need you rolling around the floor because of a papercut for anything!”
Megumi raised an eyebrow. “If I do that, do you promise to stop freaking out?”
“I’m not freaking out!!”
Megumi stared at him.
Gojo stared back.
“Are you sure?”
“….Anything else you want to get off your chest?”
Gojo groaned. “So many things. Like the fact I don’t think you ate breakfast last week. Or the fact I saw you punch Yuji even though you know he’s been banned from punching you back. Or the fact that Inumaki says you’ve given up on translating him so now he can’t hang out with Nobara. Or the fact that-“
“I regret asking. Shut up.”
Gojo saluted and sat back down in his chair. They sat (or, in Megumi’s case, lay) there for a few moments in comfortable silence. Megumi watched his IV drip gently and Gojo reached a hand out to poke Megumi’s leg in a way that would usually get him slapped – but today Megumi was feeling generous. He let him poke annoyingly until Gojo finally broke the silence with,
“I do love you, you know.”
“Oh, ew, don’t say that to me-“
Gojo pinched Megumi’s lips closed. “Let me finish! I loooo~ooove you!! You’re my son and no-one can convince me otherwise. So – don’t give me that look – so please look after yourself, alright?”
Megumi attempted to open his mouth, but Gojo held it closed. “Alright?? Just promise me I won’t have to go through this again.”
Megumi sighed heavily out of his nose. Gojo didn’t let go. Megumi rolled his eyes. Gojo didn’t let go.
Eventually, Megumi nodded (reluctantly) and Gojo let him speak again.
Megumi opened and closed his mouth a few times like it’d gotten rusty from being held closed. “I promise not to get appendicitis again.”
“That is NOT what I meant, Megumi Fushiguro, and you KNOW-“
“Alright, alright!” Megumi held his hands up in surrender. “I promise not to get this sick without telling you!”
Gojo nodded, satisfied, sitting back in his chair and going back to poking Megumi’s leg.
Megumi settled into the bed, allowing Gojo’s rhythmic (if irritating) pokes to become a background sensation. He let a few comfortable minutes pass before breaking the silence again. “Gojo?”
“I guess I love you too.”
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