#he's my new special little guy he's so pathetic and i need to shake him around
differentpostrebel · 2 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
Chapter 34: Trapped in the Depths: The Encounter with Doflamingo
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This gif because we get another Sanji POV, as he finally makes it to Zou.
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A/N: We back with a second new chapter! Since its my birthday we getting the gift of Fanfics! LMFAOOO, but you guys when I tell you these upcoming chapters are cooking! Like my god! Im about to drop a sneak preview tomorrow. We got both Sanji POV, and Usopp POV. Thank you guys for everything, dont worry I have the master list ready also so I can pin it on my page as well. And without further ado let the adventure begin! 
Word Count: 7.9K
Sanji x Reader, Sanji x Y/N, One piece X Reader 
Doflamingo continues to step forward, laughing menacingly. Luffy and I both stand stunned. “Princess, why look at you. Seems to me I’ve found you once again,” Doflamingo taunts, his voice dripping with malice. His eyes gleam with a twisted amusement as he takes in my presence. “How fortunate for me, wouldn’t you say?” 
I open my mouth to retort, but Doflamingo cuts me off. “Look at you three, huddled together in your little hole. Should I take those handcuffs off you, Law?” His voice is dripping with mockery as he focuses on Law.
I reach for Law’s hand, gripping it tightly, reminding him that we’re not going to let anything happen to him. “Or should I cut your wrists along with them?” Doflamingo’s words make Law tense, his eyes narrowing in defiance.
I glance down at my blade, noticing that it’s channeling a different energy—a strange, shifting hue that I’ve never seen before. “What’s going on?” I think, feeling a mix of confusion and unease.
“Now, Princess, why don’t you come here where you belong?” Doflamingo continues, his voice dripping with sinister intent. “I have something special planned for the two of us.”
“Like what? Getting your ass kicked a fourth time by me? I’d like to see you try,” I retort, my voice firm and defiant despite the fear clawing at the edges of my composure.
Doflamingo’s grin widens, his eyes gleaming with a malevolent hunger. “Oh, don’t be so eager to test me. You see, I’ve grown quite fond of watching you struggle. It’s almost entertaining, watching your hopes crumble. But what I really want is to see you break, to see the despair in your eyes when you realize there’s nothing you can do. 
I clenched my fists, fury rising in me, but before I could snap back, Luffy stepped forward. “I thought you were back at the palace! What the hell are you doing down here?” he shouted, launching a punch. Doflamingo deflected it effortlessly, the punch ricocheting off the walls like a pebble.
“I came to rescue you, of course,” Doflamingo mocked. “You clearly need help if you're falling for traps like this.” He unleashed a barrage of sharp, bullet-like strings, aimed straight at Ucy. “I’ll put you out of your misery.”
“Ucy!” Luffy shouted, panic in his voice.
“Forget the bull, just get away!” Law yelled urgently as Ucy collapsed to the side, throwing us both into the freezing water.
“Y/N!” I heard Law call out, but the cold water overwhelmed me, my limbs freezing up as I struggled to keep Luffy afloat. The weight of my drenched dress and tiara was unbearable, but I couldn’t let Luffy sink. He couldn’t swim due to his Devil Fruit powers.
Doflamingo loomed over us, his voice full of contempt. “What a joke. Any fool could kill you in this sorry state. You’ve riled up a bunch of weaklings who think they can take my head, but now I see you’re nothing more than a pathetic joke.”
I gritted my teeth, my whole body shaking from the cold. We needed to get out of the water—fast.
Doflamingo turned to Law, his voice low and cutting. “Why side with this idiot, Law? When you were younger, you had such potential. Ruthless, cunning. Now look at you. Who turned you into this weak coward?”
“That’s enough!” Law shouted, seething with anger. “I won’t become like you! I was saved!”
Doflamingo’s expression turned darker, unimpressed. “Pathetic,” he hissed, raising a hand to send another attack toward Law.
Suddenly, one of the unwanted guests from before lunged forward. “You won’t lay a hand on Strawhat!” he yelled, trying to stab Doflamingo. But the blade passed through his body effortlessly.
“It’s not the real thing!” Law yelled, shaking with frustration. “It’s a puppet made of strings!”
“Damn clones,” I muttered, my teeth chattering as I tried to keep steady in the water. The cold was sinking into my bones, making it harder to stay upright. I could feel my strength fading.
“Thanks for the help!” I managed to shout to our unexpected allies. “Are you guys hurt?”
“Don’t worry about us! Let’s just get you both out of the water!” one of them called back, pulling Luffy out first. I was next, my entire body trembling from the cold as they dragged me back onto Ucy’s back.
I shivered uncontrollably, my soaked hair clinging to my face and my wet clothes weighing me down. Law, still in his cuffs, glanced at me and smirked despite everything. “Princess, you look freezing. Come here and huddle up for warmth,” he teased, his shirtless chest exposed under his coat.
I raised an eyebrow, still shaking, but couldn't deny how cold I was. “Oh, now you’re using this as an excuse, huh?” I teased back, but leaned into him, grateful for the heat. His body felt warm despite the freezing conditions, and I pressed close to him, trying to stop the relentless shivering.
One of the other guys frowned. “What happened to Doflamingo’s body? That didn’t seem like a real fight.”
“Moron,” Law snapped, though his voice was softened by the fact that I was still holding him close. “I told you, it’s only a puppet. Though I can’t figure out why he even bothered sending one here. Is he trying to taunt us, or is he planning something bigger?”
I glanced up at Law, the tension in his jaw evident and something else that caught my attention—my thigh felt lighter, and my left hand was empty.
“My blades!” I gasped, pulling away from Law. “I must have dropped them in the water,” I muttered, trying to spot them through the rippling surface. A faint shine caught my eye at the bottom. "There they are!" I said, starting to make my way back toward the edge of the water.
But before I could react, one of the unwanted guests jumped in. "No, Princess! Allow me to retrieve them!" he called out.
“Wait, you don’t—!” I began, but it was too late. He had already dived in.
For a moment, nothing seemed to happen. “Hmm, maybe these don’t do anyth—" I began, before hearing him yelp. “Here they are!” he said, only to have the blades suddenly burst into flames. The man dropped them instantly, his hands burned as the heat seared him.
I sighed, shaking my head. “No one’s allowed to touch anything that’s mine—especially my blades and jewelry,” I explained, diving back into the water myself. I retrieved the blades with ease, feeling their familiar power hum through me as I returned to Ucy, securing them back into the thigh halter.
“Why did that happen?” Luffy asked, clearly amazed by what he’d just seen.
“King said the same thing when he gave them to me—anyone who tries to take my blades or jewelry gets a nasty surprise. Only I can use or wear them. Unless I deactivate the trigger myself, they’re off-limits,” I replied casually, brushing off the water as I moved back toward Law. I huddled close to him again, seeking warmth, his body still radiating a comforting heat.
“Sorry about that, you guys,” I said, a bit sheepishly.
“Oh, don’t worry, Princess! We aren’t mad at you!” one of the guys stammered, blushing furiously.
“Yeah, it was just a simple accident,” the other chimed in, trying to excuse the sudden situation with an awkward laugh.
Law, still handcuffed with his hands tied behind his back, smirked, watching me lean closer. “It’s always something with you, isn’t it?” he teased, his voice carrying that familiar, warm edge.
I pressed against him, shivering as the chill from the water still clung to my skin. “You’re warm, I need warmth,” I murmured, nuzzling into him without hesitation.
He tilted his head, unable to move his hands, but clearly enjoying my dependency on him. "I can’t do much about it with these cuffs, but you’re welcome to get as close as you need," Law quipped, his eyes flickering with amusement. “Though, I have to admit, I don’t mind this at all.”
I gave a playful smile, feeling a bit of my strength return. “Guess I’ll just have to stick around then,” I said, leaning more into him as his body heat slowly began to thaw my cold skin.
Law’s smirk grew. “As if I’d let you go anywhere else."
"Why do you think Doflamingo said he wanted to rescue us?" Luffy suddenly asked, his face twisted in confusion.
I lifted my head slightly, glancing between them. "That man doesn’t even know the meaning of the word ‘save.’ It’s a trap, Luffy. Everything with him is a setup." I shifted in Law’s chest, still feeling the chill, but unwilling to move away from his warmth.
One of the allies chimed in. "Oh, that reminds me—everything Kelly Funk said? He tricked us! That bastard was lying the whole time."
I pulled away from Law just enough to turn towards them, eyes narrowing. "I knew it! I could feel it—that guy had bad energy around him. We shouldn’t have trusted him."
"After we found out what he was planning, we knew we had to stop him," the ally continued. "Doflamingo took him down without even breaking a sweat."
"Man, Traffy was right—Mingo’s just taunting us!" Luffy muttered angrily, clenching his fists.
"Bastard’s playing a dangerous game," I agreed, feeling the strange hue return to my blades, now safely secured on my thigh holster.
Luffy’s mind was already racing to the next problem. "How’s Cabbage doing? Did he beat us to the top?"
"Yeah, we’re way behind," one of the guys answered. "Everyone’s probably already on the second level by now."
"Ugh! We need to get to the sunflower field. I needed that shortcut!" Luffy groaned, clearly frustrated.
"Hurry back to the entrance!" Law said, trying to strategize.
"No! I’ll make us an entrance!" Luffy grinned wildly, grabbing both Law and me.
"Luffy, what are you—" I started, but before I could finish, Luffy shouted, "Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun!"
The massive punch ripped through the ceiling, creating a giant hole in the sky and opening a path to the second level.
“Alright! Y/N, Traffy, let’s go!” Luffy yelled, his enthusiasm unshakable.
Law sighed, clearly annoyed. "We could’ve been crushed!"
Ignoring him, Luffy grabbed both of us again and launched us towards the second level. We landed with a thud, soaking wet but unharmed.
“Good, now we’ve caught up with everyone else!” Luffy said with satisfaction, letting me go. I clung to Law for a moment longer, still cold and wet.
“Let’s go, Luffy!” I called, running alongside him, activating the familiar electrical charge in my hands. We sprinted towards the palace, determination in every step.
“Get back here, Princess!” a voice yelled from behind. A Doflamingo subordinate was hot on our heels.
“Not a chance!” I shouted, sending a bolt of lightning toward him, striking him down instantly.
As we continued running, Cabbage suddenly appeared on his horse. “Cabbage! You trying to get in my way again?” Luffy called out, half-joking.
“Not this time,” Cabbage responded with a dramatic flip of his hair. “Get in!”
“Huh?” Luffy and I blinked in confusion.
“I’ve decided to give you a ride,” Cabbage said, sounding as regal as ever. As he turned his horse, he noticed me. “Princess, come to the front. I’ll hold you!”
“Hell no!” I leaped into the air, gliding alongside them. “Luffy, get on!”
“Right! Let’s go!” Luffy shouted, jumping onto Cabbage’s horse with Law.
“Would it kill you to show a little gratitude?” Cabbage muttered to Luffy, annoyed.
I clenched one of my blades in my hand, feeling the familiar heat of fire surge through me. “You attack, and I’ll clear the path,” Cabbage called out, locking eyes with Luffy.
Just then, I noticed a fourth person had joined us on the horse—Kyros. “Hey, Kyros!” I called out, smiling despite the rush of adrenaline.
“Princess,” Kyros nodded back, keeping his focus ahead.
Cabbage continued to rant as we moved forward, but Luffy and I ignored him. "Rebecca is headed for the flower field," Luffy explained to Kyros.
“Rebecca?! Is she in danger?” Kyros asked, his voice filled with worry.
“Don’t worry, Kyros. She’s in good hands,” I reassured him, slashing the air with one of my blades, creating a fiery barrier in our path to protect us from incoming attacks.
“My elegant steed cannot maintain its grace with four people on its back!” Cabbage complained, but I cut him off with a sharp look.
“Cabbage, I’d appreciate it if you stopped yelling at my captain and Kyros!” I snapped, pausing mid-air.
Cabbage dramatically placed a hand over his heart, blinking at me. “Such fiery passion! Oh, we are so meant to be!”
I rolled my eyes, flying alongside them as we pushed forward. Allies below us fought valiantly against Doflamingo’s subordinates, clearing the way.
“You take out the boss! We’ll handle these lackeys!” a giant called out as we passed.
“Cabbage, get them to the palace, and fast!” one of the allies yelled.
“Thank you, guys!” I shouted back, grateful for the support as we neared the palace.
“This is getting fun! Let’s go!” Luffy shouted, grinning ear to ear as we all charged towards the palace together. One by one, Luffy's allies kept taking down the subordinates, giving us a clear path forward. While Cabbage rode ahead with Luffy, Law, and Kyros on his horse, I soared through the air beside them, scanning the battlefield below.
"Onward, Farul!" Cavendish called out to his horse, urging it forward, as I glided beside them, my eyes sharp for any signs of trouble.
"Hey, Luffy!" I called from above, catching his attention. "You think those guys are going to be alright? I saw Dellinger back there, along with that ton guy. Looks like he managed to pick himself back up after that punch I gave him." I clutched my blade, feeling the fire inside it flicker to life once more.
"Yeah, they’ll be fine!" Luffy responded confidently, shouting over the wind. "We just need to get to Mingo, and fast!" His eyes were fixed on the towering palace in the distance, determination blazing.
Just then, another group of subordinates appeared ahead of us. "Not so fast!" one of them yelled, blocking our path.
"Damn, they keep popping up like roaches," I muttered, preparing to strike. The familiar heat surged through me as I clenched my left hand, ready to ignite my blade once more.
But Cavendish raised his hand, stepping in. "Allow me, Princess." His eyes gleamed with pride as he unsheathed his sword. "Blade of Beauty, Sol Dux Paris!"
He cut through the air with a flourish, his attack striking with deadly precision. Luffy followed up instantly, launching a furious Jet Gatling that sent the remaining enemies flying.
"We’re almost there, guys!" I shouted, seeing the palace growing closer with every second. Deciding to conserve some of my energy for the final fight, I gracefully descended and landed behind Luffy on Cavendish’s horse.
"Welcome back, Y/N!" Luffy grinned, his energy never wavering.
I smiled back at him, but Cavendish immediately noticed the added weight on his stallion. His annoyance was instant. "Who else is riding my stallion?! It’s meant for elegance and grace, not... passengers!"
Peeking out from behind Luffy, I raised an eyebrow, amused. "You were saying?" I teased, giving him a pointed look.
Cavendish turned his head slightly, catching sight of me, and his dramatic frustration vanished in an instant. "Ah, Princess!" he said, his tone shifting. "I didn’t realize it was you... My apologies, your grace is always welcome."
I stifled a laugh, leaning forward. "That's what I thought," I said, rolling my eyes.
Cavendish, or "Cabbage" as Luffy called him, continued to land blow after blow with his sword, cutting down enemies left and right as we rode.
“The long-leg guy got beat!” Luffy shouted, looking back, ready to jump off and help.
"Luffy, we're almost at the palace!" I reminded him, gripping the horse tightly. "Don’t worry, they’ll be okay. Once Doflamingo is gone, we can go help everyone."
Before Luffy could respond, Cavendish cut him off. "This game is nothing but a way to get us all killed! The only way to save this island and its people is to get rid of Doflamingo." His voice was full of conviction as he spoke. "Despite his strength and advantages, he made one key error—the colosseum. I will defeat Doflamingo with my bare hands!"
Luffy’s expression turned into one of pure rage. "I already told you, I’m going to do it!" he shouted.
"This one’s personal!" Law interjected, his voice steady despite his handcuffs. "I’m the one who’s going to take Doflamingo down."
Kyros wasn’t backing down either. "Your passion is admirable, but this is my fight!" he said, his resolve clear in his voice.
Kyros clenched his fist tighter, his voice full of determination. "My grudge is from ten years ago. I won’t let him escape this time."
Law smirked slightly, his usual calm demeanor returning. "Well, my grudge is from thirteen years ago."
Luffy, not wanting to be left out, jumped in with enthusiasm. "Yeah? Well, my grudge is from thirty years ago!"
Cavendish shot him an incredulous look. "You dirty liar! You're not even thirty!" he snapped, his irritation evident.
I groaned, slapping my forehead in frustration. "Seriously?" I muttered under my breath before turning to face them. "Listen, we all have our own personal grudges when it comes to Doflamingo," I said, my voice firm. I glanced at my injured left shoulder and instinctively grasped my collarbone, feeling the ghost of Doflamingo’s grip on my neck. The memory of his hands tightening around me still sent shivers down my spine.
"But we need to work together," I continued, my frustration rising. "Arguing isn’t going to help us. Once we get there, we can figure it out. But right now, we need to stop fighting among ourselves!"
Before anyone could respond, we suddenly reached the third level. The air felt different, thick with an eerie fog. From the mist, shapes began to emerge, slowly taking form. I squinted through the haze, trying to make sense of what we were seeing.
"Holy... what the heck are those things?" Luffy said, his eyes wide with shock.
Before us, what appeared to be dead toys—broken, distorted, and unsettling—began shambling forward, their lifeless eyes staring straight at us. They moved in unnatural jerks, creaking with every step.
My breath caught in my throat as I gripped the reins tighter. "What the hell is this...?" I whispered, feeling a chill creep up my spine.
Sanji POV… 
I watched the mist-covered island, beginning to come through, but I couldn’t shake the sense of urgency gnawing at my gut. I was here to protect my crew, but my thoughts kept drifting elsewhere. Y/N. 
My cigarette hung loosely from my lips, the end flickering with each deep breath I took. I’d already gone through too many packs just thinking about her safety. Every puff seemed to ease the tension in my chest, but only for a moment. What if something had happened to her? What if Luffy and Mosshead were too late? 
“Sanji! You’re spacing out again.” Brook’s voice snapped me back to reality.
I flicked the cigarette away, letting the wind carry it off the side. “I’m fine, Brook. Just… thinking.” I straightened up, trying to focus on the task at hand. As Nami, Chopper, Caesar, and Brook continued walking ahead, I felt a deep sense of unease creep over me. The further we went, the heavier the atmosphere became, and something in the air made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
We rounded the bend, and that’s when I saw it—destruction as far as the eye could see. The once serene jungle of Zou was now littered with broken trees, debris, and ominous smoke rising into the air. Crucifixes, scattered like some macabre display, stood out among the wreckage. 
“What the hell happened here?” I muttered, my eyes scanning the scene. The devastation was overwhelming, the remnants of a violent battle etched into the land.
"I don't like this one bit," I muttered, my eyes scanning the eerie scene. The toys, now looking more unsettling than before, stood around us like silent sentinels.
"Are they tin soldiers?" Kyros whispered, his voice laced with suspicion.
"Is this supposed to be a joke?" Cavendish growled, Farul beginning to back up slightly in response to the tension.
"One of them fell over," Luffy said, pointing towards a toy soldier that had toppled onto the ground. Just then, to our horror, the toy soldier began chewing through the dirt, its jaw unhinging in a grotesque manner.
"What the hell is this?!" I yelped as we narrowly dodged the crazed attack.
"I'm going full speed," Cavendish declared, gripping the reins tightly. "You guys are going to have to take care of yourselves."
"We're completely surrounded!" I said, feeling the tension rise.
"Were there always this many?" Luffy asked, eyes wide as more toy soldiers began to emerge from the mist, their movements jerky and unnatural.
"What a nuisance," Cavendish said, his voice cold and calculated. "The only way to advance is to dispose of them."
"Alright!" Luffy grinned, flexing his arms. "You guys wanna join in?!"
Kyros quickly dismounted the horse, readying his sword. "Yeah!"
"Wait, Y/N," Luffy suddenly turned to me, his tone shifting to a more serious one. "You stay with Traffy on the horse. Gotta save your strength for the big fight, don’t we? Cabbage, Kyros, and I will take care of them."
I crossed my arms and pouted, feeling a bit left out. "Man... I wanted to join in on the fun!"
Law's voice, low and teasing, broke through my frustration. Still laying down on the horse, his handcuffed wrists resting behind his head, he smirked lazily. "Don’t pout, Princess. You’ll get your chance. Besides..." His gaze flicked over to me, eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "I’d rather keep you here with me. I might get cold without your warmth."
I raised an eyebrow, half-annoyed, half-amused. "Really, Law? In the middle of all this?"
His smirk widened, and he winked. "What can I say? I prefer the view here."
We turned back around, watching as Luffy, Cavendish, and Kyros moved through the toy soldiers with dynamic speed and precision. Their attacks were swift and powerful, each strike perfectly calculated to dismantle the advancing horde.
"Hmm, two minutes," I commented, a teasing smile playing on my lips as I glanced at the aftermath. "Looks like a new record, Captain."
Law, still lounging on the horse beside me, chuckled softly. "Typical Straw Hat... always a little over the top."
Luffy, hearing me, flashed his usual grin as he finished off the last toy soldier with a quick punch. "Gotta stay sharp!" he called back.
"Nice work," I said, still smiling, though my focus had already shifted forward. Luffy climbed up to the horse, followed by Kyros. Cavendish, however, remained oblivious that the group was already mounted.
"Cabbage, we’re waiting," Luffy laughed.
"Were you all just watching me?" Cavendish asked, clearly annoyed.
"Lighten up, Cabbage, now hop on," I said, a small grin tugging at my lips.
In an instant, the toys sprang up again, one of them launching a surprise attack on Farul. The impact knocked all of us to the ground.
"Horseeey!" Luffy cried out, his voice full of concern.
"Is he...?" I muttered, dread filling me as I saw the injured horse lying motionless, struck down by the toy's attack.
Luffy’s expression darkened, and with a quick motion, he launched a Jet Pistol at the center of the toy, knocking it down. "Farul!" Cavendish yelled as he knelt beside his horse. "Stay with me! I can’t believe it... they crushed its head."
"How are these toys still moving?!" I growled, clenching my right hand and pressing it against my left, activating the electrical charges flowing through me.
"How dare you! That’s my partner!" Cavendish roared, drawing his blade. "Blade of Beauty: Round Table!" He struck at the toy, but even that wasn’t enough. As we watched in disbelief, all the toys began to stir, coming back to life.
"You’ve got to be kidding me!" I said, exasperated.
Suddenly, a voice cried out from above, and a figure landed on top of the toy soldier. "Damn it, I got sloppy," the man said, shaking off the dust.
"It’s you?!" Luffy exclaimed, recognizing the figure.
I turned swiftly to Luffy, raising an eyebrow. "How do you know so many people?" I asked, half-amused, half-bewildered.
"Mr. Luffy! And... Princess Y/N!" The man’s eyes widened, tears streaming down his face as he began to cry out dramatically. "Oh, my dreams are coming true!"
Before I could respond, another figure appeared from above. "Robin!" Luffy and I shouted in unison.
Without thinking, I ran up and hugged her tightly. "Good to see you’re okay, Y/N," she said with a soft smile, though her expression quickly shifted when she noticed the bruising on my neck and collarbone. Her fingers lightly brushed against the marks.
"What happened to your necklace, Y/N?" she asked, her voice concerned.
I looked up at her, my emotions starting to well up. "Doflamingo... he yanked it and threw it on the ground, breaking it," I said, my voice wavering. "And the marks... they’re from him, too." I held onto Robin tighter, the weight of everything catching up to me.
Her arms wrapped protectively around me. Just then, Law approached us, his frustration evident. "Nico! You brought the key, didn’t you? Give it to me now!" he demanded, his eyes sharp with urgency.
We pulled away, and I made my way towards Law. "I left them with Rebecca," Robin replied, her tone steady despite the tension.
"Damn," I muttered, my frustration mounting. I had hoped someone would have the key.
"What?!" Kyros said, his concern palpable.
"She’s alright," Robin said reassuringly. "She’s headed to the flower field right now."
"Well, she got away," a voice said, dripping with disdain. "Even if she makes it into the palace, she won’t be able to do anything."
The figure emerged from the shadows, his face coming into view. He raised his eyes, locking them onto Luffy and me. "Strawhats," he said with a sneer. His gaze then shifted to me. "And you, the young master has been waiting for your capture."
Rage surged through me, and the blades in my thigh halter began to glow with their distinctive hue. "You can tell the young master he can shove it! I’m not his, and I never will be!" I shouted, the hue intensifying.
The man ignored my defiance, turning his attention to Robin. "I’ll kill Rebecca once I’m done with you."
"Bastard!" Kyros spat, his anger barely contained.
"I know you!" Luffy exclaimed, his voice filled with determination. "The name’s Gladious, and I’m putting an end to this rebellion."
The toy soldiers began to move again, and I yanked one of my blades from its sheath. Blue flames danced around it, ready for action. "Rooster, let’s go!" Robin commanded as she and her partner took their positions.
"Luffy, Traffy, Soldier, Y/N, go ahead to the flower field and get that key," Robin said decisively. "We can handle this."
"Are you sure, Robin?" I asked, my voice wavering with concern.
"Rebecca is waiting! Just go!" she insisted, her voice unwavering. With a determined nod, Luffy agreed with Robin. Gladious then launched his attack, but before Luffy could react, he was blocked by a massive shield. "Mr. Luffy, let me take care of it!" Rooster called out, stepping forward. "Barrier!" The enormous protective barrier shielded us from the oncoming assault.
I quickly placed my blade back into the thigh halter, securing it as the blue hue faded from my weapon. I couldn't help but wonder why the hue kept appearing whenever I felt intense emotions. Gladious groaned in frustration and summoned the toy soldiers once more.
I clenched my right hand, feeling an intense surge of power as I prepared for the fight. "Luffy, let’s clear a path!" I shouted. With a powerful punch, I struck the ground, unleashing my technique, Celestial Rupture. The impact created a massive shockwave that rippled through the area, causing the toy soldiers to collapse and shatter under the tremendous force. The ground cracked and trembled as debris flew in all directions, dismantling the toys in a spectacular display of devastation.
Luffy, seizing the moment, unleashed his Jet Whip with fierce precision. His rapid kicks and strikes sent the remaining toys hurtling through the air, their bodies disintegrating upon impact with his powerful attacks.
 “Rooster head” or how luffy called him was stunned. “Sweet! I got front row seats to a Jet Whip strike and a combination of beauty and strength by the Princess! What a day!” He swooned, clearly awestruck.
“Stop wasting time!” Law snapped, his irritation evident. “We’ve been fighting these stupid dolls forever! Hurry it up, Strawhat!”
With a determined glint in my eye, I leaped backward into the air, landing next to Law. I crouched down beside him, my fingers playfully sliding through the back of his hair. Law tensed slightly at first, but soon, a soft groan escaped him as I let my fingers slowly trail down to the back of his neck, brushing against his skin.
His hat shielded most of his face, but I caught the faint blush creeping up his cheeks. His eyes, darker now, looked at me with a mix of tension and something deeper. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” I teased softly, my voice low and flirtatious.
Law exhaled deeply, his head tipping just slightly into my touch. “You have no idea,” he murmured, his tone rougher, edged with a teasing promise of his own. His voice dropped as his eyes met mine, unwavering. “Once these cuffs are off…”
I raised an eyebrow, my smirk widening. “Once these cuffs are off… what?” I whispered, letting my fingers linger at the back of his neck, feeling the slight shiver that ran through him.
Law’s smirk matched mine, his gaze intense. “You’ll find out.” He leaned into my touch just enough to send a shiver of anticipation down my spine.
I chuckled softly, pulling my hand away, the warmth between us lingering. 
As Luffy ascended the barrier stairs, Rooster Head was still celebrating his moment of glory. “Thank you for being born!” he exclaimed, still on the ground in a state of utter adoration. His enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at his dramatic display.
Finally reaching the top, Luffy, with me over his shoulder, and Law beside him, saw Rebecca waiting eagerly. “Rebecca!” Luffy shouted, his voice full of relief. “Lucy! You made it!”
Rebecca’s face lit up as she held up the key. “Luffy, here!” she called out, tossing the key toward him. At that moment, a toy soldier lunged towards us, its mouth open menacingly.
“Luffy, now!” I yelled, bracing for impact. With quick reflexes, Luffy grabbed the key and unlocked Law’s cuffs. Law and Luffy landed gracefully, and as I prepared to propel myself into the air, Law swiftly caught me mid-flight.
He looked at me with a smirk, his eyes betraying a mix of relief and amusement. “You really do have a knack for needing rescuing, don’t you?” he teased, his voice low and warm.  
I raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at my lips. “Was this your way of showing me what you’d do once your cuffs were off?”
Law’s gaze deepened, and he grabbed my wrist as we both landed safely on the ground. His voice was dangerously low, “Not even close, princess.”
A faint blush colored my cheeks, and I froze for a moment, caught off guard by his intensity.
Luffy, oblivious to our exchange, cheered with enthusiasm. “We finally made it!”
“About damn time too!” I said, shaking off the lingering heat in my cheeks and walking towards him with Law by my side. 
Luffy, Law, and I stood together, but I could sense Law’s distraction. "Finally free," he muttered, flexing his hands, now rid of the sea prism stone cuffs.
“This is it—the fourth level where Mingo's hiding. Let’s tear this place apart!” Luffy said, determined.
I clenched my fists connecting them, the fiery energy and electric pulses blending as they surged through me. "You had me at tearing this place apart, Captain," I said with a wicked grin.
Just then, a voice cut through the air. “Law! Strawhat! Princess!”
My blades began glowing again—this time, my left hand pulsed with blue energy, while my right hand gleamed white. I glanced at them in confusion. “What the hell is happening now?”
“It’s Diamante,” Law growled, his expression darkening as the man approached. Kyros leapt forward, blocking his attack. “You three go ahead!” Kyros shouted. “I’ve got a score to settle with him. Kill that bastard!"
Luffy and Law both shouted back, “Leave it to us!”
I couldn’t help but smirk. "Make sure you whoop his ass for us, Kyros!" But before we could charge forward, Law grabbed my arm, pulling me back. I unclenched my hands, feeling the energy dissipate.
"Strawhat, let’s move," Law ordered.
"Yeah!" Luffy nodded, pausing only to thank Rebecca for her help.
"Will you really defeat Doflamingo?" she asked, eyes full of hope.
Luffy turned, his face serious. “My name isn’t Lucy, it’s Luffy. And I’m going to be King of the Pirates!"
I couldn’t help but smile at his bold declaration. His conviction never wavered, and I felt proud to be by his side. “There’s no need to worry,” Luffy reassured Rebecca as we ran towards the palace.
Just as we neared, Diamante unleashed his Devil Fruit powers. “You pain in the ass brat, you stubborn fool, and you—traitor!”
Before we could fight back, Law stopped us. “Wait. Room!” The dome surrounded us, and in a flash, we were transported to the palace pool area.
"So this is the place," Luffy remarked, standing up.
"Took long enough," Law replied, his voice tense.
"Wow, your ability really comes in handy," I said, impressed but noticing how drained he looked.
"Yeah, princess, but it takes a toll. With the sea prism cuffs and you carrying me around, I saved just enough energy," Law said, forming a smaller circle. “Scalpel.”
To my shock, Law groaned as he reached into his own stomach, pulling out two bullets. Luffy and I watched in silence as the bloody projectiles hit the ground.
My hand instinctively went to my left shoulder, remembering the bullet lodged there. Luffy noticed and turned to me, his eyes widening. “Wait, Y/N, weren’t you shot too by Mingo?
Law’s hands hovered over the wound, his eyes wide with shock as he traced the damage. His breath came out in sharp, shallow bursts. I could feel the tension radiating off of him, the way his fingers trembled ever so slightly.
"You were shot?" His voice was a low growl, almost feral, as if he was holding himself back from exploding.
I nodded, trying to keep things light. "It’s not as bad as it looks, Law. Really, I’m—"
“By Mingo?” he cut me off, his voice trembling with barely controlled fury. His eyes locked onto mine, dark and intense, and suddenly the world felt too small. “And you didn’t think to tell me?” His words were clipped, barely restrained, as if holding back a storm.
I winced as his hand gently, but firmly, pressed against the wound, inspecting the damage. “It happened when you were unconscious back at the colosseum. I didn’t think it—"
"You didn’t think it mattered?” His voice was cold now, deadly. He yanked his hand back from my shoulder as if it burned him. “He hurt you, and you kept quiet?!”
I swallowed hard, trying to reason with him. “It all happened so fast, I was facing Doflamingo head on. I just needed to—”
He stepped back, his fists clenched so tight his knuckles were white, his jaw clenched hard enough to crack teeth. “That bastard,” he hissed. His entire body seemed to be trembling with a rage that was about to boil over. 
“Why is your wound more damaged?!” he yelled, his usual calm shattered as the reality of what Doflamingo had done started to sink in.
I sighed, knowing this was coming, knowing he wasn’t going to let it go. His concern felt suffocating, but there was no escaping it now. “When… I got to the palace, I was tied with his strings. You were still unconscious in a chair next to me,” I began, my voice trembling slightly as the memories resurfaced. I could still feel the tight grip of those cursed strings around me.
Closing my eyes, I forced myself to continue, even as the memory sent a chill through me. “He… kept trying to touch my collarbone and my exposed shoulders, but I pushed his hand away every time. That’s when he got angry… and he dug his finger into the bullet wound,” I whispered, my voice fading as the pain of that moment surged back into my body. I could still feel his fingers pressing into the wound, the sharp sting, the agony as he twisted it just to make me suffer more. My breath caught for a moment as I tried to shake it off.
Law's eyes darkened further, his hands trembling as his fingers curled into fists so tight his knuckles turned white. "That sick bastard…" he muttered, fury evident in every word. He looked as if he was ready to destroy everything in his path just to get to Doflamingo. His protective instincts surged, his anger almost tangible in the air around him.
“He wanted to break me, Law,” I admitted quietly, my voice barely above a whisper. “He thought he could control me… that he could use my pain to make me bend to his will.”
Law’s gaze softened for just a moment, the rage still there, but now mixed with a deep, unspoken regret. He reached out, gently touching the edge of my wounded shoulder.
"None of that matters now." I said quickly, trying to steer the conversation away from my injuries. "We’re here now. I’m fine.”
But Law wasn’t listening. He was already forming the circle around me, his fingers moving with precision but shaking with anger. “This is going to hurt,” he muttered, his voice strained.
The sharp pain of the bullet being removed shot through me, but I clenched my jaw, determined not to make a sound. The lead bullet dropped to the ground with a dull thud, and Law froze, staring at it. His eyes darkened with something far more dangerous than before.
“Lead bullets,” he whispered, the anger building in his voice. His fists clenched again, shaking with rage. "He used lead bullets on you."
The cold fury in his voice sent a chill down my spine. Law straightened up, his whole body rigid with barely contained violence. “I’m going to kill him,” he swore, his voice low, trembling with hatred. “I’ll rip him apart for this.”
I reached for his arm, trying to ground him, but he pulled away, eyes fixed on the horizon. “Law—”
“No,” he snapped, his voice a growl. "This ends here. That bastard will pay for every second of pain he caused you."
“What... did you just say?” Luffy’s voice was low, almost calm. Too calm. His eyes darkened as they shifted between Law and the bullet. 
Luffy’s head snapped toward Law, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Lead bullets?" His voice was low, but there was an underlying tension. He glanced at the bullet on the ground and then back at Law. "Wait... is that the same kind of bullet they used back at the Colosseum?"
Law nodded grimly. "Yeah, it's the same. It’s not just a regular bullet. Lead poisoning slowly kills you from the inside out. That bastard… he planned to make Y/N suffer.”
Luffy’s face tightened, his jaw clenching as the realization sank in. His fists began to tremble, knuckles white with the force of his grip. “He used these on Y/N…” His voice dropped dangerously low. “That bastard used those on my crew.”
His gaze shot toward the palace, his eyes now burning with an intense rage. “DOFLAMINGO!”
Without warning, Luffy slammed his fist into the ground, the sheer force sending cracks through the stone. “I’m not letting him get away with this!" His voice grew louder, filled with fury. "Nobody hurts my friends like this!”
He shot a determined look at Law and me, his face hardened with resolve. “We’re ending this—NOW.”
he declared, his voice low but filled with the fire of determination.
My hands began to tremble, the weight of everything crashing down on me. The memories of Doflamingo’s torment, the fear that my friends wouldn’t reach me—it all hit at once. The strength I’d tried to hold onto started to slip away.
I turned to Luffy, my vision blurring as tears welled up in my eyes. “Luffy... for a moment...” My voice cracked, the tears I had been holding back finally spilling over. “I thought you and Zoro wouldn’t make it on time,” I whispered, a single tear slipping down my cheek.
Luffy's expression softened, the fiery determination in his eyes mixed with something warmer—reassurance. "We're here, Y/N. And we're not going anywhere," he said, his voice steady, filled with a strength that reminded me why I could always count on him.
As I stood there, trying to calm my shaking hands, I suddenly felt two strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. Law’s grip tightened, his hat tilted low, hiding his face. But I could feel something wet hit the back of my neck—tears. His voice, usually so controlled, cracked with emotion as he whispered, "Princess... I..." He hesitated, his words barely coming through. "I couldn’t protect Cora... and I couldn’t even protect you..."
The weight of his pain hit me as hard as my own. I turned around gently, cupping his face in my hands. His eyes were glossy, filled with guilt and sorrow. "It’s okay, Law. I’m okay," I whispered, wiping his tears away with my thumb. I didn’t want him to carry that burden any longer.
With a soft smile, I reached for my tiara, removing it from my head and handing it to him. "Hold on to this for me," I said, looking into his eyes as if to reassure him that I would be fine.
I turned to face both Luffy and Law, determination settling back into my chest. "Let’s go kick Mingo’s ass!" I declared, trying to ignite the fire in both of them.
Just as Luffy and I were about to start walking, Law reached out. "Wait, Y/N!" he called, his voice returning to its usual sharp tone. "We need to come up with a plan. We can’t underestimate him."
Luffy crossed his arms, huffing in frustration. "Look, Mingo’s getting an ass-kicking whether there’s a plan or not. So let’s go!" he retorted, his fists clenching with excitement and impatience.
The two began to bicker back and forth, Law trying to be strategic while Luffy, in true fashion, was ready to charge straight into the fight.
Their voices suddenly quieted as we all heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps approaching from inside the palace. Our gazes snapped towards the source, the tension thickening as we realized someone—or something—was coming.
Usopp POV… 
I readied my slingshot, my hands a little shaky but steady enough. Kanjuro was preparing the drawing we'd use to stop Sugar. Viola, with her clairvoyance, was crucial now—her eyes could see what was heading our way.
"It's going to create a level playing field with Sugar," I muttered, grabbing the wrapped-up drawing and heading back to my station.
"Viola, I'm going to need your clairvoyance. I want you to relay every move Sugar makes," I instructed, my voice more confident than I felt. Viola nodded with determination.
"I am the sniper. This is where I shine. I take out enemies from afar and protect my team!" I whispered to myself, pulling my goggles down over my eyes.
"Viola... make me proud," said King Riku, his trust pushing me to do better.
"I can see her now! Sugar is approaching them from behind," Viola called out, her eyes locked on the scene. Hack and King Riku were ready to provide backup, making sure no one could sneak up on us.
"She's nearing your friends at a steady pace; she's in their line of sight!" Viola continued.
"Keep your eyes on her!" I urged, my heart pounding in my chest. "I gotta make this count!"
"Sugar’s in the yard now," Viola said urgently. "It seems she’s crying, trying to play the sympathy card with your friends. And... Law is holding onto the waist of the princess."
I let out a breath, smirking slightly. "Really? I just know Sanji would have a field day if he was hearing this," I muttered under my breath, trying to distract myself from the pressure.
"They’re about to leave her behind, but... wait, they’ve turned back," Viola informed me, her voice laced with concern.
I began to pull back the strap of my slingshot, as far as I could go. The tension in my arms, my nerves, everything was tightening. "You gotta tell me her exact location!" I shouted.
"Look at the top of the towers, the windows in the center! I can see them, but there’s an iron bar over it," Viola explained quickly. "There’s a bottom bar too, about four feet from the ground."
"Sugar’s still behind the column! She's advancing—she should be in the middle any moment now!" Viola said, worry creeping into her voice.
"My target's behind a damn wall. If I miss, it's goodbye, Luffy!" I muttered, feeling sweat drip down my face. The anxiety spiked, and I swallowed thickly, shaking my head to push away the “what-ifs.”
"We have to nail this! No matter what!" I growled, gritting my teeth. The pressure mounted, but I had to keep steady.
"Hey, Luffy, Y/N... I don’t want to miss this, and I don’t want to head to the seas without you or Y/N!" My thoughts raced as I focused.
"I can see their auras!" I thought to myself. Then, the moment came. "Special long-range attack!" I shouted, releasing the slingshot, the projectile flying through the air toward its target.
"Luffy, Y/N... I’ve got your back, even if you don’t realize it. Keep pushing ahead!" I thought, my hands trembling as I waited for the impact.
And then—Sugar was out cold. Her trauma reignited, rendering her unconscious.
"Outstanding! You pulled it off! You really are a sniper. Sugar is down for the count!" Viola said, tears in her eyes.
"How are they?" I asked, my heart still pounding in my chest.
"They're all fine, Usopp. Nice work!" Viola said with a smile, her voice full of relief.
I let out a long breath, feeling the weight lift from my shoulders. I did it. We did it.
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acatpiestuff · 5 months
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holycrimin · 2 months
In honor of me getting my first ever TMNT Comic,
here's Leo with a crush who gets overly excited when gifted something they're obsessed/hyperfixated with (cough definitely not me cough)
while I did buy the comic for myself (it was an Eastman and Laird's TMNT adventure special) I wanted to explore this more because my brain is way too active and i need an outlet lol
pls dont blame me if its a little ooc, im trying my best and this is impulsive T0T
note: Reader uses they/them, Leo is a massive dork, semi proofread
2012!Leo x Expressive!Reader
Saw something he thought you'd like while on patrol,
"Hey guys, you think they'll like this?" He looks throught the window.
They snicker and shit on him (lovingly in a sibling way)
Whether it was a poster or figurine or comic, he's getting that baby just for you
Obviously he'd get it by paying because stealing would be wrong.
And by paying he means snatching it in the middle of the night and leaving a twenty with an apology note
Because that's what heroes do
Hops up to your apartment,
(with his brothers watching from the shadows because they absolutely cannot resist a good show. yes, even Donnie; like a true hypocrite)
He makes sure that neither your parents are there with you and he knocks on the window
You, with your ultra smart brain, immediately knew it was him because it was either that or a murderer that climbed up to specifically your window to murder you
which was unlikely, but hey, so was being friends with a giant turtle
You open your window and are immediately greeted with a shiny (not-so-brand new) comic/poster/figurine of the thing you talked about nonstop for weeks. maybe months. actually now that you think about it it mightve been year—
"No way. NO WAY." You take it out of his hands (gently) and look at it in awe, before looking up at him with a dazzled expression
(If you squinted you could see sparkles coming off of you)
"What- Where- Dude. Where'd you even find this?!" A wide grin on your face as you look at him.
"Oh y'know.. Patrol and fighting bad guys, awesome stuff. Uh, then, y'know.. I found some merch that I thought you'd like."
"Dude he's seriously blowing this." one of the guys (mikey) whisper. "Yeah, he's worse than Donnie." he says, earning a 'Hey!' from Donnie.
Leo glares at them for a second before turning his attention back to you.
You let out a giddy giggle, "ahh! dude!"
"Dude." You set it down gently and put both of your hands on his shoulders. "I. Love you. So much. You know that?"
He blushes a little, "Well, I mean, it's not really a big de-"
"Not a big deal?! DUDDEE I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Is this a marriage proposal?" You say, shaking him a little.
"Wh- um.. What?" Leo lets out a weak chuckle, he feels his face heating up. "Because I accept. Let's get married, I love you so much. Oh my god, you have no idea-"
Ohhh god.
Yeah, that does it.
Well, even more than it already has.
"Whahahaha... Okay, uh, You don't really mean that, do y-" Oh.
"..Oh, sorry, is that too far? I mean, I do it with my other friends, but I'm not sure- Leo?" Yeah, no this is going to kill him. Kinda pathetic, huh? That a kiss on the cheek could send him spiraling just like that.
"Ah.. hahahah! Okay cool, haha.. uh, bye! I'll ah.. see you tomorrow? yep. Yeah. Okay, bye!"
He runs off.
Aw crap.
Did you do something wrong? God, you hope not. Maybe you should tone it down next time.
"Smooth moves brother, really got them falling for you."
"Shut up."
Total writing time: idk like 15-20 mins?
Any fellow fic writers feel free to take inspo or even write a direct sequel to this, I just really like this idea and would absolutely love to read more abt it lol
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bebe-writes-stuff · 1 year
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Damn, you felt sore. Almost every part of your body ached. Last thing you remembered was, you were behind the school because you've received a note to meet someone there, just like the many you got like every other week. It's always the same corny love confession, and you always respond with the same answer,
"Oh, I already have a lover. Thanks for the thought though." You say and walk away.
But this time, it was something you never would've expected. It was a girl this time but that wasn't the new part, you've had even girls confess to you. It was she started talking about,
"You just think you can do whatever you fucking want just because you're pretty." She said in a spiteful tone,
You grimaced knowing what type of girl she already was. She was a bitch, not the good kind. She was green with envy of any girl who tried to outshine her. You snickered,
"You think I'm pretty, why thank you <3." You dropped the smug remark, rolling your eyes playfully.
You started walking away, not wanting to waste your time with some girl who has nothing to do then shit on other women who are living their lives. Jealousy really is a disease, and an ugly one. But suddenly you stopped in your tracks when she shouted,
Turning to her, annoyance bubbling up inside you as you spat back at her,
"What the hell are you talking about, steal who?
She saw your furrowed eyebrow and crooked smile, before you burst out laughing, hugging your stomach,
Taking a deep breath before wiping the small tears in the corners of your eyes,
"Okay, so you're yelling at me because your man-wait no- CRUSH asked me out. Sounds like you should keep him in check rather than attacking me. You know, that's a really bitchy move. There's a special place in hell for insecure hoes like you who put down other women."
You felt bad for her, she was trying so hard for this guy's attention to the point of coming at other girls. That's so...pathetic. You saw how her malice expression faded into a sadistic smile, then you caught the sound of a twig snapping behind you. You gasped at the realization, turning halfway when you felt the sharp pain in the side of your head. One of her friends had snuck up on you then at the moment you put your guard down, she struck you with a metal pipe.
RIP my man...Shinichiro
You weren't sure how long you've been knocked out for, but once you woke up it was night time. And you were met with two afros you were oh-too-familiar with.
"Hey Souya, it's alright. She's opening her eyes, there's no need to cry." His older brother, Nahoya, tried to comfort him.
Souya hasn't stopped crying ever since they got the first glance of your almost lifeless body on the floor. He never ran so fast to check up on somebody, pulling you into his arms and light shaking you to wake up. Begging you to.
"Hey Soso, baby, you're kinda squeezing the life out of my ass right now." You managed to gasp out,
He quickly let you go but both of his hand were still on your shoulder,
"Who...who did this Y/n. I'll fucking kill-" He started, his voice dripped with malice and rage.
Tears were running down his face, Nahoya had warned you about Angry's tears. No matter what, don't make him cry. You cupped his face, catching him off guard. You took a good look at him before gently wiping his tears away and leaning in and kissing his wet cheeks, You giggled a little at the small blush that became visible on his now hot cheeks. He was such a kind soul. He was one of the rare people who truly had a good heart. You weren't sure how hard you fell for him until now.
"Why are you crying dummy, I am literally right here in your arms."
You feel relieved once you see his tears stop running like a speeding river. You continued by kissing his hands,
"I told you before, your tears are precious to me, baby. Mm, I love you so much." You whispered, your voice sugarcoated as you pulled him into your arms, holding him lovingly.
He sniffed and struggled to talk because of his constant gasps,
"Shh, it's gonna be alright. Just listen to my voice. Take a deep breath, angel. Yeah, that's it. Are you calm now?" You whispered near his ear, rubbing his back and gently caressed his hair.
He nodded,
"I-I tried, I really did! But you were hurt and bleeding!"
"I know, baby. I know, and it's okay. I'd never ever blame you, love. Also c'mon, I bleed like every month. I think I can handle this." You joked,
You heard his muffled laugh when he had his face rested in the crook of your neck.
You were too focused on Souya, notice the way Nahoya took the hint and left you two to the comfort of your own presence.
The walk home to patch you up was sweet. Souya offered (demanded) to carry you all the way to your house. It was relaxing, he smelled nice, and he was warm. You wrapped your arms around his neck getting more comfortable when you pulled him closer resting your head on his shoulder.
"Souyaaaaaaa, I love youuuu. You're so sweet and make me so happy." You whispered, dragging out some of your words.
He was glad you weren't looking at him. You would tease the freak out of him if you saw the way he blushed hard at your harmonious voice. You raised your head, facing him. You snicker at his flushed face,
"You're so cute when you blush." You purr, biting your lower lip a little.
You moved your face closer to his, brushing your lips against his. It was a deep and affectionate kiss. You lost yourself in his warmth, treasuring the sensual moment. Pulling away to take a shaky breath. You sunk back into his arms, a smile tugged on your swollen lips, and let your eyes rest, getting sleepy.
After a moment you heard a small chuckle. You open one of your eyes, staring up at him,
"Hmm, what's up?
"I just remember talking with my brother about something."
"Oooh, tell me! Tell me!"
"He said you were a lot like a tootsie pop."
"The sucker. pfft-why?"
"You always act so tough on the outside but you're really such a softie."
You got flustered and a tad bit angry,
"dammit Nahoya, I'll shove my foot up your ass next time I see."
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Ate a whole bag of tootsie pops while writing this
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rotthepoet · 2 months
Content: Hogwarts University AU, no use of y/n, im like 99% sure no use of pronouns besides You and maybe Them, lorenzo being a bitch, Blackmailing, Panic Attacks, Mentions of Alcohol consumption, please let me know if i forgot anything i tend to black out while writing these
Okay can we talk about asshole boyfriend Lorenzo some more? Because once this man woo’s you after bullying you incessantly he tries to be as good and kind to you as he can.
Which is kinda hard for a “fuck bitches, get money” kinda guy like him.
He does it in his own special way 😻
All of his gifts are lowkey kinda backhanded. “The shirt you wore to the house party last week was kind of… ugly. So i got you this new one instead” kinda vibe.
He really does like you and wants to take care of you. He just…
Hes working on it, guys.
He tears his arm away from you if you try to cling onto it in the hallway- then he remembers hes a committed man and makes an effort. Going from many hoes to “this wonderful person i think could be my equal” is a weird step for him. Commitment issues? Perchance. Hes more comfortable after a while, wrapping a possessive arm around you
Oh that doesnt mean he isnt a jealous soul tho.
I don’t think Lorenzo is a fighting type… he might pay Mattheo to beat someone up tho.
Lorenzo is king of blackmail. He will find(or make)… inappropriate… pictures of some people to get what he wants.
And what he wants is his pookie(you) to not be hit on.
Get where im going?
Okay lowkey he might try to blackmail you too if you threaten to breakup with him because hes a little bitch.
He will threaten to post video of you he has saved. Leak some freaky texts.
Hes all talk tho, he doesnt want anyone seeing your body but him. If you’re brave and leave anyways he’s SHAKEN.
Like seriously- shaking with rage because #1. How fucking dare you?????? #2. His chest hurts so bad and he cant breathe and hes crying for some reason and fuck he cant think about anything but how he sounded in that moment and hes shaking and fuck hes having a panic attack.
He grovels at your feet for the next few days/weeks/hell even months if he needs to, until you take him back. Its pathetic really. Hes following you around like a puppy. Hes staring at you constantly and whining to anyone who will listen, and hes getting high asf and trying to text you on literally every social media platform.
He misses you so much. Hes buying you so many presents and trying to sit next to you in every class and trying to write you love letters. Hes never felt this empty before.
He pulls up to your dorm shit faced and crying and begging for you because he cant calm down. He sobs into your chest and he cries about how much he wants you(this man is so scared to say love)
And i mean how are you supposed to say no to those puppy dog eyes?
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glitterquadricorn · 3 years
Make Me (Cry) - Jacob Black (Day 12)
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Summary: It hurts being somebody's second choice. Pairing: Jacob Black x Reader Word Count: 682 Warning(s): confrontation, Bella bashing, Jacob picking Bella over the reader, etc. If I missed something, let me know.
a/n: Welcome to the first day of the 12 days of Christmas! This year will be twilight themed. I figured it might be easier if I pick a line from the selected song and try to focus the fic around that line, almost like a prompt in a way.
Song: Make me (cry) by Noah Cyrus
"I never hated you like I do right now"
Her grip on the steering wheel tightened as she grew closer to the red home. She wanted- no, demanded to know why Jacob kept ignoring her. At first, it didn’t bother her. He could do things without her. But when Jacob kept ignoring her, not returning her calls or texts, it made her wonder what the hell was going on.
Pulling into the muddy driveway and getting out of her car, she walked over to the shed where she knew Jacob would be.
“Hey! We need to talk.”
“You’re not supposed to be here, y/n.” Jacob said, cleaning up and reorganizing the tools that were around the shed, stopping by the old wooden table next to the Volkswagen rabbit. He glanced over at her, and his entire world stopped. Suddenly, there was an invisible string pulling him towards her. He wanted to be there for her whenever she needed him. An overwhelming feeling of wanting to protect her washed over him. And you’d think he'd be happy about finding his soulmate, but he wasn’t.
“Want to tell me why you’ve been ignoring me? We haven’t talked in weeks, Jake.”
“There’s a reason for that.”
“Then tell me! I miss talking to you. I miss hanging out.”
“Sam won’t let me.”
“Sam? Sam Uley? Since when did you take orders from him?”
After he phased for the first time, Sam ordered him to cut off all contact with her. ‘It’s for her own safety,’ Sam told him. Sam didn’t want another repeat of what happened to Emily.
“It's complicated.”
“Complicated? How complicated can it be, Jacob?”
“Y/n, drop it. Leave it alone.”
“No! I want answers.” She crossed her arms in annoyance. “Are you ignoring Bella like you are with me?”
“Don’t talk about her-”
“I’ve hit a nerve. What is it about Bella that makes her so special? Hm? She’s a little boring for my taste, but to which their own.”
Jacob listened to y/n go on and on about Bella, questioning all the choices she’s ever made in her life. He could feel the heat in his body rise and his hands shake. The person he called a friend was insulting the woman he loved. The woman he wished he imprinted on.
From under his breath, he growled. “STOP!” Jacob seethed, balling up his fist, taking several small steps towards her. “Don’t you dare talk about Bella like that!”
“It's only the truth. You pick what you want to hear, and when someone tells you the truth, you get mad. And besides, isn’t she with that Edward guy?” She could see him tense up even more than he already was at the mere mention of the guy’s name. “Wait… didn’t they break up? And didn’t his family leave town afterwards? That’s a little messed up if you ask me.”
“I. Love. Bella!” Jacob proclaimed, enunciating every word clearly.
“Congratulations on establishing that, Jacob, but news flash. If the Cullens come back, she will go back to him like nothing ever happened. It's honestly pathetic. When you realize it’s always going to be him, you are going to be heartbroken, and who will have to pick up the pieces? Me.” y/n hated herself for what she was about to say and didn’t intend for it to come out this way. “You are so oblivious you don’t see that the person in front of you is complete, and utterly in love with you.”
Jacob’s expression softened, but just as it softened, the anger took over once again. “I’ve never loved you like that. I only ever considered you a friend, but at this point I don’t even want to be friends because I never hated you like I do right now.”
He stormed past her, hitting her shoulder as he went by. She didn’t expect his words to hurt as much as they did. All she could do was wait for him to realize Bella would not pick him over Edward. But did she want to waste her time waiting?
The 12 days of christmas has offically kicked off!
11 days until Christmas
@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @sergeantjbuckybarnes @patzammit @yagirlmexic @awkwardfangirl2014 @beckieandhertardis @tinycyberhacker @streetghostfighter07 @distant-illusions @alisoncdariel @1awesomeash @nocturnalherb16 @thisismysecrethappyplace @rainysuitcaseprunegiant @geeksareunique @stressedandbandobessed7771 @xshinytrashcanx @1950schick @finallyforgotten @keenmarvellover @inkybird @heshewumbo11 @shadow-dixon @mrspeacem1nusone @augustvandyne @harleyquinnpuddin
376 notes · View notes
itsallyscorner · 4 years
Omg after Tom showing off his thighs in that Jimmy Fallon interview, please please please could you write something about thigh riding him 💙
Not me immediately working on this once I saw it in my inbox💀 I’m supposed to be clearing my inbox out, but when this popped in I couldn’t help it🙈 I also haven’t done smut in a while so THANK YOU for requesting this😌💞
Use Me*
Warnings: SMUT! She’s a nasty one. If this is a bit messy, I’m sorry, I haven’t written smut in ages😭
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(GIF from @tomhollandnet )
“Citizen Kane!” Your boyfriend confidently blurted out to his laptop. He must’ve done something wrong because his eyes widened in surprise.
“Oh, hang on a minute!” He stuttered placing his hand on his chest. You heard Jimmy Fallon laugh from the laptop and explain the rules of the game again. You let out a quiet laugh yourself from behind his set up, though your eyes drifted down to his bare legs that bounced up and down.
For the past few weeks, Tom has been doing promo for his new and highly anticipated film Cherry. While trying to balance filming Spider-Man 3 and doing promo, you guys barely had time to spend together. Not that it bothered you; you understood how hectic his job could get, so you weren’t phased by the back to back Zoom interviews or how he’d join you in bed late at night after a long day on set.
The lost time between the both of you must’ve finally caught up on Tom as he woke up clingier than usual. The moment his eyes fluttered open he felt the need to touch you, to have his skin pressed up against yours, and to feel the warmth that radiated off your body. He just wanted to have you near him—the reason to why he begged you to spend the entire day with him.
You should have been listening to Tom talking passionately about his film, but your mind drifted off to the gutter. Only a few feet away from you was your boyfriend sitting behind a desk, wearing a black shirt, topped with a black blazer, pantless. The only garments covering his bottom half were his boxers and socks, leaving his thighs bare and tempting to your eyes. You tried to avoid looking at them, forcing your attention to focus on the words coming out his mouth, but your eyes were constantly drifting down to his thighs. From the way Tom rubbed his rough hands on them to the way they flexed whenever he moved was starting to cause a pool of arousal to form in your panties.
Tom’s voice faded into the background as you stared blankly at his thighs, imagining how the smooth skin would feel against your wet cunt. You bit your lip, mind wandering to the thought of Tom flexing his thigh while you grinded your hips against him. The ideas in your head caused you to unconsciously squeeze your thighs together. Trying to relieve yourself of the hot tension forming in your body. Though, the action doesn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend, who had a small smirk on his face after catching you in the corner of his eyes.
A few more minutes pass and he was already finishing up his interview with Jimmy. Though you didn’t notice since your attention was still fixated on his sculpted thighs. That and you were constantly adjusting yourself in your seat because of how embarrassingly wet your panties were getting. You attempted to distract yourself with your phone and scrolled mindlessly through Instagram. You weren’t even looking at the posts, just randomly double tapping and scrolling past them. Much to your dismay, your ways of distraction failed once again. Instead of focusing on your screen, your eyes zeroed in on Tom’s legs.
“You know darling, I could practically feel your eyes burning holes into my thighs.” He suddenly teased you. You felt the heat rush to your face as you hid behind your phone screen.
“I’m not looking at your thighs.” You pathetically lied, turning your phone off, and crossing your arms. His tired but rich chocolate colored eyes capture yours. There was a hint of playfulness mixed with lust in them. He wasn’t oblivious, he could feel the tension growing in the room.
Tom tilts his head to the side, “Then why were you consistently staring at my legs?” He crossed his legs making his thighs momentarily flex again.
“I was looking at your socks.”
“What about my socks?” He quirked a brow at you.
“They’re dirty.” You shrugged.
“Really? But my socks are down there, not up here.” He cheekily quipped, motioning to his lap. You whined and threw your head back against the couch, shoving a pillow to your face in the process.
“Busted.” Tom sang huskily before pulling his bottom lip in between his teeth. He scanned your figure on the couch, eyes lingering on the way your legs were still clenched together.
“C’mere.” His voice was an octave lower, catching your attention. You pull the pillow off your face and see him gazing down at you from his seat, legs spread out in front of him. You toss your phone on the couch and walk towards him. His hands reach out for you midway, then settle to grasp on your hips.
“Mmm, baby, I can smell you.” His hands maneuver around your waist to squeeze your bum, emitting a light hum from you. You draped one of your arms around his shoulder while your hand cradled his jaw.
“Sorry, I can’t help it. Stupid thighs.” You mumble, the blush remaining on your cheeks.
“I want you to get off these stupid thighs. Use me, (y/n).” He encouraged, pulling you closer. You were about to agree but his attire reminded you that he had an interview in a few minutes.
“Wait—Tom, don’t you have another interview?” You asked him, shaking yourself out of your trance of arousal and pulling away from him. Tom whined, dragging you back towards his chest.
“In like 15 or 20 minutes, it’s enough time.” He reached behind you and slammed his laptop shut. He clumsily got out of his chair and led you to the loveseat behind him. He sat down and placed you in between his legs.
While he pulled your shorts and panties off you continued to question him, “Are you sure, Tommy?” He tapped your ankles, signaling for you to step out of your undergarments.
Tom stopped and looked up at you, “Yes, I’m sure. We have to be quick, but I just wanna feel you on me. We could continue when I’m done, promise.” He held your hands and pressed a kiss onto the back of them.
“Ok. But if you get in trouble, I swear—oh.” You were interrupted by Tom pressing a sloppy kiss above your mound. He placed your hands to rest on his shoulders and guided you to straddle his thigh. Once you were settled, he slipped two of his fingers between your legs to gather some of your wetness. He groaned at how soaked you were, leaving his fingers to slide through your folds a little bit longer. When he took them out, his fingers were covered in your glossy juices. He wiped some of your slick onto your lips before shoving his fingers into his mouth.
“Taste so fucking good, shit.” Tom growled, crashing his lips onto yours. The kiss was passionately messy; tongues dancing around each other while your teeth clashed from time to time, along with the taste of you on both your lips. Tom was the first to pull away still biting down on your bottom lip, “Come on, wanna feel you ride my thigh.” He scooted back into the seat, guiding your hips to settle down on his thigh. Your knees ached from kneeling on the couch’s material, but the burn you felt in your core urged you to put up a fight.
The moment you came into contact with his thigh felt like euphoria. Your eyes rolled back and a moan dragged out of your body. The pleasurable sensation of finally relieving the burn in your core rushed through your body. Another tension was building up in you, desperation. Grinding your hips down on him repeatedly made you obsessed with how he felt under you, making you desperate to get more.
You had no problem rocking against him, your wetness made it easy enough for you to simply slide your hips up and down the expanse of his firm thighs. Tom moaned at how soaked his skin felt while your folds rubbed up against him. Feeling you on him made him flex his thigh under you, causing you to ground your hips even harder against him. His thigh was lathered in your wetness.
“Fuck, Tom.” You whimper out, harshly squeezing his shoulders for leverage.
“You feel so good on me. You look so good using me to get off, such a pretty girl.” He praised you. He momentarily sat back to admire the way you looked at the moment. Your hair was a bit messy and you were wearing one of his shirts, which was rudely blocking his view of you on him. His long fingers hook beneath the shirt and lift it up, giving him the perfect view of your cunt gliding on his thigh. His jaw clenched at the sight taking a mental picture.
Tom sat up on the couch, gathering your shirt to bunch up right above your breast. He dives into your chest, yanking down the cups of your bra to expose your boobs. He places wet and open mouthed kisses on them, giving them both the attention they needed. You were a moaning mess above him, enjoying the way his tongue swirled around your nipples. When a dark red mark appeared on your skin he trailed the kisses up to your neck until he reached the special spot below your ear. He started off with light kisses before sinking his teeth down on your soft skin. The bite only spurred you on, hips moving faster against him.
While his mouth worked on marking your neck, his leg that you were on moved to meet your hips. The motion made your clit graze against him, forming whines to bubble out your throat. You fucked yourself harder on his thigh, making sure your clit was also rubbing against him as you chased your release. Tom felt they way your legs quivered around him, signing that you were almost there.
Tom’s arm wraps around your waist, helping you hold yourself up against him. With his other hand he gently cradles your face. His lips brush against yours and your noses occasionally bump into each other. A lopsided grin is on his face as he stares at you. He catches the way the corner of your lips quirk up for a matter of seconds until your features scrunch up in concentration again.
“You’re doing such a good job, darling. I could feel you clenching on me, you’re close aren’t you?” He latches your lips together, swallowing your moans. Your fingers pulled tighter on the ends of his hair, making him groan.
“Can’t mess the hair up.” He managed to get out. You grunted and tugged on his hair before your hands returned to his shoulders. Tom pecked your lips once more before leaning back into the couch. Without any warning, his hand lightly swated your clit. You yelped in surprise at the sudden contact. Tom only chuckled, earning him a slap to the chest and a glare from you.
“Sorry, sorry, I know we’re short on time.” He apologized and connected his thumb to your clit. The rough pad made tight circles around your bud. With the friction of his thigh against you and his thumb on your clit you were seeing stars. You were so out of it, only feeling the euphoric pleasures coursing through your senses. The quicker and sharper his circles got, the closer you felt to your relief.
“Just like that Tom, fuck. Keep going I’m close.” Your back arched. Tom shoved his head in between your breasts again, littering sloppy kisses on your chest.
“C’mon, cum on me, baby.” He urged you, holding your body flush against him. His head was tilted up at you, staring at the way your mouth was hung open in pleasure. He loved watching your face when you came, it drove him mad.
Your stomach tightens along with your legs that straddled him. You let out a mix of a shaky gasp and moan, feeling the knot in your stomach come undone. Tom threw his head back against the couch while watching you release on his thigh, your cum gushing out against him.
“Fuck.” He breathed out, eyes glued to your release. You let out pants as aftershocks from your release wracked your body. Tom was quick to guide your body against him, not caring that his clothes might wrinkle. He placed your head in the crook of his neck and pressed kisses along your face. His large hands stroke your back, helping you come down from your high. Laying against him, all he felt was you; from your heart rapidly beating against his chest to the feeling of you trying to steady your breathing.
“You alright?” He whispered against your hair. You tiredly nodded, giving yourself a moment to calm down.
“Yeah—just need a minute and I’ll get off of you.” You reply, tenderly kissing his collarbone. Tom whines tightening his grip around you, “I don’t want you to go.”
“I don’t either, but,” you reach over to tap the screen of his phone, “You’ve got eight minutes left till your next interview.”
You feel something firm poke against your leg, “How you ever wondered if you can cum in under eight minutes?” The sentence caught Tom off guard, making him raise a brow at you. You tilted your head south of his body, motioning to his dick.
Tom shifted his gaze between you and his hard on, “Wanna find out?”
Tom Holland + Character Tags:
*username with line through it does not work*
↳ @lovableparker @aprettyfleur @sunwardsss @dummiesshort @thotforcriminalminds @cuddlykoala101 @itstaskeen @whoslili @white-wolf1940 @tomsirishgirlx @roseke
General Tags:
↳ @quxxnxfhxll @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @thegirlwiththediary
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Missing You
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A/N: This is just a little smutty one-shot. Thank you guys so much for all of the notes on my last fic! I really thought it was gonna get like 4 notes so that was a really amazing surprise. If you haven’t read it you can check it out here: I Would Do Anything You Asked Me To
Read the (sort of) part 2: Up In The Air
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N gets creative in her attempts to convince Spencer to get a phone from this century
Category: Pure smut baby
Warnings/Includes: smut, graphic descriptions of sex, dirty talk, phone sex, innocence kink, masturbation (both male and female), please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed
Word count: 2200 words
“I don’t need one Y/N” he says exasperated, neatly folding clothes to put into his go-bag. This wasn’t the first time they’d had this conversation but Y/N continued to insist.
“I’m not saying you need one Spence, I’m saying that it would be nice if you had one. Your phone now just does the bare minimum, calls and texts, does that thing even get your emails?”
He rolls his eyes, “You know that’s exactly what I like about it, why would I want any other functions? Plus I like the tactility of the buttons. Humans have been conditioned to find stimulants like the feedback from pressing a button satisfying, it helps us feel like we’re solving problems, essentially.” He deflects.
She takes a step closer to him, placing a hand gently on his arm, “Do you know what could be more satisfying than that?” She questions him, and he shakes his head, eyebrows coming together in confusion, “If I could send you pictures while you were away? Or if we could video chat when I miss you at night?” She pulls him around to face her so he can see her expression, the way she’s looking up at him with half lidded eyes, hoping he doesn’t miss what she’s getting at.
He smirks, and lets out a laugh that’s just shy of scoffing, “You know we can do that with just audio?”
“Are you serious?” He just nods in response, “so you don’t think the visual component is necessary?”
“Necessary’s not the word I would use. It would be nice to have, but I’ve got enough visual aids stored away up here” he taps his temple as he speaks. She groans at him, her point failing to land.
“We can’t all have your memory! Sometimes I don’t just want to think about you getting off in a hotel room, I want to see it” she whines and he gives her a small laugh.
“Look, we can talk about this later but I have to go” he places a gentle kiss on her forehead before he zips up his bag and is out the door.
— — —
When he gets back to his hotel room that evening he collapses back onto the bed. He should have a shower but he’s not sure he even has the energy for that. He was reserving it for his phone call.
He and Y/N had an agreement. Whenever he was away he had to call her each night he was gone. It wasn’t a possessive thing, it was more of a safety thing. If she could just hear his voice for even 30 seconds she could sleep easy. Sometimes it would be just that, a quick ‘hello, love you, goodnight’ other times there’d be plenty to talk about, good and bad. Sometimes he needed the call more than she did. But they never had phone sex.
Spencer was confused why she’d seemed so adamant that it was something he should upgrade his phone for when it wasn’t something they typically even engaged in.
But he didn’t know what she had in store for him yet.
He got changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt and lay back into bed, propping himself up against the pillows. He dialed Y/N’s number.
“Hi there.” her voice was smooth like honey and he missed her already.
“Hi.” he breathed
“Did you find my present yet?” He had no idea what she was referring to. Sitting upright in his bed on instinct.
“Shame, will you check that little inside pocket of your bag for me? The one with the zip?” he hops straight up to root for it, finding a small sealed envelope. He settles back into bed before he rips it open. It contains a small collection of Polaroids, all of them of Y/N.
She knew what he liked. He’d never say it in so many words but he had a thing for innocence, something about seeing her in white lingerie, or sometimes baby pink. He would always get a little more excited than usual, grabbing, and pulling, and ripping on occasion. But he didn’t recognize the set she was wearing in the Polaroids. It was white satin, with some ruffles, she had a suspender belt around her waist with thin white stockings attached as she stretched out on their shared bed.
His eyes poured over the images, in another it was just from her chest up, giving him a perfect view of her breasts, the expanse of her neck, the frame cutting off just above her lips which were delicately covered in lipgloss. He could see sheen of where the cameras flash had bounced off it.
“Fuck” was all he could think to say. All other words escaping him as he turned his attention towards the photo of her with her hands inside of her own panties, her back arched off the bed beneath her.
“So you found ‘em?” She spoke, her voice sultry and laden with tension.
“I, uh, yeah” he breathes down the line, feeling his cock twitch at the sound of her voice coupled with the images in front of him.
“Are those— the underwear, is it new?” He already knows the answer but he’s not sure what else to ask.
“Mmhmm” she hums, “I thought you’d like this set, I was saving it for a special occasion but I thought, what the hell.”
“I do, I like it a lot.” he reaches his hand inside the waistband of his sweatpants without really thinking about it.
“You know Spence, I really wish you were here right now” she toys with him playfully, “So you could see this set in person, I’m looking at myself in the mirror right now and those pictures really don’t do it justice.”
Spencer almost stops breathing, “You’re wearing— now?” He asks in disbelief.
“This is what I usually do when I miss you Love. I’ll get all dressed up in something I know you like, and I’ll fantasize about what you’d do to me if you were here.” her tone is soft but teasing, still standing to admire herself in the mirror.
She could see why he liked her in white, it made her look so sweet, and cute almost. Whenever she wore underwear like this she went all out. Applying a mascara she knew would run down her cheeks with even the slightest tear, lipstick or lipgloss that was sure to smear or leave stains all over the parts of Spencer that she’d kiss. He loved that, the juxtaposition of the before and after. The adorable angel that he got to ruin.
“What do you do when you fantasize?” He questions, letting his own mind drift as he wraps his hand around his now painfully hard cock.
“Well I’ll think about you, how you like to hold me down by my hips while you eat me out, or how much better your fingers feel” she moans, slipping her own fingers into her panties as she lays down in their bed, “mine just don’t fill me up like yours do.”
Spencer can imagine it perfectly, the way she’s probably splayed out on their bed right now. “God I wish I was there. I’d have my fingers so deep inside you, you’re always so wet for me” he groans into the receiver, “tell me how wet you are for me baby?”
She’s impressed that he’s getting the hang of this so quickly, obliging him right away. “Fuck Spence, I’ve been dripping wet since I heard your voice. I’ve been thinking about this all day. Do you want to hear?”  
She doesn’t wait for a response, she just brings the phone down towards her pussy, lining up the microphone next to it as she pumps her fingers in and out, so that he can hear the wet sounds that fill her bedroom. When she brings the phone back to her ear he’s breathing heavily.
“Fuck Y/N. I wish I was there so bad, I wish I could fuck you right this second” he’s almost whimpering, she can tell he’s touching himself already.
“If you were here with me in bed right now, how would you fuck me Spencer?” She takes a moment to root her vibrator from the drawer in her beside locker. If she concentrated, or stopped concentrating maybe, she could pretend it was him.
“I’d grab you by that fucking suspender belt, and flip you over. Have you face down on the bed for me, your perfect ass in the air.” His sentences are punctuated by harsh breaths, bordering on gasps. “For being such a tease I’d have to rip those tiny little panties off you, as if they were really covering anything in the first place.”
As he speaks she hooks her fingers in the sides of those panties and pulls them off her legs so she’s got better access now. Lining the head of her vibrator up at her entrance, pushing it in slow and steady, waiting until it’s completely sheathed inside her before turning it on.
“I’d grab you by your hips and pull your ass up so my cock is right there, so I can push the head up against your pussy, feeling how fucking wet you are for me”
She’s moaning now, and if he can hear the vibrations he doesn’t say anything.
“Then I’d push into you, your tight little cunt, I always have to go so slow for you to take all of me. I’d keep going, deep as I can so I can feel you squirm under me, feel you clench even tighter around me”
She had no idea he had a mouth this dirty but she was loving every second. “I fucking love it when you fuck me from behind” is all she can string together, writhing on top of their sheets.
“And that’s exactly what I’d do next baby, I’d start to fuck you. Slow, and deep at first, then fast, and rough. I love the sounds you make when I get rough. Those pathetic little whimpers and cries while I fuck you into the mattress. I can even hear them with your face buried in the pillows. It’s even better when you cry just a bit, mascara all over your little cheeks ‘cause you just can’t take it.”
He’s panting now, his boxers pushed down his hips so that he can properly work his cock, his fist pumping up and down faster and faster as he’s about release.
“Where would you cum Spence?” She says it but she almost doesn’t recognize her voice, it’s more of a strangled cry and it goes straight to his dick.
“You know I’d cum deep inside you, fill you up while you tighten around me, god I love those fucking noises you make. Cum for me” he demands, and she’s got no problem obliging.
With her back arching up off the bed, her hands fisting the sheets, and the vibrator still buried inside her, imagining it’s Spencer, she cries out. Moaning louder than she intended, her phone on loudspeaker beside her. She can hear him too. His hand working himself through his climax as it coats his stomach and fingers and little gasps and groans he lets out that sound an awful lot like her name.
Once they’re both spent they lie in silence in their respective beds for a moment before Spencer breaks the tension.
“That was a surprise”
She bursts out laughing. “Well that was the idea”
“But why?” He asks, deliriously happy but confused.
“I thought it might convince you to invest in a phone with a camera?” She says like he’s silly for even asking.
“Why would I want that? This just proved that we don’t need that” he explains, and he’s not wrong but he’s missed the point.
“Spencer, I’m gonna take some pictures of myself right now, and I’m gonna send them to your email. I want you to grab your laptop and open ‘em up for me okay?”
“Okay?” He agrees unsure, and she hangs up.
Several minutes later and he’s opening up an email with the subject heading:
“pros of dr. reid getting a new phone”
There’s no text, just a series of photos of Y/N. She’s staged them perfectly.
The first is a selfie, messy hair, smudged lipgloss, and mascara stained cheeks on show as she’s blowing him a kiss. Another is just her mouth, but she’s stuffed her discarded panties inside, leaving the wet stain obviously visible to him. There’s others of her, taken of herself in the mirror, fingers inside herself, in the next she’s got those same fingers in her mouth, lips closed tightly around them, cheeks hollowed out. Spencer has to stop scrolling or he’ll just get hard again.
He hears his phone ping with a text message.
You could’ve been looking at these the whole time, might’ve even gotten a video if you were lucky x
He rarely likes to admit defeat but in this case it might just be worth it to concede.
I’ll buy a new phone first thing tomorrow x
Read the (sort of) part 2: Up In The Air
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
ayo feel like doing a gorou confession fic for me? pretty please with sprinkles on top (you know that fucking tiktok)
Ofc Pizzato anything for u my dear 🥰
Pairing: Gorou x gn!reader
Warnings: slight angst
Word count: 1,969
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You heard a couple friendly knocks on your office door, eyes glancing to the clock to see it was a little past noon and you knew exactly who it was. “Come in,” you chime, putting down your pen and stretching upwards with a smile.
“Helloooooo!” You hear as the door swung open, Kazuha flaunting an envelope between his fingers. “Letter time!”
You sweep to your feet and give him grabby hands. “Give it to me!” He chuckles and places the thin paper into your hands. “Tell me who it is already,” you giggle as you rip it open and slide the letter out.
“No,” he sighs, rolling his eyes. “I keep my promises.”
You quirk and eyebrow before you fold open the letter. “Even if I bribe you with dango?”
Kazuha smiles. “Even if you bribe me with dango.”
You grunt and groan but it quickly stops when you unfold the letter, reading the contents.
Good afternoon, cupcake, it starts. You blush at the pet name. I hope your day is going as well as mine. I’ve just won the office lottery! I’m going to ask for more snacks in the break room. That way, everyone benefits too! Specifically though, I want more sakura mochi! The ones you made for us were delicious. Share your recipe? :3
I adore you, your secret admirer.
You squeeze the letter to your chest and squeal, your face warm from blushing and your heart pounding against your chest. “Oh, Kazuha, whoever this person is, I really wish they’d come up and confess!”
Kazuha tuts and wiggles his finger. “But then the mystery wouldn’t be there anymore.”
“Screw mystery!” You squealed, gazing down at the illegible and scratchy handwriting, the mysterious stains and fur all over the page. “I’m ready to hear these words in person.”
Just then there was a knock on your door and a quick turn of the knob, one of the top brass leaning against your door frame. “Good morning, Chatty Cathy’s,” sang a familiar voice and ear twitches.
You wave while Kazuha bows, hiding the letter behind your back. “Good morning, General Gorou.”
The tail behind his back wagged discreetly as the two men share a knowing glance. “Kazuha,” the general clears his throat. “May I speak with you?”
The samurai nods his head and gives you a little wave as he walks out the door. “Bye boys!” You sing, tucking the letter back into the envelope and putting it away.
The next day, as routine, a little past noon you heard three friendly knocks on your door. You excitedly put your pen down, closing your ledger and standing out of your chair and onto your feet. “Kazuha,” you grinned. “Come in!”
He pushed the door open with his back, lugging a big box with some plastic sticking out from the top. “I’m just a mule to you guys aren’t I?” He groaned, lifting the box up and onto your desk. “This is ridiculous.”
You stood on your tippy toes to try and peek inside the box without being obnoxious. “What is it?” You hum, getting more and more restless.
“Your letter, what else?” He kind of snapped, letting out a deep sigh and rolling his eyes. “I wish he’d confess too. That way I don’t have to carry these things.”
You pulled back the top of the box that was just out of your reach. “Here,” pushing your hands away, Kazuha tore the box apart to expose a giant basket full of goodies and flowers. “The letter.”
Kazuha snapped the taped-on letter from the plastic and handed it to you. Wasting no time at all, you rip the envelope open and unfold the letter.
Dearest [Y/N], you’ve pierced my heart like an arrow through a target and I simply cannot get you off my mind. I heard from the grapevine that you wish for my confession. …Maybe I shall do so in the near future? It’s not that I do not want to be yours, but rather that you make me quite nervous. Still, we see each other for terribly brief moments but these moments are the most precious to me. Hopefully I can muster up the courage to finally tell you how I feel. In the meantime, please accept these treats and toys imported from across the globe. My favorite are the dog-shaped biscuits.
Your shy admirer.
Looking up from the letter you find Kazuha stuffing his face with some chocolatey cookies from within a tin box labeled ‘Fontaine.’ “Are those good?” You ask, reaching in and stealing one.
“Mhm,” Kazuha hums, taking a bite out of the one in his hand. “I’ve never had Fontaine chocolate. I guess the rumors about being the best were true.”
You melt under the sweet taste and crunchy texture, thinking that if your crush’s letters had a taste, it would be like this. “This is so nice,” you sigh, eyes sparkling as they gaze upon the basket. “Do you think he’s going to confess to me?��
Kazuha stares out the windows of your office that peer into the rest of the building, watching a certain general spill water on himself and the resistance leader. He takes another bite of a cookie. “Maybe.”
You squeal in delight and spin around in joy. “My heart’s beating so fast! I hope he does it soon or I’ll explode!”
Kazuha chuckles and playfully shoves you aside. “If you explode, I’m eating all of your snacks.”
“No! They’re mine!”
Weeks— almost a month— go by with no further letters. Kazuha stopped coming by, whether at noon or otherwise. The only knocks you got were visits from Kokomi about the budget or from other soldiers carrying reports and receipts from spending. Your heart ached at the sudden lack of contact, wondering if you had done or said something wrong.
Maybe your eagerness was intimidating and this mystery man just wanted someone to flirt with without commitment. Maybe he got bored of you. Maybe he didn’t want to talk to you anymore.
Regardless, you wanted to try and spark it back up in case you’ve stepped on some toes without realizing. That night when you got home, you tossed the ingredients for sakura mochi into a bowl and got to mixing.
The office ate everything you brought before lunchtime rolled around. With such great success, you had confidence that he’d reach out to you tomorrow, if not today.
But alas you were left in silence once more, leaving your heart to crumble and ache. You were quick to recover, considering you never met the guy— let alone knew his name. But you had no time to be worrying anyway, because in a couple of days one of the squads were returning from the front lines and you needed to factor in medical costs. Apparently they took a hard hit when Sara Kujou showed up with her samurai. Kokomi was depending on you, and you didn’t want to let her down.
You spend these few days really crunching the numbers, making sure that every wounded soldier would get the basic medical necessities with some left over for any miscalculations. With every i dotted and every t crossed, you stuffed your report into a fancy envelope and handed it to Kokomi. “Thank you [Y/N] for your hard work under such a sudden timetable.” She thanked, tucking the envelope under her arm. “The team should be arriving tomorrow, so I will be submitting this for review immediately.”
You bow respectfully and offer your thanks for praise. “It’s no problem at all, Her Excellency. I was given ample time to prepare the balance sheet.” You begin to turn when you’re stopped once again by her.
“Before you go,” she smiles softly. “Would you mind helping out at the infirmary? We’re short handed right now with the sudden intake of Delusions.”
“Of course, Her Excellency. I will be there whenever you need me.”
You weren’t specialized in medics but you had helped around often enough to know the basics. And anyone could become a master at immediate medical attention after doing it so many times.
The flood of gurneys was a little disheartening to see, but you were still thankful for all that they do for the greater of the country. It must be scary being at the front lines, but everyone knew what they were signing up for.
You catch sight of Genera Gorou and Lord Kazuha chatting with Lady Kokomi before you were assigned to a batch of wounded soldiers, feeling a little bad for harboring ill feelings toward the young lord for disappearing. ‘You could’ve at least told me that you were leaving,’ you thought as you rinsed the injured area.
“I can take over from here,” the head medic stepped in, slipping on a new pair of gloves before getting a closer look at the soldier before you. With most of everyone patched up and recovering, the medic team was able to take control of the infirmary once again.
You wash your hands and check the clock. A little past noon. It’s funny how at this time you would’ve waited with bated breath for a couple of knocks. But not anymore.
You step out of the infirmary and find Kazuha and General Gorou sitting outside on the benches there. “Oh, hi boys,” you say surprised.
Kazuha grabs and shakes your hand. “Thank you for helping out our soldiers,” he says seriously.
“Oh, it’s not that big of a deal,” you mutter. “I do this all the time.”
A calloused hand pushes Kazuha’s away and shakes your hand firmer, harder. “No, [Y/N],” Gorou says with a sort of oomph behind his words. “These are my men…my family. They would be suffering if not for your help.”
You look to the side uncomfortably, a little put-off by the tension in the air. “And that’s why—!” Gorou continues, suddenly eight decibels louder. You hold eye contact with the general, his face darkening into a deep red flush, his eyes glassy and ears twitching. He squeezed your hand harder and shut his eyes. “M-My C-C-Cupcake!!! P-Please let m-me take you on a date!!!!”
Kazuha winced at the loudness of his friend, covering one of his ears but still smiling nonetheless. The people walking by stared and mumbled, but it didn’t matter as you felt your heart pound against your chest. You felt your eyes well with tears as now your face flushed red, the general cautiously opening his eyes to see your trembling lips and pathetic pout. “A-Ah! [Y/N], don’t cry!!”
You tug on his hand hard, pulling the man into your arms and squeezing him tight. You sobbed into his chest, hearing and feeling how frantic his heart was beating as well. “You idiot!” You shout into his battle-worn chest. “Don’t disappear without telling me…”
Gorou caressed the back of your head and chewed on his lip, his tail drooping with guilt but twitching with excitement for being in your arms. “Did I…scare you?” He whispered tentatively, choosing his words carefully.
You pull away and wipe your eyes, Gorou watching you closely and holding tightly onto your waist. “I thought you got tired of me…because I stopped hearing from you.” Gorou frowned and cupped your face, thumbing your cheeks gently. “I even made sakura mochi and I didn’t—”
“You made sakura mochi??!??!!! Is there any left?!?” Gorou’s jaw dropped. He let you go to turn and run to the break room, halting before running back to embrace you once more. “Heh, uh…” he chuckled nervously. “I’d actually…rather hold you like this…”
You couldn’t fight the smile that spread across your cheeks, flushing your body against his chest. “That’s okay,” you giggle. “There aren’t any left.”
You had no idea that his ears could flatten sadly like that.
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taechaos · 3 years
Your Boy, No?
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble, smut, college au
synopsis: You can't stand seeing Jungkook with another girl, so you give him a piece of your mind in a stranger's bedroom by becoming his outlet of sexual frustration.
warnings: losing virginity, riding, degradation
a/n: jungkook's character is not exactly submissive, so i added my own twists to this request. i hope you don't mind @madygswich c:
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word count: 2.5k
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You can't stop pouting. Holding back tears when seeing a woman perched up on Jungkook's lap while they make out has proven to be difficult, but you're trying. It hurts your heart; hell, you're aching everywhere. It doesn't take a genius to know he's doing it to get a reaction out of you when his eyes are throwing daggers at you with his tongue down another girl's throat.
Following Jungkook around like a lost puppy isn't ideal, especially at a frat party. He never gives you the time of the day if it's not out of menace, but you aren't willing to give up on him. It's just not possible when you are so in love with him, and so fucking jealous.
More than Jungkook, you're mad at the girl. You want to rip her heart out, make her suffer for ever touching the love of your life. You're becoming irrational, mentally cussing her out for being a whore while you stop yourself from breaking down in a house filled with horny young adults. You don't know a single person here, and you have to deal with your pent up emotions all by yourself.
You choke out a sob when Jungkook starts kneading the girl's ass shamelessly with her skirt hiked up to her back. They're being so inappropriate in the kitchen of a stranger's house, while you can't even take a sip from your spiked drink in the bustling living room. You abruptly stand up and throw away your plastic cup when Jungkook's hand disappears elsewhere, and you have an idea of what he's about to do. You march over to him, looking absolutely tiny next to the overbearing college students and you don't notice Jungkook's sinister smile as he watches you fume.
"Let go," you sound hoarse, and not at all intimidating when you push the girl off of his lap. She stumbles at the force, but you pay no mind to her confusion as you pull Jungkook up by his arm to drag him away. You think it's the anger and adrenaline giving you so much strength, but it's Jungkook amusing himself by allowing you to take him upstairs.
"This isn't a therapy session, little girl," he yells over the music, "I didn't come here to listen to you cry."
You huff and let a single tear slip before harshly wiping it away. When you reach the hallway, you enter the first bedroom you find. It's occupied by a foreplaying couple, but you're driven as you hiss, "Out!"
They leave at your demand, and you're confusing a lot of people tonight. Jungkook is surprised by your sudden aggression, but he doesn't stop with his remarks, "the chihuahua's gone mad."
"Shut up, Jungkook!" you whirl around angrily to face him. "How could you do that to me?!"
He quirks a brow. "Do what to you? I'm sorry, am I the one who forcefully brought you here? Am I tripping or are you?"
You push at his chest, "you're a fucking whore! Tonguing a girl in front of everyone, in front of me?"
His shoulders shake in silent laughter and you cross your arms when he starts cackling loudly. The music is drowned out and muffled behind the door, but it's nothing compared to how hysterically Jungkook is laughing.
"What's so funny?" you ask lamely. He throws his head back as he clutches his stomach, and you're starting to get annoyed. You push him on the bed, but he's still laughing. "Quit it already," your voice wavers, but you don't back down as you smack his chest. You place your knees on both sides of his hips to limit his movement and cover his mouth to shut him up.
His crescent eyes turn intense instantly as he glares at you under his hooded lids. He exerts only a tiny bit of his energy into pushing your hand away and you weakly collapse on him. It's foul play to compete with his muscles, and you realize he can snap you in half if he wanted to regardless of your rush of adrenaline.
You sit back up as he lowly speaks, "The fuck's it to you? I wanted to fuck her, and I was going to until you stepped in as if you're my girlfriend. Tell me why I shouldn't go back to her right now." He clasps his hands under his head, making himself comfortable with your weight pressing against his crotch.
"You know why," you huff with a frown, and you look so cute in the dim lighting with your baggy knitted sweater bunching up on the sleeves, sitting on his bulge with so much innocence in your expression. He's smitten, but it doesn't show in his cold stare. "I'm your girl, and I won't tolerate you messing around with other women. It's slutty!" You slightly bounce for emphasis, but your knee-length skirt hides your actions. Jungkook feels it with you, and his eyes trail down to your lower region.
"My girl?" he parrots with a raised brow. He gazes back into your eyes. "You do my homework."
"I don't care. I love you," you plead pathetically, "please say you love me back."
"Wasn't I a whore just a second ago?"
"You were! Apologize to me," you harshly yank his head back by his hair. He doesn't react in the slightest, so you softly add, "please."
"Oh little girl," he sighs, "are you really trying to dominate me right now?"
"I am dominating you. Promise me you won't kiss another girl like that again. I won't forgive you a second time."
"Yeah? What's my loss?"
"Well, you're lazy in school," you bluntly state, "and no one loves you like I do. No one would try to cater to you like I do. I'd do anything for you, Kookie." You tug down your skirt to take it off and plop back down on him before saying, "Including sex. You can only use me for your sexual needs."
He's enamored by your words, but he doesn't dare share it with you. Instead, he thrusts upwards and you yelp when you jump. "Go on then," he says nonchalantly. "Show me how much of a slut you are."
"U-Um, okay," you stutter and start unzipping his black denim jeans. You've seen a lot of porn videos to make sure you were prepared for the next step with Jungkook, but you have no experience with penetration.
And he realizes that rather quickly when you're so meek with your actions. With a groan, he asks, "You're not a fucking virgin, are you?"
"I've been saving it for the right guy," you answer with offence. This is a special occasion, and you want him to take it as seriously as you do. But it's definitely not a good idea to be snarky with him when you can barely remember the steps for safe sex. "Do you have a condom?"
"It's in my pocket," he grumbles and points at his front without taking it out himself. You're excited and nervous as you tear the wrapper and take out the preservative. You have no idea how to put it on, but you're topping so you clumsily push down his briefs. Jungkook is surprisingly throbbing under you, and you blush at the sight of his erection.
He stops himself from teasing you and saying that the girl from earlier gave him this boner, but he doesn't want to be cruel yet. It's your first time, and truthfully, he jacks off to thought of you too often anyway. He can handle being somewhat nice by staying quiet, but that doesn't mean he would teach you how to put on a condom.
You slip it on with little struggle, and don't waste any time in positioning his cock in your entrance. Before he can stop you, you sink down on his length with a painful moan. He wants to tell you that losing your virginity in this position is the most painful, but instead he groans, "Holy shit, how are you so fucking tight?"
It hurts so fucking bad. Your tear ducts are like clockwork as they water instantly, but you lower yourself down to the hilt anyway. You're quite literally sitting on his cock as you try to catch your breath because God, you're in so much pain.
"Fuck, are you okay?" he asks, but he's more worried about controlling himself from fucking into you before you can adjust. It's difficult, but he's trying.
"Jungkook," you whimper quietly with your eyes screwed shut, "it hurts."
"You're so fucking dumb for doing this, but you feel so fucking good," he pants as he holds your hips.
"Thank you," you muster out in a breath. A few seconds pass until the pain starts to numb, and you move against him very slowly. Your walls are stinging, but it feels like Heaven for Jungkook who you clench down on.
"Go up and down," he instructs with a bit lip. He tries to move your hips, but you're resisting in fear of another shock of pain. "Come on!"
"Can you wait?" you hiss through clenched teeth.
He's trying to rile you up when he says, "Sana wouldn't take this fucking long."
And it works, because you bounce once. "Don't say her name!"
He groans at your tightness, and he can't believe how wet you are. You're dripping on him, and he curses himself for holding back because of your hopeless romance. He can't entertain your conservative way of going on about this any longer, so he continues, "She would have made me cum by now, but this prissy princess can't even get a move on."
It's almost pathetic how one push from Jungkook makes you start moving, and it feels less uncomfortable to hop up and down against his pelvis. The filthy sound of slapping skin mixing with the generic radio music is making you feel so slutty because it's so stereotypical, but when Jungkook moans, it brings heat all over your body. You take your sweater off when sweat begins to cumulate on your temples, and he commands, "Take off your bra too."
He's thrusting into you as you unclasp the black material, freeing your breasts as he finds his new eyecandies. You are so pretty, your nipples are so hard, and your cunt sucks him in so perfectly. It almost upsets him when he realizes how much pleasure he's deprived himself of; the amount only you seem to be able to provide, because it's beyond physical intimacy.
"Good girl," he exhales and gently slams into you with his hands fondling your tits. You smile coyly through your tears, and he asks, "Does it still hurt?"
You contemplate for a second, because you don't feel the best yet, but you don't want to disappoint Jungkook either. "I-It doesn't," you lie.
Jungkook mentally rolls his eyes; he really wants to believe you so he can chase his high, but he sees right through you. He slaps your tit without mercy and chastises you, "don't lie. I thought this was your little moment of control."
"I'm sorry," you pout as you slowly ride him.
"Another lie," he slaps your other tit more harshly and you yelp.
"I'm not lying!" you plead and hasten your pace, desperate to sell your lie. It's working, because you're starting to feel a knot in your stomach the more you adjust.
He moans with you, and you lose yourself when he stills your hips and begins to fuck you himself. It's rough, loud, and the pain is your pleasure. His balls slap against your skin as he easily slides in and out of you with the help of your arousal. Your love dawns on him when you're so turned on for him without any foreplay, and he's on cloud nine because nothing can compare to being inside you.
The setting is so unlike you, fucking in someone's bedroom with a bunch of people behind the unlocked door who can barge in at any given moment, but he finds it so sexy. You only care about being with him, and you really do look like his slut now.
His hands start holding onto your ass, kneading it until it turns red with his fingerprints, and he demands you to kiss him. You're out of it, your ears are ringing and you can only moan out his name, but you can't bear to ignore him. Your lips fall on his, and the kiss is sloppy with his tongue all over your mouth. You can't keep up, but your chest swells with pride when you realize how needy he is for you. He goes as far as to spit in your mouth, and you swallow it without hesitation.
"You want me to play with your clit?" he murmurs against your lips, and his voice sounds so airy and melodic to your ears. "Hm? Want me to make you feel good, little slut?"
You whine without a clear response because his lips feel so soft and wet, and that's the only thing you can focus on. All you want to do is kiss him and he doesn't stop you from doing so, but you're even more overwhelmed when he starts touching you while penetrating you. "No," you whimper, "I'll cum."
"A slut can take it," he grunts and rubs your clit faster, and you come undone all too soon. You moan loudly as you tremble, shaking as he rides out your high with a pinch to your clit. You're numb when you collapse on top of him, but he's relentless with his thrusts. He's using your body as you intended, and he's vocal with his pleasure and teasing climax. It's remarkable how he holds you up when you've gone limp and still fucks you just as hard.
You want to record his voice when he starts to whine pathetically, but you have no energy left within. He's panting in your ear, and it's not long before his hips fall on the mattress with a sigh. He's surprised by how powerful his orgasm was, as he fills the condom with his release instantly. His cock is still nestled inside you as both of you recover from your climax.
"Get off," he taps your thigh, and he pushes you off when you don't obey immediately. Your spell has worn off as he starts to dress himself. "I'm going back to the dorms." You listen to him with your mind in a haze. "Unless you want to get raped on your way without me, get the fuck up now."
"Can you carry me please?"
He shrugs and swings your arm over his shoulder, picking up your body with ease. He collects your clothes in his hand, but doesn't hand them to you as he steps out of the room.
"W-Wait, Jungkook, I'm naked-"
"You're my girl, no? Be a good slut and shut the fuck up."
Dangling off his shoulder with your bare tits pressed against his back, you close your eyes and drift off on the way to campus.
Boyfriends typically drop their girlfriends off anyway, right?
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Soldat!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, kidnapping, captivity, torture, brainwashing, delusional Bucky.
Words: 2535.
Summary: You don't need the one whose name was Bucky Barnes, a hundred years old broken man who returned back to the world that couldn't offer him anything but regrets and nightmares. You need your Soldier, the one who won't return to you even if you throw Bucky back into that iron chair and fry his brains for the thirtieth time.
P.S. I have to say it turned out darker than I expected. Attention! Bucky is free from his programming, but he does not heal as he should. 
“You look old.”
You decide to give him the pleasure of hearing your voice. It sounds dull from behind the glass when Bucky comes closer, looking at someone he recognizes too well, but you do not recognize a man he became, nothing reminding you of the one with whom you once shared your bed.
You know what the man looking at you through the glass thinks. You didn’t age a day since the last time he saw you, and while he knows why, it still surprises him to see a young woman watching him calmly as if all those years didn't pass.
“You miss your star.” You say, tilting your head to the side and narrowing your eyes at him when you see his new vibranium arm.
“It doesn't matter.” His answer is immediate, and Bucky isn't surprised to hear the raw anger in his own voice: he is no longer the Soldier you knew, and he is worried he won't find a way to interact with you. You don't seem too interested in Bucky Barnes and whoever he works for despite the fact you are hardly HYDRA's soldier yourself.
What he doesn't know is that you still stay the soldier you have been once, and nothing will ever change that regardless of whoever Bucky Barnes sends your way to cure you from HYDRA's conditioning.
"I'm glad you remember me."
You find it peculiar: a man who has been trying so hard to get rid of anything that ties him to the Winter Soldier has been looking for you for years, finally tracking you down, capturing you and bringing you here as if your pure existence didn't remind him of the worst years of his life. What did he expect to find? A comfort in someone who once had been paired with him just for the sake of research?
"Don't bother, Mr. Barnes. There's nothing there left for you."
You see he's taken aback because you have hit a nerve. Apparently, James Buchanan Barnes thought the connection between the two of you remained the same, and he could dig up the feelings that had long been buried. Stupid, you think, he's forgetting the most important part: he is not the man you formed the bond with. You don't need the one whose name was Bucky Barnes, a hundred years old broken man who returned back to the world that couldn't offer him anything but regrets and nightmares. You need your Soldier, the one who won't return to you even if you throw Bucky back into that iron chair and fry his brains for the thirtieth time.
It doesn't matter. After all those years you didn't believe in happy endings, and even if the man watching you through the glass think he is going to get one after getting out, he is clearly deluding himself.
Averting his eyes, Bucky clears his throat and changes the topic, trying to give himself a false hope he can mend things. “I will convince Shuri to treat you. She helped me break through the conditioning, and she will do the same to you."
You could raise your brow at him, but maintaining this facade is tiresome and doesn't make sense. "I see you have no idea how much my conditioning differs from yours. You can't break through it. It's embedded in me."
"I thought so, but I got rid of mine. You can do it too, I'm sure."
Although you see him trying to assure you, Bucky's getting agitated because he really has no idea what HYDRA did to you. He couldn't know it when he still was the Soldier, but now the lack of his knowledge leads you to the thought your former masters destroyed whatever info they still kept - they foresaw he would search for you.
"Your brainwashing was flimsy. I've always wondered how come you were considered HYDRA'S greatest assassin when you just needed to see your dear friend once to start getting your memories back." You snort, knowing Bucky would feel a slight hint of jealousy in your voice, but you don't care: you've never hid from him you only needed the Winter Soldier, and he was gone.
Bucky doesn't know what to say as a part of him wants to scream there was nothing flimsy about electroconvulsive therapy he went through over and over again, but he looks at you and sees how different you are from him, having no memories of your own, not knowing even your name or the place where you came from. It doesn't scare him, but the fact you had long merged with the Soldier you've become does. You don't separate yourself from her the way he did. In fact, the Soldier had completely absorbed your true persona, and Bucky doesn’t know the real you. He only knows RED, a Soldat who at one point was been created by HYDRA just like all of them were. Despite searching for the information about your past for years, he found nothing, not even the year when you became a part of the organization. Bucky doesn’t think you did it willingly judging by the fact how you reacted when he had been training you among the other Soldiers, but he can’t be sure.
You’re a ghost. None of the masters who had been giving you orders know anything about you except your specialization and things you can do. Bucky supposes there were once people who knew the truth, but all of them are probably dead since the ones he has captured were utterly useless. His only hope is Shuri who might bring whatever is left somewhere deep inside your mind to the surface, yet he isn’t sure she will take you: the more you talk, the more it becomes clear you will not ask her to do it willingly, and Shuri won’t like that. The redemption can only be granted to someone who asks and works for it.
You don’t seem the type.
“What do you want me to do?” He asks you quietly, his forehead almost touching the glass separating you two when Bucky watches you with that pathetic expression of his. “If I let you go, you will return to people you serve. If I bring you to police, you will end up in a lab in the hands of the government.”
You allow him to see your smile as you observe him, desperately hoping you will tell him you will come back to the good guys and stay with him, playing a role of his funny little girlfriend because Bucky Barnes cannot allow himself to form an adequate relationship with any woman who has not been tainted the way he was. It probably seems so tragic to him that he had to spent years trying to catch you.
Although the chair you’re bound to doesn’t let you stand and come over to him, you still lean closer to the window, wearing the same polite but welcoming smile you used to lure your targets closer to you.
“I want you back in that chair, going through the whole process of brainwashing again until you become the Soldat you’ve been. I want you standing with me and feeling as much pain as I did until your sensitivity goes down to zero, and you no longer remember those funny friends of yours. I know you won’t trade your freedom and whatever else you have after getting out, but I don’t need James Buchanan Barnes or White Wolf or whoever you have become. I am RED of HYDRA, and I have bonded with the Winter Soldier you buried, Bucky.”
When he leaves, the massive metal door getting locked ten times the least, you stare at the grey wall beside the glass. You wonder how getting the privilege of remembering his past made him so miserable, a pathetic, broken man who did not understand how lucky he had been, not only breaking free from HYDRA’s grip but gaining his true identity back. He probably pitied himself, poor little boy who had been broken by the big bad guys. He did not understand that all other soldiers who came after him, except the suicide squad made with Stark’s serum, had been turned into ashes. There was nothing left to break in them - and you either.
Shuri wasn’t happy to hear your story just like he thought, but Bucky couldn’t lie to her, hoping she would understand. Of course, she didn’t, telling him outright it was impossible to treat somebody who didn’t want to be treated. While it was also inhuman, forcing you to do something against your will just like HYDRA has been doing all these years, it also erased the possibility to use the same methods she chose when she treated Bucky.
“You don’t understand,” she tells him, shaking her head, “it’s not that I don’t want to help, but without her cooperating it’s close to impossible. They didn’t use the same ways to program her just like they did to you.”
He isn’t satisfied with her answer even though he knows Shuri wants to help. He can’t leave it like that, leave you to your fate, return you where you belonged, and he keeps asking who or what may be able to help you until she finally tells him something about electrical stimulation of the brain that can awake memories that you have buried. Shuri immediately regrets it, seeing how Bucky’s face lights up.
“It is a very complicated process that requires an extensive medical knowledge. Worse, even if performed correctly, this technique can traumatize her even further. Please don’t do this. We don’t even know if this method will be effective.”
Bucky doesn’t promise her anything, though a part of him feels guilty he made her tell him this. He just has to do it: undoubtedly, HYDRA or whoever you work for now will force you to go through the brainwashing process again, and whatever treatment Shuri told him about can’t be worse than this. If Bucky does everything right, you might stand a chance to live like he does, away from the horrors of the war you had been a part of ever since the organization abducted you. Even if you don’t want it, clearly it is an effect of the memory suppressing machine: any sane human being wants to have a normal life, right?
It takes him months to find and steal the equipment he needs, leaving no traces - it reminds him of the days when he had been under HYDRA’s control, but he does what he has to. Learning how to use the machine is a much more complicated task, but Bucky is grateful for that serum-enhanced brain of his: he nearly swallows the information from the books in record time, reading about sending a burst of electrical energy into your cerebral cortex to stimulate your brain and finally retrieve your memories. Now he knows what Shuri meant by traumatizing, but this doesn’t stop him either. He does what he has to do.
“What is your name?” He repeats after listening to your screams for ten or maybe twenty minutes, your body going limp in the black, cold chair when you open your mouth, breathing heavily, your face stained with tears and sweat.
“Dolores.” You say immediately, knowing he will repeat the procedure if you keep silent, your heat beating wildly. “I grew up... on a small farm in Iowa... I had an older sister... and slept with a big teddy bear with a red ribbon...”
“You are lying.” He says simply, and a jolt of electricity cuts through your head, nearly electrocuting you while you scream again and again.
For some reason he always feels it when you say what he wants to hear instead of the truth. What he doesn’t understand is that the truth he wants has been told months ago: you did not remember and you were not going to remember anything from your past. It was stupid to try. There was nothing left of you, and while he thought he was resurrecting a human in you, he was simply destroying your body that was regenerating every night after the therapy.
When you receive a new jolt, shaking and screaming, tears streaming down your face until they fall down onto your already wet t-shirt, you whisper through gritted teeth, “Either I will have you as my Soldat, or I will not have you at all.”
Bucky presses the button.
When he is finished he takes you to a bath in the room next to your cell. You almost lose the ability to move for an hour or two, giving him time to prepare you: Bucky undresses you and slowly lowers your body in the tub filled with warm water, watching that you take a comfortable position and don’t slip, effectively suffocating. Today he had almost gone too far, risking to fry your brain: you still refused to give up even after two months of therapy you have gone through, and Bucky isn’t too happy.
Pouring a strawberry-scented shampoo on his palm, Bucky starts to carefully wash your hair that grew longer in the months of captivity, watching that neither shampoo nor the foam gets in your eyes. You are nearly breathless: the serum they gave you made you less stronger than him, but your regeneration abilities are on a whole different level, and soon your body will adjust and erase the damage made.
He asks himself whether keep using the machine makes sense since he didn’t make much progress, the programming still very much in you even after all those incredibly painful sessions. What if you were right from the start? What if there was nothing to remember, and all he could do was to leave you in the state you were in before he destroyed whatever was left of you?
No, he can’t do it. Leaving you means taking away your chance to ever get back to normal life, and he can’t force himself to do that.
Never in his life Bucky Barnes will admit letting you go meant never getting his own happy ending the way he wants it.
“Why reinventing the wheel when you can make it so much easier?” All of a sudden, your hoarse voice whimpers in his ear when you look at him, tiredly moving your head up. “Do what they’ve always done. Use the programming to give me an order.”
A part of him is shocked with the revelation: he wanted to be neither the Soldier nor the one giving him commands. But the other part makes him realize how much easier it would be if he just used what has already been done to you instead of relying on an obviously ineffective method that damaged your mind and body. Of course, he has nothing in common with Karpov sending him on the assassination missions. Bucky only wants you to learn how to become human again, free you from HYDRA once and for all, give you the life you undoubtedly wanted. Even if he uses the same method the organization did until he finds a better way to undo the programming, it is still for your own good.
Tags: @finleyjayne​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @helenaeisenhower​ @villanellevi​ @hurricanerin​ @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @iheartsebandchris @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
Corruption In White {Clyde Logan x Reader}
🩺 nonny--
i just know clyde loves a sweet girl who tells him she’s only ever made herself cum before. and when he hears this he pounces. he loves that she’s so shy and whiny even tho he’s barely even touched her and he doesn’t stop until she’s absolutely shaking from overstimulation. and after this he adores cute little white lingerie and an innocent aspect to their relationship. he prolly just likes one of his shirts and some normal white panties. he’s a sucker for corrupting his princess 🩺
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bestieeeee 😩hittin’ me right in the fuckin pussy with this clyde request, jeeesus 💦
warnings. SMUT, some FLUFF, lingerie, reader is not a virgin, dirty talk/degradation, oral sex (clyde to reader), vaginal fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms.
(possible) tw’s. corruption kink. 
word count: 1.2k
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Clad in one of Clyde’s ratty, threadbare undershirts and your new lacy white thong, you turn the coffee maker on and place some bacon on the mini-griddle. 
Subliminally, Clyde smells the sizzling bacon and the bold brewing coffee, which instantly wakes him up. He sits up with a soft huff, lifting his nose and sniffing the flavorful air wafting through the cabin.
Your heart skips a beat when you hear his lazy shuffling footfalls upstairs, then the toilet flushes a minute or so later. You flip the bacon while he comes down the stairs real slow-like, standing in the doorway for a moment to take in the sight before him.
His breath hitches when he sees what you’re wearing. He’s such a sucker for you wearing his clothes and he just loves knowing that you’ve got a little slice of him wrapped around your beautiful body.
Y’all haven’t been together all that long, but Clyde’s got that feeling in his gut, the one that says you’re somethin’ special. He smiles to himself as he comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around you and nuzzling your neck. 
“G’mornin’.” He says in a husky, sleep-tinged voice. “Somethin’ smells good ‘round here, ‘n ‘s not a bad view either.”
You giggle, goosebumps spreading down your arms as his beard scratches across your skin. “Figured I’d make breakfast and let you sleep in a bit, since you worked so late last night.”
“Yer awful sweet t’ me, darlin’, ya know that?” His lips start pecking along the side of your neck, hands dipping down under the fabric of his old undershirt to trace the lace of your panties. When his flesh hand makes contact, he hums, pressing you forward against the counter. “Mmm, these are new. Did’ya wear ‘em for me this mornin’?”
“I did, indeed.” You whisper, sighing under his touch.
When his flesh hand starts to move around between your legs, your breath hitches and he instantly pulls away.
“Sorry, sorry, I got a lil carried ‘way there. I didn’t mean t’ make ya uncomfortable, ‘m sorry.”
You turn around and smile up at him, giggling and pulling him down for a proper kiss. “Clyde, it’s alright, no need to apologize. I just...I should let you know that, um, t-that no guy I’ve ever been with has made me cum before.”
His eyebrows raise, then furrow. “So, yer not a virgin, but none of the fellas ya’ve been with before have ever made ya cum?”
“Uh, mmhmm.” You nod, looking away. “I haven’t dated the best of guys...”
Something about your admission, the fact that you’ve never cum for anyone but yourself...it just ignites something within him, a primal instinct of sorts. He groans, pushing his hips forward against your lower back.
“Darlin’, ‘m gonna make ya cum so many fuckin’ times yer gon’ beg me to stop. Gon’ make ya cum on my mouth n’ fingers, then on ma cock...by the time ‘m done with ya, yer gonna be m’ lil fucktoy, a lil cockdrunk slut.”
The whimper that leaves your lips is an absolutely sinful one, a pathetic little thing that makes Clyde twitch in his boxers. He groans, shoving you into the counter before crashing his lips on yours, pawing at the globes of your ass. 
He lifts you up and sets you down on the counter before kissing down your body, between your breasts and over your belly button before pressing a delicate kiss to the fabric over your heated core.
Your legs open further out of instinct, head tilting back as a whine pushes through your lips. He holds your legs apart as he mouths at your clothed center, scraping his teeth across the crotch’s seam, tugging at it playfully just to tease you.
“Mmmm Clyde, don’t tease me.”
Clyde chuckles, pulling the panties off to the side before giving your clit a few little kitten licks. You gasp softly, hips jumping on the counter as your hand wraps in his hair.
“O-Oh...ohhh god.”
His flesh fingers trace along your slit while his tongue continues to work at your sensitive bud. Then, suddenly, he pushes two of his thick digits up into your aching cunt. He groans against your clit as your insides grip his fingers.
“So tight, such a wet lil thang ‘gainst ma fingers.” He mumbles, blowing air onto you. “Gon’ hav’ta stretch ya out nice n’ wide t’ get’cha ready fer ma cock.”
You whine, hips bucking and rolling against him as his fingers work you open, scissoring and fucking into you. A wet squelching quickly fills your ears, wetness dribbling down onto his palm within minutes of his ministrations.
It’s not long before you’re teetering on the edge of your first orgasm, gasping, whimpering and whining on the kitchen counter.
“Ahh fffuck Clyde, I’m...” Your head clunks back against the cupboards. “I’m so close, gonna c-cum...!”
His digits curl up inside you, then, and he smirks against your clit before sucking the engorged nub into his mouth. You’re sent hurdling over the edge into bliss, crying out as you jerk and jolt against him.
He takes you through it before pulling away, fingers continuing to circle your overstimulated clit as he shoves his shorts down to free his hard cock. You’re gasping for breath, fingers digging into his firm biceps.
“Too--ah! T-Too muuhh--much, can’t...” You whine, thighs trembling.
“Mmm, easy darlin’, yer alright. Ya can take it darlin’, I know ya can.”
Clyde hums as he lines himself up with your soaked entrance, pulling you up to the edge of the counter before pushing his hips up. Your eyes fly open before squeezing shut, head falling back against the cupboard doors once again while your jaw slacks. “Mmmmuhhhh! Mmmmm!”
“Ohhh ma, d-darlin’...fffuck yer s-so lil.” He breathes, head falling forward to rest on your shoulder. “So fuckin’ tight, fuuuckin’ soaked fer me.”
You’ve never felt so fucking full in your entire life, cock splitting you open and stretching you out to the maximum while his finger still lazily circles your clit. “C-Clyde, ppplease...”
His hips begin to move, beard hairs scratching against the side of your neck as he pants against your skin. Your hand weaves through his hair, pulling and tugging at the inky strands.
“Yeah, l-love this lil hole, darlin’. Love ssstretchin’ ya open with m’ b-big cock.”
Your sensitive walls clench around him, spasming as his cock rubs each and every sensitive spot inside you. You’re already close, overly sensitive from your first mind-blowing climax.
“Ah, ahh, fuuuck! Getting c-close, gonna cum again--!”
He smirks, fucking you harder. “C’mon then, cum all o-over m’ big cock. Wanna fffeel it, c’mon, I know ya can do it.”
When his finger starts swirling around your clit, that’s when you fall apart around him, crying out loudly as your second orgasm rocks through your body. You’re a trembling mess on the counter as Clyde fucks you through your high with gruff pants in your ear.
“Ffffuck Clyde! Ohhhmygod!”
His climax comes shortly after and he pulls out just in time, spurt after spurt of his creamy spend painting the slick outer folds of your used cunt. He groans against the skin of your neck as he cums, then kisses all across your shoulders and collarbone.
“Mmmm darlin’...” Clyde hums, bringing his head up to kiss your lips. “Yer ‘mazin, ya know that?”
You smile against his lips, threading your still-shaky fingers through his wavy hair. “You’re amazing. Thank you.”
He returns your smile, kissing you one more time before licking his lips and reaching up to grab a plate from the cupboard.
“Now, this burnt bacon ‘s callin’ my name!”
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mega masterlist | ao3 | taglist sign-up form
my general taglist peeps! @safarigirlsp @babbushka @mrs-zimmerman @dirtytissuebox @thepalaceofmelanie @einmal-im-traum @charliesahottie​ @gotham-city-uber-driver​ @gildedstarlight​ @cbloodmarch​ @voteforpedro09​ @ohsolonelyghosts​​ @astrae03​ @liliroseruby​​ @as4pmadi @slytheriin2002 clyde’s taglist peeps! @goddessofsprings @icarusinthesea @lumdelacour @readingreaver @eagerforhoney @trubluepensfan @beachwoodmonet​ @bksrcool​
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heavenbarnes · 4 years
what’s your poison?
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings/Contains: a cheating ex boyfriend, alcohol, unprotected sex (please use protection), oral sex (female receiving), handjob, dirty talk, swearing, joking during sex cause i’m fun, pulling out onto stomach, bucky has a dog, new zealand english cause i wrote the start on my phone
Word Count: 5.5k
if you try and tell me you’ve never fallen in love with your bartender before, i hope you know you’re a liar! anyways, this is fun and it doesn’t mean anything so enjoy (so i guess this is technically an au, but could also not be cause there is references to in-canon shit) x
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You wouldn’t say you were proud of finding solace in a bar, especially not one with those tacky red neons and a floor sticky enough to have you frozen in place.
But here you are, perched up on that high stool by the window, notebook spread open in front of you with a pen resting on your lower lip.
Funny thing about heartbreak, the world doesn’t stop moving around you, even when you wish it did. So when you come home to your roommate fucking your boyfriend, you still have to live in that house cause finding rentals is near impossible.
And when living in that house feels damn suffocating, you have to sit in the bar down the street doing the work that is kicking your ass, because people don’t stop filing reports when your heart gets broken.
Wasn’t the first time the world made it blaringly obvious that it didn’t revolve around you, but sometimes the ignorance is bliss.
Scribbling out yet another data set, you knew your life wasn’t about to get any easier, but even you had to admire your own perseverance. So did Astrid, the sweet waitress that was swapping your empty glass with a full one.
You smiled at her, picking up the drink and giving it a sniff, screwing your nose up slightly. “You’re very kind but this smells strong and I’m still working.”
“It wasn’t me, I’m just the messenger,” She returned your smile as she cleaned the little drops of soda from your last drink. “Bucky figured you needed it by the look on your face.”
Casting a glance over Astrid’s shoulder you caught eyes with the bartender, the one who’d already been looking at you but turned away once you caught his eye. You lent him a smile nonetheless, just in case he was looking.
Stirring the drink with your paper straw, you came in to take a sip, immediately feeling the flavours flood over your tongue. Bucky was onto something, you definitely needed this and about 17 others after it.
“Tell him I say thank you.” You gave her a sheepish little grin as you took another sip of his creation.
The thing about Bucky was, he didn’t say a hell of a lot but he was a god with his hands. Not like that, like when he was shaking cocktails. But you were sure he was probably good in that way too.
Six foot three and broad in just about every way, long hair and that brooding kind of look on his face. He might’ve been the reason you picked this bar out of the ten or so others littering the stretch.
He’d quietly mix your drinks with those large hands (even his prosthetic hand was big, dark metal glinting under the neon lights), always making you exactly what you needed. Sometimes, if you timed it right, you could see him watching you out of the corner of your eye.
That should’ve been weird, quiet guy that won’t even introduce himself to you watches you from across a bar. But Bucky made it different, something in you liked the way he stared.
Astrid had been the only one you told about your now ex-boyfriend, but from your hospitality experience, word spreads quick behind a bar. You didn’t mind, it got you free drinks and kindness from the other waitresses as they swirled around you.
Beanie, who was studying business on the side, would sit with you as you worked out your spreadsheets. She asked you mountains of questions that never got annoying, felt nice to be valued around here.
Every day that you left work, you’d sneak back to your apartment, avoiding your roommate by timing it with when you knew she’d be at the gym. Quickly changing your clothes, you slipped back out into the city and headed for the bar.
You kept it quiet with where you spent your evenings, not wanting your boss to think you had a problem with all your time spent there. But you knew that it was very seldom there was actually alcohol in your drinks, mainly just new mocktails Bucky was trialing and testing on you.
That’s how the two of you communicated, he’d make a drink, a waitress would bring it over, you’d sample it and she’d feed the feedback back to him. A rather outdated system that could be solved by you both picking up your nuts and speaking to one another.
But that’d mean hearing each other’s voice, incredibly intimate when you’ve drawn it out this long. You’d have to have something to talk about, be alone in each other’s presence, admit that there was-
Now what was there?
Every night of every week you were there until closing, walking with Astrid to her car, Bucky trailing a few steps behind the both of you. He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he was making sure you both made it safely. As soon as you both got in, he climbed on his motorcycle and wouldn’t see him again until the next evening.
The moment Astrid dropped you at your apartment, you’d sneak inside, thanking the gods that your roommate was asleep so you didn’t have any awkward hallway interactions. Instead, you lay in the centre of your bed and strangely enough, you thought of your bartender without a voice to even put to the man.
The next evening you were there, you found your mind straying from the work in front of you and heading into the conversation of the waitresses floating around you.
“No, but she’s like gorgeous,” Beanie groaned, putting her notepad in the pocket of her apron. “Bucky is so lucky, she’s just a dream.”
Your ears pricked up at the sound of his name being dropped, and without being able to control it, you found yourself travelling to a million different realities. Of course he had a girlfriend, a man that looks like that and makes a Singapore Sling that good cannot be single.
There was truly no reason to be sad right now, he wasn’t yours and never was. But maybe you enjoyed him paying special attention to you, especially after what the last guy did to you. Astrid did tell you that Bucky was a bit stone cold sometimes, he never used this special treatment on anyone else.
So here you were thinking you were special, and here was the universe pulling you into line again, reminding you in no uncertain terms that the world didn’t revolve around you.
You drank Bucky’s mew mocktails, but they didn’t taste as fun when you knew they weren’t genuine. Sure maybe the care was genuine, but there wasn’t anything behind it. You screwed up your face when you heard your own thoughts, you sounded like an actual fuckboy right now.
Gone are the days of alarmingly handsome men being able to gift a Moscow Mule in peace, no sex attached. You just had to go and set the women’s rights movement back a few years.
You scolded yourself silently, taking another sip of the drink and enjoying Bucky’s talents. You weren’t even in the headspace for a new man at the moment, so where were you getting off hoping the guy was single?
Lifting your head towards the bar, you found those blue eyes back on you. He stuttered for a moment, realising he’d been caught staring, so he lifted his eyebrow almost to say “what do you think?”
A smile formed on your face of its own accord, lifting your hand into a thumbs up you mouthed back “pretty damn good.”
And for the first time since you’d been coming here, you saw it. You saw the corners of Bucky’s pretty lips turn up into a smile as he nodded, looking awful proud of himself.
God damn it, your brain knew you weren’t ready but your heart didn’t seem to give a fuck.
Another night at the bar and as you came inside, your eyes went to your normal seat, only to find somebody already sitting in it. After a long day at work, you couldn’t help the childish groan drift out of your lips.
“I know,” Astrid caught you mid grumble as she started walking you over. “But there is a seat right here at the bar.”
Putting you in a stool, she wiped down the surface in front of you so you could lay out your papers to keep working. She gave your shoulders a squeeze and happened to hit the right spot, maybe it was her girlfriend you needed to be jealous of.
As she went to leave you be, you heard her call over her shoulder. “Bucky, she’s here.”
Your head snapped up, heat rising in your cheeks as Astrid scurried away to serve her tables. From the service door, a large frame took all of it up as Bucky appeared before you.
Watching the way his eyes scanned the room, they fixed on the spot you usually sat at before his brow furrowed in confusion. It wasn’t until his gaze drifted down and caught you at the bar, he nearly jumped in fright.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think Astrid tells him when you arrive every night, like it’s something he looks forward to. You gave him a smile and a pathetic little wave as you tried to calm yourself down. The man has a girlfriend, he isn’t waiting for you.
Bucky smiled back, seemingly looking just as nervous as you felt. He quickly raised one finger, as if asking you to wait, before he spun around and started grabbing different bottles from the back shelf.
As you watched him work, you smelt a breeze of perfume drift past you, one that had become familiar. You reached out and grabbed Beanie by the wrist, deciding now was the best time to put yourself out of your misery.
“Bucky’s girlfriend must be the luckiest person on earth, with a man who makes drinks like that.”
Beanie scrunched up her nose in confusion, looking between the two of you.
“Girlfriend? You know something I don’t?”
You studied her gaze, matching that look of lacking in understanding.
“He must have a girlfriend, right?”
“Oh, the only woman in Bucky’s life is his dog, Daybreak,” She laughed, turning on her heel to leave. “You should see her, she’s gorgeous.”
A dog, a fucking dog. You’ve been stewing every night for about a week over a fucking dog. A curt laugh slipped past your lips and you didn’t even try to stop it, top tier stupidity and you actually deserved it.
Bucky turned to look over his shoulder, caught off guard by your chuckle as he’d missed the whole conversation over the noise of the bar. He just smiled, stirring the glass in front of him before sliding it across to you.
Sniffing it first, like you always did, it smelt heavenly like winter mint. Taking the first sip, it went down ridiculously well and you nodded in content before flashing Bucky a thumbs up. He placed his right hand over his heart nodding back to you. Your silent communication always said enough.
Bucky made you two more of those minty little things as you kept studying your spreadsheets. The bar patrons moved around you as the hours ticked on and you were so enveloped in your work it made you jump when you heard your name.
That and the voice that the word floated off of.
Turning in your stool, your ex boyfriend stood before you with his hands clasped together. Shaking your head, you went to spin back around but he stepped forward, hand reaching for your upper arm.
“I know you don’t want to see me but please let me explain.”
“Normally I’d say ‘fuck off’, but I’d love to hear an explanation for how you ended up fucking my roommate.”
He grimaced at the sound of you throwing his mistake back in his face. But truthfully, if he didn’t like the sound of it, maybe he shouldn’t have cheated.
“I know I fucked up, it was so stupid but it didn’t mean anything.”
“When did it stop meaning something? The third time? Maybe the 15th time? Please, enlighten me.”
A part of him seemed shocked, that you weren’t folding like a hand of cards and letting him take you home. Stupid boy should’ve realised you were a whole person before he met you, you’d go on without him.
“Alright, I know I deserve all this but I just want my baby back.”
You almost responded, your mouth opened to say something- anything, but someone else cut you to the chase.
“Your baby back? This isn’t Ruby-fucking-Tuesday’s, but you’re more than welcome to get the hell out of my bar.”
Turning behind you, you saw large hands gripping the wooden legs, squared up and unafraid. It didn’t register with you that this was the first time you’d heard Bucky’s voice until it was too late. A shiver shifted down your spine as you watched the way he stared the other man down.
“And who the hell are you?” Your ex had always been stupid, never knew when to stop running his mouth and keep it away from other girls.
“I’m the one that’s been keeping ‘your baby’ company each night since you fucked up so bad.”
Not to set the women’s rights movement back another few years, but there was something quite lovely about being fought over. Picking your drink back up, you sipped it slowly as you watched Bucky refuse to back down.
“You don’t know the first thing about her.”
“I know she’s far too smart to be wasting her time with you, so I won’t say it again, get the hell out of my bar.”
Your ex looked to you, stupidly thinking he’d find reprieve with you. Shrugging your shoulders and turning your gaze to Bucky you finally spoke. “This is delicious, you really are gifted.”
And with his tail tucked between his legs, you watched your ex trudge out of the bar, silently hoping that would be the last time you saw his sorry ass.
The only thing about him leaving was the silence that now sat between yourself and Bucky, having to come to terms with the fact your quiet little knowings have now become incredibly loud.
Still sipping away at your drink, thankfully Bucky found the notion to speak first. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get involved-“
Thinking he was finished you spoke up. “Please don’t apologise, I loved it.” As you were speaking, he finished with, “I really care about you.”
That shut the both of you up, back to quiet as you looked at each other across the bar. Patrons kept milling about around you but the world seemed to stop for you. In your own head, you asked for a sign, a sign that you should risk it all.
Bucky’s tongue came out to run across his lower lip and you swore you saw stars.
That wouldn’t normally stand as a sign but you were fine with a reach, you’d already decided he could’ve sneezed and that would work.
“You know, uh,” You cleared your throat, placing down your now empty glass. “I’ve always wondered what it was like to be on a motorcycle.”
Bucky nodded slowly in understanding, pulling the rag off his shoulder and placing it against the counter. “I’ve always wanted to show you what it’s like.”
“What time do you clock off?”
“Now, now’s good.”
The sound of your stool scraping against the wood floor drew Astrid’s gaze up as she moved through the crowd between the tables. Stopping beside your usual spot, she stood beside the man who’d taken your seat that night.
“Thank you, Albert,” She passed him the twenty dollar note. “It was about time they got moving.”
There was something incredibly intimate about being within close proximity of Bucky, let alone having him sat between your legs as your arms closed even tighter around his waist. You swore he zipped in and out of traffic on that bike just so you’d get even closer, and you were reasonably thankful for it.
Going from only hearing his voice moments before to being so close to him you could smell the Calvin Klein aftershave? There was a lot going on and it was enough to make your head spin. So you chose to relax into him, as much as you could with the helmet locked around your head.
You were nearly going to pout when you arrived at his house, but the moment he stretched his hand out to take yours and walk you in, he wasn’t leaving you with much to feel sorry about.
Now, there are many dangers about walking into a single man’s apartment, mainly the state it could be in. Bucky’s was beautiful, dark furniture and well looked after, everything was tidy and it actually smelt nice. You’d think he was straight out of the 40′s with manners and charm like this.
As you gazed around in awe of the first male apartment you’d been in without a fist-sized hole in the wall, you felt something brush against your legs. Looking down, you found a husky nearly at your hip height, bright blue eyes like her dad’s.
“Daybreak, go easy on her.” Bucky sounded from the kitchen, he’d already made his way in and started fishing around.
“That’s okay, you’re even more beautiful than I was told.” You cooed, your voice immediately catering just for her as you scratched around her ears.
“They told you about her?” Bucky chuckled as he worked, two highball glasses in front of him and a dark liquor starting to pour.
Your cheeks glowed hot as you thought about whether or not you should tell him of your monumental fuck up from earlier. Maybe he’d laugh? Or maybe he’d think you were a sociopath? Better to get it out now you supposed.
“I heard them talking, and I thought they were referring to your girlfriend, so they just cleared that up for me.” You caught Daybreak’s eye, busying yourself with her so you couldn’t see the gorgeous man stood a metre away and laughing at you.
“Yes, my incredibly fluffy girlfriend with disgusting breath and a habit of standing on my back when I sleep.” He shook his head, squeezing lime into the glass along with what you thought might’ve been bitters.
“Hey, whatever you’re into, I’m not going to judge!” You put your hands up in defense before going back to fluffing Daybreak’s coat.
Bucky stirred the drinks before sliding one across the counter top to you. Raising back up, you gratefully accepted it as he began to speak again. “You weren’t jealous were you?”
Your eyes widened, thinking on it for a moment with as much expression as possible. Avoiding the question entirely, you took a sip, feeling the warm ginger taste roll through you. 
“What do you call this one?”
“Answer my question and I’ll tell you.”
Narrowing your eyes, you bit the bullet. “I might’ve been a little jealous.”
“This one is called a ‘howling commando’, why were you jealous?”
“Raunchy name, I love it! What was the other minty one called?”
Bucky’s grin widened as he knew exactly what game you were playing, he couldn’t deny he was looking forward to a little tussle.
“Answer my question and I’ll tell you, those are the rules.”
You scrunched up your nose before giving in, he was hot and he had rules, there was simply no denying this man. “Maybe because you make me want to do very bad things to you.”
Bucky’s jaw went slack, but the corners of his mouth tweaked up into a smile as he thought carefully on his next move.
“The minty one is called a ‘winter soldier’, can you tell me what those very bad things are?”
Wrapping your lips around your paper straw, you kept your eyes closely fixed on his as you shrugged your shoulders. You drew back, letting the straw rest in the centre of your tongue as he followed your movements with intrigue.
“Or maybe I could just show you?”
With a swift movement, Bucky cleared the table with one hand and the other snaked around your waist, pulling you tight to his chest. You felt his lips glide across yours, as soft as you’d imagined and that bite of alcohol resting just past them.
Your hands came up to fist at his shirt, tugging him down so you could slip your tongue in and against his. He brought his other hand down to rest just behind your knee, picking you up in a swift motion and placing you against his kitchen counter.
Legs locking around him, you pulled him in as you gripped at his flannel over shirt to push it off his shoulders. Bucky took the hint, stripping the shirt off before getting onto his t-shirt. He stood before you bare-chested and beautiful, so much so that your breath caught in your throat.
A hint of a smirk started on his face but you shook your head, not prepared to let him have the joy of catching you off guard. You took his jaw in your hands and brought him back to your lips, reveling in the feeling of him on you.
Feeling his hands go for your waistband, you lifted your hips to let him get rid of your bottoms, the cold of kitchen tile against the backs of your thighs.
“You are so fucking beautiful, been thinking of you since the day you walked into my bar.”
Giggling into his mouth, you ran your hands down his neck and into the hair at the nape, tugging slightly. “I could say the same about you, pretty boy.”
You could’ve sworn Bucky growled, but you weren’t given enough time to dwell on it as he began to ease you back until you lay against the counter. His fingers went to the band of your underwear, slowly easing those down your legs.
Here you were, spread out in this mans kitchen like dinner and he was going to eat his share. A shiver ran through you that you could pinpoint to excitement as you felt his breath gently ghost over you.
His hands ran from your thighs all the way up to the hem of your shirt, sliding it up your body and underneath to palm at your chest. You knew he had big hands, it was one of the first things you noticed, but you weren’t prepared for how good they’d feel when he held you.
The moment you felt his mouth come down against your pussy, your whole back arched off the bench. You gripped at his forearms, nails digging in slightly as you rolled your lower half into his mouth. His tongue came out, running along your slit and moving against your clit.
You’d definitely been swindled into a shit deal with your ex, it never felt anything like this and Bucky had only just started. His name fell out of your throat as his tongue sped up, moving back down to your entrance and making your eyes nearly rolled back in your head.
Bucky pulled back one of his hands for only a moment so he could hook your legs over his shoulders, before he grabbed back at your breasts. The contrast between the rough skin of his fingers tweaking at your nipple, and the smooth metal on the other was driving you wild.
“How are you so good at this, what the fuck?” You babbled, back going up against as he flicked the tip of his tongue at your clit.
He chuckled into you, the sounds vibrating off of where you were most sensitive and hitting you straight in the core. You’d never had a man pay this much attention to you, know exactly where to go and what to do. It was damn near overwhelming and this was the bare minimum, god you’d been missing out.
Bringing one hand down, he pressed two fingers to your clit as his tongue moved back down. The pressure of his skilled digits against you and the speed of his tongue, you were doing your best to cry out his name but it wasn��t coming out right. Your brain couldn’t keep up with everything else.
Pressing your foot into his shoulder, you slipped your hand into his hair, locking into the roots and tugging tight against them. A moan fell out of Bucky and straight against you, rocking your pussy up against his lips. You had to forget everything you thought you knew about men. 
This was a man and he was going to change your life.
He swapped his fingers, slowly sliding them into you as his tongue moved back to your clit. The minute he bent those metal digits up, still pumping his wrist and working his mouth, it was all over.
You clenched down around him, his name flew high into the air as you shook against him, your wetness covering his chin as he moved to lap it up. Like a good boy, he let you get your breath, pulling back and cleaning off his fingers with his tongue.
“Don’t do that in front of me, you’ll make my heart stop.” You joked, throwing your arm over your eyes.
Bucky chuckled, taking a knee in each hand where you’d clamped your thighs together, slowly easing them apart. He tugged you along the bench until your legs were wrapped around him again.
“I can’t believe I just came, and that hard.” You admitted, finally able to cope with it all.
“That’s kind of the point, pretty baby.”
“Yeah but you haven’t even?”
The soft little patterns Bucky was tracing on your thigh came to a halt, almost making you whinge. He looked down at you with an expression of pure confusion before speaking up. 
“Wait, did your ex never make you come during foreplay?”
“Are you kidding?” You snorted, propping yourself up on elbows. “He barely made me come during sex.”
Bucky shook his head, looking physically wounded by what you were telling him. “Oh baby, this isn’t even for pleasure anymore, this is an act of service.”
You snorted at him, gripping his arms so you could pull yourself up to sitting. He tugged you even further until you were flush against him. His face was so close to yours, every part of him was so close.
“You’re being goofy, you’re lucky I think you’re hot.”
It was his turn to laugh, before he slipped his hand down, undoing his belt with a little of your assistance. As he shuffled his jeans and briefs down, you brought your hand to wrap around his length, and it nearly put you back on your ass.
So soft and remarkably beautiful for a dick, it was heavy as all hell as you wrapped your fingers around. So thick and built for two hands to stroke it, you knew that no matter what happened from here on out, you wouldn’t be forgetting about him soon.
“I knew you had a big dick, I could tell from the way you walked,” You said, spitting into your hand so you could stroke him. “But this is just fucking unreal.”
Bucky tried to laugh but you twisted your wrist at just the right time, it filtered off into a moan as his head dipped into the crook of your neck. “And you say I’m the goofy one.”
“Is baby getting all shy, can’t handle the fact he’s hung like a fucking horse?” You teased, running your fingers over his head.
Sucking in a breath, his hands came to grip your hips as you kept jerking him, simply enjoying the way he felt in your hands. “It is far too early for me to be telling you that if you keep talking like that, it will make me come.”
Dropping your mouth open, you turned towards him but ended up nuzzling your nose in his hair. His shampoo smelt incredible, not like a 3-in-1 but like an actual shampoo.
“Bucky, you are a fucking freak, I’m going to have so much fun with you.”
Pulling back from your neck, he gave you the toothiest grin before tipping his head back with a heady moan that made your pussy clench. He looked so beautiful moaning for you, completely at your will with his cock in your hand.
There was something so refreshing about this, your ex never let you have fun during sex, it was always so boring and so incredibly serious. You’d never laughed so much, played so much, and still come so hard your vision whited out.
Bucky took your hand off his dick, wrapping his own it as you tipped your hips back slightly. He lined up, laying his head against your entrance where you needed him most. He slowly slid in as your arms wrapped around his shoulders and gripped tight.
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as he moved in, the stretch and burn something you hadn’t felt in a wee while, it took over you as he did his best to be gentle. You were starting to understand the meaning of “rearranging guts” as he got to the hilt.
You paused for a moment, breathing through as Bucky strained with all his might to not move. He’d never felt something so fucking tight and so fucking warm, he would lay money on it that you were made for him and he was always meant to find you.
Finally, you tapped on his shoulder and signaled him to move. He rolled his hips into you, the first few thrusts to find his rhythm before he really picked up. Your ankles crossed over above his ass, keeping him as close to you as you could as his speed increasingly picked up.
“God, this pussy feel so fucking good.” He groaned, hands coming down to lift your shirt back up.
You pulled it over your head, throwing it behind you with your bra as his hands immediately gripped back onto them. Lowering slightly, he brought his mouth to one of your nipples, lips wrapping around and sucking gently as his hips never let up.
Raking your fingers through his hair, you thought about those incredible noises he’d made moments before. Tugging gently, you earnt yourself another moan that rippled through you as you rolled your hips back into his.
“Bucky, faster,” Panting out your words, you gripped him tighter. “I want you to fuck me like you mean it.”
Bucky’s eyes cast up to you, locking with yours and in an instant he changed. One hand gripped your hip and the other braced against the counter as he surged forward into you. A rippling cry travelled out of your chest and broke in your throat, a pathetic moan replacing it.
“You calling me nasty but I think you’re just as bad as I am, hmm?”
You smiled up at him, leaning back slightly so he could watch the way your tits bounced for him as he fucked you. “I never said I wasn’t, I was the one who wanted to do the bad things.”
Bucky lent down, nose to nose with you and lips nearly touching. “You weren’t the only one who was thinking like that.”
His lips caught yours again as his tongue moved straight into your mouth. He pulled you back onto him and made your whole body tense up on him, a ridiculously good rhythm that was making your legs shake.
Slipping a hand in between you, his fingers worked quick against your clit as you tried to match his movements. Everything was becoming increasingly difficult as you could feel your second orgasm working its way through you.
“You’re so good, you make incredible drinks and you’re really good at this too.” You cried, gripping onto his forearm as your back arched up.
Hearing him chuckle through his staggered breaths, his fingers only picked up against where you were most sensitive. “You make spreadsheets look sexy, holy fuck.”
You would’ve laughed, it was a pretty good one, but the orgasm that tore straight through you only allowed you to cry his name. Pussy locked tight around him you nearly left the table as everything broke inside you. The tension that’d he’d created was cut and you came with a near scream.
Bucky coaxed you through it, telling you how pretty you were, how good you looked. All you could do was whimper for him, aftershocks moving through you as he worked closer to his own end.
You opened your eyes to see him in front of you, fisting his cock above you as he panted your name. You’d never heard or seen something quite as good as this, he was something else entirely.
He came with a cry, painting across your stomach as he fell against the bench top. The both of you frozen in time, collecting yourselves and letting your brains set back to normal. Propping yourself back up, you looked at the gorgeous man lent over the sink.
“I know you’ve just put in the hard work,” You reasoned gesturing to your state. “But I could really do with another drink.”
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aseioh · 3 years
Of Cakes and Late Celebrations
Author’s Notes: This was supposed to be posted on Mother's day. But just like this fic, I got derailed and ended up being late. (picture taken from the internet)
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It was Mother's day.
Or to be precise it will be Mother's day in 15 hours 25 minutes. It shouldn't be a problem for Alcina, she usually just buys something from the Duke to give to Mother Miranda.
Unfortunately, such a thing is not possible right now. The Duke was delayed with his routine arrival at the castle opening, something about a spooked horse and lycans trying to get a nibble.
Honestly she lost interest after the word delayed was spoken through the phone. How is she going to remedy this. The gift itself was one of the finest silk she was able to obtain, she was sure Mother would appreciate a new ritual robe.
This is bad. To show up without a gift on this special day. She was sure she would be made a mockery during the gathering. Whats worst was that fool Heisenberg would be the first to lead with his pathetic insults.
Just the thought made Alcina's blood boil.
”I should send Bela to switch that man's shampoo with dog shampoo. Although the man still smells like wet dog. No. I'll think of something more devious.“
But back to the matter at hand. It's almost Mother's day and she doesn’t have a gift. Taking a deep drag off her cigarette, she considers her dwindling options.
At western part of the village
Donna is also facing a similar problems.
"What do you mean you're not coming?! Where am I supposed to find a present at this hour?!" Angie's raspy voice filtered through the phone "do you know how hard it is to find a 1st edition book on occult and rituals."
"Apologies Miss Angie, but the horse spooked and the carriage suffered a broken wheel. Even if the servants manage to haul themselves your house to the Duke's location and back it would still be too late." The main servant said trying to sound as apologetic as he can come across.
"This would not do" Donna said finally in her normal voice.
Somewhere inside the Stronghold.
Karl Heisenberg was having a meltdown.
"YOU STUPID LYCANS! I GAVE YOU ONE JOB AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN DO IT RIGHT!!" Heisenberg paces around the small assembly hall. Ten Lycans looked very apologetic, although it was very hard to tell from their looks. One even lets out a soft whimper.
“I told you to stall The Duke for a while. I didn’t said to derail him completely. The man has a package for me, now how am I supposed to get it!?” Heisenberg seethes.
His plan was a simply one really. Stall The Duke so that he would arrive at Castle Dimitrescu late, that way Alcina would not get her package and present it to Mother Miranda. That would show her, a little payback for calling him a child.
What he didn’t count on was the utter incapability of the Lycans to follow simple directions. Now even he doesn’t have a gift. Oh Miranda’s gonna blow a gasket.
“Augh... I hate the consequences of my actions” He lamented
 At Moreau’s Reservoir
“NOOOOOOO!! That’s not fair, that’s not fair!!!” Moreau starts throwing his stuff on the floor. He had finally saved up his money to buy Mother Miranda that nice jewelry that would go perfectly with her black wings.
“Someone’s gonna pay” He vows to take revenge on the Lycans responsible for his problem.
 After all his pet fish has been hungry for some Lycan meat.
 Castle Dimitrescu (13 hours until Mother’s day)
“I have gathered you here today for a very important meeting” Alcina starts looking at the sad (Donna) and tearful (Moreau) faces of her so called ‘siblings’. Heisenberg is surprisingly calm which puts Alcina on high alert, but lets it slide in favour of the more pressing matter
“We have a big problem. The Duke will not arrive on time for Mother’s Day. That means all the presents we bought for Mother will not arrive”
“We need a solution, any ideas?”  
“We kill the Lycans responsible and feed them to my fish”
“Yes Moreau, but that’s after we solve this problem” Donna said and tries to placate a Moreau by patting him at the back.
“Whoa, that’s a bit dark but I like it. And Moreau is right, we’re gonna make fish food out of those Lycans” “Better off those basdards, after all I don’t want to implicate myself” Heisenberg thinks
“People, you’re missing the point here” Alcina says pinching her nose to ward off an incoming headache. “Listen, we don’t have time. You know Mother Miranda, She’ll say she wasn’t really expecting something and then low-key punishes us for missing the day. We don’t want a repeat of the 1967 incident do we?”
Moreau whimpers from the trauma.
Donna goes into a slight trance and starts to shake.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough” Heisenberg stands. “Why don’t we just bake something and say it’s from all of us”
“Do you know how to bake?”
“I work at the Factory, I make steel molds for a living how hard could it be?”
“That doesn’t answer my question Heisenberg”
“We could make a small doll” Donna pipes up
“Sorry Donna that would still take time. And I don’t think we have the right materials on such short notice.” Alcina says
“For someone who’s looking for a solution you sure are shooting down all of them”
“Because it’s not feasible Heisenberg.” Alcina huffs “Can you gather all the materials in less than 10 hours? No? Of course not”
“And I keep telling you just BAKE A CAKE!”
“I don’t know how to bake, child! I’m a BLOODY COUNTESS not hired help” Alcina bellows at Heisenberg
“I know how to bake”
Everyone turns to Donna.
“Of course, I used to watch my Mother bake cakes before the accident. I just need help decorating. I never got a hang of that part” Donna beams with pride as she explains the basics of baking
“And we can gather the ingredients no problem. You have a pantry here somewhere right Alcina?” Moreau asked
“Of course. We always have a full pantry for the servants.” At that Heisenberg looks at Alcina with a hint of disbelief
“What? We need them healthy to serve us. I’m not a complete monster.” Alcina defends
“In any case we should start early. It takes time to cool and decorating is hard”
 Castle Kitchen (12 hours 30 minutes before Mother’s Day)
It was truly a sight to see. In a way it was enough for the Castle’s servants to wet themselves in fear when they saw the 4 Lords gathered at the kitchen in various forms of concentration. Needless to say, everyone was warned to steer clear of the kitchen for now.
Moreau was together with Donna supporting her with mixing the wet ingredients. Meanwhile, at the other side of the cooking station Alcina and Heisenberg are charge of measuring out the dry ingredients.
“You need to be precise, don’t put too much. Remember what Donna said and look at the damn recipe”
“I know what I’m doing you damn woman. I’m all about precision. Why don’t you move away and get that mixing bowl at the top shelf.” Heisenberg grouched
“I’m not your servant. And I certainly will not start fetching stuff for you” Alcina shot back
“Alcina, we need to work together. We don’t have time and you’re the tallest of us all. Please cooperate with Karl just this once. Please?” Donna implored
“Once. I’m helping him for this one time only. When I get my hands on the Lycan responsible for this problem, I’m gutting him and throwing him at Moreau’s reservoir.” At Donna’s admonishment of Alcina, Heisenberg gives a shit eating grin, showing some rather very pointy canines.
“And Heisenberg, stop provoking Alcina.” Donna adds
“Fine, you’re no fun Donna”
Suffice to say, the baking went well. Who knew that the 4 Lords working together would be a great success? If only Mother Miranda saw her children working together peacefully she might have had a heart attack and thought that she suffered one as well.
Or she might have been dreaming.
 Castle Kitchen (6 hours before Mother’s Day)
“Alright, the cake has cooled down completely, So what color will be the icing?” Donna asked
“Yellow” “Cream” “Light Blue” the other three said simultaneously.
“Light blue? Really? Not everything needs to be manly Heisenberg”
“And not everything needs to be boring like your color, Alcina”
“It should be yellow, like Mother’s sunny smile” Moreau explains
“And in which ever universe has Mother ever smiled like the sun?” Heisenberg counters Moreau
“Hey now. No need for that tone!”
“Tsk, sorry Moreau” Heisenberg apologizes to a quiet Moreau
“Fine, let’s do pastel yellow it’s easier for the eyes anyway” Donna supplies, getting ready to start coating the cake with the yellow cream
 Inside the Sanctuary
“Happy Mother’s day”
“We hope you like the cake Mother”
“Yes, we poured out our love in baking it. I hope you appreciate it” Heisenberg said
“Why thank you loves. This is a wonderful surprise. And Moreau said that you all worked together in baking it. How wonderful!” Mother Miranda said grateful for once that her children worked together without collateral damage (that she knew of).
“Although Heisenberg, I heard something interesting from Urias” Mother Miranda looks pointedly at Heisenberg, who for some reason starts to sweat and turn pale.
‘oh shit’ “Really Mother? Good news I hope” Heisenberg tries to bluff his way out.
“Why it was quite peculiar really. He said that you got 10 of his Lycans for a special project. I wasn’t aware that you have some side projects”
 The 3 Lords turn to Heisenberg
“Wait what?”
“I KNEW IT!!” Alcina unsheathes her claws
“You’re responsible for this mess in the first place!!”
“Really guy relax, if anything I just proved that we need more than one traveling merchant in the village for a successful and on time delivery” Heisenberg starts to carefully ease his way to the nearest exit.
In the end, Alcina was more than ready to feed Heisenberg to Moreau’s pet fish. Only Donna stopped her, citing Moreau would probably be inconsolable if his pet got indigestion from all the metal.
And that is how Heisenberg saw himself in doggy jail for a week along with his Lycan cohorts. Mother Miranda did get her Mother’s day gifts from her children although a bit later than expected.
 And the cake?
 The cake was surprisingly delicious.
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awkwards · 4 years
Kinktober Day 5. Aphrodisiac : Pleasurable Test | Overhaul
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Day 5: Aphrodisiac
Title: Pleasurable Test
Pairing: Overhaul x F!Reader
Count: 2.2k
Summary: You needed to make ends meet, and so you go to subject yourself to a testing center that will pay. Turns out, you’ve signed yourself up for way more than you expected. You should really read the fine print.
Warnings: Noncon, syringe, aphrodisiac, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, yandere, sadist overhaul
Note: It’s finals week and definitely starting to hit me. Also, thanks for all of the support! If you’d like to be tagged for my kinktober fics, dm me! My inbox is open~
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You snarled behind your gag at the man in the lab coat, who was currently coming at you with another needle. When he stepped close, you managed to kick the shot away.
“You can’t even handle one little girl. Pathetic.” A voice you haven’t heard before chides. A man wearing a plague mask and rather large coat with purple feathers stepped in. You could barely see him from where you’re restrained on the operating table. He snaps gloves onto his his, his eyes glaring at the subordinate. “And now that needle is filthy.”
“I’m so sorry sir!” you could see the sweat from the doctor, his face pailing. “She kicked me and it went flying!”
“Begone. I do not wish to hear your excuses.”
“Yes sir.” The guy practically runs from the room.
The man levels his gaze on you, judging.
You quirk an eyebrow at him, challengingly.
You’ve been here for a week. It was supposed to be one test, in which you got paid for. You took it because money was tight and you needed to pay rent. Little did you realize they would keep you kidnapped and subject to their devices because you were the “perfect candidate”.  Your fear has practically been pushed aside by your anger. For a week they’ve been sticking you with needles, running “tests”, keeping you on the edge of functioning. All you had left was your anger and attitude.
“What a nuisance.” The man sighs. His dark eyes scan your barely clothed body.
Quicker than you can move, the man has your legs pinned down, fastened in place just like your arms and neck are. A gasp of shock careens past your lips, silenced by the gag.
“That’s better.” He moves over to the counter where the equipment lays. He turns his back towards you. “Do you know who I am?”
“Well, I assume you’re the one in charge of these monkeys. Do you know who I am?” You bite at him.
“I am Kai Chisaki. You will address me as Overhaul.” He turns slowly, an intense look in his eyes that makes your skin crawl. “I know plenty about you. You are a quirkless individual. Your blood type is AB negative. You’re allergic to penicillin. You’ve lived in this city your whole life. I know you were adopted at the age 5. You had a kidney transplant at the age 12.”
“Your parents were brutally murdered when you were in high school by a villain attack. I know that the villain attack was actually a target for your father’s brother because he made some bad deals with the yakuza.” He grabs a needle and begins to mix a mystery pink liquid into it. You’re shaking by now. How does he know so much?  “You dropped out of high school quickly after, and less than two years later sold most of your adoptive parent’s belongings, and then the house.”
Overhaul takes deliberate and slow steps towards you, tapping the air bubbles out of the needle. “You moved into a seedy little apartment in the middle of town. You work at a small bar across from the noodle shop in the bad part of town because it was the only place that would hire you. This month you couldn’t make ends meet so you showed up here.”
A gloved hand drops onto your arm, thumb soothing over the prominent vein of yours. “And most importantly, I know your name isn’t actually Nakaya Kosuke. You, Miss (y/n), have quite the extensive history.”
You jerk hard at hearing your birth name. No one should know! Only your adoptive parents, who as he stated were dead, and the lawyer that erased your identity knew.
You try to speak through the gag, your words hushed.
An amused dark chuckle falls from him. “Oh, my apologies, did you want to speak?”
You nod your head.
His eyebrows raise, as if debating it. Finally, he unties the back of your gag. You spit it out, breathing in deeply. “Careful now, say something I don’t like and I’ll put it back on. Or I’ll remove your tongue.”
“Why am I here?”
He hums. “You are special. Did you know that your blood type is extremely rare?”
You clench your teeth, glaring at this cocky son-of-a-bitch. “I did.”
“Well, fortunately for us, your blood type was exactly what we’ve been looking for in our experiment. It’s extremely hard to come by a willing participant, too.”
“I’m not willing. I signed up for a test. One.”
His chuckle is light, and his eyes are wide with sadistic mirth. “No. You actually signed up until there was one successful test. So far, none of them have been such. It would appear someone didn’t read the fine print.”
Oh. Oh god. Did you really?
“No worries. You will be fully compensated. Well-” His eyes narrow. “If you live.”
Overhaul begins to prep the vein in your arm. “See, quirks are filthy. Those heroes parading around their quirks are but vermin on this earth. Pathetic. But you - no, you’re corrupted like those who roam the streets. Your blood is pure. Your genes are clean. You and I are far more similar than you might think, y/n.“
“What are you going to do to me?” Fear is fully controlling your mouth now. You shiver as he sanitizes the area he plans on injecting you.
“I have reason to believe that your blood will be the perfect capsule to carry my new invention. It’s a device that will remove the quirks of those who come in contact with it.” The look in his eyes turned wild, excited. You shiver. “My parents were ripped away from me, too. Those heroes did nothing to save them. Yet, they parade around the world as if we, the common folk, owe them. Not for long. Now, don’t make too much of a noise; I’d rather not have to remove your tongue.”
The prepped needle’s cap comes off, and the metal slides into your skin. You whimper, looking away as Overhaul begins to press its contents into your bloodstream. As quick as it began, it ended. He wipes away the lone blood drop before pressing a bandaid against you.
“Normally I would never dream of coming so close to an individual. But you are different from the filth filling this world.” Gloved hands grab your chin, turning you to look into his eyes. “You’re pure. Perfect. And I plan on taking full advantage of that, my sweet Y/N.”
Tears burn your eyes, your lip trembling. You finally let your body relax. This time you were truly fucked. He pulls his hand away, throwing away the needle tip of the syringe. You watch him walk away, back to the counter where he removes his gloves and washes his hands and arms.
A warmth began to fill your system. You shoot a concerned look at Overhaul. It was like your body was warming up from the inside out, your blood beginning to boil. A feverish sweat was spreading over every inch of you. “Something’s wrong.” You croak out.
Overhaul turns back to glance at you, sweaty and blushed. A mild look of intrigue covers his face. “Oh?”
“It’s burning me.” You whine.
Your body is completely uncomfortable now. The warmth feels … different. Wrong even.
“Explain to me what is happening.” He dries his hands leisurely, watching you from across the room before putting on a new, clean pair of rubber gloves.
“I’m hot. It feels like my blood is boiling. I -” you whimper as the slightest movement of your head increases the feeling tenfold. “Please make it stop.”
Overhaul takes his time as he walks back over to you. He runs a finger over your pulsepoint. The single touch sends a wave of pleasure crashing through you, a moan following. “How interesting.”
You’re mortified and confused. You wish you could rub your thighs together at the uncomfortable feeling between them.
“I see now. The molecular constructs of those two vials creates an aphrodisiac.”
You pinch your eyes shut as his single digit drags down your arm, over the hospital gown you have. The thin fabric is too much. It feels as if it’s weighing you down and making it that much harder to breathe.
“I suppose I should relieve you. It’ll be the only way to collect your blood at the right molecular compounds,” He muses to himself, talking out loud as if you’re not there.
Overhaul pulls off the glove on his left hand. “If I hadn’t reassembled you already, I would let you suffer until the side effects wear off. But, because of me, you really are clean. You should thank me.”
Not knowing what to say, you watch the man through your watery tears. He presses his bare hand on your stomach. If you weren’t being restrained, you would have arched into his hand, moaning loud as pleasure floods your core.
When he removes his hand, your whole body shivers as air nips your bare skin. How? “Wh-what?”
He chuckles. “My quirk.”
You watch as Overhaul steps around your pinned body, coming close to your wet sex.
“What a mess you’ve made. Disgusting.” Despite his words, he runs his gloved hand up your right leg, stopping at the stop below your belly button. You can feel your walls flutter.
A choked out “Please,” tumbles from your lips. You’re so turned on it hurts. Your brain can’t think straight anymore.
You moan loudly as a single finger strokes your dripping lips. You roll your hips as best as you can to get more friction. He lets out a proper laugh at your discomfort, sliding his single digit past your folds.
“So needy. What would you do without me? If I wasn’t here to relieve you?”
Your walls flutter around his digit as he runs his finger against your inside. The burning in your blood only seems to increase at the slight relief. “Please, Overhaul please!”
At your pitiful begging, he slides another finger in, stretching your walls. He works the two digits in a slow and methodical pace, scissoring you. You whine and cry, grinding your hips into his fingers. When he curls the two fingers and strokes the spongy spot inside you, a coil snaps, and you cum hard around him.
He doesn’t stop, continuing to pump his fingers inside you. You moan as you come down from your high.
The heat inside dims for the barest of moments before firing back up with a vengeance.
“Did that make you feel better?” He mocks, putting more force behind his motions.
You gasp as the coil of pleasure begins again. “It hurts! I need more, please!”
“Patience, little one. You’ll get your release. Soon, you’ll be begging me to stop.”
As if to prove his point, he uses his thumb to stroke your clit hard. Your walls flutter and drip around his gloved fingers as you feel yourself close to the crest again. “Oh - Oh, oh please!” You wail.
“Cum again, pet.”
You do. Your walls spasm as you tip over, shaking in your restraints as a sigh leaves you.
He doesn’t stop. The fire inside is rapidly dwindling, and you flinch at the touch.
“Oh, are you sensitive already?” He muses. “It won’t last long.”
True to your words, the fire picks up again. You sob as his touch hurts. It hurts yet is relieving you too. Tears stream down your face as you’re overstimulated, but the heat is still there.
“It's almost over. Hold on just a bit longer.”
Overhaul fingers you faster, making the coil of pleasure twist quicker and harder than the last two orgasms. You sob as you near the edge again.
“Last one. Give me one more. Cum over my fingers.”
“I can’t!” You cry out, rocking your hips into his fingers despite what you say.
“You can. And you will.” You can hear the squelching as his fingers target your g-spot, his thumb rolling your clit hard. “Cum again y/n.”
A scream rips from your throat as you’re forced over the edge of another orgasm. Your entire body tenses, and white fills your eyes. Overhaul drags his fingers out of you slowly, making you wince from the overstimulation. He tears the glove covered in cum off of his hand before sliding a new set on.
Panting hard, you come down again, body relaxing. Your blood no longer feels like you’re being boiled alive.
You flinch as a syringe is forced into your arm, and watch in sick curiosity as he draws blood from you. Even the touch of the needle makes you quiver, your entire body too sensitive for touch.
“Shh, it’ll be okay. You did so well.”
You moan, shaking as he places a bandage over your skin again. Your head swims as black dots at the edge of your vision.
You look up at him, and can tell even from behind his mask that he’s smiling. “I’ll be back tomorrow. Rest well, pet.”
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vocalyunho · 4 years
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pairing — Mingi x reader (fem)
genre — fluff, angst, friends with benefits au, smut (first time)
warnings & tags — reader uses a bratty attitude as a defence mechanism, Mingi’s soft side as well as his dom side make their appearance, semi-fwb to fully being fwb, power bottom! Mingi, kinda bratty & sub! reader, handjob, blowjob, praising, masturbation, mention of cunnilingus, fingering, choking, explicit unprotected sex, spanking, pull out method, mention of blood.
word count — 4.2k
synopsis — Mingi and her agreed to help each other out whenever they need it, but after this incident...how long will it take for them to realise that their agreement isn’t only an ‘agreement’ anymore? 
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A drop of spit landed on her sternum as she slightly relaxed her jaw. The contrast between her body’s heat and the drop’s made her notice it as it slid down and tickled her a little. Mingi, carefully, ran his hands along the sides of her head, fingers dipping in the smooth hair until his hands met each other on the back of her head to hold her hair in the most loose ponytail. 
“you’re doing so well-”, his gaze is soft when she looks at him with mouth stuffed and eyes hazy “-so so well, baby”
Her tongue ran on the underside of his cock to show her appreciation for the validation Mingi offered her, and right afterwards, she slightly grazed his tip with her teeth. Mingi sighed at that, a sigh that was content and on the verge of becoming a moan. 
He pressed his hips forwards, as much as he could from the sitting position he was in. The couch screeched slightly and her hand gripped his thigh harsher in an attempt to bear the gag reflex that made its way to her. His tip found the back of her throat and her eyes watered in a second but Mingi could only see the flushed cheeks and swollen lips that had him wondering if it’s worth it, right now, to just stop everything and kiss her. It was, but he didn’t. Instead, he let himself enjoy the view of her tears making their way down her cheeks until they, somehow, disappeared.
“such a good girl -my godd”, his head fell on the back of the couch. The praise was simple and one she’s heard several times before, but that didn’t stop her knees from weakening even if they were already resting on the floor. She hollowed her cheeks, giving him a more intense pressure around the tip and Mingi groaned, letting his hands fall from her hair. y/n snickered mockingly, loving the effect she had on him and the next moment, Mingi barely took a few words out “d-don’t make me come-”, a sharp breath followed “-just yett”.
The demand had her slowing her ministrations in an instant...her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and her lips detached from him with a wet pop that echoed louder than she expected. Only her hand kept pumping him slowly, just enough to keep him hard “no?”
“did I do something wrong?”, she asked, looking up at him, even though she already knew she was doing great. Her only view of his face was his Adam’s apple that was dancing pathetically inside his throat while his chest rose and fell constantly and his hand was gripping the wearied fabric of the couch harshly.
“what is it then?”, she cocked a brow, though he couldn’t see her.
Mingi took a moment to calm down. He was way too close and he only realised it now that she stopped.
“I just- fuckk-”
As he had just managed to stabilize his breaths, she licked a stripe from his base to his tip making shivers wash his thighs. It wasn’t unusual for her to tease him like that, so the reaction didn’t go unnoticed and the mocking smile from before made its appearance again before Mingi tried his best to finish his sentence. “-want us to try something new”.
She tilted her head in confusion, “right now?”
“right now”
“all of a sudden?”
Mingi nodded and felt his heart tightening. He didn’t know how she’d react to his idea, especially since it wasn’t a part of their deal.
To him, y/n was the good girl that had his body shaking and his dick twitching just by the skills of her mouth and hands, and to her, he was the guy that had her legs quivering and her lips releasing lustful moans just by the games of his tongue and fingers inside her. They were only that for each other and just that...until now.
Mingi needed more, he’s been needing more for quite a while now, actually. He needs to feel her all over him, on him, around him, under him, however she likes as long as it is only for him, and he needs it desperately...even though it isn’t a part of their agreement.
He doesn’t only want her to wrap her pretty lips around his tip anymore, but to lay her lips upon his and to rest her tongue inside his mouth...he wants her to tangle her fingers in his sweaty locks and be able to look at her in the eyes as she does and he, especially, wants to finally hear her pretty sounds, all of them, without her trying to hold some back.
“I want you to ride me”, Mingi spoke fast. 
“what the fuck?”, was her first reaction “that wasn’t a part of our agreement”, she let him go.
“I know...you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to”
A moment of complete silence followed, with only their breaths -especially Mingi’s heavy one- echoing in the room. y/n looked as if she was ready to defend herself any minute and Mingi couldn’t blame her. What he was asking for, after all, wasn’t just a favour, he was asking her to lose her virginity to him and he was no one important or special to her.
Anyone reading this right now would’ve guessed that y/n isn’t a virgin, but appearance is often deceiving. Other than foreplay (lots of it), she’s never had penetrative sex with anyone before, as surprising as that may sound. That’s why Mingi was insecure about what he was asking for.
“I just thought-”
“if you want me to do that-”, she talked back fast.
Mingi waited to hear what she had in mind.
“-you'll eat me out twice next time I come over”, she said while standing up and trying to regain her balance because of her sore knees “you owe me for blowing you, anyway”
Mingi was the one who was taken aback now. Her first reaction had made him decide that there’s no way she’d agree, and now she wasn’t only willing to do it, but demanding and straight forward too. The stereotypes had taught him that when a girl decides to lose her virginity, she does it with someone she trusts and she’s shy and, maybe, a little scared before doing so. Mingi was either foolish enough to believe those stereotypes or y/n didn’t see virginity loss as something as important as others (he didn’t even consider the case of y/n actually wanting to lose her virginity to him).
His heart skipped a beat at the images that flooded his mind. As she stood up and stripped herself from all the clothings, something inside Mingi told him that he had to see her breaking down for him, to see her real self, and he only realized what was going on when she straddled him. She managed to do it without touching his erection but once he was back to real life, Mingi gripped her sides and forced her to sit on his lap, trapping his hard on between their bodies. He did it on purpose and she knew it. The sensitive bundle of nerves on his tip sensed the wetness on the thin fabric of her panties, instantly, but she didn’t seem to care one bit. It was reasonable for her to grow wet, she was sucking him off, after all.
“do you have a condom?”, she broke the silence.
“you asked me to fuck you and you don’t even have a condom?”
“I hadn’t planned it”
She rolled her eyes “can you at least- pull out?”
“I think so”
“just warn me when you’re close, I don’t want you coming inside me”.
Mingi nodded in anticipation and guided his hand on her back, touching her feather-like, and travelling upwards until his hand met the back of her head and his eyes, y/n’s gaze. He forced her head forward until they were eye level with each other. She looked relaxed but he knew she wasn’t as chill as she seemed. Her heart was beating faster than every other time inside her ribcage and her breaths were jerky, that’s why he stretched his neck and got closer to her face. He let her feel his calm breathing for a moment before connecting their lips simply (kissing was a part of their agreement as a ‘mood maker’ only). Her eyelids fell shut and her hands rested on her thighs but the burn inside her was still hot and bothering. 
“no need for that”, he said as he broke the kiss.
“your hands are shaking”
She looked at them and Mingi realised she wasn’t aware of it until he mentioned it. He rested both of his hands on top of hers, an action that was new both to y/n and him, since they haven’t been intimate in this way towards each other before. Everything they ever did was restricted to their primal needs and lacked any type of emotion, and this right now broke the second rule. 
She shook her head as if the shaking was nothing but Mingi didn’t take long to speak the first thing in his mind, “I’ll take care of you”. His thumbs caressed her knuckles and as much as she liked this side of him, she still tried to overlook it, she tried every time.
He’s always been good to her, praising her good job, complimenting the little details, giving her all the validation she needed...the complete opposite to her. She had never shown him a single hint of deeper emotion or given him the slightest praise. Even when his fingers were buried inside her, even when she was on the verge from the pleasure he gave her and even when he called her “baby”, she didn’t show him everything she felt. She fooled herself by thinking that she shouldn’t let it get to his head when, in reality, she was just scared. If she did show Mingi how he made her feel, he’d want to get better and give her more and...she’d fall for him. 
She didn’t want that but the fact that she agreed on what he had asked her for and the way her heart skipped beats at his words, said otherwise. She knew it, but she overlooked it again. Thus, she kissed him once more, only this time her hands rested on his bare chest.
Her lips moved smoothly against his in a slow yet needy pace until Mingi, suddenly, moaned. y/n smiled against his lips, barely grinding on his erection, loving the effect she had on him and careful not to make a sound herself. And as he was about to slip his tongue inside her mouth...she parted. Mingi chased after her lips but y/n lifted her body and held herself up on her knees as a careful hand found her underwear and slid it to the side. Dropping her head forwards, her pointer and middle finger massaged her clit for a bit before the neediest lip Mingi has ever seen of her, got trapped between her teeth. Her eyebrows furrowed, accompanying the bitten lip, and Mingi thought that if the expression on her face could take the form of a sound, that sound would be a breathy, ecstatic moan on the verge of turning into a needy meowl. If she only let him see that expression again, while he’s inside her, Mingi would be the happiest man alive.
He sat there, watching her in awe but the force of habit made him replace her fingers with his and stretch her hole by inserting two fingers in it, without even thinking. y/n’s breath got caught in her throat and her hands landed on his shoulders subconsciously, only for Mingi to pump them slowly to test the wetness at first. She had to be prepared for something larger so he added a third one, not long after, expecting her to moan out loudly as she always did, but she didn’t. Instead, she smiled and bit her lip in content at the new stretch. Her head fell backwards and her hand gripped the wrist that was working magic inside her but didn’t try to stop it. She let him speed up and give her the sweet stimulation she deserved.
“that was s-sudden”, she chuckled as if this was nothing, yet she was secretly loving it.
Mingi was already mesmerized by the view in front of him but that didn’t stop him from speeding up sensibly. Her wetness resounded with every thrust of his digits until he decided to bury them inside her and collide his palm with her clit. He curled his fingers while massaging the bundle of nerves, something he’s never done before, and y/n cursed. She clenched around him and that’s when she finally moaned loudly. 
Mingi couldn’t wait for the moment he’d see her reaction to him getting buried inside her. He didn’t know why he wanted that so much...he’d seen her reaction to his fingers and tongue multiple times before but something about her losing it over his cock, took him to heaven.
On the same side, y/n had always thought that if Mingi was this good with his hands, there’s no doubt he’d be ten times better with his dick. She was indeed a little scared of losing her virginity, but she was much more impatient to find out if her conjectures would get confirmed. Thus, when she felt the knot in her stomach tighten, she grabbed his wrist harshly and stopped his ministrations instantly.
“I-I thought you’d fuck me”, she said out of breath.
“I was preparing you”
“Do I look like I need fucking preparation?”
There it was again...that attitude that had Mingi needing her more. Her eyes were drowsy but her voice strong and in any other case, he would get mad at an attitude like this but when it came to her, he found it the hottest thing in the world. He wouldn’t lie if he said that sometimes, when he thought of the way she acted, he got helplessly hard at times that his hand was the only solution.
She stared at him but instead of getting a response, Mingi licked his lips and moved his hand from her, to his erection fast. If she wanted it now, she’d get it now. 
She was already keeping herself up on her knees, so he aligned himself with her core easily but instead of pushing in, he grazed his tip along her sensitive parts, taking the time to travel from where she needed him the most, to her clit and back again. 
“fuck”, y/n sighed, the new type of friction getting her weaker than she expected. Her legs trembled and Mingi noticed and exhaled in content, seeing how such little stimulation started tearing her wall of pride down, already. It felt like her previous bratty attitude stayed in the past as her brows raised in need.
She was just as cute as he always thought she’d be and when she rested her forehead against his (as a readiness indicator he thought), Mingi found the chance to push in, wanting to see her very first and honest reaction.
To say that she didn’t let him down would be only an understatement...her breath fanned his lips, her face scrunched up and her lips took the shape of an ‘o’, and all of this while a soft cry resounded in the small living room. He almost witnessed her real self. 
His tip was, for sure, larger than his fingers so her body going into autopilot mode, was understandable. She didn’t move one bit, so Mingi held her by the sides and started pushing her body down on him, slowly and gradually. Her voice broke more and more with every inch that was inserted and occasional ‘ah’s’ found their way out of her lips...it didn’t feel comfortable yet, it was painful for her. She’s never had something as big as this.
“fucking hell”
y/n shut her eyes in pain and Mingi let her take all the time she needed once he bottomed out, in order to get used to the stretch. They both knew she wouldn’t bleed (because Mingi was the one who had broken her hymen the first time he helped her out), but she still needed to adjust to something as new as this.
No words but only looks were exchanged between them when she tried to lift her body, and Mingi could’ve sworn to any God that tiny tangerine speckles danced in her eyes when she lowered and let him fill her again. A rough moan escaped him at the pressure she offered and after a few more knotty bounces her own pleasure sounds started making their own appearance. Her silk helped a lot and so did the slow pace.
It started feeling good sooner than she had expected and so, her arms rested on his shoulders as his, layed on her thighs. She moved agonizingly slow, often hissing at the girth, and once she got used to the sense, her body started asking for more. 
She went faster, just enough to gain more stimulation and Mingi moaned at that. His hands were caressing her thighs in the rhythm of her bounces, his eyes were glued on her face and even if y/n wanted to increase the pace, she wanted something else more. She had the need to see him take control. 
She wanted Mingi to do her as he pleased, to show her how he liked it, to be rough with her and to just...be at his mercy for once, but how would she ask for that without seeming weak?
She kept bouncing on him in a steady pace...Mingi was big, she knew that very well and he felt...perfect. Every time he got buried to the hilt, her walls tightened but Mingi wasn’t in the right state of mind to notice she was doing it on purpose. Instead he let himself enjoy it until his body started needing more and that need came out in the form of a groan that was deeper than his already deep speaking voice. He wanted her to bounce on him faster, to feel every corner of her, to feel his tip reaching her deepest parts.
“go faster”, he commanded but y/n continued moving as she was, like she didn’t hear him. Mingi tried to snap his hips upwards but it was impossible with both of them moving at the same time, so he said it again and louder this time.
“I said go faster”
y/n tried her best to keep her composure and talk to him, without her voice betraying how hard it was to think straight.
“why don’t you man up and fuck me yourself then?”
She said with effort and then stopped...with him buried inside her, twitching at the attitude she gave even now. Mingi’s eyebrows raised in surprise and y/n cocked a brow full of pride, because she knew exactly what her words were doing to him. She wanted him to ruin her and she’d get it the way she knew best...by provoking him.
“what’s that supposed to mean?”, he tilted his head, obviously bothered by her comment.
“can you even fuck me properly or is fingering the only thing you can do well?”
Mingi’s tongue poked the side of his cheek at the frustration that washed his body. He didn’t want to go hard on her for the sake of this being her first time, but her attitude hadn’t given him a single break. There’s no way he would take it anymore.
“you really don’t think before speaking, do you?”
The provocative eyebrow disappeared when Mingi placed his hands on her ass and gripped each cheek harshly. A harsh slap resounded before he lifted and pressed her down on him with full force...and then he did it again and again and again and y/n found her jaw going slack. He didn’t hold himself back at all. Her hair moved in every which way and landed on her face messily, her arms wrapped around his neck, holding for dear life, her legs lost all their strength but Mingi kept it up. He got drunk on the slapping sound of her ass against his thighs and her high pitched cries and, maybe, he liked more than he should the fact that her lips ghosted over his...open and ready to be kissed. And he would kiss her if his mind wasn’t hazy and if he didn’t want to prove that, what she’s gotten herself into was brattier than her attitude.
y/n cried out in pleasure, he reached so deep that he hit every right spot, every part that had the burn inside her turn into a big fire and she’s sure she wants to feel that more often. Even though Mingi couldn’t do it, she did it herself. She captured his lips in a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss as he still bounced her on him. It was messy, but she needed it and Mingi returned it feverishly. Their noses brushed each other’s, their breaths got mixed creating a heavy sound and they only parted when y/n cursed under her breath at the part he reached. 
“right there, baby?”
“pplease more”
“M-Mingi please”, she cried out.
They fucked shamelessly, not giving a damn about Mingi’s neighbours hearing them. They got addicted to each other’s effect. 
y/n lost herself when he wrapped his hand around her throat. His dominant side was better than she had expected. No one’s ever treated her like that and only now did she realise how much she liked it.
“you’ve gotten y-yourself into big trouble, d’you know that?”, he squeezed the sides of her throat making her yelp.
“ha-harder please”
“can you even ttake it?”
Mingi said before forcing her to come face to face with him. He kept her stable right where their lips almost touched and before y/n could connect them, he snapped his hips up. Her eyes rolled back and her jaw went slack. He found it, he found that one spot and with every thrust, he hit it harder and harder and harder until she went completely crazy. 
Her body trembled, her head was left on the will of his hand and her core tightened so much that Mingi felt his body burning. 
She cried out for more, though she couldn’t take it. Mingi knew he had reached her g-spot, her pathetic voice confirmed it but he didn’t complain...he felt better than ever before and he loved her sounds, he always did. You could say they were the ones that brought him to his climax right after hers.
Mingi thrusted fast until he suddenly left her throat and raised her body enough to pull out fast. He pumped himself with quick, small strokes as y/n fell messily on his thighs. Her hands found his chest and her face took an expression Mingi’s never witnessed before. 
Thick white liquid got spread on his thighs, right under her body but he didn’t notice it as his climax made its way to him. He let out moans, both rough and sweet, both needy and full of relief and came on his stomach and chest (some of it reached her hands too).
His arms fell on each side of his body lifelessly and his head fell on the couch as low curses showed how rough his high was. He breathed fastly and so did y/n who rested her upper body against his, not minding the cum that got trapped between their bodies. 
It took them a moment to calm down. y/n was so weak she could barely move, it was even hard for her to feel her legs and when Mingi looked at her form, he realised that all that attitude she gives, hides the version of herself she’s afraid to show. She needs someone to take care of her for once, for her to not have to take care of herself by her own all the time. She wants someone to take control and guide her. He wanted to kiss her softly and tell her that he could take care of her but when he gripped her sides and slid her upwards and closer to him, she hissed lowly. Her clit got dragged on his thigh and the sensitivity was unbearable but when she raised her head and looked at him with eyes drowsy and features soft, he couldn’t help but cup her chin and kiss her.
“you fucker...you’re good”, she whispered, resting her forehead against his and making him giggle.
“I’m even better at the missionary”
“next time?”
“for sure”
How long would it take for them to realise their agreement isn’t only an ‘agreement’ anymore?
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