#he's still my blorbo. but the life of a blorbo includes being put into the Horrors™ as if in the washing machine
that-angry-noldo · 2 years
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the man must be so done at this point fr
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
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Some more supplementary material for the Frat Boy! Au, this time starring blorbo of the hour: Kento Nanami
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Because he’s been heavy on my mind. Starting with his basic info!
Nanami grew up very middle class, not as poor as Suguru or Ryomen, but nowhere near as well off as Satoru.
He’s a business major not because he wants to, but because he feels he has too. If he had it his way, he would be a culinary student. But according to his father, there's no money in being a line cook, so accounting it is. 
Still, he hopes to use his degree to open his own restaurant one day. His father would never approve of a line cook for a son, but maybe Nanami could sell him on a business owner for a son. 
He says the main reason he joined the ABO frat was to try and make business connections, he knew that some people would hire one applicant over another just because they were alumni of the same fraternity. In reality though, he’d have more room in the frat and unlimited access to the kitchen. 
His room is full of plants. Plants of all kinds everywhere, including some herbs. It used to kinda annoy Ryomen (his roommate) but, he’s grown to actually kinda appreciate it. It makes the room feel less dead. 
Phenomenal cook who can not bake to save his life. Cooking is an art but baking is a science and somewhere along the way he fucks it up every time. Be it mixing the batter too much or too little, not letting it sit long enough or letting it sit too long- he doesn't know. He can handle box cake mix that’s about it. 
Now if you want a steak cooked to perfection with perfectly roasted veggies and the creamiest mashed potatoes you've ever put in your mouth on the side he’s you’re guy. If you want an authentic lasagna with homemade everything including the noodles and sauce, he can do that for you. Do not ask him to make bread. 
He’s also insanely good at fighting games. Every version of Nanami in my heart is a God when it comes to fighting games, there is not a universe in which Nanami exists where he doesn’t dominate at Tekken, argue with the wall if you don’t agree.
Adding to that, he’s also in love with D&D. He’s a forever DM that spends hours of time planning campaigns, hours he should be spending on his school work but shhhh. If you really want to make him swoon, offer to let him be a player in a campaign. He’d pull out a ring on the spot. 
That being said, I think it’s time to get into some relationship headcanons ;)
HE’S A TSUNDERE! Look at that man, he has such big Tsundere energy.
Out of all his frat brothers, Nanami is probably the one that gets laid the least. Not from a lack of opportunity, nay nay, women (and men) throw themselves at him all the time. He’s just picky and not a fan of being touched by stragers. 
You though? You’re different (of course you are, you’re the main character!) The two of you really started to click after you had to work on a pretty big project together. Little things you did softened his heart for you.
Small things like asking him more about his D&D campaign plans, excitedly showing him pictures of the plants that you kept in your dorm, and offering to help him out in the kitchen. Little moments of quality time and tenderness while you were working on this project together nurtured his small crush into full blown butterflies when you were around.
He finally admitted to himself he was in love with you when you beat him in Street Fighter. He wasn’t used to losing at fighting games. You bragged about using his tips against him (you listened to what he said) and laughed about the weeks you spent training to destroy him (otherwise known as taking a genuine interest in his hobbies.) 
He asked you out on a date that night and you were taken completely off guard! You had no idea the fool even liked you! He was cold on the best of days, spending more time scowling at his notebooks than listening to what you said (or so you thought.) He never contacted you unless it was in regards to your project, and most of the time you spent hanging out outside of it was just because you had become friends with his frat brothers and happened to be at the house. You mean he liked you?! 
Of course you said yes, if for no other reason than to see where the hell this goes. You were 40% sure it was a prank, but hey- a free meal was a free meal. It helped he was hot as hell, what was the harm in one date?
You saw a whole new side of Kento Nanami that night. He was warm and attentive, and fucking hilarious when he wasn’t just keeping all of his jokes to himself. 
It was a simple date. A moonlit picnic in the nearby park, one where he brought his laptop and used his phone hotspot so the two of you could watch movies together. 
That was the night when you found out Kento Nanami considered himself to be a hopeless romantic. 
When he took you back to your dorm, he walked you to the door and actually asked if he could kiss you goodnight. 
And now you’re both smitten! 
Once you’re officially his girlfriend, You’re gonna find out he’s genuinely pretty chill. Happy to give you your space and recognize you’re a person outside of your relationship. That being said, let some asshole start getting a little too comfortable with you at a part and he’s quick to throw hands.
You would think nerdy little Nanami wasn’t that good in a fight, but nay nay, he was forced to play football in highschool and will leave a bastard concussed. 
He says he’s not a cuddler, but every time you sleep in his bed you wake up with him cuddled close to you. 
Nanami loves kisses, and is always planting them on you when you’re in kissing range. Your lips, cheeks, forehead, everything is fair game. 
You’re the only person in the world other than like, his parents that can call him Kento. He’s always gone by his last name, to the point that his first name makes him feel like he’s in trouble. Only authority figures use it when they’re pissed off at him. But it hits him different when it comes from your lips. When you say it, it feels tender and intimate. It’s the closest he gets to liking his name.
He always tries to make time for you and your relationship. Even if that sometimes means that your date nights are just study dates, he always strives to make you feel like a priority. 
He’s a soft guy that falls in love easily. You may not know it yet, but he has full intentions to marry you after graduation. A fact his frat brothers are quick to tease him about, while also making him promise to make them groomsmen. 
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ceapa-mica · 9 months
A Relationship with Grand Admiral Thrawn 💖 - a headcanon
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I can't stop writing! 😄 Thrawn's my newest blorbo and it's so refreshing and a pleasure to write for him.
Reader is gender neutral.
🔞 This will be a bit NSFW 🔞
I dedicate this one to @thrawnsboots
May you never recover from this one hehehe
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So, you made a certain emotionally constipated blue Grand Admiral fall in love with you? Congratulations! 🎉 Good for you!
Now let's get into this headcanon of what you can expect in a relationship with Thrawn. 💙
Secrecy. As long as you're not engaged or something your relationship will remain behind closed doors. Thrawn values his privacy and wants to keep you safe from people who might want to harm him through you.
Keeping a secret like that aboard the Chimera is still impossible though. So eventually your relationship will become the biggest open secret on the ISD.
The crew is grateful since you impact Thrawn’s mood in a positive way.
Outside of his quarters you both will keep a professional distance.
Thrawn is a busy man, but he takes as much time as he can to spend with you, whether it’s having sex in his quarters or traveling to worlds in nearby star systems he's familiar with, showing you the Galaxy.
Every date with Thrawn is special. Visiting restaurants, hours spent in art galleries and museums, or a simple picnic in a beautiful landscape. He makes sure it never gets dull, is open for suggestions for the next date, and you will have so many meaningful in depth conversations together.
Those dates can become irregular at times given his busy schedule.
When it's just the two of you, he always shows you the love and appreciation you deserve.
As your relationship progresses he teaches you phrases in Cheunh and Sy Bisti.
Thrawn’s love language consists of acts of service, gift giving and words of affirmation.
Seriously, this man spoils you, he treats you just like you deserve.
Keep in mind he treats you like everyone else at your workplace though! Safe for glancing your way every so often when no one else is looking.
I hope you don't mind a partner who's super enthusiastic about art, because oh boy, Thrawn could talk about art for hours!
He has never been in a relationship before. When he joined the Empire, falling in love wasn't in the cards for him. He didn't expect it would happen…until you came into his life.
Your long time compatibility with Thrawn depends on what your own personal goals are.
Let's say you want to be at this man’s side for the rest of your life, I see engagement and marriage in your future, if you're up to it.
As a Chiss, Thrawn is a man of tradition. He won't share you with anyone. That's unheard of where he comes from.
Being in the Imperial Navy during a Galaxy wide war complicates things, but he's determined to keep Imperial affairs away from his private life, that includes your relationship as well.
Thrawn can become a bit jealous in situations where another man gets flirty with you, but never in a toxic way. He trusts you to make the right decision and remain faithful.
He will remind you in the bedroom what you would lose if you weren’t. In other words, he ruins you for any other man.
Tbh I picture a relationship with him as healthy, he doesn't seem to be a man who disrespects his partner y’know.
From a partner, Thrawn needs someone who's competent and just… gets him. He's different, not due to being an alien, I’m talking about his mind. (He's autistically coded)
If you put a serious effort in understanding him, show genuine interest in who he really is, not just as a Grand Admiral or because of his abilities, but as a person, with all his flaws, and you still love and accept him the way he is, this man is yours for life!
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Stay tuned for the engagement headcanon coming soon!
Feel free to add to this headcanon! 💙
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diamondcitydarlin · 11 months
i think probably the worst part of the whole thing is that I just don't really care anymore, the investment I had at the end of season 1 just straight up no longer exists. no, it's not just bc a blorbo got killed off (and there's a lot of reasons to be angry about that), it's mainly bc most of the characters at this point feel like hollow shells of who they were a season ago, including the stede x ed pairing as a whole (which I really just don't care about anymore at all, sorry). and no it's not bc 'Izzy got all the development and there was no time for anyone else' like of course there was time for everyone else, provided that they hadn't opened the season on all those characters making 180 character changes with no real explanation, provided they hadn't overloaded the damn season with nonsense that goes nowhere. JimxOlu was my OTP after StedexEd in season one, both of them were some of my faves, and not only did neither of them even really resemble who they were in s1, their relationship which was of such great importance in the former just suddenly...is something else now. Not people in love, but 'friends who have fucked once lol' and are wingmen for each other now because...??? Oh but Jim's dating Archie who...*checks notes* was in a Snake Cult? I think? That's about all we get on her, apart from the fact that she likes making out with Jim I guess. And I guess Zheng can't just be a powerful woman character that exists in this narrative without a romance of her own, so let's just toss her together with Olu and never explore or explain that with any kind of depth. Jim has neither trust issues anymore nor do they have ANY interest or investment in their revenge scheme or the Siete Gallos (REMEMBER THAT PLOTLINE?? REMEMBER?? APPARENTLY THE WRITERS DON'T) they're just kind of goofy all the time now for no reason. Olu's leadership arc? His being a confidant to Stede? Where the fuck did any of that go? Are they all a polycule or are they all just separate couple friends? IDK WHO CARES THIS IS HOW IT IS NOW I GUESS. Like, why am I supposed to care about any of that? It doesn't even feel like the characters I watched before.
And StedexEd. Jfc there's so much to say that other people have said better but the constant bringing up of conflicts, breakups, and then immediately resolving those issues with heartfelt reunions/kissing as if that's supposed to be sufficient got really old for me after awhile. The lack of explaining how their 'whim-prone' romance to this point was bad, the lack of explaining how they reconcile their different goals was also bad, but oh they can just go RUN AN INN NOW! Yay happily ever after! ????? "Ed, you've got family" which he immediately leaves to go try another life path he's probably going to suck at and hate WOW so romance. Like either figure it out or break up for good, it just makes them an obnoxious toxic couple who never seem to communicate or bother to try but are supposed to be the one we love the most and are rooting for. And that sucks, because I loved them once! GARBAGE!
There's only so much blame one can put on external factors for this. I worked in production once, I edited scripts and was a go-between for notes and writers, and this is the exact kind of thing I would've felt compelled to point out; we only have x amount of time and x amount of episodes to properly tell these stories, we know this, so maybe lets be realistic about what we can fit in here and do justice and what we can't. Maybe let's not just throw every fucking thing we think of at the wall to see what sticks while completely ignoring/retconning character traits and stories we set up in season 1. But nah, that's what happened!
Like, what is there to watch for at this point if s3 gets greenlit? I fail to find anything that I'd care about seeing continued, even the peripheral characters like Frenchie and Wee John and Roach, whom I also loved before and still do but barely did anything, so I guess I can tune in to watch them do more of nothing? Idk man it sucks when it's not just 'wow that was bad I hope next season is better' but instead 'wow that was so boring and incohesive I have no more interest or emotional investment in this to continue'
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berylcups · 20 days
I don't know if you take requests like this but I'm interested in your general headcanons for La Squadra — if you have any! I like the way you portray them :)
Aw, thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoy my interpretations of everyone’s favorite blorbos! 💜
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La Squadra General Head Canons
CW: blood mention, death mention, grief, alcohol, weed, transphobia, child mental abuse mention, bullying, sex work, toxic masculinity, internalized homophobia?(im gonna add it just to be safe even though it’s used as a joke by an LGBTQIA+ person…a trigger is still a trigger)
Notes: This is technically number 3 on my list but I'm submitting this one first since it got finished first! I hope this will satisfy your appetite while I continue to work on the earlier asks in order! If anyone wants a deep dive in-depth general HC list of any specific character feel free to send in an ask! 🥰excluding Melone of course... there's already one done of him!(that doesn't include other genres, yandere, romantic, etc. Mel HCs are still on the table!) Hope you all enjoy! 💜 Beryl
1- He has PTSD and lingering symptoms of grief. This developed after his cousin died. He has conversations in his head with his dead cousin when he feels lonely or stressed.
2- The smell of blood gives him the same response as cuteness aggression. He needs to cuddle and squeeze the life out of something when he smells that iron-y goodness.
3-He's into leatherwork and knows how to skin an animal. He would help his grandparents in Sicily kill and skin the cattle. Blood and viscera are a common thing in his life.
4. He refuses to drink alcohol. He can’t stomach it knowing that it’s what caused the driver to murder his cousin. He opts for marijuana instead. It's really therapeutic for his PTSD. Formaggio, Pesci, and Melone are the best guys to smoke with. They always know how to show Ris a good time!
5- He doesn’t play favorites when it comes to his men. But only Formaggio knows how to make him laugh. He also has a soft spot for Sorbet and Gelato since they were the first men in his group. He cares for all his men equally, no exceptions.
1- He’s a 30 year old man who’s half Spanish and half Italian. He was born and raised in Firenze. He’s proud of his colorful family roots but he’s always going to cheer on Italy when he’s watching football!
2- Crazy cat man. This guy has five cats and they all are named after cheeses. And they are all orange cats. That grey one you saw in the bottle? You didn’t see shit. There was no grey cats being abused put into bottles. No you can’t change my mind. 😤 There’s Brie, Asiago, Colby, Fontina, and Queso.
3- always says “where’s my hug at??”. Also says “no homo” before doing anything that might be suggestive. This man is bisexual. 🤦‍♀️🤦 saying that doesn’t make it any less queer my Bi- King 👑 he’s the best hugger, 2nd is Pesci, and 3rd is Risotto.
4- This man is the hairiest in the group. He's always trimming his hair and shaving his chest and happy trail. If he doesn't shave he'll end up with a full beard and mustache, full chest of hair connected to his happy trail. The only thing he doesn't shave are his arms, pits, and legs and they are ridiculously hairy. 😬
5- Illuso is actually his best friend. Shocking? I know. They’re very competitive and sadistic hitmen. They always try to outdo each other on how gruesome and creatively they can take someone out. They both like to get drunk or high and watch football and wreck up the base.
1- This prideful 28 year old is half Swiss German and Italian born and raised in Milano. His bad attitude came from always being compared to his younger brother. His little brother could do no wrong and Illuso always had to set a good example for him. The pressure got to him and just like Fugo he snapped but it turned bloody. His mom and younger brother are afraid of him and want nothing to do with him anymore and his father is sleeping 6 feet under.
2- He’s very sensitive and has rejection sensitivity dysphoria. As a child he was a big crybaby and his dad always scolded him to “man up” and fight back when he’s being bullied. It wasn’t until Secondary school where he started fighting back and becoming a bully himself. Now it’s all second nature to him. He puts up a façade of being an unpleasant person to hide his weaknesses.
3- He’s an avid artist who loves working with charcoal and graphite. His still lifes, landscapes, and portraits are near photorealistic. If his name didn’t give it away, he loves illustrating reflective surfaces the most. He wants his own studio where he can display his work. He doesn’t want to show off his work to others though. He’s very sensitive about his art pieces. He only does it for his own self satisfaction. He does want to be able to share this with a special someone though if he were able to find someone that he didn’t scare off.
4- He was born with Man in the Mirror. He used to use the mirror realm to hide and cry so he wouldn’t get made fun of by other kids or get yelled at by his dad for being “weak”. He obviously now uses it to store dead bodies and uses it as a safe place to attack people.
5- He was very sheltered as a child. The first time he saw masculine genitals besides his own was he went to Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze with his parents seeing Michel Di Angelo’s David. He embarrassed them by loudly asking his father “papà why is his pìpì so tiny???” 😳
1- He’s the youngest member at 19 years old. He’s from Sardinia.
2- Pesci has a mild form of Klippel-Feil syndrome. This doesn’t affect his self esteem. He’s actually pretty content with his body image! He just wishes he had more mobility with his neck. He does worry about passing that specific gene down to his potential children so he’s going to avoid having them. He fears his children will get bullied and not be able to develop a thick skin like he does. 😢 maybe his future s/o can help change his mind about that? 🥹
3- He’s a farm to table type of man. He fishes for his meal, cleans and debones , and cooks it to perfection. He knows how to prepare anything that lived in the water. Even the poisonous Fugu. But he doesn’t trust his skills enough to serve you that though! …unless you’re the boss. 😈
4- When he’s fed up with Prosciuttos harsh treatment, he’ll mock/impersonate him behind his back with Formaggio. 😅 his voice could use some work but he has the cadence and body language on point!
5- Coffee, tea, Cigs, energy drinks, or anything that is a stimulant will give poor Pesci the insta-shits. 💩 his tummy is DYING. Give him the entire toilet roll he’s gonna be in the bathroom allllll day. 😭 give him dairy, spicy, greasy, or anything else that’s irritating to the bowels. He can handle it like a CHAMP. Just no go-go juice.
1- He’s a 26 year old Roman man. He’s a bastard child who never knew his father. He’s the oldest out of his 6 half siblings. His mother was a sex worker and a single mom so she always had to rely on her eldest Son Prosciutto to take care of his siblings. He never had a real childhood and had to grow up fast. This explains the aging nature of his stand and his stern attitude.
2- He sort of followed in his mother’s footsteps by sleeping with tourists and robbing them blind which is how he was able to get so much designer clothes and jewelry. Don’t ever bring up the part of his life before Passione, unless you have a death wish. He’s very ashamed of his past.
3- He has a hobby of winemaking and tasting. His dream is to have a villa in the countryside and have his own vineyard where he can make, drink, and sell his own wine .
4- He’ll take this secret to his grave but he has a mild phobia of taxidermy animals and embalmed corpses. Something that looks so life like yet is completely dead never to walk again really unnerves him. He doesn’t enjoy seeing things decay either. He finds it very unpleasant, but at least he’s aware that they are no longer among the living.
5- He’s a huge technophobe. Outside using his cellphone for calls and laptop for emails, he does NOT want anything to do with technology. Don’t come to his house and expect to Netflix and chill. You’re gonna gramophone and whoopie LMAO 😭. He likes old stuff because it “lasts longer “ totally not because he doesn’t know how to use anything. 🥲 he thinks video games are a waste of time and gets on the guys for playing them…they completely ignore him. 😂
I did a deep dive on this fella already click the link below to see it!⬇
1- He’s a proud 23 year old Venetian. He was born AFAB and became his authentic self as a trans man. Only Melone knows Ghiaccio before he became his authentic self. He's very supportive of him and refuses to deadname him or even speak about his life beforehand. If you mention anything about it you might get beaten up by Melone first before Ghiaccio gets a chance to scream at you. They bicker alot but they are close friends.
2- He got kicked out of multiple schools for beating the living shit out of his bullies for making fun of his nerdiness and LGBTQIA status. He eventually dropped out and joined passione.
3. He has a hobby for sports. He loves competitive swimming, hockey and ice skating the most. He wanted to go to the Olympics for it but transphobia prevented him from competing. (You can see why he might have an anger problem…)
4- Ghiaccio can see without his glasses. He just has severe astigmatism and gets headaches if he stares at the screen too long without them.
5- He has level 1 autism. He’s grumpy but sociable. He becomes awkward when you’re genuinely nice to him. He's not used to not having arguments and having an actual cordial conversation with someone. You can help him get used to that! He’s very sensitive to textures when it comes to clothes or food. Loud noises don’t bother him but certain noises do (pens clicking, fluorescent lights humming, mouth noises, high pitched whining like police or ambulance sirens, etc)
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farmerbebop · 25 days
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The sun was shining too bright for me to be worrying about my deadline so I guess I'll use this rare occasion to make a pinned post.
When I started blorbo posting it was simply because "If even I, who knows next to nothing about British and American TV series, can see that Patrick McGoohan was criminally underrated, then maybe this blog has a reason to exist."
The only thing I ever learned about blorbo posting is from the Columbo fandom. They have fun, and they love their blorbo. As the kids say: Love and peace on planet earth.
But McGoohan is a challenge and will never stop being one. His public image, both in front and behind of the camera, isn't that of someone who would be pleased with blorbo posting. I don't know how other blorbo bloggers feel, but I just wish I can hold a conversation with my blorbo that doesn't bore him to death or anger him to the point of throwing me out of the room.
Judging someone who talked about his nervous breakdown like it was just a cold isn't something I like to do, especially online. So if I have to talk about McGoohan, I always get quite nervous. I can only say that I regret we didn't get to know him as much as we would like to and I really wish he was still here with us.
I know many of the decisions he made, he made it for future generations. It's my privilege to say that my blorbo's gift to the three-year-old running this blog has been her greatest pride as a blorbo blogger. And her hardest and most honourable task is not to mess it up.
I actually didn't create this blog to please McGoohan (the ladies can testify to that, lol). And I think I make fun of him more than I should. But I hope he knows that life as a blorbo blogger isn't easy when your blorbo is Patrick McGoohan and maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't be too hard on me.
And just in case anyone is wondering what the hell I'm doing on here, here's a short guide to my blog.
my stupid vid My McGoohan fancams are what I personally consider the funniest part of my blog. But they can be somewhat serious too, I think.
my lousy photoshopping This can mean just about anything. McGoohan as The Little Prince. McGoohan in Ingmar Bergman's films. Anything that I made with photoshop. So I have some more tags to categorize it.
mcgoohan at the museum What I love to do the most in photoshop is putting McGoohan into paintings. I don't know why. Maybe because it easily hides my lousy photoshopping skills. Or maybe because my blorbo is as beautiful as a painting.
mcgoohan album covers What can I say? “But you don't really care for music, do you?”
mcgoohan fashion Let's be honest, don't you love a beautiful blorbo?
mcgoohan posters I sometimes try not to misinterpret McGoohan's works, I don't know if I succeed though.
no context mcgoohan Mostly just McGoohan sitting or standing somewhere. But I love it nonetheless.
mcgoohan for kids and mcgoohan anime Well, it's exactly what you would expect it to be.
mcgoohan arthouse One day I'll retire from blorbo posting and go back to watching arthouse films.
mcgoohan stickers They are not as cute as cat or bunny stickers, but they stick all right.
the prisoner redux or anything redux means my lousy photoshopping for that particular series/movie. But when there are so many McGoohans in one post I get tired of tagging and I just give up.
I think that's enough of my lousy photoshopping.
wild mcgoohan in his natural habitat McGoohan as God intended him. Trying to not give away too much information in interviews.
mcgoohan lore McGoohan in someone else's words, including his daughter's. Needless to say, my words should not be trusted. You'll know them when you see them.
my gif McGoohan gifs, mostly for losing tumblr polls. Also for making this blog popular with the ladies on here.
village poetry If there's one thing that McGoohan might like about this blog, this is probably it.
village soundcloud Blorbos and song lyrics go hand in hand - Tumblr proverb.
mcgoogoo and me Just me rambling about my McGoohan dreams and my hard life as a blorbo blogger.
my lousy shitposting It has something to do with McGoohan I'm afraid. But it's fun.
I know this blog has become quite predictable and it's filled with half of my life's story. But if McGoohan was really who I think he was, that would be the least of his problems with my blog.
And finally, my hiatus is a running joke that I'm getting worse at, I hope.
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astercontrol · 5 months
I've written a lot of this elsewhere, but today I feel like putting together a Very Long Post about how much I love Ram.
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From the variety of different Ram-related posts I've made, I guess you can tell that I've got the type of all-cylinders obsession that the most devoted fanfic writers get about their blorbos. Obsession on all levels, to include both "wanting to see him hugged and comforted through every step of unpacking his trauma" and "wanting to see him get the absolute hottest sex of his life, over and over until exhaustion."
Because we do that, here in fandom (horny and loving creatures that we are, ourselves). And he really does deserve all the good things he can get.
Ram... it's hard to explain WHY I love him so much. Why so MANY of us love him so much. He gets a lot of fan love for hIs comparatively small role in that movie, and I think it's a combination of things, the LAYERS of the movie, the subtle complexities that are never clear in canon... maybe never even thought about or planned by the scriptwriters, but still THERE.
There is of course a level on which he seems very innocent, pure, naive... (thinks doing actuary work at an insurance company is helping people, poor sweet summer child...) (/my cynical jaded pharmacy technician voice)
But at the same time.... He went from that clerical office job to being a warrior, and is GOOD at it. You don't really see him kill, but you know he must have. Many many times.
...okay, technically you do see him kill, once.
Collaboratively with Tron, when they derezz their Lightcycle opponent. And it's bizarre to see how much FUN he seems to be having in that moment ("So long, sucker!")
Maybe he's been oppressed by the Red warriors for so long that he really feels nothing but joy in killing them. Maybe he's feeling unusual joy in that moment because Flynn's just offered him a way out. Or maybe some programs just get taken over by a playful, campy energy when they're put in Gaming mode, even lethal games, even if it overrides their usual nature. I don't know.
Anyway, somehow, despite all he was made to do... Ram managed to keep some of that air of innocent playfulness.
And hope. And caring for others. Trying his best to comfort whoever needs it. At the beginning of the movie he was honest with Crom about what probably awaited him, but then he did his best to take Crom's mind off it by asking him what's going on outside-- that's the best he can do, even though it probably kills him on the inside that he can't help more.
Amd he is SO sensitive to others and what they may be feeling and needing (though this is shown in such small, understated ways).
There is that scene where he's alone with Tron in the cell, and says "the new guy was asking about you." We never actually saw Flynn ask Ram about Tron, and there isn't any obvious point at which he could have asked him offscreen. Pretty sure this was an unintentional plothole-- I think there was a line in the early script, but it was cut.
Which leaves me, in my ill-advised attempts at Watsonian interpretation, getting the (probably unintended) impression that Ram noticed that moment just before Flynn got dragged out of the cell. That moment where he was looking at the place where Tron had been before, and looked like he WANTED to ask, but didn't get the chance. And Ram saw him "asking" with body language, and remembered it.
Which, I don't care if they did that by accident, I find it damn compelling, okay.
And then Tron says he'll probably never get to meet Flynn because Flynn's in a match, but Ram says "you might, there's something different about him." Ram has some kind of perceptiveness about Unfamiliar Things In The System that even the security program lacks. He's shown with SUCH empathy and sensitivity... even if it's so subtle it might not be on purpose.
And ...gah, the tenderness of that scene where he holds hands with Flynn before derezzing.
I mean... aaaahhhh. it breaks my heart. He deserved better... And I know the scene feels less powerful after we write fix-it fic. But hey, there's the side of me that likes a good tragedy, and there's the side that wants everyone to live happily ever after, and there's enough possible universes to satisfy both.
I WANTED to see so much more about him.
There was SO much unexplored potential in the dynamic between his playfulness and Tron's seriousness. We know Tron can smile and be affectionate, but I wanted to see SO MUCH more of it-- and so much more of Ram getting to bring that side of him out.
He'd have been so good at it.
And now I'm gonna get into the horny side of things... because the horny side, to me, can also be an important part of what makes a whole, multidimensional character. (And also because I sometimes just feel like going into the horny side, which is fine too. I'm a complicated enough character myself.)
I talk a lot about my headcanons/theories, but I don't think of them as "canon" exactly. They aren't more "real" to me than other interpretations; they're just one possibility. (Or sometimes more. For a few things I have multiple contradicting possibilities I like to explore.)
As for Ram and his sexuality:
I think of him as gay, but in a weird Program-specific sense. Programs don't have genders in quite the same way as humans. There's the visual render, which is changeable, and underneath is a lot of energy and data that Programs can perceive about each other... some of it is analogous to human gender identities, but not all of it translates exactly.
I think what attracts most programs to each other is the inner energy, not the outer graphics. And in Ram's own experience I think he tends to be attracted to the energy of masculine programs (those whose programmers are considered men in the User world).
I think he's only felt this powerful attraction a few times, though. Certainly to Tron, and also to Flynn (really, that User-energy seemed powerfully attractive to all three of the programs Flynn befriended in there).
But I think Ram is still very free and generous with intimacy, even to those who don't attract him in that way. He's a kind soul by nature, canonically getting his own kind of empathetic pleasure ("great feeling") from helping people with their "needs."
And (in my own smutty but strangely wholesome imagination) I think this would extend to the Program version of sexual needs.
The first Tron fic I wrote was about Ram "comforting" Crom when they both realized Crom probably didn't stand a chance in the Games. I think Ram genuinely enjoyed this, and took plenty of pleasure in his own way, although the attraction was not the same kind he felt for Tron and Flynn.
In the "headcanon" I like to write, Ram did this often, because it was the only way he could think to help other programs in the cells and the games (when helping plan for their future seemed like a lost cause). ....I think when he's in this mode, he sees beauty in everyone, and takes pleasure in giving pleasure, no matter who it is.
But I imagine that the more intense attraction becomes active when it comes to being in a triad with Tron and Yori.
And this is because Ram is very attracted to the intimate connection that Tron and Yori have *together.*
He wants to be shared between them, because he sees their love as a powerful amplification of *Tron's* energy that he's so attracted to. And he's very excited by the idea of being swept into the middle of that.
Which is projection on my part.
I mean, when I got into Tron fic, I immediately latched onto a specific headcanon about how Program intimacy and attraction works, the one that most closely meshed with what I myself was into... which got me exploring some stuff about my own complex place on the sorta-queer, sorta-poly, gray-ace-gray-aro spectrum.
And Ram's feelings (as I imagine them) are a bit like my own experience of being poly.
At least, even though I'm probably somewhere on the aro-ace spectrum and don't have quite as much capacity for romantic love and sex drive as other people... a big part of what I love about having multiple partners is being close to the connections they have *with each other.* And this supersedes whatever inclinations I'd have towards "attraction" in a one-on-one sense.
Soooo yeah. Watch me project my whole self onto Ram, and then maybe get better at loving myself because of how much and on how many levels I love him. That's what being a fan is all about, okay.
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relatableblorbopoll · 10 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 5
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Melissa Chase (Milo Murphy’s Law)
"Her self worth is entirely based on her grade point average and getting straight As. She can’t remember anything, ever (specific examples include forgetting her maths book regularly, her student pass for the subway, and how many days are in February). However, she CAN remember the blood type of every president. She is terrible at throwing She gets visually upset when she realises that a plan was changed last minute, and that an academic event she expected to do well in was combined with a sporting event, giving no time to prepare for the new event She freaks OUT when she thinks she’s going to disappoint her headteacher- she doesn’t seem to expect to be given any actual punishment, just that the headteacher will be disappointed and think that she’s irresponsible She has a whole conspiracy room in her house dedicated to researching her best friend’s medical condition- Murphy’s Law being an interest that she is clearly very passionate about and interested in. she does all of that and still can’t remember her maths book. relatable queen her ambition in life is to be a “journalist, and queen of the universe” "
Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
"A ball of stress and anxiety. She's always angry because nobody listens to her, cares about her feelings, or believes her about anything, which tbh is like the quintessential teenage girl experience. Secretly just wants her parents to recognise and appreciate her."
V-Flower (Vocaloid)
"they believe that people only care about them when they are in pain"
Ciaphas Cain (Warhammer 40k)
"Don't let the sharp jawline and the mutton-chops fool you: Ciaphas Cain has no idea what he's fucking doing and would very much like to not be here right now. He is a high-ranking Commissar, essentially a walking morale boost for Imperial Guard soldiers and one of the only symbols of hope in the grimdark Warhammer 40k universe. He also has no idea how he got the job or how to get the hell out. Commissar Cain spends all his time accidentally doing magnificent bastard things while trying to run away from danger and dying inside. Over the course of his books, he's named Hero of the Imperium, has a hot mommy inquisitor fall in love with him, and saves hundreds of planets per panic attack he has. His cowardice and impostor syndrome are second only to my own, and that's why he's just like me fr."
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson series)
"he's got big no thoughts head empty energy! he loves his friends and girlfriends SO much (more most YA characters, i think; he would have no qualms about sacrificing the world to save the people he loves, which goes against the typical hero). he is almost always ready to fight a bitch. he has adhd and accidentally says things he shouldnt all the time (but this has made him good at problem-solving, bc he creates a LOT of problems for himself)"
MK (Lego Monkie Kid)
"Oooooh boy where do I begin. MK the Monkie Kid is the protagonist of the story but he has *so many issues*. He wants to be a good person but has a whole lot of impostor syndrome and is convinced he will only hurt people the more he tries to save them. He is convinced that every major villain in the show is his fault, even as far as misremembering/changing up some events to put blame onto himself He also has an absent mentor figure that was supposed to help him but guess what he had to figure out all his powers on his own so abandonment issues go brrrr. He has so much anger toward his mentor Wukong but he just *bottles it all up* (common theme) Also he is so trans and adhd coded. First, MK is a nickname. We don’t know his real name, but it is v much implied he used to go by something else. He and his friends also puts a lot of emphasis on manly stuff like ‘I’m a big boy!’/‘he’s a Monkie *Man*!!!’/‘im the smartie boy, the plan man!’ He also has trouble focusing and listening to other people, is sometimes blunt and he is VERY interested in Sun Wukong and the journey to the west (Chinese classical novel that the show is based on) and just in general always needs constant reassurance and support from his friends. He is often compartmentalizing his feelings and internalizes a lot of fear and blame is also suppressing a part of himself that scares him. (Which, same) He loves his friends so much and tries so hard to keep them all safe, even hiding his own problems and worries from them as an attempt to protect them. He wants to go back to season 1, back when each episode was a villain-of-the-week kinda story, with no world-destroying threats. But nope, he saw the horrors, and he can never go back to the bubbly Monkie Kid from the beginning. Also he is terrified of spiders :>"
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kanohivolitakk · 7 months
Can i hear more of your thoughts on ehlek if you want bc im very intrigued by your bingo answers and the hc you mentioned
Absolutely! Full disclousure though: Im villain woobifier and while I dont woobify all my villain blorbos, Ehlek is one of the ones that I do.
Ehlek is my third favorite Barraki (my 1 and 2 being Pridak and Takadox respectively if you're curious) and one of my favorite characters in the series as whole. I honestly consider him to be one of the most underrated characters in the series, and easily the most underrated character that isn't a serial-exclusive lore character (see Miserix or Artakha for instance). Just, I adore him so much.
One of the main reasons I like Ehlek is because of he is rather unique by Bionicle villain standards. Ehlek is one of the rare villains in the series that isn't a variation of the "powerhungry conqueror with a personality gimmick to stand them out" archetype because...he isn't really powerhungry or greedy at all. Instead, Ehlek is pretty much exclusively characterized by his anger and paranoia towards others. Ehlek is motivated not by a thirst of power, but rather by his emotions: from what I recall most of his actions in canon stem from wanting to hurt whatever upset him that day. And like I said, this incredibly unique by Bionicle villain standards, the only other villain who is motivated exclusively by emotion is Miserix, and guy isn't even really a villain (TSO and Pridak ocasionally are driven by their emotions, but they still mainly fall to the "powerhungry bastard" trope Greg loved to use). And not just is Ehlek stand out, he stands out in a way I like. I love villains driven by their emotion, so Ehlek being a paranoid distrusting mess is just the absolute best for me.
Because Ehlek is an emotionally driven character and doesn't fall for the "greedy bastard Greg villain mold" unlike his fellow Barraki (Takadox and debatably Carapar not withstanding), I actually really like thinking of Ehlek as the "token sympathetic villain" of the Barraki. I ADORE the "token sympathetic/nice guy in a villain faction" trope, and wish it was something Bionicle had done more often. Now, due to Barraki being tyrannic conquerors, seeing any of them as a "good guy" is kinda iffy. However, I do think having one of them be less bastardly and more sympathetic/tragic could work very well. And I think Ehlek is the best fit given his personality as said. As such a lot of my Ehlek related headcanons are giving him more sympathetic traits. Including giving him a tragic backstory because of course I would.
So my backstory headcanon for Ehleks backstory is rather long and detailed, so I wont go everything here. But I can give you a summary. Basically my headcanon for Ehlek is that he was a prince/ruler of one of the many underwater kingdoms in a continent somewhat wayside of the Matoran Universe. He was well meaning and rather naive, and thus was used as a political pawn by other political figures. He was repeatedly manipulated and taken adcantage of both by other rulers and his own allies. Eventually, after being told he had been used by his own advisor the whole time, Ehlek snapped, and killed anyone he saw as a threat, including the aforementioned advisor. Guy basically become a tyrant after having his trust being broken and kindness abused one too many times.
And thats why I put all those "aaa poor baby uwu" answers. Ehlek for me is a tragic figure who was evil not by nature, but because being repeatedly betrayed and used broke his mind to a distrustful mess. He never wanted to hurt anyone, he just wanted to love and help others. Unlike the other five Barraki he wasnt always an opportunistic warmongerer, he was orginally a kindhearted sensitive soul that wasnt able to take it anymore, so he broke. Just god little little baby you didnt deserve it and shouldve been able to live a happy nad fulfilling life.
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sonjuponju · 4 months
now YOU tell me about YOUR ocs...!!! (if you want) is your pfp enix...🧡
IT IS IT IS!!! that drawing turned out so good i just stick it everywhere now 😭
the thing about my ocs is that i hardly get anything done with them if i don't have someone to constantly validate my choices and help me build ideas and stuff so most of my stories are pretty incomplete and all over the place 🥲 but i do have some bits and pieces that i can share!!
ima put everything under a read more cus there's gonna be a LOT of stuff. you really don't have to read all of it if you find it longwinded, i just really love rambling about my dudes (but only if someone asks 😭)
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ENIX, he/him - he's actually one of my older ocs, i created him way back in 2017 when i was like 11 😭 fun fact! his original name was vixen but due to the definition of the word bugging me i recently changed his name to enix :3 another fact but kind of an embarrassing one - he used to have DID, and my 11 year old ass played RIGHT into the "evil alter" trope, so yeahhhh... the only good thing to come out of that was that the "evil alter" eventually became a wholly separate blorbo, named feliks! who we will get into now B)
FELIKS, he/him - my fucking sweet baby. my angel. he has gone through so many transformations it's hilarious
here he is in his "evil alter" days. already got the black eye to signify his "evilness". though i don't think it took very long for me to decide that he was actually the host of the body, not enix. in any case his usual day-to-day activities included pissing everyone around him off and trying some evil schemes every now and then
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in like 2018 i got REALLY into this visual novel called "the arcana" and feliks was the ex best friend of the MC my friend cooked up for our version of the story. i didn't want him to be a cyclops for this iteration because i thought it didn't fit the theme, so he had to get a human design. he didn't have DID in this version, but he did have an identical twin brother, named vance. in this story feliks killed vance and became the boyfriend of the villain of the story, also becoming one of the villains in the process. his ex best friend ellis ended up defeating him and he got hanged with his boyfriend for their crimes
now here's where the story gets really juicy. feliks reincarnated in the modern world, and i think i ditched him having DID and instead the "alters" turned out to be the fragmented parts of feliks' dead brother's personality. vance had basically come back to haunt him in a form that was kind of comparable to alters, but also not really
the main arcana characters alongside ellis also reincarnated and ended up finding feliks (who was still evil btw). they were kind of like a friend group for a while until shit hit the fan when everyone found out that feliks killed his brother way back in their past life (they had no idea up until now). ellis became incredibly angry with him and him being a magician turned feliks into water and put him in a vase so he wouldn't be able to hurt anyone ever again
before this happened though i think ellis and his also magician boyfriend were able to piece vance back together and give him a body, so he was reincarnated too. after receiving a second chance at life, vance got himself a boyfriend, and even got married with him. the happiness didn't last for long though when feliks was able to sneak himself in his water form into vance's husband's water bottle. the husband drunk the water and ended up possessed by feliks 🙃 feliks killed vance AGAIN, was able to return to his own body by also killing vance's husband, annnnddd... then ellis caught up to him and beheaded him with his scythe. (god i still love this story)
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after death feliks became a demon in hell, and that's basically where his story ends. idk i must've gotten another interest at this point because i didn't get any further with the story
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in 2020 i decided to revamp him AGAIN, this time making my own fantasy universe for him. i got a couple of my friends involved with it too (this was basically a species i made specifically for that thing and my friends made ocs of that species). the story for it was really juicy too but im not gonna be telling about it cus it's almost identical to my current project with him and i might wanna make it into a real thing one day so.. SPEAKING OF WHICH
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anyway. yeah, there isn't much i can tell about the story, but i can tell you about how SHIT it is trying to come up with fantasy clothing. i am no fashion designer, not by a longshot, so my boy has his tits out 24/7 because i can't think of anything he could wear (and also i just love seeing him bare chested ❤️). i kinda don't even know where to start with the clothes cus i don't want them to be the generic european medieval stuff you see in fantasy CONSTANTLY and i am awfully lazy at researching anything that isn't my number 1 interest so. yah. to combat not being able to draw him with a canon design, i made a domestic modern au 🫶
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here's feliks and his roomie clancy :3 they are my biggest blorbos rn and i would REALLY love to talk more about them but um. yeah this post is long enough especially considering there is still one oc i wanna mention
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here's valo!! she is feliks' sister. you might think wait you didn't mention feliks having a sister? no i didn't because she is his BROTHER. I GENDERBENDED VANCE. BECAUSE IT WOULD FUCK. and yeah she is absolutely incredible i love her from the bottom of my heart. valo and feliks still have kind of a complicated relationship but at least in the au feliks doesn't kill her :D she's just kinda chilling with her gf until i come up with a story for her too
so ya that's all i wanted to talk about for now!! if you read this far then thank you 😭🫶 i had so much fun writing this. i was busy the whole day today but i just kept thinking about how much i wanted to answer your ask haha. i didn't plan for it to get so long though but im super grateful if you read this far 🥹
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anamelessfool · 10 months
I recently found one of my most helpful writing resources. I read it as a film undergrad. I still think about it to this day, especially his "Levels of Conflict" chart. And I found it as a free PDF!
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Internet Archive Story: Robert McKee
-It is screenwriting, so there's a lot that may not be necessary in regular writing. You don't need to be as "zippy" in other forms of writing. But it's a great resource if I'm having problems with figuring out characters and if scenes are necessary. It's great for developing an eye for editing.
-It breaks down how certain genres of writing work, including Dramatic Irony, Comedy, Drama. It talks about how to fix plot holes with dialog. Honestly, I think I'm a decent dialog writer because of this book.
-it is a DENSE TEXTBOOK. it goes into an insane level of detail that would bore anyone if you read it all the way through. Sometimes it sounds like an alien dissecting human behavior through dizzying diagrams and charts. (Apparently his screenplay seminar includes a 6 hour frame by frame analysis of Casablanca so...this guy is thorough) Do not read this all the way through. If anything, the best sections are Part 2 and Part 3, and chapters 16 and 17. (you seriously could just rip out Part 1, it's just him droning about filmmaking) He does a great job with organizing things so you can pick and choose what speaks to you. He highlights key concepts in bold.
"Story is metaphor for life, and to be alive is to be in seemingly perpetual conflict."
"Nothing moves forward in a story except through conflict."
"True character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure — the greater the pressure, the deeper the revelation, the truer the choice to the character's essential nature."
So yes, it is imperative to put blorbo thru the horrors. in fact it's the entire point.
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being best friends hcs ; barnaby
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requested by ; 🐝🍯 anon (09/05/23) [1/3]
fandom(s) ; welcome home
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; barnaby b. beagle
outline ; “My welcome home obsession is creeping in too 😂 can I have some best friend headcanons of Barbaby, Wally, and Frank? They’re my blorbos. ❤️ if you can’t do all three I’d like just Barnaby! He’s so SILLY!! And I wanna be his best friend ✨
Also I claim bee anon!! 🐝🍯”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
being this guy’s best friend is asking for trouble in the most amazing way possible
he’s a jokester at heart and he’s always got a new trick up his sleeve whether it’s an adapted magic trick, a joke he’s brainstormed or a whole comedy routine he adapted on the fly
the key with him is to always expect the unexpected
prank calls are common and endearing — everything from ‘is your fridge running’ to using fake names to make you compliment yourself
he has a seemingly endless supply of whoopee cushions and other such joke items (like boxes filled with fake snakes and the like)
he has a unicycle; he cannot ride it for very long but he has one!
he can also juggle and he uses this ability for evil
like yes he’ll juggle pins and balls and such, but barnaby is also of significant stature and strength compared to basically everyone else
and what i’m trying to say is that he has at several points started juggling you and your neighbours
you, wally and julie are his preferred victims because none of you will get revenge on him
on a related note, he picks you up and tosses you around often — like if he wants your attention he’ll just pick you up and walk away with you hanging limply over his shoulder
this also includes him picking you up and letting you dangle whilst he hugs you
speaking of… he gives incredible hugs because he’s so large and soft — combined with his high body temperature basically makes him a living, all body hot water bottle combined with a pillow, so cuddles are absolutely top tier
he never uses your name and prefers to address you by a series of increasingly ridiculous nicknames that barely make sense
more often than not this means addressing you with random nouns — anything from ‘sofa bed’ to ‘new colour tv’ or something more normal-adjacent like ‘pebble’ or ‘mouse’
if he ever gets a bit much, just scratch behind his ears and he’ll mellow out significantly and just nod off next to you
he gets you both matching outfits — they’re all terribly goofy with mismatched patterns and colours, but it’s the thought that counts!
he has your handprint on his mailbox and you have his paw print on yours — it only makes sense since most of the mail you get comes from you both
piggyback rides are definitely common, but he also likes to take the mick by running like a madman when you’re up there, so I hope you’ve got a good grip
(you know he’d never really let you fall but the fear is still there)
he definitely makes fun of you lightheartedly because he’s so much taller than you (being 8ft tall and all) — he’ll deliberately put things higher than you can reach to make sure you have to ask for help (which leads to even more jokes)
will not tolerate any negative talk about you, especially by yourself, and will lightly scold you with a huff and a ‘that’s my best friend you’re talking about, you know’
if you’re ticklish he’ll take full advantage of this with random tickle attacks
(though you can easily turn the tables by jabbing him in the ribs)
terrible with dates but he has an excellent memory for the things you love and have expressed a desire to own — which makes gift buying easy but gift giving pretty difficult to arrange
all in all he prefers to keep things lighthearted and does what he can to keep you smiling and laughing — as he does for everyone in his life because that’s just the type of guy he is
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sphxremint · 1 year
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(man this art is really old but im usin it anyway lol)
☆ Heya heya一it's me, Mint!
I'm the guy that does the funny draws (and music (and sometimes edits)).
Some of you have definitely heard that line way too many times before. Or some of you probably just know me as the Simple Yet Stupid guy. If you haven't seen me before, congratulations! You've successfully met "that guy" (me) for the first time!
This is my tumblr. I reblog stuff I think is neat and post art/music/stuff I like once every [unspecified time frame]. I dipped (sort of) from Twitter (ah, sorry一ECKS [X] as it's called now) like a year or two ago because some guy had too much fun ruining it. Now I'm here more often!
Right, this is an intro post. lemme get on that...
☆ cool things you should know
• I'm 20 (born July 4th, on MINT day. not whatever the hell independence day is. eugh)
• I'm aroace (certain of it now! we out here)
• I'm black (there's like no way to make this funnier it just is what it is)
☆ some other neat stuff
• I draw!
I'm definitely not consistent with it at all, but I'm trying, 'cause it's fun and I like doing it. I may be into a lot of medias too, but I'm mostly an oc artist, and it's a curse I will bear until the end of time
• I make music!
I'm also not very consistent with it, but I'm a bit less open about it... I do it for fun, really; though it's more of a personal thing compared to my art.
• My timezone is CST
...which is about UTC -05:00. if you need to know that. i know we all got varied timezones
• I'm very good at being inconsistent!
(such as basic punctuation and grammar. cause thats important. sometimes i'll actually use apostrophes and sometimes ill just completely forget mid-sentence. lmao)
☆ my 5 core interests
aka. The main things I like! I switch between the 5 of these on a whim. You can inquire me about any of these. Be ready when it happens.
• Sonic The Hedgehog (he's just THAT GUY, yknow. just a guy who loves adventure. ultimate life forms and whatnot)
• Kirby (i'd forfeit everything for him. #1 blorbo living life)
• FINAL FANTASY (esPECIALLY XIII and XIV. but it's mostly XIV. two lalas ready for Dawntrail WOOO)
• Celeste (#1 game ever. i love everything about it so much, i naturally get my friends to play it. i'm also pretty good at speedrunning. smile)
• and anything osc! (though I'm not part of the fandom "like that". just on the surface layer, yknow? bfdi, ii, boto, ppt2... funny shows go brrr)
☆ cool and awesome tags
□ #mint.txt = probably some random garbled text i spat out one night
□ #mintdraws = i sure do! and you should go look at it!
□ #mint.png = funny image included (not guaranteed)
□ #mint.mp3 = rarely use this but i still want people to know i make music
□ #mint.ask = because i get those. sometimes art, sometimes stupid funny stuff
□ #simple yet stupid = yeah its for those funny objects i talk about. i put this one here just in case
□ #mint's expoboard = i'm probably talking about one of my ocs
☆ and some extra stuff i guess
□ my sonas and stuff if you need that
□ my carrd! go read it cause most of my extra links (and contacts) are already there
□ my toyhou.se Did you know I have a toyhou.se? because I never shut up about my characters, and sometimes people just need the Repository of Information. well... here it is.
Okay. I'll update this post more as time goes on, but... that's about it. That was probably like a read and a half. oops.
Remember: if you do follow me, you are (unofficially) officially consigning yourself to my presence and any stupidity and/or brainrot that follows.
...if that's cool with you. lmao =ᴗ=)b
(big shoutouts to the old pinned i had. you will forever be missed)
last updated: 08 / 27 / 2024
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emilyliuwho · 4 days
Hello ! For the fanfic writer ask game, do you answer the questions 👻, 💕and 💭 please ? (if you don't mind, of course). Your art (drawings and fics) is incredible !
Thank you very much for your work and for answers ! Merci beaucoup !
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
wild headcanon…i think most of mine are pretty boring haha. i guess my wildest headcanon is that while felix and sylvain are like their fathers in some ways, the hallmarks of their personalities and character are inherited from their mothers. felix is a bit too emotional and headstrong to go along with the whole chivalry and duty thing his family is about and his similarity to his mother (who i thought passed away before three hopes said otherwise lol) is part of the reason his father puts up with his behavior. sylvain gets his cleverness and resentment of nobility from his mother; it was his mother who told him to lean on his friends rather than his family (including herself, as she became mostly absent in his life once he started his education/training).
i've invented whole backstories for their moms. i joke that they’re my OCs lmao
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
my favorite one is felicitous! it was my first sylvix fic so i have a fondness for it because i know how enthusiastic i was about it while writing it. despite it being written five(!) years ago, i’m still happy with how it turned out. i still really love that world and thinking about them living in it 🙂
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
i started reading “eros the bittersweet” by anne carson years ago (i still haven’t finished it because it’s very dense and i am not smart lol); it’s an essay exploring the concept of eros, which is described, among other things, as “lack”, defined by the absence of something and how that absence inspires both pain and pleasure. i found that really interesting. i like writing about love and its relationship to desire and i think love stories are a great way to understand a character because you get to think about that “lack” they have, where it comes from and how it affects them and their relationships, and how they choose to fulfill (or not fulfill) that desire. i enjoy ruminating about things like that and writing stories that come about from that inner conflict.
all that to say, sometimes the blorbos just do silly/horny/cute stuff in my head and i go “oh that can be a story” and i go write that. so it’s not always that deep 😂
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loverofstufflof · 5 months
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The Lord Deer Demon
Megapolis’ most sane doctor
Dr. Bài works at a hospital in the Megapolis Bhikkhu district. Being one of the few clinics that understands demon biology, they get a lot of traffic from all walks of life.
Including the occasional visit with a squad of heroes after their brushes with death.
Unfortunately, Dr. Bài has a rocky history with one of their mentors.
Is it really so bad that he wants to put his past behind him? To live happily with his daughter, and save lives as he’s always wanted? Why does this scheming, knifing, stupid monkey need to be all up in his business?!
He doesn’t know anything about the Bone Demon, so just leave him be, already! There’s a woman downstairs that urgently needs her daily dose of freshly extracted heart and—yes he is still using that method! It works and who cares if a few stupid mortals die in the process?!
Bài Lùjing, more accurately known as the White Deer Spirit, is a blorbo I’ve been working on for quite some time now. He’s meant to be my idea of how the show could incorporate the actual JTTW villain.
For those whose knowledge of JTTW antagonists extends as far as OSP episodes (/pos) Lùjing appears as the main villain in the Kingdom of Sons arc.
The king of the land has fallen deathly ill and is desperate for whatever source of immortality he can get. His advisor, the White Deer Spirit, informs him that consuming 1,111 hearts of young sons will bring him back to health.
However, when the pilgrims arrive, Tripitaka’s heart should be hearty enough to do it instantly, because, you know, reincarnation of Golden Cicada.
As you can imagine, this section is very gorey, chaotic, and a great opportunity for Wukong to flex his body horror skills. My favourite arc of the whole book.
A lot went into the design to figure out how LEGO would make his story more palatable for younger audiences, how they would fit him into the futuristic city LMK takes place in, how they would anglicize his name, and so on.
I don’t feel like giving too much away because I’m honestly kinda proud of how I built his character and want to reveal his backstory in a cool, dramatic way, but I will say this:
His surname is very, very relevant.
Anyhow, this is my propaganda piece for the @lmk-oc-competition ! You can vote for him to win a duel to the death! Make sure to give the other creators some love, too! This is just a friendly competition, after all :]
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good [insert time of day here] i realised i never thought to ask you amid my delight of you being the most interactive follower i have that isnt an irl friend do YOU have ocs or blorbos. i wish to know. for reasons.
OH hello yes thank you for asking!!! I have several OCs but most of the time I simply Do Not Explain on here; I have lots of ideas and doodles but I make it mostly for myself and don't think to share — doesn't mean I don't want to tho! exhibit A: this absolutely massive post I'm about to make lmao. putting it under a read more bc Oh Boy, the floodgates have been opened
most of my OCs are for two different projects I have: The Visitors and my D&D Dark Star Campaign.
The Visitors is just a lil worldbuilding project I've been chewing on for.... oh wow, over a decade at this point??? I love all the OCs I have in there very very much, but they're definitely never intended to go in an actual story, I just enjoy the speculative biology and character / world building process.
Val is one of my oldest OCs, and she's changed SO MUCH over the years! nowadays, she's a sort of insect/dinosaur mashup alien who uses gravity warping magic and a very large axe to hunt demons. a huge issue for magic users of her species is keeping cool, as magic generates heat and can literally cook you from the inside out, so you'll notice the multiple vent-like spiracles across her body for this purpose. she was born blind and so relies heavily on her best friend, Django, to be her eyes and keep her safe. fortunately, Django has Too Many Eyes. he's a dragon genetically engineered by those in Val's species to be the perfect vessel for storing and releasing massive amounts of mirror-based magic. this kind of magic gives him many abilities, including seeing around corners, creating illusions, or multiplying attacks when applied in different ways, and he acts as Val's seeing-eye dragon. in battle, she likes to get up in the action while he holds back and gives her cues on what's happening, only jumping in himself if she's in major trouble. she's very friendly and excitable, and loves to get into the culture of whatever planet they're visiting, while he's more interested in observing and snooping. there's a lot of espionage and hijinks.
these are some of my most recent sketches of them, tho I'm sure the designs will changes in the future. specific colors don't matter at all, it's all about vibes! not pictured in the halfway colored one is Val's big iridescent black cape thing that has a slit down the middle for her rigid tail, nor her weird arms since I wanted to figure out where the torso vents could go.
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Duke is another Visitor who visits planets and solves problems, but his path to get there was a whole lot different! I made him up as a coping mechanism when I was 12, and I'm still very fond of him.
he started life as a human video game speedrunner and modder prodigy. in a "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" situation, a devil (very distinct from demons!) struck a deal with him, challenging his gaming abilities with his soul as the stakes. he won despite the devil's cheating, but that's where the resemblance to the song ends. in this world, a devil winning your soul allows them to fuse with you and gain total control over your body, mind, and actions; but if YOU win, the control is reversed! and like any 14 year old who suddenly has the power to rival minor gods and a chaotic creature living in their head.... he goes off the rails for a while. Val and Django eventually find him and help him cope. his powers include electricity, glitching reality, flailing his glaive around, and being a menace to evil overlords.
you can't see it very well in this picture, but his eyes and the segments between his tail glow lime green! I'm not a fan of drawing clothes, but in my head he's relatively fashionable for a teenager and refuses to wear anything other than black. also, he decided to tell me he was trans a couple years ago, thanks for letting me know buddy 😂
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my other project does actually get to see the light of day, if very slowly — I'm running a homebrew D&D campaign for my irl friends called the Dark Star Campaign! none of em use tumblr so WHEEEE I get to post all the spoilers I want! there's a kinda staggering amount of lore behind it and a ton of minor OCs, but the two I rotate in my head the most are Anya the Timekeeper and The Master, aka Armageddon.
Anya the Timekeeper is a chronomancy lich from an alternate universe! she used to help Armageddon travel the multiverse and gain power, but she's decided she's tired of being evil, and now hides in a mansion on a tropical island where she breeds dinosaurs for fun. though she's now very determined to help the party, they'll eventually have to kill her past self to prevent a paradox. her familiar is a little archaeopteryx named Trix who steals hats!
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(I commissioned this art from @/goodlouse a while ago! highly recommend checking out his blog!!)
Armageddon is the BBEG and he's SO EVIL and SO MUCH FUN. he's an ancient amethyst dragon who, up until a while before the campaign's beginning, was steadily finding alternate universe versions of himself, killing them, and eating their souls to gain Unlimited Power™. unfortunately, his partner in time (hah) Anya told him to fuck off, so the quest for Unlimited Power™ has been kinda slow lately. fortunately, a D&D campaign started, and he cheated his way into existing at the players' table as The Master! my players can ask to talk to him sometimes, and I'll put on a mask of his head I made specifically for this purpose — very useful for not breaking character when the character is supposed to literally be the one sitting at the table talking to the players. I don't try to hide the fact that he's evil and they all know it, the fun is in giving them little hints and tidbits of lore to munch on. right now he's being very docile and helpful but things will get very very interesting eventually as more of his nature and plan is revealed..... =)
I'm still playing around with what he looks like as The Master, but I really like this recent design I did. his eye glows dark and menacing. I haven't found a design for his dragon form I'm really pleased with yet tho :/
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okay wow thanks again for the ask, I have many many ideas in my head and it felt pretty nice to get em out!!
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