#headcanon aside
i like to think, based on nothing besides pure projection, that mikey was actually a very quiet kid. not that he never talked, but more-so like he kept kinda to himself by drawing or reading comics and really only talked about stuff with splinter. other than that he was pretty quiet and be hardpressed for conversation.
this isn’t to say he didn’t cause chaos, but it’s so funny to imagine the bros desperately trying to make conversation with this kid for years, and then one day he just starts talking and never shuts up.
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
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As much as I love angst I think it would be funny if he just didnt give af
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smokin-salmon · 4 months
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Fuck it. *Makes the old woman cry*
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tinukis · 3 months
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sabo redraw 🎩💙
timelapse and reference under the cut !
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wtfforged · 8 months
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usopp is the only strawhat who didnt lose the redesign lottery
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lucabyte · 6 months
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sorry loop if this looks gay to the viewers
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sadly-never-after · 26 days
I remember how during True Hearts Day there was this joke about princes falling for Apple but not a single one being interested in Duchess (little goat dude I’m rooting for you) and I get it that was made only to have Duchess being the butt of the joke, but it also lead me to some thoughts.
Seeing as most of the non-protagonist princess and princesses don’t know their destiny till they sign the book, I can imagine that getting assigned the role of Prince Siegfried would be seen as an embarrassment.
Of course no one wants to date Duchess! No one wants to be the prince who is known for failing the task and not being able to save the princess! Becoming Duchess Prince is a symbol of inadequacy. It is something others use to make fun of you. There’s infamy in that role.
Dexter probably felt selfish and guilty about it but he would have felt so embarrassed if the Book had shown him that destiny. It would have amplified all his insecurities about being a disappointment to the Charming family. The prince who failed. The prince who did not save anyone. The prince who allowed the evil sorcerer to win. The prince who doomed his princess.
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lucraven · 4 months
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Individual pics under the cut -
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unknownsigils · 1 year
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happy pride!
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majosullivan · 1 year
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I had a lot of fun with my Castle Swimmer post so I decided to make some Pride related text post memes for Nevermore
[read more]
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violent138 · 5 months
I think the Batfam are chronic sufferers of "everyone wants to fix the problem, and nobody wants to listen" syndrome, and they drive each other so mad they that have to go brood on a balcony or gargoyle because you just finished reluctantly spitting out your issue and someone's already offering a seven point plan they've been working on.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
For Dru (@fortheloveofaussiegrit), thank you for completely and utterly brainrotting me with this moment 🙏
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saturnniidae · 6 months
Hiccup keeps a very small emergency blade in his prosthetic leg. It's not far-fetched considering he canonically made Gobber one for his birthday
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sonknuxadow · 11 months
the sonic twitter takeovers are canon when they say something i like and not canon when they say something i dont like hope this helps
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yourdeepestfathoms · 1 month
The you have any headcanon about Perrine and The Croon?
Perrine has an affinity for skulls because of The Croon, and they’re mainly the reason why she likes to collect them
The Croon refers to her as “calf”
Perrine sometimes catches glimpses of a tall figure out of her window at night, standing among the distant trees, hidden by just enough shadow to make her wonder if she’s just seeing things
The Croon gifts her skulls, bones, and small dead animals
When people say The Croon is evil, she’s the first to jump to its defense
However, Perrine does have a healthy dose of fear for The Croon
She doesn’t know why this is
But there’s always a level of wariness she feels towards it
There was this one night…
It was cold. The wind was blowing. Branches brushing against the cottage were like clawing fingers on the walls, desperate to get inside.
Perrine woke up.
Or maybe she had never fallen asleep in the first place.
She couldn’t remember.
It didn’t matter.
She got up from her bed.
All around her, the moonlight bleeding in through her window pooled ghoulishly into the empty black eyes of her animal skulls.
It felt like they were all watching her.
At first, she had gotten up to get a glass of water. Her mouth was dry, and the space behind her eyes was uncomfortably warm. But at the same time, she was covered in goosebumps.
But then, she found herself drawn outside.
Grass crunched under bare feet.
She didn’t even flinch from the cold.
Like she was in some kind of trance, she found herself delving into the woods.
And then, she saw it.
The towering beast of feathers and bone. It stood among the trees, nearly obscured by darkness.
The Croon.
She was scared.
She wasn’t sure why she was scared. She based her whole image around this beast, after all. She wore the moose mask because of it.
And yet…she trembled.
And then, she spoke.
“What’s the point of you?”
She asked it without thinking. It was a question that had been brewing in her head for ages.
“I mean…you embody and represent chaos…”
The Croon tilted their head for a moment, as if considering the question. The quiet night air was tense.
“Chaos…is beautiful and destructive. It’s everywhere, and it’s all-consuming. It doesn’t need any apparent purpose. It merely is. It destroys and makes and changes…over and over again. That is what I represent. Change is necessary. Everything must die, and from the destruction, something new is born. After a wildfire, flowers will bloom from the ashes.”
“But people like the flowers. Not the fire.”
“Perhaps. But they need the fire. They need the chaos and the change. Even if it destroys them. There is no new life without death, and there is no death without chaos.”
“But, you still destroy things. Why can’t you have something new without destruction? Why change?”
“Destruction..is just part of the cycle. It’s a part of change. There is beauty in decay. Death and destruction can be…art. The changing of the seasons, the wilting of flowers, the withering fall leaves… Even the most positive change is destruction for something else. Destruction and chaos are required for rebirth, for evolution. Because of change, everything is different, and everything is unique. There are no two things that are exactly the same, down to the last detail.”
“My friend, Cole, lost their parents in a horrible way. Is that supposed to be beautiful? Or necessary?”
“…Perhaps not. Not all destruction is beautiful or necessary. But not all death is cruel or senseless either. After all…without death, would you appreciate life at all? When an animal dies, and it decomposes, the earth gains the nutrients it gives to grow new flowers and new grass. New life. Even a death as horrible and cruel as that can still give new life to the plants and earth around it. It is the same with humans. A death, even a cruel and horrible one, can lead to new life for the remaining family or loved ones…or to the end of a destructive, hurtful cycle.”
“Cole has suffered since their parents’ death. There was no hurtful cycle to break! It’s not fair!”
“Death isn’t fair.”
Its voice had dropped to a low, almost guttural growl that shook her to the bones. But its empty eye sockets still held an eerie sense of calm.
“Life…isn’t fair. People die. Families are torn apart, homes and villages are destroyed. It’s the nature of the world. It’s a necessary evil.”
“…I don’t want to be a necessary evil.”
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etoilesombre · 7 days
So Black Sails doesn't make a point of religion at all, it very notably does not, given how much a part of people's lives it actually would have been. If you read primary sources at the time you can't get away from it. And that's totally fine, valid choice, wouldn't have been better the other way. But then they DO have these scripture quotes from Thomas, his faith and his approach to faith was important. And we have ABSOLUTELY no indication that Flint gives a single fuck, except, season four opens with:
Flint: "And the Lord said unto Rebecca, two nations are in thy womb. Two peoples within you who shall be divided. One shall be stronger than the other. And the older shall serve the younger." Twins... as close as two things can get to being the same one, and what's the first thing they do to each other? Fight over who gets to be the first one to see the light of day. And here I sit at the head of an army of men, each of whom, present company included, has probably at some point considered killing the man he now fights alongside, each of whom, present company included, has certainly considered killing me.
And we pivot directly to Silver saying "If it makes you feel any better, I haven't considered killing you in months," which is such a perfect line because he does not want to talk about ANY of that. And I don't really know where I'm going with this except I just think it's fascinating this way in which Flint is acting like Thomas did, especially relative to Silver. Especially considering the way Silver dismisses it, which feels very much like the way Lt. McGraw would have dismissed it.
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