#I had to change the synopsis bc this one fit more
sansuri · 4 months
𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 | 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐟𝐞
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Arranged marriage | gojo x indifferent!wife | MDNI
WARNINGS: you guys have a child together, subtle smut MDNI, fem!reader, mentions of the reader’s body being different after having a child, bad writing bc I switch from third to second use pronouns interchangeably
Synopsis: Gojo and you were the product of an arranged marriage, undoubtedly hating each other, but after your first child together, Gojo begins viewing you in a different light.
Cont: Sea Glass
You were arranged to marry the Gojo Satoru.
The man who belonged to one of the top three clans of Jujutsu, a man who was known for his arrogance and ridiculous amount of privilege. You knew him in your school days, and let’s just say that you two didn’t like each other.
So it was only inevitable that your marriage was definitely rough and you two hated each other, and I mean despised each other. You were required to bear an heir for Gojo, and although reluctant, that’s exactly what you did. Sex with no strings attached, only for the sake of an heir, but after birthing your first child together, Gojo starts viewing his wife differently. He begins to see her soft side and the way she tenderly cares for their child, and Gojo has never felt so jealous in his life. Who knew his usually quiet and distant wife could have such a domestic side, so slowly but surely, he falls hard for you.
And I mean hard.
He begins showering you with gifts and staying home more often, trying to be around you more in the house. He follows you around like a puppy, making sure that if you needed a break from your guys son, that he would be there to switch.
Gojo, however, notices your continued indifference towards him, and he only sits there, wondering how he can convince you to also love him back, not hate him because you were forced into this predicament with him. You loved your son so dearly, yet you never seemed to give any affection to your husband. You had no problem placing a chaste kiss on his jawline whenever there were clan parties, so why couldn’t you do so in the privates of your shared home?
Gojo decides to change this, and begins placing a soft kiss on your cheek each time he gets home, also making sure to place one on the little gremlin too, one that seemed to have taken on his appearance more than his wife, but that’s not a worry because he can always keep having children with you until one pops out looking like you too.
He beds his wife more often, not just during her ovulation period. Sex soon becomes a daily thing than a monthly thing. He beds you because he loves you, and you’re just so soft and tender from having just given birth to his child. He loves the way your body has changed, and he always makes sure that you know that you make him feel so good. He does this not for the sake of having another child, but for him to show his love for you.
He rolls his hips so nicely yet roughly into you, ensuring that you’re feeling just as pleasured. And you, on the other hand, only comply with his desire for you, only thinking that he was just needier than usual, something the Gojo men were all known for. You were merely satisfying his needs, only because you knew your role as his wife. Nothing more.
You begin noticing that after sex though, he stays in the bed with you, instead of leaving like usual, rubbing up and down the curves of your body, worshipping you as you two lay there together, basking in each other’s presence, eventually resulting in you snoozing off in his hold.
He begins asking you questions about your day, sitting with you for breakfast with your son, which he never did before. He starts helping you dress in the mornings, zipping up the cute sundress he bought for you to wear, admiring the way it fits so nicely on you. He always makes sure to feather soft kisses on your shoulder up to your neck, before he places a sweet, yet wet kiss on your jawline, nuzzling his face in your neck to smell the Tiffany & Co perfume he bought you as well.
His goal in mind is to get a kiss from you, but you seem to have no interest in that, which makes him sigh so deeply. You’ve never really kissed Gojo genuinely, and he wants to change that. Sure, you’ve kissed him on your wedding day, but even during sex, when his eyes become lusted and he stares at you so lovingly with desire, leaning his face down to get a kiss from you, you turn your head away, gently pushing his head into the crevice of your shoulder. He’s never been so deprived in his life, but Gojo respects you, so he waits for you to initiate it first. Yeah, you’ve had sex together, but kisses were a whole new level of intimacy for him.
However, just one day after he came home from work tired, you catch him off guard and come over, sweetly grabbing his face and pulling him down to press a soft yet delicate kiss on his jaw. In the privates of your home, not just at a clan party where you needed to keep show. Gojo has felt high before, but this was a new type of high.
It may not have been on his lips just yet, but there’s always next time, right?
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idyllic-ghost · 4 months
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title: Forever Yours, Faithfully pairing: lee jihoon x fem!reader genre: romance, fluff, slight angst, smut warnings: mentions of food (sushi) and alcohol, mentions of clothes not fitting (jihoon buys reader something new, but one of the items are uncomfy bc women's sizes are weird), nsfw content (make-out in hot tub, fluffy smut, unprotected sex (don't do this, wrap it up pls), oral (f receiving), slight overstimulation) synopsis: Ever since you had Valentine's day ruined for you by an ex, you decided to never pay the holiday any attention ever again. However, when your new boyfriend finds out about this, he just has to do something for you and change the connotation you have with the fourteenth. wordcount: 9.7k taglist: @enhacolor, @shuabby1994, @junhui-recs, @dkakapizzaboy, @just-here-to-read-01, @loviehan, @userjunhuii, @novalpha, @bubblymoon, @aaniag
a/n: breaking my hiatus for a moment to post this valentine's fic! this is a @svthub fic swap for @wooahaeproductions! happy valentine's day, i hope you enjoy!🩷 and a special thank you to @wongyuseokie and @strawberryya for proofing this!
see the rest of the posts for the collab here
join my taglist
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“... I hate it. I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh. Even worse when you make me cry…”
A knock at your door interrupted Kat Stratford’s monologue on your TV screen, forcing you to look away from the movie and put down your bowl of ice cream. Pausing the romantic comedy, you listened to see if you were just hearing things - secretly hoping that was the case. However, there was another knock. It sounded cautious rather than angry, so you had no real reason to worry about who was on the other side of your door. You reached for the tissue box to dry your tear-stained cheeks and adjusted your clothes to make you look at least halfway decent. Before you had even stood up from the couch, there was yet another knock at the door.
“I’m coming!” you shouted and stood up. 
You weren’t expecting anyone and silently hoped it was just your neighbor needing something and not one of your friends trying to take you out for drinks. Valentine’s Day was tough for you, it had been for a couple of years now, and you knew that your friends were only trying to cheer you up. However, when you opened the door, you were met with someone that you hadn’t anticipated.
“Hi.” Jihoon stood in front of you, fidgeting with the strap of a bag.
“Hi,” you said, trying to hide your disheveled self behind the door.
“Have you been crying?” He asked with furrowed brows.
“Oh, uh… I was just watching a movie.” You wiped your face with your sleeve. “10 Things I Hate About You… the ending always gets me.”
“Right, I’m sorry I interrupted… I know you said that you didn’t want anything for Valentine’s Day, but…” He sighed and looked down at his feet. “I talked to Soonyoung, and he…”
At the mention of your mutual friend’s name, everything fell into place. He wasn’t a bad friend, not at all, but sometimes he found the most particular ways to get in your business. You knew it came from a good place. However, a warning would be nice.
“He blabbed, didn’t he?”
“Yeah…” He looked back at you. “I know it’s only been a couple of months or so, but I don’t want our first Valentine’s to be… well, this…”
“You’ve got something planned?” You couldn’t hide that you were pleasantly surprised, your joyful tone giving you away.
“It’s a bit last minute, but yes.”
You look into your messy apartment, internally fighting with yourself over whether or not letting him in was worth the embarrassment. When you look back at him, he seems patient - Jihoon always had a way of communicating without having to say a single word, his feelings coming through his expressive eyes or his gentle smile. You didn’t need to worry about making him agitated. He was always patient with you. Moving to the side and opening the door ever so slightly more, you silently invite him in. 
You met Jihoon a few years ago, when you were still with your ex. The two of you never talked much, as a result of Jihoon being so introverted and your ex being a possessive jerk. The time spent with your ex wasn’t all bad, but the good times were drowned out by the bad times - such as your last Valentine’s together. Neither of you planned anything for the day, but you decided to do something last minute: dinner and a movie. When you told him of your plan, he exploded at you.
“I hate Valentine’s, okay!? It’s not my fault you think one day of pampering will fix our problems! Just go out with one of the other guys you’ve been texting- I’ve seen your messages!”
The words rang in your ears every time the holiday came, creeping back each year. Throughout the relationship with your ex, your needs were never met when you were with him. Things were different with Jihoon. Once you had broken up with your ex and a few months had passed for you to heal, Soonyoung introduced you to Jihoon again. It started slow, the two of you stayed friends for a little over a year before even considering dating. Mostly because you were still hurt but also because neither of you seemed to figure out what you both felt for each other. You remember your mutual friends’ reaction when you told them you had started dating; “Finally… we can stop pretending that you don’t make googly eyes at each other whenever you’re in the same room”, or something along those lines.
Now that you had been together for a couple of months, you didn’t understand what took you so long. Even though he was busy most of the time, he always put all of his attention on you whenever the two of you were together. However, when Valentine’s Day rolled around yet again, you didn’t plan anything. You didn’t ask or hint at anything that you wanted to do. You just let it be. That way, your heart stayed safe. Valentine’s wasn’t meant for you, or so you thought. Soonyoung had been with you through it and had been a shoulder for you to cry on from time to time. You swearing him to secrecy about the meaning of the day didn’t work when it came to Jihoon. 
“What’s in the bag?” You asked and tried to take a peek.
“You’ll see.” Jihoon smiled proudly and pulled the bag behind his back, away from you. “Go get some things packed - just enough for one night. I’ll wait here for you.”
“Do I need to get dressed?”
“Whatever makes you comfortable.”
You looked at Jihoon in his usual attire - an oversized t-shirt, big pants, and slippers - and decided you could leave as you were. While throwing a few necessities in a bag, Jihoon stayed in the hallway and watched you. His proud smile never left him, and it made you all the more excited. Just the fact that he wanted to do something with you at all, and pulled himself out of work on his own accord, made you happier than you had ever been on any other Valentine’s. 
Your happy jitters turned into nerves when you saw where Jihoon was driving you. A five-star hotel. Suddenly, the idea of staying comfortable over being dressed up didn’t feel very smart. It was an expensive part of town; people dressed to the nines walked up and down the streets, and you slowly sank further into your seat. As if he could sense your anxiety, Jihoon put a comforting hand on your thigh.
“We’re going in through a back door. Is that okay with you?” It was his way of reassuring you without pointing out your insecurities. “I want it to stay private. Going in through the main entrance could cause a scene.”
You nodded, although you were mostly happy to hear that you didn’t have to walk around in your sweats amongst people with thousand-dollar suits. Usually, you would’ve considered this a negative side effect of dating someone famous - but this time, it was welcomed.
“... why don’t you take a look in the bag now?” he suggested.
“I thought I wasn’t allowed to.”
“Just take a look,” he said, “I think it’ll calm your nerves.”
The bag sat between your legs, so you pulled it up to sit in your lap. Inside the bag was a beautiful green fabric. It felt expensive to the touch. When you pulled it up, you saw that it was a dress - a gorgeous, designer dress. Looking at the bag again, you finally recognize the high fashion brand.
“Jihoon…” You were at a loss for words.
“You’ll have time to freshen up inside, then you can put it on for me.” His eyes stayed on the road, but his ears turned red. “And there’s something else in there too… but you probably don’t want to pull it up in front of the window.”
You rummaged through the bag, seeing something lacy at the bottom of it. Turning to Jihoon with wide eyes, he still didn’t meet your gaze but was smiling. The two of you weren’t necessarily an innocent couple, you were not abstinent, but this was something that he hadn’t done for you before. Any nerves that you had felt before were now replaced with pure excitement. If this was just the beginning, then what else did he have planned?
The two of you made your way up to your suite rather easily. Jihoon got the keycard from the reception and helped carry your bags to the elevator. There weren’t many people around, seeing as you had just missed rush hour, and you ended up getting the elevator all to yourselves. The eleventh button was glowing. You couldn’t remember if you had ever been in a hotel room so high up. While you were lost in your thoughts, Jihoon snuck up right next to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. The bags were on the floor right by your feet, right next to the bag with your dress. The memory of the silky fabric made you smile. He had found something to your taste just for this occasion.
“I’m going to order some food when we get up,” Jihoon said. “But there’s a very nice bathroom with a waterfall shower so, if you want to freshen up before we go out later, I can postpone dinner.”
“We’re eating dinner in the hotel room, but still going out after?” You turned to him with an intrigued look. “What do you have planned?”
“It’s a secret.”
The suite was huge - which, to be fair, is what you should expect from a suite. When you walked in, you were met with the king-sized bed, its headboard against the wall. To the left of it were the windows and balcony, and if it hadn’t been for the cold, you would’ve stepped out on it immediately. To the right of the bed, the floor dipped down one step. There stood what seemed to be a jacuzzi. It was covered with a gray sheet, but the nozzle was still visible. On the other side of the jacuzzi was another small step up and a door - which you assumed was the bathroom.
“Where do you want your things?” Jihoon asked after putting his bag next to the bed.
“I’ll take it to the bathroom,” you hummed. 
Jihoon gave you a small nod and a smile before handing you your bag. You carried your bag across the room to the bathroom. Once the door closed, Jihoon’s smile faded. He hated that he had to figure all of this out through Soonyoung. The history between you and your ex, the meaning of Valentine’s Day for you, and even what you wanted. It felt like he didn’t know you at all, even if you had been friends before you started seeing each other romantically. A big clump of sorrow had grown in his throat ever since he talked to Soonyoung about you earlier that day.
He was in his studio, working like any other day of the week. You had told him that you’d rather not do Valentine’s Day. That it wasn’t your thing, and Jihoon had taken that at face value and respected it. He thought it was what he was supposed to do as your boyfriend. If it weren’t for the city's decorations, he would have completely forgotten the holiday. In fact, he had forgotten that it was the fourteenth already. It was only when Soonyoung burst in with a cute bouquet that he remembered what day it was. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” Soonyoung had shouted jokingly as he handed him the bouquet.
There was a small pink note attached to it. It said “Be Mine?” in curvy red letters. Jihoon scoffed at the gifts but still put them somewhere he wouldn’t forget them. The flowers had a small plastic bag with a wet paper towel wrapped around their ends, so they could make it another few hours before he put them in a vase.
“Where did you even find a floral shop right now? It’s only eight in the morning.”
“I have my ways.” Soonyoung shrugged. “What do you have planned for tonight?”
“Nothing,” Jihoon said nonchalantly.
The sudden silence from his usually loud friend made Jihoon push off one of the ear cushions of his headphones and turn to him.
“What?” he asked.
“You’re not doing anything for Valentine’s Day?” Soonyoung was unusually serious.
“Y/N said that she’d rather not do anything,” he answered. “Am I not supposed to respect that?”
“Did you ask her why?”
“I just assumed she didn’t like this kind of stuff. She doesn’t like those cheesy things.” Jihoon tried to brush off the sudden feeling of stress that he had done something wrong, but Soonyoung’s sad face only made him worry more.
“Maybe not, but you didn’t plan anything at all?”
Soonyoung sighed, before going to make himself comfortable on Jihoon’s couch. Jihoon followed his friend’s every movement, suddenly feeling like it was hard to breathe. Had he really done something wrong by just respecting your wishes?
“I’m going to assume you don’t know anything,” he said.
“Know what?” Jihoon started getting frustrated.
“Okay, well… do you remember that guy Y/N was with a few years back?”
“You don’t have to remind me…” Jihoon sighed and leaned his head back. “Yes. I know what happened between them and that she hasn’t seen him since.”
“Yeah, but you don’t know about Valentine’s,” Soonyoung explained, “She broke up with him the day after- I don’t know all the details, but they fought about what to do on Valentine’s. She was trying to keep the relationship together, and he just snapped - said he didn’t like the fourteenth and basically made her feel like a burden for trying to patch things together.”
Jihoon put his face in his hands, trying to navigate how to handle this new information. How could he have known? Maybe he should have asked, but he didn’t want to intrude on her privacy… Everybody told him that communication is key, but nobody warned him that it would be this difficult.
“Y/N loves Valentine’s Day, as long as it’s not some cheesy thing- she didn’t lie to you about that,” Soonyoung said, “She’s just scared that if she put pressure on you about it, you’d blow up on her.”
“Why would she think that?”
“Because everyone’s not always rational.” Soonyoung stood back up and walked over to him. “Like you right now, you’re probably worrying about her not feeling safe around you. She does. She just has her problems to deal with. Instead of worrying, you should do something.”
“What? Like dinner and a movie?”
“No-” Soonyoung cleared his throat. “No. That’s what she wanted to do with her ex. Find something else.”
“What do people do on Valentine’s?” Jihoon’s eyebrows furrowed as he tried to find the answer to his question in some corner of his mind. 
“Wine tasting.”
“Wine tasting?”
“She’s always wanted to go, and I know a place- and the owner…” He paused and quickly added, “Well… Mingyu knows the owner, but you get my point.”
“And you think Y/N wants that?”
“Definitely. Go find Mingyu and ask him to help you out.”
“I will, thank you.” Jihoon stood up and walked over to the door but turned to face his friend again. “When did you start acting wise?”
“I’m a man of many mysteries.” Soonyoung joked. “You can thank me by letting me borrow your studio.”
“... fine.”
“Yes!” He quickly got up his phone and started tapping. “If you see me go live, no, you don’t.”
Not even wanting to think about what that meant, Jihoon left the studio with a huff.
The sound of the water turning on in the shower brought Jihoon out of his thoughts. You seemed happy, albeit nervous, so he shouldn’t have anything to worry about… but he couldn’t help worrying about you and your feelings. He would do anything to make you forget about your past connotations with today. Jihoon got out his phone and looked at his messages. “Do you know that Soonyoung’s in your studio right now?” sent in different variations from many different people… he would have to worry about this later. Tonight was supposed to be all about you, so he turned off his phone and put it back in his pocket.
You were blissfully unaware of Jihoon’s troubles as you stood in the stream of the waterfall shower. The warm water created a comforting barrier around your body. The steam from it created a mist that seemed to silence all sounds except the water hitting the floor.  You could close your eyes and forget everything around you for a moment. Letting the water run over your head yet another time before turning the nozzle off, you let yourself have a moment of pure silence. Without the water running down your body, the cold air started tickling your skin. You reached outside the shower and grabbed your towel, drying yourself off before wrapping it around you. 
The bathroom of the suite was as luxurious as the rest of it. There was a window, currently fogged up from the steam, facing another part of the city than the windows in the bedroom. The toilet seemed to have different settings, given the many buttons you didn’t dare touch, and the sink had a wide marble top. In a box on the sink, there were a plethora of travel-sized sample products - and you looked through their assortment before doing your skincare. You could hear Jihoon talking on the other side of the door, probably ordering the two of you room service, but his voice was too muffled for you to hear what he was saying. You wondered just how much Soonyoung had told Jihoon for him to act this way. Jihoon wasn’t neglectful. However, he didn’t always know how to express how he felt through acts of service or coming up with cute dates. The two of you spent most of your time together the way you had when you were just friends, with some changes of course. Your most precious memories with Jihoon were from the simple times; watching movies together, going out to get coffee, or laying in bed together during the morning when neither of you could get up. He knew he didn’t have to do something like this, you had told him yourself, but he decided to do it anyway. You smiled to yourself as you put on the fluffy hotel bathrobe. 
When you got out of the bathroom, you looked to your left to see an entire area of the room that you seemed to have missed. Your want for a luxurious shower was bigger than your want to explore the room, it seemed. The unknown area of the hotel room had a couch with a TV in front of it and a lonely armchair standing in the corner. There was a small bar with a minifridge, and on the coffee table stood a pink, heart-shaped box and a bouquet of red roses in a vase. Beside the coffee table stood a very flustered Jihoon, looking puzzled at the sight of the box and flowers.
“Are those for us?” You asked, making Jihoon look at you.
He paused for a moment at the sight, forgetting the box of chocolates on the table, his jaw first going slack before he started smiling. Clearing his throat, he looked back at the coffee table and picked up a note to show you.
“It looks that way,” he said.
You took the note from him; “Enjoy the evening! Happy Valentine’s Day, from the staff of Prestige View,” it said in bold golden letters. You turned it around in your hand, but there was nothing else on the back. 
“I told them it was a Valentine’s getaway. I didn’t think they’d do something like this so last minute,” Jihoon said and took another look at you. “Did you enjoy the shower?”
“It was the most wonderful shower I’ve had in a while.” You put down the card and approached him with your arms open. “Thank you for doing this. It’s very sweet.”
“You don’t have to thank me… I wanted to do this,” he assured you as he wrapped his arms around you. 
Jihoon nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, and you could feel his cool breaths against your warm skin. You squeezed him tighter as he whispered how beautiful you looked. It was barely audible, and you silently acknowledged it by pressing a kiss to the side of his head. He pulled away from you with a small smile, his eyes sparkling with adoration. Your moment was ruined by a knock at your door and a voice shouting, “Room service!”. 
“I’ll get that; make yourself comfortable.” Jihoon left your side.
You sat down on the plush cushions of the couch, practically sinking into the fabric - almost like floating on a cloud. Just as you put a blanket over your legs, Jihoon comes back with a big tray. You let out a delighted gasp as he put it down on the coffee table. 
“You still like sushi, right?” Jihoon joked as he went to grab two bottles of water from the mini-fridge.
“Yes.” You looked over the large tray and the many different kinds of sushi bites.
Quickly, you patted the space beside you for him to sit down. Jihoon put the bottles on the table and sat down. You captured his face with your hands and brought your lips to his cheek for a thank-you kiss. The sudden act of affection had the man beside you stumped - barely moving while you reached for the tray with your chopsticks.
“You’re being ridiculous,” he chortled with a reddened face.
“No, am not- dish ish amashing,” you said with your hand over your mouth to hide the piece of sushi you were still chewing.
You looked over at Jihoon, who had still not touched the food. He was still stuck looking at you as if he was trying to memorize every detail of how you looked at this moment. With one hand, he reached over to your head and ruffled your hair despite your grunts of protest coming from you.
“Eat well,” he said and started eating himself.
Once the food was finished, at least as much as you could muster, and after a food coma nap on the couch, the two of you started getting ready for the mysterious evening. Whatever he had planned, Jihoon wasn’t telling you. All you knew was that he wanted you to wear the dress he had gotten you, so while Jihoon was in the shower, you picked up the bag and looked at the garments inside. It was a silky dress and lingerie with a matching color. The thought of your boyfriend knowing exactly what you were wearing under your dress throughout the rest of the evening felt exciting in some strange way.
Your fingers grazed the green fabric of the dress - you were almost too afraid to put it on. It looked expensive. A part of you wondered how he had gotten it so fast. Had he gotten someone else to get it for him? Had he gone into stores himself? Picturing it in your head almost made you start laughing. You could see him furrowing his brows at the sizes and different shapes. Mustering up the courage to put it on, you sadly find out that the underwear doesn’t fit very comfortably. And although you want to wear it for him, it would just not work. So you put on the undergarments that you had brought with you - which were not as luxurious as the ones he had bought, but they were still pretty. You had packed it at the last minute, just in case you needed it.  More importantly, the dress fit you perfectly to the point that you questioned how he could pick it out.
When Jihoon got out of the bathroom, he was already dressed. His hair was still slightly damp, it was slicked back to the best of his abilities, but a few strands of hair still fell over his face. His all-black suit made you think of one of those dramas where the main female character gets together with a demon. 
“You look beautiful,” he said, but his eyes drifted over to the bed where the lingerie he bought was still lying. “Are you…”
“It didn’t fit,” you answered quickly. “I put on something that I brought. I hope that’s okay.”
“Of course, it’s okay.” He walked over to the bed to return the garments  in their bag. “I’ll just get you a better size next time.”
“Next time?” You raised your eyebrows in surprise.
“Sure, why not?” He put the bag down on the floor and turned back to you. “I liked getting you these…”
“Well, I won’t stop you.” You walked up next to him and held onto his arm. “You look very handsome, by the way.”
Jihoon put his hand on top of yours, still holding onto his forearm, and gently squeezed it as a silent thank you. A soft squeeze of your hand was his usual way of communicating things to you that he didn’t know how to express verbally. The casual compliment proved too much for him; he avoided eye contact, and you could see his ears turning red. You would never think that this man could get so flustered the first time you talked to him. He was quiet then too, but he was calm and collected. Maybe it was a front, and maybe he was good at hiding these things from strangers - either way, you were happy that he felt a little more comfortable now.
The two of you made your way to the hotel restaurant, and you were looking for something that could tell you what you were in for. Dark hallways and furniture, lit up by elegant chandeliers in the ceiling and sleek lights on the walls, made the hotel seem endless. You and Jihoon walked in comfortable silence, mostly because you were trying to focus on finding signs. There were other people around you dressed in visibly expensive clothes, so you knew that it wasn’t a private event. However, you had no idea what kind of thing Jihoon could come up with. 
At the entrance to the restaurant, you were greeted by a tall man with a slim mustache. He was dressed in the colors of the hotel and had a small name tag. You neither had the time nor energy to read what it said, as it was written in complicated cursive, and the man quickly opened the door for you after Jihoon said his name. In the restaurant, there were round tables placed in a half-circle. By each table stood two chairs, and the man by the door brought you to one by a large floor-to-ceiling window. Out the window, you could see the entire city. It wasn’t very late, so most of the windows in the buildings surrounding you were lit. The man pulled the chair out for you, and you sat down.
“Thank you,” you said, and the man walked away.
A tall candle, a small plate and knife, and a myriad of wine glasses were on the table. In front of you was a small card, and on the front of it said “Menu” in the same kind of cursive as on the man’s ineffective name tag.
“Are we eating more?” you asked with a worried glance at Jihoon.
“Open it,” he answered simply.
You opened the card and read a list of French and Italian names, most of which you couldn’t pronounce. 
“Wine?” You looked back up at Jihoon with big eyes. “Is this a wine-tasting event?”
“Do you like it?”
“Are you kidding? I love it,” you said with a big smile. “Thank you, honey.”
Jihoon didn’t have time to respond as another man, dressed similarly to the man by the door, stood in the middle of the half-circle and began speaking. The murmur of the people in the room died down as everyone turned their attention to the man.
“Welcome to our Valentine’s wine-tasting event,” he said with a clear and loud voice, “I will be presenting the wines for you all tonight, along with the assortment of refreshments that go along with them. To start the night, our servers are currently providing you with an extra dry Prosecco.”
A server approached your table and poured the sparkling wine into your glasses as if on cue. The murmur started up again as everyone began talking about the wine. You thanked the waiter, and he walked away. 
“This 2022 sparkling wine, made of the Glera grape, has hints of apple and honey,” the wine presenter said. “This is produced in the province of Trieste, Italy…”
The man kept talking, but you started to tune him out when he started saying words you didn’t recognize. You carefully sniffed the wine before taking a sip of it.
“Good?” Jihoon asked.
“Very good.” You put your glass down and opened the booklet of wines. “I don’t know how much I should drink of it… how many glasses are on the menu?”
“Six,” he answered. “Including the Prosecco.”
You looked at the list; Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, Merlot, Nebbiolo, and Vin Santo… yeah, you’d be drunk by the end. The glasses weren’t extremely big, and they certainly didn’t fill the glass all the way, but there was no way you’d walk out of here just barely tipsy if you drank everything. 
“Drink as much as you want, okay?” Jihoon brought you out of your spiraling thoughts. “I’ll take care of you- even if I have to carry you out of here.”
You chuckled at his joke and comfortably brought the glass of Prosecco to your lips again. Jihoon was still looking at you when you put your glass down. He had a certain look in his eye that you had only really seen a couple of times before. Mischief mixed with something sentimental - playful and romantic.
“What?” You asked.
“All of this…” He motioned to your surroundings. “It suits you… it’s sexy.”
“Sexy?” You raised your brows as you raised your glass to your lips again. “Good to know.”
Jihoon looked away from you, one of his hands coming up to hide his reddened face. He let out a huff and straightened his back.
“I just mean that-”
“No, I heard you,” you teased.
Before Jihoon could get another word in, the servers came out with the next wine; Pinot Grigio, paired with small crackers with goat cheese and apricot jam. The presenter began speaking about the wine again, but your head was already buzzing, and you were far too distracted to listen to him. One of your feet was running up the inside of Jihoon’s calf. Your hand was resting on the table between you, and Jihoon quickly put his hand on top of yours. 
“What are you up to?” He asked with a strained smile.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing.” You picked up the second glass of wine as you brought your foot up higher.
You brought the wine to your lips, letting out a delighted hum before putting the glass down again. Jihoon squeezed your hand as your foot was now brushing against the inside of his thigh. Instead of backing down, you let go of Jihoon’s hand and picked up one of the crackers. A little bit of jam got on your finger as you put the appetizer in your mouth. You locked eyes with him as you put the tip of your finger in your mouth.
“You’re insatiable,” he said.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You shrugged and grabbed your drink again.
Jihoon shook his head slowly, picking up his glass. However, just as he started to enjoy teasing, you brought your foot back down. He gave you a confused look, trying to figure out your motive.
“Did you like the wine?” You asked, ignoring the tension growing between you.
After each glass, the soft buzzing feeling in your head grew more prominent. You got giggly and touchy - you couldn’t seem to let go of Jihoon’s hand across the table. The restaurant offered you bread and other refreshments along with your drinks and played romantic ballads over the speakers. It wasn’t like anything you had done with Jihoon before, but it was just perfect for tonight. Your teasing under the table had stopped, although you sometimes nudged your foot next to his, but the tension it had left between you didn’t break. At this point, you weren’t listening to the wine presenter nor taking his advice on how you should drink the wine. Maybe some of the wine-tasting experience was gone because of it, but you were more than content with the night still. When they brought out the Vin Santo, they also came out with a dessert; a tiramisu shaped into a heart and two spoons. Jihoon quickly picked up one of the spoons and let it sink into the dessert. The spoon dipped into the creamy dessert, ruining the layer of cacao powder laying on top. Picking the spoon back up with a perfectly bite-sized piece on it, he held it up to your mouth. 
“Are you feeding me?” You asked with a giggle.
“I want you to have the first bite.” He smiled and urged the spoon toward you again.
You opened your mouth and as you closed it around the spoon, you were hit with an explosion of flavor - the strong espresso, the bitter cacao, and the sweet lady-fingers and cream. The two of you laughed, for no real reason, as Jihoon pulled back the spoon. 
“This has been so nice,” you said and motioned to the last glass on the table. “But I won’t be able to finish this drink…”
“That’s alright,” he hummed. “Do you want to… go back to our room?”
“Yes, please.”
After, not so carefully, sneaking out of the restaurant while the wine presenter was talking, you walked through the long hallways towards your room. Jihoon's hand was at first only placed on your lower back, but eventually snuck around your waist to keep the both of you upright. The two of you had been drinking a lot, but the long walk helped sober you up just a little. You'd definitely get a headache in the morning, but it wasn't something you couldn't handle. As the two of you finally got to your hallway, you were ready to throw yourself in bed - but Jihoon apparently had other plans.
“I still have another surprise for you, you know.” He held your waist firmer, keeping you close to his side. “They should’ve set it up for us in the room by now.”
You excitedly giggled as you watched Jihoon fumble with the keycard before unlocking the door. As soon as he opened it, the smell of roses hit your nose. By your feet laid a trail of red rose petals, which was leading you into the room. You followed the trail with careful steps and looked up as they came to a stop. The jacuzzi was now turned on and bubbling. In the water, even more rose petals were floating. Jihoon came up behind you and wrapped his strong arms around your waist.
“Is it okay?” He whispered next to your ear.
“It’s perfect,” you answered softly and with a warm smile. “If this is last minute, I can’t even imagine what you could do with time on your hands.”
“You could find out,” he suggested and pressed a kiss to the area where your neck meets your shoulder.
Jihoon’s words, although softly spoken and barely over a whisper, sent a shiver down your spine. His hands played with the fabric of your dress, and you leaned back against his chest to fully welcome his embrace. The soft kisses he was placing on your shoulder and neck didn’t stop, and you leaned your head to the side to allow him more access.
“I’d love to keep this going,” you whispered. “But I don’t want to waste all this.”
Your boyfriend sighed and let you go, the absence of his arms leaving a chilly imprint around your waist. You went to take off your shoes. After putting your feet on the floor, you looked up to see Jihoon taking out his button-up from his pants to unbutton it. You watched in anticipation as he shrugged off the shirt, watching the muscles in his back move as he did. He threw his shirt on a chair before unbuckling his belt, all while being unaware of you ogling at him. When his pants had been unbuttoned, he finally looked back at you - at your fully dressed form.
“Are you going to make me get in alone?” He asked.
“I…” You paused to find an excuse. “Well, since I didn't have time to get you a Valentine's Day present, I thought you could unwrap me instead.”
"Ah, so that's the only reason you were just standing there looking at me?" Jihoon teased.
"Definitely." You nodded, content with your answer.
Jihoon motioned for you to come over to him, which you quickly did. You had no trouble unzipping yourself from this dress but getting a little help never hurt. His hands made work of your zipper, slowly dragging it down your back. The soft touch of his fingers tracing the edges of your lingerie had your head buzzing more than the amount of wine you had been drinking. 
���Thank you,” you murmured and let the straps slide off your shoulders.
It always felt a little nerve-wracking to get undressed in front of him - being vulnerable with him like this was still somewhat new to you. Nevertheless, the feeling of him embracing you again comforted you. 
“You look beautiful,” he said. "I thought it'd be fun to buy lingerie for you, but letting it be a surprise might be better..."
You got out of his grip and turned to him, putting a hand on his chest to prevent him from wrapping his arms around you again. Jihoon was grinning like a love-sick fool - an expression that you hadn’t seen much of before, but that you could definitely get used to.
“Stop fooling around,” you said. “We haven’t even gotten in the hot tub yet…”
"Then let me finish unwrapping my present," he argued with a flirtatious tone.
You let your hand fall to your side, allowing Jihoon to approach you again. His hands went behind your back, playing with the edge of your lingerie again before unhooking the bra. He took his hands back from behind you and gently, almost innocently, pulled the straps of your bra down. The garment fell to the floor with a soft thud. Jihoon brushed your hair to the side, pressing a few kisses on your neck before trailing them down your clavicle; down between the valley of your breast, over your stomach. When he was down on his knees, he looked back up you - silently asking for permission as he played with the hem of your panties. You nodded, and Jihoon pressed a kiss to your hipbone before pulling them down.
After getting fully undressed, and after Jihoon grabbed the box of chocolates and two bottles of water, you sat down in the jacuzzi. With one hand, he opened up the box and put the lid on the floor. He picked up a random piece and put it in his mouth, making a weird grimace.
“Not good?” You asked.
“No.” He shook his head. “Could you hand me the water?”
You picked up one of the bottles for him, unscrewing the top and handing it to him before you grabbed the second bottle for yourself. Drinking the cold water contrasted nicely with the hot bath. While it didn’t help you to sober up completely, it helped you clear your head a little.
“Sad to let them go to waste…” you said as you put the cap back on your bottle, and he hummed in agreement. 
“I’ll take them with me, maybe someone else likes them.” He put down the water bottle and offered to put yours down as well, which you gladly accepted.
Jihoon let out a sigh and leaned his head back, while you moved over to sit beside him. One of your hands caressed his chest and landed on his shoulder, while your head rested on his other shoulder. Jihoon wrapped one of his arms around your frame, trying to pull you impossibly close.
“Tonight was perfect,” you confessed.
“You’re talking like the night’s over.” He turned his head to look at you.
“It’s not over?”
“It doesn’t have to be.” Jihoon cupped your face in his palm, bringing your face closer to his. 
The two of you looked into each others’ eyes before he suddenly broke out into an embarrassed fit of giggles. His forehead leaned against yours.
“Sorry… that was cheesy, wasn’t it?” His thumb was caressing your cheekbone, slowly going back and forth over the soft skin.
“It was sweet,” you assured him. “But a little bit cheesy, yes.”
He let out another short laugh and turned away from you, suddenly very shy. Your hand left his shoulder to turn his face back to you. The way that he looked at you drowned out all sound, even the sound of the hot tub jets, and for a moment you let yourself be engulfed by bliss. It wasn’t how you had imagined spending Valentine’s Day - it was better than you could have imagined. You wrapped your arms around Jihoon’s neck and brought him closer for a kiss. At first, it was gentle, practically just a peck, but then you grew hungry. In a sudden need for more, you pressed your lips against his again. Your lips danced for dominance, all the while Jihoon gripped your hips to maneuver you to straddle his lap. Everything was spinning, you found yourself completely lost in his kiss - only for Jihoon to break it, the feeling of him smiling against your lips making you smile as well.
“What?” you asked, out of breath.
“Nothing,” he said. “Just you.”
You rolled your eyes at his comment, but couldn’t help your smile growing wider. Jihoon pressed another kiss to the corner of your lips, then on your jaw, down your neck, and on your clavicle. Exploring every inch of you that he could reach, Jihoon pulled you in closer. The action made you come closer to his already hardened cock. Testing out the waters, you started slowly grinding against him. Between lingering kisses against your skin, Jihoon let out soft groans and whimpers - it wasn’t even in his head to tell you to stop. Your fingers raked through his hair, silently urging him to keep going.
“Jihoon.” You let out a shaky breath. “Baby…”
“What?” He pulled away and looked up at you, pupils blown out to double their normal size and hair messy by your doing. “Is something wrong?”
“Yes,” you whimpered. “I need you.”
“In here?” He looked amused at your sudden desire. “Right now?”
“I don’t care-”
In a split second, Jihoon manhandled you to sit with your back against his chest. Water splashed around the tub, possibly spilling off the edge as laughter spilled from your lips. One of Jihoon’s arms was wrapped around your waist, while his other hand was spreading your thighs apart. His lips were back on your neck again - his kisses and his fingers drawing patterns on the inside of your thigh were making you dizzy.
“Is this okay?” He asked.
At this point, you were aching - the simple touch of his hand where you needed him most had you falling apart. While his middle- and ring finger circled your clit, his other hand ran across your body. Jihoon was everywhere, there was no way you could escape him - so you let yourself be engulfed by all of him, slowly sinking into your body. Your mouth hung open, and your moans and whines were impossible to hide. His hot breath fanned against your neck, teeth grazing against the delicate skin before his soothing tongue made contact with it. His other hand reached your chest, fingers circling your nipple. Suddenly, in desperate need to ground yourself, you grabbed his hand. Your breath hitched in your throat as his fingers plunged inside you, his palm still grazing against your clit. The grip you had on his hand tightened, and you could feel him smiling against your neck. Jihoon’s hand moved expertly as if he already knew every crevice of your body - and where his touch would drive you mad. Your hips stuttered against his hand.
“There you go,” he murmured in your ear. “Fall apart on my fingers, baby, you can let go.”
The feeling of him lightly biting down on your earlobe, and the persistent thrusting of his fingers, made something snap in your lower stomach. A wave of pleasure washed over you, your body moving on its own against his hand. You could hear water splashing on the floor, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care about it at that moment. Jihoon left his hand in between your legs, letting you ride out your high against it. His other hand lovingly held onto yours still, not even planning on letting go unless you did so first.
“Are you alright, darling?” His velvety voice brought you back to the real world.
As soon as you tried to move, Jihoon helped you to move your legs to sit across his lap. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you finally found your voice.
“I’m more than alright,” you answered.
One of Jihoon’s hands rested on your back, while the other held your legs. In his arms, you were safe - you had a feeling you always would be. You snuggled your face into the crook of his neck and closed your eyes. However, the feeling of something hard pressing against your thigh had your mind drift off to other things.
He hummed in response.
“Could you help me get to bed?”
“Tired already?”
“Not a chance.”
The two of you managed to get out of the hot tub and dry off quickly - not caring about being completely dry before moving over to the bed. Plush pillows and covers welcomed you as you practically jump into them. You held out your arms to Jihoon, and he quickly came to your embrace. Leaning over you, his hair fell in front of his face - but he didn’t seem to mind. Instead of brushing it to the side, he leaned down and placed a kiss on your lips. Clearly, he had a more important objective, and so it was up to you to brush his hair away from his face. You held it back, intertwining your fingers in his locks, and he let out a delighted sigh as your nails gently scratched against his scalp.
“Let me take care of you too,” you suggested as you broke the kiss.
For a moment, Jihoon considered it. He couldn’t deny that he loved having your lips wrapped around his cock, or even just your hand, but he couldn’t forget why he was here in the first place. 
“Tonight’s about you,” he reminded you. “Just relax and let me take care of the rest.”
You couldn’t exactly say no to that kind of proposition. One of Jihoon’s hands traveled down your body again, separating your legs for a second time tonight. You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him closer. The soft and slow was nice, but now you were getting antsy. A smile flashed across Jihoon’s face, which he tried to hide by biting down on his bottom lip. Showing him your unabashed want for him was something he’d never get used to. As he lined himself up with your core, you moved your hands to grip onto his shoulders. The stretch of him entering still managed to feel like the first time you had been with him like this. As he bottomed out, you let out a guttural moan - still sensitive from your earlier orgasm.
“Fuck, you feel amazing…” Jihoon rested his head in the crook of your neck.
Having struggled through the entire night, trying not to take you on the couch earlier or even on top of the restaurant table, this alone was almost too much. The sting from your nails digging into his back cleared up his fogged-up head slightly, and he started moving. Jihoon’s movements were slow, agonizingly so, but if he moved any faster he was afraid he might cum on the spot. This entire night had been a tease for him, and now that he finally got what he wanted he didn’t know how to act. Jihoon lifted his head and looked at your face. Your eyebrows were furrowed, your eyes shut tight, and your bottom lip slipped between your teeth. Brushing his thumb against your cheek, and cupping your face in his palm, your eyes fluttered open to look at him.
“Please, Jihoon,” you whimpered. “Just a little faster?”
How could he say no to you? His hips picked up their pace, while his head was back in the crook of your neck. You let out a surprised moan as his teeth dug into your skin, as he tried to contain himself. How could you look more beautiful every time he laid his eyes upon you? Jihoon swore that you’d kill him someday if it continued like this. He leaned back up on his arm. The hand that wasn’t holding him up went to grab your thigh, pulling one of your legs up to rest on his shoulder. A string of swears flooded out of his mouth, and he switched positions so that he was sitting up. Your hips were pulled up on his thighs, your back arched up from the bed, and your jaw went slack as Jihoon’s hips pistoned into you - hitting a spot inside you each time that made you see stars. Your hands went to grab something, anything and landed on the sheets. The white fluffy sheets creased under the pressure of your grip. You couldn’t hold it in anymore - between managing to hit your g-spot with each thrust and your previous orgasm, you were getting all too close to the edge.
“Oh- shit,” you moaned. “I’m gonna cum-”
“Cum for me, baby,” he groaned in response.
Your body twitched as you let go, cumming a second time this night. Jihoon, filled with a sudden determination, didn’t stop. He switched positions to lean over you again. The more intimate position allowed you to grab onto him again. Even when you had come down from your orgasm, he didn’t stop - and you weren’t about to tell him to to do so.
“Give me another one,” he practically begged.
“I can’t-”
“Yes you can, darling,” he growled. “Just let go of everything, just focus on me.”
Your legs were around his hips again, and your arms wrapped around his neck. Jihoon leaned his forehead against yours, his eyes staring into your soul. One of his hands slipped between your bodies, messily rubbing your swollen clit. You felt like you were about to explode, spasming at his movements.
“Fuck- I love you,” he groaned, “Cum for me again, darling- cum with me…”
At his command, your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you came for a third time. Jihoon followed shortly after, pulling out to cum on your stomach. He threw his head back as he pumped his cock with his fist. Your limbs were unmovable, falling to the bed with a thump. His words rang in your ears. “I love you”. Was it a slip-up? Something that just happened in the heat of the moment? Or did he mean it? You didn’t have much time to think about it. Jihoon placed a kiss on your forehead, mumbling something about getting you cleaned up, before he got off the bed and went over to the bathroom. 
Jihoon came back with the forgotten water bottles from before and a warm, wet towel - cleaning you up with a gentle touch, making sure that he wasn’t too rough with your aching body. When he was done, helped you under the covers before he got in himself. The water bottles were standing on the bedside table, waiting for you tomorrow morning when you’d need them most. You lay on your side, and Jihoon curled up next to you - his arms wrapped around your frame. The words he had spoken never left your thoughts. Jihoon, unaware of your spiraling thoughts, cuddled closer to you, but your stiff body caught him off guard.
“Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?” He asked quickly.
“No- no… I’m fine,” you said. “It’s just… did you mean that?”
“What did I say?” Jihoon’s eyes widened.
“When you-… before-… you said ‘I love you’,” you mumbled.
With his body lying so close to you, you could hear his breath hitch. A moment of silence passed between the two of you. Jihoon’s fingers were nervously drumming against your back, you could almost hear the gears in his brain turning to think of something to say. He stirred around the bed, moving to look at you. There was no regret in his eyes, only worry.
“I’m sorry-”
“I love you too.”
Jihoon let out a short breath, which turned into a relieved laugh. The sound of his laugh made you relax, melting into his embrace again. You were struck with a sudden wave of embarrassment, hiding your face in his chest. He put his chin on the top of your head, wrapping his arms tighter around you.
“I didn’t mean to let it slip out like that,” he murmured. “I mean- I was planning on telling you, just not… like that.”
“I know,” you said and adjusted yourself to look back at him again. 
Jihoon’s body relaxed under your hands, his muscles releasing any sign of tension. There was a little voice in your head, anxiously asking “What now?”, but you decided to ignore it for now. At this point, you had no reason to worry. You had an entire future ahead of you, and you got to spend it with the man lying next to you. It was more than you could ask for. Suddenly, Jihoon got a weird look on his face - as if he had just remembered something important that he had forgotten to do. 
“Shit… did I forget to ask you to be my Valentine?” he asked.
You thought back to the day, trying to remember if he had ever carried out the silly tradition, and couldn’t recall that he had asked you.
“I think so,” you hummed. “You have to hurry, the day’s almost over.”
There wasn’t a clock nearby that you could check, it might have already been the fifteenth, but you couldn’t find it in you to care. Jihoon cleared his throat ceremoniously and tried his best not to burst out laughing again.
“Will you be my Valentine, Y/N?”
“I’ll always be your Valentine, Jihoon,” you answered.
Quiet laughs echoed through the big room, as the two of you lay in bed talking until you fell asleep.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ . ⁺   ✦ B O N U S ✦ ⁺ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ . ⁺  
Jihoon hadn't even noticed that Soonyoung had approached him, or that he was even in the building, and jumped a little as the man came up beside him.
"So what?" Jihoon kept walking towards the elevator.
"How was the date?"
"Just good?"
The two of them stood in silence, both of them waiting for the elevator to reach their floor. Jihoon adjusted his sunglasses and hoodie, trying to not avoid the bright lights as much as possible. He had wanted to stay at the hotel with you, to spend a quiet morning in bed together was all he wanted. However, when he's suddenly called into an important meeting he can't just ignore it - no matter how much he wanted to. Jihoon let out a quiet sigh. You were probably still in bed right now. He had paid the hotel to make sure you could take as long as you wanted to get up, all you had to do was leave the keycard in the reception before you left. As Soonyoung started whistling, Jihoon seriously started to regret not giving into your pleading to stay in bed with you. He'd kill to get to still be under those covers - he'd even let you press your cold feet against his warm body if it meant that Soonyoung would just stop whistling.
"Would you stop that?" He hissed.
"Damn... you woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Soonyoung huffed. "Poor Y/N... she probably can't even walk, right?"
"Because of the hangover," he explained. "If you're like this, I can only imagine what it's like for her. How much did you drink last night?"
Jihoon stayed quiet.
"Wait, what did you think I meant?" Soonyoung asked with a knowing smile.
"Shut up," Jihoon groaned.
"I'm just joking, come on!" He poked Jihoon's arm. "Did you bring me back a souvenir?"
Jihoon, struck with a sudden wave of evil genius, reached into his bag and took out the weird-tasting chocolates. He handed them to Soonyoung, who giddily accepted them.
"Chocolates? For me? Gosh, you're such a romantic!"
Finally, the doors to the elevator opened with a pleasant ding. The two idols walked in, still completely silent. Seokmin came running down the hall, holding his hand out and shouting at them to hold the elevator. Jihoon held his hand out before the doors could close, and the younger man managed to get in just in time.
"Thank you," he said breathlessly.
The elevator started going up, while the three of them stood in silence. However, Seokmin quickly took note of the big pink box Soonyoung was holding.
"Who gave you chocolates? Isn't it a little late."
"Jihoon got them for me," Soonyoung bragged.
"Is that true?" Seokmin looked over at Jihoon who nodded. "Wow, I almost thought you'd bite his head off after Soonyoung's live yesterday... I mean I know it was Carat Day, but I didn't expect you to do that in..."
Soonyoung tried to shush the younger man, but it was already too late. Jihoon sighed, and turned his head to the elevator doors again. Maybe turning off his phone for the night wasn't the best idea, even if it was worth it to spend a quiet evening with you.
"Soonyoung," Jihoon said with a stern voice. "What did you do in my studio?"
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prettyboykatsuki · 9 months
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✾ tags ; afab + gn!reader, aged-up characters, virginity loss/first times, established relationship, mutual virginity loss, nipple play, fingering, oral (f!recieving), creampies (reader is using a contraceptive), reader is mentioned to be an orphan / run away , 18+
✾ wc ; 6.1k (went to edit and went 700 words over the wc. pain)
✾ a/n ; i'm losing my mind btw. razor my only triple crowned character my most greatly beloved my angel my sweet. also i added the aged up tag mostly bc its the genshin fandom but. if u dont like that dont read. ez peazy.
also trust and believe the voice im picturing in this is his jpn dub. this is important
✾ synopsis ; you resolve yourself after many long years of abstinence, you're going to ask razor about sex the minute he comes home.
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Razor is human. 
On a technical level, this information isn’t news to you. He looks human. His physical makeup is human. He needs to eat and sleep like humans do. Focusing on the technicals alone, Razor is very, very human.
It doesn’t change that he was raised by wolves, though. And you don’t want it too. You think it’d be a shame if he started to assimilate too much into human society just because he felt like he had too. You know how he feels about it. And that Boreas is the closest he’s ever had to a father figure, thus making his claim about Razor's humanity a rather devastating blow. He feels inhuman all while knowing he is. You think once upon a time, he really did wish to be a wolf. 
You’ve known Razor since you were a teenager. You’d ended up in Wolvendom after your exploration of Teyvat led you to its outskirts. You’d bonded over your similarities. Two orphans with no real place where they fit in completely and complete odd-ball personalities - Razor was an easy friend for you to make. Even when you eventually decided to settle into Mondstat - you’d made a point to visit Razor regularly and spend time with him in the forest. 
You made an odd pair of course, but you didn’t mind. If no one else understood you in the world - you know Razor always would. He’d listen patiently about all of your adventures and sit quietly as you decided to pester him by braiding his hair or teaching him new words. Loyal, obedient, sweet.
You never formally had the boyfriend conversation in the time you’d spent together. One day, however, Razor took you to meet Boreas out of the blue as well as the leader of his pack. You figured maybe it was something he did with his close friends. It only occurred to you that maybe this was a more serious meeting when Razor promptly gestured towards you and introduced you as his mate. 
Razor, predictably, was very confused about your minor freak out. You tried not to let it show during your little chit-chat, but afterwards you’d shaken him by the shoulders and interrogated him about his word choice. This of course didn’t register in his mind at all. According to Razor, you’d been his mate since long ago. He’d been courting you since the moment you met in the way wolves are known too. You’re an adventurer, well-versed in certain animal behaviors for the sake of survival, including wolves. 
And looking back on your interactions he was right,  Razor had been courting you from the start. The news made you flush, and you went back into Razors camp and thoroughly educated him on human courting rituals.
(“Why matter?” Razor asks, head laid in your lap while he looks up at you from inside the tent “Not important.” 
“Why would it not be important?” 
He turns towards you, head facing your stomach as one arm lazily wraps around your waist. He yawns sleepily, seemingly not worried about a thing. 
“You are mate. Mate last until death.” He explains, casually - like he’d always believed he’d spend every minute of his life with you. Like that was the only natural outcome for you both and that he’d never consider anything else. You want to explain, it’s different for humans. Humans don’t usually mate that way, you should say. But the words die out in your mouth as he clings closer to you “Sorry for..not asking.. properly. What are we…as humans?” 
You look down at where he lays, thumb brushing over his cheek. 
“Lovers or life partners. They’re closest to the word mate, in definition.” 
“Lovers easier,” He grumbles, eyebrows tightening at the complex words in your sentence “You want to be lovers with Razor?” 
You laugh. Light and bubbly and warm as you lean forward and try to mask the tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. 
“Yes. We’re lovers from now on. And mates. And lupical, right?” 
Razor sighs contentedly into your midriff.
“And lupical.”)
According to Razor, you had been mates from the minute you met. According to your human timeline, you have been dating since you were both around 17. It’s been a long time since then and nothing in your relationship has changed.
You’re an adult now and you work with the city of Mondstat studying wildlife populations. You live in the city in a cottage, and Razor lives with you - though he spends most of his day outside. He does the domestic labor while you whittle away at papers and projects. Because of your job, you still spend a fair bit of time together in the wild. He has plenty of insight about the wildlife in Wolvendom and is keen enough on changes to give significant contribution to your study. His work as your partner is unofficial, but everyone acknowledges that you come together in a set. Where you go, Razor follows.
You’re happy with your life. With your relationship to your wolf-boy boyfriend, with the career you’ve carved out of scratch and the life you’ve built. You left your orphanage young and spent a long time on the run. You’re incredibly thankful for all of what you have and you could never think of what more to ask for. 
This is especially true for you and Razor. You’ve never had any real major obstacles in your relationship. Part of this comes from the wolven habit of mating for life. Concepts like pride are foreign to Razor. He says sorry even when he doesn’t completely understand and he has no concept of betraying your loyalty. Most things you can teach, he learns very quickly. But there are also some things no one ever teaches you to navigate. Some boundaries you can’t be sure you’re allowed to cross. 
You’re a blossoming, healthy person in their twenties and so is Razor. He’s scarred and athletic in the outdoorsy way and he’s a little more rugged now that you’ve both grown. He’s hit a growth spurt and he’s taller than you and every time you see his arm flex carrying in an entire boar to butcher in your yard - you start getting so hot under the collar you feel like you’re going to explode. 
The problem is: you want to have sex and you want to have it badly. You want it so bad it’s starting to make you feel like you’re a deviant. Like you’re some kind of harlot masquerading as an archon-fearing civilian.
But it’s so hard to bring up and you don’t know how you’re ever going too. 
You’re very good at asking for what you want usually. It comes with the territory. And thanks to your boyfriend's cluelessness about human social convention, asking for things isn’t embarrassing. Concepts like shame are learned through a lifetime of socialization that he lacks and while you could sit and try to teach him - you don’t think he would care either way. He listens if you tell him he shouldn’t do something, but that’s because you’re his mate and his lupical. 
What other people think is none of his concern. He cares about his Lupical. So if Lisa or Bennet or Klee tell him something, he might take it into consideration. But they, like you, love the parts of Razor that make him how he is and his complete innocence in some ways is part of that. 
You know you could very well ask Razor for sex. You’ve spent a lot of time together and you’ve learned many things about him. It’s not like there’s nothing there at all. Like his every other trait, Razor normally relies on instinct to guide him. You’ve learned through kisses and dry-humping that he can get hard at least. You’ll probably never know the details of his arousal, and the only you’ll ever find out is by having sex with him. 
You don’t know what else he knows. What Lisa has told him of the birds and the bees. 
You have tried to ask Lisa inadvertently, but she enjoys making fun of you too much to give you any straightforward answers. And in her own maternal way, she thinks it’d be better for your relationship if you go ahead and ask yourself. 
She’s right about that, but it’s also not very easy. You know Razor would never judge you. He doesn’t even have the capacity to do so. But while Razor knows nothing of shame, you certainly do. 
It’s your problem to get over. You know that. You rationalize that your fantasies are healthy and normal for someone your age. But there is something terribly humiliating about trying to express the extent of your desire apart from just having it. Is it fair to teach Razor about desire? Does he know of it already and the both of you just suffer in silence? 
Razor is a man. A grown man, and tougher than most men you know. He’s seen more than almost anyone else as part of living in the woods. You know he’s not some innocent fairy. But you can’t get over the feeling like you’re corrupting his sweet preciousness somehow. 
(This has its own charm, but that’s not relevant. Or maybe it is. Maybe there’s guilt for that too but it’s not something you can unpack) 
You’re reaching your upper limit on patience. Your hand can only do the job so long (though the import of sex toys from Fontaine do help) nothing can truly replace what you want. And what you want is Razor.
So, you’ve made your choice. When Razor comes home from…what he’s doing today - you’re going to ask him to have sex.
You’ve finished all of your work, did as many chores as you can, and now you’re waiting in your bedroom trying to read a book.
You haven’t even read past the first page, actually. But you’re trying. It’s hard to do anything meaningful when your brain keeps pivoting back to what's going to happen when your boyfriend returns home. 
You’re nervous and fidgeting, rubbing your socked feet together and running over the laundry list of talking points you’ve concocted trying to make this happen. You shaved but not bare because you know he definitely wouldn’t like it, but you’re clean. You aren’t sure if he’s going to like that either and he’s expressed that he likes when you smell natural. But it soothed your anxiety to shower so he’ll have to leave with it. 
You have no idea how this could go. You don’t even know how to prepare for the worst, because you don’t know what the worst is. But you reassure yourself with the fact Razor loves you and leave it at that.
You hear the door open and take a deep breath. 
There’s heavy footsteps that get louder and louder. Razor cracks the door open politely, peeking his head into your shared room. He makes a face, the softest little smile you’ve ever seen - before letting himself in and shutting the door behind him. He’s quick to undress himself - jacket and scarf abandoned along with his boots. Leaving him in green pants and a bandage around his chest and arsm. 
“Hi,” He says simply, coming down over to where you’re laid. He chooses to sit on the floor, folding his arms on the bed as he looks at you patiently “Missed you,” 
“Hey there,” Your heart is pounding just looking at him. He’s unreasonably handsome. Had he grown up in normal conditions, you think he would’ve been a very popular loner type. “How was your family?” 
“Good,” He says shortly, eyes warm and light “New pup. First time seeing since I was little. Very small and cute.” 
“I’m glad. Bet it’s nice not to be the youngest anymore.” 
“Come next time,” He says genuinely “They miss you.” 
Your heart is so full you think it might burst. It temporarily soothes your anxiety.
“Of course I will.” 
Razors eyes examine you for a minute. Your heart is still racing. Of course he notices it. He knows much more about you than you’ll ever know about yourself. His brow creases in concern. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You look at him apologetically, immediately warmed by how worried he is. You give him a small smile. 
“I’m okay. Just a little nervous. Wanted to ask you about something.” 
“Okay. I listen. No need to..be nervous.” 
Right. He’s right about that. You sit up and Razor remains where he is. He’s seated comfortably on the floor, on his knees - between your thighs. He’s a sight for sore eyes, terribly rugged and scarred with nothing but honesty settled in his gaze. Carmine and beautiful. You fold your hands in your lap and before you can worry too much, Razor grabs one in his hand. 
He kisses your knuckles so gently, leaning his face into your palm. 
“It’s okay.” 
You figure it’s best to be straight to the point. 
“Uhm. Razor. Do you…know what sex is?” 
“Well, it’s—wait what? Did you just say yes?” 
He nods again. “Miss Lisa taught me.” 
That witch. You take a deep breath. It’s now or never.
“And uhm, what did she tell you about it?” You ask tentatively. 
“Like mating but for humans. Best to do with mate. Good to be careful or else pups will come too soon.” 
You stare at him, jaw slack. 
“Right. And what else?” 
He racks his brain right in front of you. 
“Uhm. Can be for…feel good. Should go slow. Lots of things different from wolf.” 
“...Do you know how it happens? The specifics?” 
Razor goes a soft pink. Razor blushes. 
You have no idea what to feel. Not the faintest clue in the world. This is the first time in your entire relationship either of you have been in an awkward situation. You’re partially relieved it’s not completely foreign, partially feeling hot between the legs because you’re not corrupting anything. You make a face of uncertainty. 
“Oh. Uhm. Do you—have you ever.. I mean—have you ever wanted to have sex with me then? I-is that something you’d…want to do?” 
Razor almost looks perplexed by this question. He nods, then follows up. 
“Yes. A lot.” 
You nearly choke on your spit. 
“A lot?” 
“Yes. But.. Miss Lisa said to wait. Until mate asks.” 
You’re going to have a serious discussion with that damned woman later. You take a shaky breath, looking at him carefully. This is going to break you in a way you don’t know if you’ll recover from. But you’re fine, you’ve made it this far. And you don’t want to back down when you haven’t gotten to the finish line. The final blow. 
You’re not completely sure where you go from here honestly. Your brain was fully expecting to go on a long rant about sexual intercourse. Now that that’s out of the window, you’re at a loss. You decide, internally, that going straight forward is the best thing you could do for now. 
“Then… would you want to have sex with me?” 
His eyes widen then he pauses, looking worried. 
“Well…yes. But, worried. Not sure…how.” 
“Well, uhm. Normally it starts with kissing and t-touching and things like that. You can just do what feels right. Uhm.. and I’ll tell you… what I like. A-and what feels good.” You offer, trying not to show just how nervous you are even suggesting “But uhm… I also… think about it. A lot. With you.” 
His eyes light up, and you can practically see the change in him. You’ve never let yourself get close enough to look but when you see him now that you know, it’s obvious. He’s looked at you like this before. 
Like he wants you. 
“Razor,” You say, bracing yourself for impact “Come up here.” 
He’s quick to his feet. You lay back down and Razor lays himself ontop of you, hovering gently. He smells like forest, the rich warm scent of dirt and sunlight mixed with sweat that you’ve grown fond of. Looking down at you, he presses his forehead against yours with his eyes fluttered closed. 
“Mate,” His breath is warm like he’s been chewing mint leaves and sweet flowers. He does it sometimes before coming home “Love you,” 
“I love you too, Razor. You don’t,” You swallow thickly, suddenly aware of your proximity “Don’t hold back okay? You won’t break me.” 
“Want to..” He thinks slowly, brain clearly struggling to come up with the right word “Cherish. Want to cherish mate. Cherish you.” 
You give him a breathy laugh as he leans in close to you. 
“Did Miss Lisa teach you that?”
“Yes,” He replies, pressing his cheek to yours and rubbing himself against you innocently “Cherish you a lot.” 
“I cherish you a lot too,” You offer and he smiles. You feel your heart thump as you look up at him less innocently “Let’s kiss first, okay” 
He doesn’t reply. This much is familiar. Though this was something you had to teach him at first, you would go as far as saying Razor kisses better than you. He’s better than you in these ways most of the time. He knows how to read your body language down to the most irrelevant details, attuned to your physicality in a way that could only be inhuman. The first time he noticed a change in your cycle after starting some herbal contraceptives, you were turned on as much as you were afraid. 
His mouth is hot and overwhelming, plush as he kisses you passionately. He’s quick to open your mouth up with his tongue. Razor likes to taste. It’s natural for him to slip his tongue past your lips and lick at yours. You think if anyone else did it you’d be turned off. But with him hovering you over you, desperate as he pulls and nips at your lower lip - it’s stimulating.  It makes you wet before you can think about it too hard. Your hands curl themselves around his neck, tangling at the thick roots of his gray hair. 
He moans when you tug, and your eyes nearly pop out of your sockets. You do it again, a little harder and the same broken sound leaves his lips in the middle of kiss. You swallow the noise before pulling away, looking at his face. His face is perfectly rosy, lips swollen from where you’ve been kissing them.
“Did you,” You look at him erratically, eyes going over every part of his face “Did that feel good?” 
He nods, dumbfounded. 
“Felt good but,” He shakes his head in disbelief “Don’t know why.” 
You giggle, delighted with the outcome. 
“No it’s good, that’s normal.” You say trying not to babble “It’s like your body’s weak point.”
“Not weak.”
“It’s not a bad thing. I have some too. Like my neck.”
You can see the gears turning in his head.  He tucks his chin against your shoulder and before you can speak to ask him about it, he’s pressing his lips against the skin of your neck. He doesn’t stop at a kiss, though. He proceeds to lick the small patch of tender flesh, before sinking his teeth into it.
You moan. You moan sharp, almost like a gasp of pain. He opens his mouth to ask if you’re okay but when he sees you he stops. He blinks, then gives you a look you’ve never seen. 
His voice is almost chipped - richer and more hoarse as his fingers go over what can only be bite marks.
“Feels good?” He says, then adds more urgently “Where else?”
You’ve made him discover something. You’re sure of that. He looks awfully determined about it, too. 
You sigh shakily, grabbing his hands. Even though you’re trembling mercilessly, you want this. You want him. You let his hand squeeze around the swell of your tits - your nipples peeking through the thin fabric of your shirt. With your eyes locked on his, you brush your nipples.
“H-here,” You admit watching his eyes go dark. Animalistic. “Uhm. W-with your mouth, you c-can suck on them.” 
He’s quiet. 
“Like pup?” 
You laugh. 
“A little bit like that, I guess. But it’s different.” 
He makes a small, approving noise with his mouth, once again thinking hard about something before he continues down his path. He leaves open kisses all over your skin, hands reaching to undress you. You help him, peeling your shirt over your head and tossing it somewhere. His eyes are shut closed, in bliss as he licks and bites down your neck with no real grace. His tongue is wet and rough all over you. 
You can tell you’re being primed for something animal. Like being tenderized, worked apart in a way that makes you melt into something soft. Something that can be broken without teeth, that can be swallowed in one go. It’s not a romantic kiss as much as it’s a hungry graze, a gnawing lust. He’s not being so reserved anymore, and that means sinking his teeth as far into you as he can go, not enough to break the skin. Razor would never break you. But he might ruin you, might melt you down from your very center until he can tear you apart. 
You thought it’d hurt, and it does - but in a good way. There’s some sick sense of relief in how achy your whole body is. You’re burning up because Razor wants you like he’s starving. An emptiness claws at you, makes the back of your gums ache. Makes all the hairs on the back of your neck stand nearly straight as you sink deeper in. You want to be full of him and you want him to get so full off of you. 
Razor doesn’t stop his tirade even when he gets down to your chest. Instead his mouth closes around your tit, hard incisors sinking into the supple skin but only slightly gentler than before. His canines feel sharper than yours. They must be. 
“O-oh,” You can feel your voice shake as you hold onto the back of his head. He touches the other one with his free hand, squeezing and massaging the skin. He rubs your nipples experimentally in the same way you did a moment ago. “Razor, hngh,” 
A noise is pulled from the back of his throat, a growl - so hard and heavy that it reverberates into your skin. You can feel it spread through your whole body, your core tightening up. Your skin is prickly. A solar flare shooting through your spine. 
You don’t think you’ve ever been so aroused. You can hardly breathe around the weight of it sitting in your chest.
“Your scent..change.” Razor says through a breath, a thick layer of saliva where his mouth once was “Hot. So hot.” 
You nearly whimper. 
“ It’s because I’m wet…Aroused.” 
“It means I want to be touched. I want you to touch me down there.” 
A beat of silence. 
“Want me..to mate with you.” He sits up onto his knees, staring at you. Your legs are around his waist loosely. He presses a hand to your clothed sex. You jolt at the contact. “Want me to fill you, here?” 
He puts his hand on your hip, on your stomach - before tucking his fingers into the waistband of your shorts.
“Want to see. What’s wet, I want to see.” 
You lift your legs slightly, pulling your shorts off as you're bent at the knee. It’s embarrassing being bare naked in front of Razor, though you’ve seen him in the same state plenty. He’s quick to grab your knee and force your legs apart wide. He’s got that same focused stare, tongue poked out as he brushes the coarse hairs on your mound with his knuckle. You squirm under the feeling. 
“Pretty,” He says first, then follows with “It’s…very warm. Hot but doesn’t hurt” 
Razor explores with his hands. He runs his finger along your slit, before using his thumbs to spread you apart. He nudges your clit. At first you wonder if it's an accident, but when he does it again - rubs a pointed circle on the aching bundle of nerves you realize he’s being intentional. 
“Here, right?” Razor says slowly and gauges your reaction “Feels good for you…here. Helps.” 
You want to ask who taught him such a thing but you already know the answer. You nod helpless, feeling the way his thumb goes back and forth. He tries it in different ways, watches whatever way makes your breath hitch the most. 
“Here makes you… jump. Like bunny rabbit. Like prey”
The word prey almost takes you out. You can’t make your words out very eloquently anymore. “It’s uhm sensitive.” 
He knows the word. You’ve taught him it. He looks at your bare cunt all awestruck, gloved hand resting on your sex as he continues to toy with your clit. You squirm and shake, even trying to pull away. Razor manages to grab you, keeps you pinned with your legs spread, using his own body to keep you like that. 
“Razor,” You moan, grabbing at his wrist “Razor.” 
“Mm. It’s soft. So soft.” 
“I want to see yours.” 
It takes him a second to register your words, but he’s not ashamed in the slightest when he does. He takes off his gloves right before. You’ve felt it, briefly, the weight and heft of his cock through clothes but you’ve never actually seen it. You gasp as he pulls it out, tucking his pants down under his balls. He’s hairy - thick dark gray hairs nested at the base. His cock has a pretty curve up, tip ruddy and bright. It’s drooling, dribbling pre-cum and heavy. He wraps his free hand around the base and strokes it instinctively. It’s a good length, but it’s thick. Thicker than you could’ve ever conjured up in your own mind.
You reach for it between your bodies, your hands trembling as you touch it. Razor lets out another throaty growl. Your hand doesn’t fit around it completely. The back of your throat tightens up.
“You’re—it’s big. I can’t—not at once. I h-have to open myself up a little bit.” 
Razor tilts his head to one side and you shake yours in reply. 
“I need to uhm,” You gesture vaguely “Make it more..wet and stretch myself out. So you fit i-inside.” 
“Want to help. Teach me.” 
“...Teach you?” 
“Easier if I..learn now. When we do it again later. Teach me..how to touch you.” 
The words sound sweet coming out of his mouth, honeyed and loving. An obedient and eager pupil, Razor has always been that hasn’t he? And he always listens the best he can, tries his hardest. You suppose that this instance is no different. You suck in a breath and spread your legs a little more. 
Razor watches. He watches as you dip your fingers into your mouth and coat them with saliva. Watches as you snake a hand in between your legs and dip your middle finger down low into your cunt - with a trembling sigh at the sudden intrusion. He watches intimately as you pump them in and out, rhythmic and noisy. The sound of your own wet heat rings in your ears as you spread yourself in earnest. 
Half-way through, Razor puts a hand on your thigh. He pushes your own hand away, and waits for you to open your eyes. He stares at you, long and hard. 
“I want to eat you. Want to lick,” His hand cups your bare pussy “Here. Make you wet. Open you by myself. Want to eat.” 
You’re speechless. Profoundly turned on by the sentiment, so much so you can’t make out your own voice. 
“Uhm,” You close your hands into a fist, tucking your chin. “You can do whatever you like, Razor.” 
He assesses the statement and you watch him take it in. He ends up on his stomach, lying between your thighs. You’re fascinated by his assurance in himself. He takes the right position between your legs. You spread out to give him easier access and he gives you a silent look of thanks. His breath is warm as it fans your cunt. 
Before you get a chance to breathe, Razor sticks his tongue and licks. It’s animalistic with no real finesse at all. He makes up for it with enthusiasm and some conclusions he’s drawn with your assistance. He sucks on your clit nearly feverish, takes it into his mouth like he did your tits minutes prior. It’s drooly and sticky and nasty in a way that makes you ashamed. You’re more ashamed because you like it, you love it really. Spit is running down, dripping down to your ass. It’s a loud slurp - a shameless, nasty hunger in how he licks up your arousal with his mouth and drenches your pussy with spit. 
His groans reverberate into you. He likes what he’s doing. The sound and touch and taste - Razor overwhelms you with all of it. There’s a tangible intensity wrapping up around you, keeping you trapped in the wolf's den. 
You don’t teach him to use his fingers. He seems to have figured it out. The pad of his middle finger draws the spit pooling along your seam before pushing itself into your tight hole. You gasp at how invasive it is at first. Razors fingers are thick and scarred and you can feel the ridges of your raised skin from healed injured when he fucks you open with them. 
It feels good. Being wanted. Being consumed voraciously and openly without any care for shame. Razor is the embodiment of raw desire and all of it- every ounce of it is being used to devour you. The descendant of wolves, the son of the forest - laid between your thighs and eating like something delicious left at an abandoned altar. 
Even clumsy, you’re turned on beyond reason. Arousal leaves you shakily pawing at him to slow down. Your voice is reduced to nothing but small whines and mewls - pleas to slow down that fall on deaf ears. 
“Razor,” Your voice is clipped “Razor, please - it’s enough. Just.” 
When he snaps out of his haze, his chin is soaked with arousal and spit. He wipes it with the back of his hand, looking at you. 
“Tastes good. You taste nice.” He praises, heaving and out of breath. 
Your stomach flares up with new found lust, hands covering your face. 
“Archons, just. Come here.” 
Razor climbs up on top of you again. You cup his face and kiss him hard, tasting yourself on him. 
“You’re so unfair. But I can’t get angry because you’re not even doing it on purpose.”
You shake your head, kissing the corner of his mouth. Trembling with need. 
“It’s fine, it’s fine. I want you inside. Want you to fill me in here, so bad, Razor.” 
His eyes widen. Your desperation must reach him this time, because he nods. innocently. You’re thankful beyond words you’re on contraceptives. At this point, you think trying to use a condom would break you down.
“You just have to put it inside. But please go slowly, okay?” 
“Go slowly…won’t hurt you.” 
Razor sits up on his knees again, drawing your waist down towards him. Before he pushes into you, he lays his cock against your sex - pushing it between messy folds. His expression morphs, his jaw tensing as the head of his cock swells and throbs against your aching clit. It slides and slips so messily, pussy clinging to his hard length. You guide his cock towards your entrance while he leans forward over you. His palms are rough as they grab your hips, hands settling up under your knees. 
You can feel his cock as he rolls his hips slowly. Your nails dig into his back, indenting the skin as you cry out. It’s thick, intrusive as he pushes into your tight little hole. Even after opening you up, there’s an ache inside as the head stretches your pussy open. The raw drag of skin on skin as Razor pushes inside of you. You can feel him with every movement, your legs wrapped around his waist tight.
Razor has always had a limited vocabulary. He likes to speak in short sentences since it’s what he does best. His speech now is a lot more developed, but he still finds it troublesome. 
It stuns you when Razor's grip tightens and he swears under his breath - a single word, long and drawn out as his cock pushes into you deeply. 
“Feels good…feels so good. Want…move. Please.” 
“You can move, just let me hold onto you okay?” 
Razor tucks his head against your neck before he fucks you. In one smooth motion, he pulls himself out completely before shoving himself back in. It’s as gentle as he can go, but you can practically feel him shaking above you. How his whole being urged him to fuck you llike an animal. The desperation rolls off of him in waves, his own hands gripping tighter as he slowly finds a rhythm to fuck you in. Clumsy thrust that turns into careful calculated ones as you urge him to go deeper. 
“Deep,” Razor pants against your neck, his breath tickling your skin. His voice is a low growl as his hips snap up to meet the back of your thighs with each thrust. Your bed creaks each time he moves, the frame knocking against the wood “I’m deep inside you,” 
“Razor,” You sneak a hand between your bodies, clumsily toying with your clit - pleasure ruining your every thought “Harder. Give it to me harder.” 
As soon as the words leave your mouth, Razor gives up on trying to hold himself back. He fucks you with nearly reckless abandon, an impressive amount of strength and weight behind each thrust. His dick pushes in and out of you hard and fast in the most unromantic way. You can feel it all the way up to your throat. It makes the back of legs and and your lower half feel tingly. Your head is blank, nothing but spotted white in your vision. You blink them open to look at Razors face. 
He’s biting at his lower lip hard, focusing all of himself on his thrusts. He’s enduring it well. Your insides clench, a fluttery sensation starting to build up between your legs. You can feel it in your belly, the knot starting to untie. 
Razor is starting to feel it too him. 
“Inside so, ngh - hot.  S-something coming, going to—” 
“A little more. Gonna cum soon, Razor. Feels so good, you make me feel so good.” 
Your mindless praise makes him whimper. A soft noise that echoes through you. You repeat it over and over, in a high voice like you’d praise a puppy. Razor takes it in beautifully, trying so hard not to succumb to his own desires. He restrains despite how hard and how fast and how deep he’s fucking you. You know it’s not easy. 
“I’m gonna c-cum, Razor,” You say, at the very edge “Cum with me. It’s okay, you can let it out.” 
You cum hard. Harder than you think you ever have in your life, then you’ve ever been able to manage by yourself. The sensation hits all at once, like falling through the sky, you can feel the clouds pushed away by the weight of you coming down through. Your insides tighten and tense one last time before everything releases at once, and waves of the aftershock leave your pussy fluttering. You’re washed with pure euphoria, crying out Razor’s name as you cum. 
Razor is quick to follow you. Your own orgasm seems to drive him over the edge, and he cums deep inside. He muffles his cry by biting into your shoulder, groaning as hot seed spills into your cunt with a harsh stutter of hips. He fucks into your pussy, soft and messy before bottoming out and nearly collapsing on top of you. 
It takes you a long minute to catch your breath well enough to speak. 
You rub Razors back soothingly before you do. He lifts his head, eyes heavy as he looks at you. 
“Wow,” He says, eyes wide and blown out. You can’t help but break out into a fight of laughter “Love you…”
“I love you too, Razor.”
“Wanna do it again,” Razor says, looking at you seriously “Can I?” 
You feel a pulse of warmth through your whole body before nodding. 
“Uhm. Yes. Just give me a break first, okay?” 
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mochamvgz · 9 months
what they would save ur contact as
; i don't think this needs a synopsis? it's all in the title
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; ot7 enhypen x reader
; genre: hcs, non idol au, established relationship, fluff
; warnings: slight profanity, miraculous, some members being total simps, being called short by niki
; 0.5k words
; perm taglist: @inkelea @yuerki
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heeseung || ramyeon partner🍜💛
the two of you LOVE ramyeon so it's only fitting. your first date, all the way back when you guys were in uni, was having ramyeon at a local convenience store for crying out loud!
and OF COURSE you immediately fished out your phone from your pocket to change his contact to the same
jay || my pretty girl💐 (in a completely not possesive and absolutely unpatriarchal way!)
if you saw xander hawthorne you're a real one pls marry me
we already know this guy is THE ultimate green flag so this came as a surprise to no one
you and jay are also massive feminists and no sticklers for insecure masculinity hence the parenthesis
when you find out what you're saved as on his phone you can't help but fall in love with your boyfriend all over again
jake || bugaboo🐞❤️🖤
if you think miraculous is a kids show GET OUTTA HERE
"there's no way you saved me as that"
"why? is there a problem bugaboo?"
without a word you unlock your phone, open ur contacts, scroll down to find his and hold it up in front of him
jake raises his brow at you and directs his attention to your screen, his mouth immediately forming an 'o'
" ‘chat noir’ ? oh my god you're kidding!"
sunghoon || (name)
the guy first saved your number when you were paired up for a project which was 2 whole years ago mind you and for some reason it just never? occurred? to him? to change it??
of course you're mad when you find out
"seriously hoon?"
"i'm sor-"
"give me your phone"
he complies. you unlock and open his contacts going to ‘favourites’, clicking on your contact which is at the top of the list duh
you change your contact name from ‘(name)’ to ‘the love of my life💘’ and hand his phone back. he raises his brows when he sees what you did but doesn't say anything because it's true
sunoo || QWEEN🙌👑
"YES!!! GO QUEEN!!!"
you guys were hanging out at his place one day, all snuggled up watching a movie and the female lead just did something super badass making you jump up
sunoo doesn't waste a moment grabbing the opportunity
"but you're my queen"
you're surprised at the abruptness of the compliment but try to appear more ‘seriously dude?’ rather than a blushing mess
"what? it's true i even have your contact saved as that"
he brandishes his phone to show you
there's no stopping the blush now
jungwon || yang jungwon's girlfriend 😤💖💓
when you ask him why he's referring to himself in third person he'd say
"in case my phone ever gets stolen or something, the thief would still know you're mine"
you can't take it anymore and burst out laughing
"what?" he'd ask with his brows furrowed
"you're ridiculous"
"but you still love me" he's right about that
niki || shortie🙄
to be fair your height is above average but your boyfriend is a fucking giant and even then you're only like 2 cm shorter
he still can't leave it alone tho and teases you about it to no end
"are you for real?"
"what? it's true ya know"
"for fuck's sake it's only 2 cm"
and just like that the two of you are at it again
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; a/n: surprise surprise! my first hc yayyy! i hope this turned out okay bc i had no idea what i was doing lmao💀 ily if you got the reference in the jake one no i don't just mean miraculous
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hwallazia · 1 month
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synopsis . in which you finally let yourself let him go during a cold rainy night
pairing . jung wooyoung & fem!reader
genre . angst (way too much), lovers to exes, non idol!au
taglist . @bro-atz @purplenimsicle | comment your username if you wanna be added to my permanent taglist! ♡
word count . 0,9k
DISCLAIMER! suggestive language (a lot of bad words in here), lots of manipulation and slyness from wooyoung, cold-hearted reader, slight violence (yn smacks wooyoung’s cheek), hints of cheating.
NIC’S NOTES ofc this is based of chihiro by billie eilish. the second i listened to this song, i thought of this angsty scenario. and so i thought it’d be a great idea to put wooyoung as the protagonist bc since enemies to lovers troupe fits him so well, why don’t do it backwards? ;))) alsoo, lowercase is intentional (yep, again)
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“yn, come on!” wooyoung shouted as he ran towards you desperately; breath hitching, legs trembling. the only thing he could recognize within his visual field were the ends of your dark hair flying back in goodbye, your heart already very far from his. “don’t be like that. you know this isn’t the way to fix things up.”
your leather boots splashed against the puddles of water generated by the rainy dew that announced a great storm, your hands seeking protection from the cold in the pockets of your coat. you heard wooyoung’s wet footsteps as you saw his figure getting closer to you, alerting you. you stopped dead in your tracks when he forcibly grabbed your wrist, compelling you to look at him, to look at those pleading eyes that manipulated you so much. those goddamned eyes that changed your personality so much. “don’t you fucking touch me.” you huffed sternly, shaking your arm as you tried to escape his grasp, your eyes stabbing daggers into his heart. those merry, stunning, and beaming eyes were replaced by an opaque, lightless gaze. one he’d never forget. since when did you hold so much resentment and hatred for him that you saw him that way? as if you had never loved him. as if you had never felt anything at all.
he let you go the second he understood that you were capable of punching him in the face if he even touched a minimal part of your skin.“fine, i won’t touch ya,” he raised his hands up in surrender. but still he tried to explain himself, even though he knew that he was the last person you wanted to see at the moment, “can’t we talk about this at home? it’s freezing cold out here, and you’re wearing shorts-”
“since when do you care so much?” yes, he was right, your legs quivered as your despairing breathing made your lips release condensed clouds, but you wouldn’t let him know. standing as hard as a rock, you continued, “don’t look for me neither call me anymore. i want nothing to do with you.”
wooyoung’s breath hitched and as he tried to pull himself together, he tried for one last time to convince you and mold your mind. “hey that’s a very hasty decision, don’t you think?” he paused briefly, his sigh exhaled right on your face, “yn, is this because of hana?”
the sound of her name sliding down his tongue was the straw that broke the camel’s back. after everything he had done, he really thought that this was just a little scene of yours? a little whim?
“no! it’s not because of her. it’s because of you!” you finally screamed, your heart winning over the pride that wanted to predominate in you. “you and your stupid manipulations, your excuses, and your fakeness.” your eyes threatened to water, but you wouldn't collapse. not now. “how dare you come after me and try to explain yourself after i found you with her sitting on your lap as you giggled at some of those weird ass jokes of yours.”
“oh so it is because of her,” he got closer to you, more than you would’ve allowed him, your lips being an absurd distance away. “why are you causing all of this when you could’ve just asked me?” his hand began to trail its way up to your cheek, and as soon as he cupped it, your hand slammed against his cheek loudly, pulling his figure to the left. the humidity of your hand and his face making the impact even more painful.
“you... disgusting little shit” your grossed-out expression being visible even for a blind man. “how could i have gotten involved with someone like you?” you sighed to yourself. a moment of silence drowned the conversation. wooyoung facing the ground as you stared sternly at him. but then, you decided to confess, “you know, at first i thought this was a fairytale, my most perfect fantasize. but turns out it was yours, not mine. definitely not mine.”
you resumed, “fuck, i was so blinded.” your palm landed on your forehead as you turned your body and faced up to the night sky, a couple of raindrops decorating your frozen cheeks, “this whole relationship was nothing but your slyness trying to mold my personality and mentality to your whim, wasn’t it?” you didn’t even give him a moment to respond, “who the fuck do you are?”
“yn. you’re hallucinating, my love. please, let’s stop all this nonsense-”
“i don’t even recognize you at all.” you spat, your frozen limbs welcoming an intrude, a strange warmness. maybe because you had said what was stuck in your throat for months. finally, you got out of that jail, that imprisoned manipulation that caused you vexation for so long.
“don’t say that. yn-” you observed as his eyes started to well up with tears, but it didn’t hurt you. not anymore. from one moment to the next, jung wooyoung’s existence stopped mattering to you. after such a long time, you became insensitive to those pleading eyes.
“don’t look at me like that. i’m not yours anymore.” you finally sentenced. “goodbye, jung wooyoung.” those were your last words to him so that you turned around and started on your way to, probably, your best friend's house, leaving behind a broken-hearted wooyoung, his eyes being similar to the thousand-yard stare as he watched the ripples of a puddle of water as the rain became heavier and heavier.
probably, you’d meet again in another life, or not. the emptiness you felt at that moment was unexplainable —you’d probably shirk it and let your drunk self take matters into its own hands. but you were sure that jung wooyoung taking your love away from you wouldn’t be so easy to forget.
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madaqueue · 3 months
Practice Makes Perfect | Chapter 7
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synopsis: you and yuji have been best friends basically as long as you can remember, and you made a promise to each other to stay friends and help each other be the best versions of yourselves for your future partners. but will things change when yuji finally starts looking for a relationship?
pairing: yuji itadori (18+) x f!reader
themes/content: modern college au (characters aged up to 18+). language, fluff, angst. alcohol consumption, jealousy, kissing (x megumi). 18+, MDNI
word count: 1.8k
a/n: guys i'm still trying to write the last chapter for this series rn bc i got hit with mad writers block but aaAAH she's comin along
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You’re back in Yuji’s dorm building, but this time your back faces the familiar room. He had just waved goodbye, whispering “Go get ‘em, tiger,” as he shot fake finger guns at you before shutting the door to his room. Now it was just you alone in the hallway, facing the construction paper cutout of “Megumi” that was taped to the door in front of you. You hesitantly raise your fist out before knocking.
A soft voice from inside yells out, “One second!” through the door before it swings open. In front of you stands the dark-haired boy, once again wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans. “Hey, it’s good to see you,” he says sweetly as his eyes meet yours. “You ready to go?”
“Yep!” you chirp. The warm scent of his cologne hits your nose as he steps next to you. You suddenly feel nervous, not sure if it’s because of the man standing to your side or the one who you just left. You push the feeling down as you walk to the cafe.
The space is warm, the hum of espresso makers and piano music filling your ears. The walls are adorned in floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, warm light casting over everything from the chandelier above.
With a mug in each hand, Megumi leads you to a table in the middle of the cafe. He sets one down in front of you with your latte and his, with plain black coffee, next to him.
“This place is beautiful,” you note, eyes glancing around the room taking it all in. “How did you find it?”
“One of my friends, Maki, suggested I try it,” he responds, taking a sip from his coffee. “She said it fit my ‘vibe’ or something,” he chuckles. “So, what do you have to study while we’re here?”
“I have a bit of bio to work on, but honestly, I’m just here for the company,” you try to say as nonchalantly as possible as you pull your laptop out of your backpack and set it on the table in front of you. You catch Megumi smiling out of the corner of your eye.
“Speaking of company,” he begins as he pulls a notebook out of his bag, “how do you and Yuji know each other?”
There it is. You were waiting for this question on the way over, but Megumi seemed to avoid the topic entirely. You knew he saw you with Yuji, and now you have to come clean. But what, exactly, is there to come clean about?
“We’re childhood friends,” you state. It’s not technically a lie, but it certainly doesn’t explain the complicated relationship you’ve developed with him over the past few weeks.
“Mhm,” Megumi hums quizzically. You could tell he wants to ask more, yet he doesn’t pry.
Silence falls between the two of you for a moment, and something about it makes you feel comfortable sharing more. “We met when we were kids, and as we grew up we were inseparable. He’s…” you pause, thinking about the weight of the words you’re about to say, “my best friend.” You sigh.
“But…?” Megumi guides, a small grin forming on one side of his mouth.
“But now it’s…weird,” you follow.
“Well, Yuji’s a pretty weird guy, and I’ve only known him a semester,” he agrees with a chuckle.
Something about Megumi puts you at ease. You feel comfortable sharing things with him you never thought you’d say out loud, which is why you continue explaining. “Yuji and I kissed,” you blurt out. “But now he has feelings for someone else, and I don’t know how I feel about him, and everything’s just messed up.” You put your head into your hands.
Megumi pauses for a moment, trying to think of what to say. “Oof,” is all he gets out.
“‘Oof’ indeed,” you chuckle through your palms. Suddenly, you lift your head up to meet eyes with the boy across from you. “Hey, please don’t tell Yuji I said any of that?” you plead, realizing the sensitive nature of what you just shared with him.
“My lips are sealed,” he responds through a smile, “as long as you get the next round of coffees.”
“Deal,” you agree, a grin spreading across your face.
This feels…easy. Talking to Megumi feels like how you and Yuji used to be, before all this emotional gunk got in the way.
The conversation flows smoothly as the two of you work through all of your studying for the next week, spending nearly the entire day in the warm cafe. By the time you leave, the sun has set and the sky is orange and purple as dusk settles over campus. Megumi asks to walk you home and you agree, thanking him for the kind gesture.
When you get back to your dorm, the caffeine from the coffees you were chugging all day finally wears off as you crash into your bed, the smell of detergent still lingering on your freshly-washed comforter as you settle under it.
The next week breezes by, especially since you finished all of your work at the cafe with Megumi over the weekend. You start looking forward to your biology class because you know it means you’ll get to see him. For a few hours each week, you get to watch his hands as he sketches page after page, sometimes of animals, sometimes of buildings, sometimes of you. Whenever you’re included in his drawings, he tears the page out and gives it to you without a second thought.
The two of you also started spending more time together outside of class trying out new cafes, especially after you found out Megumi was very particular about his coffee.
He sticks his nose up as he tries to hide the disgust on his face. “Yuck,” he mutters as he swallows, setting the mug down.
“No good?” you ask, putting your hand over your mouth as you try to hide your giggle. He just shakes his head in response. “Well my latte is delicious,” you respond with a smirk as you take a sip.
“How can you even say that?” he frowns. “That stuff is all sweetener, and you know it.”
“Mmm maybe, but I like things a little sweet,” you hum. You reach your hands across the table to pinch his cheeks, molding his frown into a forced smile. “And I bet you’d like it too, if you gave it a try.” He swats your hands away with a chuckle.
Things are…easy. Yet, for some stupid reason, you still find yourself thinking of Yuji, especially during these lull periods where you let your thoughts get quiet. It’s not like he’s gone, or even that he hasn’t texted you (because he certainly has, mostly pictures of his gross meals like fried rice with jam or a boxed mac n cheese he made using vanilla coffee creamer). It’s more that you are struggling to figure out what to say to him. How are you supposed to explain whatever these feelings are to someone you aren’t even dating that you know has feelings for someone else?
“Are you doing anything tonight?” Megumi asks. You’re both packing up your stuff after your Friday biology class. “I got invited to this off-campus party and I was wondering if you’d want to go with me?” he turns to face you. You don’t sense any hint of nervousness in his voice, as if asking was second nature. He had really grown comfortable around you.
“I’d love to,” you respond with a smile. “Meet at my place at 8:00?”
“Sounds perfect,” he grins as you both turn to walk out of the lecture hall.
Walking into a party with Megumi is definitely a new experience. For one, you were never a huge party-goer, so the loud music and conversations are an adjustment. Second, this is the first time you and Megumi have gone somewhere together. Sure you had studied plenty of times, but this feels like something else.
Truthfully, you don’t know what you and Megumi are to each other. Your relationship feels comfortable, like you’ve been friends for years, but sometimes you say something and you swear you catch him blushing.
It doesn’t matter, you try to mentally pep-talk yourself, tonight I’m just here to have fun.
The two of you step through the front door as the smell of stale beer hits your nose and the bass from the music causes your chest to vibrate. You tug on the bottom of your black dress as you gaze down at the tennis shoes you paired it with, hoping you don’t look too out of place. Looking up, you scan across the room for a familiar face but find none; luckily, Megumi waves at his friends and grabs your hand, guiding you to the middle of the dance floor.
You dance together for a while before one of his friends, who he introduces as Toge, comes back and hands you both full cups. The new white-haired boy pulls down the top of what looks to be a custom-made hoodie before chugging his drink. Megumi looks at you and knocks the top of his glass against yours before he moves it up to his lips. You follow his lead, taking in gulps of what tastes like the cheapest beer you’ve ever had. Both of you finish your drinks at the same time, the liquid sending shivers down your body as you smile up at Megumi.
The night continues smoothly, Toge coming back with drinks every so often as you let the music course through you while moving your body to the pounding rhythms. You slowly get to meet Megumi’s friends as you shout your introductions over the blasting noise around you. You are having…fun? You never saw yourself enjoying parties, but here you are, getting the college experience.
Suddenly, Megumi taps your shoulder. You turn to look up at him, but his eyes are focused on something behind you. Spinning around on your toes, you see why he got your attention: Yuji.
He’s standing on the other side of the crowded dance floor, one arm leaning against the wall. And below his arm, is a girl.
She has shoulder length brown hair and is wearing a dark blue dress that seems like it was made for her. This has to be her, you think. Dammit, did she have to be gorgeous, too?
For a moment, all you can do is stare, your eyes going back and forth between the two of them. You watch as Yuji says something and she shoves him in the chest, a laugh never leaving her lips. Your eyes start to water as you try to blink the tears away. No, no, no, this isn’t happening. You’re supposed to be having fun. This isn’t fun. Megumi sees your body tense and he places a hand on your shoulder, trying to get your attention back.
Suddenly, Yuji’s eyes meet yours from across the room. Your stomach drops, and you’re not sure if it’s the butterflies or the jealousy bubbling up inside of you. Before you can even think, you turn to face Megumi, hoping Yuji is still watching. You move your arms around his neck as you lean up to kiss him.
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ursawastricked · 1 year
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Synopsis: your usually rather easy to work with, but recently Viktor has found himself easily distracted by you..a lot of you. Especially tonight, when you decided to wear that dress.
WARNINGS; Viktor x F!reader, fluff, fluff, fluff, Viktor pining mostly, only a hint of sexual tension of you squint
I didn’t proofread this bc I wrote it on a plane, have fun though
Viktor has felt his hands shaking for the better half of an hour at this point, his cane held in a white knuckled grip as he watch you casually stroll about the party.
His amber gaze had locked to your spine as soon as you walked back him after a short greeting..despite the heaven it seemed to see your bare skin, that dress surely was from hell, hand sewn by the devils himself.
The dress itself was classy, high neckline, form fitting sure, but that long leg slip was a crime. It crept up your leg, if you sit just right it would likely show a hint of your hip (or so Viktor had expertly theorized). But what was causing the most pressure in his knuckles, was the lack of back on the gown..a large view of your bare skin exposed to the air, ending just under your waist, it had been a long few hours.
He sipped his drink, taking his planned break from watching you, but that appears to be an exactly when you decided to approach, just when he had let his guard down. He nearly chocked when his eyes open to find you approaching, the click of your heels echoing across the hardwood floors of the ballroom before you tilt your head to meet his gaze, amused by the sudden panic that you caught flash over his features.
“Hey..enjoying yourself, Viktor?” You ask, settling next to him against the wall, taking the brief pause in wait for his reply to take a sip of your own drink.
He takes his time alright, at this angle he could see exactly how close the hem of your dress is from slipping off your shoulder if only with the assistance of an eager hand, a less shaken one. He at this point had also taken note of the deep shade of red on your lips, only a hint darker than the dress. He struggled through the thoughts, now registering the question and panicking at what must have been an eternal amount of time,
“Uh..yes..yes. The party it is,” he tried, he sure did, “lovely..” but his mouth failed him as did his gaze when it flickered over your exposed skin once more.
You give a light chuckle, turning further toward him and stealing away his view. He does a better job hiding the disappointment of not yet recognizing of that was indeed a freckle just above your shoulder blade.
“Well that’s a surprise, you hate parties don’t you?”
He offers you a light toggle of his head in reply, glancing away to find a new focus. God knows if he was to try and focus on you, his gaze would just find itself on the lipstick you wore again, and he wouldn’t risk you catching that.
He settled on the door across the way, sipping his drink again only to find his lips met with nothing. He lifted the glass to his eye line, inspecting to discover he had in-fact run out of his champagne. Viktor have a gentle huff of amusement, or disappointment, gesturing it at you as he would sometimes do in the lab with certain tools or noted when they had broken or been written incorrectly. And as always he found comfort in your light laugh.
You glance at the glass, confirming his suspicions correct.
“Poor thing..how will you ever survive the rest of the party without ur social crutch.” You tease, tapping his glass lightly with one finger and inspecting your own glass, still mostly full.
“I can socialize perfectly find without a drink” he insists, flipping the glass upside down in his hand to that he held it by the support now.
“Really? Because you have been standing here since the party began-“
“I’ve been distracted” he defends again, tilting his head at you lightly and swaying the glass. His gaze is calm until he sees yours change. Your eyes light up with curiosity and mischief as the weight of his reply fully hits you, and he feels the hit directly in his stomach as he does too.
“Distracted?” You ask, leaning closer to search his gaze for hints. “By what? Or who? Is it someone here?” You ask feverishly.
He’s screwed. You expect an answer and even in the event that there wasn’t one, which there most definitely was, you wouldn’t let up without one. And if he wasn’t careful his eyes would float back to your dress again, and he could not allow for that to happen. He had been so deliberate Bout his casual observation of you in the past few weeks. Ever since you had handed him those notes, and he had noticed just how pretty your hands were. Your nails painted in a deep red color, and the shiny gold rings on your fingers that only further complimented what he had noted was your soft looking skin.
After that it was your hair, you had been leaning back into your chair after about an hour of inspecting the current project, and you had ruffled your locks sending the tufts to flutter gracefully around the crown of your head. He had noticed how the movement reminded him of a butterflies wings, and that the stray pieces had fallen around your cheek, which he had earlier found were round like one of those old pinups he had seen in pictures as a teenager..and how they would get rounder when you smiled.
And Janna the smile, you smiled so much..you smiled at everyone, but every time you did he couldn’t stop himself from turning just for a moment to catch it, one day finding the lab so frustrating that he had decided to start noting whenever you smiled at him, just for mild entertainment. He counted twelve, mostly when you were joking or messing with Jayce and seeking his approval on the bad jokes, however number ten had been when you offered him the last bite of your lunch.
‘You haven’t eaten all day, come on I know you like sandwiches, eat it’ you had fought for fifteen minutes with him about eating the damned thing before he finally pulled off his goggles and gave you a tired stare before taking the simple pb and j and took the last bite dramatically in front of you. And you gave him that sweet smile..that soft smile. It wasn’t one of mischief or teasing, but if genuine satisfaction. That one was his favorite from that days count.
And now you were back to that evil smile, leaning closer to him then he had noticed and he could feel his heart rate rising to an unhealthy speed as he struggled to move, his body wouldn’t let him escape your warmth.
“No one..not- no it’s just-“ he struggled, he was struggling hard enough that he had leaned his weight off his cane and felt himself begin to tip over. His arms flailed, as his body attempted to keep him from falling, but found a new savior in your hand clutching his and tugging him up as you gave a sharp and fluttering laugh. He clutched your forearms, shuttering at the almost fall. But once his balance returned he couldn’t find it in him to let go just yet.
“You alright there? I didn’t mean to scare you that much” he panted through the finale of your laughing fit..he couldn’t help but notice didn’t pull away yet either. It was a divine moment, watching his settle your breathing and flicker your face up to face his. Your hair was out of place, curling over your round cheeks again..perfect.
You tapped his arm before he released his grip, swiftly attempting an apology before stopped him by tilting your glass toward him. His gaze flickered to it then you, as he adjusted his grip back to his cane.
“Have the rest of mine, I don’t like drinking much anyways” you offered, and without much thought he found himself taking the glass in his own hand, trading you for his empty one. For a second he had felt your fingers graze in the exchange, and as he thought you were soft.
You give him a a slight touch on his shoulder and then a tap on the cheek as you step away, “If you get bored of people watching, let me know” was your parting words as you strolled back into the social gathering, your back again becoming his main focus.
He watched you move away, again frustrated by how easy it was to get lost in how your spine moved before he glanced at the champagne in his hand. His cheeks flushed harshly at the presence of a dark stain kissed onto the glasses edge where you had drank from it. And with a deep shakily sigh, he checked for any spying eyes before hesitantly sipping from the abandoned lipsticks placement..he remained distracted for the rest of the party..and did in-fact lie when Jayce asked about why he still had the glass when they had returned home.
Update: you can read part 2 of this story right here
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kierancaz · 2 years
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫/𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐬/𝐨) 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏: 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
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A/N: sooo I wrote like a third of this and then accidentally posted it and had to delate it I literally want to cry 🥲 ANYWAYS this is basically gender flipped Hiccup/Astrid from the first movie. I’m probably changing now dragons work in the lotr verse but idc.
Warnings: asshole Legolas (at the beginning), not proof read, possible spelling/grammar mistakes, a few direct quotes from the first httyd movie because I couldn’t help myself 💀
Synopsis: you’ve been acting strange Legolas takes matters of investigation into his own hands.
*this is going to have a part 2 of head canons bc I cannot fit everything I want into this one shot lmao*
You were… widely regarded as strange to the other elves. Daughter to the hand of the king you have a fairly high status within Greenwood, but not many friends.
Legolas had known you since you where both kids but he never payed much attention to you. You were shy and quite and liked to hide. Growing up you barely said two words to him and as you both got older he fell in with everyone who didn’t like you.
He saw you every once in a while, usually drawing or working in the blacksmiths, more recently in the library. You had joined the guard not to long ago, Legolas assumed your father had made you because you weren’t to good at it.
You fumbled your way through every day of training and more then once someone had to rescue you while out on patrol. Legolas wished he had the power to kick you off the guard, it would make everyone’s lives so much easier, but Tauriel refused.
However, in the last month you had been acting more strange then usual, and Legolas seemed to be the only one to notice. It irked him.
You had been sneaking off any chance you got, after patrols and trainings you would just disappear and more then once he saw you from his balcony sneaking off into the woods at night. You hardly spent any time in your usual places like the library or the blacksmiths or even sitting under your favorite tree in the garden.
Tauriel wouldn’t listen to him when he brought up your mysterious disappearances and he didn’t want to you to his father just yet, so he took matters into his own hands. For the next couple of days Legolas observed you more closely. He made excuses to go into the blacksmiths and try and get a glimpse at what you where working on, he followed you into the library and picked up what books you’d leave behind, and every night he waited on his balcony to watch where you would walk into the woods. Admittedly it was a little weird but he had to know what you where doing. Finally, he decided it was time to follow you into the woods.
He waited in the woods for you to show up after your patrol, sitting patiently on a rock, sharpening his blades to pass the time. He stopped when he heard the crunching of leaves and snapping of twigs not to far ahead of him. Quickly he jumped behind the rock to not be seen.
As he predicted, when he looked out from behind the rock he saw you walking through the woods dressed in something strange. It seemed to be made of leather?
After you where a good distance ahead of him he crept out from behind the rock and silently followed you from a distance, making sure to keep out of sight. You were mumbling to yourself as you flipped through a little leather bound book in your hands, chewing on the end of your pencil.
Maybe you were just a harmless weirdo, Legolas began to think. Maybe he was being to hard on you. He didn’t understand why what you where doing mattered to him so much, why he was so interested. If he was going to be honest with himself you didn’t seem like a threat. He sighed and as he was thinking about this, he stepped on a twig and it cracked under his weight.
You stopped up ahead and spun around. Quickly Legolas ducked behind a tree. You gave a questioning look around before slowly turning back and hastening your pace.
Legolas breathed again after you continued moving forward, he stayed there until you were almost out of sight before he followed again. He followed you for a long while, watching carefully were he stepped.
Eventually, you disappeared again. This time though you had climbed your way down into a large clearing. There was a couple trees with a large pond in the center of the grove but he couldn’t see much from up where he was. He climbed down through the rocks and into the grove but there was no sign of you. He took a moment to spin and look around, it was a beautiful place, he could see why you would want to sneak off here.
“Legolas.” He heard the shock in your voice as you dropped something to the ground, but when he turned around you had kicked it behind the bolder you were standing next to.
He turned around, his face stony. “Wha-what are you doing here?” You laughed nervously, looking around and shuffling on your feat.
“Actually, I came to ask you the same question.” He said coming closer, flipping his blade in his hand and looking down his nose at you.
“Oh! Well you know, ah, um,” you stuttered.
“And what is this you’re wearing?” Legolas asked accusatorially and tried to peer around the bolder you rushed up to him and put both your hands on his chest, trying to guide him away.
“I’ve been, uh, making… outfits!” You laughed. “That’s it! You caught me! Drag me back and—”
Legolas swiftly moved his blade so it pointed at your throat. Immediately you moved both your hands off him. “Don’t lie to me. What are you hiding?”
There was a low rumbling coming from behind him. Legolas looked over a shoulder and climbing out from behind a stack of boulders, teeth bared and reptilian eyes fixed on them, was a dragon.
“Get down!” Legolas shouted and shoved you both to the ground as the dragon pounced. Legolas got back up immediately, prepared to swing his sword at the beast.
“Stop! Stop!” You cried as you scrambled to your feet and placed yourself between Legolas and the large black dragon.
You where facing him with both your hands on the dragons face, holding it back from attacking again. It’s green eyes fixed on Legolas as it continued to growl.
“You scared her!” You said, looking more angry then Legolas had ever seen.
“I scared her?!” Legolas yelled back, using his sword to point at himself and then the dragon. He noticed now that the dragon was wearing a leather saddle.
There was a long stretch of silence where all you did was look at each other. It was like Legolas thoughts had completely stopped working. This wasn’t even on the list of things he had expected to find out here with you.
He turned on his heel and began to walk away.
“Wait! Wait-wait-wait-wait.” You said skidding over to him. You grabbed him by the arm to stop your feet from sliding out form under you, you where crouched down ever so slightly to catch his eye, all evidence of angry gone from your face and replaced by intense worry. “You can’t tell anyone, they’ll have her killed! I promise she’s not dangerous.”
Legolas furrowed his brows and looked over his shoulder. The black dragon was still glaring at him. It snorted at him rather aggressively.
“Just…” slowly your hand moved down his arm until it gently clasped his hand. “Just let me show you.” Your voice was barely above a whisper and something about it made Legolas’ heart speed up.
Gently, slowly, you led him back over to the dragon. It might have been the wrong time, but it dawned on him that he quite liked the feeling of your hand in his.
You lifted his hand to the dragons nose and it made a low growl. “Shrenka,” you said and the dragon turned it big eyes to you. Immediately he saw how her slit pupils turned round. “He’s a friend.”
Shrenka made a disgruntled, annoyed, noise but she allowed Legolas to place his hand on her. Legolas peeled his eyes from Shrenka to find that you where already looking at him, a slight smile placed on your lips.
“She’s a bit moody,” you said as you removed your hand from over top of his. “But that’s all.”
Slowly Legolas began to stroke Shrenka’s head and scratched under her chin and she made a sound akin to a cats purr. A smile began to form on his face, and in turn, one formed on yours.
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miseries-mistress · 1 year
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This fic is for the @cloneficgiftexchange , my story is too @chicknstripz based of the prompt "Do you think they saw us sneak off?"
Synopsis: Galas have never interested you. Dressing up, smothering makeup on, and entertaining people who attended for appearances alone is pitiful as well as painful, but an unexpected guest turns the dreadful night around. 
Warnings: female reader, fluff, kissing, no spice, happy fucking ending bc he deserves one. W/C: 1225
Notes: i know you said fluff, but i had to add a pinch of sadness. i actually can't help myself! I hope you like it!
star wars masterlist
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You'd rather be anywhere but here. No matter how the senators framed this gala, it was nothing but an excuse to garner support for the Republic and funds despite the invite plastering "charity" over the heading. Being an advisor to the Republic, you often attend such events in a dress worth more than most Corosants residents' paychecks. It's a requirement for someone working so in-depth with Jedi and clones alike, no matter how entitled you feel and far from the comfort of your uniform when you step into the building.
Soft classical music floats out the grand doors, and the troopers you pass by nod respectfully after noticing you from your many appearances through different battalions. You could easily be picked out among the rest, whether it was how uncomfortable you looked or the dress that didn't fit quite right, you didn't know. You offer them a smile before turning back to polite chatter barely above the melody. Maybe you would have enjoyed this more and soaked in these rare pleasantries if tomorrow's work hadn't hung over your head so dauntingly. Working with the 501st never bothered you. In fact, you got along well with Rex and his men, but pursuing any diplomacy with Anakin present is nothing short of exasperating, so much so that you find it hard to believe he holds the rank of a Jedi.
"Well, don't you look lonely?" the man behind you asks. An unmistakable husk to the teasing lilt in his voice prompts your head to jerk in surprise. You turn, caught in Cody's gaze, while the confidence slowly drains from his eyes the longer you hold it, finally noticing the front of your dress dripping down your curves. There's something inexplicable in his stare, the way it slowly slides down your body, an emotion you could only compare to ravenous enlarging his pupils. 
"You look…" he trails off, his Adam's apple bobbing as his irises find their way back to yours in an attempt to formulate the words congealed in his throat. "Really nice."
He bites back a wince. That's not what he wanted to say. 
Your chuckle does little to settle him, his mind rushing with possibilities of how you interpreted his complement as your hands run down his suit lapel, and he tries to straighten himself, maybe to seem presentable in front of you. Even after all the battles you've witnessed together, Cody still makes an effort to look like what he feels is a "real man." As if there was such a thing. 
"And you cleaned up nicely." He did. He really did. Cody looked almost...regal in the tailored black suit, rippling with lean muscle accentuated by the hugging fabric. Heat rises to your cheeks the longer you stare, and you clear your throat, forcing yourself to concentrate on what you're saying. "Well, I didn't expect you to show up tonight, not that it's unwelcome." 
You offer him a smile, understanding his flushed expression as thinly veiled embarrassment, removing your hands from his chest. A look of longing flashes across his honeyed irises before he clears his throat, his hand rubbing sheepishly at his nape. 
"Yeah, well, I usually see you before you're sent elsewhere. Besides, certain clone commanders were invited to showcase ourselves to members of the Senate…something about seeing us in person." He huffs, clearly disgruntled. "Not that it matters. It won't change their opinions of us."
You nodded. You've been around your fair share of senators throughout your career. But, being one of many ambassadors in the military and traveling across star systems to quell conflict in the people, senators often discarded them. Tossing their opinions forged from many years of training aside from the preconception that comes with the name. Seeing the hatred clones face is one thing, but witnessing how deeply it affects them is another. 
Cody avoids your regard, searching for anything else to latch onto besides the raw emotions crackling in the air. 
"Hey." A finger taps against his prominent jawbone, drawing him away from his thoughts. "Not right now. Let's just make the most of this time."
You reach for his hand, lacing your fingers and giving the rough skin a squeeze, calluses digging into yours. Loud laughter slices through the air, and your attention shifts to the group of aristocrats loudly talking among themselves, glasses of alcohol swinging loosely in their hands. You wince, the environment you created fleeting from your grasp just as Cody leans in, his mouth a hairsbreadth away from your ear, and a raspy breath accompanied by a hum is enough to have you hanging off every single word. "Let's get out of here, yeah? Make the most of our time?"
You can only nod, the words caught in your throat as the familiar warmth ignites in your stomach, spreading throughout your limbs until you're giddy with the implications of what comes next.
Knowing the layout better than you, he leads you by hand down the hall, passing guards in a hazy blur, your head reeling at the point of contact. The mysteriousness, the longing, the desire to be closer than you could have ever imagined has your breaths coming in shallow pants, desperate for some reprieve from the shared ache between you two. 
Finally, the door slides open, the night air kissing your cheeks with a chilliness you feel under your skin. The soft shut of the door behind you and his face in front of yours allows an unprompted giggle to slide past your lips, stealing a glimpse of the door before peeking back at him. 
"Do you think they saw us sneak off?" His lips twitch into a ghost of a grin, stepping towards you. You feel like teenagers, too wrapped in the moment to consider the consequences and everything that could crush what you've constructed into thousands of pieces, absorbed in the thrill of secrecy to consider your lives outside this instance. Not Republic members fighting for a better tomorrow, just lovers.
"You worry too much for your own good." Cody slides a hand up your cheek, and you can feel the pulse in his fingertips, the quickness of his breath. He seems nervous, debating the action before pressing his lips to yours in a tender cling. It's cliché the way it steals your breath away as you melt into him, and the hands that shift from your cheeks to shoulders and then slide painstakingly down your back are filled with tender warmth. You feel aware of everything at once, the pressure of his mouth, the taste of your kiss, the ardor of his hand cascading down the knobs of your spine, and the texture of his slightly cracked lips.
He holds your mouth captive so he can feel every place where they touch and every place when they pull away. You can't help but savor the air you share in seconds afterwards as you slip your nose across his, the instant too intimate to be painted by words. Even your breaths sync together while you stand there. 
Cody's fingers drift to your hips, pulling you flush to his chest in a swift movement. Gentle hands draw circles along your covered skin, pressing a kiss next to your ear. His voice is husker than usual, mysterious, and inviting. 
"But I wouldn't have it any other way." 
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A New Purpose (Chapter One: Beskar, Blood & Babies)
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(work is not nsfw, but this blog is generally intended to be 18+)
synopsis: you’re an ex-rebel fighter struggling to adjust to no longer fighting against the empire and instead having to build from it’s ashes. to combat the overwhelming sense that you need to do something, you've dedicated yourself to wiping out the imperial remnants that still cling to the underside of the new republic. that changes when you meet a socially inept mandalorian and his adorable baby, who are running from imperial remnants.
tldr: an ex-rebel, a mandalorian and force-sensitive baby walk into a bar and nobody else walks out.
pairing: din djarin x fem! reader
content warnings: blood, injury, canon typical violence, slow burn, like really slow burn, strangers to friends to lovers, potentially smut in the future, reader has personality/backstory, little to no use of y/n, not-so-thinly-veiled anti fascism
word count: 3.1k
a/n: i have plans for this being a series but we’ll see. takes place after s2 but has nothing from mandalorian s3 and changes stuff from the book of boba fett. essentially a rewrite of the story. also din still has the razor crest bc no way two human sized people are fitting into that starfighter comfortably
prev. next.
The day you first met the Mandalorian is a memory scorched into your brain.
It was the same day you awoke to the taste of iron thick in your mouth and a Klaxon blaring in your head.
You were disorientated, grappling to readjust your eyes to the light as your body communicates to your mind the pain you were experiencing. Blood, dark and dried, stained the side of your face. Memories flooded your thumping head; you saw images of how you got yourself here.
Ah, that’s right. You were trying to suffocate the last sparks of the fascist, tyrannical regime that previously had total control of the galaxy.
The Imperial remnants were a blight to the New Republic and it felt like you were one of the only people acknowledging this.
The world had come a long way from where you’d been a few years ago, but the longer you sat through the changed world, the more it felt like the same shit in a different pile. They just didn’t know how to progress from being the underdogs. When you’ve been fighting against something for so long, it’s hard to finally pick up the pieces and start building things again.
Bluntly, the New Republic was in disarray. The Rebellion cut the Empire into millions of tiny pieces. Some of them were crushed by the weight of the New Republic, and others were buried in the ground and grew in the shadow of the New Republic’s struggle. It didn’t take long for you to decide things needed to be dealt with, quickly. And it was, well, easy. Fighting against Imps always was. It felt right and every move they made just felt like justification for fighting even harder.
But you’d gotten too cocky. You realised that after waking up in an Imperial cell.
The cells of the Imperial remnants are no different to the cells of the Empire themself. You’d know, because now you’ve been in both of them. They are desolate, bleak and empty. You just barely have what you need to survive, cramped less than a foot from where you lay. Slowly, and with great protest from your aching body, you sat up.
Pain in your head and the trail of dry blood on your face reminded you of the force at which that security droid had struck you. Numbness in your lower left abdomen meant you’d likely received a blaster shot to this area. One that had been poorly tended to, so that you’d still be just about clinging to life the next day so that information could be… extracted from you.
For a few seconds, you let yourself rest. Your limbs received five glorious seconds of doing absolutely nothing. How long had been since you’d been able to have those five seconds? Maybe you never had them at all actually. The five seconds did nothing for the throbbing pain in your head, however. A klaxon loudly declaring there was a problem prevented that.
But your five seconds of rest ended and you staggered to your feet despite the discomfort. Alright. Time to escape.
Once you’d been told that you were naively hopeful, that you needed to learn when the odds weren’t in your favour. Fucking ridiculous. That’s what hope is; perseverance in the face of unlikely odds. And things were shaping up to be quite unlikely.
You patted yourself down and cursed under your breath. Of course, they would strip you of everything on your person, even the beaded bracelet worn on your left hand. No point in dwelling on what you don’t have. It’ll be in your hands again soon. Quickly, you stumbled to the bars of your cell, you craned your neck to get a perspective on your surroundings. Yep, typical Imp-style prison block. Child’s play, frankly. See, there’s a trick to Imperial locks. Most prison locks.
The mechanism is made to only be opened remotely, inputting a command into a terminal. As such, the lock itself is not made to be opened physically, by force or by a keycard. The creator for that reason added a thin gap to prevent the mechanism from overheating. All you need to do is slot something thin and metallic into the crevice and it pops open like a chest in the hands of a greedy spacer.
You removed your right boot and pulled off the sole, shaking it roughly until a data disk clattered onto the ground. After reassembling your boot and slipping it back on, you snatched the data disk and moved to the cell door. Before slipping it into the thin gap, you took a glance from one side of the hall to another.
No guards, not even other prisoners. Whatever had gotten them so riled up must have been a real doozy. Now was not the time to question good luck.
The clunk of the lock coming undone sounded and you slipped the data disk into the top of your boot. After taking another careful glance to make sure this wasn’t some cruel trick, you slipped out.
With quick, careful steps you made your way down the hallway, stopping to try to discern the sound of something other than that fucking klaxon. You slipped from hallway to hallway, around the corner after corner and there was no one. Your mind flicked through the potential threats that could dignify such an all-hands-on-deck response.
And suddenly you heard it— hard, heavy footsteps and the clanking of something metallic. It didn’t sound like a stormtrooper; they were all plastoid chaffing against their body gloves. Great, so it was probably someone of a high enough ranking to wear something more durable.
You were unarmed and at disadvantage from a practical standpoint. Though, a lack of weapons had rarely if ever stopped you in the past. Even in your afflicted state, you were confident you could take down this Imp in what you pressured would be all-black with a fluttering cape.
You pressed against the wall and slowed your breathing to become as unnoticeable as possible. Then, you tackled them.
Easier said than done you realised fast. They were well-built and broad and their armour was definitely not an Imperial issue. Still, with the surprise, you managed to knock them off their feet.
A low grunt escaped them as they hit the ground ass-first. Immediately, you grappled for their weapon. Unluckily, your hand made contact with the blaster at the same moment theirs did. You still had the advantage, though, the mental preparation for combat— so you just fucking yanked it. The blaster fell into your hand and you brandished at their head, aim trained and hands steady and— wait.
That armour, that steel. Beskar. A Mandalorian? 
The Mandalorian takes advantage of your pause and kicks one of your legs out, sending you and the stolen blaster in your hand toppling to the floor.
You hit the ground and you hit it hard. You were winded on impact and no doubt aggravated your already painful injuries. The Mandalorian scrambled for his blaster and you found your voice again as he picks it up.
“Wait, wait, wait,” you croaked as he aimed his blaster at you. “I didn’t- I thought you were an Imp.”
“I’m not,” comes his enlightening response.
“Clearly,” you muttered, shifting to sit up. The blaster’s sight is trained between your eyes. “Where are the cells?” he demanded. At first, you don’t respond, your hand resting over your abdomen to support the weakened part of your body.
“I said—” he stepped closer, voice now dangerously low, “—Where are the cells?”
“Hey buddy, I’m not exactly in tip-top shape at the moment, if you want information out of me you need to give it a minute.” The beskar helmet covered his face completely, not even a cursory glance at the visor gave you an inkling of emotion. You had to assume he was annoyed with you. “I don’t have time for this—” he dismissed, fingers moving to pull the trigger.
“I’ll bring you to the damn cells!” you shouted. His finger froze.
“You know where they are?”
“Just escaped from one.”
He gestured for you to move. “Show me. Now.”
The walk, or rather hobble, back to the cell block you escaped from was less than pleasant.
You were in desperate need of a stim, bacta spray or even a sip of med nog, anything to quell the hurt plaguing your body. The Mandalorian didn’t seem to care as he was silent while watching you limp along the hallways, hand on the wall to steady yourself. He did not comment on your heavy breathing, visible injuries or shaking legs. Evidently, he didn’t give a shit.
“Here,” you breathed as you turned the final corner. “This is it.” He breezed past you and inspected the cells. His body language was tense as he came across empty cell after empty cell.
“These can’t be all the cells,” he insisted. “Where are the others?”
“Look, these are the cells they put their prisoners in. Unless you want to go to the maximum security—”
“Take me there.”
You blinked at him. “Are you a moron? Who knows how many troopers they have standing guard down there? Go yourself.”
“I don’t know where it is, you do. So take me there or die here.”
Honestly, you considered just letting him kill you then and there. But you were in an Imperial prison and you’d sooner live, suffer and potentially take one of them down with you than die quickly and never get to teach them a lesson. You sighed and it came out as a shaky exhale. “You really know how to charm a girl, huh?” you muttered, turning yourself around and beginning your trek. He watched you quietly.
“C’mon now, don’t ask me to bring you somewhere than sit with your foot up your ass when I try to lead you there.” He scoffed under the mask and it came out raspy and harsh thanks to the helmet. Your body was getting used to the ache invading your sense and walking became somewhat easier at that point. The silent trip to the elevators was a little bit more manageable that way.
When finally inside the small steel box leading you to what you could only assume would be your death, you pulled your shirt up to have a look at your wound. Your skin was scorched and irritated. The lack of feeling told you some nerves had been damaged and you weren’t excited to imagine how your muscles and bones beneath the charred skin were faring. The Mandalorian’s head turned in your direction, just enough to catch sight of the injury. He stared for a few seconds and then turned back to the door.
“Can you give me a blaster?” That had him turn his head back to you pretty quickly.
“What? I’m bringing you down to the most protected level of an Imperial prison and I can’t even have a weapon to defend myself?”
He goes quiet, like might be considering it. Then he says simply, “No.”
“Alright then, you better fucking protect me or else good luck getting back out of this place.”
“I got in, I think I’ll get out just fine.”
You snort. “If you got in, they know how you got in. And they’re expecting you to go back out the same way. If you don’t want to die, you’re not going to let me die.”
Before he can rebuke you, the elevator doors open and a shot is fired directly between the two of you. 
You throw yourself to the side, hiding behind what little cover the walls provide and the Mandalorian does the same. Of course, they knew. They were waiting for you. Well, for the Mandalorian more likely, but if he died, you’d follow soon after.
“You wanna give me a blaster now?” you yelled at him. He didn’t respond, simply pulling the blaster from its holster and readying himself. He swung out from the cover and fired precise shots directly at the heads and chests of the troopers. The blaster fire that did hit him simply rebounded off his beskar. It takes only a few seconds for him to clear the five or six troopers who were standing ready.
“No, I don’t want to give you a blaster now.” You scoffed. Cocky bastard.
“The maximum security cells aren’t far, but we’re going to be meeting some resistance.”
“I can handle it,” he asserted. You nearly laughed.
But he certainly handled it. The second a stormtrooper was within range, they were shot down. He barely flinched each time a shot collided with his beskar. And he did, admittedly, keep you safe. Well, he was sort of protecting you by killing them.
“These doors,” you told him. “They’re locked with MLC-50 Magnolocks.”
“Can you slice them?”
“If I wasn’t half-dead. I don’t have the energy for it,” you admitted, slumping against the wall. "Do it now,” he commanded. You gave him a sharp look. “You’re fucking lucky I got you this far, Buckethead. Don’t make me regret it any more than I already do.”
“I need you to open the lock,” he said, sounding more… desperate. “Please,” he added, for good measure. You shake your head and he made a noise of annoyance as he turned away.
“Hey wait!” you began as you finally got a good look at his weapons. “Is that- Is that a beskar spear?” The Mandalorian turns back around. “...Why?”
“If it’s beskar you could probably break the locks open with it.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’m sorry, I thought you wanted my help. Use the spear, open the lock, no slicing needed.” He pulled the spear out and considered the lock for a moment. He looked between the two.
“You try to open it with your mind? Fucking hell just stab it!”
In one swift motion, he rammed the spear into the magnalock and electricity crackled wildly, before the door slid open. “Told you,” you said, grinning. He didn’t even spare you a glance, just walked right into the cell. He looked around, turned swiftly on his heel, and moved to the next door. He repeated the action until the second last door, at which he stopped.
The sound of footsteps filled your ears. “Hey, tough guy,” you called. He didn’t reply. You shifted back onto your feet and began stumbling over to him. “Tough guy!”
“I think he’s in here,” is all he told you. “Well that’s great, get him out quick, we’re not going to be alone for long.” Still, the Mandalorian didn’t move. 
“Maker above, move!” You looked behind you as the sound of footsteps became increasingly loud. Rushed and heavy, definitely stormtroopers. “Why are you hesitating?!”
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly, which floored you for a moment. And then you heard the sound of a muffled voice escaping through a mask filter. He might be hesitating, but you wouldn’t be. You snatched his blaster from his holster and he panicked, reaching to grab you until you fired a shot at the stormtrooper rounding the corner. “Open the door!” you ordered. This time, he listened.
The beskar spear punctured the lock and the door slid open. You nearly missed the tiny squeal of delight that came from the other side as you fired off at the stormtroopers approaching. Your arms struggled to keep the weight of the blaster as steady as you’d normally have it, but it was enough to fire killing blows. "Hurry up!” you barked at him.
The Mandalorian steps out, clutching… a baby. A small, green and admittedly quite adorable, baby. You’re not sure what you were expecting but… yeah. It wasn’t that. You realised your strength was failing you, you tossed him the blaster, which he somehow caught. The final few troopers went down smoothly.
“Fuck,” you hissed, laying back on the ground. “You’re gonna… You need to help me move.”
“Please!” you cut in. “Just help me and I’ll get you and the baby thing out, I promise. Just… please.”
Maybe he took pity on you or he just knew he didn’t have any other option, but he resigned to offering you an arm. You essentially climbed up him until your weight was resting uncomfortably on his shoulder. “Tell me where to go.”
You instructed him as you battled for consciousness, all the while the baby looked at you with its massive eyes and tilted its head cutely in confusion. 
“Here, here. That panel,” you told him. The was still a small gap where you’d pried it off with your multi-tool and— fuck. You don’t have your gear. There’s a moment wherein you consider making him go get your things for you. Just a moment, though, because your head is thumping, your side is numb and somehow your bones are aching and right now you need to pass out.
It’s a bit of a manoeuvre to slip out through the way you came in and most of it spent weakly crawling behind a thick wall of beskar and muscle, but you made it. The Mandalorian hauled you onto his ship. That was nice. You expected him to sit you down outside the base and let you die there. He prioritised the baby, setting him down in his floating cot before grabbing at your arms.
“Tell me a place,” he commanded.
“What?” you rasped. “A place, tell me the name of a place, and I’ll bring you there.”
“I don’t…” You had to blink hard to not submit to unconsciousness. “Just, listen for a second, okay?” He went quiet. He looked back at the Imperial base, then back at you. He nodded. “Him—” you carelessly gestured in the general direction of the baby, “—the Empire want him, yeah?”
“What are you—”
“Listen! They’re trying to get him, am I right?” The Mandalorian nodded again.
“I know them, I can avoid them, keep him safe— keep both of you safe. You just give me some gear, get me away from here and I’ll do it.”
You rendered him speechless with that.
“We’ll talk more about it tomorrow or something, but right now, you need to give me something so I don’t die.”
“Tomorrow?” he parroted.
“Yeah, I’m not available for negotiations right now,” you informed him, with half a smile. He didn't seem amused by your attempt at levity. “Okay,” you sighed. “I’m going to pass out now.”
“You're going to what?”
And then darkness clouded your vision and you slipped out of consciousness.
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a-lonely-dunedain · 4 months
LOTRO intro game with Tossdir?
(for this ask game where you send in one of my OCs, and I give you a synopsis of what it would look like if they were the main NPC in a tutorial quest)
ah! ok this one is fun, because Tossdir fits into Before the Shadow more naturally as an NPC than a PC lol
So you show up in Mossward, enter the blacksmith shop, and are greeted by not one, but two Rangers! Meneldir, area Mysterious Guy, and his slightly more approachable but still Weird brother, Tossdir.
during the raid on Mossward Tossdir would be fighting right alongside the PC, and would probably even initiate a little competition to see which of you can kill the most orcs. Tossdir will actually forget what the count was by the end of the instance though, what with Tegwen being in danger both he and the PC had more pressing matters on their minds. (but I think later on in the questline, prompted by absolutely nothing, he will suddenly exclaim that he's remembered you won the wager and offer to buy you a drink at the Crossway House)
Most of the time his role in the questline would be just to play off of Meneldir and offer a little levity when appropriate. here's how a few lines might be changed with his inclusion: "I have never had much patience for children. Well, except for Tossdir." "HEY!" and "but my kin are far away now..." "Meneldir I'm right here" "I was not talking about you!"
I think I've already posted a bit about the end of this questline in the Tossdir-verse. but yeah Meneldir survives Specter of the Grey Fear, Tossdir gets possessed, you Meneldir and friends have to fight him in Sarch Vorn, Meneldir dies in the 2nd stage of the bossfight etc. difference in this version is, bc Tossdir is not the Main Character™, he will just go to Thornhad and later Esteldin, ending up as an occasionally reoccurring NPC throughout the epics. Next time you encounter him he's going to seem really really depressed, but you will see him improve later on after he's had time to process things and reconnect with the other Rangers
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furyohin4urr20 · 5 months
Please tell us the name of the randy fanfiction you wrote 🙏
anon i am so sorry to have left you in here for so fucking long i really am 😭😭😭
i never posted the fic anywhere bc i never finished it so methinks i'll post it here
Randy Jade x OC Fanfiction (Title TBD)
By Fu Ryohin
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Chapter One
Chapter Synopsis: This basically plays out like the subway mugging scene in-game, with some changes to fit in with my own mental illness 🫶
It's a chilly evening on the subway, as Penny stands by the doors, nail-polished fingers holding onto the safety pole as she looks at her watch. Her coat pockets jingle with change and crumpled bills from her shift at Bunny's Burgers, all courtesy of her satisfied customers, as she sways backward from the train's speed taking her to her cozy apartment uptown.
'Today was rough', she stares pensively at her boots, sighing as she contemplates her work day with fellow coworker, Mile.
'We were understaffed, a large party came in and occupied 3 booths and a table, and left a mess I cleaned up myself, and Mile was getting yelled at for dropping the cash box while managing the cash register.' Her screen goes dark as she lay deep in her thoughts until she saw out of the corner of her sensor someone moving into a double seat across from her and her pole.
It was a tall, knife-headed man, unfamiliar to her, with a malevolent glint on his blade. Well, she perceived it to be so, considering light can't be malevolent, but does it really matter? He sat next to a man in a denim jacket, covered in what appeared to be mud stains and water, with a foul odor following him, much to Denim Man's slight panic. Penny slowly moved slightly closer and began to eavesdrop ever so cautiously.
"Look, I'll say it again only once", the suspect man sneered, as he pulled what looked like a gun out of his coat pocket. "Hand over the wallet, bozo, and I'll let you off the hook scot-free. If not, your dumb, phone face GETS IT. Deal?"
Shakily, without lifting his head, Denim Man whimpered quietly, “P-please, sir, I don’t have any money, just, just some loose change...” Denim Man was shaking with fear holding an expression of what seemed to be pure dread.
“Well, better than nothing, I guess”, the mugger replied. “Hand it over before I stab you, so help me Phone-God!”
Penny started to feel sick to her stomach, a lump welling in her throat. Surely she couldn’t leave the poor man to get mugged of all he had? She started weighing her options quickly.
The train started to slow, lunging everyone slightly forward, and suddenly, an idea manifested itself. This is her stop. Penny stepped forward slowly, making pace closer to the mugger.
“Leave him alone!”
She heard herself gasping, and immediately covering her mouth in alarm. Why did she say that?! She felt the color drain from her face as the mugger stood up and faced her, towering over her.
“Hey, Sweetcheeks, stay out of this if you don’t wanna see this cuck blown away, y’hear me?”
She stood there, frozen, trembling, forcing herself to respond to the criminal’s threat. “I-if you leave him alone, I’ll, I’ll give you my tip money for the night”, she managed to squeak out, “But leave him alone, o-okay? Surely it’s more than what you’d get out of him.”
The air was still for a brief second, but to everyone involved, it felt like an eternity. The Denim Man looked up at her, in grateful shock, before gesturing for her not to intervene with his bandage-wrapped hands. “Finally, at least I'm getting something out of this,” The Mugger grumbled. Penny rummaged through her bag for a few moments, silently refraining from making eye contact with the bladed robber.
In a split second, she grabbed her pepper spray, undid the cap while still in her bag, and let it rip on the mugger’s face, in a fiery cloud. The mugger immediately folded over in pain, dropping his gun, which revealed an empty cartridge.
Penny grabbed Denim Man’s hand and quickly pulled him to the now open-subway doors, and bolted out into the station and onto the streets of Uptown DIaltown. She had never felt so scared before, but at the same time, she was euphoric on the adrenaline rush. She had stopped a man from getting mugged on the subway, almost single-handedly! It may be a good idea to check on him, he seemed very shaken up.
“Oh, my Phone-God, are you okay, dear?!” She worriedly asked, still huffing and heaving from the run. He was sobbing quite loudly, and in quite a messy way, too. Let’s not get into the details of how a phone can cry.
“W-why, why did you do that?!” He finally managed to sputter, in between sobs and heaving, hitching breaths. “You don’t even, even KNOW me! Why would you risk yourself, f-for a schmuck, a bum like ME?!”
She looked at the messy, blubbering wreck in front of her and heaved a heavy sigh. “I... I don't know. I don’t know what came over me. I just, started moving without thinking,” She replied, much to her own surprise. “I think it was instinct. But, anyway, what’s your name?”
“I-it’s Randy, Miss... uh...” He wavered.
“Oh, um, it’s Penny! Penelope Sciarte. Just stick with Penny, okay?” She chuckled awkwardly. “Anyway, what led to you, um, getting on the subway? From the sound of it, you didn’t even have enough to get on in the first place.”
“O-oh, right... I, um, this is going to sound pathetic, I’m sure, but uh...” He muttered while looking down at his bandaged hands. “I got chased down here by swans. I managed to get in through the doors before they closed.”
Penny stopped in concern and slight awe. “A swan would go out of its way to chase you down from the park to the subway?" She added in astonishment. "I knew they were rude but not outright cruel.”
“Well, you really see to the worst side of them when you spend your days trying to wrangle them every day for a pittance.” He sighed and briefly exchanged his final pleasantries with Penny before starting to walk in the opposite direction.
“Wait! Are you sure you’re okay to walk by yourself? Where are you headed, dear?” Penny inquired, attempting to ensure Randy didn’t run into any more trouble.
He hesitated. “Look, thank you for your help back there, but I don’t want to cause you any more trouble. I’m going to my dumpster, it’s really all I have left at this point.” He looked up at her, her screen flickering pensively.
“D-did you say, dumpster?” Her face lit up. “No wonder you looked familiar! You’re the guy who’s been squatting in Bunny’s dumpster for the past few years!”
Randy’s expression became wearier as she mentioned this. “Yeah, that’s me, but you could probably tell simply by the SMELL that follows me everywhere. there’s no point in complaining. If there is a God, he certainly isn’t a merciful one. After all, he created those portents of pure maliciousness that we call SWANS.”
“Well, are you sure you don’t need a place to stay for the night?” She asked, and realized just how much of an idiot she sounded like for inviting a stranger into her house.
“W-well, I know it sounds kind of, um, sudden and odd, but I assure you, it’s much better than staying in a filthy dumpster after such a rough day.” She felt the air coming out of her vents heating up at the thought of a stranger in her home.
“I couldn’t possibly intrude, and you’ve done enough for one night,” He quickly responded as he tried his best to avoid eye contact with her. He sighed and shook his head. "I know how busy things are at Bunny's, the last thing you need is another lousy burden on your shoulders."
She looked him in the eyes.
"Oh, nonsense!" She insisted. "I won't be able to sleep tonight worrying that you're sleeping in that greasy dumpster and I have a very busy shift tomorrow! You'd be doing me a favor by staying in my home, even if it's just for tonight."
She didn't seem to notice while speaking she had cupped his bandaged hands in hers, much to her own surprise. She pulled back nervously.
"Oh, er, sorry." He stood there silently, impressed and slightly intimidated by her.
She took notice of this, and countered, "You don't have to say anything, just nod your head yes or no, dear." He started to tear up again and started shaking his head up and down in agreement.
She took his hand and directed him to follow her down the row of buildings in Uptown Dialtown, as the night brought down a cool chill and lit the light posts. Somehow, somehow, despite this, both felt a warmth inside them, faintly glowing with each step.
This doc was last edited on 2/15/2023 ☠️☠️☠️
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hermionesslut · 2 years
(natasha romanoff x fem!reader)
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SYNOPSIS : best friends mom smut 🙈
CONTENT WARNING : nsfw, some smut, mostly just tension i guess, infidelity, lmk what else !!
꒰ AUTHOR'S NOTE ꒱ i rlly WANT to make a part 2, no guarantee bc i’m all over the place but i had ideas i wanted to write, as well as some requests to fulfill🤞
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you and your best friend were completely inseparable as cheesy as it sounds but every second with her felt light and easy. she was smart and everything any person could value in one, you spent so much time together. eventually, her home felt like yours. she had a beautiful home, it was massive, and it made you question what her parents did for a living. your best friend has two moms and an older brother. her older brother was already married and left the house by this time. she was left with her two parents and they were hard to be around at times. for instance, last night. you couldn’t make out their yelling, but it was remarkably intense. you could tell your best friend tried her best to ignore what was happening outside her door, you could see tears pooling in her eyes. but she was glad you were there, it made it all easier to swallow.
and you had stayed over the night with your best friend, her parents were fighting again, from your judgment they didn't seem too happy. but there were times when you saw the two of them, and they seemed warm together. that in that single second they were the only two people in the world and they could grow older together, happily. when you and your best friend woke up, she was pleased to find last night was over. she tells you "um, y/n i think i'm gonna go out with my mom real quick, it shouldn't take long," she smiles, "about three hours, nothing more. you can stay here if you want, i'll be back." some days she goes out with one of her moms. her name's wanda maximoff she kept her last name when she and her wife got married. she seems the frequently nicer of the two. she wears her hair long and red, she has the nicest green eyes. you try not to get lost in them..too often.
her mrs, natasha romanoff wasn’t what you’d call mean, she talked to you more than Mrs. maximoff did, but she came off as rather cold. she also had red hair, but it was deeper and slightly shorter than wands. she had lovely green eyes, but you didn’t attempt to leave them. they were unnecessarily enticing, she wore her suits with confidence, and with every step, you swore there was no mistake. no use in paying attention..she’s your best friend's mom, no use at all, there couldn’t possibly be any worse way of betrayal. this friendship certainly wasn’t something worth risking.
and as you say your goodbyes to your best friend, you lay on her bed and you couldn’t help but feel guilty. only because you couldn’t stop thinking about her, it wasn’t right, you knew but these thoughts clouded your head. you ached for them to be gone, so you decided that you should probably leave for a little while just to clear your head. you needed to change your clothes your pyjamas still covered your body. And you couldn’t possibly go outside like this.
you reached in your bag, you had plenty of clothes there. you’d settled on a black flowy dress, there were bows on the peak of the straps. it fitted perfectly around your waist and was truly suitable for the day, it was comfortable. you picked out stockings, black, to match your dress. you started to undress towards the window, thankful for the curtains and the tinted windows. as you lifted your light tank top off your neck you heard shifting outside your door. you quickly turn your body to face the disturbance. your movements are scattered, and you use your top to stifle your masked breasts. you were sure the door was shut, no more than a creak, you understand now that you’re so clearly wrong when you see mrs. romanoff standing in the doorway.
“shit..” you mumble. natasha’s eyes travel over your body before she says, “I'm sorry,” she laughs, “i just wanted to ask you something.” when she’s talking she inches closer and closer to you. your mind is perplexed, what could she possibly question right now? “i-uh—can i..”
“don’t worry, baby, it’ll only take a second.” natasha explains.
“oh uh okay.” you hesitantly reply. she always leaves you asking, wanting more. she’s inches from your face at this point.
“tell me you don’t want me, y/n."
“i–i do, but-“
“but what? wanda doesn't have to know.” she smiles, you honestly don’t quite understand why something like this could amuse her. if you proceed this would eat at you forever, but she moves closer to your lips and you forget all of your doubts. “tell me this doesn’t feel good.” natasha reaches her hand to brush your hair behind your ear and kisses you. her lips are buttery and light, she takes you softly and confidently. soon that delicately is gone and she brings you closer, your hips collide with hers. you’re a bit hesitant with the kiss at first but soon natasha pulls away.
“tell me. tell me your pussy isn’t dripping for me, please,” natasha whispers.
“i-i..” you had to weigh your options here. truly this could ruin possibly the best friendship you had, but how could you deny something like this? such an enticing woman, wanting to be all yours?
“natasha-” with that, your shirt from your arms slips and natasha kisses you again this time more intense than the other. her soft hands travel up your body, grazing the most delicate parts of you. you whimper weakly when she brushes the place you’d love to have her most. she lingers deep in your doe eyes and she asks you “you haven’t had anyone touch you like this, have you?”
you shake your head, you really haven’t, you’ve truly-barely touched yourself this way. you want natasha to show you how. natasha moves her hand from your waists to reach down your panties and she used her thumb to tease your clit. she never put any full pressure, to see how you’d react. she wanted to see how fast she could make you ache for more. she laughs when you moan and buck your hips. you plead.
"please, what? you want me to fuck you already?” nat smiles and continues before you can even begin to think of a reply. her voice deepens as she glances at your tits. ”you’re such a desperate dumb slut, baby.”
“all yours.”
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filmbyjy · 2 years
NOTE: the banners and synopsis may or may not change if the SMAU is confirmed. this is also just to compile possible SMAUs that I will be doing. there will also be a voting for the SMAU that may come out do look out for that! its usually like before the current SMAU is about to end.
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PAIRING: heli/heeseung x selen! reader
i won’t lie sooha actually made up in the end for actually ending Dardan (spoilers)
but yeah, you are a girl boss in here so it’s going to be different here. instead of following our sooha as a high school student, you are selen!
you will be fighting off dardan and his little goons with your powers that you are still learning to use.
and yes, this means ENHYPEN in their knight suits bc i know how hot they look in it
also this doesn't exactly fully follow the actual WEBTOON. more of a modern medieval times smau + the fact that they are vampires and you have some very big powers.
medieval times do not have social media so it's modernised 👍🏼
synopsis: Back then, there were many fights involved between werewolves and vampires and even up till now. It was hard but for now, that was the least of your worries. Protecting your kingdom from the evil hands of Dardan was more important.
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PAIRING: manager!jay x fem! reader
anyways, this is a time travelling sort of kdrama so yes, you go back in time
it ain’t lovely runner but this has a cat inside. how ironic when jay is deathly allergic to cats
ehem, let’s pretend he’s not bc in this drama jihyeok really loves his dear pang (the cat)
so to give context, to make things right the way it should go and everyone being happy and stuff, the main character travels back in time to twist their story
waking up after suffering from a trauma to the head, you found yourself alive and well but what’s weird is…why were you not in a hospital gown? why weren’t you sick?
you turned to look at the clock, it’s 2013…uh oh you’ve traveled back in time without realising it
how would things plan out and how would you make a difference in your ‘new’ life
synopsis: given the chance to have a second chance, you decided to change your fate. however, it comes with a setback, you have to hand over your fate to someone else and how would you do it? you knew you couldn’t do it alone so, who to better help other than your manager(?)
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PAIRING: soulmate/best friend! jake x fem! reader
the main idea of this whole thing is that you're friends with jake
but wait...what is this melody you hear?
why do you hear your best friend's favourite song 'Love Yourself' when you first turned 18?
does anyone else hear that?
apparently not because that means...jake is your soulmate.
your best friends, jake, was your soulmate but he already has a girlfriend!
how was this going to work out?
and yes, there is such thing as hanahaki disease in this universe when soulmates don't work out.
synopsis: When you turned 18, you heard your best friend’s favourite song. Turns out, it was just one of the various signs to finding your soulmate. However, you couldn’t bring this up to jake. Not when he was in a happy relationship with your other best friend! Would you choose heartbreak or sacrifice your happiness for the sake of keeping the friendship
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PAIRING: idol! sunghoon x PR Manager! reader
everyone calm down, I can hear you guys screaming. yes, filmbyjy is back with another kdrama inspired smau! and yes, it is sunghoon again bc he just fits both kang taemoo and gong taesung
but anyways, idk if you’ve seen the plot of sh**ting stars but if you haven’t…the summary is that the main leads are enemies. so…enemies to lovers arc once again😍
so gong taesung is an idol while oh hanbyeol is a PR manager. they’ve known each other back in college and had a mutual friend.
said mutual friend in the actual story unfortunately isn’t alive anymore but in my version, he will still be alive and he will be played by…you guessed it! sim jaeyun
okay I know…secretary jake became best friend jake in this story😔 too predictable but like jake fits the mutual friend’s bubbly personality a lot. also note, nothing will happen to jake, I plan on keeping him alive tyvm🫶🏻 either ways enjoy the sypnosis
sypnosis: Sending park sunghoon to Australia along with his best friend, jake, was the biggest move you’ve made. you were thankful to not hear his annoying voice for years but it also came with a small itch at the back of your mind. you missed him and his stupid handsome face. maybe, you’d soon realise that there was a reason why you missed his stupid handsome face.
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this is just an excuse for me to rewatch this drama (nearly was very close to rewatching it 3 times but I decided against it)
if you haven’t watched this cdrama (Chinese drama) GO WATCH IT🫵🏻
the short version and synopsis I will give you is this is a older brother’s best friend trope
you got to first know sunghoon when you were just 14, thinking your brother, jay, got plastic surgery or something
but no, it’s not your brother. it was his very good looking friend, sunghoon. Sunghoon was a sweetheart though
as years passed by, you developed feelings for him. after him coming over and celebrating things with your family. you were so in love with him to the point that you planned to get into the same university as him.
however, before you could even see him to tell him about your feelings as a 16 year old. you were heartbroken to hear that he had gotten a girlfriend. eventually, you decided to stop loving him and focused on yourself instead.
synopsis: park sunghoon was the most good looking and respectful man you’ve ever met. ignoring the fact that you had a loud and obnoxious older brother, park jongseong, as his best friend. with things going by in your life and a heartbreak, what happens when you meet up with the same man who you vowed to stop loving.
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PAIRING: high school senior!sunoo x fem!reader
you had a huge crush on a boy named sunoo
however, he was a year older
how did you fall for him? simple, he was friends with your best friend, jungwon.
you just thought sunoo was adorable and really sweet so you fell for him. you wrote love letters for sunoo anonymously but never got the guts to place it in his locker.
however, one day…one of your latest letter disappeared and guess what? sunoo found it. now he wants to know who wrote him the letter.
will you be able to tell him?
synopsis: Sunoo was apple of your eye. you admired him. he was perfect, totally your type. however, you could never confess. instead, you wrote love letters to him everyday without writing your real name. only thing…you never gave the letters. what happens if the boy finds a letter randomly on the ground?
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PAIRING: babysitter/classmate! jungwon x fem reader
you had a little sister and well your parents were busy
as you grew older they asked you to take care of your little sister as your grandmother was not strong enough to run around for her
but overtime, you start to grow busy with school
with that your parents thought to hire a babysitter
only thing was…the babysitter was your crush and classmate, yang jungwon
synopsis: Due to the growing amounts of school activities you had, your parents decided to hire a babysitter. everything was fine but until you came home early and someone knocks on the door. when you open the door, you were faced with jungwon, your classmate and…CRUSH!! how will it go?
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PAIRING: soccer player!riki x new manager! fem reader
hmm soccer player + smau, a cool concept I guess
now how did you end up being the new manager? well through your father of course
your dad had unfortunately some business to attend to overseas and would not be able to come home for a year or so
as such, he left you to be in charge of the whole soccer team
but you didn’t know anything about soccer!
how are you going to face all the boys and tell them that you have no clue how soccer works?
synopsis: Oh why did your dad have to leave you in charge of the soccer team? you had zero knowledge about the damn sport. oh and team’s striker, ni-ki, had also found out about it. he now hates you for it and was blaming your dad. how will this go?
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possible ideas (no specific member unless specified)
– secret relationship with brother’s best friend but brother cant know! + can tie with the Hidden Love cdrama — possible main person can be sunghoon
– teacher + teacher?? idk man
– we got married but 4th gen version!!
– tellonym inspired smau (I think it’s the same as CuriousCat? idk I never had it and I only had tellonym bc that’s what us singaporeans used to do)
– ex-friends to lovers type of smau
– some wrong number type of idk plot?
more to come!
© markxdino/filmbyjy 2022
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hiyoriddle · 2 years
let us dance in our love affair.
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content: fluff, mutual cheating(?), non-idol au, marriage of convenience, gets a bit suggestive in the end (no detailed descriptions), heavily inspired by savage love affair
pairing: kaoru hakaze x gn!reader
word count: 1.2k
synopsis: you knew you would never be able to marry out of love. after getting married to your husband, you started to wonder what it'd be like to have that freedom. one night before a party, he leaves last minute and you're left alone. you didn't expect your friend (who also happens to be the city's most eligible bachelor) to confess something to you.
a/n: [repost bc this app hates me] happy birthday kaoru!! i can't believe my first post is about this man this is embarrassing- still love him though (unfortunately)
businessmen, politicians, celebrities, basically just rich people, surrounded you in the venue. you were supposed to be your husband's plus one to this charity ball, but he had to leave at the last minute for work. and now you were alone, you wouldn't dare to mingle with the upper class, you're not one of them.
the only reason you married your husband was for financial security. it was a good deal. he needed a wife to inherit the company, and you needed a rich husband. it's a win-win situation, despite not having time to get to know each other, the marriage went on.
there were plenty of familiar faces present, most you've met due to your husband's work and status, like the tenshouin family and the himemiya family. you saw hiyori tomoe as well, despite his preference to leave business related things to his older brother.
you stood alone with a drink in hand trying not to look… lonely. well, out of place may be the more fitting term. admittedly, everyone intimidated you. you wanted to leave as soon as possible, the place suffocated you.
while taking another sip of your champagne, a certain blond stood next to you. even without looking, you could already tell who it is. you turn to him with a soft smile.
“good evening, hakaze.”
he looked breathtaking, of course he did. everyone and their mothers wanted to marry him, especially now that he's made it known to the public about how he's looking for a wife. parents practically threw their daughters at him. “please, kaoru is fine.”
kaoru observed your outfit for a split second and grinned. “you look lovely, like always.”
“oh hush,” you roll your eyes. “your sweet talk won't get you anywhere.”
“i'm just being honest.” he sipped on his own drink, placing the empty glass on the nearby table. “where's your husband?”
you frown, but immediately switch back to your previous expression. despite that, kaoru notices. “he had to leave for work… it's no big deal.”
“are you sure it actually is for work?” kaoru wanted to ask. he's aware that your husband has been talking to other women lately, he's not sure if you're aware of this or if you're ready to hear about it.
instead, kaoru responds with something else. “that's alright, i can keep you company if you want.”
you appreciate his concern, you knew you wouldn't last long in this place if you stayed by yourself. yet now that he was here, you didn't want to leave, plus your gorgeous outfit would go to waste.
“thank you.” you mutter.
he stood by your side while you watched the wealthy interact with one another, the silence between you was rather comforting. multiple women came up to kaoru in hopes to catch his attention, but he shut them down just as quickly.
you found it quite odd. he's looking for a spouse yet didn't seem to be interested in any of them. true, he's moved on from his playboy past a long time ago, but there were a handful of women that you thought kaoru would fancy. you eventually got used to the continuous rejections.
a while after, the music changed into a more slow and romantic one, encouraging the guests to go to the center and dance with their partners.
a thought came to mind…
what if you danced with kaoru?
the realization had you bewildered. it's nonsense! you can't do that, you're married! still, kaoru has been a good friend of yours since your husband introduced you to him… it's not like he's been any faithful to you either.
he thought you wouldn't notice the amount of times he's flirted or went out with other women, but you're not stupid. you've kept your mouth shut to prevent yourself from going homeless.
you wish you met kaoru earlier. he's obviously the better choice, it's just too late for it now. you can only fantasize what your life would be if you married him instead.
you turn your head to face kaoru. “yes?” you didn't realize how deep you were in your thoughts until now.
“will you dance with me?” he held his hand out towards you. “i understand if you don't want to.”
were you dreaming? maybe he read your mind… you'd be crazy to decline his offer, however, you hesitated. if your husband were to find out, what would happen? surely you can think of some excuse…
oh well, fuck it.
you placed your hand on top of his palm, attempting to hide the stupid grin you have on your face. “i'm delighted you asked me out of all people.”
“how could i not choose the prettiest one in the room?” ah, curse this man and his flirtatiousness. you hoped he didn't see the pink on your cheeks.
he led you to the middle where other couples were dancing and you got into position. thanks to your upper class husband, you had to learn how to slow dance properly to not embarrass him. looking at kaoru though, his eyes told you that making a mistake was fine, those eyes that held nothing but gentleness and admiration.
you danced to the music, enjoying each other's presence, as if you were the only ones left in the world. no one else mattered, the whispers and chatter about you were nothing, as long as kaoru's with you, you felt content.
the song ends and the people around give a round of applause, kaoru pulls you closer to him, your noses almost touch from the proximity. you couldn't look away from him, in that moment, you wanted to kiss him more than anything.
“come with me.” he whispers, practically leaving you no time to answer when he drags you by the wrist to an empty room.
“i'm sure rei won't mind.” he chuckles while he closes the door. he glanced at you nervously, holding your hand. “can i be selfish?”
you don't know what he meant, but you wanted to. you nod, waiting anxiously for a reply. “please… stay with me instead.”
“stay with you…?”
“i love you.” he confesses. “it’s too late for me now, all i wish for is for you to take my feelings into consideration.”
no words could explain how you felt about this situation, it’s a dream come true for you. for once, you finally had the freedom to choose love. kaoru worrily tightens his grip on your hand, preparing himself for whatever you’ll say next.
not thinking straight, you leaned in to kiss him. his soft lips on yours was a feeling you’ve never felt before, you never wanted this to end. you felt him smile before kissing you back, arms making their way around your waist as they pulled you closer.
you pull away with a content sigh and no regrets for any of your actions. he takes your hand once again so your palm holds his cheek, you notice the faint redness of it. “i’ll take that as a yes.”
you laugh. “i love you too, kaoru.”
“then,” he steps forward, making you step back until your back hits the wall. “allow me to show you more of my love.”
before you could ask what he meant, he softly pushes you, making you fall on the bed. tonight, it’s just you and him. just focus on him, feel him, and forget the barriers keeping you apart. for you’re finally free to love.
as the night covers your bodies like a veil, kaoru keeps you close and secure in his arms. falling deeper and deeper into this bliss, you don’t want it to end. you’ve given your heart— your everything to him.
you’re glad you danced with him.
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italoniponic · 2 years
Fairy Hands | Jack Howl
Synopsis: After the ending of the day’s rehearsal for the Fairy Gala, Jack was already feeling his feet screaming for help but, as always, he wouldn’t say a thing and try to endure the pain the best he could to not worry you. But you noticed it… and you had an idea.
Jack Howl x gender neutral reader / fluff / hurt and comfort / establish relationship / use of “you” pronouns / slightly self-indulgent bc it’s my birthday~
Word count: 3,4k / Warning: This is not meant to be k*nky. If you think so, I’ll bonk you in the head with Jack’s heels
Notes: Okay so, this idea was born after the reveal of the full Fairy Gala2 sprites and I loved Jack’s outfit until I saw the rest of it… the top parts? Good, decent, very Jack-ish. The pants? The heels? Atrocious but that’s just my opinion, who cares right? So I got into this spiral of picturing the fact that Jack never wore this type of thing and as someone who wears heels sometimes, yeah the lack of practice is an enemy :) and I never asked nobody to massage my pained tired feet so, I wanted to imagine making Jack feel better. This also turned more deep in feelings matter, the good old hurt/comfort thing that I love doing with Jack. He fits so well with this trope!! I said once in another fic for him but if you don’t have ideas for Jack, first think of hurt/comfort. It’s a solid start!
And for a title-context: to say that someone has “magic hands”, means that this person is very skilled with their hands. In Brazil, we say “oh, you have ‘fairy hands’ (or hands of a fairy)”. Shoutout to @lovetals who first heard of this idea <3
And for last but not least, happy birthday to me~
Fairy Hands
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Jack always had the ability and patience to endure everything. 
Being the eldest of three brothers, he sometimes had to act as a “father” for the younger ones. As a tall guy, everyone asked him to pick up things that were out of reach — or too tall on the shelf. As a strong young man, he impressed students with how much weight he carried. For his newest friends, he needed to be mature and rational and know how to stop them from getting into trouble. 
But even Achilles had his heel. Well, an analogy not very welcome at that time, was what you thought.
You still hadn’t quite understood what the fairies wanted with the school — always the NRC, always — and the weather was so chaotic outside that you didn’t even know how to get from place to place without getting a heat shock. But seeing the boys training a fashion show for the fairies, it was obvious that long days lay ahead. 
And Jack might not survive until there because of the heel they forced him to wear.
It was a silver high-heeled shoe with a somewhat simple design. Strings braided the boy’s ankles like gladiator sandals. A strong heel to support a tall, muscular figure, like Atlas holding the world on his shoulders.
But as much as Jack tried all the time to stay steady and not miss the steps or the choreography once again, you could see the suffering on the surface of his eyes. 
The posture he was forced to have so as not to destabilize himself, the care at every step so as not to fall. The weight of hardships is often shaped from person to person. Some can handle almost anything, others almost nothing. Some people may face an iceberg, but they can’t face a piano. 
“Come on, Jack,” Vil clapped his hands. “High heels never killed anyone.”
You checked the clock, bitterly. Luckily it was almost time to leave because another fifteen minutes and maybe that statistic would actually change.
It was painful to watch that rehearsal. Silver nearly falling asleep while walking, Ortho’s gears needing oil because of the sudden humidity, and Jack feeling like an elephant walking a tightrope. At one point, when he walked back, you needed to run to hold him so as not to fall into a false step.
Jack sighed to himself, tired. Suddenly he looked back and exclaimed. “Silver-senpai!”
The Diasomnia senior woke up just in time before crashing head-on into a mirror on the opposite side of the room. By the great seven, Silver was one point away from developing sleepwalking. 
“Thank you, Jack,” he smiled back at the freshman gratefully and then yawned.
You looked at the heel of Silver’s low boots, small and humble. Why didn’t they choose something like that for Jack? He didn’t need to get taller than he already was. 
But that discussion could wait. You led Jack to a bench near the wall going as comfortably slow as possible because the pain of wearing that shoe was equated with the desire to take it off. He couldn’t force himself too much. Still, Jack’s ears were attentive to everything. 
Maybe it was a Big Brother Syndrome or the result of spending too much time with Ace and Deuce, but Jack paid close attention to everything and cared about his peers even when he should care more about himself. In fact, from what you could see, even in the opportunities to be selfish, he eventually would put the needs of others first. 
When you needed him most to face Leona and Azul. That day, that moment, that exact second. Always. Only fair that you want to take care of Jack. 
You finally got to sit on the bench. Jack almost melted there, body and mind allowing himself a single second of vulnerability — and that was all that lasted. Pulling himself together, he crossed his legs and took off his high heels. 
You were then taken aback by the state of Jack’s foot up close. Taking the shoe from his hands — suppressing a protective urge to aggressively throw it far away from your beloved boyfriend — and setting it aside, you knelt on the ground to analyze that poor, exhausted foot.
“Huh... are you alright?,” Jack asked awkwardly.
You made that same expression when you analyzed strange plants in potions class — these too exotic for the world you used to live in. 
But before your eyes was something not strange, but heartbreaking. And agonizing to your own feet. Marks from the high heel’s laces stood out around Jack’s ankles, leaving his skin slightly red and irritated with skin rash. No wonder it was hurting more than it should.
Because, usually, wearing high heels hurts those who aren’t used to it and gets worse when it isn’t properly shod. 
“You can’t tighten the shoelace so much or your skin will get irritated like that,” you advised him, looking at his foot from all possible angles. “Looks like a Thanksgiving turkey.”
Jack ended up not asking what the hell Thanksgiving was — maybe he would do it later. At that moment, the information about your world that you sometimes let slip could make him curious another time. He took off the other shoe, frustrated. In addition to suffering an entire afternoon, the blame mainly came from him. 
Not that he could know what to do! Give a vacuum cleaner to a cat and maybe the animal will do a better job — though the Ramshackle Ghosts gave a full account of how bad an idea it was.
“I was afraid that if it were too loose, I would fall,” Jack explained, and then sighed. “I'll... try again tomorrow.…”
“Does it hurt a lot?”
“No…,” you lightly touched his foot, and he stifled a groan. “…very much…”
Who was he fooling? Or rather, who did you think you were talking to? Jack Howl wouldn’t admit when he wanted to carry your groceries just to help you, obviously he wouldn't be any different with his own pain. Poor thing.
No, maybe it wasn’t the right way to look at the situation. 
You knew Jack was already feeling bad about tying his shoe in the worst way possible, pitying him would only make him feel worse. And that’s not what you wanted. You were determined to do something to help. That’s why Crowley called you a Beast Tamer!
You looked around. Ace had already fled from there centuries ago, Silver was led by a talkative and animated Rook back to Diasomnia and little Ortho commented with Vil and Crewel on the fabulous mechanisms created by his older brother. They were far away enough to not listen or see about what was going on with you two.
It would be easier to convince Jack that way.
“If you want, I can do a massage,” you dropped this sentence on the air.
Because of his tiredness, Jack took a good minute to understand your words and you knew the exact moment of it because his eyes widened in size, distracting you a little because of the golden glow — maybe a little scared — of that beautiful gaze. Jack’s first words were actually small breaths of air before he spoke very quietly:
“M-massage? On my feet?”
“Why would I do it on someone else’s feet?,” you took a deep breath after retorting, not wanting to be rude beyond the limit. 
“B-but... but…”
It's something couples do! Jack wanted to scream but there were still people in the room.
And in a way, there wasn’t much reason for such a scandal. You were a couple after all. But it seemed too soon. Jack was used to seeing more established couples — read: married — doing this type of thing. 
How many times has he seen his mother offer his father a foot massage when he came home tired from work? Or the other way around: his father doing the same thing when his mother was exhausted and in the times when she was pregnant with each of their three children?
It was such a simple and intimate thing in a way. There was a certain degree of trust put into this action, a sense of comfort that only the person who loves you too much can offer.
Maybe it’s not something restricted to couples only, but it’s the only thing Jack could think of.
He wouldn’t go so far as to massage Leona’s feet and even for Ruggie — another veteran he greatly admired — the most he would do was to look after exfoliating soaps and other things that should manage to help foot stay soft and healthy. And how about you? Jack held his own face, trying to control himself. 
He needed focus.
“I promise not to make it weird,” you said suddenly, drawing his attention. Your hands were raised in a sign of promise. “And if you get bothered, just say so. I let go of your foot faster than a hot potato.”
You both looked at his feet at the same time and you regretted making that comparison. 
“O-okay... just a little,” Jack said and you nodded happily.
You tried to get up from there as calmly as possible, but you were so glad that you managed to convince your stubborn boyfriend to get help — and it was so obvious. You darted around the room in search of a towel, some cream, and Jack’s normal uniform to already have it on hand. 
He watched you in the distance, moving his foot in small circles despite the difficulty. He thought it would alleviate the pain but he could hear something cracking along the way. 
Maybe that was one of the reasons he never saw Mrs. Howl wear high-heels at all, just sneakers. She was already tall enough compared to other women and didn’t need to overtake her husband’s already tower height. And those shoes can be awful when they want to be.
“Where is the Prefect going this time?,” Vil asked as he approached.
“Ah…,” Jack swallowed hard, not knowing if he should answer or lie. Damn, were his ears down? They certainly were. Why wasn’t the day over yet?
“Lock the door when you get out, okay? Whatever you're gonna do. Practice, in fact, makes perfection.”
Jack smacked himself on the forehead for misinterpreting that for a brief second — rehearsal practice! — but Vil didn’t seem to notice. He gave the keys to the room and said goodbye to his friend, rubbing his own arms a little as he opened the door and received some cold air. The temperature was still chaotic.
Finally you two were alone. You suddenly appeared with a bunch of things in your arms and after organizing everything, you sat down and used your knee as a temporary support to put Jack’s foot. You looked like a shoe store clerk or someone about to propose.
What was more embarrassing to imagine?
“You ready?,” you asked and Jack sighed a “yes”. 
He closed his eyes, tense and bracing himself mentally for whatever reaction he would have — you swallowed a comment about you just massaging him, not squeezing a pimple. But after the first touch, Jack gradually relaxed. 
You first passed a cream with a light touch of coconut scent. Because of the strange room temperature, the cream felt warm, and you wrapped his foot with all care, massaging it up and down. You could feel all of Jack’s tension, his body felt harder than a rock. 
He was exhausted. A little regretful but still certain that he would do his best to help with the mission. Squeezing that restless foot, you wondered if people didn’t expect too much from him sometimes. They asked too much too often.
You just wanted Jack to relax from time to time. When all this fuss gets over, you’re sure to do something fun and quiet together! You would make it happen!
“Hey!,” Jack's exclamation scared you for a second.
It wasn’t for nothing, you just squeezed the middle of his foot a little too tight.
“Sorry! I got carried away for a moment,” you said, pushing your hands away quickly.
“Alright, just... pay more attention, okay?”
Jack refused to look directly at you, but all he did was swap his left foot for his right. That made you a little more cheerful. It was a small token of his confidence, no big deal — but it meant everything to you. 
The process from before was repeated and you tried to be as attentive as possible this time. The dance hall was in complete silence. There was only some kind of a paced movement of something hitting in the air. For a minute, you were distracted by Jack’s flapping tail, but with a clearing of his throat, you turned your gaze back to what you were doing.
He didn’t want to say that his feet were hurting more than usual. Running and exercising always produced a tired body, but as time went on, Jack got used to the pain and made it a mere unfortunate nuisance that was easy to pull to the back of his mind.
That foot pain, though? As a child, Jack and Vil once found a book of morbid tales and one of them was of a lady who wore beautiful bright red iron shoes and danced to her death — or something, he erased that memory over the years to get close to red sneakers again.
But it was how he was feeling at the time. 
Jack wanted to simply put the blame entirely and solely on his lack of ability to wear those shoes, but it was much more than that — although that was still one of the reasons. He was frustrated with a lot of things.
They had an important mission, Leona and the whole school were counting on them to resolve the situation. Part of Jack shared Ace’s complaints about the fairies making such a mess unnecessarily, though he didn’t verbalize any of it. He wanted to make everything work out and be able to fulfill the goal. 
But Jack didn’t intend to do anything like this again. 
Truth be told, there was no way anyone could be good at everything. He was doing his best, but would it be enough? Could he meet the expectations of others? Even if he wasn’t made for that kind of thing? At least, he didn’t have to worry about what you thought.
This was obvious from the way you so patiently held and massaged his foot as if it were a piece of expensive tapestry that you were carefully folding and smoothing, pulling out all imperfections, relieving stress from the fabric. Jack only knew this because it was the way his mother advised him to keep a good bed with comfortable sheets.
Staring at you from that high point, the uncomfortable feeling of standing still doing nothing and the comfort of receiving a lovely care act were fighting like angry wolves in his heart, wrapped in the silvery glow of the Moon and the thin blouse he wore. 
Jack wondered how you were able to do things like that with him.
Your touch was gentle and pleasant, charged with a sweetness you didn’t share with anyone else. At least not the way he received it. If you gave sugar to your friends, Jack received the most tightly sealed and expensive honey, with a spoon chosen especially for him. Did you really love him that much?
Did you find him enough, even though he was still incomplete and immature at times? In what you circled his heel, what were your thoughts? Jack could only watch you and torture himself with the doubts he didn’t have the courage to express.
Slowly, he ended up distracting himself bit by bit from the pain. It was still there, but your presence alone took that alert away from his nerves. Jack knew he would walk again the next day thanks to you and he felt extremely grateful. He would find a way to compensate you later for all that.
As you were finishing massaging him, you noticed Jack start to pull the flowers out of his hair, the two bracelets and the necklace he had around his neck. It made you smile.
“Are you feeling better?”
“A little,” Jack answered when he pulled the last plant out of his hair, the largest with white “petals”. It was too stiff to be an actual flower in all honesty. “I think I can already walk to my dorm, at least.”
“Oh, okay. Just when I was getting it right…,” you sighed. “Can we do this more often? I m-mean, I don't want you to bruise your feet for anything! Of course not! But...!”
It took you a moment to absorb that response. 
“Are you serious?!,” your voice ended up sounding loud in the empty room.
“Not all the time but, I think, yeah, it's okay.” 
Jack looked away from you to the echeveria elegans — the “Mexican snowball”, a succulent — in one of his hands, the free one going automatically behind the back of his neck. He just hoped you were excited and distracted enough not to notice how flustered he was.
“Yay!,” you ended up putting your hands on your cheeks. “Um. “
There was a solid minute of silence. Jack stared at you as you took a little sniff, smelling sweat and cream mingle on your face and reaching your sense of smell. A strange feeling, to say the least.
“I… I really shouldn't have done that.” 
Jack couldn’t stand it and laughed a little. 
“Finally a normal reaction.”
“H-how dare you! I have normal reactions!” 
“No, you don’t. You? Where? When?,” he gave another light laugh and you saw his smile increase, to the point that you could see his extremely white fangs glowing.
If Jack knew how much that smile played with your heart, he would also be as embarrassed as you were. But you wouldn’t say anything. Not when Jack smiled at you like that, making the Sun marvel at the golden glow of his gaze and the Moon envy him for his silvery, gentle light. 
Jack didn’t need to be a flower to be admired. He had his own kind of beauty, something that you would nurture to stay in your memory until the very end of your days. 
Because you got distracted for that brief moment, Jack ended up leaving the echeveria on top of your hair. While he picked up his normal shoes, you touched the little white succulent and held it carefully in front of you. 
“I think that ends today then,” you suddenly commented.
“Thank goodness,” Jack tapped his foot one last time to adjust his shoe, and then quickly turned to you, a little desperate. “I'm not talking about this moment! It’s this day in general! That... that whole thing! Not you!”
“I know, don't worry. It's just, I'm gonna have to go back to Ramshackle, you go back to Savanaclaw, and... it's always lonely coming back.”
“I will accompany you there.”
“No, that's not it. In fact, you don't even have to do it today! I don't want to abuse you just because your feet got better.”
Jack gave you a small smile and stroked the top of your head, putting a little pressure — light, gentle — on you to bend down a little and not see how much he looked at you sweetly. If he had the courage and the necessary romantic streak, he would have picked up one of his hair-flowers and proposed to you right there. It was how much he loved you from the bottom of his heart.
“You don't have to worry about that. I’ve already promised that if I need it, I’ll call you again. Thanks for the, um, massage,” he gulped but just for a second. “You have fairy hands.”
At this, Jack relieved the grip on his hand and as he walked, it passed over your head in a stroke so fine as to be elegant. You stared at his back as he continued, resistant. 
It was time for your heart to beat again and Jack to call your name for you to go out together — or he would leave you alone there, it was your second choice. You laughed and as you followed him, you closed the door. Feelings forever in bloom.
Special Notes: Ik it’s explained already about the “Mexican snowball” flower/succulent but I want to make a disclaimer that this is the most similar plant I found to name the one Jack is wearing in his card, so I’m not 100% sure about it but it serves the purposes of this story. Another curious fact is that, in portuguese, this plant is called “stone rose”.
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