#head is brewing w thoughts making this shit
A Brewing Storm
In All The World, Chapter 1.2
Series Masterlist         Next Chapter
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader 
summary: This series of one-shots follows Matt and the music teacher he is steadily falling for, despite her distant familial connection to The Punisher.
warnings: angsty Matthew, Matt and Frank being little shits (mostly Frank), fluff, hints at smut
w/c: 2.3k
a/n: I KNOW THIS DIDN’T WIN THE POLL BUT I WASN’T ABLE TO FINISH THE OTHER FICLET, I’M SORRY! I hope this is a decent consolation prize for you all. The comfort piece should be done by next week! 
There are a few things mentioned in this chapter that I won’t go into unless people are interested but here’s the rundown: Matt and Reader started their relationship after her testimony, though the trial had not yet ended. The ABA code of ethics doesn’t really have much to say about attorneys and witnesses, but the general rule is after they’ve testified (as long as the trial isn’t discussed) they can begin a personal relationship with them. The ethics rules are much more concerned about lawyers and their clients than witnesses. However, Matt asked her out during proceedings so, in his head, he did something wrong. I wasn’t planning on writing their beginning, but if that’s something you all are interested in, let me know!
Trusting the men to keep their word, you left Frank standing over the door mat while you grabbed some bath towels and a jacket he'd forgotten on your couch months ago. Returning to a room frigid with their disdain for each other, you stifled an eye roll while you passed over the items in your hold. “Here. Dry off if you can. Are you hungry? I can set another place for dinner.”
Matt stiffened from his seat at the table, blowing an annoyed breath out of his nose. Smirking in satisfaction, Frank rubbed the towel over his hair, splattering your floor with leftover rain. “Sure, kid.”
Pretending not to see your boyfriend's twisted frown, you padded over to the stove to scoop the remaining noodles into a clean bowl.
“Ok, it's not much, but I wasn't planning on cooking for three–”
“How long?” Came Frank's curt question.
Running the tip of your tongue against your molars, you blew out a breath, shoving Frank's food over to him.
“Eight months.” Matt answered, chest puffing out ever so slightly. Swatting at him with a glare, you grimaced as Frank gnashed his teeth again.
“For fuck's sake. During the trial?”
“Well, that is how we met.” Matt snapped back, posture rounding as the Devil slipped back into control.
“And you thought what, Red? That you could treat my case like your own personal dating pool? You of all people know how dangerous that was for her.”
“I think we are all familiar with the risks taken last summer.” You retorted, taking your seat at Matt's side, letting your knee brush against his in what you hoped was a grounding touch.
What Frank was insinuating wasn't far fetched. You had run into trouble after coming forward as a character witness, but your relationship with Matt hadn't caused that, your role in the trial had. No matter how much guilt he carried over the incident, your boyfriend was in no way responsible for the actions of the Kitchen Irish. Matt regularly got stuck in his head, castigating himself for giving in to temptation. Despite making it ostentatiously clear that you were interested in him from the moment you met, your self-conscious partner was convinced he’d somehow violated an unwritten code of ethics and manipulated you into going out with him. It had taken months of promises before Matt began to believe that your consent had been honest and voluntary the whole time–his fragile acceptance would surely combust if Frank continued to cast more doubt over the dubious start of your relationship. He didn’t need anyone’s help to make him feel like a monster.
Matt nudged your knee with his in response to your touch, though his expression was stony. You could see his walls going up brick by brick, his confidence waning as someone confirmed his worst fears.
“Are 'we'? Cause I, for one, ain’t dyin’ for you to be bleedin’ out in my bathroom again.” Frank hissed, eyes still locked on Matt as he referenced your precious injuries. “You think she's safe with you? You can’t protect her. Fuck's sake, Red–you're covered in blood at her table right now. She doesn't need to be dragged into your bullshit–”
“Enough.” You snarled, cutting Frank off. Inhaling deeply, you lowered your voice and softened your tone. “Matt, can you give us a minute, love?”
Ignoring Frank's sneer at the pet name, you placed a hand over Matt's knee, rubbing circles into it with your thumb. “Can you wait for me in my room? I'll be right in.”
“I can just go home,” Matt shifted uncomfortably, looking defeated and agonized as he slowly clambered to his feet.
“I’ll only be a minute, love. Don't leave yet please.” You squeezed his hand where it hung limp by his side, hoping that his barely noticeable nod was conveying his true intentions.
You set your jaw, watching Matt stalk into the bedroom before whirling towards Frank who was leaning back in his chair, arms crossed, looking all too pleased with himself. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Frank?”
“There ain’t nothin’—”
“Nope, it's not your turn yet.” You bit out, cutting him off. “I'm not unhappy to see you, because it means you're still breathing, but you have some damn nerve coming into my house and speaking to my boyfriend as if I'm not in the room. I am not an object, nor am I anyone’s property. You do not get to dictate what is or isn't good for me, regardless of how you feel about it.“
Frank winced slightly, but he didn’t make any other indication that your words were getting through his thick skull.
Sitting back in your seat, you clasped your hands in your lap. “I appreciate you looking out for me, Frank. Lord knows you've saved my life more times than I can count, but Matt is good for me. Your views on our start and on him as a person won't change that.“
Frank scoffed, rolling his eyes to the popcorn ceiling. You grit your teeth. “Alright, if you want to be pissed, that's your prerogative. I'm sorry you didn't find out about us directly from me, but I refuse to accept full responsibility for that because you haven't responded to me for months. You don't get to just pop back into my life when it's most convenient for you.”
The towering man didn’t respond. Fine. If he wasn't in a headspace to hear what you had to say, then you were done talking. Stretching over to a nearby cabinet you pulled out a tupperware and tossed it to him. He caught it without glancing up.
“Have a good night, Frank. Text me if you ever decide you want to listen. And take that food home with you or I will be obligated to hunt you down.”
Using the seat of your chair to leverage your weight, you stood up and paced away from Frank, crossing your fingers that Matt was still in the bedroom when you reached it.
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Matt’s hearing was powerful enough to register conversations a block away, let alone one room over, so ignoring the voices beyond your bedroom walls should’ve been difficult. However, Frank’s implications had worn him down, rehashing a mess of anxiety and spurning his feelings of unworthiness. If you hadn’t asked him to stay, he would’ve gone back out to find a distraction lurking in the city streets before passing out on any surface in his apartment. Instead, he lay in your bed, coiled in a ball beneath the sheets, drained of energy–feeling small and useless.
Frank apparently didn’t have much more to say because it was only minutes before he heard you approaching the closed door obscuring him. Your footfalls were light, as always. You did whatever you could to make his existence easier. It was one of the many reasons he loved you. 
Your heartbeat grew stronger as you entered, leaving the door open only briefly in an effort to preserve the hideout Matt had taken shelter in. Gently crouching until you were seated on the mattress, you curled your body around Matt’s–shielding him from the abundance of sensory input and surrounding him with the subtle scent of your body wash. It was warm and sweet, comforting like the brief whiff of sugar you smell when walking past a bakery. A stark contrast to the harsh remnants of gunpowder and leather drifting in from Frank’s now abandoned seat. 
“How much of that did you hear?” You asked, tracing over his prickly cheek with a finger. 
“Bits and pieces.” Matt exhaled roughly. “Did you want me not to listen?”
“Sweetheart, I would never ask that of you. That’s not really something you can control when we’re twenty feet away.” Turning his head into your touch, Matt placed a gentle kiss on the pad of your finger. You took a moment to study him, heart clenching at the weary expression on his face. His posture was tight, you could tell he was holding back. “C’mere, lovely.” 
At your prompting, Matt’s blank face twitched, his sorrow peeking through as he shifted on the mattress.
“I’m sorry I let him in.” You murmured, threading your fingers into Matt’s hair as he wriggled until his face was squished into your stomach. “I should’ve forced him to calm down, or take it out on me. It wasn’t fair to subject you to that.” 
“I’m a big boy. I can handle it.” Matt chuckled breathily, the sound coming out choked with emotion. 
“I know, handsome. But that doesn’t mean you deserve to be screamed at over a misunderstanding.” Sliding down until Matt was resting against your chest, you tucked his head under your chin, wrapping him in an embrace. He hummed against you, not trusting himself to speak on the matter.
“Matty, you do know that what he said was complete and utter horseshit, right?” Your blunt question made him snort, the noise muffled against your collarbone. “No, I’m serious. He was mad that we caught him off guard, so he said that crap to get under your skin. Classic Frank tactic. He did the same shit when we were kids.”
“Did he really?” Came Matt's amused question.
“Oh yah. He’s damn good at it too. The day I knocked him off the Dig Dug leaderboard at our local arcade, he told me I was adopted. My parents were FURIOUS to hear he’d let that cat out of the bag.” You laughed, your nose crinkling as you pictured Frank hanging his head on your family’s tattered leather couch as he got chewed out by your dad.
Matt made a mournful noise, pressing impossibly closer. Rubbing his shoulders with a flat hand, you kissed his crown. “But, the next week, he took me back to the arcade so I could show him how I did it. And when the dude running the candy counter made a sexist comment about how I shouldn’t even be there, Frank forced him to apologize.” 
“What’d he do? Shoot him?” Matt asked dryly. 
“Just a stern talking to. With his fists.” You joked, pinching Matt’s waist. His lips tickled your skin as he smiled. 
“Moral of the story is: Frank speaks without thinking sometimes, just like the rest of us. And he tends to be protective of the people he cares about, myself included.” Sliding your hand beneath Matt’s shirt, you cradled his waist tenderly, drawing delicate patterns with your thumb. “You have that in common.” 
“A talent for lashing out?” Matt quipped. 
Ignoring his attempt to deflect, you continued. “You want to protect me.”
“Apparently, I’m not as good at it as I thought.” Matt remarked icily. 
“Yes. You are.” You poked him, tone stern. “You protect me and the rest of Hell’s Kitchen every day, regardless of what Frank thinks. You are an amazing man and a wonderful partner, and I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything, love.” 
“I love you.” Matt whispered reverently, feeling his insecurities beginning to subside. You always had that effect on him. Your melodic voice and persistently kind nature acting as a life preserver when his own mind seemed determined to drown him. 
“And I love you, Matty. All of you. Always.” Cupping his chin with one hand, you drew him towards your face, pecking his lips lightly. “Why don’t I help you change out of your suit so we can shower? If I’m tired, I know you’ve gotta be wiped out.”
Smirking, Matt cocked his head at you—his confidence finally reappearing after the disaster of a night you’d had. “Are you trying to get me naked, sweetheart?”
“Desperately.” You muttered, trailing a finger over the waistband of his pants. “I have not seen nearly enough of you today.”
“It must be so difficult for you,” He lamented, flopping flat on the mattress with a sigh. “Not seeing your partner.”
Snorting out a laugh, you shoved his chest playfully. “Both of us know that is not what I meant.”
He chuckled, fingers of his left hand loosening the knot of rope around his other wrist.
“Let me,” You suggested, cradling Matt’s dominant hand with both of your own, rotating it and unwinding the cord with a gentle tug. As the dirt and blood stained material fell from Matt's arm, it revealed a crisscross pattern of reddened indents in his skin—angry from being bound by the woven line for so long. Tutting in sympathy, you bent forward, kissing the marks gently before releasing your hold.
Without speaking, you tangled your fingers around his other arm, inching one finger beneath the rope, repeating the motions until he was free of them. Trailing another line of kisses down his arm towards his palm, you smiled triumphantly.
With two fingers, you pried the hem of his shirt away from his sweaty abdomen. ”May I?”
Matt nodded, a lopsided smile hanging on his lips as he arched his back off the mattress to allow you to remove his top. Rolling the fabric up and over his head, you dragged your nails up his spine, grinning at the soft whine you got in response.
“Feel good, Matty?”
He opened his mouth to respond, but the sound dissipated into a moan when you licked a stripe over his pulse point.
“How about I mark you up this time, hm? Take care of you first for once?”
Matt rumbled beneath your lips with a small moan, his head falling back as he arched off the mattress. 
Giggling, you dragged your teeth over the pulsing vein in his neck, provoking a soft mewl in the back of Matt’s throat. “C’mon, sweet boy. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Leaping from the bed, Matt flew after you, snatching you by the waist and locking your lips together as you clumsily stumbled toward the bathroom. 
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Taglist: @marytheweefrenchie @cheshirecat484 @siampie @xxdrixx @gracethyomen @abucketofweird @ignore-mp3 @silas_aeiou
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haechurch · 1 year
that's how you feel about this guy. he's making you... thirsty.
inspired from thirsty by aespa. (you guys might dont think thirsty by aespa as what i am thinking... its actually a tHIRST SONG. a song that is about *THIRST*)
w. blowjob, pussy eating, slapping, pet names, cum slut rdr!!! breeding kink, hint of catching feelings maybe, idk but it might sound so horny and dirty, unprotected sex, just minors dni
he's making you thirsty. so when he gave in for the first time (or is it you? you do not recall) he keeps making you come back for more, it haunts you like crazy and eventually you can't endure the torture anymore, like a vampire who's been fed by blood, you hunt for another unless you die.
I'm knocking on you again
The sight gently swaying on the sparkling water surface every day
you are roommates. the idea of getting a life under the same roof with some random boy concerns you for the first time, but now you definitely thank heavens. because damn, he's fine af. every morning he would cook his own eggs, brew his own coffee.. with low training pants hanging dearly around his hips, messy black hair, glasses, and every time he wore that plain white t-shirt. how can be a shirt making someone look like that. hot. he's fucking hot.
his body proportion is a perfection you would say, never you saw someone built like that before, and you convince that god indeed has a favorite. a man who got to be looking so fine in just a white plain fucking t-shirt.
it hugged his torso perfectly. when he's doing his thing in the kitchen, his back deliciously on display while you sit on the dining table which is placed in front of the kitchen counter and it's not exaggerated to be said that it is a perfect spot to appreciate the view, just as you meant to be.
you can't help but stare and stare, unconsciously nipping, licking, and pressing your lips together, sighing then coughing when you found yourself not quiet enough to cover your act of drooling, and one thing you can't help so badly is pressing your thighs together under the table, aggressively.
he wouldn't know.
until one night he heard you getting off when you believe he left the house and you thought you heard him that he's gonna come back late. but he didn't.
the thing is, you do believe he's not home when you finished your business and get out of your room, lights even from the kitchen were off, but then you suddenly hear a deep voice coming from his unlocked space.
"having fun?"
"fuck! what the hell?!?" you jumped as you clutched on your chest, utterly shocked. he sits on the edge of his bed which can be seen as the doors open. the shit eating grin on his face got your heartbeat running even faster.
"the fuck were you doing? how long have you been there??" you trying to be sounds normal and honestly you thought you did a great job. except for the fact the he's been there. all the time.
"who would've thought the girl that has been acting all shy and quiet..."
he pause and gesturing some random swirls with his fingers in the air before he continue, "..is actually a beast."
you rolled your eyes, "what do you mean?"
"you know what i mean, don't acting all innocent now i heard you."
"so? i'm just having my time it's none of your business seriously. you're exaggerating things."
"oh? so you're touching yourself with the thought of me was exaggerating? do you even realize how loud you were? i almost barging into your room to help you out when you call my name but i decided to give you respect.." your face flushed, he's eyeing you from head to toe as he wet his lips, ".. for your personal space,"
"haha so thoughtful" you cleared your throat then rolled another eye, arms folded sternly.
"you're so irresistible... always thought that you never want me.." he get up from his bed and walking straight to where you stand and you thoughtlessly unfold your arms guardless when he stand this close to your body.
"such a pretty girl.. wearing this thin tank top with nothing underneath but shorts? tsk."
he grab at your hand and bring your fingers in front of his face, nosing at your fingers, the right fingers you use for getting yourself off, and inhales sharply before he took it to his mouth to suck.
"what the fuck...?" you gasp at his act, face contorted in disgust, but to be honest, made you turn on at the same time.
"i should've known this sooner... never thought that you're gonna be so... slutty."
even though he wasn't the type that aggressively makes move. you were so stupid to think that he's just as shy as you, and dull, but as today happens you have to acknowledge that he's just good at holding back. and that with much respect, as he was saying. even so, the way he behave tonight.. you couldn't be more aroused. can't believe you two keep your hands off each other just to know that both of you are actually desperate to fuck each other.
The more I touch you, the more thirsty
I'm sure it's full, but I'm thirsty (Yeah I gotcha' boy)
his hands are currently all over your body. inviting him to your room is a big big mistake. from considering to be a sweet hearted kind of guy and help you folding your laundry, you have your legs being folded instead as he eat you out messily. so messy that the sound of slurping and your juices make you cringe. but damn it feels so good, he do it so right it leaves you blabbering nonsense you didn't know you let out. you squeeze your thighs together and pull on his hair, hip lifted so high onto his face to press your own pleasure cause it feels too much, but too good.
it's been a while since he caught you on the other day, and it's always him giving you head and not vice versa. he sensed that you don't want to do the same thing and didn't ask about it either, in fact, he's pretty content that he can have his way with you and eat you out gladly whenever he desires. but it's just the fact that you're actually holding back.
you want him. you want to suck on those dick that god knows he's beyond hard after when he had his way with you, but the thought of getting addicted to him already makes you unsettled. what if you become like, dependent? or what if you keep looking for him because you always wanted a taste? what if you liked him? it's the same as playing with drugs, it's so tempting that the moment you got a taste, you'll be addicted. need more, and more, more of him.
it's morning again. him with his pieces of clothing and standing behind the counter where he can see you clearly. you're sitting on the sofa in the living room which faces directly at the kitchen. he may look busy doing his thing, but he won't miss the way you look at him like a starving woman. you're staring so hard. staring at his crotch, in fact. you're so lost that you miss the way his eyes watching you, smirking in amusement like he knows exactly what you were thinking.
you twitched at his remark, nearly dropping your bowl at the moment.
"i know you want me." he's straight to the point. it makes you bewildered that you let your mouth open and close with no words to let out.
now it feels so much harder to resist him. you can't hold on any longer.
"c'mere." you know he's controlling you. and you know you wouldn't disobey him for once. so you get up with a huff pretending that you don't like any of the ideas in his head right now and making a beeline to stand in front of him.
"what do you want?" you shifted on one leg and tried to act calm, and you do. but he won't fall for that. he already feels you. feels your need.
"what do you want?" he asked you the same question, his tone stern but his voice delicate.
"i-i don't-"
he cut you off by catching your lips on his, and as he did that, you close your eyes, already submitted. you moan to the kiss as he started to grope your ass, using his tongue to lap all over your mouth in a heated make out session. after feels like hours you broke the kiss, and he stare at your fucked out face before he harshly pushed you on your knees and started to pull down his joggers, his hard on on full display.
he stroke his length slowly as he let out a low groan while staring down at you, you couldn't be more wet. your mouth agape, the need for tasting him is so strong you're losing your mind. on all four, you crawl closer to him and hesitantly replace his own hand on his cock with yours. it's so hard that the image of him being aroused because of you makes you tingle. your grip is strong on his cock, and you squeeze it deliciously, making him growl.
you kiss the tip, basically teasing both of yourselves, before finally sucking on his blunt like a lollipop. you keep doing the suction, then give a handful of his balls a massage while you let go of the tip and start pressing kisses along his shaft. he reacts so well it makes you excited, pussy already drenched with arousal. you take half of his shaft onto your mouth, proceeding to bob your head up and down, cheeks hollowed and tongue gliding under his shaft, you do this for a while before taking all of him in the back of your throat, which makes you gag a little. he hissed and his head thrown back, both of his hands grabbed at the back of your head sternly, pinning you down his length you hardly move.
"fuck. i knew you'd be good at this. good for nothing but chokes on a cock, huh? you feel so fucking good, so fucking spoiled, aren't you? why don't you tell me you're my cock slut, hm?"
of course you can't tell a fucking thing. mouth is full of dick, good for nothing but being stuffed by his cock. and you love it so much it gave you shivers. you hummed bringing vibration down his cock which makes him let another groans, then he started to fuck himself on your throat. he let go of his hands from the back of your head and pulling his length out before thrusting, he quickly find his pace and face fuck you in a steady pace, bringing your hair in a ponytail as a nice grip.
you already know that since then, the things between you two would just bring another sweet disaster.
Sip, sip, sip, it all night
Dip, dip, dip, it all night
before sleeping, on the midnights when both of you are still awake, in the morning, when you are sick from the assignments, while cooking lunch in the kitchen, when he says he's horny, even after working out, you'll gladly give him head. every time, anywhere.
you're addicted. it's started concerning you if it's fucking normal to do a blowjob like it's some kind of routine.
you love his load. you'll gladly devour every drop of his spurt without him asking you to. even if your mouth is full of his cum, it's still not enough. when you swallow it down your throat, you still feel thirsty.
So thirsty thirsty thirsty
Drench me with your heart hidden deep in the water
you fuck for the first time that night. watching movies with a guy best friend who's been doing things with you is most likely leading to something more, which is kinda terrifies you. but fuck it, you both know that you're already far from crossing the line.
"you're so pretty." he whispered in your ear, his hands all over your torso, groping and kneading your tits. you squirm from his touch and throw your head on his shoulder, body resting comfortably on his lap. your bare back feels warm against his chest, you can feel his clothed dick keeps poking you from behind. he kisses your jaw, neck, shoulder, collarbone, then down to your spine it makes you shiver. he grab your hips to lift you up and bend you over on all four, before eating you out from behind. your back arched like a cat, face buried into the sofa pillow, muffled your own moan, hands squeezed into each other so tight.
"oh, fuck. so so good, please don't stop-" you managed to mumble, his grip on your thighs so strong, one hand kneading your cheek and slap it hard. you moan at the feelings, panting like crazy, drool all over the pillow under you as he eating you out expertly, licking from the bottom all the way to the top to suck on your clit, fat tongue sliding against your folds like he's devouring an ice cream, he spits, giving open mouthed kisses all over your pussy, fucking your hole as deep as possible with his wet muscle with purpose.
"fuck i'm so close. can you please hurry u-"
he slapped your cunt making you gasp and jolt. "what is it angel?"
"make me cum,"
"only good girls can cum. are you a good girl? my good girl?"
you dropped your head on the pillow, feeling frustrated cause this time, you desperately wanted to be fucked, hard.
"yes, i am your good girl. please, just please, fuck me,"
that's it. it's smoothly rolled off your lips. he's giving a pause for a moment at your comment, before you hear a rustle behind you, you're looking over your shoulder and he's already taking off his bottoms, leaving him as naked as you are.
"pretty girl, you're gonna be the death of me," he's stroking his dick in slow motion, the head is hitting your entrance making you arch your back even more, begging in silence to be fucked.
"shit, you're so fucking wet." he's lining his cock on your opening, teasing his own length between your very drenched folds, and it makes you whine.
he slapped your cheeks again, "beg," he said. "beg for it."
you feels like crying when you beg him, "fuck me. please,"
Yeah I keep getting greedy
Telling me that you probably too
both of you never spent nights together until morning in one room. being fucked stupid by your roommate was never been on your wishlist, but it's not that bad.
"fuck me. please,"
your tone was so desperate it mortifies you, but you don't even care anymore, you want him, so fucking much. he might want you as much as you want him, and you do want to believe that.
he's slowly bottoming up when both of you groan in unison. he's so big, you feel full, and you love the feeling. hands on your hips, almost clawing when he piston his cock in and out of you. you're a moaning mess, he then pull at your hair to yank your head up, back touching his torso while he fucks you precisely from behind.
"you're so sweet and tight. i love it." he nibbles and grunts in your ear, his voice is so sexy you're beyond turned on.
"want to... want to see your face..." you said in a tiny voice and he move quickly to grant your wish. he pulls out and carry you to move into his bed, then plop you onto the sheets.
you suddenly feel embarrassed, hands buckle up covering your chest. he chuckled when he find you were so vulnerable. like a lost little pup. fucking cute.
"acting shy just now?" he's hovering over you, parting your legs apart and sliding into your waiting hole once more. you gasp and arch your neck, he swiftly kiss and sucks on your exposed skin to leave red marks. you sigh in bliss, his mouth on you feels so right, him making you full and complete, you couldn't be more in joy.
he kiss you one more time on the mouth and thrust at a quick pace above you, eyes staring at you with lust and admiration. he's so pretty with his hair sticking all over his forehead, sweat covering his muscular body, glistening under the lights. he's so sexy.
"come with me, yeah? i want you to come with me." he demands. you nod your head and shut your eyes tightly, moaning into oblivion when he start to play with your clit and you explode right away. he's moaning with you when you squeeze him so firmly, his pace erratically fast as he easily glides in and out, drenched pussy and skin to skin clapping can be heard all over the room.
"just come in me." you cup his face and look him in the eyes, almost lovingly, and you whispered to him that made him cum immediately,
"i want you to fill me up, so full it's overflowing. plant babies in me."
only hard breathing and groan are heard inside of this room. it's not long after you two continue in bed, but the room is already steamy and smells like sex.
"not enough," you speak, more like mumbling to yourself.
"what?" he remarked.
"i said," you smile wholeheartedly at him, and come closer to his ear.
"i want all of your cum in me until my pussy has already taken all the remaining space for it."
Yes, I'm thirsty when I see you
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jaegersdevil · 11 months
vodka problems – eren jaeger
Modern!Eren x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sasha and Connie throw a party, and all the exciting things happen at parties! OR in which you and Eren are exes, and it's the first party you both attend after the break-up.
w/c: 5k+
warnings: maybe ooc eren (because idk how to write him yet, yikes), angst, alcohol, dissociating, c-word (3 whole times), swearing, anxiety about the future & love, maybe some errors, and a rushed ending because i had no more ideas. a/n: this isn’t how i thought this would go, but it’s how it turned out so, enjoy.
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You were going to kill them. Nothing could sway you from doing so. Sasha Braus was about to be your first victim, and Connie Springer your second. The plan was already brewing in your mind: promise them an all-you-can-eat buffet, take the pair to a warehouse, blindfolded, get them into a position where the method of execution could be performed (you hadn’t thought that far ahead yet), and then strike. Quick and easy, and nobody would be surprised; they couldn’t even be convinced to go in the first place because you’d already said this to their faces. 
“Don’t be so dramatic!” Sasha exclaimed, rolling her eyes. You glared at her from your spot on her bed and then at Connie, who sat on the floor against the wall across the room. 
Connie laughed manically. “She’s gone insane!” 
You shook your head, clenching your fists to stop the slight shaking of your hands. “Guys…” 
At the sound of your exasperated tone, Sasha threw a lone throw pillow at Connie’s face, and the pair stopped teasing. 
“Listen,” Sasha started, sauntering toward you. “We can’t just… exclude him from our group get-togethers because you broke up.” 
It was the truth you had accepted a month ago, yet it was like a thousand needles in your stomach when Sasha said it aloud. You nodded, your gaze finding your hands.
“I’m sure he feels the same right now,” Sasha looked over her shoulder at Connie, who shrugged. The former rolled her eyes again and turned back to you. “Or at least, I hope he does. Asshole.” 
“Hey! It’s not like he’s been sleeping around! Eren’s a good guy,” Connie’s face screwed up in an angered expression at the thought that his closest friends were talking wrong about his other friend. “Just because he’s not hung up on this doesn’t make him an asshole!” He stood up, Sasha facing him. 
His last comment made your eyes weary. The one thousand needles tripled. 
“We know that! But-–” Sasha tilted her head in your direction. “Let girls talk shit, okay? It was a bad situation.” 
Connie cringed at the mention of the aftermath of your and Eren’s breakup. “Maybe you’re right.”
“I am right,” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Y/n is allowed to react the way she is because girls can feel emotions without being overdramatic.” 
“What about killing us? You said she was being dramatic.” 
“I mean, threatening to kill your friends is a little…” Sasha glanced at you. “But everything else! I know what you boys have been saying, and it’s not only hurtful to Y/n but to me! And Mikasa! Girls, in general! Just because Eren moved on so quickly doesn’t mean Y/n has to! She has every right to feel the way she does. I was like this for months when Nic and I broke up!”
“That was a different thing, and you got back together.”
“Besides the point!”
“Sasha?” You pipe up, tired of watching your friends argue over you. 
The two twist their heads toward you, forgetting you were there. Sasha’s eyes softened when she saw the dejected look on your face. 
“I’m just gonna go,” You wring your fingers. “I’ll see you tonight, though. Yeah?” 
Connie opened his mouth to say something, but Sasha elbowed him. “Yes, we will be seeing you tonight. Glad you’re coming.” 
You got up from the bed, and Sasha hugged you.
“Bye, Con.”
“Bye,” Connie replied solemnly. 
As you left the room, you heard a smack. “Do you ever know when to shut the fuck up, Springer?” 
You left their shared apartment—where you would return later. 
7:29 pm
Hearing the elevator ding, you turned towards the opening doors; the smell of sweat, alcohol, and weed hit you in the face as you exited. Despite Sasha and Connie’s apartment halfway down the hallway, the music and scents spilled out their front door. 
You held the bottle of Chardonnay you had brought loosely between your fingers, the effects of the other bottle of wine you had downed before coming hitting you straight on: liquid courage and all that. 
You opened the door without knocking and stepped into Sasha and Connie’s apartment. Music made the floor vibrate, which was ignored due to your inebriated and gloomy state. 
“Y/n!” Hands on your shoulders, and the familiar ecstatic energy of your best friend drew you out of your daze. “You’re here!” 
“I’m here!” You laughed bitterly, although the previous unwanted anxiety and feelings towards tonight were already dissipating. 
“Oh jeez, you’re already gone,” Sasha shook her head disapprovingly. “Tch, should’ve kept you here from this morning.” 
You disagreed. “No! See, I wouldn’t have brought us a bottle if I stayed here. This is for nobody else.” 
Sasha’s grin grew wider. “Thank you!”
You lifted the bottle towards her face, giggling. Sasha snatched the bottle out of your hand as soon as it was close enough and uncapped it, all in one motion.
Your jaw dropped at the sight of the now half-empty bottle in her hands. “Sash!” 
She held the bottle out of your reach and grabbed your hand, pulling you into the kitchen. “I think the boys are in Connie’s room, but don’t worry, I won’t take you to them.”
You knew who the boys entailed, and you were beyond grateful. 
“Annie, Ymir, and Historia are in the living room, playing some board game. I don’t know who does that at a party, but they’re having fun…” Then she looked behind you. “Oh! Marco,” Sasha pushed you backwards slightly. “Get Y/n a drink. I gotta pee.” 
You stumbled back into a tall figure, spinning around to meet your friend. “Marco!”
The freckled boy rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. “Y/n! What would you like?”
You pursed your lips in thought. “Make me a mimosa? Mr. Bartender?” 
Marco laughed and reached up to retrieve a glass from the cupboard unit beside you. “Of course, Miss. Any special requests?” 
You eyed the Grey Goose on the counter, not thinking twice about your answer. “Hold the vodka, please.” 
Marco blanched as he poured sparkling wine into a cup. “Oh, yeah, okay. No problem.” 
You folded your lips between your teeth at the awkward air settling between you, and you didn’t think your response through before it slipped out. The music from the living room speakers, paired with the clink of a spoon on glass, was the only sound in the kitchen. 
It was no secret what had happened between you and Eren—the entire friend group had been there to witness it, which was the worst part. A party, a few bottles of vodka, and insecurities from both sides were at play that night. It was a recipe for disaster, and it just so happened that you and Eren were the casualties, along with friendships that were becoming more strained as the weeks passed. It didn’t help that you or Eren were often missing from group gatherings when the other was present, but somehow, Sasha had managed to get you in the same apartment as him for a night. It was either a master plan that could save the group or cause it to dismantle completely, and nobody wanted that. 
“Here you go,” Marco said, pushing the glass across the counter. 
Tears welled in your eyes at his sudden distance. “Thanks, Marc.” 
At the sound of your teary voice, his eyes shot toward you. “Hey, hey,” He reached for you, bringing you into his chest. “I’m sorry. No crying tonight, okay? Nobody hates you, I promise. You are as much a part of this group as he is. You are not allowed to leave.” 
“Who said I was leaving?” You mumbled into his chest, tears dampening his t-shirt. 
“People talk,” He replied, rubbing your back. “And a little Sasha told me you mentioned the group would be better without you.” 
You sniffled and laughed, eyes watery. “Can you blame me? Mikasa hasn’t spoken to me in a month, and Armin only says hello when he has to. I can’t keep putting myself through that. I don’t want to lose more friends over this.”
“If I were a nice person who cared about your well-being, I would tell you to leave us ASAP. But since I’m not, I need you to stay, okay? Who else would I make mimosas for at these ‘parties’?” 
You laughed and pulled away. “Nobody.” 
“Exactly!” Marco exclaimed. “And just you being here tonight tells me you don’t actually want to leave.” 
“Yeah, I guess.” 
“No guessing about it,” Marco stepped back. “You are staying. Now,” He clapped. “Wanna join the losers in the living room for a game of Monopoly?” 
You nodded, sipping your drink. Marco would never know the effect his words had on you. No matter what happened with Eren, you had a place in this group. Sure, Sasha had repeatedly told you the same thing, but hearing it from someone else, who didn’t have to say anything, was special. “I would love to.”
9:02 pm
After Sasha had joined the game and Historia had won Monopoly (thanks to Ymir, who kept slipping her money under the table), the rest of the boys emerged from Connie’s room, bringing the stench of weed along with them. 
“Holy shit! Y/n?” Jean yelled in greeting. The grin on his face was wide, and it caused one to break across your cheeks too. 
“Hi, Jeanie,” You laughed, standing up from the couch. You rounded the table to hug him, ignoring the others. You and Jean had always been close, even before you started dating Eren. Not seeing him because you chose to distance yourself proved more hurtful than beneficial. 
“Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?” His voice was soft against your ear, and you tightened your arms around him. 
“Been better, but I missed you.” 
“We’re here too, you know,” Connie piped up, rolling his eyes. 
“I saw you this morning, idiot,” You laughed, Jean joining you as you pulled apart. 
You stepped to the right of Jean and scanned the faces of everyone in Connie’s room; Armin, Mikasa, Bertie, Reiner, Eren (sparingly), Connie himself, and—who is she? 
A petite brunette girl stood at Eren’s side. Her features were sharp and tinted pink when you met her eyes. 
You lifted your hand in a lazy wave and turned back to the couch. Your chest tightened at seeing someone you didn’t know hanging out with your group—were they replacing you already? 
Sasha noticed your fidgety hands and grabbed them as you sat next to her. You didn’t look anywhere but at the table. 
The room grew tense and awkward. 
And when nobody spoke, Eren threw his arms up. “I’m getting a beer. Anyone want one?” 
The sound of his voice was cutting. It shredded the weeks of progress you had tried to heal and buried deep into your subconsciousness. You missed his voice. 
Your eyes lifted, and when your gaze landed on him, Eren inhaled sharply. “I’ll have one.” 
Everybody held their breath as you and Eren exchanged words. They never thought they’d see the day, even if it was to be mean to each other. 
Eren’s lip curled. “You sure you don’t want vodka? I heard it’s good for ruining relationships, which you seem great at!”
“Okay! That’s where we end that. Real mature,” Sasha stood abruptly, her hands ripping from yours. “Eren, a word?” 
“Would love one, Sasha,” Eren’’s tone was clipped as he stalked back down the hallway. 
The brunette girl shifted her weight. You watched her stand awkwardly without Eren there. 
You couldn’t move with everyone’s eyes on you. With your muscles frozen, you’re eyes were unblinking as the muffled voices from down the hallway got louder. 
“Y/n, right?” A new voice spoke. You lifted your head and saw the new girl walking hesitantly toward you. “I’m Cate.” 
Your eyes flickered to Jean, who was holding his breath. A small smile replaced your blank stare as you shook the girl’s hand. You couldn’t hate this girl. No matter what happened between you and Eren, she would never be the target of your anger. 
“Nice to meet you.”
Around you, the room started moving normally again. Laughs were heard, and conversation picked back up. After her introduction, Cate scuttered to the kitchen, and you slumped back into the couch. 
“Nice to meet you,” Jean teased, flopping down next to you, lifting his leg to put it over your lap. 
“Shut the fuck up. What was I meant to say?” You snapped, smacking his knee. 
“What you said was fine. Jean’s just being a dick,” Marco said from the other side of you. 
“If anything, Eren’s being a dick,” Jean mumbled. 
You said nothing. And when Jean was going to start speaking again, a pair of legs stopped in front of you. 
The blonde boy looked nervous as he looked down at you. “Hey, Y/n.” 
“Hi, Armin. How are you?” 
He sighed and smiled. “I’m well. How are you?”
You shrugged one shoulder. “You know…” 
Armin nodded and sat on the coffee table in front of you. Your knees hit his as you pouted at him. 
“Armin… why haven’t I seen you in biochem?” You asked, giggling as you said your following sentence. “You didn’t drop out, did you?” 
Armin gaped at your jab and shook his head. “I’m offended at the thought! I had to change classes. It clashed with my other biology class.”
You smiled understandingly. “I guess I was just hurt you didn’t tell me. I know it can be awkward.” 
Armin sighed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d want to hear from me.” 
“I always want to hear from you,” You furrowed your eyebrows. “You’re the only one who listens to my ramblings about everything.” 
Jean and Marco went to object, saying anything about how they’d had heard it all for the past few weeks when Armin laughed. “That’s true. Got anything for me right now?” 
“And that’s when we leave,” Jean stood, motioning for Marco to do the same. “Bye, guys.” 
10:39 pm
To say a majority of the group was intoxicated would be an understatement. 
Ymir and Historia left an hour ago because Historia was on the verge of passing out. Sasha and Eren had gone to different ends of the apartment a while ago after Sasha yelled at him for half an hour. He hadn’t looked in your direction since he came out of the room. 
Eren now sat, with Cate, on the couch, a beer held loosely between his fingers, taking sparse swigs. His eyes were heavy, but his cold facade never wavered. Surrounding him were Bertie, Reiner, Mikasa, Armin, and Annie. They were conversing about the NBA or NFL; you couldn’t remember the topic when you left. 
Conversely, you were perched on the counter in the kitchen as Marco, Jean, Connie, and Sasha competed in a ‘who could make the better drink’, with you as the judge. You were beyond tipsy, everything falling from your lips unfiltered, which was good and bad when tasting their beverages. 
Your face soured as you swallowed. “Fuck, Jean! That’s disgusting!” 
The tall boy cackled, holding his stomach as you tipped the rest of the drink down the sink. “I spent my time on that! You're so ungrateful!” 
The rest of the group laughed at your misfortune, pushing various shaped cups and glasses in your direction for you to try. 
The laughter soon died when Cate walked into the kitchen. She wore a smile on her face and waved when she noticed everyone’s eyes on her. “Hey, guys. What’re you doing?” 
“Best drink competition, wanna play? Y/n’s judging,” Connie asked, his eyes hanging and words slurred. 
“Uh, yes! I’ll make mine now. No peeking!” She laughed, picking up a random cup off the opposite counter. You and the others covered your eyes playfully. 
“Okay, done,” Cate muttered, handing you a black cup. “Tell me what you think.” 
Maybe it was the alcohol playing tricks on you, but when she handed you the cup, the typical mischief you’d encountered in everyone else’s eyes when they gave you their drinks was far less dark and cynical than hers. Cate wore a smirk as Jean did, but it seemed more calculated than his silly one. But your drunk brain was too dismissive to take it to heart. So, you took a sip of her drink. 
And when the sharp tang of vodka hit your tongue, you almost vomited. Your lips parted, and your eyes watered at the taste and what it had caused you weeks ago. 
“Bitch,” You whispered, yet nobody heard. 
The kitchen was silent as Cate stood before you, arms folded over her chest. She leaned closer to you, her mouth next to your ear. “It’s a shame. You’re so pretty but such a cunt. I almost feel bad for the guy. He had to tolerate you for so long. Thanks for letting me have him.” 
And as Cate fell back onto her heels, she sighed, like uttering those words filled her with relief. 
Sasha instantly recognised the look on your face and gasped. Even in her drunken haze, she had perfect aim. Her palm came in contact with Cate’s cheek before the boys could even react, and you took no notice of what had just happened, gaze unfocused and on the floor. 
“Woah!” Connie yelled, placing his glass in the sink to hold back his best friend. 
“Sasha, what?” Jean exclaimed, hooking his arms around Cate’s from behind. 
And Marco was silent. He stood beside you, taking the cup from your hands and sniffing the liquid. He sighed when he recognised the smell. “Fuck.” He whispered. 
“You’re never allowed back into my house! Get out!” Sasha screamed. “Or you’ll finally get to see the crazy bitch you’ve been calling me for a month!” 
The commotion had finally caused a reaction from the group in the living room, who were now flooding the space. The music was quiet, which made the scene more tense.
“What the fuck is going on?” Reiner yelled over the arguing, taking notice of Cate in Jean’s arms and Sasha in Connie's. 
“Let go of me, Connie!” Sasha cried. She now had tears streaming down her face at the same rate as you. 
You were dissociating; Sasha could see it clear as day. Your hands shook, and your eyes were unfocused as you stared at the floor, your body swaying ever so slightly. 
“Please, let me go.” 
Having heard the plea and sadness in Sasha’s voice, Connie released her. The girl stumbled out of his hold and rushed toward you, helping you off the counter with Marco’s assistance. She ushered you back into the living room and down the hallway to her room. 
“Let go of Cate, bro,” Eren snapped, stepping forward to reach her. 
Jean threw his friend a glare. “Okay, bro,” Jean laughed bitterly and let go of the brunette. 
Nobody in the kitchen said a word except for Marco, who had had enough awkward silences tonight. 
“Before you go, Eren, because you tend to do that a lot now, I’d take a good, hard look at who you’re keeping company,” Marco shifted his gaze to Cate, who stood rubbing her arms. 
“Me? You think this is my fault? That girl is insane! No wonder you broke up, Ren,” She looked up at Eren. 
The other boys, Mikasa and Annie, watched anxiously for Eren’s next move. 
11:00 pm
Meanwhile, you were in Sasha’s room sipping on a water bottle she handed you. Despite the short time, you were already starting to sober up, both from the shock of what just happened and the granola bar Sasha had forced down your throat after she locked her bedroom door. 
“God, I hate her. I tried to keep quiet tonight for Eren’s sake, but I can’t, not after that,�� Sasha mumbled. “What did she say to you?” 
“Uh,” You bit your bottom lip. “She called me a cunt and thanked me for giving her Eren or something. I don’t know. I zoned out.” 
Sasha let out a noise of frustration. “If I could punch Eren, I would. He has some serious nerve bringing her here when he knew you were coming.” 
“It’s no big deal. I mean, it’s true,” You said tonelessly. “I did some fucked up stuff to him that night.” 
“Firstly, shut up! You’re not a cunt, how are you? You got the courage to come here in the first place, and I’m so proud of you. Just because one girl, who must hate women, said that about you doesn’t mean you are one. It's a reflection of her, not you. And secondly, he said shit too! You’re both in the wrong. Stop taking all the blame.” 
“Thanks, Sash.” 
“You know what I mean. It’s bullshit. I hate that people took sides; I really do. It makes me feel like our group wasn’t as close as I thought.”
You placed your hand in hers. “I’m sorry for fucking up our friend group.”
Sasha sighed. “You didn’t fuck it up,” her eyes were glassy when she looked at you. “I think it was already fucked up.” 
Her statement made you laugh sadly. 
But your laugh was cut short by the sound of the front door slamming. You shared a look with Sasha as you heard footsteps approaching the bedroom door. 
“That’s probably Jean. Bet Eren left,” Sasha mumbled, squeezing your hand before straightening up from her bed. 
And as she opened the door, nothing could prepare you for who was standing there with his fist raised to knock. 
“Oh my god,” Sasha groaned. “Have you finally decided to talk to her? All it took was some girl to insult her for you to want to speak with her?” 
Every muscle in your body was unmoving. It was like someone had poured ice water over your head. If you hadn’t sobered up from the snack and water before, you definitely had now. 
“Sasha, please,” Eren whispered. Even though he towered over Sasha, Eren looked small. He was curled in on himself, shoulders hunched. 
“It’s okay, Sash,” You stated, noticing how Eren’s demeanour changed at your words. He looked almost the same as when you were together, ganging up on your friends to tease them lovingly. 
“Fine,” Sasha said firmly. Then she brought her finger to Eren’s chest. “But if you make her cry, I will strangle you.” 
Eren just nodded, knowing it wasn’t the time to joke around. Sasha side-stepped to let him inside her room before turning around and holding the door handle.
“I will shut this door for privacy only. I don’t want to walk in here later to see you’ve killed each other,” Despite her words, Sasha smiled as she said so. 
“Bye, Sash,” You wave, hyperaware of Eren standing a few feet away. 
“Yeah, yeah.” 
And when the door clicked shut, Eren shifted in his spot. You waited for him to speak, but it never came. You guessed his conversation with Sasha earlier in the night had put him in his place.
“Where do you wanna start?” You asked, choosing to help him sort out his thoughts instead of attacking him immediately. 
Eren, seemingly grateful, fidgeted with his hands. “I want to talk about the party first.” 
You nodded, looking away from him. 
“I wanna start by saying we both had too much to drink that night. I should’ve never tried to find you afterwards; I was just so confused and hurt,” Only then did Eren glance in your direction. You met his eyes and shook your head. “I want to hear your side, but could I say my piece first?” 
You nodded, allowing him to continue. 
“Thanks,” He sighed with a crooked smile and shook his head softly to rid it. “Anyway, I, uh—that night went downhill so fast. I know they say that drunk words are sober thoughts, I know. But at that moment, I was so angry. I was angry at myself, you, and everyone else at that damn party because I—I couldn't take the questions, and the expectations, and the responsibilities. And you’re right. I am immature because I couldn’t understand why you made that choice, and I still don’t understand why you did. It just hurt me so deeply that I didn’t know how to accept it. I still don’t!"
"I stumbled around all night with that damn bottle of vodka because I knew you liked it, and when I saw you with the same bottle dancing with Sasha, I snapped. I couldn't believe you were having fun after hurting me so badly," Eren paced the floor. “But I can’t move on from you, sweetheart. I really can’t. And tonight,” He sighed deeply. “I don’t know why I brought her here. I guess I just wanted you to hurt as much as I do. But, if I knew she would act like that toward you, I never would've spoken to her in the first place. I’m sorry for that.” 
Tears brimmed your lash line as you nodded. Eren remained near the door. 
“I—uh, I’m sorry for everything I said too. Yes, you can be immature, but you’re not arrogant or aloof when speaking about serious stuff; you're doing it right now. And I’m sorry for doubting your love for me—in hindsight, it was a shitty thing to say considering…” You trailed off.
Eren stayed silent.
“I literally hung you out to dry in front of everyone, and you're still here trying to make amends with me!" You exclaimed, angry with yourself. "That's like one of the least immature things ever."
You sighed, rubbing your forehead. "That night scared the shit out of me, with all the talk about the future and what we’re going to do when we graduate literally next semester. Eren,” You look up at him. “I don’t have any plan. I’m going to finish my degree, and then what? I don’t want this to end. I don’t want to see my friends once a year because we’re all on different sides of the country, of the world! I want to stay here with the lunatics out there and you.”
The sudden confession made you pause. Eren inhaled sharply, meeting your eyes. You swallowed and continued. “I always wanted to stay with you.” 
Neither of you spoke. As you stared at each other, you noticed small things about Eren’s appearance that hadn’t been there the last time you’d seen him: the flyaways near his face were longer, his usual clean-shaven jaw was lightly stubbled, his black t-shirt was tighter around his arms, and the green in his eyes was darker. 
Eren broke the silence first. “I just want to know why you said no,” He begged. 
You were waiting for this question. Sure, Eren had asked it when you’d first answered his initial question, but now, he deserved an explanation. He hadn’t been angry at your answer, more heartbroken than anything. 
“You say you want to stay with me forever, yet you say no at the first real chance to do that.” 
You blinked, and tears fell down your cheeks. “I know,” Your voice was strained as you wiped at your eyes. “I’m sorry.” 
The bed dipped beside you, and Eren’s thigh pressed against yours. And as you hiccuped, Eren wrapped his arm around your shoulders, letting you lean into him. 
“It’s my biggest regret, saying no to you. I couldn't believe you’d actually want me like that.” 
“Of course, I want you like that. I want you in every way if you’d let me. But until you say the word, I’m not acting on anything you don’t want me to.”
You lifted your head from his chest and turned toward him. His arm fell from your shoulders, and you took his hands in yours. 
“If you asked me again, just know I’d say yes,” You cried. “That night… that night was among the very few when I didn’t believe you were real. There is absolutely no way that someone could love me the way you do. Nobody. I believed I would never be loved like that from a very young age. And it was confusing when you came into my life and told me differently after I'd spent years drilling into my mind that I’d be alone forever.” 
“I was terrified that saying yes meant I was falling for some cruel joke,” Eren’s hand hovered over your cheek before you tilted your face to rest in his hand. “But now that you’re still here, still wanting to marry me after I said all those horrible things to you, I know what you feel is true. You’re true.” 
Eren laughed, eyes watery as he nodded. “That doesn't make sense. But, yeah, I’m real, and my love for you will always be real.” 
"It only took a failed proposal for me to realise what I lost," You cringed, peering over at Eren.
He gave you a pained expression, hand over his chest. "Ouch, at my expense?"
You nodded, dragging your hand over your cheeks. "Unfortunately."
And just like that, the pair of you fell back in sync. Eren wrapped his arms around your shoulders, hugging you close. "I know we still have a lot to talk about, but can we just sit here for now?"
"Yeah," You whispered, circling your arms around his waist.
"I'm sorry for what I said earlier in the living room," Eren muttered.
"It's okay. I was ready to say something mean back before Sasha interrupted. So I'll apologise for the intent."
Eren snorted. "I don't think anything you say to me could stop me from loving you."
"Even when I yell at you for leaving dishes in the sink?"
"Especially then," And then you felt him lick your cheek.
"And he's back," You mumble, wiping the side of your face. "I was starting to miss the weird side of you."
"Not my fault."
"Too soon."
You pulled yourself out of his embrace and composed yourself, wiping under your eyes and shaking your arms.
“Let’s start over,” Sticking your hand out, you sighed. “Hi, I’m Y/n.” 
Eren shook his head and clutched your outstretched hand. “Hi, Y/n. I’m Eren. I hope you don’t mind, but I will propose about a month into our inevitable relationship.” 
You smiled at him, tears slipping past your lashes again. “And this time, I’ll say yes, Mr Jaeger.” 
“Hey, I never told you my last name.” 
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cumikering · 3 months
Werewolf Keegan x reader 8
2.4k | angst How many times can you run from someone before they run from you? (part 1) (part 9/end)
An enemy sniper’s bullet went straight through Raider’s leg.
Keegan performed first aid on the collapsed K9, forcing his hands to not tremble from the dread. The bullet had miraculously missed his bones, but the blood still poured from the open flesh. While everyone had taken their masks off, Keegan kept his on. No one needed to know how many ugly tears he shed in silence as he helplessly held his whimpering best friend for the whole ride. He was losing too much, too soon.
Back in the city, in the waiting room of the veterinary hospital, his stare burnt onto the unassuming clock which appeared to move slower by the second. He called you from the hospital’s landline, the only thing that could distract him from everything that was going to shit, but you didn’t pick up.
He had been waiting for what felt like hours, his huffs heavy as he paced the empty room. Empty because since he arrived, the other patrons seemed to prefer to wait elsewhere, away from the man with the storm brewing in his eyes who gripped the seats next to him like he was about to fling them across the room.
When Raider made it out of his emergency surgery, Keegan let out his breath as his shoulder sagged in relief. He knelt next to his kennel, petting the K9 as he lay on his side with a loopy stare, his tail swaying weakly.
“I know you miss her, buddy. I’ll get her, okay?” He took his handkerchief out of his back pocket, placing it next to Raider. “Keep this safe for me.”
The sun was setting when Keegan made it to your apartment. Ideally, he’d visit with a bouquet and a rehearsed speech; alas the stars hadn’t aligned at the slightest the past few painstaking hours. In fact, they had been blown out of the fucking sky because when he got out of his SUV, you were in the courtyard heading to your building, a man next to you.
He slammed his door shut and stalked towards you. He had no right to – perhaps it was the remnants of his agitation, but he wanted to punch the dude for standing so close to you, making you smile and laugh like that. He was walking you to your door, were you going to invite him in? When it was just him on your arm weeks ago?
“I need to talk to you,” he declared.
Your eyes widened momentarily before you walked past him. He didn’t relent, following you.
“You blocked my number. I’ve been trying to reach you the past week.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Your voice was cold as you maintained your pace.
“Don’t think she wants you here.” The man stepped in front of him. “Why don’t you leave her alone, mate?”
Who the fuck was this green-eyed dude with the posh English accent telling him what to do? He might have been as tall as Keegan, but he didn’t look like he could survive half a punch.
“I’m not talking to you.” He didn’t spare the man another glance. “Raider got shot. He’s at the vet hospital.”
You stopped and turned to him. “W-what?”
“He made it out okay, but I thought you might want to see him.”
“Oh God,” you whispered. “Yes, I’d love to see him. Blake, I’m so sorry, I need to go.” You placed your hand on the man’s forearm.
“Are you sure?” He gripped your hand, wary eyes wandering to Keegan before going back to you.
“Yes, I’m sorry. I’ll text you, okay?”
Keegan noticed the way you fiddled with your shirt as you rushed to his car. It was his first instinct to wrap his arm around you whenever you did so, but he caught himself before he made the contact.
“Who is he?” he asked as he drove off. “Was he the one who sent the flowers?”
“Why does it matter, Keegan?” you retorted, an edge in your voice.
“Just answer me.”
“Are you lying about Raider?” The venom dripped from your accusation.
“I’m not. Why would I do that?” He glanced at you. “You know I wouldn’t lie to you.”
“I don’t actually. I don’t know you anymore.”
I’m jealous, okay? I want you all to myself. “Just… Tell me who he is and I won’t ask again,” he softened.
“It’s none of your business. And if you won’t shut up, let me out of the damn car right now because I’d rather walk on my own than hear your voice again.”
He decided it was enough of an answer who the man was.
During the silent drive to grab Raider’s things at his, the lump in his throat wouldn’t stop swelling, but he’d calmed down enough to not want to scream anymore. It didn’t matter if it was your date or your boyfriend. He’d accepted that he’d irrevocably messed up and nothing was going to change that.
You helped collect the K9’s favourite toys from the living room which was still a mess from him leaving in a hurry for his previous deployment. When he emerged from the bedroom, Raider’s blanket folded in hand, you were waiting by the door. As much as he wanted to stay in the delusion that there was still a sliver of hope of mending this, he understood he might never even get the chance to speak to you again with the way you wouldn’t look at him.
“I just… Can you hear me out? I just need 5 minutes. Please.” His fingers clenched around the soft fabric.
You spared him a glance. He took it as his cue to proceed.
“I wish I had the balls to say this sooner because this feels far too late now. I know you hate me, but at this point I’ve got nothing to lose. So I just… want to tell you I’m in love with you.”
Your stare didn’t waver.
“I want to parade you around to my teammates, take you home to meet my family, kiss you goodnight, every single night. I don’t know how you make me so happy, so alive. But I never said anything because…” He exhaled, arms dropping to his sides, fist clenching and releasing. “What happened to me was… You’re going to think I’m crazy, but I’m a w-”
“Is this a joke?” You scoffed. “I told you I won’t stop you if you wanted to leave, and you did. I only asked you to be honest and you couldn’t even do that. So save your sorry excuse for someone who’d buy it.”
His gaze fell to the floor. “It’s not an excuse,” he said lamely.
“What are you doing this for? Was it not enough that you left me hanging for a whole week? And- and I heard how you rushed out to leave that morning.” You swallowed. “You’re unbelievable. I shouldn’t have gone out with you, shouldn’t have kissed you. Shouldn’t have forgiven you or let you stay the night!”
Your words, like daggers to a bleeding wound, made it hard for him to breathe. His chest felt bound, icy, his fingertips tingled as his heartbeat echoed in his ears.
So he walked past you and left, the only thing he was good at - running away from problems. Because it hurt less than to see the anger, the disappointment in your face, knowing it was his fault.
In the hurry, he took Raider’s blanket with, but his buddy would have to wait. His skin scorched as he drove to the mountains, but this time, the pain didn’t dissolve after his transformation. He ran aimlessly, wailing and howling the pain away in the woods, blinded by the hot, white fire. Having had experienced nothing as agonising, he wished he had a weapon to just end it right there and then.
He didn’t even make it up the mountain when his legs bucked and he collapsed onto his side, heaving, like breathing through shrapnel impaled through his chest. His eyes didn’t stay open much longer, and he succumbed to the burn.
Keegan didn’t know how long he was out when he woke to his own pained scream, tears down his face in his human form. He ran his calloused hands down his body, but discovered no injury. With the ache in his chest, like a hole had been blown through it, he wouldn’t be surprised if it was reality. He got dressed and dragged his unsteady legs to his car, not feeling like he was all there.
It was in the dead of night when Keegan got to the vet hospital, but as Raider’s handler, the staff cleared him to visit anyway. At the clink of the kennel opening, the K9’s eyes flicked open to him, tail swaying twice before slumping to his side again.
He dropped to his knees. “I’m sorry, bud,” he whispered, rubbing his head. “I can’t do anything right. I couldn’t even get her to see you without fucking everything up.”
He reached behind the pooch, tucking him under the blanket, but his hand bumped onto something. It was his phone chew toy, the one you were supposed to bring with him.
You’d been there for Raider, despite how much Keegan had hurt you. You still cared even when you didn’t have to. You weren’t allowed to be this kind to someone like him.
Truly realising how much he’d lost, the gravity of it all, he choked out a sob. He didn’t care about having to live the rest of his days as a wolf, but losing you… He couldn’t handle that, yet the situation was the bitter fruit of his cowardice.
The city had long settled when the door to his apartment slammed shut. He didn't care if anyone screamed at his face for the noise at the hour either. He didn’t care about anything, but-
Wait. He smelt you.
You sat up on the couch, rubbing your eyes as they adjusted to the florescent lighting. He dove to his knees, arms around your waist.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” he choked. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Why can’t you just be honest with me?” You stroked his hair.
“I’m always too scared. Of messing up, of losing you.” His embrace tightened, not caring if he smelt like earth and moss. He didn’t want to let go.
“You keep running away.”
He pulled away, puffy eyes meeting yours. “Can I show you? Do you trust me?”
You nodded. He went to the bathroom, leaving the door ajar before emerging in his wolf form. At the sight, you gasped, frozen in place. He took slow steps towards you, tail between his legs.
“You’re… You’re the wolf from the woods.”
His tail rose. You met him halfway, dropping to your knees to embrace him. He leaned into your hair, accepting that this could very well be the last time he could smell you like this. He pushed you onto your back, standing over you, nuzzling your neck he stained with his tears.
“I want to work things out, but… You keep making me feel like you don’t want me, when you can be kind to me.”
It took a blink of an eye for him to shift above you, now caging you under his body. “I do. I’ve never wanted anything as much. I’m sorry I don’t know how to handle myself and I keep hurting you.”
You cupped his face, wiping the tears off his cheeks.
He closed his eyes. “But I’ll be better. I have to be. For you.”
You pulled him in for a kiss, arms around his neck. The weight on his shoulders released, he could breathe again as the bound around his chest loosened. When you smiled against his lips, he pulled away.
“I’m not looking, but are you… Naked?” Your eyes stayed on his as you tried to bite back your laugh.
He gave you a sheepish smile. “I forgot again.”
You scratched the back of his head.
He sighed. He’d missed your smile beyond words. “I like it when you do that.”
“I know. Your tail told me as much.”
In bed, with you in his arms as the sun rose, he told you about the recon duty. How he had no idea what was happening to him for the first few months, how he could run faster and further, and healed from his injuries in no time at all. He recounted how he eventually got the hang of it until he met you.
“You smelt so good, better than peanut butter, but I didn’t think much of it. I thought it was impossible for me to have someone, a mate. Until that morning, I saw your birthmark, just like my scar.”
He explained the concept of mates, voice hushing as he detailed how the bond worked. His grip on you tightened without him meaning to - he wasn’t ready to know you didn’t feel as deeply towards him for the bond to seal. He braced for you to rip yourself off him, a scream, anything, at the ridiculous lore he told.
The air stilled. “Do you believe all this?”
“I don’t want to, but at this point everything feels more than a coincidence.”
“Then we should bond,” you stated. “The 7th full moon is less than two weeks away.”
“How do we know this is the right thing, or what’s going to happen to you?”
“We don’t, but I don’t care as long as it’s with you.”
“I’m not dragging you into this, peanut. I don’t want you to regret anything.”
“I love you, Keegan,” you mumbled.
Eyes wide, he sat up, gripping your shoulders. “What- what did you just say?”
You averted your gaze, biting down your smile.
“I love you, peanut. So fucking much.”
His heart soared. Your words melted his fears away, like balm on tender flesh. You cradled his face as he leaned into the smile that he wanted to worship every day.
The wolf fixed his mess after all, and all he had to do was be honest to his peanut, and trust that the universe wasn’t out to get him. With his yearning for you in his bones, maybe this time, he thought, it paid off to be a fighter of his own fate.
@tiredmetalenthusiast @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats @mangoguy @astraluminaaa @shadowlali @eve-lie @reelovesfictionalmen @writeforfandoms @milkteaarttime @blackthorncrown @dekitora
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reqxxyt · 1 year
coffee m.s
Tumblr media
this sweetheart needs more appreciation <3 requests are open !
pairings: mick s. x f!reader
warnings: none (i think??) except for rushed ending....
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
This had to be a nightmare. The only way to justify this scenario. Toto, my boss had asked a simple thing this morning, like every other day: coffee freshly brewed from the local coffee shop that he claimed to be the best because according to him “there is a big difference between rich flavorful coffee and one that tastes like burnt shit”. 
This morning had started like any other; wake up, get ready, head to the coffee shop, wait patiently (considering the line can get very long), and finally head to the office to hand in the coffee to Toto before finalizing plans with one of his many assistants. I hadn’t anticipated the line to lead to the end of the shop, way longer than usual.
That's fine, I can just wait a  bit longer. Shouldn’t be a big deal. I thought to myself before I finally realized after nearly 15 minutes passing. I wasn’t going to make it in time and I had just finished ordering his custom drink. My leg started to bounce, in anticipation as I made a timeline in my head, calculating how long it would take from here to the office barely going over the speed limit (with hopefully no traffic). 
They called my order and I thanked them before quickly leaving. The ride wasn’t completely terrible, just a few people who shouldn’t have a license cutting in front of me. I glanced at the clock in my car, showing I was already 10 minutes late. Crying internally, I exited the car with the hot coffee gripped in my hand. 
“Y/n, you’re unusually late,” one of the desk ladies said with fake concern hiding back her smirk. I only turned to her for a second ready to make a remark or witty comeback but before I could even get a word out I felt another body come into contact with my own, sending the hot flavorfully rich coffee forward. 
Apologies were said before I could even get a glance at who exactly I was trying to help with dainty napkins. “It’s fine” was the voice that made me  finally look up, feeling the most embarrassed. 
Mick Schumacher. 
The guy I had been crushing on since I was first employed. I froze before finally remembering that he had made contact with hot coffee. Coffee; a very hot liquid that could cause third-degree burns. I mentally cursed at myself before apologizing frantically. 
Before I could suggest, he took off his white t-shirt taking the napkins from my hand, still trying to reassure me that it was fine. But no matter how hard he tried, I would glance at his face and internally feel terrible seeing the wincing pain he was experiencing. 
“You should probably get that checked” I informed, still trying to help. He only made eye contact with me for a split second, mumbling an agreement. 
Footsteps were heard from behind me and I glanced behind me, spotting the last person I wanted to see. 
“Should I not be witnessing this?” he asked, staring down at the shirtless Mick. My cheeks burned bright red at the thought of that ever happening and we both said
“It’s not what it looks like” I picked up the empty cup of coffee and he made a face of understanding before finally giving me a death glare and handing back the cup. 
“Get me another one. I’ll send someone to clean this up” he blankly stated before walking away not sparing another glance. 
I  was ready to apologize again to the still shirtless Mick who stood beside me before he interrupted me “You want my forgiveness?”
I gave him a confused look, about to ask a simple question that started with a w and ended with an “aht” but he choose to interrupt me again offering me a deal. “Buy me coffee, not today. Saturday maybe?” 
This sounded too much like a date. Too good to be true. Again, confused I asked “What?” without being interrupted. 
“Go on a date with me. This Saturday. Then I’ll forgive you, of course, you’re paying” he shrugged and I finally understood. 
He clearly just wanted free coffee after I had nearly sent him to the hospital. 
“To be honest, I’ve liked you for a while just never got the chance to ask you out. Now I do” what. 
Of course, I agreed, trying to be the most chill meanwhile internally I had contemplated if I was dreaming. 
Best nightmare I’ve ever had.
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milkbreadandtadpoles · 5 months
soup and stars
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚
snip: you keep sukuna's favorite after workout drink in your fridge. and no, you don't frequent that store. sukuna looks at you like you hung the moon and painted the sky yourself when you're either on the brink of death or not paying attention (it's only with his eyes, though. he's a certified rbf). the two of you have been hooking up for over a year with little conversation outside of snarky comments and emojis he doesn't get.
and he sometimes takes care of you when you're sick for five hours only.
warnings: suggestive language, sukuna being a parallel of this guy i used to hookup with who was srsly emotionally constipated and really milked my daddy issues, reader being dumb (lol me), probably a lot of run on sentences and weird descriptions but i am not srry ab it, no Y/N here, a lot of parentheses for some reason
authors note: omg hey. i have this a03 and i thought i'd put a tumblr to pair it together cuz i had an old tumblr but i was kinda done w her (may she rest in peace!) anywayyy my name is lillie, hi again. hope u enjoy this!! luv me some sukuna who reminds me of all my bad flings.
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚
Since when did you get sick like this?
This time, not that time you lied to your boss, you have an actual stomach bug. Stomach thing. Food poisoning from bad sushi. You don't know.
What you do know, however, is that everything smells bad, you can’t stomach anything other than a handful of saltine crackers. You couldn’t even finish your coffee yesterday morning; you’re just coming down from a fever. Everything is hot and cold, nothing feels right on your skin. Noises are too loud, but the silence is making your ears bleed. 
Curled up into the sheets, you shiver. It rocks over you, feeling cold despite your body burning off whatever infection is brewing in your gut. Your skin feels crusty yet damp, scalp itchy and pulled back into two haphazard buns. Stray strands lay over your forehead that twinkles with cold sweat.
Vampire Diaries plays in the background, volume loud enough so you can hear where you’re at within the series but quiet enough to give you grace if you wish to take another four hour nap. You don’t even want to get on your phone, ignoring the occasional, silent buzzes and flashing light that draw your eyes away from the fuzz of your blanket.
Time passes in a druken haze, not knowing whether you slept or not, not feeling entirely there at all. You fail to count the amount of times you got up to throw up or sit on the toilet, thankful the walls are snug enough to rest your head on the wall of it to contemplate if it’s worth passing out before you gather your wits and crawl back into bed.
There’s a rustle in your sheets, a distant sound of intro music for the vampire show.
“You still watchin’ this shit?” A gruff voice sounds from above you.
Your brows furrow in your sleepy haze- you don’t have energy to fight an intruder, pulling the sheets over your head that throbs from lack of everything. Horribly big hands paw at the clothed dip in your waist. And you let out a mixture of a whine and huff at the realization that your little fling (if you could even call it that) picked a horrible day to play.
“Sukuna,” You murmur, drawing the blankets higher above the crown of your head before he has a chance to yank it down and see your very unprepared self, “Not a good time.”
Sukuna, an occasional fuck and lackluster addition to your friend group, scoffs a laugh, muttering something about you really being a freak, something about thanking your dad for giving you all these issues that only he can handle as he gropes the flesh of your ass.
And it would feel so lovely if you weren’t on the brink of death.
“Eggroll. All the eggrolls.”
He groans, lifting his hand away from you in agreement to the safe word (because that one time when the two of you didn't have one and you reacted that way actually scared the shit out of him). 
“I’m sick.” You add quietly, urging your body to morph into a tighter ball. If Sukuna were his younger brother, or his younger brother’s friend, you’d ask either of them to cover you with another blanket. Or to refill your water bottle. Maybe even run to the store down the road and grab you some soup. But this is Sukuna, and-
There’s a harsh tug at the blanket covering your head, and you try to weakly grip the fabric in place.
“That’s why you didn’t answer my text? ‘Cause you’re all disgusting and shit?” He questions, giving one more quick tug to reveal your messy hair, the tint to the apples of your cheeks. The way his gaze feels makes the very top of your gut churn, and you scrunch your face as you decide whether or not you need to puke again.
“Mhm.” You nod, begging for the fabric back with a soft tug. Sukuna relents, snorting as you cover your head back up.
His body weight makes your bed frame squeak as he repositions himself to slouch next to you, and you peer at him through the crack of the blanket. He pulls out his phone, typing on it lazily. Through your bubbling stomach, confusion festers simply because he isn’t moving.
“Thought you not replying was you trying to be cute ’n shit.” A hand makes its way onto your lower back, the weight of it making your eyes bulge in silent surprise. With all your strength, you shake your head and whisper a soft sorry. He tuts, like all weirdly immature but mature, rude but nice and confusing older brother types do, dismissing your apology with a little pat on your back.
Another pat, and you’re snuggling into the blankets and letting your eyes close, mapping the way his hand feels and ignoring the way your stomach cramps. You hear the distant sound of a picture being taken, only being able to mutter a humiliated groan. There's a vibration where your phone is, and you know that the group chat has been notified of your predicament. 
“You eat? Take a shower?” Sukuna asks, mastering the art of making his concern dismissive. The silence on your end answers everything he needs to know, humming in acknowledgement. You’re a stubborn little shit who likes to suffer in isolation, he’ll give you that.
He synchs a basketball game to your TV, adamantly rotating between patting and rubbing your back until you’re snoring and curled up next to his lap.
When you wake up, you’re still cold, still sweating off your fever. You peers towards the bed, noticing the empty spot but the basketball game still softly playing on the screen. For a moment, you let your head slump back into the mattress before you force yourself out of bed to pee.
The weight in your body is too overwhelming to be horrified by your appearance when you emerge to make your way into a shared bathroom with your roommate. They’re all gone for work, and you don’t have the wit to ask where Sukuna got the time off to come fuck you in the middle of the day. Or why he was looking at your location. 
“I forgot how much of a bitchy face you have.” He comments, voice a note softer than you would usually hear, as you pad towards the bathroom. You grumble a quiet fuck you, slinking towards the bathroom.
You fix your hair to the best of your ability- standing up too long made you throw up. Your abdomen feels like it’s gone to three HIT classes in a row, hardly having any reserves to help you stand and brush your teeth. So you do it knelt over the bathtub, making sure to lock the door to make sure that stupid person of interest doesn’t see you so weak.
Rinsing your mouth out knelt over a tub is a new low, spitting the globs of toothpaste and water into the drain before you turn it off and brace the sides of the tub to stand and wander back out into the kitchen. Your bones feel like brittle, a bowling ball in your stomach forcing your posture to look horrifyingly old. It's been two days but you've aged thirty years. 
“Hi.” You greet weakly, rubbing your eyes before putting your arms back down as swiftly as you can. When was the last time you shaved?
Sukuna nods back, digging through a plastic bag. It’s only a few seconds before you’re sitting on the floor. The tile makes you twitch, and you wonder how you’re going to get up without looking like a hobbling mess. Maybe you’ll just crawl.
Soup and some electrolyte drinks are set out on the counter- along with your favorite candy. For a moment, your brows furrow, and then your lip wobbles in realization.
“Did you get that for me?”
“Can’t fuck you if you’re all pitiful and disgusting.” Is all he says, but his lip twitches into a bewitching smirk as your eyes well with tears and you sniffle out a sweet thank you. "Of course you’d cry over stupid shit like this." He adds, shaking his head. 
His shoes click bluntly against the floor, and he peers down at you with that devastatingly handsome, horribly mean face.
“You could just go fuck another girl.” You murmur sappily, lip jutting into a pout. And it’s true, you know it. The two of you have established that. He throws it in your face, too, when you tell him you’re busy or you’re too sleepy. Or when you simply don’t want to deal with his attitude.
His laugh tickles your heart, staring at him with wide, watery eyes as he bends down and gathers you into his arms. You squirm, or try to, holding any pride and ego close to your chest like a rabid animal as you let out a faux uncomfortable noise. There’s a familiar tap to your ass that urges you to stop, and you sink into Sukuna’s terrifyingly comfortable embrace as he carries you back to your room. The two of you have hardly cuddled before, the absolute most being him begrudgingly letting you cling onto him after one particularly rough night- only to shove you off five minutes later, giving you a pat on the head as if to say good job, thanks for the head, before leaving.
So this is new, awkward, when your semi friend with semi benefits sets you down with the upmost genteel fashion and retreats back into the kitchen. He comes back with an armful of products moments later. Soup, your favorite cup filled with mystery get well liquid, a straw and a big spoon.
“I don’t like big spoons.”
“That’s too fuckin’ bad because that’s what I got- stop pouting like that, it's disgusting.”
Sukuna sets everything down and defiantly does not grab another spoon for you. You make a noise in the back of your throat when he reaches over and urges you to sit up with a silent look that you’re expected to figure out. He lets you maneuver a pillow behind your back, lets you curl a blanket around your body and change the TV back to Vampire Diaries- he does not let you feed yourself.
When you reach for the bowl of soup (your favorite- chicken and stars), he uses only a percentage of his strength to swat your hand away, giving you another demand to stop sulking like a little kid before he’s crawling (crawling!) across the bed. Bowl of soup and too big of spoon in hand, he sits across from and in front of your view from the show.
He leans forward in a sort of endearing way, brows furrowed in a certain concentration as he scoops the perfect spoonful of soup and stars, holding it to your mouth. And he watches when you open your mouth with furrowed brows, lips closing around the dipped metal so that nothing drips down your chin. The broth warms your mouth, your stomach in an instant, making your face relax and your back slump into the pillow that supports you.
There’s a prickle of humiliation on the apples of your cheeks, something Sukuna would likely make fun of if you weren’t half asleep by the time he finishes spoon feeding you. And yea, there was one singular instance of him swiping away fallen liquid away with his thumb. And yea, you’re going to remember that forever. And most definitely are you going to internalize this as something more between the two of you than just friends who fuck (friend being a huge overstatement).
“I don’t like you.” You find yourself murmuring as Sukuna thrusts your clunky, metal, pink water bottle in your face. Obediently, as you always are, you sip at the liquid, swallowing down any grimace as he stares right at you while you swallow.
“You’re not my favorite, either.” He grunts, picking the cup up as soon as you set it down and representing it to you with a face.
“I’m at least second to your video game console.” Your grumble with pursed lips, taking another measly sip. When Sukuna raises his brows, you take a few more.
“Third. Second is pot. And it’s a PS4- fucking nerd.”
The part of your stomach that isn’t cramping to shit flutters, your fever probably rises, and you smile to yourself as you take a big gulp of the electrolyte solution. You swallow before he says the softest atta girl and takes the cup to set it back down.
Sukuna helps you shuffle under three big blankets, gives you your phone and goes to wash the soup bowl. You text Satoru with sick enthusiasm, to which he reiterates it in your (other) group chat where everyone just starts sending silly fangirlish memes. Shoko isn’t phased, Suguru isn’t pleased, either. But there’s an icky smile on your face, the thought of when it’ll end and Sukuna will go back to, well, Sukuna, gnawing at the back of your throat.
But you’ll pretend for today, like you do everyday.
“Are you leaving?” You ask when he comes back into the room, question answered when the bed dips once more.
He grunts a no, to shut up and sleep as he synchs up another sports game. You don’t mind, turning your head so you’re facing him. His back rests against a pillow with a floral case, one of your weighted stuffed animals squished between the weight of his back and the metal bed frame.
You stare with lidded eyes and hot cheeks, tracing the musculature of his shoulders and the sharpness of his face in the same pattern you do after he’s done making you quiver and shake and cry. The plush of the blanket is a perfect excuse for the sheen of sweat on your face, your stomach still molten lava and convulsing.
But it’s just a little more than a dull ache with Sukuna here, bored face and all.
For a moment, before you fall asleep for a third time today, you feel his fingertips, hard and gruff and soft, brush against your cheek, your chapped lips. You’re too tired to hide or quip at him in the static-like fashion that makes him laugh.
You swear you see his lips twitch when you hum affectionately. There’s a text waiting for your friends, a mental scoreboard to update. Smile number two. Four days apart. From holding a sparkler and ogling at it like a child at Satoru’s New Year’s Eve party to laying in bed sick, purring like a cat as he pets you.
“Stop looking like you’re going to die.” He all but requests, covering your face with a sliver of the blanket and looking back at the game. Grabbing the remote, he turns the volume up a few more notches to ignore your itty bitty, very sleepy laugh.
Seconds away from sleep, Sukuna uncovers it- you. His lingering gaze tingles your nose, all the way down to the tips of your toes. Your infatuation with him might as well be the cure to cancer from the faintest spark of energy it gave you.
He’s not there when you wake up. It could have been a fever dream for all you know if it wasn’t for the refilled hydro flask and oddly neat note scribbled for you to ‘drink the fuck up’ on one of your Sanrio sticky notes. There's a brief look of horror on your face knowing that he looked through your drawers to find one. 
You drink it all and take a gruesome looking picture, sending it to him with a silly caption- your way of saying thank you. Sukuna doesn’t respond, but the read receipts are on. And he doesn’t talk to you for awhile, as if he curates the perfect way to make you stay by letting the bubbling like for him simmer into nothing, only for it to come back in full force when asks if you’re awake three Thursdays later.He asks if he can still use the key you gave him to come by after the gym to shower because his little brother and friends are over and he doesn’t want to hear them blubber while they figure out their alcohol tolerance (or lack thereof).
A pearly, well built increment of yourself hopes it’s so he’ll check up on you, too, after he slinks into your room and fucks you just the way he likes- because he knows you like it, too.
And you say yes, like you always do. Tell him about this new body wash you got that he can use, that you just so happened to get his favorite drink from the store he get his protein powder and supplements from when you went grocery shopping.
you don’t even like that store lmfao
found a new prebiotic there! Saw it on Pintrest
Sukuna is not immune to exploiting your obvious cartwheels to please him. He’ll never say thank you, and you won’t ever ask him to. You do it for all your friends, you tell him. Shoko’s toothbrush brand is in your bathroom cabinet when she sleeps over. Satoru’s moisturizer and favorite tooth-rotting snacks. Suguru’s blanket because he gets cold at movie nights. But Sukuna knows he could have whatever he asked for within the hour.
He’ll never address that he took care of you when you were sick. Both times. Or that there's a packet of your favorite gum in the console of his car. And he'd rather be dead than you, shit, anyone, find out that there's a hidden album of little you's in his phone. 
i’m just a good friend  *ੈ♡⸝⸝🪐༘⋆
we’re not friends.
It doesn’t hurt your feelings. Because you know he’s emotionally constipated, that no one’s ever really cared. Except Yuji, but little brothers always care. That whatever affection and consideration thrown his way will be burnt to a crisp, that he’ll only ever look at you like you hung the stars when no one’s looking, or only think about you at night when the weed isn’t helping him sleep. 
uh huh, we sure aren’t. see you later! make sure to stretch before you lift!!
stop texting me, it's fucking up my music
₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡
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hisslt · 10 months
lo'ak sully x human! reader
both are aged up to 18
plot! : while hanging out in y/n's room lo'ak gets an idea
authors notes! : im writing this at 2 am while struggling to keep my eyes open because of a melatonin so there might be some mistakes. i do lowercase on purpose but if yall dont like it i can fix it. i might add a part 2 but idk
warnings! : aged up!!, suggestive, tit play?, size kink???, lo'ak and y/n are only friends
translations! :
tawtute - skyperson/human
tewng - loincloth
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you and lo'ak had been friends since the two of you were kids, and although a few disagreements and minor arguments have happened you both stay close as if stuck together at the hip. and neither of you could stay mad at the other even though you two would never admit it. your unknown crush on eachother is disguised as a great friendship. and being lo'ak's friend you have to be prepared for all of the weird shit he does and thinks of. but you manage to put up with it, somehow.. whether the idea might be pulling pranks on mostly norm and neteyam, using one of the abandoned planes from the previous war as a hideout, sneaking out to go swimming in a small pond late at night, taking tuk's food (which turned out to be a horrible idea as she threw a fit and snitched). you were always down to do what he thought of in the spur of the moment.
which leads you to now.
you and lo'ak in your cramped room at the lab. his large blue body sprawled out, taking up most of the bed. and you sat up on the bed with your head against the wall. he layed on his stomach with his face cradled on his arms. his tail once calmly swaying in the air has picked up more speed, a sign you recognize from spending most of your time with him. lo'ak was brewing an idea.
"if you think any harder your head's gonna explode." you say with a small laugh at your own joke. the comment seemingly brings him out of his intense thought process, aaaand right back into it. only this time he's focusing harder on his thoughts.
his eyebrows furrow and his ears twitch ever so slightly. he now looks up at you with his brows still pulled together.
you let loose a playful scoff, "come onnnnn, tell me what you're thinking about."
"it's nothing." he replies, voice breathy and dazed as his eyes stay on you. as if he was trying to ask you a question without speaking.
"talk." you say with a slap to his strong upper arm. however your smack doesn't even phase the na'vi.
with a barely audible sigh he opens up, "where's your phone?" he asks with a tilt of his head. his eyebrows untense while his tail stays in the air, moving at the same, quick and swift pase.
you nod, confused and instantly stand to grab your phone then sit back down on the creaking bed, carefully tossing the phone max had found from one of the old scientists who went back to earth. your body faces him more to signal he has your attention.
he sits up, with his long legs criss crossed and swallows before speaking, "i got an idea for a picture,"
he earns a nod from you as your face is still contorted into a confused expression. 'why is he being so dramatic over a picture?' is what goes though your mind. you let him move your body however is needed for the picture, letting him take complete control.
the scene probably looks strange as well as funny as he moves you like a doll. the blue teen opens his legs and spread them, making room for your small body as he hooks his large hands around your waist and gently drags you unbetween his meaty thighs so you both face to the full length mirror infront of the bed. you two make eye contact in the mirror as his slender fingers linger on your waist and you can see an odd emotion on his face. hesitancy? a simple nod of your head encourages him to continue.
he tugs on the fabric of your shirt. you can see his eyes quickly dart down to your shirt and back to your eyes in the mirror. his pretty amber eyes have their remaining slight dazed look to them.
"w-what are you doing?" you stutter out in disbelief.
"can i take this off?" he asks with an airy tone.
you nod and you can feel your face starting to heat up. his fingers that, if you're being completely honest, you have always admired, grape the hem of the material and slowly lift it up off your body. gradually more and more of your skin shows until the shirt is completely discarded and your left in a bra. a definite red flush tints the apple of your cheeks. a warmth spreading to your lower stomach.
from the mirror you can see lo'aks ears occasionally flicker and his tail sways quickly. he meets your eyes, searching for permition.
"can i?" his voice is even more breathy than before and it's definitely not a thing you hate. his subtle accent grows stronger. he loops his hands onto the back of the bra as he waits for an awnser.
"uh huh.. go ahead." is all he needed to immediately unclaspe the garment, not without struggle though, the clip dwarfed in his big hand.
the blue alien rushes to reveal your breasts, the exitement of seeing his best friend's titties getting the best of him.
and finally, your on display, tits proudly showing. nipples gradually hardening from the cold air. his eyes stay glued to them through the mirror. pupils largening and shrinking slightly at the sight. his little tawtute sitting between his legs with her pretty titties that he's been curious about revealed.
snapping out of his trance he speaks, "hold up your phone with the camera facing the mirror."
you instantly do as he says and turn on the phone camera and face it to the mirror, the sight looks weird and probably lewd. the phone itself covering your face.
a gasp is let loose as his cold hands rest onto your boobs and slightly push up. not forgetting to use his slender fingers to delicately roll your hardened buds on his way up, acting as if it were an accident. despite his big form, the soft skin of your breasts still squeeze out from between his fingers. his long tail uncontiouslly curls around your thigh, the tuft of hair teasing your skin.
his hands act as a bra as he urges you to take the picture.
but before you can take a second picture just incase this one would look better than the first, he nuzzles his face info your neck and he takes multiple deep sniffs of your scent. and sneakily making sure you smell like him. the cold beads in his hair supply a sensitive feeling against your warm skin. the big bulge in his tewng pressed on your back.
anyway, you still take a second photo of your body being dwarfed by the large na'vi as his cold hands cup your titties while you sit, caged, between his legs.
once the picture's been taken you throw the phone to the side and lean into lo'ak's touch. a soft rumbling, similar to a purr, rumbles in his chest. he now brings his fingers down to tease your nipples. pinching and rolling the sensitive buds.
"lo'ak.." you let a soft and empty moan out, eyes heavy and lidded as you make eye contact through the mirror once more. his once big, bright eyes are now hidden behind a dazed fog.
his fingers don't stop their movements as the two of you lock eyes. quiet and soft noises escape you, catching lo'aks attention and definitely heightening his ego. he sets his mind on making you release more of those pretty sounds.
he slows his attack on your boobs to palm the body part. you let loose more noises as his big hands change to massaging the soft skin.
the area is much more soft than he had ever expected, as the na'vi women have firm breasts due to muscle. the feeling he was slowly but surely becoming addicted to. this was definitely gonna change the friendship, but as of right now that's the last thing either of you care about.
"that's it. fuckkk yeah." he coos, coaxing you to release more noises. by now it's obvious that he gets pleasure from your pleasure.
his hard member strains against the fabric of his loincloth. you can feel the obvious bulge against your back. even more so when your back automatically arches when his sharp teeth graze against your shoulder and the movements of his hands become firmer.
"okay, okay. that's enough," you shakily speak, on edge about someone hearing your sounds or walking into your room without warming just to be met with the horrifying scene of an alien pleasuring you.
a childish whine leaves him which earns a shush from you.
you move your body between his big legs to face him. he now gets a way better view of your tits and is unable to draw his eyes away as you reach up, close to his ear.
"we can finish this later, skxawng." you tease in a sensual tone with a laugh.
a smile plays onto his features and he happily nods, his eyes still cloudy. he unexpectedly wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you into a hug. which might've just been to feel you against his skin more.
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Watermelon Su-Flower Fields
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A/N: ya girl might've been a bit inebriated while writing part of this. . .getting back into writing smuts are hard lol
Calum HoodXFemale Reader
Warning: smut smut smut, female oral receiving, fingering, foul language, doggy style, unprotected sex, illegal activity (public exposure), soft touches, abuse of food*
*If I missed anything please let me know
The blanket was soft to the touch, its dark blue color contrasting against the vibrant colors of the flowers. You had stumbled across the area. Well more so got lost and found yourselves in an abandoned flower field. You didn't mind though, a warm smile making its way onto your face as you watched him take things out of the picnic basket. "There's literally no one around," he laughed in awe, taking a glance at your surroundings. You could see a glint in his eye when his gaze landed on you. Something brewing in his head and you weren't sure what it was.
"I hope you like watermelon," you said, unboxing the fruit and holding the container out to him. He grabbed one of the cut up cubes, popping it into his mouth. Some of the juice spilled onto his chin and he swiped it away with his thumb. You watched intently as he picked up another piece, but this time held it towards your lips. You leaned forward, mouth opening slightly as you took the fruit into your mouth. Your tongue lightly grazed his thumb and you could see his eyes darken.
"Maybe we should eat this lunch backwards," he said, voice a bit rasp.
"Backwards?" you muttered in confusion. He nodded, cleared his throat, and moved his hand to rest at your uncovered thigh.
"Yea, you know. . .dessert first then the entrée." His thumb began to rub soft circles into your thigh and you found yourself becoming wet at the feeling.
"Oh," you chirped, catching onto what he was saying. You smiled then leaned in for a kiss. His grip on your thigh tightened as he deepened it. Your mouth opened to grant him access to your tongue. You hummed in comfort and your hand crept towards his crotch. it was when you palmed at his bulge that made him pull away from you.
"I thought we were going to eat dessert first?" He said confusedly. You eyebrows furrowed.
"W-Were were not doing that?" you asked, thinking dessert meant sex. You watched him reach into the picnic basket and pull out the strawberry shortcake you had baked, and suddenly you felt embarrassed at the miscommunication. "Oh shit-sorry, I had thought." Calum began to laugh at your flustered state, and he placed the dessert to the side and tugged you towards him.
"I'm just fucking with you," he laughed harder at the stunned look on your face. You rolled your eyes and tossed a piece of watermelon at his face.
"Ha ha. Not funny!" you grumbled, lips falling back on his. Calum smiled into the kiss, and his hands gripped at your waist as the two of you began to makeout. You straddled his lap, hands lacing into his hair and tugging at it. Your hips rolled into his and Calum moaned into your mouth. "I think you owe me," you grumbled against his lips, teeth lightly biting at his bottom lip and dragging it out. Calum pushed at your hips and you slid off him.
"I can think of a way to make it up," he smirked. Calum picked up another piece of watermelon and leaned in towards you. You met him halfway, taking the fruit into your mouth and biting half. "Lay on your back for me," he coaxed, taking the container of fruit. You did as he said, the hem of your dress slightly lifting up. Calum looked down at you with raised eyebrows and you nodded lightly. He lifted the rest of your dress to expose your abdomen and lace underwear. With one fruit already in his mouth, Calum placed a few pieces along your skin. The cold fruit felt ice cold against your hot skin.
"What're you doing?" you giggled, leaning up on your elbows to watch him.
"Adding some sweetness to an already tasty gal," he said, making you roll you eyes at how cheesy he sounded. You laid back down and closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of Calum's fingers dancing across your skin. Soon you felt his lips on yours. Before you could kiss back Calum pulled away. He sent peck to your forehead then kissed all over your face making you laugh. Calum continued kissing you, and your breath became shallow when you felt him take the watermelon that was rested between your cleavage into his mouth. He kissed at the tops of your breasts then continued to eat and kiss down the rest of your body. Your breath hitched in your throat when he kissed at your clothed heat. Calum could see the affect he had on you and you jolted in your spot when he placed more pressure on your sensitive nub. You hips lifted when you felt him tug at the hem of your panties and soon your bottom half was exposed to the open air.
"Wait wait-what if we get caught?" you gasped in surprise, hands reaching down to cup Calum's chin in your hands before he could do any more. He looked up at you with a pout.
"We found this place because we got lost," Calum said, pointer finger brushing between your folds. "We're legit in the middle of nowhere." His thumb added pressure onto your clit and began to circle it. A small whimpered moan left you lips and your hands removed from his face and down to your sides. Calum smirked, lifting one of your legs so that your calf rested against his shoulder. Your vision blurred a bit when you felt his tongue take a long swipe from your hole to your clit. Your skin lit ablaze and your back arched as he sucked on your clit. A loud moan left your mouth.
"Fuck, Cal," you huffed, eyes closing in bliss. Your wetness mixed in with his saliva gathered in a pool underneath you making the picnic blanket damp. Calum nipped at your clit and you felt him slide a finger into you. Another finger was added and he began to thrust his fingers, teeth lightly pulling at your clit. Loud obscene moans fell from your lips and you could feel Calum smile against you. His hand reached up to massage your breast and a thumb ghosted over your nipple. You shuddered at the feeling, your own hands gripping at his hair. His name tumbled from your lips and Calum stopped for a moment, pressing your clit harder.
"Tell me what you want, baby," he requested, lips puffy and sending featherlike kisses to your bikini line.
"I want you," you choked out, already feeling your orgasm bubble up inside you. You lifted onto your elbows to stare at him through hooded eyelids. Calum sat up, hands leaving your body and making you pout in response. He loved when you wore sundresses and the one you were wearing now was making him extremely hard. Your hands reached for the button of his pants and before Calum could even take a breath you had yanked the fabric down. Calum held in a moan when you grabbed his cock. As much as he wanted your lips around it, Calum wanted to be inside you more. You could tell just from the amount of precum that had gathered at the tip.
"You know what I wanna see?" he said, cupping your cheeks and leaning down to kiss you. You kissed back with passion, tasting yourself on his tongue. Calum pulled away and you nodded already knowing what he wanted. Calum stilled when you began to stroke his cock.
"Turn over for me, baby," he said against your lips. Teeth sinking into his bottom lip so he could concentrate on not trying to cum in your hands. You pulled away from him and turned over so that your ass was facing Calum. He smiled at the sight, hands immediately going towards his second favorite part of your body. Calum's hands rubbed over your ass, fingers brushing between your folds once again. You wiggled your ass closer towards his cock and he smiled.
"You just like to tease," you muttered, a small whimper leaving your lips when you felt the head of his cock push into your entrance for just a second and then out again. You frowned in response, balancing yourself on one hand while the other reached back to stroke his cock.
"Ya know I'm getting a bit peck-ish maybe we should eat," Calum teased even more, faking as if he was pulling away from you.
"Calum, I swear if yo-oh fuck," you grunted at the feeling of Calum pushing into you deeply. Your eyes squeezed shut as you felt yourself adjusting to him being inside you. Calum swallowed hard, his own eyes closed and breath shallow. When you stopped pulsating around him, Calum began a slow thrust. His hips snapped into yours at a steady pace and you started to push back against him to meet his pace. One hand gripped tightly at your hip while the other snaked its way up the side of your body. Calum leaned forward a little and sent a kiss to your spine. Loud moans tumbled from your lips and he held you close as you lifted up until your back was flush against his chest. Calum moaned into your ear making you wetter than before. He knew how much you loved to hear him moan. Knew you wanted to hear how good you made him feel.
"Just so wonderful," he whispered, peppering the side of your neck in kisses. You went back down to rest on your forearms and his pace increased. The sound of skin slapping against skin mixing into the songs of the birds. There had been so much sexual tension between the two of you since the day started. Small touches here and there, Calum sucking into the skin of your neck. He had been holding out for a while.
"I'm not gonna last long," Calum warned, fingers reaching down to rub at your clit. Electricity shot through you, your skin feeling a bit raw as your body moved against the fabric of the blanket. Your nipples were hard and you pinched at it. The two of you were loud, and Calum pulled out of you. You turned over to face him and Calum spread your legs open, curling his hips into yours until he was deep inside you again. His face rested in the crook of your neck, and your head turned to the side to capture his lips onto yours. You moaned into his mouth beginning to feel your orgasm approaching. Calum hiked your leg up higher, going in at a different angle and hitting at your g-spot. You squeezed yourself around his cock creating more friction. You knew what would happen, feeling him twitch inside you. "If you're not careful you gon-" swears flew from Calum's lips, when you repeated the action. Your hand reached between your bodies and you rubbed at your clit, hips rotating up to match Calum's pace. You were on the brink of a release and wanted Calum to come along with you. You sucked on Calum's sweet spot and clenched around his cock once again. His body stiffened above yours and your back arched off the ground as you reached your high. Calum quickly pulled out, one hand going down to finger you through your high, while the other pumped his cock as he came over your stomach. After a minute or so his fingers slowed within you. He was panting hard and rested his forehead against yours.
The two of you sat in silence, allowing your breaths to even out. Calum laid down next to you, a goofy grin on his face when you made eye contact with him.
"Well I've definitely worked up an appetite but now I'm sleepy," you laughed, looking down at his pool of cum on your stomach. Calum sat up to reach into the picnic basket. He pulled out some napkins and the macaroni salad you had packed. Your eyes lit up at the food and you hummed in happiness when he handed it over with a fork.
"You packed a feast," Calum said, beginning to clean his release off you. You glanced at your surroundings as you ate, mumbling a 'thank you' towards Calum for cleaning you up.
"Are these wildflowers?" you questioned with a smirk.
"Don't even dare!" Calum groaned out already know the joke that was brewing in your head. You started laughing, and before you could even get the joke out Calum tossed a piece of watermelon at your face. You gasped in surprise and stared at him in shock. "I won't hesitate to throw more at you," he warned. Your lips pursed and you decided not to tease him. Knowing good and well he got enough of those jokes from the boys and fans, but it still made you smile. You had found the perfect picnic spot. Your fantasies of being fucked in a flower field now satisfied.
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anglespin · 3 months
DUDE, THE DRAGONS YOU TAKE INSPO FROM ARE SO COOL?? Woahhhh, now I have two new games to reference from. Personally, I take a lot of reference from DOTA: Dragon's Blood and a little bit of Dragon's Dogma for the dragon heart/weakness idea. (Been having a dragon au brewing in my head for RE ngl) How do you think your Leons would've got infected? I'm just asking cause usually people do something along the lines of 'this guy got infected and turned into a dog hybrid'! Or something like that. (Genetics would apply to that too, possibly???) I guess this also applies to Las Plagas Leon, but honestly the way he could've got infected could be very different from RE4/RE4R if you want to go that route. (Honestly this goes for all you hybrid Leons in general, so if you wanna answer don't complicate it too much so I don't make your brain or something die bc of me 😭)
Receives your heart and throws millions back at you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I havent really seen anything for those two games you've mentioned... I'd love to try Dragon's Dogma though I think?
I grew up on Dragon Age so those two dragons got a special place in my heart. The ArchDemon is crazy awesome and spooky looking!!! I also love Flemmeth's dragon design as well, but I didn't use hers for anything.
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My plaga Leon specifically was infected through RE4-- just with a major twist and fuckery on my part.
Leon was given a Queen Plaga instead of a normal one in order to subdue his will far easier. Saddler had known based on what he'd been told by his people that Leon was formidable and unstoppable... so he ordered Menendez to "convert" him with one. Also Saddler was very interested in expanding the holy body's hierarchy (not in a weird, breedy way though) since the Queen had no host that could take it's will and power. This is based on the Remake version of events because I haven't played OG4 yet... I have it on my pc.
Krauser's own actually reacts to the Queen Plaga
The Plaga he was given hadn't been killed when he was treated... instead it had gone dormant in shock. The treatment wasn't in time and also the plaga was just too strong to be taken out. It re-emerges once he's in the United States during his quarantine post-mission.
The US government was indeed very interested in the Plagas once they were informed of them... and Leon having a Queen specimen was very... promising. Especially because the Queen is independent from Saddler and that means Leon can command soldiers. (Which is why I have BOW armor Leon... He's deployed with Verdugos on missions. Also I want to have Leon vs. Chris at some point w it cause it sounds SUPER COOL!!! Chris wouldn't know its Leon though hehe)
C-Virus.... I've always liked to use C-virus for shit so I was like: Government experiments on Leon a little bit in some super soldier program designed to use Las Plagas as biological enhancements. They create their own Verdugos and Leon can command them as a Queen bee can. They also discover that C-Virus and Plagas are pretty compatible. It gives Plaga Leon the ability to change as far as needed... and revert back without much issues.
Leon's DNA is used for alot of the projects so everything is actually traceable back to him
Plaga Leon is actually not that strong. Chris can still go toe to toe easily with him. He's only stronger when he's more transformed... then uhhh survive :3c
The BSAA heavily pushes into investigations of the US Government and eventually the DSO over Human Rights violations among other things involving the creation and use of BOW's for their own interests. Chris actually pressures Leon over it alot... but Leon is utterly terrified of saying anything because its extremely dangerous and top secret information (also he was ahem.. conditioned to not spare a peep).
The Magenta eyes were an intentional design choice because red is kinda corny imo and also i thought it was cool :3c
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simp-for-fantasy · 12 days
Ruins of the Past
Part 2 of He Loves Me Not
W/C - 1745
A/N- Hi everyone! Sorry this took so long to publish, I had a few things happening in my personal life. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to let me know your thoughts! Love you and drink some water today!
Theodores POV
September 27th 1994
It started out being just like any other night:
Mattheo chewed loudly in my ear, talking about his latest obsession while Pansy and Enzo argued about who the hottest quidditch player on the Slytherin team was. Draco was too busy brooding about his latest quarrel with Harry to pay attention to Blaizes rant on how Defence Against the Dark Arts was the same every year, and I sat and observed. It is times like these that make me chuckle. These were my friends since my first year. We have been through so much as a group yet we have not changed a bit. These people were my family. Nothing and nobody would ever change that. It is quite ironic that we are supposed to be the most heartless of the Slytherin House, yet, we are always there for each other. 
Since it was already 3 weeks into the term, the new first years have begun to find their groups so there weren't many floaters. This also meant it was a lot louder. So, when the chatter came to a halt, the cause piqued my interest. I looked around to find the source when I spotted a girl who looked like she had slept in a forest. There were twigs in her hair, mud on her face, and her white nightgown. Blood sparkled on her face from a cut that could only be assumed was from a branch. Her feet were bare, trailing mud into the castle. She looked ghastly, her lips were blue and her eyes were sunken in. 
"Who are you" Dumbledore's voice shot through the hall. Her small frame sways in response. She took a stabilizing step forward. Something was wrong with this girl, she looked half-dead. I get out of my seat to go up to her. As I come to the end of the Slytherin table the girl stutters another word; "Help." And she drops. My reflexes kick in and I rush over to her, catching her head before it hits the floor. What in Merlin's name is happening? Who was this girl? Why is she here? And why the hell did she leave wherever she came from without goddamn shoes on!?
First-Person POV
September 29th 1994
I wake up in an unfamiliar room. I sifted through my thoughts trying to remember what happened, but it was useless. My brain feels foggy like I'm in a dream and my limbs feel like weights. My eyes crack open to a large room filled with beds and curtains. White sheets cover my body and a tag is wrapped around my wrist. A hospital maybe? I try to sit up but it's no use. I really must have pushed myself. Voices start bleeding through the walls of the room. "We have to question her! The safety of this school could be in danger! Who knows who else she could have with her!" A deep voice says. "I agree however we have to gain her trust first. She won't tell us anything if she doesn't trust us." an older voice says. "Who says we give her an option? I can check to see if I have any veritaserum, and if not I will brew some!" "Severus, it is illegal!" What the hell is veritaserum and who is Severus? 
Run, they will steal your magick.
Memories crash into my mind. 
A castle. Hall. Doors. Candles. Black. 
It burns in my mind. Like my head is being bashed with a rock. The pain is unbearable. I pull at my hair in an attempt to help the pain.
Run, they can't find out.
"You told me to come here! You said it would be safe! You said I would find answers!" I yell. God, what's happening? The voices from outside die out. They heard. My flight or fight kicks in. I rip the cords out of my arm and run to the window. Shit. I must have been on one of the top levels of the castle. I look behind me and see the door handle rattle.  Okay, I've got this. Just don't look down. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in before stepping out of the window and placing my foot on the lip of the tower ledge. A shaky breath comes out as my hands grip the bricks poking out of the tower wall. Far out. Why am I doing this?
"Where is she?" I hear a lady with a thick accent say—shit shit shit. I fasten my pace as I climb down the castle. I survey the wall trying to find my next handhold. Finally finding one just below me and grab it, but it slips. It was all so quick. Suddenly the only thing holding me from a very long fall was a singular brick being strangled by my left hand. I try my hardest not to make noise to give away my whereabouts to the people searching the room. My Legs swing as they try to find grooves to stand on but it's no luck. Shit. This is how I'm gonna die.
Behind you.
"Oh my god can you just shut up for one second! you got me into this mess so please just shut up so I can get myself out!" I whisper to myself still attempting to be quiet. 
Behind you!
"For fucks sake alright!" I turn behind me to see someone on a...broom? Flying? What the hell is this place? Oh shit, they're coming towards me! I sped up to move down the tower. "Hey! Hey! Wait!" Oh hell no. This is not happening. He grabs my hand before I can grab ahold of another hole in the wall. "What the hell! Are you trying to get me to fall?" I yell at the boy. Wait. I recognize him.
Candles. Hall. Boy. Green. Help. Wind.
The splitting pain comes back. My hold on the wall loosens and I fall. But the boy on the broom was quick. He grabs my hand and lifts me onto the broom with him. "Hold on." He says. I wrap my arms around his torso as he makes the broom fly faster. I close my eyes in an attempt to soothe the fears rushing through my mind. 
Finally, we land at an open field with a lake nearby. I can now fully take in this boy. "You.. you were the one that caught me, weren't you?" He gives out a slight laugh."I think I should be asking the questions." He replies. I huff and cross my arms. He clears his throat before saying "So, first things first, who are you?" "I'm Y/N, and you are?" I question. "Theodore." There's a moment of silence before he pipes up again. "What are you doing here? I mean you made quite the entrance on Tuesday. Why were you in a nightgown? Why are you alone?" 
"Woah, one thing at a time pretty boy," I say slightly overwhelmed by all the questions. "Sadly, I can't tell you half of the answers to those questions, so why don't you find some simpler ones that I might be able to answer?" Theodore looks at me with an annoyed expression. He huffs. "Fine. Why are you here? Especially now?" "See that's a difficult question. Ugh. it's complicated." "So make it uncomplicated." He pushes. God this boy truly is a pain in my arse.
The boy - Theodore - continues to push when a tall lady approaches. "Miss L/N, a word." She had the same accent as the lady outside of the hospital room. Shit. I look back at the boy whose face has turned into a cold and hard scowl. I nod my head and follow the woman to a gargoyle statue. "Sherbet Lemon." Random. Just as I was about to ask what we were doing the gargoyle started to rotate. A hidden staircase. Huh. Once the stairs come to a finish, a grand room with books and statues is revealed.
 A heavy voice comes from the room. " Y/n L/n, I presume?" What the hell is going on? The woman gives me an expectant look. Right. "Uh, yes. What's going on?" The voice chuckles and an old man comes into view. "I feel like we should be asking you that. I mean that was quite an entrance!" I studied the man, there was something off about him. He had a corrupted aura. One that wasn't evil at first glance but deep down there was darkness. "Miss L/n?" I was too lost in my thoughts to realize I had been asked a question. "What was that, sorry?" He chuckles again. "I asked if you would like to explain your intentions?" My intentions? "I'm not sure I understand, sir. What intentions?" "Why you're here of course!" 
You can't trust him. 'Well, what am I supposed to say then? He won't let me go if I don't give him an acceptable answer!' She, however, is trustworthy. 'She's not the one asking!'
"Um, I needed help." It was obvious that these people practiced some form of magick, maybe I can reveal a small part of the truth. The man responded. "That part seemed quite apparent, but, what did you need help with? You were obviously in a rush to get here, but why?" I don't need to reveal it all just yet. "I come from a small and old-fashioned village, and my mother always protected me from their views, but she um..." God, even though it happened a year ago, I never truly talked about it. "She died... a year ago, and uh when she passed, I couldn't control what she had taught me. The villagers found out which meant I wasn't safe anymore. She had told me about this place that her mother went to that honed her magick, so I searched and finally found it." The woman's gaze softened as she placed a calming hand on my shoulder. The old man sighs "I am very sorry for your loss. However I must ask, what magick are you talking about?" This part I had yet to figure out. I can't reveal too much as I am still unsure what magick they practice. I know this magick I possess is uncommon even in the dark world. I must be vague yet precise. " Things would react to my emotions. Things on the other side of the room would break, float, or change because of me."
"Right, well I think there is an evident solution. You would be enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
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shisnhou · 2 years
R your requests still open ? Can I ask for something inspired by Those Eyes by New West ? Or Atlantis by Seafret ? ( Unfortunately I can't pick a mood, sorry) w Hitoshi or Megumi or anyone you vibe with. ( It's totally fine if you don't feel like it, or even don't want to!)
Loved ur writing btw !
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pairing: fushiguro megumi x gn! reader
genre: angst, hurt/no comfort
cw: implied death. heartbreak. possible mistakes
wc: 0.9k
an: finally, i written it :) i hope you enjoy! also very sorry for the wait :(
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love is a fraud. 
that’s one thing fushiguro megumi stands by. 
he believes it’s the biggest scam that the human race falls for. he firmly believes that there is no truth in love, that love does not last forever. whatever everybody else says, he will stand by his words and say with a stern voice that love is all a lie.
wherever he looks, he sees people in love and he can’t help but think when these people will break-up and curse at each other. he wonders how much longer until they’re suddenly taken or ripped apart from each other.
call him bitter, call him spiteful, he could give less of a shit. no one will ever be able to change his mind. 
‘but how can you say so?’ is a question megumi often hears when someone hears about his belief. ‘how can you say that love is the biggest fraud? have you ever been in love yourself? it’s blissful!’ is what they would say, and to that megumi would always scoff.
of course. why would he say it was a scam if he hasn’t been in-love himself?
once upon a time, fushiguro was a man deep in love. once upon a time, fushiguro was a man who believed love was the greatest feeling a human could ever feel. 
once upon a time there was a different definition of love in megumi’s life. once upon a time, the definition of love was you. 
in your eyes he found the look of love. in your arms, he felt love when you held him. in the bond you shared, he found himself a home that he had never had before. 
when you sweetly called him “megs,” or “gumi” god, did it feel so good to him. it felt like he finally had the love that he had deserved. the love that he had yearned for so long. 
love changed his whole being and everything that he once believed in. 
he loved the mornings, although he hated when the sun peeped into the room, because he loved the way you would be so deep in sleep but you’d still be clinging on to him. he loved the smell of coffee, although he hated its bitter taste, because you would always brew yourself one to start your day. he loved the rush of sharing the bathroom, although he hated cramped spaces, because being with you always made him feel a bit brighter. 
every time you two went out, he always left his hand open just for you to take anytime you wanted, even though he wasn’t a fan of pda. megumi would always be two steps behind you wherever you went, just to see your expression when you started to wonder where he was and smile when you saw him just behind you. anytime you two were in an enclosed space, he would bring your hand to his chest and make you feel the beating of his heart with a soft kiss to the back of your hand just so that you’re able to feel how happy he is to be with you. 
he always made it a point to show you the little things that only you were able to do to him because he loved you so much. and he was convinced you were the one for him every time you held him a little closer, cupped his face in your warm palms, and whispered, "I love you so much,gumi." 
he was so sure that the ground of your love was as strong as diamonds. he was always so sure that the ground underneath you both would never break. 
but suddenly, the grounds of his once stable love was hit by a massive earthquake. the strings that once bound you two were suddenly cut and he didn’t even know. the love you had made over hard ground suddenly sank deep into the pit of nothingness. 
one night, megumi suddenly received a call. one night suddenly megumi ran outside without a single thought in his head. one sight megumi saw his future fall down the drain. that one night, megumi lost the home and the love that he thought would be forever. 
that night, megumi knew his love was gone when he saw your body covered with a white linen stained with red blood. and along with the red blood stains, also bled the love that you also held for him. 
everything was a blur, and the last thing he remembered hearing was the ringing of his ears. the ringing of his ears was the faint sound of your voice when you called him mere minutes before you were gone without him even knowing. your sweet voice that sweetly told him, "i love you, Megumi Fushiguro, until the end of my life. I will always love you." 
he hadn’t known you meant it literally. 
since that day, megumi started to believe that love was a big fat fraud, a scam that had caught him with his guard down. it was all so good in the beginning, but it had abruptly ended without his knowledge. everything he had known, everything he had had, everything he loved was suddenly gone and he wasn’t even prepared. 
he still firmly believes that love is an artifice sculpted so perfectly, that even the most intelligent of them all would fall for it. love is nothing but a lie that captures people in its grasp and drops them from the high ground it holds for its own pleasure. 
love is a lie. a lie that caught fushiguro megumi a long time ago. 
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b0y-artist · 6 months
Is it gay to memorize your best friend's morning cup of joe? Asking for a friend.
"Sev? Is everything okay?" A smooth voice he knew all too well snapped him out of his internal tirade. Using that *damn* nickname. Seven felt his face grow hotter.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. What did I miss?" Seven stuttered, trying to make it seem like he *wasn't* just spacing out. Even though it was probably pretty noticeable at this point. Mono knew him better than anybody else, and could read him like a book. Which was ironic, since Mono didn't even like to read.
"The room number is 129, now c'mon! I wanna see our place!" Mono yelled excitedly, thankfully already forgetting about Seven's temporary dissociation as he ran up the carpeted staircase, rocking on his heels impatiently as he waited for Seven by the door.
Seven chuckled as he scaled the seemingly endless stairway, trying to reach his restlessly hyper friend as quickly as possible. "Sevennnnn, c'mon! You're so slow!" As if on cue, he could already hear Mono's childish whining. Shaking his head fondly at his friend's antics, Seven finally reached the top of the stairs.
"Not my fault these *pant* stairs are so long." he muttered, trying to catch his breath as Mono continued to pout. "That's no excuse. Perhaps you should exercise more, Fellon." Mono playfully teased, a shit-eating smirk on his face.
Seven rolled his eyes as he moved past Mono to unlock the door to their apartment. "Heaven forbid I leave his highness waiting. After you, princess." Seven teased back, barely holding back his laughter as he opened the door for a very irate Mono.
As soon as Mono walked through the door, he was speechless. The apartment was so neat, and clean. The walls were painted a nice beige, that matched the color of the love seat they ordered perfectly. The floors were hardwood and so shiny Mono could see his reflection. There was a 49-inch flat screen TV hooked up to the wall above a dresser where several pots of grafted cactuses and succelents lay. Next to the love seat was a rectangular glass table, and on top, a small wicker basket that held remotes.
The kitchen wasn't anything too special. It was relatively small, and had all your everyday appliances. But what did catch Mono's eye was a black coffee maker. Specifically, the one he got for Seven's 16th birthday.
Mono wasn't a *huge* fan of coffee, he usually only drank it whenever he had to work late, just so he could stay up and get everything done. *But,* Seven absolutely adored coffee, and Mono made sure to brew him a cup every morning. Is it gay that he's memorized the exact amount of sugar Seven likes in his coffee? Not that he paid attention to it on purpose. Always seeing what brand and flavor Seven preferred so he could make sure to secretly pick it up whenever they went grocery shopping, nope, never. That would be *undeniably* gay.
Regardless, Mono's heart fluttered at the thought of Seven keeping it after all this time.
Mono heard footsteps behind him as Seven walked into the kitchen. Seven titled his head when he caught Mono looking at the coffee maker. He's not sure why, but for some odd reason, he wanted to come up behind Mono and hug him.
"Y-you kept it?" Mono stuttered, his heart still beating fast. He's not sure why, this isn't even that big of a deal! It's just a coffee maker.
"Y-yeah, I did." Seven stuttered, the urge only growing stronger as he watched how Mono fiddled with his fingers, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Was Mono always that attractive, or was it just the lighting?
Seven gulped, looking away from Mono to try and calm down. Eventually, his heart stopped racing and his face went back to it's normal color. Seven turned around as soon as he was sure he could face Mono without running away. Or exploding, which ever happened first.
"But, w-what about the new one? You always told me how you wanted it. I was sure you would've replaced it." Mono mumbled, looking down at his shoes since he couldn't stand to look at Seven anymore. Not that he was repulsed by him or something, no, it was just the complete opposite.
Seven was surprised that Mono thought he would've gotten rid of it, but putting that thought aside, he flicked his hand carelessly. "I never liked all that new stuff anyway. It means a lot to me, I-I mean, since you were the one who gave it to me." Seven replied, secretly wishing to kick his own ass for how ridiculously stupid that sounded.
–and then Mono smiled. Oh god, he smiled.
Seven's doomed.
"Aw. Well, I'm glad you kept it. I was secretly hoping you would, I-I just didn't want to seem pushy." He stammered, and Seven frowned. Mono's always had this awful habit of thinking everything was his fault, or something he said was wrong somehow. Usually it wasn't, and Seven tried to reassure him of this. But, the habit *still* stuck around, even after all these years. That doesn't mean Seven would stop trying, though.
"Mono, that's not "being pushy." It just meant a lot to you, and you wanted me to keep it. Which is completely understandable." Seven said, trying his best to sound convincing. Whenever Mono got like this, it was extremely hard to get him to believe otherwise, but Seven was anything if not persistent. Mono probably rubbed off on him in that regard, and Seven wouldn't be surprised, since they spend so much time with each other. Nonetheless, it was a good trait to have. Especially when Seven had to deal with an equally set-in-his-ways boy.
"Yeah. You're probably right. Sorry, Sev. You know how I get," Mono apologized, picking at his skin. Another habit Mono had unfortunately picked up over the years. Seven walked over to Mono so he could gently take him by the wrists. "Hey, don't do that." Seven softly spoke up as Mono stopped his picking to look up at Seven.
Mono frowned, Seven looked worried, *really* worried, and it made Mono feel responsible. "Sorry." Mono apologized, but his voice was hollow. He knew Seven didn't like whenever he picked at his skin. Sometimes Mono even went so far as to draw blood, which Seven had to clean and patch up to make sure it didn't get infected. Seven always took care of him, the least he could do is make less work for him. Mono's a mess that Seven doesn't need to worry about.
As if Seven could read his thoughts he took Mono's hands into his own, and gave them a comforting squeeze, thumbing over his knuckles. "It's alright. Just try not to do it again, okay? I know it's hard, but..." Seven trailed off, his grip on Mono's hand tightening, but not painfully so, it was more of a silent affirmation. A promise to never leave. "I-I worry about you." Seven finished, his grip slowly loosening on Mono's hands, but the promise was still there.
–And as Mono finally sobered up out of his bout of self-pity, he could sense Seven's touch, it felt like a thousand tiny fireworks dancing up his spine, his skin tingling from the slightest brush of the hand. It felt...nice, if not a little overwhelming.
"Woah..." Mono whispered to himself. Luckily, Seven didn't seem to notice as there was a knock on the door. When Seven finally let go of Mono to answer the door, Mono briefly mourned the loss.
Who could that even be at this hour?
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lgg5989 · 2 years
MavDad: Hard Conversations
A/N: Here's the next installment of MavDad! Thank you to everyone for reading and your support. As always please leave ideas for future chapters in the comments! 💜
Sorry that this wasn't posted yesterday! I just wasn't happy with it :/ please enjoy!
MavDad Masterlist
Also on Ao3!
As Mav laid in bed, thinking about the conversation he and Bradley had yet to have, he found himself nervous. Based on their reunion on the flight deck, he felt that he still had a chance to be in Bradley’s life. Okay, the kid had called him dad for the first time in fifteen years, it was probably better than just a chance, however, his brain couldn’t stop with the what ifs.
What if too much time had passed? What if Bradley had changed his mind? What if they couldn’t go back to how things were before he messed up? What if Bradley found out the real reason Mav pulled his papers? What if…what if…what if?
Not letting his mind spiral any further, Mav rolled over to look at the clock, 6:12AM. He figured that it wasn’t an unreasonable time to get up, so he rolled out of bed and pulled on some clothes. He brewed a pot of coffee before opening his trailer door. He stepped out into the hanger, his eye catching on the P51, he really needed to finish the maintenance he had started on it before he left for the mission. It had been a few weeks of her just sitting, and with a plane that old, you couldn’t let her sit for too long without a flight.
He set his coffee on the workbench, preparing to work on the P51, his eye catching on the wrench that he had been using before. He picked it up and finished removing the spark plugs, checking the gap size on all of them to find the one that needed to be replaced. After he found the bad one, he set it aside and replaced the rest of the plugs in the engine.
He kept extra plugs in his storage area upstairs, but before he could make his way there, his attention was drawn to the mail that he had picked up from the post office the day before. It had almost been a month since he had opened anything, he probably had some important bills to pay in there and maybe a letter from Charlie.
He picked up his now empty cup from the workbench and headed inside the trailer, pouring himself a fresh cup of coffee. Now, he was ready to look over the mail. As he picked up the fairly large stack from the table, the second letter in the stack caught his eye.
He hadn’t received a letter from Bradley in almost twenty years, but he would never forget that handwriting. He dropped the rest of the pile back on the table, quickly tearing into the worn and crumpled envelope.
As his eyes read the date, he realized that it had been sent almost two months ago. His heart sank, he wondered when he received it. Hopefully Bradley wouldn’t think that he had ignored an attempt to reach out. Trying to banish the thought from his mind, he started on the letter.
I’ve written this letter 10 times now and I still don’t know how to start it…Hello? What do you say to the man who you have been ignoring for 14 years?
Mav sighed, hello seemed like a good enough start. He wondered why Bradley hadn’t sent any of the other letters.
It feels like you have finally given up on me, and maybe you have a reason to. I haven’t been the best company, I haven’t been company at all really. I didn’t realize how much I relied on your calls until I didn’t have them anymore. I miss them, and, honestly, I miss you too.
He had stopped calling after their interaction at the cemetery. Bradley didn’t seem to want the apology that Mav had been offering and he was tired of trying to reestablish their relationship by himself. Bradley was right, he had been shit company for the last, now, fifteen years. Mav’s heart broke at the small, I miss you too. He wished that they could have talked before the mission but he didn’t want to waste another minute without his boy in his life.
Why did you hold my application to the Naval Academy? What did I do to make you go behind my back? Why didn’t you trust me to make my own decisions? At 18 I wasn’t a grown man, but I knew what I had to do in life. I knew what I wanted to do in life. Why did you try to take it from me?
This is what Mav had been worried about. He knew that for them to make up Bradley would need to know the truth behind why Mav had done what he did. He wasn’t sure he could give Carole up without Bradley resenting her too. She wasn’t here to defend herself, so he had to defend her, right? He sighed to himself, this whole mess started with his promise to Carole.
Flying is the only place I have ever felt close to dad, and you knew that. You know that feeling better than anyone else. How could you expect me to give that up when you do it every day? What makes my case any different from yours?
Shame burned bright in Mav’s chest. He knew how Bradley felt about flying better than anyone else and he had still taken a great opportunity from him. While Mav knew that Bradley would likely forgive him, he wondered how long it would take before he trusted him again.
You said I ‘wasn’t ready’ but what does that mean? I have doubted my flying for years, thinking I’m not ready but I don’t even know what I’m not ready for.
I know that I haven’t been easy on you. Every opportunity you have given me to start the conversation I let pass me by, just like so many other opportunities in life. I can’t find the courage to initiate anything myself. Hell, I still don’t have the courage considering how many times I have written this letter and not sent it.
Mav’s heart sank further into his stomach. He wondered if Bradley’s nickname Rooster had more to do with his timing than it did anything else. Mav thought back on their flight training and the mission, Bradley had hesitated during both, but towards the end of the mission he had done well, reengaging and hitting the target without a lock. At the time it was what he said to try and discourage him from joining the Navy, but now he realized just how long the words had stuck with Bradley and how they affected his confidence.
I’m stuck in Afghanistan, but I’m sure you already knew that. Whenever the Navy decides to send me state-side again, I want us to talk. I want our little family back. I know we are missing a few pieces, but I don’t want to think of what would happen if I wait any longer. If something happens to one of us before we can put this behind us, I’m not sure I would be able to forgive myself and it wouldn’t be fair to you. This has gone on too long, by my own choice, but I am done letting my anger keep me from having a relationship with you.
Mav couldn’t wait any longer. It was time to have this conversation with Bradley, even if he had to drive back to North Island to have it. He pulled the dust cover off the Ninja and jumped on, leaving the hanger, its heavy doors not quite closed all the way as he sped off towards the road, the letter tucked into his jacket pocket.
As he got into town he realized that the bike needed gas, his ride home yesterday depleted the tank quite a bit. As he was putting his card and pin into the machine, he missed the familiar blue Bronco rolling through town.
Bradley knew that this conversation was coming, he just thought it would happen sooner. Once they were back on the ship, they had to be debriefed from their mission, explaining how not one, but two multi-million dollar aircraft were destroyed. When that was over, all him and Mav had wanted to do was get the smell of burning jet off themselves. The adrenaline of the day had faded from Bradley’s body, leaving him tired and aching, he fell asleep before he could even think of finding Mav so they could talk.
But now, he found himself nervous. The Navy had granted them all a few weeks leave after the mission. He was standing outside Mav’s hanger, a duffle bag sitting in the Bronco behind him. The hangar wasn’t unfamiliar to Brad, it was the same one he learned to fly out of. He remembered driving there to see Charlie, the first time he flew as the pilot, and the late nights spent there working on her planes. Brad was familiar with the hangar, but he wasn’t sure how to have this conversation.
Before he had a chance to change his mind, Bradley forced himself to walk through the small gap in the hanger doors, leaving the Bronco parked outside. The place had changed a lot since he had last been there. Mav had an Airstream parked in the back corner, the coffee table and chairs from their house sitting just outside the door. He was surprised to find Charlie’s P51 sitting in front of a row of motorcycles, the one from the day at the cemetery sitting on the end.
As he wandered further into the hanger, he realized that Mav must not be there. The Ninja was gone, and what he assumed to be its dust cover was laying on the floor. Bradley made his way to the work bench, stopping to take a long look at all the photos Mav had hanging on the wall behind it.
His heart warmed, seeing the pictures that Mav had hanging up of Bradley’s own parents. He wasn’t surprised when he came upon a few pictures of Mav and Ice, the two of them always looking so serious, a huge contrast from the pictures of Mav and Goose, they always looked like they were messing around.
Bradley stopped when he came across a section of pictures of just himself - the picture of him, Ice, and Mav at his high school graduation, a grainy picture of him and Mav from that day in second grade when he dressed up as a fighter pilot, his baseball photos through the years. The one that surprised him the most was his service photo, Mav must have pulled a few strings to get a copy of it. As Bradley moved away from the workbench and towards the coffee table, he came across a pile of mail, a ripped open envelope sitting next to a still hot cup of coffee.
Taking a seat at the table, Bradley realized that he must have just missed Mav. Honesty he is a little surprised that they didn’t see each other in town. Grabbing his cellphone, he dialed the familiar number, hearing a few rings go out before Mav’s voice came over the line.
“Bradley?” Mav’s voice said into the phone.
“Hey Mav,” he said quietly, “What are you up to?”
Brad heard silence before Mav let out a sigh, saying, “Well, honestly I was on my way back to Fightertown, to see you.”
The idea was so absurd that Bradley laughed, earning a confused, “What?” from Mav.
“We must have just missed each other,” he said, “I am currently sitting in your empty hanger, you should really lock this place up.”
Now he heard Mav laugh, “Well alright then, I'll be back in thirty minutes, I just got out of town.”
“Sounds good, see you soon,” Brad said before hanging up.
He sat for a few minutes, just taking things in. He got bored rather quickly and reached forward towards the envelope. Why would Mav leave a hastily ripped open envelope on the table? Why not throw it in the trash sitting a few feet away? As he turned the envelope over he felt his heart stutter in his chest. It was the letter that he had sent almost two months ago.
Opening the envelope to peer inside, he found the letter missing. Suddenly their situation made sense. Mav must not have gotten the letter before he left. Brad was guessing, by the state of the coffee, that as soon as he had opened it Mav had jumped on his bike, heading to Fightertown.
As Mav pulled back up to the hanger, he saw Goose’s Bronco sitting out front. The truck looked good for how long it had been running. It was a classic and Mav considered that Bradley should borrow one of his motorcycles so they could preserve the blue beauty for a while longer.
He nosed the Ninja into the hanger, spotting Bradley sitting at the table. He got up when Mav pulled in. He pulled the Ninja in line with the other bikes before cutting the engine and climbing off, throwing the dust cover back over her.
The air was a little awkward before Bradley spoke, “I see you still take better care of her than the rest of them,” Bradley said, humor in his voice.
Mav laughed, “She gets some special treatment.”
Mav pulled out Bradley’s letter, “I read the letter you sent.”
He watched Bradley nod, “I didn’t mean to send that one either, but apparently fate had other ideas. I thought that you had ignored it, that you had given up on me.”
Mav shook his head, as he immediately said, “Bradley, its been fifteen years and I regret what I did from the moment I did it. I haven’t given up on you because you are my kid. You might not be my blood, but I helped raise you and I could never give up on you.”
It was quiet for a few moments before Bradley asked, “Why did you do it? When I first found out what happened I knew it had to be you and Ice, but I didn’t know why. You always encouraged my love of flying. If you had concerns about me ‘being ready’,” he said, using air quote fingers, “they why didn't you just talk to me?”
Mav knew that this part of the conversation would be the hardest, “Let’s sit down for this,” he said, making his way back to his chair, the coffee in his cup still warm.
He looked up at Bradley, sitting on the chair across from him, and sighed, “You weren’t ready.”
Bradley gave him a confused look, “How else was I supposed to become ready?”
Mav looked up at the ceiling, contemplating what to say next, “You needed more time, I was worried that if you joined when you did, you would be too much like me,” Mav said quietly.
He watched as Bradley’s face had emotions flashing across every feature, from confusion to anger, before he could say anything Mav continued speaking, “I tried for a few months to steer you away from the Navy path, but you didn’t want to hear about anything else, so I had to get Ice involved. He tried to persuade me from following through with it, and looking back on it I wish I had listened to him. We lost so much time, kid, and it's my fault,” with that, he hung his head in his hands, not daring to look at Bradley as he worked through everything he had just laid on him.
Bradley was confused, why was being like Mav a bad thing?
“What do you mean that I would be like you?” he asked Mav, “You’re the best pilot I know and you only cemented that after this mission. Why is that bad?”
Mav waited a moment before answering, “When I started flying I was dangerous. Ice was the only one who ever said it to my face but he was right. If I hadn’t let it get to my head at Top Gun that your dad and I needed those points, maybe he would still be alive. You needed more time so that you wouldn’t start out like me, trying to fly against a ghost. I had to protect you from yourself, you weren’t ready.”
Bradley felt the confusion fall off his face as he began to understand the picture Mav had painted for him, “Mav, you had to let me make my own mistakes,” he said quietly.
“Bradley, killing your father is the single biggest regret of my life besides pulling your Navy application,” he said, sounding angry, Bradley assumed it was with himself.
“Mav you didn’t kill him, it was an accident,” Bradley said, he knew that Mav still carried the guilt from the accident, but his mom had always told him that it wasn’t Mav’s fault, he couldn’t have controlled what had happened.
“But if I hadn’t been trying to prove myself, if I hadn’t been the hotshot pilot I wanted to be, maybe he would still be here. Maybe you wouldn’t have had to grow up without him,” Mav said sadly.
Bradley stayed quiet, he didn’t know what to say to that, he had missed his dad while he was growing up, but Mav was his dad as much as Goose was his father.
“Do you think I am still not ready?” he asked quietly, his voice burdened with the weight of his insecurity.
“At the beginning of this mission, I didn’t think you were ready to forget the book, and I was right, but after this mission, I think you have learned what I meant by that,” Mav said, looking at him intensely, “I’m sorry for ever making you think that you weren’t ready to fly, because you are a great pilot Bradley.”
Brad felt a weight he had been carrying fall off his shoulders, Mav saying that he was a great pilot was the best praise he had ever been given.
“You know Warlock told me about the stunt that you pulled on him at Top Gun,” Mav said with a sly smile on his face, “I don’t think I have ever been prouder of you, well until now.”
He gave Mav a smile, “Don’t think, just do,” he said quietly, “I always flew my best when I could hear you in my head saying that.”
“You’re doing great Bradley, I just hope that you will let me be there now to see it,” Mav said sadly.
“I never stopped wishing that you were there with me Mav. We might have to work on rebuilding trust, but you’re my dad, I need you,” he said, tears in his eyes.
Mav stood up, moving around the table to pull Bradley into a hug, “I promise I won’t mess this up again, I don’t think I could live through it.”
Brad tucked his chin into Mav’s shoulder, a few tears escaping his eyes, “I’m sorry for waiting so long to reach out to you, I should have done it sooner.”
“It’s okay, you’re here now, that’s all that matters,” Mav said quietly, it made Bradley think of the events of the last few days.
Mav let him go, “I have something for you,” he said quietly, making his way over to the stairs.
Bradley heard the sound of boxes being moved around before Mav came back down, a wood chest in his hands. As he got closer to Bradley he set it down, opening it for him to look inside.
Inside was his mother’s quilt, looking the same as he remembered it from all those years ago. He looked up at Mav waiting on an explanation, “When I sold the house, I packed everything up. I didn’t even think of giving anything away so all of your stuff is upstairs. I didn’t want anything to happen to this because I know how special it is to you and I know you wouldn’t have left it behind if it wasn’t for Navy regulations.”
Bradley didn’t know what to say, he figured that he would never see the blanket again when he left. He pulled Mav into another hug, “Thanks dad. I’ll use it tonight, save you the trouble of getting something else out.”
Mav let out a laugh, “What?” Mav asked surprised, pulling back from the hug a little to look at Bradley.
“I kind of planned on staying here for the next two weeks,” he said sheepishly, a small smile on his face.
Mav laughed, “I’d be happy to have you kid, we might need to run to the store and get you an air mattress though, I’m not used to having guests.”
Bradley looked at him before deadpanning, “Well that is going to have to change, maybe I should just get my own trailer?”
The two of them laughed like old times. Bradley was surprised at how easily they could settle into the same comfortable silences as they had in the past, like none of the last fifteen years had existed. He helped Mav replace the spark plug in the plane before they made a run to the store. Mav picked up an air mattress and enough food to feed an army, Bradley warning him that his ‘growing boy’ appetite had persisted into adulthood.
That night, as Bradley settled into his bed, he thought that the conversation he had dreaded for so long went fairly well. While he might not agree with why Mav had pulled his papers, he could see that the man had Bradley’s best interests at heart, misguided as they were. The burdens he carried were gone, and he felt lighter than he had in fifteen years. He took comfort knowing that while things wouldn’t always be easy, and parts of their relationship had to be rebuilt, Bradley knew that Mav had always been there for him, and that wasn’t going to change any time soon.
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lonely--shine · 5 months
Alnair 🌂🧠 Atlas 🍎🎯 Shell 🎓🍀 Ebis ✨🥊🎯 Marcus 🌂
Thanks for all the questions!! :D Let's see...
🌂 - What genre do they belong in? Fantasy! She's an Arcana game OC, so fantasy all the way in.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC? They're the perfect mashup of self-insert to project into and character of its own to explore paths I myself would personally not walk through. I also love how she lets me rewrite canon events however I want xD
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like? In short, pretty good! Atlas has two moms, Naith (they/them) and Irdred (she/her) (and the auntcle/biological father, Laith (she/he/they)) and loves them very much. Atlas picked many interests from them (art, gardening, etc), specially from Naith. And athough he travels far and often (he picked that from Laith), he still keeps in touch regularly and visits home once in a while.
...wow, me giving a character a perfectly healthy background/family. This is rare to happen. Quick, make a wish!
🎯 -What do they do best? All things plants. In magic? That means potions, charms, etc. In daily life? You got him gardening, cooking, brewing tea... If it involves working with plants one way or another, he has you covered.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC? I wanna say May 2021? *goes check* Yeah, I posted about her in June 2021 for the first time, so maybe I had her for like. maybe a month before that. Which means I had her for almost three years already? And she's still so little developed? Gods. In my defence I don't choose what my brain fixates on and also my life went to shit in late 2021 and kept like that for two years, so yeah. I want to take better care of my OCs and stories now tho ^^
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC? At first I just needed someone to comfortably play Asra's and Julian's routes with because it didn't quite work with either Alnair nor Atlas. Then I started wondering if it was possible to have one character that fitted all six Arcana routes. So I gave her an angsty backstory by which her identity was stripped and to be reshaped by the route she takes, gave her the name 'Shell' solely so I could have the play on words "Shell is your name and that's what you shall become" as part of her 'curse', and ta-daa! Yet another OC for the collection was born xD
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name? Okay, bear with me. Ebis is a Submachine OC, loosely based on the Player. And I say 'loosely' because there isn't really any information about Player to base Ebis on. Anyway, in one of the games you get out a padded room and there's the patient number 2183. Which, in digital clock numbers, if mirrored, kinda read like 'Ebis' if you squint hard enough. That's the logic Ebis follows to choose her name, since she wakes up without memories and it's easier to think of herself as 'Ebis' than a 4 digit number anyway.
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Maybe it's a dumb way to decide for a name but if it works it works.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do? She loves tinkering away with computer software, which is good for her because she makes a job out of it post-canon (I have not written about that, but it exists in my head), and also numeric games for when she wants to scratch that brain itch without dealing with the inevitable bugs. She also loves gardening and not only that but needs to get her hands into the dirt and feel the sun on her face regularly for optimal mental stability. As for hating... I can only think of anything that would involve her going underground? Trauma related thing, after Submachine she's had enough underground for the rest of her life. Otherwise I don't know, I haven't given much thought to it. Oh! But she's incapable of sitting still and doing nothing, if that counts.
🎯 -What do they do best? She's very good at computers and programming... and the less socially accepted side of it as well (by which I mean she knows how to hack stuff, but she doesn't do that post-canon, and in-canon she does by necessity).
🌂 - What genre do they belong in? As the other Submachine OC I guess sci-fi/fantasy? Adventure? There's some post-apocalypse vibes to much of the game as well. Post-canon this would turn to the fluffy slice-of-life this poor tired man (and Ebis as well) deserves.
And that's all!! I believe I have talked enough for the day, thank you so much for the questions, they made my day :D
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Hi!! I was hoping you could do a agent 47/male reader/diana angst with reader getting kiddnaped and rescued by agent 47 and they're both hella worried for their bf if you're cool with it!! If you can make it extra angsty >:33 I live for angst
ON A MISSION TO SAVE MY WIFE'S BF!¿!¿!¿¿!¿! [😱😱😱GONE WRONG⁉️] (I'll rewrite this someday :::::/, hope the title made you lightly exhale out of your nose :::::D)
[A/N: HELL YESH I CAN DO THAT 🫡 I HOPE YOU ENJOY SORRY IF IT'S ABSOLUTE SHIT I HAVEN'T BEEN WRITING FOR A WHILE. ALSO, THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST FREN :::::::D also fr why is there no reader x Diana x Agent 47 fics? Again it's been a while since I've written angst so sorry if it's not really angsty I tried. Also sorry it starts off happy, you know the #1 rule start off all cheerful and then rip it away from them brutally. :::::::::::)
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47 stirs slowly, inviting the sunlight into his eyes. He sits upright as his eyes wander over towards the clock. 4:47 am, 'Perfect.' He muses to himself with a subtle quirk of his lips. He gets up and does his usual business letting the bristles glide across his pearly whites. He had an image to upkeep after all. Not that he particularly cared what others thought of him no, no. But his heartstrings would certainly ache if you or his wife were ever to make a negative comment about his appearance. He blinks brushing off the thought. You and Diana would never do that. He finishes brushing his teeth and heads downstairs. Diana is unsurprisingly already up. His eyes narrow as he recalls her saying she had an important target to research. A Rovin Terri. He lets out a quiet hum as he knocks on the wall so he doesn't accidentally scare her. Many things can happen if he were to sneak up on her the worst of them being- "Well are you just going to stand there?" She asks and 47 blinks pulling himself at what would've been his rapid thought process, "No." He responds after some hesitance. She smiles as gracefully as ever and makes her way over to the kitchen, "Coffee?" His answer is immediate, "Tea, honey lavender please." Diana's tea brewing skills were the best 47 had ever seen and he'd been to many cities and countries.
Diana let a soft sigh of concern escape her lips, "Stressed?" She asks as the tea kettle whistles. 47 hums, "You could say that." Before adding on, "How are you? Did you get any sleep last night?" He asked. She lets out a hearty laugh, "You know how this line of work is 47." His eyes narrow, "Please take a nap today then at the very least." She turns to face him with a hearty smile, "Of course, here's your tea." She hands him the warm cup of honey lavender and he sips it. Diana plants a chaste kiss on his cheek, "Now," She says beginning to walk towards where she left the laptop unattended, "I still have quite a bit of work to do." 47 hums as the sound of light footsteps draw his attention to the stairs. Then he sees, well you. 47's eyes soften at the sight of you. Sweet sweet you. You let out a cute little yawn, "Hungry darling?" Diana purrs and you nod as you take another step down and slip,
and then promptly break your neck.
47's eyes widen as he feels his heart stop. He rushes over to your unmoving body as he checks for a heartbeat. There is none. His worried eyes find his wife who is looking on at the scene with utter joy. His eyebrows scrunch up, "W..." He can't even get the words out. Diana's smile only grows wider, "Oh come on," She takes a step closer, "You didn't think I genuinely loved the two of you did you?" She asks relieved like a big weight had been taken off her chest. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. She then gasps and keels over laughing, "Y...you did!?" She says in-between breaths barely able to contain herself. 47 felt his heart breaking over again. This all felt real. Too real. Was it real...? No, it couldn't be...Diana would never say those things this had to be a dream...or rather, a nightmare. Wake up...he...he had to wake up. But the laughs remained persistent, "Fort...sev...?" A disembodied voice echoes catching his attention. He desperately looked around as he felt reality and fantasy merge. He fell to his knees, "FORTY-SEVEN!" 47 jolts upright breathing heavily, eyes wide, "47...?" His pupils dart to the source of noise only to relax, 'So it was a dream...' He thought to himself relieved before it is replaced with concern. Diana's eyes. They were red and sore. She'd been crying. But why? Who or what caused it? If it were a person they wouldn't last long. He would make sure of it.
His eyes narrow as his thoughts darken at the imaginary threat that he doesn't even notice his wife's outstretched arm until she tentatively places a hand on his shoulder causing him to barely suppress a flinch. His eyes flicker over to hers, "47..." Her voice is on the verge of breaking, "I have some bad news." He waits. Patient as always for her to finish, "Y/n...he...he..." His wife sharply intakes a breath, "He's..." Her eyes meet his with genuine worry. Something only the real Diana would have, "...been kidnapped." 47 blinks as the words settle in. It clicks and his breathing picks up. Surely his wife was joking? But her eyes are like steel an unmoving mountain. Ah. So she was being serious. Yet among all that was a lingering doubt. What if they had somehow sneaked into the house and replaced Diana too? What if they made a clone of her? The possibility wasn't too far out of reach. He shrugs it off immediately ignoring the way it made his skin crawl. Surely if Diana could hear his thoughts she would be offended that even for a second he thought that his loving wife. Someone he knows every inch and quirk about would be an imposter (amogus [I'm sorry]). It showed what he knew.
47's reaction to you being kidnapped: Then he felt his heart stop as he was stabbed in the stomach over and over again as the chilling realization struck him once more. You'd. Been. Kidnapped. How? He was sure he'd place several security measures bribing those who lived near you to look out for you. Dammit. He knew he should've taken you home sooner. Right, where you belonged in his and his wife's arms but now? Now you were in some stranger's arms most likely fearing for your life. Oh, he couldn't even begin to imagine how scared you were. Oh. Poor poor sweet innocent you. You couldn't even harm a fly. Okay, maybe the previous statement wasn't true but he couldn't even bare to imagine you hurt. His skin crawls at the mental image of you screaming as they continue to drip hot molten candle wax onto your soft belly. You kicking desperately as you try to get away ultimately only making it worse as you beg and beg and beg your captors or more accurately torturers to let you go. How you'd do anything they wanted as they twist your arm, bending it all out of shape. His pupils shrink and his heart aches at the prospect of them cutting off to permanently prevent you from escaping. He gritted his teeth once again narrowing his eyes as anger welled up inside of him.
How could HE the world's greatest hitman let this happen to one of his precious loved ones? One of his ONLY loved ones. His father had been right there were flaws in his design maybe if he'd watched over you more carefully and eliminated any threat in the way you would've still been here. But no. He sinks to the floor words flowing into his ears but his brain fails to process them. He was an absolute and utter-, "for..." -failure, "...even...?" What had the two of you seen in him anyway, "FORTY-SEVEN TOBIAS RIEPER!" His eyes flicker to meet Diana's, "Are you alright dear?" Any doubt that Diana might not be real is washed away by the concern in her eyes. He's floored how he even considered the possibility of someone as passionate as her being replaced. A little voice laughed in the back of his head, "...What about the end of the Closing Statement?" He mentally rolled his eyes. Now was not the time. Right now he had to focus on you, sweet precious you. He directed his attention to his wife and calm and collected as he could maintain he asked her, "Do you have any leads?" Despite his tone never wavering he was unable to keep his gaze steady. Diana nodded standing up and making her way outside the spacious bedroom. 47 followed suit. Scared for the first time in his life as a hitman. Scared. For you. As the hitman and handler overlooked the note one thing was made clear.
Whoever decided to mess with you was royally fucked.
[A/N: take this I can't look at it no more. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 there was so many different paths I wanted to take with this and I chose wrong 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'M SO SORRY BTW THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LONGER BUT I JUST DIDN'T KNOW WHERE TO GO WITH IT I MEAN I DID BUT I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO PUT IT YA KNOW!?!?!? Might write a part two. sorry if you had to wait long.]
Anyway Imma start doing fun facts at the end of these. ::::::)
Ducks from the city have different "accents" as opposed to ducks from the country. How do I know? Quack quack quack >:::::::::(
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melloncreamsoda · 2 years
Oops silly me , can I request the acrobatic/gymnastics s/o with rook, vil, malleus and floyd
Rook, Vil, Malleus, Floyd with a flexible/gymnast S/O
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TW/CW: GN!Reader, crack
extra; HIHI! Thank u for your request mhejrahege i hope u dont mind that i’ve made the reader to a gender neutral one, since i didn’t really find any importance of gender in this piece, it’s really ambiguous but go ahead and imagine it how youd like -w-) anywayyyy thank u for your request heahgehagh i hope you enjoy!! + i feel that it’s rather short… but im wringing my brain dry of any funky ideas to add in 
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★☆Rook Hunt
Zoo wee mama! Someone so flexible and agile, yet incapable of dodging his arrows of love; don’t you think you need some extra training, no? He enjoys keeping you on your toes, testing your reflexes at the most random times throughout the day – are you really as powerful as you seem to him, in his eyes? 
You’re going to have to teach him, train with him to increase his agility. Rook wants to be more nimble in order to watch people with extra efficiency, not that his strange hobby is anything to be looked upon with admiration… However, expect him to use his newfound skill against you at times!
Feeling upset with him and decide to throw a book his way? His abnormal reflexes combined with his newfound agility would be able to dodge, catch and perhaps throw the object back at you. Once he gets his hands on the skill of tumbling and flipping, you best believe this man will have more airtime than when he’s standing still on the ground. 
★☆Vil Schoenheit
The first time he found out about your flexibility was when you were busy stretching on his bedroom floor, tired of waiting for him to come back. When he walked in on you, you could see the visible shock on his face, so transparent that you can literally hear his internal thoughts : what the fuck is this mess of limbs doing on my floor.
Let’s just say he bookmarked this talent of yours and pocketed it for fun activities in the future, keeping a mental note ^__^;;
He figured that he could do with some extra training on his flexibility, since he’s one to go full out in everything. He has his basics down; definitely stretchy and flexible, but nowhere as advanced as you are. Finally someone who gets to boss him around instead of the other way around – what a nice change of pace!
Who knew yoga pants looked so good on Vil? You can see the visible struggle on his face when it comes to pushing him to his limits, but he’s definitely trying not to shit his pants. 
★☆Malleus Draconia
This ancient fossil is absolutely befuddled, flabbergasted that the human body is capable of such mind boggling contortions! Teach the fragile-boned your ways, please.
To be honest, no one can tell when Malleus is about to collapse, so he’d much prefer that you go easy on him – no jumping into advanced techniques, not that his rather large physique would make it any easier…
He enjoys watching you contort all over the place, stretching at the most random times, even when it comes to doing day-to-day tasks. At times, he’d even enjoy watching you sprawl out on the floor, stretching and rolling out any knots, from the comfort of his chair. Smiling to himself and brewing his sick twisted ideas in his head under the guise that he’s just simply ‘reading something fascinating’ 
The only fascinating thing is his capability of imagining despite his old age.
★☆Floyd Leech
Woahh! Shrimpy is so cool; teach him your ways! Naturally, Floyd is pretty agile and nimble on his own, so reaching your level would be a walk in the park. Expect him to constantly start competitions, even though he’s most likely more inflexible than you are. However, his determination to be on par with you is definitely heartwarming to see.
Say, your agility should allow him to chase you for hours on end without you getting caught – no? Oh. He’s milking your athleticism to no end, coming across as selfish at times, though it’s most definitely not his intention.
He just wants the both of you to have fun; so if he finds that you’re a little sad and much out of breath after chasing you, he’d pick you up like no big deal and throw you down to cuddle with you. Yes, his mood flips like a switch, but I guess he’s definitely sweet (??)
He might delude himself that he’s just as good as you, showing off his flexibility to Azul. Unbeknownst to him, knocking over several tables and maybe even breaking a few pieces of glassware. Whatever though :]
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